February 15 - Lee County, Illinois
February 15 - Lee County, Illinois
AGENDA OF THE LEE COUNTY BOARD February 9:00 15, . 2005. a.m. 3RDFLOOR BOARDROOM, OLD LEE COUNTY COURTHOUSE 112E. SECOND STREET, DIXON, ILLINOIS OPEN MEETING WITH INVOCATION OR PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL ANNOUNCEMENTS APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MINUTES PUBLlCNlSITOR COMMENT: A. ITEMS ON THE AGENDA - VISITORS ALLOWED 10 MINUTES B. ItEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA - VISITORS ALLOWED 5 MINUTES APPOINTMENT& OATH - Charles Stoddard County Board District 4 TO ZONING BOARD: - -0- -0- TO PLANNING COMMISSION: FROM ZONING BOARD: -0- FROM PLANNING COMMISSION: 05-PC-45 - Nachusa Twp. - Greenwood Acres Sub. REPORTS OF COMMITTEE: R.C.&D. - BLACKHAWK HILLS 911 BOARD ADMINISTRATIVE COUNTY SERVICES SERVICES SOLID WASTE!HEAL FINANCE TH & WELFARE CLAIMS ROAD & BRIDGE COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE!JUDICfAULAW ENFORCEMENT CLAIMS COUNTY PROPERTIES COUNTY OFFICERS REPORTS, REQUEST FOR DEPOSIT OF FUNDS, ORDERS PAID IN VACATION OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS APPOINTMENTS GIS - Demonstration - Brant Ordinance - Hotel/Motel Ordinance - Health Resolution State's Union - Fees Attorney's Cantract Ordinance Ordinance Tax Dept., for Amend use of Quarterly - Operating - Additional - Amend Liquor Code 3rd floor & sewag~ rooms (Old #150 ADJOURN Courthouse) to finance Code, Sunday - Highway court hours system, (hold MILEAGE & PER DIEM ALL BILLS & APPROPRIATIONS disposal) Report Engineers fees (sewers ALLOWED BY ROLL CALL Dept. Amend until Code March) (hold until March) LEE COUNTY ZONING TELEPHONE BOARD 288-3643 DIXON, OF ApPEALS LEE COUNTY COURT HOUSE ILLINOIS 61021 ZONING REPORT FOR JANUARY 2004 There were a total of 4 permits issued for the month of January with a total dollar volume of $257,100. There was 1 permit issued for single-family homes in the amount of$185,000. There are no petitions for the County Board to take action on. Respectfully submitted, ~~ Chris Henkel Zoning Administrator LEE COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION William 0 'Keefe, Chairman Bob Logan, Member Wendy Ryerson, Member John Hilleson, Member Pat Dunphy, Member Ellen Smith, Member Chris Henkel, Zoning Officer Erica Scheidecker, Clerk The Lee County Planning Commission met on Monday, February 7, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. in the Lee County Courthouse, Dixon, Illinois. Chairman, William O'Keefe, called the meeting to order and took roll with the following members present: Bob Logan, Wendy Ryerson, Pat Dunphy, Ellen Smith, John Hilleson, Chris Henkel, and Erica Scheidecker, Clerk. Chairman Bill O'Keefe stated that Russ Renner, the highway department engineer, was present. As Mr. Renner could only be in attendance at the beginning of the meeting, the issue pertaining to him would be addressed first. Chris Henkel reported that the Lee County Storm Water Ordinance was created by Russ Renner using the best of Ogle and Whiteside counties' ordinances. Mr. Henkel reported that Rochelle area citizens have raised concerns regarding the ordinance, and that Russ Renner had met with them to address those concerns. Russ Renner reported on his meeting with citizens of Rochelle. At that meeting, Mr. Renner told them that the storm water release rate in the ordinance is actually more conservative than the common engineering standards found across the U.S. Mr. Renner stated the outcome of the meeting was that the attendees were satisfied with the new storm water ordinance, specifically that it would be as restrictive as was necessary. Their only concern was that it might be changed between now and the time it's adopted. Mr. Renner reported that Reynolds and Alto Township planned to hold a special meeting immediately and adopt the ordinance themselves, although they were unsure of its legality. For areas that do need to control storm water, Mr. Renner recommended evaluating and addressing those issues locally, rather than adopting an overly restrictive ordinance for the county. Chairman O'Keefe asked ifMr. Renner was comfortable with the current draft ofthe storm water ordinance and he stated that he was. New business was addressed beginning with the review of the sketch plan submitted by John Schultz. The proposed 16-10tsubdivision is located in Amboy Township on the southwest comer of Amboy, west of Rocky Ford Road. Chris Henkel reported he received letters from the Mayor and the Planning Commission ofthe City of Amboy saying they approve of the plans for development. Chris Henkel reported that the health department had no issue with the sketch plan, and the only concern raised was by the highway department. Chairman O'Keefe inquired ifthe property was on sewer and Mr. Henkel replied that it was not. Mr. O'Keefe asked John Schultz why they don't get annexed by the city. Mr. Schultz reported that the City of Amboy is amenable to annexing but the neighbors are not. Chairman a 'Keefe asked if the area was contiguous to Amboy and Chris Henkel replied that it was not. There is a small piece of land in between. Bob Logan stated Mr. Schultz might be able to get sewer and water from the city even though the property is not contiguous. There could be an intergovernmental agreement so that the subdivision could receive sewer, and when the area does become contiguous it would have to be annexed. Bill O'Keefe stated that if it was within a mile and a half it could be annexed. Chairman O'Keefe stated that the comprehensive plan encourages development contiguous to existing communities, because they do have sewer and water. It is desirable to have them tie into sewer and water to the extent possible. The planning commission doesn't want septic developments next to an existing community with a sewer plant that is a 'l4mile away. Bill O'Keefe also observed that the city could condemn the land for easements for sewer and water, ifit's within a mile and a half. Bob Logan recommended that Mr. Schultz talk to Amboy to reach an agreement regarding sewer. It was observed that the city does not have water at this time. Mr. Logan then added this subdivision should be made as city lots. Mr. Henkel also stated that if it is annexed then lot size could as small as % acres because of city sewer. Russ Renner, the county engineer, stated that the highway department's concern was a possible conflict with preliminary plans to make improvements on the Rocky Ford bridge and road. They are planning to take the bend out ofthe road that can be seen on Mr. Schultz's sketch plan. Mr. Schultz stated that this would not be a problem and he could alter the affected lots. Mr. Renner also stated that there needed to be a cul-de-sac or hammer head on the end of the new proposed roadways and Mr. Schultz replied that this was also not a problem. He reported that they were planning on creating cul-de-sacs. Chris Henkel reported if the subdivision was on both city sewer and water the lots can be as small as Y2acre in size, which is to Mr. Schultz's advantage. Bill O'Keefe stated this location is appropriate for development and that the commission was not trying to discourage Mr. Schultz. Chairman O'Keefe stated that the Planning Commission would like to see this subdivision tied into the utilities of Amboy. Chris Henkel concluded that we are not giving the green light on the sketch, but the recommendation from the Planning Commission is that Mr. Schultz should contact Amboy and see what steps can be taken. Following this, Mr. Schultz should return to this commISSIon. Next, Chairman O'Keefe asked if there were any comments or corrections to last month's minutes. There were none and Wendy Ryerson made a motion to approve and Bob Logan seconded. All were in favor. The minutes were adopted from last month's meeting. Mr. O'Keefe asked ifthere were any visitors present who were not listed on the agenda. Visitor Dawn Andermann, acting village president of Steward, stated that the Village of Steward is currently developing a Comprehensive Plan that will be done by the end of March. Consultant Dave Emanuelson is assisting them and was present as well. Chairman O'Keefe stated that this project needed to wait until the remapping ofthe county zoning map is undertaken. The remapping will occur after the new ordinances are adopted, as there will be new zoning categories. Most of Steward will be zoned as TN (traditional neighborhood), which means development can occur if it's compatible with existing uses. Dave Emanuelson stated that their second issue is the planned use map. Rochelle is threatening to come outside of Ogle County and into Lee County, so Steward is trying to protect its northern boundaries. Steward currently has water but not sanitary sewer. Ultimately, they would like develop an agreement to hookup to Rochelle's sewer. The purpose for a comp plan is so trustees can have something to say, and to coordinate with Lee County. Mr. O'Keefe stated that when the Lee County Comprehensive Plan was made in 2000 this region of the county was neglected, but it is now a high priority. Chairman O'Keefe stated that every community will be at the table when the remapping is done, and there will be public hearings. Bob Logan asked that since Steward is incorporated, if they adopt a comp plan and zoning ordinance. Bill a 'Keefe replied that they could. Ms. Andermann stated that they were not worried about inside the village, but about the mile and a half jurisdiction around it. Bob Logan stated with their comp plan, they would get strong control over it. Chairman O'Keefe stated that they will have input into the remapping process and into revisions of the master plan. He told them to keep in contact with the planner, Vandewalle. Mr. O'Keefe suggested they attend the next Planning Commission on March 7, as there will be a presentation by Mike Slavney from Vandewalle. The second order of new business was the hearing for Petition 05-PC-45 from Gary Greenwood for PPN# 14-09-04-200-005, Nachusa Township. The property is located on the East side of Detour Rd. approximately 14mile north ofIL RT 38. The property owner, Gary Greenwood, would like to create a two-lot subdivision out of his five acre parcel, with lot sizes 1.14 and 3.374 acres. Chris Henkel referred to the sketch plan for the two lot subdivision, stating Mr. Greenwood planned to make a second lot on the north side of his property. Chris Henkel reported that Mr. Greenwood had made the changes recommended by the Planning Commission to the sketch plan. Mr. Henkel reported that all of Mr. Greenwood's paper work had been turned in and notifications to the neighbors had been sent. Mr. Henkel stated the health department had no problems with the proposed subdivision. Wendy Ryerson made a motion to approve and Bob Logan seconded. It was approved unanimously. Chairman O'Keefe stated it will go to the Lee County Board on February 15 at 9:00 a.m. with a recommendation for approval. Bill O'Keefe stated he had received a memo from Vern Gottel, titled "Proposed I-39/IL Route 251 Distribution Corridor Plan" which Mr. Gottel had found on the internet. Bill O'Keefe stated it is important but it's not something that this commission is working on and it should be forwarded to the appropriate people. Marilyn Shippert, a Lee County Board Member, stated that we should question whether it is a valid document. Chris Henkel will contact Mike Ribel from Ogle County Zoning to determine the status of this plan. Chris Henkel will also determine ifthe memo should be passed on to our planner, Mike Slavney. Bill O'Keefe stated this issue will be deferred to the next meeting. Chris Henkel reported that Petition 04-PC-44 by Steven C. Kitzman was approved by the Lee County Board. Also, Petition 04-P-1399 by Ronald Weber was approved by the Lee County Board. Chairman O'Keefe asked Chris Henkel what old business needed to be addressed. Chris Henkel reported he had received feedback on the zoning ordinances from Chuck Montavon from the village of Compton. Residents would like a two foot setback inside the property line for fences. Bill O'Keefe stated that was not feasible. He stated that people assume fences are on property lines and that a setback would generate confusion and dispute. Chris Henkel also reported that Compton residents would like seven foot setbacks on fences in alleyways so that there is space for snow plows to push the snow. Chris Henkel stated Compton wanted Lee County to make it an ordinance that requires surveys for fences. Chairman O'Keefe stated that we would not require surveys for fences. It was also observed that the number of alleys in Compton was probably only about three. John Hilleson stated that this type of issue is appropriate for the township to address themselves. It is too difficult for the Planning Commission to determine something that will work for the entire county. Bob Logan and Wendy Ryerson agreed. Mr. O'Keefe recommended those individuals attend the public hearing to voice their OpInIOn. Chris Henkel asked if there was anything in the new ordinances about fencing in the front yard and if so, what it was. Bill O'Keefe stated that there was a provision regarding this. He said this issue should be deferred to the next meeting. Bob Logan moved to adjourn the meeting and Wendy Ryerson seconded. All were in favor and the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. @1ro Meeting Minutes 911 Board Lee County E.T.S.B. January 27, 2005 6:30 PM Meeting called by: Chairman Rhodes Type of meeting: Monthly Board Meeting Attendees: 911 Commissioners; Director Dallas; Mark Callison, Dixon City Fire Department . UN APPRoVED Call to Order Chairman Rhodes called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. The roll was called with the following response: Jeff Blake 05-16-2006 Present representing Law Enforcement Pat Hilliker 05-16-2006 Present representing Fire District Kevin Kellen 05-17-2005 Present representing Medical Deb Killian Sheriff s Designee Present representing Lee County Sheriff Kevin Lalley 05-17-2005 Present representing Fire District Dean Rhodes 05-17 -2005 Present representing Medical Karen Setchell 05-16-2006 Present representing At Large (arrived later in the meeting) Brad Sibley 06-14-2005 Present representing Law Enforcement Norris Tucker 05-16-2006 Present representing Lee County Board . Prior Minutes A motion was made by Deb Killian and seconded by Norris Tucker that the minutes ITomthe December 23, 2004 ETSB meeting be approved and published. Chairman Rhodes called for further discussion. There being none, the vote was called for as follows: Jeff Blake Yes I8J No 0 Absent 0 Pat Hilliker Yes I8J No 0 Absent 0 Kevin Kellen Yes I8J No 0 Absent 0 Deb Killian Yes I8J No 0 Absent 0 Kevin Lalley Yes I8J No 0 Absent 0 Dean Rhodes Yes I8J No 0 Absent 0 Karen Setchell Yes I8J No 0 Absent 0 Brad Sibley Yes I8J No 0 Absent 0 Norris Tucker Yes I8J No 0 Absent 0 . . Public Comments Chairman's Comments Chairman Rhodes advised that he is not seeking reappointment on the ETSB in May when his term expires. He further advised that he will recommend to Chairman Seeberg that Mark Callison be appointed in his place. Jeff Blake advised that he will not be seeking reappointment in May, 2006. Kevin Lalley indicated that he will be moving out of his district and that may affect his reappointment also. . Property Committee Kevin Lalley advised that the State's Attorney's opinion reference the Prevailing Wage Act was attached in the agenda packet, specifically concerning the garage bay insulation. After further discusson on the matter, it was recommended that Director Dallas and the State's Attorney work together to create a document that lists the contract requirements for any contractor that bids G:\winapps\91IIMeet05\0127 min.doc 2/2/2005 6:30 AM Page] - LUJf\PP~OVEO work for the ETSB. Chairman Rhodes recommended that the ETSB accept the low bid for the garage bay insulation based on the SA opinion. Kevin Lalley made a motion, seconded by Brad Sibley, that the ETSB rebid the garage bay insulation project after a template is approved by the State's Attorney. Chairman Rhodes called for further discussion. There being none, the vote was called for as follows: Jeff Blake No 0 Yes 181 Absent 0 Pat Hilliker Yes 181 No 0 Absent 0 Kevin Kellen Yes 181 No 0 Absent 0 Deb Killian No 0 Yes 181 Absent 0 Kevin Lalley Yes 181 No 0 Absent 0 Dean Rhodes Yes 0 No 181 Absent 0 Karen Setchell Yes 181 No 0 Absent 0 Brad Sibley Yes 181 No 0 Absent 0 Norris Tucker Yes 181 No 0 Absent 0 Kevin Lalley advised that a Compton site visit is scheduled for February 3rd. Dixon-Ottawa Communications, Dixon Commercial Electric, Tony Maietta from Scientel, Kevin and Shelley will be present at the site to discuss placement of the UPS so that it does not interfere with the microwave link equipment. The FCC license on the Compton tower site is still pending. The FCC decision on mandatory narrowbanding radio frequencies was discussed. Kevin Lalley recommended working towards the requirements and purchases of equipment throughout the next ten years. Most of the ETSB base equipment will need to be replaced. Jeff Blake recommended an inventory of the equipment be completed as soon as possible in order to budget for next year. . Education Deb Killian advised that there is an educational VoIP class scheduled for March lOthin the Chicago area. The cost for the course was $299.00 for every 2 persons and that cost expired in December. Director Dallas obtained a quote for 4 persons to attend for the price of 3. Deb Killian, Kevin Lalley, Brad Sibley, and Shelley Dallas were interested in attending. Discussion on the requirements for VoIP were discussed. Kevin Lalley made a motion, seconded by Jeff Blake, that the ETSB send 4 people to the VoIP class in March for the price of3. Chairman Rhodes called for further discussion. There being none, the vote was called for as follows: Jeff Blake Yes 181 No 0 Absent 0 Pat Hilliker Yes 181 No 0 Absent 0 Kevin Kellen Yes 181 No 0 Absent 0 Deb Killian Yes 181 No 0 Absent 0 Kevin Lalley Yes 181 No 0 Absent 0 Dean Rhodes Yes 181 No 0 Absent 0 Karen Setchell Yes 181 No 0 Absent 0 Brad Sibley Yes 181 No 0 Absent 0 Norris Tucker Yes 181 No 0 Absent 0 . ESZ Committee Kevin Kellen advised that the GPS audit and analysis report from GeoComm has been received. Director Dallas explained the process in order to correct the fall out records. Director Dallas is working closely with Becky Whisenand from Lee County Zoning and Brandt Scheidecker, the GIS/IT Director, in order to get both the Sidewell and GeoComm records as accurate as possible before the second phase of the GeoComm installation. Nextel and T-Mobile have completed Phase 2 testing successfully and are live with Phase 2 wireless in Lee County. Kevin Kellen explained that Director Dallas is working with Lee County Zoning and Lee County Highway to implement a process mandating persons seeking a building permit to purchase a 9-1-1 sign prior to being issued a building permit. This will not affect any existing structures. There are some issues that need to be addressed prior to implementing the mandatory 9-1-1 sign purchases; however, further updates will be given as progress with the new zoning ordinance is made. . Executive Committee Chairman Rhodes advised that there is an Administrative Services Committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 8 th. One of the topics on the agenda is to continue discussion on Computer Dynamics' proposal to the County for a new phone system. Kevin Lalley and Shelley submitted a list of questions/concerns to the Committee regarding the effects the change could have on public safety so that the issues could be addressed at the February meeting. Chairman Rhodes indicated that the City has a pending contract with Gallatin River and is not interested in changing their phone service at this time. G:\winapps\91 IlMeet05\0127 _min.doc 2/212005 6:30 AM Page 2 . WJr~J~gD\lE0 Treasurer's Report Report was given by Secretarytrreasurer Blake. Transaction reports ftom December 23, 2004 to date: Wire line Amcore Checking $556,370.20; Wireless Checking $102,010.76 for an ETSB account total of $658,380.96. Pat Hilliker made a motion, seconded by Kevin Kellen, that the Treasurer's report be approved as submitted Chairman Rhodes called for further discussion. There being none, the vote was called for as follows: Jeff Blake Yes 181 No D Absent D Absent D No D Pat Hilliker Yes 181 No D Absent D Kevin Kellen Yes 181 No D Absent D Deb Killian Yes 181 No D Absent D Kevin Lalley Yes 181 Dean Rhodes Yes 181 No D Absent D No D Absent D Karen Setchell Yes 181 No D Absent D Brad Sibley Yes 181 No D Absent D Norris Tucker Yes 181 . Claims Report was given by Secretary/Treasurer Blake as follows: WIRELINE CLAIMS: Kevin Kellen $18.00; Coffee Express $72.50; Durband Telecommunications $77.20; Leonard Jerrells $60.00; SBM $60.00; Vonachen $184.03; CornED $300.00; Dixon-Ottawa Communications $1,241.00; Motorola $423.00; Gallatin River $3,719.76; SBC $161.73; Verizon North $2,747.54; CornEd $697.99; Nicor $272.17; Gallatin River $233.75 TOTAL: $10,268.67 WIRELESS CLAIMS: Gallatin River Communications GRAND TOTAL: $163.56 TOTAL: $163.56 $10,432.23 Norris Tucker made a motion, seconded by Karen Setchell, that the total claims in the amount of $ 10,432.23 be approved and ordered paid. Chairman Rhodes called for further discussion. There being none, the vote was called for as follows: Jeff Blake Yes [8J No D Absent D Pat Hilliker Yes 181 No D Absent D Kevin Kellen Yes 181 NoD Absent D Deb Killian Yes 181 No D Absent D Kevin Lalley Yes 181 NoD Absent D Dean Rhodes Yes 181 No D Absent D Karen Setchell Yes 181 No D Absent D Brad Sibley Yes [8J No D Absent 0 Norris Tucker Yes [8J No 0 Absent 0 . Commissioner / Director Comments Director Dallas advised that the Enhanced 911 Act of 2004 was signed by President Bush. NENA worked very hard in pushing the legislation to enable funding for 911, specifically the deployment of technology for wireless 911. Director Dallas was asked to represent INENA at the Critical Issues Forum in Washington D.C. February 27tl1through 2nd. INENA has approved 8 persons throughout Illinois to attend. INENA will pay up to $1500 of the expenses. Director March Dallas has checked flight costs and hotel expenses to attend. Kevin Lalley made a motion, seconded by Pat Hilliker, to send Shelley Dallas to Washington D.C. and pay for any related expenses above $1,500.00. Chairman Rhodes called for further discussion. There being none, the vote was called for as follows: Jeff Blake Yes 181 No D Absent D Pat Hilliker Yes 181 No D Absent D Kevin Kellen Yes 181 No 0 Absent D Deb Killian Yes 181 No D Absent D Kevin Lalley Yes 181 No D Absent D Dean Rhodes Yes 181 No D Absent D Karen Setchell Yes 181 No D Absent D Brad Sibley Yes 181 No D Absent D Norris Tucker Yes 181 No D Absent D G:\winapps\911\Meet05\0127 _min.doc 2/2/2005 6: 30 AM Page 3 LU1(\~DvQ) . There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned per motion by Jeff Blake with a second by Kevin Lalley. Next Meeting The next meeting will be Thursday, February 24,2005 at 6:30 p.m. at the PSAP. $y/&~ Jeff Blake, Secretary/Treasurer G:\winapps\911\Meet05\0127 2/2/2005 6:30 AM Page 4 mID.doc - ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES COMMITTEE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2005 9:00 A.M. 3RDFLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM, OLD COURTHOUSE, DIXON Members present: Power, Hummel, Patzer absent: Eisenberg, Readel also present: John Fritts, Wendy Ryerson, Marilyn Shippert, Jim Seeberg, Kim Becker, Shelley Dallas, Chief Coppotelli, Chief Lalley, representatives of Computer Dynamics, Essex and Gallatin River Communications The Chairwoman called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. The Assessor's claims were presented in the amount of $834.29. Motion to approve by Patzer, seconded by Hummel; carried. Ms. Ryerson, on February 4th, closed 2004 year and rolled file to the Clerk's office to begin extension process. Assessor's office is currently working on the 2005 business; 2004 has been completed. The County Clerk's claims were presented in the following amounts: Clerk & Recorder $3,334.11 Recording Automation $ 59.54 Motion to approve by Hummel, seconded by Patzer; carried. Nancy Nelson requested a liaison person to survey the office to see what they do. It was discussed and it is an idea the committee will seriously look into. The Treasurer's claims were presented in the amount of $338.31. Motion to approve by Hummel, seconded by Patzer; carried. John discussed the Senior Real Estate Referral Program. State pays taxes at 6% interest and the amount is subtracted from the estate when the home is sold. March 1 is the sign up date each year. Under old business, representatives from Computer Dynamics were present at the meeting. In the interest of public safety, the committee recommends to add a 23 phone line group to eliminate busy signals which will lessen the savings $780.00 per month. This will be monitored and ifit is not needed it can be changed. Under new business, a proposed ordinance was presented. This ordinance was instituted by State Statute on January 1, 2005. We are presenting it to be held over for one month and will be voted on in March at which time it will become effective (see attachment). The next meeting ofthe Administrative Services Committee will be March 8that 9:00 a.m. Hummel made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Patzer; carried. Respectfully submitted, Beverly Power ORDINANCE No. WHEREAS, the Illinois General Assembly has enacted Public Act 93-0892 amending the Counties Code to include additional fees to finance the court system. 55 ILCS 5/5-1101(e) provides that in each county in which a teen court, peer court, peer jury, youth court, or other youth diversion program has been created may adopt a mandatory fee of up to $5.00 to be assessed and deposited into an account specifically for the operation and administration of a teen court, peer court, youth court, or other diversion program; WHEREAS, the law provides that the fee must be paid (1) by the defendant on a judgment of guilty; WHEREAS, the fee must be deposited monthly by the Lee County Circuit Clerk into an account specifically for the operation and administration of youth diversion programs, less 5%, which is to be retained as a fee income to the Office ofthe Lee County Circuit Clerk; WHEREAS, the Lee County Board in consultation with the Chief Judge of the Circuit and the Chief Managing Officer of the Lee County Probation Department, recommends that the County Board approve the establishment of such fee as authorized by this legislation; WHEREAS, upon the approval of the Lee County Board Title 1, Chapter 8, of the Lee County Code shall be amended by adding Section 13 as follows: 1-8-13: A. YOUTH DIVERSION FEE The Lee County Circuit Clerk shall impose a fee of five dollars ($5.00) to paid (1) by the defendant on a judgment of guilty or grant of supervision for violation of the Illinois Vehicle Code or violations of similar provisions in county or municipal ordinances committed in the county and (2) by the defendant on a judgment of guilty or grant of supervision under Section 5-9- 1 of the Unified Code of Corrections for a felony; for a Class A, Class B, or Class C misdemeanor; for a petty offense; and for a business offense effective on the date of the adoption of this ordinance. B. Monies shall be deposited monthly by the Lee County Circuit Clerk into an account specifically for the operation and administration of youth diversion programs, less 5%, which is to be retained as fee income to the Office of the Lee County Circuit Clerk. PASSED BY THE LEE COUNTY BOARD THIS DAY OF By: Lee County Board Chairman ATTEST: Lee County Clerk ,2005. SOLID WASTEIHEALTH & WELFARE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2005 The Lee County Solid WasteIHealth & Welfare Committee met at 9:00 A.M. on the above date to conduct their regular monthly audit together with other County Solid WasteIHealth & Welfare business. The following members were present: Donald Trent, Jerry Leffelman, Judy Truckenbrod, Marvin Williams and Bev Power. Also in attendance were David Anderson, Dee Duffy, Nancy Cullen, John Fritts, Amy Clemens and Diane Markel. The committee then audited and approved claims from the previous month. The Claims were as follows: Veterans Services $2,441.34; Animal Control $2,188.00; Rabies $1,654.52; Solid Waste $2,931.81; R.O.E. $3,857.69. At this time Amy Clemens discussed the ongoing possibility ofthe reduction of the number of Regional Offices of Education by the Illinois Legislature. Ms. Duffy took this opportunity to explain that the claim for the psychologist was in relation to the McCoy court case. A motion by Judy Truckenbrod, Second by Bev Power and a vote of 5-0 was made approving the claims mentioned above. Dee Duffy began her report by informing the committee that her office is receiving many calls about dangerous dogs in the wake of the attack in Erie, Illinois. Ms. Duffy also explained that she would like to contract with municipalities in the County for providing animal control services. The committee agreed this would be a good idea and asked Ms. Duffy to look into it. Mr. Anderson began his report by informing the committee that he has been communicating with the Village of West Brooklyn about setting up a new recycling dropoff site. The Village is still considering this option and will get back to him when they need more information or when they have made a decision. Mr. Anderson then let the committee know that the "Magic of Recycling" school assembly is scheduled for the week of February 28thand committee members interested in attending a show should contact him for the date and time ofthe show at the school of their choice. Mr. Anderson then let the committee know that he had received contracts from STS Consultants for the purpose of reviewing quarterly groundwater reports and for the review of Allied's application to IEPA. The committee voted to have Mr. Anderson proceed with getting the Board Chairman's signature to make the contracts effective. Mr. Anderson let the committee know that he would be sending letters out for the spring clean-up grants that Villages and Townships can apply for. The total amount to be issued in grants will be set at $12,000. The committee then discussed topics to bring up at the next meeting with Allied at the landfill site. They included the following: 1. Have Allied discuss the assessment monitoring report they recently issued to IEPA. (Mr. Anderson has already asked Allied to do this) 2. Inform Allied that a Citizen has expressed concern about MBI's driving habits. 3. Ask Allied ifthere will be any interruption in the waste stream once the expanded landfill portion is under construction. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 a.m. The next regular meeting ofthe Solid Waste/Health and Welfare Committee will be Wednesday, March 9, 2005 at the Lee County Landfill site at 9:00 a.m. ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2005 The Lee County Road and Bridge Committee met at 8:00 A.M. on the above date to conduct their regular monthly audit together with other County Highway business. The following members were present: Art Tofte, Dick Binder, Charlie Dunphy, Charles Willett, and Dave Higgs. The Committee first approved the minutes to last months meeting. The Committee then audited and approved claims from the previous month. The claims were as follows: County Highway $103,255.75 and payroll of $47,823.58; County Matching $850.00; County Motor Fuel $77,490.86, and Township Motor Fuel $10,000.00. The Committee also reviewed the request for deposit of funds in the amount of $8,855.56 into the County Highway Fund. Engineer Renner updated the committee on the progress of negotiations with the Operators 150 union. Renner stated that a revised contract had been negotiated and would be presented at the full board for approval. The committee discussed the contract at length. The Committee then opened bids for the County General Maintenance contracts and Township General Maintenance contracts (Dust pallative, seal coats, and bituminous mixtures only). Charlie Willett motioned, Dave Higgs seconded, and the committee voted 5-0 in favor of awarding the following bids: 1. Lee County Section 05-00000-00-GM Awarded to all bidders for Groups 1, 2, and 3. Awarded to Pavement Maintenance Services, Inc. for Group 4. 2. Various Road Districts Section 05-XXOOO-XX-GM Awarded to all low bidders for township seal coats and bituminous patching mixture. 3. Various Road Districts Section 05-XXOOO-00-GM Awarded to Sicalco, LTD low bidder for Group 0001. 4. Hamilton Road District Section 05-09000-01-GM Awarded to Pavement Maintenance Services, Inc. The next regular meeting of the Road and Bridge Committee will be March 7 at 8:00 a.m. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 A.M. PROPERTIES COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2005 @ 9:00 A.M. Members present: Nicholson, Harrison, Tucker, Stevens also present: Chris Henkel, Kim Becker, Frances Mitchell, Nancy Nelson, John Fritts, Dave White The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Comments :trom States Attorney's representative, Frances Mitchell, regarding temporary use of room in New Courts Building addition for storage of paperwork. Committee recommends allowing use of extra room for one year with States Attorney's office and they will be responsible for security of their materials in that room. Discussion regarding liability insurance coverage at county property on 4th Street. understood the Food Pantry will carry liability insurance for themselves and their clients. It is More discussion regarding possibility of increasing county liability insurance :trom $1 million dollars to $2 million dollars. Cost would be an increase of$75,000 to $90,000 premium. We also were presented a possible savings of $68.00 to $1905.00 in premium on Highway Department equipment if we increase raising deductible :trom $1,000 to $25,000. Not recommended :tromthis committee. More long discussion regarding coverage on county property. It was decided we will have more discussion with appraisal company on current property values. It is decided committee people will meet with representatives of the Industrial Appraisal Company and do an on-site reviewing of property on 4th Street and County Highway buildings in Amboy. Motion by Harrison, seconded by Stevens to add alight at the back door of the Old Courthouse to light handicapped parking and back door of building. The following claims were presented: Properties $21,323.96 Insurance & Bonds $ 136.42 New Courts Building Fund $ 6,619.26 Maintenance report: The contract with KONE elevator maintenance was signed a few months ago for 5 years. Cannot get out of it until the end of the 5 year term. New elevators in new courts addition will be with Otis Elevator Company. Chris reported the carpet on the 4th floor of the addition was not properly installed. The committee on a vote by Tucker, seconded by Stevens voted that Lee County Properties Committee reject the carpet installed and is to be replaced by new carpet installation. Discussion followed regarding possibly charging a $50.00 fee for using 3rd floor boardroom or conference room in Old Courthouse for meeting rental to anyone other than County Government business and non-profit agencies. Motion by Tucker, seconded by Stevens. Unanimous vote to accept this proposal. Chris discussed need for carpet replacement in Courts Building courtrooms and offices. It has not been replaced since the building was built in 1982. Harrison moved, Tucker seconded that Chris explore cost to move ahead with the project. Passed unanimously. Discussion about workman's compo policy and need for promptness in filing paper work on claims. Chris expects to call Bob Shoemaker to come in to discuss more informational meetings with department heads and employees. Motion by Stevens to adjourn at 11:25 a.m., seconded by Harrison; carried. Respectfully submitted, Raymond Harrison RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, the regularly scheduled meeting of the Properties Committee was held on February 8, 2005, during which the members discussed charging a fee for private use of the Old Courthouse third floor Boardroom and Conference room, and WHEREAS, the committee decided that a fee of $50 should be charged for meeting rental to anyone using the rooms for other than County Government business or use by not-forprofit agencies; WHEREAS, the Property Committee unanimously voted in favor of instituting a rental fee, and recommends that the County Board approve the establishment of such a fee; MEETING ROOMS FEE: Anyone using the County Boardroom or Conference Room on the third floor of the Old Courthouse Building and any available room in the Court Services Building for any business other than County Government business or use by notfor-profit agencies will be charged a flat fee of$50.00. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lee County Board that a meeting rental fee is hereby authorized and the County Board Office is authorized to charge and collect the fee effective on the date ofthe adoption ofthe ordinance. PASSED BY THE LEE COUNTY BOARD THIS Attest: DAY OF By: James Seeberg, Chairman Nancy Nelson Lee County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Lee County Board , 2005 COUNTY SERVICES/COMPUTER COMMITTEE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2005 4:00 P.M., OLD COURTHOUSE Members present: Jones, Dunphy, Witzleb, Taylor, Buckley also present: Brant Scheidecker, Chris Henkel, Marvin Williams, Wendy Ryerson The following claims were presented: Computer claims GIS Recording Fund GIS Expenditures Fund $10,656.32 $ 18.48 $ 2,457.00 Motion by Dunphy to approve, seconded by Witzleb; carried. Brant will present GIS data on projector for County Board on 2/15/05. U.S. Census contacted Brant for GIS information for future census. Center line data as is. Brant agreed. The following claims were presented: Planning Zoning $1,896.10 $ 5.39 Motion by Witzleb to approve, seconded by Dunphy; carried. Ordinances were discussed. Chris received comments from cities, villages, townships, etc. Public hearing possibly in April, 2005. Courts addition going along nicely. There will be a sign describing offices in Courts Building. Carpet is re-ordered now and will be laid upon arrival. Tourism group met; seems to be getting along. Motion by Dunphy to adjourn, seconded by Buckley; carried. Respectfully submitted, Ann Taylor FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10,2005 9:00 A.M. Members present: Binder, Truckenbrod, Hummel, Nicholson, Shippert present: Nancy Nelson, Marty Meyer, Kim Becker, John Fritts, Diane Markel, Cathy Ferguson, Denise McCaffrey, Bev Power Binder opened the meeting at 9:00 a.m. Marilyn Shippert reported that CST (Countywide sales tax) ~% goes to County; CT (supplementary sales tax) does not include municipalities; IUT (increased use tax) purchases made out of state, but IL tax paid. Revenue down about $62,000 from all county services; receipts down from same time last year. Expenses to date are $416,571 over revenue. Following a question on what is included in "orders paid in vacation." Some phone bills come in before committee meetings, some don't. Garnishments, bills that would be delinquent, insurance claims are included. Salary and overtime are not considered "paid in vacation." County Board Chair and Finance Chair have discussed "outside legal counsel." With changes in State's Attorney, this question again addressed. State's Attorney Whitcombe prepared a letter. Following receipt of this letter, Finance Chair prepared a policy detailing States Attorney's opinion. This is to be signed by Board Chairman and forwarded to elected officials. Binder has requested opinion from State's Attorney if group health insurance money be maintained in a separate fund in order to build reserves for group health claims. Expected that IMRF will go up to 9.73% from non SLEP, 5.16% this year. Investments were poor for 5 years. Pool amount decreasing. Lee County was at lower rate from time County had nursing home. In December, Fritts warned that next year will require an additional $200,000. Kim Becker present with Dependent Children's Fund report. Also has emergency appropriation for "exceptional performances raises." Noted that these will be paid as bonuses, so does not add to base salaries, but IMRF and Sec. Security will be additional expense to County. Denise and State's Attorney Whitcombe met with representative from SC Services. As per signed contract, SC Services is following up on some "do not appear" tickets that were not paid. SC Services is collecting from cases that aren't incorporated in the Alliant program. This program has been successful in other counties. Binder reviewed State legislation; Circuit Clerk will pursue two of the new possibilities. Probation is already working. Debby Maddy from Village Profile of Elgin was present. John Thompson, Dixon Chamber of Commerce, requested that she attend this meeting. Dixon is overdue for new map. This will be a fundraiser for Dixon Chamber of Commerce. Dixon map is on one side and County on other side. Everything is on Dixon website. KSB has purchased the front page. Each link can have a sponsor. For government link, Lee County has first option on cornerstone ad. (This good for 3 years, maps 5000 copies to Chamber and 5000 distributed elsewhere) including 95 free copies to County. Business size ads: $445. Ad recommended for Lee County is $1800 (nonnally $2195) for full color. This is a discounted price, and gives County "ownership" of the government link. She is leaving infonnation on other prices. Discussion will be continued later in the meeting. Binder addressed group to set record straight. He has been getting questions regarding Circuit Clerk's Office. Previously, the Circuit Clerk had 4 supervisory positions with salaries comparable to all other employees with $1000 additional pay given to the 4 employees paid from a circuit clerk fund. One person will now be Chief Deputy. This person received same percentage raise as other employees: $1,000. Person now gives up the $1000 "bonus"; $3000 additional pay for chief deputy is in line with all other chief deputies. The Capital Projects Fund presently has a balance of$3,752,506.89. Binder would like to propose that a $2,000,000 principle reduction be made. This will reduce the amortization from 8 years to 5 ~ years. Would save $556,295 over projected cost ofloan. Binder read an emergency appropriation to move $2,000,000 from Capital Projects Cash Account to Transfer Out to prepay on loan principle. Motion to approve, seconded by Shippert; carried. Emergency appropriation to move $240,651.35 from Capital Projects Cash Account to Transfer Out to make quarterly loan payment. Motion by pay by Hummel, seconded by Nicholson; carried. Request from Sheriff to transfer $836 from County General to Sheriffs part-time for reimbursement of Inmate Work Detail. Blackhawk Hills RC&D has requested first half of their appropriation; this will be processed. Nicholson addressed issue of very small claims coming through such as phone bills under $5.00. Could a check for perhaps $30 be made to phone company - in essence paying ahead. John Fritts will ask auditor ifthis is legal to do. Return to map issue. Three committee members would rather spend money to improve website. Two think county should be linked. County money is given to support LCIDA and link should be requested. Following assessment by Properties Chair and Chris Henkel, some old carpeting should be replaced in Courts Building. Entire project would be around $20,000. Project is coming in close to budget. This would be an appropriate expense as part of renovation of old part. The carpeting is 22 years old, looked bad before renovation and worse with construction and in contract to the new. Properties and maintenance will pursue this. Respectfully submitted, Judy Truckenbrod EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9,2005 @ 3:00 P.M. Members present: Seeberg, Mercer, Aurand, Jones absent: Farster also present: Nancy Nelson, Marty Meyer, Sheriff Bivins, Kim Becker, Denise Ehrmann, Brant Scheidecker, Francis Mitchell, Denise Ehrmann, Paul Whitcombe Coroner's claims presented in the amount of $2,255.37. Motion to approve by Aurand, seconded by Mercer; approved. No report. The Sheriffs claims were presented in the amount of $26,007.21. Motion to approve by Aurand, seconded by Mercer; carried. The Sheriff reported that everything is going along well. The States Attorney's claims were presented in the amount of $6,636.30. Motion to approve by Jones, seconded by Mercer; carried. The State's Attorney reported he is looking into video arraignment and grant to get this. More information forthcoming in the next few months. The following Probation claims were presented: County Funds $ 536.68 Probation Services Fee Fund $ 2,820.15 Dependent Children's Fund $ 200.00 Alternative to Detention Grant $ 1,680.00 Access to Counsel Grant $ 6,666.67 Probation Innovative Services Grant $ 8,325.95 Motion to pay by Mercer, seconded by Jones; carried. The following Circuit Clerk claims were presented: Circuit Clerk $1,923.35 Court Document Storage $ 146.32 Automation $3,963.69 Child Support Enforcement $2,172.72 Motion to pay by Aurand, seconded by Mercer; carried. Denise reported that SC Service here for 2 weeks and ran reports on getting information so we can collect on old traffic fines and costs from 2003 and back. Alliant trying to get it up to speed; working on this. Briefly discussed Heartbreaker's and where we are with this at this time - still working on this. Discussed bonds and use for them in liquor code. Discussed changing Memorial Day, Labor Day and 4th of July when it falls on Monday to Saturday hours. Public Defender claims presented in the amount of$264.83. Motion to approve by Aurand, seconded by Jones; carried. Judge Beckman's claims presented in the amount of$50.74. Motion to approve by Mercer, seconded by Jones; carried. Judge Fritts' claims presented in the amount of $5349.13. Motion to approve by Aurand, seconded by Jones; carried. County Board claims presented in the amount of $2,624.42. Motion to approve by Jones, seconded by Aurand; carried. Discussed holding off charging rent to Lee County Council on Aging until July I st for 4th Street building when they start their new budget year. Mercer made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jones; carried. Respectfully submitted Sid Aurand LEE COUNTY MONTHLY REPORT ANIMAL CONTROL / DOG FACILITY ENTRY: DOGS ANIMALS SUBMITTED BY ANIMAL CONTROL 8 RELINQUISHED 1 BY OWNER DROP-OFFS, POLICE, OTHER EXIT: ADOPTED (2 TO TRI CO) 5 RECLAIMED BY OWNER 2 EUTHANIZED 6 OVER POPULATION 12 (Any dog over four dogs per day) TOTAL MONTHLY POPULATION 14 TOTAL FEES COLLECTED 280.50 $ ............................................................................................. MONTHLY MILEAGE TICKETS - (96,743) 1,187 MILES- ISSUED USE THIS SPACE FOR COMMENTS RE: RABIES REPORT AND FOLLOW UP, DOG BITES, ETC... SUBMITTED BY .~ ~ DATE 2/1/05 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER LEE COUNTY COURT HOUSE DIXON, ILLINOIS . 61021-0329 MAiliNG ADDRESS: P.O. Box 329 DIXON,IL 61021-0329 PHONE 815-288-3309 FAX 1-815-288-6492 NANCY NELSON Counry Clerk and Recorder MONTHLY NANCY NELSON, REPORT Sharon Sawyer, Chief Deputy OF Doris Long" Donna Karlson Sharon Moeller Lora Ketchum Ronette McKnight COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE LEE COUNTY BOARD: THE FOLLOWING ENUMERATEDAMOUNTS WERE RECEIVED BY MY OFFICE DURING THE MONTH OF f 2005 JANUARY TOTAL RECEIPTS $ 97 ;';602 ~11 MARRIAGE LICENSE FEE CERTIFICATIONS. 136.00 (VITAL RECORDS SPECIAL FUND) $398.00 (EDC SPECIAL FUND) $394.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3304.00 MISCELLANEOUS 3508.35 (RECORDING SPECIAL FUND) $3072.00 (GIS SPECIAL FUND) $6912.00 RECORDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,949.00 REAL ESTATE TRANSFER STAMP SALES (GROSS) 17,725.50 TRUST FUND RECEIPTS REDEMPTIONS FROM TAX SALE 44,979.26 TOTAL AMOUNT OF FEES RECEIVED " 52,622.85 (GENERAL FUND) $41,846.85 (VITAL RECORDS) $398.00 (EDC) $394.00 - (RECORDING)$3072.00 (GIS) - - $6912.00 13395 #3396 - - 13397 13398 13399 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRUST FUNDS HELD AT BEGINNING OF MONTH $49,389.77 RECEIVED DURING MONTH AS SHOWNABOVE $44,979.26 PAID OUT TO PURCHASERS DURING THE MONTH $39;939:50 BALANCE OF TRUST FUNDS HELD AT END OF MONTH $54,429.53 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, ~z'L~'*-1ra~~,£~i0' j' NANCY N LSON,COUNTY CLE ~~ Anna Keys Cathy Myers Feb 10 05 ChieF Depu~~ Br~d~ 10:00~ (815J OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF LEE COUNTY 316 S. Hennepin Ave. Dixon. lIIitlois 61021 Phone 815-284-5217 Fax 815-284-1146 * SHERIFF Lee County Sheriff's Department 127 Detective Division Arrests 1,430 Traffic: Arrests 51 DUIArrests Traffic Accidents Reported 705 Traffic: Accident Related Arrests 216 Other Arrests 434 Wl'ittenNerbal Warnings -Traffic 1,264 597 Motorists Assisted Complaints Answered/Calls For Service 9.692 Prisoners 1,299 Booked 511.347 Total Miles Driven for the Year 2.258 Total Arrests for the Year 911 Calls Answered Respectfully Submitted, I ~ p.2 TIll BlVm$ Annual Report Jan. 1, 204 ..[)ec:.31, 204 - 284-8114 Ie ", Tim Bivins Sheriff of Lee County (Iandline) 4,615 (cellular) 5.282 F~b 10 05 10:008 Ch1~f D~pU~~ Br8d~ (815J 284-8114 p.3 OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF LEE COUNT'!' 316 S. Hennepin Ave. Dixon. illinOis 61021 ~e 815-284-6217 Fax 815-284-1146 TIll BIVINS SHERIFF . Lee County Sheriff's Department Monthly Report January, 2005 - 3 Detective Division Arrests 83 Traffic Arrests 4 DUIArrests Traffic ACcidents Reponed 74 Traffic Accident Related Arrests 31 Other Arrests 58 WrittenNerbal Warnings Traffic ~ 102 81 Motorists Assisted Complaints Al'IsweredlCalis For Service 722 Prisoners Booked 110 Total Miles Driven For The Month Total Number of Prisoners - End of Month Tactical Response I (Iandline) 315 (cellular) 415 Team Call-outS Respectfully Submitted, -' ;~ Tim Bivins Sheriff of Lee County 43 179 Total Arrests for the Month 911 Calls Answered 41,136 0 04/18/2014 01:17 FAX ~001 ~ee County Public Defenders Office LEE COUNTY COURTS BUILDING DIXON, ILLINOIS 81021 815-284-5238 ROBERT J. THOMPSON Public Defender MARY A. WOHRLEV OffICe Manager ANNA SACCO-MILLeR Anlstlnt Public Defender TAMMY BROOKS S8Cretlry February Honorable Presiding David 10, 2005 T. Frllts Judge Lee County Courts Building Dixon. IL 61021 Re: Lee County Public Defender Report for January, 2005 Dear JUdge Fritts: The fonowlng Is the report for the month of January, Public Defender. 1. Thla office was assigned 49 Felony cases 22 Felony VOP's to the following cases: 40 Misde.meanor cases 21 Misd~meanor VOP's 54 Trafflc cases 31 Traffic contempt Total court . cases: 217 2. The office appeared for the following cases; 174 Felony cases 12 Felony VOP's 57 Misdemeanor cases 2005, for the office of the LEE COUNTY STATE'S ATTORNEY QUARTERLY REPORT October 1- December 31, 2004 I. CASELOAD A. Felony Cases * 68 cases filed 50 cases closed 166 cases pending B. Misdemeanor Cases 90 114 522 cases filed cases closed cases pending C. Traffic Cases 1683 cases filed 1526 cases closed 4709 cases pending * does not include cases pending on petitions to revoke D. DUI Cases* 29 cases filed 32 cases closed 139 cases pending E. Juvenile Cases 5 9 33 27 Abuse/N eglect cases filed Abuse/Neglect cases closed Delinquency cases filed Delinquency cases closed F. Other Categories 5 Mental Health cases filed 9 Conservation cases filed II. CASE DISPOSITIONS A. Felony Convictions October = 14 November = 17 December = 9 Total Quarter: 40 B. Misdemeanors/Convictions October = 26 November = 24 December = 24 Total Quarter: 74 C. Dill Convictions October = 21 November = 7 December = 2 Total Quarter: 30 IV. BAD CHECK PROGRAM A. Bad Checks Received 71 NSF checks were received from businesses requesting prosecution. B. Restitution 19 businesses were paid restitution totaling $1143.73 for repayment of NSF checks during this quarter. V. FINANCIAL MATTERS A. $2,926.00 was generated by the State's Attorney's Office for fees for October 1 - December 31, 2004. $3,666.65 in fees were vouchered to the Illinois Department B. of Corrections for each month during the period of October 1 - December 31,2004. B. $116,121.14 in fines and costs for traffic and criminal cases were generated and paid to the Lee County Treasurer for October 1 - December 31,2004. Dated: January 18, 2005 Paul T. Whitcombe Lee County State's Attorney Rhondalqtly doc 2004 h cc: Brant Scheidecker 4th qtr.doc LEE COUNTY PROBATION MONTHLY STATISTICS REPORT TO: Lee County Board RE: Lee County Probation Report for February, 2005 ADUL T CASELOAD Total Active Caseload (seen on a regular basis: either every two weeks, monthly, or every three months) 181 125 53 23 376 Felony Misdemeanor DUI Traffic Total 558 Administrative Cases (Defs living outside the County. No face to face contact, but phone calls & paperwork done and money collected) 227 1 24 $ 0 $8.940.50 =$ 0 14 Cases on Warrant Status Pre-sentence Investigations Ordered Case Violations Report Restitution Collected (Adult and Juvenile) Probation Service Fees (collected in Circuit Clerk's Office) Work Release Collected (jail rent) Defendants ordered to complete Public Service Employment (free work done for non-profit organizations) JUVENILE CASELOAD 105 5 0 2 0 2 Total Active Caseload Administrative Caseload Social Histories Ordered to Detention Ordered to Jail (DOC) Juveniles in Placement Respectfully submitted, Kim Becker Director DEPENDENT CHILDREN'S FUND MONTHL Y REPORT February 2005 RESIDENTIAL PLACEMENT AMOUNT OF CLAIM *Mary Davis Detention Facility $200.00 *IN - 1 day *AP - 1 day TOTAL EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH $200.00 BALANCE IN DEPENDENT CHILDREN'S FUND $68,109.00 $1,,537.00 collected from Parents this month $1,537.00 TOTAL COLLECTED Year to date revenue collected from Parents, Guardians, and Custodians - $5,527.00 Denise A. McCaffrey QILerk .af tIre QIir.cuit QTnurt Fifteenth Judicial Circuit LEE COUNTY CIRCUIT CLERK MONTHLY REPORT JANUARY FEES COLLECTED AND DISBURSED TO: LEE COUNTY TREASURER Filing Fees Library Work Release Court System Automation Security Probation Court Document Storage .Annual Support/Maintenance Public Defender Home Confinement Minor Room & Board Guardian Ad Litem Lee County States Attorney Interest On Checking Acct. Medical Costs DNA Blood Draw TOTAL 21,426.56 1,350.00 0.00 2,618.00 2,885.00 6,823.00 8,940.50 2,734.00 2,564.00 580.00 0.00 1,537.00 270.00 1,212.00 0.00 445.00 0.00 $53,385.06 OTHERS: Lee County Sheriff Marriage Fund of the Circuit Court Restitution DNA Identification Anti-Crime Fund Emergency Response School District Fee St.Marys School TOTAL j / ,.ii: ~~ - / I ~\.-.,-,: . ole' 1', .' ,,'/ /'f / i .::~,"2 i- f - i {'.L .- DENISE A MCCAFFREY, leIRCUIT CLERK " 1,062.06 60.00 4,673.03 1,132.10 0.00 327.00 0.00 0.00 $7,254.19 Lee County Courts Building 309 South Galena Ave. Post Office Box 325 Dixon, IL 61021 (815) 284-5234 Fax: (815) 288-5615 2005 STATE TREASURER: Drivers Education Fund V.C.V.A. Penalty Assessment Surcharge DV Shelter Service Trauma LEADS Domestic Battery Sexual Assault State Fee - Traffic T&CCSF TOTAL 1,040.40 3,678.00 3,678.14 777.00 1,798.88 914.80 27.00 0.00 2,933.19 384.00 $15,231.41 FINES COLLECTED & DISBURSED TO: MUNICIP ALITES: City of Dixon - Traffic $14,277.99 Drug $705.00 Dixon DUl Equip City of Amboy City of Amboy Drug Amboy DuiEquip Village of Ashton (DUl-Equip) Village of Ashton Village of Franklin Grove Village of Paw Paw Village of Franklin Grove DuiEquip Sub-Total COUNTY: Traffic State Police $ 10,272.59 Co. Sheriff $ 6,841.70 County Fee/Traffic Criminal Rabies Drug County General $ 897.30 Sheriff $100.00 Lee County Sheritf DUl Equip Sub- Total STATE: State ofTI. - Conservation State ofTI. - Conservation our Equipment State ofIl. - Overweights State ofTI. - DASA 121/2% Drug State ofTI. - Criminal Lab A.na1ysis State ofTI. - Drug Crime Lab State ofTI. - DUl Crime Lab 14,982.99 1,075.00 1,237.39 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 2,070.03 284.09 0.00 0.00 $20,649.50 17,114.29 6,701.41 9,456.00 0.00 997.30 161.00 $34,430.00 130.65 0.00 0.00 299.10 150.00 1S0.00 73.00 State of n. - Secretary of State State of n. - Police State ofII. - DUI Equipment Drug Treatment Fund State ofn. - La Salle Task Force Sub- Total TOWNSHIPS: Alto Amboy Ashton Bradford Brooklyn China Dixon Franklin East Grove Harmon Hamilton Lee Center Marion Marion Dui-equip May Nelson Nachusa Palmyra Reynolds South Dixon Sublette Viola Wyoming Willow Creek TOTAL CHILD SUPPORT COLLETED & DISBURSED PASSPORTS 0.00 391.40 0.00 1,355.00 0.00 $2,579.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.00 0.00 $45.00 $57,703.65 $109,207.56 2730.00