Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016


Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
Listed Legal
Guide 2016
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2 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
laim difference
Listed Legal Software
Suppliers Guide
Legal Accounts
Administration Systems &
The contents of the ILFM
Listed Legal Suppliers Guide 2016
are the full copyright of
the Institute of Legal Finance & Management
2nd Floor, Marlowe House
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Kent DA15 7ET
DX: 31711
t: 020 8302 2867
f: 020 8302 7481
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The Institute of Legal Finance & Management does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, processes, or services. Therefore,
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The ILFM does not endorse organisations that sponsor or advertise with us. In addition, ILFM does not endorse products or services that such
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within this publication.
Manage your legal accounts and matters from anywhere
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4 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2015
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Introduction from
Tim Kidd
ILFM Chief Executive
Welcome to the ILFM Guide to Listed Legal Software Suppliers 2016.
Choosing which appropriate new or replacement software to buy for your firm
is never an easy decision. There are many factors to consider; cost is key and
there is an increasing focus on compliance, effectiveness and response times.
In addition, security has become a major concern as cybercrime and fraud
become more prevalent.
Technology has helped to make many businesses more efficient and
profitable, but the huge volume of data and information being generated and
processed has led to concerns about data privacy and fraud prevention. The
growth of cloud computing and online subscription models offer businesses
a flexible working solution for their software needs. At the same time, firms
need to carefully consider the ownership of their data, access controls and
contingency planning. The nature of legal services puts a greater emphasis on
confidentiality, security and regulatory obligations. These considerations are
crucial when investing in new or replacement software systems, so that client
matters are managed properly and compliantly.
Technology has transformed our social interaction and lifestyle and at
the same time it is driving business activities to satisfy changing customer
demands and behaviour. The provision and delivery of legal services has itself
been re-engineered by technology.
This guide aims to help you when considering new software packages.
All listed software suppliers have provided overviews of their companies,
products and target markets which are listed by size and area of law. They have
included some of the key product functionalities and areas of compliance.
In this edition of the guide Duncan Finlyson, technical director of
Infolegal Limited and a leading figure in the legal IT market, talks
about the biggest concern for all businesses - cybercrime.
Tim Kidd
Chief Executive
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6 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
Laserform Hub is the step change in digital submissions that law
House. With auditing, data validation, team working and more,
online submissions to government portals such as Companies
ris e d
Duncan Finlyson
Consultant Editor
Duncan is the technical director of Infolegal Limited
and a non-practising solicitor. He qualified in 1981 and
has been closely involved throughout his career in
developing new ways for lawyers to deliver services,
interact with clients and compete inside and outside the
traditional legal market.
In 1990 he left private practice to join the newly-formed
legal network LawNet, becoming managing director in
1995. He was instrumental in developing one of the first
quality standards for solicitors and worked closely with
the then Legal Aid Board in developing the practice
management criteria.
Following a period as legal services director for a
web-based IT company, Duncan set up his own legal
management consultancy, dealing with practice
development and IT-based issues. He later became a
policy adviser at the SRA and administered the solicitors’
assistance scheme.
Duncan specialises in the areas of professional conduct,
practice management and the regulation of technologyrelated issues such as search engine optimisation, the
use of social networking by law firms, cyber security and
the development of web-based legal services.
Duncan writes extensively for print and online legal
periodicals, maintains content on a number of legal web
sites and lectures on regulatory and IT-related issues.
e: [email protected]
t: 0203 371 1064
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 7
Taking the Cybersecurity
Threat Seriously
For many organisations, cybercrime is not
just a business problem, it is the business
problem – and it is growing. A 2015 report
by the Department of Business, Innovation
& Skills states that cyber-attacks now affect
nearly every organisation, with 90% of large
and 74% of small organisations suffering a
breach of some type in 2014. The Office for
National Statistics included online offences
for the first time in 2015 and confirmed what
everyone suspected – that cybercrime is the
most prevalent threat, with an estimated 6.8
million incidents for the year ending March
Dealing with the problem is not easy. Adrian Leppard,
the City of London Police Commissioner, revealed
in a Panorama report in November 2015 that the
police do not have the resources to deal with the full
extent of cybercrime and the new wave of proficient
For these reasons, it is increasingly important that law
firms take seriously the impact cybercrime could have
upon them and their clients. It is vital they take specific
steps to increase security and not, as many still do, stick
their heads in the sand in the belief that cybercrime
will not affect them - at some point it will.
The attractiveness of law firms
Many cybercriminals see law firms as the easy way to
steal sensitive data and confidential client information.
The firms’ clients may have sophisticated IT security
resources but the chances are that their lawyers do not.
For many law firms, complex and often expensive steps
to safeguard security are not a financially viable option.
However, if the law firms do not take the necessary
security steps, their clients’ security sophistication
may all be wasted. There may soon come a time when
clients, especially commercial clients, will insist on
auditing law firms’ security before instructing them.
8 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
Cybercriminals do not just target firms with
commercial clients: there are many reports of firms
which have been targeted in connection with
domestic conveyancing completions; or which have
had large sums removed from client accounts because
sensitive and confidential details have been disclosed.
Professionals working in the accounts department
need to be particularly aware of these threats.
What is Cyber Security?
It is a fact of modern business life that firms must use
technology if they are to be competitive, cost-effective
and compliant. They need to communicate with clients
in the ways the clients want: to be able to access
documents electronically, to work on those documents
wherever they happen to be and to deliver information
and services over the internet. They also need to make
use of social media and other electronic channels to
promote the firm in the most effective means possible.
However, in doing these things, firms leave themselves
open to attack from outside - from cybercriminals,
hackers, disgruntled or dishonest employees or those
whose views conflict with their own.
Cyber security is about taking steps to prevent, or
at least reduce, the effects of attacks. It is about
protecting the firm, its clients and the individuals
within the firm when interacting with others
Why take steps?
There are four main reasons for needing to enhance
cyber security:
• The business reason. Firms that are not secure
are not going to be attractive to clients: this will
ultimately cost the firms money or cause damage to
their business reputation.
• The ethical reason. Those who deal with, or
are employed by, the firm should feel safe in the
knowledge that confidential information relating to
them is being kept secure.
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 9
• The legal reason. There are legal requirements to
protect data and confidential information, including
those contained in the Computer Misuse Act 1990,
the Data Protection Act 1998, the Companies Act
2006 and the Legal Services Act 2007.
• The regulatory reason. The SRA Handbook sets
out duties to which all solicitors and their staff
are subject. These include those in Principles
4, 8 and 10 and those relating to issues such as
confidentiality, as set out in Chapter 4 of the SRA
Code of Conduct 2011.
At its simplest, cybercrime is a crime. The clue is in the
name: no one wants to be the victim of a crime of any
Tackling cyber security - the firm’s
Cyber security can be expensive – especially if outside
consultants are used. Fortunately for those without
limitless budgets, not all cyber security is about
expensive technical solutions: it is also about people.
Many of the issues that could arise may be addressed
simply by ensuring that staff are vigilant and aware of
10 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
the dangers and possible threats. This can be achieved
through systems, training and, above all, being careful
at all times and not just at work. However, this places
a responsibility on firms to ensure that both partners
and staff know what the likely problems and dangers
are. Equally important is what they should be doing
to prevent problems from arising and to deal with
problems if and when they do arise. Firms should not
be surprised if the cause of those problems proves to
be staff who have not been told about the risks.
Cyber security is the responsibility of everyone,
not just the partners or business owners - and
certainly not just the IT department or consultants.
Nevertheless the onus for taking steps falls on the
partners or board.
First, firms need to identify the areas that need to be
protected - information, finance or assets - and to
ascertain what the risks to those are.
Second, firms need to put in place policies and
procedures to manage those risks, having regard for
the need to balance risk and the costs of prevention.
Firms also need to ensure that partners, members,
staff and relevant third parties are aware of, and are
trained in, the policies and procedures that have been
put in place.
Third, there needs to be in place a mechanism
through which breaches of security can be reported.
Tackling cyber security – the
individual’s responsibilities
It is not just the firm and the owners of the firm that
need to take responsibility for cybercrime. Individuals
within the firm must also take steps to prevent
breaches of cyber security by:
• Being aware of the risks.
• Adhering to policies the firm puts in place.
• Understanding their own role in keeping
information secure.
• Thinking twice before doing something; and,
• Adopting a degree of cynicism towards everything
involving electronic communications.
In particular, individuals can make a difference by:
• Treating confidential data with thought and
sensitivity – how they dispose of paper copies,
where they store data, if it is encrypted, and how
and where they use that data.
• Dealing appropriately with emails – are they secure
and do they know who the information is going
to? Are they avoiding following links in an email
without first checking and are they being wary of
email attachments from unknown sources?
• Protecting confidential information properly when
they are not in the office – not leaving sensitive
data where it can be seen by others and not
holding confidential conversations where there is a
chance of being overheard.
• Being circumspect about what they say or do
on social media – even an innocent comment
can provide valuable information to a would-be
Duncan Finlyson
Consultant Editor
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 11
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12 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
All trademarks acknowledged.
Listing of
Featured Suppliers
Advanced Legal
DPS Software
Eclipse Legal Systems
Insight Legal Software Ltd
Linetime Limited
Meridian Legal Systems Ltd
Professional Technology (UK) Limited
Quill Pinpoint
Select Legal
Solicitors Own Software Ltd
Tikit Limited
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 13
Advanced Legal
Advanced Legal
Booths Park 4
Chelford Road
WA16 8GS
t: 0844 815 5575
e: legal.enquiries@
LSSA Member: Yes
Name of core
accounts/ practice
management system
or service
Company and Product Overview
Advanced Legal has over 30 years’ experience providing software to
5,000 law firms, barristers’ chambers and coroners’ offices in the UK and
Advanced Legal helps customers improve their overall performance,
specifically cash-flow and profitability. Its innovative and easy to use
solutions help improve efficiency, increase income and make better use
of data to enhance the client experience.
More than 50,000 legal services staff use Advanced Legal’s solutions
every day, including: integrated practice and case management
(including workflow); electronic forms; customer relationship
management (CRM); business intelligence, skills and resource
management; document imaging; HR & payroll and mobile solutions.
Target markets
(private practice by
size of firm)
• Solo/very small
• Small high street
(2-5 partners)
• Large high street
(6-15 partners)
• Commercial regional
(16-35 partners)
• City & major regional/top
100 (36+ partners)
• Legal aid/LAA
• Corporate legal
• Public/local authority legal
Our flagship practice and case management solution, ALB, the fastest
growing PCMS in the UK, provides legal firms with a fresh and modern
approach. It’s ideal for law firms wishing to take advantage of ‘ready
to run’ accounting, billing and case management software solutions
that require minimal set up, implementation and training. Providing
everything a firm needs to improve productivity and grow their
business in today’s competitive market.
As the next generation of practice management software ALB offers
true commercial advantage by providing business management
tools that maximise efficiency, monitor business performance in real
time and automate business processes that in turn deliver improved
customer service, better client retention and greater revenue growth.
14 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
• Fully integrated - brings together a range of
modules into one centralised system
• SAR compliant legal accounting
• Scalable - can grow with your firm, adding new
users and increasing functionality when required
• Flexible - can be configured to suit the working
practices of your firm
• Automated processing – to streamline activities
• Diary management - manage diaries in one
centralised location including Exchange
• Time recording
• Marketing
• Real-time performance monitoring with KPIs and
reporting tools
• Powerful document management including full
text searching and document versioning
• Attach scanned documents directly to matters
• Conflict checking & AML
• Accounts request facility
• Digital dashboard view, Fee Earner Desktop and
Client Self Service
Additional Modules Available
A range of additional modules are available to enhance the functionality of ALB, allowing you to build a
PCMS solution to suit your firm’s needs. Additional modules include: Workflow Toolkit: tailor out-of-the-box
case applications, or develop bespoke workflows to suit the working practices of your firm.
important information through an easy to use web
• Credit Control: automate collection processes,
chase payment deadlines and manage debt
• Conveyancing Case App: enables conveyancing
matters to be completed efficiently and to a
• Criminal Legal Aid Billing: helps to capture time
defined standard by all users
and costs accurately, ensuring claims are correctly
• Family Agenda Module: leads users through the
cases, provides precedent documents, and creates
• Civil Legal Aid Billing: an easy way to handle most
diarised tasks
aspects of Legal Aid work efficiently and to help
capture time and costs accurately, ensuring claims • Probate Agenda Module: leads users through the
cases and create complex Estate Accounts and IHT
are correctly assembled
• Civil Legal Aid Family Fixed Fee Billing: helps to
• Fee Earner Desktop: enables fee earners to access
capture time and costs accurately, ensuring FAS
their desktop from home, their office or on the
and PFLRS claims are correctly assembled
• Client and Matter Inception: ensure clients and
• Wills and Deeds: helps you to track and manage
matters are created consistently and efficiently
the wills and deeds held by your firm
according to practice needs
• Client Self Service: secure, personalised access
to matter milestones, documents, bills and other
Other Legal Software
Advanced Legal offer a range of software solutions to compliment and integrate with ALB:
• Laserform Hub: the new standard for online
submissions to government portals
• Laserform: access to over 3,000 regularly updated
electronic legal forms covering all areas of law
• Time Tracker: fully integrated, flexible and
automatic time recording from mobile and
desktop devices
• OverVu: an advanced dashboard and KPI reporting
solution for complete firm wide monitoring.
• MLC: compete chambers management software
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 15
Advanced Legal
Product Functionality
48 Mount Street Upper
Dublin 2
t: +44 (0) 800 433 2546
e: [email protected]
Contact: Derek Fitzpatrick
Name of core
accounts/ practice
management system
or service
Target markets
(private practice by
size of firm)
• Solo/very small
• Small high street
(2-5 partners)
• Large high street
(6-15 partners)
• Multi-Offices
(unlimited branches)
• Corporate legal
• Public/local authority legal
Company and Product Overview
Clio is the most comprehensive cloud-based practice management
platform for the legal industry.
Produced with the cooperation and advice of Bar Associations and Law
Societies worldwide, Clio is web-enabled, mobile-friendly, and built
specifically for the legal profession. It delivers all the tools modern law
firms need to run a successful practice: calendaring, time tracking, notetaking, document management, task management, legal accounting,
bookkeeping, and billing.
Through the power of cloud computing, Clio eases the process of time
tracking, billing, administration, and collaboration for law firms of all
sizes. Clio seamlessly integrates with Google Accounts, Office 365,
Mircosoft Outlook, NetDocs, Dropbox, Xero, QuickBooks, Dropbox,
Bundledocs, and many more.
As more and more legal professionals use Clio to save time and work
more efficiently, Clio continues to evolve and innovate using digital
technology to help update and improve legal practices, saving thousands of legal professionals millions of hours around the globe.
Clio employs over 150 employees and has offices in Dublin (Ireland),
Toronto (Canada) and Vancouver (Canada). Currently Clio services over
40,000 law firms in over 50 countries.
Founded in 2007 by Jack Newton and Rian Gauvreau, Clio has raised
$27 million from investors including Bessemer Venture Partners. Learn
more at
In April 2015 Clio secured an Approved Supplier listing with The Law
Society of Scotland. Through this affiliation Clio has had enormous
success in Scotland to supplement our huge growth in England, Wales
and Ireland.
16 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
About The System
Clio is a 100% web-based legal case management system that is optimised to meet the needs of sole
practitioners and small firms. Web-based, secure and easy-to-use, Clio overcomes many of the technical
hurdles offered by conventional practice management solutions. Clio allows legal professionals to simplify
their workflow, thus freeing up valuable time to build their practice.
Product Functionality
• Remote and secure access from any Internetequipped device, including PCs, Macs,
smartphones, and tablets;
• iOS, iPad and Android apps;
• Tracking tasks, calendars, and important deadlines;
• Reminders and diary management;
• Seamless time tracking & timers;
• Customised billing;
• Multi currency;
• Matter/case management;
• Managing client funds and trust accounts;
• A built in client portal feature, allowing you to
share entire cases with contacts;
• Conflict of interest searching;
• Document management and automation;
• Legal accounting, supporting Client Account and
Office Account requirements;
• A full suite of reports to measure efficiency and
• Seamless integrations with an array of third-party
applications including Google Accounts, Office
365, Mircosoft Outlook, NetDocs, Dropbox, Xero,
QuickBooks, Dropbox, Bundledocs, and many
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 17
Intuitive in its design and easy to use, Clio’s clean user interface allows users of any device (Mac, PC, Tablet,
or Smartphone) to access their practice data securely through an encrypted web browser. Clio bridges the
gap between the benefits of cloud computing and the unique needs of the small firm legal office, including
industry-leading security, document management, matter-centric logic, efficient time tracking and billing,
simplified trust accounting records, and business productivity.
DPS Software
Herewood House
288 Southbury Road
DX: 133177 Enfield 6
t: 020 8804 1022
f: 020 8804 2875
e: [email protected]
contact: Sami Ahmed
LSSA Member: Yes
DPS Software
Name of core
accounts/ practice
management system
or service
Financial Director - Legal
Accounting Software
Target markets
(private practice by
size of firm)
• Small high street
(2-5 partners)
• Large high street
(6-15 partners)
• Commercial regional
(16-35 partners)
• City & major regional/top
100 (36 + partners)
• Legal aid
• Criminal/cds
• Corporate legal department
• Public/local authority legal
Company and Product Overview
With a 30 year pedigree, DPS have built a strong and growing market
position thanks to their award-winning case management solution
and integrated legal accounting software. Their practice management
system is complemented by digital dictation, matter management
software and their recently launched mobile application for time
recording and attendance notes.
dpsloud, the company’s managed IT solution have helped them to
become a realistic ‘one stop shop’ provider for the IT needs of the
modern legal business. Providing all the standard and specialist
applications that a law firm would need along with razor-sharp technical
support and hardware maintenance, this solution relieves the practice
of the responsibility to manage their IT. Over the past decade, dpscloud
has been selected by more than 140 legal businesses across the UK.
DPS are the largest legal cloud services provider in the UK and the
first legal software company to offer an integrated managed IT
solution under one roof.
Financial Director - Next-generation legal
accounting software
The Financial Director (FD) system represents the latest generation of
practice management software from DPS. With complete integration to
the Outlook Office case management product, the system can truly join
up the fee-earning and financial functions of your law firm, facilitating
the electronic transfer of documents and requests thus quickening the
billing process.
Other Features
• Get a financial snapshot of a fee earner’s matters or firm-wide stats
straight from the My Matters screen.
• Record time from anywhere at the click of a button with the DPS
‘Floating Timer’.
• Billing guides and time analysis can be called straight from the matter
• Payment requests & receipts (e-chits) as well as billing requests can
be sent to the accounts department electronically directly from one’s
case files.
18 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
• Through real-time KPI & client finance reporting, FD enables firms to establish a clearer link between the
work being done and the money coming in, leading to a more accurate view of their firm’s profitability and
their staff’s efficiency.
A holistic IT solution
The DPS legal accounting software, Financial Director can be provided as part of dpscloud. Our managed IT
solution provides your law firm with a cost-effective hardware and software infrastructure built around the
specific needs of your business. We can integrate case management, matter and document management,
accounting, time recording and digital dictation into one practice management solution that can be
delivered via the cloud.
DPS are certified to the ISO/IEC 27001:20013 standard which proves our commitment to keeping your data
Product Functionality
Client and Matter-Level Risk Analysis
Built-In and Amendable Compliance Procedures
Automatic Bank Reconciliations
Online Bill Submissions
Automatic Client & Deposit Account Interest
Cheque Printing
Remote/Extranet Access to the System
Fully Integrated to the DPS Case Management
Compliant with the SRA Accounts Rules
Administration & Regulatory Compliance Systems
Provisions, either as part of core accounts/PMS or as an optional extra:
• Anti-money laundering check
• Conflict of interest searching
• Credit checking
• Compliance with Law Society new client
• Specific functionality to support SQM/LAFQAS
regulations, e.g.. automatic generation of
• Rule 15 client care letters
Other Legal Software
Conveyancing Case Management Software
Crime Case Management Software
Family Case Management Software
Will Drafting Software
Probate Case Management Software
• Personal Injury Software
This is a fully scalable, modular system designed
according to the requirements of the modern legal
Working in conjunction with FD, the case management system makes possible the electronic exchange and
approval of documents, e-chits and other billing requests between accounts staff and fee earners. Outlook
Office also gives fee earners the ability to post time sheets and view ledger cards in real time, relieving some
of the strain from the accounts department while providing the fee earner with more functionality.
• TeamTalk Digital Dictation
• Mylegalspace - online case tracking solution
• iAttend - mobile app for criminal law firms
• Web-based Practice Management Software
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 19
DPS Software
• In-depth and Amendable Reporting of Key
Management Information
• Fee Earner Desktop & Personal Productivity Tools
• Granular Security Model
• Optional Single Screen to Post any Transaction
• Single screen for Creditors Management
• A Full Multi-Currency System
• Flexible and Automated Time Recording including
multiple electronic timers
• Supplier Refunds and Credits
• Anti-Money Laundering Checks
Kelso House
11 Burnett Street
Little Germany
Bradford BD1 5BJ
t: 01274 704 100
f: 01274 733 409
e: darren.gower@eclipselegal.
contact: Darren Gower
LSSA Member: Yes
Name of core
accounts/ practice
management system
or service
Proclaim® Case, Practice,
Matter, and Process
Management Software
Proclaim® Accounts
Eclipse Legal Systems
Target markets
(private practice by
size of firm)
• Solo/very small
• Small high street
(2-5 partners)
• Large high street
(6-5 partners)
• Commercial regional
(16-35 partners)
• City & major regional/top
100 (36+ partners)
• Legal aid/LSC
• Criminal/CDS
• Corporate legal department
• Public/local authority legal
Company and Product Overview
Eclipse, part of Capita Plc, is the leading provider of Case Management,
Practice Management, Matter Management and Process Management
Our Proclaim system is in use by over 23,000 professionals in a vast
range of sectors, and is the only solution of its type to be Endorsed
by the Law Society.
Sectors catered for include:
Alternative Business Structures
In-house commercial
Insurance and claims management
Medical and Insurance
Proclaim solutions can integrate file management, document
management, workflow, reporting, accounting, time recording, task and
diary functions into one desktop tool. The system has grown organically
to become the most flexible and complete solution available for anyone
who needs to:
Streamline processes
Automate tasks
Manage risk and compliance
Keep the integrity of critical data…
… And make more money for their organisation.
Proclaim is available as either an installed solution (i.e located on your
own in-house equipment), or as a Hosted / Cloud system accessed
via the Internet. Our clients range from new startups and sole
practitioners, through to household name commercial organisations
and heavyweight law firms.
20 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
We employ over 160 staff at our West Yorkshire HQ and provide a ‘full service’ offering, from initial needs
analysis right through to implementation and aftercare support.
Our ethos is a concise and unambiguous one — to provide software solutions which enable our clients to be
more effective.
Product Functionality
• Compliance with Solicitors’ Accounts Rules
• Automatic client & deposit account interest
• Support for manual (time sheets) and on-screen
time recording
• Cheque Printing
Fee earner desktop & personal productivity tools
Support for third party reporting tools e.g. Crystal
CDS & LSC billing
Remote/extranet access to system
Commercial style nominal ledger and P&L
Administration & Regulatory Compliance Systems
Provisions, either as part of core accounts/PMS or as an optional extra:
• Conflict of interest searching
• Compliance with Law Society new client
regulations, e.g. automatic generation of
• Rule 15 client care letters
• Anti-money laundering checks & associated
compliance audit trails
Credit checking
Record of undertakings
Asset & deeds register
Marketing & client relationship management
Specific functionality to support SQM/LAFQAS
HR/personnel including CPD administration
Case management: Conveyancing
Case management: Debt recovery
Case management: Personal injury
Case management: Probate
Case management: Local authority housing/right
to buy
• Case management: Family
• Case management: Employment
• Case management: Crime
• Case management: ABS (Alternative Business
• Case management: Lasting Power of Attorney
• Case management: Claims
• Case management: Accident Management
• Case management: Financial claims
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 21
Eclipse Legal Systems
Other Legal Software
Provisions, as optional extras:
Insight Legal Software Ltd
Insight Legal Software Ltd
Westmead House
GU14 7LP
t: 01252 518939
e: [email protected]
Contact: Deborah Edwards
Name of core
accounts/ practice
management system
or service
Company and Product Overview
Insight Legal offers an Accounts and Practice Management system
designed for small and medium sized businesses. Whilst the company
name is a relatively new entrant to the legal software market having
launched in 2011, our people have over 100 years of experience in law
and in legal software. Over that time, we believe we’ve established
an unparalleled knowledge of what legal businesses need as well as
what the market offers. Our goal is to provide exceptional software and
services to law firms.
At Insight Legal we take a straightforward approach – we are open and
honest, don’t use jargon or complicated pricing structures and won’t try
and sell you anything that you don’t need. Some companies want you
to spend money, we want to save you money.
Insight Legal
Target markets
(private practice by
size of firm)
• Solo/very small
• Small high street
(2-5 partners)
• Large high street
(6-15 partners)
• Corporate legal
• Public/local authority legal
Our pricing structure is simple. There is no upfront cost, just a monthly
payment calculated on how many users you have. For a single user
system, the cost is only £50.00 per month. Each additional user is just
£30.00 per month.
We understand how important it is to have software and services to
support you in your work. Insight Legal is designed to suit your budget
and your way of working. Not only is Insight Legal easy to use, it is built
with data migration in mind and therefore also easy to move to. Firms
no longer have to be restricted by their existing systems or worry about
the cost of the migration process.
We provide personal service, frequent product updates and support
which is both instant and expert. The software functionality is powerful,
but not complicated. The user interface is clever, but not confusing. The
entire package can be used straight out of the box, but you still have
the ability to customise further should you so wish.
In a nutshell, users of Insight Legal can expect:
• The very latest in technology, built on a solid foundation of industry
and domain expertise
• A dynamic product roadmap with regular program updates
• Data migration, Training and Support services which are reasonably
priced and expertly provided
22 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
Product Functionality
• Legal Accounts functionality which is SRA
Accounts Rules compliant
• Straightforward posting routines including
journals, transfers, bills, credit notes and batch
posting if required
• Ability to have multiple system periods open for
smooth working at month and year end
• Electronic posting requests for payments, receipts
and invoices
• Disbursement posting using bespoke
disbursement types for easy analysis
• Integrated purchase ledger
• Straightforward bank reconciliation
• Cheque printing
Design Features
• Powerful search tools and configurable screens
• Retained history of many financial years’
• Fully configurable nominal ledger with
departmental or cost centre structures if required
• Ability to monitor the sources of your work and
analyse success
Time Recording
• Fully integrated accounts and time recording
functionality for effective WIP management
• Multiple time recording windows available with
start/stop functionality
• Instant updating of matters when time recording
entries are saved, plus the option to save ‘draft’
time recording for submission later
• Time recording maintenance function, to enable
simple correction or amendment of entries
Case Management
• Integration of Word documents as templates for
fast and simple document creation
• Outlook and Windows Add-Ins to enable easy
storage of any document or file against a matter
• Matter diaries which synchronise with Outlook for
prompts and reminders
• Central contacts database for easy access and
storage of names and addresses
• Searchable case histories
• Ability to create user-defined fields to customise
your system for any area of work and to meet
your own AML, file review and risk management
• Configurable Client and Matter listings reports up
to any specified date
• Trial Balance, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet and full
Audit Trail
• Billing and Disbursements Analysis
• Time Recording breakdowns for individual and
firm-wide performance
• VAT Reporting and calculated VAT return
• 12 month Cashflow Forecast
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 23
Insight Legal Software Ltd
• A guiding hand when it comes to the crucial area of compliance; checks against the SRA Accounts Rules,
assistance with HMRC’s requirement for record keeping, preparation of accounts and VAT returns and
assistance with LEXCEL compliance
• Absolute commitment to the future development of the software.
Level 1 Regal House
70 London Road
t: 0845 683 2517
f: 0854 683 2519
e: [email protected]
Contact: Ben Aslet
Name of core
accounts/ practice
management system
or service
Target markets
(private practice by
size of firm)
• Solo/very small
• Small high street
(2-5 partners)
• Large high street
(6-15 partners)
• Family Law
• Conveyancing & Property
• Wills and Probate
• General Litigation
• Personal Injury
• Criminal Law
• Small Business Commercial
• Immigration
Company and Product Overview
LEAP is a legal practice management software solution developed
specifically with small law firms in mind. As a result of LEAP, small law
firms across the UK have become more efficient, more flexible and
more profitable. LEAP allows practices to work naturally using a single
integrated case management and accounting system enabling them to
build their business and their caseload with the same number of staff.
LEAP is solely focused on the needs of small law firms (between 1 and
25 people). We like to say that we help the lawyers who help people.
LEAP’s considerable investment into product research and development
ensures the software remains practical, highly sophisticated and is
constantly updated to suit user requirements. This provides the perfect
case management solution to anyone working in a small law firm.
With LEAP you have access to the most extensive range of legal forms
and precedent letters available, all of which are kept up-to-date and
highly automated for accuracy and ease of production. All common
rates and charges are automatically adjusted and data capture fields
are built in to each matter type so that you don’t have to spend months
trying to customise the system. LEAP is pre-configured for your type of
Due to investment in new technologies LEAP ensures small law firms
have access to every technological advantage larger firms do including
cloud technology and mobile applications. With LEAP you can work
effectively from anywhere at any time via your smartphone or laptop
without the cost of servers, backups and maintenance.
LEAP allows you to run your entire law firm from one system,
eliminating the mess, confusion and risk that comes with using multiple
programs and databases across different areas of practice or parts of the
24 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
• Reporting - Reports designed for small law firms.
• Cloud technology - You don’t need a server to run
your small law firm
• Integrations - Work organically, the way people in
law firm’s work
• Email Management - Create professional emails
merged with your client’s details
• Document Management - Keep all your
documents saved to the correct matter
• Legal Rates & Charges - All up-to-date and in one
• Compliance - Save time, stay compliant
• Integrated Searching - Provided by InfoTrack
• Marketing - Your own customised website, blog
and newsletter
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 25
Product Functionality
• Matter Management - One electronic file for all
your client and matter related information
• Time Recording - Accurately record and charge
for your time
• Accounting - Client accounting and billing made
• Legal Aid - LEAP provides a completely integrated
legal aid case management and billing software
solution for Criminal and Civil Legal Aid work in
England and Wales
• Automated Legal Forms - Access the most
extensive and up-to-date range of legal forms
• Document Creation - Create your own accurate
documents, fast
• LEAP Mobile – with the LEAP app, you can
manage all your matters from the palm of your
Linetime Ltd
Moorfield House
Moorfield Close
LS19 7YA
DX: 700256 Yeadon
t: 0113 250 0020
f: 0113 250 0524
e: [email protected]
contact: Phil Snee
LSSA Member: Yes
Name of core
accounts/ practice
management system
or service
Linetime Ltd
Target markets
(private practice by
size of firm)
Company and Product Overview
Linetime specialise solely on the legal sector. Our practice management
solution has been developed and is supported by people with in depth
knowledge of working within a legal practice. This knowledge has been
instrumental in ensuring our solutions meet the everyday needs of a
legal practice.
Liberate is based on Microsoft SQL server ensuring a practice invests in
mainstream technology.
The solution comprises all, or any, of the following all within one central
database. Legal accounting/time recording, document management,
case management, debt recovery plus several additional specialist
Solutions from Linetime include the services of top quality trainers and
a comprehensive help desk/support facility. Installation services include
project management, hardware provision, data conversion and network
configuration – everything a practice requires to maximise the effect of
their IT investment.
• Small high street
(2-5 partners)
• Large high street
(6-15 partners)
• Commercial regional
(16-35 partners)
• City & major regional/top
100 (36+ partners)
• Legal aid/Civil
• Criminal/Legal aid
• Corporate legal department
• Public/local authority legal
26 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
Product Functionality
• Compliance with Solicitors’ Accounts Rules
• Automatic client & deposit account interest
• Support for manual (time sheets) and on-screen
time recording
• Automated bank reconciliation
• Cheque printing
• Fee earner desktop & personal productivity tools
Management report library
Report generator
Criminal/Legal aid billing
Remote/extranet access to system
Commercial style nominal ledger and P&L
Administration & Regulatory Compliance Systems
Provisions, either as part of core accounts/PMS or as an optional extra:
Record of undertakings
Asset & deeds register
Marketing & client relationship management
Support for COLPs + COFA’s
Online case tracking
Remote fee earner desktop
Client connect - Web based form fill/data capture
Other Legal Software
Provisions, as optional extras:
• Case management: Signature Edition SE,
conveyancing, probate, debt recovery, family,
personal injury, local authority housing/right to
• E-conveyancing - NLIS, e-SDLT
• Document/File Management - Liberate SE
Linetime Ltd
• Conflict of interest searching
• Compliance with Law Society new client
regulations, e.g. automatic generation of Rule 15
client care letters
• Anti-money laundering checks & associated
compliance audit trails
• Credit control system
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 27
legal systems ltd
Meridian Legal Systems Ltd
39 High Street
t: 01780 482795
f: 01780 482979
e: info@meridianlegalsystems.
Contact: Jane Cooling
Name of core
accounts/ practice
management system
or service
Solpak Accounts/ Solpak
Case Management
Meridian Legal Systems
Target markets
(private practice by
size of firm)
• Solo / very small
• Small high street
(2-5 partners)
• Large high street
(6-5 partners)
• High Street Practices
(6-10 partners)
• Multi-Offices
(unlimited branches)
• Legal Aid
• Civil & Criminal
• Regional Practices
(11-35 partners)
• Corporate
• Local Authority Legal
Company and Product Overview
In operation since 1995, Meridian Legal Systems Ltd has a loyal
customer support base throughout the United Kingdom.
We are proud to say that over 90% of all new business achieved is due
to referrals from existing customers. The majority of these referrals
come from the accounting side of the business where cashiers and
accountants alike prefer our simple and uncluttered approach to
financial entries and information retrieval.
Our ‘Solpak’ software is intuitive, easy to use and comes at a price you
can afford without cutting down on functionality.
We cover all work types, standard and specialised, Private and Legal Aid.
Solpak Accounts is compliant with the Solicitors Accounts Rules,
Solicitors Code of Conduct, Lexcel and LAA’s Specialist Quality Mark.
Accounts is sold as a complete package incorporating everything
you need to run your practice. From purchase ledger; debtors control
- to issue of summons, bank reconciliation, interest calculations and
time costings. We also assist with your personal indemnity insurance
Solpak Case Management contains standard precedents, diary
reminders, links to Outlook and is fully customisable. We even supply as
standard the most popular forms associated with your main work types
at no extra charge. The CRM capabilities also allow for comprehensive
marketing opportunities. Integrated document bundle facility is
invaluable for your Court Bundle creation and Bible of Documents for
corporate clients.
Meridian will listen to your needs and help to make our product make
your work life easier.
28 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
Product Functionality
• Compliant with Solicitors’ Accounts Rules
• Client & Deposit account interest calculations
• Email integration assists with achieving a
paperless office
• Comprehensive email functionality
• Key Performance Indicator Monitoring
• Seamlessly links with Word/Excel/Outlook
• Manual, on-screen & automatic time recording
• Reminders and diary management
Cheque printing
Remote access to system
Extensive range of management reports
Comprehensive client database & CRM facilities
Court Bundle production as standard
Drag and Drop document management
Administration & Regulatory Compliance Systems
A range of additional modules are available to enhance your IT’s functionality, allowing you to build a PCMS
solution to suit your firm’s needs. Additional modules include:
• Conflict of Interest Searching and recording
• Provision either as part of core accounts or as an
optional extra
• Marketing & client relationship management
• Record of Undertakings
• Asset & Deed register
Other Legal Software
Our software is adaptable to ALL work types, both legal aid and private. The method of entry, execution and
outcome is the same, ensuring a uniformity throughout departments. Legal forms included as standard.
Meridian Legal Systems
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 29
Professional Technology
Professional Technology
(UK) Ltd
375 High Street, Rochester,
Kent, ME1 1DA
t: 01634 815 517
f: 01634 829 032
e: [email protected]
contact: Alan Farley
LSSA Member: No
Name of core
accounts/ practice
management system
or service
Company and Product Overview
Professional Technology (UK) Ltd has been providing high quality IT
solutions to the legal profession since 1986.
Quaestor and Seriatim are Professional Technology’s integrated legal
management systems, currently installed in hundreds of solicitors’
practices nationwide. The software is scalable and flexible, making it
suitable for any size of practice from sole practitioners to large multibranch firms.
The simple-to-use modular system can be upgraded at any time,
so users can be confident that the system will grow with them. All
products in the range provide up-to-date management information as
a matter of course.
Target markets
(private practice by
size of firm)
• Solo/very small
• Small high street
(2-5 partners)
• Large high street
(6-15 partners)
• Commercial regional
(16-35 partners)
• City & major regional/top
100 (36+ partners)
• Legal aid/LSC
• Criminal/CDS
• Corporate legal department
• Public/local authority legal
The software uses industry standard technology and integrates with
most other windows based applications such as MS Word, Outlook,
Excel, and Access, Crystal Reports, electronic forms programs, etc. and
is fully compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8.x and Mac, providing a
complete IT solution.
Professional Technology can now offer Quaestor and Seriatim as a
secure and fully managed hosted solution, accessible via any internet
connected machine. For a fixed monthly fee it provides the same
exceptional features and facilities of our standard local system while
eliminating the cost of IT support staff and expensive servers and
maintenance. All data remains the property of the user and is backed up
regularly, ensuring that the system is safe and accessible at all times.
30 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
Professional Technology
Product Functionality
• Compliance with Solicitors’ Accounts Rules
• Automatic client & deposit account interest
• Support for manual (time sheets) and on-screen
time recording
• Cheque printing
• Multi-currency
• Fee earner desktop & personal productivity tools
Support for third party reporting tools e.g. Crystal
CDS & LSC billing
Remote/extranet access to system
Commercial style nominal ledger and P&L
Administration & Regulatory Compliance Systems
Provisions, either as part of core accounts/PMS or as an optional extra:
compliance audit trails
• Conflict of interest searching
• Record of undertakings
• Compliance with Law Society new client
• Asset & deeds register
regulations, e.g. automatic generation of
• Marketing & client relationship management
• Rule 15 client care letters
• Payroll
• Anti-money laundering checks & associated
Other Legal Software
Provisions, as optional extras:
• Case management: Conveyancing
• Case management: Debt recovery
• Case management: Personal injury
• Case management: Probate
• Case management: Local authority housing/right
to buy
• Case management: Family
• Case management: Immigration
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 31
Quill Pinpoint
Quill Pinpoint
Barclay House
35 Whitworth Street West
M1 5NG
DX: 723820 MANCHESTER 38
t: 0161 236 2910
f: 0161 237 1131
e: [email protected]
contact: Julian Bryan
Name of core
accounts/ practice
management system
or service
Company and Product Overview
Quill Pinpoint is the leading supplier of legal accounts software and
outsourced cashiering services in the UK to independent solicitors, multidisciplinary law firms and alternate business structures of all specialisms.
With some 40 years’ legal industry experience, and remaining privately
owned, Quill is the first choice for many start-ups and small to medium
sized law firms.
Interactive, its hosted accounts and practice management software,
is used by nearly 5000 solicitors, cashiers and support staff. Pinpoint,
its outsourced cashiering service, is used by over 300 law firms across
England and Wales. This unique combination of cutting-edge software
development skills and legal accounting expertise means that Interactive
helps legal professionals with their SRA Accounts Rules, data protection,
money laundering and other regulatory compliance obligations.
Target markets
(private practice by
size of firm)
• Solo / very small
• Small high street
(2-5 partners)
• Large high street
(6-15 partners)
• Commercial regional
(16-35 partners)
• Legal Aid/LAA
• Criminal/CDS
• Corporate legal
• Alternative business
Interactive delivers all you would expect of a market-leading legal
accounting and practice management system for the smaller practice.
Conflict, money laundering and credit checking is available during
new client set-up while postcode look-up facilitates a clean and tidy
database. Powerful time recording tools make it easy for fee earners to
log chargeable activity, with flexible rate features to accommodate most
charging policies.
With a strong focus on financial compliance, Interactive allows users
to see both client and office ledger balances simultaneously. A unique
e-chit facility connects fee earners to their cashiering team, instructing
them to prepare monetary transfers, post bills, pay disbursements and
carry out other ledger transactions via daily e-chits. Authorisation levels
can also be appointed for greater financial management control.
Interactive comes with a comprehensive document management
system, allocating relevant documentation to each matter in a
categorised filing structure. Integration with Word and Outlook is
an option, thereby capturing email dialogue and correspondence
automatically with appropriate time recordings.
For firms with specialist case management systems, Quill provides a
32 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
unique API allowing integration with Interactive from with their chosen system, giving clients the flexibility to
choose dual suppliers for a best-of-breed solution.
For businesses which prefer the outsourcing route, Pinpoint is the UK’s largest outsourced legal cashiering
service, and employs a team of qualified legal cashiers to manage clients’ accounts in compliance with
defined rules, regulations and legislation, posting in excess of 2 million accounting transactions per annum.
The service provides a no-holiday, never-sick model with an allocated and dedicated named cashier for each
client, backed up by a deputy for cover and supervised within groups of six staff.
Product Functionality
• Flexible time recording for both chargeable
and non-chargeable time with relevant rates
and attendance codes including allocation to
Precedent H categories
• Calculations automatically performed including
time recorded values, expenses, VAT and
percentage uplifts to improve billing accuracy
• Conflict checking and risk assessment, including
AML and credit screens, to avoid conflicts of
interest and operate safely
• Tailorable dashboard and client database for
customised working
• Over 100 report templates and bespoke
report facility for real-time analysis of financial
positioning against key performance indicators
• Full practice and document management for close
handling of matters, cloud storage, e-working
capabilities and increased day-to-day efficiencies
• Free accountant licence provided to simplify
annual accounts processes
Administration & Regulatory Compliance Systems
to meet HMRC requirements
• Regulatory compliance with SRA, HMRC, LAA &
• Record keeping and accounts maintenance as
LEXCEL guidelines
defined by the SRA Accounts Rules and SRA
• Supports customer due diligence for adherence to
money laundering regulations
• Data management in accordance with the UK Data • Assistance with the principles of practice
management, client care and reporting for COLPs
Protection Act
and COFAs
• Streamlined annual accounts and VAT submissions
Other Legal Software
The Pinpoint outsourced legal cashiering service, provided complete with the Interactive hosted system,
enables firms to hand over their accounting functions to a dedicated 40-strong team of experienced legal
cashiers who will compile and maintain accounts, generate reports and prepare all statutory documentation
in accordance with the stringent demands of the SRA Accounts Rules. An optional outsourced payroll service
is also available for full management of salary and pension responsibilities in line with latest reforms such as
RTI and auto enrolment.
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 33
Quill Pinpoint
• Secure, remote access and ease of use to improve
links between multiple offices or home workers
and quickly get up-and-running
• Robust hosted delivery with IT management
outsourcing for improved system stability and
• Built-in business continuity to eliminate disruption
or data loss during emergency situations to ISO
27001 standard
• Straightforward daily posting of monies in and out
to effortlessly keep accounts up-to-date
• Matter, nominal and supplier ledger management
to maintain a meticulous financial audit trail for
accurate legal cashiering
• Intuitive warning system and automatic anomaly
reports for rectification of potential breaches
• Account and paper-only transfer of cash between
ledgers to keep finances in the correct place and
maximise cash flow
• Logging of fee earner time and disbursements
against in-progress matters to claim back monies
Select Legal Systems Limited
Priory Court
Saxon Way
HU13 9PB
t: 01482 567601
f: 01482 567640
e: [email protected]
Contact: Steve Dixon
LSSA Member: Yes
Select Legal Systems
Name of core
accounts/ practice
management system
or service
Company and Product Overview
Select Legal Systems Limited is a specialist provider of legal software
for law firms. The company’s flagship product, LAWFUSION, is a fully
integrated practice management system that includes modules for
everything a practice of law would need to run as a profitable business.
LAWFUSION is the legal software of choice for hundreds of UK law firms,
is fully compliant with the Solicitor’s Accounts Rules (SARS) of the Law
Society of England and Wales. It is also fully compliant with the Legal
Aid Agency (LAA) franchising requirements (QUALITY MARK).
LAWFUSION is ideal for law firms working to achieve Lexcel
accreditation, the Law Society’s international practice management
standard. Select has worked closely for many years with leading law
firms to align their legal software with the Lexcel criteria to ensure the
software ticks all the right boxes.
Target markets
(private practice by
size of firm)
It is available for the cloud as a hosted solution or as a traditional onpremise installation.
LAWFUSION was originally
designed for the 30-100 user
law firm, but Select Legal has
moved the product forward in
line with market demand and
now offers different versions
for different sized law firms.
For example Select’s largest
LAWFUSION site has over 250
users and LAWFUSION Small
firm and LAWFUSION Solo are
available for growing law firms
and start ups. LAWFUSION is
also proving very popular with
Alternative Business Structures
If you are looking for new legal practice management software you can
arrange a demonstration now by calling 01482 567601.
34 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
Product Functionality
• Customised Legal Billing
• Comprehensive Management Reporting
• Legal Aid Accounting
• Cash Flow Management
• Bank Reconciliation
• Client Ledger
• Professional Nominal Ledger
• Purchase Ledger
• VAT Ledger
• Cash Book
Debt Management
Deposit Interest Calculator
Cheque and Remittance Printing
Anti-Money Laundering Compliance
Key Performance Indicator Monitoring
Expense Management
Microsoft Integration
E-Chitty Posting Requests
Inhouse Expense Billing
Auto BACS Transfer
• Identity Verification Via Services Experian,
Callcredit & Lawyer Checker
• Recurring and Reversing Journals - automatically
posted when due
• Post Room
• Online Case Tracker
• Cost Management Module
• MOJ PI Claims Portal
• Civil Online Working
• Court Document Bundler
• COLP / COFA Procedures
• Personal Injury
• Debt Collection
• Commercial
-- Road Traffic Accident
• Employment
• Complaints Procedure
-- Trip & Slip
• Immigration
• Conveyancing
-- Industrial Disease
• Family
-- Sale
-- Medical Negligence
-- Children
-- Purchase
• Wealth Management
-- Divorce
-- Re-mortgage
-- Wills
-- Financial Remedy
-- Commercial Property
-- Probate
• Financial Mis-selling
-- Lasting Powers of Attorney
(including PPI)
• Crime
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 35
Select Legal Systems
Other Legal Software
• Fee Earner Desktop
• Time Recording
• Case Management
• CRM & Marketing Software
• Practice-Wide Diary
• Comprehensive Management Reporting
• Extensive Legal Aid Functionality
• Conflict of Interest Searching
• Record of Undertakings
• Credit Checking & Control
• Stamp Duty Land Tax
Solicitors Own Software Ltd
2 Widcombe Parade
t: 01225 787 700
f: 01225 787 701
e: [email protected]
Contact: Elaine Galvin, Graham
Name of core
accounts/ practice
management system
or service
SOS Connect & Virtual
Solicitors Own Software
Target markets
(private practice by
size of firm)
• Solo/very small
• Small high street
(2-5 partners)
• Large high street
(6-15 partners)
• Commercial regional
(16-35 partners)
• City & major regional/top
100 (36+ partners)
• Legal aid/LAA
• Criminal/CDS
• Corporate legal department
• Public/local authority legal
Company and Product Overview
SOS is proud to remain one of the few independent and specialist legal
software suppliers in the market, following a period of consolidation in
recent years. We are passionate about innovation and pride ourselves
on developing legal software that makes a real difference in supporting
modern and progressive law firms.
Having served the legal software market for over 27 years, we fully
understand the challenges and opportunities law firms are currently
facing, particularly with regards to the impact of the Legal Services Act.
Furthermore, our strong commitment to the continual development
of our software, and providing a reliable and dependable support
service means we have one of the best client retention rates of all the
legal software suppliers. Many clients have used SOS software systems
continually for well over 15 years, and have upgraded seamlessly from
one generation of SOS software to the next over these years.
Our latest software SOS Connect is an extremely capable and flexible
case management and practice management system which recognises
that law firms now require more agile software in place that can be
adapted more quickly and easily to suit not only different legal work
types, but changing market conditions also.
Therefore SOS Connect is proving the software of choice for progressive
law firms wanting to implement a highly effective system now in order
to ensure they are able to operate most effectively in the post-Legal
Services Act landscape.
In addition to serving mid-tier firms with SOS Connect, our Virtual
Practices division caters for smaller firms and start-ups and delivers all
the benefits of SOS Connect as a fully hosted solution together with a
cost-effective outsourced legal cashiering service.
36 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
Product Functionality
• Compliance with Solicitors’ Accounts Rules
• Automatic client & deposit account interest
• Support for manual (time sheets) and on-screen
time recording
• Cheque printing
• Case stage budgeting & precedent H
• Fee earner desktop & personal productivity tools
Support for third party reporting tools e.g. Crystal
CDS & LSC billing
Remote/extranet access to system
Commercial style nominal ledgers and P&L
• Powerful and Flexible integrated Matter
Management System
• iPhone & iPad applications for SOS Connect
Administration & Regulatory Compliance Systems
Provisions, either as part of core accounts/PMS or as an optional extra:
• Conflict of interest searching
• Compliance with Law Society/SRA Risk &
Compliance Rules
• Anti-money laundering checks & associated
compliance audit trails
• Credit checking
Record of undertakings
Asset & deeds register
Marketing & client relationship management
Functionality to fully support CLS & CDS
• Case management: Personal injury
• Case management: Debt recovery
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 37
Solicitors Own Software
Other Legal Software
Provisions, as optional extras:
• Case management: Conveyancing
• Case management: Probate
• Case management: Family
1590 Parkway
Solent Business Park
PO15 7AG
t: 01489 609662
e: [email protected]
contact: Richard Higgs
Name of core
accounts/ practice
management system
or service
Company and Product Overview
With over 600 law firm clients Tikit’s Partner for Windows (P4W) is
improving efficiency in practices across the UK. It is the pioneering,
single, smart solution that has redefined practice and case management
software in the legal sector. Our breadth of experience and specialism
in the market means P4W is a solution developed specifically with legal
in mind.
In one easy-to-use application Tikit P4W provides you with accounting,
billing, time recording, business intelligence, case, and document
management capabilities. Does your firm undertake publicly-funded
work? If so P4W is fully compliant and up-to-date with LAA regulations
to maximise the efficiency of your Legal Aid work. It’s your partner for all
aspects of the business of law.
Partner for Windows (P4W)
Target markets
(private practice by
size of firm)
• Solo/very small
• Small high street
(20–50 users)
• Large high street
(50–150 users)
• Commercial regional
(100–500 users)
• All Legal Aid (civil and
• Corporate Legal/ABS
And, as Tikit has been a part of BT since 2013, we are in a unique
position to be able to offer a single source solution covering
applications, infrastructure, and telecoms.
Our software and ISO9001 accredited support services will keep your
firm ahead of the game in an increasingly competitive market. In short,
P4W will make technology work for you like never before.
38 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
Product Functionality
Practice and case management system on a single database with full capability, including:
• Accounting
- Compliance, convenience and integration
are paramount in your accounts department
and are at the heart of our software. It’s got
everything you need to manage financials,
time and billing, including a full purchase
ledger, structured around a single database to
eliminate duplication when entering data.
• Time Recording and Billing
- Capture more, bill more and earn more. Time is
your firm’s most important asset. P4W makes it
simple to keep track of time recorded against
matters - usable from within the system,
elsewhere on your desktop or on your mobile
• Case and Document Management
- Our case management system inhabits
Microsoft applications like Word and Outlook,
meaning that your lawyers can work in a
familiar environment to intuitively access
powerful filing, collaboration and workflow
tools. Capture emails and documents from their
native applications and store in your case file fast, automatic and organised.
Administration & Regulatory Compliance Systems
Built-in compliance centre with full metrics covering the whole practice
information in user-friendly HTML, graph or
• Ongoing compliance with SRA, SAR, LAA and Law
spreadsheet formats with the ability to drill into
Society regulations
more detail on demand.
• Business Intelligence built in
• Automatic conflict and duplicate checking
- Being able to see your practice’s vital signs in
an easily digestible format is critical to making
• Manual or online Money Laundering/ID
good decisions and running an optimised
Verification incorporated into the system
modern law firm. The P4W Digital Dashboard
provides that view, displaying management
Other Legal Software
Government Portals – Claims/Land Registry/LAA
Client Portal/Self-service/Web Collaboration
CRM and Marketing
Document Bundling
• SMS Text Messaging
• Workshare Document Compare
• Postcode look-up – (Royal Mail PAF data)
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 39
Timeslice Limited
11 Harmony Place
Greenwich Creekside
t: 0207 231 0073
f: 0207 231 7777
e: [email protected]
contact: Elwyn Morgan
LSSA Member: Yes
Name of core
accounts/ practice
management system
or service
LAWMAN Law Management
Target markets
(private practice by
size of firm)
• Large high street
(6-15 partners)
• Commercial regional
(16-35 partners)
• City & major regional/top
100 (36+ partners)
• Legal aid/LSC
• Criminal/CDS
• Corporate legal department
Company and Product Overview
LAWMAN - Lawman the complete Practice, Document, Email and Case
Management System integrated with Microsoft Office. Using the latest
SQL, Dot Net and Office technology you can choose to work in Microsoft
Windows, Outlook or Word.
LAWMAN is increasingly recognised as one of the most advanced
Practice Management systems of its kind, incorporating over 25 years
legal software knowledge, design and experience in a modern single
integrated SQL Database.
LAWMAN is a highly accomplished and robust system. Leading firms
throughout the UK including ‘Legal 500’ and Top 100 successfully
use LAWMAN for all their Practice, Document or Case management
Time recording and billing is easy and flexible leading to high recovery
rates and successful adoption by fee earners and staff.
Significant time savings are possible with the integrated document, file
and email management systems including auto-filing of emails or drag
and drop from Outlook.
Smooth integration with Microsoft Office is built-in throughout.
Accounts departments enjoy the precision and detail of functionality
needed in busy cashiers offices.
LAWMAN is successfully and widely used by firms of all types and size.
It addresses all the key areas of functionality, integration, reporting
and performance management required by the busy modern practice
or department in today’s challenging environment. For the larger
corporate or international practice LAWMAN provides support for
complex billing arrangements, multi-currency and multi-company.
40 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
• Document Scanning plus 3rd party technology
integration e.g. ECopy
• Case Management: - Flexible but powerful user
configurable case management
• Workflows: Pre configured for Probate and Trust,
Conveyancing, Personal Injury
• Legal Forms: Integration with major legal forms
and precedents suppliers
• Wills, Deeds, Securities register
• Microsoft Office and the Web - Seamless
Administration & Regulatory Compliance Systems
Lawman offers full support for Regulatory compliance in line with Law Society rules including client and
matter file opening, conflict checking, money laundering, client identification and risk assessment.
Other Legal Software
Integration with a wide range of 3rd party technologies such as Cloud Hosting, Digital Dictation or Digital
Scanning. Timeslice also offer a full range of I.T. Support services Hosting, Disaster Recovery and Business
Continuity. Timeslice is a Microsoft Gold Partner.
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 41
Product Functionality
• Financial Accounting, Management Information,
KPI’s, Business Intelligence
• Legal Cashiers Accounting
• Time Recording and management, Billing, Credit
• LSC - Full Legal Aid Support, Civil and Criminal
• Client/Matter Database and Management
• Contact and Address Management
• Regulatory Compliance and File Opening Features
• Money Laundering, Risk Assessment, Conflict
• Marketing: Integrated Contacts Marketing and
• Document, File and Email management - Inbound
and Outbound
The Institute of
Legal Finance
& Management
Why join the ILFM?
Membership of the ILFM brings with it a wide range
of benefits, both to your employer and you as an
individual. Membership is open to everyone who has a
professional interest in legal accounting, management
and compliance, including:
The ILFM has a wide range of full and half day training
across the country. Keep up-to-date with the latest
developments in legal finance and practice and gain
CPD points.
Training includes:
• Cashiers and accountants working in legal practice
• Practice managers, finance directors, non-lawyer
• Solicitors, legal executives and other similarly
recognised professionals
• Members of the accountancy professions
• Suppliers and professional consultants to the legal
Membership benefits include:
• Free advisory helpline dealing with legal practice
• Practice notes
• Career development through recognised
• Legal Abacus magazine
• Membership discounts on training conferences etc
• Website and members internet forum
• Regular email bulletins
• Free publications
• A host of other benefits for learning, social and
SRA Accounts rules
COFA Workshops
Legal Practice Management
VAT for Legal Accounting
Credit Management
Financial Management
and more…
Information and online booking:
The ILFM offers a clearly defined
professional career path for
those wishing to gain recognised
qualifications in legal finance and
practice management.
GET IN TOUCH | [email protected] | 020 8302 2867 | follow us
42 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
Document Management Software
Integrate your legal accounts with Microsoft
Create and edit cloud-stored documents directly from Word
Attach and email documents saved-to-cloud straight from Outlook
Upload accounts files and reports to case from within Windows Explorer
Auto-capture inbound and outbound matter-related Outlook correspondence
Preview documents, PDFs, emails and others for rapid review
“We store well over 100,000 documents in the cloud. All we need is an internet connection
and this mass of files is readily available to our managers, lawyers and support staff.”
Gary McIndoe, Director, Latitude Law
0845 226 2587
[email protected]
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 43
44 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
LAWMAN The complete Practice,
Document, Email and
Case Managerment
System integrated with
Microsoft Office.
London Office, 11 Harmony Place
Greenwich Creekside, London SE8 3FE
Tel: +44 (0)7231 0073 Fax: +44 (0)7231 7777
[email protected]
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 45
46 • ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016
Legal Accounts | Practice Management | Case Management
A single integrated system to help you manage all aspects of your practice
Insight Legal is an integrated legal accounts, practice management and case management system
designed specifically for small to medium sized practices.
Our software is comprehensive yet easy to use, our support service is instant and expert, and our
pricing means that you can have a complete system for £50 per month with no upfront costs
Contact us for a free demonstration to find out how we can save you both time and money. | 01252 518939 | [email protected]
ILFM Listed Legal Software Suppliers Guide 2016 • 47
A Case Management &
Accounting solution for small firms.
COMPLIANT 0843 713 0135
Everything you need to run a small law firm.