PA RT ICI PAT ING GA L L E RI ES PA RT ICI PAT ING MUS EUMS Aaron Galleries Anderson Galleries Arcadia Gallery Bobbie Greenfield Gallery Cervini Haas Gallery C hiaroscuro Contemporary Art Cline Fine Art David Cook Fine Art De Ru’s Fine Arts Denen berg Fine Arts Elins Eagles-Smit h Gallery Fac he Arts Gallery Galerie Mic hael Gallery C George Stern Fine Arts T he Greenwic h Gallery Guarisco Gallery Hayden & Fandetta Rare Books Herbert Palmer Gallery Jac k Rutberg Fine Arts Jane Ka han Gallery Jerald Mel berg Gallery Jonat han Nova k Contemporary Art Julie Ba ker Fine Art Kat hleen Avery Fine Art Kelley Gallery Lawrence J. Cantor & Company T he Lewis Gallery Louis Stern Fine Arts Menden hall Sobieski Gallery Montgomery Gallery Museum Works Galleries Nancy Hoffman Gallery Pan American Art Gallery Pa pillon Gallery T he Redfern Gallery Re hs Galleries, Inc. Ric hard Norton Gallery Robert Henry Adams Fine Art Sc hiller & Bodo European Paintings Scott Ric hards Contemporary Art Spencer Jon Helfen Fine Arts Sullivan Goss- An American Gallery Tasende Gallery T homas Nygard Gallery Timot hy Yarger Fine Art Trigg Ison Fine Art Inc. Trotter Galleries Vallejo Gallery William A. Karges Fine Art Wooster Projects Autry National Center Los Angeles County Museum of Art, LACMA Museum of Latin American Art, Mo LAA Ventura County Museum of History and Art For additional information contact K R Martindale S how Management at 310 822 9145 W W W.LAA RT SHOW.COM Welcome Ta ble of Contents TA B L E O F CONT ENT S Welcome Ma p Boot h Index Aaron Galleries Anderson Galleries Arcadia Gallery Bobbie Greenfield Gallery Cervini Haas Gallery C hiaroscuro Contemporary Art Cline Fine Art David Cook Fine Art De Ru’s Fine Arts Denen berg Fine Arts Elins Eagles-Smit h Gallery Gallery C Fac he Arts Gallery Galerie Mic hael George Stern Fine Arts Guarisco Gallery T he Greenwic h Gallery Hayden & Fandetta Rare Books Jac k Rutberg Fine Arts Herbert Palmer Gallery Jane Ka han Gallery Jerald Mel berg Gallery Jonat han Nova k Contemporary Art Julie Ba ker Fine Art Kelley Gallery Kat hleen Avery Fine Art Lawrence J. Cantor & Company Museum Works Galleries T he Lewis Gallery Louis Stern Fine Arts Menden hall Sobieski Gallery Montgomery Gallery Pan American Art Gallery Nancy Hoffman Gallery Pa pillon Gallery T he Redfern Gallery Re hs Galleries, Inc. Ric hard Norton Gallery Sc hiller & Bodo European Paintings Robert Henry Adams Fine Art Scott Ric hards Contemporary Art Spencer Jon Helfen Fine Arts Sullivan Goss- An American Gallery Tasende Gallery T homas Nygard Gallery Timot hy Yarger Fine Art Trigg Ison Fine Art Inc. Over 50 distinguis hed galleries will s howcase an exciting array of fine art from old masters to contemporary, at t he Elevent h Annual Los Angeles Art S how. Organized and sponsored by t he Fine Art Dealers Association ( FA DA), t he Los Angeles Art S how is on e of t he most prestigious fine art fairs in A m e r i c a . O ve r 3 , 0 0 0 si g ni f i c a nt O P ENING NIGH T GA LA paintings, scul ptures, drawings and Patron Donor Reception, 6 to 7pm prints will be offered for sale, all Benefiting t he Art Museum Council of LACMA vetted for aut henticity. T he Los Angeles Wednesday, January 25 Gala, 7 to 10pm G EN E RA L SHOW HOU RS Art S how a ppeal s to a wide audience T hursday, January 26, 2006, noon to 7pm of collectors, from first time buyers to Saturday, January 28, 2006, noon to 7pm Friday, January 27, 2006, noon to 7pm Sunday, January 29, 2006, noon to 6pm seasoned connoisseurs. For more information, please visit www.laarts K R Martindale S how Management 310-822-9145 1 PAG E PAG E 1 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 23 24 26 28 30 31 32 33 34 36 38 40 42 43 44 46 47 48 50 52 54 55 56 58 60 61 62 63 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 Trotter Galleries William A. Karges Fine Art Vallejo Gallery Wooster Projects Artist Index Fine Art Dealers Association Statement President’s Letter LACMA Art Museum Council Museum Letter Sponsor Letters Official Letters Music / Dance Symposia & Lectures T he Brewer Art Colony / P harma ka / Santa Fe Art Colony Vignette Articles Special T hanks Supporters O pening Nig ht Gala Patrons 80 81 82 84 86 88 91 92 96 100 103 107 112 114 117 120 121 127 128 191 2 GM GM Los Angeles Art S how 2006 Barker Hangar Floor Plan 120 DANC E P E R FO RMANC E 4PM EAC H DAY HAMA SUS HI IN V ENIC E E X IT SCULPTURE 128 127 EM E RG ENC Y LISA PA K INT E RIO R D ESIGN E R V IGN ET T E 130 129 THE ART SOUTHW EST NEWSPAPER ART MAG. LIFESCAPES 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 FINE ART ART NOW ART IN AMERICA THE INTL. GUIDE ART & AUCTION ART & ANTIQUES AM. ART COLLECTOR CONNOISSEUR 142 GM T IC K ET S 143 W IL L CA L L A-M SYM POSIUM A R EA CARPE DIEM & CHAMPAGNE W IN E BA R T HU RS DAY, F RIDAY, SAT U R DAY AND SUNDAY 2PM EAC H DAY CARPE DIEM & CHAMPAGNE W IN E BA R 104 117 116 PAN E E V INO OC EAN AV ENU E S EA FOO D ENT RANC E E X IT 114 113 112 111 110 POM T INI BA R AM C LACMA MO LAA AU T RY NT L. C ENT E R 108 109 V ENT U RA CO. MUS EUM O F H&A 107 LA PAC K ING FIN E A RT CONS. LA B 106 VAND EU R EN A RC HIVA L F RAMING CATA LOG 105 GM LOCANDO D EL LAGO 126 G 123 M MAIN ENT RANC E 122 G 103 ST RING QUA RT ET M N-Z 144 V ENIC E MAGAZIN E 139 P R ESS 145 S PONSO RSHI P K K JZ 115 EM E RG ENC Y INFO E X IT A3 E X IT A5 W IL LIAM A. KA RG ES FIN E A RT Museums Publications Lectures Designer Vignettes A2 R EHS GA L L E RI ES, INC. T H E G R E EN W IC H GA L L E RY A9 A11 T H E R ED F E RN GA L L E RY A15 T ROT T E R GA L L E RI ES AISL E A A4 T HOMAS NYGA R D GA L L E RY A6 GA L L E RY MIC HA EL B27 AA RON GALLERIES B25 MONTGOMERY GALLERY A8 GUA RISCO GA L L E RY, LT D B23 T H E L E W IS GA L L E RY A14 PAN AM E RICAN A RT GA L L E RY M END ENHA L L SO BI ESK I GA L L E RY CANTOR A16 J.& COMPANY B19 PA P IL LON GA L L E RY B30 W OOST E R P ROJ ECT S C39 AND E RSON GA L L E RI ES C HIA ROSCU RO CONT EM PO RA RY A RT B28 RO B E RT H EN RY ADAMS FINE ART B26 B24 BO BBI E G R E ENFI E L D GA L L E RY RIC HA R D NO RT ON GA L L E RY C41 B22 JAN E KA HAN GA L L E RY A RCA DIA GA L L E RY BAC K T ENT Restaurants and Bar Non Profit Dis play AISL E C D63 C36 C LIN E FIN E A RT C34 JONAT HAN NOVA K CONT EM PO RA RY A RT D57 TAS END E GA L L E RY J E RA L D M ELB E RG GA L L E RY C38 D55 204 FAC H E A RT S GA L L E RY C E RV INI HAAS GA L L E RY C40 NANC Y HO F FMAN GA L L E RY AISL E D T RIGG ISON FIN E A RT C42 SU L LIVAN GOS AN AMERIC. GALLERY C44 D51 S P ENC E R JON H ELF EN H E R B E RT PA LM E R GA L L E RY D49 JENN-AIR ENT RANC E E X IT C45 D E RU'S FIN E A RT S D EN EB E RG FIN E A RT S C35 G EO RG E ST E RN FIN E A RT S 222 BAND HAYDEN & FANDETTA B32 203 MARIA'S ITALIAN KITCHEN B18 AISL E B C33 OCEAN + VINE NON PROFIT DISPLAY A17 LAW RENCE A12 205 BAR 219 ALLEGRIA 217 TANINO RESTORANTE 208 THE LITTLE DOOR 216 NAPA VALLEY GRILLE D46 R EST ROOMS 209 THE SUNSET MALIBU 215 210 I CUGINI D62 LOUIS ST E RN FIN E A RT S D60 ELINS EAGL ES-SMIT H GA L L E RY D58 GALLERY C D56 SCOT T RICHARDS D54 JU LI E BA K E R FIN E A RT E X IT D52 T IMOT H Y YA RG E R FIN E A RT D50 MUS EUM WORKS GALLERIES 201 COOK’S GATHERING 202 223 KAT H L E EN AV E RY FIN E A RT JAC K RU T B E RG FIN E A RT S A1 A7 VA L L EJO GA L L E RY DAV ID COOK FINE AMERIC. ART F RONT T ENT EM E RG ENC Y D48 K EL L EY GA L L E RY BRAVO CUCINA SC HIL L E R & BO DO EU RO P. PAINT INGS 211 COFFEE BAR R EST ROOMS 3 214 LU BISCUITS EMERGENCY E X IT 212 M CAFÉ 4 Boot h Index PA RT ICI PAT ING GA L L E RI ES BOOT H Aaron Galleries Anderson Galleries Arcadia Gallery Bobbie Greenfield Gallery Cervini Haas Gallery C hiaroscuro Contemporary Art Cline Fine Art David Cook Fine Art De Ru’s Fine Arts Denen berg Fine Arts Elins Eagles-Smit h Gallery Fac he Arts Gallery Galerie Mic hael Gallery C George Stern Fine Arts T he Greenwic h Gallery Guarisco Gallery Hayden & Fandetta Rare Books Herbert Palmer Gallery Jac k Rutberg Fine Arts Jane Ka han Gallery Jerald Mel berg Gallery Jonat han Nova k Contemporary Art Julie Ba ker Fine Art Kat hleen Avery Fine Art Kelley Gallery Lawrence J. Cantor & Company T he Lewis Gallery Louis Stern Fine Arts Menden hall Sobieski Gallery Montgomery Gallery Museum Works Gallery Nancy Hoffman Gallery Pan American Art Gallery Pa pillon Gallery T he Redfern Gallery Re hs Galleries, Inc. Ric hard Norton Gallery Robert Henry Adams Fine Art Sc hiller & Bodo European Paintings Scott Ric hards Contemporary Art Spencer Jon Helfen Fine Arts Sullivan Goss - An American Gallery Tasende Gallery T homas Nygard Gallery Timot hy Yarger Fine Art Trigg Ison Fine Art Inc. Trotter Galleries Vallejo Gallery William A. Karges Fine Art Wooster Projects B27 B30 B22 B26 D55 C39 D63 A15 C45 C33 D60 C38 A6 D58 B32 A7 A8 B18 D49 A1 B24 D57 C34 D54 A17 D48 A16 B23 D62 A14 B25 D50 C40 A12 B19 A9 A2 C41 B28 D46 D56 D51 C42 C36 A4 D52 C44 A11 A5 A3 C35 PA RT ICI PAT ING MUS EUMS Autry National Center Los Angeles County Museum of Art ( LACMA) Museum of Latin American Art (Mo LAA) Ventura County Museum of History and Art 110 112 111 109 PUB LICAT IONS American Art Collector Art & Antiques Art & Auction Art in America T he Art Newspa per Art Now Gallery Guide Fine Art Connoisseur Lifesca pes T he International Guide Sout hwest Art Venice Magazine BOOT H 137 136 135 133 128 132 131 130 134 129 144 R ESTAU RANT S & BA RS Allegria Bar Brava Cucina Coffee Bar Cook’s Gat hering Hama Sus hi in Venice I Cugini T he Little Door Locando Del Lago Lu Biscuits Maria’s Italian Kitc hen M Ca fé Na pa Valley Grille Ocean Avenue Sea food Ocean + Vine Pane e Vino Pomtini Bar T he Sunset Malibu Tanino Ristorante & Bar 219 205 210 211 201 123 215 208 122 214 203 212 216 116 202 117 114 209 217 OT H E R PA RT ICI PANT S AM C Band Dance Fine Art Conservation La boratories Jenn-Air K K JZ L.A. Pac king, Crating and Transport Non Profit Display Scul pture String Quartet Vandeuren Arc hival Framing Vignette 113 222 120 107 204 105 108 223 126 103 106 127 INFO RMAT ION & T IC K ET S Catalog Information Press Sponsors hi p Tic kets Will Call 104 115 139 145 142 143 SYM POSIA & L ECT U R ES Front Tent 5 BOOT H B27 AA RON GA L L E RI ES BOOT H 50 East Oa k Street C hicago, IL 60611 T 312 440 1915 F 312 943 9839 E [email protected] M EM B E R Appraisers Association of America Fine Art Dealers Association Art and Antique Dealers League of America Antiques Dealers Association of California 354 Nort h Bedford Drive Beverly Hill s, CA 90210 T 310 858 1644 F 310 858 1643 E [email protected] B30 AND E RSON GA L L E RI ES Aaron Galleries specializes in Impressionism, Modernism, Regionalism, Social Realism, American Abstraction and Abstract Ex pressionism. T he gallery al so has an extensve collection of 19t h and 20t h century Amercian prints, including t he major works of T homas Hart Benton and Grant Wood. T he Anderson Galleries is dedicated to s howing museum quality 19t h and 20t h century paintings by noted and historically important European artists. Outstanding Im pressionist, PostImpressionist, Early Modern, Barbizon Sc hool, and Academic works are s hown t hroug hout t he year. T homas Hart Benton (1889-1975) T he Race, 1942, Lit hogra p h; Edition 250, AAA, pencil signed Daniel Ridgway Knig ht (American, 1839-1924) Far Away T houg hts, c. 1875 Oil on canvas, 46 1/4 x 33 inc hes (60 x 46 inc hes framed ) Signed and inscribed lower left: Ridgway Knig ht Paris 6 7 BOOT H STA F F Steven Diamant, President Andrew Smenos, Curator rig ht page Malcolm T. Liepke (American – Born 1953) One Too Many 2004, Oil on canvas 32 X 24 inc hes t his page top 51 Greene Street New York, NY 10013 T 212 965 1387 F 212 965 8638 E Arcadia [email protected] www.arcadia B22 A RCA DIA GA L L E RY Arcadia gallery specializes in contemporary, realist painting and scul pture. Representing bot h internationally recognized and emerging artists, t he gallery’s painters all display a level of skill and a “unique voice” often t houg ht lost in t he contemporary art world. Daniel Adel (American – Born 1962) Cocoon Oil on canvas 40 X 30 inc hes, 2005 bottom left Sa bin Howard (American – Born 1963) Ego Bronze, Edition Of 12 28”h X 16”d X 21”w bottom rig ht Jeremy Li pking (American – Born 1976) Afternoon Repose 2005, Oil on canvas 40 X 46 Inc hes 8 A RT IST S Daniel Adel Brad Aldridge Sean Beavers Mic hael C ha pman Matt hew Cornell Sop hia C horny Natalie Feat herston Mic hael Grimaldi Eric Hammer Ron Hic ks Sa bin Howard Mic hael K lein Alexander K lingspor Qiangli Liang Robert Liberace Malcolm T. Liepke Jeremy Li pking Francis Livingston David Mueller Paul Raymond Seaton Steven Skollar Tsa ku Victor Wang 9 BOOT H BO BBI E G R E ENFI EL D GA L L E RY T he Bobbie Greenfield Gallery was esta blis hed in 1975, specializing in prints, drawings and unique works on pa per by American Contemporary Masters. Our inventory features works by C harles Arnoldi, Guy Dill, Jim Dine, Sam Francis, Helen Frankent haler, David Hoc kney, Ell swort h Kelly, Roy Lic htenstein, Robert Mot herwell, Louise Nevel son, Ed Rusc ha, Frank Stella and Andy War hol. Bobbie Greenfield Gallery is a member in good standing of t he International Fine Print Dealer’s Association. C harles Arnoldi (b. 1946) Crus h, 2005, Acrylic on canvas 56 x 56 inc hes 10 BOOT H B26 2525 Mic higan Avenue, B6 Santa Monica, CA 90404 T 310 264 0640 F 310 264 0740 E [email protected] 4222 Nort h Mars hall Way Scottsdale, AZ 85251 T 480 429 6116 F 480 949 6050 E gallery@cervini www.cervini D55 C E RV INI HAAS GA L L E RY Ex hibiting contemporary fine art wit h a focus on organic forms, t he gallery ex plores a bstraction in paintings and prints as well as ceramic s, glass and ot her scul ptural m ediums. Featuring C hiyomi Taneike Longo, Peter O p heim, Joanne Mattera, Jean Larson, Seiko Tac hibana, Roger Asay, Marian Bijlenga and ot hers. Director: Wendy Haas C hiyomi Taneike Longo Seed of t he Mind #12 2005, mixed media on canvas, 48 x 60 inc hes 11 BOOT H STA F F Jane Egan, Director, Santa Fe William Lykins, Director, Scottsdale Lynda Fos hie, Santa Fe Covington Jordan, Santa Fe Eliza bet h Tietel, Scottsdale rig ht page Dirk De Bruyc ker Granada IV As p halt, gesso, oil, and enamel on canvas 28 x 22 inc hes 439 Camino del Monte Sol Santa Fe, NM 87505 T 505 992 0711 F 505 992 0387 E gallery@c hiaroscurosanta 7160 Main Street Scottsdale, AZ 85251 T 480 429 0711 F 480 429 0713 E gallery@c www.c C39 C HIA ROSCU RO CONT EM PO RA RY A RT C hiaroscuro Contemporary Art ex hibits painting, scul pture, and p hotogra p hy. T he gallery features an international range of esta blis hed and emerging artists. T he artists of t he gallery have been t he subject of museum ex hibitions around t he world. t his page top Jun Kaneko Untitled Glazed ceramic 40 x 32 x 16 inc hes bottom left Ricardo Mazal Rojo Malaquita 5 Oil on linen 54 x 64 inc hes bottom rig ht Jo hn Nel son Domain, Mixed media on panel, 15 x 15 inc hes 12 A RT IST S Howard Ben Tre Isa bel Bigelow Bob Carey Luis Castro Travis Constance Woods Davy Dirk De Bruyc ker Flavio Garciandia Mis ha Gordin David Hirsc hi Munson Hunt Jun Kaneko Judit h Kindler Perla Krauze Kubac h & Kropp Ricardo Mazal Marcia Myers Jo hn Nel son Udo Noger Brandon Reese Barbara Rogers Henry Leo Sc hoebel Hunt Slonem Vera Sprunt Mary Antonia Wood Karen Yank 13 BOOT H C L I N E F I N E A RT S A N T A F E � rig ht page Louis Riba k (1902-1979) Boxers in Gym, c.1940 Oil on canvas 24 x 30 inc hes t his page top Trini (b.1962) Antwer pen Hombres Acrylic on canvas 40 x 40 inc hes S C O T T S D A L E Geoff Cline Kristen Cline W. Geoffrey Cline Jerre Lynn Vanier 131 West San Francisco Street Santa Fe, NM 87501 T 505 982 5328 Toll free 877 982 5328 4200 Nort h Mars hall Way Scottsdale, AZ 85251 T 480 941 1811 Toll free 877 941 1811 E [email protected] D63 C LIN E FIN E A RT Founded in 1985, Cline Fine Art specializes in twentiet h century and contemporary art, wit h a focus on early American Modernism, Sout hwest Regionalism and Abstract Ex pressionism. T he gallery maintains a strong inventory of works by distinguis hed artists suc h as Art hur Dove, Josep h Stella, Emil Bisttram and Elaine de Kooning. T he gallery al so represents an accomplis hed group of contemporary artists from t he United States and Mexico. Cline Fine Art is t he exclusive representative of t he Estate of Louis Riba k (1903-1979). Riba k’s career began in New York w here he was one of t he founders of t he American Group. He partici pated annually in t he W hitney Mu seum’s Ex hibition of Contem porary Am eric an Art and in 1934 was represented at t he Venice Biennale. In t he 1940s, Riba k moved to Taos and over t he next several decades his focus slowly s hifted to pure a bstraction. Ex hibitions include t he Metropolitan Museum of Art, t he Corcoran Gallery and t he Art Institute of C hicago. lower left Mitc hell Jo hnson (b.1964) Above Meyreuil Oil on linen 22 x 26 inc hes A RT IST S lower rig ht Bet h Ames Swartz (b.1936) T he word s of t he living are wind in dry grass Acrylic & hologra p hic film on canvas 30 x 30 inc hes 14 Milton Avery Mark Bec k Francisco Benitez Emil Bisttram Oscar Bluemner Dorot hy Brett C harles Burc hfield Howard Cook James Cook P hili p C. Curtis Andrew Dasburg Stuart Davis Willem de Kooning Elaine de Kooning Art hur Dove Nat han Florence Don Gale Marsden Hartley Nic holas Herrera Alexandre Hogue Frank Buffalo Hyde Mitc hell Jo hnson Raymond Jonson Anna bel Livermore Robert Long hurst William Lumpkins James R. Magee Beatrice Mandelman Jo hn Marin Frank Mc Culloc h Ben Messic k Alfred Morang George L. K. Morris Doel Reed Louis Riba k Howard B. Sc hleeter Helen Seibert Josep h Stella Maurice Sterne Bet h Ames Swartz Trini Karl Umlauf T heodore Waddell 15 BOOT H STA F F David Cook, Linda Cook, Carrie Wassemiller, As hley Walter, El sa Caren bauer, Adam van Eec k hout, Brenda Niave rig ht page Sven Birger Sandzén (1871-1954) Sunflowers and Zinnias 1945, Oil on board signed lower left, titled and dated verso 37 x 26 inc hes 1637 Wazee Street Denver, CO 80202 T 303 623 8181 F 303 623 4817 E [email protected] A15 DAV ID COOK FIN E A RT T he gallery specializes in quality American paintings, drawings, and prints from t he late 19t h to t he mid 20t h century. An emp hasis is pla ced on regional, traditional, modern and a bstract works from Colorado, New Mexico, and California. t his page top Doel Reed (1894-1985) Los Cordovas S heep Village 1966, Oil on canvas signed and dated lower rig ht 25 x 50 inc hes center Gerald Cassidy (1879-1934) Navajo Sand stone, c. 1920 Oil on canvas, signed lower left 5 5/8 x 10 3/4 inc hes bottom Josep h Henry S har p (1859-1953) Taos Sunset ( From Window of Taos Pueblo Studio), 1917 Oil on pa perboard signed lower rig ht 6 1/2 x 8 1/2 inc hes 16 A RT IST S C harles Partridge Adams Kennet h Miller Adams Josef Ba kos Oscar Berning haus Edward Borein Carl Oscar Borg Maurice Braun C harles Ragland Bunnell Jo hn Fa bian Carl son Gerald Cassidy E.I. Couse Andrew Dasburg Gerard Curtis Delano Maynard Dixon Fremont Ellis Ernest Martin Hennings Victor Higgins Frank Tenney Jo hnson Carl Lindin T homas Moran Walter Mru k Edgar Alwin Payne Bert Geer P hilli ps Boardman Robinson C harles Marion Russell (Sven) Birger Sandzén Josep h Henry S har p Walter Ufer 17 BOOT H STA F F Owners: Dewitt C. Mc Call, III and Kennet h F. Jones Associates: Debra Flores, Bellflower Kat hleen U pdyke Barrett, Laguna Beac h 1590 Sout h Coast Hig hway Laguna Beac h, CA 92651 T 949 376 3785 F 949 376 9915 E [email protected] Hours: 11am-5pm Wed-Sun, Closed Mon & Tues rig ht page Edgar Payne (1883-1947) Frenc h Fis hing Boats, Concarneau Harbor Oil on canvas 28 x 34 inc hes t his page top George Brandriff (1890-1936) Palm Springs Indian Res. Oil on canvas 24 x 28 inc hes 9100 Artesia Boulevard Bellflower, CA 90706 T 562 920 1312 F 562 920 3077 E [email protected] / C45 D E RU’S FIN E A RT S Hours: 10am-5pm Tues-Fri, 10am-2pm Sat., Closed Sun & Mon De Ru’s Fine Arts has served collectors at all level s for over t hirty-seven years. Specializing in 19t h and 20t h Century Am eric an a rt, w it h an em p ha sis on Ea rly C alifo rnia Im pressionism, we have an extensive inventory of fine paintings by suc h artists as Edgar Payne, William Wendt and Hanson Put huff at bot h gallery locations. De Ru’s is a full service gallery, offering our clients t he best in consultation, conservation, and researc h, as well as an extensive library of art reference books for purc hase. De Ru’s stands be hind t he aut henticity of every work we sell and guarantees eac h piece to have been cleaned, framed and conserved to t he hig hest museum quality standards. We are always interested in acquiring good examples of Early California Art. Clients will find friendly, knowledgea ble sta ff dedicated to meeting your every need. bottom T homas Hunt (1882-1938) Boat Doc k Oil on board 13 x 17 inc hes A RT IST S Dana Bartlett Franz Bisc hoff Maurice Braun Benjamin Brown Frank Cuprien Jo hn Gamble Anna Hill s Paul Lauritz Granville Redmond A.G. Rider Jac k Wil kinson Smit h Elmer and Marion Wac htel William Wendt Orrin W hite 18 19 BOOT H STA F F Stuart Denen berg Beverly Denen berg 417 Nort h San Vicente Boulevard West Hollywood, CA 90048 T 310 360 9360 F 310 360 9160 E gallery@denen C33 D EN ENB E RG FIN E A RT S Hours: By a ppointment rig ht page Edward Hagedorn (1902-1982) Mountain Land sca pe, 1935 Watercolor, gra p hite and ink on pa per 20 x 25 inc hes Denen berg Fine Arts was esta blis hed in 1965. T he gallery offers a wide range of m u seum-quality Am eric an & Europ ean fine art from t he 16t h to t he 20t h century, wit h a focus on American and International Modernism (1900–1950). t his page top Helen Seibert (1914-1988) Marin County, 1941 Oil on canvas 25 x 27 inc hes lower left Daisy Hug hes (1883-1934) T he Old Ice house, Provincetown, 1928 Oil on canvasboard 16 x 20 inc hes lower rig ht Carl Holty (1900-1973) Village, 1951 Color crayons on pa per 9 x 12 inc hes 20 A RT IST S George Abend Jo hn Alexander Milton Avery Leonard Baskin Norman Blu hm Merton Clivette Willem De Kooning Art hur Dove Al berto Giacometti Ars hile Gorky Francisco Goya Paul Jenkins Edward Hagedorn Reginald Mars h Ral p h Barton Perry Pa blo Picasso Jac kson Polloc k Pierre Auguste Renoir Rembrandt Van Rijn Jo hn Saccaro Inez Helen Seibert 21 BOOT H D60 ELINS EAGL ES-SMIT H GA L L E RY Elins Eagles-Smit h Gallery focuses on t he ex hibition of contemporary American and international paintings and scul pture by mid-career artists. In addition we organize c hanging ex hibitions as well as inventory artwork from significant historical movements suc h as t he American Abstract Artists, California Impressionists, T he Society of Six, T he San Francisco Bay Area Figurative Grou p, and t he Abstract Ex pressionist Movement of t he east and west coast. Elins Eagles-Smit h Gallery is a member of t he San Francisco Art Dealers Association. Gary Komarin Spag hetti Western, 2002 Oil on canvas, 82 x 60 inc hes 22 BOOT H 49 Geary Street, # 520 San Francisco, CA 94108 T 415 981 1080 F 415 981 1206 E [email protected] 1225 Hermosa Avenue Hermosa Beac h, CA 90254 T 310 798 0102 F 310 798 0039 E [email protected] www.Gallery D58 GA L L E RY C Gallery C specializes in original work by contemporary California artists and participates in art education and community outrea c h. S howing painting, scul pture, mixed media and installation, t he gallery presents quality art of hig h integ rity. F e a t u r i n g b ot h em e r g i n g a n d w ell esta blis hed artists, Gallery C is a venue for w hat is exciting and fres h in t he California art scene, su pporting t he artists w hose work represents not only t he urban California aest hetic, but al so describes global contemporary movements. Kenny Harris, b. 1974 Blue Tiles, 2005, Oil on canvas, 96 x 84 inc hes 23 BOOT H STA F F Amy Alonso, Owner & Director rig ht page Carla Fac he Hija del destino ( Daug hter of Destiny) Acrylic on canvas Museum framed 48 x 48 x 1/2 inc hes t his page top from left to rig ht Carla Fac he En el Sur (in t he sout h) Acrylic on canvas 16 x 16 x 2 1/2 inc hes Blue, Acrylic on canvas 16 x 16 x 2 1/2 inc hes Icaro, Acrylic on canvas 16 x 16 x 2 1/2 inc hes Time Travel Acrylic on canvas 20 x 20 x 1 inc hes 2300 Nort h Miami Avenue, # B Miami, F L 33127 Wynwood Art District T 305 975 6933 F 305 438 1445 E info@fac www.fac C38 FAC H E A RT S GA L L E RY FAC H E A RT S GA L L E RY is dedicated to ex hibiting art by acclaimed a bstract C hilean artist CA R LA FACH E, and al so carries a range of scul ptures by Venezuelan artist FA BIA NIT T I. T he Gallery caters to t he taste and trends of t he sop histicated MIAMI & LOS ANG EL ES art market and t he Gallery’s discerning worldwide collector base. T he Gallery’s w id e client-ba se in clud es private colle cto rs, cor porate art consultants, arc hitects and interior d e si g n e r s a s w ell a s b u sin e s s , g ove r nm ent , di plomatic and social V I Ps. Fac he Arts Gallery offers t he client an extraordinary opportunity to acquire some of t he most exclusive original art & scul ptures. A RT IST S lower left Fa bia Nitti Brazos Abiertos (O pen Arms) Metal painted red Carla Fac he Fa bia Nitti lower rig ht Carla Fac he Union Acrylic on wood Museum framed 48 x 15 x 1/2 inc hes 24 25 BOOT H STA F F Mic hael Sc hwartz, President Julie Jac kson-Ukra, Director Alexander Mertens, Curatorial Ric hard Rice, Lynn Marks, Robert Avellano, Jerry Block, Patrick Weat hers, Staff rig ht page Leon Augustin L hermitte 1844-1925 Moissonneuse le Soir a Mont Saint Piere, 1855 Pastel on pa per. Signed “L. L hermitte” lower left Provenance: M. Reuille purc hased Marc h, 1886; Private collection, Argentina. Literature: Monique Le Pellay Fonteny, “Leon Augustin L hermitte,” Editions Cercle d’Art, Paris, 1991, no. 221. 17 x 13 3/4 inc hes 430 Nort h Rodeo Drive Beverly Hill s, CA 90210 T 310 273 3377 F 310 273 0879 E art@galeriemic www.galeriemic A6 GA L E RI E MIC HA EL Galerie Mic hael specializes in fine 19t h and 20t h century European paintings, old masters and modern prints. T he collection includes works by Rembrandt, Picasso, C hagall, Toulouse-Lautrec, Renoir, Cassatt, and Matisse. Galerie Mic hael is al so a leading dealer of plein air paintings of t he Barbizon Sc hool and t he Frenc h Landsca pe tradition including Camille Corot, Claude Monet, Jules Breton, and Leon L’Hermitte. Distinguis hed painters of la Belle Epoque suc h as Tissot, C heret, Muc ha, and Robbe are al so represented. Galerie Mic hael maintains a print room containing Master prints from Rembrandt to Picasso. 907279 t his page top Narcisse Virgile Diaz De La Peña, 1807-1876 Playmates, 19t h century Oil on canvas laid down on board. Signed “N.Diaz” lower left, 9 1/2 x 14 inc hes 906257 rig ht Frederic k Morgan, 1856-1927 Mil k for t he Calves, 1883 Oil on canvas. Signed and dated lower rig ht “Fred Morgan, 1883” Ex hibited: London, Institute of Painters in Oil Colour Winter 1883, no. 636. 22 x 27 1/4 inc hes 906123 bottom A RT IST S Rembrandt van Rijn Narcisse-Virgile Diaz de la Peña Jules Breton Léon L’hermitte Camille Corot Mary Cassatt Jean-François Ra ffaëlli Pierre-Auguste Renoir Claude Monet Al p honse Muc ha Manuel Robbe Henri de ToulouseLautrec Pa blo Picasso Marc C hagall Henri Matisse Fernand Léger Pa blo Picasso, 1881-1973 Jeune Homme Couronné de Feuillage, 1962 Color linocut. Bloc h 1087 Baer 1307 13 3/4 x 10 3/4 inc hes 904356 26 27 BOOT H STA F F rig ht page Jessie Arms Botke (1883-1971) Egrets, circa 1935 Oil on board, 25 x 21 inc hes t his page top Edgar Alwin Payne (1883 -1947) Riders in t he Canyon de C helly Oil on canvas, 16 x 20 inc hes bottom left Hanson Put huff (1875 - 1972) Cloud s of Autumn Oil on canvas, 30 x 40 inc hes West Hollywood Carmel George Stern, Owner Irene Stern, Director Jennifer Gunloc k, Administrator, Oscar Ramos, Maintenance Brent Gross, Director Ellen Osterkamp, Administrative Assistant P.O. Box 2953 Carmel, CA 93921 T 831 626 1100 F 831 626 9900 8920 Melrose Avenue West Hollywood, CA 90069 T 800 501 6885 T 310 276 2600 F 310 276 2622 E [email protected] B32 G EO RG E ST E RN FIN E A RT S For over t hirty years, George Stern Fine Arts has specialized in California Impressionists and American Scene painters, focusing on t he finest paintings from 1880 t hroug h 1940 and beyond. We are involved in educating t he public on t he historical development of t hese artists and t he connoisseurs hi p of collecting. George Stern was t he Fine Art Dealers Association’s founding president. Currently he is serving on t he boards of t he Art Dealers Association of California, California Heritage Museum, and Board of Advisors of Claremont Graduate University. bottom rig ht William Wendt (1875 - 1946) T he Edge of t he Forest, circa 1920 Oil on canvas, 24 x 32 inc hes A RT IST S Franz A. Bisc hoff Jessie Arms Botke Maurice Braun Conrad Buff Alice C hittenden Al son Skinner Clark Colin C. Cooper Paul De Long pre Jo hn Frost August Gay Selden Gile Percy Gray Clarence Hinkle T homas Hunt Stanton Macdonald-Wrig ht Jean Mann heim Edgar Payne Agnes Pelton Hanson Put huff Granville Redmond A.G. Rider William Ritsc hel Guy Rose Donna Sc huster Millard S heets Marion Wac htel William Wendt 28 29 BOOT H A8 GUA RISCO GA L L E RY BOOT H 2 Greenwic h Avenue Greenwic h, CT 06830 T 203 622 4494 F 203 622 7561 E contact@greenwic www.greenwic 2828 Pennsylvania Avenue, N W Was hington, DC 20007 T 202 333 8533 T 800 426 3747 F 202 625 0834 E guariscogallery@mind s Catering to t he needs of beginning and esta blis hed collectors alike, Guarisco Gallery offers an extensive selection of important 19t h- and early 20t h-century paintings and scul ptures from every major American and European sc hool, including Romantic, Barbizon, Academic, Victorian, Belle Epoque, Im pressionist, and Mod ernist. Su bje ct m atter ranges from s po rting a rt, m a rin es, and Orientalist images to still-life paintings, land sca pes, portraits, and c harming genre scenes. Edward Willis Redfield (1869-1965) Off Ocean Point, Boot hbay Harbor, Maine Oil on canvas, 38 1/4 x 50 inc hes Signed ‘E. W. Redfield’ lower left 30 A7 T H E G R E EN W IC H GA L L E RY T he Greenwic h Gallery has dealt in American and European paintings from t he 19t h and 20t h Century for over sixteen years, our strengt h is our extensive and diverse inventory. A bby M. Taylo r handles exception al Am eric an and Euro p ean scul pture from t he 19t h and 20t h Century. Wilfred Ga briel de Gle hn Britis h, 1870-1951 T he Bat hers Oil on canvas Signed lower rig ht 24 1/2 x 21 1/2 inc hes Framed – 33 x 29 inc hes 31 BOOT H B18 HAYD EN & FAND ET TA RA R E BOOK S BOOT H Post Office Box 1549 New York, NY 10101-1549 T 212 582 2505 E [email protected] 357 Nort h La Brea Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90036-2517 T 323 938 5222 F 323 938 0577 E jrutberg@jac www.jac A1 JAC K RU T B E RG FIN E A RT S Founded in 1979, Jac k Rutberg Fine Arts features important Modern and Contemporary European, American and Latin American artists. T he gallery represents t he estates of Hans Burk hardt, Oskar Fisc hinger, and Francisco Zuniga, as well as contemporary artists Patric k Gra ham, Rut h Weisberg, and Jerome Witkin. Important solo s hows have included Ta pies, Gorky, Rouault, Weber, Kollwitz, Calder, and ot her signific ant 20t h century a rtists. Majo r ex hibitions have in clud ed surveys of Germ an Ex pressionism, California Modernism, and Los Angeles Contemporary Art. Concurrent wit h L.A. Art S how, t he gallery is presenting a major ex hibition of 80 works, Art of Engagement, launc hing Peter Selz’s new book, Art of Engagement: Visual Politic s in California and Beyond. Hayden & Fandetta Rare Books, international private d ealers ba sed in New Yo r k City, specialize in books a bout antiques, interior design, and gardens and flowers. Color plate books, illustrated books, and Art Deco books wit h striking dustwra ppers are al so kept in stoc k. A book binder/conservator is on sta ff to offer clients complete book binding and restoration services. Members of: Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of America, International League of Antiquarian Booksellers, Art and Antique Dealers League of America, CINOA First editions of novel s by P.G.Wode house all in original very scarce illustrated dustjac kets, cloc kwise from top: Laug hing Gas (1936; jac ket signed by Abbey), If I Were You (1931; jac ket signed by W.Heat h Robinson), T hank You, Jeeves! (1934; t he first of t he Jeeves novel s and wit h unsign ed ja c ket by Jam es Montgom ery Fl a gg), and, T he Man Wit h 2 Left Feet (1933; jac ket signed by Harry Bec k hoff ). P hoto by Stan Sc hnier Sam Francis (1923 - 1995) Untitled, 1988 Di ptyc h, Acrylic on Canvas 24 x 24 inc hes J R FA #2112 32 33 BOOT H STA F F Herbert Palmer, Director Susan Bec ker, Assistant to t he Director 9003 Melrose Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90069 T 310 278 6407 F 310 550 0758 E mail@ herbert www.herbert D49 H E R B E RT PA LM E R GA L L E RY Hours: Tues-Fri 10am-6pm, Sat 11am-5pm PST Herbert Palmer Gallery celebrates its forty second year in Los Angeles, ex hibiting works of master American, European and Asian artists, particularity early Modernist works. As an art historian, Herbert Palmer has been a ble to discover and ex hibit innovative Contemporary artists like Ed Rusc ha, Bridget Riley and Lee Mullican. T he gallery provides a consultation and a ppraisal service. A RT IST S rig ht page Lee Mullican Santiago, 1968 Oil on canvas 31 x 51 inc hes t his page Jac k Stu ppin View from Dry Creek, 2005 Oil on canvas 59 3/4 x 74 7/8 inc hes Herbert Bayer Oscar Bluemner Marc C hagall C hristo Allen Jones André Masson Joan Miro Henry Moore Wolfgang Paalen Niki de Saint P halle Pa blo Picasso Man Ray James Rosenquist Kurt Seligmann James Strombotne Jean Tinguely Abra ham Wal kowitz Dody Warren Edward Weston T here is a great joy in discovering an American landsca pe painter w hose art sings a bout t he land in w hic h we live. In a sense, Jac k Stuppin continues Marsden Hartley’s vision—wandering in t he realm of sea, sky and t he Sonoma patc hwork of golden mountains. His paintings are romantic landsca pes, w hic h exemplify t he “eternal recurrence” of a restless California terrain. T he Sonoma County Museum has recently s hown a one-man s how of Stuppin’s latest work. 34 35 BOOT H STA F F Jane Ka han C harles Mat hes, Director 922 Madison Avenue (at 73rd Street) Mezzanine Level, New York, NY 10021 T 212 744 1490 F 212 744 1598 E janeka han@janeka www.janeka B24 JAN E KA HAN GA L L E RY Hours: Tues-Sat 10am-6pm rig ht page Fernand Léger (1881-1955) Les Constructeurs, 1950 Aubusson ta pestry 96 1/2 x 68 7/8 inc hes t his page top René Magritte (1898-1967) Le Retour, 1940 Aubusson ta pestry 53 x 72 inc hes 135 x 183 cm bottom Pa blo Picasso (1881-1973) Vase deu x anses hautes (Queen), Ramie 213 Vase deu x anses hautes ( King) Ramie 141 1953, Ceramic vase H. 15 1/4 inc hes T he JAN E KA HAN GA L L E RY is an internationally known New York City art gallery specializing in 20t h century European and American masters wit h particular emp hasis on t he work of Picasso, C hagall, Leger and Miro. Wit h antecedents going bac k to t he 1950’s t he gallery opened to t he public in 1973 and is still at its original location on Madison Avenue. We were part of t he founding group of t he International Fine Print Dealers Association and are long-time members of t he Appraisers Association of America. Besides our extensive dealings in paintings, prints and scul pture, Jane Ka han was one of t he earliest galleries in t he United States to handle Picasso ceramic s as well as ceramic s by Leger and C hagall. Our collection of Aubussons ta pestries by many of t he great artists of t he 20t h Century is one of t he largest in t he world and has been featured in numerous museums, artfairs and publications. A RT IST S Karel Appel Jean Ar p Alexander Calder Marc C hagall Corneille Jean Dufy Sonia Delaunay Jean Dubuffet Sam Francis Henri De ToulouseLautrec Le Corbusier Andre Lanskoy Fernand Leger Roy Lic htenstein Marino Marini Henri Matisse Matta 36 Joan Miro Henry Moore Pa blo Picasso Arnaldo Pomodoro Auguste Rodin Georges Rouault Niki De Saint P halle Istvan Sandorfi Frank Stella Ossi p Zad kine 37 BOOT H STA F F Jerald Mel berg Mary Mel berg Gaybe Jo hnson C hris Clamp 625 Sout h S haron Amity Road C harlotte, NC 28211 T 704 365 3000 F 704 365 3016 E gallery@jeraldmel www.jeraldmel D57 J E RA L D M ELB E RG GA L L E RY Jerald Mel berg Gallery features contemporary painting and scul pture by a diverse group of artists from all geogra p hic regions. Consequently, our artists reside all over t he United States, Sout h America and Spain. T he artists represented by t he gallery are c hosen wit h extreme care, as we seek to ex hibit works of art t hat have a particular visual poetry and inner integrity t hat transcend t he everyday, regardless of being a bstract, representational or realist. rig ht page Raul Diaz, Botes Rojos, 2001, Acrylic on wood panel 62 3/4 x 82 7/8 inc hes t his page top Wolf Ka hn, Barn In Halifa x, V T, 2001, Oil on canvas, 24 x 24 inc hes bottom Robert Mot herwell, Trio IV, 1985, Acrylic and pencil on canvas, 24 x 36 inc hes A RT IST S C harles Bas ham Romare Bearden Stanley Bielen Ernesto Berra Oscar Bluemner T homas Buec hner Dale C hi huly Raul Diaz Daniel Dou ke Ric k Horton ( Estate) Paul Jenkins Wolf Ka hn Ida Ko hlmeyer ( Estate) Ric hard Mayberry T homas McNic kle Kimo Minton Robert Mot herwell Alice Ballard Munn Al bert Paley Robert Peterson Manuel Reyna Tommie Rus h Brian Russell Brian Ruten berg Ric hard Sten house Donna P hi pps Stout Ramon Urbán Emily Wil son © Copyrig ht 1985 Dedalus Foundation, Inc. / Licensed by VAGA, NY 38 39 BOOT H STA F F Jonat han Nova k Xiliary Twil Janelle W hite Pedro Caceres Maegan S hana han rig ht page Sam Francis Untitled 1986 Acrylic on canvas 54 x 42 inc hes t his page top left Josep h Cornell C herubino’s Game C. 1954-56 Box Construction 14 3/8 x 10 7/8 x 2 1/2 inc hes 1880 Century Park East, Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90067 T 310 277 4997 F 310 277 4881 E jnca@nova www.nova C34 JONAT HAN NOVA K CONT EM PO RA RY A RT Since 1978, Jonat han Nova k has been an important source for contemporary American and European art. Wit h a wide-ranging inventory consisting of paintings, drawings, and scul pture, one may find significant examples by internationally recognized artists. Jonat han provides his clients wit h ex pert advice in t he purc hasing, collecting, and selling of fine contemporary works of art. top rig ht Barry Flanagan Acrobats 2004 Bronze 57 3/4 x 16 1/8 x16-3/8 inc hes bottom Jim Dine Dexter and Gus 2002 Oil on canvas 72 1/8 x 90 1/4 inc hes 40 A RT IST S Robert Bec htle Vija Celmins Josep h Cornell Ric hard Diebenkorn Jim Dine Jean Dubuffet Ric hard Estes Barry Flanagan Helen Frankent haler Sam Francis Ral p h Goings David Hoc kney Don Jacot Roy Lic htenstein Robert Mot herwell Ken Noland Rod Penner Ed Rusc ha Ric hard Serra Joel S ha piro Frank Stella Saul Stein berg Donald Sultan Wayne T hiebaud Andy War hol Tom Wesselmann 41 BOOT H D54 JU LI E BA K E R FIN E A RT BOOT H 307 Spring Street, Suite B Nevada City, CA 95959 T 530 265 9278 F 530 265 9277 E julie@julieba www.julieba 696 East Colorado Boulevard, Suite 4 Pasadena, CA 91101-2122 T 626 577 5657 Since opening in 2001, Julie Ba ker Fine Art has focused on ex hibiting t he work of emerging artists from across t he country. T he gallery’s fres h a pproac h to ex panding t he audience for contemporary art is ac hieved by offering a dynamic program of emerging talent in an area outside t he mainstream market for ex hibiting art. T he gallery primarily focuses on identifying and ex hibiting artists w ho present a contemporary vision to t he traditional art forms of painting, drawing and scul pture t hroug h a unique a pproac h to process, medium and imagery. Artists are selected based on t he quality of t heir tec hnique, t heir a bility to present an exceptional image and for creating work t hat will wit hstand t he test of time. Artwork is ex hibited in a c harming and elegant s pace in historic downtown Nevada City, a Gold Rus h-era town in Nort hern California. D48 K EL L EY GA L L E RY Esta blis hed in 1986, T he Kelley Gallery specializes in original vintage paintings produced from 1850 t hroug h 1950. From early California artists and t he American Scene to Pre-Ra p haelite and Symbolist works, t he gallery handles a broad spectrum of painting styles and subjects. We cater to t he independent and progressive-minded collector looking for t he unique, t he unusual, and t he exceptional. C harles Kec k (1913 - 2003) U p hill Climb, Downtown Los Angeles Watercolor on pa per, 15 x 22 inc hes Marnie Spencer Born: Oa kland, CA, 1951 David Hoc kney’s Underwear 2004, Watercolor on pa per 30 x 40 inc hes 42 43 BOOT H STA F F Kat hleen Avery, President Hillary Welde, Gallery Director rig ht page André L hote (1885 – 1962) Nu à la Nature Morte Watercolor, signed, France, c. 1925 13 1/2 x 9 inc hes 825 Emerson Street Palo Alto, CA 94301 T 650 323 7830 F 650 323 7836 E info@kat www.kat A17 KAT H L E EN AV E RY FIN E A RT Kat hleen Avery Fine Art specializes in fine figurative paintings and sculpture from La Belle Époque t hrough t he Modern Era (1890 – 1950) wit h particular emp hasis on figurative works from L’École de Paris. We al so represent a select and eclectic group of emerging artists from different countries and cultures, w hose work reflects t he influence of t he Modernist movement. t his page top left Georges Petit (1879 – 1959) Bolero Oil on canvas, signed, Belgium 55 1/2 x 70 inc hes bottom left Émile Dec kers, (1873 – 1968) Après le Bal Oil on canvas, signed Algeria, dated 1923 19 x 24 inc hes bottom rig ht Jean Luis Marcel Cosson (1878 – 1956) Foyer de l’O péra Oil on canvas, signed France, c. 1920 28 1/2 x 23 1/2 inc hes 44 A RT IST S JM L Cosson Léon Comerre André L hote Josep h Csà ky Édouard Goerg Elie-Anatole Pavil C harles Kva pil 45 BOOT H A16 LAW R ENC E J. CANT O R & COM PANY BOOT H 960 Nort h La Brea Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90038 T 323 850 1477 T 866 239 5530 F 323 8501440 E ljc 511 West 25t h Street, Suite 406 New York, NY 10001 T 212 246 3850 F 212 246 3860 E Andrew MUS EUM W O R K S GA L L E RI ES Museum Works opened its first gallery nine years ago in Aspen, CO. Since t hen locations in New York City and Los Angeles, CA. Museum Works Galleries offers original s by esta blis hed contemporary artists as well as an ex panding roster of talent. T his year for our boot h at t he Los Angeles Art S how we are hig hlig hting artist Greg Miller. Important 19t h, early 20t h century American & European Paintings D50 we have ex panded wit h investment quality represented emerging t he work of Venice, CA Jean Mc Lane Bat hers 41 x 40 o/c Framed: 49 x 48 inc hes Signed & Dated, Jean Mc Lane, 1926, l.l. Ex hibited: P hiladel p hia, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, One Hundred and Twenty-Second Annual Ex hibition, 1927 Greg Miller Our Greatest T hrill, 2005 Mixed media and resin on board 56 x 85 inc hes 46 47 BOOT H C ONTEMPORARY A RT rig ht page Mario Madiai Red Roses On Yellow Oil on canvas 48 x 40 inc hes t his page top left Gustavo Torres Reflexion Bronze 22 inc hes hig h 606 Lig ht house P.O. Box 861 Pacific Grove, CA 93950 T 831 625 3820 E inquiry@t www.t B23 T H E L E W IS GA L L E RY T he Lewis Gallery was created as a venue for hig h quality contemporary art. We specialize in works of strong, mid-career, well-esta blis hed artists, primarily from Italy, Spain, and California. For our European artists, our goal is to ma ke t hem as well known here as t hey are in t heir home countries, and for our California artists, to gain a wider a ppreciation of t heir work t hroug hout t he United States. top rig ht Gustavo Torres Bu ho (Owl) Bronze 17 inc hes hig h bottom Gloria Munoz Altar Con Jarra Azul Oil on canvas 32 x 52 inc hes 48 A RT IST S Mic hael Dvortc sa k Mario Madiai Gloria Muñoz Vincenzo Politino Gustavo Torres Velasco Vitali 49 BOOT H STA F F Louis Stern Marie C hambers Debora h Stern Jennifer Ward rig ht page Alfredo Ramos Martinez La India Maya, circa 1936 oil on canvas 44 x 36 inc hes 111.8 x 91.4 cm t his page top rig ht Claire Fal kenstein Untitled, copper 15 x 40 x 5 inc hes 38.1 x 101.6 x 12.7 cm 9002 Melrose Avenue West Hollywood, CA 90069 T 310 276 0147 F 310 276 7740 E [email protected] D62 LOUIS ST E RN FIN E A RT S In its ex hibition program, Louis Stern Fine Arts has featured important mid-Twentiet h Century West Coast a bstract artists. T he gallery represents a sele ct g rou p of contem po ra ry a rtists and t he estates of Alfredo Ramos Martinez, Lorser Feitel son, Helen Lundeberg, Frederic k Wig ht and Claire Fal kenstein. In addition, t he gallery is active in t he secondary market wit h special concentration in Impressionist and Post-Impressionist art. top left Lorser Feitel son Untitled (January 20) 1966 oil on canvas 60 x 60 inc hes 152.4 x 152.4 cm bottom Helen Lundeberg Land sca pe, 1968 acrylic on canvas 30 x 54 inc hes 76.2 x 137.2 cm 50 A RT IST S Karl Benjamin Pierre Bonnard Lorser Feitel son Judit h Foosaner June Harwood Béla K ádár Helen Lundeberg János Mattis Teutsc h Jo hn Mc Laug hlin Cecilia Z. Miguez Henry Moore Leonard Nimoy Pa blo Picasso Alfredo Ramos Martinez Hugó Sc heiber Rufino Tamayo Jacques Villon 51 BOOT H STA F F Ted Menden hall Jamie Sobieski Peter Menden hall Jessica Niblo Yous hi Li 40 Mill s Place Pasadena, CA 91105 T 626 535 9757 E info@menden hall www.menden hall A14 M END ENHA L L SO BI ESK I GA L L E RY rig ht page Squea k Carnwat h Luc ky, 2003 77 x 77 inc hes Oil and al kyd on canvas over panel t his page top left R. Kenton Nol son Passing Oil on panel 24 x 24 inc hes top rig ht Sean C heet ham C hantal C harcoral on pa per 7.5 x 5 inc hes bottom Mic hael Hussar Gumrunner Oil on canvas 84 x 84 inc hes 52 A RT IST S Squea k Carnwat h Morgan Carver Sean C heet ham Mic hael Hussar Robert La Du ke Francis Livingston R. Kenton Nel son Glenn Ness Ray Ric hardson Ed Rusc ha Mark Ryden Mark Todd Joe Vau x Est her Pearl Watson Robert Williams Donald Roller Wil son 53 BOOT H B25 BOOT H PAN AM E RICAN A RT GA L L E RY MONT GOM E RY GA L L E RY 406 Jac kson Street San Francisco, CA 94111 T 415 788 8300 F 415 788 5469 E [email protected] 3303 Lee Parkway Dallas, T X 75219 T 214 522 3303 F 214 521 3577 E info@ Montgomery Gallery is one of t he leading international art galleries in t he western United States to deal in bot h 19t h and 20t h century European and American works wit h a s pecial focus on t he art of California. T he gallery offers an array of services including consultation, a ppraisal, consignment and t he purc hasing of artwork. Members hi ps of: T he Art Dealers Association of America Antique Dealers Association of America CINOA San Francisco Art Dealers Association American Appraisers Association T he Jac kson Square Art & Antiques Dealers Association Pan American Art Gallery, based in Dallas, Texas, specializes in art of t he Americas. Esta blis hed in 1994, t he gallery seeks to create a bridge between Nort h and Sout h American culture and to present and ex hibit artists from bot h regions concurrently. We deal wit h emerging to esta blis hed artists, as well as secondary market paintings, scul pture, and works on pa per. T he gallery is an active member of t he Dallas Arts Dealers Association. Fernand Léger ( Frenc h, 1881-1955) L’oiseau et Fleur Initialed l /r: F.L. and dated (19)48 Gouac he and ink on pa per A12 Edward & Nancy Reddin Kien holz Spit in t he Ocean, 1984 mixed media assemblage 38 1/8 x 72 3/8 x 17 inc hes 22 1/8 x 30 inc hes 54 55 BOOT H 429 West Broadway New York, NY 10012 T 212 966 6676 F 212 334 5078 E nancy hoffmangallery@ www.nancy rig ht page Hung Liu Loquat 2005 mixed media 34 x 34 inc hes t his page top Nicolas Africano Untitled (woman sitting on c hair) 2005 cast glass 17 1/2 x 11 1/2 x 15 1/4 inc hes bottom Mic hael Gregory Big Top 2005 oil on panel 40 1/2 x 54 1/2 inc hes C40 NANC Y HO F FMAN GA L L E RY Nancy Hoffman Gallery opened in 1972, among t he first handful of galleries in SoHo. Specializing in contemporary art, t he Gallery is recognized and respected for its commitment, consistency and loyalty to its artists w hose names are included on t he attac hed list. Many of t he artists have s hown wit h t he gallery since 1972, ot hers have joined over t he years. Five years ago Nancy Hoffman Gallery commenced an active and on-going program to s how young artists in a newly-created Projects Space gallery. T he Proje cts prog ram continues to g row and develop. W hat ties Projects and long-time gallery artists toget her wit hin t he wide range of style, medium, scale and a ppearance, is eac h artist’s single-minded, obsessive, commitment to a personal vision and t he process t hroug h w hic h t hey realize t his vision. A RT IST S Nicolas Africano Linda Mieko Allen Ilan Averbuc h David Bierk Carolyn Brady Howard Buc hwald Colette Calascione Mark Calderon Timot hy Cummings Rupert Deese Mark Depman Don Eddy Viola Frey Juan Gonzalez Mic hael Gregory Gregory Halili Ro han Harris Remy Hysbergue Hung Liu Lynn Mc Carty Lucy Mac kenzie Susan Norrie 56 Jo hn Okulic k Frank Owen Peter Plagens Mic hele Pred Scott Prior Ric hard Purdy Josep h Ra ffael Bill Ric hards Yu ko S hirais hi Jim Sullivan 57 BOOT H STA F F Martin Wol pert, Director Jeffrey Winter, Director Brooke Doyle, Gallery Manager rig ht page Carl Hugo Beetz T he New C hamp Mixed media, Estate stamped American, c. 1935 25 1/2 x 33 inc hes 8010 Melrose Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90046 T 323 655 4468 F 323 655 1163 E pa [email protected] B19 PA P IL LON GA L L E RY Pa pillon Gallery specializes in European and American paintings and scul pture from 1890-1950 wit h emp hasis on t he Sc hool of Paris. Modernist figurative works t hat ca pture t he ambiance of t he period are our particular focus. In 2004 Martin Wol pert and Jeffrey Winter aut hored t he book Modern Figurative Paintings: T he Paris Connection w hic h documents many of t he artists handled t hroug h t he gallery in t he historic al context of t he S c hool of Paris. In t he s pring of 2006 a follow-u p book, Figurative Paintings: Paris and t he Modern Spirit will be publis hed. t his page top Jean de Botton Léda et le Cygne Oil on canvas, Signed, France, c.1925 38 x 77 inc hes bottom left George Artemoff Les Acrobats Oil on canvas, Signed, Russian, Worked in Paris c.1925 31 1/2 x 22 inc hes bottom rig ht Mercedes Legrand Bal Musette Oil on canvas, Signed, Belgium, Dated 1923 58 A RT IST S George Artemoff Carl Hugo Beetz Abel Bertram Boleslas Biegas C harles Bissc hops Jean de Botton Georges Ca pon Emilie C harmy Anna Costenoble Georges Creten André Dignimont François E berl André Favory C harles Kva pil Mercedes Legrand Auguste Lerou x André L hote Marcel-Lenoir August Mosca Otis Oldfield Gen Paul Henri-Paul Rey Eliza bet h Ronget William S. Sc hwartz Nicolas Stern berg Anna Walinska 59 BOOT H A9 BOOT H T H E R ED F E RN GA L L E RY T he Redfern Gallery is celebrating t hirty years in t he art business. We specialize in historical American paintings, wit h an emp hasis on t he California Sc hool. Our inventory includes museum quality works by Guy Rose, Edgar Payne, Granville Redmond, Franz Bisc hoff, Jo hn Gamble, Al son Clark, and ot hers. T he Redfern Gallery continues to be a leading source for private, cor porate, and museum collections. We are at your service w het her you are buying, selling, or simply researc hing t hat special painting. Maurice Braun (1877 - 1941) Autumn Moon Oil on canvas 24 x 20 inc hes 60 1540 Sout h Coast Hig hway Laguna Beac h, CA 92651 T 949 497 3356 F 949 497 1324 At t he Montage Resort & Spa 30801 Sout h Coast Hig hway Laguna Beac h, CA 92651 T 949 715 6193 E [email protected] 5 East 57t h Street New York, NY 10022 T 212 355 5710 C 917 690 7766 F 212 355 5742 E info@re A2 R EHS GA L L E RI ES, INC. Re hs Galleries, Inc. is one of t he world’s leading dealers of important Academic art. T he gallery specializes in Frenc h, Britis h and American artists w ho ex hibited at t he Paris Salon and t he Royal Ac ademy from 1860–1920. Currently t he gallery is preparing t he catalogue raisonné’s of Daniel Ridgway Knig ht (1839–1924), Julien Dupré (1851–1910) and Emile Munier (1840–1895). Members of: Fine Art Dealers Association ( FA DA) — Howard Re hs, current President Art & Antique Dealers League of America C.I.N.O.A. Appraisers Association of America Jean B.C. Corot (1796 - 1875) La Baie de Somme Oil on panel 9 1/2 x 19 1/2 inc hes Signed Painted c.1855-60 61 BOOT H C41 RIC HA R D NO RT ON GA L L E RY BOOT H M EM B E R: FA DA ( Fine Art Dealers Association) CINOA PA DA ( Private Art Dealers Association) 612 Merc handise Mart Plaza C hicago, IL 60654 T 312 644 8855 F 312 644 8856 E info@ric www.ric Hours: Mon–Fri 9am–5pm Ric hard Norton Gallery specializes in American and European Impressionist and Modern paintings, drawings and scul pture from t he nineteent h and early twentiet h centuries. Artists include works b y : Al b e rt Bl o c h , K a r l B u e h r , H en r i Fa r r é , Frederic k Fursman, Hanania h Harari, Carl Holty, J. Jeffrey Grant, Al bert Kre hbiel, Marie Laurencin, Jan Matul ka and Pauline Palmer. SC HIL L E R & BO DO EU RO P EAN PAINT INGS Sc hiller and Bodo specializes in Frenc h paintings from t he Academic, Realist, Barbizon and PostImpressionist traditions. In addition, we handle select paintings from t he varied European sc hool s f rom 1 8 6 0 – 1 9 6 0 . A rt i st s in o u r in vent o r y include Bon heur, Bouguereau, Breton, Corot, Courbet, Daubigny, Diaz, Ja py, Lebasque, L hermitte, Loiseau, Puigaudeau, Ric het, Rousseau. Please visit us online at Medard K lein Am. 1905 - 2002 Arrangement #84 Oil on canvas, 1949 30 x 36 inc hes Signed and dated lower rig ht 62 19 East 74t h Street New York, NY 10021 T 212 772 8627 F 212 535 5943 E info@sc D46 Ferdinand Heil but h Frenc h, 1826-1889 Summer Days at Giverny Signed lower rig ht: F Heil but h Oil on canvas 42 1/8 x 32 1/8 inc hes 52 x 43 inc hes framed 63 BOOT H STA F F Sandra Mic hel s Adams David Lusen hop Melissa Azzi Jonat han Liss rig ht page Hug hie Lee-Smit h (Am. 1915 - 1999) Sailor, 1944 Oil on canvas 24 x 18 inc hes t his page top Marion Perkins (Am. 1908 -1961) Untitled ( Head ), ca.1950 Carved marble 10 x 5 x 6 inc hes 715 Nort h Franklin Street C hicago, IL 60610 T 312 642 8700 F 310 642 8785 E [email protected] B28 RO B E RT H EN RY A DAMS FIN E A RT Robert Henry Adams Fine Art, Inc. specializes in Modern American Art from 1910 to 1970 including paintings, drawings and scul pture by important artists associated wit h Modernism, Regionalism, Abstract Ex pressionism and African American art. Located in downtown C hicago, t he gallery maintains a large inventory, mounts regular ex hibitions and publis hes catalogs. Our website is updated on a daily basis and provides a convenient way to browse selections from our extensive collection. bottom C harles Howard (Am. 1899 - 1978) T he Binary Armature, 1951 Oil on canvas 10 x 17 inc hes A RT IST S Gertrude Abercrombie Aaron Bo hrod Eliza bet h Catlett Ral ston Crawford Leon Golub C harles Howard Ric hard Hunt Sargent Jo hnson George Josimovic h Hug hie Lee-Smit h Lászlo Mo holy-Nagy Marion Perkins Edna Reindel T heodore Rosza k H.C. Westermann Hale Woodruff 64 65 BOOT H STA F F Ray Blac kman Alina Ric hards Scott Ric hards 355 Bryant Street, # 307 San Francisco, CA 94107 T 415 977 0920 E [email protected] www.scottric D56 SCOT T RIC HA R DS CONT EM PO RA RY A RT Hours: By a ppointment Scott Ric hards Contemporary Art presents a nota ble collection of works by American and European Contemporary artists. We provide ex pert advice and personalized consulting services in building your art collection. We al so specialize in acquisitions of works by 20t h Century Modern and Contemporary Masters from t he secondary market. A RT IST S rig ht page Robert Silvers (American b. 1968) Marilyn, 2005 P hotomosaic on aluminum 55 x 48 inc hes – Edition of 6 37 x 32 inc hes – Edition of 10 C harles Arnoldi Tim Bavington Boyd & Evans Davis & Davis Warner Friedman Matt Gil Patric k Hug hes Jeremy Kidd Mel Ramos Rex Ray Robert Silvers Griff Williams t his page Patric k Hug hes (b.1939) Infilling, 2004 Oil on board construction 24 x 47 1/4 x 9 1/4 inc hes Signed, dated and titled verso 66 67 BOOT H STA F F Spencer Jon Helfen, Director Step hanie Boris, Gallery Assistant rig ht page Edna Reindel (1900 - 1992) Victorian Essay, 1932 Signed and dated “Edna Reindel ’32” lower rig ht Oil on canvas 21 x 20 inc hes Note: Ex-collection of T he Ma haraja of Indore t his page top left Jacques Sc hnier (1898 - 1988) Bret, 1940 Unsigned Silvered plaster 13 x 7.5 x 9 inc hes (wit hout base) Provenance: Estate of t he Artist top rig ht Jo hn Mottram (1903 - 1956) C hrysant hemums, 1940 Signed “Mottram” lower left Oil on canvas board 16.75 x 12.5 inc hes 9200 West Olympic Boulevard, Suite 200 Beverly Hill s, CA 90212 T 310 273 8838 F 310 273 8848 E [email protected] S P ENC E R JON H ELF EN FIN E A RT S Spencer Jon Helfen Fine Arts specializes in California Modernism of t he 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. We are one of t he only galleries to mount significant ex hibitions displaying works by historically important California Modernists. We also have been proud to reintroduce to t he collecting public t he art of many previously well-known artists w hose outstanding reputations have become obscured by t he passage of time, including many women artists. Among t he many artistic t hemes represented in our offerings are California Scene, California Regionalism, Social Realism, and W PA-inspired works. Stylistically, we offer works t hat reflect t he wide diversity of California Modernism, including Surrealism, Social Realism, Magic Realism, Sync hromism, Art Deco, Cubism, and Abstraction. T he Gallery offers fine paintings, sculpture, drawings and prints. We represent t he Estates of Victo r Arnautoff, Brents Carlton, Ral p h C hessé, Harold Mallette Dean, Helen Clark Oldfield, Otis Oldfield, Frede Vidar and Bernard Zak heim. Our clients can expect well-researc hed biogra p hies on t he artists we display, and color broc hures for eac h of our ex hibitions. Members of: Art Dealers Association of California bottom A RT IST S Victor Arnautoff (1896 - 1979) Untitled ( Lady in Repose) Ca. 1935 Signed “V. Arnautoff” lower left Oil on canvas 26 x 36 inc hes Provenance: Estate of t he Artist Ma bel Alvarez Victor Arnautoff Belle Baranceanu Edward Biberman Dorr Bot hwell Nic holas Brigante Claude Buc k Brents Carlton Harold Mallette Dean Francis de Erdely Lorser Feitel son Helen Forbes Karoly Fulop Yun Gee Jo hn Langley Howard Peter Krasnow 68 D51 Lucien La baudt Alfredo Ramos Martinez Knud Merrild Jo hn Mottram Warren Newcombe Helen Clark Oldfield Otis Oldfield Edna Reindel Jacques Sc hnier Sueo Serisawa Henrietta S hore Ral p h Stac k pole Lucretia Van Horn Frede Vidar Stanton Macdonald Wright Bernard Zakheim and many ot hers 69 BOOT H STA F F Frank Goss Jeremy Tessmer Jo hn Strawn Brian King Jaimie Lilienstein Susan Bus h Edgard Rincon rig ht page Jo hn Nava (b. 1947) C hec k Out, 2005 Oil on canvas over board 63 x 63 inc hes 1266 Coast Village Road Montecito, CA 93108 T 805 969 5112 F 805 969 0220 7 East Ana pamu Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 T 805 730 1460 F 805 730 1462 C42 SU L LIVAN GOSS AN AM E RICAN GA L L E RY E [email protected] Sullivan Goss - An American Gallery presents an exciting selection of 19t h, 20t h, and 21st century American art, wit h a particularly fine offering of works by California artists. t his page top Anders Aldrin (1899-1970) Two S hoppers, 1933 Oil on canvas 32 x 34 inc hes bottom Francis Criss (1901-1973) Still Life, 1930 Oil on canvas 20.2 x 22.2 inc hes 70 A RT IST S ESTAT ES Bo Bartlett Ken Bortolazzo Harry Carmean Terry Dela pp Jon Francis Robin Gowen Steve Huston Jo hn Nava R. Kenton Nel son Angela Perko Hank Pitc her Miriam Slate Jac k R. Smit h Nicole Strasburg Sara h Vedder S hiba Ward Anders Aldrin Jo hn Bern hardt Lydia Cooley Colin Campbell Cooper Loc kwood de Forest Anya Fis her Ric hard Haines Lyla Harcoff W H D Koerner Betty Lane Dan Lutz Nell Brooker May hew Ben Messic k Frederic k Rema hl Grace Libby Vollmer Howard Wars haw 71 BOOT H [email protected] STA F F rig ht page Fernando Botero Seated Woman, 2005 Bronze 19 inc hes hig h Los Angeles 8808 Melrose Ave / West Hollywood, California 90069 T 310/276-8686 F 310/276-8576 San Diego 820 Prospect St / La Jolla, California 92037 T 858/454-3691 F 858/454-0589 J.M. Tasende, President Mary Bet h Hynes, Director Aitor Tasende, Gallery Manager Betina Tasende, LA Gallery Director 8808 Melrose Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90069 T 310 276 8686 F 310 276 8576 820 Prospect Street TAS END E La Jolla, CA 92037 T 858 454 3691 F 858 454 0589 E [email protected] C36 GA L L E RY Esta blis hed in California since 1979, Tasende Gallery specializes in drawings, paintings and scul ptures. t his page Wayne T hiebaud Cloud City, 1993-94 Oil on canvas 60 x 36 inc hes A RT IST S Fletc her Benton Fernando Botero Ant hony Caro Lynn C hadwic k Eduardo C hillida José Luis Cuevas Niki De Saint P halle Mark Di Suvero Giacomo Manzù Roberto Matta Henry Moore Andres Nagel Louise Nevel son Wayne T hiebaud Barbara Weldon Lambert Maria Wintersberger 72 73 BOOT H STA F F T homas Nygard, President 135 East Main Street Bozeman, M T 59715 T 406 586 3636 F 406 587 8279 E [email protected] A4 T HOMAS NYGA R D FIN E A RT Esta blis hed in 1976, t he T homas Nygard Gallery specializes in 19t h and 20t h Century American art wit h an emp hasis on historical Western Art of t he Nort hern Plains. We al so display important paintings of t he Taos Society, Roc ky Mountains, Hudson River and California Sc hool s. We offer our clients service in appraisals, painting restoration and conservation, and custom framing. We are always interested in purc hasing quality works by notewort hy artists, single pieces or entire collections. A RT IST S rig ht page Reiss, Winold (1886-1953) Sacred Squirrel Woman, 1936 Pastel on W hatman drawing board 38 1/4 x 25 1/8 inc hes Signed lower rig ht, Winold Reiss t his page Sc hreyvogel, C harles (1861-1912) T he Last Drop, 1903 Bronze, 12 inc hes hig h x 18 1/4 inc hes in lengt h, Inscribed, copyrig ht 1903 by C has. Sc hreyvogel and beneat h t he base wit h t he Roman Bronze Works N-Y- foundry mark 74 Al bert Bierstadt LaVerne Nel son Blac k Oscar E. Berning haus Edward Borein Maynard Dixon Herbert “Buc k” Dunton Henry F. Farny E.W. “Bill” Gollings P hili p Russell Goodwin Herman W. Hansen Ernest M. Hennings Victor Higgins Frank Tenney Jo hnson T homas Moran Edgar Samuel Pa xson Winold Reiss Frederic Remington Carl Rungius C harles Marion Russell Ola f Carl Seltzer Josep h Henry S har p Donald Teague, N.A. 75 BOOT H STA F F rig ht page Pierre Marie Brisson Le Dialogue, 2004 Mixed media on canvas 47 x 47 inc hes t his page top left Curtis P hilli ps Dark Green Refraction, 2004 Oil and beeswa x on wood 23 x 20 inc hes rig ht Alexander Rokoff Kay, 2005 Oil on panel 84 x 48 inc hes lower left Ed Martin Nig ht Secrets, 2005 Limited Edition P hotogra p h 30 x 38 1/2 inc hes Tim Yarger, Director Judy Lambert Sam K hayat Bryson Strauss Robert Constant David C havez Eliza bet h Yoc him Belle P havic hitr Megan Carroll Brenda K li ppel Suite 11, Ground Floor 2/4 Wireless Road T he Promenade Decor Bangkok, T hailand 10330 T 02 655 0882 E [email protected] 329 Nort h Beverly Drive Beverly Hill s, CA 90210 T 310 278 4400 F 310 278 6771 E [email protected] D52 T IMOT H Y YA RG E R FIN E A RT Timot hy Yarger Fine Art, establis hed in Beverly Hill s since 1986, ex hibits 20t h Century Modernists and mid-career contemporary painters, printmakers, and p hotogra p hers. T he gallery has an additional loc ation in Bangkok, T hailand, and extend s its participation in t he global art market to Hong Kong and Beijing, C hina, wit h ex hibitions of 19t h and 20t h century paintings and gra p hic works. T he gallery, located on Nort h Beverly Drive, presents significant and exciting ex hibitions w hile ex panding its sc holars hip and artists’ programs. Timot hy Yarger Fine Art is committed to providing t he hig hest quality services and facilitating t he acquisition of t he finest works of art for bot h private collectors and cultural institutions. Timot hy Yarger Fine Art is actively engaged wit h art historians, critics, and museum professionals w ho contribute t heir ex p ertise to ex hibitions and to books and catalogues publis hed by t he gallery. A RT IST S Ray Turner Judy Pfa ff Pierre Marie Brisson Hei Myung Hyun Curtis P hilli ps Linda Touby Robert Farber Ed Martin Tom Mc Kinley Jeff Dunas Alexander Rokoff Pa blo Picasso Marc C hagall Joan Miro Henri Matisse Pierre-Auguste Renoir 76 77 BOOT H 511 Nort h Robertson Boulevard West Hollywood, CA 90048 T 310 274 8047 F 310 274 8076 E ti [email protected] rig ht page André L hote Femme Nue Cubiste Oil on Canvas France, Signed, c.1918 31.5 x 23.5 Inc hes P hotogra p hed for t he u p coming catalog raisone’ of André L hote Ex hibited: Galerie Paul Rosen berg, Paris, 1921 Galerie La Licirne, Paris, 1922 Galerie Manteau, Belgium, 1924 C44 T RIGG ISON FIN E A RT INC. Trigg Ison Fine Art Inc. is a world-class fine art gallery specializing in exceptional examples of figurative original modern art, executed between 1890 – 1950. Our gallery emp hasizes t he art deco/modernist movements of bot h Europe and t he United States. We al so offer original vintage works of art from a number of prominent artist estates t hat include American artists Ron Blumberg, Jan & Maxine Kim Stussy, Jirayr Zort hian, and Alexander Rosenfeld. Catering to an international clientele, t he gallery is located wit hin t he heart of West Hollywood’s Avenues of Art and Design district. t his page top Tamara de Lempic ka Trompe-l’oeil au Botticelli Oil on Panel Polis h, Worked and Ex hibited Internationally Signed, c.1946, Ex hibited, Illustrated 15 3/4 x 12 Inc hes bottom Ludovic Alleaume Pauvre Pierrot! Oil on Canvas France, Signed, c.1915 Ex hibited: Societe des Artistes Francais 1922 59.5 x 74 Inc hes 78 A RT IST S Andre L hote Ludovic Alleaume Al bert Gleizes Jean Crotti Tamara DeLempicka Ines Wetzel Jean Lambert Rucki Jean Crotti Jacqueline Marval T horvald Hellesen Edmond Verndercammen T heodoor-Josef Versc haeren Sac ha Zaliouk Jan-frans deboever Stanton Macdonald-Wrig ht Ron Blumberg Jan & Maxine Kim Stussy Alexander Rosenfeld Jirayr Zort hian Jessica Rice 79 BOOT H A11 T ROT T E R GA L L E RI ES BOOT H On San Carlos near 7t h P.O. Box 3246 Carmel, CA 93921 T 831 625 3246 F 831 625 1456 E [email protected] /trotter.html /trotter.html Establis hed in 1980, Trotter Galleries has consistently maintained our reputation as a source for t he beginning as well as t he advanced collector by providing quality work of prominent early California artists. Located in d o w nt o w n C a r m el , w e o f f e r a f in e s el e c t i on o f paintings, wit h an emp hasis on artists active in t he Carmel / Monterey area 1875-1950. Armin C. Hansen, N.A. (1886 - 1957) Fis her Life, c. 1924 Oil on canvasboard 15 3/4 x 19 1/2 inc hes Signed lower rig ht Titled and signed on reverse 80 427 N. Canon Drive, Suite 101 Beverly Hill s, CA 90210 T 310 276 8551 / 800 884 4022 F 310-276-7980 E kargesla@ pac W hitney Ganz, Director Angela Solie, Sales 6t h & Dolores Carmel, CA 93921 T 831 625 4266 / 800 833 9185 F 831 625 9649 E pkra [email protected] Patric k Kra ft, Director A3 W IL LIAM A. KA RG ES FIN E A RT One of t he preeminent art dealers in California, William A. Karges Fine Art specializes in early California and American paintings. Wit h galleries in C a r m el a n d L o s An g el e s , K a r g e s Fin e A rt carries one of t he most varied, hig h-quality, historically significant inventories of paintings avail a ble on t he West C o a st. T he gallery is es p e cially known fo r its su p erio r level of sc holars hi p and museum quality publications. Marion Kavanag h Wac htel (1876-1954) Eucaly ptus Watercolor on Pa per 32 X 21 inc hes 81 BOOT H STA F F Josep h T. Vallejo, Director Robert J. Piatti, Manager & Researc her William W. Lowe, Assistant to t he Director rig ht page Eugène Boudin, (1824-1898) Trois Masts dans la Rade, Camaret Oil on canvas 16 x 25 3/4 inc hes signed ll 1610 West Coast Hig hway New port Beac h, CA 92663 T 949 642 7945 F 949 631 3161 E vallejogallery@eart A5 T H E VA L L EJO GA L L E RY T he Vallejo Gallery specializes in offering period Maritime and Marine-t heme paintings from t he past t hree centuries. Esta blis hed in 1972, we continue to present one of t he largest collections of fine quality marine art of historic significance worldwide. t his page top Norman Roc kwell, (1894-1978) Two Men Fis hing Oil on canvas 14 x 40 inc hes signed lr bottom Frederic k Tudgay, (1841-1921) American Transatlantic Pac ket BYZANT IUM Oil on canvas 24 x 36 inc hes 82 A RT IST S Robert Salmon William Bradford Montague Dawson Edward Moran James E. Butterswort h William A. Coulter Ant hony T heime Camille Pissarro Eugène Boudin T homas Somerscales Jane Peterson Francis A. Silva Guy C. Wiggins Antonio Jacobsen Fred Pansing Jac k L. Gray Maurice Braun Alfred T. Bric her Martin Rico y Ortega 83 BOOT H STA F F Mic hael Ha ber Jennifer Jo hnson Mic hele Mac k Peter Mandradjieff rig ht page Gordon C heung Born 1975 Hi-Risers, 2005 financial times, ink, oil, gloss, acrylic gel and s pray on canvas 72 x 83.9 inc hes 183 x 213 cm t his page top 418 West 15t h Street New York, NY 10011 T 212 871 6700 F 212 871 6988 www.wooster C35 W OOST E R P ROJ ECT S Founded in 1988, Wooster Projects is an internationally recognized gallery t hat s howcases t he finest in contemporary art along wit h emerging artists. In 1999 Wooster Projects moved from its So ho location to its present location in C hel sea, New York. T he gallery provides a venue for emerging artists as well as post-war and contemporary art. Wooster Projects is known for its large collection of pop art including works by Roy Lic htenstein, Andy War hol and Tom Wesselmann. In addition to its regular ex hibition sc hedule, Wooster Projects hosts special ex hibits and c harity events t hroug hout t he year. T he sta ff is dedicated to providing its clientele wit h ex pertise, guidance and a full range of services related to t he acquisition, consignment and sale of works of art. Simon Keenleyside Born 1975 Would You Love Me T hroug h Winter, 2004 oil on canvas 66 x 76 inc hes 167.6 x 193 cm bottom Matt hew Satz Born 1971 Untitled Smoke Painting ( Pink di ptyc h), 2004 Smoke, oil-based enamel on canvas 24 x 48 inc hes 60.96 x 121.92 cm 84 A RT IST S Joe Andoe C had Attie Jean-Mic hel Basquiat Gordon C heung Cras h Jim Dine Sara h Dwyer Reece Jones Simon Keenleyside Roy Lic htenstein Rui Matsunaga Katy Moran Alex Gene Morrison Claes Olden burg Mi ho Sato Matt hew Satz Andy War hol Tom Wesselmann Hanna h Wooll 85 Artists Index A RT IST IND E X Abend, George Abercrombie, Gertrude Adams, C harles Partridge Adams, Kennet h Miller Adel, Daniel Africano, Nicolas Aldridge, Brad Aldrin, Anders Alexander, Jo hn Alleaume, Ludovic Allen, Linda Mieko Alvarez, Ma bel Andoe, Joe Appel, Karel Arnautoff, Victor Arnoldi, C harles Ar p, Jean Artemoff, George Asay, Roger Attie, C had Averbuc h, Ilan Avery, Milton Ba kos, Josef Baranceanu, Belle Bartlett, Dana Bas ham, C harles Baskin, Leonard Basquiat, Jean-Mic hel Bavington, Tim Bayer, Herbert Bearden, Romare Beavers, Sean Bec htle, Robert Bec k, Mark Beetz, Carl Hugo Benitez, Francisco Benjamin, Karl Benton, Fletc her Bern hardt, Jo hn Berning haus, Oscar E. Berra, Ernesto Bertram, Abel Biberman, Edward Biegas, Boleslas Bielen, Stanley Bierk, David Bierstadt, Al bert Bigelow, Isa bel Bijlenga, Marian Bisc hoff, Franz A. A9, Bissc hops, C harles Bisttram, Emil Blac k, LaVerne Nel son Bloc h, Al bert Bluemner, Oscar D49, Blumberg, Ron Bo hrod, Aaron Bon heur Bonnard, Pierre Borein, Edward Borg, Carl Oscar Bortolazzo, Bo Bartlett Botero, Fernando Bot hwell, Dorr Botke, Jessie Arms Boudin, Eugène 86 C33 B28 A15 A15 B22 C40 B22 C42 C33 C44 C40 D51 C35 B24 D51 B26, D56 B24 B19 D55 C35 C40 D63 A15 D51 C45 D57 C33 C35 D56 D49 D57 B22 C34 D63 B19 D63 D62 C36 C42 A4, A15 D57 B19 D51 B19 D57 C40 A4 C39 D55 B32, C45 B19 D63 A4 C41 D57, D63 C44 B28 D46 D62 A4, A15 A15 C42 C36 D51 B32 A5 Bouguereau Boyd & Evans Bradford, William Brady, Carolyn Braun, Maurice A5, A15, Breton, Jules Brett, Dorot hy Bric her, Alfred T. Brigante, Nic holas Brisson, Pierre Marie Brown, Benjamin Buc hwald, Howard Buc k, Claude Buec hner, T homas Bue hr, Karl Buff, Conrad Bunnell, C harles Ragland Burc hfield, C harles Butterswort h, James E. Calascione, Colette Calder, Alexander Calderon, Mark Ca pon, Georges Carey, Bob Carl son, Jo hn Fa bian Carlton, Brents Carmean, Harry Carnwat h, Squea k Caro, Ant hony Carver, Morgan Cassatt, Mary Cassidy, Gerald Castro, Luis Catlett, Eliza bet h Celmins, Vija C hadwic k, Lynn C hagall, Marc A6, B24, C ha pman, Mic hael C harmy, Emilie C heet ham, Sean C heung, Gordon C hi huly, Dale C hillida , Eduardo C hittenden, Alice C horny, Sop hia C hristo Clark, Al son Skinner Clivette, Merton Comerre, Léon Constance, Travis Cook, Howard Norton Cook, James Cooley, Lydia Cooper, Colin Campbell Corneille Cornell, Josep h Cornell, Matt hew Corot Corot, Camille Cosson, Jean Luis Marcel Costenoble, Anna Coulter, William A. Courbet Couse, E.I. Cras h Crawford, Ral ston Creten, Georges Crotti, Jean Csà ky, Josep h Cuevas, José Luis Cummings, Timot hy Cuprien, Frank D46 D56 A5 C40 B32, C45 A6, D46 D63 A5 D51 D52 C45 C40 D51 D57 C41 B32 A15 D63 A5 C40 B2 C40 B19 C39 A15 D51 C42 A14 C36 A14 A6 A15 C39 B28 C34 C36 D49, D52 B22 B19 A14 C35 D57 C36 B32 B22 D49 A9, B32 C33 A17 C39 D63 D63 C42 B32, C42 B24 C34 B22 D46 A6 A17 B19 A5 D46 A15 C35 B28 B19 C44 A17 C36 C40 C45 Curtis, P hili p C. D63 Dasburg, Andrew A15, D63 Daubigny D46 Davis & Davis D56 Davis, Stuart D63 Davy, Woods C39 Dawson, Montague A5 Dayan, Eddie C39 de Botton, Jean B19 de Bruyc ker, Dirk C39 de Erdely, Francis D51 de Forest, Loc kwood C42 de Kooning, Elaine D63 de Kooning, Willem D63 de Long pre, Paul B32 de Saint P halle, Niki B24, C36, D49 de Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri A6, B24 Dean, Harold Mallette D51 Deboever, Jan-frans C44 Deese, Rupert C40 Delano, Gerard Curtis A15 Dela pp, Terry C42 Delaunay, Sonia B24 DeLempic ka, Tamara C44 Depman, Mark C40 Di Suvero, Mark C36 Diaz de la Peña, Narcisse-Virgile A6 Diaz, Raul D46, D57 Dignimont, André B19 Dill, Guy B26 Dine, Jim B26, C34, C35 Dixon, Maynard A4, A15 Dou ke, Daniel D57 Dove, Art hur Garfield C33, D63 Dubuffet, Jean B24, C34 Dufy, Jean B24 Dunas, Jeff D52 Dunton, Herbert “Buc k” A4 Dvortc sa k, Mic hael B23 Dwyer, Sara h C35 E berl, François B19 Eddy, Don C40 Ellis, Fremont A15 Estes, Ric hard C34 Fac he, Carla C38 Farber, Robert D52 Farny, Henry F. A4 Farre, Henri C41 Favory, André B19 Feat herston, Natalie B22 Feitel son, Lorser D51, D62 Fis her, Anya C42 Flanagan, Barry C34 Florence, Nat han D63 Foosaner, Judit h D62 Forbes, Helen D51 Francis, Jon C42 Francis, Sam B24, B26, C34 Frankent haler, Helen B26 Frey, Viola C40 Friedman, Warner D56 Frost, Jo hn B32 Fulop, Karoly D51 Fursman, Frederic k C41 Gaddis, Gloria C39 Gale, Don D63 Gamble, Jo hn A9, C45 Garciandia, Flavio C39 Gay, August B32 Gee, Yun D51 Giacometti, Al berto C33 Gil, Matt D56 Gile, Selden Gleizes, Al bert Goerg, Édouard Goings, Ral p h Gollings, E.W. “Bill” Golub, Leon Gonzalez, Juan Goodwin, P hili p Russell Gordin, Mis ha Gorky, Ars hile Gowen, Robin Grant, J. Jeffrey Gray, Jac k L. Gray, Percy Gregory, Mic hael Grimaldi, Mic hael Hagedorn, Edward Haines, Ric hard Halili, Gregory Hammer, Eric Hansen, Herman W. Harari, Hanania h Harcoff, Lyla Harris, Ro han Hartley, Marsden Hellesen, T horvald Hennings, Ernest Martin Herrera, Nic holas Hic ks, Ron Higgins, Victor Hill s, Anna Hinkle, Clarence Hirsc hi, David Hoc kney, David Hogue, Alexandre Holty, Carl Horton, Ric k ( Estate) Howard, C harles Howard, Jo hn Langley Howard, Sa bin Hug hes, Patric k Hunt, Munson Hunt, Ric hard Hunt, T homas Hussar, Mic hael Huston, Steve Hyde, Frank Buffalo Hysbergue, Remy Hyun, Hei Myung Jacobsen, Antonio Jacot, Don Ja py Jenkins, Paul Jo hnson, Frank Tenney Jo hnson, Mitc hell Jo hnson, Sargent Jones, Allen Jones, Reece Jonson, Raymond Josimovic h, George Ka hn, Wolf Kaneko, Jun Keenleyside, Simon Kelly, Ell swort h Kidd, Jeremy Kindler, Judit h K lein, Mic hael K lingspor, Alexander Koerner, W H D Ko hlmeyer, Ida ( Estate) Krasnow, Peter Krauze, Perla B32 C44 A17 C34 A4 B28 C40 A4 C39 C33 C42 C41 A5 B32 C40 B22 C33 C42 C40 B22 A4 C41 C42 C40 D63 C44 A4, A15 D63 B22 A4, A15 C45 B32 C39 B26, C34 D63 C41 D57 B28 D51 B22 D56 C39 B28 B32 A14 C42 D63 C40 D52 A5 C34 D46 D57 A4, A15 D63 B28 D49 C35 D63 B28 D57 C39 C35 B26 D56 C39 B22 B22 C42 D57 D51 C39 Kre hbiel, Al bert C41 Kubac h & Kropp C39 Kva pil, C harles B19, A17 L’hermitte, Léon A6, D46 La baudt, Lucien D51 La Du ke, Robert A14 Lane, Betty C42 Lanskoy, Andre B24 Larson, Jean D55 Laurencin, Marie C41 Lauritz, Paul C45 Le Corbusier B24 Lebasque, Henri B30, D46 Lee-Smit h, Hug hie B28 Léger, Fernand A6, B24 Legrand, Mercedes B19 Lerou x, Auguste B19 L hote, Andre B19, C44, D48 Liang, Qiangli B22 Liberace, Robert B22 Lic htenstein, Roy B24, B26, C34, C35 Liepke, Malcolm T. B22 Lindin, Carl A15 Li pking, Jeremy B22 Liu, Hung C40 Livermore, Anna bel D63 Livingston, Francis A14, B22 Loiseau D46 Long hurst, Robert D63 Longo, C hiyomi Taneike D55 Lumpkins, William D63 Lundeberg, Helen D62 Lutz, Dan C42 Macdonald-Wrig ht, Stanton B32, C44 Mac kenzie, Lucy C40 Madiai, Mario B23 Magee, James R. D63 Mandelman, Beatrice D63 Mann heim, Jean B32 Manzù, Giacomo C36 Marcel-Lenoir B19 Marin, Jo hn D63 Marini, Marino B24 Martin, Ed D52 Martinez, Alfredo Ramos D51, D62 Marval, Jacqueline C44 Masson, André D49 Matisse, Henri A6, B24, C33, D52 Matsunaga, Rui C35 Matta B24 Matta, Roberto C36 Mattera, Joanne D55 Matul ka, Jan C41 May berry, Ric hard D57 May hew, Nell Brooker C42 Mazal, Ricardo C39 Mc Carty, Lynn C40 Mc Culloc h, Frank D63 Mc Kinley, Tom D52 Mc Laug hlin, Jo hn D62 McNic kle, T homas D57 Merrild, Knud D51 Messic k, Ben C42, D63 Miguez, Cecilia Z. D62 Minton, Kimo D57 Miro, Joan B24, D49, D52 Mo holy-Nagy, Lászlo B28 Monet, Claude A6 Moore, Henry B24, C36, D49, D62 Moran, Edward A5 Moran, Katy C35 Moran, T homas A4, A15 Morang, Alfred D63 Morris, George L. K. D63 Morrison, Alex Gene C35 Mosca, August B19 Mot herwell , Robert B26, C34, D57 Mottram, Jo hn D51 Mru k, Walter A15 Muc ha, Al p honse A6 Mueller, David B22 Munn, Alice Ballard D57 Muñoz, Gloria B23 Myers, Marcia C39 Nagel, Andres C36 Nava, Jo hn C42 Nel son, Jo hn C39 Nel son, R. Kenton A14, C42 Ness, Glenn A14 Nevel son, Louise B26, C36 Newcombe, Warren D51 Nimoy, Leonard D62 Nitti, Fa bia C38 Noger, Udo C39 Noland, Ken C34 Norrie, Susan C40 Okulic k, Jo hn C40 Olden burg, Claes C35 Oldfield, Helen Clark D51 Oldfield, Otis B19, D51 O p heim, Peter D55 Ortega, Martin Rico y A5 Ostrander, Tas ha C39 Owen, Frank C40 Paalen, Wolfgang D49 Paley, Al bert D57 Palmer, Pauline C41 Pansing, Fred A5 Paul, Gen B19 Pavil, Elie-Anatole A17 Pa xson, Edgar Samuel A4 Payne, Edgar Alwin A9, A15, B32 Pelton, Agnes B32 Penner, Rod C34 Perkins, Marion B28 Perko, Angela C42 Perry, Ral p h Barton C33 Peterson, Jane A5 Peterson, Robert D57 Pfa ff, Judy D52 P hilli ps, Bert Geer A15 P hilli ps, Curtis D52 Picasso, Pa blo A6, B24, C33, D49, D52, D62 Pissarro, Camille A5 Pitc her, Hank C42 Plagens, Peter C40 Politino, Vincenzo B23 Pomodoro, Arnaldo B24 Pred, Mic hele C40 Prior, Scott C40 Puigaudeau D46 Purdy, Ric hard C40 Put huff, Hanson B32 Ra ffael, Josep h C40 Ra ffaëlli, Jean-François A6 Ramos, Mel D56 Ray, Man D49 Ray, Rex D56 Redmond, Granville A9, B32, C45 Reed, Doel D63 Reese, Brandon C39 Reindel, Edna B28, D51 Reiss, Winold A4 Rema hl, Frederic k C42 Remington, Frederic A4 Renoir, Pierre Auguste A6, C33, D52 Rey, Henri-Paul B19 Reyna, Manuel D57 Riba k, Louis D63 Rice, Jessica C44 Ric hard s, Bill C40 Ric hard son, Ray A14 Ric het D46 Rider, A.G. B32, C45 Ritsc hel, William B32 Robbe, Manuel A6 Robinson, Boardman A15 Rodin, Auguste B24 Rogers, Barbara C39 Rokoff, Alexander D52 Ronget, Eliza bet h B19 Rose, Guy A9, B32 Rosenfeld, Alexander C44 Rosenquist, James D49 Rosza k, T heodore B28 Rouault, Georges B24 Rousseau D46 Ruc ki, Jean Lambert C44 Rungius, Carl A4 Rusc ha, Ed A14, B26 Rus h, Tommie D57 Russell, Brian D57 Russell, C harles Marion A4, A15 Ruten berg, Brian D57 Ryden, Mark A14 Saccaro, Jo hn C33 Salmon, Robert A5 Sandorfi, Istvan B24 Sandzén, (Sven) Birger A15 Sato, Mi ho C35 Satz, Matt hew C35 Sc heiber, Hugó D62 Sc hleeter, Howard B. D63 Sc hnier, Jacques D51 Sc hoebel, Henry Leo C39 Sc huster, Donna B32 Sc hwartz, William S. B19 Seaton, Paul Raymond B22 Seibert, Helen D63 Seibert, Inez Helen C33 Seligmann, Kurt D49 Seltzer, Ola f Carl A4 Serisawa, Sueo D51 Serra, Ric hard C34 S ha piro, Joel C34 S har p, Josep h Henry A4, A15 S heets, Millard B32 S hirais hi, Yu ko C40 S hore, Henrietta D51 Silva, Francis A. A5 Silvers, Robert D56 Skollar, Steven B22 Slate, Miriam C42 Slonem, Hunt C39 Smit h, Jac k R. C42 Smit h, Jac k Wil kinson C45 Somerscales, T homas A5 Sprunt, Vera C39 Stac k pole, Ral p h D51 Stein berg, Saul C34 Stella, Frank B24, B26, C34 Stella, Josep h D63 Sten house, Ric hard D57 Stern berg, Nicolas B19 Sterne, Maurice D63 Stout, Donna P hi pps D57 Strasburg, Nicole Strombotne, James Stussy, Jan & Ma xine Kim Sullivan, Jim Sultan, Donald Swartz, Bet h Ames Tac hibana, Seiko Tamayo, Rufino Teague, Donald ( N.A.) Teutsc h, János Mattis T heime, Ant hony T hiebaud, Wayne Tinguely, Jean Todd, Mark Torres, Gustavo Touby, Linda Tre, Howard Ben Trini Tsa ku Turner, Ray Ufer, Walter Umlauf, Karl Urbán, Ramon Van Horn, Lucretia van Rijn, Rembrandt Vau x, Joe Vedder, Sara h Verndercammen, Edmond Versc haeren, T heodoor-Josef Vidar, Frede Villon, Jacques Vitali, Velasco Vollmer, Grace Libby Wac htel, Elmer Wac htel, Marion Waddell, T heodore Walinska, Anna Wal kowitz, Abra ham Wang, Victor Ward, S hiba War hol, Andy B26, Warren, Dody Wars haw, Howard Watson, Est her Pearl Weldon, Barbara Wendt, William Wesselmann, Tom Westermann, H.C. Weston, Edward Wetzel, Ines W hite, Orrin Wiggins, Guy C. Williams, Griff Williams, Robert Wil son, Emily Wintersberger, Lambert Maria Wood, Mary Antonia Woodruff, Hale Wooll, Hanna h Wrig ht, Stanton Macdonald Yank, Karen Zad kine, Ossi p Zaliou k, Sac ha Zort hian, Jirayr C42 D49 C44 C40 C34 D63 D55 D62 A4 D62 A5 C34, C36 D49 A14 B23 D52 C39 D63 B22 D52 A15 D63 D57 D51 A6 A14 C42 C44 C44 D51 D62 B23 C42 C45 B32, C45 D63 B19 D49 B22 C42 C34, C35 D49 C42 A14 C36 B32, C45 C34, C35 B28 D49 C44 C45 A5 D56 A14 D57 C36 C39 B28 C35 D51 C39 B24 C44 C44 87 FINE A RT D EA L E RS ASSOCIAT ION FA DA BOA R D OF DIR ECTO RS AND M EMB E RS T he Fine Art Dealers Association was founded in 1990 as a non-profit members hi p organization of res pected and esta blis hed dealers from across t he United States. Our members are dedicated to promoting and maintaining t he hig hest degree of professionalism, sc holars hi p and integ rity in all bu sin ess conducted w it h collea gues, institutions and t he art buying public. Members hi p in FA DA is hig hly selective and by invitation only. Eac h member has ex pert knowledge of t he artists or period s in w hic h he or s he specializes and maintains a corres ponding inventory. In addition to demonstrating a commitment to enric hing t he cultural lives of t heir communities, members s hare t heir ex pertise t hroug h significant ex hibitions, informative catalogs, and by offering quality works of art w hose aut henticity is unconditionally guaranteed. BOA R D M EM B E RS M EM B E RS Howard L. Re hs, President Louis Stern, Treasurer Geoff Cline, Secretary Anderson Galleries Andrew Smit h Gallery Avery Galleries T he Caldwell Gallery C harleston Renaissance Gallery Cincinnati Art Galleries Llc Cline Fine Art David Cook Fine Art David Dike Fine Art L.P. De Ru’s Fine Arts Denen berg Fine Arts, Inc Douglas Frazer Fine Art Ltd. Ec kert Fine Art Ec kert & Ross Fine Art Galerie Mic hael George Stern Fine Arts Godel & Co., Inc. Greenwic h Gallery Guarisco Gallery Jonat han Nova k Contemporary Art Lawrence J. Cantor & Company Louis Stern Fine Arts Mc Coll Fine Art Mitc hell Brown Fine Art, Inc. Nedra Matteucci Galleries Questroyal Fine Art, Llc Redfern Gallery Red Fox Fine Art Re hs Galleries, Inc. Roug hton Galleries Sc hiller & Bodo European Paintings Spanierman Gallery, Llc Sullivan Goss T homas Nygard Gallery Trotter Galleries Vallejo Gallery William A. Karges Fine Art FA DA’s Elevent h Annual Los Angeles Art S how is a world-class event t hat increases t he national awareness of our organization and advances t he standard s of t he profession into t he twenty-first century. To reflect t he truly region al c ha ra cter of our m emb ers hi p, Sout hern California and t he greater Los Angeles area are t he perfect venue for an event of t his kind. Sop histicated, diverse and t he p erm an ent hom e of m any of t he country’s fo remost collectors, Los Angeles now su pports t he finest art fair on t he West Coast. Attendees of t his year’s Art S how will have an opportunity to view, admire and purc hase a dynamic range of American and European art, from old masters to cutting-edge contemporary, including p hotogra p hy. 88 Jay Caldwell Jonat han Nova k Beverly Denen berg Frank Goss Kevin Anderson Susan Bodo 89 Presidents Greetings P R EV IOUS FA DA LA A RT SHOW EV ENT S W ELCOM E! Moving into its second decade, t he Los Angeles Art S how has evolved into one of t he most important art ex hibitions in t he country. T his year’s ex hibition, our 11t h, features more t han 50 dealers wit h displays spanning five centuries of art. Many long hours of hard work and planning went into t he s how and as always, we need to t hank t hose w ho have given muc h and ta ken very little. Kim Martindale, along wit h t he rest of t he K R Martindale S how Management sta ff, have worked on every aspect of t he s how, ta king care of every detail to ma ke sure t hat t he s how runs smoot hly for bot h t he ex hibitors and t he visitors ... as always, t hank you! S e c on d , t h e r e i s t h e Fin e A rt D e al e r s A s s o c i a t i on ’ s ( FA DA) B o a rd o f D i r e c t o r s : J a y C al d w ell , Tom Nygard, Louis Stern, Jonat han Nova k, Beverly Denen berg, Geoff Cline, and I ... all of w hom have devoted many hours of t heir time to t his ex hibition. We are t hrilled t hat for t he t hird year, our Gala O pening will benefit t he Los Angeles County Museum of Art ( LACMA); one of t he leading museums in t he Western United States. FA DA gives special t hanks to t he President and Director of LACMA; t he Art Museum Council (AMC); Geri S herman, AMC C hairman; Judy Ric hman, Co-c hair; Susan Savin, Co-c hair; and Karen R hodes Ana Osgood at LACMA. As in years past, t he hel p and sponsors hi p of Arc hitectural Digest is greatly a ppreciated - t hank you Wendy Landau, Amy Soule, Emily Tannen baum, and for all your time and support. To Paige Petrone at Venice Magazine, Brent Turner and Barbara Pressman of C hristine Anderson and Associates, and Casey Cook at Pa cific Design Center, we a re delig hted t hat you a re all on bo a rd and t hank you for all your support and efforts wit h t he promotion of t he Los Angeles Art S how. Additional t hanks to Lilla Hangay for t he s how’s gra p hic design; Jo hn Bilotta for web design and production; Peter Lovello Design; C hansot h Migletz; Rut hy London; Autry National Center; Museum of Latin American Art; and Ventura County Museum of History and Art. A special t hank you goes out to all of our ex hibitors. FA DA truly a ppreciates all t he efforts you have extended to create t his year’s ex hibition. We all wis h you a very successful s how. Finally, to all our visitors t hank you for coming and enjoy t he s how. Peace! Howard L. Re hs, President Fine Art Dealers Association 90 91 LACMA LACMA Statement LACMA LACMA BOA R D OF T RUST E ES 2006 Wit h a permanent collection of 100,000 works, t he Los Angeles County Museum of Art is t he nation’s largest encyclopedic art museum west of C hicago. At LACMA, you can ex perience European masterworks, cutting-edge contemporary art, an extensive collection of American art from t he United States and Latin America, a major Islamic art collection, one of t he most compre hensive Korean art collections outside of Korea, and t he stunning Pavilion for Ja panese art. T he museum al so presents world-renowned s pecial ex hibitions and educational and cultural programs for every wal k of life. Having begun a p hysical transformation t hat will ma ke its ground s even more inviting and accessible, LACMA is esta blis hing itself more and more as t he cultural center of Los Angeles. LACMA BOA R D O F T RUST E ES For information, please call 323 857 6000 or visit Georges de la Tour ( France, 1593-1652), T he Magdalen wit h t he Smoking Flame, c. 1638-1640, oil on canvas, 46 1/16 x 36 1/8 in., gift of T he A hmanson Foundation. P hoto © 2006 Museum Associates/ LACMA. 92 Nancy Daly Riordan, C hair of t he Board Frank Ba xter, Vice C hair Eli Broad, Vice C hair Lynda Resnic k, Vice C hair C hristopher V. Walker, Vice C hair William Hayden A hmanson William Howard A hmanson Wallis Annen berg William J. Bell, Jr. Suzanne Deal Boot h Donald L. Bren Mrs. Edward W. Carter Robert A. Day Janet Dreisen Jeremy G. Fair Andrew Gordon Andrew Hauptman Enrique Hernandez, Jr. Jo hn F. Hotc hkis Judit h G. Jones Robert A. Kotic k Mrs. Harry Lenart Abby J. Levy Robert Looker Robert F. Maguire III William A. Mingst Mrs. Wendy Stark Morrissey Jane Nat hanson Peter Norton Tony Ressler Edward P. Roski, Jr. Mic hael G. Smooke Donald Tang Sandra W. Terner James A. T homas Casey Wasserman S ENIO R T RUST E ES Mrs. Lionel Bell Dr. George N. Boone Mrs. William M. Car penter Camilla C handler Frost Stanley Grinstein Mrs. Dwig ht M. Kendall LIF E T RUST E ES Robert H. A hmanson Robert O. Anderson Daniel N. Belin Julian Ganz, Jr. Eric Lidow Mrs. Lillian Apodaca Weiner Walter L. Weisman 93 LACMA 94 LACMA 95 AM C AM C A RT MUS EUM COUNCIL O F LACMA Founded in 1952, t he Art Museum Council is LACMA’s old est volunteer su ppo rt coun cil. T he C oun cil, comprised of more t han 260 active members, has contributed more t han $8 million to t he purc hase of 141 wide-ranging works of art, as well as funding important ex hibitions and educational programs. T hroug h its popular Art and Arc hitecture Tour eac h April, t he Council provides an opportunity for partici pants to view some of Los Angeles’ most important private collections and examples of artistically significant arc hitecture. In addition to a variety of ot her fundraising a ctivities, Council m emb ers o p erate t he successful Art Rental and Sales Gallery at t he museum, w hic h provides a forum for emerging Sout hern California artists and an opportunity for museum members to rent and purc hase art for t heir homes and businesses. AM C BOA R D O F DI R ECT O RS 2005 - 2006 A RT MUS EUM COUNCIL O F LACMA 1. Bracelet, 11t h century, Egy pt or Syria, Gold, set wit h rubies and emeralds, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Gift of t he Art Museum Council Geri S herman C hairman Judy Ric hman Susan Savin LA Art S how Gala C hairmen P hoto © 2006 Museum Associates/ LACMA, AC1997.58.1 E X ECU T IV E BOA R D Terry Bell Jill Fink Janine Lic hstein Rita Levin Dottie Lewis Bet h Rosen bloom Gloria S herwood Rut h Lynn Sobel T hroug h t hese varied activities, Council members demonstrate t heir ongoing dedication to t he enric hment of LACMA and t he facilitation of its mission. All proceeds from t he Los Angeles Art S how O pening Nig ht Gala will benefit t he Art Museum Council of LACMA. T he AM C has contributed 141 major art works to t he museum all departments - since it was founded in 1952, and t hese are t hree examples: 2. Jo hn Singer Sargent, Rose-Marie Ormond Reading in a Cas hmere S hawl, circa 1908-1912, Watercolor, gouac he, and c harcoal Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Partial Gift of t he Art Museum Council P hoto © 2006 Museum Associates/ LACMA, M.72.52 3. Mic hael C. McMillen, Central Meridian, T he Garage, 1981 Mixed media, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Art Museum Council Fund P hoto © Mic hael C. McMillen, M.2005.17 Top: T he Art Museum Council visits artist Lori Geller’s gallery in Venice, CA. Center: T he council visits artist William Tun berg’s studio and learns how he creates his marquetry. Bottom: Board members and longest-standing members listen to artist Mic hael McMillen ex plaining his installation art (see Central Meridian to t he left) at a meeting and tea. 96 BOA R D O F DI R ECT O RS Brenda Abramson Lana Bergstein Bette Ba ker Breen Ann Costello Carol Fainer Bunni Fisc her Edie Fisc her Nancy Freedman Brenda Fritz Carol Goldberg Florence Gorlin Alison Green berg Dorsey Griffey Judy Grus hcow Diana Gutman Laura Hein Lynne Hiller Barbara Iorillo Nancy Kaye S haryn K lein Ellen Korney Nancy Koven Patty Kraus Barbara Las henic k Carole Lazar Susie Levin Anita Levine Ann Martin Sue Meltzer Mic hele Paley Sandra Peters Beverly P hilli ps Felice Reston Ina Rogal Harriet Sc heir S herie Sc hneider Terri Smooke Dory Soffer Janey Sweet Meryl Wec ksler Jan Weimer Barbara Wo hl 97 AM C AM C LA A RT SHOW GA LA COMMIT T E ES A RT MUS EUM COUNCIL O F LACMA Geri S herman, AM C C hairman Judy Ric hman, Gala Co-C hair Susan Savin, Gala Co-C hair D ESIGN / F LOW COMMIT T E E Brenda Abramson Ann-Rose Ka plan Susan Meal s Connie Nagler Joni Steier HOS P ITA LIT Y COMMIT T E E Lana Bergstein Bunni Fisc her FOO D COMMIT T E E Mitzie Cutler Amy Higgins Barbara Leiken Anita Levine PUB LICIT Y Barbara Iorillo A D D R ESSING/ MAILING COMMIT T E E Bobbi Nastro Gail Rac helefsky INFO RMAT ION LIN E Cristina Pa pada kis A DV ISO RS COMMIT T E E Judi Grusc how Mic hele Paley 98 GA LA COMMIT T E E Gay Abrams Elaine Abramson Ann Adel son Lynne Al sc huler Gail Baril Miki Baumgarten Kate Baumann Barbara Bernstein Marilyn Blank Ellen Buc hanan Suzanne Ca bot Paula Carroll Marlene C havez P hyllis Colman S herree Colvin Ann Costello Linda Covette C heryl Crowe Marilyn Diamond Ric key Effron Harriet Eil ber Leslie Einstein Natalie Englekirk Marilyn Fidler Jill Fink Edie Fisc her Tracy Flatow Lois Forman Nancy Freedman Robyn Fuc hs Caryl Gerson Bonnie Gold stein Florence Gorlin Alison Green berg Dorsey Griffey Janis Hague Laura Hein Leona Horowitz Nona Horowitz Pam Ka han Nancy Kaye Marti Koplin Ellen Korney Joy Kravitz Sydney Krel stein Barbara Las henic k Carole Lazar Marilyn Levin Dottie Lewis Gail Lovejoy Jan Magdovitz Ann Martin Nancy Mes hulam Karen Murray Beverly P hilli ps Nancy Ren berg Kitt Roberts Ma xine Rudoff Harriet Sc heir Rita Sc hwartz Judy S her Gloria S herwood Linda Silver Rut h Lynn Sobel Dory Soffer Marilyn Strumwasser Susan Temple Billie Ud ko Step hanie Va hn Marcia Vol pert Clare Wagner Julie Wa xman Jan Weimer Bobbie Wein hart Meryl Wec ksler Roberta W hite Lenore Winsberg Penni Wynne Leslie Zin berg 99 Museum Letter 100 Museum Letter 101 Museum Letter 102 Sponsor 103 Sponsor Sponsor SouthwestArt 5444 Westheimer, Suite 1440 Houston, TX 77056 phone 713.296.7900 fax 713.850.1314 Dear Los Angeles Art Show Patrons and Art Lovers: On behalf of Southwest Art Magazine, welcome to the 11th Annual Los Angeles Art Show, one of the country’s most prestigious annual art expositions. As a proud major media sponsor, Southwest Art salutes the Fine Art Dealers Association and organizers of this world-class event. Southwest Art is the definitive source of information and inspiration for fine art in and of the American West. With excellence as our standard, we champion today’s best emerging and established artists and their works, which vary from traditional representational to more modern styles in wide-ranging media. Our ever-expanding coverage is as colorful and vast as the western horizon. Now in our 35th year, we are a catalyst and forum for meaningful exchange between creators, purveyors, and patrons of fine art. We have made several exciting changes for 2006, including the debut of this year’s January issue as The Essential Guide to 2006 – a review and preview of many of the western American art world’s most important events, artists we think you should be watching during the year, and more. In May, we’ll celebrate our 35th Anniversary and highlight Modern & Contemporary Art. Given last year’s excellent response from our readers, advertisers, and artists, the June issue will feature Pastels & Watercolors. And finally, we’ll close the year with a new theme in December – The Fine Art of Craft. In addition to these new directions, Southwest Art will continue to cover landscapes, sculpture, traditional western art, still lifes, Native American, figurative, and wildlife/animal art and more. Art patrons, we hope you will enjoy a new concept launching exclusively by Southwest Art on January 14, 2006. Look for the first Virtual Gallery on our website at and hear select artists speak about themselves, their inspirations, their tools and techniques. In addition, you can view their entire bodies of work and learn more about each artist by accessing the editorial archives of Southwest Art. We invite you to stop by our booth to pick up our January issue, The Essential Guide to 2006, and we hope you enjoy the show. Sincerely, Sarah Marshall-Hill Publisher, Southwest Art w w w . s o u t h w e s t a r t . c o m 104 105 Official Letter Sponsor venice letter 2 1/4/06 5:43 PM Page 1 January 2006 Esteemed Art Enthusiasts, Venice Magazine is delighted to welcome you to the 11th Annual Los Angeles Art Show! We are happy to be a sponsor for the fifth year, and once again, it is a pleasure to work with LA Art Show producer Kim Martindale, the Fine Art Dealers Association, and the Art Museum Council of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. During our 17 years of publishing we have developed relationships with scores of wonderful restaurants and beverage purveyors, and many of them are participating this year to provide fine food and drink for the opening night gala. The funds raised from this event support the efforts of the Art Museum Council. This year’s show, “Five Centuries of Fine Art,” features thousands of works of art from the top galleries around the globe. From Old Masters to Impressionists, Abstract Expressionists to contemporary artists, the LA Art Show has something for every viewer. Art is the lifeblood of culture, and culture is the essence of humanity. Venice rejoices in its participation of the LA Artshow! Nancy Bishop Editorial Director and Publisher 106 107 Official Letter Official Letter Office of the Mayor City of Los Angeles ANTONIO R. VILLARAIGOSA January 25, 2006 Los Angeles County Museum of Art 5905 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90036 Dear Friends, On behalf of the City of Los Angeles, it is my pleasure to welcome and congratulate the members and guests attending Los Angeles County Museum of Art’s (LACMA) Opening Night Gala of the Los Angeles Art Show presented by the Fine Art Dealers Association. I am pleased to join with other members of our community in recognizing LACMA’s commitment to the cultural well-being of Los Angeles. The Museum is known for its collection of works from around the world and its history of art from ancient times to the present. LACMA also reflects the diverse cultural communities and heritages that make this great city so unique. I extend my best wishes for a memorable celebration for future success. Very truly yours, Antonio R. Villaraigosa Mayor 108 109 Official Letter 110 Official Letter 111 Dance Music DANC E AT T H E LOS ANGEL ES A RT SHOW 2006 MUSIC AT T H E LOS ANGEL ES A RT SHOW 2006 CA R LA LUBOW / MOV E RS & SHA K E RS, a Los Angeles based modern dance troupe founded in 1985, will perform at t he O pening Nig ht Gala and t hroug hout t he s how presenting eclectic c horeogra p hy and music. Lu bow has c horeog ra p hed and p erform ed in num erou s revues in t he United States, Sout h America, and Europe. Movers & S ha kers performs regularly t hroug hout sout hern California. Lubow currently teac hes dance at LA Valley College. Musical performances of various styles will ta ke place t hroug hout t he opening nig ht gala and s how, including Susie Su h, Audra Mae, and Skylar T homson. AU D RA MA E Audra Mae performs regularly at several Los Angeles venues, including T he Cat Club, T he Blac k Box T heater, Molly Molone’s, and Geng his Co hen. S he al so works in television and film, and has done voice work in many national advertising campaigns. SUSI E SUH In Spring 2005, Susie Su h released an al bum in to wide critical acclaim. Su h, a Los Angeles native and graduate of Brown University has performed extensively in Los Angeles, New York City and Boston. S he is touring in support of her al bum t his Spring. SK YLA R T HOMSON S k yl a r T h om s on i s a W o o d l a nd H ill s , C A b a s e d singer-songwriter. S he ha s p erfo rm ed t hroug hout California, wit h a ppearances at BB Kings, t he El Rey T heater, Cinegrill at t he Roosevelt Hotel, t he Mid-State Fair, and al so K IIS FM radio programs. After releasing an al bum in Summer 2005, T homson now working on a new al bum. P hotogra p hy: Tammy Abott 112 113 Lectures & Symposia L ECT U R ES & SYM POSIA P HOT OG RA P HIC NAT U RA LISM: T H E ACA D EMIC PAINT E RS AND T H E R EA LIST D EBAT E Ga briel P. Weisberg, Professor of Art History, University of Minnesota T H E FIN E A RT O F P ICT U R E F RAMING Jerry Solomon, Owner, Jerry Solomon Custom Picture Framing T hursday, January 26 at 2pm From 1870 onward, academic painters including Jean Leon Gerome and his students suc h as Dagnan-Bouveret, engaged in t he debate of how t hey s hould present via ble transcri ptions of reality t hat c hallenged t he increasing use of p hotogra p hy. How t hey did t his, w hile maintaining t heir own codes of creativity, provides t he bases for a detailed lecture based on new information and arc hival documentation. Saturday, January 28 at 2pm Ex perience master artisans as t hey demonstrate t he art of wood carving and gilding as t hey prepare frames and put t heir talents on display wit h a 22-karat gold lea f gilding demonstration. Jerry Solomon Custom Picture Framing, a family-owned company based in Los Angeles, has been framing master pieces for nearly 100 years. T his lecture is presented by Jerry Solomon Custom Picture Framing. T his lecture is presented by FA DA. CO L L ECT ING MO D E RN AND CONT EM PO RA RY A RT: MA K ING T H E MOST O F A BU L LISH MA R K ET SIQU EI ROS: A RT O F T OMO R ROW Jori Finkel, Contributor to t he New York Times, Art in America, and Artnews and former senior editor of Art + Auction Gregorio Lu ke, Director, Museum of Latin American Art Friday, January 27 at 2pm Gregorio Lu ke presents a lecture on David Alfaro Siqueiros, a founder of t he Mexican Mural Movement and one of t he great artists of t his century. T his panoramic lecture will study t he life and work of t his controversial artist, w ho was often imprisoned and deported for his political beliefs. Siqueiros was al so a revolutionary in his art, creating mural s and painting of great originality and power, and c hampioned t he use of new material and tec hniques. He was al so a brilliant polemicist and art t heoretician and was profoundly influential in t he evolution of art in t his century. Siqueiros’ influence has excelled not only in Latin America, but al so in t he U.S. in movements suc h as t he C hicano muralist movement and a bstract ex pressionism. T his lecture is presented by t he Museum of Latin American Art. Sunday, January 29 at 2pm T hese days, more collectors t han ever before are c hasing a fter t he same blue-c hi p modern master pieces--and t he same hot young t hings. In t his frenzied environment, how do you build a collection t hat stands a part? W hat new and lesser-known artists are wort h discovering or rediscovering? And how can you ma ke sure you’re not wasting your money? Jori Finkel leads a panel of hig h-profile collectors and dealers ex ploring t he great potential and pitfall s of collecting today. Leonard and Susan Nimoy, modern and contemporary art collectors Danny First, contemporary art collector Jonat han Nova k of Jonat han Nova k Contemporary Art, Los Angeles Julie Ba ker of Julie Ba ker Fine Art, Nevada City, California Louis Stern of Louis Stern Fine Arts, West Hollywood T his panel is presented by FA DA. 114 115 T H E B R EW E RY A RT COLONY / P HA RMAKA / SANTA F E A RT COLONY One of t he goal s of t he Los Angeles Art S how is to spotlig ht emerging artists in Los Angeles. Resident artists from t he Brewery Art Colony, Santa Fe Arts Colony, and P harma ka will ex hibit works t hroug hout t he S how. T he Brewery Art Colony and Santa Fe Art Colony are bot h in downtown Los Angeles, functioning as living and working spaces for emerging artists, as well as t hose esta blis hed in t heir careers. T he Santa Fe Art Colony houses 60 contemporary artists and invites t he public to t heir annual O pen Studio Weekend in May. T he Brewery Art Colony has over 300 studios occupying 18 acres. In addition to fine art, t here are al so studios devoted to arc hitecture and design. T he popular Arts Wal k Festival is held twice a year. Lillian Abel, Untitled, 2005, Oil and acrylic on birc h, 13 x 30 inc hes P harma ka is a gallery in downtown Los Angeles t hat ex hibits t he paintings of artist members. T he group was founded in 2003 and is primarily focused on creating serious works, not its standing in t he commercial art world. How It Ha ppens is on view t hroug h January 2006. Lu ke Rot hsc hild Lemon T hyme, 2004 Rust, ink, watercolor on birc h panel 18 x 12 inc hes Elena P hilli ps, Standing Figure wit h Raised Arms, 1999, Painted plaster, c heeseclot h and c hic ken wire, 55 inc hes hig h C hristop her Cousins, Mass Action Blue, 2005, Mixed media wit h oil s on canvas, 84 x 72 inc hes Mike Pedersen, Lincoln Tras h, 2005, P hotogra p hy, 50 x 74 inc hes 116 Benicia Gantner, Welcome Travelers, 2005 Vinyl on cell cast acrylic ( plexiglas), 48 x 48 inc hes 117 T he Brewery Art Colony / P harma ka / Santa Fe Art Colony T he artistic diversity of t he Los Angeles is tremendous, wit h world-class museums, numerous galleries, and a t hriving non-profit community. T he Los Angeles Art S how is pleased to assist in educating t he public a bout t he growing art world in t he City, and feel t hat it is important to s howcase t hese local emerging talents along wit h our ex hibiting galleries. Linda Llundell, Rain Forest, 1991, Oil on canvas, 83 x 126 inc hes Amy Runyen, Iris Lee, 2004, Mixed media, 21 1/2 x 28 1/2 inc hes Jo hn Scane, Long Beac h (sea wall), 2003, Oil on canvas, 72 x 48 inc hes P hoto credit: Ronald Dunla p Guillermo Bert, T he Price of Justice, 2005, Mixed media on wood and blac k gesso, bronze and gold lea f, 18 x 32 inc hes Gina Han, Hana III, 2005, Acrylic on panel, 27 x 10 inc hes Dave Lefner 5t h Avenue, 2004 Reductive linocut 26 x 20 inc hes Maureen Ma ki, Alc hemy, 2005, Acrylic and mixed media on canvas, 36 x 48 inc hes 118 119 Vignette Article LISA PAK D ESIGN Lisa Pa k is delig hted to create t he vignette for t his year’s Los Angeles Art S how. Known for her residential design projects on t he east and t he west coasts, Pa k’s work has been featured in Interior Design and in t he December 2005 “Designer Look” section of Home magazine. Pa k creates rooms t hat reflect a classic al modernism sensibility, lending t hem bot h an educated pers pective and a balanced form. Using clean lines and a neutral palette, a mid-century dining ta ble mig ht be complemented wit h 1940’s Italian c hairs, Asian grass clot h wall s and a hand-blown Murano glass c handelier to create an eclectic, but sop histicated look. S he works closely wit h a client’s personal aest hetic and existing art collection, and t he result is a co hesive w hole t hat is bot h soot hing and beguiling. You can see more of her work at www.lisa pa C LAIR E FA LK ENST EIN Claire Fal kenstein was born in t he first decade of t he century and was still hard at work in t he last. Her life was precisely coincident wit h t he 20t h century, and s he was a full partici pant in t he tumultuous events in t he art world. Her work incor porated modern tec hnology, process, assemblage, c hance, lig ht, space, and w hat has been called “anti-form” as creative princi ples. Fal kenstein was a contemporary of t he Abstract Ex pressionists but, in fact, started sooner, lasted longer, and sur passed t hem in formal voca bulary, in t he va riety of m aterial s s he u sed and in her hig hly ex p erim ental tec hniques. Starting her career, (working, teac hing and ex hibiting} in San Francisco until 1950 w hen s he moved to Paris for a dozen years, Fal kenstein t hen relocated in Los Angeles. In ot her words, like a heat-seeking missile, s he found and partici pated in t he liveliest and most c hallenging art centers of t he time. Putting her in t he immediate milieu of many of t he century’s greatest artists, s he studied, worked, competed, colla borated and, in several cases, became close personal friends wit h several, including Alexander Arc hipenko, Clyffo rd Still, David Smit h, Hans Ar p, Ma r k Tob ey, Antoni Ta pies, and Al berto Giacometti. Many years later, s he said: “. . . t here were marvelous t hings, marvelous people, but I took it all in stride. I was completely engrossed in w hat I was doing. T here were people w ho were accustomed to being treated wit h deference and I guess I didn’t – and I guess t hat’s w hy t hey got interested.” ( Fal kenstein, Oral History, UC LA) Paint as a Set N-10, circa 1965, Welded copper 34 inc hes in diameter Untitled (Sign of U ) circa 1979, Copper 22 inc hes in diameter T hroug hout Fal kenstein’s career, s he created a prodigious amount and va riety of wo r k, well b eyond t he tradition al c atego ries of painting and scul pture. S he ex plored printma king, ceramic s, functional art, jewelry, and public monuments -- ranging from t he miniature (jewelry) to t he colossal (50’ fountains and 100’ stained glass windows). And in eac h of t hese a rea s, her a ccom plis hm ent ha s b een consistently and unmista ka bly of historical significance. Topological, 1973 Fused Venetian Glass Copper, 41 x 33 x 16 inc hes 104.1 x 83.8 x 40.6 cm Never Ending Screen Copper wit h gold and silver paint 21 x 13.25 x 2 inc hes 53.3 x 33.7 x 5.1 cm Maren Henderson, P h.D Professor, Art History, C SU Pomona T he estate of Claire Fal kenstein is represented exclusively by Louis Stern Fine Arts. 120 © Fal kenstein Foundation, courtesy of Louis Stern Fine Arts P hotogra p hy by Ed Glendinning 121 Article Article H EN RI L EBASQU E ( Frenc h, 1865-1937) IN EZ H EL EN S EIB E RT B ROOK S (1914-1988) Hailed as t he painter of “joy and light” by t he critics and curators of t he Louvre during his lifetime, Lebasque’s primary concern was t he simple expression of sensuous surface. Lebasque began his studies wit h Bonnat at t he Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Wit hin a s hort time however he renounced the strictures of this formal training and joined Bonnard, Vuillard, Signac and Petitjean at gallery Le Barc de Boutteville. After t his he ex hibited at t he Salon de la Society National in 1896 and t hen at t he Independants and t he Salon D’Automne. Lebasque was a close friend of Matisse, Manguin and Roualt but unlike t hem did not s hare t heir preference for wild, violent color. He took inspiration instead from t he softer impressionist palette of Pissarro wit h w hom he al so studied. In his outdoor scenes as well as his intimate interiors he employed large free strokes wit h t he brus h to construct his compositions but in colors that were at once vaporous, delicate and harmonious. He spent muc h of his career in t he sout h of France painting along t he s hores of t he Mediterranean or in his home at Le Cannet. He was a neighbor and close friend of Pierre Bonnard and Henri Matisse and t he t hree men s hared many of t he same artistic ideals and aspirations. Femme nue allongée Oil on canvas, 17 3/4 x 21 1/2 inc hes (27 x 30 inc hes framed ) Signed lower rig ht: Lebasque T he work is to be included in t he fort hcoming Henri Lebasque catalogue raisonne under preparation by Denise Bazetou x. Femme nue allongee features one of Lebasque’s finest subjects, t he female nude. In t his composition, a woman reclining on her side wit h her face turned towards t he viewer evokes an air of bot h abandon and mystery. T he continuous line from her foot to curved hips and t hroug h t he softly angled arm, flows from lower rig ht to u pper left and creates a pleasing diagonal element uniting t he background and foreground of t he composition. T he subtle pastel wallpaper and luminous peac h and green coverlets create two distinct, pictorial zones united by t he languorous form of t he nude. Lebasque’s love of color and patterns, a la his peers Bonnard and Matisse, is displayed t hroughout t he painting: from t he vibrant pastel palette to t he decorative gra p hic designs and flattened pers pective in t he linens and wall pa per. T hroug hout he has conveyed t he individuality of t he body and his delight in forms and colors, rat her t han a slavis h portrayal of a beautiful woman. In Femme nue allongee, Lebasque invites t he viewer into his intimate and private world, laden wit h t he power of suggestion and seduction. AN A RT IST’S R ES PONS E T O DOV E, P ICASSO, AND MOND RIAN An exemplary modernist, Helen Inez Seibert ( Brooks) was first inspired by Cezanne. For one fruitful year, 1936-1937, s he nestled under t he wing of Art hur Dove--his only stud ent. Helen and her hu sband, C ha rles Van Wyc k Brooks t hen ex plored t he European ex patriate scene from 1937 to late 1938, m eeting Gertrud e Stein, Pic a sso, Leger, and Hemingway. Seib ert n aturally associated in New York wit h An American Place, Alfred Steiglitz’s nexus of American modernism. By 1940, w hen t hey settled in Marin County, California, Seibert was becoming a successful and recognized painter, wit h a body of work uniquely her own. Two paintings, Composition, 1944, and Frenc h Vase and Italian Scarf, 1945, were s hown at t he Museum of Fine Arts, San Francisco, in 1946, registering t he “neoplastic” influence of Mondrian. Her palette is particularly remarkable: close tones—subtle variations of one color—rendered wit h meticulous control. In 1949, t he promising and productive years in California were cut s hort by a diagnosis of sc hizop hrenia. Helen was 35 years of age. S he remained institutionalized in New England until her deat h. Seibert’s work from 1932 to 1949 is a discovery in t he history of art in t he United States by virtue of its sop histicated aest hetic ac hievement. Hers is a fres h voice of ex ploration, synt hesis, a bstraction and figuration at t he very dawn of post-war America. Frenc h vase and Italian Scarf 1945, Oil on canvas 20 1/8 x 16 1/8 inc hes lower left: Roc k by t he S hore 1944, Oil on canvas 30 x 26 inc hes lower rig ht: Composition 1944, Oil on canvas 30 x 36 inc hes Museum collections include: Musee d’Orsay, Paris; Musee d’Art Moderne, Paris; Petit Palais, Geneva; Musee des Beaux-Arts, Lille; Musee Marmottan, Paris; T he Fine Arts Museums, San Francisco; Detroit Institute of Art, Detroit; Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University; Nelson-Atkins Museum, Kansas City. And erson Galleries, Bevery Hill s 122 T he Seib ert Estate is represented by Den en b erg Fin e Arts, West Hollywood 123 Article Article J EN GA R RIDO STAT EM ENT My work is inspired by t he idea of ma king c hoices. I paint, I paint over, I use a soupy mixture to I carve out s ha pes; I pay attention to how colors and forms touc h and how one color bleed s into t he next. As I do t his over and over, I set up arbitrary c hoices for myself. T hese c hoices serve as my guide during t he duration of t he painting. Icing-like layers emerge, as well as forms and r hyt hms t hat allude to t hose in nature. T he final painting is found by several t hings; a bstra ction, ind e cision, my p erson al sensibility, observed and idealized ideas of t he natural land sca pe, an instinctive attraction to t he consistency of t he paint, and a practiced sense of letting go. J EN GA R RIDO Bo rn in Los Angeles, Ga r rido re ceived her ba c helo r’s degree in Fine Arts from Sonom a State University. S he s p ent a summ er studying painting at a wo r ks ho p in Flo ren ce, Italy, and re ceived her m a ster’s degree from Mill s C ollege in Oa kl and. Ga r rido ha s ex hibited her wo r k on bot h co a sts, and is currently an Affiliate Artist in Residence at t he Headlands Center for t he Arts in Marin. S he al so teac hes art to c hildren at Synergy Sc hool in San Francisco. Her work can be see at Julie Ba ker Fine Art, Boot h D54. C HA D AT T I E THE JULIET SUIT E Paintings, Drawings, and Objects Chad Attie’s paintings are a poem to the detritus of city life, to those neglected aspects of the world in whic h its poetic essence resides. His task is to initiate us into a love of what is unappreciated, that whic h in the course of our everyday lives we might overlook. Because of the speed of transit in Attie’s home city of Los Angeles, where life moves with bewildering speed, we can all too easily fail to see what is beautiful there. Attie opens our eyes to this beauty. Often a scratc h on a pane of glass or a piece of gum on a tree, a peeling and decrepit poster clinging to the wall of an underpass, is enough to provide inspiration for an entire pictorial world. Attie’s art is one of transformation. It is not, however, transformation of this commonplace stuff itself, but of our perception of it. His materials remain largely w hat t hey are; c hildren’s stickers, candy wrappers, arc hitectural floor plans, dirt, all simply ad here to the canvas. Yet through a variety of strategies, sometimes the repetition of a motif, sometimes merely its isolation, the subject is imbued with attraction; in short it becomes an object of reverence, meditation and joy. Frequently color is t he means used to ac hieve t his transformation. His subjects are infused with resonant color combinations, orc hestrated until they deliver an emotional force equal to Attie’s experience of the world. And yet this flotsam and jetsam is not the only subject, nor the starting point for Attie’s art. His first love is for the human figure, or more particularly the form and presence of the figure of a girl. T his is for him the origin of the beauty he sees in the world. W hat he often refers to as the ‘energy’ or ‘force’ emanating from this figure represents the profound connection between artist and his subject, the deep well of inspiration that it provides for him. Still, it is in the world that Attie looks to find a material expression of this boundless feeling, and so we find etc hed into his canvases an image of a girl. She is embedded in the material of the picture, interconnected with it, and inseparable from it – the spiritual subject finding its partial manifestation in the world. Like an arm wit h an eye, 2005, oil on panel, 40 x 43 in Sexy Winter, 2005, oil on panel, 25 x 30in A Complicated Hug, 2005, oil on panel, 25 x 25 in. Attie’s originality is so powerful and clear-cut that it is self-sufficient, and does not bother to look for approval. Yet his art has striking affinities with that of Degas who, likewise, sought a lifetime’s inspiration in t he human form. Like Degas, Attie is a great experimenter, trying out new procedures and gauging the effects they produce. Sharing the theme of ballet dancers, both Degas and Attie use the female form as a means of exploring the complex and shifting feelings conjured by the artist’s existence and relationships. Dr Jon Leaver, Lecturer in Art History at Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles left: Lemondropgirl, 2004, Mixed media on canvas, 54 1/4 x 50 1/2 inc hes top rig ht: Ariadne, 1998, Mixed media on canvas, 76 x 70 inc hes bottom: Ja panese Peanut Girl, 2003, Mixed media on canvas, 68 x 60 inc hes Chad Attie is represented by Wooster Projects, New York 124 125 Article Special T hanks CON RA D BU F F (1886-1975) S P ECIA L T HANK S Kim Martindale of K R Martindale S how Management would like to t hank t he following for t heir contributions: LACMA Karen R hodes Ana Osgood Green house Marketing Robert Nieto Jim Hampton AM C Geri S herman Judy Ric hman Susan Savin C hristine Anderson & Associates Brent Turner Barbara Pressman FA DA Board Members Fine Art Dealers Association Conrad Buff (1886-1975) Dead Horse Point, Uta h Oil on board, 36 x 54 inc hes Conrad Buff broug ht his love for nature from his native Switzerland to California, w here he would become one of t he state’s most unique painters. Since his arrival in Los Angeles in 1907, t he mostly self-taug ht artist became engaged in t he desert landsca pe, soon working alongside California Impressionists Maynard Dixon and Edgar Payne. T hroug hout t his career, Buff’s interpretations of Californian and Sout hwestern landsca pes constantly stood on t he edge between American Im pressionism and Modernist a bstra ction. His early m et hod s of cross-hatc hing to delineate m esas and mountainou s terrain s hifted over t he decades toward color-saturated, hard-edged geometry. Buff briefly studied at t he Los Angeles Art Students League and was a member of t he California Art Club. He garnered numerous solo and grou p ex hibitions at t he Los Angeles County Museum of Art, as well as De Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco; Stenda hl Gallery, Los Angeles; Fine Arts Gallery, San Diego; and t he California Palace of t he Legion of Honor in San Francisco. Buff al so accepted mural commissions across Sout hern California including t he First National Bank in Covina, Sout hern California Edison C om pany, and Pa s ad en a YM CA. His wo r k c an b e found in t he colle ctions of t he Metro politan Mu seum of Art, LACMA, National Mu seum of Am eric an Art, and t he Britis h Mu seum, among ot her institutions. George Stern Fine Arts is proud to represent t he Conrad Buff Estate. 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