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*** NOT FOR SALE ***
A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
The Wildling
Copyright © November 2005 by Treva Harte
All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No
part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic
form without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do not participate in or
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authorized editions.
Image/art disclaimer: Licensed material is being used for illustrative purposes only. Any
person depicted in the licensed material is a model.
eISBN 9781596321977
Cover Artist: April Martinez
Published in the United States of America
Loose Id LLC
PO Box 806
San Francisco CA 94104-0806
This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or
existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
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*** NOT FOR SALE ***
A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
Chapter One
“Come along, my wildlings.” Since the words alone wouldn’t be enough for all of
them, Arness whistled. Those who hesitated before, now moved forward at the sound.
Even the newest captures had learned the meaning of her whistle.
“Not a bad lot.” Arness turned to Primary, with a smile on her face. “A good
thing, too, since they’ll be my year’s earnings, more or less. Would you like a nice new
collar when we go into town?”
Primary touched the rather worn leather collar at his neck.
“Whatever you wish, Mistress.” Primary shot a sideways glance at her. “I’m
partial to a deeper shade of blue.”
Before she could answer, he ran forward to yank at the chain of one of the faster
“Slow there!” He snapped the command in his deepest voice. He spoke harshly,
with none of the deference he paid to his mistress. “Keep in line.”
Arness mentally shook her head. She always had to remember the latent violence
that existed in all these creatures—even in her wise Primary.
“Gentle! You’re yanking the chain too hard; the beast won’t be able to breathe!”
Arness called. “Remember, he doesn’t understand all the word commands yet.”
“He’ll learn fast enough,” Primary growled, then lowered his eyes. “I know he’s
capable of following orders. You’re too soft with them. They’ll take advantage.”
Arness actually shook her head this time. Primary had been trained to speak quite
fluently, but sometimes he forgot not all wildlings had his abilities. Arness thought his
conversation was quite a testament to her training, as well as his own intelligence. She
might be partial, but she was also sure he was much further advanced than most pets.
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A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
“Don’t remind me of who takes advantage of my generosity.” Arness kept her
tone cold. “I gave you an order.”
Primary was perhaps a foot or more above her in height, but he looked stricken as
he bowed his head.
Arness wanted to sigh. Not even Primary agreed with her methods of dealing
with wildlings. But how could she help it? All her wildlings were such beautiful, sleek
creatures. They were a delight to look at, a pleasure to train. Perhaps Primary was right
that she was over-gentle with them. But when you were camping in the out-country for
months on end, with nothing but half-wild beasts for company, you forgot they were
chattel to be sold for a profit…unless you kept a few for your own entertainment.
Speaking of which—
“Sec! Secondary!” Arness called.
Primary was hulking. Over the years his brown hair had developed a few strands
of gray at the temples. She kept him for his endless strength, vast experience and
complete loyalty.
Secondary was just the opposite. He bounded to her side, all but wiggling with
excitement. Arness laughed, just looking at his hopeful air. He was all youthful
eagerness and expectation. She kept Secondary to amuse her.
“I suppose you are expecting a treat whenever I call, eh, my little pleasure
glutton?” She hooked her little finger into the nipple ring he’d insisted upon during
their last town visit and twisted slightly. “Have you been watching your half of my
Sec’s eyes half shut with delight at her touch.
“Yesss,” he breathed out.
She swatted him on his rear.
*** NOT FOR SALE ***
A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
“Then keep watching,” she advised. “I don’t want to see you off seeking your own
pleasure instead of doing your duty.”
Sec grinned at her before ducking his head obediently.
“Of course, Mistress.”
Arness looked at the familiar landmarks. They were almost to Patroness
Morgena’s ranch. Whenever possible, Arness liked to start the rounds of trading there.
The patroness knew her end of a deal; Arness knew her potential buyer’s preferences in
future pets; and best yet, there was water.
“We’ve reached the creek!” Arness called to her two personal pets. “We’ll camp
here for the night and do the grooming.”
Water. That was a rare find in her part of the world. What was even more rare, the
patroness had granted her free access. Most water owners were far less amenable.
Thank Goddess the patroness was so kind. It was hot. Aridzone was always hot.
Arness knelt and trickled the cool liquid through her fingers, enjoying the
sensation. Reluctantly, she stood up. There was more hot work to be done.
“Shall I pull out the fairer wildlings, Mistress?” Primary asked. He knew the
patroness’s preferences, too.
“Might as well. They’ll get an extra-special going over. But do them all. D’you
hear me, Secondary?” Arness turned to him, aware who of the two might shirk. “You
never know what guests are at the ranch. We might find someone who wants some of
the others.”
Primary turned and gestured to Secondary to go forward. Arness paused to
watch. She did enjoy watching the two of them go through their paces.
Expertly, they unchained and pulled forward the four blondest of the group.
Before they could react, the fair ones were thrown into the creek. Yelling, making
strange guttural sounds of displeasure, they bobbed up and down. Arness paused.
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A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
Some of them would know how to swim. Others would not. You could never tell from
their outward appearance which would be expert.
She eased out her bullwhip and the darts, just in case someone thought now
would be the time to make a break. This group, though, posed no problem when they
touched ground. They merely stood, looking a little miserable, while they were
groomed. Primary reached and ducked each one under water, scrubbing thoroughly
with soap and a loofah.
Primary knew where to concentrate—the hair and genitals. Breeders like
Patroness Morgena were particular about those areas. Some who bought wildlings as
pleasure creatures had other interests, but that wasn’t what Arness was concerned
about for tomorrow.
When Primary was done, he passed the first capture up onto the bank, where
Secondary briskly dried the wildling’s body and then began to comb out his hair.
“Shall I shave them?” Sec called.
“No, we won’t waste the effort on these,” Arness said. “The patroness doesn’t
They could save the shaving and trimming for those last on the market, when
special gimmicks became important. Arness moved forward when Secondary finished
fluffing out the top hair of the first one.
She rubbed the special oil on her hands and smiled at the look of fearful
anticipation on the capture’s face. He was still feral, but he’d learned to trust her and to
associate her hands with pleasure. The wildling walked forward, a little reluctantly, but
still he came.
“Excellent, Four. Come to me,” Arness crooned to him. “You’ll enjoy this
The oil gleamed in the sun as she held it in her hands; it would gleam just as
brightly and enticingly on their bodies. Arness spread his feet apart and began to rub
up his legs. It made a nice contrast as her light brown hands splayed against his paler
*** NOT FOR SALE ***
A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
thighs. She didn’t have time to admire the sight long before the male let out one of those
guttural cries again and tilted his pelvis forward.
“Yes, Four.” Arness laughed. “It’s fortunate all you wildlings have such urges. I
doubt any of us could capture and keep you otherwise.”
She ran a hand once teasingly over his cock. It twitched, and he thrust against her
hand. Four was already getting hard, an excellent omen for Patroness Morgena and her
breeding farm.
“Not yet, though. We’ll save that for the last.” She patted him reassuringly on his
rear and knelt to finish the calves and thighs.
Four cried out again, but waited, trembling. Arness smoothed her oiled hands
over his almost hairless chest, spreading out the streaks to cover his shoulders and
arms. She began to slide her hands down again, stroking one nipple.
She smiled when she heard the sucked-in breath that signaled he wanted more
than a thorough oiling. Arness let her fingers tease while she continued her work on
Four. His stomach muscles tensed as she reached his balls. His cock swelled to an
almost impossible length.
Should she relieve him or not? Arness paused. A potential pet who displayed
eagerness during a sale—and this patroness would undoubtedly test for that—was far
more likely to be bought. Perhaps she shouldn’t take the edge off his hunger. But a
wildling who showed he knew and understood such play and welcomed it was also
important. Would continuing his grooming be more beneficial or harmful for
Arness paused to stare. “Four! You spoke?”
His eyes pleaded, though he stayed as still as a man who was trembling all over
could. Arness felt a glow of pride.
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A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
She’d managed to teach one of her newest captures to speak. Of course, he was
highly motivated at the moment. Thoughtfully, she ran a finger against the length of his
erect penis, testing the few drops that leaked out as she toyed with the reddening head.
“Yes. Pliss. Pliss.” The man shut his eyes. “Miss Triss.”
“Another almost ready!” Secondary called.
Damn that Secondary. He always got jealous when she did necessary training for
the wildlings. He did have a point, though. At least three others needed attention.
When she stopped moving her hands, Four’s eyes opened. She couldn’t ignore
those desperate blue eyes. Or that desperately hard cock.
Damn, she was too generous and indulgent with them.
“Mistress, the third one is out of the creek now!” Sec called.
“Finish yourself, Four.” Not a bad compromise, she thought, seeing the fleeting
look of frustration on his face as she gestured what she meant.
He didn’t try to protest her command, despite the unhappiness. She almost
laughed. She knew her wildlings.
For a moment she watched as he began to work his shaft steadily with his own
fist. She could see he was already too close to climax to do anything but hurry.
Excellent. He would be eager tomorrow when he was tested by others, but not too
His skin gleamed and glinted as he worked his fingers over his cock. Lovely. He
was as perfectly groomed as any handler could make him. Arness glanced over the
nearly ready cock and nodded. Yes, that should fetch a nice price once it was displayed.
She turned to Six, a slighter and younger male. His head was already bowed,
though the chains had been taken off for the grooming. Arness shook her head. Each
one was different, and each required different treatment. Some wildling handlers never
learned that, or missed the nuances needed with a particular capture.
*** NOT FOR SALE ***
A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
Six was a bit shyer than the others. He blushed as Four groaned and spurted, an
act which caused the others to laugh and nudge each other. Arness absently patted
Four’s haunches in approval as he recovered himself, licking her lips a bit as she saw his
seed spill out over his cock and hand. Four was a tasty sight. If she wasn’t so busy, she
Well, she hoped the patroness saw what a fine potential breeder Four was.
Meanwhile, she had more work to do.
“Six.” She made her voice even more gentle and seductive. She held out her
hands, palms stretched open. “Here, Six. Come.”
He was shy, but he was as male as the others. His cock twitched for a moment as
he obeyed her. Thank Goddess. Sometimes you discovered you’d captured one that
couldn’t be bred or even used for pleasure because he had no interest in females. There
were markets for that, too, but Arness rarely trafficked in them. Watching males cavort
with other males might be some patroness’s particular bent, but there weren’t enough
to make it worth Arness’s time.
“Six, take the oil and put it on your body.” She gestured, making sure he
The young wildling placed the oil on his chest and thighs and waited. He didn’t
look eager, though his cock was now slightly stiff. Curse it. He was still more fearful
than excited.
She’d neglected him in favor of some who were more forceful in their bids for
attention. Hopefully she had time to rectify that problem before tomorrow. After all, he
was a pretty thing—a bit delicate perhaps, but plenty enjoyed such beauty.
“Sec, work more carefully on the other two,” Arness called. “This one will take a
bit longer.”
Arness put her hands over Six’s. She saw the flush come over his neck and cheeks
again. Gently she began to guide his hands over his skin. Sometimes her wildlings had
been captured before, only to have been released or escaped later. She could tell by their
*** NOT FOR SALE ***
A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
behavior if they were used to women. Some had been treated badly, others perhaps a
little too well.
But Six had not.
She would lay a wager that he was a virgin. She couldn’t swear to a few of the
others in this particular group, but Six was untried.
Untried and afraid. Perhaps even shamed. She could feel it in his responses to her.
How Six tried to cover his erection with one hand instead of obeying her. His shame
was deeper than his obedience.
Arness hissed a little with displeasure. Six stopped his rubbing motion completely,
staring at her.
“Come.” She pulled him behind some shrubbery.
“But, Mistress, we need you!” Secondary called.
Arness ignored him. Six needed her more.
For now he couldn’t be displayed in public. That could make things difficult, but
she’d see what she could do to accustom him to his role.
Six trembled, as Four had, but for a different reason.
She tilted his chin up to face her. She was a tall woman and usually preferred pets
who were taller. Six was her height, almost exactly. Well, that had its compensations.
She stared into his eyes, long and deliberately.
Then, just as deliberately, she stroked his oiled body as she put her lips on his. She
absorbed his startled cry into her own mouth as she flicked his lips open and inserted
her tongue.
He jerked, but she placed her hands behind the small of his back and pressed him
closer to her. She could feel him begin to swell more forcefully now. Excellent. She had
to take enough time to show him how erogenous it was when a woman stroked and
petted him. She pulled her head back.
“Six, tilt your head so.” Puzzled, he tilted his head to the side.
*** NOT FOR SALE ***
A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
She bit at a tender part of his neck. He flinched, but she could tell he was
interested. She licked the bite gently, and he made the first pleased sound she’d heard
from him. Yes. A little domination, a little pleasure…that was what this one needed.
With just a little care, he would become a treasure of a pet.
Unbidden, he tilted his head to the other side. Arness almost laughed. Instead she
pinched one male nipple, and he yelped. But his nipple grew hard and firm. Better yet.
He couldn’t be allowed to expect a certain caress. He must learn to respond to a range
of possibilities. Whatever his mistress wanted, he should be eager to accept.
“Six. Take your cloth off.”
His eyes grew wider as he understood. Captures were dressed usually in nothing
but a cloth over their genitals, perhaps some leggings if the weather was bad or the
underbrush too heavy. Six had kept his covering on despite his bath and grooming.
His fingers trembled, but he obediently stripped his body of that one remaining
protection. Arness took the oil flask and slowly dripped it over his pubic bush and cock.
With each drop, his cock grew more eager. She watched his erection swell and then
begin to bob as the oil hit. Six licked sweat from his top lip.
Now he was more eager than shamed.
Arness dropped to her knees. There were different requirements for each potential
pet, after all. Holding his rear firmly, she placed her mouth directly on the head of his
He let out one sharp, surprised cry and then seemed to forget how to breathe.
She lingered a little at first, allowing him to absorb the sensations that she could
almost feel humming inside his body. Her first long, smooth glide took his cock down
her throat and had him clutching his hands into her hair for support. Then she paused
to lick the throbbing vein in his cock.
From outside the shrubbery came the loud sounds of the other captures splashing
in the water, yelping as they were readied for market. Inside, silence reigned except for
the sounds Arness’s tongue and lips made as she licked and sucked.
*** NOT FOR SALE ***
A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
Shame and inexperience couldn’t hold out for long against experience and desire.
Six reached back to cling hard to a rock as Arness pulled him deeper into her mouth,
then deeper yet. He broke within minutes, coming hard, crying harshly as he did. He
slid to the ground.
She stood and bent over him as she finished oiling the top of his body with an
almost-caress, comforting him until he stopped shaking. When his body finally lay still
beneath her, she patted his head.
“Didn’t you enjoy that?” She wished she had more time to be tender with him. He
looked shattered. “There will be more from your permanent mistress. You’re a
handsome fellow, and she’ll see you are pleasured often. I’m sure of it.”
Slowly he got to his knees, still with a bowed head.
Suddenly, unexpectedly, Six bent his head still lower and kissed her boots.
Arness bit her lip at the unexpected gesture. He’d make someone a lovely pet. A
different pet than Four, but equally fine.
“Mistress, can you not help now?” This time Primary called. When he cried for
help, it was needed.
Arness pulled Six out of the shrubbery, looked at him, and stifled a sigh. Oil and
desert sand didn’t mix well. Six’s knees and ass were dirty.
“Primary, clean him up again.”
Exhausted, touched by Six’s untutored tribute, Arness made short work of oiling
Three and Five. They needed little urging, though, since they’d seen what had gone on
with Four, and despite the lack of display, there was no missing the rare smile on Six’s
face—or his sandy legs.
“Tether them all. Make sure their hands can’t get free.” Secondary and Primary
looked at each other. All of them knew why the wildlings weren’t to be allowed any
possibility of more self-pleasure. Each one’s manhood would be evaluated tomorrow.
*** NOT FOR SALE ***
A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
“You’re tired.” Primary brought her a bowl of the endless camp stew. Arness
tilted some down her throat, forcing herself to chew and swallow. Ah, well, tomorrow
there would be delicacies to savor. Patroness Morgena had an excellent cook.
“Yes.” Arness refused to allow herself to slump, even before her most treasured
creatures. One didn’t show weakness before them.
Primary went behind her, kneading her shoulders with clever fingers. He knew
her weaknesses after their years together, even without her displaying any.
“How long has it been, Primary?” Arness asked. “Since you became my pet?”
“Ten years, Mistress.” She didn’t doubt his calculations. “You were still a new
trader then.”
She had been twenty, finally allowed on her own. Those first years had been
arduous, risky, and poverty-stricken.
“And you were young enough to be my secondary pet. That is, if I could have
afforded two.”
“I was grateful you thought me experienced enough to be your primary personal
pet despite my age. I was even more honored to be your only pet.” Primary bent over
the calves of her legs, massaging intensely.
How had he felt when she took on Secondary? Arness frowned at the thought.
Most traders had a whole string of personal pets, culled from the best of their own
stock. She’d never wanted to take on the permanent care of more than a few…it was
expensive and emotionally costly. Not many others felt that way, though. Having just
one for years had made her a curiosity among the women she met.
But Primary—he’d been her sole source of amusement and comfort for a long
time. Perhaps it was ridiculous to think a pet might have such delicate feelings, but she
wondered if he might have felt some jealousy when she took on another one.
*** NOT FOR SALE ***
A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
Arness shrugged away the thought. He seemed to cope with what feelings he had
without difficulty. Pets were used to being one of a group. Most probably liked the
“I’m tired but excited, Primary,” she admitted.
Primary smiled, just briefly.
“I know, Mistress. It has been ten years. The grooming always excites you. I
remember times when you almost wore me out.”
Arness smiled, too. She remembered a few of those nights. “You never did wear
out, though.”
“Not then. I have help now, though. Thank Goddess. You’re quite a woman when
you get going.” He slanted another glance at her and stopped his massage.
Sec squatted down between the two of them.
“The mistress will require both of us tonight.”
Arness smiled and decided not to reprimand Primary for giving such a command.
He was right, of course.
“Strip for me.” She began to take off her leather vest as she watched.
Both Primary and Secondary knew how to make a show of their disrobing. A
lovely show. As her personal pets, they wore laced leggings and vests to cover
themselves. Their clothing showed enough of their bodies to display her good taste, but
not enough to make a free show for other women. She watched their fingers slowly
unlace and uncover prime male flesh.
Finished with her own stripping, Arness stood, thoughtfully comparing her two.
They posed before her, fully exposed, letting her look. They were a lovely sight,
together or separately.
*** NOT FOR SALE ***
A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
Primary, huge, shaggy, powerful, could make her wet when she put her mind to
his body rather than his ability to work or converse. During sex he could go on forever,
always seeing to her pleasure before his own. Goddess, how she enjoyed that.
Secondary, thinner, his face more sculptured, his emotions never completely
under control, was insatiable. Seconds after he climaxed, he was ready for more. She
enjoyed that, too.
“Primary, come to me.” She spoke the command she had given so often today to
the captures. “Secondary, in a moment.”
Primary needed no more instruction to stand in front of her. His callused hands
began to stroke her breasts, and she shut her eyes at the roughness against one of the
softest spots on her body. Unbidden, Secondary soon crowded behind, cock already
stretched hard. He shamelessly rubbed himself against her rear as he reached around to
move his fingers against the curls of her pubic hair.
Could the captures see them outlined against the dying fire? Did it matter? She
lost all worries, all concerns other than the four hands and two tongues that were
working their way across her body with the sole object of giving her pleasure.
Ahh, this was why one took on the trouble and expense and care of pets. For
moments like these. Primary dropped to his knees before her, using his skillful tongue
against her clitoris. Secondary was already moaning at the back of her neck, but taking
his turn at caressing her nipples with one hand and gently massaging the puckered
entrance to her ass with the other.
She allowed herself to slip into sensation, into pure enjoyment of the waves of heat
surging through her body, the weakness growing in her legs. Her own pleasure
increased with the sounds Secondary was making, the wordless pleas he groaned
against her skin. She panted at the sight of the sweat beads forming on Primary’s
forehead. He never pleaded, never gave in until she told them—
“Now. Now!”
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A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
Primary leaped to his feet. Then he groaned as he slid firmly home inside her.
Secondary, with more care, pushed himself into the entrance he had been making
ready. They all paused for a moment, savoring the sensation.
Full. Delightfully stretched and as full as any woman could be. Nothing could be
better than two hard cocks pushing together. What did the others feel when they were
inside her? Could it be as good? Blinding pleasure jolted through her as Primary and
Secondary worked with precision, sliding themselves in and out. Thought scattered
Primary’s fingers, already slick from his previous explorations, moved gently
against her clitoris. Secondary’s fingers pinched her nipples, much harder than his
respectful caresses before. Arness might have lost her footing then, but she was held up
by the two males squeezed against her.
Fire no longer came in waves, but completely engulfed her.
“Ahh!” Arness groaned and gave herself up to her first climax, dark red and
burning hot.
The two men barely paused before they worked to send her on her second trip to
ecstasy. Their pants mingled with her own; their hearts thudded along with her heart as
they moved as close as they could to her. Where did one end and the other start? Arness
had no idea. She lifted her legs and clamped them around Primary’s. She dug her
fingernails into his shoulders. Secondary was already draped around her from behind.
She came a second time, short and sharp, before Secondary broke.
“Sorry! Too goooood,” he moaned as she felt the first splash of his cum inside.
“Worthless young—” Primary grunted, still hard, still urgent, still pushing strong
inside her.
“No. You, too.” She gave in, gave permission as her third climax began to
overwhelm her. She felt herself clench, felt her whole body spasm.
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A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
Her moan was echoed by the male before her. The gush of Primary’s seed inside
her left her completely drenched. They all fell to the ground as they disentangled,
landing together, with Secondary cradling her fall and Primary’s large arm heavy
between her breasts. Secondary’s snore soon rumbled in her ear.
She shut her eyes, dimly aware of the light blanket Primary tucked about her.
Sweet pet. He knew the desert night grew too cold for her, even when their three bodies
cradled together. Primary’s collar briefly bit into her arm before he resettled himself
against her.
She settled her leg over his thigh as she usually did. Primary smoothed the blanket
tightly around her.
Perfect. Her life was perfect. Even her domestic routine with her beautifully
trained pets had a special sweetness. What more could any woman ask for?
“All right, Mistress?” Primary sounded as drowsy as she.
“Thank…” she managed before falling into a sound sleep.
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A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
Chapter Two
“Get him!” One voice yelled. “Damn it, hit him low and hard.”
Adan spun on his heel, his heart almost thumping in and out of his chest. He
knew he couldn’t run much longer, but then, neither could they. All he needed was
another minute of speed. Just one.
The next instant Adan felt a burning pain in his groin. He crashed hard to the
ground. Stunned, he lay quiet, gasping for air.
“Got him.” Another voice filled with satisfaction.
“It’s not another of his tricks, is it?” a third asked, suspiciously. Adan got a sudden
harsh boot to the ribs. He grunted, gasping again.
“Naw. It’s real. Tie him, then.”
“Bastard was tougher than you’d think from looking at him.” A fourth voice was a
bit muffled. He’d had a few teeth removed at the start of their bout. Of course that one
tied him, and the cords sliced into his wrists.
They began to haul him back. His head slammed against a fallen branch as they
hustled him along.
“You’re the bastards! How can you do this to your own?” Adan yelled as they
threw him into the small room where he’d been not three hours before.
“Patroness will be pleased to get him back” was the only reply as they walked
back down the hall.
“Wager you he’ll get some special training after this,” Adan heard another say.
“Mistress Arness is due here soon. Wonder if she’ll take him on?”
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Adan’s breath caught. No. He wasn’t affected by any woman. He told himself his
breathlessness was the lingering pain in his ribs and not a mere name.
The men at the ranch were always babbling about her, but he’d heard of the trader
even before his arrival. Who in the out-country hadn’t? Escaped captures whispered her
name first, when they spoke of powerful pet traders.
Head throbbing, stomach churning, Adan rolled himself to one side, though his
hands were still bound behind him. Blast it, there was no need to worry. He’d escaped
before. Just give him a little while to recover and he’d do a better job of running next
He might be captured, but he wasn’t defeated. Not now. Not ever.
Arness slapped her wide-brimmed hat against her thigh, clearing the trail dust
from it before she stepped over the patroness’s threshold. The fans whirled close to
silently inside the house, the motion of the blades almost the only sound as she entered.
Her work boots sounded noisy against the polished wood floors. Arness took a deep
breath, trying to accustom herself again to the delights and nuances of civilized
behavior. The change from wilderness to civilization was always a shock.
“Mistress!” The majordoma of the household, Dorinda, stepped into the hall. “We
were delighted to hear of your arrival.”
She’d sent Secondary on ahead so that the household would be ready for them.
He’d done his job well.
“I’m delighted to be here.” Arness tried the formal response on, slowly
remembering the correct phrases. Of course, it helped that she truly was delighted. “It’s
a pleasure to see the household again.”
“Mistress Arness!” The patroness herself appeared. “Welcome.”
*** NOT FOR SALE ***
A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
It was always a shock to remember Morgena was short. She carried herself with
such authority that one forgot until confronted with the reality again. Arness inclined
her head respectfully. “I’m honored.”
“The honor is mine, I assure you.”
The two of them stopped, staring at each other, unsure what politeness to try next.
“Enough formality.” Morgena let out a loud laugh. “I truly am glad you’re here.
Have you any pretty toys for me?”
“They may look like pretty toys, Patroness, but they’re more than that.” Arness
paused for effect and then winked. “You’ll see that for yourself, of course.”
“Ah, as always, you’ll have me overstep my budget.” The patroness shook her
head sadly. “I can’t resist your wildlings.”
“You drive a sharp enough bargain for a woman unable to resist.” Arness allowed
herself one quick grin. It was too early to begin the barter, but it was something Arness
enjoyed as much as Morgena did. “My wildlings are prime, and they’re already well on
their way to becoming pets.”
There was another odd pause. Why did she have the feeling Morgena wanted to
say something more? Morgena never waited to say whatever was on her mind.
“Patroness! Patroness!” A burly blond man ran into the hallway. “We got him!
He’s trussed up and safely back.”
“You’re interrupting my conversation,” Morgena said, mildly enough, but the
giant looked horrified.
“Forgive me, Patroness. You said to let you know as soon as possible.” He bowed
low. As he moved, the metal on his carefully wrought collar glinted in the light.
Morgena sighed and turned back to Arness.
“I’d hoped to ease into this discussion. So much for finesse. I never had the flair
for it anyhow.” She looked at Arness. “I would like to hire you for a particular task. I
*** NOT FOR SALE ***
A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
think you have the talent to succeed where those on my ranch have failed. Shall we
discuss it while we dine?”
Arness inclined her head again. “Delighted, Patroness.” Sometimes civility was
useful, particularly when one wasn’t sure what to say.
“Shut the door after me,” Arness said to the guards.
“Are you sure?” One of the three men who came with her asked. “He’s clever.
“I’m sure.” Despite her command, she didn’t like the sound of the heavy door
clanging shut behind her. Every ranch had to have a holding room. She’d been in
several, working to calm recalcitrant captures. It didn’t matter that she knew and
accepted the need for such rooms. Being in one always made her nervous.
Arness squatted down and let her eyes adjust to the half-light in the room. It was
cooler in here than outside, but still uncomfortably warm. There were no fans in this
part of the ranch.
The huddled figure before her was imposing, but oddly still. Arness squinted.
Had he been injured when he was captured this time? That would be a sad thing. Or
perhaps he had some plan of escape and was trying to make her come closer. Arness
felt for her knife. If he thought she was that much a fool, she could show him
differently. She drew a little closer, prepared for trouble.
Then she gasped.
“Goddess! You’re still tied!” She jumped up.
Pets were too valuable to mishandle. From what Morgena said, this one had cost
her more than any of the others by a considerable sum.
“I probably got a bit carried away. But this is a gift for my daughter, who is coming home
for the first time in years. Thought he’d be a fine start for her own breeding farm if she chose to
use him so. Or one hell of a pleasure pet.”
*** NOT FOR SALE ***
A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
Arness hissed her displeasure as she saw the pet’s hands and legs were tethered
far too tightly together. She didn’t know how long they’d been so, but the wrists were
already swollen.
She sliced against the cords with her blade, careful not to nick valuable flesh. As
the first ties loosened, the man’s arms dropped heavily. She knew the pain must be
intense as blood began to circulate.
He grimaced, let out one pained grunt, and turned his head away from her.
If only she could see him more clearly. His hair was longer than what was allowed
for most domestic pets, effectively covering him. Arness could see why he hadn’t had
his hair cut. It was beautiful hair, silvery white and flowing down to his shoulders. It
covered his face as he bent over.
He looked young, hard-muscled, long-limbed, with wide shoulders and narrow
hips. She mentally ran down her trader’s checklist of desirable pet attributes, saving the
best for last. Ah, yes. She looked carefully. Well-endowed. Amazingly so, in her
professional opinion.
Well, Morgena was no fool. When she paid top dollar for a pet, everything had to
be perfect.
Everything, apparently, but the pet’s attitude.
“I got him from a trader I never used before. He cost me plenty, but less than you might
think for a prime piece like that. Now I know why. The damned idiot has tried to escape three
times since I bought him a month ago. I’m at my wit’s end with him. I don’t believe in breaking a
pet’s spirit. If I did, he’d be no good for my purposes. My Salla is as high-spirited as he is. She’d
have no use for a docile male since she has odd notions of her own from that fancy education I
bought her in the city. What she needs is a pet who will test her mettle, keep her interested. This
one could if the fool would just settle down enough for training.”
She saw he wore no collar. A month here, and he still refused to wear one? The
creature remained more wildling than pet.
Arness shook her head. How was she going to settle him down?
*** NOT FOR SALE ***
A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
“Water!” Arness called out the door. “Bring water!” He had to be thirsty.
His legs had stayed curled in almost a fetal position this whole time, so when she
turned back, she began to massage them. The pet jerked away and grunted in pain
“Don’t be foolish,” she said and went back to a deep stroke against the ankles and
up the calves. He had good, firm leg muscles. She would have liked to admire them,
perhaps let her hands linger a bit, but she knew he must be hurting.
Apparently he thought better of his bravado because he quieted. That allowed her
to inspect him more carefully. Arness frowned at the bruises on his arms and ribs.
Unruly pets were often paid back by the others—at least if the others were hurt by the
pet’s escapades. There had been blood and bruises on the fellow who had announced
his recapture. From the signs, this one probably had fought ferociously.
Arness stifled a sigh. Morgena hadn’t promised her a hefty fee for an easy job.
“I’m here to look you over,” Arness announced. “You’re lucky I bothered to check
you out today before I started marketing the other captures. It might have been a while
before anyone deigned to free you.”
The pet didn’t look up. Probably he didn’t understand the language, but he might
well be stubborn enough to refuse to acknowledge her. Arness went to the door and
picked up the bucket of water that had been left there.
Deliberately she took some in her cupped hands and put it to his lips, forcing him
to touch her hands as he drank. He was too thirsty not to, but he kept his eyes shut as
he did.
Arness almost smiled. He refused to look at her? This capture was amazingly
stubborn. Why was she so amused by his resistance?
“Adan.” She thought he twitched a little. He knew that word, at any rate. “I hear
you’ve been named Adan. We’re going to get to know each other very well. I intend to
learn a great deal about you.”
*** NOT FOR SALE ***
A Loose Id "Sneak Peek"
She let her hands linger at his mouth a little longer than necessary.
“Don’t touch me.”
“What?” Arness was stunned. This pet had snapped out an order. Pets never said
such things.
He looked at her then. His direct stare knocked everything else from her mind.
Burning blue eyes glared into her dark ones. Intelligence and anger gleamed there.
Sensual lips, lean face, high cheekbones. The sweat and blood on his face didn’t detract
from the impact. This Adan was handsome, but he had a fighter’s face, not a pet’s.
“Don’t touch.”
Want to know what happens next?