Modern scientific research and their practical application
Modern scientific research and their practical application
Research Bulletin SWorld ISSN 2227-6920 Modern scientific research and their practical application Published by: Kupriyenko SV on Project SWorld With the support of: Odessa National Maritime University Ukrainian National Academy of Railway Transport Institute for Entrepreneurship and morehozyaystva Lugansk State Medical University Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education Volume J21310 November 2013 SWorld /Scientific World/- is a modern on-line project, acting in the name of science to achieve the high goal “international integration of research” (conferences, workshops, electronic journals, publishing support for academics) URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Please use the following format to cite material from this book (italics indicate the fields to change to your data): Author(s), 'Title of Paper," in Modern scientific research and their practical application, edited by Alexandr G. Shibaev, Alexandra D. Markova.Vol.J21310 (Kupriyenko SV, Odessa, 2013) – URL: (date:...) - Article CID Number. This volume contains research papers of scientists in the field of Technical sciences. Editorial board: Alexandr G. Shibaev – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Alexandr V. Yatsenko – associate professor, rector of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and morehozyaystva Sergiy M. Goncharuk – Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof., Member of the Russian Academy of Transport and the International Informatization Academy, Honored Worker of Transport of Russia Denis V. Lomotko – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Vice-Rector of the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, Corr. Transport Academy of Ukraine Inna A. Lapkina – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. V. Ivanov - Doctor of Law, Professor; Victoriya A. Shapovalova - Doctor of Pharmacy, professor; Alexandr I. Tikhonova - Doctor of Pharmacy, professor; Alexandr P. Gudzenko - Doctor of Pharmacy, professor; Valeriy V. Shapovalov - Doctor of Pharmacy, professor; Dmatriy S. Volokh - Doctor of Pharmacy, professor; Victor P. Georgievskiy - Doctor of Pharmacy, professor, corresponding member Ukraine NAS; Alexandr I. Grizodub - Doctor of Chemistry, professor; Valentine V. Shapovalov - Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Sergiy I. Rylov – Ph.D. in Economics, Professor. Elena V. Kirillova – PhD, associate professor Petrov I - PhD, associate professor. Julia L. Kantarovich – Ph.D. in art history science I. Mogilevskaya - candidate of pedagogical sciences professor; Demidova V - Ph.D in Pedagogical Sciences Stovpets A. - Ph.D in Philosophy Sciences, associate professor Stovpets V. - Ph.D in Philology Sciences, associate professor Alexandra D. Markova Published by: Kupriyenko SV on Project SWorld P.O. Box 38, Odessa, 65001Ukraine Telephone: +380667901205 e-mail: [email protected] site: The publisher is not responsible for the validity of the information or for any outcomes resulting from reliance thereon. Copyright © Authors, 2013 Paper Numbering: Papers are published as they are submitted and meet publication criteria. A unique, consistent, permanent citation identifier (CID) number is assigned to each article at the time of the first publication. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use CONTENTS J21310-001 METHOD TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF SOMATIC CELLS IN MILK TO PRODUCE CHEESE J21310-002 GRAPHIC PREPARATION OF STUDENTS ELECTROMECHANICAL SPECIALTIES IN CONDITIONS OF MODERNIZATION OF THE RUSSIAN EDUCATION TECHNOLOGIES OF THE MECHANIZED FASTENING OF EXCAVATIONS OF STRENGTHENED COMBINED SUPPORT WITH USE OF BEING SELF-FIXED ANCHORS AND CONCRETE "WET" ON UNDERGROUND MINES OF URAL J21310-003 J21310-004 NOISE IMMUNITY AS A FACTOR OF NETWORK RELIABILITY DATA TRANSMISSION ON TRANSPORT J21310-005 HELTH – SAFE FOOD IN SPORTS J21310-006 TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTION OF HIGH STRENGTH WIRE WITH HIGH PLASTIC PROPERTIES MODELING SATELLITE DATA TRANSMISSION CHANNELS WITH CASCADE SIGNAL-CODE STRUCTURES J21310-007 J21310-008 THE PROBLEMS OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES SAFETY J21310-009 CONSTRUCTION OF EXPERIMENTAL JET CAVITATION APPARATUS J21310-010 THE PRINCIPLE OF PRODUCING THERMOPLASTIC POLYURETHANE COMPOSITES OF IMPROVED WEAR RESISTANCE AUTOMATED SYSTEM DESIGN OF THE LIGHT DEVICES INVESTIGATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SYSTEM BY ANALITICAL MODELING J21310-011 J21310-012 J21310-013 J21310-014 CONTROL OF PROTECTIVE CAPACITY OF STATIONS OF CATHODIC PROTECTION OF THE GAS PIPELINE TECHNICAL ASPECTS OF NEW MONOACYLGLYCEROL OBTAINING TECHNOLOGY Ryzhkova T.N. Kharkov state zooveterinary academy Kharkiv region, Dergachy district, 62341 Petrovskaya N.M. Institute of Education, Psychology and Sociology of the Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Svobodny 79 Kalmykov V.N., Zubkov A.A. Volkov P.V., Pushkarev E.I. Latkin V.V. Magnitogorsk State Technical University of G.I.Nosov", Magnitogorsk, Lenin Avenue 38, 455000 Nyrkov A.P., Sokolov S.S., Belousov A.S. Federal State Financed Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping”, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Dvinskay st., 5/7. 1Tusinov A.G., 2Sklyarenko S.A. 1"Russian State University of Tourism and Service" 2 "Moscow State University of Food Production" Radionov A.A., Radionova L.V. South Ural State University Boiko J.M., Boryachok R.O. Khmelnitskiy National University, Khmelnitskiy, 11/3 Institutska Str., 29000 Mykhailova G.N. , Bulenok S. N. Kiyv National University of Trade and Economics, Kioto st. 19, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02156 Anisimov V. V., Ermakov P. P. SHED “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology” Anisimov V.N. Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology Bayneva I.I., Baynev V.V. Ogarev Mordovia State University Stepanenko I.A. Lukyanov V.S. Volgograd State Technical University Vasilenko A.F. Vasilenko N. V. Kuban state technological university, Krasnodar, Moscowskay, 2, 350072 Melnik A.P., Matveeva T.V., Papchenko V.Y., Kramarev S.O., Malik S.G., Getmansev A.M. National technical university “Kharkov polytechnic institute” URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-015 RESEARCH OF CHARACTERISTICS OF THE NETWORK TRAFFIC J21310-016 LABORATORY STUDIES OF COMPLEX BINDER, WITH THE STRENGTHENING OF SOILS OF ROADBED OF FOREST ROADS J21310-017 EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE STORAGE ON NATURE LOSSES AND QUALITY OF CHAMPIGNON BISPORED J21310-018 EFFECT OF STORAGE CONDITIONS ON BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF MUSHROOMS OF CHAMPIGNONS BISPORED J21310-019 RATIONALE PROCESSING CONES HOPS IN PELLETS TYPE 90 J21310-020 CARGO FLOWS OPTIMIZATION OF MULTIMODAL TRAFFIC J21310-021 THE VIBRATORY MACHINES WITH PNEUMOMECHANICAL CONTROL: EFFECT OF THE POLYTROPHIC INDEX ON POWER CONSUMPTION METHODS FOR LARGE IMAGE DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING AND STORAGE IN LH*RS SCHEMA J21310-022 J21310-023 THE PROPERTIES OF GYPSUM-SAND ADMIXTURES USED FOR ARTIFICIAL STONES MANUFACTURE WITH VARIED ORGANIC COMPOUND-BASED ADDITIVES J21310-024 MODERN METHODS OF CONTROL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL STATE OF MACHINISTS HIGH-SPEED TRAFFIC J21310-025 OPERATING CONDITIONS OF AN INDUCTION MOTOR WITH FREQUENCY CONVERTER, BASED ON VSI WITH PWM, AND AFE RECTIFIER DURING VOLTAGE DIPS THE CAUSES AND THE CONSEQUENCES OF FAILURE AUTOMATION SYSTEMS IN OPERATION IN REFINERIES USING A SINGLE BASE OPERATING DATA PRACTICAL INFLUENCE OF PROCESSING AND FREEZING TEMPERATURE ON RESULTS OF THE ASSESSMENT OF QUALITY OF FIELD MUSHROOMS J21310-026 J21310-027 J21310-028 CORROSION-MECHANICAL WEAR TECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT FOOD Chupakhina L.R. Kireeva N. V. Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Samara, Lev Tolstoy 23, 443010 Naumenko A. I., Bavbel J. I., Lyshchik P. A. Belarusian state technological university, Department of transportation wood Gun’ko S.M., Trynchuk O.O. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Heroyv Oboronu 13, 03041 Gun’ko S.M., Trynchuk O.O. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Heroyv Oboronu 13, 03041 Bober A. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Sokolov S.S., Ezhgurov V.N. Federal budget institution of higher professional education “Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping”, Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg, Dvinskaya 5/7, 198035 Stasiuk V.M. Lutsk national technical university Lutsk, Lvivska Street, 75, 43018 Kokoulin A.N. Perm national research polytechnic university, Russia, Perm, Komsomolsky prospect, 29 Lomachenko D.V. Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University, Russia, Belgorod, Kostykov str. 46, 308012 Kopytenkova O.I., Kurepin D.E., Aliev O.T. Petersburg State University of Railway Transport, St. Petersburg, Moscow Avenue, 9, 190031 Radionov A.A., Maklakov A.S. South Ural State University (National Research), Chelyabinsk, Lenin ave 75, 454080 Pegushin S.L., Shumihin A.G. Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Komsomol prospectus 29, 614990 Medvedkova I.I. Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade of a name of M. Tugan-Baranovsky, Donetsk, Ul. Shchorsа, 31, 83050 1Sukhenko V.J., 2Manuilov V.V., 1Sukhenko J.G. 1National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-029 METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF MANAGEMENT OF PROJECTS OF TOURIST FLOWS J21310-030 PROBLEMS OF HYDROELASTICITY OF THE COAXIAL CYLINDRICAL SHELLS CONTAINING A STRATUM OF VISCOUS INCOMPRESSIBLE LIQUID IN CONDITIONS OF VIBRATION J21310-031 ENERGY INDICATORS OF DUAL RETAINING CUTTING OF CORNSTALKS J21310-032 MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF LONGITUDINAL DEFORMATION WAVES DISTRIBUTION IN CORN’S EAR DURING ITS PICKING METHODS OF SELECTING THE DIAGNOSTIC PARAMETERS IN DETERMINING PARAMETRIC RELIABILITY OF THE ENGINES OF MOTOR VEHICLES ROBUST CONTROL OF NONLINEAR NONSTATIONARY OBJECT WITH STATIONARY OBSERVER AND EXPLICIT-IMPLICIT REFERENCE MODEL HYDROELASTICITY GEOMETRICALLY IRREGULAR SHELL CONTAINING THE STRATUM OF THE VISCOUS LIQUID AND ABSOLUTELY RIGID CYLINDER, IN CONDITIONS OF HARMONIC PRESSURE GEOMETRY OF LUNAR TERMINATOR J21310-033 J21310-034 J21310-035 J21310-036 J21310-037 J21310-038 THE CONTROL OF NATURAL GAS DEW POINT TEMPERATURES BY WATER AND HYDROCARBONS ANALYSIS METHODS CICN J21310-039 CICN RESTRUCTURING AND ITS EFFECT ON PERFORMANCE NETWORK J21310-040 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS CICN J21310-041 DEFORMATION OF STREAM BY MEANS OF RESISTANCE, DISPERSED ALONG CROSS-SECTIONAL INTERSCAPULAR CHANNELS OF CENTRIFUGAL MACHINE THE MODIFICATION OF MELT-BLOWN POLYPROPYLENE MATERIAL INFLUENCE OF THE FIELD OF MICROWAVE RADIATION J21310-042 J21310-043 RESEARCH INTO IMPACT FORCE ON A FLEXIBLE SEGMENT OF INERTIAL CUTTING ROTOR ACTUATING DEVICE Kyiv, Heroyiv Oborony, 15, 03041 2Kerch State Marine Technical University, Kerch, Ordzhonіkіdze, 82, 98309 Krap N.P., Yuzevych V.M. Lviv Institute of Economy and Tourism Lviv, Mentsynsky street, 8 Physico-Mechanical Institute of NAS of Ukraine Lviv, Naukova street, 5 Kondratova J.N., Kondratov D.V., Mogilevich L.I. Saratov State University, Saratov, Stolypin Volga Region Institute, Volga Region Branch MIIT Zaviryuha M., Pilip V. Nikolaev National Agrarian University, Nikolaev, Krilova St. 17a, 54000 Havrysh V.I., Rakul O.I. Mykolaiv National Agrarian University, Mykolaiv, Krylovа St. 17a, 54038 Varnakov D.V. Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Leo Tolstoy 42, 432048 Semichevskaya N.P., Kulchanovsky S.A. Amur State University Plaksina I.V., Kondratov D.V. Stolypin Volga Region Institute, Russia, Saratov, Sobornaya, 23/25, 410031 Boiko S.M., Honcharov V.V. Institute of Chemical Technology, V.Dal’ East-Ukrainian National University (Rubezhnoe) Bilynsky Y.Y., Ionina K.Y. Vinnitsa National Technical University Kuznetsov E.M. Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics Kuznetsov E.M., Banov A.S. Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics Kuznetsov E., Skvortsov P.S. Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics Bobkov A.V. Komsomolsk-on-Amur state technical university Lysak I.A., Lysak G.V. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, 634050, Russia, Tomsk, Lenina, 30 Bukhtoyarov L.D., Sergienko D.S. Voronezh State Academy of Forestry and Technologies, URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-044 ANALYSIS OF TRANSITION THERMAL PROCESS IN AUTOMOTIVE LAMPS J21310-045 PNEUMATIC CLASSIFICATION OF THE GRANULAR MATERIALS J21310-046 PHYSICAL MODEL OF HIGH-DISPERSE GASCONDENSATE SYSTEMS FORMATION IN TURBULENT GAS FLOW J21310-047 STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION AND ANALYSIS OF A CONTROL SYSTEM BASED ON DIGITAL DYNAMIC PULSE FREQUENCY MODULATION FOR OBJECTS WITH TRANSPORT DELAY ON THE APPLICATION OF INFORMATIONDIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM “CHART 2020” IN THE CABINET OF VISION CORRECTION LINES OF SURFACE PLASTIC DEFORMATION OF MACHINE DETAILS DEVELOPMENT J21310-048 J21310-049 J21310-050 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF TECHNOLOGICAL EFFICIENCY VIBRATING PEELING GRAIN J21310-051 RESERVATION AS AN EFFECTIVE METHOD OF ENSURING THE RELIABILITY OF COMPLEX AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY J21310-052 THEORETICAL ANALYSIS STRUCTURAL AND KINEMATICS PARAMETERS DEVICE FOR CLEANING HEADS TO DEVICE COMBINE FOR COLLECTION OF CORN THE CLASSIFICATION OF WAYS TO IMPROVE BUILDINGS ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF RESIDENTIAL QUARTERS AT COMPLEX RECONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING DEVELOPMENT J21310-053 J21310-054 J21310-055 USE OF NONCONVENTIONAL POWER FOR WATER-PREPARATION AND HEAT SUPPLIES OF INDEPENDENT INDUSTRIAL TARGETS OF MARINE AQUACALTUR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN THE GRAPHIC PREPARATION STUDENTS. INTERNET: "FOR" AND "AGAINST" J21310-056 MODERN TRAINING GRAPHIC DISCIPLINES J21310-057 QUALITY CONTROL IN KNEADING THE PASTRY Piontkovskaya S.А., Mastaeva S.P., Petinov Y.О. Togliatti State University, Togliatti, Belarusian,14, 445667 Litvinenko A.V.,Yuhimenko N.P. Sumy state university, 2 Rimskogo – Korsakova street, Sumy 40007 Lyaposchenko O.O., Nastenko O.V., Logvin A.V., Al - Rammahi M.M. Sumy State University, Sumy, 2 Rimsky-Korsakov st., Sumy 40007 Aitchanov B.H., Baimuratov O.A., Kozhamzharova D.K., NikulinV.V. Kazakh National Technical University after K.I.Satpaev Almaty, Satpaeva 22 Kol`sunov A.A., Kompaniets V.S. Southern Federal University, Taganrog, Tchehova 2, 347928 Bobrovskii N.M., Melnikov P.A., Bobrovskii I.N., Ezhelev A.V., Lukyanov A.A. Tolyatti State University, Russia, Tolyatti Denisko O.A., Tkachuk A.I. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine Boyko A., **Bondarenko O. National University of Bioresources and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine **Nikolaev National Agrarian University, Nikolaev, Krilova St. 17a, 54038 Gruban V. Nikolaev National Agrarian University, Nikolaev, Krilova St. 17a, 54038 Nechepurenko D.S., Epifantseva S.V. Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture Molotkov V.E. Institute of marine technology problems FEB RAS, 690091, Vladivostok, Suchanova 5а. Machekhina D. V. Polytechnic Institute of the Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk, ul. Kirenskogo 26 Klesova K. I. Polytechnic Institute of the Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk, Kirenskogo, 26 Stadnuk I., Konevech M., 1Vasyliv V. Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj National Technical University, Ternopil 1National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-058 INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS TO RESEARCH IN DRYING TECHNOLOGY OF FOOD RAW MATERIALS J21310-059 EFFECT OF FERMENT MICROFLORA COMBINATIONS ON QUALITY AND OUTPUT OF GOAT’S CURD J21310-060 RESEARCH OF CONTRAPERTURE SPEAKERS IN ACOUSTIC J21310-061 THE RESEARCH OF HIGH-STRENGTH DIMENSION STONE MINING TECHNOLOGICAL SCHEMES IN RUSSIA AND ABROAD J21310-062 THE DIRECTION OF THE SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ELECTRONIC EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES J21310-063 INFORMATION SUPPORT SCIENTIFIC-RESEARCH WORK OF STUDENTS J21310-064 APPLICABLE INVESTIGATION OF GEOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BOILER FURNACE ON THE FORMATION OF NITROGEN OXIDES MODELLING OF ANY FUNCTION OF DENSITY OF DISTRIBUTION BY THE SUM EXHIBITOR J21310-065 J21310-066 STUDIES OF INFLUENCE ON NETWORK 24-PULSE RECTIFIER ON BASIS OF THYRISTOR CONVERTERS J21310-067 PILOT INSTALLATION FOR THE EXTRACTION OF SUGAR FROM HYDROLYZED TIMBER J21310-068 POSSIBLE APPLICATIONS OF AMALGAM METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OF FLUORESCENT LAMPS OF SMALL DIAMETER J21310-069 PROSPECTS OF WIND POWER PLANTS CONSTRUCTION IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN J21310-070 AUTOMATION OF WORK OF VALVES OF THE PISTON COMPRESSOR Schutyuk V.V., Vasulenko S.M., Bessarab A.S., 1Vasyliv V.P. National university of food tecnologies, Kyiv 1National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv Ryzhkova T.N. Kharkiv state zooveterinary academy, Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine, 62341, KSZVA, Malaya Danilovka, Dergachi district, Kharkiv region. Golovkina L.V, Umayrov R.Y. Kharkov national university of radioelectronics, Kharkov, pr. Lenina 14, 61166 Pershin G.D., Karaulov N.G., Ulyakov M.S. FSBEI HРE “Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov”, Chelyabinsk region, Magnitogorsk, Lenin Avenue 38, 455000 Vishtak O. V. Balakovo Institute of technique, technology and management (a branch) Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin» Vishtak N. M. Balakovo Institute of technique, technology and management (a branch) Saratov state technical University named after Gagarin» Mikhailov G., P.A. Batrakov P.A., Terebilov S.V. Omsk State Technical University Chupakhina L.R., Kireeva N. V. Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Samara, Lev Tolstoy 23, 443010 Radionov A.A., Maklakov A.S., Karyakina E. A. South Ural State University (National Research), Chelyabinsk, Lenin ave 76, 454080 Nenko M.V., Popovich O.M. Institute of Chemical Technology of the Volodymyr Dal East Ukrainian National University (Rubezhnoe), Rubezhnoe, Lenina 31, 93009 Gorbunov A.A., Lamkov E.A., Ruzmanov V.S., Fedorenko A.S. Ogarev Mordovia State University Saransk, Bolshevistskaya, 68, 40005 Tleuov A.,Pyastolova I., Tleuova A. S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, Kazakhstan Astana, av. Victory 62, 010010 Bolshtyansky P.A., Lysenko E.A., Bolshtyansky A.P. Omsk state technical university, Russia Omsk, Mira pr., 11, 644050 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-071 RESEARCH PROCESS FRETTING EQUIPMENT AND FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRIES J21310-072 RAMAN INVESTIGATION OF DIAMOND-LIKE CARBON FILMS J21310-073 CALCULATING ESTIMATION OF WEAR INTENSITY FOR THE CONTACT SURFACES OBTAINED BY MACHINING J21310-074 DATA FLOW SAFETY TECHNOLOGIES IN PRODUCTION CONTROL AUTOMATION J21310-075 PROCESS BASES OF PROVISION OF THE PERFORMANCE CRITERIA REQUIRED FOR GTE PARTS NEW TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS IMPLEMENTED IN THE COURSE OF GTE BLADE GRINDING PROCESS AUTOMATION J21310-076 J21310-077 PROBLEM SOLVING AT THE INITIAL STAGE OF CASTING PRACTICE PROJECTING FOR INVESTMENT PATTERNS OF GAS TURBINE ENGINE BLADES MADE OF REFRACTORY ALLOYS J21310-078 CALIBRATION PROFILE Z-SHAPED WIRE J21310-079 BIOTECHNOLOGY OF SOFT CHEESE PRODUCTS MADE BY METHOD OF THERMO-ACID COAGULATION J21310-080 USE OF CAVITATION EFFECTS TO HANDLE LIQUIDS ECM (1985-Ltd) Qiryat-Bialik, Israel 1Sukhenko J.G., 2Dzyub A.G., 3Manuilov V.V., 1Suhenko V.Y. 1National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 03041, Ukraine, Kyiv. st. Geroev Oborony, 15 2National University of Food Technologies, 01033, Ukraine, Kyiv. st.Vladimirskaya, 68 3Kerchensky State Marine Technical University, 98300, Ukraine, Crimea, Kerch, st. Ordzhonikidze, 82 Valuhov D. P., Pigulev R. V., Sidorov K. I., Tarala V.A., Titarenko А.А., Shevchenko M.Yu. North Caucasus federal university Stavropol, av. Kulakova 2/2, 355000 Bezyazychny V.F. Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University by P.A. Solovyev Kamakin V.A. Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University by P.A. Solovyev Kozhina T.D., Eroshkov V.Y. Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Poletaev V.A. Rybinsk State Aviation The paper deals with the issues of provision of the performance criteria required for parts in mechanical engineering in terms of GTE parts. The suggested methods to assign technological process conditions depending on the performance criteria required is based on theoretical evidence Technical University by P.A. Solovyev Shatulsky А.А. Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of High Professional Education «P. A. Solovyov Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University» Danenko V.F., Ponkratova G.V., Mishchuk H.E., Gultsev E.O. Volgograd state technical University Savchenko O.O., Bal-Prylypko L.V. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Kyiv, Heroiv Oborony st., 15, 03041 Matiyaschuk А.N., Matiyaschuk О.V. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine; National University of Food Technologies URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-081 APPLICATIVE COMPUTATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS CONSTRUCTION J21310-082 MODELING OF HEAT TRANSFER PROCESSES IN THE ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM WITH HEATING DEVICE ANTIJAMMING TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION BASED ON MULTVALUED BINOMIAL CODES PROBLEMS OF HEAT TRANSFER IN THE FURNACE OF BOILERS. OVERVIEW OF CALCULATION METHODS WAYS OF INCREASE OF EFFICIENCY OF GRINDING OF HARDLY PROCESSED MATERIALS J21310-083 J21310-084 J21310-085 J21310-086 STUDY OF INFLUENCE OF THYRISTOR CONVERTER ON THE SUPPLY NETWORK J21310-087 THE SYSTEM OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL OF PROCESS OF INCINERATION OF FUEL IS IN РЕКУПЕРАТИВНЫХ SOKERS J21310-088 ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND USE OF HEALTH DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT J21310-089 MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF BAY OPTION OF PRIMORSKAYA EMBANKMENT RECONSTRUCTION IN THE CITY OF SOCHI J21310-090 METHODS FOR DETERMINING THE FORM OF CHANNELS SPRAY DEVICE DRYERS J21310-091 THE RESEARCH OF AN EFFICIENT BIODIESEL NEUTRALIZATION J21310-092 PROJECT TECHNOLOGY OF VEGETABLE GERODIETETICAL SMOOTHIE J21310-093 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR DETERMINATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITIES FOR COMPANIES REFINERY Roslovtsev V.V. National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Kashirskoye sh. 31, 115409 Rakov V.A. Vologda State Technical University, Vologda, Lenina 15, 160024 Borysenko A. A.,Protasova T. A.,Protasova K. A. Sumy State University Mikhailov A.G., Batrakov P.A., Terebilov S.V. Omsk State Technical University Moroz T.Y. The Kolomna institute (branch) of Moscow state university of mechanical engineering (MAMI) Russian Federation, Moscow region, Kolomna, Oktyabrskoy Revolyutsii St., 408 Radionov A.A., Maklakov A.S., Karyakina E. A. South Ural State University (National Research), Chelyabinsk, Lenin ave 76, 454080 Radchenko Yu.N., Іvanov V.І., Zinchenko V.Yu. National metallurgical academy of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovs’k, Zaporozhya state engineering academy *Uvaisov S.U., **Avdeuk O.A. *MIEM HSE Univ. RT, **Volgograd State Technical University Makarov N.K. Sochi State University, Sovetskaya St. 26 a, 354000, Sochi, Russia Bessarab A.S., Schutyuk V.V., Boyko V.I., 1Vasyliv V.P. National university of food tecnologies, Kyiv, Volodimirska st., 68, 01601. 1National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Heroyiv Oborony st., 15, 03041 Polishchuk A.V., Kazak, N.I., Polishchuk V.N. National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine Svidlo K.V. 1,Peresichnyi, M.I. 2, Dyakov A.G. 3, D.V. Lipovyi D.V. 1 1Kharkiv Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv University of Trade and Economics, Kharkiv, Otakara Yarosha 8, 61045 2 Kyiv University of Trade and Economis, Kyiv, Kioto 19,02156 3 Kharkiv National University of Catering and Trade, Kharkiv, Klochkovskaya 333, 61045 Filippov V.N. Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-094 J21310-095 AND PETROCHEMICAL COMPLEX BASHKORTOSTAN PLANNING A WATER-TREATMENT PLANT CONSTRUCTION IN UNCERTAIN ECONOMIC AND LEGISLATIVE ENVIRONMENT STRENGTH AND STIFFNESS ANALYSIS FOR MECHANICAL TRANSMISSIONS IN SOLIDWORKS BASED ON API J21310-096 AUTOMATION OF MULTICRITERIA TRUNCATION OF THE SET OF TECHNICAL OBJECTS J21310-097 PERFECTION OF BIOTECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES OF PROCESSING OF AGRICULTURAL RAW MATERIAL J21310-098 PROGRAM EVALUATION ERGONOMICS USER INTERFACE WEB-SITES J21310-099 MODELS OF KNOWLEDGE BASES J21310-100 MODELING OF THE PROCESS OF DRAWING A BIMETALLIC WIRE, CARBON STEEL + 12H18N10T UNDER VARIOUS TECHNOLOGICAL OPTIONS, DRAWING DIES ROBUSTNESS OF THE SYSTEM "SMART HOUSE" J21310-101 J21310-102 DEVELOPMENT OF CORPORATE SYSTEM OF THE AUTOMATED TESTING OF WEB- APPLICATIONS J21310-103 ACOUSTICAL TRANSMISSION CHANNEL OF THE INFORMATION IN UNDERGROUND TURNPIKE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS REACTIVE POWER OF DISPLACEMENT AND DISTORTION J21310-104 J21310-105 J21310-106 MODELING OF NOISE ON THE BITMAP IMAGES WITH THE USE OF GENERATORS OF PSEUDORANDOM VALUES BUILDING-ROAD MACHINES WITH CYCLOIDAL MOVEMENT OF WORKING BODIES J21310-107 THE USE OF CYCLOIDAL FORMS OF OPERATIVE PARTS IN CONSTRUCTION-ROAD MACHINES J21310-108 DIGITAL FILTERS J21310-109 CHANGES OF ADHESION OF THE NEW PASTILA WARES IN RECREATIONAL PURPOSES ANALYSIS OF INFLUENCE OF INERTIA FORCES ON THE DYNAMICS OF TURBINE DISK J21310-110 Ufa, Kosmonavtov 1, 450062 Nazimko V.V. Donetsk National Technical University Chugunov M.V., Osyka V.V., Makhrov G.A. Ogarev Mordovia State University, 68 Bolshevistskaya Str., Saransk 430005, Russia Shkurina G.L, Kandirin Y.V. National research university "MEI" Volgograd state technical university Kretova J.I., Potoroko I.J. « the Southern - Ural state university » (National research university), 454080 city of Chelyabinsk, Lenin 76 Filippova A.G., Belozjerov E.S. Filippov V.N. Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Kosmonavtov 1, 450062 Burdaev V.P. The Kharkov national economic university Danenko V. F., Ponkratova G.V., Nikitin V.A. Volgograd state technical University, Volgograd, etc. V.I. Lenin, 28, 400005 Kowalski V.I., Lebedev D.Y. National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Kyiv, str. Polytechnic 16, 03057 Bednyak S.G., Tikhanov A.A. Volga region state university of telecommunications and informatics Zibrov V.А. Don state engineering university, Rostov-on-Don, Gagarin's square, 1. Solomchak О. V. Ivano-Frankivsk National University of Oli and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk, Karpats’ka 15, 76019 Atink D.K. Omsk state technical University, Omsk, Mira 11, 644050 Lee S.V., Rabat O.Zh., Musin K.S. Kazakh automobile and road academy name L.B. Goncharov Lee S.V., Rabat O.Zh., Musin K.S. Kazakh automobile and road academy name L.B. Goncharov Ihnatenko V. V., Lebedev D. Y. National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Kyiv, str. Polytechnic 16, 03057 Shapovalova V. P. National University of Food technology Lysenko V.S. Kazakh National Pedagogical University by name Abay URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-111 FEATURES OF DIAMOND-WIRE SAWS APPLICATION FOR ROCK OVERBURDEN REMOVAL AT MARBLE QUARRY CONSTRUCTION J21310-112 AUTOMATION OF СOURSE СONTENT СONSTRUCTION MODELLING OF THE STUDENT’S EDUCATIONAL TRAJECTORY WITH REGARD TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LABOUR MARKET HYDROELASTICITY GEOMETRICALLY the IRREGULAR CYLINDRICAL SHELL, CONTAINING VISCOUS INCOMPRESSIBLE LIQUID AND RIGID CYLINDER, IN THE CASE OF VIBRATIONS DEVELOPMENT OF ALGORITHMS OF THREEDIMENSIONAL DESIGN OF DESIGNER HEADGEAR EVALUATION BANDAGE LOSS OF CIRCULAR PROFILE CASCADE OF SMALL TURBOMACHINERY REVIEW OF FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS AND APPLICATION OF COMPOSITES AND SMART ENGINEERING MATERIALS IN AVIATION, TRANSPORT AND ENERGETICS J21310-113 J21310-114 J21310-115 J21310-116 J21310-117 J21310-118 J21310-119 J21310-120 J21310-121 J21310-122 J21310-123 HYDRAULIC FORGING OF STEPPED PIPE STOCK DESIGN OF PRODUCTION STEPS OF AUTOMATED TURBINE VANE CUTTING RESEARCH OF DATA TRANSFER SYSTEM BASED ON SWITCHED MULTICORE FIBER INTERFACE HYBRID CATALYTIC ZEOLITE – Ni3Al CERMET FILTE MATERIALS STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF FORCEMEAT SEMI-PRODUCTS OF FLOURY FOOD PRODUCTS WITH DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS DEVELOPMENT OF CONVEYOR INFLOW OF PICKLED APPLES MADE FROM DIFFERENT VARIETIES J21310-124 TEMPERATURE MONITORING SYSTEM J21310-125 VENTILATION SYSTEM BASED ON CO2 LEVEL J21310-126 SELECTION OF TECHNOLOGICAL SCHEME OF MILK PROCESSING DEPENDING ON ITS COMPOSITION Pershin G. D., Karaulov N. G., Ulyakov M. S., Sharov V. N. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Chelyabinsk region, Magnitogorsk, Lenin Avenue 38, 455000 Bisikalo O., Kravchuk I. Vinnitsa National Technical University Mahnitkina O.V. Altai State University, Barnaul, Lenina 61, 656049 Kalinina A.V. Kondratov D.V. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Kryukova N.A., Levtsova N.B. Volga region state university of service, Tolyatti, Gagarinа 4 Каtalazhnova I.N. Komsomolsk-on-Amur state technical university Kozhina Т.D, Eroshkov V.Y. P.A. Solovyov Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University 152934, Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, Pushkin str., 53 Matveyev А. S. Poletaev V.A. Chaika S.V., Sharov V.G. Soloviev Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University, Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, Russian Federation Gulyaev P.Yu. Ugra State University Kravchenko M., Demichkovska M. Gun’ko S.M., Potanin D.V. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Heroyv Oboronu 13, 03041 Glagolev A.A., Lebedev D.Y. National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Kyiv, str. Polytechnic 16, 03057 Zaichenko O. O., Lebedev D.Y. National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Kyiv, str. Polytechnic 16, 03057 Ryzhkova T.N., Pertsevoy F.V. Kharkiv state zooveterinary academy, Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine, 62341, KSZVA, Malaya Danilovka, Dergachi district, Kharkiv region. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-001 UDC 637.302:637.12’639 Ryzhkova T.N. METHOD TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF SOMATIC CELLS IN MILK TO PRODUCE CHEESE Kharkov state zooveterinary academy Kharkiv region, Dergachy district, 62341 The article presents the method to improve physical and chemical values of cow’s and goat’s milk samples including the reduction of the number of somatic cells in the above milk samples with the help of aqueous solutions of ascorbic and citric acids. Key words: milk, somatic cells, acids, method, cheese. Introduction. The use of aqueous solutions (ascorbic and citric acids or mixtures from them) in rennet cheese production provided the increase in the density of clots and in the decrease in the loss of its constituents with the cheese whey [1]. Thus, the suggestion has been made about the possible effect of organic acids that reduce the number of somatic cells in milk. It is known that under the influence of the increased number of somatic cells in milk the disorder of biochemical and microbiological processes that stimulate the decrease in such value as its rennetability [2]. The first portions of cow’s milk have low content of fat and a great number of somatic cells. They have 40 times as many microorganisms as in the final portions [3]. The conduction of the simple preparatory operation before milking cows: milking of the first portions of milk allows to improve the composition of milk, to increase milk yields and increase milk safety from the very beginning [4]. For the first time in Ukraine the author of the article in close cooperation with the stuff of the Institute of Animal Husbandry of Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences developed 2 standards: the first one for goat’s milk; the above standard was introduced into practice in 2010 [5]; the second standard was developed URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use by the author for soft rennet cheese made from goat’s milk GOST (State Standard of Ukraine) “Soft cheese made from goat’s milk. Technical conditions”, at present the standard is in the final stage of its approval. According to the above mentioned normative documents it is necessary to use milk (not lower than sort 1) with the density not less than 1,027 0 A to produce soft rennet cheese from goat’s milk including pickled cheese. Its bacterial contamination must be from 100 to 300 000 NCU/ cm3 , the content of somatic cells (SC) not more than 600 000 NCU /cm3 , the temperature not higher than 6 0 C. By all that the mass rate of protein and fat in goat’s milk must be not lower than 3,0 and 3,5 % respectively. It should be noted that the data on the negative influence of the increased number of somatic cells in milk that effect the reduction of the quality of dairy products only apply to cow’s milk and products made from it. The information about the difference and physical and chemical composition of the first “abnormal” and the second portions of normal milk of two types produced from the udder of the groups of animals; about the influence of aqueous solutions of the organic acids on the change of the physical and chemical composition of milk samples including the amount of somatic cells in milk; about the influence of “normal” and “abnormal” milk on the expenditure for the production of 1 ton of cheese and its output from 1 ton of mixture of dairy raw materials is extremely limited in the scientific publications. The aim of the investigation was to study the influence of aqueous solutions of organic (ascorbic) acid and the mixtures from two kinds of organic acids (ascorbic and citric) on the changes of samples of two types of milk and expenditure of milk to produce 1 ton of cheese and its output from 1 ton of mixture. Materials and methods. The first and the second portions of milk of 250 cm3 each were selected and placed in the separate cups; the portions were taken from the udders of the group of 10 cows and simultaneously from the same quantity of goats of Zaanenskaya breed and mixed breeds of goats kept on private farms of Kharkov region. Moreover the milk from the second portion of the udders of the animals that URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use was supposed to have the moderate content of somatic cells was marked as the control sample or “normal milk”. But the milk taken from the first portions of the udders of cows and goats that was supposed to have the increased number of somatic cells was designated as an experimental sample or “abnormal milk”. The first and the second portions of milk from the udders of both kinds of animals were processed to produce rennet pickled cheese. Their physical and chemical composition was determined and the comparative analysis of theoretical and factual output of cheese from the normalized mixture of dairy raw materials was conducted. The above mixture had 2,9 % of fat, moderate or increased content of somatic cells in its composition, the titrated acidity of both types of milk was not higher than 21 o T. The investigations of the physical and chemical values of cow’s and goat’s milk samples were conducted instrumentally: on infra-red analyzer Bentley 150 and Somaccount 150-counter of somatic cells in the certified laboratory of the Institute of Animal Husbandry of Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Science in Kharkov region. The results of the investigation. The physical and chemical composition of the two kinds of milk (cow’s and goat’s) was determined, the results of the investigations are presented in table 1. Table 1 Physical and chemical composition of samples of two kinds of milk Mass rate% fat protein Name of milk samples lactose dry matter Number of somatic cells (thousand/ cm3) Initial samples of milk Control № 1 (2nd portion of 3,40±0,05 cow’s milk). “Normal” Experimental № 2 (1st portion 2,73±0,05 of cow’s milk). “Abnormal” Control № 3 (2nd portion of 5,34±0,05 goat’s milk). “Normal” 3,57±0,05 4,64±0,05 11,81±0,05 495±0,05 3,51±0,05 4,58±0,05 11,28±0,05 712±0,05 3,55±0,05 4,44±0,05 13,18±0,05 62±0,05 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Experimental № 4 (1st portion 3,29±0,05 3,47±0,05 4,43±0,05 11,45±0,05 256±0,05 of goat’s milk). “Abnormal” With ascorbic acid, 0,02 mass., % Control № 1 (2nd portion of3,47±0,05 3,73±0,05 4,69±0,05 12,08±0,05 482±0,05 cow’s milk). “Normal” Experimental № 2 (1st portion2,78±0,05s 3,72±0,05 4,62±0,05 11,60±0,05 700±0,05 of cow’s milk). “Abnormal” Control № 3 (2nd portion of5,27±0,05 3,72±0,05 4,48±0,05 13,35±0,05 60±0,05 goat’s milk) “Normal” Experimental № 4 (1st portion3,23±0,05 3,52±0,05 4,26±0,05 11,55±0,05 222±0,05 of goat’s milk). “Abnormal” With ascorbic and citric acid ( 0,02 mass., % each) Control № 1 (2 nd portion of cow’s milk). “Normal” Experimental № 2 (1 st portion of cow’s milk). “Abnormal” Control № 3 (2nd portion of goat’s milk). “Normal” Experimental № 4 (1st portion of goat’s milk) “Abnormal” 3,93±0,05 3,67±0,05 4,54±0,05 11,99±0,05 480±0,05 3,43±0,05 3,36±0,05 4,45±0,05 11,82±0,05 5,45±0,05 3,76±0,05 4,29±0,05 13,36±0,05 58±0,05 3,29±0,05 3,48±0,05 4,05±0,05 11,6±0,05 691±0,05 220±0,05 It can be seen from the table that under the influence of the addition of one kind of acid (ascorbic) into the second portions of the samples of the “normal” and into the first portions of the samples of the “abnormal” both cow’s and goat’s milk no trustworthy difference between the values of the mass rate of fat in the samples of the initial and acidulated milk was detected (P ≤ 0,95). After applying the additional quantity of another kind of organic acid (citric} the efficiency of their mutual effect increased. Thus, the addition of the mixture from ascorbic and citric acids (0,02 mass,, % each) into the second portions of the “normal “ cow’s milk of the control sample №1 and to the “abnormal” (into the first portions) of the experimental sample of cow’s milk №2 the mass rate of fat increased by 0,53 and 0,7 % respectively (P ≥ 0,99). The addition of the analogous amount of the mixture from two acids (into the second portions) of the “normal” of the control sample of goat’s milk №3 influenced the increase in the mass rate of fat in it by 0,18 % (P>_0,95). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The addition of one ascorbic acid (into the second portions) to the “normal” of the control sample of cow’s milk №1 and (into the first portions) to the “abnormal” of the analogous kind of milk of the experimental sample №2 provided the increase in the mass rate of protein in it by 0,16 and 0,21 % respectively. The addition of the mixture from ascorbic and citric acids (0,02 mass., % each) to the “normal” cow’s milk of the control sample №1 promoted the increase in the mass rate of protein by 0,1 % (P ≥ 0,95). The addition of only the above-mentioned (ascorbic) acid (into the second portions) to the “normal” milk of the control sample of goat’s milk №3 promoted the increase in the mass rate of protein by 0,17 % (P ≥ 0,99). No trustworthy difference between the values of the mass rate of protein (in the first portions) in the experimental samples of the “abnormal” goat’s milk № 4 before and after the acidulation by one kind of organic acid (ascorbic) has been registered. Under the influence of the mixture of two organic acids (ascorbic and citric) in the abovementioned doses after the addition (into the second portions) to the “normal” milk of the control sample of goat’s milk №3 the mass rate of protein in it increased by 0,21%. There was no trustworthy difference between the values of the mass rate of protein (in the first portion) in the “abnormal” milk of the experimental sample of the analogous kind of milk №4 before and after acidulation (P ≤ 0,95). It should be noted that the addition of the doses of the organic acids to all samples of milk used in the test promoted the increase in the amount of lactose conditioned by the acidic hydrolysis of lactose with the formation of salts of lactic acid – lactates. The addition of only ascorbic acid (into the second portions) to the control sample of “normal” cow’s milk №1 and (into the first portions) of the “abnormal” one of the analogous kind of milk №2 promoted the increase in the mass rate of dry matter by 0,27 and 0,32 % respectively (P ≥ 0,99). Moreover the addition of the increased amount of organic acids (the mixture of ascorbic and citric acids, 0,02 mass.% each) (into the second portions) to both the control sample of the “normal” cow’s milk №1 and (into the first portions) to the “abnormal” analogous kind of milk of the experimental sample №2 favored the URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use increase in the mass rate of dry matter in both samples of cow’s milk by 0,18 and 0,54 % respectively (P ≥ 0,99). The acidulation of the second portions of the “normal” control sample of goat’s milk №3 and the first portions of the “abnormal” experimental sample of the analogous kind of milk № 4 by one kind of ascorbic acid favored the increase in the mass rate of dry matter in the above samples by 0,17 and 0,1 % respectively. Moreover the acidulation of the above - mentioned samples (the second portions) of the control sample of the “normal” of goat’s milk №3 and (the first portions) of the “abnormal” experimental sample of the analogous kind of milk №4 by the mixtures of two kinds of organic acids favored the increase in the mass rate of dry matter in milk by 0,18 and 0,15 % respectively. The addition of only ascorbic acid (into the second portions) of both the control sample of “normal” cow’s milk №1 and (into the first portions) of the “abnormal” experimental sample of the analogous kind of milk №2 provided the decrease in the amount of somatic cells in the above samples by 13 000 and 12 000/cm3 respectively. The addition of the mixtures of two kinds of organic acids (into the second portions) of the control sample of “normal” cow’s milk №1 and (into the first portions) of the “abnormal” experimental sample of the analogous kind of milk № 2 favored the decrease in the number of somatic cells by 15 000 and 21 000/cm3 respectively. The addition of only ascorbic acid (into the first portions) of the control sample of “normal” goat’s milk №3 and (into the second portions) of the “abnormal” experimental sample of the analogous kind of milk №4 provided the decrease in the amount of somatic cells in the above samples by 2 000 and 34 000/cm3 respectively. The efficiency of the decrease in the level of somatic cells was high due to the influence of the mixture of two kinds of acids added to the second portions of the “normal” control sample of goat’s milk №3 and (into the first portions) of the “abnormal” experimental sample of the analogous kind of milk №4. Thus, the number of somatic cells in them decreased by 4 000 and 36 000/ cm3 respectively. The first and the second portions of the cow’s and goat’s milk were processed into rennet pickled cheese. Moreover the pickled cheese “Kozatsky” made from cow’s URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use milk served as the analogue of the goat’s pickled cheese [6]. According to the requirements of Technical Conditions of Ukraine and the technological instruction to them the mass rate of fat in the 5-day-pickled cheese must be higher by 1,5 % as compared with the values of the mature pickled 30-day cheese and the mass rate of moisture in it must exceed 51 %. The results of the physical and chemical analysis of the pickled cheese from cow’s and goat’s milk are presented in table 2 Table 2 Physical and chemical values of the fresh 5-day pickled cheese mg/100 mg of the product Kind of milk from which cheese Mass rate, % was Fat in moisture Acidity, о Т Output of Norm of cheese from expen ton of diture of produced; name of the relation to 1 party. dry matter dairy dairy in cheese mixture, kg mixture per 1 ton of cheese, ton From cow’s “Normal” (Control № 46,7±0,05 51,0±0,05 68,0±0,05 1) 111,73±0,0 8,95±0,05 5 “Abnormal” 46,4±0,05 49,8±0,05 80,0±0,05 109,9±0,05 9,10±0,05 (Experimental № 2) From goat’s “Normal” ( Control № 46,6±0,05 51,0±0,05 66,0±0,05 111,11±0,0 3) 9,0±0,05 5 “Abnormal” (Experimental № 4) 46,2±0,05 49,7±0,05 76,0±0,0 109,17±0,0 5 9,16±0,05 5 It can be seen from Table 2 that the indices of the mass rate of fat in relation to the dry matter of the cheese produced from cow’s “normal” milk had lower values URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use of mass rate of fat as compared with the same indices of the cheese produced from “abnormal” milk by 0,3 and 0,4 mass., % (P ≤ 0,99). The mass rate of moisture in cheese made from cow’s and goat’s “abnormal” milk from the experimental parties of the pickled cheese №1 and №2 as well as between №3 and №4 was lower than it was specified in the requirements of the standard by 1,2 and 1,3 % respectively. The titrated acidity of cheese from the “abnormal” milk was higher than in the cheese from the “normal” milk by 12 and 10 0 T respectively. As the results of the tasting assessment of the quality of the control parties of cheese from the “normal” milk and the experimental parties of cheese from the “abnormal” dairy raw materials conducted by the special commission showed that all the above-mentioned led to the production of cheese with defects: cheese with acid taste and odor and crumbled non-elastic consistency. The taste and odor of the control parties of the pickled cheese produced from both kinds of “normal” milk were different from the experimental parties of cheese produced from the “abnormal” raw materials by acid milk taste and odor, by the presence of the elastic consistency that is common for high-quality product. The expenditure of milk for the production of cheese from the “abnormal” cow’s milk was higher by 150 kg as compared with the analogous index of the product from the “normal” raw material of the same kind. It influenced the reduction of cheese output from 1 ton of the “abnormal” cow’s milk at 1,83 kg that is 1,68%. The expenditure of milk for the production of 1 ton of cheese from the “abnormal” goat’s milk was higher by 160 kg as compared with the analogous index of the product from the “normal” dairy raw material. It influenced the reduction of the cheese output from 1 ton of the “abnormal” cow’s milk by 1,94 kg, that is 1,75%. Conclusion: 1. The use of mixtures from two kinds of organic acids (ascorbic and citric) provided more effective reduction of somatic cells (SC) in the samples of “normal” and “abnormal” cow’s and goat’s milk than the use of one kind of organic acids (ascorbic). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 2. The increase of physical and chemical samples of dairy raw material under the influence of the added doses of organic acids can be explained by its enrichment by disso loved components of membranes of fat globules of milk. 3. When cheese is produced from two kinds of “abnormal” milk the expenditure of raw material for the production of 1 ton of the product increases. Moreover the deviation from its theoretical output in the lesser part can be seen as compared with the analogous value when pickled cheese is produced from “normal” cow’s and goat’s milk by 1,63 …1,75%. Literature: 1.Ryzhkova T.M. Patent for useful model № 45707 “Method of cheese clot production when rennet cheese from goat’s milk is produced”, registered in the State Register of Patents of Ukraine for useful models, 25 11.2009, Bul. № 22. – 4 p. 2. Rodionova G.V. Influence of season on milk quality / [Rodionova G.V. et al.] // Processing of milk. – 2007. - № 3. – P. 20 – 23. 3. Chistyakova T.M. Technology of high quality milk production on dairy farms // Processing of milk. – 2007. - № 3. – P. 32 – 34. 4. Busenko O.T. Technology of animal product production / [O.T. Busenko et al.]. Kyiv: Agrarian education, 2001. – 424 p. 5. Goat’s milk, raw material. Technical conditions (SSTU 7006: 2010) – [ Standard 2010 – 01 – 0]. – K. State standard of consumption of Ukraine, 2010. – 9 p. – (National standards of Ukraine). 6. Pickled cheese. Technical Conditions of Ukraine 46.39.069 – 95 and technological instruction for them (approved by L. I. Marchuk, the deputy director of the Chief Administration of Dairy Industry of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Ukraine 11.12.95 ]. – [Date of introduction into practice 01.01.96]. K. - Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Ukraine. Chief Administration of Dairy Industry. – 77 p. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-002 UDC: 514.18 Petrovskaya N.M. GRAPHIC PREPARATION OF STUDENTS ELECTROMECHANICAL SPECIALTIES IN CONDITIONS OF MODERNIZATION OF THE RUSSIAN EDUCATION Institute of Education, Psychology and Sociology of the Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Svobodny 79 The article examines the role of new information technologies in the updated educational system in teaching students of electro-mechanics with interdisciplinary connections, preparing them for what follows professional activities to meet the requirements of a modern economy. Key words: informatization of education, professional competence, learning efficiency, geometry, mathematics, engineering graphics. The concept of modernization of Russian education defines the competence approach, as an important conceptual provisions updating the content of education and the development of state educational standards of higher education of the third generation. Quality management education, including graphics, should be based on the principles of ISO 9000, which in the 2008 version is considered the process approach to the stages of the life cycle of services [6]. However, in accordance with the concept under consideration for evaluation of services of the educational process as an indicator qualimetric encouraged to take intelligence specialist. The Bologna Declaration, adopted in 1999, made a number of goals that, according to the Bologna Process, will create a single coherent European Higher Education Area. The basic unit of Professional Standards are two main groups of competencies - nadprofessionalnye (key) and professional, the formation of which will enhance the fundamental bachelors and specialists [1]. During training, general professional disciplines in the development of methodological support, various subject-sign systems, providing support for teachers through the creation and URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use implementation of tools and conditions to achieve the result – the acquisition of competencies. The introduction of new educational standards based on the formation of students' professional competencies and nadprofessionalnyh methodological activities aimed at teaching to combine into a single set of content, methods, forms of education, which is based on a textbook to improve student learning in the first place due to the intensity of self- operation. Growing amount of knowledge to students with decreasing hours of classroom time requires optimization of the educational process. Engineering graphics is the foundation of engineering education, forming the basic knowledge necessary for the study of special subjects. Considering the problem of improving quality in teaching descriptive geometry – a general professional engineering disciplines, we can not exclude such important parts of the process as a creative activity and personal selfdevelopment [4] Descriptive geometry – the basis of graphics. In education, the discipline, occupying an important position, needs to manage the quality of teaching. One of the problems associated with quality management, needs to be addressed – the special organizational and methodological training audiences (special furniture, lighting, individual drawing tools, computer equipment, etc.). In addition, the quality of the process of mastering the material associated with the rational redistribution of the number of hours for individual consultations. Application of the methods of descriptive geometry for applications requires linking specific courses to the program for the subject "Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics." For example, for students to explore the electromechanical profile "graphic profiling helical surfaces instruments", hence the theme "Curves and Surfaces", etc. For an accurate understanding of the tasks and the correct application of descriptive geometry and engineering graphics students have to perform practical tasks in enterprises under the guidance of a teacher and provided large-scale prototypes of real-world objects [6]. Created at design virtual product model contains information about the topology and geometry of the parts and products in general, physical and mechanical characteristics of the material [5]. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Given that the amount of knowledge engineer is from the base and variable components, the task of choosing the objects and their components should be provided general engineering and interaction producing departments. Produce department, with knowledge of the latest technologies in their specialties, help departments that teach engineering drawing, form not only the jobs package, but already in the first year engineering to form the vocabulary of the students. In the graphic design students' real objects-creases the motivation to increase jobs for the decision, as it is associated not only with the delivery of semester tests and examinations, but mainly with the increase of their functional characteristics for future engineering. Because when the drawings are used as real objects, activates the learning process, in differentiation of specific elements of the objects are considered industrial situation, and when considering the method of demonstration drawings gaming. Effectiveness study of descriptive geometry and engineering graffiti largely depends on the use of new information technologies. Most powerful performance brings the use of three-dimensional computer graphics and animation. Multimedia software lectures not only gives an opportunity to diversify illustrative material, but thanks to new technology that transformed the traditional form of education, it becomes more interesting, allowing students to present and understand complex theoretical material. Animation and electronic slides help students recognize the different display of spatial objects in the plane, help the development of spatial thinking and raise the level of mastery of the material. [3]. Development of modern technologies with the use of graphic design and computer graphics software AutoCAD, Kompas, SolidWorks as a design tool products of high quality should be based on objects, organically related to special disciplines, and with quality and performance of real machines and facilities. As shown, the application of the learning process of three-dimensional computer graphics, animation, use of workbooks sposobstexist more productive learning students of technical terms and concepts, the acquisition of practical skills, the formation of students' self-management skills, development of spatial thinking. This URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use increases the efficiency of independent work of students both in preparing for the practical exercises and exams, as well as their performance, despite the weak initial training [2-3]. Thus, the development of modern methodological support, the use of new interaction techniques in e-learning environment, the widespread use of new multimedia software and hardware systems, advanced telecommunications infrastructure, including an open information space, and communication, which involves all the participants of the educational process - it all together taken, can address a range of problems, including such concepts as the implementation of an individual approach to student support self-sufficiency and creative work of the student, support collaboration, the development of modern international community demanded skills. Specifically, global and critical thinking, effective communication in oral and written communication skills, ability to work in a group, quickly adapt to changes in the information and communication technologies References. 1. Baidenko V.I .Identifying competencies of graduates, as a necessary stage of designing a new generation of SES VPO: method. allowance. – M., 2006. – 55 p. 2. Borisenko I.G. Innovative technologies in teaching descriptive geometry in the formation of professional competence. // Bulletin ISTU – 2011 – № 12 (59). – 398 p. Pp. 355 – 357. 3. Borisenko I.G, Petrovskaya N.M. Information technology in teaching graphic disciplines in the formation of professional competence / / Bulletin ESSTU. – 2012. – № 4 (39). Pp. 38–42. 4. Grachev S.V., Vitkalov V.G. An innovative approach to practical training in descriptive geometry // Sat: Improving training of students in the field of graphics, design, and standardization. – Saratov – 2001. – Pp. 102–104 5. Golovina L.N. Systematic approach to the design and technological preparation of Engineering. // Proceedings of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – 2012. – Volume 14, № 1 (2). Pp. 693–696. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 6. Petrine NM Improving the quality of education graphics engineers // Proceedings of the Scientific and Technical Conference "Improving the quality of training" – Krasnoyarsk – 2002. – S. 146–149. J21310-003 UDC 622.274. Kalmykov V.N., Zubkov A.A. Volkov P.V., Pushkarev E.I. Latkin V.V. TECHNOLOGIES OF THE MECHANIZED FASTENING OF EXCAVATIONS OF STRENGTHENED COMBINED SUPPORT WITH USE OF BEING SELF-FIXED ANCHORS AND CONCRETE "WET" ON UNDERGROUND MINES OF URAL "Magnitogorsk State Technical University of G.I.Nosov", Magnitogorsk, Lenin Avenue 38, 455000 The assessment of possibility of fastening of excavations of underground mines of the Ural region strengthened combined support on the basis of installation of being self-fixed anchors and drawing "wet" concrete is made. Keywords: Being self-fixed anchor support, "dry" and "wet" technology of a putting concrete, fastening of excavations, an economic assessment. Labour productivity in work connected with the application of shotcrete, increases significantly during the transition from dry process machines to the latest robotic installations operating on a "wet" technology. The average replacement-level performance in the wet method concrete typically exceeds the performance of the dry 4-5 times. The use of shotcrete application systems significantly reduces the share of manual labor as compared to the traditional way, increases the speed of developments. [1] To reduce unproductive idle faces and improve mine safety caused by the erection of a metal arch support, asked to review the technology attachment mining. Reduce time to mount mine workings may be achieved through the combined use of URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use lining, which has in its composition and shotcrete samozakreplyayuschuyusya Anchors with reinforcing cages (reinforced composite lining). This type of lining is characterized by ease of installation and start operation immediately after the introduction of the trace. [2] Usilennnaya combination lining is a structure consisting of an anchor samozakreplyayuschegosya (NWA), reinforcing cages (instead of wire mesh) and shotcrete. For the economic evaluation of different mounting options workings calculated the cost of fixing 1 rm generation, cross-sectional area - S = 19,5 m2 for the following types of lining: curved metal support of spetsprofilya SVP, reinforced composite lining of concrete anchors and shotcrete, reinforced with metal mesh, reinforced lining combined with samozakreplyayuschihsya anchors. In the justification of the complex equipment concrete consumption is taken in volumes for Uchalinskoe group - 2.9 m3/hr for Uzelginskoy - 13.3 m3/hr. Since the enterprises mount in one session, the group mines Uchalinskoe need for concrete in a volume of 20 m3/smenu and Uzelginskoy - 93 m3/smenu. [3] To evaluate the economic results of the implementation of technology "wet" nabryzgbetonirovaniya A comparative calculation of the cost of 1 m2 shotcrete cover the "dry" and "wet" method of fastening. [4] Application of the technology of "wet" nabryzgbetonirovaniya will reduce costs mount Uchalinskoe mine at 9.5% and increase the cost of Uzelginskom, Youth and Lake underground mines. In connection with the possibility of increasing the speed of the transition from "dry" to "wet" method nabryzgbetonirovaniya been adjusted schedule Works at penetration of excavation, resulting in cycle time was reduced from 21 to 14 h, and the length uhodki per day increased from 2 7 m to 4.05 m [5]. Thus, the application of the "wet" technology nabryzgbetonirovaniya achieved reducing the cost of fixing on mine Uchalinskoe by 23.3% (9.9 mln. / Year) for Uzelginskomu mine by 1.5% (2 million rubles. / year). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use References: 1 . Volkov P.V.Metodika's wolves of an assessment of options of movement of ore at working off prikonturny Stocks / Gibadullin Z.R. wolves of the Item of Century//Messenger of MGTU. – 2009 . - No. 3. - Page 11-13. 2 . Volkov P.V.Izyskaniye's wolves of options of systems of development for dredging of pribortovy stocks at combined geotechnologies/Kalmykov V.N., Grigoriev V. V., Volkov P. V.//the Messenger of MGTU. – 2010 . - No. 1. – Page 1722. 3 . Volkov P.V.Obosnovaniye's wolves of parameters of the geotechnological module "Clearing Works" at development of stocks in prikonturny zones of pits/Kalmykov V.N., Meshcheryakov E.Y.//Messenger of MGTU. – 2011 . - No. 4. 4 . Volkov P.V. Razrabotka's wolves of the integrated technological schemes of intensive development of stocks of border zones of pits / Kalmykov V.N., Volkov P. V., Meshcheryakov E.Yu. // The combined geotechnology: complex development and preservation of a subsoil of Earth: works of the international scientific and technical conference, Yekaterinburg, 2009: SB. works. – Magnitogorsk: MGTU, 2011. – Page 31-33. 5 Volkov P.V. Wolves of the Item of Century. About classification it is opened – underground systems of the development / Kalmykov V.N., Volkov P. V.//the Combined geotechnology: complex development and preservation of a subsoil of Earth: works of the international scientific and technical conference, Yekaterinburg, 2009: SB. works. – Magnitogorsk: MGTU, - 2011. – Page 58-66. J21310-004 UDC 004.052, 004.716 Nyrkov A.P., Sokolov S.S., Belousov A.S. NOISE IMMUNITY AS A FACTOR OF NETWORK RELIABILITY DATA TRANSMISSION ON TRANSPORT URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Federal State Financed Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping”, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Dvinskay st., 5/7. This article describes the solution of ensuring the stable operation of the data transmission network on transport from the standpoint of improving its immunity. Keywords: data transmission network, noise immunity, transport networks Introduction In modern society, any sector of the economy cannot exist without using modern information technology and computerized collaboration tools. Transportation industries are not the exception. Informatization of transport sector in the form of technical and technological diversity is a distinctive feature of a variety of data transmission channels software and application hardware The distance at which data is transmitted in infocommunication data networks, on transport can be from several meters to thousands of kilometers, so the important task is to provide effective noise immunity techniques as a factor of stable integrity of networks 1. Methods of noise immunity ensuring By noise immunity we shall mean ability to provide a reliable error-free data transmission network by external interference of various types. Modern methods of providing noise immunity may be conditionally divided into four categories: 1. Change of physical characteristics of the transmission channel. 2. Using the special tools of interference suppression. 3. Change in the way of organizing the reception and / or transmission. 4. Encoding of the information. [1, 2, 3] The first category includes various methods of increasing quality characteristics of data transmission channels. For example, replacement of the twisted pair cable for higher categories cables, that use additional shielding [4]. Also, in some cases, wireline data transfer channels are laid in additionally protected cable runs. In URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use wireless communications channels more difficult transceiver devices are used. That increases noise immunity, for example, by increasing the signal / noise ratio[5]. Means of a special noise reduction include linear and nonlinear noise generators and other devices that are used separately. Among the methods that can increase the noise immunity by changing methods of organization receiving / transmitting a signal the following methods are possible: the method of diversity reception, using of modulation for less number of states, using of different methods of decision-making on the transmitted signal, using of spread spectrum of signals and other[6]. All of the above methods have a lot of subjective factors, that impose certain restrictions on their use. Each method is applicable only in a specific class of problems, but, the fourth category has a distinctive feature - common use because coding method depends on neither data channel, nor the structure of the signal [7,8]. 2. Encoding methods The history of error detection and correction codes begins in 1948 with the article by Claude Elwood Shannon "A Mathematical Theory of Communication." Shannon expressed in his article's main idea. The idea is that the construction of too good channels is unjustifiable and using of encoding is more advantageous economically. It is from that moment the active learning and the development of noise combating codes started. Today, there are large number of different algorithms of coding and decoding the information for transmission over the communication channels. At step of coding of the information redundancy of various types is inserted and it is used during decoding the information to detect or correct errors that occurred due to external factors and noise. The algorithms can be grouped according to various criteria and categories. By way of information processing codes can be divided into 2 classes: block and convolutional. First class divides data into blocks of a certain length and processes each block separately, the second class of codes processes and transmits information in the form of an endless stream. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The combination methods of coding should be noted. These codes are known as concatenated codes. In this code, the information first is encoded by one algorithm, and then another encoding algorithm is used for the already coded information, so called concatenated code. The popular scheme of concatenated codes is an algorithm that encodes information by Reed-Solomon codes, then the information undergoes interleaving operation, which resulted in that characters in adjacent positions are located at different distances from each other, and are encoded by a convolutional code. On the receiving side after the decoding of the convolutional code, the deinterleaving operation sorts large blocks of errors are sorted and they fall into different codewords of the Reed-Solomon code, thus further reducing the probability of error in decoding is possible. The codes, using not only the time share also should be noted. Making a symbolic redundancy lead to reduction of useful information transmitted, therefore data rate is reduced. Today the codes using spatial resource are also widely used. Such codes are called space-time. Their essence is that the information is not transmitted from one source, but from several simultaneously. Thus form a spatial redundancy. The received signal is processed by specific algorithms, and makes possible to determine by most accurate shape of the transmitted signal, and, therefore, produce the most accurate decoding. Conclusion Most of the known methods of providing noise immunity are differences in the application. As a consequence, in the construction of information systems with different data channels and the different types of the transmitted signals, we have to deal with different approaches to the organization of protection from interference that causes differences in financial, organizational and technical aspects. [9] Thus, the use of a generic method - space-time coding - will provide flexibility to provide noise immunity. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use References 1. Nyrkov A.P., Sokolov S.S., Ezhgurov V.N.., Maltsev V.A., EFFECTIVE INFORMATION MODEL MODELS OF THE TRANSPORT PROCESS. Sworld collection of scientific papers based on international scientific and practical conference. 2012. Т. 13. № 4. p. 38-42. 2. Nyrkov A.P., BAshmakov A.V., Sokolov S.S., NOT-CRYPTOGRAPHIC METHODS OF INFORMATION SECURITY IN WIRELESS NETWORKS. Information security issues. Computer systems. 2010. № 3. p. 27-30. 3. Nyrkov A.P., Sokolov S.S., BAshmakov A.V., THE METHODOLOGY OF DESIGNING INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY IN TRANSPORT. Information security issues. Computer systems. 2010. № 3. p. 58-61. 4. Nyrkov A.P., Dmitrieva T.V., Sokolov S.S., METHODS OF IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF PORTS IN INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT CORRIDORS. River transport (ХХI cen). 2009. Т. 1. № 42-1. p. 75-77. 5. Kudinov V.A., Nyrkov A.P., ALGORITHMIC PROVIDING PARALLELIZABLE STRUCTURES IN AUTOMATION SYSTEM THAT PROVIDES PROTECTION OF THE INFORMATION. Information security issues. Computer systems. 2009. № 4. p. 17-22. 6. Sokolov S.S., THREAT MODEL INFORMATION SECURITY. The University for Water Communications. Journal 2009. № 2. p. 176-180. 7. Sokolov S.S, Belyaeva N.A.,. FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE OF AUTOMATED SYSTEMS TRANSPORT STORAGE INFRASTRUCTURE. The University for Water Communications. 2012. № 3. p. 124a-129. 8. Nyrkov A.P., Dmitrieva T.V. MATHEMATICAL MODEL RESERVATION SYSTEM AND OPTIMIZATION OF IT. The University for Water Communications. 2011. № 2. p. 98-101. 9. Nyrkov A.P., Rudakova S.A. METHODICS OF INFORMATIZATION AUDIT OF OBJECTS REQUIREMENTS OF INFORMATION SECURITY. The University for Water Communications. 2012. № 3. p. 146-149. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-005 UDC 004.2 1 Tusinov A.G., 2Sklyarenko S.A. HELTH – SAFE FOOD IN SPORTS 1 "Russian State University of Tourism and Service" 2 "Moscow State University of Food Production" The report presents the definition of "health – safe food", justified it`s basic principles, and examines the power system for the athletes and the author shows characteristic dishes roll "veal baked with pumpkin" on the basis of these principles. Keywords: Health – safe food and the principles of health – safe nutrition food development of athletes, health – safe dish "veal baked with pumpkin" The likelihood of achieving high results is impossible without a very large physical and neuro-psychological pressures on athletes during training and competition. Overcoming these loads is accompanied by modifications of the metabolic processes of the body. To compensate for the energy expenditure and the activation of anabolic processes and processes of recovery of the athletes should supply adequate amounts of energy and essential dietary factors. Dietary recommendations athletes should be based on both experimental studies of the effects of exercise on some parameters of the state regulatory system and metabolism in animals, and in studying the characteristics of the biochemical and physiological processes during exercise the athletes. [2] Unfortunately, at present there is not enough scientific evidence to recommend diets for representatives of various sports, adequate daily caloric consumption of energy and the corresponding real needs of athletes in essential nutrients. [3] At the same time, with actual power athletes during training and competition does not meet the basic requirements of a balanced diet. In connection with this, we can assume that the inclusion in the diet of athletes dishes designed or adapted to the basics of health-save food is very appropriate. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Under the health-food way to keep health is understood by the need to achieve balance and adequate intake of nutrients into the body. The term "health-save food" based on the idea of homeostasis, the violation of which leads to the disease. This approach assumes that supply strategy to suit the individual organism, not a diet. To the basic principles of health-save food include: 1) preservation of the natural balance of the need for a sufficient supply of food and materials; 2) the inclusion in the daily diet of 10 health-save promoting products (at least one of them). 3) The application of modern kitchen appliances and equipment that will help keep all the nutritional properties of the products and reduce the use of fats and excretion of carcinogenic substances in the preparation. [1] Features of the technology of cooking is to select the correct heat treatment, such as: cooking, including a couple, stewing, baking. Passion for some athletes raw food - salads, including the raw liver, Japanese dishes - sushi and sashimi - would be welcome if it does not there was a risk of intestinal infections and disorders. Possible replacement of ordinary food meal replacement or full use of these substitutes as necessary, but do not replace them for more than two meals a day. They should complement and balance the power athlete, not replace it. According to some experts, the additives should provide no more than 25% of core nutrients. The same is the situation with the vitamins. Of course, a good multivitamin and especially vitamin-mineral complex is absolutely essential, but it should be reasonable to treat his choice and observe moderation in dosages. Recommended supplements: protein, creatine monohydrate, a multivitamin and mineral salts, amino acids. In order to properly build a power athlete should remember that the rhythm of life in for sports is different from the rhythm of the common man. The athlete accustomed to regular physical exercise, and nutrition, and recreation (to sleep) strictly according to the regime. In this regard, the rhythm of all systems of the athlete is very different from the rhythm of the organ systems of people not involved in sports, that is homeostasis athlete is different from regular people. [4] URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Building a power athlete on the basis of health-save you should use all the product group, the number of food consumption of energy consumption depends on the athlete. Shows the characteristics of dishes based on the principle of health-save food "casserole of beef with pumpkin." Ingredients: 1) pumpkin 2) veal, 3) ground tomatoes, 4) Cheese 5) sour cream. 100 grams of finished product prihodits: proteins - 12.5 fat - 7.5, carbohydrates - 8,8; calories - 154.7 Kkal/648, 19 kJ. Minerals (mg): Ca - 172,25; Na - 201,05; K - 247,05; S - 124,25; F - 208,1. Vitamins: PP, E, B vitamins, high in vitamin C - 4.7 (mg). The technological process of cooking: prepared and processed foods (pumpkin, beef, tomatoes) cut plates. Veal repel, salt and pepper, grate the cheese and mix with sour cream. Lay a baking dish with parchment paper and arrange layers prepared foods. The first layer of the meat, the other tomatoes, top with pumpkin and oil prepared and mixed with cream cheese. Recommended serving temperature dishes, from 50 to 650 C. In our opinion, these methods must be applied, and the organization of power athletes, as the consumption of products in the list of health-save the athlete will receive the necessary nutrients, and the technology developed or customized courses based on health-save nutrition can help reduce the intake of fat is not desirable and will reduce amount allocated to the preparation of carcinogens. References: 1.Burbina, T.S. Maintaining the health and development of human intelligence. The second book. The practice of pedagogy and psychology equilibrium supply [Text] / T.S. Burbina. - Samara: Samara. Dep-tion Literary Fund, 2008. - 109 p. 2.Balanced diet athletes / M.I. Kalinski, A.I. Pshendin Kiev health 1985 - 127p. 3. Rogozkin VA Pshendin AI Athletic nutrition. - Moscow: Physical Culture and Sport, 1989. - 160 p. 4. Elena Boyko Nutrition and diet for athletes. - Moscow: Veche, 2006. – 176p. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-006 Radionov A.A., Radionova L.V. TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTION OF HIGH - STRENGTH WIRE WITH HIGH PLASTIC PROPERTIES South Ural State University This article describes the technology production of high-strength wire with high plastic properties. Based on studies we offer to select drawing routes providing a uniform strain over the cross section of wire. The deformation uniformity in the wire cross section depends on the single strain, half-angle dies and the friction coefficient in drawing. The paper assessed the impact of drawing routes on power parameters of the process of wire drawing. Of the basis these research we developed a new method of drawing wire and a program for the PC named “Automatic calculation of drawing routes”. Keywords: wire, high-carbon steel, drawing machine, angle dies, friction coefficient. High-carbon steel wire is used in the manufacture of ropes, springs and valves for prestressed concrete. These products are critical parts of complex machines and structures, so they have to meet high standards of quality. The main problem in the wire production from high grades of steel is to obtain high ductility of high strength metal. Wire drawing technologies used now are not always enabling us to obtain high strength wire with good plastic properties. Often, high-strength wire is rejected due to the premature loss of plasticity and lamination. In order to improve the plastic properties of high-strength wire some research was conducted. Traditionally, the calculation of drawing modes is reduced to the calculation of total and single strain with limitation on the Tensile strength as well as on engine power of wire drawing machines. It does not take into account tense-deformed state of metal in the deformation zone and its dependence on the basic technological URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use factors (total and single strain, the die angle, the friction coefficient, temperature and speed control wire drawing). Of the basis of studies we offer to select drawing routes providing a uniform strain over the cross section of wire. The deformation uniformity in the wire cross section depends on the single strain, half-angle dies and the friction coefficient in drawing. We suggest using the following formula to select a single strain: 2 æ 1 - arctg( tga + f ) ö e =1 - ç ÷ , è 1 + arctg( tga + f ) ø (1) f – friction coefficient; a – half-angle dies. If equality holds (1), then the deformation of the wire cross section is uniform. If 2 æ 1 - arctg( tga + f ) ö e <1 - ç ÷ , è 1 + arctg( tga + f ) ø (2) then in the surface layer of the wire are compressive stresses. If 2 æ 1 - arctg( tga + f ) ö e >1 - ç ÷ , è 1 + arctg( tga + f ) ø (3) then the surface layer of the wire are tensile stresses. When you select a single degree of deformation is convenient to use the graphs constructed by the formula (1). Fig. 1 shows a graph to select the type of stress in the wire, depending on process parameters. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use e ,% compressive stresses 50 45 40 u n ifo 35 rm d at e fo rm ion a = 40 30 tensile stresses 25 20 15 0 ,01 0 ,02 0 ,03 0 ,04 f 0 ,06 0 ,05 Fig. 1. Type of residual stresses in the surface layer depending on process parameters Of the basis of studies we offer to select drawing routes providing a uniform strain over the cross section of wire. The deformation uniformity in the wire cross section depends on the single strain, half-angle dies and the friction coefficient in drawing. By choosing a certain combination of these three variables it is possible to provide a uniform deformation of the wire cross section (Fig.2). To confirm this idea we carried out some experiments. Wire rod made of steel 70 in the diameter of 5.5 mm was drawn through dies with different half-angle to get the diameter of 4.0 mm. e ,% a =70 50 a = 60 45 a = 50 40 a = 40 35 a = 30 30 a = 20 25 20 15 0 ,01 0 ,02 0 ,03 0 ,04 0 ,05 0 ,06 f Fig. 2. A single strain required for the uniform deformation of the wire cross section, depending on half-angle dies and the friction coefficient URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use MPa 4000 3500 3000 2500 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 mm Fig. 3. Microhardness over the cross section the wire diameter of 4.0 mm (half-angle dies 7 degrees) In the first case 7 degrees half-angle dies were used, and in the second – 5 degrees. Measuring the microhardness over the cross section showed that in the first case, deformation penetrates the entire wire cross section (Fig.3), while in the second case, only the metal surface layers are deformed (Fig.4). MPa 4000 3500 3000 2500 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 mm Fig. 4. Microhardness over the cross section the wire diameter of 4.0 mm (half-angle dies 5 degrees) URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use In the formula (1) the friction coefficient is the unknown quantity. To define this quantity in real production conditions, we carried out some experimental investigations. For this purpose, we used a device developed by us [1, 2]. The research results are presented in table 1. To confirm the possibility of improving the mechanical properties and wire quality industrial experiment was held. Wire rod with the diameter of 5.5 mm of steel 70 was drawn to the diameter of 3.0 mm. Drawing routes calculated by the proposed proportion obtained: 33% 33% 33% - sample № 1 (tensile stresses) – 5,5 ¾¾ ¾® 4,5 ¾¾ ¾® 3,7 ¾¾ ¾® 3,0 ( 2a = 10 0 ); 33% 33% - sample № 2 (uniform deformation) – 5,5 ¾¾ ¾® 4,5 ¾¾ ¾® 3,7 ¾¾¾® 3,0( 2a = 8 0 ); 33% 33% 33% - sample № 3 (compressive stresses) – 5,5 ¾¾ ¾® 4,5 ¾¾ ¾® 3,7 ¾¾¾® 3,0 ( 2a = 6 0 33% ). Table 1 The friction coefficient, depending on angle dies, types sub-oil coating and lubrication Angle die, 0 Sub-oil coating Lubrication Friction coefficient , f Drill 8 Phosphate Liquid Soap 0,06 BVS -1 0,05 BVS -2 0,05 Soap 0,04 BVS -1 0,03 BVS -2 0,03 Soap 0,05 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use glass (nNa2O * mSiO2) Drill 12 Phosphate Liquid BVS -1 0,04 BVS -2 0,04 Soap 0,07 BVS -1 0,06 BVS -2 0,06 Soap 0,05 BVS -1 0,04 BVS -2 0,04 Soap 0,06 BVS -1 0,05 BVS -2 0,05 glass (nNa2O * mSiO2) The resulting wire experienced a rupture, twisting and bending (table 2). The results showed that the strength properties (Tensile strength, yield strength) remain practically unchanged, while the plastic characteristics increase: relative elongation by 25-30%, relative narrowing by 12-15% and the number of twists by 1822% and the number of bends by 35-40% compared to the traditional production method. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Table 2 The mechanical properties the wire of diameter of 3.0 mm Sample Tensile Yield Relative Relative The The strength, strength, elongation, narrowing, number number of s B , MPa s 0.2 , MPa d ,% y ,% of twists, bends, n m 1 1640 1425 2,5 56 40 18 2 1635 1390 3,0 60 43 20 3 1645 1435 3,5 64 48 26 On the basis of the proposed method we made a new method of drawing wire [3, 4] and a program for the PC named “Automatic calculation of drawing routes” used at "Beloretsk Metallurgical Plant" (Russia, "Mechel Steel Group") [2, 5]. References: 1. Radionova L.V., Kharitonov V.A., Zyuzin V.I. New technological lubricants for steel wire drawing /Steel in Translation. 2001. № 12. P. 49-50. 2. V.A. Kharitonov, L.V. Radionova Designing resource-saving technologies of production of high-carbon steel wire, based on modeling: Monograph. – Magnitogorsk.2008. 171 p. 3. Patent Russian Federation № 2183523 (2001) Method of manufacturing high carbon wire / V.A. Kharitonov, L.V. Radionova, V.I. Zyuzin. 4. Radionova L.V., Radionov A.A. Energy approach to the influence of countertension on drawing /Steel in Translation. 2008. Т. 38. № 5. Р. 358-361. 5. A.A. Radionov Automatic electric drive of the mills for steel wire production: Monograph. – Magnitogorsk. 2007. 311 р. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-007 UDK 621.317.73 Boiko J.M., Boryachok R.O. MODELING SATELLITE DATA TRANSMISSION CHANNELS WITH CASCADE SIGNAL-CODE STRUCTURES Khmelnitskiy National University, Khmelnitskiy, 11/3 Institutska Str., 29000 The paper represents modeling satellite data transmission channel with cascade encoding. The detailed scheme of digital satellite data transmission channel with external, internal encoder and interleaving has been developed. The recommendations are given regarding type and structure of cascade encoder components. The basic characteristics and specific operation of satellite data transmission channel with cascade encoding and quadrature phase modulation have been researched by using simulating instrument Matlab-Simulin. Keywords: noise stable encoding, cascade encoding, signal-code structure. Introduction The basic way to improve the data transmission reliability in satellite digital systems is a process of adding redundancy to original data. This process is carried out by noise stable encoding. The coder’s primary aim is to execute noise stable encoding operation [1]. The data transmission reliability in the digital systems can be assessed by BER – Bit Error Rate [2]. In this case BER is the probability of erroneous receiving and transmitting per data bit averaged for statistically high volume of transmitted information. Satellite data transmission systems are specific to assume for making recommendations to gain most optimal using noise stable encoding in these systems in order to create a structure of the ground receiving facility processing satellite signals. Here is a circumstance to be considered as inputting redundancy at constant data transmitting rate of the source causes reducing symbol duration and also at constant transmitter power – to decreasing power per symbol. The error probability BER increases in this case. However the final error probability in decoder output (as shown below) will be less than that in case of not coded transmission due URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use to error correction while encoding. The valuable indicator of encoding effectiveness is also the energy benefit to be gained while encoding [1]. Codes assessment is reasonable to carry out by the degree they approach to Shannon threshold [1]. Theoretically this threshold defines potentially reachable signal to noise ratio at fixed encoding rate. It is noteworthy that all codes, which will be considered below, comply with Shannon threshold. To implement codes having high block length and high correcting ability, cascade codes (CC) are reasonable to use in transmission channel. This case requires using many-level encoding. The most optimal is two-level scheme. The Rid-Solomon code can be used as an external one, as for internal one various codes may be chosen. The conducted research indicated using convolution codes (CnC) as internal ones to be the most beneficial. To create satellite data transmission channels it’s recommended to use convolution encoders of the following structure: k £7 - number of data symbols incoming to encoder input per tact, the encoding rate R = k 1 = – characterizes redundancy, which is inputted at encoding. n 2 Code (7, 1/2) is transparent to ambiguity. The Rid-Solomon code having block length n=255 is recommended to use for external encoder. The code has size of data block k=223, the minimal Henning distance [1] d=33. The code is capable to correct 16 errors. The encoder blockscheme is represented in fig. 8. The code structure contains 233 data symbols, and 32 testing ones. Generating polynomial in the Galois field is GF (2 8 ) . The initial data code combination is expressed by polynomial F ( x) = x 8 + x 7 + x 2 + x + 1 . The specific selection of the represented polynomials is first of all entailed by necessary minimizing technical complexity of encoders. The effective way for spacing errors as packs in time is the interleaving procedure. Using interleaving procedure practically allows creating for a codec the discrete channel without memory or with reduced one. In other words the primary aim at using interleaver in external encoder (Rid-Solomon) output is to make symbol errors independent on each other so errors of external encoder would spread uniformly, because the external code encoder operation is significantly worsened by URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use correlated errors in several consequent symbols. Such disadvantage of convolution interleavers as need to clean memory registers on working with data blocks of final length can be eliminated in satellite channel due to transmitting high streams of data, for example when transmitting continuous digital video signal. The structural scheme of the satellite data transmission channel is represented in fig. 1. Fig. 1. The structural scheme of the satellite data transmission channel with internal relative encoding and interleaving: TC – data transmission channel; DS – data stream Projecting encoding system requires considering the range of parameters in particular such as error probability (codes effectiveness is estimated by amount of corrected errors, the volume of redundant data), frequency bend available for connection channel and the time rate of its parameters, minimal signal to noise ratio at which system is to provide the set quality, processing resources available at transmitting and receiving ends of satellite connection channel, and thus complexity of encoding and decoding (as hardware so PC software). In accordance to structural scheme in fig. 1 the Simulink model of satellite data transmission system is represented in fig. 2. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 2. Simulating model of satellite data transmission channel with cascade encoding QPSK – modulation (soft solution) and cascade encoding (external encoder RidSolomon, internal encoder – convolutional (171, 133)), encoding at R = 1/2 rate and decoder Viterbi producing soft and hard decoding algorithms are used in the channel. Соnstellation – diagrams [1] in receiving and transmitting ends of the satellite digital channel is represented in fig. 3 a, b. The data transmission channel is represented by the free space channel which parameters are set in compliance with parameters of satellite orbit METOP and estimating attenuation and power budget of data transmission channel [2]: orbit attitude – 837 km, signal loss in free space – 156 dB, receiving station antenna diameter – 2 m, receiver noise temperature – 290 Ко. Using such simulation model allows research for example of transmission station amplifier characteristics nonlinearity effect on the data transmitting quality; the phase noise level effect on the total amount of corrected errors while the receiving process. Research of model in the mode of insignificant amplifier characteristics nonlinearity – at level 30 dB, at presence of significant phase noise (the value indicating a power URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use fading rate at shifting frequency) of the receiver at the level -48 dBc/Hz @ 100 Hz and -100 dBc/Hz @ 100 Hz (the power is measured in decibels relative to power in center a) b) Fig. 3 Сonstellation – diagram at receiving a) and transmitting b) ends of satellite channel frequency) results in the following: due to frequency fluctuation (phase noise) – QPSK – demodulator does not recognize the phase change of the carrying frequency, but instead by error fixes phase change, both of them cause recording false value of the received bit into a buffer. Thus, the more the convector phase noise the more error rate in demodulator output, and cascade decoder of the receiving station (the total amount of corrected errors has changed in conditions of experiment in the range from 16 to 13). In order to estimate energy benefit of cascade encoding, spectrum characteristics, the simulating modeling satellite data transmission channel with cascade encoding (external encoder Rid-Solomon (255, 223), interleaver, internal encoder – convolutional (171, 133)), QPSK, decoding (soft) Viterbi) was carried out. Modeling process assumed quadrature generators frequencies in receiving and transmitting ends to be brought in phase. Figure 4 represents energy spectrum of signals at transmitting and receiving ends of satellite data transmission channel. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use а) b) Fig. 4. Energy spectrums of signals at transmitting and receiving ends of satellite data transmission channel with cascade encoding: a) at transmitting end; б) at receiving end, after attenuating convector In particular figures 5, 6, 7, 8 demonstrate calculated relationships of bit error BER for signal-code structure (SCS) mentioned before and signal to noise ratio ( Eb / N 0 ) for AWGN channel with encoding rate 3/4, 1/2. So the specified code at encoding rate 3/4 has ЕВК » 4.4dB (BER=10-4). In case of producing data transmission channel at 1/2 encoding rate EBK equaled 5.9 dB (BER=10-4). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 5. Bit error BER dependencies Fig. 6. Bit error BER in relation to signal to noise ratio ( dependencies in relation to signal to Eb / N 0 ) for AWGN channel: 1 – CC: noise ratio ( Eb / N 0 ) for AWGN (РС (255, 223), CnC (171, 133), QPSK) channel: 1 – CC: (РС (255, 223), CnC R=3/4; 2 – for not encoded QPSK (171, 133), QPSK) R=1/2; 2 – for not encoded QPSK Fig. 7. Bit error BER dependencies in relation to signal to noise ratio ( Eb / N 0 ) for AWGN channel: Fig. 8. Bit error BER dependencies in relation to signal to noise ratio ( Eb / N 0 ) for AWGN 1 – CC: (РС (255, 247), CnC (171, 133), QPSK) R=3/4; 2 – for not encoded QPSK channel: 1 – CC: (РС (255, 247), CnC (171, 133), QPSK) R=1/2; 2 – for not encoded QPSK URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The changes in code structure of the external encoder on PC (255, 247) in case of cascade encoding cause decreasing encoding energy benefit (EEB). So figures 7, 8 represent results of estimating BER in case of using satellite channel SCS CC: (РС (255, 247), interleaver, CnC (171, 133), QPSK). So in case of encoding rate 3/4, ЕВК » 4.2dB, and in case of producing data transmission channel at encoding rate 1/2, EBK equaled 5.6 dB (BER=10-4). Besides, we can make conclusion that at increasing encoding rate the energy benefit decreases. The selection of satellite data transmission channel should be made by applying cascade codes, optimal for correcting errors, providing redundancy and encoding rate. Conclusions - It has been determined that improving data transmission noise stability in satellite digital channels is reached by using cascade encoding scheme; - It has been defined that in case of producing satellite channel (external code Rid-Solomon (255, 223), interleaver, internal code – convolution code (171, 133), QPSK) at encoding rate 3/4, EEB » 4.4 dB (BER=10-4). In case of producing transmission channel at encoding rate 1/2, EEB equaled 5.9 dB (BER=10-4). At increasing encoding rate and code structure the energy benefit decreases; - By means of Simulink – model of satellite communication system it has been researched the effect of characteristics of receiving and transmitting ends of the data transmission channel with cascade encoding on overall quantity of errors corrected while encoding. References: 1. Бойко Ю.М. кодування/декодування передавання інформації Імітаційна при в реалізація вирішенні способів завдань супутникових завадостійкого підвищення каналах зв’язку вірності //Вісник Хмельницького національного університету. – Хмельницький. – 2012. - №1. – С. 190-200. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 2. Juliy Boiko, Victor Stetsiuk, Victor Michan Improving noise immunity of QPSK demodulation of signals in digital satellite communication systems// TCSET’2012 IEEE. 21-24 February, Lviv – Slavske. J21310-008 Mykhailova G.N. , Bulenok S. N. THE PROBLEMS OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES SAFETY Kiyv National University of Trade and Economics, Kioto st. 19, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02156 In this article we describe the use of language English Annotation. The analysis of terms safety and security is held, the dialectics of properties of garments with bulking filler is given, the safety indices and characteristics of garments with bulking filler are analysed, the research norms and methods of environmental pollution caused by the given goods’group manufacturing are highlighted. Key words: security, safety, garments with bulking filler. Numerous studies witness, that the people’s health depends on the absence of diseases and physical defects as well as it is determined by the three sets of factors genetically inherited, socio-economic and ecological. The chemical substances intensive introduction into all branches of national economy allows to assume that the chemical factor is one of the leading factors for many key units of hygiene [1]. There is a need to differentiate between the two notions – security and safety. Nowadays the goods safety theory and practice issues are given a significant consideration, which is justified by a great number of publications [2-3]. The authors consider the contradictions in a terminology base and assume that safety means the production characteristics rather than its state. There are two notions in the Ukrainian language – security and safety. Security is a state, in which none or nothing is threatened by danger, but safety means the absence of danger [4]. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The contemporary textile materials and fabrics in the context of the people’s health safety have to be considered as a product of the chemical substances complex negative effect. First of all, the textile fabrics are affected by the raw materials nature, the technological processes peculiarities of their manufacturing. In other words – the textile production natural characteristics. In particular: chemical characteristics (chemical danger), physical-mechanical properties (mechanical danger), electrical ones (electrical danger) etc. The long-lasting accumulation of certain chemical substances in a person’s body during the textile fabrics exploitation may lead to the person’s and their descendants’ genetic apparatus dysfunction, the central nervous system, kidneys and lungs affection as well as the other organs malfunction. Nowadays heavy metals and pesticides rank the first ones in the world concerning the ecosystem pollution priority. The latter can be rather steady compounds and be preserved in the soil as well as in the natural raw materials (cotton, flax, wool) for long. Besides that, raw materials and final products made of the natural raw materials are processed with special substances, which protect them from the microorganisms’, moths’, rodents’ destructive effect during storing and transportation. The heavy metals, pesticides, chlorine, capacious organic compounds, dioxins etc. can get into natural fibers in the process of their growth by means of ground waters and air. Heavy metals can affect negatively as they can pollute textile fabrics and clothes in the process of dyes application, technological processes peculiarities at the expense of the ecosystem pollution. At present the most wide-spread contaminants of ecosystem are bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, manganese, copper, zinc, nickel, tin, mercury, lead, antimony, chromium. Among them, lead, mercury and cadmium belong to the environmental global pollutants of the first grade of danger [5]. A crucial issue on the safety of dyes which are able to provoke negative biological effects during the process of textile fabrics and clothes use is still remained unsettled in the domestic hygienic research practice. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use It is a well-known fact that the dyes which are allergens are used in the textile industry of Ukraine. In technological processes of raw materials processing and fabric manufacturing the employing of finishing compositions, textile auxiliary substances (e.g. thermosets - phenol-aldehyde, melamine phenol-aldehyde etc.) is allowed, which leads to the rise in manufacture effectiveness and the appearance improvement. The compositions and substances mentioned above are not always removed completely from products and materials at different stages of technological process. Due to the atmospheric factors influence and mechanical loading the destruction by-products may be emitted into the under clothes space during the clothes exploitation, and the negative consequences may arise (skin irritation, allergenic etc.) due to the process of sweating [1]. Thus, textile materials and fabrics are the source of a possible negative effect of chemical substances which are different in their designation, grade of danger, biological effects. Taking into consideration the fact, that from their birth humans are in direct contact with textile materials and fabrics and their chemical contaminants possible migration affects the human body within the lifespan, it is obvious that at present the issue on safety is a crucial one for textile materials and fabrics. Unfortunately, the products made of natural raw materials are still considered to be safe for human’s health. In Ukraine the issues on clothes and footwear hygiene are the ones which have no their “own” standards and regulations concerning their chemical substances migration. But only standards of chemical fibers enclosure in materials for children’s clothes and footwear are valid in Ukraine. These standards are stated in San R&N № 42-125-4390-87 “Chemical fibers enclosure in materials for children’s clothes and footwear in accordance with hygienic indices” [6 ]. Moreover, the garments with bulking filler form a separate group of fabrics. As the sleep occupies the main part of human life. But the healthy sleep requires that mattress, pillow and blanket have to be comfortable as well as they should have high mechanical, physical characteristics, safety standards etc. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The range of garments with bulking filler is formed in accordance with consumers’ requirements depending on the age and target, natural and social conditions of use, individual preferences etc. The goods quality is a critical issue at the current stage of market relations formation. The goods quality control is widely used in commerce, design, industry and agriculture. Also it involves the whole “product life cycle”: the stage of technical task, development phases, sale and service, competitiveness’ assessment. The industry produces fabrics for domestic purposes to sleep and rest: pillows, blankets, bedspreads, mattress covers, warmth keeping counterpanes and other items with bulking filler. Nonwoven cloth, down or balls made of polyester fibers are used as a filler. The utility of these goods is revealed through their consumer properties, that means those properties, that allow consumers to satisfy certain needs, requirements [7]. According to Fig.1, goods safety occupies a great place in satisfying consumers’ needs and requirements with textile articles. It is known, that the natural raw stuff usage will significantly ensure the finished products harmlessness. In Ukraine the fabrics with bulking filler which is made of natural fibers (sheep's wool, hemp, cotton, flax) for domestic purposes to sleep and rest are in great demand. Special attention is paid to the Ukrainian traditional raw materials – flax and hemp. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Characteristic s Consumer Properties Utilitarian Properties Properties that meet Safety Fig. 1. The properties’ dialectics of fabrics with bulking filler Bast fibers belong to the natural fibers of plant origin. Textile fabrics made of them and designed in the style “eco-natural” are very popular throughout the world due to their alternative appearance and their properties set. Such textile fabrics have higher medico-biological and protective characteristics. Due to this unique complex of bast fibers attributes as being hygienic, high strength, low electrical resistance, comfort, natural bactericidal action there is a constant growth in demand worldwide for textile bast fabrics for domestic purposes. Hemp cloths possess unique characteristics. In particular, hemp cloths are antistatic, hygienic, absorb up to 30 % of perspiration and 95 % of ultraviolet rays. They ensure comfortable temperature and humidity of the under clothes space and at the same time the perspiration elimination from body surface. Garments made of these cloths are recommended to wear for those people who tend to suffer from rheumatism, dermal allergy, spine diseases [8]. The separate subgroup of attributes that are complied with hygienic demands is presented by safety characteristics (fig. 2). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use harmful - substances quantity SAFETY substances - рН alkalinity combustion - ignition minimal duration ability - electrisation specific surface electrical resistance; - charge mark; Fig. 2. Safety indices and characteristics of fabrics with bulking filler The safety of fabrics with bulking filler depends on the purpose and human skin contact degree. Extremely important indicator is combustion ability (ignition), since both natural and synthetic raw materials are easily inflammable, but synthetic raw stuff give off hypertoxical substances. To ensure consumers’ requirements as to safety of garments with bulking filler a significant role is assigned to an electrization ability. Statistical electricity charges may appear on the garments in the manufacturing process as well as in their service period. Thus, electric field voltage can reach 5000V/sm on the lavsan and acrylic garments. Electrostatic charges accumulation, their size and certain polarity cause garments sticking to a human body, their sparkling, cracking, rapid contamination due to the dust attraction. Accessible foreign sources analysis has shown that in the European countries clothes, textile and leather materials are estimated according to safety indices in compliance with norms regulated by Instructions and standards. For this reason the International Association of Investigation and Trial in Textile Ecology is functioning in Europe (“Oeko-Tex-100”). This Association comprises 12 countries (Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Great Britain, Spain, Scandinavian countries, Netherlands). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use It deals with research as well as the development of scientifically grounded specifications to ensure the textile materials and their garments safety. Production which has been undergone a trial in specialized probationary laboratories and in the field of textile ecology (“Oeko-Tex-100”) is obligatory labeled. The basis of the European countries standards is the control of migrating chemical substances complex with skin irritation and allergenic effects and remote effects. In accordance with the international standard “Oeko-Tex-100” textile goods must be subjected to the analysis in order to detect the organic substances concentration. This standard regulates the admissible level of harmful substances content in textile materials and garments depending on the category they belong: 1. Textile goods of children’s range; 2. Textile goods that are in direct contact with a human body; 3. Textile goods that are not in contact with a skin; 4. Ornamental textile materials. The first and second categories of criteria (А1 and А2) stated in the EU Instructions are called “ecological” ones. The category of criteria А1 refers to the article’s composition (e.g. alkali – for wool, chemical substances pesticides which are used to process natural fibers to store – for cotton and wool, antimony – for polyester fibers, zinc - for polyurethane fibers etc.). The second category of criteria А2 involves processes and chemicals including dyes. And through all textile goods manufacturing phases it regulates the permission to employ definite substances as well as contents norms or harmful chemical substances migration, among them: oils, wax, size, softeners, detergents, heavy metals, free or partially hydrolyzed formaldehyde, chlorophenol, compound dyes which contain metals and azo dyes etc. A positive measure is an elaboration of the state standard SSTU 4239-2003 “Textile and leather materials and wares for consumer service. Main hygienic demands”, which came into force on the 1 of October, 2004. This standard is conformed with standards of the “Oeko-Tex-100” system in the section concerning URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use the hygienic demands. The textile production hygienic demands are differentiated depending on its designation and to what extent it contacts with a human skin. The problem of environmental pollution occurred during manufacturing process of garments with bulking filler is a crucial one. The maximum allowable content (MAC) of hazardous substances in working area air during products manufacturing must correspond to the demands of SSS 12.1.005 [9] and data given in the table. Table 1 Hazardous chemical substances and methods of their monitoring Chemical substance name MAC, p.r.z. Security level formaldehyde 0,5 2 phenol 0,3 2 benzol 15/5 2 dust: cotton, wool 2,0 4 lavsan dust 5.0 3 Control methods «Methodical instructions on gasochromatological measurement of formaldehyde in working zone air» № 4595-88 from 30.03.88. «Methodical instructions on gasochromatological measurement of tricresol concentration (mixture of о-,m-, p- cresols) and phenol in working zone air» №4590-88 from 30.03.88. «Methodical instructions on gasochromatological measurement of benzol, toluol, о-, m-, n- xylols, cyclohexane, ethylacetate and butyl alcohol in working zone air» № 4168-86 from 06.11.86. «Gravimetric measurement in working zone air and in dust ventilating plants systems» №1719-77 from 18.04.77. «Gravimetric measurement in working zone air and in dust ventilating plants systems» №1719-77 from 18.04.1977. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Thus, nowadays, when a society development is aimed to guarantee the health care and people’s high level of life, it is assumed that textile goods safety, especially of those with bulking filler, depends on their designation and contact degree with people’s skin. So, a risk-free production (or production with minimal level of risk) for people’s health and safety, is a safe one. Bibliography: 1. Prodanchuk M.G., Senenko L.G., Dyshinevich N.E., Rukavtsev G.I., Saveleva О.М., Polischuk S.О. Textile Materials and Clothes – Security Current Problems // Light Industry. – 2004. - №4. – P.36-37. 2. Aronov I.Z. Production Quality and Safety: What Is Primary Point? / I.Z. Aronov // Standards and Quality. – 2006. – №1. – P. 34-37. 3. Belov V.P. Terminology Base of Safety Theory / V.P. Белов, А.D. Golyakov // Standards and Quality. – 2003. – №7. – P. 32-35. 4. Contemporary Ukrainian Language Big Glossary / Comp. and editor-in-chief V.Т. Busel. – К.; Irpin: PH «Perun», 2004. – 1440 p. 5. Osypenko N.І. Research of New Worsted Cloths Safety // Goods and Markets. – 2006. - №2. – P.188-193. 6. SAN R&N 24-125-4390-87 Chemical Fibers Putting in Materials for Children’s Clothes and Footwear in accordance with Hygienic Indices. – М., 1987. – 8 p. 7. SSU 3993 – 2000. Commodities Science. Terms and Definitions. 8. Mykhailova G.М. Optimization of Structure Parameters and Bast Cloths Properties Characteristics // Commodities Science and Commercial Entrepreneurship: speciality professionalization, research, innovation: Materials of Intern. scien.-pract. conf. (15-16 April 2009., Kyiv) / editor-in-chief А.А. Маzаrаkі. – К.: Кyiv. KNUTE, 2009. – P. 231-233. 9. SS 12.1.005-88. General Sanitary and Hygienic Demands to Working Zone Air. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-009 UDC 532.528 Anisimov V. V., Ermakov P. P. CONSTRUCTION OF EXPERIMENTAL JET CAVITATION APPARATUS SHED “Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology” An experimental cavitation apparatus is presented. The design features and principles of it’s work are shown. The features of mathematical processing of the experimental data, obtained on the developed apparatus are considered Keywords: cavitation, experimental apparatus, cavitating nozzle, sensor, automation. Cavitation is the phenomenon of the vapor, gas or vapor-gas bubbles appearance from nuclei under local low pressures impact with probable following their collapse. For the first time humanity was faced with cavitation in the end of the XIX century, when testing high-speed ships [1,2] as with a purely negative phenomenon, which led to the erosive destruction of machine parts, noises and vibrations. Since the mid-twentieth century the direction of using the cavitation for processes of chemical technology intensification got development. Cavitational technologies are widely used in many fields of chemical industry, particularly in the general chemical, food, petrochemical industries. The most common application of cavitation is intensifying the processes of fine mixing, dispersing, emulsification, absorption [2,3]. Also cavitation is used to intensify or even initiate chemical reactions [4]. Widespread use of cavitation in industry determines the necessity in further research of this phenomenon both from fundamental and from applied side. There are many constructions of devices for creating cavitation. Most part of them are designed for solving industrial purposes and has low suitability for researches. A much smaller part of devices for creating cavitation have laboratory, research purposes. Therefore, an actual task is to develop the research devices for URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use creating cavitation, which would allow access to new actual information as about the process of cavitation, and about the efficiency of a cavitating element. Investigation of cavitation is a wide area of researches. Therefore, before the development of an apparatus the basic requirements and objectives that it must confirm should be determined. As the main objectives of the experimental cavitation apparatus development were selected: - carrying out large number of experiments with small labor input; - investigation the shapes and sizes of cavitation field; - the study of a wide range of cavitation nozzles. Based on the above objectives cavitation experimental apparatus is developed, the general view of which is presented in Fig. 1. а) b) Fig. 1. General view of cavitation apparatus a – construction of apparatus; 1 – buffer tank; 2 – gear pump; 3 – valve; 4 – manometer; 5 – pressure pipeline; 6 – cavitation nozzle; 7 – sensor; 8 – plate; 9 – engine; 10 – distribution node; 11 - discharge pipeline; 12 – pressure compensator; b – apparatus photo. Apparatus (Fig. 1, a) works as follows. Fluid from the buffer tank 1 is sucked by gear pump 2, then under pressure, regulated by valve 3 and the measured by URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use manometer 4, is fed through the pressure pipeline 5 to cavitation nozzle 6. In cavitation nozzle 6 fluid greatly accelerates and cavitational bubbles begin to grow there. After exiting the nozzle cavitational bubbles collapse and produce waves of pressure, which can be fixed by sensor 7. Then the liquid during some time locates in the buffer tank 1, is being mixed, and then re-enters to the gear pump 2 through the suction pipe. Thus is multiple processing of fluid is carried. Drive of apparatus is provided by an engine with capacity of 2.2 kW and a frequency of shaft rotation 25 s-1. Torsion movement from the engine is transmitted to the gear pump providing flow of fluid under pressure up to 2.5 MPa and volume flow 3·10-4 m3/s. Fluid under pressure is fed to a distribution node 10. In the distribution node 10 liquid flow is divided between the pressure pipeline 5 and the discharge pipeline 11 by the valve 3. Adjustable discharge of fluid is needed for smooth adjustment of pressure in the pressure pipeline and related with it fluid velocity. The pressure, created by the pump, is measured by manometer 4. Between the manometer and a distribution node an air pressure compensator 12 is placed. The necessity to place compensator is determined by the instability of liquid from gear pump supply, which leads to pressure oscillations in cavitation nozzle and also prevents fixing the shows of the manometer. System of sensor displacement is shown in Fig. 2 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 2. System of sensor displacement 1 – outlet of pressure pipeline; 2 – cavitation nozzle; 3 – rod; 4 – guide bushing; 5 – screw-clamp; 6 – corps of sensor holder; 7 – vibroisolating pads; 8 – sensor; 9 – foot ring; 10 – cable of sensor. System of sensor displacement provides movability of sensor relative to the nozzle in the axial direction (axis l) in the range of 0 ÷ 80 mm and in the radial direction (axis r) in the range of 0 ÷ 60 mm. Sensor holder adapted to fix the sensor 8 based on piezoelectric element “ЦС-5” or similar. The signal from the sensor 8 (Fig. 2) through the cable 10 is transmitted to oscilloscope. The signal from the sensor (Fig. 3) may be written by digital oscilloscope BM8020, converted to digital form and transmitted to the computer. On the computer signal is visualized and stored in a file format «.dat» using program USB DiSco 3.14. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 3. Scheme of sensor signal processing The following steps may be executed not directly during the experiments, but in any time after. Each oscillogram is rewrited to format «.txt». After that it is suitable for processing in mathematical package MathCad or another. Processing in MathCad is carried out in two stages: a complex processing of each oscillogram and analysis of all the experimental data with the construction of the necessary plots, performing the necessary calculations. Complex processing of signal oscillograms from the sensor includes: - standardization of signal (bringing the number of points in the oscillogram to 1024); - vibrations, which are in advance nontypical for cavitation, impact rejection; - symmetrization of the oscillogram to the time axis; - determination of the signal intensity as a single number. Procedure of complex mathematical processing oscillogram is next. File with oscillogram in format «.txt» is imported to MathCad. The typical oscillogram of signal from the sensor before processing is shown in Fig. 4. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 4. Typical oscillogram of signal before processing Fig. 4 shows that typical oscillogram contains oscillations of different frequencies. Cavitational oscillations have high frequencies (roughly from 1000 Hz) and period close to t. Besides cavitational oscillations there are other oscillations of a different nature (such as vibrations from unstable fluid supply from pump with period T) on oscillogram. For rejection the noncavitational oscillations Fourier transform is used. As the result of this transform the boundary between cavitation and other oscillations becomes clearly visible (Fig. 5). Fig. 5. A typical spectrum of the signal from the sensor URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Processed with Fourier transform oscillogram is to symmetrizized to horizontal axis (time axis). After processing the oscillogram using Fourier transform it becomes suitable for estimation the intensity of oscillations in the oscillogram. Estimation of cavitation oscillations in oscillogram of signal from the sensor is determined by three criteria: - the arithmetic mean of the ten largest maximums of oscillogram; - the arithmetic mean of the ten largest minimums of oscillogram; - the arithmetic mean deviation of the signal from zero. Thus after the complex processing oscillogram reduces to single value, which characterizes the signal from the sensor in current experiment. This value is used in the second part of the mathematical processing of the experimental data. It should be noted that the performance of all the complex processing of oscillogram is completely automated. Researcher only specify a file to import, and the program displays the calculated value of the sensor signal. This allows to, once setting a program, quickly perform a large number of oscillograms processing. The recommended number of points in plan of the experiment is about 125. When the number of points over several hundred, their processing becomes time-consuming, so that it is appropriate to use the modification of above program, designed for pack processing. In this case, the researcher processes multiple (12, 32, etc.) points simultaneously through which the time of processing the total number of experiments is significantly reduced and the recommended number of experiments can be increased even up to several thousand. So the presented cavitation apparatus allows to carry out as multifactorial studies of cavitation nozzle behavior and cavitation process in general. It is provided both by construction of apparatus and by automated method of processing the results of experiments. Besides apparatus has great productivity and is close to the industrial design, what reduces the scaling values in the transition from laboratory to industrial application. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Literarure: 1. Pirsol B. Cavitation. Mir, Moskva, 1980. 2. Reynolds O. The causes of racing of the engines of screw steamers, investigated theoretically and by the experiment. Tr. Inst. Naval Arch. V14 Sc. Papers, 1, 56-57, 1873. 3. Rozdestvensky V. Cavitation. Sudostroenie, Lvov 1977. 4. Smorodov E., Galiahmetov R., Ilgamov M. Physics and chemistry of cavitation. Nauka, Мoskva, 2008. J21310-010 UDC 620.178.16:621.893:678.664 Anisimov V.N. THE PRINCIPLE OF PRODUCING THERMOPLASTIC POLYURETHANE COMPOSITES OF IMPROVED WEAR RESISTANCE Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, The influence of the main structural parameters and methods of modifying thermoplastic polyurethanes and their compositions on their strength, deformation, rheological and tribotechnical characteristics has been studied. A complex approach to producing polyurethane compositions of improved wear resistance has been suggested. Key words: thermoplastic polyurethane, molecular weight, ratio of hard segments, functional additions, improved wear resistance Introduction Thermoplastic polyurethanes, which entered the world market over fifty years ago, are increasingly used in industry. The annual growth rate of their production is 3-5%, and the composition range is rapidly expanding [1, 2]. Specific chemical structure of polyurethanes associated with their block copolymer structure, on the one hand, offers great potential for variations in the composition of their macromolecules and, consequently, their properties; on the other URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use hand, it greatly complicates the systematization of data on their interrelations. Moreover, the compositions of polyurethane-based materials have mostly been developed empirically, and data on the relationships between their compositions and properties are often incomplete and contradictory. There are numerous publications on the subject; however, their results are scattered and lack generalization, especially when it comes to the production of polyurethane composites for tribotechnical purposes. For this reason, the development of the principles of producing polyurethane-based composites of improved wear resistance through variations in their macromolecular structures, starting constituents, and methods of modification is an urgent scientific and technological problem, which is of great practical importance for practically every industry in Ukraine. Subject of investigations The study is aimed at the development of thermoplastic polyurethanes and polyurethane-based composites of improved wear resistance through variations in their macromolecular structures, nature and type of starting constituents, and modification techniques. Objects and methodics of investigations Thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU) synthesized at OAO Polimersintez (Vladimir, Russian Federation) are chosen as the object of investigation. They are TPU based on oligoesters, such as oligobutylene glycoladipate (OBGA500) of molecular weight about 500, butanediol and diisocyanate (TPU OBGA500); oligoethylene glycoladipate (OEGA2000) of molecular weight about 2000, butanediol and diisocyanate (TPU OEGA2000); and molecular weight 2000 (OEBGA2000), oligoethylene butyleneglycoladipate of butanediol and diisocyanate (TPU OEBGA2000), and TPU based on polyether oligooxitetrametilenglicol (OOTMG) of molecular weight about 1000, butandiol and diisocyanate (TPU OOTMG1000) as well. Binary mixtures of different TPU compositions are obtained by mechanical mixing of the raw materials in the melt on automatic thermoplastication machines at a pressure of 80 - 100 MPa and a temperature of 180 - 190º C. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Physical and mechanical properties of the polyurethanes are estimated according to GOST 270-75 on a universal machine TT-DM-4 "Instron." Hardness of the test materials was measured on the TM-2 device according to GOST 263-75. The melt flow characteristics are evaluated on the IIRT-M instrument under the load of 21.2 N and the temperature of 180 or 190° C. The TPU tribotechnical characteristics were studied on a disk friction machine using “disk – finger-sample” technique at the slip speed V = 0.4 m/s and specific load p = 0.2 MPa. The results of the study were computer-processed using the software package MathCAD 7 pro. Main results of investigations As it was earlier found, the molecular weight and ratio of hard segments are the main characteristics, which determine the TPU properties [3, 4]. Polyurethane thermoplastic materials of a molecular weight that corresponds to intrinsic viscosity [η] = 0.8 – 1.1 dl/g have the most optimal structural ordering, they exhibit a minimum value of wear by dry friction, friction in the water, under the action of abrasive particles; they also show the lowest coefficient of friction and increased heat resistance (fig. 1). The study of tribotechnical characteristics and wear pattern of the TPU as a function of the hard segments concentration revealed that extremes characterized by the minimal values of wear rate, including abrasive wear, and minimal friction coefficient correspond to the ratio of hard segments ϕh = 30 – 50 mas.% (fig 2). Hence, through adjusting the structural parameters, such as molecular weight and ratio of hard segments, at the stage of synthesis, it is possible to produce materials with preset performance characteristics. This approach have been used as a base in developing brand compositions of thermoplastic polyurethanes VITUR™ (NPO “Polimersintez”, Vladimir, Russian Federation). However, for TPU processing industries in the C.I.S. countries, which are characterized by a small-scale production with a wide range of products, the above approach seems to be labour-consuming and costly. That is why modification of URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use TPU-based composite materials at the processing stage is today a prevailing method of their production. Fig.1. Dependences of the thermoplastic polyurethane wear rate I on intrinsic viscosity [η] (V = 0.4 m/s, p = 0.2 MPa): 1 – OBGA: BD: MDI = 1: 0.5: 1.5; 2 – OBGA: BD: MDI = 1: 1.5: 2.5; 3 – OBGA: BD: MDI = 1: 3: 4; 4 – OEGA: BD: MDI = 1: 0.5: 1.5; 5 - OEGA: BD: MDI = 1: 4: 5 Fig.2. Dependence of the thermoplastic polyurethane wear rate on the ratio of hard segments φh: 1 – OBGA500: BD: MDI; 2 – OBGA2000: BD: MDI; URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 3 – OEGA2000: BD: MDI; 4 – OEBGA2000: BD: MDI; 5 – OOTMG1000: BD: MDI The study suggests producing a polymer matrix by mixing materials that differ in their chemical compositions at the level of the oligoester constituent. In this case, the presence of hard segments of the same chemical structure in the polymer blend ingredients allows obtaining two- and multi-component systems with high compatibility and a specified set of properties. The above hard segments of the same chemical structure are formed from diphenilmethane diisocyanate (MDI) and 1,4-butanediol. The properties of oligoester-based polyurethane thermoplastics of different chemical compositions OBGA, OEGA, and OEBGA and with different molecular weights of 500 to 2000 are shown in fig. 3. There is a concentration range of 80:20– 60:40 (wt.%), which indicates the optimal combination of the deformation and strength characteristics such as tensile strength (ft), tensile modulus Et , the elongation at rupture εt , with the values of the rheological and tribotechnical characteristics (fig. 3). It should also be noted that the above characteristics change several-fold over the whole concentration range. The properties are improved through the optimization of phase separation due to a bimodal molecular weight distribution in the flexible phase. The properties of polyurethane thermoplastics based on polyester blends OBGA, OEGA, OEBGA with molecular weights varying from 500 to 2000 and polyether OOTMG, molecular weight 1000, are shown in fig. 4. Polyester-based TPU are known to possess improved physical and mechanical characteristics, better light and thermo oxidation resistance, they are cheaper and easier to process. Oligoetherbased polyurethanes show better frost resistance and hydrolytic stability; they also exhibit higher microbial resistance [5]. When mixed, the polyether-/polyester-based TPU that include an oligoether/oligoester component of varying nature and different molecular weights exhibit significant, several-fold changes in strength and deformation characteristics (fig. 4). The properties are apparently improved by optimizing the phase separation URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use due to the fact that the flexible phase has a bimodal molecular weight distribution, and the whole mixtures have good compatibility. Fig.3. Dependences of tensile strength ft (1a), tensile modulus E (2a), elongation at rupture εr (3a), melt flow IFM (4a), Shore A hardness HA (1b), wear rate I (2b), friction coefficient f (3b) of thermoplastic polyurethanes based on oligoester blends URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig.4. Dependences of tensile strength ft (1a), tensile modulus E (2a), elongation at rupture εr (3a), melt flow IFM (4a), Shore A hardness HA (1б), wear rate I (2б), friction coefficient f (3б) of thermoplastic polyurethanes based on oligoester/oligoether blends URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use This type of behavior makes it easy to produce the binary mixtures in any processing plant and provides the opportunity to use every product obtained under the optimum conditions. Modifying TPU with solid lubricants (graphite, molybdenum disulfide, PTFE, etc.) and epoxyphenol oligomers provides for high wear resistance and good antifriction characteristics under the conditions of dry friction, which allows raising the upper temperature limit of efficiency of the TPU products by 40-50º C [6, 7]. Fine powders of alloys based on iron, nickel, and copper were introduced to increase the thermal conductivity [8]. The introduction of a polyelectrolyte complex (PEC) based on sodium polyacrylate and vinyl ammonium chloride into the composition contributes to the penetration of water and moisture from the environment into the network structure of the lyophilic PEC. This leads to a concentration of the working fluid on the working surface of the material and promotes the formation of a separating liquid film between the friction surfaces. As a result, there is a decrease in the coefficient of conjugation friction, and an increase in durability [9]. To reduce the viscosity of the melt, still residues of the production of higher aliphatic amines of C17 – C21 fraction were injected into the TPU. These materials had high flow and formability which enables the production of large-size products of complex shapes [10]. Final processing of TPU in thermal fields of varying intensity (exposure in the heat chamber, exposure to infrared rays and laser light) 5 to 10 times improves the resistance of polyurethane compositions to wear by friction in water [11]. Conclusion 1. Analysis of the experimental studies confirmed the validity of an integrated approach to the production of high wear-resistant polyurethane compositions. It has been found that a number of characteristics (physical and mechanical, dynamic, tribotechnical) exhibit an extreme dependence. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 2. Optimization of the systems studied enables determine the most promising formulations of polyurethane composites for use as sliding bearings, moving and stationary sealants, elastic elements, etc., both domestic and imported. References: 1. Skakun Yu.V. Termoplastychni poliuretany: budova, vlastyvosti, vykorystannya / Yu.V.Skakun, Yu.M. Nizelsky // Polimerny zhurnal. – 2007. – Tom 29. – No.1. – pp. 3-9 2. Shtompel V.I. Struktura lineynyh poliuretanov / V.I.Shtompel, Yu.Yu.Kercha. – Kiev. – Naukova dumka, 2008. – 247 p. 3. Letunovsky M.P. Vliyaniye molekularnoy massy na svoystva termoplastichnyh poliuretanov / M.P.Letunovsky, V.V.Strahov, V.N.Anisimov I dr. // Plasticheskiye massy. – 1987. – No.9. – pp.23-24 4. Anisimov V.N. Vliyaniye zhestkih blokov na mehanicheskiye harakteristiki I abrazivostoykost poliuretanov / V.N.Anisimov, A.A.Semenets, M.P.Letunovsky, V.V.Strahov // Fizyko-himichna mehanika materialiv. – 2002. – No.1. – pp.79-82 5. Termoplastichny poliuretan “Vitur”: Katalog / [sost. Strahov V.V.]. – Vladimir: Transit-Iks, 2002. – 17 p. 6. Pat. 53746 Ukraina, MPK7 CO8L75/04 Polimerna kompozytsiya / Anisimov V.N., Kurachenkov V.M., Semenets O.A.; zayavnyk i vlasnyk patentu Ukrayinsky derzhavny himiko-tehnologichny universytet. – No.200042013; zayavl. 10.04.00; opubl. 17.02.03, Byul. No.2 7. A.C. 1669947 SSSR, MKI4 CO8L75/04. Poliuretanovaya kompozitsiya / V.N.Kurachenkov, V.N.Anisimov, V.V.Strahov (SSSR). – No.4394615/05; zayavl. 18.01.89; opubl. 15.08.91, Byul.No.30 8. Pozytyvne rishennya na vydachu patentu na vynahid “Poliuretanova kompozytsiya” / Anisimov V.N.; zayavnyk Ukrayinsky derzh.him.-teh.univ-t. No.a 2011 02954; zayavl. 14.03.2011 9. Pat. 99543 Ukrayina, MPK7 C08L75/04 (2006.01). Polimerna kompozytsiya / Anisimov V.N.; zayavnyk ta patentovlasnyk DVNZ “Ukrayinsky derzhavny URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use himiko-tehnologichny universytet”. – No. a 2011 02951; zayavl. 14.03.11; opubl. 27.08.12, Byul. No.16 10. Pat. 97455 Ukrayina, MPK7 C08L75/04, C08K3/04, C08K5/17 (2006.01). Poliuretanova kompozytsiya / Anisimov V.N.; zayavnyk ta patentovlasnyk DVNZ “Ukrayinsky derzhavny himiko-tehnologichny universytet”. – No. a 2011 02955; zayavl. 14.03.11; opubl. 10.02.12, Byul. No.3 11. Kurachenkov V.N. Vliyaniye initsiiruyushchego izlucheniya na iznosostoykost termoplastichnyh poliuretanov / V.N.Kurachenkov, V.N.Anisimov, V.V.Strahov, N.P.Nazarenko // Problemy treniya I iznashivaniya: Resp. mezhved. Nauch.-tehn. Sb. – 1990. Vyp. 37. - pp. 83-86 J21310-011 UDC 621.385.2:628.981 Bayneva I.I., Baynev V.V. AUTOMATED SYSTEM DESIGN OF THE LIGHT DEVICES Ogarev Mordovia State University Abstract: In this paper we described the problems of light device calculation and design, the principles of the developed software for the light devices automated modeling and design. Key words: modeling, program, system, light devices, reflector, design. Light device consists of such elements as light source, optical system, start regulative equipment, constructive nodes. Its parameters greatly depend on light device design feature and noticeably influence upon its features as a whole. The problem of light device calculation is to determine a geometric form of optical system elements in order to get a required light distribution. Lighting materials used for optical system element fabrication, and its work conditions must be taken into account. Mirror reflector must provide the required form of light power curve. The software for automated system is developed in order to carry out such URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use calculations and then design of light device. The use of the automated modeling and design system allows: - to develop the light devices of different constructions for different purposes promptly and effectively; - to evaluate thetechnical-economic efficiency of light system; - to determinethe main parameters of light device system and involve it with construction of light device as a whole. The raw data for the program LighTooLux 1.1 (fig. 1) is the required light distribution, the light source type, the count and location of the light sources, the material optical factors, the radiation useful angle. Figure 1. Work window of program LighTooLux 1.1 There are following standard ways of light power curve evaluation in the program: 1 light stream maximization; 2 light stream maximization inside radiation useful angle; 3 light power curve leveling inside radiation useful angle; 4 maximization of difference between average light power in side radiation useful angle and average general light power. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Conclusion The developed program LighTooLux 1.1 allows calculating and building the reflector profileas a matter of information about light sources, material reflection factors, light power curve types and other data. Bibliography: 1. Bayneva I.I., Baynev V.V. Matematicheskie i programmnie sredstva modelirovania svetovih priborov. “Systemi I sredstva informatiki”, 2012. T.22. №2. S.95-105. 2. Programma dlya EVM №2012612870 RF. Programma dlya modelirovania i proectirovanya svetovih priborov razlichnogo ispolnenia i naznachenia / I.I. Bayneva, V.V. Baynev; pravoobladatel «OgarevMordovia State University»; 23.03.2012. J21310-012 UDC 303.732.4 Stepanenko I.A. Lukyanov V.S. INVESTIGATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SYSTEM BY ANALITICAL MODELING Volgograd State Technical University In this report the analytical model of the electronic payment system, built on the basis of the financial cryptographic protocol “anonymous cash checks” is described. This model identifies the main characteristics of the system, such as performance, load of the individual centers, the average service time, etc. Also, the bottlenecks of the system are identified with the developed analytical model. Key words: analytical model, anonymous cash checks, characteristics, performance, queuing system. The article performs the investigation result of developed analytical model of the system, which is based on financial cryptographic protocol "anonymous cash checks"[1]. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The system itself is formalized as a queuing system (Pic. 1). Pic. 1. Formalization of the system in the form of QS The analytical model is software, which allows to find the characteristics of the system under various load conditions using the Buzen’s method and the average values method. For the calculation you must specify the following input parameters: 1. The intensity of the input applications (Λ); 2. The total number of applications (N); 3. Service time of the each center (T); 4. Failure probability of the service (P). Input data: 1. Λ = 10 a/s; 2. 10 ≤ N ≤ 100 a; 3. Turnover time of TCP packet in the communication channel - RTT(s) = 0.05 4. Time of the extraction from the queue and putting into service = 0.01 5. Time of the signature verification (s) = 0.1; 6. Client generates wrappers(s)= 0.5; 7. Bank checks wrappers(s) = 0.7; 8. Client checks the bank’s signature(s) = 0.1; 9. Seller checks the bank’s signature(s) = 0.1; 10. Client generates additional information for the seller(s) = 0.3; URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 11. Seller checks the client’s additional information(s) = 0.4; 12. Payment confirmation by the bank(s) = 3; 13. Probability of completion of the service with the error in S4 center = 0.4; 14. Probability of completion of the service with the error in S6 center = 0.2; 15. Probability of completion of the service with the error in S7 center = 0.1; 16. Probability of completion of the service with the error in S8 center = 0.1; 17. Probability of completion of the service with the error in S9 center = 0.2; Obtain the dependence of the performance and the average residence time of application on the total number of applications in the network (pic.2). Pic. 2. Dependence of the performance and the average residence time of application on the total number of applications in the network. Comparing the dependences, we can conclude that: increasing of the number of applications in the network, on the one hand, leads to an increase in productivity, which can be seen as a positive factor, but on the other hand - to increase the residence time of applications, which is undesirable. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Point N0 ~ 23 is the benchmark values for the number of applications in the system. A further increase of the number of applications in the network is impractical, since it leads to a sharp increase in the residence time of applications in the network with a slight increase productivity. With an increasing number of applications (N) in the network nodes we can see appearance of the queue, and it is obvious that if we increase application count in the network then the lines will be longer at the S4 center and, therefore, the residence time of applications in the system will be longer too. When the number of applications reaches 23, the loading of S4 center is close to 1, with virtually stops of the growth of productivity. Node S4 is a "bottleneck" of the network (pic.3). Pic. 3. Dependence of the load factor of S4 center on total number of the applications in the network. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use S4 can be unloaded by reducing the time of service in this node or by increasing of the number of servers. An analytical model has a number of assumptions [2]: 1. Incoming flow of applications is pausson’s flow; 2. The distribution of application service time in the network center is exponential in the centers of the discipline FIFO, or general for the centers of the disciplines IS, PS, and LIFO; 3. Queue at the centers of the network is not limited; 4. Number of channels in multi-line centers is not limited From these assumptions, it follows that the model does not take into account the loss of orders due to overflow queues or lack of channels and locks for service can’t be considered too. For more accurate and detailed characteristics, it’s necessary to construct a simulation model of the system. References: 1. Schneier, B. Applied Cryptography / B. Schneier / / Moscow: Triumph. 2002. - S. 137-150. 2. Lukyanov, V.S. Models of computer networks with certifying centers: monograph. / V.S. Lukyanov, I.V. Cherkovsky, A.V. Skakunov, D.V. Bikov; VSTU. - Volgograd, 2009. - 242 p. J21310-013 UDC 620.197:621.643 Vasilenko A.F. Vasilenko N. V. CONTROL OF PROTECTIVE CAPACITY OF STATIONS OF CATHODIC PROTECTION OF THE GAS PIPELINE Kuban state technological university, Krasnodar, Moscowskay, 2, 350072 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use In this report it is considered distributions of protective capacity of stations of cathodic protection on pipeline length. Keywords: cathodic protection, protective potential, metal corrosion, gas pipeline. For control of security of the gas pipeline the system of corrosion monitoring has to exercise control of protective potential of the gas pipeline as heat-sink parameter considering all set influencing security of a pipe of factors in real time. The key parameter defining quality of electrochemical protection by stations of cathodic protection, the size of potential of the gas pipeline of rather saturated copper-sulfate electrode of comparison is. Saturated copper-sulfate electrode of comparison possesses rather normal hydrogen electrode with a constant potential of +0,3 V at a temperature of 20 С º. In 1928 Robert Dzh. Kuna during experiments I drew a conclusion that protective potential a minus 0,85 V rather electrode of comparison is relative reliably prevents corrosion [2]. Depending on structure of the environment and other conditions for achievement of the same effect of suppression of corrosion the various size of protective potential is required. Therefore there is the minimum value of min min protective potential E Э . E Э is defined on the basis of design inspection of the district by the projecting organization. Thus, the problem of protection of the gas pipeline is reduced to a problem of min maintenance of protective potential E Э throughout the gas pipeline. From an economic benefit establish rather powerful station of cathodic protection, having placed about it group of anodes. In this case protective current flows on soil from anodes, gets on the pipeline and gathers to токоотводу in a connection place (a drainage point). Thus in process of removal from a point токоотвода cathodic potential decreases. For definition of distribution of protective potential on length of the pipeline we use the differential ratios defining change of potential in metal and the earth on length URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use of the gas pipeline and the changing potential between the earth and a surface of a pipe along the gas pipeline (fig. 1). I dX X dVT Eэ dI/dX Vз Iобщ r Аноды Fig. 1. Distribution of potentials and currents on pipeline length Current from a source flows on the anode (it is presented by a point), from the anode on the ground to the pipeline, then through isolation directly to metal, further on pipe metal to a point of a drainage and, at last, comes back to a source of a direct current. Thus, the electric chain is closed. Designations and parameters: VT – the gas pipeline potential, i.e. power failure in a pipe body from a drainage point to a point x; V3 – the capacity of the earth concerning the anode in a point x; EЭ – electrochemical potential, between metal and the soil, defining the local density of protective current. Potential of EЭ is expressed as follows: E Ý = - dl × r èç d èç , p × D × dx (1) where I – current in the pipeline, A; ρиз – the specific resistance of isolation, Ω•m; δиз – thickness of an insulating layer, m; D – diameter of a pipe, m. VT potential in a body of a pipe changes on coordinate x and depends on the specific resistance of metal of the pipeline (ρТ), wall thickness (δТ) and its diameter. As current on length of the pipeline changes, it is possible to write down only differential ratio: dVT = I × r T dx . p × D × dT URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (2) For calculation of distribution of a field in the earth it is possible to use model for a dot source of current. On sufficient removal from anodes it is possible to consider that the field is distributed evenly in all directions in the form of a hemisphere. Change of potential in the earth is defined by power failure in a spherical layer from the current which is flowing down from the anode: dVÇ = - I îáù × dRÇ , (3) where Iобщ – the general current which is flowing down from the anode, A; dVЗ – change of capacity of the earth at some distance from the anode, in relation to infinitely remote point, V; dR3 – change of resistance of a spherical layer, Ω. Solving system of the differential equations (1, 2, 3) we receive the differential equation: I îáù r ãð d 2 EÝ RÒ = E Ý p dx 2 Rèç é 3x 2 ê 2 êë y + x 2 ( ) 5 2 + ( ù 3 2 ú . y2 + x2 úû 1 ) (4) For the equation (4) the approximate common decision is given: Е Э = С1еa х + С 2 е -a х + I общ r гр p (у 2 +х 2 ) . (5) On the basis of real measurements of characteristics of soil of concrete sites of gas pipelines it is possible to calculate value of constants С1, С2. For example, for a gas pipeline site with parameters: EЭ − 1,85 V; EЭmax − 1,98 V; I общ − 15 A; r гр − 15 Ω *m; y − 400 m; x − 1425 m; rТ − 1,40 * 10-7; d T − 0,008 m; D − 0,82 m; r из − 48 kΩ are received the following values of constants С1 = 0 ,9; С2 = 0 ,9 . These coefficients determine the stationary potential of the gas pipeline. For definition of an area of coverage of one installation of cathodic protection on the equation (5) schedules of distribution of protective potential on length of the gas pipeline (fig. 2) are received. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use φ[V] φ[V] l [m] φ[V] l [m] φ[V] l [m] l [m] Fig. 2. Distribution of protective potential on gas pipeline length In fig. 2a the schedule describing distribution of protective potential for the gas pipeline with isolation with a resistance of 100 kΩ m, cathodic current 30A and level of corrosion aggression of soil with a resistance of 15 Ω /m is submitted. From the schedule it is visible that the gas pipeline 5 000 m long is completely protected (level of potential is higher minimum 0,85 V). In fig. 2б the schedule in case of decrease isolation resistance to 100 Ω is submitted. Change of resistance of isolation to 100 Ω led to a situation when station of cathodic protection isn't able to make protection of the gas pipeline throughout. Protected there is a site about 2 000 m, instead of the put 5 000 m. Increase of cathodic current to 100 A, doesn't lead to basic change of a situation (fig. 2в). One more situation dangerous to the gas pipeline is in this situation shown, protective potential in a point of a drainage came nearer to dangerous level in 2,5 V at which active process of a saturation by hydrogen of metal of the gas pipeline begins. It is necessary to allocate a situation when soil has low corrosion aggression (resistance about 50 Ω /m), and the gas pipeline low level of resistance of isolation (fig. 2g). In this case in a drainage point at current 25 A, potential exceeds level 3,5 V URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use that leads to pipe destruction because of a saturation by hydrogen, and on the ends of a zone of protection of potential doesn't reach a minimum level of 0,85 V. In that case change of operating modes of station of cathodic protection in any way won't allow to make protection of the gas pipeline and it is required to carry out overhaul of isolation of a pipe. Proceeding from stated, it is possible to come to the following conclusion that protective potential has to be supervised at least in three points (in a point of a drainage and on the ends of a zone of protection), as points defining the maximum and minimum value of potential. Thus the system has to supervise that protective potential in these points didn't leave for admissible borders. For control of protective potential in a drainage point the station of cathodic protection has to be equipped with the device providing measurement of protective potential. For ensuring control of protective potential on the ends of a zone of protection the system of corrosion monitoring has to turn on the device with a limited resource of the food, providing measurement of protective potential on the ends of a zone of protection. For receiving a full-fledged picture of protection of the gas pipeline the system of corrosion monitoring has to supervise key parameters of the rectifier, such as current of loading and output tension. References: 1. Aksyutin O. E. About measures for increase of reliability of functioning of the gas transmission system of JSC Gazprom: collection of reports of the III International conference Topical issues of anticorrosive protection (PACP 2009), on October 14-15, 2009. – M.: Gazprom VNIIGAZ, 2009. – Page 3-11. 2. Beckman V., Shvenk V. Cathodic protection against corrosion: Directory / Century Bekman, V. Shvenk [translation from German]. – M.: Metallurgy, 1984. – 496 pages. 3. Vasilenko A.F. Vasilenko N. V., Bogdanov V. V. Development of the program of hardware point of management by stations of cathodic protection [Text] / URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use A.F.Vasilenko, N. V. Vasilenko, V. V. Bogdanov//News of higher educational institutions. North-Caucasus region. Technical science, 2010. No. 6. – Page 61-66. 4. System of corrosion monitoring of NGK-SKM: Operation manual. Edition 1.96. – Saratov: "Neftegazkompleks-EHZ", 2010. – 21 pages. J21310-014 UDC 664.3:547 Melnik A.P., Matveeva T.V., Papchenko V.Y., Kramarev S.O., Malik S.G., Getmansev A.M. TECHNICAL ASPECTS OF NEW MONOACYLGLYCEROL OBTAINING TECHNOLOGY National technical university “Kharkov polytechnic institute” In the report scientific aspects of simultaneous obtaining of monodiacylglycerol (MAG, DAG) and ethanolamides by amidation of sunflower oil triacylglycerols (TAG) by monoethanolamine have been considered. It was established that amidation reaction proceeds by stages with MAG DAG and glycerol formation along with monoethanolamide. Identification of products have been carried out by titrimetric and potentiometric methods. Keywords:monoacylglycerols, diacylglycerols, triacylglycerols, glycerol, monoethanolamine, amidation. Monoacylglycerols (MAG) are surface – active substances which are widely used as an emulsifiers in perfume, cosmetic and food industries. For example, addition 0,1 – 0,5 % of MAG in flour in composition with fats, which are added to bread, increasing its quality and slow down the stale of it, addition of MAG into dough for pasta decreased breakage of it and prevents sticking them together. Addition of MAG into cream for cakes not only increases quality of product but also decreases usage of eggs. And also better digestion of fats could be obtained when use MAG in margarine and cooking oils. Analysis of scientific sources showed that URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use replacement of ordinary triacylglycerol (TAG) on blend of MAG and diacylglycerols (DAG) leads to preventing fat deposits. Nowadays distillated monoacylglycerols of edible fats and oil are used at the food and cosmetic enterprises, which are produced by complicated technologies. Main obtaining technology is esterification of fatty acids by glycerin or glycerolysis of fats and oils in the presence of chemical catalysts or enzymes with subsequent molecular distilling. Alkylcarbonamides are surface active substances, which are widely used in cosmetic industry and by hand cream or shampoo production. As an monoacylglycerols, alkylcarbonamide, in particular monoethanolamides, aremanufacturing via multistep synthesis, with use a lot of heat and electricity. Thus, investigations which are devoted to development of simple simultaneously MAG and ethanolamides of fatty acids obtaining technology are actual. The aim of work is investigations which are directed to development of scientific basis of simultaneously mono- diacylglycerol and monoethanolamides obtaining by amidation of sunflower oil triacylglycerols with monoethanolamine (MEA) with further its separation out of reaction masses. Amidation of sunflower oil by MEA developed in ideal mixing reactor. Temperature in reactor maintained automatically with accuracy ± 0,5 ºC. Identification of amidation products held by titrimetric and potentiometric methods, IR-spectrometry and thin layer chromatography. Monoethanolamides concentration determined by nonaqueousperchloricacid titrationin the media of acetic anhydride. Monoethanolamides concentration determined by chloric acid titrationinthe media of isopropyl alcohol. Results of investigations were processed by least square method. Interaction of sunflower oil TAG with MEA caught be described or by grossreaction or by reaction with stepwise formation of DAG, MAG, glycerol (Gl) and parallel monoethanolamide formation. But calculations of free energy of reactions showed that passing of tetramolecular reaction is impossible and stepwise passing of interaction between TAG and MEA isconfirmed. Stepwise passing of reaction is also confirmed by results of thin layer chromatography (pic. 1). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use As shown on picture 1, spending of TAG and formation of DAG, MAG, Gl and monoethanolamide are observed by increasing the time of reaction. IR spectrometry also confirmed presence of monoethanolamides: carbonyl group detected at the 1650 cm-1 and carbonyl group in esters come out in the interval 1740 – 1760 cm-1. By comparison MEA concentration, which is consumed in the reaction with MEA concentration which is determined by nonaqueous potentiometric titration, established that all MEA is used on monoethanolamide formation, and that is confirmed absence of byreactions. On the base of foregoing, conversion rate of MEA depending on time and temperature have been developed. Have been established, that reaction of TAG, DAG or MAG with MEA occur halfway in first 30 – 40 minutes. After that the rate of amidation significantly decreases and there is no change in it until the end of reaction. 100 В, % 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 t, min Pic. 1. Content of reaction mass components by the time of reaction between TAG and MEA (1 : 2) analyzed by TLC, where ♦ - TAG, ■ – DAG, ▲ – MAG, □ – Gl, ○ – monoethanolamide Thus, his kinetic investigations confirmed thermodynamic calculations about stepwise proceeding of amidation process. Maximum amidation rate reached under 423 K, and MEA conversion rate in this conditions reached 95 %. On the base of determined components concentrations considering chemistry of interaction and hydrogen bonds between molecules of reaction masses the reaction rate constants and URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use thermodynamic parameters of TAG, DAG and MAG reactions with MEA are calculated. Established that highest rate constant belongs to the reaction of TAG with MEA and the smallest – MAG with MEA. References: 1. Melnik A.P., Matveeva T.V. The study of the kinetics of alkilkarbonamidov derived from fats / Vestnik of Kharkov State Polytechnic University. – Kharkov: HDPU, 1999. – Issue. 33. – Р. 46 – 48. 2. Melnik A.P., Matveeva T.V. On the kinetics of the formation of derivatives alkilkarbonamidov of fats / Vestnik of the Kharkov State Polytechnic University. Kharkov: HDPU, 1999. – Issue. 90. – Р. 66 – 68. 3. Melnik A.P., Matveeva T.V. The technology for producing MEA of oil and fats. / Vestnik of the National technical university "Kharkiv polytechnic institute". – Kharkov: NTU "KPI", 2002. – № 2, Р. – P. 89 – 93. 4. Melnik A.P., Matveeva T.V., Papchenko V.Y. Obtaining monoacylglycerides of triacylglycerides sunflower oil / Vestnik of the National technical university "Kharkiv polytechnic institute". – Kharkov: NTU "KPI", 2004. – № 41 – P. 56 – 60. J21310-015 UDC 681 Chupakhina L.R. Kireeva N. V. RESEARCH OF CHARACTERISTICS OF THE NETWORK TRAFFIC Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Samara, Lev Tolstoy 23, 443010 In this report examines the research of the system of mass service type G/G/1. Approximation of functions of distribution through cumulant analysis allows to take into account properties of real network traffic. Key words: queuing system, cumulant analysis, Weibull distribution, exponential series. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The study characteristics of network traffic in a modern network of traditional analysis, based on the Poisson, can not reliably describe them. The input data flow with the property of self-similarity and nonstationarity may simulate or, at least, to predict its behavior. To study the model we take a queuing system type G/G/1. Features of this system are arbitrary values, so you need the most accurate description of any known function first, and then compare it to any. Explore the unknown probability density function. Choosing a common distribution with «heavy» tails: Weibull, Pareto, lognormal, you can simulate a system of type G/G/1. Consider the approximation of the density function of the Weibull distribution. Weibull distribution function (1) is: -( F ( х) = 1-e x α ) β , x>0 ,a>0, b >0 , (1) where α - the shape parameter, β - the scale parameter [1]. The density of the Weibull distribution (2) is as follows (Fig.1): f(х) = αβ- α x α - 1e -( x α ) β . (2) 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 0 0,00 10,00 20,00 30,00 40,00 50,00 60,00 -0,05 Fig. 1. Weibull density function f(x) Now consider the way to represent the unknown density by cumulant analysis. One of the important properties of the cumulant description of random variables and processes is that a finite set of cumulants always corresponds to a real function that approximates the probability distribution [2]. With cumulant representation model the URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use same density function of the Weibull distribution, but only considering the realistic network. For the selected values α and β taking into account the first six moments of the function and its expansion in the Edgeworth series, you can get an approximation of an arbitrary distribution function W(x) in the form (Fig.2). 0,18 0,16 0,14 0,12 0,10 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0,00 -0,020,00 W(x) f(x) 10,00 20,00 30,00 40,00 Fig. 2. Comparison of the two densities of the Weibull distribution f(x) and W(x) Therefore approximate the function by a cumulant representation is possible. But even more interesting problem is the consideration of the unknown density expansion in exponential series. [3] Thus, to find the characteristics of type G/G/1 factors to consider. Unknown function, which is subject to the input stream of packets, it is expedient to provide, through its probability density. The possibility of removing the parameters and time of receipt of service with real traffic at the entrance of the system allows them to operate in the investigation of different ways. Analysis of characteristics of real traffic is different, but most importantly, that it satisfies the conditions occurring in the telecommunications system. References: 1. Law Averill M., Kelton V. David Imitating modeling. Classics of CS. 3rd prod.2004. - 848 p. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 2. Malakhov A.N. Cumulant analysis of casual not Gaussian processes and their transformations. M, Soviet radio. 1978. - 376 p. 3. Kleynrok L. Theory of mass service. Transfer with English / the Lane. I.I.Grushko; edition V.I.Neumann – M: Mechanical engineering. 1979. - 432 p. J21310-016 UDC 625.75 Naumenko A. I., Bavbel J. I., Lyshchik P. A. LABORATORY STUDIES OF COMPLEX BINDER, WITH THE STRENGTHENING OF SOILS OF ROADBED OF FOREST ROADS Belarusian state technological university, Department of transportation wood Now at building of highways of general use design of road clothes from the strengthened materials allows increasing terms of their service and provides the increase of transport-operational indicators. At designing road clothes of wood roads it is necessary to consider specificity of their work taking into account increase in weight of lorry convoys and experience of improvement of road soils properties. Key words: forest roads, strengthening of soils location, metallurgical slags. Introduction. One of the directions of increase in durability of road clothes should consider improvement of properties of initial road-building materials. It can be carried out on the basis of use of a waste of industrial productions. In the republic of Belarus there are ferrous metallurgy enterprises which produce metal in considerable quantities. When a waste product is formed, there are slags of various properties and structure. When melting different marks of steel at the Belarusian metallurgic plant (BMP) the following kinds of slags are formed: top, granulated, long, domain, carbide, converted, and short. Slag, as a rule, is a by-product, used as secondary raw material for obtaining building materials (for example, slag glass ceramics), lime and phosphoric fertilizers, and also it is a reverse product in a number of metallurgical URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use processes. Steel-smelting slag is used to make large gravel for road building. Besides, it is used in cupola manufacture for Fe, Mn and SaO extraction. Basic statements. Metallurgical slags and products of their processing are used in road and hydraulic engineering building, manufacture of building materials, facing plates, in agriculture, chemical industry, medicine and other industries. Properties of domain slags are investigated full enough; they are widely used in building, including highways. However a group of enterprises, such as BMP, when manufacture basic production form the electrosteel-smelting slags, their properties sharply differ from those of domain manufacture. Being uninvestigated, such slags do not find wide application in road building, therefore huge stocks of non-granulated self-scattered slags have been accumulated at these enterprises . Metallurgical slags are effective substitutes of natural stone materials, they are recommended for building and repairing of highways. The properties of large gravel from slag are not inferior to those of a product received from hard kinds, and sometimes they surpass them. Taking into account their physical and mechanical properties, sand, large gravel and their mixtures apply to construct constructive layers of road of all kinds – coverings, bases, additional layers of bases etc. [2, 3]. Powdered, steel-smelting and domain slags are low marked binders, they are intended to create monolithic bases of roads; their durability is considerably raised when small amount of cement and lime is added as an activator (up to 10 % of weight). Strong bases of highways are obtained from a mixture of large gravel from active slag and weak limestones. –Large gravel from open-hearth furnace slags is successfully used to plug road basis made of large gravel. A peculiar feature of asphalt-concrete coverings received with application of steel-smelting slags is absence of deformations of shift even at heavy traffic of heavy transport. Slag large gravel contains some amount of chips which is considerably increased with rolling during a construction of a road bed. Researches concerning definition of strength characteristics of a mixture containing various percentage of slag are conducted to ground the utility of gravel materials properties improvement. The granulometric structure of slag and sandURL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use gravel mixtures is defined by sieve method [1, 2, 3]. The examined slag has been preliminary powered in vitro in a special cylinder. As extracted particles posses the size 0, 14-20 mm, the analysis is conducted without washing by water [4, 5]. The most important indicator of durability of road beds is the elasticity module. To define the module of elasticity it is necessary to consider such parameters, as the maximum density and optimum moisture of a mixture. The maximal density and optimal moisture of a ground are established according to the diagram of dependence of density from moisture (fig. 1). The diagram is constructed based on the experimental data resulted in the table 1. γsk, kg/m3 2450 2400 2350 2300 2250 2200 2150 2100 5,6 11,2 12,1 12,8 13,9 ,% Fig. 1. The dependence diagram γsk = f (W) Table 1 Results of researches Indicators Definitions 1 2 3 4 5 5,05 5,05 5,05 5,05 5,05 7,38 7,66 7,70 7,75 7,74 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 Volume weight of a damp ground γ0, kg / м3 2330 2610 2700 2690 2700 Moisture of ground W, % 11,2 12,1 12,8 13,9 Weight of the empty cylinder Р2 , kg Weight of the cylinder with the condensed ground Р1 , kg Volume of the cylinder V, м3 5,6 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Weight of a sample bottle qб, г Weight of a sample bottle with a damp ground qв, г Weight of a sample bottle with a dry ground qс, г Volume weight of a skeleton of a ground γск, kg / м3 14,40 14,35 13,39 14,40 13,39 24,52 28,45 28,21 27,34 28,69 23,98 27,03 27,42 25,94 26,82 2206 2347 2409 2385 2327 According to the diagram: optimum moisture Wоp = 12,1 %; the maximum density of a ground γmax = 2409 kg/m3. Using the received data, calculation of road beds based on a method of an elastic deflection by means of the computer program Radon [6] has been carried out. Conclusions. For the road building purposes slag is suitable mainly of the second discharge, its crystal structure does not contain a considerable amount of burning lime grains. Crystalline solid open-hearth furnace slag possesses durability of more than 100 МPа, small water absorption capacity, cold-resisting property. Physical and mechanical properties of slag are characterized by volume weight 3100– 3300 kg/m3, water absorption of 0,5-2 %; cold resistance from above 100, durability at compression 80–120 МPа. The mixture of strong large gravel with a slag powder is used for the construction of bases of road beds depending on slag concrete type. Nowadays, a new composition of binder materials on the basis of the Belarus metal plant has been worked out. Slags should be used more widely instead of natural sand and gravel. A layer of 20–30 cm slag is sufficient for hardening 1 km of road and for its width of 3,5 m 600–900 tons of slag is required (depending on a filling thickness). When slags are applied as the bases of road coverings it is possible to choose optimum grading which will provide durability increase by 7 % and saving of applied materials up to 10-12 %. Besides, by results of samples tests it is necessary to state a quick increase of durability of a strengthened material. So, on the seventh day of hydration of the material, its durability has made 70 %. The given indicator is especially important at URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use building of forest roads as it allows to reduce time between the beginning and the termination of road-building works and commissioning of new road constructions. References: 1. Materials and products for road construction: Reference book/ N. V. Gorelyshev, etc.]. – М: Transport, 1986. – 288p. 2. Prockopets V.S. Production and application of road building materials on the basis of the raw materials modified by mechanical activation / V.S. Prockopets, V.S. Lesovick. – Belgorod: BSTY of V.G. Shuhov, 2005. – 264p. 3. Babaskin Y.G. Road soil study and the mechanics of bed roads / Y. G. Babaskin. – Minsk: BSPA, 2001. – 223p. 4. Vyrko N.P. Praktikum on road soil study/ N. P. Vyrko, I.I. Leonovich – Minsk: High school, 1980. – 255p. 5. Kazarnovsky V.D. Fundamentals of engineering geology, road soil study and mechanics of road ground / V.D. Kazarnovsky. – М, 2007. – 284p. 6. RADON 2.2. Calculation of road beds. The user's guide. – Minsk: «Credo Dialogue» Company, 2006. – 125p. J21310-017 UDC 631.563:628.852:635.82 Gun’ko S.M., Trynchuk O.O. EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE STORAGE ON NATURE LOSSES AND QUALITY OF CHAMPIGNON BISPORED National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Heroyv Oboronu 13, 03041 Questions of influence of storage temperature on the marketability and nature losses of mushrooms of champignon bispored are presented in this article. Keywords: mushrooms, champignon bispored, storage, temperature of storage, quality, marketability, natural losses. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Introduction. Mushrooms are a valuable food and a source of plant proteins. Now in Ukraine the leading place among cultivated mushrooms had champignon bispored. At the storage of mushroom its marketable quality is quickly loses because they must keep at low temperatures. The optimum storage temperature is 0 till 2 oC. However, in practice, isn’t always possible to provide this regime. So, important is determine the change marketability mushrooms and nature losses of weight that occur when temperature of storage change. Materials and methods. Champignon bispored strain ІБК-25I used in studies. Mushrooms stored at temperature: minus 1, 1, 3 and 5 oC. Repeatability was fourtime. Relative humidity storage of mushrooms was 90 ± 1%. Control was production, which kept the temperature 1oC [1]. Mushrooms kept during 6 days. Natural losses of products and changing commercial quality determined during of storage. Commodity quality mushrooms were evaluated by visually (appearance, color, smell, surface condition, integrity, consistency, number of mushrooms with the opened veil of mushroom cap. Densities of fruiting bodies of mushrooms before and after storage were determined by the formula N.A. Bisko (1992) [2]. Nature losses of weight were determined by method of fixed samples. Samples were weighed before storage and every day of storage. Results. Changes in quality of mushrooms determined after 6 days of storage by organoleptic parameters and their marketability. It was found that the best storage temperature of mushroom 1oC (control). Fruit bodies corresponded to the requirements of standard products. They remained whole, dense, slightly changed of color and smell. Number mushrooms with open and partially disclosed of cap were small and did not exceed 3%. Increasing temperature of storage carry out to deteriorated of mushroom quality. Peel of mushrooms get darker, its elasticity was lost, quantity of mushrooms with open caps was increased and some from them affected by diseases. At the storage temperature is 5 oC appeared centre of mold smell which characteristic at the aging of mushrooms. These mushrooms aren’t suitable for sale in fresh form, but they can be used for processing after sorting. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Temperature of storage minus 1oC promoted to freeze partially or fully fruiting bodies of mushrooms. The structure of the mushrooms tissue was destroyed and not recovered after thawing products. Fruit bodies of mushrooms are dark, slippery and soft. These mushrooms are unsuitable for processing because this temperature regime for storing of mushrooms is not advisable. Losses of weight of cultivated mushrooms champignon bispored during storage include loss of dry matter and moisture. Nature losses of mushrooms for storage during 6 days depending on temperature and wave of fruiting were 4,9-7,2% (Table). Yield of commodity fruiting bodies of mushrooms during its storage 6 days at temperature 1oC were 92,6-93,8%, depending on the wave fruiting, at the 3 ° C – 89,2-89,8 %, but 5 oC – 73,5-75,4 % (Table). The nonmarket fruiting bodies of mushrooms formed by full or partial disclosure caps, darkening of the peel, lesions of disease. Their number depending on the wave fruiting was 1,8-2,3% for 1oC, 4.5-5.0 % for 3 ° C; 17,7-19,3 % for 5 ° C, respectively. The highest density of carpophore (5.34 g/cm) had fruiting bodies of the first wave of fruiting after storage at temperature 1 oC. When temperature of storage was increasing then density carpophore was decreases. Table Preservation of fruiting bodies of mushrooms of champignon bispored of strain ІБК-25 depending on the temperature, % (average for 2001-2005) Temperature of storage, оС Output the Nature losses nonstandard fruiting bodies Output commodity fruiting bodies Density of carpophore, g/сm The first wave of fruiting 1(control) 4,9 1,8 93,3 5,34 3 5,7 4,5 89,8 5,28 5 6,9 17,7 75,4 5,21 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The second wave of fruiting 1(control) 5,1 2,3 92,6 5,31 3 5,8 5,0 89,2 5,28 5 7,2 19,3 73,5 5,20 Conclusions. The optimal temperature for storage champignon bispored is 1 oC. Increasing of temperature of storage up to 3 till 5 oC carry out to lost marketability mushrooms after 6 days its storage. They are not suitable for sale in fresh form, but can be used for processing. Temperature of storage mushroom minus 1oC carry out to its freeze and after thawing is not suitable for further use. Literature. 1. DSTU ISO 7561-2001. Cultivated mushrooms. Guide to cold storage and refrigerated transport (ISO 7561: 1984, IDT) /O. Gurbuz (per. i nauk.-texn. red.). – Chunnui vid 2003.07.01. – Ofits. Vud. – K.: Derjstandart Ukraine, 2002. – IV, 3 p. 2. Bis’ko N.A. Champignon bispored and Pleurotus ostreatus in artificial ecosystems: Dis. Doctor. biol. Sciences: 03.00.24 / Bisko Nina Anatolievna. – K., 1992. - 432 p. J21310-018 UDC 631.563:628.852:635.82 Gun’ko S.M., Trynchuk O.O. EFFECT OF STORAGE CONDITIONS ON BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF MUSHROOMS OF CHAMPIGNONS BISPORED National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Heroyv Oboronu 13, 03041 The influence of temperature storage on biochemical parameters of mushrooms of champignons bispored are presented in this article. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Keywords: mushrooms, champignons bispored, storage temperature, biochemical parameters. Introduction. Statistical data of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations indicated that supply population of our planet's food is a cause concern. The main problem is the lack of protein and its imbalance in the diet of people. In last decade indicated a rapid increase of production and consumption of cultivated edible mushrooms in fresh and processed form. Scientists projected that in the future much of human needs in proteins will be supply by industrial production of edible mushrooms [1, 2]. It should be noted that Ukraine due to favorable geographical location and climatic conditions, has the opportunity in the future to become a major supplier of fresh and processed mushrooms to Europe. Today in our country the leading place among cultivated mushrooms had champignon bispored. During of storage mushrooms quickly lose its marketable quality, so they must keep at low temperatures. The optimum storage temperature is 0…2 oC. However, in practice, is not always possible to provide this regime. So, important is to determine influence of storage temperature on biochemical indicator of mushrooms. Materials and methods. Champignons bispored strain ІБК-25 used in the studies. Mushrooms stored during 6 days at a temperature 1, 3 and 5 °C and relative humidity - 90 ± 1%. Repeatability is four. Control was production, which kept the temperature 1oC. Quality of fruit bodies of mushrooms before and after store estimated by biochemical analysis: 1) dry substance (thermostatic-gravimetric method by drying to constant weight at a temperature of 105 °C (GOST 28561-90. Products of fruits and vegetables processing. Methods for determining the dry substances or moisture); 2) protein nitrogen (by Barshteyn) 3) Vitamin C (by Murray, GOST 24556-89. Products of fruits and vegetables processing. Methods of vitamin C determination). The average sample of mushrooms for analysis was 20 fruiting bodies with average weight [3]. Results. Process of mushrooms storing escorted by changes in their biochemical composition (Table). Studies indicated that quantity of dry substances URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Table Content of biochemical substances in fruit bodies of mushrooms of champignons bispored strain ІБК-25 during its storage at different temperatures (average for 2001-2005) Biochemical substances Temperature of storage, о С vitamin C, мг% dry substance, % protein nitrogen, % before after before after before after storage storage storage storage storage storage the first wave of fruiting 1(control) 9,4 8,9 3,0 3,0 5,6 5,1 3 9,4 8,5 3,0 3,0 5,6 4,9 5 9,4 8,0 3,0 2,8 5,6 4,5 the second wave of fruiting 1(control) 8,6 7,8 2,9 2,9 5,4 5,0 3 8,6 7,4 2,9 2,8 5,4 4,4 5 8,6 7,1 2,9 2,7 5,4 4,0 and vitamin C decreases. Quantity of protein nitrogen decreases or does not changes. Mushrooms of champignons bispored of first wave of fruiting which storage at 1oC had 9.4 % of dry substances at the beginning of storage and 8.9% in the end; ascorbic acid – 5.6 mg% and 5.1 mg%, respectively. Quantity of protein nitrogen does not changes and equalled 3,0 %. Increasing storage temperature carries out increasing losses of dry matter, protein nitrogen and vitamin C. So, when mushrooms of champignons bispored of first wave of fruiting stored at the temperature was 5 °C than dry substances decreased from 9.4 till 8.0 %, Vitamin C – from 5.6 till 4.5 mg%, protein nitrogen – from 3.0 till 2.9 %. During this period of storage fruiting bodies of mushrooms, depending on storage temperature lost in relative values were 5.3–18.1% of dry substances and 4,1- URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 25,9 mg% of vitamin C. Quantity of protein nitrogen practically unchanged at the temperature is 1–3 °C and decreases at 5 °C on 6,7-7,1%. Conclusions. During of storage period of fruiting bodies of mushrooms depending on temperature lost in relative values were 5.3–18.1% of dry substances and 4,1-25,9 mg% of vitamin C. Quantity of protein nitrogen practically unchanged at the temperature is 1–3 °C and decreases at 5 °C on 6,7-7,1%. Literature. 1. Тravelian V.Е. Mushrooms. Source of edible proteins. / V.Е. Тravelian – M.: Urojay, 1979. – P. 237–254. 2. Yrmoliyk S. Cultivation of mushrooms – way determination of problem nutrition // Propozutsia. – 1995. – № 12. – P. 61. 3. Technique of experimental affair in vegetable growing and gourd growing / [pod. red. Belika V.F.] – М.: Agropromizdat, 1992. – 319 p. J21310-019 UDC 663.791:631.526.3:663.48 Bober A. RATIONALE PROCESSING CONES HOPS IN PELLETS TYPE 90 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine This paper theoretically and experimentally proved the feasibility of processing cones hops aromatic and bitter hops varieties of hops pellets type 90. Keywords: hop cones, hop pellets type 90, aromatic and bitter varieties of common resin, total soft resins, solid resins, a- and b-acid. Introduction. Analysis of the current state of production and use of hops showed that only at the brewery remained low power classic technique of beer in which to ohmelinnya beer wort is traditionally used cones pressed hops. Powerful URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use brewery Ukraine switched to the use of various types of grains, ethanol and carbon dioxide extracts of hops, resulting in improved working conditions and reduced loss of bitter substances, polyphenols and essential oils in their long-term storage, increasing the efficiency of a- and b-acids and essential oil in the manufacture of beer. It is expected that production processing of hops in subsequent years will increase. In the current context debug manufacture these products in Ukraine is extremely important. Analysis of domestic and foreign developments showed that the most rational way of processing hop cones is their granulation [2]. Hop pellets type 90 can accommodate the full range of necessary materials for brewing and hops are equivalent. Also, consider that granulated hops convenient dosing by weight when packing and ohmelinni wort. Improves -acids contained in the pellet hopsadispersion, extraction and isomerization [3]. In addition, bulk density latter is much smaller than the pressed cones hops, resulting in reduced transportation and storage costs [1]. However, despite the fact that there are more than 70% of native hops processed into granules, almost no research data that is devoted to complex losses of bitter substances, including their components and groups in the process of granulation, which would enable research to substantiate their appropriateness and use granulated hops in brewing. Results. Studies have shown that the process of obtaining granules of total resin does not change and remains at the same level as cones and granulated hops (Table 1). Table 1 Content and composition of bitter substances in hops cones and pellets type 90 aromatic and bitter varieties Varieties of Common hops resin,% General soft resin,% Solid resin, % Index a-acids, % b-acids, % URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use oxidation (Io) 1 1 2 14.1 14.1 11.7 11.6 2.4 2.5 21.8 21.8 18.9 18.8 2.9 3.0 Polisskuy 20.5 20.5 18.2 18.0 2.3 Promin 21.2 21.2 18.4 18.3 NIR05 2.72 Klon 18 Slovy inka 2 3.35 1 2.70 2 3.20 1 2 1 2 1 2 2.4 2.3 4.0 3.9 3.9 3.7 7.2 7.0 2.5 6.3 6.0 5.5 5.4 0.28 0.49 2.8 2.9 5.4 5.2 4.7 4.6 0.28 0.52 0.50 0.48 0.28 0.44 0.31 0.31 0.04 0.28 0.59 0.27 0.41 0.03 Примітки: 1 – cones; 2 – pellets type 90. The content of total soft resins under granulation practically does not change. Thus, the content of these compounds in pellet hops type 90 in the aromatic varieties such as Klon 18 and Slovyinka was lower by 0.9 and 0.5% in grades bitter type Polisskuy and Promin of 1.1 and 0.6% (relative) compared with cones hops. However, if in the process of making beads is a slight decrease in their soft resin, with components such total bitter substances as solid resin observed their growth. Bitter substances – is a collective concept. They consist of several components. Therefore, we investigated the content and composition of the main components of bitter substances of hops a- and b-acids which have significant value in the process of brewing. The results of the research, the content of a-acids (the main bearer of bitter hops) in pellet type 90 was lower in grade for Klon 18 - 4.2%, Slovyanka - 5.1% Polisskuy - 4.8% and in grade Promin - 3.7% β-acid content - under 2.5%, 2.8%, 1.8% and 2.1% (relative) compared with the original (cones) hops. Conclusion. Upon receipt of hop pellets type 90 on modern lines granulation loss of specific target components (general resins, total soft resins a- and b-acid) do not exceed 5% (relative). Wood hops in their composition are virtually indistinguishable from native cones hop, and their biochemical composition depends on the selection of the variety from which they are derived. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use References: 1. Hodovanuy A.A. Using Hops and his / A.A. Hodovanuy, N.Y. Lyashenko, I.G. Reitman, Y.S. Ezhov / Ed. Y.S. Ezhova - K.: Vintage, 1990. - 336 p. 2. Hodovue Reports for the production of hop and beer firms in the world "Hopsteiner", "Joh. Barth & Sohn "2011-2012 h. 3. Lyashenko N.I. Biochemistry hop and hmeleproduktov / Monograph / N.I. Lyashenko. - Zhytomyr: Polyssya, 2002. - 388 p. J21310-020 UDC 004.031, 007.51 Sokolov S.S., Ezhgurov V.N. CARGO FLOWS OPTIMIZATION OF MULTIMODAL TRAFFIC Federal budget institution of higher professional education “Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping”, Russian Federation, SaintPetersburg, Dvinskaya 5/7, 198035 Introduction Increased efficiency in the transport sector is directly related [1] to the degree of standardization and automation of processes. The general development of multimodal traffic requires development of new software solutions to support traffic [2,3]. One of these decisions was the software "cargo flows optimization of multimodal traffic". About the program Creation of the program "cargo flows optimization of multimodal traffic" required for automation of companies engaged in escort traffic and placing a cargo in their own warehouses. The program was required to commit provider organizations, warehouses, which was carried out delivery, a fact of checking the goods declared and the actual quantity and quality of goods, etc.[4,5,6] Work with the program should be divided into several stages. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The first stage is creation of a database of the program, which serve as the basis for reference. All handbooks directly connected to each other, which facilitates the monitoring and filling of individual program elements. Since you must select one of the elements of the reference, as a further step to it will catch up data from other reference. During the second stage , work with the documents on the basis of completed reference, operator forms as needed (for example, provided the consignment note) necessary document. Which, if necessary, can be added to the program, not only manually, but also imported from outside (file, composed by a specific format). The program also allows you to print a document and / or export it to an external file, compiled by the accepted pattern (a form of delivery note) [7]. The third stage is the work with reports. Operator may build reports based on the data entered into the program. Such reports help to indicate transparency of the program, allow you to track cargo flows and correct the work of both operators and the warehouse [8,9]. Program is realized on the basis of Visual Basic for Application (VBA). This approach reduces the cost of implementing the program for small businesses, because it requires a licensed copy of Office software and support of the programmer who is knowledgeable in VBA at a basic level. Integrated system of prompts, background and ability to record macros, allows you in short time to learn creating of software on VBA and implement small-scale software. Functional characteristics Aware of the core processes of multimodal cargo flows , the main features of the program is as follows: · commit arrive at the warehouse goods; · commit retired from the warehouses goods; · commit documents circulation between stores and suppliers; · maintain statistics on such elements of the cargo delivery: o used containers; o goods transported; URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use o used transport units; o carriers making deliveries; o warehouses, which are used for the processing, storing and dispensing. More detailed functional diagram of the program is shown in figures 1, 2 and 3. Start Authorizatio Continue End User/Admin User Administrator Administration (Fig.2.) Reference Documentation End Form Reference Documentation Отчеты (Fig.3.) End Fig.1. Functional diagram of the program (general scheme) URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Form Administration Staff Form Backup Restore End Fig.2. Functional diagram of the program (the administration) Reports The current status of t Fo rm Receipt at the warehouse / warehouse Fo rm Acts of marriage Fo rm Report output documents Fo rm End Fig.3. Functional diagram of the program (reports) Example program The example of the program is presented in figures 4 and 5. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig.4. List of trade bills Fig.5. Adding waybill Conclusion Further development of the software, the authors see in its development to the program complex, covering all aspects of the existence of multimodal cargo flows, namely the plan to build the software: "Management of forwarding activities of international transport corridors", "Automated tracking road freight transport within multimodal cargo flows". References: 1. Nyrkov A.P., Sokolov S.S., Ezhgurov V.N., Malcev V.A. EFFECTIVE INFORMATION MODELS OF TRANSPORT PROCESSES. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov Sworld po materialam mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2012. T. 13. № 4. S. 38-42. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 2. Nyrkov A.P., Bashmakov A.V., Sokolov S.S. NONRYPTOGRAPHIC METHODS OF INFORMATION PROTECTION IN WIRELESS NETWORKS. Problemy informacionnoj bezopasnosti. Kompjuternye sistemy. 2010. № 3. S. 27-30. 3. Nyrkov A.P., Sokolov S.S., Bashmakov A.V. TECHNIQUE OF DESIGNING SECURE INFORMATION SYSTEMS ON TRANSPORT. Problemy informacionnoj bezopasnosti. Komp'juternye sistemy. 2010. № 3. S. 58-61. 4. Nyrkov A.P., Dmitrieva T.V., Sokolov S.S. METHODS OF THE INCREASING EFFECTIVENESS OF PORTS IN INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT CORRIDORS. Rechnoj transport (HHI vek). 2009. T. 1. № 42-1. S. 75-77. 5. Kudinov V.A., Nyrkov A.P. ALGORITHMIC PROVISION PARALLELIZABLE STRUCTURES IN AUTOMATION SYSTEM THAT PROVIDES PROTECTION OF THE INFORMATION. Problemy informacionnoj bezopasnosti. Komp'juternye sistemy. 2009. № 4. S. 17-22. 6. Sokolov S.S. A THREAT MODEL INFORMATION SECURITY OF ORGANIZATION. Zhurnal universiteta vodnyh kommunikacij. 2009. № 2. S. 176180. 7. Sokolov AUTOMATED S.S., Beljaeva SYSTEMS N.A. TRANSPORT FUNCTIONAL STORAGE STRUCTURE OF INFRASTRUCTURE. Zhurnal universiteta vodnyh kommunikacij. 2012. № 3. S. 124a-129. 8. Nyrkov A.P., Dmitrieva T.V. MATHEMATICAL MODEL RESERVATION SYSTEM AND OPTIMIZATION OF IT. Zhurnal universiteta vodnyh kommunikacij. 2011. № 2. S. 98-101. 9. Nyrkov A.P., Rudakova S.A. METHODICS OF INFORMATIZATION AUDIT OF OBJECTS REQUIREMENTS OF INFORMATION SECURITY. Zhurnal universiteta vodnyh kommunikacij. 2012. № 3. S. 146-149. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-021 UDK 622.232 Stasiuk V.M. THE VIBRATORY MACHINES WITH PNEUMO-MECHANICAL CONTROL: EFFECT OF THE POLYTROPHIC INDEX ON POWER CONSUMPTION Lutsk national technical university Lutsk, Lvivska Street, 75, 43018 The results of investigations of the dependency of power consumption of the working procedure of vibratory machines with pneumo-mechanical control upon the polytrophic index are presented. Key words: polytrophic index, power intensity, pneumo-mechanical control. Introduction. Nowadays the vibratory machines with pneumo-mechanical drives are widely used in different branches of national economy, such as mechanical engineering, chemical or food industry etc. The main reasons are their high reliability in the conditions of dust pollution, fire safety, simplicity of maintenance and others. Among pneumo-mechanical drives, which are used in these machines, special attention should be paid to the drives with pneumo-mechanical control because they ensure more efficient using of expansion power of previously compressed air (during some phases of operating cycle). However, using of compressed air as a working body of these pneumo-drives prearranges rather large financial costs for their operation. That is why in the conditions of constant price rising of all energy resources the question of reduction of prices of operation of vibratory machines with pneumo-mechanical drives (among them with pneumo-mechanical systems of control) has been gained special urgency nowadays. One of the ways of decision of this task is reduction of power intensity of working processes of these machines decreasing of expense of compressed air during the operating cycle. In order to simplify the research of working processes of vibratory machines with pneumo-mechanical drives thermodynamic processes in URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use their operating chambers are often considered adiabatic. This approach facilitates essentially the process of creation and investigation of mathematic models, but the results of theoretic and experimental research are substantially different in this case. In reference to consumption of compressed air its experimental value is usually higher than magnitude determinate in the result of investigation of complex mathematic model or received according to simplified methods. The results of carried out research affirm that working processes in drives' chambers of these machines are polytrophic during most of the phases. Moreover, the magnitude of polytrophic index has been fluctuating to some extend depending on specific of thermodynamic process in the chamber. In this case the stages of filling of operating chambers with compressed air from the line of feeding and air emptying are always polytrophic. The dependency of the consumption index of compressed air of the investigated drives upon the magnitude of polytrophic index has been proved by our calculations. Having taken San-Venan and Vansel equations as basic ones and having done a range of their transposing using such components as efficient areas of constructive elements of the system of air intake and air emptying, as well as having used appropriate results of the investigation of pneumo-drives with pneumo-mechanical systems of operation [1, p. 242] and [2, p. 425-426], we have got dependences that prove the above statements: GM = pÌ (1 - s a ) e nt 0s H .k 3 n -1 G = - t t 0V é (s - s a ) j (s * ) s a × ê H .k + y j s s ( ) H k H k . . ë ðÂs Â2 n (1 - s a ) e - t t 0 ÂV t 3 n -1 é ù 2ns à 2 n ê(1 - s a ) e t 0 ÂV + s a ú t 0  êë úû ù 1 (s H . k ) ú ; û é ( n -1) ù s  . k - s a ) j (s  * ) ú ( ê , ×ê n +1 ú êë j (s Â.k ) s Â ( 3n - 1) úû where GM, GВ – mass air consumption according to the phases of filling and emptying of the drive's operating chambers; ðM , ð - air pressure on the way of feeding and the line of exhaust; s a – ratio of operating pressure in the drive's chambers to atmospheric pressure; t – time constancy of pneumatic inert element; t 0 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use time constancy of filling and emptying chambers; V, V - volume of filling and emptying chambers; n – polytrophic index; s H .k , s B.k - relation of critical pressure for the phases of filling and emptying of operating chambers; j (s * ) - function of consumption while critical relation of pressure during the phases of chamber filling; j (s H .k ) , j (s Â.k ) - function of consumption in non-corrected exponent for the phases of filling and emptying of operating chambers; y 1 (s H .k ) - function of relation of pressure while filling of chamber; s B – relation of operating pressure in drive's chambers and emptying pressure; t 0  - time constancy of emptying of chamber; j (s B * ) - function of consumption while critical relation of pressure during emptying of chamber. Conclusion. The received dependences estimate the effect of the polytrophic index on power consumption of vibratory machines with pneumo-mechanical systems of control. Using optimal modifying of other parameters (elements of formulas) it is possible to correct consumption of compressed air and reduce power intensity of the working processes of these machines. Literature: 1. Stasiuk V.M. Vyznachenia stalyh napovnenia ta sporozhnenia robochyh kamer pnevmatychnyh pryvodiv iz mehanichnym zvjazkom mizh elementamy systemy povitrorozpodilu / V.M.Stasiuk, L.O.Gumeniuk // Visnyk Natsionalnogo universytetu vodnogo gospodarstva ta pryrodokorystuvania. – 2006. - №2 (34). Chastyna 1. – S. 367 – 372. 2. Stasiuk V.M., Stasiuk V.V. Doslidzhenia systemy vpusku-vypusku pryvodiv iz pnevmomehanichnym keruvaniam / V.M.Stasiuk, V.V.Stasiuk // Visnyk Natsionalnogo universytetu vodnogo gospodarstva ta pryrodokorystuvania. – 2009. №3 (47). Chastyna 2. – S. 424 – 429. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-022 UDC 004.052 Kokoulin A.N. METHODS FOR LARGE IMAGE DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING AND STORAGE IN LH*RS SCHEMA Perm national research polytechnic university, Russia, Perm, Komsomolsky prospect, 29 This paper presents a novel approach to develop distributed data-driven storage systems. The core concept behind this approach is the implementation of LH* schema that allows highly available distributed data storage to be created. We propose the novel method of image data decomposition and distribution among storage nodes to enhance main characteristics of schema. This method is close to image pyramid structure (also known as MIP maps) that allows the entire large image to be tiled, cropped and scaled but is less redundant and allows the image data in system become manageable. Keywords: distributed storage, imagery data, image processing, LH*RS, highly available storage This paper describes an approach that leverages the functionality of LH*RS – distributed data storage concept [2]. LH*RS is a high-availability scalable distributed data structure (SDDS). An LH*RS file is hash partitioned over the distributed RAM of a multicomputer, e.g., a network of PCs, and supports the unavailability of any k ≥ 1 of its server nodes. The high-availability management is based on Reed-Salomon erasure correcting coding. The value of k transparently grows with the file to offset the reliability decline. The resulting parity storage overhead is about the lowest possible. The capabilities of LH*RS offer new perspectives to data intensive applications, including the emerging ones of grids and of P2P computing [2]. The invented LH*RS is positioned as the general-purpose method, and its efficiency does not depend on the data file type. We can analyse the way to optimize its performance characteristics, in particular for the case of imagery data. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use There are two main issues that appear with image files visualization and exchange: · Processing large images, for example high-resolution astronomy and geospatial image coverings; · Processing requests for multiple copies of a single image with distinct scale and resolution, for example, web-site pictures having thumbnail, medium and highresolution quality images stored separately. In our opinion, all these problems appear due to imperfect file format of image data. Historically images were stored and processed on local computer or server and this way was efficient for random infrequent users’ requests. Most image processing software assumes you can load the entire image into memory and then perform an image operation. In the case of frequent requests of web users it leads to an excess traffic and network overload, and we have to store multiple image copies rather than one image in highest resolution. In the case of gigapixel photos it is impossible due to low memory or low bandwidth problems and some techniques as Data pyramiding are used. Data pyramiding is an image scaling technique that has been used in terrain rendering to reduce computation and eliminate aliasing problems [1]. For a large input dataset with hundreds or even thousands of mega pixels, it is important to be able to view the data at different levels of detail, from a perspective that overlooks the entire dataset down to a small area for a close look of the terrain. From an overlook perspective, the scale from the input space to the image space could be hundreds to 1, in which case there is no need to render the input data at its highest resolution. An input data pyramid is built by repeatedly dividing the input image by a factor of 2 in each dimension. A multi-level input pyramid requires about 1/3 more memory than the single highest resolution image, which could be significant when trying to fit large datasets to any particular machine. Section II of this paper introduces the technique that reduces memory consumption using improved LH*RS concept for image storage. Let's consider main principles of distributed fault-tolerant data storage system: URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 1. Imagery Data Decomposition and Distribution Among Storage Nodes. The basic idea of multilevel block structure is to construct independent blocks from correlated imagery data for each level. We can consider the uncompressed image as multidimensional array and form blocks of several layers, by analogy to data pyramiding technique. Basic blocks corresponds to the top of pyramid and we can assemble the image in lowest resolution of them. Values for basic blocks data are aggregated or interpolated by the color values of neighborhood area. Next level blocks use the basic blocks data as the initial values, which forms the palette. We can form image of some quality using blocks of both basic and first levels. We can continue assembling the pyramid until we reach the original resolution of the image file. For example, we have the imagery data containing RGB color components. Each pixel contains three independent values - R, G, B, so we can store array of R values in one block, G values in other, B values in third and store them in different storage nodes. Data in blocks of any level i depends on data in blocks of lower level i-1. This can be performed in different ways and the simplest way is shown on fig.1. Fig 1. Multilevel block structure The lowest (basic) levels contain color values which can be calculated as average of the corresponding subsets of higher level data (e.g.: R(0,x+1,y) is an average value of subset {R(1,x-1,y-1),R(1,x-1,y), R(1,x-1,y+1), … R(1,x,y) URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use ...R(1,x+1,y+1)}). After the block assembling we get the multilevel array structure which corresponds to the entire original data. Using this structure we can serve any request with different data quality demands, constructing the answer from several levels of blocks instead of sending the entire (original) array, without processor resources consumption. For example, if client is the PDA application with QVGA display of 64K colors, connected by GPRS, it can request only necessary image blocks and construct desired low-quality image, and another client, residing on PC can require the full-quality image using all blocks; all of these clients work with the same physical distributed storage URL. Moreover, we can produce additional levels, containing the extended values for imagery data. For example, we are processing the RAW image from camera or PNG file. Color depth of these images is better than of RGB schema, used in standard pictures and JPEG images. We can split the color component values to different blocks as shown on fig.2. Fig 2. Splitting the color value into several parts 2. Fault-Protection basics. The high-availability management is based on Reed-Salomon erasure correcting coding. We can expand these correcting techniques with new capabilities: we can change the code redundancy among blocks of different levels (on fig.3) and we can protect only the significant bits (digits) of imagery data (on fig.4). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig 3. Assembling image from blocks As it is shown on fig.3, the basic level blocks are protected with higher redundancy, because they store foundations of all the image assembling procedures. The higher is the level of the block, less significant is the content, so less redundant is the encoding. The highest level blocks can be even unprotected, or be protected using only significant digits. Fig 4. Creating checksums only for significant digits. 3. Compression basics. We can apply different methods of compression for blocks of different levels, for example, lossless image compression on the basic-level blocks, and lossy methods as JPEG2000-like compression for the higher levels (on fig.5). This helps to dispense the logical redundancy but prevents from data loss on the basic levels. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig 5. Compression methods for blocks of different levels. 4. Security issues. We can apply different access permissions for different levels of blocks. The main benefit is that it is unnecessary to create different copies of images for each permission. For example, if we allow users to preview the image, but the highresolution image is not free, than we can encrypt the higher-level blocks and leave the basic ones opened. A new result of the paper is suggested approach to build distributed faulttolerant storage system of imagery data. Developed storage schema contains the sole copy of imagery data at highest resolution and scale. Image is decomposed into data blocks of several levels. The image with the required scale and resolution is reconstructed from the corresponding set of downloaded blocks on client’s side. The developed method allows adopting the encoding and compression algorithms usage and algorithm redundancy on the block level. Thereby we can flexibly manage the redundancy, security permissions and resource consumption. References: 1. D. Stanfill, Using Image Pyramids for the Visualization of Large Terrain Data Sets, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. 3, 1991. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 2. Witold Litwin, Rim Moussa, Thomas J. E. Schwarz. LH*RS: a highly available distributed data storage. [Online] Available: . J21310-023 UDC 543.5 Lomachenko D.V. THE PROPERTIES OF GYPSUM-SAND ADMIXTURES USED FOR ARTIFICIAL STONES MANUFACTURE WITH VARIED ORGANIC COMPOUND-BASED ADDITIVES Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University, Russia, Belgorod, Kostykov str. 46, 308012 The gypsum-sand admixtures is widely used now for artificial stones manufacture in Eastern Europe, including Russia. One of the main problems in this field is a quick setting of the admixture which can decrease their workability. The influence of some kind of retard agents for the gypsum-sand mixture using for artificial stones was researched. Key words: gypsum-sand admixtures, artificial stones, hydroxy acid Recently the issue of artificial stone in the developed economies of the world gets more and more development. Currently, these materials are becoming more common in Eastern Europe, particularly in Russia. One of the main types of artificial stones used for interior work, materials made on the basis of gypsum and sand. For samples obtained from this type of material is very important to have some retard in setting time [1], which allows to obtain a higher workability samples. In this paper, the use of additives was evaluated with the organic nature of the use of which would increase the setting time gypsum-sand mixture, and at the same time to increase the strength of the resulting mixture and improve the rheological properties. Evaluating the impact of three different additives based hydroxies was researched. Citric acid is used traditionally refers to retarders, and has similar URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use properties lactic acid, which has a lower cost, and the additive based on polymethylenesulfonates. Additives used in quantities 0.01, 0.02 and 0.03%, respectively. Gypsum-sand mixture made of gypsum and sand in the ratio of 1 to 2. For this experiments gypsum deposits from Rostov Region, Russia and sand deposit from Saratov Region, Russia were used. Fineness modulus of sand was the value of 1.7. Later, sand and gypsum mixed in the indicated ratios and shut water in an amount of 60-65% by weight of gypsum, at the same time introduced a certain amount of a addition. Assessment setting gypsum-sand mixture was performed on Vicat apparatus with the definition of setting time every 30 seconds, based on the standards established in the Russian Federation (Table 1). Таble 1 Samples setting times beginning with addition, min-sec Type of Admixture Addition based on Quantity of addition, % 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 4-30 15-30 21-00 25-00 4-30 13-30 16-00 18-00 4-30 5-30 6-00 6-30 citric acid Addition based on lactic acid Addition based on polymethylenesulfonate Data presented in the study suggest that the use of all three supplements provides a slight increase in setting time of gypsum-sand mixture. However supplements based on citric acid and lactic acid are more effective retardation compared with the additive based on polymethylenesulfonates, using supplements of 0.01%. So based admixture polymethylenesulfonates added of 0.01% delaying setting only 2.5 minutes, which is insufficient, while the use of other additives can provide more substantial results. In this supplement based on lactic acid shows a slightly lower efficiency compared with the additive based on citric acid. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use After that, the measurements of the strength were conducted. Evaluation of strength characteristics performed at 2 and 28 days in bending and compression strength. Таble 2 Compressive and bending strenght of samples in 2 and 28 days age Type of Admixture Сompression strength, Bending strength, MPa MPa 2 days 28 days 2 days 28 days 12.4 12.0 3.6 3.6 0.03 %Lactic acid 9.9 9.6 3.3 3.2 0.03% Citric acid 10.1 9.9 3.3 3.3 0.03 % 12.2 12.2 3.7 3.4 Sample without additives Polymethylenesulfonate Evaluation of strength and compression is gypsum-sand samples were aged 2 and 28 days (Table 2). Strength properties of gypsum and sand samples are important, but not decisive in the assessment of their quality, as in the course of their careers, they do not experience significant stress. Strength of samples using additives based on citric and lactic acid at 0.03% was 82 and 80% of the strength of sample which contain no addition at 2 days of age. These experiments suggest a possible efficiency of complex additives which could contain two or more components which could retard setting time and at the same time increase their strength. REFERENCES: 1. Kosenko N.F, Belyakov A.S., Smirnova M.A. 2010. Effect of mechanical activation procedure on the phase composition of gypsum. Inorganic Materials.2010 №5 P. 545-550. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-024 UDC 628.4.032 Kopytenkova O.I., Kurepin D.E., Aliev O.T. MODERN METHODS OF CONTROL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL STATE OF MACHINISTS HIGH-SPEED TRAFFIC Petersburg State University of Railway Transport St. Petersburg, Moscow Avenue, 9, 190031 This report examines the psychophysiological factors affecting the driver's highspeed movement in his work. A modern and advanced methods of control. Keywords: driver, complex of monitor control, crownscopy, bioelectrocount digital, noise, vibration, hronorefleksometr, cardiocorbel. Implementation, and use of high-speed critical step in the development strategy of a country. Without high-speed rail, rail can not be called modern, as well as technological. This is especially important for Russia, the country of large distances. The countries with high-speed rail link Russia joined in 2009, when Moscow and St. Petersburg was launched train "Sapsan" of speeds up to 250 km / h "Sapsan" the result of cooperation between "Russian Railways" with a major German trains Siemens AG, which is specifically designed for Russia express Velaro Rus. Running "Sapsan" was the beginning of a national system of high-speed traffic. In December 2010, revealed high-speed rail train «Allegro» between St. Petersburg and Helsinki. Plans for a high-speed highway Moscow-Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Yekaterinburg. [1] Active development of high-speed traffic in our country requires qualified personnel, including drivers. A thorough professional selection, and training in a specialized training center for high-speed train service helps to increase the interest of the employer in maintaining health and high efficiency drivers to ensure traffic safety. In process of labor activity at the driver in a high-speed impact lots hazards (noise, vibration, inappropriate workplace illumination in the dark, electromagnetic URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use radiation and static electricity, etc.). A special place is occupied by the adverse effects on the group of drivers psychophysiological factors, neuro-psychological overload mental strain amid monotonous work with periodic emotional stress, overload analyzers (auditory, visual, tactile). Adverse physiological factors contribute to the negative effects on the body other factors. Nervous and emotional stress associated primarily with increased vigilance when driving trains and strict adherence to the timetable, with a personal risk and a high degree of personal responsibility for the trouble-free movement. In addition, the intensity of the work locomotive crew is largely determined by a constant and high level of readiness to take the necessary measures in case of emergency. [2] It is known that during long flights, especially the night, in the locomotive there is a real danger of reducing the level of consciousness. Conditions affecting the monotony of the constant voltage attention monotony (stiffness) of the working posture, soothing low-frequency vibration of uniform and other factors. Sometimes sleepiness increases gradually, in other cases, there are instant "failures" of attention [3]. One of the first cause of death is cardiovascular disease drivers, now the cases of suicide. Have lower life expectancy. For these reasons the special significance of the problem of professional selection for the job in a very stressful working conditions and create an automated system for continuous monitoring of psycho - emotional state of the driver. Necessary to realize the system control psychophysiological state driver to register as concentration and the state of psycho - emotional stress. This will improve not only safety, but also more control over the health of the driver, which ultimately will increase the duration of its life. For the purposes of professional selection currently existing methods of examination should be supplemented with research response to the changing colors and sounds, as well as reactions to the differentiation of sound and light signals with hronorefleksometr. This testing will allow for the selection of professional URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use individuals with persistent high levels of the central nervous system, the auditory and visual analyzers resistant to psycho - emotional stress. There are many modern methods of control over the psychophysiological state of the driver. One of the areas of research implements diagnostic tool "Bioelectrography digital" in which diagnosis is performed on the pathological changes of electrically induced luminescence of fingers and toes - a method EBL. This allows, according to the developers, to identify pre-clinical disorders and latent disease. To assess the degree of emotional stress, assess energy status, evaluation of endotoxemia (dirty). Other direction realizes crownscopy intended to diagnose energy, emotional and physical state of the person using the dynamic gas discharge visualization (Kirlian effect). Crownscopy allows to define the state of adaptive reserves, the dynamics of the processes occurring in the body - when re-diagnosis [4]. The most promising include complex control monitor psychophysiological state vehicle operator company "Transas". It allows you to support the effective functioning of the biotech-locomotive engineer. The hardware part of the complex consists of a digital sensor pulse shaper plethysmogram, kardiointerval meter. Registration heart rate is by far and near telemetry. The hardware consists of cardiobelt and repeater (radio station). Cardiobelt has sensors of physical activity, temperature, GPS. Valuation techniques include psychophysiological state driver's definition of stress and concentration (mental effort) rights. And the scale of fatigue / tiredness. Advantage of the complex is the ability to control the on-line on the basis of consistently recorded duration cardio. This allows you to determine the probability of error-free driver, and his mobilization readiness, which is subjectively experienced as a feeling of complete harmony of mental and physical strength and maximum functional integration at the level of the central nervous system, the capacity of the visual analyzer driver [5]. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Thus, to ensure the health and high performance locomotive engineers in highspeed should be supplemented with professional selection process study of the functional state of the central nervous system using hronorefleksometra organization and continuous monitoring of psychophysiological state assessment method of psychophysiological state driver includes the definition of concentration and the degree of development stress. References: 1. National system of high-speed movement (NSVD) [Electronic resource]: 2. Kudrin V.A., Prokhorov A.A. Health protection of workers of locomotive brigades and safety of movement of trains on the railways: Management. - M, 2000. – 107p. 3. Management of Standards. Railway Safety. Devices of wakefulness of the driver on the railways of Great Britain. Review of systems. 4. Kirlian's scientific and medical center "Belovodye" – the bioelectrocount Endoekologichesky Rehabilitation [An electronic resource]: 5. Kurepin D. E., Aliev O. T. «The perspective direction of research of a psychophysiological condition of drivers of vehicles». The materials VІ International scientific and practical the Internet – conferences. «Problems and prospects of development of a science at the beginning of the third millennium in CIS countries», Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky, December 22-24, 2012. 15-18p. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-025 Radionov A.A., Maklakov A.S. OPERATING CONDITIONS OF AN INDUCTION MOTOR WITH FREQUENCY CONVERTER, BASED ON VSI WITH PWM, AND AFE RECTIFIER DURING VOLTAGE DIPS South Ural State University (National Research), Chelyabinsk, Lenin ave 75, 454080 In this report we describe the conditions of the system with frequency converter based VSI with PWM, induction motor with vector control and the active rectifier during voltage dips. To analyze the spectrum of harmonics on the primary and secondary winding of the transformer. Key words: voltage dip, active rectifier, frequency converter on the base VSI with PWM , induction motor, vector control. Now wide application is found by electric drive systems with frequency converter, on the base voltage source inventor (VSI), with pulse wide modulation (PWM), induction motor and active front end (AFE). They represent worthy alternative replacement to electric drives of a direct current in view of their reliability, power efficiency, quality and simplicity of a design. Modern development of element base power - and microelectronics allows to realise necessary accuracy of regulation of various co-ordinates of the electric drive under trying conditions works. In reversible alternating current (AC) drives a lot of attention is paid to the recuperation during braking and reverse where necessary to consider the range of harmonics. In such systems, electric widely used active rectifiers based on (insulated gate bipolar transistor) IGBT, which can be applied in all areas of industry, such as in heavy and in light, in view of expediency. The basic advantage of use of AFE rectifiers on the basis of IGBT is reliable switching between them. Switching does not depend on supply power, thus, provides reliable and steady work even in the conditions of instability and low power of a network and as much as possible reduces influence on a power line [1]. In passive URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use regimes the AFE rectifier works as the simple rectifier. Transistors are adjusted so that to keep in active regimes at constant level voltage of an AC and to provide sinusoidal a line current. Thanks to self-regulation of the bridge IGBT switching device provides power factor approximately equal to one. The advantages of AFE based on IGBT: self -switching power stage, the fuses are off when the supply voltage dips, low current harmonics filtering costs are not available, a quick adjustment for optimum current control voltage changes, the inverter can increase the direct current (DC) voltage to rated even voltage dips (motor can operate at full power). [2]. The aim of this work is the study of: the conditions of the system with frequency converter based VSI with PWM, induction motor with vector control and the AFE rectifier during voltage dips, the analysis of the spectrum of harmonic components on the primary and secondary of the supply transformer. In Fig. 1 is a functional scheme the studied in the program MATLAB Simulink R2009a presented. Fig. 1. Imitating model of the system in the program MATLAB Simulink R2009a AFE rectifier is made on the basis of twelve-pulse IGBT module with PWM, which reduces ripple current and voltage in the DC link. The regulatory system is made dual circuit, dual internal control system current consumption of network and external single-channel automatic control system rectified voltage. The internal system represents the combined system of automatic control combining principles of regulation on a deviation. Regulation of the vector network currents are in the rotating coordinate system oriented vector voltage. In line with this feedback loop URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use provides the coordinates of the transmitter network phase currents. Error signals set and actual values of the transformed current processed proportional-integral (PI) current regulators. Internal automatic control system is subject to current network controller external system of the rectified voltage of the active rectifier. The regulator output voltage active rectifier is executed proportional-integral (PI). Voltage inverter is made six-pulse based IGBT module with PWM. The voltage of the DC - 490 V. AC motor with squirrel-cage rotor is equipped with indirect vector control with respect to the vector orientation of the rotor flux linkage with proportional - integral (PI) current regulator and proportional (P) speed control. Induction motor parameters: p = 2, P2 = 37 kW, U𝑁 = 380 V , n𝑁 = 1450 rpm, R1 = 0,088 Ohm, L1 = 0,8 mH, R 2 ′ = 0,231 Ohm, L2 ′ = 0,8 mH, J = 1,599 kg ∙ m2 The results of studies of the conditions of the motor with a rated load torque on the shaft and the rated speed when voltage dips in Fig. 2, 3. Uа(t) Iа(t) pu Ud(t) Time, s Fig. 2. Transient curves at voltage dips URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use ω(t) pu Δω=8,3% Time. s а) pu Ms(t) M(t) Time. s b) Fig. 3. Curves of transients at work of the motor with the nominal moment on a shaft and with rotation rated speed during time voltage dips URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use In fig. 2 , fig. 3, a and fig. 3, b shows the curves of transients, where: M(t) − electromagnet torque, Мs (t) − the load torque, Ud (t) − the voltage of the DC, ω(t) – angular speed of the motor, Ia (t) − current on a secondary winding of the transformer of a phase А, Ua (t) − voltage on a secondary winding of the transformer of a phase А, in relative units. At the moment of time t = 1,5 s is the maximum shortterm drop in DC bus by 30%, while the failure of less than 1 ms. The voltage level of the DC steady state is 75% of rated voltage. Short-term maximum drawdown dynamic torque on the shaft of the motor is 55%, while less than 30 ms. Speed starts to decrease up to the time t = 1,85 s at which M = Мs , and speed deviation at this point and has a maximum value of 8,3%. In Fig. 3 shows the histogram of the harmonic spectrum at the primary and secondary windings of the transformer, the vertical axisfn /fb , when fb = fs = 50 Hz , horizontal - harmonic number. % of fundamental harmonic harmonic number a) URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use % of fundamental harmonic harmonic number b) Fig. 4. The histogram of a spectrum of harmonics on primary (a) and secondary (b) The analysis of histograms (fig. 4, and fig. 4, b) has shown that on all spectrum of harmonics the system has satisfactory indicators except 23 and 31st harmonic. On the basis of the given research, it is possible to draw a conclusion that at insignificant voltage dip (to 15 %) a motor working condition in systems with converter on the base VSI with PWM and active rectifier have no essential changes. At considerable voltage dips (from 20 %-30 %), the motor cannot create a time the requested rotating moment, and speed decreases until when M = Мs , after voltage restoration in networks, speed it is restored on former level. The analysis of a spectrum of harmonics has shown that the system practically does not render influence on a network in a zone of low-frequency components. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use References: 1. Belyaev D.V., Veynger A.M., Powerful electric drive AC mains supply. - V International (16 National) Conference on Automated electric. September 18-21, 2007. 426-428. 2. Radionov A.A., Yarmuhametov R.. Effect of 18-pulse AC-DC converter on the network under different operating / / Electrical systems and complexes: Interuniversity collection of scientific papers - Magnitogorsk Interuniversity collection of scientific papers – Magnitogorsk: Magnitogorsk Publisher., 2012. Issue 19. 182-186. . J21310-026 UDC 681.5.09 Pegushin S.L., Shumihin A.G. THE CAUSES AND THE CONSEQUENCES OF FAILURE AUTOMATION SYSTEMS IN OPERATION IN REFINERIES USING A SINGLE BASE OPERATING DATA Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Komsomol prospectus 29, 614990 The report examines the methods to assess and improve the reliability of systems, emergency shutdown of oil production, based on an analysis of the causes and consequences of failures of automation systems in operation and the use of a single database of operational data. Keywords: oil, industrial process automation, reliability, causes and consequences of failure, and analysis. Among the most important characteristics of the efficiency of the system crash protection special place reliability, defined as a complex system property to preserve in time within the limit of all the parameters that reflect the ability of the system to perform its required function in the intended application and operating conditions. It URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use follows from this definition, the search for improved and adequate methods and means of assessment, analysis, improvement kinds of characteristics and reliability of emergency shutdown systems and components is important. Of great importance is estimation of reliability in the operational phase. This provides a more complete and informative data on running to determine the functional characteristics and the amounts of reliability, functionality and maintainability of the numerical characteristics of failed elements of the technical means of emergency shutdown systems, use proven methods of design automation systems to ensure the highest level of reliability of the elements of the complex hardware systems emergency protection, optimize the cost of production service equipment and unexpected downtime or production process unit as a whole, leading to significant economic losses, improve industrial safety of hazardous production facilities.Keeping statistics on failures and restoration of the technical facilities is much easier to create a single database. An example of a structural model of a single information database is presented in Figure 1: Carrying out maintenance emergency shutdown systems engineering objects Formation changes in planning maintenance and operation Operational services emergency shutdown systems engineering objects Forming applications for replenishment of reserve equipment, preparation of defective statements, reports on carrying out maintenance, acts of claims and damage The database Analysis of the causes of failures of the technical elements of emergency shutdown systems, the development of measures to remove and prevent failures Formation of standards and requirements for the maintenance and operation Changes in the subsequent design decisions based on data in the period of operation Formation of specifications, technical specifications, design work Fig. 1. Information model of a single database. For analysis and decision-making to improve the reliability of the equipment using the data stored in the database may use the technique of analysis of potential URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use failures and consequences (FMEA – failure mode and effect analysis) [1]. Example illustrating FMEA applied to the automatic emergency shutdown furnace heating ekstrakt solution of the plant selective oil refining 37-10 is shown in table 1. Table 1. Example FMEA table for automatic emergency shutdown. Type of Type The Si of consequ gn al equip potenti ences of ifi ment al failure failure Potenti Emer Actual D gence identificati et causes ca Recom mendato prio on ec measures tio measure nu nc n ry rity s mb e Tempe HART transmi of sensor tter failure fault er The lack 10 Transmi 3 rature Visual 2 Availabil 60 tter inspection, ity faults diagnostics replacem monitor HART- ent tools operator Communic and ator accessori on data (4 the ) or 1 of (24) es AMS Reject Freezin Incorrect 9 Faulty ion g or electric inspection, g level bridles erroneou ) heat, check electrical sensor s data on lack of zero heating, (displa the insulati drainage check cer monitor on, column for transm insuffici removal insulatio itters) ent column. n on the (4 risk Visual 3 for Checkin of (12) washing selection of , the check column for with flushing a URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 27 viscous in a medium viscous medium. Sensor Damag Lack of 9 Damage 1 Continuity failure e when test cable to informati cable 1 Cable 9 installati cables on insulati or accordan on perform ce ing the assembl standard y work documen on tation. on the in with technol ogy object. Reject Damag Triggeri ion e soleno cable id to ng Continuity when test cable 1 Cable 10 installati cables on or accordan producti perform ce on line ing the assembl standard y work documen on tation. clipper insulati on clipper on 10 Damage 1 the the in with technol ogy object. Valve Damag Actuatio failure e cable 10 Damage 1 Continuity to n of the when test cable valve cables 1 Cable 10 installati on URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use in insulati producti or accordan on perform ce ing the assembl standard y work documen on tation. on line the with technol ogy object. Sensor Loss of Lack of 10 Faulty 1 Visual 3 Checkin failure solderl data, installat inspection, g , ess (involunt ion installation quality valve, wire ary) cable wires of clipper 30 the opening installati or on. closing Conducti the valve ng or slam commiss on the ioning producti activities on line . In the column "value" of the table in parentheses are coefficients, if the position is not part of the security and emergency protection.Ratings of severity (significance), the frequency of occurrence of failure (emergence), the probability of failure detection (detection) are set on the basis of expert judgment by questioning experts. Table severity, frequency and probability of detection [2] as follows, respectively. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Table 2. Rating severity. Impact Rating (severity of Criterion Impact on production consequences) Failure, causing a sudden loss 10 Catastrophic of security. Inconsistency with - regulations Failure, causing a gradual loss 9 Very serious of security. Inconsistency with - regulations 8 7 Maximum allowable Great Equipment is safe, but not functional. The loss of the main functions Equipment safety Interruption of more than 8 h. and Interruption of more than availability, but not fully 4 h. Equipment works and is safe, 6 Significant but some of the device determines the usability, do not Interruption from 1 to 4 hours. function Equipment works and is safe, 5 Sensible but some devices do not function fully 4 3 Slight Weak Equipment is operational and safe for serious tuning Equipment works and is safe with a little fine tuning Interruption from 0.5 to 1 hours. Interruption of less than 30 minutes. Without loss of production The process requires regulation URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 2 1 Very weak None Equipment is operational and safe for a minor adjustment No impact The process is under control, but it takes some adjustment The process is controlled Table 3. Rating frequency of failures. Rating The frequency of occurrence The interval between failures, Criterion h. 10 Almost always Less than 2 - 9 Very high 2 – 10 - 8 High 11 – 100 Interruption of more than 8 h. 7 The rather high 101 – 400 Interruption of more than 4 h. 401 – 1000 Interruption from 1 to 4 hours. 1001 – 2000 Interruption from 0.5 to 1 hours. 6 5 Average probability Low probability Interruption of less than 30 4 Rarely 2001 – 3000 minutes. Without loss of production 3 Hardly ever 2001 – 3000 2 Isolated cases 3001 – 6000 1 Almost never occur 6001 – 10000 The process requires regulation The process is under control, but it takes some adjustment The process is controlled Table 4. Rating the probability of detection of failures. Rating Probability of detection Criterion URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 10 Almost not detected 9 Very rarely found 8 Rarely detected 7 Very unlikely 6 Low probability 5 Moderate chance 4 Average probability 3 High probability 2 1 Preventive maintenance can not identify the potential causes of failure Outside chance that preventative maintenance will identify the reasons for refusal Very small chance of finding the causes of failure in preventive maintenance Very small chance of failure detection for preventive maintenance Small chance of failure detection for preventive maintenance Moderate chance of failure detection for preventive maintenance Average chance of failure detection for preventive maintenance Greater chance of detection of failure in a preventive maintenance A very high Very good chance of detection of failure in a probability preventive maintenance Almost always Preventive maintenance can almost always identify detected failure the potential causes of failure To determine the consistency of the opinions of experts, you can use the dispersion W= coefficient of concordance coefficient or consent [3] hs 12S d d 2 (m 3 - m) - d å Ts , Ts = å (hk3 - hk ) , where Ts - index linked ranks in s ranking; hs k =1 s =1 - number of groups of equal rank in the s ranking; hk - number of equal rank in the k 2 æ d ö 1 d group associated with rank ranking s expert. S = å ç å ris - r ÷ , r = å ris , where r m s =1 i =1 è s =1 ø m URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use estimate mathematical expectation; ris - rank or rating assigned s expert i object; mnumber of objects, d- number of experts. Evaluation of the significance of the coefficient of concordance can be made by c 2 with a degree of freedom n = (m - 1) : c2 = 12 S dm(m + 1) - 1 d å Ts m - 1 s =1 2 If c table < c 2 - then the hypothesis of agreement of experts adopted. 2 If c table > c 2 - then the hypothesis of agreement of experts rejected. Thus, in this article the feasibility of establishing a single database refineries on failures and recovery automation for measuring the severity of failures and make adequate decisions on measures to prevent them, as well as maintenance organization [3] and the development of appropriate regulations maintenance. References: 1. Analysis of the types and effects of potential failures (FMEA). Reference Manual. The third edition. 2. Nikiforov AD Quality management. - M. Bustard, 2004 - 720 p. 3. Pegushin SL, Shumikhin AG Maintenance planning systems, automatic emergency shutdown of production facilities with regard to evaluating the reliability and maintainability - Bulletin of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2012. Number 14. Pp. 13-21. 4. GOST 27.310-95 "Reliability engineering. Analysis of types, effects and criticality of failures." URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-027 UDC 635.82:664.8.03.014 Medvedkova I.I. PRACTICAL INFLUENCE OF PROCESSING AND FREEZING TEMPERATURE ON RESULTS OF THE ASSESSMENT OF QUALITY OF FIELD MUSHROOMS Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade of a name of M. Tugan-Baranovsky, Donetsk, Ul. Shchorsа, 31, 83050 In article practical influence of preliminary processing, temperature of freezing and storage of mushrooms on their quality and results of an assessment of quality of field mushrooms is analyzed. In a consequence of that the products exit is formed. Keywords: mushrooms, preliminary processing, storage, freezing temperature, quality. Agro-industrial complex of Ukraine - the big intersect oral association including set of branches, connected among themselves the reproduction process, which main objective - ensuring food security of the country within optimum norms of a food of the population of Ukraine, creation of an export potential of raw materials and the food. Owing to negative tendencies in economy, including in agrarian and industrial complex, a consumption level of the main foodstuff per capita considerably lags behind scientifically reasonable norms. Uninterrupted providing the population qualitative domestic is fresher fruit and vegetable production is a priority problem of the state. Which can be carried out at the expense of the balanced outputs and demand for production? The simplest option of achievement of a goal is high-quality storage and processing. In this regard, an important role in a food allowance of the population it is allocated for products from natural vegetable raw materials, including to cultivated mushrooms. The last, on researches of many scientists, is a source of food fibers, full- URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use fledged proteins, including immunoglobulin, macro - and microcells, a complex of vitamins, have radio tire-tread and antineoplastic properties. According to FAO, in the world more than 4 million tons of mushrooms are made. The world leader on production of cultivated mushrooms is China, in Europe Poland and Holland (235-230 thousand tons). In Ukraine while about 30 thousand tons of fresh mushrooms a year are made. However, production of mushrooms in Ukraine grows in comparison with other states the fastest rates in Europe. Considering economic, geographical and climatic conditions in Ukraine there are all preconditions to become one of leaders of their production. One of the reasons constraining their production, insufficient use of opportunities of refrigerating technologies for preservation of their quality as perishable raw materials is. The state policy in the sphere of a healthy food of the population of Ukraine is directed on ensuring quality and safety of foodstuff therefore promotes development and deployment of a control system of quality. At the heart of modern idea of quality of foodstuff the principle of the maximum satisfaction of needs of the consumer of safe production with high consumer properties lies. However, producers (suppliers) can't satisfy completely need of the consumer without introduction at the enterprise of the quality management system (QMS) which covers all stages of life cycle of production. Freezing used fruit bodies of field mushrooms of white race. Mushrooms processed and froze no more than 4 hours after their collecting. In the course of freezing can arise a number of the defects connected with quality of used raw materials, and also at non-compliance with parameters of technological processes? For the storage beginning mushrooms belonged to the highest commodity grade. Quality of mushrooms is estimated, generally on organoleptic indicators. It concerns mushrooms both in frozen, and in the defrozen look. In the latter case the requirements which performance depends on quality of raw materials are considered. So, the special attention is paid to color of a thin skin, pulp and soporiferous plates. These indicators in fresh mushrooms as raw materials characterize degree of a URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use maturity and quality of field mushrooms. Also they define as carefully to calibrate mushrooms by the size of a hat and extent of their disclosure. On color of soporiferous plates it is possible to judge, what the time is passed after collecting mushrooms as in the course of storage of a hat of mushrooms reveal, and soporiferous plates with light pink or pink become light brown and brown. At the same time nutrition value of mushrooms decreases, in them cancerogenic substances which are very hazardous to health of the person can collect. Results of an organoleptic assessment of quality of field mushrooms are presented in table 1. From the provided data it is visible that in the frozen condition mushrooms on quality practically conform to requirements of the draft of the standard. Table 1 Results of an assessment of quality of the frozen field mushrooms at a temperature - 300C Indicators Quality Characteristic Premium First grade In the frozen look Appearence Mushrooms of the whole, pure one look uniform in form and sizes Mechanical %, no damages, more Are absent (on weight) Uniformity on Hat of mushrooms of a roundish form, slightly flat, aren't to form, %, damaged there is more than Frozen, % on weight, To three-four bodies, frozen at an edge no more than 10% Uneven hats on Dispersion of the sizes on the greatest cross diameter of a diameter, no more than 10% hat are no more, mm: 20 Are absent URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The size of a hat, the mm, no more than Maturity Color of plates 40 - Closed - From pink to the light From beige to dark beige beige Color of plates Length of a leg White with easy darkening 20 - In the defrozen look Color of pulp White with easy darkening Color of plates From beige to dark beige Color of skin - White about darkening, with the spots, is no more than Consistence Smell and taste Softened Soft - to Mensh expressed, are peculiar to fresh field mushrooms Separates hats Are absent More essential changes are noted by us for the defrozen mushrooms. This process carried out at the room temperature within 6 hours. Essential changes underwent such indicators: color of plates and thin skin, consistence, taste and smell. So, color of soporiferous plates from Pink and light brown in the frozen changed to light brown, the thin skin darkened and became covered by dark stains. The consistence of fruit bodies, irrespective of ripeness and color of soporiferous plates, became soft, and there have to be in the highest grades softened. So, after 9 months of storage quality of field mushrooms after defrosting worsened - from the highest commodity grade to the first. We carried out an assessment of a level of quality of field mushrooms on separate indicators (table 2), and also complex. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The main decrease in quality happened on indicators which very quickly change at storage of fresh field mushrooms and characterize a maturity and safety of fresh production. Table 2 Organoleptic assessment of quality of field mushrooms previously processed and frozen at various temperatures Indicators Option of storage and characteristic of Points indicators Without the preliminary processing, frozen at a temperature - 200C Appearance Fruit bodies uniform by the sizes and the 3 form, deformed Color of fruits Dark brown 2 Color of plates Brown 2 Smell not expressed, peculiar to field mushrooms 2 Taste Senny smell 1 Mochalistaya, with considerable loss of 2 Consistance juice Scalded, frozen at a temperature - 200C Appearance Fruit bodies uniform by the sizes and the 4 form, not deformed Color of skin Greybrown 3 Color of plates Light brown 2 Poorly expressed, peculiar to field 2 Smell mushrooms Taste Empty, poorly expressed 2 Consistance Soft, with considerable loss of juice 1 Washed by the potassium metabisulphite, frozen at a temperature – 300 C Appearance Fruit bodies uniform by the sizes and the form, not deformed URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 4 Color of skin Thin skin darkened, 20% of mushrooms 4 with brown spots Color of plates Light brown 3 Smell Expressed, peculiar to field mushrooms 3 Taste Expressed, without strangers 3 Softness 3 Consistance One of major factors of formation of quality of production is not only existence of objective regulatory base (standards), but also a complex of other factors which also provide also a quantitative assessment on quality indicators. On the basis of stated Belinsky the Page, carried out methodological approaches of structuring functions of quality of fast-frozen production. It is caused by that these products occupy a major role in structure of a food of the population. And in a total amount the frozen fruit and vegetable goods occupy 15%, in them the ratio of vegetables of a foreign and domestic production makes 70:30, fruit - 50:50. At the same time, these products are object of international trade, requirements to their quality and the safety accepted in the different countries, have to be coordinated. Especially as in Ukraine processes on adaptation and harmonization of domestic standards on fast-frozen fruit and vegetable production from the point of view of quality and safety proceed. The analysis of data of table 2 shows that the consumer carries to number of the major indicators, respectively: taste, color, structure, smell, appearance and product size. Other indicators belong to external information materials, respectively: period of storage, possibility of survey of goods in packing, other information for the consumer and, of course, the price. In connection with stated information, and also on the basis of requirements of standards to other fast-frozen production, we defined a circle of indicators for an assessment of a level of quality of the frozen mushrooms. Assessment of quality of the frozen mushrooms carried out in the defrozen look no later than 2-4 hours after a capture of an average sample. Product temperature, according to requirements, didn't exceed 2 ºС Page. Organoleptic indicators defined in the following sequence: appearance, color, smell, taste and consistence. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The given results of an assessment of a level of quality of field mushrooms show that: high level of quality have processed in solution metabisulphite of potassium and frozen at a temperature-300С. These mushrooms can be sent both for industrial processing, and for use to cookeries; the same belongs and to field mushrooms scalded, they take the second place; mushrooms without processing frozen at a temperature-200С on a level of quality are on the last place and, in our opinion, have to be immediately directed for culinary processing. On the basis of researches of quality of the frozen mushrooms of cream and brown races and different strains it is necessary to develop the standard. In which features of change of their quality have to be accurately reflected when freezing and defrosting. References: 1. Belinskay bistrozamoroczenoy S.O. Metodologiya plodoovochnoy strukturirovaniya produkzii [Tekst] funkziy kachestva S.O. Belinskay // Standartizashiya sertifikashiya kachestvo.- 2008.- № 6.- S. 57-63. 2. Razova N.K. Upravlenie kachestvom. [Tekst] / N.K. Razova Kratkiy kurs: Uchebnoe posobie.- SPB.: Piter, 2003.- 224 s. 3. Belokrilova L.V. Kachestvo dikorastushchich gribov pri zamoragivanii i chranenii [Теkst] / aftoref/ dis. kand. techn. nauk.: 05.18.15 / L.V. Belokrilova Novosibirsk. - 17 s. J21310-028 UDC 664/639.2.081 1 Sukhenko V.J., 2Manuilov V.V., 1Sukhenko J.G. CORROSION-MECHANICAL WEAR TECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT FOOD 1 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Heroyiv Oborony, 15, 03041 2 Kerch State Marine Technical University, Kerch, Ordzhonіkіdze, 82, 98309 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Using of methods thermodynamic of irreversibly process proved that the speed of corrosive-mechanical metals wear in technological mediums of electrolytes of food industry depends on linearly loads and speed of slip and depends parabolically on loss of strength of materials by corrosive-active medium. The methods of control over process about corrosive-mechanical wear are pointed. Validation of mathematics model of wear for adequacy was conducted in technological medium of food industry. Key words: corrosion, wear, mechanical factors, catalyst, fatigue, durability, electrochemistry, potential. The process of material wear accompanies by irreversible loss of mechanical energy and its conversion in to other types of energy. The mechanism of corrosivemechanical wear of materials in corrosive food medium-electrolytes may be considered on the basis of thermodynamic system analysis which connects the microscope parameter of rubbing pair with electrolytical characteristics interaction and material destruction in special technological medium. By considering of the fixed process of corrosive-mechanical wear of metals in technological medium of food industry the thermodinamical system can be defined by the aggregate of the contacting the destructive bulk of the metal, with the medium and the grits. This system can be divided in two parts one is the destructive process and the other one is connected with chemical reaction and the transformation of free surface owing to destruction. During the corrosive-mechanical abrasing the quantity of dissipation is defined not only of plastic deformation but even intensity of electrolytical processes and quantity of modification of free surface area. Joint quantitative analysis of heterogeneous processes is possible by introducing universal power criteria by using of methods thermodinamical irreversible processes. Such processes one can describe by dissipative function [1-3]: i diS d W dis =å + I C AC , y =Ò dt dt URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (1) where y = y SK - dissipative function (speed of dissipated energy in system) related to the unit of contact surface Sk; T - the temperature of the systems; i di S dt = diS SK dt - the modifying entropy of system; d W dis dt - the energy dissipation speed for process which takes place in system; I C AC = IC AC - the power of chemical SK reaction; Īс - chemical reaction speed; Ас - chemical affinity of the reaction. Energy dissipation speed which is connected with plastically deformation and formation of new surfaces makes: j dWdisi d W pl dW S åi dt = dt + åj dt (2) Dissipation function of plastification process looks like this [2]: y pl = dW pl dt = I dAa (3) where I a = I a S K - density dislocation of flow; Àa = Dt a - chemical affinity of process of formation and dislocation transferring; Dt - loss of material strength; a number of dislocations fitted on the material deformation. Taking surface abrasive wear process as spalling of units on maximum distorted and loosened (dislocation boundaries), dissipative power of the process of formation free surface can be defined by the following model: j dW S åj dt = I S 0 Ds 0 + I sm Ds m , (4) where Іso=dSo/Sk×dt і Ism=dsm/Sk×dt - the changing speed of free surface of oxides and non- oxides; Ds 0 і Ds m - the work of formation of a new unit of the free surface a new free surface oxides and proceed into consideration points material. Taking into consideration the equation (2), (3) and (4), the equation (1) can be present as following: y = Ia Dt a + I S 0 Ds 0 + I smDm + I C AC (5) On the basis of linearity the law and equation (5), relations with Onsager [3] reciprocity the system of linearly phenomenological equation follows: URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use I a = C1 I c = C2 Dt a Dt a I so = C3 I sm = C4 + C2 AC + C3 Ds 0 + C4 Ds m (6) + C5 AC + C6 Ds 0 + C7 Ds m (7) Dt a Dt a + C6 AC + C8 Ds 0 + C9 Ds m (8) + C7 AC + C9 Ds 0 + C10 Ds m , (9) where C1…C10 - phenomenological coefficient. The brought wear speed must Ī be defined by sum of fluxes densities mass of oxided Ī0 and non-oxided Im wear products: I = I0 + I m (10) The fluxes I0 and Im may by get on the basis of equation (5) – (9). So as Ī0=Īсno, that out the equation (7) is the quantity of the fluxes of the oxide metal: I 0 = I Cn 0 = n 0 (C2 Aa + C5 AC + C6 Ds 0 + C7 Ds m ) , (11) where no - is stoichiometrical coefficient of oxide in the equation of the chemical reaction. Substituting the equation (6) and (7) into (5) and taking into consideration, that ( I m = I sm C11 where, Ñ11 - the coefficient which depends on properties of the wearing material) [2], and in such way we get: Dt 1 æ Dt ö Im = [y - C1 ç ÷ - (2C3 Ds 0 + 2C2 AC + C4 Ds m ) C11Ds m a èa ø 2 ( ) (12) - C5 AC + C8 Ds 02 + 2C6 Ds 0 AC + C7 Ds m AC + C9 Ds 0 Ds m ] We define the value y . The whole outer work which was carried out with rubbing system is where: W = P × f òð × L , (13) where P - the unit loads; fmp - the coefficient of rub slips; L - the course of rub. Than dissipative function is: y = K × P × f òð × V , URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (14) where K - constant which is characterizing the fraction of dissipative energy during the wearing; V - the speed of relative slipping of particles of wearing medium on the rubbing surface. Excretions (11), (12) and (I4) can give us the quantity of wear speed which is brought to the unit of surface: I = I 0 + I m = K1 × P × V + K 2 Dt + K3 (- Dt )2 (15) where K1, K2, K3 - is the constant, including in itself the quantity Сі, fтр, n0, Ds0, Dsm, a. Out of the equation (15) we can see, that the speed of corrosive mechanical wear depends on linearly on the load and speed of sliding and parabolically from the material loss of strength by corrosive active medium. It’s known out of the electrochemistry [4-6], that Dt = Dj 0 × n × F VM (16) , where: Dj0 - is the quantitave of the balanced electrode potential during the wear; n - metal valence; F - Faraday constant; Vm - male volume of the material. Substituting the expression (16) into (15) we have: I = K1 × P × V - K2 Dj 0 × n × F VM æ Dj × n × F + K3 çç 0 VM è ö ÷÷ ø 2 (17) The given formula (17) of quantity P and V characterizes the outside influence upon the wear surface, and the potential quantitative depends on as material qualities of rubbing details, so as the qualities of corrosive medium. If the pair of rubbing consists if heterogeneous metals, so each of others metals has its own electrode properties. In this case the controls pair is characterized by mimed electrode potential. Pushing the potential of pair of rubbing together with external power supply into the cathode or and sphere, we may control over process of corrosive-mechanical wear within define limits not changing the conditions of the rubbing joint load. This move may be realized by the changing of the structure of the rubbing materials by URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use protecting coating, by the changing of rubbing regime, or by the inhibition of technological medium, that is proved by many investigators. For the control of correctness of the choose of the thermo dynamical model of corrosive mechanical wear we carried out the calculation of coefficient in the formula (17) by using the smallest square. In this case the confidence intervals had been chosen for the probability level 0,95. Simultaneously there were carried out the practical tests of bronze examples (Pb5Zn5Sn5) on scheme “bush-bush” on the plant of face rubbing. The experiments were carried out in the mediums of beer-non-alcoholically industry (table 1). The slipping speed was 0,2 m/s, specific load was 0,92 MN/m2. The speed of potential sweep was 2 mV/c during the removal of polarizable curve. The example wear was defined by gravimetrical method. The results of analytical and experimental tests were tabulated. Table 1 Tribotechical and electrochemical received characteristics of bronze examples, by calculative and experimental methods Potential Technological medium Wear of examples in mg for 10 km of rubbing path changes diring the head Lower medial calculated wear, mV Water (potable) 95,0 10,10 10,50 10,30 10,55 Sunflower oil 14,0 0,4 0,50 0,45 0,50 The discovering results of investigations prove the accordance to the chosen mathematical modal of process of corrosive-mechanical wear. They also testify the technological medium property to change the intensity of wear materials by dozens times. By this the electrode metal potential has the defined role in the topological medium and its shift Dj 0 in the rubbing process. We can conclude that the corrosive-mechanical wear can not be considered as the common summing lift of mechanical and electrochemical factors. It represents the URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use complex process, where the electrochemical solution acts as catalyst of fatigue endurance. The rubbing, in itself contributes to the preceding of the electrochemical corrosion. In the all these processes the system potential plays the considerable role [5,6]. References: 1. Haase R. Thermodynamics of irreversible processes [Text] Monograph / Rolf Haase; Darmstadt; Translated from the German ed. A.V Lykov. - Academic Press, 1967. 2. Golego N.L. Fretting corrosion of metals [Text] Monograph / Golego N.L. Alyabyev A.J., Shevelia V.V.; Kievsiky polytechnics. - K.: Tehnіka, 1974. – 272 p. 3. Groot S.R. Thermodynamics of irreversible processes [Text]: Monograph / S.R. de Groot. - Moscow: GITTL, 1956. – 281 p. 4. Gutman E.M. Mechanochemistry of metals and corrosion protection [Text] Monograph / E.M. Gutman. - Moscow, Metallurgy, 1974. – 272 p. 5. Preuss G.A. On the nature of corrosion and mechanical wear of metals: International Journal / G.A. Preuss, State Scientific Institution MPRI NASB / / Friction and wear. - 1987. - T.8, № 5. - P.792-797.: ISSN 0202-4977. 6. Sukhenko J.G. Reliability and durability of the equipment and food processing industries [Text] Tutorial / J.G. Sukhenko, O.A. Litvinenko, V.J. Sukhenko; ed. of professor Y. Sukhenko. - K.: REC NUHT, 2010. – 547 p. J21310-029 UDC 004.9:519.8:65 Krap N.P., Yuzevych V.M. METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF MANAGEMENT OF PROJECTS OF TOURIST FLOWS Lviv Institute of Economy and Tourism Lviv, Mentsynsky street, 8 Physico-Mechanical Institute of NAS of Ukraine Lviv, Naukova street, 5 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use In this report for configuration management of tourist flows projects proposed to use the method of expert estimates. Taking into account-the environment project, that the main factors affecting the rate of change in the number of tourists flow to optimize the work of employees of travel companies. Key words: project management, configuration project environment project, tourist flows, expert method. Investigation and analysis of the proposed models, methods and algorithms for decision making of building projects configuration tourist flows using the expert method is not fully considered. Without a thorough and comprehensive study of the factors that affect the change of tourist flows, it is impossible to create a project that would reflect relationship relevant factors. At present there is no fundamental works that would disclose the issues of project management of tourist flows by means of expert method. In the process of project management of tourist flows considered the environment of the project, and the main factors affecting the rate of change of tourist flows [2]. Factor model system is a mathematical ratio that reflects the real relationship between variables factors. In general it can be written as [2]: y = f ( X 1 , X 2 , ..., X n ) (1) where y - a function that depends on the factor variable; X i - factor variable. Assess how each factor affects the changes in tourist flows, using appropriate expert method. Corresponding to the situation presented in (Fig. 1). Based on expert method studied the environment of the project. The results are presented in Table 1 The management of project configuration tourist flows based on expert assessment method for setting the most significant factor on the rate of change of tourist flows made based application package MS Excel. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Еnvironment project recreational complex (X1), travel insurance (X2), security type (X3) environmental factor (X4) servicing (X5) economic and financial factors transport system (X7) political and legal relations (X8) development of trade relations cultural and historical heritage Fig. 1. Scheme environment project Table 1 Results of research of expert opinion experts factors recreational 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Х1 3 4 8 6 5 8 8 6 5 6 travel insurance Х2 8 5 7 9 8 9 9 8 10 6 security type Х3 10 10 10 9 6 10 10 9 9 8 environmental Х4 9 5 7 9 6 7 complex 8 7 8 5 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use factor servicing economic and financial factors transport system political and legal relations development of trade relations cultural and historical heritage Х5 2 4 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 5 Х6 3 5 4 7 5 7 8 7 4 7 Х7 7 6 5 8 4 6 9 9 7 9 Х8 1 7 2 3 6 4 5 4 2 5 Х9 4 5 6 7 2 6 6 5 6 8 Х10 5 6 7 6 3 5 7 8 6 8 An important aspect in the process of expert assessment is the consideration of expert opinion. Evaluation of consistency of expert opinion held by the coefficient of concordance using formula (2) [1]: W= n ém m × (n + 1) ù × å ú ê å x ij 2 3 2 m × (n - n) j =1 ëi =1 û 12 2 (2) where m - number of experts; n - number of factors. After some investigation the most influential factors in the project environment using the application package MS Excel defined these factors. The results are presented in Table 2. Table 2 Results of research The most Amount Ranked important of each factor factors factor x3 91 Percent the most important factor 1 100,00% URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use x2 79 2 88,80% x4 71 3 77,70% x7 70 4 66,60% x10 61 5 55,50% x1 59 6 44,40% x6 57 7 33,30% x5 55 8 11,10% x9 55 8 11,10% x8 39 10 ,00% Based on the research defined the weight of each factor on the environment of the project by the characterization of changes of tourist flows. Thus found that the greater the degree of dispersion of a factor by electronic trail effects. Table 2 shows that the most weight on the draft environment have the following factors: security type (100%), travel insurance (88.80%), environmental factors (77.70%), transport system (66.60%), cultural and historical heritage (55.50%), other factors are less significant in influencing on the change of tourist flows. Based on calculations found that the expert method is a powerful tool to study tourist flows. To optimize the tourist flows Рk(Xi) and upgrades project will use functional quality [5] based on feedback: tk J ( Pk ( X i ), FB( X i )) = ò f ( y, u , s )dt Þ opt , (4) t0 where y - vector set effects (yj(t) - the components, j = 1,2, ..., n); u - vector controls; s - vector uncertain perturbations; [t0, tk] - time interval, which deals with the process (formation of optimal values of tourist flows Рk(Xi), k = 1,2, ..., m); m total number of tourist flows, which are considered in this project; f ( y, u , s ) - a feature that displays the quality; FB(Xi) - the function that describes the inverse communication (Feed-back) between threads Рі and the environment with the views of experts. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use References: 1. Hrabovetsky B. E. Economic forecasting and planning / B. E. Hrabovetsky. - K.: Center of textbooks, 2003. - 188 p. 2. Golubeva T.O. Using evaluation method in problems of invariant control / T. O. Golubeva, V. M. Dubovoy // Bulletin Vinnitsa Polytechnic Institute. - 2007. - № 1. - S. 5-9. 3. Zasymenko V.M. Basis of the theory of experiment planning / V.M. Zasymenko. - Lviv: SI "Lviv Polytechnic", 2000. - 205 p. 4. Kolesnik O.O. Economics and Statistics tourism market: a monograph / O. Kolesnik. - Zhytomyr: ZSTU, 2011. - 196 p. 5. Leybkynd A.R. Mathematical methods and models generating organiz- tsyonnыh management structure / AR Leybkynd, BL Rudnik, A. Tychomyrov.-M.: Iz-vo Mosk. Zap, 1982. -230 P. J21310-030 UDC 531.383 : 532.516 Kondratova J.N., Kondratov D.V., Mogilevich L.I. PROBLEMS OF HYDROELASTICITY OF THE COAXIAL CYLINDRICAL SHELLS CONTAINING A STRATUM OF VISCOUS INCOMPRESSIBLE LIQUID IN CONDITIONS OF VIBRATION Saratov State University, Saratov, Stolypin Volga Region Institute, Volga Region Branch MIIT In this report the mechanical system consisting of two coaxial elastic cylindrical shells of final length, freely supported on the end faces, pinching a stratum of viscous incompressible liquid is observed at presence of external vibration. Amplitude frequency characteristics of interior and external shells are discovered. It is executed at a support of the grant of President MD-1025.2012.8 and the grant of RFBR 12-0131161-mol_а URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Key words: coaxial elastic cylindrical shells, viscous incompressible liquid, vibration, hydroelasticity. The mechanical system consisting of two coaxial elastic cylindrical shells of final length, freely supported on the end faces, pinching a stratum of viscous incompressible liquid is observed. (fig. 1). Fig. 1 It is supposed, that an external shell 1 – an elastic cylindrical shell with internal radius R1 and freely supported on the end faces. An internal shell 2 with external radius R2 – also an elastic cylindrical shell, it is free supported on the end faces. The clearance between walls of shells 2 and 1 is completely filled by a liquid 3. The external surface of an external shell and a surface of an internal shell form the cylinder in the cylinder in length l2 . A radial clearance of a cylindrical slot d = R1 - R2 << R2 . Face clearances of the working chamber, with absolutely rigid walls, have extent a , much greater of a radial clearance (a >> d ) . On system pressure of a liquid and a portable inertial force act harmonically varying on a time at end faces. Moving of an internal shell concerning external at end faces is absent. The mechanical system is considered termostabilized. The law of progress of mechanical system as absolutely rigid body and its absolute acceleration is represented in the form of (concerning inertial space) x0 (t ) = E x f x 0 (w t ), y 0 (t ) º 0, z 0 (t ) = E z f z 0 (w t ) , (1) W1x1 = &x&0 = E x w2 f x¢¢0 (w t ), W1 y1 º 0,W1z1 = &z&0 = E z w2 f z¢¢0 (w t ) , where the prime means a rate of change of a function on its argument, and E x , E z – amplitudes of forward oscillations; w – frequency of forward oscillations. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use In real mechanical systems a ratio d to R2 very few, therefore it is possible to enter the small parameter y = d R2 << 1 describing width of a cylindrical layer of a liquid, surrounding an internal cylindrical shell. The small parameter y allows to simplify statement of a problem of hydroelasticity with cylindrical shells. We shall pass to dimensionless variables, entering the reduced pressure for a cylindrical crack [1-3]: ( ) (i ) x = (r - R2 ) d q = q t = w t z = 2 y l2 Vr = wm(i )w ux Vq = wm w y uq , ( ) (i ) (i ) ( i ) ( i ) (i ) ( i ) (i ) (i ) ( i ) V y = wmi w y (l2 2 R2 )uz ; u1 = um U1 u2 = vm U 2 u3 = wm U 3 , (i ) ( ) (i ) y = d R2 << 1 l = wm d ; c (i ) 2 =E (i ) [r (1 - (m ) )] i = 1, 2 , l (i ) (i ) 0 0 (2 ) 2 (2) wm(2 ) (1) = (1) l wm The equations of dynamics supporting and damping layer of a liquid in zero approach on y will become: é ¶ uq ¶P ¶ uq ¶ u q öù æ ¶ uq ¶ P ¶ 2 uq = 0 Re ê + lçç u x + uq + uz ÷÷ú = - ¶q + ¶x 2 , (3) ¶x ¶ q ¶ z t ¶ x ¶ øû è ë 2 2 ¶ uz ¶ u z öù é ¶ uz æ 2 R2 ö ¶ P ¶ u z æ ¶ uz ÷÷ ÷÷ú = -çç + lçç u x + uq + uz , Re ê + 2 ¶ z ¶ t ¶ x ¶ q l ¶ z ¶ x è øû è 2 ø ë ¶ ux ¶x + ¶ uq ¶ uz d2w + = 0 ; Re = . ¶q ¶z n Boundary conditions on impenetrable surfaces in zero approach on y will enter the name in the form of: ¶U 3(1) ux = ; u q = 0 ; u z = 0 at x = x*(1) = 1 + l(1)U 3(1) ; (4) ¶t ux = wm(2 ) ¶U 3(2 ) ; u q = 0 ; u z = 0 at x = x *(2 ) = l(2 )U 3(2 ) . (1) wm ¶t Pressure looks like: é yE ù wm w 2 yE x p = p 0 + r R2 P - Re ê z f z¢¢0 (t) cos(q + j) + f x¢¢0 (t) sin (q + j)ú . wm y Re ë wm û (5) URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Let's consider a case, when the width of a face crack a is much more than width of a cylindrical crack d ( a >> d ). Conditions for the reduced pressure P at transition from a cylindrical crack in face: P = 0 At z = ±1 . (6) The equations of dynamics of the internal and external shells based on hypotheses of Kirchhoff -Love [2, 4] in dimensionless variables (2) in view of condition y << 1 will enter the name in the form of: (c( ) ) r( )h( ) ìíæç 2R( ) ö÷u ( ) ¶ U ( ) + 1 - m( ) u ( ) ¶ U ( ) 2 ¶q (R( ) ) îçè l ÷ø ¶z i 2 i i 0 0 i 2 2 i i 0 i i m 1 2 2 i m i 1 2 2 2 (i ) (i ) (i ) ü 1 + m (0i ) æ 2 R (i ) ö (i ) ¶ 2U 2(i ) ( i ) (i ) 2 (i ) ¶ U 1 ( i ) æ 2 R ö (i ) ¶U 3 ç ÷vm ÷÷ wm =0 ; - m 0 çç ý - r0 h0 w um 2 ¶z¶q ¶ z 2 çè l2 ÷ø l ¶ t 2 è ø þ (c( ) ) r( )h( ) ìí- 1 + m( ) 2R( ) u ( ) ¶ U ( ) + 1 - m( ) æç 2R( ) ö÷ v( ) ¶ U ( ) + ¶z ¶q 2 çè l ÷ø ¶z (R( ) ) î 2 l i 2 i i 0 0 i 2 i 0 i i 2 i m i 0 1 2 i 2 i m 2 i 2 2 2 (i ) 2 2 (i ) (i ) é U 2(i ) ¶ 2U 2(i ) ù (i ) æç 2 R ÷ö ¶ U 2 (i ) 2 (i ) ê (i ) ¶U 3 úw a v 2 1 + + m + m m 0 0 ç 2 2 ÷ l ¶q ¶q2 ¶ z ¶ q êë úû è 2 ø (i ) ö 2 3 (i ) é æ 2 R 2 ¶ U3 ¶ 3U 3(i ) ù üï (i ) ê (i ) ç (i ) ÷÷ úý - a0 wm 2 - m 0 ç + 2 3 l ¶ z ¶ q ¶ q úû ï êë è 2 ø þ ¶ 2U 2(i ) ö W æW ÷ = 0 , (7) - r(0i )h0(i )w2 ç 12x1 cos q - 12z1 sin q + vm(i ) ¶t2 ÷ø w è w (i ) ¶ + vm ( ) ( ) ( ( ) 2 ) (c( ) ) r( )h( ) ìí- m( ) 2R( ) u ( ) ¶U ( ) + v( ) ¶U ( ) l ¶z ¶q (R( ) ) î i 2 - ( ) é i i 0 0 i 2 i i 0 i i m 1 i m i 2 2 æ 2 R (i ) ö ¶ 3U 2(i ) ¶ 3U 2(i ) ù ÷÷ ú + wm(i )U 3(i ) + 2 - m (0i ) çç + 2 3 ¶q ú êë è l2 ø ¶z ¶q û 2 a0(i ) vm(i ) ê ( ) 2 2 (i ) ö 4 4 (i ) é æ 2 R (i ) ö ¶ 4U 3(i ) ¶ 4U 3(i ) ù üï ¶ U3 ÷÷ ÷ úý + + 2çç + a0 wm ç 2 2 4 4 l q ¶ q ¶ z ¶ êëè l2 ÷ø ¶z è 2 ø ûú ïþ 2 (i ) W1z1 i (i ) (i ) 2 æ W1x1 (i ) ¶ U 3 ö÷ = (- 1) qn(i ) x=x(i ) . - r0 h0 w ç 2 sin q + 2 cos q + wm 2 ÷ * w ¶t ø è w ( ) (i ) 2 (i ) êæç 2 R URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (i ) qn where Q (i ) = rR2 wm(i )w2 (i ) Q ; =Re y é yE x ù Re yp0 yE z ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ P f f Re ( ) sin ( ) cos + t q + t q ê (i ) x 0 ú. (i ) z 0 w w rR2 wm(i )w2 m ë m û Conditions free fixing at end faces of external and internal shells will enter the name in the form of ¶U1(i ) ¶ 2U 3(i ) = U 2(i ) = U 3(i ) = = 0 At z = ±1 . (8) ¶z ¶z 2 The method of indignations is applied to the decision of the received problem of hydroelasticity. The relative deflection of an shell l which is considered size of much less unit is accepted to small parameter, that with reference to real mechanical systems really takes place. The small parameter l entered into consideration allows linearize a problem in zero approach. Presence at system of a viscous incompressible liquid leads to fast attenuation of free fluctuations that allows to investigate only the compelled fluctuations. The equations of dynamics of shells are solved in the assumption of the harmonious law of movement of the basis to which the mechanical system fastens, thus elastic movings of shells are represented in the form of (i ) (i ) (i ) (i ) u10 = um U10 = um (i ) (i ) (i ) (i ) u20 = vm U 20 = vm ¥ å sin k =1 ¥ å cos k =1 ¥ (i ) (i ) u30 = wm(i )U 30 = wm(i ) å cos k =1 {( ) ( ) } 2k - 1 (i ) (i ) (i ) (i ) pz a10 C cos q + a10 S sin q sin t + ju1 + a10O , 2 { } ( ) 2k - 1 (i ) (i ) (i ) (i ) pz a20 S cos q + a20C sin q + a20O sin t + ju 2 , (9) 2 {( ) ( ) } 2k - 1 (i ) (i ) (i ) (i ) pz a30 C cos q + a30 S sin q sin t + ju 3 + a30O . 2 As a result there are elastic movings shells, and also their peak-frequency characteristics: A(i ) (w) = num (i ) , den URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (10) ( ( ) ( ) ( j ) (i ) ( j ) (i ) ( j ) ( j ) (i ) ( j ) (i ) num (i ) = a11 a11 de1 g1 b33 + 2 a11 a11 de1( j )de1(i ) g1( j ) g1(i )b33 b33 + where 2 2 ) ( ) + 4w e (a ( )a ( )de( ) g ( ) B ( ) ) + (a ( ) g ( ) g ( ) ) i = 1, 2 j = 1, 2 i ¹ j ; den = (g ( ) g ( ) ) + (288v - 8w e )a ( )a ( )de( )de( ) g ( ) g ( ) B ( ) B ( ) + ( j ) (i ) 2 (i ) (i ) ( j ) ( j ) (i ) ( j ) (i ) (i ) ( j ) (i ) 2 + a11 a11 de1 g1 b33 + 4 we 2 a11 a11 de1 g1 g1 g 2 B0 + 2 4 j 11 1 2 ( i 11 i i 2 0 j 1 1 2 2 2 i 11 2 4 2 ) j 2 i 1 1 1 2 11 11 1 1 ( 2 1 2 1 ) 2 2 1 0 2 0 ( ) (1) (2 ) (1) (2 ) (1) (2 ) (1) (2 ) (1) + 16 w2e 4 + 2304 v 2 w2e 4 a11 a11 de1 de1 B0 B0 + 144v 2 de1(1)a11 g 2 B0 + ( 2 ) ( 2 ) (2 ) (1) (2 ) 2 (1) (1) (1) 2 (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) + 144v 2 de1(2 )a11 g 2 B0 - 1152v 2 we 2 a11 de1 B0 a11 g 2 de1 B0 - ( (1) (1) (1) (1) (2 ) (2 ) (2 ) - 1152v 2 we 2 a11 g 2 de1 B0 a11 de1 B0 ) 2 . Calculations under formulas (10) have shown, that for each member of some for deflections usually meet 6 significant resonant frequencies in AFC on each shell. It speaks that the received oscillatory system «an elastic shell – a viscous incompressible liquid – the elastic shell» starts to operate as a unit. Besides as well as for model with pressure difference, in models at influence of vibration probably to use only the first member of decomposition of numbers (9). On fig. 2 schedules are resulted for A(1) and A(2 ) . Рис.2 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use References: 1. Kondratov D.V., Mogilevich L.I. Uprugodinamika maschin i priborov na transporte.– M.: RGOTUPS, 2007, 169 c. 2. Mogilevich L.I. Dinamika vzaimodeistviya uprugog cilindra so sloem vyazkoi neszimaemoi gidkosti // Izv. RAN MTT. 2004. № 5. C.179-190. 3. Mogilevich L.I., Popov V.S., Popova A.A. Dinamika vzaimodeistviya uprugih elementov vibromaschini so sdavlivaemim sloem gidkosti, nahodyashimsy mezdu nimi // Problemi mashinostroeniya i nadegnosti maschin. 2010. № 4. C.23-32 4. Goldenweiser A.L., Lidsky V.V., Tovstik P.E. Svobodnie kolebaniya tonkih uprugih obolochek. M: Nauka. 1978. 383 c. J21310-031 U.D.C. 664-4/66-963 Zaviryuha M., Pilip V. ENERGY INDICATORS OF DUAL RETAINING CUTTING OF CORNSTALKS Nikolaev National Agrarian University, Nikolaev, Krilova St. 17a, 54000 In this report we describe was suggested method analytical estimation of power energy indicators process of dual retaining cutting corn stalks in an integrated shredding machine Keywords: cutting corn stalks, blade, cutting force optimization Problem statement. Cutting process is a specific type of shredding and therefore is depended of the general laws of the destruction of materials under the action of external forces. But this process has its specific features, that more fully reflected in the theory of blade cutting. In the theory of shredding cutting two sets of issues are considered, including the combination of questions of the blade cutting theory, which study the influence of different factors on the changes of the angle sharpening blade and energy intensity of shredding process [2]. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Lack of grinding of leaves and stems leads to that it can not be used as the roughage, and also reduces its mineral value as a biofertilizings. In turn, intensive mechanical impact of working parts of machines for shredding on raw materials can lead to the loss of native properties of corn stalks and even to their physical and chemical degradation [3, 4]. The crushed leaves and stems got by means of such machines have a friable consistency so the ready product has a unsatisfactory organoleptic parameters. Therefore, while designing machines for corn and silage should take into account the hybrid origin of plants and its complicated physical and chemical structure. In this regard, working bodies of the apparatus for shredding should have the geometric parameters and to provide such regimes of shredding which do not affect the chemical composition of raw materials and grind it with a high quality with the necessary degree of dispersion and with minimal energy consumption. A significant part of the energy spent on the shredding process is dissipated in the product and converts into heat provoking intensive blade dulling. So the design of the devices for shredding should be based on detailed research of processes of cutting corn stalks taking into account the existing forces and energy parameters. Purpose of the work. The study is aimed at assessing of analytical parameters the energy of dual retaining cutting corn stalks, in particular in the integrated device for shredding the leaves and stalks of corn and identifying areas for further improvement of the working parts of shredders to reduce energy consumption and ensuring the high quality of the initial product. The analysis of references. The theory of blade cutting has been developed by the scholar V. Goryachkin, it received further development in the works of V. Zheligovskiy, M. Resnick, and in the works of other scientists. While evaluating the methods of shredding, and designs of working elements of the machines for shredding, at first one should take into account the physical and mechanical properties of the shredded material and choose such ways of influencing the material when its destruction can be achieved with the least load and energy consumption. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use By the contact line of the blade and the layer of the material high contacting normal breaking loads appear. In this case, the faces of the wedge called chamfers, do not create significant effect on the cutting process . Goryachkin V. found that in the process of blade cutting sliding motion of blade is crucial , as it significantly reduces the limit of the normal pressure on the material that is necessary for the cutting process and provides a clean cut. The penetration of a knife in the layer of material in the presence of lateral movement is explained by the influence of number of factors, the most important of those is the angle of blade sharpening [6]. From the analysis of the main conditions of the blade cutting the most important are such parameters mode in shredding as normal pressure of the blade on the material, the lateral sliding motion of blade and kinematic transformation of angle sharpening. The angle of blade sharpening is set by the type of crushed material. According to the data of Efremov M. the increase of cutting forces with blunting the blade while working with shredding plant with small angles of the working elements sharpening is less than while working with big angels. While analyzing the experimental data, it was concluded, that the lower sharpening angle, the less force of cutting according to the acuteness varies. Choose a sharpening angle at which the blade is steady enough to fracture, retains its sharpness for a long time and efforts are minimal. The analysis of recent research and publications dedicated to the process of cutting of organic materials [1, 6] shows that most of them are aimed at optimizing the overall energy performance of the process to the specific conditions of the apparatus for shredding. However, it is set [2, 3, 4, 5] that the complex process of cutting of organic materials can be divided into a number of simpler process: the destruction of the structure of materials, the deformation of the product in the cutting area, the friction between the instruments and the raw materials, etc. Therefore, systematical study of the basic elementary components of the cutting process helps to increase the knowledge in the area of biological resources and to create and improve the devices for shredding using energysaving technologies and getting high-quality crushed leaves and stems of maize. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The research is based on an analytical synthesis of knowledge in physics, physic-chemical mechanics of materials, theory of cutting of organic and synthetic materials to assess the impact of significant factors on the energy indexes of corn leaves and stalks cutting. Results of the work. In the process of shredding the leaves and stalks of corn the energy from the machine’s drive is constantly brought to its cutting elements. Thus, in the local area of the interaction of the blade and the product the external power is supplied, and the system of "blade-stem" cannot be considered as closed one. In addition, there is a significant energy dissipation adjacent to the cutting area of the product. It means that in separate system, "blade-stem" the law of the preservation of energy can not be applied [6]. However, the shredding with blade can be considered as the formation of cracks, the side surfaces of which are loaded by stress distribution, which is caused the forces due to the action of the wedge blade to the stem. For such crack a classical balance and equations impulses can be used [1, 5]. Forces, arising by contact of wedge-like instrument and the product during its movement do some work and transfer energy to sliced parts of the stalks of corn. According to the theorem of "live" forces for a full continuous medium inflow of external energy can be expressed as the sum of the work for the elementary processes that accompanies the grinding process (Fig. 1) (rupture of structural connections, deformation, friction, etc.). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 1. Resistance occurs when the blade penetrates into the stem While cutting corn stalks 80-85% of total energy expenditure is used for plastic deformation and 15-20% to overcome the molecular forces or surface energy. The tension of shredding decreases proportionally to the decrease of preliminary deformation. Deformations depend on the area of the contact blade (Fig. 2), the material that is cut, and of angle sliding blade by such equations: where 0 < b < 45° k f = 1- 45 < b < 90° kf = tgb , 2 1 , 2tgb (1) (2) k f - coefficient of specific contact area of the blade and the material being cut. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 2. Scheme to determine the coefficient of the specific area of contact blades and stems of maize From the analysis of equations presented in the monograph of L. Moroz [6] describing the shredding of solids, as well as ones based on other studies [2, 3, 4, 5], we can make the conclision that total work needed on shredding corn stalks, is equal to the sum of the following components: 5 å dE = dE i =1 where 1 + dE2 + dE3 + dE4 + dE5 , (3) dE1 - the elementary work to overcome the cohesive forces of the structural links of corn stalks; dE2 - the elementary work on the plastic deformation of corn stalks, located in the area of the blade tool in front of incision; dE3 - the elementary work of set sidewall cross section and deformation of corn stalks near these sidewalls; dE 4 - the elementary work to overcome the frictional forces on the sidewalls of the tool; dE5 - the elementary work to provide the crushed particles of corn stalks the kinetic energy. To substantiate the critical speed and is minimal cutting forces it is necessary to determine the modes included into the process of cutting. Assuming that the phase of cutting is developed in deformable zone and provokes the stress state of stem fibers and their subsequent destruction, while analyzing this process it is expedient to distinguish three successive regimes, determining the critical cutting speed [5]: URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 1. Quasistatic regime, in which the cutting speed is less than the first critical one. Transition occurs from the destruction of the material in weak cross sections,where the layer does not coincide with the plane of the cut, to the destruction of the material in the plane of the cut. So the expense of cutting force increases. Time of influence of edges of the blade on the raw is inversely proportional to speed. Therefore while increasing of the distance from center of rotation of the blade, with same values of the quantity of linear strain, the time of influence on raw materials is reduced, and also the volume deformation of the material is reduced which really is inversely proportional to linear speed, or of the radius vector point edge in the rotational movement of working elements. 2. Impact regime, at which the impact action on the blade product takes place. In this case, the description of the cutting process, is related to the use of impact theory. The value of the accelerations of the material layers reaches significant values. 3. Wave regime, in which the cutting speed exceeds the speed of sound propagation in the material, it occurs emergence of shock waves in comminuted mass. Tension is transmitted to the material with the speed of sound. When exceeding the cutting speed by the speed of propagation of the voltage, strain becomes concentrated and localized in the blade. While blade cutting the material is destroyed mainly by the pressure of dihedral angles vertices of the working part of the blade, called the blade. The working process of cutting edge material consists of two stages: preliminary compaction and the actual cutting. Let’s represent it as a curve (Fig. 3). The initial part of the curve shows the compression process called sealing. Cutting process is characterized by a wavy curve showed by a sequence of elastic (bc, de) and plasticity (ab, cd) deformations which terminate the destruction of the material. The compression force, exerting by the side of the blade can disrupt the process of cutting, is called the critical force. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 3. Growth of the efforts under shock interaction with the tool of corn Value of a deflection of the stem will affect the whole work of cutting. With increasing deflection the time of cutting at a constant speed will increase, and the impact effect of the blade on the stems is reduced. It negatively affects the operation of cutting apparatus. Therefore It was proposed the structure of cutting pair including a blade and two of the countercut elements tested in the integrated device for the shredding. Experimentally obtained the values of the gap between the cutting and the countercut elements were obtained [8]: 0,03 × d ³ e ³ 0,1 × d , where d (4) - the average diameter of the stem. In this case, we reach the desired quality of the shredding of leaves and corn stalks with a minimum speed of cutting and work on deflection and cutting the stalks of corn. Analyzing the obtained experimental data and unite them with the energy basis of the cutting process to obtain an expression for the determination of the overall work of cutting double retaining: URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 2 ì hcm t l E × k f × tga × ï5 d × l × s пр × x0 h × V × dt × dl + × (p × sin j + cos j ) + ò ò ïå dE = piз 1 4 ö æ ï i =1 0 0 ç1 - g ÷ × l ï è e ø ï ï + òòò P cm × sin a + P об × сosa × x ij × dt × dV + ï V ï í ö æ ÷ ç ï 3 E × k f × m × d × hcm hcm ÷ ç ï × V різ × dt × ds1 + + р0 + òò f ç ï 1 ö cos b ÷ æ S1 ÷ ç 2 × h × ç1 - g ÷ ï è e ø ø è ï ï m × V02 ö æ b ï ÷÷ × cos a × V різ × dt × ds 2 + , + òò f × çç N + р 0 sin cos 2 a b × ïî ø è S2 (5) The conclusions. While cutting the leaves and stems the cutting tool does the ( ) work associated with the deformation of stems, of its structural samples gap and all these elementary processes are accompanied by the friction of the product over the surfaces of the instruments. So to optimize the work of shredding apparatus, where instruments carry out double retaining while cutting stems maize, the volume of the energy for cutting it is necessary to analyze the influence of kinetic and geometrical parameters on each component of the tool and to implement the optimization of the total cost of work or energy, taking into account the quality of shredding indicators. References: 1. Vinnikova L. Theory and Practice of meat processing / L. Vinnikova. Ismail: SMNL, 2000. - 172 p. 2. Zaviryuha M. Investigation of cutting integrated shredding device / M. Zaviryuha // Problems of designing, manufacturing and operation of agricultural machinery, Kirovograd National Technical University. - Kirovograd, 2011. 3. Zaviryuha M. The experimental researches for the explanation geometric parameters of the integrated shredding device / M. Zaviryuha // Agricultural Machinery. Coll. Science. century. Vol. 22. - Luck: Eds-ed. Department LNTU, 2012. - 280 p. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 4. Zaviryuha M. Mathematical model of cutting corn stalks / M. Zaviryuha // Scientific Bulletin of Lugansk National Agrarian University. Series: Engineering. Lugansk: Publishing LNAU, 2012. Number 35. - 285 p. 5. Zaviryuha M. Theoretical studies of integrated shredding device / M. Zaviryuha // Bulletin of the Lviv National Agrarian University. Series: Engineering. Lviv: Publishing LNAU, 2012. - 341 p. 6. Moroz L. Mechanics and physics of deformation and fracture of materials / L. Moroz. - L: Mechanical Engineering, 1984. - 224. 7. Parton V. Mechanics elastic plastic the destruction / V. Parton, E. Morozov. Moscow: Nauka, 1985. - 504 p. 8. Pat. 75506 Ukraine, IPC A 01 D 45/00 Method of cutting plants with thick stems / O. Bondarenko, M. Zaviryuha - № u 2012 03634, appl. 04/25/2012, publ. 10.12.2012, Bull. Number 23. J21310-032 UDC 631.355.072/1 Havrysh V.I., Rakul O.I. MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF LONGITUDINAL DEFORMATION WAVES DISTRIBUTION IN CORN’S EAR DURING ITS PICKING Mykolaiv National Agrarian University, Mykolaiv, Krylovа St. 17a, 54038 Summary. The mathematical model of the propagation of longitudinal waves of deformation in the middle ear of corn has been developed. On the foundation of the above model the further directions of research have been appointed. Keywords: corn, corn picking, mathematical model, waves deformation, rodwaveguide. Introduction. Harvest is the most expensive field activity in the production of corn for grain. Combines incorporate the ear picking, husking and cleaning process in one machine. One of the most important processes is corn picking. It has a great URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use influence on corn quality, yield and growers’ profits. That is why a corn picker is one of the main mechanisms of any corn combine harvester. A working process of all corn picking devices constitutes in stretching stalk until its destruction. But very high speed and great efforts of picking results to departure of ears outside of a reaper. As a result yield decreases [3]. Therefore the development of new machines for corn picking is actual scientific problem and its solution demands analytical research. Analysis of last researches. The deep theoretical studies of this matter have been done by famous scientists: P.P. Karpusha, L.I. Anisimova, N.V. Tudela, K.V. Shatilov, M.I. Konopeltsev, K.I. Shmat, E.V. Truflyak and so on. But the results do not provide the necessary data to solve many problems. They are mainly devoted to theoretical ground of pulling stalks and corn picking on devices of picker type, calculation capacity and productivity of harvesters and do not cover the issues of technological process of work, which have become actual. The aim is to develop a mathematical model of the distribution of longitudinal strain waves in the middle ear of corn. Results of research. We can consider this process in according to analogous of longitudinal strain waves distribution in rods and wire under the impulse load. Thus the core of the mechanics is solid, transverse dimensions are much smaller than the longitudinal. The rod may be subjected to strain as compression and stretching and rope may be subjected to strain just as stretching. The rod and wire are waveguides. In our case, the rod-waveguide is the ear of corn, the wire-waveguide is stalk. Distribution of longitudinal strain waves in waveguides is described by the known wave equation [1] rS ( z ) ¶ 2u ¶t 2 = ¶æ ¶u ö ç ES ( z ) ÷ , ¶z è ¶z ø (1) where z – longitudinal coordinate (0 ≤ z ≤ l); l – length of the waveguide; t – time (0 ≤ t < ∞); u – a function of longitudinal strain; Е – modulus of elasticity of the 1st kind (Young's modulus) of the waveguide material; ρ – density of the waveguide material; S – cross-sectional area of the waveguide. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The function u = u(z, t) is the solution of the wave equation (1). We believe that the waveguide material is homogeneous, and its physical parameters (E, ρ) are constant. The case of inhomogeneous waveguide will be discussed in the next section. Taking into account the accepted assumptions equation (1) can be written in the form 2 ¶S ( z ) ö ¶u ù 2 é¶ u æ 1 = а + × ç ÷ ú; ê 0 2 ( ) S z ¶ z ¶t 2 ¶ z è ø ¶z û ë ¶ 2u а02 = E r , (2) (3) where а0 – the speed of propagation of deformation along the waveguide. If S(z) = S0 = const, then ∂S/∂z = 0 and equation (2) takes the form ¶ 2u ¶ 2u ¶t ¶z 2 = а02 2 . (4) In a more general case a change of section S(z) in length is displayed as (Fig. 1) m æ z ö S ( z ) = S 0 çç ÷÷ , m = 0; 1; 2, è z0 ø where S(z0)= S0. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (5) Fig. 1. Longitudinal sections of rods-waveguides: a – cylindrical; b – paraboloid of rotation; с – conical If m = 0 we have a cylindrical rod-waveguide, with m = 1 – rod-waveguide in the form of a paraboloid, and when m = 2 – conical rod-waveguide. At the same time we believe that the cross-section in all cases is a circle. Note that the objective function S(z) in another form causes great difficulty in solving equation (2) at least makes it impossible to obtain an analytical form solutions. If the law of section S(z) changes has the form (5), then 1 ¶S ( z ) m = , and the S ( z ) ¶z z wave equation (2) takes the form m ¶u 1 ¶ 2u = 0. + × ¶z 2 z ¶z а02 ¶t 2 ¶ 2u (6) This linear wave equation, that according to the adopted value of the number m, can take the following kinds: URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use when m = 0 ¶ 2u ¶z 2 - 1 ¶ 2u а02 ¶t 2 = 0; (7) when m = 1 1 ¶u 1 ¶ 2u = 0; + × ¶z 2 z ¶z а02 ¶t 2 ¶ 2u (8) when m = 2 ¶ 2u ¶z 2 + 2 ¶u 1 ¶ 2u × = 0. z ¶z а02 ¶t 2 (9) The general solution of equation (7) has the form æ æ z ö z ö u ( z , t ) = f1 çç t - ÷÷ + f 2 çç t + ÷÷ , a0 ø è a0 ø è (10) where f1, f2 – unknown functions of wave arguments t10 = t - z ; a0 (11) t 20 = t + z . a0 (12) Wave argument (11) corresponds to waves moving in the positive direction along 0z. Wave argument (12) corresponds to waves moving in a negative direction ( ) along 0z. That function f1 t10 describes a wave moving towards growth z, and the ( ) function f 2 t 20 describes a wave moving towards decreasing z. The general solution of the wave equation (9) for conical rod (m = 2) has the form u(z, t ) = [ ( ) ( )] 1 f1 t10 + f 2 t 20 . z (13) Equations (10) and (13) are sufficiently simple to interpret. The general solution of equation (8) for m = 1 can be obtained by operating section (Laplace transform) URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use u 2 ¥ ( p, z ) = ò e - pt u (z, t )dt , (14) 0 where р – parameter of transformation (complex value); u2 – transformants transformation; u(z,t) – function-original. As a result of the transformation (14) equation (8) in the images (transformants) is displayed as: ¶ 2u 2 ¶z 2 2 1 ¶u 2 æ р ö 2 + × - ç ÷ u = 0. z ¶z çè а0 ÷ø (15) Equation (15) is an ordinary differential equation (Bessel equation) solution which has the form: æ pz ö æ pz ö u 2 ( p, z ) = c1 × I 0 çç ÷÷ + c2 × K 0 çç ÷÷ , è a0 ø è a0 ø (16) where с1, с2 – constant integration; І0, К0 – Bessel functions of the first and the second kinds of order zero. To obtain solutions for the original u = u(t,z) it is necessary to perform inverse Laplace transform (16). Complete mathematical formulation of the problem of determining the wave field strain must include the wave equation (2), the initial and boundary conditions [2]. The initial conditions describe the state of the rod (waveguide) that stresseddeformed at the initial time (t = 0). Usually the initial conditions are displayed as zero, then t = 0; u (0, z ) = 0; ¶u (0, z ) = 0. ¶t (17) Boundary conditions describe the waveguide interaction with the environment at the ends z = 0 and z = l. Thus, if the rod is rigidly mounted on the end, then z = 0; u (0, t ) = 0 . (18) If the rod-end of the waveguide at z = l is free, then z = l; ¶u (l , t ) = 0. ¶z URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (19) If the rod is loaded, then z = l; ¶u (l , t ) = F (t ) . ¶z (20) Satisfying general solution of the wave equation u = u(z,t) by initial and boundary conditions we find solution of the initial-boundary value problem for the wave equation. If the function u = u(z,t) is known, then efforts can be found in the rodswaveguide T ( z , t ) = ES ¶u ( z , t ) , ¶z (21) Т (z, t ) . S (22) or tension s (z, t ) = Conclusions.Mathematical model of longitudinal deformation waves in the middle of ear of corn during its picking has been obtained as a result. The direction of further researches is to model of technological process of corn picking using the obtained mathematical model. References. 1. Пановко Я.Г. Основы прикладной теории колебаний и удара / Я.Г. Пановко. – Л.: Машиностроение, 1976. – 320 с. 2. Сагомонян А.Я. Волны напряжения в силовых средах. Учебное пособие / А.Я. Сагомонян. – М.: Изд.-во Моск. ун-та, 1985. – 416 с. 3. Шатилов К.В. Кукурузоуборочные машины / К.В. Шатилов, Б.Д. Козачок, А.П. Орехов и др. – М.: Машиностроение, 1981. – 224 с. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-033 UDC 631.354 Varnakov D.V. METHODS OF SELECTING THE DIAGNOSTIC PARAMETERS IN DETERMINING PARAMETRIC RELIABILITY OF THE ENGINES OF MOTOR VEHICLES Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Leo Tolstoy 42, 432048 The paper deals with parametric estimation of reliability, the reliability of predicting parametric complex parameter and its influence on the properties of the tow vehicle speed, its dynamic characteristics. The method of assessing the impact of an integrated indicator on the dynamic characteristics of vehicles. Key words: parametric reliability, traction and speed properties of the vehicle, vehicle dynamics, an integrated indicator of fuel quality. In modern vehicles, the engine is the most complex and expensive element, efficiency of which affects the by its dynamic response. The effectiveness of the vehicle is characterized matched traction-speed properties of the design values, which evaluates performance metrics. Each indicator provides a quantitative assessment of certain properties in assigned traffic conditions, and their totality - the technical level of the vehicle. Among the many indicators can highlight the dynamic factor. Dynamic factor characterize the traction-speed characteristics of the motor vehicle transport. The indicators can be determined during testing the vehicle or by simulation of on a computer. The analysis of the efficiency of the engine can be carried out at a test-bench by monitoring key parameters of work. Of motor parameters are: the engine speed, torque, while fuel consumption dose, time and fuel consumption, torque. Analyzing the components, it was found that the greatest relationship in which the power and fuel consumption (the coefficient and the coefficient of 0.74263 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 0.63418 respectively, of a unit describing the strength of the link principal components and baseline). [2] Found that the accuracy of the evaluation of the effectiveness of the engine is not impaired if the number of estimates from 7 (8) to 2 (3). Based on this study suggested a complex criterion for the quality of the engine: [2] n K S = å m i K pi i =1 (1) m i - normalized weighting factor i parameter; K pi - criterion of the quality of the engine i parameter; n - number of parameters used in the estimation. Using complex criterion efficiency of the engine is possible to assess the performance of the vehicle. The complex technical systems are characterized by a gradual loss of efficiency. To determine the failure of complex technical system must set allowable limit inefficiencies. Then the state of its output values for this limit can be considered parametric failure. The values of the conditions under which the technical system goes from a state of operability in inoperable condition is the boundary of the field of operability. These boundaries are determined by the state of the internal parameters, the quality of the technical components of the system elements. Comparing the current state of the parameter with the field of operability can exercise control over the elements of the technical system in process operation. Thus, it is possible to carry out quantitative assessments of the internal and external factors on the generic parameter. Further, the stock performance (reliability) refers to the deviation of the generalized parameter of the nominal values of the boundaries of efficiency, which leads to the (transition The motor inefficient functioning) parametric failure. Prediction of parametric of engine failures can be done using statistical regularities of reserve for reliability that characterizes the generic parameter changes over time. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Prediction of parametric of failure by the complex parameter can be regarded as stable state of the technical system for limiting modes. Stable state of the technical system for limiting modes, described by the inequality [1]: j1 (a 0 , h1 , h 2 ) £ С1 или ³ С1 ü ý j 2 (a 0 , h1 , h 2 ) £ С 2 или ³ С 2 þ (2) а0, η - the internal and external parameters of the engine; С1 , С2 - сritical (limiting) point on the boundary of stability, corresponding to the transition from stable to unstable parts of the work on each of the parameters under consideration. Using a functional diagram of a technical system or from the boundary tests revealed the "dangerous" trend of the parameters. By "dangerous" means such areas, which lead to the exit of the engine in the region of unstable operation. In (2) being calculated deflection with signs corresponding to the "dangerous" areas. The inequalities (2) take the form [1]: j1 [a 0 , (h1 ± Dh1 ), (h 2 ± Dh 2 )] = С1 , ü ý j 2 [a 0 , (h1 ± Dh1 ), (h 2 ± Dh 2 )] = С 2 .þ (3) Solving the system (2), we obtain values η1 ± Δη1 and η2 ± Δη2, ensuring stable operation of the engine when you change the same treatment in the areas considered inefficient functioning of the appropriate size and Δη1 , Δη2 at time t0. For known predictors а = f(t) is possible to determine the values of the internal parameters for a certain point in time to build the same area efficiency for them. In all cases, setting the normal (nominal) value of the mode parameters (Δη=0), return operation points in the initial position of any Вн(ηн). The minimum distance between the initial values of the operating points and critical values in the direction of the "dangerous" direction and determines reserve parametric engine reliability. If the determination of the direction is difficult, as reserve parametric reliability make the minimum distance between the point of any Вн(ηн) and the boundary of sufficient reliability. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use As an complex indicator characterizing the properties of traction-speed can select a dynamic factor. Dynamic factor - a dimensionless quantity that characterizes the potential of the car for overcome road resistance or acceleration. Dynamic factor characterizes the traction and high-speed characteristics of the car. In general, the equation of motion of the vehicle can be written [3]. М Д итрh тр / rк0 - k w АЛn 2 mа g =y + d ПМ dv × , g dt (4) МД – engine torque; uтр – transmission ratio; ηтр – the efficiency of the transmission; rк0 – rolling radius of the wheel with the Mk = 0 (driven wheel); kw – coefficient of air resistance; Ал – vehicle frontal area; v – vehicle speed; mа – mass of the vehicle; ψ – total road resistance coefficient; δПМ – coefficient of the reduced mass of the vehicle; g – acceleration of gravity; dv – acceleration of the vehicle. dt The left-hand side of equation (4) is the dynamic factor car, can be represented by the equation: D= М Д и трh тр / rк0 - к w АЛn 2 mа g , (5) Graphic representation of the dynamic factor depending on the speed of D = f(v) in all gears transmission is called the dynamic characteristics of the car (Figure 1). - the dynamic factor; ---- - border dynamic factor. Figure 1 - The vehicle dynamics URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Dynamic factor D depends on the design parameters of the vehicle and its mode of motion. Using the method of forecasting sufficient reliability for the complex parameter can indirectly evaluate and model the vehicle dynamics. Consequently, the predicted value of the dynamic factor will be within the boundaries of the dynamic factor, and to go beyond them in the event of a parametric failure. Conclusions: 1. The use of factor analysis allows us to indicators that make the greatest contribution to the variation of a set of attributes (94%), while maintaining sufficient accuracy assessment. 2. Formation of stable operation depends on the technical condition of the engine, which can be represented as a complex parameter. 3. The boundaries of sufficient reliability of the engine will determine the boundaries of the dynamic factor (probability of being in it), and to assess the reliability of the engine parameter can model the state of dynamic factor of the car, as a measure of its efficiency. References: 1. Alexandrоvskay L.N., Afanasiev A.P., Lisov A.A., Modern methods of ensuring reliability of complex technical systems. - Moscow: Logos, 2001. – 208 p. 2. Varnakov V.V., Pogodin A.V., Varnakov D.V. Evaluation of the quality of repair of engines for certification of the results of break-in tests. Repair, rehabilitation, modernization, № 8/2005. Moscow, pp. 19…22. 3. Tarasik V.P., Brench M.P. "The theory of cars and engines" Minsk.: LLC "New Knowledge", 2004, - 400 p. 4. Shishonok N.A., Repkin V.F., Barvinsky L.L. Foundations of reliability and maintenance of electronic equipment. - Moscow: Soviet Radio, 1964. - 551 p. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-034 UDC 517.977 Semichevskaya N.P., Kulchanovsky S.A. ROBUST CONTROL OF NONLINEAR NONSTATIONARY OBJECT WITH STATIONARY OBSERVER AND EXPLICIT-IMPLICIT REFERENCE MODEL Amur State University Abstract This article is focused on synthesis of the robust algorithms for control systems with a priori uncertain nonstable nonlinear scalar object with stationary observer of Luenburger and low inertial explicit-implicit reference model. Keywords: Robust algorithms; Stationary observer; Nonlinear scalar objects; model. 1. INTRODUCTION Design of robust and/or adaptive systems, where proposed object behavior is formed by using эталонной model, considers the problem of getting information about values of the object, that can’t be measured. For instance one of the methods to solve this problem is using of stationary observer, that allows us to valuate controlled object conditions values. The main goal of this paper is to discover a new method, of synthesis control systems with the scalar nonlinear object using stationary observer with the full order and fast explicit-implicit reference model. 2. PROBLEM FORMALIZATION Let’s consider a system with the nonlinear controlled object in the conditions a prior parametrical indetermination. Dynamic of this object in space of conditions is described by following equations: T dx (t ) , , , = Ax ( x, t ) + bu (t ) + f x (t ) y (t ) = L x1 (t ) x Î X dt (1) URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use where x(t ) Î R n – u (t ) Î R – control income; y (t ) Î R – outcome; influence, x – a set of undefined parameters from some known f xT (t ) = éêë0 0...0 f n (t ) úûù – set X , conditions vector; f n (t ) £ f 02 = const ; b T = éêë0 0...0 1ùúû . Let’s consider that nonlinear vector function Ax ( x, t ) is given as: Ax ( x, t ) = A(x ) x(t ) + bd x ( x1 (t )), A(x ) = A = AM + bc 0T (x ), c 0 (x ) = c 0 , ax d x ( x1 (t )) = x1 sign( x1 (t )) , (2) where AМ – proposed matrix; A, c0 – stationary matrix and stationary vector; 0 < ax £ 1. Required dynamic low inertial explicit-implicit reference model (high-speed model) is given in equations: dz M (t ) = a0 z M (t ) + a0 r (t ) , y M (t ) = z M (t ) , dt where z M (t ) , y M (t ) , r (t ) (3) – is standard value, outcome and income value; a0 = const > 0, a0 >>1 – is rather big value. According to (4), (5) might be mathematical model transformed in equal form: T dxM (t ) = AM xM (t ) + br (t ) , n M (t ) = y M (t ) = g xM (t ) , dt where xM (t ) Î R n – (4) is standard conditions vector and matrix AМ must be chosen in the such form that transform function of standard model is following: WБЭМ ( s ) = g T ( sE - AM ) -1 b = g T ( sE - AM ) + b a = 0 det( sE - AM ) s + a0 For control system (1), (2), (4) let’s show equal mathematical form and term error e(t ) = xM (t ) - x(t ) : de(t ) dt T T = AM e(t ) + bm (t ) , n (t ) = g e(t ) = g ( xM (t ) - x(t )), m (t ) = r (t ) - u (t ) - c 0T x(t ) - d ( x1 (t )) - f n (t ). (5) Object conditions vector can’t be measured, except x1(t) value, we can recover all values of the vector x(t). Estimation of the vector is made by observing current outcome changes. For this purpose we use Luenburger observer with full order according to (1), (2), (3). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use T dx (t ) = A* x (t ) + bu (t ) + Ny (е) , y (t ) = L x (t ) = x1 (t ) , dt n (t ) = g T x (t ) , where x (t ) Î R n (6) – observer’s conditions vector; y (t ) – observer’s outcome; n (t ) – general observer’s outcome; A* = (AM - NLT) – observer’s condition matrix, eigenvalues of the matrix are calculated from conformable values of vector N; values of vector N are calculated using requirement of equality polynomial coefficients det( sEn - A* ) и det( sEn - AM + NLT ) ; g = gK mode of values n (t ) and n M -1 , K – is a coefficient of the coordination in stable (t ) . Problem definition. It’s required, for the system (5), (6), that to function in the conditions of a priory indeterminate parameters define explicit control law view u(t ) = u( r (t ), x (t )) , x ÎX and initial conditions x(0), to in such way , that limit correlations hold true lim x M (t ) - x (t ) @ lim x M (t ) - x (t ) £ d x2 , t ®¥ t ®¥ (7) lim y M (t ) - y (t ) @ lim y M (t ) - y (t ) £ d y2 . t ®¥ (8) t ®¥ Basing on main synthesis steps, using gyperstability test, it was created nonlinear robust control law: u (t ) = ( h0 x T (t ) x (t ) + h2 r 2 (t ))n (t ) + h3n (t ) . (9) 3. NUMERICAL EXAMPLE It’s considered robust system (1), (2), (3), (6), (9) with following vales of control object parameters: 1 0 ö æ 0 ç ÷ , g T = éêë100, 20, 1ùúû , d ( x ) = sign( x (t )) x , 0 < q £ 1 . A=ç 0 0 1 ÷ ç - 2.5 0.5 - 8.5 ÷ ø è q 1 1 1 Imitation modeling is realized with income r(t) and influense (noise) f(t): r(t)=2/3|0.5 – cos(0.06pt)|, f(t) = 0.3 cos(0.03t), ||f(t)||<0.5. Observer’s parameters where calculated for value a0=10: URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 1 0 ö æ 0 ÷, ç AM = ç 0 0 1 ÷ ç - 1000 - 300 - 30 ÷ ø è 120 ö ÷ ç 3600 ÷ ÷ ç è - 20000 ø N = æç Robust control law coefficients have following values: h1=25, h2=50, h3=50. Dynamic of changes of control system (1), (2), (3), (6), (9) parameters is shown on the pictures. Fig.1. Controled object outcome standard model zM(t) and observer Fig.2. Difference error. Fig.3. Control income. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use z (t ) . 4. CONCLUSIONS Method discovered in this paper is used for building robust control systems with scalar nonlinear object, with fast standard model and stationary observer with full order. This method allows to create high-quality automatic control systems, with the fast stabilization, and reducing difference error. REFERENCES 1.Luenburger, D. (1966). Observers for multivariable systems. IEEE 2.Transactions on Automatic Control, 11, 190–197. 3.O’Reilly, J. (1983). Observer for linear systems. New York: Academic Press. 4.Park, J., Shin D., Chung T. (2002) Dynamic observers for linear time-invariant systems. Automatica 38, 1083–1087. J21310-035 UDC 517.958:621.225:621.454 Plaksina I.V., Kondratov D.V. HYDROELASTICITY GEOMETRICALLY IRREGULAR SHELL CONTAINING THE STRATUM OF THE VISCOUS LIQUID AND ABSOLUTELY RIGID CYLINDER, IN CONDITIONS OF HARMONIC PRESSURE Stolypin Volga Region Institute, Russia, Saratov, Sobornaya, 23/25, 410031 The mathematical model of system representing of a tube ring profile formed by two surfaces of coaxial cylindrical shells interacting with viscous incompressible liquid is considered. The external environment is vectorially irregular, and internal absolutely rigid cylinder. It is executed at a support of the grant of President MD1025.2012.8 and the grant of the RFBR 12-01-31154-mol_a. Keywords: geometrically irregular shell, hydroelasticity, viscous incompressible liquid, coaxial shells. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The composition of many modern machines and assemblies includes thin-walled members. Application of thin-walled constructions allows to diminish total weight of a construction, and as use of a liquid serves for a support of a stability to exposures. Such constructions consisting of coaxial thin-walled constructions and a viscous liquid between them, are widely applied in modern railway, automobile and an air transportation, and also space-rocket systems [1-4]. However use of thin-walled members demands the account of agency of elastic compliance of constructions with the simultaneous account of agency of a liquid that represents, even in the elementary statements, extremely complicated and labourconsuming problem. Therefore the problem of creation and research of models of such mechanical systems which are extreme coming nearer the original, searching of suitable notations of the resolving differential equations and the methods of their integration comprehensible to applications to a practice, and allowing to examine dynamic processes in the given systems is actual. Besides necessity of construction of such mathematical models it is confirmed by practice. Let's observe the mechanical system consisting from coaxial elastic of an outermost shell and absolutely rigid interior cylinder and viscous incompressible liquid between them. The fluid displaces under affecting of harmonically varying pressure on the ends of mechanical system. We shall assume, that the exterior elastic shell is geometrically irregular freely supported by the ends. The system is thermally stabilized. The mathematical model of observed mechanical system represents the linked set of equations which is powering up nonlinear partial equations of the NavierStokes and a continuity equation, partial equations for the exposition of dynamics of the external elastic ribbed cylindrical shell, gained proceeding from hypotheses Kirchhoff-Love with use of a variational principle of Hamilton, with matching boundary conditions. For the exposition geometrically irregular surfaces of a shell generalized functions Heaviside are used. The gained linked problem of hydroelasticity is solved in dimensionless variables a perturbation method after two small parameters describing a relative URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use breadth of a stratum of a liquid and a relative bending flexure external elastic geometrically an irregular shell in the conjecture of the harmonic law of a differential head in system. Such approach is widely applied in Mogilevicha L.I., Popova V.S.'s operations [2-5]. Use of the specified approach allows to linearize a problem of hydrodynamics which is solved in the conjecture, that elastic migrations of an outermost shell are unknown. Expressions for components of a velocity and a hydrodynamic pressure of a liquid are as a result gained. The shape of migrations elastic geometrically an irregular cylindrical shell we shall choose in the form of trigonometrical of some on the space coordinate with the factors, being harmonic functions on a time. Substituting expressions for components of a velocity and a hydrodynamic pressure of a liquid in dynamic equation of a shell, we shall gain system integro-differential the equations for which solution we shall search method Bubnov-Galerkin in the first, second and third oncoming. As a result we shall gain expressions for a bending flexure of an external ribbed shell both amplitude and phase frequency characteristics of a bending flexure. Calculations have displayed, that for research of behaviour of a bending flexure it is enough to use method Bubnov-Galerkin as a first approximation as the subsequent oncomings add additional peaks AFC which there are less than peaks discovered as a first approximation. The literature: 1. Bashta T.M. Machine-building hydraulics. - M.: Mashgiz, 1963. - 696 p. 2. Mogilevich L.I., Popov V.S. Applied hydroelasticity in mechanical engineering and instrument making - Saratov: SSAU, 2003. - 156 p. 3. Mogilevich L.I., Popov V.S., Popova A.A. Oscillation of a cylinder sleeve of the explosive motor with a water cooling under act of shock loadings from piston group // Problems of engineering industry and reliability of machines. 2008. №3. P.100-106. 4. Mogilevich L.I., Popova A.A., Popov V.S. Dynamics’s priests of interaction of an elastic cylindrical shell with a laminar layer of a liquid inside of it with URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use reference to a pipe-line transport // the Science and Technics of transport. 2007. №2. P. 64-72. 5. Kondratov D.V., Kondratova J.N., Mogilevich L.I. The pulsing laminar flow of a liquid on an elastic cylindrical tube of ring cross-section // Informations of the Russian Academy of Science. Mechanics of a liquid and gas. - 2009. - №4. - P. 6072. J21310-036 UDC 514.8 Boiko S.M., Honcharov V.V. GEOMETRY OF LUNAR TERMINATOR Institute of Chemical Technology, V.Dal’ East-Ukrainian National University (Rubezhnoe) Since ancient times people paid special attention to the satellite of our planet – the Moon. It isn't surprising, after all it can be observed even with the naked eye. Our satellite study started from the second century AD. Already then, scientists have studied the motion of the moon in the starry sky and determined its size and distance from Earth. Of course, it was not quite accurately, because at that time there was no special equipment. With the advent of telescopes, scientists began to study in more detail the surface of the satellite, to mark the craters and pits. The amount of our knowledge is incomparably increased from the beginning of the space age. Composition of the lunar soil became known and scientists have got its samples, made a map of the downside. A September 13, 1959 Soviet spacecraft "Luna-2" first time reached the Moon. And in 1969 "Apollo 1" landed safely and astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first man who set foot on the lunar surface. Despite the fact that the lunar program was soon phased out, it was able to deliver 380 kg of rock and spend a lot of testing and research. And, although the Moon accompanies mankind from its origin and influences on many processes on Earth (for example, the tides), we know very little about it. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Among questions which can be addressed to the satellite of our planet, there is one which can stymied many people. Most likely, everyone noticed how the Moon cyclically changes the visible form (fig. 1). In fact, the form of our satellite doesn't change. Curvature of terminator (the line dividing shined and unlit speak rapidly the Moon) changes only. There is a question: with what it is connected? Many won't see anything surprisingly in it and will answer that it is shadow from our planet (fig. 2). Well, but how to be with a phase when the Moon is halved exactly and without any curvatures (fig. 3 a)? Either our planet at some point is taking hexagon shape (fig. 3 b), or it's not a shadow. Fig. 1. The various phases of the Moon Fig. 2. The shadow of the Earth URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use To understand this situation it is necessary to resort to the methods of geometrical optics and engineering graphics [1, 2]. It is well-known that the Moon, being the satellite of our planet, rotates together with it round the Sun. Changing the lunar phase is due to changes in the conditions of lighting of a sphere of the Moon by the Sun at its motion on an orbit. Also the important role is played by the angle of observation for its terminator. Assuming that the Moon is an perfect spherical body and taking into account the considerable distance from it to the Sun, it is possible to consider that light, falling on its surface, is a stream of parallel beams (fig. 4). а б Fig. 3. The division of the Moon half-and-half URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 4. Moon's position when straight-line terminator is observed In that case, terminator, which we see from the Earth, is the line of intersection of the sphere and the light cylinder with cross-section diameter equal to the diameter of the Moon. With change of a relative positioning of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun the angle of observation for the terminator of our satellite is changed that causes change the shape of visible part of the Moon and also leads to emergence of "crescent ". The illuminated side of the Moon always points toward the Sun, even if it is hidden behind the horizon (fig. 5). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 5. Moon's "crescent" At the point when the angular distance of the Moon from the Sun is 90°, we see a straight line - the division of the satellite in half. Based on this model, we get a complete picture of the cyclic changes the outlines of our planet's satellite (fig. 6). Fig. 6. The cycle of the changes of the lunar outlines URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Thus, there is nothing mystical in changes of outlines of immemorial satellite of the Earth. Knowledge of descriptive geometry from the section about the intersection curved surfaces give a clear answer to a question about a different form of the lunar month. Terminator's form is a circle, which is the result of the section of the light cylinder. Varying the degree of its curvature is determined by the angle observing it. Computer visualization, which is shown in this paper, illustrates these conclusions. In this paper, on the example of the lunar terminator, it is shown that knowledge of descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics help to solve problems, not only the nature of applied engineering, but also the theoretical trend, in particular, problems of optics, astronomy, etc. References 1. Фролов С.А. Начертательная геометрия: учебник для втузов. – М.: Машиностроении. 1983, - 240 с. 2. Винокурова Г.Ф., Кононова О.К. Наглядные изображения: учебное пособие. – Томск: Изд-во Томского политехнического университета. 2007, 119 с. J21310-037 UDC 543.275.1.08 Bilynsky Y.Y., Ionina K.Y. THE CONTROL OF NATURAL GAS DEW POINT TEMPERATURES BY WATER AND HYDROCARBONS Vinnitsa National Technical University The device for controlling natural gas dew points by water and hydrocarbons are described in the article. Key words: dew point, humidity, natural gas, hydrocarbons, fiber. Natural gas is a very important energy source and a row material for the chemical industry. There are many demands for its quality which are stipulated by URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use international agreements. The most important index of goodness for natural gas which specifies the conditions of monophase transportation is moisture content that is indirectly evaluated by dew point temperatures by water and hydrocarbons [1, 2]. Thereby the instruments for measuring moisture content develop actively. These instruments have to increase the accuracy of moisture detection in gas during transporting and storage in order to draw a conclusion on the necessity of drying. However, the problem of measuring lies in the possibility of overlapping of gas dew point temperatures ranges by water and hydrocarbons. That is, if there are pentanes plus in gas which can condensate before water vapour, this will cause the measuring of dew point temperature by hydrocarbons or the temperature between hydrocarbons and water. That's why a problem arises for the high-precision measurement of natural gas moisture content to establish one-to-one mapping of received dew point temperature to the condensated gas component, or to use two individual canals for a separate measurement of two dew points. Thereby a task appears to develop such a device for gas humidity control which can take into account (estimate) the presence of pentanes plus, starting from butane and higher [3]. The two-channel measuring instrument of natural gas dew points by water and hydrocarbons (fig. 1) is proposed in this work. The sensing element of this instrument is a hollow fiber 3 fabricated in a form of cuvette with cone-shaped butts of beaming input-output. Besides, the fiber part for controlling water and hydrocarbons has length distributed interlaced mirrored and matt areas, respectively. A few thermoelectric coolers 6 were used for cooling, and a few temperature sensors 7 were used for temperature measurement. First channel (1, 5) is intended for measuring dew point temperature by water, and second (2, 4) – for measuring dew point temperature by hydrocarbons, particularly pentanes plus. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 1. Measuring instrument of natural gas dew points by water and hydrocarbons Dew point temperature by water is registered at the moment of a sharp stepdown of light flow on the photo detector 5 after condensation on the surfaces of the mirrors which forms fiber structure at the time of its cooling. During condensation pentanes plus form a transparent mirrored firm, so the moment of dew point temperature coming is registered by second channel's photo detector 4 as a result of sharp increasing of light flow intensity reflected from matt surfaces which are part of fiber structure. The change of summary luminous flux which gets on the photo detector at the fiber exit is estimated by formula: URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use æ S æ 1 1 ö Фвих = ç I 2 e - K X L + IS çç 2 - 2 ÷÷ ò r ç L è L0 L øU L è U0 2h é 2 2 2 2 1 ê é n1 n2 - n1 sin u - n2 cos u ù ê ú + ÷ 2 ê ê n n 2 - n 2 sin 2 u + n 2 cos u ú ø êë 1 2 1 2 û ë L ö tg u D du ÷ × 2h ù é n 2 cos u - n 2 - n 2 sin 2 u ù ú 2 1 ú ú × k × t к × t узг × t вик , +ê 1 2 2 2 2 êë n1 cos u + n2 - n1 sin u úû ú û where t к – commutator's loss, t узг – loss due to non-concordance of fields of view of the reception and lighting channels, t вик – loss due to using only part of the light flow, k – beam's reflection coefficient, n1 = 1,544 – refraction index of quartz fiber, n2 = 1,332986 – refraction index of water, I – beaming luminous intensity, S – fiber sectional area, K x – coefficient of beaming absorption in lengthwise direction, L – fiber length, D – fiber thickness, h – number of reflections, u – angle of beam entering into fiber, L0 – the beginning of beam's movement path in the fiber, U 0 = arctg ( D / 2 L0 ); U L = arctg ( D / 2 L) – minimum and maximum value of light beam entering angles, respectively, r – reflection coefficient [3]. In the proposed device the laser diodes were used as the light sources 1, 2, which provides exclusive selectivity of measurement. Using of a few thermoelectric coolers was possible because of using the coolers control microintegrated system 8, which allows equalizing the temperature at all length of fiber structure for the purpose of avoiding the influence of temperature gradient. Relative humidity is estimated by the value of gas dew point temperature [3, 4]. The proposed structure allows drawing a conclusion on fitness of analyzed gas based on two indices: dew point temperatures by water and dew point temperatures by hydrocarbons. After conducting a series of measurements the microcontroller averages the received values, compares them with normalized ones and draws a conclusion on gas conformity to requirements of standards. The advantage of the proposed device is an easy structure with the ability of simultaneous control of two parameters, because a number of companies, such as URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Michell Instruments and Ametek, are using different types of sensors for a separate analysis of dew point temperatures by water and hydrocarbons, which considerably complicates the structure of measuring system, particularly the necessity of using different types of transformers, and that leads to higher cost [3]. However, the proposed structure has a disadvantage that is connected with a complexity of cleaning the fiber from inside in case it gets dirty. That’s why an additional blowing system is needed. It’s far more convenient to use planar fibers when the beam is not contacting with the analyzed environment. Such a structure can also have two channels. The first one is intended for measuring dew point temperatures by water, and the second one – for measuring by hydrocarbons. The structure of measuring instrument of gas dew point on the basis of hollow fiber, that provides an increase of sensitivity and accuracy due to selectivity of measurement based on dew points by water and hydrocarbons, is proposed in the article. References: 1. Berliner М. А. Humidity measurement. / М. А. Berliner – М. : Energiya, 1973, – 400 p. 2. Natural combustible gases. Humidity measurement methods: State Standard 20060-83. – М. : Izdatelstvo standartov, 1983. – 10 p. 3. Bilynsky Y.Y., Ionina K.Y. Mathematical model of measuring transducer of gas dew point with measurement selectivity // Visnik Vinnitskogo Politekhnichogo instituta, Vinnitsa, (№3, 2012). 170-175. 4. Pat. 64355 Ukraine G01N 19/00. Condensation hygrometer of natural gas / Bilynsky Y.Y., Ionina K.Y.; patentee and holder of patent – Vinnitsa National Technical University; dec. 14.03.2011; publ. 10.11.2011, Bul. №21. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-038 UDC 004.2 Kuznetsov E.M. ANALYSIS METHODS CICN Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics This article discusses the methods of corporate computer networks. Keywords: CICN, analysis research methods CICN. Problem of research and optimization of enterprise LAN engaged in many Russian and foreign scientists: E. Tanenbaum, Ivanov KI, Kulgin M. Schwartz, M., Yanbyh GF, Krylov VV Vishnevsky VM ., Klimanov VP [1], Olifer VG Olifer N. Petrov, M., A. Means, Alekseev IV, Kennedy, K., et al Having regard to the following methods of queuing of the existing approaches to the formalization of the description of the functioning of the most common CICN found the following: - Method of aggregates; - A method of piecewise linear aggregative systems; - A method of escape sequences; - Predicate form; - Probabilistic automata; - Systems and queuing networks. LAN representation in terms of the language of queuing networks is the basis for the analytical and simulation LAN. However, this must be properly and adequately set both the application processing system, and a full set of its internal states, how often, and "extremely" rare. In this case, the processing properties of the device there is considerable information about its environment, ie, on the nearest neighbors in the network, and distant neighbors. Due to the fact that the volume of such information may increase dramatically, and, in turn, lead to increased routing traffic, network topology is actually determined not only and not so much the physical connections in a network of computers, but also by the logical records that a URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use certain degree of confidence reflect the properties of a real network in the current moment. In the paper [1], a methodology for the analysis of probabilistic-time characteristics (VVH) LAN topologies, components through the development of mathematical models of the LAN. Moreover, the developed model, both for the individual functional elements and their composition in a LAN with basic, simple and complex topologies. This paper defines a new subclass of the models in the form of open LAN multiplicative queuing networks with dynamic routing matrix, which allows you to describe CICN with adaptive control and flow distribution. Developed ways to describe the functioning CICN as systems of balance equations intensities and load factors (the method of numerical solution of the balance equations, methods of computing the integral VVH). The proposed analytical approach allowed us to decrease the time development of mathematical models of composite LAN topologies and implement a more profound and rapid analysis of VVH LAN. Among recently appeared works aimed at improving the efficiency CICN note thesis [4]. In [1] justified demands, efficient synthesis and complete analysis of the development of technological solutions CICN. It is shown that the development of network solutions to be implemented the following functions: • use statistical, reference and background information as well as information on the structure and composition of the tasks undertaken CICN; • This information should also be used to develop a model to enable the use of the complex in its entirety in the initial phase of operation; • Provides the ability to view and edit the user the full range of information to be used in the development and CICN analysis of the simulation designed network; • Provides the user the ability to edit network solutions in accordance with the characteristics of the equipment and communication lines, the organizational structure of the corporation, the parameters of tasks; URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use • Deliver the possibility of network analysis solutions obtained by other methods. The paper [4] aims to increase efficiency of the processes of modernization and transformation of trunk, including telecommunications networks. The variants of the transmission of different types of traffic, including the provision of new network services, generating additional traffic. In general, we consider the development of a phased plan for the modernization and development of the backbone network based on the given initial conditions and restrictions on the characteristics of the communication quality, the reliability characteristics. In solving the problem takes into account the projected growth of traffic, by creating a new communication nodes, the connection of new access networks, launching new lines. Modernization is installing new lines, installation of new, changing or moving the switching and terminal equipment, redistribution of existing information flows. As a result, especially in view of the major networks and their performance criteria to be formulated and solved by mathematical modeling of the optimal design structure of corporate backbone. The structure is represented as an undirected graph. Carried out in [2] studies are based on the consideration of the simulated LAN multiplicative as open queuing networks. In modeling methodology was used probabilistic analysis of the temporal characteristics of LAN topologies, components based on an analytical modeling. The method for calculating the total decomposition relating to analytical methods of calculations. When this method is decomposed into individual network elements that can be represented as isolated single-server queuing system. The system of equations, derived from the decomposition method is iterative numerical methods. References: 1. Klimanov VP Methodology for the analysis of probabilistic-time characteristics of the local area network topologies based on composite analytical URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use modeling / Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Moscow, 1992. - 389 p. 2. Kuznetsov EM Design and analysis of test restructuring of local area networks / / Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Information technology Technology and Applications" - Penza 2009. S. 93-97. 3. Lipaev VV, Colin K., Serebrovskii LA Mathematical software control a computer. Moscow, Publishing House of the "Soviet Radio" 1972. -528 S. 4. Kuznetsov EM Restructuring CICN to level it loads / / PhD thesis Stankin, Moscow 2012 J21310-039 UDC 004.2 Kuznetsov E.M., Banov A.S. CICN RESTRUCTURING AND ITS EFFECT ON PERFORMANCE NETWORK Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics This article examines the restructuring of corporate computer networks. Keywords: CICN, performance CICN. One of the key information is the corporate computer network. Corporate Area Network - is a multicomputer system of one company, consisting of interacting LAN units [5]. The relevance of this work is of great significance for all kinds of businesses and organizations of the importance of a stable and efficient operation of corporate computer networks. In recent years, much of the debate concerning the development of corporate management, takes place in the framework of the practical application of modern information technology. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Of course, depending on the application information systems can vary greatly in their functions, architecture and implementation. However, we can discern at least two properties that are common to all information systems. First, any information system designed to collect, store and process information. Therefore, the basis of any information system is the storage medium, and data access. Environment should provide a level of reliability and efficiency of storage access that match the scope of the information system. [2] Second, information system oriented to the end user, such as a bank clerk. These users can be very far from the world of computers. For them, a terminal, a personal computer or workstation is a mere instrument of their own careers. Therefore, the information system must have a simple, convenient, easy to learn interface, which should provide the end user with all the necessary functions for its operation. Building a corporate network provides: 1. Access implementation specialists in various departments of large enterprises for general corporate information resources; 2. A single, centralized management, administration, and maintenance of information - communication resources; 3. Organization of a single e-mail and electronic documents; 4. Effective protection of corporate information assets from unauthorized access; 5. The interaction of the corporate network to the business of large enterprises the systems of other organizations, computer networks of government agencies, financial - credit agencies, etc., involved in the exchange of information on the rights of users of corporate telecommunications systems; 6.Funktsionalnuyu scalability, providing a corporate computer network, as a constantly developing and improving, open to the introduction of new hardware and software resources to develop and improve the content and quality of information communication services without disrupting the normal functioning of the network. [6] To date, the accumulated considerable baggage scientific approaches the solution of improving the quality of health CICN, both domestic and foreign URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use scientists. The aim of my work is to study methods of restructuring of corporate computer networks Corporate information - computer network is very important for organizations and is indispensable for the further development of the organization or company. The main task is to search, study and research methods of restructuring CICN. References: 1. Klimanov VP Methodology for the analysis of probabilistic-time characteristics of the local area network topologies based on composite analytical modeling / Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Moscow, 1992. - 389 p. 2. Kuznetsov EM Design and analysis of test restructuring of local area networks / / Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Information technology Technology and Applications" - Penza 2009. S. 93-97. 3. Kuznetsov EM The study of operating characteristics CICN order to optimize its structure / / Proceedings of the conference "Scientific research and its practical application. Present status and the development '2012 'Volume 4 Engineering - p. 7882. 4. Kuznetsov EM Restructuring CICN to level it loads / / PhD thesis Stankin, Moscow 2012 5. SD Kuznetsov. Design and development of corporate information systems 6. O. Polukeev, D. Koval. Business modeling and information system architecture 7. Computer networks. Principles, technologies, protocols / VG Olifer, NA Olifer. - St.: Peter, 2001. - 672s. 8. M. Kulgin. Technology enterprise setey.Entsiklopediya. - St.: Peter, 2000. 704 p. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-040 UDC 004.2 Kuznetsov E., Skvortsov P.S. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS CICN Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics This article describes methods for analyzing the performance of corporate computer networks. Keywords: CICN, methods of performance analysis CICN. The relevance of this work is of high importance for corporate network to the success of today's organizations and effective management. The rapid development of information - communication systems has increased the interest of effective use of network resources, network, and ready access to them. All this requires various research and study of the network in order to increase its effectiveness. An important property of an effective solution to the problem is to minimize labor costs and trends of development of the organization. These problems are acute in the computer systems of special purpose. These objects are: 1. Military facilities; 2. Energy; 3. Transport infrastructure and etc. For example, uninterrupted movement of trains, cargo and air are impossible without well-functioning system of communication, instant communication, decision making, information security systems and diagnostics. The technology of the client server often have difficulty in accessing the server a number of clients. This situation is becoming more and more frequent with the expansion of services in the network server. Among providers, there is a lot of competition for their clients. In such circumstances, customers are becoming more demanding and expect a high quality of service. Violation of service is not acceptable, because it primarily affects the income and image of the organization in network downtime. As a consequence, the URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use organization will lose a lot of customers and it will be a great stimulus for the subsequent bankruptcy. The analysis of the literature showed that a number of difficulties associated with the processing, distribution and transmission of information flows. In this regard, the role of the networks Data Corporate Information - Area Network (CICN), their software, and subsequent restructuring. I believe that this issue is very relevant at this time. The aim of this work is a summary of the concepts and definitions CICN restructuring and its impact on network performance, based on the literature and research of various authors. I would like first of all to define "Corporate Information Area Network (CICN)." I propose to consider several definitions of the concept: 1. Corporate information - area network (CICN) - is an integrated management system of geographically distributed corporation, based on in-depth analysis of the data, the widespread use of information systems, decision support, electronic document management and record keeping. [1] 2. Corporate information - area network (CICN) - is one company multicomputer system consisting of interacting LAN units. [3] 3. Corporate information - area network (CICN) - is the network scale corporations that actively use Internet technologies for information exchange. They belong to a special class of local networks with a large area of coverage. [4] 4. Corporate information - area network (CICN) - corporate WANs by company or group of companies with a common goal for the production of joint action, that is, self-made information and computer-based network TCP / IP, perform the same functions as are the TOS, but also extends to supporting information only within a single organizational structure predpriyatiy5. 5. Corporate information - area network (CICN) - enterprise information system, whose main objective is the information support of industrial, administrative and management processes (business processes) that form the products or services of the company. [2] URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use There are a lot many definitions CICN, but I think I have indicated the position fully reflect the essence of the concept. Next I would look at some definition of the term "restructuring", but no precise definition of the sources can not give. Often the term "Restructuring" is replaced by a more intuitive and familiar for us the term "modernization", "Re-engineering" and so dalee.Izuchiv many sources, I still managed to find some definitions of the term "restructuring": 1. In English the "Restructuring» (restructuring) - this is the restructuring of anything. The Latin word structure (structura) means order, arrangement, structure [6]. 2. Restructuring - is a kind of reorganization, restructuring what else. [7] At the end of article I would like to say that we have examined only a small part of the question of restructuring CICN. From the above definitions, we can conclude that corporate information - computer network is very important for organizations and is indispensable for the further development of the organization or company. As the scale of the enterprise and therefore increase the number of network users, there is a need for restructuring CICN, which in turn will ensure reduction of labor costs and minimizes the financial costs of the company in upgrading the computer park. References: 1. Klimanov VP Methodology for the analysis of probabilistic-time characteristics of the local area network topologies based on composite analytical modeling / Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Moscow, 1992. - 389 p. 2. Kuznetsov EM Design and analysis of test restructuring of local area networks / / Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Information technology Technology and Applications" - Penza 2009. S. 93-97. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 3. Lipaev VV, Colin K., Serebrovskii LA Mathematical software control a computer. Moscow, Publishing House of the "Soviet Radio" 1972. -528 S. 4. Kuznetsov EM Restructuring CICN to level it loads / / PhD thesis Stankin, Moscow 2012 5. Ablova IV, Lectures: "Enterprise Information Systems", [electronic resource]: 08.11.2012 21:55:42 6. Spiridonov DV Article: "Terminology: information technology», [web-site]: 09.11.2012 0:20:08 7. "Corporate Area Network (FAC), the concept and purpose," [electronic resource]: 08.11.2012 23:44:02 8. Lecture notes: "Information and computer networks. Concept and types of computer networks, "[electronic resource]: 17561.html 08.11.2012 23:56:47 9. Lecture notes: "The concept of networks. Corporate information systems. Structure and purpose of CIS. Characteristic. Requirements for the organization CICN. Processes. Multilevel organization CICN», [web-site]: 09.11.2012 0:09:08 10. «Expert RA», [web-site]: 09.11.2012 0:27:28 11. Collection of articles: "Crisis management enterprise" [electronic resource]: 09.11.2012 0:44:49 J21310-041 UDС 621.65.01 Bobkov A.V. DEFORMATION OF STREAM BY MEANS OF RESISTANCE, DISPERSED ALONG CROSS-SECTIONAL INTERSCAPULAR CHANNELS OF CENTRIFUGAL MACHINE Komsomolsk-on-Amur state technical university URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The problems of increase of power efficiency of shoulder-blade machines are considered by means of sources of indignation of stream, machines set in driving wheels. Keywords: shoulder-blade machine; driving wheel; frontal turbulization of stream; turbulent indignation, gradient of static pressure. Deformation of stream under the action of revolting factor is accompanied by the change of speed, pressure, temperature and closeness of tubes of current of working body. As the indicated factor often use the turbulization of stream by means of the resistance dispersed along cross-sectional of channel. A turbulization allows to do even the field of speeds and due to it to localize, for example, the zone of tearing away, arising up on the areas of change of diameter of channel or turn of stream. In stationary due to a turbulization it is possible to bring down the level of hydraulic losses or prevent the self-excited oscillations of static pressure, generated by the zones of tearing away. In shoulder-blade machines, being totality of immobile and running around channels, except the decline of hydraulic losses there is other task: increase the brought power over of the machine by implication characterized by the coefficient of pressure [1, 2]. This parameter is especially important for the shoulder-blade machines used in transport systems: aviation, space and other in that there are limitations on mass and sizes of devices. Question, how will a frontal turbulization of stream influence on by the coefficient of pressure of shoulder-blade machines? For realization of analysis, from a few well-known constructions of turbulent возмутителей [3, 4] we will choose flow through stream turbulizer (ST) as the thinwalled perforated partition located on periphery of driving wheel [5], see a fig. 1. We will accept, that distribution of speeds is in a stream, running into ФТ uneven and has regular character. We will break up all stream on n tubes of current. We will distinguish the i tube of current (see a fig. 2). We will write down equalization of Bernoulli for an area 2-2 - 2¢-2¢: URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use p 2i + r W 2 sin 2 b2¢i W22i sin 2 b2i + DpSТ , = p 2¢i + r 2¢i 2 2 (1) where р 2i , р 2¢i , и W2i, W2¢i - static pressure and relative speed, accordingly, in sections 2-2 и 2¢-2¢; r - closeness, b2i , b2¢i - angles of slope of trajectory of relative motion are in sections 2-2 и 2¢-2¢; DрSТ - hydraulic resistance of ST, equal: DpSТ WS2Тi sin 2 bSТi , = x SТ r 2 (2) where parameters with the index of SТi behave to the parameters of flow through SТ in the zone of i tube of current, xSТ - coefficient of resistance of SТ. We will accept in the first approaching: 2 SТi W W22i sin 2 b2i = , fS2Т (3) Driving wheel ST Fig. 1. ST is set on peripheries of driving wheel where fSТ = å f аоо f SТ - coefficient of living section of SТ, fаоо - an area of one opening is in SТ, fSТ - area of surface of SТ. We will enter the coefficient of smoothing of stream in k- й to the tube of current W2 k after her passing through SТ: URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use W Tube of Fig. 2. Kinematics parameters of tube of current at a flow through stream turbulizer (SТ): а) to SТ; b) after SТ W2i = W2i - W2¢i . W2i (4) Taking into account the entered denotations a formula (1) assumes an air: ( ) W 2 (1 - W2i ) sin 2 b 2¢i - sin 2 b 2i (1 - xSТ fS2Т ) . p 2i = p 2¢i + r 2i 2 2 (5) The analysis of expression (5) shows that on condition of smoothing of the field of static pressure after SТ ( р 2¢i =const.) height of pressure in the zone of braking before SТ straight proportional W22i , will be uneven along front of turbulent indignation. Setting of SТ on periphery of driving wheel results in appearance of additional gradient of static pressure in the channels of driving wheel. Generation of additional unevenness in a stream will have a positive result: increase of over fall of static pressure in circuitous direction between pressure and back parties of shoulder-blades of driving wheel and, as a result, to the increase of coefficient of pressure. The analysis of results of deformation of stream in the channels of shoulderblade machine allows to draw conclusion about expedience of the use turbulent not only for smoothing of stream but also as generators of additional gradients of static pressure. It is due to it possible to soup up shoulder-blade machine, not changing her radial sizes and localizing zones decompressed on included in a pump. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use References: 1. Bobkov А.V., Tsvetkov Е. О. Increase of pressure qualities of centrifugal pump of the system of temperature control // International magazine of the applied and fundamental researches. 2012. № 10. P. 110. 2. Bobkov А.V., Tsvetkov Е. О. About the problem of power balance at the use of stream turbulizer of stream a shoulder-blade machine // International magazine of the applied and fundamental researches. 2012. № 10. P. 111. 3. Bobkov А.V. Estimation of influence of frontal stream turbulizer on hydraulic resistance of diffuser // Modern problems of science and education. -2012. -№ 3. URL: (date of appeal: 29.05.2012). 4. Bobkov А.V. Problems of spatial turbulization of stream are in the driving wheels of shoulder-blade machines // Collection of scientific works of Sworld on materials of international research and practice conference. - 2011. -Т. 2, № 3. - P. 36-37. 5. A copyright certificate 240480 the USSR, ICI 2 F04D 29/22. Centrifugal pump / А.С. Shapiro, L.V. Nekljudov, B.V. Ovsyannikov and et al (USSR). – № 1216642/25–08. It is declared 06.11.68; It is published 21.03.69, Bull. № 12. J21310-042 UDC 621.002.3-002.237 Lysak I.A., Lysak G.V. THE MODIFICATION OF MELT-BLOWN POLYPROPYLENE MATERIAL INFLUENCE OF THE FIELD OF MICROWAVE RADIATION National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, 634050, Russia, Tomsk, Lenina, 30 Molecular structure of melt-blown polypropylene material, before and after exposure to the microwave radiation of a fixed capacity, was investigated by using methods of thermal and X-ray structure analysis. It is shown that smectic URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use mesomorphic structure of polypropylene melt-blown material is transformed into the monoclinic α-crystal structure under the influence of the microwave radiation. Key words: polypropylene, melt-blown, molecular structure, machine building Currently polymer nonwoven materials massively used in machine building industry, considerable advantages of them have melt-blown polypropylene materials (MPM) [1]. They are characterized by extensive specific surface area, resistance to hostile environment and low flow resistance. Decisive impact on the properties of polypropylene and its products has a molecular and supramolecular structure of the polymer chain. It is known that the external physical influences, such as the field of microwave radiation, can have an impact on its structure [2]. Thus, the aim of this work was to investigate the changes in the structure of the MPM at short exposure of the field of microwave radiation to create materials with directionally altered properties. Prepared a series of samples MPM [3] before and after exposure to the microwave radiation at the microwave with an output power of 1 kW and an operating frequency of 2,45 GHz. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was performed using the diffractometer XRD-6000 with CuKα-radiation. Thermal analysis was performed using simultaneous thermal analyzer NETZSCH STA 449 C Jupiter. According to the XRD, structure of the initial samples represented 33% of the smectic mesomorphic form, which is identified by the presence of two broad peaks located at 2q = 14,8°(5,99) и 21,4°(4,19). The proportion of the amorphous phase is 67%. At the same time, the microwave exposure initiates processes of structural and phase transformations of the samples. Influenced by the impact of the microwave radiation unstable smectic mesomorphic form is transformed into the most thermodynamically stable α-crystalline monoclinic, which is characterized by a monoclinic unit cell with parameters a=6,65 А°, b=20,96 А°, c=6,50 А°, β=99,3. The results of XRD analysis confirmed the results of thermal studies. Thermal analysis of the original polypropylene nonwoven has shown weight loss from the initial weight of the sample less than 2% in the temperature range 40–190 °С and a small endothermic effect (40–50 °C). This suggests that that the heating is URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use accompanied by the removal of unstructured water molecules, adsorbed on the fiber surface. Melting peak of the sample starts around 130 °С and has maximum at 164 °C. Before melting endothermic peak there is a weak exothermic peak at about 100 °C, due to the process of transformation of the smectic phase in monoclinic structure, which is consistent with the data presented in [4]. Thermal analysis of the samples of MPM after exposure to the microwave radiation confirmed transformation smectic phase to crystalline due to heating as a result of dipole shifts of water molecules. The DSC curve has only one endothermic melting peak of the crystalline phase. As seen from the TG curve in the temperature range 40–190 °С no loss of mass of the sample, indicating that the removal of water molecules from the sample surface by microwave heating. Thus found that the orientation of the adsorbed on the fiber surface water dipoles along the force lines of alternating microwave field causes heating, and the smectic mesomorphic structure of the MPM is completely transformed into the stable monoclinic α-crystalline. Therefore, modification of MMP at influence the microwave radiation leads to an increase in tensile strength, heat resistance, hardness, i.e. is improved the physical and mechanical properties of polypropylene materials. This opens up the possibility to create and use the polypropylene nonwovens with new competitive advantages in machine building industry. References: 1. Pinchuk L.S., Goldade V.A., Makarevich A.V., Kestelman V.N. Melt Blowing: equipment, technology, and polymer fibrous materials. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer, 2002, 212 p 2. Microwave processing of materials / Committee on Microwave Processing of Materials: An Emerging Industrial Technology, National Materials Advisory Board, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council Washington, DC : National Academy Press, 1994 - . 150 p URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 3. Patent № 2345182 RU. The device for producing fibrous materials of thermoplastic / G.G. Volokitin, D.A. Filonenko, N.K. Skripnikova, A.A. Shchukin, I.A. Lysak - publ. 27.01.2009 4. Asakawa H., Nishida K., Matsuba G., Kanaya T., and Ogawa H. // Journal of Physics, 2011. - V. 272. - p. 11-14. J21310-043 UDC 004.942:[631.342+630*24] Bukhtoyarov L.D., Sergienko D.S. RESEARCH INTO IMPACT FORCE ON A FLEXIBLE SEGMENT OF INERTIAL CUTTING ROTOR ACTUATING DEVICE Voronezh State Academy of Forestry and Technologies, In this report the process of acceleration and stabilization of flexible actuating device after impact force on one of its segments is described. Key words: simulation model, rotor, chain, the contact of solids. When growing forest cultures it is necessary to conduct their lighting, which is cutting of shoots of secondary species. For cutting machines with rotors are applied on which flexible inertial cutting working bodies are fixed (Fig. 1). During rotation by the forces of inertia, the chain takes horizontal position and cuts undesirable undersized trees and shrubs. [1] Fig. 1. General view of the brush cutter and a model of the rotor URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use In the interaction of working body with cut vegetation on the chain is influenced by the force of cutting resistance. Since the chain is flexible, then obtaining analytical solution is not a trivial task. We have developed a simulation model of the rotor of brush cutter, which determines the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the process of acceleration, and dropping of shoots [2, 3]. In this paper we consider the stabilization process of chain after stroke impact, depending on rated rotation speed of the rotor. The general problem is as follows: [ M ]&s&(t ) + [C ]s&(t ) + [ K ]s (t ) = f (t ) , (1) where [K] - stiffness matrix; [C] - damping matrix; [M] - mass matrix; s (t) vector of displacement; s&(t ) – velocity vector; &s&(t ) –vector of acceleration. The initial conditions are: rotor weight 10.82 kg; weight of the first and second links 0.318 kg each one, coordinates of weight center of the rotor, mm (0, 0, 10) and the coordinates of weight center of the first and second links, mm (-144.6, 17.43, 2.68), (148.46, 101.5, 2.79). Rotor acceleration with flexible inertial cutting bodies takes place in accordance dependencies with the specified by us (Fig. 2) Fig. 2. Acceleration characteristics of the rotor URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Three seconds later, flexible working body goes to the nominal operating mode and in 0.001 seconds force is applied to it, characterizing the impact effect (Fig. 3). Fig. 3. Time scale showing the stroke moment and the general appearance of the rotor indicating direction of force application to the chain link Fig. 4. The time variation of the potential energy at the second link in the chain for the following modes: a) acceleration to 420 r / min, b) acceleration to 840 r / min, and c) acceleration to 1500 r / min, and d) acceleration to 2000 r / min. Fig. 4 shows that in high frequency stabilization of chain after stroke will take less time. Thus, the stabilization time at the speed 2000 r / min. is two seconds, and at URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use a frequency of 480 ... 840 r / min. within 10 seconds after application of the stroke there are changes of potential energy of chain. We have developed a simulation model which allows taking computer experiment with different design parameters of the rotor and flexible working body, and to justifying the feed rate depending on the intensity of impact loads (cutting of shoots). Literature: 1. Bartenev I.M. Structures and parameters of the machine to clear forest land / I.M. Bartenev, M.V. Drapalyuk, P.I. Parsons, L.D. Bukhtoyarov. - M. // Flint: Science, 2007. - 208. 2. Bukhtoyarov LD, Sergienko DS. The study of acceleration and shock chain of small-diameter trunk trees and shrubs / / Journal of Forest Engineering. - 2013. № 1 (9). - P. 110-115. 3. Drapalyuk M.V. Bukhtoyarov L.D., Sergienko D.S. The study of the kinematics chain with rotor acceleration in the horizontal and vertical / / Journal of Forest Engineering. - 2012. - № 4 (8). - P. 101-110. J21310-044 Piontkovskaya S.А., Mastaeva S.P., Petinov Y.О. ANALYSIS OF TRANSITION THERMAL PROCESS IN AUTOMOTIVE LAMPS Togliatti State University, Togliatti, Belarusian,14, 445667 The article is devoted to the justification of the use of the parameters of the transition thermal process in the technical diagnosis of vehicle lighting products. Key words: transition thermal process, incandescent, diagnostic parameter To justify the use of the technical diagnosis of vehicle lighting products, as an alternative diagnostic parameter instantaneous value of current, at the initial moment URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use of commutation of incandescent, it is necessary to analyze the thermal transition in the incandescent and put the theoretical dependence of the instantaneous current of its design parameters. Consider the transition process in the vehicle incandescent with the following assumptions: - heat removal from the filament is neglected (adiabatic process); - believe that the specific heat is independent of temperature, a comparative analysis of this gives an error of not more than 5%. Resistance of the filament: R(J ) = r J l ; r = r 0 (1 + aJ ) , S (1) - current temperature. Incandescent current by Ohm's law: i (t ) = U U , R(J ) (2) - board voltage, fixed in time. The heat released in the incandescent due to the current flow: dQ = i 2 (t )R(J )dt (3) dQ = cglSdJ , (4) Thermal state of the conductor: c - heat capacity of filament material; g - the proportion of the material; l - the length of the filament; S- the filament section; dJ - the temperature increment of the thread. Heat balance: cglSdJ = i 2 (t )R(J )dt (5) A similar problem is solved by thermal calculation of fuse elements. Solution of the problem is significantly simplified, since current fuse is specified by parameters of protected circuit. In this case, changing resistance of the filament determines its current. In case (5) we divide variables: URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use i 2 (t )dt = cglS dJ dJ 2 ( ) i t dt = c g lS ò ò R(J ) или R(J ) . (6) But, as the resistance is R(J ) = l r 0 (1 + aJ ) S (7) the right side of the equation takes the following form сglS ò A– dJ cgS 2 = r0 R(J ) dJ cgS 2 1 = ò (1 + aJ ) ar 0 ln A (1 + aJ ) , a constant. Substituting into equation (6), we obtain 2 ò i (t )dt = cgS 2 ar 0 ln 1 (1 + aJ ) Þ - ar 02 ò i 2 (t )dt = ln 1 (1 + aJ ) . A A cgS Making successive transformations, using the properties of powers and separation of variables, we obtain: 1 ar 0 t+B = 2i (t ) сgs 2 , 2 В – a constant. Thus i 2 (t ) = 1 ö æ ar 2çç 02 t + B ÷÷ , è сgs ø and finally: i (t ) = ± 1 æ ar ö. 2çç 02 t + B ÷÷ è сgs ø We’ll find the constant В. Let at t = t1 , i(t ) = i(t1 ) , then (8) takes the following form i (t1 ) = ± 1 æ ar ö 2çç 02 t1 + B ÷÷ . è сgs ø We perform basic algebraic calculations URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (8) i 2 (t1 ) = 1 ö æ ar 2çç 02 t1 + B ÷÷ ø è сgs ar 0 1 t +B= 2 2 1 сgs 2i (t1 ) B= ar 1 - 02 t1 2i (t1 ) сgs . 2 Substituting the found value В in (8) 1 æ ar 1 ar ö 2çç 02 t + 2 - 02 t1 ÷÷ . 2i (t1 ) сgs ø è сgs i (t ) = ± i (t ) = ± 1 æ ar 1 ö ÷ 2çç 02 (t - t1 ) + 2 2i (t1 ) ÷ø è сgs i (t ) = ± Let i (t1 ) = i (0) = t1 = 0 , in this case 1 2ar 0 1 . (t - t1 ) + 2 2 сgs i (t1 ) J = Jнач , then R(Jнач ) = lr 0 (1 + aJнач ) , s Us and as a result we obtain lr 0 (1 + aJнач ) i (t ) = s 2ar 0 l r02 (1 + aJнач ) 2 t+ cg U2 2 . (9) This dependence (9) can be used to calculate the transient current in a real circuit. The validity of this expression with the assumptions can be considered within the time from power on to the establishment of the current. Analyzing (9), we can make the following conclusions: - the second term of the radicand in t =0 specifies the initial value of the current i ( 0) ; - the first term of the radicand specifies the transition thermal process; - in general, the equation (9) allows us to estimate variations in characteristics of the incandescent when possible violation of its production, thus, to use the URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use parameters of transient not only for diagnosis of the assembled vehicle, but also for the quality control of certain incandescent. Let t уст – to be a time, when J achieve the operating temperature of the filament (for wolfram it’s 2700°С). Then (9) transforms into t уст = cg æç s l 2 r02 (1 + aJнач ) 2 ö÷ 2 ÷. 2ar 0 çè I уст U2 ø (10) Assuming that I уст = P U, (11) than (10) takes the form t уст = cg æ s 2U 2 l 2 r 02 (1 + aJнач ) 2 ö ç ÷÷ . 2ar 0 çè P 2 U2 ø (12) In practice, the value t уст expressed by (12) can be used to establish the time of the recording equipment (sweep duration, while the program calculate the parameters of the transition process, etc.). We define the first derivative of the current at the time of commutation: 3 ö 2ar 0 æ di (t ) Us aU 3 s ar 0U 3s 3 ç ÷ = = =2cgs 2 çè lr0 (1 + aJнач ) ÷ø cgl 3 r02 (1 + aJнач )3 . dt t = 0 cgs 2l 3 r03 (1 + aJнач )3 Dividing constants and design parameters of the incandescent, finally we obtain: di (t ) s aU 3 = × 3 2 3 dt t = 0 cgr0 (1 + aJнач ) l (13) Thus, instantaneous value of current at the initiate moment of commutation of the incandescent might be used while diagnostic of vehicle lighting products as an alternative diagnostic parameter. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-045 UDC 614.73.16 A.V. Litvinenko, N.P. Yuhimenko PNEUMATIC CLASSIFICATION OF THE GRANULAR MATERIALS Sumy state university, 2 Rimskogo – Korsakova street, Sumy 40007 This article deals with the classification process, apparatus used for classification, characteristics of the new apparatus, test results using the new model. Key words: pneumatic classification, particle, separation, flow part, terminal velocity, hydraulic resistance. Granular materials separation processes become more and more important nowadays due to high demands which are put to raw materials and middling products and because of production increase. High demands are put to the dispersed materials which are raw materials or final products in chemical, mining, building and other industrial branches. Often the final products are in the form of powder, coarsegrained material or granules, quality of which depends much on their uniformity. Classification (fractionating) is a process when mixed granular materials are separated into two or more segregated populations of granules thus main product can contain very small quantity of the materials from other classes. Fractionating of the granular materials is used for mineral fertilizers production [1] and for production of electrodes (when high dispersed particles must be removed from the raw material in the burning furnace) It is also used for cleaning and preparation of the seeds, which is an important agricultural technological process necessary before sowing. High separation level in the dispersed materials classification process has big influence not only on the raw material unit consumption and its quality but also on the productivity and efficiency of other machines and apparatus in the technological scheme, and as a result it has influence on the technical and economical capacity of the production in general. Main aims of the separation processes in different industrial branches are the following: URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 1) to get the dust -free products with minimal quantity of the fine grades; 2) to remove the coarse grades for getting the finely dispersed product; 3) to separate the material on some grades where each grade has different average size, and quantity of the fine and coarse grades in each product is limited; to separate the polydispersed material into more than two grades each having the stated granulometric composition. Pneumatic classification is based on the speed difference of the different fractions particles terminal velocity in the airstream. This method of classification is more improved than mechanical and hydraulic classifications and has some advantages. Using pneumatic classification method it is possible to separate the original material into all physical and mechanical characteristics of the fractions: size, form, surface roughness and density. Comparing with hydraulic classification method pneumatic method makes it possible to get the products dry and so the energy consumption when using the pneumatic method is much lower. These advantages of the pneumatic method make it widespread in different industrial branches. The simplest construction of the pneumatic apparatus was in the form of the vertical chamber in the middle part of which the polydispersed material was put. This apparatus did not become popular because its productive capacity was low and fraction separation was not good enough. Later models were in the zigzag form, F. Kaiser apparatus [2], where thanks to gas flow turns there appear centrifugal forces and particles circulation process begins. It is easier to produce the apparatus which are in the form of straight vertical chamber with rectangular section where there are lots of shelves at an angle to the flow through the opposite sides of the chamber. Quite good separation results one gets using the apparatus where in the vertical chamber there is created the fluidizated layer on the specific grate. [3,4]. One of the first apparatus of this kind is Gonnel modernized apparatus [5]. Barskiy M.D. [6] taken into consideration F. Kaiser research, proposed new principles of the efficient gravitational process classification and worked out their physical fundamental principles. Main point of these principles is that gas suspension URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use motion is unsteady due to cascade of contact elements which are in the separation channel. Cascade pneumatic classification apparatus designs are actively developed; so in the new designs one uses full downward perforated shelves. To improve effective granular materials separation and to find new spheres for its usage one improves cascade pneumatic apparatus mostly by creating new contact elements. [7]. But contact elements quantity causes local resistance when rising airstream moves and it influences on the apparatus energy consumption. The more shelves are in the apparatus the more intensive is the phase contact, but in this case hydraulic resistance increases and apparatus energy consumption increases too. So our aim is to design an apparatus which hydraulic resistance is minimal because there are no shelves contacts inside and as a result energy consumption is much lower. For research purposes we designed laboratory stand of the apparatus for pneumatic classification. We made many tests find out the best operating mode and to test the quality of granular materials separation. Quartz sand was used as a test material. Test results are in the table 1 and in the diagram (pic.1) Summing up the results in the table and diagram one can see that using this apparatus we get coarse fraction quantity about 96% and fine fraction quantity about 95%. Thus fine fractions quantity in the coarse grade and coarse fractions quantity in the fine grade is about 5%. Table 1 Tests are made using binary mixture: coarse fraction -0,63 + 0,4 mm and fine fraction - 0,4+ 0,16 mm Test sample Original material % Fine fraction % Coarse fraction % Weighed Fraction -0,4+0,16 mm, g quantity, g 1129,2 591,4 526,1 574,9 50,91 562,70 94,68 22,50 4,28 Fraction –0,63+0,4 mm, g 554,3 49,09 28,70 4,83 503,60 95,71 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use % Granulometric characteristics (air consumption 0,024 m3/c) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0,13 Material Fine fraction Coarse fraction 0,23 0,33 0,43 Particles size, mm 0,53 0,63 Pic.1. Screen analysis curves of particles on fractions Tests were made without contact elements in the apparatus design. We worked out and used rhomb-shaped flow part. We also designed the bunker for two sides loading which enables to load fractions from both sides of the apparatus simultaneously or separately using either one or another. Having done the research the following process peculiarities were noticed: 1) Continuous product loading has negative impact on the separation quality, so the periodic loading is preferred. Periodic product loading has positive impact on the separation process and when using this loading there is no rolling swirl in the separation section since this swirl prevents the gas flow from withdrawal of the fine fractions from the layer. 2) After having done the tests and having compared the results it was found out that using this apparatus design one can achieve effective classification without using the contact elements inside its housing. Since the flow does not swirl and it moves from wall to wall which causes additional resowing it has positive impact on the separation quality. 3) To get the best separation material quality it is important to provide the best opening and closing angles of the rhomb and necessary separating zone height. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 4) When choose the best modes for controlling the flow speed main product which one gets contains no more than 5 % of other classes fractions. 5) So as a conclusion the test which are made prove that rhomb shaped apparatus have good potential in using them for grain materials separation. References: 1. P.V. Klassen, I.G. Grishaev. Osnovnie processu texnologii mineralnux ydobrenii. – М.: Ximiya, 1990. – 304с. 2. Kaiser F.Der Zickzack - Sichter- eine Windsichter nach neuere Prinzip // Chem. Ing. Tech., 1963, Bd. 35, №4, S. 273-282. 3. Trydu Evropeiskogo soveshaniya po izmelcheniyu. М.: Izdatelstvo literatyru po stroitelstvy, 1966. - 603 с. 4. O.M. Todes, O.B. Tsitovich. Apparatu s kirachim zernistum. – L.: Ximiya, 1982. – 296с. 5. A.P. Muhlionova, B.S. Sazhina, V.F. Frolova. Raschet apparatov kipachego sloya: Spravochnik. – L.: Ximiya, 1986. – 352с. 6. M.D. Barskiy, V.I. Revnivzev, U.V. Sokolin, Gravitacionnaya klassificaciya zernistux materialov. - М.: Nedra, 1974. – 232с. 7. N.P. Yuhimenko, S.V. Vakal, N.P. Kononenko, A.P Filonov. Apparatu vzvechennogo sloya. - Symu: Sobor, 2003. - 304 с. J21310-046 UDC66.074.1:547.912 Lyaposchenko O.O., Nastenko O.V., Logvin A.V., Al - Rammahi M.M. PHYSICAL MODEL OF HIGH-DISPERSE GAS-CONDENSATE SYSTEMS FORMATION IN TURBULENT GAS FLOW Sumy State University, Sumy, 2 Rimsky-Korsakov st., Sumy 40007 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use This article deals with physical conditions of high-disperse gas-condensate systems formation, and also the main mechanisms of their separation. As a result of made research one formulated possible ways of gas-separation equipment improvement and development. Keywords: natural gas, hydrocarbon condensate, mechanisms of separation, coagulation, crushing, pulsing, radius of the droplets. Extracted from the depths of the oil fields hydrocarbon gases are saturated with water vapor. Raw natural gas includes large amount of liquid drops, consisting of mineralized water and gas condensate, as a rule, in the amount of 30-40 g/m3, and sometimes 200-800 g/m3. Therefore, such gas condensate mixtures before they enter the main pipelines or productions lines are subjected to separation which includes separating mechanical impurities, water and hydrocarbon condensate. To explore and study the basic mechanisms of gas -condensate systems formation and separation it is necessary to have knowledge about size distribution (fractional structure) of dispersed particles, the average droplet size and volume content of the liquid phase. The specified parameters of the gas-condensate mixture cannot be accurately determined, but it is possible to make their quality assessment, if one considers various mechanisms of liquid drops formation and formation of highdisperse gas-condensate systems. As it was said above, gas-condensate systems contain both solid mechanical impurities and high-disperse drop moisture. The difference between the liquid and solid disperse phases is that in the first case, the particles have a smooth spherical shape and at the coagulation process they merge, thus forming also individual spherical particles. Solid particles can be of various forms, which at the coagulation process form separate multi-component structures which, in turn, also have different shapes. Droplets in the gas stream can be formed without condensation or in the process of condensation [1] When there is no condensation process, the primary mechanisms for the drops formation in a turbulent gas flow are the processes of coagulation and fragmentation. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Both of these processes take place simultaneously. As the result droplet size distribution take place. This distribution, if it is assumed that turbulent flow is homogeneous and isotropic, has the form of standard logarithmical distribution [1, 2]: é ln 2 ( R/R 1 ) ù n* × R 1 n (R ) = exp êú σ×R 2 × σ 2 ûú ëê (1) 3 × W exp ( -2,5 × σ 2 ) 2 ; R1 = R ср exp ( -0,5 × σ ) ; Where n* = 4 4 × π × 2 × π × R ср W – Volume concentration of liquid phase; σ2- distribution dispersion; Rcp average radius of droplets. Drops in a turbulent gas flow break when their radius exceeds a certain critical radius [3]. Drops which radius size is less than the crytical one can only coagulate. Drops breaking in a turbulent gas flow takes place due to the inertial-forces effect and due to big difference of liquid and gas densities, as well as due to the difference of pulsating velocity, i.e. the velocity of turbulent fluctuations, which flow around the droplets, at opposite drops ends[3]. Drop deformation and breaking are caused by small-scale pulsations λ, because large-scale pulsations undergo relatively little change on the distances which are equal to the drop diameter. Drop breaking doesn’t take place when the dynamic pressure is balanced by the force of surface tension. Therefore, drop balance is possible when the following parameters are equal [3]: 2 2/3 2/3 0,5 × ρ2/3 =å L × ε0 × R R (2) Where ε0 – specific dissipation of energy; ρL - density of fluid. Using the formula (2) one can find the critical radius of a drop. When the radius size is bigger than the crytical one the drop breaks. ε0 is expressed through flow parameters: ν3G ε0 = 4 λ0 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (3) Where υ – coefficient of kinematic viscosity; Formula for the critical radius of droplets: æ ö R КР : ç å ÷ è k f × ρG ø 3/5 æ ρG ö ×ç ÷ è ρL ø 2/5 × d 2/5 U 6/5 (4) Where kf – coefficient of drop aerodynamic resistance; ρG – density of gas. We use the dimensionless parameter called the Weber number: We = Н s = ρG × U 2 × d (5) s Where H - dynamic pressure; σ - surface tension. Then the formula (3) can be written as: æρ ö R КР = k f-3/5 × We-3/5 × ç G ÷ d è ρL ø 2/5 (6) In a turbulent gas flow there also takes place the process of intensive droplets coagulation. There are two basic mechanisms of coagulation [3]: the inertial mechanism and the mechanism of turbulent diffusion. Inertial mechanism is based on the assumption that the drops are not completely captured with turbulent fluctuations. As a result the relative velocities which drops get due to turbulent fluctuations depend on their (drops) mass. Turbulent diffusion principles are based on the assumption that drops are completely captured by the turbulent fluctuations strong enough to pull the drops together. As the droplets move chaotically under the influence of turbulent fluctuations, their motion is similar to the diffusion and can be characterized by the turbulent diffusion coefficient. Inertial mechanism of coagulation. Let’s consider a drop of radius R2. The number of this drop meetings with drops of radius R1 per time unit under the influence of the inertial mechanism in a turbulent flow [3]: β12 = π × ( R1 + R 2 ) × ( R12 - R 22 ) × 2 ρL × ε3/4 0 × n1 ρG × ν 5/4 (7) G Where n1 - R1 radius droplets number in unit volume. Formula for calculating the droplets number n: ρ × U9/4 dn 1 = - × π × R ср4 × L 5/4 3/4 × n 2 dt 2 ρG × ν G × d URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (8) In the right side of the formula (8) is the coefficient 1/2, since when calculating the number of drops collisions the interaction of identical drops is counted twice. Droplets volume content: 4 W = × π × R 3ср × n 3 (9) Then the formula (8) will be: 2 d æ R ср ö W æ R ср ö 0 ρL × U9/4 ×ç ç ÷= ÷ ×R × 3/4 dt çè R 0ср ÷ø 8 çè R 0ср ÷ø ср ρG × ν5/4 G ×d (10) 0 Where R ср - the initial radius of droplets. The mechanism of turbulent diffusion. Let’s consider two maximum possible cases R2<<R1 и R2 ~R1 not taking into consideration the surrounding resistance. In the first case, drops get close under the influence of pulsations λ~r-r1, and in the second - λ ~ r, where r - the distance between the centers of considered drops. Using these limiting correlations, as well as the symmetry condition λ(r, R1, R2) = λ(r, R2, R1), we obtain the following formula for estimation of the pulsations which can bring together drops of arbitrary radius [3]: λ - r -R1 R 2 + R1 × R 2 × ( R1 + R 2 ) R12 + R 22 -R1 × R 2 (11) Turbulent diffusion coefficient without motion limitation of the drops [3]: D to = μG × λ2 2 ρG × λ o (12) Where μ G - coefficient of dynamic viscosity. Frequency of R2 radius drops collisions with a drop of radius R1 is equal to the diffusion flow Jt, which one can express solving the diffusion equation that in the spherically symmetric case is: dn ö 1 d æ 2 × × ç r × Dt × 2 ÷ = 0 2 r dr è dr ø The formula for the flow [3]: URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (13) æ J t = 4 × π × ç r 2 × Dt × è æ ¥ dn 2 ö dr ö =4 × π × çç ò 2 ÷÷ (14) ÷ dr ør = R1 + R 2 è R1 + R 2 r × D t ( r ) ø For droplets of equal sizes (R1 = R2) [3]: 1/2 æ U3 ö J t = 96 × π × n 20 × R ç ÷ è νG × d ø 3 2 (15) Liquid droplets formation in the condensation process. When there are devices tied to the separator inlet which change gas temperature and pressure (devices for initial condensation) small droplets (nucleations) can be generated in the flow. Such devices are the choke, the heat exchanger and turbine. Liquid phase formation (fog) is based on the process of adiabatic expansion of the gas mixture, whereby mixture volume increases while vapor pressure and temperature decreases , as the expansion takes place due to the internal energy of the gas. The degree of supersaturation s is the ratio of vapor pressure in a gas рυ to the saturated vapor pressure рυ ∞ above the flat surface of the same liquid: s= pυ , pυ¥ p υ ¥ = exp æç C è Eö T ÷ø (16) Where T - absolute temperature, C - constant; E = 0,12 × M L × l (17) Where МL - MW condensing vapor molecular weight; l – specific heat of vaporization. Over the convex surfaces, which have drops, heavy vapor pressure is higher than that of a flat, due to the capillary pressure, and it increases with decreasing radius of the drop [3]. Therefore, a necessary conditions for vapor condensation in the gas volume is the availability of supersaturating, allowing compensate the high pressure. Vapor condensation starts only at a certain supersaturation level called critical [3]: 3/2 é ù 7 ML æ å ö s КР = exp ê1,74 ×10 × ×ç ÷ ú pL è T ø úû êë (18) URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Condensation rate on the surface of the droplet is determined by the diffusion of vapor to the surface, so at high rate of supersaturation change ds/dt, diffusion rate can be insufficient to equalize the vapor pressure in the whole volume. In this case, the vapor pressure at the surface of the droplets can be significantly different from the vapor pressure in the thickness of the mixture. As a result, there is a large supersaturating, leading to an intensive nucleation in the initial stage of the process. After analyzing the basic conditions of aero- dispersion systems formation, we can conclude that to increase separation process efficiency it is necessary to use precondensation devices. When gas-liquid mixtures pass through these devices steady phase equilibrium in the pipeline breaks. As a result, droplets nucleation processes take place and also some mass exchange processes are possible- condensation and evaporation. Violation of thermodynamic phase equilibrium is caused by pressure p and temperature t changes. The main interests arouse such parameters values when liquid drops size increase and it eases their separation from gas in the gas separator. So that, to increase the efficiency of the separation processes in the gas separation devices it is necessary to intensify the processes of the fluid dispersed droplets coagulation. It is possible if the form of the curved channel flow area in the separator is changed. So one can change the velocity, pressure and inertial moment of the dispersed particles along the separation channel and as a result the process efficiency can be increased. Change of thermodynamic parameters of the gas-condensate system has a positive impact on the separation process efficiency. It can be used for working out the new unique designs of the separators-condensers, where separation and condensation processes take place simultaneously in one device. References: N. A. Fuks. Mehanika aerozoley. M: — 1985 g. — 351 s.: il. Sklabinskiy V.I., Lyaposchenko O.O. Mehanizmy formuvannya visokodispersnoyi kraplinnoyi ridini u pototsi prirodnogo gazu. - Sbornik "Fizika aerodispersnyih sistem". — 2004. — S.7-15. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Sinayskiy E. G., Lapta E. Ya., Zaytsev Yu. V. Separatsiya mnogofaznyih mnogokomponentnyih sistem. — M.: OOO «Nedra-Biznestsentr», 2002. — 621 s.: il. J21310-047 Aitchanov B.H., Baimuratov O.A., Kozhamzharova D.K., NikulinV.V. STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION AND ANALYSIS OF A CONTROL SYSTEM BASED ON DIGITAL DYNAMIC PULSE FREQUENCY MODULATION FOR OBJECTS WITH TRANSPORT DELAY Kazakh National Technical University after K.I.Satpaev Almaty, Satpaeva 22 Abstract — This paper we considered the process of structural transformation of the digital control system with dynamic digital pulse-frequency modulator, whose behavior is described by difference equations, supplemented by logical relations. To exclude the logical conditions of DPFM there was built an equivalent discrete nonlinear digital system, where parametric connections are replaced to the signal ones. Our simulation experiments demonstrate that our nonlinear control system offers adequate representation of the digital dynamic pulse-frequency modulator and has advantages compared to previously developed solutions. Also, this work confirms that the structural transformation is unique in the study of nonlinear systems in particular in digital control systems with digital dynamic pulse-frequency modulator. Keywords - pulse-frequency modulation, controlled plant, discrete filter, pulse generator, microcontroller Introduction The development and usage of the modern digital automatic control systems lead to the appearance of new problems, the solution of which requires a new approach, new or improvement of previously developed systems. Currently, there are quite a number of digital automatic control systems in various branches of science and technology [1] - [6]. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Control systems with dynamic pulse-frequency modulation are widely used in practice [DPFM]. Because of the high degree of noise immunity and simple software implementation [2], [3], [5]. System design Many technological objects are characterized by delay and operate in a stochastic environment, which make necessary to consider the effect of the delay and the impact of internal and external random noise during the design. Figure 1. shows the block diagram of the dynamic pulse-frequency control system (DPFCS) [6] which is based on the principle adopted by the dynamic pulsefrequency modulation Fig. 1. Dynamic pulse-frequency modulation control system Dynamic digital pulse-frequency control system is a closed system consisting of DPFM, rectangular pulses generator (PFG) and the object of control. DPFM function and PFG are implementing microcontroller, in output of which there will be formed the rectangular frequency-modulated single pulses with a width h [7]. DFPM which implemented in a microcontroller due to discrete nature of its work will be digital, which has a number of specific features. Studying and research of which can be greatly promoted, if build a closed digital system equivalent DFPM. Digital DPFM can be presented as discrete filter (DF) and pulse device (ID) [8]. In the discrete filter DF some dynamic transformation of grid signal x [nT] in to lattice signal y [nT] are performed. At time nT=nνT , when the value of y [nT] is equal to or exceeds the value of Δ, where Δ - threshold, the pulse generating unit IU URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use ~ generates unit impulse function d [(n-nν)T] with the correct sign and is reset all memory cells, which are part of the digital filter DF: ì1, î0, d [(n - nn )T ] = í ~ if n = nn , if n ¹ nn . (1) Following from [2], [6], [8] - [9], the model of digital DPFM will form as a closed system with a block diagram (Fig. 2a), it contains a block of reset BoR, which can be characterized by some nonlinear operator and a relay element (RE) (Fig. 2b). а) Block scheme b) Characterization of nonlinear element Fig. 2. Block scheme of a nonlinear equivalent system The equations of the motion of dynamic digital pulse-frequency control system DPFCS with regard to the description of its DPFM elements and control of object will take the form [5] - [7]: x [nT] = f [nT] - z[nT] (2) z[nT ] = H [l , g 0 , y * [nT ] 0 £ g £ T ] (3) URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use y[nT ] = Ф [ y (rT ), x (rT ) , g m T nn £ r £ nn +1 ] (4) y * [nT ] = å ln +1 d [(n - nn +1 )T ] n (5) l n +1 = sign y[n n +1T - 0] , (6) y[n n +1T - 0] = l n +1 × D , (7) y[n n T + 0] = 0 (8) where f [nT] - the input signal, x[nT ] = x(t ) t = nT - error signal, y * [nT ] - output signal of discrete DPFM, y[nT ] - the output of the digital filter F, g m - modulation parameter which introduced to account of the delay of the controlled object g m ³ g 0 , z[nT ] - the output signal of the object of control described by an operator, g 0 - parameter, taking into account the delay of the object. Structural transformation of Control System One of the main tasks is finding the form of operator A[x,y*,γm] such that the system shown in Fig. 3 generates the same sequence of pulses as a digital DPFM. Let a linear digital filter DF be described by an l-th order difference equation. a0 y[(n + 1)T ] = a1 y[nT ] + a 2 y[(n - 1)T ] + ... + a l y[(n - l + 1)T ] + b1x[nT ] + + b 2 x[(n - 1)T ] + .. ... + b l x[(n - l + 1)T ] (9) By applying z-transform to (9) we obtain: U (z ) (a 0 z - a 1 - a 2 z -1 - ... - a l z - l+1 ) = X(z ) (b1 + b 2 z -1 + ... + b l z - l+1 ) + a 0 z y[0] + ( ) ( ) + a 2 + a 3 z -1 + ... + a l z - l + 2 y [- T ] + + a 3 + a 4 z -1 + ... + a l z - l +1 y[- 2T ] + ... ... + a l y[(- l + 1)T ] + (b2 + b3 z -1 + ... URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use ... + bl z - l + 2 x[- T ] + ... + bl x[(- l + 1)T ]) (10) Let us introduce new notation G ( z ) = a 0 z - a1 - a 2 z -1 - ... - a l z - l +1 (11) R (z) = b1 + b 2 z -1 + ... + bl z - l +1 (12) l (p = 1, 2, ..., l). Q p (z) = å a i z p -i ; i=p (13) l (p = 1, 2, ..., l). Fp (z) = å bi z p - i ; i=p (14) Then, by taking into consideration expressions (11) – (14), equation (10) can be re-written as follows U (z ) = ö R (z ) æ 1 l 1 l ç X(z ) + + + Q ( z ) y [( p 1 ) T ] å å Fp ( z) x[(- p + 1)T ] ÷÷ p ç p = 1 p = 2 G (z ) è R (z ) R (z ) ø (15) Let the initial time be nvT. Let us assume that y(nvT – 0) ≠ 0, then a solution to equations (9) and (10) becomes ¥ ~y [nT ] = w [(n - m )T ](x[mT ] + (x[mT ] + å m=0 l +å m ~ å g [(m - k ) T ]d [(k - nn )T ] y [(nn - p + 1)T ]+ p =1 k = nn l +å p m ~ å f [(m - k ) T ]d [(k - nn )T ] x [(nn p = 2 k = nn p ö - p + 1)T ]÷÷, ø n n < n < n n+1 (16) where ì R (z ) ü w [m T ] = Z-1 í ý; î G (z ) þ ì Q (z ) ü g p [m T ] = Z-1 í p ý; î R (z ) þ ì F (z ) ü f p [m T ] = Z-1 í p ý; î R (z ) þ When controlling plants with a transport delay [17], equation (16) can be rewritten as ~y[nT ] = å¥ w[(n - m )T ](x[mT] + + ål åm g [(m - k ) T ]~ d [(k - n n )T ] y [(n n - p + 1)T ]ö÷ p m =0 p =1 k = n ø n URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use l m ~ - h[kT ] - m[kT ] + + å å f p [(m - k ) T ]´d[(k - n n ) T ] x [(n n - p + 1) T ] p=2 k =n n (17) By comparing equations (16) and (17), we conclude that y[n n +1T ] = ~ y[n n +1T ] if components of the signal are in the following form. l m h [mT ] = å å g p [(m - k )T ]* ... p =1 k = nn ~ * d [(k - nn )T ] y [(nn - p + 1)T ] + l m + å å f p [(m - k )T ]* ... p = 2 k = nn ~ * d [(k - nn )T ] x [(nn - p + 1)T ] (18) And ì ïx[mT], если n n < m < (n n + g m ) m[mT] = í ïî0, если (n n + g m ) < m < n n +1 (19) To obtain the reset signal η[mT] let us consider transformation of the signal y[nT] performed by a relay element RE, which can be given by the following nonlinearity φ(y). ì + 1, if y [nT ] ³ D , ï u [nT ] = j ( y[nT ]) = í0, if - D < y [nT ] < D , ï - 1, if y [nT ] £ -D , î (20) Let us introduce a new signal ì 1, if y [n]T ³ D, s[nT ] = u 2 [nT ] = í î0, if y [n]T < D. (21) By analyzing expression (17) we conclude that ~ s[nT ]= d [(n - n n )T ], nn £ n £ n -1 (22) In order to form additional signal μ[nT], let us use the existing output signal s[qT]. Then signal μ[nT] can be expressed in the form of a product as follows. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use m[nT] = x[nT] c[nT] (23) where r c[nT ] = å q g m [(n - q)T ] s [qT ] q=0 (24) Then the impulse response transfer function can be found as follows. qg m [nT] = Z-1{G g m (z)} G g m (z) = z -g × [1 - z m ] z -1 Equations (17) – (18) and (22) – (24) give a complete description of a nonlinear operator A[x,y*,γm]. Using these equations we can come up with a structural model of a digital DPFM shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 3. Structure of an equivalent model of a digital pulse-frequency modulator By comparing the derived model of a digital DPFM presented in this paper with a similar model discussed in [9] we can see significant differences. First, we are not using a discrete-time integrator block. Also, instead of a bi-stable relay function with hysteresis we are using an unambiguous nonlinear relay-type function that has a sensitivity dead-zone. Both features allow significant simplification of the analysis of the model of the digital DPFM. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Simulation Example The process of control synthesis discussed above can be applied to building control systems for dynamic processes. As an example, let us consider a second-order system that can be described by the following differential equation in the state-space form. · x = Ax + Bu (25) where é0 А=ê ëа 21 1ù , а 22 úû é0ù В=ê ú ëb 2 û (26) The output signal can be found in the following fashion. y = Cx , C = [1 0] (27) As a physical system example, let us consider an electric drive system with a dc motor. The values of matrices A and B were chosen from [13] so that comparison of the results could be performed. a 21 = 0, a 22 = -25, b 2 = 50 (28) The above-mentioned paper also discussed a control system with pulsefrequency modulation and a state observer. The simulation model of a dc-drive system and the proposed pulse-frequency modulation controller were implemented in the Matlab/Simulink environment using the sampling time of 1ms. The simulation experiments were conducted under the same conditions as those described in [13]. The main objective was to control position of the shaft of an electric motor. The signal applied to the input of the system was in the form of a step function with amplitude of 0.4 rad. It should be noted that in order to avoid large values of derivatives in calculations, the signal was first passed through a low-pass filter with bandwidth of 15 rad/s. The results are presented in the following four figures. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 5. Step response of the digital control system Fig. 6. Speed of the digital control system It can be seen that response time of the system is approximately 0.3 s. Fig. 7. Tracking error of the digital control system It can be seen that with the selected value of the input signal, the control effort presented in Fig. 8 is a sequence of pulses whose frequency approaches zero as the system converges to the steady state. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 8. Control effort of the digital control system Changing the amplitude of the input signal yields very similar results in terms of the dynamic response. By comparing the results presented in this paper to those in [13] we can see several advantages of the proposed system. The overall system has improved characteristics. In particular, the response time is reduced by 25% from 0.4 s to 0.3 s. In addition, the proposed DPFM uses a sampling rate of 1 kHz while the system in [13] was based on a 10 kHz controller. Therefore, the proposed system can be implemented in a more cost-efficient way by using simpler and less expensive hardware. Conclusions In this paper, we considered the process of structural transformation of the digital control system with dynamic digital pulse-frequency modulator, whose behavior is described by difference equations, supplemented by logical relations. To exclude the logical conditions of DPFM there was built an equivalent discrete nonlinear digital system, where parametric connections are replaced to the signal ones. Our simulation experiments demonstrate that our nonlinear control system offers adequate representation of the digital dynamic pulse-frequency modulator and has advantages compared to previously developed solutions. Due to the results of the experiment we can clearly see that the characteristics of the overall system have been improved for 25% than the previous result. Furthermore, the proposed DPFM uses a sampling rate of 1 kHz while the system in [13] was based on a 10 kHz controller. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Future work in this area can be conducted in the field of mathematical modeling of the systems in the form of functional discrete-time Volterra series and their linear approximations. The latter can be used to study dynamic accuracy, and also to perform synthesis of digital control systems of this class. References 1. J. Wu, S. Wo, and G. Lu, Asymptotic stability and stabilization for a class of nonlinear descriptor systems with delay, Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 13, 361–367, 2011. 2. F.M. Malik, M. B. Malik, and K. Munawar, Sampled-data state feedback stabilization of a class of nonlinear systems based on Euler approximation, Asian Journal of Control,Vol. 13, 186–197, 2011. 3. A.S. Ghaffari, S. H. Tabatabaei Oreh, R. Kazemi, and M. A. R. 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The human visual perception evaluation is a daily demanded procedure in ophthalmology and psychology. However, in many psychological and medical institutions in the country, especially in the periphery, outdated and inefficient methods and instruments are used for this. To solve the problem it was developed a computer information-diagnostic system (IDS) “Chart 2020”, which basic functionality allows: - man visual acuity evaluating; - the presence of refractive errors detecting (with M. Amsler grids, circles Snellen, etc.); - patient vision nature determining: the binocular is the norm, the simultaneous monocular (in detecting abnormalities in binocular vision, strabismus angle measured and the type of deviation); - anomalies in color perception detecting (using polychromatic tables EB Rabkin, Isshhary); - automating the filling of electronic and printed forms, forms with detailed information on the diagnosis or identified color perception anomalies with expert comments. These features of the developed system have superior functionality then the closest analogue ('Vizus 2 "developer Astroinform SPE). Figure 1 provides an example of a start screen form IDS with a menu. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 1. The example of a start screen form IDS Chart 2020 with a menu Interface features of IDS are the two pop-up menu bar (see Fig. 1). Normally, they are hidden, without disturbing the main use of the program, and "float" only when the mouse cursor is in the bottom or right side of the screen. Bottom panel control menu - allows you to select modes IDS, collapse, disable the application, manage the red line, and display charts, diagnostic cards. Right panel - menu "Chart» allows you the selection of various diagnostic tools in several categories, display user manual, diagnostic and reference information. Figure 2 provides an example of an options screen form IDS. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 2. The example of an options screen form IDS Chart 2020 During the trial operation of IDS Chart 2020 from 25/05/2012 to 10/01/2013 in the Cabinet of vision correction (Taganrog, MOH License: LO - 61-01-000697, www.ккз-таганрог.рф) was adopted more than 2500 patients with the following results: 1. The time spent on preschool children visometry is significantly reduced due to the addition of special tables Orlova-Sivceva. 2. It has become possible to check visually impaired visual acuity without the account of fingers (vis <0.1). 3. The ease of visometry is increased: staff does not need to point the table; the remote control is used to switch tables and select techniques in IDS. 4. Many diagnostic procedures are simplified with maintaining the reliability: - assessment of the vision nature (the colors for each eye in the IDS can be configured for currently available filters); - astigmatism identifying through the introduction of a number of tests; - color perception anomalies type determining (procedure time is reduced to 5 minutes by automating the calculation). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Thus, with the introduction of IDS Chart 2020 we can expect: - the reduction of the reception time during the complex patient examination in the ophthalmology office up to 10-15 minutes, - the increasing of the staff work comfort and quality. In the current version of the program the additional options are implemented to configure IDS, for example, to work in low-light conditions of working place, the heat and humidity are high , it is impossible to install the projector signs etc. J21310-049 UDC 621.787.4 Bobrovskii N.M., Melnikov P.A., Bobrovskii I.N., Ezhelev A.V., Lukyanov A.A. LINES OF SURFACE PLASTIC DEFORMATION OF MACHINE DETAILS DEVELOPMENT Tolyatti State University, Russia, Tolyatti The problem of increasing reliability of machine details has become increasingly important due to the increased mechanical and thermal intensity of modern designs [15, 19]. At the same time, the increase in static strength of parts is not always equivalent to an increase in their durability, since with increasing point of maximum load increases the probability of fatigue and brittle parts failures. The use of highstrength steels is limited to their great sensitivity to stress concentration, various surface defects, contamination of non-metallic inclusion, hydrogenation. Therefore, when along with high elasticity values details must have great resistance to variable and dynamic loads, stress corrosion, the use of high-strength steels is ineffective [1, 2]. Of the modern hardening means numerous arsenal (which are not the same, and sometimes in different directions affects individual properties) is not always easy to choose the optimal type of hardening for that particular case. Comparison of the effectiveness of different means to increase the details service durability (oriented URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use cold-hardering, various chemicothermal processing and thermomechanical processing; superficial hardening, steel refining, etc.) makes it possible to identify areas of their rational use, taking into account the factors limiting parts reliability in these conditions. It has been established that the products constructive durability is largely determined by the structure and the surface layers properties. Various methods are used to superficial layers hardening of parts, the main of which are: case-hardening, chemicothermal processing, surface plastic deformation (SPD), the surface thermomechanical processing. The category of the hardening surface processing methods should include strain hardening methods. The most prevalent of these is the SPD method. Due to the peculiarities of the influence this method allows to realize the potential properties, such as high-strength steels. This type of reinforcement creates the real possibilities of using high-strength steels for details with design and technological stress concentrators even when the significant overloads take a place [1]. Fatigue strength of high-strength steels with martensitic structure, with other things being equal, is determined by the combined influence of the four main materials characteristics: static strength, residual stresses, resistance to brittle fracture, and sensitivity to stress concentration. The value of each characteristic shown accordingly in period of the crack nucleation and development. If the static strength is essential for resistance to crack nucleation, the brittle failure resistance plays a crucial role in the resistance to crack development, and residual stress and sensitivity to stress concentration realize their influence on both stages of the fatigue process. Considering the large influence of not only the strength but also the ductility on the high-strength steels fatigue limit, it is important to evaluate the influence of these parameters in the hardening with SPD. The different versions of the known methods hardening processing classification are given (fig.1). [1, 3]. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Comparative analysis of hardening processing methods by rolling-off and diamond burnishing. This paper describes a new technology finishing and hardening processing by burnishing with wide selfplaced tool - burnisher. This method has some advantages in comparison with known methods of hardening the mechanism and rate of impact on the workpieces surface. Wide burnishing also has features that are inherent to analogs: rolling-off hardening by roller (or ball) and diamond burnishing [12]. Fig.1. Classification of SPD methods The paper [4] describes technological methods of SPD, which relates to the methods of static surface deformation. SPD - it is details processing by pressure (without cuttings), which deform the surface layer only. SPD is perform by a tool which deformable element (balls, rollers, or a different figures configuration) interact with the surface by the rolling, sliding or intrusion schemes (fig.2). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use In these elementary schemes or a combination of methods are based all the SPD methods. Fig.2. Basic schemes of deforming elements interaction with work surface: a – rolling; b – sliding; c - intrusion When rolling is SPD scheme, roller or ball is pressed against the details surface with a fixed force P, is moved relative to it, making at the same time a rotation around its axis (fig.2, a). In the local contacts area of the deforming element with work surface hearth of plastic deformation appears, which moves with the tool, due to the surface layer sequentially deforms at the depth h, equal to the depth distribution of deformation zone. The size of deformation zone depends on technological factors processing force P, shapes and sizes of the deforming element, flow, hardness of material, etc. The same factors depends on plastic deformations intensity of the surface layer and as a result - a qualitative changes in it: reducing the surface roughness, increased hardness, higher yield point of the metal, the appearance of compressive residual stresses, etc. In turn, with the correct technology the state change (modification) of the surface layer can increase the durability and other performance properties of details [5, 6, 7, 8]. In accordance with GOST standard 18296-72 SPD with rolling tool is called roll forming. In turn, roll forming subdivides into rolling-off and flattening-out, depending on what surfaces are: convex (shafts, fillets), flat or concave (such as holes). The advantage of roll forming is friction reduction between the deforming element and the work material. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use In a tool for roll forming rolling elements mounted on bearings or placed in separators. Burnishing and mandrelling are SPD methods, deforming elements are working with sliding scheme (fig.2, b). For these processes deforming elements should be made of materials with high hardness (diamond, hard alloy, etc.) and unwilling to grasp adhesively to the work material. Burnishing is used for hardened steels and details with a low stiffness SPD, i.e. when it is impossible to apply the roll forming process. The disadvantages of the burnishing are low productivity and low tool life [4]. Mandrelling (synonyms: deforming streching, calibration) is used for holes processing. This high-production process combines the features of finishing, hardening, calibration and forming processes. Forming processing is used for getting a splines and other small corrugations on the details surface. The thickness of the hardened layer at mandrelling is adjusted by tightness, i.e. the difference between the diameters of the deforming element and the hole. Under the certain proportion of tightness and wall thickness the plastic deformation can lead to the expansion of the cylinders diameter, because of holes calibration will occur. There are combined processing methods, which combine SPD with other physical and mechanical influence on the workpiece, such as a laser, application of ultrasonic vibrations [16], the electric current through the tools contact point, preheating or precooling of the workpiece, etc. The SPD methods combined with the cutting processes are also combined processing methods. There are various designs of tools for roll forming, burnishing and mandrelling that are designed for a wide range of details and surfaces. Roll forming, burnishing and deforming streching are static surface deformation methods. Shape stability and deformation zones size in the stationary phase of the process is a hallmark of these methods. Along with these methods in engineering there are a number of SPD methods based on a dynamic (impact) tools influence to the surface. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Rolling-off and diamond burnishing are the most simple and effective methods of finishing and hardening processing. Despite the fact that roller burnishing or ball burnishing has a place rolling with sliding, and in diamond burnishing – sliding, between them there is a similarity in the microprofiles formation mechanism, deformation of the surface layer and in the ratio of the forces and friction coefficients. This similarity makes it possible to establish some general rules for both processes, on basis of may be established the rationality of their application, and optimal processing modes described in paper [9]. Diamond burnishing. In diamond burnishing the deforming tool is a diamond crystal, which is situated in a special holder. Most often, diamond is fixed by soldering with silver solder, which has a relatively low melting point (600-650 °C). Universal burnisher (fig.3) consists of a frame 1 and diamond 2. Fig.3. Diamond burnisher Burnisher is mounted in special device, installed in the tool-holder of lathe. Pressure at burnishing with the elastic contact is usually created using a calibrated spring. When the workpiece rotates a tool has a traverse motion. Burnishing is performed in conditions of friction, which distinguishes this process from rolling-off. Due to the high hardness of diamond burnishing successfully used for finishing and hardening processing of various materials details, in particular, of hardened steel in different structural states. At the burnishing process diamond practically little deformed. Because of this, and because of the small spheres radius of its working part (in practice the radius of the sphere diamond burnisher is applied to 0.5-3.5 mm), the contact surface of the tool with the workpiece is negligible. This makes the creation of high contact URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use pressures required for the plastic deformation accomplishment with low normal forces transmitted by deforming tool onto the details working surface. The normal force at burnishing is 5-30 kgf, which is much less in comparison with ball burnishing. In addition to high hardness diamond has a low friction coefficient of metal and high thermal conductivity. Opportunity of polishing its spheres working area with a high degree of purity in the burnishing process provides a shiny surface with low roughness. At the diamond burnishing process the diamond tool is implemented in the metal under the action of the normal force. On the surface of contact friction forces is occurred. The intensity of external friction with SPD depends on the material properties, value of the deforming stress, the mode and form of contact and adhesion links between the tool and working surface. In the plastic contact (with burnishing), the coefficient of friction includes deformation fdef and adhesion fadh components: f = f def + f adh (1) Deformation component can be determined by the approximate formula: f def = 0,55 × hI , R (2) hI - burnisher intrusion depth, and R - radius of its working surface. The value of the adhesive component, particularly in the application of cooling mixture, which reduces adhesive interaction, for most materials is negligible (fadg=0,01...0,05) and depends on the work material and its roughness, and not on the mode of processing [10]. It should be noted, that the burnishing of some materials and, particular, titanium, adhesive interaction between diamond and working metal is reinforced, so the coefficient of friction increases and titanium grains adhere to the tools working surface. In such cases, the diamond burnishing is ineffective. Research has shown that with an increase of the force PI friction coefficient increases and reaches its maximum value at the optimum PI (fig.4). Coefficient increment is justified by the simultaneous increase of the normal force and the depth of burnishers intrusion, and by increase in deformation component fdef. With further URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use increase of the normal force intrusion of the tool is hampered, which reduce and then stops increasing of deformation component. Fig.4. Dependence of friction coefficient f from force in carburized steel 12H2N4A processed by diamond burnishing Depth of the tools intrusion into the metal and, consequently, the friction coefficient at burnishing significantly is depended on the metals hardness. Experimental studies with burnishing with optimal forces different materials established a correlation between the hardness and coefficient of friction. With the increase of the hardness, the tool intrusion depth decreases, that leads to reduce deformation component fdef, and therefore the friction coefficient (fig.5). Fig.5. Dependence of friction coefficient from microhardness after different steels processing by burnishing The radius of the diamond sphere depends on the coefficient of friction, as follows from (2). This influence is related to the change in the depth of intrusion by the change of the radius. Flow and speed of the burnishing has some influence on the friction. It should be noted that the overall coefficient of friction at burnishing different materials according to the article [10] is 0,03-0,12. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use To reduce friction, increase tool life, cooling, and get less rough surface after burnishing is used a cooling mixture: industrial oil 20 and sulfofrezol. According to [11], with the diamond burnishing, the application of industrial oil tool wear is reduced by almost in 5 times less in comparison with the processing without cooling mixture. The main parameters of the hardening by rolling-off process and diamond burnishing. In diamond burnishing and rolling-off processes roughness of finished surface and hardening of the detail depends on the process parameters. When process parameters set correctly detail acquires high performance properties. Conversely, a bad choice, even one of the parameters, such as pressure, can lead to partial destruction of the surface (delamination) and reduce details durability. The depth of the hardened layer is determined by unit pressure on the contact area and its size. The degree of hardening depends on the pressure. This is confirmed by the shallow depth of hardening and increased surface hardness, obtained as a result of shot-blasting. At impact the pellets, in spite of high pressure, the small size of the contact areas leads to the spread of plastic deformation at a shallow depth. Depth of hardening associated with the diameter of the impression when spherical punch is indented, with the size of ellipse when elastic contact of two parts, with the value of tools and details convergence or unit pressure and the balls diameter. In all cases, either directly or indirectly size of the contact area matters. Special experiments in [9] established the dependence of the hardening depth Δ from the size of contact area Fk. This dependence obtained at ball burnishing (fig.6), expressed by the formula: D = k × n Fk , (3) k and n - coefficients depending on the size of the instrument, as well as on the size and material of detail. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig.6. Dependence of the hardening depth from the contact area by roller burnishing with the pressure: 1 - 250 kgf/mm2; 2 - 140 kgf/mm2 For details of average size of 45 steel processed by ball burnishing with diameter 10 mm, pressure in contact 140-250 kgf/mm2, coefficient k = 1,48...2,0, and n=2. Coefficient k increases with pressure increasing. The main parameters of the burnishing and rolling-off processes are: 1) the mean contact pressure p; 2) contact area Fk; 3) the value of transmitted normal force from the instrument to the work surface; 4) the size of the deforming tool R; 5) traverse motion s; 6) processing speed v. The first two parameters that determine the effectiveness of hardening depends on the power, tool dimensions, material properties and dimensions of the workpiece. Traverse motion affects the work surface roughness and evenness deformation in the axial direction. In addition, the traverse motion determines the amount of repetitive deformations of each surfaces part, which may affect the hardening and residual stresses. The course of the deformation process in the center, hardening gradient, and quantity of evolved heat depends on the processing speed. The remaining processing parameters include the number of working strokes and the type of lubricant. Technological maps shall specify such parameters that controlled during processing. Above all, they include the normal force PN , flow, number of passes and the size of the deforming tool. The technological process of burnishing with wide selfplaced tool. In Tolyatti State University proposed and developed a new technological process finishing and hardening treatment by burnishing with wide selfplaced tool. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Work [12] generalizes the first research results and practical application of the new technology wide burnishing, it shows the original process flowsheets, designs of the tools and technical devices for a wide burnishing processing details of structural steel and high-duty cast iron with machine processing time 6...10 sec. It is possible to replace the previously applied technology grinding with abrasive belts cooled by kerosene. In comparison with other possible alternative method of burnishing by diamond indenter with a point contact and traverse motion a new wide burnishing process by cemented-carbide tool can improve the performance of the same processing parts type up to 75 times. Possible technological schemes of burnishing with wide selfplaced tool are shown in (fig.7). Burnishing head design is shown in (fig.8). Fig.7. Main technological schemes of wide burnishing process with wide selfplaced tool URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig.8. Wide selfplaced tools design The process of burnishing with wide selfplaced tool is close to the traditional burnishing with diamond spherical indenter. In both cases, the hardening occurs in sliding friction with intense loading in the contact zone. The roller burnishing as wide burnishing is a highly productive method of finishing and hardening processing, as deforming the details surface across its entire width [14]. Its advantage is hardening in the rolling friction, which is more favorable in comparison with sliding friction. To perform the modern precision and quality processing requirements it is necessary to ensure the basing [17, 18]. Structurally, the device for rolling-off more complicated than wide burnishing device, as it is necessary to provide rollers self-adjustment relatively the working surface of the detail and its rotation without binding under heavy pressure. Implementation of the wide burnishing process needs in a special burnishing tool, which design was developed in a small innovative company in Tolyatti State University [13]. Wide burnishing process allows to get the necessary productivity for mass production with reducing the roughness of the workpiece and increase the microhardness of the surface layer. For this reason, the mass car production in a continuous release for a long time a large number of processing details the preference URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use for introduction was given to the method of burnishing with wide selfplaced tool. Today, with the application of wide burnishing technology processed more than 10 million details. References: 1. 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Gorshkov B.M., Remneva O.Ju., Vylegzhanin D.V., Samohina N.S. Opytnojeksperimental'naja ustanovka dlja ocenki jeffektivnosti povyshenija tochnosti koordinatno-rastochnyh stankov // Vektor nauki Tol'jattinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. – Tol'jatti, 2011. №2(16). P. 121-124. 19. R. Dikov Programma dlja opredelenija razmerov rabochih jelementov instrumentov dlja vyrubki i probivki. Proizvodstvo. Tehnologija. Jekologija. Nauchnye trudy. Sb. monografij №11, volume 1. – M : STANKIN, 2008. P. 176-180. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-050 UDC 664.7/05 (075/8) Denisko O.A., Tkachuk A.I. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF TECHNOLOGICAL EFFICIENCY VIBRATING PEELING GRAIN National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine The report discusses the experimental set of quality indicators based process flaking grain by disk machine vibration action from managed parameters: amplitude, frequency and direction of the disturbing force of vibrator, the angular velocity of the rotary disc and grain moisture. Keywords: Shelling disk machine vibratory action, experiment, performance scaling, capacity There are many methods and machines for shelling grain during processing it on cereal. In the literature review of research and methods of disk shelling machines traditional design with rotating and fixed disks work [1]. The analysis of these studies showed that they meet the quality of the process, the output of cereals, unground understated excessive grain and energy loss, low performance and so on. Potential is shelling machine disk vibration action, which has vibratory disk forced vibration relative to the rotational drive grain between drives cyclically deformed [2]. The current technology vibration flaking grain is not verified in practice that significantly reduces the efficiency of their use. The purpose of research - qualitative indicators set depending buckwheat hulling process of dynamic parameters of the machine, the angular velocity of the rotary disc and grain moisture. The program of experiments included determination of technological efficiency vibrating shelling buckwheat at different dynamic and kinematic parameters and modes of reasoning and rational parameters shelling machine vibrating action. To assess the quality of the scaling used conventional criteria [1,3] generalized coefficient of technological efficiency shelling machine E, peeling coefficients K, integrity kernel Kі and capacity machine Q : URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Е = K K і , K = (С1 - С 2 ) / С1 , K і = Dk / (Dk + Dd + Dm ) , Q = G /t , (1) де С1 , С 2 – content in corn seeds not husked inlet and outlet of the machine; Dk , Dd – number of whole and crushed grains, resulting in the peeling; Dm – amount of flour obtained in the process of peeling; G – mass processed grains during t , s . Methods included pre-sorting experiments buckwheat six factions, hydrothermal processing of grain before peeling and determine its moisture content, shelling corn and calculation of (1) according to sieve analysis and timing process. Studies were conducted on the experimental setup [3] with elastic supports oscillating parts with different unbalanced mass vibrators and schemes of their installation (Fig. 1). Regulating devices vibrators changed relative amplitude of disturbing force Ap = D B / p ( D B – corner placement sector goods) in the range 0 - 0.9 in increments 0,3, angle of a in the range 0 – p / 2 in increments p / 6 , stepwise transfer - angular velocity of rotary disc within 15 - 45 rad/s. Grain moisture change corresponding selection parameters hydrothermal treatment within 16 - 22% in increments of 2%. Fig.1. Apparatus: 1 - rotary disk, 2 - oscillating disc, 3 - elastic support, 4 – vibrator, 5 - grain. For the experiments were selected sample of buckwheat in accordance with GOST 10852-86 and GOST 13586.3-83. Would crack corn at different fixed values URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use of the parameters Ap , a , w , і B and at constant frequency w1 = 157 s -1 of maximum inertia force dipoles vibrators Pm = 180 Н . To determine the effect of twisting vibration disk 2 on the coefficients of technological efficiency, would crack at the grain kernel and humidity B =20%, which was chosen experimentally for quality under cyclic loading grain compression ( a = 0 , moment of inertia forces vibrators Pjxy × d B sin a = 0 ). According to the experiment constructed a graph K, Kі , E , Q of varying parameters (Figure 2 - 4). The maximum value K = 0,825 obtained for the parameters: В = 22%, w = 45 s -1 , w1 = 157 s -1 , a = 0, Q = 0,045 kg / s . From these graphs shows that the cyclic loading with increasing compression Ap to 0,8 increases the coefficient scaling K is approximately two times increase from changes in grain moisture is almost constant and amounted to about 25%. From the graph (Figure 3) shows that the coefficient of the integrity of the nucleus K decreases with increasing amplitude of the disturbing force Ap and increases with humidity B. The intensity of growth K in excess of moisture in B > 20% significantly reduced, so there is no reason to increase it. The most informative indicator is the ratio of performance scaling E, which reflects the influence of vibration load and humidity on grain yield peeled with a maximum content of whole kernel to select rational mode shelling machine with the highest yield of the whole kernel. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig.2. Dependence of the amplitude scaling K disturbing force at different grain moisture: w = 45 s -1 , w1 = 157 s -1 , a = 0, Q = 0,045 kg / s . Fig.3. Dependence of the core integrity K and efficiency E of the amplitude scaling disturbing force Ap at different humidity kernel. Positively affect the performance scaling angular fluctuations oscillating disk. They occur when a rise in amplitude and grain points discs variable shear stress. Within the angle a changes from 0 to p / 2 these load increase efficiency ratio scaling (Fig. 4, a), which reaches a maximum value of 0,97 at a » p / 2 . URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig.4. dependence of the coefficients K, Kі , E the angle of installation a with optimal value of amplitude disturbing force: Ap= 0,70; ω= 45 s-1; w1 = 157 s-1,  = 20%, Q = 0,045 kg / s . Fig.4. dependence of the coefficients K, Kі , E and performance the machine: Q , (кg/s) rotational speed of the disc w (rad/s) at rational values of parameters: w1 = 157 s -1 , В = 20%, a = 580 . References: 1. Ginsburg M.E. Technology mill products. - M.: Kolos, 1981. - 256. 2. Unіversal shelling machine. Utility patent number 41,495 UA / Datsishin O.V., Tkachuk O.A., Tkachuk A.І.; Announced 17.12.2008, Publ. 25.05.2009, Bull. № 10, 2009. 3. Tkachuk A.І. Eksperimentalnaya installation for the study of vibrational peeling grain / A.І. Tkachuk, O. Denisko. / / Scientific Bulletin of NUBіP Ukraine, Issue 144, Volume 3, the series of "Technology is the power industry of agriculture" - K.: 2010. № 3, 274-280 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-051 U.D.C. 631.354.2.076 Boyko A., **Bondarenko O. RESERVATION AS AN EFFECTIVE METHOD OF ENSURING THE RELIABILITY OF COMPLEX AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY National University of Bioresources and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine **Nikolaev National Agrarian University, Nikolaev, Krilova St. 17a, 54038 In this report examined ways to improve the reliability of complex agricultural equipment by reserving its component systems Keywords: technic, reliability, redundancy Complications of agricultural equipment and giving it versatility at reduced energy performing operations poses new requirements to ensure the required level of reliability of machines. For mechanical systems, which basically is the modular units of agricultural machinery, higher reliability can be achieved in two ways. The first of these is associated with an increase in the reliability of components (parts) of the systems. This way is realized mainly in finding and implementing new, more durable, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant materials, methods and technologies to strengthen the systems. The second way involves structural changes in the design decisions of various components and assemblies. Unfortunately, this promising trend has not got far enough amplification in mechanical systems including agricultural machines. There are different reasons for this. First, the structural changes involve the introduction of additional elements is extremely necessary for the functionality of the system. Second, structural reservations require new solutions in building structures, which in turn leads to more unconventional approach to the development of machines to the need for analysis of their potential and reliability in the design stage. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Towards structural reserving both unloaded (passive) and loaded (active) for mechanical systems have done very little. Each of these types of redundancy has its advantages and disadvantages. The concept of passive reservation should include the necessity of the introduction of technical system of determined range and number of parts fixed as reserve parts, a resource which is smaller than the total machines’ resource. This type of reservation also includes various possible regulation, which are expected in the construction of machines and are caused by the amortization of the parts, vibration and changes in their relative position, with re-working, regrinding etc. Thus, the necessity of passive reservation is dictated by the natural processes of exploitation and loss of operability of devices and nodes in consequence of manifestation of certain types of damages. Agricultural machinery basically refers as mechanically renewable systems. Periods of its cyclical recoveries when damaging of certain parts and components. The renovation of normal functioning of machines depends not only on the provided by their maintainability and availability of spare elements provided by their design but also by the technical equipment, the use of advanced methods of diagnosing and staff base repair and maintenance. So support in machines’ operation is the complex task and its solution depends not only on the construction of machines, but also on the field of repairs and maintenance. In the present communication equipment and the field of services can be regarded as a complete single system, the effective functioning of which is essential to achieving a specified level of reliability of machines. In the actual operation of the machine is always gets old. Physically, this is due to the processes of wearing, fatigue, corrosion, clogging etc. These processes inevitably lead to a decrease in the level of work capacity, which can be characterized by the intensity of failures. At the same time repair and maintenance base of technical service machines can be in different possible states of the reduction potential and capacity (aging) to URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use develop due to the introduction of new technologies and methods of maintenance and repair. For a comprehensive assessment of the status and trends of changes in the general level of reliable machines performance, especially of seasonal destination, you should consider a coherent system "machine - maintenance" in dynamic display of their characteristics. One of the common situations in the evolution of the considered system can be events when with a total natural aging of equipment the repair maintenance base remains at a certain achieved level . Then with the passive redundancy of individual parts and components, states and transitions of the system presented by following scheme (Fig. 1). m10 l00 l0'0 m11 l10 1 0 l10' Figure. 1 States and transitions of the passive redundancy with aging techniques and the same level of field maintenance. The system starts with the working capacity of "00" as the main element that is included in the work, and an additional reserve is serviceable. During operation laden enabled element can stop, and then the system goes into a state of "10". It is characterized by the fact that the first (main) element is stopped, and the second (backup) serviceable and the whole system remains able to work. However, such a transition is possible through an intermediate state "0" 0 ", which is artificially introduced into the description of the system as a sham to simplify the task of URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use mathematical formalization of the system when the intensity of transitions from state to state is variable. [1]. With a state of "10" when the system can only work on the backup item it goes into a state of total abandonment, "11", through the second intermediate state "10 '". As a result of actions to restore elements of the system it goes from the incapable for working state "11" goes into "10" in the recovery of one of the elements or the operation can completely original "00" in the recovery of both elements (primary and backup). In marked graph (Fig. 1)the arrow shows the possible transitions that occur with intensities li and mi . Moreover li - Characteristics are failure rate, and mi Characteristics are intensities updates. Thus a system with passive redundancy has two working capable states "00" and "10" and one incapable "11" that characterizes its refusal. Nowadays the loaded reservation has not found wide use in mechanical engineering systems. Most examples of its effective use can be found in radio electronics, computer engineering, electrical equipment, automatic systems [2, 3]. Yet more examples of active reservations are represented in biological systems, where reliability problems become problems of evolutionary survival and development of particular species. To conduct the research in identifying the impact of gradual aging technology for its reliability in the application of active reservation is possible by systematic analysis in modeling the process of transition of the system researched in different possible states and detection of probability in finding it in any condition. Graphical description of the behavior of the duplicated system with loaded reserve can be represented by the following delineated graph (Fig. 2) As displayed in Figure graph has sufficiently developed structure. It contains six states connected by relevant links of the system transitions from state to state. The work begins with a system state of "00", referred the working capable operation of the system when both elements (primary and backup) are in good early position. In this case, the parallel connection of equivalent elements in active redundancy has no difference between the primary and backup elements, they are equal in maintaining the whole system reliability. Let’s aAssume that after inclusion in the work with the gradual aging the loaded main element of the system URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use accumulates damage the whole system going into an intermediate state " 00 ' ".This provision may have two ways of developing. Either, while continuing to work in the prescribed mode, the system goes into a state when loaded (running) element refuse " 01 ", or the backup element starts working and becomes loaded and in the result of cumulative damage process the system transforms into a state of" 0 '0 ' ". From this state, as from the state of" 01 " the system during prolonged operation in any case goes to state" 0 '1 " which is characterized by failure of one element and accumulated damage in another. This provision prevents a possible complete system failure when both main and reserve items deny. This situation is described as " 11 ". The release of it can only be the restoring of the system with its technical maintenance or repairing till the initial state" 00 ". Fig. 2. Marked graf of the states and transitions with the active laden redundancy aging technique and constant level in the field of maintenance Characteristic of this system with active redundancy, the presence of aging techniques and adopted constant maintenance is its great "vitality" despite the constant accumulation of damage. This means that with a properly chosen level of URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use reliability, it may be able to use it for a long time. Therefore the feature displayed on the graph is that the only situation when the system loses the serviceability is in the condition " 11 ". Other possible states indicates the serviceability of the system. However, it is important to note that the detected working states are not equivalent in safety margin and in their functional capabilities. In the latter, it depends on the particular constructive solution of the system and its purpose. Thus, without exaggeration, one could argue that to achieve the required level of reliability of technical systems, especially complex ones, more attention should be paid to the structural mass redundancy. The problem of effective use of redundancy gets its particular relevance when analyzing equipment failures based on actual conditions of use. In addition, the determination of dynamics in change the reliability depending on the condition of the infrastructure maintenance machines is today of great practical importance. References: 1. Ushakov I. Technical reliability systems. Directory / I. Ushakov. - M.: Radio and Communications, 1985. - 606 p. 2. Azarskov V. Reliability of systems management and automation. Textbook / Azarskova V, Strelnikov V. - K.: NAU, 2004. – 164 p. 3. Volkovich V. Models and methods for reliability optimization of complex systems / Volkovich V., Voloshin A., Zaslavsky V., Ushakov I. - Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1993. – 311 p. J21310-052 U.D.C. 631.355.4 Gruban V. THEORETICAL ANALYSIS STRUCTURAL AND KINEMATICS PARAMETERS DEVICE FOR CLEANING HEADS TO DEVICE COMBINE FOR COLLECTION OF CORN Nikolaev National Agrarian University, Nikolaev, Krilova St. 17a, 54038 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use In the article it was got dependences and the basic structural and kinematics parameters of cob-peeling device. Key-words: corn-gathering machines, cob-peeling devices, pressuring device. Inroduction. The technical level of corn gathering combines as well as of all agricultural machines, is determined by the degree of perfection in basic working organs and indexes of quality of implementation in technological process, its reliability, power-consumption and resource-demanding. The quality of implementation in technological process criteria are regulated by agrotechnical requirements on a machine for collection of corn on grain. Without the observance of these requirements no corn-gathering technique can be called modern and effective and it cannot be competitive. Analysis of previous researches results. The great work on the experimental and the theoretical study in this field are conducted by the different research institutes of the former USSR and designer bureau of the Kherson combine plant. Deep theoretical researches dedicated to the calculations of cobpeeling devices were carried out by such famous scientists as A.Buyanov, V.Bondarjov, M. Reznyk etc. But these researches do not give the necessary data for resolving number of tasks in the calculation of cob-peeling devices, they mostly explain the questions of the calculations of their passing features and the efficiency of corn-gathering machines. Existing modern elements of the theory methodologically relies on the theory of the working machine’s efficiency, provided for other fields of machine-building, the theory of machines and combines exploitation and the studying of corn-gathering machines’ work into the virtual circumstances of exploitation[3]. The practice of corn-gathering machines design today requires to work out the theory of the corn-gathering machine’s efficiency, which is tightly connects the process of design and the real circumstances of exploitation. This could give the possibility to detect the unproductive usage of working hours, to find the ways of its increasing and to get the necessary data for prediction of the further machines improving while designing them. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Exposition of basic material. Modern cob-peelling devices at best under certain conditions are able to provide the degree of purification of cobs wrappers at 8690%. The degree of purification cobs from wrappers by cob-peeling devices depends on many factors, including the length and amount of steam cleaning rollers, the angle of the horizon and speed, the activity of the working surfaces of rollers and their diameter, the presence of clamping devices and others. The contact force clamping the fork blades has great influence on the quality of cleaning process, which ultimately affects its amortization. Fig. 1 shows the kinematics of the interaction of the clamping device with rubber blades 2 and fork 1. Let’s consider the three most typical mutual position of a single blade and fork: fig. 1a corresponds to the initial moment of contact, fig. 1b shows the moment when the blade is curving to the position of max bending and fig. 1c shows the moment when the blade is curving after passing the position of max bending. Let’s consider the mathematical model of the interaction of the blade at the time of max deformation. The rubber blade will assume a flat elastic rod with a console fixing in it A (Fig. 2) Analysis of the blade as elastic beams - console shows that it is subjected to great deformation of deflection. For the mathematical description it should be used the theory of bending beams with large deflection [1]. We believe that the console is influenced by the power P¹ attached to the free end of the console. According to [1] beam deformation equation is: EI dq = -M , dl where E - modulus of elasticity of the material; I - moment of inertia of the cord; Θ - bending angle (angle of the line basins); dl - element curve bending beam; M - bending moment. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (1) Fig. 1. Kinematics in interaction of clamping device Fig. 2. Scheme of the great depression console: 1 - starting position, 2 - deflection position. Moment of inertia of the beam: I= bh 3 , 12 where b - width of the blade; h - the thickness of the blade. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (2) The current length of the beam l lies in the range 0 ≤ l ≤ L where L - length of the blade. The value of the curvature of the beam d Θ / dl is associated with a bend w (x) known formula [1]: d 2w dq dx 2 = , 3/ 2 dl é 2ù dw æ ö ê1 + ç ÷ ú êë è dx ø úû (3) In the case of small deformations w (dw / dx) 2 <1 formula (3) takes the form: dq d 2 w » , dl dx 2 (4) which is the basis of the linear theory of bending, but in this case it cannot be applied. Bending equation (1) must be supplemented with boundary conditions: at the fixed end: l =0: q =p /2 , (5) at the free end: l =1: M =0 . (6) Thus, determining of the parameters of bending beam has boundary value problem (1), (5), (6). Integrating equation (1) with the boundary conditions (5), (6) we can get: l= where In EI 2p p/2 ò q dq cos q B - cos q , Θ - angle bending at the free end beam with l = L. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (7) Fig. 3. Dependence of L , y B , xB , bending in point B Let’s makePerform some calculations. Fig. 3 shows the results of calculation and Fig. 4 each max bending effect on the parameters Θ in the bending beam. Wondering ratio contact force H/L the curve Defining the angle Θ B we’ll find H / L(q B ) . p1 . æ IE p1 = ç 2 è 2L æqB öç ÷ç ø 0 è 2 ö ÷ ; cos q - cos q B ÷ ø dq ò (8) or æ IE p1 = ç è 2H 2 æqB öç ÷ç ø 0 è ö ÷. cos q - cos q B ÷ ø cos q dq ò (9) For easier calculation in Fig. 4 the graphs of functions are shown æqB f1 (q B ) = çç è0 2 ö ÷ ; cos q - cos q B ÷ ø dq ò æqB f 2 (q B ) = çç è0 ò 2 ö ÷ . cos q - cos q B ÷ ø dq (10) URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (11) Fig. 4. Influence of max bending qB on the parameters of bending beams Conclusions. According to the conducted research theoretical and outgoing dependencies of corn cob is pressed against cleaning rollers with its weight and force of clamping blades. As a result of these forces action between the cob and rollers the contact forces N1 , N 2 . heads. In addition, as rollers. If F1 > F2 , appears . In turn, forces N1 ¹ N 2 , m1 ¹ m 2 F1 , F2 will seek to break the wrapper by virtue of inequality F1 ¹ F2 will fork rotation on then the rotation will be clockwise when F2 £ F1 , rotation is counterclockwise. References: 1. Agriculture of Ukraine: status, trends and prospects. Inform.-analyte. collection. / Edited. P. Cabluka et al. - K.: IAE UAAS, 2003. - No. 6. - 763 p. 2. Balkarov R. Justification optimal parameters corn units. In.: Improved performance of the machine and tractor units. Collection of scientific works. - M.:. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use MIISP, 1985. - P. 84-86. 3. Rowdies A. The method of determination of the optimal kinematic modes of clamping devices. / A. Rowdies // tractors and agricultural machinery. - 1965. - № 2. - P. 19-21. 4. Cartridge P. Konopeltsev N. Substantiation of parameters and operating modes of the device snapping stripper type. Tr. SAN Melitopol. T XVII. Issues of agricultural mechanization, 1972. Pp. 42 - 45. 5. Marchenko V. Market machines. Features of and prospects for the market of agricultural machinery in Ukraine. / V. Marchenko, M. Guz // News Machinery. 2009. Number 1. - P. 26. J21310-053 UDC 69.059.7 Nechepurenko D.S., Epifantseva S.V. THE CLASSIFICATION OF WAYS TO IMPROVE BUILDINGS ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF RESIDENTIAL QUARTERS AT COMPLEX RECONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING DEVELOPMENT Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture In this report we describe the process of energy saving forming at complex reconstruction and housing development of residential quarters. We define main possible ways to implement subsystem “forming energy saving of civil buildings of residential quarter that has to be reconstructed”. Key words: energy saving, complex reconstruction, housing development, residential quarter, morphological analysis. Ukraine’s unused potential of energy saving according to [1] is about 40%. Therefore the question of residential buildings energy efficiency becomes urgent today. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The energy efficiency improving in the residential sector is possible to achieve by creating energy-efficient residential buildings (new construction) and by improving energy efficiency of existing residential fund (reconstruction). According to statistical information of commissioning housing for the last 10 years, it is possible to draw conclusion that basic reserve of increase of energy-saving in a residential fund lies not in new construction, but in the field of reconstruction of existent buildings (the complex reconstruction of residential buildings). The concept of complex reconstruction of residential buildings [2] is based on integrated urban development approach to solving problems, the essence of which is that the choice of destinations and content reconstruction and repair of housing is based on the incorporation of urban, historic, cultural and landscape value of building area. Herewith the object of complex reconstruction is not a separate residential building with a certain level of physical and moral deterioration, but building block (residential quarter) and urban situation as a whole. The complexity of the approach is determined by that all known events (major repair, modernization, construction, renovation and demolition) are considered as equally possible, and their implementation is for transforming and extending the lifecycle of outdated or dangerous emergency residential fund and sealing buildings including urban situation. Energy saving at the complex reconstruction of residential buildings is forming under the influence of two main groups of technical-organizational decisions: technical-organizational decisions related to energy efficient building, and technicalorganizational decisions related to energy efficiency engineering systems (internal and external). The aim of this article is to explore the forming process of energy saving system at complex reconstruction of residential structures and highlight possible ways to implement the basic functions of this system. For this purpose, first of all we allocate two subsystems: 1) The energy-saving forming of buildings in micro district (quarter) that has to be reconstructed; URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 2) The energy-saving forming of engineering systems in micro district (quarter) that has to be reconstructed. For the selection of ways to implement the basic functions of these subsystems we apply principles of morphological analysis. Morphological analysis is a method for exploring all possible solutions to a multi-dimensional, non-quantified problem. It consists of the following stages: 1) a description of the desired functional properties of the system; 2) identify the most complete list of the main functions of the system; 3) identify alternative ways to implement each function; 4) generating all possible systems, each of which consists of a chain that takes into account exactly one way to implement each function; 5) evaluation of the effectiveness of variants; 6) selection of the most appropriate variant [3]. Within this article we will focus in more detail on third stage and consider the first subsystem – the energy-saving forming of buildings in micro district (quarter), that has to be reconstructed. The objects of this subsystem is a set of residential and public buildings (operating and projecting) that can be located within a residential quarter (micro district) during the complex reconstruction and housing development. These are the objects of outdated housing (two-stored, three-stored houses of old construction, houses of the first mass series) and modern high-rise residential buildings, etc., and also public and administrative buildings. According to Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings [4], member states shall ensure that by 31 December 2020, all new buildings are nearly zero-energy buildings (passive houses). That is why it is appropriate to approximate indicators of reconstructed buildings to passive building standards during the complex reconstruction of residential buildings [5]: - Annual heating demand of building is not more than 15 kWh/m² per year; - Prevent the presence of “bridges of a cold”; URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use - Compact form of building construction; - Passive use of solar energy through the building orientation to the south and the shading lack; - Improved glass units with special profiles and heat transfer coefficient of window UW <0,8Wh/m² and g-Wert = 50%; - Air tightness – pressure test result, n50 ≤ 0.6 h-1; - Heat recovery ventilation, return rate of heat > 75%; - Highly efficient devices with save electricity for household; - Water heating using solar collectors or heat pump; - Passive air heating through, for example, the ground heat exchanger. Based on foreign and domestic experience, we can identify next ways to realize the subsystem of the energy-saving forming of buildings in micro district (quarter) at the complex reconstruction: External walls: - Increase the heat resistance of existing building envelope by 10%; by 20%: - Outer heat preservation: plastering system (system of the fastened heat preservation with subsequent finish plaster); - Outer heat preservation: hinged-ventilated facades systems; - Inner heat preservation; - Using multilayer exterior panels with effective heat insulation and inflexible links; Windows: - Reducing the number and area of openings to the rules of natural lighting; - Insulation and sealing gaps around the perimeter of window and door openings (polyurethane foam, foam strips with adhesive or sealing layer of porous soft rubber, silicone, etc.); - An extra glass or vacuum sealed one-, two-chamber double-glazed window; - Using the warm-strips; URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use - Install external blinds and shutters designed to reduce infiltration, heat loss and reduce overheating of buildings in summer; - Replacement balcony blocks. Roof or overlapping ceiling of the upper floor: - Heat preservation of the overlapping ceiling of the upper floor; - Heat preservation of pitch roof (between the rafters and over rafters); - Heat preservation of flat roof ("cold" roof with insulation by pumping and "warm" roof); Basement or ground floor: - Installation of insulated panels for ceiling; - Heat insulation floor in the absence of basement; - Floor heat insulation in heated basements. The above methods can be defined as those relating to component parts of building envelope. However, energy efficiency of buildings and structures is also formed by reconstruction of technical building systems: Heating systems: - Replacement of one-pipe heating system on two-pipe system; - Establish an autonomous heating system of the house – roof boiler; - Install combined house heating system using solar energy; - Install geothermal house heating system; - Replacement of one-pipe system on electric heating system in apartments; - Installation small-size boiler for heating supplies in apartments; - Installation radiator reflectors on each radiator (convectors); - Heat insulation building heating systems in unheated rooms; - Using heat pumps; - Replacement no regulating elevator on regulating; - Establish regulating valve and circulating pump; URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use - Replacement of dependent heating system on independent: installation ductile heat exchangers; - Replacement of dependent heating system on independent: installation individual thermal point with means of management and accounting; - Installation a house heat consumption accounting; - Installation apartment radiator ball valves regulation or residential automatic radiator thermostats of heat consumption; - Establish residential radiator storage-distributors of heat consumption (evaporating or electronic type); - Installation an apartment heat consumption accounting; Air conditioning and ventilation systems: - Install air handling system (mechanical ventilation system that provides the least possible energy consumption of fan); - Installation recuperators ventilated air; - Heat utilization of ventilated air; - Use rotary air distributors which can provide air with a large temperature difference; Hot water systems: - Heat insulation of hot water system’s pipes in unheated rooms; - Provide the necessary water circulation due to design decisions and the use of low-noise pump without foundation; - Heat wastewater utilization; - Installation a house water temperature regulator; - Installation an accumulating tank; - Replacement of existing apartment nodes to heating water for centralized hot water supply system; - Replacement gas water heaters to electric; - Establish a house hot water accounting; - Establish an apartment hot water consumption accounting; URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Gas supply system: - Replace the existing building liquefied gas supply on the natural gas supply system; - Replace the existing building natural gas supply system on the electric; - Replace the existing building liquefied gas supply on the electric; - Installation of house gas regulatory cabinets; - Establish an apartment gas consumption accounting; Electricity system and electrical equipment: - Installation of electric cable heating system; - Installation electric ice melting systems; - Replacement of internal electric networks. In practice, for each separate building (object of the subsystem) in projects of complex reconstruction of residential buildings there is possible to use any means of energy efficiency improving or their combinations. Through this, it is possible to achieve reducing the need for consumption of fuel and energy resources by about 50%, and even more. Because buildings (which are located within a residential quarter during the complex reconstruction and housing development) can refer to different phases of construction, different architectural and design solutions, the value of physical deterioration and others, selecting variant of reconstruction and combination of energy-saving methods, we should be governed by certain restrictions and use conditions of certain means which will be considered in further research. References: 1. 2. The conceptual foundations of regional development policy of complex reconstruction of residential real estate with a maximum use of existing buildings and infrastructure city territories: monograph / [V.M. Kirnos, V.G. Andreev, E.P. Uvarov and others]; edited by V.M. Kirnos. – Dnipropetrovs’k: Science and education, 2010. – 121 p. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 3. Gusakov A.A. Systems engineering construction: monograph / A.A. Gusakov. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1983. – 440 p. 4. Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings / 5. 6. Energy saving at the residential fund: problems, practice, perspectives: Digest. – K.: NDIproektrekonsruktciya, Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH(dena), Instituts Wohnen und Unwelt GmbH (IWU), 2006. – 144 p. J21310-054 UDC:620.91:697.7 ……………………………………………………………………….. MolotkovV.E. USE OF NONCONVENTIONAL POWER FOR WATER-PREPARATION AND HEAT SUPPLIES OF INDEPENDENT INDUSTRIAL TARGETS OF MARINE AQUACALTURE Institute of marine technology problems FEB RAS, 690091, Vladivostok, Suchanova 5а. In the given work ecologically pure technologies of independent power supply systems of water-preparation of an industrial target (shop) of marine aquaculture with use of renewed power resources are considered. The opportunity of use of nonconventional power for industrial targets in climatic conditions of coast of Peter the Great bay of a northwest part of sea of Japan (Primorye Territory) is proved. Keywords: the accumulator, the water-preparation, renewed power resources, cultivation, of marine aquaculture, a heat supply, technologies, power supply. Conditions of a climate at coast of a northwest part of sea of Japan define a number of problems of development industrial of marine aquaculture of Primorye Territory, major of which is power supply of modern technologies cultivation sea organisms in the hydraulic engineering constructions located in island territories and coastal. Industrialization of marine aquaculture demands enough high power inputs URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use [1]. The majority aquacultures are located in coastal areas and island territories of Peter the Great bay (sea of Japan) and remove from networks of traditional power. Now for independent power supply of industrial objects (shops, factories) of marine aquaculture use fuel-organic power resources which at burning render harmful influence on an environment. One of perspective ways of the decision of a problem of reduction or full reduction of harmful emissions is use of the systems generating thermal or electric energy, ecologically pure renewed natural energy sources working with use (RE), for example, a wind and the sun. On receipt of a solar energy in Primorye Territory borrows one of the first places in Russia [2, 3]. By estimations of some researchers wind and solar resources in Primorye Territory can be used successfully for reception thermal and electric energies with application of solar water-heating installations of collector type (STWH), photo-electric and wind electro-generators for systems of hot water supply and heating of various administrative, household and agricultural objects [3, 4, 5]. In Institute of marine technologies problems of the FEB RAS is developed a function chart-technological of power supply of an industrial target (shop) cultivation аге invertebrates animals of marine aquaculture which includes the modular thermal and electric generating systems using ecologically pure solar and wind renewed power resources. The shop (object) with hydraulic engineering systems incubation and cultivation are of marine hydrobionts (pools), represents an one-storey building in the size 12х24m on external perimeter (to a total area 290 m2), height of a wall of 6 m without taking into account a roof. Protecting designs (walls and a roof) are executed from are sandwich-panels by thickness of 0,125 m, a floor not warmed, in the form of a concrete coupler on a ground, thickness 0,1m. In a building of shop are located: reserve capacity for the sea water, connected by the pipeline with pools of various volume for cultivation are of marine hydrobionts, heat exchanger for heating (cooling) water, modular systems of filtration clearing of a circulating water technological stream for each pool, system of heating of air of shop, auxiliary mechanisms, monitoring systems of water in pools and all modular subsystems of URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use water-preparation, the block of the central management. Total amount of used technological sea water in system are pools 200 m3 (daily replacement of water of all system 20 m3). Outside of a premise of shop devices of a fence and dump of water with mechanical filters, the block thermal heat recovery technological sea water, the solar heating installation (STWH) with solar collectors and the soil accumulator of long storage of heat and a cold, the system of accumulation of heat (cold) with use of superficial waters of adjoining water area, the solar photo-electric installation (SFE) for development of the electric power demanded on illumination, work of executive mechanisms, devices of the control and automatics are located. The reserve electrogenerator is used for maintenance of work the thermal pump (ТP). In the developed combined scheme of power supply at shortage the warmth energy for heating (the winter period) or cooling of water (the years period) in hydro-systems of pools it is used reserve reverse the thermal pump (fig.1). In areas of a territorial arrangement of marine aquaculture with high wind potential (island territories) for development of the electric power instead of SFE installation the wind oscillator is applied. Modular systems of direct heating the heat exchanger due to a solar energy (solar thermal installation with the thermo land-accumulator), selection of heat or a cold from adjoining sea water area, the thermal pump and system of heating of air of a building of shop are filled by the nonfreezing heat-carrier. The solar power plant can work in a direct mode of heating of circulating and flowing sea water in pools (the contour C) (fig.1). The temperature of water in pools is adjusted mixing are steering thermo of valves after the thermo of water-preparation in a separate contour (the contour A) and submission of flowing water from water areas ( contour E). The fence of sea water from water area in reserve capacity and pools and its dump from hydraulic engineering system of shop functions continuously. Use in the technological scheme of water-preparation (fig.1) the heat recovery heat allows to lower expenses of heat for heating sea water in system to 70 % in winter and up to 50 % in warm the periods of year. Maintenance of necessary ecological and technological parameters of the sea water used in pools for biotechnologies cultivation of marine URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use hydrobionts and in reserve capacity, is carried out by means of systems of filtration clearing (are contours K, E). At a fence of sea water and dump systems of a mechanical filtration and disinfecting are used. For an estimation of capacity of a thermal source by a standard technique [6] objects necessary for a heat supply were defined total thermal losses which develop, of thermal losses through protecting designs, expenses of thermal energy for heating of ventilating air in shop and on heating of water in pools (tab.1). Table 1. Temperature modes in pools and in the sea (depth 10) and expenses of thermal energy for heating of sea water in pools Month I II III IV V VI VII VII I 18 20 20 20 IX X XI XI I 14 14 t0С 14 14 14 14 18 14 Waters in pools t0C In -1,2 -1,2 -0,3 2,3 5,0 8,3 13, 16,8 14,2 10,0 4,6 2,3 the sea on 2 [11] Heating 3,68 3,28 3,3 2,7 2,9 2,4 2,2 1,20 1,64 1,92 2,3 2,9 of water, 7 5 MW∙hour The temperature of air indoors is accepted to equal temperature of water in pools. Air exchange in is accepted 0,5 m3 / (m2∙h). In a modelling variant settlement capacity of thermal losses of object was estimated at a minus 24°С (at average temperature of the coldest five-day week security with factor 0,92 [6]), in view of heating of sea water in pools, has made 23,3 kW∙h. In a modally variant thermal expenses for heating of water in the pools located in a building of shop cultivation are of marine hydrobionts have been calculated. Thus average long-term all the year round climatic conditions of area of an arrangement of object for concrete area of water area of Peter the Great bay, in particular, area of a gulf the East (tab. 1.) (on depth of 10 m numbers of supervision of temperature of air and a thermal mode of sea water undertook last 30 years [7]) are considered. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use In figure 2 data of thermal losses of a building of shop, a share of a solar energy in a heat supply of the object, developed are presented to the STWH with the area on an adsorber 84м2 and the land-accumulator, expenses of thermal energy for heating of water in pools. Thermal losses of object, in view of heating sea water in pools make 122 MW/year. The thermal land-accumulator is executed in the form of drill fields. The thermal capacity of the in view of seasonal losses for area of research makes 105 MW/year. The sector of heating of the geothermal accumulator consists from 12 vertical drill probes on 60m. The capacity of geothermal sector of cooling according to average value of the maximal temperatures of water in years months for a gulf the East [7] will make 14,21 MW/year. Average maximal capacity of cooling of 9,8 kW. The sector of cooling consists from 5 vertical drill probes on 60m. Calculations have show, that at the set modes of heating of sea water in pools and its replacements in system 20 ton in day solar thermal installation completely provides power expenses for heating of sea water in pools at average thermal losses of object in various the time periods of year (fig.2). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig.1. A function chart-technological of the combined system of water-preparation and power supply of an independent complex of marine aquaculture: 1 - the steering thermo of valve; 2-the pump circulating; 3 - the heat exchanger; 4the probes of sector of heating; 5- the probes of sector of cooling; 6- the heat recovery; a contour А- thermoregulation the temperature restriction, circulating with flowing water in pools and reserve capacity additional; a contour B - heating-cooling of pools, reserve capacity; a contour C – thermoregulation, solar heating and night cooling, in a mode of direct solar heating; a contour Д - selection of heat and a cold of superficial waters of adjoining water area; a contour Е - circulation of fresh water, water exchange of pools, heat exchanger for recycling heat and diluter waste water; a contour K - filtration clearing, ecological normalization of water in pools; a contour M - heating (cooling) of air of a building of shop. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use In the given calculation average security by heat of object in view of direct heating sea water in pools due to гелиосистемы is accepted 100 % at sufficient solar light, seasonal losses in the soil accumulator and selection of heat by means of утилизатора waste waters from water system of shop. For indemnification of losses at a deviation from average data warmly for heating water in pools and heating of air of a premise of shop it is accumulated in the thermo land-accumulator during the warm periods of an annual season from adjoining water area by means of system of selection of heat from water area (contour Д, fig.1). The system of selection of heat (cold) from sea water area works according to a current condition drills sectors and to calculation of a stock of power supply technological cycle. The analysis of long-term supervision of a temperature mode of waters of a gulf the East resulted in work [7], have shown an opportunity of selection of thermal energy from a surface of water area during from second decade of May till the first decade of November at of long standing temperatures of superficial waters 14-240С and the maximal values of this parameter 25-270С (August). During the cold seasonal periods of year at lack of heat the duplicating system of generation of heat of a heat supply of object by means of the thermal pump (by capacity of 10 kW) is used. Offered technologies of independent power supply of shop (object) of marine aquaculture with use RE for regulation by temperature modes of water in hydraulic engineering systems for cultivation of marine invertebrates and systems of heating allow: · To use ecologically pure power resources of renewed energy sources (a wind, the sun) for independent power supply of systems of water-preparation; · To spend process of cultivation are of marine invertebrates in an all the year round cycle in not dependences on climatic conditions of region; · It is essential to lower environmental contamination. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use MWt.hour (а) (б) (в) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Fig. 2. Quantity of thermal losses of object (a), a share of a solar energy in a heat supply of object (б) and expenses of heat for heating of sea water in pools (в). References: 1. Molotkov V.E., Volkov A.V. energy sources in hydraulic engineering systems cultivation of marine hydrobionts // Bulletin FEBRAS. №3. 2008. With. 105-111. 2.Bezrukich P.P. What for of Russia renewed energy sources? // Energy: economy, technik., ecology. 2002. №10. With. 2-8. 3. Ilin A.K., Kovalev O.P. Opportunity of use of a solar energy in Primorye Territory // Bulletin FEBRAS. 1992. №5/6. With. 63-72. 4. Kovalev O.P., Wolkov А.В., Loschenkov V.V. Use of a solar energy in Primorye Territory // Bulletin FEBRAS. 2001. №5. With. 293-298. 5. Slesarenko V.V., Kopylov V.V., Княжев V.V. Estimation of efficiency of installations of solar power in systems of a heat supply // Bulletin FEBRAS.2010. № 3. With.125-130. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 6. Bogoslovskij V.N., SkanavyA.N. Director of the designer. Internal sanitaryengineering devices. Ч. 1. Heating. М.: Stroyizdat, 1990. 344 with. 7. Gaiyko L.A. Feature of a hydrometeorological mode of a coastal zone of Peter the Great bay (sea of Japan). Vladivostok: Febrasscience, 2005.150 with. J21310-055 UDC.372.8 Machekhina D. V. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN THE GRAPHIC PREPARATION STUDENTS. INTERNET: "FOR" AND "AGAINST" Polytechnic Institute of the Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk, ul. Kirenskogo 26 The problems related to the computerization of education in the information society, the goal of this process is to help students new outlook, information culture. The role and place of Internet technologies in the educational process. As well as the advantages and negative phenomena in the learning process associated with the Internet. Key words: information society, information technology education, information, internet technology, the Internet. Computer science and society, in recent years, acquiring a global character, is one of the strategic directions of the development of civilization, the results of which we see everywhere today, and which will largely determine the shape of the new civilization is emerging - the global information society. [3] Modern society requires the transition to an entirely new level of access to quality education. Education reform due to the transition to the information society, with integration into the global system of education, which is associated with the development and implementation of the educational process the new information and communication technologies. This process is seen as the creation of a unified educational electronic environment. [4] The purpose of this process is the formation of a system of scientific thinking of URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use students, environmental, and information culture, creativity and high morals qualities that will enable them to successfully adapt to live and work in a global information society. [1] The presence of the Internet allows students and teachers to use it for educational tasks: participate in online conferences, obtain information from the open encyclopedia, which will be interactive lectures. Internet technology is constantly expanding educational opportunities, provide practical experience in the implementation of the learning environment. Internet technologies in education: give the possibility to organize the learning process more interesting, provide the necessary information at the right time, to participate in research projects, students are used to communicate between themselves and with the teachers. And in this regard, even more important is the role of the teacher, which is the most important task - to learn to live in a world of information, do not get lost in the huge flow of information, to be able to find and use the knowledge. [1] Internet technologies in education correspond to the realities of today. Their introduction to the process of education is the knowledge that have been received and are now receiving the results of which form the learning process. Powerful software, its full integration with the Internet gives students the opportunity to share information obtained during the development of new knowledge. Advantages of the Internet in the educational process is clear - this is the speed any information, communication, self-realization, additional education, expansion of territorial boundaries, provision of leisure, the formation of information literacy, including the ability to work with information (to find, analyze, organize, and use). Along with the enormous opportunities and benefits of the Internet in education, there are significant drawbacks - it's messy false information, obtaining and sending false information, the formation of false notions about objects, events and processes, and health deterioration (loss of vision, lack of exercise, the bending posture, mental and intellectual impairment ) secret societies (fans, suicides, etc.), obscene language, pornographic resources, websites extremist nature, a large amount of the imposed advertising etc. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Like any relatively new phenomenon, the Internet generates a lot of controversy - from unfounded fears to unrealistic expectations. Which leads to ambiguity of ethical evaluations of Internet, because it belongs to no one, no one is controlled, and therefore - not controlled, members of virtual communication is generally anonymous and may at any time withdraw from the contact, and the possibility of legislative regulation of this area of life is small, at least today. This gives the user an illusory sense of unlimited freedom - until permissiveness. Student, as well as anyone who feels the illusion, and it drives him to many immoral and sometimes illegal actions. In our view, there are significant disadvantages of using the Internet as a source of information applicable to higher education. They are mostly related to the use of finished works to prepare for classes or rent them instead of their own. Here we can highlight the following points. First, when a student takes work, downloaded from the Internet and signed his name, he breaks one of the three fundamental principles of network ethics: the principle of "inviolability of private property." As applied to a virtual ethics adherence to this principle means that the right to information and ownership of copyright. In other words, students are engaged in copyright infringement, plagiarism, which under Russian law is a crime. [2] We can as much as to say, so do everything, and that people will publish their work, but the fact remains. Second, download the finished work and passing it, or use it as a ready material for preparation for classes, tests whether the exam, the student process of self-rule processing and assimilation of information. After all, while he independently studied books, articles, data, he learns of them, highlights the main thing, sort, structure, that is trained. If the work is simply printed, defeats the purpose of self-study, which is just as important a part of the training, as well as lectures. Third, the negative aspect of the use of the Internet as a source of information is the lack of quality in the network. Under poor quality meant unreliability or inaccuracy certain share information. A huge amount of information already existing on the internet and coming there every day no one controls or edit, so often found student information can be just someone's opinion or hypothesis, not a proven fact, URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use the term may meet a typo, an interpretation may not be accurate or dual. As a consequence, the student will not be able to finish and properly understand the topic of interest. Fourth, the level of training of users looking for this information. He, too, is not up to par. After all, the computer and all its systems (Internet search engines, in particular) is the only machine that performs the user's query. What is the query - this is the result. Therefore, this problem has hidden her decision. Internet as a source of information - aid training. To search and find relevant, quality information you need to have a certain level of knowledge and skills, not to blame the poor quality of information [2]. Problems associated with the use of the Internet by students as a source of understandable practices, such as the Department of Descriptive Geometry and Drawing. Two groups of students were given an assignment on "Plug Connections." In carrying out the job when you perform a calculation hairpin connection. The first group was given Manuals detailing the job. The second group was given only the task information for the task had to find their own. The result was as follows: in the first group successfully completed the task 85% of students in the second - 34% successful (66% - did not account hairpin compounds not found or did not pay attention to the fact that the length of the studs screw connected depends on the material details in which this stud screw connected). So in conclusion we can draw several conclusions. First, the Internet as a fundamental trend today is twofold, which is especially evident in the field of education. Second, the development of the information society today is not so much technological as information-psychological problem, because its solution should significantly change the social consciousness. Third, the information society is no alternative, as it is the main direction of the development of civilization in the 21st century, which had already come all developed and many developing countries. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use References 1. Borisenko I. G. Information in the educational system: the characteristics of the socio-philosophical research. / / Bulletin ISTU. - 2012. - № 4 (63). - 347 p. Pp. 298302. 2. Higher education and the Internet. Mode of access:,com_ewriting/Itemid,116/index.php?option%2 0=com_ewriting&Itemid=116&func=chapterinfo&chapter=2876&story=2306 3. Pfanenshtil I. A., Borisenko I.G., Role of information technology in overcoming the transformation processes in Education / / Philosophy of Education. 2012. - T. 43. Number 1. - Page. 59-67. 4. Pfanenshtil I.A., Yatsenko M. P., Borisenko I. G. Information technologies and their role in the stability of the national educational system. / / Bulletin ISTU. - 2013. - № 1. - Page. 274-279. J21310-056 UDC.372.8 Klesova K. I. MODERN TRAINING GRAPHIC DISCIPLINES Polytechnic Institute of the Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk, Kirenskogo, 26 This article is dedicated to exploring the possibilities of using computer technology in education, namely, the use of multi-media training and demonstration programs to improve the quality and speed of learning, improving digestibility of knowledge for teaching graphics and special disciplines. Key words: computer technology, engineering graphics, information education The life of modern man, and cannot be imagined without computers. Computers have simplified the man's life around. From the house you can now learn remotely, if someone does not get to go to school, always on hand to online library, URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use for you can do a variety of presentations, allowing more visually present information, and to remember and understand visual information much easier, which is to the ear difficult to read, it is very convenient to format the text in the form of tables, charts, etc. The rapid development of modern information technology in education using multimedia tools, provides new opportunities in teaching graphic disciplines. Graphic training requires appropriate knowledge, develops spatial representation and imagination, a prerequisite for a successful preparation of young people to the profession [7]. The introduction of innovative methods, forms and means of education to create a new strategy for training in technical colleges. Thus, teaching courses in descriptive geometry and engineering graphics has become in recent years a new dynamic. Growing amount of knowledge to students while reducing class hours required time optimization of the educational process [1]. Effectiveness study of descriptive geometry and engineering graphic can largely be improved through the use of new information technologies, the greatest efficiency will also use threedimensional computer graphics and animation. Multimedia software lectures not only gives an opportunity to diversify illustrative material, but thanks to new technology that transformed the traditional form of education, it becomes more attractive, allowing students to present and understand complex theoretical material [2]. With the introduction of new training facilities there are new challenges. For example, the use of computer-aided design (CAD) repeatedly to increase the accuracy and speed of execution. During training, students create graphic disciplines set of documents homework, term papers and dissertations. Also, in real learning processes can be used, and worked previously solved problems associated with the practical activity of the future graduate [5, 6]. For future specialist is not just a set of drawings, sketches, diagrams, with an explanatory note in electronic form, and engineering information system with classified structure, interactivity, visualization, etc. And the digital prototype products (project) at creation and approval goes through the same stages and adjustments before. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The use of 3D-modeling with the first lesson helps students to quickly acquire the necessary competencies and personality traits can competently perform drawings with built-in libraries and create your own library of design elements. Expanded the range of tasks for the practical classes, the number of tasks for independent work. Innovation in teaching impact on students' motivation to learn our traditional disciplines: descriptive geometry and engineering graphics, which is expressed not only in the results of examinations, but also in the increasing interest among students for the challenges of increased complexity. Simultaneously developed and implemented the criteria of assessing students using innovative teaching techniques of graphic disciplines. In my view, there are pros and cons in innovative educational technologies. Advantages are obvious, using modern computer technology, we can: for a limited time to show a large amount of graphic material, return to the previous material (in contrast to the chalk and board) to show the main stages of the decision-consuming tasks, to show 3D images of surfaces at any angle, use animation, to show the use of the individual figures on actual structures. But there are also disadvantages to them I would like to include: the programs that we use for drawing something, are expensive, need to purchase a license, requires a lot of computers to equip students to work in the programs and services (configuration, update software, maintenance, etc.), which in turn rests on the financial and human resources. Modern society - a society of information technology, it is interested in the well-educated and competent professionals capable of independently and be active, make decisions, flexibility to adapt to the changing conditions of life. Modern person must have a high level of professional autonomy and mobility is a specialist in demand in the labor market today. Maintaining a high level of education - the main factor of social and economic progress and an essential condition for sustainable development of any country, and it needs to be improved across the higher education system [3]. In accordance with these requirements developed state educational standards for the training of future engineers, which identifies the main types of URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use future careers of graduates: Design, organization and management, production and technology, experimental research. In solving the problems in higher vocational and technical education significance acquire technical disciplines that form the basis of future professional engineering knowledge, capacity for innovation and engineering to its construction. For example, when analyzing the careers of graduates of 20002012 years found about 20% of cases where competence aided drafting, based on «AutoCAD», «Compass" is used in everyday practice specialists. [4]. These disciplines include engineering and computer graphics. In recent years, has expanded the range of problems solved by the methods of descriptive geometry and engineering graphics, which are widely used in computer-aided design (CAD), engineering and manufacturing of complex technical objects, reinforcing the importance of this discipline in engineering education. Therefore, special attention was graphic education students, the development of information for graphic communication. Today there is no reason to dispute the fact that the use of information technology has a significant impact on educational technology, enhancing their ability to achieve the objectives in the education system. Since the study of descriptive geometry and engineering graphics associated with the implementation of drafting work, the computer graphics is a great help to students for the acquisition of graphic skills. In other words, the computer in solving the problems of traditional education is used as a new graphical tool and serves to improve the quality of education. However, a holistic view of the usefulness of modern information technology to improve educational technology aimed at acquiring image information on the development of subject position of students is currently underdeveloped [8]. In conclusion, I can say that innovative technologies have been introduced into our lives not so long ago, but we use them in everything and everywhere, innovative technologies facilitate our lives. We are in the new millennium, where people closely related to computers, we have to use what is created for our own convenience, for our own good. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use References. 1. Borisenko I.G. Innovative technologies in teaching descriptive geometry in the formation of professional competence. / / Bulletin ISTU. - 2011. - № 12, p. 355-357. 2. Borisenko I.G. Competence approach in teaching descriptive geometry and engineering graphics / / Bulletin KrasGAU - 2011. - № 12 (63). - 334 p. Pp. 300 302. 3. Borisenko I.G., Petrovskaya N. M. Information Technology in Teaching graphic disciplines in the formation of professional competence / / Bulletin ESSTU. 2012. - № 4 (39). C 38-42/ 4. Kamoltseva A.V., Katargin V.N. Methods and forms of integration competencies of graduates of modern transport profile / / Proceedings Sworld based on international scientific and practical conference. - 2013. - № 1. 5. Katargin V.N., Koryagin M.E., Morozov, D. A. Evaluation of staff for the automotive service on the basis of a mathematical model of training maintenance workers. / / Transport company. 2011. - № 7. - Page. 36-39. 6. Katargin V. N., Pisarev I.S. Repair components of vehicles operated within the dimensional relations / / Automotive industry. 2008. - № 3. - Page. 27-29. 7. Stoler V. A., Kasinsky B. A. Teaching descriptive geometry using multimedia computer-access mode: / papers/7/ 8. Theory and practice of an innovative approach to education in preparing future engineers of graphical disciplines. Electronic resource: (date accessed February 10, 2012 d) J21310-057 UDC 664.641.1 Stadnuk I., Konevech M., 1Vasyliv V. QUALITY CONTROL IN KNEADING THE PASTRY Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj National Technical University, Ternopil 1 National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The analysis methods of process control kneading, the main factors that affect the formation of dough. A mathematical model of the process of kneading, and new design solutions for giving shaft mixer machines that will intensify the process of mixing and improve the quality dough. Key words: the process of kneading, dry dough, dough formation, quality control procedures dough mixing machine working chamber, the coefficient of heterogeneity, plasticizing dough. Wide implementation in the baking industry of intensive mixing process is associated with increasing demands for quality of finished products. Quality is a determined by punctual following the prescription of the test - especially the moisture. In this case, the accuracy of the components is determined by the work of dispensing equipment and the construction of dough kneading machines for the corresponding mode of operation. It is known that the choice of optimal mixing parameters - duration of mixing, dosing sequence of flour, yeast and additives, water temperature and dough in the process (first and last) - the problem of industrial research laboratory of the enterprise. Today, the most common method is of determining the moisture is based on drying the sample to a constant weight and weighing it before and after drying. These methods are laboratory and very complicated, that`s why are difficult to automate. There are different methods to control the moisture of dough. But none of considered methods of moisture control provides the quality of mixing. In most kneading machines of domestic and foreign production, semi-finished product in the chamber is mixed with working bodies of various configurations. Therefore, in terms of production it is desirable to have a reliable objective methods for determining the consistency of the dough to replace the sensory methods of assessment. It is established [1, 2] that the system variables of the process and indexes of the performance of dough forming can be affected by: quantity and quality of the ingredients of the dough, the specificity of the vibration dozing machine of flour, configuration of kneading drum and plasticizer, the modes of the three stages mixing - temperature, duration, and, most important, pressure. With the rapid URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use development of modern computer technology in the field of mixing mathematical modeling is widely used, but the doughmixing with non-blade working body and regulatory surface of plasticizer has first been considered [3, 4]. In works [1, 2, 4] the sequence and duration of dosing of the components, a significant effect of mixing body and compression on the change dough properties with the help of construction plasticizer are considered in detail. Criteria for evaluating the quality of the mixture is the coefficient of variation, %: VC = 100 1 n (ci - c) 2 , å c n - 1 i =1 (1) where c - arithmetic mean value of the concentration of the main component in all n samples of the mixture,%; ci - concentration of the main component in the i-th sample of the mixture, %. Regarding to dough mixing, this criteria is the coefficient of heterogeneity, as it increases the heterogeneity mixture increases in the first minutes too, and further, there is a smoothing of homogeneity. The analysis of the experimental curves Vc = f (t) (t-mixing time) got from the studies of dough kneading machines of periodical work and different constructions, showed that the kinetic curve of the process of mixing has three characteristic plots. Each plot represents a certain time period of mixing [5]. The process that occurs in the working chamber of dough kneading machines, can be considered as a system with incoming and outcoming flows and is shown schematically in the form of connection between the signals: , (2) where c (t)in - instantaneous concentration of the main component in the input stream; a (t)out – the same, but in the final mixture; A - conversion operator. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use A set of mathematical expressions A - a statistical description of the system. It does not depend on time and is determined for the process of mixing with scheme, and it looks like this: where H(p) -the transfer function. A record of the transformation operator in equation (2) can be obtained using the dynamic characteristics of the medium: the weight h(t) and the transfer H(p) function. In this case h(t) - a function of time describing the response of the system at a given time t to a unit impulse function d(t), which is being given to the entrance of the system at time t - t3 (t3 – not delay of the signal, it means the time of pulse passage through the system). The unit impulse function, or delta-function: d= 0, if t > 0; d=¥, if t =0; (3) The transfer function H (p) is the Laplace function transform: (4) where p - complex change (p = a + ib, where a i b - real and imaginary parts of a complex number і = ). Using the function H (p), equation (2) for a linear system can be written as: C(p)out = H(p) C(p)in (5) where C (p) – converted function according to Laplace C (t). Considering the fact that plasticization of dough is based on the respectively defined processes in chambers of dough kneading machines, this ensures to install their patterns and calculate the rational parameters of individual operations. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use References: 1. Stadnuk I.Y. Application methods of vibration and pulsation kneading dough in developing new machines / I.Y. Stadnuk, A.T. Lisovenko // Hlebopekarska i konditerska promislovist Ukraini, 2009 - №4, - s.37-40. 2. Stadnuk I.Y. Basic theory of plasticization dough / I.Y. Stadnuk, A.T. Lisovenko // Hlebopekarska i konditerska promislovist Ukraini, 2009 - №5, - s.22-23. 3. Kulen R.V. Mathematical Programming (with elements of information technology) / R.V. Kulen, E.A. Yunkova, A.B. Galcov – K.: MAUP, 2000, - 124s. 4. Mihaylichin M.S. Simulation of kneading bezlopatevym working body / M.S. Mihaylichin, I.Y. Stadnuk // Hlebopekarska i konditerska promislovist Ukraini, 2011 - №9, - s. 22-23. 5. Lisovenko A.T. Technological equipment bakeries and ways to improve / A.T. Lisovenko – M.: Legkaya i pichevaya promichlenost, 1982. – 208s. J21310-058 UDC 66.011 Schutyuk V.V., Vasulenko S.M., Bessarab A.S., 1Vasyliv V.P. INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS TO RESEARCH IN DRYING TECHNOLOGY OF FOOD RAW MATERIALS National university of food tecnologies, Kyiv 1 National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv Reasons over of growing interest are brought in the processes of drying, and also some aspects of cooperation of industry and scientific university collectives in embodiment and application. The tendencies of research of processes of drying, that appear on the joint of different areas of science with the use of forward possibilities of technical process, are examined. Key words: drying, intensity, efficiency, power aspects, dry food foods. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The main purpose of drying in food industry is preservation of dried product. Improving of drying technology provides increasing of technical and economic indexes, taking into account environmental considerations, improvement of product quality. The growing interest in drying is recently observed in developing countries to compare with relatively stable in other continents [1, 2]. Also the interest to the drying process the amount of received patents on drying in the U.S. in the last two decades, up to 240 per year shows. [3] Considering the direction of the agrarian economy of Ukraine, development of drying technology is an attractive and promising. As a lot of different dried products are exported to Ukraine, the question of its own production is extremely acute. Ways to intensify the process of drying. Reducing capital and operating costs of dryers depends on the feasibility of drying rate increasing with the following of product quality demands. It is known that the raw material for drying is characterized by surface and internal moisture. Drying rate in removing surface moisture depends on the value of the external heat transfer and mass transfer coefficient, because the mass transfer resistance is outside the dried material. The increasing of turbulence of drying agent, mechanical vibration or flow oscillations leads to high rates of drying. Ultrasound or sound effects increase the drying rate, but complicate the mechanisms of intensification. When using overheated steam at a temperature of inversion as desiccant drying rate becomes higher than the hot air, but at temperatures below the critical, we can see the opposite – it becomes lower. The use of an electromagnetic field can heat volume polar liquid that will evaporate. This virtually eliminates the heat transfer resistance of the material. Most of these options of intensifying drying are tested [4]. However, not all ideas can be applied today, as most of them are associated with changes in quality of products. Moreover, the introduction of new technologies leads to a complication of equipment, requiring a pre-feasibility study to industrial application. The use of multi-stage dryers. In the presence of surface and internal moisture in the material for effective following of the process of drying drying mode and even URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use type of dryers in some cases should be different to remove these two different types of moisture. Zoning of dryers along their length is typically used in conveyor and tunnel facilities to ensure optimum drying heat-sensitive materials with the intensification of the drying process. [4] Removal of surface moisture is even more intensive process, which requires a short residence time of the product in the dryer, while the removal of internal moisture is a slow process that requires a long exposure time and therefore, larger dryers. To extract mainly surface moisture are fluidized bed, roller, spray dryers, etc. For long-stay of raw circulation, tunnel, belt dryers, etc. are used. For the successful use of multistage drying raw material should have both types of moisture in sufficient amounts for two-stage drying process duration is sufficient for industrial implementation. In some cases, the first step can be used to remove surface moisture to reduce the adhesive properties of the product, sufficient for further drying, for example in a fluidized bed [5]. The use of modern trends intensify drying requires an integrated systems approach to multidimensional and multidisciplinary modeling of concurrent processes of impulse, energy and mass. Also, studies will need more active collaboration of researchers in order to achieve an effective contribution to basic research and industrial application. Future developments should take into account the constant increase in environmental and economic requirements, provided a high quality of finished product. References: 1. Fernandez M.A., Arlabosse P., Descoins N. Thermally-assisted mechanical dewatering: State-of the-art and new developments. PRES’05.– Palermo, Sicily, Italy, 22–25 May 2005. 2. Strumillo C. Perspectives on Developments in Drying.– Drying Technology,2006.– 24.–P. 1059–1068. 3. Mujumdar A. S., Passos M. L. 2000. Drying: Innovative technologies and trends in research and development. In: Developments in Drying. A. S. Mujumdar URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use and S. Suvachittanont (Eds.): Kasetsart University Press,Bangkok: Thailand.– P. 235–268. 4. Advanced drying technologies/ Tadeusz Kudra, Arun S. Mujumdar.– CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, 2009.– 455 p. 5. Mujumdar A. S., Passos M. L. Developments in Drying. Kasetsart University Press: Bangkok, Thailand, 2000.– P. 235–268. J21310-059 Ryzhkova T.N. EFFECT OF FERMENT MICROFLORA COMBINATIONS ON QUALITY AND OUTPUT OF GOAT’S CURD Kharkiv state zooveterinary academy, Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine, 62341, KSZVA, Malaya Danilovka, Dergachi district, Kharkiv region. Summary. The data on the effect of some types of ferment microflora as well as some ferment microflora combinations on the quality and output of goat’s curd have been presented in the article. It has been found out that the use of some ferment combinations promotes the production of curd with less foreign flavour and less goat’s suint odour and the increase in the output of curd as compared to some other types of ferment. Key words: ferment combinations, goat’s milk, curd, output Introduction. Nowadays the new trend has been observed in the dairy industry – processing of goat’s milk into drinkable milk and fermented dairy products. The presence of the national standard for goat’s milk, stored milk promotes the development of the above trend [1]. Analysis of recent investigations and publications. It is well known that sour milk products including curds are of great significance in the dietary of the population because in addition to its nutritional value the curd has diet and medicinal properties. The technology of curd production is based on the use of lactose fermentation under the influence of ferment microflora [2 - 3]. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use It should be pointed out that most scientific publications have been devoted to the development and improvement of curd technology from cow’s milk. The data on the development of curd technology on the industrial basis with the use of biotechnological methods aimed at the reduction of specific features of flavour and suint odour of goat’s milk in the above fermented product have not been found yet. In this connection special attention should be paid to the ferment that consists of propionic acid bacteria. The above bacteria play the major role in the production of rennet cheese at high temperature of second heating of cheese grain. They are supposed to be the source of acids that effect the manifestation of spicy sweetish flavour and odour in cheese from cow’s milk at high temperature of heating [4]. It has been stated that some strains of propionic acid bacteria P. Freudenreichii ssp. shermani and P. Acidipropionici have the great probiotic potential and due to that they are used in the production of sour milk drinks [5]. Besides, it has been informed that acidophilic microflora ( L. acidobacillus) introduced into the process of rennet cheese production in the amount of 1.0…1,5% of the total amount of milk inhibits the development of fatty sour bacteria. Thus, the necessity of the use of nitrates that have cancerogenic properties is excluded [6 - 7]. The aim and the tasks of the article are to determine the effect of both some types of ferments and ferment combinations made from them on the organoleptics (flavour and texture) of curd from goat’s milk and its output. Presentation of the main body of the investigation. The assessment of the surface, texture, colour, flavour and odour was conducted organoleptically; the temperature and net weight – by GOST U 6066 : 2008, the mass rate of fat – by GOST 3625; titratable acidity – by GOST 3624. The total amount of ferment microflora was determined by GOST 10444.11 by the dilution cultivation colony calculation method on the solid agar medium (MPS) and GRM, the compatibility of different kinds of ferment cultures – by the method of All-Union Scientific and Research Dairy Institute [8]. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use To reduce the specific features of goat’s milk (goat’s suint odour and flavour) that become more intensive in the finished kinds of sour milk products the selection of ferments has been thoroughly conducted in order to reduce significantly the manifestation of the above shortcoming. The choice has been done in favour of the most common types of ferments used in the production of curd from cow’s milk including ferment “MSт”, Lactobacillus acidophilus (unviscous strain) and Propionibacterium sp. The production ferments used in curd making were prepared with goat’s skimmed sterialized milk in accordance with the instruction in force on the ferment production for sour milk products from cow’s milk. The results of the investigation given in Table 1 present the data on the presence or lack of the mutual growth and development of each ferment included in the ferment combinations made by us, where, the composition of variant 2 was: 50%-LA, PB- 30% and AC - 20%; variant 3: 60 % - LA, 30 %-PB and 10 % AC; variant 4: 55 %-LA, 25 %- PB and AC - 20%; variant 5: 60 % - LA, 25 % - PB and 15% - AC. Table 1 Productivity of ferment microflora combinations during their combined cultivation, CFU /cm3 Number of Parameters variant Before cultivation Variant № 2 Variant № 3 Variant № 4 Variant № 5 After cultivation (6,0 ´ 105)–LA, (3,0 ´ 105)–PB, (4,9 ´ 105)–LA, (4,1 ´ 105)–PB, (1,5 ´ 105 ) - AC (3,0 ´ 105) - AC (6,5 ´ 105)–LA,(3,0 ´ 105)–PB, (4,8 ´ 105)–LA, (4,8 ´ 105 )–PB, (2,0 ´ 105) - AC (3,5 ´ 105)-AC (6,0 ´ 105)–LA, (3,0 ´ 105)–PB, (4,5 ´ 105)–LA, (4,2 ´ 105)–PB, (2,0 ´ 105) - AC (2,1 ´ 105)-AC (6,0 ´ 105)–LA, (3,0 ´ 105)–PB, (4,9 ´ 105)–LA, (4,8 ´ 105)–PB, (3,0 ´ 105) - AC (4,5 ´ 105)-AC URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Note: LA - lactococci in the leaven of ferment « MSт» ; PB – propionic acid bacteria ; AC - acidophilic sour milk rod-shaped bacteria. It can be seen from table 1 that the experimental sample of curd № 2 provided the growth of acidophilic rod-shaped bacteria by 1,5 ´ 105 CFU /cm3 while the amount of propionic acid bacteria increased by 1,1 ´ 105 CFU /cm3 and the amount of lactococci slightly decreased. The productivity of acidophilic rod-shaped bacteria in the experimental sample of curd № 4 increased by 0,1 ´ 105 CFU /cm3 while the amount of propionic acid bacteria increased by 1,2 ´ 105 CFU /cm3 and the amount of lactococci slightly decreased. In the experimental sample of curd № 3 by the ratio of ferment cultures: LA 60 %, PB - 25 % and AC – 15 % due to the decrease in the amount of lactococci (by 1,1 ´ 105 CFU /cm3 ) the quantity of propionic acid bacteria increased by 1,8 ´ 105 CFU /cm3 . The amount of acidophilic microflora increased by 1,5 ´ 105 CFU /cm3. Consequently, the symbiotic relationship between the above three types of starter cultures, the most effective manifested in sample № 3 (60% - LA, 30% - PB and 10% - AC) and № 5 (60% - LA, 25% - PB and 15% - AC). The batches of curd have been produced with the use of aqueous solution of the mixture made from ascorbic and citric acids in the concentration that provides both the growth of it ratable acidity of goat’s milk from 15…16 оT to 20…21 оT - the level that is similar to the value of the cow’s milk and the concretion of the softer goat’s clot as compared to the cow’s one proposed by the authors of the article and that was used in the development of rennet cheese from goat’s milk Whole goat’s milk was normalized by mass rate of fat with due regard for the mass rate of protein in the initial milk [9]. Then the normalized mixture of goat’s milk, fat 2,9 %, when produced the curd of 18 % fat was pasteurized at the temperature (78±2) о C for 15…20 seconds. After that the mixture of milk was cooled to the temperature of fermentation and clotting (32 ±2) оC and 1 % aqueous solution of milk coagulating ferment preparation URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (MFP) of microbial origin “Fromasa” was added at a rate of 1 g of preparation per 1 ton of milk and the solution of calcium chloride. The normalized mixture of goat’s milk was processed to produce curd with the introduction in the curd production process both the traditional ferment «MSт» that is used in the processing of cow’s milk (control batch № 1) and the ferments that consist of propionic acid bacteria and acidophilic sour milk rod-shaped bacterium , the experimental batch № 2 and № 3, respectively. The normalized mixture of goat’s milk similar by its physical and chemical parameters was fermented by each of the three above-mentioned types of ferment. The total amount of ferment used in the processing of goat’s milk into curd was 3 % of the mass of milk. Such representatives of lactococcus as Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris (biovar, diacety lactis) with the addition of Lactococcus subsp. lactis were in the composition of the bacterial ferment («MSт») used in the production of the control batch of curds from goat’s milk. The clustering of the normalized mixture of goat’s milk was done for 7…8 hours till the formation of the clot having acidity (65±2) о T. When produced the control batch of curd № 1 with the traditional ferment “SMT “ the second heating of the obtained clot of milk after its cutting into cubics with the use of the above ferment to stimulate the process of syneresis was conducted at the temperature (36±2) 0 C that is optimum for the development of lactococci. When produced the experimental batches of curd № 2 and № 3 the second heating of the obtained dense curd clot after its cutting into cubics was conducted at the temperature (45±2) 0 C and (50±2) о C for 15…20 minutes, respectively. The control variant of curd № 1 was produced with the use of one type of curd ferment «MSт». Propionic acid bacteria (PB) took an intermediate position and were from 20…30 % of the total amount of ferment. Physical and chemical values of the curd from goat’s milk with the use of certain types of ferment have been analyzed (table 2). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Table 2 Physical and chemical parameters of curd with the use of certain types of ferment Type of curd batch produced with ferment «MST», control Propionic Parameters batch № 1 acid Acidophilic bacteria, experi- rod-shaped mental batch bacterium, №2 experimental batch № 3 In curd Mass rate, %: - fat 18,01±0,5 18,52±0,5 17,5±0,5 - protein 17,0±0,5 17,5±0,5 16,5±0,5 - moisture 64,4±0,5 64,6±0,5 65,0±0,5 Acidity, оТ 190,0±0,5 180,0±0,5 200,0±0,5 - fat 0,53±0,04 0,42±0,04 0,61±0,04 - protein 0,43±0,06 0,32±0,04 0,5±0,06 Acidity, оТ 18,0±0,56 17,0±0,44 20,0±0,96 Density, оA 24,61±0,98 23,83±0,87 24,64±0,95 In curd whey Mass rate, % It can be seen from table 2 that the curd ferment provides the acidity and physical and chemical parameters that meet the requirements of the standard to the curd produced from cow’s milk. No trustworthy difference between the values of the mass rate of fat and moisture in the control and experimental batches of curd as well as between the loss of fat and protein with curd whey have been found out (P ≤ 0,95). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The use of the ferment that consisted of acidophilic sour milk rod-shaped bacterium provided the production of the best texture of curd, the use of ferment that consisted of propionic acid bacteria provided the lowest acidity of the curd. The loss of the mass rate of protein with curd whey in the experimental batch № 2 (P ≥ 0,95) was higher by 0,11 % as compared to the analogous value in the control batch of the product № 1.No trustworthy difference between the above values in the control and experimental batch of curd № 3 was found out (P ≤ 0,95). The curd produced with the use of propionic acid bacteria had the lowest acidity, but the use of acidophilic rod-shaped bacterium promoted the formation of the highest level of titratable acidity in the curd. The titratable acidity in the experimental batch of curd № 2 was lower by 10 оТ but the curd batch № 3 with the acidophilic ferment was higher by 10 оТ as compared to the analogous value in the control batch of the product № 1 where the traditional type of curd ferment «MSт» was used (P ≥ 0,95). Organoleptic assessment (flavour and odour) and curd texture produced with the use of the above types of ferment microflora was carried out by the commission. It has been found that the curd batch with the acidophilic ferment was characterized by the best texture. The above type of ferment provided the effective decrease in the foreign flavour and goat suint odour. The use of the ferment with propionic acid bacteria provided the most effective decrease in the foreign flavour and goat suint odour. Thus, it has been stated that each of the above ferments has its positive properties. In order to use the positive characteristics of each ferment under investigation the ferment combinations have been developed. In addition to the control variant of the curd № 1 produced with the use of only one ferment «MSт» four variants of curd with the use of the ferment combinations that contained three the above –mentioned types of ferment microflora have been produced; Experimental batches of cottage cheese is produced in accordance with the requirements of our developed SU 15.5 - 00493758 - 001: 2011 "Cottage cheese from goat's milk" and the instruction manual for them [10]. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use "where", the first – control variant of ferment «MSт» that is traditionally used in the production of curd from cow’s milk had lactococci (LA) in its composition. The results of the analysis of the curd are presented in Table 3. Table 3 Physical and chemical parameters of curd “Osobyy” Variant № and ratio of ferments used, % Parameters №1 Ferment №2 №3 50:30:20 60:30:10 №4 55:25:20 №5 60:25:15 “MSт”, 100% In curd Mass rate, %: - fat 18,01±0,05 17,51±0,05 18,02±0,05 17,53±0,05 18,01±0,05 - protein 17,0±0,05 18,0±0,05 18,2±0,05 18,03±0,05 18,5±0,05 In whey - fat 0,50±0,05 0,6015±0,05 0,50±0,05 0,50±0,05 0,50±0,05 - protein 0,45±0,05 0,2±0,05 0,22±0,05 0,23±0,05 0,21±0,05 - moisture 64,4±0,5 64,6±0,5 65,0±0,5 64,8±0,5 64,6±0,5 Acidity, оТ 192,0±0,05 198,0±0,05 194,0±0,05 200,0±0,05 198,0±0,05 Norm 6889±0,01 6796±0,01 6790±0,01 6793±0,01 147,2±0,01 147,3±0,01 147,2±0,01 147,2±0,01 of 6792±0,01 expenditure of mixture to produce 1 kg of curd Output of 145,2±0,01 curd from 1 ton of milk mixture, kg URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Note. The composition of ferment combinations: № 1 - ferment «MSт»; № 2 – ferment from propionic acid bacteria; №3 – ferment containing acidophilic sour milk rod-shaped bacteria. It can be seen from table № 3, that the control variant of curd № 1 was produced with the use of one type of curd ferment «MSт». The traditional type of curd ferment «MSт» (with LA) had the highest specific weight in the ferment combinations from 55…60 % and the type of curd ferment that consisted of acidophilic sour milk rod-shaped bacterium (AC) had the lowest specific weight from 10 % to 20 %. The proportion of propionic acid bacteria (PB) in the raman combined starter culture is intermediate in comparison with lactococcus and lactobacillus, and is 20 ... 30%. The total amount of starter used in the cheese manufacture variants - 3, 0%. The lowest acidity characterized prototype version of № 3 titratable acidity which although was 2 оТ, from a large, compared to the control № 1, but less than, respectively, at 4, 6, and 4 о T, than experienced options version of № 2, 4 and version of № 5 (P ≥ 0.95). No trustworthy difference between the values of the loss of the mass rate of fat with curd whey in the control variant № 1 and experimental batches of curd № 2, № 3, № 4 and № 5 have been found out. The mass rate of protein in the experimental batch of curd № 2…№ 5 was higher than in the control batch of curd № 1 by 0,5, 1,2, 1,03 and by 1,5 %, respectively (P ≥ 0,95). It can be explained by the decrease in the losses of protein with whey in the experimental batches of curd № 2…№ 5 by 0,23, 0,21, 0,2 and by 0,22 %, respectively (P ≥ 0,95). The output of curd with ferment culture combinations was larger as compared to the analogous value in the control batch of the product № 1 with 100% ferment from lactococci by 2,0…2,1 kg that is 1,4…1,5 %. Organoleptic assessment of the control and experimental batches of the curd (taste, odour and texture) as well as the assessment of their quality in points using the URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use maximum 15-point scale (5 points for each of such values as flavour, odour and rexture) was carried out by the commission. The assessment of the quality of the control variant №1 and the experimental variants of curd made with the use of the ferment microflora combinations has shown that the quality of all experimental variants of curd № 2… № 5 was higher as compared to control variant № 1. Thus, the parameters of flavour and odour of the experimental batches of curd № 2 - № 5 were different from the control variant (№ 1) of the product by the presence of the leveling of foreign flavour and goat suint odour and also by the “grainy” texture as compared to the oily texture of the control variant of the curd № 1. Conclusion. 1. Symbiotic relations between three types of ferment cultures were revealed in two out of five variants of goat’s curd: № 3 ( LA -60%, PB – 30% and AC – 10% ) and variant № 5 ( LA 60 %, PB – 25 % and AC – 15 %). 2. Variant of the curd № 3 was the best one by flavour, odour and texture. The specific peculiarities of foreign taste and goat suint /odour were significantly reduced and the texture was grainy and homogenous. 3. The output of the experimental batches of curd with the use of ferment culture combinations (due to symbiotic relations between them) was larger by 1,4…1,5 % as compared to the analogous value in the control variant of the product when only one type of ferment microflora was used. Literature: 1. Goat’s raw milk. General technical conditions (SSTU 7006: 2009) – [ Introduction into practice of 01.01.2010]. – K. State standard of consumption of Ukraine, 2010. – 9 p. – (National standards of Ukraine). 2. Technology of dairy products of small scale production / A.V. Onopriyko, A.G. Khramtsova, V. A. Onopriyko. – Mart. – Rostov-on-Don, 2004. – 411 p. 3. Kigel N.F. Ferment cultures for fermented dairy products: main types // N.F. Kigel // Dairy industry. - 2005. – P. 26 - 29. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 4. Kolesnikova S.S. Quality of milk and new technologies of cheese developed in Ukraine / S.S. Kolesnikova // Dairy farming. - 2006. –P. 12. 5. Kolesnikova S.S. Biological treatment of milk and cheese making / S.S. Kolesnikova // Cheese and butter production. – 2000. – № 2. – P.26. 6. Myagkonosov D.S. Effect of propione acid bacteria on taste of dairy products / D.S. Myagkonosov, N.P. Zakharova, G/D/ Perfilyev // Cheese and butter production. – 2003. – № 5. – P.15. 7. Yankovskyy D.S. Propione acid bacteria in the composition of biologically active preparations and sour milk products / D.S.Yankovskyy, G.S. Dyment, O.P. Potrebchuk // Visnyk of agricultural science. – 2007. – № 8. – P.60 - 62. 8. Bannikova L.A. Selection of sour milk bacteria and their use in dairy industry/ L.A.Bannikova. – M.: Food industry. – 1975. – 255 p. 9. Ryzhkova T.M. Patent for useful model № 45707 “Method of cheese clot production when rennet cheese from goat’s milk is produced”, registered in the State Register of Patents of Ukraine for useful models, 25 11.2009, Bul. № 22. – 4 p. 10. TC U 15.5- 00493758 – 001:2011 “ Sour milk curd from goat’s milk. Technical conditions” [Introduced into practice : 2011 – 01 -01]. – K.: State standard of consumption, Ukraine, 2010. –24 p. – (State standards of Ukraine. Technical conditions). J21310-060 UDC 534.2 Golovkina L.V, Umayrov R.Y. RESEARCH OF CONTRAPERTURE SPEAKERS IN ACOUSTIC Kharkov national university of radioelectronics, Kharkov, pr. Lenina 14, 61166 The possibility of determination of optimum distance for halfaperture speaker between a driver and reflecting plate was described. Properties of driver are used on an orientation and reflections of plate surface. A calculation showed the insignificant URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use diminishing of half distance in a halfaperture speaker as compared to contraperture speaker and possibility of replacement of contraperture speakers by halaperture speakers. Key words: the halfaperture speaker, contraperture speaker, optimization, level of sound pressure. In [1] the possibility of determining the optimal distance between two oppositely-driver to create omnidirectional speakers in acoustics was demonstrated. This distance is determined by the angle of the driver aperture pattern and the total sound pressure at some distance from the driver during supplying certain power. Application contraperture principle defines the pressurization in the air column between the drivers, the point of emission is situated between there. It creates socalled «monopole of pressure», the point of sound source. It is a solution of the «farfield» problem [2]. If the length of the standing wave: λст =λ/2, where λ – the length of the traveling sound wave is known, the distance between adjacent node and anti-node is λст/2=λ/4. The condition λ/4 is the limiting distance, Δ, by removing of two oppositely drivers with radius RE and effective radiating surface SE or in halfaperture – reflecting plate with an area of SR, i.e. 0,5RE ≅ Δ < 0,25λmax, SR=(1/3-4)SE [3]. Condition 0,5RE ≅ Δ does not allow to use the directional properties of drivers and does not determine the exact distance between them, and the condition Δ <0,25 λmax generates unreasonably «increased size» of the system. Contraperture speakers were investigated in accordance with the optimal values of the distances between the oppositely directed drivers presented in [1]. It was the need for research to identify and clarify the optimal distance in halfaperture speaker, when, with the reflecting plate is used instead of the second driver. If the two waves of oppositely drivers of full contraperture speaker give a resultant wave whose front is a sphere, then the presence of two point contraperture sources in some homogeneous and isotropic medium two spherical waves are excited URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use and in an arbitrary point of space there is a superposition of waves and highs and lows are changing its position in space. The study of these processes for full contraperture speaker, for halfaperture speaker, as well as for two full contraperture speakers and two halfaperture speakers compared with conventional stereo systems have become necessary to confirm the empirical relationships for these speakers. Two models were prepared with the possibility of installing a speaker in the case, reflecting plates and changes the distances between them. Also, these models are used to measure the total level of the sound field, and in this case the distance between layouts set equal to 1 m. Optimum distance between the drivers is determined by the intersection of graphs of sound pressure from the distance P (r) and the vertical angle of dispersion from the distance to the system center φ (r) [1]. For the parameters of the speaker LH = 74,8 dB and R = 0,05 m (0.00252 м3volume of the case with internal dimensions of 0.1 x 0.14 x 0.18 m with the port tube length 0.045 m and diameter 0.025 m), the distance between the speakers was Н = 19.34 cm (its half r = 9,67 cm). Below is the structure of the elements of models and their photographs (Fig. 1) for the research of the full contraperture speaker, halfaperture speaker and their combinations. 1, 2 – cases for broadband drivers 3, the reflecting plate 4. Fig. 1. The elements of layouts and designs for research The distance to the reflecting plate, НП, HП = H ×k , 2 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (1) where k = L1 – the reflection coefficient of the surface; L1, L2 – noise levels. For L2 the measured values L1 и L2, НП = 9,16 cm. The characteristic size of the reflecting plate æa ö l = 2 H П tg ç ÷ , è2ø (2) where α – scattering angle of the broadband driver (60° is taken into account). The characteristic size of the plate was 10.5 cm The side of the plate should be increased in proportion to the chassis to which the driver was set, i.e. taken as equal to the depth of the case for the driver. The angle of the vertical orientation j æ HП è 2R j = arctg ç æH ö ÷ + arctg ç П è l ø ö ÷. ø (3) The angle of the vertical direction was about 800. The results of the AFC measurement (Fig. 2), full contraperture speaker (solid line – 1) and halfaperture (dotted line – 2) are shown below. Fig. 2. AFC of the speakers The graphs of the measurements obtained (Fig. 3) the dependence of the general average sound pressure level at 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 meters from the speakers (and stereo pairs) as compared with conventional speaker and stereopair: 1 – two contraperture speakers; 2 – two conventional systems (stereo), 3 – one conventional speaker system, 4 – one halfaperture speaker, 5 – two halfaperture speakers, 6 – one contraperture speaker. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 3. The dependence of the speakers average sound pressure level from a distance Nature of the change of average sound pressure level (measured from all sides) from the distance showed little change for single speakers: full contrapertur speaker and halfaperture (see characteristics 6th and 4th respectively). For two full contraperture speakers and two halfaperture speakers characteristics are very different (see respectively 1th and 5th), and if the two halfaperture speakers conditionally «repeated characterization» of a single speaker, a pair of full kortaperture speakers are closed in sound field characteristics to conventional stereo pair with similar drivers and cases (see 1th in comparison with 2th). As a result of this work demonstrated the possibility of determining the optimal distance for halfaperture speaker between the driver and the reflecting plate. Used the properties of the driver in focus and the reflective properties of the plate surface. Calculations showed a slight decrease in the half-distance in halfaperture speaker compared with contraperture. The general nature of AFC has not changed for two types of speakers that really confirms the identity of the replacement conraperture speakers by halfaperture speakers. The nature of changes in the levels of sound pressure from a distance for two conraperture speakers showed their similarity with the characteristics of a conventional stereo pair. References: 1. Golovkina, L.V. Creation speakers in all sides direction in acoustics // Technological audit and backlogs of production, 2012, Volume. Systems and management processes.– № 4/1(6). pp. 9–10. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 2.Сontrapertur acoustic. Available at: (accessed 30 January 2013). 3.Vinogradov A.V., Gaydarov A.S. Patent 2187888 (RUSSIAN FEDERATION). Loud speaker. Published in B. I., 2000. № 99112108/28. J21310-061 UDC 622.352.1:622.22 Pershin G.D., Karaulov N.G., Ulyakov M.S. THE RESEARCH OF HIGH-STRENGTH DIMENSION STONE MINING TECHNOLOGICAL SCHEMES IN RUSSIA AND ABROAD FSBEI HРE “Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov”, Chelyabinsk region, Magnitogorsk, Lenin Avenue 38, 455000 In this report we describe analysis of granite blocks mining technological schemes in Finland, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Russia. The presented data indicate the need of the rational way choosing to prepare blocks for excavation for the specific conditions of development. Key words: diamond cable car, performance, granite blocks, primary monolith, secondary monolith, damping filling, horizontal cut. Multi-system natural solid mass fracturing, forming natural joints of different volume, is the peculiarity of the high – strength block stone deposits. In mining processing, saw cuts, forming artificially created joints, are imposed on the natural cracks of the solid mass. During the consequent cutting, blocks of regular geometric shape are obtained [1]. Granite blocks open cast mining method is realized according to three schemes: one-, two-and three-stage. The choice of one or another scheme depends on the size of the natural stone blocks solid mass, which are determined by fracturing index. Practically, in most cases the number of stages comprises two or three. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use One -stage scheme provides the finished product obtaining after blocks separation from the solid mass (1-10 m3). Excavation of blocks shaped to a standard size is achieved with the help of this operation. At present, this scheme is seldom applied. Two-stage mining is needed because of extractive blocks (monoliths) large size while using natural fracturing solid mass. In this case, monolith, separated from the solid mass differs from the required dimensions and should be cut into blocks of necessary size and shape. Two-stage block mining technology consists of two steps: monolith of 80-800 m3 separation from solid mass and secondary cutting (Fig. 1). Fig. 1. A two-stage scheme of granite blocks mining with monolith tipping: a - primary monolith separation of from the solid mass; b - monolith tipping on the damping filling ; c, d - marketable blocks monolith cutting In Figure 2 the tipped monolith cutting by the blast-hole method with the mechanical wedges application in the granite quarry Luboiu (Italy) is shown. Herewith a diamond wire machine is used to separate the monolith along the horizontal sheet (DWM). a URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use b Fig. 2. Quarry Luboiu. Sardinia (Italy): a - DWM horizontal cut, b - cutting of monolith tipped on the damping filling In case of longitudinal and cross crack systems are close to the vertical direction, and bed-sheeted crack bedding are horizontal or low-inclined (incidence angle up to 5 degrees), the separation is performed without tipping (Fig. 3). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 3. Two-stage scheme of granite blocks extraction without monolith tipping In Figure 4 a two-stage scheme of granite blocks extraction without monolith tipping at Mansurovsky granite deposit (Russia) is shown [2]. Cat-988H Fig. 4. Scheme of monoliths separation and cutting without tipping at Mansurovsky granite deposit: 1 - loader, 2 - blocks, 3 - self-propelled drilling rig DC 120 The main difference between a three-stage scheme from the two- stage scheme consists of the greater volume 300-3000 m3 monolith separation from the solid mass (Figure 5) [3-5]. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 5. Three-stage scheme of granite blocks extraction with monolith tipping and cutting in the parallel or orthogonal direction to the crack system ( Lower Sanarskoe granodiorite deposit, Russia): a - primary monolith separation (10 * 6.8 * 5 m), b - secondary monolith cutting (10 * 1.7 * 5 m), c - secondary monolith charging on the damping filling and its division into blocks (1.7 * 1.2 * 1.5 m) The process selection of stone volume extraction preparation by three-or twostage scheme is realized dependently on the bench height, its component layers number and working sites possibilities for monolith carving into marketable blocks. According to the technology under consideration, initially large monoliths are separated from the bench. The monolith length can reach several dozen meters, and is divisible, as a rule, to the distance between jointing cross cracks in the monolith faces. The large monolith width should be a divisible value to the marketable block length or width. Further, a great monolith is divided into smaller units in the longitudinal or cross directions, which is the second stage of preparatory work. Secondary monolith as well has dimensions divisible to the marketable block basic size. Then, there is a third stage, when taking into account the bench height horizontal layers, marketable blocks are obtained from the secondary monoliths. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Geometrical parameters, shape and quality of blocks mined abroad do not correspond to the Russian ones. The minimum dimensions of commercial granite blocks from abroad are 2.5 m3, while in our country blocks even less than 0.5 m3 are in the processing. In Spain and Italy, many of mined blocks are stored in warehouses for a long time because of excess. In Russia, on the contrary, because of their lack enterprises can not use their full capacity. Many stone treatment plants have to buy imported granite blocks. The amount of employed in the European quarries is 3-9 people. This is explained on the one hand by high-performance equipment application, and on the other hand by the lack of security, staff engineers excess and occupation combination. Over and above the equipment maintenance is carried out under “ third party services” provision. In Russia engineer staff is inflated, because of Soviet officialdom traditions, and the number of permissive documents breaks all the world records. Everyone has to be responsible for something, but the traumatism does not reduced. Two techniques of high-solid rock mining are primarily used abroad: Finnish and Spanish. Further we shall consider the examples of their typical deposits [6]. Kuru Grey (Finland) and Rosa Porrino (Spain) quarries are of greatest interest. Granite deposit Kuru Grey (Fig. 6) is located near the city of Tampere (Finland) and has been mining since 1950. With an annual output of 4,500 marketable blocks only three people work there: a loader driver, self-propelled drilling rig DC 120 and manual jackhammer operators. They also may perform other work. It turns out that one mining worker has 1500 m3 of marketable blocks per year. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 6. Kuru Grey Granite deposit (Finland) The deepen-solid exploitation system is block mining by horizontal and slightly inclined beds-benches. Separated monolith parameters are the following: the optimal length is 40-60 m, height 1.2 m, width 1-1.5. Cut slot is formed by Sandvik drilling rig (boring rig Sandvik DC 700, equipped with hydraulic hammer drill HL710, drilling depth up to 29 m, holes diameter from 64 up to 102 mm is recommended). Carrying through the cut slot they firstly drill by bits of 89 mm diameter, then of 76 (smaller diameter provides rational drilling-in). With the help of self-propelled drilling rig DC120 (drilling depth is up to 9 meters, the holes diameter is 24-45 mm, equipped with hydraulic hammer drill HEX1) holes of 24 mm in diameter with an interval of 30 cm are drilled. The deposit was prospected by two external and internal common trenches with a trace of spiral shape without contiguity. Ramps in quarries are as bulk as well as constructed in the granite solid mass (using natural bed-sheeted cracks). Drilling with a hand held hammer drill is used to prepare the quarry benches. WA600 loader (Fig. 7) produced by Komatsu with a bucket capacity of 6.5 m3 is additionally equipped with quick-detachable pitchfork and blocks tilter for monoliths tipping on some bulk bedplates from chip and bore meal. The separated blocks are URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use transported by loader to the temporary store house which is located in the quarry worked-out area. Fig. 7. WA600 loader block transportation The technology also provides primary monolith explosive separation by Forsit tubes. Detonation occurs consistently partially and, therefore, this rock blasting method does not affect the stone modularity. Rosa Porrino deposit (Fig. 8) is located in the north-western Spain near Porrini. This upland deposit, with the lack of loose stripping, has been developing since 1960. At present, the number of employees comprises 9 people, 4 of them are detached by a customer. With a marketable blocks capacity of 12,000 m3 per year 1,333 m3 comes to one worker. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 8. Rosa Porrino granite deposit (Spain) High-benched three-stage technology of DWM blocks mining is used at the quarry. Sawing is carried out by quarry machines CBC75HPN (power 55 kW, the diameter of the drive pulley 810 mm) and CBC-MD75HP (57 kW, 810 mm) produced by the Spanish company Grani Roc (city of Leon), which is the part of Grupo Hedisa Cor (Fig. 9). Fig. 9. Diamond wire machine SHS 75 HPN (produced by Grani Roc) URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Maximum sawing productivity reaches 10 m2 / h. It is noteworthy that at the end of the working day in the absence of people diamond wire machines are left running. Water for wire cooling is not reused. Long hole drilling machine (pneumatic, crown diameter of 90 mm, produced by Grani Roc company) provides pilot boreholes drilling. Horizontal borehole is at height of 10-20 cm from the surface of the mining floor. The main reason of the actual performance lag from the designed is the complexity of the pilot boreholes docking and, as a consequence, small equipment utilization coefficient. Due to the probe use for holes prospecting (Grani Roc) the process of docking becomes much easier and takes less time. Stitch drilling rig COF2 is applied in the secondary monolith cutting (height 15 m, length 30-40, width 1.5 m). It is equipped with two pneumatic drilling hammers with expected technical performance of 0.6 m / min, produced by Grani Roc company. There is a fixed distance of 30 cm, set by the manufacturer between drilling hammers. Holes are drilled with a diameter of 32 mm with 15 cm section. Mechanical wedges and pneumatic hammer is used to separate blocks. Finished blocks are loaded in trawl and transported to the store house (transportation distance is about 400 m). Two loaders work at the quarry: CAT 988 F (6.5 m3 bucket capacity), CAT 988 B (8 m3 bucket capacity). The secondary monolith tipping is performed with the use of hydro bedplates. A compressor (produced by Atlas Copco company) is foreseen for stitch drilling rig installing and a diesel generator is foreseen for diamond wire machines operating. Expanding powders similar in composition to the LDCs (ICOLD) - Masa Expansiva produced by Sumi Roc (Grupo Hedisa Cor) are also used at Spain granite quarries. The maximum spacer force from the powder and water mix arises after 24 hours. Having analysed the best granite deposits developments in Finland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Russia and literature sources we can make the following generalizations. The acquaintance with foreign experience of highly solid stone mining allowed to get known the market requirements for block quality. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use These requirements are completely incompatible with Russian regulatory acts (GOST 9479-2011). The research and experience of the diamond wire application shows the high wire wear when high strength stone cutting. Due to the high consumption of diamond tools on solid rock and its high cost it is advisable to use diamond wire cutting in combination with a borehole way of monolith separation. [6]. The analysis [1-7] showed that the following operations in the monolith separation from the solid mass are used: – horizontal cut with diamond wire cutting using; – vertical cross sawing cut is produced with the diamond wire; – vertical longitudinal sawing cut with the use of diamond wire cutting or borehole method with special hose or hydro wedges (рис. 10). or: – sawing cut in the vertical, longitudinal and cross sheets is performed using diamond wire machine; – creation of horizontal separation sheet using the borehole method with special hose. Diamond sawing horizontal cut is carried out at an angle of 2-4 degrees deep in the solid mass to get the opportunity for the water supplying to the wire with a stone contact point. Water can be also supplied under pressure along the vertical wellbore. a URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use b Fig. 10. Prugnola quarry on island Sardinia (Italy): a - the use of a drill borehole way to create a vertical longitudinal cuts, b - the creation of horizontal separation by a drill borehole way In each case, the combination of diamond wire sawing cut and borehole way of the monolith separation will be conditioned by the naturally massif fracturing, provided the lowest operating costs for the stone volume preparation to excavation. Cutting monolith in marketable blocks are usually carried by a borehole way with different gripper systems and should take into account the natural form joints making up the monolith. The presented data indicate the need of the rational way choosing to prepare blocks for excavation for the specific conditions of development. Equipment, singly chopped out of the Finnish or Spanish mining scheme, purchased for our enterprises, does not affect the productivity increasing in block production within the accepted technology in Russia. References 1. Першин Г. Д., Караулов Г. А., Караулов Н. Г., Караулов А. Г. Влияние высоты добычного уступа на выход мраморных блоков товарной кондиции // Горный журнал. – 2008. – №1. – С. 25-26. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 2. Першин Г. Д., Пшеничная Е. Г., Хасанов Х. Ф., Ахабзянов Р. М. Повышение эффективности добычи блоков на Мансуровском месторождении гранитов // Добыча, обработка и применение природного камня: Сб. науч. тр. – Магнитогорск: ГОУ ВПО «МГТУ им. Г. И. Носова», 2009. – С. 4-17. 3. Синельников О. Б. Добыча природного облицовочного камня. – М.: Издательство РАСХН, 2005. – 245 с. 4. Синельников О. Б. Финский карьер блочного камня «Пиетиля». Горный журнал, 2011. – №5. – С. 73-75. 5. Тарасенко А. В., Кондратьев Л. А., Савельев Г. П. Вскрытие алмазноканатными машинами нижележащих горизонтов на гранитном карьере Восточно-Варламовского месторождения // Камень вокруг нас. – 2009. – №21. – С. 25-29. 6. Дубровский А.Б., Уляков М.С. Выбор оборудования при разработке Нижне-Санарского месторождения гранодиоритов // Горный журнал. – 2011. – №5. – С. 67-70. 7. Карасев Ю. Г. Технология горных работ на карьерах облицовочного камня. – М.: Недра, 1995. – С. 21, 22. J21310-062 UDC 004.2 Vishtak O. V. THE DIRECTION OF THE SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ELECTRONIC EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Balakovo Institute of technique, technology and management (a branch) Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin» In this paper we study the direction of the software implementation of automated training systems of the electronic educational resources. Key words: software implementation, automated training systems, electronic educational resources, island information technology. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Pedagogical studies in the field of computer support for vocational education have more than 30-year history. During this period, the educational institutions of the USA, France, Japan, Russia and some other countries have developed a large number of computer-aided training systems oriented on different types of computers. Abroad the development and implementation of electronic educational resources (educational, methodical, informational, etc.) consider a very expensive affair due to its high-tech, which provides for joint work of the high qualified specialists: psychologists, teachers of various subjects, computer designers, programmers. In methodological terms of development and use of automated training systems and electronic educational resources are developed in several directions. The first direction is supported in its based on the idea of programmed instruction. In its framework are developed and operated by automated training system (ATS) in various academic disciplines. The basis of the ATS are the so-called copyright systems, allowing the teacher-developer enter the training material to the database and program with the help of special copyright languages or other means of algorithms for its study. Representatives of the ATS, built on the algorithms of programmed instruction, for a long time were: abroad PLATO, in our country the family of the ATS high school. Since the beginning of 90-ies in Russia and the CIS countries apply instrumental environment for the development of computer courses on a personal computer of IBM PC type of a foreign Private Tutor, LinkWay) and domestic production: ADONIS, the LESSON. The second direction of the program-pedagogical support of professional activity is as if the secondary area of informatization of various sectors of human activity (science, technology, economy). This is a separate program packages of programs, elements of the automated systems (ACS, CAD), intended for automation of labor-intensive calculations, the optimization of research of properties of objects and processes on mathematical models. The use of such software in the training traditionally is more widespread than the use of the AOC, as in our country, and abroad. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Since the beginning of the 80's intensively develops a new direction in the computerization of education - intellectual educational system (IOS) based on the works in the field of artificial intelligence. A substantial part of the IOS are a model of the learner, the learning process, subject area, on the basis of which for each student can be a rational strategy of training. Knowledge base IOS may contain, along with formal knowledge, expertise in the subject areas and in the sphere of education. Work in the field of IOS promising, but are still at the stage of laboratory research and, despite some examples of successful applications, the level of media technologies have not yet come out. Creation and introduction in educational process of personal computers caused new technical and didactic abilities. It is the freedom of access to the PC, the simplicity of dialogue of communication and individual path of learning. The use of graphic illustrations in the electronic educational resources allows not only to increase the speed of information transfer learner and to raise the level of understanding, but also contributes to the development of such important for the specialists of any industry qualities, as figurative thinking. In the market of computer technologies appear more promising for the purposes of professional training of technical and software innovations. This is the optical external storage devices with large amounts of memory, tools hypertext, multi - and hypermedia, a system of «virtual reality» of a computer, equipped with technical means of multimedia, allows the use of didactic opportunities of video - and audio information. With the help of hypertext systems realizes the possibility of creating cross-references in text areas, that makes it easier to find the desired information by key words. System hypermedia allow you to associate with each other not only text, but also graphics, digital speech, sound recordings, photographs, animations, video clips. The use of such systems allows you to create and widely disseminated a variety of electronic educational resources. The development of the information-telecommunication networks gave a new impetus to the systems of distance learning, provided access to huge amounts of information stored in digital libraries New hardware and software, build the capacity URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use of the computer created the conditions of free access to large volumes of information for students active in databases, knowledge bases, electronic archives, directories, encyclopedias. Development of hardware and software means of information technologies provide a good technical capacities for the implementation of various didactic ideas. Unfortunately, however, the methodical aspects of IT are not kept pace with the development of technical means, as in a methodical plan IT integrate knowledge of such heterogeneous Sciences as psychology, pedagogy, mathematics, Cybernetics, Informatics, and psychological and pedagogical basis is crucial in this integration. The quality of electronic educational resources is incorporated at the design stage in the preparation of educational content with regard to the specific destination of the resource and provided to the subject area [1]. Therefore, remains a topical direction of the development of automated training systems and electronic educational resources - the method of «direct programming», that is, the direction of the so-called «island» informatization of educational process, when to create them is created by the creative team, which performs the work on the realization of the didactic and technological cycle of their creation, including tested in the educational process. In studies L.H.Zaynudinova shows the dynamics of the use of different approaches and implementation of computer training programs on General technical disciplines, which confirms clearly expressed tendency to predominant use of the method of direct programming, characteristic for the «island of informatization» of a particular academic subject [2]. In the implementation of projects under the method of «direct programming» is characterized by big labor and big enough time range, high requirements to the professionalism of the members of the writing team, and especially for the programmers, the complexity of the coordination of the whole staff. But the disadvantages are compensated by the advantages, characteristic for the «Islands of information»: the possibility of creation of the automated training systems and electronic educational resources, taking into account the specifics of the subject area; the ability to dynamically as educational material, and information management; URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use possibility of a development of the author's variant of the interface, the method of presenting the material, structure of the whole complex with respect to the discipline. Thus, in pedagogical practice is still topical initiative of teachers, which form the creative teams on creation and introduction in educational process of the automated training systems and electronic educational resources. References: 1. Antonova A.V., Vishtak N M. Information technologies as a basic component of innovations in education. The teacher of XXI century. 2010. T. 1. № 3. p. 22-25. 2.Zaynudinova L.H. Creation and use of electronic textbooks (on the example of General technical disciplines): the Monograph. Astrakhan, Publishing house of CNTEP, 1999. 364 p. J21310-063 UDC 004.2 Vishtak N. M. INFORMATION SUPPORT SCIENTIFIC-RESEARCH WORK OF STUDENTS Balakovo Institute of technique, technology and management (a branch) Saratov state technical University named after Gagarin» In this paper we study the structure of didactic and informational-mean for the support of scientific-research work of students of the University. Key words: computer science, scientific-research work of students, the method of projects, electronic educational resources. Modern society becomes open system, which is characterized by the following trends: technology of production, the increasing influence of information as a resource for social and economic progress; intensive development of informational and technical support of all fields of activity, requires from the specialists of the deep base of knowledge and on the basis of the acquisition of new, to go beyond the URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use «narrow specialist» and become a professional, capable of exercising complex professional activities. Introduction in manufacture of new technologies requires a constant independent work with various sources of knowledge [1]. Increase of competitiveness of production requires specialists to be ready for independent, creative and costeffective solutions encountered a variety of economic and scientific-technical tasks, to have a systematic vision of the production processes, to be able to manage the team. Preparation of bachelors and masters, possessing profound knowledge base, professional management skills, the ability to engage in constant creative selfeducation to the full extent feasible in higher technical school through an organizational form of training, as the scientific-research work. The implementation of scientific-research works requires students focus, internal motivation, high self-organization, self-discipline and personal responsibility [2]. But, on the other hand, independently and successfully carried out scientific researches give the student satisfaction as a process of self-knowledge, selfdevelopment, as an opportunity to the implementation of the future professional activity. But according to M.I. Dyachenko and L.A. Kandibovich correctly organize their work may not 45.5% of the students. Therefore, on the part of teachers is very important is the process of organization of management of scientific-research work of students, ensuring its information support. Very promising at present the opportunities of the organization of students ' scientific research, development of their skills of self-government and self-education, starting with the first course, is the pedagogical technology - a method of projects. «The project method assumes the solution of any problem, which requires, on the one hand, the use of various methods and means of education, and on the other, the integration of knowledge from different fields of science, engineering, technology, creative areas» [3, p.57]. In the basis of methods of projects - development of cognitive skills of students, development of skills to construct their own knowledge, the development of URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use independent skills of work with the information, skills to orient in the information space of the studied domain, the training of the students in the identification and formulation of research problems, conduct their analysis, finding ways of their solution, as well as the organization of purposeful joint activities of the students. This method focuses on independent learning activities of students at indirect management on the part of teachers. The higher technical school of the greatest interest are science research projects of students (SRPS) the use of information technology. When performing SRPS is the formation of the following competencies: ability to conduct the collection and analysis of scientific-technical information, ability to participate in the formulation and carrying out of experimental researches, the capacity of analysis and synthesis of the results of professional studies, ability to draw up the results of scientific research and to submit them for protection. Also when performing SRPS students learn how to generate competitive ideas and implement them in projects. In SRPS in computer science distinguish the following stages: ü the initial stage - the formulation of the project, including the definition of the objectives of the project; ü stage of planning - development of the ways of carrying out the project; the stage of implementation of the project; ü the stage of completion of the works on the project, including documentation of the results, the presentation and discussion of the results of scientific-research work. Thus, SRPS in the process of its implementation goes through various stages, called in total life cycle of the project. For the implementation of the various functions of management of the project and create a high motivational attitude studying computer science requires timely, full information support, both for students and for teachers. For this very promising is the use of didactic and informational mean for the support of scientific-research work of students (DIMS SRPS), which set out the objectives of the scientific-research work URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use of students, shows the need for and importance of information culture for future engineers, as well as provide information about the method of projects, on the topics of projects, their implementation, the presentation and discussion. Management of activity of the trainee, participating in the project, takes place through the idea of how a result, the achievement of which it is directed. Therefore, in the formulation of the generalized objectives of the project previously should be to identify a range of problems to be solved in the project. Given that the scientific and research projects, as a rule, are made at the turn of several subject areas, on the first stage of formulation of the generalized objectives of the project is very important to reveal the students of the cause-and-effect connection of computer science with other disciplines cycle of General professional and special disciplines. Thus, summarized the implementation of SRPS in computer science: the development of cognitive and research skills of the students, the development of the information culture, including guidance in the information space, the implementation of collection, processing, analysis and systematization of scientific-technical information on the project with application of modern information technologies; the development of the skill independently to construct their own knowledge, as well as the acquisition of communicative abilities and skills, should be presented in the DIMS of research work in the module “The goals and objectives of research work». Through the registration and disclosure of the purposes of implementing the project is the implementation of such a didactic principle as a consciousness, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the independent students activity, contributes to its extra motivation. Step goal-setting smoothly in the planning stage of projects implementation, which allows you to focus the students ' attention on the main objectives, achieving regular carrying out of the projects, which significantly facilitates the self-control students. At this stage, is the definition of research methods, information sources, determination of ways of decision of tasks of the project. Information support of this segment in the DIMS SPRS is presented module «Planning of research work». URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Information support of the implementation phase of projects and reporting the results is performed in the module «the Best projects», in which discusses various ways of their presentation, as well as additional components, including articles, essays, reports and presentations at research conferences. Thus, the information support of scientific-research projects of students, is optimally possible when using didactic and informational-mean for the support of scientific-research work of students, reveals the goals and tasks of the scientificresearch work of students in the process of implementation of the projects on computer science, which reveals the importance of the formation of information culture of students in relation to their future professional activity through the method of projects, creating a high motivational attitude of students in a course of information science. References: 1. Hodakova N.A. Actual questions of study at the University. Fundamental research. 2009. № 5. p. 115-116. 2. Hodakova N.A. Information technologies in the research of the students. Distance and virtual learning, 2007. № 7. p. 58-65. 3. New pedagogical and information technologies in the system of education /Under ed. E.S. Polat. - M.: Publishing centre «Academy», 1999. 224 p. J21310-064 UDC 621.18.01 Mikhailov A.G.,Batrakov P.A.,Terebilov S.V. APPLICABLE INVESTIGATION OF GEOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BOILER FURNACE ON THE FORMATION OF NITROGEN OXIDES Omsk State Technical University The problems of formation of nitrogen oxides during combustion of organic URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use fuels in the boiler set out in the national and international literature in recent years. Offered chemical reactions and mathematical models that accompany the emergence of thermal, fast and fuel NOx. The assessment of the influence of the shape furnace boiler in the composition of the gaseous products of combustion of fuel. Keywords: Combustion, oxides of nitrogen, thermal, fast, fuel. The main toxic component formed during the combustion of natural gas and fuel oil furnaces of steam and hot water boilers, is the nitrogen oxides NOx. Nitrogen oxides have a negative impact on human health, particularly in the respiratory system. And although the amount of nitrogen oxides produced naturally, much higher than the emissions from the effects of human activity, it is necessary to take into account that anthropogenic emissions of nitrogen oxides are concentrated in the areas of human activity. Therefore concentration NOx in urban areas by one to two orders higher than the natural background concentration [1]. Based on this, this paper focuses on solving the problem of reducing the emissions of oxides of nitrogen gasoil power plants and boiler houses. One of the most important parts of an autonomous heating boilers is a low power, which are necessary for the production of steam and hot water. Intensify the process of energy transfer and improve the characteristics of the small boiler are possible by changing the geometrical characteristics of the boiler furnace. Modeling of processes taking place in the furnace of the boiler, by means of the design of the ANSYS [2, 3]. To describe the turbulent flow of reacting gases used turbulence model with two equations. This turbulence model is called k-ε with two equations (k - turbulent kinetic energy, ε - the amount of dissipation of the kinetic energy). Consider the basic equations that describe the reactive gas mixture under the following basic assumptions [4]: a gas mixture filling the furnace volume – gray body; the heat from the flame to the wall is carried primarily by radiation, convection and molecular heat conduction; the pressure inside the boundary layer does not vary along the normal to the surface of the body and are, respectively, the pressure on the URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use outer edge of the boundary layer; the total heat transfer at the interface between the gas mixture – a wall made due to advection and radiation; reactive gas CH4 - 100%, oxidant – air. 1. Continuity for the entire mixture: 𝜕𝜌 (𝜌𝑼) = 𝟎, 𝜕𝑡 (1) +∇• where ρ – density of the gas mixture, U – velocity vector, t – time. 2. Continuity for each component: 𝜕(𝜌𝑌𝐼 ) 𝜕𝑡 + 𝜕(𝜌𝑢𝑗 𝑌𝐼 ) 𝜕𝑥𝑗 = SI – the rate of I-component, YI = 𝜕 𝜕𝑥𝑗 𝜕𝑌 �Г𝐼𝑒𝑓𝑓 𝜕𝑥𝐼 � + 𝑆𝐼 , (2) 𝑗 rI – the concentration of a substance Ir component, ρI – the density of each I-component, Г𝐼𝑒𝑓𝑓 = Г𝐼 + 𝜇𝑡 𝑆𝑐𝑡 – diffusion coefficient, ГI – diffusion coefficient for the I-component, µt – the turbulent component of the dynamic viscosity , 𝑆𝑐𝑡 = viscosity. 𝜈 Г𝐼 – Schmidt number, ν – the kinematic 3. Moments: 𝜕𝜌𝑈 𝜕𝑡 + ∇ • (ρ𝑼 ⊗ 𝑼) − ∇ • �𝜇𝑒𝑓𝑓 ∇𝑼� = −∇𝑃′ + ∇ • (𝜇𝑒𝑓𝑓 ∇𝑼)𝑇 + 𝐵, (3) where B – is the sum of the body forces, μeff – effective turbulent viscosity, P pressure. In formulas (1) - (3) using the following notation: 𝑈𝑥 𝜕𝑈𝑦 𝜕𝑈 𝜕𝑈 𝑼 = �𝑈𝑦 � , ∇ • 𝑼 = 𝑥 + + 𝑧, 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧 𝑈𝑧 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 ⎡ (𝜌𝑈𝑥 𝑈𝑥 ) + �𝜌𝑈𝑦 𝑈𝑥 � + (𝜌𝑈𝑧 𝑈𝑥 ) ⎤ 𝜕𝑧 𝜕𝑦 ⎢ 𝜕𝑥 ⎥ 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 ⎢ ⎥ ∇ • (𝜌𝑼 ⊗ 𝑼) = ⎢ �𝜌𝑈𝑥 𝑈𝑦 � + �𝜌𝑈𝑦 𝑈𝑦 � + �𝜌𝑈𝑧 𝑈𝑦 �⎥ 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧 𝜕𝑥 ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 𝜕 (𝜌𝑈 𝑈 ) + 𝜕 �𝜌𝑈 𝑈 � + 𝜕 (𝜌𝑈 𝑈 ) ⎥ 𝑥 𝑧 𝑦 𝑧 𝑧 𝑧 𝜕𝑧 𝜕𝑦 ⎣ 𝜕𝑥 ⎦ 4. Energy and dissipation: URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 𝜕(𝜌𝑘) 𝜕𝑡 𝜕(𝜌𝜀) 𝜕𝑡 𝜇 + ∇ • (𝜌𝑼𝑘) = ∇ • ��𝜇 + 𝑡� ∇𝑘� + 𝑃𝑘 − 𝜌𝜀 − 𝑆 𝑅 , 𝜎 𝜇 𝜀 𝜀 + ∇ • (𝜌𝑼𝜀) = ∇ • ��𝜇 + 𝑡� ∇𝜀� + (𝐶𝜀1 𝑃𝑘 − 𝐶𝜀2 𝜌𝜀). 𝑘 𝜎 𝜀 (4) (5) where SR – source term; С e 1 , С e 2 , s k , s e – the constant [2, 3]; Рk – the turbulence production due to viscous and buoyancy forces; Pkb – the buoyancy production term [2, 3]: 2 𝑃𝑘 = 𝜇𝑡 ∇𝑼 • (∇𝑼 + ∇𝑼𝑇 ) − ∇ • 𝑼(3𝜇𝑡 ∇ • 𝑼 + 𝜌𝑘) + 𝑃𝑘𝑏 . (6) 3 5. The definition of enthalpy: htot total specific enthalpy is given by: htot = h + k, (7) where h – specific enthalpy stationary gas mixture. 6. Determination of viscosity: k-ε model is based on the concept of eddy viscosity, it is: μeff = μ + μt, (8) where μ – dynamic viscosity. This model assumes that the turbulent viscosity is related to the turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation 𝜇𝑡 = 𝐶𝜇 𝜌 where Cμ – constant [2, 3]. 𝑘2 𝜀 , (9) The variables k and ε are the result of solutions of differential transport equations for the turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation. 7. The equation of state: The equation of state proposed by Redlich-Kwong [2, 3]: 𝑃= 𝑅𝑇 𝜐−𝑏+𝑐 – 𝑎(𝑇) , 𝜐(𝜐+𝑏) (10) where υ – specific volume; a, b, c – constants. 8. Initial conditions: Accepted values for all parameters in the system of equations for the time t = 0 and the initial temperature T = 300 K. 9. The boundary conditions: URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use For the mathematical modeling of specific flows of multi-component reactive gas is necessary to put the corresponding boundary conditions [2, 3]: – Slip condition on a solid surface W 𝑼|𝑊 = 0. (11) q = q C + q R, (12) – Define the conditions of complex heat transfer at the wall where q – heat flux through the boundary layer of the reactive gas mixture to the wall, qC – advective heat flux, qR – radiative heat flux ( determined using the Monte Carlo method). - impermeability; - pressure gradient in the direction normal to the surface. Input: - mass velocity; - gas concentration; - turbulence intensity; Output: - pressure P. Equations (1 – 12) are included in the k-ε model, with the appropriate boundary and initial conditions in three-dimensional formulation are solved numerically using ANSYS CFX [2, 3]. The computational domain is a horizontal cylinder, 1.0 m long, with a crosssection of 0.66 m2 (Fig. 1) at a mass flow rate of the fuel-air mixture inlet 0.061 kg/s. Fig. 1. The temperature distribution in the furnace URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The main results of the calculations was to determine the values of the temperature, velocity and concentration of the products of combustion. Including the concentration of nitrogen and oxygen [4]. The combustion of organic fuels in boilers nitrogen contained in the air, interacting with oxygen to form oxides: NOx = NO + NO2 + N2O The main fraction NO generated in the combustion is (95 – 99%). NO2 dioxide and nitrous oxide N2O produced in much smaller quantities. Formation monoxide (oxide) of nitrogen by burning fuel CH4 is due to the oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen N2. Currently known three mechanisms by which the formation of nitrogen oxides: thermal, fast and fuel. In the formation of thermal NOx and fast – a source of nitrogen is air, and in the case of the formation of fuel NO – nitrogen components of the fuel consumption. The mechanism of formation of thermal NOx in the corresponding boundary and initial conditions in a three-dimensional formulation are solved using ANSYS CFX [3]. It was proposed by Y.B. Zeldovich [6, 1] and includes the following reactions: O + N2 → NO + N, N + O2 → NO + O, It was later supplemented by the reaction of atomic nitrogen with hydroxyl and was named an extended mechanism of Y.B. Zeldovich: OH + N → NO + H, Thermal NOx formation reactions are characterized by high activation energy, so the formation of nitrogen oxides occurs at high temperatures above 1800 K. The thermal NOx increases rapidly from the beginning of the combustion zone and reaches its highest value immediately after the maximum temperature zone. Further along the torch NOx concentration hardly changes. The expressions for the rate constants k of each of the three reactions are presented in [3] and are as follows: 𝑘1 = (1,8 ∙ 1011 )exp �− 38370 𝑇 �, URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 𝑘2 = (6,4 ∙ 109 )exp �− k3=3,0·1013. 3162 𝑇 �, The formation of thermal NO identifies the following major factors: the temperature in the combustion zone, the excess air ratio and the residence time of the combustion products in high temperature zone. The amount of this component SNO, thermal determined by the expression: SNO,therma =WNOkthermal[O][N2], where kthermal = 2k1, WNO – molar mass of thermal NO; [O], [N2] – molar concentration of oxygen and nitrogen. Studies combustion of hydrocarbon fuels carried Fenimore [3, 1], showed that the front of the flame for a very short time the formation of nitrogen oxides by a mechanism different from that proposed Y.B. Zeldovich. Discovered by nitric oxide has been called fast enough because of the high speed of its formation to the root of the torch. In this area observed significant amounts of hydrogen cyanide HCN, which is explained by reacting molecular nitrogen with hydrocarbon radicals: CH + N2 → HCN + N, HCN + O2 → NO + ..., The reactions of fast oxides NO occur quite vigorously at 1200 ... 1600 K. The amount of this component SNO, prompt is given by [3]: 𝑆NO,𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑡 = 3 1� 𝑊 �2 2 𝑊NO 𝑘𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑡 [O2 ] [N2 ][𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙] � � , 𝜌 kprompt =Aprompt exp (– TAprompt)/T, WNO is the molar mass of NO, Aprompt – by Arrhenius. These formulas for the calculation of reaction rates apply only to flows with small values of Re (Reynolds). Fluctuations parameters can have a dominant influence on the rate of formation of NO in turbulent systems. In this case, the calculations used statistical methods [3]. The objects for computational studies by the authors examined the boiler furnace with profiles circle and an ellipse. Computational models have the following geometrical characteristics (Fig. 2). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use a) b) Figure 2. Geometric characteristics of computational models: a – the circle: a – diameter of the circle; b – vertical ellipse: a – semi-major axis, b - minor axis It is established that a change in the profile shape of the circle to an ellipse with an increase in convective phenomena. It is accompanied by a decrease in the relative concentration of nitrogen oxides NOel / NOokr (NOel - mass concentration of nitrogen oxides in the furnace outlet with profile of the cross-sectional ellipse NOokr - mass concentration of nitrogen oxides in the furnace outlet with profile of the crosssectional circumference) at the output of the boiler furnace (Fig. 3), decreasing the maximum and average temperature T (Fig. 4) of the gas mixture inside the furnace and recycling process in accordance with the equation: 1 NO + 𝜈𝐹 𝐹𝑢𝑒𝑙 → N2 + 𝜈CO2 CO2 + 𝜈H2O H2 O , 2 (13) where v - stoichiometric ratio; Fuel - type of fuel. All of the above phenomena lead to a decrease in the relative concentration of NOel / NOokr at the outlet of the furnace up to 22 % in the range of a / b from 1.2 to 1.4. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 3. The dependence of the relative concentration of NOel / NOokr on the ratio of the semi-major axis to the minor axis of the ellipse 1250 Т, К 1225 1200 1175 1150 1,00 1,10 1,20 1,30 1,40 1,50 a/b Fig. 4. The dependence of the temperature of the gas mixture by volume averaged on ratio of semi-major axis to the minor axis of the ellipse URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 1250 1200 Т,К 1150 1100 1050 1000 1,00 1,20 1,40 1,60 1,80 2,00 δ Fig. 5. The dependence of the temperature of the gas mixture by volume on ribbing coefficient Similar effects – reducing the average temperature in the gas volume (Fig. 5), the phenomenon of recycling are achieved using a cylindrical furnace with an inner cross ribbings (Fig. 6). Figure 6. Design model of a cylindrical furnace with inner cross-ribbing We can see the dependence of the relative concentration of NOor / NOokr on the ribbing coefficient δ in figure 7, where NOor – mass concentration of nitric oxide on the output of a cylindrical furnace with a ribbing, δ – the ratio of the surface area of the finned boiler furnace without ribbing. This implies that the design allows the furnace to reduce the concentration of nitrogen oxide and 50 % in the range from 1.05 ribbing coefficient to 1.5. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 7. The dependence of the relative concentration of NOor / NOokr on the ribbing coefficient Findings It is shown that the combustion process in the boiler furnaces always accompanied by the movement of gas – air, fuel gas and combustion products are interrelated set of convection, heat and chemical processes. Just the burning of organic fuels is the formation of nitric oxide (oxide) by the oxidation of nitrogen in the air. Changing the profile of the cross section of the combustion chamber of a circle to the ellipse and the internal ribbing of the cylindrical furnace leads to: 1. Intensification of convection. 2. Increase recirculation of combustion products. 3. Reducing the concentration of nitrogen oxides in the outlet of the furnace. References: 1. Росляков П.В., Закиров И.А. Нестехиометрическое сжигание природного газа и мазута на тепловых электростанциях. – М. : МЭИ, 2001. – 144 с. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 2. Михайлов А.Г., Батраков П.А., Теребилов С.В. Численное моделирование процессов тепломассопереноса при горении газообразного топлива в топочном объеме // Естественные и технические науки. – 2011.– №5(55).– С. 354-358. 3. ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory Guide. ANSYS CFX Release 11.0 / ANSYS, Inc. // Southpointe 275 Technology Drive. – Canonsburg : PA 15317, 2006. – 312 p. 4. Алексеев Б. В. Физическая газодинамика реагирующих сред. – М.: Высшая школа, 1985. – 464 с. 5. Михайлов А.Г. Вопросы образования оксидов азота при сжигании газообразных и жидких топлив // Омский научный вестник. – 2009. – № 3 (83). – С. 103 – 106. 6. Пашков Л. Т. Основы теории горения. – М. МЭИ, 2002. – 136 с. J21310-065 UDC 681 Chupakhina L.R., Kireeva N. V. MODELLING OF ANY FUNCTION OF DENSITY OF DISTRIBUTION BY THE SUM EXHIBITOR Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Samara, Lev Tolstoy 23, 443010 The question of approximating an arbitrary function of the density distribution through its decomposition into a sum of exponential functions. Analyzes methods, which will allow to determine the parameters of the system G/G/1. Key words: queuing system type G/G/1, the distribution of «heavy» tail, the sum of exponents. Consideration of a modern telecommunication network is an interesting and at the same time a difficult task, particularly during the investigation and presentation in the form of an analytical model of service. Modern society it is impossible to limit URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use the consumer's resource for finding information, and the characteristics and parameters of the flow of queries should meet the high performance, have flexible configuration and integrate with a variety of interfaces. Flow of packets arriving at the input of the maintenance of the device, and circulating in it, has non-stationarity, similarity, and arbitrary intensity [1]. It is expedient as a model system of mass service (SMS) to choose a system with an arbitrary distribution of the input stream and service processes of type G/G/1 [2]. The idea of the research consists in approximation of a random process (in our case, the probability density and intensity of service requests) using a sum of exponential functions. It is worth noting that this method has several limitations to obtain the minimum error. To describe processes occurring in a real system of communication, most commonly used distributions with heavy tails: Weibull, Pareto, lognormal. Distribution data are adequate from the point of view of search of the law of distribution functions of the approximating an arbitrary probability density accepted traffic. If we consider the decomposition of an arbitrary density of the amount of the Exhibitor, we get the opportunity of definition of parameters and characteristics of the SMS of type G/G/1. In particular, it is possible to simulate the function of the density of the Pareto distribution, no different from its real function (1). The density of the Pareto distribution is the following: α β f(х) = ( )α+1 , x > β, α > 0,β > 0, β х (1) where is a α - parameter of the form, β - scale parameter [3]. One of the methods of approximation of an arbitrary function of the distribution density is the Prony method - method for simulation of the sample data in the form of a linear combination of exponential functions (Exhibitor). Using this method is an approximation to the data using some deterministic exponential model [4]. One important property of the method is that the signal can be converted to the amount of the Exhibitor, and thereby assess its components. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Thus, we approximate the function of the probability density distribution, which is in network traffic, you can decay into the ranks of the Exhibitor. It is known that the decomposition of the number of Exhibitor with fixed indicators of any function analytic in a convex domain. References: 1. Shelukhin O.I. Fractal processes in telecommunications M.: Radiotekhnika, 2003. – 480 p. 2. Chupakhina L.R., Kireeva N.V., The construction of the distribution function of the real traffic using a cumulant analysis // Infocommunication technologies. 2013. - Volume 1, No. 1. - 33-36 р. 3. Law Averill M., Kelton V. David Imitating modeling. Classics of CS. 3rd prod.2004. - 848 p. 4. Berdyshev V.I., Petrak L.V. Approximation of the function, the compression of numerical information, applications. - Ekaterinburg: Ural branch of RAS, 1999, 295 p. J21310-066 Radionov A.A., Maklakov A.S., Karyakina E. A. STUDIES OF INFLUENCE ON NETWORK 24-PULSE RECTIFIER ON BASIS OF THYRISTOR CONVERTERS South Ural State University (National Research), Chelyabinsk, Lenin ave 76, 454080 In currently used in power drives 24-pulse rectifier circuit. Such a rectification circuit can significantly improve the quality of the rectified voltage and current consumption of the network to nearly sinusoidal. The objectives of this study are: to study the effect on the network 24 pulse rectifier based on thyristor converters with serial and parallel connection of bridges with different angles of regulation, spectrum analysis of the harmonic components of the power supply. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use For realization of 24-pulse rectifier using four transformers, which are shifted by the secondary voltage of +15 º, -15 °, 0 ° and 30 ° [1]. Connection diagram of the transformer windings with shift vectors of the primary voltage relatively the vectors of the secondary voltage of the first harmonic at +15º is shown in Fig. а, and vector diagram of the transformer shown in Fig. 1, c. This shift is achieved by dividing the winding into two parts, and the electrical connection of these windings in such a way that the flow of the phase and the adjacent phase are oppositely directed. Thanks to such connection, the vectors are added to form a shift to +15 º relative to the vector voltage greater section. Connection diagram of the transformer windings with shift vectors of the primary voltage relatively the vectors of the secondary voltage of the first harmonic at -15º, is shown in Fig, b. The ratio between the parts of the primary winding is the same, and such a shift is achieved by varying of connection points to the primary winding [2]. A -U``BC U`CA U`CA U`AB U`AB U`AB U`BC U`BC U`CA UAB UCA -U``CA -U``CA -U``AB -U``BC -U``AB -U``BC UBC 15° U`BC -U``AB C A a A a C c B b C c B b c) B 35° -U``CA D а Uca Uca O Uab Uca Uab Uab Ubc a) Ubc b b) Ubc d) 120° c Fig. 1. Schematics connecting of the transformer windings (+15 º) (a), the connecting circuit of the transformer windings (-15 º) (b), vector diagram of the primary (s) and secondary (d) voltage Based on the primary voltage vector diagram in Fig. 1, c, calculate the proportions in which the primary winding is divided. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Assume that the length of vectors 𝑈`𝐴𝐵, 𝑈`𝐵𝐶, 𝑈`𝐶𝐴, (see fig. 1, c) equal to 1. The angle between the vectors 𝑈`𝐵𝐶 and −𝑈`𝐶𝐴 equal to the angle between the line ac и vertor 𝑈𝑏𝑐 (fig. 1, d) and equal to 180º - 60º = 120º. Then the angle DBO equal to 180º - 120º - 15º = 45 º. Draw a perpendicular DO to the segment BC. Consider the triangle DOC 𝐷𝑂 = 𝐷𝐶 ∙ 𝑠𝑖𝑛15° = 1 ∙ 0,342 = 0,259, and triangle BDO 𝑂𝐶 = 𝐷𝐶 ∙ 𝑐𝑜𝑠15° = 1 ∙ 0,94 = 0,966, 𝐵𝐷 = 𝐵𝑂 = 𝐷𝑂 0,259 = = 0,366 𝑠𝑖𝑛45° 0,707 0,259 𝐷𝑂 = = 0,259. 1 𝑡𝑔45° Then length of the segment BC to equal 𝐵𝐶 = 𝐵𝑂 + 𝑂𝐶 = 0,259 + 0,966 = 1,225. Thus, the total length of winding is 𝐷𝐶 + 𝐵𝐷 = 1 + 0,366 = 1,366 о. е, and the relation between the parts of winding as follows: - on most of the winding have the total number of turns 1 𝐷𝐶 = = 0,732 = 73,2%, 𝐷𝐶 + 𝐵𝐷 1,366 - smaller part of the winding respectively 0,366 𝐵𝐷 = = 0,268 = 29,8%. 𝐷𝐶 + 𝐵𝐷 1,366 Let us find voltage on each winding. We take the total value of the primary voltage of the two windings (𝑈𝐴𝐵, 𝑈𝐵𝐶, 𝑈𝐶𝐴, ) 100%. The voltage drop across each of the windings is: 𝑈11 = 0,732 ∙ 𝑈н ; 𝑈12 = 0,268 ∙ 𝑈н ; where 𝑈н − nominal voltage of the primary winding. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Structural schemes 24-pulse rectifier based on thyristor converters with serial and parallel connection of bridges are shown in fig. 2 a, and fig. 2, b respectively. Converter 1 Converter 2 Converter 3 Converter 4 Converter 1 -15° Converter 2 0° Converter 3 R-L - load R-L - load a) b) Transformer 4 +15° Transformer 3 +30° Transformer 2 0° Transformer 1 Supply power Transformer 4 -15° Transformer 3 +15° Transformer 2 Transformer 1 Supply power +30° Converter 4 Fig. 2. Structural schemes 24-pulse rectifier based on thyristor converters with serial (а) and parallel (b) connection of bridges Structural schemes have been implemented in the MATLAB SIMULINK. Parameters of the scheme are as follows: 𝑈𝑠 = 10 𝑘𝑉 – supply voltage, 𝑈2𝑟 = 3 𝑘𝑉 – rated voltage of the secondary winding of each transformer, 𝑆𝑡𝑟 = 5700 𝑘𝑉𝐴 – rated power of each transformer, 𝑆𝑠𝑐 = 100𝑀𝑉𝐴 – short-circuit power network, 𝑅𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 = 0,5 𝑜ℎ𝑚 – load resistance, 𝐿𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 2 𝑚𝐻 – inductive load resistance. The results of the study in parallel connection of bridges are illustrated in fig. 3. In the case of serial communication bridges the transition are similar, the only difference is that the rectified voltage is added: ∑ 𝑈𝑑 = 𝑈𝑑1 + 𝑈𝑑2 + 𝑈𝑑3 + 𝑈𝑑4 , and the current flowing through the load and valves identical is equal to: ∑ 𝐼𝑑 = ∑ 𝑈𝑑 /𝑍, where Z – load impedance. In parallel connection of bridges, the current flowing through the load is equal to: ∑ 𝐼𝑑 = 𝑈𝑑 /𝑍, and the valves – ∑ 𝐼𝑑 /4. Fig. 3 shows curves transients of thyristor converters with different angles of adjustment. Sinusoidal current in all operating modes. DC voltage pulsate with the pulse frequency during the period 24, and the amplitude of pulsations ∆𝑈𝑑 at angles 𝛼 = 15° 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝛼 = 30° is 3% - 15% from the rectified voltage. In operation with 𝛼 = 70° pulsation amplitude reaches 60%, indicating that the quality of the rectified voltage is a disadvantage thyristor converters for small angles regulation. Voltage URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use dips occur when switching thyristors and the number of dips is 24 per period. Depth of the dip depends on the current consumption of the network and short-circuit power 𝑆𝑠𝑐 . Fig. 4 shows the histogram of the spectrum of harmonics in the current consumed from the network (on the vertical axis 𝑓𝑛 /𝑓б , where 𝑓б = 𝑓с = 50 Гц , the horizontal axis - the harmonic number). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Alfa = 15° Ua,V Ub,V Uc,V Alfa = 40° Alfa = 70° Uн Ia, A Ib, A Ic, A U d, V ΔUd1 Udн ΔUd2 Ud ΔUd3 Time, s Fig. 3. Transient curves in the 24-pulse rectifier circuit based on thyristor converters during operation with different angles of regulation: 𝑼𝒅 − 𝑫𝑪 𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆, 𝑰𝒂 , 𝑰𝒃 , 𝑰𝒄 − 𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔, 𝑼𝒂 , 𝑼𝒃 , 𝑼𝒄 − 𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use % of fundamental harmonic harmonic number Fig. 4. Harmonic spectrum of the network current The analysis of the spectrum of the harmonic current network of 24-pulse rectifier showed that the entire frequency range (up to 2000 Hz) has virtually no effect on the network. The maximum peaks were at 23 and 25 harmonics and make up about 0.3% of the fundamental harmonic. Based on studies, we can conclude that the use of 24-pulse rectifier circuit produces a fully sinusoidal current drawn from the network to all the thyristor converters adjustment range. Using this scheme in the high-power networks, voltage dips during switching thyristors, will be negligible. The scheme of the parallel or serial connection of bridges have the same effect on the supply network, with current consumption of the same magnitude. References: 1. Kornilov, G.P., Nikolaev A.A., Hramshin T.R., Murzikov A.A. Modeling of electrotechnical complexes of metallurgical enterprises: studies. Allowance. Magnitogorsk Magnitogorsk Acad. State. tech. University. G.I. Nosov, 2012.-235s. 2. Radionov A.A., Maklakov A.S. Operating conditions of an induction motor with frequency converter, based on VSI with PWM, and AFE rectifier during voltage dips \\ Collection of scientific papers SWORLD on materials international conference "Modern directions of theoretical and applied research '2013 '19-30 March 2013 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-067 UDC 634.0.863.4 Nenko M.V., Popovich O.M. PILOT INSTALLATION FOR THE EXTRACTION OF SUGAR FROM HYDROLYZED TIMBER Institute of Chemical Technology of the Volodymyr Dal East Ukrainian National University (Rubezhnoe), Rubezhnoe, Lenina 31, 93009 To extract the sugars that are in the form of a concentrated solution into particles of cod cellolignin obtained for vapor-phase prehydrolysis of wood, we have proposed countercurrent extractors with new designs. From the known structures such devices differ by possibility of intensified countercurrent multistage extraction process in the system solid - liquid, especially in the processing of solid phase with particles which have different seeming average density and therefore are very different in buoyancy in the extractant. Transportation of solid phase in the apparatus on the steps of the contact is carried out by gas-liquid flow which is formed by bubbling gas through a layer of extractant, and between degrees - with airlifts, equipped with devices for the separation of the three phases. These features make it possible to preserve the shape and structure of the particles of the solid phase at sufficiently intense hydrodynamic modes, allowing to exercise further processing of the solid phase easily. Method of extraction process previously based on proposed mathematical model and determining the kinetic coefficients of the process described in [1, 2]. Assessment of performance units and test the proposed method were carried out on enlarged research unit, mounted on a stand of hydrolytic plant. Installation (Fig. 1) consisted of one stage of the device - thermally insulated steel cylindrical casing 1 with a diameter of 0.4 meters and a height of 1.6 m. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Loader for solid phase was consisted of two parallel vertical cylindrical tanks that were heated, 2 with fitted with slanted bottoms 3, each of them has been outlet solids, provided with annular seat 4 of closure device. This device has been designed as a valve 5, threaded rod 6, support nut 7 and sealing gland 8. The upper part of each container to load it solid phase was achieved with neck tightly closed lid 10 and bottom tanks using advanced knee 11 is connected through a downhill tee pipe 12 of the boot device 13. It was located rotary dispenser 14, the blades of which are made of tight rubber. Dispenser was set in rotation by an electric motor 15 through gear 16 and the CVT 17. Fig. 1. Scheme of research installation Nozzle 18 was located inside the hull. This allows to regulate the stay of the solid phase by the change of degree in the length of its path. Uploading of solid phase with extractant was carried out using airlift unloader 19 through the pipe 20 in the variable volume device 21 with perforated bottom, mounted on a pallet 22. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use In addition, the installation consisted of auxiliary tanks 23 and 24, which were heated and served as vessels-montezhyu for pumping of extract, as well as similar in design capacity of 25 ÷ 28 provided with internal coiled steam heaters and airlift mixing devices. The installation was equipped with the necessary test equipment and valves to control material flow and temperature mode. Heating air entered the apparatus, was performed in the steam heater located separately from with standalone automatic temperature regulation. It was found in previous hydrodynamic testing apparatus that stable operation while providing airlift unloader average residence time of the solid phase on the degree of exposure (120 ÷ 600 sec) was observed at the rate of liquid phase 0,8·10-4÷0,2·10-3 m3/s and costly volume ratio of the solid and liquid phases equal. Study of countercurrent extraction process, conducted in a similar two-step installation, with appropriate given the time spent on the steps of the phases corresponding costs of these phases and the set of extractant which was recirculated the degree (the latter according to the flow rate required to ensure stable operation of the airlift) was conducted in experiments on plant. Volumetric flow rate of the extractant, which was used when working on the installation, was determined based on the required for the practice of mass ratios expenditure liquid and solid phases (by weight dry matter entirely in the solid phase) equals 3,5 ÷ 10. Cellolignin, required to conduct experiments at the facility, was treated by vapor-phase prehydrolysis pine (in the 1st series of experiments) and birch wood chips. The average composition of wet cellolignin was as follows (% coniferous and deciduous, respectively): absolutely dry matter – 39.40 and 40.00; moisture – 53.46 and 50.30; reducing substances – 6.14 and 8.60; acid – 1.00 and 1.10. In the calculation process were used average values of linear dimensions of cod derived by measurements of particles from an average sample of material. Setting a specific time of phase contact, and past values needed to calculate the two-stage countercurrent, was calculated the concentration of extractant in the URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use apparatus at each of the stages of extraction. Then the process was implemented on a pilot plant. For example, in Tables 1 and 2 the conditions and results of the two experiments (experiment number 1 with pine cellolignin, № 5 with leaf) are shown. Table 1 Parameters of extraction mode № Average The average The average study linear particle volumetric sizes of solid flow of solid phase, Li·103, m phase, The average Mean residence volumetric volumetric flow time of the solid flow of of extractant, phase on the extractant, that recirculates degree of to the extent, extraction, Q·104, m3 ⁄s t расч = t экстр , с Q·105, м3 ⁄с Q·105, m3 ⁄s 1 19х12х3,5 0,58 0,74 0,8 330 2 19х12х3,0 0,56 1,90 2,0 325 Table 2 № study № degree of extraction In the solution, which was in the solid phase that came with the i-th stage, СТ, i In extractant that acted in i-th degree, СС, i В екстрагенті, що виходив із аппарата i-тої ступені, Са, i The concentration of sugars, % Calculated Experimental The relative mistake in the value of concentration Са, i і Са, i, exp. The experimental results 1 1 8,26 1,260 1,330 8,63 1,26 1,32 0,8 2 7,47 0,560 0,590 5,75 0,56 0,70 18,6 1 11,66 0,881 0,929 13,20 0,88 0,90 3,2 2 10,51 0,373 0,393 11,40 0,37 0,40 7,7 5 СТ, i , СС, i , Са, i, exp. exp. exp. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Analysis of the results shows that the maximum of the abolition concentration of extract that comes from the degree of extraction does not exceed 12 ÷ 18% of the calculated values of these concentrations. And much difference between the initial concentrations are usually observed at the output of the second degree. The latter can be explained by the likely presence of a redistribution of the concentration field in the solid phase between the output of the first degree and entering the second stage of extraction. The experimental results on the pilot plant show that the proposed method of calculation process for extraction of solid-liquid with sufficient accuracy for engineering calculations can be used to calculate the impregnating extraction installation for extracting sugars from hydrolyzed wood with the necessary completeness of removal. References 1. Ненько M. В. Математична модель нестаціонарного анізотропного твердо фазного екстрагування / M. В. Ненько, В. В. Гончаров // Хімічна промисловість України. – 2011. – №1 – C. 10 – 13. 2. Ненько M. В. Методика определения коэффициентов массоотдачи в трехфазных системах / M. В. Ненько, В. В. Гончаров // Наукові дослідження – теорія та експеримент 2012 : Восьма міжнародна науково-практична конференція, 28-30 травня 2012 р. : Матеріали конференції. – Полтава, 2012. – С. 67-68. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-068 UDC 628.041.753.415–034.791 Gorbunov A.A., Lamkov E.A., Ruzmanov V.S., Fedorenko A.S. POSSIBLE APPLICATIONS OF AMALGAM METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OF FLUORESCENT LAMPS OF SMALL DIAMETER Ogarev Mordovia State University Saransk, Bolshevistskaya, 68, 40005 The construction and the technology of production of fluorescent lamps of small diameter with the use of amalgam method are described in this article. Keywords: fluorescent lamp, amalgam, construction, technology, mercury. In 2007 members of the department of light sources of the faculty of light engineering of Ogarev Mordovia State University in cooperation with specialists of NIIIS named after A. N. Lodygin developed and produced monitoring fluorescent lamps (FL) with a capacity of 20 and 40 W in the tubes of 32 mm diameter with the use of amalgams (amalgam composition of 70% Pb + 30% Hg) instead of mercury in liquid form. In contrast to standard lamps they contain a controlled amount of mercury (2 to 30 mg). As well in 2007 – 2008 members of the department of light sources of the faculty of light engineering of Ogarev Mordovia State University developed a method of controlling the amount of mercury in linear fluorescent lamps. In 2011 they received a patent on this method and the device for controlling the amount of mercury [1]. The construction of monitoring LL with a certain amount of mercury is similar to the construction of standard mercury LL of LB type: - a tube-bulb with a phosphor layer; - 2 stems, consisting of a plate, a blade, current leads, an exhaust tube and oxidized electrodes; - 2 lamp-bases with pins and getinaks gaskets; URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use - argon inert gas under pressure of 266 ± 10 Pa. The technology of production of such lamps differed from that of industrial in following features: - after welding of bulbs they were pumped out on an pumpdown post, equipped with a metering bin of amalgam rod with the weight, measured in advance, at that a tube of glass, preventing the passage of the amalgam rod in the lamp bulb, placed in the exhaust tube of the lamp before pumping; - the amalgam rod dosed in the exhaust tube of the lamp, that passed standard thermal vacuum processing and cooled to room temperature; - the lamp was sealed off with a longer exhaust tube and carried to a unit for distillation of mercury from an amalgam into the lamp bulb; - the end of lamp with a longer exhaust tube was placed in a furnace of the unit for distillation of mercury; - by heating the furnace to a temperature of 20 ÷ 30 °C below the melting point of an amalgam (~ 250 °C) during a predetermined time (for different lamps that time varied from 0,5 to 3 hours) the mercury evaporated from the amalgam into the lamp bulb; - the longer exhaust tube with the remained (depleted with mercury) amalgam was sealed off from the lamp; - the sealed-off exhaust tube was opened and the amalgam was weighed for the second time; - an amount of mercury in the lamp determined as the difference of masses of amalgam rods before pumping of the lamps and after the exhaust tube was opened. Thus, it was possible to produce lamps with the following quantities of mercury: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 27, 30 mg. At present, LL in tubes T5 (a bulb of 16 mm diameter) are widespread. The advantage of such lamps is their low material capacity that made it possible to save up to 30-50% of glass, phosphor, refractory metals, aluminum, mercury in production, as compared with standard LL. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Also, there are no precision methods of dosing mercury in the LL nowadays and most manufactures of these lamps cannot ensure the amount of mercury in their products, thereby calling in question the declared operational characteristics. The need for research on this subject is caused with the demand for solving a problem of reduction of mercury in the LL to the minimum allowable quantities, reducing the consumption of mercury in the production of LL, accelerating and reducing the cost of LL testing for compliance of mercury amounts with standard documentation and reducing mercury contamination of rooms, when the lamps are produced, as well as they are used. Moreover, the need for research on this subject is caused with the requirements of the experts in certification of lighting products, made in respect of manufactures, to disclose information about operational characteristics of a lamp, including the amount of mercury it contained, in inventory documentation. The purpose of these researches is the development of construction and technology of production of fluorescent lamps in T5 tubes with the minimum necessary amount of mercury, with the use of amalgam method for mercury loading, as well as the improvement of the test unit by means of reequipment of a recording device with modern program facilities for controlling the quality of measurements, based on a concept of virtual devices with mathematically developed software, and its external ergonomic configuration. Literature: 1. Gorbunov, А.А. The method of non-destructive control of the amount of mercury in a tubular fluorescent lamp and a device to exercise it. / А.А. Gorbunov, А.А. Ashriatov, А.S. Fedorenko. // Patent for an invention № 2410791. Request 2010102332/07, 25.01.2010. Сl. MPC H01J 9/42. Publ.: 27.01.2011. Bul. №3. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-069 UDC 621.548 Tleuov A.,Pyastolova I., Tleuova A. PROSPECTS OF WIND POWER PLANTS CONSTRUCTION IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, Kazakhstan Astana, av. Victory 62, 010010 This paper examines the prospects of wind power plants construction on the basis of the distribution wind speeds analysis at specific heights 10 and 80 m from the earth's surface for different regions of Kazakhstan. Keywords: Climate, Topography, Average wind speed, Wind atlas, Height wind speed recording. Introduction Kazakhstan is located in the central part of Eurasia. The length of its borders is 12,200 kilometers, 600 kilometers of which lie on the Caspian Sea. Natural and climatic conditions of Kazakhstan is largely determined by its deep continental location. Almost half of the country is desert or semi-desert, and a quarter of the territory - steppes. This is reflected in Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Physical map of the Republic of Kazakhstan URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use High-mountain region occupy about 10 % of the territory. In the Southeast, on the border of Kazakhstan and China, is a large mountain range - the Jungar Alatau. To the East is more ancient mountain system - Altai. The average height of the mountain peaks here from 2500 to 3500 meters and the highest point reaches a height 4506 m. The surface relief of Kazakhstan dictates the latitudinal distribution of wind speeds from North to South and from West to East. As an example, the map of the Akmola region, which shows that most of the territory is treat for steppe type devoid of forest vegetation (Fig.2). This is one of the conditions of placement of wind-power stations. Fig.2. Physical map of Akmola region Kazakhstan occupies a huge area and therefore bounded by the regions that are very different according to the climate conditions in the West Siberian lowland in the north of the country and with Central Asia - in the south. Under the influence of cold and warm air masses formed a sharply continental climate of Kazakhstan, which is characterized by hot summers, cold winters, large seasonal and daily temperature changes, as well as the uneven distribution of rainfall. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Winter in Kazakhstan begins in November and ends in April, the winter air is dry and cold. Basically is a clear frosty weather, sometimes frosts to -50°C in winter thus can be a thaw. In Kazakhstan, spring starts in May and ends in May, the weather is very changeable in spring, clear weather the cold snap may be replaced with a temperature difference of 10°C. Peculiarities of climate in Kazakhstan to consider when choosing technical characteristics and performance of wind power plants. These climatic conditions, as the experience of construction in Kazakhstan of specific system of wind power plants, impose certain restrictions on the conditions of exploitation in our climatic conditions (low temperatures, high speed winds, freezing surfaces). For efficient use of energy of wind stream you must have detailed information about it. General meteorological characteristics of the given meteorological stations, for this is insufficient. Required characteristics, taking into account the natural structure of the wind, the limits of the validity and representativeness of the initial data etc. The basis of all the wind power calculations is the wind energy cadastre, which is the aggregate of aerological and energy characteristics of wind to reveal its energy value and determine the possible working modes of windmills. The main cadastral wind parameters include: - average annual rate; - annual and diurnal; - repeatability of wind speeds of gradation; - distribution of wind periods and periods of calm in duration; - maximum speed; - specific power and the specific energy of the wind flow; - wind resources of the district. Data on average wind speeds for long periods of time serve as a source of information about the General level of intensity of the wind. The average long-term wind speed is one of the criteria for evaluating the efficiency of wind energy. By its URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use size in the first approximation one can judge about perspective of application of the wind in a particular area. The wind is characterized by the velocity vector. Consider how change occurs in the characteristics of the territory of Kazakhstan. Fig.3 shows the wind Atlas of Kazakhstan to the height of 10 m from the earth's surface, which was developed by specialists of companies «Pb Power» and «Windlab Systems» (Australia) within the framework of the joint project of UNDP/GEF and the Ministry of energy and mineral resources of Kazakhstan « Kazakhstan - wind power market development initiative». до 3 мс от 4 до 5 мс свыше 6 мс Fig. 3. Wind Atlas of Kazakhstan at 10 m height The value of the velocity of the wind was assessed in a number of categories, the numerical values of which are given in table 1. These criteria were fixed from the condition that the economically viable wind speed must exceed 4-5 m/s. Table 1 Assessment categories wind speed category Low The value of long-term < 6 Normal Good High Exceptional 6-<7 7-<8 8-<9 >9 wind speed, m/s As follows from (Fig. 3 and 4), the majority of the territory of Kazakhstan the average wind speed is within 3-4 m/s (low-grade). Wind speed in the range of 4-6 m/s was observed mainly in the North of the Republic and in mountainous and URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Piedmont areas, near-normal). On the coast of the Caspian Sea wind speed reaches 67 m/s (good). This should be considered when contemplating the use of wind turbines of small and average capacity height of the tower does not exceed 12-18 m. Fig. 4 . Map of the distribution of annual average speeds wind at 10 m height by regions of Kazakhstan Fig. 5. Distribution of wind speeds on the territory of of the Republic of Kazakhstan at a height of 80 m from the earth's surface In the low layers of the earth's surface and up to 500 m there has been a dramatic increase in wind speed as the distance from the earth's surface (Fig.5). Comparison of the velocity in winter and summer time shows that changes in wind speed with height of summer is much less than in winter. This can be explained by the smaller values of URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use the vertical temperature gradient in the winter is comparatively summer. As can be seen from Figure 5 has the greatest wind potential Northern Region of Kazakhstan. In the framework of the UNDP project were conducted feasibility studies on construction of wind power plants near some points, the results of which are reflected in the table. 2 and in Fig. 6. Table 2 List of the studied sites for wind farm construction No. p/p 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Name of site Dzungarian gates Shelek corridor Korday Zhuzymdyk-Chayan Аstana Yereimentau Karkaralinsk Arkalyk Atyrau Fort-Shevchenko Region Almaty Almaty Zhambyl SKA Akmola Akmola Karaganda Kostanay Atyrau Mangystau Wind speed on the app. 50 m 9,7 7,7 6,1 6,7 6,8 7,3 6,1 6,2 6,8 7,5 The expected capacity of the wind farm 50 MW 100 MW 10-20 MW 10-20 MW 20 MW 50 MW 10-20 MW 10-2 MW 100 MW 50 MW Fig. 6. Kazakhstan map showing the locations of installation meteomacht URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Conclusion 1 Topography Kazakhstan favorable and meets the requirements for placement of individual wind turbines and wind farms. 2 In general the average wind speed at 10 m (conditions of use wind turbines small and medium power) is not more than 4-5 m/s, which is rated as "low" category. 3 In some areas of possible construction of wind farms, but the annual average wind speed at 80 m can be classified as "good". 4 When choosing accommodation of large wind farms should consider the configuration and transmission lines with the possibility to wind farms. References: 1. Tleuov A.Kh., Tleuov T.Kh. Ispolzovanie netradicionnyx vidov energii v Kazakhstane. – Almaty: Bilim, 1998. -204 s. 2. Tleuova A.A., Tleuov A. Kh., Oshkina A.S. Opredelenie srednix skorostej vetra Akmolinskoj oblasti.//Vestnik nauki KazGATU.- Astana, 2006. -№2(41).-6 s. 3. Tleuova A.A., Ayapbergenov K.M., Tleuov A. Kh. Rekomendacii po ispolzovaniyu vetroenergeticheskix ustanovok v agropromyshlennom komplekse.Astana, KazATU, 2008. – 81 s. 4. Tleuova A.A. Ayapbergenov K.M., Tleuov A. Kh. Rekomendacii po vyboru mesta razmeshheniya avtonomnyx vetroelektricheskix ustanovok maloj moshhnosti.Astana, KazATU, 2008. – 17 s. J21310-070 UDK 621.512 Bolshtyansky P.A., Lysenko E.A., Bolshtyansky A.P. AUTOMATION OF WORK OF VALVES OF THE PISTON COMPRESSOR Omsk state technical university, Russia Omsk, Mira pr., 11, 644050 ECM (1985-Ltd) Qiryat-Bialik, Israel URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use In given clause the expediency, an opportunity and prospective algorithm of automation of work of valves of the piston compressor is considered. Basis of a design of the valve - an electromagnet which influences a mobile element of the valve. Control is carried out with use of the present and calculating indicator diagram of the process in the cylinder. Keywords: the piston compressor, valves, automation There is a problem of untimely opening and closing of valves in the piston compressor. It reduces profitability of work. Practically all scientists who are engaged in research of machines of volumetric action, speak about it (look, for example [1]). On fig. 1 some variants of indicator diagrams of the piston compressor having not optimum movement of lacking element of the delivery valve are shown. D D D D Fig. 1. Some variants of the indicator diagram of the piston compressor at incorrect of the delivery valve (too rigid spring - at the left, too soft - on the right): P - pressure, PH - pressure of pumping, PB - intaking pressure, V - working volume of the cylinder, DVM - additional expansion from the inactive volume, caused by misoperation of the delivery valve, tK - the actual moment of opening of the delivery valve, tKN - the ideal moment of opening of the delivery valve, DPnom - URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use pressure difference on the valve at its correct work, the shaded area - additional losses of work in the valve. Movement of a mobile element of the valve is influenced with numerous factors - weight of a mobile element, weight and rigidity of a spring (at its presence), friction, size recoil the valve from a saddle and the lift limiter, the phenomenon damping and others. During designing the compressor try to consider all aspects of work of the valve/. To maintenance of its efficiency apply perspective constructive decisions and methods of multipleparameter optimization. Thus solve, usually, two problems - the minimal resistance of the valve to a stream of gas passing through it and the minimal speed of impact of a mobile element with a saddle and the lift limiter that provides a high resource of work of the valve. Such technique has rather essential defect. The matter is that piston compressors work under stationary conditions (first of all - concerning pressure of forcing) only in structure of technological lines. In all other cases (and it is a lot of them) compressors work at variable pressure of pumping and at different temperatures of details of the cylinder, the piston and gas. In this connection to define the design data of automatic valves providing optimum work of a mobile element it is practically impossible. In connection with stated there is a problem of control of movement of a mobile element of the valve. Recently for other machines of volumetric action (for example, for internal combustion engines) this problem try to solve by application of the electromagnetic devices interfaced to some controllable size (position of working body, pressure, temperature, etc.) through the microprocessor and the amplifier of a signal. Concerning the valve of the compressor it is necessary to define, at once what to supervise is necessary pressure in a working cavity of the cylinder. Such approach has allowed to develop application of automatic valves which now widely use, and it has structurally simplified system of distribution of gas and has increased profitableness of work of compressors on variable mode of operation. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use In this case the system of submission of a signal on opening of the valve can look as follows (fig. 2). The gauge of pressure 7 constantly sends a signal to the controller 9 where this signal is compared to the established values of pressure suction and pumping. Besides the controller 9 constantly receives signals about passage of a crank bottom (A) and top (B) dead points, that in connection with presence in MP of the basic generator of time allows to calculate angular speed of rotation of a cranked shaft of the mechanism of a drive 1 and on the equation of moving of the piston to define during each moment of time its position. S В A М D S Н Fig. 2. The scheme of automatic opening and closing of valves of the compressor with an electromagnetic drive: 1. Crank-and-rod mechanism. 2. The cylinder. 3. The piston. 4. A working cavity of the cylinder. 5, 6. Suction valve and delivery valves with an electromagnetic URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use drive (springs of return conditionally are not shown). 7. The pressure sensor. 8. The indicator diagram. 9. The control module. SC - converters of a signal, ADS the analog-digital converter, MP - the microprocessor, DAC - the digital-to-analog converter, SA - the amplifier of signals Definition of the moment of operation of an electromagnetic drive of movement of a mobile element of the delivery valve begins in point D which is in advance carried in the smaller party from pressure of forcing РН upon some size. In this point in MP calculation of the further growth of pressure in the cylinder on a corner of turn of a crank (actually - on time) which is implement or with use of full mathematical model (in view of outflow, an overflowing and heat exchange), or easier on politropic model for the ideal compressor (see, for example, [1-4], etc.) is carried out. Definition of time E-F of delay of opening of the valve on the equation of dynamics of its mobile element in view of work of an electromagnetic drive which allows to calculate time point Е when the signal from MP should be sent on a winding of an electromagnet of the valve 6 is simultaneously spent. It allows to open the valve just during that moment when pressure in the working cavity of the cylinder 4 has reached pressure of gas in a line of forcing. The organization of closing of the valve in a point (during the moment of time) G can be made two methods. Most idle time - unique and unconditional closing of the delivery valve in position of the piston in ВМТ, the moment of submission of an impulse should advance point G for the period of operation of an electromagnet of the valve. The second method provides constant tracking on site F-G of a difference of pressure between pressure in a cavity 4 and - to submit to lines of forcing, and if this difference becomes less beforehand set an impulse on closing of the valve to not admit return current of gas from a line of forcing in a cavity of the cylinder. It can arise at rather low frequency of rotation of a drive, at the worn out piston condensation and at greater currents of gas through leakiness of the soaking up valve in the end of a course of the piston at its approach position in ВМТ when speed of URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use change of volume of a cavity 4 is very low. However and in this case closing of the valve in point G is obligatory. Process G-H of expansion of gas of dead volume, as a rule, is short-term, and opening of the soaking up valve should occur during moment H. Therefore right after passages by the piston of position ВМТ the system begins measurement and calculation of the forecast of approach of the moment when pressure in a cavity 4 will appear equal to pressure of suction РВ. The design procedure, as well as during compression, can be carried out by two ways (see above). As a rule, in real machines process suction occurs without greater fluctuations of pressure, and closing of the soaking up valve can be made unequivocally in position of the piston in НМТ (the moment of time C). The offered way and the scheme of its realization can give rise to researches in the field of automation of work of valves of piston machines by use of mathematical models of calculation of working processes of these machines. The bibliographic list 1. Bolshtyanskiy A.P. Kompressori s gazostaticheskim centrirovaniem porshnya (Compressors with gas bearing piston)/ A.P. Bolshtyanskyi, V.D. Belyi, S.A. Doroshevitch. Omsk, OmGTU, 2002. – 405 p. 2. Bolshtyanskiy A.P. Porshnevie kompressuri s beskontaktnim uplotneniem (Piston compressors with contactless condensation)/ A.P. Bolshtyanskyi, V.E. Scherba, E.A. Lisenko, T.A. Ivachnenko. Omsk, OmGTU, 2010. – 416 p. 3. Plastinin P.I. Porshnevie kompressori (Piston compressors). In 2 tomes, T. 2, Teoriya i raschet (The theory and calculation). – M.: Kolos, 2006. – 399 p. 4. Scherba. V.E. Nasos-kompressori. Rabochie processi I osnovi proektirovaniya (The pump-compressors. Working processes and bases of designing)/ V.E. Scherba, A.P. Bolshtyanskyi, V.V. Shalai, E.V. Hodireva. Mashinostroenie, 2013. – 368 p. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use – M.: J21310-071 UDC 167.3:620.193.27 1 3 Sukhenko J.G., 2Dzyub A.G., Manuilov V.V., 1Suhenko V.Y. RESEARCH PROCESS FRETTING EQUIPMENT AND FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRIES 1 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 03041, Ukraine, Kyiv. st. Geroev Oborony, 15 2 National University of Food Technologies, 01033, Ukraine, Kyiv. st.Vladimirskaya, 68 3 Kerchensky State Marine Technical University, 98300, Ukraine, Crimea, Kerch, st. Ordzhonikidze, 82 In this paper the technique to study fretting metallic structural materials in corrosive process media, electrolytes and food processing industries. The role of the electrode potential in the processes of friction and wear of materials and the possibility of control of processes of deformation and fracture of metals by means of the polarization of friction systems. Key words: food environment, electrolytes, friction, wear, polarization potential, the technique, wear resistance, corrosion Formulation of the problem n sliding metals in solutions of electrolytes two-phase (metal-solution) or threephase (metal 1 - solution - metal 2) the system should be considered as specific electrochemical, which premenimy relevant laws and electrochemical methods. Therefore the technique to study fretting must take into account the electrochemical mechanism of the process, which could be the basis for the development of methods to improve efficiency Tribo mates equipment and food processing shook off [1,2]. Objective of the work Theoretical basis and experimental research method to check the wear of metallic materials in the corrosive process media and food processing industries. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The research results The interaction of the external environment and the metal surface is usually considered from the point of view of the boundary film formation, adsorption reduction of strength and ductility of a deformable metal, chemical modification of the surface layers [3,4]. It is known that most of the chemical properties of crystalline materials determined by the behavior of dislocations. Consequently, the influence on the mechanical properties of the medium solids can be associated with its interaction with the dislocations on the surface [5,6]. Features of the conditions that are created at the solid, determined by the presence of free surface energy. Currently, representative of the strength of solids as the magnitude proportional to their surface energy, it is common. It is lowering the surface energy is the basis of the known effect Rebinder. Effect of temperature on the metal deformation process usually begins with the reduction of surface energy by physical adsorption, which is the primary instrument. [6] In the future, this process is superimposed secondary phenomena - chemical, electrochemical, physical, etc. For their course requires a certain activation energy, which depends on the specifics of the process. In the case of deformation and fracture of metals in corrosive environments (stress corrosion, which include corrosion cracking, corrosion fatigue and corrosion-mechanical wear) the special role played by mechanical and electrochemical activation. Plastic deformation of solids contributes to the manifestation of the mechanochemical effect [8,9], is to facilitate the chemical reaction between the external environment and the metal. When these processes in media - electrolytes play an important role in the electrochemical phenomena metal electrolyte solution. The metal electrode immersed in the electrolyte solution is electrically charged with respect, giving rise to a potential difference. According to the equation of Gibbs-Lippmann, σ can be determined from the expression dσ = - εdφ - ΣГidμi, (1) where σ - the free energy surface of the electrode; ε – электрический заряд единицы поверхности электрода; Гi – adsorption i-component it simply entails; URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use mi – chemical potential of the solution. If φ = sonst above equation becomes the Gibbs adsorption formula σ = - ΣГidμi, (2) on the basis of which explains the decrease of the free energy surface, leading to the appearance of the effect Rebinder. At constant composition of the solution, we obtain the Lippmann dσ =- εdφ, (3) which describes the shape of the electrocapillary curves and establishes the connection between the surface energy capacity and charge. From equation (3) that changes in σ φ changes can be achieved independently of the presence of surfaceactive substances (surfactants) in the solution. According to equation (3) in pure solution surface energy is maximum at zero charge of the electrode surface (dσ / dφ = 0). φο called the potential of zero charge, and plays an important role in adsorption processes. It is shown that the adsorption of organic compounds on the electrode can occur only near φο. By moving the electrode potential of φο or the adsorption of surfactant decreases the hardness of the metal. Establishing the nature of the polarization curves slow stage (transport of the reactants, their rank or others) is one of the main objectives of electrochemical kinetics during friction of metals. To solve it, can be successfully used the method of comparing the polarization curves taken with or without stripping the surface, which provides useful information about her condition and the nature of inhibitory stages of the electrode process [4]. Update the surface usually resolves its inhibition caused by the formation and adsorption phase films and no significant effect on the electrode charge transfer stage. With regard to the problems of wear, this method should be complemented by the study of the mechanical properties of the rubbing metal, which will establish a link between the electrochemical and mechanical parameters of friction. The experiments have established the critical speed above which does not result in a further shift of polarization curves. When υ <11 m/s kinetics of electrode processes is largely determined by the rate of production of films, most notably in the area of speeds of 0.4 - 3 m/s. Explain the polarization effects need to be checked, URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use there is no doubt that we have direct evidence of the influence of φ on the processes of plastic deformation in sliding in electrolytes, what are the set of environments and food processing industries. Findings 1. Fretting of metallic materials in industrial environments, electrolytes, food production has electrochemical nature and should be studied using potentiostatic method and the polarization resistance.2. In the selection of the friction pairs to work in technological environments, electrolytes and food processing industries need to sweep the potential difference and the friction was the highest.3. For right choice of wear-resistant materials for the food processing industry, working in conditions of fretting, to determine the corrosion rate of friction to using the extrapolation of real polarization curves plotted directly on the samples placed in a real model or food processing environment.4. The electrode potentials of the friction surfaces - the fundamental characteristics of electrochemical systems that determine the intensity of the fretting and food processing equipment.5. The polarization of the frictional contact affects the processes of the evolution of the dislocation structure of the friction surfaces and can be used to control the energy-power characteristics of the wear. References: 1. Сухенко Ю.Г. Надійність і довговічність устаткування харчових і переробних виробництв: Підручник. / Ю.Г. Сухенко, О.А. Литвиненко, В.Ю. Сухенко; під ред. професора Ю.Г. Сухенка.- К: НУХТ, 2010. - 547с. 2. Сухенко Ю.Г. Технологічні методи забезпечення довговічності обладнання харчової промисловості: Монографія. /Ю.Г. Сухенко, О.І. Некоз, М.С. Стечишин. - К.: Елерон, 1993. – 108 с. 3. Карпенко Г.В. Влияние среды на прочность и долговечность металлов: Монография. – К.: Наукова думка, 1976. – 126 с. 4. Сухенко В.Ю. Зносостійкість евтектичних покриттів під впливом соляного розчину [Текст] / В.Ю. Сухенко, Ю.Г. Сухенко, Ю.І. Бойков, В.В. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Мануілов // Продовольча індустрія АПК: наук.-практ. Журнал. – К.: 2013 - № 1 – С.6-9. 5. J. Hirth Theory of dislocations [Text] / John Price Hirth, Jens Lothe. – McGraw-Hill, 1967 – 780 p. 6. Сухенко В.Ю. Обґрунтування основ забезпечення зносостійкості м’ясорізальних інструментів. Проблеми тертя та зношування: наук.-техн. зб.К.: НАУ, 2012. - Вип. 57. - С.76-92. J21310-072 UDC 544.032; 544.72 Valuhov D. P., Pigulev R. V., Sidorov K. I., Tarala V.A., Titarenko А.А., Shevchenko M.Yu. RAMAN INVESTIGATION OF DIAMOND-LIKE CARBON FILMS North Caucasus federal university Stavropol, av. Kulakova 2/2, 355000 This paper presents the results of experimental deposition of diamond-like carbon films synthesized by plasma-chemical method from two hydrocarbons: methane (CH4) and ethane (C2H6).Raman spectroscopy was used to study the effect of synthesis conditions on the film structure and composition. Key words: amorphous hydrogenated carbon, Raman spectra, carbon clusters, the degree of crystallinity, microcrystalline, nanocrystalline, ultrananocrystalline, amorphous, substrate bias. In the recent years diamond-like carbon films appears to be very attractive, due to their superior mechanical stability and the possibility of changing their properties in a wide range. However, the problem of qualitative assessment of the structure and composition, taking into account a great variety of carbon forms, remains still relevant. In this paper, Raman scattering was carried out to investigate diamond-like carbon films synthesized by plasma-chemical deposition from two different hydrocarbon sources. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The results show (Fig. 1) that, regardless of used source components, hydrogenated amorphous carbon films were always formed demonstrating typical characteristic Raman spectra. These spectra had a pronounced G-peak in the region 1510-1540 cm-1 and weakly expressed D-peak at 1350 cm-1. Furthermore, all spectra had a small inclination to the X axis. So, using the slope of the baseline on Raman spectrum, the concentration of bound hydrogen can be determined. The synthesis conditions of samples are given in [1]. Fig. 1. Raman spectra of a-C:H samples: A – synthesized from ethane; B – synthesized from methane URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The important characteristic of a a-C:H film is the content of sp2-hybridized and sp3- hybridized carbon. However, in majority of cases Raman method is up to 50 times more sensitive to sp2-hybridized carbon, so it is concerned in current paper. Typically, sp2-hybridized carbon content is determined from the intensity ratio of D and G bands [2, 3]. However, due to the lack of clear data on the number of bands in the Raman spectrum and also because of the approximation error of the spectra by two Gaussian lines, another approach is supposed. After subtracting the baseline from the spectrum, the intensity of the maximum is determined by and intensity at 1350 cm-1. The received ratio of intensities I1350 / I max can be responsible for the share of sp2 carbon in the film. The higher the value, the greater is proportion of sp2 carbon. Of course, it cannot be referred to as an absolute value, but change of the ratio can show the character of changes in the structure of the material, for example during deposition conditions optimization. Another important characteristic in the Raman spectrum is the spectrum width at half the intensity at the center of mass. Presumably it is associated with the dispersion of the size and structure of sp2 carbon clusters. Although the size of amorphous cluster cannot be determined like crystallite size, a certain average value which varies depending on the structure of the material could be concerned. It is clear that with increase of sp2 carbon atoms proportion, the formation of sp2 clusters will go faster. There are two types of structural changes possible. The first is that clusters consisting of a large number of atoms appear in the material. In terms of the probability theory, size scatter should take place. Such scatter displays as widening of the spectral bands, as the dispersion on carbon bonds in clusters of different sizes gives greater amount of bands in the spectrum. The second type involves not only appearance of large sp2 carbon clusters, but also an increase of their number. In this case, the average cluster size tends to increase. It should be noted that an increase in the average size should ultimately lead to the appearance of crystallites in the film, because due to increase of carbon atoms with sp2 hybridization the emergence probability of the structural forms which URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use correspond to classical rules of lattice structure will increase. Further increase of the number of sp2 carbon atoms, will lead to the formation of microcrystalline structure. On the other hand, reduction of sp2-hybridized carbon atoms proportion will lead to reduction of the crystallinity degree, i.e., while changing of material structure from microcrystalline to nanocrystalline, then to ultrananocrystalline and, in the end, to the amorphous forms the crystallinity of the material will decrease, with clusters size decrease. Thus, crystallinity is strongly depends on the cluster size. Fig. 2. Dependence of the Raman spectrum width at the half-height of its intensity at the center of mass on the synthesis conditions Based on the considerations and presented dependence (Fig. 2) the following can be concluded: increasing of the spectrum width up to -400 V indicates increase in the cluster size, i.e., in this range of deposition conditions qualitative changes in the structure of the film occur. At higher bias values, the spectrum width does not change, indicating the conversions in the structure without changes of cluster sizes, due to increasing proportion of carbon atoms with sp2 type of hybridization. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The analysis of the spectra obtained by modeling and of Raman spectra of graphite and amorphous carbon gave empirical expression for the calculation of the characteristic crystallinity coefficient: æ ö I1350 wG × (wG - wc.m. ) ÷ Rr = ç ç ( w1¢¢/ 2 max - wG )(w1¢¢/ 2 c.m. - w1¢/ 2 c.m. ) ÷ I c.m è ø 3 (1) where wG – the position of the maximum in the spectrum; wc.m. – the wave number at the center of mass in the spectra; w1¢¢/ 2 max – the maximum value of the wave number at the intersection of a line drawn at half intensity maximum of the spectrum; w1¢¢/ 2 c.m. , w1¢/ 2 c.m. – maximum and minimum values of the wave number at the intersections of a line drawn at half intensity at the center of mass; I1350 – the intensity at a wavenumber of 1350 cm-1; I c.m. – the intensity at the center of mass. The physical meaning of Rr is that the greater this coefficient, the higher the probability of existence of ordered clusters in the material, and the higher the probability of large cluster existence. From the calculation of the characteristic coefficient of crystallinity, it follows that when the bias changes from -200 to -1000V (Fig. 3) an increase of this ratio takes place, therefore size and total content of sp2 carbon clusters increase can be assumed. Fig. 3. Dependence of Rr on the deposition conditions URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Thus, a method of analyzing Raman spectra of amorphous carbon films proposed in this paper permits a qualitative assessment of the structure and composition of these materials. References: 1) Tarala V.A. Synthesis and research of physical properties of a-C:H films deposited via HF plasma Тарала, В. А. Tarala // Vestnyk NCSTU Volume 1, Stavropol, 2007, pp. 5-12. 2) Tunistra, F., Koenig J. L. // J. Chem. Phys. 1970. Vol. 53 № 3. P. 1126-1130. 3) Robertson, J. Mechanical properties and structure of diamond-like carbon// Diam. Rel. Mat. – 1992. – P. 397-406. J21310-073 UDC 621.9.02 Bezyazychny V.F. CALCULATING ESTIMATION OF WEAR INTENSITY FOR THE CONTACT SURFACES OBTAINED BY MACHINING Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University by P.A. Solovyev The calculating methods to estimate wear intensity for the edge cut surface have been set forth subject to machining conditions, the material to be cut as well as the tool materials. The algorithm of calculating estimation for metal cutting has been presented in order to provide the surface layer wear resistance and equilibrium parameters of surface layer quality. WEAR INTENSITY, EQUILIBRIUM SURFACE LAYER QUALITY PARAMETERS, CUTTING CONDITIONS. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use To control the cutting procedure in order to provide part running ability it is expedient to have dependences relating the running ability indices to the cutting conditions under the given method of part manufacture. If we consider such running ability as wear resistance, than the contact surface wear intensity value for the definite combinations of the materials to be cut and the tool materials under the geometry recommended for the turning conditions could be evaluated by the formula [1]: a 0,5e 2,1 æ cS x1 ö I h = 0,036 2 n çè r y1 r1z1 ÷ø 0,874 (1) where a2 is the coefficient depending on the contact type. Under the elastic contact a2 = 0,5; under the plastic contact a2 = 1; e is relative approach of contact surfaces expressed in fractions of crookedness maximum peak-to-valley height; n is the action cycle number resulting in material destruction; S is the feed, mm/rev; r is the tool point radius in plan, mm; r1 is the tool tip rounding radius, mkm. Values of coefficient с and those of the indices are summarized in Table 1. Table 1 Values of coefficient с and indices in the formula (1) The material to be cut Coefficients с x1 y1 z1 ХН73МБТЮ 1016 1,42 1,0 0,85 ВТ9 4865 1,71 1,1 0,96 Л62 608 1,58 1,04 0,95 Ал9 242 1,37 0,95 0,79 Д16Т 82 1,23 1,07 1,07 Лс59–1 123 1,64 0,94 0,93 Мл5 146 1,66 1,25 1,05 Ма2–1 125 2,04 1,54 1,44 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Note. The parameter values for the geometrical part of the cutter which coefficient values can be assumed from Table 7.2 are summarized in Tables 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. of source [1]. Often the issue of surface layer quality control must be solved by means of cutting condition assignment. In this case it is expedient to assign the cutting conditions providing the cutting area with the optimal temperature under which there will be minimal cutter wear. The SFPM rate corresponding to the optimal temperature is called the optimal SFPM rate. The optimal SFPM rate temperature provides for the most favorable surface layer quality parameters as well as running abilities. The minimal wear of the surface machined is observed under the optimal SFPM rate machining (Fig. 1). Such dependence can be accounted for the fact that under the optimal SFPM rates the machined surface has the most uniform distribution of cusp height and roughness width (Fig. 2). V = 0, 23 m/sec V0 = 0, 37 m/sec V = 0, 73 m/с seс Fig. 1. Dependence of wear value Fig. 2. Profilograms of on SFPM rate under turning of ВТ9- roughness of the surface machined alloy. under turning of ХН77ТЮР-alloy S = 0,2 mm/rev, t = 2 mm, r = 0,5 with the cutter made of ВК8. mm, a = 10°, S = 0,2 mm/rev, t = 2 mm, r = 0,5 j = 45°, j1 = 15°, r1 = 30 mkm. mm, r1 = 30 mkm, j = 45°, g = a = URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Cutter made of ВК8. 10°. D – wear value of the surface Vertical magnification – 2000, horizontal – 80. machined; t1 – friction time. In this case wear intensity can be estimated according to the following formula: 1,75 0,3 ì ü1- n0 0,125 é 0,115 0,57 0,345 æ t ö 0,57 0,075 ù an 0 a1 l ç ÷ + l pbea r1 ú crq ï ï 0, 6625a1 ê 4,3sin 2,1 èmø a 0,5 ×103 ï ï ë û 2 e ×í In = ý , (2) -0,43 0,874 0,025 0,26 0,74 - n0 0,04 n0 - 0,1 t pa a n 0t m sin n×r c 0 b r1 (1 - 0, 45sin g ) ï ï ï ï î þ where а1 is the thickness of cut; n0 is the optimal SFPM rate, m/sec; а is the thermal diffusivity of the material to be cut, m2/sec; l and lp is the thermal conductivity of the material to be cut and the tool material, Vt/(m×°K); t is the cut depth; b and e is the tool angle and the tool point angle in plan, radian; tp is the resistance of the material to be cut to the plastic slip, Pa; a and g are the back and face cutter angles; b is the contact ark length between the tool and the materiel to be cut; q is the temperature in the cutting area, °С; сr is the specific heat capacity per unit volume of the material to be cut, Joule/m3×°K; m = a1/S is the coefficient depending on the geometrical parameters of the cutting tool; с0 and n0 are the dimensionless quantities defined according to Table 2. Table 2 C0 and n0 values r1/a1 с0 n0 r1/a1 £ 0,05 3,65 0,125 0,05 < r1/a1 £ 0,1 5,31 0,25 0,1 > r1/a1 7,60 0,40 Hence wear intensity is the function of physic-mechanical properties of the material to be cut and the tool material (the resistance of the material to be cut to the URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use plastic slip, thermal conductivity and the thermal diffusivity of the material to be cut and the tool material, cutting conditions (SFPM rate and cut depth, feed), the tool point geometrical parameters (cutter angles and tool point radii in plan cutting edge rounding). The results of wear intensity calculation according to the dependence concerned are summarized in Fig. 3. 1 0,1 0,5 1 1,5 r, mm 0,5 1 1,5 t, mm 0,6 0,7 S, mm 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 10–1 Jh=f(r) 10–2 10–3 10–4 Jh=f(t) 10–5 10–6 10–7 Jh=f(S) 10–8 Jh Fig. 3. Dependence of the wear intensity on the contact surface machining conditions. The material to be cut is steel 40Х. The cutter made of Т14K6. j = 90°; j1 = 15°; a = 10°; g = 15°; by Jh = f (S) – t = 1 mm, r = 0,5 mm by Jh = f (t) – S = 0,27 mm, r = 0,5 mm by Jh = f (r) t = 1 mm, S = 0,3 mm/rev. Analysis of the calculating results has shown that qualitative characteristic of wear intensity in dependence on the machining conditions seems to be correct. With the feed gain both the cusp height and the roughness width of the surface machined increase, whereupon wear intensity of the surface machined grows. With the gain of the tool point radius in plan the cusp height and the roughness width decrease as well as the wear intensity of the machined surface. With the cut depth increase the machined surface wear intensity reduces in relation of the feed to the cut depth more than 0,2. With the farther increase of the cut depth the machined URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use surface wear intensity does practically not change, which could be explained through the similar change of roughness parameters under the cut depth increase. Taking into consideration that as a rule there is a deviation of characteristic values for the material to be cut and the tool material from those assumed while calculation, in terms of quantity the calculating results obtained can slightly differ from the actual ones. The following criterion dependence based on the analysis of the above theoretical dependences has been obtained to get greater accuracy of coincidence for the calculating results with the actual values of wear resistance properties: c0 Б с1 Г с2 Д 2,2 М 0,80 (1 - sin a ) R max = 0,19 b1/ v × r 1,19 с3 æ d ö E Э ç ÷ è r1 ø 0,17 (1 - sin g ) 0,09 (3) where Rmax is the roughness profile maximum peak-to-valley height; b and n are the parameters of abut initial curve piece exponential approximation; с0, с1, с2, с3 are the coefficients depending on the properties of the material to be cut. Б= na1 a r S lp b ; Г= be ; Д = 1 ; M = ; E = 1 ; E = . r a b1 b1 b1 l C0, с1, с2, с3 values are summarized in Table 3. Table 3 Values in formula (3) The material to be cut Coefficient Heat-resistant nickel-base alloys Titanium alloys Corrosive and heat-resistant steels Carbon and alloyed steels с0 0,0195 0,0334 0,0438 0,0915 с1 0,22 0,10 0,10 0,06 с2 0,33 0,33 0,32 0,26 с3 2,74 2,62 2,62 2,58 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use In the general case it is expedient to obtain the rated dependence to estimate the wear intensity subject to the parameter complex characterizing the machining procedure namely the process rate (feed, cut depth SFPM rate), the cutter geometrical parameters, mechanical and physical properties of the material to be cut and the tool material. This can be done by means of the following formula, which the author has obtained 0,719-0,2( n+1) +5,2 t y 0,0316 × 3,7n+1 a 0,5bRz , Jh = ty 0,323( n+1) + 0,161-0,16 t y 2 0,161+ 0,84 t y -0,323( n+1) s 34,64 æ ö m 1 æ 0 ö æ N ö (n + 1) ç ç ÷ ÷ ç ÷ è E ø è K f м ø è Ac ø (4) where Rz is the cusp height of the contact surface profile, mm; n and b are the parameters of the abut approximation curve. According to E.V. Ryzhov’s study the values of n and b can be defined through dependences [2] n= Rp Ra , æR b = 0,5 ç max è Rp ö ÷, ø where Ra is the arithmetical average roughness; Rp is the distance from the face line to the mean line; s0 is working stress in the contact area of bearing faces, MPa; N is acting load on the contact surfaces, N; Ас is the nominal area, outlined by the contacting bodies’ size, mm2; m is Poisson’s ratio of the part material; Е is the modulus of elasticity of the material wearing out faster, Pa; ty is the parameter of the friction fatigue curve [3]; K is the coefficient characterizing contact stress state (for brittle materials K = 5, for high-plastic materials K = 3; fм is the value of friction coefficient molecular component. In the running-in process the optimal stable surface roughness is created not dependent on the initial roughness which seems expedient to be created while surface URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use machining. Thereby it is necessary to develop a mathematical model making mechanical machining conditional on the equilibrium parameters of machine part surface layer quality, since as result of running-in process of mating machine parts the part contact surface comes to such physical state and such structure that the surface layer possesses minimal potential energy, i.e. presents a stable system allowing minimal energy dissipation as it stands. The geometrical (roughness) and physic-mechanical (mikrohardness) properties of surface layer quality forming this way are called the equilibrium ones. Under supervision of the author of this study Sutyagin A.N. obtained the formula interrelating wear intensity with equilibrium parameters of roughness and part surface layer cold working degree [4]: 2 × 10-3 fТР F 3pSТР Rzравн × éë HV0 ( N равн + 1) ùû - 4 F 2 æ sB ö , (5) JV = 20 ç ÷ 1,19 2 -3 3p s d è 0,2 ø 2 × 10 2 SТР Rzравн × éë HV0 ( N равн + 1) ùû ( 0,32 × HV0 × N равн ) a0 G 1,19 where JV is wear intensity, m3/m; fТР is the coefficient of friction for the contact pair material; F is the regular interface force of friction pair elements, N; STP is the friction path, m; G is the rigidity modulus of the part material, Pа; Rzpaвн/equal is the equilibrium roughness parameter of the part element adjustment surfaces, m; HV is the equilibrium mikrohardness of the surface layer of the part under study on the definite depth, Pа; a0 is the parameter of inter-locating interaction; HV0 is the unstrained material mikrohardness, Pа; sВ is the part material strength, Pа; s02 is the conventional yield strength of the part material, Pа; d is the unit elongation of the part material. Analysis of the results as to calculation and experimental estimation of sample wear intensity (made of the following materials: ШХ15, steel 45, steel У7, steel ЭИ961, and ХН77ТЮР-alloy) under conditions of surface layer equilibrium has shown that the calculating error as to dependence (5) does not exceed 12 % (Table 4). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Table 4 Comparison of calculated and experimental values of wear Wear Stable Sample materia l Samp le № Load roughne force, Н ss, Rz, mkm У7 1 2 1 2 У7 1 2 1 2 13X12 МБФ А 490 585 686 784 1 2 490 Stable mikrohar dness, hC, MPa Stable Calculating cold wear working intensity, degree, Jn × 10 , N, % 3 m /m –8 intensity experiment Error, al value, Jn % × 10–8, m3/m 2,5 2083 70 0,6548 0,588 11,4 2,5 2120 72 0,6139 0,561 9,5 2,47 2104 81 0,6518 0,606 7,6 2,47 2111 83 0,6104 0,670 8,9 2,4 2200 88 0,6129 0,693 11,6 2,4 2150 86 0,6607 0,684 3,4 2,2 2110 85 0,7690 0,803 4,2 2,2 2120 77 0,8520 0,906 6,0 2,2 2256 69 5,686 5,202 9,3 2,2 2240 73 5,397 5,039 7,1 Table 4(continued) Wear Stable Sample materia l Samp le № Load roughne force, ss, Н Rz, mkm ШХ15 1 2 490 Stable mikrohar dness, hC, MPa Stable Calculating cold wear working intensity, degree, Jn × 10–8, N, % 3 m /m intensity experiment Error, al value, Jn % × 10–8, m3/m 2 2202 71 6,381 5,79 10,2 2 2361 76 5,162 4,721 9,5 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Ст3 2 1 2 1 2 1 45 2 1 2 585 686 784 490 585 686 784 490 585 1,9 2270 76 6,545 5,94 10,2 1,9 2320 80 5,945 5,37 10,7 1,7 2330 81 6,644 6,24 6,5 1,7 2340 82 6,487 7,13 9,0 1,4 2370 79 7,276 7,04 3,4 1,4 2360 85 6,792 7,56 10,2 2,5 1330 87 3,550 9,21 10,8 2,5 1350 84 3,534 3,19 10,7 2,2 1380 88 3,616 3,86 6,4 2,2 1360 87 3,788 4,13 8,2 2,0 1210 91 4,600 5,08 9,5 2,0 1400 89 3,800 4,28 11,3 1,9 1260 90 4,574 5,08 9,9 1,9 1370 92 3,991 4,43 10 1,1 2110 91 0,104 0,108 3,6 1,1 2120 94 0,099 0,109 8,7 2,2 2130 96 0,107 0,121 11,6 2,2 2170 99 0,100 0,113 11,5 On the basis of the dependences obtained the methods have been offered to calculate machining conditions in order to provide machine part surface layer wear resistance which algorithm is presented in Fig. 4. The principle of the algorithm is as follows: input of data on the part material: rigidity modulus G, mikrohardness of the material surface layer HV0, as well as the part operating conditions: regular interaction force of friction pair elements F, friction coefficient of contact pair materials fTP and the inter-locating interaction parameter a0. Using formula (5) the calculation of wear intensity JV is made as well as that of the corresponding quality parameters of the surface layer in equilibrium (cold working degree Nравн/equal and roughness Rzравн/equal). Farther algorithm chooses URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use mechanical machining type (turning, milling) depending on the part geometry, required machining accuracy and machined surface quality. Calculation of mechanical machining conditions as to blocks 1 and 2 is accomplished based on the software mentioned below. Start Source Data Part material properties: G, HV0 , a0. Part operating conditions: F, fТР Wear intensity calculation JV 1 1. Turning 2. Milling Turning conditions calculation according to the given values of surface layer state parameters Rzequal, Nequal 2 Milling conditions calculation according to the given values of surface layer state parameters Rzequ al, Nequal Machining conditions n, S, t End Fig. 4. Algorithm for calculating estimation of mechanical machining conditions in order to provide wear resistance of machine part surface layer Certificate of registration of industrial design № 3451. Calculation of mechanical machining conditions providing specified performance of the parts subject to financial viability [Text]/Bezyazychny V.F., Kozhina T.D., Volkov S.A.; development center P.A. Solovyov Rybinsk State Academy of Aviation Technology. Registered in Branch collection of algorithms and programs on 21.04.04. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Certificate of registration of industrial design№ 3452. Calculation of turning conditions providing specified performance of the parts [Text]/Bezyazychny V.F., Kozhina T.D., Volkov S.A.; development center P.A. Solovyov Rybinsk State Academy of Aviation Technology. Registered in Branch collection of algorithms and programs on 21.04.04. Certificate of registration of industrial design № 3457. Calculation of turning conditions providing specified quality parameters of the surface layer and machining accuracy [Text]/Bezyazychny V.F., Kozhina T.D., Volkov S.A.; development center P.A. Solovyov Rybinsk State Academy of Aviation Technology. Registered in Branch collection of algorithms and programs on 21.04.04. Dependences of wear intensity on the edge cutting conditions have also been obtained (Table 5), allowing to calculate wear intensity analytically for the cutting conditions chosen, to assign or correct the relevant surface machining type permitting to provide formation of equilibrium geometrical and physic-mechanical parameters of machine part surface layer quality. Table 5 Correlation between wear intensity and machining conditions Material Dependence of wear intensity on the edge cutting machining conditions Steel ШХ15 JV = 3,71 × 10–8S0,054n0,85t–0,12r–0,069j–0,69F0,95 Steel 30ХГСА JV = 2,945 × 10–8S0,024n0,428t–0,046r–0,077j–0,909F0,907 Steel ЭИ961 JV = 3,294 × 10–9S0,17n0,15t–0,09r–0,11j–0,13F0,89 Steel 45 JV = 2,574 × 10–9S0,27n0,68t–0,2r–0,11j–0,62F0,84 Table 5 summarizes the following dimensions of the parameters included: S is the feed, mm/rev; n is the SFPM rate, m/sec; t is the cut depth, mm; r is the tool point radius in plan, mm; j is the main angle in plan, degree; F is the regular interaction force of friction pair elements, N. These dependences describe the process adequately by S = 0,05-0,08 mm/rev; n = 0,1-0,2 m/sec; t = 0,25-0,4 mm; j = 45-60°; r = 0,3-1 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use mm; F = 100-500 N; dry friction; elastic interaction; temperature on the contact less than or equal to 120 °С. The algorithm developed for calculating estimation of mechanical machining conditions in order to provide machine part surface layer wear resistance allows the technologist to specify mechanical machining conditions at the part manufacture procedure design stage resulting in surface layer formation with equilibrium geometrical parameters and physic-mechanical properties reducing running-in time for machine parts. Thus, theoretical study shows calculating estimations to be practical in specifying tribotechnical properties of the machined surfaces or machining conditions providing given performance. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Bezyazychny V.F. Theory of similarity in mechanical engineering. – М.: Machinostroyeniye, 2012. – 320 p. 2. Ryzhov E.V. Contact rigidity of machine components. – М.: Machinostroyeniye, 1966. – 244 p. 3. Kragelsky I.V. Principles of friction and wear calculation. – М.: Machinostroyeniye, 1977. – 422 p. 4. Bezyazychny V.F., Sutyagin A.N. Technological providing of surface layer wear resistance of machine components. «TRIBOLOGY» issue. Romania, 2011. – pp. 15 – 18. J21310-074 UDC 658.012.011.56 Kamakin V.A. DATA FLOW SAFETY TECHNOLOGIES IN PRODUCTION CONTROL AUTOMATION Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University by P.A. Solovyev URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The paper deals with the approaches to the business data security ensuring data flow safety. Methods to improve data security systems are suggested. Keywords: automation, information technology, security Provision of data flow safety is an essential issue solved in the course of establishing of an efficient corporate information system [1]. Russian enterprises having identical technological profile differ greatly in attitude to the issue under consideration. On the one part measures as for data safety are neither planned nor held till substantial malfunctioning occurs after which all one can do is count losses. On the other part security departments are set up together with data security services with sizable staff and often with identical functions. Data access procedures are developed to a large degree hampering solution of production issues. Consequently expenses for data security system maintenance as well activity of the enterprise in accordance with it substantially exceed the extent of potential losses from data process failures. Here as a rule data security measures are reduced to data access restrictions, i.e. dissemination security, whereas in the majority of cases data safety and absence of data corruptions is much more important than limitation of its dissemination [2]. In consideration of the aforementioned development of technologies is required enabling setting up data security system at an enterprise which would provide on the one hand for data flow safety as for all possible destabilizing factors and on the other hand would not necessitate excessive resource expenditures [2]. Thereto a model to arrange data security system is required. The scheme in Fig. 1 illustrates the model suggested. The model is universal; it can be used both in the course of system set up and its improvement. Two fundamental elements form the basis of the model: system arrangement methodology including an array of methods to identify problem situations, as well as for planning and implementation of certain measures. The second fundamental element is the algorithm of work activity management to provide for corporate data system safety. Fig. 1 also illustrates technologies ensuring implementation of a certain algorithm element. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The first stage implies analysis and structuring of existing documental flow in order to plan measures as to further safety. At the second stage target factors are formulated to plan measures in the course of set up and improvement of data security system. The third stage includes immediate measure development which efficiency is estimated at the fourth stage along with application of economic viability method [2]. Provided positive results of efficiency estimation the measures planned are implemented at the fifth stage. After introduction of measures data security system quality monitoring is put into practice. These actions are taken at the sixth stage of the algorithm. The results obtained are the initial data to accomplish complex audit of data security system which has to ensure measuring system reliability and weak component identifying. Based on the data of system efficiency as well as the results of the audit the measures as to further improvement are developed. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Document circulation structuring Security system arrangement Identification of technology target security factors Priority technology Information Categorization technology Economic viability method security system design Efficiency estimation Project Efficiency indicators of implementation information security system Performance measurement Complex audit of information security system Improvement of information security system Figure 1 – Generalized model of information security system URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Prior to development of measures as to data security system arrangement it is necessary to calculate data cost, i.e. answer the question, in what extent does potential damage from dessimination or loss of data exceed expenditures for its protection. It is also necessary to detect the most probable risks, as an ideal system will require infinite resources. This could be for instance data security from unauthorized access from outside, i.e. from Internet. In other circumstances threat of impact on data arises from the staff or data stealing or dessimination are not dangerous but its corruption can result in considerable losses. In all three cases application of specific data security methods is required for each situation [4]. It should not be overlooked that not only objective (actual) system reliability is of the essence but also attitude of different groups concerned to it. In one instance it is sufficient that the enterprise itself regards its system reliable enough. In others one has to prove it to some concerned categories, e.g. to partners who often don’t have a good handle of the issues under consideration. In this case the list of the measures planned should include data security system certification. The problems to solve imply implementation of three technologies which could be designated as follows: technology of danger detection, categorization and economic efficiency measurement. Technology of danger detection implies taking into consideration the irregular behavior of data process: unauthorized dissemination, corruption and destruction of data. At the same time elaboration of measures for all variants of failures will result in necessity to plan and implement mutually exclusive actions. In this connection preliminary data structurization as to irregular behavior must be accomplished. Thereto probabilistic irregular behavior factors of standard data processes have to be determined. Probabilistic factors are as follows: - probability of unauthorized data dessimination, - probability of unauthorized data corruption, - probability of unauthorized data destruction. Here is also required to take into account the cases of intentional actions of any kind on the part of interest groups. Such parties in interest can be designated as URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use violators though in the data security theory this term is applied to an abstract array of possible intentional damages of data processes. This interpretation of the term seems to be logical as a certain person does not as a rule possess maximally theoretically possible means and correspondingly system protection from him requires fewer losses than in the case when violator is regarded as an abstract concept. In other words it is necessary to detect the potential violator interested and having intention to take certain actions to influence harmfully data flows of an enterprise, as well as to define the nature of the possible attack to reveal the first-priority direction in arrangement of a data security system. There are many cases possible when detrimental impact on data flows is not linked with intentional actions. For each of the cases a probabilistic factor of detrimental impact on data flows connected with intentional should be defined actions, as well as that for the case not connected with such kind of actions. Probability matrix (1) has to be the result of the research where the rows include behavior and the columns include premeditation of detrimental actions. æ p ру ç p = ç pиу çp è уу wher e p рс ö ÷ pис ÷ p ус ÷ø , (1) p ру – is probability of intentional information dessimination, pиу – is probability of intentional corruption, p уу – is probability of intentional destruction, p рс – is probability of incidental dessimination, pис – is probability of incidental corruption, p ус – is probability of incidental destruction. In addition to probability one has to define the extent of consequences of occurrence of this or that situation. The matter is when the probability of detrimental URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use impact is high but the data are not valuable. In this connection the rate of possible losses due to detrimental impact on data flows has to be calculated and loss matrix has to be made up (2). æ С ру ç С = ç Сиу çС è уу wher e С рс ö ÷ Сис ÷ С ус ÷ø , (2) С ру – intentional dessimination losses, Сиу – intentional corruption losses, С уу – intentional destruction losses, С рс – incidental dessimination losses, С ис – incidental destruction losses, С ус – incidental destruction losses. Element-wise multiplying (1) and (2), one obtains appropriateness matrix where the max element row defines the behavior and the column shows designedness of impact on the data system as to each type of data (3). x = max(P. ´ C ) , wher e (3) x – is the maximal aspect-wise obtained value of viability factor In the situations when the matrix elements located in different rows have approximately identical value or that high enough special combined methods of data security have to be applied. On completion of the process implying determination of aspects and identification of the data security technologies supposed execution of works is required on implementing of data categorization. Categorization permits solving of the following problem. Each document defines security process subject to its content. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Process definition requires documenting, i.e. preparation of a method and a procedure which should also be protected. Consequently one gets endless recursive process requiring endless involvement of expenditures of time and resources. Insider information structurizing principle as to secrecy levels accepted in government institutions underlies the categorization method. This method implies development of design processes based on two data security technologies: identification of optimal quantity of information categories and implementation of security process technologies for the data attributed to the certain category. Security system functioning on itself should include application of two procedure groups: identification of the category of a certain document and the procedure of working with a document attributed to the certain category. Here one should take into consideration that information can be presented both in paper and electronic format. Special feature of the approach under consideration is that it takes into account data categorization variant not only as to its secrecy level but also as to its significance for an enterprise. Traditionally these are the processes connected with data protection from dissemination which are determined. Arrangement of an integrated corporate control information system implies that the essential part of information is transferred in electronic form. The problem of application of such systems is decrease of their stability just in terms of their reliability. It conditions the necessity to identify categorization procedures for data security not only as to dessimination but also as to corruption or destruction including that resulting from the detrimental impact not connected with the intentional actions of certain individuals. This task can be solved by applying the method of data categorization as to its sensitivity. Arrangement of data security system requires planning of procedures aimed at measurement of security system efficiency. Security system reliability calculations accomplished in known sources relate as a rule to performance characteristics; the main one is the number of key combinations defining direct enumeration stability [3]. The key combination number determines the time required for a violator to get guaranteed access to information. It is the number that is applied to estimate URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use efficiency of wide-spread modern data coding aids [4]. To calculate the value of combination number the following concepts are introduced: - key length – max number of sign characters the key may comprise, e.g. width of the key «quality» equals seven; - key weight – number of key variants falling on one length. E.g. if the key is formulated in decimal system of enumeration then the key weight is 10. Number of key combinations can be calculation by formula (4). N =V m, w (4) N – key combination number, here V – key weight, m – key length. To illustrate demonstrably the given factor it is expedient to calculate the time required for a violator to break the code. Special software and hardware are usually used for breaking; their processing speed makes up about 1 000 000 combinations per second without add-on dictionaries and approximately 100 000 combinations per second applying dictionaries. In the first case access time corresponds with the data presented in Table 1. Table 1 – Cryptoanalysis time by direct numeration method Serial number 1. Key type Binary Key weight 2 Key Key length combination Access time, years number 128 3,4 × 1038 1,08 ×10 25 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Serial number Key type Key weight Key Key length combination Access time, years number 2. Decimal 10 24 1× 10 24 3,17 ×1010 3. Symbolic 63 15 3,91 × 10 21 1,24 ×108 4. Code page 130 8 8,16 × 1016 2,58 ×10 3 The Table illustrates demonstrably sufficient reliability by the given criterion. But if such situation were a case in reality then there would be no successful cases of breaking at all. However such cases happen and unfortunately they are ordinary. Therefore the existing systems have weak components even from the point of view of data encryption only; and they do not take into consideration this criterion. Analysis of publications in the context of this issue has shown that if one regards cases of successful impact of a violator on the enterprise information flows then they are directly or indirectly connected with the human factor in more than 90% of cases. In this connection the factors accounting for human factor should be applied as the main criterion of data security system efficiency. Economic efficiency of the system should be one of these factors. Traditional methods of economic efficiency estimation are inadequate to calculate it; to its definition a technology is suggested which could be determined as the method of economic viability. The essence of the given method is based on the fact that efficiency of data security system is defined through calculation of key (benchmark) indicators measured in the economical equivalent. The method of economic viability suggests assessment of expenditure substantiation as to each measure planned as well as URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use determining of efficiency of the whole complex of data security arrangement procedures. The main indicator is calculation of data cost for an enterprise. Here under the data costs for an enterprise two different parameters are meant. The first one is organization expenditures on data generation or acquisition. The second parameter is the measure of damages occurring owing to detrimental impact on the information processes. In the context of the said the second parameter should be regarded as data costs for an enterprise since expenditures on obtaining data to oneself in practice never corresponds to its further so called «market» value. I.e. the second parameter proves to be more urgent for all that its regular correction is required. Defining this basic indicator necessitates estimation of possibility of occurrence of this or that situation. This is useful also for the cases when security cost value is high but occurrence of event is practically impossible. For instance it can be implemented subject to the probability calculated for occurrence of this or that event. Here the data cost for an enterprise must be multiplied by the given probabilistic indicator (in accordance with formula 5). C ИП = pс СУ , where (5) C ИП – information cost for an enterprise, pс – probability of information process corruption, СУ – rated extent of losses. C ИП is the basic indicator determining maximal allowed expenditures on protection of these data. These expenditures are also the basic indicator for economic estimation of security system effectiveness. Expenditures on data protection are made up of two components: implementation costs and costs for measure maintenance. Detailed description of the method of economic viability is presented in [2]. Description of the said technologies permits formulating generalized structure algorithm to arrange complex data security system which scheme is presented in URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig.2. It comprises three main technologies: priority method, categorization method, and the method of economic viability. The system offered provides for complex protection of dynamic data with orientation on the procedures regulated through automated corporate control information system of an enterprise. The security system developed this way has to be the object of regular consideration with respect to improvement. References 1. Belov P.G. Russian national security: categories, models, methods [Text] / P.G. Belov. – М.: FCNTP CP «Security/Bezopasnost», 2003. – 460 p. 2. Kamakin V.А. Economic estimate of efficiency of corporative data security measures [Text]/ V.А. Kamakin // Computer and data technology Reporter. – М.: Machinostroyeniye, 2005. – № 7. 3. Antonov Y.V. Reliability and safety of management-information systems (estimation and control methods [Text] / Y.V. Antonov, V.P. Belov, А.D. Golyakov [et al.]. – St. Petersburg: ОАО «NII TM», 2004. – 326 p. 4. Osmolovsky S.А. Stochastic methods of data security [Text] / S.А. Osmolovsky. – М.: Radio and traffic/Radio i svyaz, 2003. J21310-075 UDC 621.9.02 Kozhina T.D., Eroshkov V.Y. PROCESS BASES OF PROVISION OF THE PERFORMANCE CRITERIA REQUIRED FOR GTE PARTS Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Rybinsk State Aviation The paper deals with the issues of provision of the performance criteria required for parts in mechanical engineering in terms of GTE parts. The suggested methods to assign technological process conditions depending on the performance criteria required is based on theoretical evidence Technical University URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use by P.A. Solovyev in the area of similarity theory accounting for the influence of power and thermal factors on cutting process as well as on the integrated mathematical model of cutting process. Keywords: technology, gas turbine engine, performance criteria, similarity theory, surface layer quality. Need for fast development of new generation GTE production requires designing of express and in the first place calculation methods for determination of technological part process conditions permitting building solutions which would provide for the required performance criteria at the stage of production process design. The surface layer of the part is exposed to the strongest mechanical, thermal, magnetic-electrical, light et al. impacts under operation conditions that’s why the task to provide its specified parameters at minimal costs remains urgent. The part function deteriorates and its destruction starts in the majority of cases from the surface layer. Therefore decisions ensuring specified performance criteria should be built into at the design stage of manufacturing process applying calculation methods of assignment of technological process conditions. At this stage, i.e. that of external improvement, the required performance criteria are predetermined. For example at the cutting parameters of part processing are influences by a number of factors: cutting tool wear, variations of allowances and hardness of workpiece surface layer etc. The second stage of part turning process improvement, i.e. that of internal improvement, implies obtaining of the required performance criteria through control of design indices of accuracy and quality of the surfaces to be cut at the stage of operation accomplishing due to application of cutting process control system enabling to take into account the impact of disturbing influences and to regulate the cutting process in accordance with the energy criterion of similitude. The method suggested to assign technological process conditions depending on the required performance criteria is based on theoretical evidence in the area of theory of similarity which takes into account impact of both power and thermal impacts on the cutting process as well as on the integrated mathematical model of the cutting process. The theory of similarity takes into consideration the correlation between the cutting URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use process-dependent parameters (cutting modes, tool geometry, physical-mechanical properties of the material to be cut and those of cutting medium etc.) and output parameters of the part quality (surface roughness, value of residual stresses, depth and extent of cold-worked spots, dimensional inaccuracies). The generalized scheme of the suggested method to assign technological process conditions depending on the required performance criteria is presented in Fig. 1. However considering the scheme one should keep in mind that it is not obligatory that all the criteria presented in the scheme must be specified simultaneously. Complex of performance criteria or only one of them but the main one should be defined on the assumption of the part function and its assembly with other elements of this or that construction. The identification task of the required part edge cutting process parameters (feed S, cutting speed V, cut depth t, tool geometry etc.) ensuring the required performance criteria of machine parts through control of surface layer quality parameters and cutting accuracy is typical task within the theory of mathematical modeling improvement. As the system to be improved the part cutting process on the machine should be regarded in result of which the surface layer of the part acquires a complex of physical-mechanical properties described in terms of the performance criteria chosen. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Specified complex of performance criteria Turbine disks,* GTE blade roots, compressor disks: Shafts, axels,* Mounting surfaces of supporting structures: Butt-end surfaces of* supporting structures Strength** Friction and wear Contact rigidity** * Heavy-duty GTE parts: w y , w n - *** Strength of movable compressed joints** compliance, y – approach value y – tolerant clearance*** ** s -1 - Fatigue*** strength Fatigue resistance** s в - f. resistance range Wearability** f –friction coefficient*** Joint tightness ** V - clearance volume in conjunction*** ** * I h - wear rate*** type of the surface to be cut *** running ability criteria of operation assessment Technological process conditions Properties of the material to be cut s в , s т ,t р Properties of cutting medium Tool geometry Dimension of work piece a , g ,j , r … s ,t и , НВ , Equipment parameters Parameters of the surface to be cut D, H, B … … … Cutting parameters: V , S , t , r ,j , r1 , ... Fig. 1 Layout of engineering support of GTE part performance criteria The task of process engineer is to choose such technological process conditions which could provide for the specified complex of performance criteria {s -1 , у0 ,V0 ,...} or one of these criteria obtained to control the complex of the surface layer quality parameters {RZ ,s ост , hc , d S }. This task and its solution can be 0 0 0 0 0 presented in the form of a logical sequence of the problem situation the process engineer is facing in the course of assignment of cutting modes (Table 1). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Table 1. View of the problem situation process engineer is facing Main condition, causing the problem of Provision of performance criteria in order to ensure failurefree operation of the part through the whole service life period Problem situation Method of solution Assignment machining conditions Assignment of machining conditions through surface layer quality parameters control as to the energy criterion of similitude Stimulus 1. Reduction of time-frame for introduction of new products 2. Working through the service life without breakages and failures Medium, Demand {s -10 , у0 ,V0 ,...} Stimulus – reaction Goal – action Control {RZ , s ост , hc , d S 0 0 0 0 } In the general case deviation from the optimal value of those criteria (increasingly or decreasingly the actual criteria value) results in deterioration of part running ability. Moreover these criteria possess different dimensionalities that’s why it is necessary to use their relative not the absolute variations of the optimal magnitude. Based on the aforementioned we will use the following laws æ s - s -10 f1 (s -1 , у,V ,...) = c1 × çç -1 è s -10 2 æ R a - R a0 f 2 (R a , s ост , hc , s S ) = c1 × çç è R a0 æ hc - hc 0 + c 3 × çç è hc 0 2 2 2 ö æ y - y0 ö æ V - V0 ö ÷÷ + c2 çç ÷÷ + c3 × ç ÷ + ... y V 0 è ø è 0 ø ø ö ÷÷ + c 4 ø 2 ö æs - s ост0 ÷÷ + c 2 çç ост s ост0 ø è ædS - dS 0 × çç è dS0 ö ÷ ÷ ø (1) 2 ö ÷÷ + ø 2 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (2) or applying the following designations q1 º s -1 , q2 º y, q3 º V , ... , we can pass to the general function 2 æ q - qi 0 ö ÷÷ , f (Q) = å ci × çç i è qi 0 ø i =1 k (3) where сi are corresponding weight coefficients permitting to define the contribution of this or that indicator of the part surface layer quality to its overall reliability; k is the number of performance criteria; Q is the complex of performance criteria. Evidently that while ensuring optimal criteria the magnitude of this function will be equal to zero. The next stage of formulation of improvement task is identification of explanatory variables adequately defining the system. So the following variables must be chosen as explanatory ones characterizing (defining) the process of part fine turning: - Cutting speed V; - Feed S; - Cut depth t; - Cutting tool geometry: φ, φ1, α, γ, r, ρ1 et al. Here in each specific case the number of the explanatory variables taken into account may be reduced or increased and besides any of variables may vary over a wide range or be strictly fixed. Thereby the complex of explanatory system variables is chosen which will further designate through X={x1… xn} (where xi is variable of the system to be improved, n is the number of variables). The next stage of task set-up is construction of the system mathematical model describing correlations between variables and reflecting the influence of explanatory variables on the objective function of improvement. In the general case the model URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use structure comprises equations describing physical processes progressing in the system, as well as equation and inequalities determining the tolerance region of explanatory variables and requirements to upper and/or lower boundaries of change in system behavior. The model suggested is based on the algorithm of calculation of performance criteria under the specified technological part process conditions. Based on it under the specified values of cutting speed V, feed S, cut depth t, geometry of the machineattachment-tool-workpiece system one performance criterion can be defined, their required combination and in the final analysis complex of the required performance criteria s-1, y, V, I: s-1 = q1 (V, S, t, …) = q1(X) y = q2 (V, S, t, …) = q2(X) (4) V = q3 (V, S, t, …) = q3(X) I = q4 (V, S, t, …) = q4(X) Having substituted these dependences (or the current values of performance criteria calculated on their base) into objective function one can obtain the analytical dependence of objective function on the input variables (or calculate its current value): 2 æ q ( X ) - qi 0 ö ÷÷ = f ( X ) f (Q) = å ci × çç i q i0 ø è i =1 k (5) So we represent the objective function as the function of explanatory system variables. Contrariwise a number of constraints are imposed on the cutting process which is conditioned on technology, physics and mechanics of the cutting process. Their number and form are determined separately in each specific case; they can possess URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use both simple and rather complex form of dependences. The most frequent are the constraints of the following type. 1. Feed limitations Depth of cut in terms of cutting equipment capabilities cannot exceed the following range: S ≥ Smin и S ≤ Smax (6) 2. Cutting speed limitations Cutting speed value in terms of cutting equipment capabilities cannot exceed the range defined by the minimal and maximal spindle rpm: V ³ Vmin = p × d × nmin p × d × n max and V £ V max = . 60 60 (7) Besides these simple limitations the cutting process can be influenced in each specific case by the constraints connected with process physics and technology possessing as a rule complex pronounced non-linear character: e.g. limitations of drive power, cutting tool strength, temperature in the cutting zone, cutting forces etc. So in the general case we have linear and non-linear limitations imposed on the improvement process: ìïh j ( X ) = 0, j = 1, m í ïî g j ( X ) ³ 0, j = m + 1, p , (8) where hj (X), gj (X) are the functions of linear and non-linear limitations. On the base of the said the following conclusions can be drawn. 1. The objective function of the improvement system is based both on complex dependences of performance criteria and the surface layer quality parameters as well as on the part cutting mode. These dependences are often presented indirectly and are non-differentiable. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 2. Linear and non-linear limitations are imposed on the improvement process in the form of equalities and inequalities which also could have complex, table or interval form of dependences. On this assumption we can judge that we deal with the most general case of non-linear mathematical programming which improvement task is to minimize the objective function f(X), XÎ En at the limitations presented in formula (8). Based on the suggested logic of the task set it is obvious that improvement of the objective function obtained requires application of methods of direct search with regard to the tasks of conditional improvement. The most effective at that is the algorithm constructed on the basis of penalty function method applying the method of non-rigid polyhedron and called non-rigid tolerance method. This method was taken as the basis and all the test tasks different in objective functions and limitations were solved consistent with it. Non-rigid tolerance method application allows improving of the values of the objective function both due to the data obtained in the admissible points of the solution space and due to the data obtained through certain points lying outside the admissible region but being close to the admissible ones (further called almost admissible points). Intervals in which limits the points can be regarded as almost admissible are reduced in the course of the improvement process, so only admissible points of X system are included into the limit (on drawing near to the non-linear programming task solution sought for). Such strategy of optimizing search allows changing of the general task through the less complex (but having the same solution) task of minimization of the objective function, namely: f (X), XÎ En at the limitation Ф(к)- Т(X) ≥ 0, (9) where Ф(к) are values of non-rigid tolerance criterion at the kth stage of the search; Т(X) is the positively defined functional over the set of all the functions specifying constraints (both in the form of equalities and inequalities) in the task of improvement. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use At the complete improvement of the objective function we will apply the downhill simplex method (the method of non-rigid polyhedron), being the development of the wide used simplex method. In this method function n of explanatory variables is minimized with application (n + 1) of polyhedron vertices in n-D space En. Each vertex can be identified by vector X. The vertex (point) in En in which value of f(X) is maximal is projected through the center of gravity of the vertices remained. Improved values of the objective function are found through consecutive replacement of the point with the maximal value f(X) by «better» points till the minimum f(X) is found. As non-rigid tolerance criterion Ф the positively defined decreasing function of point data is chosen at that the points being vertices of the non-rigid polyhedron in En, i.e. ( ) Ф ( k ) = Ф ( k ) X 1( k ) , X 2( k ) , ... , X n( k ) , . (10) Function Ф is the criterion of the tolerance for constraint violation of the task to be solved in the course of the whole process of optimized search and moreover is the criterion permitting to identify the moment when the improvement procedure stops. Variants of certain choice of function Ф are numerous but the most often used function is as follows: Ф ( k ) = 2 × (m + 1) × t , Ф (k ) ì ( k -1) m + 1 r +1 ( k ) ü × å X i - X r( +k )2 ý , = min íФ , r + 1 i =1 î þ where t is value defining the dimensions of initial polyhedron: m is the number of constraints in the form of equalities; th X i(k ) is vector specifying position of the i polyhedron vertex; URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (11) (12) r = (n - m) is the number of DOF for the objective function f(X) thereby if r<2, then r = 2 is taken; X r( +k )2 is vector specifying location of the vertex corresponding with the center of gravity of polyhedron at n = r; k = 0, 1, ... is the number of fully completed stages of calculation procedure; Ф(k-1) is value Ф at the previous (k - 1)th stage of the search. On application of the downhill simplex method the size of non-rigid polyhedron is reduced at the approach to the required point; in the limit the complete degeneracy of polyhedron into the point X* corresponding with the task solution. Therefore on approaching to function f(X) solution value Ф(k) decreases gradually Ф(0) ³ Ф(1) ³ ¼ ³ Ф(k) ³ 0 and we have in the limit lim Ф(k) = 0 x® x * Optimization search has to be continued until Ф(k) is not less than the positive number chosen e. We present functional Т(Х) in the following form 1 u +1 æ u +1 ö2 H ( X ) = ç å h 2j ( X ) + åU j × g 2j ( X ) ÷ , i =1 è i =1 ø (13) where Uj is Heaviside functional possessing the following property: Uj = 0 at gj(X) ³ 0; Uj = 1 at gj(X)< 0. So the functional Т(Х) is root of sum-of-squares of functions specifying complete collection of broken constraints of the task, at that at any coordinate vector X inequality Т(Х) ³ 0 is observed, besides for any infeasible point Т(Х) > 0. General scheme of algorithm operation looks as follows: as optimization search progresses value Ф(k) decreases which results in contraction of the region of almost admissible points. At the given Ф(k) in the point X(k+1) one of the variants is the case. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 1. Т (X(k+1)) £ Ф(k). In this case point X(k+1) is either admissible or almost admissible and corresponding relocation can be regarded as permitted. 2. Т (X(k+1)) > Ф(k). In this case point X(k+1) is regarded as infeasible: it is necessary to find another point instead of X(k+1) either lying closer to the permissible region boundaries or appertaining to it. One of the methods is decreasing H(X(k+1)) till the condition is met Т (X(k+1)) £ Ф(k) (14) Algorithm convergence is provided for the following reasons: 1. Non-increasing behavior of criterion of admissibility is provided by the construction technique of Ф(k) itself. 2. When the task solution is internal point (in the absence of constraints in the form of equalities) algorithm convergence is guaranteed by virtue of properties of non-rigid polyhedron to degenerate into the point only on obtaining of function optimum f(X). Under these circumstances H (X) does not influence the algorithm convergence as at the final stages of the search process points Xi(k) (i = 1, ... , r+1) are internal and thereby H(X(k)) = 0, whence it follows that the limiting conditions in the form of inequalities are satisfied for all X(k) and the task does not contain active limitations. 3. When the optimum is obtained in the point being internal the algorithm convergence is provided due to the following condition Ф(k)- Т (X) ³ 0. (15) Non-rigid polyhedron cannot degenerate into the point until such improved value f (X(k+1)) is found for which Ф(k)-Т(X(k+1)) ³ 0. One of the advantages of the non-rigid tolerance algorithm is that the degree of constraint breaking decreases gradually on approaching to the task solution sought for. Since at the first stages of search the task limitations should be satisfied quite URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use approximately and only in the course of the search close by the solution sought for more accuracy is required; in the course of optimization computational volumes reduce considerably in comparison with other methods. Another advantage of this algorithm is also that it is convenient to apply Ф(k) as criterion to complete the search. It is sufficient to continue the optimization search until Ф(k) is less than some arbitrary chosen positive number e. On completion of the search when Ф(k) £ e, total value of functions connected with constraints broken does not exceed e. Consequently also value of each limitation violation does not exceed e. If in the process of optimization search under improvement of objective function values f(X) some point X(k) provided to be infeasible from the point of view of criterion Ф(k) then it is necessary to identify another point which could be classified either as the admissible one or as the almost admissible one. Finding of this point is implemented at the expense of minimization of Т(X(k)) over the set of all points of the solution space; thereby the process of Т(X(k)) minimization proceeds until the inequality (14) is fulfilled. To minimize Т(X) by downhill simplex method it is required to construct a new polyhedron in the neighborhood of infeasible point X(k), which vertices we will specify through Wi(S), (i = 1, ... , n+1), where s is the number of completely accomplished stages of the process of Т (X) minimization. These (n + 1) vertices have to be chosen so that n of vectors corresponding to any subset of n of vertices are line independent. In the practice it is sometimes more convenient to construct a regular polyhedron taking as the reference point X(k). Search path obtained through Т(X) minimization by the downhill simplex method depends on dimensions and orientation of initial polyhedron in the task space. In the case when its dimensions are small in comparison with those in the permissible region the search path does almost not depend on orientation of the polyhedron in Еn and the search path resembles the path obtained by the steepestdescent method. In the algorithm of non-rigid tolerance the value characterizing the size of initial polyhedron is defined by empirical formula t = 0,05Ф ( k ) in the course URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use of Т(X) minimization at the kth stage of the search. Further the procedure of finding of admissible or almost admissible point looks as follows. At each vertex of the polyhedron obtained value Т(X) is calculated, i.e. Т( X̂ ( 0) )(i = 1, ... , n + 1) are defined. By downhill simplex method Т(X) is minimized. At the end of each sth stage the minimal of values H( Xˆ ( S ) ) (i = 1,..., n+1), i.e. Т ( Xˆ 1( S ) ), are compared with Ф(k). If Т( Xˆ 1( S ) ) < Ф(k), then the determined point is either admissible or almost admissible. If Т( Xˆ 1( S ) ) > 0, infeasible point Xi(k) is substituted for point Xˆ 1( S ) and minimization stops. If Т( Xˆ 1( S ) ) = 0 and m = 0, then prior to come back to object function minimization interpolation is accomplished in result of which в one assures that point Xi(k) = Xˆ 1( S ) is not too remote from the boundaries specified by the limitations broken directly before point Xˆ 1( S ) has been found. If Т( Xˆ 1( S ) ) ³ Ф(k), value is calculated E (S ) 1 ìï n +1 = × íå Т Xˆ i( S ) - Т Xˆ n( S+)2 n + 1 ïî i = 0 [( ) ( ü )] ïý , 2 ïþ (16) where Т( Xˆ т( S+)2 ) is value Т(X) in the center of gravity of polyhedron at the sth stage of Т(X) minimization. If ES > 10 -7 then minimization goes on at the (s + 1)th stage. Otherwise the non-rigid polyhedron is close to degenerate into the point whereas admissible or almost admissible points have not been found. In this case the algorithm keeps operating implementing the search in each direction being parallel to axes of coordinates. Beginning from Xˆ 1( S ) , X̂ 1* is defined corresponding to the minimal value Т(X) at shifting in the direction being parallel to the axis x1; then beginning from X̂ 1* , X̂ 2* is determined etc. this procedure continues until Xˆ *j is defined for all n of index value j. The aim is to identify the interval l0 containing the point with the minimal value Т(X) in the direction chosen. Further search is URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use accomplished by the method of golden section / /. The search goes on until the length of the interval containing point Xˆ *j decreases till the value less or equal to 0,01×Ф(k). On completion of each one-dimensional search checking up is executed in order to clarify whether condition Т( Xˆ *j ) £ Ф(k) is fulfilled for the new value Т( Xˆ *j ). If the condition is fulfilled Xi(k) is substituted for Xˆ *j and Т(X) minimization procedure stops. If on completion of the search in each of coordinate directions one failed to define admissible or almost admissible point then point Xˆ т* is chosen as reference point for construction of a new polyhedron having large initial dimensions and a new search of minimum H(X) is undertaken. If in result of triple repetition of the whole procedure admissible or almost admissible points are still not found minimization search stops and is classified as ineffectual. In the case when optimization task contains limitations only in the form of inequalities downhill simplex method may turn up to be ineffective to minimize Т(X). In this case square-law interpolation as to internal and external points is implemented by which means point В этом случае по отношению к внутренним и внешним точкам осуществляется X is found lying close to the boundary specified by the broken limitations. Proceeding to the search of objective function f(X) by means of non-rigid tolerance it is required to know the initial point X(0), the number of DOF for the task r, initial dimension of non-rigid polyhedron t and value Ф(0). Procedure of finding vertices Xi(0) (i = 1, ... , r + 1) is implemented according to the following scheme. Ф(0) = 2× (m + 1) × t are calculated and value Т(X) is found in the initial point X(0). If Т(X(0)) < Ф(0), then X(0) is either admissible or almost admissible point and initial vertices Xi(0) (i = 1, ... , u + 1) are calculated by means of the special procedure relative to this point. If Т(X(0)) < Ф(0), then Т(X) is minimized until admissible or almost admissible point Xi is found; it is the point that is chosen as the reference one at the construction of the polyhedron. Algorithm stops its operation under two conditions. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 1. When Ф(k) £ e. In this case the search is regarded as accomplished and is classified as successful (it is the situation that comes up in the majority of cases). 2. When the admissible or almost admissible point cannot be identified by means of the said search procedure the current search is completed then the starting point is substituted and/or one turns to other characteristics of the polyhedron, i.e. to the greater value e. At applying the developed optimization algorithm by non-rigid tolerance method in the practice in a number of cases (in particular in objective function calculation defined through parameters of surface layer quality of the surface to be cut) untimely program halts are possible connected with application of forbidden mathematical operations. E.g. a number of formulas of the mathematical model of cutting process have such exponential expressions as V1.5, S-0.034 etc. Obviously the base of such expression must be a non-negative number. However in the course of optimization search by means of non-rigid tolerance method assigning optimization variables is possible through the values lying outside the admissible region of values and therefore process variables can take on negative values also. To avoid such conflict situations transition to the new interim variables Z={z1, z2, ¼ zn} is suggested connected with initial correlations in the following form xi = exp (zi), i = 1, … n. (17) Owing to this transition in changing interim variables along the whole range of real numbers initial variables will take on only positive values what completely excludes appearance of inconsistent mathematical operations and corresponds well orienting on engineering sense of cutting process variables (V, S, t, …). In conclusion the following should be mentioned: application of non-rigid tolerance method with regard to the turning process allowed solving the task of technological process optimization by means of arrangement of an automated control system providing for the required performance criteria at the design stage and at that of production of GTE parts and the parts of general machinery. Based on URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use mathematical methods of research of non-linear control systems and processes the system of cutting process control has been created enabling provision of performance criteria of products as early as at the stage of mechanical processing without expensive finishing processing methods. References Kozhina Т.D. Process bases of management and control of machine part 1. performance criteria. – Rybinsk: RSATA, ООО «Format», 2001.-519 p. 2. Bezyazychny V.F. Mathematical support of selection of technological process conditions providing for the specified quality of mechanical processing. Data and engineering support of quality and efficiency of mechanical processing. Collected works of AATI. – Yaroslavl, YPI, 1985. Kozhina Т.D., Postnov А.N., Kiselyov E.V. Automated measurement of 3. residual stresses of the part surface layer. Surface layer quality and running ability of aircraft engine parts. Collected works. – Yaroslavl, YPI, 1990. – pp. 122 – 126. J21310-076 UDC 621.9 Poletaev V.A. NEW TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS IMPLEMENTED IN THE COURSE OF GTE BLADE GRINDING PROCESS AUTOMATION Rybinsk State Aviation The paper deals with the issues of provision of the performance criteria required for parts in mechanical engineering in terms of GTE parts. The suggested methods to assign technological process conditions depending on the performance criteria required is based on theoretical evidence Technical University by P.A. Solovyev Creep feed grinding process is the only possible method of automated largeduty gas turbine engine (GTE) blade processing for over 30 years in the RF. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use This method features high engineering reliability as to processing of geometrically-complex parts made of hard-to-grind, heat-resistant and noncorrosive alloys; it ensures high geometrical accuracy of the surfaces processed as well as the required quality of the surface layer: roughness; locked-up stresses; depth and degree of work-hardened spots. [1,2] The cut-maps applied are diverse types of the flat in-feed grinding manufacturing scheme. Variants of the scheme are formed due to addition of different extra reciprocal displacements of cutting and dressing tool, as well as the work piece to be cut itself to the initial pattern. GTE blade batch manufacturing is the area where the universally recognized scheme of the unilateral flat in-feed grinding is mainly used. Fig. 1 illustrates an example of the processing of that kind: unilateral profile grinding of GTE blade roots. Fig.1. Work conformal motion scheme for cutting, dressing tool and billet when flat in-feed grinding The scheme originated in 1980s in the RF. The scheme makes it possible to implement the process of creep feed grinding both in one and in several passages. Herewith part 1, placed in the cassette 2 on the attachment 3, has to travel in the direction Х with the speed of cutting and quick-action feed; grinding wheel 4 has to be able to spin with the cutting speed VК and to travel in the direction Z with the speed of cutting feed; diamond roll 5 has to spin with the dressing speed VР and to URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use travel normally to the wheel cutting face 4 with the dress feeding speed; diamond roll 6 has to spin with the dressing speed VР [3]. Over a long period of time (over twenty years) this cut-map and its versions were the only possible schemes to process diverse GTE blade surfaces. That was the profile of the grinding tool or several tools being as a rule grinding wheels with open structure ceramic bond which determined the form of the part surface to be cut. Shape of the longitudinal generatrix formed on the part surface was defined by the number of simultaneously movable axes in the cutting process. Three axes X, Y, Z were simultaneously moved. Such manufacturing capabilities of the cutting equipment permitted processing of blade profile surfaces with linear longitudinal generatrix or the profiled ones with low curvature of longitudinal generatrix, i.e. manufacturing capabilities of this scheme are limited. Versatile grinding machines with five movable axes entered the market of the RF 10 years ago; they broad considerably application of gas turbine engine blade manufacturing automation technology. GTE blade five-axes automated grinding is implemented at the expense of application of the versatile cut-map given in Fig. 2. The technological cut-map presented permits to grind almost completely all external and internal surfaces of a nozzle blade in one part positioning. It is obtained due to consecutive fulfillment of five operations. During the first operation (Fig.3 а) wheel 2 grinds cylindrical surface of outer blade 4 platform wing. At that attachment 5 is placed at the angle α1 relatively vertical axis which provides for adjusting of wheel cutting face 2 with the surface to be ground. During the second and the third operation (Fig. 3 б, в) labyrinth platforms are serially ground with the wheel 3 at the corresponding angles of attachment 5 inclination, i.e. α2 and α3. Each of the angles provides for registration of different wheel cutting faces with this or that work piece surface. Operations four and five (Fig. 3 г, д) imply application of the wheels 2 and 1, respectively [4]. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig.2. Scheme of turbine rotor nozzle blade processing with a set of ceramic grinding wheels under five-axis reciprocal displacements of part and tool: а, б, в, г, д – grinding operations 1-5, respectively; 1, 2, 3 – profile grinding wheels; 4 – work piece; 5 – attachment; 6 – rotary table The cut-map like this requires ample quantity of movable axes from metalcutting equipment to provide complex reciprocal displacements of cutting tool and work piece, as well as cutting and dressing tool in operating and setting modes. Schemes of reciprocal displacements of multipurpose surface grinding machine with five simultaneously movable axes are presented in Fig.3. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 3. Scheme of reciprocal displacements of multipurpose grinding machine units: а) frontal view; b) side view; 1 – part; 2 – work piece fixture; 3 – grinding wheel; 4 – dress roll; 5 – dressing tool slide; 6 – grinding head slide; 7 – bed table; 8 – cross-slide; 9 – rotary table; 10 – rotating pivot Here part 1 is fixed in the attachment 2 placed on the rotary table 9 with the possibility to turn around axis Z through 3600 (axis С). The table 9 is placed in its turn on the pivot 10 with the possibility of its rotation around axis Х (axis А) through an angle of more than ±900. The pivot 10 is mounted on the fixed base being a part of a bed plate. Slide 7 moving along axis X is placed on the bed plate. The slide 7 is dual as it carries the cross slide 8 moving along axis Y. The column on the cross slide carries the cross-slide box 6. Grinding wheel 3 is mounted on the grinding cross-slide box 6 and can move along axis Z. The wheel 3 contacts the diamond dress roller 4 constantly which is displaced by the slide 5 as to the wheel cutting face. This means that the grinding wheel and the dressing tool can move along axis Z. Thereby this scheme provides simultaneously for five reciprocal displacements of the part and the tool along the axes Х, Y, Z, А and С, permitting shaping cylindrical surfaces of any kind including those with the radius R considerably exceeding the turning radius of the rotary table 9. In particular it results from URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use simultaneous displacement of the part and the tool at least along axes X and Z. To ensure constant cutting capacity of the wheel 3 the process of its continuous dressing is performed, i.e. in the course of grinding the roller 4 moves constantly in the direction Z by means of the slide 5. Entry into the cutting face of the tool 3 is fulfilled. Such versatile cut-map is implemented in the domestic manufacturing equipment produced by Stankovendt Type SLS-434. This equipment is a development of a well-known layout of three-axes grinding improved at the expense of application of advanced option (globe table) with two controllable axes А (turning around axis X) and С (turning through 3600 around axis Z) [5]. The photo of the globe table used in the machine SLS-434 is presented in Fig. 4. Fig. 4. General view of the «globe table» with the layout for processing of curvilinear surfaces in the five turbine blade unit. Application of five controllable axes in cut-maps for turbine blade grinding permits processing of cylindrical blade surfaces. At that the radius of convex (external) surfaces of the blade wheel is not limited, but the diameter of the internal surface to be shaped is limited exceptionally by the diameter of the grinding wheel which has to be inscribed in the surface. Here a problem of great technological concern is grinding of cam grooves at the blade assembly and blade wheel ends, which shapes are presented Fig. 5. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use а б Fig. 5. Cam groove on the nozzle block sector part: а – groove shape; b – 3D-groove model Solution of technological problem of that kind required subsequent improvement of gas turbine engine blade manufacturing automation technology at the expense of application (in the course of one technological procedure) of wheels with different diameters which fulfill profile creep feed grinding in the tool rates range from 25 m/sec to 100 m/sec. Technology of automated GTE blade end groove processing has been developed at the ОАО «NPO «Saturn». As opposed to the schemes presented above it includes feature-based (differentiated) processing of single parts of the groove profile to be shaped with the wheels of different diameters, Fig. 6. Aluminum oxide i di CBN grinding wheel h l URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use а b Fig. 6. Two-wheel differential processing of the cam groove: а – processing of the concave curved groove wall (first step); b – processing of the convex curved groove wall and bottom (second step) Nozzle blade groove grinding with the wheels of different diameter is accomplished under simultaneous reciprocal displacement of the tool and the part in four coordinates, namely: X, Y, Z and С. The fifth coordinate (А) changes in steps, namely: while grinding concave groove radius in the course of the whole processing cycle the nozzle cluster takes one angle position as to axis X, and while grinding convex groove radius it takes another one. To process the concave curvilinear groove surface a wheel made of fused alumina with the ceramic bond and diameter up to 500 mm is used as a cutting tool, to process the convex curvilinear groove surface а CBN wheel with a considerably smaller diameter (less than 200 mm) is used. Such difference in wheel diameters depends on provision of the condition to inscribe a circle into the groove shape. Therein application of wheels with the size of more than 200 mm to grind the convex groove surfaces results in «overcuts» on the concave (opposite) groove side and, correspondingly, vice versa application of wheels with the size of more than 500 mm to grind the concave groove surfaces results in «overcuts» on its opposite side. Thereafter application of wheels with the size of less than 200 mm to grind the grooves necessitated provision of high geometric accuracy of the surface to be shaped URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use which predetermined utility of application of CBN wheels with ceramic bond operating under conditions of HS grinding (80÷100 m/sec). Application of this cut-map requires subsequent improvement of technological equipment used under conditions of automated creep feed grinding. Supplementary wheel dressing mechanisms are required here (separately to dress wheels of fused alumina and to dress CBN wheels), as well as the mechanism to change cutting tool and the magazine with wheels of different diameter. Moreover grinding with the wheels of different diameter changing in a wide range requires ensuring adjusting spindle RPM in a broad range of rates, especially since grinding with CBN wheels is accomplished under conditions of HS grinding. The above requirements to improvement of technological equipment found their way into the new model of versatile grinding machine SXS-512 produced by the company Stankovendt, Fig.7. Introduction of the new technological equipment at the NPO «Saturn» made it possible to implement the technology of automated turbine blade grinding all over external part outline, i.e. to process it completely under conditions of creep feed and HS grinding in automatic cycle. At that 100% repeatable accuracy of the surfaces to be ground is obtained; process scrap as to geometrical size is completely excluded. Moreover application of CBN wheels provided for increase of grinding rate in comparison with processing with grinding wheel rates from 25 m/sec to 80 m/sec, at cut depth of 5÷6 mm, as well as for increased values of sliding feed from 40 mm/min to 300 mm/min, i.e. performance rate has increased eight-tenfold. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig.7. General view of the multipurpose center for multispeed creep feed grinding Stankovendt. Summary: 1. Two main factors provide improvement of automated creep feed grinding process technology and they are: increase of number of simultaneously movable axes (up to five); enhancement of size range of the cutting tool applied by turns (use of the exchange cutting tool magazines). 2. Productivity of creep feed grinding boosts at the expense of CBN wheels application with ceramic bond which provides for grinding in the speed range of 80÷100 m/sec, i.e. ensuring transition to HS creep feed grinding. References 1. Poletaev V.A. Gas turbine engine blade manufacturing automation technology. М.: Machinostroyeniye, 2006 – 256 p. 2. Poletaev V.A, Volkov D.I. Turbine blade creep feed grinding. М.: Machinostroyeniye, 2009 – 270 p. 3. Silin S.S., Leonov B.N., Khrulkov V.A. et al. Creep feed grinding technology optimization. М.: Machinostroyeniye, 1989 – 120 p. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 4. Poletaev V.A. Turbine blade process technology on grinding machines.// Polyet, 2005, № 11, – pp. 55-57. 5. Tsvetkov E.V. Manufacturing capabilities of equipment for multi-axis processing of nozzle assembly sectors by creep feed grinding method // Referencebook. Engineering journal, 2009. №4. – pp. 6-11. J21310-077 UDC 669.14.021 Shatulsky А.А. PROBLEM SOLVING AT THE INITIAL STAGE OF CASTING PRACTICE PROJECTING FOR INVESTMENT PATTERNS OF GAS TURBINE ENGINE BLADES MADE OF REFRACTORY ALLOYS Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of High Professional Education «P. A. Solovyov Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University» Original classifications of blade-type castings as well as classifications of ingate-feeding systems (IFS) are offered; correlation between a class of castings, type of IFS and possible aspects of rejected material on the basis of statistical analysis is proposed; system of selection of IFS type and calculation procedure for process of filling-up of a mould cavity by melt, ensuring manufacture of castings with the minimum quantity of imperfections are developed. LOST-WAX CASTING, IFS TYPE, CASTING CLASS, CASTING PARAMETERS, CASTINGS IMPERFECTIONS Currently available systems of computer-aided design allow executing qualitatively enough simulation of process of shaping of casting taking into account the prognosis of origin of possible imperfections. Process of simulation complexity depends greatly on quality of initial stage of projection problems solution, which is selection of a position of casting in mould, type of ingate-feeding system (IFS) and the assigned sizes of its elements. Now for this purpose the subsystems based on acceptance of standard design solutions and empirical methods of calculation of IFS sizes are used. However the former use purely qualitative criteria of selection for URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use acceptance of a design solution, and the latter do not allow to consider singularity of geometry of casting. As a result due to huge variety of applied alloys, type sizes of castings and types of ingate-feeding systems such way of projection is rather long and demands experimental finishing that leads to unjustified prolongation terms of projection and material spending. For elimination of the above-stated deficiencies the theoretic-experimental way of problem solving for the initial stage of the mentioned spectrum of castings projection has been offered. At its creation basic studies and generalizations of the casting houses producing blade-type castings operational activity know-how have been accomplished in order to determine: a) spectrum of castings and applied ingatefeeding systems; b) possible imperfections of castings; c) selected parameters of casting. It has allowed to propose original classifications of the existing castings, applied ingate-feeding systems and arising imperfections of castings. At the process of castings classification geometrical criteria have been chosen as the main ones: amount of large nodes and presence of an interior concavity; consequently at the process of ingate-feeding systems classification: amount and position in inner space of runner ingates (collectors), presence of collective or individual lost heads, direction of motion of melt at shape filling-up. Thus, all the castings have been divided into 4 classes: Class 1 - with two large nodes without interior concavity; Class 2 - with two large nodes with interior concavity; Class 3 - with one large node without interior concavity; Class 4 - with a large node and interior concavity. Ingate-feeding systems also have been divided into 3 types: IFS I - with two horizontal runner ingates; IFS II - with the upper horizontal runner ingate; IFS III - with the lower runner ingate and the upper lost head; Classification of imperfections (fig. 1) was completed with the following methods: expert estimation, the principal components, correlative and cluster analysis; detection of reasons of their occurrence was carried out by method of an URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use expert estimation, by analysis of temporary dynamic rows, etc. All the mentioned allowed to offer physically justified and statistically significant classification of casting imperfections by manufacture stages on which they arise or by reasons causing their occurrence/1/. Parametric criteria were proposed for the exposition of geometrical singularities of castings and the prognosis of probability of imperfections origin at a stage of filling-up of a mould cavity by melt. Simulation of process of filling-up of a mould cavity, using of pair correlations and expert estimation methods has allowed to determine that from more than fifty offered imperfections of the various combined parameters, characterizing casting sizes and a casting conditions, the most significant is the criterion of Кf representing a ratio of average width of blade airfoil portion dave to its length lп Кf = dave / lп As a result of handling of the industrial data after manufacturing of more than sixty type sizes of blade-type castings and experimentally, by method of trial castings, it was proved that alternation of rejected castings level for various IFS types depends on value of parametric criterion of Кf, and for the same casting increase of amount of the imperfections, arising at a stage of filling-up of a mould cavity by melt while using different IFS types, takes place with different velocities (fig. 2), so there exist some critical values of a Кf below which use of this or that type of a ingatefeeding system becomes simply inexpedient due to impossibility to receive a suitable casting. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Basic groups of imperfections common for blade-type castings Group I Imperfections arising at a stage of filling-up of a mould cavity by melt Subgroup I Clog Oxide layer Slag inclusion Subgroup II Junction (cold lap) Non-fill Group II Imperfections arising at a stage of solidification of casting Group III Imperfections included at a stage of manufacturing of a casting mould Subgroup I Microporosity Clink Glow Subgroup I (arising at a stage of filling-up of a mould cavity by melt) Puncture Rod demolition Subgroup II Structural disparity Subgroup II (arising at a stage of solidification of casting) Distortion Wall thinning Off-ratio conditions Layer separation Subgroup III (other imperfections) Model imperfection Spalling Overcut Figure 1. Classification of imperfections for blade-type castings In other words, with increase of length and thinning-down of a blade airfoil portion level the amount of imperfections of the castings, fabricated with use of a gating system of type I (that is with two horizontal runner ingates) is augmented much faster than for the similar casting fabricated with use of a gating system of type III with the lower runner ingate and the upper individual lost head. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 60 Defected castings, % 50 40 30 20 10 0 0,015 0,02 0,025 Parametric test, 0,03 К2 Figure. 2 Quantitative difference of defective blade-type castings depends on various types of gating systems (1 - gating system of type III , casting of class II ; 2 - gating system of type I , casting of class II ) It has been fixed that during simulation of process of filling-up of a mould cavity by melt for castings of classes I and II and ingate-feeding systems of types II and III at the lower supply of melt in a casting mould concavity non-uniformity of distribution of velocities depending on blade airfoil portion cut may occur (fig. 3a, b), and also formation of several characteristic zones (fig. 3c, d) on length of blade airfoil portion may be observed: initial, located in the lower part of a blade airfoil portion, laminar - in the mean part and turbulent - at the top. 3 2 1 c) - Re = 250 d) - Re = 600 а) - (dmax-dmin) > 2 b) - (dmax-dmin) <1,5 Fig.3 Character of fluid motion in a casting mould concavity URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Availability and expansion of these zones influences the amount of arising imperfections of castings and depends on the parameters of a casting described by value of a Reynolds criterion, type of a ingate-feeding system, casting class, casting size, and parametric criterion of a Кf (see Table 1). Similar explorations also have been conducted for other types of ingate-feeding systems and classes of castings. The result was the following: differentiation of castings by groups of complexity and definition of Reynolds criterion critical values for each group (see Table 2). The mentioned data proves minimum quantity of imperfections at a stage of filling-up of a mould cavity by melt /2/. Table 1 Correlation between values of a Reynolds criterion, parametric criterion К2 and level of a rejected material of castings by various type sizes IFS Casting type class I I I I I I Кf 0,040 0,040 0,040 0,040 0,028 0,028 0,028 0,020 0.020 0,020 dave, m 0,0030 0,0030 0,0030 0,0030 0,0045 0,0045 0,0045 0,0060 0,0060 0,0060 w m/s 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,05 0,10 0,15 Re 250 500 750 1000 375 750 1125 500 1000 1500 Defected castings (filling-up stage), % 7,3 7,8 8,5 9,4 11,6 14,7 16,8 13,9 25,4 34,6 The derived classifications of castings, ingate-feeding systems, parametric criterion have allowed to offer the updated technique /3,4/ of IFS type selection for particular casting considering singularities of its shape and probability of imperfections occurrence at a stage of filling-up of a mould cavity by melt as well as at a stage of casting solidification. The estimation and selection of a design solution were made by means of aspect objective function looking as follows: Yi = n xi å i =1 × ki , for which sufficient number of criteria xi, influencing quality and reliability of the solution and value of weighting coefficients ki should be defined. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use For a problem solution the system engineering method has been used. It consists of exposition of processes and plants by system performances, such as quality structure of a plant and a gang of its informational indications and functional links between them. Analysis of blade-type moulding technology of castings proves that for the exposition of ingate-feeding type selection system four levels of hierarchical structure are sufficient (fig. 4). Table 2 Castings complexity groups and critical values of criterion Re IFS type Casting class I I III III III I II I II III Blade-type castings complexity groups simple average complexity Complex Кf Recrit Кf Recrit Кф Recrit >0,035 >0,035 >0,027 >0,027 >0,027 1000 800 1000 800 1000 0,035>К2>0,025 0,035>К2>0,025 0,027>К2>0,020 0,027>К2>0,020 0,027>К2>0,020 750 700 750 700 750 <0,025 <0,025 <0,020 <0,020 <0,020 500 500 500 500 500 All М1 set of blade-type castings is concentrated at the first level, this set is completely fabricated by casting method on investment patterns. At the second level М1 set is divided into four М2 subsets, each corresponding to one of castings classes. At the third level М2 subsets are divided into М3 subsets which include castings of the corresponding type size determined by parametric criteria of a Кf. At the fourth level each of М3 subsets is subdivided into М4 subsets which include castings fabricated with use one IFS type, characterized by metal utilization factor (MUF), estimated rejected material level and technological effectiveness of the unit. Thus, the castings subset of each i-th level of hierarchical structure is defined by constant (casting method, alloy brand and mould material) and variable (dimensional performances and geometrical singularities) informational indications, characterizing functionality of structural unit in hierarchical structure. Between structural units of levels there exist certain co-relations causing join of lowest levels structural units into the units of higher levels. For the purposes of casting techniques projection the most important are those that characterize relative positioning of structural units. E.g., selection of a ingate-feeding system type is possible only after URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use the casting positioning in the mould is determined, etc. It is important that any casting from Мi set should be relegated to only one structural unit at the given level. Input data includes casting input information (main dimensions, alloy type and aspects, appropriation) and are set immediately from the draft; it considerably simplifies system operation . Blade-type castings set Castings, class I Kf < Kcrit GFS I GFS III Castings, class II Kf » Kcrit GFS I Castings, class III I Castings, class IV III Kf > Kcrit GFS III GFS IV II GS III IV Block parameters: technological effectiveness, MUF, probable rejected material %, block weight, block dimensions, parametric test Fig 4. Hierarchical structure for IFS type selection (on an example of class I castings) Casting class is to be defined on the basis of analysis of its drawing, then value of parametric criterion is to be calculated as well as possible types of gating system for which, by applying of known empirical methods, the approximate sizes of basic elements are subsequently calculated followed by selection of unit arrangements. At unit arrangement stage limitations on its size (determined by sizes of an interior concavity of a vacuum holding-melting furnace preheater), and the mass (determined by capacity of batch induction furnace) are to be introduced. For the purpose of casting discerning (that is definition of its position in the system of classifications) the dictionary of indications necessary for the exposition of castings classes has been developed. For solution of such a problem in the proposed system of discernment the logical indications determined by simple propositions like "yes" and "no" were used URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use as well as quantitative indications determined by values of parametric criterion of a Кf, that is Кf Кf..crit , К2> Кf.crit , Кf » Кf.crit. After selection of an optimal ingate-feeding system construction for particular casting follows refinement of sizes of its separate elements and assignment of key casting parameters, such as mould temperatures, "ladle" melt expenditure, casting temperatures. For this problem solution the original technique based on methods of physical simulation and mathematical analysis has been offered. At the upper supply of melt with use of ingate-feeding systems of type II at manufacture of castings classes III and IV (as displayed at fig. 5), as a result of physical simulation it has been fixed that in process of magnification of melt expenditure (V) from the ladle pot, and, hence, magnitude of pressure head and metal movement rate in channels to a casting mould, initially the following processes are observed: - spreading of melt along the edges of a mould cavity, and then origination of flow-cross-section stream that is accompanied by formation of significant amount of imperfections (clogs, flux contaminations) in the central part of a blade airfoil portion; - forming of solid front (minimum quantity of imperfections in casting); - stream partition on separate drops that also leads to magnification of imperfections amount (clogs, oxidation film). By reduction of the mathematical model which includes the Navier-Stokes equations and entirety with consideration of capillary forces to a dimensionless form it has been proved that character of melt motion can be described with Reynolds (Re = w l / ν), Weber (We = ρ w2 l / σ) and Froud (Fr=w2/gl) criterion, where w - average flow rate of melt in a mould cavity; l - characteristic size of the of a casting mould channel (used width of the channel δf); σ - melt surface-tension. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use a b . -6 3 а - V < 3 10 m /s, w<0,15 m/s b - V > 3.10-6 m3/s, w>0,2 m/s c d . -6 3 c - V = 8,8 10 m /s, w=0,19 m/s d - V > 19,8.10-6 m3/s, w=0,44 m/s Fig 5. Character of fluid motion in a mould cavity. For development of quantitative associations between parameters of casting and length L of a compact part of the stream, ensuring filling-ups of a mould cavity by an one-dimensional stream physical simulation of process has been conducted, at which experimental data was processed in the above-stated numbers of similarity. Supposing that physical properties of an alloy in the range (from temperature of casting to a liquidus temperature) remain invariable, and flow rate of melt w on cut of a mould cavity width f is constant on the basis of generalization of experimental data by method of regression analysis the following equations of similarity are received: For the upper-lateral melt supply (0,005>df>0,001 m; 0,5>w>0,01m/s) L = 0,39 . Wedж 0,1 . Frdж0,32 . Redж0,4 (R2=0,946) For the upper-top supply (0,005>df>0,001 m; 0,5 >w>0,01 m/s) L = 0,5. Wedж0,11.Frdж0,33 . Redж0,4 (R2=0,962) Selection of an aspect of function was defined by value of factor of determination R2, and adequacy of the offered equations has been confirmed both by results of analysis of real technology of casting parameters and by method of trial castings of several batches of castings, with alternation of casting parameters in URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use necessary breaking points which are mentioned in Table 3. Thus, knowing length of a blade airfoil portion and equating it L it is possible to discover values of a velocity and, hence, expenditure from a ladle pot (which defines it). IFS type II II Table 3 Influence of casting conditions on the level of castings rejected material (for blade-type castings) Castings Stream compact part Real blade airfoil Rejected castings at class length L, mm portion length, mm filling-up stage, %. 40 35 5,3 III 52 56 9,8 59 78 17,3 45 32 6,8 IV 63 64 8,4 64 83 15,1 For the analysis of moulds casting conditions influence at manufacturing process of castings classes I and II when using ingate-feeding systems of types I and III on quality of castings by professor V.V.Chistjakov's method circuit analysis of conditions of moulds casting has been conducted /5/. It has allowed to draw a conclusion that procedure of conditions selection for particular casting and mould is reduced to definition of area of fillability (fig. 6), boundaries of which can be selected by casting key parameters (melt flow rate, casting temperature, mould temperature). The left boundary is defined by minimum possible melt flow rate, below which formation of junctions and cold shut is observed; it is controlled by stream front temperature, and the right boundary - by max possible for the given IFS class and type casting velocity, determined by critical value of Reynolds criterion, calculated for various casting type sizes in Table 1. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use К2 SC MC HC . К2 I II C2 B2 wmin (tфmin,tзmin) III C2 wmax (tфmax,tзmax) Fig 6. To definition of fillability area for castings manufactured of refractory alloys (I - area of cold shuts and junctions; II - fillability area; III clogs and flux contaminations area; SC - castings of simple complexity by configuration; MС - castings of mean complexity by configuration; HС castings of high complexity by configuration (by Кf criterion). Having assumed that process of filling-up of a mould cavity by melt takes place by abreast stages and basing on the principle of superposition we will describe it mathematically by set of equations including: the outflow of melt from a ladle pot of a holding-melting furnace (1); melt motion in channels of a gating system or a mould cavity (2); increase of kish crust on walls of the mould (3); stream front temperature decrease on the mould parts (4). Having presumed that the melt flow rate, its physical properties on i-segment of the mould as well as mould temperature are constant, and transmission of warmth from a melt stream happens only through a lateral area of the semi-infinite form, the mathematical model becomes: p × R2 3 1 - k 2 a; V1 = (1 + k ) 3 × cos 2 a HR 2 1 - k 2 (p - j + 0,5 sin 2j )a ; V2 = sin 2a × (1 + k ) 2 æ H (1 + m × tga ) ö - 1÷ R × tga è ø j = arccosç URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (1) 1 m = 1+ n xi å i ; =1 Vi = Fуз × wуз ; Fуз wi = wуз mi Fi 2bф ( t к - t фн ) t = eМ р p rж L (2) ; (3) ö - lai ÷÷ + t фн , ( / \ ) × × × + × 1 c b b w r d è м м i м ф i ø æ t i = (t зал - t фн ) / ехрçç (4) tф = const ; tм /y=0/ = tзал = сonst; ti /y=y1 / > tL , where V1, V2 - melt expenditure from a ladle pot, m3/s; b - vertical angle of ladle pot walls inclination, rad; H - ladle pot height, m; R - ladle pot radius, m; a ladle pot angle of rotation, rad/s; m - flow coefficient; xi - system resistance on i-th filling-up segment; Vi - expenditure on i-th filling-up segment, m3/s; F уз - narrow IFS sectional area, m2; wуз, wi - flow rate of melt in narrow IFS sectional area and on i-th filling-up segment, km/s; tзал, tф - initial casting and mould temperatures, оС; li - i-th mould cavity filling-up segment length, m; di - i-th mould cavity filling-up segment width, m; cм, rм - specific heat capacity, J/(kg K) and a metal density, kg/m3 (in liquid state); bм, bф- metal and mould thermal accumulation factors, a W с0,5 / (м2K); L - latent crystallization heat, J/kg; ai - heat-away factor on i-th mould segment, W/(м2K); k =ctg b× tg a. Оn the grounds of generalizations of experimental data regressional equations have been received, which describe modification of hydraulic resistance magnitude [depending on] casting mould channel sizes and casting conditions applied for the given casting type. So, for round cut pouring ingates, (5 >V> 0,1 l/s; 50< Hст < 300 mm; 10<dст< 30 mm, 0,02 <w< 0,2 m/s): xст =350.Hст0,95 .dст1,17 (R2=0,957) URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use for casting of rectangular cut vertical element (5 >V>0,1 l/s; 50< L <300mm; 1< d <15 mm; 0,02< w <0,2 m/s): xэо= 0,41.L1,49.d -0,75 (R2=0,916) Adequacy of the mentioned equations has been proved by comparison of calculated and experimental data for the moulds applied in real industrial conditions for manufacture of blade-type castings on values of correlation factors (for ingatefeeding systems of type I R=0,98; for ingate-feeding systems of type III R=0,97 at fiducial probability Р=0,95). Definition of a heat-exchange coefficient value (from melt to mould surface) was conducted experimentally by method of local simulation. The received experimental data for alloys of JS type (Russian version: ЖС, 0,01 <Pr <0,1) were calculated in similarity numbers that has allowed to receive the similarity equations for various conditions of melt flow in mould cavities: Redж <500 R2=0,9 Nudж = 0,43. Redж 0,4 .Prж 0,33 86 1000 > Redж > R2=0,9 Nudж = 0,26. Redж 0,52 .Prж 0,33 79 500 Redж > 1000 R2=0,9 Nudж = 0,17. Redж 0,7 .Prж 0,49 62 Selection of function type was defined by value of determination factor R2, and adequacy - by comparison of calculated and experimental data. At calculation by the offered mathematical model of filling-up the concavity of variable cut casting mould was divided across the width into stratums, various width di, and throughout the height into separate sites (segments) li that allowed to calculate distribution of velocities wi, j and temperatures ti, j on stream front breadth for several cuts. In order to implement the offered technique with using of Gauss-Seidel method the corresponding algorithm of optimum parameters selection for both casting and ingate-feeding system has been developed, as well as the corresponding software, which includes 4 units: URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use - The first ensures input of information regarding the designed object, including data concerning the alloy brand, casting working conditions, its main dimensions. In other words, that is information which can be received immediately and directly from the casting drawing; - The second provides solution for selection of a) casting positions in mould, and b) gating system type. Input information for it is a) casting class and b) dimensions determined by value of parametric criterion Кф; - The third ensures conducting of thermal calculation of mould cavity fillability. At this stage casting is dissected into separate elements of constant cut and for each one distribution of temperature of stream front is calculated. If in any element temperature becomes below the alloy liquidus temperature, or melt flow rate exceeds greatest possible (restricted by critical value of Reynolds criterion) adjusting of values of initial parameters or gating system dimensions is carried out, and calculation is iterated once again. As a result of function minimization tфп =f (w,) we receive best values of summarized square of gating system elements, in particular SFуз=Fпит which ensures obtaining of casting with minimum level of imperfections; - The fourth is intended for development of a working production schedule and registration of a technological information map, which contains all necessary information about casting process in accordance with GOST requirements. Calculation results are presented in form of technological information map or casting master schedule maps, which also include all necessary technological information. Examples of distribution of velocities and stream front temperatures calculations are presented at Fig 7. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 1448 Temperature, C 1448 1446 1444 1442 1440 1446 1444 1442 1440 1438 Channel caliber, mm 2 2, 20 2, 62 2, 96 3, 15 3, 45 3,8 4,2 3,7 3,4 3,1 2,80 2,4 3, 65 1436 1438 3, 60 Temperature, C 1450 Channel caliber, mm a) b) a) - stream front temperatures at the height of 50 mm from an airfoil shroud platform; b) - stream front temperatures at the height of 100 mm from an airfoil shroud platform. D - experimental points received by method of tense thermocouples Figure 7. Calculated values of velocities and temperatures distribution in a casting mould concavity at its filling-up with melt CONCLUSIONS: 1. Parametric criteria for exposition of geometrical forms and sizes of shaped castings are offered, the possibility of their application for imperfections formation probability prognosis at a stage of filling-up of a mould cavity by melt as well as at the stage of decision-making on IFS type selection is proved. 2. Common regularities of melt flow in channels of a casting mould of variable cut are determined, reasons of imperfections formation, typical for a stage of fillingup of a mould cavity by melt are fixed. 3. Existence of area of the guaranteed fillability for castings of blade-type, fabricated by a casting method on investment patterns is proved, boundaries of this area are justified, mathematical models of process of mould cavity filling-up (including conservation laws and criteria of hydrodynamics and castings quality), superimposing limitations on forms casting conditions are formulated. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 4. The application package of computer-aided design of the ingate-feeding systems, including solutions for initial stages of projection, problems of calculation of velocity fields and stream front temperatures, selection of optimum parameters of a casting as well as gating system parameters which can be used for creation of parent version before simulation of casting process shaping is developed. References 1. Shatulsky A.A., Izotov V. A., Akutin A.A., Chibirnova J.V. "Mould cavity melt filling-up process simulation", Zagotovitelnye proizvodstva v mashinostroenii (Procuring manufactures in machine industry). - 2007, №8. - p. 24-29 2. Shatulsky A.A., Chibirnova J.V. "Perfecting of design procedure for parameters of casting on investment patterns", Zagotovitelnye proizvodstva v mashinostroenii (Procuring manufactures in machine industry), - 2007. - №4. - p. 2 6. 3. Moisseev V.S., Neustruev A.A. "Methodology of computer-aided ingatefeeding systems design" // Liteinoe proizvodstvo (Foundry manufacture), 1992. №12. - p. 9. 4. Shatulsky A.A. "Design automation at manufacture of superduty castings of GTE", Vestnik RGATA imeni P.A. Solovyova (RGATA named after P.A.Solovyov Bulletin), №2 (12).-2007. - p. 140-153. 5. Chistyakov V. V., Shatulsky A.A. "Theory of filling-up of moulds with melt", M: Mashinostroenie (М: Machine industry), 1995, p. 191 J21310-078 UDC:621.778.1-423.04 Danenko V.F., Ponkratova G.V., Mishchuk H.E., Gultsev E.O. CALIBRATION PROFILE Z-SHAPED WIRE Volgograd state technical University URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use In this work the method of calibration profile at rolling зетобразной wire of round billet. It is shown that the strain distribution in the cross section profile of the passages is proportional to the relative wringing line makes better use of the metal plasticity cold deformation and reduce tool wear. Keywords: calibration, profile, wire, rope, rolling, the relative compression, square, line, pass, broadening. Z-shaped wire used during the formation of both internal and external layers of ropes of closed design. Design ropes of closed design ensures a smooth, smooth support surface necessary for work of a number of lifting-transport mechanisms, and a high degree of filling metal cross-section of the rope. Manufacturing profile cold deformation of round billet, accompanied by large variations deformation, connected with the distinction of the form of the crosssections of the source and destination of the product, which causes difficulties when calibrating profile. These difficulties when determining the size of the serial number of transition sections of rolled profile eliminated replacement relative profile compression on the square q = 1 - (d1 / d 0 ) 2 of the relative compression on line on any of the diametrical cross sections e = (d 0 - d1 ) / d 0 , where d 0 and d1 - the start and end diameter of the wire, respectively. Dependence e = f (q ) is e = 1- 1- q written (1) The dependence (1) allows the determination of the compression according to lines e for shaped sections, according to admissible reductions by space q when handling the pressure of a round metal. Rolling зетобразного profile is accompanied by a broadening of the metal in the areas adjacent to the connector of the rolls. The broadening of the metal is characterized by a parameter K = Db / Dh = (b1 - b0 ) /(h0 - h1 ) , where Db and Dh - the absolute broadening and absolute compression, respectively. When rolling on a smooth barrel (for example, in the manufacture of tape lamination) ratio K = 0, 70 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (its maximum values reach 0, 80). At rolling in calibers, where broadening constrained, K = 0, 20-0, 40. Asking value K , making b0 = d 0 ; h0 = d 0 possible to find the diameter d0 of the original d 0 = (b1 + Kh1 ) /(1 + K ) piece (2) In connection with the dependence of the values K from the configuration caliber, carbon content of the steel, the type of grease, the tension between metal crates and other factors, the value of the diameter d 0 ,, calculated by formula (2), it should be clarified experimentally with the aim of obtaining a finished profile corresponding to the specified tolerances. For calibration profile at rolling Z-shaped wire Z5-30 of round billet draw scale profile finished wire (Fig. 1), which was determined by means of calculation based on the known views on the strand of her rope and deformation of the wires at the strand [1]. Extreme points profile connected the line AB, which is divided in half and from the point O of division conducted a circle of radius d 0 / 2 . At the narrowest point of the profile (neck) conducted a line CD, connecting the closest point of the cervix, and extended that line to the intersection with the circle (point G and H in Fig. 1). Diameter d 0 was determined by the formula (2) if K =0, 5, b1 =AB=6, 99 mm, h1 =CD=2, 55 mm. Fig. 1. Construction of calibration at rolling Z-shaped wire Distribution of absolute reductions on line GH after each of the n passes at URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use rolling (points 1-4) carried out by two variants: 1. In proportion to the value of the relative compression on line e h = (hn -1 - hn ) / hn -1 ; 2. In proportion to the difference of the linear sizes determined from the known values of sectional profile for two adjacent passes Fn -1 - Fn condition of of equality of the coefficient [2] (under the extraction aisles). The output points (ends) took over the "skeleton" of the calibration. The point with the same numbers connected smooth curves so to provide the necessary compression and broadening of every calibre. Calculation of relative reductions on line GH showed that the conditions 𝜀ℎ = 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡 of the passages in the calibration profile for option 1, in contrast to the increasing values e h as hardening of the metal in the case of calibration profile for option 2 (Fig. 2,a). The computed values for the h squeeze on line GH from equation (2) determine the values of b when broadening on line AB and, further, the relative deformation of broadening e b the aisles. Set values e b decline with growth Passages Passages a) b) Fig. 2. Distribution of singular linear deformations compression e h (a) and broadening e b (b) the aisles when calculating the options 1 (curve 1) and 2 (curve 2) Compression under the conditions and in a more significant for option 1 (Fig. 2, b), indicating that the increase of plasticity in the final stages of rolling in case of URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use calibration profile for this option. Conclusions It is shown that the strain distribution in the cross section profile proportional to the relative compression on line in production of Z-shaped wire rolling of round billet makes better use of the metal plasticity cold deformation and reduces tool wear. Literature: 1. Avidon D.A. Main principles of development of technology of manufacture of shaped wire. Ferrous metals: the Bulletin of the scientific and technical information. - 1992. - №6. - P. 33-37. 2. Ermanok M. S., Vatrushin L. S. Drawing of nonferrous metals and alloys. M: Metallurgiya, 1988. - 288 p. J21310-079 UDC 637.33 Savchenko O.O., Bal-Prylypko L.V. BIOTECHNOLOGY OF SOFT CHEESE PRODUCTS MADE BY METHOD OF THERMO-ACID COAGULATION National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Kyiv, Heroiv Oborony st., 15, 03041 Organoleptic, physical and chemical indexes of test samples of soft cheese products made by thermo-acid coagulation are investigated. Rational modes of making cheese products from milk-vegetable mixture are grounded. Loss of protein and fat, depending on technological regimes is given. Keywords: soft cheese product, thermo-acid coagulation, organoleptic mass fraction of fat, mass fraction of dry substance. The development of new biotechnologies and the creation of new products with directional changes in chemical composition and properties is an important area of URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use modern science that promotes high-quality range of products and improvement of nutrition. Among the foods cheese is a very important element which became worldwide product for consumer. Urgent problem for the dairy enterprises is the introduction of biotechnology of soft cheese products using ingredients of plant origin [1, 3, 4]. The use of milk fat substitute produced from vegetable oils makes it possible to increase the biological value of cheese due to its enrichment in polyunsaturated fatty acids, phosphatides, tocopherols, to reduce cholesterol content in the finished product. Key indicators of technology efficiency are organoleptic properties of the finished product, which determine the demand for a new product. For producers of cheese products economic performance of the new product is essential. In previous studies [2] was found that the use degree of dry matter in cheese products that are manufactured by thermo-acid coagulation, is higher than in cheese products produced by rennet and acid-rennet coagulation. The aim of the work was to determine technological regimes of getting soft cheese product by thermo-acid coagulation of milk and vegetable mixture with high organoleptic characteristics, high biological value. During the work physical and chemical, organoleptic, and mathematical studies were applied. For the experiments milk from one farm was used and to the statistical reliability all experiments were performed in parallel with the same raw material for three times every. Before the experiments qualitative assessment of the raw material was conducted. Experimental studies were conducted in the scientific research laboratory of Ukrainian Education and Research Institute of Bioresources Quality and Life Safety of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine with the following process scheme. Unskimmed milk was heated to a temperature of 45 ± 5 ° C and cream was separated into cream separator. In got skimmed milk at a temperature of 45 ± 5 °C dry fat free milk was added, the mixture was stirred and maintained at a temperature of 45 ± 5 ° C for 30-40 minutes for full swelling of proteins. Then milk fat substitute URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use of vegetable origin was added and homogenized. Then the mixture was heated to a temperature of coagulation. Serum with constant stirring was added into the heated mixture with 170-200 °T of acidity of 15% quantity by weight of the mixture at a temperature of 45-50 °C. Formed cheese mass was kept at a temperature of coagulation for 5-15 minutes, then it was put into perforated cheese forms, serum was separated by self-pressing and then the mas was salted and cooled down to a temperature of 8-10 °C. Dry fat free milk was added in the optimal quantity - 6% according to the earlier research [1]. Coagulation temperature was maintained in the range of 80 °C to 85 °C to maximize use of dry matter and fat [2]. Milk fat substitute was added in accordance to the calculation in an amount that ensures production of soft cheese product by thermo-acid coagulation by weight of fat in dry matter 45%. Accounts to normalize milk-vegetable mixture were carried out according to the chemical composition of the raw materials given in the table. Table Chemical indexes of raw materials and cheese product, got from milk-vegetable mixture Absolute mass, Chemical composition, % Name of raw material g Mass fracture of: Mass, g moisture solids proteins fat proteins fat 1 000 91,2 8,8 3,2 0,05 32,0 0,5 60 4 96 35 0,5 21 0,3 Vegetable oil 57,1 0,1 99,9 - 99,9 - 57,0 Cheese product 221,2 60,0 40,0 16,5 18 53 57,8 Fat free milk Dry fat free milk URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Made cheese product was characterized by the following technological parameters: titrated acidity - 87 °T, mass fraction of fat in the serum, which was formed - 0.2%, mass fraction of solids in the serum, which was formed - 0.6%. Organoleptic indexes: appearance - clean surface without mechanical damage, rather elastic, taste and smell - cheese, milk, without strange flavor and smell, texture - rather dense, color – white, in whole weight, consistance - dough without cells. After analyzing the results, we can conclude that finished product fits cheese planned physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics. Conclusions. Studies have confirmed the production of cheese products with combined milk and vegetable mixture consisting of fat free milk, dry fat free milk and substitute of milk fat by thermo-acid coagulation, which quality indexes are not lower than in soft cheeses. Replacing milk fat with milk fat substance of plant origin makes it possible to increase the output of finished product for dry substances by 12% and decrease fat loss with serum from 0.3% to 0.2%, which can be explained by more steady distribution of fat small dispersed clot in cheese product. Rational modes of coagulation mixture - 80-85 ° C, the optimum number of dry fat free milk input 6% were established. References: 1. Баль-Прилипко Л., Савченко О. Технологічна доцільність виготовлення м’яких сирних продуктів методом термокислотної коагуляції // Продовольча індустрія АПК. – 2012. – № 6. – с. 12—15. 2. Баль-Прилипко Л. В., Савченко О. О. Використання сухих речовин під час виготовлення м’яких сирних продуктів //Сборник научных трудов SWorld. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Современные направления теоретических и прикладних исследований ‘2013». – Выпуск 1. Том 10. – Одесса: КУПРИЕНКО, 2013 – с. 96-98. 3. Гутова С. В. Применение растительного сырья в производстве термокислотных сыров // Тезисы международного симпозиума “Федеральные и URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use региональные аспекты государственной политики в области здорового питания”, Кемерово.– 2002. – с. 234-236. 4. Остроумов Л.А. Исследование процесса термокислотного свертывания молока с использованием различных коагулянтов/ Л.А.Остроумов, В.В.Бобылин, И.А.Смирнова, С.Р.Рафалович // Хранение и переработка сельхозсырья. – 1998. - № 7. J21310-080 UDC 532.5: 637.134 Matiyaschuk А.N., Matiyaschuk О.V. USE OF CAVITATION EFFECTS TO HANDLE LIQUIDS National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine; National University of Food Technologies Getting a technological effect in devices and food manufacture machines is associated with a certain energy consumption. It can be noted that in some cases the index of the energy input is low. In particular it applies to processes of homogenization and dispersion in a liquid environments. It should be noted that the these processes take place during the fluid flow through the devices of cavitation machines. The hydromechanical effects of the environment on the disperse phase, which is accompanied by its decomposition is happening in cavitation machines. In most devices for homogenization and dispersion this effect is manifested in action of cavitation effects on the technological environment. The effects above are seen in action of cavitation bubbles on the environment field. Size cavitation effect on the environment depends on the size and number of cavitation bubbles that "splashing" create a particular cavitation effect [1]. The source of bubbles in the cavitation device is a layer of vapor-gas mixture, which is formed on the edge of the cavity mixture (Fig. 1) [2]. Due to fluctuations of tail cavity along the flow direction and in the radial direction crushing of cavity is taking place, on the vapor-gas bubbles. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use p d v1¥=const k-pa Р1¥=const 1 2 3 4 Figure 1. The scheme of the attached cavity attached to conical cavitator: 1-cavitator; 2-flow chamber; 3connected cavity; 4 - boundary layer of cavity. Number of cavitation bubbles formed per unit of time from the volume element of vapor-gas mixture boundary layer from the side of cavity will depend on the speed of the liquid and vapor mixture in the boundary layer (Fig. 2). Figure. 2. Scheme of distribution of speed velocity profile v1x / v1¥ in the boundary layer of the cavity from the side of liquid. A hypothesis is proposed according to which the main source of cavitation bubbles is pulsating boundary layer of gas-vapor mixture on the surface of the cavity. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Wave energy that is transferred along the surface of cavity is concentrated in the boundary layer [1]. In the condition if the entire volume of the cavity boundary layer is fully decomposed into vapor-gas bubbles the number of cavitation bubbles that cavity generates can be determined. The distribution of cavitation bubbles in size and number is seen in Fig. 3. Figure. 3. The distribution of cavitation bubbles in size at different stages of cavitation. Formed cavitation bubbles during their collapse causing homogenization and dispersion of food environments. Simultaneously, due to the collapse of the bubbles with the preservation of symmetry a release of energy in the boundary layer of bubble that surrounds it is taking place, and it initiates different effects in the flow in a stream of liquid food environment [1, 4]. In particular, during the processing of milk with 2.7% fat content in the device with static cavitation device (Fig. 4), there is a maximum homogenization at cavitation stage 3 ... 3.5, and twice processing of milk in the area of cavitation. The results of cavitation processing of milk studies is given in the table. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Table The effectiveness of milk homogenization in the cavitation device Environment Processing Relative length Times tempreture, °С of the treatment processing of Homogenization effectiveness, % zone Milk, mass 47-50 0,5 2 77,2 fraction of fat 4 73,4 2,7% 10 70,8 2 83,2 4 80,0 10 74,3 2 87,5 4 82,2 10 73,0 2 85,7 4 84,1 10 83,2 2 84,0 4 82,4 10 79,2 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 The maximum technological effect was observed on the stage of cavitation, which corresponds to the maximum emit power during the collapse of cavitation bubbles [2]. Calculation of the proposed model of cavitation bubbles helps to identify energy during their collapse, needed for some changes of substances that are in the contact with the cavitation bubbles in a flow of cavitation devices. The following model of cavitation bubbles field forming can be used to calculate the structures of hydrodynamic cavitation device for handling liquids. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Figure. 4. The experimental GC scheme of cavitation installation: 1 – corpus; 2, 3, 9, 10 - valves, 4, 6 – steam gauges, 5 – vacuum gauge; 7 working area with statically placed cavitator; 8 – rotary vane pump. References: 1. Федоткин И.М., Гулый И.С. Кавитация. Кавитационная техника и технология, их использование в промышленности / Федоткин И.М., Гулый И.С. — К.: Полиграфкнига, 1997.— Ч1. — 839 с. 2. Математична модель створення поля кавітаційних бульбашок у гідродинамічному кавітаційному пристрої / Матиящук А.М., Немирович П.М., Хомічак Л.М., [та ін.] // Харчова промисловість.— 2000.— № 45, С.34—39. 3. Дискретно-импульсный ввод энергии в теплотехнологиях / [А.А.Долинский, Б.И. Басок, С.И. Гулый и др.]. — К.: ИТТФ НАН Украины.— 1986.— 204 с. 4. Мачинский А.С. Кавитационные аппараты. / Мачинский А.С. Козюк О.В.. Шишлов Д.Н. — М.: ЦНИИТЭИНефтехим, 1990.— 52с . (Обзорная информация / ЦНИИТЭИНефтехим. — М., 1991, вып.1.) URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-081 UDC 004.2 Roslovtsev V.V. APPLICATIVE COMPUTATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS CONSTRUCTION National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Kashirskoye sh. 31, 115409 In this paper we present a general structure of (applicative) computational environments with emphasis on objects and environments construction and explicit representation of objects structure. Complex objects construction is considered in depth, and objects valuation is outlined. Some possible applications in programming languages development and conceptual modeling are outlined. Key words: applicative computational environment, heterogeneous environments, object construction, environment construction. Introduction. In this paper we present a study on the applicative computational environments structure, in particular, we discuss what are the smallest basic entities required to construct an environment. In this respect, our work may be seen as a continuation of the discussion in [1]. This paper is based on (and, in fact, is a direct continuation of) our several papers [2,3,4] and, partly, [5], the main focus being on the so-called term-forming functions (TFFs) structure and objects valuation. This last topic is not covered deeply enough to present an abstract machine, or a framework to build such a machine(s), yet our approach is by no means contradictory with existing results, so traditional compilation techniques may be used. Our intension is to develop a framework to facilitate (domain-specific) computational environments construction. In the next section we will briefly reproduce the necessary background information. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use General structure of an environment. In [2,3,4] we presented an extended applicative prestructure to explicitly capture objects structure. Conventional prestructure is a pair: - for an untyped environment: (𝒪, 𝜀), - for a typed environment: ({𝒪𝜎 }, {𝜀𝜎𝜏 }), where 𝒪 is a set of set of all objects of the environment (in the case of a typed environment, this set is divided into a set of domains 𝒪 𝜎 of objects of type 𝜎), 𝜀: 𝒪 × 𝒪 → 𝒪 is the explicit form of the application operation (which is otherwise denoted as ‘⋅⋅’), 𝜎 and 𝜏 are type symbols, {𝑂𝜎 } and {𝜀𝜎𝜏 } are families with parameters 𝜎 and 𝜏, 𝒪 𝜎 ⊆ 𝒪 is a (nonempty) set of objects of type 𝜎, 𝜀𝜎𝜏 is the (typed) explicit application operation. We suggested a prestructure of the following form: (𝒟, ℱ), where 𝒟 ⊆ 𝒪 is the set of primary (or, according to a different terminology [1], atomic) objects of the environment, and ℱ is the set of term-forming functions. Objects atomicity is relative in its nature and is subject to choose depending on their intended usage. Objects atomicity consists in that their further decomposition into smaller units is either inappropriate or leads to loss of general logical integrity. Combining atomic object according to a chosen set of rules (means of combining objects, or term-forming functions as we call them) leads to constructing more complex objects called derived (again, following the terminology in [1]). Relatively to the environment under construction, the elements of ℱ are metaobjects, functions of, generally, different arities. For a term-forming function 𝐹 ∈ ℱ of arity 𝑛 of type 𝑇1 × ⋯ × 𝑇𝑛 → 𝑇𝑛+1 a construction 𝐹(𝑎1 , … , 𝑎𝑛 ) denotes a composite object made as a composition of objects 𝑎1 , … , 𝑎𝑛 by means of 𝐹. Explicit application 𝜀 and functional abstraction 𝜆 ⋅.⋅ are examples of such term-forming functions (TFF). Note the assumption that every applicative environment has application 𝜀 metaoperation as an element of ℱ by default, and, generally, we shall omit it in TFF set enumeration. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Assuming 𝒟 and ℱ are domains of primary objects and TFFs respectively and taking some 𝐷1 ⊆ 𝒟 and 𝐷2 ⊆ 𝒟 and 𝐹1 ⊆ ℱ and 𝐹2 ⊆ ℱ, consider two prestructures: 𝑠1 = (𝐷1 , 𝐹1 ) and 𝑠2 = (𝐷2 , 𝐹2 ) Definition. Two environments are equal iff their respective prestructures are equal. Two prestructures 𝑠1 = (𝐷1 , 𝐹1 ) and 𝑠2 = (𝐷2 , 𝐹2 ) are equal iff 𝐷1 = 𝐷2 and 𝐹1 = 𝐹2 , where 𝐷1 ⊆ 𝒟 and 𝐷2 ⊆ 𝒟 and 𝐹1 ⊆ ℱ and 𝐹2 ⊆ ℱ. Definition. Let 𝐷1 ⊆ 𝐷2 and 𝐹1 ⊆ 𝐹2 and at least one of these inclusions is strict. Then the environment 𝑠2 is an extension of the environment 𝑠1 : 𝑠1 ⊂ 𝑠2 . Union and intersection of environments can be defined in quite a straightforward way: the environment with prestructure 𝑠3 = (𝐷1 ∪ 𝐷2 , 𝐹1 ∪ 𝐹2 ) is the union (of environments 𝑠1 and 𝑠2 ) and the environment with prestructure 𝑠4 = (𝐷1 ∩ 𝐷2 , 𝐹1 ∩ 𝐹2 ) is their intersection. Note that this is not the same as the set-theoretical union and intersection of classes of objects generated by their respective prestructures. If 𝑜 is an object in some environment 𝜔 (denoted by 𝑜 ∈ 𝜔) with prestructure (𝐷𝜔 , 𝐹𝜔 ) and 𝐷𝑜 is the set of atomic objects and 𝐹𝑜 is the set of TFFs used to construct that object. Obviously, 𝐷𝑜 ⊆ 𝐷𝜔 and 𝐹𝑜 ⊆ 𝐹𝜔 . Then the environment 𝜔𝑜 with prestructure (𝐷𝑜 , 𝐹𝑜 ) is the ‘minimal’ environment in which 𝑜 would be a legal object, and 𝜔𝑜 ⊆ 𝜔. Of course, 𝑜 ∈ 𝜔𝑜 . Note that if ∈ 𝛼 and 𝛼 ⊆ 𝛽 then 𝑜 ∈ 𝛽. Constructing an environment. To create environments systematically, we need, basically, two things: a ‘source material’ of which our objects will be made, and a ‘glue’ to give ‘shape’ to our objects. In house-building, for example, bricks may stand for the ‘source material’, and cement – for the ‘glue’. The process of building environments may be iterative, in the sense that having a first environment we can build a second ‘on top’ of it, and then a third ‘on top’ of the second, and so on. For such a ‘glue’, we will use the following environment (without typing): 𝔰 = ({〈⋅,⋅〉; 𝜆 ⋅.⋅; 𝜆[⋅].⋅; {⋅}}, {Fst; Snd; ⌊⋅⌋}) Now, when constructing a new environment 𝛼, relatively to an environment 𝛽 (denoted by ’𝛼�𝛽’; we will say that ‘𝛼 is build on top of 𝛽’ or ‘𝛼 is based on 𝛽’, a URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use more formal definition will be presented later), we need, first, to define the set of its atomic objects. Let 𝑡 be a non-reducible combinator in 𝛽 (i.e. 𝑡 contains no free variables, and no redexes according to the normalizing reduction strategy chosen for the environment 𝛽), and let 𝜎 be a type formula in 𝛼. Then 〈𝑡, 𝜎〉 is an atomic object in 𝛼. A TFF in 𝛼 is built similarly, only with some augmentations, as will be explained here below. Given the set of atoms of 𝛼 (which, at least, includes the set of atomic objects), the set of objects of 𝛼 is defined by induction on objects’ structure: 1. (induction basis) if 𝑎 is an atom then 𝑎 is an object; 2. (induction step) a. if 𝐴 and 𝐵 are objects, then so is (𝐴𝐵); b. if 𝑀1 , … , 𝑀𝑛 are objects and ℱ is a TFF then ⌊ℱ𝑀1 … 𝑀𝑛 ⌋ is an object. Let us take a detailed look as to how complex objects are created using TFFs. If TFF ℱ is a λ-term of the form 𝜆𝑥1 … 𝑥𝑛 . 𝑝, then the ‘body’ of a new object 𝑜 = ⌊ℱ𝑀1 … 𝑀𝑛 ⌋ is the result of substitution of every 𝑀𝑖 for all free occurrences of 𝑥𝑖 in 𝑀 𝑀 𝑝: [ 1�𝑥1 , … , 𝑛�𝑥𝑛 ]𝑝. This readily complies with conventional reduction rules for various λ-calculi and combinatory logics, but, once the substitutions are done, there is no obvious way to find out the actual structure of the object 𝑜, i.e. which are the parts the object is made of, and using what TFF. To overcome, at least partially, this drawback, let us think of TFFs as of a skeleton, a frame, with (named) slots for specific objects to fit in. Let us use free variables for names of those slots: if 𝑥 is a variable then {𝑥} is a (named) slot. The easiest way to define ‘object frames’ is this. Let 𝑋 be a non-reducible object with the only free variables 𝑥1 , … , 𝑥𝑛 . If 𝑋 is a combinator in a combinatory logic (i.e. 𝑋 contains no variables at all, free or bound), then, presuming its arity1 be 𝑛, let us take for 𝑋 the object 𝑋𝑥1 … 𝑥𝑛 . The result of the following substitution is an object frame: {𝑥 } {𝑥 } 𝑋� = [ 1 �𝑥1 , … , 𝑛 �𝑥𝑛 ]𝑋, 1 We mean, arity of the TFF; actual arity of the combinatory may be greater. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use i.e. every free occurrence of each variable in 𝑋 is replaced with a slot with the same name. Given an object frame 𝑋�, containing only slots with names 𝑥1 , … , 𝑥𝑛 , we define a TFF as a following object: 𝜆[𝑥1 , … , 𝑥𝑛 ]. 𝑋�, where we use a special notation for ‘abstraction over slots’. The substitution into a slot we will define as follows: {𝑦, 𝑀}, if 𝑥 = 𝑦 [𝑀�𝑥 ]{𝑦} = � {𝑦}, otherwise A complex object, then, is the result of substitution of the argument objects, to which a given TFF is applied, into that TFF, i.e., given that 𝑎1 : 𝜎1 , … , 𝑎𝑛 : 𝜎𝑛 : ⌊[𝜆[𝑥1 , … , 𝑥𝑛 ]. 𝑡̃, 𝜎1 → ⋯ → 𝜎𝑛 → 𝜎𝑛+1 ]𝑎1 … 𝑎𝑛 ⌋ = ⌊(𝜆[𝑥1 , … , 𝑥𝑛 ]. 𝑡̃)𝑎1 … 𝑎𝑛 ⌋ = ⌊[ 𝑀𝑛 𝑀1� 𝑥1 , … , �𝑥𝑛 ]𝑡̃⌋ The actual substitution may be delayed until required by the valuation process, and complex objects may be represented as a kind of closure that we will denote by the writing: [𝑀1 , … , 𝑀𝑛 ]. 𝑡̃, and every slot {𝑥𝑖 } will ‘point’ to the element 𝑀𝑖 of this closure. TFF representation may be simplified if we assume that 𝑡̃ = 〈𝑚, 𝜎〉. The type of the TFF may omitted, so the a TFF will look like [𝜆[𝑥1 : 𝑇1 , … , 𝑥𝑛 : 𝑇𝑛 ]. 〈𝑚, 𝜎〉], and its type be derived: 𝑇1 → 𝑇2 → 𝜎. Along with writing 𝐹𝑎1 … 𝑎𝑛 to denote complex objects created using a TFF 𝐹 out of objects 𝑎1 … 𝑎𝑛 , we will write also either 𝑀𝑛 𝑀1� 𝑥1 , … , �𝑥𝑛 ]𝑡̃), or [[𝑎1 , … , 𝑎𝑛 ]. 〈𝑚, 𝜎〉]. For example, a [〈𝑚 � , 𝜎〉] (where 𝑚 � =[ pair constructor (⋅,⋅) may look like this: [𝜆[𝑥1 : 𝑇1 , 𝑥2 : 𝑇2 ]. 〈𝜆𝑟. 𝑟{𝑥1 }{𝑥2 }, 𝑇1 × 𝑇2 〉], a pair object (𝑎1 , 𝑎2 ) is then represented as [〈𝜆𝑟. 𝑟{𝑥1 , 𝑎1 }{𝑥2 , 𝑎2 }, 𝑇1 × 𝑇2 〉], or as [[𝑎1 , 𝑎2 ]. 〈𝜆𝑟. 𝑟{𝑥1 }{𝑥2 }, 𝑇1 × 𝑇2 〉]. Definition. We say that an environment 𝛼 is constructed on top of (or is based on) an environment 𝛽, denoted by 𝛼�𝛽, iff: 1. there exists (at least one) atomic object 〈𝑡, 𝜎〉 in 𝛼 is such that 𝑡 is an (non-reducible) object in 𝛽; URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 2. there exists (at least one) TFF [𝑡, 𝜎] in 𝛼 is such that 𝑡 is an entity obtained from a non-reducible object of 𝛽 as explained above. The relation ⋅⁄⋅ is total, anti-symmetric and transitive. The presented definition implies that an environment may be built on more than one other environments. Now we define the valuation mapping for the environment 𝛼. As may be seen from that definition, all actual computation is carried out in the environment 𝛽: 1. (atomic an complex objects) a. ‖〈𝑡, 𝜏〉‖ = 〈𝑡, 𝜏〉 b. ‖[〈𝑚 � , 𝜏〉]‖ = [〈𝑚 �, 𝜏〉] 2. (application) a. if 𝑜: 𝜏 then ‖〈𝑡, 𝜏 → 𝜎〉𝑜‖ = ‖⌊𝑡𝑜⌋‖: 𝜎 b. if 𝑜: 𝜏 then ‖[〈𝑚 �, 𝜏 → 𝜎〉]𝑜‖ = ‖⌊𝑚 �𝑜⌋‖: 𝜎 c. if 𝑀𝑖 : 𝜏 → 𝜎 and 𝑜: 𝜏 then ‖{𝑥𝑖 , 𝑀𝑖 }𝑜‖ = ‖⌊𝑀𝑖 𝑜⌋‖: 𝜎 3. (embedded valuation) a. if 𝑀 ∈ 𝛽 and 𝑀: 𝜏 → 𝜎 and 𝑜 ∈ 𝛼 and 𝑜: 𝜏 then ‖⌊𝑀⌋𝑜‖ = ⌊‖𝑀𝑜‖⌋ b. if 𝑀 ∈ 𝛼 then ‖⌊𝑀⌋‖ = 𝑀 Facet environments. Suppose we have to choose a ‘basic’ environment 𝔰⊥ to build all others on top of it; the question of choosing such an environment is basically the same as that of choosing computing invariants. There are several options of such environments suitable for our needs, some them presented here below (respectively: pure untyped λ-calculus, pure untyped de Bruijn λ-calculus, and ‘pure’ untyped combinatory logic with the IKS basis): ({}, {𝜆 ⋅.⋅}) ({0; 1; … ; 𝑛; … }, {𝜆.⋅}) ({I; K; S}, {}) The first two of these provide a variant of functional abstraction operation ‘out of the box’, and the latter avoid using it at all. They may be combined, as explained hereafter. Note that combinators, i.e. objects with no free variables, are particular interest, and it is such objects that we consider in our work in the first place. A comparison of combinator definition means provided be the three system mentioned above are presented here below in the table 1. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Table 1 Combinator Definition Means Comparison Combinatory logic Variables Atomic objects Functional abstraction Application λ-calculus + + + de Bruijn λ-calculus + + + + + Besides atomic objects, the set of atoms of an environment may include an infinite set of variables and/or an infinite set of de Bruijn indices. The choice of including either of the two, if any, is not completely independent of which entities are chosen for TFFs: if the ‘usual’ λ-abstraction 𝜆 ⋅.⋅ is included, then the set of variables must be included as well; if the de Bruijn λ-abstraction 𝜆.⋅ is included, then de Bruijn indices must be included. The other example is that a pair constructor is often coupled with the two projections, so if one includes in an environments definition a pair constructor as a TFF, then the projections are to be included as atomic objects. To address this issue, we may define a (virtually infinite) set of such highly specialized environments (that we will call ‘facets’ or ‘facet environments’), so that other, ‘regular’ environments may be constructed as certain compositions of such facets. Each facet would represent a relatively closed definition of a specific concept (or a set of closely related concepts). For example, the notion of an 𝑛-tuple may be defined by providing, for every 𝑛 ≥ 0, a tuple constructor, equipped with the appropriate number of projection mappings. This enables modular, constructive definition of applied environments with required properties (i.e. with required expressive power): if the desired environment requires for a certain construction or feature, we would simply ‘mix-in’ an appropriate facet. For instance, let 𝛼, 𝛽 and 𝛾, respectively, stand for a facet defining functional abstraction, Church’s numerals and 𝑛-tuples, with their respective prestructures being: 𝔰𝛼 = (𝐷𝛼 , 𝐹𝛼 ), 𝔰𝛽 = (𝐷𝛽 , 𝐹𝛽 ) and 𝔰𝛾 = (𝐷𝛾 , 𝐹𝛾 ). Then, the environment 𝛼 + 𝛽 + 𝛾 with the following prestructure: 𝔰𝛼+𝛽+𝛾 = (𝐷𝛼 ∪ 𝐷𝛽 ∪ 𝐷𝛾 , 𝐹𝛼 ∪ 𝐹𝛽 ∪ 𝐹𝛾 ) URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use – would be a λ-calculus enriched with tuples and Church arithmetic. Note that (𝛼 + 𝛽 + 𝛾)� (𝛼 + 𝛽 + 𝛾) (𝛼 + 𝛽 + 𝛾)� �𝛽 and 𝛼, 𝛾. With respect to this, an environment with prestructure (𝐷1 , 𝐹1 ) ‘has’ a given facet (𝐷2 , 𝐹2 ) iff 𝐷2 ⊆ 𝐷1 and 𝐹2 ⊆ 𝐹1 . Obviously, environments may be defined as certain ‘compositions’ of (disjoint) facets (i.e. facets with no atomic objects and TFFs in common). In that case the ⋅⊆⋅ relation between environments is easier to evaluate. TFFs and variable binding. As an example, let us consider a possible definition of a facet contributing the (usual) functional abstraction 𝜆 ⋅.⋅. This operation takes a variable 𝑣 as its first argument and binds in the object 𝑜 supplied as its second argument. That means, that TFF constructs a pair of the variable 𝑣 and the object 𝑜, denoted by 𝜆𝑣. 𝑜, and there is a valuation rule associated with such an object, i.e. a rule that specifies applications of 𝜆𝑣. 𝑜 to which argument objects are valid, and what is the result of such applications. How exactly this rule is specified is a good question, the two basic options being either to use whatever available facilities of an existing environment (that leads to a combinatory-logic-style definition), or to rely on meta-theoretical means. The latter option leads to the conventional definition based on the notion of substitution, which, in turn, has to be implemented one way or another. By the way, the same considerations apply to the combinatory logic: the primary combinators (e.g. K and S) are to be implemented somehow. On the theoretical level, in order to define substitution (and hence, functional abstraction), we will need an infinite set of objects 0, 1, … , 𝑛, … that we will call variables. The writing 𝜆𝑥. 𝐴 means ‘for some 𝑥 ∈ {0, 1, … , 𝑛, … } consider the term 𝜆𝑥. 𝐴’. In combinatory logic we need variables to specify combinatory characteristics of the primary combinators. Consider this simple definition of the substitution operation [𝑀�𝑥 ]𝑁: 1. [𝑀�𝑥 ]𝑥 = 𝑀; 2. [𝑀�𝑥 ]𝑎 = 𝑎, where 𝑎 is an atomic object, and (𝑎 ≠ 𝑥); URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 3. [𝑀�𝑥 ](𝑁1 𝑁2 ) = ([𝑀�𝑥 ]𝑁1 )([𝑀�𝑥 ]𝑁2 ); 4. [𝑀�𝑥 ]⌊𝐹𝑎1 … 𝑎𝑛 ⌋ =? The question mark is due to that the result depends on whether the TFF 𝐹 binds any variables in 𝑎1 … 𝑎𝑛 or not. E.g. if 𝐹 = 𝜆 ⋅.⋅ then [𝑀�𝑥 ]⌊𝐹𝑥𝑎⌋ = ⌊𝐹𝑥𝑎⌋ and, if 𝑦 ≠ 𝑥, [𝑀�𝑥 ]⌊𝐹𝑦𝑎⌋ = ⌊𝐹𝑦([𝑀�𝑥]𝑎)⌋. Consider, for example, the object 𝜆[𝑥1 … 𝑥𝑛 ]. 𝐴 which is somewhat different from 𝜆𝑥1 … 𝑥𝑛 . 𝐴. Similarly, we may want to define TFFs that bind variables in a term, and yet are different from the regular functional abstraction 2. In this case we may define a special entity, let us call it binder, that will be responsible for binding variables and keeping binding contexts (which somewhat facilitates the definition of substitution). Every TFF that needs variable binding feature, then, should encapsulate such a binder; for TFF-build objects it will be easy then to determine whether a specific variable is bound or not. Item 4 in the above definition should look like this: ⌊𝐹𝑎1 … 𝑎𝑛 ⌋, 𝑥 ∉ 𝐹𝑉(⌊𝐹𝑎1 … 𝑎𝑛 ⌋) 4. [𝑀�𝑥 ]⌊𝐹𝑎1 … 𝑎𝑛 ⌋ = � ⌊𝐹([𝑀 ⁄ 𝑥]𝑎 ) … ([𝑀 ⁄ 𝑥]𝑎 )⌋, else 1 𝑛 A more detailed definition would focus on a more constructive definition of ‘𝑥 ∉ 𝐹𝑉(⌊𝐹𝑎1 … 𝑎𝑛 ⌋)’ and requires a (more or less) complete specification of a binder and of a mapping that searches for free/bound variables in a (complex) object. Such definitions are pretty obvious, even though one may find them technically tricky, so we omit them in the present paper. Conclusion. We will now present an outline on possible applications of the presented ideas. There are several such areas that we will mention, grouped into two major branches: computing basics and conceptual modeling. One intended application of the environment construction system that we here present is developing a modular computational framework for a family of (e.g. The simplest example is an operation Π ⋅.⋅ that acts like a quantifier. Let 𝐴 be a term with 𝑥 occurring free in 𝐴. Then, 𝜆𝑥. 𝐴 is a function, whereas Π𝑥. 𝐴 is not. 𝛼-equivalence may still be applicable to Π𝑥. 𝐴. 2 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use domain-specific) programing languages. Such a framework would facilitate, if not automate, programming language design, e.g. by using facets for defining ‘standard’ sets of semantic constructions. Also, it would be easier to provide interoperability features for programs written in different languages. TFFs entities may be used to construct various object frameworks, e.g. for knowledge representation purposes, see [6]. The suggested structure [𝑀1 , … , 𝑀𝑛 ]. 𝑡̃ is suitable for developing integrated relational-applicative solutions. Let 𝑇𝑖 be the type of 𝑀𝑖 , for every 𝑖 ∈ {1, … , 𝑛}. Then, if 𝑅 is a (possibly derived) relation of type 𝑇1 × … × 𝑇𝑛 , the object 𝑡̃ is an object frame that may be applied to any tuple (𝑎1 , … , 𝑎𝑛 ) ∈ 𝑅, i.e. it is possible, on the one hand, to separate objects structure from the actual data, and at the same time, the objects structure may be easily regarded itself as some data. Another possible application of the framework in question is virtualization and heterogeneous environment construction. One may define an environment which objects would represent instructions and atoms of a high-level assembler, and on top of such an environment specific applied systems may be built. The operation ⌊⋅⌋ may be used to ‘embed’ ‘foreign’ objects into an environment (provided there is a type in this environment to accommodate that object), whereas the actual valuation of the object would be carried out outside this target environment. References: 1. Wolfengagen W.E. Applicative computing. Its quarks, atoms and molecules. // Edited by Dr. L.Yu. Ismailova. – Moscow: “Center JurInfoR”, 2010. – 62 p. 2. Roslovtsev V.V. Objects in Second and Higher-Order Applicative Computational Environment. // Sbornik nauchnyh trudov SWorld. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Modern problems and their solutions in the science, transportation, and education, '2011"- Issue 4. Volume 5. – Odessa: Chernomorye, 2011. – pp. 31-36. 3. Roslovtsev V.V. Applicative Computational Environment Structure and Construction Method. // Sbornik nauchnyh trudov SWorld. Proceedings of the URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use international scientific-practical conference "Modern problems and their solutions in the science, transportation, and education, '2011"- Issue 4. Volume 5. – Odessa: Chernomorye, 2011. – pp. 14-22. 4. Roslovtsev V.V., Luchin A.E. Concept of Higher-Order Applicative Computational Environment. // Proceedings of the 11th international workshop on computer science and information technologies CSIT'2009, Crete, Greece, 2009. – pp. 48-53. 5. Roslovtvsev V.V. Developing applications using dynamical objects and active computational environment. // The applicative computational systems: Proceedings of the conference on applicative computational systems (ACS’2008) / WolfengagenW.E. (Ed.) – Moscow: NEI Institute of Contemporary Education “JurInfoR-MGU”, 2008. – pp. 72-87. 6. Wolfengagen W.E. Frame Theory and Computations. / Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1984. – pp. 3-32 J21310-082 UDC 621.43.068.1: 66.045.12 Rakov V.A. MODELING OF HEAT TRANSFER PROCESSES IN THE ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM WITH HEATING DEVICE Vologda State Technical University, Vologda, Lenina 15, 160024 This article presents the results of modeling heat transfer processes in a system with heat recovery from the exhaust gases of internal combustion engine. Mathematical modeling of thermal processes in internal combustion engines is a difficult task. This is due to uneven heat capacity of the heated objects. Even more challenging is the modeling of the system established by element, in this case the device is heated by the engine exhaust gases. The objective is to understand how the system will operate with a supply of a certain amount of additional heat in the cooling system. To simulate the heat transfer process used block model consists of three main URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use units: the cooling system of internal combustion engine (ICE), the device is engine preheating system (EPS) and passenger compartment heater [1-5]. Fig. 1 Engine preheating system. 1 - exhaust manifold; 2 – throttle valve; 37 – temperature sensor; 8 – water pump. In the cooling system during engine warm-up, the process of receiving thermal energy from the combustion of the fuel mixture (Fig. 2) in the cylinders - QCICE and EPS from the EPS during warm engine - QOut. . Moreover, the amount of incoming heat energy depends primarily on the load state of the engine. Rejected heat from the system is a result of the radiation of heat to the environment through the heated ICE , ICE - radiant and tap through the heater. surface - QОДВС , the exhaust system - QEG URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The heat from the fuel burnt ICE Qc He Qin. ICE ICE Qo Heat transfer through the motor surface Heater He Qout. QHe The heat in the cabin ICE QEG УПД EPU Qin. Qout. EPU Exhaust gases QEG EPU QEG EPU Qloss. Hydrodynamic and heat loss Fig. 2. System diagram In step EPS engine warm heat exchange occurs, characterized in receipt of heat energy from the cooling system QIn.EPS and exhaust gases QIn.EPS from the outlet of heat EPS (J). A part of the thermal energy received is consumed in hydro to the coolant QOut. and thermal losses EPS or not consumed at all, and further allocated in the exhaust system ( QEG ). In the heater exchanger receives a number of thermal energy from the engine He EPS QOut. and EPS QOut. . Some of this heat energy is used to heat the air in the passenger compartment QHe , and is the seat of an internal combustion engine QIn.He . The intensity of the heat of the heater depends on several factors, the most important of which are: the coolant temperature, ambient air temperature and the rate of passage through the heater heat exchanger. All the units are connected by a single circulation loop. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The output parameter is the time to reach the required temperature of the coolant in the heater interior of the car, and the objective function is the minimum warm-up time G(f 1 ...f n) ® мин. The relationship between the temperature changes will be as follows: М 1¢с p1 ( T1,вых . - Т 1,вх. ) - M 2¢ c p 2 ( T2 ,вых . - Т 1,вх. ) = 0 , (1) wherein М 1¢ , M 2¢ - the mass flow of gas and liquid fluid (kg / s); с р1 , c p2 - average specific heat at constant pressure to heat transfer in these temperature ranges (J/(кg·К)); T1,вых. ,Т 2 ,вых . - gas and liquid temperatures at the outlet of the heat exchanger; T1,вх. ,Т 2 ,вх . - the gas temperature and a liquid inlet to the heat exchanger (º C). С1 DТ 1 - С 2 DТ 2 = 0 или Q1¢ - Q2¢ = 0 , (2) where C1 ,C 2 - the product of the specific heats of the massive costs Q1¢ ,Q2¢ - heat flows (W). Given that the heat exchanger is not perfect, some of the heat energy is spent on the hydrodynamic losses heat to the atmosphere through the outer wall. Q1¢ - Q2¢ - QП¢ = 0 , where QП¢ – heat flow losses. Integrating the heat flux at the time we get: ò (Q¢ - Q¢ - Q¢ 1 2 П in. out. )dt = ò (QEPU - QEPS - Qloss )dt = 0 , whence in. out . QEPS = QEPS - Qloss. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Temperature of the engine is cold T 0 . The energy Q at this time is zero. After starting the engine each time the system receives a certain amount of heat energy Qi , it depends on the amount of burnable fuel and power: ti ò Qсi dt = qч ´ r ´ H U ´ 0 ,3 / 3600 = 3 ´ 0 ,7 ´ 43500 ´ 0 ,3 / 3600 = 7 ,6125 кJ, ti -1 where q – hourly fuel consumption, l/h; ρ – density of gasoline Аи-95; НU – specific heat of combustion, кJ/кg. The temperature of the liquid coolant in the system will depend on the balance of income and its heat removal. On the basis of this model may model the engine warm-theoretical way that allows us to estimate the influence of the EPS and the various factors on the rate of warming. Experimental and theoretical studies on the effectiveness of the prototype heat exchanger allows the a priori estimate (simulate) the process of the whole system after a cold start. However, such studies involve a number of complex problems. The first - the need to establish the dependence of the engine coolant temperature (coolant) engine from time to time tcoll = f(T) . The second - the establishment of the thermal energy released in the engine cooling system depending on the time С = ( T ) . Third, - the establishment of heat withdrawn exhaust system depending on QICE EG the time QICE = ( T ) . Fourth - the establishment of the vehicle interior heater power and the number of diverted them to heat, depending on the time QHe. = f ( T ) . The fifth - the establishment of power the heater control (EPS) as a function of the temperature of the coolant QEPS = f(T) . Sixth - defining characteristics of engine after warm engine. The results of calculating the characteristics of warm-combustion engine in different modes of the heater (Fig. 3) show that an increase in the intensity of the heater to 100%, ICE is not heated above 55 º C, and the maximum heat in the cabin will make up no more than 1 kW, which suggests failure of the heater. [6]. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use t , ºС 100 9 80 60 55, 40 20 0 0 5 -20 ,c 0 5 0 Fig. 3. Intensity increasing coolant temperature at the heater power: 0 - 1% 2 - 20% 3 - 40% kW, 4 - 60% kW, 5 - 80%, 6 - 100% Switch off the engine coolant heater warms up to operating temperature for 21 minutes. If you turn on the heater: 0.5 kW for 21 minutes the temperature reaches 88 º C, which is turned on at full power coolant to the specified time has warmed only to 55 º C. In the salon will be supplied only 1.4 kW of thermal power. Further engine coolant temperature will not increase. EPS power depends on the temperature of the exhaust gases (EG). From previous studies [7] we know that after a cold engine EG energy is consumed mostly in the warm-up catalyst and other parts of the exhaust system. Tests have shown that the efficiency of conversion of thermal energy to heat the coolant EG can reach 50%, while energy output begins only after the 2nd minute of the engine. Based on this calculated amount of energy extracted from the EG to heat the coolant. Using the same percentage rate of heat energy required to heat the coolant at 1 ºC warm-up pattern found with EPS, as well as with the included at various speeds heater. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use t , ºС 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 -20 5 0 5 0 ,c -40 Fig. 4 The intensity increase coolant temperature: 1 - EPS off without a heater, 2 - off with the EPS and the heater at maximum capacity, 3 - enabled EPS and heater running at full power, 4 - enabled EPS and turned off the heater. In the diagram (Fig. 4) shows the results of the calculated reliably warm engine. The theoretical results show that the use of rapid heating device reduces the engine warm-up time to an operating temperature of from 22 to 10 minutes, and when the heater is additionally receive 2.5 kW thermal energy is 12 minutes warm while as without ICE device can not ensure obtaining an amount of power up to 22 minutes. References 1. Patent of the Russian Federation, № 120923 , MPK B60H1/18. Economizer heat of exhaust gases of internal combustion engines / VA Rakov applicant and patentee, VA Rakov - № 2012117682 / 11 (026664); appl . 24.04.2012. 2. Patent of the Russian Federation, № 127690, MPK B60H1/18. Automatic control of exhaust gas economizer / VA Rakov, A.A. Sinitsyn V.V. Verhorubov applicant and patentee VPO VSTU - № 2012152765/11; appl. 06.12.2012. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 3. Rakov, VA. Study the possibility of accelerating the engine warms cars by partial use of exhaust heat / VA Rakov, A. Balling // Proceedings of the IV annual parades - Session of graduate students and young scientists in the fields of science: Engineering. Economic Sciences. - Vologda VSTU, 2010. - S. 108-114. 4. Rakov, VA. Improvement of energy-saving devices faster engine warmvehicles / VA Rakov // Young researchers - Region: Proceedings of the All-Russian scientific conference of students and graduate students. In the 2- ton - Vologda VSTU, 2012. - T. 1. - 453 c. 5. Rakov, VA The use of waste heat for rapid warm-up and heating the interior of vehicles. / VA Rakov // Transport company. - 2012. Number 11. - S. 49-52. 6. Rakov¸V.A. Using exhaust heat to speed up the engine warm vehicle. / V.A. Rakov // Scientific enquiry in the contemporary world: Theoretical basics and innovative approach. L&L Publishing Titusville, FL, USA, – 2012. – С 86-87. 7. The development of energy-saving devices accelerated warming vehicle engines. The report on the implementation of R & D commissioned by OOO "Networking load" / VA. Rakov. Vologda. - 2013. - 40. J21310-083 UDC 621.38 Borysenko A. A.,Protasova T. A.,Protasova K. A. ANTIJAMMING TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION BASED ON MULTVALUED BINOMIAL CODES Sumy State University The article discusses the use of multivalued binomial numbers as errorcorrecting code. The methods of their formation and detection of errors in them. An evaluation of noise immunity. Keywords: multi-valued binomial codes, cryptography, binomial number system, a range of multi-valued binomial numbers, universal set. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Providing superior noise immunity in the transmission of information at present remains an urgent task. At present, we know quite a number of different errorcorrecting codes of stable, among which are the error-detecting codes used in data transmission systems with Recall that as of today are quite common. As used although these codes have sufficient noise immunity, but in some cases have increased the complexity of encoding and decoding code combinations especially when detecting packet errors in them. As a result, the implementation of encoding and decoding devices in communication systems leads to increased hardware expenses, and the devices themselves, thus, often have the ability to self, and therefore can be a source of additional errors. These disadvantages can be avoided by using a binomial-valued codes, which are an important advantage for fail-safe transmission of information is the ease of error detection algorithms, and the ability of self-control coding and decoding devices. In this paper, for the binomial codes used by a multi-valued l-ry binomial number system, characterized by the presence in it of parameters m and k, which define the range of multi-valued properties of binomial forming binomial code: k Cm = m! k !(m - k )! . (1) The parameter k determines the number of discharges properties multivalued binomial code and the parameter m with k is the control number число l = m – k ≥ 0, the excess of which is the sum of the number of digits of a multivalued binomial evidence, the error is [1,2]. For example, a control number for l parameter values k = 3 and m = 5 is the number 2. The range of appropriate multi-valued binomial number will be equal to C53 = 5! = 10 . 3!2! It includes the number 000 001 002 010 011 020 100 101 110 200. These numbers are only the digits 0, 1, 2, the sum of which are valued in the binomial numbers must not exceed the reference number 2. Its excess means that the error occurred. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Multivalued binomial numbers can be represented by binary numbers with capacity equals rounded up to the integer value of the logarithm of the number l + 1. In the example - it will be two bits, coding the numbers 0, 1, 2 - 00, 01, 10. Error in transmitting information could happen as in several, and in all places of the binary number coding binomial numbers. Regardless of this, in excess of the sum of digits of a binomial number check digit error in it will be detected, including the presence error packets, which is one of the advantages of this method of error-correcting coding. Multivalued binomial numbers form a subset of the allowed number of Ckm their universal set containing (l+1)k numbers, and the difference (l+1)k — Ckm a subset of forbidden numbers. It is clear that (l + 1)k = (m - k + 1)k ³ Cmk . (2) For the above example with k = 3 and m = 5 forbidden combinations which are incorrect, are shown in Table 1. Their number should obviously be the difference between 27 and 10, that is 17. The appearance of any of these numbers instead of a multivalued binomial number indicates an error. Table 1 Forbidden combinations of parameters k = 3 and m = 5 012 120 211 021 121 212 022 122 220 102 201 221 111 202 222 112 210 The probability of error detection can be determined according to the formula [3]: P = 1- Np N = 1- k Cm (l + 1)k , URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (3) where Np - number of allowed combinations, N - number of possible combinations Fig. 1 and 2 are graphs of probabilities of errors detected, depending on the length of the numbers k for different values of the control number l. As you can see from the graphs, with an increase in the number k probability of erroneous transitions that are found, tend to unity. The probability of detected errors P Fig. 1. Schedule probability of detected errors for l=4. The probability of detected errors P Fig. 2. Schedule probability of detected errors for l=7. However, for the noiseproof coding needed the translation of binary numbers in the binomial numbers and back. One of the simplest methods of converting the simultaneous operation of binomial algorithms and binary adder account. When they are used for each step of such an account is compared of the binary count with the URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use original binary number. When the coincidence of this number with the result of a binary count binary and binomial score to an end. Result of the conversion will be presented to the result of the binomial account. Similarly, will go back and the process of converting the binomial number into a binary number. Binary counting is a well-known procedure, but the multi-valued due to the binomial is less well known. Binomial algorithm accounts will consist of the following operations. The offset is the number zero. The second number is obtained by adding to the previous junior level zero binomial number one. If after this amount of numbers it does not become equal to l, then a junior level again adds one, and so is as long as the least significant bit is received digit equal to the control number l. On arrival the next unit of junior level is set to zero and significant bit is stored neighboring unit. If after this amount of digits in the number did not equal l, then again, you add 1 to the junior level and the cycle is repeated until the second digit is not received the check number. Then, the transfer of the unit to the next significant bit and so the account goes on until the number l in the senior category binomial number that corresponds to the end of the procedure the basis of the account. In this case, are tried Ckm valued binomial numbers for these parameters m and k. If in the process of counting the total number of digits to appear in all places of binomial number a greater l, then it means that an error occurred and the count should be repeated. In addition to discussed above the possibility of detection, using a checksum error in the binomial numbers, they have the ability to protect information from unauthorized access, as are inseparable codes in which part of the information is hidden from the casual observer. If these numbers introduce some permutation of digits, then decrypt the received cipher at great length numbers will be difficult, since the decoding of exhaustive search, and the other way in this case is practically not there all the time will have to go to the original post, which requires a lot of time and resources. Submitted material shows that the use of multi-valued binomial numbers allows a simple algorithm that uses the sum of digits of these numbers effectively detect URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use single errors and their packages and at the same time hide the transmitted information. With increasing length of the binomial combination increases the effectiveness of error-correcting coding and limit the probability of error detection approaches 1. References: 1. Borysenko A.A., Onanchenko Ye.L., Kobyakov A.N. Sistemy schisleniya s binomial'nym osnovaniyem. Vestnik SumGU, 1994, No.1, pp. 96-101. 2. Borysenko A. A. Binomial'nyy schet i schetchiki: Monografiya. Sumy, Izd. SumGU, 2008. 152 p. 3. Berezyuk N.T. Kodirovaniye informatsii. Dvoichnyye kody: Spravochnik. Khar'kov, Vishcha shkola, 1987. 252 p. J21310-084 UDC 621.18.01 Mikhailov A.G., Batrakov P.A., Terebilov S.V. PROBLEMS OF HEAT TRANSFER IN THE FURNACE OF BOILERS. OVERVIEW OF CALCULATION METHODS Omsk State Technical University There are the methods of calculating heat transfer in boilers in this article. Formulated the problem of further development of the calculation of heat transfer during combustion of the fuel and the ways to solve them. Keywords: Heat transfer, furnace, calculation methods, burning, convection, radiation Russia is a country with a harsh northern climate, where the heating season in most parts of more than half a year and the average temperature of the heating period are much lower than in Europe. Therefore, heating in Russia traditionally (more than 80 % of the housing) is provided from centralized sources (combined heat and power and district heating plants, etc.). The total length of the main Russian regions (based URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use on the double pipe system) with pipe 600 – 1400 mm is more than 13000 km, with a distribution of up to 500 mm in diameter – about 90000 km. Therefore, the introduction of autonomous heating important and will help to solve a number of problems facing both the public authorities, investors and developers, as well as to the public. Russia is currently one of the countries with highly centralized heat supply. Currently, about 72 % of the thermal energy produced by centralized sources (greater than 20 Gcal/h), the remaining 28 % are produced from decentralized sources, including the 18 % – self-contained and individual sources [1]. The total number of smoke-tube boilers in operation according to the literature [2] in the country, is estimated at 2.3 - 2.5 million units. In this case, the need for 1118% of the market is "covered" by the technically imperfect equipment [2]. In the development of such modern techniques can identify the following areas [3]: - improving energy efficiency by reducing heat losses the full and best use of the energy potential of the fuel; - reducing the overall dimensions of boilers due to the intensification of the process of fuel combustion and heat transfer in the furnace and heating surfaces; - reduction of toxic emissions (CO, NOx, SOx); - increase the reliability of the boiler unit. These requirements must fulfill including smoke-tube boilers are widely known structures reported in the literature [3, 4, 5]. As an example, here is smoke-tube boiler (Fig. 1). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 1. The scheme smoke-tube boiler. Furnace - one of the main elements of the boiler unit. It is the combustion process in which the chemical energy of the fuel is converted into thermal energy of the combustion products, hereinafter referred to transmit fluids and steam, inside the boiler. The total amount of heat from the gas source is transmitted to the surface by radiation and convection [6]. Below is the mathematical model for calculating the heat transfer in boilers. 1. Integral methods of calculating heat transfer in boilers In these methods, we consider the theory of similarity in the flue processes using basic defining parameters. The application of this theory to the system of equations describing the processes of combustion and heat transfer, allows us to consider the criteria that determine the characteristics of heat transfer in boilers [7]. Using these values allows the thermal design of combustion equipment for various purposes (marine, power boilers, industrial furnaces, etc.) using empirical laws, obtained by experiment, and reflect the nature of heat exchange between the combustion products and the wall. 1.1. Heat transfer in the furnaces of steam boilers In the latest edition of a standard method [8, 9] the similarity theory in combustion processes using the main determining parameter - number in the Boltzmann and taken into account self-absorption of thermal radiation in the nearwall layers of the environment through the combustion test Bugera Bu, called the URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use primary radiation characteristic of the combustion products. The basic design formula for determining the temperature of the combustion products at the exit of the furnace TT" is as follows: Θ"T = T"T Bo 0, 6 = Ta MBu 0,3 + Bo 0, 6 (1) where Ta – adiabatic combustion temperature, æ 1,4 Bu 2 + Bu + 2 ö ÷÷ Bu = 1,8 lnçç 2 Bu Bu 1 , 4 + 2 ø è Bu – effective criterion Bugera, _ jB pVr c r Bo = s 0y ñð ACT Ta3 Bo – the criterion of the Boltzmann radiative heat transfer; Bp - hourly fuel consumption; Vr – volume combustion unit quantity of fuel; – the average volumetric heat capacity of the combustion products in the temperature θα and θ”T; σ0 – Stefan-Boltzmann constant; ACT – area furnace wall; ψcp – the average value of the coefficient of thermal efficiency of screens; φ – coefficient of heat preservation [8, 9]. Characteristics M is determined depending on the relative location of burners in the furnace within the range of 0.5 to 1. In this method it is assumed that the heat exchange in the combustion chambers of boilers occurs by radiation and convective heat transfer proportion is negligible, therefore ignored in the calculations. 1.2. Heat transfer in boilers of low power The method of calculation of heat transfer in furnaces boilers of low power [10, 11] is based on a physical model of heat and mass transfer processes, the proposed SN Shorin in a more general formulation of the problem for the cases of combustion of gaseous, liquid and solid fuel in the combustion chambers of various geometric dimensions as the conditions and entering the combustion air-fuel mixture. The physical model of the process considering heat transfer from the flue gas stream emitting from the volume of the furnace to its walls through the boundary layer, URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use which is formed in the wall region. Transfer of heat from the furnace into the boundary layer by radiation and turbulent diffusion, assuming that the molecular transfer of heat from the volume to the boundary layer is negligible. Through the boundary layer heat is transferred radiation and molecular conduction. An analysis by the proposed model allows to obtain a generalized similarity equation of heat transfer during combustion of gaseous, liquid and solid fuels: K T = f æç Rei ; Bu; l ;s ö÷ , dÝ ø è (2) where KT – The number of integral heat transfer; Rei – Reynolds number is calculated by the gas flow rate related to the wall of the furnace; Bu – Bugera number; α – coefficient of excess air; l/dЭ – the ratio of the length and the equivalent diameter of the furnace (geometric criterion); σ – parameter taking into account the conditions of combustion, combustion method and the type of burner device. The method of calculation is based on the use of heat obtained from (2) dependence of the form KT = 1 æ l 1 + A sRei0,55 Bu -0,86 çç x è dÝ 1 ö ÷÷ ø - 0 , 75 , (3) where A – the numerical coefficient; σ – coefficient taking into account fuel combustion; ξ – coefficient taking into account the design features and the condition of the heating surfaces in the furnace. Number of integral heat transfer KT assesses the performance of the furnace as a whole and has a physical meaning similar Stanton number, i.e. shows the ratio of the heat flow of the perceived heating surfaces in the furnace and the maximum possible if the cooling of the combustion products to a temperature TCT wal: KT = ( ) I - I "T H ë (rw H )c P (T ) Ta - T "T = a , H ë (rw H )c P (T )(Ta - TCT ) I a - I CT (4) where Hл – surface heating furnaces, m2; (ρωH) – the mass flow rate of combustion products, referred to the surface of the heating furnace, m/s; cP(T) – the specific mean mass, heat capacity, kJ/(kg·K); Ta - theoretical combustion URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use temperature.K; T”T – temperature of the combustion products at the exit of the furnace, K; Ia; I”T, ICT – enthalpy of combustion, respectively, with the theoretical combustion temperature, a temperature at the outlet from the furnace and wall kJ/kg. 1.3. Heat transfer in furnaces forced boilers The simplest method for the calculation of radiative-convective heat transfer in the ship's boilers, low-power was developed by V. M. Buznika [11, 12] In this method, the temperature at the furnace outlet is found by solving the equation: 4 æT" ö T" 1,39 b I P T çç T ÷÷ + T - 1 = 0 , è Ta ø Ta (5) where Ta – absolute adiabatic combustion temperature, K; T”T – absolute temperature of the combustion products at the exit of the furnace, K; βI – characteristics of heat transfer in the furnace. b I = b 04 b k , (6) where β0 - factor structure of the temperature field. Can be taken at full load steam equal to 0,9 ч 0,95; βK – convective heat transfer coefficient. In [11, 12] showed that the value of βK can be taken approximately constant when the steam generator load; ΠT – heating criterion. PT = s 0 H ëTa3x BPVr c r (7) where βP - hour consumption in m3/s (kg/s); Vr – combustion unit volume of fuel m3/m3 (m3/kg); – mean volume heat capacity in the range of combustion temperatures θα and θ”T, kJ/(m3·K); cr = ña Θa - ña" ΘT" Θa - ΘT" (8) σ0 = 5,67·10-8 W/(m2·K4) – Stefan-Boltzmann constant; HΠ –furnace wall, m2; ξ = 0,9 – coefficient of pollution surface heating furnace. Currently, for a detailed calculation of the temperature state of the metal wall in modern boilers require knowledge of the local heat absorption on all parts of the flue walls. You also need to know the resulting radiative heat flow in the output window of the combustion chamber. Therefore, combustion of the fuel in the furnace volume URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use should be viewed as a set of interrelated aerodynamic, thermal and chemical processes. 2. Zonal methods for calculating heat transfer in boilers Calculation methods discussed here is well applicable for the calculation of the characteristics of heat transfer processes of many types of combustion systems [7]. They are quite common and therefore in principle can be applied to any configuration of the combustion chamber for all fuels. The relative simplicity and matching physical processes have led to the use of zonal methods to preliminary calculations sections of radiative heat transfer in process heaters and boilers. These methods can advantageously be used to assess the effects on the characteristics of the furnace fuel supply rate, air heating and excessive change during operation. Fundamentals of the zonal method were laid by G. L. Polyak, Y.A. Surinova, A. Nevsky, V. Andrianov, H. Hottel [7]. The assumptions underlying this method lies in the fact that the volume of the combustion chamber is divided into small areas. It is assumed that the temperature, composition and other physical properties which can have a constant value. Similarly, surfaces in the chamber divided into zones. It is believed that the temperature and emissivity of incident and reflected flows are evenly distributed. It is assumed that the surface of the gray, reflection and emission of energy dissipated. Configuration zones is selected in accordance with the contour of the combustor and sufficient reasons of simplicity of calculation process radiation between the zones. In literature there are various modifications of the zone method. On the one hand there is the use of simplified models that use this method in the preliminary stages of the computational studies of power plants – a model of the mixed flow, the model core flow [6]. A distinctive feature of the latter – a limited number of areas with a uniform temperature distribution and the coefficients of the incident and reflected radiation fluxes in them. On the other hand calculations zonal technique can be defined as areas within the averaged values of the energy characteristics of the radiation, and their local values [7]. Using an algebraic approximation of solutions of URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use integro-differential equations of radiation transport is at the heart of further modernization of the zonal method [7]. A number of studies [7] the convective heat transfer from one zone to another in terms of coefficients of the convective exchange coefficients of heat transfer by radiation are determined by the Monte Carlo method. To assess the influence on the heat transfer in the boundary layer in the furnace [7], a two-step calculation method using zone method. At the beginning of the zones defined by the averaged radiation heat flow and temperature. Then, with the calculated heat transfer boundary layer thickness. In general, it should be noted that the use of complex methods of calculation zone heat in boilers efficiently when the radiation – the main component of heat transfer. These methods are used to determine the energy efficiency of hightemperature heat exchangers [7]. 3. Differential methods of calculating heat transfer in boilers Burning is always accompanied by the movement of gases - air, fuel gas combustion products. It is not only chemical but also the physical process. More precisely, the combustion is a collection of interrelated aerodynamic, thermal and chemical processes. Temperature, concentration of reactants and the other values change as a result of chemical reactions, and because of the different physical processes: convection, diffusion, radiation heat transfer, so the chemical and physical processes must be studied together. Often, physical factors have a decisive influence on the completeness of combustion, ignition conditions. Only if perfect aerodynamic mixing processes can be ignored, assuming that the parameters are the same in any location of the reaction [13]. The study of turbulence is a complex fluid dynamics section. In the process of burning the turbulence problem is even more complicated by additional factors chemical reactions and radiation [7, 14]. In the development and design of modern power plants are preferred by numerical methods for the calculation of turbulent flows [15, 16]. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use In numerous papers on the subject payment flows in limited quantities based on the solution of the stationary equations of continuity and motion in the form of the Navier-Stokes equations. With their help, successfully solved many problems for laminar flow heat transfer. Although it is believed that the non-stationary NavierStokes equations can describe any turbulent flow, the practical implementation of this approach runs into insurmountable difficulties at the present time. Widely used in engineering practice, the calculation of turbulent flows received various phenomenological and semi-empirical models of turbulence. These include: the theory of turbulence O. Reynolds turbulence model Prandtl, practical methods for calculating turbulent flows A. N. Kolmogorov, Prandtl, two-parameters model [7, 16]. The basic equations that describe the reactive gas mixture – are: continuity for the entire gas mixture; continuity for each component of the mixture, pulse, energy, turbulent viscosity state. In mathematical modeling of combustion processes in technology, furnaces due to a lack of sufficient information on chemical kinetics model is often used a simple chemical reaction. This model describes the combined effect occurring during the combustion of hundreds of chemical reactions. A number of studies in the description of turbulent combustion average speed of chemical reaction reagents written by analogy with the laminar burning (Arrhenius theory). D. B. Spalding a model "cliff vortices" to calculate the average rates of the reactions [7]. Review of the literature shows that the heat transfer and flow field of flue gas in the combustion chamber is not subject to a comprehensive theoretical analysis. The few investigations were performed at a number of simplifying assumptions. Therefore, there is a need for computational and theoretical studies of heat transfer and flow field of the products of combustion in the combustion chamber, taking into account the variability of thermal and radiative properties of the medium, the combustion air-fuel mixture and selective emission of combustion products. Of greatest interest are research influences the optical properties of the medium and the URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use lining of the furnace, the geometric dimensions of the furnace and other factors on the rate of heat transfer in combustion chambers smoke-tube boilers [7]. References: 1. "Energy Strategy of Russia for the period up to 2020." Approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 28, 2003 № 1234-r. 2. Ponomarev, I.G., The Russian market of domestic gas boilers / I. G. Ponomarev, S. V. Makarenkov. – AVOK number 5/2006. 3. Socolov, B.A. Steam and hot water boilers of low and medium power: studies. benefits for the students. vyssh. Textbook. Institutions. Moscow: Publishing Center "The Academy", 2008. – 128 p. 4. Pat. 121350 Russian Federation, MPK F 24 H 1/00. Fire-tube boiler / Nenishev A. S. Mikhailov, A. G., Batrakov, P.A. (Russia) applicant and patentee Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Omsk State Technical University". – № 2012119381/28; appl. 11.05.12, publ. 20.10.12, Bull. Number 34. – 5 p. : 3 ill. 5. Pat. 76103 Russia, MPK F 22 B 7/20. Boiler furnace / Vedruchenko V.R., Zhdanov N.V. (Russia) applicant and patentee Omsk State. Univ of Railways. – № 2008114980; appl. 16.04.08, publ. 10.09.08, Bull. Number 25. – 3p. 2 ill. 6. Handbook of heat exchangers: 2 volumes / Per. from English. ed. OG Martinenko. – M.: Energoatomizdat, 1987. T. 2. 352p. 7. Vafin, D. B. complex heat transfer in power plants: diss. ... Doctor. tehn. Sciences: 01.04.14: protected June 18, 2009 / Vafin Daniel Bilalovich. – Kazan, 2009 – 263 p. 8. Antonovskiy, V.I. Heat transfer in the furnaces of steam boilers. A retrospective look at the development of a standard method of calculation. // Thermal Engineering 2004. Number 9. P. 53-62. 9. Mitor, V.V., Thermal design of boilers (standard method) / V. V. Mitor, I. E. Dubrovsky, E. S.Karasina under the general editorship. NV Kuznetsov. Ed. 2nd, revised. – M.: Energiya, 1973. 296. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 10. Bratenkov, V.N. Heat small settlements / V. N. Bratenkov, P. A. Khavanov, L. Y. Wesker, – M. Stroyizdat, 1988. 223 p. 11. Zhdanov N.V. Improving Energy-efficiency combustion of gaseous fuel in the hot-water boilers gazotrubnyh: Diss. ... Candidate. tehn. Science. Omsk., 2010. 151 p. 12. Bouznik, V.M. Ship steam generators / V. M. Bouznik. – L: Shipbuilding, 1970. 480p. 13. Mikhailov A. G. Methods for calculating the heat transfer in boilers // Omsk Scientific Bulletin. 2008. Number 3 (70). p. 81 - 84. 14. Hirata, M. Heat transfer in turbulent flows/ M. Hirata, H. Tanaca, H. Kawamura, N. Kasasi // Heat transfer, Proc. 170th Int. Conf., Műnchen. 1982. p. 31– 57. 15. Launder, V.E. The numerical computation of turbulent flows / V. E. Launder, D. B. Spalding // Computat. Methods in Appl. Mech. Engng. 1974. V. 3. P. 269-289. 16. Gosmen, A. D. Numerical methods for the study of viscous liquid / A. D. Gosmen, V. M. Pan, A. K. Ranchel, D. B. Spalding, – M.: Mir, 1972.326 p. J21310-085 UDC 621.923. 025.77 Moroz T.Y. WAYS OF INCREASE OF EFFICIENCY OF GRINDING OF HARDLY PROCESSED MATERIALS The Kolomna institute (branch) of Moscow state university of mechanical engineering (MAMI) Russian Federation, Moscow region, Kolomna, Oktyabrskoy Revolyutsii St., 408 In this article we describe ways of increase of efficiency of grinding of hardly processed materials with use of the special diamond tool. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The problem of increase in productivity of production of details is the main task of mechanical engineering. Now hardly processed materials are applied to production of details with special properties. Increase of productivity of processing of such materials demands creation of the progressive cutting tool. Diamond is the most progressive tool material applied in many branches of production. The diamond tool is especially interesting at production of details from hardly processed materials. Grinding is the main way of final processing of details. Now we observe a tendency of growth of application of diamond grinding in mechanical engineering. Many Soviet, Russian and foreign scientists studied process of cutting of metals. Balakshin B. S., Korsakov S. N., Korchak V. S., Loladze T.N., Maslov E.N. Mishnayevsky L.L. Reznikov A.N. Sagarda A.A. Hudobin L.V. Yashcheritsyn P. I. nd other scientists created theoretical bases of process of cutting of metals [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. However processes of finishing processing of metals demand further studying. It is necessary to study thermal processes in a cutting zone for increase of productivity of grinding. Let's consider ways of increase of productivity of diamond grinding of hardly processed materials. Thermal defects and microcracks on a processed surface are negative factors. The reason of thermal defects is high temperature in a cutting zone. The processed surface heats up to 1200 degrees Celsius when we grind titanic alloys. We draw a conclusion that cooling in a zone of cutting is absent. We have to reduce temperature in a cutting zone in order that thermal defects were absent. Supply of cooling liquid directly in a zone of cutting can significantly reduce temperature. Liquid moves through openings on a working surface of a grinding circle. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Let's make calculation of average temperature in a cutting zone: Z +H Q=K ò exp(- x )K 0 Z -H ( x x )dx - kb ò exp(bx - x )ò exp(- bx) × K ( x ¥ Z +H 2 2 0 Z -H 2 ) + x 2 dxdx , (1) x К - coefficient: K= 1 b 12pH +H ò Q(z )dz , -H Q z - relative temperature on a surface. Average density of a thermal stream: qav = Q , Fg (2) Q = qcon ∙ Fт - general thermal stream; F = Fт + Fop - total area; qcon - density of a thermal stream on contact platforms; Fт - the area of platforms of a circle with a thermal emission; Fop - the area of platforms of a circle with cooling. Density of a thermal stream qcon is defined without supply of cooling liquid by openings in a grinding circle. Average coefficient of heat exchange: a av = Qcl , F (3) Qcl = α·Fop - general heat-absorbing stream; α = 6·104·V0,8 Watt/(m2· degree) - coefficient of heat exchange; V ≈ 0,3…0,4 m/sec - speed of cooling liquid. We draw a conclusion that the most effective way of increase in coefficient of heat exchange is increase in speed of a current of a stream of cooling liquid. Let's calculate a temperature field for a full assessment of influence of separate parameters of openings and a working surface of a circle on temperature in a cutting zone. Temperature in a cutting zone: URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Tc = q×a pl × Sl S пр t 2 а ò 0 é æ n 2 - H öù çç ÷÷ú dn , erfn erf ê è n øû ë (4) q - density of a thermal stream; а - heat diffusivity of metal; λ - heat conductivity of metal; Sl - longitudinal speed; τ - time of thermal saturation; n - integration variable; H= h × Sl - dimensionless size; 2a 2h - length of a platform of a thermal emission. Relative temperature: S пр Qz = t 2 а ò 0 é æ n 2 - H öù ÷÷ú dn , êerfn - erf çç n è øû ë (5) The platform with cooling follows a cutting platform and so on. The period between platforms of cutting has to be such that the processed surface could be cooled. Temperature change: éæ a ö 2 ù é æa öù Tc = T exp êç ÷ a × tc ú × ê1 - erf ç × a × tc ÷ú , èl øû êëè l ø úû ë (6) dimensionlessly: éæ a ö 2 ù é æa Q 0 = exp êç ÷ a × tc ú × ê1 - erf ç èl ëêè l ø ûú ë Q= öù a × tc ÷ú , øû (7) Tc - relative temperature of a cooled surface; T α = 0,043·Vcir 0,8 - heat exchange coefficient; τс - time of thermal saturation. Thus we can do calculations of influence of a form of a working surface of a circle on quality of a processed surface. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The method of supply of cooling liquid directly to a zone of cutting will reduce grinding temperature significantly. Quality of a processed surface becomes better. Productivity of processing will increase. Thus cooling of a zone of cutting through openings in a grinding circle is an effective way of increase in productivity of processing. The most effective way of increase in coefficient of heat exchange is increase in speed of a current of a stream of cooling liquid. References: 1. Maslov E.H., Postnikova N. V. The main directions in development of the theory of cutting by the abrasive, diamond and elborovy tool. - M: Mechanical engineering, 1975. - 48 pages. 2. Mishnayevsky L.L. Wear of grinding circles. - Kiev: Naukova thought, 1982. - 192 pages. 3. Reznikov A.N., Reznikov L.A. Thermal processes in technological systems: The textbook for machine-building specialties of higher education institutions. - M: Mechanical engineering, 1990. - 287 pages. 4. Reznikov A.N. Thermophysics of processes of machining of materials. - M: Mechanical engineering, 1981. - 279 pages. 5. Yashcheritsyn P.I., Ryzhov E.V., Averchenko V. I. Technological heredity in mechanical engineering. - Minsk: Science and equipment, 1977. - 256 pages. J21310-086 Radionov A.A., Maklakov A.S., Karyakina E. A. STUDY OF INFLUENCE OF THYRISTOR CONVERTER ON THE SUPPLY NETWORK South Ural State University (National Research), Chelyabinsk, Lenin ave 76, 454080 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use A necessary condition for the normal power supply of industrial enterprises is the reliable supply of energy еelectric power consumers in the required quantity and quality, which is regulated by GOST 13109-97. In this case, the main influences on the quality of electricity generation have a power-consuming equipment with nonlinear current-voltage characteristics - thyristor converter units are used for high power DC drives. An aim of this research is to assess the influence of the thyristor converter on the supply network and analysis of the spectrum harmonic components of the primary winding transformer with different power of supply network. The voltage distortion inevitably occurs when you use the thyristor converter, as in the process of switching valves neighboring phases associated with the transient fault. As a result, in the voltage appear distortion, shape, size and number of which depends on the circuit of rectifier, power and parameters of network [1-3]. Schematic diagram (fig. 1, a) consists of the following main elements: thyristor converter, transformer and the mains. The transformed circuit diagram (fig. 1, b) includes the following main elements: 𝑋𝑠 and 𝑅𝑠 – inductive and resistance of network, 𝑋𝑡 and 𝑅𝑡 – inductive and resistance of transformer. Network Transformer St Rs Network Transformer Thyristor convertor Ud, Id M а) Xs Xt Rt Thyristor convertor Ud, Id Current source b) Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the investigated model URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use The main parameters of the scheme are presented (tab. 1), where 𝑈𝑑 and 𝐼𝑑 – rectified voltage and current of the thyristor converter; 𝑆𝑡 – rated power transformer. Table 1 Parameters of scheme Parameters of the thyristor converter 𝑈𝑑 , V 𝐼𝑑 , А 700 1400 The parameters of converter transformer 𝑢к % 𝑆𝑡 , МVA 12 3 Inductive impedance transformer may be defined by the formula: 𝑈2 2 ∙ 𝑢𝑘% 8002 ∙ 12% = = 0,026 Ohm 𝑋𝑡 = 100 ∙ 𝑆𝑡 100 ∙ 3 ∙ 106 𝑅𝑡 = 0,1𝑋𝑡 = 0,0026 Ohm To study the effect of the thyristor converter in networks of different power assume that the inductive reactance of the network will be defined as [4]: 𝑋𝑠1 = 0,2𝑋𝑡 ; 𝑋𝑠2 = 0,4𝑋𝑡 ; 𝑋𝑠3 = 0,6𝑋𝑡 correspondingly: 𝑋𝑠1 = 0,2 ∙ 𝑋𝑡 = 0,2 ∙ 0,026 = 0,0052 Ohm 𝑋𝑠2 = 0,4 ∙ 𝑋𝑡 = 0,4 ∙ 0,026 = 0,0104 Ohm 𝑋𝑠3 = 0,6 ∙ 𝑋𝑡 = 0,6 ∙ 0,026 = 0,0156 Ohm The schematic diagram was implemented (fig. 2) in the mathematical package Matlab application Simulink. The curves of transients when connecting the transformer windings – Y/Y presented in fig. 3, a, and for 𝑋𝑐1 = 0,2 ∙ 𝑋тр ; fig. 3, b for 𝑋𝑐2 = 0,4 ∙ 𝑋тр ; fig. 3, c for 𝑋𝑐3 = 0,6 ∙ 𝑋тр . Analogous curves of transients when connecting the transformer windings – Y/∆ shown in fig. 4, а fig. 4, b, fig. 4, c. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 2. A simulation model of the thyristor converter program in Matlab The curves of the mains voltage from the transformer connection Y/Y (fig. 3, а, fig. 3, b, fig. 3, c) and connection Y/∆ (fig. 4, а, fig. 4, b, fig. 4, c) have a periodic nature of the distortion, allowing them to harmonic analysis. At the same time, any periodic function 𝑓(𝜔𝑡) can be represented by a trigonometric Fourier series: ∞ 𝑓(𝜔𝑡) = 𝐴0 + �[𝑎𝑣 cos(𝑣𝑤𝑡) + 𝑏𝑣 sin(𝑣𝑤𝑡)], 𝑣=1 where 𝐴0 – steady component; v – harmonic number; 𝑎𝑣 and 𝑏𝑣 – coefficients of the Fourier series. Similar calculations are performed in Matlab on the specially designed programs. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use U2, pu 1 0 t, s -1 0,1 0,11 0,12 U2, pu а) 1 0 t, s -1 0,1 0,11 0,12 U2, pu b) 1 0 t, s -1 0,1 0,11 0,12 c) Fig. 3. The curves of supply voltage and diagrams of spectra harmonic when connecting the transformer windings Y/Y URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use U2, pu 1 0 t, s -1 0,1 0,11 0,12 U2, pu а) 1 0 t, s -1 0,1 0,11 0,12 b) U2, pu 1 0 t, s -1 0,1 0,11 0,12 c) Fig. 4. The curves of supply voltage and diagrams of spectra harmonic when connecting the transformer windings Y/∆ URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Table 2 Experiment results Connection scheme of the transformer windings Y/Y Y/∆ 𝑋𝑐 , Ohm THD, % The depth of the voltage dip 𝑋𝑠1 = 0,2 ∙ 𝑋𝑡 2,33 𝛿, % 15,48 𝑋𝑠2 = 0,4 ∙ 𝑋𝑡 4,48 22,36 𝑋𝑠3 = 0,6 ∙ 𝑋𝑡 6,48 28,6 𝑋𝑠1 = 0,2 ∙ 𝑋𝑡 2,81 17,36 𝑋𝑠2 = 0,4 ∙ 𝑋𝑡 5,12 24,3 𝑋𝑠3 = 0,6 ∙ 𝑋𝑡 7,11 31,9 where THD – a signal is a measurement of the harmonic distortion present and is defined as the ratio of the sum of the powers of all harmonic components to the power of the fundamental frequency. Thus, based on the present study, we can conclude that the connection of the transformer windings according to the scheme Y / Y, THD and the depth of the voltage dip during the switching valves in the same network parameters less than when connecting the transformer scheme Y/∆. The analysis of the spectrum of the harmonic components of supply voltage at of different power of networks showed that with a decrease in power of network, THD and depth of voltage dips is increased. References: 1. Radionov A.A., Maklakov A.S. OPERATING CONDITIONS OF AN INDUCTION MOTOR WITH FREQUENCY CONVERTER, BASED ON VSI WITH PWM, AND AFE RECTIFIER DURING VOLTAGE DIPS // Сборник научных трудов SWorld. Материалы международной научно-практической URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use конференции «Современные направления теоретических и прикладных исследований’2013». – Выпуск 1. Том 5. – Одесса. КУПРИЕНКО, 2013. – ЦИТ: 113-0574. – С. 23-29. 2. Radionov A.A., Maklakov A.S., Karyakina E. A. STUDIES OF INFLUENCE ON NETWORK 24-PULSE RECTIFIER ON BASIS OF THYRISTOR CONVERTERS // Сборник научных трудов SWorld. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Современные проблемы и пути их решения в науке, транспорте, производстве и образовании '2013». – Выпуск 2. Том 8. – Одесса. КУПРИЕНКО, 2013. – С. 22-27. 3. Сарапулов О.А. Построение векторных диаграмм в программном пакете Matlab / О.А. Сарапулов, А.С. Маклаков, М.С. Лукманов // Электротехнические системы и комплексы. – 2012. – Выпуск 20. – С. 182–186. 4. Корнилов Г.П. Моделирование электротехнических комплексов металлургических предприятий. / Г.П. Корнилов, А.А. Николаев, Т.Р. Храмшин, А.А. Мурзиков // – Магнитогорск: Магнитогорск. гос. техн. ун-та. Г.И. Носова, 2012. – 235 с. J21310-087 UDK 621.193.224:681.536.5 Radchenko Yu.N., Іvanov V.І., Zinchenko V.Yu. THE SYSTEM OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL OF PROCESS OF INCINERATION OF FUEL IS IN РЕКУПЕРАТИВНЫХ SOKERS National metallurgical academy of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovs’k, Zaporozhya state engineering academy Preface. Recuperative soakers with heating from the center of bottom, which fold 25-30 % general quantity of reducing workshops soakers for metallurgical plants URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use of Ukraine, apply for heating of bars before rolling on the mills «slabber» and «blooming». Heating of bars in the soaks of the stated type, as a rule, realize at regime, which consists of two periods: – the first period is a period of heating for bars, which is carried out by an increase of temperatures in the work volume of soaker to her set value at the stationary expense of gaseous fuel; – the second period is a period of self-control of bars which will realize at the set stationary temperature in the work volume of soaker. Process control of heating of bars is carried out by means of the local systems of automatic regulation (SAR) of temperature and correlation «fuel-air» with control actions influences, which serve accordingly expenses of fuel and air. Analysis of advances. In spite to the enough protracted history of development and number of advances, recuperative soakers with heating from the center of bottom have permanent defects fundamentally, that conditioned by them constructive features. One of basic lacks of the state soakers it is an uncontrolled run-offs of air from ceramic recuperators toward taking of combustion products. The value of air losses which give to the ceramic recuperators at the beginning of soaker campaign presents 30 %, and in a year of its exploitations – arrives 50-60 %. As a result, there is a gradual decrease of maximal thermal power of soaker in the same direction as his campaign which results in the increase of specific expense of fuel on heating of bars. Such position increases and that quality of fuel incineration is regulated with use of typical SAC by correlations «fuel-air» (by an anchorwoman size is an expense of fuel, and the expense of air is determined by means of calculation device [1]), which is unable to provide its. At that such instance realization of calculation measure for rate of regulative organ opening on the pipeline of air tricking does not testify to the receipt to the bumer of necessary amount of air. It is related to that at work of typical SAC for correlation «fuel-air» use theoretical data about the expense of air which is given on the entrance of recuperator; however his quantity which URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use actually acts to the bumer is an unknown size through losses in a recuperator. Thus, for the first period of thermal treatment of bars in the work volume of recuperative soakers of this type rational incineration of fuel can not be provided, although duration of the stated period folds the more than half of total time for heating of bars. At the productive conditions of reducing workshops of metallurgical plants of Ukraine qualitative incineration of fuel in soakers with heating from the center of bottom enough objectively observe a specialists on heating of bars on some signs (original appearance of flame, speed of temperature increase in the work volume of soaker and other), id est his realization, thus, depends on qualification of auxiliary personnel of the stated thermal aggregates. Usually such operation is carried out by change by the expense of fuel at the hand regime for providing of maximally possible increase of temperature in the work volume of soaker for the quantity of air that gives actually. It is executed individually both for every soaker and every loading of bars to his volume. Errors of adjusting of the typical system of correlation «fuel-air» bring to the increase of specific expense of fuel on heating of bars and increase of losses of metal with dross. On the number of thermal aggregates of the stated type for rise of quality incineration of fuel carry out correcting of correlation «fuel-air» on content oxygen in combustion products, which depart. At that rate expense of air which heads for a gasring, determine both the current expense of fuel and set content of oxygen in end combustion products [2]. However such system is able to provide high-quality incineration of fuel only in the case when a quantity of air which acts to the bumer is sufficient for his complete incineration. Except for that, application of the similar system limitedly by her considerable time lag (duration – to one minute), and also absence by reliable high temperature sensors. In work [3] for adjusting of the thermal regime of recuperative soakers with heating from the center of bottom additionally to stated typical SAC were added SAC of quality incineration for fuel on content oxygen in combustion products, which take away from under nozzle space of recuperator. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use For the first period of heating of bars, when the fast-acting of SAC does not have a test case, adjusting of quality for fuel incineration carry out on content of oxygen in combustion products, which there are effluent away. So, for loading of bars to the work volume of soaker be means of SAC for temperature and correlation «fuel-air» provide the maximal measure of rate opening of regulative organs, which are set on the pipelines of fuel and air out put. Farther the executive mechanism is disconnected from the regulator of correlation by «fuel-air». As a result, there are have stabilization of maximally possible expense of air which heads to a bumer. After it is carry out adjusting of the set content of oxygen in combustion products, which depart from under nozzle space of recuperator for soaker. The regulator of oxygen content, operating on the additionally set regulative organ, changes the expense of fuel which acts to the bumer, for inhibition in combustion products of the set content of oxygen, id est, thus, provide incineration of fuel with the set coefficient of air expense. During the second period heating of bars there are carry out the gradual relieving of fuel expense with providing of necessary quality of his incineration by means of fast-acting SAC correlation «fuel-air». Therefore regulative organs connect from the regulator for correlation «fuel-air» and the regulator of oxygen content and the system works in ordinary regime. The lack of the described chart of adjusting of the thermal regime of recuperative soakers with heating from the center of bottom is a presence of additional SAC content of oxygen in end combustion products and also necessity of placing of additional regulative organ, which it is set on the pipeline of fuel output. Problem of definition. A task is simplification of SAC thermal regime of recuperative soakers with heating from the center of bottom and increase of efficiency of it work. Basic part of researches. For the decision of the this task it is offered SAC the thermal regime of soakers for the this type, which provide necessary quality of fuel incineration of during all process of heating for bars (picture 1). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use ÒE 3a QE 4a Fuel 3i FÅ 1a 4i FÅ 2à 3h Air 4h 4 5 1 Devices at place 2 FT 1b FT 2b F²R 1ñ F²R 2ñ ACS of fuel expense Devices on a panel 1 ACS of air expense 3 7 3 5 4 6 NS 3g Ò²R ÒÑ 3b 3c Í 3d HS 3e 8 6 2 8 7 NS 4g HS 3f ÀCS of airexpense of temperature in a soker GI 3j Q²R QÑ 4 b 4c Í 4d HS 4e HS 4f ÀCS of quality for fuel burn Picture 1. Offered SAC for the thermal regime of soakers URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use GI 4j ASC of temperature enter in the complement of such chart, and also, instead of ASC correlation «fuel-air», enter ASC content of oxygen in end combustion products [4]. Unlike typical ASC temperature, where a regulating influence is fuel expense, for offered ASC temperature is charges of expense air, and for ASC content of oxygen in end combustion products is charge of fuel expense. Process control of heating of bars in the recuperative soakers of the stated type is carry out thus. After loading of bars to the work volume of soaker SAC of temperature provides the maximal measure of opening of regulative organ of 4і on the pipeline of air output, id est carries out stabilization of maximally possible and exactly unknown quantity of air which acts to the bumer. In turn, SAC content of oxygen in end combustion products, operating on the regulative organ of 3і on the pipeline of fuel output, changes the expense of fuel which acts to the bumer, the same, providing the set content of oxygen in combustion products. As a result, it have a set value of coefficient of air expense. For call-byvalue in the work volume of soaker of the set level of temperature there are carry out passing to stabilization of its value by the corresponding relieving of expense for both fuel and air at the observance of the set content of oxygen in end combustion products. Conclusions. 1. During work of recuperative soakers with heating from the center of bottom with the use of typical SAC of correlation «fuel-air» does not provide necessary quality of fuel incineration from the out-of-control sources of air from ceramic recuperators toward taking of combustion products. 2. High-quality inhibition of process of fuel incineration with automatic recognition of charge of air sources from ceramic recuperators during the campaign of soaker is arrived by combination of temperature adjusting at charge of air expense with regulating of fuel expense on content oxygen in end combustion products. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use LITERATURE 1. Automatic control metallurgical processes [Text] / А. M. Belenky, V. F. Bergyshev, О. M. Blinov, V. Yu. Kaganov. – Moscow : Metallurgy, 1989. – 379 p. – Bibliography is at the end of divisions. – ISBN 5-229-00224-7. 2. Increase of efficiency for fuel burning at continuous control of oxygen content in smoke gases [Text] / V. Ya. Obozan, I.I. Prosvetov, I. B. Zatoplyaeva, V. А. Тkachenko // Metallurgical heating engineering : collected of sciense articles of the National metallurgical academy of Ukraine. – Dnepropetrovsk : Thresholds, 2005. – Vol. 2. – P. 420-425. 3. Management of quality of fuel incineration in recuperative soakers with heating from the center of bottom [Text] / Yu. N. Radchenko, V. F. Sapov, V. I. Shibakovsky, V. I. Ivanov // Metallurgical heating engineering : collected of sciense articles of the National metallurgical academy of Ukraine. – Dnepropetrovsk : New ideology, 2008. – P. 242-246. 4. To the management by thermal work of recuperative soakers [Text] / Yu. N. Radchenko, V. F. Sapov, V. I. Ivanov, V. Yu. Zinchenko // Materials of VII internat. science.-technic. сonf. «Key aspects of modern science». – Sofia : Science and education, 2013. – Vol. 35. – P. 12-14. J21310-088 UDC 615.478+614.2 *Uvaisov S.U., **Avdeuk O.A. ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND USE OF HEALTH DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT *MIEM HSE Univ. RT, **Volgograd State Technical University Introduction. The most important area of modern medicine is the development and improvement of diagnostic methods that allow the identification of variations in URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use health status , and in the case of a timely application to prevent the development of diseases , lower interest trudopoteri and premature death [ 1,3,4,8 ] . Methods of medical diagnosis can be divided into three groups [1] : structural (eg , x-ray , ultrasound ), functional (eg , electrocardiography ) , laboratory . Conducting diagnostic activities within any group involves the use of medical information-measuring systems ( IIPI ) of various levels of difficulty , which are fitted with modern microprocessor technology . As a result , IIPI can get not only high quality 2D or 3D images of organs and their functional activity , but also with the appropriate software to automatically analyze medical images with subsequent diagnosis (medical expert systems ) . This is especially true in the field of evidencebased medicine [2 ] , the main task of which is to reduce the influence of the human factor in the practice of a physician. The analysis of several reports made by Accounting Chambers of the Republic of Tatarstan , Chuvashia , as well as other areas of the Russian Federation within the framework of the priority national project "Health" , launched in early 2006 , revealed a number of problems in the field of high-tech health care and the development of material and technical basis of the diagnostic service of medical institutions. For example , in [ 5 ] that as a result of the audit revealed a lack of real data on the needs of medical institutions for medical equipment , as well as policies and standards for equipment replacement and the equipment of health facilities . This leads to the fact that the characteristics of the purchased equipment is not always match the needs of the diagnostic and treatment process , expensive systems are used unevenly and often idle due to a technical fault , the temporary lack of staff and supplies ( Fig. 1). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 1. The reasons for downtime of medical equipment [6] One of the recommendations of the audit are : the introduction of performance indicators of medical devices based on the number attached to the medical institution of the population , the organization of distribution equipment ( purchase ) between medical institutions in view of the demand for research , development methodology that defines a common approach to organizing and carrying out maintenance medical equipment. Analysis of materials [ 7,8 ] revealed additional causes downtime of medical equipment related to the redundancy of equipment for the health facility and its inadequate technical level. And they indicated the problem of lack of integrated service multifaceted medical equipment , both Russian and foreign manufacturers, which are equipped with modern health care facilities (HCF ) . The paper [8 ] reflects that the analysis of the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation, it was revealed the absence of a single codified act regulating the sphere of circulation of medical products, reflecting all stages of the product life cycle from design , pre-clinical studies and prior to disposal. An important conclusion was that the "low staffing diagnostic services, medical personnel , under-funding of health in terms of ensuring the necessary medical equipment supplies , service and metrological tests indicate the absence of an integrated program approach to ensure URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use the medical equipment of health facilities at the stage of project development, and the implementation of activities under the control PNP "Health" at the federal , regional and municipal levels. " Currently, control of medical products (quality control , efficiency and safety of medical products , the efficient allocation of health care resources , harmonization of requirements for health care facilities during their licensing optimize their technical equipment ) system of monitoring of medical devices (AIS MMI ) developed FGBU " VNIIIMT " Roszdravnadzor [ 9]. Monitoring is carried out in two directions: the state of the market for medical products and medical devices Park . Structure of AIS data MMI allows electronic form for each product in a medical facility , which reflects the ongoing maintenance work , metrology software, operating time, downtime , the current technical condition, the cost of operation and maintenance schedules and plan procurement, supply and use of equipment . The introduction of AIS MMI is certainly an appropriate analysis to determine the possibility of upgrading the existing fleet of medical devices , but does not give a clear algorithm equipped with the necessary medical equipment of health facilities . Conclusions. Thus, the development of medical diagnosis as a high-tech and expensive medicine is a priority . And so are actual problems: definition of a systemwide perspective of cost-effective criteria and approaches to equip health care diagnostic equipment in accordance with the profile of medical services , the development of methods for the synthesis of the complex IIPI and guidance algorithms of its application. References: 1. Classification of medical research methods [ Access mode : http://www.0zd. ru/medicina/klassifikaciya_osnovnyx_metodov.html]. Date of access: 31.07.2013 2 . Koroljuk IP Medical informatics : tutorial / IP Koroljuk . - 2nd ed. , Rev. and add. - Samara Ltd. " Etching ": SEI HPE " Samara State Medical University ." , 2012. - 244 . URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 3 . Fly UP Diagnostic set of basic vital functions of a person by a combined parameter based on neural networks / Yu.P.Muha , MG Skvortsov, OA Avdeyuk / / Biomedical electronics , 2001 . Number 4 . - S. 38. 4 . Medical devices for functional diagnostics [ Mode of access : http://www. / s / Medicinskie_pribory_dlya_funkci.html]. Date of access: 31.07.2013 5 . Report of the counting chamber of the Republic of Tatarstan on the results of audit of the use of medical equipment purchased for future public health agencies for the implementation of the priority national project "Health" in 2006-2009 and I quarter of 2010 [ Access mode : http://www.sprt .ru / files / auditvoda.pdf]. Date of access: 01.08.2013 6. Report on the results of the monitoring activities of the Audit efficient use of public funds allocated for the purchase of certain types of medical equipment, and analysis of the effectiveness of the use of this equipment in state and municipal health of the Chuvash Republic for the implementation of the priority national project "Health" in 2006-2009, and Q1 2010 . [ Mode of access : http://gov.cap. ru/SiteMap.aspx?gov_id=108&id=900936]. Date of access: 08/06/2013 g 7. Report on the inspection event "Performance Audit the use of medical equipment purchased for state and municipal health agencies in order to implement the national project " Health "in 2006-2009, and during the past period of 2010 , together with the control and audit bodies of the Leningrad Oblast and the Republic of Tatarstan . [ Mode of access :]. Date of access: 10/08/2013 g 8. Skvirskaja GP Conceptual approaches to the development and improvement of medical diagnostics in the Russian Federation / GP Skvirskaja , ML Sveschinsky / / Health Care , 2010 . Number three . [ Mode of access : /publications/detail.php?ID=74550&redct=Y]. Date of access: 01.08.2013 9. The automated information system for monitoring medical devices ( AIS MMI ) [ Access mode :]. Date of access: 18.08.2013. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-089 UDC 69.059.7 Makarov N.K. MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF BAY OPTION OF PRIMORSKAYA EMBANKMENT RECONSTRUCTION IN THE CITY OF SOCHI Sochi State University, Sovetskaya St. 26 a, 354000, Sochi, Russia The mathematical model of pebble beaches dynamics under protection of breakwaters is considered. The model is applied to mathematical modeling of bay option of Primorskaya Embankment reconstruction in Sochi. Keywords: artificial pebble beach, settlement storm, sediment transport, breakwater, dynamics of a beach. One of important problems of design of sea coastal protection constructions is modeling of dynamics of artificial beaches which are considered as protection constructions, and in resort regions – also as the major recreational objects. Due to the preparation for the Olympic Games of 2014 in Sochi design of reconstruction of the central Primorskaya Embankment on length about 2.2 km – fig. 1, and also Sochi port reconstruction for the purpose of its transformation into cruise harbor – fig. 2 is executed. Reconstruction of the embankment assumes promotion in the sea of the artificial territory on 35 – 75 m, including the device of the new embankment about 30 - 35 m wide with creation of a new waves querench and recreational beach not less than 35 m wide. As one of options of reconstruction of the embankment the option in the form of a number of artificial capes under protection of breakwaters – fig. 3 was considered. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 1. Satellite picture of a design site of the coast Fig. 2. Scheme of reconstruction of the port of Sochi URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 3. Bay option of reconstruction of Primorskaya Embankment For justification of this project mathematical modeling of dynamics of pebble beaches in artificial bays under protection of breakwaters was executed. Basis for modeling of deformations of a bottom and the coast is the fundamental equation of preservation of weight of substance: ¶ d/¶t + (1/(1-n))´(¶Qм/¶x + ¶Qм/¶y) = 0, (1) where d - depth; t - time; n - coefficient of porosity of soil; x, y - axes of coordinates; Qм - an expense of deposits. Use of the given equation demands, generally speaking, knowledge of deposits making an expense separately in cross to the coast and longitudinal the directions. Sometimes there is accepted a definition of promotion or a coastline receding by the simplified technique, solving only the one-dimensional equation. Thus is accepted that the bias of an underwater coastal slope remains invariable in time on this site of the coast and, thus, the coast is displaced towards the seas (accumulation) or towards a land (washout) parallel to itself. Such deformations are described by the simple equation: DA DQ м = Dt DX , URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (2) where A - the area of cross section of a coastal slope, Qм - an alongshore expense of deposits, t - time, X - distance along the coast. For calculations of dynamics of the coastline the equation (2) will be transformed to a look: DA = DQм Dt . DX ( 3) Considering that DA = dcr DY where dcr - depth of settlement waves breaking, DY – change of position of the coastline, we will receive finally for change of width of a surface beach, that is for dynamics of the coastline: DY = K DQ м Dt , DXd cr (4) where К - the calibration coefficient which is considering change of a profile of a beach in the course of a storm and subject to definition on laboratory or natural measurements. For pebble deposits (diameter of ³ 2 mm) the capacity of a stream of deposits is defined from expression [1]: ρ h 3сr1% Т Δt Q Т = 0,087 g sin2α cr , ρ n k oк d 50% (5) where: hсr1% - height of a wave is 1% of security in system in the area of the last collapse, m; - the average period of waves, with; d50% - the median diameter of a beach material, m; rn - the volume weight of deposits; r - volume weight of water; acr - a corner of approach of waves to the line of the last collapse; Dt - time of action of this excitement, days; koк - the coefficient considering influence of degree of form of a beach material on intensity of its movement. In the presence of a breakwater between it and the coast there is a wave shadow. Actually it means that the line of waves braking draws near the coast and transporting ability of a water stream (a wave power current in a surf zone) decreases. As a result the natural mode of transport of deposits changes, and there are accumulative forms (braids, capes). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Extent of blocking of the coast from waves depends on a breakwater viewing angle from the coast. As the key parameter characterizing extent of blocking, the relative distance from the coast to breakwater l/b, where b – length of a breakwater, l - distance from it to the coast. Then the viewing angle will be defined from expression: a =53°×b/l. By results of the researches which have been carried out in the Black Sea Branch of Sea Coastal Protection Constructions of All-union Scientific Research Institute of Transport Building, on hydraulic models it is established that the full admission of an alongshore sediment transport requires performance of a ratio of a £14° and their greatest accumulation behind a breakwater happens at a ³53°. In model which is used in this work, for an assessment of decrease in an expense of deposits behind a breakwater diffraction of waves on it according to [2] and the corresponding reduction of heights of waves pays off. The mark of crests of breakwaters was set equal +1.0 m of BS, width of breakwaters on top - 9 m. Porosity sketches of breakwaters was accepted equal 0.5 (figured blocks). Results of calculations of dynamics of beaches at originally offered configuration of breakwaters (fig. 3) in settlement storm from the Southern and Western directions are presented in fig. 4, 5. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 4. Dynamics of a beach at predesign option of an arrangement of constructions in a settlement storm of 2% of security in a mode from the Western direction Fig. 5. Dynamics of a beach at predesign option of an arrangement of constructions in a settlement storm of 2% of security in a mode from the Southern direction URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use From fig. 4, 5 follows that the offered configuration of beach protection constructions, doesn't provide demanded stability and width of beaches (not less than 30 m) on design sites, except for the third (beginning from the West to the East) a site. In the central parts 1, 2 and 4 of sites, and also on the easternmost tip of the fourth site washout of a beach strip on width to 20 m is observed. Thus width of beaches is reduced to 12 – 18 m that can lead to destruction of a wave protection wall. As the minimum width of a beach has to make not less than 25 - 30 m, it is impossible to recognize the offered configuration of constructions accepted. Further modeling of dynamics of beaches is executed at additional breakwaters in average parts 1, 2 and 4 of sites. When modeling the distance of additional breakwaters from the coast, and also their length varied. Acceptable results are received in the presence of the following system of additional breakwaters: 1 . Site 1 (western). Length of a breakwater is 120 m, distance from a new wave protection wall to a breakwater - 200 m. 2 . Site 2. Length of a breakwater is 100 m, distance from a new wave protection wall to a breakwater - 190 m. 3 . Site 4. Length of a breakwater is 110 m, distance from a new wave protection wall to a breakwater - 210 m. Results of calculation of dynamics of beaches at an offered configuration of constructions are presented in fig. 6, 7. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 6. Dynamics of a beach at a recommended configuration of constructions in a settlement storm of 2% of security in a mode from the Western direction Fig. 7. Dynamics of a beach at a recommended configuration of constructions in a settlement storm of 2% of security in a mode from the Southern direction URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use From fig. 6, 7 follows that the recommended configuration of constructions as a whole provides rather uniform width of beaches at pass of settlement storm from the Western and Southern directions. Thus, the executed mathematical modeling of dynamics of beaches by bay option showed that for ensuring stability of design beaches it is required to construct very extended system of breakwaters at considerable depths. Therefore on technical and economic comparison of options, the preference was given to the option combining breakwaters with buns. References: 1. Proektirovanie morskih beregozashhitnyh sooruzhenij. SP 32-103-97.- M.: Transstroj, 1998.- 86 s. 2. SNiP 2.06.04-82*. Nagruzki i vozdejstvija na gidrotehnicheskie sooruzhenija (volnovye, ledovye i ot sudov) Gosstroj SSSR - M.:Strojizdat, 1995. – 46 s. J21310-090 UDC 621.438 Bessarab A.S., Schutyuk V.V., Boyko V.I., 1Vasyliv V.P. METHODS FOR DETERMINING THE FORM OF CHANNELS SPRAY DEVICE DRYERS National university of food tecnologies, Kyiv, Volodimirska st., 68, 01601. 1 National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Heroyiv Oborony st., 15, 03041 A method of constructing a geometric shape of the flow channel, which provides a slow transition between the intermediate section of the channel, enabling to reduce the unevenness of the velocity field in the channel and to reduce the aerodynamic losses of spray drying device settings. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Key words: Channel, flow, modeling, dryers, spray equipment. The spray drying equipment efficiency depends on the spay devices operation. The existent spray drying devices are equipped with pneumatic and mechanical atomizers of different size and shape. They waste energy whenever gas (liquid) flows, and that’s caused primiraly by the unevenness of the velocity field and detachable occurrences. The methods of flow investigation are well-known (a method of contour integration in relation, electrodynamic analogy etc.) [1, 2]. It’s recommended to perform the calculation of the boundary layer to be performed based on the established model of plane boundary layer [3]. The graphic-analytical method of constructing the flow of the channel is the most efficient for solving this problem. In accordance with it, the task is set to build a flowing part of the channel with smooth transitions at a great number of intermediate generators. The chart of radii of cross-sections can be obtained from the graph of the cross flow change by its inverse quadratic transformation. The following symbols are r used: rij – radius vector of random section of j-th beam; αij = Kij – 1 – radial coefficient of section completeness. Changing K or α along channel axis in the direction of all rays we get a certain set of values for any Li and the configuration of intermediate sections of the channel. To determine the value of Kij we use a linear law of variation. So: Kij = K0j[1–(Li/L)]+Knj[1–(Li/L)], (1) K0j =C (2) r rij r rij /R0; Knj =C /Rn. To get the complex of polar radii for each intermediate section: r rij = K IJ R I . (3) Channel with smooth transitions can be built on the two-dimensional potential theory. The shape and area of input and output sections of the channel, the position of the axis are known. We assume that the initial and final section of the channel are similar and closed looped equipotential lines φ0=const and φn=const. The same is true for the flow lines ψ0=const and ψn=const. Intermediate sections are built in the shape of the equipotential URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use lines φi=const (or the flow lines ψi=const) of plane-parralel steady-state field that is between the selected contours. The formula of the channel cross-sectional areas change is as below: Fi=KiF0, (4) where F0 – area of the initial section; Ki – multiplication factor that takes in count expansion (contraction) of the channel section 0≤ i≤ n–1; n–1 – a number of intermediate sections. The velocity potential and stream function in polar coordinates r, q ; are as below: æ è 1ö rø (5) æ è 1ö rø (6) j = ç r + ÷ cos q ; y = ç r - ÷ cos q . Tech lines from the dipole lie inside the circle and are tertiary close-looped curves. The zero line corresponds to the initial flow channel cross section and has the shape of semicircle. The penultimate section is outlined by n - 1 flow line. The last section is a circle. Let's assume that ψ=Ci, where Ci – some constants, that needs to be defined further. Then we can get the non-dimensional radius vector of the i -th line from this equation (6): ) ( r = C i ± C i2 + 4 sin q / sin q . (7) After analysing the formula (7) we can claim that the values of Сi<0 and the positive sign of the square root correspond to the current lines that lie within the upper semicircle. If the value is С0<0, we obtain a limit line ОАВ<0. In case when Сi→¥, curves described by equation (7) become circular curves, with areas close to zero. Nondimensional area of the intermediate circuit is calculated by the formula Fi = Ci 2 n ò 0 C i + 4 sin 2 q sin q dq + p 2 Basing on elliptic integrals of the first genus the expression (5) is as follows: URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (8) Fi = p ïì C14 1 í 2 ï 8 C12 î é ù ïü 3C12 5C14 1 + + + a ê úý , 2 32 4 + C12 ë 4 4 + C1 û ïþ ( ) ( ) (9) where α – other members of the range that are sufficiently small compared to the first members. r The area of the input section is (9): F0 = p / 2 . The scaling factor for the i -th countour outline is defined by the formula r r Fi = F0 = mi . (10) Out of this equation (10) using expression (9) we'll get: mi = 1 - é 3C12 5C14 + ê1 + 2 32 4 + C12 8 4 + C12 êë 4 4 + C1 C14 ( ) ( ù ú. 2 úû ) (11) Basing on the law (4) considering formula (10) for dimensional radius vector of i-th section we'll get: r r 2 K i F0 r = ri pmi (12) Сi constant that is in the equation (7) is calculated as below. First of all the equipotential line of the greatest length should be drawn — line ODEL (fig. 1). B D A O E L fig. 1. The scheme of the dipole Since the equation of the streamlines are presented in the coordinate system r, θ, r we mark the equipotential components ODEL in the new coordinate system and r β with the beginning r r = (1 - sin b ) / cos b , where 0<β<π/2. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use (13) The ODEL line is devided into n – intervals of the same length Δl1=h. The length of each interval Δl1 is calculated by the formula h= 1 cos b i =1 2 cos 2 b i =1 + (1 - cos b i =1 ) Db i , 2 (14) where Δβi=βi–βi-1, it follows that b i = b i =1 h cos 2 b i =1 cos 6 b i =1 + (1 - cos b i =1 ) 2 . (15) r r If the beam β=βi, and crosses the line ОDЕL at a point D (βi, ri ), So = βi, ri = ri . Out of the formula (15) we find the value of βi keeping in mind that the length of r the interval is h. ri = ri can be get from expretion (13) where ri, and Сi can be get out of formula (7). Thus in the equation (7) instead of the value q we use βi. Then out of r formula (11) mi is calculated and the value of the radius vector ri is get out of (12). The obtained values of the radius vectors are used to build the desired contours of intermediate sections of the channels. In case of complex profiles of the initial and final sections of the channel, the use of this method is based on certain mathematical difficulties. Then it’s convenient to build the intermediate section graphically using a MathCAD package. At first the initial and the final section of the channel are drawn according to the selected scale (fig. 2). 90 120 60 150 180 A 30 E 0 fig. 2. Building ekipotentsialov. After that a long flow line АЕ, is drown, which is divided into segments of the same length, equal to the number of selected sections of the channel. Then, a method of electrical modeling is applied to drawn the lines of equal potential that are crossing the ends of the segments. The crossed-looped lines that are created as a URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use result are the required form of the intermediate sections. Planimeter determines the area Fi* , limited by the i-th equipotential. To calculate the scale mi we use the formular similar to (10): mi = Fi * / F0* . (16) The increase or decrease of the crossing sections is performed using a pantograph, having a scaling factor (K/mi)0,5, where, Ki takes to account expansion (contraction) of the section channel, the same way as in the formula (1). This method allows to avoid errors at the design stage of channels and branch pipes of spray drying devices and may be used in the design of converging and difussing channels with various forms of input and output sections. Conventional signs: δ* – displacement thickness, F – area of the section of the channel, m2; m; L – distance along the channel axis, m; φ – velocity potential; r, q – polar coordinates; ψ – flow function; β – azimuth direction angle; r r - radius vector R- the radius of an equivalent circle section of the channel, m Indices: 0 – section at the channel beginning; i – 0…n – section numbers; j – radius vector direction. n – section at the channel end; Conclusions The simple and pretty precise method has been developed to build the channels of spay devices that are widely used in the spray drying units. The method allows to calculate and design channels and pipes with a small uneveness of the velocity field and low aerodynamic drag. References: 1. Bessarab A.S. The method of constructing hydrodynamically efficient channels of power plants / A.S. Bessarab, V.V. Shutiuk, T.A. Vaschuk // Heatprocess ingineering. — 2003.– № 6 (25).– P. 42-45. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 2. Holwer D. Shadow graph method in aerodynamics / D . Ho l we r , R. Нnorth.– М.: Mir. 1966. – 179 p. 3. Draganov B.H. The method of shaping the pipe that is joining the collector with the supplying port. / B.H. Draganov, A.M. Kolesnikov // Combastion engines.— 1980 — Edition. 32 — P. 45-50. J21310-091 UDC 662.767.3 Polishchuk A.V., Kazak, N.I., Polishchuk V.N. THE RESEARCH OF AN EFFICIENT BIODIESEL NEUTRALIZATION National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine This paper analyzes the methods of washing. The experimental results of biodiesel neutralization with 1% aqueous citric acid solution was shown Keywords: methyl ester, biodiesel, alkalinity, water wash Introduction. Due to the emergence of a global energy crisis, humanity is actively searches for alternatives to fossil energy sources. Particular attention is paid to the search for substitutes for light oils. Because without cars, planes, trains, humanity does not imagine its continued existence. The large part of the vehicles, the majority of tractors and other mobile and stationary machines are driven by diesel engines, which at this stage is mainly work on diesel oil. One of the mineral diesel’s alternatives can be a methyl ester (biodiesel). The biodiesel produced using the traditional technology with the heterogeneous catalyst, must be cleaned, because the alkaline catalyst is corrosive to the engine, the products of which, falling into the gap between the cylinder and the piston, causing them to abrasive wearout. When penetrating into the fuel system it can clog fuel filters or completely block the work of the fuel equipment because the fuel cannot spray out through the nozzle. A common method to remove water-soluble impurities is "wet» biodiesel cleaning, also known as water washing. This process uses water, which serves as a URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use solvent, washes away impurities, leaving the pure biodiesel [1]. Water washings are divided into bubble (foam), aerosol and volume. Foam washing comprises mixing 1/3 of water and 2/3 of biodiesel and air bubbling through the water layer. Air bubbles provide indirect stirring both liquids they capture a small amount of water and carry it through the biodiesel gathering catalyst salt (soap), formed by the neutralization of biodiesel by weak acid aqueous solution, and other impurities. When the bubble is broken at the surface, the water descends and gathers more soap and impurities. Approximately 6 hours washing the airflow is cut off and water is drained, fresh water is added and the process repeated. These water changes occur three times, until the water is clear and its pH is neutral. The disadvantages of technology is inefficient purification of poor quality biodiesel or small quantities of biodiesel. Because the bubbles can mix the water and biodiesel very intencively, this leads to the formation of an emulsion of two liquids. However, when this method is used washing minimal amount of water compared to other technologies. When using spray wash, there is a sprays system, placed over a layer of biodiesel, with the possibility of water drain after flow through the fuel. Spray rinse less fuel mixes than bubble and gradually removes soap. The softer mixing means less chance of forming an emulsion. However, this process uses a larger amount of water and more sophisticated equipment. When using volume wash, the equal amounts of water and biodiesel are mixed, and then they are asserted, the water is drained, and the process is repeated many times. This method is more time-consuming and uses more water than the bubble wash [2, 3]. Typically, the washing of biodiesel using a combination of methods of washing: preliminary spray and then bubble wash or the simultaneous aerosol and bulk washing. For example, the technology of the production of biodiesel in the U.S. installed BP-190 provides a two-fold washing biodiesel combined aerosol and bulk methods [4, 5]. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use However, in any case, the washing operation is preceded by neutralization, which is a type of washing step and involves passage of waster mix with a small amount of acid through a biodiese. The acid reacts with the alkali catalyst, causes the formation of salts (soaps), which are then washed with water washing . However, not in domestic nor in foreign literature the amount of acid which must be added to biodiesel to neutralize is not stated. Therefore, the aim of our research is to establish the parameters of the neutralization of bio-diesel to bring it up to standard quality marks. The results of the study. To remove the effects washing of factors when cleaning biodiesel, investigation of parameters of biodiesel neutralization were carried out without followed by washing. Formed soap sedimented by gravity settling for 2-3 days followed by drain. The alkalinity of biodiesel was determined by no compensation potentiometric titration using a pH meter, which acts as the ion analyzer AI-123, glass electrode ES-1, the auxiliary laboratory silver chloride electrode EVL-1M and temperature sensor TC-06. Methyl ester is prepared by adding rapeseed oil with a ratio of potassium methylate methanol catalyst (potassium hydroxide) 10 : 0,7 (methyl pH 9.45), 10 : 0.9 (pH=8.32), 10 : 1.1 (pH=7.5) and 10 : 1.3 ( pH=7.35). Then the purification is made. The alkalinity of the produced biodiesel was determined. Thereafter the 1% aqueous solution of citric acid, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 ml per 100 ml of methyl ester was added into biodiesel, followed by stirring on a magnetic stirrer at a rotational speed of the magnetic stirring device 214 rev/min. Neutralized methyl ester poured into a separatory funnel where the gravitational sedimentation occurred salts formed within 2-3 days. Washing of biodiesel was not conducted to exclude its influence on the research results. The precipitated salts were extracted and carried out methyl alkalinity determination as described [6]. It was planned to determine a dependency of neutralization of methyl ester from its pH, concentration and volume of the aqueous solution of citric acid. Variation factors such as the number of washes, the dispersed droplets in the washing, the agitator speed stirring was excluded . URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Experimental results neutralization methyl 1% aqueous solution of citric acid are shown in fig. 1. The obtained value of biodiesel alkalinity are compared with a valid alkalinity biodiesel specified in the German standard DIN 51606 for biodiesel [7], which should not exceed 5 mg/kg. It is shown on the Fig. 1 that the target indicator(less then 5 mg/kg) can be achieved by the addition from 4,5 to 6 ml of pH = 9.45 1% aqueous citric acid solution to 100 ml of methyl ester or from 4 to 5 ml aqueous acid solution with pH=8.32. In other cases, the alkalinity of the neutralized biodiesel exceeds 5 mg/kg. This also applies to neutralize biodiesel at pH 7,5 and 7,35 of all the range of 1% aqueous solution of citric acid volumes. 0,055 0,05 0,045 Alkalinity, mg КОН/g 0,04 0,035 рН=9,45 рН=8,32 рН=7,5 рН=7,35 DIN 51606 0,03 0,025 0,02 0,015 0,01 0,005 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Volume citric acid solution, ml on 100 ml biodiesel Fig. 1. Alkalinity biodiesel when neutralized with various amounts of 1% aqueous solution of citric acid Contusions URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 1. The biodiesel water washing is conducted by bubble, aerosol and bulk methods. When using bubble washing, the formation of an emulsion of biodiesel and salt catalyst can occur. Aerosol and bulk flushing are characterized by the use of more water and more sophisticated equipment. 2. Carrying water washing biodiesel is preceded by its neutralization. 3. The target indicator(less then 5 mg/kg) can be achieved by the addition from 4,5 to 6 ml of pH=9.45 1% aqueous citric acid solution to 100 ml of methyl ester or from 4 to 5 ml aqueous acid solution with pH=8.32. In other cases, the alkalinity of the neutralized biodiesel exceeds 5 mg/kg. This also applies to neutralize biodiesel at pH 7.5 and 7.35 of all the range of 1% aqueous solution of citric acid volumes. References: 1. Voegele Erin. Report outlines global biodiesel production / Erin Voegele // Biodiesel Magazine. - 2011. - August 31. - Р. 4. 2. Пузырьковая промывка биодизеля / Recscling повторное – использование или возвращение в оборот отходов производства или мусора [Eлeктронний рeсурс] / 2013. Рeжим доступу до журн.:Пузырьковая-промывкабиодизеля?s=4077b58b0ba1b77a0d26ea9b5a19bb42. Дата доступу: 27/08/2013. 3. Alovert М. Collaborative biodiesel tutorial. "Appleesid" processor / Maria Alovert // Biodiesel Magazine. - 2005. - 6 p. 4. БП-190. - New York: FIA - 12 c. 5. Технології виробництва біодизеля: [курс лекцій для студ. сільськогосп. вузів зі спец. 8.092900 – "Екобіотехнологія"] / В.Г. Мироненко, В.О. Дубровін, В.М. Поліщук, С.В. Драгнєв. - К.: Холтех, 2009. - 100 с. 6. Поліщук О.В. Методика визначення лужності біодизеля / О.В. Поліщук, Н.І. Козак, В.М. Поліщук // Науковий вісник Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування. - 2013. - № 185. Ч. 2 - С. 83-91. 7. International standards for BIODIESEL - Jakarta, Indonesia: Rob-Oil Corporation - 2 p. J21310-092 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use UDC 639.64 Svidlo K.V. 1,Peresichnyi, M.I. 2, Dyakov A.G. 3, D.V. Lipovyi D.V. 1 PROJECT TECHNOLOGY OF VEGETABLE GERODIETETICAL SMOOTHIE 1 Kharkiv Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv University of Trade and Economics, Kharkiv, Otakara Yarosha 8, 61045 2 3 Kyiv University of Trade and Economis, Kyiv, Kioto 19,02156 Kharkiv National University of Catering and Trade, Kharkiv, Klochkovskaya 333, 61045 In this paper presents research on moisture content changes of holy thistle, pumpkin, and oat seed grits and cellulose in the composition of the pectin-zosterynum against hydromodulus and swelling time. Bond strength between moist or grits / cellulose and pectin-zosterynum was studied by determining spin-spin relaxation. It was estimated that value of moist content depends on chemical composition of grits. Model of vegetable smoothie technology was built in accordance with the obtained data. Key words: gerodietetics, smoothie, nuclear magnetic spectroscopy, moist content, elderly, nutritional correction The contemporary life is characterized by outstanding achievements in science and technology. At the same time we envisage dramatic environmental degradation, mode of life changes, behavioral and emotional burden, endless lack of time and modified nutrition. Mode of life and food are the major factors which determine human health, their efficiency and capability to withstand stress which eventually influence age and quality of life. Basal diet provides the human being with malleable material and vital power which mold health, physical and creative activity, lifetime and ability to recreate. A special group of foodstuffs which ensure abovementioned criteria applies to functional food products. In the recent decades, there appeared a principally new beverage brand called drinks breakfast or smoothie [1] which is a kind of thick viscid foodstuff. It is URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use both beverage and breakfast with milk and fruit additives, dietary fibers and vitamins with chemical composition closely approaching to gerodietetical requirements. The production of “healthy” foodstuffs is a fast growing market in Ukraine and worldwide and its market segment of special drinks is not completely formed. The segment of geterodietetical drinks along with sports and tonic drinks is just developing. The production of smoothie requires high-quality natural raw products. For example, smoothie in Switzerland contains 20% of nonfat sour milk and 52% of fruit juice (Coop Betty Bossy). In Netherlands, popular smoothie is based on nonfat yoghurt, little sugar and 60% of natural lime or peach juice (Sisi Frutmania). In Britain, they prefer it with soya extract with high content of fruit bits (Tom Soya) and natural carrot juice (Innocent). Ireland produces drinks containing 50% of fruit bits with nonfat yoghurt (Tropicana Smoothies). The research of smoothie new technologies demands studying moisture content as a function of new ingredients used and operating conditions of their treatment. In many cases, it is moisture content that is the key parameter which influences quality of ready-made products and is critical while designing new smoothie technologies. Degree of swelling of oat, hole thistle and pumpkin grits and cellulose was studied at room temperature (20°C). To determine degree of swelling, the tested objects (grits or cellulose of the above-mentioned plants in the composition of pectin seaweed Zostera (pectin-zosterynum)) were filled up with 10, 15, and 20 g of liquid according to the defined hydromodulus (1:10, 1:15, 1:20). We made 9 sets of such specimens because the tested object swelled 10, 20,… 90 min. 1 or 2 minute centrifugation sessions at the speed of 1000, 2000 or 3000 rpm were carried out every 10 minutes. After that, we poured out the unabsorbed liquid and weighed the centrifuged damp objects under test and made the formula evaluation (1) [7] by a standard gravimetric method. (1) ἁ𝑚 = 𝑚 − 𝑚𝑜 ⁄𝑚𝑜 , URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use where 𝑚𝑜 and m - polymer mass before and after swelling. In accordance with the general theory of making experiments [8] we built a table with the results obtained. The table 1 contains the data about degree of swelling of grits and cellulose centrifuged at a speed of 1,000 rpm during 1 minute as a function of time of swelling for hydromodulus 1:20. Observations of nuclear magnetic resonance were carried out in the NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectrometers. The simplified circuit of the gage unit is shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1. The circuit of the NMR spectrometer gage unit: 1 – permanent magnet; 2 – specimen; 3 – radiofrequency coil; 4 – thermostat. Stationary and non-stationary methods of monitoring nuclear magnetic resonance are used. One of the non-stationary methods is the spin-echo method proposed by Hahn [9]. This method has been successfully used for studying relaxation processes and molecular mobility in fluids. According to the Hahn method, two radiofrequency signals are sent onto the specimen in a magnetic field with a time interval τ; after that, at the distance of 2τ there appears a spin echo signal, which has the amplitude defined by the expression A = A 0 exp é- 2t - 2 g 2 G 2 Dt 3 ù T2 3 êë úû (2) where T2 – the time of spin-spin relaxation, γ – hydromagnetic ratio of the nuclei under test, G – permanent magnetic field gradient, D – self-diffusion coefficient. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use So, the examined double-pulse method of spin echo can be used for studying spin-spin relaxation time T2 and the self-diffusion coefficient D. In the case of low molecule mobility of the studied sample, the second summand in the brackets of equation (2) can be neglected. Then, the spin echo amplitude will be estimated by a simplified equation. A = A 0 expé - 2t ù T2 úû êë (3) Holy thistle, pumpkin and oat grits and cellulose were studied in the impulse NMR spectrometer with the Hahn method. In the experiment, spin echo amplitude was tested as a function of τ. The time of spin-spin relaxation time T2 was calculated by using formula (3). Vegetable products are the major source of dietary fibers and amino acids. The largest quantity of dietary fibers was characteristic of recycled secondary products like cereals, grains, flour seeds (grits, cellulose etc.). This sampling was made due to available and limitless resources of organic polymers and practical usefulness of raw vegetables in gero-dietetics. The technological process which was used for preliminary data processing is characterized by input and output variables. Each kind of grits may have its own mathematical model which may help develop optimal parameters of the technological process. Analyses of publications and previous results [4-6] made it reasonable to set the following input and output limits for each specimen: treatment time 10…..90 minutes, hidromodulus value changed within the range of 1:10, 1:20. When making experiments in order to better understand the obtained results we used reciprocal hydromodulus values, which changed within the range of 0.1 – 0.05. The diagrams (Fig. 2, 3, 4), which allow visually to estimate input-moisture content dependence, were plotted on the basis of the overall experiment for the tested objects centrifuged at 1,000 rpm for 1 min. in function of swelling time for URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use hydromodulus 1:20. It is obvious that grits and cellulose in the composition of pectin seaweed Zostera swelling intensively grows after 20….. 30 min. and reaches their maximum after 40 min. for grits and after 50 min. for cellulose. Moreover, cellulose adsorbs moisture and binds it more firmly than grits, and this dependence is visible for all kinds of raw materials (Saint-Mary-thistle, pumpkin and oat seeds). Figures 2, 3, 4 show that, according to the moisture content, values of all these investigated raw materials can be ranged as follows: pumpkin cellulose → pumpkin grits →Saint-Mary-thistle cellulose → Saint-Mary-thistle grits → oat grits → oat cellulose. So, the value of pumpkin moisture content is much higher than that of oat or Saint-Mary-thistle. It is caused by significant differences in chemical composition of grits and cellulose and, secondly, by discrepancies in dispersion. Higher values of moisture in recycled pumpkin seeds in the composition of pectin pectin-zosterynum are due to significant content of fruit coat, which is rich in composite polysaccharide-cellulose and hemicellulose which are characterized by high ability to swell. Significant difference in moisture swelling kinetics of grits and cellulose of pumpkin, Saint-Mary-thistle and oat in the composition of pectinzosterynum can be explained by analyzing the NMP spectrometer treated specimens. Foodstaffs have a wide spectrum of moisture content from few percent in dried products to almost 100% in drinks. Significant information concerning moisture conditions in food products is obtained with the nuclear magnetic resonance method. Spin-spin relaxation time value T2, which significantly depends on water molecular mobility in a tested object, is an informative measuring parameter. In systems with small water molecule mobility, spin-spin relaxation time T2 is a low quantity, but in great water molecule mobility systems, time T2 increases considerably. Thus, we can make conclusions as to free and bound moisture available in food products, taking into account the fact that the bound moisture in food has a low mobility and free moisture has a great mobility which was evident from spin-spin relaxation time experiments (table 1). Table 1. Spin-spin relaxation time T2 for grits and cellulose of tested food products URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Т2 ,sеc Food product name Holy thistle grits in the composition of pectin-zosterynum 0,083 Holy thistle cellulose in the composition of pectin- 0,031 zosterynum Pumpkin grits in the composition of pectin-zosterynum 0,046 Pumpkin cellulose in the composition of pectin-zosterynum 0,06 Oat grits in the composition of pectin-zosterynum 0,067 Oat cellulose in the composition of pectin-zosterynum 0,069 Analyzing obtained results, we can see that spin-spin relaxation time T2 relating to free water is small in all tested products. It means that the tested specimens had low water molecule mobility i.e. water state in the tested specimens is rather bound than free. In terms of threpsology, we can assume that in the cases of prolonged diseases we must take into account nutrient status of the patients as well – it especially concerns aged and ἁ 400 300 200 10 20 30 40 Шрот розторопші 100 50 60 70 0 80 90 Fig. 2. Dependence of holy thistle grits and cellulose in the composition of pectin-zosterynum on time for hydromodulus 1:20 at 20°C URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Шрот гарбуза Клітковина гарбуза 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Fig. 3. Dependence of pumpkin seed grits and cellulose in the composition of pectin-zosterynum on time for hydromodulus 1:20 at 20°C 300 250 200 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 150 100 50 0 80 Шрот вівса Клітковина вівса 90 Fig. 4. Dependence of oat seed grits and cellulose in the composition of pectin-zosterynum on time for hydromodulus 1:20 at 20°C old people. Timely nutrient homeostasis for leveling physiological human needs will facilitate efficient changes in normalizing metabolic disorders. The metabolic syndrome conception was put forward in 1988 on the basis of the hypothesis that metabolic disorder complex (hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, hypertensia) have a common pathogenetic basis which can obviously be insulin resistance. Scientists obtained convincing data [10, 11, 12], asserting that insulin activity deterioration is due to harmful fat consumption, especially saturated fats and transisomers of fatty acids. It is shown that polynsatureted fatty acid (PSFA) ω- 3 has preventive effects on insulin resistance growth which is affected by rich fat diet, but URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use PSFA ω- 6 inhibits penetration of eicosapentaenoic acid into cell membranes (platelets, erythrocytes, neurofilaments, monocytes and hepatocytes), whereby reducing insulin sensitivity. Thus, high level of PSFA ω- 3 leads to better sensitivity to insulin, and high ratio of PSFA ω- 6 / ω- 3 is associated with high insulin on an empty stomach. Isocaloric replacement of unsaturated fatty acids for polynsatureted fatty acids leads to better sensitivity to insulin, lower abdominal fat, changing neither the correlation between waist and hip size nor fatty tissue content in the body. Lactose consumption is positive for insulin resistance, while use of glucose, fructose, and other carbohydrates negatively influences insulin resistance. Various dietary fibers and resistant starch positively influence insulin sensitivity too. This influence is due to the formation of the nutrient-induced short-link fat acids, which block gluconeogenesis in kidneys, gastro-intestinal hormone secretion with positive effect on the large intestine neuromotor evacuation function and activation of pancreas ferments. A number of studies on dietetics showed [11, 13] that taking hypo-calorie diets including low-fat milk products, vegetables, fruit, grain and bean products substantially improves health of patients and, notably, it reduces systolic and diastolic arterial pressure and glycemia when eating on an empty stomach. We design a gerodietetic smoothie technology for nutrient prevention of metabolic syndrome from the position of system approach and in accordance with the guidelines of medical specialists and nutritiologists. The source of PSFA ω- 3 may be flax or pumpkin seed oils, which are also rich in fat-soluble vitamins A and E. Flax seed oil holds 0.32 mg% of retinol and 119 mg% of tocopherol and pumpkin seed oil contains 0.5 mg% of retinol and 132 mg% of tocopherol. Kefir was chosen as a source of lactose, which is positive for insulin resistance. Pumpkin, holy thistle and oat seed grits and cellulose (their functional and technological properties have been studied well) can be taken as a source of dietary fibers, which positively affect insulin sensitivity. The smoothie technology is presented as an integral system with integrate principal sub-systems C1, C2, B, A, which are functionally aimed at obtaining URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use gerodietetical-designated smoothie, which is the initial result for the system functioning. The chart (Fig. 5) shows that - subsystems C1, C2 – obtaining prescribed components of independent semi-finished products with preset quality performances; - subsystem B – obtaining a semi-finished product from separate semifinished products; - subsystem A – obtaining articles with quality and safety parameters which meet the necessary requirements. s weet red bell pepper c t pa rsley hol y thistle seed cellulose ke MCP mato juice swelling hydromodulus = 1:20 Pecti n-zosterinum blending till O = 250 mcm to fi semi-finished cellulose vegetable Mixing 650rpm T=2-3min. s lt desig ning carrot fl reali zation Pu mpking Semifinished smoothie Smoothie “Vegetable Delight” Fig. 5. Manufacturing scheme of gero-dietetical smoothie preparation Working out a technological system model for production of smoothie “Vegetable Delight” gives us an opportunity to thoroughly investigate basic processes which take place at all stages of the technological process and to assess their optimum behavior. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use In subsystem C1, holy thistle cellulose in the composition of pectin-zosterynum is swelling at hydromodulus 1:20 in kefir at τ = 45-60 min. In subsystem C2, raw material preparation – mechanical culinary processing (MCP) of celery and carrot with their subsequent blending in a blender with τ = 4-5 min. is taking place. Receipt mixture is forming in subsystem B by combining receipt components of subsystems C1 and C2 with their further mixing in a blender with τ = 2-3 min. Subsysteme A includes the stages which allow us to get the finished product with specified properties, quality index and composition; designing and realization at τ = +14…..+16°С. The quality of gerodietetic smoothie was tested for standard quality requirements for products made according to conventional technology. Additional qualities of the new product have also been tested in accordance with organoleptic, physical, chemical, microbiological criteria. The degustation certificates of the gerodietetic smoothie were acknowledged at the private entrepreneur company “Folomiyeva”, the limited company “Vostorg” , and at the presentation show “Welcoming days of Moscow region guests in Kharkiv” which was sponsored by Moscow region government and Kharkiv regional state administration. It witnesses that the gerodietetic smoothie looks nice and has excellent consistency, taste and flavor and expert rating shows that it meets all requirements for high-quality products. The optimum swelling time of Saint-Mary-thistle and oat grits and cellulose in the composition of pectin-zosterynum is within the range of 30 ….. 40 min. For pumpkin grits and cellulose in the composition of pectin-zosterynum the time is 30 ….. 40 min. For oat, water content in grits and cellulose is the same. Holy thistle cellulose tends to bind moisture better than grits, and pumpkin does better than grits. References 1. Сирохман І.В. Товарознавство харчових продуктів функціонального призначення: навч. пос.[для студ. вищ. навч. закл.] / І.В. Сирохман, В.М.Завгородня. –К.:Центр учбової літератури, 2009. – 544с. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 2. Functional Food & Drink [електр. ресурс] (http:// subscriptions/magazines/functionaldrinks) 3. Simpson Craig, Abrahams Darren, Steptoe & Johnson LLP (Brussels) Functional drinks: anuncertainfuture//LifeSciences, 2005.-#6.-P.47-51. [електр. ресурс] ( 4. Manthey F. A., Lee R. E., Hall C. A., Processing and cooking effects on lipid content and stability of alpha-linolenic acid in spaghetti containing ground flaxs // J.agr. FoodChem. – 2002. –Vol.50, N.6. – P. 1668-1671. 5. Mazza G., Oomah B. Flaxseed, dietary fiber and cyanogens// Flaxseed in Human Nutrition. – Champaign, Il:AOS Prees,1995. -№1. – P.263. 6. Bhatty R. Laboratory and pilot plan sex traction and purification of β-glucans from oat grains// J. Cereal Chem.-1995. - №22. – P.163-170. 7. 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Современные представления о роли питания и генетических факторов в развитии метаболического синдрома/ А.В. Юдочкин, Шарафетдинов Х.Х., Плотникова О.А., Стародубова А.В.// Вопросы питания. – Том 80, 2011.- №3.- С.18-24. J21310-093 UDC 004.451.55 Filippov V.N. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR DETERMINATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITIES FOR COMPANIES REFINERY AND PETROCHEMICAL COMPLEX BASHKORTOSTAN Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Kosmonavtov 1, 450062 Provides information on the technical state enterprises refinery and petrochemical complex in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Notes the influence of enterprises on the environment. The authors have developed electronic information databases, allowing to analyze the effectiveness of environmental monitoring, creating conditions for the development, supply and implementation of local treatment and disposal of wastewater at refineries and petrochemical industry of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Keywords: information technology, electronic databases, environment, oil refining, petrochemicals. The development of the fuel and energy complex, large-scale production of energy, alas, have a negative impact on the environment. This fact is obvious. So you have to look for acceptable compromises between the development of the energy complex and the ability to preserve the quality of the environment. The Republic of Bashkortostan is certainly one of the most industrialized regions of the Russian Federation. The concentration of industrial production in the URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Republic of Bashkortostan is much higher than the all-Russian figures, especially in the placement of oil refining, chemical and petrochemical industries. In cities such as Ufa, Blagoveshchensk, Salavat, Sterlitamak concentrated chemical, petrochemical and refining industries. Technological equipment of Russian factories enables today to get from one ton of oil to average about 16% of retail gasoline (for comparison, in the U.S. the figure is 43% and in the EU - 23%). On average, the Ufa refinery from one tonne of oil produce more than 25% of gasoline and stably hold the second place in Russia for its production. The share of high-octane gasoline is 84.2% [1,2]. To ensure the effectiveness of the analysis of environmental monitoring at refineries and petrochemical Bashkortostan author developed an electronic information database that allows you to trace the development of the technological chain of selected enterprises - research objects [3]. For a visual representation of the database used by the interrelated Web-pages, which are used to create hypertext markup language HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). The structure of the database [4] can be described in four basic steps: - step 1. Home Page database. Opened by running the Index.htm. The page contains the names of companies refining and petrochemical complex in Bashkiria, registered in the database; - step 2. The opening pages of information about a particular company. Produced by clicking the mouse on the selected company. In the window that displays the name of the company, the image of the company, below is a brief description, and finally the left side makes it possible to obtain information on years of development; - step 3. View information by year. Produced by clicking the mouse on the selected year. The table includes the complete information on each specific hardware setup. In the event that detailed data are not available and can not be represented as a table, a window, designed in free style. In both cases, the work hypertext links through which you can view the map of the installation process; URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use - step 4. View information about the installation. Clicking on the hyperlink get detailed information about the installation (basic and technological scheme and a description of it). By the nature of the environmental hazards of oil refining and petrochemical enterprises belong to the first category, which ensures a high degree of contamination of water and air, and soil as a result of unsustainable production activities. Manufacturing activity is associated with recycling and disposal of waste at treatment plants. That, therefore, are an integral part of any petrochemical company. The need to protect water from pollution originated in Bashkiria immediately after the commissioning of the first refinery - Ishimbai and Ufa. In the factories were built sewage treatment plants, but they were far from perfect. The XXI century was a milestone in scientific and technological activities of mankind and as a result the century, who put a lot of questions on environmental safety. Further development of the analysis of the effectiveness of environmental activities at refineries and petrochemical republic was associated with the development of two electronic databases: - database of research carried out and search operations aimed at the development and implementation of systems (methods) of water protection purposes at refineries and petrochemical Bashkiria [5]; - database of water conservation measures implemented complexes destination for refineries and petrochemical plants in Bashkortostan [6]. Integrated use of the developed electronic information databases enables the analysis of the effectiveness of environmental monitoring, creating conditions for the development of corrective action, as well as the development, supply and implementation of local treatment and disposal of wastewater at refineries and petrochemical industry of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The developed electronic information database [7] have been implemented and successfully used in scientific research and analytical departments of a number of enterprises of Bashkortostan. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use References: 1. OAO ANK «Bashneft'» //VESTI, informacionnyi byulleten', 2011.1(62).- S. 12-13. [in Russian]. 2. Soshnikova O. Bol'shaya himiya //Zhurnal «Biznes», 2011.- 5 (128). S.23-26. [in Russian]. 3. Filippov V.N. Formirovanie i razvitie predpriyatii neftepererabatyvayu- shego, himicheskogo i neftehimicheskogo kompleksa Bashkortostana /V.N. Filippov, R.N. Hlestkin //Bash. him. zh. 2008. T. 15. - №4. - S. 75-84. [in Russian]. 4. A.s. 2007620180 RF ob oficial'noi registracii bazy dannyh. Formirovanie tehnologicheskih processov predpriyatii neftepererabatyvayushego i neftehimicheskogo kompleksa Bashkortostana /V.N. Filippov, R.N. Hlestkin: zayavl. 22.03.2007; opubl. 11.05.2007, Byul. 3(60).- S. 353. [in Russian]. 5. A.s. 2008620366 RF ob oficial'noi registracii bazy dannyh. Nauchno-issledovatel'skie i poiskovye raboty, napravlennye na razrabotku i vnedrenie kompleksov (metodov) vodoohrannogo naznacheniya na predpriyatiyah neftepererabotki i neftehimii Bashkirii /V.N. Filippov, R.N. Hlestkin: zayavl. 12.05.2008; opubl. 03.10.2008, Byul. 1(66).- S. 329. [in Russian]. 6. A.s. 2008620306 RF ob oficial'noi registracii bazy dannyh Vnedrenie kompleksov meropriyatii vodoohrannogo naznacheniya na predpriyatiyah neftepererabotki i neftehimii Bashkortostana /V.N. Filippov, R.N. Hlestkin: zayavl. 12.05.2008; opubl. 15.08.2008, Byul. 4(65).- S. 369. [in Russian]. 7. Filippov V.N. Obespechenie ekologicheskogo monitoringa predpriyatii neftepererabotki i neftehimii Respubliki Bashkortostan /V.N. Filippov, R.N. Hlestkin //Zashita okruzhayushei sredy v neftegazovom komplekse.- 2012.- №9.- S. 35-42. [in Russian]. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-094 UDK 658.012.23 Nazimko V.V. PLANNING A WATER-TREATMENT PLANT CONSTRUCTION IN UNCERTAIN ECONOMIC AND LEGISLATIVE ENVIRONMENT Donetsk National Technical University ABSTRACT Stochastic simulation has been used to investigate the schedule of a project for construction of water treatment plant in uncertain dynamic environment. Key words: project management schedule, stochastic simulation. INTRODUCTION East Ukraine experiences severe environmental problems because this region has traditionally developed heavy industries such as coal mining, metallurgy, production of chemicals, etc. In addition, there is a serious shortage of fresh water because dry climate. That is why sewage treatment is costly here. Some regions have to pay up to $1.00 per cubic meter of sewage disposal. Typical example is Krasnoarmeysky region in Donetsk coal basin area where agriculture and coal mining are two main industries that have been habitually developed in this place. CJSC Donetsksteel has a Pocrovsky coal company in central area of Donetsk coal basin (Fig.1). This company consists of a coal mine and a coal preparation plant (Fig.2) and produces 5-6 million tons of raw coal annually. The company is the main source of taxes income for Krasnoarmeysk town and employs several thousands people. Ash content in the raw coal varies from 32% to 40% and the coal preparation plant uses water cycle for separation rock from the coal. About 450-500 cubic meters of water is wasted every day with clean coal and rock and the same volume of fresh water should be added into the water cycle. From the other hand, local facilities produce 1000 cubic meters of sewage. The company have to pay for sewage disposal $0.90 per cubic meter. This sewage has been produced by toilets, café kitchen, shower and laundry module and some URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use technological services. The sewage is contaminated by faeces, food and coal fines, detergents and oil. It was decided to construct a water treatment plant to recycle sewage and to return this water into water cycle of coal preparation plant. Such a project can save $250,000 per year and improve environment. UKRAINE Donetsk ○ RUS Sea of Azov Black sea TUR Fig. 1. Geographic fragment Fig. 2. Pockrovska coal company Ukraine is a young independent country with unstable legislation and economic rules that aggravates business development. These factors cause some essential negative unpredictable situations subject to uncertainty. The state legislative system is now on a stage of evolution from command to market economy. Political opponents try to cut the legislation to their own current interests because URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use development of the system is going in an extremely competitive political tournament. Such political environment creates uncertainty for business and increases economic risk. Transit Ukrainian economy is now on stage of development and is very perceptible to world economic environment. A small fluctuation on world market may produce a great problem in local economy. This is another source of uncertainty for business. Mentioned above legislative and economic uncertainties could seriously impact a cost and terms of the water treatment plant project. Preliminary speculative assessments of experts have shown that the cost of the plant construction may deviate from 90% to 130% of primary cost whereas period of construction might increase by factor 2-3 and more. Therefore the period of the plant construction was the most critical parameter of the project because elapsing of duration of the plant construction may seriously reduce return of income from investment. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT PARAMETERS All project has been disintegrated into 19 stages. Duration of the stages has been assessed by 3-5 experts who had a good experience in coal industry. Three experienced operators of coal preparation plant and one environmentalist assessed technological stages of the project and two officers from Donetsksteel department that supervises agreements evaluated stages of agreements arrangement and soliciting. Those experts evaluated possible minimal, mode or most probable and maximum period of every stage. These three parameters have been used to construct distributions of all periods for sampling. Distribution laws were established on the basis of these three parameters and on opinions of the experts. As a result, several distribution laws have been chosen to describe uncertainty of the project stages. In the case, fixed periods and triangular distributions have been employed, whereas normal and arbitrary or user defined distributions are as well available. In fact, arbitrary distribution is universal and may mimic any real histogram. The arbitrary distribution were input through a set of bins (ten bins for instance). First version of the project graph architecture depicted in Fig. 3,a and characteristics of all stages are represented in Table 1. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Table 1. Description of a “Normal” schedule of the project Job Job name Job duration, days number min 1 Sewage volume mode max Distribution law 1 2 5 triangular 7 21 60 triangular 3 Sewage sampling and analysis 30 fixed 5 Technology selection 40 120 triangular 1 fixed estimation 2 Agreement 1 20 4 Analysis of results 6 Tender 30 60 120 triangular 7 Agreement 2 30 45 60 triangular the 60 120 210 triangular and 60 130 210 triangular 15 Modules delivery 20 45 60 triangular 16 Construction of pump 60 135 210 triangular 8 Agreement 3 60 120 400 triangular 9 Stage 3a 60 120 400 triangular 10 Stage 3b 60 120 350 triangular 11 Stage 3c 60 120 400 triangular 12 Stage 3d 60 120 400 triangular 50 70 120 triangular 60 80 150 triangular 13 Design of technology 14 Design construction of zero level works station and balancing reservoir 17 Construction of water-treatment plant 18 Putting the water URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use treatment process on stream and field adjustment 19 Plant approval 30 60 90 triangular Let characterize this version as a “normal” pattern. Critical point of the project are numbered in the squares and the project stages are indicated by arrows. The project starts from the stages 1 and 2 that run simultaneously. The jobs set up with sewage volume estimation and drawing up Agreement 1. This Agreement was arranged with a local native firm to conduct biochemical analysis of local sewage. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use 1 1 Fig. 3. “Normal” (a) and “Emergency” (b) patterns of the project h URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Sewage volume estimation may finish in the shortest possible time, namely one day because this work planed to be done independently. Closing date of this job has been evaluated as 5 days and most probable period was 2 days (see Table 1). According the experts’ opinions, optimistic, most probable and pessimistic terms of Agreement 1were 7, 21 and 60 days correspondingly. Period of sewage sampling and analysis should be fixed at 30 days according a standard. Such a term provides reliable and representative results of the sampling. There are a lot of possible options to recover the water from the sewage. In addition Pockrovska coal company had no previous experience of practical implementation of water treatment plant construction. That is why closing date for this stage of the project has been estimated as 120 days. Duration of the tender has been evaluated according own experience and recommendations of tender committee. Agreement 2 has been concluded with a mediator who had a license to conduct relevant job in Ukraine, namely design, construction and tuning of the technology. Actual design has been developed by a foreign firm on the basis of agreement between this firm and the mediator. Having local political and legislative situation, jobs from 8 to 11 are mandatory, they can not be deviated and were expected as the most critical stages of the project. Agreement 3 has been concluded with Coal Invest Expertise that must assess cost of the Agreement 2 and pass the Agreement to State Administration on Labor Safety (Stage 3a), State Department of Sanitary and Epidemic Service (Stage 3b), and Ecology Department (Stage 3c). All these stages are not accomplished automatically but demand supervising of the principal customer, namely Pockrovska coal company. In addition, we anticipated that another bureaucratic obstacle may arise during the project implementation due to unstable legislation. Probability of such unpleasant stage has been estimated as 0.8. This anticipated stage of the project depicted in Fig. 3 by intermitted arrow. In fact, State Bureau of Technogenic Safety has been founded half a year after start of the project. According the rules, any project that may impact ecology must pass the Bureau examination (Stage 3d). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Actually, Coal Invest Expertise is to assess costs of financial deals for state enterprises only. Pockrovska is completely private company, however several laws are not properly deliberated up to now that provides versatile opportunities for bureaucrats to stress the business. This factor creates serious uncertainty concerning period of the stages that are responsible for agreement soliciting. An agreement does not go through a board automatically but demands constant supervising of business representatives. Actually any agreement should be “pushed” through a board. Duration of the period of a bureaucratic stage depends on many factors that are hard to predict. That is why pessimistic estimations for closing dates of stages from 8 to 12 were so high. As an example, we will shortly describe typical process of the project examination in Sanitary department (SD). First, the project is submitted to Coal Invest Expertise (CIE) and CIE passes it to SD. Standard term of a project examination should be 10-14 days. When this term expired, the project plus notes and recommendations should be returned to CIE. CIE sends these notes to the customer, namely to Pockrovska coal company. The customer should send this notes to local (Donetsk) sanitary service (LSS). LSS designer calls (unofficially) to actual designer (in the case it resides in Russia) and asks them to consult him. For example LSS designer discovered that there are insufficient number of trees around of designed water treatment plant. The customer corrects the design independently or asks to do this job actual designer and sends corrections to CIE and another cycle of examination iterates. It was a real case when LSS designer asked to do analysis of hard sediments after treatment waste water by the plant that has not naturally been constructed yet. Next time the LSS designer did not believe that recycled water was actual result of plant operation because this water was “unrealistically” clean. PROCEDURE OF STOCHASTIC SIMULATION We have chosen philosophy that has been exploited in @RISK package [1,2] because planning a water-treatment plant construction in uncertain economic and legislative environment is impacted by risk. Table 2 contains input data that used for stochastic simulation. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Table 2. Description of input data Numb er Vector From To Duratio Distr of probabili vector n, days ty Min Max, To what Correlatio ibuti , correlat n on day e coefficient days index s 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 5 0 0 2 1 1 2 21 3 7 60 0 0 3 1 2 3 30 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 2 4 40 3 20 120 0 0 4 1 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 4 5 60 3 30 120 0 0 7 1 5 6 45 3 30 60 0 0 13 1 6 9 120 3 60 210 18 0.7 14 1 6 9 130 3 60 210 0 0 15 1 9 10 45 3 20 60 0 0 16 1 6 10 135 3 60 210 0 0 8 1 5 7 120 3 60 400 0 0 9 1 7 10 120 3 60 400 0 0 10 1 7 10 120 3 60 350 0 0 11 1 7 10 120 3 60 400 0 0 12 0.8 7 10 120 3 60 400 0 0 17 1 10 11 70 3 50 120 0 0 18 1 11 12 80 3 60 150 0 0 19 1 12 13 60 3 30 90 0 0 A stage of the project is represented as a vector that directed from node I to node J. Column “Duration” contains a fixed duration of a stage, a mode of duration for triangular distribution or an average value of duration for normal distribution for a stage that characterizes a job that is impacted by uncertainty. Index 0 indicates fixed URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use stage of a project, indexes 1,2 and 3 correspond to normal, arbitrary and triangular distribution of a stage duration respectively. Minimum and maximum values of duration are input in column “Min” and “Max” correspondingly for triangular distribution. Standard deviation of duration is input in column “Min” for the normal distribution. Column “To what correlate” contains number N of the vector which correlates with a current vector M input line. If the next line contains reverse correlation, i.e. vector M correlates with vector N, then the vectors N and M correlates or are reciprocally dependent. If the next line does not contains reverse correlation, the vector N is dependent on vector M. Correlation or regression coefficient is input in the last column. In the case, we input dependence of the stage 18 on the stage 13. The idea behind this dependence means that the more complex project, the longer design period and more time is needed to put the water treatment process on stream and field adjustment. Critical path of the project has been calculated by algorithm, published in [3]. Computer program has been developed in PASCAL or DELPHI envelope. Examples from [4,5] were used for verification of the code. Vector (stage) 12 switched on with a probability 0.8. The program implemented fixed durations for vectors 3 and 4 and stochastic values of durations for the other vectors as the results of sampling from triangular distributions. Sampling of 18th vector depended on sampling of 13d vector. A several hundred cycles have been used to simulate the project in stochastic environment. We controlled the stop of the simulation with χ2-test of output distributions using 90% confidence interval. The program outputs next information for every vector (stage): earliest and closing dates of the start, of the finish, total and free time reserves. This resulting data can be used for further analysis, for instance to create histograms, to conduct sensitivity analysis, etc. In the case of the treatment for water plant project development, assessment of the earliest and closing dates of construction is the most important practical interest. It has been found that “Normal” pattern of the project architecture has no free reserve of time. Hence the earliest and closing dates of the project finish are the same. Histogram of these dates depicted in Fig.4. This histogram fits normal distribution URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use according Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Chi-Square tests. Furthermore, any other histograms for the earliest and closing dates of stages 9, 10, 11 and 12 match normal distribution. Variable: 19v1, Distribution: Normal Kolmogorov-Smirnov d = 0,04616, Chi-Square test = 1,88510, df = 2 (adjusted) , p = 0,38963 30 No. of observations 25 20 15 10 5 0 267 333 400 467 533 600 667 733 800 867 933 1000 1067 1133 Category (upper limits) Fig. 4. Histogram of the earliest and closing dates for“Normal” patterns of the project graph Parameters of these distributions are collected in the Table 3. The earliest date of the project finish for the “Normal” pattern (Fig. 3,a). is 500 days. The average duration and closing date of the project are 731 and 967 days respectively. It does actually mean that the project may last for more than two years. Such a term is undesirable because it does not comply with economic goal of the project. There are three possible scenarios of “Normal” option of the project (Table 4). The most probable critical path of the project is 1-2-2-4-4-5-5-7-7-10-10-11-11-12-12-13 that demonstrated by the chain of the nodes. There are may be two other scenarios, namely 1-2-2-3-3-4-4-5-5-7-7-10-10-11-11-12-12-13 and 1-2-2-4-4-5-5-7-7-10-7-1010-11-11-12-12-13 but their probability does not exceeds 7%. In the last scenario, URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use critical path bifurcates on the link 7-10 because two vectors (stages 9 and 12) have the same duration. Analysis of the critical paths clearly demonstrates that main cause of the project delay is the stages of the Agreement 3 because any critical paths goes through the chain 7-10 or stages 9-12. Table 3. Parameters of the earliest (E) and closing (C) dates for some critical vectors (stages), days Number of Min Average Max vector Normal pattern of the project 19C, 19E 500 731 967 9E 200 512 850 9C 290 584 900 10E 200 486 900 10C 300 584 900 11E 200 520 900 11C 200 583 900 12E 200 520 850 12C 290 584 870 Emergency pattern of the project 19E 275 447 650 19C 325 525 950 9E 200 504 950 9C 375 585 950 This research has been accomplished by January 2008 when the project had just started. However there were some natural optimism at the start of the project and nobody have not seriously accepted results of this research. Nevertheless as the project has been progressing, the results attracted more and more attention. Critical reexamination the project has been made at the point (node) 10 when the stage 12 URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use became reality. This event forced the managers to change architecture of the project to that depicted in Fig.3,b as “Emergency” pattern. This change does actually mean that bureaucrat’s activity and real life should not to intersect but it was better to run them as parallel processes. Table 4. Probable critical paths of the “Normal” project Critical path Path probability 1-2-2-4-4-5-5-7-7-10-10-11-11-12-12-13 91.0% 1-2-2-3-3-4-4-5-5-7-7-10-10-11-11-12-12-13 7.0% 1-2-2-4-4-5-5-7-7-10-7-10-10-11-11-12-12-13 2.0% Table 3 demonstrates that this decision was positive because the earliest average date of the project finish reduced down to 447days or by 39% and closing date diminished down to 525day or by 15%. Actually the project total period became even shorter because the parallelism. The plant started to operate in August 2009. This looks as a trick but actually it works as may be seen in Fig. 5. Water treatment plant successfully operates, saves the money for Pockrovska coal company, the cat Boris enjoys warm atmosphere inside the plant and officers of Ecology Department continue to examine design of the pant that has already been constructed. Analysis has demonstrated that most probable critical path has changed in “Emergency” project because the critical chain 7-10 had been eliminated (Table 5). Main critical path is 1-2-2-4-4-5-5-7-7-13 now. Actual date of the project start is 17 December 2007. The plant started to operate after 618 days and actual closing of the project happened 923 days after the project start. Assessment of the average period of the project finishing is 525 days that is even less that actual date of the plant start. This discrepancy may be explained some optimism of the experts during evaluation input data. Another reason of the mismatching is that the expert gave assessments of input data in 2007 and did not know about the world crisis. Anyway predicted URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use diapason of the plant start and closing date of the project correspond to the fact (325<618 - 923<950). Fig. 5. Operating water treatment plant Table 5. Probable critical paths of the “Emergency” project Critical path Path probability 1-2-2-4-4-5-5-7-7-13 84.0% 1-2-2-4-4-5-5-6-6-10-10-11-11-12-12-13 3.0% 1-2-2-4-4-5-5-6-6-9-9-10-10-11-11-12-12-13 5.0% 1-2-2-3-3-4-4-5-5-6-6-9-9-10-10-11-11-12-12-13 1.0% 1-2-2-3-3-4-4-5-5-7-7-13 7.0% CONCLUSION Philosophy that has been used in @RISK package has proved to be effective and available to provide reliable results for the case of water treatment plant project development in uncertain economic and legislative environment. Economic decision to process sewage independently and return clean water to local circulation in coal prep plant turned to be successful and actual period of the project development is in URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use the range that has been evaluated by stochastic simulation. This simulation helped to modify the project architecture during its development that reduced closing date by 15-39%. Acknowledgements: Author appreciates senior operator of the plant Struchkova T.A. for assistance during preparation of initial data for simulation. REFERENCES 1. Clemen, Robert T. and Reilly, Terrence, 2000. Making Hard Decisions with Decisions Tools: Duxbury Thomson Learning. 2. Guide to Using @RISK. Risk Analysis and Simulation Add-In for Microsoft Exel. Version 5.5, May 2009. 3. Kelly J.E., Walker Morgan R., 1959. Critical Path Planning and Scheduling, Proc. of the Eastern Joint Computer Conference. 4. Communications of the ACM, 1960-1971. 5. Petrova L.G., 1969. Introduction to network planning. Novosibirsk State University, (In Russian). J21310-095 UDC 004.2 Chugunov M.V., Osyka V.V., Makhrov G.A. STRENGTH AND STIFFNESS ANALYSIS FOR MECHANICAL TRANSMISSIONS IN SOLIDWORKS BASED ON API Ogarev Mordovia State University, 68 Bolshevistskaya Str., Saransk 430005, Russia In this paper the problem of the analysis of strength and stiffness of mechanical transmissions elements, based on the finite elements methods (FEM) is considered. The beam/frame model is used. The program module is an AddIn-application for URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use SolidWorks, expanding and supplementing basic functionality regarding the solution of a considered problem. Keywords: mechanical transmissions, FEM, beam/frame model, CAD/CAE SolidWorks, API, AddIn-application. SolidWorks - CAD/CAM/CAE-system computer aided design, the engineering analysis and computer aided manufacture. In particular, specialized module SolidWorks Simulation allows to carry out the analysis of strength, stiffness, stability, the frequency analysis and a lot of other procedures for the products of mechanical engineering. More often this module is applied at the closing stages of designing as CAE-system which on the basis of use corresponding FEM (Finite Elements Method) models gives the solution of high accuracy. Besides SolidWorks includes many libraries of the standard elements, named as ToolBox, used in assembly context. For example, the library of designing of mechanical transmissions GearTeq/GearTrax is intended for computer construction of the gears. ToolBox libraries alongside with an opportunity of construction of parametrical 3D solid models, as a rule, possess the additional functionality inherent in CAEsystems, i.e. at the initial stages of designing allow to carry out the analysis of a condition and behavior of the element, based, for example, on applied mechanics methods and other simplified engineering techniques. The reason for that is FEManalysis is computational expensive algorithm. The problem of development and perfection of libraries Toolbox is actual problem as the majority of libraries existing at present such do not possess sufficient functionality. Tool of the decision of this problem is the interface of applied programming API (Application Programming Interface), delivered in structure of base configuration SolidWorks. API contains hundreds functions which can be called from programs of the user and allows to develop applications for SolidWorks, using it as platform, possessing rather wide functionality [1]. In the given work the following problem is considered: to develop the program module "Strength", integrated into structure of the parametrical library for URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use mechanical transmissions elements design with ShaftWorks for SolidWorks and providing the analysis of strength and stiffness of structures for the given type. The program has friendly user interface, which completely has been built into SolidWorks windows (fig. 1). The basic buttons, operating process for modeling and for the analysis, placed on Task Pane SolidWorks window, and initial data for computing are placed on the dialogue panels of the window Property Manager Page. The initial 3D solid model can be generated in detailed representation, as shown in figure 1, or in the simplified representation then gears are represented in the form of disks. Results are represented as three-dimensional sketches: as Bezier-curves for the deformed axis (fig.2) and as the diagrams for the internal force factors in traditional for applied mechanical form: torsion moment (fig.3); bending moment on the one of the coordinate plane, for example (fig.4), the factor of fatigue strength is determined also. As the method for solving is FEM used with beam finite element type [2]. Such variant FEM does not differ high requirements to computing resources, but thus relieves of all cares, connected with static indefinability of the considered structure and with features of imposing of the boundary conditions. Program module "Strength" is realized as the dynamic DLL-library created in MS Visual Studio C ++ environment. The project, which structure it is presented on fig. 5, includes the set of the interconnected classes constructed by a hierarchical principle. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 1. SolidWorks and ShaftWorks widows Fig. 2. Deformed axis for shaft URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Fig. 3. Torsion moment Fig. 4. Bending moment URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Functions of basic class FEM CFEMAnalysis realize: structure discretization and mesh generating, ensambling, algebra linear equations system solving, matrix operations. Classes CSubstructure and CElement are intended for formation of the stiffness matrixes for finite elements and substructures [2], and class CLoadPage provides formation of dialogue panels for initial data input. Data exchange with library ShaftWorks is carried out through specially created structures DataSolve. Fig. 5. Project structure References: 1. Avedyan A.B., Vikentiev E.E. SolidWorks API – universal template for integration of business applications. SAPR i Grafika, № 6. 2006. P.32-40. (in Russian). 2. Maksimovsky D.E., Chugunov M.V. Programming FEM for beam/frame structures, based on object-oriented approach. Microsoft technology in theory and practice of programming. Conference Proceeding/ Edited by prof. R.G.Strongin. – N.Novgorod: NNStU. 2008. P. 409-410. (in Russian). URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use J21310-096 UDC 658.512.011.56 Shkurina G.L., Kandirin Y.V. AUTOMATION OF MULTICRITERIA TRUNCATION OF THE SET OF TECHNICAL OBJECTS National research university "MEI" Volgograd state technical university In work approach to automation of stage-by-stage truncation of alternatives to rational options, according requirements of the specification of design of technical objects is considered. For truncation quantity of analyzed objects at metalevel in the beginning heuristic conditions of an admissibility, and then quality indicators consistently are used. Keywords: problems of decision-making, choice of alternatives, consecutive truncation of options, criteria of a choice. In the course of design of technical systems not always it is required to find essentially new decisions at the level of inventions, it is enough to find of more rational. Automation of these processes is still actual [1,2]. Techniques of estimation and truncation of objects at the solution of problems of formation of shapes of difficult technical systems, give the chance to receive during design activity not casual successful results, and with guarantee the best or the worst, in the accepted sense options. Design actions are presented as hierarchy of steps at which each level the choice is carried out. Levels have the known set of decisions and own rule of a choice. The automated systems of a choice allow to pick up the suitable decision on the set parameters from some number of available alternatives. Creation of system of the automated choice sets as the purpose to provide directly the designer or a package of applied programs in SAPR with information on existence in a database of option demanded on the specification and to choose the best alternative object according to the accepted principle of an optimality <With, W>. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Systems of the automated choice can be given to databases, and can independently be used in human-machine systems of design in the form of the intellectual directories, helping to make the decision on the basis of the criteria interface of a choice put in automated system [3]. Alternative options in a uniform set of W ={wi}, to i = {1,N} in databases are presented by the minimum final descriptions being a set of characteristics of P = by {pj}, j=1, J. The set of characteristics {pj} of technical objects of W ={wi}, depending on conditions of a specific design objective can consist of two nonoverlapping sets of parameters of technical object: subsets of parameters {Ya} and subset of indicators of quality {k l}. {p j} = {Ya} U {k j}; s=1,S; l= 1,M ; S+M=J Parameters {Ya} belong to characteristics to which values in the course of a choice quantitative restrictions of type are shown R: }. R= { To indicators of quality {k l} treat the characteristics which value for a choice of optimum decisions according to the specification needs to be minimized or maximized. {k l} min (max). Such division of characteristics is necessary, in order that in the course of the organization of procedures of a choice on a set of possible options W ={wi}, the general problem of truncation of a set to reduce to two metastages [4]: - at the first stage from a set of options W ={wi}, to allocate a set of admissible WД options which satisfies to all restrictions of an admissibility of decisions of R наimposed on the specification parameters: Y1, R1, Y1ТЗ { …………. Y S, RS, YSТЗ ; URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use - at the second stage to carry out the subsequent truncation of a set of admissible WД options according to the accepted criteria requirements of СК (it is possible with increase of force of statement) from an intefeysny set of system of the automated choice which is including π-, L-, πL- and d- of statement and also various scalar "parcels". Thus, traditional approach to the solution of tasks in systems of the automated choice assumes that objective of a choice everyone again is solved anew in the following sequence of truncation of a set of options W: W WД WО ; WО WД W The logic of a traditional way of a choice is explainable that labor input of the solution of a task of criteria statements is much higher than costs of a choice of the admissible options, to satisfying restrictions of СД. From here the conclusion follows: at a choice on < СК, W> it is better to solve more labor-consuming problem СК of repeated comparisons at the last stage – on a set of smaller power of WД. The final stage of procedures of the automated choice, comes to an end with result delivery for decision-making of the decision-maker who has to carry out a final choice (provided that in WО of optimum alternatives it will appear a little), having systemically or heuristically estimated a design situation. Metastages have internal steps of truncation and iteration from different levels. However, the difficult multi-stage procedures extending time of decisionmaking, are necessary as each following stage specifies the previous decision. The presented technique of consecutive multi-stage truncation of an initial set to rational options is invariant and therefore can be used in the educational purposes or experts by developers of equipment [5]. Approach is realized in the program complexes developed in MEI(TU) and VolgGTU and introduced in higher education institutions. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use References: 1. Shkurina G. L. Procedures use of a choice for creation of turns of repair of the equipment. Nauchno-tehnicheskij vestnik informacionnyh tehnologij, mehaniki i optiki. 2011, No. 3 (73). Pp 74-78. 2. Kandyrin Yu.V., Sazonova L.T., Shkurina G.L.. Structuring options in the tasks of multi-criteria choice. Trudy Kongressa po intellektual'nym sistemam i informacionnym tehnologijam "IS&IT`11". V 4 t. T. 1 : dokl. sekcij mezhdunar. nauch.-tehn. konferencij "AIS`11" i "CAD-2011" / FGOU VPO "Juzhnyj federal'nyj un-t" [i dr.]. - M., 2011. Pp 92-97. 3. Shkurina G.L.. Automation of the comparative analysis and truncation of technical solutions (on the example of design of spinnirs). Dissertacija na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata tehnicheskih nauk. Volgograd. P. 190 4. The formalized statement and methods of the solution of problems of a choice options /Shkurina g.L.; Volgograd.gos.tehn.un-t.- Volgograd, 1995g – 32c: il.Bibliogr.:17 nazv.- Rus. – Deponirovannaja rukopis' v VINITI. 5. Kandyrin Yu.V., Shkurina G.L.. Generation and choice procedures at design of technical objects. Uchebnoe posobie s grifom UMO vuzov po universitetskomu politehnicheskomu obrazovaniju. Volgograd: Izd-vo «Politehnik», VolgGTU,1999, 85s. J21310-097 UDC 663.421 Kretova J.I., Potoroko I.J. PERFECTION OF BIOTECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES OF PROCESSING OF AGRICULTURAL RAW MATERIAL « the Southern - Ural state university » (National research university), 454080 city of Chelyabinsk, Lenin 76 In the given work the technology of application of electrophysical methods of processing of the agricultural raw material used during reception of malt is URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use submitted. It is proved, that application of electrophysical influence allows to receive non-polluting production due to effective disinfecting a grain of barley, and also simultaneously to lower power inputs and материалоемкость at improvement of quality of an end-product - beer. Key words: electrophysical methods of influence, safety, biotechnological processes, food raw material. In the given work the nonconventional method of processing of agricultural raw material which is directed on perfection of biotechnological processes and reception of a high quality end-product - beer is considered (examined). One of the major problems(tasks) facing to the food-processing industry for today, improvement of quality of made production is. Importance of a problem of quality of production is predetermined not only conditions of market economy, but also the social importance, and it, first of all, satisfaction of the population by safe and qualitative food stuffs [1]. The new technologies introduced in production of the food-processing industry, allow to solve the given problem(task). The big interest is represented with nonconventional methods of processing of raw material which are focused on optimization of biochemical, chemical and physical and chemical processes and are directed on improvement of quality. For today development of brewing branch is constrained with the underdeveloped raw-material base. The "narrowest" place of this branch is maintenance of branch with high-quality raw material. As raw material for preparation of beer barley malt which receive from brewing grades of barley serves. Grain crops including barley, are amazed with microorganisms even during maturing. At the initial stages of development the grain of barley is amazed with " field mushrooms », bacterial microflora and in insignificant quantity(amount) yeast. On a grain it is possible to find out and актиномицеты. At storage of barley there is a redistribution of structure of microflora, обсеменяющей a grain, gradually representatives of " field mushrooms » supersede « a mould of storage ». « The URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use mould of storage », present on a grain, negatively influence his(its) quality. For this reason the party(set) of barley can become unsuitable for manufacture of malt. As the quantity(amount) of parties(sets) of a grain of the barley infected with an infection acting on breweries, increases, therefore there is actual a problem(task) of his(its) disinfecting before barley will act(arrive) for the further processing or storage. For disinfecting a grain with the purpose of his(its) decrease(reduction) обсемененности microorganisms, activation of growth at солодоращении, decrease(reductions) in losses of valuable substances, improvements of quality apply traditional methods: disinfection at a stage мойки grains; storage of grain weight in the cooled condition; repeated clearing, a peeling, grinding; drying; chemical conservation; ИК-radiation; application γ beams, ultrasound, электронно-ionic technologies. However any of the listed above ways does not provide full disinfecting from viruses and mushrooms. The new way of manufacture of malt offered(suggested) by us eliminates this lack, allows to receive non-polluting production due to effective disinfecting a grain of barley, and also simultaneously to lower power inputs and материалоемкость at improvement of quality of an end-product - beer. Novelty of the given way of manufacture of malt is confirmed with the patent of the Russian Federation [2]. The given problem(task) is solved that in a way of manufacture of malt from brewing grades of the barley, including washing of barley by water before soaking, definition of humidity of barley, his(its) processing in a field of ultrahigh frequencies (MICROWAVE), according to our invention, brewing barley humidity of 15,5-17,5 % process in the MICROWAVE - FIELD with frequency of 2450 MHz with in the speed of heating of a grain 0,4-0,8 ºС/с during 60-90 with up to final temperature of a product 58-60 ºС. Under these conditions are observed an effective mode of disinfecting of barley from mushrooms of sort Penicillium, Fusarium, Alternaria, Mucor, and also bacteria and other sporous activators and the greatest intensity of germination. The data of experimental researches submitted in table 1, confirm the given fact. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Table 1 Data of research of microwave energy for infection and biotechnological extract content, % р. Fusarium starch content, % , °С/с р.Penicillium protein content, % t ,с р.Alternaria Speed infection, % р. Aspergillus Proces- Contamination a mushroom Energy of germination, % Modes of processing Temperature of heating, °С processes 90 0,8 78 0 0 0 0 0 7,15 38,8 74,0 30 0,8 35 0 14 7 3 88 8,15 44,8 73,9 90 0,4 52 0 19 10 2 71 7,65 42,4 73,0 30 0,4 30 93 37 8 5 89 7,8 52,0 72,3 90 0,6 63 0 2 0 0 13 7,4 35,2 75,8 30 0,6 33 13 41 10 1 86 7,8 45,4 72,6 60 0,8 62 0 0 0 0 38 7,15 25,6 73,8 60 0,4 48 37 44 8 3 72 8,4 49,6 72,6 60 0,6 55 0 14 5 1 67 7,4 44,8 75,8 23 100 31 21 6 80 8,4 52,0 72,4 sing time of heating The control Using a combination of various parameters of electrophysical influence (an exposition of processing and speed of heating) it is possible to achieve both decrease(reductions) обсемененности some barley microorganisms, and activation of growth of a grain of barley at солодоращении. All this in a complex reduces losses of valuable substances, promotes reception of a non-polluting grain of barley and improves quality of an end-product - beer. Thus, the new way of processing of a grain of barley offered(suggested) by us brewing, directed on perfection of biotechnological processes of processing, allows to URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use receive non-polluting production due to effective disinfecting a grain by energy of the MICROWAVE - FIELD, and also simultaneous decrease(reduction) in power inputs and материалоемкости at improvement of quality of an end-product - beer. The literature: 1. Strategy of development food and a process industry of Russia for the period till 2020 / the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation from April, 17, 2012 N 559-Ó. 2. A way of manufacture of malt from brewing grades of barley. A stalemate. 2283861, опуб. 20.09.2006, БИ 26/ Kretova J.I., (Zdanovich J.I.), Tsuglenok G.I., Tsuglenok N.V., etc. J21310-098 UDC 004.5 Filippova A.G., Belozjerov E.S.,Filippov V.N. PROGRAM EVALUATION ERGONOMICS USER INTERFACE WEB-SITES Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Ufa, Kosmonavtov 1, 450062 Developed a method of designing a typed unified user interface, which includes: development of a technique of classification interfaces, development of criteria for usability interface, an assessment of factors that determine the performance and effectiveness of the software in its design, from which were formed the basic principles and algorithms of the program tester. A program-tester developed by students of the Web-user interfaces in preparation for the final qualifying works, which allows you to identify the key ergonomic characteristics: efficiency, reliability and performance. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Author's recommendations are given to improve the convenience of Web-based interface. Keywords: ergonomics, the user interface, information system, reliability, information modeling, Web-sites. The concept of quality of the SU set the international standard ISO DIS 9241-11 - the so-called usability - usability interface, which includes information performance, efficiency and reliability of the interface as well as user satisfaction with the work performed [1]. Effective user interface design - is a dialogue between developers and users. It is based on a clear understanding of what the other side of the user interface are real people and that the correct design involves intensive communication with them. Unfortunately, software developers and users are not in the same room, and often speak different languages. The only instrument of communication for them is the user interface itself [2]. Interface (joint, the interface device) provides human interaction with the technical device at the reception and evaluation of information, information preparation and decision-making, executive actions and communications [3]. Technology of the UI and the funds instrumental that are used to implement it, form a coherent whole. The next step in the development of any of these components gives rise to the further development of other [4]. There are many recommendations for ergonomics at each stage of software development. However, due to the tight schedule of graduate design does not have time for an ergonomic study. In this regard, need to simplify unified method of creating software with ergonomic software. In developing own methods of classification interfaces need to pay attention to the communication aspect of information exchange. An analysis of 300 subjects of diploma papers issued by the department for 10 years, engineers and bachelors showed that a large proportion (83%) is the software traditional document-type. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use At the stage of technical design than the structural, functional, information and logic are selected or calculated SEI. Stage design engineering - build and compile the project finishes testing and measurement of achieved values of SEI. Naturally, this three-stage design in the educational process is compressed to 3 - 4 months and actually being in the same stage together. To test the efficiency of program complex was taken functioning online store - Internet shop of souvenirs. It is an online store with a medium-scale production of about 5,000 titles. The program combines the tester: - a single algorithm of actions the user in the framework of the above-mentioned software environment consists of a set of actions. - each action is recorded tester program and writes the statistics file. - on the basis of analysis and comparison of fixed actions for each test the following information: 1) Productivity; 2) Efficiency; 3) Reliability. Evaluation Performance (productivity) is often performed in the terminology model GOMS, or to the laws of Hick's and Fitt’s for each function or sub-task of UI. In general, the Performance assesses how quickly the user reaches the target. If the interface is bad, then the user is studying it for a long time before you commit another act tends to his goal. Therefore, according to how much time the user spent on the goal, can judge the performance of the interface. Effectiveness evaluation should take into account the degree of influence of the interface on the completeness and accuracy of the achieve user targeted results. The accuracy and efficiency of the goal can be understood as the number of transactions of a type for which the user reaches the target. If one interface allows you to achieve the goal of 3 clicks and the other for 5, the first interface is more effective. Although in terms of performance, you can quickly make 5 clicks than 3. But that is another option. Evaluation of reliability must take into account the random nature of user activity, the possibility (probability) of logical fallacies and violations of the right sequence and timing of user actions in relation to the characteristics of the interface URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use elements - its layout, brightness, contrast, coding principles, alphabet, font settings, and the like. Program Description usability tester. The program is designed for usability tester interface internet resource assessment, whether an online store, or another site [5, 6]. The basic principle of the tester is as follows: 1) An expert on the program server records the standard of the site; 2) The clients connect to the server and get the job; 3) Clients perform the task; 4) The client sends the server the job; 5) The server compares the results with reference customers and makes the assessment in terms of performance, efficiency, reliability; 6) Under construction site on the final assessment of this test. The tester is arranged so that multiple sites can be created. Each site can have multiple tests. Each test can have a lot of standards, but the active benchmark for this test can be only one. When writing a reference expert set the initial coordinate of the cursor to the same browser scrolls up and left. So, for all customers will be set for the same initial conditions. In addition to the initial conditions were the same required to monitors the same screen resolution (because the interface site to different resolutions will be differently displayed, will have different distances of move the mouse to the components, etc.) and installed on computers testers Microsoft Framework 4.0.3019 [7]. Findings Developed a method of designing a typed unified user interface, which includes: development of a technique of classification interfaces, development of criteria for usability interface, an assessment of factors that determine the performance and effectiveness of the software in its design, from which were formed the basic principles and algorithms of the program tester. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Algorithm is developed and written, the program tester UI websites enables you to test all kinds of information resources on the Internet that can be presented as a web page. Investigations UI Web sites, as with the original interface, and with the changes. The interface was evaluated by indicators such as productivity, efficiency, and reliability. A feature of this software is that here the author tried to move away from the most subjective evaluation of the interface from the user, reducing the interface to the evaluation of mathematical calculation of the many indicators that characterized the actions of a real user, who worked with the system. An assessment of the usability of UI and copyrights developed recommendations to improve the convenience of a web-interface applications that have affected the characteristics such as: functional completeness, stylistic flexibility; optional flexibility, sound, aesthetics, the focus of attention. The developed methodology and software can be used in the field of outsourcing companies to test the real usability of websites. The software can also be used in schools to verify that the sites developed by students as part of the course and diploma projects (works). References: 1. ISO DIS 9241-11. Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs). Part 11. P. 7-10. 2. Robert Sheyfler. X Window System: Core and extension protocols: X version 11, releases 6 and 6.1. Digital Press, 1996. P. 7. 3. Konstantain L., Lokvud L. Razrabotka programmnogo obespecheniya. ? Piter, 2004. S. 492-535. [in Russian]. 4. Gul'tyava A.K., Mashina V.A. Proektirovanie i dizain pol'zovatel'skogo interfeisa: Uchebnoe posobie. Samara, 2004. S. 180-221. [in Russian]. 5. A.s. 2013616681 RF o gosudarstvennoi registracii programmy dlya EVM. Server ocenki ergonomicheskih pokazatelei Web-interfeisov /A.G. Filippova, E.S. URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use Belozerov, A.E. Belozerov, V.N. Filippov; Zayavl. 2013.06.03.0; Opubl. 2013.07.16.0. [in Russian]. 6. A.s. 2013616902 RF o gosudarstvennoi registracii programmy dlya EVM. Testirovanie ergonomicheskih pokazatelei Web-interfeisov /A.G. Filippova, E.S. Belozerov, A.E. Belozerov, V.N. Filippov; Zayavl. 2013.06.04.0; Opubl. 2013.07.25.0. [in Russian]. 7. Filippova A.G., Belozerov E.S., Filippov V.N. Podhod k razrabotke metodiki ergonomicheskogo soprovozhdeniya vypusknyh kvalifikacionnyh rabot programmistov //Neftegazovoe delo. 2012. Tom 10. S. 125-129. [in Russian]. J21310-099 UDC 004.318 Burdaev V.P. MODELS OF KNOWLEDGE BASES The Kharkov national economic university In the given work on an example of medical knowledge bases some models of their construction are considered. The basic attention is given model of the knowledge base based on hierarchical functional system which consists of hierarchy of classes of data domain, communications between them (conclusion rules). The problem of a filtration of the knowledge base from positions of adaptation of its rules to dynamic data domain is considered. The mechanism of interpretation of model of hierarchical functional system in the conditions of dynamic change of its parametres (a base class, communications between classes and interactions of objects of classes) is offered, realised and is investigated. Keywords: the knowledge base filtration, open system, hierarchical functional system, ontology. Modern means the Internet impose certain conditions on architecture and application of expert systems (ES) − the computer programs, making decisions at level of experts. Many components ES such as the knowledge base (KB), the URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use conclusion car, an explanation subsystem, under influence the Internet change the properties and functions. The increasing role now plays not static knowledge, and dynamic, not superficial knowledge, and deep. The explanation subsystem is supplied, the methods based on the argument, received results with attraction redundancy information. The conclusion car is based on the principles based on reasonings on association and analogy more and more. And such systems should work in a real time mode. Modern information data domains possess dynamic structure, as for example, networks the Internet, a prediction emergency and the emergency situations, the distributed training etc. Their features is: presence of huge number independent сущностей with concret subgoal. To essence are subject to influences of environment (openness), co-operate among themselves (distribution). Knowledge bases entity are unique (locality) and form hierarchical coalitions (hierarchy of levels entities). For construction of models of knowledge bases of such data domains use, for example, self-organising opened multi-agent systems [1]. Therefore as model dynamic data domain it is understood functional system which is characterised by some status at present time and some law which describes change a status eventually. Namely the status of functional system is described by the data domain facts, and state transition is described by decision-making rules. One of approaches of construction of the dynamic intellectual systems based on rules, is considered to work in [2]. In work [3] the mathematical model of dynamic data domain in the form of hierarchical functional system (FS) in which the knowledge base associates with a chain of stratifications of knowledge bases is constructed, i.e. represents section of a chain of stratifications of knowledge bases. FS it is characterised by following properties: connectivity - a chain of stratifications of the knowledge base; complexity - hierarchy of levels of local knowledge bases; stability (dynamic system behaviour) - the structure of section of a chain of stratifications does not change at indignations of local knowledge bases. In other URL: Downloaded from SWorld. Terms of Use words, change heuristics local knowledge bases of a chain of stratifications is carried out only, and the base of stratification which is interpreted as environment, remains not change. Connectivity FS is expressed in a knowledge base filtration. Let Bi is a local knowledge base, that is contains rules продукций for definition subgoal Gi which is on i - that level in hierarchy FS. The knowledge base filtration is a final system of local knowledge bases Bi B0 <= B1 <= … <= Bk, partially-uporjadochnyh (<=) as follows: consequens each rule from Bi contains in antecedent rules from Bj. To construct a filtration of the knowledge base it is enough to specify a chain of rules FS for main objective achievement. Then by means of recursive algorithm is under construction, other rules for local