09 Annual Town Report
09 Annual Town Report
Town of Hermon POB 6300 333 Billings Road Hermon, ME 04401 (207) 848-1010 (voice) (207) 848-3316 (fax) www.hermon.net 2008-2009 Table of Contents Dedication Page Town Officials State Legislatures and U.S. Congress Report of the Town Manager and Town Council Report of the Assessor Report of the Code Enforcement Officer Report of the Community Policing Program Report of the Economic Development Consultant Report of the Ecotat Garden and Arboretum Report of the Finance Director Report of the Hermon Fire Department Report of the General Assistance Administrator Report of the Hermon Historical Society Report of the Planning Board Report of the Recreation Director Report of the Superintendent of Schools Report of the Tax Collector Report of the Town Clerk Report of the Zoning Board of Appeals Annual Town Meeting Minutes ± June 2007 $XGLWRU¶V5HSRUW 79 1 2 6 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 26 28 46 51 52 58 ~ Dedication ~ For nearly 30 years Harold and Bea Mailman demonstrated a personal commitment to volunteerism and service of which the Town of Hermon was the beneficiary. With sincere gratitude for their outstanding VHUYLFHZHGHGLFDWHWKH¶± ¶7RZQ5HSRUW with fond memory to ~ Harold L. Mailman ~ 12/23/1926 to 02/14/2010 & ~ Beatrice Mailman ~ 10/15/1926 to 01/06/2008 1 78 Town Officials July 1, 2008 ± June 30, 2009 Town Manager, Treasurer, Tax Collector, Road Commissioner And General Assistance Administrator Clinton Deschene Town Clerk, Deputy General Assistance Director, Deputy Tax Collector, Deputy Treasurer and Registrar of Voters Carol A. Davis Assessor Elizabeth Bowdoin Code Enforcement Officer Annette Merrithew Local Plumbing Inspector C. Timothy Schoppe 77 2 Fire Chief EMD Larry Willis Constable Deputies Michael Burgess Larry Estes Joseph Hallett William Briggs Derek Hersey David Quinn Thomas Warner Jr. Ruth Doherty Peter Garland James E. Roy Noel Santiago Recreation Director Scott Perkins Cemetery Sexton Ken Hutchinson Health Officer 3 76 Shirley Frost Town Council Alden Brown Larry Davis Timothy McCluskey Sharon Nickerson Anthony Reynolds Robin Hall Jeanne Jacques 06/30/2009 06/30/2009 06/30/2010 06/30/2010 06/30/2010 06/30/2011 06/30/2011 Planning Board David Ramsay Scott Graham Jaylyn McCue Chris Reynolds Sherry Andrei (alt) Marcia Meyer (alt) 06/30/2011 06/30/2012 06/30/2014 06/30/2014 06/30/2010 06/30/2009 Zoning Board of Appeals Scott Perkins Theodore McLeod Jr. Florian Duguay Donna Pulver 06/30/2012 06/30/2010 06/30/2011 06/30/2011 Board of Assessment Review Mark Smist Dana Jewell Donna Pulver 75 06/30/2012 06/30/2010 06/30/2011 4 Superintendent of Schools Patricia Duran Principals Hermon Elementary School Barbara Libby Hermon Middle School James Russell Hermon High School Brian Walsh School Committee 06/30/2009 06/30/2009 06/30/2010 06/30/2010 06/30/2011 Shelley Snow Donna Pulver John Snyer Gail Tudor Ralph Carr 5 74 STATE LEGISLATURE AND U.S. CONGRESS As of June 30, 2008 SENATOR JOSEPH C. PERRY ± DISTRICT #32 STATE ADDRESS: 3 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0003 HOME ADDRESS: 237 Grove Street Bangor, ME 04401 Phone Numbers: (207) 287-1515 ± voice (207) 287-1585 ± fax (207) 287-1583 ± tty 1-800-423-6900 ± Toll Free ± Sessions Only Email: [email protected] Home Phone: (207) 942-5585 ******************************************* REPRESENTATIVE DAVID E. RICHARDSON ± DISTRICT #23 HOME ADDRESS: 634 Hampden Road Carmel, ME 04419 STATE ADDRESS: House of Representatives 2 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0002 Phone Numbers: (207) 287-1400 ± voice (207) 287-4469 ± tty 1-800-423-2900 ± Toll Free ± Year Round Email: [email protected] Maine Legislative website: http://janus.state.me.us/legis Home Phone: (207) 848-3040 email: [email protected] ******************************************* U.S. SENATOR SUSAN COLLINS BANGOR STATE OFFICE: 202 Harlow Street/Room 204 Bangor, ME 04401 (207) 945-0417 ± voice WASHINGTON ADDRESS: 413 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510-1903 (202) 224-2523 ± voice 73 6 (202)224-1946 ± fax http://collins.senate.gov/ U.S. REPRESENTATIVE MICHAEL MICHAUD ± DISTRICT #2 BANGOR ADDRESS: 23 Water Street, Suite 205 Bangor, ME 04401 (207) 942-6935 ± voice (207) 942-5907 ± fax WASHINGTON ADDRESS: 1724 Longworth House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515-1902 (202) 225-6306 ± voice (202) 225-2943 ± fax http://michaud.house.gov/ ************************************************* GOVERNOR Governor John E. Baldacci 1 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0001 (207) 287-3531 ± voice (207) 287-6548 ± tty (207) 287-1034 ± fax website: http://www.maine.gov/governor/baldacci/index.shtml From this site you can submit an online form ± Share Your View 7 72 PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE Honorable Beth Edmonds The Maine Senate 3 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0003 (207) 287-1500 ± voice 800-423-6900 ± in-house toll free (207) 287-1583 ± tty Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.maine.gov/legis/senate ******************************************* SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE Honorable Glenn Cummings Speaker of the House 2 State House Station, Room 303 Augusta, ME 04333-0002 (207) 287-1300 ± voice (207) 287-4469 ± tty Email: [email protected] Website: http://speaker.maine.gov ******************************************* CLERK OF THE HOUSE Honorable Millicent M. MacFarland Clerk of the House Room 300, State House 2 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0002 (207) 287-1400 ± voice Email: [email protected] 71 8 9 70 REPORT OF TOWN MANAGER AND TOWN COUNCIL July 1, 2008- June 30, 2009 As Hermon grows so does the level of reporting. The annual Town Report provides great detail for the community. The greatest aspect of the Annual Report is the convenience; so much information is summarized in one document. I urge readers to use the Annual Report as a base. Once read spend some time at our website, www.hermon.net and learn in even greater detail the activities of your Community. Also, the end of the 2009 fiscal year marked the beginning of Council meetings being broadcast on Time Warner Channel 5. In the years to come we hope that streaming video online or an archive of Council meetings will be online. First, best wishes are sent to Alden Brown and Larry Davis who both left the Town Council in June of 2009. Also we want to thank Donna Pulver for her time on the School Committee, but also welcome her to the Town Council for July 1, 2009. After the June election Don Shepley declined his seat and Jeanne Jacques also had to step down, therefore as of July 1, 2009 the Council had 2 vacancies that are to be filled in November. The School Committee welcomes Ruth A. Nickerson as a new member and Shelley Snow was elected to a second term. The Town Council also created a plaque that resides in the new meeting room at the Public Safety Building that commemorates every Council since Hermon adopted a council form of government in 1974. The Goals for the 2009 calendar year are: 1. Lower Taxes: The current economic conditions have led the Council to pursue an even more aggressive approach to taxes. Recognizing that there is almost no discretionary spending in the municipal budget, the Town Council has a goal of reviewing all departments for potential one year reductions to reduce financial pressure on residents. 2. Rescue Services: Resolve the manner in which the Town delivers rescue services. After years of review and discussions the Council needs to make a decision based upon the information that will set a definite direction. 3. Assistant Fire Chief Position: Consider hiring an Assistant Fire Chief to ensure continuity when transitioning to a new Fire Chief in the next couple of years. Further consider the potential benefits of new duties the Asst. Chief could oversee while in the transition process. 4. Laptops for Council: Review the costs and options for purchasing laptops for all Councilors, which should improve communication and reduce paper. 5. Annual Audit: Develop a better communication process between the Council, Staff, and Auditor to allow the Council to better monitor preparation and progress. 69 10 As of June 30, 2009 the Council had been able to maintain a flat mill rate satisfying the goal to lower taxes. Goals 2 & ZHUHGHOD\HGDQGZLOOPRVWOLNHO\OHDGWRIXWXUHJRDOVWREHWWHUSODQIRURXUFRPPXQLW\¶VIXWXUH The purchase of laptops was felt to be poor timing; however, accommodations in the new building have been made to allow the use of laptops owned by individual councilors. And the financial procedures including the audit are undergoing significant changes. Accomplishments in 2008-09 were great, but none bigger than the completion of the Public Safety Building. The building was occupied in January 2009 and all ground work was completed by June 2009, right on schedule. As this ended, renovations to the Town Office began and a budget is in place to see all renovations completed by the fall of 2009. Road Projects with the State continue tREH+HUPRQ¶VKLJKHst priority. Billings Road was approved by Hermon voters to be a town project with minimal, if any, State funds. The Council still hopes to receive some funding, or possibly a project at the intersection of Billings Road and Route 2 to create a better intersection design. Overall, the Council and I are very pleased with the stable tax rate. Many thanks must also go to the School Committee and staff for the third consecutive year with no increase to funding from property taxes to schools. The economy and financial plights rumored at the State level leave pause with the Town and School. If large losses in State funding are passed down to the local level it will be difficult to maintain flat taxes without significant cuts. But for now, OHW¶V enjoy the current tax rate and hope for the best in 2010. If you have questions or comments about any Town business please feel free to come to a Council meeting or stop into the Town Office. Yours truly, Clinton Deschene Town Manager Please note: Due to staffing and department changes there is no report from the Department of Public Works in this edition of the Town of Hermon Annual Report. 11 68 REPORT OF THE ASSESSOR July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2009 Well another year is in the record books. The 2008-2009 tax year was a very busy one for all of us in the Municipal Office. In addition to at least 4 new business properties, the Town also saw 32 new houses completed between April 1, 2007 and April 1, 2008 plus 1 multi family unit and 3 mobile homes. The Town¶s value increased from just over $401,364,000 to $418,860,300. I know I preach the same sermon every year but I need to stress to you the importance of keeping the assessments equitable. This requires me to make periodical inspections of your homes. If you have not had an inspection or you have made changes to your property I really should update the records. Allowing me to make these inspections is important to you as well as to me. After I have completed the inspection, if you feel the value is incorrect, I am certainly willing to discuss it with you. If I call you to make an appointment and you do not allow me to inspect your buildings then you would not have standing to question any value. This letter also serves to notify all reVLGHQWVDQGEXVLQHVVHVWKDWHYHU\RQHLVUHTXLUHGWRILOHD³/LVWRI 7KHLU(VWDWHV´SHU7LWOH6HFWLRQDVRI$SULOst of each year. This list is to include any changes you make to your real estate (i.e. remodeling, removing a building or portion of a building or to report any additions to the property). We have forms here if you wish to have one to file. Otherwise you can simply send a note listing any changes to your property. If you are commercial in any way, it is necessary for you to report any personal property used for a business. The good news for businesses is that most new equipment purchased after April 1, 1995 can be eligible of a 100% refund of any taxes paid. The Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement (BETR Program) creates a win/win situation because the Town gets their revenue and the businesses get reimbursed. Equipment new after April 1st 2007 will now be classified under a new law called the Business Equipment Tax Exemption program (BETE). For both of these programs you need to remember that the Reimbursement is a two (or more) step process. First, you must file with the assessor (this is more mandatory under BETE because without a true report you will be billed) and after the taxes are paid under BETR you must file with the State, between August 1st and December 31st. In other words, to get reimbursed for the taxes paid in 2008 you must have applied before December 31st, 2009. When equipment new after April 1st 2007 is reported, with a few exceptions, you will not be taxed but the Town will report to and receive a payment directly from the State. As usual, I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the several types of exemptions that are available to help lower your valuation (and taxes). First, the Maine Resident Property Tax Program is now in effect. This program is for all Maine Residents who have owned their residential property for more than one year. Each home owner is eligible for an exemption amount of $13,000, shown as a reduction of value on their tax bills. The two (2) qualifiers for this program are that you must have owned and lived in a home in Maine for one (1) year as of April 1st and you cannot be receiving an exemption in any other Town or State. Residency also requires that you pay your excise and State Income Tax if required in Town/Maine. If you have not signed up for this program and believe you are eligible, please stop by the Town Office to pick up an application. Applications are to be filed as of April 1st of the year for which you are applying. 67 12 Second, is the 9HWHUDQ¶V([HPSWLRQ Veterans over the age of 62 or totally disabled and receiving a pension from the VA may be eligible. Widows or minor children of the eligible veteran may also be qualified. In order to be eligible, the veteran must meet both of the following requirements: 1. He/she must have served in the service during a recognized period, 2. He/she must own a home in and claim residency in Hermon. The qualifying periods are: World War II, between December 7, 1941 to December 31, 1946 The Korean Campaign, between June 27, 1950 to January 31, 1955 The Vietnam War between February 27, 1961 to May 8, 1975 The Persian Gulf War for the periods from August 24, 1982 to July 31, 1984 and December 20, 1989 to January 31, 1990, or who were awarded the Armed Forces Expeditionary Metal. Also the Persian Gulf War, beginning August 2, 1990 and before, or on the date that the United States Government recognizes as the end of that war period. The amount of the exemption is $6,000 (starting in 2008). There is also a special exemption for specially adapted housing units of veterans who served in the armed forces of the U.S. and who receive a grant from the U.S. for the specially adapted housing. This exemption is for $50,000 of just value. Eligibility for this exemption is not dependant on age but on receiving the grant from the government. Residency is determined by where you license your car, where you pay income WD[DQGZKHUH\RXYRWH$OORIWKHVHPXVWEHLQ+HUPRQ$OVRDYHWHUDQ¶VH[HPSWLRQPD\RQO\ be claimed in one Town (State<RXPXVWDSSO\IRUWKHYHWHUDQ¶VH[HPSWLRQEHIRUH$SULOst and either be disabled or have turned 62 as of April 1st of the year you wish (or are eligible) to begin receiving this benefit. Third, there is an exemption for the Blind. In order to qualify for this $4,000 exemption in valuation, RQHPXVWKDYHDGRFWRU¶VFHUWLILFDWHWKDWWKH\DUHOHJDOO\EOLQG Fourth, the ³0DLQH5HVLGHQWV3URSHUW\7D[3URJUDP´is again being offered by the State. This program has specific guidelines depending on whether it is for elderly or other Maine residents. The application must be filed with the State between August 1st 2008 and June 2, 2009. If you have not received a copy and feel you want to apply, stop by the Town Office to pick up a copy. If you are physically unable to come in, please call and I will either drop a copy off to you or send one in the mail. To find out more about that program you can call 626-8475. I enjoy meeting and talking with each of you during my visits and look forward to meeting and getting to know more of you. If you ever have any questions or concerns about your valuation, please give me a call at the Town Office during normal business hours at 848-1044. Elizabeth Bowdoin, CMA Assessor 13 66 REPORT OF THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICE July 1, 2008 ± June 30, 2009 7KH&RGH(QIRUFHPHQW2IILFHU¶VSULPDU\PLVVLRQLVWRSURYLGHWKHSXEOLFZLWKWKHEHVWFXVWRPHUVHUYLFH by continually striving to be more effective and efficient. While continuing the mission to ensure compliance with the Hermon Land Use Ordinance and adopted codes, it is important that the public is informed of how the Code Enforcement procedures relate to everyday life in regards to safety. Please keep in mind when undertaking a project to inquire about property setbacks and required permitting. If the property permitting and setbacks are not met the outcome could cost a lot more than a phone call. You may direct your questions and comments to the office through the internet, by mail, by phone, or by visiting the office. Direct line to the Code Office: 207-848-1042 E-mail: [email protected] Office hours are 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday. Note: if these hours are not convenient please call to set up an appointment. Permits Issued from 07/01/08- 06/30/09 Plumbing Permits Building permits Single family Additions Mobile Homes/DW Garage/decks/porches \storage Pools Commercial Demolition Signs Home Occupations Total 23 13 2 66 2 5 4 6 6 Internal External 52 43 127 ANNETTE M. MERRITHEW, CEO TIM SCHOPPE, PLUMBING INSPECTOR For Thought-"Oftentimes the solution to a problem requires a new perspective." 65 14 REPORT OF THE COMMUNITY POLICING PROGRAM July 1, 2008 ± June 30, 2009 To the Citizens of the Town of Hermon, It has been my pleasure to have served the Town of Hermon for the past four years and I am looking forward to many more years. We continue to grow as a department as we look for new equipment and training opportunities. At the present time we have three full time deputies and seven reserve deputies serving in Hermon. In 2009 we included a new camera system in one of our patrol vehicles. We also obtained four laptop computers, through a grant, that have been installed in our patrol cruisers. These computers have been used in helping deputies identify violators they come across in their day to day duties. Deputies have attended various and diverse training classes that included detection of drugged driving, interview techniques, field training officer, and crisis intervention. One deputy has completed training as an instructor in women's self defense and we are in the process of developing a self defense class for Hermon residents. Hermon deputies have been busy in the past year answering 3215 calls of service in 2009. In comparison three near by towns with full time police departments close to the size of Hermon answered the following number of calls: Veazie 2494, Holden 2529, and Newport 2046. Also in comparison, Hermon deputies found 72 traffic offenses, which included operating under the influence and 27 drug calls in 2009. This is in comparison to 2005 when deputies had 52 traffic offenses and only 2 drug calls. This is not because there are more of these offenses now, but is due to the proactive policing style that we have adopted and the training deputies have received to investigate these offenses. Also in comparison in 2005 there were a total of 29 burglaries and burglaries to motor vehicles reported in Hermon. In 2009 this was reduced to 18. This is in part due to Hermon having police coverage into the early morning hours, being more proactive in checking area businesses, and checking on suspicious vehicles and persons in these areas. The basis for community policing is that both law enforcement and the citizens take a stake in what happens in the community. Although not all of the deputies live in Hermon, we all feel that we are a part of this community. We continue to take a stake in what happens here by continuing our training, utilizing the tools that we have, and to proactively police our community. No police department can totally eliminate crime in their communities, but with the citizens help we can reduce it, apprehend those who wish to commit those crimes, and strive to make Hermon a safe environment to live. On behalf of the Hermon community policing program I want to thank all of the citizens of Hermon for their continuing support and help. I look forward to serving the Town of Hermon for many more years to come. Respectfully submitted, Sgt. Michael Burgess Supervisor, Hermon Community Policing Program 15 64 REPORT OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT July 1, 2008 ± June 30, 2009 I am pleased to report that economic development activity in Hermon has remained steady in this difficult economy. During this past year there has been new construction in our business parks and we have welcomed several new businesses. This includes a new 16,800 square foot facility in the Pinewood Business Park with three businesses and over 20 jobs. A major expansion is underway for Snowman Printing. This project will be assisted by a Community Development grant application. We prepared an application for $200,000 that will be used to construct an addition and will create up to 10 new jobs. I also provide assistance to qualify new and existing businesses for Pine Tree Zone benefits and tax incentives when applicable. We have initiated a Tax Increment Financing program that provides assistance to qualifying businesses and has also saved the Town a very significant amount of money annually. This past year saw increased interest and growth along Route 2. This village area now provides many of the services residents have wanted, including full-service grocery, medical services, credit union, event center, food, beverage, ice cream and tanning establishments. A master plan for the village was completed this year to address concerns for pedestrian safety, building standards and other concerns needed to guide future development, insure safety, and to preserve the rural character of Hermon. There were several public meetings to insure this plan accurately reflects the concerns and goals of residents. The top priority of this plan was construction of a sidewalk to connect the high school and middle school. The entire plan can be viewed on the 7RZQ¶VZHEVLWH 7KHVHSURMHFWVDQGWKH7RZQ¶VVXFFHVVZLWKEXVLQHVVDWWUDFWLRQZRXOGQRWEHSRVVLEOHZLWKRXWWKHVtrong support of residents and Town officials. I look forward to working with the community as we continue our work to make Hermon the premier business location and one of the most desirable communities in which to live and work. Respectfully Submitted, Ron Harriman Economic Development Director 63 16 REPORT OF THE ECOTAT GARDENS AND ARBORETUM July 1, 2008 ± June 30, 2009 This year saw the creation of a Native Tree Trail made possible by a $4,000 grant from the Maine Forest 6HUYLFH¶V³3URMHFW&DQRS\´7KHWKUHH-quarter mile trail begins at the Annis Road parking lot where a large sign depicts the importance of trees economically and environmentally and displays a map of the trail. Identifying features are given, and visitors are invited to follow a series of white sign posts past each of the more than thirty native trees, the largest of each species included where possible. Viewers actually are encouraged to "see the forest for the trees." Another project was the completion of a professional survey of the Ecotat property and the execution of a boundary agreement signed by the trustees and the Byers family, abutting landowners. Acquired equipment facilitated garden enjoyment. A used golf cart has proven to be a work-pony in the gardens, doing much work without damaging the turf excessively. Additionally, less able visitors can now navigate and enjoy the gardens. An insect zapper was purchased and placed in the gardens and showed a positive effect, if only psychologically. Ecotat was the site of a wide variety of activities this year. Hosted were four musical concerts, a July wedding, the garden Tea Party, a walking tour of the Tree Trail, a guest speaker who presented on native Maine plants, and a hydrangea wreath workshop. A special treat for approximately 200 people was the steel drum concert presented in -XQHE\WKH+HUPRQ6FKRRO'HSDUWPHQW¶VDGXOWDQGVWXGHQWVWHHOGUXPEDQGVZKLFKZDV rousing and provided an opportunity for many first-time garden visitors. In May, Hermon fourth graders, teachers, parents, and other volunteers numbering around 80, celebrated Earth Day by collecting 300 cubic feet RIRUJDQLFGHEULVIURPJDUGHQEHGVDQGSDWKV7KDW¶VDORWRIYDOXDEOHFRPSRVW6HYHUDOYROXQWHHUVFRQWLQXHWR show at Wednesday evening work sessions and collectively do much to improve the gardens. With monies from their cookie sale profits, Girl Scout Troop #175 of Hermon purchased herbs, which they planted, and a sundial for the cathedral herb garden. Trustee meetings are held monthly and are open to the public. Ecotat trustees wish to express gratitude for monies allocated in the 2008-09 town budget which helped defray costs for such things as liability insurance, the property survey, compensation for a volunteer activity coordinator, and library painting and electrical work. We look forward with excitement to a new year bringing successful completion, as well as LQLWLDWLRQRISURMHFWVZKLFKZLOOVHUYHWRHQKDQFH+HUPRQ¶VMHZHO Ecotat Board of Trustees John Snyer, Chairperson (09) Curtis Kimball (13) Clint Deschene (13) Gaynor Reynolds (09) Ronald Hanson (11) Tim Schoppe (09) ____ __________Wendy Hurlburt (12) 17 62 REPORT OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR July 1, 2008 ± June 30, 2009 To The Citizens of Hermon: There have been many changes over the last year and a half here in the Finance Department. As stated in the SUHYLRXV\HDU¶VUHSRUWVWKH)LQDQFH'HSDUWPHQWZDVJHWWLQJEXVLHUDQGEXVLHUDVHDFK\HDU passed. As a result, Wendy Wiles-Scott, of Hermon, joined the Finance Department in July 2008 as the Finance Assistant. I, Rachel Grass, was hired on as interim Finance Director in April 2009 and then officially as Finance Director in July 2009. I had been working with the Town of Hermon since November 2008 to assist in finishing the 20072008 Audit. We also just completed the 2008-2009 Audit, a little later than we anticipated because of the delay of the 2007-2008 Audit. That being said, the 2008-2009 Audit went much smoother and we will have the final report prepared by February 15, 2010. With the new Town Office renovation behind us, the Finance Department now resides in the old Council Chamber. We have been working hard to keep costs down while working as efficiently and effectively as possible. We are here to answer any questions that you may have, so please give us a call or stop on in to see how much has changed in the Town Office. You can reach the finance office at 848-1043. Sincerely, Rachel Grass Finance Director 61 18 REPORT OF THE HERMON FIRE DEPARTMENT July 1, 2008 ± June 30, 2009 The new Public Safety building is the biggest news this year for Hermon Fire. We really appreciate the upgraded facility and the increased ability to do our jobs day to day. The fact that previous Councils and the WD[SD\HUV³EDQNHG´WKHIXQGVRYHUDSHULRGRI\HDUVKDVPDGHLWHYHQEHtter, because taxes did not go up at all to pay for this beautiful building. Thank you! We now have three bunk rooms for live-in students, greatly increasing the odds that we will have one or more trained firefighter here on any given night. Having returning students who have spent one whole school year with us measurably improves our emergency response. Hermon has a new fire engine. Near the end of the FY we loaded the equipment onto it, trained GULYHURSHUDWRUVDQGSUHSDUHGLWIRUD-XO\³LQVHUYLFH´Gate. In case you are not aware, 411 is completely paid IRUDVZDVWKHQHZ3XEOLF6DIHW\%XLOGLQJ:HDUHYHU\JUDWHIXOIRUHYHU\RQH¶VVXSSRUW ISO awarded Hermon an updated rating that saves most homeowners and businesses a measurable amount on insurance costs. Obtaining the ISO Rural Water Rating was a lot of work, especially for Captain Pelletier and Lieutenant Kelli Leighton, who did almost all of the paperwork. Our mutual aid fire departments were also very cooperative in this project. A single department cannot accomplish this alone. 7KH³:DOWHU0XQQ$ZDUG for support of the Hermon Fire Department" was awarded to Terri-Ann and Russell Patten. Patten Insurance employees spent considerable effort to provide rate information that helped Hermon plan for the possible effects of the Palesky bill, and for our ISO Rural Water project, and also frequently have donated hay for the fire department to use for training burns. 2008 Annual awards presented at the Christmas party were: Member of the year: Ed Leonard (awarded 9/08 before he moved to Florida) Firefighter of the year: Jim Shutts Officer of the year: Cody Sullivan Secretary of the year: Vicki Gonyea Volunteer of the year: Bob DiBona (volunteering above and beyond paid time) Junior of the year: Morgan Gunnell Most Improved member: Corey Tibbetts 19 60 We were awarded another FEMA grant to help us deal with the upcoming changes in FCC regulations by the year 2013. Our FEMA Grant for $76,000 (including $3800 local share) allowed us to replace our base (in-station) radio, the mobile unit in each truck, and 15 portable radios. The engines also have headsets for the firefighters. We will be able to communicate with the newest radio equipment of our mutual aid partners for years to come. In summary, let me again say that the fire department is in excellent condition. Thank you for your continued support. Respectfully submitted, Larry Willis Fire Chief 59 20 REPORT OF THE GENERAL ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATOR JULY 1, 2008 TO JUNE 30, 2009 General Assistance applicants may call the Town office at any time to inquire about assistance. Proof of Household income and expenses is required to determine eligibility. The Town of Hermon has adopted the Maine Municipal Association General Assistance Ordinance. As part of the application and eligibility determination process, we attempt to refer applicants to other programs that may assist them in their time of need. All applicants are told of the 2-1-1 program which maintains a database, by region, of multiple agencies that provide various types of assistance. Individuals in need may dial 2-1-1 on the telephone and anonymously seek information for various types of assistance or they may access the same information on the website http://www.211maine.org. In the period being reported, the following General Assistance amounts were granted: FUEL FOOD/HOUSEHOLD & PERSONAL RENT ELECTRICITY MISC $2985.40 $1422.55 $10,673.00 $4249.33 $0.00 Total Expenses: «««««« $19,330.28 6WDWH5HLPEXUVHPHQWV««$9,665.14 Respectfully submitted, Carol A. Davis Deputy General Assistance Administrator 21 58 57 REPORT OF THE HERMON HISTORICAL SOCIETY July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 The Hermon Historical Society met six times in 2009. The meetings are held the fourth Thursday of April, May, June, September, October, and November. $WWKH$SULOPHHWLQJZKLFKZDVKHOGDW9LUJLQLD0XQQ¶VKRPHZHYRWHGWRSDLQWWKHLQVLGHRIWKHROG schoolhouse on the Billings Road. This was done in the summer by Harold Stewart and Mike Cole, as well as the cleaning of the floor by Rosanne and Kenneth Gray. As a result, the inside of the schoolhouse looks great. The May meeting, which was held at the schoolhouse, resulted in a vote to hold Open House during the alumni weekend of Hermon High School. The bus stopped there on the tour of Hermon and about 20-25 people visited the old schoolhouse. ,Q-XQHZHYRWHGWRKROGDERRNDQGIRRGVDOHDW+HUPRQ¶V6L]]OHU'D\$WDEOHZDVVHWXS in the Hermon Elementary School gym and many people contributed books and food for the table. The September meeting was also held at the schoolhouse and we admired the spruced up look with the new paint job and the freshly scrubbed floor. Ideas for creating new memberships were discussed. We held the October meeting at the meeting room of the new fire station. We also enjoyed a tour of the new facility which is indeed a great asset to the Town of Hermon. The November meeting was a dinner out at the new Anglers Restaurant in Hampden. There was a good turnout and fellowship was enjoyed by all. The Nominating Committee announced the new officers for the year 2010 and they are as follows: President ± Geoff Homan, Vice President ± Lynn Jonason, Secretary ± Virginia Munn, Treasurer ± Shirley Frost, Directors ± Rosanne Gray, Kenneth Gray, Durwood Hillman, Virginia Mattson, and Gerald Pickard. 57 22 56 REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 The Board consists of five regular members, and two alternate members. Regular members serve a 5 year term with alternates being appointed annually. The Board meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers. The Public is always encouraged to attend any of the meetings. Public participation is what helps to shape the community and its growth. This past year the Board reviewed two subdivision applications, commercial applications/site plan reviews, and shoreland zoning applications. The Board also wrote three amendments to the Land Use Ordinance which will be forwarded to the Council for Public Hearings. The Board will continue to look at issues such as maintain the rural atmosphere that exists in Hermon while trying to balance the continued growth of the community. Respectfully submitted, Scott Graham Chairman, Planning Board 23 56 55 REPORT OF THE RECREATION DIRECTOR July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 Hermon Recreation continues to provide the majority of major athletic, social, and interactive functions for the residents of Hermon. One of our primary functions is to provide our residents with a structured childcare SURJUDPIRUSDUHQWVZKRUHTXLUHDVVLVWDQFHHDUO\PRUQLQJVDIWHUQRRQVRUIRUERWK³EHIRUHDQGDIWHU´VFKRRO care. Our focus is to provide a safe, reliable and quality care situation so that our parents can enjoy peace of mind as they go about their daily routines. Hermon Recreation also offers a summer program that remains widely attended because of its mixture of structured learning opportunities, convenient location, and affordability. Parents and students enjoy the balance of sporting activities, swimming, educational offerings mixed with free play time, and rest periods each day for our average class of sixty to seventy students who range from Kindergarten to 5th grade. Our program remains the most flexible and affordable care situation in the region. In 2008-2009 we have seen support for our care programs continue largely due to the efforts of a dedicated and hard working staff. Our staff is trained in areas including: behavioral management techniques, safety and labor standards, and how to implement emergency action plans. They are CPR certified and trained in the use of AED devices which are maintained by our department for School, Town, and Recreational uses. Funds derived from the several different recreational programs have benefited our residents in many ways. We have completed groundwork projects for different areas of the school and community including: a baseball/softball dugout, field improvements and SRZHULQVWDOODWLRQWRWKHILHOGVDQGDUHDVRQRXU³EDFN´ILHOGV at the Recreational site. Safety issues are continuously addressed externally with our funds so that the school and recreational environment remains safe for everyone. The H[DPSOHVDERYHH[HPSOLI\WKH5HFUHDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQW¶VJRDOVZKLFKDUHGHULYHGIURPDQG identified in our mission statement: ³7RSURYLGHWKHUHVLGHQWVRI+HUPRQZLWKUHFUHDWLRQDORSSRUWXQLWLHVWKDWHQULFKWKHLUVRFLDOSK\VLFDODQd LQWHOOHFWXDOH[SHULHQFHZKLOHWKH\LQWHUDFWDVDFRQQHFWHGFRPPXQLW\+HUPRQ5HFUHDWLRQ¶VFRPELQHGJRDOV will be to provide gatherings which foster fitness and wellness in an atmosphere that is positive, safe, and accessible for all Hermon residents to HQMR\´ The regularly scheduled town events such as the Halloween Party, Holiday Tree Lighting, and Easter 3DUW\ZLOOFRQWLQXH7KLVSDVW\HDU¶VHYHQWVKDYHEHHQZLGHO\DWWHQGHGDQGZHOOVXSSRUWHGE\UHVLGHQWV community groups, interested parent volunteers and educators in our town. The ³)DWKHU-'DXJKWHU´Dance and WKH³6XPPHU6L]]OHU´Hvent will be scheduled and held during the upcoming year because of continued support in both the level of attendance and volunteerism. The Recreation department also participated in and helped to IDFLOLWDWHWKH³:UHDWK¶V$FURVV$PHULFD´HYHQWZKLFKmay visit Hermon annually in the future. With motivated volunteer support we can expect fun filled and meaningful activities along with new additions to some of our WRZQ¶VWUDGLtions. Organized youth sporting activities will remain a large focus of Hermon Recreation. Soccer for 20082009 had a record number of participants, as did Recreational Basketball. The numbers of participants represented a fourth straight year of growth for our department. Clinics for instruction, interested volunteers, and the popularity of sporting activities are increasing the program significantly. Both basketball and soccer 55 24 54 groups interacted and joined with Carmel/Levant to offer a Tri-Town league situation for game play. The combined effort to date has been a success. Hermon Youth Football for 3rd-6th JUDGHUVLQFOXGHV³rd-4th )ODJ)RRWEDOO´DQG³th-6th 7DFNOH´$QHZ tackle football program this year played games in Eastern Maine against other 5th-6th grade teams that included MDI, Hampden, and Dover Foxcroft. 7th and 8th Grade tackle football is now available to Carmel, Levant, and Hermon. There are over 100 families in Carmel, Levant, and Hermon now involved with a growing and active ³+HUPRQ)RRWEDOO´JURXS The Recreation Committee was authorized by the Hermon Town Council to present a plan for a ³5HFUHDWLRQDO&RPPXQLW\&HQWHU´,WSUHVHQWHGDFRPSOHWHGSODQLQ$XJXVWRIDQGWKH+HUPRQ5HFUHDWLRQ Community Center idea was placed on the November 4th ballot for residents to decide with Council approval for passage. The project was defeated by a margin of 1422-912. A completed project with a full set of working plans sits at the Town office for Hermon residents. The project would have offered a fully functional Senior &HQWHU³%HIRUHDQG$IWHU´SURJUDPFDUHDUHDODUJHVWLQGRRUHOHYDWHGWUDFNLQWKH6WDWHRI0DLQHIXOO\ functional exercise facility, two regulation size basketball court areas and the largest indoor artificial grass surface in Central Maine. Project costs to residents were suggested at between a 1.5 and 1.7 increase in the mill rate. The mill rate at the time of the vote was 11 mills. Please contact the Recreation Department with any questions you have at 848-4075, or through correspondence at the Hermon Town Office. Respectfully submitted, Scott Perkins Hermon Recreation Director 207.848.4075 (office) [email protected] 25 54 53 REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 The residents of Hermon are to be commended for their continued commitment to excellence in education and their support in striving to meet that standard. It is only through the support and dedication of the citizens that we are able to maintain educational programs and facilities that are second to none. Resident student enrollment decreased by 2.4% and subsequently our attending enrollment, which includes tuition students from other districts, decreased by 2.4% as well. Over the past year, a great deal of time and energy was focused on a state initiated school district reorganization effort. A Reorganization Planning Committee comprised of school board members, representatives of the Town Council, and several members of the community at large worked with colleagues from MSAD # 23 (Carmel and Levant) to devise a plan that would facilitate the merger of the two existing districts creating a new Regional School District or RSU. While property ownership and financial responsibility generated major conversations, a myriad of issues ranging from the general maintenance of schools and community use of facilities to contracts and curriculum had to be outlined in a plan submitted to the Maine Department of Education for approval before the citizens of each community voted as to whether or not they wished to implement the regionalization. The plan was soundly defeated in all three communities. It appeared that the citizens of Hermon and MSAD # 23 preferred to retain their independence as school districts. 7KHLVVXHGLGQRW³JRDZD\´DVWKHVWDWHLVFRQWLQXLQJWRORRNIRUHIILFLHQFLHV2XUWZRGLVWULFWVZLOOQRZORRN at the formation of yet another form of consolidating administrative services. A committee will examine the implications of forming an Alternate Organizational Structure or AOS which would still require the approval of the voters before any changes would be implemented. There are several bills before the legislature suggesting multiple changes to the law requiring regionalization. At Hermon Elementary School we received our final extension from the Reading First Program, and faculty continued to refine their practice related to literacy instruction. To support our core programming, we have developed an instructional library that has served as a model for a number of visiting schools from around the state. Our training with intervention in reading has prepared us well to develop strategies that also address the state's initiatives around RtI (Response to Intervention) in math and behavior. Though the grant program is ending, the changes implemented and the expertise of the faculty will continue to serve students well. In addition, HES has engaged in sharing several long-term goals with parents. The first was to improve student nutrition by encouraging healthy snacks at school. The second was to increase student well-being by increasing the opportunities for physical activity during each day. The third was to conserve the earth's resources by reducing our use of disposable containers, reusing scrap paper, and recycling catalogs. We have made great progress with parents' support. HES is constantly striving to maintain a safe, happy and healthy learning environment where the academic focus is evident and successful. We encourage everyone to visit our school website to find evidence of our learning. 53 26 Hermon Middle School had a successful academic year as measured by the Maine Education Assessments that are completed annually by students in grades 3 ± 8. Focusing on student achievement, we created a new position at the middle school this year to assist teachers in the implementation of strong literacy foundations for all students. A half time literacy coach spent the year working with students and teachers to expand upon the successful practices initiated at Hermon Elementary School through the Reading First grant. June 2009 brought the end of a long and much valued relationship with middle school teacher Kristen Nicola. Mrs. Nicola has been a well respected and popular teacher in our school system for more than twenty five years. We wish her well and look forward to her periodic return visits in the future. For the past two years Hermon High School faulty, staff, and administration have worked diligently at completing the necessary steps, as outlined by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) Commission on Public Secondary Schools, in regaUGVWRWKHVFKRRO¶VDFFUHGLWDWLRQ7KHVHVWHSVKDYHLQFOXGHG work in the following areas: Mission and Expectations for Student Learning, Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment of Student Learning, Leadership and Organization, School Resources for Learning, and Community Resources for Learning. The cumulative efforts of the school can be seen in the Hermon High School ReAccreditation Self-Study Report available on the high school website: www.hermonhs.org. The New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), through the Commission on Public Secondary Schools, provides accreditation services for more than 2000 public and private schools in the six state New England region. Emanating from high quality standards, NEASC accreditation uses self-reflection, peer review and best practices as integral components of its assessment process and monitors the follow-up endeavors leading to continuous school/program improvement. The Commission on Public Secondary Schools, at its fall (of 2009) meeting, reviewed the evaluation report from its spring 2009 visit to Hermon High School and voted to award the school continued accreditation in the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. The 2009 Hermon High School cheerleaders completed a rare clean sweep by winning all four of the 2008 - 2009 Class B championships. These included: the Penobscot Valley Conference Championship, the Big East Championship, the Eastern Maine Championship, and the Class B State Championship. The State title was the second in three years for the Hermon High School cheering squad! Respectfully submitted, Patricia A. Duran Superintendent of Schools 27 52 REPORT OF THE TAX COLLECTOR June 30, 2008 to July 1, 2009 REPORT OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 UNPAID REAL ESTATE TAXES AS OF 6-30-2009 (2008) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. The Board of Appeals held two hearings. One for a variance which was denied, and one for an Administrative Appeal, and the Board upheld the Code Enforcement Officers denial of a joint permit. Variances may be granted only for dimensional requirements, including but not limited to, lot width, structure height, lot coverage, DQGVHWEDFNV(DFKYDULDQFHUHTXHVWPXVWEHUHYLHZHGXQGHUWKH³XQGXH KDUGVKLS´FULWHULDVHWIRUWKE\/DQG8Ve Ordinance. The Board of Appeals is comprised of 5 regular members and 2 alternates; each regular member serves a 3 year term with the associates being appointed annually. The Board is structured to hear and decide appeals where it is alleged that an error in a decision or determination was made by, or failure to act by, the Code Enforcement Officer or Hermon Planning Board in the enforcement or administration of the Land Use Ordinance. 7KH%RDUG¶VJRDOLVWRRIIHUVRPHUHOLHIZKHQVSHFLILFDQGXQLTXH situations arise for Hermon residents. Respectfully submitted, Scott Perkins Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals 51 *Adam's Automotive LLC *Albert, Jason & Elizabeth Allen, Janet *Allen, Mark & Lynn *Andrews, John *Applebee Enterprises, Inc Applebee, Thomas & Sherry Bachelder, Margaret Bailly-Ford, Lita *Baird Properties, Inc *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC $3,383.60 $1,612.60 $539.00 $3,312.10 $2,798.40 $523.60 $689.70 $662.20 $470.80 $771.10 $115.50 $115.50 $115.50 $115.50 $115.50 $115.50 $115.50 $115.50 $121.00 $115.50 $117.70 $115.50 $115.50 $115.50 $115.50 $115.50 $115.50 $115.50 $115.50 $115.50 28 *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balarode LLC *Balsam Associates LLC *Bangor Auto & Truck Center Bangor Hermon Railyard, Inc Bangor Hermon Railyard, Inc Bell, Michael *Bickmore, Brian Bishop, James & Joy *Bogan, Michael & Corinne G. *Braisted, Debra L. Bresnahan, Lori J. *Brocato, James & Abby *Brown, Wesley & Brenda Bryant, Pamela *Buckingham, Don P. & Patricia *Bull, Alan & Phyllis *Burgess, Richard C. *Bushey, Sue *Byers, Mary *Byers, Richard & Grace Cameron, Mary Carle, Deborah *Central Maine Diesel Chase and Fletcher, Heirs of *Chase, Philip R. *Cote, Richard & John *Cray Jr., Basil & Lana *Cronk, Cheryl Ann & Michael Allen Cronk, Jeffrey *Cronk, Pauline Z. *Curtis, Courtney & Valerie Curtis, Michael L. & Kelly J. *Curtis, Warren L. *Cushing, James & Winnona *Cushman, Tracie A. Cusson, Donald G. & Debra J. *Cyr, Adam B. & Leeann Dahl, John A. & Judith R. *Davis Jr., Howard T. & Kyong Suk $115.50 $115.50 $115.50 $2,781.90 $67.10 $3,235.10 $1,419.00 $1,864.50 $1,354.10 $745.80 $909.70 $334.40 $299.20 $1,819.40 $2,187.90 $100.10 $814.00 $578.60 $1,496.00 $478.50 $738.10 $1,599.40 $3,190.00 $2,763.20 $4,940.10 $259.60 $1,199.00 $697.40 $1,505.90 $949.30 $2,051.50 $609.40 $812.90 $1,380.50 $1,478.40 $817.30 $1,711.60 $569.80 $2,514.60 $1,475.60 $1,191.30 29 ~ DEATHS ~ Anne Marguerite Bohm Allan Lemuel Bolster Harold Wayne Freeman Thelma F. Paquette Snow's Corner Cemetery Veteran Donald Ray Golding Gilman Henry Peavey Sr. Veteran Mary Magdelyn Byers Clarence Augustus Hamilton Snow's Corner Cemetery Veteran Edward Lyle Conant Mildred Teresa Harris Ralph Edwin Penney Allen Ansel Quimby Veteran Joyce B. Cotton Hazel Katherine Dinsmore Calvin Earl Hewes Greta Adeline Reynolds Veteran Snow's Corner Cemetery Wayne A. Kenney Bruce Wayne Smith Veteran Eileen M. Dunbar Bernard S. Maher, Jr. James Carl Snow Regina Colleen Eddy Kevin A. Mahon John Raymond Stevens Veteran Gail Lee Emerson Charlotte E. Parker David Joseph Willette James Roy Wood 50 ~ MARRIAGES ~ Dylan Alleyn Andrei & Jessica Marie Maquillan Nicholas Wellington Andrei & Sarah Elizabeth Stanton Jeffrey Elgin Beck & Chanpheay Marie Hamilton Eric Joseph Boucher & Chandra Mae Rogers Matthew David Brown & Stacey Lynn Brown John David Crowell & Emily Jean Spencer Travis Lee Dalessandro & Jennifer Lynn Eells Donald S. Decker & Ramona Ida McCue Ryan Matthew Garland & Andrea Amanda Cyr Jeremy Thomas Howard & Tiffany Ann Ellis Othniel Rhys Hyliger & Amanda Jean Costigan Rushmore Monty Kirk Judkins & Bambi Lee Miller Michael Robert Keim & Kristen Lara Bradbury David Allen Kluzak & Annette Alice Landry Robert G. LaFlamme & Kathleen Carter Jeremy LaPointe & Nicole Lazzaro Jonathan Bernard Nadeau & June Ann Chasse Dale Allen McGuire & Erika Michelle Boyer Dennis Melvin & Debora Lindsey Joseph Michael Payne & Tyra Lynn Woodard Derick Keith Pelletier & Ashley Lynn Deluck Virgil S. Pratt & Barbara A. Koster Gregory Alan Schaub & Danielle Marie McCafferty Joshua Nelson Shorey & Melissa Leigh Woodsome Heath Randall Simpson & Jessica Ann McDonough Leon Spaulding & Marlene Cohen Jason Ellery Tracy & Jamie Lynn Keirstead James Allan Violette & Leigh Alison Brunette Sean Michael Wasson & Dawn Marie Wasson Allison W. Wetmore & Tammy Marie Holmes Jamey Jay Whynott & Angel Marie Nadeau 49 Deane, Realty Trust Debraak, Jimmy & Rebecca Dentici, Francis M. *Dionne, Luc B. *Dorr, Alan & Overlock, P & Moyers, M *Dorr, Alan & Overlock, P & Moyers, M *Dorr, Alan & Overlock, P & Moyers, M *Dorr, Alan & Overlock, P & Moyers, M Doughty, Clifford *Dow, Donald & Carla *Downey, Katrina Drake, Ronald & Robin *Dunford, Robert Delano *Dunford, Robert Delano *Dunford, Robert Delano *Dunford, Robert Delano Dunifer, Albert *Duolos Group LLC *Duolos Group LLC *Duolos Group LLC *Duolos Group LLC *Duolos Group LLC *Duolos Group LLC *Duolos Group LLC *Duplisea, Wayne & Rita *Elmer III, Irvin & Peggy *Emerson, Emery & Viola *Emery, Ronald *Everett, Raena *F & S Realty Trust Farrar, Robert & Jeanette Farrar, Stuart & Jacqueline *Fish, Thomas *Foss, Robert *Franck, Justin *Frost, Sr., Philip & Donna *Gagnon, Thomas A. *Gallant, Mitchell Gardner, Bryden A. Gardner, Bryden A. *Golden, Kent & Karen $798.60 $746.90 $589.60 $3,427.60 $1,167.10 $343.20 $177.10 $375.10 $856.90 $1,502.60 $58.30 $585.20 $392.70 $336.60 $339.90 $338.80 $501.60 $4,276.80 $3,679.50 $3,653.10 $440.00 $1,068.10 $3,679.50 $4,125.00 $15.40 $1,009.80 $387.20 $1,024.10 $2,102.10 $779.90 $938.30 $885.50 $2,114.20 $411.40 $376.20 $1,933.80 $3,003.00 $2,197.80 $1,515.80 $529.10 $569.80 30 Grace, Ida E *Graves, Duane E. Greene, Randy Alan Greene, Randy Alan Guptill, William & Diane Harris, Diane T. *Hashey, Monique M. *Hashey, Monique M. *Hashey, Monique M. *Hashey, Phillip E. & Monique D. *Hashey, Phillip E. & Monique D. *Herbest, Bruce A. *Hermon Park, LLC *Hermon Park, LLC *Hermon Park, LLC Hewes, Amanda Anne Hewes, Dana M. Hewes, Dorothy Hewes, Dorothy & Donald *Higgins, Daniel & Vanessa *Higgins, Debra A. Higgins, Debra A. *Higgins, Ernest *Higgins, Ernest *Higgins, Ernest *Higgins, Ernest *Higgins, Ernest *Higgins, Ernest *Higgins, Ernest *Higgins, Ernest *Higgins, Ernest *Higgins, Ernest Hillview Properties, LLC *Holland, Douglas *Holloway, Carrie Homsted Realty Trust Howes, Roger & Sylvia *Hutchings, Kenneth Innis, Wayne Innis, Wayne *Joy Realty $290.40 $2,624.60 $144.10 $814.00 $1,459.70 $229.90 $1,158.30 $589.60 $787.60 $1,095.60 $2,066.90 $1,644.50 $105.60 $127.60 $2,599.30 $649.00 $1,335.40 $18.70 $464.20 $2,797.30 $1,357.40 $704.00 $245.30 $244.20 $249.70 $253.00 $235.40 $277.20 $239.80 $235.40 $250.80 $28.60 $3,964.40 $270.60 $1,772.10 $254.10 $595.10 $913.00 $22.00 $129.80 $341.00 31 VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS ~ Annalena Lynnette Lane Jordan Joseph LaPointe Claire Viola Larkin Annabelle Paula Lee Evelyn Elaine Leveille Angel Joyce MacArthur Lauren Kasey McCannell Hunter Francis McDonald Abigail Deanna McPherson Tucker Benjamin Mitchell Bradley Christopher Mitton Tanner Devlin Moore Maggie May Murphy Rylin Saige Murphy Ian David Nathan Cody Michael Keaka Oliveira Carter Louis Ouellette Destiny Marion Overlock Nathan Lawrence Philbrick Ethan Taylor Pyle Emiley Marie Rackliff Keira Jaslyn Rivera Emma Madison Treadwell Brycen Alan Watson Eryk Ruiz Woodley Dylan Matthew Yeo Kali Lynn Alexander Emma Aileen Allen Emerson Jane Allen Mekenzy Ann Astbury Rebecca Trishann Balmas Cheyanne Elizabeth Barylski William Anthony Beck Joseph Ryan Belanger Grace Ann Bonnevie Cole Jacob Booker Carter Anthony Bowen Avery Raene Bryant Rylee Dawn Constable Genesis Beatrice Davis Marcus Lyndon Davis Zacory-Nathaneil Dexter Day-Whitman Zachary James Estey Jacob Allen Fletcher Benjamin Scott Goodspeed Madden Parker Harnum Riley Douglas Hatch Shayla Ann Henderson Simeon David Howard Isaac James Hunter Peyton Savannah Jordan Steven David Lancaster 48 The following licenses were issued from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009: Supersport ± 2 Fishing ± 254 Hunting & Fishing Combo ± 188 Hunting ± 103 Archery/Fishing Combo ± 3 Archery ± 22 Crossbow ± 0 Junior Hunting ± 32 Muzzle loading ± 28 Migratory Waterfowl ±18 Pheasant ± 4 Spring Turkey ± 19 Bear Permit ± 6 Coyote Night Hunt ±8 Fall Turkey ± 4 1-3 Day Fishing ± 5 7 Day Fishing ± 0 15 Day Fishing ± 0 Non-Resident Fishing ± 6 Non-Resident Hunting - 1 Military Hunting & Fishing Combo ± 0 Military Dependent Hunting & Fishing Combo - 0 Extended Archery - 20 Apprentice Hunt ± 0 Apprentice Crossbow ± 0 Apprentice Archery ± 0 Apprentice Small Game ± 0 November Bear Hunt ± 0 Over 70 ±20 The following Dog Licenses were issued: 77 Male or Female 509 Neutered Males/Females In addition the Town issued the following licenses: 400 Boats $79¶V 367 Snowmobiles 47 Joy, Paula Dysart Keirstead, Dwight Knipping Jr., Richard W. & Marlene V. *Kwiatkowsky, Colt & Janice *LaGasse, Arthur Ray & Penny A. Laughlin, Amy Lawler, Laurie *Lawlis Trust, Joan W. *Leavitt, Dale & Sheila *LeBreton, Wayne *Lee, Richard & Joelle *Lindsey Jr., Charles & Elizabeth *Lynch III, Thomas & Cheryl *Lynch Realty Group *Lynch Realty Group *Lynco, Inc. *Mahan, Paul L. *McCall, William B. *McCready, Stephen D. McDonald, Eleanor *McDonald, Timothy & Darlene *McLaughlin, Timothy & Theresa M. *McLeod Inc, Ted *McLeod Inc, Ted *McPherson, Henry E. *McPherson, Henry E. *McTigue Farms Inc *McTigue Farms Inc *McTigue Farms Inc *McTigue Farms Inc *Meek, Daniel & Ellen *MEF Foundation LLC *MEF Foundation LLC *MEF Foundation LLC *MEF Foundation LLC *MEF Foundation LLC *MEF Foundation LLC *MEF Foundation LLC *MEF Foundation LLC *MEF Foundation LLC *MEF Foundation LLC $2,352.90 $445.50 $1,966.80 $443.30 $977.90 $261.80 $2,916.10 $5,463.70 $1,029.60 $3,394.60 $2,201.10 $37.40 $1,591.70 $3,586.00 $1,104.40 $14,809.30 $1,885.40 $376.20 $1,273.80 $895.40 $171.60 $804.10 $3,434.20 $2,884.20 $4,176.70 $1,576.30 $26.40 $1,199.00 $986.70 $278.30 $1,439.90 $1,367.30 $298.10 $297.00 $297.00 $297.00 $237.60 $238.70 $237.60 $237.60 $239.80 32 *MEF Foundation LLC *MEF Foundation LLC *MEF Foundation LLC *MEF Foundation LLC *MEF Foundation LLC *MEF Foundation LLC *MEF Foundation LLC *MEF Foundation LLC *MEF Foundation LLC *MEF Foundation LLC *MEF Foundation LLC Merry, Jeffrey & Debra Merry, Trustee Debra Meucci, William T. & Elizabeth Morsehead, Edmund J. & Suzanne Morin, David *Murphy Jr., Dennis & Lorelei *Murphy Living Trust, Dennis J & Eleanor M. *Nadolny, Henry Newcomb, Eric Nowell, Scott & Laura *Oliver, Craig *Oliver, Craig *Oliver, Craig *Oliver, Craig *Oliver, Craig *Oliver, Craig *Oliver, Craig *Page, Patricia & Scott *Pellscot, LLC *Pellscot, LLC *Pellscot, LLC Perry, Michael Sr. Phillips, Gerald *Phillips, Life Estate of Elaine R *Pine Tree Gravel Inc Quinn's Auto Repair Redman, Ann M. *Reed, John F. & Laurel J. Renaud, Randy *Reynolds, Marc 33 $237.60 $242.00 $238.70 $239.80 $238.70 $242.00 $237.60 $9.90 $238.70 $245.30 $248.60 $1,444.30 $2,050.40 $3,590.40 $1,188.00 $63.80 $7,045.50 $1,324.40 $723.80 $70.40 $271.70 $2,311.10 $2,105.40 $1,435.50 $1,179.20 $1,537.80 $575.30 $609.40 $1,717.10 $961.40 $961.40 $961.40 $140.80 $535.70 $1,200.10 $498.30 $1,651.10 $1,157.20 $959.20 $1,953.60 $2,094.40 REPORT OF THE TOWN CLERK July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 Dear Residents of Hermon, As always I would like to thank the dedicated election workers who make long days and nights more enjoyable. Hermon typically meets or exceeds the percentage of voters who turn out to vote and for that we are proud but still encourage more people to vote. Municipal Elections are the second Tuesday in June; the Annual Budget Meeting is the second Thursday in June and the polls are open for all Federal and State elections. Hermon polls are open from 8:00am to 8:00pm for all elections. The Elementary School Gym was designated DV WKH 7RZQ¶V YRWLQJ SODFH IRU -XQH DQG 1RYHPEHU HOHFWLRQV (YHU\ HIIRUW ZLOO EH PDGH WR VHFXUH WKH Elementary Gym when Special Elections with large voter turnout anticipated are called, but there may be times an alternate site will be necessary. On February 5, 2009 the Town Council meeting was held in the Public Safety meeting room for the first time. The reason for the new meeting location is that the former Council Chambers in the Town Office were remodeled into three offices and a small meeting room. Phase two of the Town Office remodel when approved ZLOOUHGHVLJQWKHµIURQW¶VHFWLRQRIWKHEXLOGLQJ There has been a theme in this letter for the last few years to mention that online services are growing and this report is no exception. Motor Vehicle, IF & W, and Dogs all offer some form of online service. Boat registrations can now be done online. The Office of Vital Statistics is in the early stages of developing an online death certificate process for use by Town Offices. The Front Office staff and I agree that we are very fortunate to work with so many nice people. Please feel free to call us at anytime with questions or concerns at 848-1013. Respectfully submitted, Carol A. Davis Town Clerk [email protected] 46 Meucci, William T. & Elizabeth 7KD\HU¶V Garage Thomas, Derek R. Ultimate Edge UNPAID PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES AS OF 6-30-2008 (2001) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. 10603 Currier Trucking Hewes, Dana Meucci, William T. & Elizabeth 7KD\HU¶V Garage Thomas, Derek R. Ultimate Edge UNPAID PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES AS OF 6-30-2008 (2000) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. Fitts' Saw & Supply Hewes, Dana Meucci, William T. & Elizabeth Thomas, Derek R UNPAID PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES AS OF 6-30-2008 (1999) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. Fitt's Saw & Supply Meucci, William T. & Elizabeth Thomas, Derek UNPAID PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES AS OF 6-30-2008 (1998) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. Meucci, William T & Elizabeth Thomas, Derek R UNPAID PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES AS OF 6-30-2008 (1997) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. Meucci, William T & Elizabeth $3,313.35 $402.93 $641.03 $2,003.00 $28,696.81 $79.87 $15,170.40 $247.76 $2,870.43 $326.00 $570.50 $2,303.19 $21,568.15 $1,939.92 $190.43 $2,096.10 $411.00 $4,637.45 $812.28 $1,716.61 $342.50 $2,871.39 $1,411.10 $342.50 $1,753.60 $934.50 $934.50 $164,869.61 45 *Richards, Frederick & Barbara *Richards, Frederick & Barbara *Richardson Development Corp *Richardson Development Corp *Richardson Development Corp *Richardson Development Corp *Richardson Development Corp *Richardson Development Corp *Richardson Development Corp *Richardson Development Corp *Richardson Development Corp *Richardson Development Corp *Richardson Development Corp *Richardson Development Corp *Richardson Development Corp *Richardson Development Corp Ricigliano, Ian Roberts, Barry C. & Paula J. *Robertson, Wendy & Scott Robinson, Harold D. Ross, Robin L. *Rowell, Lisa & Michael *Ruest, Joseph Sanborn, Billy & Jennifer *Sawyer, Thomas & Doreen *Sheridan, Kimberly R. *Sirois, Dennis & Patricia *Smart Jr., Deane *Smith Jr., Patrick & Angela *Smith, Catherine A. *Smith, Catherine A. *Smith, Douglas L. & Donna A. Smith, Douglas L. & Donna A. Smith, Steven & Catherine Smith, Steven *Springer, Lawrence *Spruce Ridge Realty Trust *Spruce Ridge Realty Trust *Spruce Ridge Realty Trust *Spruce Ridge Realty Trust, St. Louis, Dale *Spruce Ridge Realty Trust, St. Louis, Dale $1,942.60 $5,314.10 $1,170.40 $293.70 $294.80 $300.30 $292.60 $366.30 $293.70 $7.70 $293.70 $292.60 $292.60 $292.60 $294.80 $375.10 $57.20 $558.80 $2,048.20 $1,013.10 $608.30 $579.70 $684.20 $14.30 $1,996.50 $610.50 $1,134.10 $610.50 $2,092.20 $1,089.00 $358.60 $899.80 $595.10 $1,272.70 $343.20 $12,054.90 $189.20 $236.50 $254.10 $178.20 $181.50 34 *Spruce Ridge Realty Trust, St. Louis, Dale *Spruce Ridge Realty Trust, St. Louis, Dale *Spruce Ridge Realty Trust, St. Louis, Dale *Spruce Ridge Realty Trust, St. Louis, Dale *Spruce Ridge Realty Trust, St. Louis, Dale *Spruce Ridge Realty Trust, St. Louis, Dale *Spruce Ridge Realty Trust, St. Louis, Dale *Spruce Ridge Realty Trust, St. Louis, Dale *Stanley, Jason *Stark, Richard S. & Karen S. *Stinson, Leonard & Cheryl *Sunrise Trust *Swoboda, Wilford T Properties Tambling, Joel R. *Tapley, Morita *Ted McLeod Inc. *Ted McLeod Inc. *Thayer Jr., Bernard *Thayer, Alvin & Eleanor *Thayer, Anthony F. Thibodeau, Stephen C. *Towne, Priscilla M. *Tracy, Vaughn & Linda Vaughn Thibodeau & Sons, Inc. Warren, Lester & Deborah *Watson, George & Debra Weatherbee, Kevin & Barbara *Weber, Estate of Hurley R. & Jeannette M. Wescott, Carrie-Jo & Melissa Wescott, Linda Witherly, Nicole M. *Yvonne Mitchell UNPAID REAL ESTATE TAXES AS OF 6-30-2009 (2007) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. *Allen, Janet M. *Andrews, John M. *Applebee, Thomas A. & Sherry A. *Bachelder, Margaret E. *Baird Properties, Inc. $184.80 $209.00 $203.50 $187.00 $187.00 $177.10 $176.00 $174.90 $148.50 $2,038.00 $1,296.90 $95.70 $1,185.80 $460.90 $491.70 $1,838.10 $873.40 $1,659.90 $1,774.30 $674.30 $1,223.20 $449.90 $464.20 $1,013.10 $2,973.10 $1,040.60 $1,777.60 $385.00 $345.40 $257.40 $919.60 $768.90 $379.50 $337,825.40 $545.60 $2,785.20 $687.50 $656.70 $771.10 35 Watson, George Watson, Kathy UNPAID PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES AS OF 6-302008 (2004) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. AVG Acquisition Bell's Transmission Cliff & Sons, HE Communication Services Co Dorr Inc, Alan Hewes, Dana Meucci, William T. & Elizabeth Richard H. Campbell, Inc Schreiber Vending 7KD\HU¶V Garage Thomas, Derek R. Total Laminates, Inc UNPAID PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES AS OF 6-30-2008 (2003) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. AVG Acquisition Bell's Transmission Communication Services Co Currier Trucking Dorr Inc, Alan Hewes, Dana Lexington Group, The Meucci, William T. & Elizabeth Sun Catchers 7KD\HU¶V Garage Thomas, Derek R. Ultimate Edge UNPAID PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES AS OF 6-30-2008 (2002) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. All of Us, Inc Bell's Transmission Currier Trucking Hewes, Dana Lexington Group, The Logistics Management Systems $55.58 $1.67 $18,104.52 $109.90 $50.24 $349.06 $182.12 $3,761.72 $177.41 $3,844.93 $243.35 $95.77 $467.86 $730.05 $1.70 $10,014.11 $115.90 $44.23 $176.90 $15,027.35 $3,487.68 $161.65 $321.77 $3,382.45 $128.10 $419.38 $635.92 $2,016.05 $25,917.38 $89.91 $44.96 $12,927.06 $163.17 $329.67 $8,781.73 44 Douglass Photography Downeast Concrete Franklin Vending Hermon Elderly Project Hermon Family Restaurant Hermon Junction Corp Hewes, Dana Knipping Jr., Richard W. & Marlene V. Maaco Collision Repair & Auto McCready Stephen D. Meucci, William T. & Elizabeth *Patriot Transport Richard H. Campbell Inc Sally A. King *Strategic Ad Partners 7KD\HU¶V Garage Thomas, Derek R. Total Laminates Inc Transco Watson, George S. Watson, Kathy UNPAID PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES AS OF 6-302008 (2005) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. AT & T Wireless AVG Acquisition, INC Bell's Transmission CIT Technology Financing Services Communication Services Co Dorr Inc, Alan Franklin Vending Frontier Vision Operating Part Hewes, Dana Integrated Leasing Corporation Knipping Jr., Richard W. & Marlene V. Meucci, William T. & Elizabeth Richard H. Campbell Schreiber Vending 7KD\HU¶V Garage Thomas, Derek Total Laminates, Inc $57.04 $954.80 $16.12 $2.13 $341.00 $261.45 $145.08 $184.76 $18.60 $18.60 $3,002.04 $37.20 $209.56 $8.68 $12.40 $400.52 $638.60 $179.80 $96.72 $44.64 $16.12 $14,759.18 $71.25 $89.78 $45.60 -$0.02 $165.30 $3,234.75 $1.86 $9,091.50 $158.18 $2.85 $133.16 $3,478.43 $219.45 $82.65 $421.80 $662.63 $188.10 43 Bangor Hermon Railyard, Inc. Bangor Hermon Railyard, Inc. *Bell, Michael *Braisted, Debra L. *Bresnahan, Lori J. *Buckingham, Don P. & Patricia *Bushey, Sue A. *Chase and Fletcher, Heirs of *Chase, Philip R. *Cronk, Cheryl Ann & Michael Allen *Cronk, Pauline Curtis, Michael L. & Kelly J. Cusson, Donald G. & Debra J. *Dahl, John A. & Judith R. *Davis Jr., Howard T. & Kyong Suk *Deane, Realty Trust *Debraak, Jimmy & Rebecca *Dionne, Luc B. *Doughty, Clifford *Downey, Katrina *Drake, Ronald & Robin Dunifer, Albert *Duolos Group LLC *Duolos Group LLC *Duolos Group LLC *Duolos Group LLC *Duolos Group LLC *Duolos Group LLC Farrar, Jeanette M. & Robert F. Farrar, Stuart & Jacqueline *Gardner, Bryden A. *Gardner, Bryden A. Grace, Ida E. *Guptill, William & Diane Harris, Diane T. *Hewes, Amanda Anne *Hewes, Dana M. Hewes, Dorothy Hewes, Dorothy M. & Donald & Dana Higgins, Debra A. Homsted Realty Trust $3,236.20 $1,446.50 $1,850.20 $334.40 $299.20 $814.00 $478.50 $259.60 $1,197.90 $942.70 $624.80 $1,380.50 $570.90 $1,475.10 $1,191.30 $798.60 $755.70 $3,407.80 $855.80 $59.40 $600.60 $510.40 $2,138.44 $1,839.89 $1,826.70 $220.03 $3,679.50 $2,062.60 $895.40 $873.40 $1,398.10 $529.10 $301.40 $1,374.44 $229.90 $663.30 $1,335.40 $18.70 $454.30 $1,355.20 $254.10 36 *Hutchings, Kenneth Innis, Wayne Innis, Wayne *Joy, Paula Dysart *Kent Homes Inc. *Lane, Clifford A. *Laughlin, Amy *Lindsey Jr., Charles & Elizabeth *Meucci, William T. & Elizabeth *Morsehead, Edmund J. & Suzanne *Murphy Living Trust, Dennis J & Eleanor M. Newcomb, Eric Nowell, Scott & Laura Perry Sr., Michael Phillips, Gerald *Phillips, Life Estate of Elaine R *Quinn's Auto Repair *Redman, Ann M. *Renaud, Randy *Roberts, Barry C. & Paula J. *Robinson, Harold D. Sanborn, Billy & Jennifer *Smith, Catherine A. *Smith, Catherine A. *Smith, Douglas L. & Donna A. *Smith, Steven *Sunrise Trust T Properties *Thayer, Alvin & Eleanor *Thibodeau, Stephen C. Thomas, Shannon *Weber, Estate of Hurley R. & Jeannette M. *Wescott, Linda UNPAID REAL ESTATE TAXES AS OF 6-30-2009 (2006) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. Bangor Hermon Railyard Inc. Bangor Hermon Railyard Inc. Bresnahan, Lori J. *Chase, Philip R. *Cronk, Pauline $913.00 $122.10 $137.50 $2,352.90 $1,576.29 $876.70 $269.50 $37.40 $3,603.60 $1,174.80 $1,265.00 $66.00 $280.50 $147.40 $542.30 $1,212.20 $1,662.10 $1,180.30 $1,876.51 $558.80 $1,013.10 $22.00 $1,094.50 $358.60 $595.10 $338.80 $90.20 $457.60 $683.10 $449.90 $2.20 $335.07 $935.00 $76,216.17 $3,383.96 $1,630.60 $337.28 $1,277.20 $634.88 37 *Franklin Vending *Gravel Doctor *Greatway Communications Inc. Hermon Family Restaurant Hewes, Dana King, Sally A. Knipping Jr., Richard W. & Marlene V. Lynco Inc. Marcia Gilbert Audiology & Hearing McCready, Stephen D. Meucci, William T. Elizabeth NMHG Financial Services, Inc Oliveira, Theresa Pacific Prime Patriot Transport Pfizer, Inc Rent A Center Rich, Shirley Richard H. Campbell Inc. *Strategic Ad Partners Superior Homes Corp. *T & T Cabinets 7KD\HU¶V Garage Thomas, Derek R. Total Laminates, Inc Velocity Express VFS Financing Watson, George S. Watson, Kathy UNPAID PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES AS OF 6-302008 (2006) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. AVG Acquisition Inc. Bell's Transmission Camden National Corp. CD&L Cliff & Sons, H E Communication Services Co *Communication Service Data Link Communication Dorr Inc, Alan $14.30 $55.00 $95.70 $310.20 $144.10 $7.70 $160.60 $218.90 $68.20 $16.50 $2,663.10 $744.72 $110.00 $13.20 $33.00 $15.40 $151.80 $5.50 $188.10 $11.00 $184.80 $119.58 $399.30 $566.50 $181.50 $33.00 $964.70 $38.50 $17.60 $14,403.10 $146.32 $45.88 $1,252.40 $37.20 $3,481.92 $156.24 $24.80 $16.12 $2,952.44 42 MTR Autobonding & Painting Murphy Jr. Dennis J. *Oliver, Craig D. *Otis Elevator Co. Pacific Prime *Patriot Transport Rent A Center Rich, Shirley *Richards, Frederick & Barbara *Route 2 Auto Sales *Safety-Kleen Corp *Sky Burrill Forest Products *Strategic Ad Partners Stryker Orthopedics *T & T Cabinets 7KD\HU¶V Automotive Thibodeau, Vaughn & Sons Inc. Thomas, Derek Total Laminates, Inc. *Vehicle Management Service Velocity Express Verizon New England, Inc. Wallboard Supply Co. Watson, George S. Wind-Breaker Press UNPAID PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES AS OF 6-302008 (2007) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. *Americoast ATT Mobility/Cingular Wireless AVG Acquistition Bangor Armor Liners LLC Bell's Transmission *Camden National Corp. Central Maine Transport Communication Services Co. Communications Service Data Link Communication Dorr Inc, Alan Douglass Photography *Downeast Consolidated $9.90 $805.20 $295.90 $355.30 $13.20 $33.00 $151.80 $5.50 $859.10 $13.20 $20.59 $1,240.80 $11.00 $39.60 $247.50 $399.30 $57.21 $566.50 $214.50 $182.60 $33.00 $99.00 $462.00 $38.50 $66.62 $21,209.42 $165.00 $88.00 $133.10 $84.70 $46.20 $1,083.50 $1,192.40 $138.60 $44.00 $12.10 $2,777.50 $57.20 $1,048.30 41 Curtis, Michael L. & Kelly J. Cusson, Donald G. & Debra J. *Downey, Katrina Dunifer, Albert Harris, Diane T Homsted Realty Trust *Innis, Wayne *Innis, Wayne Joy, Paula Dysart *Lindsey Jr., Charles A. & Elizabeth Newcomb, Eric Nowell, Scott & Laura Perry Sr., Michael Phillips, Gerald T Properties *Thayer, Alvin & Eleanor *Thibodeau, Stephen C. Thomas, Shannon UNPAID REAL ESTATE TAXES AS OF 6-30-2008 (2005) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. Bresnahan, Lori J. *Chase, Philip R. *Cronk, Pauline Z. Cusson, Donald G. & Debra J. Dunifer, Albert Harris, Diane T. *Joy, Paula Dysart Nowell, Scott & Laura *Phillips, Gerald T Properties Thomas, Shannon UNPAID REAL ESTATE TAXES AS OF 6-30-2008 (2004) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. Bresnahan, Lori J. *Cronk, Pauline Z. Dunifer, Albert Nowell, Scott & Laura *Phillips, Gerald T Properties $1,489.24 $538.16 $228.16 $476.16 $192.20 $208.32 $122.76 $155.00 $2,548.20 $37.20 $66.96 $316.20 $166.16 $524.52 $410.44 $674.56 $429.04 $2.48 $15,849.68 $349.13 $1,091.55 $592.80 $507.30 $558.60 $220.88 $2,807.25 $340.58 $564.30 $465.98 $12.83 $7,511.20 $494.55 $687.66 $643.70 $483.56 $649.98 $439.60 38 Thomas, Shannon UNPAID REAL ESTATE TAXES AS OF 6-30-2008 (2003) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. *Bresnahan, Lori J. Dunifer, Albert Nowell, Scott & Laura T Properties Thomas, Shannon UNPAID REAL ESTATE TAXES AS OF 6-30-2008 (2002) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. *Bresnahan, Lori J. Dunifer, Albert *Logistics Management *Logistics Management Systems Nowell, Scott & Laura T Properties Thomas, Shannon UNPAID REAL ESTATE TAXES AS OF 6-30-2008 (2001) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. *Bresnahan, Lori J. Dunifer, Albert Harris, Diane T. Thomas, Shannon UNPAID REAL ESTATE TAXES AS OF 6-30-2008 (2000) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. *Bresnahan, Lori J. Dunifer, Albert UNPAID REAL ESTATE TAXES AS OF 6-30-2008 (1999) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. Dunifer, Albert $119.32 $3,518.37 $494.10 $610.00 $574.92 $427.00 $224.18 $2,330.20 $627.71 $730.94 $15,103.73 $88.29 $694.31 $461.21 $301.37 $18,007.56 $638.96 $740.02 $176.04 $317.85 $1,872.87 $569.92 $661.71 $1,231.63 $648.01 $648.01 $465,011.09 39 UNPAID PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES AS OF 6-302009 (2008) *Indicates paid as of March 25, 2010. Adam's Automotive Advanced Liquid Recycling *Americoast Architectural Doors & Windows ATT Mobility/Cingular Wireless AVG Acquisition Inc. *Bangor & Auto Truck Center Inc. Banners & Signs Unlimited Bell's Transmission Brown, Wesley, & Brenda *C.M.D. Powersystems Central Maine Transport Communication Services Co *Communication Service Data Link Communication *DFS Equipment Holding *DFS-SPV LP Dish Network Dorr Inc, Alan Douglass Photography *Downeast Consolidated Companies Duraform Steel Buildings Inc. *Franklin Vending *Gallant, Mitchell & Mary *GE Commercial Equip Holdings, LLC *Gravel Doctor *Greatway Communications Inc. Healing Hands Massage Therapy *Henriksen, Douglas S. *Herbest, Bruce A. *Hermon Family Restaurant Hewes, Dana King, Sally A. Knipping Jr., Richard & Marlene Lynco, Inc. McCready, Stephen McPherson Timberlands, Inc Meucci, William & Elizabeth $83.60 $13.20 $165.00 $110.00 $88.00 $139.70 $171.60 $25.30 $46.20 $134.20 $1,509.20 $957.00 $138.60 $44.00 $12.10 $34.10 $78.10 $82.50 $2,777.50 $57.20 $1,048.30 $18.70 $14.30 $49.50 $111.10 $55.00 $95.70 $1.10 $68.20 $2.20 $343.20 $171.60 $7.70 $169.40 $238.70 $16.50 $3,247.20 $2,663.10 40
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