Habitat Times - Habitat for Humanity


Habitat Times - Habitat for Humanity
Habitat Times
Summer 2006 • Vol. 23: No. 3
Building Homes, Building Community, Building Common Ground
Home at Last!
......ix elated Queens families recently
......moved into to their new homes in
Jamaica, Queens, thanks to funders and
more than 2,000 volunteers who helped
build these homes.
Polo Insulates
With Denim Jeans
...........hat’s the well-dressed building
..........wearing these days?
The semi-detached, single-family homes
were dedicated in March at a stirring
ceremony. Queens homeowners include
the Johnston-Myrick family, the Jones
family; the Stinson-Hall family, the St.
Louis family, the Cruz family and the
Murphy family.
For Habitat-NYC homes in the South
Bronx—it’s denim jeans!
Our eight homes on East 156th Street will
stay toasty in the winter with insulation
made from recycled blue jeans—some
donated by celebrities such as Lindsay
Lohan and Sheryl Crow.
Polo Ralph Lauren Foundation, which is
sponsoring one of the homes, mounted
a national drive to collect nearly 20,000
pairs of old jeans for this project. These
well-traveled jeans were shipped to Texas,
where JBM Fibers cleaned and shredded
them. Next, it was off to Bonded Logic,
Inc., an Arizona firm that processed them
into an ecologically friendly and safe
(Cont. on p.5)
Pictured at left, the Johnston-Myrick children
celebrate with a hug. Above, the Cruz family
poses for a portrait on the front steps of their
new home.
Nov. 8 Gala To Honor Susan Sarandon,
Roger Goldman and More
...........ark your calendars for Nov. 8, when
...........Habitat-NYC hosts our 7th Annual
Builders Awards Gala in the glorious
sanctuary at the Cathedral of St. John the
Our honorees include:
--Actress Susan Sarandon, who is a
longtime Habitat-NYC supporter and
frequent volunteer on our sites.
--Roger Goldman, partner with Latham
& Watkins LLP and founder of Buildable
Hours, which brought 250 volunteers
and over $130,000 in funding from 24
law firms to Habitat-NYC last year
alone. Started in New York City, this
Washington, D.C. - based nonprofit organization of law firms helps Habitat affiliates across the nation build homes.
A special award will go to Suzie
Halbardier, Julia Hodgson and Maureen
O’Reilly, three former board chairs who
remain active, committed friends of
For more information and tickets, please
contact Sarah Savage at (718) 246-5656,
ext. 330 or [email protected].
Builds Green
Page 5
Habby’s Winners
Page 6
Letter From the
Executive Director
Page 2
Hugh McColl
Page 3
Financial Guru
David Bach
Builds Homes
Urban = Green
Author David Owen once described moving
with his wife to a community in New York
State that was an environmentalist’s utopia.
Living in a 700-square-foot home, they did
without a car, a lawn, a dishwasher and other
energy-hungry appliances. They walked to neighboring stores
for groceries and most errands, using public transportation for
longer trips.
Financial advisor David Bach,
pictured above, launched his
latest book, The Automatic
Millionaire Homeowner, by
sponsoring a Habitat-NYC
home in our South Bronx project.
The “utopian” community the Owens called home was not a
rural haven like Woodstock in the Catskills; it was the Upper
East Side in Manhattan. By living in a dense urban environment
without an automobile, this couple did more to help the environment and save the earth than almost any other actions individual
Americans can make. This is a potent message that we, in the
business of building Habitat homes, must take to heart.
Bach announced his donation of
$120,000 at a homeowner seminar
at the Javits Center. This event
kicked off a three-year financial
literacy campaign aimed at
educating Americans about the
advantages of homeownership.
As you’ll read in this issue of Habitat Times, Habitat-NYC has
been taking tremendous strides over the last few years to become
an environmentally sound builder and a leader in the green
building movement within the affordable housing community.
We build more and more energy-efficient homes, with many
earning ENERGYSTAR ratings. We use healthy and renewable
building materials. All told, these measures make our homes
healthier environments for our family partners, energy-efficient
and affordable to operate—and they make all of us better
stewards of the earth.
The campaign is co-sponsored by
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, a
division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Bach and staff members of his
company, FinishRich Media, will
work on our eight-unit building
this fall.
55 NY State Habitat Affiliates
Focus on Housing Policy
Fifty-five New York Habitat affiliates that recently united under a
statewide umbrella group believe
that “strength in numbers” is just
one of the many benefits our new
federation will bring.
Our green building efforts will reach new heights with our
new 41-home development in the Ocean Hill-Brownsville section of Brooklyn. This three-building condominium will be the
first Habitat for Humanity homes to receive the Leadership in
Environmental and Energy Design (LEED) designation—
the country’s top rating for green buildings. And it will be one
of the first LEED affordable housing projects in the nation.
Habitat for Humanity of New
York State (HFH-NY) formed last
year and held its first conference
this spring to trade information
on everything from state building
costs to plumbing systems, mortgages, fundraising and advocacy.
But as progressive and efficient as the design of these homes are,
if they weren’t sited in Ocean Hill-Brownsville—within walking
distance of a dozen subways, buses and commuter trains—
the environmental worth of this project would be questionable.
By giving our families the affordable and environmentally
positive option of foregoing cars in favor of mass transit, we
are bringing the greatest possible environmental benefit.
This is a lesson that Habitat has begun to take to heart. Many
Habitat affiliates across the nation are following New York’s
lead and exploring denser urban condominium developments.
Sprawl as business-as-usual is not an option for Habitat
anymore, for our planet or our families. In the past, we have
forced our families into auto dependency. For our families to
succeed, for Habitat to be green and for all of us to make a
stronger contribution to a sustainable planet, we must look
critically at the work we do. Building more “utopian”
communes such as David Owens described and developing
dense urban Habitat buildings like our Atlantic Avenue project
are the first and most important steps.
Paige Bellenbaum, Director of
Advocacy at Habitat-NYC, is a
member of the state Habitat’s board
and chairs its advocacy committee, which is working to develop
statewide policy priorities on
housing issues.
“None of us can solve the housing
crisis alone,” said Bellenbaum. “It’s
important for all our affiliates to have
a chance to voice their individual
housing needs and work together to
ensure that the next Governor makes
housing issues a primary goal.”
Habitat-NYC Goes Green . . . And Blue
Expect a new look in the fall.
Habitat-NYC is undergoing a
makeover, adopting the new
logo, green and blue colors and
“brand” of Habitat for Humanity
The new design is part of HFHI’s
goal to unite some 2,100 affiliates
in 92 countries around the globe
under a cohesive look. We will
retire the beloved trio of urban
buildings that grace our current
logo and our burgundy color.
But underneath the new paint,
Roland Lewis, Executive Director
Habitat for Humanity - New York City
Habitat-NYC remains unchanged.
We will retain our moxie, our passion for New York City and our
commitment to building decent,
affordable homes for New Yorkers
in need.
Mother’s Day Volunteers Trade Roses for Wrenches
One group of New York women chose wrenches over roses
for their Mother’s Day weekend. Laying floor tiles, insulating ceilings and framing walls were the order of the day for
the all-women crew at Habitat-NYC’s Women Build in May.
Sisterhood reigned supreme when an all-women crew, including volunteers
(above left) and women carpenters (center and below) dedicated their
Mothers Day weekend to building Habitat-NYC homes. Veronica Sessions
and Nefetari Barnes (center), members of the NYC District Council of
Carpenters, organized the union’s participation.
Hugh McColl’s Retirement Gift:
220 Habitat Homes in U.S. & Abroad
Two decades ago, Hugh McColl didn’t
know how to drive a nail. Now, he says, “I
think I could make a living as a carpenter.”
“Our city’s housing crisis affects everyone, and it unfortunately hurts women and families most of all. Half of all
families in New York headed by women live in poverty,”
said Shauna Long, who serves on Habitat-NYC’s
Board of Directors.
This year, Women Build volunteers raised more than
$11,000 to help cover construction costs for our South Bronx
homes. Volunteers Andrea Carey, Laura Casey, Shondra
Choundry, Jennifer Duran, Jessica Findley, Tracy Gilman,
Erica Heckman, Shoma Lahiry, Kelly Quinley, Paula Smith,
Siliva Steude, Alice Stopkoski, Adria Twine and Heather
Weston used Habitat-NYC’s new online fundraising tools to
seek sponsorship from family and friends.
Among these generous donors was Weston’s five-year-old
daughter, who dipped into her piggy bank for a $10 contribution. “She understands that this is a great way to
celebrate mother’s Day,” Weston said.
When McColl, who hails from one of the
nation’s first families of finance, retired as
Chairman and CEO of Bank of America,
he requested an unusual retirement gift—
instructing his colleagues to “do something
that matters.”
For the fifth year, women carpenters from the NYC District
Council of Carpenters joined the Women Build team, training construction novices and working alongside the future
homeowners. “It’s very fulfilling for me to know that I’ve
helped another mother to have a place to live,” said
carpenter Nefertari Barnes.
They responded by pledging to build 120
Habitat homes in the United States and an additional 100 around
the world over five years. To help meet this goal, McColl, now
a spry 70, is spending his “golden years” traveling the globe to
work construction.
Recently, he arrived on Habitat-NYC’s South Bronx site, his
third stop in a whirlwind building tour of six cities in six days.
Fifteen volunteers from various New York City Bank of America
offices joined McColl and Habitat-NYC family partners for a
day of hard work.
Inspired 18 years ago by Habitat International founder Millard
Fuller, McColl went to his first build and came away impressed
with the experience and by the families he met. “It felt really
good,” he says.
McColl built a strong culture of volunteerism at Bank of America.
Since that first experience, 25,000 bank associates have helped to
build 220 Habitat homes. Last year alone, employees of the
company gave more than 650,000 volunteer-hours to a range
of community service projects.
“My family and I have been blessed. We’ve been given a lot,” he
says. “We believe that to whom much is given, much is expected.”
Monthly Donors Help Sustain Habitat-NYC
You can help sustain our homebuilding
efforts by becoming a monthly donor to
Habitat-NYC through the Foundation
Builders Society.
It’s an easy, cost-effective way to help
your donations go further. Simply check
the Sustaining Donor box on the reply slip
in this newsletter to set up automatic dona-
tions from your credit card for any amount
you choose: $5, $10, $25 or more a month.
As a Foundation Builders Society member,
you will help us cut costs by creating a
steady cash flow and eliminating multiple
solicitation mailings. You’ll continue to
receive our quarterly newsletter, and
you will be invited to groundbreakings, home dedications and other special
For more information or to make a
Foundation Builders pledge, call Judith
Werner at (718) 246-5656, ext. 306.
Corporate, Foundation, Government & Faith Gifts
January 1, 2005 – May 31, 2006
$100,000 and Up
Bank of America
Bear, Stearns &
Company Inc.
Brooklyn Borough
___President’s Office
Clark Foundation
Credit Suisse
Deutsche Bank
Federal Home Loan Bank
___of New York
Goldman, Sachs &
___Community ___
ISI Group
Manhattan Borough
___President's Office
New York City Council
New York State
___Affordable Housing
New York State
___Housing Trust Fund
Starr Foundation
United Technologies
US Department of
___Housing and Urban
$50,000 - $99,999
American Express ___
Philanthropic Program
FinishRich Media
Queens Borough ___
President's Office
Star Power Conference
Trinity Church
$25,000 - $49,999
American International
___Group, Inc.
Enterprise Foundation
Estee Lauder
Forest Electric
Geller & Company LLC
Lehman Brothers
Mellam Family ___
Monterey Fund, Inc.
Niles Foundation, Inc.
Polo Ralph Lauren
St. James' Episcopal
St. John’s University
Structure Tone, Inc.
Thomson Media ___
Time Warner
Tishman Speyer ___
Properties, LP
Triarc Companies, Inc.
Willkie Farr & Gallagher
$10,000 - $24,999
Akin, Gump, Strauss,
___Hauer & Feld LLP
Astoria Federal Savings
Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
Charles Engelhard ___
Coach Matching Gifts
Collegiate Church ___
___Preservation ___
Concord Baptist Church
___of Christ
Dechert LLP
Depository Trust & ___
Clearing Corporation
Dewey Ballantine LLP
EvensonBest LLC
Federated Department
___Stores Foundation
Fox News Networks
Franklin Square ___
Guardian Life Insurance
___Company of America
Health Plus
Home Depot Services
Hope For New York/
Presbyterian Church
Hoplite Capital ___
Management, LLC
HSBC - North America
Hyatt Corporation
J.P. Morgan Chase
Jewish Communal Fund
Kirshenbaum Bond &
___Partners, Inc.
Kramer Levin Naftalis &
___Frankel LLP
Lamb & Barnosky, LLP
Manhattan Mortgage
___Company, Inc.
Marakon Associates
Massey Knakal ___
Charitable Foundation
McKee Nelson LLP
Medeco Security Locks,
N.S. Bienstock Inc
New York City
___Combined Federal
New York Community
New York Stock ___
Exchange, Inc.
Nichols Foundation, Inc.
Oldcastle Precast,
___Building Sytems
Optima Fund ___
Management LLC
Pfizer Inc.
Plymouth Church of the
Reed Smith LLP
Revlon, Inc.
Ropes & Gray LLP
Sapir Organization/Zar
___Realty Management
Standard & Poor's
Vanguard Charitable
___Endowment Program
Wachovia Corporation
Wells Fargo Foundation
White & Case, LLP
Young Men's/Women's
___Real Estate ___
$5,000 - $9,999
Alston & Bird LLP
American Financial
___Realty Trust
___Wickersham & Taft,
Church of The ___
Heavenly Rest
Consumer Powerline
Cravath, Swaine &
Creative Artists Agency
Darrin Foundation
Debevoise & Plimpton
Disney Worldwide
Fidelity Charitable Gift
Fidelity Investment
First Republic Bank
Forest City Ratner
Fried, Frank, Harris,
Shriver & Jacobson
Hudson River ___
Huron Consulting Group
___ITG Inc.
Kazickas Family ___
Foundation, Inc.
___Credit Union
Weil, Gotshal & ___
Manges LLP
Winston & Strawn LLP
$1,000 - $4,999
AB Partners LLC
ACA Financial Guaranty
Allied Barton Security
Altria Employee
Involvement Programs
Ambac Financial Group,
Bank Leumi USA
Bernstein Management
Bessemer Trust
Bethlehem Lutheran
Eastern Consolidated
___Properties, Inc.
Edwards and Zuck P.C.
Elizabeth Mitchell Elyse
___Connolly, Inc
Ellis Team
Emmanuel Baptist
FactSet Research
Financial Security
___Assurance (FSA)
First Queens Abstract
Flatlands Reformed
Fort Washington
Collegiate Church
Freddie Mac Foundation
Fredericksburg Realty
Frenkel & Company,
Five of New York City’s top church choirs gave a hand-clapping
performance in a Juneteenth concert benefit for Habitat-NYC
sponsored by St. Bartholomew’s Church.
Kelley Drye & Warren
King & Spaulding LLP
Lafarge North America
Latham & Watkins
Linklaters LLP
Litwin Foundation
Local Initiatives Support
Loews Hotels
M&T Charitable ___
Malcolm Gibbs ___
Foundation, Inc.
McGraw-Hill Companies
Mizuho Trust & Banking
___Company (USA)
NBC News, Inc.
New York City Transit
New York University
Nixon Peabody, LLP
Panamerican Realty
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind,
___Wharton and ___
Garrison LLP
Pillsbury Winthrop ___
Shaw Pittman LLP
Proskauer Rose LLP
Room & Board
Skadden, Arps, Slate,
___Meagher & Flom
Temple Emanuel of
___Great Neck
Troutman Sanders LLP
United Nations Federal
Bobbi Trim. Ltd.
Bovis Lend Lease LMB,
Brause Realty, Inc.
Brentwood Associates
Broadway United ___
Church Of Christ
Brown Brothers
Harriman & Company
Buckhorn Association
Camuto Charitable
Catholic Charities
Christ Church United
___Church in the ___
Columbia Housing
Commerce Bank, N.A.
Common Cents New
___York, Inc
Compass Group - NA
Concord Limousine,
Congregation of St.
___Saviour at the
___Church of St. John
___the Divine
Creative Health ___
Donald R. Mullen
___Family Foundation,
Drinker Biddle & ___
Freshfields Bruckhaus
___Deringer LLP
Frezel Family ___
Healthplex, Inc.
Home Abstract ___
Independent Family
___Office LLC
Interior Design ___
J.P. Morgan Chase ___
Foundation ___Matching
Gifts ___Program
Jack Resnick & Sons,
Jana Caudill Team
Janice Michelle ___
Foundation, Inc.
Josiah Macy, Jr. ___
Julia Shildkret Real
___Estate Group
Kasowitz, Benson,
___Torres & Friedman
Katz Family Foundation
L&M Equity Participants
L'Oreal USA, Inc.
Macdonald Foundation
Maison Gerard Ltd.
McHugh Foundation
McKinsey & Company,
Meredith Corporation
Microsoft Giving ___
Mike Parker Real Estate
Monadnock ___
Morgan Stanley ___
Morgan, Lewis &
___Bockius LLP
Nellis Groups
New York Community
New York State
___Energy Research
___& Development
Ocean Atlantic ___
Oceanside Realty
Omni New York, LLC
Packer Collegiate
Park Avenue United
___Methodist Church
Park Slope 6th Avenue
Pat Hiban Real Estate
Perry Capital, LLC
Pfizer Foundation
___Matching Gift
Pitney Bowes
___Management ___
Prudential California
Prudential Foundation
___Matching Gifts
Pure/Chemistry - Rusty
Related Capital ___
Remax Group
Riverdale Presbyterian
Royal Realty ___
Corporation Agency
Rudin Management
___Company Inc.
Safra National Bank of
___New York
Sawyer Family Fund
Schwab Fund For
___Charitable Giving
Singer & Bassuk ___
Stanton Foundation
Steck Foundation
Stempel Bennett ___
Claman & Hochberg
___Studios Architecture
Studley, Inc.
Syska Hennessy Group
Turner Construction
Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.
Vogler Foundation
Vornado Realty Trust
W. Midwood Comm.
___Players (WMCP)
Wachovia Foundation
___Matching Gifts
Washington Mutual
WDHB Consulting
___Group, Inc.
Williams Real Estate
___World-Wide Holdings
Yost Group
Polo (Cont. from p.1)
Volunteers Put ‘Faith in Action’
Volunteers from 25 diverse faith groups throughout the city
took hammers in hand to put their “faith in action” at HabitatNYC’s annual two-day Building on Faith weekend in April.
Our Habitat home will truly be a blessing,” said Barry Thomas,
a future Habitat-NYC homeowner who worked alongside the
Thomas, who lives in a one-room apartment plagued with
electrical fires, added. “We are also blessed by the opportunity
to give back by helping other families. There are so many New
Yorkers like us, struggling to get by in homes that are rundown
and dangerous.”
In addition to raising our own homes, Habitat-NYC called on
congregations throughout the city to preach on New York City’s
desperate need for affordable housing.
Among the volunteers was Ted Swisher, retired VP of U.S.
Affiliates for Habitat for Humanity International, who took a
break from framing walls to share inspiring stories of Habitat’s
birth with volunteers.
This year’s Building on Faith weekend included a special tribute
to the late Richard Wong, a long-time Habitat-NYC colleague
who lived his life on the principle of “faith in action.” The
Richard Wong Building Fund is providing critical dollars for the
“Today, together, we are celebrating the rich diversity of our
faith partners in New York City as we build affordable homes
and advocate for social justice for all New Yorkers,” said Roland
Lewis, Executive Director of Habitat-NYC.
Everything—from recycled jeans to
labor to shipping and the finished
product—was donated. But the
generosity didn’t stop there.
On a steamy day in early June, Ralph
Lauren and his son David arrived
on-site with more than two dozen
volunteers in tow to install the denim
insulation throughout this fivestory building. Joining them were
Tod Kean and Sean Desmond from
Bonded Logic.
“This is a way for us to work with
Habitat that is useful and original,”
said David Lauren, who has worked
on Habitat-NYC sites frequently in
the past. He added that the project
“is consistent with the company’s
commitment to volunteerism and to
contributing . . . to underserved
“It’s very rewarding to see the jeans
go from college campuses to us to
the project,” said Kean. “For us at
Bonded Logic, meeting the families
who will live here is the high point.”
Denim insulation is functional as
well as fashionable. It is made
completely from natural fibers, free
of carcinogens and formaldehyde,
and effective in resisting cold and
reducing noise.
Habitat-NYC Paints the Town Green
Just three years ago, 20 modest Habitat-NYC homes on
Willoughby Street in Bedford-Stuyvesant laid claim to a
coveted title. They became New York City’s first singlefamily homes to receive the ENERGY STAR rating for
“Building green saves homeowners’ money, saves energy
and saves the environment,” said Gina Buffone, Senior
Project Manager at Habitat-NYC, adding “In New York City,
where we have such high rates of diseases like cancer and
asthma, green buildings can save lives.”
Since then, Habitat-NYC has been taking a leadership role
in affordable green building, both in the city and in the
Habitat community throughout the nation. We’ve incorporated innovative eco-friendly and energy-saving materials
and building practices in all of our projects, and we’ve
trained family partners in green cleaning and maintenance
We will be sharing green knowledge and practices with
Habitat affiliates around the nation, thanks to support from
United Technologies, which is funding Habitat-NYC to bring
together affiliates interested in applying green principles to
their programs.
As a first step, we’ve begun organizing affiliates that are using
eco-friendly building strategies, in order to learn from our
collective experiences. Beginning in the fall, Habitat-NYC will
host green conferences for our Habitat affiliates, as we work
to take affordable green building from a unique model to a
routine practice.
This fall, when we expect to break ground on our Atlantic
Avenue homes, Habitat-NYC will make even greater and
greener strides. This 41-unit building in Ocean HillBrownsville, Brooklyn, will strive for LEEDS certification
—the highest level of green building.
2006 Habbys Awards Salute Top Volunteers
The U.S. might be experiencing an energy shortage, but HabitatNYC has an abundance of energy—volunteer energy.
Baby Ella Collins, at right,
accepts Habby on behalf
of her dad, Anthony
Our annual Habbys Awards celebrates our dedicated volunteers,
including construction volunteers, who gave 29,648 hours of
service in 2005—equal to almost three-and-a-half years worth of
work—and the more than 53 Cornerstone volunteers who provide additional support services.
Below, left to right, are
Connie Sargent, J.P.
Patterson, Anthony
Collins, Steve Saxon (St.
Bart’s), Eric Williams,
Robin Woodward (St.
Bart’s), Betty Cremmins
(NYU), Jeanne O’Neill,
Claudia Opel and Vanitha
Recipients of the 2006 Habbys are:
_Outstanding Board member: Connie Sargent
_Outstanding Borough Leadership Committee Member: ___
_Vanitha Venugopal
_Outstanding Community Group: New York University
_Outstanding Faith Group: St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal _
_Outstanding Corporate Group: American Express
_Outstanding Group Coordinator: Eric Williams of Credit __
_ Suisse
_Outstanding Cornerstone Volunteer: Jeanne O’Neill
_Pro-Bono Photographer: Anthony Collins
_Outstanding Skilled Leader: Claudia Opel
_Rookie of the Year: J.P. “Thunderbolt” Patterson
Make affordable housing your legacy by
remembering Habitat-NYC in your will.
For information on estate planning, call
Ann Kone at (718) 246-5656, ext. 303.
Habitat-NYC Board of Directors
Les Bluestone, Chair
The Blue Sea Development
Claudia Machaver, Vice Chair
JPMorgan Mezzanine Capital
Paul Shang, Vice Chair
Connie Sargent, Vice Chair
John Kwon, Treasurer
Deloitte, Touche, Tohmatsu
Shauna Long, Secretary
Health Plus
Jennifer Armstrong
Elaine Dovas
The Rev. Mark Hallinan
Society of Jesus (Jesuits),
New York Province
Chris Hoeffel
Bear Stearns
Andie Simon
Rabbi Bob Kaplan
New York Center for Community Warner Brothers Records
and Coalition Building
The Rev. Thomas Synan
Church of the Heavenly Rest
Roy Miller
Doug Paul
Credit Suisse First Boston
Julia Taylor
Platinum Caterers
John Pierce
Turner Construction
Dana Williams
Coldwell Banker Hunt Kennedy
Nia Rock
Karim Hutson
Independence Community Bank
Genesis Partners Real Property, Ted Schweitzer
Tishman Speyer Properties
Roland Lewis
Habitat for Humanity — New York City transforms lives and our city by uniting all New Yorkers around the
cause of decent, affordable housing for everyone.
Summer 2006
334 Furman Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Ph. (718) 246-5656
Beverly Cheuvront
Roland Lewis
Linda Smith
Anthony Collins
Jackie Duran
Christine Lee
Habitat Times is published by Habitat for Humanity — New York City and is distributed
to more than 20,000 readers throughout the greater New York City metropolitan area.
Founded by Millard and Linda Fuller in 1976, Habitat for Humanity is a Christian organization that welcomes people of all beliefs to join in its mission.