2011 gold award - Girl Scouts of Strongsville


2011 gold award - Girl Scouts of Strongsville
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Meghan Eisenberger just completed her sophomore year at Tallmadge High School. She has been
a Girl Scout for nine years. For her
Gold Award project, Meghan developed
and presented a Fall Festival for The Haven of Rest Ministries in Akron.
“I am very involved with the Student Senate at my high school. We volunteer quite
often for centers that help those in need. I
was inspired to try to do more, and the idea
of a festival for the mothers and their children at the Harvest Home seemed like a
great idea. I was proud to give back to my
community. While in the process of planning and presenting my project, I gained
valuable skills that I can use for the rest of
my life.”
Meghan has earned many badges, as
well as the Girl Scout Silver Award. She
is a member of the Art Club and Leaders
in Action. Meghan is also a member of a
Scouting Venture Crew, where she holds
the position of Vice President of Program.
Next year, she will be entering the PostSecondary program at The University of
Akron where she will begin taking courses
in hopes of one day becoming a guidance
Meghan Eisenberger
Tallmadge, Ohio
TROOP #91412
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Caroline Feldman, a Hudson High
School graduate, has been a Girl Scout for
12 years. She has earned the Girl Scout
Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. She and
her troop have served the Hudson community and Hudson Girl Scouts with many projects and
they have had travel adventures together. Caroline
has been to three of the Girl Scout World Centers:
Our Chalet, Pax Lodge and Our Cabaña.
Utilizing her musical talent which she has developed
over six years, Caroline’s Gold Award project “Music
for the Soul” aimed to incorporate music into everyday life for the residents at Regina Health Center
in Richfield. She hoped to bring enjoyment and
stimulation to the residents, particularly those in the
Alzheimer’s unit. She performed flute music individually in their rooms, at a wine and cheese party, and
in the floor lounges. Caroline also held a concert and
brought her friends to play different instruments. She
created a scrapbook of instrument picture puzzles
for the Alzheimer’s unit and word searches filled with
hidden musical words for all of the residents.
In addition to Girl Scouting, Caroline has been a
member of the National Honor Society and has
played in numerous groups within the Music Department, including marching band, wind ensemble,
chamber orchestra, and the pit orchestra for the
spring musical. She has earned a letter in crosscountry and received the Scholar Athlete Award.
Caroline is a member of St. Mary Parish and has
been actively involved in the Life Teen program
for the past four years. Caroline plans to pursue a
degree in Engineering at the University of Dayton.
Caroline is the daughter of Jody and Noreen Feldman of Hudson.
Caroline Feldman
Hudson, Ohio
TROOP #90949
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Audra Hoffmeister is a
graduate of Hudson High School
and has been a Girl Scout for 13
years. She has earned numerous patches as well as the Girl Scout
Silver and Gold Awards. For her Gold
Award project, Audra planted a butterfly
garden at the Hudson Elms Nursing
Home. She researched flowers that
attract butterflies and designed a layout for the garden. She then obtained
donations, planted the flowers, and
maintained the garden. In addition to
the butterfly garden, Audra made “Butterfly Garden Books” with pictures and
information about butterflies and the
flowers she planted. The residents at
the Hudson Elms Nursing Home as
well as their visitors will benefit from her
Audra Hoffmeister
Hudson, Ohio
TROOP #90949
In addition to Girl Scouting, Audra is a
member of the National Honor Society
and the Hudson High School Knitting
Club. She has been a squad leader
in marching band for the past two
years and is an active member of the
Life Teen program at St. Mary Parish.
Audra will attend The Ohio State University in the fall and plans to major in
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Danielle Howard, a gradu-
ate of Nordonia High School,
has been in Girl Scouting for
three years. For her Gold Award
project, she created an eco-friendly
community garden in the courtyard at
her school, which will be used by future
students. She fixed up the courtyard
and built a garden and flower boxes.
Students will learn to reuse rain water,
grow organic food and create something with their hands. Danielle is
studying biology at Heidelberg University and plans to pursue a career in the
medical field. Danielle has volunteered
with the Polar Express in addition to
serving as a committee chair for a Girl
Scout Camporee. She was the Vice
President of her school’s book club,
worked in her high school’s media
center and at the Akron Summit County
Public Library, Nordonia Branch.
Danielle Howard
Macedonia, Ohio
TROOP #90484
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Naomi Merklin, a graduate of
Revere High School, has been
a Girl Scout for 13 years. Naomi
has earned the Girl Scout Bronze,
Silver and Gold Awards. Many students
throughout Northeast Ohio will benefit from
Naomi’s project. Naomi landscaped at ETC
School of Musical Arts, a show choir studio
she has been a member of for eight years.
This project involved weeding, planting,
mulching and building a bench. Naomi realized this project would be important when
she saw how badly the gardens at the studio needed help and how much the studio’s
parking lot needed to be cleared. Outside
of Girl Scouts, Naomi is an executive board
member and has held several officer positions in Student Council. Naomi is also on
her school’s speech and debate team, as
well as a member of Drama Club, and a
three year member of Revere Symphonic
Choir. Naomi also volunteers at Akron
Children’s Hospital during her free time.
Next year, Naomi plans to attend West Virginia University and major in Forensic and
Investigative sciences. Naomi would like to
thank her parents, her supervisor Pricilla,
as well as Executive Director of ETC, Robert Heid for making this award possible.
Naomi Merklin
Akron, Ohio
TROOP #90769
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Melody Monroe, a graduate
of Field High School, has been in
Girl Scouting for 10 years. She
attends Kent State University
Stark campus where she is majoring in
Early Childhood Education. Her Gold
Award project, Dog Days of Summer,
benefited the residents of Altercare of
Brimfield. Melody held an ice cream
social, games and a dog show at the
nursing home. She also planned a Senior Center Luncheon at the Lake Adult
Community Center, which addressed
the importance of drinking fluids and
avoiding dehydration, the symptoms
of heat stroke and prevention. Melody
said the most successful part of her
program was the dog show, which provided the residents with companionship
and will continue for years to come.
Melody Monroe
N.E. Hartville, Ohio
TROOP #90460
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Nina Parri, a senior at Archbishop Hoban
High School of Akron, has been a Girl Scout
for 12 years. For her Girl Scout Gold Award
project, Nina designed and created the
Ft. Island Nature Gardens and Interactive
Information Board for the Learning Resource Center
(LRC) in Fairlawn. In addition, she built a 5 ft. x 15 ft.
brick walkway to the LRC storage unit that solved an
ongoing drainage problem.
“The first issue I wanted to address with my project
was to add life and color at the LRC building which
had grass, weeds and patches of mud. Since this is
a ‘learning center’ where children and adults of the
community come to learn about plants and animals,
I felt by adding flower gardens, the community would
benefit seeing the variety of plants and many birds,
butterflies and bees that would come with it. I researched many plants that would give three seasons
of color. I then created and built an Interactive Information Board using questions to be matched with
the correct pictures of each plant from the gardens.
The pictures that are on the information board are
actual pictures I took of the plants when they were in
full bloom. I also created a Fun Fact Answer poster
that is in the LRC for anyone using the Interactive
Information Board to check their answers and learn
facts about each plant. The 186 bricks I used for my
walkway were all recycled.”
Nina has earned multiple badges as well as the Girl
Scout Silver Award. She played on the JV basketball
team and Varsity softball team for Hoban. She is
involved in Basic Christian Community (BCC) and
Justice Akron Ministry (JAM) through Hoban. Over
the summer, Nina will be going on a mission trip to
El Salvador, Mexico, to build six homes for the poor
through her church.
Nina Parri
Fairlawn, Ohio
TROOP #90870
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Sarah Laferty, a graduate of Revere
Sarah Laferty
Akron, Ohio
TROOP #90769
High School, has been a member of
Girl Scout Troop 90769 for 13 years.
For her Girl Scout Gold Award project,
she landscaped the Western Reserve Playhouse, a community theater. She refurbished
the existing wooden benches and handicap
accessible wheelchair ramp. As part of the
project, she moved the sign to a better location,
touched up its paint, then created and planted
a flowerbed around it. She also dug up weeds
and created a large perennial bed. On the other
side of the property, Sarah pruned bushes that
were obstructing the drive and the handicap
ramp. She cleaned and stained seven wooden
benches and the handicap ramp, and finished
the handicap ramp with custom-cut traction
Sarah has earned the Girl Scout Bronze and
Silver Awards as well as the ‘God and Me’
and ‘God and Community’ Awards. At Revere
High School, she was Co-President of Revere
Players Drama Club and appeared in seven
Players productions and two Variety Shows
during her high school stage career. She was
also a member of the Revere Symphonic Choir
for four years and the Revere Treble Choir for
three years, serving as alto section leader for
both. Sarah is also a member of Westminster
Presbyterian Church, where she sings in the
choir, has served as Youth Elder (representing all church youth at the church governing
body) and also assisted with Vacation Bible
School and Sunday School. She will attend
the University of Dayton School of Music this
fall where she will pursue a degree in Vocal
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Raelyn Roxbury, a graduate of
Cuyahoga Falls High School, has
been in Girl Scouts 13 years. She
has earned a Silver Award and Gold
Award. Raelyn’s Gold Award project was
to freshen up the entrance to her elementary school flower beds. Raelyn organized
a mass pulling of weeds to clear the two
large flower beds, planted tulips, and
daffodils for spring growth. The Dragon’s
Den, as the project was called, will have
color three seasons of the year. Raelyn
also handed over the flower bed to the 5th
grade Girl Scout Troop in DeWitt Elementary so they can do the upkeep on the beds.
It is a continued giving project as each year
the garden will be handed down to the next
5th grade Girl Scout Troop. In addition to
Girl Scouting, Raelyn has been involved in
Relay for Life five years, a member of the
Black Tiger Marching Band and Synphonic
Band and a High School Varsity Woman’s
Bowling team member. She helped her
team to a 10th place team placement at the
State competitions level. She is planing to
pursue Business degree and Sports Marketing degree at University of Northwestern
Ohio, as she hopes to one day own a bowling alley.
Raelyn Roxbury
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
TROOP #90354
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Michaela Schoeffler, a grad-
uate of Trinity High School, has
been a Girl Scout for 13 years.
She has earned the Bronze,
Silver, and Gold Awards, including
numerous badges and leadership pins.
Michaela’s Gold Award project benefitted the faculty and students of Trinity
High School’s Science Department.
She transferred the overhead transparency notes for dozens of chapters of
two science classes into PowerPoints.
She designed and organized the text
into the most efficient outlines for optimal reading and learning of students.
These PowerPoints are currently being used and will be advantageous to
many students and teachers now and
in the future. Michaela is a four year
varsity athlete for both soccer and track
and field. She is also involved in the
Environmental Club at her school, is a
member of the National Honor Society,
and has volunteered for five years with
the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad
Polar Express. She plans to attend The
Ohio University in fall 2011 to pursue a
degree in social work.
Michaela Schoeffler
Northfield, Ohio
TROOP #90484
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Jessie Wilson is a graduate
of Western Reserve Academy
and has been a Girl Scout for 13
years. She has earned the Girl
Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards.
For her Gold Award project, Jessie
expanded a horse shelter at Victory
Gallop, a therapeutic equestrian center
for kids with special needs. This project
was something that Victory Gallop had
needed completed, but lacked the money and time to do. Accordingly, many
parties will benefit from this project,
particularly the people running Victory
Gallop and the horses and riders at the
farm. Outside of Girl Scouting, Jessie
is active in numerous extracurricular
activities: she is editor-in-chief of WRA’s
newspaper, captain of WRA’s rifle team,
and has been an active volunteer at
Victory Gallop in past summers. In the
fall, she will attend Duke University,
where she intends to study biomedical
Jessie Wilson
Akron, Ohio
TROOP #90769
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Brittany Sarama, a gradu-
ate of Brunswick High School,
has been in Girl Scouting for
10 years. In addition to Girl
Scouts, Brittany has been involved with
St. Elias Catholic Church youth group.
She plans to become an Optometrist
after graduating from Kent State University with a degree in chemistry.
Brittany remodeled the Mother’s room
at her church. She cleaned the room,
painted and decorated. Brittany also
made curtains, cleaned the carpet and
painted and organized a bookshelf.
“I chose this project because I love my
church and everyone who goes there.
I want to give back to my church and
the people that are like family to me.
My project provides a comfortable and
pleasant place for parents to be with
their children during mass while ensuring that they do not disrupt others.”
Brittany Sarama
Brunswick, Ohio
TROOP #90873
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Chelsea Ashley, a gradu-
ate of Geneva High School, has
been involved with Girl Scouts
for 11 years and has earned the
Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold
Awards. For her Gold Award project,
Chelsea built bird feeders for residents
at a local nursing home. She also
made a scrapbook about the different
types of birds that may be visiting the
new feeders. Chelsea, a post-secondary student, has completed two years
of college at Kent State Ashtabula
where she is earning an associate’s
degree. She then hopes to earn a
bachelor’s degree in film and communications.
Chelsea Ashley
Jefferson, Ohio
TROOP #80462
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Ashley Carroll, is a graduate of
Geneva High School. She has been
in Girl Scouts for 13 years. During
that time, Ashley has earned the
Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards.
She also became a Program Aide and has
helped to inspire younger Girl Scouts in her
community. The residents of Geneva Village, a local nursing home, have benefited
from her Silver and Gold Award projects.
With the help of her troop, Ashley made 20
bird feeders that are hanging outside the
windows at Geneva Village.
In addition to Girl Scouts, Ashley is a member of the National Honor Society and Project Love. Ashley was captain of her varsity
soccer team, flute section leader in both
marching and concert bands, and a member of the track team for three years. She
is also an assistant coach for the middle
school girls track team. Ashley was chosen
to be one of two members from her senior
class to do the morning and afternoon announcements. Ashley plans to attend Slippery Rock University in the fall where she
will study athletic training/physical therapy.
Ashley Carroll
Geneva, Ohio
TROOP #80462
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Kelly Dahman, a junior
at Canfield High School, has
been a Girl Scout for 11 years. She has earned the Girl Scout
Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. Family and friends who attend Boardman
Baptist Church, located in Boardman,
Ohio, will benefit from her Gold Award
project. For her project, Kelly designed
and constructed shelving and decorated wall hangings for the church’s
nursery. After evaluating the nursery,
she designed shelving that would not
only save space, but create more room
for toys, bags, and the nursery’s T.V. Upon recognizing a need for the church
in her community, Kelly completed her
project with the hopes of making a
lasting impact, and sure enough, the
successful renovation will serve the
church for years to come. In addition
to Girl Scouting, Kelly is involved as a
reader at church, and a member of the
Canfield Drumline, the Canfield Chamber Choir, German Club, and Key Club. Upon graduating, she plans to become
an interior designer.
Kelly Dahman
Canfield, Ohio
TROOP #80557
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Caitlin Devine, a junior at
Canfield High School, has been
in Girl Scouting for 10 years. In
addition to Girl Scouts, Caitlin is
involved with 4-H Boardman Haunted
Hay Ride, Key Club, Young Leaders
and Y-Teens. Her future plans include
becoming either a veterinarian or a physician. Her Gold Award project, Warm
and Cozy, provided patients with handmade blankets on New Year’s Day.
“I think I benefited from this project as
well as the patients. It made me feel
good inside to know I did something
special for people who don’t have family or visitors. It let them see that someone cares.”
Caitlin Devine
Canfield, Ohio
TROOP #80557
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Brittany Dowell, a graduate of LaBrae High School , was the Salutatorian for her
class of 91 students. She is a member of
Troop 80324 and has been in Girl Scouting for 13 years. She has earned many badges, including the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver,
and Gold Awards.
Brittany has come across many children in her
community that had never witnessed a formal
wedding. She found this sad because a wedding ceremony declares to the world the love of
two people and the peace they bring into each
other’s lives. For her Gold Award project, she
arranged to have a “Tom Thumb” mock wedding
to show the community children how wonderful
a wedding ceremony can be. She wanted the
children to appreciate the social skills necessary
to perform correctly at formal ceremonies and the
self-discipline it takes to manage their time. She
raised the money necessary to buy supplies and
refreshments and planned the entire wedding.
More than 300 community members attended the
Tom Thumb wedding.
“As a result of my project, children in my community all showed amazing talent and developed
better self-esteem,” said Brittany.
Brittany Dowell
Warren, Ohio
TROOP #80324
In addition to Girl Scouting, Brittany is president
of her Spanish class, member of Student Council
and National Honor Society, a marching band majorette, she tutors 2nd grade students in reading
and math, she is a library worker, an election poll
worker, and a member of Grace African Methodist
Episcopal Church where she serves as an usher. She will be attending The Ohio State University
this fall, majoring in Biology. Her goal is to become a Pediatrician.
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Emily Drought, a graduate of
Geneva High School, has been
a Girl Scout since she was in
kindergarten. She has earned
the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold
Awards. Elderly people at the Geneva
Village Nursing home are benefitting
from her Gold Award project. Emily,
along with the rest of her troop, built
bird feeders for the residents. She put
up the bird feeders outside of windows
at the nursing home and provided bird
seed for the feeders to be filled. Emily identified a need in her community
and completed a project that will have a
lasting impact. The residents at Geneva
Village now have something nice to
look at and entertain themselves with
when they look outside. Emily is also
involved with Spanish Club, Student
Council, National Honor Society and is
editor of the Geneva High School Yearbook. She plans to attend Kent State
University and possibly major in Business Management or Education.
Emily Drought
Geneva, Ohio
TROOP #80462
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Brittany Haynes, a graduate of South Range High School,
has been in Girl Scouting for 11
years. In addition to Girl Scouts,
Brittany has volunteered with Pink Ribbon Cheer Classic at Youngstown State
University, pie baking at Angels for Animals, making care packages and holiday cards for troops overseas, stuffing
backpacks for children, and collecting
food for the local food pantry. She is a
member of Zeta Tau Alpha at YSU, The
Way Station, South Range Key Club,
and 3 C’s. Brittany has lettered in varsity cheerleading and band. She plans
to pursue a career in broadcasting after
graduation from Point Park University.
The children at Akron Children’s Hospital benefited from Brittany’s Gold Award
project. She provided fleece blankets
and pillow cases for the rooms. She
also made craft bags and bookmarks to
help cheer up the pediatric patients.
Brittany Haynes
South Range, Ohio
TROOP #80962
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Michelle Kordupel, a graduate of
Boardman High School, has been a
Girl Scout for 13 years. She has earned
the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold
Awards. For her Gold Award project, Michelle
created a program, “Backpacks for Kids” which
benefited West Boulevard Elementary. Local
businesses donated backpacks, pens, pencils,
rulers, erasers, folders, paper, and other various school supplies to fill backpacks for children whose families cannot afford the cost of
school supplies.
“Education is a vital aspect of life and no one
should be denied a proper education because
of the cost,” said Michelle.
In addition to Girl Scouts, Michelle held many
leadership positions. She was the Vice President of French Club, the Inductee Leader for
National Honor Society, a Link Leader, and
Captain of the Speech and Debate Team. In
high school she was a part of French National
Honor Society, Medical Careers Club, Big
Brothers Big Sisters, and Symphony Orchestra.
Michelle also played third singles on the girl’s
tennis team and was named to the second
team in the Federal League. Michelle plans to
attend Youngstown State University, concentrating her academics in pre-veterinary and
biology as part of the STEM College. She has
already been accepted into the STEM leadership conservatory.
Michelle Kordupel
Boardman Ohio
TROOP #80098
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Kelly Kordupel, a graduate
of Boardman High School, has
been involved with Girl Scouts
for the past 12 years. During
this time, she has completed work for
countless badges as well as the Girl
Scout Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards.
A local nursing home and adult daycare center benefited from her project
by receiving 40 handmade lap blankets.
Kelly coordinated the project, enlisting the help of National Honor Society members at her high school. This
project has a lasting impact with the
residents as well as her school’s NHS,
giving them an annual winter service
project to benefit the community. In
addition to Girl Scouting, Kelly is involved with Computer Networking Tech
Crew, Science Club, Photo Arts, and
Junior Varsity and Varsity tennis. She
is a third generation NHS member, and
second generation Girl Scout member.
She plans to attend Youngstown State
University this fall, pursuing a degree in
Computer Information Systems.
Kelly Kordupel
Boardman, Ohio
TROOP #80098
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Sarah Moffitt, a graduate
Sarah Moffitt
Mineral Ridge, Ohio
TROOP #80598
of Hudson High School, has
been a Girl Scout for 13 years. She has earned the Girl Scout
Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. Her
Gold Award project, “Boxes for Birds,”
helped beautify the community and
gave bluebirds a better, cleaner shelter. Sarah led a team to remove bird boxes
and empty their contents. She then
proceeded to throw away any that were
beyond repair and fixed the ones that
were still usable. From this, she ended
up with 20 bird boxes. Afterward, she
built 20 new bird boxes from scratch
and installed all 40 in a new location. She is very happy to have helped the
community and the birds.
In addition to Girl Scouting, Sarah
is also a letter winner in cross-country
and track. This year she is also the
concertmaster of the Hudson High
School Chamber Orchestra. She recently won the National School Orchestra Award, which is only awarded to one
person each year. Sarah was also a
member of the German Club last year. In the fall, she plans to attend The Ohio
State University and major in business
or journalism.
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Sara Martinko, a senior
at Canfield High School, has
been a Girl Scout for 11 years.
She has earned the Girl Scout
Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. Battered women and children at the Sojourner’s House are benefitting from
her Gold Award project. Sara created
handmade sock monkeys. Sara recognized that the children at the house are
in need of some sort of enjoyment. She
used this idea to complete a project
that will bring smiles to their faces and
in turn, their mothers’ faces. In addition
to Girl Scouts, Sara is involved in competitive dance and summer tennis. She
is also on her high school’s varsity track
and field team and tennis team. At her
high school, Sara is a member of Leo’s
Club, symphonic and marching bands,
and Y-teens. She plans to attend college after graduation. Sara Martinko
Canfield, Ohio
TROOP #80557
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Rebecca Retallick, a recent
graduate of Geneva High School,
has been a Girl Scout for 11 years.
Throughout her years as a Girl
Scout, she has honorably received the Girl
Scout Bronze and Gold Awards. Ever since
she became a Girl Scout, it was always
a goal of hers to take the lessons she
learned from the program and to inspire
those in her community. The beneficiaries
of her Gold Award project are those residents of the Geneva Village nursing home,
with the 20 bird feeders posted outside
their windows. With the assistance of her
troop, Rebecca helped to bring nature back
to the elderly.
Rebecca is an upstanding citizen of her
community and her high school. She is
active in both school and communityrelated activities. In her high school, she is
a member of Key Club, Project Love, and
the volleyball and basketball programs.
Her academics are another thing that she
takes great pride in; she graduated in the
top 35 of her class, and also with an honors
diploma. Rebecca plans on furthering her
education by attending Kent State University in the fall, where she will study Special
Education/Intervention Specialist MildModerate.
Rebecca Retallick
Geneva, Ohio
TROOP #80462
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Maggie Sharpe, a gradu-
ate of Geneva High School,
has been in Girl Scouting for 12
years. Maggie has volunteered
as a Girl Scout Program Aide. In addition to Girl Scouts, Maggie is involved
with Key Club, Assumption Church,
and National Honor Society. Maggie
has received the Good Citizen Award
and vocal awards. She has earned
the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver and Gold
Awards. For her Gold Award project,
Bringing Nature to the Elderly, Maggie
built 20 bird feeders and installed them
at the Geneva Village Retirement community. “My project has influenced my life because it has shown me the joy of giving
and made me want to continue volunteering in the future.”
Maggie Sharpe
Geneva, Ohio
TROOP #80462
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Bethany Woodley is the daughter of Rick
and Gina Woodley. She has enjoyed keeping a
busy schedule during her years at John F. Kennedy High School. Bethany is a four year member of the JFK Relay for Life Team, the Varsity
Volleyball team (three year letterman and Co-Captain her
senior year), and Student Senate. She served as Student
Senate President, and as Assistant to the President of the
Notre Dame School System. Bethany has participated in
Science Club, Yearbook, Mu Alpha Theta, Political History
Club, and was a Student Ambassador. She was part of the
2011 Academic Challenge team, a member of the National
Honor Society, and a two year leader at the JFK Kairos
Bethany values her opportunities for community service and
is a regular teen volunteer at St. Joseph’s Hospital, an altar
server at St. Mary’s Parish, and has traveled to New Orleans as a Habitat for Humanity member. She was a member of the JFK 2010 Rostro de Cristo Mission Trip to Duran,
Ecuador, where she worked at Damien House, a facility for
Hansen’s patients. Bethany will be returning to Ecuador this
summer, again as a member of the JFK Rostro de Cristo
Missionary Team. A Girl Scout for the past nine years, she
completed her Gold Award this past August.
Bethany is active in the political arena as well, having been
chosen as a Congressional Page for the United States
House of Representatives during the fall of her junior year.
This appointment had her living and working in our nation’s
capitol for five months. She spent a week at Ashland University as a Buckeye Girls State delegate and was elected
as an Appellate Attorney for the Supreme Court. Bethany
is a Junior Member of the American Legion Auxiliary. She
worked the polls for the Trumbull County Board of Elections
this past November and May.
On May 28th, 2011, Bethany graduated from Warren John
F. Kennedy High School. As Valedictorian, she received
her Diploma with Honors and the President’s Leadership
Award. In the fall, she will attend Boston College where she
will pursue a degree in Psychology, before entering Law
Bethany Woodley
Cortland, Ohio
TROOP #80889
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Marie Blatnik, the Salutato-
rian of Padua Franciscan High
School’s class of 2010, began
Girl Scouts as a Daisy. Her Girl
Scout Gold Award project taught children the sport of Orienteering. They
learned vital navigation skills that they
will continue to use the rest of their
lives— in the car, in the beginning of
high school, on massive college campuses, and in unfamiliar areas. The
participants set out into the West Creek
Reserve with maps, compasses, and
guides who know the area well and
can aid them in navigation. In addition
to Girl Scouting, Marie is involved with
robotics, kayaking, campus ministry,
French Club, and a slew of extracurricular activities. She now attends
Cleveland State University where she
is pursing undergraduate degrees in
Physics and Electrical Engineering.
Marie Blatnik
Seven Hills, Ohio
TROOP #71164
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Lauren Britton, a graduate of
Bay High School, has been in Girl
Scouting for 13 years. She has
actively participated in track and
field, cross country, swim team, basketball,
HUDDLE, Team Africa, Relay for Life, and
National Honors Society. Using her musical talent, Lauren sang in the treble choir
and she played both the tenor sax and the
bassoon for the various Bay High School
bands, including marching band, jazz band,
stage band, symphonic band, concert
band, pep band and pit orchestra. In addition to school activities, Lauren enjoys Girl
Scouts, photography, mission trips, running
the nursery at church, hanging out with
friends, and baking. Lauren will be attending Muskingum University in New Concord,
Ohio to study nursing. Her goal is to be a
pediatric nurse practitioner.
Lauren has earned both the Girl Scout
Bronze and Gold Awards. For her Girl
Scout Gold Award project, Lauren made a
scrapbook of interviews and pictures that
highlight Bay Village for its bicentennial celebration. She interviewed several people
and took pictures of local businesses and
parks. She also conducted four scrapbook
workshops. The 2010 Bicentennial scrapbook is on display at the Bay Village Historical Society archives.
Lauren Britton
Bay Village, Ohio
TROOP #70742
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Mary Button is a graduate of Magni-
ficat High School. She has been a Girl
Scout for 13 years and has earned both
the Girl Scout Silver and Gold Awards.
For her Gold Award project, Mary organized
a sewing clinic for girls ages 5 and up. The
clinic was comprised of two, 3-hour sessions
with nearly 90 participants. During the sewing
clinic, participants rotated through six stations,
learning about hand-stitching, machine sewing,
installing zippers and careers in sewing. Each
participant completed three projects: a reversible headband and a Christmas tree ornament
for themselves and a zippered pencil case for
a student at an inner-city school. Each participant also received a detailed instruction booklet
which reviewed the techniques and projects
learned at the clinic so they could continue
to make the projects at home. In addition to
Girl Scouts, Mary has been a member of the
National Honor Society, a participant in Campus Ministry programs at school and a member
of costume crew for Magnificat productions.
She has volunteered the past four years as
the Chief Wardrobe Alumni Assistant for Saint
Richard Theatre Company. Additionally, Mary is
involved with her parish, St. Clarence, serving
as a PSR teacher and an active member of the
youth group. Mary is a young entrepreneur who
owns her own business, Button Bags, where
she designs and sells various types of bags.
She plans to attend the University of Cincinnati
next year where she will study fashion design.
Mary Button
Westlake, Ohio
TROOP #70645
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Kati Corbitt, who is a 2010 Bay High School
Katherine Corbitt
Bay Village, Ohio
TROOP #70750
graduate, currently attends John Carroll University
and is involved with the Arrupe Scholars Program,
and the varsity golf program. She is most proud of
her participation and sisterhood in the Kappa Delta
Sorority, which continuously supports Girls Scouts of
the USA as one of their philanthropies and shares sisterhood
with a local Girl Scout Troop. She also works as a driver for the
Center for Service and Social Action (CSSA) and has volunteered with Boys Hope Girls Hope, the Fatima Family Center,
Quantum LEAP and Warner Girls Leadership Academy in the
past year. In addition to being a member of the Honors Program and an athlete, she has found time to participate and plan
several service projects including the Cleveland Neighborhood
Project, the Fatima Thanksgiving Food Drive, the Footprints for
Fatima 5k Run, Kappa Delta Shamrock Late-Night Pancake
Breakfast, and Hunger Awareness Day/ Oxfam Hunger Banquet. When she is not participating in service projects, she is
working to receive her degree in Biology and Adolescent/Young
Adult Education at JCU. She is the loving daughter of Peggy
and Jeff Corbitt and believes that she would never have come
to be who she is without their love and support.
Kati’s Gold Award project was the creation of a training video
for the teen volunteers who dedicate their time with the special
participants of Youth Challenge. Youth Challenge is a non-profit
organization that creates organized activities which children
with physical disabilities are able to enjoy. These activities
include, but are not limited to, swimming, bowling, golfing, sailing, skiing, sledding and are all adapted to the special needs
of the child. Every child is paired with a volunteer who tends
to the child’s every need as well as making sure the participant
is having fun and is safe! Kati has been actively volunteering
with Youth Challenge for the past seven years. Her love for this
program and her concern for the proper care and love required
to take care of these special kids influenced her to make this
her Gold Award project. Looking back at her first years of volunteering, she remembers being a bit nervous thinking about the
“what if this happens” or “what should I do if” questions when
working with a participant. Kati felt “seeing or observing” how
the other experienced volunteers and participants’ interacted
with each other was the best learning tool for a new volunteer. She wanted to bring together this experience and the advice of
veteran volunteers for incoming teen volunteers so they would
be well-prepared to take care of participants expected and
unexpected needs, such as difficulty speaking, random movements, care during meals and use of their special equipment
(wheelchairs, walker, leg braces, van lift, etc). The video shows
veteran volunteers taking care of the participants during activities and outings. It also shows special techniques and training. 2011 G O L D AWA R D
Megan Cuthbert, a graduate
of West Geauga High School,
has been in Girl Scouts for 13
years. In addition to Girl Scouting, Megan has been involved with her
church youth group, a suicide prevention leader, teen pregnancy prevention
leader and a member of the Chagrin
Valley Youth Board. Megan plans to
attend Miami University and major in
International Studies of Government
and Law. For her Gold Award project,
Megan set up a recycling booth at local
church festivals. She also prepared a
fact sheet about the benefits of recycling that she handed out while speaking to younger Girl Scout Troops.
“I love knowing that I have influenced
others and demonstrated the benefits
of recycling. Every bottle counts and I
know that I have been able to spread
that knowledge to others. Advocating
for something I believe in and making a
change in my community will help keep
the Earth clean so people can travel
and enjoy it.”
Megan Cuthbert
Chesterland, Ohio
TROOP #70912
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Abby Dunegan, a graduate
of Chagrin Falls High School,
has been in Girl Scouting for 12
years. In addition to Girl Scouts,
she is involved with Key Club, cheerleading, Vacation Bible School and her church
youth group. She received a superior
rating at the State level in wind ensemble
and she received the silver and gold
medal in Irish dance. Her immediate
plans include participating in the student
exchange program: China with Bridge to
the World. Abby is considering a career
in International Law as an Environmental
Agent. For her Gold Award project, Abby
collected books for the English as a Second Language program at the Manow
School in Tanzania. She also created 200
puzzles for the students.
“By doing this project I discovered the rewards of being able to directly help people
in another nation and have an effect on
their lives. This experience has influenced
my choice to major in International Studies and provided an opportunity to teach in
Tanzania in the future.”
Abigail Dunegan
Chagrin Falls, Ohio
TROOP #70833
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Camille Eckel, a graduate of
Bay High School, has earned the
Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold
Awards. For her Gold Award project, Camille ran a collection for animals at
the Middleburg Heights Animal Foundation. Additionally, she held a booth at the
American Cancer Society fundraiser Bark
for Life. There, she and her helpers taught
dogs agility training and made dog toys to
be donated to the foundation. Camille participates in many events. She is a member
of her Bay Village Girl Scout Troop, as well
as the high adventure Girl Scout Troop of
Greater Cleveland. She ran cross-country
and was a member of the swim team for
all four years of high school. Additionally,
she is the president of her 4-H club. Next
year, Camille will be studying in Brazil as
an exchange student through Rotary Youth
Exchange. She would like to thank her
friends and family for all of their help and
support throughout the years.
Camille Eckel
Bay Village, Ohio
TROOP #70742
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Abby Glass, a graduate of
Bay High School, has been in
Girl Scouting for 12 years. In
addition to Girl Scouts, Abby
has been involved with Key Club, Vice
President of SADD (Students Against
Destructive Decisions), Relay for Life
captain, marching band and stage
manager. Abby is also an AP Scholar.
Abby has earned the Girl Scout Marian
Award in addition to the Gold Award.
For her Gold Award project, Going
Back to Kindergarten, Abby remodeled
a classroom at Glenview Center for
Childcare and Learning. She painted
the room, covered shelves, hung tiles
and sewed and hung curtains. Abby
collected educational toys and also
built a mobile science and math cabinet. Abby’s future plans include earning a degree in biology from John
Carroll University and mission trips with
her church.
Abby Glass
Bay Village, Ohio
TROOP #70750
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Jaclyn Gleske is a graduate
of West Geauga High School
and has been a Girl Scout since
Kindergarten. For her Gold
Award she made packages for battered
women to be distributed by local fire
departments when they receive emergency calls involving abused women. The handmade bags included cell
phones programmed to only call 911
and information packets for the women
to get help. She hosted a spaghetti dinner and raised enough money to supply
the WomenSafe shelter with a shed to
store summer supplies. In addition,
she worked with younger Girl Scout
Troops to make care packages for the
WomenSafe Shelter, which included
toiletries such as toothbrushes, shampoo, and soap among other items. In
high school, Jaclyn was a captain of
the swim team, involved in band, and
part of various school organizations. She will be attending The University of
Akron in the fall.
Jaclyn Gleske
Novelty, Ohio
TROOP #70912
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Shelby Hall, a graduate of
West Geauga High School, has
been in Girl Scouting for 13
years. In addition to Girl Scouts,
Shelby is involved with Big Brothers,
Big Sisters of Northeast Ohio, InterAct,
Rotary Club, cross-country and track.
Shelby plans to become a teacher after
graduating from Slippery Rock University. Her Gold Award project, Help Our
Heroes, sent care packages to military
troops overseas through AnySoldier.
com, an organization that sends packages to soldiers who don’t have some
of the basic necessities. Shelby spoke
to several classrooms, held three packing parties and sent 50 care packages
containing hygiene products, games
and snacks.
“When I started my project, I was focused on boosting morale. Over the
course of my project, I kept thinking
about the good I was doing for our
troops. I believe every box gave them
some hope and faith in tomorrow.”
Shelby Hall
Chesterland, Ohio
TROOP #70912
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Jessica Herman, a graduate
of West Geauga High School,
has been in Girl Scouting for
12 years. She plans to attend
Otterbein College or the University of
Findlay and become an Equine Veterinarian. Jessica has earned the Girl
Scout Silver and Gold Awards. Jessica’s Gold Award project “Rip, Strip
and Prime” benefited her Pastor and
his family as well as the congregation
at Chesterland Baptist Church. Jessica
organized volunteers to pull out carpet, strip wallpaper and prime all of the
rooms in the house. She also organized the food and supplies needed for
five days of work.
“My project gave me new responsibilities and a new work ethic. It showed
me the beauty of unity for a common
Jessica has also been involved with National Honor Society, Geauga Hunger
Task Force, InterAct Club and Rotary
Club. She is a two-time winner of the
Chesterland Rotary 4-way speech contest.
Jessica Herman
Chesterland, Ohio
TROOP #70911
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Megan Hobart, a senior at Wil-
loughby South High School, has been
in Girl Scouts for 10 years. She has
earned the Marian Medal, Spirit Alive,
and Girl Scout Silver Award as well as her Gold
Award. The current and future parishioners of
her church and her church’s partner parish, as
well as the participants in the acolyte programs
at both churches, are benefiting from her Gold
Award project. As an acolyte at her church,
Megan noticed the difficulties that the acolyte
program was experiencing, including decreasing numbers of servers, a lack of structure
in training, and a decreasing quality in the
serving. In order to encourage more children
to become involved in the parish community
and improve the atmosphere of mass, Megan
created a new and improved recruiting and
training program. She wrote a detailed plan of
how to serve each mass and made it available
to those who need it, and then she put the plan
into action. Ten new servers were trained, and
the new plan will continue to be used. In addition to Girl Scouting, Megan is involved in her
high school marching band as a color guard
member, National Honor Society, Key Club,
and Spanish Club as well as her church youth
group. Megan plans to attend Case Western
Reserve University, The Ohio State University,
or Xavier University as a pre-medicine and
then medicine major after her graduation in
June 2012.
Megan Hobart
Willoughby, Ohio
TROOP #70320
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Caroline Kelemen, a graduate
of Westlake High School, has been
a Girl Scout for 13 years. For her
Gold Award project, Caroline developed and built large recycling centers for
the Lake Erie Nature Center (LENSC) and
BayArts located in Bay Village. These
centers are weather resistant and raccoon
proof and constructed with all natural or
environmentally friendly materials. Recycling cans were also provided for the
LENSC administrative offices and kitchen. In addition to being a member of Westlake Girl Scout Troop 70273, Caroline is a
member of High Adventure Troop 70330
and has served on the Girl Scout Teen Advisory Board and the Girl Scouts of North
East Ohio Board of Directors. She is a Girl
Scout Bronze and Silver Award recipient
and recently became a lifetime member
of Girl Scouts. In addition to Girl Scouts,
she has also been involved in Westlake
Area Youth (WAY) Leadership Team, NASA
INSPIRE Program, Westlake Porter Library
Teen Advisory Group (TAG), Westlake High
School Latin Club, debate team, marching
band, concert band, Ski Club, Westlake
High Broadcasting System (WHBS) and
St. Ladislas Church. Caroline will attend
Purdue University in the fall where she
plans to study Environmental and/or Civil
Caroline Kelemen
Westlake, Ohio
T R O O P # 70273/70334
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Jenny Klose is a graduate of
Chagrin Falls High School and
joined Girl Scouts as a Daisy.
She has earned the Girl Scout
Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. For
her Gold Award project, Jenny collected
infant necessities for under-privileged
new mothers. She created “Baby
Bags” with the items and donated them
to University Hospitals MacDonald
Women’s Hospital. Through both donations and fundraising, Jenny was able
to assemble 70 bags containing more
than 1,000 items.
In addition to Girl Scouts, Jenny is an
active member of Key Club, International Club and Philosophy Club at Chagrin Falls High School. Also, she has
played the piano since first grade. In
the summer months, she is a camp
counselor in Chautauqua, New York
and is currently an after-school nanny. Jenny plans to attend Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio in the fall.
Jennifer Klose
Chagrin Falls, Ohio
TROOP #70833
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Lynsey Kovach, a graduate of
Mentor High School, has been a
Girl Scout for 12 years. She has
earned the Girl Scout Bronze,
Silver, and Gold Awards. The St. Andrew
Episcopal Church parish in Kirtland Hills
is benefiting from her Gold Award project.
The church is underprivileged due the economic times, and in order to cut costs their
landscape became overgrown and unruly.
St. Andrew gave her Service Unit so much
over the years, and she felt obliged to help
these generous people. Lynsey replenished the wild beds by eliminating weeds,
creating new beds, edging and mulching.
She also rejuvenated the outdoor chapel
by cleaning the pews and painting the engraved crosses on the bases of the pews.
The church was so grateful and astonished
by her hard work that the church officials
gave Lynsey a Proclamation Letter. In high
school, Lynsey was a member of National
Honor Society, Yearbook Club, and played
for the freshman basketball and JV track
teams. She was also involved in the varsity
girls tennis team, being named MVP for
two consecutive years. She is continuing
her education at Miami University where
she will major in business. Lynsey plans on
going into medical health administration.
Lynsey Kovach
Mentor, Ohio
TROOP #71174
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Sarah Lipperman, a graduate
of Bay High School, has been a Girl
Scout since kindergarten. Her Gold
Award project benefited the patients
of the pediatric Hematology/Oncology unit at
the Cleveland Clinic. She made 60 drawstring
bags filled with art supplies, toys, and handsewn bears. The bags were gender specific
and catered to different age groups. Her intent
was that if a patient or sibling of a patient was
having a hard time, the bag will brighten their
day and make their unbearable experience at
the clinic a little more bearable. As a previous
patient in the same clinic, Sarah wanted to give
back to the patients because she knows how
nice gestures, no matter how small or large,
can really make a difference while receiving
Girl Scouts has always been one of Sarah’s
favorite activities. In addition to Girl Scouting,
she is also a member of National Honor Society, was President of her high school Key Club,
and was extremely involved in marching and
symphonic band. This past year, she attended
Ohio Northern University and has just recently
completed her first year as a pharmacy student. In college, she is also involved in both bands
and has recently become Vice President of
Circle K. She also joined a service sorority to
continue her desire to give back to the community.
Sarah Lipperman
Bay Village, Ohio
TROOP #70750
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Melissa Brooks is a gradu-
ate of Magnificat High School in
Rocky River. She has been in
Girl Scouts for 13 years and has
earned the Girl Scout Silver and Gold
Awards. Her older brothers, both in the
Marines, inspired her Gold Award project, which sent boxes of goods from her
hometown to soldiers overseas. Melissa held an event at a bowling alley to
collect items, raise money for shipping
the boxes, and to give an opportunity
for donors to sign a card to be included
in the care packages.
“The best part of my project occurred
after it ended. I received many letters
and emails from the soldiers, and seeing their words of appreciation let me
know what I did made an impact and
made it all worth it.”
In addition to Girl Scouting, Melissa is
captain of her track team, in the National Honor Society, and is heavily
involved with Campus Ministry at Magnificat. She plans to attend The Ohio
State University next fall, where she will
be majoring in communications.
Melissa Brooks
North Olmsted, Ohio
TROOP #70645
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Jennifer Martynowski, a
member of Troop 70645, is a
graduate of North Olmsted High
School. Throughout high school,
she was heavily active in a theatre
program called Eagle’s Nest Theatre. In the program, she built the stage sets
for eight productions, and with so much
time spent in the program she became
a Thespian her sophomore year. This
past school year she was Vice President. Each spring for the past three
years, Jennifer was in the cast of NOHS’s spring musicals. Jennifer’s
Gold Award project involved painting a
mural for Eagle’s Nest Theatre, painting
two additional signs, as well as updating a pre-existing sign. She hopes to
attend Baldwin Wallace in the fall and
major in Studio Art and minor in Theatre.
Jennifer Martynowski
North Olmsted, Ohio
TROOP #70645
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Andrea Miller, a graduate of Strongs-
ville High School, began Girl Scouts as a
Daisy. Throughout her journey, she has
earned many awards, including 47 Try-its,
87 badges, 32 Interest Project Patches,
all four Girl Scout religious recognitions and the Girl
Scout Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards, plus she
participated in various community service projects.
In 2006, Andrea joined a high adventure Girl Scout
Troop. In 2008, she sold nearly 1,000 boxes of Girl
Scout cookies to support her troop and programming
in Northeast Ohio.
For her Gold Award project, Andrea conducted a
hearing disability awareness workshop held at an
elementary school in Parma. More than 247 fourth
and fifth graders participated. Andrea spent numerous hours researching, planning and organizing the
workshop. She also trained 12 individuals to conduct
five teaching stations, which educated students
about people with hearing impairments.
In addition to Girl Scouts, Andrea has been an active
member of her church and a member of a mission
team in Cleveland. In 2009, she was a member of
a mission team that went to Mexico. She has also
been involved with Happy Hands, a sign language
group. In school, Andrea was a member of the
Marching Mustangs and symphonic band. She plays
the flute, bassoon and baritone. She has also been
active with Key Club, National Honor Society and
is a D.A.R.E. role model. Andrea has taken PSEO
(Post Secondary Enrollment Option) and many
Honors and AP classes, which have prepared her for
an education at The Ohio State University. Andrea
plans to major in Speech and Hearing and become
an Audiologist.
Andrea Miller
Strongsville, Ohio
TROOP #70108
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Justine Mroczka, a senior
at Strongsville High School, has
been in Girl Scouting for eight
years. In addition to Girl Scouts,
Justine is involved with Key Club and
the Strongsville Historical Society. She
plans to pursue a career in event planning and major in marketing. Justine
has earned the Girl Scout Bronze,
Silver and Gold Awards. For her Gold
Award project, Justine redesigned the
Hannah Wernke Memorial Butterfly
Garden. She worked with a professional landscaper to develop a plan
for the garden. Justine also raised the
money for the garden and organized a
volunteer day to remove the unwanted
weeds. After the garden was planted,
she created a manual for the different
plants in the garden and care instructions.
Justine Mroczka
Strongsville, Ohio
TROOP #70544
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Kalle Nelson, a graduate of Hawken
School, has been a Girl Scout for 13
years. In addition to the Gold Award,
Kalle has earned the Girl Scout Silver
and Bronze Awards. Kalle entitled her
Gold Award project, “Give a Shoe - Change
a Life.” When she was 12 years old, Kalle
learned about the plight of people with no shoes
from her cousin, who had served in Afghanistan
with the U.S. Army. Upon further research,
Kalle discovered that there are approximately
300 million children in the world without shoes
and Americans have an estimated 1.5 billion
pairs of unused shoes lying in their closets.
Working within her community, Kalle collected
over 2,800 pairs of shoes, weighing nearly two
tons, and donated them to Soles4Souls for
global distribution.
Kalle has participated in horseback riding for
11 years and competes in Dressage. She has
served as a volunteer and camp counselor at
Fieldstone Farm Therapeutic Riding Center, is
an intern at Hawken School’s Writing Center,
and helped found Hawken School’s organic
garden. Kalle participated in the Oxbridge
Program and studied psychology and philosophy at The University of Oxford. She has been
awarded More Light Scholarships for Community Engagement and Global Perspectives.
Kalle plans to major in psychology at Lawrence
Kalle Nelson
Chagrin Falls, Ohio
TROOP #70833
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Rachel O’Connor is a
graduate of West Geauga High
School. She has been a Girl
Scout since kindergarten and
has earned the Girl Scout Bronze,
Silver and Gold Awards. After having
been recently diagnosed with Juvenile
Diabetes, for her Gold Award, Rachel
made approximately 50 starter kits for
new Juvenile Diabetics. She worked
with younger troops to make fleece
tie blankets and get-well cards to help
the new diabetic patients feel at home
during their time at the hospital. Rachel also included a letter to each new
diabetic including her own struggles
and triumphs as a newly-diagnosed
diabetic to help let the kids know that it
is okay to be confused or upset, and to
ensure them that it does get better after
time. In addition to Girl Scouts, during high school, Rachel was part of Big
Brothers Big Sisters, Envirothon and
Philosophy Club. She is now attending
the University of Mount Union, where
she is studying Early Childhood Education and Japanese, and plans to spend
her spring semester of 2012 studying
abroad at Kansai Gaidai in Japan.
Rachel O’Connor
Chesterland, Ohio
TROOP #70912
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Julie Picha, a graduate of
West Geauga High School, has
been in Girl Scouting 12 years.
In addition to Girl Scouts, she
has also been involved with InterAct.
Julie plans to pursue a career in accounting after graduating Lakeland
Community College. Her Gold Award
project, Kids in Motion, encourages
children to become active. Julie created games, which provide children with
some physical activity during recess at
school, including a painting of the U.S.
map, as a learning tool. Julie taught
children in each grade to participate in
the games, designed to them to become more active.
Julie Picha
Chesterland, Ohio
TROOP #70912
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Megan Porter, a graduate of
Hathaway Brown, has been in Girl
Scouting for 13 years. In addition
to Girl Scouts, Megan has been
involved with Soles4Souls. She served as
editor of Scripta, her school literary magazine, commentary editor of The Review,
captain of the Hathaway Brown Varsity
Debate Team, and captain of the Hathaway Brown FIRST LEGO League robotics
team. She plans to become an Oncologist
after college. Her mother’s experience
with breast cancer inspired her Gold Award
project. Megan researched breast cancer
and developed an adolescent guide and
an illustrated guide to breast cancer for
young children. She enlisted the help of
volunteers to spread the word at a booth
at the Farmer’s Market. Both of her breast
cancer guides are available at the school
“Receiving this Gold Award is truly the culmination of all the years in Girl Scouts. It’s
knowing that I’ve been with an organization
for 13 years that has supported me through
the many school changes and moves and
hard times in my life. I am exceptionally
grateful to the community for giving me
the opportunity to help young adults in my
school system learn more about women’s
health issues.”
Megan Porter
South Russell, Ohio
TROOP #70833
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Emily Rydzinski, a Valedictorian
graduate of Eastlake North High
School, has been a Girl Scout
for 11 years. For her Girl Scout
Gold Award project, she revamped her
city’s swim team, swim record board, and
made an event announcement board for
the city of Eastlake. The original record
board with swim records dating back to the
1970’s was accidently destroyed during the
renovation of the pool last year. The event
board will allow patrons of the pool to know
daily updates of activities at the pool.
In addition to being a Girl Scout, Emily
is also the historian for her school’s National Honor Society. She was a two-year
Captain of the Flag Corp division of the
Marching Band. Only one other person in
the school’s 50-year history has had this
honor. Emily is also an A-Honors student
on the Academic Decathlon Team, a member of the Varsity Swim Team and is an
active member of the Suicide Prevention
Task Force.
Emily will attend The University of Akron in
the fall where she will major in Advanced
Math Education, and she will also be a
member of the university’s Flag Corp.
Emily Rydzinski
Eastlake, Ohio
TROOP #71226
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Amy Sil is a graduate of Lutheran
Amy Sil
Westlake, Ohio
TROOP #70645
West High School and has been
a Girl Scout for 12 years. She has
earned multiple badges as well as
the Girl Scout Silver and Gold Awards. For
her Gold Award project, Amy cataloged
items in the Display Barn at Frostville for
the Olmsted Historical Society. She took
pictures of over 500 items, found the
names of the item as well as where it came
from, and worked with their Historian to do
this. She then created a catalog on PowerPoint and saved it on a disc so it could be
updated in the future. She was able to help
preserve some of the history of her community by cataloging the items, which had
never been done before. Amy has earned
varsity letters in both softball and soccer.
She is a member of Chorale and Singers
and was picked for the PAC 10 Honors
Choir in 2011. She is also a member of the
National Honor Society. Amy is active in
her church youth group and volunteers in
the community frequently. Amy is a Fenn
Scholar and has attended an Engineering Summer Camp at Cleveland State
University and shadowing opportunities at
Kaiser Permanente for Pharmacy and the
Cleveland Clinic for Biomedical Engineering. This summer she is working at NASA
Glenn Research Center on a full-time paid
internship. She will be attending the University of Findlay, College of Pharmacy.
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Jacqueline Stansbury, a
graduate of Strongsville High
School, has been in Girl Scouting for 13 years. She has been
involved with National Honor Society,
National Federation of Music Clubs,
and National Society of High School
Scholars. She has received numerous
awards while participating in her high
school marching band, pep band, and
pit orchestra. Jacqueline applied her
passion for music to her Gold Award
project, a music room makeover at her
high school and a music program at
the Child Garden Daycare center. She
donated musical toys to the daycare
to help teach preschool children how
to use instruments. Jacqueline plans
to pursue a career in music education
after college.
Jacque Stansbury
Strongsville, Ohio
TROOP #70578
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Erin Thomas, a graduate of Westlake
High School, has been a Girl Scout for 12
years and continues her Girl Scout involvement as a member of the International
Travel Girl Scout Troop. She has earned the
Girl Scout Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. For her
Gold Award she wanted to make learning science
fun for grade school children and help them prepare
for the 4th grade Ohio Proficiency test, specifically
targeting homeschoolers.
Erin set up several days at a nature center and at a
library where children could learn about weather. A
local meteorologist gave a hands-on demonstration
on how meteorologists predict weather and how to
make weather-predicting tools at home. Children
went from station to station learning different things
about weather and received take-home crafts.
Erin wrote a training manual outlining the preparation and program timeline, room set-up, volunteer job
descriptions, directions for hands-on projects, scripts
for volunteers to use at each station, a list of area
meteorologists willing to attend future programs, and
all the materials needed for future programs. She
also prepared and donated enough material for the
library to repeat the program two more times.
Erin Thomas
Westlake, Ohio
TROOP #71121
In addition to Girl Scouting, Erin was on her high
school volleyball, gymnastics and softball teams and
earned 10 varsity letters. She was volleyball and
gymnastics team captain. Erin was also a member
of the National Honor Society. Erin just completed
her freshman year at West Virginia University where
she is a 21st Century Scholar and is in the Honors
Business School. She earned membership in two
honor fraternities, Alpha Lambda Delta National
Honor Society and Phi Sigma Theta, and was on the
Dean’s list. She is a member and officer of Sigma
Kappa sorority. She was also voted 2011 Tau Kappa
Epsilon fraternity sweetheart. Erin will travel to China
in 2013 with the International Travel Girl Scouts.
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Olivia Tomsick, a graduate
of Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin
School, has been in Girl Scouting 11 years. She has also been
involved with National Honor Society,
Successful Teen Living, Medical Careers Club, Lion Pride Club, Student
Ambassadors, Junior Varsity and Varsity tennis, and Vacation Bible School.
She was nominated to attend the
National Youth Leadership Forum on
Medicine. Olivia plans to work as an
emergency room physician or a forensic anthropologist. For her Gold Award
project, Olivia designed, cleaned and
revitalized the landscaping at St. Andrew Church. She also held an Adopta-Garden day.
“My Gold Award project has greatly
influenced my life because I have developed leadership skills which will help
me throughout my personal and professional life. I have learned the importance of time management, and I have
developed communication skills.”
Olivia Tomsick
Mentor, Ohio
TROOP #71174
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Mahima Venkatesh, a graduate of
Strongsville High School, has been in Girl
Scouting since 3rd grade when she joined
Troop 70108 as a Brownie. She has earned
many Interest Project awards, the Girl Scout
Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards as well as the Cadette Leadership Award. For her Gold Award project,
Mahima conducted a nutrition fair for elementary
school children and their parents. This interactive
event showcased healthy foods, recipes, and fitness
information with 13 vendors. Nutritionists, dieticians, yoga instructors and fitness trainers also gave
presentations. The mayor signed a proclamation declaring the day of the fair as “Nutrition and Wellness
Day” in Strongsville. Mahima encouraged parents
to contact their congressmen to vote for the National
Child Nutrition Act.
Mahima lettered in Varstiy tennis. She was awarded
the MVP her senior year. She plays the flute in the
symphony orchestra and has performed with the
Boston String Quartet and performed at Carnegie
Hall. Mahima has also been active in Key Club,
Math Club, Mu Alpha Theta, National Honor Society, and Spanish Honor Society. In the summer of
2010, she worked as an intern at the NASA Glenn
Research Center. Mahima has been named a Nation Merit Commended Student, Presidential Scholar
Nominee, and AP Scholar with Distinction. She
has received a number of awards and recognitions,
including the Presidential Volunteer Service Award.
Mahima plans to major in biology with a minor in
Spanish at the University of Cincinnati. She has also
been accepted to the Connections Dual Admissions
Medical Program and the Turner Scholars Program.
Mahima Venkatesh
Strongsville, Ohio
TROOP #70018
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Hannah Zaim, a graduate of
Chagrin Falls High School, has
been in Girl Scouts since kindergarten. She has earned the Girl
Scout Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. Her Gold Award project, Green Up
Your Life, helped her community recycle more than 2,000 phone books
and taught younger Girl Scout troops
about recycling and “being green.” In
addition to Girl Scouts, Hannah has
been an active member of Key Club
and president of International Club at
CFHS. She has been involved with Relay for Life for the past eight years and
presently works at Hipster’s Exclusive
Children’s Consignment. She will be
working with the Cleveland Council on
World Affairs for her Senior Project and
plans to study International Studies and
Arabic at The Ohio State University as
an International Affairs Scholar.
Hannah Zaim
Chagrin Falls, Ohio
TROOP #70833
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Sarah Zucker, a graduate of West
Geauga High School, has been a
Girl Scout for 12 years. She has
earned the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver
and Gold Awards. People in the Cleveland
area are benefiting from her Gold Award
project. Sarah put on a benefit dinner with
food that was donated. Sarah organized
the dinner and prepared the food with the
help of a few volunteers. The money she
raised from the benefit dinner was used to
buy food which was donated to Harvest for
Hunger. Sarah also organized a group of
volunteers to work at the Cleveland Food
Bank numerous times throughout the summer, and she plans to keep volunteering at
the Food Bank every summer.
In addition to Girl Scouting, Sarah has
been a part of three culinary competitions. She has just finished her first year at
Johnson & Wales University in North Miami
where she plans to earn an Associate’s
degree in Culinary Arts and a Bachelor’s
in Food Service Management. Throughout
the school year, she has also volunteered
at Feeding South Florida.
Sarah Zucker
Novelty, Ohio
TROOP #70912
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Julie Benedetto is a 2010
Julie Benedetto
North Canton, Ohio
TROOP #60584
graduate of North Canton
Hoover High School and a Secondary Education major at the
University of Dayton. She has been
a Girl Scout for 13 years and earned
the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, and Gold
Awards. The LifeTeen Youth Group of
St. Paul’s Church in North Canton is
benefitting from her Gold Award project. Julie worked on creating a better
and more comfortable atmosphere for
their youth group meetings. She collected, refurbished and cleaned couch
cushions and foldable lawn chairs for
the youth group to use. She noticed
a need for changes in the atmosphere
of her youth group and worked to
strengthen the community. The program has already started to use these
things and the environment has completely changed, increasing the sense
of community as well. In high school,
Julie was involved in band, Hoover’s
Choir and Hi-Los programs, National
Honor Society, the musicals and Drama
Club, and of course, the LifeTeen program at her church. Since she has
gone to college, she has become involved in retreat planning and various
Campus Ministry activities.
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Sabrina Dooley is a graduate of
Lake High School in Stark County. She works at Giant Eagle and
is involved in several extracurricular activities including; marching band,
jazz band and varsity bowling. Sabrina’s love and talent for bowling helped
her develop her Gold Award project,
which aimed to teach bowling to younger children and recruit new team members for her high school bowling team.
She developed a curriculum for her
bowing camp and recruited coaches to
help the kids with their techniques. Her
bowling program taught younger kids
about bowling while instilling in them
sportsmanship and confidence. After
high school, Sabrina plans to attend
Ursuline College and major in nursing.
She will also be on the Ursuline
College Bowling Team.
Sabrina Dooley
Uniontown, Ohio
TROOP #60576
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Sarah Gertz, a graduate of
Louisville High School, has been
in Girl Scouting for 12 years.
While in school, Sarah lettered
in track, participated in Relay for Life
and was involved with her church. She
did post-secondary schooling at Stark
State, with the intent to become a Firefighter and EMT. For her Gold Award
project, Sarah worked with the Louisville Public Library to develop a summer
reading program specifically for deaf
children but that also included those
without disabilities. Sarah held three
sessions and impacted 30 children.
Sarah Gertz
Louisville, Ohio
TROOP #60378
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Stephanie Hillensbeck, a
graduate of Louisville High School,
has been a Girl Scout for 13 years.
She has earned the Girl Scout
Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards. For her
Gold Award project, Stephanie created a
library for hearing impaired children to aid
them in reading and sign language. Each
book contained a DVD with someone signing the book and another reading it. She
collected donated books, recorded the
books with Susan Martz and Troops 60378
and 60718, and transferred each video
onto DVD. The library is free to use for both
parents and children and is located at Trillium Family Solutions in Canton, Ohio.
Stephanie Hillensbeck
Louisville, Ohio
TROOP #60378
In high school, she was a member of the
marching band and concert band, historian
of French Club, member of National Honor
Society, and a member of Key Club. Stephanie is currently attending the University
of Mount Union to study Psychology and
French, though in January 2012 she will be
attending the University of Pau in France
for the spring semester to further her
French studies. At the University of Mount
Union she is a staff member of the WRMU
radio station, a sister of Delta Sigma Tau,
a member of Lambda Sigma, Sophomore
Honor Society, a Big Sis in the American
Women’s Society, and a member of the Alpha Lambda Delta National Honor Society.
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Andrea Kardohely, a senior
at Canton Central Catholic High
School, has been a Girl Scout
for 10 years. She has earned the
Girl Scout Bronze, Silver, Gold and Marian Awards. She is President of the National Honor Society chapter at her school.
Andrea is also involved in Crusaders for
the Community and is preparing to leave
for her second mission trip. For her Gold
Award project, she chose to work at the
Golden Key Daycare Center for Exceptional Children in Canton.
“ I chose to do this project because I want
to show others that people with disabilities
need to be treated with respect and equality. They are just like any one of us. My
brother has Down Syndrome and I want
others to treat him like any other normal
Andrea painted and built shelves, with the
help of her grandfather, for an office and
toy storage room at the daycare building.
With the help of a younger Girl Scout troop,
she organized their toys, books, and other
things on the shelves to make the items
used for therapy and teaching more accessible for the teachers.
Andrea Kardohely
Canton, Ohio
TROOP #60145
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Samantha Kaster, a 2010
graduate of Louisville High
School, has been in Girl Scouting 13 years. She has earned
the Girl Scout Bronze, Silver and Gold
Awards. In addition to Girl Scouts, she
was involved in her church youth group,
Praise Band. She also enjoyed babysitting and working at Quaker Steak and
Lube. Samantha saw a need in her
community to educate kids about health
and how to be healthy. She developed
a curriculum for her Health Awareness
Day. Additionally she recruited volunteers and trained them to help her
deliver her program. The kids enjoyed
the day and took what they learned to
create a healthier community. Sarah is
currently attending Stark State College
for nursing with the goal of becoming a
nurse anesthetist.
Samantha Kaster
Louisville, Ohio
TROOP #60378
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Allison Londeree, a gradu-
ate of Jackson High School in
Canton, is very active in school
and is involved in National
Honor Society, Drama Club, Speech
and Debate, marching and symphonic
band, Science Club, People to People,
and Buckeye Girls State. Additionally she volunteers her, time with the
Love the Children organization. This
group is very important to her, and she
chose to do her Gold Award project
with them. Each year the organization
puts together a Christmas dinner and
celebration for local families in need.
Allison saw the need to make Christmas decorations that could be used
from year to year. She gathered volunteers and Christmas decorations to
make 80 Centerpieces and Christmas
decorations. Her project brightened up
the celebration this year and made it
feel even more like Christmas for those
in need. Next year Allison will attend
The Ohio State University and major in
Allison Londeree
Canton, Ohio
TROOP #60771
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Cassie Pyles is a graduate of Louis-
ville High School. In high school, she was
involved in a number of activities including
concert choir, varsity singers, German Club,
Drama Club, Post-Secondary at Kent State
Stark, the marching band color guard, the Friendship Connection German Exchange program, and
she was a German tutor for gifted elementary school
“I always had plenty to do in high school and my
Gold Award was such a great accomplishment
because it took so much time and effort. I spent
almost two years on my project from start to finish.
My project was a program I created and taught with
the assistance of some of the girls in my troop. The
program took place at a local daycare. My program
taught children about disabilities and health through
activities, simulations, and games. I modeled the program after three different Girl Scout badges. I used
a badge from the Daisy, Brownie, and Junior levels. I
planned the program, ran the program at the daycare
and then I put together a badge box for each badge
and donated them to Council.”
“My project took a very long time, but it was completely worth it. It not only helped me with college,
but it also gave me a huge sense of accomplishment,
and I feel that earning this award is my big finale to
my many years in Girl Scouts. The time and effort
put into this award does not compare to the rewards
that come with it. I know that my Gold Award will be a
positive asset to anything I strive for in my life.”
Cassandra Pyles
Louisville Ohio
TROOP #60378
“Thanks to Girl Scouts, I am studying Pre-Med Biology and German at the University of Mount Union in
Alliance, Ohio. I plan to do four years at Mount Union
and then transfer to Marshall University in West Virginia for my graduate school years. When I am finally
done with school I hope to specialize in the field of
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Stephanie Satrape is a
2010 graduate of Hoover High
School in North Canton. She currently attends Miami University
in Oxford, Ohio. While in high school,
she was active in many clubs including
Speech and Debate and the Hoover
High School Leadership Impact Club.
She also wrote and took pictures for
her high school newspaper, the Viking
Views. Stephanie worked in the summer as a councilor for Camp Tippecanoe. Her love for this camp inspired her
Gold Award Project. Stephanie worked
with the camp to design and construct
an interactive nature trail. In addition
to the trail, Stephanie researched the
plants and animals along the trail and
created a brochure that will be used by
the camp for years to come.
Stephanie Satrape
North Canton, Ohio
TROOP #60584
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Kaitlin Saunders currently
Kaitlin Saunders
North Canton, Ohio
TROOP #60584
attends Norwich University and
is a member of the Corps of
Cadets. There, she is a War
and Peace major with a History minor.
After college her goal is to be a 2nd
Lieutenant in the Marine Corps focusing on Intelligence. Kaitlin graduated
from Hoover High School in North
Canton. There, she was involved in
many extracurricular activities including swim team, choir/A Capella Group,
concert, jazz and marching band, and
Youth Leadership Team. She also gave
of her time with local charities including, Habitat for Humanity, Stark County
Humane Society, YMCA, St Paul’s
Catholic Church, American Sign Language Club and Project Mosaic. For
her Gold Award project, Kaitlin wanted
to develop a relationship between a
charity and her high school. With the
help of Toys for Tots she developed
a giving campaign specifically for her
high school. She recruited volunteers
and developed teams who gave their
time to create a Toys for Tots program
at Hoover High School. Kaitlin said this
about her project, “I hope that through
this project, I will prove to be a great
Marine; by being a Girl Scout first”.
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Stacey McClelland is a graduate
of Lorain Southview High School, as
well as a graduate of Lorain County
Community College where she earned
an Associate’s of the Arts degree.
Stacey is currently a student at Ohio Northern University, where she is majoring in Civil
Engineering and International Studies. She has
received numerous awards and scholarships,
including Dean’s Award, Local Steelworkers
Union Scholarship, Lorain Foundation Scholarship and the 2010 Girl Scout Scholarship.
For her Girl Scout Gold Award project, Stacey addressed the need for more school spirit
throughout Lorain Elementary School. In
Lorain County, particularly Lorain City Schools,
there was a lack of school spirit. In the hopes
of improving the school system, there have
been nine new schools built in the last couple
of years, and the idea was to help encourage the kids to take pride in their school, and
enable them to express that pride through the
spirit pole.
“I learned a great many things about myself
through this project. For starters, my project
originally started out as spirit rocks. After approval by the Lorain City Schools administration, due to circumstances out of my control
and change in personnel, my rock project was
no longer approved. I had to change from spirit
rocks to spirit poles. The principals were enthusiastic, and kids often echo the emotions of the
adults around them.”
Stacy McClelland
Lorain, Ohio
TROOP #50888
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Jenna Plas of Grafton is a
graduate of Midview High School.
She worked hand in hand with
Tiffany Urig to present dental
hygiene information to all kindergarten
and first grade students in the Keystone
School District. They planned, designed
and delivered the presentation, along with
a child-friendly video which included an
interview with a dentist, as well as a mock
dental visit where every step of the process
was explained in detail so that the children
no longer feared the dentist. A copy of the
video was presented to each classroom so
that it can be used by the teacher in future
To put the plan into action, the girls needed
to do research, visit the dentist, and video
tape a mock trip to the dentist. They also
used a sense of humor during their presentation to the students by flossing an
elephant’s teeth with a big piece of rope.
“ My career choice is to become a pediatric
dentist. I observed a pediatric dentist and
saw the fear that goes along with being in
a dentist office for children. I believe that
if they have some knowledge of the dentist
office the fear would decrease.”
Jenna Plas
Grafton, Ohio
TROOP #50242
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Morgan Rogers, a graduate of North
Ridgeville High School, has been a Girl
Scout for 12 years. She has earned the
Girl Scout Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards.
Inspired by her cross-country team and
their need for a safe place to run, Morgan initiated
and became chairman of a committee under North
Ridgeville Friends of The Park that was dedicated to
installing a two-mile ADA accessible walking trail in
her city’s local park, South Central.
Over the course of 12 months, Morgan and her
committee raised $10,000 toward the $170,000
walking trail project through various money-earning
activities, such as rummage sales, 5K races, Santa
breakfasts, pie throwing booths and more. Morgan’s
hope was to have the trail installed by fall of 2011 so
that she would be able to use it in her senior year
of cross country, however, the grant in which the
city applied to cover the additional costs, did not go
through. Morgan continues to work with her committee and has raised an additional $2,000 dollars
toward the project. This project, when complete, will
allow the middle school and high school track and
cross-country teams a safe place to run. It will also
impact the entire community by providing a place
where people can exercise for free. Morgan plans
to see this project through until the end. She will
remain a member of Friends of the Park while attending college.
Morgan Rogers
North Ridgeville, Ohio
TROOP #50525
In addition to Girl Scouting, Morgan is a member of
the National Honor Society and student council. She
founded, and is the president of, the high school’s
Environmental Club. She runs track and cross-country. Morgan also travels and performs music, song
and dance for the American Zagreb Junior Croation
Tamburitzan group. She currently plays the Brac but
has also played the Prim in this group. This is a Folk
group that teaches kids about their cultural heritage.
Morgan is attending Baldwin Wallace College in the
fall to earn a degree in Sustainability and Environmental Sciences.
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Caitlyn Tipple worked with Morgan
Rogers on her Gold Award project.
They decided that the City of North Ridgeville needed a safe place for people
in their community to exercise, either
by jogging, walking or using a fitness station.
The local cross-country team will now have a
safe place to practice, and those who have a
wheelchair, or walker can use it because it will
be made ADA accessible. This enormous project included meetings with the North Ridgeville
Park and Recreation Department, the Mayor,
and City Council. Together, the girls raised
more than $10,000.00 dollars and have continued to work with the City of North Ridgeville
writing grants for Federal Funds through the
Department of Natural Resources to complete
the trail.
Caitlyn logged over 542 hours while working on
her Gold Award project. This included planning and designing the trail, working with City
Services, money earning projects, as well as attending and promoting their work at Friends of
the a Park and community events.
Caitlyn Tipple
North Ridgeville, Ohio
TROOP #50525
“ Throughout this project, I learned that I can
do anything that I set my mind to...no matter
how outrageous the idea is. We inspired others by facilitating money-earning projects that
benefitted others. We had many newspaper
articles about our project and even got interviewed by Ramona’s Kids on WKYC-TV. I felt
empowered to make a difference by knowing
that my project will benefit my community as
well as surrounding communities.”
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Tiffany Urig, a graduate of
Midview High School, has been
a Girl Scout for 13 years. She
earned both the Girl Scout Silver
and Gold Awards. For her Gold Award
project, Tiffany planned and designed a
program about dentistry that included a
video on children’s dental hygiene and
nutrition. The program was presented
to 12 kindergarten and first grade classrooms within Keystone School District.
Each child received a gift bag of dental
products, including toothpaste, tooth
brush, and dental floss.
“I selected this project because I enjoy
working with young kids and not many
kids are taught how to properly brush
their teeth until it is too late.”
Tiffany now attends Ashland University,
where she has just completed her first
year. She is studying fashion merchandising as well as French, business
administration, and marketing.
Tiffany Urig
Elyria, Ohio
TROOP #50242
2011 G O L D AWA R D
Christine Hoholski has been a
registered Girl Scout for 13 years in
the Vermilion Service Unit. She will
graduate this year from Vermilion High
School, as well as from Bowling
Green State University with an Associate’s Degree in Science . Christine has earned every
major award in Girl Scouting and is a member
of the Beta Club, Leo Club, and the National
Honor Society. Christine has also earned
numerous service awards, including Senior Girl
Scout Community Service Award, 2010 Softball
1st Team “All Lorain County” 2010 All Northeast District”, Varsity Academic Award, Varsity
Tennis two years, Varsity Softball four years,
and the Lorain Community College Presidential
For her Gold Award project, Christine created
a manual for running a softball skills camp for
girls. She organized and ran the first annual
softball camp for Vermilion High School, and
the Athletic Department will use her procedure
manual for future annual softball camps for
girls in Vermilion. She also designed the procedure manual for any school district or organization that would like to duplicate her efforts.
Christine Hoholski
Vermilion, Ohio
TROOP #50467
“Throughout my project, I was constantly learning. I gained practical skills by learning how
to manage people, events and stress. I also
gained organizational skills by documenting all
of my efforts. I now know that I have the ability and the resources to become a great leader
and hopefully will be able to use my leadership
skills gained in my future.”