Ancestors West-Vol 10 No. 4-1984
Ancestors West-Vol 10 No. 4-1984
xice$tcv$ Vol. 10 N • r 198^ VJhole Number Ui Tb6ay vtfefe v^ester&uj u>ith tomorrou) lor commute^!'. EDARA ar.\V\ GENEALOGICAL P. 0. Box 1303 Goleta, Cft 9311S-13C3 OFFICERS. DIRECTORS. COMMITTEES 1984 >reen Cook Dullea President Harry R. Glen Doris Eatchelder Crawford Vice President Secretary Muriel Riemer Graham Doris Crawford Treasurer Corresponding Secretaries Carol Field Hamilton Director Lilian Mann Fish Editor. Ruth Brooks Scollin Librarian, Norman E. Scofield Marii Director Director Parliamentarian LaBreche, Cecelia Spencer '{nth Pelch Library Assistants. . COMMITTEES DCOII Evelyn Fetter, Marie LaBreche, Bnily Thies, Mary L. Johnson. Dorothy Walt, Patricia Case. Ruth Norris Libraries) HOSPITALITY PRCC U BOCK \\, PROJECTS TELEPHONE WAYS AND MEANS Shirley Oobb,Helen Miller Marilyn Oven. Audrey Guntermann Donna Tepper Nona Armstrong. Olive Franklin .... Alice Ovington Jan Cloud. Patricia Case.Frances Ramsey Harry Glen.Hary Louise Keho Ruth Morrow, Peggy Singer. Janet Lawler PAST PRESIDENTS Norman E. Scofield Ellen Webster Galbraith Harry W. Tims 1082 Carlton M. Smith Emily Perry Thies Bette Rool Harry 2. TitUS 1981 Selma Bankhead Wi 1980 Harry R. Glen 1979 Carol Forbes Roth 1978 1977 1975—1975 1974—1975 1972-1973 ANCESTORS WEST is published quarterly In March, June. September and Decenber. Non-member subscription $8.00 per annum. Single copies Of Currem and back issues $2.00,depending on availability. Advert ising by individuals: $3.00 for lirsi 20 words and 10 cents for each addJ.1 Ional word. Contributions of a genealogical or historical nature will be accepted as space allows. Queries arc? encouraged. Quotal ions and reviews Ol Items In ANCESTORS WEST have the approval of the Society, If the source is credited. The Society assumes no responsibility for services or work undertaken by advertisers. Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society dues S15.00 for calendar year, payable by February 1 and include one subscription to the quarterly. ANCESTORS WEST. Family memberships availabe, to include one copy of quarterly. REGULAR MEETINGS; First Saturday of each month, in a.m. to 3 p.m. Room 8, Goleta Community Center. 5689 Mollister \ve.. Goleta. CA. Library a1 above address open each Wednes day. 12 noon to 1 p.m. and during February 1984. on Saturdays. i. 11. 18 and 25. Ii is hoped thai use will be sufficient to continue the practice ol Saturday Library Hours. 115 Vol. 10, No. 4 ANCESTORS WEST Table of Contents December, 1984 Editorial Note -The Goddard Association of America P?ff ^ &of^ NScy ?*er' ™ « « «Bm». ,,, 116 Report of Nominating Conmittee Lompoc Cemetery Project 117 Sa^nS ct^^ °f QBarBB NidSVer CM0WB83) gj German Research, Major Handbooks and Bibliogranhies KS Do You Have English Ancestors? N^w Hours for Los Angeles Central Library ^^P Washington Post, New service for genealogy buffs "* 119 go ^rSn^G^^A^6 ^wtonnd German Ancestors185°' and <****«* Relatives available H9 f Jx Terms with Changed Meanings- 120 120 120 GenealogyFaire, October 6, 1984 Abbreviations Conmonly Used Great Register of Voters Federal Census Records, Migration Patterns Georpa Archives Family Exchange Cards Bartholomew Stovall Tricentennial J21 S Hi ^ R^ta^Books by Mail, fran Des Moines, Iowa Races and Castes of Mexico 1851 Dorset Population Directory Jg 117' 123, 125 55^*555 April 5, l^.SSs 1985 England Brxtish^f?** Family***** History^^io. Conference Aprii m~+M ^.Wes* Ovington, Wiltshire, England Worthington Descendants Newsletter Santa Barbara County Marriage Records 1908 New in the Library ^ if? ™ 19«= J2f 126-133, 141 1909 134—141 CHANGE OF ADDRESS fmmmmmmmmmmmmmtm Santa Barbara Genealogical Society has a new address P.O. Box 1303 Goleta, California 93116 - 1303 Appeal is made for gifts of books, pamphlets and periodicals for tho S^Slibrary. Contributions will be^ported i£ SwS^iSt S^SsSS te^ ^aX^UCtible- R^^ndations for^LcSS and expansion of family data. ^ Dring resP°nse 116 Editorial Note The Goddard Association of America Words of appreciation are due to Patricia Case, Doris Crawford, Doreen Dullea, Evelyn Fetter, Muriel Graham, Norman Scofield, and Ruth Scollin for acting as Editors for the September ANCESTORS WEST and for continuing to assist in many ways. Establishment of an Editorial Staff seems to be in the process of realization. Doreen Dullea, president of SBCGS, has contributed several pages of material for this issue. Donna Tepper typed the 1909 Marriage Records. Ruth Scollin,Librarian contributed and typed New In the Li brary as usual. Copy of an article from the Sumner,1983, Library Trends, by Rick J. Ashton, Director, Allen County Public Library, Fort Wayne, Indiana, entitled A Ccnmitment to Excellence in Genealogy How the Public Library Became the Only Tourist Attraction in Fort~^ Wayne, Indiana, was supplied by Emily Theis and is digested in this An apology is due for illegible handwriting. How else could •Pied Cow" be interpreted as "Red Cow." On page 85 of the September quarterly, "Pied Cow" should be substituted for "Red Cow" and on page 86 line 2, please insert between the words "only" and "Goddard" the following: "John" Goddard of"Oyster River" descendant. A 5-page listing of those presentmgiving name and state and inmirgrant or ear liest known ancestor was distributed to those present at the Goddard Association ofAmerica Convocation, Wichita, Kansas, 21-24 June, 1984 as of June 20. 1984. Among the ancestors were William and Elizabeth (Miles) Goddard, Massachusetts, John and Mary (McTier) Goddard,Virgin ia, James Mason and Hannah (Powell) Godard, Canada, Joseph and Eliza beth (Jordan) Goddard, Tennessee, Ebenezer Goddard, Ft. Wayne, Ind., John Goddard, Scott Cty., Kentucky; Capt. William Casey Goddard, Illinois/Kansas; Daniel Gozzard, CT., Lon Goddard, OhioTWVA?) Ezra Goddard, PA ca 1733/1813, William and Elizabeth Goddard? PA, John William (?) and Elizabeth (?) Goddard, ca. 1735/1835. ™m™*temGoddaE2v82£,NI? 35, Oklahoma City. OK 73118, answers queries from or about Oklahoma families, in the Gklahoroan & Times. There is no charge, but queries must be fairly brief and have some anchoring points. Her columns are in the data bank of the newspaper's electronic library for 1982 and onward, although the column began in November 1975, on the eve of the Bicentennial. THE GODDARD BOOK is being published in two volumes. Vol. I in 1984 and Vol. II, sometime in 1986 and will contain about 1,200 pages with indices in both. The two indices (surnames and place names) in Vol. I alone will contain 9,000 to 10,000 names. Size 6"x 9", red hardback covers with the outline of the Goddard shild in gold. Printed on acid-free paper for durability. They will include the Goddard shild in full, color, with its interpretation. The Shield is also available, printed in three colors (red, blue, and black on white) on heavy durable paper, 8 J x 11" in size, suitable for framing, but only to members of The Goddard Association of America About 600 people have provided information, including two Goddard family histori ans living in England. These massive materials have been edited by John W. Harms and his late wife Pearl Goddard Harms. may be obtained from Further details Kathryn Goddard Meyer, Secretary, The Goddard Assn. of America, 118 South Volutsia, Wichita, KS 67211 phone: (316) 682-4942 or John W. Harms, Editor, Goddard Publications 224 Hadwiger Lane, Edmond, OK 73034 phone: (403) 348-0633 117 NOVEMBER MEETING - SBCGS A relatively new member, Nancy Oster, was the main speaker at the November meeting - her subject "NEEDLEWORK AN ANCESTOR". This she does superbly and had an album of her own ancestral needlework portraits. For best results she suggests that one use a high quality photograph with a plain contrasting background (dark hair against a light background, light against dark). The face must be not smaller than a dime. Made from photographs sub mitted to her, she offers graph charts in three sizes - 70 x 80, r 80 x 98 and 110 x 120 stitch charts. For most effective re-' production just the face and part of the collar is included. For petts the face and upper chest. For houses the large or super size is reconroended. All are charted by computer for shades of brown. Needlepoint materials are available. Charts are reusable Nancy also works with the computer in genealogy research of her own and her husband/s lineage. She reports that she is cur rently working on Wolf(e), Graham, Evans, Mclaughlin, Essex, Chastain, Oster and Watson. The report of the Nominating Committee was received; electin to be held at the December meeting. Those nominated were: Jan Cloud President Doreen Dullea Dorcas Robson Vice President Treasurer Audrey Gunermann Secretary ************** A recent article in the Santa Barbara News Press told of a Lompoc Cemetery project being conducted by SBOGS member Frances M. Houston, 1120 North Orchid St., Ianpoc, CA 93436, and her sis ter. Working with old record books, privately kept, and comput-*' er they have listed burials. In spot checking they have found several marked graves not recorded in the books and in the near future Intend to walk the cemetery to see if there are others. They also are trying to get their family genealogy in book form. *************** "THE LIFE AND ADVENTORES OF GEORGE NIDEVER (1802-1883)" edited by William Henry Ellison, illustrated, notes (21 pages), introduction by Bruce Craig, chief of interpretation of Channel Islands National Park; bibliography, index. 128 pages, with art work and jacket design by Jan Timbrook of the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, is being published as a facsimile reprint of the rare 1937 edition, by California and Southwest Park & Monuments Assn. and McNally-Loftin, 5290 Overpass Bd. ,Sana Barbara, Hardcover, $12.50. * ************* * QUERY SHAW The great grandson of GABRIEL E. SHAW,-born 1818, birth place unknown; served in Civil War, seeks information as to his ancestry. Jack L. Shaw 201 Walker Rd. Petaluma, CA 94952 118 SURNAME INDEX CARDS SBCGS is supplying free surname index cards to all members. The conmittee working on this project includes Carol Hamilton phone 963-9005 Marilyn Owen 962.7984 Alice Ovington 962-2974 Virginia Paddock 969-5158 Cecelia Spencer 967-7876 Instructions to be followed are: 1. Fill out a card for each family surname you want on fiie If you have two or more lines of the same surname, use additional cards. 2. Type or print surname and usbmitter's code number at the top of card. The membership roster now has your code number. J. List the first name of the most recent ancestor of your line you wish to submit. No siblings. Fill in the year only of any known events. Use abbreviations provided for states and countries. Counties may be added just below, as shown in the example. 4. Return completed cards to the conmittee as soon as possible If you have any questions, contact conmittee members PLEASE RETURN ANY UNUSED CARDS EXAMPLE J SURNAME: BROWK1 (BROWNE ) 1 First Names B M CODE NO: A-O? D Soouse i i MARY ANN WILLIAM n. WILLIAM JOHM JOMM G. i a s o CO. SHAW Cc. i820 17QO 1972. c a 192.5 CA. SHAW Co. F-A PA IBIO PA L.A. Co: 1899 CA L.A. Co. iSfoO CO SHAW 1150 MA I77S BARJO. Co. 1715/fc ESSE* BARM. MA Co. UA 1738 MA Co. Co. PA fcARkl. Co. MA &ARN. Co vjOKKJ COLLI MS MARY JONES 1 WAMMAH WHITE ' ANN TAYLOR j DOROTHY SR=s.vjj EL»7A££Th JOSEPH MARY ALLEN/ ROBERT Hole "To b« rtoa-cl^ ia-T«.v» Completed cards "will be filed alphabetically and available for re search at SBCGS librarv. ! j 119< NEW LIBRARY HOURS FOR DOS ANGELES CENTRAL LIBRARY—630 W. Fifth 6t Monday through Thursday 10:00 A. M. to 8:00 P. M. Friday and Saturday 10:00 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Free Parking available after 5:00 P.M. and all day Saturday. ************** * DO YOU HAVE ENGLISH ANCESTORS? John M. Cornish will help you trace them at reasonable rates. Write JOHN M. CORNISH,82 Wicksteed House, County Street, London SE1 6RN, England. **************** THE WASHINGTON POST is providing a new service far genealogy buffe Beginning 28 October there will be a special page each month in the Sunday Classified Announcements and Notices Section. To be included are ancestral queries (for ancestors born at least 100 years ago); Genealogy Supplies; Services; Books and Magazines; Family Reunion Announcements; Organizations and Miscellaneous Genealogy. Call LIZ STEVENSON at 1-800-624-2367, Ext. 7031. *************** * Microfilm numbers for Marriages in New England prior to 1700 at IDS are as follows: (There are 37,000 marriages listed) 929494 Bbbey to Cutting 929495 Dadey to Eyre 929498 Fabes to Hyland 929500 929497 929498 929499 Ibrook to Lyon Maber to Rymes Sabeere to Symes Tabor to Zallith **************** FRIEND FINDERS INTERNATIONAL, 314 LLoyd Building, Seattle WA98101 has a centralized computerized system. A person inquiring about you is not given any Information - their names are forwarded to you and you can decide what to do, making the service CONFIDENTH, There is also a Family Tree Program. ***************** WISCONSIN ANCESTORS. If your ancestor settled in Wisconsin before 1850 and you would like a certificate suitable for framing,write to WISCONSIN STATE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, P.O. Box 5106, Madison ,WI 53705 for an application form. Remember to enclose SASE. ***************** GERMAN RESEARCH A German-American Research and Documentation Center is being es tablished at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, to assist re searchers in tracing their family roots in the Germanic Countries of Europe. For information, contact the University of Wisconsin Foundation, 702 Langdon St., Madison, WI 53706. Two major handbooks in English on German genealogy are: A Genealogical Handbook of German Research, by Larry 0. Jensen and Norman Storrer. P. O. Box 502, Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062 and Encyclopedia' of German-American Genealogical Research, by Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Neal Smith, R. R. Bcower Co., 1108 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 Major Bibliographies in the field of German-Amerocam udies are: Bibliography on German Settlements in Colonial America, especially the Pennsylvania Germand and Their Descendants. 1683-1933 (Leipzig, 1937) Arthur Schultz and HemyFochmann's Bibliography of German Culture in America to 1940; and Don Heinrich Tolzmann's German Americana: A Bibliography, (Metuchen. NJ, 1976) These sources may reveal to you a genealogy already written on your an cestors. 120 HOW TO FIND MY GERMAN ANCESTORS AND RELATIVES, by Dr. Heina F. Friederichs, 1969. 16 pages, 1 map "Germany before 1918". Paperbound DM 2.50 ro Dollar 1., which includes shipping costs. Payment in advance required (3 International Reply Coupons). Written in English! For all people who desire to trace the origin of their German ancestors. After a historical review of the causes of emi gration of Germans to overseas follows a report about the geographi cal origins of the enigrants and the possibilities of finding docu ments concerning the emigrants in German archives. The booklet al^ so lists the addresses of German archives in German states and ci ties as well as those of German genealogical societies and collect ing centers, to which the inquirer could apply for more information Order this helpful booklet for yourself, your friends, the members of your genealogical society and business associates in all parts of the world! VERLAG DEGENER & CO., INHABER GERHARD GESSNER, P.O. Box 1340 D 8530 Neustadt/Aisch, West-Germany. ******************* * TERMS WITH CHANGED MEANINGS COUSINS Might be relatives of any type, especailly nephews. Some times used in referring to friends. Junior or Jr. Mother- Not necessarily a son bearing the same name as his father. Used to indicate the younger of two men of the same name living in a given conmunity. 3rd,4th,5th, etc. would be used for even younger persons in that conmunity. Tn Colonial times stepmothers were thus referred to. in-law Brother Often used in referring to a brother-in-law. Son Often used in referring to a son-in-law. Daughter Often used in referring to a daughter-in-law. Mister Used only for man of wealth or education. Mistress Not necessarily a married woman- a term of respect for any mature woman. Gentleman Might be used to describe a retired man of wealth of edu cation. House- Once meant property owner, and could be used for a male as keeper well as a female. Domestic Once meant the housewife and not necessarily a servant. Inmate As used in the Pennsylvania Archives refers to a man liv-r<; ing in the home of another person - not necessarily a person in an institution. Freeman As used in Pennsylvania Archives meant a young man not yet married. ****************** GENEAIOGY FAIRE - October 6, 1984 Held in the Recreation Rooms of the First United Methodist Church, Anapamu and Garden Streets, Santa Barbara, was well attended. Alexander White,a UCLA professor, was the featured speaker. He discussed tracing ancestors in the Civil War and other conflicts of the United States. Also American colonials of Royal Ancestry. Beginners Class was also held. A Area-interest Tables were staffed by Bea McGrath, Arlene Doty, Helen Miller, Nancy McKenzie, Lorraine Laab, Margie KLeinschmidt, Ruth Morrow, Joan Ryan of Goleta IDS, and Mary Lou Johnston with Doris Crawford coordinating; Evelyn Fetter, Ruth Pelch, Harry Glen and Mr. Fetter (on copy machine); Carol Ham ilton, Marilyn Owen, refreshments; Norman Scofield, Set-up and Take down; Harry Glen, '[ocurity, with Carol. Har,ilxon staying all night on the prenises on October 5th; copy machine, Carol and Steve Roth: Harry Titus,Publicity,Doreen Dullea,Jan Cloud,Muriel Graham,orgpgj^ zation. Many others contributed supplies, books and materials. 121 ABBREVIATIONS COMMONLY USED A. G. Accredited Genealogist A.D.S. Autograph document signed mag. magazine MS MSS manuscript(s) aka M. A. Also known as A.L.S. Autograph letter signed Master of Arts M. G. Minister of the Gospel Master of Science miscellaneous anon. app. Anonymous Appendix M. S. misc. Assn. B. A. Associat ion Bachelor of Arts N NN note(s) N. B.(nota bene) take notice b. born N. d. N. n. bap. baptised biblio. bigliography Bak. (Bks.,plural) book(s) bur. ca. buried (circa), about C.A.L.S. Certified American Line age Specialist C.G. Certified Genealogist C.G.R.S. Certified Genealogical Record Searcher cf. ch. (confer), compare co. chapter county or company col. column ccrap(s). compiler(s) d. died dau. daughter * no date no name N. p. no place N. pag. no pagination N. pub. no publisher no. number op. (opus) work op. cit (opere citato) in the work cited 0. S., Old Style (calendar) P. pp. page(s) par. paragraph passim, here and there Ph. D. Doctor of Philosophy pref. preface pt(s) part(s) q.v. (quod vide) which see R. Range (land description) Record Group dept. department R. G. diss, dissertation rev. revised doc(s) document(s) rpt. reprint e.g. (exempli gratis) for example s. p. (sine prole) without ed. cit. (edito citata) edition cited issue -D.S.P.often used ed(s) editor(s) died without issue esp. especially sec. section est. estate etc. (et cetera) and so forth ser. sic series thus facs.or facsim .facsimile soc. society supra above T or Tsp - Township TS Typescript fig. trans, exec, or ex'r executor F.A.S.G. Fellow, American Society of Genealogists figure translator v. verso (back of a page) F.N.G.S. Fellow,National Genealogical v.d. various dates Society V. R. Vital Record fol(s). folio(s) viz. (videlicet) namely hist, history or historian vol(s) volume(s) fn. footnote i. e. (id est) ibid, infra. that is (ibidem), in the same place below intro.or introd. introduction ills. illustrated jour., journal J. P. Justice of the Peace 1. line lib. (liber) book lie. license loc. cit (loco citato) in the place cited yr. year Be consistent. Use standard state abbreviations Cal. or Calif., Mass. Miss. Tenn. Wash. Conn, or those used by used by U. S. Postal Service CA MA MS TN WA CT Never use a combination Be consistent. 122 GREAT REGISTER OF VOTERS Copies of the Great Register of Voters (males, over 21) available at the Gledhill Library, Santa Barbara Historical Society include those for the following years: 1866 July to 1869 Oct., 1867 index, 1875, 1877, 1884, 1886 with supp. of 1888, 1892 #lgg6> 1898 1879, 1882 ^ 18g6 Great Register has the following colums: Age, Business or Occu pation, Country of Nativity, Physical Description.. The latter column may not appear in all Registers. There also is a Pre cinct Register of Santa Barbara County, 1911 and a Record of Deaths 1888-1894. ************** FEDERAL CENSUS RECORDS Available in Gledhill Library, Santa Barbara Historical Society: These are handwritten or typed copies - not microfilms. 1850 Santa Barbara County Not arranged alphabetically 1860 Santa Barbara County 1870 Santa Barbara County 1880 Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties 1880 San Luis Obispo County includes Mortality Schedule Record of Deaths in Santa Barbara County 1888 - 1852 Ca^ornja Stat^nsu^ 1894 transcript of g^ ^ ^ County entries, made by Andrietta Gledhill from the original on file in Sacramento, California. ************* In the Reference Department of the Main Branch, Santa Barbara Public Library, Microfilms of the following Federal Census Rec ords are available: 1850 CALIFORNIA: LOS ANGELES, MARIN, MARIPOSA, MENDOCINO, MONTEREY, NAPA, SACRAMENTO, SANTA BARBARA, SANTA CRUZ, 1860 SAN LUIS OBISPO, SAN MATEO, SANTA BARBARA and SANTA SAN DIEGO, SAN JOAQUIN and SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTIES CLARA COUNTIES 1870 SAN LUIS OBISPO, SAN MATEO and SANTA BARBARA COUNTIES 1880 Part of SANTA BARBARA and SANTA CLARA COUNTIES 1900 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY 1910 SAN LUIS OBISPO, SAN MATEO COUNTIES - SANTA BARBARA , city of Santa Barbara only. ************** In ANCESTORS WEST, March, 1979,, Vol. 5, No. 1, isa tabluation of MIGRATION PATTERNS FROM 1852 STATE CENSUS of California. That record includes Country or state of birth and of last former residence, age, sex and occupation. nia; BC = Baja California (Mexico) UP= Upper Califor Countries not now in existence include New Grenada, South America (now Colombia and Panama), Buenes Ayres then a separate country, Prussia. The total recorded population was 2,131, including WHITE - male, 834; female, 374; CITIZENS OF THE U. S. OVER 21 - 279; NEGROES male 3, female 1, INDIANS (domesticated) male 63, female 47 MULATTOES male 63, female 47; FOREIGN RESIDENTS male 33, female 0 123 GEORGIA ARCHIVES FAMILY EXCHANGE CARDS The Georgia Archives is currently maintaining a file of "family exchange cards" in their central research area which isr-^vailable to researchers. This file now contains over 5,000 cards and is very helpful for those with Georgia ancestors. Copies from the file, up to a maximum of twelve cards on one surname, may be ottained for a $2.00 fee. Payment must be made in advance, with a SASE; one surname request per letter. Additional submissions may be made. To obtain 5 free cards, write: Georgia Dept. of Archives and History Central Research 300 Capital Ave., S. E. Atlanta, GA 30334. Enclose SASE. Completed cards are to be returned to the same address for inclusion in the file. *************** RARTHQLOMEW STOVALL TRICENTENNIAL Crockett A. Harrison, R. D. 1, Box 2029, Grove City, PA 16127 telephone: (412) 458-9374 August 17-19, 1984 at Richmond and Powhatan, VA, a gathering of decendants of Bartholomew Stovall celebrated the 300th anniversary of his arrival .in the colony of Virginia. *************** QUERIES VERNER Need info on surname VERNER of South Carolina. John VERNER fought in Rev. War in Battle of Cowpens. Had sons David and Ebenezer Pettigrew Verner. HELSBY Info wanted on surname HELSBY, john Abraham and Mary Ann Helsby HOLMES settled in KANSAS during 1880's. What happened to the other children of Charles and Sarah Newton HELSBY who arrived in PA 1853 on "City of Family came from Ashton-under Lyne, Lancashire,Eng. Manchester1". GROVES SMITH George GROVES, whaler of Barnstable, Mass. b. 1835 Trinity Bay, Newfoundland m. Mary Ann AMITH 1852 in Barnstable. George was son of John GROVES of Trinity Bay and Dorset, Eng. WALTERS PARKER Whatever happened to James Calvin WALTERS and his wife Martha Jane PARKER, dau. of Peter and Nancy Blacksher PARKER. Martha Jane b. 1808, Conechh, Ala. Calvin previously m. Mary Ann Hines. Lived Rankin, Miss. Martha and Calvin died between 1871-1800. Doreen Cook Dullea 528 Barker Pass Road Santa Barbara, CA 93108 ******* * * * * * * Notice requested: To Whom It May Concern: You may be interested in renting books by mail. If so, send a long SASE to Rental Library 5300 SE 1st St. Ct. #82 Des Moines, Iowa 50315 124 ?..-..'ES .-l.J Cr.3~'£3 Or XEXI^C Ancestors West Vol. 6, No. 2 Sept. ispanol 1990 - Spaniard Triollo - child b in Mexico of Spanish parents Mestizo or Coyote - child of Spanish father, Indian mother Zastizo - child of Mestizo father, Spanish mother ^spanol - child of Castizo father, Spanish mother Mulato - child of Spanish father, Negro mother Morizco - child of Mulato father, Spanish mother Salta-atras - child having Negro characteristics born (literally "throw-back") of white parents Chino - child of a "salta-atras" father,Indian mother lobo - child of a Chino father, Mulata mother Gibaro - child of a Lobo father, Mulata mother Albarrazado - child of a Gibaro father, Indian mother Cambujc - child of Albarrazado and a Negress Zambo-prieto - child of a Cambujo and an Indian Zambo-prieto - child of a Negro and an Indian Zambo-prieto - child of a Negro and a Zamba Calpan Mulata - child of a Zamba and a Mulata "tente en el aire" - child of Calpan Mulata and a Zamba (literally "up in the air") "no te entiendo"- child of a "tente en el aire" and a (literally "I don't understand you") Mulata "ahi de estas" - child of a "no te entiendo" and an (literally "there you are") Indian mother The above appeared in the Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California 1931, Los Angeles, California, p 147 - notes on Races and Castes of Mexico from "Mexico a traves de los Siglos". Vol. II. p. 471. ***************?****,{********,{ Kenneth Jenkins, B.Sc..M.I.E.E., Frcme Cottage, 28 Dorchester Rd. Frampton, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 9ND, England has requested the following announcement: 1851 DORSET POPULATION DIRECTORY A directory of the population of Dorset is being compiled from 1851 census microfilms. It will be set out in a single alphabetical sequence of surnames of heads of family for the whole county. The names of the rest of the family will inmeditely follow the name of the head so as to main tain family relationships at that address. Members of the family having surnames different fromthat of the head willbe listed again in theircorrect alphabetical place, and cross-referred back to the head of the family. The entry of each person will come under six headings: Full name(sumame first) Age Relationship to head of family Occupation (where given) Address (where given) and Birthplace It is hoped to be able to make the directory available at about L10 per copy (p and p extra). Subscribers wishing to support the project are requested to write to Mr. Jenkins at the address given above, so that their named may be added to a subscribers list. Then, if sufficient support is forthcoming, a decision can be made to have the directory printed. Also enclosed was a newspaper item in which the method being used in producing the id-frectory was described. The population of Dorset in 1851 was about 180,000 . If enough demand, he would bp able to produce indices for small arpas. such as Shaftesbury. 125 QUERIES WEBSTER Seek data re ancestry of Horace Alvin WEBSTER, PARKER b. 12 Oct 1853 Brockbille, Ont. m. March 1883 BALDWIN Susie J. GRIFFITH b. 17 June 1854 DeKalb Co.111. GRIFFITH dau of Areil GRIFFITH and Rhoda BROWN BROWN Horace d. 9 Apr 1933 Fontanelle, Iowa; Susie d. there 24 Jan 1928. Parents of Horace were Parker WEBSTER, who m.19 Feb 1834 Loannah PARKER Grandparents Asa WEBSTER and Sally BALDWIN Carl Robert Webster 4708 Champion Ct. Greensboro, N. C. 27410 HOBBS Seeking info on Hannah HOBBS, dau of Benjamin MACY HOBBS, who m. Joseph MACY 23 Feb 1727/8 Nantucket COFTIN son of Thomas and Rebecca (COFFIN) MACY, b. 8 June 1709 Nantucket; d. there 28 June 1772. Joseph and Hannah, Quakers, moved to New Garden N.C. c. 1773. Donna Macy Sand (Mrs. Robert) 412 E. McLeod Rd. Bellingham WA 98226 ************* LOBB FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY William Lobb, Secretary 33453 SE 50th Court Fall City, WA 98024 announces: A World-Wide Reunion of Lobbs will take place on April 8, 1985 at the Royal Ancient Order of Foresters' Hall, The Leets, Truro, Cornwall, England. For further information please send a large SASE or two IRCs to the above address. THIRD BRITISH FAMILY HISTORY CONFERENCE April 19-23, 1985 Dauntsey's School, West Lavington, Wiltshire, England. The theme of the conference will be MIGRATION. Obtain details from Wiltshire Family History Society, 1985 Conference 17 Baskerville Road, SWINDON SN3 5DB England WDRTHTNGTON DESCENDANTS, a newsletter edited by Frances Brengle 6619 Pheasant Rd. Baltimore, M D 21220 Subscription $12.00 yearly, published quarterly, covering all branches of the Worthington surname and its many allied lineages. The newsletter contains a free query clolumn, heraldry, military records, wills, abstracts, deeds, ancestral charts, tombstone inscriptions, family history and pictures. Many Worthington ancestors located in California and the Santa Barbara County area. 126 oANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1908 brides copied by Doris Crawford and Doreen Dullea 7, rooms copied by Ann Earley Typed by Lilian M. Fish Abbreviations Carp = "old S = Carpinteria Cold Springs Mont = Goleta S. B. = Sol Guad Lomp Los A ( Los 0 Guadalupe S. = Lompoc S. Y. = Los Alamos Sum ) ind icates M. Los Olivos Montecito San,ta Barbara Santa Maria Santa Ynez Summerland Grooms Lists differ name 1908 ABBEY, Ivan ACJJISTAPACS, John ALLCOTT, Norman Elsie Eleanor BALL 28 Apr Angelina MORO 10 Mar S. B. Harriet L. 2 Aug 13 Aug Los A 14 Oct S. 22 Mar S. B. CHAPMAN LaRoy PRESCOTT ANDERSON, Maxy Isabella Susan P. MILLER ANDREa'S, Allison J. Luisa RUFFATTO ANPOSSO, Guiseppe Francoise LABRTJCHERIE ANTSOLABEHSRE, Michel Mary Alice HILL APPLEWHITE, Avery Lamar ARABAS, Jose de los Santos Juana VALENZUELLA ARDANTZ, Jean JosephineLABRUCHERIE ARELLANES, Adela Dominguez Romulo DOMINGUEZ S. S. B. 1 Jun S. S. 22 Jun B. S. B. Calixto GARCIA Margaret Helena CARTER 18 Nov ARRAYET, Graciana ARRO.JJI, Helen Alice ARTHUR, Frank Chester AUSTIN, William Edgar AYERS, Bertha P. BADGER, Abbie Augusta BALL, Elsie Eleanor John LASAGA Fred Wm. MEYER Lena Elizabeth KOEHLER 15 23 3 3 3 7 BANDY(3anay)0rbie Robert Laura Lorena STEWART Harris HERN Ivan ABBEY B. S. B. ARMOUR, Marie Mercedes ARNOLD, Albert Walter LINDER B. 24 May 10 Sep 21 Dec 21 Nov Charles Albert JONES B. 3 Sep Leandro JUAREZ Wilford Otho READ James F. Sum 6 Sep AREVALO, Carmen ARMOR, Fannie Minnie Rose THOMAS S. B. Dec Nov S. S. S. B. B. B. S. B. Mont May S. Jul S. B. Dec Dec S. B. 28 Apr 21 Sep S. B. B. S. B. S. B. 2 Feb Carp S. B. BATES, Ida Martin(m.n.Martin) HenryPaul SCHNEIDER 15 Apr 19 Oct 26 Jan BATES, Lavern W. 3ATTAINT, Mary Rose 3AUK, George W. 1 Jan S. B. 5 Jan 30 Dec S. B. S. B. 3ANTA, Genevieve BARNES, Gladys Theodore 3ARTHOLOMEtf, Charles John Joseph REYNOLDS Joanna M. WILKINS Catherine S. LANGAN StuartPhillip McBRIDE Loray HOBBS (Loricoy) (Lordy HABBS, Brides List) Albert Elmer BOUR^IN ^ZCKSR, Esther Colgan 33.LL, Caroline Alexandra GeorgeRoscoe LUTON Rosalie LOCQffET BELLE?, Eelicien Frances Dorothy BRECK 31NNETT, George Henry BERT1NC, Mary BIYAR, Xary BI3ART, Marie 3IDV/ELL, Emma Eliza BLAKEv/AY, Maude Doris 3LI33, Emily Gould , Guiseppe BC?'7!"/:, Oora Sum S. B. Prank ROSSI 31 26 20 7 19 Dec Feb Apr Mar Apr Sum Los A S. Christian Peter LAESEN 11 Oct S. ?red Leon MILLETTE 27 Feb S. John Adam CLARK 5 9 1 14 S. Harry EussneCUNNTHGHAM John RIDOUT Kargherita ODFLLO John Henry BRABO May Feb Sep Jul 28 May B S. B S. B S. S. S. S. B 127 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1908 BOURQUIN, Albert Elmer BOWDEN, Marguerite 31 Dec 26 Nov Rose Maria VINCLER 26 Jun Edmund Wm.DominickCLARK 26 Apr Dora BOTELLO 28 May Sigmund KRONBERG 13 Oct Sum S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. 22 Jun S. B. 6 Dec S. B. BRECK, Frances Dorothy George Henry BENNETT BREIG,Emma Sophia Theresa Carl August Louis DURR BROCK, Eleanor Wayne PARLING BROWN, Frank Cora Elizabeth COBBS 7 Mar 17 Nov 14 May S. B. S. B. S. B. BRUMER, Maria Elizabeth BRUNSTADE, Ole BRYANT, Cyrus Coddridge Raphael OLIVERA Nicka SKARBOC Grace Helen HOBBS 8 May 11 Oct 29 Feb S. B. S. B. S. B. BOX, Joseph Jeremiah BOYLE, MARY (m.n.Trester) Esther Colgan BECKER Antone Joseph HORSKY BRABO, John Henry BRACKEN, Elizabeth BRADBURY, Edwin Perley,Jr. Elvira Clawson NORRIS BRANT, Blanche G(ay) BRASTOW, Geo. Billings BUELL, V/m. M. Ray WHEELER Martha Green CASE(m.n.Green)2Nov S. B. Emma J. FILIPIAK 11 May 16 Aug S. B. S. B. BUNCH, Frank Birdie Nelson 18 Mar S. BURKE, Mary Gertrude Ernest David DALESSI 21 May S. BURMEISTER, Otto Elsie Louise STEWART 2 Jun S. BURNHAM, Florenec Marcy William Beckwith CLARK 8 Feb S. BUTT, Charles Carlos Maria Antonettejosephine LOPEZ 17NovS. CALDWELL, Pearl Viola Reginald Marion HARRIS 30 Dec S. B. M. B. B. B. B. CAMARGO, Marcelo Edwardo Isabelle FIGUEROA 27 Jan s» Y. CARILTI, Carlotta CARPENTER, Carl Wetherbee CARR, John CARR, Martha Peter SACCONAGHI Louise Theresa LEHMAN Eleanor Mary CAREAGA 17 Jun 18 Aug 20 Oct 16 Jul S. B. S. B. S. B. CASTLEMAN, Casey Martin CHAPMAN, Harriet L. CHAVIRA, Manuel CHESTER, George Henry CHIESA, Anna Mary Estella DeFIGANTEREll Norman ALLCOTT 2 Clara ESPINOSA 7 Charlotte ElleriWHITCHER 22 Jesse Lee OSBORNE 9 CHRISTMAS, John Edward CLARK, Bertha Janette Alma WOOD James Arthur RIGGS CLARK, Jessie LaNanze V/m. Rankin MARRS CAPELLA, Jeane(ra.n.Guarino)jacob Albert KIRCHGRABER 3 Nov CAREAGA, Eleanor Mary John CARR 20 Oct Lyman CASTEEL CARTER, Margaret Helena Albert Walter ARNOLD' 18 Nov CASE,Martha Green(m.n.Green) Geo.Billings BRASTOW 2 Nov CASTEEL, Lyman Martha CARR 16 Jul CHILD, Mary Muriel Isabella Gordin Lorenzo YATES Emma Eliza BIDWELL CLARK, Willard Herman Lillian Adell GREEN CLARK, William Beckwith Florence Marcy BURNHAM COBBS, Cora Elizabeth Frank BROWN COBBS, James Henry Sarah Jane VANN COLEMAN, Klea Vivian Walter Logan STOVER COLLINEAU, John Corentine LeBLANC CORDERO, Maggie Charles Anthony Francis ORENA CORNING, Julia Elizabeth George William HARRIS COTA, Marie Antonette ^"pifanio Pete GUTIERREZ COVELL, Lewis Guy * CRAIG, Elza Clement COX,Alice Gladys Mae PLUMM Edna Eliza RAYMOND Clyde M. G00DN0W Lomp S. B. S. B. Lomp Jul Aug Aug Dec Sep S. B. LosA Lomp Los 0 Mont 30 Nov 8 Jan S. B. S.' B. 1 Dec S. B. 6 Oct CLARK,EdmundWilliamDominique Mary BOYLE(m.n.Trester)26Apr CLARK, John Adam S. B. S. B. 5 May 9 Jan 8 Feb 11 May 13 Dec 5 Dec 8 Aug 25 Apr 22 Jun 18 Oct 9 Dec 10 Jun 25 Feb. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. Guad S. B. S. B. S. B. Lomp S. B. Lomp S. Y. Los A 128 'AH?A BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1908 CRKSPT, John Rosie ZAPPA CP.MW:*, Henry Russell Martha ROIILO CRITCHLOW, Carlos N. Mayme Elizabeth Downer CUNNINGHAM, Henry Eugene Maude Doris BLAKEWAY CURLEY, Catherine Rio Albert Henry ROSS DAHL, Bertha Joseph Jesus LOPEZ DALE3SI, Ernest David Mary Gertrude BURKE DARLING, Wayne Eleanor BROCK DeFIGANIERE, May Estella Casey Martin CASTLEMAN DeFREES, ^iolette Leonore Horace Francis McKELVEY DELANEY, Dora A. Fred Leon NIGHTINGALE DEL POZO, Petra Rosaura Juan Jose LEYVA DeWEBER, James Isabelle J. RANDLES DEZZUTTI, Dominic Josephine JORDANO DEZZUTTO, Joseph Margherita GIOBBIA DIEHL, Laura Jean Roy Davidson NICHOLSON DOMINGUEZ, Romulo Adela Dominguez ARELLANES DONALDSON, Jean Duncan RANKINE DORAN, Marcella Catharine Francis Louis KELLY DOUGHERTY, Jacob Oscar Lucy May PERROTT DOUGHERTY,Mattie Jane(m.n.King) Edward HICKLIN DOWNER, Mayme Elizabeth Carlos N. CRITCHLOW 15 Mar S. 25 Jun 9 Feb 3 Jan S. B. 2 Sep 21 May 14 May S. B. 11 Jul FARRSN, Patrick FIELDS, Morgan Elmer FTGUEROA, Tsabelle FILIPIAK, ^rama J. B. S. B. S. M S. B. S. B. 16 Aug S. B. S. B. 20 Dec S. B. S. B. 19 Apr 3 Aug 24 May 23 Apr 27 Apr S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. 14 Jun S. B. 8 Jun S. B. 25 Jun S. B. Martina ITURRI 30 Sep Manuel CHAVIRA 7 Aug (7 Sep) S. B. S. B. S. B. Lomp Ellen PRICE Winifred Augusta WILLIAMS Marcelo Eduardo CAMARGO 14 Sep 22 Sep 27 Jan S. Y. William H. BUELL 16 Aug S. B. FISCHER, Emma Edith Olaf Emil OLSEN FISHER,Joese(jose) Angel Corinne Teresa ORTEGA F1TTS, Charles Chamberlain Ethel WARREN FLEMING, Albert Leroy JWJG, Annie Hilda P0RBU3H, Prank .tfalker FORRESTER, Bertha POTSCH, Helen 70URCADE, Miss Mora C. FULBP.TGHT, Josephine GABLE, George Miller GARCIA, Calixto CAR"! \, Josephine GILL, Levi GTLMAiE, Miriam GIOBBi;., Margherita GLMA30II, Josephine GO:" , Josefa 300DNCW, Clyde ••'.. G'V-iH.:-M, Mara Mercy GC3C, "harles GBj-.M.'-M, Bobert ^lton CREEE, _iliisn dell •V '•', "abel S. B. 27 Jan 7 Dec 31 Dec DURR, Carl August Louis Emma Sophie Theresa BREIG 17 Nov EBERHART, Fred Hezzekiah Grace May SCHRER 8 Jun ECHARRSN, Martin ESPINOSA, Clara Mont 10 Dec 8 Apr 22 Feb 29 May Edna Alice McDONALD Inward Otis LOW 5 May 3 Mar Mary Margaret SMITH 14 Nov 4 Jul Albert Lee TRELOAR Hugh James McGEE 3 Jul Torvel Kastienous TORGESON 5 Jun Samuel Earl HUMPHREY 11 Aug Dorcas May Savers WIMPY 15 Apr S. B. Lomp S. 3. S. M. S. B. 3. B. S. B. S. B. Carp 3. B. S. B. S. B. S. 3. Maria Mercedes ARMOUR 21 Nov 3. Charles Cornelius ROMO Maud PORTER 18 Jan S. B. 23 Sep 24 Aug 19 Apr S. B. S. B. Prank ZIMMERMAN Joseph DEZZUTTO Harry HENDRY Joseph LAFOURCADE .•ilice COX Charles Harvey ROWLEY 16 Kay Clara Merle HUBBARD 18 Nov B. S. S. B. B. 26 Sep S. B. 25 Los A 23 Dec Fph S. 3. B. B. Maude M. MAXWELL .-.11 lard Herman CLARK 20 Jan Cold S 9 Jun larl Edward ROOHEY Hichard Bastian NICHOLAS 23 Nov 3. B. 28 Apr 5. B. S. 3. 129 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1908 GREGORY, Bertha Alfred Nickerson SMITH 23 July GRIFFITH, Marie A. Greenlief C. WELCH 1907-19 Jan GUARINO, Jeanna(m.n.Capella) JacobAlbertKIRCHGRABER 3 Nov GUTIERREZ, Epifanio Pete Marie Antonette COTA 18 Oct HABBS, Lordy(Hobbs,Loricey or Loray) George A.BAUM30 Dec HACKING, William Henry Elsie Minnie SALZMAN 8 Apr HALES, Grace Edna Nelson Frank SMITH 29 Jan HALL, Blanch Leonora James MADISON 15 Feb HALL, John Josiah Frances M. MORAN 11 Feb HANSEN, Mary Sherman Albertus NAGEL 22 Jun HANYON, Joseph Lena Robie RICHARDSON 28 Aug HARDY, Hazel Kirk Geo. Harvey STAUP 9 Sep S. S. S. S. HARRIS, George William Julia Elizabeth CORNING Lomp HARRIS, Reginlad Marion HARVEYi Addison Roy HAWKINS, Harry Miles HAWKINS, Homer Linsey HENDRY, Harry HENRY, Earle See HERMAN, Laura Margarette Pearl Viola CALDWELL Marguerite SUNDBLAD Irene C. NORTON Laura Margarette HERMAN Josephine GLEASON Irene Maison MURPHY Homer Linsey HAWKINS HERN, Harris Genevieve BANTA HESSE, Rose Field HICKEY, Claude Coleman HTCKLIN, Edward Oscar Kimball KEZER 7 May Myrtle Verona LANE t 10 Jul Mattie Jane KING(m.h.Dougber-8 Jun HARNETT, Thomas Alexander Monay-Ethel Nevell LOVE HARRIS, Margaret HERN, George HERN, Patrick HICKS, Alice Fannie HILL, Mary Alice HILL, Rhoda Myrtle 26 Jun 22 Jun Frank Harris PORTER(Powter) 15 Aug 30 Dec 50 Oct 31 Dec 1 Mar ?3 Dec 24 Jun 1 Mar Myrtle A. JAFFERY (Jeffery) 13 Jun 2 Feb B. B. B. B. B. B. P- Carp Carp S. B. y'14 May Thomas Maleom SIMPSON 6 Sep 6 Aug S. B. Lena Jeannette McCABE Thonas Madison LILLARD Margaret HOPPER William HOOVER Margretta Lee POOLE 9 15 12 12 22 Dec Oct Jan Jan Oct Charles GOSS Josephine FULBRIGHT Sophia May PAAR Wirt Allen LANE Martin ECHARREN V/m. Roberts KEARNEY 18 11 12 22 30 8 Nov Aug Sep Dec Sep Jan Marguerite BOWDEN Louis VINJE George HERN Edward Valentine LAWTEN Andrew Jackson KELCH Abbie Augusta BADGER Estella Frances TAPSCOTT Dominic DEZZUTTI John Ernesto SAVIE Carmen AREVALO Jesus LOPEZ S. B. Gol HOLLOWAY, James Weaver HOOPER, Elsie HOOVER, William HOPPER, Margaret HORNE, Arthur Mayberry HOGAN, Rose Lena(Laina) William E. LARIMER S*,B". S. B. S. B. 5 Aug Feb Feb Dec Dec JOHNSON, Marian Louise JOHNSTON, Harriett JONES, Charles Albert JONES, Thomas Rudolph JORDANO, Josephine JUAREZ, Flora Mary JUAREZ, Leandro JUAREZ, Trinidad S. B. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. William Alfred PLOURDE 8 29 30 19 JAMES, Annie Loretta JEFFREY(jaffery)MyrtleA. S. B. Carp HOAG, Adeline M. Ernest M. WHITE HOBBS, Grace Helen Cyrus Doddridge BRYANT HOBBS(Habbs)Loricey or Loray,Lordy George W. BAUM HOBSON, Marguerite Ruth Ralph Edward McKAY ILENSTEIN, Nellie May ITURRI, Martina S. B. S. B. Mont S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. Annie SPR0UL(m.n. Tibbets) 27 Jul Avery Lemar(Lamar)APPLEWHITE HORSKY, Antone Joseph HOVE, Marie (Maria) HUBBARD, Clara Merle HUMPHREY, Samuel Earl HUYCK, Eugene Roy B. B. B. B. 26 Nov 19 Sep 3 Jun 25 19 7 25 20 21 10 4 Mar Feb Dec Nov Dec Nov Sep Jan S. S. S. S. B. B. B. B. Lomp S. B. Gol Gol S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. Lomp S. B. S. B. S. B. Carp S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. S. S. S. B. B. B. B. 130 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1908 KEARNEY, William Roberts KEISER, Francis Duncan KELCH, Andrew Jackson KELLY, Francis Louis K3ZER, Oscar Kimball Annie Loretta JAMES 8 Jan S.B. Anna Elizabeth RICHARDS 1 Jun S.B. 19 Feb 27 Apr 7 May S.B. S.B. 8 Jun S.B. KIRCHGRABER, Jacob Albert Jeanne GUARINO (m.n.Capella) 3 Nov William George CROTHER 1907- 6 Feb S.B. S.B. Lily Hazard McCALLA 18 May S.B. Frank Chester ARTHUR Elizabeth BRACKEN Soledad C. WALKER Michel ANTSOLABEHERE Jean ARDANTZ 3 13 1 3 22 S.B. Harriet JOHNSTON Marcella Catherine DORAN Rose Field HESSE KING,MattieJane(m.n.Dougherty) KIRSTSN, Helen Augusta KNOX, Dudley Wright KOEHLER, Lena Elizabeth KRONBERG, Sigmund KYLE, Harry Wm. . Edward HICKLIN Mar Oct Dec Sep Jun S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. LABRUCHERIE, Francoise S.B. LABRUCHERIE, Josephine LAFOURCADE,Joseph Josefa GONI 26 Sep S.B. Mary Marie HALLECK(m.n.Stilljnan)l4Apr S.B. LAKE, Frank Cornell 10 Jul S.B. Claude Coleman HICKEY LANE, Myrtle Verona 22 Dec S.B. Nellie May ILENSTEIN LANE, Wirt Allen 1 Jan S.B. Lavern W. BATES LANGAN, Catherine S. William SPROUL 19 Aug S.B. LANGMACK, Minnie 6 Aug S.B. Rose Lena HOGAN LARIMER, Wm. E. 11 Oct S.B. Mary BEYAR LARSEN, Christian Peter 15 Dec S.B. Graciana ARRAYET LASAGA, John^ 25 Mar S.B. LAWTEN, Edward Valentine Marian Louise JOHNSON 8 Aug S.B. John COLLINEAU LE BLANC, Corentina(e) 18 Aug S.B. Carl Wetherbee CARPENTER LEHMAN, Louise Theresa 7 Dec S.B. Petra Rosaura del POZO LEYVA, Juan Jose LILLARD, Thomas Madison Elsie HOOPER 15 Oct S.B. 3 Dec S.B. Bertha F. AYERS LINDER, James F. 20 Apr S.B. Felicien BELLET LOC'^JET, Rosalie James MAXFIELD 7 May Sum LODER, Annie Mary 30 Aug Sum LOGAN, Margaret Matilda Frank Seward PHILLIPS Isabelle Carolyn PICO ''24 Oct S. B. LONG, George Henry 8 Nov S. B. LOPEZ, Antonio Maria Eva VAS'JJEZ 4 Jan S. B. Trinidad JUAREZ LOPEZ, Jesus Bertha DAHL LOPEZ, Joseph Jesus LOPEZ, Maria Antonette Josephine Charles Carlos BUTT Olivia ROMERO LOPEZ, Stalano Thomas Alexander Money HARNETT LOVE, Ethel Nevell LOW, Edward Otis Annie Hilda PONG LUGO, Lucy LUTON, George Roscoe MADISON, James MAPPIN, Walter Webster MARINE, Minnie MARRS, V/m. Rankin Thomas Walter McFARLIN Caroline Alexandra BELL Blanch Leonora HALL Jennie Ada MONTIJO Frederick Calvin MERRIAN MARTIN, Ida(m.n. Bates) Henry Paul SCHNEIDER Jessie LaNanze CLARK MAXFIELD, James Annie Mary LODER Robert Fulton GRAHAM MAXWELL, Maude M. McBRIDE, Arrell Franklin Julia Frances NEVILL Ruby Aletha ROCKWELL McBRIDE, James Edwin McBRIDE, Stuart Phillip Mary Rose BATTAINI John Francis O'DONOGHUE HcCABE, Ellen James Weaver HOLLOWAY McCABE, Lena Jeanette Dudley Wright KNOX McCALLA, Lily Hazard Milton SCHUYLER McCLURE, Blanche Mlayne McDONALD, Edna Alice Albert Leroy FLEMING HeFARLAND, Vivian Bessie William Owen WALKER He FARLIN, Thomas '/alter Lucy LUGO HcGEE, Hugh James Helen POTSCH 2 Sep Guad 17 Nov S.B. 8 Nov Mont 26 Jun S.B. 3 Mar S.B. 7 Jan S.B. 26 Feb Los A 15 Feb S.B. 23 Nov S. B. 2 June Lomp 1 Dec S.B. 26 Jan S.B. 7 May Sum 28 Jun Cold S 18 Jun S.B. 16 Mar S.B. 5 10 9 18 27 5 Jan S.B. Sep S.B. Dec Lomp May S.B. May Lomp May S. B. 9 Feb S. B. 7 Jan S. B. 3 Jul S. B. 131 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1908 McKAY, Loretha Shirlow McKAY, Ralph Edward McKELVEY, Horace Francis MCMILLAN, Elva Pearl McNEMAR, Marie Elsie MENDELSON, Rudolph Lenard MERRIAM, Frederick Calvin MEYER, Fred Wm. MILES, Margherite Harvey Burgess WRIGHT Marguerite Ruth HOBSON 25 Aug Lomp 19 Dec S. Violette Leonore DeFREES 16 Aug Edwin Chester WHITE David Earl SETTLE Dolores Innocencia OLIVERA Minnie MARINE Helen Alice ARROQDT Albert Byron MORGAN MILLER, Katie Marguerite(m.n.Schrer)john ZENS MILLER, Susan F. Allison J. ANDREWS MILLETTE, Fred Leon Marie BIDART MONTUO, Jennie Ada Walter Webster MAPPIN MORAN, Frances M. John Josiah HALL MORGAN, Albert Byron Margherita MILES MORO, Angelina John ACqjJISTAPACE MORRIS, Harbron Williams Elizabeth Cornelia OGAN MORROW, Willis Raymond Bertha Rachel SMITH MUMFORD, Willinna Beatrice Walter TEAGUE MURPHY, Irene Maison Earle See HENRY NAGEL, Sherman Alburtus Mary HANSEN 1 Mar B. S. B. S. B. S. B. 22 J.ui 2 Jun Lomp 3 Jul 23 19 17 14 27 23 Nov Apr Mar Oct Feb Nov S. B. Mont S. B. S. B. S. B. 19 Apr S. S. S. S. B. B. B. B. B. 11 Feb 10 Mar S. 17 Sep Carp 20 Jun 31 Oct 24 Jun R.. B. S;.B: 22 Jun S. B. NAYLOR, Caroline(m.n.Peterson) Charles WilliamNAYLOR 14 Apr S. B. NAYLOR, Charles William Caroline NAYL0R(m.n.Peterson)l4 Apr S. B. S. B. NELSON, Birdie NELSON, Peter NEVILL, Julia Francis NICHOLAS, Richard Bastran NICHOLSON, Roy Davidson NIGHTINGALE, Fred Leon NIXON, Samuel Newton NOLL, Almira Helen NORD, Anna NORRIS, Elvira Clawson NORTON, Irene C. OAKES, Geo. W. ODELLO, Marguerita Frank BUNCH Annie NORD 18 Mar S. B. 27 Mar S. B. 18 Jun S. B. S. B. Guiseppe BOSIO O'DONOGHUE, John Francis Ellen McCABE Arnell Franklin McBRIDE Neva GREEN Laura Jean DIEHL Dora A. DeLANEY Eva RUSSELL Raymond Hunt POLLARD Peter NELSON Edwin Perley BRADBURY Harry Miles HAWKINS Grace M. STAPLES 28 Apr 3 Aug 27 Jun 7 May 26 Nov 27 Mar '22 Jun 31 8 14 10 17 31 Dec Sep Jul Sep Sep Dec OGAN, Elizabeth Cornelia Harbron Williams MORRIS OGAN, Rolland James Myrtle Ella TRELOAR OLIVERA, Dolores Innocencia-Rudolph Lenard MENDELSON 22 Jun OLIVERA, Raphael Maria Elizabeth BRUMER 8 May OLSEN, Olaf Emil Emma Edith FISCHER 8 Apr ONTIVEROS, Esperanza Eliseo Bartolo RUIZ 28 Oct ORENA, Arturo Caspar Caroline REDMOND 10 Sep ORENA, Charles Anthony Francis Maggie CORDERO 25 Apr ORR, Mary Martha Allen PATRICK 3 May ORTEGA, Corinne Teresa JeoseAngel FISHER 22 Feb OSBORNE, Jesse Lee Anna CHIESA 9 Sep PAAR, Sophia May Eugene Roy HUYCK 12 Sep PARKER, Evelyn John Adolphus REES 27 Feb PATRICK, Allen Mary Martha ORR 3 May PEDERSEN, Delia Augusta Jacob Peter PROBST 9 Feb PENDOLA, Rose Mayble Wm. POOLE 10 Oct PERROTT, Lucy May Jacob Oscar DOUGHERTY 14 Jun PHILLIPS, Frank Seward Margaret Matilda LOGAN 30 Aug PICO, Isabelle Carolyn George Henry LONG 24 Oct PLOURDE, William Alfred Alice Fannie HICKS 14 May PLUMM, Gladys Mae Lewis Guy COVELL 9 Dec S. B. S. B. S. S. S. S. S. S. S. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. S. B. Carp S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. M. Mont Lomp S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. Sum S. B. S. B. Lomp 132 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS POLLARD,Raymond Hunt Almira Helen NOLL PONTER(Porter)FrankHarrison Margaret HARRIS - 1908 26 Nov S. B. 15 Aug S. B. S. B. POOLS, Margretta Lee Arthur Mayberry HORNE POOLE, William Rose Mayble PENDOLA PORTER, Frank Harrison Margaret HARRIS PORTER, Maud Levi GILL PRESCOTT, LaRoy Mary Isabella ANDERSON PRICE, Ellen Patrick FARREN PROBST, Jacob Peter Delia Augusta PEDERSEN RANDLES, Isabelle J. James DeWEBER RANKIN3, Duncan Jean DONALDSON RAYMOND, Edna Eliza Elza Clement CRAIG READ, Wilford Orho Fannie ARMOR RECTOR, Sarah Leona Daniele TOGNAZZINI REDMOND, Caroline Arthur Caspar ORENA RSES, John Adolphus Evelyn PARKER REYNOLDS, John Joseph Gladys Theodore BARNES RICHARDS, Anna Elizabeth Francis Duncan KEISER 22 Oct 10 Oct RICHARDS, Charles George RICHARDSON, Lena Robie 22 Apr 28 Aug 1 Sep REDOUT, John RIGGS, James Arthur ROBLES, Emily Maria ROCKWELL, Ruby Aletha ROMERO, Margaret ROMERO, Olivia ROMO, Charles Cornelius ROONEY, Earl Edward ROSS, Albert Henry ROSSI, Frank ROULO, Martha ROWLEY, Charles Harvey RUFFATTO, Luisa RUIZ, Eliseo Bartolo RUIZ, Irene RUIZ, Ramon RUSSELL, Eva SACCONAGHI, Peter St. CRIC£, Armand SALZMAN, Elsie Minnie SAVIE, John Ernesto SAWYERS, Sarah Margaret SCHERER, Grace May Margaret ROMERO Joseph HANYON Emily Gould BLISS Bertha Janette CLARK 15 23 13 14 Aug Sep Aug Sep SIMMONS, John Julian SIMPSON, Thomas Malcom 3KARB00, Nicka 3LATEN, Edward Homer SMITH, Alfred Nickerson SMITH, Bertha Rachel "MITH, Delos Ivan A'MTTH, Mary Margaret .711'EH, lie Is on Prank S. B. Sum S. B. 9 Feb 31 Dec S. B. 23 Apr S. B. S. B. 10 Jun S. Y. 21 Dec S. B. S. B. 24 10 27 15 Jun Sep Feb Apr 1 Jun 8 Jan S. S. S. S. S. B. B. B. B. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. Ramon RUIZ 15 Aug S. B. James Edwin McBRIDE 16 Mar S. B. S. B. Mont Charles George RICHARDS 22 Apr Stalano LOPEZ Josephine GARCIA 8 Nov 18 Jan Mabel GREEN Catherine Rio CURLEY 23 Nov 3 "Jan Mary BERTINO Henry Russell CREWS Mara Mercy GORHAM Giuseppe ANFOSSO Esperanza ONTIVEROS 19 Apr S. B. 10 Dec S. B. 16 May S. B. 22 Mar 28 Oct S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. Emily Maria ROBLES 3 May 15 Aug Samuel Newton MIXON CarlbttaCARILTI 7 Ms 17 Jun S. B. S. B. Leonora W. 20 Apr S. B. 8 Apr S. B. S. B. Frank TOMPKINS SWIFT William Henry HACKING Flora Mary JUAREZ 21 Nov John Julian SIMMONS 12 Aug Fred Hezzekiah EBERHART 8 Jun SCHERER,Katie Marguerita(m.n.Miller). John ZENS .. 17 Mar SCHNEIDER, Henry Paul Ida MartinBATES(m.n.Martin)26jan SCHUYLER, Milton SETTLE, David Earl SHERMAN, Olive Anna SILVA, Maria Ramos S. B. Blanche Elayne McCLURE S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. S. B. 27 May Lomp Mar S. B. S. M. Marie Elsie McNEMAR Chas. Fdward WEBB Manuel Jose VIEIRA Nov Lomp Sarah Margaret SAWYERS Rhoda Myrtle HILL Aug Aug S. 3. Jan Gol Ole BRUNSTADE 11 Oct S. B. Maude Maynette WHARTON 30 23 20 30 14 S. B. Bertha GREGORY Willis Raymond MORROW Julia Myra ZUCKWEILKR Frank ,/alker FORBUSH Grace -ana HALES Jan Jul Jun Nov Nov 29 Jan S. B. S. B. S. B. S.'-B. Mont 133 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1908 SPROUL, Annie (m.n. Tibbets) Patrick HERN 3PROUL, William STAUP, George Harvey STAPLES.Grace M. STEPHENS, Lara May Minnie LANGMARK 19 Hazel Kirk HARDY 8 George W. 0AKE3 9 William Chestley UPTON 17 27 Jul Aug Sep Sep Mar S. B. S. B. S. B. Lomp Carp STEVENS, Fred George STEWART, Elsie Louise Pearl Constance WARREN Otto BURMEISTER 28 Jul 2 Jun Gol S. B. STEWART, Laura Lorena Orbie Robert BANDY 21 Sep S. B. STILLMAN, Mary Marie(m.n.Hallbeck) FrankCornellLAKE 14Apr S. B. STOVER, Walter Logan Klea Vivian COLEMAN 5 Dec S. B. STREET, Julia Elizabeth -JuliusEdmundPRIEDRICHS-1907-21Nov S. B. STUVDAL(Stavdal),Maria SUNDBLAD, Marguerite SWIFT, Lenore E. Richard Page TURNER Addison Roy HARVEY Armand St. CRICQ 15 Mar 30 Oct 20 Apr S. B. S. B. S. B. TANNER, Trinnie Webster WAUGH 8 Jun TAPSCOTT, Estella Frances-Thomas Randolph JONES 25 Nov TEAGUE, Walter Willenna Beatrice MUMFORD 3l0ct THOMAS, Minnie Rose William Edgar AUSTIN 3 Jul TOGNAZZINI, Daniele Sarah Leona RECTOR 24 Jun TOMPKINS, Frank Irene RUIZ 3 Mar TORGESON, Torval Kastienous NoraChristianaFOURCADE 5Jun S. B. S. B. S. B. TRELOAR, Albert Lee Bertha FORRESTER TRELOAR, Myrtle Ella Rolland James OGAN 31 Dec S. B. 1 Jun S. B. 8 Nov S. B. 26 Jun S. B. 1 Dec S. B. TURNER, Richard Page Maria STAVDAL(Stuvdal) UPTON, William Chestley Lara May STEPHENS VALENZUELA, Juana VANN, Sarah Jane VASOJJEZ, Eva Jose de los Santos ARABAS Antonio Maria LOPEZ Maria Ramos SILVA VINCLER, Rosie Maria Joseph Jeremiah BOX WALKER, Soledad C. Harry William KYLE WALKER, William Owen WARREN, Ethel 15 May 17 Mar S. B. S. B. Carp S. B. Lomp James Henry COBBS 13 Dec Guad (Los 0) VIEIRA, Manuel Jose VINJE, Louis 4 Jul S. B. S. B. Marie(Maria) HOVE Vivian Bessie McFARLAND 7 Nov 19 Sep 9 Feb Charles Chamberlain PITTS 29 May WARREN, Pearl Constance Fred George STEVENS 28 Jul WAUGH, Webster Trinnie TANNER 8 Jun WEBB, Charles Edward Olive Anna SHERMAN 6 Jan WELCH, Greenlief C. Marie A. GRIFFITH 1907- 19 Jan V/EYSE, Henry Guenther-Ysabel Wilhelmine Katharine 19 Oct Lomp S. B. S. B. S. B. Gol S. B. S. M. S. B. S. B. WOLFSKILL WHARTON, Maude Maynette Edward Homer SLATEN WHEELER, Ray Blanche Gay BRANT WHITCHER, Charlotte Ellen George Henry CHESTER WHITE, Edwin Chester Elva Pearl McMILLAN WHITS, Ernest M. Adeline M. HOAG WILKINS, Joanna M. Charles BARTHOLOMEW (o) WILLIAMS, Winifred Augusta Morgan Flmer FIELDS WIMPY, Dorcas May Sayers George Miller GABLE WOLFSKILL,Ysabel Wilhe(l)mine Katharine WOOD, Alma WRIGHT, Harvey Burgess 30 Jan S. B. 6 Dec S. B. 22 Dec Los 0 3 Jul S. B. 8 Feb S. B. 19 Oct Sum 22 Sep Lomp 15 Apr S. B. Henry Guenther WEYSE 19 John Edward CHRISTMAS 30 Nov Loretha Shirlow McKAY YATES, Gordin Lorenzo MaryMuriellsabella CHILD Oct S. B. 25 Aug S. B. Lomp 6 Oct S. B. ZAPPA,Rosie John CRESPI 15 Mar Mont ZENS, John - Katie Marguerita SCHRER(m.n. Miller)l7 Mar S. B. ZIMMERMAN, Frank Miriam GILMAN 24 Aug ZUCKWEIL3R, Julia Myra Delos Ivan SMITH 30 Nov S. B. S. B. 134 1909 SANTA BARBARA CXX'NTY MARRIAGE RECORDS Copied by Lorraine Laabs a"d Donna Tepper "YoPd bv D AGGERS, Kittie Lenore AKIN, William Henry ARATA, Grace Francis ARCHER, Nina Gladyi ARRELLANES, Alfonso Luis ARRELLANES, Concepcion ARMSTRONG, Thomas Henry ASHABRANER, Cora Belle ATKINSON, Erma Adidal AUBORY, Louis Elliott AUBSEY, Julia AYER, Bessie Agnes AYMES, Edith Elanor BACKUS, Sarah BACON, Robert Harold BADILLA, Manuel BAISLEY, Thomas Payne BALDERSTON, Sue BALL, George N. BALLERINO, Delfina Wii Mam GROUNDWATER Viola Hanna WHITE Edward James MORIARTY William WIDD0U5CN Concepcion ARRELLANES o—C~ 190 9 23 Feb 28 Apr 10 Mar x 25 25 17 Nov Jun Oct S.B. Sep Apr Apr Alfonso Luis ARRELLANES Jan Pearl Josephine DARLING Frank Falley HamptonBARNES 2 2 Sep John Samuel ROWE 6 3 3 Robert Harold BACON 15 Willard MOORE 2 Thomas Payne BAISLEY 22 Fred Noverto OLIVERA 3 Julia AUBREY 12 Rosalie COTA 2 Edith Elanor AYMES 16 Edgar elias KLAUBER 2 Zena MCDONALD 3 Marion Lee GLOWNER BARCE, Wallace William Mary Madeline CAVALLERI 31 BARKER, Charlene 3 Hiram STARK BARNES, Frank Falley Ham Cora Belle ASHABRANER 22 BASFORD, Kimball 12 tfj,Eloise MOREHOUSE BATTAINI, Theresa 12 Andreas Michael Osborne BECK, Ollie 21 Nels JENSEN BELDING, Jane Jacob Chapman SCHOONOVER 31 BELTRAMO, Annie Raney 3 Ernest Alexander RUIZ BENSMAN, Adam 27 Willie DOWNING BERKMAN, Charles 27 Jennie ORTIZ BERMUDEZ, Estella 14 Frank Edward ZIELKE BERMUDEZ, Ramona 19 Eduro VIGIL BIAGGI, Peter 31 Alterina TOMASETTI BIDDLE, Stella 22 Lloyd Cleveland MILLER BISI, Teresina 17 Mateo SCOLARI BLAIR, Phillip Albert 21 Lucille Mary HAMES BLAKEWAY, Mancella LucinFrank Joseph KERRIGAN 8 BLEVINS, George Arthur 1 Estella PARSONS BLOOD, Carolyn Licetna 4 John Robert ELLIS BOAS, Martha 6 Joseph Percy VERDON BOCKUS, Leta May 9 Louis Carl SCHWARZ BONELLA, Jose 21 Yrine SAMANO BORGO, Lottie D. 17 William Alfred MABEE BRADBURY, Fannie Nellie George Edward Hughes 20 BROOKS, Alice Irene ... .. 5 William Thomas FAHEY Any Clark O'NEILL Jan Jun Jul Sep Jun Nov Jul Jul Lomp Sep S.B. B. B. ,B. B. B. ,B. ,B. ,B. ,B. ,B. .B. ,B. ,B. Jan Dec Sep Jan Nov Dec Oct Jul Dec Dec Jul Mar Aug Nov May Jul BRYANT, Iva Belle BUELL, Alonzo Vincent BUELL , James William BURRIS, Florence May BUSHNELL, Jeanette BUTTS, William Lewis CAGNACCI , Pete Fred CARNEY, Rose Isabelle Pierine Simotachi Bee LEWIS 13 1 Thyra Louisa Higgins 18 Gol Jul Mar S.B S.B S.B B. Mar Feb Jan B B. B. Jun B. B. Mar Aug Jun Jun Feb Apr James Christopher RECTOR 18 Aug Ethel Frances SEYDEL 29 John Francis MCGUIRE Hilda Mabel MAY 1 8 Rubv Pearl Lottrige MCKEE31 Wil1iam ERNSTING 26 .B. ,B. .B. Sep BROWN, Andrew MacCormackAdelaide Jennie Zimmermanl5 Oct BROWN, Nels Maria WADE 20 Aug BRUSATORI, Baldissare B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. Mont, S.B. S.B. S.B. Mont B. B. B. Carp S.B. Jul S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. Apr S.B. Feb May 135 SANTA BARBARA CXDUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS CARRILLO, Margaret C. CASE, George Lester Ramon CAVALLERI , Marv I'adalina Wallace William BARCE Leila Ambrose LEAR Frances Rolf FOSTER Arthur FROOM William WATTERSON COLE .Ferdinand Wlllinp^on COINER, Lulu Bel !e COLLINS, Mary COLVIN, Ellen Agnes CONKLING, William COOK, Ada May CORBELLI, Classina CORDERO, Fidel Ester CORDERO, John Bautista CORDERO, Ramaldo CORNING, Lillian Anna COTA, Antonio Manuel COTA, Claude Paul COTA, Rosalie COTA, Teresa CRAIG, Jessie CRATTY, John Luis CRAVENS, Archie DANCASTER, Josephine DANIELS, Will Henry DARLING,9earl Josephine DAVIES ,CharlotteLawrence DAVIDSON, Louie Steve DAVIDSON, Ralph Hall M. SARALEGUI Henry Anthony SILVA Mittie RAMBO Leon James WHITED Peter SABINI Maria Vetalisa ROMERO Augustia Maria Maria MARQUEZ ROMERO Abraham Benton HENNING Rosa Refugio LOPEZ Seresa anuel COTA Estelle Claude Paula COTA Walter Garfield ILENSTEN Hazel Lenora GOLD Myrtle Naomi MAGILL William Edward MCMARTIN Eather Elizað TROTT Thomas Henry ARMSTRONG Alexander Frank VALENZUELA 11 Sep Frances Alice ROBTSON 18 31 2 22 20 20 9 29 Lizzie HORN Phillip Till us MALOCHE Alice Irene BROOKS Mabel Frances SNAPP Frank Joseph SPECKMYER Frederick Luis SMITH Manuela Burdell LOPEZ WAUGH Jun Mar Nov Mar Jan Jan Jul Jul Oct 2 24 27 Frank Townsend PENNINGTON Ida Marguerite RAGLE DUFTY, Herbert Henry John ROGERS DUNDERDALE, Alice Amelia Caroline THAYER DUNN, David Hume DUSHAK, Lionel Herman Frances mary ESCHEMBURG DUTTON, Arthur Herbert Eva Hazel WYLIE Clara Ida SCHAUER EANES, Albert Thomas Carolyn Licentna BIOOD ELLIS, John Robert John Edmund WEST ENO, Aimee M. Rose Isabelle CARNEY ERNSTING, William ESCHENBURG, Frances M< Lionel Herman DUSCHAK Juan SALGADO ESPINOSA, Dora EVANS, Ellie Talbott Earle E. VEIRS James Wheeler MORIN EVARTS, Ruby Tully FADER, Vira Vanetta FAHEY, William Thomas FARRELL, Lawrence FASNACHT, Katharine FERNANDiZ.. Dolores FIGUEROA, Pablo FILLMORE, Ida Beck (Formerly Ida Beck) 12 Nov 12 Nov 12 Nov 25 Nov 13 Aug 1 Jan 6 Oct 22 Apr 17 Jan BADILLA DE FIELDS, Mrs. Annie Clarence WARNER DE WITT, Clarence Edwa ,Nellfe GOODCHIELD Fred Theodore DE YOS DE WOLF, Harriet A. DE YOS, Fred Theodore Harriet A. DE WOLF Joseph PAYNE DIMOCK, Emma Mae Kattie Genera MUSSER DOUZE, Leon Jacque Ole VINJE DOVING, Nicka DOWNING, Ethel Theresa Frederic Bryant SMART Adam BENSMAN DOWNING, Willie DREW Lulu 24 Apr 4 Nov 18 Jul 31 Jan 20 Dec 13 Oct 17 Oct 13 Jan 2 May 11 May 17 Jun 24 Feb 22 May 12 Jun 13 Jul 3 Mar 22 Mar Evaristo GUTIERREZ Irene TALBOTT CASTELO, Dolores CHAPEL, Floyd Westley - 1909 Feb Dec 19 1 2 25 13 7 25 4 2 26 13 16 29 28 6 5 19 22 Sep Aug Jun S.B. Lomp. S.B. S.B. S.B. Smld M. M. B. B. B. B. B. B. S.B. Lomp S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. Mont. Carp. S.B. .B. .B. .B. .B. .B. .B. .B. .B. .B. .B. .B. B. ,B. B. B. B. B. Sept B. Oct B. B. Sep Nov B. Mar B. Jun B. Apr B. B. B. B. B. B. Oct May Jun Jul Jun Jun Jan Jun •» Jul ?9 Jun 30 Sep B. B. Mont. S.B. Mont. S.B. 136 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY S1ARRIAGE RECORDS - 1909 rL I NN . Homer John Annie May TAYLOR Domingo E. ORTEGA rLORES .. Artemisa FOORD, Jennie W. FOSTER» Frances Rolf (formerly Frances Rolf FREW, William FROHM, Anna Mary Gove) FROOM, Arthur FROST, Dora Vernon GARBARINO, John Baptist GARCIA, Florentino GARRIGAN, Kate Zachariah Thomas GHQLSON Teresa RODRIQUEZ Lucrecia YGNACIO Clarence WATERMAN FOORD Anna Mary FROHM Mary Hughes Gertrude Dawn SARGENT HOLMES GLOWNER, Marion Lee Delfina BALLERINO GOLD, Hazel Lenora John Louis CRATTY GOLDSTEIN, Harry Frankli nDora Lillian STAINS GOODCHILD, Nellie Clarence Edward DE WITT GONZALES, Elena Peter RODRIGUES GONZALES, Ella Louis Charles SCHILLING HANSEN, Henry Benjamin HARP, Etta HARRIS, Sara Gay HAYDOCK, Elvin John HENDERSON ,Ernest Davidson HENDRY, William Jr. HENNING, Abraham Benton HIGGINS, Laile Eleanor HIGGINS, Thyra Louisa HILL, Jack HILL, Ynez Margaret HOOGES, Etta Mabel HODGSON, William HOLLISTER, Ethel Mae HOLMES, Thomas HORN, Lizzie HOURIHAN, Michael Peter HUGHES, George Edward HUGHES, Mary HfNES, Maud Mary S.B. Mont S.B. PARK Edward E. GILKESON Lulu Belle COINER William G. KELLEY Jennie W. GUTIERREZ, Blanche Rui* GUTIERREZ, Evaristo GUTIERREZ, Juanita HALL, Marv Jane HAMES, Lucile Mary HANSEN, Agnes Brigita Las Margaretta GHOLSON .Zachariah Thomas GROUNDWATER, William GROVER, Al len B iyan GUIDOTTI, Attilio 7 Jul S.B. Smld Percy Lee SAWYERS GORHAM, Nellie Trusdell GOULD, Jesse Joey GRAHAM, Fred William GRAY, J. Harry GREENHELD, Frances A. Jul Ferdinand Wellington COLE 10 Oct GERMAN, Lottie Bell GILKESON, Edward E. GILSON, Henry Clinton GLASGOW, Frank Morrison GLENN, Alice 8 Aug 23 Thonas Harry Holmes MOORE Margaret MILLARD Alberts L. Journeay Emile RAPP Arthur Erwin WOOLMAN Kittie Lenore AGGERS Ada May WOODS Josephine PORTA 12 14 17 24 22 22 1 17 7 14 Nov Jan Oct Mar Nov 1 Sep Aug May Sep Aug 28 6 3 13 14 21 20 2 20 5 15 11 29 23 Jul Jan Nov Jul Jan Jul Mar Nov Oct Feb Jun Sep May Apr Feb S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. -- S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. Mont S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. Gol . S.B. Mont S.B. 3 May S.B. Jan S.B. S.B. S.B. Clara Sturgis PERHAM Guy Ellis PARSONS 18 11 24 6 23 21 17 1$ 3 Lawrence Ballard Jean Cora SHORT STEVENS 20 2 Oct Charlotte Carrie Stella Mae PENRY MILLER 3 30 18 31 11 30 30 26 6 31 11 20 Mar Lomp Jun Feb Dec S.B. Pedro Antonio YGNACIO Margaret C. Carrillo George Frederick MORGAN Albert John KAILIN Phillip Albert BLAIR Fred Clifford Lillian Anna MAYDOLE CORNING Emery Raymond RANDALL Alonzo Vincent BUELL Claudia GUTIERREZ Michael Peter HOURIHAN Edgar Romine LAIR Margaret Martha KELLEY William Alice Edward STRAIN GLENN Ralph Hall DAVIDSON Ynez Margaret HILL Fannie Nellie BRADBURY Henry CIinton GILSON Martin Bernard O'HERAN Sep Apr Mar Feb S.B. Jul Oct S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. Apr May Nov 28Jul 21 Mar 1 27 Apr Dec Jun Sep May War Apr Jan Sep Oct Lomp Carp S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. Gol . S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. 137 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1909 ILENSTON, Walter Garfield IRVINE, Isabelle Phillip JENKINS, Sarah Elizabeth JENSEN, Nels JENNINGS, Carolyn Case JOHNSON, Gertrude D. JONES, Estella JONES, Florence Margretta JONES, Philo JONES, William Peter JOURNEAY, Alberta L. JUAREZ, Alfred Arthur KALIN, Albert John Jessie CRAIG Alfred Arthur JUAREZ Percy Hugh MCBRIDE 25 Nov 10 Sep 19 Mar Dec Ollie BECK 21 George Eames POTTER Jasper M. LANE 15 Sep 27 Jan 29 Apr James Samuel MARTIN Arthur: Lee SPRING Myrtle Hill en NANCE May KEISER a Jan S.B. S.B. Mont S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. Mont S.M. S.B. KEISER, May KELLEY, Margaret Martha KERRIGAN, Frank Joseph KEZER, Georgia Etta Mary Jane HALL 4 Aug 22 Dec 15 Sep 10 Sep 23 Feb William Peter JONES William HODGEN Mancella Lucina BLAKEWAY James MCLAUGHLIN 22 Dec 30 Jun 8 Sep 19 Oct S.B. KIERNAN, May Jennings Victor 23 S.B. Fred William GRAHAM Isabelle Phillip IRVINE (Formerly Georgia Spragu e) KIRKPATRICMlice Elizabeth KLAUBER.Edger Elias KOAN, Leona Ethelyn KOCHER, Rose Emma KRATZ, Albert Alonzo KRAUSE, Martha (Formerly Martha Burkman KUHN, Elizabeth Margaret LAIR, Edgar Romine LALOR, Mary Mitchell LANE, Jasper M. LEAR, Leila Ambrose LEMON, Edith F. Ruthard (Formerly Edith Ruthard) LEWIS, Bee LILLIS, John Simon LINDESMITH, Samuel Marvin LITTLEFIELD, Gordon Ray LONG, William C&esley LOPEZ, Alexander Carlos LOPEZ, Manuela LOPEZ, Ramona Bertha LOPEZ, Rosa Refugio LOWRY, Charles Berry LOWSLEY, James Dennis LUGO, Irene LUGO, Tomasita LUTTRELL, John Edwin LYNCH, John MABEE, William Alfred MACK, George Albert MADSEN, Minnie MAGILL, Myrtle Naomi MALLEN, Ermima Jesus MALOCKE, Phillip Tillus Lawrence WETZEL Charles Berry LOWRY Sue BALDERSTON MARGUEZ, Guadalupe Mary MARQUEZ, Maria MARTIN, James Samuel Lomp, S.B. S.B. Go]. 7 Jun Lomp 16 Oct S.B. S.B. Harry Delbert RANDOLPH 6 Jan Joseph Christopher THOMPSON 20 Apr S.B Mary Mitchell LALOR 7 Aug S.B. Hiram MOREHOUSE 24 Dec William Roseele REAVIS Etta Mabel HODGES Albert Alonzo KRATZ Gertrude D. JOHNSON 7 30 7 27 Apr Floyd Westly CHAPEL 20 Jan Dec Burrell 28 Dec S.B. Iva Belle BRYANT Iva Belle RUE Rebecca THOMAS 1 Jun 26 May 2 Sep B. Naomi Agnes SIPLE Minta L. WILLIAMS 29 May 7 Aug 28 Jan 29 Jun 29 Sep Carp 22 S.B. David NEIGHBOURS Mary Pauline REICHART Pablo FIQUEROA Juan Bautista ROMERO Antonio Manuel COTA S.B. Dec Aug Mar B. B. B. B. B. Mont Alice Elizabeth Kirkpatrick 7 Jun Lomp Mary Luella PORTER John PENE Audel H. RUIZ Belle TATE 2 Jun Myrtle WRIGHT 25 Aug Lottie BORGO 17 Rita Katherine MATHEWS Bennie B. SEIN Archie CRAVENS Jose Jesus ROMERO 12 2 1 9 Vira Vanetta S.B. 30 Oct 22 May 10 Jun FADER MANDEVILLE .Franklin Van Buren Sarah Amanda WINCHCOMB MARGETTS, Percy Jennings Dec Gol . S.B. Feb Jun Feb Jan Jan 6 Jun 10 Nov 7 Oct Elora Olive YANCY Gustaves Elard Millhouse 20 Apr Romaldo CORDERO 13 Jul Estella JONES 29 Apr S.B. S.B. Carp S.B. B. B. B. B. B. B. 138 SAOTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1909 MATHEWS, Rita Katherine George Albert MACK MAY, William Lewis BUTTS Hilda Mabel MAYDOLE, Fred Clifford MAZZINI Josephine MCBRIDE, Percy Hugh MCDAVID, Irwin Alexander MCDONALD, Zena MEZA, Domingo MILLER, Lloyd Cleveland MILLARD, Margaret MILLHOUSE, Gustaves Elard MILLS, Charlotte Carrie MOORE, Harry Holmes MOORE, Willard MORAGA, Angelina Lucile MOREHOUSE, Eloise MOREHOUSE, Hiram MORGAN, George Fredrick MORIARTY, Edward James MORIN, James Wheeler MORRIS MORRIS MUSSER Beatrice Elsie Myrtle Hattie Geneva Grace Hermenia MYRES, NANCE, Myrtle Hlllen NEIGHBORS Burrell David Joseph Frank OCCARIER OCHOA, 17 Joseph ACCARIER 16 Oct 19 Mar Sarah Elizabeth JENKINS Elizabeth Woods RIPPEY George N. BALL Jeanette BUSHNELL Mabel Sarah PETERSEN Georgia Etta KEZER Josephine DANCASTER Frank OCHOA Herbert Eugene WASHBURN Ida Esmeralda ROMERO Stella BIDDLE Jesse Fay GOULD Guadalupe Mary MARQUEZ Jennie MENDEZ OGDEN, Phoebe Ellen O'HERAN, Martin Bernard OLIVERA, Fred Noverto Tholak R. SINONSON O'NEILL, Amy Clark ONSTOTT, Gertrude Arminda ONTIVEROS , Erolinda Maria Louis Elliott AUBORY ORTEGA, Domingo E. 28 Apr S.B. S.B. S.B. Mont. S.B. Lomp. 2 31 1 25 19 6 15 24 22 22 Jul Jul Feb Nov Oct Oct Feb FEb Dec Nov 5 Jun S.B. 20 Apr S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. Lomp. S.B. Mont. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. 6 Feb John Edward WITNEY S.B. 12 Jan Kimball BASFORD S.B. 24 Dec Martha KRAUSE S.B. 6 Mar Juanita GUTIERREZ S.B. 10 Mar Grace Francis ARATA S.B. 28 Jul Ruby Tully EVARTS S.B. 8 Aug Charles RUIZ ON 16 Jar i S.B. Joseph Leonard WBRTHINGTON S.B. 29 Jul Leon Jacque DONGE S.B. 3 Jan Herman Jerome SARTWELL S.M. 4 Aug PhVIo JONES Edith F. Rutherford LEMONN 28 Dec S.B. S.B. 16 Oct Josephine MAZZINI William Anderson PEARCE Arthur Oct S.B. Ernest Davidson HENDERSONN 28 Jul 20 Feb Nellie Trusdell GORHAM 15 Sep Bessie Agnes AYER O'DANIEL, Lida Agnes ONTIVEROS, John Jun 8 May Agnes Brigita HANSEN MCKEE, Ruby Pearl LottridgePete Fred CAGNACCI MCGUIRE, John Francis MCKILLIP, Frank MCLAUGHLIN, James MCMARTIN, William Edward MENDEZ, Jennie MERRILL, Winifred 12 Maud Mary HYNES Sarah BACKUS 15 12 30 27 Feb Jun Oct Oct 22 3 Nov Jun George Washington SANDS 21 Apr Jacob PORTENSTEIN Adeline YATES Artemisa FLORES 28 Jun 23 23 Nov Jul Lomp Mont S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.M. S.M. Las Cruces Lida Agnes O'DANIEL 9 Jul 12 Jun Lulu fcstelle DREW William HENDRY JR. 19 Sep S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. Mont S.B. 21 Mar S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. ORTEGA, Rafelita Margaret Clinton Edward PHILBRICK ORTIZ, Jennie OSBORNE, Andreas Michael OVERHULSER, Wilhelmina Charles BERKMAN Theresa BATTAINI Ellis RAPHAEL PARK, Margretta William PARSONS, Estella FREW George Arthur BLEVINS PARSONS, Guy Ellis Etta HARP PAYNE, Joseoh PEARCE, William Anderson PENNINGTON, Frank Townsend PENRY, Stella Mae Emma Mae DEMOCK 6 27 12 23 Nov Dec 12 1 Nov Jul Nov Dec 3 May PERHAM, Clara Sturgis Henry Benjamin HANSEN PETERSEN, Katie Catherine PETERSEN, Mabel Sarah Charles Blower SEDGWICK 19 Apr 5 Apr Frank MCKELLIP 25 Nov 139 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1909 PENE, John Irene LUGO PHILBRICK, Clinton Edward Rafelita Margaret ORTEGA PICO, Dario PICO, Francisca PILLOW, Thomas James Stella Barbara ROBINSON PORTENSTEIN, Jacob PORTER, Mary Luella PORTA, Josephine POTTER, George Eames PRIESTLEY, Dorthea Melissa RAGLE, Ida Marguerote RAMBO, Mittie RANDALL, Emery Raymond AANDOLF, Harry Delbert RAPHAEL, Ellis RAPP, Emily READ, Thomas Marion REAVIS, William Roselle RECTOR, James Christopher REICHERT, Mary Pauline REID, MAry Elizabeth REYNOLDS, Ermina Harvey RICHARDSON, Helen Frances RIPPEY. ELizabeth Woods ROBBINS, Phillip Austin ROBINSON, Stella Barbara ROBISON, Frances Alice ROBLES, Richard F. RODRIQUES Dolores Romero RODRIQUES, Peter RODRIQUEZ, Teresa ROGERS, John ROMERO, Augusia Maria ROMERO, Ida Esmeralda ROMERO, Jose Jesus ROMERO, Juan Bautista ROMERO, Maria Vetalisa ROWE, John Samuel RICE, Harvey Edward RUE, Iva Belle RUIZ, Audel H. RUIZ, Charlie RUIZ, Ernest Alexander SABINI, Peter SALGADO, Juan SAMANO, Yrine SANDS, George Washington SARALEGUI, Ramon M. SARGENT, Gertrude Dawn SARTWELL, Herbert Jerome SAWYERS, Percy tee SCHAUER, Clara Ida SCHILLING, Lous Charles SCHLEKAN, Clara Bertha SCHOONOVER, Jacob Chapman SCHULER, Clarence Edward SCHWARZ, Louis Karl Dolores Romero RODRIQUEZ Richard F. ROBLES Erolinda Maria ONTIVEROS James Dennis LOWSLEY Arrilio GUIDATTI 30 Oct S.B. 6 23 Nov Dec S.B. S.B. 6 May 16 Sep S.Y. S.B. 28 Jun 2 18 Jun Jan S.N. S.B. S.B. Carolyn Case JENNINGS 15 Sep Rex Orestes SMITH 21 Herbert Henry DUFTY 1 Aug 11 May S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. 30 Jun S.B, 6 Jan 23 Dec S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. Mont William CONKLING Laila Eleanor HIGGINS Leoha Ethelyn KOAM Wilhelmina OVERHULSER J. Harrv GRAY Mary Jane WILKES Elizabeth Margaret KUHN Florence May BURRIS Alexander Carlos LOPEZ Henry George WULFF Harvey Edward RU£ Robert Merritt SIDLEY Irwin Alexander MCDAVID Mabel Olga WILLIAMS Thomas James PILLOW Louie Steve Davidson John Baptist GARBARINO Alice DUNDERDALE John Bautista CORDERO Domingo MEZA Jesus 11 May 7 Jun 7 Apr 18 Aug 28 7 Jan Dec 6 Aug Carp 1 S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.Y. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. Mont S.B. Mar 28 Apr 1 Mar 16 Sep 18 Jun 6 May Francisca PICO Dario PICO Elena GONZALES Erminia Jul MALLEN Ramona Bertha LOPEZ Fidel Ester CORDERO Erma Adidal ATKINSON Ermine REYNOLDS John Simon LILLIS Tomasita LUGO Beatrice MORRIS Annie Raney BELTRANO Classini CORBELLI Dora ESPINOSA Jose BONILLA 23 Dec 20 Nov 22 Nov 2 Jun 12 Jun 22 Dec 9 Jan 29 Sep 22 May CASTELO Frank MORRISON GLASGOW Grace Hermina MYERS Lottie Bell GERMAN Albert Thomas EAVES Ella GONZBLES Jan 6 26 22 8 3 Aug May May Aug May S.B. S.B. S.B. 24 Feb S.B. 16 May S.B. Jan 17 Nov S.B. 25 2 Nov Oct S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. Mar 18 Jul 28 Aug 3 23 Apr Jane 13 Mary Agnes WAKEFIELD Leta May BACKUS Carp S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. 21 Harvey Carroll SMALLEY BELDING S.B. S.B. 6 Gertrude Arminda ONSTOTT 21 Apr Dolores Carp Oct 22 Sep 9 Mar 140 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1909 SCOLARI, Mateo SEDGWICH, Charles Blower SEDLEY, Robert Merrit SEIN, Bernie B. SELBY, Charlotte SEXTON, Joseph Foster SEYDEL, Ethel Frances SHORT, Jean Cora SILVA, Amelia Tomasa S1LVA, Henry Anthony SIMONSON, ThoUk R. SIMOTACHI, Pierina SIPLE, Naomi Agnes SMALLEY, Harvey Carroll SMART, SMART, SMITH, SMITH, Frederic Bryant Mabyn Linwood Frederich Lewis Martha Mary SMITH, Rex Orestes SNAPP, Mabel Frances SPECKMYER, Frank Joseph SPRING, Arthur Lee Teresina BISI 17 May Katie Catherine PETERSON 5 Apr Helen Frances RICHARDSON 1 Mar Minnie MADSEN 2 Feb Fred Henry WADLEIGH 13 Alma Harriet Stewart James William BUELL Elwin John HAYDOCK Manuel C. VICENTE 10 2ft 2 6 Ellen Agnes COLVIN Phoebe Ellen OGDEN Baldissare BRUSATORl Gordon Ray LITTLEFIELD Clara Bertha SCHLEKAN Ethel Theresa DOWNING Vind Mary STRUTZEL 24 18 Florence Margretta JONES STEVENS, Lawrence Ballard Sara <3ay HARRIS Rebecca TOMASETTI, Alterina 2 Joseph" Foster SEXTON Ethel Mae HOLLISTER Mabyn Linwood SMART Leslie Edward WEST George Lester CASE Homer John FLINN John Edwin LUTTRELL David Hurne DUNN Samuel Marvin LINDSMITH Peter BIAGGI 3 20 10 26 18 30 4 8 10 2b 2 31 20 7 6 THOMPSON, Joseph Christopher Rose Emma KOCHER TOBEY, Warren Crowell Anna May WEST TRIGUEIRO, Louise Genevieve Manuel Lopez XAVIER 22 William Henry DANIELS TROTT, Esther Elizabeth 15 Martha Mary SMITH VALENCIA, Leno Evarlsto VALENZUELA, Alexander Frank Charlotte Lawrence DAVIESll 28 Mary WAGNER VAUGHN, John Henry VEIRS, Earla E. VERDON, Joseph Percy VICENTE, Manuel C. VIGIL, Eduardo VINJI, Ole VORE, Vernon William WADE, Marie WADLEIGH, Fred Henry WAGNER, Mary WAKEFIELD, Mary Agnes WARNER, Clarence WASHBURN, Herbert Eugene WATERMAN, Clarence WATTERSON, William WAUGH, Burdell WEST, Anna May WEST, John Edmund WEST, Leslie Edward Feb Dec 7 Jul 15 May Dorothea Melissa Priestley 21 Jul Lawrence FARRELL 19 Jan Katharine FASNACHT 22 Jen Charlene BARKER THOMAS, Nov Dolores FERNANDEZ Leno Evaristo VALENCIA STARK, Hiram THAYER, Amelia Caroline Apr May 2 May 30 Oct 13 Jun 29 May 23 Apr STAINS, Dora Lillian Marion Harry Franklin GOLDSTEIN 14 STEWART, Alma Harrlette STRAIN, William Edward STRUTZEL, Vind Mary SWARTFIGUER, Nina TALBOTT, Irene TAYLOR, Annie May TATE, Belle Feb Feb El lie Talbott EVANS Martha BOAS Amelia Tomasa SILVA Ramona BERMUDEZ Nicka DOVING Mary SCHRATER Nels BROWN Charlotte SELBY John Henry VAUGHN Clarence Edward SCHULER Mrs. Annie DE FIELDS Wanifred MERRILL Kate GARIGAN Mary COLLINS Ida Beck FILLMORE Barren Crowell TOBEY Aimee M. ENO Nina SWARTFIGUER 29 6 6 19 2 30 20 13 28 22 2 24 1 13 30 7 2 30 Jan Jul B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. S.M. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.Y. S.B. S.B. Mont. Mont. S.B. Feb S.B. S.B. S.B. Sep Gol . Dec Jun Nov S.B. S.B. Aug S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. Dec Oct Jun Sep Sep Aug Apr Lomp. Jul Carp. Jan S.M. S.B. S.Y. Apr May Sep Nov Jun Aug May Mar Oct Dec Aug Feb Nov Sep Nov Feb Jan Jan Sep Jul Jun Jun S.B. Gol . S.B. S.B. S.M. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. Gol . S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.M. S.B. Carp S.B. S.B. 141 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1909. WETZEL, Victor Lawrence WHITE, Viola Hannah WHITED, Leon James WHITNEY, John Edward Mary Jennings LIERNAN William Henry AKIN Ada Nay COOK Angelina Lucile MORAGA Nina Gladys ARCHER WIDDOWSON, William WILKES, Mary Jane Thomas (formerly MaxV'Jane~Hovey) WILLIAM, G. Kelley WILLIAMS, Mabel Olga WILIIAMS, Minta A. WINCHCOMB, Sarah Amanda WOODS, Ada May WOOLMAN, Arthur Erwin WORTHINGTON, JosephLebnard WRIGHT, Myrtle WULFF, Henry George WYLIE, Eva Hazel XAVIER, Manuel Lopez YGNACIO, Pedro Antonio YANCY, Elora Olive YATES, Adeline YGANCIO, Lucrecia ZIELKE, Frank Edward ZIMMERMAN, Adelaide Jenni Marion 23 28 17 6 1 7 READ Dec Apr Jun Feb Sep Jun Dora Verno n FROST 24 Mar Phil lip Au stin ROBBINS 1 Mar Will iam Ch esley LONG 7 Aug Fran kl In V an Buren MAND EVILLE 10 Grov er All en BRYAN 3 May Fran ces A. Green HELD 29 Apr Elsi e Myrt le MORRIS 16 Jan John LYNCH 25 Aug Mary Eliza beth REID 7 Dec Arth ur Her bert DUTTON 7 Sep Loui se Gen evieve TRIGUE IRO 6 Jan Blan che Ru ilGUTIERREZ 11 Sep Perc y Jenn ings MARGETTS 7 Oct John Arthu r ONTIVEROS 23 Nov Flor entino GARCIA 22 Jul Este 11a BE RMUDEZ 14 Jul e Andr ew Mac Cornack BROWN 15 Oct SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1908 Maiden names of brides shown in index. One Carpinteria marriage All others Santa Barbara. The Carpinteria marriage was that of Date Groom Maiden Name 1908 27 July CAPELLA, Jeanne Jacob Albert KIRCHGRABER 3 Nov. GREEN; Martha George Billings BRASTOW 2 Nov. TIBBETS, Annie Patrick HERN KING, Mattie Jane MARTIN; Ida PETERSON, Caroline Charles William NAYLOR STILLMAN, Mary Marie June Jan. lk Apr. lU Apr. Frank Cornell LAKE MILLER; Katie Maguerita TRESTER, Mary 8 26 Edward HICKLIN Herjry Paul SCHNEIDER John ZENS 17 Mar. Edmund William Dominique CLARK 26 Apr. SANTA BARBARA COUNTY MARRIAGE RECORDS - 1909 Former names of brides shown on licenses; all Santa Barbara. Previous Name Date Groom BURKMAN, Martha Hiram MOREHOUSE HOVEY, Mary Jane Thomas Marion READ 7 June RUTHARD, Edith F. Burrell David NEIGHBOURS 28 Dec. SPRAGUE, Georgia James McLAUGHLIN 19 Oct. 1909 24 Dec. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. S.B. Nov S S.B. Mont S.B. S.B. Mont S.B. M. B. B. M. B. B. B. 142 Mr';J IN T»'r LI TRAP Y Ruth Scollin, Librarian BOOK'! 1. 2. 3. rfinnr-sota. A History of thp 5tatp by Throdorr Blpqpn. Donated by Hazrl Hornr. Thr ^O^. Carnrllian of Cornrll Univrrsity. Dontpd by Hazpl Hornp. Who's Who in Amprica Vol.I&II. 1980-81. 61st Fdition. Donatrd by Jan Cloud. 6. Atlas, of Amnrican History by Jamps T. Adams. 5. Thr first Sixty Ypars, A Story of thp Bavaria, Kansas Community hy Ifirlvina RlcCormick. Don atrd by thp Author. P. Hold ""lret For California. Iorty-Ninrrs from Australia & Nrw Zpaland by Charlrs Batpson. 7. PParriagp, Crnsus & Othpr Indpxps fnr 'amily Historians. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Jnremy Gibsonj Fditor. (Fngland) Through Colonial Doorways by Annp H. Wharfcon. Donatrd by Alice Ovington. Thp Ppsspmier Portfolio by Joan F. Sirgert. Guidp to Referencp Books by Constancp ITI. Winchpll Basic Refprpnce Sources by Louis Shorps. Thr Immigrant Upraispd, Italian Advpnturers & Colonists in an Fxpanding Amprica by Andrpw F. 13. Rolle. A School Atlas of English History. Hardinprj 16. 15. 1". Samuel R. rditor. How To Do Library Ppsearch by Robprt B. Downs. Thp Amprican Tory by William H. Nrlson. Viking Timrs to If.odnrn by cric W. 'lrisher & 17. Jorgpn Wribull. Dartmoor Prisoni War of 1812 by Thomas V. Huntsbrrry t Joannp F!.. Huntsbprry. 1R. r-rcord of California ffipn in thr War of rllion. 19. 18M thp Fpb- to 18^7. HopkinB of thp ITayflowpr by ft:argarrt Hodgrs. • AIT'TLY HISTORY PERIODICAL0 1. I'uxford Hrn. Soc. ffiagazinp. Sppt. 1986. Oonatpd by Harry Titus 2. Taft 3. Thp Warrpn 'amily Historian. Aun. 1986. Donatrd by Ruth Scollin. Talk. Junp 19B6 NrW QUARTERLY FXCHANRFS WISCDIVSINt FXCHANr.rq r.nnralogical Gpms. Fall 1983. AMD QUAPTFRLY DONATIONS ALABAP'A: Natchrz Tracn Travelnr. ARIZONA: Sun City Hrnpaloqist. rall 1986. Vol.6 s3 1986. 143 NEW IN THE .LIBRARY AUSTRALIA: AncFstral Sparchrr. Spnprat.ion. HELMUT: VlaamsF Stam. CALI Ash Trper rcho. Calif. Cpntral ORNIA: Junr Queensland. June, 1986. Junr July, Ganbrrra. 1586 Aun. 1986. rn.sno. Oct. 1986. CoaFt :>n. '":oc. June Thr GrnpaloriFt. Oct., Nov. 1986. 1986. Thousand Daks. roldFn Roots of thp TfothFr Lode. rall 1986. 1986. Summpr, rall 1986. Sonora. LicFlinpr. Rivnrsidp. Sppt. Parin Kin Tracrr. Novato. Notirias. Santa Garbara. 1986. rall Orangp Co. Gpn. Soc. Quart. Sept. 1986. RFdwood FpsparchFr. ""ortuna. Aug., Nov. 1986. Santa Clara Co. Hist, ft GFn. Soc. Quart. Sprine 1986. Santa Taria VsIIpv Gpn. "Summer 1986. roc. Library. £ Thp Sparchpr. Hurbank. Aug. - Nov. 198£. Sonoma "earchpr. ~ppt. 1986. VFntura Co. Sfo. Soc. Sept. 1986. CONNECTICUT: Comnpcticut AncF=try. Sppt. 197' & "er. 1986. Connpcticut Nutmegger. Sppt. 1986. Dono- tpd by rmily ThiES. DISTRICT 0" COLL'ireiA: DAP WanazinF. ITay - Dec. 19C-2, Jan.-DFC. 1963, Jan.-Dec. 1966 Donatpd by Lilian 'ish. National f,Fn. Soc. FMGLAND: Quart. Dpc. 19S8. Banyan Trrr. ?1 9 1986. Dirpctory of ramily History Project Co ordinators. Penelopp FattFnson; Compilrr 5th rdition 1986. "amily History Nfws & Digest. Sept. 1986. "Fdpration of ramily History SociptiFs. List of Lpcturprs 1986. "Fnralonists' H'arazinF. Junp 1986. List of Projects at LD" Library, Utah compiled by the British Perprpnce Unit "L0° IQA: 1986. .'iltshirr '"amily Hist. Soc. ^ummrr 1986. 'lorida Genealogist. Summpr 1986. Donatpd by Harry Titus. GpnFanram. Port Charlotte. ^ept.,0ct. 19R6. ^ota-F^ne. rr0PGIA: Sarasota. Vol. Ancpstors Unlimited. CFntral Georgia Gen. Soc. June 7 5ept. 1986. ILLINOIS: 5:6 Vol.5:3,6 1986. 1986. Inc. Quarterly. Georgia Gen. Soc. Summer 1986. Donated by Harry Titus. Cornsilk. Sycamore. rall 1986. Driditt Co. Ten. Quart. Summer 1986. Illinois Statp Gen. Soc. Quart. Summer 1970, Summer 1975, Summer 1981, Winter 1981, P'adison Co. INDIANA: Clay Co. Spring, Winter 1982. Ten. loc. cFSParchrr. Stalker, "ummrr winter 19E6. 1986. 144 NEW IN THE LIBRARY Genealogy. July, Aug. 1986 Hoosier Genealogist. Indianapolis. Sppt. 1986. South Bend Area Gen. IOWA: Soc. Tall, Summer 1986. The American Genealogist. July,Oct. ated by Emily Thies. 1983 Don The ILL^IA-KO Searcher. July, Oct. 1986. KAN5A5: Kansas Kin. Manhattan. Aug. 1986. midwest Hist. & Gen. Register. July-Sptp. KrNTUCKY: QluFgrass Roots. Trankfort. Summer. 1986. The Longhunter. Summer 1986 Baton Rouge Newsletter. Oct • 1986. Downcast Ancestry. Aug.,Oct , 1986. Donated by Ruth 5collin. The Second Boat. Aug. 1986. Donated by 1986. LOUISIANA: IKAINFi Ruth Scollin. HCASSACHUSFTTS: Car-Del Scribe. July, Sept. 1986 IT.ayflower Quarterly. Aug. 1986. Donated by Emily Thies. New England Hist. & Gen. Register. July 19B6. Donated by Emily Thies. Pilgrim Notes & Queries. Vol.Ii3-8,Vol.II: 1-10, Vol.111:1-8, Vol.IV»1,3,5, Vol.V:1,2,8. Donated by Waltrr fl.c- Intosh, Topsfield, ITass. Hiss our i Genealogists' Fxchangp. Aug.-Oct. Platte Co. Soc. Hist. Summer & Gen. 1986. Bulletin. 1986. The Researcher. #85,86,89,90,97,98,99. Donated by Dorothy Walt. The Pidge Runners. Vol.VII-VIII, Vol.XI, Vol.XIV. NrORASKA: NFW YORK: Ancestors Unlimited. July-Oct. The Dutchess. Tall 1986. 1986. SuFfold Co. Hist. Soc. Register. Summer 1986. Donated by Harry Titus. Tree Talks. Syracuse. June, Sept. 1986. Donated by Wes Kingsley. Yesteryears. Aurara. Sept. 1967. NORTH CAROLINA:Broad River Gen. Soc. aug. 19B6. Bulletin of Gen. Soc. of Old Tryon Co, Aug. 1986. OHIO: Thp Guilford Genealogist. Fall 1980, Spring 1981, Spring 19B3 Fs'jiau Huppeday. Nov. 1986 Ancestor Hunt. Jefferson. Aug, 1986. Licking Lantern. Newark. Sept< 198ft. Donated by Emily Thies. Our Heritr^F. West Union. Vol. VI :2,3 1986. The Feport. flansfirld. all 1986. Donated by Emily Thies. Seneca Searchers. nrFGnrj! June 1986. Genealogical 'orum of Portland, Nov. 1975. Oregon Gen. Soc. Quart. Summer 1986. Timber Trails. ITlciriinnvillp. July 1986. 145 NEW IN THE LIBRARY FrNNSYL\/ANIA: Bucks Co. Gen. Soc. Neu-slettFr. Civil War Timrs Illustrated. Jan. ' a l l 1986. 1981, r^t. Junr 1986. Donatrd bv Gladys ?.Fcku-ith. Keyhole. Laural Oct. 138?. IV>sspnrFr. Aun. 1986. SOUTH CAROLINA: South Carolina Hist. fc'arazinp. July 1986. Donated by Harry Titun. "outh Carolina ffagazinF o^ Ancpstral -^search Summer 1986. TTNf'rr:"r : "ull^tin of i'Jataune Donated ^y Harry Titus. Assoc, o" Genealogists. Vol. 12:2", 1983. TrXA3: Austin Gpn. Soc. Sept. £=986. Cyprpss Basin Prn. <? Hist. ~oc. Quart., f"t. Firas ant. "ol.VI:2,3 Dallas Quarterly. Sept. 1986. Hood Co. Gen. Soc. r.'rivsletter. Oct. 1986. UTAH: rpflections. Corpus Christi. Srpt. 19P6. Stripes. Houston. Dec. 1981, June 1983. Yellowed Pages. Feaumont. SunnmFr, 1986. Genealooical Helper. IT. ay, 1973 ,f.;ov ., 1972 , VERPDiJT: Cranches & Tidies, VIRGINIA: Genealonical Computing. Sept. 1971,July/Auq., Sppt./Cct. 1986. Summer 1986. Sept. 1986. The Southwr-'st Virginian. .#2',27. Donated by Dorothy Walt. Thr V'ircinia Grnralopist. Vol. 25:1-6.1981. Donated by Dorothy Walt. CASHINGTON: Bulletin o? thF Whatcom Gpn. ham. Summer 1986. rastFrn Wash. Gen. Soc. Tri-Citv Gpn. Soc. Sept. Bulletin. Soc. Bel line- 1986. Richland. July-Sept. 1986. ******* ***** Emily Thiess has called attentionto an article entitled A Comnitment to Excellence in Genealogy: How the Public Library Became the Only Tourist Attraction in Fort Wayne, Indiana , by Rick J. Ashton, Direc- tor, Allen County Public Library, Fort Wayne, Indiana, in the Simmer 1983 Library Trends 89-96. In 1935 Rex M. Potterf, a well-educated high school history teacher, became chief librarian of the public li brary, later earning a library degree at the university of Illinois. He set up a print shop, carpentry shop and enlarged the capacity of the Carnegie building, by buying houses, gas stations and stores and filling them with books, including used books bought in the thousands. In 1935 he appointed Fred J. Reynoldsto head the Allen County Dept. At the end of 1959 Potterf retired and Reynolds succeeded him,serving as chief librarian for 19 years. An expanded new building opened in 1968 and storefront branches were replaced by new modern buildings. The original genealogy department began operating in January 1961 in a corner room of the old Carneigie building with about 400 books don ated by the local DAR chapter and one staff member, Dorothy M. Lower. All available census microfilms were purchased from the National Ar chives; Between 1000 and 1500 city directories are received each year. In the mid-1960s through an arrangement with the Newberry Library in Chicago,many of whose older books were deterioting. Joseph C. Wolf, curator of the local and family history collection,furnished Reynolds with a photocopy of the entire Newberry Library shelf list for parts of the collection; thousands of books which Fort Wayne lacked were transported to Fort Wayne over a period of several years. Two high quality photocopies on acid-free paper of each book were made, bound 146 by a commercial library binder and put into use. One copy was at the Newberry Library and the other at Fort Wayne. The original books were returned to the Newbery Library There were at least 15,000 to 30,000 books treated in this way. The photocopies volumes are sturdy, serviceable items, but do not preserve the physical character of the original books. Reynolds and Wolf early decided that photocopies were preferable to microfilm for the reason that genealogical researchers do not read a book from cover to cover or from front to back in the scroll-like fashion required of microfilm. They search a book's indexes, lists of names and contents columns in ways which are extremely cumber some on microfilm. This arrangement led Reynolds to include a number of other public libraries, historical societies, state libraries, and other repositories of local history and genealgoy information across the country. This activity still continues but on a much smaller scale. Two photocopies are made of each item, one stays on the Fort Wayne li brary shelves, the other goes to the supplier of the material. By late 1976 it wasapparent that the new building opened in 1968 would soon be outgrown. As the last major undertaking of his profes sional career, Reynolds launched the building of an addition. The second floor of the addition, opened to the public in January 1981 con tains seating for 9t researchers at tables; 24 microfilm readers and shelf space for substantial expension of the genealogy collection,which at the writing of the article by Mr. Ashton, exceeded 120,000 volumes and 30,000 rolls of microfilm. Financing of these projects has taken place within tht normal operating and capital budgets of the library. *************** THE HISTORY of the CRAFT-HILL-HARRIS and DESHAZER-FAUBION-DOUGLASS- HOWLETT Families is scheduled to be ready for distribution as of October, according to Alta D. Craft, 242 Liholiho St., Wailuku,Hawaii 96793; telephone (808) 244-3106; is written to avoid duplication of material, contains about 675 pages, including about 170 photos; price $37.50, including postage with 4 to 6 weeks to be allowed for surface mail from Hawaii to the mainland. Postage rates decree if more than one took is ordered with delivery to a single address. Mrs. Craft states the price of the book includes the cost of publishing and postage, and that the past 12 years of research which comprised over 100,000 miles of travel by car, bus and plane to visit 14 states where their ancestors resided and the hundreds of letters are considered as their hobby, from which they derived much pleasure from the work involved and in becoming acquainted with many relatives. *************** The Connecticut Society of Genealogists, Inc. 2906 Main Street, Glastonbury, CT 06033, phone (203) 633-4203, open Monday-Friday 9 am. to 4:30 pm. is soliciting memberships. Founded in 1968 as a non profit organization, it has a world-wide membership of over 4,000 and is one of the largest Societies in the united States dealing exclus ively with genealogy. Membership entitles one to its quarterly publi cation the "Connecticut Nutmegger", 184 pages per quarter, half devoted to queries from members, who are entitled to 3 free queries per issue. It also carried interesting and varied articles pertaining to gene alogy, such as book reviews, ancestry information, birth and Bible records,and many other items. Newsletters are also distributed giving information as to meetings, laws, family reunions, etc. Research service by several Connecticut members including search for births, marriages and deaths in the town halls and State Library is also provided for a small fee. Annual dues from May 1st to April 30,$20.00 in the U.S., $22,.00 Canada, $28.00 for foreign membership. There is a $3.00 Registration Fee for a new member. Meetings, September through May on various genealogical and historical topios EASTERN WASHINGTON GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. O. Box 1826 Spokane. Washington 99210 MEMBERSHIP: $6. per yr. Couples $8. Get big 50 page Quarterly "BULLETIN". Includes Northwest data. National and International features. FREE QUERIES to members. Offers to swap for similar equal value: TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS, Stevens County, Washington, $6.50; Adams and Pend Oreille County,Washington, $5.00; Lincoln Co.. Washington $6.50: Whitman Co. 3 vols, each $5.00 ********** SOUTHEAST TEXAS GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY P. 0. Box 3827 Beaumont, TEXAS 77704 Membership $7.50 per year includes 4 issues YELLOWED PAGES Jefferson Co., Texas Marriages 1837-1899 $10.50 Hardin County, Texas Cemeteries (272 pp) 15.50 Yellowed Pages, Vols. 1 through V. each $8.00 Offering: ********** SEATTLE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Box 549. Seattle WA 98111 S^.mTS V inClfG y°or I™"1850 New England - New York ancestors in planned Same WA SllT t0 SeattlG Geneal°8lcal <**•* P- O.BcS ********** * SOUTHEASTERN COLORADO GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. 0. Box 4086. Pueblo. CO 81003 ISrC^^1memb!rS- Q^f1? issued Spring. Sumner, Fall, Winter. FREE QUERY 5T Qn™ Baca\St' rSr nfT £XTd' J*6 °riRinal countiesKiowa. of southeastern Colora*H™ Cravley- Cyster, ,remont.fiveHuerfano, Otero Prowers and Pueblo Membership dues: Individual $7.00. Family $10.00. Senior rJSS,/ Student $o.00 Organization $15.00 and Life $100. One publication ^meSership. * *** ******* ROTA-GENE INTERNATIONAL GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE Bi-Monthlv - 32 Pages FREE Queries News Book Reviews Genealogical TIPS Historical DataT $15.00/Yr — Sample $2.50 Charles D. Townsend I.F.R. Genealogy, 5721 Antietam Drive Sarasota, Florida 33581 * Still available - ********* Notesheets - * * * * Royal Presidio of Santa Barbara Forms and charts to assist in research projects Volunteer your services and make suggestions. SANTA BAP3ARA COUNTY CENEAIOC-ICAL SOCIETY "Hie first county historical or genealogical society in the "nited States to become affiliated with the International Federation of Family History Societies; is also a member of the American federation. There is a complete file of ANCESTORS WEST in the Library of Congress. Also from March 1979 at NEHGS, Boston. Mass. SANTA IJriRlUIIA (UNTY Oie of California's :n original LN ccunties. vthiie the county au actually created In 1850, n tory of the area dates back to 1542. In that yiiir Juan Cabrlllo discovered the Santa Barbara Chan nel and later, according to legend crossed to San Miguel Island,where he di.d and was buried. A second tonne f«7'.AN Spanish explorer, Sebastian Viz %J\ •. -J J) \ • ' caino, entered the channel on the Feast liiy or Saint Barbara In 1602 and named the area accordingly, iv. Junlpero Serra foundul the Santa Barbara missli,n In 1786. Santa Barbara Royal Presidio, establish ed Apri 1 21, 17H'J, ms the last ol four royal presldli • In Alts Cali fornia - San Diego, Monterey, San Francisco und Santa Barbara. Santa ttirhara hail all three Spanish forms- Hfh Presidio representing the military; ' ;-•tr-^^J-- ;~ !''•"-,' 'V ,...r;..-Ji;;^^sJ; ._• teSSM f5f '•'• ^^r-A-^i/ SAOTA BARBARA rmWR fSKNEAIiSUqAL SOCIKn v. o.inx • , ovwa, ca naiie Return nostu<3i nuaranteed L —~ "\ Pueblo,' *civil and --'•.«.-• Mission,religious. " ' ' '""* mil, i <" J J);it xi.- In 1873 ... 1873 Vcnturn Ventura County County «ai A— tablldied frem the southern portion of the original Santa Barbara area, MGK-PnOFIT ORG. ;' '-'. Postllirp •' M '' 'ill U ":i|-' dl-ii 'ternii 1,, r v I'".