Overall Division Ranking Individua1 Contests
Overall Division Ranking Individua1 Contests
DepanInentofEducation National Capital Region DMSION OF CITY SCHOOLS, MUNTINLUPA CITY DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. allt . s. 2014 To: Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Principals/ Officers-in-Charge From: Schools Division Superintendent Date: 15 January 2014 Subject: WINNERS IN THE 34th METRO MANILA YOUNG WRITERS CONFERENCE AND CONTESTS AND 37TH REGIONAL SECONDARY SCHOOLS PRESS CONFERENCE, SY 2013-2014 This Office congratulates with pride the winners in the 34th Metro Manila Young Writers Conference and Contests (MMYWCC) and 37th Regional Secondary Schools Press Conference (RSSPC), School Year 2013-2014. Commendation is extended to the trainers and principals whose support greatly contributed to the success of our young journalists. The MMYWCC and RSSPC winners competed with more than 100 contestants from the different public and private schools in NCR. 34th Metro Manila Young Writers Conference and Contests Overall Division Ranking Rank Division Superintendent 6th Muntinlupa Mrs. Priscila C. de Sagun Individua1 Contests FEATURE WRITING Rank Winning Contestant School Trainer· 1st Danielle Kianna F. Bernabe San Beda College of Alabang Ms. Marivic Faicol 5th Shanaia Mel L. Demontano Muntinlupa ES Mr. Norlito Argante 10th Hannah Kayle Lauzon South Mansfield College Mr. Kevin Dayuta EDITORIAL WRITING Rank 2nd I Winning Contestant Juliane Ma1cantento School San Beda College of Alabang , •f _I Trainer Ms. Marivic Faicol EDITORIAL CARTOONING School Bayanan ES Trainer Mrs. Olivia Elloso School PAREF Southridge Trainer Mr. Jason Parado School Itaas ES Trainer Mr. Enrico Madarcos School San Beda College of Alabang Trainer Ms. Beth dela Cruz I 2nd Winning Contestant Denise Aguirre 3rd Jonnabelle Nale ltaas ES Mrs. Maria Elena Lieo I Trainer Mrs. Mylene Pineda I Rank 1st Winning Contestant Joshua B. Bausing COPYREADING & HEADLINE WRITING : Rank I 3rd Winning Contestant Juan Pablo U. Abola I I SPORTS NEWS WRITING ! I Rank 9TH Winning Contestant Dan Joseph Solas PAGSULAT NG LATHALAIN Rank I EDITORYAL KARTUNING Rank 4th Winning Contestant Jayvee Blanza School Bayanan ES 1 I 6th Justine Yuri Acido Putatan ES ~rs. Marie Ann Esmeria 37th Regional Secondary Schools Press Conference EDITORIAL WRITING Winnin~ Rank 1st Contestant Matthew Joseph Banaag 4th Cyril Jude Cornelio I School PAREF Southridge School I De La Salle Santiago Zobel I Trainer Mr. Dino Peralta i Ms. Paula Moore NEWS WRITING Rank I 7th Winning Contestant Geraldine Monette B. Bambico School Muntinlupa Science HS Trainer Mrs. Ranah Jill Benzulano School Pedro E. Diaz HS Trainer Mrs. Jingle Recalde COPYREADING & HEADLINE WRITING I Rank 1st Winning Contestant John Philip Alvarez - .... _-- -_._ Ranks 1'to 3 shall be the official representatives of NCR to the National Schools Press Conference which will be held in April, 2014 in Fontana Resort in Clark, Pampanga. Please refer to Regional Memorandum No. 288, s. 2013 and Regional Memorandum No. 295, s. 2013 for the complete list of regional winners. Wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. ~~SAGUN ; 1{ofl {-t' f) Lup 6i Republika ng Pilipinas '. (Republic a/the Phi'lippines) Department of Edu.c~ti~rt '...' KAGA\VARAN NG EDUKASYON ~ational Capita! Region (DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION) PAMBANSANG FUNONG REHIYON RECORDS AND PUBLICATION UNIT (NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION) , '. REL Daang Misamis~ Bago Bantay, Lnngsod Quezon (Misamis St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City) By: _ __ ~O~M~~A~~~~ {Ol~:"'~ "..' .,":~~' vTHnOl~1 ~;~'~;;;~ 1 To: OFFIClALRESULTSOFTHE34"'METROMANlLA I' CONFERENCE AND CONTESTS (MMY CG)e __.._...._. _ _ c;rr"1 SF r11lU~,..INLUPA , Schools Division Superintendents School Heads of Public & Private Elementary Schools I. Attached is the Official List of winners in the recently concluded 31'1 Metro Mallila Young Writers Conference and Contests (MMYWCC), held on November 16, 23, 30 and December 6, 2013. 2. . As in the past, the top three (3) contestants with the coach in each category of the individual contests, shall be the Regional delegates to the National Schools Press Conference on April, 20]4. However, for Radio Production and Collaborative Publishi~g, only the over all first placer shall proceed to the national level, with seven (7) cam pus journalists and on \y one (1) division trainer. 3. Congratulations to the winners! 4. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is des.ired. L~LMEDA Director IV Incl.: As stated. Allotment: 1 To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: CONTESTS CAMPUS JOURNALISM SCHOOLS CONFERENCE PUPILS OFFICIALS AWARDS TEACHERS 34TH METRO MANILA YOUNG WRITERS CONFERENCE AND CONTESTS (MMYWCC) TOP TEN DIVISION (OVER-ALL) School Year 2013-2014 DIVISION POINTS RANK MANILA MANDALUYONG CITY PASIG CITY 114 105 1~1 93 3KU CALOOCAN CITY MAKATI CITY MUNTINLUPA CITY TAGUIG CITY & PATEROS VALENZUELA CITY QUEZON CITY LAS PINAS CITY 92 81 75 58 52 49 44 7 JH 8 JH 9 tH 10lH .. OUTSTANDING SCHOOL PAPER ADVISER • MR. KERWIN REGIS D. Tuazon ES Division of Quezon City OUTSTANDING CAMPUS JOURNALIST • FRANCHESCALEXIS B. SANTIAGO Colegio San Agustin Division of Makati City COLLABORATIVE PUBLISHING CATEGORY English Category First Place Second Place Third Rlace Division ofMakati City Division of Manila Division of Quezon City Filipino Category First Place Second Place Third Place Division of Manila Division of Makati City Division of Pasay City i~u 4tH 5 tH 6 lH ; M()f) {-t' f) Lvp ~ KepubUka ng Pilipinas (Republic o/the Philippines) Department of EdU,c,~tj~'t , KAGAWARAN NG EDUK.ASY()N 0" ~ational Capital Region (DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION) PAMBANSANG PVNONG MOIYON RECORDS AND PUBLICATION UNIT (NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION) Daang Misamis. Bago Bantay. Lungsod Quezon (Misamis St., Baga Bantay, Quezon City) REL BV: _ _--i~........_ - - Date :--,~~_ To: Schools Division Supel'intendents School Heads of Public & Private Elementary Schools I. Attached is the Official List of winners in the recently concl uded 31" Metro Manila Young Writers Conference and Contests (MMYWCC), held on November 16, 23, 30 and December'6,2013. 2. .As in the past, the top three (3) ~ontestants with the coach in each category of the individual contests, shall be the Regional delegates to the National Schools Press Conference on April, 201 4. However, for Radio Production and Collaborative Publishin.g, only the over all first placer shall proceed to the national level, whh seven (7) campus journalists and only one (I) division trainer. 3. Congratulations to the winners! 4. Immediate and wide dissemination ofthis Memorandum is desired. L~LMEDA Director IV Inc!.: As stated. Allotment: 1 To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following SUbjects: CONTESTS CAMPUS JOURNALISM SCHOOLS CONFERENCE PUPILS OfFICIALS AWARDS TEACHERS 34TH METRO MANILA YOUNG WRITERS CONFERENCE AND CONTESTS (MMYWCC) School Year 2013-2014 NEWSWRITING Contest Category: Name of School 10 9 8 7 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 4 8 9 3, 2 1 10 91 43 67 69 54 59 72 80 . 79 32 .. GILLIAN G. RARIO CECILLE JANE B.MACASIEB HANNA JOY MARVELA T. MIEN --.. DANIt;:LLA G. PAGAL ERIANNE MARl B. MANUEL GREG MIKAEL R. MIJENO KRISTINA CASSANDRA A. SY CHRISLYN NICOLE S. CHUMACERA DIANNE B. DELA CRUZ JAIRA MICHAELLA M. SANTIAGO F F F F F M F F F F Mandaluyong Elementary School Nagpayong Elementary School Sampaguita Elementary School Mandaluyong City Pasig City Caloocan City Don Carlos Village Elementary School Benito Legarda Elementary School Villa mar Air Base Elementary School Pasay City Manila Pasay City Gregoria De Jesus Elem~ntarY' School Dominican college San Juan Andres BonifaciO- Elementary School Pia Valenzuela Elementary Sch<llol Caloocan City Mrs. Catherine C. Olano Ms. Welma H. Alisasis .. Mrs. Nora Pablo Ms. Mary Rose Mendoza Mrs. Cherry Qna Mrs. Irene V. Ban/qued Mrs. Judy J. Guinto San Juan City Caloocan City Vale.~zuela City Name of Trainor . Division 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I Mrs. Joralyn S. Singh Mr. Aldrin Ragay Ms. Patria O. Bringas PAGSULAT NG BALITA Contest Category: . '10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Name of Traiiior ...... DiViSioni'" Contestant (*) 105 85 106 21 62 12 103 8 9 101 10 75 tt - VALERE JANE R. CALLORENA MARK ANTHONY PASCUAL CRIZEL ANNE A. FERNANDO NORUE O. MANCAO JUSTINE C. MACASO JULIEN FAYE G. KIMAYONG ELOISA G. INTERNO JELLA MAE U. PEnA SHIELA MAE C. CORTINA JASMIN A. SISON F M F F .M F F F F F Highway Hills Integrated School Mandaluyong City Mrs. Carol M. San Juan Sto. Nino Elementary School Marikina City Valenzuela City Mrs. Annalli B. Sal~zar Ms. Sally Mones Mr. Samson C. Quanico Ms. Pamela Porciuncula Ms. Maria Teresita M. Garcia Mr. Daniel R Estrella Mrs. Alicia Galicha Mrs. Shayne Deta Torre , Tugatog Elementary School Dr. Sixto Elementary School Pasig City San Juan City _~.an Perfecto Elementary School Dona Pilar C. Gonzaga Elementary School Mandaluyong City Concepcion Integrated SC!lool Marikina City Parada Elementary School Valenzuela City Moonwalk Elementary Schoo~ Las Pinas City Don Benito Legarda Elementary School Manila ... Ms. Patricia o. Bringas ( I 34TH METRO MANILA YOUN6 WRITERS CONfERENCE AND CONTESTS (MMYWCC) School Year 2013-2014 Division Name of Trainor Mr. Marvin M. Enderes Ms. Marivic Faicon Postrana ----+--.._..._-Mr. -:-:--:-:-::--~-=---'---'-t----t---=---'-;..;;J...;--'---'---'---'-=-=:-_ _ _ _+-____~'---t-_..........l\I1s. S.~~~I.':I..!ndiongco ::--:=~==-":'::'__-1f--:-:--+_-=:-=~~"':::::~:':"::':':':'::.:..L~~.::..::-=-:-_+ ..__ :_:~ ___-,,-_+----__ ~.._.Mr. Cristin~.t\lejo ._,._ ...... _ ..___ . - ~- - - Manila Mrs. Gladdie Basillia Ms. Grizchelle Odtuhan Mr. Jomar Pascual Mrs. Maria Leah E. Valdecantos Ms. April Joy F. Robles School Division Name of Trainor Don Bosco Technical ColIl.'lge Pilar Village Elementary School Manuel, L Quezon Elementary Schqol Gomburza Elementary School Marulas Central School Mariano Ponce Elementary School San Antonio Elementary School MaJanday Elementary School Francisco Benitez Elementary School Dominican College Mandaluyong City Las Pinas City . Caloocan City Caloocan City Valenzuela City Manila Paranaque City Marikina City Makati City San Juan City Ms. Kristina Abregana Mrs. Evangeline Alvarez _ ..... _'[ _, .____.. ,[ Name Quezon City Taguig & Pateros._ ...rasay City Contestant -'-'-_ __ 10 ;3 73 16 10 4 5 39 92 6 36 3 7 8 6 18 2 1 9 65 10 78 9 8 7 6 5 4 1 2 MIGUEL R. AROSA JHOlAN T. NOLASCO ADQNIJAH TRIXIE P. BANICO lOVELY A. LABAYO .... _-- GINA A. DE GUZMAN GEORJIE D. TAGLE ClYDEl MAE N. TORRES DANICA MAE SAURO AYESSA CASSANDRA P. SAGUINSIN "~H'MAE CATHERINE P, lEDESMA M M F F F F F F F F ~~., Ms. Melody G. Trumara Mrs. Marina C. Pajaf Mrs. Rosalinda G. Quilates ......... _-- Mrs. Ma. Concepcion T. Rique Mrs. Lourdes Deocareza' Mr. Eddie L De Malgen Mrs. Fe B. Hernandez Mrs. Virginia R. Lope~· < " " 34TH .METRO MANILA YOUNG WRITERS CONFERENCE AND CONTESTS (MMYWCC) School Year 2013-2014 .. FEATURE WRITING Contest Category: Name of School Division Name of Trainor Contestant (") ----- 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 35 2 30 36 37 24 80 4 6 8 12 3· 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DANIELLE F. BERNABE PENIEL RUTH S. GREFALDA REGELEN KAYE T. CANGALAYA MARIA SHARMAINE L. DADEA SHANAIA MEL L. DEMONTANO MARC GABRIEL C. MACARAEG ._. JANINE ALAIZA B. BUNAYOG FELISE JANE B. CALZA SHEKAINAH FAYE L. VALENCIA HANNAH KAYLE G. LAUZON , ". _.. __ .. ,-------- ----- F F F F F M F F .F F San Beda College Alabang Muntinlupa City Padre Mariano Gomez Elementary School Manila Sto. Nina de Novaliches Schoal Quezon City Melencio M. Castelo Elementary School Quezon City Muntinlupa Elemenraty Schoo! Muntinlupa City Don Bosco Technical College Mandaluyong City CamarinD. Elementary. School Unit II Caloocan City Pateros Catholic School Taguig & Pateros Rene Cayetano'Elementary School Caloocan City South Mansfield College ... tIJ1u~~!~!~f'~. City Ms. Marivic Faicol Mr. Bobby S. Quijalvo T.Flor A. Dalusong Mrs. ~~I!et B. Gammad Mr. ~orlito Argante ..._~~m Kris Abrigana Mrs. Odeth Bucao Ms. Pilar O. Becares Ms. Michelle E. Lanuza Sr. Kevin Dayuta \", I.'" . \ PAGSULAT NG LATHALAIN Contest Category: Name of School Division Name of Trainor Navotas ES San Beda Colleqe Alaban9, , , Itaas ES Navotas City Muntinlupa City Mrs. Jennie Vie Antonio Ms. Beth dela Cruz Mrs. Maria Elena Lico , Contestant (") 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 92 109 27 1 2 3 5 4 39. 5.... - - .. __ 6 99 7 68 47 8 9 &6 61 10 ------_... - " ANGELICA V. ANDAN DENISE D. AGUIRRE F F JONNABELL S. NALE, F CASSANDRA KRISTEL M. BAUTISTA ADRII::NNE ALEXIS D. DALISTAN CAMILLE B. HERNANDEZ JASMINE L. MUNEZ TRISHA MAE PETINES PAFANAN HAVEN ERIENELLE N. ROSALES RON BERT G. ECLORIA F F F F F F ... M -----.- Epifanio delos Santos ES EM"s Signal Village ES Ususan ES Gen. T. De Leon ES Bonifacio Memorial ES San Lorenzo Ruiz ES Tambo ES Main . Muntinlupa City Dr. Merlin~~~. Nepomuceno Ms. Arlyn .Tiglao .:ra~ig §< Pateros Mr. Jomar Pascual . Taguig & Pateros Valenzuela City Ms. Rochelle V. Lizarondo Ms. Fritzi L. Beltran Quezon City ... --,----Mrs. Analie F. Aquino Pasig City ... Mrs. De j30rja Paranaque City Malabon City -----, ~ ~ 34TH METRO MANILA YOUNG WRITERS CONFERENCE AND CONTESTS (MMYWCC) School Year 2013-2014 SPORTS WRITING Cqntest Category: Name of School Division Name of Trainor Doria Pilar C. Gonzaga ES Mandaluyong City Legarda ES Manila Tipas ES Kalayaan ES Taguig & Pateros Pasay City Manila Mr. Anthony Augusto M: Garcia ._. Ms. Patrica O. Bringas Mr. Carlo Dichoso Contestant (* 10 1. 9 8 7 6 4 3 2 2 3. 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 10 5 65 79 22 3 42 84 50 86 43 25 SHAWNRICK ANDREI S. PACURA HAZEL JHEN G. GAMBOA SOPHIA M. POSTOR MERWIN MARK L. ESCARE ROCELLIA V. ABUEG JERALD P. BELTRAN JOMARI S. MARINO DANIELLE ANNE C. TERNIDA DAN JOSEPH M. SOLAS LUIS GABRIEL T. MARABUT M F F M F M M F M M M. Roxas De Ayala ES Sitio Sto. Rosario ES •. .. Mrs. Esperanza Rasing Mrs. Ma. Victoria R. Canaon -~--- Valenzuela City Mr. Richard Requinala Andres Bonifacio Integrated School Makati City Valenzuela City Muntinlupa City Mandaluyong City Mr. Leonides o. Pilar Mrs. Marites V. Padilla Mr. Danilo Manansala Ms. Banasen School Division Name of Trainor Graciano Lopez Jaena ES T Paez ES Manila Manila Mrs. Teodora Bartolome Mrs. Alicia Fraricis~o Moises Salvador ES ' Isabelo Delos Reyes ES Bagong Silang ES (4th Avenue) Manila Manila Caloocan City Mr. Reynante R. Malano Mrs. Merlinda E. Ario(luevo Mr. Romeo Egot Highway Hills Integrated School Mandaluyong City Mrs. Carol San Juan West Rembo ES Makati City Ms. Rowela R. Umblas San Juan ES Fort Bonifacio ES' San Juan City Makati City Ms. Elena Alunday Liberato Damian ES Pasig City Mrs. Lucia Alejandrino Palanan E$ Gen. T. Deleon ES Itaas''ES Main l. -------- PAGSULAT NG BALITANG ISPORTS Contest Category: Name of Contestant (") 10 1 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 ' 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 10 34 65 . 33 107 68 11 27 44 17 84 EDRIAN A. CABUDBUD KEITH BERNARD G. MARTI JHAI ANGELINE C. GUilLERMO JELAMEN Z. MATITO KRISHA A. COLOMA MIRAKLE A. MURILLO ALLEX ROIMAN I. BUSTAMANTE MARSHA CARINNE A. AUSTRIA RODALYN T. ALITA SHIELA MAY D. LOLAS - M M F M F F M F F F , « I 34TH METRO MANII-A YOUNG WRITERS CONFERENCE AND CONTESTS (MMYWCC) School Year 2013-2014 COPYREADING AND HEADLINE WRITING Contest Category: Name of School Division Name of Trainor Contestant (* .. 10 9 1 2 8 3. 7 6 5 4 5 6 4 T 3 8 9 10 2 1 62 29 37 72 77 102 71 61 31 21 CARMELITA JOY R. CARUNCHO ------"--'--'--- BIEN CARLO N. REYES JUAN PABLO U. ABOLA A. ---GLORIA PAMELA ANN ----_._-_. ----- .... KAYE SOPHIA M. LAGASCA ALECZANDRA ARDEN S. SARMIENTO SHAKIRA MHAIRE M. AGUIRRE MARYLYN ANN GALIT RHONNA MAE O. BURGOS ._ CARL JAMES L. VICTOHAY ---~-- F M .M F F F F F F M Caniogan Elementary School Pasig City Dona Pilar C. Gonzaga Elementary School Mandaluyong City Mrs. Emily U. Basanes Mr.Anthony Augusto M. Garcia PAREF Southridge Muntinlupa City Mr. Jason Parado Villamor Air Base Elementary SchlOol Talon Elementary School Padre Burgos Elementary School Navotas Elementary School Pasay City Mrs. Genalin S. Ong Las Pinas City Pasay City Navotas City Makati City Las Piiias City Pasig City Ms. Jocelyn B. Macasadia Ms. Fetalvo Mrs. Jennivie R. Antonio Mrs. Eufrosina G. Herrera Mrs. Evangelina Alvarez Mrs. Analie F. Aquino School Division Name of TrainQr 8agong Tanyag Elementary S.chool Moises Salvador Elementary School Taguig & Pateros [Vlanila Mrs. Marciana Abadines Mr. Reynante Malano Makati ElementarY School Pilar Elementary School San Lorenzo Ruiz Elementary School PAGWAWASTO AT PAG-UULO NG BALITA Contest Category: Name of Contestant (") 10 1 9 8, 2 7 6 3 4 4 5 6 7 3 2 8 9 1 10 5 49 98 18 64 102 10 97 15 4~ . 5 ------- WENDIE J. LAO MADELEINE L. GONZALES ,SHAYNE NICOLE J. PARAS JOSHUA T. AL TICEN ---- -_._---_ .... FAYE ANN N. TUSCANO JUSTINE MAE CHAVEZ JOH N M. MORADA SHANEAUBBREYB. SAN PEDRO ----".- --------". CHRISTOPHER M. RESURRECTION ·cCA:RTzA MAE V. MISTAL F F F M F F M F M F , Maybunga Elementary Sch,ool· Pedro P. Cruz Elementary School Pasig City Mrs. Marlyn Tanip Mandaluyong City Mrs. Jocelyn S. Cruz Padre Mariano Gomez Elementary School Manila Mr. Bobby S. Quijalvo Andres Bonifacio Elementary School Pasay City Mrs. Retchel T. Melicio Plaridel Elementary School F. Benitez Elementary School Lawang Bato Elementary School Benito Legarda Elementary School Manila Makati City Valenzuela City Manila .. --- ---._.- ------- ...__ .~~~:_~aJ~y H. Arnaiz Mr. Rodelio D. Tolentino. Mrs. Marites MonteMayor Ms. / - v 34TH METRO MANIL.A YOUNG WRITERS CONFERENCE AND CONTESTS (MMYWCC) School Year 2013-2014 EDITORIAL CARTOONING .Contest Category: ]~~~; -- 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 65 42 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 91 55 89 20 .22 59 7 8 9 10 ... 37 School Division Name of Trainor Bayanan Elementary School Muntinlupa City NHC Elementary School Nagpayong Elementary School Marikina Elementary School Melencio M. Castelo Elementary School Caloocan City Pasig City Marikina City Quezon City Aquinas School . Manuel L Quezon Elementary School San Juan City Quezon City Mrs. Elloso Mrs.Jane De Leon Welma Alisasis Mrs. Bernadas Mrs. Juliet B. Gammad Ms. Stella Jaida Malonzo Name of Contestant (*) JOSHUA R BAUSING LUCASCHIVA LEANDRO Y. LOPEZ JEDIDIAH M. ABRAHAM -.---- HANS ACIER B. BARIUAN _HARRY D. BAROTEA KHIAN PHIL D. PARUNGAO MERAIAH D. TA-ALA BR1AN A ANANAYO CHARLES IAN E. ALTIZEN ~---------- ------- M 'M M M M M M F M M ----- Ufe Giver Christian learning Academy ___Pasig City Highway Hills Integrated School .. t=lasax~ity Mandaluyong City School Division Maricaban Elemrntary School l T. Eloy Ampuan Mrs. Gina Aimee C. Pam bid Mrs. Viva Carreon KARTUNG EDITORYAL Contest Category: Name of Name of Trainor Contestant f*) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ---- 51 38 15 100 . . ----- 81 66 83. 49 ?8 65 ERIC JAMES E. BALANQUIT DARWIN C. RAMOS . CHRISTIAN JADE Q .. BUGNOT JAYVEE O. BLANZA KHAILA MAE S.FAUSTOR JUSTINE YURI K. ACIDO BRYAN D. GARCIA DANDREB E. ANGELITUD CAZUMIANDREIB.PALO MICKY JORDAN C. PACHECO M M M M F M M M M M Melencio M. Castelo Elementary SchOOl Quezon City Mrs. Juliet Gammad MES· Golden Acres Annex Las Pinas City Mrs. Montessa G. Munieza ~ Nagpayong Elementary School Bayanan Elementary School Tenement Elementary School M;;!b;;!bang Paaralan ng Putatan Kapitan Moy Elementary School Bagong Silangan Elementary School Llano Elementary School Pasolo Elementary School _~~sig City. .. ..._ Marugen Cadalln Ms. Maylene P. Pineda Mrs.Siena Taguig & Pateros Muntinlupa City Mrs. Marie Ann R. Esmeria Marikina City .. ._. Mrs. Lydia Abigonya Mrs. Jesusaine Cruzada .._.9uezon City ... Dr. Joel R. Francisco CaloocanCity Muntinlupa City " Valenzuela City Mrs. Elsa B. Dizon , ;( ", 34TH METRO MANILA YOUNG WRITERS CONFERENCE AND CONTESTS (MMYWCC) School Year 2013-2014 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Contest Category: Name of School Division Name of Trainor· . Contestant (*) 10 9 8 7 6 1 2 3. 4 5 5 6.. 4 3 2 1 7 8 9 10 29 46 53 58 47 81 55 52 17 6 F F F F M F F F F F JENALLYN C. GAYONOATO HANNAH LYNDSEY B. MARTINEZ PRINCESS NICOLE V. VALENTINO KRISTINE S. BOLANOS ANGELO PHILIP G. ESTEBAN REJANNA APRIL JIMENEZ ARRA RAPHAELLE G. DELOS SANTOS GLAIZEL ANNE P. BULALACAO KREISTLER N. REYES MARY JUSTINE MAE I. LAWAN ~--- Rosauro Almario Elementary Schlool Manila Mr. Josefino Mendoza Pateros Catholic School Taguig & Pateros Mrs. Pilar Becare.s Our Lady of Perpetual Help School Rizal Elemnetary School . Pasig City Mr. Fer~an?o Patungan Mrs. Lorelie M. Cayabyab , Makati City Plainview Elemntary School Mandaluyong City Dona Pilar C. Gonzaga Elementary School Mandaluyong City Makati Elementary School Makati City Liberato Damian Elementary School argarita Roxas de Ayala Elemenraty Scho .. Pasig City ...... --....., Manila Mrs. Shiel a Marie G. Destura Mr. Anthony M. Garcia Mr. Jayson Caraang ._---_. Mrs. Ismaelita C. Senora Maria Victoria R. Concon G. Lopez Jaena Elementary School Manila Mrs. Teodora Bartolome School Division Name of Trainor Kasarinlan Elementary Schodl Caloocan City Pasig City AGHAM AT TEKNOLOHIYA Contest Category: Name of Contestant (* 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 - 5 6 7 8 9 10 30 32 35 18 47 43 6 49 36 10 JANRELL M. BAJO RICETH HONEYLET J. CONCINO , CLAIRENZ MAE G. MONSERATE CARIME M. HENERAL HANNAH CRISTINA P. DELINA RIZZA MARIE R. DIONISIO HANNA ROSE S. LATAG AIRA JUNKO S. ORALE JAHZIELL S. VILLAFLOR APRIL ANN D. RONDARIO _.. -- -~-.-.-.- .. M F F F F F F F F F Pasig Central Elementary School Francisco Benitez Elemen\ary School Makati City Bitik Elementary School Valenzuela City Valenzuela City L~~ang Bato Elementary School Eugenio Rodriguez Integrated School Bagong Barrio Elementary School DonaPilar C. Gonzaga Elementary School Mand~luyong City Caloocan City ~andaluyong .. Mr. Oliver Oronico Mrs. Ailyn Morales Mr. Rodelio Tolenti,no' Mrs. Gema Quiles Mrs. Marites Montemayor Mrs. Erma Guerrero . -..._--Mrs. Evangeline Lat Ms. Maria Teresita M. Garcia Caruhatan West Elementary School City Valenzuela City Ms. Cristy Glinoga . Masville Elementary School Paranaque City Mrs. Shirley Sarsoza I ~-. f 34TH METRO MANILA YOUNG WRITERS CONFERENCE AND CONTESTS (MMYWCC) School Year 2013-2014 PHOTOJOURNALISM Contest Category; ,.' Name of School Division Name of Trainor San Lorenzo Ruiz Elementary School Pasig City Mrs. Analie F. Aquino Makati Elementary School Makati City Ms. Eufrosina G. Herrella Dona Basillsa Yang co Elementary School Mandaluyong City Mrs. Jenel Jarandllta Llano Elementary School Caloocan City Ms. Irene 8.Mamon Talon Elementary School Las Pinas City Mr. Christopher Cardines Leodegario Victorino Elemenraty School Marikina City Mrs. Winnie R Doroja Maximo Estrella Elementary School Highway Hills Integrated School ......,Makati City Mandaluyong City Mrs. Viva D. Carreon Contestant (* 1'0 - 9 1 2 8 7 3. 4 6 5 5 4 6 7 3 8 2 9 1 10 MA. YNA PATRICIA B. DIZON JASMINE G. CABURNAY CLAIRE E. CABANGON RICHELLE D. ESTANISLAO SIERRA SHIEN O. PASCUA ABIGAIL A. MANZO NICOLE S. ARRIOLA FRANCZESCA PHOEBE R. REYNON . UCeNT CHARM B. PINEDA HIA LAN DELOS SANTOS 34 92 78 89 108 20 82 F F F F F F F F F F Th San Juan Elementary School San Juan City Aurora A. Quezon Elementary Sdhool Manila School Division .Name of Trainor Sou~h Cembo Elementary School Makati City Mrs. Anabel U. Pagala Rene Cayetano Elementary School Caloocan City Ms. Michelle Lanuza Ms. Ma. Elena Ms. LARAWANG PAMPAHAYAGAN Contest Category: Name of Contestant (* 10 9 8 7 1 2 6 5 3 4 5 6 4 7 3 2 1 8 9 10 1 8 2 25 14 22 20 .. _ 23 9 11 -_._----- - DEXTER C. APINADO ALL YSA M. VENIGAS CHRISTINE JOYC,E F. REJANO TEDDIE MIKEE B. ULiT MICHELLE MAE S. SIMON HElAENA CHRISTA D. CORllLA JOHN EMMANUEL R. SOL MARK RONNEL C. ALVAREZ NinA Yzabel E. DElA CRUZ AIRO M. MIRANDA M F F ., F F F M M F M - Llano Elementary School Caloocan City Ms. Irene B. Mamon Dela Paz Elementary School! Malabon City Ms. Rosemarie Cayetano Pembo Elementary School Makati City Mrs. Rosemarie M. Antolin lIaya Elementary School Las Pinas City Mrs. Necitas P. Valledm ....~.a~ Pinas City Malabon City Mrs. Michelle Caparras Dona Manueala Elementary School Catmon Integrated School Mr.-Raffe E. De Vera ...._--- Camarin Elementary School Caloocan City Encarnacion TLibojan Daniel Fajardo Elementary School Las Pinas City Mr. Joseph Panaligari RepubUka ng Pilipinas Uun-f,h lupa c,'~ (Republic of the Philippines) KAGAWAKAN NG EDUKASYON (DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION) PAMBANSANG PUNONG KEHIYOiIY:c6' (NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION) F'. Daang Misarnis, Sago Bantay, Lungsod Quezoq;,'4~ (Misamis St., Bago BCl/Itay, Quezon City) . COf~SOLIDATED REPORT OF THE Rl:SULTS OF THE 37'TI1 f<EGIONAL SECONDARY SCHOOLS PRESS CONfERENCE (RSSPC) SY 2013 • 2014 To Schoois Division Superintendents 1. -([lis office congratulates the winners and advisers of the 3il1 Regional Secondary School Press Confer'ence (RSSPC) held at p, Bernardo Elementary looi, C!.U?';;:Oli C orl Novernber 16, 23, and 30,20'13, 2. J\ttacl'lGd ~s the COlT;p!ete list of winners of the individual writing contests and the top fil/e schools, the Outstanding Sclloolpaper Adviser and Outstanding /-\ISQ included are the winners of (t:e Coilclborat;ve Carnpus ,Jcurn"iiisL 3, Special (Iian!<-s te the Oi\'lsion of Quezon City for hosting said Llncl8rtakin~J '{ FUI wide dissemination. &:t.~. ~--- ALcJAN6RO t;. IBA{;JEZ OIC-Hegional Planning l..Jnit Officer I fl-,ella WINNERS OF THE REGIONAL SECONDARY SCHOOL PRESS CONFERENCE SY 2012-2013 NEWS WRITING Muntinlupa Science HS sU;-- Alyssa Mari __ v.Demition~_~l--ca~n_u_~m_a.!-y_w_es_t_N_I-!?-",,-__~~~~~=== ~ Mitzi Ann N. Caloocan Nat/. I--~-~I--~---~---~~.-=~~--==~~. 10th HS NHS . Muntinlu~_ Valenzuela Caloocan Malabon - FEATURE WRITING .. {~e hUH. Mari ~~ci~:~o--=--rt. SCholastica's !~~;~v ---- ~-LMaril~~~sion ~~ ---:-::;---.------~~~~~~~-~-------~~.~ --r---------~- nd Julia Anastesha L. Lopez-Pozas • La Consolacion College, Pasig d M';-ri;; Samztntha~V. Yap I Quezon City Science HS 4th Bronte Lacsamana St. Scholastica's Colle~ th 5 Katrina May S. Jimenez Marikina Science HS th 6 . Dan Dominic A. Villena St. James Academy 7th Daniel Fernan B. Moya Bagong Silang HS -gt-h--~ Mich~e Dia~ne A. Arellano La Consolacion College Raeann Renee E. Mariano J:0legio ~an Agustin I--~--10th I<ristella Pauline D; Buesa Valeriano E. Fugoso Memorial School 2 7 I -~-~~t:: rgth -~-~----~-~.--~--~ Pasig Quezon City Manila Marildna Malabon Caloocan Caloocan Makati Manila -~- -~~~-.-.-~- -- ~--- PHOTOJOlJRNALISM Name Pedregosa School Division TAPAT Renato "Companero" Cay~tano Science & Tech. School r-.:::;--~-!-----~--~~~~~~--~~~~-----------'r-.~-.~--------~------+-----------~ Geraldine T. De La Cruz School Valenzuela 3rd ~-P-a~o-I-o-B-a-lt-a-z-a-r~~------~----r--~--~~---~-~----------+--Ma~daIUy_O_n~g___~ r-.~-r--~~----------~-~---~+--~----~~-----~---~---------+---------~ 4t-h -~- Heidi Marie Dacha 5 th Mandaluyong Jeanina C. Buenaventura las Piiias 6!h---t_~_~_,~~J_a~~n_e_l._._S_o_ri~~a~_n_o_______...j-__ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~.__-",-~_____________+-.!' aranaqu e City ~~~ Samantha Abainza ~~~-~ Carm~1a Zipaga~n_____..___ ~~ Dona Rosario School 19~ J.\.I2t_in_e_D_a_n~~e__ R._G_a_b_un_i__ ~ Bagurr1.~on~ Hjgh~cho'?o_I_____ ._~ . Navotas Ci~ ~ Quezon Ci'ty--~ Caloocan Ci!.'L_ ~~~~_ E~~~__M_a_e~l)_a_c~!a __.~_~_. --,--C_~o_m ....~_m_o__n_w_e_la.t~h~_-=__S_c_h_o._o_I____~~_---1-_Q-,-u_e_z_o_n~. __....:......___ " EDITORIAL WRIT1NG I Place lIst nd 2 rd I3 I 14th :5 16 th th ih '8 th I I i9 th I 10th Name School Matthew Joseph R. Banaag _~_ Paref South ridge IntI. School Danielle Alexandrine i Phil. Science High School (Main) . Tandang Sora National High School Mary Jo Minoza De La Salle Santiago Zobel School Cyril Jude M. Cornelio i Sara Fatima Marie Ks Chugani Moonwalk NHS Quezon City Science HS I Claudine V. Resma Jasmine Althea A Siscar Manila Science HS Vianca Ocampo St. Scholastica's College Las Pinas National High School I Angelika Claire Antonio Tea Jalin C. Ty St. Scholastica's Academy Division Muntinlupa Quezon City " Quezon City Muntinlupa Paranaque i l1 I I i I Quezon City i Manila I Mariila Las Piilas City Marildna SPORTS WRITING c-====\ . 1 ~-- -.----~~=f="--------,-~--.:: ..:;. ~- ----,.---------, . School Division Name . ,..... --------~----------------~-------~ st Patricia Mae Torres t3~ Rizal School Pasjg City Gabrielle V. Larin I_Quezon City_Science High School Quezon City ~ Dan Excequiel R. Sadicon La Consolacion College " Caloocan '4th • Destin Kit L. Manuel Ramon Magsaysay High School Manila • th I . i 5 Reginah Rae T. Macapagal ___ IJ.~ka~~ula High_Scho~ _ _ _ _ _ _..LManila i6tl1-rM-;jb~-;-E.--o;!;on Parafiaque Science High School " p-a-ra-n-~.-,qu-e. -- 1 I" i-~I i8 Renalyn Andres Caballero th Malinta National High School Christian P. Santos 1 Valenzuela School Quezon City /--st---,h:-'---iJ.'atricia Loren A. Bodiongim __+ _ _ _ _=--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M_a_n_il_a_ _ _ _- I th 10 Lance Darnell Fernandez Quezon City i-" COpy READING AND HEADLINE WRITING " Place i 5t 11 nd 2 3 i rd School ".. Pedro E. Diaz High School Immaculate Conception Cathedral HS Manila Science High School .. _-_. Pasig Catholic College . Marikina Science High School -.-.-.~-.--.------------ 4th 15 th Danica Louise B. Galindez • Andrsej T. Tarrega 16th I Name John Phillip G. Alvarez Bridgette Nicole Diaz Jose Abelarda Torio Thamania I(eith Gumilao I Angela Mae M.Apolonio th ·7 th 8 th 9 i th 10 II(alayaan National Hig~~~~ool Las Pifias National High School Division Muntinlupa Quezon City Manila Pasig Pasay ---Las Pifias City Gabrielle Vicente Sacred Heart Academy Pasig Gregorio Perfect.? High School Manila I Paranaque Science High Schoo\ I Marikina Maria Clarissa C. De Guzman I \ra_~~nne~~~~a\\ero / " Paranaque CARTOONING Place I 1 st nd i 2 l3 rd _ I Name John Marlo E. Pagbunucan DanUo T. Mallorca Jr. I II D,ivision. School Pasay City North HS (M dE:!la Cruz Campus) Pasay Andres Bonifacio Integrated School 1 Mandaluyong ~~---' _~mma~~~.~hristian F. Lisa~1 Valenzuela City Science HS ~th i Ellaine B. Fernandez .. TaguigScience HS i Divine Grace School i L?tli---Kob;o-hon~e Cred~---··· I 6 th hth I i th 18 I I gth th •~ 10 Elenol M. Ganes Samantha Mae A. Silverio Jerome A. Balanlay _._ _ _ J!..alenzuela , TAPAT I Quezon City Quezon City . Quezon City _. i Maligaya H_S_. i --1 Don Alejandro Races Sr. Science Tech. HS I Mark Lenard L. Mastira I Christian L. Guimera i Caloocan Manuel Luis Quezon HS I DJJMHS I I Quezon City Quezon City Holy Spirit HS SCIENCE AND HEALTH WRITING Place Name st 1 ! Marwin Allen V. Valdez nd 2 Ma. Danille Gabrille Mijares rd 3 - - Bernadette A. Mendoza 15 Valenzuela ------I Paranaque ________I~n Jose.~cader:ny _____________ ' School of St. Anthony • Harmony Shine t: Gasa I North ~airview High School. 'Marl< I(enneth S. Dacles Lakan Dula High School Navotas _ _ __ Quezon City Quezon City Manila . ________ Integrated School ,Marl< Genuel S. Paradero . _ Florentino Torres High School _ _... ~:_~._:::_ _ _ _---, ! th Ang~J(la~~~~~Lc~ndro ! Gabriel Luis V. Saringan 7th gth th .9 · 10 Polo National High School 'Blush Paulyn P. ~~rgante. ___LParanaque Science High School · 4th th ,6 F.G. Calderon th ~::~9Y ~. Ra~a_ ~_!9ni~ ~:JY!.~~~~ I I)AGSULAT NG BALITA Place imberly Clarl< P. Cabrera Las Pinas North National Dalandanan NHS Bagbaguin Annex Javel Mae G. Gapascan Jem Marie Merlyn O. Pantorilla Manuel A. ROKas 1--,,--+----Lexanne O. Garcia St. School Christian S. Gen. Ricardo \--;·.:--·1---······_··__ · ·-·..···_-..·-···,---··_ _·-·..···-·..1-..- - · ... - ...... - .. Nichole G. Zurita . Malabon NHS Concepcion Tech-VO'C. • Annex Manila Manila TAPAT- _ . _ - - - - ' Malabon I_-;:;:-_+-Ja-'y'-s_o_n_C_._P__a.....la_d_o_ _ _ _ _ _-+---M.....:..a__ li__ nt_.:a__,:..:.:.:Nati a na I High Schoo I ._--' _ _-'--V_a_le_n_z._u_e_l_a_ _ _, Carlos Albert High School Quezon City Nicole B. Mendoza --- PAGSULAT NG LATHALAIN School Cruz HS Feliciano Belmonte HS --------·-------------I--~----------~---I Don Bosco Technical 1--cT-~---=-------------·------------------·---r----~--------- ----------~---------- I'{I ari ki n_a_S_ci_e_n_ce_H_S__________r-________- - i !----c:;:--~-~ ra nz Re~gi eM. -..,,----11 Sandro d<:}~ pe~~_________k[)~~AI~Landro Roces Sr. Science Tech. HS _ Jonerie Ann M. Pajalla LCity of Mandaluyong Science HS i Mandaluyong PAGKtHIA NG LARA W AN Place i 1st 2 nd rd 3 · 4th 5 th 6 th i h ·8 Name Jasmin R. Bontia Emmarie Ann A. Sase I Mecca B. Sandilantan Celine Sandra Adriano ... - - - - - -... Rusha Nikki M. Go Einnor Marie Apar Nhel John L. Capistrano th Kim Chester M. Hutalla i~ M;~~~·~ by Pi rdehy 1 School. Caloocan High School Las Pifias Science HS Paraf\aque NHS-Main CAA National HS-MAION ... . "- -.~-- i Phil,ippine Cultural ~pllege Nazarene Catholic School i Sen. Renato "Compafiero" Cayetano ~em: Scienc~ & Technology School Paranaque SCience HS 1-9""7t"h--I-K-h-o-r-sh Division . Caloocan .City i LasJ::inas City i Parafiaque City I Las Pinas City .caloocan~ Manila TAPI\J I I Paranaque City Pasay City No!:th HS (Tramo) i Mataas na Paaralan~ Neptali Gonzales Osmefia Sr. School R. Magsaysay (Cubao) High School Division Quezon City Mandaluyong • Quezon City Quezon City Quezon City Science HS • Quezon City Pasay City _~~!!1~~ag~~y~~J::I~Jcuba~. __.. _ __'_I_Q..c..~_~zon City_.. _ th Marianne M. Frias • 10 --------------------- PAGSllLAT NG EOITORYAL 4th i Siemon Gonzales. Merryl Joy A. Male Josiah Eleazar V. Antonio i 5 t-h -·-G;;;~-i~~-~;C:-Sa~;S--------·S~~~dH~;_tAc~-d;~-=Pa~·ig---------- -P~ig------' 6 i th 8 th . Maria Bernadette Lynn C. • Cabanal M.Ofalsa Baclaran National HS I Neil Jasper M. Agpalza·-Philippin~-S-~T~~·Z~-HS------------ ....... · ·- ..·--·------i---------..- - - - - - ' - - - I Philippin~ Cult_u_ra_I~C~o.~II_eg::..e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---' .gth--B-~~~~I<~~~-;th-P:Ca~~~~---L~_;:;~d~~·S~h~~i-----·-- IiQth I Bhing-Bhing Ko. ... !'_~.!'~~~9~.~ __ Name School G. Casimiro R.Dacara Gen T. De Leon NHS .---.- .. ,.---.--. San J Llan 1\1 HS iVlaligaya HS Hanlon I'VlagsZlysay HS (Cubao). 'ri New Era HS Science HS : Aie)\is r-erelle IV!. Zapata ..... ..-. l ' : I(ervin Jeff P. Hiego Canurnay West NHS ! Hamoli M 1-i.oIY Spid~,NHS. B::lIdesco Sarnpa~Lli!() : '(mac L. !VI'.HI!,}tlrin i ! Quezon j•. . ,,' ~ Caloocan HS Name Valenzuela Schoo! Carlos L. Albert HS IVI J 1<:1 n day 1'II,;;n j ().~ ~1!_1-l S... _.__ ~._ Divine Gr()ce School ADT IVlontesorri School .--.-.-.------.-.!.~- Chrizza L De la Cruz Mary !\nn~.IYI.TZlbbt~._ lotl\' . ___ I. Las Pinas .D~: ~rcadio Samos National HS Parailaque Joernari Olea Canumay E3st National HS l'Jikki SpiceP. Camarines ism;:H~IIVlathay Sr. c ;.\101' ., \1. upo .... La I(aflGU ' I a LIS " Quezon City IV! anIle! .. IViiche!!e B. Melchor I<alaya,m I\lNS (3100[3n '--'»"-' .-,til :;, -·----·---------·-·····T-····- Las Pinas East National HS !-is • Division School N<lI11€ Leorhisl;:.lnce O. Gomez Valenzuela 1 Eeron Renzo E. Has ·______________·_1 ParaiiZlque I\!HS Ramon.---.. .. I Jonathan V. Santos lVl,muel Luis Quezon HS Allen C. lraola Martin H. Santelices Pa~~y_Ci!\[_East H~._ ... _______________ Sen. Renato "(ornpafierd' Cayetano Memorial Science and Tech. HS Bryce CI\jler~incs_... P~lsay.~ity 1-· I···· ........ .. 4 [/1_ .1 5 th I I 1_. _... ,.,._.._...._+__j Ohn Perry \ I I '\Ii. Sori~_~?._ .. _.. loe Brian Y. Lavena LZl1tlf'?_Gabriel B:lb.a!~._ D;)nie! H. Encinas -,~ -~-.~- .. -.~----~----------- West HS San FrZltlcisco HS - ..-. .. - --.North FairView HS -~ --"- """ ._--_.- ~-,,-- ... _, -- .. - ._.- Bagong Silangan HS ....... ... ........ _........._.....- ...... Sergio Osrne nZl Sr. HS -... --- ...._-_._ ...._.- Quezon • Qllezon City I. . ......... . BALITANG PANG-AGHAM AT PANG KALLJSLJGAN School HS Justice Cecilia Munoz Palma Fort Bonifacio HS Sen. Renato "Companero" Cayetano Memorial Science and Tech. HS HS Division Makati ,,' / Regional Secondary School Press Conference 2013 Top Five Schools School Rank Division Quezon City Science High School Quezon City Las Pinas National High School Las Pinas City R. Magsaysay (Cubao) High School Quezon City 1 2 3 Sen. Renato "Companero" Cayetano Memorial Science and Tech. HS TAPAT 4 ------ St. Scholastica's Academy lVIarikina . . ._----,.-------- __ __ . , .-~.----.-.-----------.--- Outstanding School Paper Advis-er Ma. Cristina M. Feliciano Division 01-' Quezon City Outstanding Campus Journalist John Poliquit Division ofTaguig-Pnteros 5 ----. RADIO BROADCASTING AND SCRIPT WRITING ENGLISH FIRST PLACE RAMON MAGSAYSAY HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION OF MANILA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. John Patrick Nisola Abriel Joy Osma Nicole Jasmin Orbien It Jaira Joyce Padilla Eilleen Claire Rosales Marl< Joseph Argoso Nathaniel logarta Adviser: Ms. Sonia Alberto FILIPINO FlRST PLACE CP GARCIA HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION OF MANILA 1. Cristian Bala 2. Owen Cortez 3. Mary Jane 4. llyn Pasman 5. leah Dela Merced 6. Jonah Romero 7. Yvette Corpuz Tagapayo: Gng. Maria Clara B. Rivas COLLABORATIVE PUBLISHING ENGLISH FlRST PLACE RIZAL HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION OF PASIG CITY 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. Van Ehrick Angeles Ma. Verson Nica Surninig Jean Cedric lVIadrigalejo Elna May Santana Dyna lVlatiel Bade Arneth Asidao David Paolo Estacio "" , " '" Adviser: Mrs. Veronica Padua FILIPINO FIRST PLACE SCHOOL OF ST. ANTHONY DIVISION OF QUEZON CITY 1. 2. 3. 4. Camille Joyce Lisay EJ Nicole lVluncal Ina Lagman Raymille Onquiza S. Andre Tiongso,:", 6. Kara Cabarle 7. Princess Espino Tagapayo: Mr. Nuelan Magbanua --.
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