C6 224 Chemical synthesis C6: Chemical Synthesis Why study chemical synthesis? We use chemicals to preserve food, treat disease, and decorate our homes. Many of these chemicals do not occur naturally: they are synthetic. Developing new products, such as drugs to treat disease, depends on chemists who synthesise and test new chemicals. What you already know • Atoms are rearranged during chemical reactions. • The number of atoms of each element stays the same in a chemical reaction. • Raw materials can be used to make synthetic materials. • Alkalis neutralise acids to make salts. • Chemical reactions can be represented by word equations and balanced symbol equations. • Some substances are made up of electrically charged particles called ions. • Data is more reliable if it can be repeated. Find out about • the importance of the chemical industry • a theory to explain acids and alkalis • reactions that give out and take in energy • techniques for controlling the rate of chemical change • the steps involved in the synthesis of a new chemical • ways to measure the efficiency of chemical synthesis. The Science Chemists who synthesise new chemicals need practical skills and an understanding of science explanations. They must control reactions so that they are neither too slow nor too fast. They must calculate how much of the reactants to use to make the amount of product required. Chemists also take into account any energy changes. Acids are important reactants in synthesis. Ionic theory explains the characteristic behaviours of these chemicals. Ideas about Science Chemists make sure they use the right grade of chemical for a reaction. Technical chemists test chemicals from suppliers to check the purity. They take measurements and make sure the data they collect is as accurate and reliable as possible. They can then make the best estimate of the true value of the purity. 225 A The chemical industry Find out about D the chemical industry D bulk and fine chemicals D the importance of chemical synthesis Thechemical industryconvertsrawmaterials,suchascrudeoil, naturalgas,minerals,airandwater,intousefulproducts.Theproducts includechemicalsforuseasfoodadditives,fertilisers,pigments,dyes, paints,andpharmaceuticaldrugs. Theindustrymakesbulk chemicalsonascaleof thousandsoreven millionsof tonnesperyear.Examplesareammonia,sulfuricacid, sodiumhydroxide,chlorine,andethene. Onamuchsmallerscale,theindustrymakesfine chemicalssuchas drugs,herbicides,andpesticides.Italsomakessmallquantitiesof specialitychemicalsneededbyothermanufacturersforparticular purposes.Theseincludesuchthingsasflameretardants,foodadditives, andtheliquidcrystalsforflat-screentelevisionsandcomputerdisplays. the chemical industry converts raw materials into pure chemicals, which are then used in synthesis to make a wide range of products. the range of products made by the chemical industry in the UK by value of sales. industrial chemists work in the plant and the laboratory. Key words D chemical industry D bulk chemicals D fine chemicals D plant D pilot plant D scale up 226 Thepartof achemicalworksthatproducesachemicaliscalledaplant. Someof thechemicalreactionsoccuratahightemperature,soasource of energyisneeded.Also,alotof electricalpowerisneededforpumps to movereactantsandproductsfromonepartof theplanttoanother. Sometimestheenergytoproducethispowercanbesuppliedby chemicalreactionsthatgiveoutenergy. Sensorsmonitortheconditions,suchastemperatureandpressure,inall areasof theplant.Thedataisfedtocomputersinthecontrolcentre, wherethetechnicalteamcontrolstheplant. C6: ChemiCal SyntheSiS People in the chemical industry Peoplewithmanydifferentskillsareneededinthechemicalindustry. Researchchemistsworkinlaboratoriestofindnewprocessesand developnewproducts. Theindustryneedsnewprocessessothatitcanbemorecompetitiveand moresustainable.Theaimistousesmalleramountsof rawmaterials andenergywhilecreatinglesswaste. Peopledevisingnewproductshavetoworkcloselywithpeopleinthe marketingandsalesdepartment.Theyareabletosayif thenovel productiswanted.If thenewproductispromising,itmayfirstbetried outbymakingsmallamountsof itinapilot plant. Aspartof themarketresearch,possiblenewproductsaregivento customersfortrial.Atthesametime,financialexpertsestimatethe valueof thenewproductinthemarket.Theythencomparethiswith the costof makingtheproducttocheckthatthenewprocesswillbe profitable. Chemicalengineershavetoscale uptheprocessanddesignafull-scale plant.Thiscancosthundredsof millionsof pounds. Somechemicalsfromtheindustrygodirectlyonsaletothepublic,but mostof themareusedtomakeotherproducts.Transportworkerscarry thechemicalstotheindustry’scustomers. Questions 1 Classify the following as raw materials or products of the chemical industry: air, ammonia, aspirin, water, crude oil, polythene. 2 Give the name and chemical formula of a bulk chemical. 3 list these chemicals under two headings: ‘bulk chemical’ and ‘fine chemical’. • the drug aspirin • the hydrocarbon ethene • the perfume chemical citral • the acid sulfuric acid • the herbicide glyphosate • the alkali sodium hydroxide • the food dye carotene Everychemicalplantneedsmanagersandadministratorstocontrol the wholeoperation.Therearealsopeopleinservicedepartmentswho lookaftertheneedsof thepeopleworkingintheplant.Theseinclude medicalandcateringstaff,andtrainingandsafetyofficers. Plant operators monitor the processes from a control room. maintenance workers help to keep the plant running. A: the ChemiCal inDUStry 227 B Acids and alkalis Find out about D acids and alkalis D the pH scale D reactions of acids Acids Thewordacidsoundsdangerous.Nitric,sulfuric,andhydrochloric acidsareverydangerouswhentheyareconcentrated.Youmusthandle themwithgreatcare.Theseacidsarelessof ahazardwhendilutedwith water.Dilutehydrochloricacid,forexample,doesnothurttheskinif youwashitawayquickly,butitstingsinacutandrotsclothing.Itisin factpresentinourstomachswhereithelpstobreakdownfoodandkill bacteria.Ourstomachsarelinedwithaprotectivelayerof mucus. Notallacidsaredangeroustolife.Manyacidsarepartof lifeitself. Biochemistshavediscoveredthecitricacidcycle.Thisisaseriesof reactionsinallcells.Thecycleharnessestheenergyfromrespirationfor movementandgrowthinlivingthings. Organic acids Key words D acid D alkali Organicacidsaremolecular.Theyaremadeof groupsof atoms.Their moleculesconsistof carbon,hydrogen,andoxygenatoms.Theacidityof theseacidsarisesfromthehydrogeninthe—COOHgroupof atoms. Citricandtartaricacidsareexamplesof solidorganicacids.Ethanoic acidisaliquidorganicacid. acetic acid (chemical name: ethanoic acid) is a liquid. it is the acid in vinegar. most white vinegar is just a dilute solution of acetic acid. Brown vinegars have other chemicals in the solution that give the vinegar its colour and flavour. most microorganisms cannot survive in acid, so vinegar is used as a preservative in pickles (e260). 228 Citric acid (a solid acid) is found in citrus fruits like oranges and lemons. the human body processes about 2 kg of citric acid a day during respiration. Citric acid and its salts are added to food to prevent them reacting with oxygen in the air, and to give a tart taste to drinks and sweets. C6: ChemiCal SyntheSiS Mineral acids Sulfuric,hydrochloric,andnitricacidscomefrominorganicormineral sources.Thepureacidsareallmolecular.Sulfuricacidandnitricacid areliquidsatroomtemperature.Hydrogenchlorideisagas,and becomeshydrochloricacidwhenitdissolvesinwater. Alkalis Pharmacistssellantacidsintabletstocontrolheartburnand indigestion.Thechemicalsinthesemedicinesarethechemicalopposites of acids.Theyaredesignedtoneutraliseexcessacidproducedinthe stomach–hencethename‘antacids’. Antacidsinmedicinesareusuallyinsolubleinwater.Otherchemical antacidsaresolubleinwaterandgiveasolutionwithapHabove7. Chemistscallthemalkalis.Commonalkalisaresodiumhydroxide, NaOH;potassiumhydroxide,KOH;andcalciumhydroxide,Ca(OH)2. Thetraditionalnameforsodiumhydroxideiscausticsoda.Theword causticmeansthatthechemicalattackslivingtissue,includingskin. Alkaliscandomoredamagetodelicatetissuesthandiluteacids.Caustic alkalisareusedinthestrongestovenanddraincleaners.Theyhaveto beusedwithgreatcare. Sulfuric acid, h2SO4, is manufactured from sulfur, oxygen, and water. the pure, concentrated acid is an oily liquid. the chemical industry in the UK makes about 2 million tonnes of the acid each year. the acid is essential for the manufacture of other chemicals, including detergents, pigments, dyes, plastics, and fertilisers. Questions 1 From the pictures of molecules work out the formulae of: a acetic acid b citric acid. 2 What are the formulae of these antacids? a magnesium hydroxide made up of magnesium ions, mg2+, and hydroxide ions, Oh–. b aluminium hydroxide made up of aluminium ions, al3+, and hydroxide ions, Oh–. hydrogen chloride forms when concentrated sulfuric acid is added to salt (sodium chloride) crystals. hydrogen chloride, hCl, is a gas that fumes in moist air and is very soluble in water. Oven cleaners often contain caustic alkalis. B: aCiDS anD alK aliS 229 Indicators and the pH scale Indicatorschangecolourtoshowwhetherasolutionisacidicor alkaline.Bluelitmusturnsredinacidsolutionandredlitmusturnsblue inalkalis.Specialmixedindicators,suchasuniversalindicator,showa rangeof coloursandcanbeusedtoestimatepHvalues. pHvaluescanalsobemeasuredelectronicallyusingapHmeterwithan electrodethatdipsintothesolution.Themetercanbereaddirectlyfrom thedisplayoritmaybeconnectedtoadataloggerorcomputer. ThetermpHappearsonmanycosmetic,shampoo,andfoodlabels. It is a measureof acidity.ThepH scaleisanumberscalethatshows the acidityoralkalinityof asolutioninwater.Mostlaboratorysolutions haveapHintherange1–14. the ph scale. a ph meter can be used to measure ph values. hydrangea flowers contain natural indicators – they are blue if grown on acid soil and pink on alkaline soil. note that this is the opposite of the litmus colours. Reaction of acids Acids with metals Using a feather to brush away hydrogen bubbles while etching a metal plate with acid. Acidsreactwithmetalstoproducesalts.Theotherproductis hydrogen gas. acid 1 metal Forexample: 2HCl(aq) 1 Mg(s) salt 1 hydrogen MgCl2(aq) 1 H2(g) Notallmetalswillreactinthisway.Youmayrememberthelistof metalsinorderof reactivityinC5,G.Metalsbelowleadinthelistdonot reactwithacids,andevenwithleaditishardtodetectanychangeina shorttime. 230 C6: ChemiCal SyntheSiS Acids with metal oxides or hydroxides Anacidreactswithametal oxideorhydroxidetoformasaltand water.Nogasforms. acid 1 metaloxide (orhydroxide) Forexample: 2HCl(aq) 1 salt 1 water Thereactionbetweenanacidandametaloxideisoftenavitalstepin makingusefulchemicalsfromores. Acids with carbonates Acidsreactwithcarbonatestoformasalt,water,andbubblesof carbon dioxidegas. salt1water1carbondioxide Geologistscantestforcarbonatesbydrippinghydrochloricacidonto rocks.If theyseeanyfizzing,therockscontainacarbonate.Thisis likelytobecalciumcarbonateormagnesiumcarbonate. Thewordequationis: hydrochloric calcium 1 acid carbonate calcium carbon 1water 1 chloride dioxide Thebalancedequationis: 2HCl(aq) 1 CaCO3(s) D pH scale D metal oxide D indicators D metal hydroxide D metals D carbonates D salts MgCl2(aq) 1H2O(l) MgO(s) acid1metalcarbonate Key words CaCl2(aq) 1 H2O(l) 1 CO2(g) Thisisafoolproof testforthecarbonateion.Sotheterm‘theacidtest’ hascometobeusedtodescribeanywayof providingdefiniteproof. Questions 3 a pattern can be etched onto a zinc plate using hydrochloric acid to react with the zinc, forming soluble zinc chloride, ZnCl2. Write a word equation and a balanced symbol equation for the reaction. 4 magnesium hydroxide, mg(Oh)2, is an antacid used to neutralise excess stomach acid, hCl. Write a word equation and a balanced symbol equation for the reaction. 5 there is a volcano in tanzania, africa, whose lava contains sodium carbonate, na2CO3. the cooled lava fizzes with hydrochloric acid. Write a word equation and a balanced symbol equation for the reaction. 6 limescale forms in kettles where hard water is heated. limescale consists of calcium carbonate. three acids are often used to remove limescale: citric acid, acetic acid (in vinegar), and dilute hydrochloric acid. Which acid would you use to de-scale an electric kettle and why? testing for carbonate using hydrochloric acid. B: aCiDS anD alK aliS 231 C Salts from acids Find out about DD an ionic explanation for neutralisation reactions DD salts and their formulae What makes an acid an acid? Chemists have a theory to explain why all the different compounds that are acids behave in a similar way when they react with indicators, metals, carbonates, metal oxides, and metal hydroxides. It turns out that acids do not simply mix with water when they dissolve. They react, and when they react with water they produce hydrogen ions (H1). For example, hydrochloric acid is a solution of hydrogen chloride in water. The HCl molecules react with the water to produce hydrogen ions and chloride ions. HCl(g) water H+(aq) 1 Cl–(aq) The theory of acids is an ionic theory. Any compound is an acid if it produces hydrogen ions when it dissolves in water. All acids contain hydrogen in their formula. Nitric acid, HNO3, and phosphoric acid, H3PO4, both contain hydrogen. But not all chemicals that contain hydrogen are acids. Ethane, C2H6, and ethanol, C2H5OH, are not acids. In an organic acid it is only the hydrogen atom in the —COOH group that can ionise when the acid dissolves in water. What makes a solution alkaline? Alkalis such as the soluble metal hydroxides are ionic compounds. They consist of metal ions and hydroxide ions (OH–). When they dissolve, they add hydroxide ions to water. It is these ions that make the solution alkaline. NaOH(s) water Na+(aq) 1 OH–(aq) Neutralisation Hydrogen chloride dissolves in water to make hydrochloric acid. The HCl molecules react with water to form ions. Key words DD hydrogen ions DD hydroxide ions DD neutralisation reaction 232 Sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid react to produce a salt (sodium chloride) and water. Na+(aq) 1 OH–(aq) 1 H+(aq) 1 Cl–(aq) Na+(aq) 1 Cl–(aq) 1 H2O(l) During a neutralisation reaction the hydrogen ions from an acid react with hydroxide ions from the alkali to make water. H+(aq) + OH–(aq) H2O(l) The remaining ions in the solution make a salt. C6: Chemical Synthesis Salts Salts form when a metal oxide, or hydroxide, neutralises an acid. So every salt can be thought of as having two parents. Salts are related to a parent metal oxide or hydroxide and to a parent acid. Salts are ionic (see C4, J: Ionic theory). Most salts consist of a positive metal ion combined with a negative non-metal ion. The metal ion comes from the parent metal oxide or hydroxide. The non-metal ion comes from the parent acid. Questions 1 Write equations to show what happens when these compounds dissolve in water: a nitric acid b sulfuric acid c calcium hydroxide. Dilute sodium hydroxide solution neutralises dilute hydrochloric acid, forming a neutral solution of sodium chloride. Water molecules not involved in the reaction are shown in a paler colour. It is possible to work out the formulae of salts knowing the charges on the ions. Remember that all compounds are overall electrically neutral (see C4, K: Ionic theory and atomic structure). Some nonmetal ions consist of more than one atom. The table below includes some examples. In the formula for magnesium nitrate, Mg(NO3)2, the brackets around the NO3 show that two complete nitrate ions appear in the formula. Non-metal ions that consist of more than one atom Symbols carbonate CO32– hydroxide OH– nitrate NO3– sulfate SO42– 2 Write down the name of the salt produced in the following reactions: alithium hydroxide with hydrochloric acid bcalcium carbonate with nitric acid cmagnesium oxide with sulfuric acid. 3 Use the tables of ions in C4 Section K and on this page to write down the formulae of these salts: a potassium nitrate b magnesium carbonate c sodium sulfate d calcium nitrate. 4 Use the tables of ions in C4 Section K and on this page to write down the charge on the metal ion in each of these salts: aCuCO3 bPbBr2 cFe2O3. C: Salts from acids 233 D Purity of chemicals Find out about D purity D titrations for testing purity Grades of purity Thereactionsof acidswithmetals,oxides,hydroxides,andcarbonates canbeusedtomakevaluablesalts.Forusessuchasfoodormedicines, thesesaltshavetobemadepuresothattheyaresafetoswallow. Chemicalsdonotalwayshavetobepure.Calciumcarbonate,for example,isusedinablastfurnacetoextractironfromitsores.Theiron industrycanuselimestonestraightfromaquarry.Limestonehassome impuritiesbuttheydonotstopitfromdoingitsjobinablastfurnace. Suppliersof chemicalsofferarangeof gradesof chemicals.Inaschool laboratoryyoumightuseoneof thesegrades:technical,general laboratory,andanalytical.Thepurestgradeistheanalyticalgrade. label on a bottle of laboratory grade calcium carbonate. the term ‘assay’ tells you how pure the chemical is. the calcium carbonate is 99% pure with the small amounts of impurities shown. Key words D titration D burette D end point Questions 1 Uses of sodium chloride (salt) include: i flavouring food ii melting ice on roads iii saline drips in hospitals. Put these in order of the grade of sodium chloride required, with the purest first. 2 From 'steps involved in a titration' in which step is: a a solution made? b a pipette used, and what is it used for? c the end point reached, and how does the technician know? 234 Purifyingachemicalisdoneinstages.Eachstagetakestimeandmoney, andbecomesmoredifficult.Sothehigherthepurity,themoreexpensive thechemical.Manufacturersthereforebuythegrademostsuitablefor theirpurpose. Whendecidingwhatgradeof chemicaltouseforaparticularpurpose,it isimportanttoknow: • theamountof impurities • whattheimpuritiesare • howtheycanaffecttheprocess • whethertheywillendupintheproduct,andwhetheritmattersif theydo. Testing purity Medicinescontainanactiveingredient.Otheringredientsareincluded tomakethemedicinepleasanttotasteandeasytotake.Thismeansthat thepharmaceuticalcompaniesthatmakemedicinesneedsweeteners, foodflavours,andotheradditives. Thecompaniesbuyinmanyof theiringredients.Technicalchemists workingforthecompanieshavetomakesurethatthesuppliersare deliveringtherightgradeof chemical. Citricacidisoftenaddedtosyrups,suchascoughmedicines,tocontrol theirpH.Technicianscancheckthepurityof theacidusingaprocedure calleda titration, whichmeasuresthevolumeof alkalithatitcan neutralise.Thetechnicianhastoknowtheaccurateconcentrationof the alkali. C6: ChemiCal SyntheSiS Steps involved in a titration 1 the technician fills a burette with a solution of sodium hydroxide. She knows the concentration of the alkali. Questions 2 the technician weighs out a sample of citric acid accurately. 3 a 1.35 g sample of impure citric acid was dissolved in water and titrated with sodium hydroxide solution of concentration 40 g/dm3. the average titre was found to be 20.6 cm3. a Use the following equation to find the mass of citric acid in the sample: mass of citric acid (g) 5 average titre (cm3) 3 0.064. b Use the following equation to calculate the percentage purity of the sample: percentage purity 5 mass of citric acid _____________ 3 100 % mass of sample 3 the technician dissolves the acid in pure water. then she adds a few drops of phenolphthalein indicator. the indicator is colourless in the acid solution. 4 the technician adds alkali from the burette. She swirls the contents of the flask as the alkali runs in. near the end she adds the alkali drop by drop. at the end point all the citric acid is just neutralised. the indicator is now permanently pink. 4 a technical chemist measures the purity of tartaric acid by titration, and obtains these results: 98.7%, 99.0%. 105.4%, 80.0%, 98.8%, 98.5% a Suggest reasons why the results are not exactly the same. b Which two values should be checked? c Calculate the mean value of purity after discarding the two outlying values. d Suggest the limits between which the true value is likely to lie. Thetechnicianwillrepeatthetitrationseveraltimes.If thereareany resultsthatdiffergreatlyfromtherest,andthereisreasontodoubt theiraccuracy,theywillbediscarded.Theremainingvalueswillbe averagedtofindthemean. D: PUrit y OF ChemiCalS 235 E Energy changes in chemical reactions Find out about D reactions that give out energy and reactions that take in (absorb) energy Exothermic and endothermic reactions Mostchemicalreactionsneedasupplyof energytogetthemstarted. Somealsoneedenergytokeepthemgoing.ThatiswhyBunsenburners andelectricheatingmantlesaresocommoninlaboratories. Mostreactionsgiveoutenergyoncetheyaregoing–combustion (burning),andneutralisationof acidstomakesaltsarecommon examples.Sulfuricacidisanimportantchemicalinindustry.Oneof thekeyreactionsinmakingthisacidhastobecarefullycontrolled becauseitgivesoutagreatdealof energy. Reactionsthatgiveoutenergytothesurroundings(thesurroundings gethotter)arecalledexothermic.Therearealsoreactionsthatabsorb energyfromthesurroundings(thesurroundingsgetcooler).Theseare calledendothermic. Itispossibletotellwhetherachemicalreactionisexothermicor endothermicbymeasuringthetemperatureof thereactantsbeforethe reactionstarts,andthetemperatureof theproductsafterithasfinished. If thetemperaturehasrisen,thereactionisexothermic.If ithas dropped,thereactionisendothermic. Energy changes in the chemical industry Scientistsworkinginthechemicalindustryneedtoknowwhethera reactionisexothermicorendothermicwhenitispartof asynthesis. Thereareseveralreasonsforthis: • Ittakesfuel,whichcostsmoney,toprovidetheenergyinputfor endothermicreactions. • Theenergygivenoutbyexothermicreactionscanbeusedelsewhere intheplant,toproduceelectricity,forexample. • Atemperatureincreasemakeschemicalreactionsgofaster (see SectionF)–areactionthatgivesoutheatenergywilltendto get fasterandfaster,andmay‘runaway’,possiblycausingan explosion. Both exothermic and endothermic reactions have practical uses. an exothermic reaction provides the energy for welding. a cold pack absorbs energy from an injured muscle using an endothermic reaction. 236 Sucha‘runaway’reactionmayhavebeenthecauseof amajordisaster atachemicalplantinBhopal,India,in1984.Between2000and15000 peoplemayhavediedandover25 yearslater,thehealthof manypeople isstillbeingaffectedbytheincident.Properunderstandingandcontrol of theenergychangesinthereactionsconcernedmighthaveprevented thedisaster. C6: ChemiCal SyntheSiS Energy-level diagrams Allchemicalreactionsgiveoutortakeinenergy.Understandingenergy changeshelpschemiststocontrolreactions. • Inanexothermicreaction(whereenergyisgivenout),theproducts musthavelessenergythanthereactants. • Inanendothermicreaction(whereenergyisabsorbed),theproducts musthavemoreenergythanthereactants. Key words D exothermic D endothermic D energy-level diagram Chemistskeeptrackof thechangesinenergyinchemicalreactions usingenergy-level diagrams.Theseshowtheenergiesof thereactants andproducts.Noticethatenergyisplottedverticallyupthediagram. Reactantsareontheleftandproductsontheright.Theseareusually shownusingabalancedequation. an electric heating mantle, used to heat up reactions without a naked flame. an exothermic reaction. Question Theenergy-leveldiagramforthereactionof magnesiumand hydrochloricacid,whichisexothermic.Energyisgivenoutinthis reaction,sotheproductshavelessenergythanthereactants. an endothermic reaction. Energy-leveldiagramforthereactionof citricacidandsodium hydrogencarbonate,whichisendothermic.Energyisabsorbedinthis reaction,sotheproductshavemoreenergythanthereactants. 1 if you have ever had a plaster cast for a broken bone, apart from the pain of the injury, you might remember the pleasant feeling of warmth as the wet plaster begins to set. if you put a sherbet sweet on your tongue you will feel your mouth getting cold. Both of these are chemical reactions. a Which reaction is exothermic and which is endothermic? b Draw an energy-level diagram for each reaction. Use ‘reactants’ and ‘products’ for the names of the chemicals involved. E: enerGy ChanGeS in ChemiCal reaC tiOnS 237 F Rates of reaction Find out about D measuring rates of reaction D factors affecting rates of reaction D catalysts in industry D collision theory Controlling reaction rates Somechemicalreactionsseemtohappeninaninstant.Anexplosionis anexampleof averyfastreaction. Otherreactionstaketime–seconds,minutes,hours,orevenyears. Rustingisaslowreactionandsoistherottingof food. Itisthechemist’sjobtoworkoutthemostefficientwaytosynthesisea chemical.Itisimportantthatthechosenreactionshappenata convenientspeed.Areactionthatoccurstooquicklycanbehazardous. Areactionthattakesseveraldaystocompleteisnotpracticalbecauseit tiesupequipmentandpeople’stimefortoolong,whichcostsmoney. Measuring rates of reaction Yourpulserateisthenumberof timesyourheartbeatseveryminute. Theproductionrateinafactoryisameasureof howmanyarticlesare madeinaparticulartime.Similarideasapplytochemicalreactions. Chemistsmeasurethe rate of a reactionbyfindingthequantityof productproducedorthequantityof reactantusedupinafixedtime. Forthereaction an explosion is an example of a very fast chemical reaction. Mg(s)12HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq)1H2(g) theratecanbemeasuredquiteeasilybycollectingandmeasuringthe hydrogengasproduced. changeinthevolumeof hydrogen averagerate5_________________________________ timeforthechangetohappen Inmostchemicalreactions,theratechangeswithtime.Thegraphon theleftisaplotof thevolumeof hydrogenformedagainsttimeforthe reactionof magnesiumwithacid.Thegraphissteepestatthestart, showingthattherateof reactionwasgreatestatthatpoint.Asthe reactioncontinuestheratedecreasesuntilthereactionfinallystops. Thesteepnessof thelineisameasureof therateof reaction. a plot of the volume of hydrogen formed against time for a reaction of magnesium with hydrochloric acid. Key word D rate of reaction 238 Question 1 For each of these reactions, pick a method from the opposite page that could be used to measure the rate of reaction: (hint: look at the states of the reactants and products.) CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + h2O(l) a CaCO3(s) + 2hCl(aq) ZnSO4(aq) + h2(g) b Zn(s) + h2SO4(aq) 2naCl(aq) + SO2(g) + S(s) + h2O(l) c na2S2O3(aq) + 2hCl(aq) C6: Chemical Synthesis Methods of measuring rates of reaction Collecting and measuring a gas product Record the volume at regular intervals, such as every 30 or 60 seconds. A gas syringe could be used to collect the gas, instead of a measuring cylinder – see the next page. Timing how long it takes for a small amount of solid reactant to disappear Mix the solid and solution in the flask and start the timer. Stop it when you can no longer see any solid. Measuring the loss of mass as a gas forms Record the mass at regular intervals such as every 30 or 60 seconds. Timing how long it takes for a solution to turn cloudy This is for reactions that produce an insoluble solid. Mix the solutions in the flask and start the timer. Stop it when you can no longer see the cross on the paper through the solution. Manual timing of reactions is only suitable for reactions that are over in a few minutes (or more). Modern methods using lasers and dataloggers allow chemists to measure the rates of reactions that are over in less than one thousand billion billionths of a second (one femtosecond). F: Rates of reac tion 239 Key words DD concentration DD surface area DD catalyst Factors affecting reaction rates Powdered Alka-Seltzer reacts faster in water than a tablet. Milk standing in a warm kitchen goes sour more quickly than milk kept in a refrigerator. Changing the conditions alters the rate of these processes and many others. Factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions are: • the concentration of reactants in solution – the higher the concentration, the faster the reaction • the surface area of solids – powdering a solid increases the surface area in contact with a liquid, solution, or gas, and so speeds up the reaction. • the temperature – typically a 10 °C rise in temperature can roughly double the rate of many reactions • catalysts – these are chemicals that speed up a chemical reaction without being used up in the process. The factors in action The apparatus in the diagram was used in an investigation into the effect of changing the conditions on the reaction of zinc metal with sulfuric acid. The graph below shows the results. Apparatus used to investigate the factors affecting the rate of reaction of zinc with sulfuric acid. The volume of hydrogen formed over time during an investigation of the factors affecting the rate of reaction of zinc with sulfuric acid. The investigator used the same mass of zinc each time. There was more than enough metal to react with all the acid. Zn(s) 1 H2SO4(aq) ZnSO4(aq) 1 H2(g) The red line on the graph plots the volume of hydrogen gas against time using zinc granules and 50 cm3 of dilute sulfuric acid at 20 °C. The reaction gradually slows down and stops because the acid concentration falls to zero. There is more than enough metal to react with all the acid. The zinc is in excess. 240 C6: Chemical Synthesis The effect of concentration Line A on the graph shows the result of using acid that was half as concentrated while leaving all the other conditions the same as in the original set up. The investigator added 50 cm3 of this more dilute acid. Halving the acid concentration lowers the rate at the start. The final volume of gas is cut by half because there was only half as much acid in the 50 cm3 of solution to start with. The effect of surface area Line B on the graph shows the result of using the same excess of zinc metal in fewer larger pieces. All other conditions were the same as in the original setup. Fewer larger lumps of metal have a smaller total surface area so the reaction starts more slowly. The amount of acid is unchanged and the metal is still in excess so that the final volume of hydrogen is the same. Questions 2 When a lump of calcium carbonate is placed into a beaker of acid it reacts and carbon dioxide is given off. Suggest three ways to speed up the reaction. 3 How is it possible to control conditions to speed up these changes: athe setting of an epoxy glue b the cooking of an egg cthe conversion of oxides of nitrogen in car exhausts to nitrogen. 4 When investigating the effect of temperature on a chemical reaction, why is it important to keep all other conditions the same? Breaking up a solid into smaller pieces increases the total surface area. This increases the amount of contact between the solid and the solution, making it possible for the reaction to go faster. 5 The effect of concentration on the rate of reaction between zinc and sulfuric acid was investigated. The results were plotted on a graph. The effect of temperature Line C on the graph shows the result of carrying out the reaction at 30 °C while leaving all the other conditions the same as in the original set up. This more or less doubles the rate at the start. The quantities of chemicals are the same so the final volume of gas collected is the same as it was originally. The effect of adding a catalyst Line D on the graph shows what happens when the investigation is repeated with everything the same as in the original set up but with a catalyst added. The reaction starts more quickly. Catalysts do not change the final amount of product, so the volume of gas at the end is the same as before. aIs there a correlation? If so, describe it. bWhich result is an outlier? Suggest a reason why this result is different from the expected value. F: Rates of reac tion 241 Catalysts in industry What is a catalyst? Acatalystisachemicalthatspeedsupachemicalreaction. Ittakespartinthereaction,butisnotusedup. Moderncatalystscanbehighlyselective.Thisisimportant whenreactantscanundergomorethanonechemical reactiontogiveamixtureof products.Withasuitable catalystitcanbepossibletospeedupthereactionthat givestherequiredproduct,butnotspeedupotherpossible reactionsthatcreateunwantedby-products. Better catalysts Catalystsareessentialinmanyindustrialprocesses.They makemanyprocesseseconomicallyviable.Thismeans thatchemicalproductscanbemadeatareasonablecost andsoldataffordableprices. Researchintonewcatalystsisanimportantareaof scientificwork.Thisisshownbytheindustrial manufactureof ethanoicacid(seeSectionB)from methanolandcarbonmonoxide.Thisprocesswasfirst developedbythecompanyBASFin1960usingacobalt compoundasthecatalystat300ºCandatapressure700 timesatmosphericpressure. AboutsixyearslaterthecompanyMonsantodevelopeda processusing thesamereaction,butanewcatalystsystem basedonrhodiumcompounds.Thisranundermuch milderconditions:200ºCand30–60timesatmospheric pressure. the manufacture of ethanoic acid from methanol and carbon monoxide uses a catalyst to speed up the reaction. 242 methanol 1 carbon monoxide ethanoic acid Ch3Oh(g) 1 Ch3COOh(g) CO(g) In1986,thepetrochemicalcompanyBPboughtthe technologyformakingethanoicacidfromMonsanto.It hassincedevisedanewcatalystbasedoncompoundsof iridium.Thisprocessisfasterandmoreefficient.Iridium ischeaper,andlessof thecatalystisneeded.Iridiumis evenmoreselectivesotheamountof ethanoicacid produced(yield)isgreaterandtherearefewer by-products.Thismakesiteasierandcheapertomake pureethanoicacidandthereislesswaste. C6: Chemical Synthesis Collision theory Chemists have a theory to explain how the various factors affect reaction rates. Key word DD collision theory The basic idea is that particles, such as molecules, atoms, and ions can only react if they bump into each other. Imagining these particles colliding with each other leads to a theory that can account for the effects of concentration, temperature, and catalysts on reaction rates. According to collision theory, when molecules collide some bonds between atoms can break while new bonds form. This creates new molecules. Molecules are in constant motion in gases, liquids, and solutions. There are millions upon millions of collisions every second. Most reactions would be explosive if every collision led to a reaction. It turns out that only a very small proportion of all the collisions are successful and actually lead to a reaction. These are the collisions in which the molecules are moving with enough energy to break bonds between atoms. Any change that increases the number of successful collisions per second has the effect of increasing the rate of reaction. Increasing the concentration of solutions of dissolved chemicals increases the frequency of collisions. The same small proportion of these collisions will be successful, but now there are more of them. This means that there will also be more successful collisions. Questions Molecules have a greater chance of colliding in a more concentrated solution. More frequent collisions means – faster reactions. Reactions get faster if the reactants are more concentrated. Breaking up a solid into smaller pieces increases its surface area. Increased surface area means that there are more atoms, molecules, or ions of the solid available to react. This speeds up the reaction by increasing the frequency of successful collisions with particles in liquid, solution, or gas. 6aWhere do cobalt, rhodium and iridium appear in the periodic table? bWhy is not surprising that these three metals can be used to make catalysts for the same process? 7 Suggest reasons why it is important to develop industrial processes that: arun at lower temperatures and pressures b produce less waste. F: Rates of reac tion 243 G Stages in chemical synthesis Find out about D steps in synthesis D making a soluble salt Making calcium chloride for dialysis Chemicalsynthesisisawayof makingnewcompounds.Synthesisputs thingstogethertomakesomethingnew.Itistheoppositeof analysis, whichtakesthingsaparttoseewhattheyaremadeof. Thekidneysremovetoxicchemicalsfromtheblood.Incasesof kidney failure,patientsareputondialysismachinesthatdothejoboutsidethe bodywhiletheyawaitatransplant.Bloodpassesoutof thebodythrough atubeintothedialysismachine. Insidethemachine,thebloodflowspastaspecialmembrane.Onthe othersideof themembraneisasolutioncontainingamixtureof saltsat thesameconcentrationsasthesamesaltsintheblood.Thetoxic chemicalspassfromthebloodthroughthemembraneintothesolution andarecarriedaway.Itisalsopossibleforusefulsaltstopassbackinto theblood. Kidney dialysis. Oneof thesaltsinthedialysissolutioniscalciumchloride.Itisa particularlyimportantsaltasthelevelof calciuminthebloodhastobe maintainedataparticularlevel.Justalittlebittoomuchortoolittleand thepatientcouldbecomeveryillindeed.Thecalciumchloridetherefore hastobeverypure,andthequantityaddedtothesolutionhastobe measuredaccurately. Theprocessformakingcalciumchlorideisshownintheflowchart. the process for making very pure calcium chloride for dialysis. 244 C6: ChemiCal SyntheSiS Making a sample of magnesium sulfate Magnesiumsulfateisanothersaltproducedbythechemicalindustry.It hasmanyusesincludingasanutrientof plants. Theprocessof makingmagnesiumsulfate(oranyothersolublesalt)on alaboratoryscaleillustratesthestagesinachemicalsynthesis. Inthefollowingmethodanexcessof solidisaddedtomakesurethatall theacidisusedup.Thismethodisonlysuitableif thesolidaddedtothe acidiseitherinsolubleinwaterordoesnotreactwithwater. Choosing the reaction Anyof thecharacteristicreactionsof acidscanallbeusedto make salts: • acid1metal salt1hydrogen • acid1metaloxideorhydroxide salt1water • acid1metalcarbonate salt1carbondioxide1water Magnesiummetalisrelativelyexpensivebecauseithastobe extractedfromoneof itscompounds.Soitmakessensetouseeither magnesiumoxideorcarbonateasthestartingpointformaking magnesiumsulfatefromsulfuricacid. Carrying out a risk assessment Itisalwaysimportanttominimiseexposurestorisk.Youshouldtake caretoidentifyhazardouschemicals.Youshouldalsolookforhazards arisingfromequipmentorprocedures.Thisisarisk assessment. an operator emptying magnesium sulfate into the tank of a sprayer on a farm. he is wearing protective clothing because magnesium sulfate is harmful. as well as being a micronutrient needed for healthy plant growth, the salt is a: • raw material in soaps and detergents • laxative in medicine • refreshing additive in bath water • raw material in the manufacture of other magnesium compounds • supplement in feed for poultry and cattle • coagulant in the manufacture of some plastics. Inthispreparationthemagnesiumcompoundsarenothazardous. Thedilutesulfuricacidisanirritant,whichmeansthatyoushould keepitoff yourskinandespeciallyprotectyoureyes.Youshould alwaysweareyeprotectionwhenhandlingchemicals,forexample. Questions 1 refer to the flow diagram for the process of making calcium chloride. a Write the word and balanced symbol equations for the reaction used to make the salt. b identify steps taken to make the yield of the pure salt as large as possible. 2 epsom salts consist of magnesium sulfate. magnesium sulfate is soluble in water. Produce a flow diagram to show how you could remove impurities that are insoluble in water from a sample of epsom salts. Processes you might use include: crystallisation, dissolving, drying, evaporation, filtration. G: StaGeS in ChemiCal SyntheSiS 245 Questions 3 Write the balanced equation for the reaction of magnesium carbonate with sulfuric acid. 4 Why does the mixture of magnesium carbonate and sulfuric acid froth up? 5 What is the advantage of: a using powdered magnesium carbonate? b warming when most of the acid has been used up? c adding a slight excess of the solid to the acid? 6 Why is it impossible to use this method to make a pure metal sulfate by the reaction of dilute sulfuric acid with: a lithium metal? b sodium hydroxide? c potassium carbonate? 7 look at the procedure on this and the following page for making magnesium sulfate, and identify the step when risks might arise from: a chemicals that react vigorously and spill over b chemicals that might spit or splash on heating c hot apparatus that might cause burns d apparatus that might crack and form sharp edges. Key word D risk assessment 246 Working out the quantities to use Reactingmassescanbeusedtoworkouttheamountof reactants neededtoproduceaparticularamountof product(seeSectionH). Inthisprocedurethesolidisaddedinexcess.Thismeansthatthe amountof productisdeterminedbythevolumeandconcentration of thesulfuricacid.Theconcentrationof dilutesulfuricacidis 98 g/litre,andavolumeof 50 cm3dilutesulfuricacidisused.This contains4.9 gof theacid. Carrying out the reaction in suitable apparatus under the right conditions Thereactionisfastenoughatroomtemperature,especiallyif the magnesiumcarbonateissuppliedasafinepowder. Thisreactioncanbesafelycarriedoutinabeaker.Stirringwitha glassrodmakessurethatthemagnesiumoxideorcarbonateand acidmixwell.Stirringalsohelpstopreventthemixturefrothingup andoutof thebeaker. 1 measure the required volume of acid into a beaker. add the metal oxide or carbonate bit by bit until no more dissolves in the acid. Warm gently until all of the acid has been used up. make sure that there is a slight excess of solid before moving on to the next stage. Separating the product from the reaction mixture Filteringisaquickandeasywayof separatingthesolutionof the productfromtheexcesssolid.Themixturefiltersmorequicklyif themixtureiswarm. 2 Filter off the excess solid, collecting the solution of the salt in an evaporating basin. the residue on the filter paper is the excess solid. C6: ChemiCal SyntheSiS Purifying the product Afterthemixturehasbeenfiltered,thefiltratecontainsthepure saltdissolvedinwater.Evaporatingmuchof thewaterspeedsup crystallisation.Thisisconvenientlycarriedoutinanevaporating basin.Theconcentratedsolutioncanthenbelefttocooland crystallise.Thedryingcanbecompletedinawarmoven.The crystalscanthenbetransferredtoadesiccator.Thisisaclosed containerthatcontainsasolidthatabsorbswaterstrongly. 3 4 Pour the concentrated solution into a labelled glass Petri dish and set it aside to cool slowly. heat gently to evaporate some of the water. evaporate until crystals form when a droplet of solution picked up on a glass rod crystallises on cooling. 5 Crystals of pure magnesium sulfate seen through a Polaroid filter (360). Complete the drying in an oven and then store in a dessicator. Measuring the yield and checking the purity of the product Thefinalstepistotransferthedrycrystalstoaweighedsample tubeandre-weighittofindtheactualyieldof crystals.Oftenitis importanttocarryoutteststocheckthattheproductispure. Theappearanceofthecrystalscangiveacluetothe purityoftheproduct.Amicroscopecanhelpifthe crystalsaresmall.Thecrystalsofapureproductare oftenwell-formedandeveninshape. 6 the weighed sample of product showing the name and formula of the chemical, the mass of product, and the date it was made. Questions 8 identify the impurities removed during the purification stages of the magnesium sulfate synthesis. 9 Why is it important that the magnesium carbonate is added in excess to the sulfuric acid? G: StaGeS in ChemiCal SyntheSiS 247 H Chemical quantities Find out about DD reacting masses DD yields from chemical reactions Key words DD relative formula mass DD reacting mass DD actual yield DD theoretical yield DD percentage yield Chemists wanting to make a certain quantity of product need to work out how much of the starting materials to order. Getting the sums right matters – especially in industry, where a higher yield for a lower price can mean better profits. The trick is to turn the symbols in the balanced chemical equation into masses in grams or tonnes. This is possible given the relative masses of the atoms in the periodic table. Reacting masses Adding up the relative atomic masses for all the atoms in the formula of a compound gives the relative formula mass of chemicals . Given the relative formula masses, it is then possible to work out the masses of reactants and products in a balanced equation. These are the reacting masses. Question 1 What mass of: aHCl in hydrochloric acid reacts with 100 g calcium carbonate? b HNO3 in dilute nitric acid neutralises 56 g of potassium hydroxide? cc opper(II) oxide (CuO) would you need to react with sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to make 319 g of copper sulfate (CuSO4)? Worked example What are the masses of reactants and products when sulfuric acid reacts with sodium hydroxide? 248 Step 1 2NaOH 1 H2SO4 Step 2 relative formula mass of NaOH 5 23 1 16 1 1 5 40 relative formula mass of H2SO4 5 (2 3 1) 1 32 1 (4 3 16) 5 98 relative formula mass of Na2SO4 5 (2 3 23) 1 32 1 (4 3 16) 5 142 relative formula mass of H2O 5 (2 3 1) 1 16 5 18 Steps 3 & 4 2NaOH 1 H2SO4 Na2SO4 1 2H2O Na2SO4 1 2H2O 2 3 40 5 80 98 142 142 g 80 g 98 g 2 3 18 5 36 36 g C6: Chemical Synthesis Yields The yield of any synthesis is the quantity of product obtained from known amounts of starting materials. The actual yield is the mass of product after it is separated from the mixture, purified, and dried. Theoretical yield The theoretical yield is the mass of product expected if the reaction goes exactly as shown in the balanced equation. This is what could be obtained in theory if there are no by-products and no losses while chemicals are transferred from one container to another. The actual yield is always less than the theoretical yield. Worked example What is the theoretical yield of ethanoic acid made from 8 tonnes of methanol? Step 1 Write down the balanced equation methanol 1 carbon monoxide CH3OH(g) 1CO(g) CH3COOH(g) ethanoic acid 32 60 Step 2 Work out the relative formula masses Questions 2 What is the mass of salt that forms in solution when: a hydrochloric acid neutralises 4 g sodium hydroxide? b 12.5 g zinc carbonate, ZnCO3, reacts with excess sulfuric acid? 3 A preparation of sodium sulfate began with 8.0 g of sodium hydroxide. aCalculate the theoretical yield of sodium sulfate from 8.0 g sodium hydroxide. bCalculate the percentage yield, given that the actual yield was 12.0 g. methanol:12 1 4 1 16 5 32 ethanoic acid: Steps 3 & 4 24 1 4 1 32 5 60 Write down the relative reacting masses and convert to reacting masses by adding the units Theoretically, 32 tonnes of methanol should give 60 tonnes of ethanoic acid. Step 5 Scale to the quantities actually used If the theoretical yield of ethanoic acid 5 x tonnes, then mass of ethanoic acid 60 tonnes x tonnes mass of methanol 5 32 tonnes 5 8 tonnes So, the yield of ethanoic acid from 8 tonnes of methanol should be 8 tonnes 3 60 tonnes 5 15 tonnes 32 tonnes Percentage yield Worked example What is the percentage yield if 8 tonnes of methanol produces 14.7 tonnes of ethanoic acid? From the previous example: theoretical yield 5 15 tonnes actual yield 5 14.7 tonnes percentage actual yield yield 5 theoretical yield 3 100 14.7 tonnes 3 100 15 tonnes 5 5 98% The percentage yield is the percentage of the theoretical yield that is actually obtained. It is always less than 100%. H: Chemical quantities 249 Science Explanations Chemists use their knowledge of chemical reactions to plan and carry out the synthesis of new compounds. ow: You should kn thatthechemicalindustryprovidesusefulproductssuchasfood additives,fertilisers,dyestuffs,paints,pigments,and pharmaceuticals howchemistsuseindicatorsandpHmeterstodetectacidsand alkalisandtomeasurepH thatcommonalkalisincludethehydroxidesof sodium, potassium,andcalcium thattherearecharacteristicreactionsof acidswithmetals, metaloxides,metalhydroxides,andmetalcarbonatesthat producesalts howchemistsuseionictheorytoexplainwhyacidshavesimilar properties,andhowalkalisneutraliseacidstoformsalts thatsafetyprecautionsareimportantwhenworkingwith hazardouschemicalssuchascorrosiveacidsandalkalis howtofollowtherateof achangebymeasuringthe disappearanceof areactantortheformationof aproductand thentoanalysetheresultsgraphically thattheconcentrationsof reactants,theparticlesizeof solid reactants,thetemperature,andthepresenceof catalystsare factorsthataffecttheratesof reaction howcollisiontheorycanexplainwhychangingthe concentrationof reactants,ortheparticlesizeof solids,affects therateof areaction thatreactionsareexothermicif theygiveoutenergy,and endothermicif theytakeinenergy thatachemicalsynthesisinvolvesanumberof stagesanda rangeof practicaltechniques,whichareimportanttoachieving agoodyieldof apureproductinasafeway thatatitrationisaprocedurethatcanbeusedtocheckthe purityof chemicalsusedinsynthesis howtousethebalancedequationforareactiontoworkoutthe quantitiesof chemicalstouseinasynthesis,andtocalculatethe theoreticalyield. 250 1 ch oose the reaction 2 risk assessme nt 3 cal culate quantities n 4 carry out reactio ct rodu p e h t e t 5 separa ct ity rodu ur p e p h t 6 purify ck che d an ield 7 measure y r salt + wate neut ralisat ion balan ced eq uations titra tion results yield s naC i c fu en ul og gs hy s eg hy dr se id ge e n ion s s in io n s re a c t io n o lu t s ea r su em lu so ti o n ch e m ica l in du s tr un i rs a d l in ic a t le ac id i c ph 7 n e u tral ph 8–1 y 4 al m a t e ri als o ra w e m pig pr te c hniq ues al s pla nt s eva pora ting ur er ing filt dr yin g n at ro m sse s o cru d e il ls f y cr sta llis ing e ic a dis sol ving lae s nt li n ga ch arg es on ions o it i ve s em a gm n i t c rea u form ionic ka cts ch u m for fo dd da du es icin med drugs and la ma sse s f e r t il i s e r s d ye s ns o ati qu e c i ion or p h m e te r e ula for m rbo s alt + c a equations r e nt sca io nd fo ion CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS r ate in r ox ph 6 ls ve 1– ic a hy dro xides of na, K, and Ca is m ch id rox d y h em al hy d s to ide ti ph es ca rbo nates salt x o dr alk + h h r lo on w s alt t h e s is i + de a g k in sy n l s acid ta m oxides and cid ne u tra li s a ol me ntr en s yd ro g es a r ic q) Cl(a h , acid oric l h c o r d hy g as e li q u id co st a g ic te r rates th er m wa e n erg y f co ct o o end m ce area of solids surfa f o ct effe c at a l ys t s ic th er i m e xo llis changes co nc en io n solids eg citric acid e ffe te m p e r a t tr a y eor th o n lain p ex to t ure C6: ChemiCal SyntheSiS C6: ChemiCal SyntheSiS 251 Ideas about Science Scientistscanneverbesurethatameasurement tellsthemthetruevalueof thequantity being measured.Dataismorereliableif itcan be repeated.If youtakeseveralmeasurements of the samequantity,forexample,inatitration, the resultsarelikelytovary.Thismaybebecause: • thequantityyouaremeasuringisvarying,for example,thepurityof separatesolidsamplesof aproductmaynotbeuniform • therearevariationsinthejudgementof when theindicatorcolourcorrespondstotheendpoint,orof thepositionof ameniscus • therearelimitationsinthemeasuring equipment,suchasburettes. Usuallythebestestimateof thetruevalueof a quantityisthemean(oraverage)of severalrepeat measurements.Youshould: • beabletocalculatethemeanfromasetof repeatmeasurements • knowthatameasurementmaybeanoutlierif itlieswelloutsidetherangeof theothervalues inasetof repeatmeasurements • beabletogivereasonstoexplainwhyanoutlier shouldberetainedaspartof thedataor rejectedwhencalculatingthemean. Whencomparingsetsof titrationresultsyou shouldknowthat: • adifferencebetweentheirmeansisrealif their rangesdonotoverlap. Toinvestigatetherelationshipbetweenafactor andanoutcome,itisimportanttocontrolallthe otherfactorsthatmightaffecttheoutcome,such astemperatureandtheconcentrationsof other reactants.Wheninvestigatingtheratesof chemicalreactionsyoushouldbeableto: • identifytheoutcomeandfactorsthatmay affect it • suggesthowanoutcomemightalterwhena factorischanged. 252 Inaplanforaninvestigationof theeffectof a factoronanoutcome,youshould: • beabletoexplainwhyitisnecessarytocontrol allthefactorsthatmightaffecttheoutcome • recognizethatthefactthatotherfactorsare controlledisapositivedesignfeature,andthe factthattheyarenotisadesignflaw. If anoutcomeoccurswhenaspecificfactoris presentbutdoesnotwhenitisabsent,orif an outcomevariableincreases(ordecreases)steadily asaninputvariableincreases,wesaythatthereis acorrelationbetweenthetwo.Inthecontextof studyingreactionratesyoushould: • understandthatacorrelationshowsalink betweenafactorandanoutcome • beabletoidentifywhereacorrelationexists whendataispresentedastext,asagraph,orin atable • understandthatacorrelationdoesnotalways meanthatthefactorcausestheoutcome. • identifythatwherethereisamachanismto explainacorrelation,scientistsarelikelyto acceptthatthefactorcausestheoutcome. C6: ChemiCal SyntheSiS Review Questions 1 Astudentisdevelopinganewsportspack. Sheneedstofindtwochemicalsthatwillcool aninjurywhenmixedinsidethepack. a Shouldthereactionbeendothermicor exothermic? b Whichof theenergy-leveldiagramsbelow representsthereactionthatislikelyto coolinjuriesmoreeffectively? A 3 B products energy energy products reactants a Explainwhythechemistrepeatedthe titrationfourtimes. b Calculatethevolumeof alkaliaddedin run4. c Thechemistcalculatesthemeanof his titrationresults.Whydoeshedothis? d Suggesttherangewithinwhichthetrue valueprobablylies. Ateacheradds3gof zincgranulestodilute hydrochloricacidinaflask.Sheusesagas syringetomeasurethevolumeof hydrogen gasgivenoff. reactants Time (min) progress of reaction D reactants energy energy C progress of reaction products reactants products progress of reaction 2 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 0.1 0.1 25.0 21.9 25.2 25.0 50.0 46.9 25.1 24.9 25.0 reading(cm3) Finalburette reading(cm3) Volumeof acid added(cm3) 1 syringe (cm3) 32 2 56 3 74 4 87 5 95 6 95 progress of reaction Achemisttestedthepurityof asampleof tartaricacidbytitratingwithdilutesodium hydroxide.Thetableshowshisresults. Initialburette Volume of gas in a Drawalinegraphof theresults. b Calculatetheaveragerateof reaction betweenthreeandfourminutes,incm3 perminute. c Theteacherdecidestorepeatthe experimentwith3gof zincpowder.She keepsallotherfactorsthesame.Drawand labelalineonthegraphtoshowthe expectedresults.Usecollisiontheoryto explaintheeffectof thischange. d Explainwhyitwasimportantforthe teachertokeepallotherfactorsthesame. C6: ChemiCal SyntheSiS 253