Notice of Public Open House
Notice of Public Open House
Notice of Public Open House Proposed Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West The City of Quinte West is conducting an Environmental Assessment under the Environmental Assessmenf Acf to investigate the development of a municipal boating marina at the mouth of the Trent River and Bay of Quinte. A Public Open House Meeting is scheduled for: DATE: TIME; THURSDAY, 28TH JUNE,2012 4:00PM TILL 8.00PM LOCATION: COUNCILCHAMBERS CITY OF QUINTE WEST CITY HALL 7 CRESWELL DRIVE, TRENTON, ON The Public Open House will consist of an informal drop-in format, during the hours shown above. The Study: The City of Quinte West is undertaking a study under lhe Environnental Assessmenf Act to investigate alternative locations for the development of a municipal boating marina at the mouth of the Trent River and Bay of Quinte. The proposal would provide a strategically located public recreational facility that would enhance the City's waterfront lands, develop increased public waterfront access, and assist the local economy with respect to its diversity and success. The Process to Date: 0n March 27t ,2012, the Minister of the Environment approved the Terms of Reference for the City of Quinte West Marina, Environmental Assessment. The study will be canied out according to the approved Terms of Reference, and the requirements of the Environnental Assessmenf Acf. A fìrst Public Open House was held on May 30b, 2012, to present information on the existing environment within the project study area, and the evaluation criteria to be used in selecting a prefened alternative location and design. This Public Open House: This second Public Open House meeting for the Environmental Assessment, will present, and seek input on a range of possible alternative locations, within the study area, for the project. lnformation will also be presented on the technical evaluation of these alternatives, and their potential effects on the environment, using the defined evaluation criteria. A subsequent (third) Open House meeting will present the preferred solution, and marina design concepts for review and input. lt is intended that there will be three separate Public Open House events at significant project milestones, during this Environmental Assessment, Consultation: You are invited to attend this, and future Public Open Houses to review and comment on the information displayed, or the project in general. The study team of City staff and project consultants will be available to answer questions, and there will be opportunity for both verbal and written feedback. Your input is an important element of the Environmental Assessment planning process lf you would like to be added to our project mailing list, or have project related questions please contact: A N¡rt¡r¡l Attncton Brian Jardine, Manager of Planning Services City of Quinte West 7 Creswell Drive, P0 Box 490 Trenton, Ontario, K8V 5R6 613-392-2841 x4467 [email protected] The pro¡ect website can be located at (link: l/unicipal Marina / Waterfront Development) Under the Freedon of lnformation and Protection of Privacy Act and lhe Environnenfal,Assessmenf Acl unless otherwise stated in the submission, any peßonal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location ¡ncluded in a submission w¡ll become part of the public record fìles for this mafter and will be released, if requested, to any person. Page- I -'f 4I2A8 Terms: Date Required Jt ntt ll+!\ Purchase Order Number MUST Appear on ALL lnvoices/ Packing SlipsMork Orders A Natural Attraction THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF QUINTE WEST PURCHASE ORDER P.O. Box 490, Trenton, ON K?V 5R6 SHIP TO: SUPPLIER: Wtkxl *lA¿òiil€. TH€ tÊ€,,Lrc>,.Il+J flTTÚ '. Ltrn &:<¡¿tlø{ù l{i,n.lrco, o)row,-cl, @ 6un * -- cl ì a., <:ç.- t GÊ. {-e', ITEM Jonc-e. ôç Pat- 3€, ?oe r{*etA* o,Pøt- r-tq€rÑÉ ' EXTENSION UNIT PRICE I ö lg+ I - '/øwss VI *7 a{è."t 4 - X, Iãr.'\ 't /l pic.r,¡¡,r QUANTITY DESCRIPTION CODE I ÔII QuÊ*ñJ/\ié k4-lrc€,S (Please enter your Dept Name & Address) (Please enter Name & Address) F{qÂJrêi ñ nôI (l.rorn&,rs Special lnstructions W.S.l.B. Certificate of Clearance Req'd? Evidence of Liability Req'd? Yes No Sub Total tr tr tr tr H.S.T. Shipping / Freight TOTAL Other: { 6 'L3.q7 18+ Lov.qL **ANY GOODS OR WORK FOUND TO BE DEFECTIVE OR INFERIOR IN QUALITY WILL BE RETURNED AT SUPPLIER'S EXPENSE.** Name of Person Placing Order: Loutse Sn , tal J.r,*te Ll ,?PIL (you have been delegated author¡ty to do so) Date Order Placed Payment Authorization G/L Number(s) ro" COPIES: WHITE - I 53 Supplier . r 855 . CANARY - .+ooz .6ôto Dept Head ' PINK - Purchasing Notice of Public Open House Proposed Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West The City of Quinte West is conducting an Environmental Assessment under lhe EnvironmenfalAssessment Actto investigate the development of a municipal boating marina at the mouth of the Trent River and Bay of Quinte. A Public Open House Meeting is scheduled for: DATE: TIME: LOCATION: THURSDAY, 28TH JUNE, 2012 4:00PM TILL 8.00PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS C¡TY OF QUINTE WEST CITY HALL 7 CRESWELL DRIVE, TRENTON, ON The Public Open House wíll consist of an informal drop-in format, during the hours shown above. + The Study The City of Quinte West is undertaking a study under the Environmental , ssessmenf Acf to investigate alternative locations for the development of a municipal boating marina at the mouth of the Trent River and Bay of Quinte. The proposal would provide a strategically located public recreational facility that would enhance the City's waterfront lands, develop increased public waterfront access, and assist the local economy with respect to its diversity and success. The Process to Date: On March 27th,2012, the Minister of the Environment approved the Terms of Reference for the City of Quinte West Marina, Environmental Assessment. The study will be carried out according to the approved Terms of Reference, and the requirements of the Environmental Ássessment Acf. A fìrst Public Open House was held on May 30th, 2012, to present information on the existing environment within the project study area, and the evaluation criteria to be used in selecting a preferred alternative location and design. This Public Open House: This second Public Open House meeting for the Environmental Assessment, will present, and seek input on a range of possible alternative locations, within the study area, for the project. lnformation will also be presented on the technical evaluation of these alternatives, and theirpotentialeffects on the environment, using the def ned evaluation criteria. A subsequent (third) Open House meeting will present the prefened solution, and marina design concepts for review and input, lt is intended that there will be three separate Public Open House events at significant project milestones, during this Environmental Assessment. Consultation: You are invited to attend this, and future Public Open Houses to review and comment on the information displayed, or the project in general. The study team of City staff and project consultants will be available to answer questions, and there will be opportunity for both verbal and written feedback. Your input is an important element of the Environmental Assessment planning process lf you would like to be added to our project mailing list, or have project related questions please contact: À N¡rur¡l Artr¡cticn Brian Jardine, Manager of Planning Services City of Quinte West 7 Creswell Drive, PO Box 490 Trenton, Ontario, K8V 5R6 613-392-2841 x4467 briani (0qui The project website can be located at (link: Munícipal Marina / Waterfront Development) Under the Freedom of lnformation and Protection of Privacy Act and lhe Environmenfal Assessmenf Acf, unless othen¡vise stated in the nage { c¡f 41209 Terms: Date Required: Purchase Order Number MUST Appear on ALL lnvoices/ Packing Slipsffork Orders 5**t¿ l+ A Natural Attraction THE CORPORATTON OF THE CITY OF QUINTE WEST PURCHASE ORDER P.O. Box 490, Trenton, ON KÙV 5R6 SHIP TO SUPPLIER: Tne Ç-mC \ Pr-e*¿¡ b&,xt JP¿o,"l€ A+t ', ?ereR Ðene(S 6ø -4aÇ - 2Ãa+ x Øt (Ptease enter Name & Address) paent=rs ITEM ¿4a"1 @ *trteew'C ' <'a- H ur.-t ¡ C¿ P+r- F4*€r r,J Ê ,tu.. in Õn TTu 'rsdo--¿, 45t.44 . 4 *ø B 45t -¿t4 øI rf\ 'r t/ l. ryre- l+ Special lnstructions: Yes No Sub Total n tr tr H.S.T. W.S.l.B. Certif¡cate of Clearance Req'd? tr Evidence of Liability Req'd? EXTENSION UNIT PRICE QUANTITY u-g ñorr¿¿ ôF Op¿* Ju*JÉ 28, ht| tns<*r* ân 0*rr.t tuQae {lnratnl* (Please enter your Dept Name & Address) DESCRIPTION CODE rnla å 0etr 45(.M_ 68-ê6 Shipping / Freight TOTAL Other: & 5iô.t3 **ANY GOODS OR WORK FOUND TO BE DEFECTIVE OR INFERIOR IN QUALITY WILL BE RETURNED AT SUPPLIER'S EXPENSE.** Name of Person Placing Order: (you have been delegated authority to do so) 6t3- 31a- AU"t f.^"le Il,2P(Z Date Order Placed: Payment Authorization Løcci5e Çn,*t : tô. t+5 G/L Number(s) COPIES: WHITE - Supplier t CANARY t 55 . \ÕoL. - Dept Head ' PINK - dota Purchasing t ++1a Notice of Public OPen House Proposed Municipal Marina, City of Ouinte West The City of Quinte West is conducting an EnvironmentalAssessment under The EnvironmentalAssessment lcf to investigate the development of a municipal boating marina at the mouth of the Trent River and Bay of Ouinte. A Public Open House Meeting is scheduled DATE: for: ' THURSDAY,28TH JUNE' 2012 TIME: 4:00PM T¡LL 8.00PM L0CATION: COUNCILCHAMBERS CITY OF QUINTE WEST CITY HALL 7 CRESWELL DRIVE, TRENTON, ON will consist of an informaldrop-in format, during the hours shown above. The Public Open House The Study: The City of Quinte West is undertaking a study under the Environmental Assessment Act to investigate alternative locations for the development of a municipal boating marina at the mouth of the Trent River and Bay of Quinte. The proposal would provide a strategically located public recreational facility that would enhance the City's waterfront lands, develop increased public waterfront access, and assist the local economy with respect to its diversity and success. The Process to Date: 0n March 271n,2012, the Minister of the Environment approved the Terms of Reference for the City of Quinte West Marina, EnvironmentalAssessment. The study will be carried out according to the approved Terms of Reference, and the requirements of the EnvÌronmental Assessment Act. A first Public 0pen House was held on May 30th,2012, to present information on the existing environmentwithin the projectstudy area, and the evaluation criteria to be used in selecting a preferred alternative location and design. This Public Open House: This second Public Qpen House meeting for the Environmental Assessment, will present, and seek input 0n a range of possible alternative locations, within the study area, for the project. lnformation will also be presented on the technical evaluation of these alternatives, and their potential etfects on the environment, using the defined evaluation criteria. A subsequent (third) 0pen House meeting will present the preferred solution, and marina design concepts for review and input. lt is intended that there will be three separate Public 0pen House events at significant project milestones, during this Envi ron mental Assessment. Consultation: to attend this, and future Public Open Houses to review and comment on the information displayed, or the project in general. The study team of City staff and project consultants will be available to answer questions, and there will be opportunity for both verbal and written feedback. Your input is an important element of the Environmental Assessment planning process You are invited lf you would like to be added to our project mailing list, or have project related questions please contact: -_ '::1i! --:::: a<'- i ¡' .. ,. 'jir ..-'t'ì" Brian Jardine, Manager of Planning Services !i t'. (Jtri¡rttù\r'.r-,,'l " '-.-..-=r¡þ, 11, -.1':' f.l,ti,r, ;ri Ail¡,li-t-ii--\í l City of Quinte West r 7 Creswell Drive, P0 Box 490,Trenton, 0ntario, KBV 5R6 613-392-2841 x4467 N N [email protected] É The project website can be located at (link: Municipal Marina / Waterfront Development) Under the Freedom of lnformation and Protection of Pr¡vacy Act and the Environmental Assessment Act, unless othenruise stated tn the subm ssr0n any personal nformation such dù name add rCSS, telephone n UM ber and property location inclu ded n a SU bmission will released tf requested to any pers0n b ec0me part of the public rec0 rd f¡ CS for this matter and will o P.O. Box 490 7 Creswell Drive Trenton, Ontario KBV sRo Telephone: A Natural Attraction (61 3) 392-2841 Fax: (613) 392-7151 TTY: (613) 965-6849 [email protected] Brian Jardine, M. Sc', MCIP, RPP Manager, Planning Services Planninq & Development Services June 14t^,2012 Dear Sir, Madam Re: Notice of Public OPen House: Proposed Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West The city of Quinte west is undertaking an lndividual Environmental Assessment, under the at development marina boating Environmenfal Asses sment Act, for the purpose of a proposed municipal the lower reaches of the Trent River, and entry to the Bay of Quinte. of the The City formally submitted the Terms of Reference for the proposed project, to the Ministry Minister of the Environment on November 18, 2011. Following public and agency consultation, the on April 13, City the by received was which Environment issued an approvàl on the Terms oiReference Marina / Municipal ZO1Z. The approved Teims of Reference can be reviewed at mailed a copy have to Waterfront Development project, or alternatively, please contact the undersigned Terms of or emailed. The Environmental Assessment stu-dy'will be carried out according to the approved Reference and the requirements of the Environmenfal Assessment Act' A Notice of Commencement has been posted on the City website and was advertised in the Trentonian and EMC newspapers on May 171^,2012. Thursday The second public Open House event for this Environmental Assessment is scheduled for 28th June, 2012 (A.OOpm - 8.00pm), at City Hall, Trenton (Notice attached)' input on the This second public Open House for the Environmental Assessment will present and seek for the project, locations possible alternative screening process ,nd"rtak"n to determine a range of alternatives, of these evaluation *itn¡n tnã stuoy area. lnformation will also be presenled on the technical contained within and their poteñtiàt effects on the environmeni, using the defined evaluation criteria, as the approved Terms of Reference. concepts A subsequent (third) open House meeting will present a preferred solution and marina design for review and inPut. public or agency The Open House will be run as an informal drop-in session where members of the surveys and input contacts can review information panels, talk with project staff and complete questionnaires. you have been added to our project contact list due to your previous statement of interest, or having from the been defined as having a potential interest in the project. Should you wish to be removed lf it is accordingly. project list contact contact list, please inform the undersigned, and we will ämend our contact to please hesitate not do felt that a specific meeting with the pioject team would be beneficial, myself to arrange. Notice of Public Open House Proposed Municipal Marina, Citv of Quinte West Pase 2 Please contact the undersigned should additional information or clarification on the proposed undertaking, the information to be presented at the Public Open House, or the Environmental Assessment, be required. Alternatively, please visit the project webpage at / Municipal Marina Waterfront Development Project. Sincerely, Brian Jardine, M.Sc. MCIP, RPP Manager of Planning Services City of Quinte West BJ:clb Attachment: Notice of Public Open House: June 28, 2012 City of Belleville 169 Front Street Belleville, 0N K8N 2Y8 Municipality of Brighton Box 189 35 Alice Street Brighton, 0N KOK 1H0 Barry Braun, Commissioner of Recreation, Parks and Culture Municipality of Prince Edward County 332 Main Street Brian McComb, Director of Planning & Development County of Hastings PO Box 4400 235 Pinnacle Street Belleville, ON K8N 349 Picton,0N KOK 1H0 Clerk County of Northumberland 555 Courthouse Road Cobourg, 0N KgA sJo Trenval Business Development Corporation 284-8 Wallbridge Loyalist Road Belleville, ON K8N 583 Suzanne Andrews, Manager Quinte West Chamber of Commerce 97 Front Street Trenton, ON K8V 4N6 Chris King, Economic Development Mgr. Quinte Economic Development Corporation P0 Box 610 284-8 Wallbridge Loyalist Road Belleville, ON K8N 583 Ontario Marine Operators Association 15 Laurier Road Penetanguishene, ON LgM 1G8 Anne Anderson Bay of Quinte Remedian Action Plan 714 Murray Street Lucille Fragomeni Bay of Quinte Source Water Protection 2061 Old Highway 2 RR#1 RR#2 Trenton, 0N K8V 5P4 Belleville, ON K8V 5P4 Ducks Unlimited 740 Huronia Road Unit 1 Royal Haskoning Enhancing Society Stratus House Emperor Way Exeter, ON EX1 3Q3 Barrie, ON L4N 6C6 Ken Kroeker Seaco Marine Dock Systems PO Box 374 165 Oakland Road Oak Bluff, Manitoba ROG 1N0 R & J Machine 8th Line of Smith Lakefiled, 0N KOL 2H0 Andrew Gibbs Bellingham Marine 1813 Dennis Street Jacksonville, Florida, USA 32204 Serge Bourqe Radisson Design Maritime Docks 44 Seeleys Cove Road Pennfield, New Brunswick E5H 2E4 Dana Valentyne Town of Deseronto 331 Main Street Tom Postma 109 Hood Lane PO Box 310 Deseronto, ON KOK 1X0 Frankford, ON KOK 2C0 RR#3 MichaelStortini 76 Fraser Drive Batawa,0N KOK 1E0 Graham Potter PO Box 866 Frankford, ON KOK 2C0 PO Box 915 Frankford, ON KOK 2C0 Fred Alyea RR#2 Carrying Place, ON KOK 110 Caroline Sopha-Tobin 88 Queen Street Apt. #3 Trenton, ON K8V 4Xg Scott Anderson 677 County Road 64 Brighton, ON KOK 1H0 Frances Luginas Christine Jaussou 20 Fourth Avenue #113 PO Box 635 41 Trentside Lane Trenton, 0N K8V 5N3 Frankford, ON KOK 2C0 Alisha Morgan Gilles Morin R.A. Hughes 98 Hutchinson Road Trenton, 0N K8V 5P7 456 Nichols Road Trenton, ON K8V 5P7 George Robinson I Miron Road Trenton, ON K8V 5H8 Ozzie Bell 1237 Glen Miller Road RR#2 Trenton, ON KOK 2C0 Greg Mepham 31 Keagan, #14 Belleville, ON K8N 5N7 Don Tobin 35 Ramsay Avenue Trenton, ON K8V 2P6 Helena & CarlCrews 324 Broateh Road RR#3 Trenton, 0N K8V 5P6 Ken Wheeler 35 Settlers Landing Drive RR#2 Belleville, ON K8N 422 Kevin Brown 57 Roseland Drive Carrying Place, ON KOK 110 Brian Weese 89 Turncliffe Road RR#1 Trenton, ON K8V 5P4 Dow & Lynne Lake 136 Bernard Long Road Trenton, ON KBV 5P6 John Harris 98 Henry Street Trenton, ON K8V 3T7 Charles Brown 256 Glen Miller Road Trenton, 0N K8V sPB R.C, Foley Art Crews 258 Glen Ross Road Frankford, ON KOK 2C0 82 Stockdale Road RR#3 Trenton, ON K8V 5P6 David Shoniker 35 Shoniker Avenue Trenton, ON K8V 5T1 Linda Murphy 102 Spring Street Trenton, 0N K8V 321 Ray & Lynne LaRue 369 Lester Road Mike Webster 468 Montrose Road Belleville, ON KBR 183 RR#5 Trenton, ON K8V 5PB Ray & Janet Webb 97 Carter Road RR#2 Carrying Place, ON KOK 110 Gordon Arnott 66 Belleville Street Frankford, ON KOK 2C0 Willard & Marlene CohasseY 14 Drumlin Road Carolyn & Richard Hughes RR#2 Brighton,0N KOK 1H0 RR#4 Frankford, ON KOK 2C0 Brenda lngram 276 Colonial Road Belleville, ON K8R 1Bg Frank Geyer 116 Marsh Street Frankford, ON KOK 2C0 Jerry Sprenkels Don Hoskin RR#2 24 Fairview Crescent Trenton, ON K8V 5M2 Carrying Place, ON KOK 110 Grace Stuart 1066 Smith Street East Brighton,0N KOK 1H0 Eldon Burchart 12 First Road, RRlf4 Trenton, 0N K8V 5P7 Alex & Anna Tinga Andrew Evans 17 Marmora Street Trenton, ON K8V 2H4 Doug & Roger Carep 664 2nd Dug Hill Road Trenton, ON K8V 5P4 Northumberland Boulevard Trenton, ON K8V 615 Carley Koomans 610 Aikens Road Belleville, ON K8N 422 Sally Tripp 168 MacLellan Avenue Trenton, ON K8V 5J2 41 Dundas Street West Trenton, ON K8V 5P7 Matt Miller 22Pine Marsh Lane Trenton, ON K8V 045 240 McGill Street Trenton, ON K8V 5P2 1 I Ken Kee 13 First Road RR#4 Trenton, 0N K8V 5P7 Henny Bergveld 477 Wallbridge Road RR#5 Belleville,0N K8N 425 Kingston Marina 53 Yonge Street Kingston, 0N K7M 6G4 Bay Marina 516 Highway 2 East PO Box 632 Trenton, 0N K8V 5W6 Jim Millar, Director of Parks & Rec Gospak Municipal Docks 35 Alice Street, PO BOX 189 Brighton,0N KOK 1H0 PaulWhitley Bob Mítts Joe Hunter 13 First Road RR#4 Trenton, ON K8V 5P7 Ron & Ruth Trumble 12 McAuley Drive Trenton, ON K8V 4Cg Kingston Marina 349 Wellington Street Kingston, ON K7K 6N7 Fraser Park Marina 1 Fraser Drive Trenton, ON K8V 5W6 Harborview Marina 5 Bay Street West Brighton, 0N KOK 1H0 Stoneburg Cove Marina 59 Carter Road Carrying Place, ON KOK 110 Picton Marina 1 Head Street Picton, ON KOK 2T0 Tip of the Bay Marina 35 Bridge Street Picton, ON KOK 2T0 Deseronto Marina 354 Water Street Deseronto, ON KOK 1X0 Meyers Pier Marina 1 Front Street Belleville, 0N K8N 2Y8 Victoria Park Marina 86 South Front Street Belleville,0N K8N 141 Belle Harbor Marina 25 Dundas Street West Belleville, ON K8P 3H7 Jim Stanley, Commander Stillwater Basin Marina 9 Wilkie Street Belleville, ON K8P 4E4 Peggy O'Brien, Secretary on Yacht Club Suite 59, Box 1000 STN Forces Astra, ON KOK 3W0 Bay of Quinte Yacht Club POBox22171 Belleville, ON K8N 5V7 Collins Bay Yacht Club P0 Box 20060 767 Bayridge Drive Kingston, ON K7P 2V3 Prince Edward Yacht Club 30 Fiarfield Street Picton, ON KOK 2T0 Quinte Rowing Club 35 Keegan Parkway Belleville,0N K8N 5R1 CFB Trenton Yacht Club Suite 59, Box 1000 STN Forces Astra, ON KOK 3W0 Pesqu'ile Yacht Club PO Box 661 Brighton, ON KOK 1H0 Cobourg Yacht Club PO Box 561 Cobourg, ON KgA 413 Kingston Yacht Club 1 Maitland Street Kingston, ON K7L 2V3 Deseronto Yacht Club 24 Yacht Club Lane Deseronto, ON KOK 1X0 Belleville & District Fish & Game Club 170 Elmwood Drive Belleville, 0N K8N 424 Quinte West Marina Project EA Master Consultation List: (updated on June 18,20121 AGENCY / MINISTRY Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (Regional) Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Litigation Team Leader Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Glaims Analyst, Ontario Team Specific Glaims Branch Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Ganada Environment Ganada Contact: Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 22nd Floor, Place Bell 160 Elgin Street Ottawa, ON, K1A 0H3 Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 55 St. Clair Avenue East, Room 907 Toronto, ON, M4T 1M2 Dave Bell, Project Manager Dave. [email protected]. ca 416-952-1574 Environmental Unit 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th Floor Toronto, ON, M4T 1M2 Corev Dekker, CAU-UCA@ainc-inac. qc Litigation Team Leader for Ontario Litigation Management and Resolutions Branch 10 Wellington Street Gatineau, QC, K1A 0H4 Mr. Mark-Andrè Millaire, Litigation Team Leader for Ontario 1-819-994-1947 F: 1-819-953-1 139 Claims Analyst, Ontario Team Specific Claims Branch 1310 - 10 Wellington Street Gatineau, QC, K1A 0H4 Ms. Janet Townson, Claims Analyst Mr. Sean Darcy, Assessment & Historical Research 1-819-953-4667 F: 1-819-997-9873 Office for the Federal lnterlocutor for Metis and non-status lndians 66 Slater Street, Room 1218 Ottawa, ON, K1A 0H4 Jeffrev Betker Environment Canada Environmental Assessment Section, Operations Division, Ontario 867 Lakeshore Road Burlington, ON, L7R 446 Sheila Allen, Anne Borgmann Ann. [email protected]. ca 905-336-6274 Page { of 14 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Note: Transferred contact to Peterborough Office - Department of Fisheries and Oceans below. Fisheries and Oceans Canada Note: Transferred contact to Peterborough Office - Department of Fisheries and Oceans below. Department of Fisheries and Oceans Health Canada Transport Ganada Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs Ministry of Culture and Tourism Ministry of Tourism and Culture Ministry of Economic Development and Trade Fisheries and Oceans Canada Communications Branch 200 Kent Street 13th Floor, Station 138228 Ottawa, ON, K1A 0E6 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Central and Arctic 520 Exmouth Street Sarnia, ON, N7T 881 Department of Fisheries and Oceans 501 Towerhill Road - Unit 102 Peterborough, ON, KgH 7S3 Christopher Strand, Fish Habitat Biologist chris. strand@dfo-m po. oc. ca 1-705-750-4013 Health Canada Environmental Assessment Division 99 Metcalfe Street, 11th Floor Address Locator: 4111A Ottawa, ON, K1A OKg Transport Canada Environmental Affairs, Program Branch 4900 Yonge Street, Suite 300 Toronto, ON, M2N 645 Monique Mousseau [email protected] Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs Consultation Unit 160 Bloor Street east, 9th Floor Toronto, ON, M7A 2E6 Ashley Johnson Ash lev. Johnson @ontario. ca Culture Service Unit 401 Bay Street, Suite 1700 Toronto, ON, M7A 047 Katherine Kirzati Katheri ne. kirzati@ontario. ca Ministry of Tourism and Culture 300 Water Street, South Tower, 2nd Floor Peterborough, ON, KgJ 8M5 Beverley Quirt, Tourism lndustry Advisor Beverlev. Qu irt@ontario. ca 705-755-2624 Ministry of Economic Development and Trade Economic Development Division Hearst Block 900 Bay Street, 7th Floor Toronto, ON, M7A 2E1 Page 2 ol '14 Ministry of MunicipalAffairs and Housing Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Ministry of the Environment Ministry of the Environment Ministry of MunicipalAffairs and Housing Eastern Service Area Rockwood House 8 Estate Lane Kingston, ON, K7M 948 Andrea Gummo [email protected] Municipal Advisor Municipal Services Office - East Rockwood House I Estate Lane Kingston, ON, K7M 948 Kent Fitzhugh Kent.Fitzhuqh@onta Ministry of the Environment Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch 2 St. Clair Avenue West, Floor 124 Toronto, ON, M4V 1L5 Gavin Battarino, Project Officer Gavin. Battarino@ontario. ca 416-314-8214 Ministry of the Environment Peterboroug h District Office 300 Water Street, Robinson Place Peterborough, ON, KgJ 8M5 Gary Muloin Garv. Mu loin(@ontario. ca Ministry of Natural Resources Ministry of Natural Resources Ministry of Transportation Declined Further lnvolvement 4 Jan 2011 705-755-4300 Ministry of Natural Resources P.O. Box 7000 300 Water Street 4th Floor, South Tower Peterborough, ON, KgJ 8M5 Margaret Berube Marqaret. Berube@ontario. ca Ministry of Natural Resources P.O. Box 7000 300 Water Street 4th Floor, South Tower Peterborough, ON, KgJ 8M5 Senior Lands Technician [email protected] J ulie. reeder@ontario. ca Ministry of Transportation Eastern Region, Pott Hope Office 138 Hope Street North Port Hope, ON, L1A 2P1 Page 3 of 14 Ministry of Transportation Declined Further lnvolvement 4 Jan 2011 Parks Ganada National Defense Public Affairs Office Hydro One Networks lnc. Lower Trent Conservation Authority Ganada Border Services Agency Ministry of Transportation Corridor Services Postal Bag 3000 355 Counter Street Kingston, ON, K7L 5A3 Stacy Sweezey, Corridor Management Planner Eastern Region, MTO Stacv. Sweezev@ontario. ca 613-545-4865 Parks Canada Trent Severn Watenruay P.O. Box 567 2155 Ashburnham Drive Peterborough, ON, KgJ 626 Dawn Bronson, Superintendent, Central Ontarío Field Unit dawn. bronson(@pc.oc. ca 705-750-4900 Joseph Shepard Building 4900 Yonge Street, 6th Floor Toronto. ON. M2N 687 Hydro One Networks lnc. Real Estate Services Land Use Planning P.O. Box 4300 Markham, ON, L3R 525 Lower Trent Conservation Authority 714 Murray Street R.R. # 1, Trenton, ON, K8V 5P4 Mike Lovejoy m ike. loveiov(Oltc. on. ca 613-394-3915 X211 Mark Pergunas, Assistant Chief Ma rk. perq u nas(Acbsa-astc. q c. ca Susan Sirvio, Superintendent S usa n. s rvi o(@cbsa-asfc. o c. ca Waterway Heritage Richard Scott Richard. [email protected]. ca i Parks Ganada Page 4 of 14 Alderville First Nation Hiawatha First Nation Métis Nation of Ontario Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Gurve Lake First Nation Mississaugas of Scugog lsland Kawartha Nishnawbe First Nation Alderville First Nation P,O. Box 46 11696 Second Line Roseneath, ON, KOK 2X0 Chief James R. Marsden, and Dave Simpson [email protected] dsi m pson@aldervillefirstnation. ca 1-905-352-2662 1-905-352-2011 F: 1-905-352-3242 Hiawatha First Nation 123 Paudash Street R.R. # 2 Keene, ON, KOL 2G0 Chief Laurie Carr Donald Douglas Paudash (Councillor) [email protected] 1-705-295-4421 F: 1-705-295-4424 Métis Nation of Ontario 500 Old St. Patrick Street, Unit 3 Ottawa, ON, K1N 9G4 Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte R.R. # 1 13 Old York Road Ðeseronto, ON, KOK 1X0 Chief R. Donald Miracle [email protected] 1 -61 3-396-3424 Ext. 121 F: 1-613-396-3627 Curve Lake First Nation 22 Winookeeda Road Curve Lake, ON, KOL 1R0 Chief Keith Knott chief@curvelakefn. com executivesecretary@curvelake. com 1-705-657-8045 F: 1-705-657-8708 Mississaugas of Scugog lsland 22521 lsland Road Port Perry, ON, LgL 186 Chief Tracy Gauthier Tqauthier@scuooqfirstnation. com 1-905-985-3337 F: 1-905-985-8828 Kawartha Nishnawbe First Nation P.O. Box 1432 Lakefield, ON, KOL 2H0 Chief Kris Nahrgang 1-705-654-4661 Page 5 of 14 Williams Treaty First Nations 6 O-Gema Street, Christian lsland, ON, LOK 1C0 Karry Sandy, Process Coordinator Page 6 of 14 I Gity of Belleville Municipality of Brighton Municipality of Prince Edward Gounty Contact City of Belleville 169 Front Street Belleville, ON, K8N 2Y8 c Clerk Municipality of Brighton Box 189 35 Alice Street Brighton, ON, KOK 1H0 Clerk Muni The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward 332 Main Street Picton, ON, KOK 2T0 Municipal Clerk Barry Braun, Commissioner of Recreation, Parks and Culture bbrau n(@oecou ntv. on. ca Gounty of Hastings 613-476-2148 X 427 County of Hastings P.O. Box 4400 235 Pinnacle Street Belleville, ON, K8N 3Ag Clerk Brian McComb, Director of Planning !€ygþprnen!County of Northumberland 555 Courthouse Road Cobourg, ON, KgA 5Jo Clerk Quinte West Chamber of Commerce 97 Front Street Trenton, ON, KBV 4N6 Suzanne Andrews, Manager Trenval Business DeveloPment Corp. 284-8 Wallbridge Loyalist Road Belleville, ON, K8N 583 Quinte Economic DeveloPment Corp P.O. Box 610 284-8 Wallbridge Loyalist Road Belleville, ON, KBN 583 Mgr Chris King, Economic Develo Ontario Marine Operators Ass ociation 15 Laurier Road Penetanguishene, ON, LgM 1G8 Quinte West Tourism P.O. Box 490 7 Creswell Drive Trenton, ON, K8V 5R6 Jennifer Rushlow, Coordinator t County of Northumberland Quinte West Chamber of Gommerce Trenval Business Development Gorp. Quinte Economic Development Corp. Ontario Marine Operators Association Quinte West Tourism PageT of14 Bay of Quinte RemedialAction Plan c/o Lower Trent Conservation Authority 714 Murray Street R.R. # 1 Trenton, ON, K8V 5P4 Anne Anderson anne. anderson@ltc. 613-394-3915 X219 Lucille Fraqomeni. Source Water Protection Ducks Unlimited 740 Huronia Road - Unit 1 Barrie, ON, L4N 6Co Stratus House Emperor Way Exeter, UK EX1 3QS Jason Lau [email protected] P.O. Box 374 165 Oakland Road Oak Bluff, Manitoba ROG 1N0 Ken Kroeker [email protected] 8th Line of Smith Lakefield, ON KOL 2H0 Tel: (705) 652-6731 or 1-800-461 -7638 Fax: (705) 652-6412 [email protected] 44 Seeleys Cove Road Pennfield N.B. Canada E5H 284 Phone: 506-755-2331 ; Toll Free: 1-800-361-3625 Fax: 506-755-2336 Serge Bourque Serqe [email protected] 1813 Dennis Street Jacksonville, Florida 32204 USA Andrew Gibbs aq bbs(A be no ha m-m a rine. com Sienna Bass [email protected] 331 Main Street P.O. Box 310 Deseronto, ON KOK 1X0 Tel: 613-396-2440 Dana Valentyne Economic Development Officer dvalentvne@deseronto. ca Bay of Quinte Remedial Action Plan Ducks Unlimited Royal Haskoning Enhancing Society Techno Marine Seaco Marine Dock Systems R& J Machine Radisson Design Maritime Docks Bellingham Marine i Meta-For lnc. (Formulu Marine System) Town of Deseronto Page I of 14 I Ii Tom Postma 109 Hood Lane Frankford, ON KOK 2C0 Michael (aka) Guido Stortini 76 Fraser Dirve Batawa, ON KOK 180 Ove Anderson Wayne Gaudall (Trenton Yacht Glub) Graham Potter Alisha Morgan Fred Alyen Garoline Sopha-Tobin Scott Anderson Frances Luginas Ghristine Jaussou Gilles Morin Rick Tinga Trevor Minnie Sarqe4 11 P.O. Box 866 Frankford oN KoK 2C0 P.O. Box 915 Frankford oN KoK 2C0 RR#2 Carrvins Place, ON KOK 110 88 Queen Street, APt. 3 Trenton ON K8V 4X9 677 County Road 64 Bri hto ON KOK 1HO 20 Fourth Avenue, #1 13 Trento ON K8V 5N3 P.O. Box 635 41 Trentside Lane Frankford oN KoK 2C0 98 Hutchinson Road Trenton, ON KBV 5P7 61 3-965-1 060 38 Linden Boulevard ? George Robinson Greg Mepham Ozzie Bell Don Tobin Thang Tran Helena and Garl Crews Ken Wheeler I Miron Road Trenton ON K8V 5H8 31Keagan,#14 Belleville, ON K8N 5N7 1237 Glen Miller Road RR#2 Frankford, ON KOK 2C0 35 Ramsay Avenue Trenton ON KBV 2Po [email protected] 324 Broateh Road RR#3 ïrento ON K8V 5P6 35 Settlers Landing Drive RR#2 Page 9 of {4 Belleville, ON K8N 422 82 Stockdale Road RR#3 Trenton, ON K8V 5P6 R. G. Foley G. Legato RR#1 Trenton, ON K8V 5P4 57 Roseland Drive Carrvino Place. ON KOK 1L0 98 Henry Street Trenton ON 35 Shoniker Avenue Trenton, ON Rob [email protected] 89 Turncliffe Road Kevin Brown Wayne Scaletta John Harris David Shoniker Rob Devries Brian Weese RR#1 Trenton, ON K8V 5P4 montroseinn@sympatico. ca 136 Bernard Long Road Trenton, ON 369 Lester Road RR#5 Trenton, ON K8V 5P8 109 Hood Lane Trenton, ON 256 Glen Miller Road Trenton, ON 97 Carter Road RR#2 Carryinq Place, ON 258 Glen Ross Road Frankford, ON 14 Drumlin Road RR#2 Frankford. ON [email protected] Wayne Campbell Dow & Lynn Lake Ray & Lynne LaRue Tom Pam Charles Brown Ray & Janet Webb Art Crews Willard & Marlen Cohassey Peter George Brenda lngram 276 Colonial Road Belleville, ON K8R 189 102 Spring Street Trenton, ON KBV 321 24 Fairview Crescent Trenton, ON K8V 5M2 468 Montrose Road Trenton, ON Linda Murphy Don Hoskin Mike Webster Page l0 of 14 Gordon Arnott 66 Belleville Street Frankford, ON KOK 2C0 Jerry Sprenkels RR#2 Carrving Place, ON ceiansson@qmaiLcom kqensvl( 456 Nichole Road RR#7 Briqhton, ON KOK 1H0 1066 Smith Street East Trenton, ON Christine Jansson G.W. King Garolyn & Richard Hughes Grace Stuart Glenn Kozak Eldon Burchart 5 Eco Crescent Trenton, ON Karen Whitley Sylvie Ranger-Fernandes Dave Fairfield Mike Sale Andrew Brown Brad Graham Frank Geyer KwhitO16@smail-com [email protected] davefai rf ie ld @ti m epl u s. ca [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 116 March Street Frankford, ON Fred Blair Jamu Fellows Andrew Kotsovos Greg Southone Tom Alexander Andrew Evans cfredblair@xplornet. Alex & Anna Tinga Doug & Roger Garep Sally Tripp Garley Koomans Matt Miller PaulWhitley a kots ovps@þ¡nags oS-Ga [email protected]ïçe=qa 17 Marmora Street Trenton, ON K8V 2H4 1 9 Northumberland Boulevard Trenton, ON K8V 615 664 znd Dug Hill Road Trenton, ON 168 MacLellan Avenue Trenton, ON K8V 5J2 RR#2 Trenton, ON 22Pine March Lane Trenton, ON 41 Dundas Street West Trenton, ON Page 11 of 14 Howard Garrod Bob Mitts Ken Kee Joe Hunter Henry Bergvela Ron & Ruth Trumble Kingston Marina Kingston Marina Bay Marina Fraser Park Marina Gospak Municipal Docks Harborview Marina Stoneburg Gove Marina Wellington Marina Picton Marina and Harbour Tip of the Bay Marina Deseronto Marina Meyers Pier Marina howardqarrod@hotmai l. com 240 McGill Street Trenton, ON K8V 5P2 11 Osprey Lane Trenton, ON K8V 5P2 7 Osprey Lane Trenton, ON K8V 5P2 477 \Nallbride Road RR#5 Belleville, ON K8N 425 12 McAuley Drive Trenton, ON 53 Yonge Street Kinqston. ON K7M 6G4 349 Wellington Street Kinqston, ON K7K 6N7 516 Highway 2East P.O. Box 632 Trenton, ON K8V 5W6 c/o Sandra Carter 31 Manor Crescent Trenton, ON KBV 326 c/o Jim Millar, Director of Parks and Rec Municipality of Brighton 35 Alice Street P.O. Box 189 Briqhton, ON KOK 1H0 5 Bay Street West Briqhton, ON KOK I H0 59 Carter Road Carrvinq Place. ON KOK 1L0 info@wel linqtonm arina. ca c/o The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward 332 Main Street Picton, ON KOK 2T0 35 Bridge Street Picton. ON c/o Town of Deseronto Municipal Offices 331 Main Street, P.O. Box 310 Deseronto, ON KOK 1X0 1 South Front Street Belleville, ON K8N 2Y8 Page 12 oÍ 14 Victoria Park Harbour c/o Cobourg Marina 22 King Street East Cobours, ON KgA 1K7 25 Dundas Street West Belleville ON K8P 3M7 9 Wilkie Street Belleville, ON K8P 484 Suite 59, Box 1000 STN Forces Astra, ON KOK 3W0 Jim Stanley, Commander [email protected] Peggy O'Brien, Secretary [email protected] Wayne Curdall Sarqe4 1l @xplornet. com P.O. Box 661 Brishton, ON KOK 1H0 P.O. Box 22171 Belleville, ON K8N 5V7 P.O. Box 561 Cobours, ON KgA 413 P.O. Box 20060 767 Bayridge Drive Kinoston, ON K7P 2P1 1 Maitland Street Kinqston, ON K7L 2V3 30 Fairfield Street Picton, ON KOK 2T0 24Yacht Club Lane Deseronto, ON 35 Keegan Parkway Belleville, ON K8N 5R1 170 Elmwood Drive Belleville, ON KBN 424 Belle Harbor Marina Ltd. Stillwater Basin Marina CFB Trenton Yacht Club Trenton Yacht Club Pesqu'ile Yacht Club Bay of Quinte Yacht Glub Gobourg Yacht Club Collins Bay Yacht Glub Kingston Yacht Glub Prince Edward Yacht Glub Deseronto Yacht Glub Quinte Rowing Club Belleville & District Fish & Game Glub Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters Robin Pilon c/o Trenton Rowing Club n Pauk is Rick Tom and Lucie Everist ES Ofa h-zonef @xplorneLcqm [email protected] 1 1353 Glen Miller Road Frankford, ON KOK 2C0 bonesmeru@hotmail. com rd Page 13 of 14 Cynthia Hodgson Bay of Quinte Charters Sunrise Cottage Resort Fishing Gharters Merland Park Fishing Gharter Jeff Chisholm Fish Finder Charters Dave Chatterton 15 Laurier Road Peterborough, ON LgM 1G8 [email protected] 2028 County Road '12 RR#1 Picton, ON KOK 2C0 15841 Loyalist Parkway Picton, ON KOK 1G0 12488 Loyalist Parkway RR#4 Picton, ON KOK 2T0 www.hookedforlife,ca RR#1 Carrying Place, ON KOK 1L0 [email protected] Page 14 of 14 P.O. Box 490 7 Creswell Drive A Natural Attraction (6 1 3) 392-2841 Fax: (613) 392-7151 TTY: (613) 965-6849 Telephone: Trenton, Ontario K8V 5R6 [email protected] Brian Jardine, M, Sc., MCIP, RPP Manager, Planning Services Planninq & Development Services June 25th, 2012 Dear Sír / Madam Re Notice of Public Open House - Proposed Municipal Marina Environmental Assessment, City of Quinte West The City of Quinte West is undertaking an lndividual Environmental Assessment (EA) under lhe Environmental Assessment Act, for the purpose of a proposed municipal boating marina development at the lower reaches of the Trent River and entry to the Bay of Quinte. The City formally submitted the Terms of Reference for the proposed project to the Ministry of the Environment on November 18, 2011. Following public and agency consuliation, the Minister of the Environment issued an approval on the Terms of Reference which was received by the City on April 13,2012. The approved Terms of Reference can be reviewed at / Municipal Marina Waterfront Development Project, or alternatively, please contact the undersigned to have a copy mailed or emailed. The Environmental Assessment study will be carried out according to the approved Terms of Reference and the requirements of the Envíronmental Assessment Act. A Notice of Commencement has been posted on the City website and was advertised The Trentonian and EMC newspapers on May 17th,2012. in An initial Public Open House was held on May 30th,2012 where information was presented on the purpose and rationale for the project, and an inventory of the existing environments within the study area. The information panels presented at this Open House can be viewed at the City's project webpage, or alternatively emailed, upon request. The second Public Open House event for this Environmental Assessment is scheduled for Thursday 28th June, 2012 (4.00pm - 8.00pm), at City Hall, Trenton. This second Public Open House for the Environmental Assessment will present and seek input on the screening process undertaken to determine a range of possible alternative locations for the project within the study atea.lnformation will also be presented on the technical Letter to Agencies Page 2 June 25,2012 evaluation of these alternatives and their potentíal effects on the environment using the defined evaluation criteria, as contained within the approved Terms of Reference. lnformation being presented at this public meeting will also be available on the project webpage on the day of the scheduled meeting at / Municipal Marina Waterfront Development P roject. A subsequent (third) Open House meeting will present a preferred solution and marina design concepts for review and input. ln accordance with the contents and direction provided in the approved Terms of Reference, a refíned Study Area Screening Criteria (Appendix "A") to be used in the lndicators and Rational for Evaluating Alternative Locations (Appendix "B") are attached for your review and comment. As the EA process moves into the more detailed evaluation phase, specific input and communication with agencies, in accordance with their agency mandate, becomes more critical to the process. lt is also important to ensure that we establish the correct and most appropriate agency contacts and initiate dialogue on both the work to be undertaken under the Environmental Assessment, in addition to any further agency approvals or permits required for the proposed undertaking. Should the contact person(s) within your agency have changed since consultation was undertaken on the Terms of Reference, or if additional staff within your organization require or wish to be involved, please inform the undersigned and we will amend our project contact list accordingly. Following this correspondence, we will contact agencies directly to request a meeting to discuss the EA process to date and specific technical issues being considered. Please contact the undersigned should additional information or clarification on the proposed undertaking, the information to be presented at the Public Open House, or the Environmental Assessment be required. Alternatively, please visit the City project webpage at / Municipal Marina Waterfront Development Project. Sincerely, Brian Jardine, M.Sc. MCIP, RPP Manager of Planning Services City of Quinte West BJ:clb Attachments Appendix "A" Appendix "B" - Study Area Screening Criteria - lndicators and Rational for Evaluating Alternative Locations Dave Bell, Project Manager Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (Regional) 55 St. Clair Avenue East Room 907 Tornnlo ON M4T 1tvl2 Mark-Andre Millaire, Litigation Team Leader, Ontario Aboriginal Affairs & Northern Development Canada Litigation Managment and Resolutions Branch 10 Wellington Street Gatineau, QC K1A 0H4 Jeffrey Betker Aborig inal Affai rs & Northern Development Canada Office for the Federal lnterlocutor for Metis & Nonstatus lndians 66 Slater Street, Room 1218 Oftawa ON KIA nH4 Anne Borgmann Environment Canada Operations Division, Ontario 867 Lakeshore Road Burlington, ON L7R 446 Corey Dekker Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada 25 St. Clair Avenue East 8th Floor Toronto, ON M4T 1M2 Janet Townson, Claims Analyst, Ontario Team Aboriginal Affairs & Northern Development Canada Specific Claims Branch 1310 - 10 Wellington Street Gatineau, QC K1A 0H4 Sheila Allen Environment Canada Operations Division, Ontario 867 Lakeshore Road Burlington, ON L7R 4Ao Christopher Strand Department of Fisheries and Oceans Fish Habitat Biologist 501 Towerhiss Road, Unit 102 Peterborough, ON KgH 7S3 Environmental Assessment Division Health Canada 99 Metcalfe Street, 11th Floor Address Locator: 4111Ê' Ottawa, ON K1A OKg Environmental Affairs, Program Branch Transport Canada 4900 Yonge Street Suite 300 Toronto, ON M2N 645 Consultation Unit Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs 160 Bllor Street East 9th Floor Toronto, ON M7A 2E6 Katherine Kirzati Ministry of Culture and Tourism 401 Bay Street Suite 700 Toronto, ON M7A 047 Ministry of Economic Development & Trade Hearst Block 900 Bay Street, 7th Floor Toronto, ON M7A 2E1 Andrea Gummo Ministry of MunicipalAffairs and Housing Eastern Service Area I Estate Lane Kingston, ON K7M 9AB Gavin Battarino Ministry of the Environment EA and Approvals Branch 2 St. Clair Avenue West, Floor 124 Toronto, ON M4V 1L5 Gary Muloin Ministry of the Environment 300 Water Street Robinson Place Peterborough, ON KgJ 8M5 Dawn Bronson Parks Canada PO Box 567 PO Box 5672155 Ashburnham Drive Peterborough, ON KgJ 626 Joseph Shepard Building National Defense Canada 4900 Yonge Street 6th Floor Toronto, ON M2N 687 Real Estate Services Hydro One Networks lnc. Land Use Planning PO Box 4300 Markham, ON L3R 525 Mike Lovejoy Lower Trent Conservation Authority Lower Trent Conservation Authority 714 Murray Street Trenton, ON K8V 5P4 A Nat'ural Actraction The Corporation of the City of Quinte West Municipal Marina - Environmental Assessment Public Open House Thursday , June 28,20',2, 4.00 PM - 8.00PM Council Chambers, T Creswell Drive, Trenton Background: The City of Quinte West has initiated a study under the EnvironmentalAssessment Act (EAA) and the Canadian EnvironmenfalAssessment Actlo investigate alternative locations for the development of a municipal marina at the mouth of the Trent River. Marina studies, focused on the mouth of the Trent River have previously been undertaken, including a feasibility and location study (1988) and a comprehensive marina feasibility study (2010). City Council, at their meeting of October 4,2010 approved Environmental Assessment (EA) project funding, and passed a resolution on February 14, 2011, to approve a municipal marina as a capital project item, subject to the successful completion of an Environmental Assessment, and required approvals. On May 25th,2011 the Province of Ontario announced partial funding ($4 million over three years) for a municipal marina within the City of Quinte West, subject to the successful completion of the legislated Environmental Assessment. The City formally submitted the Terms of Reference for the proposed project, to the Ministry of the Environmeni on November 1 8,2011 . The Minister issued an approval on the Terms of Reference, received by the City on April 1 3,2012.Fhe EnvironmentalAssessment study will be undertaken in accordance with this approved Terms of Reference. Puroose of the Proposed Undertakinq: The purpose of the undertaking is to provide a public recreational facility, that will make best use of its strategic waterfront location, enhance the City's waterfront lands, develop increased public access, and assist the local economy with respect to its diversity and success. More specifically The City of Quinte West wishes to develop a marina facility atthe entrance to the Trent-Severn Waterway. This proposalwill: . address a growing need for additional boat slips in the area; . provide jobs and economic income for Quinte West; . improve the overall appearance of the City of West Quinte by creating a visually appealing and functional amenity at the mouth of the Trent River, . improve public access, and aesthetics of the shoreline; City of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment Page 1 . . offer opportunity for ecological enhancement; and promote and enable commitments and policies contained within the City's Official Plan Environmental Assessment Process: Preparation and Consultation on Terms of Reference (Complete) Approval of Terms of Reference (Complete) Preparation and Consultation on Environmental Assessment , Phase 1 (Complete) . Determine the proposed undertaking, and rationale . lnventory of the existing environment . ldentify proposed screening and evaluation methods . Phase 2 (CURRENT STAGEI . ldentify and evaluate alternatives (including a 'Do Nothing' alternative) . lndicate an initial preferred alternative . Phase 3 (introduction of CEAA screening) . ldentify and evaluate preferred alternative, and design concepts . lmplementation and mitigation strategies . Phase 4 . Documentation of environmental assessment and consultation undertaken . Submission to Ministry of the Environment for review . Public Open Houses will be held at Phases 1,2 and 3 Comments received at Public Open House #1: The following comments and questions were received at the first Public Open House Gomments: The City does not currently use its waterfront to its full potential. This is an overdue project for the City. Location for the marina should be on the west side of the river, close to downtown. The process takes too long. o Project staff explained the EA process, and cLtrrent status. City should consider a smaller marina, or phase the development. o The proposed size of the marina ls based on a market Feasibility study undertaken by the City in 2010, and is based on the size of the potential market, and scale to make the marina financially feasible. Final design, including sca/e and phasing of the prolect will be determined at a later sfage in the EA process. Concerns expressed regarding shallow water depths, at waterfront, and in channel. c Project staff explained water depth data collected. Approach and locational depths will be considered in the evaluation of alternative locations. lssue of weed in the bay, maintenance required to keep clear, both near shore and in the channel. . Fufther analysis of impact of weed growth at alternative locations will be undertaken, including options for removal and maintenance. Deep hull boats won't be able to use due to water depth, but not a problem for more modern vessels. Location should be in the Bay, a ríver location (between bridges) is too narrow. City of Quinte West Marlna Environmental Assessment Page 2 . A range of alternative locations will be evaluated in the next stage of the EA process. The ability to locate in-water docks while maintaining navigationalchannels will be considered. lf the City is going to build a marina, it should be done properly with associated services and commercial opportunities (vessel rentals / canoe and kayak rentals / retail and hotels). . One of the core objectives of the undeñaking is to provide a facility which stimulates other secfors of the economy. The ability to accommodate additionalfacilities at the same location as the marina will be determined by the preferred location, and available Iands at that location. lmpact of potentially reduced services on Trent Severn system need to be considered. A new marina at the mouth of the Trent would be a good project for the Trent Severn Waterway system. . The City is involved in consultations with Parks Canada in relation to any proposed change in seruice. Likewise Parks Canada is aware of the marina proposal. Once any seruice levet changes are known the 2010 Market Feasibility study will be updated to determine the impact on the proposed marina. Study should consider water level control programs on the Great Lakes, and consider future water level decrease linked to climate change. o Water level control protocols will be considered in determining current and future water level projections. Concerns that marina on east side of river will create noise and disturbance for adjacent residential neighbourhoods. . lmpacts on adjacent land uses will be considered as each of the Alternative locations are evaluated. Questions: Why is the study area so large? The Study Area captures the objective to locate a marina at the mouth of the Trent River, in close proximity to the downtown core. The study area allows a range of reasonable alternative locations to be evaluated through the EA process. Has the City approved this project? . The City has approved the funding for the Environmenfal assessment to be undertaken, and has further approved the marina as a capital project, subiect to all required approvals and ioint funding form other levels of government. ls this a public project, or is the city looking into private investment? . This rs proposed as a publicly funded project, and is to be a City operated facility. Why are there no designs being presented, where is this in the process? . Project staff explained the EA process, sfages, and currenf sfafus. What is the timing of the marina being developed / opened? o Final timing rs based on the successfu/ completion of the EA process, and required permits and approvals. Current project timelines would see an operational marina in 2014; however this timing could be impacted as the EA or further approval requirements proceed. What are the locations of known contaminated sediments in the bay and river estuary? . The Trent River Sediment Cantrol Strategy, conducted by Environment Canada, identifies several pockets of contaminated sediments along the east shore of the Trent River, into the Bay (mapping was presented to illustrate). Will there be a boat launch i fuel service as part of the development - there should be? o Design options for the marina will be developed and presented at later stages in the EA process. City of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment Page 3 What will be the future use of Robert Patrick marina? . At this stage in the EA, The existing Robert Patrick marina will be considered as a potential alternative location for a new marina development. Would the marina be a restricted facility for boaters only? . The marina would be a public facility, and open to both boaters and non-boaters. The intent rs a/so to pravide greater public access to the waterfront through improved trail sysfems. Will marina close off existing waterfront trails in Centennial Park? . Should a Centennial Park location be the preferred location, the existing multi use trails may be impacted, however, a wateffront trail element would be developed as part of the marina proposal. Will dredging be required? ¡ Subject to identifying the preferred final location, dredging will likely be required to ensure suitable mooring depths. How many jobs will be created? . Nof including construction related jobs, if is projected that the marina would create 16 new direct and 5 new indirect jobs in the local economy. Willthere be winter boat storage? . /f r's not envisioned that winter boat storage will be provided, due to the downtown location of the proposed marina. Where willthe docks be stored in the winter? o Marina design, including options for winter dock storage will be considered at a later sfage of the EA process. Will there be facilities for local boaters? . The marina is being proposed as an open facility with seruices for both local and visiting boaters. Screening and Evaluation Criteria: Developing an Environmental Assessment is a process of evaluating the positive aspects of a project and potential benefits to a community, against the potential impact on all aspects of the surrounding environment. A process of evaluation is undertaken against a set of established critería. For this undertaking a 2 stage screening and evaluation process is proposed: 1. Scree of Area Objective Screening Criteria Screening of Viable location in line with the Purpose of the Undertaking the Study Area to Feasible and practical location (water access) determine appropriate alternatives Land parcels (vacant land / parcel size / known constraints) Consistent with planning policies (provincial and local) Known sensitive environmental or cultural features Financially feasible Ability for proponent to implement (land ownership / known development restrictions) Able to meet the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act with respect to this EA Gity of Quinte West Marina EnvironmentalAssessment Page 4 a - Alternative Locations '.+. ¡7\:' ;..:i \ ',t,,, !å€r¿ ¡r+!r;rÁarl s:r --!æ'-¡un/ . ¡(Eti^t3{ ,/ attt¡ñrur I P¡tf ,l *.t ¡ànrE lHaç aiîr tf 1@12 Í&r' Ê:etrúrFFr: *gsenl >'!aùr l:pñ 5rÉ *: - iur¿ 2t:1 :û1: 2. Evaluation of Alternatives Factor Natural Environment Social and Economic Environments Cultural and Built Environments Physical Aspects Evaluation Criteria Potential effects on fish and aquatic habitat Potential effects on wildlife Potential effects on water quality Poteniial effects of dredging effects on access to recreational facilities and waterfront effects on employment etfects on economy effects of construction activity effects on aesthetics of alternatives and areas of impact Potentialcosts Effects on trail system and pedestrian connections Effects on transportation network and impact of required parking Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential Potential effects on not yet known archaeological sites Potential effects on built heritage Potential effects on cultural landscape Potential effects on wave climate Potential effects of sediment transport Potential effects on river flow City of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment Page 5 Land and water lot requirements Constructability Approvals required Maintenance requirements fechnical and Engineering {spects Next Steps: Terms of Reference submission and approval April2012 Phase 1 EA - Existing Environment May 2012 (Open House #1) Phase 2EA- Alternatives I Evaluation Phase 3 EA - Preferred Alternative / CEAA Screening June 2012 (Open House #2) September 2012 (Open House #3) EA Study Submission and Review November / December 2012 Detailed Design and Tendering Pending Approvals Construction Pendi Consultation - Your inout is imoortant! Consultation is one of the cornerstones of the EnvironmentalAssessment process, and your input is important throughout the process. Full details of the consultation plan is available within the approved Terms of Reference, posted at / Municipal Marina Waterfront Development Project. A Third Public Open House will be held in September to report back on the comments received to date, and to present a preferred alternative for comment. Please provide your comments on the information you viewed today by completing a comment form and questionnaire. More information on the project and EnvironmentalAssessment is posted at / Municipal Marina Waterfront Development Project. Contacts: Should you require any additional information after attending this meeting or if you were unable to attend the meeting and would like to receive information regarding the project and the process under the EnvironmentalAssessment Act, please contact: Citv of Quinte West Mr. Brian Jardine, Manager of Planning Services, City of Quinte West, 7 Creswell Drive, Trenton, ON POBox490, KBV5R6, Tel (613) 392-2841 x4467, Fax (613) 392-7151, brianj (ôq u ntewest. ca Shoreplan Enqineerinq Ltd. Mr. M. Sturm, P. Eng. Shoreplan Engineering Ltd. 55 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto, ON, M4P 1G8, Tel (416) 487-4756 x222, Fax (416) 487-5129, [email protected] i City of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment Ministrv of the Environment Mr. Gavin Battarino, Project Officer, Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch, 2 St. ClairAvenue W,Floor 124, Toronto, ON, M4V 115 Tel (416) 212-4279 ïoll Free 1 -800-461 -6290 Fax (416) 314-8452 Page 6 Comments: The Corporation of the City of Quinte West Municipal Marina - Environmental Assessment Public Open House 28th June ,2012 Please províde us with your name and address (or email) so than we may keep you informed of further development of this project: Name Address Postal Code: Email 1. Do you have any comments or questions regarding the purpose or rationale for the marina project? 2. Do you have any questions regarding the proposed stages of the Environmental Assessment process, for this project? Are you satisfied with the opportunity for input at critical stages of the project? City of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment Page 7 3. Any comments or questions on the information presented this evening, regardíng the screening and evaluation of Alternatives? 4. Do you have any comments on the Alternatives presented, including the "Do Nothing" Alternative? 5. Please comment on the Preliminary Preferred Alternative, and identify your personal preference. Gity of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment Page I 6. Please comment on the facilities that you would wish to see, and would personally use, as part of a marina development. 7. Are there any additional evaluation criteria or aspects of the environment, beyond those presented this evening, that you feel should be considered? 8. Are you satisfied with the way that notification of this Public Open House was advertised, and with the methods available to províde your input? L GENERAL COMMENT - Please provide any comment or questions to the project team not covered by the above questions. City of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment Page 9 City of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment Page 10 L MARINAMUNIC IRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Study Area lfrynt ?tu-otl ,'"- -;', ' !ìu*u'.;,.,.' Pr&'@ ccprrCþr Þ! rtu Cq d Cù,1e &: !-1-fll.1--l----------- ur'-' 91&J&¡@ 2011 Public Open House #2 - June 281h,2012 +' -BACKGIOUND The City of Quinte West has initiated a study under the EnvironmentalAssessmenf Act (EAA) and the Canadian Envi ron me ntal Assessmenf Acf to i nvesti gate alternative locations for the development of a municipal marina at the mouth of the Trent River. The City formally submitted the Terms of Reference for the proposed project, to the Ministry of the Environment on November 18,2011. Following public and agency consultation, the Minister issued an approval on the Terms of Reference, received by the City on April 13,2012. The Environmental Assessment study will be undertaken in accordance with this approved Terms of Reference. Study Area Rationale: The study area is centered on the mouth of the Trent River, south of the J.D. McDonald Bridge, to the Bay of Quinte. lt encompasses Trenton's downtown core, and includes lands, both on the east and west shores of the estuary. This provides for a range of locational alternatives to be considered during the EA process, as well as the related environments that may be impacted by the alternatives. The study area has not been enlarged to encompass other locations at this time, due to the significance of the Trent River estuary, and the proximity to the downtown core, to the purpose of the undertaking. Rationale for the Proposed Undertaking: Purpose of the Proposed Undertaking A continuation of City policies and efforts to provide a more balanced, The purpose of the undertaking is to provide a public recreational facility, that will make best use of its strategic location, enhance the City's waterfront lands, develop increased public access, and assist the local economy with respect to its diversity and success. More specifically The City of Quinte West wishes to develop a marina facility at the entrance to the Trent-Severn Waterway. This proposal will: . address a growing need for additional boat slips in the area, . provide jobs and economic income for Quinte West; . improve the overall appearance of the City of West Quinte by creating a visually appealing and functional amenity at the mouth of the Trent River; . improve public access, and aesthetics of the shoreline; . offer opportunity for ecological enhancement; and . promote and enable commitments and policies contained within the City's Official Plan attractive, and accessible downtown core, offering multiple services and facilities to residents and visitors; Opportunity for increased public access to the waterfront, as part of an integrated footpath and trail system, in accordance with good and sensitive management of environmentally sensitive lands; Feasibility and Market Study (Shoreplan 2010) identified a signifìcant gap in marina facilities within both a local and wider market area, highlighting specifically a lack of services in proximity to the mouth of the Trent River, a strategic location for recreational boating; Recreational development of waterfront lands has the potential to act as a driver of the local economy, specifically within the downtown core, and provide an enhanced community for residents, and destination for visitors; The proposed undertaking provides an opportunity for the enhancement of existing ecology and fish habitat, within the Trent River estuary. Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #2 - June 28th,2012 UAL EA PROCESS The proposed undertaking is subject to an lndividual Environmental Assessment (lEA) in accordance with the Provincial Environmental AssessmentAct (EAA), and Canadian EnvironmentalAssessmentAct (CEAA). The study will therefore be conducted as a coordinated Environmental Assessment which will meet the requirements of both Acts. FrËglbdDedllH (OÈ¡rlo Rsgúlrtbo FDpsr¿¡t l'm5 ITÓR) ot Preparation and Consultation on Terms of Reference (complete) Approval of Terms of Referencê Gomplete) Preparation and Consultation on Environmental Assessment IOR Gô€mrunt ðnd âJblit lcR fô¡ n¡vrr 12 eÉeks Îotr Propcnenl A.bàndon {- tuJærd Phase ApFrûrtd triÉk Sl,!kmd. rruy isÉ d ÞtlcPrK'y ll UÈ delÈnc¡es ÈNrÉrl. ¡¡€ l*nlg le d m¡y rc.¡Ñ fic CúElts PrûpùEnt l"tuf Êft,ir(mrtrlAssmnt lrË (F¡) Pùrpðråùon ù: "ItË ilin¡t$ lÈr itnEè odEs: l) r!'á ùl û F( {a ðlfrùcüiÞn þ a}E Tnbußlli !) rtrC4 d de¡Ðnì r. 3) r¡{E lð f,{|rÍrJ ¡ Mtc t¡rft. æ 1 ¡ I rrels '1, I + a¡ ÊA m€dtffi, úÊ Hlnffi$úll F\¡òlh Kr 9cF drrorbd l,lolEtF ñü'/ rt ¡nl Thé Hl!ãlcr nüf rd6 ¡n fleimrÈnb @ta¡üùì Þ medÞm tRdry¡Êd srsËt l4ôdrñfi) ¡rrf hm dúq¡ tic mtrffmntra G*ffisl s$E 160 úñ rynnlnl. ùùo¡stry O Phase 4 : Nol¡rê ùl çønfleflor ùf ddsrL screening) ldentify and evaluate preferred alternative, and design concepts lmplementation and mitigation strategies ;ñ P¡ÈI.Rerff ûtE r ¡lirr#,/ Rdid curfftsssa Phase 3 (ntroduction of CEAA Pr4.Jndrl Subm¡$ f,q Goffitúd 2 ldentify and evaluate alternatives (including a 'Do Nothing' alternative) lndicate an initial preferred alternative CurEr{staga rr¡dþtdn, ¿ Ìf refsrsd b dE lfbú¡|, tie fir¡Etr hæ ¡8 dfr n d¡¿h lÈ úr :ilt îdt rMd ¡lf rrhod ßrffi. fhe frôúð¡ nð he ilñr dN!@ othrr ñ ¡ht ¡4r$tet f4Nvq dwvr ùiti @r¡l¡loÞ, ù ¡!f*) ã lt rdlnEd Phase Determine the proposed undertaking, and rationale lnventory of the existing environment ldentify proposed screening and evaluation methods Þ6i5¡411 ToR TlË Stages of the Environmental Assessment C@lE CrÍq f,Èîc¡rffi lìrepilûon of f¡rEDüÉtrl Súb¡tlls Rsbrnil 61ú,,198) g næts * ,,*, Documentation of environmental assessment and consultation undertaken Submission to Ministry of the Environment for review T tnspRfü ol RÊvr4 (Fnal) Public Open Houses will be held at Phases 1,2 and 3 Hrnrster'sOFnûÉ 13 w*ks /l Refg R*¡q Mú6trr lt tfrroñoml¿l R.ter lo m¡þt 'Inbenrl (Hwimj HedEflr Med€tat APFW apÉrtuç condltlm Rcfc rppree ÄDmB w¡lh R¿'t¡ort to Wu* åffflte Flix#r Municipal Mar¡na, City of Quinte West - Env¡ronmental Assessment Public Open House #2 - June 28th,2012 NTS RECEIVED AT OPEN HO The following comments were received from participants in the first Public Open House on May 30th,2012. Gomments: . The City does not currently use its waterfront to its full potential. . This is an overdue project for the Gity. . Location for the marina should be on the west side of the river, close to downtown. . The process takes too long. Project staff explained the EA process, and current sfafus. . City should consider a smaller marina, or phase the development. The proposed size of the marina n based on a market Feasibility study undertaken by the City in 2010, and is based on the size of the potential market, and scale to make the marina financially feasible. Final design, including scale and phasing of the proiect will be determined at a later stage in the EA process. . Location should be in the Bay, a river location (between bridges) is too narrow. A range of alternative locations will be evaluated in the next stage of the EA process. The ability to locate in-water docks while maintaining navigational channels will be considered. . lf the City is going to build a marina, it should be done properly with associated services and commercial opportunities (vessel rentals / canoe and kayak rentals / retailand hotels). One of the core objectives of the undertaking is to provide a facility which stimulates other secfors of the economy. The ability to accommodate additianal facilities at the same location as the marina will be determined by the preferred location, and available lands at that location. . . Concerns expressed regarding shallow water depths, at waterfront, and in channel. Project staff explained water depth data collected. Approach and locational depths will be considered in the evaluation of alternative lmpact of potentially reduced services on Trent Severn system need to be considered. A new marina at the mouth of the Trent would be a good project for the Trent Severn Watenivay system. The City is involved in consultations with Parks Canada in relation to any proposed change in service. Likewise Parks Canada is aware of the marina proposal. Once any service level changes are known the 2010 Market Feasibility study will be updated to locations. determine the impact on the proposed marina. lssue of weed in the bay, maintenance required to keep clear, both near shore and in the channel. Further analysis of impact of weed growth at alternative locations Study should consider water level control programs on the Great Lakes, and consider future water level decrease linked to climate change. Water level control protocols will be considered in determining . will be undeftaken, including options for removal and maintenance. . Deep hull boats won't be able to use due to water depth, but not a problem for more modern vessels. . current and future water level projections. . Goncerns that marina on east side of river will create noise and disturbance for adjacent residential neighbourhoods. lmpacts on adjacent land uses will be considered as each of the Alternative locations are evaluated. Municipal Marina, City of Qu¡nte West - Env¡ronmental Assessment Publ¡c Open House #2 June 28\h, 2012 - ONS RECEIVED AT OPEN The following questions were received from participants in the first Public Open House on May 30th, 2012. Questions: . Why is the study area so large? The Study Area captures the objective to locate a marina at the mouth of the Trent River, in close proximity to the downtown core. The study area allows a range of reasonable alternative locations to be evaluated through the EA process. . Has the City approved this project? The City has approved the funding for the Environmental assessmenf to be undertaken, and has fuñher approved the marina as a capital project, subject to all required approvals and joint funding form other levels of government. . ls this a public project, or is the city looking into private investment? Ihrs ls proposed as a publicly funded project, and is to be a City operated facility. . Why are there no designs being presented, where is this in the process? Project staff explained the EA process, sfages, and current sfafus. . What is the timing of the marina being developed / opened? Final timing rs based on the successfu/ completion of the EA process, and required permits and approvals. Current project timelines would see an operational marina in 2014; however this timing could be impacted as fhe EA or further approval requirements proceed. . What are the locations of known contaminated sediments in the bay and river estuary? The Trent River Sediment Control Strategy, conducted by Environment Canada, identifies several pockets of contaminated sediments along the easf shore of the Trent River, into the Bay H . W¡ll there be a boat launch / fuel service as part of the development - there should be? Design options for the marina will be developed and presented at later stages in the EA process. . What will be the future use of Robert Patrick marina? At this stage in the EA, The existing Robert Patrick marina will be considered as a potential alternative location for a new marina development. . Would the marina be a restricted facility for boaters only? The marina would be a public facility, and open to both boaters and non-boaters. The intent is a/so to provide greater public access fo the waÞrtront through improved trail systems. . W¡ll marina close off existing waterfront trails in Centennial Park? Should a Centennial Park location be the preferred location, the existing multi use trails may be impacted, however, a waþrtront trail element would be developed as part of the marina proposal. . W¡lldredging be required? Subject to identifying the preferred final location, dredging will likely be required to ensure suitable mooring depths. . How many jobs will be created? Not including construction related jobs, it is projected that the marina would create 16 new direct and 5 new indirect jobs in the localeconomy. . W¡ll there be winter boat storage? It is not envisioned that winter boat storage will be provided, due to the downtown location of the proposed marina. . Where will the docks be stored in the winter? Marina design, including options for winter dock storage will be considered at a later stage of the EA process. . W¡llthere be facilities for local boaters? The marina is being proposed as an open facility with services for both local and visiting boaters. (mapping was presented to illustrate). Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #2 - June 281h,2012 -,-uü{i ATIVES TO ln accordance with subsections 6(2)(c) and 6.'1(3) of the Environmenfal Assessment Act, the EA will focus on the evaluation of 'Alternative Methods' of carrying out the Proposed Undertaking. With the Proposed Undertaking having been defined as the development of a public marina through previous studies, and with the existing policy framework and decision making to support this direction, it is felt that the evaluation of 'Alternatives To' the Proposed Undertaking are not appropriate. Marina studies, focused on the mouth of the Trent River have previously been undertaken, including a feasibility and location study (1988) and a comprehensive marina feasibility study (2010). The findings of this market feasibility study were updated in June 2012 to ensure that the conclusions were current and valid. The conclusions of these studies will be revisited as part of the review of Alternatives being considered. The City's Official Plan contains policy that: requires the dedication of wateffrant land, through new development, to enable a continuous sfrþ of public open space for wateiront access in the downtown core, enables the development of safe, contiguous recreational trails to enable waþrtront access, ensures the population is serued by an adequate provision of community and recreational facilities, ensures development within or adjacent to wildlife or fish habitats be demonstrated to have no negative impact, enables significant wildlife habitats and shorelines to be protected from negative impacts of development or shorel ine alte ration s. . City Council, at their meeting of October 4,2010 approved Ënvironmental Assessment (EA) project funding, and passed a resolution on February 14,2011, to approve a municipal marina as a capital project item, subject to the successful completion of an Environmental Assessment, and required approvals. On May 25th,2011 the Province of Ontario announced partial funding ($4 million over three years) for a municipal marina within the City of Quinte West, subject to the successful completion of the legislated Environmental Assessment. This Environmental Assessment will therefore focus on the Evaluation of Alternative Methods. The evaluation will consist of three distinct steps: Screening of the Study Area - to determine a reasonable range of alternative locations within the study area, that can meet the purpose and rationale of the undertaking. Evaluation of alternative locations, plus a 'Do Nothing Alternative' - to determine a preferred alternative location Evaluation of alternative designs - to determine a preferred design at the preferred alternative location. . . . . . . . Municipal Marina, C¡ty of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #2 - June 28th, 201 2 rea - Alternative Locations ¡.. ' \\i;l,çta:* .T#stsr f ;'' . .!i 'r;'..[" ';! I ;.1 "åÍrô i'fu 's. ?¡å¿ ffil**q1 :;gå'#: ;.i:--Þi r -!. Io" *.*:\;.rq .r ï' ,r-.--. fh.i';'"**: lç;,ill :':. ; :i.9 -< I., . [Í t' m¡¡ ! I a Public Open House #2 - June 28lh,2012 Ê--¡1-Y {qËþ';$"{ ".\! rea Screening Criteria Screen¡ng cr¡ter¡a Rat¡onate Waterfront propedy along the Trent Riveror Bay of A manna developmenl needs to be loøted on the water. Only locations w¡thin Ouinle the study ârea that are adjêcent the Trent Riveror Bay ofQuinte w¡¡l be DeveloPable land only propeny curenfly availableto be developed as a public marinãwll be considered. AtêfnatNe Locatron . Exslng parK Alternat¡ve Locat¡on2 1 w[n snolellne . Êxl$lng pArK w¡¡n shoreüne on east bank of Trent River on eâst bank ofTrent River . PuDllc lanO Oeslgnãleo as publ¡c paruopen spâce . Publicland . Small wateilot at south end of site is available . Wâielôl etends designated as public pa*/open space offshore . Public land des¡gnated as pub¡ic pâruopen space . Waterlot âssociated wilh existing mailna of park . Additional waterlot . Additional waterlot Alternative Locat¡on 3 Robên Patr¡ck Mar¡na . Existing mâilna on the east side and ne¿rthe mouth of the TrcntRiver . No add¡t¡onalwaterlot requrred expectedto be availâble forlease or purchase expectedto be available forlease or purchase . exrsrng open spaæ with shoreline atthe mouth ofthe Trent River on the west bânk Ex¡st¡ng mult¡use park with shoreline on the Bay of Quinte east ofthe mouth ofthe Trent River . Publc land deslgnateo as publicly owned paruopen space . Pnvale lanO wln puollC lease agreement, designated mixed use, curenlly used as pârldopen space . Waterlot extends offshoreof existing . pa* Additional waterlot expecteclto be avaìlâble for lease or puachase . Wâtedol in fíonl oflhe public paddopen space Altemat¡ve Location 6 Frãsêr Pârk Mârinâ . tsXlstlng mAnna On tne west side ofthe Trent Altemat¡ve Local¡on 7 Munic¡oal Pârkino Lot parking lot and park on the west bank ofthe Rrver Trenl River . Public land des¡gnated mixed use, currently lsed as public parldopen spâce . . No wâtedot exists . Watedotalong small Public land des¡gnated mixed use, curently used âs public pâruopen space portion of park . Additionalwâterlot expected to be âvailâble forlease or purchãse . Additional waterlot expected to be availâble forlease or purchâse S¡te located with¡n study . Site loæled wath¡n study ârea and le$ than 1km to downtown core . Additionalwaterlot expected to be available . Location in close p.oxim¡tyto downtown core utilizes exist¡ng amenities and inf rastruclurc and promotes economic deve¡opment. Localionswithin walking distânoe of downtown are Envrronmenlaily sensitive ârees Environmenlally sensitive sites will be avoidedwhere degradecl areas (waste, contaminants) . not expected to e nvironmentally sens¡tive functions Not known t0 þe an envìronmentally sensitive . Not known to þe degraded Know to De oegruoeo, ârca wilhin Administrative Control boundary and identifìed as Pr¡maryArea . . . Wofts âffed feasible Ènv¡fonmenlaily Slte lOCAteO W(nrn $UOy ârea less and lhan 1 km to S¡te looateo W¡tnln $UOy areâ less than approxìmately 1 km to downtown æte Envìrcnmentally degÉded sites will be avoidedwherc feasible . Site located within study âreâ and less than 1 km to NO Known tO De An environmenlally sensìtive tsootpnnt not KnOw ¡O De degÉded, but site is ìn the Adminrstrâtive Conkol boundary (TRAC, 201'l) area and localecl âpproximâtely 1.2 km fromdowntown core . Docks and shore protection not expected to aff ect env¡ronmentâlly sensitive functions . Dredging may affectfish . Known to be degraded, area wilhin boundary for Adminidrative Control ând identified as . Sûe locateo w[nln sluoy âreâ ând less than lkm to downtown core . Docks and shore protect¡on not expeded to affecl envircnñenially sensitive functions . area and less than 1km lo downtown corc NOt Known tO De an . Works not expected to af fect environmentâlly sensitive êtea environmenlally sensitive functions Dredging may affectfish . Not known lo þe deg€ded NOt Known lO Þe degraded degraded SecondaryArca (TRAc AândB (TRAC2011) 2011') Afchaeologrca[y significanlareâ Suff¡c¡ent area ol vacant land and shofe/ water arca for economically feasible mailna Opporlun¡tyfor improved waterfront access Prcmotes existing Planning Goals and Polic¡es . Arcnaeologrcal srgnIrcant areas will not be cons¡derecl. archaeol âreâs Propeny musl De oi sufficientsize to accommodate an economi ca lly feas¡ble ma.ina (300 slips). Propertieswith vacant land area less than 6.000m'? will not be considered. . Propedy should proviclean opponun¡tylo improve upon the existing potential for public access to walerfront, ând the prcvision of a linear wateff ront tGil network . Propedy should âdvance existing Planning policies, ìncluding: Securing public . owneßhip ofwaterfront . lancls through development. Development of safe linked trail systems Provision of recreational og icâ I ly sig nificâ nt Not known to be an archaeologically . signifì€nlareâ Approxrmately 1ö,UUu m' vâcant park lancl adjacent shoreline . apptoxrmatety 5,uuo m' . Shore/waterarea cannot . Shore/wâterâree cãnnot accommodate 300 sl¡ps. accoñmodâte 300 sl¡ps. . Approximately '18,000 m'?of vãcant parft land . Potent¡al to be an archaeologically signif¡ønt ârea. Stage 2 assessment recommended. ãrchaeologically significântarea . Approximately23,000 mzof vâcant park land adjacent shoreline. vacant park land adjaænt existing marina. adjacentshorcl¡ne . Existing marina cannot accommodâte 300 sl¡ps . N01 Known lO þe an â rchaeolog ica ly sign I . ificant alee . Approx¡mately 35,000m¿ ol Shore/waler arca cân accommodale 300 slips. Ex¡st¡ng publ¡c access to waterfront, and waterf ront trail system within Centennial Park No new opportunity. . A¡g¡ng No opportunilyto elend public ownership of . opportunatyto extend formalpublic acæ$ . Not known to be ân archaeologically si9nif âreâ iÉnt . Approxmately /,000mr 0l . Approxlmately5,OO0m'ol vâcant paruopen space adjacent shorcline vac¿nt pãrldopenspace ad¡acent shorel¡ne vacant parllopen space adjacent shoreline . Shore/water Nôl knôwn lo be en a rchãeologrcãlly srg n¡fica nt area area æn acconmodate 300 slips. accommodale 300 slips. . Modifiøtionslo lând base can accommodate 300 Existing publicaccess to waterfronttrail and linkto . No opportunityto enend . wateffront land . Opportun¡tyto provide new public recreational facilily . provis¡on. publ¡cowneßhip of No opporlunityto efend waterf ront trail system Ex¡st¡ng public access to waterfrcnt. No oppoilunity foradditional trail on street sidewalk system. No new opponunity. . No opportunityto extend public owneßhip of waterfrcnl land . No opportunityto elend waterfronttrail system . . Opportunityto provide new public recreationâl facility Existing pub¡'caccess to wâtelf ront. and walerf ront trail system within Centenn¡al Park. No new opportunity . No opportunityto elend public owneßhip of watedront land . No opporlunityto extend . watelronttÉil system . Opportunitylo provide new public æcrealionâl f acility walerfronl lancl No opportunityto elend waterfrontkail system . Opponunityto provide new public recreationâl ¡nformal public access to waterfront. Opportunity for fomal publicaæess ãnd provision of new waterfront trail to link to existino trail network. Ex¡stng Plblcaccess to . watedrontlrail system . Opportunityto provide new public recreational facility No 0pponun¡tyto eiend publicowneßhrp of waterfront land through land lease . Opportunityto extend . Exrstrng puÞlrc access to cleveloped waterfront Limited potentialto extend existing waterf ront trail. . No opponuntyto enend publicownership of watefront lancl developed watedront. Existing sidewalk system No new opportun¡ty. . No opportuñityto e{end wåtedronltÉil system . Opportun¡tyto prov¡de new public recreational f acil¡ty . Opponunityto e{end waterf ront tra¡l system . Opponunityto provide new public recrealionâl fâcility. facility Municipal Marina, City of Qu¡nte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #2 - June 28th,2012 - Screened Alternative Loca rons ii I t ) t- t ,rt 't t &.:' \ I ? 'ï ,:r. '{c a I -"a{ 4 PARK '"CEÍ{ET{I{IALr'-.-,- -l-.- I I , ,h-' ß. ) Municipal Mar¡na, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #2 - June 28th, 2012 ing Alternative o D f¡ciLtee,¿ndpub A. c w¡leilront rccer lf5h ns, . MLÙûr6 thcJmount of ncw wrtcdroñrth¡twll b¡comc ¡ccGrhlc Atorn¡¡vct ¡h¡rprov de new oppo(lndLes ior pubh. ¡..¡s towrrcil.ônt rre ô ch¡n8c! ro numbcr orbo¿¡ er.h Jlt¿,ñJtve Aftrrnr¡vdthrtprovdclor rhJi prov'dr tôr t¡r¿ct split of sù¡ronJl afc¡tcf potcnt¡l vJluolo lhe /rJnrcn¡ I ¿fcrtcn poren!¡l v¡lucro rhc 14¡L c.onomy ¡rc . ch¡¡36to¡pp.Jr¡nce or JrnhL{(s ôf¡[.rnrtv¡i ^ :-ggg!glg1- ::li-i!. 3þtm: r.d pcd6t¡n :-l]:lg.:cg9!:31l¿i9g:i!l!@ sy*cm ¡ndoppoilunte5 could b¡ dcvùôprd Jtùrch J rcrnJtvr . No sJpiln.xßrn8 pedt5r'¡n ncrwÒrk would McJ3!r6 lh¿ mpJd on r,llin¡cxf nggJp5 'nth. Jnd p.drfuJn n.twork rr (J Potcnt¿l cfccù on ii¡nd . HJbìat rltcf¡ìons (o6cs . Me¿ru,eithcqu¿nrúy¿ndqu¡lilyorrqurtt . No cfi¡d ôn to ov¡rJ I tJil syreñ, 1ìncwllh Pollcy 'ñprct a[ern¿tv¡r wthBrrrrcrpotù¡r¡ 'n obrd'v8 rô r¡¡rcncw wrtoilfont tJilrylúß ¡ñd nk . Noopponunty ¡o¡dv¡n.c provrôn ol w¡tclromt¡is lmp¡d on e$tnsrddn.twórk . ù¡ñetsyneñr, bo Ù tôexßÙ¡8tiil Nó Crty Poltica ihpJd ón crisriñ¿trñipoilrriôn rq¡rdrnu network\ contnuc ro cn¡blc J s¡rßl¡ctory Lcvcl ot scrvrc (Los) ôr mprôvethe Loson cxßtnr ußrin8 tùh Jnd,'qur¡r hrbûrt hrbt¿tth¿r m¿ybe rtred¿d by.Jch ofrhc p¡rk ¡g!p¡cc r¡quncd and úp,oft,Jbloto nrc¡s¿ih¡ qu¡ ryJñd qurnÙty No cff(ß ôn !¡ n ns lJrli!c5,¡nd Jh tvóf rho,ñrtv. o.Jtôß tô ¡..ômmod¡lr r.qù(.d ncw p¡rknrfrrll cj f¡fl lines ¡nd nrin,mte wild fornd t¡renriJl tho icr ¡ ôl,oqurod ñew b¿bûltrh¿t m¡y bc rfccrcd by c¡ch ofrhe Gæd qu¡ ryrcr6ùL¡ h¡bt¡r E impoñrnt for ! hc¡trhy ¿nd d,vc6e c.osyreô ¡lrernrtv¡: wn o,ch¡eologrc¿ Nocfr.ds on exß¡n8nuÙ c¡t oJd Ch¡n¿6ronuùirnt lôrdiñg rlt.rn¡t ve No.h¡n^o to¡ dere.t. ne knôwn r,.hr.olóa'.¿l rte! known o, ñot yct [nown 'nthc No ¡riodr on.xßtn¿ cônr¿ñ'nJñt r¡v¡L r,.h¡@los'c!L'nver's¡nÕn(5r¡se ¡) altcrn¡tvet w lh no poten¡¿l lor ¡rchrco o¿kJl s G ¡rr Nc¿Jt va iñpr.t ôf¡xßt¡s buil on ôr '.mðv¿l hentr8cfortu,û5 requned ali.rnrtv¡5 rhJtdo of bu I henl¡Âcfcrru,r5 or n{c nthewJtcr No trrpJ.r on oißrin8 buLr hrnrrSel.rturcs .ontrñfi!tcd Prcvious*ud 15 l¡ve f.¿ommendod nor d'trurb ngdrc borom 5cd'm¿nr. Jreas 0rcd3'n3our3'dc ' cutrurrl hsnt¡de fc¡rure5 of (u1urr hertagclc¡tlr6 requùed Jtc¡ch rltcrnrtvc.Altc.n¡nv6th¡tdonorrcqur. d rupt on of cu ¡ùrJl hcnt¡¿rf. u'cd8cd bonom rcd mcnr mutr b. dßpôrôd ótrr ¡sncdr¡r crn ¿c.¡pt rhr ñJterJl¡ccofd ñsto MO€ gudelinc! Dúpo5Jlof rheu¡.oñt¡ññJr.d . No dfds'nt 5 rdr¡c.ñi lrñd u3o', Jirlto,nJtvc ürtons ofporontrl po.tvr Lmpr.¡ on commdrcrl hñd A[rrnrùv6thrtdonôtc,ortcs'snf .Jnt mprd use' ßcc (onomrc publt servccs Alfur¡Jtvcr¡hJr do not dßrupt .ôr'ñuniry fr.lit.! tóf ofoppoilunty lo .ôñpl mrnt rnd nftJ\c prùon¿gc ol cxnLnS hdo.) requ rcd. cxocnnv. th¡n rllrrnJt vcs nrJt do not pJilLculJrlyirhc ñrt.rJl 5.ont!m n¿tcd t6 pfufrrJb o tom'n,ntro thc volumcof drrd¿.d or Municipal Mar¡na, City of Qu¡nte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #2 - June 28th,2012 ing Alternative . R.*i.!lont toth. ¡v.rrìø ruy róult ¡. uprrdm fodin& lt liprd.r¡b¡!ro ñirlnl¿. . Cbng6¡ow¡v.clim¡r. . M¿r¡ústyp¡c.lly..q!t..w¡4h.¡ghtlð3th.n 0.3ñ wdin th. m.nn¡ blr¡r dùilnsù. htin¡ 3€rþû, lt ß d6û.bl.lo lør.. tuilñ.ln¡ p¡n.m¡, 3uch.r ¡,.à, whd.t.diñcnt or..od.i, h¡¡lmiz. th. .tr.rrlon dr.diñ6r r¡ßpod nod6. . R.*il.&on to ¡c.ñovælnt n.yrèurt r¡ !psr{ñ [email protected] ¡c.d.h¡8., h ß Þr#r.d b ñi¡iñû. 1.. mv.ñ.il r6ù¡cùont . Ch.ngd dic.hovhdl .ônuñiñôt.d lt6, ¡nd.orß {ould bb. ñ.o8.d/ r.ñ.di.t.d . b.nt.lforcn¡n86to rdd I ôrêqltof¡4ét r.quL.d to.cc6¡ th. m¡ilñ¡, ftß willr6uh l. . No imp.ct on.xirtings.rüc. infr.!ùlclur. prooo!.d whh¡n p¡rk l.nd. lt ¡t p.d.¡¡bl.b . cà¡na6tôn.vrFnon ¡outh.ãrt, apprdci6...lnown tob.¡h¡llow d..p ,nd w..dv, h i!prdêr¡bl.toi¡v.. Enginêêr¡ng . Propêq ñutÎ b. rv¡[¡r. þ ¡. c.v.roÞ.d [ ¡3ûhr. ro ¡3 ¡ mv..nop.r¡ rmlv6 th.t tt¡gina ¡r. d.lrú|., 3æn ¡tFssrblà Alt ol th. m¡iln. op.nin8 No øsructior .ctivti.s ôt.rnltiv6 thrt m.d th. obl*ilv. d Ìh. øôtút rdr.dor.l.divtin d!ilng É*iror. ol lmp¡d on publlc ¡..6r [email protected] l.n¿¡.nd cxßtin8s.ll3Þt.ß ú¡ 16úll ot con4ructioô, At.rn.tiv.wlh 163 ¡ñp.ct on .nrt¡n8puulc.cc6r þ w.ldonl.ndù¡il3 thdr.billtyto b..pprovd undÍ th. r.aul.ring &ß lndr.qoùêd p..m¡b, Al.h¡tle! wlù Þèrmia ftom lftå|. ..Blonal .ndld tuè,¡l Bovêrnñ.it . É3tiñ¡r€ dth. lif..xp.c¡ncv ofth. ttu.tlrs willb. Þrovldcd, n ß th.t th. h!¡ñtén.nco rêuùeñenB b. ninlñi¿.d ùñuch ¡rFs¡bl. ruch thr tuinr.ñ¡nc.68 do rot ¡dd loth. ¡.nu.l butd.n drh6. ráûrrbl. tôt Mun¡cipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #2 - June 28th,2012 Alterñãfüb Location 3 .r a j* Robert Patrick na LFCÊND . E*lñ¡r6 on¡xß¡n¿ r 'mp¡d c¡ch ¡ rcrnr¡v¡ M'n:mJl dßrupùôn ofc{ß¡n¿ ¡o rccrù¡tonJl ¿nd boJtn¿ pub c ¡ p¡rklJ¡d Rc ¡f8nmenì of orlLns w¡tuilronttr lrqu{cd, s'gn f c¡nt mp¿d on cúy PJk fô, pro8rrnìmcd rpo.5 ¡.¡vú 05Jnd rp¿rrl ¡vena tor otpub Lc p¿vilion !o$ ofseJsonJ cJn,p ñg ¡r.J (onnùc¡cd ro lo.ùlly¡nd,c3 oñ¡llyrsn f crói rp(Lr cvrnB NighlcvelÕf congen'on dlnn8 rummo¡ boJ¡ng¡¡d ev0nß p¡rk scdons, pôtcnr¡ fôr u3¡.onfltts Rcdevcopmont of cxßûns nobcil PrtÉk MJr ¡J irpprox 90rctvc s psforrhrllowwrr.rbo¡t) rùcrc¡¡on urc5 ¡nd prosr¿ñ rpù¿c ß p,cf0ttcd l¡ci ¡er,¡nd i Mo8u,ß thc¡mount of ncw w bc.oñr rccctsble a[crna¡vci rhJtp.ov dc ncw oppóftunt,L\ fôr Þûblt rowJtclront rrc rL\/ . / chnn¿¡stônuñbr, ôf boJi n.w pubhc r..css ìowJrcúoñt l¿ndrw be -**'â'¡r / wW' thJt prov dcfo¡ r¿r¿et sp[t oltcJ5o¡rl J . nd recrempóym¿nt offúcß Ârernrtivcs 3Jfu d ôn /trnre.r lhrt providc srcrlolt pótoñtr to, idtr¡ctlobs wolrd bccru¡ted rìrrketlng rlrlc¿y, rll ¿¡rJtcl potnt J v-+q¡{t No ' M.rsure! lh..¡p¡. ryorbo¡trhpjposs'bLc Jt vJ u.lothe o.¿l economy Jr. 3¡5ed on mdk.t n¿ n,¡tcgy, ¿LrcrnJùvr5 with thc ¡fo¡ren poìon¡rl vrLu.tô th. LocJl Éonomy Jre B . Edio¡tcd 5s49,s30trìdtredr.vrilu.Srncrrlcd I lù¡Le.onomy 'nY.¡r n Qurlil¡rivcdcrcrmiñrtôñ b¡led ôn Jkcrndrivr rlrthc¡cr brs r Postvr wrlclront l¡nds¡llhs 'np¡cron lô.¡ton avrilrblcJcrfo'3¡JÞproprJlcdcnÍty of dderopúcnt rñprd on wJrcil'ont visr¡tfonr óf JltùrnJtvca pótcntJl tó prov,dc U'^J r6thrt 6 of tothe prdered J poet ve ch¡n8c rkßtnr shorr rnc 5 . Es¡mltc¡ ro.¡púr .o1 rSl6M lhßcf nìrtr dors nor ncludei ow¡nccfor ditpoi¡l of túb¡red onthc nuñbÍ ¡ndrtr. colld bc dcvoopcd rter.h r rernrtv¿ MeJ'uf6 rhr hibrJtlrrl ñJybc ¡fieded byc¡ch ofrh¿ ¡[.rn¿tvrs Good qu¡lityrq!.n. h¡b ìat 5 for ¡ h.Jlthy¿nd d'vcßr æ$yfem t 'r,pô'tJm ßpr¡f¡rJb c to ñreJn thc qu¡lilyJnd qu¡ñtilv wil r.sult 'ninrnrcdcd 'ñrJd ôn filhnaLa nLnf ¡ÌJps lrrn ¡¿rJfLnplrccl txß¡ngr¿ 'n . M¡riufus nkrô rxßtn¿trilsyrcns rnd ¡bllly ñrw rh Po cy to mpact overllltril 5yn.ñ, tô objætvci Àller¡rlver wúh 'n rrc¿otJqu¡lic h¡bú¡r . J h¿bil¿rthJtmryberffrcted byeJ.hof rhc ¿ltr.nJtvcs Gød qur tyicrLlrL¿ h¡bù¡r ß 'ñp¡ov. ù¡neponJt on nctwork5 ¡re pr¿f¡r¿d tfLm¿tca ch¡qcrnnutcnrro¡drn8wrÎh.¡c¡ ¿fternrtvr No.hJn¿.rôJ d.r.Jsr n thc ¡ut'cnt lo¡ding ß prercrcd n3 . Eilim¿tcs.h¡ngc nwrtcr qu¡ tywÍhcrch . No3Jp5 rncx6nnepedcnnJn nctwork would bc . No mpJd on,or Lmp¡ovem.nts to cxrsring . No oppoilunly to¡dv¡n.c c,ryPo . cs.ogJrd ' A..rss v'rì¡tern¡l p¡rk ro¡d 1¡ppror Ír ñB 1 knr) Not lñpJrt ôi tJli,.conSrnún ¿ndsrJ.kLq d!nn¿ peJk bo¡t¡ng¿¡d evens 5c¡5on5 Ont¡roSl/ 3Jy si nbßerôß wthDundJs si tÑcufeilnv hivctr owtO5,withrsnfrclnrvchtlefd.k'ntat Þcik Additoni rnp¡cton rhesc deß(¡ons wth mprc'¡cnllton or múr8¡ron mo¡fu,$, Jdd.d nuù'cn¡ lord¡ng ß nol cxpcilrd . . Loc¡tonLtscrvùdbycxtrrinrrrrntnrc,vùewirh With rmplcncnt¡ton ofmiuS¡¡o¡ mcrturrs prr[ ¡ßipJ.r r.qurcd ¡nd ,ocóñmôndcd not dtturbin¿ thc boùom ldLmonß mth!5e JcJs Drcd8 nsÒuß'dc ol kilown cômrmiñrtcd Jrc¿s'!Þrelerod mÞ¡cr o¡ cxßtin*,oJd nrtwork, ùJnrùsynomr cont nuc ro cn¡b¡e !t¡¡sf¡crorv levol of suvLcc (Los) ôr ih¡ loson crß¡ng rnìpoilrnlfor¡hc¡llhy¿nddverle¿.oryncñ chJn8ú tonuÙrr¡t o¡d . srertenpôtcn¡¡L .rßtn¿ pcdcnnrñ ryrrms rrc pr¡frrrd Nocffeils oncrßtin¿wild fc¡ndtcrcf, 5wou/d ¡¿ed th¡ A.u(IRACC 2011) Uñdùily'ns!rd'mrnt hJr h,¿hcr l.v¡ß ofromo .ontJm ¡rnrs . . Mr¡surc!thepolen¡¡lloun¡tcex's¡n8pùrkng f¡cJitrs, Jnd rb tyol rhrrfrt vo dJ¡ons ro J.c¿mñod¡t. fuqurcd nrw pJrk'nrfùcilit rr A brñJnvd thJt crn brr usr exßtn8 pJk'n8 l¡rh¡5Jndm'niñù¡ thrscr ool rùqu,od trw ol *rcor parkinßrreprefcrod. Dillon 12007)r(ommc¡d: notlo dù¡urb . tx6tlrBpJ,kirsl¡c cou d b! ut zed lrpprox 430sp¡ccd D.dic¡tcd mrr nJ pJrk n¿wouLd b. rcquilcd (.rimrlcd Jr 100spJ..t to rddrcsi pJrk n¿ dcmJnd durnS orJk Jd vit¡,rìnrL Prrk wcckcnd p€Jk pJ,InsdemJnd w bo¡xp8.mod byboth m¿nnJ rnd pJk ¡vcnß rndJd'vt'er bnd Drcdgcd botom scdimcnt mùn bc dßpor'd of at¡ ltc th¡¡ c¿n rccept th. m¡¡e¡¡l Jccording to MOE guideL ncs 0ùpo5¡l ofthr uncontimrn¡fud Aherñ¿t vs th¿t r.qured dredging¿re more cxpcnrve thrn rltc'n¡nvc! thJt donot prdcul¿ily f lhcm¡rcn¿Lß.ônt¡mnrfud. hß prclcrrb ùtom n'ñ¿ù rhr voLuñ.of d¡ud¿ed ô' E¡s¡rynr¡rin¡ !5h¡llow¡ndnccdi tobc c¡prnded to¡ccommodrn. nì¡rìr app¡oriñrrely 31.0mh3 ôf ñrienJl tô b. d,tdgcd ÍÍóñ rxßùns bJi n rñd 116,000m3to Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Env¡ronmental Assessment Public Open House #2 - June 28tn,2012 - Robert Patrick a t tve Location 3 Porenriôl de.1s on nor y.t known år.h¡@loAicãl rtes . Aterat¡oñ or lôst anna drñv knownornol yet known ¡r.h¿eolog¡cùl r6ource (sl¿B! 1) 4ft.¡¡¡¡v¿5 ¡(h,eôlo8ic¡l'nv6¡s¡ùon wúhnopôt€ntrl tor¿(hr¡olo¿ic¿lrt¿sJrr Akh¡eologlc¿l As65m.nì). 5r¡gr 2 ßs6smenr . Nq¡tiv.imp¡donôrr¡ñôvclof .xßtinAbuih h.ftrJSrferrur.e rcqutcd, Á[.rnd¡ve5 rh¡r do olmaìen¿|, constucron ôfrhôrr prorcd ôn, m.rna blildrn& p¿.kng lót ùñd rtes..v'.¡s i Meú!¡ê!thcn.Aôtivo¡mp¡ctordùruprionon cuhur¿l hcdalr l€¡rù16 r¿qu,€d ¡rc¿ch ah€.n¿tve Â[ernrtvcs rh¡r do¡ôrrcqùr{ d {w.ter, dcdrtal but ¡o rmÞ¿cß on lh¿ rgnillc¿n.¿ rupnon ofcuhur¡l h€ri¿Bete . RevLewrheimpa¿tdñrnn¡d¿vclôÞñ.ntoh . ¿t¡trefnJùvc lo.r¡on5. a[ern¿tvcs th¿r do nd re¿tc rgnú'c¿ôl ¡ñp¿ct ùdj¿ceô1 1¿nd urc!, . Eff.dr on rogelhcr wilh cxßtng rccrc¿l on¿ public aerutes ah.rnd¡!.sth¿tdÒ but conpliment oñ ¿nd s¿ôûily),rñd 'nli¿ll¿tiôn or ¡im'nAof'n-wùter wôrk o.cdArq, crc¿vðton, and contlruclion ol 5hore protænon ne.d 1o be complcl.d priorlo opcni.g No iñpJct on cxß¡4 r6dentùr r¡nd u5e5 Erp€l.d pdtvc on dowñlown.orc commo(ßl uros (se. úonomtr fador) . . sì8niri¿.mñ4d¡veiñpJctonfdfdâlon¿nd rêrdtion¿l/ R6ùrc¡on ollhis.uhur¿l l¿ciliti6.ñd DLftclrlyÒr consÙuc¡on / ¡h€rn¡tve, Pref.r.nce thould be 8rvêntôthr ¡tr¡¡¡¡rv6 rhàt me.t th. obr(¡vù olthe projcd eve¡s l¿cil['c! wnhin thc Ctry P¿rk. complimcnÞrylocxßtn8rcùedtonaLu5es¡¡ nol dßrupt, . bul.redls ¡ eBn lic¿nlrp¿ce conlltl N.!¡nv¿rñÞ,d ôncúy! prñ¡fycuhur¿l exßling servúcs ùrepr¿fered. C¿nt.nnr¡l P¿rk. dc¡v¡lion c¿í¡r.dout ÍÍom m¡rne ¡n¡ lùndbdsed cquipñcnr. Or¿d8L¡B ¿nd cv¿ôt 5p¡c¿. lmprcls cûy'rrbilirytô provrdc for tuck. lrlckt m¿y requtr.spsÈl equipñent fot mJnnd b¿sed .qurpment lhd. uprrc.m llædLn8. lt6prder¡bl¿rô m'n'ñtrc . Ch¿nS6 tow¡vcc ñrle M¡rin¡3 typrc¡llyr!qùf¡ 0.3 m wtrh'n th¿ lc¿ton pùtcrn5, ¿ ß no potúldl rmp¿d ro tht nv.rllow. Coñrructo¡ op.r¡toñr rnd tiñrnath¡t minin¿6 rñpacr on ddr¿¿eñi p¡rk ôp.r¿ùon, rcre¿lonai lse ¿nd ¿uhurrl .v¿ms ¡t. pr.f.rrd. rúre¿tion¿l adlvûie5 durna w¡vûheLSht l€53 than ñúnd b¡vn dùrnAthû botnA wh¿ruí¿vor¿bl. w¡vr.ondilionr ca¡ . Er'ñ¡reolrmp¿ctonplbl¡c¡..ð5rowal€úont l¡nds ¡nd d6nry t.ilsyeiemr at a r6!h of be conr'uc¡ion. ah.rñdù!. wilh lo$ .xßr¡ng public acc65 ¡ôwâteúôm M¡r¡naßrG¡tcd rn.xßnryshener.dbaeô. Surpended s€ ß knÕwñ lo 5dl. oul inthr ¡! ¿ wher.'rdLú!¡t dcpdús 'uch the 'rpr€ter¡blcrôñ'n'mtre . Conituciioã ¡ôß. will'mp¡d ¡djrcont p¡rk ¡ Construcnon ¿ccss vraCou.h Crcs,whth 6th€ mòrn Jcftsr roùd lo C.nlennkl P¡rk rmp¿ct on ¿nd t¡iß or orodc5 lr . Érirlin8¡dFc.nt th¿n¿bilitytob.¡ppfov.du¡d.¡ther4ul¿tn8 Acts rñdr.qùrcd p.rñtrs Alt.rnr¡ves wiih tíom ld¿|, r€8on¿r .nd/or l€dcr¡l Bov.rnment poteo!¿l lor rpprov¿l ôr.r.qunad. rhor.llncs areprolæted lherc . Mryr¿qur.MNRwô¡kçErm[ uñd( Publi. bnd! . OFOlcftdðl¿dvic.or¡uthorr¡nonunder . neiricrionroicêmóv.m!ôr m¿yr6!lt in h6pr€rêr¡d ¡o possrbi[ty of '3 '.aJ¡mmrng rh¿ rc.ovcr within lh. barnlyp'c¿llyñcht Flo¿ling dock5 c¡¿in rñ pl¿ccov¿r the Th!r. upr.€amloodinE¡nd'ced¡m¡se lr¿ft pôtr out. n ß ¿&.ci.d thdt thê eñE otth.3oil k cont¿min¿l.d Ànd ex.¡v¡t€d mater¿l mavhàv€ tobr disp.rdd ofotr¿t¿n ¡pprov.d l¡.lily. . lhcre 6 pú.nn¿l rô ro¿ds ¿s¿resultolacc€ss losr of cl€rn lll/nrlivetoiL . Rcqut.m.¡ltolpgrad..xßtinaP¡rk¡ccér.o¿d (1km) lo ñunlclp¿l *dndard, ont¿rost/ Bayst / modift¡nonr .rqùnè fo¡ !ndù NâvLgabl. . MOE r.vicwofdred8ing opcr¡tions r Allaboveàpp.ov¿ß¿ndpermúore cxpæt.d lo .ontanin.tcd r1.5, àndc61r would likc¡v . Pot.nti¡r td.h¡¡36 C¡ndd¡ ¿pprov¡l . Esriûar€ olrh. lileexperùncy ofrh. r.ùcru'6 willbe prov'd.d. ll 6¿bl. th¿t lhc ñ¡'nreñdñ¿e rcqw.ñ.ñß b. m'nrñtr.d ¡sñù¿h d5p6!bl€ such ¡hôt ma'nlcnrnce.6tt do ñol ¿ddlo th. ¡nnu¿l hurd.n oi lh6c r€sponeblc tor BuildinSdnd 3ho.. prot.criôn dêsi8n.d for 50ye.r Flo¿tin8 dft ks d.eAn.d lor 25 y.¿r liia Wrod conùol will bE lik.lyrèqui.d ñ¡yr¡qurêumr¡d6,wthliñrt.dþoleñ¡¿ltor propos.d wilhinp¿rkl¡nd.ltßprdrr¿blêtô miniñtr. rntail¿r.nQ atrh ñ!ñic'p¡l s.rvtcs . Ch¡ils5hown¿viS¡llonch¿nnelforfrents€v¿rn . l*¡lsûw¡reervi¿e¿trhqwôuldi.ou[cu¡Âr¡d€ for l¡ciliy No w¡t.rservrceat 5tre, encnnon d wrr.rm¿rñr€quùed N.wio.c.marn prop6.d ¡t furlf . ¿¿Þdrl pfôler¡ wthl¡ cenrenni¿l P¿f k. . M¿¡in¡ k lócrrcd ôùrsid¿ ôfn¿vig¡tiôñd ch¡ñ¡el. No'np¿ct on lrenr Sev€rn W¿rerw¡y navi8ation southe¿rr Apprdch.s ¿rðk¡ówn tob.rhàllow a¡d w.edy. t ß prcfcrdble ro have a deep Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #2 - June 28th, 2012 Alternãlive Location 4 - Centennial Park 'Lcyourof &B I'pildrñní¿d . \ .\ iñ m¿in¡ f¡¡rbiìnynudy torerorronrl lJdlil os.rnd /z' x 1\4./ ¿nd bôrtng pubhc J..rç w¡rcilfôñr cJch¡k.rn¡nve M'n mr drupìon of¡x'n'n[ rere¡non u!6 ¡ndp,o¿r¿mipr.¿ i prrfcred rccL5s (f5h n3, ô \,, .r'/ 't \, r¡ !r ßùlñdffilf trtr brsddthc tuñbr.rd i¡.ì (shorcpl¿n.ñdT@d¡!ú 2010). ¡c.csbl. Ahcrn¡¡v6 th¡lprovLd¡ new ôÞpoilunù.s lorpub crc(cssrowilelro¡drÈ brconrr t -:/ Mersure!rhc.¿pJ.ityof boJll¡piposibI lof Õl¡ppror m¿t¡ly 6,0o0m2 of J.¡vc prrkL¿nd Rc r [nn]¡nt of.$tñrwrtcrfrÒùr ùr reqwrd rnpJd on CtyP¡rkfor D,o¿rrûn¡cd spoús ¡clvt,csr¡dspùcr ùvcnß lo* ôf sc¡to.¡l crùrnt r¡rJ cônnrcrcd to loc¡lly Jid re¡ on¡lly n¿¡úi.¡nr speû¡l cvr¡ß Co{rron dùr.B luûmÍ borùn¿rnd Ncnß Þr¡k r.rso¡s potitr fô,usr.ontLds Jt Mc¡'u,o: tht pôrdtiJl ryÞe! ôfv6sci be'n| thrt provrdpfor h'gettp[1 olrer5on¿L / trnrrnt Srcr¡.f poren¡¡l v¡luùto¡hc -->-- b-ú OF I ûJ,lcnng rfJ(¡r| lo.¿¡on! rnd l¿Jru,B Alr.rnrtv¿wlhrhc potcnt¡ ro provid.J po.rive ch¡nBcrorhs Jcrhúts ol exn nAlhorehne Ep,cfe,,ed I BAY on AvJilrb dos ùÒt Jllôwrnctfô, dßDosr 'ndudr Òf opr,¡tnxcor lrurrJL QUINTÊ AddtonJL opcr¡t . trrnrJfu . ro rrn n¿r¡il Jndoppôtruñil cr chrntß ryr.ñ . Mcúufcs tnc qu¡ntly ¡nd q!¡ tyor¡qu¡n. hrbilrttl Jt ñJybr¡fidcd by.J.h ofthc ¡trerû¡tve! Goôd qu, ryrqudt hbtrtß mpod¡nl for ¡ hc.lthy¡nd dveße ecsyncm t qurhty¿.d q!¡n¡ty ! prcfer¡blc¡o wfreilfô¡r wûhin eiiñ[ c ry pJk er,.r fo, rnrpprôpnJt¿ doñnry of dcvclopmcnt Lorsof open undevcLoped Òpen . of m¡rnle¡r¡cc co{r wfLbcprovdcd McJrurct ¡hc lcnSrhor new W l¡ff1{ exßùn8 f rh nußdy h¡bitJt 4.ost torclocúc dnks m¡ nìcnJn.o.or inthe Jnd order ol w¡rclrontn¡ thrt . Mc¡eurcsthùrmpùctonl ng.xútn¿U¡p: nnre ùJi¡nd Þed6ùL¿n notwoil . Mci5urer linkrtocx6!¡3t¡i5y{em5!n¿¡bilúy to mpJd ôvcrJllt¡¡syrem, rn [n.wñh Po[cy objcctvo5 altc,nJtves wilh¿r. m¡¡n¡ ¡rr¡ Jnd willrl lc¡st inû'¿llyrcduce t Ave'rge¡nnur NoU¡p! Lnc!:¡nt pcdcnn¡n netwo¡k would bc No trrpr.r on, onn,provemcnb toeißtngtril No oppoilunty ro¿dv¡n.c CryPo[c'cs regJrdrng 'nc,c¡!cthc t Mc¡ruror nrr qurmily¡ild qu No h¡b t¿t th¡¡ mJy bc Jtrcilùd by crch ol rhr rltcrn¡!vc5 Good quJliiytercrr¡l hrb¡Jt ollrcß ô¡.xßùn8w LdlircJnd rsronrirl rnd ! ilcßrctori ßJs3¡ssrd. ahrrnJrv6 th¡r nrprd ôñ trift.oñnrnion ¿¡d rJ.[ na dunn bôrtn8rnd.vcnì! \orson5 ontrriosV B¡y si,nreß.{rons wúh Dln¡rr 5r t¡fcù,rcnrv h¡v.r owtos,withr8núic¡n¡vehnlcr¡ckil8 Ji peJk Addfroñil neßrci.ns 'nrÞJcton wolld br rxpcûud wrh ñ[¡d Þôt¿ñt¡l fôr pcrk Mry ¿ficd nußery ÊrrmJtes.h¡n¿e n nuÙrcnl LoJd n¿wnh.r.h Jk.rn¡t ve Nô chJnE¿ to' d(rci5e'n rhc nw¿rcr qu¡[tywirh c¡cb ¡lrcrn¿Îve hprovcd to noch¡ngc wrtcr 'nthù Pot¡nti¿r cre.ù or drcdsins . arc¡r 'nrhc . wilh hibt¡l 'ñpr.ñem¡ton ol r¡k. furgoon otmil3úo¡ ñ.Á!16 . Lo.rrion p¡rkintsprcr rcqu rrd rñd nudyôr.r rfeknôwn tobo rrcohñend"d not dßturbins the botom rcd m&ß ,nth¿re J,cJ5 or¿ds ngouÈ'de ot known coñrrmLnJtcd ¿re¿! Lt Þrcfered r nol scrvcd by cx'sl¡n3ùJnrtscrvic ¡rcJs6,ncô¡tJhin¡ñt hvosdoñotcxpeded Contol Arcr (IRACC 201r)'drn!l.d ¡s "Sccond¡ryrrc¡ Und.ny nesedñcñt mJyhrvc h gher levcß oftom¡ .o¡t¡m ñJnù D onl2007)r(ommcndr notto dùrurb frdlitL¡i, rñd ¡bililyôfr r¿rnrrve lo.Jronr ro r.rômmod¡t.'equtrcdncwp¡rkLnSf¡cútct Altcrn¡tves th¡tc¡n bcr lse cxß¡nfi pJ¡krnr could bù utilùcd (rppror 430sp¡c¡t) Dcdcrted ofi frctt p¡d'n Jrrprrf¡Írd peJk p¡,k'n8dcmdnd w bc expcn.ncùd bybôth m¡¡Lnr¡nd p¡rk ovcnß ¡ndJc¡vnrùs rrnd 100spr.c, toJddres p¿rk,nsdem.nd dunng ÞLr[ Jdvil c5wthLnC¡¡tenn¡ Pùrk Weckcnd Jet th¡t ¿Jil¡..cpt th¡ m¿tcnrlJ.cord'n|to MOE¿u'd. ñca DÈpo5r of rhcun.ont¡ñ'nllod cxprnsvc rhJnJ torñrrv!5 th¿t do nor, prcfcrJblcrôminiñtrethevólumoof bc dr.d¿cd ¡o JchrcvcT2 2 ñ bôtoñ el8¡tôn 'n dred8cd or Municipal Mar¡na, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #2 - June 28th, 2012 ve Location 4 - Centennial Par known ¿kh¿.olo4ical (stasc st6 1 a(h¿.olos,c¿l esðsmcnt) Normp¿ctonex6tñsþuúner¡t8eE¿rur.5 . W¡t.¡otfor m¿nnabôrn willbcrcqu rcdfor heritàBeteat!r6 rcquned. Ahern¿wes th¿t do nol requie remov¿l d bu lthcrt¡ge fe¡tur.s ôr søn ¿spos3'bþ. Ah¿rn¿liv.r lhdt pcrmil *¿8inA ótlhê ñ¡rinJ op.niñA àr. d6r¿ble. clltur¡l hcr la*ele¡¡ur6 requtrld ât.¿¿h cu[ur¡l hÈ.it¡8. lè¿tur6 ¿ r@ddndltc5crvlc6 dßrupton of cultur¿l hcnt¿gcle rc!'d..¿6 ¿nd bûs'n6s6 Rc*rc¡on ¿d)¿.cnt land u56, ¿l ahern¡tivelæ¡¡ons Allorn¡lives lhat do not cr.¿le srgnilcrnt Nô rñp¡ct on.xßtñg r6'd¿n¡¡r ¡¡¡d !s.s axp(ted pÒr¡v¿ rmp¡ct on downtown cor. ¡h.rn¡li!. Pr{fùence should beBivenlolhe r tsrn¡rivesth¿tñ.el theobFcnvc dlhe protæt f¿cil[i6 wlthiñth. Ctry P¿rk Comp ]m.nt¿.y to srß¡n8 rere¿ionàl utes rnCenlennL¿l Pd¡k, b!¡ cr.¿t.s ùsp¡c. confli.l, N.g¿tv.rmp¡d onCtry3 prñ¡rvculiur¡l ¿v.¡t sp¡.e. lmpaclr Ctry t¿bilny mômbê6 ollh€communily . R6tictioß 0 3 ñ within thr m¿nna b¿s n durnslhc boatina s@son. ltßdó€lo lo.ale¿ nlnna rn¡ d.poriG (sc¿[of imp¿c¡'t Sedimoñ rànspon m¿Vûcu. by nvù.ur€n3 or . &cks.nd ¡nchôß wôuld n¡rñê b¡sêd .qúipm¿m. Wiñda.nêrrrûdw¡¿n0.3¿nd0.9m high. 8r¡dkw¿Îcr r¡qùt¡d ro r.dlcc w¿veôction ra.realional ¿ctvdi6 dunng re roñr.uctoñ movement ' conrruction otñ¿riñ¡ n¿vdßrupr th.oper¡tión d r*r.¡¡onàl ac¡vit5 ðt p¿rk/op.n 5p¿.e. Con*¡lcnon op.rô¡ons ¡nd rmiry lh¿l ñ'ô'ñtrrs on ¡dFc.nt pàrkop.r¿ton, rere¿tioô¡l'mp¿ct ute a^d culiur¡l evc¡ß ¡¿lered dßrlf rnr¡ll¿d wùhsm¿ll nois. wlllrmp¡ctâdFc.nt p¿rk . àcc€ss vECouch Contùuc¡on m¿in Íailsy*.m5 ¿5 ¿ r6ult ol .ônfructioô. All.r¡¡tivo with l6s rmp¡ct on .xß¡ñßÞùblic¿cc6stow¿tedro¡i¿ndt,ils ¡cc6s.od Cr6.,whth ßrh€ lo C€nlcnnÈl P¿rI ExÈtng ¿dlàcent shorelin6 irc Þroleded. lhù¡r ß no ¿!¿ilðblesediment ro b€t.nspoiled by pot.ñ!al fof aporov¡l ¡.ê f .quf od. wdtenôtund.r Public tañd5 acr. r ¡€rrctiont n¡5 the poten¡àr to be . Cônrruclon l¡nds ånd €x6t¡ng r!cr.lherc Ls¡óch¡ng. iÒrh. nlerllow lhe Lowpôr.nmr rof,np¡d on rcê moveñcnr ñ¿¡ ñ¡ld.rcd pôtr rhc nvdmodh lo mrnrmte b¿sed Dspo5al ofèx¿6s ñdr¿r.lwôu dbcôf.súc by tuck. lruck! ñ¿yrequncspcc'ùl cqui!ñeñ¡ for are¡ ß kñowñ ìo b. d.pôrnon¡l ¿r.â lor ruspendcd r€d' f.oñ rft nvr¡ . orcdArngcdrr€¿out fom m¿nn€ Exc¡v¿Îe¡.nd dr€dsed ñ¿t.rrl ñry b. . Màrin¡ßio.a1.d p¿*lhebay¿rthcounerollhr to rh¡ rivor flow ñ¿y r.suh in upsùerm tloodlig. ltßpr.fc,¡bl¿ió min'mtre such ¡s ¿..¿5 wher€ sedim€nt timingof i.-w¡t.r wôrk. 'ûp¿cl lqdhcr with.rt¡ng r(reaton¡l f¡ûli¡cs rnd pub[c!ervt6.Alrcrñ¿tv6rh¡rdoôotdùrupr, buì conÞliñeñt ex'stinÍ 5.¡v'.6 ¿r¿prEfdrcd. p¡ft.rns, on Or.dginAn€€dslobrcomplclelorthc6a¡nato oFO l0n.r of¡dv'cc or.urhorù¿tioñ uñdér . lr¿nspoil b c¿n¿d¿approval undcr N¿visùblo lo be màna3ed/ r.m.draled Cilyof quhte MOE rôâds¿s¿ r6uLtôf¡..6! r¿q!ùadto¿cc.ssÌh.m¿n¡¡. lhÈwillr6ullin (1kñ) to munkrp¡r 3ùndârd, onrânosr/ 3¡vsr / f€qure ußf ¡d6, wilh limûcd potenì¿l lof rnt.6*tion rmprov.menB Addinondl 150m ðcc65¡o¡d.equùeddepending ond.ranof p¡opd.d ñunicip¡l srrvtd . ExßtinSmuncrp¡rscrvt6¡forú¡t.dôr propôr.d wûhin p¿rk l.nd llieprctcr¡bl.10 minrútre rntcfercnc. wilh nunicrpal tcrvicc5. . Chanadton¿vi8¡Tion . Ch¡il5 show navi8¿tioach¿ñnel forTrent Sacrn w.1crw.y. ahern¿riv6 rh€r minimtre poÎ.¡n¿l . Lo.¡lsewcrservice¿tlte¡woutdr.q!ùeuør¿de for lùqlitv, No w¿lcr servkc ¿l 5rte, .f.nron of w¿term¿rn r.qut€d, N.w lorc.m¿rn proposd d3 luru.c.ùp[¡l proj.ct, withrn c.nt.nnr¡l P¡rk a bw rmp¿ct on Suildiñs Pcrñ[ Approv¿l und.. th¡ Sp{r.s At Rß[Áct m¿y r tit€e¡pcd¿ô.y otrfucrufe b. . Ef,ñðreolrh.lit€crpcci¡ncyotth.rtÍudufes dótr¿bl. th¿r the ú.ifieô¡ñce rcquncûenß beñ'niûr!Èd ¿tmuch ãtp6able ru.h th¿tn¿i¡l.¡¡nc. co*s donot ¿dd to lhc annuàl burd.n oflhosê r6rons¡blê lor wiL¡b€ provid.d, lt ß tlo¡¡ng dôck des gnêd for 25y.¡rllf! Flùtna brc¡ka¡td d6i8¡.d fôr W€€d contoL n¿vrg¡iionch¿nn.l. w.{ r.v,.w ôl dredAiry ôp¡r¿rions lrbov.rpprov¿lt ¡ñd p.rñû dre €xpe¡€d rôb. 25 life wi¡lb. lr.nt 5¿v¡.¡ 5outh¡¿r. Approachs areknown ro¿llow àndwe.dy, lt 6prderâbl.toh¿v.a de.p Municipal Marina, City of Qu¡nte West - Env¡ronmental Assessment Public Open House #2 - June 28th,2012 AlterñãtiVe Location 5 :.t I 5î ìCa Bayshore Park :¡a ! Potcn!¡r fc torcrcJtonr \Û \ \_ UD Jnd bor!¡¿ w¿t¡úont r(s: ¿.ch ¿lt¿¡n¿lvc M'n'm¿ldrup¡on Õlcxßting rercJnon u5g ¡nd progr¡n !p¡.e ß prcrc(ed (ri:h,n3, bL{omc 4V\tl J.ùsrb r alturnJtiv6 thJtpróv'dt rhaDmcnt ol r proSfJnùed lcld,subtcd to mir nJ Jyour . New formrl pùbh. rô¡30ñ oi w¿red'onr ncw oppoûu.['es for pùb c¿(.ors rôwJieilront r¡e crch rllcrn¡¡vc AllcrnJt r¡rtct numb& of bô¡r s vcs thJr prov Þr defor rrc prrfrÍ¿d .ourd bo¿..ommo¿Jt¿d -t Aho,ñJtv.s thJt prôv'dcarer¡r potenti¡l fo¡ er.d on nJrkdinS rrrlr¿y, ¡trc¡¡¿¡vL¡ wIh th.3rc¡to{potù¡rr vrl!.ìôth.le¿leronomy armJrod $3r.750d,o.r ,cvenue gcneriled rn . t* thc . Cb¡n8e5 Fe¡tcr Þotent ¡ v¡ ucro the oGl cconomv m¡¡cd 5549,530irdn.d rcvcDle¿uferJ!.d nr o(rl ùcononry rnY.rr 1 DùvcloÞñcm ofpoiloil ôfvrcrni ôpen rprcc ro cûy Hill/ LLbrJ¡y avrL ¡ble¡fc¡ ro, ro¡ppcrrJnce of rdrJ.eñt porùntJl tô providrr pôrtvrch¡il¿r totho rÞp,ôp, rte ofd¿rof mrantrùd¡.¡pilrl.oir wilrb¿pfovided [ttm¡td doca LE3ÉND d6ttyofdov.op,rcnr to.¡ptr¡¡coiß5125M rn ûmiled oß ThßerirìJtr nor,¡cludc rllow.nQfor dsposrl ol AY Ad¡r¡onJ ôper¡t ngco{ tó r¡le¡to dóck5 rnd brc¡kw¡tcß ro sh¿ltú.d ¡dÑon fô, wLôtcr F rNl .ou 5ynem Jnd opportunn'c! d bc devcop.d ¡rc¡.h ¡ltern¡¡ve. Mù¡sur¡slhc mpJdô¡til[n¿rxß¡ñAg¡Þr'nth. rJil¡¡d prd.rrJn ¡ctwork Mc¡5ufc! the qu¡n¡ty rnd qurhtyol¡qurt. habr¡trh¡t mJybc rfi(r.d byrrch ôfth¡ r tcrninvci Good qurlityJqu.úr hJbrJtß rnìpo(Jnr fór r htrh[yrñd d vrr:o c.olyncm r pr.ler¡blc to in.,criethc qu¡lity¡nd qu¡ntiry H¡Þ(¡t¿ ¡efJl ons lorscs, DrrdSins w in.reriewJìef W ¡fl.d ¡x6tingf No Mc¡rurcr hnksto cx6¡nAt¡ilsyrcms ¿nd Jbilfty to LmpJd ôv.r¡lltr, 3yn!ñ, In lincwúh Pó[.y dcprht rn pfopoled cr.¡tc ncww¿Îeúonr 1Írisyncms ¡nd hnk est¡n8 prdcînrn syncms ¡rù ûcfcrrd rh nußcry h¡bñ¿l rilrcrs oû cxßrn¿ w driltJñd tefcrnrl h¡brâtrhd mrybc ¡fiedùd byc¡ch ol¡hc rh¡rnrtiv¿s 6ood qu¡rirytc(c*r¡t habrJtr ImpJd on cxútinSro¡d¡crwort ù¡ßû5yn¡m5. Jkc:ru¡8¡on conÙnuÊroen¡blcJs¡nlactoryLcvelolScrv(r onr of 5aR (Los) or mprovethc Loson rxßnn8 rJn!poil¡rôñ nrrwôf ks nf o p¡cf ered. iñplcmonì¡tion of m rieruo¡ mùJsur6, Jdded nùù,onì lo¡din¿ s nol expæfud W ih ¿ rcrnrtiv. Nô.hrnßc ro¡ rnrhr ¡ terñr¡v¿ lmprovcd tono.hrnec ¡ W th lmplemcnt¡tion of m lieJuon mc¡3ùk3, Underyrngscdimcnß m¡yhJv(h¿h.rlev.ßol oveß¡r.nor ¡xp(tcd rhc wJtor r afcJ3 ñ th.rûdv ¡fcJ¿rrknown rô bc cont¿minJrcd. Prcviou.iludr.s hrv? reoñnendrd nol dnurb¡srh¡ bohom rcdLmcnß ùth6. rrc¿s D¡¡ds,n8outide ot . botoñ 3.dimcnr mu* ofJt relcthJt.Jñr.r¡ptthem¡rcnrlJccordinBrô MOttuid. ñe3 Dßpo!¡ of rhcunconrJñin¡rùd . rhrt rrquncd d,ed¿ing¿¡cnìor. ^ltc¡¡¡tiwrthrnr r.rnriiv!5 th¡¡ do nol, expenrvc Crc¡re ¡ con¡nuous otr roJd triliyneñ iÍôñ dow¡tow¡ corr, soùrh eJrto Pr¡.t tdwJd cou¡ty¡ Jrd ceñt.nñ'Jl l,¿ .ynem, L'nk poi.n¡tr| ¡rrrn¡lo downrown cor. vrJotrrôrd ùJil5y*em throuSh l¡nk.d pub ic rp¿crs Jñd p¡rkL'ndr. r¡dllrktô lrûnt R'vor w¡reúonl rJil Poron¡ll ro t M,¡yJreilñußefyhJbt¿tor H¡brrt¿kcf¡ì PorentJl ro [nk cx I n3 Loy¡lßt Pr¡kwry Ù¡ Lro dow¡town.o,c vJ new conl[uous w¡ftfrom p¡r[ ¡e5p¡.¿ requncd Jnd f.cúites,rndrb [yof Jhc,nJrve ô.¡1ôn5to ArcrnJiivd rh¡tcrn be* lJ.ilil¿5J¡dmln'mtrcthcac¿lcotrcqùrod Òfirrecr p!rk¡nA¡rcpr.ior& n.w 'mplcnrcnt Cûypolty rcFrd r¿ v'¡.orcc¡or/¡rtùr¡ ro¡dsvnrfr 0'vloo 5t / oundrs St oÞrrJ¡ôr¡t5¡ti!fJ.rô,v lo5, nor cxÞcdcd robr nq¡tveLyrmprcled by und.d¿k'n¿ Frôñi St / olnd¡s $ Wtr oper¿¡"¡ ¡l 'ntrßoction sr¡'y LOS,poron¡r ro bc mp¡crcd by t¡r nSp¡rhn8rrc úi¡5torCny fJ,¡nd rdlJ.emñuñr'pr prr['nalÕtl¡00p¡rk'nAs¡¡lß coñb ncd) couLd bc u¡[¡ed. Dcdt¡t¡d mJrnr pJrkLn¿wôuld bc rcqutrcd (crinrJtcd ¡r50 :pJc6) ìolddrer pJrk ngdrmrnd d!'trì¿ per( woekdly ùvcna ¡tCtry HJllrñd RôyrL lcson Wc.kend p¿rkinedcñrndló,nrrrnlseip(r.d to.ornûdrwú owdor¡JñdforCdyH¡llp¡*'n8 DrcdScd brdredrr¿d10¡chicvc 72 2 mbonôñ clevJnon,n p¡ûtùr¡ytrthomrtcrùlßcontJmrnrred [ß p,ofe,¡bleroñinLm¡c thrvoluho of dred¿ed or Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #2 - June 28th, 2012 ve Location 5 - Bayshore Park ¡r.h..olosiol ¡ñv6nFrbn {SbB. 1), A[.h.tiv6 I Arch!.oloßic.l Ar6$.ñt), Þd.ôt¡¡l fôr Sus. 2 hùit¡9. L¡túra ¡.q!L.d. &t.rn¡llv6 thlr6 nd otbuitn.riù8.L!1u,6 or crdt. .ultu.¡l h.rirô& conrtlcllon d diln. blildin& prrl¡n8ld. ..c6! .o¡d .nd it. ldvi.n lw¡r.r, .ldnc¡l .nd r¡nit!rV), ¡nd intÞll.tlm of îotlnA brdtw¡1.ß i@. .i Þ6elbl., At.rn¡tiv6 th.t pùmit tu8lng otth. ñ¡nn.op.ning.r.dék bl., f.¡tur6 h6lte.lúlqre, lhb *êrn¡tiv.@{ld crúr.ù hl8hd l.v.l or p.d.fran .cc6¡ to C6obph Squrrq ¡ Cldk low.. r¡d Ondnrllown H¡¡l r.ld.nc6 ând . R6ùiction on llminSdh-w.t.r work. . or.dg¡nS do4 @t h¡ b..øplú. br lh. m.rin. to b. q.r¡l¡on.l, b!rln.!r.! At.rn.ù@! th¡r do nd cr..t. tign¡ñc!.t ¡ñp*t on . re$yth. propGùr wilcoñprm¿nr and worr rôgáhù with.xirring rær..t¡oñ¡l f¿.ilnl.t.¡d lubllc a.Ìvi.6. A1.r¡.!¡v6 ¡h¡r do nor di¡,úpl, blt fødi¡a, h ß y.6url rn uprr.rñ prdlr¡bl. todlniñi¿.¡h.r¡r¡ontô frerê Is ño Brèkw¡têr raquL.d to r.doc. wrv.¡clion $ ¡r..s wh.Ì.t.din.nt d.pøht ot / .!ch¡høn¡riv.. rbuld b. 8¡v.nto ú. .h.rnâtiv6 rh.r n.d tn. dldlv. of thé prô wth th. l.!* d¡ñcùhy, tolow¡hFcl lo th. d!.rfo, . w¡ndg.n.r¡t.d w.vahdw..n qTbqan Þ¡nèrñs, eucò o¡ñ.utry d coñ*ruct¡oÕ rumm6 co.c.f throu8n link.d Èsrl{ op.n ile.r. úù. lh..dor. . &cb ¡nd.ncbr would balnrl.ld wthem.¡ tuiln. b8d .qulpn.nt, h¡8h. in lh. olrærøtlon.l.d¡üt¡6.t Þ..UoD6 iøc., Contùucnoñ oþr¡ron, àñd ilni4 6rr n¡nrñr!6 rúÞ¡dd.djùô.nt Þ.rtopÊr.ron, .rt.diloúl ur. ¡nd.utur.l eûß.r.Þrdêil.d, booto lþw.h.n8. bth. rivÍlow, lowcù Í¡nrporl ß no t.d¡ñ.il r!ñtpon ñod6, S.dim.nt ù¡ntpoil m¡Va.ur bydva.ur.nù oròy flædln¡ rnd ¡c. b. m¡ n¡ s.d/ r.m.d¡.r.d prop6.d municlÞ.¡ 3ùvicn . c¡¡n86ron¡v¡&t¡on d.m.¡i vr6utr lt ß pr.6¡d rn uÞsr.¡m to miniñù. . Edñ.t. ôf ¡ñF.l on Þubllc .ccn3 b wùt.Íront l.ñdt .nd .ded4 t¡il tÞr.ñr .! . rdulr d contrudbn. &.rñflw whh lð3 ¡ñF.t ôn ¡ ¡w.yiom m.lo dv.rcÞno.l . ù.r. ß potenn¡l lôr d.ú.9.b døkr ¡nd lørint br.¡kw¡t.r! dsilry Ic. bra[up ¡f ¡h.y r.ruln rñ on*ûcton nß th. pd.nlt ro drttûrb conbminll.d nt4,.ndcolB woul¿¡nc¡èr.. th. ..qut!d rh. ñ.ri¡., ñt w¡¡¡ráùlt linklnaM.n.l.o¡dw.Þ 1S0ñ¡cccr ¡{d r.quù.d In p..k[nd, fr¡t p.ó.¡bl. b miniñÞ. iñl.f .¡*. with muni.lp.l r.ùq.!, . Ch¡.ß sh4 nùü&nochnû.| br l¡.d 5.t¡ W¡, AÎèh¡nva lbt minimÞ.¡.| lmp!d o¡ oüg¡lion.r. prd.r¡b|., within touùê¡*, Appro¡ch6 ¡r. lnown þ 6. lb¡llow .nd w..dy, [¡rprúÞhåv!.d..p.pprdch soil irconbñin¡t.d ¡nd.ny.rov.t.d p.rñß noñ lftâ|, ¡.don.l .ndld rdê,¡l Bov.râñlnt . @nsrucnôn ñois. will lmp.ct .dl.c.¡t Èrk . Conf ru.tron ¡c.ãt ú. C¡6w.ll . DFO . Jt., to.xßdng.pproch, . ur. *pécr.n¿y ú 3Ùudur. 0r, rh.[ âbiliqþ b.¡pÞ[email protected] ù¡dù rh. r.aùl.rin8 &B rndr.quù.d p.mìs. ahér¡¡dvé whh pd.¡tl¡l for ¡pprd¡|.r. r.qun.d. o.t.ri¡l onnætlon r.qqù.d, W.t.r r.rüc.rv¡il¡bl..t .ertuctid .qùipñ.nî, . or.dslngdrl.doú fôñ ñ.d¡. bsed . E lm.t. otth. eL.xpGhncv dù. sÍucturé wlllb. prodd.d, t ¡r¿6k¡bl. th.rlh. minl.n.n.. r.qut.ñ.nß 6. hlniñt.d.rmuch ¡! p6!ibl.luch th.t m.¡il!¡.nc..68 do not .ddto b.rñnu.l bu.d.n of ù6. rdponlbl.tu lñù of¡dUc.or ¡uthoilr.t¡on undú tßh.n.e &t, ¡i5h.ilð &t Authonz.t¡on ñ.y b. ¡r¡nspor c.¡¡d.¡pÞrd¡l und.r N.visrbl. W¡r.ß Prddlón ftr. . . . &niñg Bvr.wAm.ndm6t . Al¡bov..Þprovåß &d Þ.rñú.rà qd.d . bprov.l undd th. Speis et . BuildinS Clyóf tulñr. MO! r.v¡d wdt BuirdiryÞqm[ ol drôd8lng op.r¡rôn! r.q!t.d, subi*l At tusk to to ñày b. .nd 3h¡. Þrorkfo. déis.d b 50 . FloiinS d*kr d6ignd lo¡ 25 . Fldiln¡ br.¡kw.t.. dè¡¡n.d y..r llf. tor 30 lif. Municipal Mar¡na, C¡ty of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Publ¡c Open House #2 - June 28th,2012 rnary Preferred Alternative Locat ron .å Benefits ': . â "i io¡ r t1 v., ss ó ".t . Location outside sediment Administrative Control Area Less dredging or excavation required Minimal impact on existing recreational facilities Creates new public access to . waterfront lands Potential to create new waterfront . trails and complete an existing gap in the trails network No archaeological potential (subject . . to access road design) . No expected upgrades ¡.t,,- JI I . \.,' . to external infrastructure or services Ability to phase operation and construct¡on of marina Most direct access to downtown commercial core Matters to be Mitigated . . . lmpact on nursery habitat Potential impact on SAR nursery habitat Potential contaminated soil removal required Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #2 - June 28Ìh,20'12 TEPS rÞTtrEfiqtr AllIiIreEI¡iEilII¡¡rc Terms of Reference submission and approval April2O12 Phase 1 EA - Existing Environment May 2012 (Open House #1) Phase 2EA- Phase 3 EA Alternatives / Evaluation - Preferred Alternative / CEAA Screening June 2012 (Open House #2) September 2012 (Open House #3) EA Study Submission and Review November I December 2012 Detailed Design and Tendering Pending Approvals Construction Pending Approvals CONSULTATION - Your input is important! Consultation is one of the cornerstones of the Environmental Assessment process, and your input is important throughout the process. Full details of the consultation plan is available within the approved Terms of Reference, posted at www / Municipal Marina Waterfront Development Project. A third Public Open House will be held in September 20121o report back on the comments received to date, and a preferred alternative for review and comment. Please provide your comments on the information you viewed today by completing a comment form and questionnaire. More information on the project and Environmental Assessment is posted at r¡,,r,.'tl,Ç:lr:e'¡ies'i ca / Municipal Marina Waterfront Development Project. For more information or if you have questions or comment please contact: Citv of Quinte West: Mr. Brian Jardine Manager of Planning Services 7 Creswell Drive, PO Box 490 Trenton, ON, KBV 5R6 Tel: 613 392-2841x4467 Fax: 613 392-7151 Email: b¡";an i@ouil'i i¿rn'es :. ca Project Consultant: Mr. Milo Sturm Shoreplan Engineering Ltd. 55 Eglington Avenue East, Suite 800 Toronto, ON, M4P 1GB Tel:416 487-4756 Email: msiurml@sþci"epien. ccn Ministrv of the Environment: Mr. Gavin Battarino Project Officer Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch 2 St. Clair Avenue West, Floor 124 Toronto, ON, M4V 115 Tel:416 212-4279 Toll Free: 1 -800-461 -6290 Fax:416 314-8452 Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #2 - June 28th,2012 A Natural Attraction The Corporat¡on of the City of Quinte West Municipal Marina - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #2 Thursday June 28th, 2012 (.}Opm - 8.00pm) CouncilChambers, 7 Creswell Drive, Trenton, Providing your name and mailing address (or email address) below, will enable City of Quinte West staff to notify you, directly, of any further Public meetings regarding this project. Personal information contained herein will be used for this purpose only. PRINTED NAME MATLTNG ADDRESS (OR EMAIL) 6* thue ø trv EBrcf ßoue,1rnr? Rü P, /oTrnPtL .com V*@ú" o'f-*,./ C¿ t/t r{;\.- -So"*,''.' lã- S t\f:ttLt: P/ L , S'f ,.' nJ tn f'ur--^ .9++srr* þ Çruilr*Ç ib R./ n/sê ,//, , R 4,¡ 7 fi|,Å+ ó rn,'*h /1 ûu,|un"., I L^^,* Orçeg ÊBu t{G t C,4r^, l? -* , ( I ,€" n¿/*,JÐ. ,4p/f t{o .C a eJ/vlcC q\s< å,a".c c-art¡.r^ Q ql/\ c\t\\ . cæq,^ 5 Aol q JÊtJtst llW RRç(t---t\r --{ tllito (? , 5 -t srr-n¡loln. t/0 ! - l t1 FJ-.^-*t k{ P* "-¡ *ctcÉf¿ @ C,-Þr¿rr L , coR e 4/f,(^.v t K'r-- rL ¡¡tl í*æâ/rr';- ,r/ \AK {¿"JJ C.¿e L>e+i/íeoa 7?,;[* *r fl,t {4-tt . t tß n/n߀,e ,ÇÀè¿ /)R SRt la f /,q, nrJ I4 (r-c l(N ñ¿ç ÊtS ìf¿6¿zc¡,.t P*uS Pr tl3+ e4-z--/< H¿ffi J-d áa,^11 ¿ru $, ,KoK lL¿ 4,r'".^,t l¿3 'út" ,z ¿ra-z')"Y4r¿ L#"4. ç V/e lU'3r\ L aSS¿^"f57 ù\0"'L S-7 RtsçcÃruo üL Cüf?"rtf t N ( pcLr- koK tLo /,L*[ V¡-' t\..ê / kr\,¿,þø flco,n A{'4' úr r A Natural Attraction The Corporation of the City of Quinte West Municipal Marina - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #2 Thursday June 28th, 2012 (4.00pm - 8.00pm) CouncilChambers, 7 Creswell Drive, Trenton. Providing your name and mailing address (or email address) below, will enable City of Quinte West staff to notify you, directly, of any further Public meetings regarding this project. Personal information contained herein will be used for this purpose only. MATLTNG ADDRESS (OR EMAIL) PRINTED NAME t Comments: The Corporation of the City of Quinte West Municipal Marina - Environmental Assessment Public Open House 28th June ,2012 please provide us with your name and address (or email) so than we may keep you informed of further development of this project: C Name t; {.Ç Cr lre rt I t c- Q_ Address: 4 i?o^J ¿ R-flo ll K8il az7 Postal Code <e_ Email ñe- j . Do you have any comments or questions regarding the purpose or rationale for the marina project? (- 2 a_ éL L{- gc¿ Do you have any questions regarding the proposed stages of the Environmental Assessment process, for this project? Are you satisfied with the opportunity for input at critical stages of the project? ¡,! ó- ( ^.J a é^- Gity of Quinte West Marina E nvironmental Assessment Page 7 3. Any comments or questions on the information presented this evening, regarding the screening and evaluation of Alternatives? tJo 4. Do you have any comments on the Alternatives presented, including the "Do Nothing" Alternative? ¡úo 5. Please comment on the Preliminary Preferred Alternative, and identify your personal preference. & c- +L <. r ^é\{ P.. Ç-"n..Å ^¡l Al ?2"- n"-{c-./e-. City of Quinte West Marina EnvironmentalAssessment Page I 6. please comment on the facilities that you would wish to see, and would personally use, as part of a marina develoPment. æanl I Cvi Lt *f (ú ô a \v¿- C) t- Îf-es (1 \L 8u o, l-J L. e-J €- ea-Ø e_1- e-4 ?,-. tz- e- * \^ ( kn o'J (,r l-l ^n. t ,'t å- o^ J {'L- l-s -î C-a S cr /à v-- \ Are there any additional evaluation criteria or aspects of the environment, beyond those presented this evening, that you feel should be considered? 7 t SI a ç A !.4 I b- Q.-a tÇe- c <- J <. A f*t( L.'e..l 4-' €+a ( a- <*ornStJ-r'* õ ris t oo-[- t ec J¡e--Q- ' 5 \ *o-- (¿_ (¡,-^ lun .S 4m öçÐneV1y1Q- , I Are you satisfied with the way that notification of this Public Open House was advertised, and with the methods available to provide your input? g. GENERAL COMMENT - please provide any comment or questions to the project team not covered bY the above questions. Gity of Quinte West Marina E nvironmental Assessment h^ Page 9 City of Quinte West Marina EnvironmentalAssessment Page 10 Comments: The Corporation of the City of Quinte West Municipal Marina - Environmental Assessment Public Open House 28th June ,2012 Please provide us with your name and address (or emaíl) so than we may keep you informed of ject: further development of S t^ Name: (eÅ Address: Ðu' r Ir. Email 1 . Jc^ tr\,{C C Postal Code: koE t t^^a\- t- c Do you have any comments or questíons regarding the purpose or rationale for the marina project? -Þ e-. \æz^ - 2. I i* c- a ) Do you have any questions regarding the proposed stages of the Environmental Assessment process, for this project? Are you satisfied with the opportunity for input at critical stages of the project? o*# Gity of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment Page 7 3. Any comments or questions on the information presented this evening, regarding the screening and evaluation of Alternatives? 4. Do you have any comments on the Alternatives presented, including the "Do Nothing" Alternative? \ _ù\ \¿,"-4€ \Ñc-" 5. OwV < o\4 e- \\* tJ o\g,az<i \Àl I r.€ ee, <fr¡.r\ñ^^ <r, C Please comment on the Preliminary Preferred Alternative, and identify your personal preference. City of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment Page I 6. Please comment on the facilities that you would wish to see, and would personally use, as part of a marina development. (-r 7. Are there any additional evaluation criteria or aspects of the environment presented this evening, that you feel should be considered? \Ñ (\ +_ È*b \l.q-å l. those qJ-* ua .,.-tb-='Q'-, c^--- C.\,\^s À" -qg rcc-J\S6: Jd= L Are you satisfied with the way that notification of this Public Open House was advertised, and with the methods available to provide your input? 9. GENERAL COMMENT - Please provide any comment or questions to the project team not covered by the above questions. a - .\dt' 2e =^xe.\ Gity of Quinte West Marina E nvironmental Assessment \¿r.,*-\,.o :\a ü Page 9 City of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment Page l0 Gomments: The Corporation of the Gity of Quinte West Municipal Marina - Environmental Assessment Public Open House 3oth May, 2012 Please provide us with your name and address (or email) so than we may keep you informed of further development of this project (PLEA SE PRIN r). ¿ Name I t Address /q C- o Postal Code 0 ó Email 1. Do you have any comments or questions regarding the purpose or rationale for the marina project? a, . ii I Do you have any questions regarding the proposed stages of the Environmental Assessment process, for this project? Are you satisfied with the opportunity for input at critical stages of the project? n/ t//to SL,s^e ç J , I // ,r<-",tr1, fu Itt ilnll+e-t\ t City of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment Page 5 of 9 3. Do you have any comments on the approved Terms of Reference document? /t L +h 4. I 2- I /, a,L / Do you have any comments or questions on the information presented this evening, characterizing the existing environment (natural, built, social and cultural)? i /) c, <- I .u-41 o / n/ e-a, tr</ I City of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment Page 6 of 9 5. Do you have any comments on the project study area or potential locations for a marina development? "l /' + I / (, ,l ,L J ¿ t/ /.'- 6 Lt eÅ-, Lar,t./,, t-/a-t/,,Jg l. / oa /rt,o,/u À t+ 6. lu ( / / r /u,ort c¡ (-- Ç.,t¿,^ J ç I/ Please comment on the facilities that you would wish to see, and would personally use, as paft of a marina development. (- / ,//.lll, /:-/, cr (-v I i,r'll ¿- U J. €- Gity of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment J/.(/ (-. Page 7 of 9 7. Are there any additional evaluation criteria or aspects of the environment, beyond those presented this evening, that you feel should be considered? (t./ þ1,', l, *' ,(, e_ t,, (/ / t,t 8. /-, (t y', ./),'. zeN () / , '2 J,, c Are you satisfied with the way that notification of this Public Open House was advertised, and with the methods available to provide your input? €_ Gity of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment Page I of 9 g. GENERAL COMMENT - Please provide any comment or questions to the project team not covered by the above questions. U U ¡,.:,1 t t-/ 5 Thank You! City of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment Page 9 of 9 Brian Jardine From: Sent: To: Brian Jardine Monday, July 09, 2072 8:43 AM Cc: 'tom everist' M ilo Sturm ([email protected]); Jane Graham ([email protected]) Subject: RE: Emailing: scan0004, scan0001, scan0002, scan0003 Thank you Tom, Yes, I did receive the scans and have forwarded your comments to Milo. Will keep you posted on future meetings Rega rds, Brian From: tom everist lmaílto:[email protected] Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 201211:23 AM To: Brian Jardine Subject: FW: Emailing: scan0004, scan0001, scan0002, scan0003 Hi Brian We met at the last Trenton Marina open house. I hope you received my scans I was unable to fill out the comments on line. I also tried to send them with this letter to Mr Strum, but it is not going threw either. Could you please forward this to him' And please keep sending us info. on th¡s project, I hope our input is helpful' Thank You Tom & Lucie Everist 1353 Glen Miller rd k0k2c0 (613)-398-0e0e From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Emailing: scan0004, scan0001, scan0002, scan0003 Date: Wed, 4 Jul70t211:00:13 -0400 Hello Mr. Strum We spoke at the last Trenton Marina open house. I hope this info. is helpful to you. We would be happy to do more if we can. Please add us to your email list, We would love to receive more info. on this project. Since we last spoke we have mentioned to other boaters that you have no plans for a launch ramp, and they were very disappointed, saying they will not use the existing ramps in Trenton, and they would sooner drive further to use the better ramps in Belleville A good launch ramp, and secure parking for trailers would mean more revenue for the Trenton area. We hope you will consider this change to the plan. See you at the next open house. Tom & Lucie Everist 1353 Glen Miller rd Frankford Ont. k0k2c0 (613)-3e8-090e Com rnentË: The Corporalion of the City of Ouinte WeEt Murrícipal Malina - Environmental Assessment Publlc Õpcn Housc ?8'' Jr¡nç ?Afi itl Í,ç¡,tåe:1.,.1ïrJû ¡¿rtt'r y1)trt îilfì.tt ,tre 11,-JrCS3,3:9¡-. 1lì 3.J:\3* åt 'tô3y l{r)CJ ¡Êr.t t'l¡Êltr.r3fl 5{ l¡,rlhct el llìfir-l[itrl{:'t: f:f thls pttl{.i{' 4 /,J'l', þl¡rt rç l-L ì,).t ,\ rJrtrrÌRn ,' I kr t.".,lr .ru51¿ r il r.cÞ tt-i ¡]*!tJ-... i . [.t l: rnã I {-1,¡ yrrr,r trüvË ¡1.ì/ Lrtrt-ren!3 ptcpr:t7 Á*, ¡¡ { teslr.f,n3 raqlr,J -'E tÞc --: .¡ -'"' r,t ¡i t/ =-iip:-:É ¡ c, .1 Èr 'il:Lrr'illa l:t lñe rrìù: llð _n__E a jÅr-?L :l',lp''¡'ìât1 qtJ!åì n! lfê f rr'"*f'trïêftlill Åre prn¡*ct? :ãh:'.€d ¡vr'þ il'€ ËpForlJñ t/ l':r nfu: ¡l yeu l-r3 Áu*1,:rrr*rtl F c.{-Ë*$, r plâlÈ*l cni'Ëål 3:ågÊâ ot :l^c J D> ¡'c:f, rrl'¡rrl tIfìT .Jr {ìflr¡r'1 ,û9¡ffl'nJ fl..r ¡nr ¿-',/ , LJ¿/l , :4.Ã4 ttty ef Quint¡ Ws¡t H¡rin¡ Enviranmnnt¡l ¿*ig¡gnr¡nt Pege 7 I,ri¡ '::;.!l'!'-'.Étlli {!. (,r¡;r;:1¡¡¡'¡ g ûn !f.€ ff:frf13f :a I F."|?i¿?-iiÊí, 1-lS F}tnr"!J :Fr!:14 FQ T'rF ¡.;rcrn:}l '.'c€'l -5;re{Jflirì! ün'l e'v;1..¡gl J¡,c¡t ^ã-toi-, -.:t,k!{ f N, L i* ,J / // ¿"'4"i'¿(- -&,,,^Zú/:) ,t, t ^'t' -.d-#\r'..--- { -.)r -i-zz*'-L ! t { !Åt--rt&! *Ì'¿2y' 'ja /* J -Åt.c¡ ..4 ¿,t.' .â, -.?Í|.8,1¿. Å:¿l- -t^1¡¿^ã-. to*' I î'té"'r ,1- /-rl,f,l i ¡r|{' *]-t¿Lu-*¿fl,.' *.--- _¿¿ YLr,4- r-.C¿.Jå'-.1 ¿ Þf¡ Ti).1 ì.i,e l":T rìflm|ltir''!ì ,i* 'nf ållÊi''rllrvël flrÊl4rìlÊr., itr{ilr-¡ili¡r'¡ ¡r'¡r1 [ì'r H;'rtr{"ti]' A¡l*rn¿brer j*¿oro ¿)_ I tr,*a:+ çer¡-r'Ëfr1 ,:- t*re Fr¡a'i _o*-*,+*:H- *: t . Ll' rÌ'rnånl'F're'f¡"9¡ ÅiiÊrnå*'.¡e ¡rd tJ:n1'tt' Tüur:Ëtsû'].t Frgforenco ,/. City of Quint¡ lrYrtt ft!¡rina [nvirrrnmtnt¿l ¡u¡t¡men{ Frge t -. 'i PeASe,lËñTËnt :: lhf l¡.:rl :C-* t'r.:l 7r.i.t n-tI' fil $ rrì.{'lf '.F (lf}y!l i ¡Í1f rl':'1' r'T¡i"-¡ tl y¿'1l't'] {tLF ,J'ril 'r¡:lt,J;:: ÊìÈr3,ü r1ç .àl ¡l I þ t¿{//¿ ¿':/ -/Jt ¿.*'-<¿T I ' ''! ¿' Yaur; ' -il-.Lt' .j f '.r,'å¿.;&¿.À¿r/ -8- ,J¿/¿ .+tr¡¡tt trf !rÊ-f,{ë{-¡l.r{r4rËF{4å" lþ€t-.lrü{r!{!Lq4+}&t +â cårtl¡¡ìÊJ J( î-! Ìi å J"*¿¿H -¿¿.t*&t "/t t;s -t/tt¡/. ,fvfi ¡'.r'Y¡y'/ ttk!¿J ¡t¡:ir <rfrftq"+.rÉi-r]Írit'n{nn- r¡.1è¡.a ç¡ ¡+t'l*l¡jü I ¡1p-g1,., 16¡f41-na ¡ tr*¡urrl 1 ËiJ / ,'YlÍ.l' ttr rte )¡1 Å e ylru ra'rsfia.,J rt¡, l'¡ tt'+ lrra¡ I't¿l'r,,,1 f¡L.á!,r-;t¡ L,rl llt'! P.¡t *'rflt trå r€thrrl* s,r¡t'¡r'l* lr ¡r:vr.'Je ycrrr l.lprril ¡nl 'li r)p+*l llt{¡T¡r ç¡¡l d'J'+r¡tttlaj ;f- g rf€HEF¡1çr;r[!*.fENT - Ê1,:ag+ igr¡,t.rj4 dr¡!'r-rjril.!'H':r tLlvr¡*¡t l1y t'U ¿br¡V+ tåt.+rtl!ir'tl ¡.Jr r¡,¡ç1llr¡;111:t liq 1t¡ ¡¡çr,..1 t¡...Ê¡'¡ trr'¡l { -¿t{t tbxÅ ¡' J¿,8*¿ i^, Æé¿- r,, À:¿/tr Çrþ of Qu¡ntc ltlcrt tlann"ü Ën'¿lronmsntsl AÐsogsm€r,l H¿t. Pe¡o I rt:i tt ¡urlrj¡rü}¡u lrlilnutuojr*lu3 tt¡ r0rd ] rr /{tz:t7' ,I"F EuH:flJ ltãftÀ lr¡urtr(} }È A}1:} P4?æ-' t-+r'f- '1"!i:'7i -- 3 /r/"l<Í-rt '/,'f^ L tj ír'0rl Ym¿- ril . lt o-f jr_/ O [ ,-1 l_ t-'/\/ I f- I,WL r i4 ? ln ørt --l I ''lhø p ,/- tliw 4 it#n rrf Q,ft-tsi.Ft t Æ''l t'r ' 'l,'ru-l " r -' r^ '¿i Í ¡üÅ-[, {I --+4-¡ n \-l¿ '' ) orn,4 ¡ tl o t tJ, pl 'J l./4 I iL 1J,h¿ rßûß.{L f)u- it O rtlo'(.rn 1 L €'1,' i3 .lt J- -t4 /¡r"t{ L{,i/ a Ar'ô rytÃf ¡ì IJ W( ILL ,l s, tnrL¿ u( €-r R il r't / / Lan /¿ ,/'/ c /,L #, /" v 0 ç, a /¿2 t(o/ '4-rt l) 5 "fl ?rl- / ,lI j-rl, (ú) 4/o ÀlL "t ln la U' tL , ( .n-,Ò{-Cf 'fi //) / a f, //41*- d cLy Jt1 ?( ,( a I "/î / lo le-, I (u,,t) q u/{- 5/ d-b n-aaø4 L Jc l!-Ò ,,1_?Ò.{L_5 Gi lJ¿-lt s !.a-Ò -) u d t /i- ¡c;i 5 tf/a {Vuz+o J- 7 d ?l e t "lt/¿n \ø2,,¡A¿-' -It fi /t, _-^// çt o n !ü(. ,YL î-t¿'-t) L f1-,l- r I Qc"4u Çt/'"u¡. I U c_ // I J 4e- ¿,,r) g /L rù/ /1 It¡ -f J L+L Irl - er*,1 r) ^,.t Ai ¡ì t' í3 I f /,,',,, l', ü& I /-t ,.^/ I {/ l"- {t o !+ 'f'e-n I \-{- ' l, ,' ¿', /3 3 7 tLLî Brian Jardine From: Sent: To: kevin brown Subject: New marina < [email protected]> Monday, July !6,201210:04 PM Brian Jardine Hi Brian Enjoyed our conversation at your last open house. I was the guy who brought his son & were basically just wearing bathing suits. Sorry cant be bothered filling out your form you gave me but i have some more comments & thoughts. 1-marina has to huilt smarr enôuqh so it can have 100o/o oopupancy. If this project looses money your taxpayers will eat you alive It on the of the river. This does two things. 2-marina of the marina n retailers to 1- it al expe our communíty to its list & therefore have a better chance of vistiting again 2-it allows (transient Boaters) 3- a boat lzunch capable of launchinq 35ft boats must be in place. This is in my opinion-plg¡[-_1_ 1-this boat launch is best suited in an area of no current,wind & protected from ice damage. All if these facters will reduce your maitenance costs of such boat launch 2-In My opinion the best place for this launch is in the old Marina on the east side of the ríver. This also does a few more things. l-if the current parking lot is extended toward the new launch then this parking lot is ideal for winter storage of boats. Keep in mind peoplJwíth anything over a 25 ft boat are less likely to own a trailer a witt reqr.rir-re aiþãîãÍo store(block their boat) This is ofcourse done by professional boat movers. I really think you need to ask their input on the launch & storage area. *** 4-If you install a small building beside the boat launch it can serve a few dutÍes, all of which í feel is impoftant. 1-bathrooms for info) in mind there are over a few hundred young soccer players only a few hundred feet form this facility every week . On a busy week night when paÊnts are in a rush they will be there 4-can collect fees for using a proper well maintained boat launch Brian feel free to e-mail me or call me or even come over. If í can help just let me know Kevin Brown 613-394-0368 L NOTICE OF PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE Proposed Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West lie Envionmental Assessment Act lo investigate the development of a municipal boating marina at the mouth of the Trent River and Bay of Quinte. The City of Quinte West is conducting an Environmental Assessment under A Public Open House Meeting is scheduled for: DATE: TIME: THURSDAY,22NDNOVEMBER,2012 4:00PM TILL 8.00PM LOCATION: COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY OF QUINTE WEST CITY HALL 7 CRESWELL DRIVE, TRENTON, ON The Public Open House will consist of an informal drop-in format, during the hours shown above. The Study: The City of Quinte West is undertaking a study under the Environmental Assessment Act to investigate alternative locations for the development of a municipal boating marina at the mouth of the Trent River and Bay of Quinte. The proposal would provide a strategically located public recreat¡onal facility that would enhance the City's waterfront lands, develop increased public waterfront access, and assist the local economy with respect to its diversity and success. The Process to Date: On March 27v',2012, the Minister of the Environment approved the Terms of Reference for the City of Quinte West Marina, Environmental Assessment. The study will be canied out accord¡ng to the approved Terms of Reference, and the requirements of the Envionmental Assessmenf Act. A first Public Open House was held on May 30t, 2012, to present information on the existing environment within the project study area, and the evaluation criteria to be used in selecting a prefened alternative location and design. A second Public Open House was held on June 286,2012 al which a range of possible altemative locations for the proposed facility were presented along with a technical evaluation of the alternatives and their potential effect on the env¡ronment, using the defined evaluation criteria. This Public Open House: This third Public Open House meeting for the Environmental Assessment will present a detailed review of the screened alternative locations including identification of a preliminary prefened alternative location. ln addition, avoidance, mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures for each of the alternatives will be reviewed. Marina design alternatives will be presented and reviewed along with the evaluation of these alternatives and the identification of a preliminary prefened design. Public input is being sought on the proposed marina design. Consultation: You are invited to attend this final Public Open House to review and comment on the information displayed, or the project in general. The study team of City staff and prolect consultants will be available to answer questions, and there will be opportunity for both verbal and written feedback. Your input is an important element of the Environmental Assessment planning process lf you would like to be added to our prolect mailing list, or have project related questions please contact: Brian Jardine, Manager of Planning Services City of Quinte West 7 Creswell Drive, PO Box 490, Trenton, Ontario, K8V 5R6 613-392-2841 x4467 [email protected] A N¡tur¡l A¡¡r¡crion The project website can be located at (link: Municipal Mar¡na / Waterfront Development) Under the Freedom of lnformat¡on and Protection of Privacy Act and the Env¡r1nmental Assessment Act, unless otherw¡se stated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property ¡ocation included in a submission will become part of the public record files for this matter and will be released, if requested, to any person. n fhe Not again Mr. Norlock Did you knowthese items are not recyclable? Please do not plarethem in your Blue Box Constn¡ction, Sponge Foam **tÁ WoodSaap A¡other lette¡ to our fedMP era.l Deu Mr. Nodock, After a pleasant thræ- llangers Plt( -wood ¡ -metal -¿¡- -plast¡c lrcken Glass, Plist¡( #7 Vinyl or rubber housewares, 0ther r,=å ¿ Æ EubbleWnp Dear Edito4 Plastit #3 æ tulrdowpane @ inte I, of ciroilus md other iu¡-k mail. lp md behold, póminent mong the other advenising ctohrs was you latest enlarged [æd probably costliec despite these rimes of ¡estnintl paeæ of omise to the bigbiu^e ma&inË. I suppose the larger ver sion is nresæ to roubtish all of the phóro-ops'that we alredy sai" in oú. loel newspapea. One ø't get too much p.rblicity m one, wm if one has to prcduæ it one. ? It wæ paþolarly gad- hæ a few as possible and minute. As æ ethiel pen puq/s provm lhough rt seru ou governmmt doesnt reallv wmt dre opinions and feedback from tle electorute on such items as oruibus bills thar, u¡de¡ rhe guise of a budgc, change ou invj¡onmmtal and health p¡otecion without providing àther the infomation or the dme fo¡ ou other elected ¡epresenatirc to properly må publidy Oemte ilCh mtteE_ lor LhDa lorflgn equalities of that pla. have beome public. Of oæe månv l not dullmge diei md risk having th mæ you ae misusíng funding to reduæ a mtiqal md natim building irotirution, re-eleaion furding ponwàitded uay. shoutrd all that in ùe pãst has imm tially repondd the aaions of @r gowtmenß, into what could posibly be jut mother City ot ouinte West is conductjng æ Environnenhl Assessment ünder üe Env¡mnménhl AssesmeÍt Act to ¡nvest¡gate a municipal bralíng marina at &e motrÚt 0f üE Trent River and Bay of Qu¡nte. A Public opør tlouæ lleülíng kl sclleduled fi Ins0AY, DAIÊ TIM* LOCAïOll: üe developmeÍt bn you govment puÈ before the Ornbudsman md Budeer OfÊs? The momnt wiihholdíng of fr.u¿"te !o rdfl" Progtms md orgMhoro that oppose 22XIr il0VEMBÊR, ãt12 yow tive agmda /tlxlPil llll8,{IPl¡l cout{ctLG$ilfBms is Consewa- m@ntrio- But it would be niæ to sæ you try to justd these pøitions instead of ignoring thse onnovemial isÀres anã blindlv followine vou .leadmb.le. clrY fF ouuftE $tEsT cllY HÀIr 7 CßESI|g,¡.0BIVE InE ff0.It,oil ]¡e Publh open tl0lse will cons¡st ûf an informal drop-in f¡rmal, during úe hours shown above. Ito ¡mmber e/s s[illft¡l rciiãó of *itLholding æ miuch infomation tem intercs of C¡ at stake, as they-gover æn' under you pemicious policie. Iaìn He PS: Not onlv is t ætnge by Coiæctri adaindæd'"Iotally u able" æ stated by ivfr but m is vou gover hypocritål poiitior PM,MinirterÏiffi em seelr to distanc¡ selvæ åom this s after spmding rc r our w moniæ in It trying to block md I tÉgedy Study: CI 91,0!ltl9l|.9tt i9 uJlderhki{ìg a study underüe Env¡mnmentalAssessmentActlo inyesligate alterot've tomtions turfie devet¡pment ]19 0r a m.'jnicl.ry lFqp.mati0a at fie mouül- of ûe Irent niver and Bay of 0uinte. The prqosalu,ould pmvide a strategically tocated'publh recreatonal f¿c¡lity thal wüld enhance üe Citfs waterfront lands, dêvelop increæed grblii waterfrort ãcces, md assist üré læat æonomy wih respect l0 ib diveßily and success. Growing Up Quínte hi the book stores 0n l,¡iarch n$,2012,tte:MiFister 0f f¡e Env¡mnment approved úe Terms of fleference for he City of ouinle West Mar¡na.Env¡ronmênbl Ássessmelïllhe studynill bB caried outacçord¡ng b üìe apprsvedTernsof Reference,a¡d&ertquiréments offie Envimnmirialnssessmmt AcL A firsl Publ¡c 0pen House w¿s held on May 30ü, 201 2, q preser¡t informalion on üre eßinj environm€rt wi$ln $e pmjeø stl¿y area and üe evaluation criter¡a b be used in selecl¡ng a prefeffed attemative locati0n and design: e ùcond public open HouieGs ¡efo on ¡une 28h, 201 2 at which a range 0f p0ss¡ble altemalive locations for úe proposed fac¡lity were presented along wiür'a bchnkal evaluaüon of lhe attematives a¡d fte¡r potential effect 0¡ the envjr0nment using üie defined evaluati0n cr¡teria EMC LiÍestylès - 8el- tully a olleçion ol /eraTle-Theæissomething storie, well-knm special about having a pride ære. plam md eve Ihis Public open tlouse: Ûird P¡blic opeß House meeting for sie Environmenhl Assêssment w¡,| present a deb¡led review of fte screen€d altemalíve locaüons including identification 0t a pre¡¡minary prefered altemative loealion. ln addilion, avoidance, rnitigalÌon, mmpensation and enharìcement measures for each 01 üe altemalives will b€ re¡r¡ewed. Marina design altematives tvill be presented and rev¡ewed along wilì ôe evaluation prefered design. Public inpd is belng soughton $e proposed mârina design. ofüess afiematives and ûejdentificdion 0fa prel¡miûary eorslt¡lion: You are invited b attend Û¡s finá Public open Holse tû review and comment on úe informátion dbplayed, or study team of City sÞfi and pmlect consillhllb will be available to a¡s1ïer qÍesti0ns, and üere witt oe óppôrtlnity fædback. Your ¡nput ¡s aÍ imporhr¡t elemeît o{ fie Eflvironmeflhl Assessment phnning plffi e A Narñl lìome jomalist.lack b our project maiiing l¡d 0r have prcjec{ relâtod ques{ions üe pruiect in geneta¡, tïe ør ùoti veôal-and witten ple6e coÍÞct ud lived in wiou parts ' t¡oú å*¡iubl" of Prince Edwud Coimry æa book sroffi, ir"t Tmtm ild6nailvhishome AúÊcrìor draw quick aswiatio mmyieadem. Typiel is Bellevill pianist limv Cor Cyndi Crcwde¡, æ de-tailed Salmon Poiníolm in a new book e.Ued Gruw- Iare Hæ Evæs. ing Up Quinte. The bóok aìm pr The regional title is par- cal qisine md qutc ticularly apprcpriate for this monitor the mv book æ the daughter was iheæhasexperiä, bom in Bellwille âd mised the oast Z0 ve.æ. A in .Prinæ Edwad Comry 60 pþs in Éngttr it md Tmtor¡ while the åthù duäs a generou nu was also bom in Bellwiìle ohotom"ohs. þV long-tir,re Evms and his dauehtec 'Íhis lf you would like to be added md fondness for onã's am. lt is a passion shued ip"ffiffi#i,i;ïiilî-,,* 813'352'2841 tom again. IMrile tlre book is æss- able'f¡om^áths of thoç. x4Æ7 üríatü@q!íntei{eslca Under üe fteedom 0f lnformation and PIobction of PrivarT Act and fte E¡v¡ronmenlat Ássessment Act, unless oûem/ise slatÊ{t ¡n üE submission, any personal ¡¡¡furmali0n such as name, address, telephone number and preperty loeation inciuded in a subm¡ssi0n wfl becoße part of fte public record files tor ftis maüer and will be released, if requested, to my person. Best frustprooîing I EasI Warnntyl y' Á.ll vehlct6, ÀU ag6, AII @nrtitionå ùe GUARÀIYTEED ¡d lryRITINC on¡y a¿ RGf Chsk! y' Beneviüe's only specialist rutprcofer, if's a¡l se dô, oE votløsßhlp ¡s s@nd fo û@e! y' Rærchpre"eo ùd time tæfed to bé you b6f cholæ to pÞt4at yoú @r fÞm ridær ruL y''¡;raaæo¡su met yoü ¡eeds a¡d bùdget. Cirll todåy greât Novebcr ¿. .r ¡,u,.iJ ,\..:inr: -.1 , .; ,, .,q{.i- ffi 613-966-2330 10 Cannifton Rd, Belleville sww.rustchechbelleville¿om ! $15 ær oov. It is als 'fhe project website can be locat€d at wwwquintewestca {link Munic¡Þal lrar¡na / Waterfront oeve¡opmer0 Chækeil sine nes md af 17 yean old! , up freely when d mGe m totahtaru Etats. How about rrying !o iusrify l*ue like thê rãdblódc NOTICE OF PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE Proposed Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West l¡' Tieary sinæ some c goment,moutlpiece, like I¡e concem. Why r up in @uas about you onstituenrs' like those raicerl he de¡stand a nmbe¡ øucus memben, fc ple, ue haviryl serior thoughts about the , Slæhing rhe budga of ild sra&ins it wiih d¡e CBC con puliament and the privilege by sone must surely glve y suggestiong malløble appoinæs- only it if you must, at the sible iteru home bv ùe usual mounain * the list of ihæ åithÉrl reognized by yø to reæive the Quæn's Jubilæ Medal. Congradatioro on your om award. We ¡eallv don't appreiate such belateä repors òï select- n what aboui àddressing of a more widæpread md wen contrwe¡sial nanrre/ fying to UIÍYTE ed itms of a positive narure, in other words the "Motherhoodmd apule pie" issues. So rveek absencè I was welcomed self a for *¡nnpr to THE TRENToNTAN.THURSDAg NovciøseR General s, zorz 43 moo Nolicæ a9t0 4940 f{oTrcE 0F Pt BUc 0PEI| il0usE Proposed Munic¡pal Marina, Clty of 01¡¡nte West lFentonian lhe imligale tE dtrf0lmefild We are cu.renl¡y ioolong fo. CABaIERS io deliver in fREì{TON A tut¡¡c ope¡ {oùæ a O@ a week dslivery. a BÈweekly deposit a No Cotlectng a ilo Ftyer insáninj Call Peler today 61$962's1¡71 ùdlB: lìrmr qt6&. Íæürg nunidFlb@ting a is srfFdütêd fe îxtrldry, ãrt l*nb.r, ãX2 afign üll8,ltrFr WEST}IÍI{STER CI{BISTU/IS BÁZA¡{R & HOT LUNC}IEON I Lmüof,: Cdmdlcùmbcß City ot F1060 - Duodas Sl. Êas{ Ell41 - Bay & Hawley Sl. 8T154 - Nelles. Byron, Elmwocd I Hál¡ Sahirdåy, l{ovelhber 10, 2012 9;00 em - 3;00 Þm Adm¡ss¡on $t,00 Sosp Kitchen) 1ßrlor,olt îho Pùblk otsn Ho& Nodh Êtm St ¡¡tmõ¡ Ef162'Caleman & Dixon Sl. 91172 - Dundas Sl. Easl & Mamora 3t. ET I 8l - John Sl FT182 - Nodh Muray & Sidney St. shM drop-h lmat, (ftr Læsi rtll 0o¡list of an during lb€ hours Crafls. Baking, Preseryæ, Claxtor Fruitcákês âva¡lable aboÞ. tlol Ls¡¡*tsn trcm f1:dl am to 1:40 pm Ster, Ttr Bls€uiL Dessert & Beyerage MnÞ WT008 " King Sl WTû20 - Catherine & Kino St fi023. Wijins & SulclríãSt. W1026 - Palric& & Mccualey 0r $,/m30. Edoevrew Dr W:Iû38 - Pâikv¡ew Hls WT057 - Anna Sl Tripp Dundas Sl. West & Haslinqs Sl. 1¡YT070 F@rlh Ave & Dundas Sl. West wT093 Nodhumber,and Dr wT097 Lome K¡ng ouinlr lÞst efty 7Cffillû¡iw, ET07l - Princes St. & Denver Crt Sl ET'139 - Bay 86.00 rtE PSIEEÍ¡S r0 D^¡Ê 0r t!ård¡ 27t¡, 2012, lhe ilini$er ol lhe €nv¡ro¡ment apprded tie-fems ot Feteræ fo. ûre C¡ty of Outnls lrl6t MarirE ERimmÊrt¡t Ásé$ftnt lhe study w¡lt be Énied oul awdñq to lh¿ ãttr@¿d Terffi of fieler€rc, M be .equirfisls al ùe firtanertBl AñffiMttr¿ A ItrS puölìc 0pe0 fiow w iEld on liray 301h. 2012, b pr6erf ¡¡fomdim çn tjtÞ e¡islitg øìircre¡t w¡tt¡h th¿.mlsct stJdy @, sd üÞ evãle$ø criteûa to be @d l¡ ælecr¡g a prelered alt€mtiG led;ø and deign_ A Éffird pùbfs 0pâ fæ wõ held I Jue zfrh, 2012 at wbid¡ a G¡ge of pos¡ble aíqæti€ lGtffi t$ ltE propæd fæil¡ty wer¿ præ¡ted aloog w¡ltt â t6h¡ical e$Juatry of the aiemû6 ard t\eû Þte¡lhj efecì s fte €îviiônment, síng li¡e d¿fired grdluùø ¿r¡l4.ia, sl Hand¡eap A.c€s6 & Flevâlor, Lots of Parking lt93 Belþvltþ General Ädutt Personals À974 LOCAL f'OOKIJPS T¡É dìird Psblic Wfl52 - Orchard & Devere Sl. sææd WT1 56 Mkm & Applew@d t¡¿Tl66 - Henry & Krog Sl ffi169 - Vicroria Sr. w'180 - O'Nel Cres WT184 - WæImouol & Parkviev HIs Wfl90 - Dùffer¡n & Loms Sl l@lim for tñe Eñi$me¡td Awneot rifi Ë@nta l¡dudiru ideitifËüo¡ ol a geäm¡iùi deàited @itr 0f úÞ pæfefird 8oxstÃrÀ¡Í,[: ânal Notices opil Hwmæüng âttmat¡ve alerFliw t0E{m. ¡i addrüü! ayojdare, mlii¡rilon, MpeHtìfi ard ðharMent mwræ 16 wù 0f ÉE attemtûs wil be ¡e¡¿vsd. b€ pres¡led dd .eyþwed dfig wiù¡ tho mluatim 0f thæ ¿Ietrùræ ild ttÞ ¡dedffi@tio[ of a prelìmioary prefered dsig¡. Publlc jnput ¡s b€ing sllgld I üÞ prcpoæd ndß d6ign. - 4910 hrÊ be !û, wld HOT LOCAL CIIAI 1-87-290-Offi Mo¡iþ 15015 F¡nd You, Favdito CAIT NOW tfgortu¡lty E¡vír(mnt¡ù Aswdd It EAOWSE 4 FÊEE I .888.æ8-6790 Mobile *7878 lr bolh verba' and.dritisf, te6dù¿d( pl¿f,aiFg liko Ir be added t0 our plffi Yú 1.8&732Õ70 tlMqÞliG input !s & inoorla¡t e¡€úe/ü ol l¡e 1+88-il.01S 1& [ânx'n pojai näiti¡g lif, û inw gtrld relrtal questim ptæ cmht ESCoBTS Læ¿1, triendly, C¡TY ÛF A Naural Adracdón NOTICE SPEC¡ÂL CÃPITAL BUDGET OOUTICTL UEEÎITGS CIÍY OF QUIT¡TE WESÎ discreb. {['llf|Ë *EST {ô13) 391-9808 Alwavs H¡¡ift 7 Crðsell Briye, P0 Bq 490, lre¡bn, ortario, K8V 5R6 613-39?'2841 x4467 'Ihe p.q¡wt rebsite be lmted ãt h.tarl9quiÌbß.ø ø w,quintñGtiâ link MM¡cípal Mõiü1WäerfortDmhpmfr0 Wb ffi úWtudWúhtqMfiW M/M& iltF@dîntuMôæ,&$,*r@.ìfudøWhbdtuñaúSßlE@ ffi pddtu¡&'M tubturob dd Þ,W, {¡@d, toqtþ. Édlæ # biÞ Please bs advised that the f0ll0wing SFecial Council [leetings .,r¡ll be held in November aÍd Decembet 2012. . s k í ,l Él as90 Speo¡al Ca¡¡trl B{dgsl üset¡ng ç/i¡l be held 0n Monday, ¡¡0vember 20, 2012, with respsct t0 ths 2013 Capital Budget. Special Capilal Eudgel ileel¡Íg !,rill be held oÍ Monday, December 10, 2012, $/¡th r€spect t0 the 2013 Capital Budqet. AII the meelings w¡ll take place at 6:00 p.m. ¡n 00uncil Chambers. -frenton. 7 Creswôll Drirre, Cjg Ha[ 7 Crsswêll DrivB P0 8or 4!Nl Ledsn,0H t6y 5R6 donfl GET IT TOGETHER with the Classifieds alsss@q[¡¡rtsxs$ lol:õß"152-28/7 classif Employment . A.utomotive . Real Estâte " Rentals . Merchãndise Services' Recreâtion, Announcements. pets A9S5 Quinte West Marina Project EA Master Consultation AGENCY / MINISTRY Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (Regional) List: (updated on Nov 2, Contact Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 22nd Floor, Place Bell 160 Elgin Street Ottawa, ON, K1A 0H3 Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 55 St. Clair Avenue East, Room 907 Toronto, ON, M4T 1M2 Dave Bell, Project Manager Dave. bel l(@ceaa-acee. oc. ca Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Litigation Team Leader Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Glaims Analyst, Ontario Team Specific Claims Branch Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Ganada Environment Ganada 416-952-1574 Environmental Unit 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th Floor Toronto, ON, M4T 1M2 Corev Dekker, [email protected] Litigation Team Leader for Ontario Litigation Management and Resolutions Branch 10 Wellington Street Gatineau, QC, K1A 0H4 Mr. Mark-Andrè Millaire, Litigation Team Leader for Ontario 1-819-994-1947 F: 1-819-953-1 139 Claims Analyst, Ontario Team Specific Claims Branch 1310 - 10 Wellington Street Gatineau, QC, K1A 0H4 Ms. Janet Townson, Claims Analyst Mr. Sean Darcy, Assessment & Historical Research 1-819-953-4667 F: 1 -81 9-997-9873 Office for the Federal lnterlocutor for Metis and non-status lndians 66 Slater Street, Room 1218 Ottawa, ON, K1A 0H4 Jeffrey Betker Environment Canada Environmental Assessment Section, Operations Division, Ontario 867 Lakeshore Road Burlington, ON, L7R 446 Sheila Allen, Anne Borgmann Ann. Boro mann@ec. qc. ca 905-336-6274 Page I of 15 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Note: Transferred contact to Peterborough Office - Department of Fisheries and Oceans below. Fisheries and Oceans Canada Note: Transferred contact to Peterborough Office - Department of Fisheries and Oceans below. Department of Fisheries and Oceans Health Canada Transport Ganada Fisheries and Oceans Canada Communications Branch 200 Kent Street 13th Floor, Station 138228 Ottawa, ON, KlA 0E6 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Central and Arctic 520 Exmouth Street Sarnia, ON. N7T 881 Ms. Susan Humphrey Regional Director, Ontario Region Canadian Wildlife Service Environment Canada 4905 Dufferin Street Toronto, ON M3H 5ï4 Department of Fisheries and Oceans 501 Towerhill Road - Unit 102 Peterborough, ON, KgH 7S3 S. Jane Tymoshuk, Fish Habitat Biologist [email protected]. ca 1-705-750-4054 Health Canada Environmental Assessment Division 99 Metcalfe Street, 11th Floor Address Locator: 4111F' Ottawa, ON, K1A 0K9 Transport Canada Environmental Affairs, Program Branch 4900 Yonge Street, Suite 300 Toronto, ON, M2N 645 Jeremy Craigs, Environmental Officer Phone: 416-952-0502 ieremv. craios(Otc. oc. ca Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs Consultation Unit 160 Bloor Street East, 9th Floor Toronto, ON, M7A 2E6 Ashley Johnson Ash lev. J o h nso n (Oo nta ri o. ca Ministry of Gulture and Tourism Ministry of Tourism and Culture Culture Service Unit 401 Bay Street, Suite 1700 Toronto, ON, M7A 047 Katherine Kirzati Ka t h e ri n e, kj uatr@q¡lan o-c¿ Ministry of Tourism and Culture 300 Water Street, South Tower, 2nd Floor Peterborough, ON, KgJ 8M5 Beverley Quirt, ïourism lndustry Advisor Beverlev. Qu rt(Oontario. ca i Ministrv of Economic Development and 705-755-2624 Ministrv of Economic Development and Trade Page 2 of 15 Trade Economic Development Division Hearst Block 900 Bay Street, 7th Floor Toronto, ON, M7A 281 Page 3 of 15 Ministry of MunicipalAffairs and Housing Ministry of MunicipalAffairs and Housing Ministry of the Environment Ministry of the Environment Ministry of Natural Resources Ministry of Natural Resources Ministry of MunicipalAffairs and Housing Eastern Service Area Rockwood House I Estate Lane Kingston, ON, K7M 948 Andrea Gummo [email protected] Municipal Advisor Municipal Services Office - East Rockwood House 8 Estate Lane Kingston, ON, K7M 948 Kent Fitzhugh Kent. Fitzhuqh@ontario. ca Ministry of the Environment Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch 2 St. Clair Avenue West, Floor 124 Toronto, ON, M4V 1L5 Gavin Battarino, Project Officer Gavin. Battarino(Oontario. ca 416-314-8214 Ministry of the Environment Peterboroug h District Office 300 Water Street, Robinson Place Peterborough, ON, KgJ 8M5 Gary Muloin qary. [email protected] 705-755-4300 Ministry of Natural Resources P.O. Box 7000 300 Water Street 4th Floor, South Tower Peterborough, ON, KgJ 8M5 Kate Pitt, SAR Biologist kath Ieen. [email protected] Ministry of Natural Resources P.O. Box 7000 300 Water Street 4th Floor, South Tower Peterborough, ON, KgJ 8M5 Senior Lands Technician iu ie. reeder@ontario. ca I Page 4 of 15 Ministry of Natural Resources Ministry of Natural Resources Ministry of Natural Resources District Planner - PETERBOROUGH DISTRICT 1tt Floor, South Tower 300 Water St Peterborough ON KgJ8M5 Tammy Chung, District Planner tammy ch ung @ontario. ça Ministry of Natural Resources 1't Floor, South Tower 300 Water St Peterborough ON KgJ 8M5 Jeff Wiltshire, IRM Technical Specialist Jeff .wi ltsh ire@onta rio. ca Ministry of Natural Resources Ministry of Transportation Declined Further lnvolvement 4 Jan 2011 Ministry of Transportation Declined Further lnvolvement 4 Jan 2011 Parks Ganada Ministry of Natural Resources 1st Floor, South Tower 300 Water Street Peterborough, ON KgJ 8M5 Hollv Simpson, Manaqement Biologist Ministry of Transportation Eastern Region, Port Hope Office 138 Hope Street North Port Hope, ON, L1A 2P1 Ministry of Transportation Corridor Services Postal Bag 3000 355 Counter Street Kingston, ON, K7L 543 Stacy Sweezey, Corridor Management Planner Eastern Region, MTO Stacv. Sweezey@ontario. ca 613-545-4865 Parks Canada Trent Severn Watenrvay P.O. Box 567 2155 Ashburnham Drive Peterborough, ON, KgJ 626 Dawn Bronson, Superintendent, Central Ontario Field Unit dawn. bronson@ pc. oc. ca National Defense Public Affairs Office Hydro One Networks Inc 705-750-4900 Joseph Shepard Building 4900 Yonge Street, 6th Floor Toronto, ON, M2N 687 Hydro One Networks lnc. Real Estate Services Land Use Planning P.O. Box 4300 Markham, ON, L3R 525 Page 5 of 15 Lower Trent Conservation Authority Canada Border Services Agency Parks Canada Lower Trent Conservation Authority 714 Murray Street R.R. # 1, Trenton, ON, K8V 5P4 Mike Lovejoy mike. loveioy@ltc. on. ca 613-394-3915 X211 Mark Pergunas, Assistant Chief M a rk. pe rq u nas(Ocbsa-astc. o c. ca Susan Sirvio, Superintendent Susan. sirvio@cbsa-asfc. qc. ca Watenruay Heritage Richard Scott R i ch a rd. s Alderville First Nation Hiawatha First Nation Métis Nation of Ontario Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Curve Lake First Nation cott@ pç-g ç-aa Alderville First Nation P.O. Box 46 11696 Second Line Roseneath, ON, KOK 2X0 Chief James R. Marsden, and Dave Simpson [email protected] dsim pson@alderviI lefirstnation. ca 1-905-352-2662 1-905-352-2011 F: l-905-352-3242 Hiawatha First Nation 123 Paudash Street R.R. # 2 Keene, ON, KOL 2G0 Chief Laurie Carr Donald Douglas Paudash (Councillor) [email protected] 1-705-295-4421 F. 1-705-295-4424 Métis Nation of Ontario 500 Old St. Patrick Street, Unit 3 Ottawa, ON, K1N 9G4 Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte R.R. # 1 13 Old York Road Deseronto, ON, KOK 1X0 Chief R. Donald Miracle rdonm@mbq{ 1 -61 3-396-3424 ExL 121 F: 1-613-396-3627 Curve Lake First Nation 22 Winookeeda Road Curve Lake, ON, KOL 1R0 Chief Keith Knott chief@curvelakef n. com Page 6 of l5 Mississaugas of Scugog lsland Kawartha Nishnawbe First Nation Williams Treaty First Nations executivesecretary@curvelake. com 1-705-657-8045 F: 1-705-657-8708 Mississaugas of Scugog lsland 22521 lsland Road Port Perry, ON, LgL 186 Chief Tracy Gauthier Tqauthier@scugoofirstnation. com 1-905-985-3337 F: 1-905-985-8828 Kawartha Nishnawbe First Nation P.O. Box 1432 Lakefield, ON, KOL 2H0 Chief Kris Nahrgang 1-705-654-4661 6 O-Gema Street, Chrisiian lsland, ON, LOK 1C0 Karry Sandv, Process Coordinator Page 7 of 15 PUBLIC / STAKEHOLDERS Gity of Bellevllle Municipality of Brighton Municipality of Prince Edward County tã,Å \- County of Hastings County of Northumberland Quinte West Ghamber of Commerce Trenval Business Development Corp. Quinte Economic Development Corp. Ontario Marine Operators Association Quinte West Tourism Contact City of Belleville 169 Front Street Belleville, ON, K8N 2Y8 Citv Clerk Municipality of Brighton Box 189 35 Alice Street Brighton, ON, KOK 1H0 Municipal Clerk The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward 332 Main Street Picton, ON, KOK 2T0 Municipal Clerk Barry Braun, Commissioner of Recreation, Parks and Culture bbraun@pecou ntv. on. ca 613-476-2148 X 427 County of Hastings P.O. Box 4400 235 Pinnacle Street Belleville, ON, K8N 3Ag Clerk Brian McComb, Director of Planninq & Development County of Northumberland 555 Courthouse Road Cobourg, ON, KgA 5J6 Clerk Quinte West Chamber of Commerce 97 Front Street Trenton, ON, K8V 4N6 Suzanne Andrews, Manager Trenval Business Development Corp. 284-8 Wallbridge Loyalist Road Belleville, ON, K8N 583 Quinte Economic Development Corp. P.O. Box 610 284-8 Wallbridge Loyalist Road Belleville, ON, KBN 583 Chris Kinq, Economic Development Mqr Ontario Marine Operators Association 15 Laurier Road Penetansuishene, ON, LgM 1G8 Quinte West Tourism P.O. Box 490 7 Creswell Drive Trenton, ON, K8V 5R6 Jennifer Rushlow, Coordinator Page 8 of 15 Bay of Quinte Remedial Action Plan Ducks Unlimited Royal Haskoning Enhancing Society Techno Marine Seaco Marine Dock Systems R & J Machine Radisson Design Maritime Docks Bellingham Marine Meta-For lnc. (Formulu Marine System) Town of Deseronto Bay of Quinte Remedial Action Plan c/o Lower Trent Conservation Authority 714 Murray Street R.R. # 1 Trenton, ON, K8V 5P4 Anne Anderson anne. anderson@ltc. 613-394-3915 X219 Lucille Fraqomeni. Source Water Protection Ducks Unlimited 740 Huronia Road - Unit 1 Barrie, ON, L4N 6C6 Stratus House Emperor Way Exeter, UK EX1 3QS Jason Lau [email protected] P.O. Box 374 165 Oakland Road Oak Bluff, Manitoba ROG 1N0 Ken Kroeker [email protected] 8th Line of Smith Lakefield, ON KOL 2H0 Tel: (705) 652-6731 or 1-800-461 -7638 Fax: (705) 652-6412 [email protected] 44 Seeleys Cove Road Pennfield N.B. Canada E5H 284 Phone: 506-755-2331 ; Toll Free: 1-800-361-3625 Fax: 506-755-2336 Serge Bourque Serqe bourque( 1813 Dennis Street Jacksonville, Florida 32204 USA Andrew Gibbs aqibbs@bellinqham-marine. com Sienna Bass sien nabass @--q m ajl. com 331 Main Street P.O. Box 310 Deseronto, ON KOK 1X0 Tel: 613-396-2440 Dana Valentyne Economic Development Officer dvalentyne@deseronto. ca Page 9 of 15 Tom Postma Michael (aka) Guido Stortini Ove Anderson Wayne Gaudall (Trenton Yacht Glub) Graham Potter Alisha Morgan Fred Alyen Caroline Sopha-Tobin Scott Anderson Frances Luginas Christine Jaussou Gilles Morin Rick Tinga Trevor Minnie George Robinson Greg Mepham Ozzie Bell Don Tobin Thang Tran Helena and Carl Crews Ken Wheeler 109 Hood Lane Frankford, ON KOK 2C0 HillbillvST(Ðcopper. net 76 Fraser Dirve Batawa, ON KOK 180 [email protected]ü.com oanderson@sym patico. ca Sarqe4 1 1 @xplornet. com P.O. Box 866 Frankford, ON KOK 2C0 P.O. Box 915 Frankford, ON KOK 2C0 RR#2 Carrying Place, ON KOK 1L0 88 Queen Street, Apt. 3 Trenton, ON K8V 4Xg 677 County Road 64 Brishton, ON KOK 1H0 20 Fourth Avenue, #1 13 Trenton, ON K8V 5N3 P.O. Box 635 41 Trentside Lane Frankford, ON KOK 2C0 98 Hutchinson Road Trenton. ON K8V 5P7 61 3-965-1 060 38 Linden Boulevard Belleville, ON K8N 423 I Miron Road Trenton, ON K8V 5H8 31 Keegan, #14 Belleville, ON K8N 5N7 1237 Glen Miller Road RR#2 Frankford, ON KOK 2C0 35 Ramsay Avenue Trenton ON K8V 2P6 [email protected] 324 Broatch Road RR#3 Trenton, ON K8V 5P6 35 Settlers Landing Drive RR#2 Page 10 of l5 R. C. Foley C. Legato Kevin Brown Wayne Scaletta John Harris David Shoniker Rob Devries Brian Weese Belleville, ON K8N 422 82 Stockdale Road RR#3 Trenton, ON KBV 5P6 RR#1 Trenton, ON K8V 5P4 57 Roseland Drive Carrvinq Place. ON KOK 110 98 Henry Street Trenton ON, K8V 3T7 35 Shoniker Avenue Trenton, ON, K8V 5T1 Rob [email protected] 89 Turncliffe Road RR#1 Trenton, ON K8V 5P4 Wayne Gampbell Dow & Lynn Lake Ray & Lynne LaRue Tom Pam Charles Brown Ray & Janet Webb Art Crews Willard & Marlen Cohassey Peter George Brenda lngram Linda Murphy Don Hoskin Mike Webster mo ntrosei n n@-sympatico. ca 136 Bernard Long Road Trenton, ON, K8V 5P6 369 Lester Road RR#5 Trenton, ON K8V 5P8 109 Hood Lane Irenton, ON, KOK 2L0 256 Glen Miller Road Trenton, ON, K8V 5P8 97 Carter Road RR#2 Carryins Place, ON, KOK 1L0 258 Glen Ross Road Frankford, ON, KOK 2C0 14 Drumlin Road RR#2 Frankford, ON, KOK 2C0 [email protected] 276 Colonial Road Belleville, ON K8R 1Bg 102 Spring Street Trenton, ON KBV 321 24 Fairview Crescent Trenton, ON KBV 5M2 468 Montrose Road Trenton, ON, K8R 183 Page 11 of 15 Gordon Arnott Jerry Sprenkels Christine Jansson G.W. King Garolyn & Richard Hughes Grace Stuart Glenn Kozak Eldon Burchart Karen Whitley Sylvie Ranger-Fernandes Dave Fairfield Mike Sale Andrew Brown Brad Graham Frank Geyer Fred Blair Jamu Fellows Andrew Kotsovos Greg Southone Tom Alexander Andrew Evans Alex & Anna Tinga Doug & Roger Garep Sally Tripp Carley Koomans Matt Miller PaulWhitley 66 Belleville Street Frankford. ON KOK 2C0 200 Old Carying Place Road RR#2 Carryinq Place, ON, KOK 110 [email protected] kqensvl( 456 Nichole Road RR#7 Brishton, ON KOK 1H0 1066 Smith Street East, R.R. #3 Briqhton. ON. KOK 1H0 [email protected] X 5 Eco Crescent Trenton, ON, K8V 5P7 [email protected] [email protected] davefai rf ield@ti me pl us. ca [email protected] [email protected] Boraham4( 116 March Street Frankford, ON, KOK 210 [email protected] y Jam u.fellow@svmpatico. ca a kotsovos(@tomassos. ca [email protected] X Tandq3{ 17 Marmora Street Trenton, ON K8V 2H4 1 9 Northumberfand Boulevard Trenton, ON K8V 615 664 znd Dug Hill Road Trenton, ON, K8V 086 168 Maclellan Avenue Trenton, ON K8V 5J2 RR#2 Belleville, ON, K8N 422 22 Pine Marsh Lane Trenton, ON, K8V 045 41 Dundas Street West Trenton, ON, K8V 3N9 Page 12 of 15 Howard Garrod Bob Mitts Ken Kee Joe Hunter Henry Bergvela Ron & Ruth Trumble Kingston Marina Kingston Marina Bay Marina Fraser Park Marina Gospak Municipal Docks Harborview Marina Stoneburg Gove Marina Wellington Marina Picton Marina and Harbour Deseronto Marina Meyers Pier Marina howa rdqarrod@hotmail. com 240 McGill Street Trenton, ON K8V 5P2 11 Osprey Lane Trenton, ON K8V 5P2 7 Osprey Lane Trenton, ON K8V 5P2 477 Wallbride Road RR#5 Belleville, ON K8N 425 12 McAuley Drive Trenton, ON, K8V 4Cg 53 Yonge Street Kinqston, ON K7M 6G4 349 Wellington Street Kinsston, ON K7K 6N7 516 Highway Old Highway 2 P.O. Box 632 Trenton, ON K8V 5W6 c/o Sandra Carter 31 Manor Crescent Trenton, ON KBV 326 c/o Jim Millar, Director of Parks and Rec Municipality of Brighton 35 Alice Street P.O. Box 189 Briqhton, ON KOK 1H0 5 Bay Street West Briohton, ON KOK 1H0 59 Carter Road Carryinq Place, ON KOK 1L0 info@well nqtonmarina. ca c/o The Corporation of the County of Prince Edward 332 Main Street Picton, ON KOK 2T0 c/o Town of Deseronto Municipal Offices 331 Main Street, P.O. Box 310 Deseronto, ON KOK 1X0 1 South Front Street Belleville, ON KBN 2YB i Page 13 of 15 Cobourg Marina c/o Town of Cobourg 55 King Street West Cobouro, ON KgA 2M2 25 Dundas Street West Belleville, ON K8P 3M7 9 Wilkie Street Belleville, ON K8P 4E4 Suite 59, Box 1000 STN Forces Astra, ON KOK 3W0 Jim Stanley, Commander [email protected] Peggy O'Brien, Secretary [email protected] Belle Harbor Marina Ltd. Stillwater Basin Marina GFB Trenton Yacht Glub Presqu'ile Yacht Club Bay of Quinte Yacht Club Cobourg Yacht Glub Collins Bay Yacht Club Kingston Yacht Club Prince Edward Yacht Glub Deseronto Yacht Club Quinte Rowing Club Belleville & District Fish & Game Club Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters Robin Pilon c/o Trenton Rowinq Glub Dyson Pauk Rick Dupuis Tom and Lucie Everist Wayne Sheppard P.O. Box 661 Briohton. ON KOK 1H0 P.O. Box 22171 Belleville, ON K8N 5V7 P.O. Box 561 Cobours, ON KgA 4L3 P.O. Box 20060 767 Bayridge Drive Kinsston, ON K7P 2P1 1 Maitland Street Kingston, ON K7L 2V3 30 Fairfield Street Picton, ON KOK 2T0 2l Yacht Club Lane Deseronto, ON, KOK 1X0 35 Keegan Parkway Belleville, ON K8N 5R1 170 Elmwood Drive Belleville, ON K8N 424 Ofah-zonef@xplornet. com Rvp123( snapd raqon (Osvmpatico. ca rickvddl 1353 Glen Miller Road Frankford, ON KOK 2C0 þonesmeru@hotmail. com wavnesheppard@hotmatlcom Page 14 of 15 Gynthia Hodgson Bay of Quinte Charters Sunrise Gottage Resort Fishing Charters Merland Park Fishing Charter Jeff Chisholm Fish Finder Gharters Dave Chatterton 15 Laurier Road Peterborough, ON LgM 1G8 chodqson(ðomoa.c 2028 County Road 12 RR#1 Picton, ON KOK 2C0 15841 Loyalist Parkway Picton, ON KOK 1G0 12488 Loyalist Parkway RR#4 Picton, ON KOK 2T0 ieff@hookediqrLúe,qa RR#1 Carrying Place, ON KOK 1L0 dachtt@aaLçam vanderspruit@hotmai l. com qorank( Mr. & Mrs. Vanderspruit Goran Kvrqic Page l5 of 15 Jennifer Current From: Sent: To: Jennifer Current Thursday, November 08,20L21:21 PM Jennifer Current Cc: Brian Jardine Subj ect: City of Quinte West Individual Environmental Assessment Municipal Marina OH3 Letter - Public November 20L2.pdf; Notice of Open House #3 November 22 20L2 Attachments: ad format.pdf Tracking: Read Recipient Jennifer Current Read:11/8/20L22:57 PM Brian Jardine Jlau' '[email protected]' 'oanderson' 'sarge41L' '[email protected]' '[email protected]' 'montroseinn' '[email protected]' 'cejansson@g mai' '[email protected]' '[email protected]' '[email protected]' '[email protected]' 'davefairfield' ' [email protected]' '[email protected]' '[email protected]' 'cfred [email protected]' Jamu.fel [email protected]' '[email protected]' '[email protected]' 'tand [email protected]' '[email protected]' '[email protected]' 'ycsecreta ry@g mai' 'ofa h [email protected]' '[email protected]' '[email protected]' 'ricÇ[email protected]' 'waynesheppard @hotmai' Jeff' 1 Please see attached letter and notice. Jennifer Current, MCIP, City of Quinte West RPP 7 Creswell Drive PO Box 490, Trenton, ON, K8V 5R6 Tel:613 392-284Lx4447 Fax:613 392-7L5L i e n n ife rc @ a u i ntew e st. ca 2 il"it*|uç lab<ls xJørt g! MOHAWKS OF THE BAY OF QUINTE R. DONALD MIRACLE, CHIEF 13 OLD YORK ROAD R.R. 1 DESERONTO, ON KOK 1XO ALDERVILLE FIRST NATION DAVE SIMPSON, P,O. BOX 46 11696 SECOND LINE ROSENEATH, ON KOK2XO METIS NATION OF ONTARIO 5OO OLD ST. PATRICK STREET UNIT 3 K1N 9G4 OTTAWA, ON CURVE LAKE FIRST NATION EXECUTIVESECRETARY 22 WINOOKEEDA ROAD KOL 1RO CURVE LAKE, ON zsø 0**3 ALDERVILLE FIRST NATION JAMES R. MARSDEN, CHIEF P.O. BOX 46 11696 SECOND LINE KOK 2XO ROSENEATH, ON HIAWATHA FIRST NAÏION LAURIE CARR, CHIEF 123 PAUDASH STREET R.R. 2 KOL 2GO KEENE, ON CURVE LAKE FIRSÏ NAÏION KEITH KNOTT, CHIEF 22 WINOOKEEDA ROAD KOL 1RO CURVE LAKE, ON ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS AND NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT CANADA OFFICE FOR THE FEDERAL INTERLOCUTOR FOR METIS AND NONSTATUS INDIANS JEFFREY BETKER, 66 SLATER STREET ROOM 1218 K1AOH4 OTTAWA, ON ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS AND NOTHERN DEVELOPMENT CANADA CLAIMS ANALYST, ONTARIO TEAM SPECIFIC CLAIMS BRANCH SEAN DARCY, ASSESSMENT & HISTORICAL RESEARCH 1O WELLINGTON STREET ROOM 1310 GATINEAU, QC K1A OH4 KAWARTHA NISHNAWBE FIRST NAÏION KRIS NAHRGANG, CHIEF P,O. BoX 1432 KOL 2HO LAKEFIELD, ON ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS AND NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT CANADA LITIGATION TEAM LEADER LITIGATION MANAGEMENT AND RESOLUTIONS BRANCH MARK-ANDRE MILLAIRE, LITIGATION TEAM LEADER FOR ONTARIO 1O WELLINGTON STREET GATINEAU, QC K1A OH4 MISSISSAUGAS OF SCUGOG ISLAND TRACY GAUTHIER, CHIEF 2252,I ISLAND ROAD LgL 186 PORT PERRY, ON WILLIAMS TREATY FIRST NATIONS KARRY SANDY, PROCESS COORDINATOR 6 O.GEMA STREET LOK 1CO CHRISTIAN ISLAND, ON ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS AND NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT CANADA ENVIRONMENTAL UNIÏ COREY DEKKER, 25 ST. CLAIR AVENUE EAST BTH FLOOR M4T 1M2 TORONTO, ON ABORIGINAL AFFAÍ RS AND NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT CANADA CLAIMS ANALYST, ONTARIO TEAM SPECIFIC CLAIMS BRANCH JANET TOWNSON, CLAIMS ANALYSÏ 1O WELLINGTON STREET ROOM 1310 K1A OH4 GATINEAU, HIAWATHA FIRST NAÏION DONALD DOUGLAS PAUDASH, COUNCILLOR 123 PAUDASH STREET R.R.2 KOL 2GO KEENE, HEALTH CANADA ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT DIVISION 99 METCALFE STREET 11TH FLOOR - 4111A K1AOKg OTTAWA, MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES DISTRICT PLANNER - PETERBOROUGH DISTRICT TAMMY CHUNG, DISTRICT PLANNER 3OO WATER STREET 1ST FLOOR, SOUTH TOWER KgJ BM5 PETERBOROUGH, MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES KATE PITT, SAR BIOLOGIST P.O, BOX 7OOO, 3OO WATER STREET 4TH FLOOR, SOUTH TOWER KgJ 8M5 PETERBOROUGH, MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND APPROVALS BRANCH GAVIN BATTARINO, PROJECT OFFICER 2 ST. CLAIR AVENUE WEST FLOOR 124 M4V 115 TORONTO, MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS MUNICIPAL SERVICES OFFICE - EAST KENT FITZHUGH, MUNICIPAL ADVISOR 8 ESTATE LANE ROCKWOOD HOUSE K7M 9AB KINGSTON, MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING EASTERN SERVICE AREA ANDREA GUMMO, B ESTATE LANE ROCKWOOD HOUSE K7M 9A8 KINGSTON, MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TRADE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 9OO BAY STREET 7TH FLOOR, HEARST BLOCK MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND CULTURE BEVERLEY QUIRT, TOURISM INDUSTRY ADVISOR 3OO WATER STREET SOUTH TOWER, 2ND FLOOR KgJ 8M5 PETERBOROUGH, QC ON ON ON TORONTO, ON M7A2E1 ON ON ON ON ON MINISTRY OF ABORIGINAL AFFAIRS CONSULTATION UNIÏ ASHLEY JOHNSON, 160 BLOOR STREET EAST gTH FLOOR M7A2E6 TORONTO, TRANSPORT CANADA ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS, PROGRAM BRANCH JEREMY CRAIGS, ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICER 49OO YONGE STREET SUITE 3OO M2N 6A5 TORONTO, MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES JEFF WILTSHIRE, IRM TECHNICAL SPECIALISÏ 3OO WATER STREET 'IST FLOOR, SOUTH TOWER KgJ 8M5 PETERBOROUGH, MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND TOURISM CULTURE SERVICE UNIT KATHERINE KIRZATI, 401 BAY STREET SUITE 17OO M7AOA7 TORONTO, ON ON ON ON MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES HOLTY SIMPSON, MANAGEMENT BIOLOGIST 3OO WATER STREET 1ST FLOOR, SOUTH TOWER KgJ 8M5 PETERBOROUGH, PARKS CANADA TRENT SEVERN WAÏERWAY DAWN BRONSON, SUPERINTENDENT, CENTRAL ONTARIO FIELD UNIT P.O. BOX 567 2155 ASHBURNHAM DRIVE KgJ 626 PETERBOROUGH, NATIONAL DEFENSE PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICE JOSEPH SHEPARD BUILDING 49OO YONGE STREET, 6TH FLOOR M2N 687 TORONTO, HYDRO ONE NETWORKS INC. REAL ESTATE SERVICES LAND USE PLANNING P.O. BOX 4300 L3R5Z5 MARKHAM, DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS S. JANE TYMOSHUK, FISH HABITAT BIOLOGIST 501 TOWERHILL ROAD UNIT 102 KgH 7S3 PETERBOROUGH, MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT PETERBOROUGH DISTRICT OFFICE GARY MULOIN, 3OO WATER STREET ROBINSON PLACE KgJ 8M5 PETERBOROUGH, ENVIRONMENT CANADA CANADIAN WILDLIFE SERVICE SUSAN HUMPHREY, REGIONAL DIRECTOR, ONTARIO REGION 4905 DUFFERIN STREET M3H 5T4 TORONTO, CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AGENCY 22ND FLOOR, PLACE BELL 160 ELGIN STREET K1AOH3 OTTAWA, LOWER TRENT CONSERVATION AUTHORITY MIKE LOVEJOY, 714 MURRAY STREET R.R. 1 K8V5P4 TRENTON, ENVIRONMENT CANADA, ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT SECTION, OPERATIONS DIVISION, ONTARIO ANN BORGMANN, 867 LAKESHORE ROAD L7R 446 BURLINGTON, CANADIAN ENVI RONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AGENCY REGIONAL DAVE BELL, PROJECT MANAGER 55 ST, CLAIR AVENUE EAST ROOM 907 M4T 1M2 TORONTO, MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES JULIE REEDER, SENIOR LANDS TECHNICIAN P,O. BOX 7OOO, 3OO WATER STREET 4TH FLOOR, SOUTH TOWER KgJ 8M5 PETERBOROUGH, ENVIRONMENT CANADA, ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT SECTION, OPERATIONS DIVISION, ONTARIO SHEILA ALLEN, 867 LAKESHORE ROAD L7R 446 BURLINGTON, KINGSTON MARINA 349 WELLINGTON STREET K7K ôN7 KINGSTON, ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON FRASER PARK MARINA SANDRA CARTER, 31 MANOR CRESCENT KBV3Z6 TRENTON, KINGSTON MARINA 53 YONGE STREET K7M 6G4 KINGSTON, ON ON MERLAND PARK FISHING CHARTER 12488 LOYALIST PARKWAY R.R.4 KOK 2TO PICTON, ON BAY OF QUINTE CHARTERS 2O2B COUNTY ROAD 12 R.R. KOK 2CO PICTON, 1 ON ONTARIO MARINE OPERATORS ASSOCIATION 15 LAURIER ROAD LgM lGB PENETANGUISHENE, ON BAY MARINA P.O. BOX 632 516 OLD HIGHWAY 2 K8V5W6 TRENTON, DUCKS UNLIMITED 740 HURONIA ROAD UNIÏ L4N ôC6 BARRIE, SUNRISE COTTAGE RESORT FISHING CHARTERS 15841 LOYALIST PARKWAY KOK 1GO PICTON, ROYAL HASKONING ENHANCING SOCIETY STRATUS HOUSE EMPEROR WAY EX1 3QS EXETER, SEACO MARINE DOCK SYSTEMS KEN KROEKER, P.O. BOX 374165 OAKLAND ROAD ROG 1NO OAK BLUFF, RADISSON DESIGN MARITIME DOCKS SERGE BOURQUE, 44 SEELEYS COVE ROAD E'H2E4 PENNFIELD, BELLINGHAM MARINE ANDREW GIBBS, 1813 DENNIS STREET JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA FISH FINDER CHARTERS 1 ON ON ON MN UK NB DAVE CHATTERTON, 32204 R,R.1 CARRYING PLACE, ON KOK 1LO HARBOURVIEW MARINA 5 BAY STREET WEST KOK 1HO BRIGHTON, STONEBURG COVE MARINA 59 CARTER ROAD KOK 1LO CARRYING PLACE, MEYERS PIER MARINA 1 SOUTH FRONT STREET KBN 2YB BELLEVILLE, STILLWATER BASIN MARINA 9 WILKIE STREET K8P 4E4 BELLEVILLE, BELLE HARBOUR MARINA LTD 25 DUNDAS STREET WEST K8P 3M7 BELLEVILLE, TOWN OF COBOURG COBOURG MARINA 55 KING STREET WEST KgA2M2 COBOURG, COUNTY OF NORTHUMBERLAND CLERK 555 COURTHOUSE ROAD KgA5J6 COBOURG, COUNTY OF HASTINGS DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT P.O. BOX 44OO 235 PINNACLE STREET KBN 349 BELLEVILLE, COUNTY OF HASTINGS CLERK P.O. BOX 44OO 235 PINNACLE STREET KBN 349 BELLEVILLE, MUNICIPALITY OF PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY COMMISSIONER OF RECREATION, PARKS AND CULTURE 332 MAIN STREET KOK 2TO PICTON, MUNICIPALITY OF PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY MUNICIPAL CLERK 332 MAIN STREET KOK 2TO PICTON, MUNICIPALITY OF BRIGHÏON MUNICIPAL CLERK BOX 189 35 ALICE STREET KOK 1HO BRIGHTON, CITY OF BELLEVILLE CITY CLERK 169 FRONT STREET KBN 2YB BELLEVILLE, QUINTE WEST TOURISM JENNIFER RUSHLOW, COORDINATOR P.O, BOX 490 7 CRESWELL DRIVE KBV5R6 TRENTON, JENNTFERR@QU INTEWEST.CA ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON QUINTE WEST CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SUZANNE ANDREWS, MANAGER 97 FRONT STREET K8V4N6 TRENTON, TOWN OF DESERONTO DESERNTO MARINA P.O. BOX 310 331 MAIN STREEÏ KOK 1XO DESERONTO, THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF PRINCE EDWARD PICTON MARINA & HARBOUR 332 MAIN STREET KOK 2TO PICTON, MUNICIPALITY OF BRIGHTON GOSPAK MUNICIPAL DOCKS JIM MILLAR, DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION P.O, BOX 189 35 ALICE STREET KOK 1HO BRIGHTON, TOWN OF DESERONTO DANA VALENTYNE, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICER P.O. BOX 310 331 MAIN STREET KOK 1XO DESERONTO, BAY OF QUINTE REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN C/O LOWER TRENT CONSERVATION AUTHORITY LUCILLE FRAGOMENI, SOURCE WATER PROTECTION 714 MURRAY STREET R.R. 1 K8V5P4 TRENTON, BAY OF QUINTE REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN C/O LOWER TRENT CONSERVATION AUTHORITY ANNE ANDERSON, 714 MURRAY STREET R.R, 1 BELLEVILLE & DISTRICT FISH & GAME CLUB 170 ELMWOOD DRIVE K8N 424 BELLEVILLE, ON ON ON TRENTON, ON ON ON ON ON KBV5P4 COLLINS BAY YACHT CLUB P.O, BOX 20060767 BAYRIDGE DRIVE K7P 2P1 KINGSTON, KINGSTON YACHT CLUB 1 MAITLAND STREET K7L2V3 KINGSTON, PRINCE EDWARD YACHT CLUB 30 FAIRFIELD STREET KOK 2TO PICTON, 21 YACHT CLUB LANE QUINTE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORP, CHRIS KING, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MANAGER 284-8 WALLBRIDGE LOYALIST ROAD K8N 583 BELLEVILLE, QUINTE ROWING CLUB 35 KEEGAN PARKWAY KBN 5R1 BELLEVILLE, ON ON ON ON DESERONTO YACHT CLUB DESERONTO, ON ON KOK 1XO TRENVAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CORP 284-8 WALLBRIDGE LOYALIST ROAD K8N 583 BELLEVILLE, ON BAY OF QUINTE YACHT CLUB P.O.BOX22171 BELLEVILLE, ON KBN 5V7 PRESQU'ILE YACHT CLUB P.O. BoX 661 KOK 1HO BRIGHTON, CFB TRENTON YACHT CLUB PEGGY O'BRIEN, SECRETARY BOX 1OO STN FORCES SUITE 59 KOK3WO ASTRA, CFB TRENTON YACHT CLUB JIM STANLEY, COMMANDER BOX lOOO STN FORCES SUIÏE 59 KOK 3WO ASTRA, COBOURG YACHT CLUB P.O. BOX 561 KgA4L3 COBOURG, GRAHAM POTTER, P.O. BOX 866 KOK2CO FRANKFORD, TOM POSTMA, 109 HOOD LANE FRANKFORD, MICHAEL GUIDO STORTINI, 76 FRASER DRIVE BATAWA,ON KOKlEO KEVIN BROWN, 57 ROSELAND DRIVE CARRYING PLACE, CAROLYN & RICHARD HUGHES, 456 NOCHOLE RIAD R. R. 7 KOK 1HO BRIGHTON, ANDREW EVANS, 17 MARMORA STREEÏ KBV2H4 TRENTON, DOUG & ROGER CAREP, 664 2ND DUG HILL ROAD KBV 086 TRENTON, SALLY TRIPP, 168 MACLELLAN AVENUE KBV5J2 TRENTON, ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON KOK 2CO ON ON ON KOK 1LO R. C, FOLEY, 82 STOCKDALE ROAD R.R. 3 KBV 5P6 TRENTON, FRANK GEYER, 116 MARCH SÏREET KOK2LO FRANKFORD, HENRY BERGVELA, 477 WALLBRIDGE ROAD R.R. 5 K8N 425 BELLEVILLE, ELDON BURCHART, 5 ECO CRESCENT KBV5P7 TRENTON, CYNTHIA HODGSON, 15 LAURIER ROAD PETERBOROUGH, TOM & LUCIE EVERIST, 1353 GLEN MILLER ROAD KOK2CO FRANKFORD, ON ON ON LgM 1GB ON ON ON RON & RUTH TRUMBLE, ALEX & ANNA TINGA, BOULEVARD 1 9 NORIHUMBERLAND K8V6L5 TRENTON, 12 MCAULEY DRIVE K8V4C9 TRENTON, JOE HUNTER, 7 OSPREY LANE K8V5P2 TRENTON, KEN KEE, 11 OSPREY LANE K8V5P2 TRENTON, BOB MITTS, 240 MCGILL STREET K8V5P2 TRENTON, PAUL WHITLEY, 41 DUNDAS STREET WEST KBV3N9 TRENTON, MATT MILLER, 22 PINE MARSH LANE K8VOA5 TRENTON, CARLEY KOOMANS, ON ON ON ON ON ON ON R.R.2 BELLEVILLE, ON KBN 422 C. LEGATO, R.R.1 TRENTON, ON KBV5P4 TREVOR MINNIE, 38 LINDEN BOULEVARD KBN 423 BELLEVILLE, ON GRACE STUART, 1066 SMITH STREET EAST R.R, 3 KOK 1HO BRIGHTON, KEN WHEELER, 35 SETTLERS LANDING DRIVE R,R. 2 KBN 422 BELLEVILLE, OZZIEBELL, HELENA & CARL CREWS, 324 BROATCH ROAD R.R.3 KBV5P6 TRENTON, ON 1237 GLEN MILLER ROAD R.R, 2 KOK 2CO FRANKFORD, ON ON ON DON TOBIN, JOHN HARRIS, 98 HENRY STREET KBV 3T7 TRENTON, 35 RAMSAY AVENUË KBV2P6 TRENTON, GEORGE ROBINSON, B MIRON ROAD KBVSHB TRENTON, DAVID SHONIKER, 35 SHONIKER AVENUE KBV5T1 TRENTON, GILLES MORIN, 98 HUTCHINSON ROAD KBV5P7 TRENTON, CHRISTINE JAUSSOU, P.O. BOX 635 41 TRENTSIDE LANE KOK2CO FRANKFORD, FRANCES LUGINAS, 20 FOURTH AVENUE UNIT 113 K8V 5N3 TRENTON, SCOTT ANDERSON, 677 COUNTY ROAD 64 KOK 1HO BRIGHTON, ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON CAROLINE SOPHA-TOBIN, BB QUEEN STREET APARTMENT 3 K8V4X9 TRENTON, ART CREWS, 258 GLEN ROSS ROAD KOK2CO FRANKFORD, FRED ALYEA, GREG MEPHAM, 31 KEEGAN PARKWAY UNIT 14 KBN 5N7 BELLEVILLE, ON R.R.2 CARRYING PLACE, ON KOK 1LO BRIAN WEESE, 89 TURNCLIFFE ROAD R,R. KBV5P4 TRENTON, '1 ON ON ON JERRY SPRENKELS, 2OO OLD CARRYING PLACE ROAD R.R.2 KOK 1LO CARRYING PLACE, ON GORDON ARNOTT, 66 BELLEVILLE STREET KOK2CO FRANKFORD, MIKE WEBSTER, 468 MONTROSE ROAD KBR 183 TRENTON, DON HOSKIN, 24 FAIRVIEW CRESCENT KBV5M2 TRENTON, LINDA MURPHY, 102 SPRING STREET KïV3Z1 TRENTON, BRENDA INGRAM, 276 COLONIAL ROAD KBR 189 BELLEVILLE, WILLARD & MARIEN COHASSEY, 14 DRUMLIN ROAD R.R.2 KOK2CO FRANKFORD, DOW & LYNN LAKE, 136 BERNARD LONG ROAD K8V5P6 TRENTON, ALISHA MORGAN, P.0. Box 915 FRANKFORD, ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON KOK2CO RAY & JANET WEBB, 97 CARTER ROAD R.R.2 KOK 1LO CARRYING PLACE, ON CHARLES BROWN, 256 GLEN MILLER ROAD K8V5PB TRENTON, ON frrn;&. RAY & LYNNE LARUE, 369 LESTER ROAD R.R. 5 KBVSPB TRENTON, ON il, /hu, ,futrct t)o/r, /ro/""{,¡, P/anner Saurct r,)a{rr 7il"1.,, g.nrd, llinisl,l ( ta, fnu,rnn*r^{ 3zsZþ¡',/, 3aþ lood hn/on, oN Nt F / L3' P.O. Box 490 7 Creswell Drive A Natural Attraction (6 1 3) 392-2841 Fax: (613) 392-7151 TTY: (613) 965-6849 [email protected] Telephone: Trenton, Ontario KBV 5R6 Brian Jardine, M. Sc., MCIP, RPP Manager, Planning Services Planning & Development Services November 7,2012 Dear Sir/Madam Re Notice of Public Open House, November 22,2012 City of Quinte West lndividual Environmental Assessment Proposed Municipal Marina The City of Quinte West is undertaking an lndividual Environmental Assessment under the Environmental Assessment Act, for the purpose of a proposed municipal boating marina development at the lower reaches of the Trent River, and entry to the Bay of Quinte. The City formally submitted the Terms of Reference for the proposed project to the Ministry of the Environment on November 18, 2011. Following public and agency consultation, the Minister of the Environment issued an approval on the Terms of Reference which was received by the City on April 13, 2012. The approved Terms of Reference can be reviewed at r¡ / Municipal Marina Waterfront Development Project, or alternatively, please contact the undersigned to have a copy mailed or emailed. The Environmental Assessment study will be carried out according to the approved Terms of Reference and the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act. A Notice of Commencement has been posted on the City website and was advertised in The Trentonian and EMC newspapers on May 17tn,2012. An initial Public Open House was held on May 30th, 2012 where information was presented on the purpose and rationale for the project, and an inventory of the existing environments within the study area. The second Public Open House was held on June 28, 2012 at which a range of possible alternative locations for the proposed facility were presented along with a technical evaluation of the alternatives and their potential effect on the environment, using the defined evaluation criteria. Letter to Agencies Page 2 November 7,2012 The information panefs presented at the first two Open Houses can be viewed at the City's project webpage. This third Public Open House for the Environmental Assessment will present a detailed review of the screened alternative locations including identification of a preliminary preferred alternative location. ln addition, avoidance, mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures for each of the alternatives will be reviewed. Marina design alternatives will be presented and reviewed along with the evaluation of these alternatives and the identification of a preliminary preferred design. Public input is being sought on the proposed marina design. lnformation being presented at this public open house will be available on the project webpage at / Municipal Marina Waterfront Development Project prior to the November 22,2012 Public Open House. A copy of the Notice of Public Open House has been enclosed for your information Should the contact person(s) within your agency have changed since consultation was undertaken on the Terms of Reference, or if additional staff within your organization require or wish to be involved, please inform the undersigned, and we will amend our project contact list accordingly. Please contact the undersigned, should additional information or clarification on the proposed undertaking, the information to be presented at the Public Open House, or the Environmental Assessment be required. Alternatively, please visit the project webpage at / Municipal Marina Waterfront Development Project. Sincerely, Brian Jardine, M.Sc. MCIP, RPP Manager of Planning Services City of Quinte West Aftach: Notice of Public Open House \* -***."d--- teWest, P.O. Box 490 7 Creswet[ Drive Trenton, Ontario K8V 5R6 A Nacural Attraction Tetephone: (613) 392'2841 Fax: (613) 392-7151 brianj@quintewest. ca Brian Jardine, M. Sc., MCIP, RPP Manager, Ptanning Services Ptanning & Development Services November 7,2012 Dear Sir/Madam Re Notice of Public Open House, November 22,2012 City of Quinte West lndividual Environmental Assessment Proposed Municipal Marina The City of Quinte West is undertaking an lndividual Environmental Assessment, under the EnvironmentalAssessment Act, for the purpose of a proposed municipal boating marina development at the lower reaches of the Trent River, and entry to the Bay of Quinte. The City formally submitted the Terms of Reference for the proposed project, to the Ministry of the Environment on November 18, 2011. Following public and agency consultation, the Minister of the Environment issued an approval on the Terms of Reference which was received by the City on April 13, 2012. The approved Terms of Reference can be reviewed at / Municipal Marina Waterfront Development Project, or alternatively, please contact the undersigned to have a copy mailed or emailed. The Environmental Assessment study will be carried out according to the approved Terms of Reference and the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act. A Notice of Commencement has been posted on the City website and was advertised the Trentonian and EMC newspapers on May 17tfi,2012. in An initial Public Open House was held on May 30th, 2012 where information was presented on the purpose and rationale for the project, and an inventory of the existing environments within the study area. The second Public Open House was held on June 28,2012 at which a range of possible alternative locations for the proposed facility were presented along with a technical evaluation of the alternatives and their potential effect on the environment, using the defined evaluation criteria. This third Public Open House for the Environmental Assessment will present a detailed review of the screened alternative locations including identification of a preliminary preferred alternative location. ln addition, avoidance, mitigation, compensation and enhancement measures for each of the alternatives will be reviewed. Marina design alternatives will be presented and reviewed along with the evaluation of these alternatives and the identification of a preliminary preferred design. Public input is being sought on the proposed marina design. The Open House will be run as an informal drop-in session where members of the public or agency contacts can review information panels, talk with project staff and complete input surveys and questionnaires. A copy of the Notice of Public Open House has been enclosed for your information You have been added to our project contact list due to your previous statement of interest, or having been defined as having a potential interest in the project. Should you wish to be removed from the contact list, please inform the undersigned, and we will amend our project contact list accordingly. lf it is felt that a specific meeting with the project team would be beneficial, please do not hesitate to contact myself, to arrange. Please contact the undersigned, should additional information or clarification on the proposed undertaking, the information to be presented at the Public Open House, or the Environmental Assessment, be required. Alternatively, please visit the project webpage at / Municipal Marina Waterfront Development Project. Sincerely, Brian Jardine, M.Sc. MCIP, RPP Manager of Planning Services, City of Quinte West attach: Notice of Public Open House 2 A Natural Attracrion The Corporation of the City of Quinte Municipal Marina - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 Thursday November 22,2012 (4:00pm - 8:00pm) CouncilChambers, 7 Creswell Drive, Trenton Providing your name and mailing address (or email address) below, will enable City of Quinte West staff to notify you, directly, of any further Public meetings regarding this project. Personal information contained herein will be used for this purpose only. MATL|NG ADDRESS (OR EMAIL) PRINTED NAME I J ,lê la " nprì-( cu/ì aL ,l¡/ no/ d,ni /d ór a¿Ll¿d /t I sl b., l, .\--/' ' K,*1. \ t"'--'.^ Þ,- B Fn,/r.ou- M,f- ) m/'1 Ut'{t{¿, -1) t/ 4*",/r." / ¡vt : t( {*t u (u-"u,rk ./K €,/U'ßu'¿'rf Q¡a' Rt.k Ser.; ^ t{ 31,1 &/ C(*¿¿"",a¿,4 å.A,¿DEp 0,.¡e^r' fiø,ls * l'4 ,/ ¿¿l*,tbo, ti¿ ¡r(rì'..,¡J Gi<o-J 3t.ZZt ,n r./ yr1 ¿r r, tr,.t/t-2/\ /T1 Y /c¿ )/f ßa^- *-l rJizl' ( r> FeZc > r Þf L-L€ u,/ I LC tÆf{{a t c1-c Í A, 7ç ttcwrty 9- Ê tu atrrvtVtr ûtlr,. q- ,,-)e {,4 p Ae,?o n ,' 1, ¿ t/*7 J (r<-lou Q61 kB/6fvi 7 I 5 lrct ¡k¡. - rl^ Åa . ¿3 ¿;{ /-E {¡5 ,4 ¿ A F¿< Tzr-tr' ,, P-'acî 239¿ Ê."--'" rzo *3 fl*or*, t 5 ? t3tt(1.<.a,^-J t)]-?._ ç1A¡.?-¡z- ¡ ¡ t,.1, f L^l(, '7 ¡Jn^¡"..ì fl r<Etu *Z 5uç, ?/ 0¿-e o&Hn?tt ?p + + p4 n-k u ( c: i<. /{ í-ç f lL <:y'.2 ;or^z' ltgi/ 5'( I ) o t ()/ , ,4 Ê '{"1.¿'*'u,,- t<t vZAt4 Sflr"fu I ir n L(\ - ]'t-ë ) ¡'y'|,1c 1/t9c r;,q lt b h.¡ :[-et K ", H "'¡¡r Jbi+v 7tar6r-: Plr*/5 &àtg{ : (d*t (; ) /,') i(? / v" 8_ Cl*r/t ¡t i -T¡Rt.. t ^ .$to..'{,,", iþ þ cA nf,lL'vJ YT /1 dl.u/y on l,çI € t-O 3 ¡ Brl-D T,(tl l¿t Ç^,eJ l'{tuçs{ K1, k*¡rørð> ¡,r's<rtJ LrnBcìß-L¡r'lr, lpgj A Natural Attraction The Corporat¡on of the City of Quinte West Municipal Marina - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 Thursday November 22,2012 (4:00pm - 8:00pm) Council Chambers, 7 Creswell Drive, Trenton Providing your name and maíling address (or email address) below, will enable City of Quinte West staff to notify you, directly, of any further Public meetings regarding this project. Personal information contained herein will be used for this purpose only. MA¡L|NG ADDRESS (OR EMA|L) PRINTED NAME 7aa âe /r) M,l"nì39 f) {*. Stor'1,'". þ cA ¡fr?-Òr' n .\J' t K,,+1 Y rt'--n A- Clr^,h "'/1,I.. rñkí F^"lnon S Uß-llo s K Þt,ariT Kou{*,n/ J'okv f|æ¡e^rs l""u (*.n/¿J< 'ßo*1{ K,tk lr4 5en ^ ê,n t( ,¿¿l C6¿¿/arç¿,1- r'-.Ar¡-Der¡ Ô.rae^r' Kr,rl &.- J vnrJ(--e'.\ ã mll ,,n rJr, ttl 't trô,zé ){r "am ('n t r. Þf t--LëV I Kg,tu +Z-- L h"t 4{á {Ì,-Á,{, R,,l K"k,1/o ?/ (, CI,e o(Llta(þ Fp "Æf{{" fio<t Sd[Éu tt{ðc H4ç<,q tt €, ¡ (c)-*t -T¡ R', L ¿ r.o rp /<ri; co,'lo-t; _7*@.1"+^,:t, cq rrt a t., ¡Q c\-c a- fì ac- . n n-P b.., b - 13ru^'J ¡Jn*,..) ZZtt ßeu- + + p4 rz-k,V / c^ t<. /{ f'ç f lL (:/./ ./Gt/ Jo¡ ú,c-,a/,r+ Au,Ê l/../*'*r- ?c¿ t(euqy 9- -8 t<t D lrîc/ 5'cl íAq q,"? Floaq¿ Åo r-)oaá Ð Aay'^ n, /' L û?7 op k8V6' iÇ Pq. tke- D ^ Tt^t* ,¿3,o{ ë¿¿.,¿¡:7 rLE çrS ,€¿2, P¿<-fa.¡z 23gL ûar,r¡r-r na t3 fl*o.v,, ,, P.n"? ca.rry¡)1t,1 5? f3ai6c,ar.J ttVL <_tÁtzr<t¡16 f"L^L( 13 ¡i)o<r¡J U¡"rBeß.¡-rt^,¡ ¡ Brr,) f Ar1)¡¿¡) ng Çac,J lltcuea & f¿n¡r.øt+, 7 The Gorporat¡on of the City of Quinte W Municipal Marina - Environmental Asses Public Open House November 22,2012 Please provide us with your name and address (or email) so than we may keep you informed of further development of this project: bod Ct,^ff-¡) A/ Name: 'ÂJ Address: fl-.. f -r t4 nñ f r {LA tJic_ .¿/ai) Email o 1. Do you have any comments e p Postal Code K,öt< Lç ø t or questions regarding the purpose or rationale for the marina project? 'l/.) 2. Do you have any questions regarding the proposed stages of the Environmental Assessment process, for this project? Are you satisfied with the opportunity for input at critical stages of the project? City of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment Page 2 3. Any comments or questions on the information presented this evening, regarding the evaluation of the screened alternatives, the proposed mitigative measures orthe evaluation of the design options? 4. Do you have any comments on the Preferred Location orthe preferred breakwater, deck and shoreline treatment options? L 5. l <j èaa G1LW l. Please comment on the Preferred Location and design. ITÉ uy'tf LJ t-t(fn- f"4¡YtrctL lq{trv f { fLíû A=t¿_ t t L_ d {F€ft*,rÉ NO AD fr f tvJ t5 S 7f, c-11ù,.e, -i-ùo fr/\ f}.r-,€D Dn-*.¡ City of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment lCòôÉ,rt't. flL ,Jr1 D O"*,r,rt'ftu/ ¡t fr.o4 frìÉ nJ lvw il t"/ú€s f " \ Page 3 , 6. r Please comment on the facilities that you would wish to see, and would personally use, as part of a marina development. 'f;c fl É nt LèuP I 5pi¡ ..-ll .¡J c*3 ty'ifi QÉclc frS t oul-¿ $ ç Ho*'u"J c, f-€âT. 7. Are you satisfied with the way that notification of this Public Open House was advertised, and with the methods available to provide your input? 8. GENERAL COMMENT - Please provide any comment or questions to the project team not covered by the above questions. G0>Ð <¿n f,t KÊ 't-€.,-¡ç-¿ L f fiç-Çs . t s ft{fti:,ñçt* . 0,:f4¡' ¡- tú€ 1l ., ,^'1 syJ¿,Ë 6 ¿Ð\Ét \ É Êl,Lr ür= ) / t Lw 5 ÈFD (f ,N'* r?r5¡Krcr {t 4C\W I n+ l)tÉ f l.J' $.-s o 'o LU çJl Du€-Pücg 5 {4ÐÐ l'h¿'-H x/Jt¡¿ÐJ l-l- ùtuZ fSF..e .,)¡Lt € ',b \'-- ¡ì fr rsv*,¡r oo ,J \ 14 ù/ Lo< ,¿,a¡JLr '{n r F>f.dftlQ û/ p City of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment <Æ Page 4 c fl"Ðr ls Ttlr-- ÒùL1 l^Ù(Å LfrL f#p¡Ln* \-1 e t t¿-tP | ). I t J ¡E< Tt ú€> L {^l The Corporation of the City of Quinte West Municipal Marina - Environmental Assessment Public Open House November 22,2012 Please provide us with your name and address (or email) so than we may keep you informed of further development of this project: /n*,¿ Name Address: ?3 ãtu¡ ,J aßrd u r-B€ÊL."jl ^¡ Þ -B¿¡i) Postal o,¿ Email: ('') ilqññ I 1. Do you have any comments c--o Code: KVu 6 t'¡ 5/ 64c-o ' €c* or questions regarding the purpose or rationale for the marina project? ^),) 2. Ðo you have any questions regarding the proposed stages of the Environmental Assessment process, for this project? Are you satisfied with the opportunity for input at critical stages of the project? Slrzï t¡a¡ City of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment Page 2 3. Any comments or questions on the information presented this evening, regarding the evaluation of the screened alternatives, the proposed mitigative measures orthe evaluation of the design options? ,^¡ð 4. Do you have any comments on the Preferred Location orthe preferred breakwater, deck and shoreline treatment options? d¿ 5. Please comment on the Preferred Location and design L e r'*tn€¿ nJ { fa:C ¿ae€> Gity of Quinte West Marina Environmental Assessment Page 3 6. Please comment on the facilities that you would wish to see, and would personally use, as part of a marina development. trt-.-tù /y7A,ç,' /U* è^J ì,4.t¿-s znS¿ y 7. Are you satisfied with the way that notification of this Public Open House was advertised, and with the methods available to provide your input? 8. GENERAL COMMENT - Please provide any comment or questions to the project team not covered by the above questions. (-;-øì -l n ¡1 1s¿¿lL Fx.vte¡¡ T¿ Cô'^ ? ¿¡ r-t Gity of Quinte West Marina EnvironmentalAssessment c¿¡J Page 4 Jennifer Current From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Docking Systems < [email protected] > Wednesday, November 21,,2012 2:55 PM Brian Jardine Jennifer Current Proposed Municipal Marina and docking systems Re- Proposed Municiple Marina and docking systems CROWEDOCK.pdf Dear Mr Jardine Please see attached document regarding Proposed Municipal Marina & docking systems. Thank Youl Bobbi Boyce Office Admin Per George Crowe Crowedock Docking System A division of Blackbird Holdings LTD Office: 1-613-962-4838 Toll Free: 1-800-267-0519 Fax: 1-613-962-6504 1 CROWEDOCK DOCKING SYSTEMS WAIEN'ROTI 8s7 COUNTY RD 3 BELLEVTLLE ON., K8N 4Zr- ¡ MA¡I tIA O€VETOPTEIT 1-673-962-4838 - 1-800-267-0s19 www,crowedock,com [email protected] DIVISION OF BLACKBIRD HOLDINGS LTD November 2t,2OL2 Attention: Brian Jdrdine, M. Sc., MCIP, RPP Manager of Planning Services City of Quinte West P.O. Box 490 7 CreswellDrive Trenton, Ontario K8V 5R6 RE: Proposed Municipal Marina and docking systems Dear Mr Jardine, We have been in the marine and dock building business since the late 50's and have observed the products introduced to the market place by many 'has been' manufacturer's. Realizing the life cycle of the floating dock systems has been in the twenty five to thirty year range, we have developed and produced over the last ten years, a docking system that will never have to be replaced for 60-100 years. What we have developed is a unit that; L) 2) Complies with LEED Green Building Code That has components with a proven life cycle of at least 60 -70 years and that can easily extend to 100 years There is no components with a life cycle that will doom the other components life cycle 3) As a result we oddress the question, Why are floating docks deteriorating, failing and sinking after 20-30 years? Home owners don't build a garage for their car using a design and material that fails in less than 30 years then demolish and replace it. Municipalities don't build arenas, city halls, and libraries from a design and materials that last less than 30 years. Historic design and technology of 75 & 100 years ago proves that structures can last 75 to 100 years. An Ontario marine diving contractor expressed his concern several years ago and published a report that identifies a design and material failure in one of the most dominate types of floating docks marketed for the last 25 years. Why has private and municipal marinas, who in many cases have in-house engineering departments endorse and stipulate systems that have component failure, or design faults, as the only type of system that will be accepted when the record and history proves the life cycle is only 20-30 years. What seems worse is outside consultants/engineers hired by owners, endorse systems that only last 2030 years, what seems lacking by owners, engineers & consultants is the failure to learn from the docking industry failures, that is what has brought Crowedockto this point, ourfailures, mistakes, repairs, warranty replacement costs, and experience compelled us to pursue a perfected design. These are the facts, answers and solutions, Focts According to modern technology, metal structures are lasting indefinitely even in salt water! It is not new, the history of galvanizing goes back to 1742 and is found in almost every major application and industry where iron or steel is used. The util¡ties, chemical process, pulp and paper, automotive, and transportation industries historically have made extensive use of galvanizing for corrosion control. For over L50 years, galvanizing has had a proven history of commercial success and a method of corrosion protection in a myriad of applications worldwide. Our Answer To private & munÍciodl morina's and owners of prÍvate dockinq svstems: We have now perfected the design of a "premium" docking system that will last indefinitely. This design was accomplished by using all components that have a proven life cycle exposure that will easily double and more than triple the best present industry støndord dock life cycle of 25 to 30 years. An American Marine lndustry Business Development Consultant, Richard Graves and Associates confirms, ...."The most modern docks have a life expectancy of only 40 years with earlier structures having shorter lives".... This is particularly important to marinas where the layout of the main walkways extends to 1,000 feet and contain utilities, hydro, cable, telephone and water that would have to be removed and or likely be replaced because of complete dock replacement. Our Solutions Our system does not float on the water, but in the water, and contains a minimum of 12" of water ballast that provides a very stable docking unit. The importance of ballasted units is difficult to describe or rate as it relates to our cocking system, however, crews of boats and tugs have a mandatory requirement for the taking on of water ballast for stability and navigational operation of their vessels. With a ballasted unit, we require no water anchors for docks extending from shore up to 50 feet, beyond 50 feet the amount of anchors are minimal, and are determined by the exposure of the system to winds and boat traffic. The other advantage is the docks are very stable and work excellent as a wave break, be it form open water or boat traffic. Our Premium Docking Units have 3 major components: 1) A steel main frame, protected by a hot dipped galvanized application in accordance wíth the American Galvanizing Association, given first time maintenance requirement of 90 to L00 years even in salt water ( & [email protected]). 2) Styrofoam '" billets L0"x20"x96" that are secured within the steel frame, and this product has a zero water absorption ( go to applications, life style, floating structure). 3) The steel frame is enclosed completely to protect the Styrofoam '" billets from rodents and contains the water ballast, the base is closed in with either IPE '" lumber that has a life span of over 80 years in water, or we can use high density polyethylene resin panels (HDPR/puck board material) neither is effected by rodents of exposure to ice and water. ( We use Dow @ Our Answer Our floatation units will never fail to the point the system will ever sink. Floatation units can if required be replaced by regular maintenance workers. The underwater enclosure will never have to be replaced. Our docking system will never be added to or contribute to the list of failing docking systems, because each component has a history of long life and never classified as an environmental waste as each component has the equal life cycle. Finger piers can be disconnected and relocated and stay in an upright position without rolling over or requiring special equipment to disconnect or reconnect. The structural integrity of our system has been tested and perfected for over 20 years and been exposed on lakes where no other floating dock systems exist. The Styrofoam '" billets has been used and proven (if protected) for over 30 years without failure. Comments Dock manufacturers of the past 30 years have had exciting and innovative ideas for floating docks, however, most everyone including Crowedock, has had one or more weak links (components) which doomed the life span of the system, which equally had components of long life, amounting to a waist of steel, timber and natural resources. We felt we had a responsibility and duty to bring this matter to your attention for the reasons stated We are open and receptive to working with your consultants to give consideration as it relates to the City of Quinte West Respectfu I ly su bm itted, Per George Crowe Crowedock Docking Systems Cc: jen [email protected] Jennifer Current From: Sent: To: Brian Jardine Friday, November 30,201.21-:58 PM Subject: Attachments: Jennifer Current FW: Municipal Marina - Environmental Assessment [email protected] Sorry Jennifer, just got around to opening this guys email today. Brian From: Mike Sale fmailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2012 1:30 PM To: Brian lardine Subject: Municipal Marina - Environmental Assessment Hello, Brian! I attended the public open house on November 22nd and picked up a questionnaire on the way. I thought I would be able to find it on the Web site but it seems now that this message may suffice for some feedback. We live on the south shore of the Bay of Quinte, directly opposite downtown Trenton. We'll be able to watch the marina construction from our deck. Our address is 216 Old Orchard Road RR1, Carrying Place, KOK 1L0. Here are my brief responses to the questions: 1. 2. 3. I understand, and support, the purpose and rational for the marina project. I am satisfied that we have had many opportunities for input at all critical stages of the project. The open house and the presentation of options, with detailed information, was very helpful - I appreciated the extent to which project participants have an eye for detail and a comprehensive way of clarifying related issues or concerns. 4. I support the Preferred Location. lts proximity to downtown Trenton and the potential for complementary development and related/other uses is much greater than for any of the other locations considered on the east side of the river. 5. While I support the marina for all the good boating reasons that were so well researched for this project, I believe this is an important step toward a greater goal that will attract residents and businesses to a new, and improved, downtown Trenton. Today's boaters are responsible and care about the environment, so I would welcome the seasonal crowds that will come to Trenton to enjoy the waterfront - the theme of this project is consistent with the Quinte West slogan, "A Natural Attraction". I believe this is the right project, in the the right place, at the right time. I am pleased with the design and I have confidence in the project managers when it comes to selecting the best means of constructing the slips and incorporating them into the waterscape. 1 6. The proposal for the main marina building is excellent. I am pleased to see that washroom/shower facilities, and a laundry room, have been included in the plan. The gathering room, in my view, is invaluable and I would hope that this feature will encourage regular public use by groups that support the marína and/or the surrounding community. Our current family boat is 17 feet long and wouldn't qualify for mooring at the new marina. We may consider trading up to a boat that we would keep at the marina, now that convenient space is becoming available. I will definitely want to walk the area to take advantage of new trails, to watch the activity at the marina, enjoy an ice cream cone and interact with others. My hope is that this marina may become a desirable gathering place for people who enjoy being by the water. 7. I am very pleased with the way in which the public open houses have been advertised and have felt, from the very beginning, that everyone has had an opportunity to participate in the I discussions that have taken place at every stage of the project to date. Public input has been encouraged and welcome. L l am concerned about parking, but, for now, I accept the suggestion that existing parking spaces will be sufficient, due to the off-hour nature of the marina vs. employees and visitors to cíty hall. lt would be my recommendation that the first few seasons be monitored with a view to confirming, or improving, the parking plan as it is now envisioned. I understand space is available immediately south of the grocery store, but I would prefer to see this area improved, with proper paving or other suitable surfacing, to maximize its potentialfor parking during busy times. I understand improvement of this parking area may represent a difficult expense, so my first thoughts would be to see if there is a creative way to secure assistance from the private sector, through sponsorship or another unique method. a I understand that some boat owners have raised questions about winter storage and, at first thought, I felt that this might be a negative factor. On further thought, and l'm sympathetic to boat owners, I don't feel there is a suitable place at or near the Preferred Location and even if a plan could be developed for off-season storage, I don't believe the sight of wrapped boats would enhance the appearance of the area. I am betting that there is a universal feeling that this area, once developed, should be neat and tidy, and attractive, in any season. Boats in cradles will not achieve that - and the storage of empty cradles, during the boating season, will be unsightly as well. --- I'm hoping that once a governing body is established for the management of the marina that a convenient off-season storage scheme can be developed at an appropriate Trenton-area location. a I realize now that I have never inquired about the management of the marina. I expect that the marina is to be managed as an asset of the municipality, but I'm assuming that a board or committee, comprised of councilors, city staff, boaters and citizens at large, will ultimately be created - having raised that point, I'm going to have a look at the Quinte West Web site to see if a current structure for the governance of the marina is already established. 2 a As we live within view of the proposed marina, we welcome the additional activity that wíll follow. lf there is a role for us to pfay in supportíng future marina initiatives, we'd be pleased to hear more about it. I hope the above feedback is useful. Best wishes for continued success in the New Year Michael Sale [email protected] Res: 61 3-965-1 954 Cell: 416-985-7253 3 Telephone: P.O. Box 490 7 Greswell Drive Trenton, Ontario KBV 5R6 A Natural Attraction (61 3) 392-2841 Fax: (613) 392-7151 TTY: (613) 965-6849 [email protected] Jennifer Current, B.A.(Hons.), MCIP RPP Policy Planner Planning & Development Services Mr. Richard Hughes 456 Nichols Road Brighton, ON KOK 1 HO November 23,2012 Dear Mr. Hughes RE City of Quinte West Environmental Assessment Copies of the Panels from Open House #3, November 22,2012 the Public Open House for the proposed municipal marina. As discussed, please find enclosed copies of the information panels presented at the meeting. lf you have any questions regarding this.project or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. It was a pleasure talking to you yesterday at Sincerely, nnifer Current, MCIP, RPP licy Planner PAL MARINA.-CI IRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Study Area 4xrri'frq{!-ff ,:ffi ã. E Yhl Public Open House #3 - November 22,2012 -+ l - -¿%_ KGROUND The City of Quinte West has initiated a study under the EnvironmentalAssessmenf Act (EAA) and the Canadian Environmental Assessmenf Acf to investigate alternative locations for the development of a municipal marina at the mouth of the Trent River. The City formally submitted the Terms of Reference for the proposed project, to the Ministry of the Environment on November 18,2011. Following public and agency consultation, the Minister issued an approval on the Terms of Reference, received by the City on April 13,2012. The Environmental Assessment study will be undertaken in accordance with this approved Terms of Reference. Study Area Rationale: The study area is centered on the mouth of the Trent River, south of the J.D. McDonald Bridge, to the Bay of Quinte. lt encompasses Trenton's downtown core, and includes lands, both on the east and west shores of the estuary. This provides for a range of locational alternatives to be considered during the EA process, as well as the related environments that may be impacted by the alternatives. The study area has not been enlarged to encompass other locations at this time, due to the significance of the Trent River estuary, and the proximity to the downtown core, to the purpose of the undertaking. Rationale for the Proposed Undertaking: Purpose of the Proposed Undertaking: The purpose of the undertaking is to provide a public recreational facility, that will make best use of its strategic location, enhance the City's waterfront lands, develop increased public access, and assist the local economy with respect to its diversity and success. More specifically The City of Quinte West wishes to develop a marina facility at the entrance to the Trent-Severn Waterway. This proposal wlll: . . . . . . address a growing need for additional boat slips in the area; provlde jobs and economic income for Quinte West; improve the overall appearance of the City of West Quinte by creating a visually appealing and functional amenity at the mouth of the Trent River; improve public access, and aesthetics of the shoreline; offer opportunity for ecological enhancement; and promote and enable commitments and policies contained within the City's Official Plan A continuation of City policies and efforts to provide a more balanced, attractive, and accessible downtown core, offering multiple services and facilities to residents and visitors; Opportunity for increased public access to the waterfront, as part of an integrated footpath and trail system, in accordance with good and sensitive management of environmentally sensitive lands; Feasibility and Market Study (Shoreplan 2010) identified a significant gap in marina facilities within both a local and wider market area, highlighting specifically a lack of services in proximity to the mouth of the Trent River, a strategic location for recreational boating; Recreational development of waterfront lands has the potential to act as a driver of the local economy, specifically within the downtown core, and provide an enhanced community for residents, and destination for visitors; The proposed undertaking provides an opportunity for the enhancement of existing ecology and fish habitat, within the Trent River estuary. Municipal Marina, C¡ty of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Publ¡c Open House #3 - November 22, 2012 *"*_--* i-%* - UAL EA PROCESS The proposed undertaking is subject to an lndividual Environmental Assessment (lEA) in accordance with the Provincial Environmental Assessment Act (EAA), and Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA). The study will therefore be conducted as a coordinated Environmental Assessment which will meet the requirements of both Acts. PEqlHD6dt¡Ë (Om¡rfq Rcgstùthn 6t6/9Sl Stages of the Environmental Assessment: hpffslCtr@lBtlr¡19 f€lm of ÊEftEe PrepttÐn fT0Rj Preparation and Consultation on Terms of Reference (complete) Approval of Terms of Reference Prgr(þctrl subùfts lo¡ì Rfltrnit C@mrent ènd 10ñ abðndÕn {"- Publitr Rwifr l! ot 1È& Tol Rijrt FrðpcaìÈnt weeks d " tuñf#rq¡eÉòkñtÞrq Sl¡bl¡M. ll k dgecre¡ àc d reHrw. ÛE Ênlg mdï r.l$frc ø fioFùMr CdÈi[ ll{pil*ûn úffimnt, lfr Íir¡tu hðilhæaptûßr r) rdà ù¡ r Þ( ca àwEüon b (f. Tribsûl; lJ m¡t! ! dfi¡sn] s" ll nir ù] lÌ ßftrr€d 1 Determine the proposed undertaking, and rationale lnventory of the existing environment ldentify proposed screening and evaluation methods Phase 2 ToR LI' Phase Ddjgd¡ ApÍflâd ondaúm€lÌÀl (Comptete) Preparation and Consultation on Environmental Assessment b úE l¡búð¡, ti:€ nhffi ã d4! .r *üch þ rr * rËt rß 1r¡tu¡d¡Mm. tulrtd¡ðhe h6 Ü! P.@ns{ subd¡l$ I Cursnt Ståge Phase 3 (introduction of )EAA screening) €A I .¡, : smc MtR ol coalÐetloû of i{r*/ Rdio of ÊÀ rdæ). cmd Se rnûtu! rukmàdffiù eFi f wher itúústry Rèr¡ry O z v¡eets Phase 4 t""* à Rnrft tnipd¡q ol Ittc sêf,drûrÈd il€dÞttr rû €F ¡tôq l[È. tu Xie{4r mq rJÉ !n áem,Ètu **ffit à0ptrü6 b mdt¡M (R¡,rd l4Þd!ñø) ôn! uæ dFo óc mtrmmw ffitrc(60drymflRm). (f¡80 { curentstase ldentify and evaluate preferred altemative, and design concepts lmplementation and mitigation strategies ã GewtÐdA¡tnew 0l&' dñtr o!ðtr ü lhr ¡l|ffi f4rvq 4Nei wrft qql¡Ì4e, ù ldentify and evaluate alternatives (including a 'Do Nothing' alternative) lndicate an initial preferred alternative s "et<s Documentation of environmental assessment and consultation undertaken Submission to Ministry of the Environment for review Public Open Houses will be held at Phases 1,2 and 3 ÄInrÉFgopbm 13 wæls ø Rrfsbhfoñllî&l R*i* Trù0nd (Ìl*irç! Relù to lllèdÞM Flêd¡¿tor ReÍoû to appræ appr0c F¡.íÌÆ Cûrdltkr6 Appr@c ^¡pmvÈ rith nêlú* E$Í*s HlÆr Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 - November 22, 2012 - ê.%+ SUMMARY OF EA PROCESS TO DATE a This is the third and final scheduled Public Open House for this Environmental Assessment. Two previous Public Open Houses were held on May 30,2012 and June 28,2012. At these previous Open Houses, member of the pubic were presented with general information regarding the proposed undertaking, the criteria and methodology that would be utilized to evaluate the alternatives, a range of alternative locations, a summary of the screening of the alternative locations, a short list of locations, the evaluation of these alternatives and ultimately a preliminary preferred alternative location. At the second Public Open House, public input was sought on the short list of alternative locations and the preliminary preferred location a Since the second Public Open House, a more detailed review of the three screened alternative locations has been undertaken using the criteria established in the Terms of Reference and mitigative measures have been applied where necessary. These alternative locations were then rated and a preferred location, Bayshore Park was selected. a After the selection of Bayshore Park as the preferred location, a number of design options were reviewed including: . Fixed vs floating breakwaters . Fixed vs floating docks . Natural vs hardscaped shoreline a After a review of the design options, it was determined that the best marina design would include floating breakwaters and docks and a combination of natural and hard shoreline treatments. A preliminary marina design has been prepared however final design will not be completed until after the Environmental Assessment has been completed. a Originally the Environmental Assessment was to be a joint Federal/Provincial Environmental Assessment however due to changes in the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, this project is no longer subject to a Federal Environmental Assessment. Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West- Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 - November 22, 2012 a - Screened Alternative L oca on -ïffi &t- kt 'j+ t fi¡$I r'- t "* t n ;rËFffi: -r * î +wi 1- 'iì tr; gYrr-r ì? "l'ù--t"': ,!ù itì.t1æ 6,''" \ 'l t li#.'{lt 'i *' ,' ut tL .1.ù 'xul I"r',r #ï,';l*-t \:i,, '"t +' It F j¡ 4 CETIET{I{TAL ':t ¿f- "' t .t PRK ._.. -. a{ *" ,r.' ,l Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 - November 22th, 2012 on and Evaluation avoid.n.., M¡tit.t¡on, coÞÞ.nít¡ôn, Enh¡nc.ñ.nt M.¡su¡.s torecrc¿¡on¿l ¿nd bo¡1ng f¿.rhl15, Jnd pub[c ¿ccer Lo$ of approrim¿lcly 29,@m2 ol ¿ctivc p¡rkl¡nd. R€-¿[snment ofexßtigwatcdroôt ri requrcd, S8ñÍrcant rmp¿d oñ Cry P.rkfo. proar¿mmed spods rcnvinos ¡nd specrrL avênts. w¡todront ¿ccess (f ishrng, u5e of ¿ris¡ng ¿dlãccnt âcqu6ûroñof¡dd tþn¿l pârkl.nd however, srnce Ccntênñr¡l p¡rk h¡s beeô d.srsnJred ¡r rhc 'Crtv P¿rl" rnlhe ¿pproved Ctry ofqurnlc We5t P¡rb M¿st.rPlãn,rh. Ìos\ olthE fundDn ca¡ñot bo I conneded to Loc¡lly ¡nd rqþnrlly sBnfrc¿nlrpecrale!cn$. HighlevêLof cone$¡on dùrng rùmmcr bo¿¡B ând.v¿nls pe¿ks.¿sons, pot.nn¿lfor ùsoconi[.rs. Radov¿lopmcnt of .'rrsnns Âobêd p¡rEk M¿r¡â (¡pprox S ¿dv., slips lor sh¡llow wåler boab) ara¿ . ChânAe5to nlmber ofboat . rhanSerorypesoròoars V¿luû10 local cconomy . NomilEatiôn r.qùtr.d. . . No milia¡llon ¡oquirod ¡ No mtrrs¡tþn fcqurfed 14 ncw sû¿son¿l jobs would ns perm¡nentJo6 bc.r.¡tcd wourd be crê¡ted Ch¿na.sto ¿¡nce of . NomitiSJtion . Estin¡ted 5433,79dùcd revtñuc ge¡erJtcd in . Ls¡nrsted Ss4e,5rorndfecr fev€nuegeñdåted æsilrô¡cs of ¿hernânves would rmprô!c upon th¿ oxßr¡nÂ,ann . *Onêwboatr¡ips.ouldb.¿ccommod¿l¡d 2 . . Âed.velopment of rhisn¿nnrwouldba¿n eñh¡ncementtofìeoxilrn8w¡tclront â!d . would r€develop¿nd iñprove ùxirtidg mâinr b¡rn P6ûoe rmp¡cl onw¡ledronl lands atúß loc¡¡ón Av¿i¡¿ble¿rcaior ân âppropn¡to d.nn¡y oldevelopment ¡mpad onw¡redro¡l vßt¡e . t*rmJled to c!Þt¡rcdt requùed. rn . NoótiS¿tion.equi.d. rs5 do.snor rncllde¿llówânc¡iordßpos¡lof <oôt¿ñrndted n¿tcralor<onrnRencv¡llowâ¡cc . Enimated¡nnualopc¡alrnScoll(2012)1r r. õ¡Õ! Lm:toLv S3m mo o.5%ro 1%otrhc coôsrfucrþn cosr. . Poreniar eÌtecrs onlr¿il svstems ãñd pcd6lnan . ch¡n8es . rhcfealañmcnrolthc¿rrs¡ngw¡lkù¡Þ/tr¡irs loex6l¡natad (e¡rs¡ngûailr¡pl¿ce) 5vsl¿m ¿nd oppodunúrG ExislrnSùailswo!id n.ed d6rßn. rhc lackoln(wù¡ilsc¡nnot be . Avo¡d¡nc., Miti¡.lion, Coñp.ns.l¡ôn, . DredS¡nSwtlrncre¿sew¡lerdepthsrnproposed . willresu[ . No¡mpádon,orrmproveñcntsrodßtrñatrJil habtar (co!¿r, edse, shâdc, *rudur¡i, ek) . Will¡c5ult inanrncrcased¿reaótaq!¿¡chab(¿t . Noêrects on exß¡n3 Polenï¿r efied5 on e¡ß¡ng trnspodânon ¡etworb Ch¿ryas to nltrient lo¿ding No opponunnyto ¡dv¿ncccûV Polcß5regardrng . access vra!¡tefnar p¡¡kro¿d l¡ppfox. I km) Nol up8r¡dc r.quúed. pe¿kboaùns¡nd rvents so¡sons. ont¿nÕst/ 8JV 5r. hreEed¡ons wtrh ound¡s5r trsr cufonily h¿voa low Los, wilI srgnl c¡ni vehrcl€ stacl]ng ¡t p¡¿k. Addi¡onâl hp¿d Õñlh¿ would beêrÞectad, wûh hmhad poton¡¿lfor wildlr.¿ndtcretl¡ar . wñilot€chnrcailyFossrblc,thc cxrslnSrnlq¡âl rord r¡consÍuc¡on thcse rñprovêñcnß ¿nd uparadrnsiolre local ß prohibtree. . Loca¡on¡sservêd bV¿16¡¡3r¡nstrseryrccwnh Wnh iñplameñt¿tion of mlisatloñ mêasures, ôdded nurraôt lo¿dinsß . tofullmunlcrp¿lst¡¡d¿rd, . NomniS¡r ón.equùed. . ncrworkwou d be in an ncre4ed ¿fcâol ¡qùatrc h¿bû¿l marina¡reaandwillalleaeÙntâllvreducc . Habtrilatef¿tronsilostes, NoS¿ps rnexirrnspedernân ¡otexpcdod So¿!nSOntdro fr¿mber m¿nnas onsuro thotr mðrin¿s f ôllow envnonment¿LLy sound¡cas. wtrh rmprcmônta¡ûn or m[ g Lncre¿sasrncont¿ñr¡anl le!cl5¡rc¡ol€xÞe.tod rmpromant¡¡ono1â"cre¡nM¿rôe" . avôLd oxcav¡¡n8cont¡minatcd proSrâo mare¡âls p.rkrnasp¿cc ¡oqutr¡d ¿nd txrstinSparkingl¿clr€swrh ncemenñi¿lP¿rk could be !¡l¿ed (appro¡ 430splcct. Dedrcdhd manna parNrogwould be.equtred (e{m¿trd ât 1m3pac.r) to ¡ddrest p¿rkrnsdem¿nd dunns p.ak ¿dNilÞr wthrn Centènñr¡l P¡rk, Weekcnd pe¿kp¿rkrnsdemandwillb€èlperenced bybonì m¿¡nâ ¿nd p¡.kêv.nrs ând ¿drvûrés. L¡nd . rho loss otp¿rkingtp¡ces could bê mtigâred whth rnturn would r6ull r¡ dgre¿rer lossof Additþñâl p¿rkrns bcyond rho rnncrp¡têd 1@ sp¿ccs woùld br abovcJnd beyond {ìeoslrm¿tad f Ar€¿(IRACC 2011) Undeilyrngredimeñt has hrgh.r levels otsome cóntâm'ndôts Dillon(2007) rêcoññ€¡ds ñot to dßt!rb d!ri4êxc¿v¿lþn ¡nd r¡movai Dbposilßn of cont¿mrn¿ted m¿Î¿r¿ls exprnd.d ro accommod¿te m¿rôr. ApproÍñ¿tely 31,mm3 of m¿tenâlto be drèdged í.oh rxßtryb¡ln ¿nd 11q@0m3 ro hat.¡våt-"d iom l¡nd âr rn Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 - November 22th, 2012 on and Evaluation avo¡, Mrtr!.tbn, compènr.¡on, avorúmc.¡ MrÍaf ron, cohP.ñsf ôn, Enbm.ñrntM.¡.ud Enhnc.ñ.ñt, . lmpads polêñÎiõL ¿rch¿êologicalslte {Sta8e 1 arch¿ooloeic¿l asesshênr). St¿Be 2 ß knowno¡ndvd knowo archaeolóErc¿l rê5o!rc¿ known arch¿.olqical stres requÍed and ãnvworb iequúed ¿r a rèrllt olthe Phâte 2A$ê3smênt would h¡veto be undefr ¡ken ¡n accôrdâñce with Provinc¡ál rñêrequr.d to . . uÉrlpfon or¡eñovaro¡ . Pórential¡ñpåd . n€sûlc¡o¡ on llnrin8 ol in-w¿ter wo.k. . orêdg¡n& éxc¿eflon, ¡nd conrlruc¡lon ofshore protedlo¡ oeod lo be compleled pró.Ìo opênrng €xpeded pos[rve¡ñpa6ondowntown.ore commêrcial utes (3ee economcf¿dor) . Efi.dr on . Dtriclltyolcon3Íûdion/ . lhe lo$ ol randwûhrnthed*ßnât¿d crtyPark en¡ot b. mûi&ted, addi¡o¡al parkl¡nd c¿n bè reÍêârional/ events l¡cilit¡es withi¡ the City Pårk. Coñpliñ€¡t¿ryto exltting recreôtion¡¡ us¿s h CenteñnLålPârk, but.reatet¿s'8n¡ficrntspace codlid, NeB¿lv€ rmp¿ct on chy's pilmary c!tural eve¡1 spâce. lñpâcts Ctv's ¿biltvto providefor cuhural ev€nts âccêstrblé to ôll coff¿.deñ ortilt c( dunng in-w¿¡.r work pedod, Ê¡cåvate/dredge wthrn res¡iclêd pet¡od. Rêñov¿coff.¡denwhenwo.krnsrdebasl¡ir oann¿buildin&F¿.klnglor¡ñdrtê3êtoßes (wâìer, eleddol ¡¡d s¿¡tary), and ¡n*allãron or on hisiori.shorêline, ¡nd ßland torñ¡nons G€ê ArchaeolosEal rdo.). adlac.nt !osh. oi lormêr Gilmour Lwb.r stc¿m S¿wÞilJ, búlnoimpâdsonthesiSniflca¡ceotlhrscuhurâl cullural hêrtas€ f e¡ture3 work¡nclùdêsdredsin&.xc&¡lion.ñddiipos¿l coñsÛuct No miliÈtioñ r¿qui€d, . 5ûe work wourd bè compþt.d w[ n ryprcar . ÐredS¡nB¡nderc¿va¡on.adedoútÍomm.r¡ne âcqu[.d but the losr offùndion ofrhe Cry Park cânóot bepiovided with ¡ddû¡onal parkland ¡¡ ¿nolhêr locaron wthin lhe Cny. ¿nd land bãred equrpñ¿nt, . Êxc¿v¿ted ¿nd dr.dg.d m¿têri¡l ñ¿ybe . Møy . oßpos¿l of exc¿es mat.rialwould be otr-rtrê bv tè|ûh.d blcst¡ng to o.hÞve rcqu¡t d ruck, l.o.b m¡y..quk.lpecEl eqlrpment fo¡ Ä iv.bc.tioñ 3- RohêñPfrick M.r¡n¡ Docki ¡nd anchoß would br rnr¿llêdwûh sm.ll ñ¿nn¿ based equrpment. Àrc¡, Mfr ¡8.tion,!on, Enh.ft.m.ntMêåûrd E¡rance lo m¿.irãwôuld cunarndunnßconskudþn, . Marinaii lo.ated inexisri43heltêr¿d bårin, lhêre ß ¡o poteñti¿l rñpad to the riverflow. wûhrñ the b¿rh ¿nd 0.7 m atthe m¡nn¿ . Entr¿nce modlic¿tion ñ¿yrncre¿ee exchangê ånd rncrêase rilt,!o¡ rãre . ExLrrin¡adiâ.é¡t thorêlin4 . . M¡rnâ lher¿ . lhe ß bc¡red is lhere pêrûts Íiom by àid/o¡ r¿de,¡l Bo!¡,ñmenr . Crés,, wh¡ch ¿ccess vÈCouch Consruct¡on . con!Íud atre¡¡¿t¡v.¿c.êsstolhè p¿¡Nvr¿ anorherloc¿lsree¡. Redtred p¿rk6eß to this .èw ¡ccss pornÌ duri¡8 coñeru.$on. C¿rryoutconrtruc!.oorhep¿rkdurin¡of.pêâk 6lhe mâ*s roâd to Centênnra¡ P¡!1, LderTrent Conserua!on au¡homv pèrñh ùnd.r rne¡írn8 no postlbil¡yolicetãmmi¡s. . DFO¡¿n.r ol ¿dvic. . l.anspon Canadâ¿pÞ.ovâl o¡:lthonza¡on ú¡der rce Mar¡naôdjacent . R€qqt.m¿nt tospgr¡d. ex¡st¡ngP¿rkacc63 roåd (1km) to mliop¡l rand¡.d, st/ sayst / . ¡ñprové park¡cc¿$ ro¡dtâ Whlletec¡ni.¡llv p6srbls the exltn.Ê rñtê.n¿l upgrades, wnh [øted polenlialfor and upgr¡ding tolhe ¡ocal ro¡d ñe¡work.o!ld be iñprovedi the.osr of undêr N¿vig¿ble CrVof q(¡nt. Wêt Bulld¡n8P¿rmr MoE.eisoldredsin¿ oper.ron! . AllaboveapFrovals¡nd pe¡ñt ¿re êxp¿cted lo M¡¡¡tênance req!úêm.nlt road.eon!Íuc¡on ñay.equre . . shofeprotedloñ mus¡ DéderSned þ Þe rñp.rñêâblewhrch rncr€86 lhe cGl oflhe ¡o pãrk oñ ro¡mer w¡rê/ randn h ß expecred rhat the som. ofth. roil is conr¿min¿red and qcavated matenal m¡vhâve tobêdisporedof off ¡tan¿pprov.df¡c¡lily. ñodif lcårons requt. for ¿dj¡cenr loc¿|, regional covérwithin rhe bæiorypicállyñehs out, Floâflngdocß can.emain ln place overthe . pa* . conrÍuclon noßewlll rmp¡d w¡ier arê proted.d. 6 no ¿vailablesedrñêntto betânrpoded chanSèe ol ¡c€ movemcnl with sih enta¡ce . Mårinaitlocaredinexistingshe[ered b¿sin. suspended sediment ß knornlosenle oú iñ . bè closed . Nómiri8¡lion r.quùèd ch¿n86 tow¡vecrñat. . Lúeexp.ct¡ncvorrv!d!¡è . Flo¿t¡nSdocbd6igñêdto¡25ve¡rlifê . . we.d.onro¡ w¡¡¡ be likèly Marñen¡nce dredaing ñ¡y rèqut.d Þ requred. thse lmproveoc¡ts 6 p.ohibûlve. . locâlsewers.tuiceârshêwould rèqltê ùpgr¡de Coordinered¿signùnhpublicworßdcp¿nment, wâtérmârñ req!tred, New for.€mâ¡n propd¿d ds futurê cap[¿lp¡ojed, wthrn cê¡tênnr¿l P¿rk. . Ch.ngs to nåvig¡tion No rmpåd . oêpth ol¿Þpro¿chto o¡l.ent Sev.h W¿letuay n¿v&!on. . Existingñârinâ¿nùânce locariÕ¡o¡ch¡nged, No . R.viêw lnder N¿viSable wârers Pror.c¡on Afr, . Noñnrgãþn r€qùtred. we.d <onirol h rhe Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 - November 22th, 2012 ¡on on and Evaluation . Losrotapprorimatelv6,@m2otacrilcparkland t¿ciliû.s, ¿nd pubIc¿cccss watcdrón1 srgnúrc¿nr specr¿l events. Con8es¡on dunn8 3umñerbo¿tLñB¿ndevenls pe¿kse¿sons, pÕlen!ãl f or ure coñf licß. . Changcto lypes of bo¿ts . lheloss otp¿rklÎd No n¿w Pùblic ¡ccess low¿ledroni . chanS6to appear¿nce ot . Nomiti8¿lion requied. . tossolCtyParkparkl¡nd dos nol rncllde ¿pprox¡ñ¿tely . Hah¡t¿t ànora¡o$ lrosrer, . . DredS¡ngwill¡ncreâscwâterdepths iñpropôscd mr¡ln¿ ¿r.â ¡nd will ¿i leaí ¡nûiallyredùcc wilt cllcda tnon dñ ol ¡¡sh ôúß.ry habildt. fhb habftd. ¡s ln abuûddnt tuÞply ¡n th. vkì¡ìry ol rh. prctu| bøtbì.' No . Pôteñr€r Efrects o.species dects on €xrsnna widlr¿and svslom and r¿nspoñã¡on networkj . Pl¿nùn¡sof na¡vesh¡ubs tr.nspodano¡ network and vãscllar Þlants can rmprov. rhe qùâLiry of nparân h¡bit.r . Þocks will prolrdeaddnronalfish h¡bt¡t rnthe to¡m! oicov€r, shrda, r¡lclu¡al hãbtat, edge, BoâùngOnlJro hembor m¡¡n¿s en!ure th.ú mãÍrn¿s follow envtronmenr¿llV soùñd pr¿¿tics. cont¿min¡nt levoE ¿rênolÍxpecred hiShèr lev€ls of some cÕntâmrn¿nts. Dillon(2007).ocommands . MJyrequrc . ¡olrodisturb dispos¿l oldredged m¿ro¡"|¿tá . Nogâps . No rmpact on, . No . No miliFtlon ¡oquked. could be rncorpor¿îcd rn.xß¡¡g pede!Íiân nêtworkwolLd b¡ rntolhe nêw marna delsn. rhe l¡ckor neraibcannot bè o.rmprovem.n¡rtoe¡ß!ô8 rail opp.dunilvto âdv¡ncoCûV Policßs rêgârdrn8 lo fûll ñunrcrpâl r¿ndârd, up8râde r€qurcd. ro¡d reconsruc¡oa ¿nd upS.adingro thê locâl thcse rmprovements ß prohrbûrve, cán be <¿ried out d!¡insth¡ p.riod in whrchtqvenilc l¿kstur8eo¡ ¿re not expecr¿d io rmprêmentanon . intheordorol worl ot addûroñal p¡¡[¡nBspacê requtr.d and Poftion oithe márinâwhhin thcAdminbùat¡ve conùolAre¡ (liAcc 2011) denrfiod ¡s "Se.oñd¿ry¿.€¿". Undeilyingsed'ment m¿y h¿v. cosi peákbo¿¡n8¡nd€v€nrss¡¡¿nosV3¡y 5t rnte߀c¡ons wth Dundas sl Easrc!re¡lv h¡vea low Los, w(h rgnúicanr vehrcle srackng ¡r peâk. Addi¡o¡al ¡npacl onlhcs¿ rnt¿rs.c¡onr would bcpxpoded, wtrh lmited porenrôlfor . Nuób€¡ . m¿into.¿nce lnprctontßffrccona.s!o¡andrackrnSdonng terslnar ¿dded nuùrent loadlns rs nor expocl€d rn S8@,m rñprovcdbyre-8r¿dinslornc.e¡scshoraIna . May¡fted nußeryh¡bt¿tof l¡!r8oon rncreass rs ol (arî,nBù¿il,¡ pbc€) oppoñ!nnr6 lhcro bedesi8nèd to nèw lâcility. addi¡o¡al ope.arnSco* ro relóc¡redocb ¡¡d bre¡kwatec loshehcred loca¡o¡ fo¡ wint¡r. . A!¡r¿ge rn.u¡l Jnd podesl¡an allow¿nc. lordßposàl ß uñ¿void¿ble. w¡lediont ¡ndthe n¡rin..o!ld minimr¿e thc v6uàl rmpacr oft¡c A!¿iLablea¡e¿fora¡âpp¡oprátedenrtvof dev¿opmo¡t Lo!! olopan und.vclopad sÞ r€quùad. Estimated 5833,150dtecr revenlcBene.ared in . ts(mared 5549,5{rndùect revenuegenerled rn loc¡le.oñohv rnY€¡r I . would feq( Ùe developmenr on pnmâry sl rctch ol open watedront !nhin e¡isùng Cûy P¿.k . arlhc "ClV w6t PJrk ot thß mãrhr would bo an enhãncemenlrolhcexrsn¡Bwile{ronr asû wo(ld rmprove upon lhe exrs|m deteroratrnr . Nomi¡Såtion . mtis.t€dwnh:he . Rcdev¡lopm.nt l¿ndrwillbo . 324seõon¡lând56newr¿nsicnt bortslips could be Cenrennral park hås been deign¡ted pa¡k" rnthe ¿pp¡oved CtryofQuñb lmpad on CûyParkfor pro8.àmmed spod! ¡drvl!as a¡d 5pecÉ1 events. Loss olre¡son¡l ¿cccss (f ishrns, or ¡-creinMr¡na proaf¿m Bor!ngonrJno mamber marnas ensore rhet mdnñôs follow envronmenl¡LLy 5ound p.adrcer . oredge ¡r€¿to bê ßol¿t.ddurng 01 . rhc loss oi parkinSspåcer could bê óhis¿¡ed wth theconsuuc¡on ol Jddiûo¡alp¿rkrngsp¡ces whrch rñtlrn woùld re5ut rn ¿grederloss ol . Addtro¡¿l párkng beyo¡d thc spJcoswouldbcabovcand ãnncrp¿ted 1æ bevondthe.stiñJt€d dredging on¿nd . Dirporúronof contâñrn¿red m¿ton¡lrat ui3postron Exß¡ngparkrngt¿cdtieswûhincenronni¡l P¿rk couldbeûtihzed(ôpprox.430spac6). Dêdic¿ted ñ¿rn¿ pârkngwould berequùed {es|mated ¡t 1@spâc6) ro ¿ddrss parkrng demand d(rng poakrc¡vnrswilhrnCênlennr¡lP¡rk.week€nd peâk p¿¡knedem¿nd will boexpen¡nc¿d bv both marna¡ndp¡rk €vents ¿¡d ¡cùnFs L¿nd contamin¡iêd m¿rer¿lt¿r an ¿n appfoxrmôrcly56,@m3 0t mareri¡l requtêd ro b.dredged toachEle 72 2m boilom aLev¡non rn Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 - November 22th, 2012 ton an d Evaluation Enhanc.m.nt known or not y.t known arche.ologrcel Gsurc. yot k¡own ¡rchâêôlogiel . Pobnúlateßon burn . . 1 Ard¡eologic.l Asé$ñènt) o1 . No rmpâd on åfsúng Durtrnênusê ß¿rur.s orr.mvâ¡ ôt . No impâd on culÙrel ußruplon orråmov.r Drsruptôn (Sù9. . . M.ßur$ A Sþge 2 tuchaèolog€l Ass6sñãntmry b Équr.d dâpênding upon hâ Rml d.sign of thè newm¡ilne .nd bâ ¿@33Þþvid.d b . . ge . albrnatvá b¿v/ . RsÍidioñ on ilñina of rû-wetêr work, . D.edSinB ne.ds to be @mplde forthe m¡nda ro wthadddon.l p¿rkland in .o¡srud¡on equipm.nt. . D¡ed*nsc¡ûied outf.oñ ß¡rne bõed ¡nohor locatoo is ñot âs Lo6tlon3 4 -câÍbnnbl ¡fe¡ roh thê the.6ùr.rêd Perk€nnolb. mitigabd parkhnd en b..cqurÈd byü. loesof funcdon ofüe Cty P¡rk c¿nno! bâ povdãd . E¡.ev¡r.d ¡nddredted m¡tenâlú¿vbe . Mq quhd rnd¡cab(s) d¡êdgins wthin No ññgâlon rcqurËd coc impad on C¡tys primâry cutu¿l êvênt sFæ hped City€¡bilit 10 prcvidc forcufuÉ¡ CdÞna r¿nds Wâtêdotforn¡rn¿ b¿tñwrllbê.èq!tred lor accesroad¿¡dsteseNter{w¡t¿r,eld.c¡l.od r\ega¡vo ¡ñPedon rcc€ f¡cildcsúùrn h€ City P.rk. Cômpliñ6nbry b èxHing Écrèeüonål uses rn Cânbnni¿l Pârk, butcEabs a sp¿c. ænfl¡d N.gaùv! ofmped Pubrcáryowned nv!¡to ênâbl. honùg. l€eùros. No rmped on.xsìng r.3 Êxp¿cbd p6úv. iñp.don dôMbwñ community (Sc.lô avold¡ncâ, Mllg¡ton! compGnsrüont lndlc¡br(6) avoG¡n4, Mroqslon, uompens¡[on, to a.hhw tquid ru.k. rrucb m.yrequrêspecl.l equipñefi lor avold¡nc.t Mrtrg¡tont somFnr¡Ûon, Prrl bloil¡ig Enhânæmênt frêåsu¡el Pot€nrial dect3 on r¡ver . Ch¡ngÈ lo ri!.rt¡ow neer.lhere i! no iñpâd þrhe riv¿rfJow. . . Docß ¡nd Chângn rowavecl¡ñate Mãnnaß þc¡!€d onrhe Þ¡yp rver. lhere & no change to the rverflow, The ar€â ß knowñ to b¡ depGûþnal ¿..¿fo. tuspendèd sedlñent íromlhe rive.. . ø¡rtfuc¡o¡ be reloc¡i.d toshelrered ¡rearo mrnimi¿e ¡mpad ón rce ñovèm€nt and potentl¿l lce damðge to l¡oaring . lherÊ is pol¿nr¿l fo. d¿m¡ge to docb ¡nd flor¡ns brêakwatêß durim Ice bre¿kùp úthq . P¡rkontormer wõte/ landt¡Ìsûe. [ 6.xpeded loc¿1, regional ¿nd/or fêdè.al sovernmenr . Requrehentlo lp8r¡de exist¡naPa.kãccs5 róâd (lkm) to mlitrp¿l rândård. ont¿r¡o st B¿Vst/ MårmoráSt rntéß.cdons whh Dund¿tSt E*t ñ¡yrêqure upgr¡dêe, wüh l¡ñ¡tod poren¡¿l for ¡or5eúllimpad ¡dtâ.ent p¡¡k ¡¡d coñpênrâtê . carryoul work dunn8 wrnle. mórrhs ås much ¡s . Provide¡hern¿¡veconstudion ¡c.êss to mhñtre rmpad on p¡rkure6. . Håll roltê to bê¿pprdéd bV crty Plbli. Worb MNR workP.rmt permit ¡nder and pùrchare or lèaseof mav be . fr¿nsÞon C¿n¡d¡¿pproval lndèr Nåvi8¿ble W¿t.ßProt.dion ad. . CtrvotQui.Ìe Wsr Eulldin¡ Pérmtr . MOE revr4ofdredgrng operanons . Al¡¿bovê¿pp.ovâlsârd pêrmit ¿re expêded to fôr loss . tmpfoveÞ¡rkacc¿st.o¡dtå Whiietêchnicålly Lowêrlrent Cons.N¡tionAuthoritv 6the Ont. nes.163/06 . . oFO!.nerof ¡dvi.eorâuÌhori¿e¡o¡under Fiih.ri.r A.l, Firhenee Ad Autho.zalo. ù¡ll requtre rê-gr¿ding ol benk only. ¡o enhãnce/or ñodif ic¿!ons rêqun. for . p!rmits f rom . Mrnrmtreexcavâ¡oñ, sho.êÞfotecnonrt.udur.3 thåtthesoilrsconr¿ñrn¡tèd ¿ñdånydc¡vâtêd m¡tenal I may h¡veto be disposèd ofat a. resuh of âccess rm¿ll acc¿ts vlaCouch Crer,. whi.h m¿rn¿cess ro¿dto Cêntênni¡l Perk, . Floâtingbr¿¡kwatêß ¿¡ddocß Én Ch¡ng6 oficemov.m.ñt b. rnstall.dwlh . Conírucllon Êxß¡ñg ¡dj¿c€nr shoreln4 ¿re trorected, The.. ro.drãr¿ anchoß would ñ¡nnê baeed equipment. hrgh, B¡e¡kw¡t.r r.qutr€dro reduce wav€âdion po!siblq the êx¡5ùng rnlernal ro¿d¡etwork could b. rmp.oved, the.of ol rhðe.mÞrovemcms Is prohrbùNe, Jccss ro¿dr¿qukedd€pêndlnSond6reoor . tocôlioñotexßtingor . Coordinaled.eian wth forlâcfty, No w¿lêrsètoicê:t str€, exts6ron Public Worb dep¡nñ.n¡. . M¿¡.ter¡nce.equtem.nlt . Life€xped.ncvolsÍudure . Buildin8¡nd5hor.prolèdiondes¡Bnêdfór50 . Fb¡nngdocks d6€ned for tutlrè cáptâl projecr, w[hln Centê¡nÉl Pârk. loc¿lionof fåcilûyhaspóteô¡áltoconflldwith r châ¡¿6 tó navßât¡ó. . Dèptn or.ppro¿chlo . Nomûrgãi'on requtr.d, of ye.r lite . FloâtinSbrcekw¡lê.desrgn¿dfor25yearlife . M¿r¡n¡entr¿nceñ¡ybew(h¡n30mo¡the náligålionch¿nnel. Low rmp¡d onlront Sdérñ . Revrryed !ndè. Navieble Wðteß Protec¡on . M¿nnã.ñÎrånceadlacent extst¡ngch.nnéI, . No ñilrg¿tio¡ fêquiêd. No 25 . weed.oñrol wil¡ be likèly requtred. Ad ênÍân@ woûld enh¡ncê the h.rin¿. Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 - November 22th, 2012 ron on and Evaluation lo rocroàlþn¡l ¡ndbo¡î ¡t f¡ctires,ând pub rc¡ccca, I \ alt : (^ ¡' ¿ fi.ld, subted rô mrrnâ l¿Vo!¡. wâtedront acces (f Èh,ns, 6e otexrstina adlâccñt ,ù . ch¿ngs ro ñumber or boat . New lo¡m¡l publlc ãccú5 ro 430 m ol . 3AOnew þo¿t slps.ourd Þc¿ccommodarcd ù¡tcdront (> .ould ba rccomñod¿ted 1¿ new tc¿son¡l jobr would bc crc.ted l! r new pcfm¡neni lohs wourd ba cre¡Î¡d * ¡. . s '' øE ¿esrhe¡ct of ¿h€¡ñ¿¡vrs Esrmar€d 5a33,75Odtrocr revonùo¿¡n.r¿tod rn tsnmatêõ 5549,5rorndúèd revenù. gen.f¡teo rn ¡dt¡cé¡ltoctryH¿ll/Lrbrrry av¡il¿b¡c¡.e¿for Jn vist¿ publicsp¡cos. ãpproprâ1. dcnrûyoidevelopmenr. lmrted lorr of wat¡dronl vßr¡s fíom public sp¡cc! . Esrim¿tcdlocrpitJlcost6512.5M. lhisostm¿r. door no|ncludo allow¡ncelo¡ drspos¿l of I w ápproxrñaÞly ope€¡ng @st(2u12) S8æ.0æ ¡s Addi¡onal opèratng coslo rèLoc¿le docks E AveraScannlal m¿inlen¡ncc cotl inthe ord.r ol 0,5%ro 1%ol the consruc¡on cosl. IÈGËñO . Ch¿nsesto.xls¡nss¿il . Potenti¡llo crê¿to ôpproxrñàlely @mofnew . D.sis¡ otthr w¿todront d.velopmont to.ns!r. rystéóe ¿ñd pedeilr¡ô J(cess¿ñdr¡iloppoñunines¿rem¡xrnrzod . Poteñn¡lto|nkcxßtrñgtoyâlistPôrkw¡yt¡ilto dówntown corc vrrnrw contsuous w¿1cd¡ont . . . Potcn¡¿lto rmpl.moñr Habir¿t âlter¡tioñs (loss6, ma¡ nd a¡e¿ ¡nd wilL¡t l.âst rnilÉlly rcducc rmproved by r.-gr¡d ngto rn.rc¡sc shorelne onBh rnd provido ¡ddIon¿1rtùcrural h¿bñ¿t PlantnÉ of n¡¡verhrobs ¿nd vâscul¿r plrnß rmprove thc qu¡lily of ¡p¿n¡n h¡b lJt f¡nrponalþn netwo.ks c¿n . dï.d tnatt o¡¿ø nuÊcry hcbûdt ot lok p¿.knssp¿cc.aqurrod ¿nd whrchl!venio l¿kc srurgcon are not èxpeclcd tô ¿her¿ùons ofsaR fhe pot i¡¡dly dfleìd hdbîø| ¡s ¡n cbu^ddnt suoÞtu ¡h úe v|.¡khv Òl rh. Dñ¡¿.r sie\ . . No nìiliS¿tion roquùod. operôlng¡trâtirf¿crory LOS, not expected to be nè8¡lvelyrmp¿cr.d byundcnãkrns Front sr / Dund¿s St rntorsecnÕn opêra¡ngat sJll¿crory los, porenralto be rñpdctcd bv (loss.s, May . Nâbil¡r CIV policyrcg¡rding . A¿ces5vi¿collcclÕr/anerialroadsvneñ. Dñßron5l/Ound¡sSr.W.slrntcrscclon 0ock, w prov¡de ¡ddtrþn¡Ìfish ¡¿bitJt ¡nthc lohs ôfcovor,shãd¡, rùuctur¿l h¿bû¡r, edg., . H¿bt¡t ¿[e¡Í]ons ro¿dtrrl syst€m í.om downtown cor., so!Îh errlo Pnnca €dw¡rd County, ¡nd C.nt.nnr¡l lr¿ilsyrom Lrnk poten¡¿l ñ¡rnJ todôw¡town corovrJofi rord lr¿ilsvslomlhrou8h lnked pub c rp¿ces ¡nd p¿rklânds,¿nd InktoT¡cnt Rrv¿rwatelrontrsiL Crc¿te¿ coñrnuôus ofi Change, lo nurient lo¡din8 or ¿-cro¿n M¿rne" progf¿m go¡ùnaont¿.ro mcober m¿rna, ehs!.e thoir ñ.rin¡sfolowonvùonmont¡LLV!ound pr¡cùcet Lmprem€nt¡¡on rdded nurrcnt lo¡drôs ß not oxpcctcd . With implenentat on of ñ[ B¿tion ma¿sur¿s, 1¡(e¿resrncont¿mrn¿.t l€vêlsaf¿nor cxp.ctèd und.nvrnasodimcôt5 m¿y h¿vc hiAhor lovek ot ExßtlnE p¿¡kinS fâcilnisforCûy H¿ll,¡nd adt¡ccnt munropâl Þârkinglot(4æpdrIrnsst¡lls rddi¡onal p¡rkrng É requrcd. combrned) colld be ùhÞêd. Ded,c¿ted m¿í,n¿ pâ.kn8would be reqùtrcd (4hared ât Ð sp¡ces) loaddrss parkrngdeñ¡nd d!r¡s p¡Jk wo€kdJyevonts¿rCtvHallandRoy¿ltegron. W¡¡k.nd park¡g denrnd for fr¡rn¿ ß expoctod tocorncdew th low dem¿ñd lorCûv H¡ll pJrk¡g L¿nd ¿vail¿bloto ¿ccommôdâþ réÕùr¿d bárk'ne Boa¡naOnt¿riomcmberm¿rnd ensurcthotr mânndfolow¡nvùonmcnt¿lLVround pr¿dros. . Avoidcxc¿v¿t ¡scontJmin¿rc¿ m¡t¡riJß if . Dredso¿rc¿to b¡Gol¡reddurngdredsrnson¿nd 0isposrion olconramrn¡tcd mâler¡ls . M¿yrequtedßposrlotdrodsod ¿t an m¿tcrâl!t approxrmanry26,mmsormaten¡rrequnedro be dredScd ro ¿ch ovc 72.2 m borom èl.v¡¡on rn Municipal Mar¡na, C¡ty of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 - November 22th, 2012 on on and Evaluation At.rn.tiv. toc.t¡or lnown ¡rchåeolog(ålrúee . A[.r¿non orlossotany knownornotvd known . Disrurbed 5 - &yrhr. Avold.tué, M¡t¡8f ¡oñ, Côñ¡oô, P.rk lânds no¿rchreological . pÒlcnlial (sr4o 1 Archâ.olqrc¿l ßs€ssmcnl). Pol€n¡al forSlâ8e 2âssessmenl d.pendrña upon delsn of ârch¿êologÈ1.êsourc€ Âll.rn.tiv.b.¡t¡on5- DLsrupt on of remov¿lol built hcrIqefearur.t . D6rupìonor..movalor . ¡ime requnedtocÕnsrld I . rénton cooper¡ge . Relndion on¡mrnaolrñ.w¿lrrwork. . oredgrn8does not haveto be coñplete fo.ilìe cuturâlheril¿gefè*ure.lhrsaheh¿!vcwould crcrreahrBho¡lev¡lof p€dosùr¿¡¿ccasstÕ CenotaphSquare,l¡enton Clocktowe.¿nd orio'n:l Tôwn H,ll âñd M,rkar sô"ârc . constucÙon ß likelyto rx.e€d oneye¿rbut m¿¡nâ can be operaton¿l priorro complenon, Expected postúe rmpacr on dowñtown core comñe(É uses (see c.onoñk f¿dor) . tffects Compl¡monb plbl¡c raclltbs on rec¡e¡tioñ¿l/ coñsru.¡on €qurpheht. close ¡n . oredsrngcailred prcximily Dùêcthkslo doMbwn cors fáñeß market. 8uñm.r concedvènuå . . oispos¿l of exc6s m¿l¡r¿lwould $uck. rn ¡tiv. Loc.{on 5 - B.yrhor. P. rk . avo¡, Mt¡8¡t¡on, coñpêñ3.tioñ, out Ííom ñâúne bâsed Excãv¿red ¿nd d¡¿d8ed m¡y b¿ l.ucß m4rcqûre .Õnrâminí¡d Àr& rverro enable dredgrnS w¡thrn rhe r€sÚctèd No mû€¡tioô rêquÙ€d Mills,bul no rmp.ds onthe nsn¡fi.anc¡ ofihß cuhurôl hcntage fe.tures Workincludêsdr.d¡inßånddispos.lof m¡leri¿1, con!ùuc¡on of m¿rn¿ buildlng, parknSlor, ¿cc6! rod ¡ndrlererulcer fwãler, eleclncal ônd raûûôry), and rn*¿ll¡t,on olflo¿nns No iñp¿d oñ rxlsnns bu¡h h€rtra8ele¿rùrot . adl.cent lo ste ortormer avo¡d.ß., Müf 8.r¡on¡ coñp.ñútloñ¡ Enh.n..m.m M..iuré3 . Ente.intolonStermlðæ¿ôgreementwhhlãnd thesl¿so lArch¡coloÂicâlA$.!só.nt. rhe ¡.ea lorwhLch ¡5t4e 2 arch€olosßal a$assmenr wlll . B.yrhor.t.rk AStàaê 2Archâeôlogic.l Aste$ñenr will liþlybe rcqurrcd ¿sthe proposed acces ro¿d crosses ¿n ¿rÊawith A.chacoloarcal Poien¡¡l as ¡¡dìc¡led rn Bre¿kw¡ter bc¡ bV spþcr¡l éqûrÞñoñt for m:rêru1 rnst,¡lad wth marne b¡sed . Docb lnd an.hoß would be rnr¿lled with smâll m¡nne b¿s€d €qurpmenl. lho¡. ß no lo low rmpact lo tha rv¿rflow. . tocôreconstrucron Poten¡¿r ror rmp.ds on Bre¿kw¿tor rcqutred 10 r¿duc.w¡voãc¡on roc¡ted onrne b¿y nver.lhor€ ß no lo Low chJnse lo tha nver f¡ow rherefor.thore ß noto low ch¿n8erosedrment Íânspor pãilerns oflhe . . chànges torhclte¡ed ¿rerto permûs írom loc¿|, r.3ßûãl ànd/or redeûl sovernment ¿ñd docks c¿n be.elocJtdd mLn mr¿. rmpJcl on rce Provid€ cônrrlclion monlhs a5 mlch âs ¿ccess rwãVfÍom CûyHall be¿pproved by CilyPubhc works under O¡1 Ras.163/06 . MNRWo¡kPerñû a¡d¿ic orle¿seol w¿ter l¡co¡por¿le requtr¡ñcnts of rpprov¿l do¡cres. under FrehcretAct, Frshe¡rd Acl Aulhonzinon m¡v bc MrnrmLzr exc¿v¡no¡ where po n ß expected materãl fr¿yhdveto be dispôsod . lrãnspon canãda approv¿lunder Wâlers Protec!on Ad b¿nk only. Uson¿tùr¿lshor.roahenlswhcre pósíblelo . . . .nh¿nce ¿nd/o¡ conpe¡s¿le for los5 of habit¿t. for vr¿c.6wdl 0r. . oFoletle.of âdvrceor¿uthor¿¡ùon sruclur$ will requtrr rc*r¿drnB modif ica¡ons raquie . ¿ccets ¿onrn¿ Ey.r¿wamêndmenr undc¡ lnetunsdrcüon nve¡ch¿ñnel Iste ro¿ds ¿r¿ retuh ol ¿ccess . construc¡ón . Hâll.outeto . Flo¿tinSbfè¿kw¡tcß or ¡ce movème¡l chanaos to . C,rryoulworkdünn8winlcr nver . rhcro6potenr€lford¡magetodocb¿¡d ilo.trry bra¿kwaì¡ß dur ns rcê braâkup Ítl.y . Potent€rror . Conírudro¡ ¡or5cwr lrmp¿d âdj¡cent p¡rk ÉxEnnßádtacent shorelines arê protecrcd, There ß no âv¿ilab ¡lrdrmont to bê r¿nrpoÉed bV M¡rn¡6lo.atêdaw¿ytoñm¡Lñ sr¿arn8 rntha . M¿nnè6 Noerpected upgrades requúed onCrcswell Dnve orlinkLngAn.r¿lroddw¿Þ. 150m Jc.css ro.d requted ilbect to desr8n ofl¡c ty. N¿vEabLe Cûvof Qurnte Wesl Buildrnß P.rmú MOE revrew ofdredgrns op€r¡rþns ¿onr¡S Byi¿wAmcndmenr rcqutr¿d, subte.l to L . Local on olêxistinSo¡ . rrunksewe.sediccâváilableâtst., . lâtorâl No m¡r8¿ùoñ reqund. . Approval!nder¡heSpeoesAt RúkAct m¡ybo sûô, lafur¿lcônnccton requrêd. . . Changes lo ñ¿viSâton n¿v6¿¡onalch¿nnol No rmpact onf.ent Scve.n ¡v18¿ùonch¡nncr. ch¿nge ro exßhg ãpproâch . Rev'e.d byûnder N¿vrs¿bl€wat¿ß Protec!ôn No . wced convol Mainlenance ¡equ remcnts Lil€ cxpedancy of slructùr€ . FLoânnsdocks d.srsnedfor2Syc¿r¡¡fe . FlodlLqb¿€àbre.desrsnodfor30y.àrlilc rn the v¡c¡ntrVof tht m¡r¡¿ ¿nù¡ncê wo!ld enh¿nce rhe m¿rnr . Weed consol willbe lkelyrequtred. Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Publ¡c Open House #3 - November 22th, 2012 d Alternative Location - Baysh ore Benefits . . . Location outside sediment Administrative Control Area Less dredging or excavation required No negative impact on existing recreationa I faci ities Creates new public access to waterfront lands Create new waterfront trails and complete an existing gap in the trails I . '1! rr \ lt"r ' . ,."?^ \ L . r"'! I .iT 'ì¡oèl .-* 9 'r"'l "-, *" ', ib ,4 \'ç, '.i E t PR¡'¡hRED ¡rlrnrlrrw lÉnd { :ti m uÐg !É' 2 LÊGEND ADM¡FmîVECffiLælm frlKasÉMAg MVdlôË(NL t ) k K ¿od &gl$rFig!çlÈ^ ffi . iã mñ et ffi ffi t q J \ t] . c! E I I r /s I ç, ¡. Hú . E ffi ru tr H H ä t4 H q 3il ß¡ 6 n ffi et EF¡ Ë . . w Ét l?E . g Ë No expected upgrades to external infrastructu re or services Ability to phase operation and construction of marina Most direct access to downtown commercial core Matters to be Mitigated ffiøi & tg network . . lmpact on nursery habitat Potential impact on SAR nursery habitat Phase 2 Archaeological Assessment may be required if the proposed road willresult in site alteration of the identified area Dredging material will be disposed of in accordance with MOE guidelines and regulations City will enter into a long term lease with the property owner Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment - November 22th, 2012 Public Open House #3 ve Designs - Breakwaters FLOAÎING BREÀ¡î{AIER e d Ë "r,1r+liiiggSffi w aqla¡chablarthar nay beafieded by eâch olthe aherna|ves Good qu¿lty åqua!.habilat 6 rmponant fo.¿ heàlthv¡nd divèrs€e.orÞtêm. . H¡bråt¿rt.¡¡t¡o¡s . Efeós onfilh habit¡ dlnnS . Hsal¿ke.bonom footprnt, rnel¿¡lation of anchoß.r¿ êxpedêd to beminorand nots¡gnitlc¿nt h 6 É- rèsùhrng rn¿¡ossottuh h¿bit¡l FXED BREÆWAIËR {ros!ca¡ terêrùÉ¡ h¿bit¡t rha may be afiecred ' No etracls o¡ exlrllns wildlfe¡¡d . No effèc$ on existingwildlifêând quâl[vtererr¿l habnar is ¡mponanl fôr, hêâlrhv ãnd divâß¡..ô\wr.m . HãbiÌ¿tatera¡onrof . SAR ! M¿yaffed nußery hâbhnof ¡âk. habh¿t of lake ru¡géon . ls¡m¿te chanSe inw¿terquálûywîh .¿ch alteha!!e, lmprovêd to ¡o ch¡¡ge rn rhe w¿1er qu¿litv rs ând hõ potential fo.imp¿donwrer penod withr¡ the wate. ¿nd hai h€h potent,¿l for rmp¿6 tow¿tèr quâlity dunna consrùc¡on. Fxed br€¡kw¡lerwill Notuto I E nvìþn me nt Summa ry Opt¡on 7 - É r LonSconstùdion rmpacr Ìhe wd¿r Flooting Ercakwater minìm¡z¿s negøtive eJfed on the nøturol env¡Íonrent, Municipal Mar¡na, City of Quinte West - Env¡ronmental Assessment Public Open House #3 - November 22th, 2012 ve Designs - Breakwaters boatrlÞ possrble ô1 each ¡he¡n¿lv¿, Allernativ6 th¿t prdide f or târgal number ól bo¿t slips arê Þrêfered. . Both altp.nârv6 c.¡ accommodâre thetarger nûmber olbo¡t siipsand rhe target spln of season.yùansßnt . boat Aoth allêhâtlvA cãn accommod¿¡e rhe rârget number of boat sl¡pr ¿nd the tar8et 5plit of . Floâlngbreâþ¿¡er l¡rSe.nough ¡rea lo accodmõd¡te r€¡sonõVtanrênr bo¡l . P¡opedy mutl be åvailaþleto hârsmallfoôr developêd ¡s¿ ñânn¡, . location¡ndfealu¡er, Floating brc¡kw.t¿¡s will hâv¿ . Û6t êlê!¿tion of âpprdiñârely0,6 m to 1þ F¡réd bre¡kw¡têr3 ¿..d8ignêd lo bo fund ron¿l ¡r ¿l l wetèr levêß. lhê Íelt . Cltyñust â.quùe ¡¿rgerw3ter lota.è. hom Crown compa.ed tothefloafing . . . bre¿kwrterr capt¿l costotfloåln8 lhir es¡male 1o ð m¿nna arsoon ¿t€d to c¡pfi¿l.ori of aloàlns breakwat€ß ßS2.3M. rhis sh¡te doesnot include aconhgency does not ¡n.1ude aconlinge¡cy Desl8ñ priñciplês wèll undeßtood. &ñoonlyused onth. G..¡! klés, rt ß prde.åble ro hale ¡n op.tation¿l coßtûd . Es¡fl E S2.8M, D6¡Sn parameieß Senerallyeail¿ble . us6 propnelåry p.oducls. lrmê rêqùted . ts¡mâled to h.r l¿rscrtoor pnñi. apply stándâ¡d engrnéêring p.¿dic¿ otthe ttucture will be 1 m ¿bovethè hlgh wale. lev.l or 1,5 m lt may above.v.r¡gewate.level. impede th¿ view ofthe b¡Vkom sho.e. potenti¿llo providea por[ve chrngè to the ¡erihetics ofexßtñg Fded¿ter . CIVñurt ¿cqùtewât.r lotÍroñ . Ouâlit¡live d€l¡rminauon . . be . Workinclldlrotr¡te constlctlon of brê¿, th¡pmenì of br.¿kw¡têß toiit..ther by b¿Be orÍuck, .oGÍuct.nd lnrall ancho6, and possrble, . Workrncludes pl¿crngrlone hw¿ler¡Õ the slopês ând gradB 3påcifièd. . Resrildlon o¡rñing ol r.-wâter work. long p¿riod othè compàrêd to . lhêrewillbeanoperation cort to r.locåte breaMatêß to sh.her.d lnstal¡.ton i5 shonêr p.¡iod ofrim. .ônbâr.d tô ârrþd brê¡[wá.r. . Averâeêannualmarntenance cost rh¿ ó¡dår ôfO.5%tó 1% ôl thê h . Aver¡ga¡nnual ñainl.nãnce.ort h Prder.ncê thould b. givên to th€ aterna¡ves rh.t thê objec¡ve of th€ óroìoctwtrh rhê lê¿std¡ñ¡.uhv, . Boih¿ltârn¡ne.swillh¿veminh¡¡ . conttrctio¡ impad on ex¡rrng shoreline ¿nd ¡mp¿cl on e¡ßtnSrhoreline and rêc.e¿ronal edNtr6 d!nn8 hcio - Eco Ail ì b É nw ¡ rõn nomic, cu ltu ¡dl a nd mc.t <t'ñ mõ ru Both options have the some îûpoct oh the ñ¡rna ñavdisr!Í oper¡lioo ot.ecre.¡onâl ¿dlvIres parl/open sp¡ce. Consùucllon øcio-eØioñ¡c, cúltural ønd bu¡lt eûvi¡onûent locà|, rèeion¿l ¡ndlot renked básed onth.r ¿ÞÞroved uñder th¿ behind rll ¿r ab(itvto be rèall¡nñaads . Flo.t¡ngbrê:kwateß brought toshe ¿thêrby bârge orku.l ¡nd ißt¿lled. Op.¡¡tlon willrakê lèrsllñelhan less . disruÍþ. to edrviÌ6 . Stonemeten¿l most l¡kelvüù.ked to rhe stê ¡¡d 3tockpiled, consrucùon ope.atlon will be dlsruÊive to p¡rk ¿long P.ñns ¿nd.pprovalr likelyro b. . Pè.ñits.ñd approvals m¿vbemo.e d¡hcuk to ¿cquùe th¡n forflo¡¡¡g ¿cquûed,¿l impâd on nußêry rn¡ns6 to nverÌrow . Bdh lloodinÂ. n is preler¡bleto mrnimr¿e alter¡lio¡ to lhe optione âr. locet.d onth. bây.t . eothop¡ont ¡rêloc¡î¿d onrhe b¿v¡r . Ah.hâtiv.tth¿t . Chrna¡srow¿vêclimãte ope¡rnBând âdlur marn¡ wavehaiaht l*sth¡ñO.3 m . durnBthe boat¡nBs.âson, llß dêrkabl¿to lo.ãÌ¿å W¡ndgener¿ted wâvêbctwêen 0,7to hi¡¡. Both op¡ons cån be d6¡gned to provde ¿ñ pérmit sr¿grnS ofrhè mârna opeñrnß ¿re dêstr¿ble. permit Ahern¿tiv.s rhâl f le¡¡ble m¿nna âpp¡opr¿te ch¡Bês to thé docb. { ¡eêdèd, br.¡kw¿r.ß c¿n b¿ relocer.d Posslble ró . ch¿¡8e s€dimenl r¡¡spón . whereredLme¡t depotite or croder, t ¡r p¡elerable to sediment Íanrpon modee . sêdiñenrtrãnspoft mav occur bV rvercurêns or by The¡e isnob loúch¡ns¿ toth. rivor flow, lher.fore there ¡! no to low ch¡nge to iedim.nÌ ùanspoñ pãtterns . ,cdrmênt¿ûon . . Exist¡ng.djecenishorêlird åre prú.d.d, There ls no ¿v¿ sedimenî to bêùånsponed bv w¡v. Éxis!nBadlâcent r¿nrpoil p¿tè.nr. floodrdgand rcedaßage. lt ßpr.ierod ro fln¡ml¿e rce . . . chadeshow rce 6 potenlial fo.d¡ñ.ge to f lofi inB b.erkwareõ during ic. bre,kup 6th.y..m¡in h p¡æe ove. . Eslmdo of thê l¡fêêxped¡ncy of thê srudure! wil¡be proerded, h ß d6r¡blethat the marnr¿nan.e ¡.coñùodat¿ f utur! . Flo¡rÞSbrèàkw¿terdêsr8ned for30 . Fixèd Bre¡kwatêr d6¡ßned fo.50v.¡r as much a5 shoreliner are . Potènriálforimpad on ße movem.nt. Bre¡kw¿¡arr w lldefled rce llows iñto . No¡o olthê rcquüèm.nls be mrnrmr¿.d p.ol.ded, rhere ß no ¡e¿(¡ble rêdimenr ro be Íanspoded byw¿ve or rcè movement Lowpúèntlal forlmpad on Lifêexpeclancv Êlxed bre¿kwrer m¿ych¿nse river toth€ ânnlal burd¿n of thotê rerponrible lo.lhe malntenånce do not ¿dd Techn¡ú . chãnces . af lo¡rin8breâkw¿ter Þrovides the mott fl.xlbilitv ¿s be movêd to ¡ccommod¿te o.3mhr8h. Bolh opùonscân be deraned to provida ¿n ¿pprop¡atê f¿vorâble wâve c.ndi¡Õns I ond Enø¡æe ¡¡ng Optîon t- Flodt¡ng Brcokwøtet dsign is morc chdilùglng. Coßttuation l6s chollengiw thqn the f¡xed bredkwoteL fummory low pdenrËl ford¡ma8e to brè¿kwåter dûnnÉ ice b¡eák!p. r¿¡oc¿¡ê breåkwæeri durinr winr.r months to shêlt.¡êd n¡vi8¿1¡on . Bdh ù¿r mhimtrè polenl¡¿l rmp¿don naviSáton ¿fë Physiel Æpedssummdry . workwould becomplêted rh¿ operãtons ¿¡d ùming thar mininE6 mp¿d on adjâcent park operation, .ec,earional use añd c"ltur¿leveñrs ¡re f.oû . ot options h¿v¿ potent¡al to iñp¿d navrE¡¡on. Cârewill bet¿keñ ro dêsrsn the breakwrer to ñrnrmr¿e poren!al fornegarve hp¿d. N¿vrgâkn¡l ârds andrsnrwiLlbe inrt¡lled, . Bolhoptions havepolenlalto naviæt¡on, C¡reùiLl bo t¿þn rmp¿d to dergn ior nega¡ve rmp.ct, N¿!igâ¡on¿l ¡ids andlsntwúl be rnràll¿d. Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 - November 22th, 2012 rve Designs - Docks u æ æ æ n t8 76ô ô74 $¡. z¡9 € ð? n 2:j æ s æ æ g a4 æ 62 ;; ô â6 I 8-. ci é,, 9 E DOCK s A'ICHORED TO BEDROCK 6 fl æ FLOATING DOCK WfTH PILE ANCHORS s 78 â7ô a l,n .t lín I *70 E E DOCK æ TO SEOROCK m e4 ô2 FIXED DOCK SUPPORTED ON PILES qu.ltryof aqua!c hãbn¿t rhát m¡yb. ß rmpon¿nt prel.râble 3aÞtrat alennons loses, afiectad by . Effédsorfishhâbûatdlnns . Éfieds onfish h¡bllalduñ¡¡ b. ñrnorañd nolsEnlic¿¡1 beminor and nol r€nÍrcânt rnetâllalioñof an.hoß¡r€txpé.tèdro be nrnor¡nd núrlBnillcan¡ fo.r h€¡lÌhy 1o ¡ncreasè th. . Me¿su.esthequ¡n¡ly¿nd quâliry ot le(e!ùral h¡bit¿t thai may beafedêd bv ¡ No etrecß on exßtingwf dlifé ¿nd each ofthe âherñ¿tivat Good qu¿lûyreresrr¡l habt¿t ß rmpoñ¿nr for¿ . Hahful efiects on SAR and . rs¡m¡res . Mayafed t lnvolves ¡tern¡ve, lñprov€dto no qualtrv Notu ro I E nv¡ron ment Su mmo ry All oÍ the optiØs hove the frme nursèry hâbtr¿t otl¿ke . Mavafe.t ¡ußery h¿bil¿tof l¿k. . Mây¿fiect ¡ußêry habÈr of lake chãn8e rnwâter constudún wft hin rhe duilq rntrallaron. w¡ler ¡nd h.r potenlÈl forrñp¿d on w¡ter qùalny dunnB.oñsruc¡on. andhas poten¡al lor rmp¿cr on w¿rer qu¡lity dunng construcùon. Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 - November 22th, 2012 ive Designs - Docks . Meõu16rnecap¿ctyor boât slips Þorsrbl€ ¿t€a.h âltcrn¡rivê. ahF¡¡ânvs numb¿rof . bo¿1 sllps ¿re All opl¡ons willbe desBnêd to ãccommod¿te thet¿rget nuñb€. of boâr slÞ ¡nd rh€ r.f3er splù ot s€rsoñ¿l/ rr.ñíeñt boàt slips. r Allopùons will b€dþsBned to . Allop¡on! willbe deri8ned ro Ìherarger nuBber ol boaßlips¿nd lhe t¡rgét spht oi seasoial/ r¿neent boât {rÞ. ¿ccommod¡te boat rlips andrhetarSet tpltof sêâron¡V ù¿¡slenr boãr eliÞ. Changet to appearance of Floãilng docb willb. visiblê. Añchort . Floa¡n8docßandpllerwillbevi5rble. pile! will êxrpnd ¡bov¡ th. d¿.k of rh. . Fú¿ddock ¿.d pi¡6willbevßrbl¡. . orderor ûagntrùde c¿prar costs willbe provrded, Esrimãred ro..pil¿l corr of lloårlng dock wnh pilo¡ñchors 6 môre E5tiñ¿t. ot operdlng costs . Therewillbean operation cøt lo relocate floð!ng docß ro 3hehered . . Atr.rátion, dislu¡b¿ncc or lo$otcuhu¡¡l or buih . . lherewillb¿âû opêrôtoñ cosr Io r¿locàt€ floàrnßdockt ro 5he[ared maintenance cor ¡n the order of0,5%to 1% ofthe . oocb dêsi¡ned ¡o rêñ.in winter. No operation cosÌ, rn placeover Ave¡¡Seannual All oplons wtlh¿ve lowto no rñp¿cr on.x6!¡¡ 0,5% to 1% ofthe . a¡loprroß will h¿v€¡owto no lhe Õrder ofo.s% to rñp¡d 1% olrhê . Allop¡ons wi lh¡ve lowto on èrßting shorêl¡ê ¡nd o¡rhorè sho.eline ¿ñd onshore Idst 1 lhc ord€. of no rmpad on exÉ¡ng shor€line ¿nd onshora \ on the culturcl and built env¡rcnment. opt¡on 7 ¡s the leost expens¡va but therc Flôrt¡m Dô.kwlth P¡,. añ¿hóß floodrng. hßp.efar¿bleto minrmrea[€raron tothe . Alloptions ¿reloc¿t€d oñilÉ b¡v¿r Ìhe oùdai of the rver. rhe¡e 6 no to . Allopnons ¡re loc¿ied o. t¡e b¡y ¡t the outlet of th€ ri!¿r. lhere ß no to low ch¿nge to rivertlow. . Marnaslvprc¡Llyrequúeâ w¿v€ h€qht lessllâno.3m Ery . Alloptions arelocalcd onthe batât th€o!¡et of thê rver rhere 6noto low ch¿n8€ ro.rve.fiow . EEæE Allopronr rhetered bv bredkw¿rer e*¡"¡iE dur¡ñaih. bo¡¡nase¿son. It ßdrnrâblêró lô.,iê â f ¿vorabl€ wrvc cÕndnþnt f¿ chaôEe sedrment r¿nrÞoft whercsedrment deposrs or sedrñem r¿nsport modas. Sedhanr ranlpod may occur by€nts or by . rhere . rhêre . Éxrs¡n8¡dlrc¿nì rhorel¡6 ¡re . É¿cenl tho¡ellnca ¡re ¡! nolo l@ ch¿.getodìc rver flow, Nolherelore the.c rs noto low .h¿n8€10 sodrmeil ranipon pânernt is notÕ lowcha¡Se rothe nv.r flow. Nolherêfore there is no lo low ch¿nge ro sediment i.¿nspod pailernr prorected. Ther€ 6 no ¿vailãblo sedrment 10 be r¡nspoded bv wôve . lherð is ñoro low ch¿¡sa to rh€ rve. ch¿me to sedim€nt vanspon pa¡ernt E E txßìrñB ¡dl¿cenr sho¡ell¡e, ¿.c proted.d. lherc ß.o av¡il¿ble ro bcfanspoñêd byw¿ve gforecrêd. lherê r3 ¡o rvailrbie sadrm.nt ro beù¿nspored byw¿vc rediñ.nt . Ch¡nsês olicemoveme¡t rioodins¿ñd ¡cedam¿sc. I . rem¡rn lñpbc. overwlnîêr, OockÌo be.eloc¡ted to sheheÈd r¡ea d!dn8 winter. NolmÞad on ic¿ movèment. Potent¡al lor damde to docb úthev r¿marn rn pl.ceoeerwrnter. Oockto bc relocdted to sheltêr.d arè, during r Pileswillr€maln rn pl¡.e overwrnt.r, towro no pote¡naltormpad rce moleñénr. Pil.sdelg¡ed to . Chadsrhow . Fixed dock wlllbê oü ofthe¡ce. No Piloswill.emarn h pl¿cc overwrnrôr, Lowro ño polen¡¿l¡o rmp¿cl rce ñovemenr- Pilos dcrÂned to nâvigålion channeltorlrenl Severn WileN¿y. Alrcrnrn!er th¿t ñhrmÈa polon!âl rmpad on n¡vßâ¡on ãr€ . Allop¡ons areshèhêrcd oÍthe site, by . A lo$¡ons ¿rèsh¿herèd by Mun¡cipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 - November 22th, 2012 rve Designs Shoreline Treatm en . o*Enwillcre¿t€ rhat n¡ybeârtèded by e¡ch otth€ ahern¡nvès. GoodqualiÌy¡qu¿¡c hãbû¿t . S¡nlwill no net lossoffish- lo be re-Srâd.d . Eankwill loc¿te isrmpodanl foraheallhv qu¿lity ol tercsùEl h¿bit¡1 . No êfiec$ on erÉtrng wildLifeand . planls chanß¿ bôlh âbov¿¡nd below ùater ro c¡eale undulålng shorelin.. lhß rs expected 1o rñprov€ rome aqu¿tic.h¡bil¡l ch¿rada¡lstics such ilrhorelne lenBh, rrudu¡¿l lhd Ponroñr of ¡he sho¡¡li¡ê r.¡¡lmenls wùl rncorpora¡e plân¡s th¡l rofien tha sofrên the thorè edge. forâ SAR h¿bit¿t ß prohrbn€d trtróatß . B¡nkwillbe.è8¡¡d.d Noetfecls on exisrnswidlif€¿nd thâr may be¡ffected by hâbúåt ß impon¡ót bc rearâded both above ¡ñd !hóreline.lhisisexpectedrormprôve !ome ¡quâic-hâbtrat ch¿rade¡slcs such ¿srhorelinê lenFh, srudur.l ¿nd divoß. acosÞtam. lt É preier¡ble to ¡ncraãsc the . Nochangc and no improvemcns . . rmprovofirh h¡bl1at. D¡eranedto Mayaffect nursery h¡b[at ot1¡ke 5lûraeoô durna.onstùcnon. Consruct protecton behrñd rill . DesBnôd ro ¡ñprovo fßh heb¡tât with . Deígned ro rñprove flrh h¿bit¿twilh ¿reas of aquanc vcgold¡on and . M¿v¿ff¿ct nußery h.b[at of l¿le í!Geon during conslruc¡on. conn¡ud proteclon behind si[ . Maytfect nlcery . . ajlopnonr habitãt oflake sturgeon dunm con5Íuc¡on. I rnw.tar . All op¡o¡s havolow ro no porenül ro Ail op¡ions have lowlo no poren!¿lto havê lowto.o polen¡â¡lo ¡llern¿tve. lmproved to no chrngc rñlh€w¿lerqu¿lîy Nøtu tol E nvî rc nme nt Su m mary Option 3 - Ndturdl Shorcl¡æT¡eøtûenß ¡esults ¡n ñ¡niûøl negøt¡ve aÍÍects ond enhdnce the ndtuÍolenv¡rcnment H.rd shor.lin. rxis¡na.ecrerronal uses ¡t . No rmprovomanl to shoro l¡o ¡ccess . Allt€:honlt will be d6i8ñad lo e.h,nce âccesslbility to th. w.tedro¡l disrup¡or of€x6ì¡g prograñ rpâcc . . All rè¡tmeñlr will be daigôed 1o and r¿crerion¿l uses shor¿li.a and rh. ¿dj¿c€nt p¿rk. shorêhnêa¡d the ¡dj¿cenl p¡rk. ehor¿line ¡nd the adjå park, rs prefèrrcd. . Allr¿atmonts will bedetr8n¿dto enh¿nc€ accsslbilirv ro lhe wr¿dronr ãlonsth. Með!16 rhcãmou¡t of Allernarver that prov¡de Þubhc âccess to w¿teñront . N.chãnÂe ró ¿ppe¡rancéôf shorelnê. . Shorelñe protêcrion conr$ ofp].crhS . Shorchne prólecron co¡srsts ofpl.crng sloñe ¿lonsthe rhoreline wIh planhÞ. Provdessohor ¡ppe¿¡¡nce ol shoreline. . Shorehnoprd¿c¡lon consÈE ol adga but m¿y be morc.h¿llengrn8to acces stroø€m sho¡èlné for uñobsructed views of ¡ . Orde¡ot maSnitude caplral c6ß willbê provdod . Éstmarod rÕc¡pn,lcor olrhorelne . EilLm.ted 1o c¿pûal cosl of shorelnè É âpprox. 5l,7m por matre. lhrs ês¡måt€ do6 ño1 lncludo " conhgency ¿lld¿nce. r Aler¿ge¡nnu¿l m¡inlonancc (xisrnß protecnon . Nochan¡e h¿s litd¿10 dsßn lha ord.r olo.5%lô . ÉxÈùñsland b.rew¡s crêåtêd ¡ Alìotionswlllbe dgrSncd to Tr$tmenß Eetióarêd ro.¿pûal cosr ofshorèlinc S1,@pê.mere. rh6 êslrñate 9' !_ does not ¡¡cllde â connnAency allowance . Aver¿aeann!¿l mainten¡nce cósÌ hrgh ¿nd no ôppon!nitvto onhan.ê ênv'rônñFnr . se¡tñeñt realment is¡ppror. 53@per meke. fom . enhancê . Alloprioôr willbe 1% ofrhe Existinsland b.sèwâscreatedfroÞ låk¿f¡ll. Noimpadonarchaeologi.âlor deersned roenh¿nce cos! rn rhe order ôt 0.5%1o 1% ol rho l¿kélll. Nô hpâd on ârch.eolorrc¡lo. All optioß wil¡be d*rgn€d to eñhañce 4 Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Publ¡c Open House #3 - November 22th, 2012 rve Designs Shoreline Treatm en rn uFsrc¿n floodrnÂ, lt 6 prcfer¿blc tó ñ'n'ñDê âlÌ.râr'ôô rô ih. rilerflôw du¡l¡sthe bo¡nngre¡ron. [ tr . Nonc ofthc op¡o$ w¡llresùrdthe . Exß¡nashoro protec¡o¡ w¡vcs more so th¿n J I olh.r ilìorohno . Noneoftheoprons wlllreilnd rhe rv.rflow AllshoreIne próle.¡ón ß . None . . N¿turâL Hrrd ilìoro¡ine prol.drn may ratlact wrves ûorc tlJn n¡tural sho.cIn¡ ollhe opùons willresi¡rct the ñverllow. All shore[ne rrotcc¡o¡ ß shoreln€ r.ahents ¿re lh¿ . lhc rv.rflow All5ho¡aIn. prolodron ß None of rhe oprons wrll.e*ncr . Aconb¡n¿¡on otboih n¿1!¡¿l¿nd h¿rd shorelnc protocùon will rotlccl w¿v6 mo¡e thðn nârùr¡lshore m¡y condnons crn be¿ch cvod. . M¿rinastructurcs m¿y ch¿¡ae s¡dim.nt r¿nspon pallêrns, !!ch ¡t . Éx8nns¡ñd ¡djôca¡t shoreln6 . uÞûe¿ñ flood ngând rcedâm¿ge It is preleiicd to mrnimrz. rce . chángs to nôv8¡tion . proladad 6 noav¿il¡ble sr¡diñc¡t to b¿r¡ñrponed bywave Exis¡nS¿nd ¡dtJ.eñt rhoroln* ¿r€ pfôîecîed lhefe 6 norv¿il.ble p¡orecred. lhefe tr no.v¿ilâble sedrmeni to belranspôned bywale sednne4r to be Íanspoded bVwâle Sedrmcñt $¿nspoû ñ¿y occur by riv€r rn . . Jrc prorætcd lhere ß no ¿v¿drblc rcdiñcnr 1o bc r¡ôsponed byw¿vè .¡odes. ll ßprof¡r¡bla lo minrmrzatha aLt¿r¿!o¡ ol 5êdinent ir¿nspoft Dam¡Serosructure due to . Nochansa. Mrnorrccdam¡Sc duclo ol rubble ¿nd eros on ol b¿nk. . No potential . No poton¡rl for rmp¡ct on rce . Mrnor ñovemên1, Sûucturc alongshor.line, Lce damage due to 5h¡ft h8 of . Some rcc d¡ma8e po5srblè. Noto low rmp¿d on navißâton, . No¡o shLfi ,nB for¡ñp¡don rce . hovement. 5Íuclurr ¿lonSsho.elnc No potenù¡lfor Lúpâct on rcè movem.nt. Sructur. ¿lo¡gshoroIne. rce Chèns show navigâtoñcha¡nel tor lrcnt Severn Wrlc.w¿y. ALlernrnves . Low rmpad oñ¡aliganon, M¡ybe debrs/rubble on bottom low rmpact on nali¿îrotr. Und!l¿trn8 shorehne m¿v rñpcde . No¡o low rmpad on nãviaàûon. D6¡gned notlo rmpede navgalio¡, n¡vrs¿lron ¿re pref er¡bLc . occupi6 thasmrLlosl . Jro¿ comÞ¿¡.d occuÞies the more !¡e¡ th¿n hard .conomLc¿lly f orsrb¡a m¿nn¿. . n¿rn¿ ¿s soon is pos3'ble Allopt ons búthe do nothrru oprþn . a loÞlons but the do ¡oil¡nsop!ón . Woû rndldè tome . Nowork ortim. ¡.q!tr¡d to prdect exc¿v¡tLon and ar¿dlnaof €xrstrna b¿nk, supply ¿nd pl¡comonr oi stonc materâl ¿nd Brrdlneof exßnnB b¿nk suppLy ¿nd pl¿camcnr olslone m¿tar¡1. . Allop¡o¡s bùtdre do noih¡n8 op¡on . work rnclud6 some exc¿!¿¡on rnd aradrnaof oxß¡na bànk. supply ¿nd pLacom¡nl ofstonû mr¿n¿l ¿nd . Rettnclon on tLm ¡gof rn watarwo.k conslruc¡nB a h¿rd shoroline reårmenl will î¿kc le$ rim¿ then . R6tndron onlrmrnaDirn.w¡lorwork. Consrucnng ñâruraL shoreLn. eârmè¡r wll r¿k som€rh¿r lonSef thén h¿rd 3hôrël'ñë ùèâtmêôß f . Drîrcu Consrucing combrnc natural and hård shoro[ñe reaîmenb willt¡[e roñeh¿t longe¡rhcn hãrd shor€|n€ ivorconrtr!.¡on / revrewêd lôr each ¿llernalNc. . No.onsiudron.equted . Consructon of¿l¡opùons forrhe . Conrructon ofall oprons for tho ehore Ln. proréc¡on well undertþod ¿ndsù¿Bht foB¿rd to co!*r!ct shoro Ln. p¡olec¡o¡ well ûndcGtood ate.nalves that mcet thc objec¡ve of th. proßct withthe c¿rt diffrcuhy Polenrrrtorrmpacls on fucreâ¡onJl rdLvñ.sdurnB Permûs tÍom oc¿|, re¿ion¿l . consÍuctoñ ¡nd sûâ'ght lotuô¡d to con*rùct. ,hor€line protec¡oô wêll underrlood ¿nd sù¿rBhl fotu¿rd to conilruct p¿rvopenspacc. Confrùcroñ ôper¡¡ons ¿nd hrnEth¿l mrnrßL¿es rñp¡c1 on,dl¡conl p¿rk op¡rJ¡on, recr€ar@na lse ând cuhurJl eveñrs rrc . NÒconstruc¡on.cquted orrmpads on orher watedront ad0tries requrre ¿ poft rôn pJ¡k ¿nd . rhorel ne p¡otectþn to¿ddre$ Perm s Jûd approv¿ls likelyto bo rcqurcd. Poten¡¿l rmprd on nûrlery h¡búf dunnB consùudþn pcnod be proud€d. [ ß d6tr¿blo¡r¿t ihc marntenance rcqutrem.ns bc mrn¡mÉed ¿s ñuch rs possible such th¿t m¿htenâ¡ce (6ts do not ¿ddtórhe ¡nn!àl burden ol tho3e ¡esÞoßrblè foi tha m¡Lnte¡anco axcapt do ¡othins will requre a poft ron park and shoreliñe to håve rgùrcred ¿cc*s orclosed durns . alloprons e(cept . P.rmtrs ând approvãls likelylo be . Perñils ¿cqured, N¡1!¡alrêahents Polênfi¿l impâcr o¡ ñu6€ry h¡bftat . Noconstucùon requted. . Mâ¡ntenancewiLLbe cônsùuclod . D6rsn ife txßnnsconc¡.ro rubbl. provides . Encnt . do nothh8wlll req!tre ¿ponbn p¿rk¿nd shor.lineto h¿vê resÍrcl€d accss orcLosed d!¡ns !¡':.' ând êpprov¿ß lL[€lyro be ¡cqutr€d. N¿tur¡l fealme¡ls praferad bv ¿pprÕviñg âa¿ncres Poron¡¡L¡mp¡cr on nu6ery hab¡at . shor.lnête¡lh¿,ß consructed lo h¿ve¿n op.r¿lon¿l rructur6 ùll . Allop¡onr ilorcline ro h¿le.esúcted rcc6r of .losod durlns rank¿d based on ther abilnvto b€ app¡oved ùnder the regliatngAcb m¿rn¿óp¿¡rnsaredesùable , rl or m¿rina mâvdßrupt thc ¡ñd.equ{ed pcrmiß, Ate.nrtv$ wûh polent r ior¡pprov¡l¡r. roqùtr¿d. Porefi ¿rtô r¿ac m¡nn¿ openrng¡nd ¿djur m¿rnJ . consùlclþn ot¿ll op¡ons forlho of mainten.nce 6 likely very low 10 h¿ve ¿n operanonal not welldocumented bur .{Pected to be lOto 20y€¿6 do not hâ!.to be const¡!ded ro h¡vean oper¿noñ¿l . Coñbrôâtoû provrdos difiereni d.srsn lfe¿nd m¡¡i.¡ance requtrements lor requtred. Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 - November 22th, 2012 Bayshore Pãrk Preferred Location J *:l Benefits -*s .F a -' ¡r -r r'"1 å'- þl . Location outside sediment t4j Administrative Control Area T . Less dredging È . J E l+ t" EE *-)' r ".;: ..,,4,{üa;* . 't-" li'll *l . .,f.. . waterfront lands Create new waterfront trails and completes an existing gap in the trails network No expected upgrades to external nfrastructu re or services Ability to phase operation and i r1 '- or excavation required than other alternatives No negative impact on existing recreationa I facilities Create new public access to + r3' år .*- . construction of marina it "' r;ln¡L -rfu9 uft¡ult h JEil I . Most direct access and link to downtown commercial core Matters to be Mitigated . lmpact on nursery habitat . Potential impact on SAR nursery habitat . Phase 2 Archaeological Assessment may be required if the proposed road will result in site alteration of the . . identified area. Dredged material will be disposed of in accordance with MOE guidelines and regulations. City will enter ¡nto a long term lease with the property owner. Municipal Marina, C¡ty of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment - November 22, 2012 Publ¡c Open House #3 nking of Alternative Locatio . ù¿diqdl ¡ftrêae wât€r &ptk hproæ*d ûú¡ûåÞâândwilätbdr . wllrndti..n¡ft Èa*ddeaorâ@ùcÞHbt . Por€nlbrErecbdsKEs . ûêdd€wll iúe¿F wat€r &pth inptopo*d ñ¿riÉ¿.eaèndÙ¡ðlleail t ùédSingwilhcreðew¿l.r&pthe inprôF3êdmar¡m¿.€âândù¡alþà{ id&ryre dæ aWaüc næroth3 dú¡¡y r¿&.e àqualk n¿c.opñúes . wiloll.ct o øouot¿dolJbh ûßrytudtot. tuÉtudtot¡e noútuhtsuù .ßrhg f* Msery habibl . Þyôtur . wth¡ñpþñênrâtbn I wilh ¡ñpþmentâtbn of mitþtion meõurê!, h cøladÞnl þwb itureâeés ofmitgatbn mÈruree, ad&d tur¡nrbãúqÈ ÀpFotu¿t€ly 56!æ ñ3 hftom ¿bvaùq i¡m¡rh \d tu tdl E nv¡rcnñ en¡ 5u ñ na ry 4E tûotíve Loú¡¡on 5 - Aayshorc Po¡k Euk ¡n ninimol ínpocß on . tos ol.Frctu.þt æ,ffi2of &r@ F lbñd. Re'ri8m€nl ot e*lirg wâreúôñt ùâ¡ r€@ù€d Stdfrant imFl onCiqParttu øô8Éôm€dSôile ahc notutøl ¿nvircnñent . t 14 couÈ to & úedged b æh4 72.2 m rew¡dr.ctp6, @ld hcr.ât.d t 5lwi¡d.ÉlÞbÉúldkcr..hd til¡mâr€d ræNe Sfg,Sshdret t 1 g€æ.¿ted h bdleMy ¡n Yêar mat€rÞl t Csdú¿t.dåntudwâl.t.o{ Àver¿F il¡u¿l n.inÞEftè . (o @wâÞúd! f ÍãßMùldb ot ûs* eccer 6€H,!ùþtto wale¡ftonÌ to 1* ol geæ¡ât€d inY¿ar 1 t would.ewne &bpñeñ¡ m prtuysùêtchof oFñwalerfrqtùd. €xÈriq Ciry9dk. Âv¿û&réâbr ànâpproøÞi. &ßiqof &bpm.nt. tor ôfôFñ ún&.bFd wareúontGl¿ 6ø cry PárL t ÀddtimloFr¿r¡ngcør 14æw *eElþB øub&c..ôr.d ¡ 2 @ ÉftuÉnr ¡ 5 r¡ñdi¿ctÞbs | €{imãt€d $31750 d@ct I Esüm¡t€d Þbs muH h creât€d would kcfeated .ætuê Sg9,54idrrI ßêæràted h Year 1 r€v6úe 3èRratedh lcddoDmyinYe¿¡ ¡ orvmIoFn sr. adFnt to ciryH/úrô+ ' Þ€bFentorFiim AvdÞþ¿¡eô lúâñãproFÞteeßiry of &ebpned, thÌted bt of wâtèrnoil vÈB non pudk eFce5. to r.6t¿ &ks ândbreåkwåÌ.ß (2012)ß âpproxiñalêtSm,m. ' Erùnât¿d àñnlal oF¿lhccott to r.bcàt¿&ck adbfe&aþF torbÈf.d ' addirbd*râù3co* to sh¡ler€d . ÀÉ'¿ge¿nnuJñàin¡êDft.¡ôr inrÞor&rof 05ibr%ollh th reâr€d {¿xßriB k¡d inpk€), txßì¡q Ù¿i6 pe&5tb. ærñrk wdld b t¡ied. b¡mFcr on, d inproEn.rB róeGü4 ùâ¡ syr€m . hôpÞilunitylo ¿dâreCiry PohÈs re3ôrdngp'dóbrotew, . ¡ . t ' naht€mme c6l ¡n lb or*r 'w,liled ãtp€aL wlh l¡múed {apFox.430 àt 1æÐæer) Pârt. addr*s pàrkiq *mãnd durbgpe.k-&trÞswth¡nCêñléùiâl w¿.k€ndFâlFrl¡q &Dândw¡ìb €ryrþE.d 6ybo$ ñâr¡É ândF¡k bd eâ¡¿bb tó â.commút r€quùed Frki¡8. events ând *ñnþr to 1* of tb narhto Pdße Etu.rd Couñ9ândced€nhblTrJlsFtêm. tiilFþ.lbl cor. û ótr red ù.t 3Ftñ tu@gh lhþd NHk wet ôÞd t t Fdkion ot rew lbk.d wãtdfront / åilerbl road rÞl€m, ñßbn 5t / hnù Si W€* int.ß*tbtr oF¡ât4¿ts¿tbtætory los, mt êçcþd to h æFtikly hpæGd by m&rbb¡& Fod st /tun&s sì. wsl int r*cbn oFrâ&g al sròbctóry 16, pot€ntd to & hFcred by@nakb8. . Ac6s vÞ .ôkbr t aa€ls . E¡isrincFrhnc ldilirbswûhn cenÈnúl På*.ôúH be utli¿èd spæet. edbþd ñâri@ Èk¡ñgwourd h r¿qù,ed l€ilh¡l.d b &¡rown ùù enûs sr mêhdmenß of 0.5% r Pot€ilÈl to.r.¿rê ¿pprotuatelyffi ol¡wwaterf øt td. I Pôr.dÞl ro linl eÈrh8 tq*!r Pd¡ kw¡v aàil lo &mbHn .orè * Ew coñd8lM wâtéúont kdl k@ w¿Ì€úont ¡â¡k muld hcr.aèd (exÈlinB Ùðl h dæ.). NoFp! ñ€rÈùn8 F&tbn æMrk woubÞ nbd. Nohpæton,or ¡ñprôv€mêôlr ló ¿¡firytdsÞl.m ñoomoiluniry tôâ&àft. cìlvPol-bs r.&rdngprovi*n of ¡h&êd Âve¡age amuål Ciq F¡ay re8âr&g búti4¿nd.Enc aeàson! ùtarbSV bSt, irleræ.lbn, tôslcurentlv h â bwtos,withtiSdlÈânI Ékh *-kq adf.ÈliñÞæron&5e intêf*tóß wôúld k€¡Ft.4 Ft.¡liâl aor int€ßecbn imF@em€nt! LoóûonÈseRed byenrng tðsir sefrh wlhsúe rouþ ñ.rh bþot ß S17M. rhÈetthãÈ &r mt inclu&dhâtueb. dÈposlof contômiEred m¿ÞrÈlor.oñii4ênqtuâre togêpti¡exßtbg ùðnsFaârbñæúó¡k! ed mFdotr.quted Frki4 72.2m ! Erthâred tocåpilalco{ æ121¡sãpproxtul.!sm,m, tÞ ór&r creàþd 5a3,750&ectrærue fsùd s b&edÍêdb æhk håt€rd ' 3æ¡w6rrÞ.@ld&*cffimo&ted I q æ¡tngeq aw¡tue ¿ô* h Esrhâr¿d ñco¡Þñtunt kb & ftcoñmeþd ' s imre¿æs ñåyÞÊh¡ahrkÈof þñe codñiMts. hr.ñÉl.e.a¡8l'6lôrlprqr¿nm€d k tumd FM-€t ro4æm of @ s.eÉl þbr wld h cr.âtd ! 2æw æ.mðEñtÞb!eouldh vøÚor tÈ Nqect to the o¡h.r tudtions. coúd& ecommóóled rewF¡n¿ænr þbs would bcrêatêd U.&.Ù4s€d¡menE . tuDrotuar.b26,mm3of âdrFcbl enr. t65ol56oÉ1.âñÈn8âÞacomil€d tobc*and cons€slbndur4enn€r b¿ü4 ad ..8iodrysi4dr.¡¡ÌsFùlænß. 4¡ls æâk teõoß, pl.nùl lor u* @nl-t! 2 wouHre&vdq and impræeÈlhgmar¡Þhú. Pônñê ¡mFt on wat.rtont¡¿o*atths læaì@. avùbþareátuânâÞrop¡úb enavoi . conwtd . 324eâøÈlâd s6ærùaßþnt 6l+tc@H bdonno&lèd r E{¡mâr.ds33,[email protected]æf.tedhle& r r.quied þdtof æÌk F,kþd. Re ¿I8nne¡tole*tB of ôppronñãlely6,mñ2of *àbrfionr Ù¡i f.qútêd. ¡mFr oñ ciryp&klú pr4fâmmêdsdt åclMü6 . *ofwbar{p5 trâ&nt bâldF of mâlèr¡d . ffmcc 201¡l ! to$ ftrtu'Èádsid æ¡ß r6solpùblt Fih t6sof ssÉl câmp¡n3 ilê.cæd€d to bdtôd cþdhignirkåil Fd *nE &i klof congeilh ún4 eúm€r hIhSândeú Fàk*a5o¡5, pl€ilÈl6r u* .onñaß Rêtu.bFentof ê*Ùß Rohd P¿tnk kftulâÞprof. s-ttue d¡Þ tusbh wàl.rblr) . 32¡+emlând56¡B ' w¡6irÞ¡menr.rbn otñ¡úFtbnm.x!r.e, hShr ttu . w¡úhpbmenbtion olm¡liætumenurêt ¿d&dnúùi¿il bðdry itDt æI t withimpþment¿rbr of t Po¡hof lþ ñar¡mfrh rþ admhBù¿rto€ conkolÀ6 ¡&¡ühd I "t*ón&ry areâ". u*r¡yiq rediment m¿y k Uùdying ' M¿nDúthnhÀû¡d{rarúContdtu¿âllRÂCCÐ11). 5eeent Þ5 nÈh¡ bwß or@e coîbmbrr . ùlbn{2007)recmñnds mt todßturb unèrM43dl. ky oll*t 5tu il ø ¡d N& ry tudtot ol bk îwæ@ úe potenttuwof.c¡ed tuúdt È h abtuñ tufuin Mseryhbitâtolbtetturcæn. vÞ i¡terEl p¿rk.o¿d{¿pÈôx. th} xol toto! mu¡kiFl {.nôrd, ùperâ& Þ@lèd. hF.ton ùâ& co46ùon ðndilekhg duriô8Éâl hii.Bând*enù 5€õons. onreiosV &vsr iñl¿ße.i¡ôn! wth ouñdârst Ea{cuúendy hâEâ ¡@ los,w¡$ig¡iftad v€Ncþ ilælhg atpeô[. ÂdùbDlÌñp¿clûn tþ* int ¡sedions rculd &€xpecLd, w¡û[mited Ftmtbl lor inlerslion improÊmerts. tGrbnÊ notteryed 6Í . hri6 Ès€Rd hyexÈthC ka6itseûb, ann¡rBpâikhsl&il¡È! fùciv Hal,and¿dFdr mu¡kiFl FrkbS lol {4m FrEqrâlk comsEd)could Þ utilüed. Þdkatêd nôr¡É&rh8@ùldb ,.çûed (€ilhaþd alssæ3) to ådù*r pdkhg&mãnd &ingFak w.ekóy 4ûs ¡t Cty kf añd Royd t.gin. wæ¡.nd par$ng &mad tu hâriÉhêxFr.d ro @irci& wfhl@ &múdtú civ H.Ipârh4 bd ExßthCp¿rki4 f&JitÈewiúir c¿nl€mid Pârlcould þ uli¡z€d {appror4S sF.€5). ædtâÞd ñartup¡rki4wourdbr€qun.d {estm.led àt ræsP.ei tôàddr€s Fr[iñg&månd durb8Fôk âdil&rw¡ùñ cénl¿mbl PâÈ w*k nd F¿l p¿rlhg &mandw¡[& êxF¡anc¿d Wbrh ñariM âd pâ.k *nß ândâcttuitas. tândâvâùdeto æconmo&te reqüùed parking. lvlunic¡pal Mar¡na, C¡ty of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 - November 22th, 2012 nking of Alternative Location ' hF.ßpor€ntial ¿¡.øbgicdil€ StàBe 2 aret5menl reFùd. ¡ , BrurÞd Þn& -m ârcbbgi.d polold {Sta8ê l atthd4-â¡ &ssm€nû. Pot¿ñlbl ró, stase 2âssm€nl &ntu3ùpon erb lsbe€ la..kobsblatsessment). iñFtonhkrork sb¡.liæ, ¿nd 6hnd brñãliôß {* arctubSiól hcroil. adÞcnt lo rt€ d lorñer Gil@ur lm&¡ sre¿ñ gwmi[hul múFctronrhí8nfr¿ft. ol lB cdturâl hritòge fealur., Poreñtúl I h¡mFdôn r6i&ntÞl l.ndu!.! f¡Fr.d êrßrhg . NohFtoncdtu¡âl k.ù.9€ r poltuê imFcl oñ No ¡mEt on . MFênt to sil. of bfmr lr.ntoo c@Frá3€ M¡5, but ñ ¡mÊB on tu isnifiéfteof *cultura¡ toril¡BeteâtùÞ. fti.t€rÈttoe@ldcreaÞ ¿ E8þrhlof Ë&!ùh -c6s to cercEpà sq@re, rr..ton clûk tss ãd Êalures. e¡kthg ¡eeiènlùl bd ù*' ÊxFcted positk r No¡mF.tonerÈrhc f.d&ñiÈl l¡nd0*s. imFt o¡ . r N€gattuehpæton.e.r.âibn údê€nE leihks wúh.& cfy Pà¡L sigdltærm8¿tk impætm recr€.rbn ed*nIr f-ilIhs*i6h lh cùy aomdhent¿ryb exÈtu8 re.r€âlbÈl ùs6 i.C.¡tembl Par¡, butcre¿1.5 ¿ Pârk. coñp[mmrafybe¡*h8 r*r.âtbÉl u!ér ñ c¿rl.mbl par*,hut r.âres àrbiftôrt 5pæe co¡&L Ne&óêimFcl oñciry'rprhårvculturâl sce.on[.t. cit/rprhåryc!¡tu.a| eF¡tpce, lñp&15 aìq3âbihq b proú& lor.llturd eÉnrrâcc¿sr¡bh lo¿I múhß otth evenl5p¿ê. rðFcIr civeú¡lilytoprovi& ro¡ cdbr¿l€ÉñB ¡..e$ibþ ro dl Cultufrl dnd Bu¡lt Envhonñent Sunmory AtuÌna¡ive Loútíon 4 - CenÈnnidl t MùhÈbrêd¡ndilhSrhltê¡êd . wtuGeærðþdwætr. Po¡k hos hù. TÞre È th. noFþnùl imFctb bnn sú@&d *dh€nl ùlnN¡ lo t tnùôn@ tuditk¡tbn mâymrêæ w¿l€rexcMge ¿ndhc.eóetlrarbn | €úringâ frrd'6 ¿¡. øotñt.d. turê ñ m dàbbbsedme¡t . MdlÉ È hatd in . rÞ hcd.r ú6n .*bg 3hher.d hin, lhÌe 6 no ôe â r6u[ óf â.cês æilk imFcr oñ pubb tudiùes h.b* øoximiv ûre(t Neto &wntowncot¿ f¿me5 n¡rkl, ruñme¡.der veM úrou3h ded ÞÉoÞ.ntFe comdimenB hfiEÈbc.rd @tiüq h hrþ-âryre|L dt. Fbtfu&[s ot kê hy¿ttuoùtÞt o¡tÞ fi€f. r&fe WirdSeÉ6têd wæehùæn 0.4ildù9 n . ktukbcat€donrÞhyFn ¡âtê to & on r.môh iû FtIh Ê*rbg.dEent rbdÉ h¡Ah. Areâkwâr€r ibou&t ollh rìFr. IÚe ó @ I M¿ññ6 bc¡kd d lh hyatoùlþl idFet to w¡d3êærâbdwàv.bM€n reqdt.d tô È Maf¡É È hr€d tô th rh. tuw. rccMge lo rê ÞrólæEd Threß m.v¿ihhÈedh.nt to * . tow Frenbl for amFto¡ -. m@ñeñL ñârh b.atêd F t h riler ñouh . lhfe È æþñtaltu &ñ4e to &k andto¿lirgùeah.Èß dutu8 k. &eakup if tþy¡êm¡nh d-e ær lÈ Srt€r. ot È rær. l&rê Énô to le imFcl to 0,7b0.3m h8h. &êâlwàlã t.qú-¿d to ú tb hy ât rb dd€t of tu rtoef, fÞr€ ß @ lo h ¿Þ4¿ lb.lde B m h cÞrge lo sd¡mñt ùaqon Fn€rß of . txùt@adF@nrù ãr.prolæled TÞre Èmda&*sedmeil 1ô h . towFtðùlro.hFtnteñ@mê¡t. ÉriFßkâtedâwayiomm.h . rhÞ ir@Èrúl b¡ &ña3€ úeàkup roa& ÊxFcted leost omount ot impoct on the êdturcl and buìlt envhoûm.ât b$ lhno.3ñtrhfr thnlþ bshad0,tú êt ¡ krimhlc¿Ì.di¡eñrbcaÞ[.¡€d or itftyrenah in to &cB ¿dturi4 pke ôÉr h *ht .. br.âkwâl¿ß drhßte t MùiDad*Éenr b Èton fdmêrwà{€/MfrllsiÌe. . trh êrFct¿d tuttþ smeofrÈ sdl ÈcoñÞñ¡Élêd údê¡.a%Ì.d matérd mâybe to & *poFd of oñ¿tan.Fædb.ilry. t lÞr. ó@tentd b$ ôtcrêân rülÈÌtu.þü.ærènd&fi€r ¿dtscentbndril . wàrre/lând¡lril.. [Èe¡Fr.d rbr tu d ¡rmtâñtui¿d ñâytu lo h &Þ€d otârãn 4prowd l{'fq alte¡Èitu ú bñ.. Þdflúe, tise¡Fted tbr lh silß cmbmht.d and ¿ry €xcryaþd ñôteùl ñry be to b epo*d ol ât ù âFæd tuÌfftf I Rè+¡em.ñtlo u$r¿&e{ri4 P.rkârcest rGd onrdiosv eyst/Mrmrâ stìnt.r*.tbß Úlh h65st Eðs nôy¡€aúé upg*s, *ilh hûêd p¡ênùi ld nl€rRlbn mprmm.nb . tuquî€mentto upga&.4úq Pârk*c6s roãd{tkml to muilcÞlrbúrd. omâiiosleySl/ Èrrcra5t blerte.hs wi6 Durù sl Ent mayt€ene ùmrâ&'ûth hn¡red potedÞl for¡nÈß*tiø iñÈæm¿ilr adibm¡ ùhü ¡úhgÀilùbl r@ùâvr No e@t€d ù4râ& rédr.ddcrBel hciliv rsaæ* r@dreq¡ed súFt b Èipd . lô@lsewê¡s¿Meâtile, . tocåll¿Ær seerceâtsiþ, þuø muËrêflûe upgrè& for fæútr àowârer *tutê È b@red ou6& ot ßþdôÈlchnæ|. ft ¡mFt on Tfent . lrmk sdêr edæ ry&6b at ete, lat¿d .onæctbn ãv¿ib* år sitq blê.d coûÊlbn [email protected]. requn. umrâ& for hcliq. iloçãbrsedcê àlsite, en€ßion olwal€rma¡n.eFned. Nêwfôtcetuh p.@*d ó lubte átst€, êrênsbn otwàterm¿h req!rcd ts forc€ñdn ptô@d âttutúrê lo æpt lp.oF.r, wthñ aentmblPârk hâtonof f*i¡qþ5ætdtd ' M¡riÉ Pá.koñ tum¿r ¿ndanveefl¿t.dDôÈrÈll c¿pñal ke.n p¡oFi, wiúñc€nlend Pdl. la.lbnoftui¡V ÞrÉ6trâftê ñây b ç¡6h I m ol t& Rþton É tbñd. potenÙãl ¡€qdred. Wat€r sed.e to bw ¡mrÌ ôn Mâimis leârede€f smetð fm tÞ È4âtbÈlcbmlNoinFtoñ I Por.nrùl èft.rôl3bllM PhF calßPæts summory r.quúeñ.ñ8, tuær3hio r worl¡Etu&r dr.d¿iñ* exdâlbn¿nddiæeìof materH,.onrÌudb. ot sb.e Þ¡otecrioq ñ¿riÞ buildñs Frhslot andsite sm€s (s¿l€r,.Eta¡l ândradlùy), ànd imta¡¡àth of &atbg&t! t R6ùtlbnon tmhgofi¡ waÈrørk. t DredÊiü,ê¡.eâl¡oD dc*ùuclion of sbre protælbn @d ro Þ roñd€þd prór lowõhßmã.iE. . Wo¡kinclu&! ¿€d8iqâd drFild mat€rd,connrErion ôlñãriÉ huildinÍ, pârkinslôt,â..*! rddâtrdit€ eryÈs fw¿ter, ekr'.âl âñd knil¡ryr. dnd'bl¿lIl@ of ñel'{ br.àk*àlèrs ånddeß . ktkùonontiningof in wat.rMrL . D€d3i.Amdr tob.omd€r€ 6f tÈ n¿fiÉro h oÉrâlid. . 6n{rúcrb¡ k lik.ry to êxcê€d æ F.r. . r siremrkrdld b.ompbred wlhlpi¿l ronrrucibn ê@hmát. '¡ ùedgiryÐd.rcðvado¡@rÈdourfoñ ña¡d ând hd b$¿d.qúÞm.nt. . . r . . t sneúrk@útd k.úpþbd Erc&âÈdànd kædof | Iôrìñ@tso¡wateilront q othr rftr¿àtioml acltilþs dred߀d materblm¿vkconbni@l€d ex.esñâÈ¡iâl br .orbñrÞi€d ÊnkaNe roma¡iEwould sih cu{Jn dùr¡ngcoßÍúctbn. aúrbrLåb¡ mr anticiFrêd IfâßFdanäè¿ppfmlun&f Næ¡&il.wôteß c¡q of QubÞ w€c 3uld4 Perhit Pfole.Ùôn ac¿ ôpèrãtbß alaboEapFd¡Èafd æfmitafe ex@t€d þ b. ôbtiæd rdÈw Òl drdSinS | 8üldhg ånd sbre Fot .tion 6gÈd br 50 râr ¡ib ê¡Ftilcf Fbatiñg&k5 &sigæd ld 2sy¿a¡[Èexæcrâßy, ¡' weedcørd ûllb¿likdyrêdr¿d t M¿hl.ßredredgir€ mayb rewùed. Alþnøt¡ve Location 5 siteþrkwould becomÞÞted wilh vûâlcoßlructon equipme.t ù€dcinc.¿rkdour fÍon nriÉ kd equrF.¡t, rial mry*côniån¡Èt€d. o.hi*.eqdred&4h.' màr.'Èlwouldþolritebytrurt. I'urk hp6rlolê^6i dhmÈd.o¡il.uclbn [email protected]|. . û.datedÐddr€dged naþrhrn¡ybconlamiFt.d. t æpoe¡ol€165 nôldbl@úldk ôtriil. byùuck lrucls mayr.ryi. Er€vât€dând d.€dg€dmât My tqke bbsü.g to m¿v'equtrp m¿t€¡Þ1. &rlôad wrh t to *c65 towaÞilroñrslh'nlh mârimsite durryc*tucdon t Coßt{rior @i*wil¡úp*tâdfte¡t park duri¡gconstuctø res.. wh¡.h ß tu mâ¡nâ..6s road b MOE work iftlù& dêd8hg ild &posl of ú¿Èriô|, coßt!.Ùôn ôt màr¡m bú¡ldn8,Frhg lor,*cBs r@d¿ndil. eM@s {wôtet, ebcùbl¿nd e.tary), ôñd i6bþdon or tutfu beâh¿bß ad 6ckr, r bù&td oñ dniB of h.eâ1.¡ wdk. ù€dciE &s rct Þw b b conp¡eþ tor th mâriÈ to b oFratbEl . coßùGton b&¡ylo€x.doæFãrhtmariEcãn beoF¡âtbml p.b.b - aoFhorc Paù ¡s t¿ún¡dlly the . . hk &.akwêr.r in{¿lÞd úh m¿riÉ bâiêd ¿quipm.¡t ùth sm¿l mariæh5ed equ¡pnol. ¿nd ðncbß would h hrild . Work@úld &.mphtêd hNd Noæ.ese tô w¿iêúoñt w¡ün ñâr¡Èate durhgc6tuclb.. con*f uilb¡ m& waliñFtâdÞcent paftdufinc.ðßtuctbn. Crêr., whah ktþ ñ¿¡n*(€!s r@d to tu¡4 coßtrù.don. ' ' coßrEb¡ mkwilimpæradF€ntFrk dù4.o.{rùcùø. ¡ cocEúdon ¡c6rG cr€s*i ù. Ho a..€ss Con*.uctbfl æc6rviaCoKh sft cútah. tósãtdfront wùún:ftusire . tôw€rLént cûneflation aùlbr¡q æ¡mituñe¡ ont. R¿3.163/6 . MtrRWork P€rñitâñdpu¡¿hsêdbdeolwabrlotun&rPublt bdA.r . Drc¡e[€r of â&é ôr¿uthor¡zâùon ùn&r F&rÈs ft1. fßhrt! ad auturùâlion may h r.qun.d . tr¿nsFÍt Cam& ¿ÐrovJu¡&. Þù3âbþw¿i.ß P.oleclioñ Ad. . cnyofQuiôt€ wê{ åuildi4P¿h¡l . MoE r¡þw ôf drêd8¡ñS oF.atbnt éçct dtob€obl.iæd Al¡èbv€approv¿E¿dærdirar. .' Àpp.ov¿lun&¡ tÞ 5B¡6 Âl RÈkact ñ4b¿.e@red !€nl CoÉeß¿rion Àurb'ty Frmt údêr ùt ne.163/06 I MNR work P¿rmit and pwchai. or leàæ of warelot un&¡ Pobli Lâñ& acl. I DFobtêr ôt âdk€ or¿utbrùarb¡ un&r fi#rÞs Ârt. FÈhr¡es act . tutd'ry.ndrhore protErion &sitæd lo. svearlituexFct.¡cy. . FloâliñB &.kr &çgd 61 25 yeâr¡leerÈlan¿y. . Floâr¡q br€àkwât€r &ddæd br 25F.rhlê êxpêcl¿ñcy. . w€€d conùol w¡l & rt.t.e@ied. Auildi.¿ ârd rbré Þrolê.lbn &sisæd lo. 50 Fâ. life erycl¿ñr ' nt@tc &ks &rEæd 6r ¡ yèarlitu €xÈcùfty. I' r¡@tq hr.åkwater &si8æd tor 30 y€¡¡ fiê .xÉcbftv I w..d.oñùol ri[þ lùêryr€qun€d. Àulbr¿¿ton day be'equied ! rrónsmil C.Eù âDþróv¿lûñ&r flàv&bþw¿t rt P.ot€cüon ad. I cityolOùinIe w6tAuildnC Pernt ' MoÊ rehold.4¡nsoper¿tbns zodñr 8v-bwMêndm¿nt r€@ùed,subFct b esicn /layour. ,' Âll¿hw âpÞrddràndF milâre exæcled lo be obbid leost chølenging. lvlunic¡pal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 - November 22th, 2012 ENTS FROM OPEN HOUSE #2 trSTTE Design gtl\rllrrililn FtrFEreNFü I agree with the Preliminary Preferred Alternative. As a boater I have sailed to Trenton and stayed overnight at Fraser Park Marina and enjoyed Trenton's restaurants on the river. Being walking distance is critical. Looking for full service mast, engine, boat cover and winter storage. Comment noted. Good development - preferred alternative makes the most sense from the boaters view point. Would like to see docks, fuelling, boating supplies, restaurant, parking and security. Water depth and weed control will be issues. Weed control can be accomplished by mechanical means. Final determination of these means will be determined during final Mention of the area (East side of River a very interesting location; deep water a plus however the currents are a minus. Land available for boat storage is small- minus. A lot more than Myers Pier, Belleville. A good guideline would be at least at par with Cobourg. Comment noted. Size of the marina. The existing marina is not full, how can a 300 plus marina be justified? A Market Study was conducted, and is Marina facilities have to be to high standards to attract boaters This will be kept in mind during the final design process. lt is the City's intention to construct a marina that will be an asset to the community and stimulate downtown development. Use of the Robert Patrick Marina as a potential location was attractive to some people initially until the limitations and costs were discussed. Comment noted. Winter storage is important to attract seasonal boaters. Given the downtown location of the marina winter storage is not being considered as part of this marina proposal. Security is an issue to prevent vandalism Security will be reviewed as part of final design. design. included in this Environmental Assessm'ent, which concluded that there is a demand for the proposed facility and that with 380 slips, it would be financially viable. Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 - November 22, 201 2 ENTS F IFIilTIE CGl-\ril\Iil-ilfi REF{EforNF{i Design Launch ramps are not to standard, need for an improved ramp. A review of the existing boat launches was Physical Environment Water depth commissioned to determine the condition of the existing ramps and if a ramp can be constructed at the new marina. - concerns with the depth of the channel and marina basin. Limitations for larger boats. Potential for seasonal or wind related changes in water levels. Weed accumulation. Detailed engineering analysis has been undertaken to ensure that the proposed marina can be accommodated. This work has included sounding analysis to determine the depth of the Bay bedrock. Weed control can be accomplished by mechanical means. Final determination of these means will be determined during final design. Private ownership of the Bayshore lands. The terms of the lease need to be favourable. A letter of understanding with the landowner has been undertaken and a nominalpayment will be made by the City. What is the future of Robert Patrick Marina lf the Robert Patrick Marina is not selected as the preferred alternative, a decommissioning study will be undertaken to determine the future of that facility. Location between the bridges would ensure deep water and no dredging. Location between the bridges is not suitable for sailboats These locations were eliminated due to the lack of shoreland and waterlots. These locations cannot accommodate the physical requirements of the proposed undertaking. Walking distance to downtown is important. Linkages and connectivity to the downtown core are included in the criteria being used to evaluate the alternative locations. General support for the preliminary preferred alternative No response required. Municipal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 - November22, 2012 Area - Screened Altern ative tõ¿æ rons Municipal Marina, City of Qu¡nte West - Environmental Assessment - November 22, 2012 Publ¡c Open House #3 d Alternative Design \ $, t\: ,.: Benefits . Floating breakwaters have the least effect on the environment. . Floating docks with concrete anchors have the least effect on the environment and provide flexibility for marina operations. . Natural and hard shoreline treatments have the less effect on the environment provide a balance between natural environment benefits and public access, use and ascetics. Matters to be M¡t¡gated Potential damage to floating ice mitigated by relocating floating breakwaters and docks to semi- . . sheltered location. Loss of aquatic habitat due to minimal lakefill mitigated by habitat enhancements along the shore of the marina. riour ofdock ß tô ¡.denril bõ¡n Munic¡pal Marina, City of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 - November 22th,2012 .STUDY AREA - SOURC ñlarina Envimnnrental AsseÊ,sflËrt t!Èþr lntålrs F¡gter¡üsn Zones rF¿ l4 ¡r!d.qù l,'lr.û¡tnr a 90úÉ L¡{r ÌClt{4rrlå$ùl}4 :¡}r: |-LJa.l.l-J"¡"¡.q' n ni I f-t-r-l-ll-1-l u¡¡r n'lal -rtortÞá ùl }\. Eri¡ D, !r¡¡ù lltr, 'hndãElæ ¡.Hrrl¡aãêü Municipal Marina, City Public Open House #3 - {çfiñCi lul: Ouinte Novembet 22,2012 ELIMINARY BUILDIN NEST ËLEVATION I t I d abbott W(S' fifilmrg*sl Public Open House #3 BAYSHORE PARK MARINA L.LLIATIU¡ A-2 CITY OF QUINTE \VEST - November 22, 2012 *'%+ RELIMINARY FLOOR PLAN /ì t\ E&!æR ir i f iû :':rr*-- I -r *Y;', €.t{ffi cËdÞÆ 9rM glG@ t 6EE E9lr&E Læ 9Em fl ê¡R KIlAÐ RÈ¿TI t Y rero8ÂL ffi FÁIN cñ9ræ LÔêÞf I ; G41€R]M H4! LÁ'IEå I IG¡i6 r¡J¿ggRotÊl Ë I L" ''- -r r .rI¡ F.OOR PLAN -¡'\¡ d abbott efg!-ts*s' Public Open House #3 fICCR P.^\ ri.(:r( ¡!a:^ !r¿13j¡ ;{irl BAYSHORE PARK MARINA A-1 CITY OF QUINTE WEST - November 22, 2012 ,-'.4.!_ TEPS rq]EIreIEÉI$E 4@ Terms of Reference submission and approval April2012 Phase 1 EA - Existing Environment May 2012 (Open House #1) Phase 2 EA -Alternatives / Evaluation June2012 (Open House #2) For more information or if you have questions or comment please contact: Citv of Quinte West: Mr. Brian Jardine Manager of Planning Services 7 Creswell Drive, PO Box 490 Trenton, ON, K8V 5R6 Tel: 613 392-2841x4467 Fax:613 392-7151 Phase 3 EA - Preferred Alternative November 2012 (Open House #3) Email: [email protected] Proiect Consultant: Mr. Milo Sturm Shoreplan Engineering Ltd. 55 Eglington Avenue East, Suite 800 Toronto, ON, M4P 1GB EA Study Draft Agency Circulation December 2012 EA Study Submission and Review January/February 2012 Detailed Design and Tendering Pending Approvals Email: [email protected] Construction Pending Approvals Ministrv of the Environment: Mr. Gavin Battarino Project Officer Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch 2 St. Clair Avenue West, Floor 124 Toronto, ON, M4V 1L5 Tel:416 212-4279 Toll Free: 1-800-461-6290 Tel:416 487-4756 CONSULTATION - Your input is important! Consultation is one of the cornerstones of the Environmental Assessment process, and your input is important throughout the process. Full details of the consultation plan is available within the approved Terms of Reference, posted at / Municipal Marina Waterfront Development Project. Please provide your comments on the information you viewed today by completing a comment form and questionnaire. More information on the project and Environmental Assessment is posted at q u intewest. ca / M unicipal Marina Waterfront Development Project. www. Fax:416 314-8452 Municlpal Marina, C¡ty of Quinte West - Environmental Assessment Public Open House #3 - November 22, 2012