Thalamic projections to visual and visuomotor areas (V6 and V6A) in
Thalamic projections to visual and visuomotor areas (V6 and V6A) in
Brain Struct Funct DOI 10.1007/s00429-015-0990-2 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Thalamic projections to visual and visuomotor areas (V6 and V6A) in the Rostral Bank of the parieto-occipital sulcus of the Macaque Michela Gamberini • Sophia Bakola • Lauretta Passarelli • Kathleen J. Burman • Marcello G. P. Rosa • Patrizia Fattori Claudio Galletti • Received: 15 September 2014 / Accepted: 9 January 2015 Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015 Abstract The medial posterior parietal cortex of the primate brain includes different functional areas, which have been defined based on the functional properties, cytoand myeloarchitectural criteria, and cortico-cortical connections. Here, we describe the thalamic projections to two of these areas (V6 and V6A), based on 14 retrograde neuronal tracer injections in 11 hemispheres of 9 Macaca fascicularis. The injections were placed either by direct visualisation or using electrophysiological guidance, and the location of injection sites was determined post mortem based on cyto- and myeloarchitectural criteria. We found that the majority of the thalamic afferents to the visual area V6 originate in subdivisions of the lateral and inferior pulvinar nuclei, with weaker inputs originating from the central densocellular, paracentral, lateral posterior, lateral geniculate, ventral anterior and mediodorsal nuclei. In contrast, injections in both the dorsal and ventral parts of the visuomotor area V6A revealed strong inputs from the lateral posterior and medial pulvinar nuclei, as well as smaller inputs from the ventrolateral complex and from the central densocellular, paracentral, and mediodorsal nuclei. These projection patterns are in line with the functional M. Gamberini S. Bakola L. Passarelli P. Fattori C. Galletti (&) Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, University of Bologna, Piazza di Porta S. Donato, 2, 40126 Bologna, Italy e-mail: [email protected] S. Bakola K. J. Burman M. G. P. Rosa Department of Physiology, Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia S. Bakola M. G. P. Rosa Australian Research Council, Centre of Excellence for Integrative Brain Function, Monash University Node, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia properties of injected areas: ‘‘dorsal stream’’ extrastriate area V6 receives information from visuotopically organised subdivisions of the thalamus; whereas visuomotor area V6A, which is involved in the sensory guidance of arm movement, receives its primary afferents from thalamic nuclei that provide high-order somatic and visual input. Keywords Posterior parietal cortex Connectivity Primate Thalamus Superior parietal lobule Sensorimotor input Abbreviations Thalamic nuclei AD AM AV Bsc Can Cdc CL CM Csl GLvo GLd GMpc LGN Li LP MD MDdc MDmc MDpc MG MGpc Anterior dorsal Anterior medial Anterior ventral Brachium of superior colliculus Capsule of the anterior nuclei Central densocellular Central lateral Centromedian Centralis superior lateralis Lateral geniculate, pars oralis Lateral geniculate, dorsalis Medial geniculate, pars parvocellularis Lateral geniculate Limitans Lateral posterior Mediodorsal Mediodorsal, pars densocellularis Mediodorsal, pars magnocellularis Mediodorsal, pars parvocellularis Medial geniculate Medial geniculate, pars parvocellularis 123 Brain Struct Funct PC/Pcn Pul PuI PuL PuM SG STN R VAmc VAdc VL VLc VLm VLo VLps VPI VPL VPLo VPLc VPM X Paracentral Pulvinar Pulvinar, inferior subdivision Pulvinar, lateral subdivision Pulvinar, medial subdivision Suprageniculatus Subthalamic Reticular Ventral anterior, pars magnocellularis Ventral anterior, pars densocellularis Ventral lateral Ventral lateral, pars caudalis Ventral lateral, pars medialis Ventral lateral, pars oralis Ventral lateral, pars postrema Ventral posterior inferior Ventral posterior lateral Ventral posterior lateral, pars oralis Ventral posterior lateral, pars caudalis Ventral posterior medial Area X Neuronal tracers and histological solutions CTB-green CTB-red CTB-gold DY FB WGA-HRP PBS Cholera toxin B subunit conjugated with Alexa fluor 488 Cholera toxin B subunit conjugated with Alexa fluor 594 Cholera toxin B subunit conjugated with colloidal gold Diamidino-yellow Fast blue Wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase Phosphate buffered saline Cortical areas SPL V6 V6Ad V6Av Superior parietal lobule Area V6 Area V6A, dorsal portion Area V6A, ventral portion Introduction The cortical areas located on the rostral bank of the parieto-occipital sulcus and adjacent portions of the superior parietal lobule have been extensively studied in the macaque monkey, particularly over the last two decades (Galletti et al. 1996, 1999a, b, 2004; Breveglieri et al. 2002; Fattori et al. 2005; Luppino et al. 2005; for a review see Gamberini et al. 2011). These studies have reported the existence of two areas that are distinct in 123 terms of physiological properties, connections, and cytoarchitecture. From caudal to rostral (Fig. 1), they have been designated as areas V6 and V6A, with V6A subdivided into ventral (V6Av) and dorsal (V6Ad) regions. Area V6 is a visual extrastriate area, in which neurons form a systematic representation of the entire contralateral visual field, albeit with a much reduced emphasis on central vision in comparison with the striate cortex (Daniel and Whitteridge 1961; Galletti et al. 1999a). In contrast, V6Av and V6Ad are better described as two functionally related subdivisions of the same visuomotor area, V6A, which have relatively complementary functions related to the integration of visual and somatic signals for the control of arm and hand movements towards targets in peripersonal space (Gamberini et al. 2011). Although the cortical connections of these regions have been described in detail (Galletti et al. 2001; Gamberini et al. 2009; Passarelli et al. 2011), their thalamic afferents have not yet been compared. Previous studies in macaques (Yeterian and Pandya 1985; Schmahmann and Pandya 1990; Yeterian and Pandya 1997) and New World owl and squirrel monkeys (Gharbawie et al. 2010) have shown that posterior parietal areas are preferentially connected with the lateral posterior (LP), ventral lateral (VL), and medial pulvinar (PuM) thalamic nuclei (see, Grieve et al. 2000). In addition, preliminary results obtained after injections in the V6/V6A region indicated weak but consistent connections with the medial and lateral subdivisions of the pulvinar complex (Shipp et al. 1998). Finally, the dorsomedial visual area (DM), an extrastriate region that has been considered the New World monkey homologue of area V6 (Rosa et al. 2009; Paxinos et al. 2012), receives projections from the lateral (PuL) and inferior (PuI) subdivisions of the pulvinar, as well as sparser connections from the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and nucleus limitans (Li) (see, Beck and Kaas 1998). Since the precise cytoarchitectural and myeloarchitectural correlates of V6, V6Av, and V6Ad have been established in the macaque (Luppino et al. 2005), it has become possible to achieve a more detailed understanding of their afferent projections from specific thalamic nuclei. In the present paper, we aimed to compare the relative numerical weight of the projections from different thalamic nuclei to areas V6 and V6A, to obtain further insights on the network activity that defines their neuronal function (e.g. Burman et al. 2011). Materials and methods Experimental protocols were approved by the Bioethics Committee of the University of Bologna and by the Brain Struct Funct A pos pos ips cs B cin sts ps ars ls lf CC ios ots pom V6Ad V6Av V6 cal a pcd M PE v PEc pos MIP V6Ad S cs V6Av PG v M S PE PEc V6Ad cin V6 PFG ips a area 31 PGm pos V6Av CC PF V6 pom lf sts ls Fig. 1 Anatomical localization of the areas of the rostral bank of parieto-occipital sulcus. a Lateral view of macaque brain. The enlargement in the bottom part of the figure highlights in colour the location of areas V6A (subdivided into V6Ad and V6Av) and V6, which are hidden on the depth of the parieto-occipital sulcus. The intraparietal and parieto-occipital sulci are opened to show the areas hidden within (grey surface). Dashed lines delimit other areas reported in the literature (see below). b Mesial view of macaque brain. The enlargement in the bottom part of the figure shows the cortical areas located in the mesial wall of the hemisphere, with the areas of interest shown in colour. ars arcuate sulcus, cal calcarine sulcus, cin cingulate sulcus, cs central sulcus, ips intraparietal sulcus, ios inferior occipital sulcus, lf lateral fissure, ls lunate sulcus, ots occipito-temporal sulcus, pcd post central dimple, pos parietooccipital sulcus, pom medial parieto-occipital sulcus, ps principal sulcus, sts superior temporal sulcus, a anterior, v ventral, CC corpus callosum, M primary motor area, S primary somatosensory area; PE, PEc, MIP, PG, PFG, PF, PGm, 31, V6, V6Ad, V6Av, areas PE, PEc, MIP, PG, PFG, PF, PGm, area 31, V6, V6Ad, V6Av. (Galletti et al. 1996; Morecraft et al. 2004; Scheperjans et al. 2008) Monash University Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee, in accordance with the guidelines of the European Directive 86/609/EEC, the revised Directive 2010/63/EU, and the Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes. Fourteen retrograde tracer injections were placed in 11 hemispheres of 9 male adult monkeys (Macaca fascicularis, 3–7 kg). Selection of injection sites was performed either by direct visualisation of areas V6 and V6A (dorsal and ventral subdivisions), based on sulcal morphology, or under electrophysiological guidance, following previously defined criteria (Galletti et al. 2001; Gamberini et al. 2009; Passarelli et al. 2011). The extent of each injection site was reconstructed post mortem from cyto- and myeloarchitectural material. Figure 2a illustrates a schematic of the extent of the injection sites relative to the boundaries of the different areas, projected onto a flat map reconstruction of a reference macaque brain prepared with the software CARET (, Van Essen et al. 2001). Table 1 presents details of individual injections. Injections by direct visualisation of the cortex Full details of the experimental procedures have been described previously (Galletti et al. 1995, 1999b, 2001, 2005; Gamberini et al. 2009; Passarelli et al. 2011). In six animals (cases A1R, A3R/A3L, A4R, MF1, MF2, and 11L), the target region was visualised during surgery under aseptic conditions. Four of these animals were pre-treated with atropine (0.05 mg/kg, i.m.) and anaesthetized with ketamine hydrochloride (12 mg/kg, i.m.) followed, after 30 min, with sodium thiopental (8 mg/kg, i.v., with supplemental doses as required). To avoid oedema, mannitol was administered intravenously (1 g/kg). A different protocol was used for animals MF1 and MF2, which were premedicated with intramuscular injections of diazepam (3.0 mg/kg) and atropine (0.2 mg/kg), with anaesthesia being induced, 30 min later, with alfaxalone (10 mg/kg, i.m.; supplemental doses of 5 mg/kg were administered intravenously during surgery, as required). In all cases, animals were secured to a stereotaxic frame and, after craniotomy, the superior parietal lobule was exposed, the 123 Brain Struct Funct A ps V6Ad ips A3aL A3bL A1R M17R ars A3R 11L cs lf M18L A4aR A4bR MF2L M21R ips sts pos ls V6Ad V6Av V6 MF1L V6 V6Av pos V6Ad V6Av ls V6 pom M17R M17L injection core B ipsi 10° contra 1 2 NV pos cin V1 70° V2 3 a v 3 4 V6Av 6 4 8 5 2 NV 5mm V6Ad V6Av 1 250µm 6 5 7 7 NV sts ars ps cs ips ls 8 NV pos 80° Fig. 2 Injection sites. a Injection sites are illustrated on the right on a two-dimensional reconstruction of the rostral bank of parieto-occipital sulcus of the left hemisphere of a reference monkey brain (http://, Van Essen et al. 2001) shown on the left. The dashed contours represent the approximate cytoarchitectonic borders of V6Ad, V6Av, and V6. The ‘‘halo’’ and ‘‘core’’ zones of injection sites are shown as coloured and black areas, respectively, with the name of cases reported (see also Table 1). b Reconstruction of an injection performed under electrophysiological guidance (case M21R). The recording site was in V6Av. The ‘‘halo’’ and ‘‘core’’ zones of the injection site are shown on the parasagittal section to the left as white and black ovals, respectively. The enlargement to the right of the section reports the type of cells encountered in V6Av along the penetration. Black circles indicate non-visually responsive (NV) cells, and white circles visually responsive cells. The receptive fields of V6A visual cells are reported to the right, together with those of cells recorded in the primary and second visual areas, while passing through the occipital lobe. V1 primary visual area, V2 second visual area, ipsi ipsilateral visual field, contra contralateral visual field. Other abbreviations are as in Fig. 1 dura mater retracted, and neuronal tracers applied directly to the cortex based on visualisation of the sulcal pattern. The cortical midline and parieto-occipital sulcus were retracted to expose the regions of interest, allowing injections through a Hamilton microsyringe, which had been fitted with a glass micropipette attached to the needle. At the end of the surgery, the exposed cortex was covered with ophthalmic film (Gelfilm) and a thin layer of Gelfoam. The bone was replaced, and the wound was sutured. Analgesics (Ketorolac, 1 mg/kg, i.m., or Carprofen, 5 mg/kg, s.c., for 2–3 consecutive days) and antibiotics (Erythromycin, 1–1.5 ml/10 kg, or Norocillin, 0.1 ml) were administered postoperatively. In all cases, the University veterinary staff monitored physiological parameters during surgeries, as well as the animal’s recovery in subsequent days. 123 Injections guided by electrophysiological recordings In three animals (M17R and L, M18L and M21R), the tracer injections were placed at the conclusion of longlasting (several months) single-unit recording experiments, using a ‘recording syringe’ to target physiologically identified sites. During the recording sessions, the animals sat in a primate chair performing fixation and motor tasks, Brain Struct Funct Table 1 Injection sites and neuronal tracers employed in the experiments Animal Cutting plane Injected area Tracer Amount and concentration Functional study M17L Parasagittal V6 WGA-HRPa 0.10 ll, 4 % in distilled water Yes b Total of cortical and thalamic labelled cells 16,892 M17R Parasagittal V6 (V2 leakage) FB 0.20 ll, 3 % in distilled water Yes 5,151 M17R Parasagittal V6Av CTB-goldc 0.8 ll, 0.5 % in distilled water Yes 11,977 A4aR Parasagittal V6Av CTB-redd 1.7 ll, 1 % in PBS No 11,667 A4bR Parasagittal V6Av CTB-greend 1.7 ll, 1 % in PBS No 5,350 M21R Parasagittal V6Av FBb 0.20 lL, 3 % in distilled water Yes 2,162 No No 11,695 4,546 b MF1L MF2L Parasagittal Parasagittal V6Av/V6 V6Av/V6Ad FB FBb 1 crystal 1 crystal 11L Coronal V6Ad WGA-HRPa 0.20 ? 0.28 ll, 4 % in distilled water No 106,656 A1R Parasagittal V6Ad CTB-redd 1.5 ll, 1 % in PBS No 9,567 A3R Parasagittal V6Ad FB2 0.20 ll, 3 % in distilled water No 5,468 d A3aL Parasagittal V6Ad CTB-red 1.5 ll, 1 % in PBS No 878 A3bL Parasagittal V6Ad CTB-greend 1.5 ll, 1 % in PBS No 4,599 M18L Parasagittal V6Ad/V6Av (V2 leakage) WGA-HRPa 0.08 ll, 4 % in distilled water Yes 4,333 a Sigma Aldrich SrL b Polysciences Europe GmbH, Germany c List, Campbell, California c Molecular Probes with the head restrained, while glass-coated Elgiloy microelectrodes (Suzuki and Azuma 1976) were advanced through the intact dura mater using a remote-controlled microdrive. Eye position was recorded by an infrared oculometer (Bach et al. 1983). Visual stimuli of different form, colour, size, orientation, direction, and speed of movement were used for testing the visual responsiveness of recorded cells, and for mapping visual receptive fields (Fig. 2b). Areas V6 and V6A were identified using wellestablished physiological criteria (Galletti et al. 1996, 1999a, b), including the size and pattern of progression of receptive fields, and pattern of activity during motor tasks. Cells were assigned to the ventral or dorsal part of V6A (V6Av, V6Ad) post mortem after microelectrode reconstructions from cyto- and myeloarchitectural material (Luppino et al. 2005), as detailed by Gamberini and colleagues (Gamberini et al. 2011). Histological procedures After a variable survival period [14 days for fluorescent tracers, 10 days for gold-conjugated cholera toxin subunit B (CTB-gold), and 2 days for horseradish peroxidase (HRP)], the animals were anaesthetized with ketamine hydrochloride (15 mg/kg, i.m.) or alfaxalone (10 mg/kg, i.m.). Following loss of consciousness, they received a lethal dose of sodium thiopental (i.v.), and, upon cardiac arrest, were perfused with 3 l of normal saline solution, followed by 5 l of 4 % paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer at pH 7.4 (3.5 % in the case of the HRP injection), and 4 l of 5 % glycerol in the same buffer (except for cases MF1 and MF2). The brains were removed from the skulls, photographed from all views, and cryoprotected by immersion in 0.1 M phosphate buffer solutions containing glycerol (10 and 20 %; most cases), or sucrose (10–30 %; MF1 and MF2). The brains were then snap-frozen, and stored at 80 °C. Sections (50–60 lm) were obtained using a freezing microtome or a cryostat. In most cases, the brain was sectioned in the parasagittal plane (only exception: case 11L in coronal plane). This choice was dictated by the need to determine the histological boundaries of V6, V6Av and V6Ad, which are best visualised in parasagittal sections. Five series of sections were obtained, one of which was always stained for Nissl substance, and another for myelin (Gallyas 1979). In animals MF1 and MF2 a third series was stained for cytochrome oxidase (Wong-Riley 1979). The other series were left unstained for fluorescence observation, processed to reveal CTB-gold by the silver-intensification protocol (Kritzer and Goldman-Rakic 1995), or processed to reveal HRP using the tetra-methyl-benzidine method (Mesulam and Rosene 1979). All sections were coverslipped with DPX after quick steps of dehydration in 100 % ethanol, and clearing with xylene. Data analysis The sections were examined for labelled neurons using microscopes (Zeiss Axioscope or Axio Imager) equipped 123 Brain Struct Funct with 109 and 209 objectives. For each case, the entire hemisphere ipsilateral to the injection site was examined for retrograde label. Although anterograde label from some of the injections was visualised, only the retrograde label has been quantified for the purpose of the present report. The section outlines and the location of labelled neurons were plotted at 250–300 micron intervals, using a computerised system linked to X/Y transducers mounted on the microscope stage. The histological criteria used for the definition of the boundaries of areas around the injection sites have been fully described in previous studies (Galletti et al. 2001; Luppino et al. 2005; Gamberini et al. 2009; Passarelli et al. 2011). The present report focuses on injections which were found to be confined to a single architectonic area, although data from injections that crossed areal boundaries have been used as comparison and/or confirmation of particular aspects of the data, as detailed in the ‘‘Results’’ section. To identify the thalamic nuclei in coronal sections, we used the atlas of Olszewski (1952), and for parasagittal sections, we referred to Ilinsky and Kultas-Ilinsky (1987). Figure 3a, b shows examples of data plotted on parasagittal and coronal sections, respectively. For the nomenclature of some thalamic nuclei, to harmonise the names and abbreviations between the two different planes of cutting, we also referred to the review by Mai and Forutan (2012) (see the details in Table 2). To define the labelled thalamic nuclei, a camera lucida attachment was used to bring stained histological sections into register with the corresponding drawings containing the positions of labelled cells. Results We report on the results of tracer injections in areas V6 and V6A (V6Av and V6Ad) of nine animals. As shown in Fig. 2, two injections were placed in area V6. Based on the location of visual receptive fields mapped with the recording syringe (see ‘‘Materials and methods’’), and on the location of labelled neurons in V1, these injections covered different retinotopic regions of area V6: the nearperipheral part of the visual field in M17L (between 10° and 20° from the fovea; see Fig. 4h), and the far-peripheral part of the visual field in M17R (between 35° of eccentricity and the monocular crescents; see Fig. 4h). In case M17R, leakage of tracer was observed along the needle track in the posterior bank of the parieto-occipital sulcus at the level of the second visual area (V2), where the lower visual field approximately 10° from the fovea is represented (see Fig. 5c) (see also Gattass et al. 1981). Four 123 injection sites were entirely confined within the limits of V6Av, and five injections within those of V6Ad. In animals in which functional studies were carried out (see Table 1), the visual field representation at the injection sites was indicated by the location of receptive fields mapped with the recording syringe (see example of Fig. 2b). Data from injections that crossed the borders between V6Av and V6Ad (two cases, Table 1) or between V6Av and V6 (one case, Table 1) will only be briefly summarised. In all cases, projecting cells were found in a relatively small number of thalamic nuclei. In agreement with the results of Markov et al. (2011) in other cortical areas, we found that the number of labelled neurons in the thalamus represented a small fraction of the overall cortical and thalamic afferents to an area (V6, 3.4 ± 0.7 %; V6Av, 1.6 ± 0.9 %; V6Ad, 4.0 ± 3.4 %). For the present analyses, we considered input from a given thalamic nucleus to an area as significant when it corresponded to at least 1 % of all labelled cells in the thalamus; projections that did not reach this threshold will not be discussed further. Thalamic afferents to V6 Figure 4 illustrates the distribution of labelled cells in the thalamus after V6 injections. In both cases, the majority of labelled cells were found in two distinct clusters in the visual nuclei of the pulvinar complex, that included the PuL, dorsally, and the PuI, ventrally. In the near-peripheral case, labelled cells were found in the portion of both PuL and PuI that corresponds to the visual field representation at the injected cortical region, that is 10°–20° of the lower visual field representation, between the representation of the horizontal and vertical meridians (Fig. 5a). In the far-peripheral case (Fig. 5d), labelled cells were also found in about the same portion of PuL and PuI. This incongruence may derive from the low magnification factor at peripheral representations, and/or by the inherent imprecision in comparing results across animals without direct electrophysiological recordings. However, since the pulvinar region labelled in this case included the part of the visual field represented in the region of V2 involved by the leakage of neuronal tracer (see Fig. 5c), some of these labelled cells could also be due to the tracer leakage. After V6 injections, labelled cells were also found in the LGN (Figs. 4b, e, 5), mostly in the interlaminar layers. In the near-peripheral case, labelled cells were found in the portion of LGN that corresponds to the nearperipheral visual field representation (see Fig. 5b), in agreement with the region of V6 we injected. In the farperipheral case, labelled cells were only found in the portion of LGN that corresponds to the paracentral lower Brain Struct Funct cs A a ips m pos v pcs v ips ars cin ari lf ps B ps cs lf cal ips cs sts sts ots cin ls pos ios V6Ad V6Ad ots Case A3R Case 11L sts ps from Ilinsky & Kultas-Ilinsky, 1987 ips ls ars cs R VAdc VLc LP Pcn pos VL VPL Pul X bsc STN MD VLo VPI VLm MGpc 7,25mm VL LP PuM VPL LGN Can AD AV AM Csl VLc Cdc + 9.3mm R VPI Pcn MD VLo X MGpc VLm GLvo GLd from Olszewski, 1952 Fig. 3 Assignment of labelled cells to thalamic nuclei. a Parasagittal section of the brain taken at the level indicated on the brain silhouette shown in the middle. The rectangle represents the thalamic region enlarged on the bottom. Inset from the atlas (Ilinsky and KultasIlinsky 1987) shows thalamic nuclei at the same approximate level of the section. Locations of labelled cells are shown as black circles. b Coronal section of the brain taken at the level indicated on the brain silhouette shown on the top right. The rectangle represents the thalamic region enlarged in the centre. An inset from Olszewski atlas (Olszewski 1952), bottom, shows the thalamic nuclei at the level of the section. Labelled cells are shown as black dots. m medial. Other details and abbreviations are as in Figs. 1 and 2 and in the list of abbreviations visual field representation (see Fig. 5e), which, as discussed above, is the part of the visual field represented in the region of V2 where there was leakage of neuronal tracer (see Fig. 5c). Near-peripheral V6 also received dense projections from the central densocellular nucleus of the thalamus (Cdc; Fig. 4d, i), and moderate projections (\10 %) from other thalamic nuclei (paracentral, PC; LP; ventral anterior pars magnocellularis, VAmc; mediodorsal, MD; Fig. 4c, d, i). These projections were not evident in the case of farperipheral field injection, suggesting that the peripheral representation of V6 receives a less diverse set of thalamic afferents than the central representation of this area. Thalamic afferents to V6A Thalamic afferents to V6Ad and V6Av showed a similar pattern, although in our materials the afferents were generally sparser after injections in the ventral portion of V6A (e.g. Fig. 6a, b, f, g). Figure 7 shows a quantitative comparison of the thalamic afferents after injections in the two subdivisions of V6A. After injections in V6Av, the majority of labelled cells were located in the LP and PuM nuclei. Figure 7a shows the quantitative distribution of thalamic labelled cells in three cases with injections restricted to V6Av. The thalamic input was similar for the main 123 Brain Struct Funct Table 2 Correspondence of nomenclature of the thalamic nuclei involved in this study Ilinsky and Kultas-Ilinsky (1987) Olszewski (1952) Present study MDdc MDdc MD MDmc MDmc MDpc MDpc Cdc Cdc Cdc Li Li Li Lateral region VAmc VAmc VAmc Motor Thalamus VL Area X VL Medial region VPLo VLc VLps Intralaminar Formation PC Pcn Anterior Group CL CL Posterior region For details see the list of abbreviations Pul Pul. m PuM Pul Pul. l PuL Puli LG Pul. i GL PuI LGN afferents (LP and PuM). Projections from the VL nucleus were very weak and were found in only one case (Fig. 7a). Figure 3a shows the main afferents to V6Ad in a brain that was cut in the parasagittal plane, while Figs. 6c–e and 3b show the distribution of labelled cells in another case, which yielded coronal sections. The strongest connection of V6Ad was with the LP nucleus (Figs. 3a, 6d). The remaining labelled cells were nearly equally distributed between the VL (Figs. 3b, 6c, d) and PuM (Fig. 6e) nuclei. This connection pattern revealed similar afferents from the LP to those observed in V6Av, but the projection from VL to V6Ad was stronger than that to V6Av, whereas the connection between the PuM and V6Ad seemed to be relatively de-emphasised. The histogram in Fig. 7b shows the fraction of labelled cells in various thalamic nuclei after injections in lateral (case 11L, see also Figs. 3b and 6c–e), central (average of cases A3L and A3R, see also Fig. 3a), and medial (case A1R) parts of V6Ad (white, grey, dark columns, respectively). In case 11L (Figs. 6c–e, 3b), we also observed labelled cells in the MD, Li, Pcn (equivalent to PC nucleus in the nomenclature of Ilinsky and KultasIlinsky 1987, see Table 2) and Cdc nuclei. The thalamic projection patterns of V6Av and V6Ad were further supported by cases in which the injections sites partially crossed into adjacent areas (3 cases, Fig. 7c). Discussion The aim of this study was to examine the thalamic afferents to the areas that occupy the rostral bank of the 123 PC parieto-occipital sulcus in the caudal-most part of the superior parietal lobule, namely areas V6 and V6A (the latter including ventral and dorsal subdivisions). Our results show that each area receives input from a specific set of thalamic nuclei. Conversely, several of the labelled thalamic nuclei send projections to more than one area, albeit with different strengths. This information is summarised in Fig. 8. The LP nucleus and the pulvinar complex form the main projections in all cases, although the connections to V6 and V6Ad/V6Av originate in different subdivisions of the pulvinar complex (PuI/PuL versus PuM). We detected sparse projections from the LGN only to V6, whereas V6A (in particular, the dorsal subdivision) received additional inputs from the VL nucleus. In addition, V6 and V6Ad received relatively weak projections from other thalamic nuclei, including those from the caudal part of the MD nucleus and intralaminar complex nuclei. Overall, these results conform to the expectation that the thalamo-cortical projections, as a whole, obey a global topographic order, for example, with rostral nuclei projecting to rostral areas, and caudal nuclei projecting to caudal areas (e.g. Hohl-Abrahao and Creutzfeldt 1991). As shown in Fig. 9, the percentage of labelled neurons in nuclei located in the caudal third of the thalamus increases progressively from V6Ad, to V6Av, to V6. However, no trend is apparent along the mediolateral dimension. As expected from the previous literature on posterior occipital and parietal cortices, the areas we studied mainly receive from the lateral and posterior parts of the thalamus, (Adams et al. 1997; Shipp 2003). Brain Struct Funct I Thalamic afferents to V6 Case M17L 40 10,5mm PuL cal PuI B LGN 10mm Case M17R PuI 20 10 0 C V6 far-peripheral PuL 30 dc M D VPL M17L-V6 near-peripheral cal LP P uL P uI LG N % Labelled thalamic cells A P VA C m c V6 near-peripheral C E 2mm LGN 11mm AM PuL PC MD cal VAmc LGN D F 0,3mm 10mm VPL AM PuL Cdc cal PuI MD PC LGN G 8,5mm H VL ipsi contra lf 30° 60° ars PuL VPL ips sts ps V6 near-peripheral cal cs ls A pos D MG V6 far-peripheral lf sts ps ars cs ips ls pos E G 70° Fig. 4 Thalamic afferents to area V6. Four parasagittal sections (a– d) from case M17L, with V6 injection in the near-peripheral visual field representation. Three parasagittal sections (e–g) from case M17R, with V6 injection in the far-peripheral representation. Sections were taken at the levels indicated on the brain schematics shown on the bottom. Bottom h Receptive fields of the cells recorded from the injection sites (central and peripheral visual field representations of V6) (Galletti et al. 2001). Top i Histogram of the relative percentage of cells found in the different thalamic nuclei in the case injected in the near-peripheral visual field representation of V6 (case M17L). Other details and abbreviations are as in Figs. 1, 2 and 3, and the list of abbreviations 123 Brain Struct Funct V6 near-peripheral ips sts Case M17L A ps PuL 10° 5° 2° 10,5mm 20° lf ars A B pos cs ipsi contra 30° − PuI ls V6 near-peripheral + 30° cal LGN B from Bender, 1981 10mm + 2° 5° 10° 20° 50° PuI LGN 2,5° − 17° from Malpeli & Baker, 1975 lf V6 far-peripheral sts Case M17R ps ars cs ips C ipsi core halo V2 V1 pn V6 far-peripheral a V6 pom cal 70° VPL 123 10mm LGN 5° 2° + LGN E PuL 20° 10° PuI − C 60° v D E V2 central V1 10mm pos contra pos V6A ls cal Brain Struct Funct b Fig. 5 Distribution of labelled cells in pulvinar and LGN. a Parasag- ittal section taken at the level of the pulvinar (see the brain silhouette on the top) showing locations of labelled cells and the corresponding visuotopic organisation of the pulvinar (modified from Fig. 12 by Bender 1981). On the right, receptive fields of cells recorded from the V6 injection site in case M17L (V6 near-peripheral) are reported. b Parasagittal section taken at the level of the LGN (see the brain silhouette on the top) showing locations of labelled cells and the corresponding portion of the visual field represented in that part of the LGN (modified from Fig. 12 by Malpeli and Baker 1975). On the left, the insert shows schematically the representation of visual hemifield with the symbols used by Bender 1981, on the left, and Malpeli and Baker 1975, on the right. c Reconstruction on a parasagittal brain section of the injection carried out with the recording syringe in case M17R (V6 far-peripheral). Notice that there was a leakage of tracer in the primary and second visual area (V1 and V2; grey areas). On the right, receptive fields of cells recorded from the V2 region of leakage and the V6 injection site are reported. pn penetration. d Parasagittal section taken at pulvinar level (see the brain silhouette at the centre) showing the locations of labelled cells and the corresponding visuotopic organisation of the pulvinar (modified from Fig. 12 by Bender 1981). e Parasagittal section taken at LGN level (see the brain silhouette at the centre) showing the locations of labelled cells and the corresponding portion of the visual field represented in that part of LGN (modified from Fig. 12 by Malpeli and Baker 1975). Other details and abbreviations are as in Figs. 1, 2 and 3, and the list of abbreviations Possible functional role of thalamic afferents to the caudal superior parietal lobule Thalamic afferents to V6 are largely typical of those to a topographically organised visual area. Thus, major projections arrive from the two retinotopically organised regions of the pulvinar complex (lateral and inferior pulvinar, respectively; see Fig. 8). The visuotopic organisation of these two pulvinar regions is well established and it has been shown that they both project to multiple extrastriate areas with similar pattern of connections (Bender 1981; Ungerleider et al. 1984; Shipp 2001; Soares et al. 2001; Shipp 2003; Kaas and Lyon 2007). In our material, there was little differentiation between the locations of patches of labelled neurons from V6 injections in different parts of the peripheral visual field (\30° versus [30°) in V6. In the near-peripheral case labelled cells were found in the portions of pulvinar that are congruent with the part of the visual field included in the injected region of V6 (see Figs. 4h, 5a). In the far-peripheral case, labelled cells were found more or less in the same part of the pulvinar. Although we recognise the difficulty in reaching conclusions based on only two cases, it is possible that the labelled cells in the same pulvinar region in this case mainly reflect the low magnification factor in the pulvinar at peripheral representations, or projections from V2, due to the tracer leakage in the caudal bank of the parietooccipital sulcus. The comparison of our data with receptive field maps (see Fig. 5a, d) seems reasonably consistent with the interpretation that afferents to V6 (and/or V2) originate in both of the two visual maps represented in PuL and PuI (Bender 1981). In both V6 injection cases, the more dorsal cluster of labelled cells could have included the reported location of the vertical meridian representation which forms the border between the two maps. However, no firm conclusion can be reached in this respect given individual variability, and the inexact correspondence between our data and the parasagittal planes illustrated in Bender’s (1981) study. The paucity of projections from the pulvinar to the topographically appropriate region of V6 in the farperipheral case could be a reflection of the marked emphasis on central visual field representation, in the pulvinar nuclei, as also apparent in studies of the marmoset monkey, where injections in the far peripheral representation of the middle temporal area (MT) resulted in very small numbers of labelled cells in the pulvinar complex (Palmer and Rosa 2006). In addition, the same study reported that injections in the far peripheral representation of area MT result in label in a more restricted set of cortical areas, in comparison with injections in the central representation. A similar trend was observed in our study, in which a larger number of thalamic nuclei projected to the near-peripheral injection site. Finally, it is worth noting that the PuI region that projects to V6 is adjacent to the LGN, in the rostral and lateral portion of ventral pulvinar. This likely overlaps with the region that projects to area MT (Shipp 2001, 2003; Soares et al. 2001). The presence of labelled cells in the interlaminar layers of the LGN after the near-peripheral field injection of V6 represents further evidence that area V6 is primarily a visual area. The primary visual area was classically considered the main target of LGN in primates (Hubel and Wiesel 1972), though there is currently considerable evidence of sparse connections from the LGN to extrastriate areas (Wong-Riley 1976; Benevento and Yoshida 1981; Yukie and Iwai 1981; Bullier and Kennedy 1983; Lysakowski et al. 1988; Hernandez-Gonzalez et al. 1994; Sincich et al. 2004; Warner et al. 2010; Lyon and Rabideau 2012). Present results are in line with this evidence, which may be important to explain the residual visual function that remains in cases of cortical blindness after striate cortex lesions (Schmid et al. 2010; Yu et al. 2013). Notice that small numbers of neurons in the LGN have been found in all studied primates after injections in DM (Beck and Kaas 1998), the New World monkey homologue of area V6 (Rosa and Tweedale 2001), although the labelling was not consistent, being found in less than half of the studied cases. Projections from LGN neurons to V6 were also inconsistent in our study; given that the number of labelled cells in the LGN is small, these afferents could easily have been missed due to methodological factors. 123 Brain Struct Funct Fig. 6 Thalamic afferents to area V6A. Left Injections in V6Av. a, b Parasagittal sections from case M21R. Right Injections in V6Ad. c–e Coronal sections from case 11L. Bottom injections in V6Av. f, g Parasagittal sections from case A4R. Black circles represent labelled cells after injections of either CTB red or CTB green, both within the limits of area V6Av. Sections were taken at the levels indicated on the brain silhouettes shown on the centre. Other details and abbreviations are as in Figs. 1, 2 and 3, and the list of abbreviations A C 7,25mm VL + 8,1mm LP VLc PuM VPL MD Pcn VPLo MGpc VPI D B 5,2mm + 4,5mm VLps MD VL VAdc CL VPLc PuM CM LP VPL VPM VPI LGN GMpc lf ars sts E ls cs ips ps A B pos ari V6Av lf Case M21R MD C E ips cs sts ls PuM PuL cin pos SG V6Av V6Ad Case A4R sts ars F G + 2,1mm ps ars ls ips ps cs PuI Case 11L pos F G 6,7mm LP VL VPM 6mm VAdc LP VL PuM PuM VPL VPL VPM MGpc Further input arrived in V6 from the VAmc, MD nucleus and from the thalamic midline nuclei, in particular from Cdc, and to a lesser degree, from the intralaminar paracentral nucleus (PC or Pcn). These inputs are similar to those of DM of the New World monkey brain (Beck and Kaas 1998; Rosa et al. 2009). To date, few studies have focused on these thalamic nuclei and their specific 123 STN VPI functions are still not completely known (Hsu and Price 2007; Hsu et al. 2014). As suggested by Huerta and Kaas (1990) for supplementary eye field, area V6 could use the Cdc afferents to provide visual input for movement guidance, thanks to the connections with skeletomotor-related areas, such as V6A and MIP, in addition to visual connections with extrastriate cortex (Galletti et al. 2001). A Brain Struct Funct 80 A4aR A4bR M21R 70 % Labelled thalamic cells 80 Thalamic afferents to V6Av 60 70 % Labelled thalamic cells A 50 40 30 20 VL 70 % Labelled thalamic cells LP PuM 40 30 20 Cdc MD PC VAmc VL LP PuM PuL PuI LGN Fig. 8 Summary of the thalamic afferents to areas V6, V6Av, and V6Ad. Average percentages of labelled cells in thalamic nuclei after tracer injections in V6, V6Av, and V6Ad. Vertical bar SD. For area V6, only the case M17L (near-peripheral injection) is reported because in the other case the injected tracer was not restricted to area V6. Only labelling that represented[1 % of the thalamic afferents are reported. Other details and abbreviations as for Fig. 7 Thalamic afferents to V6Ad 11L A3R & A3L A1R 60 50 0 0 80 60 10 10 B V6 V6Av V6Ad Thalamic afferents to 50 40 30 20 10 0 Cdc C 80 MD Li PC VL LP PuM Thalamic afferents in cases with injections involving nearby areas % Labelled thalamic cells 70 60 M18L V6Ad/V6Av inj, V2 leakage MF1L V6Av/V6 inj MF2L V6Av/V6Ad inj 50 40 30 20 10 0 Cdc PC VL LP PuM PuL PuI LGN Fig. 7 Thalamic afferents to areas V6Av and V6Ad. a Thalamic afferents to V6Av in cases A4aR, A4bR and M21R. b Thalamic afferences from cases with lateral (case 11L), central (cases A3R and A3L) and mesial (A1R) injections in V6Ad. c Thalamic afferents from three cases M18L, MF1L and MF2L with injection sites partially crossed into adjacent areas. In all cases, only labelling that represented [1 % of the thalamic afferents is reported. For other details see the list of abbreviations clear topographical organisation of central nuclei has not been yet described. Schlag and Schlag-Rey (1984) and Schlag-Rey and Schlag (1984) reported that the neurons of the central thalamus show visual- and oculomotor-related properties, while Wyder et al. (2003) have suggested that the central thalamic nuclei integrate cortical and subcortical information related to eye movement. The MD nucleus also seems to be involved in the control of eye movement (Watanabe and Funahashi 2004), as well as VAmc nucleus, which corresponds to the nigral input zone (Ilinsky et al. 1985). The pulvinar complex is known to contain neurons which are modulated by eye position (Robinson et al. 1990). In summary, the present data support the view that thalamic afferents could be part of the circuit responsible for the high incidence of gaze modulation observed in V6 (Galletti et al. 1995). Another aspect worthy of note is the similarity of the thalamic pattern of connections of the two subdivisions of V6A, which contrasts with the heterogeneity of their cortico-cortical connections: V6Av is preferentially connected to visual areas (Passarelli et al. 2011), whereas V6Ad has preferential connections with other parietal and premotor areas (Gamberini et al. 2009). An analogous observation was made by Boussaoud et al. (1992) in the medial superior temporal area, where the two functionally distinct subregions of the area in terms of central versus peripheral vision representation showed different cortico-cortical patterns, but overlapping subcortical connections. Other parietal areas show label in the same thalamic nuclei (e.g. pulvinar complex, see Grieve et al. 2000), perhaps hinting at a more general role of the thalamic circuit to caudal 123 Brain Struct Funct rostral caudal medial CORTEX lateral (left hemisphere) medial THALAMUS caudal lateral medial rostral rostral caudal (left hemisphere) lateral Thalamic afferents % Labelled thalamic cells 90 V6Ad 80 V6Av 70 V6 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 rostral central caudal medial lateral Fig. 9 Gradients of thalamo-cortical afferents along the rostrocaudal and mediolateral axes of the thalamus. Top Dorsal view of the left hemisphere of a reference monkey brain ( projects/caret/, Van Essen et al. 2001) and schematic representation of the left thalamus. Note that the cortex is linked to the thalamus so that the one (represented as a two-dimensional reconstruction of the dorsal portion of the brain) forms a mirror image of the other with the cortex turned 90° anticlockwise relative to the thalamus. Bottom average percentages of labelled cells in topographical portions of the thalamus, irrespective of nuclear thalamic boundaries, after tracer injections in V6, V6Av, and V6Ad. Rostrocaudal axis of the thalamus is represented in green, mediolateral one in red. Only labelling that represented [1 % of the thalamic afferents are reported. Other details and abbreviations as for Figs. 1 and 7 parietal areas in multimodal/sensorimotor integration. Our recent work (Gamberini et al. 2011) has suggested that V6Ad and V6Av have different functional emphases, but are likely to work together as a single functional entity, thereby presenting a sensory-motor gradient without sharp segregation. The overlapping thalamic input to these V6A territories highlights a possible common functional multimodal/sensorimotor role, such that they could be considered as a single functional area (Gamberini et al. 2011). 123 Strong thalamic projections to both subdivisions of area V6A originated in the LP nucleus. It is believed that LP provides information on somatic and attentional stimuli for guiding motor acts towards targets of interest. In the rat, LP is a key node in circuits involved in mediating directed attention (Kamishina et al. 2008, 2009). In cats trained to perform a reaching movement toward a moving target spot, lesions localised in LP severely disrupt accuracy and reaction time (Fabre-Thorpe and Levesque 1991). V6A could make use of different visual and somatosensory stimuli, as well as attentional signals, for guiding intentional motor acts. In this regard, it is worth noting that the activity of V6A neurons can be modulated by both visual and somatosensory stimuli (Breveglieri et al. 2002; Gamberini et al. 2011), by prehension acts (Fattori et al. 2001, 2004, 2010; Gamberini et al. 2011), and by directional shifts of attention (Galletti et al. 2010). The present data suggest that these neuronal activities may derive from modulating signals that could reach V6A through LP afferents. Area V6A also receives input from the PuM nucleus. The pulvinar complex is traditionally subdivided into medial, lateral, inferior, and anterior nuclei (Olszewski 1952). The medial subdivision is connected with the cingulate, posterior parietal and prefrontal cortices (for a review, Grieve et al. 2000; Saalmann and Kastner 2009). Whereas PuL is considered to be a visual nucleus, PuM is viewed as a multimodal, associative nucleus (Ma et al. 1998). Several lines of evidence suggest that PuM is a subcortical component of the brain attentional network (Shipp 2003) and, accordingly, it has been reported that lesions to this thalamic nucleus result in deficits of spatial attention and neglect (Karnath et al. 2002). This attentional role of the PuM agrees well with the strong influence of attention reported in area V6A in monkeys and humans (Galletti et al. 2010; Ciavarro et al. 2013). Area V6A receives important input from the VL complex, which is regarded as having a primarily motor function, sending fibres to the primary and secondary motor areas (Ilinsky and Kultas-Ilinsky 2002; Kultas-Ilinsky et al. 2003; Burman et al. 2014). The strong input from VL to V6Ad is in line with the proposed involvement of V6Ad in the on-line control of motor acts (Gamberini et al. 2011). Finally, minor inputs from the intralaminar and MD nuclei were found after V6Av injections. The eye-related neuronal activities that arise from these nuclei (Schlag and Schlag-Rey 1984; Schlag-Rey and Schlag 1984; Wyder et al. 2003; Watanabe and Funahashi 2004) agree well with the functional properties found in visuomotor area V6A (Galletti et al. 1995; Kutz et al. 2003; Hadjidimitrakis et al. 2011; Breveglieri et al. 2012), suggesting that this area plays a critical role in the control of eye- and handmovements during the preparation and the execution of Brain Struct Funct actions focused on exploration of the world around us (Galletti et al. 2003). Concluding remarks Thalamic afferents to the areas of the rostral bank of the parieto-occipital sulcus in the caudal part of the superior parietal lobule are in line with the functional roles suggested for these areas by a large series of electrophysiological experiments carried out on behaving animals, that is, a visual role for area V6 (Galletti et al. 1999a, 2005), and an associative and visuomotor role for area V6A (Gamberini et al. 2011). The similarity of inputs to V6Ad and V6Av further reinforces the view that these are best regarded as subdivisions of the same cortical area. Thalamic afferents may contribute to the integration of visual, somatosensory, attentional, and premotor information needed for the guidance of motor acts. Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank M. Verdosci, F. Campisi and G. Placenti for the technical assistance, and R. Tweedale for corrections to the manuscript. This research was supported by European Union Grant FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IOF 300452, National Health and Medical Research Council, grants 1020839 and 1082144, Australian Research Council grant DP140101968, and by Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca and Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna, Italy. Conflict of interest of interest. The authors declare that they have no conflict References Adams NC, Lozsadi DA, Guillery RW (1997) Complexities in the thalamocortical and corticothalamic pathways. Eur J Neurosci 9:204–209 Bach M, Bouis D, Fischer B (1983) An accurate and linear infrared oculometer. J Neurosci Methods 9:9–14 Beck PD, Kaas JH (1998) Cortical connections of the dorsomedial visual area in new world owl monkeys (Aotus trivirgatus) and squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus). J Comp Neurol 400:18–34 Bender DB (1981) Subcortical connections of visual areas MST and FST in macaques. 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