clubfoot - DEOEC Ortopédiai Klinika
clubfoot - DEOEC Ortopédiai Klinika
The anatomy of the foot. Diseases of the leg: flat foot, bunion, hammer toe. Congenital deformities: clubfoot, vertical talus. 1/66 University of Debrecen Departement of Orthopaedic Surgery 26 bones 57 joints 2/66 Joints of the foot Subtalar Chopart Lisfranc I MTP 3/66 Functions of the foot •Static functions: - Lateral column of the foot: calcaneus, cuboideum, IV, V metatarsus → weight bearing, support •Dinamic functions: - Medial column of the foot: talus, naviculare, cuneiform I, II, III → walking, energy absorption 4/66 Construction of the foot Body weight 5/66 Muscles responsible for holding the longitudinal arch: •posterior tibial muscle •flexor digitorum longus muscle •flexor hallucis longus muscle •peroneal muscle Muscles responsible for holding the transversal arch : •adductor hallucis muscle •long peroneal muscle •anterior tibial muscle 6/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Normal versions of the forefoot Greek 7/66 Egypt Square Functional anatomy 8/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika 9/66 Deformities in the saggital plane • Pes equinus (talpies equinus): plantarflexion in the talocrural joint • Pes calcaneus: the foot is in dorsal extension • Pes cavus (excavated foot): forefoot is in flexion compared to the hindfoot, high longitudinal arch 10/66 Deformities in the frontal plane • Pes varus: the calcaneus turns inward at the subtalar joint • Pes valgus: the calcaneus turns outward at the subtalar joint • Pes adductus (metatarsus varus, intoe): the forefoot turns medially in the Chopart-joint • Pes supinatus (inverted foot): the forefoot is in supination in the Chopart-joint • Pes abductus: the forefoot turns laterally in the Chopart-joint 11/66 Pes equinovarus adductus et plantiflexus congenitus (clubfoot) 12/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Deformities in clubfoot -pes -equino -varus -adductus et -plantiflexus -congenitus 13/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Pes equinovarus adductus et plantiflexus congenitus (clubfoot) 14/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Pes equinovarus adductus et plantiflexus congenitus (clubfoot) • • • • Boys: girls = 2:1 Often 2 sided Prevalence in Europe 1-2 ‰ Etiology: multifactorial = genetic + environmental factors • Familial aggregation 15/66 16/66 17/66 Pes equinovarus adductus et plantiflexus congenitus (clubfoot) 18/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Pes equinovarus adductus et plantiflexus congenitus (clubfoot) 19/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Pes equinovarus adductus et plantiflexus congenitus (clubfoot) Cheselden 1768. 20/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Pes equinovarus adductus et plantiflexus congenitus (clubfoot) 21/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Pes equinovarus adductus et plantiflexus congenitus (clubfoot) 22/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika IOWA (Ponseti) Clubfoot Protocol Igancio Ponseti Casting technique Forefoot supination Holding the head of the talus laterally No pronation No dorsalextension 23/66 IOWA (Ponseti) Clubfoot Protocol Igancio Ponseti Total, horizontal percutaneous Achillotomy to correct the equinus at the 67th week of casting. Further casting: 15º dorsal extension 70 º abduction 24/66 IOWA (Ponseti) Clubfoot Protocol Igancio Ponseti Postoperative care Ponseti brace until the age of 3-4 years. 25/66 Surgical treatment (Cincinnati incision) 26/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Surgical treatment (Cincinnati incision) 27/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Surgical treatment 28/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Surgical treatment (Cincinnati incision) 29/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Pes adductus 30/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Pes adductus 31/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Surgical treatment 32/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Pes excavatus 33/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Vertical talus (Pes calcaneovalgus congenitus) 34/66 Synostosis calcaneo-navicularis, tarsal coalition 35/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Developmental diseases 36/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika 37/66 38/66 39/66 Fejlődési rendellenességek 40/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika 41/66 42/66 43/66 Fejlődési rendellenességek 44/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Aseptic necrosis of the navicular bone Köhler I. 45/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Aseptic necrosis of the head of the II. metatarsus; Köhler II. 46/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Calcaneal apophysitis; Morbus Schintz 47/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Static foot deformities • Flattened longitudinal arch (flat foot) • Flattened transversal arch • Hallux valgus/Bunion • Other toe-deformities 48/66 Pes planus/ Pes planovalgus/ Calcaneovalgus/ Fallen arch/ Flat foot) 49/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Pes planus (flat foot) 50/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Pes planus (flat foot) •The arches develop until the age of 2-3 •Symptomless in childhood •The inner side of the shoe is worn off •Risk: pregnancy, obesity 51/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika 52/66 Treatment of pes planus (flat foot) Prevention: •Walking on uneven surface; •Pick up the child, when tired; •Foot-gymnastic In childhood: •gymnastic •shoe sole – supinating wedge •surgery Adulthood, in case of complain: •shoe sole •surgery 53/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Pedes transversoplani (flattened transversal arch) • Leads to: – metatarsalgia – toe deformities (hammer toe, hallux valgus) • Treatment: gymnastic, shoe sole, surgery 54/66 Pedes transversoplani (flattened transversal arch) • Weil OT 55/66 Hallux valgus (Bunion) 56/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Hallux valgus • 1. Lateral deviation of the hallux • 2. Medial deviation of the I. MT • 3. Pronation of the hallux 57/66 Hallux valgus (Bunion) Treatment: • Hallux valgus correction orthesis • Shoe sole • Orthopedic shoes • Surgeries: soft tissue - surgery, removing exostosis, osteotomies, arthrodesis, resection arthroplasties 58/66 Surgical solutions 59/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Surgical solutions 60/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Surgical solutions 61/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Hammer toe 62/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Calcar calcanei 63/66 DE OEC Ortopédiai Klinika Haglund heel 64/66 65/66 66/66
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