12 February 2016 - Thomas Hassall Anglican College
12 February 2016 - Thomas Hassall Anglican College
Term 1 I 12 February 2016 From the Principal Welcome to our first edition of The Way for 2016. Welcome back to all families, students and staff and a special welcome to new families and staff members to the College. We hope that you have had a restful Christmas Season and feel ready for the year ahead. We trust that you are settling in well and already feeling a part of the College Community. It was great to see so many new faces to our Welcome Morning Teas. It was lovely to see people supporting each other especially those new to the College, letting their last little one begin or embarking on a new journey of schooling life for their child. Thank you to Mrs Hutchens and her team for organising these important events. Our Class Parent Network is growing with many new members at the beginning of the year and the first meeting held this past week. You will find out more Class Parents in this edition. The P&F will hold its formal AGM next Tuesday evening and you are invited to attend. The College year has started well with a number of special events already held. It’s Swimming Carnival season and both Junior and Senior carnivals have been held at Prairiewood Swimming Centre. Both events have enjoyed record crowds, great competition and lots of colour and House spirit. Thanks to all those who assisted in the organisation and helped out both of these occasions. NASSA championships will be held soon and our teams have time for additional training. Year 7 students have enjoyed their orientation camp this week at the Hacking River Conference site in the Royal National Park. This has been a great time of building relationships and a sense of team which is always a great way to start the year. Our Junior School Information Night went well and today we have celebrated with the HSC High Achievers in a special assembly commending them for their efforts. A special congratulations to Marisse Manthos who was awarded Dux of 2015. Well done to all those who achieved solid results in the HSC and we are pleased to report that 103 of our 126 students have received university offers. There has been some discussion about the quality of the 2015 HSC results, and we will conduct a review of the results during this first term. As we receive information regarding university offers and student pathways for the future, it is important to note that over 80% of our students will move to university and tertiary courses of choice in 2016. Congratulations to our 2015 HSC year. There are many more events planned for 2016 and we encourage and look forward to you being involved. As noted above, the P & F Annual General Meeting will be held this Tuesday February 16 at 7pm in the Staff Centre. You are most welcome and a new Executive Committee will be elected. P&F announced a donation towards the air-conditioning of the John Lambert Auditorium and we are close to the commencement of this long awaited project. Mrs Riitano’s Kitchen has been very busy at the start of the year with outstanding reviews. Thanks to the hardworking team. Our first Great Aussie Bush Dance is to be held on Friday 11 March so we would love you to sign up for this as places are filling up fast. We have a well-known Bush Band who will lead the evening and your ticket includes a fabulous BBQ provided by our Hospitality Team. The College Open Day will be held on Friday 18 March so be sure to let your friends and neighbours who may be interested in the College know about this day. We pray for the year ahead and thank God for His blessings for our College. We share with you a hope and anticipation for the progress of all students, and we look forward to many special occasions to grow the College community. In future editions of the Way, we will bring news of plans for the year ahead in areas of education and growth. Thank you for your support. “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced,…” 1 Chronicles 16:11-12 Ross Whelan Awards CARMICHAEL Olivia Stojanovic Trinity Logozzo Marley Rhodes Isabella Barton LEWIS Christian Georgallis Eliana Sapone LIDDELL Aidan Collier Jaelan Hayek Joshua Cachia WILBERFORCE Nickolas Lozusic Joel Lock Welcome back to the new school year that will be 2016. I extend a special welcome to all the new families and students coming into the College for the first time. It has been a calm and positive start and whilst it will take a time for all students to settle into the new school year I encourage all students to get into a routine as quickly as possible. I am personally grateful for a great holiday break and look forward to seeing students take on fresh challenges in 2016. In a short Assembly held last Friday the College Captains, Elijah Viglione and Kendall Page, echoed a warm welcome to the student body and teaching staff; they shared the vision of having a school where respect was one of the key values that the College Prefects were keen to promote. This included respect between individual students and their peers, respect for students and their teachers and respect for people across our community. I loved the intentions of this simple goal. No one would disagree that this is a good value to hold dear but when it is expressed well it creates a safe environment for students and staff to grow and learn and express themselves in a positive and supportive environment. Thomas Hassall Anglican College is not just a good place to come to school or a good place to make friends but it is a great school with a great future. We believe that our students can not only succeed but they can flourish and find ‘their voice’. Please pray with us for God’s enabling grace for the College to achieve all that it can in 2016. 2015 HSC Results have been released and whilst there were some very good individual results, there has been some disappointment expressed by our overall standing against other schools. We will look at these results and make any necessary adjustments to ensure that improvements are found. Despite the advertised results most students are getting into University courses or Tertiary Institutions and traineeships of their choice. These outcomes are worthy of celebrating. While we are only in our first weeks back, momentum is building with the College Musical. There will be places available for any of the new students to get involved. In addition, the College bands will be working towards mastering the score and behind the scenes students will be assisting with staging, set building, costuming and providing general support; I encourage students to get involved and take up the challenge to what is a terrific whole College experience. We have many events planned this term for Senior School in our College Calendar. We have already enjoyed the Senior School Swimming Carnival which was a great day with a fantastic competitive spirit. We had record attendance and one of the best carnivals in terms of organisation. Our Year 7 have enjoyed a special time this week at their Camp. A little daunting if you have just come into high school or, in many instances, just joined the College; however, this has been an important bonding time in which students challenged one another to ‘have a go’, in a safe environment, developing a sense of team and dare I say respect for one another. There have been some significant changes in our technology platforms which will be communicated in due course. I look forward to what will be a great year of promise and opportunity. Mr Roger Young Term 1 Diary Dates Week 4 Tuesday 16 February P & F Annual General Meeting Thursday 18 February CIS Girls Softball Week 5 Monday 22 February Year 11 PDHPE (First Aid) Welcome back to 2016, it has been a great start with all the classes settling quickly and enjoying learning at the College, even our newest students in Prep and Kindergarten have settled quickly with some even telling their parents that they don’t need to walk them to the classroom! I would especially like to welcome our new families to the College and Mrs Elise Hona who has joined our Kindergarten team. I love seeing the excitement on the faces of the students in Year 4 as they receive their instruments for the year and I am sure that they will have a great time being part of an orchestra and learning a new skill. Music and the Creative Arts are a focus for the College and I encourage all students to get involved in the many opportunities for bands, choirs and, of course, our College musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ later in the year. This year we are working on unpacking some of the College values with the students and encouraging them to become a community by looking out for others so in the Prep – 2 Assembly this week the focus was on respect and what that looks like at the College, respect for teachers, respect for parents and respect for each other. This is a theme that will follow through the term. Thomas Hassall as a community is important for students and parents alike, we are a growing College and the way to connect our families is through networks such as the Class Parents which provide opportunities to meet socially as a grade and to support each other. It is also about working together as a team to get the best outcomes for all our students. Success isn’t just about individual needs and goals but working together as a community to make Thomas Hassall a great College and where each child can shine in many different areas. Please come and talk with us so we can solve issues together or come up with ways to build a stronger community. Term 1 Diary Dates Week 4 Monday 15 February NASSA Junior Basketball Tuesday 16 February Mrs Christine Bessant P & F Annual General Meeting Week 5 Monday 22 February MISA Volleyball Wednesday 24 February NASSA Cricket Congratulations Congratulations to the following families who all welcomed baby boys over the Christmas/New Year period. Gini & Craig Whyms with the arrival of a little boy, Rory Martyn on Monday 14 December. Nicole & Ben Scipione with the arrival of a little boy, Matthias Benjamin born Monday 4 January. Elizabeth & Chris Skene with the arrival of a little boy, Harrison Ross born Monday 11 January. Also we heard Wedding Bells for Miss Wallis who became Mrs Benham when she married Steven and also Mr Driscoll and Miss Baker became Mr and Mrs Driscoll. We wish these new couples much happiness for their futures together. Important College Dates Term 1 Tuesday Wednesday 16 February 2016 2 March 2016 P & F Annual General Meeting NASSA Senior Swimming Carnival Wed - Friday 2 - 4 March 2016 Year 11 Study Camp Tues - Friday 8 - 11 March 2016 College Photo Days Thursday 10 March 2016 Years 7 & 12 Parent Teacher Night Friday 11 March 2016 The Great Aussie Bush Dance Monday 14 March 2016 Years 9 & 11 Parent Teacher Interviews Wed - Friday 16 - 18 March 2016 Year 5 Camp Wed - Friday 16 - 18 March 2016 Year 6 Camp to Canberra Friday 18 March 2016 College Open Day Monday 21 March 2016 Senior School Cross Country Wednesday 23 March 2016 Years 8 & 10 Parent Teacher Interviews Friday 25 March 2016 Good Friday Public Holiday Monday 28 March 2016 Easter Monday and Public Holiday Thursday 31 March 2016 K-6 Parent Teacher Interviews Friday 1 April 2016 Junior School Cross Country Friday 8 April 2016 Term 1 Concludes Term 2 Monday Wednesday 25 April 2016 27 April 2016 ANZAC Day Term 2 Commences Thur - Saturday 28 - 30 April 2016 College Musical ‘Wizard of Oz’ Thur - Saturday 5 - 7 May 2016 College Musical ‘Wizard of Oz’ Thurs - Fri 5 - 6 May 2016 Mother’s Day Stall Friday 6 May 2016 Senior School Athletics Carnival Tue –Fri 10-13 May 2016 NAPLAN Testing Thursday 19 May 2016 Year 12 Parent Teacher Night Friday 27 May 2016 Year 7 Taster Day Wed - Friday 8 - 10 June 2016 Year 9 Camp Friday 10 June 2016 Junior School Athletics Carnival Monday 13 June 2016 Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday Wednesday 22 June 2016 Year 11 Parent Teacher Night Friday 24 June 2016 Term 2 Concludes The Great Aussie Bush Dance – 11 March 2016 Yes, it’s true … “everyone will be there”! Book now so that you don’t miss out . . .over 100 tickets are sold already! We are so excited about The Great Aussie Bush Dance which will be held in the ‘barn’ (aka John Lambert Auditorium) on Friday 11 March from 6-9pm. This will be a fun family event for our entire College Community, no matter the age or stage. Tickets are a bargain at just $50 for a family (2 adults, 2 children) and include a gourmet BBQ buffet, live band, bush craft and lots of fun! BYO drinks and nibbles to share with others at your table if you wish. We will be taught how to do some simple bush dancing and there will be prizes for the best dressed boy, girl and family too – thanks to our supporter, MegaCentre Liverpool. Use this link to book your tickets today www.trybooking.com/ KDKD Open Day – 18 March 2016 ‘Word of Mouth’ is our primary source of enrolment enquiry and both current and past parents are often identified as the way in which prospective families find out about our College. If you have friends, relatives or neighbours that are interested in Thomas Hassall for their children, please encourage them to register on-line to attend our Open Day on 18 March 2016. The event will be held between 9am-12noon and includes a welcome from the Principal as well as a tour of the College with our student leaders. This is a great opportunity for those considering Thomas Hassall to see our College in action on a normal school day. Also, if you live on a main road and would be prepared to install a banner to help promote the event on your front fence, please contact me to discuss E: [email protected]. Thank you for your help to spread the word about our wonderful College and the culture that sets up apart. Parents & Friends Association The Annual General Meeting to elect the executive and committee member of the Parents and Friends Association will be held next Tuesday 16 February at 7pm in the Staff Centre (Administration Building). The Notice of Meeting is enclosed in this edition of The Way. Nomination Forms will be available at the meeting. Enquiries can be directed to the 2015 President, Mrs Suzana Matic on E: [email protected] Hassall Family News On 20 January I had the pleasure of representing the Principal at a gathering of Hassall Family members from all over Australia and New Zealand at the State Library of New South Wales. Not only was it lovely to catch up with so many ‘friends’ of the College but we enjoyed an informative presentation from Anni Turnbull, Curator – Research and Discovery. We all marvelled at the display of Hassall Family correspondence and memorabilia which had been prepared for the meeting. How lovely it was to see a portrait of Anne Marsden in whose honour we named our most recent building at the College – what a strong, bold and energetic Christian woman she appears to have been – she would fit right in at Thomas Hassall Anglican College! Fruitful discussions were held about ways to continue to connect with family members, collect and preserve the records and involve future generations to ensure the story of the ‘humble Hassalls’ continues to be shared and valued. We are also continuing to develop ways for the College, our staff and our students to help maintain the connection with our name sake through learning opportunities, celebrations and publications. Class Parent News Thank you so much to the 44 parents who have committed to join our Class Parents Network this year. Our first breakfast meeting was on Wednesday where we heard from the Heads of School, conducted training and continued work on planning our 2016 ‘friendraising’ events. Of course, The Great Aussie Bush Dance, is our first event this year and the Class Parents are working very hard in small teams to help decorate and prepare this amazing night for all College families. Class Parents are also planning social gatherings for each year group and you will hear from your representatives in due course. Also, thank you so much to the Class Parents who helped serve at our Welcome Morning Teas on the key start dates this year. It was a wonderful way to commence the year and particularly nice for new families to have the opportunity to meet other parents and relax on what can be quite an emotional day for many. Mrs Jo Hutchens 2016 at Thomas Hassall Anglican College has already had a huge impact! One of the highlights has been the Year 7 Camp, with our largest year groups in College history. The camp had an effect on many of the students with campers accomplishing tasks and challenges that they never thought they could. Perhaps the greatest impact on the camp was the Christian Discovery time where campers delved into the Bible to interact with the God who created them. The why the Bible is a part of the camp, and that’s why the Bible is an important part of the College, is because the Bible is God’s enduring Word. In 1 Peter we’re told that; “For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. (1 Peter 1:23) God’s word stands forever. And if the College wants to make an impact into the lives of students that lasts and into the community for eternity, we need to rely on God’s eternal Word. For example God’s Word transforms us to love. …love one another deeply, from the heart. For you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable” (1 Peter 1:22) It takes effort and discipline to love others, and we won’t always get it right. But if we rely on God’s Word for the resources we need then we will make an impact that lasts. This is what we’re all craving – impact that lasts. That’s what we want from our students our children, our community. It is God’s powerful word that achieves it. May 2016 continue to make an impact. Rev Stuart Tye Sympathy We extend our deepest sympathies to Mrs Bessant and Mrs Comiskey who both lost their father during the holidays. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with them and their extended families. We also have Mrs Petersen in our thoughts and prayers who lost her dear Mum last week. We think of others in our Community also that have lost loved ones during the holidays or in recent times. We pray for peace for all those that are suffering. New Staff 2016 We warmly welcome all our new Staff members to the Thomas Hassall Anglican College community Administration Mrs Priya De Guara Senior Enrolments Officer Junior School Mr Angelo Dinjar Accounts Receivable Associate Mrs Elise Hona Junior School Teacher Ms Fiona Kerin Junior School College Counsellor Senior School Mr John Derrington Senior School English Mrs Amira Ghebranious Senior School English Miss Jessica Dunn Senior School Science Mr Nicholas Lindeback Senior School Christian Studies Miss Catherine Drysdale Senior School Mr Stuart McCormack Deputy Head of Senior School Mrs Maria Eades Senior School HSIE Mrs Donna Miklavec TAS Assistant Dr David Gawthorne Senior School English Mr Timothy Newmarch Senior School Maths New Staff 2016 We warmly welcome all our new Staff members to the Thomas Hassall Anglican College community Senior School Mr Stuart Paternoster Senior School Science Mr David Phelps Senior School TAS Mr Samuel Wee Senior Mathematics Mr Michael Roper Senior School HSIE Ms Nina Simmons Senior School Science Miss Amelia van Netten Ministry Intern Parent Portal A reminder to all parents : Please update any changes to contact details including phone numbers and email addresses to ensure that all correspondence from the College is received. All student absences need to also be verified through the Parent Portal within 7 days of each day of absence. Any enquiries please email [email protected] AMEB Success Naomi Clarke in Year 7 has completed her Grade 3 piano and received an A! Well done Naomi for practicing hard to prepare for your examinations. Nancy Calarco - Music Tutor Nancy Calarco has been an instrumentalist teacher for over 30 years in both the private sector, in schools as a Secondary Music Teacher and for over 7 years as a peripatetic tutor in two Anglican Schools in Sydney. Nancy’s experience as Learning Support Officer for over 10 years with children from primary to high school ages gives her the edge with tailoring music programs for children and young adolescents. Many of Nancy’s students have continued their musical studies and are gainfully employed as music teachers or are successful instrumentalists or performers. Two of Nancy’s former students presently teach at Thomas Hassall Anglican College. Mr Byron Mark who is an accomplished teacher, performer, musician and Francesca Olson who is an astounding voice coach, vocal ensemble teacher and composer at the College. Nancy is passionate about teaching and more than that finds great reward in seeing and watching students learn, progress and accomplish goals they set together. Nancy is also an accomplished author of four titles in the field of self-help, motivation and personal improvement. In her spare time Nancy enjoys spending quality time with her 5 grandchildren, writing and composing music. If your child is interested in lessons you can access more information from the College website at http://www.thac.nsw.edu.au/music_program Mr Nicholas Lane Director of Ensembles Hub Returns for 2016 Week 3 saw the return of the famous HUB lunchtime music concerts. This week students heard from the Year 11 trio (Shannen Safi, Jeremiah Sampson and Ali Dursun), Jason Riley (Year 10) on vocals, and Jacob Pallone performing a saxophone solo. The HUB is an initiative put on by the Creative Arts Department where students have the opportunity to showcase their creative talents to the College community in a relaxed environment. This is only the beginning of many exciting music performances coming up this year. Please see the Music staff if you are interested in performing at the HUB. Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School Visit Today we welcomed 8 students and 2 teachers from Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School (QEGS) from Alford, in the UK. They enjoyed some time in classrooms which gave them a brief experience of Australian school life, and even tasted some traditional ‘Aussie’ food. Our School Captains welcomed them in our Senior School Assembly giving them a history of the College along with enlightening them on a few Australian slang sayings. QEGS then had an opportunity to present to Year 10 giving them information about school life in the UK. It was an enriching time for all students in our Senior School. 2015 HSC High Achievers Congratulations to our HSC High Achievers and we wish all our Year 12 students much success as they begin their Tertiary Studies and careers. A special mention to Marisse Manthos who was Dux for 2015. Years 3-6 Sport - Term One Sport for students in Years 3 - 6 occurs every Wednesday during Periods 5 and 6. Children have the opportunity to participate in the IPSSO teams or the College Sport program. IPSSO teams – Summer Sport teams represent our College in Cricket, Basketball, Girls Soccer, Mixed Tee-ball/ Softball and Oz Tag. The IPSSO competition provides opportunity for children to play Summer and Winter sports against 8 other schools. (Winter sports are; Boys Soccer, Netball, Mixed Tee-ball/Softball, Newcombe Ball and AFL). Students who are not involved in IPSSO teams will participate in the Year 3 -6 College Sports program. All sports are taught by qualified coaches and the sport runs for the entire term. There is no cost associated with the program as is covered by College fees. Group Yr 3 Boys Yr 3 Girls Yr 4 Boys Yr 4 Girls Sport AFL Football (Soccer) Athletics Netball Group Yr 5 Boys Yr 5 Girls Yr 6 Boys Yr 6 Girls Sport Basketball Swimming Tennis Volleyball All Sport starts in Week 3, 10 February 2016. Term 1 IPSSO Draw Term 1 Wk IPSSO Game Time Depart Girls Soccer Cricket Oz Tag & Softball Basketball 10-Feb 3 St Mary's 12.20 - 2.10 11.50 Hoxton Pk Res Powell Park THAC THAC 17-Feb 4 THAC THAC THAC THAC 24-Feb 5 2-Mar 6 9-Mar 7 Training of teams William Carey CS Georges River GS Training of teams 16-Mar 8 23-Mar 1.00 - 2.20 12.20 - 2.10 11.45 William Carey Brown's Farm Res William Carey William Carey 12.30 - 2.20 12.10 Hoxton Pk Res Powell Park THAC THAC 1.00 - 2.20 THAC THAC THAC THAC Training of teams Yr 5 & 6 1.00 - 2.20 THAC THAC THAC THAC 9 St Mark's 12.30 - 2.20 12.10 Hoxton Pk Res Powell Park THAC THAC 30-Mar 10 William Carey CS 12.30 - 2.20 12.10 Hoxton Pk Res Powell Park THAC THAC 6-Apr 11 ASG 12.30 - 2.20 12.10 Hoxton Pk Res Powell Park THAC THAC Year 1 and 2 Sport – Term One In Term One, students in Years One and Two will attend a Swimming Program at Prairiewood Leisure Centre. The Swim program will commence in Week 3 – Year One on Thursday 11 and Year Two on Friday 12 February. The program will continue every week as part of the Stage One weekly sports program. The 45 minute lessons will be ability-based and will cater for non-swimmers through to stroke development and correction. Parent Helpers: Any parent wishing to help the class teacher in changing children back into uniforms at the pool needs to complete a Working With Children Check. These checks are done online, verified at the Roads and Maritime Service Centre and then your WWCC number is the forwarded to the College and clearance verified. PE and Sport Reminder It is advisable that your child has a refillable drink bottle on Sport and PE days to ensure that they are able to re-hydrate after exercise. A frozen drink is also a great idea. All children are required to wear the PE cap or College hat for sporting activities. PE caps can only be worn during PE and Sport and the College blue hat is required to be worn at all other times. Important Junior School Sport Dates for Term One Week 3 - Wednesday 10 February – Year 3 – 6 Sport starts Week 3 - Thursday 11 February – THAC Junior Swimming Carnival – Prairiewood Leisure Centre Week 3 - Thursday 11 February - Year 1 swimming program starts Week 3 - Friday 12 February - Year 2 swimming program starts Week 4 - Monday 15 February - NASSA Boys and Girls Basketball Gala Day – Northern Beaches Week 6 - Tuesday 1 March – NASSA Junior Swimming Carnival – Homebush – 4.00 – 7.00pm Week 8 - Monday 14 March - NASSA Junior Boys and Girls Soccer Gala Day – Camden Week 9 - Tuesday 22 March – NSW CIS Swimming Carnival – Homebush Week 10 - Thursday 31 March - NASSA Junior Girls Netball Gala Day – Penrith Indoor Stadium Week 10 - Friday 1 April – THAC Junior School Cross Country Week 11 - Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7 March – NSWPSSA Swimming - Homebush Throughout the year, there are also NSW CIS trials for some sports which do not have a Gala Day as an entry path. If your child plays representative sport in Softball, AFL, Hockey or Rugby Union please see Mrs Evans to indicate your expression of interest to be nominated for these sports. Students need to be in Years 5 or 6 and have represented their Association in their sport. Working with Children Check – for Volunteer Parent Helpers at College We require all volunteers to sign a new undertaking that further confirms their eligibility to work with children. The previous exemptions that applied to parent volunteers no longer apply. All volunteers will apply for their own WWCC once every five years. Details about how to apply for the new WWCC are below. 1. Apply for WWCC number online (http://www.kids.nsw.gov.au/Working-with-children/New-Working-With- Children-Check/apply/-apply). 2. Visit local Roads & Maritime Services centre (formerly RTA) to perform identity check 3. Volunteers will be advised by post and email by NSW Commission for Children & Young People of clearance. 4. Once confirmation of clearance has been received, WWCC clearance number provided to College (and checked online by Finance Manager) Date of birth is given to College to verify clearance. 5. Volunteer Undertaking (available from Parent Reception) signed and returned to College. (filed by Finance Manager). 6. Volunteer is cleared to assist at College in volunteer capacity. Mrs Sharon Evans P-6 Sports Coordinator Welcome and welcome back It's exciting to have a fresh year ahead of us, but it can be daunting to look ahead too. It’s only a few weeks into term and already we can find ourselves too busy to pay attention to the basics which will help students reach their potential. With that in mind, here are a few simple tips on how to help your children and teens have the best year yet. Commit to your child going to school every day on time. Help kids start each day well, both nutritionally through a healthy breakfast, and mentally by emphasizing the opportunities of the day ahead. Establish work & study habits. Make sure your child gets enough sleep. Insist kids exercise. Focus on being friendly. These may seem simple, but children thrive on routine, and, as you know, nutrition and exercise have a large impact on students' (and adults’!) ability to function. These simple changes can help your child to focus, learn more effectively, and enjoy school more. For more information and practical tips about how to implement these suggestions with your family, go to www.parentingideas.com.au . Mrs Clare Calderwood Student Wellbeing Important News from the Enrolment’s Team Please be aware that current families must urgently submit applications for siblings who wish to be considered for 2017 enrolment. Please be aware that changes to enrolment policy have been made. Siblings for 2018 enrolment and beyond will need to have lodged their applications two Calendar years in advance. Application Fee is now $100 Enrolment Bonds have been replaced by a $500 Acceptance fee (non refundable) per child If you have any further enquiries please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Jeanette Merrett (Junior School Enrolments) or Mrs Priya De Guara (Senior School Enrolments). The Enrolment’s Team Year 7 Vaccinations Vaccinations will take place on Tuesday 15 March. Vaccination consent forms will be sent home next week. Please complete the forms and return to the College Nurse in Student Reception as soon as possible. Ms Karen Tindall College Nurse Parking at School Drop off and Pick Up Please remember when picking up and dropping off your child to be considerate of our neighbours around the College. Please respect driveways and do not block residents in or park on their nature strips or gardens. Thank you for your consideration.