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J6 • 0rp JOIN & COIN CORPORATION co. lID. , v "" 1Ufll'H)~"Uel!U~tJ'J.mu~~"UellJ~iJtll'lffl oV cl len~l'Hj;j'UVi ..... .. ......... .125 ..... 1lJ~ .!..f..l..1!!,.~~..I..~f! 3. rll!lJ1U\P)'nJ'j"~'lfl'lflJ o uNt'lJ/ !~lJ!~lJ~e)[j. 3. rll!lJl'V1~!UtllJU'llJ . . '';\ 4. rll!ln1'\.J!'lJ~!'.IlJ 'If'tHYfHl ll'CHln I~HJ'VI1'1'j"l'lfnn .......... p. .~ ..~??. -??. ....... ... .. .. ~~'lf1l ..... M'lftl ...................... ..................................... . ,,~ . (~nmtl, o 'hj6~1J9i Lrltlmo .............. .. .................. . ) ....... .1. ..... ..1. ...... . " ( Ij61.j1J\l1 ......... ................................ .... ............ . ...... ..1.. ..... .1.. ...... ~!!n'l'IJ'I1'1ll;J~ ) .. ..... .1........1. ...... . .. ( ~ ~ S I ~ "~ ln a :a ~ Mi ~d SA VINGS DEPOSIT ACC O U N T..'1V ; ; " . ~ 4 ~ R111i~\la:: 16m41tI Guidelines and Conditions .,. ~nan.hit:gill.aJ\!oIlJmllII~DOlntJ 1. this passbook is an important doCl.lm03flt. It should be kept In .. secure placa IOIld ~ hlddsn from other persons. If the passbook ;s loat, tno ""count hold. , should Intorm th e Bzsnk Immediately. If the account holder fBiia t o foll ow this seMI». the BenIt carlnat be held llebIs for dsmege.a. ~l-nw.~IlRI..rua.m.l~mn lO"\t'!l""'miirOlI"'RTIJJu.a::Il."lmmOTft'l'ltnfw... cn~"Nnaril,"nLiilllft'naa L ilmnBM4'~"'UJ '\lIiIll1lDtJ1Wl7UIIilmn~L~ 2. 3. 4.. "liI"oujJtmlla:Uomn....... lin~wnil'1'lIU\llUJI\Ul1iI 2. AlwIl\l6 brin g this passbook !IOd )'Our 10 card or OI:Iler idsnbllcatlon document whan you mal<e a deposit Of withdnowal. fJIlIIIfnU lllWfllri1l:!lo-hlln"mltdoUUn-1911DtJwl~ -r.nonutTcvll!OUDll'fl1'I 3. Tl)a blsl8nce shown In this _book will be dllSlTled CQmICI: only if IdentificetUl is VIK1fied with the comoaponding record kept by tits benk. trnlUl"11I"n~ n~B'1IItrO"lIif\lll0\J1Tn"'''''''' 4. A caT1ICtIon In the ~k racard Is VDlid only w!1"" IICCOIllpowlied by the signIItln ." en IIUttlanza! officer OSW'lWl'111n~-.nIu/Tl"lIh~llnlmLVw. Innw",""naarrlliu 01 the Bank. 5. From time til tirJB. the _ wII I!MIIU'IC8 changes to aeparit _ and e<n:IitiurE at Its brmw:tws. 5..1N~~l.1i\nJ'"I~II1I"nIhnIWua:; iifn~"- at. ~1I"TIlIlVII\6'lR1'1 allJ1 0648 .. BranchLflA''Ln uryihnllVi 'LfiM "\lihJ~"H d ~ '" tlDUqJu Account No. Ace 0 U nt 6 4 8 -0-18572-4 Name MRS.NOY - .. , l"-' um.u ,Ul'I'l SC ,~ , :." ..;.i~ilDeEl~-rmmuEillOl" SC44222418 ... . .... .. . .... • • ,. 41 •••• Authorized Signature .1 1 " )