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with Powerful Central Vacuum Cleaning AND REPLACEMENT PARTS 1315 Gidner Rd. • Charlotte, MI 48813 517-543-5658 • 800-570-9007 for Built-In Central Vacuum Systems 08/2012 l 8852 l 8536 l 9004 Webs-B-Gone $47.00 Pet Brush – Small $9.95 Extension rods reach where you can’t. Reaches 60 inches. Lightweight aluminum. Have a little pet? Get a little pet brush. Just their size. Tornado Cloths Canister of 25 cloths Keeps your hose and pipe lines clean and free of obstructions. Fresh clean scent. l 9004-01 Tornado Cloths Trial Size (pkg of 6) l 8537 Hose Carrier Keep the hose neat and easy to carry. $20.00 l 6970 RugRat® $59.00 l WWPB Wessel-Werk $48.00 l 9008 CentraMop $45.00 l 8695 TurboCat® Powerhead $125.00 The top of the line RugRat® hand-held turbine-driven power brush is lightweight, powerful and perfect for stairways, auto upholstery and other small spaces. The hand-held turbine-driven power brush. Incredible tool that vacuums the dirt before it mops your floor. No mess. Microfiber cleaning pad. Can be used to damp mop. $6.00 The low-profile TurboCat® powerhead is easy to maneuver around and under furniture. Staggered rows of crimped bristles scoop up embedded dirt while grooming the carpet. Light grey. $8.98 Also great for garden hoses, electrical cords, etc. l SCB04 Screen Cleaning Brush $4.00 l 8700 TurboCat ZOOM® Powerhead $149.00 l 53118 Hair Hook $7.00 l SpotW Spot-W $96.00 l 6481-01 Mesh Bag $8.95 l 9545 Wally $79.95 Use to keep your power unit’s screen clean. Screen should be cleaned a minimum of once a year. See owner’s manual. Great for keeping the bristles on your powerhead free of threads and hair. Carry and store your Vacuflo tools anywhere in this 14x14-inch bag. Convenient for many other uses. The low-profile TurboCat® powerhead is 20% quieter and 10% more powerful than original TurboCat®. 15 ft in-the-wall retractable hose for foyers, laundry rooms, pet areas, bathrooms, sewing rooms, etc. White, almond or black 13 ft. surface-mounted expandable hose. Kitchen, bath, laundry, etc. 517-543-5658 • 800-570-9007 • l 7352-30 TurboGrip® Hose $155.00 l 7352-35 TurboGrip® Hose $175.00 30 foot, crushproof hose. Light grey. 35 foot, crushproof hose. Light grey. l 7347-35 Hose Sock 30-ft 35-ft Protect your valuable furniture, wall corners and objects which come in contact with your hose while vacuuming. Ultrastretch 30-ft to 35-ft. l 500-G Triangle Dust Brush Standard grey dust brush. Natural bristles. l FA-5513 Castle Bristle Floor Tool with wheels $21.00 l 9502-G Castle Bristle Turn and Clean Floor Tool $24.95 l 8049 $21.00 12-in. wide hh bristle, curved neck, saw tooth bristles allow dirt to be picked up from all directions, wheels, black 12-in. wide hh bristle, swivel neck moves around objects and tight areas easily, saw tooth bristles allow dirt to be picked up from all directions, black $36.00 $45.00 $4.49 Dust Mop A high-tech dust mop you’ll use on floors, ceilings and walls. When dirty, simply remove it and throw in the wash machine to clean. It’s ready to go again! l 8049-01 Dust Mop Replacement (Blue) $10.00 Fits #8049 Dust Mop attachment. l 8622-G Premium Oval Dust Brush $7.25 l 1137-G Bare Floor Brush $15.00 l 8625-G Premium Upholstery Brush $7.85 l 8616-G Bare Floor Brush $21.00 l 8615-G Premium Crevice Tool $3.95 l 8620-G Rug Tool $19.00 l 6833 Metal Bare Floor Brush – Commercial $55.00 l 6834 Metal Rug Brush – Commercial $55.00 Natural bristles. 10-inch bare floor brush 12-inch bare floor brush. Natural bristles. 12-inch rug tool. No bristles. l CR1830 Flexible Crevice Tool 1-1/4 x 24 inches. Bends and flexes for reaching up, around and under. l 8311 l 8068 Mini Tool Set Vacuum small areas like computers, sewing machines, electronic equipment, dashboards, etc. Includes small round, oval and crevice tools. Shag Rake Tool Vacuum and “rake” at the same time. Saves you time and keeps your shag carpet looking like new. CLOSE-OUT $25.00 $8.00 For commercial use. 14 inches $18.00 $41.00 For commercial use. 14 inches l 6791-G Telescoping One-Piece Wand $26.95 l 6770 $7.95 25-41 inches long. l 6771 Lower Chrome Wand 19 inches long Upper Chrome Wand $8.95 $4.25 l 8107-01 10-inch Cyclonic Filter $26.95 l 8107-01-Hepa Filter $44.95 l 6323 RugRat® Replacement Belt $8.00 l 7227 TurboCat® Replacement Belt $5.50 l 8439 TurboCat® ZOOM Replacement Belt $6.50 Replacement Hepa filter l 7728 + 7851 TurboGrip® Repair Kit Do-it-yourself kit. You can do it! Includes electrical. Handle only Electrical only l 8061 + 5618 120-volt Handle Repair Kit Handle Electrical An automatic dustpan convenient for quick clean-ups in the kitchen, bath, mudroom, garage and laundry room. Don’t sweep it under the rug. Sweep it into the VacPan™! Comes in white, almond or black. Includes flex connector and pipe. $38.00 $16.00 $38.00 $47.00 $90.00 l 7840-30 ZipBroom™ for Bare Floors $109.00 l 7840 $95.00 l 7850 l 4978-B Plastic Wand Replacement filter for the Filter Cyclonic series of Power Units FC300, 550, 650, 1550. VacPan™ Kit Kit includes an 8 ft. hose that expands to 30 ft., 12-inch bare floor brush, upper and lower wands, and hanging bracket. Compact enough to hang in a small closet. 19 inches long Lightweight. Can be attached to metal wand to reach those cathedral ceilings. 19 inches long. l 7710 ZipBroom™ for Bare Floors Same as #7840-30, with a 5 ft. hose that expands to 20 ft. Premium Attachment Set $89.00 Set includes deluxe telescopic wand, 12-in. bare floor brush, 12-in. rug tool, crevice tool, dust and upholstery tools, and mesh bag caddy. l 5150-30-G l 5150-35-G Crushproof Hose – 30 ft Crushproof Hose – 35 ft $80.00 $90.00 l 7711-G Garage and Car Care Kit $95.00 30-ft hose, two plastic wands, 10-in. bare floor brush, crevice, dusting and upholstery tools, mesh bag, hose rack. l 7975 Lindhaus Electronic Powerhead $585.00 Lindhaus Electronic Powerhead, deluxe 30-ft. electric hose, 12-in. bare floor brush, premium crevice, dusting & upholstery tools, two sets of chrome wands, blue VacPac caddy and wire hose rack. l 8594-UNIV – EG1200 Electra Kit $449.00 Electric Powerhead, 2 wand sets, 12-in. Floor Tool, Dusting, Upholstery, Crevice Brush, Attachment Bag Caddy, Wire Hose Rack. l 7433-I l 7869 Wet/Dry Separator $270.00 Stainless steel container on wheels for wet applications or when large quantity of items are being vacuumed such as sawdust in a wood shop. Starter Kit TurboCat® Turbine Powerhead with twopiece chrome wands, 30-ft crushproof hose; 12-in. Bare Floor Brush; Crevice, Dusting and Upholstery Tools, Wire Tool Caddy and Hose Rack. $265.00 l 8885 White Glove Clean Team l 8881 TurboTeam® E Deluxe Kit Turbocat Zoom® Powerhead, Rugrat®, E-Z grip hose with sock, adjustable wand, 12-in. floor brush, rug tool, premium crevice, dusting and upholstery tools, hose rack, VacPac™ caddy and ZipBroom™. $575.00 l 7401-1 TurboTeam® Deluxe Kit $364.00 l 410SE $75.00 TurboCat® Plus Turbine Powerhead; 30 ft TurboGrip® 360º swivel Hose with fingertip on/off control, adjustable telescoping wand; 12-in. Bare Floor Brush; Crevice, Dusting and Upholstery Tools, Wire Tool Caddy, Hose Rack. $405.00 TurboCat Zoom® powerhead, 30-ft ErgoGrip® hose, telescoping wand, 12-in. bare floor brush, premium crevice, dusting & upholstery tools, copper VacPac caddy and wire hose rack. Pet Vac Kit Includes Suction handle w/Shed Eliminator™, unique hose with air relief, soft pet brush, lint & hair tool for upholstery. l 8903 Bare Floor E Kit Deluxe l 7033 Bare Floor Care Kit (not shown) $331.00 30-ft ErgoGrip® hose w/hose sock, premium 12-in. and 10-in. bare floor brushes, one-piece telescoping wand, 12-in. rug tool, dust mop tool, premium crevice, dusting and upholstery tools, blue VacPac caddy and wire hose rack. 30-ft TurboGrip® hose, adjustable wand, premium 12-in. bare floor brush, rug tool, 10-in. bare floor brush, crevice, dusting and upholstery tool, vinyl bag caddy, wire hose rack. $261.00 AND REPLACEMENT PARTS Name Address City/State/ZIP Phone Part No. l 8852 l 8536 l 9004 l 9004-01 l 8537 l SBC04 l 6970 l WWPB l 9908 l 8695 l 8700 l 6481-01 l 53118 l SpotW l 9545 l 7352-30 l 7352-35 l 7347-35 l 500-G l 8622-G l 8625-G l 8615-G l CR1830 l 8311 l 8049 l 8049-01 l 8068 l 1137-G l FA-5513 l 9502-G l 8616-G l 8620-G l 6833 l 6834 l 6791-G l 6770 l 6771 l 4978-B l 8107-01 l 8107-01-H l 6323 l 7227 l 8439 l 7728 Fax Item Price Webs-B-Gone Pet Brush – Small Tornado Cloths Canister (pkg of 25) Tornado Cloths Trial Size (pkg of 6) Hose Carrier Screen Cleaning Brush RugRat Wessel-Werk Power Brush CentraMop TurboCat® Powerhead TurboCat Zoom® Powerhead Mesh Bag Hair Hook Spot-W Wally $47.00 $9.95 $20.00 $6.00 $8.98 $4.00 $59.00 $48.00 $45.00 $125.00 $149.00 $8.95 $7.00 $96.00 $79.95 TurboGrip® Hose – 30 ft $155.00 TurboGrip® Hose – 35 ft $175.00 Hose Sock – 30 ft $36.00 Hose Sock – 35 ft $45.00 Triangle Dust Brush $4.49 Premium Oval Dust Brush $7.25 Premium Upholstery Brush $7.85 Premium Crevice Tool $3.95 Flexible Crevice Tool $8.00 Mini Tool Set $18.00 Dust Mop $21.00 Replacement Mop (Blue) $10.00 Shag Rake Tool $25.00 Bare Floor Brush – 10-in. $15.00 Castle Bristle Floor Tool w/Wheels $21.00 Castle Bristle Floor Tool w/Swivel Neck $24.95 Bare Floor Brush – 12-in. $21.00 Rug Tool $19.00 Bare Floor Brush – Commercial – 14-in. $55.00 Rug Brush – Commercial – 14-in. $55.00 Telescoping One-Piece Wand Lower Chrome Wand Upper Chrome Wand Plastic Wand Cyclonic Filter (10-inch) Hepa Filter RugRat® Replacement Belt TurboCat® Replacement Belt TurboCat® ZOOM Replacement Belt TurboGrip® Handle Kit $26.95 $7.95 $8.95 $4.25 $26.95 $44.95 $8.00 $5.50 $6.50 $38.00 Qty Amount Part No. Item l 7851 TurboGrip® Electrical ONLY l 7710 VacPan Kit l 8061+5618 120-volt Handle Repair Kit: Handle Electrical l 7840-30 ZipBroom™ for Bare Floors – 30 ft l 7840-40 ZipBroom™ for Bare Floors – 20 ft l 7860-G Premium Attachment Set l 5150-30-G Crushproof Hose – 30-ft l 5150-35-G Crushrpoof Hose – 35-ft l 7711-G Garage and Car Care Kit l 8594-UNIV EG1200 Electra Kit l 7975 Lindhaus Electronic Powerhead l 7869 Wet/Dry Separator l 7433-I Starter Kit l 8885 l 8881 l 8903 l 7033 l 7401-1 l 410SE l 9120-C l 9120-G l 9170-01 l 9170-02 l 9460 Price Qty Amount $16.00 $90.00 $38.00 47.00 $109.00 $95.00 $89.00 $80.00 $90.00 $95.00 $449.00 $585.00 $270.00 $265.00 White Glove Clean Team TurboTeam® E Deluxe Kit Bare Floor E Kit Deluxe Bare Floor Care Kit (not shown) TurboTeam® Deluxe Kit Pet Vac Kit $575.00 $405.00 $331.00 $261.00 $364.00 $75.00 Vroom® Standard Vroom® Garage Vroom® Solo – Bathroom, 18-in. Vroom® Solo – Kitchen, 22-in. Vroom® Power Unit $200.00 $250.00 $400.00 $400.00 $499.00 SUBTOTAL ADD 6% Michigan Sales Tax Call for SHIPPING & HANDLING TOTAL $_________ $_________ $_________ $_________ PAYMENT INFORMATION l Check made payable to: CentraVac l VISA l MasterCard l Discover l AmerEx Card Number Expiration Date CVVC # (3-digit code on back of card) Authorized Signature Name as Printed on Card Please fill out this form and return to: CentraVac, 1315 Gidner Rd., Charlotte, MI 48813 You can also fax this form to 517-543-5658 or email info to [email protected] l 9170-01 Vroom® Solo Bathroom model, 18-in. $400.00 l 9170-02 Kitchen model, 22-in. $400.00 Incredible little power house that fits anywhere! It’s the most convenient appliance available for fast clean-ups of all your daily spills and messes. All you need is an electrical outlet and you’re good to go. 18-ft or 24-ft hose l 9120-S l 9120-G Vroom® Standard Vroom® Garage $200.00 $250.00 Incredible little power house vac. Fits in your cabinet. Connects to your main vacuum power unit. Makes cleaning fun and quick. Go online to view the video presentation of this great new invention at www. 18-ft or 24-ft hose l 9460 Vroom® Power Unit $499.00 Power Unit with onboard inlet, Vroom 24-in brackets, 10-in floor tool, crevice and dusting brush, mesh bag Independent system for a garage or shop! 517-543-5658 • 800-570-9007 1315 Gidner Rd • Charlotte, MI 48813 • John Hulinek, Owner •
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