ICLC13 Final Programme Monday 20th July 2015 Monday 20th July
ICLC13 Final Programme Monday 20th July 2015 Monday 20th July
ICLC13 Final Programme Monday 20th July 2015 Monday 20th July 2015 Registration Opening CCE1-001 and CCE1-002 08.30-09.45 09.45-10.15 Gesture Chair: Terry Janzen CCE-001 THEME SESSION Producing Figurative Language Organiser: John Barnden & Andrew Gargett CCE1-002 10.25-10.50 The influence of gesture restriction on verb tense use: Does gender play a role? Elena Nicoladis & Lisa Smithson Different motivations for metaphor and metonymy in Portuguese wordformation Margarida Basilio 10.50-11.15 Multimodal Events in Natural Chinese Conversations: the Co-speech Gestural Representation of Aspects Ronghua Wang & Guiying Jiang Perspective taking in speech and gesture: Computational cost matters Fey Parrill, Alexsis Blocton, Mary Lowery & Ava Schneider Predicting quotation use from speakers’ behavioral and linguistic characteristics Kashmiri Stec Simultaneous motion in multiple dimensions: Why metonymy isn’t enough Cristiano Broccias GAP The reception of computer-generated metaphors by international audiences Jeannette Littlemore, David Houghton, Paula Pérez Sobrino & Shi Jinfang 11.15-11.40 11.40-12.05 12.05-12.30 Experimental methods Chair: Laura Janda CCE1-003 Experimentally determining the main clause in English finite complementation constructions Siva Kalyan & Ewa Dąbrowska The Effect of Constructional Subschemas on Acceptability/Grammatic ality Judgment Motoki Saito Producing Figurative Pragmatic Effects: Endings Justifying Meanings Herbert Colston & Eleanor Kinney This is the native speaker that the non-native speaker outperformed: individual, educationrelated differences James Street Definiteness as a trigger of idiomaticity Loes Koring Whose mind do classifications of modality mirror? Dagmar Divjak, Nina Szymor, Dario Lečić, Steven Clancy, Olga Lyashevskaya, Maria Ovsjannikova, MateuszMilan Stanojević & Anita Peti-Stantić Five statistical models for Likert-type experimental data on acceptability judgments Anna Endresen & Laura Janda THEME SESSION Cognitive Contact Linguistics Organiser: Eline Zenner & Ad Backus CCE1-401 Discussion Through the cognitive looking glass: Studying bilingual wordplay in public signage Sebastian Knospe English and French loans in Belgian Dutch and Netherlandic Dutch: an onomasiological approach Jocelyne Daems, Kris Heylen & Dirk Geeraerts Explaining language development in GermanEnglish bilingual children Antje Quick, Elena Lieven, Malinda Carpenter & Michael Tomasello Redefining the ‘structural’, and the ‘transfer’ in ‘structural transfer’ Pablo Irizarri van Suchtelen & Francesca Moro Information structure Chair: Ad Foolen Word formation Chair: Svetoslava Antonova-Baumann SLA and pedagogy Chair: Julia Prentice CCE1-402 CCE1-403 CCE1-009 The Core-Final Structure: the Parallelism of Tag Questions in English and Ending Particles Sentences in Japanese Hiromi Nakatani & Akira Takashima Tough-Expressions in English and Chinese: A Functional and Cognitive Approach Yapei Li & Yina Wang Blends at the intersection of addition and subtraction: A usagebased approach Natalia Beliaeva Applying Cognitive Linguistics to Teaching English Prepositions: An Experimental-CALL Study Helen Zhao & Man Ho Wong Salience in metonymymotivated constructional abbreviated form with particular attention to English clippings Antonio Barcelona Should discourse marker use be taught? Analysis of DMs occurring in dialogues in ELT textbooks Chie Kawashima The Definiteness-effect Revisited Soyoon Park Noun-to-Verb Conversion as a Frame-Driven Word Formation Hirotaka Nakajima An Empirical Classroom Study on the Efficacy of Using CG to Teach German Case to Intermediate Learners Carlee Arnett A usage-based approach to extraposition of clausal subjects in English Peter Uhrig Utterance condensation: An emergent means of word formation in Chinese Lin He, Rong Chen & Chunmei Hu A Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of the Japanese aspect marker -tei(ru) and its pedagogical implications Masumi Hamada A marker of shared knowledge, theticity and mirativity: Information managing functions of the utterance-final particle canha in Spoken Korean Ahrim Kim Analysis of neologism to explore where sound symbolism can be lost Ryoko Uno, Nobuhiro Kaji & Masaru Kitsuregawa Learning difficult Japanese polysemous particles with usagebased instruction Kyoko Masuda ICLC13 Final Programme Monday 20th July 2015 12.30-13.30 Lunch break Sign Language Chair: Elena Nicoladis CCE-001 THEME SESSION cont. Producing Figurative Language CCE1-002 Constructional polysemy and synonymy Chair: Dagmar Divjak CCE1-003 THEME SESSION cont. Cognitive Contact Linguistics CCE1-401 Information structure Chair: Peter Uhrig PCU constructions in bilingual encounters: Code-switching and effective/epistemic concepts Bram Vertommen & Caroline Gentens Cognitive Contact Linguistics as an essential ingredient of diachronic construction grammar Dirk Noël Gender concepts in British, Indian and Nigerian English. A corpus study on multimodal metaphors in films Anna Finzel Language ideology in the contemporary Italian speech community: A semantic vector space approach Stefano De Pascale, Dirk Speelman & Stefania Marzo 13.30-13.55 I See what you mean: Visual Conceptualization in Spoken and Signed Language Interpreters Lorraine Leeson, Terry Janzen & Barbara Shaffer On the production of figurative language: Toward a genre-based account of metaphor Anna Piata Motivation behind the extended senses of the Polish ditransitive construction Joanna Paszenda 13.55-14.20 A Cognitive Semantic Analysis of Pointing in Co-speech Gesture and Sign Laura Hirrel & Sherman Wilcox Dutch impersonal passives with intransitive verbs: Atelic volitional acts and beyond Maaike Beliën 14.20-14.45 Composite Utterances in a Signed Language: Topic constructions and Perspective-taking in ASL Terry Janzen An Emergent Model of Metaphors as Transformations of Vector Spaces Stephen McGregor, Matthew Purver & Geraint Wiggins Can a Machine Exhibit a Sense Of Irony? Human Evaluation of MachineGenerated Figurative Statements Tony Veale 14.45-15.10 How to Construct Time by Using Spatial Concepts in Chinese Sign Language and Tibetean Sign Language Li Heng 15.10-15.35 15.35-16.00 16.00-17.15 17.15-18:45 18.45-19.45 The multimodal mental timeline: what spontaneous gestures reveal about the conceptualization of time Javier Valenzuela & Cristóbal Pagán-Cánovas Discussion ------ Metaphors between general and specialised knowledge: a corpusbased analysis of linguistic metaphors in aviation discourse Ana Ostroški Anić Semantic Opposition in Constructional Synonymy -An Empirical analysis of Chinese “zhe”/“le” existential constructions Zhen Tian Constructions and longtailed distribution of their collexemes: A Look at the relationship between low-frequency words and constructional prototypes Yoichiro Hasebe Exploring the history of Reaction Object Constructions. A collostructional analysis Tamara Bouso Rivas Word formation & lexicology Chair: Antonio Barcelona CCE1-403 Writing Chair: Andrea Tyler "Existential cores" in Cognitive Grammar: Theoretical basis, method of representation, and cross-linguistic applicability András Imrényi English categorizing copular clauses: Construing ascription and specification Wout Van Praet & Kristen Davidse Word-formation metonymy - to be or not to be? The role of metonymy in verbocentric compounds (in English and Bulgarian) Alexandra Bagasheva Using domain matrices to describe the semantics of compound nouns Eli Anne Eiesland GAP Projector constructions in Twitter Ad Foolen Is the distinction between semantically transparent and opaque compounds psychologically real? Svetoslava AntonovaBaumann Hausa plant names in the light of conceptual blending Olga Frackiewicz What Metaphors and Gestures Reveal about the Development of ESL students' Concepts for Writing Wan Wan & Yao Tong A Bilingual Tripartite Architecture and its potential for analysing FL writing Esther Breuer Stagnancy or evolution of feminine professions and occupations in a French dictionary? Georges Farid Reframing Prescriptivism: Rhetorical Construction Grammar and L1 Writing Instruction Cameron Mozafari & Michael Israel CCE1-402 The role of DO-auxiliary in subject-auxiliary inversion: developing Langacker’s notion of existential negotiation Patrick Duffley GAP Discussion Coffee break Discussion panel: Bringing together theory and method + ICLA Publicity CCE1-001 and CCE1-002 Plenary: ADELE GOLDBERG How functions matter: Got constructions? CCE1-001 and CCE1-002 Wine reception CCE1-009 Acquisition of English scientific prose punctuation patterns Tatiana Evtushenko, Natalia Shalyapina & Nina Yevtushenko ICLC13 Final Programme Tuesday 21st July 2015 Tuesday 21st July 2015 THEME SESSION CL and the Evolution of Language Organiser: Stefan Hartmann, Michael Pleyer & James Winters CCE1-001 THEME SESSION Viewpoint in and across Multimodal Artifacts Organiser: Barbara Dancygier & Lieven Vandelanotte CCE1-002 CCE1-003 CCE1-401 CCE1-402 CCE1-403 CCE1-009 08.30-08.55 The Human MeaningMaking Engine: Its Nature and Origins Vyv Evans Image-schematic scaffolding in visual and textual artifacts Barbara Dancygier & Lieven Vandelanotte The Agreement Construction Carlos Acuña-Fariña The relevance of a ‘Complex Adaptive Systems’ approach to ‘language’ Roslyn Frank Alignment and viewpoint Kurt Feyaerts, Bert Oben, Ilona Papousek & Helmut Lackner Struggling with Prepositional Verbs Nathan Schneider New methods to measure language attitudes: A case study on attitudes towards regional varieties of Dutch in Belgium Laura Rosseel Attitudes towards L2 accents: an experimental study of English as a Lingua Franca Gitte Kristiansen & Sarah Schlemmer The Acquisition of the Deictic Verbs Iku ‘to Go’ and Kuru ‘to Come’ in L1 Japanese Miho Takanashi 08.55-09.20 Complementing corpus based analysis of the conceptualization of emotion terms with GRID methodology Benedikt Perak How prototypical the semantic transitivity of ‘love’ in Biblical Hebrew is: A cultural-linguistic approach Ruti Vardi 09.20-09.45 Experimental Evidence on the Emergence of Phonological Structure Sabine van der Ham, Hannah Little, Kerem Eryılmaz & Bart de Boer Multimodality and multiviewpoint construction in comics Mike Borkent The cognitive linguistic approach to the semantics of English VPCs within LCCM Theory Yukiyo Takimoto Kasum ‘Chest/Breast’ as a Locus for Emotions in Korean Haeyon Kim, Seung-Chul Shin & Sang-Rae Cho Socio-cognitive salience and the role of the local Marie Jensen A hell of a day: The referential identity of English binominal phrases Chongwon Park & Daniel Turner Structural Salience and Referential Accessibility: A Cognitive Account of Inter-clausal NP Anaphora in Chinese Complex Sentences Yulong Xu Proper Noun Phrases with Determiners Elizabeth Riddle 09.45-10.10 On-line pressures from turn taking constrain the cultural evolution of word order Seán Roberts & Stephen Levinson Representation and metarepresentation of thoughts and speech in the medium of comics Charles Forceville A Construction Grammar approach to irony Alexander Bergs & Claudia Lehmann The metaphoric conceptualization of emotion through heartidioms in Turkish Melike Baş 10.10-10.35 Eco-Evo-Devo: Biocultural synergies in language evolution Chris Sinha Metaphor and iconicity in advertising viewpoint: Dividing modalities and conquering the audience? Eve Sweetser Does true synonymy exist? Anton Granvik & Susanna Taimitarha The expression of fear in Italian and Russian: a corpus-based approach to causality Erica Pinelli Speaking like the enemy: An experimental model of inverse linguistic affiliation in South Philadelphia Gareth Roberts & Betsy Sneller GAP 10.35-11.00 11.00-12.30 12.30-13.30 Construction grammar Chair: Cristiano Broccias Emotion Chair: Mimi Huang Language Attitudes Chair: Kevin Watson Motion Acquisition Chair: Noriko Matsumoto Motion event descriptions and Bilingualism: On the influence of language mode on French-German bilinguals’ spatial language Raphael Berthele Literal quotation as fictive interaction strategy in conversations by autistic children and controls Aline Dornelas & Esther Pascual “I Go Run Up” and “a Big Storm Came Running Up”: Manner-Satellite Patterns in EnglishSpeaking Children’s Speech about Motion Chie Fukada The acquisition of the placement event constructions in L2 Spanish and L2 Danish Teresa Cadierno, Alberto Hijazo-Gascón & Iraide IbarretxeAntuñano Coffee break Plenary: MARTIN HASPELMATH Are cognitive universals of language a myth? CCE1-001 and CCE1-002 Lunch break Referring expressions Chair: Susen Faulhaber Behavioral profiles of reflexive-type markers in Polish Jaroslaw Józefowski Metonymic organization of self - the case of illeisms Tanja Gradečak-Erdeljić ICLC13 Final Programme Tuesday 21st July 2015 THEME SESSION cont. CL and the Evolution of Language CCE1-001 THEME SESSION cont. Viewpoint in and across Multimodal Artifacts CCE1-002 Idioms Chair: Tania Mortelmans CCE1-003 CCE1-401 13.30-13.55 Public and private communication: stages in the evolution of language and cognition? Arie Verhagen Viewpoint and sound design in film: Misdirection and reconstrual in The Conversation Vera Tobin Accidentally spilled the bag: Investigating the comprehension of idiomatic variation Kristina Geeraert, Harald Baayen & John Newman 13.55-14.20 Linguistic systems adapt to their contextual niche James Winters Viewpoint blending in Hong Kong’s Umbrella Revolution Adrian Lou Processing Chinese threecharacter idioms and their variants in literally and figuratively biased contexts: An ERP study Hui Zhang 14.20-14.45 Communicating events using bodily mimesis with and without vocalization Jordan Zlatev, Sławomir Wacewicz, Przemysław Żywiczyński & Joost van de Weijer Opposition and viewpoint in political discourse Douglas Guilbeault Discourse metaphors and the story-based fourcharacter Chinese idioms Dingfang Shu Viewpoint and stance in gesture: How tabooed discourse content influences speakers’ gestural viewpoint in film retellings Linn-Marlen Rekittke Idiomaticity and metaphors, dead or alive: lost in translation? Yvon Keromnes Experiencing artworks from within: Simulated artifact immersion as viewpoint strategy Irene Mittelberg On metaphors in Irish English Stephen Lucek 14.45-15.10 Discussant: James Hurford ---- 15.10-15.35 15.35-16.00 Olfactory information processing channel in phytonymic lexicon (based on Western Slavic languages) Nataliya Panasenko & Hana Pravdová Language and the Brain Chair: Andriy Myachykov Cognitive & Variationist Sociolinguistics Chair: Marie Jensen CCE1-402 Emotion > Usage-based Acquisition Chair: Angeliki Athanasaidou CCE1-403 Referring expressions Chair: Thomas Herbst Does the Brain Grasp Politics, Even When It Doesn’t?: Modulation of Motor and Premotor Areas by Affirmative and Negated Hand-Action Metaphors Elisabeth Wehling, Vesna Gamez-Djokic & Lisa AzizZadeh Metonymic Connections are not “Mapped”: Theoretical and Neurological Evidence for “Metonymic Binding” Daniel Strack t-to-r in north-west England: lexical frequency, schema strength and transitional probability Kevin Watson, Lynn Clark & Sarah van Eyndhoven Transitivity and construal in English emotion verbs: A quantitative investigation Jason Grafmiller The variation of usted as a grammatical object in discursive interaction María José Serrano The influence of concept features and semantic field on lexical heterogeneity Karlien Franco The colors of fear: using chromatic information to modulate the expression of emotion Almudena Soto & Javier Valenzuela An attempt at a unified approach to salience in Cognitive Grammar Siva Kalyan Are there differences between comprehension of literary and nonliterary metaphors? An ERP proof Hongjun Chen, Xiaoshuang Peng, Qilin Lu & Xin Liu Morally Queasy Brains: Insula and Basal Ganglia Responses to Literal and Metaphoric Disgust Language Vesna Gamez-Djokic, Srini Narayanan, Elisabeth Wehling, Tong Sheng, Benjamin Bergen & Lisa Aziz-Zadeh Beyond sweet: a variety of conventional metaphors are more emotionally engaging than literal paraphrases Francesca Citron, Nora Michaelis & Adele Goldberg Cross-dialectal variation in English verb complementation: A multivariate corpus analysis Ashraf Khamis Usage-based analysis of the development of the Japanese negation construction Mariko Uno Good, Great or Excellent? Method Can Tell About Theory: A case study of Chinese analytic causative Yanan Hu, Dirk Geeraerts & Dirk Speelman Plural mass nouns and the construal of individuation: usagebased evidence from cross-linguistic first language acquisition Ifigeneia Athanasiadou & Panos Athanasopoulos Synecdoches we live through: a corpus-based analysis of English partwhole expressions of the Self from Langacker's Cognitive Grammar perspective Simon Devylder Where should Depictive Construction be positioned? Haruka Ogawa Beyond (In)directness: A Multivariate Model of Causation for Chinese Causatives Yanan Hu & Kris Heylen On the acquisition of null subjects in Polish. A correspondence analysis Iwona Góralczyk & Joanna Łozińskar Coffee break CCE1-009 From Conceptual Distance to Focal Point in Conversation: Distal Demonstrative in Taiwanese Southern Min Miao-Hsia Chang & HuaiTung Hsu ICLC13 Final Programme Tuesday 21st July 2015 THEME SESSION What a study of Smell can tell CL Organiser: Asifa Majid THEME SESSION cont. Viewpoint in and across Multimodal Artifacts Experimental Approaches Chair: Fey Parrill Parts of speech Chair: Steven Clancy Language and Evolution Chair: Stefan Hartmann Modal constructions Chair: Carlos AcuñaFariña Communication and health Chair: Thora Tenbrink CCE1-001 CCE1-002 CCE1-003 CCE1-401 CCE1-402 CCE1-403 CCE1-009 16.00-16.25 Smell descriptions in hunter-gatherers and wine-experts Asifa Majid The same, but different: An ontology of expert and amateur interactions with technology Matt Hayler Categorization in Languages with and without Grammatical Gender: Evidence from Russian and Chinese Jenny Yichun Kuo & Tuyana Dugarova Stagnation and Transition: In search of discourse correlates for summary and sequential scanning Masako Fidler & Václav Cvrček Population structure, social bias, and efficiency: An iteratedlearning study Gareth Roberts & Maryia Fedzechkina Towards a ConstructionBased Grammar: The Case of German and Dutch Modal Constructions Lynn Anthonissen & Tanja Mortelmans Log-linear modeling and chi-squared analysis of metaphor in psychotherapy discourse Dennis Tay 16.25-16.50 Smell and the other senses in conversation Lila San Roque Multimodal interaction and viewpoint in internet memes Lieven Vandelanotte & Barbara Dancygier The effect of metaphor on frequency of usage: Horns are mentioned more for unicorns, less for devils Sachi Kato Cognitive Distinctions of Nouns and Verbs Chunjie Guo Assessing the role of the environment in emerging cultural communication systems Jonas Nölle 16.50-17.15 Talking about smell in Kuteb Doris Richter genannt Kemmermann How heavy are things in Croatian and elsewhere? A contrastiveexperimental study Mario Brdar, Kristina Štrkalj Despot, Mirjana Tonkovic, Rita Brdar-Szabó & Ivan Tomic “What size is your voice?” Conceptual mappings based on the human senses Julia Salzinger English function words from a usage-based perspective – what word classes can and cannot do Susen Faulhaber, Thomas Herbst & Peter Uhrig The cultural evolution of function morphology in an Iterated Learning experiment Carmen Saldana, Simon Kirby & Kenny Smith Between deontic modality and necessity conditionals: A cognitive typological analysis of Chinese, Japanese and Korean Bing Zhu & Kaoru Horie Epistemic Conditional Construction in Korean Jeong-Woon Park What the lexicogrammatical construction of force relationships can reveal about conceptualisations of the self Olivia Knapton Communicating and Cooperating with Cancer Patients: Where Cognitive Science Meets Narrative Medicine Mimi Huang Phonetic evidence for parts of speech in Russian Julia Kuznetsova The emergence of systematic structure in artificial gestural communication systems Yasamin Motamedi, Kenny Smith, Marieke Schouwstra & Simon Kirby A Usage-Based Approach to Epistemic Have to: Its Preferred Grammatical Patterns and Subjectivity Keisuke Sanada THEME SESSION Language & Music Organiser: Geoffrey Nathan A cognitive account of language evolution: dual processes, dual trajectories Andrew Feeney A corpus-based study of subjectification of the BAGE-construction in modern Mandarin Yuchen Li and Zhengguang Liu 17.15-17.40 17.40-18.05 18.05-18.30 Odiferous affect roots in Huehuetla Tepehua Carolyn O'Meara & Susan Kung Seri smell verbs in the 21st century Carolyn O’Meara Discussion ------ Viewpoint reconstruction and legitimization in news narratives: A diachronic study Kobie van Krieken & José Sanders Explicit marking of factive/fictive change participants: An account of alternations between the accusative and other oblique cases in Korean and Japanese Katsunobu Izutsu & Yongtaek Kim Previous information influences metonymy interpretation: Evidence from eye tracking Xianglan Chen, Fang Li & Xiaolin Zhou What, if anything, is a phoneme? Cognitive Phonology beyond the alphabetic metaphor Cormac Anderson Metaphors for music: Different Levels of Conceptualization Nina Julich & Paula Pérez-Sobrino Erotic Metaphors Jazz Musicians Play By Kenneth Cook & Russell Alfonso ICLC13 Final Programme Tuesday 21st July 2015 18.30-18.50 18.50-19.10 19.10-19.30 19.30-19.50 19.50-20.10 20.10-20.30 THEME SESSION cont. What a study of Smell can tell CL Organiser: Asifa Majid THEME SESSION The Lexicon and Beyond Organiser: Christian Kay CCE1-001 Smell terminology and cross-modal smell associations among three culturally and linguistically diverse groups Ewelina Wnuk CCE1-002 Through the mists of time: new perspectives on English metaphor Wendy Anderson & Carole Hough Mapping historical metaphor: surprising and astonishing developments Kathryn Allan Giants among men: the real and the unreal in diachronic metaphor analysis Christian Kay & Ellen Bramwell Populating input spaces: Conceptual Blending and the Historical Thesaurus of English Marc Alexander & Fraser Dallachy The lexis of labour relations in Hansard across time: perspectives from the Historical Thesaurus of English Lesley Jeffries, Jane Demmen & Brian Walker Mapping aggression over time using the Historical Thesaurus of English Dawn Archer and Bethan McCarthy THEME SESSION Cognitive Perspectives on Linguistic Taboo Organiser: Andrea Pizarro Pedraza CCE1-003 From explicit prohibition to ambiguity in prohibiting Pedro J. ChamizoDomínguez THEME SESSION cont. Language & Music Organiser: Geoffrey Nathan Bad language in Twitter: a socio-cognitive look on swearing with diseases in Dutch Tom Ruette Ageing and cognitive linguistics: What naming practices can reveal about underlying cultural conceptualizations Réka Benczes, Kate Burridge, Farzad Sharifian & Keith Allan Taking stance towards sexual taboo through semantic variation Andrea Pizarro Pedraza Common Resources in the Structural Processing of Language and Music Iliyana Trifonova & Elena Andonova Unexpected Accompaniment: Cognitive Mechanisms for Language-Music Mismatch in Time Hui-Chieh Hsu Language for Feeling: Lessons from Tourette Syndrome Shlomit Ritz Finkelstein The Influence of persian Language Rhythm on Iranian Traditional NonMetric Music Rhythm Nafiseh Taghva & Alireza Golshan Discussion Discussion CCE1-401 Speaking Volumes Helen Thomas Listening for categories: Eco-neurological approaches to engaging with music Marc Duby ICLC13 Final Programme Wednesday 22nd July 2015 Wednesday 22nd July 2015 08.30-08.55 THEME SESSION Cognitive Commitment 25 years on Organiser: Dagmar Divjak, Natalia Levshina & Jane Klavan CCE1-001 Introduction Dagmar Divjak, Natalia Levshina & Jane Klavan THEME SESSION Cognitive Discourse Analysis Organiser: Thora Tenbrink Embodiment Chair: Barbara Fultner Fictive Motion Chair: Iraide IbarretxeAntuñano Child Acquisition Chair: Rachel Hatchard Time and space Chair: Eve Sweetser Nominalization Chair: Svetoslava Antonova-Baumann CCE1-002 Cognitive Discourse Analysis: Using insights from cognitive linguistics to analyse language use Thora Tenbrink CCE1-003 Bridging the gap between conceptual metaphor and embodied experience Marlene Falck CCE1-401 Variable aspectual coercion in Spanish fictive motion expressions Nicole Delbecque CCE1-402 Testing the P-chain model; does language learning predict comprehension and production in children? Nick Riches Distributional properties of input and the learning of argument structure constructions Yevgen Matusevych, Afra Alishahi & Ad Backus CCE1-403 On the non-existence of spatial metaphors for time Alan Wallington CCE1-009 Nominalizing nominalizations: the (hi)story of the nominal gerund Lauren Fonteyn The effect of reading directions on spatial representation of timeline Kazuko Shinohara & Yoshihiro Matsunaka The Ving Nominalizations from a Cognitive Grammar Perspective Nadya Naumova 08.55-09.20 Do Historical Linguists Need the Cognitive Commitment? Prosodic Change in East Slavic Tore Nesset Visual image perception, event understanding and dyslexia Lucy Barrett The dynamics of embodiment and collaborative emergence Michael Kimmel Blending and Radiation Paths Suzanne Kemmer 09.20-09.45 Templates in child and adult phonology (and their relation to adult systems) Marilyn Vihman Diversity of Spatial Concepts and Language in Architects, Painters and Sculptors Claudia Cialone, Thora Tenbrink & Hugo Spiers The Fictive Motion of Emanation in Japanese Compound Verbs: A Frame-Semantic Approach Yiting Chen How do young Englishspeaking children acquire verb-particle constructions? Emilie Riguel The primary metaphor components and generic structure of Moving Ego and Moving Time Kevin Moore Things As Relations: A Case of Nominalization from Arabic Reyadh Aldokhayel 09.45-10.10 Cognitive Grammar and Implicit Grammar Harald Baayen Non-actual motion sentences in Swedish, French and Thai Johan Blomberg & Jordan Zlatev The English dative alternation: evidence from first language acquisition Daniel Bürkle Is the morpheme category cognitively realistic? Alice Blumenthal-Dramé A corpus-based approach to fictive motion: A contribution to usagebased cognitive linguistics Sheila Martín & Gitte Kristiansen Metaphor Development in Arabic-Speaking Children Alaa Almohammadi & Gabriella Rundblad Perceptual Images of Time: The Comparative Analysis of Data from Russian and English Corpora Vladimir Glebkin GAP Nominal and verbal gerunds in Present-day English: a case of diverging flexibilities Charlotte Maekelberghe 10.10-10.35 Talking live about an ongoing event: transposing CODA to natural language corpus studies? Charlotte Danino Climbing, Fighting and Talking to Mountains: What Alpine Narratives Reveal about Our Spatial Experience Katja Egorova Head, shoulders, knees, and toes: The partitioning of the body in the embodied marking of stance Sally Rice & Jennifer Hinnel Toward modeling the embodiment of metaphorical meanings Andrew Gargett 10.35-11.00 11.00-12.30 12.30-13.55 Embodied Sources of Conceptual Blending: Evidence for Primary Blends Across the Transverse Plane Jamin Pelkey Coffee break Plenary: HANS-JÖRG SCHMID Theory: the Entrenchment-and-Conventionalization Model. Methods: corpus-crunching, web-crawling, brain-imaging, and eye-tracking CCE1-001 and CCE1-002 Lunch break & Poster Session Asymmetrical Distributions in Nominal Conceptual Expansion Sadayuki Okada ICLC13 Final Programme Wednesday 22nd July 2015 Metaphors for Protest: The Persuasive Power of Cross-Domain Mappings on Demonstration Posters Gerrit Kotzur Pretty Little Chunks of Language: A usage-based approach to teaching formulaic language to young L2 learners Saskia Kersten Spatial opposition vs visual accessibility and contrast: an experiment with Estonian demonstratives Maria Reile Perceptive Images of the Concepts Happiness and Harmony: A Comparative Analysis of Data from Russian and English Corpora Elizaveta Bespalova Corpus Based Grammatical Order for Learning Contents Outline of Thai as a Foreign Language Watit Pumyoo Perception of Non-Native Errors: How Native Speakers of German Judge and Comprehend Erroneous German Evghenia Goltsev On Dynamic Construal in Cognitive Linguistics: Cognitive Simulations of Movement as Instances of Mental Imagery in Fictive Motion Processing Alena Holubcova Gairaigo Collocations and Phrase-like Gairaigo Compounds in Contemporary Japanese Anna Bordilovskaya Processing of Inflectional morphology in L1 and L2 Japanese Peng Zhang & Hong Zhu A corpus-based approach to causative-passive ambiguities in the get+NP+past participle Katsuko Tomotsugu A matter of taste: Comparing Turkish, French, and English winery tasting notes Christina Hostetler The conceptual nature of rhetorical effects in legal and diplomatic discourse Sana Chakroun Allomorphy: Old Concept, Big Data, New Model Anna Endresen Creating a meme: Conceptual Blending Theory and Internet memes Sebastian Malinowski Representational distinctions between active-voice, be-passive, and get-passive Dominic Thompson Representing irony in digital communication Dominic Thompson, Hartmut Leuthold & Ruth Filik What to wear today? Convergence and divergence in Dutch clothing terminology Jocelyne Daems & Karlien Franco Highlighting Different Components of the Metonymy: A Comparative Study of English and Korean Youngsoon Cho Constructicon Building as a Practical Implementation of Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics Kyoko Ohara Conceptual Extension from Trajectory to Landmark: A Cognitivebased approach to SVC Tianyu Li & Andrew Spencer A Corpus-based Study of Chinese Non-basic Color Terms from the Perspective of Cognitive Semantics Yahong Xue Metaphors and blending in Erzya and Šokša Mordvin disease names Flóra Hatvani Pedagogical Conceptualization of English Articles Benjamin White Metaphorical Patterns of HEART AND HEAD in English and Chinese Yi Li Dynamic processes in the syntax of Russian northern dialects Elena Guseva Beat-like gestures use in different types of speech in American English Mathilde Peyré Fibromyalgia and its metaphors: a corpusbased study Sondos Ibrahim THEME SESSION cont. Cognitive Commitment 25 years on CCE1-001 If case functions are real, must cases and paradigms also be real? Neil Bermel, Luděk Knittl & Jean Russell THEME SESSION cont. Cognitive Discourse Analysis CCE1-002 The conceptualization of emotion in monologic vs. dialogic discourse Katie Hoemann Multi-modal metaphor Chair: Charles Forceville Lexical typology Chair: TBC Bilingualism Chair: Raphael Berthele Time and space Chair: Kevin Moore Morphology Chair: Maarten Lemmens CCE1-003 Multimodal metaphor in energy businesses advertising discourse on environment and sustainability across time Blanca Kraljevic Mujic CCE1-401 Verbs of Rotation: a Cross-Linguistic Look at Metaphorical Extensions Victoria Kruglyakova & Ekaterina Rakhilina CCE1-403 Conceptualization of TIME in Two Formosan Languages Fuhui Hsieh CCE1-009 “Polyfunctionality of –ara in Karuk” Karie Moorman 14.20-14.45 Early action words Iris Nomikou, Katharina Rohlfing & Jean Mandler Understanding Students’ Representations of Complex Processes Through Cognitive Discourse Analysis Rachel Lam The “Great Recession”, consumerist ideology and multi-modal metaphors Fabio Indìo Massimo Poppi Raining on the typological parade: A corpus investigation of meteorological constructions in German Claudia Heinrich 14.45-15.10 The Radial Category as an Emergent Structure Hanne Eckhoff, Laura Janda & Tore Nesset Computer talk or audience design? Localization strategies in human-machine interaction Vivien Mast Verbo-pictorial realizations of image schematic metaphors in cartoons. A case study Elżbieta Górska Relationships as gestalts: Kinship and space in Otomí Ditte Boeg Thomsen & Magnus Pharao Hansen CCE1-402 Effects of interlingual homographs during lexical access in ChineseJapanese bilinguals Ming-che Hsieh, Hyeonjeong Jeong, Motoaki Sugiura & Ryuta Kawashima More alike than we thought: creating equivalence between Turkish and Dutch in bilingual speech Derya Demirçay & Ad Backus Word frequency and phrase frequency predict switch placement in Russian-German codemixing Nikolay Khakimov The effects of stimulus modality on interpretation of ambiguous temporal metaphors Elise Stickles & Tasha Lewis On the conventionalisation of alternate timequantification construals Mikolaj Deckert & Piotr Pezik Hungarian morphological constructions in -ék between homogeneous and heterogeneous construal Rita Brdar-Szabó, Mario Brdar & Nóra Kugler Light verbs: event modulation or verb classification? Maarten Lemmens & Kalyanamalini Sahoo 13.00-13.55 POSTER SESSION 13.55-14.20 ICLC13 Final Programme Wednesday 22nd July 2015 On linguistic categories as categories: antonyms, synonyms, and nononyms Carita Paradis & Debela Tesfaye Taking into consideration addressee's background knowledge in route explanations Elena Pupynina Image schemata in education: implications and entailments of varying construals of CLASS(ROOM) Shala Barczewska THEME SESSION cont. Cognitive Commitment 25 years on CCE1-001 Convergence and divergence in Cognitive Linguistics: Facing up to alternative realities of linguistic categories John Newman & Tamara Sorenson Duncan A plea for converging evidence: the case of causal categories in discourse Ted Sanders & Wilbert Spooren THEME SESSION cont. Cognitive Discourse Analysis CCE1-002 Le gritche, le mégatrans et les Tombeaux du Temps: Strategies for constructing meaning for unconventional lexical units Idília Santos Spatial representations and high-level cognitive processes from a crosslinguistic perspective: Evidence from discourse analysis and eye tracking Efstathia Soroli Complement Clauses Chair: TBC Mental Spaces Chair: Barbara Dancygier CCE1-003 Analyzing Complement Clauses with the Verb Know from an Intersubjective View Chiharu Nakashima CCE1-401 Mental spaces and grammar in interaction: the case of concessive metaspatial constructions Andre Vinicius Lopes Coneglian Deixis in the Fourth Dimension Catherine Cook 17.05-17.30 Discussant: Dirk Geeraerts Strategy Selection in Collaborative Spatial Tasks Alexia Galati 17.30-17.55 GAP Discussion 15.10-15.35 15.35-16.15 16.15-16.40 16.40-17.05 17.55-18.15 18.15-21.00 Extensions in Event Construal and Grammatical Constructions Kazumi Taniguchi Item-based relevance of the usage-based theory to L2 acquisition of Japanese particles Kaori Kabata Time in the history of Japanese Toshiko Yamaguchi Periphery matters: types and consequences of semantic overlap Anastasia Makarova Time Chair: Günter Radden Morphology Chair: Patrick Duffley CCE1-403 Asymmetric properties in Japanese temporal metaphors Kohei Suzuki CCE1-009 Nominal paradigmatic gaps in Russian: what makes language fail Aleksandrs Berdičevskis Benefit of iconic gestures in second language acquisition: Differential effects on parts of speech Tasha Lewis & Matthew Kirkhart Temporal Sequence in Chinese Overlapping Structures Shudong Ma Actionality and Empirical Evidence: Punctual Verbs in Russian Anna Alexandrova & Svetlana Sokolova Deaf and hard of hearing students Learning English as a Foreign Language: A usage-based and neurocognitive basis Patricia Muñoz Savings paradigm and pervasive childhood language loss in an adoptee Ludmila Isurin & Christy Seidel Naming of Time Words Affects Temporal Reasoning Strategy and Performance Nian Liu The role of exemplification in categorization processes: evidence from Japanese Alessandra Barotto The Effects of Smart Mobilephone Use Experience on English and Chinese Speakers’ Time Cognition Heng Li & Jijia Zhang Number as boundedness in Kujireray nominal classification Rachel Watson DGM book launch and coffee break Zero complementizer constructions and the emergence of epistemic parentheticals: A diachronic corpus based multivariate analysis Christopher Shank & Koen Plevoets Elliptical complement clauses in interaction Arne Zeschel & Felix Bildhauer Non-finite clause complementation: object complement constructions Doris Schönefeld Bueno. A Window Opener Patricia Palacios & Ricardo Maldonado Reportative evidentiality and attribution: an account of ‘according to X’ expressions Caterina Guardamagna Language Learning & Loss Chair: Marjolijn Verspoor CCE1-402 Thinking-for-Speaking and the EFL Mind: Faceto-Face Dialogue to Talk about Vertical Space Tae Kunisawa Graduate Student Event CCE1-001 & ICLA Board Meeting ICLC13 Final Programme Thursday 23rd July 2015 Thursday 23rd July 2015 08.30-08.55 08.55-09.20 THEME SESSION Grammar, Gestures & Conceptualization Organiser: Alan Cienki & Geert Brône CCE1-001 Gestural specification and completion in multimodal construction grammar: A case study on instrumental and causal actions involving Cut and Break Geert Brône & Paul Sambre Gestural expressions of spatial information in L1 and L2 Maarten Lemmens & Julien Perrez Argument structure Chair: Dylan Glynn Psycholinguistics Chair: Nick Riches Metaphor Chair: Elżbieta Górska Taboo & politeness Chair: TBC Motion events Chair: Nicole Delbecque Discourse markers & pragmatics Chair: Kiki Nikiforidou CCE1-002 Constructemes, variation and acceptability – on the interplay between item-specific valency constructions and argument structure generalizations Thomas Herbst CCE1-003 Do pattern detection abilities facilitate processing? Evidence from naturalistic selfpaced reading Dagmar Divjak, Florent Perek, Harald Baayen, Petar Milin & Lily FitzGibbon Agrammatism, working memory and lexicongrammar distinction Byuraknn Ishkhanyan CCE1-401 How we communicate: bringing together different approaches of metaphor Claudia Strey CCE1-402 Speak of the dead: Semantic domination and death taboos Alexis Black CCE1-403 From perception to language: The importance of speed in motion descriptions Piia Taremaa CCE1-009 Conciousness, Intersubjectivity and Evidentiality in Interaction. Parenthetical constructions and discourse markers clusters in oral academic discourse Gisela Elina Müller Aristotle and Cognitive Linguistics: Metaphor by Any Other Name Gregory Membrez After 15 years of sobriety I found out he was drinking and using again: Taboo avoidance as a trigger for object drop? Tania de Dios Linguistic and conceptual representation of motion in English and Chinese Yinglin Ji Metaphors of Language: The Role of Primary Metaphors and Image Schemata in Metalinguistic Discourse Michael Link Types of metonymic motivation in English and Polish euphemisms: a contrastive study Marcin Kuczok A Corpus-Based Analysis of Metaphor in Korean Spatial Expressions Sang-Rae CHO, SeungChul SHIN, Jin-hee KIM Granted from a Conjunction to a Discourse Marker: A usage-based development of (Inter)subjectivity of dangling participles Naoko Hayase From resultancy to discourse: so as a presentential discourse marker Chunmei Hu, Rong Chen & Lin He How viruses and beasts affect our opinions (or not): The role of extendedness in metaphorical framing Gudrun Reijnierse GAP A Study on Negative Questions Miki Hanazaki & Kazuo Hanazaki Motion Events and Time in Mandarin Chinese— the Case of Guo Lihong Huang GAP The choice of the construction for motion events in Italian: A comparison of Japanese and English expressions Yuko Yoshinari Deriving constructions bottom-up: a case for lexically bound miniconstructions Samantha Laporte 09.20-09.45 Conceptual organization features of gestures associated with negation. The case of the Vertical Palm Simon Harrison Towards a data-driven identification of argument structure constructions in large corpora Arne Zeschel 09.45-10.10 The Family of Away Gestures: Embodied roots of negative assessment, refusal, and negation Cornelia Müller & Jana Bressem Children’s multimodal grammar under construction: The example of negation Aliyah Morgenstern Another glance at verbs and constructions Hidemitsu Takahashi 10.10-10.35 10.35-11.00 11.00-12.30 Developing a TOUCHING is BELIEVING ICM: Using a diachronic corpus based approach to examine transitivity and epistemicity Christopher Shank When you need to buy time while accessing verbs vs. nouns: Disfluency evidence for the timecourse of sentence planning and lexicalization Zara Harmon & Vsevolod Kapatsinski Comprehension of words describing speed involves speed in auditory and visual perception Laura Speed & Gabriella Vigliocco Constructivist theory and methods in aphasia: A usage-based examination of verbs Rachel Hatchard When and how to infer participants' cognitions in interaction in a conversation analytic framework Henrike Helmer The pragmatic functions of wh- interrogative words in Cebuano Michael Tanangkingsing Coffee break Plenary MIRJAM FRIED Evidentiality, mirativity and epistemicity in speaker-centered interactional datives CCE1-001 and CCE1-002 ICLC13 Final Programme Thursday 23rd July 2015 12.30-12.45 12.45-18.00 18.00-19.00 19.00-23.00 Boxed lunches available for collection (with pre-purchase) Excursions All guided excursions will leave from and return to City Campus East, Northumbria University Conference Dinner (Discovery Museum, Blandford Square) Arrival at museum from 19.00 Informal bowl food served from 19.30 ICLC13 Final Programme Friday 24th July 2015 Friday 24th July 2015 08.30-08.55 THEME SESSION Figurative Language Use: The case of irony Organiser: Angeliki Athanasiadou & Herbert Colston CCE1-001 Irony in follow-ups and modifications of quoted metaphors Andreas Musolff 08.55-09.20 When is Irony Not Funny? Albert Katz 09.20-09.45 Introducing a threedimensional model of verbal irony: Irony in language, in thought, and in communication Christian Burgers & Gerard Steen 09.45-10.10 Irony Across Media Robert Willison 10.10-10.35 Default sarcastic interpretations: When negatives are easier to understand than affirmatives Rachel Giora, Shir Givoni & Ofer Fein 10.35-11.00 THEME SESSION Grammar, Gestures & Conceptualization Organiser: Alan Cienki & Geert Brône THEME SESSION Usage-based Second Language Acquisition Organiser: Heike Behrens & Karin Madlener CCE1-002 Conceptualizing plurality in speech and gesture Jana Bressem CCE1-003 Learned attention and transfer in SLA Nick Ellis & CintrónValentín Emergent grammar in gesture: A motioncapture analysis of image-schematic aspectual contours Irene Mittelberg, Jennifer Hinnel, Christian Beecks, Marwan Hassani & Thomas Seidl Grammatical aspect, gesture, and mental simulation in Russian and French Alan Cienki, Raymond Becker, Dominique Boutet, Aliyah Morgenstern & Olga Iriskhanova Visual stance markers: is shrugging lexical or grammatical? Insights from sign languages and language acquisition Camille Debras Conditional constructions, gestural space, and mental spaces Eve Sweetser & Isaac Smith Age effects reconsidered: Comparing native and nonnative speakers' knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and collocations Ewa Dąbrowska Constructional Change Chair: Ilona Tragel Metaphor studies Chair: Mimi Huang Talmy’s Typology Chair: Thomas (Fuyin) Li Translation Chair: Neil Bermel CCE1-401 Constructional change reflects change I n associated non-linguistic practice: The case of betting constructions with says Dan Ponsford The grammaticalization and lexicalization of Chinese disjunction: A historical corpus study Zhuo Jing-Schmidt CCE1-402 Metonymy, metaphors and constructions in a corpus-based Embodied Construction Grammar framework Oana David, Elise Stickles & Ellen Dodge Changes on the use of JOURNEY metaphors in American presidential speeches Wing Shan Chan & Kathleen Ahrens CCE1-403 Physical qualities: Typological patterns of lexicalization Ekaterina Rakhilina & Tatiana Reznikova CCE1-009 Aspectual choice in modal contexts: a perspective from translation studies Nina Szymor A corpus study of changeof-state expressions in English from the viewpoint of Talmy’s typology Akinori Ito Using corpora as a tool in teaching English-Russian translation within the cognitive approach Irina Remkhe & David Gillespie Item-based pattern learning: Does it work the same for L1 and L2 Brian MacWhinney Did actually Pat throw Chris the ball at Westmynster? A Diachronic Construction Grammar account Juan Gabriel VázquezGonzález Defining paradigms and metaphorical models: the case of POLITICS in British discourse Emilie LHôte The notion of subjectivity in the use of the Spanish pseudo-copular verb of change hacerse Lise Van Gorp & Nicole Delbecque Neo-concepts in user guides: A cognitive linguistic and translational analysis Augustyn Rafał Investigating exposure and duress in late bilingualism Lourdes Ortega & Mariko Uno Constructional change in Swedish. The case of Concessive constructions Peter Andersson Manner-of-Speaking in English Theory and Verification Jodi Sandford Motivation in translation: A case study M. Sandra Peña Implementing a dynamic usage based approach in the classroom Marjolijn Verspoor Productivity, autonomy, and schema salience: Assessing constructionalization patterns in morphology and syntax Stefan Hartmann The Conceptualization of ‘Austerity’ in the Portuguese, Spanish and Irish Press Augusto Soares da Silva, María Cuenca & Manuela Romano Patterns of certainty in metaphor usage in a debate about the existence of God Peter Richardson How African languages fit in Talmy's typology of event integration Kazuhiro Kawachi, Yuko Abe, Osamu Hieda, Kyoko Koga, Junko Komori, Nobuko Yoneda & Hiroshi Yoshino Lexical Variation and Conceptual Representation across Languages: Exploring the structure of lexical fields from an embodied perspective Pawel Sickinger Coffee break ICLC13 Final Programme Friday 24th July 2015 11.00-12.30 Plenary RONALD LANGACKER Baseline and Elaboration CCE1-001 and CCE1-002 12.30-13.30 Lunch break THEME SESSION cont. Figurative Language Use: The case of irony CCE1-001 On irony and culture in Portuguese: What do authentic oral data tell us on discursive irony in European Portuguese? Hanna Batoréo THEME SESSION cont. Grammar, Gestures & Conceptualization CCE1-002 Towards pragmatic gestures. From repetition to construction in multimodal pragmatics Catherine Bolly 13.55-14.20 Encouraging People to Use Irony Raymond Gibbs Gestural triggers at the semantic-pragmatic interface in humorous interaction Sabina Tabacaru 14.20-14.45 The on- line processing of verbal irony: Comprehension and emotional impact Ruth Filik Conceptual reification and sequential scanning in gestures? On Gestures and their relation to nouns and verbs of spoken language Silva H. Ladewig 14.45-15.10 Irony performance and perception: Motivations underlying use and comprehension Herbert Colston Multimodality of the Caused Motion Construction Suwei Wu Empirical evidence for grammatical constituency: Pitch variation in spontaneous speech production Alvin Cheng-Hsien Chen & Shu-Chuan Tseng 15.10-15.35 Irony in Relation to Other Figures in a PretenceBased Framework John Barnden Gestures as blends of basic conceptual archetypes: Insights from a crowd-sourced perception study Kasper Kok Semantic informativeness of up and down in English particle verbs: insights from the language of the blind and the sighted Renata Geld & MateuszMilan Stanojević 13.30-13.55 15.35-16.00 Psycholinguistics Chair: Ewa Dąbrowska Talmy’s Typology Chair: Thomas (Fuyin) Li Constructional Change Chair: Zhuo Jing-Schmidt SLA and pedagogy Chair: Marjolijn Verspoor CCE1-003 Grammatical 'means' background: effects of grammatical status and letter detection in Danish Nicoline Munck Vinther & Kasper Boye CCE1-401 Ways of saying: Exploring verbs of communication in Spanish and English from a typological perspective M Rosario Caballero CCE1-403 Challenging Korean Grammar Instruction through Schema Theory Mee-Jeong Park Production of multiwords in context: what processing of grammatical words tells us about the advance planning Maria Messerschmidt, Hartwig Siebner & Violaine Michel Lange The effect of entrenchment predictors on spoken language production: A corpus study of Russian speech errors Svetlana Gorokhova Do speakers select constructions depending on the naturalness of described complex motion events? Cases of video descriptions in Kupsapiny and Sidaama Kazuhiro Kawachi The role of minority languages in semantic typology: the case of Aragonese, Catalan and Spanish motion events Alberto Hijazo-Gascón, Iraide IbarretxeAntuñano & Teresa Moret-Oliver Clause Integration and Path Coding in Different Types of Caused Motion Yo Matsumoto, Kimi Akita, Kiyoko Eguchi, Monica Kahumburu, Miho Mano, Takahiro Morita & Kiyoko Takahashi A Cross-linguistic Study of Caused Motion Constructions: Some typological issues Rong Luo CCE1-402 Constructionalization and the loss of collocational constraints: A case study of Dutch binominal constructions Emmeline Gyselinck & Timothy Colleman An Analysis of Premodifier Zones in Evaluative Binominal Noun Phrases Elnora ten Wolde Coffee break Conflict and Crisis Chair: Lise-Lotte Holmgreen CCE1-009 Information Wars: Cognitive Paradoxes Ievgeniia Bondarenko Applying Cognitive Linguistics in the Second Language Classroom: Teaching English Phrasal Verbs Narges Mahpeykar, Andrea Tyler, Yuka Akiyama & Hana Jan Two kinds of cognitive pedagogical grammars Michel Achard Conceptualising the Arab Revolutions: A CorpusBased Approach to Conceptual Metaphors and Event-Construal in Political Discourse Stefanie Ullmann Scalarity Encoded in Mandarin Chinese Minimizers through Constructional Association I-Hsuan Chen Putting constructicon resources to use in L2 learning: examples from Swedish Sofia Tingsell, Benjamin Lyngfelt, Joel Olofsson & Julia Prentice Frame Shifting in Insults and Amateur Propaganda: The Analysis of Linguistic Creativity during the Ukrainian Political Crisis Natalia Knoblock What forms and functions get to the left peripheries in Japanese conditional constructions? Seiko Fujii The Cognitive Commitment and Endangered Language Pedagogy Sally Rice Linguistic Creativity in the Time of Political Crisis: Role of Analogy Natalia Knoblock & Natalia Gunina Constructionalisation, competition, and the case of Middle English ditransitives Eva Zehentner Incorporating image schemas into categorization procedures: Vantage Theoretic approach Serhiy Potapenko ICLC13 Final Programme Friday 24th July 2015 16.00-16.25 16.25-16.50 THEME SESSION cont. Figurative Language Use: The case of irony THEME SESSION cont. Grammar, Gestures & Conceptualization CCE1-001 Cognitive modeling and irony Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza CCE1-002 Discussant: Mirjam Fried Irony has a metonymic basis Angeliki Athanasiadou GAP ---- 16.50-18.05 18.05-18.30 CCE1-001 18.30-18.50 TROLLING Demonstration Laura Janda 19.10-19.30 Sense activation triggering in English epistentials: Attention distribution, contextual modulation of meaning, and categorization issues Guenther Lampert Psycholinguistics Chair: Rachel Hatchard Evolution of Grammar Chair: TBC Conflict and Crisis Chair: Christopher Hart SLA and pedagogy Chair: TBC CCE1-401 On the correlation of speech rate and word frequency David Lorenz CCE1-402 People make things messier: How communicative pressures shape linguistic complexity Jonas Nölle, Peeter Tinits, Stefan Hartmann & Michael Pleyer Differences in the Semantic Range of the English, Dutch, and German Perfects and CGravitation Naoaki Wada CCE1-403 "Why am I an idiot when the law is on my side?": A study of crises, public opinion and frames Lise-Lotte Holmgreen CCE1-009 Metaphoric Competence of EFL Learners in EAP Writing Yi-chen Chen Figuring metaphorical dimensions of meaning in illness and political conflict discourse Andrew Gargett & John Barnden GAP Experimental arguments for anticipation effect in connectionist neural networks Olivier Dufor, Xiaoran Jiang, Deok-Hee KimDufor & Claude Berrou ICLA Business meeting CCE1-001 WORKSHOP 18.50-19.10 THEME SESSION Forum for the Empirical Study of Talmyan Theory Organiser: Thomas Li CCE1-003 Relating Language to Other Cognitive Systems Leonard Talmy THEME SESSION Use of Parallel Texts in Cognitive Linguistics Organiser: Michael Barlow, Wei-lun Lu & Arie Verhagen CCE1-002 Parallel Texts as a Methodology in Investigation of Language of Space: The Case of English and Czech Magdaléna Honcová & Wei-lun Lu Meaning approximation, cluster equivalence and parallel corpora Barbara LewandowskaTomaszczyk Probabilistic semantic maps of causation and causality: A study based on a multilingual parallel corpus Natalia Levshina THEME SESSION cont. Forum for the Empirical Study of Talmyan Theory CCE1-003 Crossing modalities: A Cognitive Semantics Perspective on Quoting Martina Lampert The Linguistic Representation of Agency in Causal Chains Thomas (Fuyin) Li & Mengmin Xu Perspective, Events of Motion and Talmyan Typology: What do EP and BP data teach us on verb-framed and satellite-framed patterns in Portuguese? Hanna Batoréo & Lilian Ferrari THEME SESSION The Embodied basis of Constructions in Greek and Latin Organiser: Egle Mocciaro & William Michael Short CCE1-401 Reversive constructions in Latin: the case of re- and disLuisa Brucale A construction-grammar approach to ancient Greek particles Annemieke Drummen A constructional approach to the polysemy and use of motion verbs in Ancient Greek Thanasis Georgakopoulos, Anna Piata & Kiki Nikiforidou ICLC13 Final Programme Friday 24th July 2015 Phraseological 19.30-19.50 19.50-20.10 20.10-20.30 20:30-20:50 motivation and translation strategies: Translation of Spanish and English conventional figurative units into Czech Enrique Gutiérrez Rubio Translating the invisible: Fictive questions in an Old Chinese text and its English translations Mingjian Xiang & Esther Pascual A phylogenetic comparative investigation of sourcegoal asymmetries in Indo-European Annemarie Verkerk Discussant: Brian MacWhinney On the lexicalization pattern of the event of temporal contouring Yiyun Liao & Thomas (Fuyin) Li The non-past uses of the Ancient Greek aorist: A Cognitive Grammar view Arjan Nijk Typology for Chinese: A Corpus-based Study on Serial Verb Constructions Tianyu Li The Role of Prepositional Locatives in the Greek Garb Vocabulary Cluster Maria Papadopoulou Discussant: Leonard Talmy The spatial basis of the organization of the verbal case system in Classical Greek Daniel Riaño Rufilanchas ICLC13 Final Programme Saturday 25th July 2015 Saturday 25th July 2015 08.30-08.55 THEME SESSION Meaning Making in Multimodal Discourse Organiser: Cornelia Müller & Małgorzata Fabiszak CCE1-001 Multimodal alignment is dynamic: evidence from cross recurrence methods Bert Oben, Geert Brône & Kurt Feyaerts Discourse construction Chair: Vera Tobin CCE1-002 Dialogic syntax as distributed cognition: Analyzing the structure of engagement John Du Bois THEME SESSION Corpus Methods in Cognitive Linguistics Organiser: Dylan Glynn, Karolina Krawczak & Nele Põldvere CCE1-003 (In)Direct causation and finite/infinitival complementation in Portuguese: a multifactorial corpusbased and conceptual analysis Augusto Soares da Silva & Rainer Vesterinen A corpus-based analysis of the construction network of verb complement clauses in Afrikaans Bertus Van Rooy & Haidee Kruger 08.55-09.20 Communicative accommodation in the intercultural environment of German - Polish borderland Maciej Karpiński & Ewa Jarmołowicz-Nowikow Cognitive approach to the role of context in discourse construction Nikolay Boldyrev & Olga Dubrovskaya 09.20-09.45 Patterns of multimodal meaning making in career “Clean Language” coaching sessions Konrad Juszczyk A cognitive linguistic account of the interpretive use of the English progressive construction Keiko Shimizu Beyond raw frequency: the grammaticalization of Afrikaans "gaan" Johanita Kirsten 09.45-10.10 Subtle Messages of Campaign Commercials Dorothea Horst Expanding illocutionary scenarios via metonymic inference Klaus-Uwe Panther & Linda Thornburg Ongoing Historical Development of Three Types of V-V Sequences in English Noriko Matsumoto 10.10-10.35 Multimodal discourses of collective memory: Gesture Małgorzata Fabiszak Evaluative discourse in conversation and in a corpus Jerzy Tomaszczyk On the position and meanings of epistemic complement-taking predicates in spoken British English Nele Pöldvere & Carita Paradis 10.35-11.00 11.00-12.30 Statistics and Artificial Intelligence Chair: TBC CCE1-401 Situated Language Understanding for a Robot based on Linguistic Constructions & Embodied Simulation Matthias Priesters, Malte Schilling & Stefan Kopp Computational interfaces between constructions and frames: Modeling Construction-toConstruction and Construction-to-Frame relations in FrameNet Brasil Ludmilla Lage & Tiago Torrent The cognitive status of semantically significant and statistically significant collocations: An experimental approach Susen Faulhaber Investigating distance iconicity in alienability marking: an artificial language learning study Michal Láznička How greedy are linguistic profiles? Aleksandrs Berdicevskis & Hanne Eckhoff THEME SESSION Cognitive-functional approaches to adjectives Organiser: Yoshikata Shibuya & Kim Ebensgaard Jensen CCE1-402 Lexical and constructional richness of adjectives: a diachronic study Yoshikata Shibuya Language Change Chair: TBC Literature and Poetics Chair: Mimi Huang CCE1-403 Frequency effects in sound changes Thaïs Cristófaro Silva & Christina Gomes CCE1-009 The mode of objectification/subjectific ation and its role in the shaping of narrative strategy in literary texts Magdalena Zyga Adjectives and usagepatterns in the [X enough to VERB]-construction Kim Jensen Frequency Effects in Production and Perception of a Morphological Changein-Progress in German Anne Krause Archetypal Roles and Modality in The Goldfinch Chloe Harrison Underspecification and inference at the adjective-adverb interface in Romance and English Martin Hummel Pronoun Origins: Early or late, simple or complex? Martin Edwardes Conceptual integration and split-selves in The Dark (John McGahern) Salvador Alarcón Adjective acquisition in children from high and low SES families evidence from spontaneous speech and structured elicitation Katharina Korecky-Kröll & Wolfgang Dressler Non-essential nonconstituency: adjectival secondary predicates in Supyire Robert Carlson Micro-level changes in Romance reflexive constructions: Semantic contiguity, referential identity and analogy Carolin Munderich Conceptual blending in patristic biblical exegesis Aleksander Gomola On the thwart to get athwart: on the origin and meaning change of athwart in motion situations Nuria Calvo Cortés Conceptual integration templates in diachrony: Imaging Emotions in Greek Poetry Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas Coffee break Plenary GABRIELLA VIGLIOCCO The bridge of iconicity: from a world of experience to the experience of language CCE1-001 and CCE1-002 ICLC13 Final Programme Saturday 25th July 2015 12.30-13.30 Lunch break THEME SESSION cont. Meaning Making in Multimodal Discourse Grammaticalization Chair: TBC THEME SESSION cont. Corpus Methods in Cognitive Linguistics Spatial experiments Chair: Tasha Lewis Dative Alternation > Acquisition of constructions Chair: Eva Zehentner CCE1-001 Trust dynamics in multimodal corporate discourse: the role of metaphor Matteo Fuoli CCE1-002 Parentheticals – theticalization, grammaticalization and the role of constructional slots Kasper Boye & Peter Harder CCE1-003 A corpus-driven approach to the study of ANGER in Russian Olesya Kisselev CCE1-401 Spatial Frames of Reference in Language and Cognition: A Case Study of Traditional Negev Arabic Letizia Cerqueglini CCE1-402 Syntactic variation and diachrony: the Dutch dative alternation Tim Geleyn THEME SESSION Cognitive Pragmatic Aspects of Information Structure and Flow Organiser: Jana Chamonikolasová & Wei-lun Lu CCE1-403 Frequency and the constant flow of linguistic information Gertraud Fenk-Oczlon 13.55-14.20 When embodied concepts are literally embodied. Multimodality and metaphor in abstract concept descriptions of blind children Anna Jelec The usage-based cognitive model of ANGER. A multifactorial usage-feature analysis Dylan Glynn Sensorimotor simulation in lexical and conceptual knowledge Ashley Chapman & Andriy Myachykov Cognitive constraints on the dative alternation across space, registers, and verb lemmas Melanie Röthlisberger Cognitive-functional principles shaping linear order in Chinese: a new perspective Anna Morbiato 14.20-14.45 Feeling for speaking and the dynamics of multimodal discourse Cornelia Müller & Benjamin Marienfeld Reconsidering Expressions of the English Future: Embodied experience, invited inferences, and interlexical polysemy in will versus be going to Hana Jan & Andrea Tyler The development of complex demonstratives with ‘her’/’der’ in Norwegian Urd Vindenes Negative Social Emotions from a Comparative Perspective. A usagebased approach Karolina Krawczak Space and Attitude: An experimental study of Polish demonstratives and possessives Magdalena Rybarczyk The role of linear modification in information structure Jana Chamonikolasová Hunting for polar questions in the Taiga Andreas Hölzl 14.45-15.10 Toward a cross-modal semantic annotation framework: POINT OF VIEW in discourse on political protests Chris Hart The importance of being animate: quantitative asymmetry in Russian case paradigms Julia Kuznetsova & Anastasia Makarova ---- Extracting Meaning from Mind: Experimental Validation Studies for Image-Schematic Direction of Abstract Verbs Ilona Tragel & Jane Klavan Constructions in L2processing and the Swedish Constructicon an experimental approach Julia Prentice A Dynamic Approach to Category Sensitivity of Coordinating Constructions: The Case of As well as Masaaki Fuji On the Two Perspectives in Mathesius's Study of Subject-Verb Relation Jianhua Chen & Jun Qian 15.10-15.35 How discourse shapes the understanding of gesture Silva Ladewig, Lena Hotze & Franziska Boll Semantic prosody of metaphors involving animacy: a corpus-based study Sai Ma & Ye Jin Image schemas in verbparticle constructions: evidence from a behavioural experiment Tangfeng Yang Effects of cross-linguistic differences in the grammaticalization of tense on intertemporal choice behavior: Evidence from experimental choice scenarios Dieter Thoma & Agnieszka Tytus German and Brazilian conceptualizations of business negotiations Milene Mendes de Oliveira 13.30-13.55 15.35-16.00 From “grammatical” to “discourse” constructions: the pragmaticalization se bem que concessive constructions in Brazilian Portuguese Maria Neves & Andre Coneglian Does metaphoric extension lead to semantic change? A corpus study of English 'get' Karen Sullivan & James Hultgren Coffee break Alternativity in Basic Communicative Spaces Network: the adversative taysin construction in Korean Iksoo Kwon Contextual Disengagement in the FSP Theory Lenka Stehlíková Culture & Cognition Chair: Andrew Gargett CCE1-009 Language, culture and age in the conceptualization, perception and understanding of heatwaves Chris Tang & Gabriella Rundblad Language Evolution, Narrative and the Nature of Cognition Rachel Edwards & Andrew Feeney ICLC13 Final Programme Saturday 25th July 2015 16.00-16.25 16.25-16.50 THEME SESSION cont. Meaning Making in Multimodal Discourse Grammaticalization Chair: Barbara Shaffer Cognitive approaches to grammar Chair: Kasper Boye Embodiment Chair: Andriy Myachykov Passive constructions Chair: TBC CCE1-001 Motion, metaphor and gesture: A comparison between referential gestures referring to concrete and abstract motion Yao Tong & Alan Cienki CCE1-002 The constructionalization of body part terms in Arabic Dana Abdulrahim CCE1-003 Animacy & Metonymy: The case of Spanish DOM with Humans Mario Della Costanza CCE1-401 Embodied Cognition and Intersubjectivity in Yoga Barbara Fultner CCE1-402 Syntactically marked passive constructions in Chinese: A corpus-based multivariate study Weiwei Zhang & Fang Wang Discussant: Alan Cienki Grammaticalization of the Verbs for ‘Take’ in Chinese and Thai: A Contrastive Study Kingkarn Thepkanjana & Satoshi Uehara A Construction Grammar Account of [V ge N] related to the Omission of Numeral Yi ‘One’ in Chinese NP Ziming Lu Embodied interaction and improvisation: Topics in skill research and tools for multimodal analysis Michael Kimmel & Ronald Kemsies ------ 16.50-17.15 Close THEME SESSION cont. Cognitive Pragmatic Aspects of Information Structure and Flow CCE1-403 DSM in Burmese: structuring information of and beyond a proposition Pavel Ozerov Information flow of legislative sentences from the viewpoint of a cognitive 2-move structure Alice Rubášová Discussant: Arie Verhagen
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