Waterville Opera House
Waterville Opera House
SPECIFICATIONS FOR Project No. HTF 2015-10 Structural Stone Repairs Waterville Opera House 202 E. Front Street Waterville, KS 66548 This project is partially funded by a Heritage Trust Fund Grant through the Kansas State Historical Society SPECIFICATIONS: Project No. HTF 2015-10 Structural Stone Repairs Waterville Opera House 202 E. Front Street Waterville, KS 66548 ARCHITECT: Bruce McMillan AIA, Architects, P.A. 555 Poyntz Avenue, Suite #295 Manhattan, Kansas 66502 (785) 776-1011 FAX (785) 776-9785 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: VMT Engineering 2847 5th Rd. Waterville, Kansas 66548 (785) 313-6774 Specification Date: December, 2015 Project No. 15.05 INDEX ● NOTICE TO BIDDERS ● CONTRACTOR’S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT AIA DOCUMENT A305 ● INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS AIA DOCUMENT A701 ● PROPOSAL P-1 - P-3 ● REQUEST FOR PROJECT EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE R-1 - R-2 ● GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION - AIA DOCUMENT A201 ● INDEX TO SPECIFICATIONS N-1 - N-2 1-6 1 - 10 1 - 38 I-1 - I-2 (to be submitted with bid) Project No. HTF 2015-10 Structural Stone Repairs Waterville Opera House City of Waterville, KS 136 East Commercial St. Waterville,KS 66548 Bruce McMillan AIA Architects, P.A. 555 Poyntz Avenue Suite 295 Manhattan, KS 66502 ARTICLE 9 SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS 9.1 The proposal form shall be filled out in full. Proposals for less than all the work will not be considered except if the work is divided into two or more parts, in which case each part covered by the bid shall be filled out in full. Extensions and totals submitted in the bid will be subject to audit and verification; unit prices shall govern in event of discrepancies between unit prices and extensions or totals. Each proposal shall bear the bidder’s name and exact post office address. Any person(s) signing as an agent shall submit acceptable evidence of his authority. 9.2 Each bidder shall submit with his proposal a certified check, cashier’s check on a solvent bank, or acceptable bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid shown on the proposal. This security shall be made payable to the Owner and will serve as a guarantee that he will file all bonds and securities required and enter into any contract awarded him, in accordance with the terms of his bid, within ten (10) days after certification of award. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into a contract with the Owner, said bid security shall be forfeited as liquidated damages and the money derived therefrom will be turned over to the use of the Owner. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days after the date of the bid opening. 9.3 The bidder to whom the contract is awarded will be required to furnish acceptable Performance and Statutory Bonds, each in the amount of the total contract price, in conformity with the requirements of the contract documents. 9.4 Each bidder shall acquaint himself with all conditions pertaining to the proposed work, and shall personally examine the site. Any prospective bidder in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the contract documents may submit to the Architect a written request for an interpretation thereof. Official interpretation, modification, or revision of the contract documents will be made only by Addendum, duly issued and mailed or delivered to each party having a set of contract documents. The architect assumes no liability for any other explanations or interpretations of the documents. 9.5 Bids shall be based on materials and equipment fully complying with the drawings and specifications. The Contractor shall be responsible, under his contract price or prices, for furnishing and installing materials and equipment conforming to the stipulated requirements, even though he names in his proposal other kinds or types of materials and equipment. 9.6 Before award of the contract, the successful bidder will be required to satisfy the Owner as to his experience and competence to construct the work; his integrity and reliability in carrying out the provisions of his performance bond; and his resources for the vigorous prosecution of the work. 9.7 Bidders are requested to be present at the opening of bids. All proposals shall be made and received with the express understanding that the bidder accepts the terms and conditions set forth in those instructions and the standard specifications, contract, and bond forms. No bidder shall be interested in more than one bid. Collusion among bidders or the submission of more than one bid under different names shall be cause for rejection of all such bids without consideration. 9.8 The right is reserved by the Owner to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularities therein, and to determine which is the lowest responsible bid most suitable to them and to award the contract on that basis. 9 9.9 The deposit check for plans of the successful bidder will be retained and he will be furnished with additional sets of plans and specifications upon return of such sets by unsuccessful bidders. If further additional sets are needed, they will be sold to him at cost. Unsuccessful bidders shall receive a full refund of the deposit if the plans are returned in good condition within ten (10) days after award of the contract and a bid has been submitted by those parties intending to do so. 9.10 It is anticipated that work under this contract will not commence until the actual delivery of materials and equipment at the site. The successful bidder shall order promptly all required materials and arrange for all construction equipment necessary, and shall vigorously prosecute the work to completion as rapidly as possible. If said work is not prosecuted with due diligence, the contract may be terminated by the Owner as set forth under Article 14 of the General Conditions. 9.11 The time of completion being an essential part of this contract, the Contractor will use all diligence to complete the project within the time specified on the proposal sheet. The Contractor will reimburse the Owner for the subsequent expense of supervision and inspection at the rate of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) per day for each additional calendar day in event the work to be performed under this contract is not completed within the time specified on the proposal sheet. The time for completion shall be extended for a period equivalent to the time lost because of inclement weather, the non-delivery of properly ordered materials, or other causes over which the Contractor has no control. The Architect shall determine the period of extension, if any, and his decision shall be final and binding upon both parties. 9.12 The General Contractor who is the apparent low bidder shall submit to the Architect a typewritten list of all Sub-Contractors and material suppliers to be used on this project within two (2) hours after bids are opened. This list shall be reviewed by the Architect and Owner for approval in accordance with the General Conditions. 10 PROPOSAL TO: City of Waterville, KS. Hereinafter called the Owner The undersigned (hereinafter called the Bidder) proposes to complete (Project No. HTF 2015-10 Structural Stone Repairs, Waterville Opera House, 202 E. Front Street, Waterville, KS 66548) (hereinafter called the Project) and to furnish all other materials, machinery, tools, equipment, labor, transportation and other means required to complete the project in accordance with the Plans and Specifications, and by this reference made a part thereof, prepared by Bruce McMillan AIA, Architects, P.A. (hereinafter called the Architect) and dated December, 2015. The Bidder has made careful examination of the area in which the project is to be completed, has become informed as to the kind of facilities required before and during the completion of the Project, and has become acquainted with the labor conditions which would affect the work. The Bidder agrees that if his bid is accepted, the terms and conditions set out in these Contract Documents shall govern. ARTICLE I. BID PRICE The Bidder will complete the Project for the following Base Bid: Dollars ($ (In case of discrepancy between words and figures, written words will govern.) ). Alternate No. 1: The Contractor will complete all work shown and specified for repair of the south façade of the building for the following amount. Dollars ($ ). Alternate No. 2: The Contractor will complete all work shown and specified for repair of the +/- 100 sq. ft. area on the east wall for the following amount. Dollars ($ ). Unit Price No. 1: The Contractor will provide and install new stone above the base bid allowance amount for the following amount. Dollars ($ ). S.F. Unit Price No. 2: The Contractor will provide additional tuckpointing beyond the base bid allowance amount for the following amount. Dollars ($ ). Lin. ft. ARTICLE II. TIME OF COMPLETION The Bidder will commence construction of the project within ten calendar days after receipt of the Notice to Proceed and proposes to complete the Project within calendar days, unless the period for completion is extended in accordance with the methods provided therefore in the construction contract. P-1 ARTICLE III. PERFORMANCE AND STATUTORY PAYMENT BOND The undersigned bidder agrees to execute the contract and furnish performance bonds and statutory payment bonds (State of Kansas), for the amount of the total of this bid and evidence that the insurance of the types and minimum limits specified has been obtained within five (5) calendar days from the date when the written notice of the award of the contract is delivered to him at the address given on this proposal. The name and address of the corporate surety with which the Bidder proposes to furnish the specified performance and payment bonds is as follows: NAME OF SURETY: ADDRESS OF SURETY: The undersigned bidder does hereby declare and stipulate that this proposal is made in good faith, without collusion or connection with any other person or persons bidding for the same work, and that it is made in pursuance of the subject to all the terms and conditions of the Notice to Bidders, the Instructions to Bidders, the Construction Contract, the Detailed Specifications, the Plans, and any Special Conditions and addenda pertaining to the work to be done, all which have been examined by the undersigned. ARTICLE IV. CONTRACT OR BID REJECTION The undersigned understands that his competence, experience, responsibility, and time of completion, as well as any other factors of interest to the Owner, will be consideration in making the award. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to accept or reject alternate bids and unit prices and to waive any informality or irregularity concerning the bids received as it may be in his interest to do so. Respectfully submitted, Name of Bidder By Title Business Address ATTEST: Secretary SEAL (If bid is by a Corporation) P-2 Bidders are required to acknowledge receipt of all addenda. Indicate below any or all such Addenda received. Addendum No. 1. 2. 3. 4. P-3 REQUEST FOR PROJECT EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE Kansas Department of Revenue Office of Policy and Research 915 SW Harrison St., Room 230 Topeka, KS 66612-1588 Date________________________ Telephone: (785) 296-3081 Fax: (785) 296-7928 It is requested that a Certificate of Exemption be issued to the Petitioning Authority for the following described project if it is determined by the Department of Revenue that the proposed project qualifies for exemption from sales tax under the provisions of K.S.A. 79-3606(d) – public or private nonprofit hospital, elementary or secondary school, educational institution & political subdivisions of the state of Kansas; K.S.A. 79-3606(e) – United States Government, its agencies or instrumentalities; K.S.A. 79-3606(xx) – 501(c)(3) nonprofit zoo; K.S.A. 79-3606(aaa) – 501(c)(3) religious organization; K.S.A. 79-3606(ccc) – 501(c)(3) primary care clinic; K.S.A. 79-3606 (iii) non-profit food distribution center; K.S.A. 79-3606 (qqq) TLC for Children and Families, Inc.; K.S.A. 79-3606 (sss) non-profit charitable family providers; K.S.A. 79-3606 (ttt) museum within a designated qualified hometown or K.S.A.(uuu) Kansas Children’s Service League. (A) Opera House Repairs Type of project: ______________________________________________________________________________ Describe work to be done Opera House A. Present use of facility: ______________________________________________________________________ Same B. Proposed use of facility after project: ___________________________________________________________ (B) 202 E. Front Street, Waterville, KS 66548 Project location: ______________________________________________________________________________ Building Number, Street Address, City, State, and Zip Code (C) Is this project being constructed as part of a business enterprise whose sales are subject to sales tax (e.g., municipal ✔ water, electric or gas companies)? Yes No (D) Is the Petitioning Authority authorized to levy ad valorem taxes on tangible property? (E) A. Is this project being totally financed by industrial revenue bonds? B. Is this project being partially financed by industrial revenue bonds? Yes Yes Yes ✔ No No ✔ No ✔ N/A Amount of bonds being issued for project: _________________________________________________________ If you answered “Yes” to A or B, you must complete the agreement on the back of this form and attach a copy of the letter of intent or resolution of intent to issue bonds. If you answered “No” to A or B, how is the project being financed (explain type of tax, bonds, etc.)? Kansas Heritage Trust Fund Grant and private contributions. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ (F) City of Waterville, KS Name of claimant owner of project: _______________________________________________________________ (G) Starting date: ___________________________ (H) Estimated completion date: _________________ ( I ) Estimated project cost: ___________________ (J) List names and addresses of prime contractors: (K) Contract date: __________________________ (L) Contract number: ________________________ (M) Project number: _________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Petitioning Authority Mailing Address ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Signature of Authorized Representative City, State & Zip Code ______________________________________________ _________________________ Type or Print Name Title PR-76 (Rev. 7/06) Tax Exempt Entity No. ________________ Phone Number Project No. HTF 2015-10 Structural Stone Repairs Waterville Opera House City of Waterville, KS 136 East Commercial St. Waterville, KS 66548 Bruce McMillan AIA Architects, P.A. 555 Poyntz Avenue Suite 295 Manhattan, KS 66502 TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 0 - CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 0-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS 0-2 SCOPE OF THE WORK 0-3 LOCATION OF THE PROJECT 0-4 PARTIES INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT 0-5 INSTRUCTIONS TO CONTRACTOR 0-6 TEMPORARY UTILITIES 0-7 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 0-8 BOND AND INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 0-9 GUARANTEE 0-10 EQUIPMENT, MATERIAL AND REQUESTS FOR SUBSTITUTIONS 0-11 COMMENCEMENT, PROSECUTION, AND COMPLETION 0-12 DEMOLITION 0-13 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - SUPPLEMENTAL 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-16 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS OF WORK DRAWINGS SHOP DRAWINGS PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY TEMPORARY EQUIPMENT TESTS OF MATERIALS APPROPRIATE MATERIALS AND INSTALLATIONS RECEIVING AND STORING MATERIALS PREPARATION INSTALLATIONS CLOSING-IN-WORK FINISHING REPAIRS COMPLETED WORK WARRANTIES AND LIEN WAIVERS REQUIRED SHOP DRAWINGS, MATERIALS, SAMPLES AND TEST DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 011000 SUMMARY 012100 ALLOWANCES 012200 UNIT PRICES 012500 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES 012600 CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROCEDURES 012900 PAYMENT PROCEDURES 013100 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 013200 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 014200 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 015000 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 016000 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 017300 EXECUTION 017700 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 017839 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS I-1 DIVISION 02 - EXISTING CONDITIONS 024119 SELECTIVE STRUCTURE DEMOLITION DIVISION 03 - CONCRETE (NOT USED) DIVISION 04 – MASONRY 040120 BRICK MASONRY REPAIR 040120.63 BRICK MASONRY REPOINTING 040140.61 STONE REPAIR 040140.62 STONE REPOINTING 044313.16 ADHERED STONE MASONRY VENEER DIVISION 05 – METALS (NOT USED) DIVISION 06 - WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES 061053 MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY 064800 WOOD FRAMES DIVISION 07 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 076200 SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM 079200 JOINT SEALANTS DIVISION 08 – OPENINGS (NOT USED) DIVISION 09 - FINISHES 092900 GYPSUM BOARD 099113 EXTERIOR PAINTING 099123 INTERIOR PAINTING DIVISION DIVISION DIVISION DIVISION DIVISION DIVISION DIVISION DIVISION DIVISION DIVISION DIVISION 10 11 12 13 14 21 22 23 26 27 28 – SPECIALTIES (NOT USED) - EQUIPMENT (NOT USED) – FURNISHINGS (NOT USED) - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION (NOT USED) - CONVEYING SYSTEMS (NOT USED) - FIRE SUPPRESSION (NOT USED) – PLUMBING (NOT USED) - HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING (NOT USED) – ELECTRICAL (NOT USED) - COMMUNICATIONS (NOT USED) - ELECTRONIC SAFETY AND SECURITY (NOT USED) DIVISION 31 – EARTHWORK 312000 EARTH MOVING DIVISION 32 - EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS (NOT USED) DIVISION 33 - UTILITIES (NOT USED) I-2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 0.1 General Conditions General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, AIA Document A 201, 1997 Edition, Articles 1–14, inclusive are part of this Specification and are bound herein. 0.2 Scope of the Work Contractor is to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and fees necessary to complete this project in accordance with the plans and specifications. All work is to be done by first class mechanics in a workmanlike manner. Contractor shall be thoroughly familiar with the conditions and procedures as stated within this division prior to bidding this project. All work must be in compliance with the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties and Stipulations provided in the Heritage Trust Fund Grant awarded by the Kansas State Historical Society. 0.3 Location of the Project Waterville Opera House 202 East Front Street Waterville, KS 66548 0.4 Parties Involved in the Project Owner: City of Waterville, KS. Architect: Bruce McMillan AIA, Architects, P.A., Manhattan, Kansas General Contractor: T/B/A 0.5 Instructions to Contractor Before submitting bids, Contractor shall thoroughly inspect the site and existing structures and make observations and take such measurements of existing conditions, etc., to obtain a clear understanding of the work to be performed under this contract. Questions and/or discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the Architect. 0.6 Temporary Utilities The Owner will provide temporary water and electricity. The Contractor will provide and pay for a job phone or cellular/vehicle phone for himself and his sub-contractors. No use of facility phones will be permitted. Contractor to make temporary connections as required. 0.7 Plans and Specifications Plans and Specifications are available from the Architect: Bruce McMillan AIA, Architects, P.A., 555 Poyntz Avenue, Suite 295, Manhattan, Kansas 66502 (785) 776-1011 – Fax (785) 776-9785 [email protected]. CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT PAGE 0- 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 0.8 Bond and Insurance Requirements The Contractor shall take out, pay for, and maintain at all times during the performance of work under the contract, through companies and agencies approved by the Owner, and containing provisions satisfactory to the Owner, the following liability insurance and Bonds. 0.8.1 Bonds In accordance with paragraph 11.4 of the General Conditions, the contractor shall furnish the following corporate bonds as security for the faithful performance and payment of all his obligations under the contract documents: Performance and Maintenance Bond; Statutory Bond Performance and Maintenance Bond The contractor shall furnish a Performance and Maintenance Bond, legally issued, meeting the approval of, and running to the owner, in an amount not less than the total contract price of said improvements, conditioned upon the prompt, full, and complete performance by the contractor of his covenants and agreement contained in the contract documents and indemnifying the owner against all claims, loss, or damage which he may sustain or suffer by reason of any injury to persons or property occasioned by the action of the contractor or his employees. Incorporated in the Performance and Maintenance Bond, legally issued and running to the owner, shall be the condition that the contractor shall maintain and make all repairs to the improvements constructed by him, at his own expense and free of charge to the owner, for the period of one (1) year after the date of acceptance of said work by the said owner, any of which repairs may become necessary within such period by reason of any imperfection of the material used, by reason of any defective workmanship, or any improper, imperfect, or defective preparation of the ground upon which any such improvements shall be laid including the correction of any backfill settlement and all results of backfill settlement. Statutory Bond The contractor shall furnish a Statutory Bond, legally issued, meeting the approval of the owner and running to the State of Kansas, in an amount equal to the contract price of said improvements, and conditioned that the contractor shall pay all indebtedness incurred for labor, supplies, equipment, and materials furnished in making the improvements called for herein. The Statutory Bond shall be placed on file with the Clerk of the District Court of the district where the work is located and a receipt acknowledging such filing shall be delivered to the owner along with the Statutory Bond. The Bonds required by the contract documents shall be in amounts at least equal to the contract price and shall be delivered to the owner simultaneously with the execution and delivery of the Agreement in accordance with paragraph 11.4 of the General Conditions. CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT PAGE 0- 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 0.8.2 Insurance In accordance with the applicable paragraphs of Article 11 of the General Conditions, the contractor shall purchase and maintain throughout the duration of this contract such types of insurance and in such amounts as may be necessary to protect himself and the interests of the owner. Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability This insurance shall protect the contractor against all claims under applicable state worker’s compensation laws. The contractor shall also be protected against claims for injury, disease, or death of employees which, for any reason, may not fall within the provisions of a workmen’s compensation law. This policy shall include an “all states” endorsement if available. The liability limits shall not be less than the following: Worker’s Compensation Employer’s Liability Statutory $1,000,000.00 Each Person Comprehensive Automobile Liability This insurance shall be written in comprehensive form and shall protect the contractor against all claims for injuries to members of the public and damage to property of others arising from the use of motor vehicles, and shall cover operation on or off the site of all motor vehicles licensed for highway use, whether they are owned, non-owned, or hired. The liability limits shall not be less than the following: Bodily Injury Property Damage $1,000,000 Each Person $1,000,000 Each Occurrence $1,000,000 Each Occurrence Comprehensive General Liability This insurance shall be written in comprehensive form and shall protect the contractor against all claims arising out of any act or omission of the contractor or his agents, employees, or subcontractors. To the extent that the contractor’s work, or work under his direction, may require blasting, explosive conditions, or underground operations, the comprehensive general liability coverage shall contain no exclusion relative to blasting, explosion, collapse of buildings, or damage to underground property. The liability limits shall not be less than the following: Bodily Injury Property Damage $1,000,000 Each Person $1,000,000 Each Occurrence $1,000,000 Each Occurrence $1,000,000 Aggregate CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT PAGE 0- 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 0.8.3 Builder’s Risk Insurance The Owner will carry insurance to insure the Builder’s Risk Perils of fire, vandalism, malicious mischief, wind storm, hail, explosions, riot, riot attending a strike, civil commotion, air craft, vehicles, smoke, covering the work installed and the building materials at the construction site. 0.8.4 Evidence of Insurance Before the work is started, the Contractor shall forward to the Architect and the Owner, two copies of a Certificate of Insurance or Memorandum of Insurance evidencing that all required insurance is in force, executed by an authorized representative of the insurance company. The Contractor must certify to the Owner that he has obtained similar Certificates or Memorandum evidence of insurance from each of its sub-contractors of the same character and in the same amounts as the Contractor. 0.9 Guarantee The Contractor shall guarantee and make good without cost to the Owner, any defects, settlement, shrinkage and other faults in the work arising from improper materials or workmanship, which may appear within (1) year after the acceptance of the work (except for specific guarantees of another length of time specified elsewhere) and shall keep in repair for the period free of expense to the Owner. Part or full payment for the work shall not relieve him in any way of such responsibility. This guarantee shall not apply to injuries occurring after final acceptance due to malicious or careless action of parties not properly under the Contractor’s control. 0.10 Equipment, Material and Requests for Substitutions Equipment and material differing from those specified in this specification may be submitted, providing the bidder clearly states such differences and provided all essential requirements of the specifications are strictly adhered to. If equipment and material offered under this provision are, in the opinion of the Architect, equal to or better than those specified, they will be given consideration. Where a statement of such differences is not made, it will be understood that equipment and material offered will be in strict accordance with the specification. Any request for deviation must be submitted and approved in writing by the architect seven (7) days prior to bid date. No substitutions will be made after bids are accepted and contracts are signed. Bidders are strongly urged to be cognizant of this stipulation and not be offended when non-authorized submittals are rejected. 0.11 Commencement, Prosecution, and Completion The Contractor will be required to commence work under this contract within ten (10) days of the Notice to Proceed, to prosecute said work with faithfulness and energy and to complete the entire work, ready for use in an expeditious manner. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating all activities with the Architect and Owner and to keep them abreast of the need for access to other areas of the building throughout construction. CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT PAGE 0- 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 The time stated for completion shall include final clean up of the premises. It is mutually agreed that the time for the commencement and completion of the work will materially affect the progress of other work and the Owner will suffer financial damage in an amount not now possible to ascertain if this work is not completed on schedule, and in view of these facts, it is agreed that the Owner will withhold from the Contractor, as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per day for each calendar day that the work remains incomplete beyond the date specified by the Contractor for the completion of the work. If completion of the work to be performed under the terms of this contract is delayed by reasons of delay in the performance of any work to be performed by the Owner, or other Contractors, and which is essential to the work performed under this contract, such delay shall not constitute a basis for any claim against the Owner, but the time of performance will be extended for a period equal to such delay or as otherwise mutually agreed upon. 0.12 Demolition 0.12.1 General Information Furnish labor, equipment and materials to complete demolition, removal and/or relocation of items as indicated on the drawings or specified herein. 0.12.2 Maintaining Traffic Provide, erect, maintain lights, barriers and the like to protect the public and their safety. 0.12.3 Utility Lines Utility lines if encountered shall be cut off and capped or modified as required by local codes or utilities. 0.12.4 Protection of Life, Structures and Properties The Contractor shall be held responsible and/or liable for injury to any life and/or property during the course of the work. Take precautions to guard against the movement, settlement or collapse of any buildings, walls, roofs, etc., and repair promptly to original condition, such damage when done. 0.13 Supplementary Conditions of the Contract for Construction ARTICLE 1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: a) Supplement Article 1.1, Basic Definitions, as follows: When a word, such as “approved”, “proper”, “satisfactory”, “equal” and “as directed” is used, it implies such reference as to the Architect’s specific approval and direction. “Provide” means furnish and install. ARTICLE 3 a) Supplement Paragraph 3.15.1 with: CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT PAGE 0- 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 The Contractor shall replace broken or scratched glass, clean fixtures, remove dust, dirt, spots, marks, labels, stains, foreign residue and other blemishes from all wall and floor coverings, clean and polish hardware, clean and polish glass surfaces, and clean screens. ARTICLE 7 7.3 CHANGES IN THE WORK: Construction change directives a. 7.3.6 Delete the words “a reasonable allowance for overhead and profit” and substitute “an allowance for overhead and profit in accordance with Clauses through below”. b. Add the following Subparagraph 7.3.10 to 7.3: 7.3.10 In Subparagraph 7.3.6, the allowance for the combined overhead and profit included in the total cost to the Owner shall be based on the following schedule: 1. For the Contractor, for Work performed by the Contractor’s own forces, 15 percent of the cost. 2. For the Contractor, for Work performed by the Contractor’s Subcontractor, 5 percent of the amount due the Subcontractor. 3. For each Subcontractor, or Sub-subcontractor involved, for Work performed by that Subcontractor’s or Sub-subcontractor’s own forces, 15 percent of the cost. 4. For each Subcontractor, for Work performed by the Subcontractor’s Sub-subcontractors, 3 percent of the amount due the Sub-subcontractor. 5. Cost to which overhead and profit is to be applied shall be determined in accordance with Subparagraph 7.3.6. 6. In order to facilitate checking of quotations for extras or credits, all proposals, except those so minor that their propriety can be seen by inspection, shall be accompanied by a complete itemization of costs including labor, materials and Subcontracts. Labor and materials shall be itemized in the manner prescribed above. Where major cost items are Subcontracts, they shall be itemized also. In no case will a change involving over $500 be approved without such itemization. END OF SECTION CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT PAGE 0- 6 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 1.1 General Requirements of Work 1.1.1 Materials Equipment and Substitution The intent of these Specifications is to allow ample opportunity for the Contractor to prosecute the work to his and the Owner’s best advantage, and to permit maximum competition in bidding on standards of materials and equipment required. In general, these Specifications identify the required materials and equipment by naming one or more manufacturer’s brand, model, catalog number, and/or other identification; the first-named manufacturer’s product used for the basis of design; other name brands considered equivalent. Equivalent manufacturer brands must furnish products consistent with the specifications for the first named product, as determined by the Architect. Base proposal shall include only those brands named, except as hereinafter provided. Where materials or equipment are described but not named, provide required first quality items, adequate in every respect for the intended use; such items subject to Architect’s approval prior to procurement. AFTER EXECUTION OF CONTRACT, SUBSTITUTION OF PRODUCT BRANDS FOR THOSE NAMED IN SPECIFICATIONS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. Materials and equipment proposed for substitution shall be equal or superior to that specified in construction, efficiency, utility, aesthetic design, and color, as determined by Architect, whose decision shall be final and without recourse. Physical size of substitution brand shall not be larger than the space provided for it. Requests must be accompanied by full description and technical data, in two copies, including manufacturer’s name, model, catalog number, photographs or cuts, physical dimensions, operating characteristics, and any other information necessary for comparison. SHOULD PROPOSED SUBSTITUTIONS BE DETERMINED AS NOT MEETING THE SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACTOR HAS USED THIS PRODUCT IN HIS BID, NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION WILL BE AWARDED FOR CONTRACTOR TO MEET REQUIREMENTS OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS. 1.2 Drawings Do not scale drawings for dimensions. Accurately lay-out such work from dimensions indicated on architectural drawings unless such be found in error. Consult Architect for any interpretations concerning locations of equipment. Consult drawings for miscellaneous items of each trade and provide same as indicated. 1.3 Shop Drawings Shop Drawings shall illustrate principal component parts, methods of assembly, mechanical and electrical connections, accessories, and relationship to the building components. Note listing Page 1–6 of required Shop Drawing submittals. 1.4 Protection of Work and Property Transport, handle, store and erect materials in a manner to keep them free from damage. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - SUPPLEMENTAL PAGE 1- 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 Protect work in place, requiring job-finishing, until such finishing has been completed. Dust proof partitions shall be installed at all openings connecting portions of buildings being worked on adjacent to other areas when required by construction type. Protect previously placed work by suitable coverings or other protections during installation of subsequent work. Clean off any foreign materials accidently deposited on finished surfaces and, where such would stain, corrode or otherwise disfigure, clean same immediately with material that will not damage finished work. Where finished floors are subject to damage, suitably cover traffic areas until building acceptance. 1.5 Temporary Equipment Contractor will provide temporary hoists, ramps, ladders, scaffolding, shoring, bracing and other equipment required for proper progress of his work and remove same at work completion. 1.6 Tests of Materials Furnish materials and equipment that have been properly inspected and tested in accordance with accepted industries standards. Make field or laboratory tests where specified herein, the costs of such being paid for by Contractor. Should such tests or visual observation indicate failure of materials or construction to meet requirements of drawings and/or Specifications, Contractor shall make and pay for additional tests, as directed by Architect, until compliance has been proven, and should such work fail to comply Contractor shall replace it at his expense. 1.7 Appropriate Materials and Installations Before submitting proposal, Contractor, his Sub-contractors and material suppliers observe Drawings and Specifications and should any material and/or its installation be indicated or specified in a manner not approved by the material manufacturer, notify Architect and receive his instructions. Failing to do so, Contractor shall provide other equivalent materials, suitable for the installation, as selected by Architect, or if not discovered until after installation, Contractor shall replace materials with such other equivalent suitable and selected materials, and in either event at no added cost to Owner. 1.8 Receiving and Storing Materials On receipt of materials, check for in-transit damage in ample time to replace any damaged materials prior to installation time. Wherever possible deliver materials and equipment to project site in manufacturer’s original packages, keeping labels intact until final cleaning. Where items are to be job-assembled, label, tag, mark or otherwise properly identify each component part until incorporated in building. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - SUPPLEMENTAL PAGE 1- 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 Store materials in a manner to prevent deterioration, staining, soiling, and intrusion of foreign materials. Provide waterproof, well-ventilated enclosures for materials subject to damage by freezing and frost. Remove from premises and replace with new, any materials showing deterioration or damage. 1.9 Preparation Properly prepare all work to receive subsequent work or finish. Each sub-contractor shall notify the General Contractor if any work is unsatisfactory to receive such subsequent work or finish and the General Contractor shall receive the Architect’s instructions before proceeding. 1.10 Installations Furnish, apply, install, connect, erect, clean and condition manufactured articles, materials and equipment per manufacturer’s printed directions, unless otherwise indicated or specified. Manufacturer’s printed directions must be on job prior to and during installation of materials and equipment. Provide all attachment devices and materials necessary to secure material together or to other materials and to secure work of other trades. Make allowance for ample expansion and contraction for all building components subject to same. Make field check of actual building dimensions before product installation. Install materials only when conditions of temperature, moisture, humidity, and condition of adjacent building components are conducive to achieving best installation results. In job-assembling, each trade properly cut and fit to make its assemblies fit accurately and cut and fit as necessary for other trades having work occurring therein. Correct errors in cutting, shop fabrication and installation. Where necessary to cut into other building components, do so only in a manner not to damage building structurally nor aesthetically, then repair adjoining parts thoroughly and neatly. Handle materials in a manner to prevent scratching, abrading, distortion, chipping, breaking or other disfigurement. Unless indicated, fabricate and install materials true to line, plumb and level. Leave finished surfaces smooth and flat or of smooth contour where indicated, free from wrinkles, warps, scratches, dents and other imperfections. Provide quality of workmanship not less than the commercially accepted standards of that trade. Where fabrics, plastics and other such items join, make seams tight, secure and inconspicuous. Scribe and/or otherwise neatly fit materials to adjoining materials. Consult Architect for mounting height or position of any unit not specifically located. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - SUPPLEMENTAL PAGE 1- 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 Mix no more materials than can be used before materials begin to “set”. Mix no partially “set” batch with another. Clean tools and appliances prior to mixing materials that can be contaminated. Conduct work in a manner to avoid injury to previously placed work. Do not disturb materials requiring curing time until appropriate curing time has transpired. 1.11 Closing-In-Work Contractor notify his Sub-Contractor, Owner, and all Contractors and Sub-contractors under the Owner, when he is ready for them to install their portions of the work and see that they comply with any reasonable period of time. Neither enclose nor cover any piping, wiring, ducts, equipment or other items until proper tests and inspections have been made by Architect and/or proper authorities. Notify Architect to inspect any work when placing of subsequent work would prevent observation of previous work. 1.12 Finishing Touch-up imperfections in surfaces, paint and other finishes after all contractors and tradesmen have completed their work. Clean surfaces using appropriate materials and methods that will thoroughly clean but not damage materials and their finishes. 1.13 Repairs Unless Architect grants permission to repair any defective work, remove from project any work not in accordance with Contract Documents. Permission to repair any such work shall not constitute a waiver of Architect’s right to require complete removal of defective work if repair operation does not restore quality and appearance of member or surface to Architect’s satisfaction. If permission is granted, repair according to Architect’s directions. 1.14 Completed Work Completed work shall find materials structurally sound, free from scratches, abrasions, distortions, chips, breaks, blisters, holes, splits or other disfigurement considered as imperfections for the specific material. Finished installations shall illustrate first-class workmanship. Completed surfaces shall be thoroughly clean and free from foreign materials and stains. 1.15 Warranties and Lien Waivers Before being eligible for final payment, Contractor deliver to Owner, through Architect, all manufacturer’s and special warranties specified for materials, equipment and installations and all lien waivers from himself, sub-contractors and material suppliers. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - SUPPLEMENTAL PAGE 1- 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 1.16 Required Shop Drawings, Materials, Samples and Tests Where appropriate, the contractor shall prepare and submit shop drawings, material, samples, and tests in accordance with the agreements reached during the preconstruction conference. 1. It is the responsibility of the prime Contractor to submit all shop drawings of fabricated work sufficiently in advance of requirements to afford the Architect ample time for checking, correcting and, if resubmission is necessary, rechecking. Any pertinent fabricated work is at the Contractor’s risk. No consideration will be given to shop drawings which do not bear the stamp of the prime contractor evidencing that he has checked them. Transmittal of shop drawings to the Architect is to be in writing and any variations from contract requirements are to be described in such writing and subsequently covered by an approved Change Order. Approvals of shop drawings to be valid must be in writing by the Architect. 2. Five copies of each shop drawing are to be submitted to the Architect for approval. The same number are to be furnished if resubmission is required. Three copies of approved drawings or of drawings requiring correction and resubmission will be returned to the prime Contractor. The Architect will deliver one copy of approved drawings to the Local Authority when required. 3. Any approval given does not relieve the prime Contractor of the responsibility of executing the work in accordance with contract terms or of correcting errors. 4. Detailed requirements concerning shop drawings are included in the section of the General Conditions captioned “SHOP DRAWINGS”. The following listing of submittals is intended to guide the Contractor as to important items for approval. The listing, although detailed, should not necessarily be considered complete and all submittals customarily made either listed or not listed in the following shall be made. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Stone Cleaning & Patching Materials Membrane Roofing System Grout Specification Epoxy Injection Cap Flashing/Color Chart Caulking & Sealants Paint & Paint Products END OF SECTION GENERAL REQUIREMENTS - SUPPLEMENTAL PAGE 1- 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 011000 - SUMMARY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. Related Requirements: 1. 1.3 Project information. Work covered by Contract Documents. Access to site. Coordination with occupants. Work restrictions. Specification and drawing conventions. Miscellaneous provisions. Section 015000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls" for limitations and procedures governing temporary use of Owner's facilities. PROJECT INFORMATION A. Project Identification: Waterville Opera House. 1. B. Owner: City of Waterville, KS. 136 East Commercial St., Waterville, KS 66548. 1. C. Owner's Representative: Ms. Nori Blackburn, City Clerk, (785) 363-2367. Architect: Bruce McMillan AIA Architects, P.A., 555 Poyntz Ave. Ste 295, Manhattan, KS 66502. (785) 776-1011 1. 1.4 Project Location: 202 East Front Street, Waterville, KS 66548. Architects Representative: Garric Baker WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. The Work of Project is defined by the Contract Documents and consists of the following: 1. SUMMARY Masonry Cleaning, Tuck Pointing, Patching & Epoxy Injection, structural stone repair, and partial roof repairs. 011000 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS B. Type of Contract: 1. 1.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Project will be constructed under a single prime contract. ACCESS TO SITE A. General: Contractor shall have full use of Project site for construction operations during construction period. Contractor's use of Project site is limited only by Owner's right to perform work or to retain other contractors on portions of Project. B. Use of Site: Limit use of Project site to work in areas indicated. Do not disturb portions of Project site beyond areas in which the Work is indicated. 1. 2. Limits: Confine construction operations to areas noted on drawings. Driveways, Walkways and Entrances: Keep streets and entrances serving premises clear and available to Owner, Owner's employees, and emergency vehicles at all times. Do not use these areas for parking or storage of materials. a. b. C. 1.6 Schedule deliveries to minimize use of driveways and entrances by construction operations. Schedule deliveries to minimize space and time requirements for storage of materials and equipment on-site. Condition of Existing Building: Maintain portions of existing building affected by construction operations in a weathertight condition throughout construction period. Repair damage caused by construction operations. COORDINATION WITH OCCUPANTS A. Partial Owner Occupancy: Owner may occupy portions of the premises during entire construction period, with the exception of areas under construction. Cooperate with Owner during construction operations to minimize conflicts and facilitate Owner usage. Perform the Work so as not to interfere with Owner's operations. Maintain existing exits unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2. 1.7 Maintain access to existing walkways, corridors, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities. Do not close or obstruct walkways, corridors, or other occupied or used facilities without written permission from Owner and authorities having jurisdiction. Provide not less than 72 hours' notice to Owner of activities that will affect Owner's operations. WORK RESTRICTIONS A. Work Restrictions, General: Comply with restrictions on construction operations. 1. SUMMARY Comply with limitations on use of public streets and with other requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 011000 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS B. On-Site Work Hours: Limit work in the existing building to normal business working hours of 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2. 3. 4. C. Weekend Hours: Available. Early Morning Hours: Available. Hours for Utility Shutdowns: 72 Hours. Hours for noisy activity: After 8:00 a.m. and before 8:00 p.m. Existing Utility Interruptions: Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities occupied by Owner or others unless permitted under the following conditions and then only after providing temporary utility services according to requirements indicated: 1. 2. D. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Notify Architect & Owner not less than two days in advance of proposed utility interruptions. Obtain Architect's & Owner's written permission before proceeding with utility interruptions. Noise, Vibration, and Odors: Coordinate operations that may result in high levels of noise and vibration, odors, or other disruption to Owner occupancy with Owner. 1. 2. Notify Architect & Owner not less than two days in advance of proposed disruptive operations. Obtain Architect's & Owner's written permission before proceeding with disruptive operations. E. Nonsmoking Building: Smoking is not permitted within the building or within 25 feet (8 m) of entrances, operable windows, or outdoor-air intakes. F. Controlled Substances: Use of tobacco products and other controlled substances on Project site is not permitted. 1.8 SPECIFICATION AND DRAWING CONVENTIONS A. Specification Content: The Specifications use certain conventions for the style of language and the intended meaning of certain terms, words, and phrases when used in particular situations. These conventions are as follows: 1. 2. Imperative mood and streamlined language are generally used in the Specifications. The words "shall," "shall be," or "shall comply with," depending on the context, are implied where a colon (:) is used within a sentence or phrase. Specification requirements are to be performed by Contractor unless specifically stated otherwise. B. Division 01 General Requirements: Requirements of Sections in Division 01 apply to the Work of all Sections in the Specifications. C. Drawing Coordination: Requirements for materials and products identified on Drawings are described in detail in the Specifications. One or more of the following are used on Drawings to identify materials and products: SUMMARY 011000 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1. 2. 3. 1.9 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Terminology: Materials and products are identified by the typical generic terms used in the individual Specifications Sections. Abbreviations: Materials and products are identified by abbreviations published as part of the U.S. National CAD Standard. Keynoting: Materials and products are identified by reference keynotes referencing Specification Section numbers found in this Project Manual. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. All work shall comply with preservation briefs 1, 2, and 9 and are available through the Kansas State Historical Society, online at the National Park Service, or the General Services Administration website at http://www.gsa.gov/portal/content/111718 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 011000 SUMMARY 011000 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 012100 - ALLOWANCES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements governing allowances. 1. B. Types of allowances include the following: 1. 2. 3. C. Lump-sum allowances. Unit-cost allowances. Contingency allowances. Related Requirements: 1. 2. 1.3 Certain items are specified in the Contract Documents by allowances. Allowances have been established in lieu of additional requirements and to defer selection of actual materials and equipment to a later date when direction will be provided to Contractor. If necessary, additional requirements will be issued by Change Order. Section 012200 "Unit Prices" for procedures for using unit prices. Section 014000 "Quality Requirements" for procedures governing the use of allowances for testing and inspecting. SELECTION AND PURCHASE A. At the earliest practical date after award of the Contract, advise Architect of the date when final selection and purchase of each product or system described by an allowance must be completed to avoid delaying the Work. B. At Architect's request, obtain proposals for each allowance for use in making final selections. Include recommendations that are relevant to performing the Work. C. Purchase products and systems selected by Architect from the designated supplier. 1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Submit proposals for purchase of products or systems included in allowances, in the form specified for Change Orders. ALLOWANCES 012100 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Submit invoices or delivery slips to show actual quantities of materials delivered to the site for use in fulfillment of each allowance. B. Submit time sheets and other documentation to show labor time and cost for installation of allowance items that include installation as part of the allowance. C. Coordinate and process submittals for allowance items in same manner as for other portions of the Work. 1.6 COORDINATION A. 1.7 Coordinate allowance items with other portions of the Work. Furnish templates as required to coordinate installation. LUMP-SUM UNIT-COST AND QUANTITY ALLOWANCES A. Allowance shall include cost to Contractor of specific products and materials under allowance and shall include freight, and delivery to Project site. B. Unless otherwise indicated, Contractor's costs for receiving and handling at Project site, labor, installation, overhead and profit, and similar costs related to products and materials under allowance shall be included as part of the Contract Sum as an item in the schedule of values. C. Unused Materials: Return unused materials purchased under an allowance to manufacturer or supplier for credit to Owner, after installation has been completed and accepted. 1. 1.8 If requested by Architect, retain and prepare unused material for storage by Owner. Deliver unused material to Owner's storage space as directed. CONTINGENCY ALLOWANCES A. Use the contingency allowance only as directed by Architect for Owner's purposes that indicate amounts to be charged to the allowance. B. Contractor's overhead, profit, and related costs for products and equipment under the contingency allowance are included in the allowance and are part of the Contract Sum. These costs include delivery, installation, insurance, equipment rental, and similar costs. C. At Project closeout, credit unused amounts remaining in the contingency allowance to Owner by Change Order. ALLOWANCES 012100 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1.9 HTF 2015-10/15.05 ADJUSTMENT OF ALLOWANCES A. Allowance Adjustment: To adjust allowance amounts, prepare a Change Order. 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Include installation costs in purchase amount only where indicated as part of the allowance. If requested, prepare explanation and documentation to substantiate distribution of overhead costs and other margins claimed. Submit substantiation of a change in scope of work, if any, claimed in Change Orders related to unit-cost allowances. Owner reserves the right to establish the quantity of work-in-place by independent quantity survey, measure, or count. Submit claims for increased costs because of a change in scope or nature of the allowance described in the Contract Documents, whether for the purchase order amount or Contractor's handling, labor, installation, overhead, and profit. 1. 2. Do not include Contractor's or subcontractor's indirect expense in the Change Order cost amount unless it is clearly shown that the nature or extent of work has changed from what could have been foreseen from information in the Contract Documents. No change to Contractor's indirect expense is permitted for selection of higher- or lowerpriced materials or systems of the same scope and nature as originally indicated. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. 3.2 Examine products covered by an allowance promptly on delivery for damage or defects. Return damaged or defective products to manufacturer for replacement. PREPARATION A. 3.3 Coordinate materials and their installation for each allowance with related materials and installations to ensure that each allowance item is completely integrated and interfaced with related work. SCHEDULE OF ALLOWANCES A. Allowance No. 1: Lump Sum Allowance: Include $10,000 in the base bid for removal of interior wall surfaces, shoring existing construction in place, and replacing finishes upon project completion. 1. Coordinate allowance adjustment with unit-price requirements in Section 012200 "Unit Prices." ALLOWANCES 012100 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS B. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Allowance No. 2: Quantity Allowance: Include 500 sq. ft. of face stone removal and replacement above that required for the base bid with like material and proper profile as specified in Division 4 in base bid. 1. Coordinate quantity allowance Section 012200 "Unit Prices." adjustment with unit-price requirements in C. Allowance No. 3: Contingency Allowance: Include a contingency allowance of $10,000.00 for use according to Owner's & Architect’s written instructions. D. Allowance No. 4: Tuckpointing Allowance: Include 500 L.F. of tuckpointing above that required for the base bid as specified in Division 4. 1. Coordinate quantity allowance adjustment with unit price requirements in Section 012200 “Unit Prices”. END OF SECTION 012100 ALLOWANCES 012100 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 012200 - UNIT PRICES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for unit prices. B. Related Requirements: 1. 2. 1.3 Section 012600 "Contract Modification Procedures" for procedures for submitting and handling Change Orders. Section 014000 "Quality Requirements" for general testing and inspecting requirements. DEFINITIONS A. 1.4 Unit price is an amount incorporated in the Agreement, applicable during the duration of the Work as a price per unit of measurement for materials, equipment, or services, or a portion of the Work, added to or deducted from the Contract Sum by appropriate modification, if the scope of Work or estimated quantities of Work required by the Contract Documents are increased or decreased. PROCEDURES A. Unit prices include all necessary material, plus cost for delivery, installation, insurance, overhead, and profit. B. Measurement and Payment: See individual Specification Sections for work that requires establishment of unit prices. Methods of measurement and payment for unit prices are specified in those Sections. C. Owner reserves the right to reject Contractor's measurement of work-in-place that involves use of established unit prices and to have this work measured, at Owner's expense, by an independent surveyor acceptable to Contractor. D. List of Unit Prices: A schedule of unit prices is included in Part 3. Specification Sections referenced in the schedule contain requirements for materials described under each unit price. UNIT PRICES 012200 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SCHEDULE OF UNIT PRICES A. Unit Price No. 1: Stone removal and replacement with new stone units. 1. 2. B. Unit of Measurement: Square foot of stone removed, based on survey of volume removed. Quantity Allowance: Coordinate unit price with allowance adjustment requirements in Section 012100 "Allowances." Unit Price 2: Removal of additional deteriorated mortar and replacement with new mortar. 1. 2. Unit of Measurement: Linear foot based on survey of volume removed. Quantity Allowance: Coordinate unit price with allowance adjustment requirements in Division 01 Section "Allowances." END OF SECTION 012200 UNIT PRICES 012200 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 012500 - SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for substitutions. B. Related Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.3 Division 01 Section "Allowances" for products selected under an allowance. Division 01 Section "Alternates" for products selected under an alternate. Division 01 Section "Product Requirements" for requirements for submitting comparable product submittals for products by listed manufacturers. Division 02 through 33 Sections for specific requirements and limitations for substitutions. DEFINITIONS A. Substitutions: Changes in products, materials, equipment, and methods of construction from those required by the Contract Documents and proposed by Contractor. 1. 2. 1.4 Substitutions for Cause: Changes proposed by Contractor that are required due to changed Project conditions, such as unavailability of product, regulatory changes, or unavailability of required warranty terms. Substitutions for Convenience: Changes proposed by Contractor or Owner that are not required in order to meet other Project requirements but may offer advantage to Contractor or Owner. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Substitution Requests: Submit three copies of each request for consideration. Identify product or fabrication or installation method to be replaced. Include Specification Section number and title and Drawing numbers and titles. 1. 2. Substitution Request Form: Use Contractor Form. Documentation: Show compliance with requirements for substitutions and the following, as applicable: a. Statement indicating why specified product or fabrication or installation cannot be provided, if applicable. SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES 012500 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. 3. Coordination information, including a list of changes or revisions needed to other parts of the Work and to construction performed by Owner and separate contractors, that will be necessary to accommodate proposed substitution. Detailed comparison of significant qualities of proposed substitution with those of the Work specified. Include annotated copy of applicable Specification Section. Significant qualities may include attributes such as performance, weight, size, durability, visual effect, sustainable design characteristics, warranties, and specific features and requirements indicated. Indicate deviations, if any, from the Work specified. Product Data, including drawings and descriptions of products and fabrication and installation procedures. Samples, where applicable or requested. Certificates and qualification data, where applicable or requested. List of similar installations for completed projects with project names and addresses and names and addresses of architects and owners. Material test reports from a qualified testing agency indicating and interpreting test results for compliance with requirements indicated. Research reports evidencing compliance with building code in effect for Project. Detailed comparison of Contractor's construction schedule using proposed substitution with products specified for the Work, including effect on the overall Contract Time. If specified product or method of construction cannot be provided within the Contract Time, include letter from manufacturer, on manufacturer's letterhead, stating date of receipt of purchase order, lack of availability, or delays in delivery. Cost information, including a proposal of change, if any, in the Contract Sum. Contractor's certification that proposed substitution complies with requirements in the Contract Documents except as indicated in substitution request, is compatible with related materials, and is appropriate for applications indicated. Contractor's waiver of rights to additional payment or time that may subsequently become necessary because of failure of proposed substitution to produce indicated results. Architect's Action: If necessary, Architect will request additional information or documentation for evaluation within seven days of receipt of a request for substitution. Architect will notify Contractor of acceptance or rejection of proposed substitution within 7 days of receipt of request. a. b. 1.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Forms of Acceptance: Change Order, Construction Change Directive, or Architect's Supplemental Instructions for minor changes in the Work. Use product specified if Architect does not issue a decision on use of a proposed substitution within time allocated. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Compatibility of Substitutions: Investigate and document compatibility of proposed substitution with related products and materials. Engage a qualified testing agency to perform compatibility tests recommended by manufacturers. SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES 012500 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1.6 HTF 2015-10/15.05 PROCEDURES A. Coordination: Revise or adjust affected work as necessary to integrate work of the approved substitutions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SUBSTITUTIONS A. Substitutions for Cause: Submit requests for substitution immediately on discovery of need for change, but not later than 7 days prior to time required for preparation and review of related submittals. 1. Conditions: Architect will consider Contractor's request for substitution when the following conditions are satisfied. If the following conditions are not satisfied, Architect will return requests without action, except to record noncompliance with these requirements: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. B. Requested substitution is consistent with the Contract Documents and will produce indicated results. Substitution request is fully documented and properly submitted. Requested substitution will not adversely affect Contractor's construction schedule. Requested substitution has received necessary approvals of authorities having jurisdiction. Requested substitution is compatible with other portions of the Work. Requested substitution has been coordinated with other portions of the Work. Requested substitution provides specified warranty. If requested substitution involves more than one contractor, requested substitution has been coordinated with other portions of the Work, is uniform and consistent, is compatible with other products, and is acceptable to all contractors involved. Substitutions for Convenience: Architect will consider requests for substitution if received within 30 days after the Notice of Award. Requests received after that time may be considered or rejected at discretion of Architect. 1. Conditions: Architect will consider Contractor's request for substitution when the following conditions are satisfied. If the following conditions are not satisfied, Architect will return requests without action, except to record noncompliance with these requirements: a. b. c. Requested substitution offers Owner a substantial advantage in cost, time, energy conservation, or other considerations, after deducting additional responsibilities Owner must assume. Owner's additional responsibilities may include compensation to Architect for redesign and evaluation services, increased cost of other construction by Owner, and similar considerations. Requested substitution does not require extensive revisions to the Contract Documents. Requested substitution is consistent with the Contract Documents and will produce indicated results. SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES 012500 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS d. e. f. g. h. i. j. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Substitution request is fully documented and properly submitted. Requested substitution will not adversely affect Contractor's construction schedule. Requested substitution has received necessary approvals of authorities having jurisdiction. Requested substitution is compatible with other portions of the Work. Requested substitution has been coordinated with other portions of the Work. Requested substitution provides specified warranty. If requested substitution involves more than one contractor, requested substitution has been coordinated with other portions of the Work, is uniform and consistent, is compatible with other products, and is acceptable to all contractors involved. PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 012500 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES 012500 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 012600 - CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for handling and processing Contract modifications. B. Related Requirements: 1. 1.3 Division 01 Section "Substitution Procedures" for administrative procedures for handling requests for substitutions made after the Contract award. MINOR CHANGES IN THE WORK A. 1.4 Architect will issue supplemental instructions authorizing minor changes in the Work, not involving adjustment to the Contract Sum or the Contract Time, on Office A.S.I. PROPOSAL REQUESTS A. Owner-Initiated Proposal Requests: Architect will issue a detailed description of proposed changes in the Work that may require adjustment to the Contract Sum or the Contract Time. If necessary, the description will include supplemental or revised Drawings and Specifications. 1. 2. Work Change Proposal Requests issued by Architect are not instructions either to stop work in progress or to execute the proposed change. Within time specified in Proposal Request after receipt of Proposal Request, submit a quotation estimating cost adjustments to the Contract Sum and the Contract Time necessary to execute the change. a. b. c. d. Include a list of quantities of products required or eliminated and unit costs, with total amount of purchases and credits to be made. If requested, furnish survey data to substantiate quantities. Indicate applicable taxes, delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts of trade discounts. Include costs of labor and supervision directly attributable to the change. Include an updated Contractor's construction schedule that indicates the effect of the change, including, but not limited to, changes in activity duration, start and finish times, and activity relationship. Use available total float before requesting an extension of the Contract Time. CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROCEDURES 012600 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS e. B. Quotation Form: Use Contractor Form. Contractor-Initiated Proposals: If latent or changed conditions require modifications to the Contract, Contractor may initiate a claim by submitting a request for a change to Architect. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Include a statement outlining reasons for the change and the effect of the change on the Work. Provide a complete description of the proposed change. Indicate the effect of the proposed change on the Contract Sum and the Contract Time. Include a list of quantities of products required or eliminated and unit costs, with total amount of purchases and credits to be made. If requested, furnish survey data to substantiate quantities. Indicate applicable delivery charges, equipment rental, and amounts of trade discounts. Include costs of labor and supervision directly attributable to the change. Include an updated Contractor's construction schedule that indicates the effect of the change, including, but not limited to, changes in activity duration, start and finish times, and activity relationship. Use available total float before requesting an extension of the Contract Time. Comply with requirements in Section 012500 "Substitution Procedures" if the proposed change requires substitution of one product or system for product or system specified. Proposal Request Form: Use Contractor Standard Form. ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGE ORDERS A. Allowance Adjustment: See Section 012100 "Allowances" for administrative procedures for preparation of Change Order Proposal for adjusting the Contract Sum to reflect actual costs of allowances. B. Unit-Price Adjustment: See Section 012200 "Unit Prices" for administrative procedures for preparation of Change Order Proposal for adjusting the Contract Sum to reflect measured scope of unit-price work. 1.6 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES A. 1.7 On Owner's approval of a Work Changes Proposal Request, Architect will issue a Change Order for signatures of Owner and Contractor on AIA Document G701. CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE A. Construction Change Directive: Architect may issue a Construction Change Directive. Construction Change Directive instructs Contractor to proceed with a change in the Work, for subsequent inclusion in a Change Order. 1. B. Construction Change Directive contains a complete description of change in the Work. It also designates method to be followed to determine change in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time. Documentation: Maintain detailed records on a time and material basis of work required by the Construction Change Directive. CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROCEDURES 012600 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1. HTF 2015-10/15.05 After completion of change, submit an itemized account and supporting data necessary to substantiate cost and time adjustments to the Contract. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 012600 CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROCEDURES 012600 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA H OUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 012900 - PAYMENT PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements necessary to prepare and process Applications for Payment. B. Related Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.3 Division 01 Section "Allowances" for procedural requirements governing the handling and processing of allowances. Division 01 Section "Unit Prices" for administrative requirements governing the use of unit prices. Division 01 Section "Contract Modification Procedures" for administrative procedures for handling changes to the Contract. Division 01 Section "Construction Progress Documentation" for administrative requirements governing the preparation and submittal of the Contractor's construction schedule. DEFINITIONS A. 1.4 Schedule of Values: A statement furnished by Contractor allocating portions of the Contract Sum to various portions of the Work and used as the basis for reviewing Contractor's Applications for Payment. SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. Coordination: Coordinate preparation of the schedule of values with preparation of Contractor's construction schedule. 1. Coordinate line items in the schedule of values with other required administrative forms and schedules, including the following: a. b. c. Application for Payment forms with continuation sheets. Submittal schedule. Items required to be indicated as separate activities in Contractor's construction schedule. PAYMENT PROCEDURES 012900 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA H OUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 2. B. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Submit the schedule of values to Architect at earliest possible date, but no later than seven days before the date scheduled for submittal of initial Applications for Payment. Format and Content: Use Project Manual table of contents as a guide to establish line items for the schedule of values. Provide at least one line item for each Specification Section. 1. Identification: Include the following Project identification on the schedule of values: a. b. c. d. e. 2. 3. Project name and location. Name of Architect. Architect's project number. Contractor's name and address. Date of submittal. Arrange schedule of values consistent with format of AIA Document G703. Arrange the schedule of values in tabular form with separate columns to indicate the following for each item listed: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Related Specification Section or Division. Description of the Work. Name of subcontractor. Name of manufacturer or fabricator. Name of supplier. Change Orders (numbers) that affect value. Dollar value of the following, as a percentage of the Contract Sum to nearest onehundredth percent, adjusted to total 100 percent. 1) 2) 3) Labor. Materials. Equipment. 4. Provide a breakdown of the Contract Sum in enough detail to facilitate continued evaluation of Applications for Payment and progress reports. Coordinate with Project Manual table of contents. 5. 6. Round amounts to nearest whole dollar; total shall equal the Contract Sum. Provide a separate line item in the schedule of values for each part of the Work where Applications for Payment may include materials or equipment purchased or fabricated and stored, but not yet installed. a. 7. 8. Differentiate between items stored on-site and items stored off-site. If required, include evidence of insurance. Provide separate line items in the schedule of values for initial cost of materials, for each subsequent stage of completion, and for total installed value of that part of the Work. Allowances: Provide a separate line item in the schedule of values for each allowance. Show line-item value of unit-cost allowances, as a product of the unit cost, multiplied by measured quantity. Use information indicated in the Contract Documents to determine quantities. PAYMENT PROCEDURES 012900 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA H OUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 9. 10. Purchase Contracts: Provide a separate line item in the schedule of values for each purchase contract. Show line-item value of purchase contract. Indicate owner payments or deposits, if any, and balance to be paid by Contractor. Each item in the schedule of values and Applications for Payment shall be complete. Include total cost and proportionate share of general overhead and profit for each item. a. 11. 1.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Temporary facilities and other major cost items that are not direct cost of actual work-in-place may be shown either as separate line items in the schedule of values or distributed as general overhead expense, at Contractor's option. Schedule Updating: Update and resubmit the schedule of values before the next Applications for Payment when Change Orders or Construction Change Directives result in a change in the Contract Sum. APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT A. Each Application for Payment following the initial Application for Payment shall be consistent with previous applications and payments as certified by Architect and paid for by Owner. 1. Initial Application for Payment, Application for Payment at time of Substantial Completion, and final Application for Payment involve additional requirements. B. Payment Application Times: The date for each progress payment is indicated in the Agreement between Owner and Contractor. The period of construction work covered by each Application for Payment is the period indicated in the Agreement. C. Payment Application Times: Submit Application for Payment to Architect by the first of the month. The period covered by each Application for Payment is one month, ending on the twenty fifth day of the month. D. Application for Payment Forms: Use AIA Document G702 and AIA Document G703 as form for Applications for Payment. E. Application Preparation: Complete every entry on form. Notarize and execute by a person authorized to sign legal documents on behalf of Contractor. Architect will return incomplete applications without action. 1. 2. 3. 4. F. Entries shall match data on the schedule of values and Contractor's construction schedule. Use updated schedules if revisions were made. Include amounts for work completed following previous Application for Payment, whether or not payment has been received. Include only amounts for work completed at time of Application for Payment. Include amounts of Change Orders and Construction Change Directives issued before last day of construction period covered by application. Indicate separate amounts for work being carried out under Owner-requested project acceleration. Stored Materials: Include in Application for Payment amounts applied for materials or equipment purchased or fabricated and stored, but not yet installed. Differentiate between items stored on-site and items stored off-site. PAYMENT PROCEDURES 012900 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA H OUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1. 2. 3. Provide certificate of insurance, evidence of transfer of title to Owner, and consent of surety to payment, for stored materials. Provide supporting documentation that verifies amount requested, such as paid invoices. Match amount requested with amounts indicated on documentation; do not include overhead and profit on stored materials. Provide summary documentation for stored materials indicating the following: a. b. c. G. Transmit each copy with a transmittal form listing attachments and recording appropriate information about application. Initial Application for Payment: Administrative actions and submittals that must precede or coincide with submittal of first Application for Payment include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. I. Value of materials previously stored and remaining stored as of date of previous Applications for Payment. Value of previously stored materials put in place after date of previous Application for Payment and on or before date of current Application for Payment. Value of materials stored since date of previous Application for Payment and remaining stored as of date of current Application for Payment. Transmittal: Submit three signed and notarized original copies of each Application for Payment to Architect by a method ensuring receipt within 24 hours. One copy shall include waivers of lien and similar attachments if required. 1. H. HTF 2015-10/15.05 List of subcontractors. Schedule of values. Contractor's construction schedule (preliminary if not final). Schedule of unit prices. Submittal schedule (preliminary if not final). List of Contractor's staff assignments. List of Contractor's principal consultants. Copies of building permits. Copies of authorizations and licenses from authorities having jurisdiction for performance of the Work. Initial progress report. Report of preconstruction conference. Certificates of insurance and insurance policies. Performance and payment bonds. Data needed to acquire Owner's insurance. Application for Payment at Substantial Completion: After Architect issues the Certificate of Substantial Completion, submit an Application for Payment showing 100 percent completion for portion of the Work claimed as substantially complete. 1. 2. Include documentation supporting claim that the Work is substantially complete and a statement showing an accounting of changes to the Contract Sum. This application shall reflect Certificate(s) of Substantial Completion issued previously for Owner occupancy of designated portions of the Work. PAYMENT PROCEDURES 012900 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA H OUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS J. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Final Payment Application: After completing Project closeout requirements, submit final Application for Payment with releases and supporting documentation not previously submitted and accepted, including, but not limited, to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Evidence of completion of Project closeout requirements. Insurance certificates for products and completed operations where required and proof that taxes, fees, and similar obligations were paid. Updated final statement, accounting for final changes to the Contract Sum. AIA Document G706, "Contractor's Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims." AIA Document G706A, "Contractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens." AIA Document G707, "Consent of Surety to Final Payment." Evidence that claims have been settled. Final meter readings for utilities, a measured record of stored fuel, and similar data as of date of Substantial Completion or when Owner took possession of and assumed responsibility for corresponding elements of the Work. Final liquidated damages settlement statement. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 012900 PAYMENT PROCEDURES 012900 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 013100 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative provisions for coordinating construction operations on Project including, but not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. General coordination procedures. Coordination drawings. Requests for Information (RFIs). Project meetings. B. Each contractor shall participate in coordination requirements. Certain areas of responsibility are assigned to a specific contractor. C. Related Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 1.3 Division 01 Section "Construction Progress Documentation" for preparing and submitting Contractor's construction schedule. Division 01 Section "Execution" for procedures for coordinating general installation and field-engineering services, including establishment of benchmarks and control points. Division 01 Section "Closeout Procedures" for coordinating closeout of the Contract. DEFINITIONS A. 1.4 RFI: Request from Owner, Architect, or Contractor seeking information required by or clarifications of the Contract Documents. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Subcontract List: Prepare a written summary identifying individuals or firms proposed for each portion of the Work, including those who are to furnish products or equipment fabricated to a special design. Include the following information in tabular form: 1. 2. 3. Name, address, and telephone number of entity performing subcontract or supplying products. Number and title of related Specification Section(s) covered by subcontract. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate, covered by subcontract. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 013100 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS B. Key Personnel Names: Within 15 days prior to of starting construction operations, submit a list of key personnel assignments, including superintendent and other personnel in attendance at Project site. Identify individuals and their duties and responsibilities; list addresses and telephone numbers, including home, office, and cellular telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. Provide names, addresses, and telephone numbers of individuals assigned as alternates in the absence of individuals assigned to Project. 1. 1.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Post copies of list in project meeting room, in temporary field office, and by each temporary telephone. Keep list current at all times. GENERAL COORDINATION PROCEDURES A. Coordination: Coordinate construction operations included in different Sections of the Specifications to ensure efficient and orderly installation of each part of the Work. Coordinate construction operations, included in different Sections, that depend on each other for proper installation, connection, and operation. 1. 2. 3. B. Coordination: Each contractor shall coordinate its construction operations with those of other contractors and entities to ensure efficient and orderly installation of each part of the Work. Each contractor shall coordinate its operations with operations, included in different Sections, that depend on each other for proper installation, connection, and operation. 1. 2. 3. C. Schedule construction operations in sequence required to obtain the best results where installation of one part of the Work depends on installation of other components, before or after its own installation. Coordinate installation of different components with other contractors to ensure maximum performance and accessibility for required maintenance, service, and repair. Make adequate provisions to accommodate items scheduled for later installation. Prepare memoranda for distribution to each party involved, outlining special procedures required for coordination. Include such items as required notices, reports, and list of attendees at meetings. 1. D. Schedule construction operations in sequence required to obtain the best results where installation of one part of the Work depends on installation of other components, before or after its own installation. Coordinate installation of different components to ensure maximum performance and accessibility for required maintenance, service, and repair. Make adequate provisions to accommodate items scheduled for later installation. Prepare similar memoranda for Owner and separate contractors if coordination of their Work is required. Administrative Procedures: Coordinate scheduling and timing of required administrative procedures with other construction activities to avoid conflicts and to ensure orderly progress of the Work. Such administrative activities include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. Preparation of Contractor's construction schedule. Preparation of the schedule of values. Installation and removal of temporary facilities and controls. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 013100 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 4. 5. 6. 7. E. Delivery and processing of submittals. Progress meetings. Preinstallation conferences. Project closeout activities. Conservation: Coordinate construction activities to ensure that operations are carried out with consideration given to conservation of energy, water, and materials. Coordinate use of temporary utilities to minimize waste. 1. 1.6 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Salvage materials and equipment involved in performance of, but not actually incorporated into, the Work. See other Sections for disposition of salvaged materials that are designated as Owner's property. COORDINATION DRAWINGS A. Coordination Drawings, General: Prepare coordination drawings according to requirements in individual Sections, and additionally where installation is not completely shown on Shop Drawings, where limited space availability necessitates coordination, or if coordination is required to facilitate integration of products and materials fabricated or installed by more than one entity. 1. Content: Project-specific information, drawn accurately to a scale large enough to indicate and resolve conflicts. Do not base coordination drawings on standard printed data. Include the following information, as applicable: a. b. c. d. e. f. B. Use applicable Drawings as a basis for preparation of coordination drawings. Prepare sections, elevations, and details as needed to describe relationship of various systems and components. Coordinate the addition of trade-specific information to the coordination drawings by multiple contractors in a sequence that best provides for coordination of the information and resolution of conflicts between installed components before submitting for review. Indicate functional and spatial relationships of components of architectural, structural, civil, mechanical, and electrical systems. Indicate space requirements for routine maintenance and for anticipated replacement of components during the life of the installation. Indicate required installation sequences. Indicate dimensions shown on the Drawings. Specifically note dimensions that appear to be in conflict with submitted equipment and minimum clearance requirements. Provide alternate sketches to Architect indicating proposed resolution of such conflicts. Minor dimension changes and difficult installations will not be considered changes to the Contract. Coordination Drawing Organization: Organize coordination drawings as follows: 1. 2. Structural Penetrations: Indicate penetrations and openings required for all disciplines. Slab Edge and Embedded Items: Indicate slab edge locations and sizes and locations of embedded items for metal fabrications, sleeves, anchor bolts, bearing plates, angles, door floor closers, slab depressions for floor finishes, curbs and housekeeping pads, and similar items. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 013100 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 3. 4. 1.7 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Review: Architect will review coordination drawings to confirm that the Work is being coordinated, but not for the details of the coordination, which are Contractor's responsibility. If Architect determines that coordination drawings are not being prepared in sufficient scope or detail, or are otherwise deficient, Architect will so inform Contractor, who shall make changes as directed and resubmit. Coordination Drawing Prints: Prepare coordination drawing prints according to requirements in Section 013300 "Submittal Procedures." REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION (RFIs) A. General: Immediately on discovery of the need for additional information or interpretation of the Contract Documents, Contractor shall prepare and submit an RFI in the form specified. 1. 2. B. Architect will return RFIs submitted to Architect by other entities controlled by Contractor with no response. Coordinate and submit RFIs in a prompt manner so as to avoid delays in Contractor's work or work of subcontractors. Content of the RFI: Include a detailed, legible description of item needing information or interpretation and the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Project name. Project number. Date. Name of Contractor. Name of Architect. RFI number, numbered sequentially. RFI subject. Specification Section number and title and related paragraphs, as appropriate. Drawing number and detail references, as appropriate. Field dimensions and conditions, as appropriate. Contractor's suggested resolution. If Contractor's suggested resolution impacts the Contract Time or the Contract Sum, Contractor shall state impact in the RFI. Contractor's signature. Attachments: Include sketches, descriptions, measurements, photos, Product Data, Shop Drawings, coordination drawings, and other information necessary to fully describe items needing interpretation. a. C. Include dimensions, thicknesses, structural grid references, and details of affected materials, assemblies, and attachments on attached sketches. Architect's Action: Architect will review each RFI, determine action required, and respond. Allow two working days for Architect's response for each RFI. RFIs received by Architect after 5:00 p.m. will be considered as received the following working day. 1. The following Contractor-generated RFIs will be returned without action: a. b. c. Requests for approval of submittals. Requests for approval of substitutions. Requests for approval of Contractor's means and methods. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 013100 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS d. e. f. g. 2. 3. Project name. Name and address of Contractor. Name and address of Architect. RFI number including RFIs that were returned without action or withdrawn. RFI description. Date the RFI was submitted. Date Architect's response was received. On receipt of Architect's action, update the RFI log and immediately distribute the RFI response to affected parties. Review response and notify Architect within seven days if Contractor disagrees with response. 1. 2. 1.8 If Contractor believes the RFI response warrants change in the Contract Time or the Contract Sum, notify Architect in writing within 10 days of receipt of the RFI response. RFI Log: Prepare, maintain, and submit a tabular log of RFIs organized by the RFI number. Submit log at pay request intervals.. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. E. Requests for coordination information already indicated in the Contract Documents. Requests for adjustments in the Contract Time or the Contract Sum. Requests for interpretation of Architect's actions on submittals. Incomplete RFIs or inaccurately prepared RFIs. Architect's action may include a request for additional information, in which case Architect's time for response will date from time of receipt of additional information. Architect's action on RFIs that may result in a change to the Contract Time or the Contract Sum may be eligible for Contractor to submit Change Proposal according to Section 012600 "Contract Modification Procedures." a. D. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Identification of related Minor Change in the Work, Construction Change Directive, and Proposal Request, as appropriate. Identification of related Field Order, Work Change Directive, and Proposal Request, as appropriate. PROJECT MEETINGS A. General: Schedule and conduct meetings and conferences at Project site unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2. 3. Attendees: Inform participants and others involved, and individuals whose presence is required, of date and time of each meeting. Notify Owner and Architect of scheduled meeting dates and times. Agenda: Prepare the meeting agenda. Distribute the agenda to all invited attendees. Minutes: Entity responsible for conducting meeting will record significant discussions and agreements achieved. Distribute the meeting minutes to everyone concerned, including Owner and Architect, within three days of the meeting. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 013100 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS B. Preconstruction Conference: Schedule and conduct a preconstruction conference before starting construction, at a time convenient to Owner and Architect, but no later than 15 days after execution of the Agreement. 1. 2. 3. Conduct the conference to review responsibilities and personnel assignments. Attendees: Authorized representatives of Owner Architect, and their consultants; Contractor and its superintendent; major subcontractors; suppliers; and other concerned parties shall attend the conference. Participants at the conference shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. Agenda: Discuss items of significance that could affect progress, including the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y. z. 4. C. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Tentative construction schedule. Phasing. Critical work sequencing and long-lead items. Designation of key personnel and their duties. Lines of communications. Procedures for processing field decisions and Change Orders. Procedures for RFIs. Procedures for testing and inspecting. Procedures for processing Applications for Payment. Distribution of the Contract Documents. Submittal procedures. Preparation of record documents. Use of the premises and existing building. Work restrictions. Working hours. Owner's occupancy requirements. Responsibility for temporary facilities and controls. Procedures for moisture and mold control. Procedures for disruptions and shutdowns. Construction waste management and recycling. Parking availability. Office, work, and storage areas. Equipment deliveries and priorities. First aid. Security. Progress cleaning. Minutes: Entity responsible for conducting meeting will record and distribute meeting minutes. Preinstallation Conferences: Conduct a preinstallation conference at Project site before each construction activity that requires coordination with other construction. 1. 2. Attendees: Installer and representatives of manufacturers and fabricators involved in or affected by the installation and its coordination or integration with other materials and installations that have preceded or will follow, shall attend the meeting. Advise Architect of scheduled meeting dates. Agenda: Review progress of other construction activities and preparations for the particular activity under consideration, including requirements for the following: PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 013100 - 6 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y. 3. 4. 5. D. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Contract Documents. Options. Related RFIs. Related Change Orders. Purchases. Deliveries. Submittals. Review of mockups. Possible conflicts. Compatibility requirements. Time schedules. Weather limitations. Manufacturer's written instructions. Warranty requirements. Compatibility of materials. Acceptability of substrates. Temporary facilities and controls. Space and access limitations. Regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. Testing and inspecting requirements. Installation procedures. Coordination with other work. Required performance results. Protection of adjacent work. Protection of construction and personnel. Record significant conference discussions, agreements, and disagreements, including required corrective measures and actions. Reporting: Distribute minutes of the meeting to each party present and to other parties requiring information. Do not proceed with installation if the conference cannot be successfully concluded. Initiate whatever actions are necessary to resolve impediments to performance of the Work and reconvene the conference at earliest feasible date. Project Closeout Conference: Schedule and conduct a project closeout conference, at a time convenient to Owner and Architect, but no later than 15 days prior to the scheduled date of Substantial Completion. 1. 2. 3. Conduct the conference to review requirements and responsibilities related to Project closeout. Attendees: Authorized representatives of Owner, Architect, and their consultants; Contractor and its superintendent; major subcontractors; suppliers; and other concerned parties shall attend the meeting. Participants at the meeting shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. Agenda: Discuss items of significance that could affect or delay Project closeout, including the following: a. b. c. Preparation of record documents. Procedures required prior to inspection for Substantial Completion and for final inspection for acceptance. Submittal of written warranties. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 013100 - 7 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 4. E. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Requirements for completing documentation. Requirements for preparing operations and maintenance data. Preparation of Contractor's punch list. Procedures for processing Applications for Payment at Substantial Completion and for final payment. Submittal procedures. Coordination of separate contracts. Owner's partial occupancy requirements. Responsibility for removing temporary facilities and controls. Minutes: Entity conducting meeting will record and distribute meeting minutes. Progress Meetings: Conduct progress meetings at regular intervals. 1. 2. 3. Coordinate dates of meetings with preparation of payment requests. Attendees: In addition to representatives of Owner and Architect, each contractor, subcontractor, supplier, and other entity concerned with current progress or involved in planning, coordination, or performance of future activities shall be represented at these meetings. All participants at the meeting shall be familiar with Project and authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. Agenda: Review and correct or approve minutes of previous progress meeting. Review other items of significance that could affect progress. Include topics for discussion as appropriate to status of Project. a. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Review progress since the last meeting. Determine whether each activity is on time, ahead of schedule, or behind schedule, in relation to Contractor's construction schedule. Determine how construction behind schedule will be expedited; secure commitments from parties involved to do so. Discuss whether schedule revisions are required to ensure that current and subsequent activities will be completed within the Contract Time. 1) b. Review schedule for next period. Review present and future needs of each entity present, including the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) Interface requirements. Sequence of operations. Status of submittals. Status of documentation. Deliveries. Off-site fabrication. Access. Site utilization. Temporary facilities and controls. Progress cleaning. Quality and work standards. Status of correction of deficient items. Field observations. Status of RFIs. Status of proposal requests. Pending changes. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 013100 - 8 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 17) 18) 19) 4. Status of Change Orders. Pending claims and disputes. Documentation of information for payment requests. Minutes: Entity responsible for conducting the meeting will record and distribute the meeting minutes to each party present and to parties requiring information. a. F. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Schedule Updating: Revise Contractor's construction schedule after each progress meeting where revisions to the schedule have been made or recognized. Issue revised schedule concurrently with the report of each meeting. Coordination Meetings: Conduct Project coordination meetings at weekly intervals. Project coordination meetings are in addition to specific meetings held for other purposes, such as progress meetings and preinstallation conferences. 1. Agenda: Review and correct or approve minutes of the previous coordination meeting. Review other items of significance that could affect progress. Include topics for discussion as appropriate to status of Project. a. b. c. Combined Contractor's Construction Schedule: Review progress since the last coordination meeting. Determine whether each contract is on time, ahead of schedule, or behind schedule, in relation to combined Contractor's construction schedule. Determine how construction behind schedule will be expedited; secure commitments from parties involved to do so. Discuss whether schedule revisions are required to ensure that current and subsequent activities will be completed within the Contract Time. Schedule Updating: Revise combined Contractor's construction schedule after each coordination meeting where revisions to the schedule have been made or recognized. Issue revised schedule concurrently with report of each meeting. Review present and future needs of each contractor present, including the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 2. Interface requirements. Sequence of operations. Status of submittals. Deliveries. Off-site fabrication. Access. Site utilization. Temporary facilities and controls. Work hours. Hazards and risks. Progress cleaning. Quality and work standards. Change Orders. Reporting: Record meeting results and distribute copies to everyone in attendance and to others affected by decisions or actions resulting from each meeting. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 013100 - 9 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 013100 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION 013100 - 10 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 013200 - CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for documenting the progress of construction during performance of the Work, including the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Related Requirements: 1. 2. 1.3 Startup construction schedule. Contractor's construction schedule. Construction schedule updating reports. Material location reports. Site condition reports. Division 01 Section "Submittal Procedures" for submitting schedules and reports. Division 01 Section "Quality Requirements" for submitting a schedule of tests and inspections. DEFINITIONS A. Activity: A discrete part of a project that can be identified for planning, scheduling, monitoring, and controlling the construction project. Activities included in a construction schedule consume time and resources. 1. 2. 3. Critical Activity: An activity on the critical path that must start and finish on the planned early start and finish times. Predecessor Activity: An activity that precedes another activity in the network. Successor Activity: An activity that follows another activity in the network. B. Cost Loading: The allocation of the schedule of values for the completion of an activity as scheduled. The sum of costs for all activities must equal the total Contract Sum unless otherwise approved by Architect. C. CPM: Critical path method, which is a method of planning and scheduling a construction project where activities are arranged based on activity relationships. Network calculations determine when activities can be performed and the critical path of Project. D. Critical Path: The longest connected chain of interdependent activities through the network schedule that establishes the minimum overall Project duration and contains no float. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 013200 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS E. Event: The starting or ending point of an activity. F. Float: The measure of leeway in starting and completing an activity. 1. 2. 3. G. 1.4 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Float time is not for the exclusive use or benefit of either Owner or Contractor, but is a jointly owned, expiring Project resource available to both parties as needed to meet schedule milestones and Contract completion date. Free float is the amount of time an activity can be delayed without adversely affecting the early start of the successor activity. Total float is the measure of leeway in starting or completing an activity without adversely affecting the planned Project completion date. Resource Loading: The allocation of manpower and equipment necessary for the completion of an activity as scheduled. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Format for Submittals: Submit required submittals in the following format: 1. B. Three paper copies. Startup construction schedule. 1. Approval of cost-loaded, startup construction schedule will not constitute approval of schedule of values for cost-loaded activities. C. Contractor's Construction Schedule: Initial schedule, of size required to display entire schedule for entire construction period. D. Construction Schedule Updating Reports: Submit with Applications for Payment. E. Material Location Reports: Submit at monthly intervals. F. Site Condition Reports: Submit at time of discovery of differing conditions. 1.5 COORDINATION A. Coordinate preparation and processing of schedules and reports with performance of construction activities and with scheduling and reporting of separate contractors. B. Coordinate Contractor's construction schedule with the schedule of values, list of subcontracts, submittal schedule, progress reports, payment requests, and other required schedules and reports. 1. 2. Secure time commitments for performing critical elements of the Work from entities involved. Coordinate each construction activity in the network with other activities and schedule them in proper sequence. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 013200 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE, GENERAL A. Time Frame: Extend schedule from date established for the Notice to Proceed to date of final completion. 1. B. Activities: Treat each story or separate area as a separate numbered activity for each main element of the Work. Comply with the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. Contract completion date shall not be changed by submission of a schedule that shows an early completion date, unless specifically authorized by Change Order. Activity Duration: Define activities so no activity is longer than 20 days, unless specifically allowed by Architect. Procurement Activities: Include procurement process activities for the following long lead items and major items, requiring a cycle of more than 60 days, as separate activities in schedule. Procurement cycle activities include, but are not limited to, submittals, approvals, purchasing, fabrication, and delivery. Submittal Review Time: Include review and resubmittal times indicated in Section 013300 "Submittal Procedures" in schedule. Coordinate submittal review times in Contractor's construction schedule with submittal schedule. Substantial Completion: Indicate completion in advance of date established for Substantial Completion, and allow time for Architect's administrative procedures necessary for certification of Substantial Completion. Punch List and Final Completion: Include not more than 30 days for completion of punch list items and final completion. Constraints: Include constraints and work restrictions indicated in the Contract Documents and as follows in schedule, and show how the sequence of the Work is affected. 1. Work Restrictions: Show the effect of the following items on the schedule: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 2. Coordination with existing construction. Limitations of continued occupancies. Uninterruptible services. Partial occupancy before Substantial Completion. Use of premises restrictions. Provisions for future construction. Seasonal variations. Environmental control. Work Stages: Indicate important stages of construction for each major portion of the Work, including, but not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. Subcontract awards. Submittals. Purchases. Mockups. Fabrication. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 013200 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS f. g. h. i. j. k. l. 3. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Sample testing. Deliveries. Installation. Tests and inspections. Adjusting. Curing. Building flush-out. Construction Areas: Identify each major area of construction for each major portion of the Work. Indicate where each construction activity within a major area must be sequenced or integrated with other construction activities to provide for the following: a. b. c. Structural completion. Temporary enclosure and space conditioning. Substantial Completion. D. Milestones: Include milestones indicated in the Contract Documents in schedule, including, but not limited to, the Notice to Proceed, Substantial Completion, and final completion. E. Cost Correlation: Superimpose a cost correlation timeline, indicating planned and actual costs. On the line, show planned and actual dollar volume of the Work performed as of planned and actual dates used for preparation of payment requests. 1. F. Upcoming Work Summary: Prepare summary report indicating activities scheduled to occur or commence prior to submittal of next schedule update. Summarize the following issues: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. G. 2.2 See Section 012900 "Payment Procedures" for cost reporting and payment procedures. Unresolved issues. Unanswered Requests for Information. Rejected or unreturned submittals. Notations on returned submittals. Pending modifications affecting the Work and Contract Time. Recovery Schedule: When periodic update indicates the Work is 14 or more calendar days behind the current approved schedule, submit a separate recovery schedule indicating means by which Contractor intends to regain compliance with the schedule. Indicate changes to working hours, working days, crew sizes, and equipment required to achieve compliance, and date by which recovery will be accomplished. CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE (CPM SCHEDULE) A. General: Prepare network diagrams using AON (activity-on-node) format. B. Startup Network Diagram: Submit diagram within 14 days of date established for the Notice to Proceed. Outline significant construction activities for the first 90 days of construction. Include skeleton diagram for the remainder of the Work and a cash requirement prediction based on indicated activities. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 013200 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS C. CPM Schedule: Prepare Contractor's construction schedule using a cost- and resource-loaded, time-scaled CPM network analysis diagram for the Work. 1. Develop network diagram in sufficient time to submit CPM schedule so it can be accepted for use no later than 60 days after date established for the Notice of Award. a. 2. 3. 4. D. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Failure to include any work item required for performance of this Contract shall not excuse Contractor from completing all work within applicable completion dates, regardless of Architect's approval of the schedule. Conduct educational workshops to train and inform key Project personnel, including subcontractors' personnel, in proper methods of providing data and using CPM schedule information. Establish procedures for monitoring and updating CPM schedule and for reporting progress. Coordinate procedures with progress meeting and payment request dates. Use "one workday" as the unit of time for individual activities. Indicate nonworking days and holidays incorporated into the schedule in order to coordinate with the Contract Time. CPM Schedule Preparation: Prepare a list of all activities required to complete the Work. Using the startup network diagram, prepare a skeleton network to identify probable critical paths. 1. Activities: Indicate the estimated time duration, sequence requirements, and relationship of each activity in relation to other activities. Include estimated time frames for the following activities: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 2. 3. 4. 5. Preparation and processing of submittals. Mobilization and demobilization. Purchase of materials. Delivery. Fabrication. Utility interruptions. Installation. Punch list and final completion. Activities occurring following final completion. Critical Path Activities: Identify critical path activities, including those for interim completion dates. Scheduled start and completion dates shall be consistent with Contract milestone dates. Processing: Process data to produce output data on a computer-drawn, time-scaled network. Revise data, reorganize activity sequences, and reproduce as often as necessary to produce the CPM schedule within the limitations of the Contract Time. Format: Mark the critical path. Locate the critical path near center of network; locate paths with most float near the edges. Cost- and Resource-Loading of CPM Schedule: Assign cost to construction activities on the CPM schedule. Do not assign costs to submittal activities. Obtain Architect's approval prior to assigning costs to fabrication and delivery activities. Assign costs under main subcontracts for testing and commissioning activities, operation and maintenance manuals, punch list activities, project record documents. a. Total cost assigned to activities shall equal the total Contract Sum. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 013200 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS E. Initial Issue of Schedule: Prepare initial network diagram from a sorted activity list indicating straight "early start-total float." Identify critical activities. Prepare tabulated reports showing the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. F. Contractor or subcontractor and the Work or activity. Description of activity. Main events of activity. Immediate preceding and succeeding activities. Early and late start dates. Early and late finish dates. Activity duration in workdays. Total float or slack time. Schedule Updating: Concurrent with making revisions to schedule, prepare tabulated reports showing the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 2.3 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Identification of activities that have changed. Changes in early and late start dates. Changes in early and late finish dates. Changes in activity durations in workdays. Changes in the critical path. Changes in total float or slack time. Changes in the Contract Time. REPORTS A. Material Location Reports: At monthly intervals, prepare and submit a comprehensive list of materials delivered to and stored at Project site. List shall be cumulative, showing materials previously reported plus items recently delivered. Include with list a statement of progress on and delivery dates for materials or items of equipment fabricated or stored away from Project site. Indicate the following categories for stored materials: 1. 2. 3. B. 2.4 Material stored prior to previous report and remaining in storage. Material stored prior to previous report and since removed from storage and installed. Material stored following previous report and remaining in storage. Site Condition Reports: Immediately on discovery of a difference between site conditions and the Contract Documents, prepare and submit a detailed report. Submit with a Request for Information. Include a detailed description of the differing conditions, together with recommendations for changing the Contract Documents. SPECIAL REPORTS A. General: Submit special reports directly to Owner within one day of an occurrence. Distribute copies of report to parties affected by the occurrence. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 013200 - 6 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS B. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Reporting Unusual Events: When an event of an unusual and significant nature occurs at Project site, whether or not related directly to the Work, prepare and submit a special report. List chain of events, persons participating, response by Contractor's personnel, evaluation of results or effects, and similar pertinent information. Advise Owner in advance when these events are known or predictable. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE A. Distribution: Distribute copies of approved schedule to Architect, Owner, separate contractors, testing and inspecting agencies, and other parties identified by Contractor with a need-to-know schedule responsibility. 1. 2. Post copies in Project meeting rooms and temporary field offices. When revisions are made, distribute updated schedules to the same parties and post in the same locations. Delete parties from distribution when they have completed their assigned portion of the Work and are no longer involved in performance of construction activities. END OF SECTION 013200 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION 013200 - 7 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 014000 - QUALITY REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for quality assurance and quality control. B. Testing and inspecting services are required to verify compliance with requirements specified or indicated. These services do not relieve Contractor of responsibility for compliance with the Contract Document requirements. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.3 Specific quality-assurance and -control requirements for individual construction activities are specified in the Sections that specify those activities. Requirements in those Sections may also cover production of standard products. Specified tests, inspections, and related actions do not limit Contractor's other qualityassurance and -control procedures that facilitate compliance with the Contract Document requirements. Requirements for Contractor to provide quality-assurance and -control services required by Architect, Owner, or authorities having jurisdiction are not limited by provisions of this Section. Specific test and inspection requirements are not specified in this Section. DEFINITIONS A. Quality-Assurance Services: Activities, actions, and procedures performed before and during execution of the Work to guard against defects and deficiencies and substantiate that proposed construction will comply with requirements. B. Quality-Control Services: Tests, inspections, procedures, and related actions during and after execution of the Work to evaluate that actual products incorporated into the Work and completed construction comply with requirements. Services do not include contract enforcement activities performed by Architect. C. Mockups: Full-size physical assemblies that are constructed on-site. Mockups are constructed to verify selections made under Sample submittals; to demonstrate aesthetic effects and, where indicated, qualities of materials and execution; to review coordination, testing, or operation; to show interface between dissimilar materials; and to demonstrate compliance with specified installation tolerances. Mockups are not Samples. Unless otherwise indicated, approved mockups establish the standard by which the Work will be judged. QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 014000 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 D. Preconstruction Testing: Tests and inspections performed specifically for Project before products and materials are incorporated into the Work, to verify performance or compliance with specified criteria. E. Product Testing: Tests and inspections that are performed by an NRTL, an NVLAP, or a testing agency qualified to conduct product testing and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, to establish product performance and compliance with specified requirements. F. Source Quality-Control Testing: Tests and inspections that are performed at the source, e.g., plant, mill, factory, or shop. G. Field Quality-Control Testing: Tests and inspections that are performed on-site for installation of the Work and for completed Work. H. Testing Agency: An entity engaged to perform specific tests, inspections, or both. Testing laboratory shall mean the same as testing agency. I. Installer/Applicator/Erector: Contractor or another entity engaged by Contractor as an employee, Subcontractor, or Sub-subcontractor, to perform a particular construction operation, including installation, erection, application, and similar operations. 1. J. 1.4 Use of trade-specific terminology in referring to a trade or entity does not require that certain construction activities be performed by accredited or unionized individuals, or that requirements specified apply exclusively to specific trade(s). Experienced: When used with an entity or individual, "experienced" means having successfully completed a minimum of five previous projects similar in nature, size, and extent to this Project; being familiar with special requirements indicated; and having complied with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. CONFLICTING REQUIREMENTS A. Referenced Standards: If compliance with two or more standards is specified and the standards establish different or conflicting requirements for minimum quantities or quality levels, comply with the most stringent requirement. Refer conflicting requirements that are different, but apparently equal, to Architect for a decision before proceeding. B. Minimum Quantity or Quality Levels: The quantity or quality level shown or specified shall be the minimum provided or performed. The actual installation may comply exactly with the minimum quantity or quality specified, or it may exceed the minimum within reasonable limits. To comply with these requirements, indicated numeric values are minimum or maximum, as appropriate, for the context of requirements. Refer uncertainties to Architect for a decision before proceeding. QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 014000 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 CONTRACTOR'S QUALITY-CONTROL PLAN A. 1.6 Monitoring and Documentation: Maintain testing and inspection reports including log of approved and rejected results. Include work Architect has indicated as nonconforming or defective. Indicate corrective actions taken to bring nonconforming work into compliance with requirements. Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS A. Test and Inspection Reports: Prepare and submit certified written reports when specified in other Sections. Include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. B. 1.7 Date of issue. Project title and number. Name, address, and telephone number of testing agency. Dates and locations of samples and tests or inspections. Names of individuals making tests and inspections. Description of the Work and test and inspection method. Identification of product and Specification Section. Complete test or inspection data. Test and inspection results and an interpretation of test results. Record of temperature and weather conditions at time of sample taking and testing and inspecting. Comments or professional opinion on whether tested or inspected Work complies with the Contract Document requirements. Recommendations on retesting and reinspecting. Permits, Licenses, and Certificates: For Owner's records, submit copies of permits, licenses, certifications, inspection reports, releases, jurisdictional settlements, notices, receipts for fee payments, judgments, correspondence, records, and similar documents, established for compliance with standards and regulations bearing on performance of the Work. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. General: Qualifications paragraphs in this article establish the minimum qualification levels required; individual Specification Sections specify additional requirements. B. Specialists: Certain Specification Sections require that specific construction activities shall be performed by entities who are recognized experts in those operations. Specialists shall satisfy qualification requirements indicated and shall be engaged for the activities indicated. C. Preconstruction Testing: Where testing agency is indicated to perform preconstruction testing for compliance with specified requirements for performance and test methods, comply with the following: 1. Contractor responsibilities include the following: a. Provide test specimens representative of proposed products and construction. QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 014000 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS b. D. 2. 3. 4. 5. Build mockups in location and of size indicated or, if not indicated, as directed by Architect. Notify Architect seven days in advance of dates and times when mockups will be constructed. Employ supervisory personnel who will oversee mockup construction. Employ workers that will be employed during the construction at Project. Demonstrate the proposed range of aesthetic effects and workmanship. Obtain Architect's approval of mockups before starting work, fabrication, or construction. a. 6. 7. 1.8 Build site-assembled mockups using installers who will perform same tasks for Project. Mockups: Before installing portions of the Work requiring mockups, build mockups for each form of construction and finish required to comply with the following requirements, using materials indicated for the completed Work: 1. E. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Allow seven days for initial review and each re-review of each mockup. Maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for judging the completed Work. Demolish and remove mockups when directed unless otherwise indicated. Integrated Exterior Mockups: Construct integrated exterior mockup as indicated on Drawings. Coordinate installation of exterior envelope materials and products for which mockups are required in individual Specification Sections, along with supporting materials. QUALITY CONTROL A. Contractor Responsibilities: Tests and inspections not explicitly assigned to Owner are Contractor's responsibility. Perform additional quality-control activities required to verify that the Work complies with requirements, whether specified or not. 1. 2. B. Associated Services: Cooperate with agencies performing required inspections, and similar quality-control services, and provide reasonable auxiliary services as requested. Notify agency sufficiently in advance of operations to permit assignment of personnel. Provide the following: 1. 2. C. Unless otherwise indicated, provide quality-control services specified and those required by authorities having jurisdiction. Perform quality-control services required of Contractor by authorities having jurisdiction, whether specified or not. Submit additional copies of each written report directly to authorities having jurisdiction, when they so direct. Access to the Work. Incidental labor and facilities necessary to facilitate inspections. Coordination: Coordinate sequence of activities to accommodate required quality-assurance and -control services with a minimum of delay and to avoid necessity of removing and replacing construction to accommodate inspecting. 1. Schedule times for inspections, obtaining samples, and similar activities. QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 014000 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS D. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Schedule of Inspections: Prepare a schedule of inspections, and similar quality-control services required by the Contract Documents. Coordinate and submit concurrently with Contractor's construction schedule. Update as the Work progresses. 1. Distribution: Distribute schedule to Owner, Architect, and each party involved in performance of portions of the Work where inspections are required. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 REPAIR AND PROTECTION A. General: On completion of inspecting, and similar services, repair damaged construction and restore substrates and finishes. 1. Provide materials and comply with installation requirements specified in other Specification Sections or matching existing substrates and finishes. Restore patched areas and extend restoration into adjoining areas with durable seams that are as invisible as possible. Comply with the Contract Document requirements for cutting and patching in Section 017300 "Execution." B. Protect construction exposed by or for quality-control service activities. C. Repair and protection are Contractor's responsibility, regardless of the assignment of responsibility for quality-control services. END OF SECTION 014000 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 014000 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 015000 - TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes requirements for temporary utilities, support facilities, and security and protection facilities. B. Related Requirements: 1. 1.3 Section 011000 "Summary" for work restrictions and limitations on utility interruptions. USE CHARGES A. General: Installation and removal of and use charges for temporary facilities shall be included in the Contract Sum unless otherwise indicated. Allow other entities to use temporary services and facilities without cost, including, but not limited to, Architect, and authorities having jurisdiction. B. Water and Sewer Service from Existing System: Water from Owner's existing water system is available for use without metering and without payment of use charges. Provide connections and extensions of services as required for construction operations. C. Electric Power Service from Existing System: Electric power from Owner's existing system is available for use without metering and without payment of use charges. Provide connections and extensions of services as required for construction operations. 1.4 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Site Plan: Show temporary facilities, utility hookups, staging areas, and parking areas for construction personnel. B. Fire-Safety Program: Show compliance with requirements of NFPA 241 and authorities having jurisdiction. Indicate Contractor personnel responsible for management of fire-prevention program. C. Moisture-Protection Plan: Describe procedures and controls for protecting materials and construction from water absorption and damage. TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 015000 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1. 2. 1.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Describe delivery, handling, and storage provisions for materials subject to water absorption or water damage. Indicate procedures for discarding water-damaged materials, protocols for mitigating water intrusion into completed Work, and replacing water-damaged Work. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.6 Accessible Temporary Egress: Comply with applicable provisions in the U.S. Architectural & Transportation Barriers Compliance Board's ADA-ABA Accessibility Guidelines. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Temporary Use of Permanent Facilities: Engage Installer of each permanent service to assume responsibility for operation, maintenance, and protection of each permanent service during its use as a construction facility before Owner's acceptance, regardless of previously assigned responsibilities. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Polyethylene Sheet: Reinforced, fire-resistive sheet, 10-mil (0.25-mm) minimum thickness, with flame-spread rating of 15 or less per ASTM E 84 and passing NFPA 701 Test Method 2. B. Dust-Control Adhesive-Surface Walk-off Mats: Provide mats minimum 36 by 60 inches (914 by 1624 mm). 2.2 TEMPORARY FACILITIES A. Storage and Fabrication Sheds: Provide sheds sized, furnished, and equipped to accommodate materials and equipment for construction operations. 1. 2.3 Store combustible materials apart from building. EQUIPMENT A. Fire Extinguishers: Portable, UL rated; with class and extinguishing agent as required by locations and classes of fire exposures. TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 015000 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Locate facilities where they will serve Project adequately and result in minimum interference with performance of the Work. Relocate and modify facilities as required by progress of the Work. 1. B. 3.2 Locate facilities to limit site disturbance as specified in Section 011000 "Summary." Provide each facility ready for use when needed to avoid delay. Do not remove until facilities are no longer needed or are replaced by authorized use of completed permanent facilities. TEMPORARY UTILITY INSTALLATION A. Isolation of Work Areas in Occupied Facilities: Prevent dust, fumes, and odors from entering occupied areas. B. Electric Power Service: Connect to Owner's existing electric power service. Maintain equipment in a condition acceptable to Owner. Coordinate level of use with Owner prior to use as existing system is marginal. 1. 3.3 Provide superintendent with cellular telephone or portable two-way radio for use when away from field office. SUPPORT FACILITIES INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with the following: 1. B. Maintain support facilities until Architect schedules Substantial Completion inspection. Remove before Substantial Completion. Personnel remaining after Substantial Completion will be permitted to use permanent facilities, under conditions acceptable to Owner. Traffic Controls: Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 1. 2. Protect existing site improvements to remain including curbs, pavement, and utilities. Maintain access for fire-fighting equipment and access to fire hydrants. C. Parking: Use designated areas of Owner's existing parking areas for construction personnel. D. Dewatering Facilities and Drains: Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Maintain Project site, excavations, and construction free of water. 1. 2. Dispose of rainwater in a lawful manner that will not result in flooding Project or adjoining properties or endanger permanent Work or temporary facilities. Remove snow and ice as required to minimize accumulations. TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 015000 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS E. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Project Signs: Provide Project signs as indicated. Unauthorized signs are not permitted. 1. Identification Signs: Provide Project identification signs as indicated on Drawings. (see page at end of this section) 2. Maintain and touchup signs so they are legible at all times. F. Waste Disposal Facilities: Provide waste-collection containers in sizes adequate to handle waste from construction operations. Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Comply with progress cleaning requirements in Section 017300 "Execution." G. Existing Stair Usage: Use of Owner's existing stairs will be permitted, provided stairs are cleaned and maintained in a condition acceptable to Owner. At Substantial Completion, restore stairs to condition existing before initial use. 1. 3.4 Provide protective coverings, barriers, devices, signs, or other procedures to protect stairs and to maintain means of egress. If stairs become damaged, restore damaged areas so no evidence remains of correction work. SECURITY AND PROTECTION FACILITIES INSTALLATION A. Protection of Existing Facilities: Protect existing vegetation, equipment, structures, utilities, and other improvements at Project site and on adjacent properties, except those indicated to be removed or altered. Repair damage to existing facilities. B. Environmental Protection: Provide protection, operate temporary facilities, and conduct construction as required to comply with environmental regulations and that minimize possible air, waterway, and subsoil contamination or pollution or other undesirable effects. 1. Comply with work restrictions specified in Section 011000 "Summary." C. Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control: Provide measures to prevent soil erosion and discharge of soil-bearing water runoff and airborne dust to undisturbed areas and to adjacent properties and walkways.. D. Barricades and Warning Signs: Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction for erecting structurally adequate barricades, including warning signs and lighting. E. Temporary Fire Protection: Maintain temporary fire-protection facilities of types needed to protect against reasonably predictable and controllable fire losses. Comply with NFPA 241; manage fire-prevention program. 1. 2. 3.5 Prohibit smoking in construction areas. Supervise welding operations and similar sources of fire ignition according to requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. MOISTURE AND MOLD CONTROL A. Avoid trapping water in finished work. Document visible signs of mold that may appear during construction. TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 015000 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS B. Exposed Construction Phase: 1. 2. 3.6 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Protect porous materials from water damage. Protect stored and installed material from flowing or standing water. OPERATION, TERMINATION, AND REMOVAL A. Supervision: Enforce strict discipline in use of temporary facilities. To minimize waste and abuse, limit availability of temporary facilities to essential and intended uses. B. Maintenance: Maintain facilities in good operating condition until removal. 1. Maintain operation of temporary enclosures. C. Temporary Facility Changeover: Do not change over from using temporary security and protection facilities to permanent facilities until Substantial Completion. D. Termination and Removal: Remove each temporary facility when need for its service has ended, when it has been replaced by authorized use of a permanent facility, or no later than Substantial Completion. Complete or, if necessary, restore permanent construction that may have been delayed because of interference with temporary facility. Repair damaged Work, clean exposed surfaces, and replace construction that cannot be satisfactorily repaired. 1. 2. 3. Materials and facilities that constitute temporary facilities are property of Contractor. Owner reserves right to take possession of Project identification signs. Repair or replace street paving, curbs, and sidewalks at temporary entrances, as required by authorities having jurisdiction. At Substantial Completion, repair, renovate, and clean permanent facilities used during construction period. Comply with final cleaning requirements specified in Section 017700 "Closeout Procedures." END OF SECTION 015000 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 015000 - 5 GENERAL CONTRACTOR (LIST) BRUCE McMILLAN AIA, ARCHITECTS P.A. OWNER: CITY OF WATERVILLE, KANSAS SUPPORTED BY: THE WATERVILLE PRESERVATION SOCIETY FUNDED IN PART BY A HERITAGE TRUST FUND GRANT THROUGH THE KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY WATERVILLE, KANSAS 66548 PROJECT NO. HTF 2015-10 MASONRY & STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 202 EAST FRONT STREET WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE IMPROVEMENTS 7” WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 016000 - PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for selection of products for use in Project; product delivery, storage, and handling; manufacturers' standard warranties on products; special warranties; and comparable products. B. Related Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 1.3 Division 01 Section "Allowances" for products selected under an allowance. Division 01 Section "Alternates" for products selected under an alternate. Division 01 Section "Substitution Procedures" for requests for substitutions. DEFINITIONS A. Products: Items obtained for incorporating into the Work, whether purchased for Project or taken from previously purchased stock. The term "product" includes the terms "material," "equipment," "system," and terms of similar intent. 1. 2. 3. B. Named Products: Items identified by manufacturer's product name, including make or model number or other designation shown or listed in manufacturer's published product literature, that is current as of date of the Contract Documents. New Products: Items that have not previously been incorporated into another project or facility. Products salvaged or recycled from other projects are not considered new products. Comparable Product: Product that is demonstrated and approved through submittal process to have the indicated qualities related to type, function, dimension, in-service performance, physical properties, appearance, and other characteristics that equal or exceed those of specified product. Basis-of-Design Product Specification: A specification in which a specific manufacturer's product is named and accompanied by the words "basis-of-design product," including make or model number or other designation, to establish the significant qualities related to type, function, dimension, in-service performance, physical properties, appearance, and other characteristics for purposes of evaluating comparable products of additional manufacturers named in the specification. PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 016000 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1.4 HTF 2015-10/15.05 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Comparable Product Requests: Submit request for consideration of each comparable product. Identify product or fabrication or installation method to be replaced. Include Specification Section number and title and Drawing numbers and titles. 1. 2. Include data to indicate compliance with the requirements specified in "Comparable Products" Article. Architect's Action: If necessary, Architect will request additional information or documentation for evaluation within one week of receipt of a comparable product request. Architect will notify Contractor of approval or rejection of proposed comparable product request within 15 days of receipt of request, or seven days of receipt of additional information or documentation, whichever is later. a. b. B. 1.5 Form of Approval: As specified in Section 013300 "Submittal Procedures." Use product specified if Architect does not issue a decision on use of a comparable product request within time allocated. Basis-of-Design Product Specification Submittal: Comply with requirements in Section 013300 "Submittal Procedures." Show compliance with requirements. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Compatibility of Options: If Contractor is given option of selecting between two or more products for use on Project, select product compatible with products previously selected, even if previously selected products were also options. 1. 2. 1.6 Each contractor is responsible for providing products and construction methods compatible with products and construction methods of other contractors. If a dispute arises between contractors over concurrently selectable but incompatible products, Architect will determine which products shall be used. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver, store, and handle products using means and methods that will prevent damage, deterioration, and loss, including theft and vandalism. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. B. Delivery and Handling: 1. 2. 3. Schedule delivery to minimize long-term storage at Project site and to prevent overcrowding of construction spaces. Coordinate delivery with installation time to ensure minimum holding time for items that are flammable, hazardous, easily damaged, or sensitive to deterioration, theft, and other losses. Deliver products to Project site in an undamaged condition in manufacturer's original sealed container or other packaging system, complete with labels and instructions for handling, storing, unpacking, protecting, and installing. PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 016000 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 4. C. Inspect products on delivery to determine compliance with the Contract Documents and to determine that products are undamaged and properly protected. Storage: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1.7 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Store products to allow for inspection and measurement of quantity or counting of units. Store materials in a manner that will not endanger Project structure. Store products that are subject to damage by the elements, under cover in a weathertight enclosure above ground, with ventilation adequate to prevent condensation. Protect foam plastic from exposure to sunlight, except to extent necessary for period of installation and concealment. Comply with product manufacturer's written instructions for temperature, humidity, ventilation, and weather-protection requirements for storage. Protect stored products from damage and liquids from freezing. Provide a secure location and enclosure at Project site for storage of materials and equipment by Owner's construction forces. Coordinate location with Owner. PRODUCT WARRANTIES A. Warranties specified in other Sections shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties required by the Contract Documents. Manufacturer's disclaimers and limitations on product warranties do not relieve Contractor of obligations under requirements of the Contract Documents. 1. 2. B. Special Warranties: Prepare a written document that contains appropriate terms and identification, ready for execution. 1. 2. 3. C. Manufacturer's Warranty: Written warranty furnished by individual manufacturer for a particular product and specifically endorsed by manufacturer to Owner. Special Warranty: Written warranty required by the Contract Documents to provide specific rights for Owner. Manufacturer's Standard Form: Modified to include Project-specific information and properly executed. Specified Form: When specified forms are included with the Specifications, prepare a written document using indicated form properly executed. See other Sections for specific content requirements and particular requirements for submitting special warranties. Submittal Time: Comply with requirements in Section 017700 "Closeout Procedures." PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PRODUCT SELECTION PROCEDURES A. General Product Requirements: Provide products that comply with the Contract Documents, are undamaged and, unless otherwise indicated, are new at time of installation. PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 016000 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Provide products complete with accessories, trim, finish, fasteners, and other items needed for a complete installation and indicated use and effect. Standard Products: If available, and unless custom products or nonstandard options are specified, provide standard products of types that have been produced and used successfully in similar situations on other projects. Owner reserves the right to limit selection to products with warranties not in conflict with requirements of the Contract Documents. Where products are accompanied by the term "as selected," Architect will make selection. Descriptive, performance, and reference standard requirements in the Specifications establish salient characteristics of products. Or Equal: For products specified by name and accompanied by the term "or equal," or "or approved equal," or "or approved," comply with requirements in "Comparable Products" Article to obtain approval for use of an unnamed product. Product Selection Procedures: 1. 2. 3. Product: Where Specifications name a single manufacturer and product, provide the named product that complies with requirements. Comparable products or substitutions for Contractor's convenience will not be considered. Manufacturer/Source: Where Specifications name a single manufacturer or source, provide a product by the named manufacturer or source that complies with requirements. Comparable products or substitutions for Contractor's convenience will not be considered. Products: a. b. 4. Restricted List: Where Specifications include a list of names of both manufacturers and products, provide one of the products listed that complies with requirements. Comparable products or substitutions for Contractor's convenience will be considered unless otherwise indicated. Nonrestricted List: Where Specifications include a list of names of both available manufacturers and products, provide one of the products listed, or an unnamed product, that complies with requirements. Comply with requirements in "Comparable Products" Article for consideration of an unnamed product. Manufacturers: a. b. Restricted List: Where Specifications include a list of manufacturers' names, provide a product by one of the manufacturers listed that complies with requirements. Comparable products or substitutions for Contractor's convenience will be considered unless otherwise indicated. Nonrestricted List: Where Specifications include a list of available manufacturers, provide a product by one of the manufacturers listed, or a product by an unnamed manufacturer, that complies with requirements. Comply with requirements in "Comparable Products" Article for consideration of an unnamed manufacturer's product. PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 016000 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 5. C. 2.2 Basis-of-Design Product: Where Specifications name a product, or refer to a product indicated on Drawings, and include a list of manufacturers, provide the specified or indicated product or a comparable product by one of the other named manufacturers. Drawings and Specifications indicate sizes, profiles, dimensions, and other characteristics that are based on the product named. Comply with requirements in "Comparable Products" Article for consideration of an unnamed product by one of the other named manufacturers. Visual Matching Specification: Where Specifications require "match Architect's sample", provide a product that complies with requirements and matches Architect's sample. Architect's decision will be final on whether a proposed product matches. 1. D. HTF 2015-10/15.05 If no product available within specified category matches and complies with other specified requirements, comply with requirements in Section 012500 "Substitution Procedures" for proposal of product. Visual Selection Specification: Where Specifications include the phrase "as selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range" or similar phrase, select a product that complies with requirements. Architect will select color, gloss, pattern, density, or texture from manufacturer's product line that includes both standard and premium items. COMPARABLE PRODUCTS A. Conditions for Consideration: Architect will consider Contractor's request for comparable product when the following conditions are satisfied. If the following conditions are not satisfied, Architect may return requests without action, except to record noncompliance with these requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Evidence that the proposed product does not require revisions to the Contract Documents, that it is consistent with the Contract Documents and will produce the indicated results, and that it is compatible with other portions of the Work. Detailed comparison of significant qualities of proposed product with those named in the Specifications. Significant qualities include attributes such as performance, weight, size, durability, visual effect, and specific features and requirements indicated. Evidence that proposed product provides specified warranty. List of similar installations for completed projects with project names and addresses and names and addresses of architects and owners, if requested. Samples, if requested. PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION 016000 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 016000 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 017300 - EXECUTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes general administrative and procedural requirements governing execution of the Work including, but not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. Related Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.3 Construction layout. Installation of the Work. Cutting and patching. Progress cleaning. Protection of installed construction. Correction of the Work. Section 011000 "Summary" for limits on use of Project site. Section 013300 "Submittal Procedures" for submitting surveys. Section 017700 "Closeout Procedures" for submitting final property survey with Project Record Documents, recording of Owner-accepted deviations from indicated lines and levels, and final cleaning. Section 024119 "Selective Demolition" for demolition and removal of selected portions of the building. DEFINITIONS A. Cutting: Removal of in-place construction necessary to permit installation or performance of other work. B. Patching: Fitting and repair work required to restore construction to original conditions after installation of other work. 1.4 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Cutting and Patching Plan: Submit plan describing procedures at least 10 days prior to the time cutting and patching will be performed. Include the following information: 1. EXECUTION Extent: Describe reason for and extent of each occurrence of cutting and patching. 017300 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 2. 3. 4. 5. Changes to In-Place Construction: Describe anticipated results. Include changes to structural elements and operating components as well as changes in building appearance and other significant visual elements. Products: List products to be used for patching and firms or entities that will perform patching work. Dates: Indicate when cutting and patching will be performed. Utilities and Mechanical and Electrical Systems: List services and systems that cutting and patching procedures will disturb or affect. List services and systems that will be relocated and those that will be temporarily out of service. Indicate length of time permanent services and systems will be disrupted. a. B. 1.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Include description of provisions for temporary services and systems during interruption of permanent services and systems. Landfill Receipts: Submit copy of receipts issued by a landfill facility, licensed to accept hazardous materials, for hazardous waste disposal. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Cutting and Patching: Comply with requirements for and limitations on cutting and patching of construction elements. 1. Structural Elements: When cutting and patching structural elements, notify Architect of locations and details of cutting and await directions from Architect before proceeding. Shore, brace, and support structural elements during cutting and patching. Do not cut and patch structural elements in a manner that could change their load-carrying capacity or increase deflection a. b. 2. Lintels Structural Stone Units. Visual Elements: Do not cut and patch construction in a manner that results in visual evidence of cutting and patching. Do not cut and patch exposed construction in a manner that would, in Architect's opinion, reduce the building's aesthetic qualities. Remove and replace construction that has been cut and patched in a visually unsatisfactory manner. B. Cutting and Patching Conference: Before proceeding, meet at Project site with parties involved in cutting and patching, including mechanical and electrical trades. Review areas of potential interference and conflict. Coordinate procedures and resolve potential conflicts before proceeding. C. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Obtain and maintain on-site manufacturer's written recommendations and instructions for installation of products and equipment. EXECUTION 017300 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. General: Comply with requirements specified in other Sections. B. In-Place Materials: Use materials for patching identical to in-place materials. For exposed surfaces, use materials that visually match in-place adjacent surfaces to the fullest extent possible. 1. If identical materials are unavailable or cannot be used, use materials that, when installed, will provide a match acceptable to Architect for the visual and functional performance of in-place materials. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Existing Conditions: The existence and location of underground and other utilities and construction indicated as existing are not guaranteed. Before beginning sitework, investigate and verify the existence and location of underground utilities, and other construction affecting the Work. 1. B. Examination and Acceptance of Conditions: Before proceeding with each component of the Work, examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer or Applicator present where indicated, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance. Record observations. 1. 2. C. 3.2 Furnish location data for work related to Project that must be performed by public utilities serving Project site. Examine walls, floors, and roofs for suitable conditions where products and systems are to be installed. Verify compatibility with and suitability of substrates, including compatibility with existing finishes or primers. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Proceeding with the Work indicates acceptance of surfaces and conditions. PREPARATION A. Existing Utility Information: Furnish information to local utility that is necessary to adjust, move, or relocate existing utility structures, utility poles, lines, services, or other utility appurtenances located in or affected by construction. Coordinate with authorities having jurisdiction. EXECUTION 017300 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 B. Field Measurements: Take field measurements as required to fit the Work properly. Recheck measurements before installing each product. Where portions of the Work are indicated to fit to other construction, verify dimensions of other construction by field measurements before fabrication. Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying the Work. C. Space Requirements: Verify space requirements and dimensions of items shown diagrammatically on Drawings. D. Review of Contract Documents and Field Conditions: Immediately on discovery of the need for clarification of the Contract Documents caused by differing field conditions outside the control of Contractor, submit a request for information to Architect according to requirements in Section 013100 "Project Management and Coordination." 3.3 INSTALLATION A. General: Locate the Work and components of the Work accurately, in correct alignment and elevation, as indicated. 1. 2. Make vertical work plumb and make horizontal work level. Where space is limited, install components to maximize space available for maintenance and ease of removal for replacement. B. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations for installing products in applications indicated. C. Install products at the time and under conditions that will ensure the best possible results. Maintain conditions required for product performance until Substantial Completion. D. Conduct construction operations so no part of the Work is subjected to damaging operations or loading in excess of that expected during normal conditions of occupancy. E. Sequence the Work and allow adequate clearances to accommodate movement of construction items on site and placement in permanent locations. F. Tools and Equipment: Do not use tools or equipment that produce harmful noise levels. G. Templates: Obtain and distribute to the parties involved templates for work specified to be factory prepared and field installed. Check Shop Drawings of other work to confirm that adequate provisions are made for locating and installing products to comply with indicated requirements. H. Attachment: Provide blocking and attachment plates and anchors and fasteners of adequate size and number to securely anchor each component in place, accurately located and aligned with other portions of the Work. Where size and type of attachments are not indicated, verify size and type required for load conditions. 1. 2. EXECUTION Mounting Heights: Where mounting heights are not indicated, mount components at heights directed by Architect. Allow for building movement, including thermal expansion and contraction. 017300 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 3. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Coordinate installation of anchorages. Furnish setting drawings, templates, and directions for installing anchorages, including sleeves, concrete inserts, anchor bolts, and items with integral anchors, that are to be embedded in concrete or masonry. Deliver such items to Project site in time for installation. I. Joints: Make joints of uniform width. Where joint locations in exposed work are not indicated, arrange joints for the best visual effect. Fit exposed connections together to form hairline joints. J. Hazardous Materials: Use products, cleaners, and installation materials that are not considered hazardous. 3.4 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Cutting and Patching, General: Employ skilled workers to perform cutting and patching. Proceed with cutting and patching at the earliest feasible time, and complete without delay. 1. Cut in-place construction to provide for installation of other components or performance of other construction, and subsequently patch as required to restore surfaces to their original condition. B. Existing Warranties: Remove, replace, patch, and repair materials and surfaces cut or damaged during installation or cutting and patching operations, by methods and with materials so as not to void existing warranties. C. Temporary Support: Provide temporary support of work to be cut. D. Protection: Protect in-place construction during cutting and patching to prevent damage. Provide protection from adverse weather conditions for portions of Project that might be exposed during cutting and patching operations. E. Adjacent Occupied Areas: Where interference with use of adjoining areas or interruption of free passage to adjoining areas is unavoidable, coordinate cutting and patching according to requirements in Section 011000 "Summary." F. Existing Utility Services and Mechanical/Electrical Systems: Where existing services/systems are required to be removed, relocated, or abandoned, bypass such services/systems before cutting to prevent interruption to occupied areas. G. Cutting: Cut in-place construction by sawing, drilling, breaking, chipping, grinding, and similar operations, including excavation, using methods least likely to damage elements retained or adjoining construction. If possible, review proposed procedures with original Installer; comply with original Installer's written recommendations. 1. 2. EXECUTION In general, use hand or small power tools designed for sawing and grinding, not hammering and chopping. Cut holes and slots neatly to minimum size required, and with minimum disturbance of adjacent surfaces. Temporarily cover openings when not in use. Excavating and Backfilling: Comply with requirements in applicable Sections where required by cutting and patching operations. 017300 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 3. 4. H. Mechanical and Electrical Services: Cut off pipe or conduit in walls or partitions to be removed. Cap, valve, or plug and seal remaining portion of pipe or conduit to prevent entrance of moisture or other foreign matter after cutting. Proceed with patching after construction operations requiring cutting are complete. Patching: Patch construction by filling, repairing, refinishing, closing up, and similar operations following performance of other work. Patch with durable seams that are as invisible as practicable. Provide materials and comply with installation requirements specified in other Sections, where applicable. 1. 2. Inspection: Where feasible, test and inspect patched areas after completion to demonstrate physical integrity of installation. Exposed Finishes: Restore exposed finishes of patched areas and extend finish restoration into retained adjoining construction in a manner that will minimize evidence of patching and refinishing. a. b. 3. I. 3.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Clean piping, conduit, and similar features before applying paint or other finishing materials. Restore damaged pipe covering to its original condition. Exterior Building Enclosure: Patch components in a manner that restores enclosure to a weathertight condition and ensures thermal and moisture integrity of building enclosure. Cleaning: Clean areas and spaces where cutting and patching are performed. Remove paint, mortar, oils, putty, and similar materials from adjacent finished surfaces. PROGRESS CLEANING A. General: Clean Project site and work areas daily, including common areas. Enforce requirements strictly. Dispose of materials lawfully. 1. 2. 3. Comply with requirements in NFPA 241 for removal of combustible waste materials and debris. Do not hold waste materials more than seven days during normal weather or three days if the temperature is expected to rise above 80 deg F (27 deg C). Containerize hazardous and unsanitary waste materials separately from other waste. Mark containers appropriately and dispose of legally, according to regulations. a. 4. Use containers intended for holding waste materials of type to be stored. Coordinate progress cleaning for joint-use areas where Contractor and other contractors are working concurrently. B. Site: Maintain Project site free of waste materials and debris. C. Work Areas: Clean areas where work is in progress to the level of cleanliness necessary for proper execution of the Work. 1. EXECUTION Remove liquid spills promptly. 017300 - 6 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 2. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Where dust would impair proper execution of the Work, broom-clean or vacuum the entire work area, as appropriate. D. Installed Work: Keep installed work clean. Clean installed surfaces according to written instructions of manufacturer or fabricator of product installed, using only cleaning materials specifically recommended. If specific cleaning materials are not recommended, use cleaning materials that are not hazardous to health or property and that will not damage exposed surfaces. E. Concealed Spaces: Remove debris from concealed spaces before enclosing the space. F. Exposed Surfaces in Finished Areas: Clean exposed surfaces and protect as necessary to ensure freedom from damage and deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. G. Waste Disposal: Do not bury or burn waste materials on-site. Do not wash waste materials down sewers or into waterways. H. During handling and installation, clean and protect construction in progress and adjoining materials already in place. Apply protective covering where required to ensure protection from damage or deterioration at Substantial Completion. I. Clean and provide maintenance on completed construction as frequently as necessary through the remainder of the construction period. Adjust and lubricate operable components to ensure operability without damaging effects. J. Limiting Exposures: Supervise construction operations to assure that no part of the construction, completed or in progress, is subject to harmful, dangerous, damaging, or otherwise deleterious exposure during the construction period. 3.6 PROTECTION OF INSTALLED CONSTRUCTION A. Provide final protection and maintain conditions that ensure installed Work is without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 017300 EXECUTION 017300 - 7 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 017700 - CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for contract closeout, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Related Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.3 Substantial Completion procedures. Final completion procedures. Warranties. Final cleaning. Repair of the Work. Division 01 Section "Photographic Documentation" for submitting final completion construction photographic documentation. Division 01 Section "Execution" for progress cleaning of Project site. Division 01 Section "Operation and Maintenance Data" for operation and maintenance manual requirements. Division 01 Section "Project Record Documents" for submitting record Drawings, record Specifications, and record Product Data. Divisions 02 through 33 Sections for specific closeout and special cleaning requirements for the Work in those Sections. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For cleaning agents. B. Contractor's List of Incomplete Items: Initial submittal at Substantial Completion. C. Certified List of Incomplete Items: Final submittal at Final Completion. 1.4 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Certificates of Release: From authorities having jurisdiction. B. Certificate of Insurance: For continuing coverage. CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 017700 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS C. 1.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Field Report: For pest control inspection. MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS A. 1.6 Schedule of Maintenance Material Items: For maintenance material submittal items specified in other Sections. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION PROCEDURES A. Contractor's List of Incomplete Items: Prepare and submit a list of items to be completed and corrected (Contractor's punch list), indicating the value of each item on the list and reasons why the Work is incomplete. B. Submittals Prior to Substantial Completion: Complete the following a minimum of 10 days prior to requesting inspection for determining date of Substantial Completion. List items below that are incomplete at time of request. 1. 2. 3. 4. Certificates of Release: Obtain and submit releases from authorities having jurisdiction permitting Owner unrestricted use of the Work and access to services and utilities. Include occupancy permits, operating certificates, and similar releases. Submit closeout submittals specified in other Division 01 Sections, including project record documents, operation and maintenance manuals, final completion construction photographic documentation, damage or settlement surveys, property surveys, and similar final record information. Submit closeout submittals specified in individual Divisions 02 through 33 Sections, including specific warranties, workmanship bonds, maintenance service agreements, final certifications, and similar documents. Submit maintenance material submittals specified in individual Sections, including tools, spare parts, extra materials, and similar items, and deliver to location designated by Architect. Label with manufacturer's name and model number where applicable. a. 5. 6. 7. C. Schedule of Maintenance Material Items: Prepare and submit schedule of maintenance material submittal items, including name and quantity of each item and name and number of related Specification Section. Obtain Architect's signature for receipt of submittals. Submit test/adjust records. Submit sustainable design submittals required in Division 01 sustainable design requirements Section and in individual Division 02 through 33 Sections. Submit changeover information related to Owner's occupancy, use, operation, and maintenance. Procedures Prior to Substantial Completion: Complete the following a minimum of 10 days prior to requesting inspection for determining date of Substantial Completion. List items below that are incomplete at time of request. 1. 2. Advise Owner of pending insurance changeover requirements, if any. Instruct Owner's personnel in maintenance of products. CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 017700 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 3. 4. 5. D. Terminate and remove temporary facilities from Project site, along with mockups, construction tools, and similar elements. Complete final cleaning requirements, including touchup painting. Touch up and otherwise repair and restore marred exposed finishes to eliminate visual defects. Inspection: Submit a written request for inspection to determine Substantial Completion a minimum of 10 days prior to date the work will be completed and ready for final inspection and tests. On receipt of request, Architect will either proceed with inspection or notify Contractor of unfulfilled requirements. Architect will prepare the Certificate of Substantial Completion after inspection or will notify Contractor of items, either on Contractor's list or additional items identified by Architect, that must be completed or corrected before certificate will be issued. 1. 2. 1.7 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Reinspection: Request reinspection when the Work identified in previous inspections as incomplete is completed or corrected. Results of completed inspection will form the basis of requirements for final completion. FINAL COMPLETION PROCEDURES A. Submittals Prior to Final Completion: Before requesting final inspection for determining final completion, complete the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Inspection: Submit a written request for final inspection to determine acceptance a minimum of 10 days prior to date the work will be completed and ready for final inspection and tests. On receipt of request, Architect will either proceed with inspection or notify Contractor of unfulfilled requirements. Architect will prepare a final Certificate for Payment after inspection or will notify Contractor of construction that must be completed or corrected before certificate will be issued. 1. 1.8 Submit a final Application for Payment according to Division 01 Section "Payment Procedures." Certified List of Incomplete Items: Submit certified copy of Architect's Substantial Completion inspection list of items to be completed or corrected (punch list), endorsed and dated by Architect. Certified copy of the list shall state that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance. Certificate of Insurance: Submit evidence of final, continuing insurance coverage complying with insurance requirements. Submit pest-control final inspection report. Reinspection: Request reinspection when the Work identified in previous inspections as incomplete is completed or corrected. LIST OF INCOMPLETE ITEMS (PUNCH LIST) A. Organization of List: Include name and identification of each space and area affected by construction operations for incomplete items and items needing correction including, if necessary, areas disturbed by Contractor that are outside the limits of construction. 1. Include the following information at the top of each page: CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 017700 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS a. b. c. d. e. 2. Project name. Date. Name of Architect. Name of Contractor. Page number. Submit list of incomplete items in the following format: a. 1.9 HTF 2015-10/15.05 PDF electronic file. Architect will return annotated file. SUBMITTAL OF PROJECT WARRANTIES A. Time of Submittal: Submit written warranties on request of Architect for designated portions of the Work where commencement of warranties other than date of Substantial Completion is indicated, or when delay in submittal of warranties might limit Owner's rights under warranty. B. Partial Occupancy: Submit properly executed warranties within 15 days of completion of designated portions of the Work that are completed and occupied or used by Owner during construction period by separate agreement with Contractor. C. Organize warranty documents into an orderly sequence based on the table of contents of Project Manual. 1. 2. 3. 4. D. Bind warranties and bonds in heavy-duty, three-ring, vinyl-covered, loose-leaf binders, thickness as necessary to accommodate contents, and sized to receive 8-1/2-by-11-inch (215-by-280-mm) paper. Provide heavy paper dividers with plastic-covered tabs for each separate warranty. Mark tab to identify the product or installation. Provide a typed description of the product or installation, including the name of the product and the name, address, and telephone number of Installer. Identify each binder on the front and spine with the typed or printed title "WARRANTIES," Project name, and name of Contractor. Contractor/Owner Option: Warranty Electronic File: Scan warranties and bonds and assemble complete warranty and bond submittal package into a single indexed electronic PDF file with links enabling navigation to each item. Provide bookmarked table of contents at beginning of document. Provide additional copies of each warranty to include in operation and maintenance manuals. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Cleaning Agents: Use cleaning materials and agents recommended by manufacturer or fabricator of the surface to be cleaned. Do not use cleaning agents that are potentially hazardous to health or property or that might damage finished surfaces. CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 017700 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Use cleaning products that comply with Green Seal's GS-37, or if GS-37 is not applicable, use products that comply with the California Code of Regulations maximum allowable VOC levels. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 FINAL CLEANING A. General: Perform final cleaning. Conduct cleaning and waste-removal operations to comply with local laws and ordinances and Federal and local environmental and antipollution regulations. B. Cleaning: Employ experienced workers or professional cleaners for final cleaning. Clean each surface or unit to condition expected in an average commercial building cleaning and maintenance program. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. 1. Complete the following cleaning operations before requesting inspection for certification of Substantial Completion for entire Project or for a designated portion of Project: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. C. 3.2 Clean Project site, yard, and grounds, in areas disturbed by construction activities, including landscape development areas, of rubbish, waste material, litter, and other foreign substances. Sweep paved areas broom clean. Remove petrochemical spills, stains, and other foreign deposits. Rake grounds that are neither planted nor paved to a smooth, even-textured surface. Remove tools, construction equipment, machinery, and surplus material from Project site. Remove snow and ice to provide safe access to building. Clean exposed exterior and interior hard-surfaced finishes to a dirt-free condition, free of stains, films, and similar foreign substances. Avoid disturbing natural weathering of exterior surfaces. Restore reflective surfaces to their original condition. Remove debris and surface dust from limited access spaces, including roofs. Clean transparent materials, including glass in doors and windows. Remove glazing compounds and other noticeable, vision-obscuring materials. Remove labels that are not permanent. Clean light fixtures, lamps, globes, and reflectors to function with full efficiency. Leave Project clean and ready for occupancy. Construction Waste Disposal: Comply with waste disposal requirements in Division 01 Section "Temporary Facilities and Controls." REPAIR OF THE WORK A. Complete repair and restoration operations before requesting inspection for determination of Substantial Completion. CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 017700 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS B. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Repair or remove and replace defective construction. Repairing includes replacing defective parts, refinishing damaged surfaces, touching up with matching materials, and properly adjusting operating equipment. Where damaged or worn items cannot be repaired or restored, provide replacements. Remove and replace operating components that cannot be repaired. Restore damaged construction and permanent facilities used during construction to specified condition. 1. 2. 3. Remove and replace chipped, scratched, and broken glass, reflective surfaces, and other damaged transparent materials. Touch up and otherwise repair and restore marred or exposed finishes and surfaces. Replace finishes and surfaces that that already show evidence of repair or restoration. Replace parts subject to operating conditions during construction that may impede operation or reduce longevity. END OF SECTION 017700 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 017700 - 6 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 017839 - PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for project record documents, including the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Related Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 1.3 Record Drawings. Record Specifications. Record Product Data. Miscellaneous record submittals. Division 01 Section "Closeout Procedures" for general closeout procedures. Division 01 Section "Operation and Maintenance Data" for maintenance manual requirements. Division 02 through 33 Sections for specific requirements for project record documents of the Work in those Sections CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Record Drawings: Comply with the following: 1. Number of Copies: Submit one set(s) of marked-up record prints. B. Record Specifications: Submit one paper copy or annotated PDF electronic file of Project's Specifications, including addenda and contract modifications. C. Record Product Data: Submit one paper copy or annotated PDF electronic files and directories of each submittal. 1. D. Where record Product Data are required as part of operation and maintenance manuals, submit duplicate marked-up Product Data as a component of manual. Miscellaneous Record Submittals: See other Specification Sections for miscellaneous recordkeeping requirements and submittals in connection with various construction activities. Submit one paper copy or annotated PDF electronic files and directories of each submittal. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 017839 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS E. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Reports: Submit written report indicating items incorporated into project record documents concurrent with progress of the Work, including revisions, concealed conditions, field changes, product selections, and other notations incorporated. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 RECORD DRAWINGS A. Record Prints: Maintain one set of marked-up paper copies of the Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings, incorporating new and revised drawings as modifications are issued. 1. Preparation: Mark record prints to show the actual installation where installation varies from that shown originally. Require individual or entity who obtained record data, whether individual or entity is Installer, subcontractor, or similar entity, to provide information for preparation of corresponding marked-up record prints. a. b. c. d. e. 2. Content: Types of items requiring marking include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. 3. 4. 5. 6. Give particular attention to information on concealed elements that would be difficult to identify or measure and record later. Accurately record information in an acceptable drawing technique. Record data as soon as possible after obtaining it. Record and check the markup before enclosing concealed installations. Cross-reference record prints to corresponding archive photographic documentation. Dimensional changes to Drawings. Revisions to details shown on Drawings. Locations and depths of underground utilities. Actual equipment locations. Locations of concealed internal utilities. Changes made by Change Order or Work Change Directive. Changes made following Architect's written orders. Details not on the original Contract Drawings. Field records for variable and concealed conditions. Record information on the Work that is shown only schematically. Mark the Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings completely and accurately. Use personnel proficient at recording graphic information in production of marked-up record prints. Mark record sets with erasable, red-colored pencil. Use other colors to distinguish between changes for different categories of the Work at same location. Mark important additional information that was either shown schematically or omitted from original Drawings. Note Construction Change Directive numbers, alternate numbers, Change Order numbers, and similar identification, where applicable. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 017839 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS B. Owner/Contractor Option: Record Digital Data Files: Immediately before inspection for Certificate of Substantial Completion, review marked-up record prints with Architect. When authorized, prepare a full set of corrected digital data files of the Contract Drawings, as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Format: Same digital data software program, version, and operating system as the original Contract Drawings. Format: Annotated PDF electronic file with comment function enabled. Incorporate changes and additional information previously marked on record prints. Delete, redraw, and add details and notations where applicable. Refer instances of uncertainty to Architect for resolution. Architect will furnish Contractor one set of digital data files of the Contract Drawings for use in recording information. a. b. C. See Division 01 Section "Submittal Procedures" for requirements related to use of Architect's digital data files. Architect will provide data file layer information. Record markups in separate layers. Format: Identify and date each record Drawing; include the designation "PROJECT RECORD DRAWING" in a prominent location. 1. 2. 3. 4. Record Prints: Organize record prints and newly prepared record Drawings into manageable sets. Bind each set with durable paper cover sheets. Include identification on cover sheets. Format: Annotated PDF electronic file. Record Digital Data Files: Organize digital data information into separate electronic files that correspond to each sheet of the Contract Drawings. Name each file with the sheet identification. Include identification in each digital data file. Identification: As follows: a. b. c. d. e. 2.2 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Project name. Date. Designation "PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS." Name of Architect. Name of Contractor. RECORD SPECIFICATIONS A. Preparation: Mark Specifications to indicate the actual product installation where installation varies from that indicated in Specifications, addenda, and contract modifications. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Give particular attention to information on concealed products and installations that cannot be readily identified and recorded later. Mark copy with the proprietary name and model number of products, materials, and equipment furnished, including substitutions and product options selected. Record the name of manufacturer, supplier, Installer, and other information necessary to provide a record of selections made. For each principal product, indicate whether record Product Data has been submitted in operation and maintenance manuals instead of submitted as record Product Data. Note related Change Orders, record Product Data, and record Drawings where applicable. PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 017839 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS B. 2.3 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Format: Submit record Specifications as annotated PDF electronic file or paper copy. RECORD PRODUCT DATA A. Preparation: Mark Product Data to indicate the actual product installation where installation varies substantially from that indicated in Product Data submittal. 1. 2. 3. B. Format: Submit record Product Data as annotated PDF electronic file or paper copy. 1. 2.4 Give particular attention to information on concealed products and installations that cannot be readily identified and recorded later. Include significant changes in the product delivered to Project site and changes in manufacturer's written instructions for installation. Note related Change Orders, record Specifications, and record Drawings where applicable. Include record Product Data directory organized by Specification Section number and title, electronically linked to each item of record Product Data. MISCELLANEOUS RECORD SUBMITTALS A. Assemble miscellaneous records required by other Specification Sections for miscellaneous record keeping and submittal in connection with actual performance of the Work. Bind or file miscellaneous records and identify each, ready for continued use and reference. B. Format: Submit miscellaneous record submittals as PDF electronic file or paper copy. 1. Include miscellaneous record submittals directory organized by Specification Section number and title, electronically linked to each item of miscellaneous record submittals. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 RECORDING AND MAINTENANCE A. Recording: Maintain one copy of each submittal during the construction period for project record document purposes. Post changes and revisions to project record documents as they occur; do not wait until end of Project. B. Maintenance of Record Documents and Samples: Store record documents and Samples in the field office apart from the Contract Documents used for construction. Do not use project record documents for construction purposes. Maintain record documents in good order and in a clean, dry, legible condition, protected from deterioration and loss. Provide access to project record documents for Architect's reference during normal working hours. END OF SECTION 017839 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 017839 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 024119 - SELECTIVE DEMOLITION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. 3. B. Related Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 1.3 Demolition and removal of selected portions of building or structure. Demolition and removal of selected site elements. Salvage of existing items to be reused or recycled. Section 011000 "Summary" for restrictions on the use of the premises, Owner-occupancy requirements, and phasing requirements. Section 017300 "Execution" for cutting and patching procedures. Section 311000 "Site Clearing" for site clearing and removal of above- and below-grade improvements. DEFINITIONS A. Remove: Detach items from existing construction and legally dispose of them off-site unless indicated to be removed and salvaged or removed and reinstalled. B. Remove and Salvage: Carefully detach from existing construction, in a manner to prevent damage, and deliver to Owner. C. Remove and Reinstall: Detach items from existing construction, prepare for reuse, and reinstall where indicated. D. Existing to Remain: Existing items of construction that are not to be permanently removed and that are not otherwise indicated to be removed, removed and salvaged, or removed and reinstalled. 1.4 MATERIALS OWNERSHIP A. Unless otherwise indicated, demolition waste becomes property of Contractor. SELECTIVE DEMOLITION 024119 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS B. Historic items, relics, antiques, and similar objects including, but not limited to, cornerstones and their contents, commemorative plaques and tablets, and other items of interest or value to Owner that may be uncovered during demolition remain the property of Owner. 1. 1.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Carefully salvage in a manner to prevent damage and promptly return to Owner. PREINSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Predemolition Conference: Conduct conference at Waterville Opera House. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.6 Inspect and discuss condition of construction to be selectively demolished. Review structural load limitations of existing structure. Review and finalize selective demolition schedule and verify availability of materials, demolition personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. Review requirements of work performed by other trades that rely on substrates exposed by selective demolition operations. Review areas where existing construction is to remain and requires protection. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Schedule of Selective Demolition Activities: Indicate the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Detailed sequence of selective demolition and removal work, with starting and ending dates for each activity. Ensure Owner’s on-site operations are uninterrupted. Interruption of utility services. Indicate how long utility services will be interrupted. Coordination for shutoff, capping, and continuation of utility services. Use of stairs. Coordination of Owner's continuing occupancy of portions of existing building and of Owner's partial occupancy of completed Work. B. Inventory: Submit a list of items to be removed and salvaged and deliver to Owner prior to start of demolition. C. Predemolition Photographs or Video: Submit before Work begins. D. Warranties: Documentation indicated that existing warranties are still in effect after completion of selective demolition. 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Inventory: Submit a list of items that have been removed and salvaged. B. Landfill Records: Indicate receipt and acceptance of hazardous wastes by a landfill facility licensed to accept hazardous wastes. SELECTIVE DEMOLITION 024119 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1.8 HTF 2015-10/15.05 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Owner will occupy portions of building immediately adjacent to selective demolition area. Conduct selective demolition so Owner's operations will not be disrupted. B. Conditions existing at time of inspection for bidding purpose will be maintained by Owner as far as practical. C. Notify Architect of discrepancies between existing conditions and Drawings before proceeding with selective demolition. D. Hazardous Materials: Hazardous materials are present in buildings and structures to be selectively demolished. A report on the presence of hazardous materials is included in Section 020590 for review and use. Examine report to become aware of locations where hazardous materials are present. 1. 2. Hazardous material remediation is specified elsewhere in the Contract Documents. Do not disturb hazardous materials or items suspected of containing hazardous materials except under procedures specified elsewhere in the Contract Documents. E. Historic Areas: Demolition and hauling equipment and other materials shall be of sizes that clear surfaces within historic spaces, areas, rooms, and openings, including temporary protection, by 12 inches (300 mm) or more. F. Storage or sale of removed items or materials on-site is not permitted. G. Utility Service: Maintain existing utilities indicated to remain in service and protect them against damage during selective demolition operations. 1. Maintain fire-protection facilities in service during selective demolition operations. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PEFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with governing EPA notification regulations before beginning selective demolition. Comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. B. Standards: Comply with ANSI/ASSE A10.6 and NFPA 241. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that utilities have been disconnected and capped before starting selective demolition operations. SELECTIVE DEMOLITION 024119 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 B. Review record documents of existing construction provided by Owner. Owner does not guarantee that existing conditions are same as those indicated in record documents. C. Survey existing conditions and correlate with requirements indicated to determine extent of selective demolition required. D. When unanticipated mechanical, electrical, or structural elements that conflict with intended function or design are encountered, investigate and measure the nature and extent of conflict. Promptly submit a written report to Architect. E. Coordinate with Architect a survey of condition of building to determine whether removing any element might result in structural deficiency or unplanned collapse of any portion of structure or adjacent structures during selective building demolition operations. 1. F. Survey of Existing Conditions: Record existing conditions by use of preconstruction photographs 1. 2. 3. 3.2 Perform surveys as the Work progresses to detect hazards resulting from selective demolition activities. Comply with requirements specified in Section 013233 "Photographic Documentation." Inventory and record the condition of items to be removed and salvaged. Provide photographs of conditions that might be misconstrued as damage caused by salvage operations. Before selective demolition or removal of existing building elements that will be reproduced or duplicated in final Work, make permanent record of measurements, materials, and construction details required to make exact reproduction. UTILITY SERVICES AND MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS A. Existing Services/Systems to Remain: Maintain services/systems indicated to remain and protect them against damage. 1. 2. 3. 3.3 Comply with requirements for existing services/systems interruptions specified in Section 011000 "Summary." Owner will arrange to shut off indicated services/systems when requested by Contractor. If services/systems are required to be removed, relocated, or abandoned, provide temporary services/systems that bypass area of selective demolition and that maintain continuity of services/systems to other parts of building. PREPARATION A. Site Access and Temporary Controls: Conduct selective demolition and debris-removal operations to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, walkways, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. 1. Comply with requirements for access and protection specified in Section 015000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls." SELECTIVE DEMOLITION 024119 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS B. Temporary Facilities: Provide temporary barricades and other protection required to prevent injury to people and damage to adjacent buildings and facilities to remain. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. Provide protection to ensure safe passage of people around selective demolition area and to and from occupied portions of building. Provide temporary weather protection, during interval between selective demolition of existing construction on exterior surfaces and new construction, to prevent water leakage and damage to structure and interior areas. Protect walls, ceilings, floors, and other existing finish work that are to remain or that are exposed during selective demolition operations. Cover and protect furniture, furnishings, and equipment that have not been removed. Comply with requirements for temporary enclosures, dust control, heating, and cooling specified in Section 015000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls." Temporary Shoring: Provide and maintain shoring, bracing, and structural supports as required to preserve stability and prevent movement, settlement, or collapse of construction and finishes to remain, and to prevent unexpected or uncontrolled movement or collapse of construction being demolished. 1. 3.4 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Strengthen or add new supports when required during progress of selective demolition. SELECTIVE DEMOLITION, GENERAL A. General: Demolish and remove existing construction only to the extent required by new construction and as indicated. Use methods required to complete the Work within limitations of governing regulations and as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Proceed with selective demolition systematically, from higher to lower level. Complete selective demolition operations above each floor or tier before disturbing supporting members on the next lower level. Neatly cut openings and holes plumb, square, and true to dimensions required. Use cutting methods least likely to damage construction to remain or adjoining construction. Use hand tools or small power tools designed for sawing or grinding, not hammering and chopping, to minimize disturbance of adjacent surfaces. Temporarily cover openings to remain. Cut or drill from the exposed or finished side into concealed surfaces to avoid marring existing finished surfaces. Do not use cutting torches until work area is cleared of flammable materials. At concealed spaces, such as duct and pipe interiors, verify condition and contents of hidden space before starting flame-cutting operations. Maintain portable fire-suppression devices during flame-cutting operations. Maintain adequate ventilation when using cutting torches. Remove decayed, vermin-infested, or otherwise dangerous or unsuitable materials and promptly dispose of off-site. Remove structural framing members and lower to ground by method suitable to avoid free fall and to prevent ground impact or dust generation. Locate selective demolition equipment and remove debris and materials so as not to impose excessive loads on supporting walls, floors, or framing. Dispose of demolished items and materials promptly. SELECTIVE DEMOLITION 024119 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 B. Work in Historic Areas: On historic surfaces, the terms "demolish" or "remove" shall mean historic "removal" or "dismantling" as specified in Section 013591 "Historic Treatment Procedures." C. Removed and Salvaged Items: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D. Removed and Reinstalled Items: 1. 2. 3. 4. E. 3.5 Clean salvaged items. Pack or crate items after cleaning. Identify contents of containers. Store items in a secure area until delivery to Owner. Transport items to Owner's storage area designated by Owner Protect items from damage during transport and storage. Clean and repair items to functional condition adequate for intended reuse. Pack or crate items after cleaning and repairing. Identify contents of containers. Protect items from damage during transport and storage. Reinstall items in locations indicated. Comply with installation requirements for new materials and equipment. Provide connections, supports, and miscellaneous materials necessary to make item functional for use indicated. Existing Items to Remain: Protect construction indicated to remain against damage and soiling during selective demolition. When permitted by Architect, items may be removed to a suitable, protected storage location during selective demolition and cleaned and reinstalled in their original locations after selective demolition operations are complete. SELECTIVE DEMOLITION PROCEDURES FOR SPECIFIC MATERIALS A. Concrete: Demolish in small sections. Using power-driven saw, cut concrete to a depth of at least 3/4 inch (19 mm) at junctures with construction to remain. Dislodge concrete from reinforcement at perimeter of areas being demolished, cut reinforcement, and then remove remainder of concrete. Neatly trim openings to dimensions indicated. B. Concrete: Demolish in sections. Cut concrete full depth at junctures with construction to remain and at regular intervals using power-driven saw, then remove concrete between saw cuts. C. Masonry: Demolish in small sections. Cut masonry at junctures with construction to remain, using hand tools and power-driven saw only when needed, then remove masonry between saw cuts. D. Concrete Slabs-on-Grade: Saw-cut perimeter of area to be demolished, then break up and remove. E. Roofing: Remove no more existing roofing than what can be covered in one day by new roofing and so that building interior remains watertight and weathertight. 1. 2. Remove existing roof membrane, flashings, copings, and roof accessories. Remove existing roofing system down to substrate. SELECTIVE DEMOLITION 024119 - 6 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 3.6 HTF 2015-10/15.05 DISPOSAL OF DEMOLISHED MATERIALS A. General: Except for items or materials indicated to be recycled, reused, salvaged, reinstalled, or otherwise indicated to remain Owner's property, remove demolished materials from Project site 1. 2. 3. Do not allow demolished materials to accumulate on-site. Remove and transport debris in a manner that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces and areas. Remove debris from elevated portions of building by chute, hoist, or other device that will convey debris to grade level in a controlled descent. B. Burning: Do not burn demolished materials. C. Disposal: Transport demolished materials off Owner's property and legally dispose of them. 3.7 CLEANING A. 3.8 Clean adjacent structures and improvements of dust, dirt, and debris caused by selective demolition operations. Return adjacent areas to condition existing before selective demolition operations began. SELECTIVE DEMOLITION SCHEDULE A. Existing Construction to Be Removed: 1. 2. Stone units and window glass/frame/sash components noted on drawings. Roofing and roof membrane only as required for repair purposes. B. Existing Items to Be Removed and Reinstalled: Window and sash units, scuppers and downspouts, roofing. C. Existing Items to Remain: Stone work and window components noted on drawings. END OF SECTION 024119 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION 024119 - 7 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 040120.63 - BRICK MASONRY REPAIR PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. 3. 1.3 Repairing brick masonry, including replacing units. Removing abandoned anchors. Painting steel uncovered during the work. ALLOWANCES A. Allowances for brick masonry repair are specified in Section 012100 "Allowances." B. Preconstruction testing is part of testing and inspecting allowance. C. Abandoned anchor removal is part of Base Bid. D. Brick removal and replacement is part of brick removal and replacement allowance. E. Patching masonry units is part of brick masonry patching allowance. 1.4 UNIT PRICES A. Work of this Section is affected by unit prices specified in Section 012200 "Unit Prices." 1. 2. 1.5 Unit prices apply to authorized work covered by quantity allowances. Unit prices apply to additions to and deletions from Work as authorized by Change Orders. DEFINITIONS A. Low-Pressure Spray: 100 to 400 psi (690 to 2750 kPa); 4 to 6 gpm (0.25 to 0.4 L/s). B. Rebuilding (Setting) Mortar: Mortar used to set and anchor masonry in a structure, distinct from pointing mortar installed after masonry is set in place. BRICK MASONRY REPAIR 040120.63 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS C. 1.6 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Saturation Coefficient: Ratio of the weight of water absorbed during immersion in cold water to weight absorbed during immersion in boiling water; used as an indication of resistance of masonry units to freezing and thawing. PREINSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at The Waterville Opera House. 1. Review methods and procedures related to brick masonry repair including, but not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. 1.7 Verify brick masonry repair specialist's personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. Materials, material application, sequencing, tolerances, and required clearances. Quality-control program. Coordination with building occupants. SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Order sand and gray portland cement for colored mortar immediately after approval of mockups. Take delivery of and store at Project site enough quantity to complete Project. B. Work Sequence: Perform brick masonry repair work in the following sequence, which includes work specified in this and other Sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. C. 1.8 Remove plant growth. Inspect masonry for open mortar joints and point them before cleaning to prevent the intrusion of water and other cleaning materials into the wall. Remove paint. Clean masonry. Rake out mortar from joints surrounding masonry to be replaced and from joints adjacent to masonry repairs along joints. Repair masonry, including replacing existing masonry with new masonry materials. Rake out mortar from joints to be repointed. Point mortar and sealant joints. After repairs and repointing have been completed and cured, perform a final cleaning to remove residues from this work. Where water repellents are to be used on or near masonry work, delay application of these chemicals until after pointing and cleaning. As scaffolding is removed, patch anchor holes used to attach scaffolding. Patch holes in masonry units according to "Masonry Unit Patching" Article. Patch holes in mortar joints according to Section 040120.64 "Brick Masonry Repointing." ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product. BRICK MASONRY REPAIR 040120.63 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1. 2. B. Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes. Include recommendations for product application and use. Include test data substantiating that products comply with requirements. Shop Drawings: 1. 2. 3. 4. C. Include plans, elevations, sections, and locations of replacement masonry units on the structure, showing relation of existing and new or relocated units. Show provisions for expansion joints or other sealant joints. Show provisions for flashing, lighting fixtures, conduits, and weep holes as required. Show locations of scaffolding and points of scaffolding in contact with masonry. Include details of each point of contact or anchorage. Samples for Initial Selection: For the following: 1. Colored Mortar: Submit sets of mortar that will be left exposed in the form of sample mortar strips, 6 inches (150 mm) long by 1/4 inch (6 mm) wide, set in aluminum or plastic channels. a. b. 2. 3. 4. Have each set contain a close color range of at least three Samples of different mixes of colored sands and cements that produce a mortar matching existing, cleaned mortar when cured and dry. Submit with precise measurements on ingredients, proportions, gradations, and source of colored sands from which each Sample was made. Sand Types Used for Mortar: Minimum 8 oz. (240 mL) of each in plastic screw-top jars. Patching Compound: Submit sets of patching compound Samples in the form of plugs (patches in drilled holes) in sample units of masonry representative of the range of masonry colors on the building. a. D. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Have each set contain a close color range of at least three Samples of different mixes of patching compound that matches the variations in existing masonry when cured and dry. Include similar Samples of accessories involving color selection. Samples for Verification: For the following: 1. 2. 3. Each type of brick unit to be used for replacing existing units. Include sets of Samples to show the full range of shape, color, and texture to be expected. For each brick type, provide straps or panels containing at least four bricks. Include multiple straps for brick with a wide range. Each type of patching compound in the form of briquettes, at least 3 inches (75 mm) long by 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) wide. Document each Sample with manufacturer and stock number or other information necessary to order additional material. Accessories: Each type of accessory and miscellaneous support. BRICK MASONRY REPAIR 040120.63 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1.9 HTF 2015-10/15.05 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. 1.10 A. Quality-control program. QUALITY ASSURANCE Brick Masonry Repair Specialist Qualifications: Engage an experienced brick masonry repair firm to perform work of this Section. Firm shall have completed work similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project with a record of successful in-service performance. Experience in only installing masonry is insufficient experience for masonry repair work. 1. 2. Field Supervision: Brick masonry repair specialist firm shall maintain experienced fulltime supervisors on Project site during times that brick masonry repair work is in progress. Brick Masonry Repair Worker Qualifications: When masonry units are being patched, assign at least one worker per crew who is trained and certified by manufacturer of patching compound to apply its products. B. Quality-Control Program: Prepare a written quality-control program for this Project to systematically demonstrate the ability of personnel to properly follow methods and use materials and tools without damaging masonry. Include provisions for supervising performance and preventing damage. C. Mockups: Prepare mockups of brick masonry repair to demonstrate aesthetic effects and to set quality standards for materials and execution and for fabrication and installation. 1. Masonry Repair: Prepare sample areas for each type of masonry repair work performed. If not otherwise indicated, size each mockup not smaller than two adjacent whole units or approximately 48 inches (1200 mm) in least dimension. Construct sample areas in locations in existing walls where directed by Architect unless otherwise indicated. Demonstrate quality of materials, workmanship, and blending with existing work. Include the following as a minimum: a. b. 2. 3. 1.11 A. Replacement: Four brick units replaced. Patching: Three small holes at least 1 inch (25 mm) in diameter for each type of brick indicated to be patched. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifically approves such deviations in writing. Subject to compliance with requirements, approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. PRECONSTRUCTION TESTING Preconstruction Testing Service: Engage a qualified testing agency to perform preconstruction testing on masonry units as follows: BRICK MASONRY REPAIR 040120.63 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.12 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Provide test specimens as indicated and representative of proposed materials and existing construction. Replacement Brick: Test each proposed type of replacement masonry unit according to sampling and testing methods in ASTM C 67 for compressive strength, 24-hour coldwater absorption, five-hour boil absorption, saturation coefficient, and initial rate of absorption (suction). Existing Brick: Test each type of existing masonry unit indicated for replacement according to testing methods in ASTM C 67 for compressive strength, 24-hour coldwater absorption, five-hour boil absorption, saturation coefficient, and initial rate of absorption (suction). Carefully remove five existing units from locations designated by Architect. Take testing samples from these units. Existing Mortar: Test according to ASTM C 295/C 295M, modified as agreed by testing service and Architect for Project requirements, to determine proportional composition of original ingredients, sizes and colors of aggregates, and approximate strength. Temporary Patch: As directed by Architect, provide temporary materials followed by permanent repairs at locations from which existing samples were taken. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver masonry units to Project site strapped together in suitable packs or pallets or in heavyduty cartons and protected against impact and chipping. B. Deliver packaged materials to Project site in manufacturer's original and unopened containers, labeled with manufacturer's name and type of products. C. Store cementitious materials on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location. Do not use cementitious materials that have become damp. D. Store hydrated lime in manufacturer's original and unopened containers. Discard lime if containers have been damaged or have been opened for more than two days. E. Store sand where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained and contamination avoided. F. Handle masonry units to prevent overstressing, chipping, defacement, and other damage. 1.13 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Weather Limitations: Proceed with installation only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit brick masonry repair work to be performed according to product manufacturers' written instructions and specified requirements. B. Temperature Limits, General: Repair masonry units only when air temperature is between 40 and 90 deg F (4 and 32 deg C) and is predicted to remain so for at least seven days after completion of the Work unless otherwise indicated. C. Cold-Weather Requirements: Comply with the following procedures for masonry repair unless otherwise indicated: BRICK MASONRY REPAIR 040120.63 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1. 2. HTF 2015-10/15.05 When air temperature is below 40 deg F (4 deg C), heat mortar ingredients, masonry repair materials, and existing masonry walls to produce temperatures between 40 and 120 deg F (4 and 49 deg C). When mean daily air temperature is below 40 deg F (4 deg C), provide enclosure and heat to maintain temperatures above 32 deg F (0 deg C) within the enclosure for seven days after repair. D. Hot-Weather Requirements: Protect masonry repairs when temperature and humidity conditions produce excessive evaporation of water from mortar and repair materials. Provide artificial shade and wind breaks, and use cooled materials as required to minimize evaporation. Do not apply mortar to substrates with temperatures of 90 deg F (32 deg C) and above unless otherwise indicated. E. For manufactured repair materials, perform work within the environmental limits set by each manufacturer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS, GENERAL A. 2.2 Source Limitations: Obtain each type of material for repairing brick masonry (brick, cement, sand, etc.) from single source with resources to provide materials of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties. MASONRY MATERIALS A. Face Brick: As required to complete brick masonry repair work. 1. Brick Matching Existing: Units with colors, color variation within units, surface texture, size, and shape that match existing brickwork and with physical properties within 10 percent of those determined from preconstruction testing of selected existing units. a. 2. Special Shapes: a. b. c. 3. For existing brickwork that exhibits a range of colors or color variation within units, provide brick that proportionally matches that range and variation rather than brick that matches an individual color within that range. Provide molded, 100 percent solid shapes for applications where core holes or "frogs" could be exposed to view or weather when in final position and where shapes produced by sawing would result in sawed surfaces being exposed to view. Provide specially ground units, shaped to match patterns, for arches and where indicated. Mechanical chopping or breaking brick, or bonding pieces of brick together by adhesive, are unacceptable procedures for fabricating special shapes. Tolerances as Fabricated: Type FBX. BRICK MASONRY REPAIR According to tolerance requirements in ASTM C 216, 040120.63 - 6 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS B. Building Brick: ASTM C 62, of same vertical dimension as face brick, for masonry work concealed from view. 1. 2.3 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Grade SW where in contact with earth. MORTAR MATERIALS A. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150/C 150M, Type I or Type II, except Type III may be used for cold-weather construction; white or gray, or both where required for color matching of mortar. 1. Provide cement containing not more than 0.60 percent total alkali when tested according to ASTM C 114. B. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C 207, Type S. C. Masonry Cement: ASTM C 91/C 91M. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. D. Mortar Cement: ASTM C 1329/C 1329M. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by the following: a. E. Lafarge North America Inc. Mortar Sand: ASTM C 144. 1. 2. F. Cemex S.A.B. de C.V. Essroc. Hanson Brick and Tile;Lehigh Hanson. Holcim (US) Inc. Lafarge North America Inc. QUIKRETE. Exposed Mortar: Match size, texture, and gradation of existing mortar sand as closely as possible. Blend several sands if necessary to achieve suitable match. Colored Mortar: Natural sand or ground marble, granite, or other sound stone of color necessary to produce required mortar color. Mortar Pigments: ASTM C 979/C 979M, compounded for use in mortar mixes, and having a record of satisfactory performance in masonry mortars. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. b. c. Davis Colors. LANXESS Corporation. Solomon Colors, Inc. BRICK MASONRY REPAIR 040120.63 - 7 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS G. 2.4 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Water: Potable. MANUFACTURED REPAIR MATERIALS A. Brick Patching Compound: Factory-mixed cementitious product that is custom manufactured for patching brick masonry. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. b. c. 2. Use formulation that is vapor and water permeable (equal to or more than the masonry unit), exhibits low shrinkage, has lower modulus of elasticity than masonry units being repaired, and develops high bond strength to all types of masonry. 3. Use formulation having working qualities and retardation control to permit forming and sculpturing where necessary. Formulate patching compound in colors and textures to match each masonry unit being patched. Provide no fewer than three colors to enable matching of the color, texture, and variation of each unit. 4. 2.5 Cathedral Stone Products, Inc. Conproco Corporation. Edison Coatings, Inc. ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Setting Buttons and Shims: Resilient plastic, nonstaining to masonry, sized to suit joint thicknesses and bed depths of masonry units, less the required depth of pointing materials unless removed before pointing. B. Masking Tape: Nonstaining, nonabsorbent material; compatible with mortar, joint primers, sealants, and surfaces adjacent to joints; and that easily comes off entirely, including adhesive. C. Antirust Coating: Fast-curing, lead- and chromate-free, self-curing, universal modified-alkyd primer according to MPI #23 (surface-tolerant, anticorrosive metal primer). 1. 2. D. Surface Preparation: Use coating requiring no better than SSPC-SP 2, "Hand Tool Cleaning" surface preparation according to manufacturer's literature or certified statement. VOC Limit: Use coating with a VOC content of 400 g/L (3.3 lb/gal.) or less. Other Products: Select materials and methods of use based on the following, subject to approval of a mockup: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Previous effectiveness in performing the work involved. Minimal possibility of damaging exposed surfaces. Consistency of each application. Uniformity of the resulting overall appearance. Do not use products or tools that could leave residue on surfaces. BRICK MASONRY REPAIR 040120.63 - 8 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 2.6 HTF 2015-10/15.05 MORTAR MIXES A. Measurement and Mixing: Measure cementitious materials and sand in a dry condition by volume or equivalent weight. Do not measure by shovel; use known measure. Mix materials in a clean, mechanical batch mixer. B. Colored Mortar: Produce mortar of color required by using specified ingredients. Do not alter specified proportions without Architect's approval. 1. Mortar Pigments: Where mortar pigments are indicated, do not add pigment exceeding 10 percent by weight of the cementitious or binder materials, except for carbon black which is limited to 2 percent, unless otherwise demonstrated by a satisfactory history of performance. C. Do not use admixtures in mortar unless otherwise indicated. D. Mixes: Mix mortar materials in the following proportions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Rebuilding (Setting) Mortar by Volume: ASTM C 270, Proportion Specification, 1 part portland cement, 1 part lime, and 6 parts sand. Rebuilding (Setting) Mortar by Type: ASTM C 270, Proportion Specification, Type N unless otherwise indicated; with cementitious material limited to portland cement and lime masonry cement or mortar cement. Rebuilding (Setting) Mortar by Property: ASTM C 270, Property Specification, Type N unless otherwise indicated; with cementitious material limited to portland cement and lime masonry cement or mortar cement. Pigmented, Colored Mortar: Add mortar pigments to produce exposed, setting (rebuilding) mortar of colors required. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PROTECTION A. Prevent mortar from staining face of surrounding masonry and other surfaces. 1. 2. 3. B. Remove gutters and downspouts and associated hardware adjacent to masonry and store during masonry repair. Reinstall when repairs are complete. 1. 3.2 Cover sills, ledges, and other projecting items to protect them from mortar droppings. Keep wall area wet below rebuilding and repair work to discourage mortar from adhering. Immediately remove mortar splatters in contact with exposed masonry and other surfaces. Provide temporary rain drainage during work to direct water away from building. MASONRY REPAIR, GENERAL A. Appearance Standard: Repaired surfaces are to have a uniform appearance as viewed from 20 feet (6 m) away by Architect. BRICK MASONRY REPAIR 040120.63 - 9 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 3.3 HTF 2015-10/15.05 ABANDONED ANCHOR REMOVAL A. Remove abandoned anchors, brackets, wood nailers, and other extraneous items no longer in use unless indicated to remain. 1. 2. Remove items carefully to avoid spalling or cracking masonry. Notify Architect before proceeding if an item cannot be removed without damaging surrounding masonry. Do the following where directed: a. b. 3. 3.4 Cut or grind off item approximately 3/4 inch (20 mm) beneath surface and core drill a recess of same depth in surrounding masonry as close around item as practical. Immediately paint exposed end of item with two coats of antirust coating, following coating manufacturer's written instructions and without exceeding manufacturer's recommended dry film thickness per coat. Keep paint off sides of recess. Patch hole where each item was removed unless directed to remove and replace masonry unit. BRICK REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT A. At locations indicated, remove bricks that are damaged, spalled, or deteriorated or are to be reused. Carefully remove entire units from joint to joint, without damaging surrounding masonry, in a manner that permits replacement with full-size units. 1. When removing single bricks, remove material from center of brick and work toward outside edges. B. Support and protect remaining masonry that surrounds removal area. C. Maintain flashing, reinforcement, lintels, and adjoining construction in an undamaged condition. Coordinate with new flashing, reinforcement, and lintels, which are specified in other Sections. D. Notify Architect of unforeseen detrimental conditions including voids, cracks, bulges, and loose units in existing masonry backup, rotted wood, rusted metal, and other deteriorated items. E. Remove in an undamaged condition as many whole bricks as possible. 1. 2. 3. 4. F. Remove mortar, loose particles, and soil from brick by cleaning with hand chisels, brushes, and water. Remove sealants by cutting close to brick with utility knife and cleaning with solvents. Store brick for reuse. Store off ground, on skids, and protected from weather. Deliver cleaned brick not required for reuse to Owner unless otherwise indicated. Clean masonry surrounding removal areas by removing mortar, dust, and loose particles in preparation for brick replacement. BRICK MASONRY REPAIR 040120.63 - 10 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 G. Replace removed damaged brick with other removed brick in good condition, where possible, or with new brick matching existing brick. Do not use broken units unless they can be cut to usable size. H. Install replacement brick into bonding and coursing pattern of existing brick. If cutting is required, use a motor-driven saw designed to cut masonry with clean, sharp, unchipped edges. 1. 2. I. Lay replacement brick with rebuilding (setting) mortar and with completely filled bed, head, and collar joints. Butter ends with enough mortar to fill head joints and shove into place. Wet both replacement and surrounding bricks that have ASTM C 67 initial rates of absorption (suction) of more than 30 g/30 sq. in. per min. (30 g/194 sq. cm per min.) Use wetting methods that ensure that units are nearly saturated but surface is dry when laid. 1. 2. 3. J. Tool exposed mortar joints in repaired areas to match joints of surrounding existing brickwork. Rake out mortar used for laying brick before mortar sets according to Section 040120.64 "Brick Masonry Repointing." Point at same time as repointing of surrounding area. When mortar is hard enough to support units, remove shims and other devices interfering with pointing of joints. Curing: Cure mortar by maintaining in thoroughly damp condition for at least 72 consecutive hours, including weekends and holidays. 1. 3.5 Maintain joint width for replacement units to match existing joints. Use setting buttons or shims to set units accurately spaced with uniform joints. Hairline cracking within the mortar or mortar separation at edge of a joint is unacceptable. Completely remove such mortar and repoint. PAINTING STEEL UNCOVERED DURING THE WORK A. Notify Architect if steel is exposed during masonry removal. Where Architect determines that steel is structural, or for other reasons cannot be totally removed, prepare and paint it as follows: 1. 2. B. 3.6 Surface Preparation: Remove paint, rust, and other contaminants according to SSPCSP 2, "Hand Tool Cleaning", as applicable to comply with paint manufacturer's recommended preparation. Antirust Coating: Immediately paint exposed steel with two coats of antirust coating, following coating manufacturer's written instructions and without exceeding manufacturer's recommended rate of application (dry film thickness per coat). If on inspection and rust removal, the thickness of a steel member is found to be reduced from rust by more than 1/16 inch (1.6 mm), notify Architect before proceeding. MASONRY UNIT PATCHING A. Patch the following masonry units unless another type of repair or replacement is indicated: 1. Units indicated to be patched. BRICK MASONRY REPAIR 040120.63 - 11 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 2. 3. 4. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Units with holes. Units with chipped edges or corners. Patch chipped edges or corners measuring more than 3/4 inch (19 mm) in least dimension. Units with small areas of deep deterioration. Patch deep deteriorations measuring more than 3/4 inch (19 mm) in least dimension and more than 1/4 inch (6 mm) deep. B. Remove and replace existing patches unless otherwise indicated or approved by Architect. C. Patching Bricks: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 3.7 Remove loose material from masonry surface. Carefully remove additional material so patch does not have feathered edges but has square or slightly undercut edges on area to be patched and is at least 1/4 inch (6 mm) thick, but not less than recommended in writing by patching compound manufacturer. Mask adjacent mortar joint or rake out for repointing if patch extends to edge of masonry unit. Mix patching compound in individual batches to match each unit being patched. Combine one or more colors of patching compound, as needed, to produce exact match. Rinse surface to be patched and leave damp, but without standing water. Brush-coat surfaces with slurry coat of patching compound according to manufacturer's written instructions. Place patching compound in layers as recommended in writing by patching compound manufacturer, but not less than 1/4 inch (6 mm) or more than 2 inches (50 mm) thick. Roughen surface of each layer to provide a key for next layer. Trowel, scrape, or carve surface of patch to match texture and surrounding surface plane or contour of masonry unit. Shape and finish surface before or after curing, as determined by testing, to best match existing masonry unit. Keep each layer damp for 72 hours or until patching compound has set. Remove and replace patches with hairline cracks or that show separation from brick at edges, and those that do not match adjoining brick in color or texture. FINAL CLEANING A. After mortar has fully hardened, thoroughly clean exposed masonry surfaces of excess mortar and foreign matter; use wood scrapers, stiff-nylon or -fiber brushes, and clean water applied by low-pressure spray. 1. 2. Do not use metal scrapers or brushes. Do not use acidic or alkaline cleaners. B. Clean adjacent nonmasonry surfaces. Use detergent and soft brushes or cloths. C. Clean mortar and debris from roof; remove debris from gutters and downspouts. Rinse off roof and flush gutters and downspouts. D. Remove masking materials, leaving no residues that could trap dirt. BRICK MASONRY REPAIR 040120.63 - 12 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 3.8 HTF 2015-10/15.05 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing Agency: Owner will engage a qualified testing agency to perform tests and inspections. Allow inspectors use of lift devices and scaffolding, as needed, to perform inspections. B. Architect's Project Representatives: Architect will assign Project representatives to help carry out Architect's responsibilities at the site, including observing progress and quality of portion of the Work completed. Allow Architect's Project representatives use of lift devices and scaffolding, as needed, to observe progress and quality of portion of the Work completed. C. Notify inspectors and Architect's Project representatives in advance of times when lift devices and scaffolding will be relocated. Do not relocate lift devices and scaffolding until inspectors have had reasonable opportunity to make inspections and observations of work areas at lift device or scaffold location. 3.9 MASONRY WASTE DISPOSAL A. Salvageable Materials: Unless otherwise indicated, excess masonry materials are Contractor's property. B. Masonry Waste: Remove masonry waste and legally dispose of off Owner's property. END OF SECTION 040120.63 BRICK MASONRY REPAIR 040120.63 - 13 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 040120.64 - BRICK MASONRY REPOINTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. 1.3 Repointing joints with mortar. Repointing joints with sealant. ALLOWANCES A. Allowances for repointing brick masonry are specified in Section 012100 "Allowances." B. Preconstruction testing is part of testing and inspecting allowance. C. Repointing masonry is part of brick masonry repointing allowance. 1.4 UNIT PRICES A. Work of this Section is affected by unit prices specified in Section 012200 "Unit Prices." 1. 2. 1.5 Unit prices apply to authorized work covered by quantity allowances. Unit prices apply to additions to and deletions from Work as authorized by Change Orders. DEFINITIONS A. 1.6 Low-Pressure Spray: 100 to 400 psi (690 to 2750 kPa); 4 to 6 gpm (0.25 to 0.4 L/s). PREINSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at The Waterville Opera House. 1. Review methods and procedures related to repointing brick masonry including, but not limited to, the following: BRICK MASONRY REPOINTING 040120.64 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS a. b. c. d. 1.7 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Verify brick masonry repointing specialist's personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. Materials, material application, sequencing, tolerances, and required clearances. Quality-control program. Coordination with building occupants. SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Order sand and gray portland cement for pointing mortar immediately after approval of mockups. Take delivery of and store at Project site enough quantity to complete Project. B. Work Sequence: Perform brick masonry repointing work in the following sequence, which includes work specified in this and other Sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. C. 1.8 Remove plant growth. Inspect masonry for open mortar joints and permanently or temporarily point them before cleaning to prevent the intrusion of water and other cleaning materials into the wall. Remove paint. Clean masonry. Rake out mortar from joints surrounding masonry to be replaced and from joints adjacent to masonry repairs along joints. Repair masonry, including replacing existing masonry with new masonry materials. Rake out mortar from joints to be repointed. Point mortar and sealant joints. After repairs and repointing have been completed and cured, perform a final cleaning to remove residues from this work. Where water repellents are to be used on or near masonry work, delay application of these chemicals until after pointing and cleaning. As scaffolding is removed, patch anchor holes used to attach scaffolding. Patch holes in masonry units according to Section 040120.63 "Brick Masonry Repair." Patch holes in mortar joints according to "Repointing Masonry" Article. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product. 1. 2. B. Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes. Include recommendations for product application and use. Include test data substantiating that products comply with requirements. Shop Drawings: 1. 2. 3. Include plans, elevations, sections, and locations of repointing work on the structure. Show provisions for expansion joints or other sealant joints. Show locations of scaffolding and points of scaffolding in contact with masonry. Include details of each point of contact or anchorage. BRICK MASONRY REPOINTING 040120.64 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS C. Samples for Initial Selection: For the following: 1. Pointing Mortar: Submit sets of mortar for pointing in the form of sample mortar strips, 6 inches (150 mm) long by 1/4 inch (6 mm) wide, set in aluminum or plastic channels. a. b. 2. 3. 4. D. Have each set contain a close color range of at least three Samples of different mixes of colored sands and cements that produce a mortar matching existing, cleaned mortar when cured and dry. Submit with precise measurements on ingredients, proportions, gradations, and source of colored sands from which each Sample was made. Sand Type Used for Pointing Mortar: Minimum 8 oz. (240 mL) of each in plastic screwtop jars. Sealant materials. Include similar Samples of accessories involving color selection. Samples for Verification: For the following: 1. Each type, color, and texture of pointing mortar in the form of sample mortar strips, 6 inches (150 mm) long by 1/4 inch (6 mm) wide, set in aluminum or plastic channels. a. 2. 3. 1.9 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Include with each Sample a list of ingredients with proportions of each. Identify sources, both supplier and quarry, of each type of sand and brand names of cementitious materials and pigments if any. Sealant materials. Accessories: Each type of accessory and miscellaneous support. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Preconstruction Test Reports: For existing masonry units and mortar. B. Quality-control program. 1.10 A. QUALITY ASSURANCE Brick Masonry Repointing Specialist Qualifications: Engage an experienced brick masonry repointing firm to perform work of this Section. Firm shall have completed work similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project with a record of successful inservice performance. Experience in only installing masonry is insufficient experience for masonry repointing work. 1. B. Field Supervision: Brick masonry repointing specialist firms shall maintain experienced full-time supervisors on Project site during times that brick masonry repointing work is in progress. Quality-Control Program: Prepare a written quality-control program for this Project to systematically demonstrate the ability of personnel to properly follow methods and use materials and tools without damaging masonry. Include provisions for supervising performance and preventing damage. BRICK MASONRY REPOINTING 040120.64 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS C. Mockups: Prepare mockups of brick masonry repointing to demonstrate aesthetic effects and to set quality standards for materials and execution. 1. 2. 3. 1.11 A. Repointing: Rake out joints in two separate areas, each approximately 36 inches (900 mm) high by 48 inches (1200 mm) wide for each type of repointing required, and repoint one of the areas. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifically approves such deviations in writing. Subject to compliance with requirements, approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. PRECONSTRUCTION TESTING Preconstruction Testing Service: Engage a qualified testing agency to perform preconstruction testing on masonry units as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.12 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Provide test specimens as indicated and representative of proposed materials and existing construction. Existing Brick: Test each type of existing brick indicated for repointing according to testing methods in ASTM C 67 for compressive strength, 24-hour cold-water absorption, five-hour boil absorption, saturation coefficient, and initial rate of absorption (suction). Carefully remove five existing units from locations designated by Architect. Take testing samples from these units. Existing Mortar: Test according to ASTM C 295/C 295M, modified as agreed by testing service and Architect for Project requirements, to determine proportional composition of original ingredients, sizes and colors of aggregates, and approximate strength. Temporary Patch: As directed by Architect, provide temporary materials followed by permanent repairs at locations from which existing samples were taken. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver packaged materials to Project site in manufacturer's original and unopened containers, labeled with manufacturer's name and type of products. B. Store cementitious materials on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location. Do not use cementitious materials that have become damp. C. Store hydrated lime in manufacturer's original and unopened containers. Discard lime if containers have been damaged or have been opened for more than two days. D. Store sand where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained and contamination avoided. BRICK MASONRY REPOINTING 040120.64 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1.13 HTF 2015-10/15.05 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Weather Limitations: Proceed with installation only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit repointing work to be performed according to product manufacturers' written instructions and specified requirements. B. Temperature Limits, General: Repoint mortar joints only when air temperature is between 40 and 90 deg F (4 and 32 deg C) and is predicted to remain so for at least seven days after completion of the Work unless otherwise indicated. C. Cold-Weather Requirements: Comply with the following procedures for mortar-joint pointing unless otherwise indicated: 1. 2. D. When air temperature is below 40 deg F (4 deg C), heat mortar ingredients and existing masonry walls to produce temperatures between 40 and 120 deg F (4 and 49 deg C). When mean daily air temperature is below 40 deg F (4 deg C), provide enclosure and heat to maintain temperatures above 32 deg F (0 deg C) within the enclosure for seven days after pointing. Hot-Weather Requirements: Protect mortar-joint pointing when temperature and humidity conditions produce excessive evaporation of water from mortar materials. Provide artificial shade and wind breaks, and use cooled materials as required to minimize evaporation. Do not apply mortar to substrates with temperatures of 90 deg F (32 deg C) and above unless otherwise indicated. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS, GENERAL A. 2.2 Source Limitations: Obtain each type of material for repointing brick masonry (cement, sand, etc.) from single source with resources to provide materials of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties. MORTAR MATERIALS A. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150/C 150M, Type I or Type II, except Type III may be used for cold-weather construction; white or gray, where required for color matching of mortar. 1. Provide cement containing not more than 0.60 percent total alkali when tested according to ASTM C 114. B. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C 207, Type S. C. Masonry Cement: ASTM C 91/C 91M. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. Cemex S.A.B. de C.V. BRICK MASONRY REPOINTING 040120.64 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS b. c. d. e. f. D. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by the following: a. 2. Match size, texture, and gradation of existing mortar sand as closely as possible. Blend several sands if necessary to achieve suitable match. Color: Natural sand or ground marble, granite, or other sound stone of color necessary to produce required mortar color. Mortar Pigments: ASTM C 979/C 979M, compounded for use in mortar mixes, and having a record of satisfactory performance in masonry mortars. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. b. c. G. 2.3 Lafarge North America Inc. Mortar Sand: ASTM C 144. 1. F. Essroc. Hanson Brick and Tile;Lehigh Hanson. Holcim (US) Inc. Lafarge North America Inc. QUIKRETE. Mortar Cement: ASTM C 1329/C 1329M. 1. E. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Davis Colors. LANXESS Corporation. Solomon Colors, Inc. Water: Potable. ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Sealant Materials: 1. Sealant manufacturer's standard elastomeric sealant(s) of base polymer and characteristics indicated below and according to applicable requirements in Section 079200 "Joint Sealants." a. 2. 3. B. Type: Single-component, nonsag urethane sealant. Colors: Provide colors of exposed sealants to match colors of mortar adjoining installed sealant unless otherwise indicated. Ground-Mortar Aggregate: Custom crushed and ground pointing mortar sand or existing mortar retrieved from joints. Grind to a particle size that matches the adjacent mortar aggregate and color. Remove all fines passing the No. 100 sieve. Joint-Sealant Backing: BRICK MASONRY REPOINTING 040120.64 - 6 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1. 2. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Cylindrical Sealant Backings: ASTM C 1330, Type C (closed-cell material with a surface skin), and of size and density to control sealant depth and otherwise contribute to producing optimum sealant performance. Bond-Breaker Tape: Polyethylene tape or other plastic tape recommended in writing by sealant manufacturer for preventing sealant from adhering to rigid, inflexible, joint-filler materials or joint surfaces at back of joint where such adhesion would result in sealant failure. Provide self-adhesive tape where applicable. C. Masking Tape: Nonstaining, nonabsorbent material; compatible with mortar, joint primers, sealants, and surfaces adjacent to joints; and that easily comes off entirely, including adhesive. D. Other Products: Select materials and methods of use based on the following, subject to approval of a mockup: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.4 Previous effectiveness in performing the work involved. Minimal possibility of damaging exposed surfaces. Consistency of each application. Uniformity of the resulting overall appearance. Do not use products or tools that could leave residue on surfaces. MORTAR MIXES A. Measurement and Mixing: Measure cementitious materials and sand in a dry condition by volume or equivalent weight. Do not measure by shovel; use known measure. Mix materials in a clean, mechanical batch mixer. 1. B. Mixing Pointing Mortar: Thoroughly mix cementitious materials and sand together before adding any water. Then mix again, adding only enough water to produce a damp, unworkable mix that retains its form when pressed into a ball. Maintain mortar in this dampened condition for 15 to 30 minutes. Add remaining water in small portions until mortar reaches desired consistency. Use mortar within one hour of final mixing; do not retemper or use partially hardened material. Colored Mortar: Produce mortar of color required by using specified ingredients. Do not alter specified proportions without Architect's approval. 1. Mortar Pigments: Where mortar pigments are indicated, do not add pigment exceeding 10 percent by weight of the cementitious or binder materials, except for carbon black which is limited to 2 percent, unless otherwise demonstrated by a satisfactory history of performance. C. Do not use admixtures in mortar unless otherwise indicated. D. Mixes: Mix mortar materials in the following proportions: 1. 2. Pointing Mortar by Volume: ASTM C 270, Proportion Specification, 1 part portland cement, 1 part lime, and 6 parts sand. Add mortar pigments to produce mortar colors required. Pointing Mortar by Type: ASTM C 270, Proportion Specification, Type N unless otherwise indicated; with cementitious material limited to portland cement and lime BRICK MASONRY REPOINTING 040120.64 - 7 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 3. masonry cement or required. Pointing Mortar by otherwise indicated; masonry cement or required. HTF 2015-10/15.05 mortar cement. Add mortar pigments to produce mortar colors Property: ASTM C 270, Property Specification, Type N unless with cementitious material limited to portland cement and lime mortar cement. Add mortar pigments to produce mortar colors PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PROTECTION A. Prevent mortar from staining face of surrounding masonry and other surfaces. 1. 2. 3. B. Remove gutters and downspouts and associated hardware adjacent to masonry and store during masonry repointing. Reinstall when repointing is complete. 1. 3.2 Cover sills, ledges, and other projecting items to protect them from mortar droppings. Keep wall area wet below pointing work to discourage mortar from adhering. Immediately remove mortar splatters in contact with exposed masonry and other surfaces. Provide temporary rain drainage during work to direct water away from building. MASONRY REPOINTING, GENERAL A. 3.3 Appearance Standard: Repointed surfaces are to have a uniform appearance as viewed from 20 feet (6 m) away by Architect. REPOINTING MASONRY A. Rake out and repoint joints to the following extent: 1. 2. 3. All joints in areas indicated. Joints indicated as sealant-filled joints. Joints at locations of the following defects: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Holes and missing mortar. Cracks that can be penetrated 1/4 inch (6 mm) or more by a knife blade 0.027 inch (0.7 mm) thick. Cracks 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) or more in width and of any depth. Hollow-sounding joints when tapped by metal object. Eroded surfaces 1/4 inch (6 mm) or more deep. Deterioration to point that mortar can be easily removed by hand, without tools. Joints filled with substances other than mortar. B. Do not rake out and repoint joints where not required. C. Rake out joints as follows, according to procedures demonstrated in approved mockup: BRICK MASONRY REPOINTING 040120.64 - 8 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1. 2. 3. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Remove mortar from joints to depth of joint width plus 1/8 inch (3 mm), but not less than 1/2 inch (13 mm) or not less than that required to expose sound, unweathered mortar. Do not remove unsound mortar more than 2 inches (50 mm) deep; consult Architect for direction. Remove mortar from masonry surfaces within raked-out joints to provide reveals with square backs and to expose masonry for contact with pointing mortar. Brush, vacuum, or flush joints to remove dirt and loose debris. Do not spall edges of masonry units or widen joints. Replace or patch damaged masonry units as directed by Architect. D. Notify Architect of unforeseen detrimental conditions including voids in mortar joints, cracks, loose masonry units, rotted wood, rusted metal, and other deteriorated items. E. Pointing with Mortar: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. F. Rinse joint surfaces with water to remove dust and mortar particles. Time rinsing application so, at time of pointing, joint surfaces are damp but free of standing water. If rinse water dries, dampen joint surfaces before pointing. Apply pointing mortar first to areas where existing mortar was removed to depths greater than surrounding areas. Apply in layers not greater than 3/8 inch (9 mm) until a uniform depth is formed. Fully compact each layer, and allow it to become thumbprint hard before applying next layer. After deep areas have been filled to same depth as remaining joints, point joints by placing mortar in layers not greater than 3/8 inch (9 mm). Fully compact each layer and allow to become thumbprint hard before applying next layer. Where existing masonry units have worn or rounded edges, slightly recess finished mortar surface below face of masonry to avoid widened joint faces. Take care not to spread mortar beyond joint edges onto exposed masonry surfaces or to featheredge the mortar. When mortar is thumbprint hard, tool joints to match original appearance of joints as demonstrated in approved mockup. Remove excess mortar from edge of joint by brushing. Cure mortar by maintaining in thoroughly damp condition for at least 72 consecutive hours, including weekends and holidays. Hairline cracking within mortar or mortar separation at edge of a joint is unacceptable. Completely remove such mortar and repoint. Pointing with Sealant: Comply with Section 079200 "Joint Sealants." and as follows: 1. 2. 3. After raking out, keep joints dry and free of mortar and debris. Clean and prepare joint surfaces. Prime joint surfaces unless sealant manufacturer recommends against priming. Do not allow primer to spill or migrate onto adjoining surfaces. Fill sealant joints with specified joint sealant. a. b. Install cylindrical sealant backing beneath the sealant. Where space is insufficient for cylindrical sealant backing, install bond-breaker tape. Install sealant using only proven installation techniques that ensure that sealant is deposited in a uniform, continuous ribbon, without gaps or air pockets, and with complete wetting of the joint bond surfaces equally on both sides. Fill joint flush with surrounding masonry and matching the contour of adjoining mortar joints. BRICK MASONRY REPOINTING 040120.64 - 9 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS c. Install sealant as recommended in writing by sealant manufacturer but within the following general limitations, measured at the center (thin) section of the bead: 1) d. e. f. G. 3.4 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Fill joints to a depth equal to joint width, but not more than 1/2 inch (13 mm) deep or less than 1/4 inch (6 mm) deep. Tool sealant to form smooth, uniform beads, slightly concave. Remove excess sealant from surfaces adjacent to joint. Sanded Joints: Immediately after first tooling, apply ground-mortar aggregate to sealant, gently pushing aggregate into the surface of sealant. Lightly retool sealant to form smooth, uniform beads, slightly concave. Remove excess sealant and aggregate from surfaces adjacent to joint. Do not allow sealant to overflow or spill onto adjoining surfaces, or to migrate into the voids of adjoining surfaces, particularly rough textures. Remove excess and spillage of sealant promptly as the work progresses. Clean adjoining surfaces by the means necessary to eliminate evidence of spillage, without damage to adjoining surfaces or finishes, as demonstrated in an approved mockup. Where repointing work precedes cleaning of existing masonry, allow mortar to harden at least 30 days before beginning cleaning work. FINAL CLEANING A. After mortar has fully hardened, thoroughly clean exposed masonry surfaces of excess mortar and foreign matter; use wood scrapers, stiff-nylon or -fiber brushes, and clean water applied by low-pressure spray. 1. 2. Do not use metal scrapers or brushes. Do not use acidic or alkaline cleaners. B. Clean adjacent nonmasonry surfaces. Use detergent and soft brushes or cloths. C. Clean mortar and debris from roof; remove debris from gutters and downspouts. Rinse off roof and flush gutters and downspouts. D. Remove masking materials, leaving no residues that could trap dirt. 3.5 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing Agency: Owner will engage qualified testing agency to perform tests and inspections. Allow inspectors use of lift devices and scaffolding, as needed, to perform inspections. B. Architect's Project Representatives: Architect will assign Project representatives to help carry out Architect's responsibilities at the site, including observing progress and quality of portion of the Work completed. Allow Architect's Project representatives use of lift devices and scaffolding, as needed, to observe progress and quality of portion of the Work completed. BRICK MASONRY REPOINTING 040120.64 - 10 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS C. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Notify inspectors in advance of times when lift devices and scaffolding will be relocated. Do not relocate lift devices and scaffolding until inspectors have had reasonable opportunity to make inspections and observations of work areas at lift device or scaffold location. END OF SECTION 040120.64 BRICK MASONRY REPOINTING 040120.64 - 11 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 040140.61 - STONE REPAIR PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. 3. 1.3 Repairing stone masonry, including replacing whole and partial units. Removing abandoned anchors. Painting steel uncovered during the work. ALLOWANCES A. Stone repairs Section 012100 "Allowances." B. Preconstruction testing is part of base bid. C. Abandoned anchor removal is part of base bid. D. Stone removal and replacement is part of stone removal and replacement allowance and unit price. E. Partial stone replacement (dutchman repair) is part of stone removal and replacement allowance and unit price. F. Crack injection is part of base bid. G. Patching stone units is part of base bid. 1.4 UNIT PRICES A. Work of this Section is affected by unit prices specified in Section 012200 "Unit Prices." 1. 2. Unit prices apply to authorized work covered by quantity allowances and estimated quantities. Unit prices apply to additions to and deletions from Work as authorized by Change Orders. STONE REPAIR 040140.61 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 DEFINITIONS A. Low-Pressure Spray: 100 to 400 psi; 4 to 6 gpm B. Rebuilding (Setting) Mortar: Mortar used to set and anchor masonry in a structure, distinct from pointing mortar installed after masonry is set in place. C. Rift: The most pronounced direction of splitting or cleavage of a stone. D. Stone Terminology: ASTM C 119. 1.6 PREINSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Waterville Opera House 1. Review methods and procedures related to stone repair including, but not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. 1.7 Verify stone repair specialist's personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. Materials, material application, sequencing, tolerances, and required clearances. Quality-control program. Coordination with building occupants. SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Order sand and gray portland cement for colored mortar immediately after approval of mockups. Take delivery of and store at Project site enough quantity to complete Project. B. Work Sequence: Perform stone repair work in the following sequence, which includes work specified in this and other Sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Remove plant growth. Inspect masonry for open mortar joints and permanently or temporarily point them before cleaning to prevent the intrusion of water and other cleaning materials into the wall. Remove paint. Clean stone. Rake out mortar from joints surrounding stone to be replaced and from joints adjacent to stone repairs along joints. Repair stonework, including replacing existing stone with new stone. Rake out mortar from joints to be repointed. Point mortar and sealant joints. After repairs and repointing have been completed and cured, perform a final cleaning to remove residues from this work. Where water repellents are to be used on or near stonework, delay application of these chemicals until after pointing and cleaning. STONE REPAIR 040140.61 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS C. 1.8 HTF 2015-10/15.05 As scaffolding is removed, patch anchor holes used to attach scaffolding. Patch holes in stone according to "Stone Patching" Article. Patch holes in mortar joints according to Section 040140.62 "Stone Repointing." ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product. 1. 2. B. Shop Drawings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. C. Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes. Include recommendations for product application and use. Include test data substantiating that products comply with requirements. Include plans, elevations, sections, and locations of replacement stone units on the structure and their jointing, showing relation of existing and new or relocated units. Show partial replacement stone units (dutchmen). Indicate setting number of each new stone unit and its location on the structure in annotated plans and elevations. Show provisions for expansion joints or other sealant joints. Show provisions for flashing and weep holes as required. Show replacement and repair anchors, including drilled-in pins. Include details of anchors within individual stone units, with locations of anchors and dimensions of holes and recesses in stone required for anchors, including direction and angle of holes for pins. Show locations of scaffolding and points of scaffolding in contact with masonry. Include details of each point of contact or anchorage. Samples for Initial Selection: For the following: 1. Colored Mortar: Submit sets of mortar that will be left exposed in the form of sample mortar strips, 6 inches long by 1/4 inch, 1/2 inch wide, set in aluminum or plastic channels. a. b. 2. 3. Sand Types Used for Mortar: Minimum 8 oz. of each in plastic screw-top jars. Patching Compound: Submit sets of patching compound Samples in the form of plugs (patches in drilled holes) in sample units of stone representative of the range of stone colors on the building. a. 4. Have each set contain a close color range of at least three Samples of different mixes of colored sands and cements that produce a mortar matching the existing, cleaned mortar when cured and dry. Submit with precise measurements on ingredients, proportions, gradations, and source of colored sands from which each Sample was made. Have each set contain a close color range of at least three Samples of different mixes of patching compound that matches the variations in existing stone when cured and dry. Include similar Samples of accessories involving color selection. STONE REPAIR 040140.61 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS D. Samples for Verification: For the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.9 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Each type of replacement stone. Include sets of Samples to show full range of color, texture, grain, veining, and finish to be expected. Provide sets of at least three 12-by-12inch Samples for each type, but no fewer than necessary to indicate full range and proportion of variations within range. Each type of patching compound in form of briquettes, at least 3 inches long by 1-1/2 inches wide. Document each Sample with manufacturer and stock number or other information necessary to order additional material. Each type of adhesive. Accessories: Each type of anchor, accessory, and miscellaneous support. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For stone repair specialist including field supervisors and workers. B. Preconstruction Test Reports: For existing stone and mortar and replacement stone. C. Quality-control program. 1.10 A. QUALITY ASSURANCE Stone Repair Specialist Qualifications: Engage an experienced stone repair firm to perform work of this Section. Firm shall have completed work similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project with a record of successful in-service performance. Experience in only installing standard unit masonry or new stone masonry is insufficient experience for stone repair work. 1. 2. B. Field Supervision: Stone repair specialist firms shall maintain experienced full-time supervisors on Project site during times that stone repair work is in progress. Stone Repair Worker Qualifications: When stone units are being patched, assign at least one worker per crew who is trained and certified by manufacturer of patching compound to apply its products Mockups: Prepare mockups of stone repair to demonstrate aesthetic effects and to set quality standards for materials and execution and for fabrication and installation. 1. Stone Repair: Prepare sample areas for each type of stone indicated to have repair work performed. If not otherwise indicated, size each mockup not smaller than two adjacent whole units or approximately 48 inches in least dimension. Construct sample areas in locations in existing walls where directed by Architect unless otherwise indicated. Demonstrate quality of materials, workmanship, and blending with existing work. Include the following as a minimum: a. b. c. d. Replacement: Four stone units replaced. Partial Stone Replacement: Two partial stone replacements (dutchman repairs). Stone Plug Repair: Two stone plug repairs for each type of stone indicated to be plugged. Crack Injection: Apply crack injection in two separate areas as directed. STONE REPAIR 040140.61 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS e. 2. 3. 1.11 A. Patching: Three small holes as directed. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifically approves such deviations in writing. Subject to compliance with requirements, approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. PRECONSTRUCTION TESTING Preconstruction Testing: Perform preconstruction testing on stone units as follows: 1. 2. 3. 1.12 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Provide test specimens as indicated and representative of proposed materials and existing construction. Existing Mortar: Test according to ASTM C 295/C 295M, modified as agreed by and Architect for Project requirements, to determine proportional composition of original ingredients, sizes and colors of aggregates, and approximate strength. Temporary Patch: As directed by Architect, provide temporary materials followed by permanent repairs at locations from which existing samples were taken. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver stone units to Project site strapped together in suitable packs or pallets or in heavy-duty crates and protected against impact and chipping. B. Deliver each piece of stone with code mark or setting number on unexposed face, corresponding to Shop Drawings, using nonstaining paint. C. Deliver packaged materials to Project site in manufacturer's original and unopened containers, labeled with manufacturer's name and type of products. D. Store cementitious materials on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location. Do not use cementitious materials that have become damp. E. Store hydrated lime in manufacturer's original and unopened containers. Discard lime if containers have been damaged or have been opened for more than two days. F. Store sand where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained and contamination avoided. G. Handle stone to prevent overstressing, chipping, defacement, and other damage. 1.13 A. FIELD CONDITIONS Weather Limitations: Proceed with installation only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit stone repair work to be performed according to product manufacturers' written instructions and specified requirements. STONE REPAIR 040140.61 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 B. Temperature Limits, General: Repair stone units only when air temperature is between 40 and 90 deg F and is predicted to remain so for at least seven days after completion of the Work unless otherwise indicated. C. Cold-Weather Requirements: Comply with the following procedures for stone repair unless otherwise indicated: 1. 2. When air temperature is below 40 deg F, heat mortar ingredients, repair materials, and existing stone to produce temperatures between 40 and 120 deg F (4 and 49 deg C). When mean daily air temperature is below 40 deg F, provide enclosure and heat to maintain temperatures above 32 deg F within the enclosure for seven days after repair. D. Hot-Weather Requirements: Protect stone repairs when temperature and humidity conditions produce excessive evaporation of water from mortar and patching materials. Provide artificial shade and wind breaks, and use cooled materials as required to minimize evaporation. Do not apply mortar to substrates with temperatures of 90 deg F and above unless otherwise indicated. E. For manufactured repair materials, perform work within the environmental limits set by each manufacturer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS, GENERAL A. 2.2 Source Limitations: Obtain each type of material for repairing stone (stone, cement, sand, etc.) from single source with resources to provide materials of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties. STONE MATERIALS A. Stone Matching Existing: Natural building stone of variety, color, texture, grain, veining, finish, size, and shape that match existing stone and with physical properties as listed below: 1. Physical Properties for Limestone: a. b. c. d. 2. B. Compressive Strength: according to ASTM C 170/C 170M. Modulus of Rupture: according to ASTM C 99/C 99. Absorption: according to ASTM C 97/C 97. Bulk Specific Gravity: according to ASTM C 97/C 97. For existing stone that exhibits a range of colors, texture, grain, veining, finishes, sizes, or shapes, provide stone that proportionally matches that range rather than stone that matches an individual color, texture, grain, veining, finish, size, or shape within that range. Cutting New Stone: Cut each new stone so that, when it is set in final position, the rift or natural bedding planes will match the rift orientation of existing stones. STONE REPAIR 040140.61 - 6 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 2.3 HTF 2015-10/15.05 MORTAR MATERIALS A. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150/C 150M, Type I or Type II, except Type III may be used for cold-weather construction; white or gray, or both where required for color matching of mortar. 1. Provide cement containing not more than 0.60 percent total alkali when tested according to ASTM C 114. B. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C 207, Type S. C. Masonry Cement: ASTM C 91/C 91M. 1. D. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, available products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Lafarge North America Inc.; Lafarge Masonry Cement or Magnolia Mason's Mix Masonry Cement. b. Lehigh Hanson, Inc.; Lehigh Masonry Cement or Lehigh White Masonry Cement. c. Quikrete Companies, Inc. (The); Quikrete Masonry Cement. Mortar Cement: ASTM C 1329/C 1329M. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, available products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. E. Mortar Sand: ASTM C 144. 1. 2. F. Exposed Mortar: Match size, texture, and gradation of existing mortar sand as closely as possible. Blend several sands if necessary to achieve suitable match. Colored Mortar: Natural sand or ground marble, granite, or other sound stone of color necessary to produce required mortar color. Mortar Pigments: ASTM C 979/C 979M, compounded for use in mortar mixes, and having a record of satisfactory performance in stone mortars. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, available products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. G. 2.4 Lafarge North America Inc.; Lafarge Mortar Cement or Magnolia Superbond Mortar Cement. Davis Colors, Inc.; True Tone Mortar Colors. Lanxess Corporation; Bayferrox Iron Oxide Pigments. Solomon Colors, Inc.; SGS Mortar Colors. Water: Potable. MANUFACTURED REPAIR MATERIALS A. Stone Patching Compound: Factory-mixed cementitious product that is custom manufactured for patching stone. STONE REPAIR 040140.61 - 7 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, available products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. 2. 3. 4. B. Cathedral Stone Products, Inc.; Jahn M70 Limestone and Sandstone Repair Mortar. Conproco Corporation; Mimic or Matrix. Edison Coatings, Inc.; Custom System 45 or Thin-Fill 55. Use formulation that is vapor and water permeable (equal to or more than the stone), exhibits low shrinkage, has lower modulus of elasticity than stone units being repaired, and develops high bond strength to all types of stone. Use formulation having working qualities and retardation control to permit forming and sculpturing where necessary. Formulate patching compound in colors, textures, and grain to match stone being patched. Provide sufficient number of colors to enable matching of each piece of stone. Cementitious Crack Filler: Ultrafine superplasticized grout that can be injected into cracks, is suitable for application to wet or dry cracks, exhibits low shrinkage, and develops high bond strength to all types of stone. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, available products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. 2.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Cathedral Stone Products, Inc.; Jahn M30 #31 or #32 Micro Injection Grout for Brick and Soft Stone or Jahn M40 Crack Injection Grout. ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Stone Repair Anchors and Pins: Mechanical fasteners and pins of Type 304 or Type 316 stainless steel; designed for stone stabilization and pinning stone pieces; matching shape and size of existing anchors unless otherwise indicated. B. Setting Buttons and Shims: Resilient plastic, nonstaining to stone, sized to suit joint thicknesses and bed depths of stone units, less the required depth of pointing materials unless removed before pointing. C. Masking Tape: Nonstaining, nonabsorbent material; compatible with mortar, joint primers, sealants, and surfaces adjacent to joints; and that easily comes off entirely, including adhesive. D. Antirust Coating: Fast-curing, lead- and chromate-free, self-curing, universal modified-alkyd primer according to MPI #23 (surface-tolerant, anticorrosive metal primer) or SSPC-Paint 20 or SSPC-Paint 29 zinc-rich coating 1. 2. Surface Preparation: Use coating requiring no better than SSPC-SP 2, "Hand Tool Cleaning" surface preparation according to manufacturer's literature or certified statement. VOC Limit: Use coating with a VOC content of 400 g/L or less. STONE REPAIR 040140.61 - 8 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS E. Other Products: Select materials and methods of use based on the following, subject to approval of a mockup: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.6 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Previous effectiveness in performing the work involved. Minimal possibility of damaging exposed surfaces. Consistency of each application. Uniformity of the resulting overall appearance. Do not use products or tools that could leave residue on surfaces. MORTAR MIXES A. Measurement and Mixing: Measure cementitious materials and sand in a dry condition by volume or equivalent weight. Do not measure by shovel; use known measure. Mix materials in a clean, mechanical batch mixer. B. Colored Mortar: Produce mortar of color required by using specified ingredients. Do not alter specified proportions without Architect's approval. 1. Mortar Pigments: Where mortar pigments are indicated, do not add pigment exceeding 10 percent by weight of the cementitious or binder materials, except for carbon black which is limited to 2 percent, unless otherwise demonstrated by a satisfactory history of performance. C. Do not use admixtures in mortar unless otherwise indicated. D. Mixes: Mix mortar materials in the following proportions: 1. 2. Rebuilding (Setting) Mortar by Volume: Type N. 1 part portland cement, 1 part lime, and 6 parts sand. Pigmented, Colored Mortar: Add mortar pigments to produce exposed, setting (rebuilding) mortar of colors required. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 REPAIR SPECIALIST A. Stone Repair Specialist Firms: Subject to compliance with requirements, firms that may provide stone repair include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Midcontinental Restoration. Fort Scott, KS. 2. Restoration and Waterproofing Inc. Topeka/Wichita, KS. 3.2 PROTECTION A. Prevent mortar from staining face of surrounding stone and other surfaces. 1. Cover sills, ledges, and other projecting items to protect them from mortar droppings. STONE REPAIR 040140.61 - 9 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 2. 3. B. Keep wall area wet below rebuilding and repair work to discourage mortar from adhering. Immediately remove mortar splatters in contact with exposed stone and other surfaces. Remove and salvage scuppers and downspouts and associated hardware adjacent to stone. Reinstall when repairs are complete. 1. 3.3 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Provide temporary rain drainage during work to direct water away from building. STONE REPAIR, GENERAL A. 3.4 Appearance Standard: Repaired surfaces are to have a uniform appearance as viewed from 20 feet, away by Architect. ABANDONED ANCHOR REMOVAL A. Remove abandoned anchors, brackets, wood nailers, and other extraneous items no longer in use unless indicated to remain. 1. 2. Remove items carefully to avoid spalling or cracking stone. Notify Architect before proceeding if an item cannot be removed without damaging surrounding stone. Do the following where directed: a. b. 3. 3.5 Cut or grind off item approximately 3/4 inch beneath surface and core drill a recess of same depth in surrounding stone as close around item as practical. Immediately paint exposed end of item with two coats of antirust coating, following coating manufacturer's written instructions and without exceeding manufacturer's recommended dry film thickness per coat. Keep paint off sides of recess. Patch hole where each item was removed unless directed to remove and replace stone unit. STONE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT A. At locations indicated, remove stone that has deteriorated or is damaged beyond repair. Carefully remove entire units from joint to joint, without damaging surrounding stone, in a manner that permits replacement with full-size units. B. Support and protect remaining stonework that surrounds removal area. C. Maintain flashing, reinforcement, lintels, and adjoining construction in an undamaged condition. Coordinate with new flashing, reinforcement, and lintels, which are specified in other Sections. D. Notify Architect of unforeseen detrimental conditions including voids, cracks, bulges, and loose units in existing stone or unit masonry backup, rotted wood, rusted metal, and other deteriorated items. STONE REPAIR 040140.61 - 10 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS E. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Remove in an undamaged condition as many whole stone units as possible. 1. 2. 3. 4. Remove mortar, loose particles, and soil from stone by cleaning with hand chisels, brushes, and water. Remove sealants by cutting close to stone with utility knife and cleaning with solvents. Store stone for reuse. Store off ground, on skids, and protected from weather. Deliver cleaned stone not required for reuse to Owner unless otherwise indicated. F. Clean stone surrounding removal areas by removing mortar, dust, and loose particles in preparation for stone replacement. G. Replace removed damaged stone with other removed stone in good condition, where possible, or with new stone matching existing stone, including direction of rift or natural bedding planes. Do not use broken units unless they can be cut to usable size. H. Install replacement stone into bonding and coursing pattern of existing stone. If cutting is required, use a motor-driven saw designed to cut stone with clean, sharp, unchipped edges. Finish edges to blend with appearance of edges of existing stone. 1. 2. I. Set replacement stone with rebuilding (setting) mortar and with completely filled bed, head, and collar joints. Butter vertical joints for full width before setting, and set units in full bed of mortar unless otherwise indicated. Replace existing anchors with new anchors matching existing configuration. 1. 2. 3. J. Tool exposed mortar joints in repaired areas to match joints of surrounding existing stonework. Rake out mortar used for laying stone before mortar sets according to Section 040140.62 "Stone Repointing." Point at same time as repointing of surrounding area. When mortar is hard enough to support units, remove shims and other devices interfering with pointing of joints. Curing: Cure mortar by maintaining in thoroughly damp condition for at least 72 consecutive hours, including weekends and holidays. 1. 3.6 Maintain joint width for replacement stone to match existing joints. Use setting buttons or shims to set stone accurately spaced with uniform joints. Hairline cracking within the mortar or mortar separation at edge of a joint is unacceptable. Completely remove such mortar and repoint. PAINTING STEEL UNCOVERED DURING THE WORK A. Notify Architect if steel is exposed during stone removal. Where Architect determines that steel is structural, or for other reasons cannot be totally removed, prepare and paint it as follows: 1. Surface Preparation: Remove paint, rust, and other contaminants according to SSPCSP 2, "Hand Tool Cleaning" as applicable to comply with paint manufacturer's recommended preparation. STONE REPAIR 040140.61 - 11 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 2. B. 3.7 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Antirust Coating: Immediately paint exposed steel with two coats of antirust coating, following coating manufacturer's written instructions and without exceeding manufacturer's recommended rate of application (dry film thickness per coat). If on inspection and rust removal, the thickness of a steel member is found to be reduced from rust by more than 1/16 inch, notify Architect before proceeding. PARTIAL STONE REPLACEMENT A. Remove defective portion of existing stone unit (backing stone). Carefully remove defective portion of stone by making vertical and horizontal saw cuts at face of backing stone and removing defective material to depth required for fitting partial replacement (dutchman). 1. 2. 3. Make edges of backing stone at cuts smooth and square to each other and to finished surface; essentially rectangular. Make back of removal area flat and parallel to stone face. Do not overcut at corners and intersections. Hand trim to produce clean sharp corners with no rounding and no damage to existing work to remain. If backing stone becomes further damaged, remove damaged area and enlarge partial replacement as required. B. Remove mortar from joints that abut area of stone removal to same depth as stone was removed. Remove loose mortar particles and other debris from surfaces to be bonded and surfaces of adjacent stone units that will receive mortar by cleaning with stiff-fiber brush. C. Cut and trim partial replacement to accurately fit area where material was removed from backing stone. Fabricate to size required to produce joints between partial replacement and backing stone of no more than 1/16 inch in width, and to produce joints between partial replacement and other stones that match existing joints between stones. Cut partial replacement so that, when it is set in final position, natural bedding planes will match the orientation of bedding planes of the backing stone unless otherwise indicated. D. Pinning: Before applying adhesive, prepare for mechanical anchorage consisting of 1/4-inchdiameter, threaded stainless-steel pins set into 1/4-inch- diameter holes drilled at a 45-degree downward angle through face of partial replacement and into backing stone. Center and space pins 3 to 5 inches apart and at least 2 inches from any edge. Insert pins at least 2 inches into backing stone and 2 inches into partial replacement with end countersunk at least 3/4 inch from exposed face of partial replacement. E. Concealed Pinning: Before applying adhesive, prepare for concealed mechanical anchorage consisting of 1/4-inch-diameter, threaded stainless-steel pins set into 1/4-inch- diameter holes drilled into backing stone and into, but not through, the partial replacement. Center and space pins 3 to 5 inches apart and at least 2 inches from any edge. Insert pins at least 2 inches into backing stone and 2 inches into partial replacement, but no closer than 3/4 inch from exposed face of partial replacement. F. Apply stone-to-stone adhesive if required according to adhesive manufacturer's written instructions. Coat bonding surfaces of backing stone and partial replacement, completely filling all crevices and voids. STONE REPAIR 040140.61 - 12 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 G. Apply partial replacement while adhesive is still tacky and hold securely in place until adhesive has cured. Use shims, clamps, wedges, or other devices as necessary to align face of partial replacement with face of backing stone. H. Clean adhesive residue from exposed surfaces and patch chipped areas and exposed drill holes as specified in "Stone Patching" Article. 3.8 STONE PLUG REPAIR A. Remove cylindrical piece of damaged stone by core-drilling perpendicular to stone surface. B. Prepare a replacement plug by core-drilling replacement stone. Use a drill sized to produce a core that will fit into hole drilled in damaged stone with only minimum gap necessary for adhesive. Cut and install plug so that, when it is set in final position, natural bedding planes will match the orientation of bedding planes of the backing stone unless otherwise indicated. C. Apply stone-to-stone adhesive if required according to adhesive manufacturer's written instructions. Coat bonding surfaces of existing stone and plug, completely filling all crevices and voids. D. Apply plug while adhesive is still tacky and hold securely in place until adhesive has cured. E. Clean adhesive residue from exposed surfaces. 3.9 STONE-FRAGMENT REPAIR A. Carefully remove cracked or fallen stone fragment indicated to be repaired. Reuse only stone fragment that is in sound condition. B. Remove soil, loose particles, mortar, and other debris or foreign material from fragment surfaces to be bonded and from parent stone where fragment had broken off, by cleaning with stiff-fiber brush. C. Pinning: Before applying adhesive, prepare for mechanical anchorage consisting of 1/4-inch(6-mm-) diameter, threaded stainless-steel pins set into 1/4-inch- diameter holes drilled at a 45degree downward angle through face of fragment and into parent stone. Center and space pins between 3 and 5 inches apart and at least 2 inches from any edge. Insert pins at least 2 inches into parent stone and 2 inches into fragment with end countersunk at least 3/4 inch from exposed face of fragment. D. Concealed Pinning: Before applying adhesive, prepare for concealed mechanical anchorage consisting of 1/4-inch- diameter, threaded stainless-steel pins set into 1/4-inch- diameter holes drilled into parent stone and into, but not through, the fragment. Center and space pins between 3 and 5 inches apart and at least 2 inches from any edge. Insert pins at least 2 inches into parent stone and 2 inches into fragment, but no closer than 3/4 inch from exposed face of fragment. E. Apply stone-to-stone adhesive if required according to adhesive manufacturer's written instructions. Coat bonding surfaces of fragment and parent stone, completely filling all crevices and voids. STONE REPAIR 040140.61 - 13 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 F. Fit stone fragment onto parent stone while adhesive is still tacky and hold fragment securely in place until adhesive has cured. Use shims, clamps, wedges, or other devices as necessary to align face of fragment with face of parent stone. G. Clean adhesive residue from exposed surfaces and patch chipped areas and exposed drill holes as specified in "Stone Patching" Article. 3.10 CRACK INJECTION A. General: Comply with cementitious crack-filler manufacturer's written instructions. B. Drill 1/4-inch- diameter injection holes as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Transverse Cracks Less Than 3/8 inch Wide: Drill holes through center of crack at 12 to 18 inches o.c. Transverse Cracks More Than 3/8 inch Wide: Drill holes through center of crack at 18 to 36 inches o.c. Delaminations: Drill holes at approximately 18 inches o.c. both vertically and horizontally. Drill holes 2 inches deep. C. Clean out drill holes and cracks with compressed air and water. Remove dirt and organic matter, loose material, sealants, and failed crack repair materials. D. Place plastic injection ports in drilled holes and seal face of cracks between injection ports with clay or other nonstaining, removable plugging material. Leave openings at upper ends of cracks for air release. E. Inject cementitious crack filler through ports sequentially, beginning at one end of area and working to opposite end; where possible, begin at lower end of injection area and work upward. Inject filler until it extrudes from adjacent ports. After port has been injected, plug with clay or other suitable material and begin injecting filler at adjacent port, repeating process until all ports have been injected. F. Clean cementitious crack filler from face of stone before it sets by scrubbing with water. G. After cementitious crack filler has set, remove injection ports, plugging material, and excess filler. Patch injection holes and surface of cracks as specified in "Stone Patching" Article. 3.11 A. STONE PATCHING Patch the following stone units unless another type of repair or replacement is indicated: 1. 2. 3. 4. Units indicated to be patched. Units with holes. Units with chipped edges or corners. Patch chipped edges or corners measuring more than 3/4 inch in least dimension. Units with small areas of deep deterioration. Patch deep deteriorations measuring more than 3/4 inch in least dimension and more than 1/4 inch deep. STONE REPAIR 040140.61 - 14 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 B. Remove and replace existing patches unless otherwise indicated or approved by Architect. C. Remove deteriorated material and remove adjacent material that has begun to deteriorate. Carefully remove additional material so patch does not have feathered edges but has square or slightly undercut edges on area to be patched and is at least 1/4 inch thick, but not less than recommended in writing by patching compound manufacturer. D. Mask adjacent mortar joint or rake out for repointing if patch extends to edge of stone unit. E. Mix patching compound in individual batches to match each stone unit being patched. Combine one or more colors of patching compound, as needed, to produce exact match. F. Brush-coat stone surfaces with slurry coat of patching compound according to manufacturer's written instructions. G. Place patching compound in layers as recommended in writing by patching compound manufacturer, but not less than 1/4 inch or more than 2 inches thick. Roughen surface of each layer to provide a key for next layer. 1. 2. Simple Details: Trowel, scrape, or carve surface of patch to match texture and surrounding surface plane or contour of the stone. Shape and finish surface before or after curing, as determined by testing, to best match existing stone. Carved Details: Build patch up 1/4 inch above surrounding stone, and carve surface to match adjoining stone after patching compound has hardened. H. Keep each layer damp for 72 hours or until patching compound has set. I. Remove and replace patches with hairline cracks or that show separation from stone at edges, and those that do not match adjoining stone in color or texture. 3.12 A. FINAL CLEANING After mortar has fully hardened, thoroughly clean exposed stone surfaces of excess mortar and foreign matter; use wood scrapers, stiff-nylon or -fiber brushes, and clean water, applied by low-pressure spray. 1. 2. Do not use metal scrapers or brushes. Do not use acidic or alkaline cleaners. B. Clean adjacent nonstone surfaces. Use detergent and soft brushes or cloths. C. Clean mortar and debris from roof; remove debris from gutters and downspouts. Rinse off roof and flush gutters and downspouts. D. Remove masking materials, leaving no residues that could trap dirt. 3.13 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL STONE REPAIR 040140.61 - 15 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 A. Architect's Project Representatives: Architect will assign Project representatives to help carry out Architect's responsibilities at the site, including observing progress and quality of portion of the Work completed. Allow Architect's Project representatives use of lift devices and scaffolding, as needed, to observe progress and quality of portion of the Work completed. B. Notify Architect's Project representatives in advance of times when lift devices and scaffolding will be relocated. Do not relocate lift devices and scaffolding until Architect's Project representatives have had reasonable opportunity to make inspections and observations of work areas at lift device or scaffold location. 3.14 STONE WASTE DISPOSAL A. Salvageable Materials: Unless otherwise indicated, excess stone materials are Contractor's property. B. Stone Waste: Remove stone waste and legally dispose of off Owner's property. END OF SECTION 040140.61 STONE REPAIR 040140.61 - 16 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 040140.62 - STONE REPOINTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. 1.3 Repointing joints with mortar. Repointing joints with sealant. ALLOWANCES A. Allowances for repointing stone are specified in Section 012100 "Allowances." B. Repointing stonework is part of repointing stonework allowance and base bid. 1.4 UNIT PRICES A. Work of this Section is affected by unit prices specified in Section 012200 "Unit Prices." 1. 2. 1.5 Unit prices apply to authorized work covered by estimated quantities. Unit prices apply to additions to and deletions from Work as authorized by Change Orders. DEFINITIONS A. Low-Pressure Spray: 100 to 400 psi; 4 to 6 gpm . B. Rift: The most pronounced direction of splitting or cleavage of a stone. 1.6 PREINSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Waterville Opera House. 1. Review methods and procedures related to repointing stonework including, but not limited to, the following: STONE REPOINTING 040140.62 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS a. b. c. d. 1.7 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Verify stone repointing specialist's personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. Materials, material application, sequencing, tolerances, and required clearances. Quality-control program. Coordination with building occupants. SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Order sand and gray portland cement for pointing mortar immediately after approval of Samples. Take delivery of and store at Project site enough quantity to complete Project. B. Work Sequence: Perform stone repointing work in the following sequence, which includes work specified in this and other Sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. C. 1.8 Remove plant growth. Inspect masonry for open mortar joints and permanently or temporarily point them before cleaning to prevent the intrusion of water and other cleaning materials into the wall. Remove paint. Clean stone. Rake out mortar from joints surrounding stone to be replaced and from joints adjacent to stone repairs along joints. Repair stonework, including replacing existing stone with new stone. Rake out mortar from joints to be repointed. Point mortar and sealant joints. After repairs and repointing have been completed and cured, perform a final cleaning to remove residues from this work. Where water repellents are to be used on or near stonework, delay application of these chemicals until after pointing and cleaning. As scaffolding is removed, patch anchor holes used to attach scaffolding. Patch holes in stone according to Section 040140.61 "Stone Repair." Patch holes in mortar joints according to "Repointing Stonework" Article. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product. 1. 2. B. Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes. Include recommendations for product application and use. Include test data substantiating that products comply with requirements. Shop Drawings: 1. 2. 3. Include plans, elevations, sections, and locations of repointing work on the structure. Show provisions for expansion joints or other sealant joints. Show locations of scaffolding and points of scaffolding in contact with masonry. Include details of each point of contact or anchorage. STONE REPOINTING 040140.62 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS C. Samples for Initial Selection: For the following: 1. Pointing Mortar: Submit sets of mortar for pointing in the form of sample mortar strips, 6 inches long by 1/4 inch 1/2 inch wide, set in aluminum or plastic channels. a. b. 2. 3. 4. D. Have each set contain a close color range of at least three Samples of different mixes of colored sands and cements that produce a mortar matching the existing, cleaned mortar when cured and dry. Submit with precise measurements on ingredients, proportions, gradations, and source of colored sands from which each Sample was made. Sand Type Used for Pointing Mortar: Minimum 8 oz. of each in plastic screw-top jars. Sealant materials. Include similar Samples of accessories involving color selection. Samples for Verification: For the following: 1. Each type, color, and texture of pointing mortar in the form of sample mortar strips, 6 inches long by 1/4 inch 1/2 inch wide, set in aluminum or plastic channels. a. 2. 3. 1.9 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Include with each Sample a list of ingredients with proportions of each. Identify sources, both supplier and quarry, of each type of sand and brand names of cementitious materials and pigments if any. Sealant materials. Accessories: Each type of anchor, accessory, and miscellaneous support. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For stone repointing specialist including field supervisors and workers. B. Preconstruction Test Reports: For existing stone and mortar. 1.10 A. QUALITY ASSURANCE Stone Repointing Specialist Qualifications: Engage an experienced stone repointing firm to perform work of this Section. Firm shall have completed work similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project with a record of successful in-service performance. Experience in only installing standard unit masonry or new stone masonry is insufficient experience for stone repointing work. 1. B. Field Supervision: Stone repointing specialist firms shall maintain experienced full-time supervisors on Project site during times that stone repointing work is in progress. Mockups: Prepare mockups of stone repointing to demonstrate aesthetic effects and to set quality standards for materials and execution. 1. Repointing: Rake out joints in two separate areas, as indicated for each type of repointing required, and repoint one of the areas. STONE REPOINTING 040140.62 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 2. 3. 1.11 A. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifically approves such deviations in writing. Subject to compliance with requirements, approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. PRECONSTRUCTION TESTING Preconstruction Testing Service: Perform preconstruction testing on stone units as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.12 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Provide test specimens as indicated and representative of proposed materials and existing construction. Existing Stone: Test each type of existing stone indicated for repointing according to ASTM C 170/C 170M for compressive strength, wet and dry, perpendicular and parallel to rift; ASTM C 99/C 99M for modulus of rupture, wet and dry, perpendicular and parallel to rift; and ASTM C 97/C 97M for absorption and bulk specific gravity. Carefully remove five existing stones from locations designated by Architect. Take testing samples from these stones. Existing Mortar: Test according to ASTM C 295/C 295M, modified as agreed by testing service and Architect for Project requirements, to determine proportional composition of original ingredients, sizes and colors of aggregates, and approximate strength. Temporary Patch: As directed by Architect, provide temporary materials followed by permanent repairs at locations from which existing samples were taken. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver packaged materials to Project site in manufacturer's original and unopened containers, labeled with manufacturer's name and type of products. B. Store cementitious materials on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location. Do not use cementitious materials that have become damp. C. Store hydrated lime in manufacturer's original and unopened containers. Discard lime if containers have been damaged or have been opened for more than two days. D. Store sand where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained and contamination avoided. 1.13 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Weather Limitations: Proceed with installation only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit repointing work to be performed according to product manufacturers' written instructions and specified requirements. B. Temperature Limits, General: Repoint mortar joints only when air temperature is between 40 and 90 deg F and is predicted to remain so for at least seven days after completion of the Work unless otherwise indicated. STONE REPOINTING 040140.62 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS C. Cold-Weather Requirements: Comply with the following procedures for mortar-joint pointing unless otherwise indicated: 1. 2. D. HTF 2015-10/15.05 When air temperature is below 40 deg F, heat mortar ingredients and existing stone to produce temperatures between 40 and 120 deg F. When mean daily air temperature is below 40 deg F, provide enclosure and heat to maintain temperatures above 32 deg F within the enclosure for seven days after pointing. Hot-Weather Requirements: Protect mortar-joint pointing when temperature and humidity conditions produce excessive evaporation of water from mortar materials. Provide artificial shade and wind breaks, and use cooled materials as required to minimize evaporation. Do not apply mortar to substrates with temperatures of 90 deg F and above unless otherwise indicated. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS, GENERAL A. 2.2 Source Limitations: Obtain each type of material for stone repointing (cement, sand, etc.) from single source with resources to provide materials of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties. MORTAR MATERIALS A. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150/C 150M, Type I or Type II, except Type III may be used for cold-weather construction; white or gray, or both where required for color matching of mortar. 1. Provide cement containing not more than 0.60 percent total alkali when tested according to ASTM C 114. B. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C 207, Type S. C. Masonry Cement: ASTM C 91/C 91M. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, available products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. D. Lafarge North America Inc.; Lafarge Masonry Cement, Magnolia Buff, Dark & Ultra Dark Masonry Cement, Magnolia Mason's Mix Masonry Cement, Trinity White Masonry Cement. Lehigh Hanson, Inc.; Lehigh Masonry Cement or Lehigh White Masonry Cement. Quikrete Companies, Inc. (The); Quikrete Masonry Cement. Mortar Cement: ASTM C 1329/C 1329M. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, available products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Lafarge North America Inc.; Lafarge Mortar Cement or Magnolia Superbond Mortar Cement. STONE REPOINTING 040140.62 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS E. Mortar Sand: ASTM C 144. 1. 2. F. Match size, texture, and gradation of existing mortar sand as closely as possible. Blend several sands if necessary to achieve suitable match. Color: Natural sand or ground marble, granite, or other sound stone of color necessary to produce required mortar color. Mortar Pigments: ASTM C 979/C 979M, compounded for use in mortar mixes, and having a record of satisfactory performance in stone mortars. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, available products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. G. 2.3 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Davis Colors, Inc.; True Tone Mortar Colors. Lanxess Corporation; Bayferrox Iron Oxide Pigments. Solomon Colors, Inc.; SGS Mortar Colors. Water: Potable. ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Sealant Materials: 1. Sealant manufacturer's standard elastomeric sealant(s) of base polymer and characteristics indicated below and according to applicable requirements in Section 079200 "Joint Sealants." To be installed at juncture of stone and door/window heads/jambs/sills and at base of walls at pavement areas. a. 2. 3. B. Colors: Provide colors of exposed sealants to match colors of mortar adjoining installed sealant unless otherwise indicated. Ground-Mortar Aggregate: Custom crushed and ground pointing mortar sand or existing mortar retrieved from joints. Grind to a particle size that matches the adjacent mortar aggregate and color. Remove all fines passing the No. 100 sieve. Joint-Sealant Backing: 1. 2. C. Type: Single-component, nonsag urethane sealant Cylindrical Sealant Backings: ASTM C 1330, Type C (closed-cell material with a surface skin), and of size and density to control sealant depth and otherwise contribute to producing optimum sealant performance. Bond-Breaker Tape: Polyethylene tape or other plastic tape recommended in writing by sealant manufacturer for preventing sealant from adhering to rigid, inflexible, joint-filler materials or joint surfaces at back of joint where such adhesion would result in sealant failure. Provide self-adhesive tape where applicable. Masking Tape: Non-staining, nonabsorbent material; compatible with mortar, joint primers, sealants, and surfaces adjacent to joints; and that easily comes off entirely, including adhesive. STONE REPOINTING 040140.62 - 6 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS D. Other Products: Select materials and methods of use based on the following, subject to approval of a mockup: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.4 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Previous effectiveness in performing the work involved. Minimal possibility of damaging exposed surfaces. Consistency of each application. Uniformity of the resulting overall appearance. Do not use products or tools that could leave residue on surfaces. MORTAR MIXES A. Measurement and Mixing: Measure cementitious materials and sand in a dry condition by volume or equivalent weight. Do not measure by shovel; use known measure. Mix materials in a clean, mechanical batch mixer. 1. B. Mixing Pointing Mortar: Thoroughly mix cementitious materials and sand together before adding any water. Then mix again, adding only enough water to produce a damp, unworkable mix that retains its form when pressed into a ball. Maintain mortar in this dampened condition for 15 to 30 minutes. Add remaining water in small portions until mortar reaches desired consistency. Use mortar within one hour of final mixing; do not retemper or use partially hardened material. Colored Mortar: Produce mortar of color required by using specified ingredients. Do not alter specified proportions without Architect's approval. 1. Mortar Pigments: Where mortar pigments are indicated, do not add pigment exceeding 10 percent by weight of the cementitious or binder materials, except for carbon black which is limited to 2 percent, unless otherwise demonstrated by a satisfactory history of performance. C. Do not use admixtures in mortar unless otherwise indicated. D. Mixes: Mix mortar materials in the following proportions: 1. Pointing Mortar by Volume: ASTM C 270, Proportion Specification, 1 part portland cement, 1 part lime, and 6 parts sand. Add mortar pigments to produce mortar colors required. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 REPOINTING SPECIALIST A. Stone Repointing Specialist Firms: Subject to compliance with requirements, firms that may provide stone repointing include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Mid Continental Restoration, Fort Scot, KS. 2. Restoration Waterproofing Co. Inc., Topeka/Wichita, KS. STONE REPOINTING 040140.62 - 7 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 3.2 HTF 2015-10/15.05 PROTECTION A. Prevent mortar from staining face of surrounding stone and other surfaces. 1. 2. 3. B. Remove scuppers and downspouts and associated hardware adjacent to stone and store during stone repointing. Reinstall when repointing is complete. 1. 3.3 Cover sills, ledges, and other projecting items to protect them from mortar droppings. Keep wall area wet below pointing work to discourage mortar from adhering. Immediately remove mortar splatters in contact with exposed stone and other surfaces. Provide temporary rain drainage during work to direct water away from building. STONE REPOINTING, GENERAL A. 3.4 Appearance Standard: Repointed surfaces are to have a uniform appearance as viewed from 20 feet; away by Architect. REPOINTING STONEWORK A. Rake out and repoint joints to the following extent: 1. 2. 3. All joints in areas indicated. Joints indicated as sealant-filled joints. Joints at locations of the following defects: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Holes and missing mortar. Cracks that can be penetrated 1/4 inch or more by a knife blade 0.027 inch (0.7 mm) thick. Cracks 1/8 inch or more in width and of any depth. Hollow-sounding joints when tapped by metal object. Eroded surfaces 1/4 inch or more deep. Deterioration to point that mortar can be easily removed by hand, without tools. Joints filled with substances other than mortar. B. Do not rake out and repoint joints where not required. C. Rake out joints as follows, according to procedures demonstrated in approved mockup: 1. 2. 3. Remove mortar from joints to depth of 2-1/2 times joint width, but not less than 3/4 inch (20 mm) or not less than that required to expose sound, unweathered mortar. Do not remove unsound mortar more than 2 inches (50 mm) deep; consult Architect for direction. Remove mortar from stone surfaces within raked-out joints to provide reveals with square backs and to expose stone for contact with pointing mortar. Brush, vacuum, or flush joints to remove dirt and loose debris. Do not spall edges of stone units or widen joints. Replace or patch damaged stone units as directed by Architect. STONE REPOINTING 040140.62 - 8 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 D. Notify Architect of unforeseen detrimental conditions including voids in mortar joints, cracks, loose stone, rotted wood, rusted metal, and other deteriorated items. E. Pointing with Mortar: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. F. Rinse joint surfaces with water to remove dust and mortar particles. Time rinsing application so, at time of pointing, joint surfaces are damp but free of standing water. If rinse water dries, dampen joint surfaces before pointing. Apply pointing mortar first to areas where existing mortar was removed to depths greater than surrounding areas. Apply in layers not greater than 3/8 inch until a uniform depth is formed. Fully compact each layer, and allow it to become thumbprint hard before applying next layer. After deep areas have been filled to same depth as remaining joints, point joints by placing mortar in layers not greater than 3/8 inch. Fully compact each layer and allow to become thumbprint hard before applying next layer. Where existing stone has worn or rounded edges, slightly recess finished mortar surface below face of stone to avoid widened joint faces. Take care not to spread mortar beyond joint edges onto exposed stone surfaces or to featheredge the mortar. When mortar is thumbprint hard, tool joints to match original appearance of joints as demonstrated in approved mockup. Remove excess mortar from edge of joint by brushing. Cure mortar by maintaining in thoroughly damp condition for at least 72 consecutive hours, including weekends and holidays. Hairline cracking within mortar or mortar separation at edge of a joint is unacceptable. Completely remove such mortar and repoint. Pointing with Sealant: Comply with Section 079200 "Joint Sealants" and as follows: 1. 2. 3. After raking out, keep joints dry and free of mortar and debris. Clean and prepare joint surfaces. Prime joint surfaces unless sealant manufacturer recommends against priming. Do not allow primer to spill or migrate onto adjoining surfaces. Fill sealant joints with specified joint sealant. a. b. c. Install cylindrical sealant backing beneath the sealant. Where space is insufficient for cylindrical sealant backing, install bond-breaker tape. Install sealant using only proven installation techniques that ensure that sealant is deposited in a uniform, continuous ribbon, without gaps or air pockets, and with complete wetting of the joint bond surfaces equally on both sides. Fill joint flush with surrounding stonework and matching the contour of adjoining mortar joints. Install sealant as recommended in writing by sealant manufacturer but within the following general limitations, measured at the center (thin) section of the bead: 1) d. Fill joints to a depth equal to joint width, but not more than 1/2 inch deep or less than 1/4 inch deep. Tool sealant to form smooth, uniform beads, slightly concave. Remove excess sealant from surfaces adjacent to joint. STONE REPOINTING 040140.62 - 9 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS e. f. G. 3.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Sanded Joints: Immediately after first tooling, apply ground-mortar aggregate to sealant, gently pushing aggregate into the surface of sealant. Lightly retool sealant to form smooth, uniform beads, slightly concave. Remove excess sealant and aggregate from surfaces adjacent to joint. Do not allow sealant to overflow or spill onto adjoining surfaces, or to migrate into the voids of adjoining surfaces, particularly rough textures. Remove excess and spillage of sealant promptly as the work progresses. Clean adjoining surfaces by the means necessary to eliminate evidence of spillage, without damage to adjoining surfaces or finishes, as demonstrated in an approved mockup. Where repointing work precedes cleaning of existing stone, allow mortar to harden at least 30 days before beginning cleaning work. FINAL CLEANING A. After mortar has fully hardened, thoroughly clean exposed stone surfaces of excess mortar and foreign matter; use wood scrapers, stiff-nylon or -fiber brushes, and clean water, applied by low-pressure spray. 1. 2. Do not use metal scrapers or brushes. Do not use acidic or alkaline cleaners. B. Clean adjacent nonstone surfaces. Use detergent and soft brushes or cloths. C. Clean mortar and debris from roof; remove debris from gutters and downspouts. Rinse off roof and flush gutters and downspouts. D. Remove masking materials, leaving no residues that could trap dirt. 3.6 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Architect's Project Representatives: Architect will assign Project representatives to help carry out Architect's responsibilities at the site, including observing progress and quality of portion of the Work completed. Allow Architect's Project representatives use of lift devices and scaffolding, as needed, to observe progress and quality of portion of the Work completed. B. Notify Architect's Project representatives in advance of times when lift devices and scaffolding will be relocated. Do not relocate lift devices and scaffolding until Architect's Project representatives have had reasonable opportunity to make inspections and observations of work areas at lift device or scaffold location. END OF SECTION 040140.62 STONE REPOINTING 040140.62 - 10 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 044313.16 - ADHERED STONE MASONRY VENEER PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. B. Related Requirements: 1. 1.3 Stone masonry adhered to unit masonry backup. Section 042000 "Unit Masonry" for concealed flashing. PREINSTALLATION MEETINGS A. 1.4 Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Waterville Opera House. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each variety of stone, stone accessory, and manufactured product. B. Samples for Initial Selection: For colored mortar and other items involving color selection. C. Samples for Verification: 1. 2. 1.5 For each stone type indicated. Include at least five Samples in each set, and show the full range of color and other visual characteristics in completed Work. For each color of mortar required. Label Samples to indicate types and amounts of pigments used. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For Installer. B. List of Materials Used in Constructing Mockups: List generic product names together with manufacturers, manufacturers' product names, supply sources, and other information as required to identify materials used. Include mix proportions for mortar and source of aggregates. ADHERED STONE MASONRY VENEER 044313.16 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1. C. Neither receipt of list nor approval of mockups constitutes approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in mockups unless Architect approves such deviations in writing. Material Test Reports: 1. 2. 1.6 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Stone Test Reports: For each stone variety proposed for use on Project, by a qualified testing agency, indicating compliance with required physical properties, other than abrasion resistance, according to referenced ASTM standards. Base reports on testing done within previous three years. Sealant Compatibility and Adhesion Test Report: From sealant manufacturer, indicating that sealants will not stain or damage stone. Include interpretation of test results and recommendations for primers and substrate preparation needed for adhesion. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: A qualified installer who employs experienced stonemasons and stone fitters. B. Mockups: Build mockups to demonstrate aesthetic effects and to set quality standards for materials and execution. 1. 2. Build mockup of typical wall area as shown on Drawings. Build mockups for each type of stone masonry in sizes approximately 48 inches (1200 mm) long by 48 inches (1200 mm) high by full thickness, including face and backup construction and accessories. a. b. c. d. 3. 4. 5. 1.7 Include stone coping at top of mockup. Include a sealant-filled joint at least 16 inches (400 mm) long in mockup. Include through-wall flashing installed for a 24-inch (600-mm) length in corner of mockup approximately 16 inches (400 mm) down from top of mockup, with a 12inch (300-mm) length of flashing left exposed to view (omit stone masonry above half of flashing). Include wood studs, sheathing, building paper or wrap, drainage material, and flashing in exterior masonry-veneer wall mockup. Protect accepted mockups from the elements with weather-resistant membrane. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifically approves such deviations in writing. Subject to compliance with requirements, approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. PRECONSTRUCTION TESTING A. Preconstruction Sealant Compatibility and Adhesion Testing: Submit to joint-sealant manufacturers, for compatibility and adhesion testing according to sealant manufacturer's standard testing methods and Section 079200 "Joint Sealants," Samples of materials that will contact or affect joint sealants. ADHERED STONE MASONRY VENEER 044313.16 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1.8 HTF 2015-10/15.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store cementitious materials on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location. Do not use cementitious materials that have become damp. B. Store aggregates where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained and contamination avoided. C. Deliver preblended, dry mortar mix in moisture-resistant containers designed for use with dispensing silos. Store preblended, dry mortar mix in delivery containers on elevated platforms, under cover, in a dry location, or in covered weatherproof dispensing silos. 1.9 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Protection of Stone Masonry: During construction, cover tops of walls, projections, and sills with waterproof sheeting at end of each day's work. Cover partially completed stone masonry when construction is not in progress. 1. B. Stain Prevention: Immediately remove mortar and soil to prevent them from staining stone masonry face. 1. 2. 3. 4. C. 1.10 A. Protect base of walls from rain-splashed mud and mortar splatter, using coverings spread on the ground and over the wall surface. Protect sills, ledges, and projections from mortar droppings. Protect surfaces of window and door frames, as well as similar products with painted and integral finishes, from mortar droppings. Turn scaffold boards near the wall on edge at end of each day to prevent rain from splashing mortar and dirt on completed stone masonry. Cold-Weather Requirements: Do not use frozen materials or materials mixed or coated with ice or frost. Do not build on frozen substrates. Remove and replace stone masonry damaged by frost or freezing conditions. Comply with cold-weather construction requirements contained in TMS 602/ACI 530.1/ASCE 6. 1. D. Extend cover a minimum of 24 inches (600 mm) down both sides, and hold cover securely in place. Cold-Weather Cleaning: Use liquid cleaning methods only when air temperature is 40 deg F (4 deg C) and above and will remain so until masonry has dried, but not less than seven days after completing cleaning. Hot-Weather Requirements: Comply with hot-weather construction requirements contained in TMS 602/ACI 530.1/ASCE 6. COORDINATION Advise installers of other work about specific requirements for placement of flashing and similar items to be built into stone masonry. ADHERED STONE MASONRY VENEER 044313.16 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Source Limitations for Stone: Obtain stone,from single quarry, whether specified in this Section or in another Section of the Specifications, with resources to provide materials of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties. B. Source Limitations for Mortar Materials: Obtain mortar ingredients of uniform quality for each cementitious component from single manufacturer and each aggregate from single source or producer. C. Varieties and Sources: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide stone of varieties and from sources complying with Section 044200 "Exterior Stone Cladding." 2.2 LIMESTONE A. Material Standard: Comply with ASTM C 568/C 568M. B. Varieties and Sources: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide the following: 1. C. 2.3 Limestone matching existing in color and density. Match Architect's samples for color, finish, and other stone characteristics relating to aesthetic effects. MORTAR MATERIALS A. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150/C 150M, Type I or Type II, except Type III may be used for cold-weather construction; natural color or white cement may be used as required to produce mortar color indicated. 1. Low-Alkali Cement: Not more than 0.60 percent total alkali when tested according to ASTM C 114. B. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C 207, Type S. C. Portland Cement-Lime Mix: Packaged blend of portland cement and hydrated lime containing no other ingredients. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. b. c. d. e. Essroc. Holcim (US) Inc. Lafarge North America Inc. Lehigh Hanson; HeidelbergCement Group. Mutual Materials Co. ADHERED STONE MASONRY VENEER 044313.16 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS D. Mortar Cement: ASTM C 1329/C 1329M. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by the following: a. E. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. b. c. d. Davis Colors. Euclid Chemical Company (The); an RPM company. Lanxess Corporation. Solomon Colors, Inc. Colored Portland Cement-Lime Mix: Packaged blend of portland cement, hydrated lime, and mortar pigments. Mix shall produce color indicated or, if not indicated, as selected from manufacturer's standard colors. Pigments shall not exceed 10 percent of portland cement by weight. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. b. c. d. H. Cemex S.A.B. de C.V. Essroc. Holcim (US) Inc. Lafarge North America Inc. Lehigh Hanson; HeidelbergCement Group. National Cement Company, Inc. Mortar Pigments: Natural and synthetic iron oxides and chromium oxides, compounded for use in mortar mixes and complying with ASTM C 979/C 979M. Use only pigments with a record of satisfactory performance in stone masonry mortar. 1. G. Lafarge North America Inc. Masonry Cement: ASTM C 91/C 91M. 1. F. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Holcim (US) Inc. Lafarge North America Inc. Lehigh Hanson; HeidelbergCement Group. Mutual Materials Co. Colored Masonry Cement Mix: Packaged blend of masonry cement and mortar pigments. Mix shall produce color indicated or, if not indicated, as selected from manufacturer's standard colors. Pigments shall not exceed 5 percent of masonry cement by weight. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: ADHERED STONE MASONRY VENEER 044313.16 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS a. b. c. d. e. f. I. 2. 3. For pointing mortar, use aggregate graded with 100 percent passing No. 16 (1.18-mm) sieve. White Aggregates: Natural white sand or ground white stone. Colored Aggregates: Natural-colored sand or ground marble, granite, or other sound stone; of color necessary to produce required mortar color. a. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Boiardi Products Corporation; a QEP company. Bonsal American, an Oldcastle company. Bostik, Inc. C-Cure. Custom Building Products. Laticrete International, Inc. MAPEI Corporation. Parex USA, Inc. Southern Grouts & Mortars, Inc. Summitville Tiles, Inc. TEC; H.B. Fuller Construction Products Inc. Cold-Weather Admixture: Nonchloride, noncorrosive, accelerating admixture complying with ASTM C 494/C 494M, Type C, and recommended by manufacturer for use in masonry mortar of composition indicated. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. b. c. L. Match Architect's sample. Latex Additive: Manufacturer's standard water emulsion, serving as replacement for part or all of gaging water, of type specifically recommended by latex-additive manufacturer for use with field-mixed portland cement mortar bed, and not containing a retarder. 1. K. Cemex S.A.B. de C.V. Essroc. Holcim (US) Inc. Lafarge North America Inc. Lehigh Hanson; HeidelbergCement Group. National Cement Company, Inc. Aggregate: ASTM C 144 and as follows: 1. J. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Euclid Chemical Company (The); an RPM company. Grace Construction Products; W.R. Grace & Co. -- Conn. Sonneborn Products. Water: Potable. ADHERED STONE MASONRY VENEER 044313.16 - 6 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 2.4 HTF 2015-10/15.05 EMBEDDED FLASHING MATERIALS A. Metal Flashing: Provide metal flashing, where flashing is exposed or partly exposed and where indicated, complying with SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" and as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Stainless Steel: ASTM A 240/A 240M, Type 304, 0.016 inch (0.4 mm) thick. Copper: ASTM B 370, Temper H00 or H01, cold-rolled copper sheet, 10-oz./sq. ft. (3kg/sq. m) weight or 0.0135 inch (0.34 mm) thick for fully concealed flashing; 16-oz./sq. ft. (5-kg/sq. m) weight or 0.0216 inch (0.55 mm) thick elsewhere. Fabricate continuous flashings in sections 96 inches (2400 mm) long minimum, but not exceeding 12 feet (3.6 m). Provide splice plates at joints of formed, smooth metal flashing. Fabricate through-wall metal flashing embedded in masonry from stainless steel, with ribs at 3-inch (75-mm) intervals along length of flashing to provide an integral mortar bond. a. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1) 2) 3) 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. B. Cheney Flashing Company. Keystone Flashing Company, Inc. Sandell Manufacturing Co., Inc. Fabricate through-wall flashing with snaplock receiver on exterior face where indicated to receive counterflashing. Fabricate through-wall flashing with drip edge where indicated. Fabricate by extending flashing 1/2 inch (13 mm) out from wall, with outer edge bent down 30 degrees and hemmed. Fabricate through-wall flashing with sealant stop indicated. Fabricate by bending metal back on itself 3/4 inch (19 mm) at exterior wall face and down into joint 3/8 inch (10 mm) to form a stop for retaining sealant backer rod. Fabricate metal drip edges and sealant stops for ribbed metal flashing from plain metal flashing of same metal as ribbed flashing and extending at least 3 inches (75 mm) into wall with hemmed inner edge to receive ribbed flashing and form a hooked seam. Form hem on upper surface of metal, so that completed seam will shed water. Metal Drip Edges: Fabricate from stainless steel. Extend at least 3 inches (75 mm) into wall and 1/2 inch (13 mm) out from wall, with outer edge bent down 30 degrees and hemmed. Metal Sealant Stops: Fabricate from stainless steel. Extend at least 3 inches (75 mm) into wall and out to exterior wall face. At exterior wall face, bend metal back on itself for 3/4 inch (19 mm) and down into joint 3/8 inch (10 mm) to form a stop for retaining sealant backer rod. Metal Expansion-Joint Strips: Fabricate from stainless steel to shapes indicated. Flexible Flashing: For flashing unexposed to the exterior, use one of the following unless otherwise indicated: 1. Copper-Laminated Flashing: 7-oz./sq. ft. (2-kg/sq. m) copper sheet bonded with asphalt between two layers of glass-fiber cloth. Use only where flashing is fully concealed in masonry. ADHERED STONE MASONRY VENEER 044313.16 - 7 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS a. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 2. 3. Advanced Building Products Inc. Dayton Superior. Hohmann & Barnard, Inc. Phoenix Building Products. Sandell Manufacturing Co., Inc. York Manufacturing, Inc. Asphalt-Coated Copper Flashing: 7-oz./sq. ft. (2-kg/sq. m) copper sheet coated with flexible asphalt. Use only where flashing is fully concealed in masonry. Rubberized-Asphalt Flashing: Composite flashing product consisting of a pliable, adhesive, rubberized-asphalt compound, bonded to a high-density, cross-laminated, polyethylene film to produce an overall thickness of not less than 0.040 inch (1.0 mm). a. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 4. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Advanced Building Products Inc. Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing Inc. Dayton Superior. Fiberweb, Clark Hammerbeam Corp. Grace Construction Products; W.R. Grace & Co. -- Conn. Heckmann Building Products, Inc. Hohmann & Barnard, Inc. Polyguard Products, Inc. Sandell Manufacturing Co., Inc. Williams Products, Inc. Elastomeric Thermoplastic Flashing: Composite flashing product consisting of a polyester-reinforced ethylene interpolymer alloy as follows: a. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) b. c. d. DuPont. Hohmann & Barnard, Inc. Hyload, Inc. Mortar Net Solutions. Monolithic Sheet: Elastomeric thermoplastic flashing, 0.040 inch (1.0 mm) thick. Self-Adhesive Sheet: Elastomeric thermoplastic flashing, 0.025 inch (0.64 mm) thick, with a 0.015-inch- (0.38-mm-) thick coating of rubberized-asphalt adhesive. Self-Adhesive Sheet with Drip Edge: Elastomeric thermoplastic flashing, 0.025 inch (0.64 mm) thick, with a 0.015-inch- (0.38-mm-) thick coating of rubberizedasphalt adhesive. Where flashing extends to masonry face, rubberized-asphalt coating is held back approximately 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) from edge. 1) Color: Gray. ADHERED STONE MASONRY VENEER 044313.16 - 8 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS e. 5. Accessories: Provide preformed corners, end dams, other special shapes, and seaming materials produced by flashing manufacturer. EPDM Flashing: Sheet flashing product made from ethylene-propylene-diene terpolymer, complying with ASTM D 4637/D 4637M, 0.040 inch (1.0 mm) thick. a. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) C. 4. 2. 3. 2.5 Where flashing is indicated to receive counterflashing, use metal flashing. Where flashing is indicated to be turned down at or beyond wall face, use metal flashing. Where flashing is partly exposed and is indicated to terminate at wall face, use metal flashing with a drip edge. Where flashing is fully concealed, use metal flashing or flexible flashing. Solder and Sealants for Sheet Metal Flashings: As specified in Section 076200 "Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim." 1. E. Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing Inc. Firestone Specialty Products. Heckmann Building Products, Inc. Hohmann & Barnard, Inc. Sandell Manufacturing Co., Inc. Application: Unless otherwise indicated, use the following: 1. 2. 3. D. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Solder for Stainless Steel: ASTM B 32, Grade Sn60, with acid flux of type recommended by stainless-steel sheet manufacturer. Solder for Copper: ASTM B 32, Grade Sn50. Elastomeric Sealant: ASTM C 920, chemically curing silicone sealant; of type, grade, class, and use classifications required to seal joints in sheet metal flashing and trim and remain watertight. Adhesives, Primers, and Seam Tapes for Flexible Flashings: Flashing manufacturer's standard products or products recommended by flashing manufacturer for bonding flashing sheets to each other and to substrates. MISCELLANEOUS MASONRY ACCESSORIES A. Compressible Filler: Premolded filler strips complying with ASTM D 1056, Grade 2A1; compressible up to 35 percent; of width and thickness indicated; formulated from neoprene. B. Weep Products: Use the following unless otherwise indicated: 1. 2. Wicking Material: Absorbent rope, made from UV-resistant synthetic fiber, 1/4 to 3/8 inch (6 to 10 mm) in diameter. Mesh Weep Holes: Free-draining mesh; made from polyethylene strands, full width of head joint and 2 inches (50 mm) high by thickness of stone masonry; in color selected from manufacturer's standard. ADHERED STONE MASONRY VENEER 044313.16 - 9 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS a. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1) 2) CavClear/Archovations, Inc. Mortar Net Solutions. C. Expanded Metal Lath: 3.4 lb/sq. yd. (1.8 kg/sq. m), self-furring, diamond-mesh lath complying with ASTM C 847. Fabricate from structural-quality, zinc-coated (galvanized) steel sheet complying with ASTM A 653/A 653M, G60 (Z180). D. Woven-Wire Lath: ASTM C 1032, fabricated into 1-1/2-inch (38-mm) hexagonal-shaped mesh with minimum 0.0510-inch- (1.3-mm-) diameter, galvanized-steel wire. E. Welded-Wire Lath: ASTM C 933, fabricated into 2-by-2-inch (50-by-50-mm) mesh with minimum 0.0625-inch- (1.6-mm-) diameter, galvanized-steel wire. F. Lath Attachment Devices: Material and type required by ASTM C 1063 for installations indicated. 2.6 MASONRY CLEANERS A. Proprietary Acidic Cleaner: Manufacturer's standard-strength cleaner designed for removing mortar and grout stains, efflorescence, and other new construction stains from stone masonry surfaces without discoloring or damaging masonry surfaces; expressly approved for intended use by cleaner manufacturer and stone producer. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. b. c. d. e. 2.7 Diedrich Technologies, Inc.; a division of Sandell Construction Solutions. Dominion Restoration Products. EaCo Chem, Inc. Hydroclean; Hydrochemical Techniques, Inc. PROSOCO, Inc. FABRICATION A. General: Fabricate stone units in sizes and shapes required to comply with requirements indicated. 1. B. Cut, Split, or Select stone to produce pieces of thickness, size, and shape indicated, including details on Drawings and pattern specified in "Setting Stone Masonry" Article. 1. C. For limestone, comply with recommendations in ILI's "Indiana Limestone Handbook." Shape stone specified to be laid in three-course, random range ashlar pattern with sawed beds. Dress joints (bed and vertical) straight and at right angle to face unless otherwise indicated. Shape beds to fit supports. ADHERED STONE MASONRY VENEER 044313.16 - 10 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 D. Cut and drill sinkages and holes in stone for anchors and supports. E. Carefully inspect stone at quarry or fabrication plant for compliance with requirements for appearance, material, and fabrication. Replace defective units before shipment. 1. Clean sawed backs of stone to remove rust stains and iron particles. F. Gage backs of stones for adhered veneer if more than 81 sq. in. (522 sq. cm) in area. G. Thickness of Stone: Provide thickness indicated, but not less than the following: 1. H. Thickness: 1 inch (25 mm) plus or minus 1/4 inch (6 mm). Finish exposed stone faces and edges to comply with requirements indicated for finish and to match approved samples and mockups. 1. 2. 3. 4. Finish: Natural cleft. Finish for Sills: Rock face (pitched face) with tooled (boasted) washes. Finish for Lintels: . Finish for Copings: Rock face (pitched face), front and back; tooled (boasted) top. a. 2.8 Finish exposed ends of copings same as front and back faces. MORTAR MIXES A. General: Do not use admixtures, including pigments, air-entraining agents, accelerators, retarders, water-repellent agents, antifreeze compounds, or other admixtures, unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2. 3. 4. Do not use calcium chloride. Use masonry cement or mortar cement mortar unless otherwise indicated. Add cold-weather admixture (if used) at same rate for all mortar that will be exposed to view, regardless of weather conditions, to ensure that mortar color is consistent. Mixing Pointing Mortar: Thoroughly mix cementitious and aggregate materials together before adding water. Then mix again, adding only enough water to produce a damp, unworkable mix that will retain its form when pressed into a ball. Maintain mortar in this dampened condition for one to two hours. Add remaining water in small portions until mortar reaches required consistency. Use mortar within 30 minutes of final mixing; do not retemper or use partially hardened material. B. Preblended, Dry Mortar Mix: Furnish dry mortar ingredients in the form of a preblended mix. Measure quantities by weight to ensure accurate proportions, and thoroughly blend ingredients before delivering to Project site. C. Mortar for Stone Masonry: Comply with ASTM C 270, Proportion Specification. 1. 2. D. Mortar for Setting Stone: Type S. Mortar for Pointing Stone: Type N. Latex-Modified Portland Cement Setting Mortar: Proportion and mix portland cement, aggregate, and latex additive to comply with latex-additive manufacturer's written instructions. ADHERED STONE MASONRY VENEER 044313.16 - 11 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS E. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Cement-Paste Bond Coat: Mix either neat cement and water or cement, sand, and water to a consistency similar to that of thick cream. 1. For latex-modified portland cement, setting-bed mortar, substitute latex admixture for part or all of water, according to latex-additive manufacturer's written instructions. F. Mortar for Scratch Coat over Metal Lath: 1 part portland cement, 1/2 part lime, 5 parts loose damp sand, and enough water to produce a workable consistency. G. Mortar for Scratch Coat over Unit Masonry: 1 part portland cement, 1 part lime, 7 parts loose damp sand, and enough water to produce a workable consistency. H. Pigmented Mortar: Use colored cement product or select and proportion pigments with other ingredients to produce color required. Do not add pigments to colored cement products. 1. 2. 3. I. Pigments shall not exceed 10 percent of portland cement by weight. Pigments shall not exceed 5 percent of masonry cement or mortar cement by weight. Mix to match Architect's sample. Colored-Aggregate Mortar: Produce required mortar color by using colored aggregates and natural color or white cement as necessary. 1. Mix to match Architect's sample. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine surfaces indicated to receive stone masonry, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of stone masonry. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. 3.3 Clean dirty or stained stone surfaces by removing soil, stains, and foreign materials before setting. Clean stone by thoroughly scrubbing with fiber brushes and then drenching with clear water. Use only mild cleaning compounds that contain no caustic or harsh materials or abrasives. SETTING STONE MASONRY A. Perform necessary field cutting and trimming as stone is set. 1. Use power saws to cut stone that is fabricated with saw-cut surfaces. Cut lines straight and true, with edges eased slightly to prevent snipping. ADHERED STONE MASONRY VENEER 044313.16 - 12 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 2. 3. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Use hammer and chisel to split stone that is fabricated with split surfaces. Make edges straight and true, matching similar surfaces that were shop or quarry fabricated. Pitch face at field-split edges as needed to match stones that are not field split. B. Sort stone before it is placed in wall to remove stone that does not comply with requirements relating to aesthetic effects, physical properties, or fabrication, or that is otherwise unsuitable for intended use. C. Arrange stones in range ashlar pattern with course heights as indicated, random lengths, and uniform joint widths, with offset between vertical joints as indicated. D. Arrange stones in broken-range ashlar pattern with uniform course heights, random lengths, and uniform joint widths. E. Arrange stones in three-course, random-range ashlar pattern with random course heights, random lengths (interrupted coursed), and uniform joint widths. F. Arrange stones in polygonal (mosaic) pattern with uniform joint widths. G. Arrange stones with color and size variations uniformly dispersed for an evenly blended appearance. H. Set stone to comply with requirements indicated on Drawings. Install supports, fasteners, and other attachments indicated or necessary to secure stone masonry in place. Set stone accurately in locations indicated, with edges and faces aligned according to established relationships and indicated tolerances. I. Maintain uniform joint widths, except for variations due to different stone sizes and where minor variations are required to maintain bond alignment if any. Lay walls with joints not less than 3/8 inch (10 mm) at narrowest points or more than 1/2 inch (13 mm) at widest points. J. Provide sealant joints of widths and at locations indicated. 1. 2. Keep sealant joints free of mortar and other rigid materials. Sealing joints are specified in Section 079200 "Joint Sealants." K. Install metal expansion strips in sealant joints at locations indicated. Build flanges of expansion strips into masonry by embedding in mortar between stone masonry and backup wythe. Lap each joint 4 inches (100 mm) in direction of water flow. Seal joints below grade and at junctures with horizontal expansion joints if any. L. Install embedded flashing and weep holes at shelf angles, lintels, ledges, other obstructions to downward flow of water in wall, and where indicated. 1. 2. At stud-framed walls, extend flashing through stone masonry, up sheathing face at least 8 inches (200 mm), and behind weather barrier. At multiwythe masonry walls, extend flashing through stone masonry, turned up a minimum of 8 inches (200 mm), and extend into or through inner wythe to comply with requirements in Section 042000 "Unit Masonry." ADHERED STONE MASONRY VENEER 044313.16 - 13 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. M. 2. 3. Stone at Grade: Beds, joints, and back surfaces to at least 12 inches (300 mm) above finish-grade elevations. Stone Extending below Grade: Beds, joints, back surfaces, and face surfaces below grade. Allow cementitious dampproofing formulations to cure before setting dampproofed stone. Do not damage or remove dampproofing in the course of handling and setting stone. Place weep holes in joints where moisture may accumulate, including above shelf angles and at flashing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3.4 At concrete backing, extend flashing through stone masonry, turned up a minimum of 8 inches (200 mm), and insert in reglet. Reglets are specified in Section 076200 "Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim." At lintels and shelf angles, extend flashing full length of angles but not less than 6 inches (150 mm) into masonry at each end. At sills, extend flashing not less than 4 inches (100 mm) at ends. At ends of head and sill flashing, turn up not less than 2 inches (50 mm) to form end dams. Interlock end joints of ribbed sheet metal flashing by overlapping ribs not less than 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) or as recommended by flashing manufacturer, and seal lap with elastomeric sealant complying with requirements in Section 079200 "Joint Sealants" for application indicated. Install metal drip edges and sealant stops with ribbed sheet metal flashing by interlocking hemmed edges to form hooked seam. Seal seam with elastomeric sealant complying with requirements in Section 079200 "Joint Sealants" for application indicated. Extend sheet metal flashing 1/2 inch (13 mm) beyond masonry face at exterior, and turn flashing down to form a drip. Install metal drip edges beneath flexible flashing at exterior wall face. Stop flexible flashing 1/2 inch (13 mm) back from exterior wall face, and adhere flexible flashing to top of metal drip edge. Install metal flashing termination beneath flexible flashing at exterior wall face. Stop flexible flashing 1/2 inch (13 mm) back from exterior wall face, and adhere flexible flashing to top of metal flashing termination. Cut flexible flashing flush with wall face after completing masonry wall construction. Coat limestone with cementitious dampproofing as follows: 1. N. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Use wicking material to form weep holes. Use wicking material to form weep holes above flashing in stone sills. Turn wicking down at lip of sill to be as inconspicuous as possible. Space weep holes 16 inches (400 mm) o.c. Trim wicking material used in weep holes flush with exterior wall face after mortar has set. CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES A. Variation from Plumb: For vertical lines and surfaces, do not exceed 1/4 inch in 10 feet (6 mm in 3 m), 3/8 inch in 20 feet (10 mm in 6 m), or 1/2 inch in 40 feet (13 mm in 12 m) or more. For external corners, expansion joints, control joints, and other conspicuous lines, do not exceed 1/4 inch in 20 feet (6 mm in 6 m) or 1/2 inch in 40 feet (13 mm in 12 m) or more. ADHERED STONE MASONRY VENEER 044313.16 - 14 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 B. Variation from Level: For bed joints and lines of exposed lintels, sills, parapets, horizontal grooves, and other conspicuous lines, do not exceed 1/4 inch in 20 feet (6 mm in 6 m) or 1/2 inch in 40 feet (13 mm in 12 m) or more. C. Variation of Linear Building Line: For position shown in plan, do not exceed 1/2 inch in 20 feet (13 mm in 6 m) or 3/4 inch in 40 feet (19 mm in 12 m) or more. D. Measure variation from level, plumb, and position shown in plan as a variation of the average plane of each stone face from level, plumb, or dimensioned plane. E. Variation in Mortar-Joint Thickness: Do not vary from joint size range indicated. F. Variation in Plane between Adjacent Stones: Do not exceed one-half of tolerance specified for thickness of stone. 3.5 INSTALLATION OF ADHERED STONE MASONRY VENEER A. Install flashing over sheathing and behind building paper or wrap and drainage material by fastening through sheathing into framing. B. Install lath over building paper or wrap and drainage material by fastening through sheathing into framing to comply with ASTM C 1063. C. Install lath over unit masonry and concrete to comply with ASTM C 1063. D. Install scratch coat over metal lath 3/8 inch (10 mm) thick to comply with ASTM C 926. E. Coat backs of stone units and face of masonry backup with cement-paste bond coat, then butter both surfaces with setting mortar. Use sufficient setting mortar, so a slight excess will be forced out the edges of stone units as they are set. Tap units into place, completely filling space between units and masonry backup. F. Rake out joints for pointing with mortar to depth of not less than 1/2 inch (13 mm) before setting mortar has hardened. Rake joints to uniform depths with square bottoms and clean sides. 3.6 POINTING A. Prepare stone-joint surfaces for pointing with mortar by removing dust and mortar particles. Where setting mortar was removed to depths greater than surrounding areas, apply pointing mortar in layers not more than 3/8 inch (10 mm) deep until a uniform depth is formed. B. Point stone joints by placing and compacting pointing mortar in layers of not more than 3/8 inch (10 mm) deep. Compact each layer thoroughly, and allow to it become thumbprint hard before applying next layer. C. Tool joints, when pointing mortar is thumbprint hard, with a smooth jointing tool to produce the following joint profile: 1. Joint Profile: Match existing profile surrounding area of repair. ADHERED STONE MASONRY VENEER 044313.16 - 15 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 3.7 HTF 2015-10/15.05 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Remove and replace stone masonry of the following description: 1. 2. 3. 4. Broken, chipped, stained, or otherwise damaged stone. Stone may be repaired if methods and results are approved by Architect. Defective joints. Stone masonry not matching approved samples and mockups. Stone masonry not complying with other requirements indicated. B. Replace in a manner that results in stone masonry matching approved samples and mockups, complying with other requirements, and showing no evidence of replacement. C. In-Progress Cleaning: Clean stone masonry as work progresses. Remove mortar fins and smears before tooling joints. D. Final Cleaning: After mortar is thoroughly set and cured, clean stone masonry as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 3.8 Remove large mortar particles by hand with wooden paddles and nonmetallic scrape hoes or chisels. Test cleaning methods on mockup; leave one-half of panel uncleaned for comparison purposes. Obtain Architect's approval of sample cleaning before cleaning stone masonry. Protect adjacent stone and nonmasonry surfaces from contact with cleaner by covering them with liquid strippable masking agent, polyethylene film, or waterproof masking tape. Wet wall surfaces with water before applying cleaner; remove cleaner promptly by rinsing thoroughly with clear water. Clean stone masonry by bucket and brush hand-cleaning method described in BIA Technical Note No. 20, Revised II, using job-mixed detergent solution. Clean stone masonry with proprietary acidic cleaner applied according to manufacturer's written instructions. Clean limestone masonry to comply with recommendations in ILI's "Indiana Limestone Handbook." EXCESS MATERIALS AND WASTE A. Excess Stone: Stack excess stone where directed by Owner for Owner's use. B. Disposal as Fill Material: Dispose of clean masonry waste, including mortar and excess or soilcontaminated sand, by crushing and mixing with fill material as fill is placed. 1. 2. 3. C. Crush masonry waste to less than 4 inches (100 mm) in greatest dimension. Mix masonry waste with at least 2 parts of specified fill material for each part of masonry waste. Fill material is specified in Section 312000 "Earth Moving." Do not dispose of masonry waste as fill within 18 inches (450 mm) of finished grade. Excess Masonry Waste: Remove excess clean masonry waste that cannot be used as fill, as described above, and other waste, and legally dispose of off Owner's property. END OF SECTION 044313.16 ADHERED STONE MASONRY VENEER 044313.16 - 16 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 061053 - MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. Related Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 1.3 Framing with dimension lumber. Rooftop equipment bases and support curbs. Wood blocking, cants, and nailers. Wood furring and grounds. Wood sleepers. Utility shelving. Plywood backing panels. Section 061600 "Sheathing" for sheathing, subflooring, and underlayment. Section 061753 "Shop-Fabricated Wood Trusses" for wood trusses made from dimension lumber. Section 313116 "Termite Control" for site application of borate treatment to wood framing. DEFINITIONS A. Boards or Strips: Lumber of less than 2 inches nominal (38 mm actual) size in least dimension. B. Dimension Lumber: Lumber of 2 inches nominal (38 mm actual) or greater size but less than 5 inches nominal (114 mm actual) size in least dimension. 1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of process and factory-fabricated product. Indicate component materials and dimensions and include construction and application details. 1. 2. Include data for wood-preservative treatment from chemical treatment manufacturer and certification by treating plant that treated materials comply with requirements. Indicate type of preservative used and net amount of preservative retained. Include data for fire-retardant treatment from chemical treatment manufacturer and certification by treating plant that treated materials comply with requirements. Include MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY 061053 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 3. 4. 1.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 physical properties of treated materials based on testing by a qualified independent testing agency. For fire-retardant treatments, include physical properties of treated lumber both before and after exposure to elevated temperatures, based on testing by a qualified independent testing agency according to ASTM D 5664. For products receiving a waterborne treatment, include statement that moisture content of treated materials was reduced to levels specified before shipment to Project site. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Evaluation Reports: For the following, from ICC-ES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.6 Preservative-treated wood. Fire-retardant-treated wood. Power-driven fasteners. Post-installed anchors. Metal framing anchors. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.7 Testing Agency Qualifications: For testing agency providing classification marking for fireretardant-treated material, an inspection agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction that periodically performs inspections to verify that the material bearing the classification marking is representative of the material tested. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Stack lumber flat with spacers beneath and between each bundle to provide air circulation. Protect lumber from weather by covering with waterproof sheeting, securely anchored. Provide for air circulation around stacks and under coverings. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 WOOD PRODUCTS, GENERAL A. Lumber: DOC PS 20 and applicable rules of grading agencies indicated. If no grading agency is indicated, provide lumber that complies with the applicable rules of any rules-writing agency certified by the ALSC Board of Review. Provide lumber graded by an agency certified by the ALSC Board of Review to inspect and grade lumber under the rules indicated. 1. 2. 3. B. Factory mark each piece of lumber with grade stamp of grading agency. For exposed lumber indicated to receive a stained or natural finish, mark grade stamp on each piece omit grade stamp and provide certificates of grade compliance issued by grading agency. Dress lumber, S4S, unless otherwise indicated. Maximum Moisture Content of Lumber: 15 percent unless otherwise indicated. MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY 061053 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 2.2 HTF 2015-10/15.05 WOOD-PRESERVATIVE-TREATED MATERIALS A. Preservative Treatment by Pressure Process: AWPA U1; Use Category UC2 for interior construction not in contact with ground, mezzanine level and walls. Use Category UC3b for exterior construction not in contact with ground, and surrounding area as well as roofing. 1. 2. Preservative Chemicals: Acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction and containing no arsenic or chromium. Do not use inorganic boron (SBX) for sill plates. For exposed items indicated to receive a stained or natural finish, chemical formulations shall not require incising, contain colorants, bleed through, or otherwise adversely affect finishes. B. Kiln-dry lumber after treatment to a maximum moisture content of 19 percent. Do not use material that is warped or does not comply with requirements for untreated material. C. Mark lumber with treatment quality mark of an inspection agency approved by the ALSC Board of Review. 1. D. Application: Treat items indicated on Drawings, and the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.3 For exposed lumber indicated to receive a stained or natural finish, mark back of each piece or omit marking and provide certificates of treatment compliance issued by inspection agency. Wood cants, nailers, curbs, equipment support bases, blocking, stripping, and similar members in connection with roofing, flashing, vapor barriers, and waterproofing. Wood sills, sleepers, blocking, furring, stripping, and similar concealed members in contact with masonry or concrete. Wood framing and furring attached directly to the interior of below-grade exterior masonry or concrete walls. Wood framing members that are less than 18 inches (460 mm) above the ground in crawlspaces or unexcavated areas. Wood floor plates that are installed over concrete slabs-on-grade. DIMENSION LUMBER FRAMING A. Non-Load-Bearing Interior Partitions: following species: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Construction or No. 2 Construction, of any of the Hem-fir (north); NLGA. Spruce-pine-fir; NLGA. Hem-fir; WCLIB or WWPA. Spruce-pine-fir (south); NeLMA, WCLIB, or WWPA. Other Framing: No. 2 Construction or No. 2 Construction, of the following species: 1. 2. 3. 4. Hem-fir (north); NLGA. Spruce-pine-fir; NLGA. Hem-fir; WCLIB or WWPA. Spruce-pine-fir (south); NeLMA, WCLIB, or WWPA. MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY 061053 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 2.4 HTF 2015-10/15.05 MISCELLANEOUS LUMBER A. General: Provide miscellaneous lumber indicated and lumber for support or attachment of other construction, including the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. Dimension Lumber Items: Construction or No. 2 Standard, of any of the following species: 1. 2. 3. 4. C. Blocking. Nailers. Rooftop equipment bases and support curbs. Cants. Furring. Grounds. Utility shelving. Hem-fir (north); NLGA. Spruce-pine-fir; NLGA. Hem-fir; WCLIB or WWPA. Spruce-pine-fir (south); NeLMA, WCLIB, or WWPA. Concealed Boards: 15 percent maximum moisture content of any of the following species and grades: 1. 2. Hem-fir or hem-fir (north), Construction or No. 2 Common grade; NLGA, WCLIB, or WWPA. Spruce-pine-fir (south) or spruce-pine-fir, Construction or No. 2 Common grade; NeLMA, NLGA, WCLIB, or WWPA. D. For blocking not used for attachment of other construction, Utility, Stud, or No. 3 grade lumber of any species may be used provided that it is cut and selected to eliminate defects that will interfere with its attachment and purpose. E. For blocking and nailers used for attachment of other construction, select and cut lumber to eliminate knots and other defects that will interfere with attachment of other work. F. For furring strips for installing plywood or hardboard paneling, select boards with no knots capable of producing bent-over nails and damage to paneling. 2.5 FASTENERS A. General: Provide fasteners of size and type indicated that comply with requirements specified in this article for material and manufacture. 1. Where carpentry is exposed to weather, in ground contact, pressure-preservative treated, or in area of high relative humidity, provide fasteners of Type 304 stainless steel. B. Nails, Brads, and Staples: ASTM F 1667. C. Power-Driven Fasteners: Fastener systems with an evaluation report acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, based on ICC-ES AC70. MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY 061053 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS D. Post-Installed Anchors: Fastener systems with an evaluation report acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, as appropriate for the substrate. 1. 2. 2.6 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Material: Carbon-steel components, zinc plated to comply with ASTM B 633, Class Fe/Zn 5. Material: Stainless steel with bolts and nuts complying with ASTM F 593 and ASTM F 594, Alloy Group 1 or 2 (ASTM F 738M and ASTM F 836M, Grade A1 or A4). METAL FRAMING ANCHORS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Galvanized-Steel Sheet: Hot-dip, zinc-coated ASTM A 653/A 653M, G60 (Z180) coating designation. 1. C. sheet complying with Use for interior locations unless otherwise indicated. Use for wood-preservative-treated lumber and where indicated. Stainless-Steel Sheet: ASTM A 666, Type 316. 1. 2.7 steel Hot-Dip, Heavy-Galvanized Steel Sheet: ASTM A 653/A 653M; Structural Steel (SS), highstrength low-alloy steel Type A (HSLAS Type A), or high-strength low-alloy steel Type B (HSLAS Type B); G185 (Z550) coating designation; and not less than 0.036 inch (0.9 mm) thick. 1. D. Cleveland Steel Specialty Co. KC Metals Products, Inc. Phoenix Metal Products, Inc. Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc. USP Structural Connectors. Use for exterior locations and where indicated. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Adhesives for Gluing Furring and Sleepers to Concrete or Masonry: Formulation complying with ASTM D 3498 that is approved for use indicated by adhesive manufacturer. B. Flexible Flashing: Composite, self-adhesive, flashing product consisting of a pliable, butyl rubber or rubberized-asphalt compound, bonded to a high-density polyethylene film, aluminum foil, or spunbonded polyolefin to produce an overall thickness of not less than 0.025 inch (0.6 mm). MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY 061053 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Framing Standard: Comply with AF&PA's WCD 1, "Details for Conventional Wood Frame Construction," unless otherwise indicated. B. Set carpentry to required levels and lines, with members plumb, true to line, cut, and fitted. Fit carpentry accurately to other construction. Locate furring, nailers, blocking, grounds, and similar supports to comply with requirements for attaching other construction. C. Install metal framing anchors to comply with manufacturer's written instructions. Install fasteners through each fastener hole. D. Do not splice structural members between supports unless otherwise indicated. E. Provide blocking and framing as indicated and as required to support facing materials, fixtures, specialty items, and trim. 1. F. Provide metal clips for fastening gypsum board or lath at corners and intersections where framing or blocking does not provide a surface for fastening edges of panels. Space clips not more than 16 inches (406 mm) o.c. Provide fire blocking in furred spaces, stud spaces, and other concealed cavities as indicated and as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Fire block furred spaces of walls, at each floor level, at ceiling, and at not more than 96 inches (2438 mm) o.c. with solid wood blocking or noncombustible materials accurately fitted to close furred spaces. Fire block concealed spaces of wood-framed walls and partitions at each floor level, at ceiling line of top story, and at not more than 96 inches (2438 mm) o.c. Where fire blocking is not inherent in framing system used, provide closely fitted solid wood blocks of same width as framing members and 2-inch nominal (38-mm actual) thickness. Fire block concealed spaces between floor sleepers with same material as sleepers to limit concealed spaces to not more than 100 sq. ft. (9.3 sq. m) and to solidly fill space below partitions. Fire block concealed spaces behind combustible cornices and exterior trim at not more than 20 feet (6 m) o.c. G. Sort and select lumber so that natural characteristics do not interfere with installation or with fastening other materials to lumber. Do not use materials with defects that interfere with function of member or pieces that are too small to use with minimum number of joints or optimum joint arrangement. H. Comply with AWPA M4 for applying field treatment to cut surfaces of preservative-treated lumber. 1. 2. Use inorganic boron for items that are continuously protected from liquid water. Use copper naphthenate for items not continuously protected from liquid water. MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY 061053 - 6 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 I. Where wood-preservative-treated lumber is installed adjacent to metal decking, install continuous flexible flashing separator between wood and metal decking. J. Securely attach carpentry work to substrate by anchoring and fastening as indicated, complying with the following: 1. 2. 3. K. 3.2 Table 2304.9.1, "Fastening Schedule," in ICC's International Building Code. Table R602.3(1), "Fastener Schedule for Structural Members," and Table R602.3(2), "Alternate Attachments," in ICC's International Residential Code for One- and TwoFamily Dwellings. ICC-ES evaluation report for fastener. Use steel common nails unless otherwise indicated. Select fasteners of size that will not fully penetrate members where opposite side will be exposed to view or will receive finish materials. Make tight connections between members. Install fasteners without splitting wood. Drive nails snug but do not countersink nail heads unless otherwise indicated. WOOD BLOCKING AND NAILER INSTALLATION A. Install where indicated and where required for screeding or attaching other work. Form to shapes indicated and cut as required for true line and level of attached work. Coordinate locations with other work involved. B. Attach items to substrates to support applied loading. Recess bolts and nuts flush with surfaces unless otherwise indicated. C. Provide permanent grounds of dressed, pressure-preservative-treated, key-beveled lumber not less than 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) wide and of thickness required to bring face of ground to exact thickness of finish material. Remove temporary grounds when no longer required. 3.3 WOOD FURRING INSTALLATION A. Install level and plumb with closure strips at edges and openings. Shim with wood as required for tolerance of finish work. B. Furring to Receive Gypsum Board or Plaster Lath: Install 1-by-2-inch nominal- (19-by-38-mm actual-) size furring vertically at 16 inches (406 mm) o.c. 3.4 PROTECTION A. Protect wood that has been treated with inorganic boron (SBX) from weather. If, despite protection, inorganic boron-treated wood becomes wet, apply EPA-registered borate treatment. Apply borate solution by spraying to comply with EPA-registered label. B. Protect miscellaneous rough carpentry from weather. If, despite protection, miscellaneous rough carpentry becomes wet, apply EPA-registered borate treatment. Apply borate solution by spraying to comply with EPA-registered label. END OF SECTION 061053 MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY 061053 - 7 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 064800 - WOOD FRAMES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.3 Exterior frames and jambs. Interior frames and jambs. Shop priming wood frames and jambs. Shop finishing wood frames and jambs. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product, including and finishing materials and processes. 1. B. Shop Drawings: Show location of each item, dimensioned plans and elevations, large-scale details, attachment devices, and other components. 1. 2. 3. 4. C. Show details full size. Show locations and sizes of concealed blocking and reinforcement specified in other Sections. Apply WI Certified Compliance Program label to Shop Drawings. Apply AWI Quality Certification Program label to Shop Drawings. Samples for Initial Selection: 1. 2. D. Include data for fire-retardant treatment from chemical-treatment manufacturer and certification by treating plant that treated materials comply with requirements. Shop-applied transparent finishes. Shop-applied opaque finishes. Samples for Verification: 1. 2. Lumber for transparent finish, not less than 5 inches (125 mm) wide by 12 inches (300 mm) long, for each species and cut, finished on one side and one edge. Lumber with shop-applied opaque finish, 5 inches (125 mm) wide by 12 inches (300 mm) long for, for each finish system and color, with one-half of exposed surface finished. WOOD FRAMES 064800 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1.4 HTF 2015-10/15.05 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For Installer. B. Product Certificates: For each type of product. C. Evaluation Reports: For fire-retardant-treated materials, from ICC-ES. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fabricator Qualifications: Shop that employs skilled workers who custom fabricate products similar to those required for this Project and whose products have a record of successful inservice performance. B. Installer Qualifications: Fabricator of products. C. Mockups: Build mockups to verify selections made under Sample submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects and set quality standards for materials and execution. 1. 2. 1.6 Build mockups of typical wood frames as shown on Drawings. Subject to compliance with requirements, approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. 1.7 Do not deliver wood frames until operations that could damage wood frames have been completed in installation areas. If wood frames must be stored in other than installation areas, store only in areas where environmental conditions comply with requirements specified in "Field Conditions" Article. FIELD CONDITIONS A. Weather Limitations for Exterior Work: Proceed with installation of exterior wood frames only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit work to be performed and at least one coat of specified finish to be applied without exposure to rain, snow, or dampness. B. Environmental Limitations for Interior Work: Do not deliver or install interior wood frames until building is enclosed, wet work is complete, and HVAC system is operating and maintaining temperature and relative humidity at occupancy levels during the remainder of the construction period. C. Environmental Limitations for Interior Work: Do not deliver or install interior wood frames until building is enclosed, wet work is complete, and HVAC system is operating and maintaining temperature between 60 and 90 deg F (16 and 32 deg C) and relative humidity between 25 and 55 percent during the remainder of the construction period. D. Field Measurements: Where wood frames are indicated to fit to other construction, verify dimensions of other construction by field measurements before fabrication, and indicate WOOD FRAMES 064800 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 measurements on Shop Drawings. Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying the Work. 1. E. 1.8 Locate concealed framing, blocking, and reinforcements that support wood frames by field measurements before being enclosed, and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. Established Dimensions: Where wood frames are indicated to fit to other construction, establish dimensions for areas where wood frames are to fit. Coordinate construction to ensure that actual dimensions correspond to established dimensions. COORDINATION A. Coordinate sizes and locations of framing, blocking, furring, reinforcements, and other related units of Work specified in other Sections to ensure that wood frames can be supported and installed as indicated. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 WOOD FRAMES, GENERAL A. Quality Standard: Unless otherwise indicated, comply with the "Architectural Woodwork Standards" for grades of wood frames indicated for construction, finishes, installation, and other requirements. 1. 2.2 The Contract Documents contain selections chosen from options in the quality standard and additional requirements beyond those of the quality standard. Comply with those selections and requirements in addition to the quality standard. EXTERIOR FRAMES AND JAMBS FOR OPAQUE FINISH A. Grade: Custom. B. Wood Species: Ponderosa pine Ponderosa pine or sugar pine Eastern white pine, sugar pine, or western white pine. 2.3 INTERIOR FRAMES AND JAMBS FOR OPAQUE FINISH A. Grade: Custom. B. Wood Species: Eastern white pine, sugar pine, or western white pine. 2.4 WOOD MATERIALS A. Wood Products: Provide materials that comply with requirements of referenced quality standard for each type of wood frame and quality grade specified unless otherwise indicated. WOOD FRAMES 064800 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1. 2. 3. B. Do not use plain-sawn softwood lumber with exposed, flat surfaces more than 3 inches (75 mm) wide. Wood Moisture Content for Exterior Materials: 10 to 15 percent. Wood Moisture Content for Interior Materials: 5 to 10 percent. Composite Wood and Agrifiber Products: Provide materials that comply with requirements of referenced quality standard for each type of wood frame and quality grade specified unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2. 3. Medium-Density Fiberboard: ANSI A208.2, Grade 130. Particleboard: ANSI A208.1, Grade M-2-Exterior Glue. Particleboard: Straw-based particleboard complying with requirements in ANSI A208.1, Grade M-2, except for density. a. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1) 2) C. Environ Biocomposites Manufacturing LLC. Sorm Incorporated. Water-Repellent Preservative Treated Materials: Comply with AWPA N1 (dip, spray, flood, or vacuum-pressure treatment) for exterior wood frames indicated to receive water-repellent preservative treatment. 1. 2. 3. 2.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Preservative Chemicals: 3-iodo-2-propynyl butyl carbamate (IPBC), combined with an insecticide containing chloropyrifos (CPF). Use chemical formulations that do not bleed through or otherwise adversely affect finishes. Do not use colorants in solution to distinguish treated material from untreated material. Extent of Water-Repellent Preservative Treatment: Treat all exterior wood frames unless otherwise indicated. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Exterior Blocking, Shims, and Nailers: Softwood or hardwood lumber, pressure-preservative treated, kiln dried to less than 15 percent moisture content. 1. Preservative Treatment by Pressure Process: AWPA U1; Use Category UC3b. a. b. c. Kiln dry lumber after treatment to a maximum moisture content of 19 percent. Preservative Chemicals: Acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction and containing no arsenic or chromium. Mark lumber with treatment quality mark of an inspection agency approved by the American Lumber Standards Committee's (ALSC) Board of Review. B. Interior Blocking, Shims, and Nailers: Softwood or hardwood lumber, kiln dried to less than 15 percent moisture content. C. Nails for Exterior Use: hot-dip galvanized or stainless steel. WOOD FRAMES 064800 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 D. Screws for Exterior Use: hot-dip galvanized or stainless steel. E. Provide self-drilling screws for metal-framing supports, as recommended by metal-framing manufacturer. F. Anchors: Select material, type, size, and finish required for each substrate for secure anchorage. Provide metal expansion sleeves or expansion bolts for post-installed anchors. Use nonferrousmetal or hot-dip galvanized anchors and inserts at inside face of exterior walls and at floors. 2.6 FABRICATION A. Fabricate wood frames to dimensions, profiles, and details indicated. Ease edges to radius indicated for the following: 1. Edges of Solid-Wood (Lumber) Members: 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) unless otherwise indicated. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Before installation, condition wood frames to average prevailing humidity conditions in installation areas. B. Before installing wood frames, examine shop-fabricated work for completion and complete work as required, including removal of packing and backpriming. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Grade: Install wood frames to comply with same grade as item to be installed. B. Assemble wood frames and complete fabrication at Project site to the extent that it was not completed in the shop. C. Install wood frames level, plumb, true, and straight. Shim as required with concealed shims. Install level and plumb to a tolerance of 1/8 inch in 96 inches (3 mm in 2400 mm). D. Scribe and cut wood frames to fit adjoining work, refinish cut surfaces, and repair damaged finish at cuts. E. Anchor wood frames to anchors or blocking built in or directly attached to substrates. Secure with countersunk, concealed fasteners and blind nailing. Use fine finishing nails or finishing screws for exposed fastening, countersunk and filled flush with woodwork. 1. F. For shop-finished items, use filler matching finish of items being installed. Touch up finishing work specified in this Section after installation of wood frames. Fill nail holes with matching filler where exposed. WOOD FRAMES 064800 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1. G. 3.3 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Apply specified finish coats, including stains and paste fillers if any, to exposed surfaces where only sealer/prime coats are applied in shop. Refer to Section 099123 "Interior Painting" and for final finishing of installed wood frames not indicated to be shop finished. ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Repair damaged and defective wood frames, where possible, to eliminate functional and visual defects; where not possible to repair, replace wood frames. Adjust joinery for uniform appearance. B. Clean wood frames on exposed and semiexposed surfaces. Touch up shop-applied finishes to restore damaged or soiled areas. END OF SECTION 064800 WOOD FRAMES 064800 - 6 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 076200 - SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 1.3 Formed roof-drainage sheet metal fabrications. COORDINATION A. Coordinate sheet metal flashing and trim layout and seams with sizes and locations of penetrations to be flashed, and joints and seams in adjacent materials. B. Coordinate sheet metal flashing and trim installation with adjoining roofing and wall materials, joints, and seams to provide leak proof, secure, and noncorrosive installation. 1.4 PREINSTALLATION MEETINGS A. Pre-installation Conference: Conduct conference at Waterville Opera House 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.5 Review construction schedule. Verify availability of materials, Installer's personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. Review special roof details, roof drainage, roof-penetration flashing, and condition of other construction that affect sheet metal flashing and trim. Review requirements for insurance and certificates. Review sheet metal flashing observation and repair procedures after flashing installation. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product. 1. B. Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes for each manufactured product and accessory. Shop Drawings: For sheet metal flashing and trim. 1. Include plans, elevations, sections, and attachment details. SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM 076200 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1.6 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Detail fabrication and installation layouts, expansion-joint locations, and keyed details. Distinguish between shop- and field-assembled work. Include identification of material, thickness, weight, and finish for each item and location in Project. Include details for forming, including profiles, shapes, seams, and dimensions. Include details for joining, supporting, and securing, including layout and spacing of fasteners, cleats, clips, and other attachments. Include pattern of seams. Include details of termination points and assemblies. Include details of expansion joints and expansion-joint covers, including showing direction of expansion and contraction from fixed points. Include details of roof-penetration flashing. Include details of edge conditions, including eaves, ridges, valleys, rakes, crickets, and counterflashings as applicable. Include details of special conditions. Include details of connections to adjoining work. Detail formed flashing and trim at scale of not less than 1-1/2 inches per 12 inches. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For fabricator. B. Product Test Reports: For each product, for tests performed by a qualified testing agency. C. Sample Warranty: For special warranty. 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. 1.8 Maintenance Data: For sheet metal flashing and trim, and its accessories, to include in maintenance manuals. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.9 Fabricator Qualifications: Employs skilled workers who custom fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim similar to that required for this Project and whose products have a record of successful in-service performance. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Do not store sheet metal flashing and trim materials in contact with other materials that might cause staining, denting, or other surface damage. Store sheet metal flashing and trim materials away from uncured concrete and masonry. B. Protect strippable protective covering on sheet metal flashing and trim from exposure to sunlight and high humidity, except to extent necessary for period of sheet metal flashing and trim installation. SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM 076200 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1.10 A. HTF 2015-10/15.05 WARRANTY Special Warranty on Finishes: Manufacturer agrees to repair finish or replace sheet metal flashing and trim that shows evidence of deterioration of factory-applied finishes within specified warranty period. 1. Exposed Panel Finish: Deterioration includes, but is not limited to, the following: a. b. c. 2. Color fading more than 5 Hunter units when tested according to ASTM D 2244. Chalking in excess of a No. 8 rating when tested according to ASTM D 4214. Cracking, checking, peeling, or failure of paint to adhere to bare metal. Finish Warranty Period: 20 years from date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. General: Sheet metal flashing and trim assemblies shall withstand wind loads, structural movement, thermally induced movement, and exposure to weather without failure due to defective manufacture, fabrication, installation, or other defects in construction. Completed sheet metal flashing and trim shall not rattle, leak, or loosen, and shall remain watertight. B. Sheet Metal Standard for Flashing and Trim: Comply with NRCA's "The NRCA Roofing Manual" and SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" requirements for dimensions and profiles shown unless more stringent requirements are indicated. C. Recycled Content of Steel-Sheet Flashing and Trim: Postconsumer recycled content plus onehalf of preconsumer recycled content not less than 25 percent. D. Thermal Movements: Allow for thermal movements from ambient and surface temperature changes to prevent buckling, opening of joints, overstressing of components, failure of joint sealants, failure of connections, and other detrimental effects. Base calculations on surface temperatures of materials due to both solar heat gain and nighttime-sky heat loss. 1. 2.2 Temperature Change: 120 deg F ambient; 180 deg F material surfaces SHEET METALS A. General: Protect mechanical and other finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applying strippable, temporary protective film before shipping. 1. 2.3 Nonpatinated Exposed Finish: Mill. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. General: Provide materials and types of fasteners, solder, protective coatings, sealants, and other miscellaneous items as required for complete sheet metal flashing and trim installation and as SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM 076200 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 recommended by manufacturer of primary sheet metal or manufactured item unless otherwise indicated. B. Fasteners: Wood screws, annular threaded nails, self-tapping screws, self-locking rivets and bolts, and other suitable fasteners designed to withstand design loads and recommended by manufacturer of primary sheet metal or manufactured item. 1. General: Blind fasteners or self-drilling screws, gasketed, with hex-washer head. a. b. c. Exposed Fasteners: Heads matching color of sheet metal using plastic caps or factory-applied coating. Provide metal-backed EPDM or PVC sealing washers under heads of exposed fasteners bearing on weather side of metal. Blind Fasteners: High-strength aluminum or stainless-steel rivets suitable for metal being fastened. Spikes and Ferrules: Same material as gutter; with spike with ferrule matching internal gutter width. C. Sealant Tape: Pressure-sensitive, 100 percent solids, polyisobutylene compound sealant tape with release-paper backing. Provide permanently elastic, nonsag, nontoxic, nonstaining tape 1/2 inch (13 mm) wide and 1/8 inch (3 mm) thick. D. Elastomeric Sealant: ASTM C 920, elastomeric silicone polymer sealant; of type, grade, class, and use classifications required to seal joints in sheet metal flashing and trim and remain watertight. E. Butyl Sealant: ASTM C 1311, single-component, solvent-release butyl rubber sealant; polyisobutylene plasticized; heavy bodied for hooked-type expansion joints with limited movement. F. Epoxy Seam Sealer: Two-part, noncorrosive, aluminum seam-cementing compound, recommended by aluminum manufacturer for exterior nonmoving joints, including riveted joints. G. Bituminous Coating: Cold-applied asphalt emulsion according to ASTM D 1187. H. Asphalt Roofing Cement: ASTM D 4586, asbestos free, of consistency required for application. 2.4 MANUFACTURED SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM A. Through-Wall, Ribbed, Sheet Metal Flashing: Manufacture through-wall sheet metal flashing for embedment in masonry, with ribs at 3-inch (75-mm) intervals along length of flashing to provide integral mortar bond. Manufacture through-wall flashing with snaplock receiver on exterior face to receive counterflashing with interlocking counterflashing on exterior face, of same metal as flashing. 1. Galvanized Steel: 0.016 inch thick. a. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, available products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM 076200 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1) 2) B. Keystone Flashing Company, Inc.; Keystone Three-Way Interlocking Thruwall Flashing. Sandell Manufacturing; Pre-Formed Metal Flashing. Reglets: Units of type, material, and profile required, formed to provide secure interlocking of separate reglet and counterflashing pieces, and compatible with flashing indicated with factorymitered and -welded corners and junctions and with interlocking counterflashing on exterior face, of same metal as reglet. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. b. 7. Fry Reglet Corporation. Heckmann Building Products, Inc. Material: Galvanized steel, 0.022 inch (0.56 mm) thick Surface-Mounted Type: Provide with slotted holes for fastening to substrate, with neoprene or other suitable weatherproofing washers, and with channel for sealant at top edge. Concrete Type: Provide temporary closure tape to keep reglet free of concrete materials, special fasteners for attaching reglet to concrete forms, and guides to ensure alignment of reglet section ends. Masonry Type: Provide with offset top flange for embedment in masonry mortar joint. Accessories: a. 2.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Flexible-Flashing Retainer: Provide resilient plastic or rubber accessory to secure flexible flashing in reglet where clearance does not permit use of standard metal counterflashing or where Drawings show reglet without metal counterflashing. Counterflashing Wind-Restraint Clips: Provide clips to be installed before counterflashing to prevent wind uplift of counterflashing's lower edge. Finish: Mill With manufacturer's standard color coating. FABRICATION, GENERAL A. General: Custom fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim to comply with details shown and recommendations in cited sheet metal standard that apply to design, dimensions, geometry, metal thickness, and other characteristics of item required. Fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim in shop to greatest extent possible. 1. 2. 3. 4. Fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim in thickness or weight needed to comply with performance requirements, but not less than that specified for each application and metal. Obtain field measurements for accurate fit before shop fabrication. Form sheet metal flashing and trim to fit substrates without excessive oil canning, buckling, and tool marks; true to line, levels, and slopes; and with exposed edges folded back to form hems. Conceal fasteners and expansion provisions where possible. Do not use exposed fasteners on faces exposed to view. SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM 076200 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 B. Fabrication Tolerances: Fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim that is capable of installation to a tolerance of 1/4 inch in 20 feet (6 mm in 6 m) on slope and location lines indicated on Drawings and within 1/8-inch (3-mm) offset of adjoining faces and of alignment of matching profiles. C. Expansion Provisions: Form metal for thermal expansion of exposed flashing and trim. 1. 2. Form expansion joints of intermeshing hooked flanges, not less than 1 inch (25 mm) deep, filled with butyl sealant concealed within joints. Use lapped expansion joints only where indicated on Drawings. D. Sealant Joints: Where movable, nonexpansion-type joints are required, form metal to provide for proper installation of elastomeric sealant according to cited sheet metal standard. E. Fabricate cleats and attachment devices from same material as accessory being anchored or from compatible, noncorrosive metal. F. Seams: Fabricate nonmoving seams with flat-lock seams. Tin edges to be seamed, form seams, and solder. G. Do not use graphite pencils to mark metal surfaces. 2.6 ROOF-DRAINAGE SHEET METAL FABRICATIONS A. Downspouts: Reinstall downspouts to existing locations with hangers to match existing. B. Parapet Scuppers: Reinstall parapet scuppers to existing locations; flash into existing or repaired roof to match existing conditions C. Conductor Heads: Fabricate conductor heads with flanged back and stiffened top edge and of dimensions and shape required, complete with outlet tubes, exterior flange trim,. Fabricate from the following materials as shown on drawings: 1. 2.7 Galvanized Steel: 0.028 inch (0.71 mm) thick. EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances, substrate, and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. 1. 2. 3. Verify compliance with requirements for installation tolerances of substrates. Verify that substrate is sound, dry, smooth, clean, sloped for drainage, and securely anchored. Verify that air- or water-resistant barriers have been installed over sheathing or backing substrate to prevent air infiltration or water penetration. SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM 076200 - 6 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS B. 2.8 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. General: Anchor sheet metal flashing and trim and other components of the Work securely in place, with provisions for thermal and structural movement. Use fasteners, solder, protective coatings, separators, sealants, and other miscellaneous items as required to complete sheet metal flashing and trim system. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. Metal Protection: Where dissimilar metals contact each other, or where metal contacts pressuretreated wood or other corrosive substrates, protect against galvanic action or corrosion by painting contact surfaces with bituminous coating or by other permanent separation as recommended by sheet metal manufacturer or cited sheet metal standard. 1. 2. C. Install sheet metal flashing and trim true to line, levels, and slopes. Provide uniform, neat seams with minimum exposure of solder, welds, and sealant. Install sheet metal flashing and trim to fit substrates and to result in watertight performance. Verify shapes and dimensions of surfaces to be covered before fabricating sheet metal. Space cleats not more than 12 inches apart. Attach each cleat with at least two fasteners. Bend tabs over fasteners. Install exposed sheet metal flashing and trim with limited oil canning, and free of buckling and tool marks. Torch cutting of sheet metal flashing and trim is not permitted. Do not use graphite pencils to mark metal surfaces. Coat concealed side of sheet metal flashing and trim with bituminous coating where flashing and trim contact wood, ferrous metal, or cementitious construction. Underlayment: Where installing sheet metal flashing and trim directly on cementitious or wood substrates, install underlayment and cover with slip sheet. Expansion Provisions: Provide for thermal expansion of exposed flashing and trim. Space movement joints at maximum of 10 feet (3 m) with no joints within 24 inches (600 mm) of corner or intersection. 1. 2. Form expansion joints of intermeshing hooked flanges, not less than 1 inch (25 mm) deep, filled with sealant concealed within joints. Use lapped expansion joints only where indicated on Drawings. D. Fasteners: Use fastener sizes that penetrate wood blocking or sheathing not less than 1-1/4 inches for nails and not less than 3/4 inch for wood screws. E. Conceal fasteners and expansion provisions where possible in exposed work and locate to minimize possibility of leakage. Cover and seal fasteners and anchors as required for a tight installation. F. Seal joints as required for watertight construction. SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM 076200 - 7 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1. 2. G. Use sealant-filled joints unless otherwise indicated. Embed hooked flanges of joint members not less than 1 inch into sealant. Form joints to completely conceal sealant. When ambient temperature at time of installation is between 40 and 70 deg F, set joint members for 50 percent movement each way. Adjust setting proportionately for installation at higher ambient temperatures. Do not install sealant-type joints at temperatures below 40 deg F. Prepare joints and apply sealants to comply with requirements in Section 079200 "Joint Sealants." Soldered Joints: Clean surfaces to be soldered, removing oils and foreign matter. Pre-tin edges of sheets with solder to width of 1-1/2 inches (38 mm); however, reduce pre-tinning where pretinned surface would show in completed Work. 1. 2. 2.9 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Do not use torches for soldering. Heat surfaces to receive solder, and flow solder into joint. Fill joint completely. Completely remove flux and spatter from exposed surfaces. ROOF-DRAINAGE SYSTEM INSTALLATION A. 2.10 General: Reinstall existing sheet metal roof-drainage items to produce complete roof-drainage system according to cited sheet metal standard unless otherwise indicated. Coordinate installation of roof perimeter flashing with installation of roof-drainage system. ERECTION TOLERANCES A. Installation Tolerances: Shim and align sheet metal flashing and trim within installed tolerance of 1/4 inch in 20 feet on slope and location lines indicated on Drawings and within 1/8-inch offset of adjoining faces and of alignment of matching profiles. B. Installation Tolerances: Shim and align sheet metal flashing and trim within installed tolerances specified in MCA's "Guide Specification for Residential Metal Roofing." 2.11 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Clean exposed metal surfaces of substances that interfere with uniform oxidation and weathering. B. Clean and neutralize flux materials. Clean off excess solder. C. Clean off excess sealants. D. Remove temporary protective coverings and strippable films as sheet metal flashing and trim are installed unless otherwise indicated in manufacturer's written installation instructions. On completion of sheet metal flashing and trim installation, remove unused materials and clean finished surfaces as recommended by sheet metal flashing and trim manufacturer. Maintain sheet metal flashing and trim in clean condition during construction. E. Replace sheet metal flashing and trim that have been damaged or that have deteriorated beyond successful repair by finish touchup or similar minor repair procedures. END OF SECTION 076200 SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM 076200 - 8 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 079200 - JOINT SEALANTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 2. 1.3 Non-staining silicone joint sealants. Latex joint sealants. PREINSTALLATION MEETINGS A. 1.4 Pre-installation Conference: Conduct conference at Waterville Opera House ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each joint-sealant product. B. Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturer's color charts consisting of strips of cured sealants showing the full range of colors available for each product exposed to view. C. Samples for Verification: For each kind and color of joint sealant required, provide Samples with joint sealants in 1/2-inch- wide joints formed between two 6-inch- long strips of material matching the appearance of exposed surfaces adjacent to joint sealants. D. Joint-Sealant Schedule: Include the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.5 Joint-sealant application, joint location, and designation. Joint-sealant manufacturer and product name. Joint-sealant formulation. Joint-sealant color. INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Qualification Data: For qualified testing agency. B. Product Test Reports: For each kind of joint sealant, for tests performed by manufacturer and witnessed by a qualified testing agency JOINT SEALANTS 079200 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS C. Preconstruction Laboratory Test Schedule: Include the following information for each joint sealant and substrate material to be tested: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Joint-sealant location and designation. Manufacturer and product name. Type of substrate material. Proposed test. Number of samples required. Preconstruction Laboratory Test Reports: From sealant manufacturer, indicating the following: 1. 2. Materials forming joint substrates and joint-sealant backings have been tested for compatibility and adhesion with joint sealants. Interpretation of test results and written recommendations for primers and substrate preparation are needed for adhesion. E. Preconstruction Field-Adhesion-Test Reports: Indicate which sealants and joint preparation methods resulted in optimum adhesion to joint substrates based on testing specified in "Preconstruction Testing" Article. F. Field-Adhesion-Test Reports: For each sealant application tested. G. Sample Warranties: For special warranties. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.7 Mockups: Install sealant in mockups of assemblies specified in other Sections that are indicated to receive joint sealants specified in this Section. Use materials and installation methods specified in this Section. PRECONSTRUCTION TESTING A. Preconstruction Field-Adhesion Testing: Before installing sealants, field test their adhesion to Project joint substrates as follows: 1. 2. 3. 1.8 Locate test joints where indicated on Project or, if not indicated, as directed by Architect. Conduct field tests for each kind of sealant and joint substrate. Evaluation of Preconstruction Field-Adhesion-Test Results: Sealants not evidencing adhesive failure from testing, in absence of other indications of noncompliance with requirements, will be considered satisfactory. Do not use sealants that fail to adhere to joint substrates during testing. FIELD CONDITIONS A. Do not proceed with installation of joint sealants under the following conditions: 1. 2. When ambient and substrate temperature conditions are outside limits permitted by jointsealant manufacturer or are below 40 deg F. When joint substrates are wet. JOINT SEALANTS 079200 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 3. 4. 1.9 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Where joint widths are less than those allowed by joint-sealant manufacturer for applications indicated. Where contaminants capable of interfering with adhesion have not yet been removed from joint substrates. WARRANTY A. Special Manufacturer's Warranty: Manufacturer agrees to furnish joint sealants to repair or replace those joint sealants that do not comply with performance and other requirements specified in this Section within specified warranty period. 1. B. Warranty Period: Five years from date of Substantial Completion. Special warranties specified in this article exclude deterioration or failure of joint sealants from the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Movement of the structure caused by stresses on the sealant exceeding sealant manufacturer's written specifications for sealant elongation and compression. Disintegration of joint substrates from causes exceeding design specifications. Mechanical damage caused by individuals, tools, or other outside agents. Changes in sealant appearance caused by accumulation of dirt or other atmospheric contaminants. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 NONSTAINING SILICONE JOINT SEALANTS A. Non-staining Joint Sealants: No staining of substrates when tested according to ASTM C 1248. B. Silicone, Non-staining, S, NS, 100/50, NT: Non-staining, single-component, nonsag, plus 100 percent and minus 50 percent movement capability, non-traffic-use, neutral-curing silicone joint sealant; ASTM C 920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 100/50, Use NT. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, available products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. 2.2 May National Associates, Inc., a subsidiary of Sika Corporation U.S.; Bondaflex Sil 290 FPS-NB or Bondaflex Sil 290 NB. Pecora Corporation; 890FTS/TXTR or 890 NST. Tremco Incorporated; Spectrem 1. LATEX JOINT SEALANTS A. Acrylic Latex: Acrylic latex or siliconized acrylic latex, ASTM C 834, Type OP, Grade NF. 1. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, available products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: JOINT SEALANTS 079200 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS a. b. c. 2.3 HTF 2015-10/15.05 BASF Construction Chemicals, LLC, Building Systems; Sonolac. Pecora Corporation; AC-20. Tremco Incorporated; Tremflex 834. JOINT-SEALANT BACKING A. Sealant Backing Material, General: Non-staining; compatible with joint substrates, sealants, primers, and other joint fillers; and approved for applications indicated by sealant manufacturer based on field experience and laboratory testing. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. BASF Construction Chemicals, LLC, Building Systems. Construction Foam Products, a division of Nomaco, Inc. B. Cylindrical Sealant Backings: ASTM C 1330, Type C (closed-cell material with a surface skin) Type O (open-cell material) Type B (bicellular material with a surface skin) or any of the preceding types, as approved in writing by joint-sealant manufacturer for joint application indicated, and of size and density to control sealant depth and otherwise contribute to producing optimum sealant performance. C. Bond-Breaker Tape: Polyethylene tape or other plastic tape recommended by sealant manufacturer for preventing sealant from adhering to rigid, inflexible joint-filler materials or joint surfaces at back of joint. Provide self-adhesive tape where applicable. 2.4 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Primer: Material recommended by joint-sealant manufacturer where required for adhesion of sealant to joint substrates indicated, as determined from preconstruction joint-sealant-substrate tests and field tests. B. Cleaners for Nonporous Surfaces: Chemical cleaners acceptable to manufacturers of sealants and sealant backing materials, free of oily residues or other substances capable of staining or harming joint substrates and adjacent nonporous surfaces in any way, and formulated to promote optimum adhesion of sealants to joint substrates. C. Masking Tape: Nonstaining, nonabsorbent material compatible with joint sealants and surfaces adjacent to joints. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine joints indicated to receive joint sealants, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for joint configuration, installation tolerances, and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. JOINT SEALANTS 079200 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS B. 3.2 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION A. Surface Cleaning of Joints: Clean out joints immediately before installing joint sealants to comply with joint-sealant manufacturer's written instructions and the following requirements: 1. 2. Remove all foreign material from joint substrates that could interfere with adhesion of joint sealant, including dust, paints (except for permanent, protective coatings tested and approved for sealant adhesion and compatibility by sealant manufacturer), old joint sealants, oil, grease, waterproofing, water repellents, water, surface dirt, and frost. Clean porous joint substrate surfaces by brushing, grinding, mechanical abrading, or a combination of these methods to produce a clean, sound substrate capable of developing optimum bond with joint sealants. Remove loose particles remaining after cleaning operations above by vacuuming or blowing out joints with oil-free compressed air. Porous joint substrates include the following: a. b. c. 3. 4. Concrete. Masonry. Unglazed surfaces of ceramic tile. Remove laitance and form-release agents from concrete. Clean nonporous joint substrate surfaces with chemical cleaners or other means that do not stain, harm substrates, or leave residues capable of interfering with adhesion of joint sealants. Nonporous joint substrates include the following: a. b. c. d. Metal. Glass. Porcelain enamel. Glazed surfaces of ceramic tile. B. Joint Priming: Prime joint substrates where recommended by joint-sealant manufacturer or as indicated by preconstruction joint-sealant-substrate tests or prior experience. Apply primer to comply with joint-sealant manufacturer's written instructions. Confine primers to areas of jointsealant bond; do not allow spillage or migration onto adjoining surfaces. C. Masking Tape: Use masking tape where required to prevent contact of sealant or primer with adjoining surfaces that otherwise would be permanently stained or damaged by such contact or by cleaning methods required to remove sealant smears. Remove tape immediately after tooling without disturbing joint seal. 3.3 INSTALLATION OF JOINT SEALANTS A. General: Comply with joint-sealant manufacturer's written installation instructions for products and applications indicated, unless more stringent requirements apply. B. Sealant Installation Standard: Comply with recommendations in ASTM C 1193 for use of joint sealants as applicable to materials, applications, and conditions indicated. JOINT SEALANTS 079200 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS C. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Install sealant backings of kind indicated to support sealants during application and at position required to produce cross-sectional shapes and depths of installed sealants relative to joint widths that allow optimum sealant movement capability. 1. 2. 3. Do not leave gaps between ends of sealant backings. Do not stretch, twist, puncture, or tear sealant backings. Remove absorbent sealant backings that have become wet before sealant application, and replace them with dry materials. D. Install bond-breaker tape behind sealants where sealant backings are not used between sealants and backs of joints. E. Install sealants using proven techniques that comply with the following and at the same time backings are installed: 1. 2. 3. F. Place sealants so they directly contact and fully wet joint substrates. Completely fill recesses in each joint configuration. Produce uniform, cross-sectional shapes and depths relative to joint widths that allow optimum sealant movement capability. Tooling of Nonsag Sealants: Immediately after sealant application and before skinning or curing begins, tool sealants according to requirements specified in subparagraphs below to form smooth, uniform beads of configuration indicated; to eliminate air pockets; and to ensure contact and adhesion of sealant with sides of joint. 1. 2. 3. Remove excess sealant from surfaces adjacent to joints. Use tooling agents that are approved in writing by sealant manufacturer and that do not discolor sealants or adjacent surfaces. Provide concave joint profile per Figure 8A in ASTM C 1193 unless otherwise indicated. a. 3.4 Use masking tape to protect surfaces adjacent to recessed tooled joints. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field-Adhesion Testing: Field test joint-sealant adhesion to joint substrates as follows: 1. Inspect tested joints and report on the following: a. b. c. 2. Whether sealants filled joint cavities and are free of voids. Whether sealant dimensions and configurations comply with specified requirements. Whether sealants in joints connected to pulled-out portion failed to adhere to joint substrates or tore cohesively. Include data on pull distance used to test each kind of product and joint substrate. Compare these results to determine if adhesion complies with sealant manufacturer's field-adhesion hand-pull test criteria. Repair sealants pulled from test area by applying new sealants following same procedures used originally to seal joints. Ensure that original sealant surfaces are clean and that new sealant contacts original sealant. JOINT SEALANTS 079200 - 6 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS B. 3.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Evaluation of Field-Adhesion-Test Results: Sealants not evidencing adhesive failure from testing or noncompliance with other indicated requirements will be considered satisfactory. Remove sealants that fail to adhere to joint substrates during testing or to comply with other requirements. Retest failed applications until test results prove sealants comply with indicated requirements. CLEANING A. 3.6 Clean off excess sealant or sealant smears adjacent to joints as the Work progresses by methods and with cleaning materials approved in writing by manufacturers of joint sealants and of products in which joints occur. PROTECTION A. 3.7 Protect joint sealants during and after curing period from contact with contaminating substances and from damage resulting from construction operations or other causes so sealants are without deterioration or damage at time of Substantial Completion. If, despite such protection, damage or deterioration occurs, cut out, remove, and repair damaged or deteriorated joint sealants immediately so installations with repaired areas are indistinguishable from original work. JOINT-SEALANT SCHEDULE A. Joint-Sealant Application: Exterior joints in vertical surfaces and horizontal nontraffic surfaces. 1. Joint Locations: a. b. c. d. 2. 3. Control and expansion joints in unit masonry. Perimeter joints between materials listed above and frames of doors windows. Control and expansion joints in ceilings and other overhead surfaces. Other joints as indicated on Drawings. Joint Sealant: Silicone, non-staining, S, NS, 50, NT. Joint-Sealant Color: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range of colors. END OF SECTION 079200 JOINT SEALANTS 079200 - 7 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 092900 - GYPSUM BOARD PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. 1.3 Interior gypsum board. ACTION SUBMITTALS A. 1.4 Product Data: For each type of product. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Mockups: Build mockups of at least 100 sq. ft. (9 sq. m) in surface area to demonstrate aesthetic effects and to set quality standards for materials and execution. 1. Build mockups for the following: a. b. 2. 3. 4. 1.5 Each level of gypsum board finish indicated for use in exposed locations. Each texture finish indicated. Apply or install final decoration indicated, including painting and wallcoverings, on exposed surfaces for review of mockups. Simulate finished lighting conditions for review of mockups. Subject to compliance with requirements, approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Store materials inside under cover and keep them dry and protected against weather, condensation, direct sunlight, construction traffic, and other potential causes of damage. Stack panels flat and supported on risers on a flat platform to prevent sagging. GYPSUM BOARD 092900 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1.6 HTF 2015-10/15.05 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Comply with ASTM C 840 requirements or gypsum board manufacturer's written instructions, whichever are more stringent. B. Do not install paper-faced gypsum panels until installation areas are enclosed and conditioned. C. Do not install panels that are wet, moisture damaged, and mold damaged. 1. 2. Indications that panels are wet or moisture damaged include, but are not limited to, discoloration, sagging, or irregular shape. Indications that panels are mold damaged include, but are not limited to, fuzzy or splotchy surface contamination and discoloration. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Fire-Resistance-Rated Assemblies: For fire-resistance-rated assemblies, provide materials and construction identical to those tested in assembly indicated according to ASTM E 119 by an independent testing agency. B. STC-Rated Assemblies: For STC-rated assemblies, provide materials and construction identical to those tested in assembly indicated according to ASTM E 90 and classified according to ASTM E 413 by an independent testing agency. 2.2 GYPSUM BOARD, GENERAL A. 2.3 Size: Provide maximum lengths and widths available that will minimize joints in each area and that correspond with support system indicated. INTERIOR GYPSUM BOARD A. Gypsum Board, Type X: ASTM C 1396/C 1396M. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. b. c. d. CertainTeed Corporation. Georgia-Pacific Building Products. National Gypsum Company. United States Gypsum Company. 2. Thickness: 5/8 inch (15.9 mm). 3. Long Edges: Tapered. GYPSUM BOARD 092900 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 2.4 HTF 2015-10/15.05 JOINT TREATMENT MATERIALS A. General: Comply with ASTM C 475/C 475M. B. Joint Tape: 1. C. Interior Gypsum Board: Paper. Joint Compound for Interior Gypsum Board: For each coat, use formulation that is compatible with other compounds applied on previous or for successive coats. 1. 2. Prefilling: At open joints, rounded or beveled panel edges, and damaged surface areas, use setting-type taping compound. Embedding and First Coat: For embedding tape and first coat on joints, fasteners, and trim flanges, use setting-type taping compound. a. 3. 4. 2.5 Use setting-type compound for installing paper-faced metal trim accessories. Fill Coat: For second coat, use setting-type, sandable topping compound. Finish Coat: For third coat, use setting-type, sandable topping compound. AUXILIARY MATERIALS A. General: Provide auxiliary materials that comply with referenced installation standards and manufacturer's written instructions. B. Laminating Adhesive: Adhesive or joint compound recommended for directly adhering gypsum panels to continuous substrate. C. Steel Drill Screws: ASTM C 1002 unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2. Use screws complying with ASTM C 954 for fastening panels to steel members from 0.033 to 0.112 inch (0.84 to 2.84 mm) thick. For fastening cementitious backer units, use screws of type and size recommended by panel manufacturer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine areas and substrates including welded hollow-metal frames and support framing, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. B. Examine panels before installation. Reject panels that are wet, moisture damaged, and mold damaged. C. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. GYPSUM BOARD 092900 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 3.2 HTF 2015-10/15.05 APPLYING AND FINISHING PANELS, GENERAL A. Comply with ASTM C 840. B. Install ceiling panels across framing to minimize the number of abutting end joints and to avoid abutting end joints in central area of each ceiling. Stagger abutting end joints of adjacent panels not less than one framing member. C. Install panels with face side out. Butt panels together for a light contact at edges and ends with not more than 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) of open space between panels. Do not force into place. D. Locate edge and end joints over supports, except in ceiling applications where intermediate supports or gypsum board back-blocking is provided behind end joints. Do not place tapered edges against cut edges or ends. Stagger vertical joints on opposite sides of partitions. Do not make joints other than control joints at corners of framed openings. E. Form control and expansion joints with space between edges of adjoining gypsum panels. F. Cover both faces of support framing with gypsum panels in concealed spaces (above ceilings, etc.), except in chases braced internally. 1. 2. 3. Unless concealed application is indicated or required for sound, fire, air, or smoke ratings, coverage may be accomplished with scraps of not less than 8 sq. ft. (0.7 sq. m) in area. Fit gypsum panels around ducts, pipes, and conduits. Where partitions intersect structural members projecting below underside of floor/roof slabs and decks, cut gypsum panels to fit profile formed by structural members; allow 1/4- to 3/8-inch- (6.4- to 9.5-mm-) wide joints to install sealant. G. Isolate perimeter of gypsum board applied to non-load-bearing partitions at structural abutments. Provide 1/4- to 1/2-inch- (6.4- to 12.7-mm-) wide spaces at these locations and trim edges with edge trim where edges of panels are exposed. Seal joints between edges and abutting structural surfaces with acoustical sealant. H. Attachment to Steel Framing when shown: Attach panels so leading edge or end of each panel is attached to open (unsupported) edges of stud flanges first. I. Wood Framing when shown: Install gypsum panels over wood framing, with floating internal corner construction. Do not attach gypsum panels across the flat grain of wide-dimension lumber, including floor joists and headers. Float gypsum panels over these members or provide control joints to counteract wood shrinkage. 3.3 APPLYING INTERIOR GYPSUM BOARD A. Install interior gypsum board in the following locations: 1. 2. Wallboard Type: As indicated on Drawings: Vertical surfaces unless otherwise indicated. Type X: As indicated on Drawings Vertical: surfaces unless otherwise indicated. GYPSUM BOARD 092900 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS B. Single-Layer Application: 1. 2. On ceilings, apply gypsum panels before wall/partition board application to greatest extent possible and at right angles to framing unless otherwise indicated. On partitions/walls, apply gypsum panels horizontally (perpendicular to framing) unless otherwise indicated or required by fire-resistance-rated assembly, and minimize end joints. a. b. 3. 4. C. 3.4 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Stagger abutting end joints not less than one framing member in alternate courses of panels. At stairwells and other high walls, install panels horizontally unless otherwise indicated or required by fire-resistance-rated assembly. On Z-shaped furring members, apply gypsum panels vertically (parallel to framing) with no end joints. Locate edge joints over furring members. Fastening Methods: Apply gypsum panels to supports with steel drill screws. Laminating to Substrate: Where gypsum panels are indicated as directly adhered to a substrate (other than studs, joists, furring members, or base layer of gypsum board), comply with gypsum board manufacturer's written instructions and temporarily brace or fasten gypsum panels until fastening adhesive has set. INSTALLING TRIM ACCESSORIES A. General: For trim with back flanges intended for fasteners, attach to framing with same fasteners used for panels. Otherwise, attach trim according to manufacturer's written instructions. B. Control Joints: Install control joints at locations indicated by Architect. C. Interior Trim: Install in the following locations: 1. 2. 3. 3.5 Cornerbead: Use at outside corners unless otherwise indicated. L-Bead: Use where indicated. U-Bead: Use at exposed panel edges. FINISHING GYPSUM BOARD A. General: Treat gypsum board joints, interior angles, edge trim, control joints, penetrations, fastener heads, surface defects, and elsewhere as required to prepare gypsum board surfaces for decoration. Promptly remove residual joint compound from adjacent surfaces. B. Prefill open joints and damaged surface areas. C. Apply joint tape over gypsum board joints, except for trim products specifically indicated as not intended to receive tape. D. Gypsum Board Finish Levels: Finish panels to levels indicated below and according to ASTM C 840: GYPSUM BOARD 092900 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1. Level 4: At panel surfaces that will be exposed to view unless otherwise indicated. a. 3.6 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Primer and its application to surfaces are specified in Section 099123 "Interior Painting." PROTECTION A. Protect adjacent surfaces from drywall compound and promptly remove from floors and other non-drywall surfaces. Repair surfaces stained, marred, or otherwise damaged during drywall application. B. Protect installed products from damage from weather, condensation, direct sunlight, construction, and other causes during remainder of the construction period. C. Remove and replace panels that are wet, moisture damaged, and mold damaged. 1. 2. Indications that panels are wet or moisture damaged include, but are not limited to, discoloration, sagging, or irregular shape. Indications that panels are mold damaged include, but are not limited to, fuzzy or splotchy surface contamination and discoloration. END OF SECTION 092900 GYPSUM BOARD 092900 - 6 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 099113 - EXTERIOR PAINTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes surface preparation and the application of paint systems on minimal exterior substrates that may have been disturbed during construction. 1. 1.3 Wood. DEFINITIONS A. Gloss Level 1: Not more than 5 units at 60 degrees and 10 units at 85 degrees, according to ASTM D 523. B. Gloss Level 3: 10 to 25 units at 60 degrees and 10 to 35 units at 85 degrees, according to ASTM D 523. C. Gloss Level 4: 20 to 35 units at 60 degrees and not less than 35 units at 85 degrees, according to ASTM D 523. D. Gloss Level 5: 35 to 70 units at 60 degrees, according to ASTM D 523. E. Gloss Level 6: 70 to 85 units at 60 degrees, according to ASTM D 523. F. Gloss Level 7: More than 85 units at 60 degrees, according to ASTM D 523. 1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product. Include preparation requirements and application instructions. B. Samples for Initial Selection: For each type of topcoat product. C. Samples for Verification: For each type of paint system and each color and gloss of topcoat. 1. 2. 3. 4. Submit Samples on rigid backing, 8 inches (200 mm) square. Step coats on Samples to show each coat required for system. Label each coat of each Sample. Label each Sample for location and application area. EXTERIOR PAINTING 099113 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS D. Product List: For each product indicated, include the following: 1. 2. 3. 1.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Cross-reference to paint system and locations of application areas. Use same designations indicated on Drawings and in schedules. Printout of current "MPI Approved Products List" for each product category specified, with the proposed product highlighted. VOC content. MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS A. Furnish extra materials, from the same product run, that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. 1. 1.6 Paint: 5 percent, but not less than 1 gal. (3.8 L) of each material and color applied. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Mockups: Apply mockups of each paint system indicated and each color and finish selected to verify preliminary selections made under Sample submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects and set quality standards for materials and execution. 1. Architect will select one surface to represent surfaces and conditions for application of each paint system specified in Part 3. a. b. 2. Final approval of color selections will be based on mockups. a. 3. 4. 1.7 Vertical and Horizontal Surfaces: Provide samples of at least 100 sq. ft. (9 sq. m). Other Items: Architect will designate items or areas required. If preliminary color selections are not approved, apply additional mockups of additional colors selected by Architect at no added cost to Owner. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifically approves such deviations in writing. Subject to compliance with requirements, approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store materials not in use in tightly covered containers in well-ventilated areas with ambient temperatures continuously maintained at not less than 45 deg F (7 deg C). 1. 2. Maintain containers in clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. Remove rags and waste from storage areas daily. EXTERIOR PAINTING 099113 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1.8 HTF 2015-10/15.05 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Apply paints only when temperature of surfaces to be painted and ambient air temperatures are between 50 and 95 deg F (10 and 35 deg C). B. Do not apply paints in snow, rain, fog, or mist; when relative humidity exceeds 85 percent; at temperatures less than 5 deg F (3 deg C) above the dew point; or to damp or wet surfaces. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. 2.2 Benjamin Moore & Co. PPG Architectural Finishes, Inc. Pratt & Lambert. Sherwin-Williams Company (The). Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, available products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to products listed in other Part 2 articles for the paint category indicated. PAINT, GENERAL A. MPI Standards: Provide products that comply with MPI standards indicated and that are listed in its "MPI Approved Products List." B. Material Compatibility: 1. 2. Provide materials for use within each paint system that are compatible with one another and substrates indicated, under conditions of service and application as demonstrated by manufacturer, based on testing and field experience. For each coat in a paint system, provide products recommended in writing by manufacturers of topcoat for use in paint system and on substrate indicated. C. VOC Content: Provide materials that comply with VOC limits of authorities having jurisdiction. D. Colors: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range 2.3 PRIMERS/SEALERS A. Primer, Bonding, Solvent Based: MPI #69. EXTERIOR PAINTING 099113 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 2.4 HTF 2015-10/15.05 METAL PRIMERS A. 2.5 Primer, Alkyd, Anti-Corrosive for Metal: MPI #79. WOOD PRIMERS (CONTRACTORS CHOICE) A. Primer, Alkyd for Exterior Wood: MPI #5. B. Primer, Oil for Exterior Wood: MPI #7. 2.6 WATER-BASED PAINTS A. 2.7 Latex, Exterior Semi-Gloss (Gloss Level 5): MPI #11. SOLVENT-BASED PAINTS A. 2.8 Alkyd, Quick Dry, Semi-Gloss (Gloss Level 5): MPI #81. SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing of Paint Materials: Owner reserves the right to invoke the following procedure: 1. 2. 3. Owner may engage the services of a qualified testing agency to sample paint materials. Contractor will be notified in advance and may be present when samples are taken. If paint materials have already been delivered to Project site, samples may be taken at Project site. Samples will be identified, sealed, and certified by testing agency. Testing agency will perform tests for compliance with product requirements. Owner may direct Contractor to stop applying paints if test results show materials being used do not comply with product requirements. Contractor shall remove noncomplying paint materials from Project site, pay for testing, and repaint surfaces painted with rejected materials. Contractor will be required to remove rejected materials from previously painted surfaces if, on repainting with complying materials, the two paints are incompatible. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates and conditions, with Applicator present, for compliance with requirements for maximum moisture content and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. B. Maximum Moisture Content of Substrates: When measured with an electronic moisture meter as follows: 1. 2. Concrete: 12 percent. Wood: 15 percent. EXTERIOR PAINTING 099113 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 C. Verify suitability of substrates, including surface conditions and compatibility with existing finishes and primers. D. Proceed with coating application only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 1. 3.2 Application of coating indicates acceptance of surfaces and conditions. PREPARATION A. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations in "MPI Manual" applicable to substrates and paint systems indicated. B. Remove hardware, covers, plates, and similar items already in place that are removable and are not to be painted. If removal is impractical or impossible because of size or weight of item, provide surface-applied protection before surface preparation and painting. 1. C. After completing painting operations, use workers skilled in the trades involved to reinstall items that were removed. Remove surface-applied protection. Clean substrates of substances that could impair bond of paints, including dust, dirt, oil, grease, and incompatible paints and encapsulants. 1. Remove incompatible primers and reprime substrate with compatible primers or apply tie coat as required to produce paint systems indicated. D. Concrete Substrates: Remove release agents, curing compounds, efflorescence, and chalk. Do not paint surfaces if moisture content or alkalinity of surfaces to be painted exceeds that permitted in manufacturer's written instructions. E. Steel Substrates: Remove rust, loose mill scale, and shop primer if any. Clean using methods recommended in writing by paint manufacturer but not less than the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. SSPC-SP 2, "Hand Tool Cleaning." SSPC-SP 3, "Power Tool Cleaning." SSPC-SP 7/NACE No. 4, "Brush-off Blast Cleaning." SSPC-SP 11, "Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal." F. Shop-Primed Steel Substrates: Clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of shop paint, and paint exposed areas with the same material as used for shop priming to comply with SSPC-PA 1 for touching up shop-primed surfaces. G. Galvanized-Metal Substrates: Remove grease and oil residue from galvanized sheet metal by mechanical methods to produce clean, lightly etched surfaces that promote adhesion of subsequently applied paints. H. Wood Substrates: 1. 2. 3. Scrape and clean knots. Before applying primer, apply coat of knot sealer recommended in writing by topcoat manufacturer for exterior use in paint system indicated. Sand surfaces that will be exposed to view, and dust off. Prime edges, ends, faces, undersides, and backsides of wood. EXTERIOR PAINTING 099113 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 4. 3.3 HTF 2015-10/15.05 After priming, fill holes and imperfections in the finish surfaces with putty or plastic wood filler. Sand smooth when dried. APPLICATION A. Apply paints according to manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations in "MPI Manual." 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Use applicators and techniques suited for paint and substrate indicated. Paint surfaces behind movable items same as similar exposed surfaces. Before final installation, paint surfaces behind permanently fixed items with prime coat only. Paint both sides and edges of exterior doors and entire exposed surface of exterior door frames. Paint entire exposed surface of window frames and sashes. Do not paint over labels of independent testing agencies or equipment name, identification, performance rating, or nomenclature plates. Primers specified in painting schedules may be omitted on items that are factory primed or factory finished if acceptable to topcoat manufacturers. B. Tint undercoats same color as topcoat, but tint each undercoat a lighter shade to facilitate identification of each coat if multiple coats of same material are to be applied. Provide sufficient difference in shade of undercoats to distinguish each separate coat. C. If undercoats or other conditions show through topcoat, apply additional coats until cured film has a uniform paint finish, color, and appearance. D. Apply paints to produce surface films without cloudiness, spotting, holidays, laps, brush marks, roller tracking, runs, sags, ropiness, or other surface imperfections. Cut in sharp lines and color breaks. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Dry Film Thickness Testing: Owner may engage the services of a qualified testing and inspecting agency to inspect and test paint for dry film thickness. 1. 2. 3.5 Contractor shall touch up and restore painted surfaces damaged by testing. If test results show that dry film thickness of applied paint does not comply with paint manufacturer's written recommendations, Contractor shall pay for testing and apply additional coats as needed to provide dry film thickness that complies with paint manufacturer's written recommendations. CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. At end of each workday, remove rubbish, empty cans, rags, and other discarded materials from Project site. B. After completing paint application, clean spattered surfaces. Remove spattered paints by washing, scraping, or other methods. Do not scratch or damage adjacent finished surfaces. EXTERIOR PAINTING 099113 - 6 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 C. Protect work of other trades against damage from paint application. Correct damage to work of other trades by cleaning, repairing, replacing, and refinishing, as approved by Architect, and leave in an undamaged condition. D. At completion of construction activities of other trades, touch up and restore damaged or defaced painted surfaces. 3.6 EXTERIOR PAINTING SCHEDULE A. Steel Substrates: 1. Alkyd System: a. b. c. 2. Quick-Drying Enamel System: a. b. c. B. Prime Coat: Primer, alkyd, anticorrosive for metal, MPI #79. Intermediate Coat: Exterior alkyd enamel matching topcoat. Topcoat: Alkyd, exterior, semi-gloss (Gloss Level 5), MPI #94. Prime Coat: Primer, alkyd, quick dry, for metal, MPI #76. Intermediate Coat: Alkyd, quick dry, matching topcoat. Topcoat: Alkyd, quick dry, semi-gloss (Gloss Level 5), MPI #81. Wood Substrates: Including wood trim, doors, windows. 1. Latex over Alkyd Primer System: a. b. c. Prime Coat: Primer, oil for exterior wood, MPI #7. Intermediate Coat: Latex, exterior, matching topcoat. Topcoat: Latex, exterior semi-gloss (Gloss Level 5), MPI #11. END OF SECTION 099113 EXTERIOR PAINTING 099113 - 7 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 099123 - INTERIOR PAINTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section includes surface preparation and the application of paint systems on the following interior substrates: 1. B. Related Requirements: 1. 1.3 Wood. Section 099113 "Exterior Painting" for surface preparation and the application of paint systems on exterior substrates. DEFINITIONS A. Gloss Level 1: Not more than 5 units at 60 degrees and 10 units at 85 degrees, according to ASTM D 523. B. Gloss Level 2: Not more than 10 units at 60 degrees and 10 to 35 units at 85 degrees, according to ASTM D 523. C. Gloss Level 3: 10 to 25 units at 60 degrees and 10 to 35 units at 85 degrees, according to ASTM D 523. D. Gloss Level 4: 20 to 35 units at 60 degrees and not less than 35 units at 85 degrees, according to ASTM D 523. E. Gloss Level 5: 35 to 70 units at 60 degrees, according to ASTM D 523. F. Gloss Level 6: 70 to 85 units at 60 degrees, according to ASTM D 523. G. Gloss Level 7: More than 85 units at 60 degrees, according to ASTM D 523. 1.4 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product. Include preparation requirements and application instructions. INTERIOR PAINTING 099123 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 B. Samples for Initial Selection: For each type of topcoat product. C. Samples for Verification: For each type of paint system and in each color and gloss of topcoat. 1. 2. 3. 4. D. Product List: For each product indicated, include the following: 1. 2. 3. 1.5 Submit Samples on rigid backing, 8 inches (200 mm) square. Step coats on Samples to show each coat required for system. Label each coat of each Sample. Label each Sample for location and application area. Cross-reference to paint system and locations of application areas. Use same designations indicated on Drawings and in schedules. Printout of current "MPI Approved Products List" for each product category specified in Part 2, with the proposed product highlighted. VOC content. MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS A. Furnish extra materials, from the same product run, that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. 1. 1.6 Paint: 5 percent, but not less than 1 gal. (3.8 L) of each material and color applied. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Mockups: Apply mockups of each paint system indicated and each color and finish selected to verify preliminary selections made under Sample submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects and set quality standards for materials and execution. 1. Architect will select one surface to represent surfaces and conditions for application of each paint system specified in Part 3. a. b. 2. Final approval of color selections will be based on mockups. a. 3. 4. Vertical and Horizontal Surfaces: Provide samples of at least 100 sq. ft. (9 sq. m). Other Items: Architect will designate items or areas required. If preliminary color selections are not approved, apply additional mockups of additional colors selected by Architect at no added cost to Owner. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in mockups unless Architect specifically approves such deviations in writing. Subject to compliance with requirements, approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. INTERIOR PAINTING 099123 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1.7 HTF 2015-10/15.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store materials not in use in tightly covered containers in well-ventilated areas with ambient temperatures continuously maintained at not less than 45 deg F (7 deg C). 1. 2. 1.8 Maintain containers in clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. Remove rags and waste from storage areas daily. FIELD CONDITIONS A. Apply paints only when temperature of surfaces to be painted and ambient air temperatures are between 50 and 95 deg F (10 and 35 deg C). B. Do not apply paints when relative humidity exceeds 85 percent; at temperatures less than 5 deg F (3 deg C) above the dew point; or to damp or wet surfaces. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.2 Benjamin Moore & Co. PPG Architectural Finishes, Inc. Pratt & Lambert. Sherwin-Williams Company (The). PAINT, GENERAL A. MPI Standards: Provide products that comply with MPI standards indicated and that are listed in its "MPI Approved Products List." B. Material Compatibility: 1. 2. C. Provide materials for use within each paint system that are compatible with one another and substrates indicated, under conditions of service and application as demonstrated by manufacturer, based on testing and field experience. For each coat in a paint system, provide products recommended in writing by manufacturers of topcoat for use in paint system and on substrate indicated. VOC Content: Products shall comply with VOC limits of authorities having jurisdiction. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Flat Paints and Coatings: 50 g/L. Nonflat Paints and Coatings: 150 g/L. Dry-Fog Coatings: 400 g/L. Primers, Sealers, and Undercoaters: 200 g/L. Anticorrosive and Antirust Paints Applied to Ferrous Metals: 250 g/L. INTERIOR PAINTING 099123 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Zinc-Rich Industrial Maintenance Primers: 340 g/L. Pretreatment Wash Primers: 420 g/L. Floor Coatings: 100 g/L. Shellacs, Clear: 730 g/L. Shellacs, Pigmented: 550 g/L. D. Low-Emitting Materials: Interior paints and coatings shall comply with the testing and product requirements of the California Department of Health Services' "Standard Practice for the Testing of Volatile Organic Emissions from Various Sources Using Small-Scale Environmental Chambers." E. Colors: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. 2.3 PRIMERS/SEALERS A. 2.4 Primer Sealer, Alkyd, Interior: MPI #45. SOLVENT-BASED PAINTS A. 2.5 Alkyd, Quick Dry, Semi-Gloss (Gloss Level 5): MPI #81. SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing of Paint Materials: Owner reserves the right to invoke the following procedure: 1. 2. 3. Owner may engage the services of a qualified testing agency to sample paint materials. Contractor will be notified in advance and may be present when samples are taken. If paint materials have already been delivered to Project site, samples may be taken at Project site. Samples will be identified, sealed, and certified by testing agency. Testing agency will perform tests for compliance with product requirements. Owner may direct Contractor to stop applying coatings if test results show materials being used do not comply with product requirements. Contractor shall remove noncomplying paint materials from Project site, pay for testing, and repaint surfaces painted with rejected materials. Contractor will be required to remove rejected materials from previously painted surfaces if, on repainting with complying materials, the two paints are incompatible. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates and conditions, with Applicator present, for compliance with requirements for maximum moisture content and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. B. Maximum Moisture Content of Substrates: When measured with an electronic moisture meter as follows: INTERIOR PAINTING 099123 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Wood: 15 percent. C. Verify suitability of substrates, including surface conditions and compatibility with existing finishes and primers. D. Proceed with coating application only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 1. 3.2 Application of coating indicates acceptance of surfaces and conditions. PREPARATION A. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions and recommendations in "MPI Manual" applicable to substrates indicated. B. Remove hardware, covers, plates, and similar items already in place that are removable and are not to be painted. If removal is impractical or impossible because of size or weight of item, provide surface-applied protection before surface preparation and painting. 1. C. Clean substrates of substances that could impair bond of paints, including dust, dirt, oil, grease, and incompatible paints and encapsulants. 1. D. Remove incompatible primers and reprime substrate with compatible primers or apply tie coat as required to produce paint systems indicated. Wood Substrates: (Also reference Division 8, 86100) 1. 2. 3. 4. 3.3 After completing painting operations, use workers skilled in the trades involved to reinstall items that were removed. Remove surface-applied protection if any. Scrape and clean knots, and apply coat of knot sealer before applying primer. Sand surfaces that will be exposed to view, and dust off. Prime edges, ends, faces, undersides, and backsides of wood. After priming, fill holes and imperfections in the finish surfaces with putty or plastic wood filler. Sand smooth when dried. APPLICATION A. Apply paints according to manufacturer's written instructions and to recommendations in "MPI Manual." 1. 2. 3. 4. Use applicators and techniques suited for paint and substrate indicated. Paint surfaces behind movable equipment and furniture same as similar exposed surfaces. Before final installation, paint surfaces behind permanently fixed equipment or furniture with prime coat only. Paint front and backsides of access panels, removable or hinged covers, and similar hinged items to match exposed surfaces. Do not paint over labels of independent testing agencies or equipment name, identification, performance rating, or nomenclature plates. INTERIOR PAINTING 099123 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 5. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Primers specified in painting schedules may be omitted on items that are factory primed or factory finished if acceptable to topcoat manufacturers. B. Tint each undercoat a lighter shade to facilitate identification of each coat if multiple coats of same material are to be applied. Tint undercoats to match color of topcoat, but provide sufficient difference in shade of undercoats to distinguish each separate coat. C. If undercoats or other conditions show through topcoat, apply additional coats until cured film has a uniform paint finish, color, and appearance. D. Apply paints to produce surface films without cloudiness, spotting, holidays, laps, brush marks, roller tracking, runs, sags, ropiness, or other surface imperfections. Cut in sharp lines and color breaks. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Dry Film Thickness Testing: Owner may engage the services of a qualified testing and inspecting agency to inspect and test paint for dry film thickness. 1. 2. 3.5 Contractor shall touch up and restore painted surfaces damaged by testing. If test results show that dry film thickness of applied paint does not comply with paint manufacturer's written recommendations, Contractor shall pay for testing and apply additional coats as needed to provide dry film thickness that complies with paint manufacturer's written recommendations. CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. At end of each workday, remove rubbish, empty cans, rags, and other discarded materials from Project site. B. After completing paint application, clean spattered surfaces. Remove spattered paints by washing, scraping, or other methods. Do not scratch or damage adjacent finished surfaces. C. Protect work of other trades against damage from paint application. Correct damage to work of other trades by cleaning, repairing, replacing, and refinishing, as approved by Architect, and leave in an undamaged condition. D. At completion of construction activities of other trades, touch up and restore damaged or defaced painted surfaces. 3.6 INTERIOR PAINTING SCHEDULE A. Wood Substrates: Including windows. 1. Alkyd System: a. b. Prime Coat: Primer sealer, alkyd, interior, MPI #45. Intermediate Coat: Alkyd, interior, matching topcoat. INTERIOR PAINTING 099123 - 6 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS c. B. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Topcoat: Alkyd, interior, semi-gloss (Gloss Level 5), MPI #47. Gypsum Board Substrates: 1. Latex System: a. b. c. 2. Prime Coat: Primer sealer, latex, interior, MPI #50. Intermediate Coat: Latex, interior, matching topcoat. Topcoat: Latex, interior, flat, (Gloss Level 1), MPI #53. Alkyd over Latex Primer System: a. b. c. d. Prime Coat: Primer sealer, latex, interior, MPI #50. Intermediate Coat: Alkyd, interior, matching topcoat. Topcoat: Alkyd, interior, semi-gloss (Gloss Level 5), MPI #47. Topcoat: Alkyd, interior, gloss (Gloss Level 6), MPI #48. END OF SECTION 099123 INTERIOR PAINTING 099123 - 7 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 SECTION 312000 - EARTH MOVING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. B. Related Sections: 1. 2. 1.3 Excavating and backfilling for buildings and structures. Section 013200 "Construction Progress Documentation" for recording preexcavation and earth moving progress. Section 015000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls" for temporary controls, utilities, and support facilities; also for temporary site fencing if not in another Section. DEFINITIONS A. Backfill: Soil material or controlled low-strength material used to fill an excavation. 1. 2. Initial Backfill: Backfill placed beside and over pipe in a trench, including haunches to support sides of pipe. Final Backfill: Backfill placed over initial backfill to fill a trench. B. Borrow Soil: Satisfactory soil imported from off-site for use as fill or backfill. C. Excavation: Removal of material encountered above subgrade elevations and to lines and dimensions indicated. 1. 2. 3. D. Authorized Additional Excavation: Excavation below subgrade elevations or beyond indicated lines and dimensions as directed by Architect. Authorized additional excavation and replacement material will be paid for according to Contract provisions for changes in the Work. Bulk Excavation: Excavation more than 10 feet (3 m) in width and more than 30 feet (9 m) in length. Unauthorized Excavation: Excavation below subgrade elevations or beyond indicated lines and dimensions without direction by Architect. Unauthorized excavation, as well as remedial work directed by Architect, shall be without additional compensation. Fill: Soil materials used to raise existing grades. EARTH MOVING 312000 - 1 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS HTF 2015-10/15.05 E. Structures: Buildings, footings, foundations, retaining walls, slabs, tanks, curbs, mechanical and electrical appurtenances, or other man-made stationary features constructed above or below the ground surface. F. Subbase Course: Aggregate layer placed between the subgrade and base course for hot-mix asphalt pavement, or aggregate layer placed between the subgrade and a cement concrete pavement or a cement concrete or hot-mix asphalt walk. G. Subgrade: Uppermost surface of an excavation or the top surface of a fill or backfill immediately below subbase, drainage fill, drainage course, or topsoil materials. H. Utilities: On-site underground pipes, conduits, ducts, and cables, as well as underground services within buildings. 1.4 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. 1.5 Preexcavation Photographs or Videotape: Show existing conditions of adjoining construction and site improvements, including finish surfaces, that might be misconstrued as damage caused by earth moving operations. Submit before earth moving begins. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.6 Preexcavation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Traffic: Minimize interference with adjoining roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities during earth moving operations. 1. 2. Do not close or obstruct streets, walks, or other adjacent occupied or used facilities without permission from Owner and authorities having jurisdiction. Provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by Owner or authorities having jurisdiction. B. Utility Locator Service: Notify utility locator service for area where Project is located before beginning earth moving operations. C. Do not commence earth moving operations until temporary erosion- and sedimentation-control measures, specified in Section 015000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls," Section 311000 "Site Clearing," are in place. D. The following practices are prohibited within protection zones: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Storage of construction materials, debris, or excavated material. Parking vehicles or equipment. Foot traffic. Erection of sheds or structures. Impoundment of water. Excavation or other digging unless otherwise indicated. EARTH MOVING 312000 - 2 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 7. E. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Attachment of signs to or wrapping materials around trees or plants unless otherwise indicated. Prohibit heat sources, flames, ignition sources, and smoking within or near protection zones. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SOIL MATERIALS (as required) A. General: Provide borrow soil materials when sufficient satisfactory soil materials are not available from excavations. B. Subbase Material: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D 2940; with at least 90 percent passing a 1-1/2-inch (37.5-mm) sieve and not more than 12 percent passing a No. 200 (0.075-mm) sieve. C. Base Course: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D 2940; with at least 95 percent passing a 1-1/2-inch (37.5-mm) sieve and not more than 8 percent passing a No. 200 (0.075-mm) sieve. D. Engineered Fill: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D 2940; with at least 90 percent passing a 1-1/2-inch (37.5-mm) sieve and not more than 12 percent passing a No. 200 (0.075-mm) sieve. E. Bedding Course: Naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, crushed stone, and natural or crushed sand; ASTM D 2940; except with 100 percent passing a 1-inch (25-mm) sieve and not more than 8 percent passing a No. 200 (0.075-mm) sieve. F. Drainage Course: Narrowly graded mixture of washed crushed stone, or crushed or uncrushed gravel; ASTM D 448; coarse-aggregate grading Size 57; with 100 percent passing a 1-1/2-inch (37.5-mm) sieve and 0 to 5 percent passing a No. 8 (2.36-mm) sieve. G. Filter Material: Narrowly graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel, or crushed stone and natural sand; ASTM D 448; coarse-aggregate grading Size 67; with 100 percent passing a 1inch (25-mm) sieve and 0 to 5 percent passing a No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve. H. Sand: ASTM C 33; fine aggregate. I. Impervious Fill: Clayey gravel and sand mixture capable of compacting to a dense state. 2.2 ACCESSORIES A. Warning Tape: Acid- and alkali-resistant, polyethylene film warning tape manufactured for marking and identifying underground utilities, 6 inches (150 mm) wide and 4 mils (0.1 mm) thick, continuously inscribed with a description of the utility; colored as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Red: Electric. Yellow: Gas, oil, steam, and dangerous materials. Orange: Telephone and other communications. Blue: Water systems. EARTH MOVING 312000 - 3 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 5. B. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Green: Sewer systems. Detectable Warning Tape: Acid- and alkali-resistant, polyethylene film warning tape manufactured for marking and identifying underground utilities, a minimum of 6 inches (150 mm) wide and 4 mils (0.1 mm) thick, continuously inscribed with a description of the utility, with metallic core encased in a protective jacket for corrosion protection, detectable by metal detector when tape is buried up to 30 inches (750 mm) deep; colored as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Red: Electric. Yellow: Gas, oil, steam, and dangerous materials. Orange: Telephone and other communications. Blue: Water systems. Green: Sewer systems. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by earth moving operations. B. Protect and maintain erosion and sedimentation controls during earth moving operations. C. Protect subgrades and foundation soils from freezing temperatures and frost. Remove temporary protection before placing subsequent materials. 3.2 DEWATERING A. Prevent surface water and ground water from entering excavations, from ponding on prepared subgrades, and from flooding Project site and surrounding area. B. Protect subgrades from softening, undermining, washout, and damage by rain or water accumulation. 1. 3.3 Reroute surface water runoff away from excavated areas. Do not allow water to accumulate in excavations. Do not use excavated trenches as temporary drainage ditches. EXPLOSIVES A. 3.4 Explosives: Do not use explosives. EXCAVATION, GENERAL A. Unclassified Excavation: Excavate to subgrade elevations regardless of the character of surface and subsurface conditions encountered. Unclassified excavated materials may include rock, soil materials, and obstructions. No changes in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time will be authorized for rock excavation or removal of obstructions. EARTH MOVING 312000 - 4 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 1. 2. 3.5 HTF 2015-10/15.05 If excavated materials intended for fill and backfill include unsatisfactory soil materials and rock, replace with satisfactory soil materials. Remove rock only if encountered to lines and grades indicated to permit installation of permanent construction. SUBGRADE INSPECTION A. Notify Architect when excavations have reached required subgrade. B. If Architect determines that unsatisfactory soil is present, continue excavation and replace with compacted backfill or fill material as directed. C. Authorized additional excavation and replacement material will be paid for according to Contract provisions for changes in the Work. D. Reconstruct subgrades damaged by freezing temperatures, frost, rain, accumulated water, or construction activities, as directed by Architect, without additional compensation. 3.6 UNAUTHORIZED EXCAVATION A. Fill unauthorized excavation under foundations or wall footings by extending bottom elevation of concrete foundation or footing to excavation bottom, without altering top elevation. Lean concrete fill, with 28-day compressive strength of 2500 psi (17.2 MPa), may be used when approved by Architect. 1. 3.7 Fill unauthorized excavations under other construction, pipe, or conduit as directed by Architect. STORAGE OF SOIL MATERIALS A. Stockpile borrow soil materials and excavated satisfactory soil materials without intermixing. Place, grade, and shape stockpiles to drain surface water. Cover to prevent windblown dust. 1. 3.8 Stockpile soil materials away from edge of excavations. Do not store within drip line of remaining trees. BACKFILL A. Place and compact backfill in excavations promptly, but not before completing the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Construction below finish grade including, where applicable, subdrainage, dampproofing, waterproofing, and perimeter insulation. Surveying locations of underground utilities for Record Documents. Testing and inspecting underground utilities. Removing concrete formwork. Removing trash and debris. Removing temporary shoring and bracing, and sheeting. Installing permanent or temporary horizontal bracing on horizontally supported walls. EARTH MOVING 312000 - 5 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS B. 3.9 HTF 2015-10/15.05 Place backfill on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. SOIL FILL A. Plow, scarify, bench, or break up sloped surfaces steeper than 1 vertical to 4 horizontal so fill material will bond with existing material. B. Place and compact fill material in layers to required elevations as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. 3.10 A. Place soil fill on subgrades free of mud, frost, snow, or ice. SOIL MOISTURE CONTROL Uniformly moisten or aerate subgrade and each subsequent fill or backfill soil layer before compaction to within 2 percent of optimum moisture content. 1. 2. 3.11 Under grass and planted areas, use satisfactory soil material. Under walks and pavements, use satisfactory soil material. Under steps and ramps, use engineered fill. Under building slabs, use engineered fill. Under footings and foundations, use engineered fill. Do not place backfill or fill soil material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost or ice. Remove and replace, or scarify and air dry, otherwise satisfactory soil material that exceeds optimum moisture content by 2 percent and is too wet to compact to specified dry unit weight. COMPACTION OF SOIL BACKFILLS AND FILLS A. Place backfill and fill soil materials in layers not more than 8 inches (200 mm)in loose depth for material compacted by heavy compaction equipment, and not more than 4 inches (100 mm) in loose depth for material compacted by hand-operated tampers. B. Place backfill and fill soil materials evenly on all sides of structures to required elevations, and uniformly along the full length of each structure. C. Compact soil materials to not less than the following percentages of maximum dry unit weight according to ASTM D 698 or ASTM D 1557: 1. 2. 3. 4. Under structures, building slabs, steps, and pavements, scarify and recompact top 12 inches (300 mm) of existing subgrade and each layer of backfill or fill soil material at 95 percent. Under walkways, scarify and recompact top 6 inches (150 mm) below subgrade and compact each layer of backfill or fill soil material at 92 percent. Under turf or unpaved areas, scarify and recompact top 6 inches (150 mm) below subgrade and compact each layer of backfill or fill soil material at 85 percent. For utility trenches, compact each layer of initial and final backfill soil material at 85 percent. EARTH MOVING 312000 - 6 WATERVILLE OPERA HOUSE STRUCTURAL STONE REPAIRS 3.12 A. GRADING General: Uniformly grade areas to a smooth surface, free of irregular surface changes. Comply with compaction requirements and grade to cross sections, lines, and elevations indicated. 1. 2. B. 3.13 Provide a smooth transition between adjacent existing grades and new grades. Cut out soft spots, fill low spots, and trim high spots to comply with required surface tolerances. Site Rough Grading: Slope grades to direct water away from buildings and to prevent ponding. Finish subgrades to required elevations within the following tolerances: 1. 2. 3. C. HTF 2015-10/15.05 Turf or Unpaved Areas: Plus or minus 1 inch (25 mm). Walks: Plus or minus 1 inch (25 mm). Pavements: Plus or minus 1/2 inch (13 mm). Grading inside Building Lines: Finish subgrade to a tolerance of 1/2 inch (13 mm) when tested with a 10-foot (3-m) straightedge. PROTECTION A. Protecting Graded Areas: Protect newly graded areas from traffic, freezing, and erosion. Keep free of trash and debris. B. Repair and reestablish grades to specified tolerances where completed or partially completed surfaces become eroded, rutted, settled, or where they lose compaction due to subsequent construction operations or weather conditions. 1. C. Where settling occurs before Project correction period elapses, remove finished surfacing, backfill with additional soil material, compact, and reconstruct surfacing. 1. 3.14 A. Scarify or remove and replace soil material to depth as directed by Architect; reshape and recompact. Restore appearance, quality, and condition of finished surfacing to match adjacent work, and eliminate evidence of restoration to greatest extent possible. DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS AND WASTE MATERIALS Remove surplus satisfactory soil and waste materials, including unsatisfactory soil, trash, and debris, and legally dispose of them off Owner's property. 1. Remove waste materials, including unsatisfactory soil, trash, and debris, and legally dispose of them off Owner's property. END OF SECTION 312000 EARTH MOVING 312000 - 7