perii{atal deati{s
perii{atal deati{s
=T -TUVTRAL IIOMES AT{DPRICII{G OF SERWCES FOR PERII{ATAL DEATI{S o " If infantrvasa live birth,andthendied,thefuneralhomervill file deathcertificates. Fetal Death certifica.t:sr-aiyberequeste.d.!1the family6 -s rveeksfollorvingany stilibirth Formsarg completed byMedical Records follow;ing your discharge andsentto: STATEYJTA' RECORDSi DEPT,Or iNrVfrX SER\TICES 47 TR|TVITY A\{8.StV.RO0Mzt7_H ATLANTA,GA, 30334 (404)6s6_4e04 acrvonrg CollinsFuneralHome 4947N. Main St. NW (770) 974-3r33 ALPHARETTA JonesFuneral}Iome 59 North Main Directcremation (no s.ervice) 5500.Ashesnextday. <l yearold 5500.00for casketandservices (770)47s-6ss4 ATLANTA t H.tU.Patterson& Son 4550PeachtreeRd. l.IE ( 4 0 4 )2 6 r - 3 s1 0 H.N,I.Patterson& Son (at Springhill) 1020SpringSt. N.E. vaq 876-102? DECATUR A.S.TurnerandSons 2 7 7 3N o . D e c a tuR r d. (401)292-1ss1. Cremation &/or servicecostis FREE. Graveside or chapelserviceis FREE Casket/vault combois 5250.00 Sameasabove Cr em ation cost:Sl00 Chapel serv'ice incl.casket:5290_S375 Graveside serviceincl.casket: S 265_S350. + Perpeiual carecemeteries mayrequirevault:SI i 5. T1'lerFuneralHonre 51I }V. Trinitypl. (104)378-1207 Chapel service, incl casket:Term: $425.premie: 5350 Graveside incl.caskei:Term:5400.premie:S325 Cremation: 5275.Chapelservice;addSl25. \YardFuneral 2321 CandlerRd. (401)284-2512 Gi-aveside service,incl casket/vault: Sd95. Chapel service, r'isitation room& casket: 5695. Direclcremation: Si430.p/U ashes in 3_4davs. ." .I;larietta euneral -\ lv'layesWard-DobbinsFuneraiHonae 180ChurchSt' NlY * /fi d tv (7 7 0 ) 4 2 8 - 1 51 1 Cremation costis 525.00 Ashesusuallya'ailable nextday.Piaced in smalijev,'elry Jike box. Casket cosris 5315.00. Ser vice is 550.00 Pick-upfeeis 525.00. Medford-Peden }lormanFuneralHome 1408CantonRd.N.E. . (770)427-8447 I-i'M' Patterson 1.157Old CantonRd.NE (770)977-948s No costsfor sen'ices, cremation or burial casker/vault s 250 WestCobbFuneralHome 2480MacleanRd' (770)419-9234 Cremation: Sl'50.00. \/aulr,urnandg'side+5150. = Burial:525c casket andvauh,simple graveside sen'ice, prof:;sional services. Famiiesmusr contact cenetary to receive pricesonlots. Winkenhofer-Pine Ridge 2950North CobbPkwy. Cremation: Si00.Mustpurchase urn. FuneraLburial u, & casket/vault, (770) 472-72ee , NORCROSS CrorvellBros. Funeral Home 5051Peachtree Industrial Blvd (77 0 )4 4 8 - s 7 s 7 Funeral R.T.Patterson Home 5275BufordHwy Q7q 448-2441 . 'cremation is s50.00 Burial:No charge forgraveside sen,ice. Payfor casker onty:SZSO_ZIS. PEACHTREE CITY Hou'ardCarmichael Rd. 135Senoia (770)631-9171 PO\\'DER SPRNTGS FuneralHome Bellamy's 4405lvIarietta St. (7 7 0 )e 4 3 - 3 s 4 7 prot ;i:'r'1,::l:ff.:'tr;;y:.T:;_ s3o0 , donated.Willr.rorkrvithfamili"sfinances. Burial:5200+casket Cremation: No cost Graveside or chapel seryice: 5395,incl.casket andvault. Cremation:No charge Graveside senice,incl.I'ault/casket: S350. Chapel service, incl.casket: S150. Cr emation in house: Si25. Familyhandles cemetery arrangemenis Graveside sen'ice, incl.I'ault/caskei: 5250. Chapel, incl.r'auk/casket: 5250. + service: Cremaiion 5350. Donald TrimblefuIoriuary, Inc. 18762nd Ave.' (404)371-0772 Cremation r,,'ithservice: S595.00 Graveside service incl.casket:5350.Limo Chapelsen-ice, incl.casket: _s300. Kennedycemeier),: Grave* openandclos Edtvards& Sonslr{oituary,Inc. 33i8 Glenrvood Rd. (4 04)2 8 e - 8 6 0 1 Cremaiion. Domestic andInternational Services. Levett Gregorydr SonsFuneralllome 351 No. Clarendon Ave.Scottsdale (104)2e4-ss00 IrdnimalCosis/Willrvorkrvithfamily DULUTF{ nitttf..a funeralHome 3088Hrqy 120 (770)476-2s3s No cremation costl C a sket 5150- 250 In Gw'ineitCo.only EASTPOINT HorvardL. Carmichael andSoris 2968EastPointSt. (404)761-113.8, . Costsdependent uponseryices provided LA1YRENCEWLLE StervartFun.rulFloni 300 Simonron Rd. StV (770)962-3100 lYorksr,rithfamilybased on finances WagesFuneralService 120ScenicHrly (770)e63-2411 LILBURi\ Patterson FuneralFlonre 500 HarbinsRd N1\, Q7A) 923-2940 I\fr\RttrTTA Cai-michael's FuneralHome 1 130Wh it lo c k (770)t24-4924 Haye-Gant l 0 l 0 R os rveSt ll . (7 70)422-1 2 3 4 \Yorks rvith familybasedon finances Cremation: no charge Burialcost:5470.00 = S250.) (Oper/close Casketandvaulrprovided Works.".iith familybased on finances Orei-nation opiions available uponreauest Crenationtviihserrice: appiox. S100. Burialrvithsei*vice: casket costonlyranges fro m550- S250. .\, i"/ '. BOS1VELL RosrvellFuneralFlome Rd. 950 tv{anseli (7 7 0 )e 9 3 - 4 8ii SANDY SPRIIiGS SandySpringsChapel i35 lvft. VernonRd. I (404)255-851 Funeral inclcasket: 5450. Cremation includingurn:5450. Chapelor graveside service ihcluding caskei/vault: S45C Cremation incl.urn * service: 5450. si\'n'f{\A FuneralHome Carmichael's 2950King St. (770)43s-4167' \Yillrvorkrvithfamilyfinances. Cremation optionsavailable upon'request FuneralHome Castellarv 866 ChurchSt. SE (7 7 0 )4 3 s - 9 03 8 Chapel ser ' r ce: S150. Gr aveside: Si00.' * casket: Burialor cremate *y'sen,ice S250. Cremation onlv:S50. FuneralHome Winkenhofer-Flint PooleRd. 2279Benson Q7q $2-077 | SIYEI.,LVILLd' WagesFuneralHome 3705Hrvy 78 (770)979-3200 \\Iillrvorkrvithfamilyfinances sToliE i\'LouNTArlY \YagesFuneralHonre 1040lr{ainSt. I (7 7 0 )4 6 9 - 9 Sl ' TUCKER andN{clane Lovo'ndes Rd. 4320Corvan (770)49t-3021 B i l i H e a dF u n ei -a l H o me b IU I n\"-i lv (7to)ssl-ztzs Funeral Home Y,'oodstock St 209' (710)926-3r01 unapi.t- up:Si95. Cr emaiion l3 0.00 Cr em ation:S incl.caskei/vault:S355 sen'ice, Graveside 5355-5100 Chape! sen'ice, incl.casket/vault: situations \Yill r,icrkri,ith fani.iiies' fi nancial No cost Cremation: SI 50-S2 inci.caskei/vault: sen'ice, Graveside Sl50 casket/vault: sen'ice, inci. Chapel S450 incl.casket: or graveside Chapel sen'ice 5450. in a caslrei ri'iihsei-t'ice: Cremaiion N,,, CEMETERIES \I/ITH DESIGNATEDINFANT BURIAL SITES i. Canton: Cherokee I\Iemorial?ark (7i0) 345-1196 provided Space foi stillbirths or miscarriages. Cost5500-5,1000 depending uponmarker.incl. Openingandclosing 2. cumming: stonel'r'ie*' cemeterl Babyiand Burial 3. Duluth: \Yhite ChapelCemeteT Gardenof Angels.S250/plot. Open/close: $150 4. i\larietta:Cheatham Llili Contact: Susanillena (770)4?4-7171 plotdonated. Garden of Angels. No open/close fee Professional feeof 5200.Markeris oitionalcost 5. Rosri'ell:Green.Law'n Cen'ieterl: (770)993-4.t44 Babyland.Costof plotvaries. Open/close fee is 5625N{onday_Friday 6. SandySprings:ArlingtonCemetera contact: I\'raureen Darid (404)255-0750 Babyland. \\'illurorkrvithfamities'finances s735for space, opening/closing 7. Snryrna:Riven'ietvCentetaT (40J)794-s377 5400includes plot,andopen/close fee AdditionalCrcnrafion Options I. Crematio.n Society Of Georgia 1826MariettaBlvd. Atlanta,GA. 30371 pick-upvrithdirectcremation only;5195.00 Ashesareavailable thenextday. (404)3ss-2800 Dept. of Famill' and Child Sen,icesBurial Assistance ]. Jr.{ou.nt Harmony lr{enrorialGarclens 58I VeieransN{emorial Hr,,y.S.\y. Mableton,GA. (770) 9i1S-3033 ploi , and open/close fe.earefree. No senicesareavailabie. No headstone is available. by DEFACS.paid bi, Counry
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