Truth is the New Black


Truth is the New Black
The Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman Case
A reflection of the state of being that resides within and without our Kangaroo Courts formally known to
the people as the ‘justice system’
Part I
Truth is the New Black
- Why Ignorance is NOT Bliss in the Land of Legalese; Our fraudulent contractual history -
Part II
A Reconciliation of Conscientiousness
- The One People; a New Paradigm -
Tiny Ending
Moments before
I hit the ground
I remember that
Is not so
Katrina Phillips, poet
-The Truth shall set you FreeIt is with deep respect and reverence for Absolute Truth that I write this article regarding the court room
tragedy of the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman Case. I invite you all to put your hand over your heart
and listen to the pulse of life that keeps you alive; this is your inner guidance speaking to you, and telling
you what information resonates and what does not resonate from within. This is our true authenticity
meter or bullshit meter as some like to call it. It will not lie; it only tells the truth.
I have notice that when topics like this one of the Trayvon Martian Case come up around the proverbial
dinner table that emotions can become inflamed and arguments happen which could potentially create
huge chasms between friends and family – essentially – people walk away feeling more divided than
united. I am not here to argue with anyone, this piece clearly reflects my opinion and undisputable facts.
In the event that I may come across as what may be misconstrued as insulting, I would rather have you
assume that maybe my writing style does not bare the mark of elegance such as great story-weavers as
Maya Angelou or Harper Lee. So I preface this piece with most sincere apologies if you feel that my
wording has the tendency to feel as though you have been hit with a sledge hammer wrapped in a velvet
cloth, as my intention is only to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth to unite us within absolute truth.
I have written this essay within the scope of the Martin/Zimmerman court case –only- . Part I: This piece
covers the case, the time-line of our contractual proven history that fraudulently bonded us,
unknowingly, to corporate governments/justice courts and their fraudulent ‘Heads of State”. Part II:
concerns a new governance, a new freedom, within the scope of the Martin/Zimmerman case; please refer
to the zip drive to access more information regarding particular controversies that pertain to your
circumstances… i.e mortgages/student loans/credit card ‘loans’: all loans issued by institutions are
fraudulent, parking or moving violation tickets: all tickets issued by the city are fraudulent, IRS: all
income tax is fraudulent, etc….so on and so on…. If you cannot retrieve the zip drive information, per
your request, I will resend it to you. ALL questions can be answered in all the information I have sent. If
you care about your freedom and your children’s freedom, then read on, if slavery of you and your
children do not bother you, stop reading here.
Truth is the New Black
Why Ignorance is NOT Bliss in the Land of Legalese; Our fraudulent contractual history, Part I
What is freedom to you? Is it defined by our constitution? Is it defined by our Bill of Rights? Is it defined
by our borders? Is it defined by wealth? Is it defined by what you wear or what you drive? Is freedom
defined by mobility or traveling? Is it defined by youth? Is it defined by the monetary system? Is it
defined by our military? Is it defined by our courts? Is it defined by our politicians? Is it defined by our
president? Is it defined by your career? It is defined by the taxing/fee municipality systems? Is it defined
by our Police? Is it defined by education and knowledge? Is it defined by legislation? Is it defined by
Statutes, Codes, and Acts? Is it defined by our laws?
What does freedom mean to you, and do you think you are living freedom to its fullest extent? Are you
limitless? Can you even imagine what limitless freedom feels or looks like in your life?
“The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.” Dorothy Parker
People are doing one of two things in your life1) They are either supporting you
2) Or they are tearing you down
Yes- it really is that simple. I am grateful for the experience I had while working in bank trade and
finance and being the stubborn (my dad’s definition) /determined (my definition) person that I am , I
learned the hard way. This industry taught me a great lesson, to not suffer fools gladly…. And it’s not that
I don’t anymore, it’s that I just can’t - there is no more space I can provide in my state of being to waste
your time or my time.
Authenticity within relationships is the key element that gives ones relationships meaning; I trust you that
I can express to you my truth, my observations, my love, and my life- and I trust you TO BE who you are.
I trust that you know that I love you, that I respect you, and that I support you. Embrace your true power you are all family on earth - you are all family in light, and love, through Prime Creator and you are
perfect. It is my honor and integrity that compels me to bring this information forward to my brothers and
sisters of the Universe and with honor and integrity, I trust, it is received.
“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who
don't do anything about it.” Albert Einstein
I am sure you all are familiar with the Zimmerman/Martin case. In Florida, during the month of February
2012, a teenage boy of 17 years of age (Martin), was pursued by a 28 year old man (Zimmerman) with a
gun, in a neighborhood that Zimmerman felt Martin didn’t belong even though Martin was in fact staying
there at his father’s fiancée’s home in the gated community. After an altercation between Martin and
Zimmerman, Martin armed with the deadly weapon known as skittles, the candy, was shot at point blank
range by Zimmerman, and upon arrival of medics, pronounced dead.
As you already know, Zimmerman was found not guilty… but why??….. Zimmerman’s attorney’s said it
was self-defense, however what the jurors are saying the real culprit is the alleged Stand Your Ground
What ‘law’ is this that would allow a teenage boy to be actively pursued in his neighborhood by a man
who is armed with a deadly weapon with no legal authority, to be shot and left for dead not but 30 steps
from home?
Let’s see what Wikipedia has to say about this:
“A stand-your-ground law is a type of self-defense law that gives individuals the right to use reasonable force to
defend themselves without any requirement to evade or retreat from a dangerous situation. It is law in certain
jurisdictions within the United States. The basis may lie in either statutory law and or common law precedents. One
key distinction is whether the concept only applies to defending a home or vehicle, or whether it applies to all lawfully
occupied locations. Under these legal concepts, a person is justified in using deadly force in certain situations and the
"stand your ground" law would be a defense or immunity to criminal charges and civil suit….
Stand your ground" governs U.S. federal case law in which right of self-defense is asserted against a charge of criminal
homicide. The Supreme Court of the United States ruled in Beard v. U.S. (158 U.S. 550 (1895)) that a man who was
"on his premises" when he came under attack and "...did not provoke the assault, and had at the time reasonable
grounds to believe, and in good faith believed, that the deceased intended to take his life, or do him great bodily
harm...was not obliged to retreat, nor to consider whether he could safely retreat, but was entitled to stand his
“… In a July 16, 2013 speech in the wake of the jury verdict acquitting George Zimmerman of charges stemming from
the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, Attorney General Eric Holder criticized stand-your-ground laws, saying they
"senselessly expand the concept of self-defense and sow dangerous conflict in our neighborhoods." The relevance
of the stand-your-ground provision of the self-defense law to the Zimmerman case has been questioned, however,
because Zimmerman claimed he was restrained at the time of the shooting and had no option to retreat. While
George Zimmerman and his defense team did not use the "Stand your ground" defense during their trial and instead
Circuit Judge Debra Nelson's instructions to the jury
included the statement that he had no duty to retreat as per Florida's stand-your-ground law. .....”
opted to use "Self Defense" as their official defense,
What does the Florida Statutes say about Stand your ground ‘Law’?
“The 2012 Florida Statutes
Title XLVI
Chapter 776
View Entire Chapter
776.013 Home protection; use of deadly force; presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm.—
(1) A person is presumed to have held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily harm to
himself or herself or another when using defensive force that is intended or likely to cause death or great
bodily harm to another if:
(a) The person against whom the defensive force was used was in the process of unlawfully and forcefully
entering, or had unlawfully and forcibly entered, a dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle, or if that person
had removed or was attempting to remove another against that person’s will from the dwelling, residence, or
occupied vehicle; and
(b) The person who uses defensive force knew or had reason to believe that an unlawful and forcible entry
or unlawful and forcible act was occurring or had occurred…”
….(3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where
he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force
with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or
great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.
(4) A person who unlawfully and by force enters or attempts to enter a person’s dwelling, residence, or
occupied vehicle is presumed to be doing so with the intent to commit an unlawful act involving force or
Here is the interview one juror regarding the guilt that she felt by following the letter of the ‘law’.
Her words from an ABC interview:
“The only minority on the all-female jury that voted to acquit George Zimmerman said today that
Zimmerman "got away with murder" for killing Trayvon Martin and feels she owes an apology Martin's
You can't put the man in jail even though in our hearts we felt he was guilty," said the woman who was
identified only as Juror B29 during the trial. "But we had to grab our hearts and put it aside and look at
the evidence."
She said the jury was following Florida law and the evidence, she said, did not prove murder…”
Interview link:
What is the evidence? None other than photos to prove it; Zimmerman had a broken nose, cuts on his
face, and cuts to the back of his head. (Zimmerman’s defense use the ‘sidewalk’ as Martin’s deadly
These photos/evidence are interesting in light of the fact that when Zimmerman was picked up 35 minutes
after he shot Martin… there was NO POLICE SURVEILLANCE VIDEO’s or PHOTO’S that shows
Zimmerman was attacked by Martin. There was no blood running from his nose, no cuts on his face and
no cuts on the back of his head.
Here is the ABC link:
“…In the video an officer is seen pausing to look at the back of Zimmerman's head, but no abrasions or blood can be
seen in the video and he (Zimmerman) did not check into the emergency room following the police questioning…”
In much more revealing information as come out regarding jury tampering:
“New Accusations Against Zimmerman Jurors As Sheriffs Office Admits It Allowed Unsupervised
“…In a statement by the Sheriff’s office, this was elaborated upon:
‘Jurors watched television and movies, exercised at the hotel fitness center, and spent weekends being visited by
family and friends.’
Hold on a second. The Sheriff’s office did not take them away from their families, they had access to them over the
weekend! However, they were carefully monitored to prevent jury tampering at least, right? To verify this statement,
……….. Dr. Mark Bear contacted them, telling us:
‘Just verified with Heather Smith, from the Seminole Country Sheriff’s Office at 407-474-6259. She states, “Generally
speaking, jurors serving on the Zimmerman trial were afforded two hours of visiting privileges with family of friends
each weekend.” I asked what she meant by generally speaking,” and she states, “there were more opportunities
afforded jurors but not all took advantage.” ‘
So, these visits were unsupervised. WFTV has dug into these visits, and what they found calls into question the
verdict. As WFTV’s legal analyst, Bill Sheaffer, points out:
‘It only takes two seconds for an inappropriate comment to be made to a juror by a family member inadvertently or
otherwise to possibly affect the verdict, how they look at the case.’
And, it turns out, there is evidence to find that jury tampering did happen, as Juror B37 discussed in her aborted book
‘The potential book was always intended to be a respectful observation of the trial from my and my husband’s
Her husband holding a perspective strong enough to write a book on the subject, given unsupervised access during
the trial to his wife on the jury. Juror B37 has also admitted that the decision was reached with information not
presented at the trial itself.’
It turns out, that Juror B37’s husband is an Attorney; ….. So, she and her attorney husband were going to
be writing a book from ‘their perspective’ with information that was NOT presented at the trial so that
we, the public, can help them profit off of the decision that THEY MADE to find Zimmerman innocent;
Interesting… does it not seem a bit strange that her husband, who was not a juror, who did not listen to
the arguments of the prosecuting or defending attorney’s, and who was not there when all evidence what
put forth to the court, is helping his wife make decisions based on circumstantial evidence OUTSIDE of
the court?
Why does her husband have any say in this matter? Why was her husband talking with her about this
case? What is their motive? What do they have to gain, or what have they gained by acquitting
Zimmerman? Should we take a look at their financial accounts, on-shore and off-shore? Where are they
working now? Who are they working for? What contractual deals are they closing now, and if that is
happening, then who (what corporations) is funding these contractual deals? Has there been any transfer
of currency to them, their family, their kids, their friends??
I am not saying there were any back door deals made, but what I am saying is this amount of information
raises enough questions that it behooves us to dig deeper to SEE if any back door deals were, indeed,
made. It seemed like her husband was really involved in HER decision, then next question would be, how
does that BENEFIT THEM?
What are the characteristics of the Zimmerman’s, who is he and his wife, how do they conduct
themselves when in court?
“George Zimmerman's Wife Arrested: Shellie Zimmerman Charged With Perjury”
“ORLANDO, Fla. — The wife of Trayvon Martin's shooter was charged with perjury Tuesday, accused of lying when she
told a judge that the couple had limited funds during a hearing that resulted in her husband being released on
$150,000 bond.
Shellie Zimmerman, 25, was released on $1,000 bond on the third-degree felony that is punishable by up to five years
in prison and a $5,000 fine….”
“…Shellie was charged with perjury for claiming under oath that they were broke — it turned out her husband’s legal
defense fund had collected more than $100,000 via a PayPal account — and is facing fines and prison time…”
“…Shellie Zimmerman and her husband were caught on a police surveillance tape speaking to each other in code (i.e.they referred to paypal as “peter pan”) regarding how much money they had and where to stash it so that they would
not have to put up the bail money.”
Shellie, his wife, has been charged with lying to the court and has been currently found guilty.
Would you like to review the whole-time line of the events, follow this link: Trayvon Martin
Shooting Facts:
I am sure all of you have your own opinions regarding the Zimmerman trial, however, upon reviewing the
above data provided above - Do you feel as though absolute truth as been afford to the parents of the boy
who was murdered? Did the jurors receive absolute data in the courtroom? Do you think the parents of the
damaged/dead boy received remedy or recourse? If you could imagine that you were the one of the
parents that suffered this tragedy, do you think justice was served?
Remember, people are doing one of two things in this world, supporting you or not supporting you
Do you feel supported by justice in our court system?
Trayvon Martin did not die in vain. Fortuitously, this case has been watched by the world. This
case has shown the world the corruption and the fraud that has been perpetuated in our court
system since Common Law has been usurped by treasonous Acts and Legislation in our alleged
and purported, and currently foreclosed upon governments.
When there is no lawful recourse or remedy available to the people, all
jurisdictional justice systems operating continentally from within,
render themselves as invalid, illegitimate, fraudulent, criminal, and
-I stand on the shoulders of Giants7
Thank you to all that have come before me and gifted the human race with your research, I
humbly bow with gratitude, honor and love.
Had Zimmerman been tried under Common Law, Martin’s Family could have seen justice,
remedy, and recourse.
What is Common Law, you ask?
Common Law:
1. the system of law originating in England, as distinct from the civil or Roman law and
the Canon or Ecclesiastical law.
2. the unwritten law, especially of England, based on custom or court decision, as distinct
from statute law.
3. the law administered through the system of courts established for the purpose, as
distinct from equity or admiralty.
Pure common law:
arising from the traditional and inherent authority of courts to define the law, even in the
absence of an underlying statute. Examples include most pre-20th Century criminal law
and procedural law, plus most modern contract law and the law of torts.
It is important to understand that common law is the older and more traditional source of law, and
legislative power is simply a layer applied on top of the older common law foundation.
Three (3) basic rules to follow, not in a particular order and common for everyone to understand and
“stand under”:
1) Do not breach your contracts.
2) Do no harm to others or their property (s)
3) Have no intent (whether through a 3rd party or not) to do harm to a person or their property (s).
So what is the problem? Why don’t we still have Common Law in our courts? It seems simple enough,
easier to comprehend! Hmmmmm…. We would need to take a look at the past to determine where we
are legal/lawfully in the present.
We must first determine what is De Jure vs. De Facto and why this distinction is important.
De Jure: [Latin, In law.] Legitimate; lawful, as a Matter of Law. Having complied with all the
requirements imposed by law
De facto: [Latin, not in law] adv. 1. in fact; in reality. adj. 2. actually existing, esp. without lawful
authority, illegitimate.
To be even more clear:
To live in a De Jure state means that you are under the jurisdiction of a legitimate law
To live in a De Facto state means that you are under the jurisdiction of the “color of the law”- which
means it looks like the law- but it is NOT the law, it is legalese; it is NOT legitimate law and has no
lawful authority.
We had been currently living in a De Facto UNITED STATES, INC, which means this, we are not living
under the true laws; we have been living under legislation (which is illegitimate force). Legislation was
CREATED by attorneys and their principals to collect fees, to manipulate the commerce market, and to
manipulate the courts, to manipulate the money markets, and to manipulate and manage the ‘people’,
known to the banks as: “the product/human-capital/creditor/debtor” (human beings).
Not all attorneys and judges have horns coming out of their heads, or pitched fork tails… there are some
out there that are using their ‘powers for good’ and working within the system to make changes; I honor
and support those that continue to serve equality, justice, and truth.
However, looking at the over-all picture when looking at attorneys, judges and court officers, you have to
ask yourself this question: why is it that attorneys, and judges all speak a different language called
legalese when THAT IS NOT NECESSARY since we the commoners speak common English and THEY
speak common English as well?
We all speak English, and understand common words by Webster dictionary, and in the event that it IS
necessary why aren’t we, the commoners, taught how to speak the preferred and used legalese/law
language in court?
The courts and their officers (attorney’s are officers of the court) use dictionaries such as Bouvier’s Law
dictionary or Black's Law dictionary as their understanding of what certain words mean that very much
differ from our common Webster’s dictionary.
Let me give you some examples:
Example number 1:
Quick Video: Black’s Law Dictionary defining person, artificial person, and natural person:
Example number 2:
MONSTER: physiology, persons. An animal which has a conformation contrary to the order of nature.
Dunglison's Human Physiol. vol. 2, p. 422 Bouvier Law dictionary
Human Being: is defined as "See Monster." On page 540 of this same Law Dictionary, Monster: is defined
as "a human being by birth, but in some part resembling a lower animal." Balantine’s Self Pronouncing
Law Dictionary, 1948, page 389
Monster: is defined as "a person so cruel, wicked, depraved, etc., as to horrify others." Webster's New
World Dictionary, Third College Edition, 1988, pages 879-880
Human Being: is defined as a "Natural man: unenlightened or unregenerate," and on page 1461,
Unregenerate: means "not regenerate; unrepentant; an unregenerate sinner; not convinced by or
unconverted to a particular religion; wicked, sinful, dissolute." Random House Dictionary of the English
Language, 2nd Edition, page 901
Humanitarianism: is defined as "the doctrine that humankind may become perfect without divine aid."
Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition, 1988, page 657
Humanitarian: is defined as "a philanthropist; an anti-Trinitarian who rejects the doctrine of Christ’s
divinity;….”Colliers New Dictionary of the English Language, 1928,
Humanism: is defined as "any system or mode of thought or action in which human interests, values and
dignity predominate, especially an ethical theory that often rejects the importance of a belief in God."
Random House Webster's College Dictionary, 1990, page 653, Humanism
Person: "In law, man and person are not exactly-synonymous terms." Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856, 1
Bouv. Inst. n. 137.
Person: "It is also used to denote a corporation which is an artificial person." 1 Bl. Com. 123; 4 Bing. 669;
C. 33 Eng. C. L R. 488; Wooddes. Lect. 116; Bac. Us. 57; 1 Mod. 164.
Person: In general usage, a human being (i.e. natural person), though by statute term may include labor
organizations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representatives, trustees, trustees in
bankruptcy, or receivers. Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition The Scope and delineation of term is
necessary for determining to whom Fourteenth Amendment of Constitution affords protection
since this Amendment expressly applies to "person".
Private Person: "An individual who is not the incumbent of an office." Black's Law Dictionary
(4th ed. 1957), p.1359.
Aliens: Aliens are "persons" within meaning of Fourteenth Amendment . . . Black's Law
Dictionary 6th Edition
Citizenship: implies incorporation (corporate citizen). Incorporation into what? To the United
States, which is defined as a Federal Corporation in 28 U.S.C. 3002 (15).)
"A person may be a citizen for commercial purposes and not political purposes." 7 Md. 209.
[This makes merchandise of us]
Citizen: "A native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its
government and is entitled to its protection. A civilian..." Random House Webster's College
Dictionary, 1992, page 248.
Slave: A person who is wholly subject to the will of another; one who has no freedom of action,
but whose person and services are wholly under the control of another. One who is under the
power of a master, and who belongs to him; so that the master may sell and dispose of his
person, of his industry, and of his labor, without his being able to do anything, have anything,
or acquire anything, but what must belong to his master. (Black's Law Dictionary - 6th Edition)
Corporation: A corporation is a "person" within meaning of Fourteenth Amendment . . ."
Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition
Government: Derived from the Latin verb, Guverno, Guvernare, meaning “to control” and the
Latin noun, mens or mentis, meaning “mind” – translation: “to control the mind”
Therefore, when anyone calls himself or herself a ‘human being’, or a 'humanitarian,' they are saying
(according to every definition of these words, and according to the law), "I’m an animal; I’m a monster;
I’m not saved; I’m unrepentant; I'm an unregenerate sinner; I'm not converted; I’m wicked, sinful, and
dissolute; I’m cruel, depraved, unenlightened; and I reject spiritually and a relationship with Source (or
God, whatever you are comfortable calling Prime Creator)
Are you a 'person', an 'individual', or a 'human being'? These words, at law, define you as being spiritually
'dead.' And also define you as the “slave/citizen” since you have been at birth incorporated through your
birth certificate into a corporation fiction under ‘mind control’.
Take a close look at your driver’s license, credit cards, birth certificate, social security card, etc., they are
in all capital letters and you are assigned a filing number, just like when one incorporates a company.
The legal jurisdiction can legally use you/persons for commercial purposes such as the buying and selling
of your slave papers (bonds), called treasury notes/treasure bills.
You “the person” have been owned by trusts, through contracts, treaties written by purported
governments and purported churches to manage the people, to manage the people’s labor, and to manage
their energy within a spider-web trap of a system called legalese language in courts through the tools
known to us as ‘fiat money’ that is meant to ….. enslave you and force you to comply their will and
Prove it, you say!!!!! And I have already taken the challenge on, as I have proven it to myself… and this
is what I have found, however, if you are a truth-seeker such as I am, you will prove it to yourself, which
I encourage.
What is an “Officer of the Court”… here is a detail you do NOT want to miss:
Officer of the court: n. any person who has an obligation to promote justice and effective operation of the judicial
system, including judges, the attorneys who appear in court, bailiffs, clerks, and other personnel. As officers of the
court lawyers have an absolute ethical duty to tell judges the truth, including avoiding dishonesty or evasion about
reasons the attorney or his/her client is not appearing, the location of documents and other matters related to
conduct of the courts.
What is “effective operation” of the judicial system? Whose operation is it? And could the word
‘operation’ have more than one meaning to the public side and another to the private side?
There are two sides to this society we live in – one is public and one is private- look it up.
What about “promoting justice”? Are the officers only advertising/marketing this to the public? If it were
really about justice- and not advertising- then don’t you think you would have witnessed in the last five
years more than ONE – if not many banksters being charged and tried for stealing property (the corporal
body, the labor, and the material property), committing fraud within the banking system, manipulation of
ALL money markets and commodities (bonds, fiat tender, gold, silver, and oil, gas, precious gems, etc),
manipulation of all stock markets, manipulation of statutes and codes, money laundering, usury, aiding
and abetting the enemy, treason, legal human trafficking, and war crimes against humanity, to name a
Only one bankster that I know of was finally convicted by the SEC, and has been brought to trial for
criminal charges.
Last August 2013, all bankers are immune to prosecution for the crimes they committed to humanity and
do not have to be tried in a court of law… sorry, I mean, a court of ‘legalese’.
Just who do the courts work for;
for the people….. or the banks?
Please ask any attorney how they can represent you when they first represent the court? Isn’t that
considered a conflict of interest?.... in other words…. How can an attorney represent you and the court
and the same time… where does the obligation/loyalty lay? With a one-time client or with the
relationships that attorney builds with the judges aka: commissioners, administrators, etc….
Imagine a scenario: If you were to have a political conflict regarding any case being seen in court and the
media, and as a result of the conflict and political pressure, the judge puts ‘political pressure’ on the
attorney (this may come in many creative forms). Now- the attorney is career driven and has a family to
feed… from the attorney’s perspective, whose relationship is more valuable?
Is it with the client or judge?
The Attorney has one job to do, and that is not to argue justice, it is to assign the property rights from one
entity to another based on written Statutes, Codes, and Acts, but that will come out later in this article.
So, what is a Law, verses an Act, Statute, or Code?
“Law: derived from legis in Latin, refers to a set of rules issued in a continental jurisdiction. The word law refers to
any rule that if broken subjects a party to criminal punishment or civil liability. A law does not necessarily appear in a
written form. There are also oral laws.
Act: where it also refers to a set of rules, originally means a legislative act, issued is an Anglo-American jurisdiction.
Statute: "Legislative rule of society given the force of law by the consent of the governed"
Code: is defined as "a compilation of laws". Therefore, every code is a statute. Beyond that, it may include more than
one law, so that it covers a whole branch of the law. For instance, there are Penal Codes (or Criminal Codes), Civil
Codes, Commercial Codes etc. But there is no "Code on illegal invasion of lands" or "Code on dissolution of marriage",
because that would be too limited an area for being a code.”
Another Definition of Law:
1. A recognized causal link or principle whose violation must or should result in a penalty as failure, injury, loss, or
2. The binding rules of conduct meant to enforce justice and prescribe duty or obligation, and derived largely from
custom or formal enactment by a ruler or legislature. These laws carry with them the power and authority of the
enactor, and associated penalties for failure or refusal to obey. Law derives its legitimacy ultimately from universally
accepted principles such as the essential justness of the rules, or the sovereign power of a parliament to enact them.
Legalese: The specialized vocabulary of the legal profession, especially when considered to be complex or abstruse.
What does that have to do with Trayvon Martin? Everything and more because Laws and Legalese affect
and have been affecting every single person and their families since the formation of cultural societies. In
the beginning of those early societies, Oral Laws were passed down from generation to generation, and
were considered the ‘living law’. These laws were easy to understand and simple for everyone so there
was no confusion on how to conduct one’s self within those jurisdictional parameters.
An example; Murder is forbidden, as it would produce an unstable society, and it usurps free-will and our
UNalienable rights given to us by our creator. Within cultural parameters, most everyone of a sound
mind agrees that by not allowing murder within their society is a rule that benefits all and establishes
Unalienable: the natural rights of life and liberty Bouviers Law Dictionary 1856 Edition
Unalienable: incapable of being alienated, that is, sold and transferred. Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, page
Inalienable: adjective incapable of being conveyed, incapable of being sold, incapable of being transferred,
nontransferable, not able to be conveyed, quod abalienari non potest, secured by law, unable to be bought, unable to
be disposed of, unforfeitable, untouchable
That which is inalienable cannot be bought, sold, or transferred from one individual to another. The personal rights to
life and liberty guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States are inalienable. Similarly, various types of
property are inalienable, such as rivers, streams, and highways.
For those that need a little help with the difference between Unalienable and Inalienable, please read this
article below
Why do we use the term unalienable instead of inalienable? Inalienable rights are subject to changes in the law such as when
property rights are given a back seat to emerging environmental law or free speech rights give way to political correctness.
Whereas under the original doctrine of unalienable rights, these rights cannot be abridged.
Webster's 1828 dictionary defines unalienable as "not alienable; that cannot be alienated; that may not be transferred; as in
unalienable rights" and inalienable as "cannot be legally or justly alienated or transferred to another." The Declaration of
Independence reads:
“That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights…”
This means that human beings are imbued with unalienable rights which cannot be altered by law whereas inalienable rights
are subject to remaking or revocation in accordance with man-made law. Inalienable rights are subject to changes in the law
such as when property rights are given a back seat to emerging environmental law or free speech rights give way to political
correctness. In these situations no violation has occurred by way of the application of inalienable rights - a mere change in the
law changes the nature of the right. Whereas under the original doctrine of unalienable rights the right to the use and
enjoyment of private property cannot be abridged (other than under the doctrine of “nuisance” including pollution of the
public water or air or property of another). The policies behind Sustainable Development work to obliterate the recognition of
unalienable rights. For instance, Article 29 subsection 3 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights applies the
"inalienable rights" concept of human rights:
“Rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to purposes and principles of the United Nations.”
Many call for a "Civil Society" which argues for a statutory framework that does not give recognition of the imbued nature
of unalienable rights.
Modern dictionaries blur the difference, as does modern intellectual thought. The modern definition of unalienable is the
same as the historical definition of inalienable. The contemporary blurring of the meaning of unalienable and inalienable is
evidence of the process of dictionary evolution that Orwell forecasted in “1984.”
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you, Maya Angelou
Being sovereign means you have supreme power or authority and you are of flesh and blood, not a
corporate fiction, so… are you, sovereign?
In order to see how exactly our unalienable rights were usurped and hijacked by Legislation let us first
take a look at history and understand HOW we got here:
A compressed historic time-line of:
Popes/Kings/Agents/Corporations/Charters/Treaties/Acts/Contracts/legalese/law in a slammed nutshell
version of the truth history of our governments [aka “the money and paper trail created by the master
manipulators who like to monkey around with our lives and the law”]
What we call England was more or less free until 1066 – we all know him as William, the Conqueror.
He commandeered England and its occupants by might. (in aiding compressed information, I have chosen
to start the history lesson here- there is much, much more to know before this time-line ;-)
1) 1213. The Temple Church at the City of London has been a Knight Templar secret society. It was
built and established by the same Temple Knights who were given their Rule and Order by the
Roman Pope. It's very important to know how the British Royal Crown was placed into the hands
of the Knights Templars, and how the Crown Templars became the fiscal and military agents for
the Pope of the Roman Church.
2) May 15, 1213. Concession Of England To The Pope. A charter was sworn in fealty by England's
King John to Pope Innocent and the Roman Church. It was witnessed before the Crown
Templars, as King John stated upon sealing the same- "I myself bearing witness in the house of
the Knights Templars."
“We wish it to be known to all of you, through this our charter, furnished with our seal ... not induced by force or
compelled by fear, but of our own good and spontaneous will and by the common counsel of our barons, do offer and
freely concede to God and His holy apostles Peter and Paul and to our mother the holy Roman church, and to our lord
pope Innocent and to his Catholic successors, the whole kingdom of England and the whole kingdom Ireland, with all
their rights and appurtenances ... we perform and swear fealty for them to him our aforesaid lord pope Innocent, and
his catholic successors and the Roman church ... binding our successors and our heirs by our wife forever, in similar
manner to perform fealty and show homage to him who shall be chief pontiff at that time, and to the Roman church
without demur. As a sign ... we will and establish perpetual obligation and concession ... from the proper and especial
revenues of our aforesaid kingdoms ... the Roman church shall receive yearly a thousand marks sterling ... saving to us
and to our heirs our rights, liberties and regalia; all of which things, as they have been described above, we wish to
have perpetually valid and firm; and we bind ourselves and our successors not to act counter to them. And if we or
any one of our successors shall presume to attempt this, whoever he be, unless being duly warned he come to his
kingdom, and this senses, be shall lose his right to the kingdom, and this charter of our obligation and concession shall
always remain firm.”
One should not only emphasize the payments due the Pope and the Roman Church but also the
stipulations of loss in the event of the Charter being breached.
3) June 15, 1215. Magna Carta signed. Magna Carta was the first document forced onto a King of
England by a group of his subjects, the feudal barons, in an attempt to limit his powers by law
and protect their privileges.
King John broke the terms of the Pope’s charter by signing the Magna Carta. The penalty for breaking the
1213 agreement was the loss of the Crown (right to the kingdom) to the Pope and his Roman Church.
4) August 24, 1215. Pope Innocent III annulled the Magna Carta and lawfully took the Crown from
the royal monarchs of England by an act of declaration. One later in the year, he placed an
Interdict (prohibition) on the entire British empire. From that time until today, the English
monarchy and the entire British Crown belonged to the Pope.
Fealty: n. [L. fidelis.] Fidelity to a lord; faithful adherence of a tenant or vassal to the superior of whom he holds his
lands; loyalty… Webster's 1828 Dictionary
Fee: n. [In English, is loan.] Primarily, a loan of land, an estate in trust, granted by a prince or lord, to be held by the
grantee on condition of personal service, or other condition; and if the grantee or tenant failed to perform the
conditions, the land reverted to the lord or donor, called the landlord, or lend-lord, the lord of the loan. A fee then is
any land or tenement held of a superior on certain conditions. It is synonymous with fief and feud. In the United
States, an estate in fee or fee simple is what is called in English law an allodial estate, an estate held by a person in his
own right, and descendible to the heirs in general. Webster's 1828 Dictionary
Feud: n. [L. fides; Eng. loan.] A fief; a fee; a right to lands or hereditaments (hereditaments: Anything that can be
passed by an individual to heirs) held in trust, or on the terms of performing certain conditions; the right which a
vassal or tenant has to the lands or other immovable thing of his lord, to use the same and take the profits thereof
hereditarily, rendering to his superior such duties and services as belong to military tenure, &c., the property of the
soil always remaining in the lord or superior. Webster's 1828 Dictionary
Demur: To deny the legal sufficiency of an adversary’s claim, without admitting or denying the truth of the underlying
facts, usually on a technical legal basis rather than the merits of the claim;
King John declared, by swearing to the 1213 Charter in fealty, that the British-English Crown and its
possessions at that time, including all future possessions, estates, trusts, charters, letters patent, and land,
were forever bound to the Pope and the Roman Church, the landlord. Some five hundred years later, the
New England Colonies in America became a part of the Crown as a possession and trust named the
"United States."
CHARTER: 1. An instrument that establishes a body politic or other organization. For example, Charter of the United
2. A grant made by the sovereign, either to the whole people or to a portion of them, securing to them the enjoyment
of certain rights.
3. An instrument by which a municipality is incorporated, specifying its organizational structure and its highest laws. It
is a written document making the persons residing within a fixed boundary, along with their successors, a corporation
and body politic for and within that boundary, and prescribing the powers, privileges, and duties of the corporation.
Also termed municipal charter. A municipal charter is superior to all ordinances enacted by that municipality, though
inferior in rank to all State laws of every kind.
4. A governmental act that creates a business or defines a corporate franchise. The document evidencing this act is
also called a charter.
5. A document incorporating an institution and specifying its rights. For example, Articles of Incorporation
6. A governing document granting authority or recognition from a parent organization to a subordinate or constituent
organization, such as a local affiliate or chapter, organized under the first organization's authority or the instrument
granting such authority or recognition…”
The charters under which most of the colonies in America were settled, were given by the king of
England, and incorporated certain persons, with powers to hold the lands granted, to establish a
government, and make laws for their own regulation. These were called charter-governments.
King John had broken the agreement terms of his fealty with Rome and the Pope by agreeing to the
Magna Carta; The Pope and his Roman Church control the Crown Temple because his Knights
established it under his Orders. He who controls the gold controls the world. hint: ‘you’ are the “gold”
5) 1302. Papal Bull: Unam Sanctam by Pope Boniface VIII was the first Express Trust claiming
control over the whole planet and effectively "King of the world". This 1st Crown is represented
by the 1st cestui Que Vie Trust created when a child is born, depriving them of all their beneficial
entitlements and rights on the land at birth.
6) 1481. Papal Bull: Aeterni Regis meaning "Eternal Crown" by Sixtus IV being only the 2nd of
three papal bulls as deeds of testamentary trusts. This Papal Bull created what is known as the
"Crown of Aragon", later known as the Crown of Spain, being the highest sovereign and highest
steward of all Roman Slaves subject to the rule of the Roman Pontiff. This 2nd Crown is
represented by the 2nd cestui Que Vie Trust created when a child is born being the sale of the
birth certificate as a Bond to the private central bank of the nation, depriving them of ownership
of their flesh and condemning them to perpetual servitude as a Roman person, or slave.
7) 1537. Papal Bull: Ecclesiastical See by Paul III also meant to open the Council of Trent being the
third and final testamentary deed and will of a testamentary trust, being the trust set up for the
claiming of all "lost souls", lost to the See.
The Venetians assisted in the creation of the 1st cestui Que Vie Act of 1540 to use this papal bull as the
basis of Ecclesiastical authority of Henry VIII. This Crown was secretly granted to England in the
collection and "reaping" of lost souls.
The Crown was lost in 1815 due to the deliberate bankruptcy of England and granted to the Temple Bar,
which became known as the Crown Bar, or simply the Crown.
The Bar Associations have been responsible ever since in administering the "reaping" of the souls of the
lost and damned, including the registration and collection of Baptismal certificates representing the souls
collected by the Vatican and stored in its vaults.
This 3rd Crown is represented by the 3rd Cestui Que Vie Trust created when a child is baptized being the
grant of the Baptismal certificate by the parents to the church or Registrar being the gift of title of the
soul. Thus, without legal title over one's own soul, a man or woman may be "legally" denied right to stand
as a person, but may be treated as a creature and thing without legally possessing a soul. Hence, why the
Bar Association is able to legally enforce Maritime law against men and women- because they can be
treated as dead things,(lost at see/sea) cargo that does not possess a soul.
8) 1540. Cestui Que Vie Act. A Cestui Que Vie Trust, also known later as a "Fide Commissary
Trust" and later again as a “Foreign Situs trust” and also known as a form of “Secret Trust” is a
fictional concept being a Temporary Testamentary Trust, first created during the reign of Henry
VIII of England
9) 1666. Cestui Que Vie Act. updated version by Charles II wherein an Estate may be effected for
the Benefit of one or more Persons presumed lost or abandoned at “sea” and therefore
assumed/presumed “dead” after seven (7) years. Additional presumptions by which such a Trust
may be formed were added in later statutes to include bankrupts, minors, incompetents,
mortgages and private companies.
“…..[I] Cestui que vie remaining beyond Sea for Seven Years together and no Proof of their Lives, Judge in
Action to direct a Verdict as though Cestui que vie were dead. If such person or persons for whose life or
lives such Estates have beene or shall be granted as aforesaid shall remaine beyond the Seas or elsewhere
absent themselves in this Realme by the space of seaven yeares together and noe sufficient and evident
proofe be made of the lives of such person or persons respectively in any Action commenced for recovery of
such Tenements by the Lessors or Reversioners in every such case the person or persons upon whose life or
lives such Estate depended shall be accounted as naturally dead, And in every Action brought for the
recovery of the said Tenements by the Lessors or Reversioners their Heires or Assignes, the Judges before
whom such Action shall be brought shall direct the Jury to give their Verdict as if the person soe remaining
beyond the Seas or otherwise absenting himselfe were dead…..” CHAPTER 11 18 and 19 Cha 2.
“…The Trust Corpus created by a Cestui Que (Vie) is also known as the Estate from two Latin
words e+statuo literally meaning “by virtue of decree, statute or judgment”. However, as the
Estate is held in a Temporary not permanent Trust, the (Corporate) Person as Beneficiary is
entitled only to equitable title and the use of the Property, rather than legal title and therefore
ownership of the Property. Only the Corporation, also known as Body Corporate, Estate and
Trust Corpus of a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust possesses valid legal personality.
The Property of any Estate created through a Temporary (Testamentary) Trust may be regarded
as under “Cestui Que Use” by the Corporate Person, even if another name or description is used
to define the type of trust or use. Therefore “Cestui Que Use is not a Person but a Right and
therefore a form of "property"…”
If a subject/person under the crown were considered lost at “see”; they are seen as legally dead, and are
considered the property of the crown (i.e. the Pope/Vatican through Papal Bulls), then that cargo can be
claimed and warehoused in the name of the “Holy See”, which are only jurisdictional rules that trumps a
person from within that jurisdiction, claims that person as their cargo, and the person can be
I can imagine that would be enough of a push to up-root, get the hell out of dodge, and cheeze-it to a
location far, far away from the reaches of tyranny; welcome to North America.
10) July 4, 1776. The Declaration of Independence was signed
11) September 17, 1787. The Constitution for the united states of America was signed.
The Constitution is ONLY contract (read it for yourself), clues given “the people” and “the citizens” are
two different parties in the constitution, and those that are the citizens are NOT a party to the contractwhich means you, the citizen/slave, can claim no constitutional rights:
Debts were owed by US citizens to the Crown Temple and their banks as of 1883 “All debts contracted and
engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under
this Constitution….” Article VI of the US Constitution
Meaning there was money borrowed by the King to get to North America, now that debt has to be paid
via the constitutional contract. However you say the constitution was written for us, the people….. or was
“….Documented proof that the Constitution was not for us can be found at: Padelford, Fay & Co. v. The Mayor and
Aldermen of the City of Savannah, [14 Georgia 438, 520]. This was a Court case wherein the Plaintiffs sued the City of
Savannah, for violating what they believed were their constitutionally protected rights! The decision of the Judge says
it all: “But indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in Court, on the ground of a breach of the
Constitution, the Constitution, it is true, is a compact but he [the private person] is not a party to it!”
The United States Constitution was converted into a (Trust) and the legal definition of a Trust is: “A legal obligation
with respect to property given by one person (donor), to another (trustee), to the advantage of a beneficiary
(Americans).” The property in this Trust includes all land, your personal possessions that you believe you own and
your physical body. The donor of the Trust is the King of England and the Holy Roman Church. The Trustee’s are all
federal and state public officials, which means that they truly are Agents of a foreign power; the King and the Vatican.
The reason the Constitution was converted into a Trust is because, as a non-trust business plan; The Constitution
completely bound the hands of our government officials! By their converting it into a Trust, our public officials; were
then free to make any changes they desired to this government, without their constituents knowledge! The rules of a
Trust are secret and no trustee can be compelled to divulge those rules, and the rules can be changed by the trustees
without notice to the beneficiary!
The one pitfall confronting them and their plan was the fact that by converting the Constitution into a Trust, our
public officials had to legally assign a beneficiary; and the beneficiary chosen could not offend or be in contrast to the
numerous International Treaties that were in force. Our public officials wanted to stay in control of the Trust as the
trustees; however a trustee cannot also be a beneficiary! So even though the Constitution was never designed or
written for the Sovereign American people; they unknowingly became the beneficiary of this secret Trust and hence,
the creation of the “propaganda” regarding our Constitutional Rights!....”
I would like to pause for a moment to understand the definition of Trust Law“Trust Law: In common law legal systems, a trust is a relationship whereby property (real or personal, tangible or
intangible) is held by one party for the benefit of another. A trust conventionally arises when property is transferred
by one party to be held by another party for the benefit of a third party, although it is also possible for a legal owner
to create a trust of property without transferring it to anyone else, simply by declaring that the property will
henceforth be held for the benefit of the beneficiary. A trust is created by a settlor, who transfers some or all of his
property to a trustee, who holds that trust property (also called the principal or corpus) for the benefit of the
Purposes Common purposes for trusts include:
Privacy. Trusts may be created purely for privacy. The terms of a will are public and the terms of a trust are not. In
some families, this alone makes the use of trusts ideal….”
“….Private Trusts: An express trust is created when the settlor expresses an intention either orally or in writing to
establish the trust and complies with the required formalities. An express trust is what people usually mean when
they refer to a trust.
Every private trust consists of four distinct elements: an intention of the settlor to create the trust, a res or subject
matter, a trustee, and a beneficiary. Unless these elements are present, a court cannot enforce an arrangement as a
Intention The settlor must intend to impose enforceable duties on a trustee to deal with the property for the benefit
of another. Intent can be demonstrated by words, conduct, or both…” “…The settlor must intend to create a present
trust. Demonstrating an intent to create a trust in the future is legally ineffective. When a settlor does not
immediately designate the beneficiary, the trustee, or the trust property, a trust is not created until the designations
are made.
Res or Subject Matter: An essential element of every trust is the trust property or res. Property must exist and be
definite or definitely ascertainable at the time the trust is created and throughout its existence. Although stocks,
bonds, and deeds are the most common types of trust property, any property interest that can be freely transferred
by the settlor can be held in trust, including Patents, copyrights, and Trademarks….
Trustee: Any person who has the legal capacity to take, hold, and administer property for her own use can take, hold,
and administer property in trust. Nonresidents of the state in which the trust is to be administered can be trustees.
State law determines whether an alien can act as a trustee.
A corporation can act as a trustee. For example, a trust company is a bank that has been named by a settlor to act as
trustee in managing a trust. A partnership can serve as a trustee if state law permits….
The United States, a state, or a Municipal Corporation can take and hold property as trustee…
The failure of a settlor to name a trustee does not void a trust. The court appoints a trustee to administer the trust
and orders the person having legal title to the property to convey it to the appointed trustee…
Beneficiary: Every private trust must have a designated beneficiary or one so described that his identity can be
learned when the trust is created or within the time limit of the Rule against Perpetuities, which is usually measured
by the life of a person alive or conceived at the time the trust is created plus 21 years….”
A person or corporation legally capable of taking and holding legal title to property can be a beneficiary of a trust.
Partnerships and unincorporated associations can also be beneficiaries. Unless restricted by law, Aliens can also be
The book “The Creature from Jekyll Island” that helped me understand the world that we live in -it is a
long read- but I strongly advise the book if you want to understand the reality of world reflecting the true
LEGAL FIAT MATRIX that has been created by the elites. It is the paper/money/policy trail and he
leaves a plethora of crumbs for even the most dense of minds to see the agenda despite the educational
brainwashing that has occurred like an epidemic disease in our society that eats at the roots of our
foundation in unalienable rights endowed by us to our creator.
“…. It is true that the Constitution was a contract between representatives of the colonies that created the federal
union, and it is true that it is binding only on the states and the federal union itself. But it is incorrect to say that it
does not apply to any living man or woman or to imply that we should have no interest in it today.
First, contracts commonly are binding upon heirs and descendants. ….Likewise, federal and state officials are
obligated to uphold the terms of the contract they inherited, which is why that obligation is formalized when they
take their oath of office.
Second, even though average citizens are not parties to the agreement and are not directly involved with its
provisions; nevertheless, we are profoundly affected by it and have every reason to insist that our representatives
keep their oaths because, without that, our personal liberties are doomed. When we ask them to uphold the
Constitution that is merely another way of asking them to protect our lives, liberty, and property against predators,
including those within government. Analysis © 2010 October 21 by G. Edward Griffin, write of creature from jekyll
As much as I love and honor Mr. Edward Griffin’s research, I tend to disagree with some of his
statements above regarding our representatives having to uphold an oath to the Constitution….if you are
AND END OF DISCUSSION, as this is evident in contract law.
All you have is the ‘promise’ of someone else to uphold a contract means a very slippery slope for all of
us, the citizens/slaves! You are being managed, like farm animals, or farm ‘monsters’, that have been
turned into legal fictions which provides a platform for the elites to harvest the labor of the
When you connect the dots of our Forefathers actions from this constitutional contract to the next set of
contracts, you begin to realize you are being “managed” by the 3rd party agents or inserters.
12) July 16, 1782. the Contract Between the King, the Pope, and the Thirteen United States of North
America, signed at Versailles, Article I states, "It is agreed and certified that the sums advanced by His
Majesty to the Congress of the United States under the title of a loan, in the years 1778, 1779, 1780, 1781, and the
present 1782, amount to the sum of eighteen million of livres, money of France, according to the following twentyone receipts of the above-mentioned underwritten Minister of Congress, given in virtue of his full powers, to wit ... "
13) September 3, 1783. To have this "Declaration" recognized by international treaty law, and in
order to establish the new legal Crown entity of the incorporated United States, Middle Templar
King George III agreed to the Treaty of Paris, "between the Crown of Great Britain and the said
United States".
14) 1815. Bankruptcy of the Crown and Bank of England by the Rothschilds, for the 1st time, the
Cestui Que Vie Trusts of the United Kingdom became assets placed in private banks effectively
becoming "private trusts" or "Fide Commissary Trusts" administered by commissioners
(guardians). From 1835 and the Wills Act, these private trusts have been also considered "Secret
Trusts" whose existence does not need to be divulged.
15) November 22, 1822. The secret Treaty of Verona. An ancient conflict is between the rule of the
few and the rule of the many.
“ARTICLE 1. The high contracting powers being convinced that the system of representative government is
equally as incompatible with the monarchial principles as the maxim of the sovereignty of the people with
the high divine right, engage mutually in the most solemn manner, to use all their efforts to put an end to
the system of representative governments, in whatever country it may exist in Europe, and to prevent its
being introduced in those countries where it is not yet known…”
The link provide will give a detail version of the [American Diplomatic Code, 1778 - 1884, vol. 2 ;
VOLUME 53, PART 7, Page 6781, 25 April 1916.
“…This evidence of the conflict between the rule of the few verses popular government should be emphasized on the
minds of the people of the United States, that the conflict now waging throughout the world may be more clearly
understood, for after all said the great pending war springs from the weakness and frailty of government by the few,
where human error is far more probable than the error of the many where aggressive war is only permitted upon the
authorizing vote of those whose lives are jeopardized in the trenches of modern war…”
16) March 27, 1861. The Southern states walked out of Congress. In order to understand executive orders
and what they mean to the citizens/slaves, first we must understand what the history is to then understand
how it affects our lives.
“…the quorum to conduct business under the Constitution was lost. The only votes that Congress could lawfully take,
under Parliamentary Law, were those to set the time to reconvene, take a vote to get a quorum, and vote to adjourn
and set a date, time, and place to reconvene at a later time, but instead, Congress abandoned the House and Senate
without setting a date to reconvene. Under the parliamentary law of Congress, when this happened, Congress
became sine die (pronounced see-na dee-a; literally "without day") and thus when Congress adjourned sine die, it
ceased to exist as a lawful deliberative body, and the only lawful, constitutional power that could declare war was no
longer lawful, or in session.
The Southern states, by virtue of their secession from the Union, also ceased to exist sine die, and some state
legislatures in the Northern bloc also adjourned sine die, and thus, all the states which were parties to creating the
Constitution ceased to exist. President Lincoln executed the first executive order written by any President on April 15,
1861, Executive Order 1, and the nation has been ruled by the President under executive order ever since. When
Congress eventually did reconvene, it was reconvened under the military authority of the Commander-in-Chief and
not by Rules of Order for Parliamentary bodies or by Constitutional Law; placing the American people under martial
rule ever since that national emergency declared by President Lincoln. The Constitution for the United States of
America temporarily ceased to be the law of the land, and the President, Congress, and the Courts unlawfully
presumed that they were free to remake the nation in their own image, whereas, lawfully, no constitutional
provisions were in place which afforded power to any of the actions which were taken which presumed to place the
nation under the new form of control.
President Lincoln knew that he had no authority to issue any executive order, and thus he commissioned General
Orders No. 100 (April 24, 1863) as a special field code to govern his actions under martial law and which justified the
seizure of power, which extended the laws of the District of Columbia, and which fictionally implemented the
provisions of Article I, Section 8, Clauses 17-18 of the Constitution beyond the boundaries of Washington, D.C. and
into the several states. General Orders No. 100, also called the Lieber Instructions and the Lieber Code, extended The
Laws of War and International Law onto American soil, and the United States government became the presumed
conqueror of the people and the land.
Martial rule was kept secret and has never ended, the nation has been ruled under Military Law by the Commander of
Chief of that military; the President, under his assumed executive powers and according to his executive orders.
Constitutional law under the original Constitution is enforced only as a matter of keeping the public peace under the
provisions of General Orders No. 100 under martial rule. Under Martial Law, title is a mere fiction, since all property
belongs to the military except for that property which the Commander-in-Chief may, in his benevolence, exempt from
taxation and seizure and upon which he allows the enemy to reside.
President Lincoln was assassinated before he could complete plans for reestablishing constitutional government in
the Southern States and end the martial rule by executive order, and the 14th Article in Amendment to the
Constitution created a new citizenship status for the new expanded jurisdiction. New laws for the District of Columbia
were established and passed by Congress in 1871, supplanting those established Feb. 27, 1801 and May 3, 1802….”
17) February 21, 1871. Congress Passes an Act to Provide a Government for the District of
Columbia, also known as the Act of 1871 which established a corporation government called
THE UNITED STATES, Inc, all in CAPS to indicate a corporation.
The District of Columbia was re-incorporated in 1872, and all states in the Union were reformed as Franchisees of
the Federal Corporation so that a new Union of the United States could be created. The key to when the states
became Federal Franchisees is related to the date when such states enacted the Field Code in law. The Field Code
was a codification of the common law that was adopted first by New York and then by California in 1872, and
shortly afterwards the Lieber Code was used to bring the United States into the 1874 Brussels Conference and into
the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907.
It is suspected by some between 1871 and 1933 constitution wording was changed from ‘for’ to ‘of’ to represent the
corporation’s constitution - in example:
The Constitution for the united states of America vs. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF
~When our president swears his oath to office, it is only an oath that upholds the constitution for the corporation
whose shareholders are European elite, not our country and its people~
18) August 21, 1878. According to the American BAR association /“The ABA” was founded on in
Saratoga Springs, New York, by 100 lawyers from 21 states.” (BAR Acronyms see link here)
Bar Attorneys have been attorning ever since they were founded at the Temple Church, by acknowledging
that the Crown and he who holds the Crown is the new lord of the land.
Attorning: Acknowledging a new lord, or transferring homage and fealty to the purchaser of an estate.
Attorning: [present participle of at·torn (Verb)]1. Formally make or acknowledge a transfer of something 2. Transfer
(something) to someone else.
Attorney at Law: an officer of the court authorized to appear before it as a representative of a party to a legal
19) 1890. Sherman Silver Purchase Act perhaps along with the protectionist McKinley Tariff [Tariff
Act of 1890]of that year, has been partially blamed for the panic of 1893. Passed in response to a
large overproduction of silver by western mines, the Sherman Act required the U.S. Treasury to
purchase silver using notes backed by either silver or gold. The decline of the gold reserves
stored in the U.S. Treasury fell to a dangerously low level, forcing President Cleveland to borrow
$65 million in gold from Wall-Street banker JP Morgan to support the gold standard.
Keep in mind, had it not been for the bankers causing crashes in the market, most of these acts would not
have passed as there would be no reason for the acts to be implemented –The banksters needed the
public’s support- So the banksters along with brilliant heads of State created a ‘problem’, to get the public
to ‘react’ to the purported unforeseen issue (financial or security measures), the public would look to their
government/banksters/heads of state to come up with a ‘solution’ for which the government already has a
proposed plan to “help the public with better security/financial manners”.
DUDE- Check out the Patriot Act and when it was written – well before 9/11- and in the report it stated
that in order for the public to embrace and request the act, the public would need to experience another
WW2 scenario, such as an invasion of our homeland like when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, under
that type of invasion the public goes running to the government begging for the solutions, even if that
means giving away our freedoms.
Problem, reaction, solution- all fed to us under the guise of protecting us from tyranny of others.
20) 1907. Bankers' Panic or Knickerbocker Crisis was a financial crisis that occurred in the United
States when the New York Stock Exchange fell almost fifty (50%) from its peak the previous
21) December 23, 1913. President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act which also
included Federal Trade Commission Act; the Clayton Antitrust Act; the Federal Farm Loan Act
and the Federal Income Tax. Federal Reserve Act "Hypothecated" all property within the federal
United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve - in which the Trustees
(stockholders) held legal title. The U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a
"beneficiary" of the trust via his/her birth certificate.
“…The Federal Reserve Act ushered in a new privately owned European corporation named: The Federal
Reserve System, which eventually removed the control of American coin and currency from the Congress
using large personal bribes to members of Congress and placed the minting of currency into the hands of a
group of …. Bankers based in Israel. The FED subsequently controlled America’s GNP; inflation; interest and
currency and introduced their own “Script Money” called: Federal Reserve Notes. The Federal Reserve
Notes were as worthless as scrap paper and is defined under the Uniform Commercial Code as: “Negotiable
22) 1917. Trading with the Enemy Act (Public Law 65-91, 65th Congress, Session I, Chapters 105, 106,
October 6, 1917) was passed and which defined, regulated and punished trading with enemies, who were
then required by that act to be licensed by the government to do business.
23) 1920. The Independent Treasury Act. It suspended the De Jure [meaning "by right of Lawful
establishment"] Treasury Department of the United States government.
24) 1921- Federal Sheppard-Towner Maternity Act Maternity Act (3) was passed creating birth
"registration" or what we now know as the "birth certificate." It was known as the
"Maternity Act" and was sold to the American people as a law that would reduce maternal and
infant mortality, protect the health of mothers and infants, and for other purposes. One of those
other purposes provided for the establishment of a federal bureau designed to cooperate with state
agencies in the overseeing of its operations and expenditures. This can now be seen as the first
attempt of "government by appointment," or cooperation of state governments to aid the
federal government in usurping the legislative process of the several states as exists today through
the federal grant in aid to the states programs.
Prior to 1921 the records of births and names of children were entered into family bibles, as were
the records of marriages and deaths. These records were readily accepted by both the family and
the law as "official" records. Since 1921 the American people have been registering the births
and names of their children with the government of the state in which they are born, even though
there is no federal law requiring it. The state claims an interest in every child within its
jurisdiction, telling the parents that registering their child's birth through the birth certificate
serves as proof that he/she was born within territories of the United States, thereby making
him/her a United States citizen/slave.
A certificate is a "paper establishing an ownership claim." - Barron's Dictionary of Banking
Terms. Registration of births began in 1915, by the Bureau of Census, with all states adopting the
practice by 1933.
Birth and marriage certificates are a form of securities called "warehouse receipts." The items
included on a warehouse receipt, as descried at §7-202 of the Uniform Commercial Code, the law
which governs commercial paper and transactions, which parallel a birth or marriage certificate
-the location of the warehouse where the goods are stored...(residence)
-the date of issue of the receipt.....("Date issued")
-the consecutive number of the receipt...(found on back or front of the certificate, usually in red numbers)
-a description of the goods or of the packages containing them...(name, sex, date of birth, etc.)
-the signature of the warehouseman, which may be made by his authorized agent...(municipal clerk or state
registrar's signature)
Birth/marriage certificates now appear to at least qualify as "warehouse receipts" under the
Uniform Commercial Code. Black's Law Dictionary, 7th ed. defines:
Warehouse receipt: "...A warehouse receipt, which is considered a document of title, may be a negotiable instrument
and is often used for financing with inventory as security."
Since the U.S. went bankrupt in 1933, all new money has to be borrowed into existence. All
states started issuing serial-numbered, certificated "warehouse receipts" for births and marriages
in order to pledge us as collateral against those loans and municipal bonds taken out with the
Federal Reserve's banks. The "Full faith and Credit" of the American people is said to be that
which back the nation's debt. That simply means the American people's ability to labor and pay
back that debt. In order to catalog its laborers, the government needed an efficient, methodical
system of tracking its property to that end. Humans today are looked upon merely as resources "human resources/capital," that is.
Today the federal government "mandates, orders and compels" the states to enforce federal
jurisdiction upon it's citizens/subjects. It is believed that the federal government draws its de facto
jurisdiction for these actions from the "Doctrine of Parens Patriae." Parens Patriae means
literally, "parent of the country." It refers traditionally to the role of STATE as sovereign and
guardian of persons under legal disability. Parens Patriae originates from the English common
law where the King had a royal prerogative to act as guardian to persons with legal disabilities
such as infants. (The Maternity Act was eventually repealed, but parts of it have been found in other
legislative acts.)
How do they justify a baby being cargo? Okay, this is a great demonstration of the human ego
justifying their agendas through paralleling organic nature and fraudulent laws/legaleseWhen a mother is pregnant the baby is living in water/sea/holy-see, when the mother delivers her
baby, she brings her monster/cargo to port/hospital, which is received by a manifest/certificate.
The manifest is only a document of the cargo contents i.e. the baby. The manifest is your birth
certificate, registered as a ward of the state as a corporate fiction (s) and rights given to that baby
are inalienable rights; rights that are afforded to the citizen/slave by the state.
Berth: 1. Sufficient space for a ship to maneuver; sea room: kept a clear berth of the reefs. 2. A space for a
ship to dock or anchor: a steamship moored to its berth at the pier.
3. a. Employment on a ship: sought an officer's berth in the merchant marine. b. A job: a comfortable berth
as head of the department.
4. a. A built-in bed or bunk, as on a ship or a train. b. A place to sleep or stay; accommodations: found a
berth in a nearby hotel.
5. A space where a vehicle can be parked, as for loading. v.
berthed, berth·ing, berths: 1. To bring (a ship) to a berth.
2. To provide with a berth, To come to a berth; dock. Pretty slick, eh?
25) 1933. The United States went into Chapter 11 restructuring, i.e. bankruptcy.
The United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act,
March 9, 1933, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and
insolvent. Chapter 11 is a form of bankruptcy designed for corporations, not governments. FDR’s
new corporation titled: The United States, Inc. was a private corporation belonging to the
European Royal and Elite shareholders.
H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution to suspend The Gold
Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause and dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United
States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and
Departments. The federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties,
assets and labor of their "subjects," of the 14th Amendment U.S. citizens/slaves, to the Federal
Reserve System.
“….All Sovereign American Citizens residing within the Republic of States suddenly and falsely were expatriated from
their Sovereign American status without their knowledge or consent and their labor, souls, children, property, sweat
equity and credit became the financial collateral for the public debt, which had then been converted into a Public
Trust, which had been scripted after the ancient Roman Trusts.
“Script” money or [negotiable debt instruments] was issued by a private corporation, which is owned by a group of
Sabbatean European Jewish Bankers and which is known to everybody as: “The Federal Reserve System.” These
promissory notes were called Federal Reserve Notes and our future treatment by the U.S. Government was to be
redefined under USC Title 50, ‘The Trading with the Enemy Act’ in which American citizens are defined as, “an enemy
of their government” and this is the reason why Lincoln’s Declaration of War is renewed yearly by Congress and the
President! In the same year President Roosevelt closed THE VIRGINIA COLONY CORPORATION and opened a new
Government Corporation called: THE UNITED STATES, INC….” GREAT AMERICAN ADVENTURE By Judge Dale
“…Would it interest you to know that the FCC, CIA, FBI, IMF, NSA, IRS, OPM, ATF, DEA, NASA, INTERPOL, HS
[Homeland Security], (SEC) and all the other members of the alphabet gang are all privately owned corporations and
none of them are or ever has been an agency of: “United States, Inc.” The United States government always held
some stock in these corporations but never outright owned or controlled any of them? Their employees receive their
paychecks from OPM, which belongs to the IMF, which is the property of the United Nations, which belongs to Israel
and the Royal and Elite Class of Europe! All of the alphabet gangs are now the registered property of the: “United
Nations.” Is it no wonder………..that out of 267 Nations on the Earth only 71 are members of the United Nations?...”
26) March 9, 1933 - The National Banking System Act (Public Law 73-1, 73rd Congress, Session I, Chapter 1)
27) March 6, 1933 - Executive Proclamation 2038 and Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111 and 6260 prove that
in 1933, the United States Government formed under the executive privilege of the original martial rule
went bankrupt, and a new state of national emergency was declared under which United States citizens
were named as the enemy to the government and the banking system as per the provisions of the Trading
with the Enemy Act.
28) 1934 - Federal Rules of Civil Procedures Act. Congress passed an Act merging equity and law
abolishing common law
Additional notes: Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency. In
fact, there are now in effect four presidentially proclaimed states of national emergency: In addition to the national
emergency declared by President Roosevelt in 1933, there are also the national emergency proclaimed by President
Truman on December 16, 1950, during the Korean conflict, and the states of national emergency declared by
President Nixon on March 23, 1970, and August 15, 1971.
These proclamations give force to 470 provisions of Federal law [hundreds more since 1973, particularly in the
Clinton administration since Jan 21, 1993]. These hundreds of statutes delegate to the President extraordinary
powers, ordinarily exercised by the Congress, which affect the lives of American citizens in a host of allencompassing manners. This vast range of powers confer enough authority to rule the country without reference to
normal Constitutional processes.
Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the
means of production; seize commodities; assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and
control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel;
and, in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens.
"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned
the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson." -- Franklin D. Roosevelt in a letter
written Nov. 21, 1933 to Colonel E. Mandell House
29) 1935 - American Law Institute. Conference entered into agreement with American Law Institute
for cooperative drafting of acts in area of common interest.
30) 1936 - 53 uniform acts. After revisions, withdrawals and acts declared obsolete, 53 uniform acts
remained as recommended for approval.
31) April 25, 1938. The Supreme Court overturned the standing precedents of the prior
150 years concerning "COMMON LAW" in the federal government.
GENERAL in their nature, be they COMMERCIAL LAW or a part of LAW OF TORTS." (See: ERIE
RAILROAD CO. vs. THOMPKINS, 304 U.S. 64, 82 L. Ed. 1188)
“….The Common Law is the fountain source of Substantive and Remedial Rights, if not our very
Liberties. The members and associates of the Bar thereafter formed committees, granted themselves
special privileges, immunities and franchises, and held meetings concerning the Judicial procedures, and
further, to amend laws "to conform to a trend of judicial decisions or to accomplish similar objectives",
including mixing and jumbling the jurisdictions of Law and Equity together, which is known today as
"One Form of Action." [See: Constitution and By Laws, Article 3, Section 3.3(c), 1990-91 Reference Book,
see also Colorado Methods of Practice, West Publishing, Vol. 4, pages 2-3, Authors Comments.]…”
It was right after that case that the American Law Institute and the National Conference of
Commissioners on Uniform State Laws listed right in the front of the Uniform Commercial Code began
creating the Uniform Commercial Code that is our cornerstone of legalese today.
32) 1951 - On May 18, during a joint meeting with the American Law Institute in Washington, D.C.,
the UCC was approved. Later that year the ABA formally approved the code as well.
One of the Uniform Laws drafted by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
and the American Law Institute governing commercial transactions (including sales and leasing of goods,
transfer of funds, commercial paper, bank deposits and collections, letters of credit, bulk transfers,
warehouse receipts, bills of lading, investment securities, and secured transactions), The Uniform
Commercial Code (UCC), has been adopted in whole or substantially by all states. Blacks Law, 6th Ed.
pg. 1531
All court decisions are based on commercial law or business law and has criminal penalties associated
with it. Rather than openly calling this new law Admiralty/Maritime Jurisdiction, it is called Statutory
“….Given these circumstances, it was absolutely necessary for them to involve the Judges in their criminal conduct.
Foreclosure Judges receive 10% of the original Promissory Note, after they authorize the Bank to steal and sell your
CORPORATIONS: As I mentioned earlier, a corporation is a fictional character or entity in law, created by the
government, which makes that fictional character or entity the intellectual. You are property of the government but
you are never told that!
Corporations can own any number of other corporations but can never own a flesh and blood human being! All laws
created under this parent corporation will essentially become corporate laws and regulations to govern the parent
corporation and all subordinate or sub-corporations owned by the parent. These corporate laws and regulations are
called statutes and their affect and control over human beings is deceptively obtained by consent through civil
These civil contracts were secured by and through several federal and state voluntary registration programs designed
to convert and enslave flesh and blood American citizens of the Republic into corporate property.
Legally, these civil contracts lacked “mutuality,” meaning that all registrants must understand the true nature and
intent of the contract [and] subsequently must knowingly accept or consent to the terms of those contracts. The
government’s subversive tactics perverts “mutuality” and lawfully eliminates any and all contractual relationships, as
historically established by the ‘International Law of Contracts’ a/k/a Uniform Commercial Code.’ GREAT AMERICAN
March 1942 – An article in “TIME” magazine chronicles the Federal Council of Churches [which later becomes the
National Council of Churches, a part of the World Council of Churches] lending its weight to efforts to establish a
global authority. A meeting of the top officials of the council comes out in favor of: 1) a world government of
delegated powers; 2) strong immediate limitations on national sovereignty; 3) international control of all armies and
navies. Representatives (375 of them) of 30-some denominations assert that “a new order of economic life is both
imminent and imperative” – a new order that is sure to come either “through voluntary cooperation within the
framework of democracy or through explosive revolution.”
June 28, 1945 – U.S. President Harry Truman endorses world government in a speech: “It will be just as easy for
nations to get along in a republic of the world as it is for us to get along in a republic of the United States.”
33) October 24, 1945 – The United Nations Charter becomes effective. Also on October 24, Senator Glen
Taylor (D-Idaho) introduces Senate Resolution 183, calling upon the U.S. Senate to go on record as
favoring creation of a world republic, including an international police force.
Feb. 7, 1950 – International financier and CFR member James Warburg tells a Senate Foreign Relations
Subcommittee: “We shall have world government whether or not you like it - by conquest or consent.”
34) Feb. 9, 1950 – The Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee introduces Senate Concurrent Resolution #66
which begins: “Whereas, in order to achieve universal peace and justice, the present Charter of the
United Nations should be changed to provide a true world government constitution.”
35) 1952 – The World Association of Parliamentarians for World Government draws up a map designed to
illustrate how foreign troops would occupy and police the six regions into which the United States and
Canada will be divided as part of their world-government plan.
Okay, this is herculean amount of information to digest AND BREATHE. Propaganda tells us what we want to hear,
but the paper/treaty/contract and money/currency trail will tell another tail, one of a brilliant deception and treason
against humanity. Trayvon Martin’s family is one of many, and I mean thousands who have been taken advantage
by the purported justice system because of the ignorance of the citizen/slaves.
“…Bar Associations are awarded their franchises by the Four Inns of Court at Temple Bar. These are the Inner Temple,
Middle Temple, Lincolns Inn and Greys Inn and they are nothing less than elite secret societies without charters or
statutes. They are the law unto themselves. The Inner Temple controls the legal system franchise for Canada and
Britain while the Middle Temple does the same for the United States. Queen Elizabeth II is a member of both
Temples. At least five signatories to the American Declaration of Independence were Temple Bar Attorneys who had
pledged allegiance to the Crown!
Another Middle Temple operative during the formation of the USA was Alexander Hamilton (yes the same person
who signed the Constitution) who structured the American Banking system to fulfil the Crown Temples agenda for
total control of the United States. So in truth, a State wherever it is on this planet, is a legal entity of the Temple
Crown, or a Crown Colony.
A man named Michael Edwards wrote: "Americans were fooled into believing that the legal Crown Colonies
comprising New England, were independent nation states, but they never were, nor are they today. They were, and
still are, Colonies of the Crown Temple, through letters patent and charters, who have no legal authority to be
independent from the rule and order of the Crown Temple. A legal state is a Crown Temple Colony". "Neither the
American people nor the monarch of Britain own America. The Crown Temple owns America through the deception
of those who have sworn their allegiance by oath to the Middle Temple Bar. The Crown Bankers and their Middle
Templar Attorneys rule America through unlawful contracts, unlawful Taxes, and contract documents of false equity
through debt deceit, all strictly enforced by their completely unlawful, but 'legal', orders, rules and codes of the
Crown Temple Courts, or the so called, 'Judiciary', in America.
This is because the Crown Temple holds the land titles and estate deeds to all of North America". Seven Middle Inn
Templars who had pledged an oath of allegiance to the Crown Temple (including Alexander Hamilton) were among
the members of the Constitutional Convention who signed the completed 'American Constitution'. How symbolic it is
that copies of the American Constitution and the Declaration of Independence hang on the wall of the Middle Temple
in London. It's not that surprising when you consider that this Temple controlled both sides in these shenanigans.
So while the Middle Bar Templars were orchestrating the illusion of freedom from the perceived rule by King George
III, the King too, was a sworn member of the same Temple.
Michael Edwards continues: "1776 is the year that will truly live in infamy for all Americans. It is the year that the
Crown Colonies became legal Crown States. The Declaration of Independence was a legal, not lawful, document. It
was signed on both sides by representatives of the Crown Temple. Legally, it announced the status quo of the Crown
Colonies to that of the new legal name called 'States' as directly possessed estates of the Crown. "The American
people were hoodwinked into thinking that they were declaring lawful independence from the Crown. The proof that
the colonies are still a Crown possession is the use of the word 'State' to signify a 'legal estate of possession'. Had this
been a document “of and by the people”, then both the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution would
have been written using the word 'States'. By the use of 'State', the significance of government of estate possessions
was legally established. All of the North American States are Crown Templar possessions through their legal
document, signed by their representation of both parties to the contract, known as the Constitution of the United
States of America...” A Practical guide to free energy devices, Patrick J. Kelly
Officer of the court: any person who has an obligation to promote justice and effective operation of the judicial
system, including judges, the attorneys who appear in court, bailiffs, clerks, and other personnel.
Administrative-law judge: an official of a federal or state agency who hears, weighs, and decides on evidence in
administrative proceedings, and makes recommendations for any necessary legal action.
We now have more clarity on our history, and a better understanding of where that smug look comes from
when you speak to attorneys or administrators (known to us as ‘Judges’) about the people’s Constitutional
rights- they know you only have the ‘rights’ the state has given to you because you are nothing more than
a slave, a ward of the state, and your ignorance of legalese and law is their fraudulent albatross they toss
around your neck in the hopes that you take that unnecessary burden on, pay up and kowtow or drown in
the waters of incarceration.
Yes, the courts system is nothing more than recording keeping of assets for the use of a tracking and
transfer system from one corporate fiction to another corporate fiction. Upon digging deeper – the words
bank and bench appears to be the same thing.
Bank: A bench or seat; the bench or tribunal occupied by the judges; the seat of judgment; a court. The full bench, or
full court; the assembly of all the judges of a court A “sitting in bank” is a meeting of all the judges of a court usually
for the purpose of hearing arguments on demurrers, points reserved, motions for new trial, etc., as distingished from
the sitting of a single judge at the assises or at nisi prius and from trials at bar. But, in this sense, banc is the more
usual form of the word. 2. An institution, of great value in the commercial world, empowered to receive deposits of
money, to make loans, aud to issue its promissory notes, (designed to circulate as money, and commonly called
“bank-notes” or “bank-bills,”) or to perform any one or more of these functions. Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed
Bank: 1) an officially chartered institution empowered to receive deposits, make loans, and provide checking and
savings account services, all at a profit…. 2) a group of judges sitting together as an appeals court, referred to as "in
bank" or "en banc."
Bench: Latin Bancus, used for tribunal. In England there are two courts to which this word is applied. Bancus Regius,
King's Bench Bancus Communis, Com- mon Bench or Pleas. The jus banci, says Spelman, properly belongs to the king's
judges, who administer justice in the last resort. Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856 Edition
Bench: 1) general term for all judges, as in "the bench," or for the particular judge or panel of judges, as in an order
coming from the "bench." 2) the large, usually long and wide desk raised above the level of the rest of the courtroom,
at which the judge or panel of judges sit.
“…It's a VIOLATION of the 11th Amendment for a FOREIGN CITIZEN to INVOKE the JUDICIAL POWER of the State.
Article XI. The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity,
commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of
any Foreign State. US citizens (FEDERAL CITIZENS) are FOREIGN to the several States and SUBJECTS of the
Government Is Foreclosed from Parity with Real People….” – Supreme Court of the United States 1795, Trinsey v
Pagliaro, D.C.Pa. 1964
“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens at all, you can bet it was planned that way.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt
As any Constitutional scholar (or anyone remotely familiar with American History) can readily tell you,
the thirteenth amendment to the United States Constitution is an important one. As most students learned
at some point in school but quickly forgot, the thirteenth amendment that is so well known today was
ratified by congress in 1865, and effectively abolished slavery in the United States.
However, most people do not realize that the well-known thirteenth amendment - which ended slavery in
America - was not the first "Thirteenth" Amendment proposed.
The original United States Constitution with the original 13th Amendment reads as follows:
If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honor, or
shall, without the consent of congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any
kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen
of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of
This also means any Title of Esquire like Administrators and Attorneys
Esquire (abbreviated Esq.)[1] is a term of West European origin. In the United Kingdom, it is a title of respect previously
accorded to men of higher social rank,[2] but which has since come to be used as a general courtesy title for any man in a
formal context, usually appended to the name as in "John Smith, Esq.", with no precise significance.[3][4] Esquire is cognate
with the word squire, which originally meant an apprentice or assistant to a knight. The title "Esquire" has been used
continuously since it was created in the late 14th century and many uses continue uninterrupted today. For example, in the
Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, "Esquire" is the most junior title. In the United States, the
suffix Esq. designates individuals licensed to practice law, and may now be used by both men and women.
As there was no penalty attached to accepting, claiming, receiving or retaining a title of nobility or honor
or emoluments in the Constitution as originally ratified. The Thirteenth Amendment was proposed in
December of 1809 to institute penalty for accepting or using a "Title of Nobility or Honour" to set oneself
apart from, or superior to, or possessing of any special privileges or immunities not available to any other
citizen of the United States. It also instituted the same penalty for accepting and retaining any present,
pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any Emperor, King, Prince, or foreign Power.
An emolument is payment in any form for services rendered or to be rendered, or as understood today, a
graft or a bribe.
Proof by Certification by State Archives of N.H. that in 1812, at least 6 states had ratified the ANTILAWYER Amendment. Basically preventing anyone who had a BAR membership, accepted a title of
Nobility form foreign King, Prince, Power from even being a US Citizen, much less holding any
OFFICE. This has been hidden since President Lincoln erroneously named the ANTI-Slavery amendment
the "13th", when actually that one from the Civil War was the 14th ratified amendment.
There are over 60 million Statutes, Codes, and Acts written by Esquires in political offices to guide
commerce (and that includes ‘you -the person/corporate fiction’ as the ‘human capital’) and its profits
into the hands of the parasitical pirates of the elite.
Thankfully, with the invention of the internet, people are getting wise to the game and the truth is coming
out everywhere. Just recently, New Hampshire Bill Introduced to Re-Instate ORIGINAL 13th
There are three (3) forms of court:
1) Commercial/Contract (UCC)
Uniform Commercial Code: A general and inclusive group of laws adopted, at least partially, by all the states to further
uniformity and fair dealing in business and commercial transactions.
2) Admiralty/Maritime
Admiralty: Admiralty law (also referred to as maritime law) is a distinct body of law which governs maritime questions and
offenses. It is a body of both domestic law governing maritime activities, and private international law governing the
relationships between private entities which operate vessels on the oceans. It deals with matters including marine
commerce, marine navigation, marine salvaging, shipping, sailors, and the transportation of passengers and goods by sea.
Admiralty law also covers many commercial activities, although land based or occurring wholly on land, that are maritime
in character.
Admiralty law is distinguished from the Law of the Sea, which is a body of public international law dealing with
navigational rights, mineral rights, jurisdiction over coastal waters and international law governing relationships between
Although each legal jurisdiction usually has its own enacted legislation governing maritime matters, admiralty law is
characterized by a significant amount of international law developed in recent decades, including numerous multilateral
Maritime law Also called "admiralty law" or "the law of admiralty," the laws and regulations, including international
agreements and treaties, which exclusively govern activities at sea or in any navigable waters. In the United States federal
courts have jurisdiction over maritime law.
3) Talmudic
Talmud: [ˈtælmʊd]n Judaism
1. (Non-Christian Religions / Judaism) the primary source of Jewish religious law, consisting of the Mishnah and the
2. (Non-Christian Religions / Judaism) either of two recensions of this compilation, the Palestinian Talmud of about
375 AD, or the longer and more important Babylonian Talmud of about 500 A.D
Although I am NOT legal consultant/attorney and this is NOT legal advice:
I say unto you - my brothers and sisters of the universe - from my heart to your heart - Do not go to
court, unless you have a mind that is as shrewd as a microscopic pin-point-tip of a steel blade dipped in
the most obscure and pestilent of poison, otherwise the court’s minions will entrap your property. You,
the village idiot/goyyim/slave, will pay… one way or another by their promotional/marketable blade
named ‘justice’.
**Interesting information all should know about the Talmud that some Israelis reverie –Remember, these
are “God’s chosen people”
Did you know....
“…The Hebrew form of the name Jesus--Yeshu--was interpreted as an acronym for the curse, 'may his name and memory be
wiped out,' which is used as an extreme form of abuse. In fact, anti-zionist Orthodox Jews (such as Neturey Qarta) sometimes
refer to Herzl as 'Herzl Jesus' and I have found in religious zionist writings expressions such as "Nasser Jesus" and more recently
'Arafat Jesus." --Dr. Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, pp. 97- 98, 118….”
Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.
Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . Gentiles prefer sex with cows.
Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.
Menahoth 43b-44a. A Jewish man is obligated to say the following prayer every day: Thank you God for not making me a
gentile, a woman or a slave.
To the Mishnah the rabbis later added the Gemara (rabbinical commentaries). Together these comprise the Talmud. There are
two versions, the Jerusalem Talmud and the Babylonian Talmud.
The Babylonian Talmud is regarded as the authoritative version: "The authority of the Babylonian Talmud is also greater than
that of the Jerusalem Talmud. In cases of doubt the former is decisive." (R.C. Musaph-Andriesse, From Torah to Kabbalah: A
Basic Introduction to the Writings of Judaism, p. 40).
This study is based on the Jewish-authorized Babylonian Talmud. We have published herein the authenticated sayings of the
Jewish Talmud….”
Those Rabbi who teach the Babylonian Talmud, teach their future generations the following:
Erubin 21b. Whosoever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell.
Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed.
Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he
may keep.
Baba Kamma 37b. The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has "exposed their money to Israel."
Baba Mezia 59b. A rabbi debates God and defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate.
The Talmud (Babylonian edition) records other sins of 'Jesus the Nazarene:
1) He and his disciples practiced sorcery and black magic, led Jews astray into idolatry, and were sponsored by foreign, gentile
powers for the purpose of subverting Jewish worship (Sanhedrin 43a).
2) He was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone (a brick is mentioned), was cut off from the Jewish people for his
wickedness, and refused to repent (Sanhedrin 107b; Sotah 47a).
Talmud Attacks Christians and Christian Books
Rosh Hashanah 17a. Christians (minnim) and others who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all
Sanhedrin 90a. Those who read the New Testament ("uncanonical books") will have no portion in the world to come.
Shabbath 116a. Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New Testament.
Sick and Insane Teachings of the Talmud
Yebamoth 63a. States that Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals in the Garden of Eden.
Yebamoth 63a. Declares that agriculture is the lowest of occupations.
Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old).
Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.
Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl, it is nothing."
Yebamoth 59b. A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a Jewish priest. A woman who has sex with a
demon is also eligible to marry a Jewish priest.
Talmudic Doctrine: Non-Jews are not Human
The Talmud specifically defines all who are not Jews as non-human animals, and specifically dehumanizes Gentiles as not being
descendants of Adam. Here are some of the Talmud passages which relate to this topic.
Kerithoth 6b: Uses of Oil of Anointing. "Our Rabbis have taught: He who pours the oil of anointing over cattle or vessels is not
guilty; if over gentiles (goyim) or the dead, he is not guilty. The law relating to cattle and vessels is right, for it is written: "Upon
the flesh of man (Adam), shall it not be poured (Exodus 30:32]); and cattle and vessels are not man (Adam).
U.S. Government Lays Groundwork for Talmudic Courts
"Our" government under Presidents Reagan, Bush and Clinton, has provided, under the euphemism of education (for example,
House Joint Resolution 173 and Public Law 102-14), a groundwork for the establishment of Talmudic "courts of justice" to be
administered by disciples of Shneur Zalman's Chabad successor, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson.
Maimonides ruled that it is a Jewish court -- or a court appointed by Jewish authority --that enforces obedience and passes
judgment on Gentiles, as well as promulgating legislation by court order for that purpose. Maimonides further decreed that any
non-Jewish nation "not subject to our jurisdiction" (tahaht yadeinu) will be the target of Jewish holy war. (Cf. Hilkhot Melakhim
8:9-10; 10:11. Also cf. Gerald J. Blidstein, "Holy War in Maimonidean Law," in Perspectives on Maimonides [Oxford, England:
Oxford Univ. Press, 1991].
These courts are to be convened allegedly under the "Noahide Laws" (proscriptions against idolatry supposedly based on the
covenant with Noah). The U.S. presidents and Congress urged the adoption of the "Noahide" Laws as interpreted by ChabadLubavitch Grand Rabbi Schneerson.
Prof. Easterly of the Southern University Law Center, a Jewish legal expert, has compared this Public law 102-14 to the "first
rays of dawn" which "evidence the rising of a still unseen sun."
The Jewish Encyclopedia envisages a Noahide regime as a possible world order immediately proceeding the universal reign of
the Talmud.
It has to be understood that we are not dealing with the Noah of the Bible when the religion of Judaism refers to "Noahide
law," but the Noahide law as understood and interpreted by the absolute system of falsification that constitutes the Talmud.
Under the Talmud's counterfeit Noahide Laws, the worship of Jesus is forbidden under penalty of death, since such worship of
Christ is condemned by Judaism as idolatry. Meanwhile various forms of incest are permitted under the Talmudic
understanding of the Noahide code. (Enziklopediya Talmudit, note 1, pp. 351-352).
Furthermore, all non-Jews would have the legal status of ger toshav ("resident alien," cf. Alan Unterman, Dictionary of Jewish
Lore and Legend [London: Thames and Hudson, 1991], p. 148), even in their own land; as for example in occupied Palestine
where newly arrived Khazars from Russia have an automatic right to housing and citizenship, while two million Palestinian
refugees who either fled or were expelled by the Israelis, are forbidden the right of return.
Resident alien status has been clearly delineated in scholarly articles in leading Jewish publications. For example, Hebrew
University Professor Mordechai Nisan, basing his exposition on Maimonides, stated that a non-Jew permitted to reside in a land
ruled by Jewish law "must accept paying a tax and suffering the humiliation of servitude."
If Gentiles refuse to live a life of inferiority, then this signals their rebellion and the unavoidable necessity of Jewish warfare
against their very presence. [Cf. Mordechai Nisan, Kivunim (official publication of the World Zionist Organization), August, 1984,
pp. 151-156].
At a symposium ("Is Autonomy for Resident Aliens Feasible?") organized by Israeli Minister of Education Shulamit Aloni, the
Israeli Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren repeated the Talmudic teaching on resident aliens: that Judaism forbids "granting any national
rights" to them. He ruled that such "Autonomy is tantamount to a denial of the Jewish religion." (Nadav Shraggai, Ha'aretz, Oct.
14, 1992).
American taxpayers' subsidy of the so-called "U.S. Holocaust Museum" in Washington, D.C., is yet another indicator of the
gradual establishment of a Jewish state religion in the U.S. This "Holocaust museum" excludes any reference to holocausts
perpetrated by Jewish Communists against Christians in Russia and Eastern Europe, from 1917 onward.
The focus of the museum is almost entirely on Jewish suffering. Holocausts perpetrated by Israelis against Arabs in Lebanon and
Palestine since 1948 are nowhere to be found in the exhibits of the U.S. "Holocaust Museum," which functions more like a
synagogue than a repository of objective historical information.
It is through the rapid emergence of this ostensibly secular but all-pervasive "Holocaustianity" -- whereby the religion of
Judaism is gaining enormous power and influence as mankind's supreme ethos and the creed of God's Holy People.
Jewish Law Requires Christians be Executed
Israeli "Torah scholars" have ruled that:
"The Torah maintains that the righteous of all nations have a place in the World to Come. But not all religious Gentiles earn
eternal life by virtue of observing their religion...And while the Christians do generally accept the Hebrew Bible as truly from
God, many of them (those who accept the so-called divinity of Jesus) are idolaters according to the Torah, punishable by death,
and certainly will not enjoy the World to Come."
--Israeli Mechon-Mamre website, June 26, 2000; 12 Hayyim Vital St., Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine. ("Mechon Mamre is a small
group of Torah scholars in Israel...").
[Note: we have printed and preserved in our files a hard copy of this statement from the Israeli "Mechon-Mamre Torah
Scholars," as it appeared on their website at on June 26, 2000, in the
event that denials are later issued and the statement itself suppressed]. The Truth About the Talmud, Michael A. Hoffman.
There are two (2) forms of slavery1) Roman slavery: where the slaves KNOW they are slaves (they have different rights
afforded to them outside of their masters recognized by the government and the
government’s standards), but the slave masters must provide housing, food, and medical
care, and the slaves after several years to servitude, can set themselves free under Roman
Law. Under oath, a slave can become a member of Roman society, but only under
Oath… another form a slavery….
-And, by far, the most insidious, pernicious type of slavery2) Babylonian Slavery: where you THINK you are free but you are not. You pay, by way
of labor, in creativity, in currency (legal tender) to your
representatives/nation/government. You THINK you own land and your property is to be
passed to your children, but it is the states property (you are the title holder of a property,
not the owner)… you pay for it, you PAY FOR EVERYTHING that defines YOUR
PRISON OF LEGALESE FRAMEWORK… and you own nothing, your children own
nothing, and you are persona non grata, (Latin, plural: personae non gratae), literally
meaning "an unwelcome person".
As the Babylonian Talmud states:
You are nothing more than an animal….
Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.
Is it any wonder that Woody Allen at age 56 had relations with his adopted daughter (by way of Mia
Farrow), Soon Yi who was 19?
Is it any wonder that Edward Albee wrote the Theatrical piece that I witnessed on Broadway:
The goat or who is Sylvia?
“…The tale of a married, middle-aged architect, Martin, his wife Stevie, and their son Billy, whose lives crumble when he falls in
love with a goat, the play focuses on the limits of an ostensibly liberal society. Through showing this family in crisis, Albee
challenges audience members to question their own morality in the face of other social taboos including infidelity, pedophilia,
incest and, of course, bestiality….”
Shiksa- Hebrew term Shekets, meaning abomination, impure, and object of loathing… is what women are called
who are not of jewish heritage
I have called ‘lovingly’ referred to as a “Shiska”, by my jewish friends in the past… my question
to them would be THEN AND NOW: Why they would want to taint their pure CHOSEN soul
with impure, abomination, and loathing by socializing with me, a goyim, an animal?
a. To harness a draft animal to.
b. To harness (a draft animal) to a vehicle or an implement.
c. To join securely as if with a yoke; bind: partners who were yoked together for life.
d. To force into heavy labor, bondage, or subjugation.
Any of various emblems of subjugation, such as a structure made of two upright spears with a third laid across them, under
which conquered enemies of ancient Rome were forced to march in subjection; The condition of being subjugated by or as if by a
conqueror; subjugation or bondage.
If you CAN NOT stay out of court, or if you feel it is your duty to represent the truth- Please review
Frank O’Collins and his work:
(start from the beginning)
This should help you in your education of legal/law history
If you find you must go to court:
“Then ask the Administrator-law-judge these questions: (do not answer to your fictional name in all caps on your
“berth” certificate in court)- that will land you in their jurisdiction- instead:
Tell the judge, I’m here for this matter as a friend of the court. There’s been a mistake. (You sent a letter for a legal
fiction to my house.) And I trust you will settle the account here honorably. If no one rebuts it, it stands on the
records as fact. Then say, there appears to be no controversy concerning me, it appears by business here is finished.
If the judge asks, then why are you here?
You say, I'm a human that goes by name (Your ALL CAPS name that appears on your birth certificate) the state has
certified is me.
In most States here in the US, the tickets have a box where it says whether the photo ID matched you and they check
it yes.
So, if the judge says, The ticket says you match the picture on the driver's license.
Then you say the name on the ticket isn't me and I have never been notified I've committed any wrong doing.
Then if he says, So you gave the state your wrong name?
Then you say, No the state invented that name and assigned it to me and insists on using it even though I signed my
real name at the bottom of the license, without prejudice. So it's the fault of the state.
And if he says, Well, I believe you committed the offense.
You say the court cannot leave the bench and assume the role of an attorney and it's up to the court to prove I did,
not me.
Then you say Well I have never been notified I did anything wrong by an police officer who witnessed the alleged
event and without that, any court proceedings are void and illegal and subject to legal remedy.
Then when they get the deer in the head lights look on their face, you repeat, Well there appears to be no
controversy concerning me. I trust you will settle the account here honorably. It appears my business is finished here.
And walk out.”
Here is another way (there are so many creative ways to handle these procedures - google it -): Once
asked your name… tell them: “I am here for this matter as a friend of the court, and I am in no way this
corporate fiction, the state has made a mistake in registering my corporate name as so; let the record show
that I am human, made of flesh and blood, and do possess a soul by prime creator, who I am and who is
Ask them first if they argue this point? If they try to argue, ask them to prove that you are not prime
creator… they can’t argue that… as they HAVE NO PAPER WORK TO PROVE IT (hint: ask for the
wet-ink signature of prime creator’s contractual agreement that represents them as the agent to prime
creator which gives them the authority over you?
Then asked
Who are YOU?
What form of court is this; is this court an UCC corporate court or are you common law court?
Is this De jure or De Facto court?
What Law do you operate under?
Does your definition of law also mean statues? (read the definition of statues to define the
difference to them if need be, then ask the question again)
Where is your oath, and bond? (Respectfully request to see it)
Where is the accommodation agreement between prime creator and you, to “manage” me with
prime creator consent and my consent, and may I see that wet-ink signature of prime creator?
Who is the actual damaged contractual party, will they please step forward?
May I see the wet-ink signature that I consent to the purported judge’s/administrator’s authority
through an accommodation agreement?
Hint: Accommodation is a legal obligation entered into as a gratuitous favor without
consideration, such as a signature guaranteeing payment of a debt…”
Consideration is the concept of legal value in connection with contracts. It is anything of value
promised to another when making a contract. i.e Swapping value for value
10) Where is your WET INK SIGNATURE on the agreement that states you must exercise have
authority over me?
In complete transparency, tell them who you ‘BE’, and what Law you operate under – give the
UCC copy of the docs to the administrator or clerk of the court- and request a record of
testimony, again.
Now ask, again:
1) Who are you? And isn’t this court only a corporation? And if so, why do you think you get to
insert your authority over me… isn’t that like the corporation Target coming into my house,
telling me what to wear under their corporate policies and procedures WHEN I DO NOT
ARGUE -, ask again, if they deflect, ASK AGAIN… and remind them of their oath and bond
to uphold the constitution…..
If they try to change the form of court (from UCC to Admiralty/maritime to Talmud) by way
of “recess”, object and tell them that you DO NOT consent to changing the courts form and
that you waive all benefits, then they must keep that form of court, or the administrator/judge
can have their status revoked by a higher court…. Keep the form of court in
UCC/commercial contracts, if it changes and you let it, they can put you in prison for
contempt of court, which means under Admiralty/maritime law you are cargo that can be
housed… beware of the tricks.
If they force you to sign anything, sign it first “Without Prejudice UCC 1-308” this means
you are not agreeing to a legal agreement and its conditions that you are not aware.
“I reserve my right not to be compelled to perform under any contract, commercial
agreement or bankruptcy that I did not enter knowingly , voluntarily , and
intentionally . And furthermore, I do not and will not accept the liability of the
compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract or commercial agreement or
If you are ever asked by a judge, “Do you understand?”- say, -NO- I DO NOT. If
you answer yes, then what that legally means is to ‘Stand-Under’ the “law” or
‘orders’ of the court. If you stand under, then you accept jurisdiction and you are
liable for that order given to you by an administrator/judge.
Ask questions- and stop “worker bee” programming, use your brain and think
In 1993, Speaker-rep from Ohio, James Traficant, Jr. addresses the house on matters of the
US bankruptcy and the slavery system on Congressional Record
“The Bankruptcy of The United States
United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993 Vol. 33, page H-1303
Speaker-Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House:
"Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11.. Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the
greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government. We are setting forth
hopefully, a blueprint for our future. There are some who say it is a coroner’s report that will lead to our demise.
It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking
Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent.
H.J.R. 192, 73 Congress m session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate
The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United
States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal
Government exists today in name only.
The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World
Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating
within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of
Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the
United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist
order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the
Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564,
page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: "The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for
representing the United States?’
Gold and silver were such a powerful money during the founding of the united states of America, that the founding
fathers declared that only gold or silver coins can be "money" in America. Since gold and silver coinage were heavy
and inconvenient for a lot of transactions, they were stored in banks and a claim check was issued as a money
substitute. People traded their coupons as money, or "currency." Currency is not money, but a money substitute.
Redeemable currency must promise to pay a dollar equivalent in gold or silver money. Federal Reserve Notes
(FRNs) make no such promises, and are not "money." A Federal Reserve Note is a debt obligation of the federal
United States government, not "money?’ The federal United States government and the U.S. Congress were not
and have never been authorized by the Constitution for the united states of America to issue currency of any kind,
but only lawful money, -gold and silver coin.
It is essential that we comprehend the distinction between real money and paper money substitute. One cannot
get rich by accumulating money substitutes, one can only get deeper into debt. We the People no longer have any
"money." Most Americans have not been paid any "money" for a very long time, perhaps not in their entire life.
Now do you comprehend why you feel broke? Now, do you understand why you are "bankrupt," along with the
rest of the country?
Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) are unsigned checks written on a closed account. FRNs are an inflatable paper
system designed to create debt through inflation (devaluation of currency). whenever there is an increase of the
supply of a money substitute in the economy without a corresponding increase in the gold and silver backing,
inflation occurs.
Inflation is an invisible form of taxation that irresponsible governments inflict on their citizens. The Federal Reserve
Bank who controls the supply and movement of FRNs has everybody fooled. They have access to an unlimited
supply of FRNs, paying only for the printing costs of what they need. FRNs are nothing more than promissory notes
for U.S. Treasury securities (T-Bills) - a promise to pay the debt to the Federal Reserve Bank.
There is a fundamental difference between "paying" and "discharging" a debt. To pay a debt, you must pay with
value or substance (i.e. gold, silver, barter or a commodity). With FRNs, you can only discharge a debt. You cannot
pay a debt with a debt currency system. You cannot service a debt with a currency that has no backing in value or
substance. No contract in Common law is valid unless it involves an exchange of "good & valuable consideration."
Unpayable debt transfers power and control to the sovereign power structure that has no interest in money, law,
equity or justice because they have so much wealth already.
Their lust is for power and control. Since the inception of central banking, they have controlled the fates of
The Federal Reserve System is based on the Canon law and the principles of sovereignty protected in the
Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In fact, the international bankers used a "Canon Law Trust" as their model,
adding stock and naming it a "Joint Stock Trust." The U.S. Congress had passed a law making it illegal for any legal
"person" to duplicate a "Joint Stock Trust" in 1873. The Federal Reserve Act was legislated post-facto (to 1870),
although post-facto laws are strictly forbidden by the Constitution. [1:9:3]
The Federal Reserve System is a sovereign power structure separate and distinct from the federal United States
government. The Federal Reserve is a maritime lender, and/or maritime insurance underwriter to the federal
United States operating exclusively under Admiralty/Maritime law. The lender or underwriter bears the risks, and
the Maritime law compelling specific performance in paying the interest, or premiums are the same.
Assets of the debtor can also be hypothecated (to pledge something as a security without taking possession of it.)
as security by the lender or underwriter. The Federal Reserve Act stipulated that the interest on the debt was to be
paid in gold. There was no stipulation in the Federal Reserve Act for ever paying the principle.
Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens or mortgages until
the Federal Reserve Act (1913)
"Hypothecated" all property within the federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, -in
which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title. The U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a
"beneficiary" of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the federal United States hypothecated all of the
present and future properties, assets and labor of their "subjects," the 14 Amendment U.S. citizen, to the Federal
Reserve System.
In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States corporation all the credit "money
substitute" it needed. Like any other debtor, the federal United States government had to assign collateral and
security to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the federal United States didn’t have any assets, they
assigned the private property of their "economic slaves", the U.S. citizens as collateral against the unpayable
federal debt. They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks forests, birth certificates, and
nonprofit organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the
international bankers.
Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution, feudal roots whereby all land is held by a
sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property. Once again, We the People are
the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve
Bank. We the people have exchanged one master for another.
This has been going on for over eighty years without the "informed knowledge" of the American people, without a
voice protesting loud enough. Now it’s easy to grasp why America is fundamentally bankrupt.
Why don’t more people own their properties outright?
Why are 90% of Americans mortgaged to the hilt and have little or no assets after all debts and liabilities have
been paid? Why does it feel like you are working harder and harder and getting less and less?
We are reaping what has been sown, and the results of our harvest is a painful bankruptcy, and a foreclosure on
American property, precious liberties, and a way of life. Few of our elected representatives in Washington, D.C.
have dared to tell the truth. The federal United States is bankrupt. Our children will inherit this unpayable debt,
and the tyranny to enforce paying it.
America has become completely bankrupt in world leadership, financial credit and its reputation for courage,
vision and human rights. This is an undeclared economic war, bankruptcy, and economic slavery of the most
corrupt order! Wake up America! Take back your Country." United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993
Vol. 33, page H-1303.
- I seemed to have missed this speech in my history classes……
Thus we find ourselves in our current situation, wondering just how did we let this happen?
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. Albert Einstein
Latin Maxim of Law- He who would be deceived let him be deceived
This is one of many Roman Cult Maxims of Law which means that if you are ignorant enough to not
know who you are {a flesh and blood spirit filled being - NOT a corporation}, then you deserve to be
tricked {by your/every government which is ruled by the Vatican}.
I know, you still question my facts on the subject matter that the Vatican owns you, your children, and
your land, and corporations in the US, Inc and abroad…. Fair enough, I accept the challenge… Let’s just
see what the Pope recently came out with in his Apostolic letter and begin to understand exactly how this
will affect you.
The Most Holy Francis issued an Apostolic Letter on July 11 and effective September 1, 2013 that
effectively stripped away the immunity of all judges, attorneys, government officials and all entities
established under the Roman Curia {All corporations are established under the Roman Curia}. All of
these "persons” {corporate fictions, yes, that be your strawman accounts (your name in all caps/your
corporate fiction) as well as house hold names such as WALMART, and CHASE BANK} can now be
held accountable for war crimes, crimes against humanity, {Divine Spirit is humanity} for the unlawful
restrictions of the liberties of the divine spirit incarnate; for failure to settle the accounts; for continued
prosecution of claims already settled…
The promotion of integral human development at the material and moral level requires a profound reflection on the vocation of the economic
and financial sectors, as well as on how they correspond with its ultimate aim of achieving the common good.
For this reason in conformity with its nature and mission the Holy See is participating in the efforts of the international community that aim to
protect and promote the integrity, permanence and transparency of the economic and financial sectors and to prevent and to counter illegal
Pursuant to the steps already taken by my Predecessor Benedict XVI in this area with the Motu Proprio of 30 December 2010 for preventing and
countering illegal activities in the area of monetary and financial dealings, I wish to renew the Holy See’s commitment to adopting the
principles and juridical instruments developed by the international community, bringing further into line with them institutional structures for
the prevention and countering of money laundering, the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. With this
Apostolic Letter in the form of a Motu Proprio I adopt the following measures:
Article 1
The dicasteries of the Roman Curia and other institutes and entities dependent on the Holy See, as well as non-profit organizations that enjoy
juridical personality in canon law and are based in Vatican City State, are bound to observe the laws of Vatican City State with regard to:
a) measures for the prevention and countering of money laundering and the financing of terrorism;
b) measures against those who threaten international peace and security;
c) prudential supervision of entities habitually engaged in a professional financial activity.
Article 2
The Financial Information Authority exercises the prudential role of the supervision and regulation of entities that are professionally engaged in
a financial activity.
Article 3
The competent judicial bodies of Vatican City State exercise jurisdiction in the above-mentioned issues also with regard to the dicasteries and
other entities and institutions dependent on the Holy See, as well as to those non-profit organizations which have juridical personality in canon
law and are based in Vatican City State.
Article 4
The Financial Security Committee is established for the purpose of coordinating the competent authorities of the Holy See and of Vatican City
State for the prevention and countering of money laundering, the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
It is disciplined by the Statutes appended to this Apostolic Letter.
I establish that this Apostolic Letter in the form of a Motu Proprio be published in L’Osservatore Romano.
I dispose that everything which has been established have full and permanent value as from 10 August 2013, abrogating in addition any
incompatible measures.
Given in Rome at the Apostolic Palace on 8 August of the year 2013, the first of the Pontificate
We finally have a Pope that is nice to his slaves….
You may be thinking at this point, what the hell does this have to do with Trayvon Martin?
Trayvon Martin happens to represent ALL OF US.
There is NO JUSTICE in the US, Inc. or other country (s)/corporation (s), Inc. not when a corporate
entity such as the Vatican purportedly and fraudulently claims to own us and the land that we are stewards
of ….They do not care about you, they only care about what you can do, be, give, and create for
them…they need us to support them, get it?
Did you know:
Britain is owned by the Vatican. (Treaty of 1213)
The Pope can abolish any law in the United States (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol. 1, 53-54)
The Pope claims to own the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery. (Papal
Bulls of 1495 & 1493)
The Pope has ordered the genocide and enslavement of millions of people.(Papal Bulls of 1455 &
The Pope’s laws are obligatory on everyone. (Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix, c. vii, n. 4.
Prati, 1844 Syllabus Prop 28, 29, 44)
“Okay, okay…… “, you say ,”Whatever!!- This information you are giving me still would not apply to
ME because it is too old! “
Fine, fair enough, I accept the challenge…. Please meet:
Archbishop named Deric R. McCloud, the OWNER of the "Government Of The United States" – a
religious non-for-profit corporation“….Who could be dumb enough to think (or even mistakenly write) that the "Government of the United States" was
owned by an archbishop?
Apparently, Dunn & Bradstreet was dumb enough.
This "Government" and all its various "branches" are being reported by D&B to be individual, private companies….”
“….If so, the true nature of the "Government of the United States" might not be that of a "republic" or even
a "democracy," but rather a combination of governmental and corporate interests ("private companies") that's
usually described as "fascism".
If so, we no longer have "government of the People, by the People and for the People" but instead have
"government of the people, by the Congress, and for the Corporations."
-Chew on that for a moment-
“A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the
world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packaged web of lies
has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its
speaker a raving lunatic.” -Dresdin James
Just a quick review- We, citizens/slaves, are subjects/suckers to the Federal Government,
Inc./corporation, which is owned by the Monarchy-Royalty/ Crown-‘Talmudic Banksters’ which is
owned by the holding company/head of state/supreme corporation/supreme trusts known as the Vatican,
by way of deceptive and unlawful practices demonstrated as decree’s of actions represented in the form
and orders of Charters, Treaties, and Adhesion Contracts, through the Legalese of Corporate Statues,
Codes, and Acts. Our purported country is in-truth a religious non-for-profit corporation owned by an
Archbishop of the Vatican who takes orders by the Vatican i.e. the Pope and his council that is a
sovereign city-state unto itself and is only answerable to itself and accountable to no outside legal/lawful
The Vatican in cooperation with Crown-‘Talmudic Banksters’ sends out edicts, decrees, and letters that
become the new legislation, and affects every part of the government which trickles down to us the
citizens/slaves. Papal Bulls, by way of the laws of conquest and discovery, and our registered birth
certificates on a Roman Registry that is an American bank note/Treasury-note/Treasure-bill in the form of
fancy painted slave papers, supports the legislation passed down to us and down to our children’s children
by paying taxes, fee’s, licenses, and whatever else the elite can extort, etc-….
The fraudulently self-appointed elite/ Crown-‘Talmudic Banksters’/governments/Vatican, believe in their
mentally-ill/warped state of mind, that they are the purported authority/owner on this earth/ourbodies/our-spirit and therefore we are viewed as farm-animal/human-capital that needs to be “manage”. If
we do not comply, then we are forced by policy/police officers, or by esquire’s/attorney’s/sworn officers
of the court/corporation and/or by Administrators/Judges/sworn officers of the court/corporation who
rules from a “Bank”, I mean “Bench” by way of fear and intimidation to uninformed/ignorant
citizens/slaves that gives purported and alleged consent by admitting jurisdiction through answering yes
to a corporate fiction which is all in CAPS/title/last name/first name, and then paying with legal currency
by way of a fine/fee and/or incarceration … all in the name of harvesting/stealing the citizen/slaves
creative energy and labor through tools of representation such as currency/money/precious gems and
metals that only serve the racketeering-shareholders/organized-criminals/secret-societies of the few.
Sounds like a pyramid scheme to me… what about you?
“The weak are meat, and the strong do eat.” Cloud Atlas, Film
There is a clever trick to all of this: Canon Law states that once a decree/notice is presented to the public,
the public or a person has 72 hours to rebut the filing. If there is no rebuttal, then the decree stands as law.
That is why the Pope says he owns us, the planet, and our spirits, because he claimed it, and no one from
the public rebutted the statement in 72 hours, so now it stands as the purported law…..
So- even though most citizen/slaves had no idea that these claims were made on their behalf (remember,
most people could not even read back then),and did NOT have the opportunity to rebutt the Papal Bulls
within 72 hours, the Vatican still thinks that they own us, anyway?
“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”, pardon, I mean, Rome, US, England, etc…
Racketeering is the act of operating an illegal business or scheme in order to make a profit, perpetrated by
a structured group. Racketeering is closely associated with organized crime, since both are conducted by
groups. Racketeering encompasses many criminal acts. It includes theft and fraud against businesses or
individuals. Racketeering also takes place among legitimate businesses or labor unions, where it is
sometimes referred to as white-collar crime. Examples include extortion and money laundering. The
criminal organizations who engage in racketeering often have legitimate businesses, for instance licensed
gaming establishments or a labor-based business such as garbage collection, in order to provide cover for
their rackets. Racketeering is often aided by the bribing, blackmailing, or extortion of public officials or
civil servants. Legitimate business owners can be similarly manipulated in order to help criminal groups
and their racketeering practices to appear lawful.
Racketeering can happen in any organization, even churches. The Vatican, as an example, may have
legitimate businesses but are deceptively legally trading citizen/slave papers everyday to make a profit.
In my five years of bank trade and finance, I assisted private buyers and private sellers to help them with
the transfer of Treasury Notes and Treasury Bills from one person to another. At the time I had a very
different understanding of what T-notes/T-bills represented, what I DID NOT understand is that T45
notes/T-bills are our slave papers, and they have monetary value and are traded on the public stock market
every day.
YOU (yes, you the slave can also purchase your own slave papers) CAN BUY AND SELL NOTES
Would you like mint tea, espresso, or scotch with your morning purchase of a “pound of flesh”?
This link highlights a particular individual. However, you can put your own birth certificate numbers in
and find out how you and your family and friends are being collateralized, privately bought and sold, as
well as traded publically on the Stock Exchange.
I have even crossed referenced this with my Social Security numbers- they are the same T-notes/T-bills
that showed up when I inserted my birth certificate number.
Did you ever wonder why there is such an anti-abortion push in the Vatican? That newborn baby has
monetary value to them. The reaping of labor, creativity, and energy begins when new life is brought into
this world; they don’t care about the child’s welfare, or the mother/father. They only care about how that
child and their children’s children will serve them. [This is legal human trafficking not to be confused
with unlawful human trafficking]
We have been stuck in a revenue racketeering scheme over many several centuries. It is time to
stop and reflect why we, the slaves, are supporting this parasitical paradigm.
Until the one people unite, under the respect for diversity, the respect for truth, the respect for
transparency, the respect for integrity, the respect of accountability and respect for themselves –
legislation/propaganda will always continue to do what it has done, divide and conquer the one people.
If we take a careful review of the Zimmerman/Martin case and our true history, we can shed light
on a very confusing and troublesome verdict1) We know understand, the Stand your Ground Law is only a Statute, not a law, as there
are no laws under federal jurisdiction since 1938
2) We know that the Statute states that even if someone is attacked that they have the right
to defend themselves and in essence “stand their ground”
3) Nowhere in the Statute does it say that one can pursue a person, attack them, and kill
them as this is clearly NOT self-defense
4) Self-defense is when you are the person being attacked and standing your ground is about
defending your life and your property
5) Trayvon Martin was a 17 year old boy, who walked home from the store with a purchase
of skittles and ice tea
6) George Zimmerman spotted the boy and call the police
7) Zimmerman was told by the police to stand down when he requested the permission to
pursue the boy
8) Zimmerman rejected the police’s order stand down and pursued the boy anyway on foot
9) An altercation happened
10) Zimmerman shot and killed the boy, Martin
11) Trayvon Martin was unarmed and on his way home to his father’s fiancée’s house
12) Police surveillance videos showed that 35 minutes after the murder, Zimmerman had no
broken nose and no cuts to his head when brought down to the station for questioning
13) Zimmerman’s wife lied and was charged with perjury, and recently has been found
14) Circuit purported ‘Judge’ (Administrator) Debra Nelson's instructed the jurors to follow
the letter of the ‘law” and she included the statement that Zimmerman had no duty to
retreat as per Florida's stand-your-ground purported ‘law’
15) The jurors were ignorant to the statute and followed the instructions of the administrator
to find Zimmerman not guilty by the letter of the so-called “law”/ Statute
16) One juror gave an interview on how she felt guilty by finding Zimmerman innocent, but
in her defense to the public she stated that the ‘law’ and the evidence did not support the
prosecution charge of murder
17) Juror tampering is highly speculative, and by the admission of the Sheriff’s department.
The jurors were allowed unsupervised visits by their family and friends, which could
influence the over-all verdict
What does the *author* of the Statute say?
“…."Stand Your Ground" Authors Say Law Doesn't Apply To Trayvon Martin Shooter
Two lawmakers who crafted the Stand Your Ground Law say the measure doesn't apply to the shooter of
Trayvon Martin, a Miami teen shot by a neighborhood watch volunteer, and he should face charges.
"He has no protection under my law," said Former Sen. Durell Peaden, one of the law's authors, The Miami
Herald reported. "They got the goods on him. They need to prosecute whoever shot the kid."
Peaden said that when George Zimmerman told dispatch that he was following Martin he lost his
defense under the law.”
Interesting- the author of the Statute clearly states that by Zimmerman’s own admission, he lost
his defense, and yet the jury thought they were following the letter of the purported ‘law’… as
Wikipedia stated “…[46] Circuit Judge Debra Nelson's instructions to the jury included the statement that he
had no duty to retreat as per Florida's stand-your-ground law.
The ignorance of the jurors, allowed the administrator-law-judge, Debra Nelson {who is at best,
inept at her job or at worst, a manipulator of the court/corporation}, to dictate to them what her
interpretation of the Statue is and for them to follow it like good” sheeple”.
This court case sets a dangerous precedent that anyone in the state of Flori-DUH can actively
pursue another person, kill them, and then claim self-defense.
A murderer is allowed to commit murder again under the protection of what people think the
Statute says, all because of the jurors lacked education to know the difference between what is
written vs. what is rumored....
Brought to you by Kangaroo Courts, Inc., -where the Maxim Motto is-:
He who would be deceived let him be deceived
Do you still think the old adage that “Ignorance is bliss”, is indeed “blissful”?
For those that want just one more shred of evidence, I then must insist that you read this great article
written by a Scientist who have PROVEN that all corporations lead back to the few, the elite, masters of
“Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world
AS PROTESTS against financial power sweep the world this week, science may have confirmed the protesters' worst
fears. An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small
group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy…”
"…Reality is so complex, we must move away from dogma, whether it's conspiracy theories or free-market," says
James Glattfelder. "Our analysis is reality-based…."
“The Zurich team can. From Orbis 2007, a database listing 37 million companies and investors worldwide, they pulled
out all 43,060 TNCs and the share ownerships linking them. Then they constructed a model of which companies
controlled others through shareholding networks, coupled with each company's operating revenues, to map the
structure of economic power.
The work, to be published in PLoS One, revealed a core of 1318 companies with interlocking ownerships (see image).
Each of the 1318 had ties to two or more other companies, and on average they were connected to 20. What's more,
although they represented 20 per cent of global operating revenues, the 1318 appeared to collectively own through
their shares the majority of the world's large blue chip and manufacturing firms - the "real" economy - representing a
further 60 per cent of global revenues.
When the team further untangled the web of ownership, it found much of it tracked back to a "super-entity" of 147
even more tightly knit companies - all of their ownership was held by other members of the super-entity - that
controlled 40 per cent of the total wealth in the network. "In effect, less than 1 per cent of the companies were able
to control 40 per cent of the entire network," says Glattfelder. Most were financial institutions. The top 20 included
Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and The Goldman Sachs Group.”
“This is the first time a ranking of economic actors by global control is presented. Notice that many actors belong to
the financial sector… and many of the names are well-known global players….
This means that they do not carry out their business in isolation but, on the contrary, they are tied together in an
extremely entangled web of control.
This finding is extremely important since there was no prior economic theory or empirical evidence regarding
whether and how top players are connected.
Our results show that, globally, top holders are at least in the position to exert considerable control, either formally
(e.g., voting in shareholder and board meetings) or via informal negotiations.
It should be duly noted that governments and natural persons are only featured further down in the list.
The game is - divide and conquer – Do you still want to play? Or do you want to play another game?
“Truth is Singular, its versions are mistruths” Cloud Atlas, Film
As I reflect back on this paradigm, most of us were living in a vacuum (half-truths) and knowledge was
only available to those that were born of certain status, power and wealth. I know that we were all born
with unalienable rights endowed to us by our creator, prime creator who is us, and we are it – one and the
same - . If we are prime creator incarnate, then who has the right to insert their so-called authority over
prime creator/us? So why is it we live in a very obvious hierarchy and continue to pay our energy, labor,
and creativity into a slavery system meant to support the few?
When I observe nature, it thrives and exists on credit, supported by the prime creator, should we not be
reflecting the same creative objective in our society? Meaning, when we are born, we should have
“credit” in our accounts available to us, not debt, as that would reflect why prime creator gave us these
bodies… I mean, I don’t see where I have prime creator to “pay” for this body to use it on earth… do
Do not our actions/inactions define who we are to each other, and the ‘value’ thereof?
What else is there besides each other/besides our relationships?
Trayvon Martin is one example of most injustices that happen every day in a court room… and when
booty or loot is the dangling carrot to administer purported/promoted justice written by the
corporations/attorney’s over the citizens/slaves, then true and absolute justice as we know it, will never be
served; the administrator’s loyalty is to the hand that feeds them and not to those they administer.
Just recently in the news:
Disgraced south texas judge sentenced to prison
A former judge who turned his South Texas courtroom into a money-making operation was sentenced Wednesday to
six years in prison followed by three years of supervised release. U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen sentenced former
state district Judge Abel Limas, 59, on one count of racketeering in Brownsville, on the border with Mexico.
In a tearful statement Limas made to the court before he was sentenced, he said that he willingly had done
everything the government asked of him because as a former police officer, lawyer and judge, he knew the "writing
was on the wall."
"I believe, judge, that I righted this wrong," Limas said, while apologizing for the damage he had done to the justice
system. "It wasn't a mistake. I knew what I was engaging in." U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen's sentence exceeded
the 4 years requested by prosecutors.
Limas drew the FBI's attention in late 2007 as he neared the end of his second term in office. Investigators
intercepted some 40,000 phone calls and collected surveillance photos documenting how Limas had converted his
courtroom into a criminal enterprise, collecting bribes and kickbacks totaling $257,000.
Limas pleaded guilty in 2011 and became the government's star witness in four related trials that shook Cameron
County's justice system. He could have faced up to 20 years in prison but received credit for cooperation.
Former Cameron County District Attorney Yolanda De Leon, who was prosecuted in Limas' court by her successor in
the DA's office, made an emotional statement before Limas' sentence was handed down. The charges against De Leon
were later dropped. "Every single judge that sits in the state court now is suspect," De Leon said. "That is the legacy
he has left."
After graduating high school, then college, where he majored in criminal justice, Limas followed his father — who
became a top detective in his 40-year career — into the police force. Then he took his father's advice and aimed for
something higher. "Since I was a kid I wanted to be a judge," Limas testified at one trial.He went to law school in
Houston, returned to Brownsville and began practicing criminal defense.
In 2000, he ran for and won the election for the 404th District Court. He served two terms before losing in the 2008
Democratic primary. By then the married father of four was in trouble. He was hundreds of thousands of dollars in
debt. He gambled — he estimated 30 trips to Las Vegas — he had kids in college and his $8,000-per-month judge's
salary wasn't covering it. He had let it be known among his attorney friends that he needed money.
Racketeering is a charge typically associated with organized crime. But in Limas' case, prosecutors said his courtroom
was the criminal enterprise where he generated cash.
Limas took kickbacks from friends, accepting thousands of dollars for favorable rulings. In one case, he accepted
$5,000 in cash handed to him in a McDonald's bag by then Cameron County District Attorney Armando Villalobos, just
to keep his mouth shut….”
“….Limas talked to the FBI more than three-dozen times and became federal prosecutors' star witness at all four trials
that followed. He helped take down the sitting district attorney and a former state lawmaker, and cast doubt on a
large chunk of the Cameron County bar. Even beyond the dozen people charged in the investigation, Limas implicated
many more attorneys in his testimony for practices that were at a minimum unethical…. “ “…Limas, who relinquished
his law license...”
Former judge gets 28 years for scheme to unjustly jail youth
(CNN) -- A former Pennsylvania juvenile judge was sentenced to 28 years in prison Thursday after being convicted for
a scheme to make millions off unjustly incarcerating young people, court officials said.
Former Luzerne County Judge Mark Ciavarella was also ordered by a federal judge in Pennsylvania to pay about $1
million in restitution. The sentence was four times the 87 months sentence that Ciavarella and federal prosecutors
had agreed to when he pleaded guilty to charges in 2009. But that plea deal was thrown out by a federal judge and
the case went to trial.
Ciavarella was found guilty in February of 12 of 39 racketeering and fraud charges for accepting millions of dollars in
bribes from friends who owned detention centers to which he sent juveniles. The case made national headlines when
Ciavarella was confronted by a distraught mother outside a courtroom after his conviction.
Sandy Fonzo's 17-year-old son, Edward Kenzakowski, spent six months in a detention center after Ciavarella
sentenced him for possession of drug paraphernalia. According to Fonzo, her son, who had no prior record, was never
able to recover and eventually took his own life. "He (Ciavarella) killed his spirit," Fonzo said at the time, "He crushed
him, and he didn't help him." Fonzo said her son was full of resentment and pent-up anger after being sent to the
detention center."He was just never the same," Fonzo said.
She said in February she came to the courthouse believing Ciavarella would be taken straight to jail. But when she
found out he was going home and would not be sentenced until later, she was shocked and angered, and began
shouting at Ciavarella.
Fonzo's confrontation was captured by television cameras. "Do you remember me?" Fonzo screamed lunging toward
Ciavarella, "Do you remember my son?" she screamed again. "He's gone," she cried, "He shot himself in the heart,
you scumbag!"
These judges are people, they put their pants on one-leg-at-a-time… they are like you and me… no
different, no better, no more special us. It is time for us to hold up the mirror, reflect, and ask questions.
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
Mahatma Gandhi
-When we embrace, love, learn, and forgive the truth of our past, then begins the healing for our future and the
embracing of true expression freedom and prosperous abundance-
-DO N0 HARMHarm to One is Harm to All
A Reconciliation of Conscientiousness
-A new Governance is here-
The One People, a New Paradigm Part II
In gratitude and reverence of the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) filings by the former
trustee’s of the former One People Public Trust of 1776, the old paradigm system doesn't exist
anymore, and we are moving into a New Paradigm of BE-ing and DO-ing where we govern
ourselves. This is a transition time for us all and it is a part of the organic shift that the Mayan’s
calendar predicted; that pictorial image represents our society going from pyramid/tetrahedron
relationships to sphere/spherical relationships. We no longer support the few at the top; we
support each other, equally. It is self-sustainable and healthy; with the sacred understanding that
one is part of the whole and the whole is part of the one.
- the revolution will not be televised The "Powers that Were" do KNOW and UNDERSTAND what has happened, but are
powerless to do anything about it, and are still pretending that nothing has changed. We cannot
look to our Masters to say: “yep, we had ya fooled, (insert ‘chortle… snort’ here) but since you
figured it out, you have our blessing to fly away little bird and be free!” Nope, that hasn’t
happened and that ain’t happening… we need to WAKE UP and gently, peacefully, STAND
together as ONE and WALK AWAY from these insane usurpers of justice known as the 3rd party
Eventually most peoples of the earth will know that a new governance of truth, accountability,
transparency, liability, responsibility is here, and that it has been in full affect by way of public
notice on December 25, 2012 (Merry Christmas!). The new governance is based on a foundation
in of equitable law and social conduct that is very clear to all and even those with the simplest of
Common Law
The original Constitution of 1776 (this does represent all of us, not just the 3rd party agents)
The Law of One
After many years of investigation, the former OPPT trustees published a report, the "Paradigm
Report” (see attached to email). Their findings and research concluded that the corporations
operating under the guise of the people’s governments and financial systems were committing
treason against the people of this planet without the people’s knowing, willing, or intentional
consent. With that evidence, former OPPT trustees created legal documents that would use the
UCC, itself, to foreclose the entire slave system.
“….The (former) OPPT was created when the Trustees bonded themselves to – and as a result resumed –
the trust that was framed in the original US Constitution; the (organic) constitution that was abandoned
when the United States government was incorporated. The (former) OPPT then bonded every individual
on the planet to this Trust as the Beneficiaries in equity, known as “the One People, created by The
Creator.” By doing so, the Trustees framed a Trust that has a superior claim to any other – the Trust
between the Creator and the “states of being” of Earth. The “states of being” of Earth are the
beneficiaries of the Creator as the custodians of the Creator’s manifestations on Earth. Lawfully speaking,
there can be no higher claim than that of the One People’s Public Trust… except for one made by the
In 2012, the Trustees lodged a complex series of filings with the UCC on behalf of its Beneficiary, the One
People. Full details of the (former) OPPT’s filings with the UCC can be found on their web site:
Be warned: it is very heavy legal reading and designed for the purposes of legal noticing and disclosure,
not for communicating (former) OPPT’s actions or their implications to the general public. UCC filings are
public records, and follow standard administrative processes. According to UCC rules, when facing a claim,
an entity, in this case “the Debtor” is given the right of rebuttal. If a rebuttal is not received within the
required timeframe (72 hours) a default action then applies, followed by termination of that entity; in
this case, on the grounds that it failed to rebut charges of treason by “the One People.
The important thing to understand here is that a UCC filing stands as law if it remains un-rebutted. In this
case, the (former) OPPT Trustees ensured they created a legal situation in which the individuals and
entities that form “the Debtor," mainly the corporate banks and corporate governments, had no ability to
rebut. How could they? The claims of slavery are true. Of course, no rebuttal was received. The "Debtor"
is therefore guilty of treason…”
The UCC governs the laws of global commerce as stated already in the historic time-line given
above and is officially recognized by the US, Inc. in 1951. Our attorneys that represented the
BAR, and with the help of certain elites, crafted a code in which there are clear rules/policies and
procedures in governing trade between all corporations anywhere in the world. This system is the
supreme system of tracking and transfer to do business on a world platform.
The UCC is not harmful by itself, but like many other things in this world, it has been used
fraudulently as a tool to promote the slave system, and advance the agenda of the Commandeers.
All governments of the world are corporations and all corporations have only ONE agenda:
To achieve what-ever it takes to survive at any cost to humanity and the environment and
promote the highest profits by whatever legal/unlawful means necessary for the shareholders.
YOU were NOT a shareholder of the US, Inc., you were only an employee- with inalienable (not
unalienable granted by prime) rights only afforded to you by that corporation
The entire commercial system pivots around the axis of UCC law, as it is the “Bible” of
commerce. The details of UCC law is not taught in most schools (Cornell University Law
School, ), but remains exclusively within the domain of
corporations/ivy league schools and their operatives, who must train their legal-department
employees in UCC law in order to function property– thus keeping the knowledge of this
important mechanism mostly “in house.” Therefore it is not surprising that very few people
understand how UCC works, and fewer understand how it has been used fraudulently to keep the
people of the world enslaved.
“I will not be subjected to criminal abuse.” Cloud Atlas, Film
The Trustees, led by Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, Hollis Randall Hillner, and Caleb Skinner, have
performed colossal work on behalf of the betterment of humanity, they created a platform to
guide in a "New Paradigm" for planet Earth.
What the trustees of the former OPPT have done is unique, exquisite, and seamless, dare I say .
They managed to see the system for what it is and used the systems own legal remedies against
1) They extensively researched the fraudulent systems used by the self-appointed
commandeerer’s, then used their own legal system, the UCC (Uniform Commercial
Code), to write documents that were legal, unrebutted, and lawful; the documents still
stand as Law, unrebutted to this day.
2) They understood the significance of the spiritual aspect and wrote the documents from
that higher perspective of universal truth. They called it "taking it back to prime
(creator)" and freeing all entities from the “Theatrics of Duality” known as the “Great
Not to get too esoteric, but the word ‘entities’ is used in the capacity of either
Taking form in a corporal body or Taking form without a corporal body.
This new governance applies to every entity(s) existing in different or unknown
dimensional/density realities within prime creator’s universe/solar system.
The end result was to foreclose all of the corrupt corporate governments, central world banks,
and associated "big" banks," and fraudulent courts -IN ALL REALMS OF OUR SOLAR
EXSISTANCE- which opened the door for us, The One People, to manifest the New Paradigm.
OPPT itself was officially dissolved on March 18, 2013 along with the UCC filing system
itself. The work of the trustees themselves is complete. The documents that were filed,
foreclosing on ALL corporations, are still on record. They are lawful and unrebutted to this very
day. The UCC filings will for infinity (NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA latin for
“then as now and hereafter”) be in effect, but there is no longer a trust or trustees.
By Heather’s own admission, the trust was only a tool and is no longer needed. The trustees are
not, and never were interested in setting up a hierarchical control system.
Our gift is not only of true absolute freedom, but is an extension of faith to humanity to BE and
DO for the highest good of all within clear guidelines of Common Law in which to operate.
We are BE-ing entrusted, with full faith, love and respect to create our own dream of a life
together where 3rd party agents/inserters/corporations/ “the po-po” no longer exist!
Listed below are the results of the former OPPT filings:
All corporations are foreclosed and their assets re-claimed
The wealth of our planet is reconciled, repurposed, and returned to the One People
All fraudulent debts/loans ‘owed’ to fraudulent corporations is erased
“The system” is terminated, that includes purported courts, governments, alphabet
agencies (CIA, IRS, FBI, FDA, EPA, etc…), utilities, organized corporate churches
(Vatican), military industrial complex, police agencies, educational centers/schools,
and banks (and yes, that includes the big daddy banks of them all-International
Monetary Fund and Bank of International settlements)
The public record clearly states it
The UCC filing stands as international law, unrebutted.
By the system’s own terms/policy and procedures, it no longer exists
We, the One People, to include our “partners of the dark”, are freed of the slavery
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Mahatma Gandhi
The tools that the former OPPT provided - the Uniform Commercial Code documents, Courtesy
Notices, CVACS, I-UV Exchange are tools for all of our use, please see link: . The tools that the trustees left us will be useful for a while,
but soon, we won't even need them, as we will know how to be with each other because it lives
inside of us, and we couldn’t think of commandeering our sister’s and our brother’s free-will, as
that would reflect the limitations and paranoia that live inside us.
“Everything that has been bound, is unbound” Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf
We are living in a Lawful Land of accountability, transparency, liability, and responsibility, act
accordingly and you will find harmony and support in your relationships with mother
earth/father sky, and their inhabitants.
-The dreams of domination by the few are no longer….
Limitlessly and tirelessly, we are the weavers of the new dreams for allAs we continue to learn about each other - the One People -, we continue to learn about our
desired way of being and living in communities together. We continue to educate and spread the
word to Earth humans and off-world entities, no-matter the density or dimensions; and to begin
to use our freewill in whatever way we choose to help create the New Paradigm that our souls
desire to manifest.
Are you making choices that based in separation (divide and conquer)? Or are you making
choices based on the premise that we all are one?
I first heard these questions from Heather, the former trustee of the former OPPT, and I realized
the significant healing power in those two questions, which makes me think about my desired
outcome before I open my mouth with an irresponsible retort to my fellow humans -I am
currently still working on that aspect of me ;-).
What are my words and actions creating in this moment with this person, and is it the outcome
my soul desires and does it promote oneness?
-All had been reconciledWe will not all agree on specific needs because we are different, but we do agree on respect,
love, compassion, forgiveness, accountability, responsibility, liability, and transparency- that
framework supports life’s diversity – if we choose to work together respectfully, we all will
achieve our inner-most desires.
You do not need to look outside of yourself, look within first and use your tools of resonance,
then listen to other’s needs that match your own, and create the blissful exciting picture from
there… create -baby- create (BE and DO) and release all attachment for the highest good of all.
Some of you will be shocked to see how the universe will reflect and match you energetic
vibrations; this is the way the universal laws work. This is one of several universal ‘zoning laws’
are supreme laws to earth’s ‘zoning laws’. In example, compare Newtonian physics to Quantum
physics; they are paradoxical/ self-contradictory but are completely vibrationally uniform within
the rules of universe/solar system- or they couldn’t co-exist (duh)! The Universe will match
vibration patterns- that’s what it does, that’s what it is doing! -Matching vibrational patterns and
frequenciesIn truth, whether you are conscience of it or not, you have been in the past and are currently in
the present creating magnetic coded frequencies within our DNA biotechnology that guides your
manifestation of the future into your dimensional and/or density reality presently.
What DO you manifest?
This article has been an effort to help you understand more about the empowerment tools you
have available to you. This not intended to be a complete course of the subject-matter, but more
of a synopsis for YOU TO INVESTIGATE. If you want to own in your life- then learn it,
understand it, know it, and by-god, LIVE IT.
Read sister-blogs or listen to blog-talk-radio below:
When you become convinced of the value of the filings and deeply embrace the value of your
eternal essence, voice your heart to others and release the new paradigm that lives within us all.
It is us who will change the world for the better. World governments have already proven that
they will not.
A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new.
Albert Einstein
-We are the ones we have been waiting forthe one people
The New Paradigm concepts
Complete reverence for all forms of life within and without all densities and dimensions
of our solar system which includes the health of mother earth and the health of our father
Complete transparency in business
People living together with love, kindness, caring, compassion, understanding, and
respect for each other’s differences.
Peacefully, people solving problems through cooperation
Healing the water and the land of the planet
Healing of mother earth’s innocents – animals, insects, reptiles, and avian and aquatic
species, etc…
Militaries and their manufacturing of armaments will not exist, once we understand our
abundance, sharing will become natural, as there is nothing to fight over
Wars do not exist
If the one people choose to have organizations serve the one people to help the
engagement of business transactions then the tracking and transferring of goods and
services will be done in full transparency (no secrets)
People understand that we live in a universe that is prosperous and abundant, not one of
True rehabilitation and healing for those members of society that require guidance and
wisdom from compassionate wisdom teachers to function within the Common Law
framework of the One People
Free-energy technology is readily available to all for the benefit of all
No toxic run-off of transportation
Money or currency will eventually become unnecessary
Power, greed, and competition are no longer a part of our societal structure or lifestyle
No patents and a release of all data and all technology for the betterment of the one
people’s lives
A truthful and transparent education of the real history of this planet
The education of our biotechnology (purported junk DNA)
Organic foods will again become available to all
No pharmaceuticals, that has a no toxic run off to the body or the environment
Our inner spiritual compass, our blueprint, our source guide is recognized, honored, and
Social actions are executed for the benefit of all which affects all –no child, no adult, no
life left behind
-MetamorphosisA human consciousness of evolution, the love revolution
An obvious parallel of our rebirthing process is the consuming caterpillar that evolves into butterfly.
Do you like consuming? Great!!! No, really, I mean it- no judgement- gorge yourself and consume….
feel full yet?…. Let a day pass, feel full again, and again….. good, abundance feels good, doesn’t it??
Now what?
Frankly, there are those that fear this new paradigm, as though they are being forced to comply with a
new system that they did not agree to- I mean no disrespect when I say this, but it is humorous to witness
this fear (I went through it myself, I must admit). The old paradigm tricked us, lied to us, and extorted us. The
new paradigm is in full transparency and support… yes, the unknown can be scary, but “people
please…..” use your tools of resonance and yer logic!
To force anyone into accepting this governance would mean that the new paradigm is NO DIFFERENT
or NO IMPROVEMENT from the last old paradigm. To force anyone to do anything against their freewill would go against the very grain of the One People’s ideology.
You do have a choice. No one is forcing you to be a part of the One People. If you choose to stay in the
current slavery system, then great for you! You are supported in your decision by all, as it does not
resonate with the one people to tell anyone how to BE or DO; and I know the ‘powers that were’ need
your support, without it, they couldn’t exist in the current hierarchal system, so do it, support them!
No pressure
-just BE and DO with what resonates internally and you are trusted by the ALL to find your way thereSome of you are going to be mad, angry, and will want to express that through violent actions to our
purported suppressors/oppressors, and I, as well, went through this phase… All I can say is, if you
continue the same patterning/programming of violence, you are supporting the warring structure of the
old paradigm and you will only feed that energy cycle. You have to understand, these dark entities that
have helped us mature into beautiful butterflies, and they have done so by striking the stark contrast of the
dark. They are our brothers and sisters. Yes, we have a plethora of unaccountable damages to the human
race, but the lesson in and of its self, IS the award for the damages- so let’s grow up, put down our score
cards, and learn to get along.
Still pissed?
There is an interesting twist to this sordid ‘tale’ in US, Inc. history that the ‘powers that were’ did not
The elite never expected that ‘their own’ would checkmate……. their own.
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, was an attorney/esquire and carried a BAR card (she no longer carries it); she
worked in banking and trade finance and was hired by the insiders of the system to investigate the fraud
and clean up the system. After several years of investigation, (even using her own house/asset as an
example to demonstrate fraud within the court/banking/corporations) Heather, with the help of
bank/attorney insiders, decided rather than save a fraudulent system that was intentionally broken at its
core, it would be in the highest good for all to tell the absolute truth in the celebration of a new found
absolute freedom for all.
-All who has ears, hear it, all who has eyes, read it, and all who has mouths, speak itAll who has hearts, know it
- You are Limitless *********************************************
One of ‘their attorney’s’ used a mighty pen as her executioner sword to severed the head from
the beast of deception and duplicity. The Theatrics of Duality has finally come to an end….
It is done - ALL IS DONE - the great experiment of duality is over -
-Applause, Applause, Brava, Brava!-
I thank those -our partners of the dark- that have taught us ‘contrast’; Our partners of contrast who have
had a tough role to play, their appearance may be one of evil,… but on a deeper level, a much more
spiritual level, they are our brothers and sisters, who have played the brilliant role as the commandeers,
now, they can finally put their characters to rest.
I thank those - our partners of the light - Heather, Caleb, and Hollis, although at the helm of the ship, did
not take this course of action alone, they had many nameless insiders to help them from within, they also
had the help of outsiders, such as Lisa Harrison, Bob Wright, Brian Kelley, Chris Hales, ‘D’, Obi Wan
Kabuki, Terri Davis, and numerous, countless others –so many others- and I do not know their names, but
I know that without them and their herculean actions, this opportunity to create a new life together, might
have been tabled momentary, and that, in my humble opinion, is too, too late….
December 25, 2012, it has been a little over nine months since that the first public notice went viral. I
went from excitement, to morning sickness, to dread, to blissfulness, to anxiety, eating a lot, to eating
nothing, to throwing up, and - finally - to accepting what is - we are birthing a new paradigm –The One
People- as Dave Chappelle would say, “It’s a celebration, bitches!” (Cuban cigar, anyone?)
So- one more ‘Heatherism’ …. And my diatribe will finally come to a close end
“The resolution of Duality leads to the synthesis and synthesis is the One Life void of fragmentation”
Shine forth, The soul’s magical destiny
My heart has most significantly shifted and continues its transform on a moment to moment basis in this
This remembrance was given to Heather, and she gracefully bequeathed us all with this little gem.
“In our galaxy, a long, long, time ago, prime creator of light was sitting in its own reflection of other light entities
discussing new possibilities of experience. They ALL wanted to experience duality/contrast, but no one wanted to be
the ‘bad guy’ and play the part of darkness. Finally, one entity said to the others, “I will do it, I will anchor in the
darkness to assist in this experiment” The others paused momentarily… “I will do this, but only on one condition……
that when the experiment is over, you must promise to tell me you love me, for I will not remember how to come
back home without your guidance of unconditional love.” And thus – they all agreed without hesitation - and the
greatest play ever acted was set into motion, and has been fully, dully executed, and now come to a close.”
“Love is a measurable frequency” Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf
Within all of us, lies the beacon of light that guides us home
I can only imagine the emotions of those around North America regarding the verdict on the Zimmerman
case; many of vengeance, revenge, hatred, angry, disappointment, sadness, despair, confusion,
depression,….and the list goes on. I too must admit, that upon hearing the verdict, it was a tough piece of
data to swallow. Simultaneously, I also saw the opportunity it provided to all of us. Trayvon Martin’s
legacy will be of one that reminds all of us of just how broken and rotten our system is in the
courts/corporations and it is time for us to do something about it, peacefully and cooperatively with each
I don’t look at Zimmerman and think he is an evil man; I see a person who has a serious emotional
disconnect to life. A human being would have to have a really big hole/void in their heart to take the life
of another.
Being sentenced to death is not a deterrent, as this is proved to us over and over again every time murder
is committed. The prison/rehabilitation systems have failed us, as being “locked up” is not a preventive to
stop people from committing crimes.
If we choose to look deeper within, we might be able to come to terms with why this type of behavior
continues to happen in our society without. It all comes down to love, truth, education, healing, and
vibration… and within our purported prison/rehabilitation systems, love, truth, education, healing, are not
available to those that are locked away and need it the most.
I do not pretend to have all the answers regarding the Zimmerman case or other cases for that matter. I
learn and grow every day, as we all do, and I believe if we manifest wise healthy proactive minds to come
together to start the ground work for think tanks regarding these types of issues; we would accomplish
quickly and effectively healing for the victims, their families and the healing of the assaulters and their
We have for far too long just handed the responsibility over to someone else to “take care of it” and we
wonder why our issues in society are not being taken care of…
This is a systemic problem. These degenerates, these derelicts of society are our problem –these people
are our people- and until we address it as such, we will continue the same patterning/programming… and
cycle of violence will continue to rear its ugly head.
Recourse and remedy are available, it is all within our control and it is how we choose to execute it. We
must, as a healthy society:
1. Take responsibility for our own problems
2. Come together as a community to support healthy decisions –like TALKING to each other about
solutions, not revenge
3. Voice our ideas together, respectfully and with love
4. Take action, and watch the results closely… if something is not working, throw it out, and
introduce a new idea.
What practical applications can be used in cases like these? I will give one very unrefined and raw
The Common Law court system under the Constitution would look something like this: A trial would be
put together. It would consist of three or five ‘Judges’. As a community, we all would pick the Judges,
who qualifications would be as follows:
1. Successfully executed unifying events for their community (they helped create free energy for
their community, as an example)
2. Respects the community and its people above currency/money (it is the character of the person
that means more to them than the hording of gold)
3. They would have high ethical and socially moral standards (Do under others as you would have
done to you)
4. They would have much experience and wisdom in their years of being on this planet (some of our
elders or some old souls that live in younger bodies, wisdom of another will resonate from
5. Their wisdom is reflected in their actions, they would hold absolute truth as their guidepost (The
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God)
This is the way some courts are run … by posting up community members that all of us trust, to start the
dissecting of the problem truthfully with the intent to restore of the community’s wholeness.
Here are two examples of communities coming together to take responsibility for crime:
Crimes Against Humanity: Arrest Warrants Issued for Pope Benedict XVI, Queen Elizabeth, and Stephen Harper
Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes in Malaysia tribunal/ Judgment of the Court
No attorneys are needed, as everyone can represent themselves, because the LAW is easy to understand
and follow. Before all the legal mumbo-jumbo manipulation, law was passed down orally, from human to
human. It was living law, so that everyone could function properly/prosperously within each other’s
If a guilty verdict is given in the case of murder, one suggested way of handling the “sentencing” would
be to have that guilty person pay for damages to that family who has suffered the loss… over a course of
many years. Monetary value (or other types of these tools of representation) is given to the assaulted
family and although it cannot replace the life lost, what it does support is the healing-time the assaulted
family needs to come to terms with their loss, as they would not be required to work.
It would also serve as penance to the murder, as his labor and creativity will go to the benefit of the
family whose life he has taken.
The guilty subject would be moved to a secluded place in NATURE, (not a prison compound) under the
supervision of professionals who would give him his daily chores of taking care of himself and make him
take care of animals and the agriculture. Personal and group therapy is given to him. He could have visits
from his family and friends. Family therapy is offered as well.
Over a long period of consistent love and guidance- emotional changes of that prisoner should occur
internally and externally. These can take many different creative forms, but the root that must take hold is
truth, love, ethics, responsibility, and compassion. A person that is willing to humbly ask forgiveness and
with raw emotional honesty to the family he damage, a person who is willing to change their
patterns/programming so that they conduct themselves in a healthy way to their counterparts in society, a
person who is willing to come back to their community to ask the community for forgiveness and to be
re-admitted, could very well be a healed person.
And that has value to everyone. Results based on those changes of characteristics, would determine
whether the prisoner is suitable for release.
I encourage you to use your imagination… it will be people like you who are not afraid to stand, speak,
and change the way we all deal with such brutalities that curse our communities time-cycles,
What do our current rehabilitation/prison systems look like now and why wouldn’t we just keep sending
the degenerates there?
Rehabilitation: the restoration of someone to a useful place in society
When someone in our family, parents, siblings, or children, creates an action that is not truthful, lacks
integrity, or is violent, in some cases, once the behavior is addressed and dealt with in a healthy way, we
don’t continue to hate them every day for what they have done; the love we have for them bridges past the
disappointing momentary rift created.
This is, usually, most clear between parents and their children, both sides of the relationship create
experiences (either, negative/unhealthy or positive /healthy vibrations) and they do/will conflict with each
other. However, it is the love, the respect, and the patience by way of compassion that will create new
patterns to open up new ways of communicating and therefore, new ways of BE-ing healthy in our
communal relationships outside our families.
Our US prison wards, by way of their structure, procedures, protocols, and INTENT are flagrant contrasts
to the real meaning rehabilitation. There is no rehabilitation, in fact, these prisoners are usually worse off
when they come out and continue the cycle of violence, thief, rape, and murder. Why is that?
Let’s have a microscopic look at our prison systems,
1) Most prison systems are privately owned
2) Some prison systems are privately/publicly owned
3) If prisons are both private/publicly owned, then the corporation that owns the prison receives the
profits from the prisoners labor (i.e. the making of license plates for the DMV corporation, etc)
and if also publicly owned, the tax payers pay for the costs to run the prison but receive no profits
from the prisoners labor
4) Since there were no laws since 1933, prior to the OPPT UCC filings, all persons have
unknowingly consented to going to prison by way of answering to their corporate fiction which
gave the courts/corporations de facto jurisdiction over the person/the ward of the state
5) In most public schools, tests are given to 3rd graders, how the child responds to those answers will
determine how many more prison cells the state will build
6) Depending on the code violation, once charged, the person must buy a bond, or sit in prison until
the court date
7) Once the bond is bought by the person who has consented to be in prison, it is open to the market
for wealthy private or corporate bulk bond buyers to review as to which bonds have more value.
I.e. - Those that committed murder will have more value monetary attached to their bonds, than
say those bonds that represent a third code violation such as drunk and disorderly.
8) An interest rate will apply to each bond, and upon maturity of the bond, the bond buyer will
redeem the bonds to receive due profits.
9) The prison system insures the buyer’s investment in bonds /persons are kept under lock and key,
until the prisoner is release by the prison system itself…
10) The prison creates environments after the prisoners ‘release’ into society to ensure they continue
to work in select few minimum paying jobs, with little to no other possibilities to rise above in the
work force or society (it is my speculation, that there is more bond flipping after release from
prison, but I have no seen the evidence)
11) Most prisoners are broken and have been institutionalized, or they continue the same
patterning/cycling of behavior that lands them back into prison
Bonds are traded on their heads, and these bonds have more value than say our birth certificates that
produced bonds, because these prison bonds have prison wards who make sure by physical enforcement
that the prisoners labor will produce product and profit for the private owners/private shareholders. We,
the former citizens/slaves were bonded by only our birth certificate and are less controllable and had more
room to navigate than say a prisoner in a 3 by 5 cell.
Now, looking at it from a private wealthy bulk buyer of bonds point of view, which bonds have more
value? The bonds that will ensure productivity by force of a prison guard? Or the bonds that are attached
to a former citizen/slave that decides to drop out of the corporate work/slave force and not pay taxes…. If
I were ruthless, I KNOW which bonds I would pick. I would then take my money and invest as a
shareholder in those private prisons and in their companies that profit from prison work! (the revolving
investment door) This is a drunkenly profitable win-win-win for all those that are in the “know”… and a
reflection of their bank accounts would tell the same story.
Prison compounds/labor camps are very, very lucrative business for the coward, the shrewd, and the base.
“Reuters – Goldman Invests in NYC Jail Program –peHUB
Goldman Sachs will invest nearly $10 million in a new York City jails program, using an innovative financial instrument
in which private investments fund public social services, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said on Thursday. Goldman will
create one of the nation’s first “social service bonds” to help fund a new York City program that aims to lower the
50% recidivism rate among youthful offenders jailed at the Rikers Island correctional facility.
(Reuters) – Goldman Sachs will invest nearly $10 million in a new York City jails program, using an innovative financial
instrument in which private investments fund public social services, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said on Thursday.
Goldman will create one of the nation’s first “social service bonds” to help fund a new York City program that aims to
lower the 50 percent recidivism rate among youthful offenders jailed at the Rikers Island correctional facility.
Unlike similar proposals being developed elsewhere, most of Goldman’s ‘Rikers bond’ will be guaranteed by
Bloomberg Philanthropies, the mayor’s philanthropic group, which will back $7.2 million of the $9.6 million
investment the bank plans. Bloomberg called juvenile offender recidivism in new York City an “entrenched” problem.
“Helping young people who land in jail stay out of trouble when they return home is one of the most difficult and
important challenges we face,” he said in a statement. The four-year program, in which private non-profit groups will
provide education and intensive training and counseling to at-risk incarcerated youths, must reduce the recidivism
rate by at least 10 percent for Goldman to recoup the investment.
If the recidivism rate drops further, Goldman could profit up to $2.1 million beyond its original investment, according
to Samantha Levine, a spokeswoman for the city. If the program fails to reduce recidivism by 10 percent, Goldman
could lose $2.4 million.
Social impact bonds partner local governments with non-profits and private investors in deals that require a
government to pay out only if a social services group can meet a specified performance goal.
It is unclear how popular philanthropic bonds will be, given that profits depend on societal improvements. But the
notion of social impact bonds is politically attractive: cash-strapped municipalities risk little on innovative social
programs and investors benefit from being seen as socially conscientious.
Goldman Chairman Lloyd Blankfein said his firm hopes to drive more private investors toward similar public-private
philanthropic partnerships.”
“we believe this investment paves the way for a new type of instrument that enables the public sector to leverage
upfront funding from the private sector,” Blankfein said in a statement issued on Thursday.
The notion of social impact bonds was first tested two years ago in Peterborough, England. in 2010, the British
government agreed to pay 5 million pounds, about $8 million, to a non-profit organization to reduce the recidivism
rate at Peterborough’s city prison.
Earlier this week, Massachusetts awarded contracts to two non-profit groups to create programs to address
homelessness and juvenile crime.”
This carefully crafted article is what we call ‘Public Relations’; how to notify and sell the public on
private investors profiting off of the prison industry and their victims.
America's Prison Industry #1 in World, #2 in U.S. Business!
“A total of 18 private firms are involved in the running of local jails, private prisons and immigration detention
centers. It is estimated that firms such as Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch write between $2-3 billion in prison
constructions bonds every year. This has led some commentators to suggest that the United States is effectively
creating a prison-industrial complex in much the same way as the military-industrial complex operates.
With the economic restructuring of America, politicians found it necessary to address domestic anxieties, Parenti
suggests and this "required scapegoats, a role usually filled by new immigrants, the poor and people of color". The
cost of building jails has averaged $7 billion per year for the last decade and the annual bill for incarcerating prisoners
is up to $35 billion annually. The prison industry employs more than 523,000 people, making it the country's biggest
employer after General Motors. Some 5% of the population growth in rural areas between 1980 and 1990 was as a
result of prisoners being moved into new rural jails
Consider the growth of the Corrections Corporation of America, the industry leader whose stock price has climbed
from $8 a share in 1992 to about $30 today and whose revenue rose by 81 per cent in 1995 alone. Investors in
Wackenhut Corrections Corp. have enjoyed an average return of 18 per cent during the past five years and the
company is rated by Forbes as one of the top 200 small businesses in the country. At Esmor, another big private
prison contractor, revenues have soared from $4.6 million in 1990 to more than $25 million in 1995.
In addition to the companies that directly manage America's prisons, many other firms are getting a piece of the
private prison action. American Express has invested millions of dollars in private prison construction in Oklahoma
and General Electric has helped finance construction in Tennessee. Goldman Sachs & Co., Merrill Lynch, Smith Barney,
among other Wall Street firms, have made huge sums by underwriting prison construction with the sale of tax exempt
bonds, this now a thriving $2.3 billion industry.”
“Last AST year a videotape of beatings at a private correctional facility in Texas provoked a great deal of controversy.
The tape showed correctional officers at the Brazoria County Detention Center kicking inmates who were lying on the
floor, shooting inmates with a stun gun, and ordering a police dog to attack them. The inmates had been convicted of
crimes in Missouri, but were occupying rented cells in rural Texas. One of the correctional officers in the video had
previously lost his job at a Texas state prison and served time on federal charges for beating an inmate. The Brazoria
County videotape received nationwide publicity and prompted Missouri to cancel its contract with Capital
Correctional Resources, the private company operating the facility. But the beatings were unusual only because they
were captured on tape. Incidents far more violent and surreal have become almost commonplace in the private
prisons of Texas.”
“Who Profits?
Prior to the 1970s, private corporations were prohibited from using prison labor as a result of the chain gang and
convict leasing scandals. But in 1979, Congress began a process of deregulation to restore private sector involvement
in prison industries to its former status, provided certain conditions of the labor market were met.
(PDF Document)
Over the last 30 years, at least 37 states have enacted laws permitting the use of convict labor by private enterprise,
with an average pay of $0.93 to $4.73 per day.
(PDF Document)
Federal prisoners receive more generous wages that range from $0.23 to $1.25 per hour, and are employed by
Unicor, a wholly owned government corporation established by Congress in 1934.
Its principal customer is the Department of Defense, from which Unicor derives approximately 53 percent of its sales.
Some 21,836 inmates work in Unicor programs.
(PDF Document)
Subsequently, the nation’s prison industry – prison labor programs producing goods or services sold to other
government agencies or to the private sector — now employs more people than any Fortune 500 company (besides
General Motors), and generates about $2.4 billion in revenue annually.
Noah Zatz of UCLA law school estimates that:
“Well over 600,000, and probably close to a million, inmates are working full-time in jails and prisons throughout the
United States. Perhaps some of them built your desk chair: office furniture, especially in state universities and the
federal government, is a major prison labor product. Inmates also take hotel reservations at corporate call centers,
make body armor for the U.S. military, and manufacture prison chic fashion accessories, in addition to the iconic task
of stamping license plates.”
Some of the largest and most powerful corporations have a stake in the expansion of the prison labor market,
including but not limited to IBM, Boeing, Motorola, Microsoft, AT&T, Wireless, Texas Instrument, Dell, Compaq,
Honeywell, Hewlett-Packard, Nortel, Lucent Technologies, 3Com, Intel, Northern Telecom, TWA, Nordstrom’s, Revlon,
Macy’s, Pierre Cardin, Target Stores, and many more. Between 1980 and 1994 alone, profits went up from $392
million to $1.31 billion.
Since the prison labor force has likely grown since then, it is safe to assume that the profits accrued from the use of
prison labor have reached even higher levels.
In an article for Mother Jones, Caroline Winter details a number of mega-corporations that have profited off of
“In the 1990s, subcontractor Third Generation hired 35 female South Carolina inmates to sew lingerie and leisure
wear for Victoria’s Secret and JCPenney. In 1997, a California prison put two men in solitary for telling journalists they
were ordered to replace ‘Made in Honduras’ labels on garments with ‘Made in the USA.’”
According to Winter, the defense industry is a large part of the equation as well:
“Unicor, says that in addition to soldiers’ uniforms, bedding, shoes, helmets, and flak vests, inmates have ‘produced
missile cables (including those used on the Patriot missiles during the Gulf War)’ and ‘wiring harnesses for jets and
tanks.’ In 1997, according to Prison Legal News, Boeing subcontractorMicroJet had prisoners cutting airplane
components, paying $7 an hour for work that paid union wages of $30 on the outside.”
Oil companies have been known to exploit prison labor as well. Following the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig
that killed 11 workers and irreparably damaged the Gulf of Mexico for generations to come, BP elected to hire
Louisiana prison inmates to clean up its mess.
Louisiana has the highest incarceration rate of any state in the nation, 70 percent of which are African-American men.
Coastal residents desperate for work, whose livelihoods had been destroyed by BP’s negligence, were outraged at
BP’s use of free prison labor.
In the Nation article that exposed BP’s hiring of inmates, Abe Louise Young details how BP tried to cover up its use of
prisoners by changing the inmates’ clothing to give the illusion of civilian workers. But nine out of 10 residents of
Grand Isle, Louisiana are white, while the cleanup workers were almost exclusively black, so BP’s ruse fooled very few
Private companies have long understood that prison labor can be as profitable as sweatshop workers in third-world
countries with the added benefit of staying closer to home. Take Escod Industries, which in the 1990s abandoned
plans to open operations in Mexico and instead moved to South Carolina, because the wages of American prisoners
undercut those of de-unionized Mexican sweatshop workers.
The move was fueled by the state, which gave a $250,000 “equipment subsidy” to Escod along with industrial space
at below-market rent. Other examples include Ohio’s Honda supplier, which pays its prison workers $2 an hour for
the same work for which the UAW has fought for decades to be paid $20 to $30 an hour; Konica, which has hired
prisoners to repair its copiers for less than 50 cents an hour; and Oregon, where private companies can “lease”
prisoners at a bargain price of $3 a day. By Samuel Adams”
“Wells Fargo’s prison cash cow
The bailed-out bank has used its taxpayer money to invest in private prisons
Wells Fargo is one of the top five largest banks in America, a fact that on its own is damning enough, basic human
decency not exactly being conducive to success in the financial industry. Despite, or rather because of, its role as one
of the leading sub-prime mortgage lenders prior to the 2008 crash in the housing market, the bank was handed $37
billion from the U.S. government, a transfer of wealth from the foreclosed upon have-nots to the haves doing the
foreclosing – people like chairman and CEO John Stumpf, whose compensation actually rose after his company’s de
facto bankruptcy to a cool $18 million last year.
As Wells Fargo has grown over the years, using its bailout funds to gobble up rival Wachovia and expand to the East
Coast, so has the U.S. prison population. By 2008, one in 100 American adults were either in jail or in prison – and one
in nine black men between the ages of 20 and 34, many simply for non-violent offenses, justice not so much blind as
Overall, more than 2.3 million people are currently behind bars, up 50 percent in the last 15 years, the land of the free
now accounting for a full quarter of the world’s prisoners.
These developments are not unrelated. A driving force behind the push for ever-tougher sentences is the for-profit
prison industry, in which Wells Fargo is a major investor. Flush with billions in bailout money and an economic system
designed to siphon wealth from the working class to the idle rich, Wells Fargo has been busy expanding its stake in
the GEO Group, the second largest private jailer in America.
At the end of 2011, Wells Fargo was the company’s second-largest investor, holding 4.3 million shares valued at more
than $72 million.
By March 2012, its stake had grown to more than 4.4 million shares worth $86.7 million.
Unfortunately, it’s a safe investment. While a 50 percent growth in the number of human beings our society cages in
rape factories may sound impressive – or perhaps the word is “revolting” – a study released last year by the Justice
Policy Institute found that the private prison industry grew by more than 350 percent over the last decade and a half.
By Charles Davis”
“How lawmakers and lobbyists keep a lock on the private prison business
Early in August, the Associated Press reported that America's three largest private prison companies, the Corrections
Corporation of America (CCA), GEO Group, Inc and Management and Training Corp spent in the region of $45m over
the past 10 years in lobbying state and federal governments. During the same period, these companies saw their
profits soar as they scored more government contracts.
During the same period, various pieces of legislation got passed ensuring that immigrant detention, in particular,
would remain a lucrative growth market. The companies get defensive, however, if anyone attempts to draw a
connection between their lobbying efforts and their booming businesses. But whatever the purpose of the lobbying,
the very fact that these companies, which perform a public service using taxpayer funds, are first and foremost profitmaking entities highlights the flawed incentivisation of the private prison model and its growing presence in the
American criminal justice system.
I'll get to the lobbying in a moment, but first let's have a look at that flawed incentive. Thanks to mandatory
sentencing laws and the "war on drugs", the prison population has exploded over the past 30 years – to the point
where it has become an untenable burden on state budgets. As a result, many state lawmakers have begun to look at
ways to reduce their prison populations. This is good for society, as needlessly locking people up for excessive periods
for nonviolent crimes has proven to be counter-productive and cost-prohibitive – not to mention inhumane.
This is terrible news for the private prison business, however, as they are reliant on state and federal governments to
provide them with their customer base: that is, bodies to fill their cells.
The CCA highlighted its concerns over this potential downturn in demand for services in its Annual Report to
shareholders in 2010:
"The demand for our facilities and services could be adversely affected by the relaxation of enforcement efforts,
leniency in conviction or parole standards and sentencing practices or through the decriminalization of certain
activities that are currently proscribed by our criminal laws. For instance, any changes with respect to drugs and
controlled substances or illegal immigration could affect the number of persons arrested, convicted, and sentenced
thereby potentially reducing demand for correctional facilities to house them."
As it turns out, the CCA is doing just fine. Its revenue in 2010 was a record $1.67bn, an increase of $46m from 2009.
Half of that revenue came from contracts with states, and 43% of it came from federal contracts with the US
Marshals, the Bureau of Prisons and ICE. Since 9/11, the number of immigrants held in detention has grown
exponentially, and the number held in private prisons (not just the CCA's facilities) has increased during that period by
206%, according to a report by the Sentencing Project.
(PDF Document)
The companies maintain that their lobbying efforts have nothing to do with this expansion and insist that it is their
policy to "expressly prohibit their lobbyists from working to pass or oppose immigration legislation", such as the
Arizona immigration bill SB1070, which provides for the mandatory detention of immigrants who cannot produce
papers on request. In an email to me, the CCA's spokesperson, Steve Owen, stated his company's position as follows:
"Allow me to strongly reiterate that it is CCA's longstanding corporate policy not to take positions on any legislation at
any level of government involving detainment, crime or sentencing policies."
Since it is not to influence custodial policy, where are the private prison firms spending those millions of lobbying
dollars? On a state level, it's difficult to ascertain exactly where the funds are directed, as each state has different
disclosure requirements for lobbyists. But a report compiled by the Justice Policy Institute issued in 2011 and using
data from the National Institute on Money in State Politics found that between 2003 and 2010, the CCA contributed a
total of $1,552,350 to state election campaigns, with its efforts concentrated in California, Florida and Georgia. (Of
these contributions, approximately half was to candidates, more than a third was to party committees and around
one tenth was spent on ballot measures.)
Contracts with the state of California account for 13% of the CCA's total revenue, and Georgia is home to the CCA-run
Stewart Detention Center, the largest immigrant detention center in the country.
At a federal level, it is much easier to find out exactly where lobbying efforts have been directed. For instance, on the
federal government's official lobbying disclosure website, it is possible to do a search to see exactly how much each
private prison company has spent in any given year on lobbying efforts, and to find the specific issues they lobbied on.
So, in this CCA lobbying report from 2008, it clearly states in box 16 that the "specific lobbying issues" were the
"HR1889 (Private Prison Information Act); all provisions and HR1890 (Public Safety Act); all provisions."
The purpose of the latter bill, HR1890, was to "ensure that the incarceration of inmates is not provided by private
contractors or vendors and that persons charged with or convicted of an offense against the US shall be housed in
facilities managed and maintained by federal, state or local governments".
The bill died in committee. So the CCA lobbied and came out on the winning side against a bill that would have ended
privatization of prison services. Whether that fits with the CCA's stated policy of not taking positions on "any
legislation at any level of government involving detainment" may be moot, for I'm sure its shareholders would feel
that those were lobbying dollars well spent.
The private prison companies insist that their lobbying and campaign donations are above board and legally
compliant. They are corporations in the business of making profit, and so you cannot really blame them for doing
whatever it takes to achieve that end.
It is their political enablers, the lawmakers who accept millions of dollars from these corporations, who ought to be
doing some serious soul-searching. Of all the public services to be outsourced, incarceration, where the state deprives
a person of their liberty and assumes responsibility for his or her mental and physical well-being, is not one to be
auctioned for campaign contributions. By Sadhbh Walshe
Do you think for one moment they care if this prisoner, this “menace to society” rehabilitates into a
healthy human being?
Yes, THEY CARE, they care very much that the prisoner DOES NOT rehabilitate – they are consciously
creating an environment that is only conducive to induce more criminal behavior… so that the profits
from their labor keep rolling in, as cheap as possible… all folded into a neat little package where the tax
payer carries the burden of the prisoners living expenses.
Now, let’s rethink that “3 strike’s rule and you’re out” again, shall we? I have read in newspapers of
many former citizens/slaves committing a 3rd offense (stealing bread because they or their family hasn’t
eaten), and going to prison for over 10 years or their lifetime!
Is that equitable punishment??
Do you think it is a miscalculation, that over 80 percent of our prisoners are black?
Do you think it is a miscalculation, that most persons who go to prison are poor and uneducated?
Do you think it is a miscalculation, that those that have gone to prison most always return?
So –in essence- the former citizens/slaves pay for taxes to support the prisoner’s lifestyles/labor and
support the profits of the wealthy private corporations that represent a few. Now, if the former
citizens/slaves were caught breaking a legal Act, Code, or Statue, then our policy officers (paid by our tax
dollars), will arrest us and charge us (remember, there are over 60 million codes and statutes written).
Upon being charged, the citizen/slave unknowingly consents to jurisdiction within the court/corporation
process (that our tax dollars pay for), depending on the violation, we may be forced to pay for a bond
(with our own legal tender) or sit in prison. Once convicted, either a fine or imprisonment will occur. If
imprisoned, we are then expected to do as told until parole, and for doing what we are told, we get to
make somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 cents a hour.
This isn’t rehabilitation; this is a labor camp, and we, the former citizens/slaves are paving/paying the
way for our own demise…. You get it, don’t you? You were bonded (bondage) when you were born
through your birth certificate paying taxes into a system that entraps you, (unknowingly consent) in the
hopes you are the next potential prisoner (which you pay for, this time around), whose hours of labor can
be stolen, monitored, and enforced by mental and physical abuse upon conviction and incarceration.
Sweet deal for the private side, huh?
Most of us agree if we really look at all sides of the Zimmerman/Martin case that, George Zimmerman is
guilty of murder, as Zimmerman, an adult, was the only one with a gun who actively pursued a unarmed
boy who was only 30 steps from his property.
Do you think Zimmerman would get the kind of help that he needs if sent to one of these labor camps?
Let’s call it what it is- our prison is NOT rehabilitation, they are labor camps, meant to continue the cycle
of punishment, degradation, violence, and profiteering for the few. This is Big, Big Business we are
talking…and business of predators who are salivating at the chance to lock you up.
The only way, we are going to stop this insane violence in our society is to take the responsibility back to
the people. What we vibrate is only a mere reflection of what lives outside of us now.
I am not saying that when one person commits murder, we are all murderers… what I am saying is that
we do nothing to take the necessary, truthful, and healing steps to correct unhealthy and destructive
behaviors that exist in our society.
It is pretty simple in some ways, if you are taking someone else’s life, then you have a real lack of value
of your own life. I say this in the most loving way- they are the ones that need our love the most… and as
we heal them, we heal ourselves… and all comes into connected conscience of wholeness, harmony, and
There are great examples of rehabilitation centers. And I will use Norway as an example where they take
their violent convicted criminals to an island- out of cities and countries. On the island there are houses
where the prisoners live, without bars, and are free to come and go as the please as long as they stick with
the rules of the island. There are no prison guards walking around with guns (although the guns are
available to them if need be). The prisoners are tasked with taking care of the animals of the farm, taking
care of the foliage, veggies, fruit trees, and each other. Once it is determined that rehabilitation did take
effect, the prisoner, under supervision, is allowed back into society with all experiences available to them
as any other member of society. From what I have read and understand, no prisoner from that island has
ever returned as a prisoner, if they do, it is their own personal calling to help the other criminals
Yearly, Norway’s homicide rate is 0.69 percent per 100,000 people, versus the US’s homicide rate which
is 4.7 percent per 100,000 people.
Those persons that commit these atrocities are emotionally-ill and desperate. Do you think that by sending
them labor camps to be taken advantage of by racketeering profiteers, they will come back into society
Norway’s policy is to have the prisoners take care of the innocents (animals), and to re-establish a
connection of love, respect, and compassion. Once the bond of love is there, an emotional imprint is
made, and the course, of that prisoner’s integrity takes a very different turn, and very attractive turn that
supports societal structure.
-One cannot be compassionate if one does not know what compassion isDoes our corporate structure reflect compassion and love?
- I’m not sayin, I’m just sayin…..
I could postulate that some would view me as too sympathetic to murderers like George Zimmerman and
they are fully within their opinions to think so…
My rebuttal? I would only hold up a mirror, and ask two simple questions
1) What education and research supports their opinions?
2) Do the results match their opinions?
If the results from a corporate system fail us, then why do we continue to repeat the same cycles of
failure, time and time again?
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein
I had coffee table conversations with others regarding Zimmerman since the verdict and some very
interesting items have been brought into focus for us:
1) George Zimmerman has been pulled over twice for speeding, he was ticketed on one, and let go
on another
2) Zimmerman’s wife, Shellie had supposedly told him that she was leaving their marriage the day
before he murdered Martin
3) Zimmerman’s wife has filed for a divorce ”… Shellie Zimmerman told ABC News last week her husband was
"selfish" and has been making "reckless decisions … In my opinion, he feels more invincible" since his acquittal…”
4) Zimmerman allegedly punched his wife’s father in the face and broke her IPad
5) Shellie Zimmerman’s father and Zimmerman “put hands on each other” but there were no
injuries, a team of forensics are restoring the IPad to see the data
6) Shellie Zimmerman called 911 and told them that George Zimmerman had his hand on a gun and
she thought he was capable of anything (turns out, there was no gun found and no charges are being pressed)
7) George Zimmerman has been involved with a domestic case at least once before. In 2005,
Zimmerman's former fiancée filed for a restraining order against Zimmerman, alleging domestic
8) Zimmerman is asking the tax payers of the State of Florida to pay $200K-$300K for his legal
9) Zimmerman's defense fund has raised $314,099.17 (what corporations gave?)
10) An obtained a copy of George Zimmerman’s application to join the Seminole County Sheriff’s
Office Citizens Law Enforcement Academy states that: Zimmerman wrote that his “father is a
retired Magistrate Judge for the supreme court (sic) of Virginia.”
“…Kristi Wright with the Department of Legislative and Public Relations wrote us this email in response: “Robert J.
Zimmerman served as a full-time magistrate from 2000-2006. Please be advised that in Virginia magistrates are
judicial officers, but they are not considered "judges" and do not possess trial jurisdiction…”
George Zimmerman, Son of a Retired Judge, Has 3 Closed Arrests
“…According to a records search on George, he was previously arrested for domestic violence, resisting an officer
without violence and most shockingly, resisting an officer with violence — a felony charge that surely could have
landed him in prison….”
12) Martin family attorney Natalie Jackson raised serious questions about the role of George
Zimmerman’s father, Robert Zimmerman.
“…Jackson noted that Robert Zimmerman was a retired magistrate judge who “issued warrants” and knows “what
probable cause needs to be” to justify an arrest. His presence at the questioning, according to Jackson, was unusual
and potentially inappropriate because “we don’t know what coaching went on…”
There are many comments I could make but more importantly, I just have one question for you, the
If Trayvon Martin’s Dad was a retired magistrate of the court, do you think George would
have walked away a free man or do you think George would be doing time?
“It’s good to be the King”
History of the World Part I, film Mel Brooks, writer- producer
Some of you will be fearful, but that is only “False Evidence Appearing Real”… don’t fall for
the hyperbole around “fear porn”; it is only there to confuse you and control you; the ‘powers
that were’ are counting on you to pay fear energy into material and matter that serves them only.
Yes, some of you will be angry and rightfully so! I was really angry and hurt, as well; however,
that is a cycle of destruction that we as humans have looped on FOR MILLENNIUMS (hint:
bankers that fund ALL WARS are counting on you to be angry, and they want you to
war/fight/hate/divide-don’t do it, as it is a trap). Be truthful to yourself about your feelings, see
the opportunity, and let go of the anger, and fear… find the love that is just right below the
surface, as that is who you really are……
One must self- audit truthfully, process, let go, forgive, and fall back in love with this beautiful
life you have been so blessed with AND THINK AND ACT DIFFERENTY….
You have an opportunity in front of you…. and all the answers lie inside your heart, your joy,
your bliss- create from that space, and stay locked onto the excitement of that picture and you
will pull in the answers/direction you need, as your best friend is Prime Creator – waiting to
joyfully, blissfully match you and take you to the next destination. Pay energy into your joy,
your love, your bliss, your happiness, your peace, and your heart’s limitless desires and creativity
What you do choose?
― John Lame Deer, Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions
“Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound by others, past and present,
and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future” Cloud Atlas, film
Who are you? What do you stand for? Where do you come from? How do you love? Why do you love?
How do you BE and DO with yourself and others? Do you act with responsibility? Do you act with
transparency? Do you act with compassion and love? Do you act in full liability and accountability? What
are your gifts? Why are you here? When do you express your passion? What is your life’s purpose?
All answers lie within your heart, and all you need to do is to cultivate the nurturing, be honest, and know
this is your purpose, and you, as prime creator, are supported in full faith and trust (why else would you be
‘given’ this cool body?). Mother earth, our sacred feminine, and Father Sky, our sacred masculine, are
holding the safety net- …so jump…. And ride the wave of absolute freedom and creativity, as there are
others are waiting to be inspired by you.
I love you, I love you, and I love you –the more I BE, DO, and SPEAK all in the name of love and truth,
the more I expand and you expand with me… you are precious, you are valuable, you all are eternal
essence embodied absent limits.
It is with deep respect that I humbly thank you for your time you gave to read this essay, your sister in
love, truth, transparency, harmony, integrity, responsibility, liability, accountably, and compassion,
Tamara Marie from the family of the Davis tribe of Eternal Essence Embodied known as a fractal of the
whole - Prime Creator/ I AM I -.
-a special thanks to Hurricane kitty, Katrina Renee Phillips - the love of my life- her love/editing knows
no bounds of support-
- Shanti, shanti, shanti –
may peace for the one people reign, within and