Telemedicine and eHealth
Telemedicine and eHealth
Wojciech Glinkowski Telemedicine and eHealth in Poland Polish Telemedicine Society Advances in eHealth and Telemedicine International Conference 1996 Thanks to Jacek Liszka, Marek Pilch-Kowalczyk, Dariusz Zambrowski, Konrad Mąkosa, Artur Wojciechowski, Jarosław Żyłkowski, Bogdan Ciszek, Ireneusz Wojtkowski, Magdalena Sawińska, Mariusz Gil, Łukasz Preibisz, Katarzyna Dyttus-Cebulok, Szymon Pawlica, Magdalena Powierża, Monika Wasilewska, Marta Rachoń, Krzysztof Marasek, Andrzej Staniszewski, Bożena Glinkowska, Artur Przelaskowski, Robert Sitnik, Tomasz Lekszycki, Michał Słotwiński, Wioletta Włodarska, Andrzej Górecki Polish Telemedicine Society Telehealth/Telemedicine/eHealth “medical care delivery and medical information exchange on remote” “Introduction to Telemedicine”, Wootton (1999) Move the information instead of patient or physician Telehealth, Telemedicine, Telecare, eHealth is not: A panaceum Able to solve all medical problems Able to replace medical professionals Telehealth/Telemedicine/eHealth „liability makes the thin border beetween wide eHealth and telemedicine” Polish Telemedicine Society Value of telemedicine Telemedicine VALUE of Telemedicine Integration of IT and clinical medicine Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) Applicable in every medical specialty Telemedicine Telemedicine Telemedicine Approach Interdisciplinary Team approach ( many specialists – team work necessary) physician+ IT specialist + telecom specialist =TM Specialists take part while solving real clinical problems Atributes and Features of Telemedicine Telemedicine Telecommunication as fast as possible (economicaly justified) Move the information, not patient Shorten way to highest class specialists •Medical service – served by physician •Beneficiary - PATIENT - Direct or Indirect •Responsibility and Liability - Medical Ethics Activities in telemedicine and eHealth Digital Society – Preparedness to Tele… Teleeducation – eEducation in Medicine Telediagnostics – eDiagnostics (remote enhancement of diagnostic procedures) Teleconsultations - eConsultations Telepresence (i.e. in surgery, telementoring, remote enhancement of invasive procedures) Telesurgery (incl. robotics) Telerehabilitation # Clinical decision support on remote Polish attitudes toward telemedicine Term „telemedicine” brings no association in 42% population (42%) or makes total misunderstanding (telepathy/ parapsychology – 5%; TV program – 5%). 44% respondents aged 15 or above have heard about telemedicine 24% of population think, that no telemedicine service is available in Poland, 35% have no idea about telemedicine. Most often reason for no interest in telemedicine service use (independent on service type) is persuasion that direct contact with physician is necessary, and lack of trust to such service. Society teleinformatic preparedness Almost 90% of population aged 60 and above can not operate the computer. Almost 90% of population aged 60 and above can not use the Internet. A little of that population have good will to learn to operate those devices (4 – 3%). Society teleinformatic preparedness The most promissing devices are phones and mobile phones as devices for telemedicine. 42% of respondents would like to use telemedicine service utilizing phones. Almost 60% of population owns Mobile phone, in that group 21% is aged 60 or older. Available for physicians Teleeducation -internet, Medline, web pages, e-manuals journals on-line - e-learning -Internet Medline Videoconferences Webinars Teleeducation - example Anatomy Department Academic teachers Manuals Radiologic Anatomy selfeducation multimedia ANATOMICAL web page Preparation toward telemedicine begins here !!! Anatomy Department Webpage Teleeducation in anatomy – visitors statistics Teleeducation in medicine Telemedicine example– CME - Orthopedics & Traumatology Videoconferences TeleOrto – University Regensburg Teleeducation in medicine Telemedicine Modern techniques – high tech equippment Demonstrations by experienced surgeon while teaching required Live surgery on-line – useful tool in teleeducation. Usually utilized locally Rarely via Internet Our experiences – orthopedic and telemedicine Webinars – password protected access Telemedicine Authorial solutions Webinars – national and international medical conferences transmitted via Internet on topics related to orthopedics and orthopedic trauma. Connections: One to one, one to many, few to many Chat available – online questions Telemedicine Conferences & Webinars Telemedicine Webinar User side Telemedicine Webinar - Conference – Teleasysisted surgery utilizing Computerized Navigation System – available on site, on PC, and pocket PC Telediagnostics TeleECG Teledermatology Teleradiology Telescreening Etc… TeleECG support for muskuloskeletal telerahabilitation project TELE – EKG, TeleRR, „On demand” while exercising under telerehab supervision Telemedicine TELEDERMATOLOGY – Authorial tool on the www /MDA/GPRS/EDGE/WiFi Telemedicine TELERADIOLOGY via Internet/GPRS/EDGE/WiFi Zoom Teleradiology - intercity regional diagnostic highway Instead of Introduction Exodus of qualified staff R adiolog is ts in P oland 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1900 1800 2004 2005 R adiolog is t 2006 The aim of the presentation To present how interregional solutions are able to meet the problem of specialists shortage Warrants of proper radiologic diagnosis Qualifiactions based, established hierarchy of radiologists who diagnose particular case model applicable in teleradiology System monitoring – supervised data and diagnostic descriptions flow Immediate alert reaction Exam data transfer scheme Diagnostic center Diagnostic center Exam Diagnosis description Exam data transfer screen capture Refering for diagnostic exam Imaging exam description screen capture „Highway” speed limits 2-8 Mbs average data transfer speed currently 100 Mbs expected for most peripheric locations 15%+ = Teleradiology – 50-80 exams daily Images that require second opinion of another subspecialist i.e. cardiac imaging or metabolic bone diseases (Warsaw) Some hospitals transfer data only by night due to data transfer limits Teleradiology „highway” along A4 autoroute other radiology centers potential future „highway” links Warszawa Germany Wrocław Katowice Jelenia Góra Kraków Ukraine Conclusion Teleradiology has reached the practical application level Teleradiology seems to be „the cure” for decreasing number of specialists in the country Teleradiology highway is able to prompt and improve diagnostic process and patients management Medical recognition and advanced examinations Treatment optimization – computer telesimulation biomechanical prediction Acquired locally data Consulting and computer simulations Preoperative planing on remote service for distant hospital Virtual surgery and 3D surgery planning international study Lublana, Slovenia – Warsaw, Poland Osteoporosis Telediagnostics – DXR, DXA PDA phone teleconsultation TeleConsultations in orthopedics Wireless data transmission GPRS Radiogram digital or digitalized Teleconsultation Center Plus GSM BSC SGSN GGSN FireWall Intranet Internet BTS HSCSD/GPRS Charging Gateway Consultant Radiologist TeleConsultions in Trauma WIreless data transmission GPRS „acute duty” - PDA phone -Digital camera -Digiral X-ray Teleconsultation Plus GSM BSC SGSN GGSN FireWall Intranet Center Internet BTS HSCSD/GPRS Charging Gateway Consultant TeleConsultations in Neurotrauma cases GPRS -Digital input Telediagnostic Center Plus GSM BSC SGSN GGSN FireWall Intranet Internet BTS HSCSD/GPRS Charging Gateway RIS/PACS, with mms/sms notification Consultant Neurosurgeon Most common teleconsultation scenario for heterotopic ossification patients qualified for radiotherapy Department of Orthopedics Department of Radiotherap and Traumatology Institute Of Oncology of the Locomotor System Medical University The distance - approximately 10 km. Simple e-mail of anonymized patient‟s image transfer X-ray digitalization methods Preliminary reviewing of digitized x-rays has been shown as useful for radiotherapeutic treatment planning in the study. Progressive codec (tele-tool) Teleconsultations, image transmission Multiplatform, independent architecture Progression mode for user selection Interactive protocol, effective coding selected ROI Compression Tele-tool : JPER2000 7 czas kompresji 6 5 4 3 JPER 2 1 0 1 10 20 30 liczba warstw 40 50 A. Przelaskowski TeleCAD Subiective quality: 1bpp ROC Detection : 0.1bpp CAD: 0.2bpp TP/(TP+FP+1) 12bpp mammograms 0.3bpp 0.05b pp Medical University in Wrocław main directions of eHealth and telemedicine activities Telemedicine and eHealth – applications in Primary Health Care and Family Medicine: – System of telemedicine services dedicated to Family Medicine Practitioners (grant KBN, 2000-2002) – Teleconsultations: Project „Consilium‟ (AM W-w, 2003- ) – BP Tele-monitoring by family medicine practitioners and telecare (own research AM, 2003- ) – Tele-diabetology (own research AM, 2003- ) E-learning: Project European MedSkills (Program UE „Leonardo da Vinci‟, 2004-2007) eHealth: Projekt WHO/European eHealth consumer trends survey (Program UE „Public Health‟, 2005-2008) A.Staniszewski Telescreening of posture and spinal deformations – measurement System B A C E D A – patient, B – detektor CCD, C – Digital Projector, D – Stand, E – Computer PC R.Sitnik Early results and analysis 417 261 dots (x,y,z) system Telemedical System Concept Mobile System 1 (measurement) Telediagnostic Center Internet GSM . . . . . . . -Telescreening – epidemiology oriented cohort study of posture ansd spinal deformations -Age independent -No – X-ray -Safe and repeatable measurement -The first in the world for this purpose Telerehabilitation Patients attitudes toward telerehabilitation Higher interest noted among younger, active patients Depends on level of education and active work Older patients expect some help from third person to attend telerehabilitation (family member/ nurse) Telemedicine web Telerehab – logging page Telemedicine Telerehab – telementoring Telemedicine Telerehab – telementoring Via www, mms, videocall, movie transmision – online or „store and froward” Telecare Telehomecare Tele-video-monitoring Monitoring and diagnostics after hospital discharge Telecare Lower cost of hospitalization Patient oriented and friendly environment Better quality of life Constant contact patient-physician Tele-Comfort Monitoring without diagnozing Help to older and/or disabled Telecare solutions Mobile phone mHealth Mobile applications for sports medicine Endurance tests mobile guide as mobile phone application For sports medicine physicians Unique solution for middle class sportsmen I.Wojtkowski Telemedicine enhanced prehospital paramedical care utilizing mobile videoconferencing and GPS navigation The scheme of data transmission: GPS --> (blackbox) the device on boat --> GPRS through modem --> server <-- iPlus internet access <-- supervisor’s application (PC). GPS+GPRS Serwer GPS on the boat Tower box Tower box Dispatcher’s Application IBM Compatible Server APN Server Radio tower • Connection via APN (Access Point Name) • High precision location (GPS) • Online GPRS data transmission IBM Compatible IBM Compatible Videoconferencing 3G mobile phone GPS tracking Difficulties and problems in telemedicine •Certification •Diplomas •Law •Safety • Financing • Liability and responsibility • Technology (equippment, software, etc.) • Supporting Institutions • Medical community Acceptance •„Passive resistance” Telemedicine Conclusions Telemedicine is not the futuristic dream Selected examples may only approximate whole effort of telemedicine enthusiasts in applying it Poland It becomes real in medical practice slowly Searching for economicaly justified solutions remain important in telemedicine research Structure: Umbrella Organisation Polish International initiatives Thank you for your kind attention
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