mip patron tun dr mahathir mohamad honoured
mip patron tun dr mahathir mohamad honoured
40TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION DECEMBER 2012 MIP PATRON TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD HONOURED Reported by: Rahim Ariffin Photo by: Naz Tajudin Malaysian Institute of Planners (MIP) has honoured the former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad by appointing him as its patron at a special luncheon, on 7th November 2012 in conjunction with MIP’s 40th anniversary. Tun Mahathir is regarded as a foremost planner of the country with his visions on economic planning and strategies that have impacted the spatial planning, development and physical form of the country. His involvement in planning Putrajaya, Cyberjaya and the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) has changed our country in many ways. It was Tun Dr. Mahathir’s knowledge and experience of more than 20 years in leading this nation that had merit this recognition. Present at this ceremony were more than 700 professionals including engineers, architects, surveyors, and developers. The event was held at Renaissance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Housing and Datuk Seri Chor Chee Heung, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, and Prof Dato’Dr Alias Abdullah at the MIP Patron Award Special Luncheon at Renaissance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur Local Government Minister Datuk Seri Chor Chee Heung also was present at the event. Congratulations Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad! MIP MOUNT KINABALU HIKING ADVENTURE Reported by: Fahmi Alias Photo by: Young Elias This event was successfully organized as a collaboration between Young Planner Committee & Promotion, Public Relation & Program Committee. The adventure takes place between 4th – 8th September 2012 with 18 MIP mountain climbers including two media reporters from Utusan Malaysia Berhad. The team has successfully raised MIP flags at Low’s Peak, Mount Kinabalu at dawn of 6th September 2012. All of the team members safely completed the climb and showed good teamwork to achieve victory and success. The team of young planners raised MIP flags at Low Peak at Mount Kinabalu Congratulations to the young guns who made us proud! HighLights •Charles Reade : First Government Town Planner in Malaysia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg 7 •Water, Water Everywhere, I Turn My Tap and It’s Not There. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg 8 •Museum Negara Exhibition on Urbanism and Town Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg 11 •World Class Sustainable Cities 2012: Cities for People. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg 15 •MIP Patron Award Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg 24 NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS COUNCIL 2011/2013 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESIDENT Prof. Dato’ Dr. Alias Abdullah IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Pn Norliza Hashim MEMBERSHIP Tn Hj Mohamad Nazri Jaafar RESEARCH & PUBLICATION En Ishak Ariffin SUSTAINABILITY & ENVIRONMENT Pn Mazrina Khalid INVESTMENT & FUND RAISING Prof Dato’ Dr. Alias Abdullah PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE En Mohd Zamri Husin VICE PRESIDENT Datuk Ismail Ibrahim VICE PRESIDENT Tn Hj Ihsan Zainal Mokhtar HONORARY SECRETARY Mr Lee Lih Shyan HONORARY TREASURER En Md Nazri Mohd Noordin ORGANISATION STRUCTURE OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS NATIONAL COUNCIL 2011/2013 PRESIDENT Prof. Dato’ Dr. Alias Abdullah IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Pn Norliza Hashim VICE PRESIDENT Datuk Ismail Ibrahim VICE PRESIDENT Tn Hj Ihsan Zainal Mokhtar TRAINING & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Pn Khairiah Talha URBAN & LOCAL GOVERNANCE Tn Hj Lokman Omar INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Pn. Norliza Hashim PROMOTION & PUBLIC RELATIONS En Zahiruddin Zainal YOUNG PLANNERS En Fahmi Alias EDUCATION, ACCREDITATION & CAREER DEVELOPMENT Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jamalunlaili Abdullah EDITORIAL BOARD Advisor Lee Lih Shyan Chief Editor Ishak Ariffin Deputy Chief Editor Rahim Ariffin Editor and Typesetter Rijal Saffuan HONORARY SECRETARY Mr Lee Lih Shyan Editorial Assistants Siti Nor Azmi Norasyikin Roslan HONORARY TREASURER En Md Nazri Mohd Noordin MEMBERSHIP Tn Hj Mohamad Nazri Jaafar SUSTAINABILITY & ENVIRONMENT Pn Mazrina Abd Khalid TRAINING & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Pn Khairiah Talha INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Pn Norliza Hashim YOUNG PLANNERS En Mohammad Fahmi Alias INVESTMENT & FUND RAISING Prof. Dato’ Dr. Alias Abdullah COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION & DEVT Pn Noraida Saludin URBAN & LOCAL GOVERNANCE Tn Hj Lokman Omar EDUCATION, ACCREDITATION & CAREER DEVT PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE En Mohd Zamri Husin RESEARCH & PUBLICATION En Ishak Ariffin PROMOTION & PUBLIC RELATIONS En Zahiruddin Zainal Assoc. Prof. Dr Jamalunlaili Abdullah COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION Pn Noraida Saludin Editorial Committee • Syed Danial Haris Syed Husin • Tengku Ahmad Nerang Tengku Amir Shifuddin • Amir Hamlan Abdullah • Dr Syafiee Shuid • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jamalulaili Abdullah • Juwairiyah Ho Abdullah BERITA PERANCANG is published by the Research & Publication Committee of the Malaysian Institute of Planners. All communications should be addressed to: Berita Perancang Malaysian Institute of Planners B-1-02, Jalan SS 7/13B, Kelana Jaya 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Tel : 03-7877 0636 Fax : 03-4877 9636 E-mail : [email protected] Website : http://www.mip.org.my Views expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily represent those of the Malaysian Institute of Planners Printed by Classic Offset Print Sdn Bhd No. 5 Jalan SS25/34, Mayang Industrial Park, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Ucapan Presiden Sempena MIP Patron Award Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad Malaysia (atau sinonimnya dikenali sebagai MIP) yang julung-julung kalinya diadakan sempena dengan sambutan Hari Perancangan Bandar Sedunia 2012 dan Ulang Tahun ke 40 MIP yang bertemakan : “MAKING LIVEABLE SPACES, CREATING SUSTAINABLE PLACES’. PROF DATO’DR. ALIAS ABDULLAH President MIP Bismillahirahmanirahim, Alhamdulillahirabillalamin, Wassalatu wassalamu alla asrafil ambiya’i wamursalin waalla alihi wassabihi aj’main. Allahumma salli ala Syaidina Muhammadin wa ala Alihi wa sahbihi wa salim, Subhanaka la ‘ilma lana ‘illa ma ‘allamtana ‘innaka ‘antal-’Alimul Hakim Yang saya muliakan Pengerusi Majlis; Yang Berhormat Dato’ Seri Chor Chee Heung, Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan Malaysia; Yang Amat Berbahagia dan dihormati Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad, mantan Perdana Menteri; Yang Amat Berbahagia dan dikasihi Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah binti Mohamad Ali; Yang Berbahagia Datuk Arpah Binti Abdul Razak, Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan; Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Mohd. Fadzil bin Hj. Mohd. Khir, Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa Semenanjung Malaysia; Ahli-ahli Majlis MIP, Fellow Kehormat MIP dan Mantanmantan Presiden MIP; Presiden Badan-Badan Profesional, Ketua-Ketua Jabatan dan Universiti; Penaja-Penaja dan rakan-rakan media; Tan Sri-Tan Sri, Dato’-Dato’, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan serta rakan-rakan profession perancang bandar sekalian. A s s a l a m u a l a i k u m Warahmatulla Hiwabarakatuh, Salam Sejahtera dan Salam 1Malaysia Terlebih dahulu, izinkan saya untuk mengucapkan selamat datang kepada semua ke Majlis Penyampaian Anugerah Penaung Pertubuhan Perancang Hadirin yang dihormati; Perancangan dan Pengurusan Bandar bukanlah suatu bidang yang baru. Ianya selari dengan bidang-bidang professional lain seperti kejuruteraan dan seni bina yang telah wujud berkurun lamanya. Jika kita mengambilkira Kerajaan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka sebagai antara tamadun yang awal di Nusantara ini maka kita akan dapati perancangan petempatan telah bermula pada masa tersebut. Kehadiran penjajah-penjajah barat khususnya British telah memperkemaskan aktivitiaktiviti perancangan bandar dan pada tahun 1923 satu undang-undang khusus berkaitan perancangan bandar telah diwujudkan di Tanah Melayu. Hadirin yang dihormati; Pada hari ini perancangan bandar di Malaysia tidak lagi hanya merupakan satu domain kerja tetapi juga telah diiktiraf sebagai satu profession di bawah kumpulan ikhtisas atau pun professional yang mempunyai undang-undangnya sendiri. Profesional perancangan bandar tidak lagi bergerak bersendirian tetapi kini dipayungi oleh Pertubuhan Perancang Malaysia (MIP), Lembaga Perancang Bandar Malaysia (LPBM) dan Jabatan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa (JPBD). Pada tahun ini genaplah 40 tahun MIP memayungi profession perancang bandar di Malaysia. Dengan usia yang sedemikian rupa maka sudah tentulah MIP layak mempunyai seorang yang berwawasan, berkaliber, mempunyai wadah yang jelas terhadap perancangan dan pembangunan negara serta merupakan negarawan ulung menjadi PENANUNG atau PATRON kepada MIP sejajar dengan perlembagaannya. Pada hari ini, MIP dengan keahlian melebihi 2,000 orang di dalam sektor kerajaan, pihak berkuasa tempatan, GLC, akademik dan swasta merasakan amat terharu dan berbangga untuk menerima kehadiran PENAUNG nya yang PERTAMA setelah menunggu selama 40 tahun di dalam pencarian. Hadirin yang dihormati; Saya sebagai PRESIDEN MIP dengan ini sukacitanya memaklumkan bahawa Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia telah bersetuju untuk dinobatkan sebagai PENAUNG PERTAMA MIP. Kita rasa amat bertuah kerana Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun sudi menerima jemputan MIP ini walau pun MIP bukanlah sebuah organisasi yang besar tetapi mempunyai citacita yang besar di dalam wadah perjuangan kearah memantapkan perancangan dan pembangunan mampan, kejiranan dan perbandaran yang berdaya huni, kelestarian alam sekitar semulajadi dan penerapan teknologi hijau di dalam pembangunan fizikal yang mempunyai pengaruh dan kesan secara langsung kepada kehidupan orang ramai di Malaysia. Dengan kehadiran Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun Dr. Mahathir Muhamad sebagai PENAUNG MIP, yang juga telah diiktiraf diperingkat antarabangsa melalui Rafik Hariri United Nation Habitat Memorial Award pada September 2012 yang lepas, kita mengharapkan agar cetusan idea-idea baru dan nasihat yang bernas lagi berterusan kepada ahliahli MIP, pegawai-pegawai perancang bandar, pentadbir dan pengurus bandar, pemajupemaju perumahan, ahliahli akademik dan pelajarpelajar, profession-profession bersekutu serta pembuatpembuat dasar. Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengajak rakan-rakan seperjuangan di dalam MIP bersama-sama dengan pengamal perancangan dan pengurusan bandar untuk sama-sama terus bersatu NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS padu dan bekerjasama bagi memantapkan aktiviti-aktiviti perancangan bandar di Malaysia. Saya juga berdoa kepada Allah SWT agar profession perancangan bandar yang diterajui oleh MIP dengan kehadiran Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun Dr. Mahathir sebagai PENASIHAT terus subur berkembang dan menjadi semakin penting kepada kerajaan dan rakyat Malaysia. Sukalah saya menggungkapkan pantun ini: Tenanglah tenang air di laut Sampan kolek mudik ke tanjung, Hati terkenang mulut menyebut Budi Tun Mahathir yang baik akan terus dijunjung Ragi pulut dalam kati Tapai manis dalam kuali Selagi Tun Mahathir menyumbangkan bakti MIP tetap berada dihadapan untuk berbudi Di akhir kata, izinkan saya mengucapkan sekalung terima kasih kepada semua yang telah berusaha keras untuk menjayakan MAJLIS PENYAMPAIAN ANUGERAH PENAUNG MIP khususnya kepada Ahli Majlis MIP dan Ahli Jawatankuasa yang telah dibentuk. Setinggi-tinggi terima kasih diucapkan kepada semua penaja yang telah menaja dan menyumbangkan kepada kejayaan majlis pada hari ini. Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan juga kami ucapkan kepada YB Dato’ Seri Chor Chee Heung, Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan Malaysia, kerana sudi untuk meluangkan masa bersama-sama MIP di dalam majlis ini. Akhir sekali, saya sebagai presiden, mewakili seluruh ahli Pertubuhan Perancang Malaysia, ingin merakamkan ucapan jutaan terima kasih di atas kesudian Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun Dr. Mahathir untuk menerima Anugerah PENAUNG Pertubuhan Perancang Malaysia. 3 Editorial Simplicity – one of the main purpose of simplicity is to make life easier.(Edward de Bono). A lot have been said about planning procedures, namely planning submission, being very tedious and complicated. We have tried to simplify the process by introducing the OSC – One Stop Centre. However, now we hear complaints about the OSC also becoming a very complicated process. So the question that arises now – has the OSC made life easier for everyone? Perhaps we need to take another closer look at the procedures in the submission of planning applications to the OSC. In spite of our noble effort to make the process easier, there are still some quarters who are asking for simpler process. Some of them went to the extent of trying to by-pass the whole process totally. And thus, we should perhaps re-examine the process we have created and try to improve on it. This takes me to the writings of Edward De Bono on ‘simplicity’. De Bono argues that in many cases the procedures that were established many years ago, possibly for very good reason, continue because no one has thought about changing them. The traditional way of doing things is often long and complex. A simpler way sometimes can be found, although not always, but usually possible. Things often evolve to become more complex, not more simple. We should ask ourselves then have we made things simpler through the OSC? Those who are familiar with the complex process no longer notice it and may even add more elements to increase its complexity. Have we been guilty of doing this? This is the point that we should re-examine. The OSC submission process it seems has indeed become more complex in some cases, with the introduction of volumes of forms that have to be filled in by the submitting planner and the client. It may be necessary in the eyes of the planning authority to make the task of processing the applications easier. However, does it make easier for the submitting person(s), too? De Bono argues that it may be better to simplify a process than to train people to cope with the complexity. As professionals, we progressively make things easier for ourselves by simplifying our judgement and decisions. With experience and hindsight we learn to identify which are the important things to look for. This is what we should be doing now to make the OSC system much better. There is often a much simpler way of doing things if we make the effort to look for it because simplicity does not just happen. But finding a simpler way is usually neither simple nor easy. Like other things, however, nothing will happen until we appoint someone to take the responsibility to make it happen. MIP PLEDGE Ishak Ariffin Chief Editor Let’s work together to make this happen. JPBD should take the lead and work with the MIP, through its members, to start looking at ways in which we could further enhance the planning submission process that we have in place now. I hope to see the next team of MIP Council members take this challenge to help elevate our planning profession to a new level. Let’s make ‘simplicity’ our goal. On behalf of the current Editorial team and the members of the Research and Publication Committee, I wish thank the current MIP Council members for their faith in us and wish the incoming team all the best! Best regards! Planning Comic The Malaysian Institute of Planners is committed towards the practice of Sustainable Urban Planning and Development to achieve the 3E’s of Social Equity, Economic Prosperity and Environmental Integrity of the communities and areas that we plan for. The Members of the Institute hereby pledge that we shall : Ensure the high quality, efficiency and integrity of the town planning profession in facing the challenges of urbanization and the changing needs of the community that is planned for; Ensure the quality of living environments in human settlements through the provision of comprehensive, effective and inclusive spatial planning solutions that shall balance the economic, social and environmental needs of all stakeholders; Ensure of the community’s well being in the planning and design for safe, healthy built environments that is inclusive; Promote research and institutional development and practices towards sustainability, through strategic public-private-academic community partnerships; Be Proactive in meeting up with the challenges of globalization and climate change on the built environment; and Plan for equitable growth and well being of our communities, where the needs of our communities for social infrastructure, quality and safe living environment are met with the highest standards of planning. 4 NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS MIP 40TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION ACTIVITIES 2012 Calendar of Events MARCH 2012 DECEMBER 2012 - JANUARY 2013 24th Launch of New MIP Website, Petaling Jaya, Organised by Promotion, Public Relation and Program Comittee Starting March 2012 MIP Membership Card, given out to Corporate Members, Organised by Research and Publication Committee 13th Dec 2012 13th Jan 2013 National Exhibition On History Of Urbanism & Town Planning In Malaysia, 13th December 13th January 2013, National Museum, Kuala Lumpur. Jointly organized by MIP and JPBD Semenanjung Malaysia. Public Talk No. 1 - Charles Reade : The First Government Town Planner, Federated Malay States 1921 - 1929 By Kamalruddin Shamsuddin, 13.12.2012, National Museum, Kuala Lumpur. Public Talk No. 2 - Sejarah Perbandaran & Pembangunan Perumahan Di Semenanjung Malaysia Sebelum Merdeka (1946-1957), by Dr. Syafiee Shuid, IIUM ,20.12.2012 Public Talk No. 3 - Townscape Revisited : Unraveling The Character of The Historic Landscapes in Malaysia By Dr Shuhana Shamsuddin, 27th December 2012, National Museum, Kuala Lumpur. Public Talk No. 4 - Sejarah Pembangunan Bandar Baru By Prof Dr Dasimah Omar, 10th Jan 2013, National Museum, Kuala Lumpur. 40th Anniversary Book entitled “Transforming Malaysia into A Developed Nation Through Physical Planning”. The initial Editorial Committee comprises Datin Paduka Dr. Halimaton Saadiah (Chief Editor), Prof Dato Dr. Mansor Ibrahim, Dr. Thalha Hj Alithamby, Anuar Abdul Wahab, Assoc Prof Dr Jamalunlaili Abdullah & Ishak Ariffin. The book is targeted for publication in 2013. JULY 2012 16th to 17th MBPJ-MIP Livable Cities Conference 2012—Cities of Your Choice, Royal Bintang Damansara, Jointly Organised by MBPJ and MIP SEPTEMBER 2012 4th to 8th Mount Kinabalu Hiking Adventure, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Jointly Organised by Young Planners Group and Promotion, Public Relation and Program Committee 25th to 26th World Class Sustainable Cities Conference WCSC IV, JW Mariot, Kuala Lumpur, Jointly Organised by MIP, PAM and REHDA NOVEMBER 2012 7th MIP Patron Award to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad, Renaissance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Organised by MIP Executive Committee and Promotion, Public Relation and Program Committee 8th National Conference On Urban Planning & Management In Malaysia - Accomplishments, Challenges & Way Forward, 8th November 2012, Renaissance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Jointly organized by MIP, UITM, UTM, UIA, USM& UM. MIP LAUNCHES ITS NEW WEBSITE www.mip.org.my – WORKSHOP, TRAINING & CONFERENCE As the developer of Low carbon Cities Framework MIP,s new website (LCCF), MIP continuously and actively involved in was officially various workshops, training and paper presentations to during government servants, resident associations, students, launched MIP 40th Annual General Meeting on 24th March 2012. The new website being develop with more professional outlooks, more user-friendly and up to date with the current evolution of web hosting practices. Online updates for CPD for members are integrated with the new website and few upgrading options for the benefits of members will be implemented soon especially for online application renewal of registration, online payment, etc. LOW CARBON CITIES FRAMEWORK business communities and members from other professional institutes. Two LCCF advanced training have been conducted in 2012. One in Bukit Tinggi, Pahang and another one in Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan. Several workshops also have been conducted for Sepang Municipal Council (MPSg), Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) and Miri City Council (MBM). Other than that LCCF has been presented in many conferences where the recent one was for ‘Sustainable Cities UTM – Massachusets Institute Of Technology. NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS 5 Malaysian Institute of Planners - HISTORY AND ITS BEGINNING The Malaysian Institute of Planners has come a long way Kuala Lumpur. The amended version was circulated by the in a very short time. The idea was mooted by the 1971 then Secretary, Chung Weng Foo to all the MIP members and Annual General Meeting of the Royal Town Planning Institute adopted by the MIP Council on 26th January 1974. This draft (Malaysia Branch), the only body representing the planning Act was then sent to the then Minister of Local Government profession in the country at that time. It was felt that for and Housing, Tan Sri Ong Kee Hui. Twenty-one years later an independent country we should have a national planning and after countless representation by the Council to the institute and not be a branch of the Royal Town Planning respective Ministers, the Town Planners Act was finally Institute London. approved by Parliament in 1995. In conformity to the decision a Protem Committee The distinction of securing the Act is not the doing of any one comprising of Mohd Rosli bin Buyong, Chung Weng Foo, individual. Every President and Council in the intervening Tan Soo Hai, Chin Wai Yeong and T. Mahesan was elected 21 years did much work in paving the way for the event, to draft the constitution for the proposed Institute. This and much also has depended on the support of the Federal committee met several times at 13, Jalan Yong Shook Lin, Department of Town and Country Planning and the Ministry Petaling Jaya which was then the office of Tan Soo Hai. of Local Government and Housing. Dato’ (Dr.) Ishak bin Ariff, the Director General of the Department of Town and Country On the 6th September 1971 at a meeting held at the Planning and his successor, Dato’ Zainuddin Muhammad conference room of the Federal Department of Town and and Dr. Mohamad Nong from the Ministry steered the Act Country Planning, Jalan Cenderasari, Kuala Lumpur, the through the National Council of Local Government and the findings of the committee was presented. The 20 members Ministry. Dato’ Anwar Musa a Cabinet Minister at that time present approved the constitution and elected a Protem and a corporate planner of the institute provided invaluable Executive Council to legally establish the Pertubuhan under assistance to ensure a smooth progress of the Act through the Akta Pertubuhan 1966. The members of the committee the Cabinet. were: Source : MIP Website President Mohd. Rosli bin Buyong Vice President Tan Soo Hai Hon. Secretary Chung Weng Foo Council Members Timothy Lam ThimFook MIP LOGO Ishak bin Ariffin Raja Mohd. Ali bin Raja Osman T. Mahesan Ong Hong Fong Application to register the Institute was made in November 1971 and a temporary license to operate the Institute was issued by the Registrar of Society in December 1971. The full certificate was issued on 26th July 1972. It is history after that. Mr. Chin Wai Yeong. It is an inverted form of Ebenezer Howard’s three horse shoe magnets in which the chief advantages of living in the Town and the Country were set forth with the corresponding drawbacks, while the advantage of the Town-Country concept of the Garden Legitimizing The Profession We owe a debt to many of our members and to others for help given in steering the Town Planners Act through various levels of the Government. The Act itself was originally initiated by MIP. A draft was prepared in 1973 and discussed at a Special General Meeting held at the conference room at the Federal Department of Town and Country Planning, 6 Malaysian Institute of Planners Logo was designed by City are seen to be free from disadvantages of either. While Ebenezer Howard’s three magnets did not have any circles to bind them together, the MIP logo has the three magnets bound by two circles to reflect the need to marry town and country to give new hope, a new life to a developing Malaysia. NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS CHARLES READE (1880—1933) - FIRST GOVERNMENT TOWN PLANNER IN MALAYSIA Charles Compton Reade (1880– 1933) was a town planner who supported the garden city movement of the early twentieth century. indirect British rule in Malaya. Two major areas of historical interests framed this article. Firstly, his planning ideologies and methods applied (replanning and redistribution of lots)2 and secondly, to a lesser extent, the garden city design principles which he steadfastly held throughout his whole career till his untimely death in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1933. Born in Invercargill, New Zealand in 1880, Reade became the major figure in disseminating Garden City ideas in Australia. Reade saw the evils of inner city slums while working as a journalist in England and began writing of the need for improved town planning, becoming active in the Garden Cities and Town Planning Association of Great Britain, of which he was acting secretary and editor for its magazine in 1913. Charles Reade In 1914–15 he led a lecture tour through five Australian States and New Zealand. South Australia appointed Reade as a town planning adviser in 1916 and later he became its first official Town Planner in 1918 and he retained the position until 1920. In 1917 he drew up plans for an Adelaide garden suburb, initially with a working title of Mitcham Garden Suburb and officially named Colonel Light Gardens. The Royal Town Planning Institute was only formed in 1914 (and Reade was one of its associate founder) and the first British University giving town planning courses was only offered in Liverpool in 1916. Just before the outbreak of the first World War (1914), Reade went to Australia with W.R Davidge (architect, surveyor and planner) to propagate the Garden City movement cause. He gave numerous lectures on the Garden City concept in many Australian town and subsequently was appointed as town planning advisor to the South Australian government in 1916. In South Australia, he introduced a town planning legislature, established the South Australia town planning department, and complete a Charles Compton Reade (1880—1933) number of planning schemes. For example, Mitcham Garden Suburb in Adelaide, is today a heritage garden suburb, renamed Colonel Light Garden, Reade applied the Garden City concept in many of his layout even suggested a second park belt system to Adelaide, further enchanting the existing park belt laid out by Colonel William Light (the son to Captain Francis Light of Penang). Reade convened Australia’s first two town planning and housing conferences in 1917 and 1918. He also twice tried to get town planning legislation through the State legislature: on the first occasion it was defeated by the propertyoriented upper House and on the second was passed but was heavily amended by the House. Reade then left Australia for overseas planning positions, establishing a town planning department in Kuala Lumpur, Malaya in 1921 and moving to Northern Rhodesia in 1929. Reade’s lasting legacy (apart from the establishment and growth of the Federal Town Planning Department) is the slightly less known new town of Kuala Kubu Bharu –Malaya first new town and along the lines of the garden city ideology. He committed suicide in South Africa in 1933, only nine days after becoming Chief Planning Officer of Witwatersrand. CONTRIBUTION OF CHARLES READE A number of local planning academicians and an increasing number of international historians have recently rescued Reade from obscurity and acknowledged his contribution towards the development of the town planning service in South Australia, Malaya, and Northern Rhodesia. Reade in particular was recognized as one of the first generation of self-styled town planner working in the British colonies promoting the cause of town planning within a generally hostile environment to town planning (Home, 2000): such hostilities are largely a conflict between public interest ideology; unfetish property development; and a failure to appreciate political sensitivity within an indirect an NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS Both ideologies were ‘alien’ to landowners and their agents in Malaya. Such methods and ideologies provide a fascinating analysis of conflicting interests within a British rule favoring appeasing property interest and maintaining the status quo over the social concerns of eradicating and prevention of slum and haphazard development in the major towns of British Malaya (the task Reade was appointed to handle). Reade established a small town planning department in Kuala Lumpur on 18th January 1921. He did an immediate survey of the conditions of towns in the country and reported this to the government. His report on the need for a permanent town planning machinery for Malaya, entitled “Town Planning And Development In The Federated Malay States (1922)” has been considered an important piece of historical document, promoting the need for a town planning machinery for the country (Goh Ban Lee, 1990). In it, he outlined important aspects of town planning requirements and the need for a legislature to manage the growth of towns in a orderly manner, emphasizing on prevention rather than cure, the difference between planning and sub-division, economies under Town Planning etc. Source : Kamalruddin Shamsudin, Federal Department of Town and Regional Planning 7 Water, Water Everywhere, I Turn My Tap but It’s Not There By Ishak Ariffin We live in the tropical zone, with 12 hours of sunshine all year round. We get plenty of rain all year round too, some months a lot more than others. Only the northwest corner of the Peninsula gets a distinct dry period from January to March. This is the area that lies to the west of an imaginary line between Songkhla and Sungai Petani, that ecologists called the Kedawi region. Now that has changed too, with the erratic weather pattern that we have been experiencing in recent years. I remember the grass in my home state up there in laksa land (Kedah, of course!) used to turn yellowish brown in January and remained that way until late March. Semi-deciduous trees shed their leaves like in the autumn in temperate countries (maybe it is the trees’ strategy to reduce water loss). That was when the bare dedap trees sprout flowers in deep red amongst its leafless branches, and the kapok (kekabu) seeds cracked to show off their white fluffy fibres that we used for stuffing pillows and mattresses in the old days. The drains in big towns such as Alor Star were stagnant, helping to retain some humidity, although they smell unpleasant. When it coincided with the padi harvesting, you can catch the most glorious sunsets in the evenings. It was hot and dry at that time of year. Then everything came back to life in glorious green when the rain returns in April. This year we have had thunderstorms in late January and February. Water is Life But we were never really short of water. That is no longer true. Despite having an estimated 990 billion m3 (2008 figures) of rainfall annually, and 566 billion m3 of that total flowing into our rivers,and our water usage being roughly only 3% of the latter, we are running short of water supply. Domestic and industrial water demand is only about 6,000 million m3 a year! 97% of our 6,000 million m3 per year potable water supply comes from rivers and the balance is from ground water. In contrast, a country like Denmark consumed almost 1,000 million m3 per year, and it is entirely sourced from groundwater. Their groundwater resource is estimated to be only 1,800 million m³ per year. Sg Selangor Dam In Perlis we had to inundate 5% of the land area to create the Timah-Tasoh impoundment to provide water for irrigation and for domestic consumption. Perlis was totally dependent on groundwater and water supply from Kedah. However, it was then found that the demand for domestic & industrial uses exhausted the original design capacity of the dam. In Selangor, a water treatment plant downstream of Sungai Bernam had to be closed due to saline intrusion. This was due the reduced river flow that resulted in sea water flowing in further inland up to the water intake points. One of the things that affect water level in the river is the increasing water extraction upstream. Loss of water catchment areas due to opening of forested areas for other uses also affected river flow. Fifteen years or so ago an area near Balakong in Cheras, near a water treatment plant suffered water supply disruption but it was raining a lot and the houses around it were suffering from flash floods. How could we have water shortage and flood at the same time?In 1991 another state suffered water supply shortage for a number of years because the main water supply dam was contaminated by industrial effluent. Now we have found that several states in the Peninsula are running short of water come 2020. We have resorted to expensive remedial actions that include building more dams and water transfers between neighbouring states through tunnels punched through our mountains and hills. In the meantime, we remain complacent about our per capita water consumption. We continue to waste our water as if the supply is endless. The national average consumption was 210 Initially, it was the rapid growth of industrial estates that brought shortages of water in their neighbouring towns. Then came the rapid urbanisation, all along the west coast of the Peninsula. Factories that used to be way out of town suddenly found themselves surrounded by housing estates. Many places begin to experience frequent water supply disruption.I’ll bet not many people remember the drought in 1998 that brought hardship on some 1.8m Klang Valley residents due to water rationing. But we still have plenty of rain and flowing rivers, except that our most of our rivers now looked like a perpetual supply of tehtarik. Our water treatment plants had to work overtime to make the water potable or clean enough for our consumption. And we are running short of rivers that can provide clean water to the treatment plants as development encroaches further and further upstream and inland. 8 “Too much water” - When the river overflows NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS litres per capita per day in 2011. Per capita consumption in the west coast states in Peninsular Malaysia are all above the national average.Some industry experts argued that the real figures are much higher, closer to 300 litres per person per day. But our daily per capita usage is indeed higher than Singapore (155 litres), the Philippines (175 litres) and Indonesia (130 litres). If we compare with more advanced countries, in Denmark it is only 114 litres, Australia 150 litres, England & Wales 150 litres. USA is perhaps the only country that consumed more than us, at 300-380 litres per capita per day! Some Third World countries don’t even have half the water we used daily. The UN Population Fund recommended that the fair level of domestic water usage is 100 litres per person per day. We can get by with just 30 litres for drinking and cooking and to maintain hygiene. We also suffer huge losses due to non-revenue water (NRW), largely due to leaking pipes that transport water to our taps and water theft. NRW for Kelantan, Pahang, Perlis and Sabah is more than 50%.The highly industrialised and developed states in the country are already experiencing pressures from acute supplies to meet the demands from their residents, the industries and the development projects. The loss from NRW is estimated at about 43% of total water revenue! And if we look at it in another simple minded way, it would also mean that for whatever amount we invested in creating new water supply (such as building more dams and treatment plants) we are only going to get half the value invested before we even start the construction if we don’t tackle the NRW first. of the heavens and the earth; ... in the rain which Allah Sends down from the skies, and the life which He gives therewith to an earth that is dead;...” (2:164); “And Allah has created every animal from water...”(24:45); “... It is He Who has created man from water...(25:54)” (translations by Abdullah Yusuf Ali). Singapore has put in place their long term strategy for their water supply. They will not be highly dependent on water supplied from Johor anymore come 2060. The second of the two bilateral agreements with Johor will expire in 2061.The first agreement expired in 2011. They have put in place measures to ensure selfsufficiency by recycling their wastewater for consumption that they termed NEWater. NEWater will supply40% of Singapore’s water needs by 2020 and a further 25% supplied by desalinisation. NEWater is primarily for non-potable industrial uses. A small percentage of NEWater is also blended with raw water in the reservoir for treatment as potable water. They will cut their per capita consumption to 147 litres per day. By 2060, NEWater will supply 50% and desalinisation another 30% of their water supply.This is sensible considering that only 30% of demand comes from Singapore’s domestic sector and the non-domestic sector consumes the other 70%. Furthermore, we are going to literally flush 90% of the water down the drains anyway. It is a win-win situation because recycling most of our wastewater also means that we reduce the possibility of polluting our waterways. In our case, we are not only consuming too much but we are also polluting our water sources. And our strategy in the past has always been to build more dams. The first National Water Resources Study commissioned in 2000proposed the construction of another 50 dams to meet our water demand by 2050! This was based on a continuous linear growth of demand. That’s a big assumption that our rivers will be able to supply enough water way beyond 2050 and we cannot change our water consumption habits. There have been very little discussions about managing demand and cutting down our daily per capita usage. Our focus has been too much on the supply (and the potential profits that can be made from construction of water supply facilities!).Demand management is a very important strategy that complements the supply strategy, because water supply in not infinite. We should not wait until our potential water resources have been exhausted before we start looking at managing the way we use water. Leaking pipe Not many people realised that we flushed 30% of our water down the toilets and spent another 35% in the showers or baths. Only 10% is actually used for drinking and cooking. Laundry and cleaning takes the other 25%.It doesn’t make sense for us to spend so much money to supply treated water and then 90% of it just went down the drains and sewers.That’s after we have lost nearly half of it through leaky pipes (NRW). Silly, aren’t we?Our water supply is so heavily subsidised and the water from our tap is so cheap that we are not bothered by our wasteful habits. Only when we turn our taps on and no water came out will we start jumping and tearing our hair out. Try telling an African in Ethiopia that we used clean water to flush the toilets and they will probably think that we are crazy. One third of the world population is already facing problems of water shortage and poor quality drinking water. UNESCO has predicted that water shortage will be a worldwide problem by 2020. Prophets of doom have wagered that the next world war will be over control of fresh water supplies, not oil. We can live fairly comfortably without electricity for a day or two (although a lot of people will have suffered Internet withdrawals!), but not without water! Although 70% of the human body is water, we cannot survive more than a week without water. Water is life. Without water there is no life. In the Quran it is stated, “Behold! in the creation There have not been enough efforts towards cleaning up our rivers that passes through our urban centres to return them to at least Class IIB level (i.e. suitable for recreational use with body contact) so that we can use them again for recreation. For several decades more than 50% of our urban rivers monitored by Jabatan Alam Sekitar have lingered within the polluted and slightly polluted range. The main contributors to river pollution have been named as sewage treatment plants (I thought they were supposed to clean the wastewater?), manufacturing industries and palm oil mills. Earthworks have also been a major contributor of pollution of our rivers. We have the technologies now to clean wastewater up to standard A (as clean as the pristine river water) of effluent discharge. Hence, water discharged from our sewage treatment plant that utilises this technology will be cleaner than water from our rivers. Taking water from the river now is akin to taking water from the sewer since we treat our rivers like one! In my course of work I have come across a river where the water sampled is almost Class IV (suitable only for irrigation, not even suitable for livestock consumption!) near a water intake point! Let’s not wait until the last tree has been cut, the last fish has been caught and the last river has been poisoned before we realise that money cannot be eaten! Note: this article was originally written and published in Berita MCOBA. It is reproduced here with permission. NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS 9 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON URBAN PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT : ACCOMPLISHMENTS, CHALLENGES & WAY FORWARD Reported by: Rijal Saffuan Photo by: CEDM UiTM In conjunction with 40th Anniversary celebration of MIP, A Conference On Urban Planning & Management In Malaysia – Accomplishments, Challenges & Way Forward was held on 8th November 2012 at Renaissance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. This conference was also jointly organized by 5 other local universities which is Universiti Teknologi Mara (UITM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA) and Universiti Malaya (UM). 81 papers were presented with more than 150 participants attended the conference. Datin Paduka Halimaton Saadiah and Puan Khairiah Talha were the two keynote speakers for this conference. The organizing secretariat for the conference was MIP together with Centre Of Environmental Design and Management (CEDM) and Faculty Of Architecture, Planning & Survey (FSPU), UITM. The Committee plans to organize this conference as an annual affair in collaboration with the five universities. The launching ceremony of National Conference on Urban Planning and Management with MOU signing ceremony of MUO Global JAPAN-MALAYSIA : SYMPOSIUM ON SUSTAINABLE CITIES IN MALAYSIA Reported by: Tengku Ahmad Nerang Photo by: Rahim Ariffin Asia is fast growing region and will have the largest number of megacities and urban area in this century. Cities can be good showcases to understand methodologies to achieve sustainable future. Planning and development of sustainable cities concept become more important when Japanese government promoted this idea by introducing the idea of ‘Future City’ in the Rio+20 in June 2012. This Future City initiative was launched by Japanese Government by selecting 11 Japanese cities and also has the intention to explore implementation of this concept outside Japan. In order to implement this idea effectively, CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency) concept will be adopted to evaluate the progress this urban challenge. This symposium aims to introduce the Future City concept and CASBEE evaluation tools as well as to address these new challenges of sustainable cities in Malaysia and Japan. The symposium will have speaker and panelist highlighting the use of new innovative tools such as The view in the conference hall MURNInests (Malaysian Urban-Rural Indicators Network on Sustainable Development), CASBEE and AIM (Asia-Pasific Integrated Model) in the development of LCS (Low Carbon Society) development of Iskandar Malaysia, Putrajaya and other Japanese best practice of sustainable cities such Tokyo and Kitakyushu. Mayor, councilors and officers from municipslities; town planners, architects and civil engineers from government agencies and private sector; researchers, academicians and other specialist in the fields of city development; developers and industry professionals; and other stakeholders attended the symposium. Among the speakers are Mr. Koichi Yamashita, Director for Building Technology Policy Analysis and Housing Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Turism (MLIT), Japan, Prof Dr. Ho Chin Siong (University of Technology Malaysia, Malaysia, Prof. Shuzo Murakami (Keio University, Japan), Muhammad Ridzuan Arshad (Deputy Director, Research & Development Division, FDTCP and Dr. Junichi Fujino (National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan). 10 NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS MUSEUM NEGARA EXHIBITION ON URBANISM AND TOWN PLANNING IN PENINSULAR MALAYSIA Reported by Rozie Hassan Photo by MIP Seceteriat MIP and Jabatan Perancangan Bandar & Desa, Semenanjung Malaysia have organized an Exhibition on the History of Urbanism & Town Planning in Malaysia (Pameran Sejarah Perbandaran & Perancangan Bandar Di Malaysia). The exhibition was held at the National Museum from 13th December 2012 to 13th January 2013 in conjunction with the MIP 40th Anniversary Celebration. It aims to inform the public about the role of planners in the urbanization of country and its history. The exhibition is to expose and educate the public about the history of urbanism in Malaysia and the role of town planners in developing the growth of urbanization in Malaysia. Deputy director-general of the Federal Town and Country Planning Department Kamalruddin Shamsudin said the last town and country planning exhibition held at the national level was in 1927. En Kamalruddin Shamsudin, Deputy Director of Federal Department of Town and Regional Planning giving his speech during launching of Exhibition Four series of Public Talks was held at the National Museum in conjunction with the exhibition. About 200 people attended the free of charge public talks. Date 13.12.2012 20.12.2012 27.12.2012 10.01.2013 Title Charles Reade, The First Government Town Planner, Federated Malay States (1921-1929). Sejarah Perbandaran & Pembangunan Perumahan Di Semenanjung Malaysia Sebelum Merdeka (1946-1957). Townscape Revisited : Unravelling The Character Of The Historic Townscapes In Malaysia. Sejarah Pembangunan Bandar Baru Speaker En. Kamalruddin Shamsudin, JPBD SM Dr. Syafiee Shuid, IIUM Dr. Shuhana Shamsuddin, UTM Prof Dr. Dasimah Omar, UITM Many artifacts and planning tools were on display. Among the exhibits is a chronology of the growth of townships from the British era to present day. There is also outdated equipment which was used in urban planning before the computer era. A corporate multimedia presentation, posters & flyers was also on display for one month at the National Museum. The launching ceremony of Exhibition on Urbanism and Town Planning in Peninsular Malaysia “We hope that the exhibition will encourage visitors to protect their townships and appreciate what the planners do for us,” said the museum director of innovation Zanita Anuar. The exhibition are beneficial to all whether public, students and the professionals involved in the development industry in Malaysia. On behalf of MIP, we would also like to thank Jabatan Muzium for the cooperation during the one month long exhibition. NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS 11 PUBLIC TALK IN CONJUNCTION WITH EXHIBITION ON HISTORY OF URBANISM AND TOWN PLANNING IN MALAYSIA Reported by Rozie Hassan Photo by MIP Seceteriat Public Talk 1: Charles Reade, First Government Town Planner, Federated Malay States (1921-1929) By Kamalruddin Shamsudin First public talk on 13th December 2012 by En Kamalruddin Shamsudin entitled Charles Reade, First Government Town Planner, Federated Malay States (1921-1929). The public talk covers his contributions to the planning service in the young Malayan townscape. Reade’s lasting legacy (apart from the establishment and growth of the Federal Town Planning Department) is the slightly less known new town of Kuala Kubu Bharu – Malaya’s first new town and along the lines of the garden city ideology. Public Talk 2: Sejarah Perbandaran & Pembangunan Perumahan di Semenanjung Malaysia Sebelum Merdeka (1946-1957)’ by Dr Syafiee Shuid MIP Public Talk No. 2, 20 Disember 2012, 10 pagi - Sejarah Perbandaran Dan Pembangunan Perumahan di Semenanjung Malaysia Sebelum Merdeka (1946-1957)’ oleh Dr Syafiee Shuid. Kertas ini membentangkan kesan perbandaran kepada pembangunan perumahan sebelum merdekadan member penjelasan punca berlakunya proses perbandaran selepas perang akibat daripada migrasi dalaman dan pertambahan penduduk di kawasan bandar. Public Talk 2 entitled Sejarah Perbandaran & Pembangunan Bandar Semenanjung Malaysia delivered by Dr Syafie Shuid Public Talk 3: Townscape Revisited : Unravelling The Character Of The Historic Townscapes In Malaysia by Assoc Prof Dr Shuhana Shamsuddin. MIP Public Talk No. 3 at Bilik Persidangan, Tingkat 2, Jabatan Muzium, Kuala Lumpur. Thursday 27 December 2012, 10am. This talk highlights the uniqueness of the townscape of the historic town centers in Malaysia. It discusses the character of the historic centers of major cities in Malaysia which contributes to the uniqueness of its townscape. The components of the townscape that give the sense of place of the historic centers will also be examined. Previous studies also revealed the precarious state that they are in, and the pressures from development that threaten their existence. Finally, it also discusses the plight of the historic town centres due to urban intervention that constantly erode their unique features and qualities and the need for concerted efforts to safeguard them from extinction. Public Talk 4 entitled Townscape Revisited: Unraveiling The Character Of The Historic Townscape In Malaysia delivered by Assoc Prof Dr Shuhana Shamsuddin Public Talk 4: Sejarah Pembangunan Bandar Baru oleh Prof. Dr Dasimah Omar MIP Public Talk No 4, 10 Januari 2013, Bilik Persidangan, Jabatan Muzium Malaysia -Sejarah Pembangunan Bandar Baru oleh Prof. Dr Dasimah Omar. Pembentangan kertas-kerja ini mengenai sejarah pembangunan bandar baru di Malaysia. Penulisan ini jugamengimbas tentang prinsip perancangan dan pembangunan bandar baru di luar negara. Fokus utama ialah menganalisis prinsipperancangan dan tahap penglibatan Perbadanan Kemajuan Ekonomi Negeri di Semenanjung Malaysia dalam pembangunan bandar bandar baru. Setiap bandar baru dirancang menggunakan konsep pembangunan bercampur berkait dengan fungsi, lokasidan skala pembangunan. Fungsi bandar baru terbahagi kepada enamkumpulan utama iaitu pusat pentadbiran, bandar satelit, perindustrian/ pusatperkhidmatan. pelabuhan, bandar industry berteknologi tinggi, pusat institusi dan pusat perkhidmatan/komersil. 12 The participants at the Public Talk NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS CONGRATULATIONS : PROF DATO’ DR ALIAS ABDULLAH MIP President Prof Dato’ Dr. Alias Abdullah, is among the 796 recipients of state awards and medals from DYMM Sultan of Pahang Sultan Ahmad Shah Sultan Abu Bakar Riayatuddin Shah in conjunction with His Royal Highness’ 82nd birthday on 24th October 2012. Biography : Professor Dato’ Dr. Alias is well known for his gregarious and enthusiastic personality. Currently he holds a post of Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the International Islamic University Malaysia. He is also the elected President Malaysian Institute of Planners. His specialization lies in the field of Urban and Regional Planning as well as Geographical Information Systems (GIS), CAD and Spatial Planning and Decision Support Systems (SPDSS). He has achieved his Ph.D in Regional & Environmental Design from the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, Japan in 1995. He got his Masters in Environmental Construction Engineering (specialization in CAD & Urban Modeling Systems) from the same University in the year 1992. He received his Bachelor (Hons.) in Urban and Regional Planning from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM, Kuala Lumpur) in 1985. After graduated from UTM he served as a Town Planning Officer with the Kuantan Municipal Council until 1992. Later he joined Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) as a lecturer. In 1997 he was seconded to International Islamic University Malaysia to establish Department of Urban and Regional Planning at Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design. He became the first Head Department of Urban and Regional Planning. He also served as a Deputy Dean for that faculty from 1998 to 2001 and later became the Director of Bureau of Consultancy and Entrepreneurship of the University. Professor Dato’ Dr. Alias has been involving in numerous research, consultancy and publications since 1991. Some of his publications are “Islam and Urban Planning”, “Knowledge Cities: Future of Cities in The Knowledge Economy”, “Spatial Decision Support for Urban and Environmental Planning. A Collection of Case Studies”, “Islam dan Perancangan Bandar”, Urban Planning: An Islamic Perspective”, and “Planning Malaysia Journal (SCOPUS Indexed Journal)”. Some of his experiences include appointment as one of the public hearing panel (judge) for the Kuala Lumpur 2020 Draft Local Plan (2008), Kuala Lumpur River of Life International Master Plan and Design Competition Jury (2011), Steering Committee for NKRA Greater Kuala Lumpur (2011-2012), collaborator for NKRA Digital Malaysia Lab. (2011), Bandar Malaysia Kuala Lumpur International Master Plan and Design Competition Chief Jury (2011-2012), consultant for the development of Kuala Lumpur Local Plan Monitoring System (MOSYS, 2010-2011), Honorary Advisor for Slope Watch NGO, to name a few. Professor Dato’ Dr. Alias currently is a Registered Town Planner (A008) with the Malaysian Board of Town Planners and a Fellow Member (No. 198/88) with the Malaysian Institute of Planners (MIP). Prof Dato’ Dr Alias and his wife Qualifications : Degree: Ph.D. Field: Regional & Environmental Design (GIS and Spatial Planning & Decision Support System) Year: 1995 Institution: Graduate School of Science & Technology, Kumamoto University, JAPAN Degree: M. Engineering Field: Environmental Construction Engineering (CADD & Urban Modeling Systems) Year: 1992 Institution: Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto University, JAPAN Degree: Certificate Field: Japanese Language Year: 1990 Institution: Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan Degree: B. Urban & Regional Planning (Hons.) Field: Urban & Regional Planning Year: 1985 Institution: Department of Urban & Regional Planning, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA Congratulations The Editorial Board of Berita Perancang would like to congratulate our President on his conferment of Darjah Indera Mahkota Pahang (DIMP) which carries the title “Dato’” from HRH Sultan of Pahang NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS 13 TOWARDS SAFER NEIGHBOURHOODS By Hj Idrus Alimuda In 2011, the Global Peace Index ranked Malaysia as the most peaceful country in Southeast Asia and the fourth safest in the Asia Pacific region. Even with those accolades, Malaysia is not one to rest on its law. Under Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s Government Transformation Programme, the Federal Department of Town and Country Planning (FDTCP) of the Ministry of Housing and Local Government will expand the Safe City Programme to reduce crime and promote a culture of crime prevention. The Safe City Programme encapsulates the public safety initiatives under the Government Transformation Programme’s National Key Result Area, and at the centre of this effort is the Safe City Monitoring System which integrates crime data from the Police Reporting System with land use information from the FDTCP and the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, using the Geographical Information System (GIS) platform. According to Peter Valentine Amandus, Town Planner and GIS Manager at the FDTCP, the SCMs is considered as a huge milestone for the Department asit has never been attempted before. While several jurisdictions have only started using GIS for their crime mapping initiatives, he say it is not as sophisticated and as wellintegrated as the SCMs. “The SCMs allows the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) to monitor the effectiveness of crime prevention efforts in areas under the jurisdiction of the local authorities and also enable existing and potential crime hotspots to be identified and closely monitored.” The system is currently being used by 51 police stations and 12 municipal councils. By end of 2012, the system is extended to be used by 254 police stations. Its main objective is to create a collaborative platform where agencies can work together to reduce crime by way of sharing information through a user friendly web portal. In addition, since the system helps translate crime data into digital maps, the police are able to shift away from using pin maps to help them visualise crime information. “Pin maps, most of the time, are not permanent and have the tendency to be discarded and changed over time which makes doing a trend analysis of crime quite a tedious task. This situation also encourages local authorities to develop their own GIS crime mapping tools which are often very expensive to develop,” he says. In order to address this concern, the FDTCP integrated the SCMs with the RMP’s Police Reporting System, an online crime reporting tool which records crimes documented by police stations across the whole country. By integrating the two systems, crime can be located on the map which will then be registered in standard coordinates and used for data storage and analysis. Since the SCMs provides geo-processing analysis real-time to users, the core processing server is segregated to meet high demand in web-based environment. Thus, FDTCP is able to be less dependent on a physical server, thereby substantially reducing costs in utilities by nearly 50 per cent. With the new system in place, FDTCP is able to equip the police force with the capability to not only identify crime hot spots, but also study different reasons for possible causes of crimes. Furthermore, the government is able to save an estimated RM15 million (US$ 4.8 million) by using a single system for all of its crime-mapping activities. 14 “Oftentimes, we see agencies working in silos and doing their own activities to combat crime. This system allows us to orchestrate our efforts towards determining how we can best allocate funds for resources such as CCTVs and how the RMP can strategically mobilise the network of the police force,” says Amandus. Meanwhile Senior Assistant Commissioner of the Royal Malaysian Police, Dato’ ZainalAbidin bin Kasim, highlights the ‘aoristic’,’timeline’ and ’hotspot’ feature in the SCMs as crucial tools for the RMP as it enables them to holistically plan how they can optimise their resources and respond to certain crimes and hotspot areas. “Vehicle theft, for example, is one the most common crimes recorded in our system. Since we have the data on where vehicle theft incidents occur, we are able to identify key hotspot areas and plan how we will be mobilising our team. By doing so, we are also able to curb other vehicle-theft-related incidents such as underhanded activities by illegal workshops,” says Dato’ Zainal. “Using the SCMs for planning, organising and implementing our crime prevention efforts has helped us expand the scope of our ‘omnipresence programme’ and engage communities in raising awareness on issues concerning public safety,” He adds that because of well-informed planning, the RMP was able to make significant progress in reducing crime rates in about 50 local authorities. Furthermore, public perception towards the performance of the Police Force and the safety of their community has greatly improved. “This inter-agency collaboration is achieving its goals of providing citizens with the ‘peace of mind’ that we are keeping neighbourhoods safe by taking smarter approaches to public safety and security, allowing the police force to better respond and anticipate events, and if possible, prevent untoward incidents from happening.” Dato’ Zainal shares that because of the benefits derived from using the SCMs in crime response and analysis, the government is looking into extending this capability to the Narcotics and Traffic Divisions soon to further improve their efforts in tracking locations and activities of drug dealers and to improve the police force’s response during road emergencies. - Source:PDRM WORLD HAPPINESS REPORT Malaysia was placed at 51st out of 156 countries. United Nation’s World Happiness Report listed that most of the happiest countries in the world are all in Northern Europe (Denmark, Norway & Finland). While the least happy countries are all poor countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. According to the report, it is not just wealth that makes people happy : political freedom, strong social networks and an absence of corruption are also important. Source : JPBD Newsletter. NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS WORLD CLASS SUSTAINABLE CITIES CONFERENCE 2012 : ‘CITIES FOR PEOPLE’ Re-edited By :Syafiee Shuid Photo by: MIP Seceteriat The fourth World Class Sustainable Cities (WCSC 2012) was held on 25th September 2012 at JW Marriot Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Attended by almost 400 participants, WCSC 2012 themed ‘Cities for People’ and focused on the transformation of cities in relation to the impact and benefits to their inhabitants. They keynote papers was presented by Dr Jen Gehl of Gehl Architects, Denmark and Mr Alfonso Vegara of FundacionMetropoli Spain. In conjunction with WCSC 2012 there were also a Photography Competition and an Essay Competition which hopes to inspire city dwellers and see their vision of this city through their eyes. Dr Jen Gehl of Gehl Architects, Denmark delivering his Keynote Speaker during the conference The participants at the conference POST WCSC TECHNICAL TOUR TO SPAIN The technical tour was successfully organized from 10th – 18th November 2012 and participated by 28 representatives from local authorities, developers, state agencies, private practitioners and a journalist. The tour also included a one day participation to the World Congress & Exhibition Of smart Cities in Barcelona. The tour took delegates to the cities of Barcelona, Bilbao and also Granada. The visit to Granada which holds the Alhambra was an added bonus for the Malaysian to see for themselves the great Islamic architecture within a World Heritage Site. 3 technical programmes were conducted. These were the briefing by Barcelona Activa on 22@; the briefing by the Deputy Mayor of Bilbao on the city transformation and the Smart Cities Conference & Exhibition. A brief summary of the lessons learnt as well as the key takeaways are described below : 22@ project by Barcelona Activa – Barcelona Activa was a setup by the City Authority as a research and development corporation private entity, to develop an old part of the city. The 22@ area once hosted industrial and manufacturing plants close to the centre of Barcelona. The 200 acre site is now being developed into a high income generating, value added services industry such as media and communications, the Art and theatres, educational institutions,commerce and retails. It has attracted investment from all over is now an example of a successful redevelopment program of the city. The Bilbao Effect – Bilboa was a steel based industrial city since the 1800’s. In mid 1970’s the steel industry fell drastically and the city had 25% unemployment, a bad urban environment and a population that was politically and socially against the government. In early 1980, the city government formulated a plan to revive the city. This master plan was generally sustainability, which they believe will lead to economic and social recovery. Four main elements of the plan were Urban physical development, socio- economic components, mobility and accessibility& Infrastructure service (clean water & sewerage). The delegates were amazed at the transformation. A river boat cruise gave the opportunity for the delegates to personally observe beautiful environment that Bilboa now has. A visit redeveloped central brewery into a cultural, sports, leisure and knowledge center further convinced that with political will, city development and project can be very successfully towards achieving city with a good quality of life. The Smart City Congress & Exhibition – Barcelona holds many world events and congresses, held at plaza Europa. The area is a redevelopment of a once industrial warehouse and a factory site. The Smart City Congress & Exhibition is held annually with many companies showcase new initiatives towards Green Cities. There were also companies that offered consultancy services for cities to go green The Minister giving prizes to the winner NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS 15 STANDING COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2011 - 2013 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Chairman Prof. Dato’ Dr. Alias Abdullah (194/88) Members Tn Hj Ismail Ibrahim (504/05) RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION COMMITTEE Chairman En Ishak Ariffin ( 239/90) Assoc Prof Dr Jamalunlaili Abdullah (MIP 562/09) En Amir Hamlan Abdullah (558/09) Tuan Hj Ihsan Zainal Mokhtar (305/94) Mr Lee Lih Shyan (267/92) Members En Md Nazri Mohd Noordin (301/94) En. Rahim Ariffin (MIP 594/11) En Syed Danial Haris Syed Husin (510/05) En. Tengku Ahmad Nerang Tengku Amir Shifuddin MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE En. Mohd Rijal Saffuan Abdul Jamal Chairman Tn Hj Mohamad NazriJ aafar (168/86) Pn Juwariyah Ho Abdullah Members En. Md. Nazri Mohd. Noordin (301/94) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Syafiee bin Shuid Assoc. Prof. Wan Mohamed Yusoff Abdullah (101/82) En. Mohd Zamri Husin (430/01) Pn Khairiah Talha (184/86) INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Chairman Pn Norliza Binti Hashim (281/93) Members Tuan Hj Ismail Bin Ibrahim (MIP 504/05) Prof. Dato’ Dr. Alias Abdullah (194/88) Mr Lee Lih Shyan (267/92) Pn Khairiah bt Talha (184/86) PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE COMMITTEE Chairman En Mohd Zamri Husin (430/01) Members Tn Hj Ihsan Zainal Mokhtar (305/94) SUSTAINABILITY AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE Chairman Pn. Mazrina Bt Dato’ Abd Khalid (MIP 559/09) Pn Noraida Bt Saludin (MIP 468/02) Pn Norliza bt Hashim (281/93) Pn Khairiah Bt Talha (MIP 184/86) Tn Hj Mohamad Nazri Jaafar (168/86) Members Pn Khairiah bt Talha (184/86) Pn Norliza Hashim (MIP 211/88) Cik Ana Kashfi Bt Muhamad Tn Hj Lokman Omar (211/88) Cik Maizatul Munirah Binti Abd Rahman En Mohamad Fauzi Ahmad (418/99) En Zaini Nordin (144/85) EDUCATION & CAREER DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE En Suhaimi Sulaiman (182/86) Chairman En Saiful Azman Abd Rashid (474/03) Assoc Prof Dr Jamalunlaili Abdullah (562/09) Pn Khairiah Bt Talha (MIP 184/86) YOUNG PLANNERS COMMITTEE Chairman Pn Norliza Hashim (MIP 211/88) En. Mohammad Fahmi Bin Alias (MIP 500/05) Members Pn Mazrina Dato’ Abd Khalid (559/09) Cik Khairul Nisa Haron Members Prof Dato‘ Dr Mansor Ibrahim (273/93) En Mohammad Fahmi Alias (500/05) Assoc Pro Dr Fatimah Yusof (Head, Centre of Study Town & Regional Planning, UiTM) En Wan Zuraimy Che Zaid Asst Prof Dr Marianna Mohammed (581/11) Cik Amalina Haslyssa Hashim Assoc Prof Jamel Ariffin (Head, Town Planning Dept, KAED, IIUM) Cik Maizatul Munirah Abd Rahman (Programme Chairman, Town Planning Dept, USM) En Fathuddin Kamaruddin Assoc Prof Dr Norsiah Abd Aziz En Mohd Rijal Safuan Abdul Jamal Assoc Prof Dr Ibrahim Mohd @ Ahmad (225/90) (Head, Town Planning Dept, UTM Skudai) En Young Elias Young Daud (Head, Dept of Urban Planning, UM) En Azren A. Karim PROMOTION, PUBLIC RELATION AND PROGRAMME COMM Mr Patrick Kok Ming Wai En Rashid Chairman En Ishak bin Ariffin (239/90) TRAINNING & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Chairman Members 16 Pn Khairiah Talha (184/86) En Zahiruddin bin Zainal (495/05) En Hasnul Nazmi bin Mohammad (466/02) Members En Syed Danial Haris bin Syed Husin (510/05) Assoc Prof Dr Jamalunlaili Abdullah (562/09) En Zainurin bin Ramli (545/08) Pn Norliza Hashim (MIP 211/88) En Azman bin Ismail ( 571/10) En Ishak Ariffin (239/90) PnZuriyati bt Kamarudin (574/10) Mr Tan TheanS iew (178/86) En Shahnizam bin Md Sharif Assoc Prof Saniah Ahmad Zaki (397/97) Pn Norhayati bt Jalil Dato‘ Neoh Soo Keat (494/05) En Muhammad Yusof Yahya NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS STANDING COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2011 - 2013 (Contd) COMMUNITY, PARTICIPATION & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Chairman Pn. Noraida Bt Saludin (MIP 468/02) Tn. Hj. Lokman Bin Omar (MIP 211/88) Pn. Khairiah Bt Talha (MIP 184/86) Members Pn. Norliza Bt Hashim (MIP 211/88) Pn. Mazrina Bt Abd Khalid (MIP 559/09) Pn. Juwairiyah Ho Bt Abdullah (MIP 453/02) En. Yusri Effendi Bin Md Yunus En. Patrick Kok Ming Wai En. Noremi Mohamad Darwi (MPSJ) Pn. Annie Syazrin Ismail (MBSA) Pn. Aniza Osman (MP Klang) URBAN & LOCAL GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE Chairman Tuan Haji Lokman Bin Omar (MIP 211/88) En. Mohd.Zamri bin Hussin (MIP 430) En. Rusman Bin Sulaiman (MIP 387/97) Members Tuan Haji Mohd Sidek Bin Abd Latif (MIP 156/85) Pn Suhaila Binti Wahab (MIP 541/08) Pn Syafinaliza Binti Ghazali En. Nazri Bin A Ghani En. Irwan Shah Bin Sahar En. Shafie bin Zulkifli En. Ahmad Hashim Bin Bakar NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS MIP NEW ADMISSION CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP 609/12 610/12 611/12 612/12 613/12 614/12 615/13 616/13 617/13 618/13 Dato’ Hj Omairi bin Hashim Tn Hj Mahadi bin Che Ngah Dr Faizah bt Ahmad En Shahnizam bin Md Sharif Mr Yeong Siew Yan Pn Mahani bt Mohd Yasin Tn Hj Arpaaii bin Hj Sanat Pn Norpisah bt Md Noor Ms Chew Lee Ting En Muhammad bin Abdullah GRADUATE MEMBERSHIP 72 new Graduate Members were admitted during 2012- 2013 session 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Zain Azly Ab Rahman Nur Fariza Zainuddin Asjizawati Kamaruddin Sarina Saad Nor Salina Hashim Rozi Hassan Helen Kaha Zahrudin Tahir Izwa Omri Shahrudin Nur Hafiza Fauzi Mohd Fauzi Durham Wong Soo Ying Kairulzaim Zuhairi Sri Ratna Dewi Junaidi Sapawi Rozita hamit Nur Faizah Ab Wahid Ishak Hj Bol Zaidar Din Nik Hazwani Nik Hashim Rohana Ramli Wong Bao Lin Zulkifli Sabree Noranizam Supa’at Siti Kartina Juhari Zainuddin Nali Zainuddin Sidek Fauziah Abd Jalil Mohamad Ediwan Ahmad Ahmad Faizal Hj Kamarudin Junaidi Zulkarnaen Afandi Dr Nikmatul Adha Nordin Syra Lawrence Maidin Abang Ahmad Azlan Abang Ariffin Rafidah Jaafar Mohd Azuan Ngadimi Haslan Hamzah Mohd Faizul Ismail Mazillah Azleen Mat Nor Hamizah Abd Fatah Sallehuddin Samsuddin 17 MBPJ LIVABLE CITIES CONFERENCE 2012: CITIES OF YOUR CHOICE Reported by Syed Danial Haris Photo by MIP Seceteriat The PJ Livable City Conference 2012 was held on 18th and 19th July 2012 at the Royale Bintang Hotel, Damansara. This second Livable Cities Conference with the theme ‘City of Your Choice’, was a collaboration between MBPJ and MIP. A total of approximately two hundred participants have attended the two day event. The main objective of this conference was to showcase the best and successful urban planning practices from cities that have successfully implemented then and engaging stakeholders in developing sustainable communities. The conference was also a good platform in sharing some example of participatory planning between government and community. The conference was officiated by the Chief Minister of Selangor, Tan Sri Dato’ Abdul Khalid Ibrahim during a dinner ceremony. Other delegates which were presented are Mayor of PJ, Dato’ Haji. Mohamad Roslan Sakiman, State Exco Councils, Councils Members of MPBJ, invited speakers, event sponsors and representatives from other local authorities, secretariats of the event and MBPJ’s staffs. Press Conference and Singing of MOU for MBPJ Livable Cities Conference 2012 Five technical papers presented during the conference including a keynote address from Puan Norliza Hashim, Past President of MIP. The second day of event, which is master class session, a Sustainable Planning Web has successfully created through collaborative exercise that involved different layers/background of people. The master class session was conducted by Peter Cuming and Elizabeth Bragg from Sustainable Futures Australia together with MIP. MIP NEW ADMISSION - GRADUATE MEMBERSHIP (Contd. from Pg 17) 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 18 Noraznizam Alias Muhammad Khamimi Mohd Idris Jessica Lim Chiew Hsia Muhamad Syamil Zulkafli Fitri Abdul Rahman Ameliawaty Mohd Radzi Nurul Nadia Mohd Rabani Nelza Lynna Abd Rahim Azizee Rohmee Abdullah Mohd Zaidi Amir Hamzah Suljirina Lucas 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Hong Choon Wai Asmahan Mokti Noor Suzana Jamil Muhammad Hasmadi Abdullah Nek Mah Basri Harmiza Mohamed Nursilawati Abd Rahim Roslizawati Ibrahim Mohd Haniff Faiz Misnan Khairul Firdaus Zubit Patrick Lim Kuan Chi 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. Norafifi Izuan Nordin Norfaezah Aman Tuan Zuraihan Tuan Lah Yap Chew Wen Konsil Anak Genam Wan Fauzi Wan Hussin Ong Siou Woon Thie Ting Yau Mohd Bashir Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Madri Che Ahmad NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS MIP CALENDAR OF EVENTS JANUARY 2012 4 DISCUSSION ON OUTCOME OF SCALE OF FEES WORKSHOP. AT MIP BOARDROOM 7MIP EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING AT MIP TRAINING CENTER 8 JEMPUTAN WORKSHOP ON NUKLEAR ENERGY OPTION 2, AT RESIDENCE HOTEL, BANGI 12-13 BENGKEL BANDAR HIJAU PUTRAJAYA AT DEWAN SRI SIANTAN, KOMPLEK PERBADANAN PUTRAJAYA 14 MIP PROFESSIONAL COURSE AT MIP TRAINING CENTER 16EDUCATION COMMITTEE MEETING. AT MIP BOARDROOM 17 MEETING ON 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WORLD CLASS SUSTAINABLE CITIES 2012. 17MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE MEETING, AT MIP BOARDROOM 19BENGKEL PENYEDIAAN BANTUAN PIAWAIAN DAN KOS BAGI PROJEK TEBATAN BANJIR AT AUDITORIUM NAHRIM 19 DAN PENDENGANRAN AWAM BAGI DRAF RANCANGAN TEMPATAN MAJLIS BANDARAYA SHAH ALAM (PENGUBAHAN 1) 2020. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT KEKWA, TINGKAT 5 BANGUNAN SSAAS 8SEMINAR PENGGUNAAN TENAGA NUKLEAR : ADAKAH MALAYSIA BERSEDIA DARI ASPEK 3S. AUDITORIUM HOTEL PAN PACIFIC KLIA 9MEMBERSHIP MEETING 13 REHDA NEW YEAR OPEN HOUSE 2012,. VENUE: SIME DARBY CONVENTION CENTER 13MESYUARAT BAGI M E M B I N C A N G K A N PELAKSANAAN 15 PROJEK YANG DIBIAYAI OLEH PEMANDU. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT TINGKAT 12, BLOK 8. MITI 16INVITATION FOR 4TH MALAYSIAN CONSTRUCTION SUMMIT 2012 AT KUALA LUMPUR CONVENTION CENTER 17 MIP COUNCIL MEETING AT MIP BOARDROOM 24-25 WORKSHOP ON QUALITY AND INTELECTUAL PROPERTY REGULATORY PROFESSIONAL. VENUE : RUMAH UNIVERSITIES, UNIVERSITI MALAYA 24 MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA PEMANDU NKEA GREATER KUALA LUMPUR / KV (STEERING COMMITTEE. AT BILIK MESYUARAT ICU, JABATAN PERDANA MENTERI 27 28 MIP COURTESY VISIT TO JPBD SELANGOR, VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT TINGKAT 17, JPBD SELANGOR MAPEX 2012. VENUE : MID VALLEY EXHIBITION CENTRE (MVEC) 28ROADSHOW DASAR PERUMAHAN NEGARA AT GRAND DORSETT SUBANG JAYA FEBRUARY 2012 1 MESYUARAT PERBINCANGAN LAPORAN KEPUTUSAN JAWATANKUASA SIASATAN COMMITTEE INVITATION TO NOMINATE A REPRESENTATIVE TO SERVE AS COMMITTEE MEMBER FOR THE ORGANISING COMMITTEE OF THE WOMEN SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE 2012. VENUE : IEM BOARDROOM 17 MEETING ON 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WORLD CLASS SUSTAINABLE CITIES 2012. 17-18JEMPUTAN MENYERTAI PERSIDANGAN SUSTAIANBLE TROPICAL ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN (SUSTED11). VENUE: FAKULTI REKABENTUK DAN SENIBINA, UPM 27MESYUARAT PASUKAN PETUGAS KEJIRANAN HIJAU DAN TEKNOLOGI HIJAU DI DEWAN K R SOMA, WISMA TUN SAMBATHAN 29 SEMINAR LEMBAGA RAYUAN & MOCK TRAIL AT KELANA RESORT SEREMBAN MARCH 2012 2 MAPEX 2012. VENUE : MID VALLEY EXHIBITION CENTRE (MVEC) 4KEJOHANAN GOLF PERSAHABATAN PERSADA. AT NILAI SPRING GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB 15 UNDANGAN KE MUZAKARAH BAHASA DAN PERSURATAN MELAYU SEWAN BAHASA DAN PUSTAKA (DBP) 2012. VENUE: DEWAN BANKUET, MENARA DBP 15JEMPUTAN MENGHADIRI TAKLIMAT DASAR PERUMAHAN RAKYAT JOHOR DI WILAYAH ISKANDAR MALAYSIA. VENUE: BALLROOM 2, HOTEL GRAND PARAGON 16 MIP 11TH COUNCIL MEETING AT MIP BOARDROOM 17 REHDA GOLF TOURNAMENT 2012. VENUE : GLENMARIE GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB 19MESYUARAT BAGI M E M B I N C A N G K A N P E M B A N G U N A N PERKHIDMATAN PROFESSINAL PEMBINAAN. VENUE: BILIK LEMBAGA CIDB, TINGKAT 8, GRAND SEASON AVENUE SELANGOR 28 BIM PROFESSIONAL FORUMS AT PENANG 30 JEMPUTAN SEBAGAI PESERTA SEMINAR PEMANTAPAN KAWALAN PEMBANGUNAN KAWASAN LERENG BUKIT DI WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN KUALA LUMPUR. VENUE : PACIFIC BALLROMM, SERI PACIFIC HOTEL 31-1 MIP PROFESSIONAL EXAM AT UITM SHAH ALAM APRIL 2012 2 MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA HARI HABITAT SEDUNIA 2012 AT BILIK MESYUARAT TANJUNG , JPBD HQ 5 MEETING ON 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WORLD CLASS SUSTAINABLE CITIES 2012. 12BENGKEL CADANGAN PINDAAN AKTA PERANCANGAN BANDAR 1995 (AKTA538). AT HOTEL FLAMINGO KUALA LUMPUR 22 FORUM PERDANA LOCAL AGENDA 21 PUTRAJAYA DI DEWAN PERSIDANGAN SERI SIANTAN KOMPLEKS PERBADANAN PUTRAJAYA 12 MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA PENASIHAT PENYERTAAN AWAM 2/2012. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT JABATAN KORPORAT, BDKL 23 13KERJASAMA DI ANTARA UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA (UITM), JABATAN PERANCANGAN BANDAR & DESA SEMENANJUNG (JPBD) DAN PERTUBUHAN PERANCANGAN MALAYSIAOUB GLOBAL MESYUARAT ANUGEAH DAN PERTANDINGAN REKABENTUK DATUK BANDAR KUALA LUMPUR. AT BILIK MESYUARAT PUTRA, MENARA DBKL 1 24 MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS 40TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 24 PERASMIAN ‘KL BONSAI & ORCHID SHOW’ AT TAMAN BOTANI PERDANA KUALA LUMPUR 27MESYUARAT MAJLIS ANUGERAH DATUK BANDAR KUALA LUMPUR/ VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT UTAMA, MENARA DBKL 1 28MESYUARAT BAGI M E M B I N C A N G K A N P E N G A N J U R A N PERTANDINGAN MODEL/ REKABENTUK RUMAH MAMPU MILIK BERDASARKAN KONSEP BARU DI NEGERI SELANGOR. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT ALAMANDA, LEMBAGA PERUMAHAN & HARTANAH NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS 15 MAJLIS MAKAN MALAM PERANCANG AT DEWAN SERI BUDIMAN UITM SHAH ALAM 20MESYUARAT KEMAJUAN PASUKAN PETUGAS KHAS BAGI MELAKSANAKAN INISIATIF MAKMAL LIBERALISASI SEKTOR PERKHIDMATAN PERANCANGAN 1/2012. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT TANJUNG, JPBD 23-27GEOSPATIAL WORLD FORUM AT RAI CONVENTION CENTRE AMSTERDAM 30-11 U R B A N C O N S E R V A T I O N PLANNING IN MALAYSIA WORKSHOP IN PENANG 19 MIP CALENDAR OF EVENTS MAY 2012 2SAMBUTAN HARI HABITAT SEDUNIA 2012 : MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA PENGGUBALAN SITUASI DAN SKEMA PEMARKAHAN BAGI PERTANDINGAN ANALISIS. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT TANJUNG, JPBD HQ 5 MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA INDUK HARI PERANCANGAN BANDAR SEDUNIA 2012. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT UTAMA WISMA UOA DAMANSARA 7OFFICIAL LAUNCH PROFESSIONAL FORUM (ProP) SARAWAK 8BENGKEL PEMBANGUNAN ISLAMIC CITY, SEKSYEN 5, SHAH ALAM. VENUE : THE SAUJANA HOTEL 14 MEETING ON 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WORLD CLASS SUSTAINABLE CITIES 2012. 16MESYUARAT PASUKAN PETUGAS KHAS KEMENTERIAN PERUMAHAN DAN KERAJAAN TEMPATAN (KPKT) BAGI PELAKSANAAN INISIATIF MAKMAL PEMBANGUNAN HARTANAH BIIL 2/2012. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT BERLIAN KPKT, PUTRAJAYA 16JEMPUTAN MESYUARAT PASUKAN PETUGAS GREEN CITY OF PETALING JAYA. VENUE BILIK MESYUARAT BUNGA MAWAR, MBPJ 18 MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA SIASATAN DAN PENDENGARAN AWAM BAGI DRAF RANCANGAN TEMPATAN MAJLIS DAERAH KUALA SELANGOR (PENGUBAHAN 1) 2015, VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT MAJLIS DAERAH KUALA SELANGOR 18 EDITORS MEETING : PUBLICATION OF BOOK ‘TRANSFORMING MALAYSIA INTO A DEVELOPD NATION THROUGH PHYSICAL PLANNING. VENUE : MIP BOARDROOM 23SEMINAR KEBANGSAAN SUSTAINABLE URBAN DESIGN FOR LIVABLE CITIES (SUDLIC 2012). VENUE : DEWAN JEMAAH, UTM 20 INTERNATIONAL JALAN SEMARAK CUMPUS 25 JPBD – TOWN PLANNING PUBLIC LECTURE 2012 – MANAGING DISPUTES IN TOWN PLANNING. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT TANJUNG, JPBD HQ 25 MIP COUNCIL MEETING AT MIP BOARDROOM 26 PAM COLF 2012, VENUE : KELAB GOLF SULTAN ABDUL AZIZ SHAH 28SAMBUTAN HARI HABITAT SEDUNIA 2012 : MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA PENGGUBALAN SITUASI DAN SKEMA PEMARKAHAN BAGI PERTANDINGAN ANALISIS. BIL 2/2012 VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT MELATI, JPBD HQ 29MJLIS KONSULTASI BELANJAWAN 2013. VENUE : DEWAN UTAMA, ARAS G, BLOK TENGAH, KEMENTERIAN KEWANGAN 29-30INVITATION TO JOIN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GREEN IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT, ENUE : KAED, UIAM 29-31SESI MAKMAL BAGI TUJUAN PENYEDIAAN DOKUMEN U R B A N R E V I TA L I Z AT I O N PROGRAMME (URP) DI PUTRAJAYA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE 30 UNDANGAN SIDANG MEJA BULAT KAJIAN SEMULA PENDIDIKAN. VENUE : BILIK SRI DITA, ARAS 8, KOMPLEKS E, PUTRAJAYA 31KUNJUNGAN HORMAT BERSAMA AHLI MAJLIS PERTUBUHAN PERANCANG MALAYSIA (SESI 2011-2013) VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT BERLIAN, KPKT JUNE 2012 1PENGANJURAN BERSAMA PAMERAN SEJARAH PERBANDARAN DAN PERANCANGAN BANDAR. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT TANJUNG JPBD HQ 4 TEMUJANJI MENYAMPAIKAN WATIKAH ANUGERAH PATRON KPD TUN MAHATHIR, AT YAYASAN KEPIMPINAN PERDANA 5 ACEM : SEMINAR ON LATEST FIRE SAFETY PRACTICES AT GRAND DORSETT SUBANG JAYA 8 PERBINCANGAN MENGENAI ORANG YANG LAYAK UNTUK MENYEDIA DAN MENGEMUKA PELAN SERTA DOKUMEN UNTUK KEBENARAN MERANCANG. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT, BAHAGIAN PERANCANGAN WILAYAH, JPBD 8 INVITATION TO PAM ANNUAL DINNER 2012. VENUE : SHANGRI LA HOTEL K LUMPUR 13MESYUARAT BAGI M E M B I N C A N G K A N P E M B A N G U N A N PERKHIDMATAN PROFESIONAL PEMBINAAN BIL 2/2012. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT LEMBAGA CIDB 14 MESYUARAT PENYELARASAN KALI KEDUA SEMINAR LIVABLE CITIES PETALING JAYA:CITY OF YOUR CHOICE. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT KHIDMAT PENGURUSAN MBPJ 14-16INVITATION TO ATTEND THE OPENING CEREMONY OF WOMEN IN SCIENCE, ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (WISET2012) 15 58TH MBAM ANNIVERSARY DINNER CELEBRATION AT GRAND LAGOON BALLROOM, SUNWAY RESORT HOTEL 18 MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA INDUK LOCAL AGENDA 21 PUTRAJAYA. BIL. 1/2012 BERTEMPAT DI BILIK MESYUARAT TANJUNG, KOMPLEKS PERBADANAN PUTRAJAYA BANDAR RAYA SEJAHTERA LA21 KL. VENUE : TINGKAT 1, AUDITORIUM DBKL 21JEMPUTAN SEBAGAI PEMBENTANG KERTAS KERJA WACANA ILMU 2012 “PEMBANGUNAN MAMPAN DARI PERSPEKTIF ISLAM 21MESYUARAT PASUKAN PETUGAS KEJIRANAN HIJAU DAN TEKNOLOGI HIJAU BIL 2/2012 22-2314th INTERNATIONAL SURVEYORS’ CONGRESS & 2012 CASLE REGIONSL CONRENCE AT ISTANA HOTEL KUALA LUMPUR 23 25 MESYUARAT PENYELARASAN KALI KETIGA SEMINAR LIVABLE CITIES PETALING JAYA:CITY OF YOUR CHOICE. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT KHIDMAT PENGURUSAN MBPJ 28SAMBUTAN HARI PERANCANGAN BANDAR SEDUNIA (HPBS) 2012 – JEMPUTAN MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA INDUK 2012. BIL.2/2012. 29 FORUM “ IMPROVING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN PROJECT PLANNING, VENUE : HOLIDAY VILLA, SUBANG JAYA 20JEMPUTAN KE MAJLIS P E N YA M PA I A N A N U G E R A H KECEMERLANG & PIALA PUSINGAN DATUK BANDAR PERPADUAN DALAM KEPELBAGAIAN’ PROJEK BINTANG CEMERLANG MIP COUNCIL MEETING AT MIP BOARDROOM JULY 2012 2 MESYUARAT PANEL PENASIHAT LANDSKAP KUALA LUMPUR BIL 1/2012. VENUE : RENAISSANCE KUALA LUMPUR 2JEMPUTAN SEBAGAI PEMBENTANG MAJLIS DIALOG BAJET 2013, VENUE : HOTEL GRAND DORSET, SUBANG JAYA 3 PERTANDINGAN AKHIR DEBAT ALAM SEKITAR ANTARA IPT 2012. VENE : AUDITORIUM KOMPLEKS PERDANASISWA, UNIVERSITI MALAYA 3 MESYUARAT PENYELARASAN ‘SEMINAR PEMBANGUNAN BANDAR RENDAH KARBON DAN PENGURUSAN TAPAK BINA, CYBERJAYA’ VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT MAWAR, MAJLIS PERBANDARAN SEPANG 19 MEETING ON 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WORLD CLASS SUSTAINABLE CITIES 2012. 20 RISM 51ST ANNUAL DINNER AT MAHKOTA BALLROOM, HOTEL ISTANA KUALA LUMPUR 4 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF INDEPENDENCE OF ALGERIA. AT JW MARRIOT KUALA NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS MIP CALENDAR OF EVENTS LUMPUR 19 5TASKFORCE MEETING LUNCHEON WITH TUN DR MAHATHIR 6 MESYUARAT GARIS PANDUAN PERANCANGAN UBIQUITOUS CITY (U-CITY). VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT UTAMA BAHAGIAN R&d JPBD 9 MEETING ON 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WORLD CLASS SUSTAINABLE CITIES 2012. 11MAJLIS PERLANCARAN ROADSHOW NATIONAL KEY ECONOMIC AREA (NKEA) GREATER KL/KV 11LAB PEMBANGUNAN BANDAR RENDAH KARBON DAN PENGURUSAN TAPAK BINA, CYBERJAYA. VENUE : CYBERVIEW RESORT & SPA 12 MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA KERJA PEMBANGUNAN KEJIRANAN HIJAU BIL 1/2012. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT BERLIAN, KPKT 13 PRA BENGKEL BERSAMA STAKEHOLDERS DI WISMA TUN SAMBATHAN 14 BALAI IKHTISAS MALAYSIA EXTRAODINARY GENERAL MEETING(EGM). VENUE : ROYAL LAKE CLUB 16 SEMINAR GARIS PANDUAN PERANCANGAN PERINGKAT NEGERI TERENGGANU 2012. VENUE : TERENGGANU EQUESTRIAN rESORT 16-17SEMINAR ‘SHOPHOUSE A D A P T I V E R E U S E AND HOMEOWNER’S CONSERVATION MANUAL’ SEMPENA SAMBUTAN ULANGTAHUN KE 4 MELAKA BANDARAYA WARISAN DUNIA 16-17MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA SIASATAN DAN PENDENGARAN AWAM BAGI DRAF :RANCANGAN TEMPATAN MAJLIS PERBANDARAN SUBANG JAYA. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT KENANGAN, TINGKAT 2 18 PJ LIVABLE CITY CONFERENCE: CITY OF CHOICE. VENUE : ROYALE BINTANG DAMANSARA 19 MIP COUNCIL MEETING AT MIP BOARDROOM MESYUARAT KUMPULAN FOKUS BAJET 2013 – MENAMBAHBAIK P E R K H I D M A T A N PENGANKUTAN AWAM DI LUAR LEMBAH KLANG 21MESYUARAT PEGAWAIPEGAWAI PERANCANG BANDAR DAN DESA (J41&J44 KALI KE 3. VENUE :HOTEL BAYVIEW MELAKA 23-24BENGKEL CADANGAN PINDAAN AKTA PERANCANGAN BANDAR 1995 (AKTA 538) SIRI 2 24MESYUARAT PASUKAN PETUGAS KHAS KEMENTERIAN PERUMAHAN DAN KERAJAAN TEMPATAN (KPKT) BAGI PELAKSANAAN INISIATIF MAKMAL PEMBANGUNAN HARTANAH BIL 3/2012. VENUE: BILIK MESYUARAT BERLIAN 30 MEETING ON 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WORLD CLASS SUSTAINABLE CITIES 2012. 30 PINDAAN TARIKH MESYUARAT PASUKAN PETUGAS KHAS KEMENTERIAN PERUMAHAN DAN KERAJAAN TEMPATAN (KPKT) BAGI PELAKSANAAN INISIATIF MAKMAL PEMBANGUNAN HARTANAH BIL. 3/2012. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT BERLIAN KPKT AUGUST 2012 1 JEMPUTAN KE TAKLIMAT MAKLUMAN AWAM UNTUK PROJEK NKEA GREATER KL/ KV : EPP – ICONIC PLACES 2PERBINCANGAN PASCA BENGKEL BERKENAAN CADANGAN PINDAAN AKTA PERANCANGAN BANDAR 1995 (AKTA 538) AT BILIK MESYUARAT MELATI, JPBD HQ 3 PERBINCANGAN MENGENAI PERMOHONAN MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS (MIP) MENGGUNAKAN KAEDAH SKALA YURAN PIAWAI BAGI PENETAPAN YURAN PERKHIDMATAN PERUNDING PERANCANG BANDAR DAN WILAYAH DI DALAM PEROLEHAN KERAJAAN. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT UTAMA, BAHAGIAN PEROLEHAN, KEMENTERIAN KEWANGAN 10SAMBUTAN HARI PERANCANGAN BANDAR SEDUNIA (HPBS) 2012, MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA INDUK HPBS 2012 BIL 3/2012 AT BILIK MESYUARAT TANJUNG, JPBD HQ 13 MEETING ON 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WORLD CLASS SUSTAINABLE CITIES 2012. 14 INVITATION TO ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION ON “HOUSING AFFORDABILITY – ISSUES AND CHALLENGES AT WISMA REHDA 15MESYUARAT CADANGAN PENYEDIAAN GARIS PANDUAN REKABENTUK BANDAR MAJLIS PERBANDARAN KLANG. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT RAJA SULAIMAN, MAJLIS PERBANDARAN KLANG 16PERTANDINGAN ANALISIS SENARIO HABITAT SEMPENA HARI HABITAT2012PANGGILAN MESYUARAT. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT NILAM, KPKT 27MEMOHON MAKLUMBALAS MENGENAI KEMAJUAN KERJA PASUKAN PETUGAS LIBERALISASI BAGI MESYUARAT KEMAJUAN PASUKAN PETUGAS BAGI MELAKSANAKAN INISIATIF MAKMAL LIBERALISASI SEKTOR PERKHIDMATAN PERANCANGAN BANDAR BIL 2/2012. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT TANJUNG, JPBD HQ 28 MIP COUNCIL MEETING AT MIP BOARDROOM SEPTEMBER 2012 3 MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA INDUK SUKAN NASIONAL (SUKNA) JABATAN PERANCANGAN BANDAR DAN DESA KE XVI – 2013 KALI PERTAMA. AT BILIK MESYUARAT TANJUNG JPBD HQ(TANGGUH) 4 MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA SIASATAN DAN PENDENGANRAN AWAM BAGI DRAF RANCANGAN TEMPATAN KUALA LANGAT (PENGUBAHAN 1_ 2020. AT BILIK MESYUARAT KECIL, MAJLIS DAERAH KUALA LANGAT NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS 5 MEETING ON 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WORLD CLASS SUSTAINABLE CITIES 2012. 5 MBAM RAYA NITE 2012 AT THE SALOMA BISTRO 5-6JEMPUTAN SEBAGAI PENCERAMAH BAGI KURSUS PEMAKAIAN ALT-ALAT KAWALAN PERANCANGAN UNTUK PEGAWAI DAN KAKITANGAN DEWANBANDARAYA KUALA LUMPUR DI PUSAT LATIHAN DBKL 6SAMBUTAN HARI PERANCANGAN BANDAR SEDUNIA (HPBS) 2012, MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA INDUK HPBS 2012 BIL 4/2012 AT BILIK MESYUARAT TANJUNG, JPBD HQ 6 MAJLIS SAMBUTAN HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI GREENTECH MALAYSIA. AT GREENTECH MALAYSIA 7REHDA’S NIGHT APPRECIATION AT REHDA OF WISMA 12MAJLIS PERHIMPUNAN BERSAMA YB MENTERI PERUMAHAN DAN KERAJAAN TEMPATAN SEMPENA HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI 2012. VENUE: DATARAN GEMILANG PRESINT 4 PUTRAJAYA 14 MEETING ON 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WORLD CLASS SUSTAINABLE CITIES 2012. 21 MEETING ON 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WORLD CLASS SUSTAINABLE CITIES 2012. 24 SAMBUTAN HARI LANDSKAP NEGARA 2012 DAN PERSIDANGAN PEGAWAI PERKHIDMATAN LANDSKAPJEMPUTAN KE MAJLIS PERASMIAN SAMBUTAN HARI LANDSKAP NEGARA 2012. VENUE : BEWAN B ARAS CONCOUTSE PICC 254TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WORLD CLASS SISTAINABLE CITIES 2012 (WCSC 2012) AT JW MARRIOT KUALA LUMPUR 25-26 JEMPUTAN PERASMIAN KE MAJLIS 11TH 21 MIP CALENDAR OF EVENTS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM AND EXHIBITION ON GEOINFORMATION (ISG2012 DI HOTEL ISTANA, KUALA LUMPUR 25 PANGGILAN MESYUARAT – PERTANDINGAN ANALISIS SENARIO HABITAT SEMPENA HARI HABITAT 2012 AT BILIK MESYUARAT NILAM, KPKT 26 MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA INDUK SUKAN NASIONAL (SUKNA) JABATAN PERANCANGAN BANDAR DAN DESA KE XVI – 2013 KALI PERTAMA. AT BILIK MESYUARAT TANJUNG JPBD HQ 27 EAROPH MALAYSIA COUNCIL MEETING 03/2012. VENUE : WISMA REHDA 26-28INTERNATIONAL MALAYSIA LAW CONFERENCE 2012 AT PLENARY HALL KLCC 19-20REHDA YOUTH GREEN TOUR BANGKOK VENUE : MAGELLAN SUTERA HARBOUR, SABAH 24JEMPUTAN MENYERTAI PERTANDINGAN BERBALAS PANTUN RAKYAT SEMPENA SAMBUTAN BULAN BAHASA KEBANGSAAN PERINGKAT WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN PUTRAJAYA DI DEWAN SERI MAYANG SARI, KOMPLEKS PERBADANAN PUTRAJAYA 22GARIS PANDUAN PERANCANGAN ‘UBIQUITOUS CITY’ – MESYUARAT TEKNIKAL BERSAMA PIHAK BERKEPENTINGAN BIL 2/2012 AT BILIK MESYUARAT UTAMA BAHAGIAN R&D JPBD 29-30 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION ON LAND TRANSPORT ENGINEERING, AT SERI PACIFIC HOTEL KUALA LUMPUR 30SAMBUTAN HARI PERANCANGAN BANDAR SEDUNIA (HPBS) 2012, MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA INDUK HPBS 2012 BIL 6/2012 AT BILIK MESYUARAT TANJUNG, JPBD HQ 30 OCTOBER 2012 1 PELANTIKAN PANEL HAKIM BAGI PERTANDINGAN ANALISIS SENARIO HABITAT SEMPENA SAMBUTAN HARI HABITAT SEDUNIA 2012 2MESYUARAT BAGI MEMBINCANGKAN ISU-ISU BERKAITAN PERANCANGAN DI NEGERI SELANGOR. VENUE : BILIK MESYUARAT TINGKAT 16, JPBD SELANGOR 4 SEMINAR ON RETAINING WALLS AND BRIDGE ABUTMENTS, AT THE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT KUALA LUMPUR 4SAMBUTAN HARI PERANCANGAN BANDAR SEDUNIA (HPBS) 2012, MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA INDUK HPBS 2012 BIL 5/2012 AT BILIK MESYUARAT TANJUNG, JPBD HQ 6BIM EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING AT BIM BOARDROOM 17 CPD TALK ON RUMAH MAMPU MILIK POLICY, SUBMISSION PROCEDURE AND SERVICE APARTMENT DEFINED AT HOTEL GRAND BLUEWAVE 17-19 2012 EAROPH WORLD CONGRESS. VENUE : DAEGU KOREA 22 MESYUARAT MEMBINCANGKAN FORMAT PEMANTAUAN PELAN TINDAKAN PEMBANGUNAN KEJIRANAN HIJAU, AT BILIK MESYUARAT UTAMA BAHAGIAN R&D WISMA UOA DAMANSARA NOVEMBER 2012 1SAMBUTAN HARI PERANCANGAN BANDAR SEDUNIA (HPBS) 2012, MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA INDUK HPBS 2012 BIL 7/2012 AT BILIK MESYUARAT TANJUNG, JPBD HQ 6 7 7 8 MESYUARAT BANDAR SELAMAT YAYASAN PENCEGAHAN JENAYAH MALAYSIA, AT WISMA REDHA MIP PATRON AWARD TO TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD AT RENAISSANCE HOTEL KUALA LUMPUR World Town Planning Day Dinner at Renaissance Hotel Kuala Lumpur PENYEDIAAN GARIS PANDUAN REKABENTUK BANDAR, MAJLIS PERBANDARAN KLANG. AT MAJLIS PERBANDARAN KLANG 8 CONFERENCE ON URBAN MANAGEMENT IN MALAYSIA AT RENAISSANCE HOTEL KUALA LUMPUR 20 STATE LEVEL PLANNING CONFERENCE IN CONJUCTION WITH THE WORLD TOWN PLANNING DAY 2012. 22FORUM PENINGKATAN INTEGRITI SISTEM PERANCANGAN BANDAR NEGERI MELAKA AT HANG TUAH WORLD HERITAGE HOTEL 23 MIP COUNCIL MEETING AT MIP BOARDROOM 23SAMBUTAN HARI PERANCANGAN BANDAR SEDUNIA (HPBS) 2012JEMPUTAN MESYUARAT POST MORTEM 2012 KERJA PEMBANGUNAN KEJIRANAN HIJAU BIL 2/2012, AT BILIK MESYUARAT BERLIAN, KPKT 10-14 WAY FORWARD FOR MALAYSIAN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 11MESYUARAT LEMBAGA PERANCANGAN BANDAR MALAYSIA BIL 3/2012, AT BILIK MENSYUARAT TANJUNG JPBD HQ 12 S U S T A I N A B L E INFRASTRUCTURE SEMINAR ON “MANAGING THE ECONOMY ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIETY TOWARDS ENGINEERING SUSTAINABLITY AT HOTEL GRAND SEASON 13 MAJLIS PERASMIAN PAMERAN SEJARAH PERBANDARAN MALAYSIA AT MUZIUM NEGARA 26 SEMINAR “BANDAR HIJAU, KOMUNITI BAHAGI” AT SRI MANJA HOTEL KUANTAN PAHANG 13SEMINAR PEMAHAMAN PROGRAM BANDAR SELAMAT NEGERI KEDAH AT DEWAN BESAR MENARA MBAS 28-30PENYEDIAAN GARIS PANDUAN REKABENTUK BANDAR WARISAN, MAJLIS PERBANDARAN KLANGAT GOLD COST MORIBWATER THEME PARK 14 29 LAB DASAR RUMAH MAMPU MILIK WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KEMENTERIAN WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN DECEMBER 2012 1BIM EXTRAORDINARY MEETING AT BIM BOARDROOM 3SEMINAR PENDEDAHAN PEMAKAIAN RANCANGANRANCANGAN PEMAJUAN DAN AMALAN PERANCANGAN DI NEGERI TERENGGANU, AT TERENGGANU EQUESTRIAN RESORT 5-7 LAB SIMULASI (FASA 2) KONSEP BARU PENGELUARAN HAKMILIK STRATA DAN PENYEDIAAN DRAF AWAL PEKELILING KPTG : GARIS PANDUAN PELAKSANAAN PINDAAN (2012) AKTA HAK MILIK STRATA 1985, AT MANDARIN COURT HOTEL 6 SESI PERBINCANGAN BERSAMA EXPERT PANEL BERKAITAN URBAN PLANNING EDUCATION TOWARDS LIBERALISATION DIBAWAH INISIATIF MAKMAL LIBERALISASI SEKTOR PERKHIDMATAN PERANCANGAN BANDAR AT DEWAN DATO K R SOMA 18-19BENGKEL PENYEDIAAN GARISPANDUAN SENIBINA BERIDENTITIKAN MALAYSIA AT ROYALE BINTANG DAMANSARA 18 BIM PROFESSIONAL FORUM AT GRAND DORSETT, SUBANG JAYA 20MESYUARAT KEMAJUAN PETUGAS BAGI MELAKSANAKAN INISIATIF MAKMAL LIBERALISASI SEKTOR PERKHIDMATAN PERANCANGAN BANDAR BIL 3/2012 27 SEMINAR GIS DAN PEMETAAN UTILITI 2012,AT EMPIRE HOTEL SUBANG EAROPH MALAYSIA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2012, AT WISMA REDHA 10 MESYUARAT JAWATANKUASA NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS (Contd. from Pg 24) The cities of Putrajaya and Cyberjaya gave town planners in this country the opportunity to design world class cities using standards that are innovative. This is in order to not just create a pleasing physical environment but also to engineer societies living within them to interact and socialize in order to address issues of modern city living. Tun was the visionary behind the development of these 2 cities, and Town planners cannot thank him enough for giving us the opportunity to showcase the importance of proper physical planning and development. Our Own Charlie’s Angels They may not be dressed to kill. They may not drive fast cars. They may not have the licence to kill. But give them any task. They will get it done. Whether it is an update of CPD points, payments, inquiry, appointments, meetings, seminars. They will be at it. You can’t avoid bumping into them. These are our own version of real life day-to-day MIP’s Charlie’s Angels. Their task is to serve the council & the members. Puan Siti Nor Azmi, Cik Norasyikin Roslan and Cik Ana Kashfi Muhammad are the 3 current permanent staff at the institute. We cannot thank them enough for their dedication & responsibility to the Institute The arrival of MIP Patron Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad at the luncheon at Renaissance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur There are a thousand and one accolades to be bestowed upon this great leader of our nation. However, amongst town planners, we recognize him as being someone who laid the foundation for a better physical environment for our towns and cities. His vision pushed us planners to re-think on a more holistic approach of township design. We realized that planning is more than just meeting up with standards and guidelines and drawing spatial blueprints for various economic activities. In staying true to Tun Dr. Mahathir’s compelling need to develop and grow the nation and its people, we planners followed through by ensuring that people are not deprived of their basic needs to live, work, play in the cities, town and villages. People became the centre of our town planning efforts. From Right: Puan Siti Nor Azmi, Cik Norasyikin Roslan and Cik Ana Kashfi For that we are deeply honored to have Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad, the patron of the Malaysian Institute of Planners. Thank you for showing us the way for a better future. The participants in the Renaissance Hotel Hall during the luncheon Tun Dr Mahathir authographs his book NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS 23 MIP PATRON AWARD : TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD Reported by: Rahim Ariffin Photos by: Naz Tajudin Malaysian Institute of Planners (MIP) has honoured Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad by accounting him its patron at a special luncheon, on 7th November 2012 in conjunction with MIP’s 40th anniversary. MIP President, Prof Dato’ Dr Alias Abdullah said the award was to recognize Tun Dr Mahathir’s contributions to Malaysia’s development. “He is our top planner for the country with his economic planning and strategies that have impacted the spatial planning, development and physical form of the country. His involvement in planning Putrajaya, Cyberjaya and the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) has changed our country in many ways. It was Tun Dr. Mahathir’s knowledge and experience of more than 20 years in developing this nation that had led to the recognition”. Tun who was named the recipient of the 2012 Rafik Hariri UNHabitat Memorial Award in June 2012, is recognised for his leadership, statesmanship and good governance, thus there is no doubt he is the best candidates our patron. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad giving his speech to all town planners and participants at the luncheon and villages. We have grown exponentially through his visionary leadership. Town and regional planners, the profession for which the Institute regulates, has benefitted greatly from his leadership. We have had to formulate development plans to catch up with his vision of providing first world infrastructure, such as highways, a new airport, the KLCC development, KL Tower, the production of the Malaysian made car, the Multi Media Super Corridor and most of all the new cities of Putrajaya and Cyberjaya. All the initiatives mentioned have meant the opening up of new areas with allied facilities such as new townships for housing, commerce, recreational and community facilities. Town Planners in this country faced a giant task of balancing the needs of development with preservation of the environment. It was under Tun’s leadership that Town Planners formulated the Philosophy of a Holistic development approach. This philosophy was implemented in the design of the new Federal Administrative Capital of Putrajaya, a brainchild of Tun. Prof Dato’ Dr Alias Abdullah gives special momentos to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad MIP invited some 700 participants all of whom are professionals including engineers, architects, surveyors, and developers to attend the event which was held at Renaissance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Indeed, there has been no better planner than Tun who has shaped not just the economic landscape of the country but also its physical form. His vision for a developed and prosperous Malaysia, through his 22 years as the chief executive of the nation, has brought about immense changes to cities, towns The National Spatial Plan was then generated to transcribe the economic growth plans by Tun into a spatial form, such that development will be coordinated amongst the various states and the nation’s natural heritage will be preserved. Following this was the more detailed National Urbanization Strategy which was to address balanced city development with social and environmental needs. At the same time, Wawasan 2020, another initiative by Tun became the platform for future growth strategies of the nation. Town Planners had to quickly institute a paradigm shift in which human settlement planning, design and related components would have to deliver a caring society, amongst others. (Contd. on Pg. 23) VVIP takes pictures with the Executive Committee at Luncheon with MIP Patron 24 NEWSLETTER OF THE MALAYSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS