the Grim Reaper`s road map
the Grim Reaper`s road map
the Grim Reaper’s road map An atlas of mortality in Britain Online Appendix Mary Shaw, Bethan Thomas, George Davey Smith and Daniel Dorling The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix This appendix contains the locational maps of the parliamentary constituencies and neighbourhoods used throughout the atlas, together with look-up tables of neighbourhood and constituency names and numbers, and in which constituencies neighbourhoods are located. Note that constituency numbers are preceded by the letter ‘C’ to enable them to be easily distinguished from neighbourhood numbers. The tables include in which town or city, if any, a neighbourhood falls. This is only done for selected towns in Britain, which are also those whose boundaries, as approximated by built up areas, are shown on each map. To locate a particular constituency or neighbourhood on the map: in the appropriate regional section, find the constituency or neighbourhood in the look-up table. Note the constituency name or neighbourhood code and then locate these on the maps. For example, to find Sheffield Central constituency, consult the Yorkshire and The Humber table. Sheffield Central (constituency C129) is composed of the two neighbourhoods Sheffield Central West and Sheffield Central East, respectively neighbourhood numbers 1257 and 1258. These can then be located on the relevant maps. To find out which constituency or neighbourhood a particular place on the map is, the reverse process applies. Match the hexagon or half hexagon representing a constituency or neighbourhood to the appropriate region/country map, ascertain the constituency name or neighbourhood number, and reference from the table. The maps are arranged by regions and countries: All of Great Britain North East North West Yorkshire and The Humber East Midlands West Midlands East of England London South East South West Scotland Wales The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix All constituencies and neighbourhoods All constituencies The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix All constituencies and neighbourhoods All neighbourhoods 2260 2259 2156 2155 2282 2250 2142 2141 2268 2249 2238 2153 2144 2267 2281 2237 2154 2140 2139 2143 2229 2149 2277 2148 2180 2178 2230 2147 2150 2278 2179 2177 2173 2256 2159 2253 2266 2174 2265 2255 2254 2160 2162 2271 2182 2242 2232 2183 2161 2241 2231 2272 2184 2181 2280 2209 2258 2274 2210 2273 2279 2257 2261 2204 2218 2219 2202 2195 2167 2205 2262 2168 2220 2201 2217 2206 2203 2196 2225 2222 2228 2145 2264 2193 2251 2198 2191 2192 2226 2146 2263 2221 2227 2252 2197 2194 2212 2165 2199 2233 2190 2243 2247 2216 2170 2213 2244 2234 2200 2248 2185 2188 2245 2235 2236 2246 2187 2186 2240 2163 1854 2270 2158 2223 2224 2214 2169 2166 2211 2215 2189 2171 2151 2172 2152 2157 2239 2164 2269 1853 1280 1279 1281 1292 1282 1291 2208 1858 1859 1278 2176 2275 1283 1275 1857 2207 2276 2175 1860 1276 1277 1284 1856 1269 1289 1273 1498 1502 1855 1274 1270 1290 1497 1501 1506 1505 1499 1500 1578 1268 1577 1267 1285 1271 1286 1272 1566 1575 1568 1287 1565 1288 1576 1567 1582 1574 1573 1581 1584 1881 1880 1864 1872 1771 1583 1504 1879 1863 1769 1882 1871 1381 1778 1773 1758 1391 1862 1874 1760 1766 1866 1869 1392 1757 1759 1765 1777 1774 1870 186 5 138 2 1861 1873 1383 1776 1767 1761 1380 1377 1875 1781 1783 1763 1867 1762 1868 1378 1876 1384 1379 1782 1768 1784 1764 1775 1496 1495 1770 1211 1580 1579 1572 1569 1570 1571 1772 1503 1200 1157 1375 1594 1756 1878 1588 1366 1386 1780 1190 1393 1158 1189 1365 1593 1394 1376 1385 1779 1877 1587 1755 1199 1172 1246 1585 1354 1374 1357 1153 1388 1596 1159 1175 1396 1227 1225 1212 1226 1230 1213 1214 1228 1176 1220 1209 1174 1229 1358 1353 1395 1586 1595 1245 1373 1154 1387 1160 1171 1369 1244 1589 1592 1161 1389 1367 1355 1178 1187 1352 1156 1356 1243 1188 1590 1591 1219 1173 1155 1390 1162 1177 1370 1351 1368 1208 1224 1364 1202 1186 1359 1371 1192 1248 1805 1180 1151 1207 1363 1256 1242 1152 1247 1191 1223 1179 1185 1806 1201 1360 1372 1241 1255 1221 1181 1263 1258 1168 1253 1195 116 6 1194 1361 1217 1238 1240 1819 1222 1182 1820 1264 1257 1362 1218 1167 1254 1237 1196 1165 1193 1239 1210 1206 1232 1216 1215 1205 1231 1198 1197 1150 1149 1184 1163 1183 1164 1521 1512 1522 1511 1260 1262 1259 1261 1235 1236 1234 1233 1471 2138 2084 2105 2063 2083 2106 2064 2098 2093 2097 2127 2128 1808 1814 1898 1895 1897 1896 1813 1900 1818 1889 1296 1300 1638 1326 1318 2010 1843 1701 1717 1027 1700 1625 1443 1055 1614 1615 1049 1053 1295 1028 1844 1444 1299 1317 2009 1050 1054 1699 1056 1702 1718 1616 1637 1325 1626 1613 1310 1329 1320 2013 2088 2048 1306 1711 1134 1025 1643 1621 1905 1439 1085 1328 2086 2136 1079 1144 1619 1642 1635 2014 2058 1620 1644 1712 1622 1641 2047 2057 2087 2135 1309 2085 1319 1026 1143 1080 1086 1133 1906 1440 1636 1305 1330 1327 1698 205 3 2056 2045 1065 2049 205 2 2011 1436 1062 1106 1088 1090 1123 2066 2109 2081 2101 1072 1082 1091 1075 1915 1092 1066 2054 2046 2050 2012 1697 1089 2055 2051 1 0 6 1 1087 1 1 2 4 2110 1435 1076 1105 1071 1081 2102 1916 2082 2065 2070 2103 2104 2069 2122 180 7 1265 1251 1252 1266 1169 1509 1891 1480 1481 1474 1519 1203 1904 1893 1886 1204 1170 1892 1903 1890 1899 1817 1473 1894 1885 1520 1510 1479 1482 1832 1828 1478 1476 1887 1800 1884 1902 1793 1830 1470 1483 1810 1526 1508 1517 1802 1834 1477 1475 1484 1507 1525 1831 1827 1833 1799 1901 1472 1469 1518 1794 1809 1888 1883 1829 1801 1835 1524 2062 1463 1465 1787 1825 1515 1513 1790 1796 1816 1839 1798 1956 1966 1948 1958 1945 1838 1523 2061 1464 1466 1955 1965 1957 1946 1947 1516 1514 1795 1797 1815 1788 1789 1840 1837 1826 1836 1785 1792 1917 1823 1804 1971 1952 1345 1450 1981 1336 1293 1811 1980 2095 1333 1949 1922 1467 1821 1970 1468 1812 1824 1803 1982 1969 1786 1791 1294 1951 1822 1449 2096 1921 1972 1979 1346 1335 1918 1334 1950 1927 1961 1852 1457 1454 1297 1974 1978 1845 1460 1462 1348 1456 1842 1975 1349 1308 1968 1451 2132 1337 1928 1962 1458 2131 1846 1851 1841 1453 1977 1461 1459 1976 1973 1350 1347 1298 1967 1452 1455 1338 1307 1322 1344 1301 1629 1926 1960 2006 1640 1617 1342 1715 1408 1400 1404 2089 1623 1633 1398 1709 1406 1321 1304 1302 1847 1716 1639 1710 1634 1630 1624 2090 1925 2005 1959 1618 1397 1848 1407 1399 1343 1341 1303 1403 1405 1708 1323 1628 1632 1340 1312 1314 1315 1704 1719 1706 2092 1850 1924 1963 2007 1402 1446 1714 1324 1964 1645 1720 1703 1707 2091 1311 1313 1316 2008 1849 1401 1445 1923 1627 1339 1705 1713 1646 1631 2137 2121 1249 1250 2099 2094 2125 2116 2130 2115 2071 1001 1037 1068 1014 101 1 1073 1652 1657 1912 191 0 1441 1093 1047 1137 1650 1654 1660 1647 1145 1651 1442 1911 1909 1012 1094 1067 1648 1649 1658 1653 1659 1074 1013 1038 1138 1146 1048 1002 1029 1008 1433 1448 1125 1043 1015 1063 1057 1431 1084 2038 2036 1913 1907 1655 1427 1115 1120 1064 1058 1083 1656 1126 1030 1007 1428 1432 1044 1914 1908 1447 1016 1119 1434 2037 2035 1116 2042 1413 1417 1009 1110 1021 1425 1661 1141 1095 1140 1041 1429 1052 1111 1416 1437 2041 1042 1109 1112 1010 1438 1139 1662 1096 1022 1051 1430 1426 1418 1415 1414 1142 1940 1127 1020 1040 1005 1069 1737 1996 1424 1419 1748 1930 2033 1744 1003 1078 1684 1046 1939 1941 1738 1070 1006 1019 1420 1995 1743 1004 1128 1039 1077 1045 2034 1683 1423 1747 1942 1929 1410 2002 1999 1732 1724 1750 1937 1118 1131 1931 1934 2043 1102 1114 1727 1121 2039 1666 1099 1018 1409 1117 2044 2040 2000 1017 1932 2001 1132 1100 1101 1113 1938 1933 1728 1731 1665 1122 1723 1749 1135 1147 1532 1935 1098 1742 1739 1060 1034 1944 1557 1108 1103 1422 1990 1734 1412 1730 1689 1695 2076 2074 2072 2075 2073 2124 2120 2079 2078 2112 2059 2119 2080 2077 2060 2111 2133 2068 2117 2067 1332 1331 2107 2113 2108 2114 2129 2100 2126 2123 1920 1954 1919 1953 2118 2134 1059 1558 1531 1104 1033 1741 1690 1421 1989 1936 1943 1696 1411 1136 1097 1740 1733 1148 1107 1667 1023 1546 1541 1036 1031 1679 1663 1726 1735 2004 1988 1986 1528 1564 1556 1553 1681 1721 1130 1032 1725 1554 1024 1035 1736 1680 1664 1987 1985 1129 1542 1527 1682 1668 2003 1722 1545 1563 1555 1694 1606 2020 1997 1992 1544 1529 1678 1669 1994 1983 1539 1562 1559 1753 1746 1752 1693 1685 1530 1561 1677 1998 1751 1984 1745 2019 1670 1993 1605 1540 1543 1560 1991 1754 1686 1672 1692 1673 2018 2028 1611 1488 1548 1551 1549 2016 1604 2026 1494 1598 1534 167 1 168 8 202 2 1487 1547 1552 1550 1691 1674 1493 1597 2025 2021 2017 2027 2015 1612 1603 1533 1687 1601 1492 1535 2024 1607 1538 2030 1599 1610 1675 1485 1491 1600 1609 1536 1537 1676 2029 1608 1602 2023 1486 2032 1489 1490 2031 1729 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix North East North East constituencies Berwick -upon -Tweed Newcastle upon North Tyne Tyneside Tynemouth North NewcastleNewcastle upon Tyne South Hexham Wansbeck upon East & Shields Tyne Central Wallsend Gateshead Blyth Tyne East & Valley Bridge WashingtonJarrow West Houghton Sunderland North West North Blaydon & Washington Durham East Bishop North Auckland Durham Durham, City of Sunderland South Stockton Sedgefield Darlington Easington Hartlepool North Stockton South Redcar Middles -brough Middlesbrough South & East Cleveland The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix North East North East neighbourhoods 1280 1854 1858 1857 1281 1279 1853 1859 1860 1292 1282 1278 1275 1276 1856 1291 1289 1855 1269 1290 1578 1566 1576 1579 1274 1271 1285 1272 1267 1575 1580 1273 1270 1268 1577 1565 1283 1284 1277 1287 1568 1288 1567 1569 1570 1286 1572 1571 1574 1573 1582 1581 1584 1583 1869 1866 1870 1865 1867 1868 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix North East table Neighbourhood number Neighbourhood Parliamentary constituency Constituency code 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 Blaydon Blaydon Gateshead East and Washington West Gateshead East and Washington West Houghton and Washington East Houghton and Washington East Jarrow Jarrow Newcastle upon Tyne Central Newcastle upon Tyne Central Newcastle upon Tyne East and Wallsend Newcastle upon Tyne East and Wallsend Newcastle upon Tyne North Newcastle upon Tyne North North Tyneside North Tyneside South Shields South Shields Sunderland North Sunderland North Sunderland South Sunderland South Tyne Bridge Tyne Bridge Tynemouth Tynemouth Bishop Auckland Bishop Auckland Durham, City of Durham, City of Darlington Darlington Easington Easington Hartlepool Hartlepool North Durham North Durham North West Durham North West Durham Sedgefield Sedgefield Stockton North Stockton North C134 C134 C135 C135 C136 C136 C137 C137 C138 C138 C139 C139 C140 C140 C141 C141 C142 C142 C143 C143 C144 C144 C145 C145 C146 C146 C283 C283 C284 C284 C285 C285 C286 C286 C287 C287 C288 C288 C289 C289 C290 C290 C291 C291 Blaydon West Blaydon East Gateshead East Washington West Washington East Houghton Jarrow North Jarrow South Newcastle Fenham Newcastle Jesmond Newcastle East Wallsend Newcastle Newburn Newcastle Dinnington Longbenton Howdon South Shields West South Shields East Southwick Sunderland Central South Hylton Sunderland Hendon Tyne Bridge West Tyne Bridge East North Shields Whitley Bay Barnard Castle Spennymoor Durham City South Durham City North Darlington West Darlington East Peterlee Seaham Hartlepool West Hartlepool East Stanley (Durham) Chester-Le-Street Crook Consett Sedgefield West Sedgefield East Stockton Norton Billingham Town Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle Sunderland Sunderland Sunderland Sunderland Newcastle Newcastle The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix North East table continued Neighbourhood number Neighbourhood Parliamentary constituency Constituency code 1583 1584 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 Stockton South Stockton South Berwick-upon-Tweed Berwick-upon-Tweed Blyth Valley Blyth Valley Hexham Hexham Wansbeck Wansbeck Middlesbrough Middlesbrough Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland Redcar Redcar C292 C292 C427 C427 C428 C428 C429 C429 C430 C430 C433 C433 C434 C434 C435 C435 Eaglescliffe Stockton Fairfield Berwick South Berwick North Cramlington Blyth Hexham West Hexham East Morpeth Ashington Middlesbrough West Middlesbrough East East Cleveland Middlesbrough South Redcar West Redcar East Town Middlesbrough Middlesbrough Middlesbrough Middlesbrough The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix North West North West constituencies Carlisle Penrith & The Border Workington Copeland Barrow & Furness Morecambe Lancaster & Westmorland & Wyre Lunesdale & Lonsdale Blackpool Blackpool North & South Fleetwood South West Lancashire Ribble Knowsley North & St Helens North Sefton East Wigan Knowsley St Helens Southport South Makerfield South Crosby Liverpool Walton Bootle Leigh Chorley Bolton West Liverpool Worsley West Derby Liverpool Stretford Garston & Urmston Wallasey Birkenhead Wirral West Wirral South Halton Pendle Hyndburn Burnley Rossen -dale & Rochdale Darwen Bury North Bury South Salford Liverpool Liverpool Riverside Wavertree Eccles Preston Blackburn Bolton North East Bolton South East Ribble Valley Fylde Heywood & Middleton Manchester Oldham West & Blackley Royton Manchester Ashton under Central Lyne Oldham East & Saddleworth Denton Manchester Stockport & Gorton Reddish Stalybridge & Hyde Altrincham Manchester & Sale Cheadle Withington West WythenHazel WarringtonWarrington shawe & Grove South North Sale East Ellesmere Weaver Port & Eddisbury Vale Neston Tatton Maccles -field Chester, City of Congleton Crewe & Nantwich The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix North West North West neighbourhoods 1498 1502 1501 1497 1506 1505 1499 1500 1496 1495 1772 1770 1760 1757 1781 1783 1211 1213 1230 1214 1229 1228 1210 1219 1207 1208 1224 1202 1218 1206 1221 1222 1216 1205 1480 1483 1470 1472 1463 1484 1465 1464 1466 1467 1468 1181 1182 1196 1477 1163 1203 1476 1475 1165 1164 1482 1478 1186 1185 1166 1195 1184 1481 1188 1151 1152 1183 1479 1469 1180 1149 1187 1177 1179 1150 1197 1473 1471 10 1167 1474 1235 1236 1233 1234 1192 1168 1171 1178 1162 1191 1198 1215 1160 1161 1155 1156 1201 1223 1217 1232 1174 1173 1190 1189 1172 1159 1154 1762 1768 1779 1755 1153 1176 1220 1209 1231 1175 1761 1767 1780 1756 1199 1227 1774 1775 1764 1157 1158 1226 1212 1776 1763 1200 1773 1777 1765 1782 1784 1225 1504 1778 1766 1758 1759 1503 1771 1769 1204 1169 1170 1194 1193 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix North West table Neighbourhood number 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 Neighbourhood Altrincham Sale West Ashton West Ashton East Bradshaw Bolton Central Bolton Daubhill Little Lever Horwich Deane-Cum-Heaton Tottington Bury Central Radcliffe Prestwich Cheadle Hulme Bramhall Reddish Denton Irlam Swinton Romiley Marple Middleton Heywood Leigh South Leigh North Makerfield West Makerfield East Blackley South Blackley North Moss Side Ardwick Gorton West Gorton East Didsbury Burnage Oldham East Saddleworth Royton Oldham West Rochdale South Rochdale North Salford West Salford East Hyde Stalybridge Parliamentary constituency Altrincham and Sale West Altrincham and Sale West Ashton under Lyne Ashton under Lyne Bolton North East Bolton North East Bolton South East Bolton South East Bolton West Bolton West Bury North Bury North Bury South Bury South Cheadle Cheadle Denton and Reddish Denton and Reddish Eccles Eccles Hazel Grove Hazel Grove Heywood and Middleton Heywood and Middleton Leigh Leigh Makerfield Makerfield Manchester Blackley Manchester Blackley Manchester Central Manchester Central Manchester Gorton Manchester Gorton Manchester Withington Manchester Withington Oldham East and Saddleworth Oldham East and Saddleworth Oldham West and Royton Oldham West and Royton Rochdale Rochdale Salford Salford Stalybridge and Hyde Stalybridge and Hyde Constituency code C75 C75 C76 C76 C77 C77 C78 C78 C79 C79 C80 C80 C81 C81 C82 C82 C83 C83 C84 C84 C85 C85 C86 C86 C87 C87 C88 C88 C89 C89 C90 C90 C91 C91 C92 C92 C93 C93 C94 C94 C95 C95 C96 C96 C97 C97 Town Bolton Bolton Bolton Bolton Bolton Bolton Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester 11 11 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix North West table continued Neighbourhood number 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1463 1464 1465 1466 12 Neighbourhood Stockport West Stockport East Urmston Stretford Wigan South Wigan North Tyldesley Walkden Sale East Wythenshawe Birkenhead South-West Birkenhead North-East Bootle West Bootle East Crosby North Crosby South Sefton East Knowsley North Huyton Halewood Garston South Garston North Liverpool Riverside North Liverpool Riverside South Walton South Walton North Wavertree West Wavertree East West Derby West West Derby East Rainford Newton-Le-Willows St Helens Eccleston St Helens Sutton Southport West Southport East Wallasey West Wallasey East Bebington Wirral Bromborough Hoylake Wirral Upton Chester North Chester South Congleton North Congleton South Parliamentary constituency Stockport Stockport Stretford and Urmston Stretford and Urmston Wigan Wigan Worsley Worsley Wythenshawe and Sale East Wythenshawe and Sale East Birkenhead Birkenhead Bootle Bootle Crosby Crosby Knowsley North and Sefton East Knowsley North and Sefton East Knowsley South Knowsley South Liverpool Garston Liverpool Garston Liverpool Riverside Liverpool Riverside Liverpool Walton Liverpool Walton Liverpool Wavertree Liverpool Wavertree Liverpool West Derby Liverpool West Derby St Helens North St Helens North St Helens South St Helens South Southport Southport Wallasey Wallasey Wirral South Wirral South Wirral West Wirral West Chester, City of Chester, City of Congleton Congleton Constituency code C98 C98 C99 C99 C100 C100 C101 C101 C102 C102 C103 C103 C104 C104 C105 C105 C106 C106 C107 C107 C108 C108 C109 C109 C110 C110 C111 C111 C112 C112 C113 C113 C114 C114 C115 C115 C116 C116 C117 C117 C118 C118 C232 C232 C233 C233 Town Manchester Manchester Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix North West table continued Neighbourhood number 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 Neighbourhood Crewe Urban Crewe Rural Winsford Rural Winsford Urban Ellesmere Port West Ellesmere Port East Runcorn Widnes Macclesfield Urban Macclesfield Rural Knutsford Wilmslow Warrington Orford Culcheth Warrington Latchford Lymm Weaver Vale North Weaver Vale South Barrow-in-Furness Ulverston Carlisle West Carlisle East Whitehaven Copeland Rural Penrith Urban Penrith Rural Westmorland Rural Westmorland Urban Workington West Workington East Blackburn West Blackburn East Blackpool North Fleetwood Blackpool Marton Blackpool South Shore Burnley West Burnley East Chorley Rural Chorley Urban Lytham St Anne’s Kirkham Great Harwood Accrington Parliamentary constituency Crewe and Nantwich Crewe and Nantwich Eddisbury Eddisbury Ellesmere Port and Neston Ellesmere Port and Neston Halton Halton Macclesfield Macclesfield Tatton Tatton Warrington North Warrington North Warrington South Warrington South Weaver Vale Weaver Vale Barrow and Furness Barrow and Furness Carlisle Carlisle Copeland Copeland Penrith and The Border Penrith and The Border Westmorland and Lonsdale Westmorland and Lonsdale Workington Workington Blackburn Blackburn Blackpool North and Fleetwood Blackpool North and Fleetwood Blackpool South Blackpool South Burnley Burnley Chorley Chorley Fylde Fylde Hyndburn Hyndburn Constituency code C234 C234 C235 C235 C236 C236 C237 C237 C238 C238 C239 C239 C240 C240 C241 C241 C242 C242 C248 C248 C249 C249 C250 C250 C251 C251 C252 C252 C253 C253 C378 C378 C379 C379 C380 C380 C381 C381 C382 C382 C383 C383 C384 C384 Town Blackpool Blackpool Blackpool Blackpool 13 13 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix North West table continued Neighbourhood number 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 14 Neighbourhood Poulton-le-Fylde Lancaster Morecambe Carnforth Barnoldswick Nelson Preston South-West Preston East Preston North Clitheroe Darwen Rawtenstall Preston Middleforth Leyland Ormskirk Skelmersdale Parliamentary constituency Lancaster and Wyre Lancaster and Wyre Morecambe and Lunesdale Morecambe and Lunesdale Pendle Pendle Preston Preston Ribble Valley Ribble Valley Rossendale and Darwen Rossendale and Darwen South Ribble South Ribble West Lancashire West Lancashire Constituency code Town C385 C385 C386 C386 C387 C387 C388 C388 C389 C389 C390 C390 C391 C391 C392 C392 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix Yorkshire and The Humber Yorkshire and The Humber constituencies Harrogate & Skipton Knares & Ripon -borough Pudsey Leeds North West Leeds West Richmond (Yorks) York, City of Leeds North East Ryedale Leeds East Scar -borough & Whitby Kingston upon Hull North Kingston Beverley upon Hull Bradford Bradford Wakefield Normanton Doncaster & West North West North Holderness & Hessle Shipley Keighley Vale of York Halifax Leeds Central Morley & Rothwell Elmet Bradford South Batley & Spen Hems -worth Calder Valley Selby East Yorkshire Pontefract Doncaster Haltem & -price & Central Castleford Howden Barnsley Hudders Dewsbury Sheffield West & -field Brightside Penistone Colne Valley Sheffield Sheffield Hills -borough Central Sheffield Sheffield Heeley Hallam Don Valley Kingston upon Hull East Brigg & Goole Clee Sheffield Barnsley Barnsley Scunthorpe -thorpes Attercliffe Central East & Mexborough Rother Valley Rother Wentworth -ham Great Grimsby 15 15 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix Yorkshire and The Humber Yorkshire and The Humber neighbourhoods 1880 1864 1879 1391 1381 1862 1394 1367 1356 1368 1359 1351 1352 1371 1360 1372 1361 1259 16 1244 1390 1253 1257 1262 1261 1250 1248 1252 1591 1805 1247 1806 1240 1239 1237 1251 1592 1590 1238 1254 1249 1595 1589 1243 1363 1364 1255 1256 1241 1242 1264 1260 1245 1370 1596 1586 1389 1258 1593 1585 1246 1387 1369 1263 1362 1388 1395 1594 1587 1877 1396 1353 1355 1588 1878 1365 1385 1354 1358 1876 1366 1386 1376 1357 1875 1378 1379 1375 1373 1377 1380 1384 1874 1873 1861 1382 1383 1393 1871 1882 1392 1374 1872 1881 1863 1265 1266 1819 1820 1807 1808 1814 1813 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix Yorkshire and The Humber table Neighbourhood number 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 Neighbourhood Barnsley Ardsley Barnsley Cudworth Barnsley East Mexborough Penistone Barnsley West Doncaster Town Doncaster Armthorpe Doncaster Adwick Doncaster Stainforth Don Valley West Don Valley East Anston Maltby Rotherham West Rotherham East Darnall Mosborough Owlerton Firth Park Sheffield City West Sheffield City East Hallam Moors Ecclesall Norton Intake Stocksbridge Walkley Wentworth West Wentworth East Spen Batley Undercliffe Eccleshill Queensbury (Bradford) Tong Thornton Bradford University Todmorden Brighouse Marsden Holme Valley Dewsbury West Dewsbury East Garforth Wetherby Parliamentary constituency Barnsley Central Barnsley Central Barnsley East and Mexborough Barnsley East and Mexborough Barnsley West and Penistone Barnsley West and Penistone Doncaster Central Doncaster Central Doncaster North Doncaster North Don Valley Don Valley Rother Valley Rother Valley Rotherham Rotherham Sheffield Attercliffe Sheffield Attercliffe Sheffield Brightside Sheffield Brightside Sheffield Central Sheffield Central Sheffield Hallam Sheffield Hallam Sheffield Heeley Sheffield Heeley Sheffield Hillsborough Sheffield Hillsborough Wentworth Wentworth Batley and Spen Batley and Spen Bradford North Bradford North Bradford South Bradford South Bradford West Bradford West Calder Valley Calder Valley Colne Valley Colne Valley Dewsbury Dewsbury Elmet Elmet Constituency code C119 C119 C120 C120 C121 C121 C122 C122 C123 C123 C124 C124 C125 C125 C126 C126 C127 C127 C128 C128 C129 C129 C130 C130 C131 C131 C132 C132 C133 C133 C176 C176 C177 C177 C178 C178 C179 C179 C180 C180 C181 C181 C182 C182 C183 C183 Town Sheffield Sheffield Sheffield Sheffield Sheffield Sheffield Sheffield Sheffield Sheffield Sheffield Sheffield Sheffield Bradford Bradford Bradford Bradford Bradford Bradford Leeds Leeds 17 17 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix Yorkshire and The Humber table continued Neighbourhood number 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1805 1806 1807 1808 18 Neighbourhood Halifax North Halifax South Featherstone South Elmsall Huddersfield North Huddersfield South Keighley South Keighley North Leeds City Hunslet Harehills Halton Chapel Allerton Roundhay Otley Headingley Kirkstall Armley Morley Rothwell Ossett Stanley (Yorkshire) Castleford Pontefract Pudsey North Pudsey South Bingley Baildon Denby Dale Wakefield Central Beverley North Humberside Coast East Yorkshire Rural East Yorkshire Coast Howden Cottingham Sutton-On-Hull Hull Marfleet Hull University Hull Bransholme Hessle Hull West Goole Brigg Cleethorpes West Cleethorpes East Parliamentary constituency Halifax Halifax Hemsworth Hemsworth Huddersfield Huddersfield Keighley Keighley Leeds Central Leeds Central Leeds East Leeds East Leeds North East Leeds North East Leeds North West Leeds North West Leeds West Leeds West Morley and Rothwell Morley and Rothwell Normanton Normanton Pontefract and Castleford Pontefract and Castleford Pudsey Pudsey Shipley Shipley Wakefield Wakefield Beverley and Holderness Beverley and Holderness East Yorkshire East Yorkshire Haltemprice and Howden Haltemprice and Howden Kingston upon Hull East Kingston upon Hull East Kingston upon Hull North Kingston upon Hull North Kingston upon Hull West and Hessle Kingston upon Hull West and Hessle Brigg and Goole Brigg and Goole Cleethorpes Cleethorpes Constituency code C184 C184 C185 C185 C186 C186 C187 C187 C188 C188 C189 C189 C190 C190 C191 C191 C192 C192 C193 C193 C194 C194 C195 C195 C196 C196 C197 C197 C198 C198 C293 C293 C294 C294 C295 C295 C296 C296 C297 C297 C298 C298 C403 C403 C404 C404 Town Bradford Bradford Leeds Leeds Leeds Leeds Leeds Leeds Leeds Leeds Leeds Leeds Leeds Leeds Leeds Leeds Bradford Bradford Hull Hull Hull Hull Hull Hull The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix Yorkshire and The Humber table continued Neighbourhood number 1813 1814 1819 1820 1861 1862 1863 1864 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 Neighbourhood Grimsby South Grimsby North Scunthorpe North Scunthorpe South York City West York City East Harrogate Knaresborough Richmond (Yorks) East Richmond (Yorks) West Rydale York Rydale Rural Scarborough Rural Scarborough Urban Selby South Selby North Skipton Ripon Vale of York Rural Vale of York Urban Parliamentary constituency Great Grimsby Great Grimsby Scunthorpe Scunthorpe York, City of York, City of Harrogate and Knaresborough Harrogate and Knaresborough Richmond (Yorks) Richmond (Yorks) Ryedale Ryedale Scarborough and Whitby Scarborough and Whitby Selby Selby Skipton and Ripon Skipton and Ripon Vale of York Vale of York Constituency code C407 C407 C410 C410 C431 C431 C432 C432 C436 C436 C437 C437 C438 C438 C439 C439 C440 C440 C441 C441 Town 19 19 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix East Midlands East Midlands constituencies North East Derby -shire High Peak West Derby -shire Amber Valley Nottingham Nottingham North East Chester -field Bolsover Mansfield Sherwood Erewash Broxtowe South Derby -shire Ashfield Derby South Blaby North West Lough Leicester Gains Leicester -borough Rushcliffe East -borough -shire Derby North Northampton North Northampton South 20 Bosworth Charnwood Rutland Har & -borough Melton Welling Kettering -borough Daventry Nottingham Louth & Newark Bassetlaw Gedling South Horncastle Leicester Leicester South West Lincoln Boston Grantham South Sleaford & & & North Holland Skegness Hykeham Stamford & The Deepings Corby The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix East Midlands East Midlands neighbourhoods 1521 1522 1898 1512 1511 1525 1508 1507 1891 1510 1520 1526 1896 1897 1509 1519 1895 1904 1892 1887 1517 1524 1523 1785 1845 1846 1847 1811 1812 1918 1852 1851 1810 1794 1795 1797 1823 1824 1809 1796 1798 1789 1818 1817 1899 1793 1901 1790 1788 1917 1791 1902 1799 1514 1792 1786 1800 1787 1513 1516 1890 1885 1894 1801 1883 1515 1889 1886 1802 1884 1888 1518 1893 1903 1900 1804 1803 1821 1816 1815 1822 1842 1841 1848 1850 1849 1843 1844 21 21 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix East Midlands table Neighbourhood number 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1809 1810 1811 1812 1815 1816 22 Neighbourhood Amber Valley West Amber Valley East Clowne Shirebrook Chesterfield West Chesterfield East Allestree Chaddesden Mickleover Alvaston Ilkeston Long Eaton Glossop Buxton Dronfield Clay Cross Swadlincote Repton Belper Matlock Lutterworth Narborough Bosworth West Bosworth East Charnwood West Charnwood East Wigston Market Harborough Belgrave Evington Aylestone Knighton North Braunstone Beaumont Leys Loughborough West Loughborough East Ashby de la Zouch Castle Donington Boston Skegness Gainsborough West Gainsborough East Grantham Stamford Lincoln South Lincoln North Parliamentary constituency Amber Valley Amber Valley Bolsover Bolsover Chesterfield Chesterfield Derby North Derby North Derby South Derby South Erewash Erewash High Peak High Peak North East Derbyshire North East Derbyshire South Derbyshire South Derbyshire West Derbyshire West Derbyshire Blaby Blaby Bosworth Bosworth Charnwood Charnwood Harborough Harborough Leicester East Leicester East Leicester South Leicester South Leicester West Leicester West Loughborough Loughborough North West Leicestershire North West Leicestershire Boston and Skegness Boston and Skegness Gainsborough Gainsborough Grantham and Stamford Grantham and Stamford Lincoln Lincoln Constituency code C254 C254 C255 C255 C256 C256 C257 C257 C258 C258 C259 C259 C260 C260 C261 C261 C262 C262 C263 C263 C393 C393 C394 C394 C395 C395 C396 C396 C397 C397 C398 C398 C399 C399 C400 C400 C401 C401 C402 C402 C405 C405 C406 C406 C408 C408 Town Derby Derby Derby Derby Leicester Leicester Leicester Leicester Leicester Leicester The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix East Midlands table continued Neighbourhood number 1817 1818 1821 1822 1823 1824 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1917 1918 Neighbourhood Louth West Louth East Sleaford West Sleaford East Spalding West Spalding East Corby Rural Corby Urban Daventry North Daventry South Kettering Rural Kettering Urban Northampton North-West Northampton North-East Northampton Duston Roade Wellingborough West Wellingborough East Eastwood Sutton in Ashfield Bassetlaw West Bassetlaw East Kimberley Beeston Gedling North Gedling South Mansfield North Mansfield South Newark North Newark South Nottingham New Basford Nottingham Sherwood Nottingham Bilborough Nottingham Bulwell Nottingham Clifton Nottingham Lenton Nottingham West Bridgford Nottingham Bingham Hucknall Sherwood East Melton Mowbray Rutland Parliamentary constituency Louth and Horncastle Louth and Horncastle Sleaford and North Hykeham Sleaford and North Hykeham South Holland and The Deepings South Holland and The Deepings Corby Corby Daventry Daventry Kettering Kettering Northampton North Northampton North Northampton South Northampton South Wellingborough Wellingborough Ashfield Ashfield Bassetlaw Bassetlaw Broxtowe Broxtowe Gedling Gedling Mansfield Mansfield Newark Newark Nottingham East Nottingham East Nottingham North Nottingham North Nottingham South Nottingham South Rushcliffe Rushcliffe Sherwood Sherwood Rutland and Melton Rutland and Melton Constituency code C409 C409 C411 C411 C412 C412 C421 C421 C422 C422 C423 C423 C424 C424 C425 C425 C426 C426 C442 C442 C443 C443 C444 C444 C445 C445 C446 C446 C447 C447 C448 C448 C449 C449 C450 C450 C451 C451 C452 C452 C459 C459 Town Nottingham Nottingham Nottingham Nottingham Nottingham Nottingham 23 23 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix West Midlands West Midlands constituencies Stafford Stone Stafford -shire Burton Moorlands Cannock Chase Newcastle Wolver Aldridge - Sutton -hampton Walsall -under Brownhills Coldfield Lichfield North North East -Lyme Wolver Wolver BirmingWrekin, Stoke-on -hampton -hampton Walsall Birming ham Tamworth -ham -Trent South South South The Perry Barr Erdington North East West Birming Birming West North West Stoke-on Dudley Bromwich Bromwich -ham Warwick -ham Telford -Trent North Ladywood Hodge Hill -shire East West Central North Shropshire Birmingham Birming Coventry Warley Sparkbrook -ham Nuneaton North & Small Yardley East Heath Birming South Coventry Rugby & Halesowen Birming Stour -ham North Ludlow Stafford -bridge & Rowley -ham Hall Kenilworth -shire Edgbaston Green West Regis Birming Warwick Birming Leominster Wyre Coventry -ham & Forest -ham Solihull Meriden South Leamington Northfield Selly Oak Shrewsbury & Atcham Stoke-on -Trent South Dudley South West Hereford Worcester Worcester Broms -grove -shire 24 Mid Redditch Stratford Worcester -on-Avon -shire The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix West Midlands West Midlands neighbourhoods 1966 1956 1955 1928 1961 1962 1960 1926 1925 1959 1924 1923 1919 1953 2048 2047 1349 1350 1321 1322 1347 1332 2057 2058 1698 1697 2054 2056 2055 1307 2045 2046 1318 2007 2008 2009 1320 2013 1328 1327 2050 2005 2010 1317 2049 2006 1316 1300 1330 1967 1315 1313 1299 1968 1298 1314 1329 1309 1305 2053 1295 1296 1310 1306 1950 1297 1303 1304 1301 1302 1311 1339 1325 1308 1312 1340 1326 1331 1337 1338 1949 1334 1294 1341 1343 1947 1333 1293 1342 1344 1948 1946 1335 1348 1963 1964 1323 1324 1954 1920 1336 1346 1951 1927 1945 1957 1965 1345 1952 1922 1921 1958 1319 2052 2051 2014 2011 2012 25 25 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix West Midlands table Neighbourhood number 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 26 Neighbourhood Brownhills Aldridge Edgbaston West Edgbaston East Erdington West Erdington East Hall Green West Hall Green East Hodge Hill West Hodge Hill East Ladywood West Ladywood East Longbridge Northfield Handsworth Oscott Bournville Moseley Fox Hollies Sparkbrook Yardley West Yardley East Coventry Longford Coventry Wyken Coventry Allesley Coventry Radford Coventry Earlsdon Coventry Cheylesmore Gornal Dudley Castle Kingswinford Brierley Hill Halesowen Rowley Meriden South Meriden North Solihull West Solihull East Stourbridge South Stourbridge North Sutton West Sutton East Willenhall Bloxwich Parliamentary constituency Aldridge – Brownhills Aldridge – Brownhills Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham Erdington Birmingham Erdington Birmingham Hall Green Birmingham Hall Green Birmingham Hodge Hill Birmingham Hodge Hill Birmingham Ladywood Birmingham Ladywood Birmingham Northfield Birmingham Northfield Birmingham Perry Barr Birmingham Perry Barr Birmingham Selly Oak Birmingham Selly Oak Birmingham Sparkbrook and Small Heath Birmingham Sparkbrook and Small Heath Birmingham Yardley Birmingham Yardley Coventry North East Coventry North East Coventry North West Coventry North West Coventry South Coventry South Dudley North Dudley North Dudley South Dudley South Halesowen and Rowley Regis Halesowen and Rowley Regis Meriden Meriden Solihull Solihull Stourbridge Stourbridge Sutton Coldfield Sutton Coldfield Walsall North Walsall North Constituency code C147 C147 C148 C148 C149 C149 C150 C150 C151 C151 C152 C152 C153 C153 C154 C154 C155 C155 C156 C156 C157 C157 C158 C158 C159 C159 C160 C160 C161 C161 C162 C162 C163 C163 C164 C164 C165 C165 C166 C166 C167 C167 C168 C168 Town Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham Coventry Coventry Coventry Coventry Coventry Coventry Birmingham Birmingham The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix West Midlands table continued Neighbourhood number 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1697 1698 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 Neighbourhood Darlaston Walsall Paddock Warley West Warley East West Bromwich Central Great Barr Oldbury Wednesbury Bushbury Wednesfield Blakenhall Bilston Tettenhall Graiseley Hereford Rural Hereford Urban South Shropshire Bridgnorth Oswestry Market Drayton Shewsbury Rural Shewsbury Urban Telford West Telford East Wrekin Urban Wrekin Rural Burton Rural Burton Urban Cannock Hednesford Lichfield West Lichfield East Newcastle-under-Lyme West Newcastle-under-Lyme East Wombourne Codsall Stafford Rural Stafford Urban Kidsgrove Leek Hanley West Hanley East Burslem Parliamentary constituency Walsall South Walsall South Warley Warley West Bromwich East West Bromwich East West Bromwich West West Bromwich West Wolverhampton North East Wolverhampton North East Wolverhampton South East Wolverhampton South East Wolverhampton South West Wolverhampton South West Hereford Hereford Ludlow Ludlow North Shropshire North Shropshire Shrewsbury and Atcham Shrewsbury and Atcham Telford Telford Wrekin, The Wrekin, The Burton Burton Cannock Chase Cannock Chase Lichfield Lichfield Newcastle-under-Lyme Newcastle-under-Lyme South Staffordshire South Staffordshire Stafford Stafford Staffordshire Moorlands Staffordshire Moorlands Stoke-on-Trent Central Stoke-on-Trent Central Stoke-on-Trent North Constituency code C169 C169 C170 C170 C171 C171 C172 C172 C173 C173 C174 C174 C175 C175 C349 C349 C460 C460 C461 C461 C462 C462 C463 C463 C464 C464 C473 C473 C474 C474 C475 C475 C476 C476 C477 C477 C478 C478 C479 C479 C480 C480 C481 Town Stoke Stoke Stoke 27 27 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix West Midlands table continued Neighbourhood number 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 28 Neighbourhood Stoke Brown Edge Fenton Longton Stone West Stone East Tamworth Urban Tamworth Rural Bedworth Atherstone Nuneaton West Nuneaton East Rugby Rural Rugby Urban Stratford-on-Avon West Stratford-on-Avon East Warwick Leamington Bromsgrove Urban Bromsgrove Rural Leominster Rural Leominster Urban Droitwich Evesham Redditch South Redditch North Great Malvern Rural Great Malvern Urban Worcester West Worcester East Wyre Forest Rural Wyre Forest Urban Parliamentary constituency Stoke-on-Trent North Stoke-on-Trent South Stoke-on-Trent South Stone Stone Tamworth Tamworth North Warwickshire North Warwickshire Nuneaton Nuneaton Rugby and Kenilworth Rugby and Kenilworth Stratford-on-Avon Stratford-on-Avon Warwick and Leamington Warwick and Leamington Bromsgrove Bromsgrove Leominster Leominster Mid Worcestershire Mid Worcestershire Redditch Redditch West Worcestershire West Worcestershire Worcester Worcester Wyre Forest Wyre Forest Constituency code C481 C482 C482 C483 C483 C484 C484 C503 C503 C504 C504 C505 C505 C506 C506 C507 C507 C523 C523 C524 C524 C525 C525 C526 C526 C527 C527 C528 C528 C529 C529 Town Stoke Stoke Stoke The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix East of England East of England constituencies North West Norfolk Mid Norfolk South West Norfolk Norwich North South Norfolk North Norfolk Norwich South Great Yarmouth Central Bury Suffolk St & North Waveney Edmunds Ipswich North North South Hunting West South South Peter Suffolk East East Ipswich Coastal -don Cambridge-borough Cambridge CambridgeCambridge Suffolk -shire -shire -shire -shire North North Mid East Saffron North East Luton Bedford Bedford Hertford Stevenage Walden Braintree Colchester Essex Harwich Bedford North -shire -shire -shire Hertford Maldon West Hitchin Welwyn & Luton Hertsmere St Albans & Chelms & East Harlow Hatfield Stortford South Chelmsford -ford Harpenden West Cambridge Suffolk South West Bedford -shire Hemel Watford Hempstead South West Hertford -shire Brox -bourne Epping Forest Rochford & Basildon Billericay Southend East Brentwood Thurrock & Ongar Castle Point Southend Rayleigh West 29 29 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix East of England East of England neighbourhoods 30 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix East of England table Neighbourhood number 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 Neighbourhood Bedford West Bedford East Luton Leagrave Luton Brambury Luton High Town Caddington Flitwick Ampthill East Bedfordshire North Bedfordshire Leighton Buzzard Dunstable Cambridge West Cambridge East Huntingdon West Huntingdon East Littleport Whittlesey Yaxley Orton Peterborough West Peterborough East Great Shelford Hardwick Fulbourn Ely Stanford Le Hope Basildon Central Billericay West Billericay East Braintree North-West Braintree South East Chipping Ongar Brentwood Benfleet Canvey Island Colchester West Colchester East Epping Chigwell Harlow West Harlow East Harwich North Harwich South Chelmsford East Maldon Parliamentary constituency Bedford Bedford Luton North Luton North Luton South Luton South Mid Bedfordshire Mid Bedfordshire North East Bedfordshire North East Bedfordshire South West Bedfordshire South West Bedfordshire Cambridge Cambridge Huntingdon Huntingdon North East Cambridgeshire North East Cambridgeshire North West Cambridgeshire North West Cambridgeshire Peterborough Peterborough South Cambridgeshire South Cambridgeshire South East Cambridgeshire South East Cambridgeshire Basildon Basildon Billericay Billericay Braintree Braintree Brentwood and Ongar Brentwood and Ongar Castle Point Castle Point Colchester Colchester Epping Forest Epping Forest Harlow Harlow Harwich Harwich Maldon and East Chelmsford Maldon and East Chelmsford Constituency code C199 C199 C200 C200 C201 C201 C202 C202 C203 C203 C204 C204 C225 C225 C226 C226 C227 C227 C228 C228 C229 C229 C230 C230 C231 C231 C307 C307 C308 C308 C309 C309 C310 C310 C311 C311 C312 C312 C313 C313 C314 C314 C315 C315 C316 C316 Town Luton Luton Luton Luton Cambridge Cambridge 31 31 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix East of England table continued Neighbourhood number 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 32 Neighbourhood North West Essex North East Essex Rayleigh West Rayleigh East Southend East Rochford Saffron Walden West Saffron Walden East Southend Leigh Southend Prittlewell Thurrock West Thurrock East Chelmsford Rural West Chelmsford Moulsham Cheshunt South Cheshunt North Hemel Hempstead West Hemel Hempstead East Hertford Bishop’s Stortford Bushey Borehamwood Harpenden Hitchin Letchworth North-East Hertfordshire Rural West Hertfordshire South Hertfordshire St Albans West St Albans East Stevenage North Stevenage South Watford Outer Watford Central Welwyn Garden City Hatfield Great Yarmouth North Great Yarmouth South East Dereham Acle North Norfolk Urban North Norfolk Rural King’s Lynn West King’s Lynn East Taverham and Thorpe Norwich North East Parliamentary constituency North Essex North Essex Rayleigh Rayleigh Rochford and Southend East Rochford and Southend East Saffron Walden Saffron Walden Southend West Southend West Thurrock Thurrock West Chelmsford West Chelmsford Broxbourne Broxbourne Hemel Hempstead Hemel Hempstead Hertford and Stortford Hertford and Stortford Hertsmere Hertsmere Hitchin and Harpenden Hitchin and Harpenden North East Hertfordshire North East Hertfordshire South West Hertfordshire South West Hertfordshire St Albans St Albans Stevenage Stevenage Watford Watford Welwyn Hatfield Welwyn Hatfield Great Yarmouth Great Yarmouth Mid Norfolk Mid Norfolk North Norfolk North Norfolk North West Norfolk North West Norfolk Norwich North Norwich North Constituency code C317 C317 C318 C318 C319 C319 C320 C320 C321 C321 C322 C322 C323 C323 C350 C350 C351 C351 C352 C352 C353 C353 C354 C354 C355 C355 C356 C356 C357 C357 C358 C358 C359 C359 C360 C360 C413 C413 C414 C414 C415 C415 C416 C416 C417 C417 Town Southend Southend Southend Southend Norwich Norwich The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix East of England table continued Neighbourhood number 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Neighbourhood Norwich South East Cringleford South Norfolk Urban South Norfolk Rural Downham Thetford Bury St Edmunds West Bury St Edmunds East Central Suffolk Ipswich North Ipswich West Ipswich East Sudbury (Suffolk) Hadleigh Suffolk Coastal South Suffolk Coastal North Waveney Rural Lowestoft Mildenhall Haverhill Parliamentary constituency Norwich South Norwich South South Norfolk South Norfolk South West Norfolk South West Norfolk Bury St Edmunds Bury St Edmunds Central Suffolk and North Ipswich Central Suffolk and North Ipswich Ipswich Ipswich South Suffolk South Suffolk Suffolk Coastal Suffolk Coastal Waveney Waveney West Suffolk West Suffolk Constituency code C418 C418 C419 C419 C420 C420 C485 C485 C486 C486 C487 C487 C488 C488 C489 C489 C490 C490 C491 C491 Town Norwich Norwich Ipswich Ipswich 33 33 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix London London constituencies Chipping Enfield Enfield Edmonton North Barnet Southgate Chingford & Hornsey Waltham Hendon & Wood Tottenham Woodford -stow Green Green Hamp Hackney Holborn -stead Islington North & Leyton Harrow Finchley Ilford Ilford & & Golders & Romford & North Stoke West South North Green Highgate St Pancras Wanstead Newington Islington Hackney Brent Harrow Brent South & South & West Ham East Ham Barking Dagenham Upminster North East East Finsbury Shoreditch Bethnal Poplar & Regent's Cities of Greenwich Erith & Ruislip Brent Ealing Green Park & Canning & Thames Hornchurch Northwood North South KensingtonLondon & & Bow Town Westminster Woolwich -mead North Ealing, North Old Bexleyheath Acton & Kensington Southwark Camberwell Bexley Uxbridge Shepherd's& & Vauxhall & Bermond& Eltham & Sidcup Chelsea Crayford Peckham Bush -sey Hammer Bromley Dulwich Hayes & Ealing Beck & Harlington Southall -smith & Battersea Streatham & West -enham Fulham Chislehurst Norwood Brentford Richmond & Tooting Lewisham Lewisham Orpington Putney Deptford East Isleworth Park Feltham Kingston Mitcham Lewisham Croydon & Twickenham & Wimbledon & West North Heston Surbiton Morden Sutton Carshalton Croydon Croydon & Cheam & South Central Wallington 34 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix London London neighbourhoods 1027 1062 1076 1014 1074 1125 1044 1126 1140 1139 1078 1077 1045 1046 1018 1070 1122 1135 1136 1098 1029 1008 1030 1007 1109 1110 1142 1127 1003 1004 1117 1118 1132 1115 1099 1100 1108 1087 1103 1048 1063 1116 1064 1057 1111 1112 1051 1124 1037 1137 1038 1058 1138 1084 1083 1009 1010 1020 1005 1006 1102 1101 1002 1052 1022 1123 1089 1001 1047 1021 1040 1090 1088 1105 1039 1128 1131 1147 1106 1145 1146 1067 1141 1096 1069 1121 1119 1120 1095 1041 1042 1017 1060 1016 1143 1068 1094 1012 1015 1043 1093 1011 1144 1026 1091 1092 1065 1066 1081 1013 1054 1025 1133 1082 1071 1073 1059 1072 1061 1050 1134 1086 1080 1053 1049 1056 1085 1079 1075 1055 1028 1019 1114 1113 1034 1097 1104 1107 1033 1148 1023 1036 1129 1031 1130 1032 1024 1035 35 35 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix Inner London table Neighbourhood number 1003 1004 1007 1008 1021 1022 1029 1030 1039 1040 1041 1042 1047 1048 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1081 1082 1085 1086 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1109 1110 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 36 Neighbourhood Battersea West Battersea East Stepney Bow Camberwell Green Peckham Hyde Park London Central West Norwood Dulwich Acton Shepherd’s Bush East Ham North East Ham South Stoke Newington Hackney North Shoreditch Hackney South Hammersmith Fulham Kilburn Highgate Holborn St Pancras Fortis Green Hornsey Tollington Highbury Holloway Canonbury Kensington Chelsea Deptford North Deptford South Grove Park Blackheath Sydenham Catford Southwark North Bermondsey Poplar Canning Town Putney West Putney East Kensal Town Regent’s Park Parliamentary constituency Battersea Battersea Bethnal Green and Bow Bethnal Green and Bow Camberwell and Peckham Camberwell and Peckham Cities of London and Westminster Cities of London and Westminster Dulwich and West Norwood Dulwich and West Norwood Ealing, Acton and Shepherd’s Bush Ealing, Acton and Shepherd’s Bush East Ham East Ham Hackney North and Stoke Newington Hackney North and Stoke Newington Hackney South and Shoreditch Hackney South and Shoreditch Hammersmith and Fulham Hammersmith and Fulham Hampstead and Highgate Hampstead and Highgate Holborn and St Pancras Holborn and St Pancras Hornsey and Wood Green Hornsey and Wood Green Islington North Islington North Islington South and Finsbury Islington South and Finsbury Kensington and Chelsea Kensington and Chelsea Lewisham Deptford Lewisham Deptford Lewisham East Lewisham East Lewisham West Lewisham West North Southwark and Bermondsey North Southwark and Bermondsey Poplar and Canning Town Poplar and Canning Town Putney Putney Regent’s Park and Kensington North Regent’s Park and Kensington North Constituency code C2 C2 C4 C4 C11 C11 C15 C15 C20 C20 C21 C21 C24 C24 C33 C33 C34 C34 C35 C35 C36 C36 C41 C41 C43 C43 C46 C46 C47 C47 C48 C48 C50 C50 C51 C51 C52 C52 C55 C55 C58 C58 C59 C59 C60 C60 Town Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix Inner London table continued Neighbourhood number 1127 1128 1131 1132 1133 1134 1141 1142 1145 1146 Neighbourhood Streatham North Streatham South Tooting West Tooting East Tottenham South Tottenham North Vauxhall North Vauxhall South Forest Gate Plaistow Parliamentary constituency Streatham Streatham Tooting Tooting Tottenham Tottenham Vauxhall Vauxhall West Ham West Ham Constituency code C64 C64 C66 C66 C67 C67 C71 C71 C73 C73 Town Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London Inner London 37 37 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix Outer London table Neighbourhood number 1001 1002 1005 1006 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1043 1044 1045 1046 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 38 Neighbourhood Barking North Barking South Beckenham West Beckenham East Bexleyheath Crayford Cricklewood Brondesbury Sudbury (London) Queensbury (London) Wembley Harlesden Isleworth Brentford Bromley Chislehurst Carshalton Wallington Chingford Woodford Green Barnet West Barnet East Croydon Addiscombe Croydon Addington Selhurst Norwood Coulsdon Waddon Dagenham West Dagenham East Greenford Ealing Broadway Southall West Southall East Lower Edmonton Upper Edmonton Eltham West Eltham East Enfield Town Enfield Highway Cockfosters Palmers Green Abbey Wood Erith Feltham Heston Parliamentary constituency Barking Barking Beckenham Beckenham Bexleyheath and Crayford Bexleyheath and Crayford Brent East Brent East Brent North Brent North Brent South Brent South Brentford and Isleworth Brentford and Isleworth Bromley and Chislehurst Bromley and Chislehurst Carshalton and Wallington Carshalton and Wallington Chingford and Woodford Green Chingford and Woodford Green Chipping Barnet Chipping Barnet Croydon Central Croydon Central Croydon North Croydon North Croydon South Croydon South Dagenham Dagenham Ealing North Ealing North Ealing Southall Ealing Southall Edmonton Edmonton Eltham Eltham Enfield North Enfield North Enfield Southgate Enfield Southgate Erith and Thamesmead Erith and Thamesmead Feltham and Heston Feltham and Heston Constituency code C1 C1 C3 C3 C5 C5 C6 C6 C7 C7 C8 C8 C9 C9 C10 C10 C12 C12 C13 C13 C14 C14 C16 C16 C17 C17 C18 C18 C19 C19 C22 C22 C23 C23 C25 C25 C26 C26 C27 C27 C28 C28 C29 C29 C30 C30 Town Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix Outer London table continued Neighbourhood number 1061 1062 1063 1064 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1083 1084 1087 1088 1089 1090 1097 1098 1105 1106 1107 1108 1111 1112 1113 1114 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1129 1130 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1143 1144 1147 1148 Neighbourhood Golders Green Finchley Greenwich Woolwich Harrow Weald Greenhill Pinner Rayners Lane Harlington Hayes Mill Hill Colindale Rainham Hacton Barkingside Hainault Loxford Seven Kings Surbiton Kingston Leyton Wanstead Morden Mitcham East Wickham Sidcup Orpington West Orpington East Richmond North Richmond South Romford West Romford East West Ruislip East Ruislip Cheam Sutton Twickenham North Twickenham South Upminster North Upminster South Uxbridge South Uxbridge North Walthamstow West Walthamstow East Wimbledon North Wimbledon South Parliamentary constituency Finchley and Golders Green Finchley and Golders Green Greenwich and Woolwich Greenwich and Woolwich Harrow East Harrow East Harrow West Harrow West Hayes and Harlington Hayes and Harlington Hendon Hendon Hornchurch Hornchurch Ilford North Ilford North Ilford South Ilford South Kingston and Surbiton Kingston and Surbiton Leyton and Wanstead Leyton and Wanstead Mitcham and Morden Mitcham and Morden Old Bexley and Sidcup Old Bexley and Sidcup Orpington Orpington Richmond Park Richmond Park Romford Romford Ruislip – Northwood Ruislip – Northwood Sutton and Cheam Sutton and Cheam Twickenham Twickenham Upminster Upminster Uxbridge Uxbridge Walthamstow Walthamstow Wimbledon Wimbledon Constituency code C31 C31 C32 C32 C37 C37 C38 C38 C39 C39 C40 C40 C42 C42 C44 C44 C45 C45 C49 C49 C53 C53 C54 C54 C56 C56 C57 C57 C61 C61 C62 C62 C63 C63 C65 C65 C68 C68 C69 C69 C70 C70 C72 C72 C74 C74 Town Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London Outer London 39 39 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix South East South East constituencies North East Milton Keynes Milton Keynes South West Banbury Buckingham Witney Aylesbury Oxford West & Abingdon Wantage Woking -ham Basing -stoke Win Romsey -chester New Forest West South -ampton Test Beacons -field Surrey Heath South Faversham Dartford & Mid Kent Canterbury Thanet Spelthorne Maidstone Folkestone Dover Medway & The & Hythe Weald Windsor Guildford Esher & Walton Chatham & Gillingham Ashford Aylesford Epsom & Ewell South Mole Hastings Tunbridge East Chichester West Sevenoaks Tonbridge & Rye Reigate Valley Surrey Wells Surrey & Malling Bognor Arundel Ports Regis & Mid Bexhill & South Horsham Crawley Gos port Fareham -mouth Little Sussex Wealden Eastbourne & Battle South -hampton Downs Eastleigh Ports -mouth North Havant Isle of Wight 40 Sitting North Gravesham -bourne Thanet & Sheppey Runnymede & Weybridge North East Aldershot East Hampshire Woking Hampshire New Forest East South -ampton Itchen Reading East Slough Bracknell Maiden -head Chesham & Amersham Henley Wycombe Reading Newbury West North West Hampshire Oxford East East Worthing Worthing Hove West & Shoreham Brighton Brighton Lewes Pavilion Kemptown The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix South East South East neighbourhoods 1446 1445 1443 1444 1439 1905 1440 1906 1436 1915 1916 1910 1912 1418 1689 1690 1696 1679 1678 1694 1681 1692 1691 1682 1669 1677 1670 1673 1674 2002 1999 1728 1990 1989 2004 1668 1685 1686 2020 2018 1675 1676 1993 2026 2015 2030 2029 1994 1991 2016 2017 1725 1992 1998 2025 2024 2023 1735 1726 1985 1987 1997 2019 1671 1672 1687 1688 1986 1988 2003 1983 1608 2028 2027 1601 1602 1604 1611 1612 1599 1600 1603 1749 1723 1734 1733 1730 1729 1721 1722 1605 1751 1745 1736 1750 1606 1752 1746 1754 1984 2021 2022 1607 1753 1724 1731 1740 1741 1667 1743 1747 1739 1742 1744 1748 1732 1727 2000 2001 1421 1664 1738 1737 1995 1422 1411 1663 1680 1693 1409 1410 1412 1695 1438 1996 1420 1423 1665 1437 1415 1419 1424 1666 1447 1416 1417 1414 1683 1448 1908 1914 1684 1442 1907 1913 1441 1909 1911 1413 1435 1598 1597 1610 1609 2032 2031 41 41 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix South East table Neighbourhood number 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 42 Neighbourhood Bracknell Forest Bracknell Town Maidenhead West Maidenhead East Newbury Rural Newbury Urban Reading Caversham Reading North East Purley on Thames Reading Southcote Slough West Slough East Sunningdale Windsor and Eton Wokingham West Wokingham East Aylesbury Rural Aylesbury Urban Beaconsfield West Beaconsfield East Buckingham West Buckingham East Chesham Amersham Milton Keynes West Bletchley Milton Keynes North Newport Pagnell Wycombe Rural Wycombe Urban Bexhill Battle Brighton East Peacehaven Brighton West Brighton Central Eastbourne West Eastbourne East Hastings West Hastings East Hove Inland Hove Coast Lewes South Lewes North Crowborough Hailsham Parliamentary constituency Bracknell Bracknell Maidenhead Maidenhead Newbury Newbury Reading East Reading East Reading West Reading West Slough Slough Windsor Windsor Wokingham Wokingham Aylesbury Aylesbury Beaconsfield Beaconsfield Buckingham Buckingham Chesham and Amersham Chesham and Amersham Milton Keynes South West Milton Keynes South West North East Milton Keynes North East Milton Keynes Wycombe Wycombe Bexhill and Battle Bexhill and Battle Brighton Kemptown Brighton Kemptown Brighton Pavilion Brighton Pavilion Eastbourne Eastbourne Hastings and Rye Hastings and Rye Hove Hove Lewes Lewes Wealden Wealden Constituency code C205 C205 C206 C206 C207 C207 C208 C208 C209 C209 C210 C210 C211 C211 C212 C212 C218 C218 C219 C219 C220 C220 C221 C221 C222 C222 C223 C223 C224 C224 C299 C299 C300 C300 C301 C301 C302 C302 C303 C303 C304 C304 C305 C305 C306 C306 Town Reading Reading Reading Reading Brighton Brighton Brighton Brighton Hastings Hastings Brighton Brighton The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix South East table continued Neighbourhood number 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 Neighbourhood Aldershot North Aldershot South Basingstoke West Basingstoke East Petersfield Horndean Eastleigh North Eastleigh South Fareham West Fareham East Gosport West Gosport East Havant Central Hayling and Emsworth Lyndhurst Totton Ringwood New Milton Fleet Bordon Andover Whitchurch Portsmouth Cosham Portsmouth Drayton Portsea Milton Romsey Rural Romsey Urban Southampton Bitterne Southampton Sholing Southampton Millbrook Southampton Portswood Winchester West Winchester East Ashford Urban Ashford Rural Canterbury South Canterbury North Aylesford Chatham Dartford South Dartford North Dover West Dover East Parliamentary constituency Aldershot Aldershot Basingstoke Basingstoke East Hampshire East Hampshire Eastleigh Eastleigh Fareham Fareham Gosport Gosport Havant Havant New Forest East New Forest East New Forest West New Forest West North East Hampshire North East Hampshire North West Hampshire North West Hampshire Portsmouth North Portsmouth North Portsmouth South Portsmouth South Romsey Romsey Southampton Itchen Southampton Itchen Southampton Test Southampton Test Winchester Winchester Ashford Ashford Canterbury Canterbury Chatham and Aylesford Chatham and Aylesford Dartford Dartford Dover Dover Constituency code C332 C332 C333 C333 C334 C334 C335 C335 C336 C336 C337 C337 C338 C338 C339 C339 C340 C340 C341 C341 C342 C342 C343 C343 C344 C344 C345 C345 C346 C346 C347 C347 C348 C348 C361 C361 C362 C362 C363 C363 C364 C364 C365 C365 Town Portsmouth Portsmouth Portsmouth Portsmouth Southampton Southampton Southampton Southampton Dover Dover 43 43 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix South East table continued Neighbourhood number 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 44 Neighbourhood Maidstone East Faversham Folkestone Rural Folkestone Urban Gillingham West Gillingham East Northfleet Gravesend Maidstone West The Weald Medway South Medway North Herne Bay Margate Sevenoaks South Sevenoaks North Sittingbourne Sheppey Ramsgate Inland Ramsgate Coastal Tonbridge Malling Tunbridge Wells West Tunbridge Wells East Banbury Central Bicester Henley North Henley South Oxford Iffley Oxford Headington Abingdon Oxford West Wantage West Wantage East Witney West Witney East Caterham Oxted Epsom Ewell Walton Esher Guildford Rural Guildford Urban Dorking Leatherhead Parliamentary constituency Faversham and Mid Kent Faversham and Mid Kent Folkestone and Hythe Folkestone and Hythe Gillingham Gillingham Gravesham Gravesham Maidstone and The Weald Maidstone and The Weald Medway Medway North Thanet North Thanet Sevenoaks Sevenoaks Sittingbourne and Sheppey Sittingbourne and Sheppey South Thanet South Thanet Tonbridge and Malling Tonbridge and Malling Tunbridge Wells Tunbridge Wells Banbury Banbury Henley Henley Oxford East Oxford East Oxford West and Abingdon Oxford West and Abingdon Wantage Wantage Witney Witney East Surrey East Surrey Epsom and Ewell Epsom and Ewell Esher and Walton Esher and Walton Guildford Guildford Mole Valley Mole Valley Constituency code C366 C366 C367 C367 C368 C368 C369 C369 C370 C370 C371 C371 C372 C372 C373 C373 C374 C374 C375 C375 C376 C376 C377 C377 C453 C453 C454 C454 C455 C455 C456 C456 C457 C457 C458 C458 C492 C492 C493 C493 C494 C494 C495 C495 C496 C496 Town Oxford Oxford Oxford Oxford The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix South East table continued Neighbourhood number 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 Neighbourhood Reigate South Reigate North Weybridge Addlestone Farnham Godalming Staines Sunbury Surrey Heath South Surrey Heath North Woking West Woking East Arundel South Downs East Bognor Regis Littlehampton Chichester South Chichester North Crawley West Crawley East Worthing East Shoreham Horsham Rural Horsham Urban Burgess Hill East Grinstead Worthing Rustington Worthing Central Isle of Wight West Isle of Wight East Parliamentary constituency Reigate Reigate Runnymede and Weybridge Runnymede and Weybridge South West Surrey South West Surrey Spelthorne Spelthorne Surrey Heath Surrey Heath Woking Woking Arundel and South Downs Arundel and South Downs Bognor Regis and Littlehampton Bognor Regis and Littlehampton Chichester Chichester Crawley Crawley East Worthing and Shoreham East Worthing and Shoreham Horsham Horsham Mid Sussex Mid Sussex Worthing West Worthing West Isle of Wight Isle of Wight Constituency code C497 C497 C498 C498 C499 C499 C500 C500 C501 C501 C502 C502 C508 C508 C509 C509 C510 C510 C511 C511 C512 C512 C513 C513 C514 C514 C515 C515 C516 C516 Town 45 45 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix South West South West constituencies Forest of Dean Tewkes Stroud Gloucester -bury Bristol Northavon North West Bristol North North West Kingswood Wiltshire Swindon Bristol South Weston -Super -Mare Bridgwater North Devon Torridge & West Tiverton & Honiton Devon Teignbridge Torbay Truro & St Austell Plymouth North Cornwall Devonport Totnes Falmouth South & East Camborne Cornwall St Ives 46 Plymouth Sutton South West Devon East Devon Exeter Bath Devizes Somerton Westbury Salisbury & Frome Yeovil West Dorset South Wansdyke Swindon Bristol East Wood -spring Wells Taunton Chelten Cotswold -ham North Dorset Mid Dorset Christ & North -church Poole South Dorset Poole Bourne -mouth West Bourne -mouth East The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix South West South West neighbourhoods 1652 1657 1651 1658 1427 1655 1656 1654 1653 1431 1429 1430 1931 1937 1932 1930 1531 1546 1494 1493 1488 1544 1487 1485 1486 1491 1492 1547 1533 1535 1536 1543 1548 1534 1527 1542 1539 1540 1528 1541 1545 1944 1529 1530 2034 2043 2044 2039 2040 1558 1556 1564 1553 1554 1555 1563 2042 1557 1943 1936 2041 2033 1929 1934 1935 1532 1662 1933 1938 2035 2037 1661 1426 1939 1940 1941 1942 2036 2038 1434 1425 1650 1649 1648 1659 1433 1432 1428 1647 1660 1562 1559 1561 1560 1551 1552 1549 1550 1538 1537 1489 1490 47 47 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix South West table Neighbourhood number 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 48 Neighbourhood Eastville Brislington Stoke Gifford Avonmouth Bedminster Hengrove Clifton Redland Kingswood West Kingswood East Camborne Falmouth Newquay North Cornwall Rural Penzance Helston St Blazey Torpoint Truro St Austell Exmouth East Devon Rural Exeter West Exeter East North Devon Rural North Devon Urban Plymouth North-West Plymouth North-East Plymouth Peverell Plymouth Waterfront Plympton Ivybridge Teignbridge Rural Teignbridge Urban Tiverton Honiton Paignton Torquay West Devon Torridge Totnes West Totnes East Bournemouth Moordown Bournemouth Boscombe Bournemouth Kinson Bournemouth Central Parliamentary constituency Bristol East Bristol East Bristol North West Bristol North West Bristol South Bristol South Bristol West Bristol West Kingswood Kingswood Falmouth and Camborne Falmouth and Camborne North Cornwall North Cornwall St Ives St Ives South East Cornwall South East Cornwall Truro and St Austell Truro and St Austell East Devon East Devon Exeter Exeter North Devon North Devon Plymouth Devonport Plymouth Devonport Plymouth Sutton Plymouth Sutton South West Devon South West Devon Teignbridge Teignbridge Tiverton and Honiton Tiverton and Honiton Torbay Torbay Torridge and West Devon Torridge and West Devon Totnes Totnes Bournemouth East Bournemouth East Bournemouth West Bournemouth West Constituency code C213 C213 C214 C214 C215 C215 C216 C216 C217 C217 C243 C243 C244 C244 C245 C245 C246 C246 C247 C247 C264 C264 C265 C265 C266 C266 C267 C267 C268 C268 C269 C269 C270 C270 C271 C271 C272 C272 C273 C273 C274 C274 C275 C275 C276 C276 Town Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Bristol Exeter Exeter Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth Plymouth The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix South West table continued Neighbourhood number 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 2033 2034 Neighbourhood Christchurch North-West Christchurch South-East Mid Dorset Poole North North West Dorset North East Dorset Poole Town Poole Branksome Weymouth Swanage West Dorset Rural West Dorset Urban Cheltenham North Cheltenham South Cotswold South West Cotswold North East Forest of Dean Urban Forest of Dean Rural Gloucester West Gloucester East Chipping Sodbury West Chipping Sodbury East Stroud Rural Stroud Urban Tewkesbury South-West Tewkesbury North-East Keynsham Norton-Radstock Bath West Bath East Bridgwater Rural Bridgwater Urban Somerton Frome Taunton Rural Taunton Urban Cheddar Glastonbury Weston-Super-Mare Town Weston-Super-Mare Inland Clevedon Portishead Yeovil Rural Yeovil Urban Devizes Urban Devizes Rural Parliamentary constituency Christchurch Christchurch Mid Dorset and North Poole Mid Dorset and North Poole North Dorset North Dorset Poole Poole South Dorset South Dorset West Dorset West Dorset Cheltenham Cheltenham Cotswold Cotswold Forest of Dean Forest of Dean Gloucester Gloucester Northavon Northavon Stroud Stroud Tewkesbury Tewkesbury Wansdyke Wansdyke Bath Bath Bridgwater Bridgwater Somerton and Frome Somerton and Frome Taunton Taunton Wells Wells Weston-Super-Mare Weston-Super-Mare Woodspring Woodspring Yeovil Yeovil Devizes Devizes Constituency code C277 C277 C278 C278 C279 C279 C280 C280 C281 C281 C282 C282 C324 C324 C325 C325 C326 C326 C327 C327 C328 C328 C329 C329 C330 C330 C331 C331 C465 C465 C466 C466 C467 C467 C468 C468 C469 C469 C470 C470 C471 C471 C472 C472 C517 C517 Town 49 49 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix South West table continued Neighbourhood number 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 50 Neighbourhood Swindon North Swindon Rural Chippenham Wootton Bassett Salisbury Rural Salisbury Urban Swindon West Swindon South-East Trowbridge Warminster Parliamentary constituency North Swindon North Swindon North Wiltshire North Wiltshire Salisbury Salisbury South Swindon South Swindon Westbury Westbury Constituency code C518 C518 C519 C519 C520 C520 C521 C521 C522 C522 Town Swindon Swindon Swindon Swindon The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix Scotland Scotland constituencies Orkney & Shetland Caithness, Sutherland & Easter Ross Ross, Skye & Inverness Moray West Western Isles Inverness East, Nairn Banff & & Lochaber Buchan Argyll & Bute Aberdeen South West Aberdeen Gordon -shire & Kincardine Dumbarton Perth Aberdeen Aberdeen Central North Angus North Tayside Dundee West Central Fife Dundee East North East Fife Greenock Clydebank Dunfermline Kirkcaldy & & Stirling West Dunfermline Inverclyde Milngavie East West Renfrew -shire Paisley North Paisley South Glasgow Strathkelvin & Annies Ochil Bearsden -land Glasgow Glasgow Cumbernauld Falkirk Kelvin Maryhill & Kilsyth West Edinburgh Falkirk Edinburgh North West East & Leith Edinburgh Motherwell Edinburgh Edinburgh Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Airdrie East & ShettlestonSpringburn & Shotts & Wishaw Pentlands Central Pollok Musselburgh Eas tw ood Coatbridge Hamilton Glasgow Glasgow North & Linlit hgow Midlothian Edinburgh Baillieston Govan South Chryston & Bellshill Cunninghame Glasgow Glasgow Hamilton North Cathcart Rutherglen South Cunninghame South Ayr East Kilbride East Livingston Lothian Kilmarnock Roxburgh Carrick, Cumnock & & Clydesdale & Berwickshire Doon Valley Loudoun Tweeddale, Galloway & Upper Dumfries Ettrick & Lauderdale Nithsdale 51 51 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix Scotland Scotland neighbourhoods 2260 2259 2156 2155 2267 2282 2250 2268 2281 2238 2277 2173 2162 2232 2279 2261 2262 2272 2219 2225 2226 2263 2221 2216 2190 2189 2170 2171 2172 2233 2165 2235 2224 2187 2270 2269 2164 2176 2200 2188 2246 2275 2276 2193 2199 2248 2163 2175 2191 2192 2245 2186 2240 2196 2247 2244 2239 2207 2197 2185 2158 2157 2201 2243 2236 2195 2202 2198 2234 2208 52 2241 2203 2252 2146 2223 2152 2181 2251 2166 2151 2242 2204 2206 2145 2227 2214 2169 2254 2182 2205 2168 2228 2211 2213 2253 2160 2183 2184 2167 2212 2215 2179 2159 2257 2220 2217 2178 2177 2258 2273 2222 2264 2271 2274 2210 2218 2256 2255 2161 2209 2147 2230 2265 2180 2148 2266 2174 2139 2143 2229 2278 2231 2141 2144 2154 2150 2280 2249 2153 2237 2149 2140 2142 2194 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix Scotland table Neighbourhood number 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 Neighbourhood Aberdeen Queens Cross Old Aberdeen Aberdeen West Dyce Aberdeen South-West Aberdeen Nigg Bay Airdrie Shotts Sidlaw and Carnoustie Montrose and Arbroath Lorn Bute Prestwick and Troon Ayr Central Banff Buchan Caithness Wick Carrick Cumnock and Doon Valley Glenrothes Leven Clydebank Milngavie Larkhall Lanark Chryston Coatbridge Kilsyth Cumbernauld Saltcoats and Arran Largs and Cumbrae Kilwinning Irvine Helensburgh Dumbarton Central Dumfries Central Dumfries East Dundee South-East Dundee North-East Dundee South-West Dundee North-West Dunfermline North-East Cowdenbeath Dunfermline South-West Dunfermline Central Parliamentary constituency Aberdeen Central Aberdeen Central Aberdeen North Aberdeen North Aberdeen South Aberdeen South Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Angus Angus Argyll and Bute Argyll and Bute Ayr Ayr Banff and Buchan Banff and Buchan Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley Central Fife Central Fife Clydebank and Milngavie Clydebank and Milngavie Clydesdale Clydesdale Coatbridge and Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Cunninghame North Cunninghame North Cunninghame South Cunninghame South Dumbarton Dumbarton Dumfries Dumfries Dundee East Dundee East Dundee West Dundee West Dunfermline East Dunfermline East Dunfermline West Dunfermline West Constituency code C570 C570 C571 C571 C572 C572 C573 C573 C574 C574 C575 C575 C576 C576 C577 C577 C578 C578 C579 C579 C580 C580 C581 C581 C582 C582 C583 C583 C584 C584 C585 C585 C586 C586 C587 C587 C588 C588 C589 C589 C590 C590 C591 C591 C592 C592 Town Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Aberdeen Dundee Dundee Dundee Dundee 53 53 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix Scotland table continued Neighbourhood number 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 54 Neighbourhood East Kilbride North East Kilbride South Prestonpans Haddington Barrhead Giffnock Edinburgh Murrayfield Edinburgh Holyrood Edinburgh East Musselburgh Leith Edinburgh North Balerno Edinburgh Sighthill Edinburgh Morningside Edinburgh Kaimes Queensferry Edinburgh Corstorphine Falkirk Laurieston Grangemouth Denny Falkirk Central Stranraer Nithsdale Glasgow Blairdardie Glasgow Knightswood Glasgow Baillieston Glasgow Easterhouse Glasgow Newlands Glasgow Castlemilk Glasgow Pollokshields Glasgow Ibrox Glasgow University Glasgow Partick Glasgow Maryhill Glasgow Milton Glasgow Nitshill Glasgow Cardonald Rutherglen West Rutherglen East Glasgow Calton Glasgow Parkhead Glasgow Cowlairs Glasgow Robroyston Turriff Inverurie Parliamentary constituency East Kilbride East Kilbride East Lothian East Lothian Eastwood Eastwood Edinburgh Central Edinburgh Central Edinburgh East and Musselburgh Edinburgh East and Musselburgh Edinburgh North and Leith Edinburgh North and Leith Edinburgh Pentlands Edinburgh Pentlands Edinburgh South Edinburgh South Edinburgh West Edinburgh West Falkirk East Falkirk East Falkirk West Falkirk West Galloway and Upper Nithsdale Galloway and Upper Nithsdale Glasgow Anniesland Glasgow Anniesland Glasgow Baillieston Glasgow Baillieston Glasgow Cathcart Glasgow Cathcart Glasgow Govan Glasgow Govan Glasgow Kelvin Glasgow Kelvin Glasgow Maryhill Glasgow Maryhill Glasgow Pollok Glasgow Pollok Glasgow Rutherglen Glasgow Rutherglen Glasgow Shettleston Glasgow Shettleston Glasgow Springburn Glasgow Springburn Gordon Gordon Constituency code C593 C593 C594 C594 C595 C595 C596 C596 C597 C597 C598 C598 C599 C599 C600 C600 C601 C601 C602 C602 C603 C603 C604 C604 C605 C605 C606 C606 C607 C607 C608 C608 C609 C609 C610 C610 C611 C611 C612 C612 C613 C613 C614 C614 C615 C615 Town Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow Glasgow The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix Scotland table continued Neighbourhood number 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 Neighbourhood Greenock South Greenock North Hamilton North Belshill Blantyre Hamilton Cadzow Mallaig Inverness East Kilmarncock Central Kilmarncock Rural Kirkcaldy South Kirkcaldy North Linlithgow North Linlithgow South Livingston Central Livingston Rural Midlothian North-West Midlothian South-East Forres Elgin Motherwell Wishaw Newburgh St Andrews Coupar Angus Forfar Bridge of Allan Alloa Orkney Shetland Linwood Paisley Gallowhill Johnstone Paisley Blackhall Crieff Perth Central Dingwall and Skye Inverness West Roxburgh Berwickshire Stirling Rural Stirling Urban Bearsden and Kirkintilloch South Kirkintilloch North Tweeddale Ettrick and Lauderdale Parliamentary constituency Greenock and Inverclyde Greenock and Inverclyde Hamilton North and Bellshill Hamilton North and Bellshill Hamilton South Hamilton South Inverness East, Nairn and Lochaber Inverness East, Nairn and Lochaber Kilmarnock and Loudoun Kilmarnock and Loudoun Kirkcaldy Kirkcaldy Linlithgow Linlithgow Livingston Livingston Midlothian Midlothian Moray Moray Motherwell and Wishaw Motherwell and Wishaw North East Fife North East Fife North Tayside North Tayside Ochil Ochil Orkney and Shetland Orkney and Shetland Paisley North Paisley North Paisley South Paisley South Perth Perth Ross, Skye and Inverness West Ross, Skye and Inverness West Roxburgh and Berwickshire Roxburgh and Berwickshire Stirling Stirling Strathkelvin and Bearsden Strathkelvin and Bearsden Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale Constituency code C616 C616 C617 C617 C618 C618 C619 C619 C620 C620 C621 C621 C622 C622 C623 C623 C624 C624 C625 C625 C626 C626 C627 C627 C628 C628 C629 C629 C630 C630 C631 C631 C632 C632 C633 C633 C634 C634 C635 C635 C636 C636 C637 C637 C638 C638 Town 55 55 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix Scotland table continued Neighbourhood number 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 56 Neighbourhood Banchory Stonehaven Bridge of Weir Port Glasgow Eilean Siar Rural Stornoway Parliamentary constituency West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine West Renfrewshire West Renfrewshire Western Isles Western Isles Constituency code C639 C639 C640 C640 C641 C641 Town The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix Wales Wales constituencies Alyn & Deeside Delyn Vale of Clwyd Clwyd West Ynys-Môn Conwy Meirion -nydd Caernarfon Nant Conwy Ceredigion Clwyd South Wrexham Preseli Carmarthen Brecon & Pembroke Llanelli East & Radnor Montgomery -shire -shire Dinefwr -shire Carmarthen Merthyr Blaenau Monmouth Newport West & South Tydfil & East Pembrokeshire Rhymney Gwent Gower Cynon Valley Islwyn Torfaen Newport West Swansea Swansea Cardiff Rhondda Caerphilly West East North Aberavon Neath Bridgend Pontypridd Cardiff West Cardiff Central Cardiff South & Penarth Ogmore Vale of Glamorgan 57 57 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix Wales Wales neighbourhoods 2062 2061 2095 2096 2132 2131 2137 2089 2138 2090 2092 2091 2070 2103 2069 2104 2088 2086 2087 2085 2101 2122 2084 2093 2126 2059 2060 2068 2067 58 2118 2080 2133 2134 2074 2075 2079 2119 2117 2115 2076 2072 2120 2111 2116 2130 2071 2112 2114 2108 2129 2124 2113 2107 2100 2123 2125 2110 2064 2099 2094 2109 2065 2063 2106 2097 2127 2128 2082 2105 2083 2098 2066 2081 2102 2121 2136 2135 2073 2078 2077 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix Wales table Neighbourhood number 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 Neighbourhood Aberavon West Aberavon East Buckley Connah’s Quay Ebbw Vale Brynmawr Brecon Urban Brecon Rural Bridgend West Bridgend East Caernarfon Rural Caernarfon Urban Caerphilly North Caerphilly South Cardiff Cathays Cardiff Cyncoed Tongwynlais Lisvane Penarth Cardiff South Cardiff Radyr Cardiff Ely Carmarthen East Rural Carmarthen East Urban South Pembrokeshire Carmarthen West Ceredigion Urban Ceredigion Rural Cefn Mawr Rhostyllen Colwyn Bay Clwyd Rural Bangor Llandudno Aberdare North Aberdare South Holywell Mold Gower South West Gower North East Blackwood Newbridge Llanelli Rural Llanelli Urban Meirionnydd Urban Meirionnydd Rural Parliamentary constituency Aberavon Aberavon Alyn and Deeside Alyn and Deeside Blaenau Gwent Blaenau Gwent Brecon and Radnorshire Brecon and Radnorshire Bridgend Bridgend Caernarfon Caernarfon Caerphilly Caerphilly Cardiff Central Cardiff Central Cardiff North Cardiff North Cardiff South and Penarth Cardiff South and Penarth Cardiff West Cardiff West Carmarthen East and Dinefwr Carmarthen East and Dinefwr Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire Ceredigion Ceredigion Clwyd South Clwyd South Clwyd West Clwyd West Conwy Conwy Cynon Valley Cynon Valley Delyn Delyn Gower Gower Islwyn Islwyn Llanelli Llanelli Meirionnydd Nant Conwy Meirionnydd Nant Conwy Constituency code C530 C530 C531 C531 C532 C532 C533 C533 C534 C534 C535 C535 C536 C536 C537 C537 C538 C538 C539 C539 C540 C540 C541 C541 C542 C542 C543 C543 C544 C544 C545 C545 C546 C546 C547 C547 C548 C548 C549 C549 C550 C550 C551 C551 C552 C552 Town Cardiff Cardiff Cardiff Cardiff Cardiff Cardiff Cardiff Cardiff 59 59 The Grim Reaper’s road map Online Appendix Wales table continued Neighbourhood number 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 60 Neighbourhood Merthyr Tydfil Rhymney Monmouth Urban Monmouth Rural Montgomeryshire Rural Montgomeryshire Urban Neath Urban Neath Rural Newport St Julians Caldicot Rogerstone Newport Gaer Maesteg Aberkenfig Pontypridd West Pontypridd East Preseli Rural Preseli Urban Rhondda North Rhondda South Swansea Landore Swansea Llansamlet Killay Swansea Townhill Pontypool Cwmbran Prestatyn and Rhyl Saint Asaph Glamorgan Rural Barry Wrexham South-West Wrexham North-East Anglesey West Anglesey East Parliamentary constituency Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney Monmouth Monmouth Montgomeryshire Montgomeryshire Neath Neath Newport East Newport East Newport West Newport West Ogmore Ogmore Pontypridd Pontypridd Preseli Pembrokeshire Preseli Pembrokeshire Rhondda Rhondda Swansea East Swansea East Swansea West Swansea West Torfaen Torfaen Vale of Clwyd Vale of Clwyd Vale of Glamorgan Vale of Glamorgan Wrexham Wrexham Ynys-Môn Ynys-Môn Constituency code C553 C553 C554 C554 C555 C555 C556 C556 C557 C557 C558 C558 C559 C559 C560 C560 C561 C561 C562 C562 C563 C563 C564 C564 C565 C565 C566 C566 C567 C567 C568 C568 C569 C569 Town Swansea Swansea Swansea Swansea