2011 Newsletter Sept Oct
2011 Newsletter Sept Oct
Genoa Township newsletter September - October 2011 From the Trustees There is an unnecessary duplication of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Genoa Township which we are working diligently to eliminate, and we need your support. For the past several months, Trustees Gebhardt, Lewis and I have been talking with our County Commissioners and other local officials in a cooperative effort to modernize EMS operations. We have proposed that the County’s EMS responsibilities in Genoa transition over to our Township’s Fire/EMS Department. This would eliminate duplicative County EMS service in Genoa and enable us, with the cooperation of the County, to reduce the amount of money that Genoa citizens pay for these safety services. Background: Our residents receive EMS coverage from both our Township’s Fire/EMS Department and Delaware County…literally. On occasion, squads from both entities have simultaneously responded to emergencies. Is this prompt, first-class, emergency service? Yes. Is it overkill? Absolutely. That’s why for the past five years, Genoa Township has sought to modernize the delivery of these crucial services. While our Township and County have changed drastically over the past decade alone, the County’s EMS system remains just as established 40 years ago. In 1990, Genoa Township had 4,053 residents. Today, that number has exploded to 23,094 – a growth rate of 283% in just 20 years. Despite the numerous growth challenges, we have continued to plan and adapt in order to preserve our quality of life. History: One of these actions was to establish a full-time Township Fire Department in 2001 and house the County’s EMS crew at our station. As our growth soared, so did the demand for emergency services. Unfortunately, the County’s level of service could not accommodate these demands. Rather than add paramedics only, my predecessors realized it was more practical and economical to cross-train our existing fire personnel to handle multiple functions. Today, all of our fine men and women are fully cross-trained as firefighters, rescue technicians and EMS paramedics. At the end of last decade’s housing boom (4,404 Township homes built from 1999-2009), additional firefighters were needed to provide adequate property coverage and reasonable response times. We approached the County with a proposal to assimilate their already-housed EMS crew into Genoa’s Fire/EMS Department. These employees could then be cross-trained as firefighters, thus fulfilling our community’s need for greater fire coverage without increasing our fire levy, expanding facilities, or displacing any County employees. Unfortunately, the County did not wish to consolidate, remaining content to provide only EMS service. To address our deficient fire coverage, we had no choice but to hire the additional personnel via last year’s fire levy and displace the County EMS crew in our station. The County has now leased a facility at Northgate Plaza with the intention of converting it into an EMS station. The Delaware Gazette reports these costs are projected to run approximately $570,000 over ten years. A Better Alternative: Since our Fire/EMS Department can serve as the sole first-responder for all medical emergencies throughout the Township, the County has the ability to contract with us to provide these services. This would eliminate the redundant layer of County EMS coverage without jeopardizing the public safety of our residents. These valuable EMS resources could then be redeployed to areas throughout the County either underserved or targeted for future development, all without expanding County payroll. A contracted amount would be far cheaper than the County’s actual provision of service, and could also provide us an opportunity to lower taxes by rolling back a portion of our fire levy. This isn’t a new concept; the County already contracts with the City of Delaware and Liberty Township for their provisions of fire-based EMS service. In fact, 52% of County residents live in communities where local fire departments are the sole first responder for EMS. Coupled with the portions of Genoa, Orange, and Harlem Townships where County EMS doesn’t act as first responder, that 52% figure skyrockets. Make no mistake, this isn’t about performance. Delaware County’s EMS provides outstanding service, and their crews exhibit the highest levels of care and professionalism. This is about embracing the versatility of our men and women to make the most efficient use of the taxes we all pay. The County prefers to have one entity handle EMS and one entity handle firefighting. We simply believe that one entity should handle both functions, because they already are. Unfortunately, the County is reluctant to move forward on this idea. We realize it’s not something that can be implemented overnight, and will involve substantial legwork, patience and discussion. However, the time has come to re-think how we Sarah & Kyle Heichel, Buckeye Bounce Houses “I Beat The Chief” Kids’ Fun Run winners New Firefighters: Chris Mize, Mike Maher, Allison Holtsberry do business in local government. Trustee Gebhardt and I testified before the Delaware County Commissioners on August 8 about this issue. On August 19, our Board voted unanimously to formally oppose any further County spending towards a new EMS station in Genoa that only perpetuates these duplicative efforts. Additionally, we voted unanimously to authorize discussion of an agreement designating Genoa’s Fire/ EMS Department as the sole primary provider of EMS services in the Township. Now it’s time to hear what the public has to say, because this issue has remained inside baseball for far too long. We encourage you to contact us, our Fire Chief Gary Honeycutt, and especially our County Commissioners to share your thoughts on this important financial matter. Wishing you all a very safe and pleasant autumn, Rick Carfagna Chairman Genoa Township Administrative Office • (614) 895-1126 • www.genoatwp.com Genoa Township Newsletter Administrator’s Update Congratulations Chief Taylor! Genoa Township Police Chief Robert Taylor was recently awarded the Mark Losey Distinguished Law Enforcement Service Award. This award is presented to individuals who have made significant contributions to Ohio law enforcement during their career. Nominees are selected for their performance on the job and for personal contributions they have made to the community. Nominations were turned in to the Ohio Attorney Generals where a committee of local, state and federal law enforcement experts selected the award winners. Chief Taylor will be honored at the Attorney General’s law enforcement luncheon in October. Summer Road Projects Our Township Maintenance and Buildings and Grounds crews have been working diligently in the summer months preparing our local streets for improvements. The base work is being completed by our own labor force to save money and stretch the Road Levy dollars. The Delaware County Engineer bids our resurfacing program in order to receive a volume discount with other local municipalities. We strive to keep our roads in the best condition we possibly can. This year’s program will improve 6.9 miles of Township roads. Once again, I want to thank the voters of Genoa Township for your support of the .7 mil levy needed to fund road improvement projects. McNamara Park Update The bidding is complete and the ground was broken on McNamara Park Expansion. Base development began on August 1st to the west side of the park. A new trail running from the Township administration office to McNamara Park was completed on August 12th. This new section of trail was funded through an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Grant. When completed, the trail around McNamara Park will measure close to a mile. Expanded Family Fishing Day Hilmar Park Saturday, Sept. 24th 9:00 am – 1:00 pm beggars’ night Monday, October 31st 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm 2 Paul Wise Administrator parking, improved site drainage, a rain garden, and tennis courts are also being planned. Hilmar Park A handicapped accessible fishing pier will be constructed very soon at Hilmar Park. This improvement is also being funded with an ADA Grant. Dedication of the new fishing pier will take place on “Fishing Day,” September 24th. Free Child Identification Cards Genoa Township will now offer free child identification photos every 2nd Thursday of the month from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. Please bring your children to the Township Administration Office at 5111 South Old 3C Highway. For questions or to make reservations for larger groups, please call Dawn Durbin at 614-895-1126 Option 0 or email ddurbin@ genoatwp.com. The children will have a photo and fingerprint taken. Information will be placed on an identification card for parents to keep. The information will also be stored in a police database. Township Summer Labor I want to take this opportunity to praise the following young men who have been working alongside our Road Maintenance and Buildings and Grounds crews this summer: Luke Atkeson, Matthew Hay, Ryan Herrmann, Benson Jung, Zachary Paganini, and Kyle Stelzer. We could not have completed half of our projects if it wasn’t for the excellent help from this group. They all worked outdoors in sweltering heat shoveling, cutting grass, cleaning buildings and performing any other tasks that were asked of them. Their hard work was greatly appreciated. Genoa Township Trick-or-Treat Village and Fire Prevention Open House Saturday, October 29th Time: 12 noon to 3:00 pm Location: Genoa Township Service Complex 7049 Big Walnut Rd. (corner SR 3 & Big Walnut Rd.) Be sure to visit our “Trick-or-Treat Village” for little beggars! The fun begins at noon with games, prizes, free raffles for Township children, inflatables, hot dogs, refreshments, balloon art and more! This year’s Open House will feature our Police Department grilling hot dogs once again, and the Fire Department will have lots of special activities and treats for all the kids. You won’t want to miss out on any of this fun day! Please consider volunteering some time for this fun family event and make this a day to remember! For information, call or email Linda Greco (614) 568-2022 or lgreco@ genoatwp.com. Fiscal Report Fund Name Pat Myers Fiscal Officer 01/01/2011 Fund Balance YTD Revenue YTD Expenditures Ending Balance as of 7/31/2011 General $3,158,700.40 $1,363,175.53 $914,567.24 $3,607,308.69 Motor Vehicle License Tax $228,688.91 $21,093.57 $- $249,782.48 Gasoline Tax $460,449.67 $104,642.25 $- $565,091.92 Road and Bridge $286,995.97 $627,331.59 $690,160.33 $224,167.23 Cemetery $59,259.49 $3,254.00 $2,447.32 $60,066.17 Police - Grants $5,377.35 $- $- $5,377.35 Police $1,009,389.64 $1,889,067.25 $1,729,072.21 $1,169,384.68 Fire $1,588,230.70 $2,282,237.09 $1,722,555.31 $2,147,912.48 Permissive Motor Vehicle License Tax $832,791.71 $112,531.49 $22,626.25 $922,696.95 Law Enforcement Trust $25,016.98 $79,607.41 $13,288.42 $91,335.97 Enforcement and Education $10,315.70 $515.00 $- $10,830.70 Parks $6,187.92 $- $5,000.00 $1,187.92 TIF Fund $559,731.29 $213,483.07 $14,754.34 $758,460.02 $117,136.00 FEMA $117,136.00 $- $- General (bond) (note) Retirement $1,386.69 $- $- $1,386.69 Police Capital Projects $746,978.72 $- $39,086.03 $707,892.69 $1,326,356.47 Fire Capital Projects $1,326,356.47 $- $- Big Walnut/Worth Rd Improvements $101,272.14 $1,002.76 $- $102,274.90 Totals $10,524,265.75 $6,697,941.01 $5,153,557.45 $12,068,649.31 Genoa Township Administrative Office • (614) 895-1126 • www.genoatwp.com Fire Department Gary Honeycutt Fire Chief Fire Safety Over the past few months, Genoa Township, along with all of Central Ohio, has experienced their share of stormy weather. In just one 24-hour period in July the fire department responded to seven lightning strikes to homes, with four of them resulting in fires. These structure fires were caused by corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) failure. CSST is the gas distribution system that generally runs within the basement ceiling area of a home or in the attic of a structure without a basement. It is thin yellow flexible tubing that runs from the gas manifold to each gas appliance (stove, fireplace, water heater, furnace, etc.). CSST is prevalent throughout Genoa Township and has been used in building construction since the late 1980s. CSST failure is caused by a high voltage electrical arc created by a nearby lightning strike. The arc created by the lightning melts a hole in the thin stainless steel tubing (0.011 inch thickness) and then the escaping natural gas is usually ignited. The fire from the escaping gas then ignites structural components of the building and spreads depending upon the size of hole, type of building construction, location of CSST failure along with other factors. If you suspect that your house has been hit by lightning, be sure to contact 911 to have it checked out by the fire department. Fire Open House The Genoa Township Fire Department Open House will take place on October 29th from 12 Noon to 3 pm at the Safety Services Complex. Please join us for some fun and education. Funds Raised For MDA Genoa Township Firefighters would like to thank everyone who took part in the 5k Run/Walk at the Genoa Township Trail Festival. As hot as it was, $818.00 was raised from participation fees for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Also, 30 children “Beat the Chief” in a 1k Fun Run to win medals. Tennis Tournament Date: October 8, 2011 For Registration & Details: www.genoatwp.com Police Department Robert Taylor Police Chief Missing Juvenile Found In July we experienced an investigation involving a missing juvenile. Due to the cooperation of a number of local police agencies and fire departments the juvenile was found within 39 hours after he was reported missing. We, along with the family, are very grateful to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Ohio State Highway Patrol, Delaware County Sheriff’s Office, Westerville, Powell, Columbus, Hilliard, Gahanna, Sharon Township, Mifflin Township, Reynoldsburg, Groveport, New Albany, Pickerington, Dublin, Whitehall and Millersburg Police Departments. Additional assistance was provided by the Genoa Township and Westerville Fire Departments along with the Red Cross and Box 15. This was truly a “Team Effort.” A special thank you to Deputy Chief David Stout who coordinated the overall investigation. We encourage everyone, that once you realize a child is missing, it is imperative local law enforcement be contacted immediately. Expediency is essential! Community Crime Patrol We are beginning to explore the possibility of initiating a Community Crime Patrol (CCP). The philosophy is predicated upon the creation of partnerships with the community to prevent crime. CCP will consist of a trained group of volunteers to provide a mechanism whereby citizens can take an active part in supporting law enforcement in crime prevention efforts within their neighborhoods. The ultimate goal is to have the program become the eyes and ears of the working police officer which will become an integral part of an effort to suppress crime and improve the quality of life in Genoa Township. Additional information will be disseminated at a later date. Clase Development & Zoning DevelopmentJoe& Zoning Central Ohio Green Pact On July 7th, the Board of Trustees joined dozens of other local governments in the area making a pledge to support the Central Ohio Green Pact and to continue to pursue initiatives aimed at being more environmentally friendly and eventually saving tax dollars. This initiative was a no cost way of engaging our community with other local governments in the region. We will be working with the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission to determine various ways that this mission can be implemented including exploration of alternative energy/fuel usage, and Zoning Code amendments. Tennis Court Fundraising Tournament Genoa Township Parks Advisory Board has partnered with Big Walnut Local Schools, Olentangy Local Schools, Westerville City Schools and a few local tennis enthusiasts to raise funds toward the development of two (2) tennis courts at McNamara Park. A tournament will be held on Saturday, October 8, 2011 on tennis courts throughout the community. All are invited to participate. Genoa Township is attempting to utilize a $19,468.00 NatureWorks Grant that the Township received in 2010. The full cost of two (2) tennis courts has been bid at $89,583.02, based on the construction documents prepared by Floyd Browne Group. If sufficient funds are not raised in this 2011 campaign, annual campaigns will continue until the courts can be constructed, but Genoa Township may not be able to utilize the grant funds it has secured. Any surplus donations will be used to construct other amenities in McNamara Park, such as benches, plantings and shelters. A copy of the McNamara Park Master Plan and Construction Documents can be found by visiting www.genoatwp.com and clicking on “McNamara Park Plan” in the left column. In addition to the tournament, raffle tickets for cash and prizes are on sale for $5 each. A BBQ dinner will be held at McNamara Park on Saturday, October 8, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. following the tournament. Tickets for dinner are $25 each. Kids under 12 years old are $5 each. McNamara Park Phase 1 improvements are currently under way to develop an additional fifteen (15) acres, providing access to properties purchased on the east and northeast side of the existing park and connecting the park to South Old 3C Highway. The improvements will include grading and drainage improvements, expanded open fields, over 200 additional parking spaces, over a mile of additional trail development including a connection to the Genoa Township Hall at 5111 S. Old 3C Hwy. A large percentage of the project will be constructed by Genoa Township maintenance employees in order to save taxpayer funds. Individuals, families or corporations interested in participating or making a tax-deductible donation to support the improvement are asked to contact Parks Manager Ron Keil at 614-568-2029 or [email protected]. “A Great Place to Live” 3 ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 5111 So. Old 3C Hwy. Westerville, OH 43082 (614) 895-1126 Fax (614) 895-1255 www.genoatwp.com “A Great Place to Live” BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chairperson Rick Carfagna (614) 568-2024 Vice-Chairperson Karl R. Gebhardt (614) 568-2025 Trustee Barbara Lewis (614) 568-2026 Email: [email protected] Fiscal Officer Patrick Myers [email protected] Fiscal Assistant Donna Batten [email protected] ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENT & ZONING Administrator Paul F. Wise [email protected] Assistant Administrator/Dir. of Development & Zoning Joe Clase, AICP [email protected] Human Resource/Events Linda Greco [email protected] SAFETY SERVICES COMPLEx 7049 Big Walnut Rd. Galena, OH 43021 Fire (614) 568-2040 Gary Honeycutt, Fire Chief [email protected] Police (614) 568-2060 Robert Taylor, Police Chief [email protected] Maintenance (614) 568-2080 Bob Mathews, Director of Roads & B&G [email protected] Genoa Township Community Calendar September 2011 September 1 September 5 September 7 September 8 September 8 September 12 September 13 September 15 September 17 September 21 September 24 September 27 Board of Trustees Labor Day Parks Advisory Board Child Photo IDs Seniors Zoning Commission Parks Advisory Board Board of Trustees Movie Night Health Clinic Family Fishing Day Board of Zoning Appeals October 2011 7:00 p.m. Office Closed 6:00 p.m. 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Noon 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Township meetings are held in the Genoa Township Community Hall located at 5111 So. Old 3C Hwy. For information call 614-895-1126. Maintenance This past July and August has been one of the wettest on record, and with rainfall amounts off the charts, the maintenance department has been “swamped” with calls from residents about drainage concerns. Your patience was appreciated as we addressed everybody’s needs. Bike Path By the first of September, the final stages of the bike path that connects the Township Hall with McNamara Park will be complete, and our October 5 October 6 October 8 October 10 October 13 October 13 October 17 October 18 October 19 October 20 October 25 October 29 October 31 Parks Advisory Board Board of Trustees Tennis Benefit Columbus Day Child Photo IDs Seniors Zoning Commission Blood Drive Health Clinic Board of Trustees Board of Zoning Appeals Fire Open House & Trick-or-Treat Village Beggars’ Night excitement grows while we undertake our largest park improvement to date. Phase I of McNamara Park has officially commenced! Road Maintenance Our crew prepared 34 streets for a slurry seal application, which extends the life of asphalt at 15% the cost of blacktop. Pintail Ct., Cypress Dr., Innisbrook Ct., Linder Way, Bullrush Ct., and Heron Ct. will each get a complete resurfacing. Leaf and Yard Waste Drop Off Mark your calendars for the annual “A Great Place to Live” 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Offices Closed 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Noon 7:00 p.m. 1 p.m. - 7 p.m. 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 12 p.m. - 3 p.m. 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Leaf and Yard Waste Drop Off being held November 1 - 30, 2011. Genoa residents can drop off their leaf and yard waste at the Safety Service Complex located at 7049 Big Walnut Rd. There will be roll off containers in front of the maintenance building. Because leaf and yard waste go to a compost facility, they must be clear of all items such as plastic bags, trash and debris. Questions or concerns can be directed to the Maintenance Department at 614-568-2080.