Kitchen Supplies
Kitchen Supplies
- / * * & # - + / # * ' ( . &ORANELEGANTWAYTOADDSPARKLE TOYOURTABLETOPTURNTO393#/S COLLECTIONOFGLASSWAREFROM,IBBEY AVAILABLEINABROADARRAYOFSHAPESAND STYLESTOMEETALLYOURGLASSWARENEEDS ,/.'/.349,% ÊÌ iÊ>ÀiÌÊvÀÊÃÌiÜ>ÀiÊÌ >ÌÊ>iÃÊ>ÊÃÌ>ÌiiÌ¶Ê / iÊii«ÊÊ`ÊÌ >ÌÊÊ>ÌÌiÀÊ ÜÊÛiÞÊ>ÊÊ «>ÀÌVÕ>ÀÊ`iÃ}]ÊÌ iÊViVÌÊÕÃÌÊ>ÃÊL>ÃÌÊÌ iÊ `ÕÀ>LÌÞÊÌÊi`ÕÀiÊVÕÌiÃÃÊ ÕÀÃÊvÊÌ>LiÊÃiÀÛVi]Ê LÕÃÃ}]ÊVi>}Ê>`Ê«Ã }pÜÌ ÕÌÊVÀ>V}ÊÊ Õ`iÀÊ«ÀiÃÃÕÀi°Ê/ iÊvÜ}Ê>ÀiÊ>ÊviÜÊÀÕiÃÊvÊÌ ÕLÊÊ vÀÊÌ iÊÃiiVÌÊ>`ÊV>ÀiÊvÊÌ ÃÊÃÌÊ`iV>ÌiÊ}>ÃÃÜ>Ài\ ,IBBEY'LASSWARE Ê UÊÊ>ÃÃiÃÊÜÌ ÊÀi`ÊÀÃÊ>`Êi`}iÃÊÀiÃÃÌÊÊ VÀ>V}Ê>`ÊV ««}ÊLiÌÌiÀÊÌ >ÊÌ iÀð Ê UÊÊ7iL>>Vi`ÊÃÌiÃÊ>ÀiÊiÃÃÊiÞÊÌÊÌ««i]Ê Ài`ÕV}ÊÌ iÊV >ViÃÊvÊLÀi>>}i° Ê UÊÊi>ÌÌÀi>Ìi`Ê}>ÃÃiÃÊ>ÀiÊ}iiÀ>ÞÊÀiÊ`ÕÀ>LiÊ >`ÊV>ÊÃ>ÛiÊiÞÊÛiÀÊÌi°Ê Ê UÊÊ-ÌiÜ>ÀiÊÌ >̽ÃÊ«À«iÀÞÊ>`i`ÊÌÊÌ iÊÊ >««À«À>ÌiÊ`à Ü>à }ÊÀ>VÃÊÜÊ}iÌÊVi>iÀÊ v>ÃÌiÀp>`ÊÀiÊÃ>viÞ° Ê UÊÊÜ>ÞÃÊ}ÛiÊÕÃÌÜ>à i`Ê}>ÃÃÜ>ÀiÊÊ ÌiÊÌÊVÊLivÀiÊÃiÀÛ}° SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 8 Curved side walls for easy stirring and sliding food out of the pan 8 Ideal for frying, scrambling, sautéing or searing 8 Sloped sides prevent steam from forming in the pan Fry Pan 8 Wide bottom area for maximum heat conduction 8 Ideal for sautéing, searing, deglazing, poaching and stir frying Sauté Pan 8 Straight, high sides help contain food and expose all sides to heat 8 Ideal for stir frying or wok applications 8 Deep curved sides promote excellent food movement Stir Fry Pan 8 Flat bottom sits level on cooking surface 8 Ideal for stir frying or wok applications 8 Deep curved sides promote excellent food movement 8 Flat bottom sits level on cooking surface Saucier 8 Wide bottom area for maximum heat conduction Straight Sided Sauce Pan 8 Ideal for creating and reducing sauces and cooking vegetables 8 Use with a lid to control evaporation and accelerate cooking 8 Wide bottom area for maximum heat conduction Tapered Sauce Pan 8 Ideal for creating and reducing sauces and cooking vegetables 8 Use with a lid to control evaporation and accelerate cooking 8 Wide heating surface allows the cooking of meats and vegetables in limited amounts of liquid 8 Ideal for long, slow cooking which allows the liquid to add juices and flavor Brazier/Rondo 8 Also used as a hot bath in conjunction with tapered sauce pans for melting butters, heating sauces or for blanching vegetables 8 Wide bottom area for maximum heat conduction 8 Ideal for slow cooking stews, sauces, soups, casseroles and roasts while reducing the content Sauce Pot 8 Two loop handles for easier pouring and movement 8 Thick base for a good slow simmer 8 Ideal for stocks, soups, pastas, bulk vegetables and seafood Stock Pot 8 Smaller diameter and taller height of pot preserves liquids longer and forces the liquid to bubble up through the ingredients, maximizing flavor transfer 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES #//+7!2% DESCRIPTION SIZE PACK SUPC A. SYSCO HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM COOKWARE - Heavy, 2 gauge (¼" thick), impact resistant 3004 aluminum cookware. Double thick bottom heats evenly and eliminates hot spots. Double thick top stands up to tough knocks. Made in the USA. NSF certified. Limited lifetime warranty. 1. 3TRAIGHT3IDED3AUCE0ANS 3AUCE0AN5SE#OVER QT EA 3AUCE0AN5SE#OVER QT EA 3AUCE0AN5SE#OVER QT EA 3AUTÏ0ANS 3AUTÏ0AN5SE#OVER QT EA 3AUTÏ0AN5SE#OVER QT EA 3AUTÏ0AN5SE#OVER QT EA 3AUCE0OTS 3AUCE0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3AUCE0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3AUCE0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3AUCE0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3AUCE0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 3TOCK0OTS 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA "RAZIER "RAZIER5SE#OVER QT EA "RAZIER5SE#OVER QT EA "RAZIER5SE#OVER QT EA "RAZIER5SE#OVER QT EA 2 4 3 B. SYSCO FRY PANS - Constructed from heavy duty, impact resistant 3004 aluminum, these fry pans feature a permanently bonded, food and corrosion resistant insulated handle that withstands up to 450ºF. The handle has a large hanging hole for convenient storage. 1. .ATURAL&INISH!LUMINUM3EASONCOOKWAREBEFOREITSlRSTUSE !LUMINUM EA !LUMINUM EA !LUMINUM EA !LUMINUM EA !LUMINUM EA 2. A 5 B 1 .ON3TICK#OATED%TERNACOATINGFEATURESADUALLAYERCERAMICREINFORCEDCOATINGOVER HEAVYDUTYALUMINUM393#/gSPREMIUM"LACK$IAMONDFRYPANSFEATUREATRIPLE LAYEROFCOATINGFORSUPERIORFOODRELEASE %TERNA EA %TERNA EA %TERNA EA %TERNA EA %TERNA EA "LACK$IAMOND EA "LACK$IAMOND EA "LACK$IAMOND EA "LACK$IAMOND EA "LACK$IAMOND EA 2 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES #//+7!2% DESCRIPTION SIZE PACK SUPC A. SYSCO STANDARD WEIGHT ALUMINUM COOKWARE - Standard gauge, impactresistant, energy-efficient 3004 aluminum spreads heat evenly along the base and sidewalls. Made in the USA. NSF certified. 1. 4APERED3AUCE0ANS0ERMANENTLYBONDEDINSULATEDHANDLESSTAYCOOLTOTHETOUCH 3AUCE0ANUSECOVER QT EA 2. 3. B. 3AUCE0ANUSECOVER QT EA 3AUCE0ANUSECOVER QT EA 3AUCE0ANUSECOVER QT EA 3AUCE0ANUSECOVER QT EA 3AUCE0ANUSECOVER QT EA 3AUCE0ANUSECOVER QT EA 3AUCE0ANUSECOVER QT EA 3TOCK0OTS3OLIDWELDEDALUMINUMHANDLESFOREASYINTERIORCLEANING 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA A 1 393#/!LUMINUM#OVERS-ADEOFGAUGEALUMINUM7ELDEDDIPPEDHANDLES STAY COOL TO THE TOUCH 4HE EASYGRASP HANDLE DESIGN PROMOTES SAFETY AND HANGING CONVENIENCE4HESECOVERSlT393#/gSSTANDARDANDHEAVYDUTYALUMINUMCOOKWARE EA #OVER #OVER EA #OVER EA #OVER EA #OVER EA #OVER EA #OVER EA #OVER EA #OVER EA #OVER EA #OVER EA #OVER EA #OVER EA #OVER EA 2 LINCOLN ALUMINUM ROUND FLAT PAN COVER - Flat covers are interchangeable and are designed to properly fit the inside diameter of all utensils, including fry pans, sauce pans, sauce pots, braziers and stock pots. !LUMINUM2OUND&LAT0AN#OVER #OVER EA #OVER EA #OVER EA #OVER EA #OVER EA #OVER EA #OVER EA #OVER EA #OVER EA 777393#/#/- 3 B 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES #//+7!2% DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK SUPC LINCOLN WEAR-EVER COOKWARE 0ROFESSIONAL STANDARD WEIGHT ALUMINUM SAUCE A PANWITHCOOLHANDLE&RENCHSTYLEWITHTAPEREDSIDES#OVERSOLDSEPARATELY 1. 2. B. ,INCOLN7EAR%VER4APERED!LUMINUM3AUCE0AN 3AUCE0AN QT EA 3AUCE0AN QT EA 3AUCE0AN QT EA 3AUCE0AN QT EA 3AUCE0AN QT EA 3AUCE0AN QT EA 3AUCE0AN QT EA 3AUCE0AN QT EA ,INCOLN 7EAR%VER !LUMINUM 3TOCK 0OT 5SED TO MAKE LARGE QUANTITIES OF SOUPS VEGETABLES PASTAS AND STOCKS 4HE DIAMETERS ARE THE SAME OR LESS THAN THE HEIGHT ALLOWINGNATURALCHURNING 3TOCK0OT QT EA 3TOCK0OT QT EA 3TOCK0OT QT EA 3TOCK0OT QT EA 3TOCK0OT QT EA 3TOCK0OT QT EA 3TOCK0OT QT EA 3TOCK0OT QT EA 3TOCK0OT QT EA 3TOCK0OT QT EA 3TOCK0OT QT EA EA LINCOLN ROUND DOMED ALUMINUM SAUCE PAN COVER #OVER C. 1. 2. D. E. 1. 2. 1 2 B C VOLLRATH INTRIGUE® HIGH END STAINLESS STEEL COOKWARE - A professional, commercial line of heavy duty 18-8 (EU 18-10) stainless steel cookware. Features a permanently bonded, ¼" thick bottom layer made of aluminum and stainless steel for efficient heat distribution and exceptional durability. Mirror finish inside to enhance food presentation and satin finish outside to hide scratches. The rounded lip makes pouring easy and adds strength. Oven and dishwasher safe. Induction ready. Limited lifetime warranty. 5NCOATED &RY0AN EA .ON3TICK &RY0AN EA &RY0AN EA &RY0AN EA EA 1 2 "RAZIER&EATURESHEAVYDUTYSTAINLESSSTEELLOOPHANDLES "RAZIER QT D VOLLRATH® TRI-PLY STAINLESS STEEL STOCK POTS AND COVERS - A carbon steel core bonded with layers of 18-8 stainless steel creates a pot for use on induction or conventional ranges. NSF certified. Made in the USA. 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA 3TOCK0OT5SE#OVER QT EA #OVERFORQTANDQT EA #OVERFORQTQTANDQT EA E 1 LINCOLN CENTURION STAINLESS STEEL COOKWARE ,INCOLN #ENTURION 3TAINLESS 3TEEL &RY 0AN &OR SMALL TENDER FOODS SUCH AS EGGS lSH CHICKENPIECESPORKCHOPSANDSOFTVEGETABLES 3TAINLESS3TEEL&RY0AN EA 2 ,INCOLN#ENTURION3TAINLESS3TEEL3AUCE0AN%XCELLENTFORCOOKINGSOUPSVEGETABLES SAUCESANDFOODTHATHASLIQUIDINIT 3TAINLESS3TEEL3AUCE0AN QT EA 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES #//+7!2% DESCRIPTION A. 1. 2. 3. B. C. D. SIZE PACK SUPC A LINCOLN HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM COOKWARE (EAVY$UTY!LUMINUM3AUCE0AN(EAVYDUTYCASTALUMINUMWITHDOUBLETHICKSTRAIGHT SIDEWALLSANDmATBOTTOM#OVERSOLDSEPARATELY 3AUCE0AN QT EA 3AUCE0AN QT EA 3AUCE0AN QT EA 3AUCE0AN QT EA 3AUCE0AN QT EA (EAVY$UTY!LUMINUM3TOCK0OT(EAVYDUTYALUMINUMSTOCKPOT$OUBLETHICKBOTTOMS ANDTOPSMAKETHISSTOCKPOTIDEALFORMEDIUMTOHEAVYUSEINABUSIVEENVIRONMENTS 3TOCK0OT QT EA 3TOCK0OT QT EA "RAZIER0AN QT EA "RAZIER0AN QT EA "URNER EA "URNER EA JOHNSON ROSE STEEL FRENCH STYLE FRY PANS - Traditional French style fry pan constructed of 18 gauge steel. &RY0AN EA &RY0AN EA MARSTON SUPERCAST CAST IRON FRY PANS - Supercast fry pans are the finest grade cast iron for cooking or table presentation. Hand casted and finished. &RY0AN EA &RY0AN EA &RY0AN EA ® C D ® 1. !LUMINUM.ATURAL&INISH&RY0ANWITH#OOL(ANDLE&ORYEARSOFDEPENDABLESERVICEAND EXCELLENTRESULTSFORALLTYPESOFFRYINGNEEDSTHECLASSIC,INCOLN7EAR%VERPROFESSIONAL NATURALlNISHFRYPANISTHEONETOUSE &RY0AN EA &RY0AN EA &RY0AN EA &RY0AN EA &RY0AN EA E !LUMINUM .ON3TICK &RY 0AN 7ITH EXCELLENT RELEASE QUALITIES AND SCRATCH RESISTANCE7EAR'UARDNONSTICKCOATINGISPERFECTFORHEAVYDUTYAPPLICATIONSANDVALUE CONSCIOUSCONSUMERS &RY0AN EA &RY0AN EA &RY0AN EA &RY0AN EA &RY0AN EA 2 1 !LUMINUM #ERAMI'UARD &RY 0AN 0ROFESSIONAL 3TANDARD 3TRENGTH #ERAMI'UARD )) #OATED &RY 0ANS ARE SIX TIMES MORE DURABLE THAN THE COMPETITION 3UPERIOR DURABILITY AND EVEN RELEASE IN HIGHHEAT APPLICATIONS MAKE THEM THE PAN OF CHOICE FOR EXTREME COOKINGAPPLICATIONS &RY0AN EA &RY0AN EA &RY0AN EA &RY0AN EA &RY0AN EA F. LINCOLN COOL HANDLES - Cool Handles will not burn, smoke or smolder even in the oven or on a stove top with an open flame. 1. 2. 3. #OOL(ANDLEFOR3MALL0AN EA #OOL(ANDLEFOR-EDIUM0AN EA #OOL(ANDLEFOR,ARGE0AN EA B FRANKLIN MACHINE PRODUCTS PORTABLE GRIDDLE - Heavy gauge 3/16 steel. Heat resistant handles. LINCOLN ALUMINUM FRY PAN - The classic Lincoln Wear-Ever fry pan is perfect for sautéing, blackening, frying and browning. Easy to clean. 3. 3 (EAVY$UTY!LUMINUM"RAZIER0ANS4HELARGEDIAMETERCOOKINGAREAALLOWSFORBRAISING LARGEPIECESOFMEATINASMALLAMOUNTOFLIQUID E. 2. 2 1 777393#/#/- 3 F 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES #//+7!2% DESCRIPTION A. B. SIZE PACK SUPC LODGE CAST IRON SKILLETS - Natural finish cast iron skillets with assist handle. Requires seasoning before use. Coat with unsalted cooking oil after each use. 3KILLET EA 3KILLET EA 3KILLET EA JOHNSON ROSE WOKS - A must have utensil for Oriental food cooking. Woks are made of 18-gauge spun steel with double handles. 7OK X EA 7OK X EA 2. 7OK2ING#HROME0LATED3TEEL EA C. VOLLRATH STAINLESS STEEL ROUND BOTTOM DOUBLE BOILER - 18-8 stainless steel. Complete set includes inset, pot and cover. Rounded corners on inset pan for easy mixing. NSF certified. 1. $OUBLE"OILER QT D. F. G. H. EA 1 2 B C LINCOLN® WEAR-EVER® ALUMINUM ROUND BOTTOM DOUBLE BOILERS Standard weight. Sanitary open bead. Spot welded handles. Inside container has round bottom, yet will stand alone. Set includes pot, inset and cover. $OUBLE"OILER QT EA $OUBLE"OILER QT EA LINCOLN® WEAR-EVER® ALUMINUM FLAT BOTTOM DOUBLE BOILERS - Standard weight. Sanitary open bead. Spot welded handles. Set includes pot, inset and cover. $OUBLE"OILER QT EA $OUBLE"OILER QT EA $OUBLE"OILER QT EA VOLLRATH PASTA/VEGETABLE COOKER - Four wedge shaped perforated stainless baskets with GatorGrip® insulated handles. Each basket holds 3 quarts and has hanging clip for draining. 0ASTA6EGETABLE#OOKER QT EA )NSERT/NLY QT EA D E LINCOLN® WEAR-EVER® EGG POACHER - Includes 8" natural fry pan with Cool Handle®, poaching frame, poaching cups and cover. #UP I. EA VOLLRATH ALUMINUM FLAT BOTTOM DOUBLE BOILER - Ships complete with pot, inset and cover. NSF certified. $OUBLE"OILER QT E. A EA VOLLRATH EGG POACHER CUP - Aluminum replacement cups. %GG0OACHER#UP/NLY EA G H F I 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES "!+%7!2% DESCRIPTION A. B. SIZE PACK !LUMINUM 'AUGEQUARTERSIZEDCLOSEDBEAD XX EA 'AUGEFULLSIZEDCLOSEDBEAD XX EA 'AUGEHALFSIZECLOSEDBEAD XX EA 'AUGEFULLSIZEDCLOSEDBEAD XX EA 'AUGEPERFORATEDCLOSEDBEAD XX EA EA EA &ITS&ULL3IZE3HEET0ANS XX F. ® EA B ® LINCOLN WEAR-EVER BAKE PANS - Made of dent resistant 3004 aluminum, these pans feature sloping sides and spot welded loop handles. "AKE0AN XX EA "AKE0AN XX EA "AKE0AN XX EA "AKE0AN XX EA "AKE0AN XX EA "AKE0AN XX EA "AKE0AN XX EA ® C ® LINCOLN WEAR-EVER BAKE AND ROAST PANS - NSF certified and constructed of dent resistant 3004 aluminum. Ideally sized to use from oven to bun pan rack to refrigerator. 7ITHOUT(ANDLES XX EA 1. VOLLRATH WIRE GRATE - Heavy duty, 18-8 stainless steel wire construction. Used for cooling, icing, display or drying. E. EKCO® SHEET PAN - Household weight, tin-plated steel with Baker’s Secret® non-stick steel bakeware coated surface for quick food release and easy cleanup. #OOKIE3HEET XX D. A LINCOLN® WEAR-EVER® COOKIE SHEET - Household weight. Natural finish aluminum. #OOKIE3HEET X C. SUPC SYSCO ALUMINUM SHEET PANS - Natural finish aluminum sheet pans feature concave bottoms that flatten slightly when heated to provide even heat distribution. 7ITHOUT(ANDLES XX EA 7ITH(ANDLES XX EA D LINCOLN® WEAR-EVER® ROAST PANS - Made of dent resistant 3004 aluminum and NSF certified, these deep roast pans feature a sanitary open bead and steam seal rim. Snap back loop handles. 2. 3. 2OAST0AN XX G. LINCOLN® WEAR-EVER® ROASTER PANS - Reinforced with a steel strap for strength and rigidity. Constructed of 3004 aluminum with loop handles. Can be used as individual roasters or together as a set. NSF listed. EA 2OAST0AN XX EA 2OAST0ANCOVER XX EA 2OAST0ANBOTTOM XX EA E F 2 1 3 G 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES "!+%7!2% DESCRIPTION A. B. C. SIZE E. EA #OVER XX EA 0ROFESSIONAL3TRENGTH 0IE0AN XX EA 0IE0AN XX EA (OUSEHOLD7EIGHT 0IE0AN X EA 0IE0AN XX EA EA 0ROFESSIONAL3TRENGTH3EAMLESSWITHANONWARPINGFEATURE #AKE0ANX EA (OUSEHOLD7EIGHT #AKE0ANX EA #AKE0ANX EA ® ® LINCOLN WEAR-EVER LAYER CAKE PANS - Aluminum. EKCO ANGEL FOOD CAKE PAN - Household weight product features tin plated steel with Baker’s Secret® non-stick surface. ® EA ® LINCOLN WEAR-EVER BISCUIT/CAKE PAN - Household weight aluminum. EA D CHICAGO METALLIC SPRING FORM PANS - High strength aluminum alloy. EA JOHNSON ROSE SPRING FORM CAKE PAN - Tin plated steel. 3PRING&ORM0AN X I. C ® 3PRING&ORM0AN X H. B EKCO® PIE PANS - Household weight with Baker’s Secret® non-stick surface. #AKE"ISCUIT0AN XX G. A LINCOLN® WEAR-EVER® PIE PANS - Aluminum. !NGEL&OOD#AKE0AN X F. SUPC 2OASTER XX 0IE0AN X D. PACK LINCOLN® WEAR-EVER® HEAVY DUTY ROASTER PAN AND COVER - Durable, rugged 3004 aluminum pan features handles on all four sides. The cover can also double as a grill. EA KAISER MINI SPRING FORM CAKE PAN - Heavy gauge steel with a durable nonstick interior. The black exterior helps to absorb maximum heat and accelerates baking. -INI3PRING&ORM0AN X EA E F G H 777393#/#/- I 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES "!+%7!2% DESCRIPTION A. B. C. SIZE PACK SUPC CHICAGO METALLIC MUFFIN PANS - Sure Bake & Glaze coated steel. Sure Bake & Glaze is a two part process developed to provide the best possible surface for baking. #UP*UMBO#UP3IZE XX EA #UP,ARGE#UP3IZE XX EA #UP3TANDARD#UP3IZE XX EA #UP-INI#UP3IZE XX EA EKCO® MUFFIN PANS - Household weight tin-plated steel with non-stick Baker’s Secret® surface. #UP4EXAS#UP3IZE #UP EA #UP3TANDARD#UP3IZE #UP EA #UP-INI#UP3IZE #UP EA MATFER STAINLESS STEEL FLUTED TART MOLD - This deep-fluted tart mold features a detachable bottom for easy removal of high tarts. 4ART-OLD D. EA BRIDGFORD MINI LOAF PAN - Strapped and silicone glazed. No greasing needed. ,OAF XX ® EA ® F. LINCOLN WEAR-EVER LOAF PANS - PROFESSIONAL STRENGTH. Anodized aluminum finish will not rust. NSF certified. 1. ,OAF0ANLB7EAR'UARD.ON 3TICK&INISH XX EA ,OAF0ANLB EA ,OAF0ANLB XX EA ,OAF0ANLB EA ,OAF0ANLB XX EA 2. G. H. ® C ® LINCOLN WEAR-EVER LOAF PANS - HOUSEHOLD WEIGHT. Seamless aluminum construction. ,OAF0AN XX EA ,OAF0AN XX EA ® EKCO LOAF PANS - Household weight. Tin plated steel with non-stick Baker’s Secret® coating inside and out. -INI XX E B CHICAGO METALLIC MINI LOAF PAN - Commercial, Sure Bake & Glaze coated steel. Sure Bake & Glaze is a two part process developed to provide the best possible surface for baking. ,OAF XX E. A EA D -EDIUM XX EA ,ARGE XX EA F G H 1 2 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION A. B. C. D. E. SIZE PACK SUPC SUPC SYSCO 4 POCKET COLORED BIB APRONS - 100% spun polyester. Adjustable neck strap. "URGUNDY X EA 2ED X EA 7HITE X EA "LACK X EA (UNTER'REEN X EA .AVY X EA A SYSCO 1-POCKET COLORED BIB APRONS - Colorfast one-pocket bib aprons from SYSCO are made from deluxe, heavyweight twill fabric. Featuring tangle-free ties, they can be changed quickly to provide a clean, professional tableside appearance. 2OYAL"LUE EA 0URPLE EA (UNTER'REEN EA 7HITE EA +ELLY'REEN EA "ROWN EA +HAKI EA 'OLD EA .AVY EA 2ED EA "LACK EA "URGUNDY EA C SYSCO WHITE BIB APRONS - Wash and wear poly/cotton fabric for kitchen use. 0ENCIL0OCKET/NLY X EA &RONTAND0ENCIL0OCKET X EA 7IDE"ODICE0ENCIL0OCKET X EA B BEST-VALUE NOVELTY BIB APRONS - Large 8" X 8" side pocket. Very durable, adjustable, buckle neck strap. Made with 100% cotton, deluxe fabric and fully lined with a heavy-duty poly/cotton backing. "ARBECUE X EA "EER X EA #HILI0EPPER X EA #IGAR X EA &ISH X EA )CE#REAM X EA 3ALSA X EA 6EGGIE X EA 7INE X EA !SIAN X EA %SPRESSO X EA -ARTINI X EA 0IZZA X EA 3ALSA X EA 3EAFOOD X EA 6EGGIE X EA D SYSCO 2 POCKET COLORED SMOCK APRONS - SYSCO smock aprons are sized to protect front and back. Easy care poly/cotton blend. Side ties for custom fit. 2ED X EA "LACK X EA .AVY X EA (UNTER'REEN X EA "URGUNDY X EA 7HITE X EA 777393#/#/- E 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK SUPC SUPC BEST-VALUE COTTON/POLY BIB APRON - Heavy weight blended twill fabric. Durable 1/2" nylon braid waist ties. No pocket. 7HITE X EA A B. BEST-VALUE POLYSPUN BIB APRON - Our state of the art, poly-spun fabric provides you with a distinctive look, while giving you the durability and longevity that you have been looking for in a utility apron. 1. .O0OCKET "LACK X EA 7HITE X EA 7ITH0ENCIL0OCKET 7HITE X EA 2. C. D. BEST-VALUE CLOTH BISTRO APRON - These super quality aprons are made from heavyweight 50/50 twill and have extra long self-ties. 4691396 is 100% spun polyester. .O0OCKET"ISTRO!PRON"LK X EA 3IDE0OCKET"ISTRO!PRON"LK X EA 3IDE0OCKET"ISTRO!PRON7HT X EA BEST VALUE 2 POCKET BISTRO APRONS - Heavyweight, 50/50 twill, extra long self ties. "LACK X E. F. EA B 7HITE X EA (ALF"ISTRO"LACK X EA (ALF"ISTRO7HITE X EA 1 2 SYSCO 2 POCKET BISTRO APRONS - This one-pocket apron features extra long waist ties and knee length coverage. 100% spun polyester. "LACK X EA 7HITE X EA BEST-VALUE COTTON/POLY FOODSERVICE BIB APRON - No pockets. Made with high grade blended twill. "LACK X EA "URGUNDY X EA (UNTER'REEN X EA .AVY X EA 2ED X EA 2OYAL"LUE X EA 7HITE X EA C 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 D E 777393#/#/- F SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK SUPC SUPC A SYSCO VINYL BIB APRON - Waterproof. Full length. Wipes clean. #LEAR X EA B. SYSCO HEAVY DUTY VINYL BIB APRON - Heavyweight naugahyde leather look vinyl with cotton backing and nylon ties. Waterproof and fire retardant. Wipes clean. C. NEOPRENE BIB APRON - Heat resistant, fire retardant, durable and cut resistant. A marvelously protective apron! "ROWN X EA D. "LACK X EA 9ELLOW X EA G. EA BEST-VALUE 3-POCKET POLY BIB APRON - Made with a heavyweight blended deluxe twill fabric. 3-compartment front pocket. "LACK X F. BEST-VALUE THE MAJESTY VINYL-BACKED BIB APRON - The ultimate in durability and liquid protection. Made with Cordura, the same material that most tents are made from. Vinyl backed for enhanced protection. Waterproof and fire retardant. "LACK X E. EA B BEST-VALUE ECONOMY BROWN VINYL BIB APRON - A great look at a very affordable price. "ROWN X EA "LACK X EA BEST-VALUE VINYL DISHWASHING BIB APRON - Made from institutional (commercial) quality vinyl. Includes heavy duty braided ties. "LUEMIL X EA 'REENMIL X EA 7HITEMIL X EA C D E 777393#/#/- F G 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK SUPC SUPC V-NECK TUXEDO APRON - Made from premium blended domestic twill. Adjustable neck straps. Extra long wrap around ties. "LACK X EA "URGUNDY X EA B. BEST-VALUE CHALK STRIPE (GANGSTER STRIPE) BIB APRON - No pockets. 100% cotton. This apron gives your server a rich, classy look. C. BEST-VALUE BLACK BOW TIE - Elegant poly-satin with adjustable neckband. 3TRIPES X "OW4IE D. EA B EA EA .AVY X EA 2ED X EA 7HITE X EA #HILI0EPPER X EA MARKO 3-POCKET WAIST APRON - Made of DuraLast™ 100% polyester heavyweight fabric. Fade resistant. Retains shape, even after numerous washings. Treated with a superb stain/soil release formula. Black. EA C BEST-VALUE NOVELTY WAIST APRON - 3 compartment front pocket with matching ties. Made from 100% cotton deluxe fabric and are fully lined with a heavy-duty poly/cotton backing. EA "EER X EA &ISH X EA )CE#REAM X EA 3ALSA X EA 6EGGIE X EA 7INE X EA E D SYSCO 4-WAY WAIST APRON - Offers four clean fronts depending on how you fold the apron. Nylon ties. White poly/cotton. For kitchen use. 7HITE X EA H. (UNTER'REEN X "ARBECUE X G. "LACK X 7AIST!PRON X F. EA SYSCO 3-POCKET WAIST APRONS - SYSCO waist aprons are built from 100% spun polyester for easy care. Hemmed on all four sides, these wash and wear aprons are tacked at all major stress points to increase durability. "URGUNDY X E. EA A BEST-VALUE 4-WAY POLYSPUN APRON - Permanent press. 100% spun polyester. "LACK X H EA F G AVAILABLE IN WHITE ONLY 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK SUPC SUPC BEST-VALUE FRONT-OF-THE-HOUSE 3-POCKET WAIST APRON - 3-compartment front pocket. "LACK X EA 2EVERSIBLE"LACK X EA B. BEST-VALUE ECONOMY WAIST APRON - Below the knee length. Waist ties. No pockets. C. MARKO VINYL BUS APRON WITH SNAP - Designed for heavy use; bus and general utility snap aprons feature an adjustable neck strap made of 30 oz (850 ½ gram) expanded vinyl with knit backing. 7HITE D. 1. 2. 3. 4 5 F. "LACKBIB X EA "ROWNBIBWITHPOCKET X EA "ROWNBIB X EA MAGID HEAVY DUTY NEOPRENE APRON - Heavyweight. Excellent protection from acids, solvents, chemicals, oils, fats and grease. USDA accepted. "LACK X E. EA B A EA SYSCO 10-BUTTON CHEF COATS - Traditional double breasted chef coat made of 65% polyester/35% cotton treated to resist stains. It features 10 plastic buttons, straight neck, breast pocket and arm pocket. 7HITE 3MALL EA -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA 88,ARGE EA 7HITE#OATWITH(OUNDSTOOTH4RIMON#OLLAR#UFFAND"REAST0OCKET 3MALL EA -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA 88,ARGE EA 7HITE#OATWITH"LACK4RIMON#OLLAR#UFFAND"REAST0OCKET 3MALL EA -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA 88,ARGE EA "LACK 3MALL EA -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA 88,ARGE EA $ENIM -EDIUM EA D C E 2 3 1 5 ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA 88,ARGE EA 4 F SYSCO CLOTH KNOT CHEF COAT - This executive chef’s coat features standup collar, vented cuffs, a reversible double breasted front, thermometer pocket on left sleeve, two rolls of five French knot buttons and embroidered underarm ventilation eyelets. 65% polyester/35% cotton. -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA 88,ARGE EA 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION A. B. C. D. SIZE PACK SUPC BEST-VALUE CHILI PEPPER PRINT BAGGY CHEF COAT - Dress stylishly in our “Red Peppers” theme chef coat. Made with deluxe blended twill and neatly decorated with pearlized black buttons. 3MALL EA -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA 88,ARGE EA B BEST-VALUE DELUXE CHEF COAT W/BLACK PIPING - Rounded turn-up cuffs. Divided thermometer pocket on left sleeve. Included underarm ventilation eyelets. 3MALL EA -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA 88,ARGE EA BEST-VALUE DOUBLE-BREASTED CHEF COAT W/KNOT CLOTH BUTTONS A very popular and attractive coat. French style buttons. Thermometer pocket on left sleeve. One breast pocket. 100% cotton. #HEF#OAT3M EA #HEF#OAT-ED EA #HEF#OAT,G EA #HEF#OAT8, EA #HEF#OAT88, EA C BEST-VALUE WOMEN'S POLY/COTTON BLEND CHEF COAT W/KNOT BUTTONS Princess styling, front and back for feminine fit. Two front patch pockets. Ten cloth knot buttons. 80% poly/20% cotton. Vented cuff. 3MALL EA -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA 88,ARGE EA A 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 D 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION A. B. C. B SIZE PACK SUPC SUPC BEST-VALUE POLYSPUN CHEF COAT - Long sleeve with vented cuffs. Left chest patch pocket. Thermometer pocket on left sleeve. Made from 7 oz. 100% spun polyester. Built to last and last! 3MALL EA -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA A SYSCO CHEF COAT - Short-sleeve chef coat. 65/35 poly/cotton blend; bar tack seam reinforcements; sleeve pocket. 3MALL EA -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA 88,ARGE EA 888,ARGE EA SYSCO DOUBLE-BREASTED CHEF COAT - Red chef coat. Double-breasted, 65/35 poly/cotton blend, bar tack seam reinforcements. 3MALL EA -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA 88,ARGE EA C 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION SIZE PACK SUPC SUPC A. SYSCO CHEF PANTS - Baggy style unisex designed pant features elastic waist with draw string, two front pockets, two back pockets and concealed zipper. 1. "LACKWITH7HITE3TRIPE 3MALL EA -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA 88,ARGE EA "LACK 3MALL EA -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA #HILI0EPPER -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA 88,ARGE EA 2. 3. 4. B. C. A 1 2 3 4 (OUNDSTOOTH 3MALL EA -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA 88,ARGE EA SYSCO CHEF PANTS - Classic fit pants feature belt loops, two front and back pockets, zipper and unhemmed inseam. Made of 65% polyester, 35% cotton. B (OUNDSTOOTH EA EA EA EA EA AVAILABLE IN HOUNDSTOOTH ONLY BEST-VALUE WOMEN'S CHEF PANT - 100% polyester microfiber. Two angled front pockets, one set-in right well hip pocket. 3IZE EA 3IZE EA 3IZE EA 3IZE EA 3IZE EA 3IZE EA 3IZE EA 3IZE EA 3IZE EA 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- C SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION A. B. SIZE PACK SUPC SUPC BEST-VALUE WHITE COOK PANT - Twill 65% poly / 35% cotton pant with zipper front and comfortable elastic waistband. 7HITE 3IZE EA 7HITE 3IZE EA 7HITE 3IZE EA 7HITE 3IZE EA 7HITE 3IZE EA 7HITE 3IZE EA A SYSCO COOKS HOUNDSTOOTH PANT - A very well-constructed chef pant. Permanent press 65% poly / 35% cotton twill with zipper front. (OUNDSTOOTH0ANT EA (OUNDSTOOTH0ANT EA (OUNDSTOOTH0ANT EA (OUNDSTOOTH0ANT EA (OUNDSTOOTH0ANT EA (OUNDSTOOTH0ANT EA C. SYSCO CHEF HATS - Light weight, stain resistant fabric with adjustable strap. One size fits all. 1. 3TANDARD/PEN7EAVE EA $ELUXE#LOSED7EAVE EA #HILI0EPPER EA 2. 6EGGIE EA D. BEST-VALUE COLORED CHEF HAT W/VELCRO CLOSURE - Adjustable Velcro closure, 65% polyester, 35% cotton poplin. "LACK EA 'OLD EA +ELLY'REEN EA .AVY EA 2ED EA 2OYAL"LUE EA B D C 2 1 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK (AT B. C. EA F. G. &LAIR3TYLE I. B BEST-VALUE DISPOSABLE OVERSEAS CAP - Touch and seal size adjustment and sweatband. CT BEST-VALUE BOUFFANT CAP (HAIRNET) - Made with soft polypropylene. Used in restaurants, and cafeterias, as well as medical facilities. They have an easy-to-wear elastic fit. Non-irritating, anti-static, lint-free, and flame-resistant. EA BEST-VALUE CLOTH SKULL HAT - Adjustable closure, 100% cotton, fits more snugly than traditional chef hats. "LACK EA 7HITE EA BEST-VALUE COOLCHEF SKULL CAP - The most comfortable caps you’ll ever wear in the kitchen. All feature 100% DuPont CoolMax. "LACK EA 7HITE EA C BEST-VALUE CLOTH EUROPEAN CHEF HAT - Pleated style. Adjustable Velcro closure. 100% cotton. #HEF(AT H. #HEF(AT 7HITE E. A BEST-VALUE DISPOSABLE CHEF HAT - Contains an adjustable size tab. Includes user friendly ventilation holes. Paper style. /VERSEAS#AP D. SUPC MATFER DISPOSABLE PLEATED CHEF'S HAT - Features 30 elegant pleats and no top. 8 ¾" tall. Matfer’s toques are made of nonwoven vegetable fiber combining quality, light weight (weighs only 9 oz.) and comfort. This breathable material allows for better sweat absorption and eliminates skin irritation. Adjustable head measurement. EA BEST-VALUE CHEF'S BASEBALL CAP - This classy Chef Cap from BVT is always in style! All caps are adjustable so one size fits all. "LACK EA "LACKW7HITE#HEF,OGO EA 7HITE EA D SYSCO BEANIE CHEF HAT - Chef’s beanie. One size fits all, machine wash. "LACK EA 7HITE EA E G F 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 H I 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION A. B. C. D. E. SIZE PACK SUPC SUPC A SYSCO BASEBALL CAPS - One size fits all. "LACK EA "LACKAND7HITE EA BEST-VALUE HEADSWEATS - Our Headsweats products include the following unsurpassed features: A DuPont CoolMax comfort system which rapidly wicks moisture away from your skin and dries 3-4 times faster than cotton. CoolMax Terrycloth which increases the surface area for incredible moister transfer. An aquaTrans moisture transfer system which rapidly transports moisture away from your skin to the outside, leaving your skin fresh. #OOL-AX#LASSIC"ANDANA "LACK EA "LUE,IGHTNING EA 2ED EA 2ED,IGHTNING EA 2ED7HITE"LUE EA 2ED7HITE'REEN EA 2OYAL"LUE EA 53!&LAG EA 7HITE EA 9ELLOW EA #OTTON#LASSIC"ANDANA "LACK0AISLEY EA "LACK EA "LACKW&LAMES EA #HILI0EPPER EA (AWAII0ARROT EA .AVYW&LAMES EA 53!&LAG EA B C SYSCO COOK SHIRTS WITH SNAPS - Sysco cook shirts feature snap buttons, stain resistant fabric and breast pocket. 3MALL EA 3MALL EA -EDIUM EA -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA 88,ARGE EA D BEST-VALUE UNISEX KITCHEN SHIRT - WHT W/B&W COLLAR - Adds instant style to any food service setting. White with woven check trim. 80% polyester, 20% cotton. Includes a left breast pocket. 3MALL EA -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA 88,ARGE EA 888,ARGE EA E BEST-VALUE FREEZER COAT - Protects down to 50°F below zero. Knee length, hooded with heavy duty zipper front. Snap closure over zipper. One size fits all. .AVY EA (OODFOR#OAT EA 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION SIZE PACK SUPC SUPC A. SYSCO TERRY BAR TOWELS - 100% terry cloth. 28 oz. Super absorbent for cleaning counters, table tops and spills. Machine washable. 1. 2. 3. .ON2IBBED X EA 2IBBED X EA 3TRIPED.ON2IBBED X EA B. BEST VALUE BROWN TERRY BAR TOWELS - 100% terry cotton. Brown color hides stains. A 1 2 "ROWN X C. EA 3 BEST-VALUE BAR MOP TOWEL - Made from 100% high grade absorbent cotton. Our unique "Narrow-Ribbed" construction offers greater strength, durability and longevity than other bar towels. 2IBBED OZ X EA OZ X EA EA .ON2IBBED "AR4OWEL X D. F. G. EA BEST-VALUE TERRY BAR MOP TOWEL - 100% cotton terry. Multi-purpose towel. Excellent quality. Excellent longevity and color retention. Also called a “Cart Towel.” "URGUNDY X EA .AVY X EA 2OYAL"LUE X EA "LUE X EA "LUE X EA D BEST-VALUE MICROFIBER BAR TOWEL E BEST-VALUE TERRY MULTI-STRIPE TOWEL - 100% cotton terry cloth. Assorted, designer stripes. 3TRIPES X H. C BEST-VALUE WAFFLE-WEAVE BAR TOWEL - 100% cotton. Waffle-weave design provides extra scrubbing ability. Neutral color. "AR4OWEL X E. B EA BEST-VALUE TERRY BAR MOP TOWEL - The ultimate in a luxury bar towel. Constructed with 32 oz. high quality 100% cotton. Striped for easy identification and distinction. "LUE3TRIPE X EA 'OLD3TRIPE X EA 'REEN3TRIPE X EA F 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 G H 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK SUPC SUPC BEST-VALUE TERRY BAR MOP TOWEL - Made from 100% high grade absorbent cotton. Our unique "Narrow-Ribbed" construction offers greater strength, durability and longevity than other bar towels. "AR4OWEL X EA EA A /VERSIZED "AR4OWEL X B. BEST-VALUE OVERSIZED BAR MOP TOWEL W/GRN STRIPE - Made with premium grade 100% cotton terry, 44 oz. 'REEN3TRIPE X C. G. XPK EA C SYSCO FLOUR SACK TOWELS - 100% lint-free cotton all purpose towel. Use to cover rising bread or wrap meat before cooking. Machine washable. $ISH4OWEL X EA $ISH4OWEL X EA BEST-VALUE GLASS TOWEL - Smooth, non-linting 100% cotton. 2EDPINSTRIPES X H. BEST-VALUE FLOUR SACK DISH TOWEL - 100% cotton. Made from non-terry, flour sack material. $ISH4OWEL X F. EA BEST-VALUE DELUXE KITCHEN TOWEL - Great looking and very absorbent! Made from high grade, 100% cotton. Each package contains six towels (two red, two blue and two yellow). +ITCHEN4OWELS X E. B BEST-VALUE "DRY-A-DISH" KITCHEN TOWEL - 100% cotton non-terry towel. “Dry-A-Dish” woven design. .ONTERRY X D. EA EA SYSCO HERRINGBONE GLASS TOWELS - Lint free. 100% cotton. Machine washable. -ULTI3TRIPE X EA 3INGLE3TRIPE X EA D E H F G 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION A. SIZE -ULTI#OLORED X B. C. D. F. SUPC SUPC EA A BEST-VALUE ABSORBENT "HUCK/DOCTOR TOWEL" - Absorbent towel *ADE'REEN X EA 7HITE X EA "LUE X EA BEST-VALUE SHOP TOWEL - An age-old favorite of mechanics. 100% Cotton. .ATURAL X EA 2ED X EA BEST-VALUE COTTON FINGERTIP TOWEL - Sheared terry with fringed ends. 7HITE X E. PACK BEST-VALUE EXTRA LARGE HERRINGBONE TOWEL - 100% cotton. Very low linting. Very absorbent. EA SYSCO CHEESE CLOTH - Fine, Grade 10: Used mostly to wrap roasts and poultry. Extra fine, Grade 40: Used to strain sauces, bases, etc. &INE XYDEA %XTRA&INE XYDEA B C BEST-VALUE COTTON CHEESECLOTHS - Individual package is perfect for “Cash and Carry” sales. 'RADE YD EA 'RADE YD EA D E F 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION A. B. C. D. SIZE SUPC PR "EIGE4EmONPROTECTSTO& PR 3ILVER3ILICONEPROTECTSTO& EA 3ILVER3ILICONEPROTECTSTO& EA B ® C ® SYSCO OVEN MITTS - Pyrotex is machine washable. Bestguard wipes clean. Fire retardant. Pyrotex® Bestguard® 0ROTECTSTO& PR 0ROTECTSTO& PR 0ROTECTSTO& EA A ® SYSCO KEVLAR OVEN MITTS - Fire proof and machine washable. +EVLARPROTECTSTO& EA +EVLARPROTECTSTO& PR +EVLARPROTECTSTO& EA SYSCO TERRY OVEN MITT - With vinyl steam barrier. PR SYSCO SILICONE FREEZER OVEN MITT - Won’t stick to frozen items. Easy to wipe clean. 100% cotton fill. Lab-tested insulation to 350° F. Machine washable. &REEZER/VEN-ITT F. SUPC "EIGE4EmONPROTECTSTO& 0ROTECTSTO& E. PACK SYSCO OVEN/FREEZER MITTS - Non-stick coated. Ideal for low temperature protection. Resists scorching. Wipes clean. PR SAN JAMAR ULTIGRIP™ OVEN MITT - X-Series Conventional Mitt. For high-volume applications. Featuring inverted stitching for extra protection & durability at the seams. Superior heat and vapor protection. Non-slip grip textured surface provides secure handling. /VEN-ITT EA /VEN-ITT EA D F E 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION A. SIZE /VEN-ITT B. C. D. EA EA B TUCKER BURNGUARD® PUPPET STYLE “PLUS” OVEN MITTS - “Thumb-over-palm” design plus the added protection of a second palm of yellow colored DuPont Kevlar™. .OMEXWITH+EVLARPROTECTSTO& EA .OMEXWITH+EVLARPROTECTSTO& EA .OMEXWITH+EVLARPROTECTSTO& EA ® TUCKER BURNGUARD PUPPET STYLE OVEN MITTS - “Thumb-over-palm” design is ideal for handling flat items like baking sheets and oven racks. EA ® TUCKER BURNGUARD FINGERED GLOVES - A popular model where both thermal protection and additional manual dexterity are needed. PR C ANSELL EDMONT FLEX OVEN MITTS - Nitrile butyl rubber coated. Machine washable. PR KATCHALL KOOL-TEK™ OVEN MITT - 100% non-combustible outer shell. Vapor/moisture barrier stops steam penetration. 0ROTECTSFROM&TO& H. A .OMEXPROTECTSTO& 0ROTECTSTO& G. EA .OMEXPROTECTSTO& &INGERED.OMEXPROTECTSTO& F. SUPC TUCKER BURNGUARD® CONVENTIONAL STYLE OVEN MITTS - Traditional “thumbon-the-side” design fits right and left handed wearers. Use Poly/Cotton where there is no risk of open flame contact. Use Nomex® in areas where there is a risk of flame contact. .OMEXPROTECTSTO& E. PACK SAN JAMAR ULTIGRIP™ OVEN MITT - Puppet Mitt. Ideal for removing sheet pans from oven. For high-volume applications. Featuring inverted stitching for extra protection & durability at the seams. Superior heat and vapor protection. Non-slip grip textured surface provides secure handling. EA BEST-VALUE THE ROTISSI GLOVE (FULLY INSULATED) - Provides the very best glove protection available against heat and hot liquids (350° constant temperature). Made with super heat-resistant Neoprene® rubber. USDA accepted. One piece seamless construction for additional hot liquid protection. One size fits all. )NSULATED'LOVE PR H G D E F 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION A. SIZE +NIT'LOVE B. D. E. F. SUPC PR A BEST-VALUE GREY WOOL OVEN MITT - This awesome oven mitt has a wool interior, 100% cotton exterior as well as extra insulation for maximum heat protection. Machine washable. Protects to 500°F (intermittent use). /VEN-ITT C. PACK BEST-VALUE HOT MILL KNIT GLOVE - Superior heat-resistant glove. Seamless double layer of 20 oz. heavy 100% cotton knit. Fits either hand. Excellent for hot plate serving. Protects to 400°F. One size fits all. PR BESTGUARD COLORED OVEN MITT - Elbow length. Our most popular BestGuard oven mitts are now available in three new distinctive colors, Red, Royal Blue, and Green. More upscale for front of the house usage or use different colors for different areas or multiple kitchens. Protects to 425°F. Fire retardant, wipes clean with a damp cloth. 'REEN PR 2ED PR 2OYAL"LUE PR B BEST-VALUE ORKA PRO OVEN MITT - Provides high tensile strength. Protects to 600°F. Unique silicone injected construction gives you the only waterproof mitt. Can be washed under the tap, in the dishwasher or in the washing machine. Advanced rib design allows for a firm grip. Fits either hand. PR PR BEST-VALUE TERRY OVEN MITT - This excellent oven mitt can handle temperatures up to 500°F for short periods of time. PR PR C BEST-VALUE THE FRYER OVEN MITT (FULLY INSULATED) - A great mitt! Made with incomparable Neoprene® rubber. Fully insulated. One piece seamless outside construction. Today’s ultimate protection against heat and hot liquids. USDA accepted. Protects to 400°F constant temperature. PR PR D E 777393#/#/- F 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION A. SIZE /VEN-ITT B. G H. PR PR EA PR C BEST-VALUE TERRY SLEEVE PROTECTION - Heat-resistant. 100% cotton terry. Machine washable. Protects up to 350°F. 4ERRY#LOTH EA 4ERRY#LOTH EA BEST-VALUE KEVLAR® SLEEVE PROTECTION - The ultimate in heat protection. Machine washable. Flame retardant up to 900°F (intermittent use). +EVLAR EA +EVLAR EA D E BEST-VALUE TERRY CLOTH POT HOLDER (BAKER'S PAD) - Machine washable with a double thick layer of heavy-weight terry cloth. Protects to 500°F. EA BEST-VALUE ROUND POT HOLDER - Extra thick. Institutional quality. Made of double thick 100% cotton terry cloth. Protects up to 400°F (intermittent use). 0OT(OLDER J. 1. 2. 3. BEST-VALUE NOMEX OVEN MITT - Thermo Protect™ oven mitt made with extremely flame-resistant and non combustible Nomex®. Contains a wool interior for maximum heat protection. Includes additional Kevlar® protection to 900°F. 0OT(OLDER X I. B ® /VEN-ITT F. PR A BEST-VALUE PUPPET STYLE NOMEX® OVEN MITT - Thermo Protect™ puppet style oven mitt made with extremely flame-resistant and non combustible Nomex®. Contains a wool interior for maximum heat protection. Includes additional Kevlar® protection to 900°F. /VEN-ITT E. SUPC BEST-VALUE TERRY CLOTH FIVE-FINGER OVEN GLOVE - Elbow-length, heavy-duty, heat resistant terry. Machine washable. Extra elastic at wrist added for superior fit. Protects to 250°F (intermittent use). /VEN'LOVE D. SUPC BEST VALUE TERRY BAKER'S GLOVE - 100% heavy duty terry cotton cloth glove with knit wrist. Fits either hand. Machine washable. "AKERS'LOVE OZ C. PACK BEST-VALUE TERRY OVEN MITT W/STEAM BARRIER - This excellent oven mitt can handle temperatures up to 500°F for short periods of time. With Steam Barrier. EA SYSCO POT HOLDERS - Provide adequate protection for common kitchen tasks. 3ILICONEPROTECTSTO& X EA 4ERRY!LMONDPROTECTSTO& X EA 4ERRY"ROWNPROTECTSTO& X EA H F I J 1 G 3 2 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION SIZE PACK SUPC SUPC A A. 1. SYSCO PAN GRABBER - Features a vinyl steam barrier. *UNIORSIZEWITHHANDPOCKETPROTECTSTO X & EA 2. ,ARGESIZEWITHWRISTSTRAPPROTECTSTO& X EA B. BEST-VALUE TERRY PAN GRABBER - Hemmed slit with two thick terry cloth layers. Machine washable. C. TUCKER HOT PADS - Nomex pot holders with hand pockets. 0AN'RABBER X 3QUAREPROTECTSTO& X D. F. SYSCO SILICONE HANDLE HOLDER - Wipes clean. Non-stick. EA #OPPER X EA "LACK7HITE X EA EA C D E F BEST VALUE HANDLE HOLDER - 100% cotton exterior with flame resistant black Bestguard® interior. BEST-VALUE TEFLON HANDLE HOLDER - Quilted insulated interior. Teflon lined for additional heat protection. Protects up to 200°F (intermittent use). EA BEST-VALUE WOOL/HEAVY DUTY HANDLE HOLDER - RED - A terrific handle holder. Contains extra insulation. Additional wool layer for superior protection. EA BEST-VALUE HEAVY DUTY CUT-RESISTANT KEVLAR® GLOVE - Made with tough, cut-resistant Kevlar®. Heavyweight glove fits either hand. One size fits all. Neoprene® dots on both sides. ,ARGE EA G J H 2 BESTGUARD HANDLE HOLDER - Quilted, fire-retardant BestGuard exterior and interior. Provides superb heat protection. Protects to 425°F (intermittent use). (ANDLE(OLDER J. 1 MARSTON HOT HANDLE HOLDERS - Handle covers for added safety around hot handles. (ANDLE(OLDER X I. #HILI0EPPER X EA H. EA "LACK G. "AKERgS0ADPROTECTSTO& X EA 0ROTECTSTO& X E. EA B 777393#/#/- I 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4%84),%3!.$!00!2%, DESCRIPTION A. B. C. D. E. SIZE PACK 3MALL EA -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA 3MALL EA -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA 8,ARGE EA BEST-VALUE REVERSIBLE SS METAL MESH GLOVE - This reversible safety glove is constructed of Mailite™ stainless steel mesh. This remarkable material offers cut protection without impeding the mobility of workers. Lightweight and easy to clean. -EDIUM EA ,ARGE EA -EAT'LOVE PR -EAT'LOVE7HITE PR I. J. K. C D E F ® BEST-VALUE NEOPRENE BLACK EAGLE GLOVE - Neoprene Black. Shoulder length. Seamless one piece outside construction. One size fits all. PR BEST-VALUE RUBBER OYSTER SHUCKING GLOVE - Made of natural rubber. Excellent wet or dry grip. Cut and abrasion resistant. One size fits all. PR BEST-VALUE LISLE/INSPECTOR GLOVE (DISPOSABLE WAITERS GLOVE) 100% cotton. Very economical. One size fits all. )NSPECTOR'LOVE H. B BEST-VALUE GLOVE LINER/MEAT GLOVE - 100% cotton string knit. One size fits all. 3HUCKING'LOVE G. A BEST-VALUE SPECTRA CUT-RESISTANT GLOVE - Excellent dexterity and comfort. State of the art Spectra® combined with optical glass core offers 30% more cutresistance than stainless-steel fiber gloves. Fits either hand. Machine washable. Meets OSHA Standard (29 CFR) 1910.132. Tested in accordance with ASTM. 'LOVES F. SUPC BEST-VALUE D-FLEX CUT RESISTANT GLOVE - Contains Dyneema® and Spectra® composite yarns. 10-gauge seamless knit. Ambidextrous. PR BEST-VALUE CANVAS GLOVE - Offers great general purpose protection. Knit wrist, 8 oz. canvas. One size fits all. 'LOVE PR 'LOVEW0ALM$OTS PR G BEST VALUE WAITER'S GLOVE - Deluxe, stretch 100% cotton polyester. Top quality. 7AITERS'LOVE ,ARGE PR 7AITERS'LOVE -EDIUM PR BEST-VALUE FROZEN FOOD GLOVES W/SAFETY CUFF - Foam lining provides great insulation from cold temperatures. Safety cuff allows glove to slide on and off easily. One size fits all. /RANGE PR 4AN PR BEST VALUE FREEZER GLOVE - Protects down to -30ºF. Knit wrist bands. &REEZER'LOVE J PR K H I 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4(%2-/-%4%23 DESCRIPTION A. B. SIZE PACK TO& STEM EA TO& STEM EA TO& STEM EA EA EA EA EA EA I. EA D E SYSCO FREEZER/REFRIGERATOR THERMOMETERS - To accurately monitor temperatures, place a thermometer in the warmest area (near the door) and the coldest area (near the back by the vents). Round dial thermometer can be calibrated in the field. TO&6ERTICAL(ANG%CONOMY.3& #ERTIlED TO&(ORIZONTAL(ANG EA EA TO&2OUND$IAL.3&#ERTIlED DIA EA COOPER-ATKINS SURFACE OR WINDOW MOUNT COOLING THERMOMETER Magnetic back or self-adhesive tabs are included for mounting to the underside of refrigerated glass cases. TO&TO# DIA F COOPER-ATKINS DIGITAL THERMOMETER AND TIMER WITH PROBE - Cooking thermometer/timer monitors internal temperatures of food cooking in your oven. Heat resistant, stainless steel probe that inserts into the food while the oven door closes tightly over its specially-designed probe cord. Once the desired temperature and/or time setting is reached, an alarm sounds. Comes with 1.5 volt, AAA alkaline battery. 4HERMOMETER H. COOPER-ATKINS WATERPROOF DIGITAL POCKET TEST THERMOMETER - Easy to read LCD display. Replaceable battery. NSF certified. TO&TO# STEM G. COOPER-ATKINS DIGITAL MINI THERMOMETER - This mini thermo-hygrometer features a min/max memory, daily updates, °F/°C switchable and can be wall mounted. 14° to 140°F/-10° to 60°C; ±2F°/±1C°. Resolution: 0.1°, 1.0%; 10 to 99% RH. 0.45" / 1.2 cm LCD. 1.5V AAA battery. 4HERMOMETER F. C DIGITAL POCKET THERMOMETER - Waterproof and response time better than 6 seconds. Probe tip reduced to 1.6 mm. °F/°C switchable. Slim profile fits flat in pocket. Data hold to freeze a reading. Withstands constant use in wet or humid conditions. NSF certified. 4HERMOMETER E. B SYSCO WATERPROOF DIGITAL POCKET TEST THERMOMETER - This digital thermometer features an on/off switch with automatic shut off after 10 minutes and can be calibrated in the field. Calculates temperatures in ºC or ºF. Will hold a maximum temperature reading for dishwasher testing. Replaceable battery. NSF certified. TO&TO# STEM D. A SYSCO DIGITAL POCKET TEST THERMOMETERS - Easy to read LCD readout. On/off switch. Calculates temperatures in ºC or ºF. Replaceable battery. TO&TO# STEM C. SUPC SYSCO POCKET TEST THERMOMETERS - These bimetal thermometers allow field calibration and feature a pocket clip and a built in calibration wrench designed into the protective sheath. 5" stainless steel stem with correct insertion depth mark. 1" dial size with polycarbonate magnifying lens. Not for oven use. NSF certified. EA G H 777393#/#/- I 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4(%2-/-%4%23 DESCRIPTION A. B. SIZE PACK &REEZERTO& DIA EA #OOLERTO& DIA EA $RY3TORAGETO& DIA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA F G H I EA ® PTC INSTRUMENTS GRILL SURFACE THERMOMETERS - Guaranteed to an accuracy of ±2% of full scale range. Reaches sensing equilibrium within three minutes. TO& L. COOPER-ATKINS GRILL SURFACE THERMOMETER - Bimetal coil movement and glass lens. Features side grips for easy removal from a hot grill surface. TO&&TO# DIA K. COOPER-ATKINS ESPRESSO THERMOMETER - Vessel clip included. Allows field calibration. NSF certified. TO&$IAL STEM J. COOPER-ATKINS ESPRESSO THERMOMETER - Dial face marked with proper zones for froth, coffee and hot cocoa. Vessel clip included. Allows field calibration. NSF certified. TO&$IAL STEM I. E COOPER-ATKINS MEAT/LIQUID THERMOMETER - Features 2" diameter dial, bimetal coil movement with tempered glass lens. Dial has 2ºF increments. Use with vessel clip for liquid testing. NSF certified. TO&TO# STEM H. D SYSCO MEAT THERMOMETER - Tempered glass lens, adjustable preset pointer with HACCP ranges for a variety of meats. 2 ½" dial. NSF certified. TO&TO# STEM G. COOPER-ATKINS DEEP FRY THERMOMETER - Deep fry thermometer features a wooden safety handle for high temperature testing. Adjustable vessel clip. 2 ½" dial with HACCP guidelines. TO&TO# STEM F. C COOPER-ATKINS CANDY/JELLY/DEEP FRY GLASS TUBE THERMOMETER Paddle style. Easy to grip, black plastic handle, non-toxic spirit filled glass tube with adjustable vessel clip. TO& E. B SYSCO CANDY/JELLY/DEEP FRY STEM THERMOMETER - All stainless steel with tempered glass lens. Includes an adjustable clip and preset pointer settings marked on a 3" diameter dial. NSF certified. TO&TO# STEM D. A SYSCO OVEN THERMOMETER - This thermometer can stand or hang. NSF certified. TO&TO# DIA C. SUPC COOPER-ATKINS LARGE DIAL THERMOMETERS - Wall mountable, HACCP zoned dial increases employee awareness with instant reading due to the 14" diameter face. EA PTC® INSTRUMENTS GRILL SURFACE THERMOMETERS - Bimetal rests directly on surface for fast response. Guaranteed to an accuracy of ±2% of full scale range. TO& DIA J 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 EA K L 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4(%2-/-%4%23 DESCRIPTION A. B. C. SIZE EA &"LACK EA &"ROWN EA COOPER-ATKINS KITCHEN POSTERS - Handy reference tools for every kitchen. Easy to clean laminated, two color charts feature instructions in English, Canadian French and Latin Spanish on one side, English, French, German, Spanish and Italian instructions on the other. &OOD(ANDLINGAND3ANITATION0OSTER X EA (OWTO#ALIBRATE0OSTER X EA E F G H I J EA EA EA EA COOPER-ATKINS THERMOCOUPLE WITHOUT PROBE - Temperature range -40° to 1000°F / -40° to 535°. Resolution: 0.1°F from -40.0° to 495.0°F 0.1°C from -40.0° to 257.0°C ±1F° / ±0.5C° and whole degree resolution over remainder of range °F/°C; ±2F° / ±1C°; 1500 hours battery life. EA TEMP PROBE - Nylon overmolded handle with a silicone jacketed cable. Type K only. .EEDLE0ROBE EA COOPER-ATKINS THERMOCOUPLE WITH JACKET - Temperature range -100° to 999°F /-73° to 537°C. Waterproof. 7ITHOUT0ROBE J. D COOPER-ATKINS 412 NON-CONTACT INFRARED THERMOMETER - Measures surface temperatures fast while eliminating the possibility of cross-contamination during temperature checks. Temperature accuracy: ±4°F/±2°C or 2% of reading, whichever is greater. Single-point laser. Backlit LCD for easy viewing. Automatic data hold. High and low alarms. Accepts any Type K thermocouple probe, not included. 2 AAA batteries included. 7ITH*ACKET I. C SYSCO ECONOMY THERMOCOUPLE - Tough thermocouple instrument complete with all-purpose needle probe. Temperature range -40°F to 500°F (accuracy +/2°). Comes with protective rubber boot and lanyard. 5-year instrument warranty. NSF and CE listed. TOª&TOª# H. EA SYSCO NON-CONTACT/PROBE THERMOMETER - Dual-function thermometer with infrared and probe technology. Infrared has temperature range of -27ºF to 428ºF. Min./max. memory with hold function. 1:1 distance-to-spot ratio. Fold-down thermocouple probe has temperature range of -67ºF to 626ºF. Perfect for checking both surface and internal temperatures with the same instrument. %CONOMY4HERMOCOUPLE G. B SYSCO MINI NON-CONTACT THERMOMETER - Mini infrared thermometer, perfect for quick checks of surface temperatures. Temperature range of -27ºF to 428ºF. Min./max. memory with auto hold function. Auto shutoff saves battery life. 1:1 distance to spot ratio. Complete with key ring and lanyard. .ON#ONTACT0ROBE4HERMOMETER F. A COOPER-ATKINS COOLIT-RITE TTM41 THERMOMETER - Waterproof thermometer monitors time elapsed, helping operators comply with HACCP cooling guidelines. Adjustable vessel clip. Min./max. temperature hold. 6:59 timer range. °F/°C switchable. Comes with 1.5 volt LR44 battery, extra battery included. -INI.ON#ONTACT4HERMOMETER E. SUPC &'REEN TOª&TOª# STEM D. PACK KATCHALL® DISPOSABLE T-STICK® THERMOMETERS - Simply insert a T-stick in the center of a food item and in five seconds the sensor spot clearly indicates whether the item is below or above the safe temperature. 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 4(%2-/-%4%23 DESCRIPTION A. SIZE 4IMER XX B. EA B C EA D E EA EA EA “GRALAB” PRECISION ELECTRIC TIMER - 60 min range with 1 min minimum setting. Can be used as a count down or a count up timer. 115 volt accessory outlet with switch can control small appliances. Continuous buzzer with volume control signals when time is up. %LECTRIC4IMER I. COOPER-ATKINS 4-CHANNEL DIGITAL TIMER - Enables you to monitor four times at once. Splash-proof keypad. Color-coded buttons and lights, plus unique alarm tone for each time zone. Memory feature for repeat timing. One-button start/stop operation. Batteries included. Hangs or stands. #HANNEL$IGITAL4IMER H. EA COOPER-ATKINS WATERPROOF DIGITAL TIMER - Waterproof digital timer has programmable double time with switchable hours:minutes or minutes:seconds, and counts up or down. Waterproof case can be submerged 1 meter for an hour. Back stand and magnet. Large, easy-to-read digital LCD. Simple 3 button operation. 1.5 volt, AAA alkaline battery included. 7ATERPROOF$IGITAL4IMER G. FRANKLIN MACHINE DIGITAL TIMER - Powered by 9 volt battery. Four countdown timers with memory recall feature. 10 hour countdown. Distinctive beeper for each time cycle. Water-resistant keypad and housing. 4IMER F. A COOPER-ATKINS DIGITAL TIMER/STOPWATCH - Travels with you on an 18" nylon rope. 99 minute/59 second counter timer with recall feature to previously set time. 1.5 volt watch battery included. 4IMER3TOPWATCH DIA E. EA COOPER-ATKINS DIGITAL CLOCK AND STOPWATCH - Electronic timer/clock/ stopwatch with memory recall and splash-proof timer case. Comes with a wire hanger, easel stand, clip-on, or magnet mount. Large, easy-to-read digital LCD display. Counts up or down. 1.5 volt, AAA alkaline battery included. $IGITAL#LOCK3TOPWATCH D. SUPC SYSCO 24 HOUR DIGITAL TIMER - Features a highly visible LCD display. 24 hr. capacity in one second increments. Adjustable volume control for noisy environments. A bright, red light flashes when the alarm sounds, then automatically counts upwards, letting you know how long it has been since the timer went off. Splash proof keyboard. Wall mountable. 4 "C" batteries included. 2 year limited warranty. 4IMER XX C. PACK SYSCO WIPE, ANTIBACTERIAL PROBE - Clean and sanitize temperature probes quickly and without skin contact. Each wipe contains 70% isopropyl alcohol. Recommended exposure of 10 seconds to kill most bacteria. EA SYSCO LONG-RING TIMER - Long-ring 60-minute mechanical timer. One-hand operation. Easy-to-read dial. Nonskid feet. 393#/,ONG2ING4IMER F 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 G EA H 777393#/#/- I SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 34%!-4!",%0!.3 DESCRIPTION A. B. C. D. E. F. SIZE PACK SUPC A SYSCO INSET PANS AND COVERS - NSF Certified. 18-8 stainless steel. QT DIA EA QT DIA EA QT DIA EA QT DIA EA 3LOTTEDCOVERFORQT EA 3LOTTEDCOVERFORQT EA 3LOTTEDCOVERFORQT EA 3LOTTEDCOVERFORQT EA VOLLRATH HINGED INSET COVERS - Mirror finished 18-8 stainless steel. Features welded clips on the stationary side of the cover to hold it securely in place. KoolTouch® phenolic knob handle. Slotted for ladle when the cover is closed. &ITSQT)NSET DIA EA &ITSQT)NSET DIA EA B VOLLRATH BAIN MARIES AND COVERS - Satin finished 18-8 stainless steel. Go from freezer to stove top to serving line without changing containers. NSF Certified. QT DIA EA QT DIA EA QT DIA EA QT DIA EA QT DIA EA QT DIA EA QT DIA EA #OVERFORQT EA #OVERFORQT EA C ® DUKE ADAPTER PLATES - Stainless steel. Fits a full size steam table opening. (OLDS$IAMETER)NSETS EA (OLDS$IAMETER)NSETS EA (OLDS$IAMETER)NSETS EA SPILLAGE PANS - Used in hot wells or steam tables when a separate water pan is required. Fits full size openings. 3TAINLESS3TEEL $EEP EA !LUMINUM $EEP EA !LUMINUM $EEP EA D E SYSCO STAINLESS STEEL STEAM TABLE PANS SUPER PAN II® - Anti-jamming design prevents sticking when pans are stacked. Wide reinforced corners offer durability and longer life. Resists corrosion, pitting and rust. 22 gauge, type 304 stainless steel with capacity stamped on the bottom. NSF listed. &ULL3IZEX$EEP X EA &ULL3IZEX$EEP X EA &ULL3IZEX$EEP X EA (ALF3IZEX$EEP X EA (ALF3IZE,ONGX$EEP X EA (ALF3IZEX$EEP X EA (ALF3IZE,ONGX$EEP X EA (ALF3IZEX$EEP X EA (ALF3IZE,ONGX$EEP X EA 4HIRD3IZEX$EEP X EA 4HIRD3IZEX$EEP X EA 4HIRD3IZEX$EEP X EA &OURTH3IZEX$EEP X EA &OURTH3IZEX$EEP X EA &OURTH3IZEX$EEP X EA 3IXTH3IZEX$EEP X EA 3IXTH3IZEX$EEP X EA 3IXTH3IZEX$EEP X EA .INTH3IZEX$EEP X EA .INTH3IZEX$EEP X EA 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- F SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 34%!-4!",%0!.3 DESCRIPTION A. B. C. D. E. SIZE PACK 'AUGE0ANS 4WO4HIRDS3IZEX$EEPX EA 4WO4HIRDS3IZEX$EEPX EA 4WO4HIRDS3IZEX$EEPX EA 'AUGE0ANS &ULL3IZEX$EEPX EA ® VOLLRATH PERFORATED SUPER PAN II STEAM TABLE PANS - Ideal for steaming foods or draining away fats, juices or moisture. NSF Certified. &ULL3IZEX$EEPX EA &ULL3IZEX$EEPX EA &ULL3IZEX$EEPX EA &ULL3IZEX$EEPX EA (ALF3IZEX$EEPX EA (ALF3IZEX$EEPX EA H. I. B C D E VOLLRATH SUPER PAN II® STEAM TABLE PAN COVERS - Reinforced edges stay flat longer and fit securely to help prevent seepage during transport. 3OLID 3LOTTED &ITS&ULL3IZE3OLID&ULL EA &ITS4WO4HIRDS3IZE3OLID3Z EA &ITS(ALF3IZE3OLID(ALF EA &ITS(ALF3IZE,ONG3OLID(ALF EA &ITS4HIRD3IZE3OLID4HIRD EA &ITS&OURTH3IZE3OLID&OURTH EA &ITS3IXTH3IZE3OLID3IXTH EA &ITS.INTH3IZE3OLID.INTH EA VOLLRATH FLEXIBLE STEAM TABLE PAN COVERS - Use in place of foil or plastic wrap. Made of low density polyethylene, these covers are dishwasher safe and suitable for temperatures ranging from 20ºF to 190ºF. Ideal for cold food storage applications. NSF Certified. &ITS&ULL3IZE EA &ITS(ALF3IZE EA &ITS4HIRD3IZE EA &ITS&OURTH3IZE EA &ITS3IXTH3IZE EA &ITS.INTH3IZE EA F VOLLRATH SOLID DOMED COVERS - Satin-finished 18-8 stainless steel. Kool-Touch® handle stays comfortable to 220ºF. VOLLRATH HINGED DOME COVER - Allows easy access to food without having to remove the entire cover. Welded handles. 18-8 stainless steel. &ULL3IZE(INGEDXX EA G. SUPC A &ULL3IZE3OLIDXX EA F. SUPC VOLLRATH SUPER PAN II® STEAM TABLE PANS VOLLRATH ADAPTER BARS FOR STEAM TABLE - Fit standard openings to hold combinations of smaller fractional pans. NSF Certified. !DAPTER"AR EA !DAPTER"AR EA G VOLLRATH SUPER PAN II® FALSE BOTTOMS - Holds food above pan bottom for draining. 20-gauge stainless steel. Finger holes for easy removal. &ULL3IZE EA (ALF3IZE EA 4HIRD3IZE EA H VOLLRATH SUPER PAN II® WIRE GRATES - Heavy duty 18-8 stainless steel wire construction with corner finger holes for easy removal. &ULL3IZEX EA (ALF3IZEX EA 4HIRD3IZEX EA I 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 34%!-4!",%0!.3 DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK SUPC SUPC VOLLRATH PERFORATED STEAM TABLE PANS, SUPER PAN 3® - Ideal for steaming foods or draining away fats, juices or moisture. NSF Listed. &ULL3IZEX$EEPX EA &ULL3IZEX$EEPX EA A SYSCO'S SUPER PAN 3® SYSTEM - Patented ramp feature allows easy removal of the pan from a well by simply pulling and lifting. The ramp also frames the food to enhance any presentation. Reinforced corners withstand greater impact, reducing bending. Spouted shape makes pouring easy. B. C. SYSCO STEAM TABLE PANS, SUPER PAN 3® - 18-8 bright finished stainless steel. 22-gauge. Flattened edges help pan stay flat in the well for a better seal. &ULL3IZEX$EEPX EA &ULL3IZEX$EEPX EA &ULL3IZEX$EEPX EA (ALF3IZEX$EEPX EA (ALF3IZE,ONGX$EEPX EA (ALF3IZEX$EEPX EA (ALF3IZE,ONGX$EEPX EA (ALF3IZEX$EEPX EA 4HIRD3IZEX$EEPX EA 4HIRD3IZEX$EEPX EA 4HIRD3IZEX$EEPX EA &OURTH3IZEX$EEPX EA &OURTH3IZEX$EEPX EA &OURTH3IZEX$EEPX EA 3IXTH3IZEX$EEPX EA 3IXTH3IZEX$EEPX EA 3IXTH3IZEX$EEPX EA .INTH3IZEX$EEPX EA .INTH3IZEX$EEPX EA E. C VOLLRATH STEAM TABLE PAN COVERS, SUPER PAN 3® - 18-8 stainless steel solid covers for steam table pans. Available for all steam table sizes. 3OLID D. B 3LOTTED &ITS&ULL3IZE EA &ITS(ALF3IZE EA &ITS4HIRD3IZE EA &ITS&OURTH3IZE EA &ITS3IXTH3IZE EA &ITS.INTH3IZE EA D ® VOLLRATH FALSE BOTTOMS, SUPER PAN 3 - 18-8 stainless steel. These pans hold food above pan bottom for efficient draining. L-shaped drain holes. Finger holes for easy removal. &ULL3IZE EA (ALF3IZE EA 4HIRD3IZE EA 3IXTH3IZE EA E SYSCO CERAMIC FOOD PAN - Playing a big part in food safety, SYSCO ceramic food pans can be used as a chafing dish and/or as a steam table insert. This pan fits in a sixth steam table slot and preserves food longer than like products. 3IXTH3IZE EA 4HIRD3IZE EA (ALF3IZE,ONG EA (ALF3IZE EA &ULL3IZE EA SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES &//$34/2!'% DESCRIPTION SIZE PACK SUPC A. SYSCO LOW TEMPERATURE FOOD STORAGE PANS AND COVERS - Break, rust, dent and bend resistant. -40 to 212ºF. Dishwasher and microwave safe. NSF certified. 1. #LEAR &ULL3IZEX$EEP X EA &ULL3IZEX$EEP X EA &ULL3IZEX$EEP X EA (ALF3IZEX$EEP X EA (ALF3IZEX$EEP X EA (ALF3IZEX$EEP X EA 4HIRD3IZEX$EEP X EA 4HIRD3IZEX$EEP X EA 4HIRD3IZEX$EEP X EA &OURTH3IZEX$EEP X EA &OURTH3IZEX$EEP X EA 3IXTH3IZEX$EEP X EA 3IXTH3IZEX$EEP X EA .INTH3IZEX$EEP X EA 3OLID#OVER &ULL3IZE EA 3OLID#OVER (ALF3IZE EA 3OLID#OVER 4HIRD3IZE EA 3OLID#OVER &OURTH3IZE EA 3OLID#OVER 3IXTH3IZE EA 3LOTTED#OVER &ULL3IZE EA 3LOTTED#OVER (ALF3IZE EA 3LOTTED#OVER 4HIRD3IZE EA 3LOTTED#OVER &OURTH3IZE EA 3LOTTED#OVER 3IXTH3IZE EA "LACK &ULL3IZEX$EEP X EA &ULL3IZEX$EEP X EA &ULL3IZEX$EEP X EA (ALF3IZE,ONGX$EEP X EA (ALF3IZE,ONGX$EEP X EA (ALF3IZEX$EEP X EA (ALF3IZEX$EEP X EA (ALF3IZEX$EEP X EA 4HIRD3IZEX$EEP X EA 4HIRD3IZEX$EEP X EA &OURTH3IZEX$EEP X EA &OURTH3IZEX$EEP X EA 3IXTH3IZEX$EEP X EA 3IXTH3IZEX$EEP X EA .INTH3IZEX$EEP X EA 2. B. A 1 CARLISLE FLEXIBLE FOOD PAN COVERS - Unique inside seal design provides superior leak-resistance and keeps your foods fresher, longer. Perfect for catering or transporting foods to offsite locations. Easy-grip reinforced corner tab, provides a quick and easy way to remove or reapply lid. Molded-in lid size on top of each lid offers immediate identification. Polyethylene material is dishwasher safe. For use in -40 to 180°F. ,ID &ULL3IZE EA ,ID (ALF3IZE EA ,ID 4HIRD3IZE EA ,ID &OURTH3IZE EA ,ID 3IXTH3IZE EA ,ID .INTH3IZE EA 777393#/#/- 2 B 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES &//$34/2!'% DESCRIPTION A. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. SIZE PACK SUPC SYSCO HIGH TEMPERATURE FOOD PANS AND COVERS - Made of amber polysulfone for use in temperatures ranging from -40 to 375ºF. Dishwasher and microwave safe. Not for use with open flame. NSF certified. &ULL3IZEX$EEP X EA &ULL3IZEX$EEP X EA (ALF3IZEX$EEP X EA (ALF3IZEX$EEP X EA (ALF3IZEX$EEP X EA 4HIRD3IZEX$EEP X EA 4HIRD3IZEX$EEP X EA &OURTH3IZEX$EEP X EA 3IXTH3IZEX$EEP X EA 3IXTH3IZEX$EEP X EA 3OLID#OVER &ULL3IZE EA 3OLID#OVER (ALF3IZE EA 3OLID#OVER 4HIRD3IZE EA 3OLID#OVER &OURTH3IZE EA 3OLID#OVER 3IXTH3IZE EA 3LOTTED#OVER (ALF3IZE EA 3LOTTED#OVER 4HIRD3IZE EA 3LOTTED#OVER &OURTH3IZE EA 3LOTTED#OVER 3IXTH3IZE EA A ® CARLISLE FOOD PANS - Designer food pans in break-resistant melamine. Lighter than comparable ceramic or enamel with reduced risk of breakage. Good for coldfood bar display or serving. NSF listed. Safe for temperature up to 212°F. &ULL3IZE &IRENZE'REEN XX "ONE XX 2OMA2ED XX .APOLI0LUM XX 6ENETIAN4AN XX 7HITE XX "LACK XX EA EA EA EA EA EA EA &ULL3IZE$EEP &IRENZE'REEN XX "ONE XX 2OMA2ED XX .APOLI0LUM XX 6ENETIAN4AN XX 7HITE XX "LACK XX EA EA EA EA EA EA EA (ALF3IZE &IRENZE'REEN XX "ONE XX 2OMA2ED XX .APOLI0LUM XX 6ENETIAN4AN XX "LACK XX 7HITE XX EA EA EA EA EA EA EA (ALF3IZE$EEP &IRENZE'REEN XX "ONE XX 2OMA2ED XX .APOLI0LUM XX 6ENETIAN4AN XX "LACK XX 7HITE XX EA EA EA EA EA EA EA 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- B 2 3 1 4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES &//$34/2!'% DESCRIPTION A. B. C. SIZE E. F. SUPC SUPC &ITS(ALF3IZE EA &ITS4HIRD3IZE EA &ITS&OURTH3IZE EA A SYSCO FOOD BOXES AND LIDS - Clear, polycarbonate, stain-resistant with tight fitting snap-on lids. Dishwasher and freezer safe. NSF listed. XX GAL EA XX GAL EA XX GAL EA XX GAL EA XX GAL EA XX GAL EA XX GAL EA XX GAL EA ,IDFORX EA ,IDFORX EA B SYSCO COLANDER - Drain food quickly and conveniently. Ideal for marinating. NSF listed. XX D. PACK CARLISLE DRAIN SHELF - Feature sturdy feet to support contents and allow space for easy drainage. Polycarbonate construction. NSF listed, dishwasher safe. EA C CAMBRO® ECONOMY FOOD BOXES AND LIDS - Natural white polyethylene container. Stain-resistant. Fights acids and odors. Dishwasher safe. NSF listed. XX GAL EA XX GAL EA XX GAL EA XX GAL EA XX GAL EA XX GAL EA XX GAL EA ,IDFORX EA ,IDFORX EA D VOLLRATH DRAIN BOX AND COVER - Features drain holes for sanitary thawing of fish, poultry, fruits and vegetables. Can be used with ice to keep prepared foods chilled. Dishwasher safe, freezer safe. Includes bus box, perforated drain box and cover. #OMPLETE5NIT X EA #OVER/NLY X EA E SYSCO SQUARE FOOD STORAGE CONTAINERS AND LIDS - Clear, break-resistant polycarbonate. Capacity indicators, in gallons and liters, are color-coded to match lids. Can withstand temperatures from -40 to 212ºF. NSF certified. QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA ,IDFORQT EA ,IDFORQT EA ,IDFORQT EA 777393#/#/- F 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES &//$34/2!'% DESCRIPTION A. B. C. D. PACK SUPC CARLISLE ECONOMY SQUARE CONTAINERS AND COVERS - Economical, translucent polyethylene withstands temperatures from -40 to 180ºF. Snap-on, airtight lids are tabbed for easy on and off. Molded-in graduations indicate capacity. NSF listed. Dishwasher safe. QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA ,IDFORQT EA ,IDFORQT EA A SYSCO CLEAR ROUND FOOD STORAGE CONTAINERS AND LIDS - Break-resistant polycarbonate. Liquid graduations (US and metric) on one side, dry graduations on the other. Withstands temperatures -40 to 210ºF. Food acids, oils and alcohol won't stain or harm the containers. NSF certified. QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA ,IDFORQT EA ,IDFORQT EA ,IDFORQT EA ,IDFORQT EA B CARLISLE TRANSLUCENT BAIN MARIE STORAGE CONTAINERS AND COVERS Seamless polypropylene construction and molded-in handles for easy lifting. NSF listed. Suitable for temperatures ranging from 32 to 170ºF. Snap-on, air-tight lids are tabbed for easy on and off operations. NSF listed and dishwasher safe. QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA #OVERFORQT EA #OVERFORQT EA #OVERFORQT EA C CAMBRO® ECONOMY ROUND FOOD STORAGE CONTAINERS AND LIDS - Impact, stain and chemical resistant poly material with imprinted graduations and moldedin handles. NSF listed. QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA #OVERFORQT EA #OVERFORQT EA #OVERFORQT EA #OVERFORQT EA 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- D SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES &//$34/2!'% DESCRIPTION A. B. SIZE PACK SUPC SYSCO BULK ROUND FOOD CONTAINERS AND LIDS - Injection molding of engineered resins provides toughness to the round containers. NSF listed. GAL EA GAL EA GAL EA GAL EA ,IDFORGAL EA ,IDFORGAL EA ,IDFORGAL EA ,IDFORGAL EA $OLLY EA A NEW ANVIL VACUUM PACKING MACHINE - Anvil's vacuum packing machines extend the shelf life of perishable food products by removing the air that surrounds the product, thereby preventing the growth of bacteria and mold. 6ACUUM0ACKER 6 "AG X EA "AG X EA "AG X EA "AG X EA B 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES &//$34/2!'% DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK SUPC SYSCO INGREDIENT BINS - Sloped lid design lets you see what’s inside even when placed under a counter or work table. It also gives access to contents without having to move the bin. Two-piece lids tilt up or slide back for convenient access. Two fixed and two swivel casters for easy maneuverability when fully loaded. NSF listed. GAL EA GAL EA A ® B. CAMBRO INGREDIENT BINS - Designed to fit under standard work tables to store bulk dry ingredients. FDA accepted poly body. Features a flat, clear polycarbonate slide-back lid. Heavy duty 3" casters are bolted into molded in steel plates. No liners needed. NSF listed. GAL EA CRISPER BINS - Used as a self contained system for storing, washing and transporting bulk produce. Prevents cross-contamination and minimizes unnecessary handling. First, transfer produce out of cartons into the clean bin. Cover and roll into the cooler for safe storage. When ready to prep, roll the bin out, wash and rinse, leaving the produce in the crisper bin. Roll clean produce into the kitchen prep. C. CAMBRO CAMCRISPER® BIN - One piece, high-density polyethylene bin won't transfer odors or flavors. Features a clear polycarbonate slide-back lid for easy identification of contents. A threaded drain faucet and polycarbonate drain shelf combine to eliminate standing water. Heavy duty 3" casters are bolted into moldedin steel plates. No liners needed. NSF listed. GAL D. EA CONTINENTAL MANUFACTURING CRISPER BIN - Includes dolly, base container, perforated liner, lid and drain spigot. Twist on/off dolly allows for easy mobility, even when full. The drain faucet eliminates lifting and tipping when draining the contents. USDA accepted material. GAL B 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 EA C D 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES -!.5!,&//$02%0!2!4)/. DESCRIPTION SIZE PACK SUPC SUPC A SYSCO cutters, slicers and wedgers are constructed of cast aluminum with stainless steel blades and non-slip feet. Two year limited warranty. NSF listed, they mean consistent food quality, greater portion control and reduced food waste from even your least experienced employees. A. B. C. D. E. E SYSCO WEDGER - Perfect wedges every time utilizing stainless steel blades that minimize bruising. Ideal for cutting citrus fruits for the bar or vegetables for the salad bar. 3ECT EA 3ECT EA 3ECT EA "LADE!SSEMBLY3ECT EA "LADE!SSEMBLY3ECT EA SYSCO TOMATO SLICER - Includes a free tomato scooper. Also slices strawberries and mushrooms. A stainless steel table grip holds the slicer steady while you push product through the blades. 4OMATO3LICER EA 4OMATO3LICER EA "LADE!SSEMBLY EA "LADE!SSEMBLY EA 4OMATO3LICER EA "LADE!SSEMBLY EA "LADE!SSEMBLY EA LINCOLN REDCO TOMATO PRO SLICER LINCOLN REDCO INSTANT-SLICE TOMATO SLICER 4OMATO3LICER EA "LADE!SSEMBLY EA B SYSCO FRENCH FRY CUTTER - This unit requires wall mounting to ensure proper leverage. Fits in the same mounting holes as most other machines. &RENCH&RY#UTTER EA &RENCH&RY#UTTER EA D C 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES -!.5!,&//$02%0!2!4)/. DESCRIPTION A. SIZE ,ETTUCE#UTTER X B. D. SUPC EA A EA SYSCO CHOPPER/DICER - Suitable for easy chopping and dicing of onions, tomatoes, potatoes, celery, peppers and other firm vegetables. A weighted handle facilitates one stroke cuts. #HOPPER$ICER EA #HOPPER$ICER EA #HOPPER$ICER EA "LADE!SSEMBLY EA B C LINCOLN® REDCO® INSTA-BLOOM® CUTTER - Made of heavy duty cast aluminum. Create and serve unique appetizers quickly and easily. 3ECT E. SUPC SYSCO ONION/VEGETABLE SLICER - Top-down drive to slice with one stroke. Processes up to a 4" diameter onion. Also great for fruits and vegetables, including firm tomatoes. /NION3LICER C. PACK SYSCO LETTUCE CUTTER - This model processes a whole head of cored lettuce at one time. A manual locking pin keeps pusher block safely in place until operator is ready to cut. Angled, cast aluminum legs with non-slip feet provide a stable platform. EA LINCOLN® REDCO 5-CONE FOOD CUTTER - This cutter comes with the following cones: #1-Shredder, #2-String, #3-French Fry Cut, #4-Thin Slice, and #5-Krinkle Kut. Heavy nickel plated finish will stay bright and won't rust. 3UCTION"ASE EA !SSEMBLY"LADE EA !SSEMBLY"LADE EA LINCOLN REDCO ONION KING BLADE ASSEMBLY D LINCOLN REDCO TOMATO KING BLADE ASSEMBLY "LADE EA "LADE EA E 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES -!.5!,&//$02%0!2!4)/. DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK SUPC JB PRINCE MANDOLINE CUTTER - Made of stainless steel, this cutter features an adjustable flat blade, adjustable ridged blade and 38-blade cutter (" and " spacing). Protector guard keeps operator hands away from cutting blades. -ANDOLINE X EA 0ROTECTOR'UARD EA B. MATFER MANDOLINE - The stainless steel Matfer Mandoline has been designed to be easy to use. It has one handle to hold in position during the chef's work, a smooth inclined plane, a perfect adjustment of the blades by milled nuts (6) and one adjustable foot. C. MATFER MANDOLINE WITH PUSHER - Frame and safety guard/pusher made from Exoglass®, a sanitary, nonporous material that withstands dishwasher detergents and sanitizers. The stainless steel guiding plate adjusts to varying thicknesses. Includes set of 3 julienne blades (3mm, 5mm, 10mm) and 1 two-sided slicing blade for straight slices and waffle or crinkle cuts. -ANDOLINE EA -ANDOLINEW0USHER D. EA E. F. EA H. I H B MATFER MANUAL SALAD SPINNER - Manual salad spin dryer. Made of polypropylene. 3ALAD3PINNER GAL EA 3ALAD3PINNER*R GAL EA CHEF•MASTER MANUAL SALAD SPINNER - Heavy-duty construction makes this salad dryer a must-have for restaurant use. By using our salad dryer, dressing “clings” to the lettuce. This not only cuts down on the amount of dressing used but also makes for better presentation. Patented brake system. 3ALAD3PINNER GAL G. SYSCO TIN-PLATE FOOD MILL WITH 3 BLADES - Purée cooked vegetables at 2 to 3 lbs. per minute. Equipped with three interchangeable grids of fine, medium and large grind. Fits on any pan or bowl with a diameter of 7" to 12 ¼". 5-quart capacity. -ATFER&OOD-ILL A EA F. DICK SAUSAGE STUFFERS - Features stainless steel cylinder, base plate and support rods, plastic piston, and plastic-coated gear box. Quick disassembly for easy cleaning. Four filling tubes included. Models offered for 24 and 30 lb. capacity. LBCAPACITY EA LBCAPACITY EA C SUNKIST FRUIT CUTTER - Cuts clean, uniform citrus wedges with one stroke. #UT EA #UT EA 3LICE SLICE EA "LADE#UPSWITH#OVER 7EDGE EA 7EDGE EA 3LICE SLICE EA 0LUNGERS 7EDGE EA 3LICE SLICE EA G D F 777393#/#/- E 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 3#!,%3 WEIGHING IN ON THE IMPORTANCE OF PORTION CONTROL The following charts show examples of protein costs broken down into common protein sizes and the loss factor that could result from using inaccurate scales. It is easy to see how quickly profits are lost, but more importantly, you can see how quickly an accurate, dependable scale pays for itself many times over. SYSCO knows the importance of maintaining accuracy to ensure profitability. That’s why we manufacture our scales with stainless steel mechanisms, including the springs, not just the scale housing. EXAMPLE ONE If your protein (veal, cheese, pork, beef, fish, etc.) costs $2.00 per pound and your scale is off ¼ ounce, you lose 3.1 cents every time you serve a portion. 30 portions per day = $.93 per day 6 days per week = $5.58 per week 52 weeks = $290.16 per year A 3-Year figure = $870.48 EXAMPLE TWO If your protein costs $6.00 per pound and your scale is off 1/8 ounce, you lose 4.7 cents per portion served. 30 portions per day = $1.41 per day 6 days per week = $8.46 per week 52 weeks = $439.92 per year SYSCO scales also can be recalibrated in the field so you don’t waste time worrying whether your scale is accurate. Optional calibration kits keep your scales accurate and your portion costs in line. A 3-Year figure = $1,319.76 Let SYSCO help to minimize waste and loss in your kitchen by using accurate scales and equipment. 30 portions per day = $14.10 per day EXAMPLE THREE If your protein costs $10.00 per pound and your scale is off ¾ ounce, you lose 47 cents per portion served. 6 days per week = $84.60 per week 52 weeks = $4,399.20 per year A 3-Year figure = $13,197.60 EXAMPLE FOUR If your protein costs $18.00 per pound and your scale is off ½ ounce, you lose 53.6 cents per portion served. 30 portions per day = $16.89 per day 777393#/#/- 6 days per week = $101.31 per week 52 weeks = $5,269.68 per year A 3-Year figure = $15,809.04 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 3#!,%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. SIZE EA LBXOZ EA E. F. G. EA EDLUND E-SERIES ELECTRONIC SCALE 160 OZ. - Digital economy portion scale. 160 oz./5000 gm. Portion x .1 oz./1 gm. Battery or AC use. AC adapter included. NSF certified. EA B C SYSCO FIXED DIAL SCALES - Easy to read dials. Rustproof, stainless steel construction including springs and mechanisms. NSF certified. Made in USA. Washable. OZXOZ EA LBXOZ EA SYSCO ROTATING DIAL SCALES - Stainless steel. Features a rotatable dial for convenient tare adjustment. 6 ¼" x 5" platform on all except 8" x 8" platform on dashpot scale. NSF certified. Made in USA. Washable. LBXOZ EA LBXOZ EA LBXOZ EA OZXOZWITH!IR$ASHPOTFOR&ASTER 2EADING EA D SYSCO 4 STAR ROTATING DIAL SCALES - Rotating dial for easy taring. Air dashpot mechanism eliminates needle bounce. Dial can be removed for cleaning. 30 degree angle fronts for easy readouts. Will not rust or chip. Stainless steel construction inside and out. Oversized platform, 7" x 8 ¾". NSF certified. Made in USA. Washable. LBXOZ EA LBXOZ EA OZXOZ EA OZXOZWITH!IR$ASHPOT EA ® PELOUZE JUNIOR FIXED DIAL SCALE - Accurate and compact for weighing small portions. High impact plastic with a stainless steel platform. OZXOZ H. A EDLUND FIXED DIAL SCALE 32 OZ. X ¼ OZ. - Stainless steel fixed dial portion scale. Made in USA. Washable. 3CALE D. SUPC LBXOZ 3CALE OZXOZ C. PACK SYSCO STAINLESS STEEL DIGITAL SCALES - Digital models offer new easy-toread larger LCD readout, auto shut-off and push-button tare. Increased accuracy and moisture resistance. Ounce or gram capacity. USDA accepted. NSF certified. Includes 9V DC adapter. EA PELOUZE® HEAVY DUTY FIXED DIAL SCALES - Featuring 8" dial, baked enamel finish and 9" x 9" platform. OZXOZ EA OZXOZ EA OZXOZ EA G E H F 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 3#!,%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. SIZE EA LBXOZ EA LBXOZ EA LBXOZ EA EA EA EA PELOUZE UTILITY SCALE - 1-year limited warranty. Shock-resistant ribbed platform with stainless steel subframe. Recessed memory lock retains reading when dial is obscured. Lexan shatter-proof, recessed dial cover. Large legible numbers. Easy-toclean. Recessed adjustment knob. Shock-resistant precision weighing instrument. EA EA EA GLOBE® PRICE COMPUTING SCALE - This legal-for-trade scale can accurately weight from .01 to 30 pounds. A bright fluorescent-type display shows the weight, unit price and total price. Fifteen keys can be preset and accessed with one touch. Includes a 6-foot cord and NEMA 15P plug, therefore, one transformer is required. The S-S recessed platter is ideal for holding items. Adds multiple transactions up to $9,999.99. EA F E GLOBE SAFE HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS LABEL - Safe handling labels for GSP30A scale. Case of 12 rolls. 625 labels per roll. Label size 2.48"W x 2.32"H. Safe handling instructions are pre-printed on label. EA GLOBE ADHESIVE LABELS FOR GSP30A - Adhesive labels for GSP30A scale. Case of 12 rolls. 835 labels per roll. Label size 2.36" x 1.79" (60mm x 44mm). ,ABELS 2OLLS J D GLOBE ELECTRONIC SCALE WITH TOWER - Price computing scale with display tower. Weighs .01 to 30 lbs. ,ABELS 2OLLS J. GLOBE DIGITAL 30 LBS SCALE - Legal-for-trade scale with label printing abilities. Accurately weighs from .01 lbs. to 30 lbs. This scale is designed to serve delis, candy stores, coffee shops, and restaurants where packaged products are sold. Stores up to 3800 PLU’s. 3CALE I. ® 3CALE H. C EDLUND BAKER'S DOUGH SCALE - Comes complete with oversized footed plastic scoop, counter weight and full set of measuring weights. Stainless steel platters, poise and beam, and rubber footpads. Made in USA. NSF certified. 3CALE G. PELOUZE® FRENCH FRY SCALE - Convenient and accurate with helpful stainless steel holding tray. High impact plastic exterior. LBXLB F. B PELOUZE ICE CREAM SCALE - This fixed dial scale features a plastic chassis and stainless steel platform. LBXOZ E. A ® OZXOZ D. SUPC OZXOZ OZXOZ C. PACK PELOUZE® ROTATING DIAL SCALES - Easy to read, color coded rotating dial. Compensates for the weight of the container so only the content weight is displayed. Clear shatterproof lens, aluminum chassis and 6" x 4 ¾" stainless steel platform. EA H I G 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +.)6%3 DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK SUPC SYSCO IMPERIAL CUTLERY - The finest professional cutlery for the discriminating chef, combining modern European styling and the cutting performance of American craftsmanship. Each blade is crafted from the highest quality stain-free, highcarbon steel, heat treated to precise hardness. Edges are hand-ground to ultimate sharpness. Beautifully laminated handles, fashioned from traditional rosewood, are secured with large brass compression rivets and are impervious to stain, hot water and food acids. 4OURNE+NIFE&ORGED EA 0ARING+NIFE EA .ARROW"ONING+NIFE&ORGED EA &LEXIBLE"ONING+NIFE&ORGED EA 3CALLOPED/FFSET"READ3LICER EA 3CALLOPED"READ3LICER&ORGED EA $UO%DGE3ANTOKU+NIFE&ORGED EA #HEFgS+NIFE EA #HEFgS+NIFE EA #HEFgS+NIFE EA #HEFgS+NIFE&ORGED EA #HEFgS+NIFE&ORGED EA #HEFgS+NIFE&ORGED EA $UO%DGE3LICER EA $UO%DGE3LICER EA 10. $UO%DGE3LICER7IDE EA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B. SET SET F. SET 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B C 2 SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND KNIFE KITS - Black Diamond cutlery features fully forged blades of high-carbon, no-stain, taper-ground German steel. Ergonomic Santoprene® handles are shaped to fit your hand, providing no-slip comfort and additional safety. 0IECE+IT EA 0IECE+IT EA 0IECE"AG/NLY EA SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND2 USUBA KNIFE - Asian-style knife for slicing paper-thin vegetables. 5SUBA+NIFE D 3 SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND2 KNIFE SET WITH GLASS BLOCK - 6 piece set: 5 knives and 1 stainless steel with tempered glass block. Set includes an 8" Chef Knife, 8" Bread Knife, 6" Flexible Boning Knife, 5" Utility Knife and a 3½" Paring Knife and the glass block. Exclusive to SYSCO. 0IECE E. 2 SYSCO IMPERIAL CHEF'S CUTLERY KIT - Includes 3" Parer, 5" Forged Narrow Boning, 9" Scalloped Offset Slicer, 10" Cook's Knife, 12" Duo-Edge Roast Slicer, 7" Forged Bayonet Fork, 12" Diamond Sharpener in a 7 piece case. 0IECE D. 1 SYSCO IMPERIAL EXECUTIVE CHEF'S KIT - Includes 6 forged pieces: 3.5" Parer, 6" Narrow Boning, 7" Bayonet Fork, 7" Santoku Knife, 9" Scalloped Bread Knife, 10" Cook’s Knife. Also includes 12" Duo-Edge Roast Slicer, 12" Diamond Sharpener in an 8 piece case with shoulder strap. 0IECE C. A EA E F 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +.)6%3 DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK SUPC SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND CUTLERY - A full line of forged knives with a unique, ergonomically designed polypropylene handle for impressive look, feel and comfort. Black Diamond cutlery is made in Germany and features high-carbon stainless steel for enduring sharpness cut after cut. A 6 5 7 8 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 0ARING+NIFE EA 0ARING+NIFE EA "ONING+NIFE EA 2 "ONING+NIFE&LEXIBLE EA 1 #LEAVER EA "READ+NIFE/FFSET EA "READ+NIFE EA #HEF’S+NIFE EA #HEF’S+NIFE EA #HEF’S+NIFE EA 2OAST"EEF3LICER EA 3ALMON+NIFE EA (OLLOW'ROUND3LICER EA (OLLOW'ROUND3LICER EA "ONING+NIFE3TIFF EA "UTCHER+NIFE#IMETER EA "UTCHER+NIFE#IMETER EA 0ARING+NIFE&ORGED EA 0ARING+NIFE&ORGED EA 3LICER&ORGED EA 3LICER&ORGED EA "ONING+NIFE&ORGED EA &ILET+NIFE&ORGED EA #HEF’S+NIFE&ORGED EA #HEF’S+NIFE&ORGED EA #HEF’S+NIFE&ORGED EA B. SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND2 CUTLERY - Black Diamond2 cutlery features fully forged blades of high-carbon, no-stain, taper-ground German steel. Ergonomic Santoprene® handles are shaped to fit your hand, providing no-slip comfort and additional safety. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 0ARING+NIFE EA 5TILITY+NIFE EA #ARVING+NIFE EA #ARVING+NIFE EA #HEF’S+NIFE EA #HEF’S+NIFE EA "ONING+NIFE EA "READ+NIFE EA 3ANTOKU+NIFE EA #ARVING&ORK EA 9 3 10 14 13 12 15 11 16 17 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 B 1 2 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 3 4 5 6 777393#/#/- 7 8 9 10 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +.)6%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. C. SIZE PACK SUPC SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND CUTLERY KIT - Heavy duty, leather-look, vinyl bag. The 7 piece kit includes eleven pockets to contain a 3.5" Forged Paring Knife, 7" Offset Bread Knife, 10" Forged Chef Knife, 6" Stiff Boning, 8" Forged Slicer, 6" Forged Meat Fork and 12" Sharpening Steel. The 3 piece kit includes an 8" Chef knife, 5" Boning and 3" Paring Knife rolled into a 6-pocket bag. 0IECE EA 0IECE EA SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND KNIFE ROLL CASES - Heavy duty, leather-look, vinyl bag stores cutlery safely and conveniently. The 6 piece bag rolls closed and is secured with double snaps. The 11 piece bag closes with double snaps and features a plastic carry handle and shoulder strap. 0IECE EA 0IECE EA SYSCO ROSEWOOD HANDLE CUTLERY - The traditional choice of professionals for quality, comfort and durability. Blades are stamped from the finest quality stainfree, high-carbon steel, heat-treated to precise hardness and edges hand ground to ultimate sharpness. Natural rosewood handles are tightly secured with highcompression brass rivets. Each piece is carefully finished for proper fit between the handle and tang. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0ARING+NIFE#LIP0OINT EA 0ARING+NIFE EA #OOK’S+NIFE EA 3CALLOPED"READ+NIFE/FFSET EA 3CALLOPED"READ+NIFE#URVED EA D. SYSCO CHINESE CHEF KNIFE - Hardwood handle. 3TAINLESS3TEEL"LADE X EA (IGH#ARBON3TEEL"LADE X EA E. F. A ® DEXTER-RUSSELL Rosewood handle. B CLEAVERS - High-carbon steel blade with hanging hole. #LEAVERLB EA #LEAVERLB EA F. DICK COMPETITION CHEF KNIFE - Features symbols imprinted on the blade for the most common competition tasks on one side and a convenient ruler on the other. High-carbon stainless steel. &ORGED EA C 1 2 3 E 4 5 D F 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +.)6%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. SIZE PACK SUPC SUPC F. DICK CHEF'S SET - Hard plastic, folding case with shoulder straps protects your knives and facilitates transportation. Kit includes: 7" Kitchen Fork, 9" Spatula, 8" and 10" Chef’s Knives, 8" Slicer, 10" Wavy Edge Slicer, 5" Boning Knife, 12" Sharpening Steel, 3" Paring Knife, 3 ½" Utility Knife, Orange Peeler, Potato Peeler, Parisian Scoop, and Lemon Grater. &ORGED+ITPC EA 3TAMPED+ITPC EA A F. DICK BLOCK SET CUTLERY BLOCK - Includes 10" Steel, 8" Chef Knife, 8" Bread Knife, 3 ½" Parer, 4 ½" Utility Knife and Hardwood Block. &ORGEDPC EA 3TAMPEDPC EA ® SYSCO SANI-SOFT CUTLERY - The non-slip, soft handle literally molds to your hand, ensuring a comfortable and secure grip. Made in America, Sani-Soft® combines the world's sharpest hand-honed edge in stain-free, high-carbon steel with an ergonomically designed handle. NSF certified. Available in white or SYSCO blue handles to hide stains. 7HITE "LUE 0ARING+NIFE EA 0ARING+NIFE#LIP0OINT EA 0ARING+NIFE3CALLOPED EA &RUIT+NIFE EA 3CALLOPED3LICER/FFSET EA 3CALLOPED3LICER/FFSET EA 3LICER3CALLOPED EA 3LICER3CALLOPED EA 3LICER3CALLOPED EA 3LICER4IGER%DGE EA "ONING+NIFE.ARROW EA "ONING+NIFE&LEXIBLE EA 3CALLOPED"READ+NIFE EA 3CALLOPED/FFSET"READ+NIFE EA 3CALLOPED"READ+NIFE EA #OOK’S+NIFE EA #OOK’S+NIFE EA EA EA EA EA EA 12. #OOK’S+NIFE 13. #OOK’S+NIFE3CALLOPED #OOK’S+NIFE 14. 2OAST"EEF3LICER3CALLOPED 15. 2OAST"EEF3LICER'RANTON%DGE B 9 10 C 11 1 2 12 4 13 6 14 8 15 3 5 7 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +.)6%3 DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK SUPC SUPC SYSCO SANI-SOFT® CUTLERY KITS - Available with white or SYSCO blue handles, these kits include a 3.25" Paring Knife, 6" Narrow Boning, 10" Cook's Knife, 8" Scalloped Utility Knife, 9" Scalloped Offset Slicer, 12" Duo-Edge Roast Slicer, 12" Diamond Sharpener in a 7 piece roll case. 0IECE ® EA 7HITE "LUE ® B. DEXTER-RUSSELL SANI-SAFE CUTLERY - High quality, stain-free, high-carbon steel blades with "Grip-Tex" polypropylene handles. Bacteria, moisture, fats or grease cannot penetrate the seal of the blade and handle. NSF certified. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 0ARING+NIFE#OOKgS3TYLE EA 0ARING+NIFE#LIP0OINT EA 6EGETABLE0RODUCE+NIFE EA "ONING+NIFE.ARROW#URVED3TIFF EA "ONING+NIFE7IDE EA &ILET+NIFE.ARROW EA &ILET+NIFE7IDE EA 3LICER3CALLOPED EA 3CALLOPED"READ+NIFE EA 2OAST3LICER3CALLOPED EA #IMETER EA #IMETER EA "UTCHER’S+NIFE EA 12. "UTCHER’S+NIFE 13. $OUBLE(ANDLED#HEESE+NIFE EA EA C. D. 1. A B 2 3 4 DEXTER-RUSSELL® SANI-SAFE® OYSTER KNIVES - Ideal for opening oyster shells to remove the meat. 0ROVIDENCE EA .EW(AVEN EA 'ALVESTON EA 5 SYSCO COMBO PACK CUTLERY - A selection of our most popular cutlery items. These items make cutlery buying more convenient and cost effective. Available with white or SYSCO blue handles. "AR3ET )NCLUDESA3CALLOPED0ARERAND 3CALLOPED&RUIT+NIFE 2. "READ+NIVES )NCLUDESAND3CALLOPED3LICERS 3. 3TARTER3ET )NCLUDESA0ARER.ARROW"ONINGAND #OOKgSKNIFE 1 7HITE "LUE PC PC 6 7 8 PC C 9 10 D 11 1 12 2 3 777393#/#/- 13 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +.)6%3 DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK SUPC SYSCOWARE® ECONOMY CUTLERY - A money saving alternative to the Sani-Safe® line, Syscoware® cutlery items are made from 400 series stain-free, high-carbon steel and are razor hollow ground for easy edge maintenance and rapid re-sharpening. Handles are made of high-impact, slip-resistant polypropylene. NSF certified. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0ARING+NIFE4APERED0OINT EA "ONING+NIFE.ARROW EA 3CALLOPED"READ3LICER EA 3CALLOPED3LICER/FFSET EA 3LICER3CALLOPED EA #OOKgS+NIFE EA #OOKgS+NIFE7IDE EA #IMETER EA B. SYSCO EUROCUT KNIVES - German manufactured, yet economically priced, Eurocut knives feature a non-slip, oversized handle for a firm grip that reduces hand and arm fatigue. The black, molded handle reduces visible stains. NSF approved. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 0ARING+NIFE#LIP0OINT EA 0ARING+NIFE3ERRATED EA 2OAST"EEF3LICER3ERRATED EA "READ+NIFE/FFSET EA "READ+NIFE EA "ONING+NIFE3TIFF"LADE EA #OOK’S+NIFE EA #OOK’S+NIFE EA 8. 2OAST"EEF3LICER(OLLOW'ROUND EA 9. -ULTIPACKEDPARINGKNIVESINCLUDEA0EELING+NIFE#LIP0OINT0ARING+NIFEAND 3ERRATED0ARING+NIFE 0ARING+NIFE3ET EA C. MERCERT JAPANESE USUBA SLICING KNIFE - Also known as nakiri, this Asianstyle knife with a classic rectangular shape is designed to quickly slice produce paper-thin, especially vegetables without hard seeds. 3LICING+NIFE D. E. F. EA A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 B MERCERT JAPANESE SASHIMI SLICING KNIFE - Also known as yanagi and sujihiki, they are equivalent to the utility knife. These professional knifes are perfect for everyday slicing and dicing. 3LICING+NIFE EA 3LICING+NIFE EA 1 2 MERCERT JAPANESE DEBA SLICING KNIFE - These "pointed carvers" are a heavier, thicker chef's knife often used as a light- to medium-duty cleaver. Ideal for cutting fish, meat, hard vegetables, and for chopping. 3 3LICING+NIFE EA 4 3LICING+NIFE EA MERCERT JAPANESE SANTOKU SLICING KNIFE - Literally "three-virtues" this allpurpose, Asian-style knife is for slicing, dicing, mincing. Granton edge allows fast, easy cutting. 3LICING+NIFE EA 5 6 C D 7 8 E F 9 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +.)6%3 DESCRIPTION A. SIZE #URVED+NIFE B. SUPC A EA EA EA FORSCHNER KNIFE SLICER GRANTON EDGE 3LICER+NIFE C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. VICTORINOX — FIBROX HANDLE D. VICTORINOX - High carbon stainless steel with nylon handle. )NCH"ONING+NIFE B #HEF’S+NIFE EA "READ+NIFE EA #HEF’S3LICER EA #URVED"ONING+NIFE EA 6ICTORINOX0ARING+NIFE EA 3TRAIGHT"ONING+NIFE EA EA #LEAVER E. PACK FORSCHNER KNIFE CIMETER CURVED ROSEWOOD HANDLE C 1 2 KATCHALL CUTTING BOARD - The patented Food Safety Hook ensures sanitary carrying, preventing body or apparel contact. Boards hang on wire shelving for safe drying and storage. Durable co-polymer construction provides superior heat, chemical and warp resistance in commercial dishwashers. Tough surface won’t dull knives and prevents unsafe cut-grooving where dirt and bacteria can hide. 3 "OARD3YSTEMINCLUDESEACHYELLOWREDBEIGEBLUEGREENWHITEANDA3MART#HART TOMATCHCOLORSTOPRODUCTGROUPS "OARD3YSTEM XX EA F. "OARD3YSTEM XX EA "OARD3YSTEM XX EA BOARDSYSTEMINCLUDESYELLOWREDGREENANDWHITEBOARDS "OARD3YSTEM XX EA "OARD3YSTEM XX EA "OARD3YSTEM XX EA 3TORAGE3TAND EA 4 5 KATCHALL® KOLOR-CUT™ COLOR CODED CUTTING BOARDS - The patented Food Safety Hook ensures sanitary carrying, preventing body or apparel contact. Boards hang on wire shelving for safe drying and storage. Durable co-polymer construction provides superior heat, chemical and warp resistance in commercial dishwashers. Tough surface won’t dull knives and prevents unsafe cut-grooving where dirt and bacteria can hide. )NDIVIDUAL"OARDS "LUE XX EA 'REEN XX EA 2ED XX EA 9ELLOW XX EA 'REEN XX EA "LUE XX EA 2ED XX EA "EIGE XX EA "LUE XX EA 'REEN XX EA 2ED XX EA 7HITE XX EA 9ELLOW XX EA "LUE XX EA 6 7 D E F 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +.)6%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. C. D. SIZE F. G. SUPC "OARD#HART X EA "OARD#HART X EA A SYSCO WHITE CUTTING BOARDS - Extruded from 100% virgin, high density polyethylene. High heat resistance. Dishwasher safe. NSF imprinted on the board. XX EA XX EA XX EA TEKNOR APEX RAINBOW CUTTING BOARD - Each Rainbow Pak consists of 6 color-coded cutting boards to minimize the risk of cross contamination. High density polyethylene. Wall chart and cutting guide included. Certified by NSF, USDA and FDA. #UTTING"OARDS XX EA #UTTING"OARDS XX EA #UTTING"OARDS XX EA CARLISLE SCRAPER/RESURFACER FOR CUTTING BOARDS - Helps prolong the life of cutting boards; removes bacteria-harboring scratches. One piece plastic handle and stainless steel blade. Replacement blades available. 2ESURFACER E. PACK KATCHALL® SMART CHART - Graphically reminds employees to use different cutting boards for different foods and associates those foods with a particular color. EA B C ® SYSCO SANI-TUFF CUTTING BOARDS - These all rubber cutting boards last far longer than wood or plastic and can be resurfaced by sanding. The rubber's resiliency preserves knife edges longer. Won't crack, splinter, chip or swell. Won't absorb liquids or odors. NSF certified. THICK X EA THICK X EA THICK X EA THICK X EA KATCHALL® BOARD-MATE® - Placed under cutting boards to prevent slipping on virtually any work surface. Prevents cross-contamination caused by the alternative, "wet towel" method. Dishwasher safe. X EA X EA X EA SYSCO 4 PIECE KNIFE BLADE GUARD - Contains (1) 4" x 1", (1) 6" x 1", (1) 8" x 2" and 10" x 2". 'UARD 3ET EA D F E G 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +.)6%3 DESCRIPTION SIZE PACK SUPC A. EDLUND KNIFE RACKS - Corrosion-resistant stainless steel. NSF certified. Dishwasher safe. Will not dull blades. 1. (OLDS#HEF+NIVES#LEAVER3MALLER+NIVESAND3TEELS 3HORT3KIRT6ISIBLE+NIFE"LADES X EA ,ONG3KIRT%NCLOSED"LADES/PEN"ACKAND "OTTOM X EA ,ONG3KIRT%NCLOSED"LADES#LOSED"ACK /PEN"OTTOM X EA 2. (OLDS#LEAVEROR#HEF+NIVES3LICERS0ARING+NIVESAND3TEEL ,ONG3KIRT&ULLY%NCLOSEDCOMPACTUNIT .3&#ERTIlED X EA B. EDLUND ELECTRIC KNIFE SHARPENERS - Feature a precision guidance system to maintain a perfect edge. The ABS plastic knife guide sharpens knives from 3/16" to cleaver blades. The grinding wheel assembly is replaceable. NSF unit has a pop-out, easy to clean and replaceable knife guidance system. 1. 2. 6 EA 6.3&LISTED EA C. F. DICK KNIFE SHARPENING MACHINE - These compact, heavy duty machines offer professional, fast regrinding and honing of knives. Water cooled grinding wheels prevent burning of the knife blade. A magnetic holding device assures accurate angle and movement of the knife. After sharpening on grinding wheels, the knife is honed by moving it between counter rotating honing wheels. 3HARPENERWITH"UFlNG7HEEL EA SYSCO COOK’S FORK - Sani-Safe® handle. NSF listed. #OOK’S&ORK EA E. SYSCO COOK’S FORK - Heavy duty. Rosewood handle. #OOK’S&ORKSTAMPED EA F. SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND® FORKS - Plastic handle. +ITCHEN&ORK3TAMPED EA -EAT&ORK&ORGED EA #ARVING&ORK&ORGED EA D. G. A 2 1 B 1 2 C SYSCO EUROCUT CARVING FORK - German manufactured, yet economically priced. Black plastic handle. NSF listed. #ARVING&ORK EA F D G E 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +.)6%3 DESCRIPTION SIZE PACK SUPC SUPC A A. 1. 2. 3. 4. DEXTER-RUSSELL® FORKS - Rosewood Handle. B. SYSCO SANDWICH SPREADERS, SANI-SOFT® HANDLE - Soft feel, ergonomically designed handle. Available with white or SYSCO blue handles. NSF listed. #ARVING&ORK EA #HEFgS&ORK&ORGED EA #OOK&ORK EA "ROILER&ORK EA 1 7HITE "LUE 3TRAIGHT%DGE-ULTIPACK EA 3CALLOPED-ULTIPACK EA 2 3 C. SYSCO BAGEL SPREADER - Flexible blade. Polypropylene handle. D. DEXTER-RUSSELL® SANI-SAFE® SANDWICH SPREADERS - Slip-resistant polypropylene handles. NSF listed. 3TRAIGHT%DGE-ULTIPACK E. EA 3TRAIGHT%DGE-ULTIPACK EA 3TRAIGHT%DGE EA G. EA -AGNETIC+NIFE(OLDER EA -AGNETIC+NIFE(OLDER EA CREATIVE PRODUCTS EZ SHARP KNIFE SHARPENER - Made with indestructible tungsten carbide honers. Fool-proof tabletop stability. Exclusive safety shields. Strong, yet lightweight. EA ® DEXTER RUSSELL THREE-WAY KNIFE SHARPENER - Three ceramic sharpening rods with three different grades of coarseness for quick touch ups, dull or partially dull edges. 7AY3HARPENER I. B TABLECRAFT™ MAGNETIC KNIFE HOLDERS - Wooden base. Convenient, efficient and trouble free. %:3HARP H. 4 DEXTER-RUSSELL® SANDWICH SPREADER - Rosewood handle. 3TRAIGHT%DGE F. EA C NORTON OILSTONES - A complete sharpening unit for all commercial kitchen cutlery. Three individual stones are securely mounted in a steel frame, inside a reservoir type box. When one stone is being used, the others are immersed so they're ready for immediate use at the twist of a wrist. Features a heavy, non-skid base. #OMPLETE3HARPENING5NIT EA 2EPLACEMENT/ILSTONE#OARSEXX EA 2EPLACEMENT/ILSTONE-EDIUMXX EA 2EPLACEMENT/ILSTONE&INEXX EA H I D E F G 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +.)6%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. SIZE PACK SUPC NORTON BENCH STONES - Oil filled, coarse and fine stone combination for sharpening cutting tools and cutlery. #OARSE&INE#OMBINATION XX EA #OARSE&INE#OMBINATION'IANT XX EA EA A B NORTON BULK OIL - For use with all sharpening stones. /ILSTONE/IL OZ BUTCHER STEELS VERSUS SHARPENERS - A butcher steel hones a knife, bringing sharpness back to the edge. A sharpener will hone and sharpen, restoring dull edges to usable sharpness. C C. SYSCO IMPERIAL BUTCHER STEEL - Magnetized, medium coarseness, stain-free, high-carbon steel. 2OSEWOOD(ANDLE D. F. G. H. I. D 0LASTIC(ANDLE2OUND3HAFT EA 0LASTIC(ANDLE2OUND3HAFT EA E DEXTER-RUSSELL® BUTCHER STEELS - Magnetized, heavy weight, medium coarseness, serrated, high-carbon steel. (ARDWOOD(ANDLE EA (ARDWOOD(ANDLE EA DEXTER-RUSSELL® BUTCHER STEELS - Coarse, stain-free, high-carbon steel. Black Handle. 0OLYPROPYLENE(ANDLE EA 0OLYPROPYLENE(ANDLE EA SYSCO DIAMOND KNIFE SHARPENER - Constructed with a layer of electroplated nickel on a tubular steel rod embedded with microcrystalline industrial diamonds. Sani-Safe® is available in white or SYSCO blue handles. 3ANI3AFE(ANDLE EA 2OSEWOOD(ANDLE EA WARING ELECTRIC KNIFE SHARPENER - Two grinding wheels (fine/coarse), one stropping wheel. Grinds at 18–22° angles — optimum angles recommended by knife manufacturers. Stropping wheel operates in reverse direction allowing for a more efficient removal of burrs and polishing of the blade. Magnetized drawer under grinding wheel captures metal shavings. UL, NSF. EA EA F G H F. DICK MULTI-CUT SHARPENING STEEL - Surfaces for honing the edge with light pressure. Grooves with a grinding effect for sharpening with strong pressure. Flat. Fine cut. 0LASTIC(ANDLE K. EA SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND BUTCHER STEELS - Chrome-plated stainless steel with plastic molded handle and hanging ring. 3HARPENER J. SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND OVAL BUTCHER STEEL - Diamond coated sharpener keeps knives sharp. "UTCHER3TEEL E. EA I J SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND GARNISHING TOOLS - Each piece is stainless steel with a molded plastic handle. The Garnishing Kit includes a vegetable peeler, butter roller, small Parisian scoop, double Parisian scoop, apple corer, lemon zester and channel knife contained in a vinyl roll bag. 'ARNISHING+IT0IECE EA -ELON&RUIT"ALLER EA #HANNEL+NIFE EA $ECORATOR:ESTER EA 777393#/#/- K 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +.)6%3 DESCRIPTION A. SIZE 0IECE B. C. EA EA 'RAPEFRUIT+NIFE EA !PPLE#ORER DIA EA H. EA EA E F G EA ® BAGEL BITER BAGEL SLICER - This commercial-quality guillotine features a nonstick, coated stainless steel blade with serrated edge; a wide, impact-resistant base; and a sturdy ergonomic handle. Clear polycarbonate shields increase safety. Accommodates bagels up to 5" diameter and 2" thick. "AGEL"ITER3LICER EA 2EPLACEMENT"LADE"AGEL"ITER EA SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND® POULTRY SHEARS - High-carbon stainless steel blades will easily cut through bone. German made. EA H BROWNE-HALCO POULTRY SHEARS - Forged, chromed steel. Spring operated. Built-in bone crusher. EA ® SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND KITCHEN SHEARS - Cuts twine, parchment paper, phillo dough. German made. EA I FORSCHNER KITCHEN SHEARS - Nylon handle. Stainless steel blades. +ITCHEN3HEARS L. D BROWNE-HALCO GARNISHER - Stainless steel corrugated blade, hardwood handle. +ITCHEN3HEARS K. C MATFER ZESTER STENSLE DECORATOR - Made of stainless steel with a polypropylene handle. Perfect junction between blade and handle. Dishwasher safe. 0OULTRY3HEARS J. EA MATFER FRUIT KNIFE DECORATOR - Blade made of stainless steel. Black polypropylene handle. Dishwasher safe. 0OULTRY3HEARS I. B MATFER PICKLE/FRUIT SLICER - To enhance any fruit or vegetable presentation. All stainless blades. 8 blades. 'ARNISHER G. A ,EMON:ESTER :ESTER F. EA -ELON"ALLER &RUIT$ECORATOR+NIFE E. SUPC TABLECRAFT™ FIRM GRIP™ GARNISHING KIT AND TOOLS - Features ergonomic, soft grip handles. Kit includes a washable nylon case, fluted melon baller, tomato stem corer, double pastry cutter, zester, straight peeler, melon baller, paring knife, butter curler and apple corer. Dishwasher safe. 3LICER D. PACK SYSCO 9 PIECE GARNISHING KIT - Nylon case contains: Zester/Lemon Peeler, Fluted Melon Baller, Tomato Stem Corer, Melon Baller, Garnishing Knife, Double Pastry Cutter, Butter Curler, Straight Peeler, Apple Corer. Non-slip grips provide comfort and safety. Commercial-grade tools made of ABS plastic and stainless steel. Patented ergonomic handle locks in place and will not twist. Made of foodgrade material (Santoprene). Washable blue nylon case. EA ® EKCO KITCHEN SCISSORS - Plastic handle. Stainless steel blades. +ITCHEN3HEARS EA J L K 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES "!+).'3500,)%3 DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK 0IECE B. C. EA EA 9&RAME EA ® EKCO VEGETABLE PEELER - Household weight. Features a floating double-edge blade for peeling or paring left- or right-handed. EA G. H. F MATFER ALL PURPOSE PEELER - Made of stainless steel with a polypropylene handle. Perfect junction between blade and handle. Dishwasher safe. ® ® EA B C ® LINCOLN REDCO TOMATO KING SCOOPER - Stainless steel teeth work faster than a knife. One quick twist removes the tomato core, and your tomato is ready for slicing. 4OMATO+ING3COOPER F. 3WIVEL 0EELER E. A TABLECRAFT™ FIRM GRIP™ PEELERS - Ergonomic, non-slip handle reduces hand fatigue. "LADE D. SUPC FORSCHNER ICE CHISEL SET - Carbon steel, high polished wood handles. Includes the following chisels: (#1) 6" x 1", (#2) 5" x 1 ¼", (#3) 5" x ¾", (#6) 5" x 1", (#9) 4 ¾" x ¼" and (#10) 5" x ¾" ice chisels. EA ATECO WHEEL DIVIDERS - Save time when cutting brownies, cakes, pastry and pasta dough. Adjust to desired spacing, then lock with a set screw. Stainless steel wheels with plated steel rods. 7HEEL DIA EA 7HEEL DIA EA ATECO PLASTIC COATED DECORATING BAGS - Great for piping foods. Easy to clean, economically priced and won't slip in your hand. Made of print cloth lined with polyethylene. All sizes have rustproof eyelets. Made in USA. EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA D ATECO DISPOSABLE PASTRY BAGS - Save time by eliminating clean-up. Cut end of bag to fit size of tip to be used. 200 ct. bags come packed in a cardboard dispenser box. 0OLYETHYLENE EA 0OLYETHYLENE EA 0OLYPROPYLENE EA 0OLYPROPYLENE EA G E H 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES "!+).'3500,)%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. SIZE D. 1. EA EA EA EA 0LAIN3IZE EA 0LAIN3IZE EA 0LAIN3IZE EA 0LAIN3IZE EA 3TAR3IZE EA 3TAR3IZE EA 3TAR3IZE EA 3TAR3IZE EA 3TAR3IZE EA 3TAR3IZE EA &RENCH3TAR3IZE EA 3TAR3IZE EA 3TAR3IZE EA 3TAR3IZE EA 0IECE#ONSISTSOFACOUPLINGANDNUTATTACHEDTOAmEXBAGANDSIXASSORTED DECORATINGTUBES#OMPLETEWITHRECIPESANDTRILINGUALINSTRUCTIONSALLINANATTRACTIVE DISPLAYBOX EA EA 0IECE&EATURESNICKELPLATEDBRASSTUBES)NCLUDESAVARIETYOFROSELEAFANDDROP mOWERTUBESPLASTICCOUPLINGANDTRILINGUALINSTRUCTIONSINACOVEREDHINGEDBOX EA D 0IECE#ONSISTSOFNICKELPLATEDBRASSTUBES!VARIETYOFROSELEAFANDDROPmOWER TUBESmOWERNAILSPLASTICCOUPLINGANDTRILINGUALINSTRUCTIONSALLINAHINGEDCOVEREDBOX EA ATECO DECORATING COMB - The comb produces beautiful grooves on cake tops and sides. Aluminum construction. #OMB F. 0IECE)NCLUDESPASTRYTUBESPLAINSTARCLOSEDSTAR&RENCHSTAR CAKEICERANDTUBECLEANINGBRUSHASSEMBLEDINAPLASTICSTORAGEBOX 0IECE E. C B ATECO DECORATING SETS 0IECE 4. ATECO PASTRY TUBES - A collection of decorating tubes to fit your needs. Select the appropriate shape and size for your decorations. 0IECE 3. A ATECO NYLON FLEX BAGS - Designed for the value conscious professional. Impulse sealed for longer life. Hemmed top and hanging loop. Made of nylon coated polyurethane. 0IECE 2. SUPC C. PACK ATECO WUNDERBAGS - Designed for the professional baker and pastry chef. Heavy weight construction provides exceptional durability. Each bag has double reinforced tip and a seamed hem top with hanging loop. Made of thick cotton felt coated with polyurethane. Softens with use. EA ATECO PLASTIC COUPLING - Allows a decorator to interchange similar-sized tubes without emptying the contents of the pastry bag, thus reducing waste. #OUPLING E 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 EA 1 2 3 4 F 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES "!+).'3500,)%3 DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK SUPC AMCO SMALLWARES ICING GRATE - Polished mesh metal grate. Easy cleanup. X EA B. ATECO REVOLVING CAKE STAND - Used to decorate cakes. Powder coated cast iron base. 1/8" thick aluminum top. One non-slip pad included. C. AMERICAN METALCRAFT BOWL SCRAPER/CAKE DECORATOR - Hard plastic with ¼" hole. DIA X D. H. EA EA X EA X EA G. SYSCO SANI-SAFE® FROSTING SPATULA - Quality, stainless steel blades with polypropylene handles. NSF certified. X F. EA SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND® FROSTING SPATULA - Top quality, ergonomically designed polypropylene handle. Made in Germany. E. EA A B DEXTER-RUSSELL® FROSTING SPATULAS - Feature regular flexible stainless steel blades with rosewood handles and brass rivets. X EA X EA X EA X EA X EA C ATECO 12-PIECE ROUND CUTTER SETS - Stainless steel. Covered storage case holds nested cutters inside. &LUTED TO EA 0LAIN TO EA AMERICAN METALCRAFT BISCUIT CUTTER - One piece, heavy, 16-gauge anodized aluminum construction. EA D G E F H 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES "!+).'3500,)%3 DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK B. C. D. EA G. H. EA EA EA BROWNE-HALCO HARDWOOD ROLLING PINS - 2 ¾" barrel with ball bearings. EA EA EA 7 MATFER BEACHWOOD ROLLING PINS - 1 /8" barrel, no handles. EA B KATCHALL POLYETHYLENE ROLLING PIN - Poly-Roll® is perfect for preparing pie crusts, pastries and many other rollout items. Poly-Roll® gives you safer dough preparation because it will not chip, crack or peel as wood rolling pins do. Contains no unsanitary bearings or barrel cavities that can cause cross-contamination. Heavyduty design provides even-pressure rolling. Contructed of durable polyethylene and is non-porous, non-absorbent and stain resistant. Can be chilled for super stickresistance. NSF listed. Dishwasher and sanitizer safe. 2OLLING0IN F. A BROWNE-HALCO CAST ALUMINUM ROLLING PINS - 3 ½" barrel with ball bearings. E. SUPC BROWNE-HALCO COOKIE CUTTER - Steel construction for commercial use. EA C BROWNE-HALCO ALUMINUM PIE AND CAKE MARKERS - Made of polished cast aluminum, these markers can be used on any diameter cake or pie. #UT EA #UT EA #UT EA #UT EA #UT EA D AMERICAN METALCRAFT PIE/CAKE MARKER - Cast aluminum. 9" diameter, with 3 ¾" long x ¾" high arms. Removable center knob. #UT DIA EA #UT DIA EA BROWNE-HALCO STAINLESS STEEL PIE CUTTERS - Made of 18-8 stainless steel. Cuts the entire pie into portion controlled wedges in one motion. #UT DIA EA #UT DIA EA #UT DIA EA G 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 H E F 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 0)::!3500,)%3 DESCRIPTION A. X B. C. D. E. SIZE PACK SUPC BEST-VALUE EXTRA LARGE PIZZA BAG/POUCH - Can contain up to five pizzas. Includes excess moisture release grommets. EA A BEST-VALUE INSULATED FOOD CARRIER - Heavy vinyl outside. Insulated 1" foam padding. Lined with coated nylon fabric. Has two carrying handles. Zipper closure. X EA X EA BEST-VALUE PIZZA BAG/POUCH - The best industrial pizza bag made today. Heavy vinyl outside, insulated with 1" foam padding and lined with extra tough water repellent nylon. Contains side grommets to allow excessive moisture to escape. Includes outer identification pocket. 75% heat retention after one hour. X EA X EA AMERICAN METALCRAFT VINYL PIZZA CARRIERS - Insulated with 1" thick foam padding. Heat reflecting mylar interior reinforced with nylon for added strength. X EA X EA ARDEN BENHAR PIZZA CARRIERS - Heavy vinyl outside, these pizza carriers are insulated with 1" thick foam padding and lined with aluminum mylar. Carriers have handles for easy-carrying when empty. X EA X EA B D E C 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 0)::!3500,)%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. C. D. SIZE PACK SUPC AMERICAN METALCRAFT PIZZA SCREENS - Produce a more evenly baked crust by allowing air to circulate beneath the crust. Heavy duty aluminum construction. EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA A AMERICAN METALCRAFT PIZZA TRAYS - Wide rim, standard weight, 18-gauge aluminum. EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA B AMERICAN METALCRAFT ALUMINUM PIZZA PEELS - Feature extra strength, triple riveted aluminum blades with permanently attached hardwood handles. 7OOD(ANDLE X EA 7OOD(ANDLE X EA 7OOD(ANDLE X EA AMERICAN METALCRAFT WOODEN PIZZA PEELS - Made from the highest quality lumber. Smoothly finished to tapered edges. Standard blade, variable length, long-handle style to cover all pizza handling needs. (ANDLE X EA (ANDLE X EA (ANDLE X EA (ANDLE X EA (ANDLE X EA (ANDLE X EA (ANDLE X EA C D 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 0)::!3500,)%3 DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK SUPC SYSCO PIZZA KNIVES - For quick, straight cutting in one motion, these pizza knives perform with the sharpest, long-lasting edge available. EA EA B. AMERICAN METALCRAFT PIZZA KNIFE - These full-tang knives feature stainless steel blades and double handles for safer use. C. DEXTER-RUSSELL® PIZZA KNIFE ROCKER - Features two black smooth polypropylene grips on the ends of a sharp stain-free high carbon steel blade. D. E. F. EA EA A AMERICAN METALCRAFT WHEEL CUTTERS - Pizza wheel cutters allow for fast portion sizing of pizza. A real time saver for cutting dough and other types of food. Stainless steel blades and contoured handles are standard features. 0LASTIC(ANDLE WHEEL EA 7OOD(ANDLE WHEEL EA B DEXTER-RUSSELL® WHEEL CUTTERS - Stain-free, high-carbon steel blade, replaceable. Aluminum handle or sanitary Sani-Safe® handles available. !LUMINUM(ANDLE WHEEL EA 3ANI3AFE(ANDLE WHEEL EA 3ANI3AFE(ANDLE WHEEL EA TABLECRAFT™ FIRM GRIP™ PIZZA CUTTER WHEEL - 4" Pizza cutter wheel. Ergonomic, soft grip handles make short work of intricate tasks. Non-slip grips provide comfort and safety. 0IZZA#UTTER7HEEL EA C E D F 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES 0)::!3500,)%3 DESCRIPTION A. SIZE B. E. F. EA EA A B AMERICAN METALCRAFT ROLLER DOCKER, PLASTIC PIN - Individual wheels with plastic points. Each wheel spins independently on a stainless axle. Heavy duty. X D. SUPC AMERICAN METALCRAFT ROLLER DOCKERS, STAINLESS STEEL PIN - Designed for heavy, continuous use. 3/8" stainless steel pins are permanently embedded in a plastic core. Stainless axle and sanitary solid aluminum handle. X C. PACK AMERICAN METALCRAFT PIZZA BUBBLE POPPER - All-aluminum, one piece construction. ¾" tubing. EA CAMBRO® PIZZA DOUGH BOX - Increases the storage life of dough by preventing crusting, allowing you to reduce the frequency of dough making. Loaded or unloaded, boxes stack securely and will also stack with other brands. Rigid polycarbonate construction reinforced on all sides will not bend or lose their shape. Dishwasher safe, NSF listed. $OUGH"OX XX EA #OVER X EA AMERICAN METALCRAFT PIZZA SERVERS - Feature flexible offset tapered blades. 10 ½" overall length. 0LASTIC(ANDLE X EA 7OODEN(ANDLE X EA AMERICAN METALCRAFT PAN GRIPPERS - Feature no-squeeze, self locking designs—the pan load activates the clamping action. Heavy tempered steel. &OR$EEP0ANS EA &OR3HALLOW0ANS EA C E D F 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 3#!,%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. C. SIZE PACK -EDIUM-ESH DIA EA -EDIUM-ESH DIA EA -EDIUM-ESH DIA EA -EDIUM-ESH DIA EA E. F. -EDIUM-ESH DIA EA -EDIUM-ESH DIA EA -EDIUM-ESH DIA EA H. EA EA VOLLRATH® COLANDERS - 18-8 stainless steel construction. Welded side handles. Full ring base for stability. QT DIA EA QT DIA EA E FRANKLIN MACHINE PRODUCTS STAINLESS STEEL COLANDER - Stainless steel colander. ® EA ® LINCOLN WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM COLANDERS - This utensil has a spot welded base that allows it to stand up in a sink. Perforated with " holes. QT DIA EA QT DIA EA LINCOLN® WEAR-EVER® ALUMINUM COLANDER - Household weight. Popular mixing bowl shape. Fitted with sturdy feet. EA ® EKCO PLASTIC COLANDER - Household weight. White polypropylene colander with double handles. Dishwasher safe. EA FRANKLIN MACHINE PRODUCTS KETTLE STRAINER - Stainless steel kettle strainer. For 1 ½" (3.8cm) kettle faucets. " (0.4cm) diameter strainer holes. 9" (22.8cm) overall diameter. EA F G LINCOLN® WEAR-EVER® SPAGHETTI STRAINER - Household weight. Perforated round bowl for maximum drainage. Hooked handle for resting on pans or mixing bowls. Aluminum. QT X J D -EDIUM-ESH DIA 3TAINLESSSTEEL DIA K. EA -EDIUM-ESH DIA QT DIAX( J. C FRANKLIN MACHINE PRODUCTS DOUBLE MESH STRAINER - Medium #16 mesh on the inside. Stronger reinforcing mesh on the outside. Stainless steel with a lacquered wooden handle. QT DIAX( I. B TABLECRAFT™ HEAVY DUTY DOUBLE MESH STRAINER - Reinforced with a support wire for long life. QT DIA G. A BROWNE-HALCO DOUBLE MESH STRAINERS - Rigid mesh strainer, with outer reinforcing mesh. Full bath tinned after fabrication. Lacquered wood handle. -EDIUM-ESH DIA D. SUPC BROWNE-HALCO SINGLE MESH STRAINERS - Rigid mesh strainers. Full bath tinned after fabrication. Lacquered wood handle. EA K H I 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 3#!,%3 DESCRIPTION SIZE PACK SUPC A B A china cap strainer is used to strain liquids into another container and force food through the small diameter holes, allowing only the puree to drop into the pot below. A. LINCOLN® WEAR-EVER® ALUMINUM CHINA CAP STRAINER - Aluminum. Fitted with a hook for hanging over edge of a stock pot. QT DIA B. C. D. #OARSE-ESH DIA EA &INE-ESH DIA EA BROWNE-HALCO HEAVY DUTY CHINA CAP STRAINERS - Constructed of 18-8 stainless steel, these strainers feature a one piece handle and perforated metal body. #OARSE33 DIA EA #OARSE33 DIA EA &INE33 DIA EA G. I. K. EA F G H EA DIA HANDLE EA I AMERICAN METALCRAFT ROUND SKIMMERS - Tin plated. 14" handle. EA BROWNE-HALCO ROUND SKIMMERS - Tin plated. Spiral Wire. Long hooked handle. DIA EA DIA EA DIA EA AMERICAN METALCRAFT SQUARE SKIMMERS - Tin plated. 14" handle. J EA &INE-ESH%CONOMY X EA &INE-ESH(EAVY$UTY2EINFORCED X EA K BROWNE-HALCO SQUARE SKIMMERS - FRANKLIN MACHINE PRODUCTS MESH SKIMMER - Combination scoop and skimmer. 4" x 6" (10.1cm x 15.2cm) with 13" (33cm) handle. No. 10 fine mesh. Nickel plated. EA L FRANKLIN MACHINE PRODUCTS SKIMMER SCOOP - Scoop/skimmer with handle. Nickel plated. 3TAINLESS3TEEL X M. E DIA HANDLE &INE-ESH X L. D VOLLRATH ROUND SKIMMERS - Perforated 18-8 stainless steel. Two piece with welded handle. &INE-ESH X J. EA MATFER BOUILLON STRAINER - One-piece Exoglass® body with stainless steel mesh and protective cross wires. Withstands temperatures up to 430ºF. Outlasts tin and stainless. 7 " diameter. #OARSE-ESH DIA H. C JB PRINCE BOUILLON STRAINER - Stainless steel super fine mesh protected by a 1" wide metal band. Metal handle and protective band are bolted to the frame. Solid construction. "OUILLON3TRAINER DIA F. FRANKLIN MACHINE PRODUCTS CHINA CAP STRAINER - Stainless steel china cap strainer. One piece handle. Perforated metal body. DIA E. EA EA PRINCE CASTLE FRYER SKIMMER - Heavy nickel plated wire frame. Medium mesh wire basket with securely welded handle. Great for stove top deep frying. DIA EA M 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. C. SIZE &RONT(OOK)NSULATED(ANDLE XX EA &RONT(OOK XX EA &RONT(OOK XX EA &RONT(OOK XX EA &RYER"ASKET X EA )NSULATED(ANDLE X EA G. J. C D EA PRONTO TACO SHELL FRY BASKET - One to eight shells fried per load. NickelChrome finish. EA SYSCO FILTER POWDER OIL TREATMENT - USDA approved oil treatment. Reduce oil costs 25% to 40% while reducing oil absorption by 40%. Add directly to oil once or twice per day to condition oil. Oil never smokes or foams. No more fryer boil-outs. Food always looks like it was cooked in fresh oil. MLQTTO(RSQTTO(RS " ML " MLQTTO(RSQTTO(RS # ML # LT EA EA EA EA EA LT EA E FRYMASTER POWDER - Diatomaceous earth oil filtering powder for Frymaster machines. EA FRYMASTER FILTER PAPER - Disposable paper filter sheet for use with Filter Magic Machines manufactured before 5-’90 and all Frymaster portable filter machines. X I. EA PRINCE CASTLE TORTILLA SHELL FRY BASKETS - For frying tortilla shells into taco salad bowls. Safe and easy to use. Heavy duty wire construction. &ILTER0OWDER OZ H. B CARLISLE BASKET FRYER - Chrome plated nickel steel basket is designed for small batch deep frying. XX F. A FRANKLIN MACHINE PRODUCTS DEEP FAT FRYER BASKET - Fryer basket, twin front hook, 12 " L x 6 ½" W x 5 " H. E. SUPC &RONT(OOK)NSULATED(ANDLE XX EA 7IRE-ESH D. PACK PRINCE CASTLE FRYER BASKETS - Long lasting rugged construction. Nickel-plated finishes. Evenly distributed wire mesh for perfect frying every time. NSF listed. EA F G H J SYSCO CLASSIC FILTER PAPER - Disposable paper filter envelope. X EA X EA X EA 3M SHORTENING MONITOR PAPER - Paper strips are used to determine the discard point for your shortening. Deep the strip into hot shortening until all four blue bands are submerged. After the strip is removed, the numbers of bands observed to change from blue to yellow indicate the exposure to a specific fatty acid concentration. -ONITOR0APER CT I 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION A. SIZE #LEANOUT4OOL B. D. E. G. H. I. J. EA A B C D E F G H I J EA MIROIL OIL POLISHING FILTER BAGS - Used with filter powder to remove micronsized particles from the oil. Allows filtering up to 350ºF. Medium mesh for heavy crumb loads. &INE-ESHUPTOQTCAPACITY XX EA &INE-ESHUPTOQTCAPACITY XX EA -EDIUM-ESHUPTOQTCAPACITY XX EA &RAME(OLDERFOR"AGS X EA MIROIL LOW PROFILE FILTER POTS - For safe filtering, storage and transport of hot oil. 55 lb. fryer capacity. Low profile to fit under drain valves. Includes Antisplash lid held in place with quick clips to avoid infestation, splashes and spills. Filter bag and frame purchased separately. &ILTER0OT7ITHOUT-OBILITY"ASE XDIA EA &ILTER0OTWITH-OBILITY"ASE XDIA EA -OBILITY"ASE/NLYWITH#ASTERS EA 2EPLACEMENT,ID DIA EA SYSCO FILTER CONE HOLDER - 10" manual grease filter cone holder. Holds filter in place for easier draining ability. F. SUPC SYSCO STAINLESS STEEL FRYER CLEAN OUT ROD - Key tool to have handy when filtering a fryer. Used to push through crumbs and other debris when they clog the fryer drain pipe. 3TAINLESS3TEEL C. PACK FRANKLIN MACHINE PRODUCTS FRYER ROD CLEANOUT - The best tool for cleaning out clogged fryer drains. Simply place straight portion into clogged drain line to break up hardened fryer oil. Stainless steel. EA PRINCE CASTLE FRENCH FRY SCOOPS - Loads individual French fry bags. Meets Board of Health requirements. Excellent portion control. !LUMINUM2IGHT(AND EA !LUMINUM,EFT(AND EA .YLON$UAL(ANDLE EA ® TRAEX FRY BAGGER™ FRENCH FRY SCOOPS - Made from temperature resistant plastic alloy. Withstands heat to 300ºF. Unaffected by heat lights, salt and grease. NSF listed. 2IGHT(AND XX EA $UAL(ANDLE XX EA SYSCO POLYCARBONATE SCOOPS - Made of unbreakable polycarbonate, these scoops are wear resistant. Dishwasher safe. NSF listed. OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA ® ® LINCOLN WEAR-EVER SCOOPS - Die cast aluminum. OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA CAL-MIL SCOOP AND SCOOP GUARD - Polycarbonate. Can be mounted on a wall or ice machine. Scoop included. OZ 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 EA 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK SUPC A SAF-T-SCOOP™ GUARDIAN SYSTEM™ - Avoid ice contamination with the first Food Safety scoop and protection system. Two Germ Guards™ protect ice from contact with knuckles or thumbs during use. The Guardian System™ provides safe storage for the Saf-T-Scoop™ when not in use. Combo Units include: (1) Saf-T-ScoopTM, 1 Guardian holder w/ removable drainage cap and mounting tools. #OMBO5NITOZ3AF43COOP© EA #OMBO5NITOZ3AF43COOP© EA &OR)CE-ACHINES2EVOLUTIONARYDESIGNMAKESlLLING)CE4OTESSAFERFASTERANDEASIER 3AF43COOPSDOMEALLOWSMOUNDINGOFICEWITHOUTSPILLINGREDUCINGTHENUMBER OFSCOOPSTOlLLATOTEBYUPTO%RGONOMICANGLEDHANDLEPROVIDESBALANCEAND COMFORT #OMBO5NITOZ3AF43COOP© EA 3AF4)CE4OTE3NAP4IGHT,ID+EEPYOURICEPROTECTEDDURINGTRANSPORTWITHTHELID DESIGNEDESPECIALLYFORTHE3AF4)CE4OTE ,ID EA 3AF4)CE"OTTLE'UARDIAN-OUNTSINSIDEYOURBARSTATIONICEBINTOSAFELYCHILL WINEh3TORE0OURvANDLIQUORBOTTLES0REVENTSDANGEROUSCROSSCONTAMINATION FROMBACTERIAORWETLABELSTRANSFERREDFROMBOTTLESSTOREDDIRECTLYINICE#ANALSOBE MOUNTEDTEMPORARILYORPERMANENTLYOUTSIDETHEBINKEEPINGNONCHILLEDBOTTLESHANDY FORUSE "OTTLE'UARDIAN B. ® EA KATCHALL SAF-T-ICE SCOOP GUARDIAN - Designed for dedicated storage of an ice scoop to keep scoop safe from bacteria, dirt and ice burial. Self closing, hinged lid allows for one-handed access to the scoop. EA EA EA EA ® VOLLRATH SCOOP - Rounded handle with ergonomic finger grips. Cast aluminum construction. NSF listed. OZ X G. SPILL-STOP PLASTIC SCOOP - Large capacity scoop for transfer of ice or dry ingredients. White. OZ XX F. CARLISLE UTILITY SCOOPER - Easy-grip plastic handle doesn’t transfer cold. Features a hole for hanging or tying to a container. Durable polycarbonate material for long-lasting use. NSF Listed. OZ E. RUBBERMAID® DUR-X® UTILITY SCOOP - Polyethylene scoop designed for better weight distribution. Enclosed scoop keeps hands away from contents. OZ D. ® 3COOP(OLDER C. B EA VOLLRATH® HEAVY DUTY SCOOP - 18-8 stainless steel. NSF listed. OZ X EA C D E F G 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. C. SIZE E. F. G. EA &ITSTOOZ3COOP X EA SYSCO FILM AND FOIL DISPENSERS - Made from durable ABS plastic. Blades are removable for safe loading and cleaning and unexposed when in use. Suction cup feet secure it to any work surface. Rear keyholes for wall mounting. Dishwasher safe. NSF listed. EA EA EA 2EPLACEMENT"LADE EA 2EPLACEMENT"LADE EA OZ EA OZ EA OZ DIA EA OZ DIA EA OZ DIA EA E F G H I J BROWNE-HALCO PLASTIC FUNNELS - One piece seamless construction. OZ DIA EA OZ DIA EA OZ DIA EA EA AMERICAN METALCRAFT ALUMINUM FUNNEL - 16-Gauge. AMERICAN METALCRAFT HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM FUNNEL EA FRANKLIN MACHINE PRODUCTS PLASTIC FUNNEL - Plastic Funnel, 8" (20.3cm) diameter, " (.9cm) outlet. ® EA ® LINCOLN WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM SIEVE - Mainly used for sifting dry ingredients. Replaceable screen. EA EA EA BROWNE-HALCO SIEVE - Wooden rim. -ESH JOHNSON-ROSE SIEVE - 18-8 stainless steel. -ESH $ M. D VOLLRATH STAINLESS STEEL FUNNELS - 18-8 stainless steel funnels marked with capacity lines for easy identification. -ESH X L. C ® /UTLET DIA K. B KATCHALL RAPI-KOOL™ COLD PADDLES - Made of sturdy, long-wearing polycarbonate plastic. Fill with tap water, freeze and use. Cools hot foods rapidly, reducing bacteria growth during cooling. J. EA ® QT DIA I. A KATCHALL® SAF-T-ICE® TOTE - A dedicated container that allows the safe transport of ice. Will not nest, keeping dirt and bacteria from being transmitted by stacking. New tri-grip feature provides grab points for safe pouring at any level. Redesigned handi-hook is bigger, stronger and more securely integrated into tote, and allows container to be turned upside down to prevent potential contaminants from falling inside. Wall mounting bracket included. NSF listed. QT DIA H. SUPC &ITSOZ3COOP X GAL D. PACK SPILL-STOP WIRE FRAME SCOOP HOLDERS - Rust-resistant, epoxy-coated wire frame comes with plastic nuts and screws for attaching to any vertical surface. The open cage style will not accumulate debris. K L M BROWNE-HALCO FLOUR SIFTER - Features stainless steel body and 16 mesh screen. Chrome plated beater and wire reinforced bottom. #UP#APACITY X 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 EA 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. C. SIZE EA PT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA LINCOLN® WEAR-EVER® ALUMINUM MEASURING CUPS - Strong, durable aluminum construction with anodized silver glow finish. #UP EA PT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA I. D E F EA EA ® VOLLRATH MEASURING SPOON SET - 18-8 stainless steel. Capacities printed in both English and metric measurements: ¼, ½, 1 teaspoon and 1 tablespoon. EA BROWNE-HALCO MEASURING SPOON SET - Household weight stainless steel construction. Capacities are US standard ¼, ½, 1 teaspoon and 1 tablespoon. EA G H VOLLRATH HEAVY DUTY MEASURING SPOONS- Round spoons ideal for spices, coffee and tea. One-piece construction for greater durability and easy cleaning. Heavygauge 18-8 stainless steel. Capacities clearly stamped for easy identification. TSP EA 4BSP EA VOLLRATH® STAINLESS STEEL SPOONS - 18-0, 15-gauge. Handle is deep grooved for strength. 3OLID EA 3OLID EA 3OLID EA 0ERFORATED EA 0ERFORATED EA 0ERFORATED EA 3LOTTED EA 3LOTTED EA 3LOTTED EA ® I ® J. VOLLRATH GRIP ‘N SERVE SPOONS - 18-0 stainless steel. Black molded bakelite handles resist heat to 230°F. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3OLID EA 3LOTTED EA 0ERFORATED EA 3IDED3OLID EA 0ERFORATED EA C EKCO MEASURING CUP SET - Household weight stainless steel construction. ¼, 1 /3, ½ and 1 cup sizes with metric equivalents. 0IECE 3ET H. B ® 0IECE 3ET G. EA TABLECRAFT™ STAINLESS STEEL MEASURING CUP SET - Stainless steel cups with heavy wire handles for easy hanging. Sizes included are: ¼, 1/3, ½ and 1 cup. Cups have graduations embossed on sides, with metric sizes on the bottom of cups. 0IECE 3ET F. A PROGRESSIVE INTERNATIONAL COFFEE MEASURING SPOON - For scooping out ground coffee. Excellent for espresso machines. Small enough to store inside cans and coffee bags. Stainless steel construction. 0IECE 3ET E. SUPC #UP OZ D. PACK SYSCO POLYCARBONATE MEASURING CUPS - Metric and English graduations are embossed onto the container. Deep, I beam handle for two fisted handling when full. Temperature safe from -40 to 212ºF. NSF listed. 777393#/#/- J 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION SIZE PACK SUPC A. VOLLRATH® HEAVY-DUTY BASTING SPOONS WITH ERGO GRIP® HANDLES Heavy-gauge 18-8 stainless steel shaft and bowls – resistant to corrosion. High temperature nylon handle - heat resistant to 450°F (232°C). Ergonomic handle comfortable and reduces hand fatigue. Built-in stopper notch prevents spoon from sliding into food. One-piece construction. NSF Certified. 1. 2. 3. 3OLID EA 0ERFORATED EA 3LOTTED EA B. VOLLRATH® HEAVY-DUTY STAINLESS STEEL BASTING SPOONS - Heavy-gauge 18-8 stainless steel. One-piece construction. Patented handle with unique turneddown design for durability. Satin finish. NSF Certified. 1. 2. 3OLID EA 3LOTTED EA C. VOLLRATH® HIGH HEAT NYLON SPOODLE® UTENSIL - High temperature nylon – heat resistant to 475°F (246°C). Ideal for non-stick cookware and will not scratch or mar surfaces. Ergonomic handle is comfortable and reduces hand fatigue. One-piece construction is extremely durable and has no crevices to collect water. 1. 2. 3. 3OLID OZ EA 3OLID OZ EA 3OLID OZ EA D. PROGRESSIVE INTERNATIONAL NYLON SPOONS - Black satin finish. Heat resistant to 400ºF. For use with all non-stick cookware. E. F. 3LOTTED EA 3OLID EA B C ® VOLLRATH HOOKED HANDLE UTENSILS - Heavy gauge, 18-8 stainless steel. Long handled for use with large vessels. 3POON EA &ORK EA VOLLRATH® ONE-PIECE HEAVY-DUTY SPOODLE® UTENSIL - Heavy-gauge 18-8 stainless steel shaft and bowls – resistant to corrosion. High temperature nylon handle – heat resistant to 450°F (232°C). Ergonomic handle comfortable and reduces hand fatigue. Built-in stopper notch prevents utensil from sliding into food. NSF Certified. 0ERFORATED"LACK(ANDLE OZ G. A EA JOHNSON ROSE HEAVY DUTY WOODEN SPOON - Wooden handle is light and easy to grip, does not get hot from heat transfer. 7OODEN3POON EA 1 2 F D E G 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. SIZE PACK SUPC SUPC VOLLRATH® GRIP 'N SERVE® SPOODLES® - 18-8 stainless steel. Plastic handles are heat resistant to 230ºF. Features a stopper on the handle's bottom to prevent the spoodle from sliding into a pan. "LACK(ANDLE OZ 3OLID 0ERFORATED EA OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA 3OLID 0ERFORATED #OLOR#ODED(ANDLES "LACK OZ EA "LUE OZ EA 'RAY OZ EA 4EAL OZ EA /RANGE OZ EA A VOLLRATH® POLYCARBONATE GRIP'N SERV® SPOODLE® - Ideal for use with nonstick surfaces. Heat resistant to 210ºF. B 0ERFORATED C. D. E. F. G. H. (ONEY#OLORED OZ EA (ONEY#OLORED OZ EA CARLISLE® MEASURE MISERS® - Resist breakage and stay cool with polycarbonate construction. Temperature safe up to 212ºF. NSF listed. 0ERFORATED"LACK OZ EA 3OLID"LACK OZ EA 3OLID"LACK OZ EA C SYSCO HEAVY DUTY SCALLOPED TONGS WITH LOCK - Heavy gauge stainless steel. Built-in lock for space saving storage. EA EA EA D EDLUND HEAVY DUTY SCALLOPED TONGS - Heavy gauge stainless steel. Replaceable spring. EA 2EPLACEMENT3PRING EA E F EDLUND HEAVY DUTY GRIPPER TONGS - Heavy gauge stainless steel with a flat paddle. Ideal for separating frozen burger patties or for a firmer grip on hot platters. EA EA EA VOLLRATH® UTILITY TONGS - 24 gauge. Stainless steel. EA EA EA EA (EAVY$UTY- 20 gauge. Stainless steel. EA EA EA G ® VOLLRATH ONE-PIECE UTILITY TONGS - Heavy duty. Springless design eliminates bacteria-prone food traps. NSF listed. EA EA EA H 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. C. D. SIZE PACK "LACK EA "LUE EA 2ED EA 9ELLOW EA 4AN EA ® EA EA EA EA EA ® VOLLRATH SPAGHETTI TONGS - Springless, one piece 18-8 stainless steel with mirror finish. An elegant way to enhance your pasta or salad presentation. I. D E F EA ® EKCO Spaghetti Server - Household weight. High finish stainless steel with plastic insert handle. EA PROGRESSIVE INTERNATIONAL PASTA SERVER - Made of black satin finish nylon. Heat resistant to 400ºF. Suitable for use with all non-stick cookware. EA G H SYSCO BLACK DIAMOND® TURNERS - Top quality, ergonomically designed polypropylene handle. Rounded edges on flexible blade. Made in Germany. 3LOTTED H. C VOLLRATH® ECONOMY POM TONGS - 24-gauge stainless steel. NSF listed. G. B VOLLRATH KOOL-TOUCH HEAVY DUTY POM TONGS - Black insulation is permanently bonded to the tong so it won't slip or peel off. Heat resistant to 180ºF. Heavy, 20-gauge stainless steel. Dishwasher safe. NSF listed. F. A ® E. SUPC VOLLRATH® ONE-PIECE KOOL-TOUCH® UTILITY TONGS - Ideal system for maximizing your HAACP program. Kool-Touch® color coded handles provide easy identification for controlled food contact. The unique springless design eliminates bacteria prone food traps. Heavy duty, Kool-Touch® tongs are heat resistant to 180ºF (82.2ºC) and dishwasher safe. NSF certified. EA ® SYSCO AND DEXTER-RUSSELL ROSEWOOD HANDLE TURNERS - Precision ground for flexibility. Natural rosewood handles are tightly secured with highcompression brass rivets. Stiff blades. 3OLID X EA 3OLID X EA 3OLID X EA 3OLID X EA 3OLID X EA 3OLID X EA 3OLID X EA 3OLID X EA 3OLID,ONG(ANDLE X EA (EAVY'AUGE"LADE 3OLID X EA 3OLID X EA 3OLID X EA DEXTER-RUSSELL® BEECHWOOD HANDLE CUTLERY - High carbon steel blades. 3OLID X EA 3OLID X EA 0ERFORATED X EA 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- I SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. SIZE D. EA 3OLID/FFSET X EA 3OLID X EA 3OLID/FFSET X EA 3OLID X EA 3OLID X EA 0ERFORATED X EA SYSCO SANI-SAFE BENT TURNER - Features a gentle offset angle, perfect for turning delicate foods such as eggs or fish. H. J. EA EA SYSCO EUROCUT TURNER - Economy priced and German manufactured. NSF approved. EA L. M. ® DEXTER-RUSSELL hardwood handle. EA E G H I J K L M N HAMBURGER TROWEL - High carbon steel with a round EA VOLLRATH® STAINLESS STEEL TURNERS - 18-8 stainless, flexible blade. Welded construction. 3OLID X EA 3LOTTED X EA EA VICTORINOX TURNER - Stainless steel — nylon handle. MATFER HIGH HEAT PELTON SPATULA - Perfect for nonstick cookware! Made of heat-resistant plastic to withstand temperatures up to 430ºF. 12" x 3 ½" wide at the top. 'RAY X EA 2ED X EA MATFER STAINLESS STEEL SPATULA TURNER - Fish spatula/turner. Stainless steel blade. Wooden handle with rivet. PROGRESSIVE TURNERS - Made of black satin finish nylon, these turners are heatresistant up to 400ºF. Suitable for use with non-stick cookware. 3LOTTED X EA 3LOTTED X EA 2OUND X EA 3PATULA7ISK X EA ® SYSCO SANI-SAFE PIE SERVERS - NSF approved. Stain-free, high-carbon steel blades. EA EA SYSCOWARE® ECONOMY PIE SERVER - A money saving alternative to the SaniSafe® line. Slip-resistant polypropylene handle. NSF certified. N. D F DEXTER-RUSSELL® HAMBURGER TURNER - Features a heavy, beveled stainless steel blade and offset Sani-Safe® handle. NSF certified. 3PATULA X K. C 3OLID X X I. EA 0ERFORATED X 3OLID X G. B SYSCOWARE® ECONOMY TURNERS - A money saving alternative to the SaniSafe® line. Made from 400 series stain-free, high-carbon steel with slip resistant polypropylene handles. NSF certified. 3OLID X F. A ® 0ERFORATED X E. SUPC 3OLID-INI X 3LOTTED C. PACK SYSCO AND DEXTER-RUSSELL® SANI-SAFE® TURNERS - Polypropylene handles. Precision ground flexible blades. NSF certified. EA EA EA ® DEXTER-RUSSELL PIE SERVERS - Rosewood handle. 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. SIZE PACK SUPC JACOB’S PRIDE® 18-8 PIANO WHIPS BY VOLLRATH® - Fine wire construction for blending thin foods or aerating. Stainless steel. Center reinforcement wire prevents other wires from bending. NSF listed. Nylon handle is heat resistant to 475ºF. Color coded nubs quickly distinguish Piano from French whips. Limited lifetime warranty. NSF certified. EA EA EA EA EA A JACOB’S PRIDE® FRENCH WHIPS BY VOLLRATH®- Thicker wires for mixing heavy products. 18-8 stainless steel. Center reinforcement wire prevents other wires from bending. NSF listed. Nylon handle is heat resistant to 475ºF. Color coded nubs quickly distinguish Piano from French whips. Limited lifetime warranty. NSF certified. EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA B Long handled whips and paddles are ideal for vats and large pots. Used for general mixing and stirring. C. D. CARLISLE® FRENCH WHIPS - Feature a chrome plated brass handle. Made of high grade spring stainless steel wire. Perfectly balanced. NSF approved. EA EA AMERICAN METALCRAFT WOODEN PADDLE - Smoothly sanded hard wood, with a rectangular tapered blade. 4" wide blade. E. C CARLISLE® NYLON PADDLE - Temperature safe to 300ºF. Long handled for use in vats and large pots. 4 ½" x 7" blade. F. EA EA BROWNE-HALCO STAINLESS STEEL PADDLES - Made of 18-8 polished stainless steel. 4 ½" x 8" blade. EA EA EA EA D E F 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. SIZE EA OZ EA ® F. G. H. I. J. C EA ® VOLLRATH HOOKED HANDLE DIPPER - 18-8 stainless steel. Graduations marked inside and outside. Welded hooked handle prevents dipper from sliding into the container. EA D E F G EKCO® UTENSIL RACK - Use in kitchen for kitchen tools. Mounting screws included. EA AMCO HOUSEWORKS UTENSIL RACKS - Stainless steel wall unit. Twenty hooks included. Adjustable. Includes mounting hardware. 5TENSIL2ACKWITH(OOKS EA 7IRE(OOKS EA VOLLRATH® TWO PIECE LADLES - Stainless steel. Grooved handle for added strength. Made in the USA. OZ HANDLE EA OZ HANDLE EA OZ HANDLE EA OZ HANDLE EA VOLLRATH® ECONOMY TWO PIECE LADLES - Imported. Stainless steel. Two piece construction. OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA H ® VOLLRATH ONE PIECE LADLES - 18-8 stainless steel. No welds to break. NSF listed. OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA ® ® VOLLRATH HEAVY DUTY KOOL-TOUCH LADLES - 18-8 stainless steel. Two piece construction. Black Kool-Touch® handle is heat resistant to 180ºF. Dishwasher safe. OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA OZ EA I J SERVER PRODUCTS TOPPING LADLE - Short handled for use with fountain jars. Plastic bowl with stainless steel handle. OZ B LINCOLN WEAR-EVER TRANSFER LADLE - Made of durable aluminum with spot welded handles. Transfers liquids from one vessel to another. Handle welded at a 57º angle. 5TENSIL2ACK-ETAL(OOK E. A ® OZ HANDLE D. SUPC OZ QT C. PACK LINCOLN® WEAR-EVER® DIPPERS - Aluminum seamless construction and welded handles. Includes a pouring lip. Straight handle. EA 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. C. D. E. SIZE PACK SUPC SYSCO ONE-PIECE COLOR-CODED DISHERS - 18-8 stainless steel bowl and components. The swinging blade extends beyond the bowl to prevent sticking. Color coded for no-guess size selection. Dishwasher safe. NSF certified. .O7HITE EA .O'RAY EA .O)VORY EA .O'REEN EA .O$ARK"LUE EA .O9ELLOW EA .O2ED EA .O"LACK EA .O/RCHID EA A ® VOLLRATH UNIVERSAL DISHERS - Stainless steel. Squeeze handle is suitable for either right or left hand use. .O EA .O EA .O EA .O EA .O EA .O EA B STOCKEL UNIVERSAL DISHERS - Chrome-plated, solid brass construction. Suitable for left or right hand use. .O EA .O EA .O EA .O EA .O EA .O EA .O EA .O EA C ZEROLL UNIVERSAL DISHERS - Color coded for easy portion identification. One piece handle, no springs to break. Thumb or squeeze operation. .O7HITE EA .O'RAY EA .O)VORY EA .O'REEN EA .O"LUE EA .O9ELLOW EA .O2ED EA .O"LACK EA .O/RCHID EA .O2UST EA .O0INK EA .O0LUM EA .O/RANGE EA ZEROLL SELF-DEFROST SCOOP AND ICE CREAM SPADE - High luster aluminum. Defroster in handle for quick load, fast release. Right or left hand use. Color coded end cap for easy size identification. .O"ROWN EA .O"LUE EA .O'REEN EA .O'OLD EA .O3ILVER EA .O2ED EA 3PADE EA 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- D E SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. D. E. F. G. PACK SUPC .O"ROWN EA .O"LUE EA .O'REEN EA .O'OLD EA .O3ILVER EA .O2ED EA 3PADE EA SUPC A B C D ® VOLLRATH ICE CREAM SPADE - 18-8 stainless steel with black, plastic handle. C. SIZE ZEROLL ZEROLON® SELF-DEFROST SCOOP AND ICE CREAM SPADE - A Teflon® coat protects the scoop against corrosion and discoloration related to hard, overchlorinated or high-mineral water. Defroster in handle for quick load and fast release. EA SYSCO SCRAPERS/SPATULA - NSF certified. Contoured, flexible blades for use with any shape container. Retains its shape up to 212ºF. Dishwasher safe. EA EA EA SYSCO SOFTSPOON™ SCRAPER/SPATULA - NSF certified. Spoon shaped blade for scooping food products. Retains its shape up to 212ºF. EA EA EA ® VOLLRATH HIGH TEMPERATURE SCRAPER/SPATULA - Non-scratching silicone blades are ideal for non-stick cookware. Blades resist heat to 500ºF, but will not withstand prolonged use over 390ºF. Dishwasher safe. NSF listed. EA EA EA E SYSCO WOOD HANDLED PASTRY AND BASTING BRUSHES - High quality lacquered hardwood handles with brown nylon ferrules. Bristles are epoxy-set to ferrules to provide superior bristle retention and prevent bacteria harboring air pockets. Flagged nylon bristles have a high fluid retaining capacity and provide soft touch to delicate pastries. Sterilized, bleached boar bristles are very durable, water resistant and can withstand temperatures to 500ºF. 2OUND EA .YLON "OAR EA EA EA EA ,ONG2EACHWITH(ANDLE EA F SYSCO PLASTIC HANDLED PASTRY BRUSHES - One piece, smooth finish plastic handles are easy to clean. Nylon bristles are epoxy-set to ferrules to prevent bacteriaharboring air pockets. Soft flagged white nylon bristles have high fluid retaining capacity and provide a soft touch to delicate pastries. 2OUND EA EA EA EA EA 777393#/#/- G 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. SIZE D. EA .YLON "OAR EA EA EA J. EA D BROWNE-HALCO 4-SIDED GRATER - Standard duty. Stainless steel. EA E AMCO SMALLWARES CHEESE GRATER - Black, ergonomic, non-slip handle with stainless steel blade. EA AMCO SMALLWARES HEAVY DUTY ROTARY GRATER - Features a funnel spout to precisely direct the flow of cheese. Stainless steel easily grates hard cheese, chocolate and nutmeg. Can be used left or right handed. EA PROGRESSIVE INTERNATIONAL 3 DRUM ROTARY GRATER - Stainless steel and plastic. Includes 3 interchangeable drums to grate, shred or slice. #HEESE'RATER0LASTIC$RUMS I. C TRAEX 4-SIDED DRIPCUT® GRATER - Heavy duty stainless steel. Easily grates, shreds or minces. #HEESE'RATER(AND#RANK H. CT G. B TABLECRAFT™ STAINLESS STEEL SKEWERS - 18-8 bright polished stainless steel with a looped end for easy handling. 'RATER3IDED33 XX F. A TABLECRAFT™ BAMBOO SKEWERS - Standard weight. 3mm. One sharp end, one blunt end. 'RATER3IDED33 XX E. SUPC C. PACK SYSCO PLASTIC HANDLED PASTRY AND BASTING BRUSHES, HANDLE HOOK - A molded in handle hook elevates bristles off counter tops to keep them clean and to help prevent contamination. Also hangs on the lip of crocks or other containers to prevent bristle bum, melt or distortion from resting against hot pan bottoms. Flagged nylon bristles for pastry use. Sterilized boar bristles can withstand temperatures to 500°F. EA ® VOLLRATH CHEESE CUTTERS - This cutter features an adjustable rust-proof wire to slice at any thickness. Maximum cutting width is 4". #HEESE#UTTER EA 2EPLACEMENT7IRE EA TABLECRAFT™ FIRM GRIP™ CHEESE PLANE - Ergonomic, non-slip grip handle. Dishwasher safe. #HEESE0LANE EA F G J H I 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION A. SIZE 7IRE B. ® K. EA E F G H EA EA EA EA BROWNE-HALCO GARLIC PRESS - Die-cast, heavy duty aluminum construction. Reverse press operation engages pushing block to clean out the press holes. EA MEAT TENDERIZERS - One side has coarse prongs, the other has fine prongs. #AST!LUMINUM EA #AST!LUMINUMWITH7OOD(ANDLE EA TABLECRAFT™ STEAK WEIGHT - Cook meats faster without curling. Wood handle stays cool. #AST)RONLB L. JACCARD MEAT TENDERIZER SUPER III - Triple action tenderizer with steel saber blades. Reduces cooking time up to 40%. Dishwasher safe. 3ELF#LEANING J. EA CHEF•MASTER MEAT TENDERIZER - Now make any cut of meat tender and mouth watering. 48-blade meat tenderizer is both affordable and efficient. While most mallet type tenderizers “pound” meat to make it tender, our unit “pierces” the meat, this allows for better absorption of marinades. 4ENDERIZER I. D LINCOLN REDCO TATER KING™ - Scoop, skin and wedge four partially-baked potatoes in less than a minute. "LADE H. EA ® 4ATER+ING©3COOPER G. C VOLLRATH® HAMBURGER MOLD - Heavy duty, chrome plated. DIA F. B BROWNE-HALCO APPLE CORER/WEDGER - Die cut metal, rustproof knives. Cores and divides in one stroke. 7EDGE E. EA A BROWNE-HALCO EGG WEDGER - Die cast polished aluminum. Heavy duty spring. 7EDGE D. SUPC MATFER 2 WAY EGG SLICER - Base made of cast aluminum. Epoxy coated. Stainless steel cutting wire. Tightened individually per string. 5-year warranty. Dishwasher safe. 3LICER C. PACK VOLLRATH® EGG SLICERS - Heavy duty cast aluminum construction. EA ® VOLLRATH STEAK WEIGHTS - Speed cooks meats and bacon without curling, saving time and reducing waste. Wood handles. #HROME0LATED3TEELLB X EA #AST!LUMINUMLB X EA K I J L 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. SIZE D. E. EA 7ITHOUT(ANDLE X EA EA B CAMBRO® DREDGES - Made of tough polycarbonate, CAMBRO® dredges are practically unbreakable, dishwasher safe and unaffected by food acids. See-thru design and color coded lids identify the size of the dispensing holes. 30,ID OZ EA &INE,ID OZ EA #HEESE,ID OZ EA -EDIUM'RIND OZ EA 2EPLACEMENT-EDIUM'RIND,ID EA BROWNE-HALCO POTATO MASHERS - Nickel-plated. Hardwood handles. X EA X EA C D E BEST MANUFACTURING POTATO MASHER - Stainless steel with chrome plated handle. EA PRONTO BEAN MASHER - Chrome plated steel face. Handle with non-slip grip. DIA G. A TABLECRAFT™ STAINLESS STEEL DREDGE - Made of 18-8 stainless steel. X F. SUPC 7ITH(ANDLE X 7ITHOUT(ANDLE OZ C. PACK LINCOLN® WEAR-EVER® ALUMINUM DREDGES - Seamless construction with screw tops for easy filling. EA ® VOLLRATH ECONOMY MIXING BOWLS - 18-0 stainless steel. Imported. QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA F G H VOLLRATH® HEAVY DUTY MIXING BOWLS - 18-8 stainless steel. Made in the USA. H. I QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA QT EA SERVER PRODUCTS TOPPING PUMP - Ideal for both kitchen and fountain applications. The pump dispenses uniform portions, adjustable from 1 oz. to ¼ oz. Use with #10 can or stainless steel jar. 0UMP TOOZ EA 3TAINLESS3TEEL*AR QT EA SAN JAMAR CONDIMENT BOX PUMP - Condiment Pump Boxes easily accommodate a #10 can or jar of condiments or toppings. EZ-Chill® Pump Boxes include ice liners and EZ-Chill® Packs for keeping chilled condiments cool for longer periods of time. Ideal for high traffic environments. 0UMP EA I 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK +IT B. EA EA EA EA EA F G H I J SYSCO WHIPPED CREAM DISPENSER CHARGERS - Eight grams of nitrous oxide per charger. Leakproof, no expiration date. Use 1 charger per pint-size whipper, 2 chargers per quart-size whipper. 100% recyclable steel. ./#HARGES EA J. ISI WHIPPED CREAM DISPENSER - Features a stainless steel bottle and valve. A crescent shape hole at the base of the decorator tip allows excess cream to drip through before it flows down the lever. Includes two decorator tips with metal thread and a recipe booklet. Yields five times the initial input. 1. 2. QT EA QT EA K. TABLECRAFT™ SALT AND PEPPER REFILLERS - Reduces spillage and waste while reducing labor costs. L. E TABLECRAFT™ KETCHUP STATION - Drains three bottles at one time. Storage compartment for caps. Features non-slip suction cup feet, or can be wall mounted with screws. +ETCHUP3TATION XX EA I. D TABLECRAFT™ KETCHUP COUPLER - For bottle to bottle merging. Dishwasher safe. #OUPLER H. C PRINCE CASTLE KETCHUP DISPENSER - Allows operator to drain 6 ketchup bottles at a time in a 8 ½" space. Dispenser allows recovered ketchup to be cleanly and effectively dispensed into squeeze bottle or ketchup bottles constructed of food approved material. Dishwasher safe. Equipped with a clog-free valve. $ISPENSER G. EA TABLECRAFT™ WIDE MOUTH MAXI PUMP KIT - Wide mouth design is ideal for chunky products such as salsa, relish, or tartar sauce. Kit includes 1 each: plastic pump (adjustable ½ oz. or 1 oz. portion), 9" dip tube, 38mm, 89mm, 110mm, 120mm, and 160mm lids. 0UMP+IT F. B SAN JAMAR ULTRA PUMP - Features a fixed nozzle so spout and nozzle will not move while pumping. Dispenses 1 oz. portions. 5LTRA0UMP OZ E. EA A SAN JAMAR MEGA PUMP - Designed to handle thick and chunky condiments such as tartar sauce and blue cheese dressing. Dispenses a 1 oz. portion. -EGA0UMP OZ D. SUPC SAN JAMAR ECONOMY PUMP - Dispenses condiments, sauces and toppings in 1 oz. portions. %CONOMY0UMP OZ C. SUPC SYSCO PUMP DISPENSER KIT - Kit includes: 1 plastic pump (adjustable to ½ or 1 oz. portion), 5" dip tube for use with #10 can or a 1 gallon jar/bottle and 38mm, 89mm, 110mm, 120mm, 160mm, 107mm lids. 0EPPER QT EA 3ALT QT EA PRINCE CASTLE BUTTER SPREADER/ROLLER - All stainless steel construction. Completely immersible for cleaning. Perforated roller applies "just enough" butter or dressing. OZ#APACITY XX EA 1 K 777393#/#/- 2 L 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION A. B. C. SIZE EA /MELET3IZED4EmON#OATED DIA EA 0ACK DIA EA !LUMINUM%CONOMY DIA EA 3TAINLESS3TEEL DIA EA 3TAINLESS3TEEL/VAL X EA EA ® I. EA ® TRAEX BATTER BOSS DISPENSER - Designed specifically for pancake, waffle and hush puppy batter. Eight portion settings from 1 oz. to 3 oz. NSF listed. EA D AMERICAN METALCRAFT DELUXE HAM HOLDER - Deluxe ham holder with " heavy gauge chrome plated steel wire. PRONTO TACO MAKEUP RACK - Speeds up taco preparation by holding twelve 6" taco shells. 4ACO-AKEUP2ACK H. C BELSHAW PANCAKE DISPENSER - Designed to assure exact portion control. Adjusts to eight sizes, reducing waste. Hopper holds 5 ½ pounds. (OLDER XXHIGH G. B DURAWARE BY CARLISLE® BURGER/GRILL COVER - Accelerates cooking on grill tops to retain flavor and moisture. Heat-resistant knob stays cool to the touch. OZCAPACITY F. A AMERICAN METALCRAFT BASTING COVERS - With 2" clearance over the grill, basting covers retain moisture and preserve flavor. Stainless steel construction. Bakelite knobs for safe handling. 4YPE+ E. SUPC 3INGLE DIA !LUMINUM X D. PACK PRINCE CASTLE EGG RING - Fits snugly on the grill surface to produce attractive, uniform eggs. Non-stick Teflon® coating is easy to clean. EA E F SYSCO MANUAL CAN OPENERS - Nickel plated cast iron construction. #2 Opener for cans up to 7" tall. Recommended for opening up to 15 cans per day. #1 Opener for cans up to 10" tall. Recommended for opening up to 50 cans per day. Units are available without bases to replace existing units or with bases for new installations. Knife blades are reversible for long life. WITH"ASE EA WITHOUT"ASE EA WITH"ASE EA WITHOUT"ASE EA 2EPLACEMENT0ARTS +NIFE3CREWFOR EA +NIFEFOR EA +NIFEFOR EA 'EARFOR EA 'EARFOR EA "ASE0LATEFOR EA "LADE(OLDERFOR EA EDLUND STAINLESS STEEL MANUAL CAN OPENER - Rustproof, all stainless steel construction. Dismantles easily for cleaning. Recommended for opening up to 50 cans per day. 5 year warranty. NSF certified. Dishwasher safe. 3CREW/N"ASE EA #LAMP"ASE EA 7ITHOUT"ASE EA +NIFE"LADE EA 'EAR EA G H I 2EPLACEMENT0ARTS 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 777393#/#/- SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION A. SIZE PACK 7ITH"ASE B. 1. 2. C. EA EA 3INGLE3PEED EA 2EPLACEMENT0ARTSFOR/PENERS +NIFE EA 'EAR EA +NIFE3TUD EA 2EPLACEMENT0ARTSFOR/PENER +NIFE EA 'EAR EA SWING-A-WAY MANUAL CAN OPENER - Polished chrome-plated with blue vinyl cushion grips. EA I. EA EA F MEPCO BUCKET OPENERS - Opens plastic pails easily. Eliminates dangerous lock cutting and fumbling with makeshift tools. Aluminum models feature a gold anodized finish. !LUMINUM3LIM X EA !LUMINUM(USKY X EA .YLON X EA EA EA TABLECRAFT™ PAIL OPENER - Cast aluminum. BROWNE-HALCO CALL BELL - Nickel plated. G H I TRAEX® CHECK SPINDLE - Eliminates check loss and improves efficiency. Gold tone plating keeps surface attractive. X J TABLECRAFT™ BOTTLE AND CAN OPENER - Nickel plated. Standard weight. DIA K. E EA EA !LUMINUM X J. D AMERICAN METALCRAFT BOTTLE AND CAN OPENER - Heavy gauge tempered stainless with a hard wood handle. "OTTLE#AN/PENER H. C EDLUND KING-SIZED CAN PUNCH - Nickel plated. "OTTLE#AN/PENER G. 2 1 VICTORINOX MANUAL CAN OPENER - Manual Victorinox can opener. Superior quality, performance and productivity. Manufactured in Switzerland. (Red handled only.) +ING3IZE F. B 3PEED.3& 2ED E. A EDLUND ELECTRIC CAN OPENERS - Recommended for opening up to 75 cans per day. Especially suited for operations that open more than one size of cans. The two-speed model's slower speed prevents spilling liquids on smaller cans. Clean, lubricate and adjust regularly for proper operation. (AND(ELD D. SUPC EDLUND QUICK CHANGE MANUAL CAN OPENER - Nickel plated with a stainless steel shaft. Features a quick change gear mechanism, and pull pin for easy blade replacement. Recommended for opening up to 50 cans per day. NSF certified. EA K 777393#/#/- 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 SYSCOKITCHENSUPPLIES +)4#(%.3-!,,7!2%3 DESCRIPTION A. SIZE B. EA EA EA EA EA EA EA A B C D SYSCO GRILL SCRAPER - Heavy duty cast aluminum with long lasting stainless steel blades. Ergonomic shape puts more pressure on the blade for better results. For left or right hand use. Replacement blades fit most other brands. 'RILL3CRAPER 2EPLACEMENT"LADE D. SUPC PRINCE CASTLE TUCK-A-NOTE™ ORDER HOLDERS - Holds any weight guest check, receipt or message. Slip in, slip out. Greater capacity than clip-on types. Satin aluminum finish. C. PACK TRAEX CHECK HOLDER - Keep checks well organized and feature a unique patented channel-lock design. Check holders feature a pressure-sensitive backing for quick, easy mounting. EA EA E PRINCE CASTLE MINI REDI-GRIL® SCRAPERS - Removes food and grease residue that can ruin grills. Cuts clean up time. Dishwasher safe. Blades are easily replaced without tools. -INI3CRAPER 2EPLACEMENT"LADES EA EA Pan Scrapers - Feature thick blades, stiffer than a griddle scraper, and rounded blade corners. Griddle Scrapers - Finer, stiff blade with sharp, pointed corners. E. KEATING GRIDDLE SCRAPER - The Brute Scraper is ideal for cleaning commercial kitchen griddles. 4" reversible blades have a blunt scraping edge and a razor-sharp edge. 3CRAPER 2EPLACEMENT"LADES F. EA EA EA I J EA K L ® DEXTER-RUSSELL BAKER'S BOWL SCRAPER - Black, neoprene blade. EA SYSCO SANI-SAFE® DOUGH CUTTER - Stainless steel heavy duty blades. ® DEXTER-RUSSELL blade. EA ROSEWOOD HANDLED DOUGH CUTTER - Stainless steel X M. EA DEXTER-RUSSELL® TROUGH SCRAPER - High-carbon steel. Stiff blade. Beech handle. X L. DEXTER-RUSSELL GRIDDLE SCRAPERS - High carbon steel blades. X K. EA ® X J. DEXTER-RUSSELL PAN SCRAPERS - High carbon steel blades. 2OSEWOOD(ANDLE 3TAMPED"LADE 3ANI3AFE(ANDLE 7ALNUT(ANDLE I. EA ® 2OSEWOOD(ANDLE 3TAMPED"LADE 3ANI3AFE(ANDLE H. H LINCOLN REDCO TENDER GRILL SCRAPER 'RILL3CRAPER G. EA EA F G EA CHEF•MASTER GRIDDLE SCRAPER - Extra long frame cuts down on fatigue, top handle keeps hands and fingers off hot surface, and splash guard protects against grease splatters. Complete with 5 ½" replaceable stainless steel blade, this scraper is ready to go. Replacement blades also available. 3CRAPER 3CRAPER2EPLACEMENT 3500,)%3%15)0-%.4 EA EA M 777393#/#/-