Untitled - Victory Point Games


Untitled - Victory Point Games
Game Design: John D. Welch
Documentation & Game Development: Alan Emrich
and Kevin Fortuna
Producer: Josh Neiman
Graphic Design: Michelle Ball
Game Map: Tim Allen and Noelle Le Bienvenu
Illustrations: Richard Starke
Playtesting: Luke Hughes, Robert Nielsen, Michael
Rhodes, David Spangler, Ken Stojevich, and the VPG
Zombie Squad
Proofreading: Noelle Le Bienvenu, Ian Wakeham, and
Karen Wolterman
Developed by Kevin Fortuna
The South Shall Rise Again
Table of Contents
[0.0] Using These Rules.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
[1.0] Introduction.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
[2.0] Game Equipment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
[3.0] Set Up.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
[4.0] Sequence Of Play.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .10
[5.0] Event Cards .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
[6.0] Player Actions .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .12
[7.0] Union Housekeeping.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .16
[8.0] Undead Action Phase.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .16
[9.0] Undead Housekeeping.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .20
[10.0] Heroic Actions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
[11.0] Combat Results.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .22
[12.0] Scenarios .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
[13.0] Example Of Play.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
© 2014 John Welch and
Victory Point Games
The South Shall Rise Again
[0.0] Using These Rules
New gaming terms, when initially defined, appear in
dark red lettering for quick referencing.
The instructions for this game are organized into major
“Rules” sections, and represented by the number to
the left of the decimal point (e.g., Rule 4.0 is the fourth
Rule). These Rules generally explain the game’s subject
matter, its components, the procedures for play, the
game’s core systems, how to set it up, and how to win.
With each Rule, there can be “Cases” that further explain a
Rule’s general concept or basic procedure. Cases might also
restrict the application of a Rule by denoting exceptions to it.
Cases (and Subcases) are an extension of a Rule shown
in the way that they are numbered. For example, Rule 4.1
is the first Case of the fourth Rule; and Rule 4.1.2 is the
second Subcase of the first Case of the fourth Rule.
Important information is in red text.
References to examples of a Rule or Case are in blue text.
Text in shaded boxes, like this, provides the voice of the
game’s designer, who is addressing you to explain an idea
or concept that is not, itself, a Rule or a Case.
Developed by Kevin Fortuna
The South Shall Rise Again
[1.0] Introduction
The South shall rise, and the North will follow fast upon its heels. Two titans
will battle for this Nation, and they will not be, as the President had hoped,
the “better angels of our nature.” Death will walk the land and not one of us will
know peace, not even in the grave.
- Private John Picket letter home
Taunton, MA, June, 1861.
This is your chance to alter the course of
a fractured United States, increasingly
menaced by Undead zombie soldiers
(“Zebs”), Revenants, and the dangerous
Glorious Dead that await you. Based
on the alternate history of author S.M.
is a game of tactical combat set during the
American Civil War, where those within the
Confederacy take a terrible risk, reanimating
the dead to use as soldiers. With four unique
and challenging Scenarios to choose from,
crawl out of the trenches and rise to glory…
or die (again) trying.
Good luck... you’re going to need it!
© 2014 John Welch and
Victory Point Games
The South Shall Rise Again
[2.0] Game Equipment
Parts Inventory
13 Event cards
(Not to Scale)
11" x 17" Map
4 Soldier cards
8 Heroic Action cards
5 two-sided Scenario sheets
1 two-sided Player Aid sheet
73 Game Pieces (when assembled)
1 Rules Booklet
2 Six-Sided Dice (not included in the polybag version)
Developed by Kevin Fortuna
The South Shall Rise Again
[2.1] The Game Map
The 11” x 17” game map shows an area with terrain common
to rural areas of America in the 1860’s. The map features a
hex grid to regulate the positions of pieces in play and the
location of random events. Terrain types are explained
on the Map Key. The Turning Track monitors “dead”
units (as they do not always stay that way).
[2.2] Player Aid
The two-sided Player Aid sheet contains Combat Tables,
sequence of play, combat modifiers, and Event card
symbol descriptions. One side is for the Union and the
other is for the Undead.
[2.3] Game Pieces
The game pieces can be divided into two categories;
units and markers.
• Union Soldiers: These large standees represent the
soldier units you play. Each has two Numbers
indicating its full strength and Wounded MPs. Each
Soldier unit also has a corresponding Soldier card to
record a Soldier’s personal Skills, the status of their
Rifle, and a Pistol Ammo track to record how many
bullets the Soldier has left in his Pistol.
• Undead Undead: These large standees represent
Undead units of three types: Zebs, Revenants and the
much feared Glorious Dead. The Zebs and Revenants
have one Number representing their MPs, while the
Glorious Dead have 4 Numbers. The Numbers to the
left indicates their full strength and Wounded MPs,
while the Numbers to the right indicate their full
strength and Wounded Rifle Range (they cannot Fire
while Wounded).
© 2014 John Welch and
Victory Point Games
The South Shall Rise Again
The red circles are Wound markers. These are placed under a
unit to show that it has taken damage and is Wounded.
The purple, black, and green oval markers are “halos” that
slide over the top of a unit to denote a change in its status.
The purple halo indicates that the affected Undead unit is
Stunned, while the green halo denotes a Pinned Soldier
unit. A black halo is placed over a full-strength Glorious Dead
unit after it has Fired a Weapon to show it needs to Reload.
A number of markers represent various various Rifles that
your units can carry. Each Rifle has a Range represented
by a number in a black hexagon on the marker. Each Rifle
can only Fire one shot before it needs to be Reloaded.
Each Soldier also carries a Pistol which has a Range of 2
hexesand can Fire 6 shots before needing to be Reloaded.
The Pistol is represented by an Ammo marker placed on
the Pistol Ammo track on the Soldier card (see 3.0, Step 1).
Developed by Kevin Fortuna
The South Shall Rise Again
The pale blue markers are Skill markers, randomly selected
at the start of each game to give each Soldier a unique
quality that grants them bonuses or allows them to
do Actions that are otherwise forbidden by the Rules.
These Skills are described below:
• Sharpshooter: +1 DRM to Ranged Combat but -1
DRM to Melee Combat.
• Bushwhacker: +1 DRM on Melee Combat but -1
DRM on Ranged Combat.
• Lucky: The player can reroll a die roll once per turn
but must use the second result.
• Loader: Loader: Can attempt a Half Move and
Reload. When attempting, roll a die; on a 1 the
Reload fails and the Weapon remains unloaded.
• Skinny: May move through units (including Undead
units) but stacking rules still apply.
• Pugilist: On a Melee Combat result greater than or
equal to ‘6’, the player can knock back the engaged
Undead unit one hex (player's choice).
• Slippery: The player can ignore the result of the first
Undead Grapple Attack on them each turn. The player
must decide whether to ignore it before moving on to
other combats.
• Sprinter: +2 MPs. When moving over a Fence or into
a Wall hex, the player must roll a die. On a 1, the
jump fails and the Soldier unit does not cross the
Fence hexside or move into the Wall hex, ending the
player’s turn.
© 2014 John Welch and
Victory Point Games
The South Shall Rise Again
Event Cards
These represent random events that advance the
gameplay narrative.
Most cards have a symbol on them that confers a positive
or negative effect upon play. These cards are either resolved
immediately or retained by the player for future use as
dictated by the card.
Card Effects Chart
The effect of the card symbol is listed below and on
the Player Aid sheet.
Cancel Undead Melee: The player may cancel an
Undead Melee Attack before it is resolved.
Wounded: The player takes a Wound (or if already
Wounded, dies).
Healing: The player removes a Wound if they have one.
Undead Healing: All Undead units that are
Wounded are returned to full strength.
Zombie Advance: Undead Advance: each Undead
unit advances one hex.
Combat DRMs: If +, all combats by the player who
played the card get a positive DRM; if -, all Undead
Attacks get a negative DRM.
Victory Points: The player who played the card
receives twice the number of Victory Points for the
next Undead unit they Destroy.
Action: This allows the player who played the card
to conduct an additional Action.
Developed by Kevin Fortuna
The South Shall Rise Again
Heroic Action Cards
These cards represent a dramatic Action that a Soldier
can do once per game, as described on the card.
Special Action
[3.0] Set Up
1.Each player selects a Union Soldier unit and the
corresponding Soldier card.
2.Each player takes an Ammo marker and places it on its
Ammo side on the “6” space on the Pistol Ammo track
of the Soldier Card.
3.Place all the Rifle markers in an opaque container.
Each player randomly draws one and places it on
the indicated space on the Soldier card.
4.Using the same procedure as selecting a Rifle, each
player randomly selects a Skill marker.
5.The Heroic Action cards are shuffled and one is randomly
dealt face up to each player.
6.The Event cards are shuffled and placed face down, to
one side of the map, forming the Deck.
7.The players select a Scenario to play and follow its
Set Up instructions.
Note: While it is recommended that each player controls
only one Soldier unit, it is possible for player(s) to control
multiple Soldier units, operating them separately and
© 2014 John Welch and
Victory Point Games
The South Shall Rise Again
[4.0] Sequence Of Play
Each game turn, four Phases are conducted. You must
complete each Phase before beginning the next one.
Important: A roll of doubles interrupts combat and causes
an immediate Event card draw (5.0), after which play
continues normally.
1.Artillery Attack Phase (Some Scenarios only, see
Scenario Rules).
2.Union Action Phase: Each player, in Player Order
(6.1), can perform one of the following Actions during
this Phase:
• Engage in Melee Combat with an adjacent Undead
unit (6.2); a Soldier unit must do this if Grappled
by an Undead unit.
• Fire a Weapon in Ranged Combat (6.3).
• Reload a Weapon (6.4).
• Move (6.5).
• Half Move and Fire (6.6).
3.Union Housekeeping Phase: Remove all green Pinned
halo markers from Soldier units in play. (7.0)
4.Undead Action Phase: Complete the following Steps
in order (8.0):
a. Zeb Step: Each Zeb unit will Grapple an
adjacent player or will Move (in that priority
order; 8.1).
b. Revenant Step: Each Revenant unit will Grapple
an adjacent player or will Move (in that priority
order; 8.1).
c. Glorious Dead Step: Each Glorious Dead unit
does one of the following: Fire, Reload, Grapple
OR Move (in that priority order; 8.3).
5.Undead Housekeeping Phase: Complete the following
Steps in order:
a. Recovery Step: Remove all purple Stunned halo
markers from Undead units in play. They have
Developed by Kevin Fortuna
The South Shall Rise Again
b. The Turning Step: Move each unit on the
Turning Track to the next lower-numbered box
and roll one die for it: If the result is greater than
its current box number, it re-enters play as a
Revenant unit; any other result has no effect.
Repeat the above sequence until victory or defeat occurs
In addition to the above Phases each Soldier has a Heroic
Action cad that may be used once at any time during the
game, including the player's Action Phase, another Soldier's
Action Phase, or even during the Undead Phase. Once used,
the card is discarded and cannot be played again (10.0).
[5.0] Event Cards
Each time a player rolls doubles (i.e., both dice show the
same number) during combat (Melee or Ranged Fire),
an Event card is immediately drawn from the Draw Pile.
Each card states whether it is resolved immediately or
retained by that player for later use. If a Soldier retains
a card, they must play it before the relevant Action (e.g.
play the "To Arms All Men of Union" Event card before
conducting an Undead Melee.)
Any DRMs conferred by a ‘Resolve Immediately’ card
affects the combat in which the double was rolled i.e., it
takes effect before the combat results.
Card instructions supersede any conflicting game Rules.
Once played, cards are placed into a Discard Pile;
face-up next to the Draw Pile. If there are no more
cards to draw, shuffle the Discard Pile to create a new
Draw Pile.
© 2014 John Welch and
Victory Point Games
The South Shall Rise Again
[6.0] Union Action Phase
Each Soldier unit, in Player Order, can perform one
Action per turn during the Union Action Phase.
[6.1] Player Order
In a multiplayer game, the Player Order is not consistent
but is determined by mutual agreement or, failing that, a
dice roll-off at the beginning of each Union Action Phase,
with the highest roll going first (this is the “First Player”
for that turn) and play proceeding clockwise for the rest
of the game turn.
[6.2] Soldier Melee Combat
“Melee” is Melee Combat by a Soldier unit using a knife,
bayonet, or fists against an Undead unit in an adjacent
hex. Melee never takes place across Fences (but can take
place if a unit is in a Wall hex).
A Soldier unit must engage in this Action (or a Heroic
Action, see 10.0) if he is currently Grappled with an
Undead unit. If adjacent to an Undead unit but not
Grappled, the player can choose whether to Melee or
perform another legal Action that turn.
Select the Undead unit being Attacked and roll two dice,
adjusting the sum by all applicable dice roll modifiers
(DRMs) found on the Melee Combat Dice Roll Modifiers
chart. Note, DRMs are cumulative.
Check the net value against the Soldier Melee column of
the Union Melee Combat table, and immediately apply
the result to the target unit (see 11.0).
Example: Peter’s Soldier unit is adjacent to three Zebs
and has been Grappled by a Wounded Zeb. During his
Action Phase, his Soldier must Attack the Zeb Grappling
him, so Peter declares the Attack and rolls two dice. The
results are a 3 and a 4, giving a total of ‘7’. However,
there are two other Undead units adjacent to Peter, giving
Developed by Kevin Fortuna
The South Shall Rise Again
a -2 DRM. But with a +2 DRM for Attacking a Wounded
Undead and a +1 DRM for Attacking a Zeb, meaning
the net result is a +1 DRM. Meaning the next result is a
+1 DRM. This is added to the total, modifying it to an
‘8’. Peter looks this result up against the Soldier Melee
column and is pleased to see that his Attack resulted in a
Knockdown, which Stuns the Zeb and breaks the Grapple!
[6.3] Fire a Weapon
There are two types of usable Weapons in the game; Soldier
units possess both a Pistol and a Rifle. A Soldier unit possesses
both a Pistol and a Rifle-type Weapon. A Soldier unit can
only Fire one Weapon at a time, once per turn, maximum.
• All Rifles have a Range (shown over a black hexagon
shape), which is the distance in hexes that Rifle
can Fire. This does not include the hex the Soldier
occupies, but does include the target hex.
All Pistols have a Range of 2.
• All Rifles can only Fire once before they must be
Reloaded. Pistols can be Fired six times before they
need to be Reloaded. The Pistol Ammo track on the
Soldier card keeps a record of how many shots a Pistol
has remaining.
• If a Rifle marker is on its ‘Reload!’ side, or a Pistol Ammo
marker is on the ‘0’ space of the Pistol Ammo track, the
Weapon cannot be Fired again until it has been Reloaded.
• In order to Fire at an Undead, the Firing unit must be
able to draw a straight line from the center of their
hex to the center of the target unit's hex that does not
pass through a hex containing other units or Trees.
Note, the terrain in the Firing and target units’ hexes
does not affect Line of Sight (LOS). Thus, you can Fire
from and into a Tree hex, just not through one.
Blocked LOS
Legal LOS
© 2014 John Welch and
Victory Point Games
The South Shall Rise Again
Declare which Undead unit is being targeted and which
Weapon will Fire. If a Rifle is Firing, flip the Rifle marker
over to its ‘Reload!’ side or, if using a Pistol, move the
Ammo marker down one.
Then, roll two dice and adjust their sum by all applicable
DRMs found on the Ranged Fire Combat Dice Roll
Modifiers chart.
Locate the net value against the Soldier Fire column of
the Union Combat table, and immediately apply the
result to the target unit (see 11.0).
Example: Sabrina feels concerned about an approaching
Zeb 3 hexes away from her Soldier and decides to blow it
away during her turn. Since it is more than 2 hexes away,
she cannot use her Pistol and will have to use her loaded
Rifle to target it. The hexes are Clear, so the Soldier
has a LOS and the shot is legal. She rolls a 6 and a 5
giving her a total of ‘11’. However, the Zeb is across, and
adjacent to, a Fence, which gives the shot a -2 DRM. This
brings the total down to a ‘9’, and Sabrina is pleased to
see that this results in a Critical Hit. The Zeb is Wounded
and Stunned!
[6.4] Reload a Weapon
A Soldier unit with his Rifle marker on its 'Reload!' side
or with less than 6 Ammo in his Pistol can perform this
Action to bring one of his Weapons back to full Ammo.
Flip the Rifle marker back to its loaded side or move the
Pistol Ammo marker back up to '6'. (i.e., flip that Rifle
marker back to its Single Shot side or move the Pistol
Ammo marker back up to ‘6’).
[6.5] Soldier Movement
At the top of each Soldier marker is the number of MPs
(MPs) the Soldier receives each turn. These MPs are used
to move from hex to hex and cannot be transferred or
saved between turns. Any MPs that are not spent during
a turn are lost. Soldiers receive four MPs when at full
Developed by Kevin Fortuna
The South Shall Rise Again
strength but only two when Wounded. In order to move,
a Soldier must not be Grappled or Pinned.
Units move by expending their available MPs. Each hex
costs one MP to enter, though certain terrain and hexside
terrain types increase the cost to enter a hex as described
on the Terrain Effects Chart on the map.
The cost to enter a hex is deducted from the unit’s
available MPs. A unit must stop moving when it has no
more MPs, or moving into another hex would cause them
to expend more MPs than they have available.
Unless otherwise stated by the Scenario Rules, it costs one
MP to exit the map. Hexside terrain is only added to the
MP cost of entering a hex if the unit is moving into the
hex across a hexside that contains the terrain type.
Example: Peter’s Soldier unit is next to a Tree hex and a
Wall. He could move the Soldier into the Tree hex at the
cost of two MPs (base 1 + 1), the Clear hex at a cost of
one MP, or into the Wall hex at a cost of three MPs (base
1 + 2). He decides to conduct a Half Move and Fire, so he
cannot cross the Wall and moves his unit into the Tree hex.
[6.5.1] Stacking
Movement that would result in stacking is prohibited.
Soldier units can freely move through hexes with other
Soldier units; no unit can move through a hex with an
Undead unit in it. No two units (Soldier or Undead) can
end a Step or Phase in the same hex (i.e., stacked together).
[6.6] Half Move and Fire
A Soldier unit that is eligible to move (see 6.5) and has a
loaded Weapon can expend up to half its MPs that turn
and still Fire one shot (see 6.3). That Soldier unit must
either complete its Move first, and then Fire or Fire first
and then Move; it cannot Move partway, Fire, and then
continue Moving again. However, conducting this Action
results in a -2 DRM on Ranged Fire Combat (it is harder
to aim while on the move).
© 2014 John Welch and
Victory Point Games
The South Shall Rise Again
[7.0] Union Housekeeping
During the Union Housekeeping Phase, remove all
Pinned markers (green halos) from Soldier units.
When removed, that Soldier unit has recovered from that
marker’s effect.
[8.0] Undead Action Phase
During the Undead Action Phase, each Undead unit
performs one Action, if eligible, in the following order:
1.All Zeb units
2.All Revenant units
3.All Glorious Dead units
Zeb Step
Each Zeb unit performs one Action, and it must be the
first one possible in the following priority list:
1.Grapple an adjacent Soldier unit (see 8.2);
2.Move towards the closes Soldier unit with its one
Movement Point, following the same Rules of
movement as the Soldier units (see 6.5). If the Zeb
moves adjacent to a Soldier unit, it immediately
performs a Grapple Attack (8.2).
Revenant Step
Each Revenant unit performs one Action, and it must be
the first one possible in the following priority list:
1.Grapple an adjacent Soldier unit (see 8.2);
2.Move towards the closes Soldier unit with its two
Movement Points, following the same Rules of
movement as the Soldier units (see 6.5). If the
Revenant moves adjacent to a Soldier unit, it
immediately performs a Grapple Attack (8.2).
Developed by Kevin Fortuna
The South Shall Rise Again
Glorious Dead Step
The Glorious Dead are special in that they carry a Rifle
while unwounded. This Rifle is the Pattern 1853 Enfield
musket which has a Range of 7 hexes and must be
Reloaded after each shot. If Wounded, the unit cannot
use its Rifle. Each Glorious Dead performs one Action,
and it must be the first one possible in the following
priority list:
1.If unwounded and with a loaded Weapon, Fire at the
closest Soldier unit within their Range of 7 and with a
LOS (see 8.3);
2.If unwounded and with an unloaded Weapon, Reload
that Weapon (i.e., remove the black Reload halo);
3.If Wounded and unable to Fire or Reload, Grapple an
adjacent Soldier unit (see 8.2); otherwise;
4.If Wounded or if not in Range or LOS to a Soldier Move
toward the closest Soldier unit with its three MPs (two if
Wounded) following the same Rules of movement as the
Soldier units (see 6.5) and perform a Grapple Attack if it
moves adjacent to the Soldier (see8.2).
[8.1] Undead Movement
If a non-Stunned Undead unit cannot Fire, Reload, or
Grapple, it must expend all its MPs Moving towards
the closest Soldier unit. If the closest Soldier is currently
surrounded by other Undead units, the Undead unit must
move towards the nearest Soldier who is not surrounded.
If all Soldiers are currently surrounded by other Undead
units and the Undead unit is as close as possible to one, it
does not move that turn. It is recomened that players rotate
moved Undead 90° to show that they have been activated.
[8.1.1] Sequencing
When there is more than one Undead unit of a given
type (e.g. all Zebs, Revenants, and Glorious Dead) on
the map, the order that they are moved is determined
by the player. If playing a multiplayer game, players
take turns moving the Undead starting with the First
Player and proceeding clockwise.
© 2014 John Welch and
Victory Point Games
The South Shall Rise Again
You are welcome to “make the worst moves” for the
Undead in terms of their sequencing. Using terrain and
considering the Undead’s movement problems is critical
for choosing where to move Soldier units. For example, it
might be possible to move the slower Zebs (which move
first) to block the Line of Sight of the Glorious Dead or
block the movement of the Revenants.
[8.1.2] Direction
Unless specified in the Scenario or by an Event, Undead
units must advance towards the closest Soldier unit (in
hexes). If two or more Soldier units are an equal distance
away, randomly determine which one that Undead unit
moves toward that turn.
How to “Determine Randomly”
When the Undead have a choice, their decision is usually
made by a “random” determination. To resolve that,
assign an equal number of sides on the die for each
possible choice and roll to see which one that Undead
unit moves towards.
Example: An Undead unit finds itself equally close to two
Soldier units during its Action Phase. The player arbitrarily
assigns one Soldier unit the numbers 1, 2 and 3, and the
other Soldier unit the numbers 4, 5 and 6, then rolls a die
and uses its result to determine who it moves towards.
[8.1.3] Restrictions
When an Undead unit lacks sufficient MPs to enter a
given hex (e.g., when moving across a Wall or into Trees),
it must take the shortest path (in hexes) around that
terrain obstacle.
Undead units can never move through other units.
[8.1.4] Contact
Once an Undead unit Moves adjacent to a Soldier unit, it
ceases its movement and immediately conducts a Grapple
Attack against that Soldier unit (see below).
Developed by Kevin Fortuna
The South Shall Rise Again
[8.2] Undead Grapple Attack
When in a hex adjacent to an Undead Soldier unit, Zebs
and Revenants will perform Grapple Attack against them.
Unwounded Glorious Dead units prefer to Fire or Reload
their Weapon instead; Wounded Glorious Dead Grapple
Melee never occurs over a Fence.
When an Undead unit is adjacent to more than one
Soldier unit (and is not Grappled with one), randomly
determine which Soldier it Attacks as its Action for that
turn (8.1.2).
To resolve a Grapple Attack, roll two dice on the Undead
Grapple column of the Undead Combat table and apply
the result (see 11.0). Undead Grapple Attacks receive a
-1 DRM for each additional Undead unit adjacent to the
Soldier being Attacked that are not Stunned.
Example: An Undead unit launches a Grapple Attack
against an adjacent Soldier. The Attack receives a -3
DRM because there are three Undead units adjacent to
the Soldier in addition to the unit Attacking the player.
The Soldier rolls a 12 which works out to a 9, so there is
no effect and the player is not Grappled.
[8.3] Glorious Dead Ranged Fire
This method of Combat is available only to unwounded
Glorious Dead units currently armed with a loaded Weapon.
Glorious Dead Fire in the same manner as Soldiers (6.3),
except they use the Glorious Dead Fire column of the
Undead Combat table.
Once they Fire, place a black Reload halo on the
Glorious Dead.
If a Glorious Dead unit is Wounded, it loses its ability to
Fire, though if it is healed it regains its Fire ability.
[8.3.1] Targeting
When a Glorious Dead unit conducts Ranged Fire Combat,
it targets the closest unit that it has a LOS to (see 6.3).
Determine the target randomly if there is more than one
Soldier unit eligible.
© 2014 John Welch and
Victory Point Games
The South Shall Rise Again
[8.4] Glorious Dead Reloading
When a Glorious Dead unit Reloads, simply remove the Reload
halo to show that its Weapon status is once again, “loaded.”
When a Glorious Dead is Wounded it no longer will
Reload or Fire. However, it keeps its Reload marker (if it
has one) until it is Destroyed or healed (at which point it
functions normally).
[9.0] Undead Housekeeping
During the Undead Housekeeping Phase, Undead units
recover from temporary effects and dead units might rise
again via The Turning.
[9.1] Recovery
Remove the purple Stunned halos from each Undead
unit. When removed, that Undead unit has recovered
from that marker’s effect.
[9.2] The Turning
All Soldiers Killed by an Undead Grapple Attack (only)
are removed from the board and their Ammo marker
is flipped over to show the RIP side and placed on the
“Start” space of the Turning Track.
During the Turning Step, start by moving all RIP markers
on the Turning Track down to the next lower-numbered
box. Afterward, roll a die for each RIP marker, starting
with the lowest:
• If the result of that die roll is less than or equal to (≤) the box number that marker occupies, there is no effect.
• If the result of that die roll is greater than (>) the box
number that marker occupies, that killed Soldier “Turns.”
• Any marker in the “1” box at the start of the Turning
Step automatically “turns.”
Developed by Kevin Fortuna
The South Shall Rise Again
When a Killed Soldier Turns, the corresponding RIP
marker is removed from the Turning Track and one
Revenant unit immediately enters play on a random
hex using Random Deployment (12.2.1), with the
exception that it doesnot need to be four hexes or more
away from a Soldier.
Note: If all Revenant units are in play, use a Zeb unit instead.
[10.0] Heroic Actions
Once per game, a Soldier may perform the Heroic Action
they were dealt during Set Up, discarding it afterwards. A
player can play this at any time, including when Grappled
or during the Undead Action Phase. Playing a Heroic
Action card does not count as an Action. Heroic Action
instructions supersede any conflicting game Rules.
The possible Heroic Actions are described below:
• Berserk: Conduct one Melee Combat Attack against
all adjacent Undead.
•Distraction: Control and move up to three Undead their
full movement allowance in any legal direction desired. This
is in addition to their regular movement that turn.
• Head Shot: A player can Destroy any Undead adjacent
to another player within the Range and Line of Sight of a
loaded Weapon at the cost of expending one round from
that Weapon (this can be used on any adjacent Undead
when there is only one player remaining in the game).
• Rapid Fire: Fire up to three Pistol shots (if there is
sufficient ammunition) in one Action. Each shot may
target separate Undead.
• Release Me: Knock back all adjacent Undead one hex
(player chooses path of being knocked back - this
can cause a chain reaction of Undead knockback by
one hex as the Undead cannot stack in a hex) and then
take a Movement Action.
• Skedaddle: Doubles your printed Movement
allowance. Can be used with Half Move and Fire Action.
Movement must be toward another player when there
are multiple players.
© 2014 John Welch and
Victory Point Games
The South Shall Rise Again
• Tis A Scratch: Remove a Wound from any one
Soldier. However, if removing a Wound from another
Soldier, the card user's Soldier must be adjacent to the
Wounded Soldier unit.
The characters you play in the game are soon-to-be
heroes and as such, they are able to perform Heroic
Actions. Like the heroes of any cinematic epic, the feats
they can perform are amazing but there is only one
moment of greatness - so choose the moment wisely.
[11.0] Combat Results
Combat results apply either to “You” (the Soldier unit
involved in that Attack) or “It” (the Undead unit).
• Pinned: Place a green Pinned halo on the Soldier. That
Soldier unit cannot move (either fully or partially)
during its next Action, but it can Fire, Reload or perform
Melee Combat.
• Grappled: Place a red Grappled marker between the
affected Soldier unit and the Grappling Undead unit.
While a Soldier remains Grappled they can only and
must engage in Melee against the Grappling Undead
unit Combat as his Action each turn.
A Soldier can only be Grappled by 1 Undead unit, but
is Attacked by all adjacent Undead units (mark which
Undead unit is Grappled with the Soldier with the
Grappled marker).
A Grappled marker is removed when the Undead unit
which has Grappled the Soldier is Destroyed or as a
combat result.
• Stunned: Place a purple Stunned marker on the
affected Undead. That Undead unit cannot move
or Grapple during its next Action, but it can Fire or
• Wounded: If that unit is at full strength, place a red
Wound marker under the unit. The number the right
of the red slash on the standees is now used for that
Developed by Kevin Fortuna
The South Shall Rise Again
unit’s Movement/Fire ability. Wounded status has no
impact on Zeb or Revenant Movement.
• If a unit is already on its reduced-strength side and is
Wounded again, it is Destroyed or Killed (below).
• Destroyed: All Destroyed Undead units are removed
from play and placed in the Score Pile of the Soldier
who Destroyed them.
• Killed: All Soldier units Killed by an Undead Grapple
Attack are removed from play and placed on the Start
space of the Turning Track (9.2). Soldiers Killed by
other means are simply removed from play.
[12.0] Scenarios
Choose one of the Scenarios to play during Set Up (3.0)
and place the indicated pieces on the map as directed by
the Scenario card. Scenario Rules take precedence over
regular set up Rules.
[12.1] Difficulty
The difficulty can be adjusted based on how much of a
challenge you want the gameplay to be. Select one of the
following levels to determine the number and type of
Undead faced (Scenario-specific instructions supersede
those listed here). Each level indicates the number of
Undead units to be placed per Soldier unit controlled in
the game.
Greenhorn Level
Zebs x2 and Revenants x2
Veteran Level
Zebs x2, Revenants x2, and Glorious Dead x1
Grizzled Veteran Level
Zebs x3, Revenants x2, and Glorious Dead x1
© 2014 John Welch and
Victory Point Games
The South Shall Rise Again
[12.2] Unit Placement
The Soldier unit(s) are deployed on the map in accordance with the
specific Scenario card.
After placing the Soldier units, Undead units and any other markers are
placed on the map in accordance with the Scenario card.
All Undead units not placed on the map are set aside in an Available
Pool. Undead entering play after the game begins come from the
Available Pool, units in a Soldier’s Score Pile do not re-enter play.
[12.2.1] Random Deployment
When called for by a Scenario’s Set Up instructions, a random hex is
determined by rolling two dice twice and then combining the result to
create a four-digit number; this is the hex number into which they deploy.
• Roll for and place all the Scenario’s Zeb units first, then determine the
placement of all the Revenants, followed by each of the Glorious Dead.
• No randomly deployed Undead unit can be placed in the same hex as
another Undead unit.
• No randomly deployed Undead can be placed less than four hexes
from a Union Soldier.
• If the roll indicates a prohibited placement hex, place that Undead
unit in the nearest empty hex that is not within four hexes of a Union
Soldier (typically, a hex adjacent to the prohibited hex).
• It is possible for an Undead unit to be placed on the map in a hex
they could not normally enter.
Example: After placing the Union Soldiers, Peter has to place 3 Zebs
by Random Deployment. For the first Zeb, his first roll of two dice
totaled 8, and the second roll totaled 11. Thus the deployment hex
would be hex number 0811. Peter then repeats the procedure for the
second and third Zebs.
Developed by Kevin Fortuna
The South Shall Rise Again
[12.3] Victory and Defeat
In general, Soldiers win the game by either Destroying all Undead units
on the map (units on the Turning Track are ignored), or successfully
exiting the map in accordance with the individual Scenario Rules.
If all the Soldier units in play are Killed, the Soldier(s) automatically
If an individual Scenario’s Rules conflict with these, the Scenario’s
Rules take precedence.
If the Soldier(s) survive, their score is tallied to see how they performed.
Soldiers score Victory Points (VPs) according to the schedule on the
next page (modified by any Scenario Specific ways to earn or lose VPs):
On-Map Situation
Soldier unit is Killed = -12 VPs
Soldier unit is Wounded = -5 VPs
For each unit in a Soldier's Score Pile:
Zeb = +3 VPs
Revenant = +4 VPs
Glorious Dead = +6 VPs
Note: If the Soldiers win by Destroying all the Undead they are assumed
to accomplish any unfulfilled Scenario objectives and receive the points
for it. Furthermore, any card or Action that would increase their score is
assumed to take place (i.e., using a healing Heroic Action).
[12.4] Cooperative Game
The Cooperative game follows the Rules laid out above. In the
Cooperative game, Soldiers win and lose as a team. If even one Soldier
survives, the Soldiers’ scores are combined and checked against the
Victory Table to arrive at a victory level. Each Soldier receives that level
of victory and the individual point totals are used for bragging rights.
Note: The number of points required for each victory level is multiplied
by the number of Soldiers in the game (i.e., if three Soldiers are playing
the amount needed to win is multiplied by three).
© 2014 John Welch and
Victory Point Games
The South Shall Rise Again
[12.5] Competitive Game
The game plays slightly different in the Competitive game.
Note, competitive game Rules take precedence when in
conflict with other Rules.
[12.5.1] Set Up
Instead of randomly deploying the Undead (if called
for by a Scenario) the players control the deployment
of the Undead.
Players alternate placing as many undead as called for by
the Difficulty level (i.e., each player places 2 Zebs and 2
Revenants on Greenhorn Difficulty) no closer than five hexes
to a Solider unit and not on another Undead unit. A die
roll-off is used to determine the first player to place an
Undead unit, with deployment then proceeding clockwise.
Example: Since Sabrina and Peter are playing on Veteran
Difficulty, each have to place 2 Zebs, 2 Revenants, and
1 Glorious Dead. Sabrina wins the die roll-off and places
a Glorious Dead 5 hexes away from Peter’s Soldier
with an unblocked line of sight. Peter then places a
Revenant 5 hexes away from Sabrina’s Soldier. Sabrina
then places a Revenant next to the Glorious Dead she
deployed previously. This process continues until all the
Undead are placed.
[12.5.2] Undead Movement
In the competitive game, Undead movement is controlled
by the players. During the Undead Movement Phase,
players alternate moving any one Undead unit its full
Movement allowance towards any Soldier unit of the
player’s choice. However, note:
• Undead that have the MPs required to move adjacent
to a Soldier, or are currently adjacent to a Soldier,
must Move and Grapple the Soldier and cannot be
moved towards a Soldier that is farther away. In the
case of a tie, the player who activated the Undead
chooses who to move them towards.
Developed by Kevin Fortuna
The South Shall Rise Again
• The Glorious Dead still prefer to Fire at Soldiers
in their Range and Reload. If a Glorious Dead is
activated by a player it will attempt to Fire at a Soldier
within their Range and LOS.
• Unlike in the co-operative game, the Undead do not
have to be Moved or placed in any particular order
(i.e. a Glorious Dead can Move before a Zeb if the
player desires.)
• The first player to go in a turns moves the first
Undead, with Movement then proceeding clockwise.
If a player’s Soldier has died or left the map, the player
still makes moves during the Undead Phase.
Example: Since Peter was the first player to move that
turn, he gets to move the first Undead unit. He decides
to activate a Glorious Dead within Range and with a
LOS to Sabrina. Since the Glorious Dead had a loaded
Rifle, it shoots at her rather than Moving. Unfortunately
for Peter, the Glorious Dead misses and Sabrina
contemplates how to extract her revenge.
[12.5.3] Event Cards
Instead of an Event card’s effect being applied to the
player who drew the card, the player who drew the card
can play the card on any player, even if it instructs to
Resolve Immediately.
If a card conferring a negative DRM is played on another
player, the DRM takes effect in the next combat the
player is involved in.
[12.5.4] Victory
The Soldier with the highest score at the end of the game
wins. Their score is compared to the Victory Table to
arrive at a victory level, while all other Soldiers lose.
In the event of a tie, no-one wins and all the Soldiers lose.
© 2014 John Welch and
Victory Point Games
The South Shall Rise Again
Sabrina and Peter are playing a Cooperative game of The South Shall
Rise Again. Since Sabrina has never played before, they decide to play
the first Scenario, The Road, on Greenhorn Difficulty, which means
they will face four Zebs and four Revenants.
They start off by selecting and deploying their Soldiers. Sabrina selects
Private Picket, while Peter takes Private Williams. Peter places his Soldier
on the right hand side of the map in hex 1205 while Sabrina places her
Soldier in hex 0405. They then draw a random Rifle, Skill, and Heroic
Action for their Soldiers; Sabrina is pleased to see she got a Sharps, the Skill
Pugilist, and the Heroic Action Head Shot. Peter is also pleased with his
combo, a Springfield, the Loader Skill, and the Heroic Action Skedaddle.
Sabrina's Set Up
(Not to Scale)
Developed by Kevin Fortuna
The South Shall Rise Again
They then start deploying the Undead, starting with the
Zebs. The first roll results in two 3s, while the second
roll is a 3 and a 1. Thus the first Zeb is deployed in
hex 0604. However, that is within 4 hexes of Sabrina’s
Soldier, so it is moved back to hex 0704 where it is 4
or more hexes away from each Soldier. Using the same
procedure, the next Zeb is placed in hex 0608. After
the remaining Zebs are placed, Peter and Sabrina start
placing the Revenants using the same procedure. They
end the deployment with additional Zebs in 0908, 0409
and Revenants in 0509, 0511, 0702, and 1009.
Since Peter has played before, Sabrina agrees that he
should go first. He feels that his position is fairly safe,
so he targets the Revenant in 0702 that is threatening
Sabrina. He has an unblocked LOS and the Revenant is 6
hexes away, within the Range of his Springfield. There are
no DRMs, so he flips his Springfield over to its 'Reload!'
side and rolls two dice. He gets a 6 and a 5, giving him
an 11, which is a Critical Hit! With a sly smile on his face,
he places a red Wound marker under the Revenant and a
purple Stunned halo on top of it.
It is now Sabrina’s turn and she tries to replicate Peter’s
luck on the Revenant in 0509. It is within Range and she
has a LOS. After a brief discussion with Peter it is decided
that the LOS does cross the Fence and that the roll will
receive a -2 DRM. Undeterred, Sabrina grits her teeth,
flips over her Rifle and rolls two dice. She smacks the
table in frustration when the dice come up double 3’s,
yielding a 4 when the DRM is taken into account, a mere
Hit. Peter gestures towards the Draw Pile, as Sabrina
rolled doubles. Grumbling Sabrina draws the top card,
consults the Player Aid and yells “Oh for goodness sake!”
She just drew Death Will Walk the Land, making all
Undead advance one hex.
© 2014 John Welch and
Victory Point Games
The South Shall Rise Again
The Zeb in 0704 moves one towards Sabrina to 0604, and the Zeb in 0409
moves to 0408. The Zeb in 0608 is also closer to Sabrina's soldier and so
moves to hex 0607. Finally the Zeb in 0908 moves one towards Peter (whose
Soldier is closest) to 1007. The Revenants now move, the Revenant Sabrina
hit will become Stunned, but the card draw takes effect before the combat
results, so the Revenant moves to 0409. The Revenant in 0511 also moves
towards Sabrina’s Soldier to 0410, while the Revenant in 1009 moves
towards Peter to hex 1008. Since the Revenant in 0702 is Stunned, it does
not move. After moving all the Undead, Sabrina places a Stunned halo over
the Revenant in 0409 with a roll of her eyes, “Yeah that’ll help” she mutters.
Sabrina (Pvt. Picket)
Peter (Pvt. Williams)
Developed by Kevin Fortuna
The South Shall Rise Again
It is now the Undead Action Phase and Peter and Sabrina
alternate Moving the Undead. Since Peter was the first to
go, he moves the Zeb in 1007 to 1006 and rotates it 90° to
show that it has Moved. Sabrina then Moves the Zeb in
0604 to 0504 as sarcastically as she can. Peter then Moves
the Zeb in 0607 towards Sabrina’s Soldier to 0506. Sabrina
ends the Zeb Movement by Moving the final Zeb towards
her Soldier to 0407. It is then time to Move the Revenants
and Peter moves the Revenant in 1008 towards his Soldier
to 1107. Sabrina then Moves the last non-Stunned Revenant
in 0410 to 0408. They then rotate the Undead back and
remove the Stunned halos from the two Revenants.
Looking at the situation, Sabrina sees that her Soldier
is practically surrounded and will be Grappled by many
Undead next round. “Fun game,” Sabrina whispers.
Peter, thinking Sabrina could quit at any time, says,
“You need to give it more than one turn before deciding
if you like it. Now, if I can go first I bet you we can
eliminate most of the Undead that threaten you.”
“You really think so?” Sabrina asks.
“Eeyup” Peter states.
“You're on” Sabrina says with a glint in her eyes and a
faint smile on her face.
Peter declares that he will use his Heroic Action
and discards his Skedaddle card. With it, his Soldier
can expend up to eight MPs, but it must be towards
Sabrina’s Soldier. Much to Sabrina’s shock he picks up
his Soldier and Moves it seven hexes to the left, next to
her in hex 0505. “You’re crazy”, Sabrina states, looking
Peter just nods his head and declares that he will Fire
on the Zeb adjacent to him in 0504 using his Pistol. He
gets a +1 DRM for Firing into an adjacent hex, reduces
his Pistol Ammo marker one and rolls two dice, getting
a 3 and a 5. This is modified to a 9, giving him a
Critical Hit, Wounding and Stunning it!
It takes Sabrina a moment to recognize that her jaw is
open, closing it she has an idea and targets the Zeb in
0407 with her Pistol. There are no DRMs and she rolls
two dice, resulting in a 5 and a 4, another Critical
Hit! “Finally” she says, placing a Wound marker under
the Zeb and a Stunned halo on top.
© 2014 John Welch and
Victory Point Games
The South Shall Rise Again
Both Sabrina and Peter approach the Undead Action Phase
with a degree of trepidation. Peter goes first, moving the Zeb
in 0506 to 0605. Since it is now adjacent to his Soldier unit, the
Zeb Attacks the Soldier. Peter rolls two dice and rolls a 1 and
a 5, a 6 since there are no DRMs (the other adjacent Undead
is Stunned). This means Peter’s Soldier is Grappled, and Peter
places a Grappled marker between the units. Sabrina moves
the next Zeb towards them from 1006 to 0906. Since the
remaining Zebs are Stunned, the Revenants now move, with
Peter moving the Revenant in 1107 to 0907. Sabrina, with
a wicked gleam in her eyes, moves the Revenant in 0408 to
0406. However, instead of Grappling with one of the Soldiers,
Sabrina declares the use of her Heroic Action, Head Shot.
Discarding the card, she reduces her Pistol Ammo marker by
one and removes the Revenant from play, placing it in her Score
Pile. “First blood”, she smiles. Smiling himself (though more
of a nervous one), Peter moves the Revenant in 0702 to 0604.
Sabrina ends the turn by moving the final Revenant to 0507.
They then rotate all the turned units and remove any
Stunned markers.
“Heh” Sabrina chuckles, “it worked, they're not eating
me anymore.”
“I’m done for,” Peter states, “Why don’t you just save
yourself, you can exit the map this turn, we’ll even win”.
“After you rescued me like that? No way!”
Just rolling his eyes, Peter takes the first turn, launching a
Melee Attack on the Zeb who is Grappled with his Soldier.
There is a +1 DRM for Attacking a Zeb, but a -1 DRM for
the adjacent Zeb, giving no net modifier. Gulping, Peter
rolls two dice and breathes a sigh of relief when he rolls a 5
and a 1, resulting in a Knockdown. It is Stunned.
Developed by Kevin Fortuna
The South Shall Rise Again
Sabrina thinks for a moment, and then targets the Revenant
in 0507 with her Pistol, expending one Ammo. There are no
DRMs and so she rolls two dice, resulting in double 6s! “YES!”
Sabrina yells, pumping her fist in the air, but her jubilation
diminishes when she remembers she must draw a card. With
a trembling hand she reaches for the Draw Deck, and breathes
a sigh of relief when she sees Keep Your Powder Dry, since
her Rifle is already on its 'Reload!' side the card has no effect!
Thus her roll of 12 stands, which is a fatal hit, Destroying the
“See what blind, wild Fire can do,” she says smugly to
Peter, who merely rolls his eyes again in response.
It is now the Undead Action Phase and Peter conducts
the Grapple Attack on his Soldier by the Zeb in 0504.
Since the other adjacent Zeb is Stunned, there are no
DRMs and Peter rolls two dice, which yield a 5 and a
2. Looking up a 7 on the Undead Grapple column of
the Undead Combat table, Peter lets out a groan when
he sees it is Close Fighting and takes a Wound. Sabrina
then moves the Zeb in 0407 to 0406 and rolls a die to see
which Solider it will Attack. Both let out a disappointed
gasp when the result indicates Peter’s Soldier unit.
Rolling two dice for the Attack, they let out a sigh of
relief when they see the result, a 5 and a 6. Even with
the -1 DRM for adjacent Undead, the result is still a
no effect. Peter then moves the Zeb in 906 to 0806 and
Sabrina moves the Revenant in 0907 to 0707. To end the
turn, Peter moves the Revenant in 0604 to 0606.
Finally the Undead are rotated and the Stunned marker
is removed. After three turns, the situation is looking
precarious and it is not clear whether our intrepid heroes
will be able to escape from the road with their lives.
© 2014 John Welch and
Victory Point Games