Charming Hotels in the Province


Charming Hotels in the Province
Charming Hotels
in the Province
Charming Hotels in the Province
Published by
Patronato Provincial de Turismo
Diputación de Cádiz
Plaza de Madrid s/n
Estadio Ramón de Carranza
Fondo Sur 4ª Planta
11011 | Cádiz | España
Tel. 956 80 70 61
[email protected]
[email protected]
Amparo Ortega
Mayca Gómez
David Ibañez
Amparo Ortega, Carlos de la Calle
y Mª Dolores Jiménez Ruz
Editing, design and layout
Cadigrafía Publicidad y Comunicación
Carlos de la Calle
y cedidas por los propios establecimientos.
Translation into English
Tradumedia CB y Metafrasi S.L.
Santa Teresa
Legal Deposit
road m
Second Edition 2015
Charming Hotels
in the Province
There may no longer
be princesses
in the castles,
or monks in the monasteries; there may no longer be bandits
attacking the cortijos, but the majesty of the buildings remains,
swimming against the tide of time even though they may no
longer fulfil their original function. Today, instead, they are
character hotels in the province of Cadiz.
It has not been easy sometimes, but restoring and opening
these living, breathing properties has been a shared pleasure
both for those who dreamed of it and those who become their
distinguished guests; travellers who value a different form of
tourism in which they can discover a building’s heart and soul,
the essence that remains in the memories of any destination.
These are hotels that preserve histories both great and small,
some with glitz and glamour, others with charming simplicity because these cortijos that carve out the Cadiz landscape are
also part of the region’s most valuable heritage.
Some hotels reflect the might of Jerez wines or sherries; others
- the cargadores a Indias (‘merchants to the Indies’) palaces –
recall the period in which the Bay of Cadiz was the wealthiest,
the most cultured, the most beautiful of port cities.
There are character properties in both the countryside and city:
each individual, each a faithful reflection of its time and its
battles. Staying here is a truly unique way of getting to know
the province of Cadiz, for each era had its economy - and much
of the accommodation is useful in learning about a way of life
beyond what the books tell us.
Each establishment is distinct, different, but several reasons
unite them: most have preserved the province’s most authentic
architecture; they retain a palpable sense of lore and legend;
and, finally, since almost all of them are small establishments,
they offer a much-sought friendly personal service.
Staying in these hotels is also a nod towards the kind of
sustainable tourism that identifies itself through its lands and
protects its heritage. For this reason, this range of charming
accommodation is a small homage to those that have reclaimed
the best of our past for the future, as well as those that help the
visitor fall in love with Cadiz.
This guide is divided into five sections: first comes Hotels with
Great and Small Stories followed by Thematic Hotels. We then
have Palaces, Mansions and Manor Houses, hotels converted
from old Castles, Convents and Monasteries and lastly the
Country houses and Cottages.
Introduction.......................................................................... 02
Hotels with Great and Small Stories
Hotel Reina Cristina............................................................ 09
Parador Casa del Corregidor............................................ 10
La Casa de las Bóvedas...................................................... 11
El Palomar de la Breña....................................................... 12
Hotel Argantonio................................................................. 13
Casa Alborada....................................................................... 14
Bodega Real ......................................................................... 15
Casa de Huéspedes Santa María....................................... 16
Hotel Puerta de la Villa...................................................... 17
La Casa de las Piedras........................................................ 18
La Fonda Barranco.............................................................. 19
Hostal El Anón...................................................................... 20
La Casa Amarilla.................................................................. 21
El Escondite del Viento...................................................... 22
Posada La Sacristía............................................................. 23
La Casa del Califa................................................................ 24
La Botica de Vejer................................................................ 25
Siete Balcones y un Patio.................................................. 26
La Antigua Estación............................................................ 27
Thematic Hotels
Hotel Utopía.......................................................................... 31
Hospedería Las Cortes de Cádiz...................................... 32
Hotel Almadraba Conil........................................................ 33
Hostal La Princesa y el Guisante..................................... 34
El Alojado de Velarde......................................................... 35
Casa Rural Las Aves............................................................. 36
Hotel Dos Mares................................................................... 37
Palaces, Mansions and Manor Houses
La Casa Grande Arcos.........................................................
Hotel Marques de Torresoto.............................................
Hotel Playa de Regla..........................................................
Palacio de San Bartolomé.................................................
Hotel Villa de Jerez.............................................................
Hotel Bellas Artes................................................................
Palaces, Mansions and Manor Houses
Hotel Palacio Garvey..........................................................
Hotel La Casa Grande Jerez..............................................
Hotel Medina Sidonia.........................................................
Palacio de Arizon . ..............................................................
Hospedería FC de Medina Sidonia..................................
Posada de Palacio................................................................
La Casa de la Favorita.........................................................
Hotel V….................................................................................
Castles, Convents and Monasteries
Hotel El Convento ..............................................................
Hotel Convento Cádiz........................................................
La Almoraima........................................................................
Castillo de Castellar - Hotel Alcázar...............................
Monasterio de San Miguel ...............................................
Hotel ITC Jerez.....................................................................
Convento San Francisco.....................................................
Country houses and Cottages
Cortijo Mesa de la Plata.....................................................
Cortijo Barranco...................................................................
Hacienda El Santiscal.........................................................
El Vihuelo..............................................................................
Casa Viña de Alcántara.......................................................
Hacienda Monasterio de San Martín..............................
Cortijo Las Piñas..................................................................
Cortijo El Aguilón................................................................
Casa La Siesta.......................................................................
Hacienda Buena Suerte.....................................................
Hacienda El Rosalejo..........................................................
Epilogue… ……………………………………………………………… 80
Tourist Offices in the Province… …………………………… 82
Accommodation List by Province Locality… ………… 84
Map of the Province
with Great and Small Stories
There are tales of glamour; others whose true stories
could have come straight from a novel.
It’s easy to imagine Ava Gardner as a muse, elegantly
descending the steps at the Reina Cristina in Algeciras,
the hotel that was built by the Henderson Administration
and filled to the brim with spies and photographers
during the Second World War.
It is also in the province of Cadiz that we find
accommodation covering both grand histories and little
tales, all of which invite the tourist to travel through
time, to smile and to discover the truly unexpected.
The charm of other hotels is in the building itself, restored
with such loving care that everything has that touch of the
exotic and the unique that only the passage of time can
In this selection there is everything from cantinas
(refreshment establishments or bars), rambling houses,
public buildings, nineteenth-century houses to railway
stations for a train that never arrived. Each of them is a
faithful portrait of the typical architecture of the time,
a window to its original function and each zone in the
province: wine-growing Jerez, the White Towns, the Costa
de la Luz or the Cadiz built with ‘oyster stone’, which
merely serves to remind us that La Caleta beach is not
very far away.
Each of these establishments - whether hotel,
guesthouse, apartment or rural house – all have one
thing in common: their individual character and the
stories they have to tell.
Accommodation with Great and Small Stories
Hotel Reina Cristina
A place straight out of a film, with an impressive cast list to match:
from the world of politics (Franklin D. Roosevelt stayed here) to
literature (Ernest Hemingway was also a guest) to the silver screen
(also among its illustrious visitors were Orson Welles and Ava
Gardner). In short, some buildings are simply made to go down in
History thanks to their location and character.
This evocative grand hotel was erected at the close of the 19th
century in Algeciras, opposite the Strait and next to Gibraltar. It
was here in 1906 that an agreement was signed, dividing Morocco
into one Spanish protectorate and another French. After a serious
fire in 1928, it came back to life in 1930 and remained open
throughout the Civil War as well as the Second World War. In those
years it became a hub of global espionage, with all sides watching
and monitoring the passage of tankers and warships. The dining
room and bar are particularly impressive; as are the courtyard and
piano for music evenings – not forgetting, of course, the hotel
gardens and the wonderful spiral staircase.
Hotel Reina Cristina
Paseo de la Conferencia, s/n
11207 Algeciras (Cádiz)
T. 956 602 622
[email protected]
Category: Hotel H H H H
No. of rooms: 168
GPS localization
Latitude 36.122303
Longitude - 5.445163
Localization on map: D-4
Accommodation with Great and Small Stories
Casa del Corregidor
They say that the old Casa del Corregidor, in which the Parador is
housed, was a sanctuary for forbidden love - such as that which
drove novelist Pedro Antonio de Alarcon to write “El sombrero de
tres picos”.
Lovingly restored, its life revolves around a typical Andalusian
patio with a white well, plants, trellises, beautiful tiles and plenty
of peace. It is a place full of magic and history that has inspired
geniuses such as Picasso and Dali, and has also been host to
such distinguished guests as De Gaulle – who wrote some of his
memoirs here – or Antonio El Bailarin, dancer and director, who
shot some scenes of his film here.
The Arcos Parador also offers a spectacular view of the River
Guadalete meadows and a first-rate sampler menu of 12 dishes.
Arcos de la Frontera
Category: Hotel H H H
No. of rooms: 24
Parador Casa del Corregidor
Pza. del Cabildo s/n
11630 Arcos de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 700 500
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36º 44’ 52” N
Longitude 5º 48’ 21” W
Localization on map: C-1
Accommodation with Great and Small Stories
La Casa de Bóvedas
Facing both the mountains and the lake of La Molinera, and overviewing the flight of the birds, one can find Casa de Bóvedas, an antique chaplaincy inhabited in the past by Franciscan monks, which
forms part of the historical-artistic complex of Arcos de la Frontera.
Its whitewashed walls, vaulted ceilings and terracotta floors are filled
both with history and stories, such as the unique tunnel that joined
Saint Peter’s Church (La Iglesia de San Pedro) with the river, crossing
its premises. Its rooms, which are equipped with all type of amenities
and decorated in a traditional and enchanted way, convey peaceful
and dreamy sensations.
Its courtyards filled with flowered pots and vines invite its visitors to
sit down and relax, to explore their senses, particularly that of sight.
Arcos de la Frontera
Category: Rural House CRs
No. of rooms: 7
La Casa de Bóvedas
C/Bóvedas, 9
11630 Arcos de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 705 154 y 653 921 735
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36º 44’ 51,5” N
Longitude 5º 48’ 14,01” W
Localization on map: C-1
Accommodation with Great and Small Stories
El Palomar de la Breña
An old 18th century hacienda transformed into an oasis of calm
and leisure, situated between the pine groves of the La Breña
Natural Park and the sea, with beaches redolent of great battles
and great history: Trafalgar.
A distinctive and excellently restored hotel with rustic and
comfortable rooms featuring remarkable iron headboards. It has a
large restaurant that combines traditional dishes with avant-garde
cuisine - young pigeon al chocolate is one of its star dishes. The
dovecote (palomar) to which the hotel owes its name was one of
the biggest in Europe; these were times in which pigeon was the
best fertiliser for agriculture!
It is an unforgettable experience to wander around it and imagine
more than 10,000 pigeons that would have resided here in its heyday.
Today it seems like a world apart. Simply wonderful.
Hotel El Palomar de la Breña
Pago de la Porquera, 1-San Ambrosio Apdo. 69
11160 Barbate (Cádiz)
T. 956 435 003
[email protected]
Category: Hotel H H
No. of rooms: 15
GPS localization
Latitude 36.17986
Longitude -5.97385
Localization on map: B-4
Accommodation with Great and Small Stories
Hotel Argantonio
Some hotels are friendly and welcoming right from the outset.
The Hotel Argantonio’s location in the heart of Cadiz, its lovingly
designed décor, the blend of rambling old Cadiz house and Arabic
architectural features (such as arches crafted by Moroccan artisans)
definitely make it one of them.
There is, however, one more element that sets it apart from the
rest: the guest may purchase any decorative object in the hotel.
The restaurant, just like the hotel as a whole, serves up a fusion
of Cadiz and Andalusian styles. It is a hotel with an old flavour,
but infused with all the advantages of modern life. And a place
where everything is at hand: all the shops, transport, monuments
you could wish for in this three thousand-year-old city.
Category: Hotel H H
No. of rooms: 16
Hotel Argantonio
Argantonio, 3
11002 Cádiz
T. 956 211 640
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36º 32’ 1.026” N
Longitude 6º 17’ 39.735” W
Localization on map: A-2
Accommodation with Great and Small Stories
Casa Alborada
This petite hotel imbued with 300 years of history and light was
born of an old casa consistorial (Town Hall) in the centre of Conil. It
is a perfect place for relaxing and soaking up the sun.
There is a large bullfighter’s cap in the courtyard that changes colour
depending on the light, as well as dozens of exclusive lamps and
glasses that give the establishment a strong yet shifting character. The
bird globe at the entrance immediately draws the attention. There are
eleven rooms, each different and daring, and full of detail.
The beauty of the bathrooms comes as a nice surprise, with a pleasant
colour scheme. The room with the red tiles and bathtub with sea
views is also remarkable - it looks like a boat about to set sail.
Conil de la Frontera
Category: Hotel H H
No. of rooms: 11
Casa Alborada
C/ General Gabino Aranda, 5
11140 Conil de la Frontera
T. 956 443 911
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36º 16’ 31” N
Longitude 6º 5’ 19” W
Localization on map: B-3
Accommodation with Great and Small Stories
Bodega Real
This hotel is situated in what used to be an old bodega (winery)
that produced traditional local fine wines. It respects and maintains
the original structure and architecture of the building, while
introducing the amenities of a modern and comfortable hotel.
The tranquillity and stillness required by the must (grape juice) in
order to become a good wine is also found in the restaurant and
café, both located in the old part of the bodega i.e. where the wine
rested in its barrels - and where you can now sample some great
food and an extensive wine list… as you might expect!
Don’t miss the top floor views whilst enjoying the sunshine or
sinking deep into an open-air Jacuzzi.
El Puerto de Santa María
Hotel Bodega Real
C/ Albareda, 4
11500 El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz)
T. 956 059 185
[email protected]
Category: Hotel H H H H
No. of rooms: 51
GPS localization
Latitude 36.6036539
Longitude -6.21967733
Localization on map: A-2
Accommodation with Great and Small Stories
Casa Huéspedes Santa María
The welcoming row of garlands in the yard invite you to be happy.
That is why you have come to Carlos and Miriam’s house, built in
Due to the twists and turns of life, in the late 19th century the priests
from the main church lived there and during the fifties the former
parish house became an inn. The house is as it was, the original
floors, walls and layout is still conserved; but like good wine, it has
improved with time. Today the accommodation it provides is as
welcoming as a home and as charming as a hotel. Perhaps due to
the mutual trust it inspires, the bar is called Honesto and there is
an “honesty box” which guests can use to pay for whatever drink
they like.
It is noteworthy that every corner has something that you would
have in your own home: homemade cakes, Sugus candies, books
about steamboats, the clicking sound of Playmobil figures... you feel
as though any minute your brother will walk through the door. They
are also familiar sofas and crocheted doilies. All in a vintage style
and cheerfully arranged.
El Puerto de Santa María
Casa Huéspedes Santa María
Calle Pedro Muñoz Seca, 38
11500 El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz)
T. 956 853 631
[email protected]
Category: Pensión
No. of rooms: 9
GPS localization
Latitude 36.59804
Longitude -6.227571
Localization on map: A-2
Accommodation with Great and Small Stories
Hotel Puerta de la Villa
This hotel is located in the historical centre of Grazalema, one of
the most beautiful white towns in Cadiz, and the ideal place to go
trekking or do mountain activities in the natural park that bears its
name. You can taste and smell Andalusia and the Sierra here!
The building’s austere façade respects the original architecture,
but inside you will find the warmth and amenity of a top hotel
including Jacuzzi and sauna.
The hotel’s boutique shop stocks a great range of the local area’s
renowned artisan crafts: pure wool blankets, ceramics, basketwork
and esparto grass, cork and numerous leather items. Its restaurant,
La Garrocha, offers a delicious variety of local produce – a
wonderful treat after a walk among the Spanish firs, holm oaks
and cork oaks.
Category: Hotel H H H H
No. of rooms: 28
Hotel Puerta de la Villa
Plaza Pequeña, 8
11610 Grazalema (Cádiz)
T. 956 132 388
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.7588274
Longitude -5.3661493
Localization on map: D-1
Accommodation with Great and Small Stories
Pensión Casa de las Piedras
The soul of a building is in the small things: the indoor patios of
various heights, the abundance of plants and fresh fragrances, a
beautiful hallway decorated with tiles and studded doors.
The merging of several 19th century houses typical of the Sierra
de Grazalema has created this alluring, tranquil space, filled with
the memories of years gone by.
Even after several refurbishments, the “Casa de las Piedras” has
managed to keep its stamp: lime and old grilles. The rooms are
simple and pleasant, and in them you will find pure woollen
blankets crafted by Grazaleman artisans. The lounge (with
fireplace) radiates warmth and hospitality; a place you can rest
peacefully after a day’s walking among the firs, or enjoy a coffee
after sampling some traditional local food in the restaurant.
Category: Guesthouse
No. of rooms: 30
Pensión Casa de las Piedras
C/ Las Piedras, 32
11610 Grazalema (Cádiz)
T. 956 132 014
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.7584166
Longitude -5-3677587
Localization on map: D-1/2
Accommodation with Great and Small Stories
La Fonda Barranco
Right in the historical centre of Jerez, in the oldest part of the
Islamic city, is La Fonda Barranco, a guesthouse situated within a
traditional old house – a wonderful example of late 19th century
bourgeois Jerez architecture.
The fresh, shady central courtyard onto which all rooms peer gives
this hotel an air of calm and peace, broken only by the sound of
water from an old marble fountain.
Guests will feel right at home in La Fonda Barranco, such is the
attentive and careful service offered. Enjoy your breakfast on the
terrace and savour the views over Jerez Cathedral.
Jerez de la Frontera
Category: Guesthouse
No. of rooms: 10
La Fonda Barranco
C/ Barranco, 12
11403 Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 332 141 y 693 324 605
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.683726
Longitude -6.1416652
Localization on map: B-2
Accommodation with Great and Small Stories
Hostal El Anón
In Jimena de la Frontera there is a hostel named after a tropical
tree, El Anón, (sugar apple) that will be love at first sight.
Several houses are joined by corridors and courtyards, turning it
into a veritable maze! The plants are abundant and bring to life
a pool situated on the roof – from which watching the sunset is
a must.
El Anón is a hotel of details: from miniature railways on the
ground floor to the weathervane crowned by a half-moon. The
rooms are warm and elegant, with beams on the ceiling. El Anón
is more than simply a welcoming hotel; it is a way of life. Its
American owner Susana Odell found her way to Jimena one fine
day and has never looked back.
Jimena de la Frontera
Hostal El Anón
C/ Consuelo, 38
11330 Jimena de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 640 113
[email protected]
Category: Hostel H
No. of rooms: 12
GPS localization
Latitude 36.4321678
Longitude -5.452811
Localization on map: D-3
Accommodation with Great and Small Stories
La Casa Amarilla
In the windsurfing and kitesurfing capital of Europe you will find
this delightful apartment hotel housed in a 19th century building
right in the heart of Tarifa.
It owes its name to the façade of yellow (‘amarillo’) enamel tiles.
The tastefully-decorated rooms are situated around a courtyard
crowned by a large bullfighter’s hat, and are each equipped with
kitchen and dining room.
The interior refurbishment is remarkable: the tiles and warm hues
of the walls, wrought-iron railings, beamed ceilings and Moorishlooking stained-glass windows and lamps all turn the Casa Amarilla
into a pleasant and welcoming establishment. It has an excellent
dining room specialising in Andalusian cuisine - the Jabugo ham
and Almadraba tuna in particular are well worth a mention.
Category: Apartments
No. of rooms: 11
La Casa Amarilla
C/ Sancho IV El Bravo, 9
11380 Tarifa (Cádiz)
T. 956 681 993
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.0132013
Longitude -5.6028889
Localization on map: C-4
Accommodation with Great and Small Stories
El Escondite del Viento
This charming guesthouse right in the historical heart of Tarifa
is the result of a careful restoration of a rambling old house in
which the original architectural features have been retained.
Located in a narrow alley, it does justice to its name: a hiding
place and refuge from the easterly wind that both dominates and
breathes life to the city.
Decorated with typical 20th century furniture, its modern design
blends perfectly with its traditional architecture, and its few rooms
ensure that guests receive a personal and attentive service.
El Escodite del Viento
C/ Comendador, 1
11380 Tarifa (Cádiz)
T. 956 681 901 | M. 655 684 679
[email protected]
Category: Guesthouse
No. of rooms: 8
GPS localization
Latitude 36º 00’ 49.21” N
Longitude 5º 36’ 7.84” W
Localization on map: C-4
Accommodation with Great and Small Stories
Posada La Sacristía
In the centre of Tarifa, city of the wind, is this guesthouse in which
painting, sculpture and ceramics are exhibited and traded.
A large old house dating back more than 300 years, over which
time it was used variously as a stable, storehouse and bar, today it
is an establishment with plenty of personality. Lovingly decorated,
it combines old furnishings with ethnic objects such as in the
delightful piano corner. It is a quiet guesthouse, situated amid tiny
Arab streets. The high-ceilinged rooms are comfortable and modern;
those on the first floor have an exotic, slightly frontier atmosphere.
A first-class restaurant offers a menu blending Mediterranean
cuisine with Eastern dishes, and a great selection of cocktails to
end the day surrounded by music.
Category: Guesthouse
No. of rooms: 10
Posada la Sacristía
C/ San Donato, 8
11380 Tarifa (Cádiz)
T. 956 681 759
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.0128188
Longitude -5.6026323
Localization on map: C-4
Accommodation with Great and Small Stories
La Casa del Califa
A thousand and one nights are lived and breathed in every corner
of this beautiful maze of terraces, corridors and communal spaces.
In some corners you will find the Near East, in others the sights and
scents of Maghreb.
The hotel comprises several houses; the oldest of these dates back
to the 15th century and still preserves its aljibe (well). In the village
they call it the Casa del Juzgado (court house) because legend has
it that it was one of the sites of the Inquisition. Today it is all light
and space; whitewashed walls, sunshine and pure air. Its restaurant
– serving Moroccan dishes – is another delight for the senses.
All the rooms are spacious and delicately decorated with Iranian
furniture, Lebanese lamps, Yemeni earthenware pots or Moroccan
rugs, yet there is a different magic there, too… It’s called Africa and
it seems to come from the ancient lands of Kenya.
Vejer de la Frontera
Category: Hotel H H
No. of rooms: 20
La Casa del Califa
Plaza de España, 16
11150 Vejer de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 447 730
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.2536672
Longitude -5.962461
Localization on map: B-3
Accommodation with Great and Small Stories
La Botica
In the centre of Vejer de la Frontera, next to the Town Hall, is a
small hostel – the town’s former pharmacy. This fact inspired its
owners to name its rooms after the old pharmacy schools.
The idea sprang from three friends who fell in love with this
town: Enrique, Josep and Paloma. They decided to set up a project
together - a hostel in Vejer that would adopt a unique approach…
They wanted the guest to feel precisely that - a guest - more so
than they would in a hotel. And clearly they have succeeded, to
judge by the welcoming atmosphere and personal service.
The level of comfort in the rooms and beds is also a particular
consideration, while the house’s charm, location and views need
no embellishment.
Vejer de la Frontera
Hostal La Botica
C/ Canalejas, 13
11150 Vejer de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 450 225 | M. 607 644 133; 610 778 879
[email protected]
Category: Hostel H H
No. of rooms: 12
GPS localization
Latitude 36.2527951
Longitude -5.9628082
Localization on map: B-3
Accommodation with Great and Small Stories
Siete Balcones y un Patio
Some names are so evocative they just make you want to cross the
threshold of a building. This hotel – with seven balconies and a
patio, just as the name declares – can be found in the heart of Vejer,
that labyrinthine town of cobbled streets.
It is a space of light and tranquillity that combines tradition with
modernity: wrought-iron balconies and rooms equipped with
docking stations for your iPod and free Internet access. Far from
ostentation and formality, this hotel is all about comfort and ease:
breakfast at whatever time the guest cares to prepare it.
The owners are ceramicists, as you can tell by the tasteful detailing
in the exquisite décor. Hand-crafted objects by the owners and other
artists are for sale in their new workshop on the courtyard, including
Turkish kilims and patchwork. A magnificent terrace overlooks this
town of white, and from which you can enjoy dream sunsets.
Vejer de la Frontera
Category: Rural Hotel
No. of rooms: 4
Siete Balcones y un patio
C/ Eduardo Shelly, 7
11150 Vejer de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 447 732 | M. 625 413 051
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.2535934
Longitude -5.9636024
Localization on map: B-3
Accommodation with Great and Small Stories
La Antigua Estación
In the 1920s work began on a railway line that was to unite Jerez
de la Frontera with Malaga. They built several stations, bridges
and tunnels… but the train never arrived. It is in one of these old
unused stations that you will find the hotel at the start of what’s
now known as the “Via Verde” – the Green Route.
The original building has been extended and refurbished for the
purpose. A typically Andalusian dining room and inviting lounges
are perfect for resting after exploring the route on foot or by bike.
This hotel also has a very distinctive feature that sets it apart from
the rest: a microlight flying school where you can gain a pilot’s
licence or, rather more easily, enjoy a ‘baptism of air’ in a glider.
The Vía Verde also offers apartment accommodation in simulated
carriages and old stations situated in Olvera and Puerto Serrano.
Category: Hotel H H H
No. of rooms: 26
Hotel La Antigua Estación
C/ La Vega, s/n. Apdo. 91
11650 Villamartín (Cádiz)
T. 617 560 351
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.5232
Longitude -.3892
Localization on map: C-1
people decide
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pero come
to a crossroads in their life and decide to change
paths by creating the hotel of their dreams.
Es fácil imaginarse a Ava Gadner como una musa, bajando las escaleras
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its citizens’ happiness.
hotel LadeAlmadraba
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each room is unique in its own way, while the
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En esta selección hay cantinas, casonas, edificios públiAlso
in Conil,
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The Princess
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She treats
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twenty los puezonaa de
provincia: even
del Jerez
blos blancos, de la Costa de la Luz o del Cádiz levantado
It is also inspired by the literature “The Hosted Velarde”: the
con las piedras ostioneras que nos recuerdan que muy
hostel uses verses by Conil’s most famous poet to name to
cerca, está la playa de La Caleta.
each of its rooms: Sunset, Bougainvillea and Seashell.
Cada uno de estos alojamientos, sean hoteles, pensioThe stars in the Country House Las Aves in Jimena de la
nes, apartamentos o casas rurales tienen en común su
Frontera are the mandarin duck and the tufted duck. A
singularidad y una historia que contar.
sanctuary of vegetation, lakes, bird songs and colours.
A Dutch-man arrived in Tarifa when Valdevaqueros was
a white beach. He added the colours. He surrounded the
hotel Dos Mares with something novel - windsurfing - and
turned Tarifa into an international brand.
Thematic Hotels
Hotel Utopía
Some hotels deserve their name – this one certainly does. The Hotel
Utopía is more than a character hotel; it’s an invitation to imagination
and the doorway to the 1930s – an era to which its owner, Miguel
Ángel Rodríguez, feels deeply drawn.
Sixteen different yet equally welcoming rooms, with enchanting
and evocative names: Poets, Tangiers, Republic, Paris 1937,
Zeppelin, Jazz, Vanguards... Each lovingly decorated with taste
and unique objects.
The hub of cultural life in this landmark establishment is La Fonda
de Utopía: a bar and restaurant that transforms of an evening into a
theatre-cabaret, recalling the heady nights of Bohemian Paris.
Benalup Casas Viejas
Category: Hotel H H H H
No. of rooms: 16
Hotel Utopía
C/ Dr. Rafael Bernal, 32
11190 Benalup-Casas Viejas (Cádiz)
T. 956 419 532
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.3422073
Longitude -5.8116366
Localization on map: C-3
Thematic Hotels
Hospedería Las Cortes de Cádiz
Behind the façade of this centrally-situated Cadiz building, right
in the heart of Tacita de Plata, near the Town Hall and Cathedral,
is a very surprising space loaded with historical symbolism. This
is La Pepa Hotel; La Pepa being the nickname for the popular
Constitution of 1812.
Each room has its own copy of this first Spanish Constitution
and is dedicated to an historical event or figure from this
exciting period.
These rooms are comfortable and modern, laid out around a typical
Andalusian patio crowned by a glass bullfighter’s hat that brings
light and warmth to the complex. The terrace boasts a look-out
tower from which one can see and breathe Cadiz, the mother city
of distant beautiful cities such as Havana.
Category: Hotel H H H
No. of rooms: 36
Hospedería Las Cortes de Cádiz
San Francisco, 9
11004 Cádiz (Cádiz)
T. 956 226 517; 956 220 489
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.5336125
Longitude -6.2951495
Localization on map: A-2
Thematic Hotels
Hotel Almadraba Conil
A typical Spanish tenement surrounds a green and fresh Andalusian
courtyard. It is easy to imagine it during the 18th century, with its
commotion and whitewashed walls, in the heart of Conil, close to the
Chanca, a generous space where the tuna was once unloaded.
Today, as then, people are still closely related to the fishing of bluefin
tuna and this little hotel pays homage to that activity with its fishing
gear, charts and the rich vocabulary of tunny fishing.
The beach can be seen from the rooftop, from where the priceless
ocean breeze can be felt. An immense horizon of sand and water. It is
no surprise that customers are so loyal. Some leave their wishes behind in writing: “I hope we meet again”, “We are counting the days”.
Next to the reception you can find a picture of Chris Stewart, one of
the hotel’s famous guests, drummer of the band Genesis and author
of the best selling-book “Driving Over Lemons”.
At breakfast, the extra virgin olive oil, which is produced on-site, reminds us that Conil is rich in sea and rich in land.
Conil de la Frontera
Category: Hotel H H H
No. of rooms: 17
Hotel Almadraba Conil
C/ Señores Curas, 14
11140 Conil de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 444 519
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.27481
Longitude -6.088512
Localization on map: B-3
Thematic Hotels
La Princesa y el Guisante
Delightful hostel inspired by the Hans Christian Andersen tale
that is a favourite of its owner María - the Princess and the Pea.
It is full of surprises, such as the pea beneath an glass case that
is changed every day.
The minimalist, appealing rooms are themed, with tasteful little
details that are the stuff of dreams: French soap and quality towels
in the bathrooms, for example.
A spiral staircase winds up to the terrace-solarium like an enchanted
tower in a castle: don’t miss the beautiful views of the sea and the
gorgeous Conil beach from the terrace. Sunset from the Jacuzzi is
spectacular – simply unforgettable. Most definitely a place you’ll
want to come back to.
Conil de la Frontera
Hostal La Princesa y el Guisante
C/ Antonio Ureba, 14
11149 Conil de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 456283
[email protected]
Category: Hostel H H
No. of rooms: 11
GPS localization
Latitude 36.2744569
Longitude -6.0880111
Localization on map: B-3
Thematic Hotels
El Alojado de Velarde
Enjoy the nightfall and daybreak from the terrace overlooking
the sea of El Alojado de Velarde of Conil.
Located in the city’s historical centre, this exquisitely and modernly-rehabilitated antique household of the XVIII century is
inspired in the verses of Conil poet José Velarde.
Its eight uniquely-named rooms, Caracola, Aurora, Bunganvilla,... which surround a courtyard covered by a coloured skylight,
timely, perfectly and tastefully recreate the essence that said
author described in his poems: the peacefulness and serenity
of the white villages, the coolness and luminosity of the Andalusian courtyards, the welcoming sand and the calm ocean
Conil de la Frontera
Category: Hostal Hs H
No. of rooms: 8
El Alojado de Velarde
C/José Velarde, 17
11149 Conil de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 456 029; 610 988 038
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36º 16’ 31.38’’ N
Longitude 6º 5’ 18.84’’ W
Localization on map: B-3
Thematic Hotels
Casa Rural Las Aves
A wonderful observation spot for nature lovers. This rural house is
located in a lush finca spanning 250,000 square metres, with five
lakes that serve as refuge for nesting birds and those that take a
break here from their journeys near Los Alcornocales Natural Park
(as well as those who reside permanently in this rural complex!).
La Casa Rural Las Aves blends the simplicity of its facilities with
comfort and respect for the environment: for example, hot water
is supplied through solar power. It is a family-friendly place, where
children will enjoy the recreation and play areas.
It offers horse-riding routes and walking trails guided by experts
who will explain about the species that inhabit the complex, most
of which are aquatic: swans, geese and a wide variety of ducks,
from Muscovy to the ‘joyuyu’.
Jimena de la Frontera
Category: Rural Hotel
No. of rooms: 6
Casa Rural Las Aves
11339 Estación de Jimena
de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 606 520 276; 956 640 210
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36º 20’ 32.64” N
Longitude 5º 19’ 12.80” W
Localization on map: D-3
Thematic Hotels
Hotel Dos Mares
Hotels overlooking the sea are always infused with its scent
and colour. This fantastic haven for water sport lovers is located
between Tarifa and the Punta Paloma dune, where you will find a
school for windsurfing and kitesurfing as well as surfboard storage,
tennis and beach volleyball.
Its visionary owner Roberto Van Looy came here in 1966 and
immediately realised that the wind would be perfect to fill the
sea with vibrantly coloured sails and young people from all over
Europe, keen to soar across the waters. You might well say he is
the father of windsurfing, and this hotel a place of culture for
windsurfing enthusiasts.
Blue is the dominant colour at the Dos Mares: on the walls, out at
sea and in the sky. An excellent night-time snack bar is handily
placed beside the pool.
On clear days you can see Morocco. At night, the stars…
Category: Hotel H H H
No. of rooms: 12
No. of bungalows: 34
Hotel Dos Mares
Ctra. N. 340. Km 79,5
11380 Tarifa (Cádiz)
T. 956 684 035
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.050522
Longitude -5.644956
Localization on map: C-4
Palaces, Mansions
and Manor Houses
Many of the palaces are reminders of the Bay of Cadiz’s
seafaring and enterprising past, of that era in which
trade with America forged a prosperous exchange of
music, shapes and tastes.
But don’t stay in the palace too long, though it may well
enchant you. Go out and take a fresh look at the plants
brought from America by the missionaries and which
today adorn the plazas and gardens of the Bay of Cadiz.
Cadiz, El Puerto de Santa María and Sanlúcar de Barrameda
form an itinerary that evokes a colonial atmosphere that
we could well call the Ruta Americana de la Bahía.
But it was not just overseas trade that brought wealth
- Jerez also exported wine and brandy throughout
Europe and its buildings do justice to the saying, “It’s
still going strong.”
Some manor houses around Arcos de la Frontera are
linked to the aristocracy, to the Conquest or Re-conquest
– depending on whose point of view - of Al Ándalus. They
are houses that belonged to pedigree families who chose
for themselves the best spots in the village or town and
today continue to enjoy these privileged locations in the
centre of Chipiona, Tarifa or Vejer de la Frontera.
Palaces, Mansions and Manor Houses
Hotel La Casa Grande
This manor house built by the Nuñez de Prado family in 1729 is
situated in a narrow, quiet pedestrian alley.
The building’s hub is a whitewashed porticoed patio where breakfast
and candle-lit dinner is served. The book-lined lounge has a fireplace
and cosy armchairs to enjoy some quality time reading.
The owner Elena, who oversaw the building’s careful restoration,
lives in the hotel as well - so you can be sure of some friendly and
personal service. On the terrace (with some spectacular views over
the Guadalete River) are the two most beautiful rooms: El Palomar
and El Soberao. Both have old beams and are spacious and very
Arcos de la Frontera
Category: Hotel H
No. of rooms: 7
Hotel La Casa Grande
C/ Maldonado, 10
11630 Arcos de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 703 930
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.747276
Longitude -5.8048653
Localization on map: C-1
Palaces, Mansions and Manor Houses
Hotel Marqués de Torresoto
The austere façade of this 17th century palace-house, the home of
the Marquises of Torresoto, gives little clue as to the beautiful gem
inside: a beautiful, spacious porticoed patio.
Baroque in style like the small yet beautiful chapel, it was restored
in 2003. The dining room tables extend out into the middle of the
patio. Sofas and armchairs – the perfect draw for enjoying a coffee,
reading or conversing – are found under the arches. The rooms on
the first floor are simple yet comfortable.
The hotel, magnificently preserving its manorial atmosphere, is an
oasis of peace in the historical centre of Arcos.
Arcos de la Frontera
Category: Hotel H H
No. of rooms: 15
Hotel Marqués de Torresoto
C/ Marqués de Torresoto, 4
11630 Arcos de la Frontera
T. 956 700 717
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.7481422
Longitude -5.8056417
Localization on map: C-1
Palaces, Mansions and Manor Houses
Hotel Playa de Regla
This hotel is housed in an old early 20th century mansion with a
strong Andalusian essence. It is situated between the Virgen de
Regla sanctuary and the great Chipiona Lighthouse, right at the
heart of the town’s waterfront. It is a privileged location from
which to enjoy both Andalusian gastronomy and Regla beach, from
which the hotel gets its name.
A warm and welcoming hotel whose rooms enjoy Spanish
Elizabethan décor, and from whose terrace you can marvel at the
wonderful sunsets whilst enjoying a coffee or an excellent dinner.
The soothing chance to hear the murmur of the waves as you drift
into slumber.
Category: Hotel H H H
No. of rooms: 30
Hotel Playa de Regla
Pº Costa de la Luz, 29
11550 Chipiona (Cádiz)
T. 956 372 769
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.7347804
Longitude -6.4407525
Localization on map: A-1
Palaces, Mansions and Manor Houses
Palacio San Bartolomé
A hotel that is full of the flavours and features of a long and
meticulous restoration that has been careful to respect the
palace’s history. It enjoys a central location in the historical heart
of El Puerto de Santa María and dates back to the 18th century.
White and grey hues blended with dark wood creates an
enticing atmosphere. The spacious and comfortable rooms are
each dedicated to a figure linked to the city - Rafael Alberti,
Pedro Muñoz Seca, Juan de la Cosa. They are all set around a
central patio that fills the building with light, and is also where
the dining room is based.
The hostel also has a gym and spa, as well as massage and treatment
offers. The service is polite, enthusiastic and professional.
El Puerto de Santa María
Hostal Palacio San Bartolomé
C/ San Bartolomé, 21
11500 el Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz)
T. 956 850 946; 666 948 454
[email protected]
Category: Hostel H H
No. of rooms: 11
GPS localization
Latitude 36.5981384
Longitude -6.2285496
Localization on map: A-2
Palaces, Mansions and Manor Houses
Hotel Villa de Jerez
This hotel retains the elegance and warmth of the old manor
house, as well as communal areas that have been very tastefully
decorated. An attractive restoration that has created a welcoming
atmosphere for reading, resting or simply living; a five-star hotel
that feels like home.
It has a first-rate restaurant and an open-air saltwater pool. The
porticoed arcade looks out over a garden spanning 4,000 square
metres. Breathe in the countryside and the forest - a haven of
peace in the city’s historic centre, very close to the trade fair
centre and the Royal School of Equestrian Art.
It has 14 superior double rooms and four suites, each decorated
very individually.
Jerez de la Frontera
Category: Hotel H H H H H
No. of rooms: 18
Hotel Villa de Jerez
Avda. de la Cruz roja, 7
11407 Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 153 100
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.6947407
Longitude -6.1317795
Localization on map: B-2
Palaces, Mansions and Manor Houses
Hotel Bellas Artes
There are some places that make you fall in love and some hotels
that make you want to come back for more – the Bellas Artes is
both. It is situated in an old palace in the historical heart of Jerez
de la Frontera; a cosy and surprising establishment that has been
able to preserve the flavours of the time.
The fantastic restoration, well-balanced décor combining old and
new, and gentle hues have come together to create a friendly,
warm and peaceful atmosphere.
Its rooms – each different and original – are a fascinating reason
to make you return. Enjoy the sensational views of Jerez’s historic
centre from the terrace - the cathedral in the foreground – as you
savour breakfast or relax in the outdoor Jacuzzi-pool.
Jerez de la Frontera
Category: Hotel H H H H
No. of rooms: 19
Hotel Bellas Artes
Plaza del Arroyo, 45
11403 Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T.956 348 430
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.6827781
Longitude -6.1411769
Localization on map: B-2
Palaces, Mansions and Manor Houses
Hotel Palacio Garvey
The history of Jerez de la Frontera is ever-present in its manor
houses and bodegas. The old palace that used to belong to the
Irish Garvey family is right at the heart of the city’s historic centre
and brings together the features of a modern hotel that respects
its origins.
The spacious rooms are individually furnished and very tastefully
decorated. Numerous works of art hang on the walls, such as in the
communal areas. The Andalusian courtyard is a perfect example of
the fusion between the 19th and 21st centuries, and makes for a
very pleasant meeting place.
Serving great Mediterranean and Andalusian food made with
regional produce and wines, La Condesa restaurant is the ideal
place to start or end a visit to the city.
Jerez de la Frontera
Category: Hotel H H H H
No. of rooms: 16
Hotel Palacio Garvey
Pza. Rafael Rivero. C/ Tornería, 24
11403 Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 326 700
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.6858675
Longitude -6º 137498
Localization on map: B-2
Palaces, Mansions and Manor Houses
Hotel La Casa Grande
La Casa Grande hotel is located in an attractive square in the historical
heart of Jerez de la Frontera.
Built in the Twenties by architect Teodoro Anasagasti, it is
designed around a patio and suffused with soft white and cream
hues. Restored a few years ago, this former manor house comes
equipped with the most modern of amenities. The terrace in
particular is spectacular; in it, a wrought-iron spiral staircase leads
up to a mirador offering great views of the city.
La Casa Grande has a reading room with a jumble of wellthumbed books. This is not a decorator’s whim, but a comfortable
and pleasant place to read. Any other spare time is easily spent
experiencing the traditions, history and gastronomy of this
authentic Andalusian city.
Jerez de la Frontera
Category: Hotel H H H
No. of rooms: 15
Hotel La Casa Grande
Plaza de las Angustias, 3
11402 Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 345 070
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.68107
Longitude -6.1339
Localization on map: B-2
Palaces, Mansions and Manor Houses
Hotel Medina Sidonia
Amongst the city’s steep, white and cobbled streets, one can find
the Medina Sidonia Hotel, an antique palatial home filled with
history, whose unique balconies and terraces overlook the city
streets, surrounded by part of the X century fortress with whitewashed walls and tiling.
The warm and inviting halls and rooms surround a central arched
courtyard and its upper gallery, filled with natural light. Abundant
plants, clay pots, earthenware bowls, pots, copper ornaments,
mats and straw curtains come together in harmony with traditional
furniture, creating a stately ambiance filled with impeccable and
quiet resting areas. Visitors can take a taste of the local gastronomy, especially of its sweets, in the hotel’s restaurant. A privileged area from which one can explore the region and its culture.
Medina Sidonia
Category: Hotel H H H
No. of rooms: 15
Hotel Medina sidonia
Plaza Llanete Herederos, 1
11170 Medina Sidonia (Cádiz)
T.956 412 317
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36º 27’ 43.07’’ N
Longitude 5º 55’ 45.17’’ W
Localization on map: B-3
Palaces, Mansions and Manor Houses
Palacio de Arizón
When Félix Arizón moved to Sanlúcar in the early 1700s, he chose
as his residence this palace from whose tower you can see the
Doñana and the mouth of the Guadalquivier River.
Not a bad place to make one’s fortune trading with America. Today
it is still a noble house, transformed into an authentic Andalusian
hotel with gardens, frescoes on the walls, large earthenware jars
beneath the glass floor and, perhaps most importantly, the essence
of Sanlúcar’s history.
It is situated very close both to the town centre and the beach, and
occupies a huge block – a true testament to what used to be the
house of a merchant family.
Sanlúcar de Barrameda
Hotel ABBA Palacio de Arizón
Plaza Quinto Centenario, s/n
11540 Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz)
T. 956 385 100
[email protected]
Category: Hotel H H H H
No. of rooms: 49
GPS localization
Latitude 36º 46´ 14” N
Longitude 6º 21´ 65” W
Localization on map: A-1
Palaces, Mansions and Manor Houses
Hospedería F.C. Medina Sidonia
Hospederías (hostels) came about in the monasteries: sober places,
peaceful havens for meditating and regaining strength before
continuing on one’s journey.
The Hospedería Duques de Medida Sidiona, however, was
originally a ribat, an ancient Almoravid fortress. It succeeds in
adding comfort and technology to its rooms, without betraying the
history of the place. The arcade and thick white walls are a notable
feature of the exterior. The café is filled with books and is a great
prelude to the wonderful ducal archive inside the palace – of vital
importance in the history of Spain and which was catalogued and
guarded by the Duchess of Medina Sidonia, Luisa Isabel Álvarez de
Toledo, otherwise known as the “red duchess”.
Located next to the palace, the hostel helps to fund and maintain this
wonderful archive which is open to both visitors and researchers.
Sanlúcar de Barrameda
Hospedería Fundación Casa Medina Sidonia
Plaza Condes de Niebla, 1
11540 Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz)
T. 956 360 161
[email protected]
Category: Hotel H H H
No. of rooms: 9
GPS localization
Latitude 36.7760227
Longitude -6.3535406
Localization on map: A-1
Palaces, Mansions and Manor Houses
Posada de Palacio
This 18th century palace-house is particularly noteworthy for
its gorgeous old floors and courtyards, above all the central one:
porticoed, airy, simply spectacular. A sense of warmth permeates
the hotel thanks to the tiles and stonework.
The décor is exquisite: period furniture, paintings, objects,
lamps and a profusion of plants that all help to create a pleasant
and friendly atmosphere. Arabic, and particularly Andalusian,
influences can be seen in the Renaissance architecture.
The rooms are comfortable, spacious and well-equipped, while
the terrace provides a wonderful view of the city’s historical and
artistic emblems and features. Breathe in peace and the sea – the
sea of Sanlúcar.
Sanlúcar de Barrameda
Posada de Palacio
C/ Caballeros, 9 - 11
11540 Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz)
T. 956 364 840
[email protected]
Category: Hotel H H H
No. of rooms: 32
GPS localization
Latitude 36.775605
Longitude -6.3542267
Localization on map: A-1
Palaces, Mansions and Manor Houses
La Casa de La Favorita
Born of the love between a prince of the Abbasi dynasty and
a Castilian woman, his ‘favorita’, this charming and tasteful
accommodation was once a manor house.
A sense of peace is created through the use of white and warm
hues, while the rooms are so beautiful that guests may find it
difficult to leave in the morning! There are no numbers here; each
room has a name, a personality: Assilem, Zoraida… The restoration
has respected the original structures, whilst also giving it charm,
comfort and various mod-cons. It is a place in which to simply be;
to soak up the beauty and enjoy some time reading. The books here
are not just a decorative feature; they are there as a declaration of
principles, always at the guest’s disposal.
In short, this hotel is one of those magical places to which you will
want to return.
Category: Apartments
No. of rooms: 8
La Casa de La Favorita
Plaza San Hiscio, 4
11380 Tarifa (Cádiz)
T. 690 180 253; 956 683 012
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.0130352
Longitude -5.6036891
Localization on map: C-4
Palaces, Mansions and Manor Houses
Hotel V…
Period Portuguese furniture, Egyptian cotton bedclothes, luxury
items in a 17th century palace. Everything is intimate, everything
is subtle, yet everything draws powerful attention to the
accommodation situated in the highest point of Vejer, surrounded
by a labyrinth of alleys and whitewashed walls.
Plants embrace the courtyard walls and the terrace is a privileged
vantage point from which to enjoy the gastronomy and some
spectacular views.
The massage room specialises in Ayurvedic therapies practised
in India for more than 3,000 years. It can be reached via a glazed
spiral staircase that descends to the large aljibe (well or cistern)
that it used to be in a former life.
Vejer de la Frontera
Category: Hostel H
No. of rooms: 12
Hotel V…
C/ Rosario 11-13
11150 Vejer de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 451 757
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.253405
Longitude -5.9638272
Localization on map: B-3
Castles, Convents
and Monasteries
The horizon is so vast that it can sometimes make you
want to close your eyes. It may happen when you lean
out of a room in the highest part of a castle, when you
see the earth vanish around the contours of Africa, or
behind the sea or dense cork-forested mountains.
Cadiz is populated by watchtowers, walls and castles:
architecture in defence of the land, and a coastline that
every town coveted for itself.
As a result of the battles, many towns in the regions of
La Janda, the Sierra or the Campo de Gibraltar have “la
frontera” (frontier) in their name, or perhaps preserve
their Arabic origin. Theirs is a legacy that endures today
in the Andalusian recipe book and urban layout of its
This chapter also includes convents and monasteries
from the 16th and 18th centuries, each with its own zeal.
There are Mercedarian monks, nuns of the Order of St
Clare and Franciscan monks, too.
Just one more reason to visit El Puerto de Santa María,
Vejer, Castellar and Jerez de la Frontera.
Castles, Convents and Monasteries
Hotel El Convento
Lying on the cliff of Peña de Arcos, in the calmest area of the entire white village, stands El Convento (the Convent) Hotel, whose
rooms overlook the spectacular scenery of the Guadalete river and
the ancient Saint Peter’s Church.
Located in a privileged spot, the hotel forms part of the adjacent
convent of the cloistered Mercedarias nuns, renowned for their exquisite sweets. The rooms, which have recently been rehabilitated,
maintain a traditional decor and conform a unique haven of peace.
Its balconies and terraces offer us the unique opportunity to enjoy
the outstanding surrounding scenery that few places can provide
us with, whilst enjoying a delicious breakfast or appetizer.
Arcos de la Frontera
Category: Hotel H H
No. of rooms: 13
Hotel El Convento
C/Maldonado, 2
11630 Arcos de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 702 333
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36º 44’ 53.32’’ N
Longitude 5º 48’ 23.46’’ W
Localization on map: C-1
Castles, Convents and Monasteries
Hotel Convento Cádiz
The Hotel Convento of Cadiz is located amongst the city’s alleys,
close to the port.
It is enclosed within an active XVII century convent, a religious
building whose Santo Domingo Church is dedicated to the city’s
patron Virgin, and which for several centuries accommodated the
Dominican friars that travelled around the world, filled with hope
and experiences. Today, these rooms are fully and elegantly rehabilitated with all type of amenities, and accommodate travellers who are still captivated by the peaceful coexistence of past
The halls are filled with exclusive artwork and pieces. We can also
enter its library, a former prestigious training centre filled with
original books from the convent, whilst listening to the beautiful
melody emerging from the bell tower carillon. Its courtyard and
cloister are filled with history and peacefulness.
Category: Hotel H
No. of rooms: 24
Hotel Convento Cádiz
C/ Santo Domingo, 2
11006 Cádiz
T. 956 200 738
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36º 31’ 41.59’’ N
Longitude 6º 17’ 23.33’’ W
Localization on map: A-2
Castles, Convents and Monasteries
Hotel La Almoraima
La Almoraima is one of those incredible hotels where you don’t
know what’s best – the hotel itself or the surroundings. Because
if the hotel is spectacular, with luxurious rooms and a top-class
restaurant, the environment (a forest right at the heart of Los
Alcornocales Natural Park) is every bit as wonderful.
Built in 1603, La Almoraima is an old Mercedarian monastery
that has been converted into a hotel and recently restored. The
imposing neo-Gothic tower that dominates the scene is particularly
This hotel offers a range of unusual activities such as attending
the ‘bellowing of the stag’, traditional cork harvesting, hunting
deer, buck and mouflon, bird- and wildlife-watching, visiting cave
paintings and horse-riding…
A very different destination, without a doubt.
Castellar de la Frontera
Hotel La Almoirama
Carretera Algeciras - Ronda s/n
11350 Castellar de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 693 002
[email protected]
Category: Hotel H H H H
No. of rooms: 23
GPS localization
Latitude 36.2772201
Longitude -5.428234
Localization on map: D-3
Castles, Convents and Monasteries
Castillo de Castellar-H. Alcázar
This castle and the nine rural houses housed inside a 12th century
Moorish fortress is a great escape into Andalusia’s medieval history.
The bulk of stone looks massive in a tiny village of whitewashed
houses, while the fresh scents of the sea and forest infuse the air.
The views are amazing – and most certainly enjoyed by the
Castellar Counts who once lived here. To one side you can make
out the Rock of Gibraltar, the Strait and Africa; to the other, the
Sierra de Grazalema. It is an idyllic, peaceful spot full of narrow
streets and passages that could have come straight from a film,
and over which vultures and eagles soar.
Converted into a hotel under the meticulous eye of great artist and
architect Peridis, it also offers the El Aljibe restaurant where you
can sample the area’s most traditional dishes.
Castellar de la Frontera
Castillo de Castellar, Hotel Alcázar
Plaza del Salvador s/n
11350 Castellar de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 693 150
[email protected]
Category: Hotel H H H
No. of rooms: 9
Country houses: 9
GPS localization
Latitude 36.3186090
Longitude -5.4537141
Localization on map: D-3
Castles, Convents and Monasteries
Monasterio de San Miguel
In 1727, the Duke of Medinaceli authorised the Capuchin Poor
Clare nuns to build a Baroque convent that would provide a home
for the order for more than two centuries.
Years later in 1989 it became one of the most emblematic hotels on
the Bay of Cadiz, a comfortable and romantic hotel blending modernity
and nostalgia. The cloister, carefully decorated with magnificent
antiquities, is particularly noteworthy. Few hotels are able to boast
such an impressive auditorium - the old convent church.
The tradition, history and gastronomy of this most Andalusian of
cities is alive and kicking in the historical centre of El Puerto de
Santa María where the hotel is situated.
El Puerto de Santa María
Monasterio de San Miguel
C/ Larga, 27
11500 El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz)
T. 956 54 04 40
[email protected]
Category: Hotel H H H H
No. of rooms: 165
Latitud 36.6023017
Longitud -6.2227039
Localización Mapa: A-2
Castles, Convents and Monasteries
Hotel ITC Itaca Jerez
An old María Auxiliadora convent from the 19th century situated
in the heart of Jerez. It has been completely renovated to become
a contemporary hotel, which nonetheless preserves details of its
past such as the magnificent stone statue of the sacred heart that
presides over the hotel reception, situated in the old convent
courtyard (which also retains its well).
A wonderful restaurant specialising in regional and international
cuisine is now where the convent chapel used to be, combining
original features with a modern and functional décor.
A hotel from which all the most symbolic aspects of Jerez are
within arm’s reach.
Jerez de la Frontera
Hotel ITC Itaca Jerez
C/ Diego Fernández Herrera, 1Esq. Plaza de las
Angustias, s/n 11401 Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 350 462
[email protected]
Category: Hotel H H H H
No. of rooms: 53
GPS localization
Latitude 36.6810029
Longitude -6.1333799
Localization on map: B-2
Castles, Convents and Monasteries
Convento de San Francisco
A monastic peace reigns throughout this old 17th century convent
for nuns of the Order of St. Clare and later Franciscan monks. Peace
infuses the atmosphere of convent-hotels; they are places for
leisurely strolling and enjoying calm and quietude.
The wonderful restoration adds modernity and a sense of well-being
to these walls… Roman mosaics at Reception and religious frescoes
at the café La Plazuela, which retains remains of original paintings
from the old convent chapel, also add a sense of history.
The rooms are very individual with stone arches and very high
ceilings. The lounge is located in the old choir, where the chairs
and seating transport guests back in time. And the refectory is a
splendid restaurant offering a wide variety of food – from fresh
fish from Barbate to delicious veal and fresh produce from the area
of La Janda.
Vejer de la Frontera
Hotel Convento de San Francisco
C/ Plazuela, s/n
11150 Vejer de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 451 001; 956 451 002
[email protected]
Category: Hotel H H H
No. of rooms: 25
GPS localization
Latitude 36.2542659
Longitude -5.9654332
Localization on map: B-3
Ranches, Country houses
and Cottages
These invite us to become acquainted with life in the
countryside. Some are of agricultural or cattle breeding
origin and preserve the traditional architecture of
agricultural activity.
Some of these cortijos are still operating; others have
fallen into oblivion and a few have opened their doors to
tourism as a way of providing continuity to an activity and
architecture that dates back to the 16th century.
New production methods rendered many redundant, but
their simple, elegant outline and way of life crossed the
boundaries of economy, and cortijos became a part of
Andalusian cinema, literature and cultural heritage.
Staying in one of them involves an enjoyment of Nature,
active tourism, contact with animals or time spent in the
fresh air. Some are surrounded by olive trees, and possess
farming tools, wells, oil mills, flowers and chimneys – all
the things that make life in rural environments warmer
and more beautiful. Today they are places that invite you
to take your time over the great food, books and fresh air.
Some cortijos are located very close to one or more
of the province’s six natural parks, each with their own
landscapes, so different, so extreme: from the cliffs of
la Breña to the imposing massif of Grazalema, from the
primeval forestland that still exists in Los Alcornocales
to the infinite, salty horizons of the Doñana or the Bay of
In some cases we can also find what used to be a
country refuge or summer house of aristocrats and
important families.
Country houses and Cottages
Cortijo Mesa de la Plata
At the foot of Arcos de la Frontera is the Cortijo Mesa de la Plata,
the perfect place for the whole family to enjoy close contact with
animals – the farm has horses, sheep, rabbits - and experience the
authentic life of an Andalusian cortijo adorned with old farming
From the rocking chairs in the lounge that opens out onto a garden
peppered with olive trees and the pool, Arcos is simply pictureperfect. The nine rooms are pleasant, and traditionally decorated.
The dining room has sloping ceilings, and radiates warmth and
tranquillity. The cortijo also has ten rustic apartments.
Arcos de la Frontera
Category: Hotel H H H
No. of rooms: 9
Cortijo Mesa de la Plata
Crta. Arcos - El Bosque km. 4,5
11630 Arcos de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 704 848
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36º 44´ 36.97” N
Longitude 5º 46´58.79” W
Localization on map: C-1
Country houses and Cottages
Cortijo Barranco
Just a few kilometres from Arcos de la Frontera, surrounded by
fields and olive groves, is the Cortijo Barranco, a rural tourism site
that has been restored around an old oil mill known as “Molino
Nuestra Señora de la Luz”.
The large fireplace in this big country house is now an inviting spot
around which to gather: in winter the smell of firewood pervades
the building and creates a warm and friendly atmosphere, while in
summer the vines around the main courtyard provide shade and a
beautiful play of light.
The rooms are simple and in the region’s traditional style. The
library is full of old books and thus an enticing place to while away
a few hours reading. If you’re hungry, the excellent dining room
serves Mediterranean dishes and home-grown produce. The hotel
also boasts an outside pool.
Arcos de la Frontera
Cortijo Barranco
Ctra. Arcos-El Bosque, Km. 5.7 | Finca
Cortijo Barranco | Apdo. 169 | 11630 Arcos
T. 956 231 402
[email protected]
Category: Rural Hotel H
No. of rooms: 15
GPS localization
Latitude 36,774522
Longitude -5,745034
Localization on map: C-1
Country houses and Cottages
Hacienda El Santiscal
The Hacienda El Santiscal is a window onto the Guadalete, a white
mirador where ospreys wheel overhead. History has it that the
land on which this hacienda was built was a prize awarded by King
Ferdinand the Catholic to the sons of the knight Juan Armario for
his heroic exploits, sometime around 1485.
Declared an ecological hotel, it coexists harmoniously with its natural
environment very close to Arcos de la Frontera.
The comfortable, spacious rooms are scattered around a traditional
flower-bedecked Andalusian patio with a well – simply breathe in
the peace here. The fireplace in the airy salon is the perfect place
to relax or read. The Arabic floors and cuisine are a great example
of Mediterranean fusion: the Egyptian chef serves cous-cous,
falafel and hummus.
Arcos de la Frontera
Hacienda El Santiscal
Avda. El Santiscal, 173
11630 Arcos de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 708 313; 616 309 310
[email protected] · [email protected]
Category: Hotel H
No. of rooms: 12
GPS localization
Latitude 36.765911
Longitude -5.768766
Localization on map: C-1
Country houses and Cottages
El Vihuelo
In the middle of the countryside, amongst the mountain landscape and the olive orchards that flood the place with their presence, we can find an ancient oil mill that has been rehabilitated
and transformed into a cosy white hotel. The local gastronomy,
its chimneys, courtyards and impeccably unique areas, invite us
to enjoy the peacefulness and to share these good moments
with family members and friends. Whilst its rooms are comfortable and charming, its surroundings offer the opportunity to
live a unique experience in the middle of nature through organized sports activities or leisurely walks during which to enjoy
the beauty and aromas of this wonderful setting. It must also
be noted that the view of the sunsets from this hotel are simply
El Bosque
El Vihuelo
Ctra. antigua El Bosque-Ubrique km. 19
El Bosque (Cádiz)
T. 672 726 345
[email protected]
Category: Rural House CRs
No. of rooms: 10
GPS localization
Latitude 36º 44’ 26.56’’ N
Longitude 5º 30’ 28.41’’ W
Localization on map: D-2
Country houses and Cottages
Viña de Alcántara
Surrounded by a vast garden of native trees including cypress,
cork oak, palms, laurel and myrtle, just perfect for a stroll, is the
Casa Viña de Alcántara, a sun-dappled house of earthen hues
with the air of a French château, built in 1890 by the owners’
The rooms are comfortable and elegant, decorated with love and
care by the heirs of this late 19th century building. Sloping ceilings,
wooden beams, antique furniture and family photos bestow a
welcoming and personal atmosphere. Of particular note are the
marble bathrooms and strips of oak on the upper storey floor,
ordinarily used in the wine barrels. The lounge, complete with
fireplace, is magnificent. And the English breakfast very generous!
Not forgetting, of course, the pool in the gardens - a pure delight.
All in all, an ideal place from which to discover the flavour of these
rural lands and the incomparable light of Jerez.
Jerez de la Frontera
Casa “Viña de Alcántara”
Ctra. A-382 Jerez-Arcos. Salida 3 (hacia Torremelgarejo) 11400 Jerez de la Fra. (Cádiz)
T. 956 393 010
[email protected]
Category: Rural Hotel
No. of rooms: 9
GPS localization
Latitude 36.7136
Longitude -6.01222
Localization on map: B-2
Country houses and Cottages
Monasterio de San Martín
Set between the towns of Castellar and Jimena de la Frontera
and recreating the traditional architecture of an old 18th century
monastery, this hotel successfully combines an authentic evocation
of the past with modern luxury.
Patios, corridors and a series of arches surround the rooms, which
are no longer modest monastic cells thanks to their amenities
and exquisite décor.
The spacious gardens, a large pool and fantastic restaurant are
almost in competition with a privileged landscape of orange
groves, prehistoric caves and the beautiful scenery of the nearby
Los Alcornocales natural park.
Jimena de la Frontera
Hotel Monasterio de San Martín
Cno. Montenegral Alto. A-210 -Km.4, San
Martin del Tesorillo. 11349 Jimena (Cádiz)
T. 956 618 515; 620 153 725
[email protected]
Category: Hotel H H H H
No. of rooms: 21
GPS localization
Latitude 36º 16.48´ 22” N
Longitude 5º 21.31´ 42” W
Localization on map: D-3
Country houses and Cottages
Cortijo Las Piñas
Tarifa is a must-see place on any tour through the Costa de la Luz
for its historic centre, friendly people, proximity to Africa and blaze
of colour.
This delightful apartment hotel with sea and mountain views is
located just eight hundred metres from the beach at Valdevaqueros,
a paradise for windsurfing and kitesurfing and its famous dune.
Lush and salty all at once!
Set in an Andalusian cortijo, Las Piñas is a fine example of a
successful restoration; a small and welcoming establishment
that ensures friendly and pleasant service. The apartments are
decorated in warm hues and have all the comforts you could wish
for. Privacy and peace between two parks – Los Alcornocales and
El Estrecho. It also has a pool and offers horse-riding routes and
scuba-diving courses.
Category: Rural
Apartments H H
No. of rooms: 18
Cortijo Las Piñas
CN 340. Km 74,3
11380 Tarifa (Cádiz)
T. 956 685 136; 618 053 847
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36.077303
Longitude -5.687785
Localization on map: C-4
Country houses and Cottages
El Aguilón
This cortijo has been converted into a nature-guesthouse, full of
plants and palm trees and situated in one of the most beautiful
landscapes: on the mountainside of Los Alcornocales Natural Park
and just a few kilometres from Bolonia beach, where the Roman
remains of Baelo Claudia are to be found. A magical place to
wander, go horse-riding and enjoy your free time.
The lounge with its large fireplace, beamed ceiling and handpainted plates is a haven for conversation and reading, while the
spacious, warm rooms are modern and tastefully decorated.
It also has a restaurant, a large pool surrounded by orange trees, a
Turkish bath and stable for its horses - but most of all it has an air
of tranquillity and privacy.
Category: Rural Hotel
No. of rooms: 7
Cortijo El Aguilón
CN 340. Km 68,3
Facinas 11391 Tarifa (Cádiz)
T. 956 687 125
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36º 07´ 20.33” N
Longitude 5º 42´ 15.80” W
Localization on map: C-4
Country houses and Cottages
Casa La Siesta
There are times when luxury, environment, tranquillity and service
come together to create a truly unique place. This place is the Casa
La Siesta, a hotel inspired by an old hacienda that offers both the
charm of olden days with contemporary comfort thanks to its original
material and architecture.
A spacious lounge with fireplace offers a toasty refuge in winter,
whilst in summer one can enjoy the light of southern climes at its
splendid terrace and pool.
A large restaurant and bodega complete this establishment’s
attractions. Situated just 10 minutes from Vejer, it is the perfect
place from which to explore the region’s wide variety of culture,
entertainment and beauty.
Vejer de la Frontera
Category: Rural Hotel
No. of rooms: 9
Casa La Siesta
Los Parralejos. La Muela
11150 Vejer de la Frontera (Cádiz)
T. 956 232 003; 699 619 430
[email protected]
GPS localization
Latitude 36º 18.120 N
Longitude 5º 58.498 W
Localization on map: B-3
Country houses and Cottages
Hacienda Buena Suerte
Even the name (the ‘good fortune hacienda’) bodes well for a
pleasant stay! Located on the White Towns Route, the Hacienda
Buena Suerte is an ideal place for those who love horse-riding or
would like to learn - they offer different classes and horse-riding
routes through the sierra.
The rooms are spacious and comfortable; the pool is spectacular. In
the surrounding area, the hacienda offers the rare chance to enjoy the
roaming finca animals freely among the olive groves.
The guesthouse makes its own oil and has an ecological vegetable
garden, while the restaurant serves both regional and northern
African dishes, such as cous-cous. Wonderful fusion cuisine with
French touches.
Hacienda Buena Suerte
Ctra. Villamartín – Prado del Rey km. 3
11650 Villamartín (Cádiz)
T. 956 231 286; 670 644 946
[email protected]
Category: Rural Hotel
No. of rooms: 15
GPS localization
Latitude 36º 53´ 36.73” N
Longitude 5º 33´ 40.59” W
Localization on map: D-1
Country houses and Cottages
Hacienda El Rosalejo
The entrance to the Hacienda El Rosalego is simply majestic. The
space, the ceilings, the period furniture, the floors… the whole
effect transports the visitor to a world reminiscent of the Americas.
Commissioned by Agustín de Ahumada, viceroy of Mexico, the
building today is a lovely mix of history and contemporary wellbeing: an 18th century palace with 21st century comforts and
amenities situated in the foothills of the Cadiz sierra.
The different restorations after its destruction by Napoleon’s
troops have succeeded in preserving the original essence. The
sumptuous rooms exude elegance.
Its restaurant is one of the best in the region: excellent recipes and
a fantastic wine cellar will help you recharge your batteries after
excursions to the surrounding white towns.
Hacienda El Rosalejo
Ctra. Villamartín – Ubrique, km 6.6
11650 Villamartín (Cádiz)
T. 956 23 10 00; 630 714 537; 616 49 09 24
[email protected]
Category: Rural Hotel
No. of rooms: 8
GPS localization
Latitude 36º 48´ 23.06” N
Longitude 5º 35´ 37.32 W
Localization on map: D-1
The Real Academia Dictionary for the Spanish Language is
very restrained in its definition of charm: it continues to be an
elusive, ethereal word, ever shifting, always incomplete like
magic or enchantment. But once you put down your cases and
fling wide the windows, you will know you have arrived at a
hotel of charm.
Of course, defining precisely which accommodation possesses
or lacks charm using a unique and objective criterion is still an
impossible task.
But one must respond to all those travellers who, instead of
seeking large hotels, prefer to stay in character accommodation,
which can become a destination in themselves as well as a
means of visiting the Cadiz province. The escape, perhaps just
for a weekend, of which we all dream.
To start with, not only did this ‘charm’ have to be found inside
the hotels, hostels or guesthouses that make up this guide, but
also around them. So views of the sea or the countryside or over
the old quarter of our towns and cities had to take precedence
over a location near the motorways or main transport routes.
Charm can be found in rural houses, but only those that have
“a hotel vocation”; those that give you their time, not just a
room key.
We didn’t want anyone to come to a grand rural house and miss
the chance of conversation, of the personal touch, of enjoying
the attention and hospitality for which the province of Cadiz is
rightly famed.
There also had to be charm in the details, which is why our range
features establishments that offer higher-quality maintenance
and décor. Another requirement was that the hotel also had to
have a website.
No less important are the legends, the heritage, genuine
affection and a touch of originality: an honest formula that
satisfies the search for individuality and appeal.
This guide also tries to perform a double function: to support
establishments that lack the promotional resources enjoyed
by the big hotel chains, and to serve as a business card for
independent and character hotels in the province of Cadiz.
This first selection is designed as an initial starting point, so new
establishments will be incorporated into future issues. There is
plenty of raw material and the will to continue restoring the
identity of every town and city in the Cadiz province for the
hotel industry’s use.
Tourist Offices in the Province
Plaza Asdrúbal s/n Ático. Edf. Junta de Andalucía. 11071 CÁDIZ | Tel.: 956 006 360 | [email protected]
Plaza de Madrid s/n. Estadio Ramón de Carranza. Fondo Sur. Planta 4ª. C.P. 11011
T 956 807 061 · F 956 214 635 | · [email protected]
CÁDIZ Ciudad
Avda. Ramón de Carranza s/n
T 956 203 191 ·
[email protected]
C/ La Plaza, 3. C.P. 11130
T 956 535 969
[email protected]
Castillo de Chipiona · Castillo 5
C.P. 11550
T 956 929 065
[email protected]
[email protected]
Paseo de Canalejas s/n
T 956 241 001
[email protected] ·
Centro de Cooperación y Congresos
Avda. Villanueva s/n. C.P. 11207
T 956 581 413
[email protected]
Bajos Plaza de toros , 11 C.P.11670
T 956 727 019
[email protected]
Cuesta de Belén, 5. C.P. 11630
T 956 702 264
[email protected]
Palacio de Aranibar. Plz. Alfonso X
El Sabio, 9 (junto al castillo San Marcos)
C.P. 11500
T 956 483 714; 956 483 715
[email protected]
Paseo Marítimo, 5. C.P. 11160
T 956 063 613
[email protected] ·
Los Toros s/n C.P. 11610
T 956 720 432
[email protected]
Paterna, 4. C.P. 11190
[email protected]
T 956 417 733
Plaza Asomadero, 3. C.P. 11610
T 956 132 052
[email protected]
Palacio de los Ribera · Plza. Alcalde José
González, 2. C.P. 11640
T 956 728 264
[email protected]
Aeropuerto de Jerez
T 956 186 808
[email protected]
Carretera, 1. C.P. 11140
T 956 440 501; 956 440 222
[email protected] ·
Real, 26. C.P.11100
T 956 944 226; 956 944 227
[email protected]
Plaza del Arenal s/n C.P. 11403
T 956 341 711 956 338 874 · F 956 341 711
[email protected]
JEREVISIÓN Recepción e Información Turística
C/ Armas, 17 (Frente al torreón del Alcazar)
C.P. 11401.
T 956 169 920 609 579 294
[email protected]
Calzada Duquesa Isabel s/n. C.P.11540
T 956 366 110
[email protected]
Avenida del Ejercito, esquina con
Avda. 20 de Abril s/n. CP.11300
T 608 638 500
[email protected] ·
Palacio de los Gobernadores.
C/ Rubín de Celis, 1 C.P. 11360
T 956 694 005, 956 780 106
Ext.: 2340
[email protected]
Avda. Príncipe de Asturias s/n. C. P.: 11300
T 956 171 998
[email protected]
Villa, 2. C.P. 11692
T 956 134 261; 659 546 626
[email protected]
Paseo de la Constitución, 15. C.P. 11370
T 956 582 504
[email protected]
Paseo de la Alameda s/n. C.P. 11380
T 956 680 993 · F 956 680 676
[email protected]
C/ San Juan s/n. C.P.:11170
T 956 412 404 ·
[email protected]
Moreno de Mora, 19 A. C.P. 11600
T 956 464 900 ·956 461290 Ext. 1030
[email protected]
Plaza de la Iglesia s/n. C.P. 11690
T 956 120 816
[email protected]
Avda. de los Remedios, 2. C.P. 11150
T 956 451 736
[email protected]
[email protected]
Fuente s/n. C.P. 11690
T 956 724 436
[email protected]
Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 10
T 956 733 555
[email protected]
Plaza Rafael Alberti, 4. C.P. 11510
T 856 213 362
[email protected]
Castillo de Luna. Cuna, 2. C.P. 11520
T 956 841 352; 956 846 345
[email protected]
Accommodation List by Province Locality
Hotel Puerta de la Villa.....................17
Pensión Casa de las Piedras............18
Hotel Reina Cristina..........................09
Arcos de la Frontera
Parador Casa del Corregidor...........10
La Casa de Bóvedas...........................11
La Casa Grande...................................41
Hotel Marqués de Torresoto............42
Hotel El Convento..............................59
Cortijo Mesa de la Plata....................69
Cortijo Barranco.................................70
Hacienda el Santiscal........................71
Jerez de la Frontera
La Fonda Barranco.............................19
Hotel Villa de Jerez...........................45
Hotel Bellas Artes..............................46
Palacio Garvey....................................47
Hotel La Casa Grande........................48
Hotel ITC Jerez....................................64
Casa Viña de Alcántara.....................73
Jimena de la Frontera
Hostal El Anón....................................20
Casa Rural Las Aves...........................36
Monasterio de San Martín................74
El Palomar de la Breña......................12
Benalup-Casa Viejas
Hotel Utopía........................................31
Hotel Medina Sidonia.......................49
Hotel Argantonio...............................13
Hospedería Las Cortes
de Cádiz................................................32
Hotel Convento Cádiz.......................60
Sanlúcar de Barrameda
Palacio de Arizón...............................50
Hospedería FC
Medina Sidonia...................................51
Posada de Palacio..............................52
Castellar de la Frontera
Hotel La Almoraima...........................61
Castillo de Castellar
-H. Alcázar............................................62
La Casa Amarilla.................................21
El Escondite del Viento....................22
Posada La Sacristía............................23
Hotel Dos Mares.................................37
La Casa de La Favorita.......................53
Cortijo Las Piñas.................................75
Cortijo El Aguilón...............................76
Hotel Playa de Regla.........................43
Conil de la Frontera
Casa Alborada.....................................14
Hotel Almadraba Conil.....................33
Hotel La Princesa
y el Guisante.......................................34
El Alojado de Velarde........................35
Vejer de la Frontera
La Casa del Califa...............................24
Hostal La Botica..................................25
Siete Balcones y un Patio.................26
Hotel V…...............................................54
Convento de San Francisco..............65
Casa La Siesta.....................................77
El Vihuelo.............................................72
El Puerto de Santa María
Hotel Bodega Real.............................15
Casa Huéspedes Santa María..........16
Palacio San Bartolomé......................44
Monasterio San Miguel.....................63
La Antigua Estación...........................27
Hacienda Buena Suerte....................78
Hacienda El Rosalejo.........................79
The Provincial Tourism Board does not accept responsibility for any possible changes of
dates that the establishments may make, without notification prior to this publication.
Published by
Patronato Provincial de Turismo
Diputación de Cádiz
Plaza de Madrid s/n
Estadio Ramón de Carranza
Fondo Sur 4ª Planta
11011 | Cádiz | España
Tel. 956 80 70 61
[email protected]
[email protected]
Amparo Ortega
Mayca Gómez
David Ibañez
Amparo Ortega, Carlos de la Calle
y Mª Dolores Jiménez Ruz
Editing, design and layout
Cadigrafía Publicidad y Comunicación
Carlos de la Calle
y cedidas por los propios establecimientos.
Translation into English
Tradumedia CB y Metafrasi S.L.
Santa Teresa
Legal Deposit
road m
Second Edition 2015
Charming Hotels
in the Province
Charming Hotels in the Province
Charming Hotels
in the Province
Charming Hotels in the Province