Sunday English bulletin 10. January 2016
Sunday English bulletin 10. January 2016
UPCOMING EVENTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS SERBIAN ORTHODOX UNITY AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM Blessings are Gifts FROM God. Stewardship is our Gift TO God. WE CANNOT OUT-GIVE GOD! Stewardship is a legacy of personal support to maintain a church for today and tomorrow. TROPARION OF THE RESURRECTION - Tone 7: Thou didst destroy death by Thy Cross, Thou didst open Paradise to the thief. Thou didst change the lamentation of the Myrrh-bearers, and Thou didst command Thine Apostles to proclaim that Thou didst arise, O Christ God, and grandest to the world great mercy. TROPARION OF THE NATIVITY - Tone 4: STEWARDSHIP FORMS Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, hath shone forth the light of reason FOR 2015 ARE AVAILABLE upon the world; for therein those who worship the stars have been taught ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by a star to worship Thee, the Son of righteousness, and to know Thee, Stewardship Reflection the Dayspring from on high. O Lord, glory be to Thee! Sunday after the Nativity TROPARION OF THE ANCESTORS OF GOD - Tone 2: God asks you to add one O Joseph, proclaim glad tidings to David, the ancestor of God, for thou more item to your New hast seen a Virgin give birth; with the shepherds didst thou give glory; Year's resolutions... to with the magi didst thou worship; by an angel wast thou instructed. focus on Stewardship and the use of your Time, Tal- Entreat Christ God, that he save our souls! ents and Treasures. Now GLORY….Kontakion of the Ancestors of God - Tone 3: that the Christmas season Today the godly David is filled with gladness, and Joseph offereth praise has come to an end and we look forward to the with James. They rejoice, receiving a crown through their kinship with many resolutions we have made, let us think Christ; and they laud Him Who hath ineffably been born on earth, and about their impact. We strive to lose weight, cry aloud: O Compassionate One, save those who honor Thee. save money, be a better spouse, stop our bad habits - all areas that are very helpful in relaBOTH NOW…. - Kontakion of the Nativity - Tone 3: tion to our earthly life. But what about our Today the Virgin doth give birth to Him Who in essence is transcendent, Heavenly life - our preparation for God's Eternal Kingdom. Do we take the time to plan how and the earth doth offer a cave to Him Who is unapproachable. Angels and shepherds give glory; the magi journey with the star; for a young we use our Time, Talents and Treasures in relation to our faith? Do we strive to live a Child is born for our sake, the pre-eternal God! Christ-like life? Do we fully participate in Church - the Eucharist - the Sacraments - the services - all that we are blessed with? Let's take the time to reflect in 2016 and how we can make a difference in our journey to Salvation. Suddenly the Judge will come and the deeds of each will be revealed but in fear, we cry out in the middle of the night, Holy, Holy. Holy art though O God, through the Theotokos, have mercy on us! IRMOS/MAGNIFICANT: Magnify, O my soul, the all-pure Virgin Theotokos, who is more honorable and more glorious than the armies on high! A strange and most glorious mystery do I behold: the cave is heaven; the Virgin, the throne of the cherubim; the manger, the place wherein lay Christ God, Whom naught can contain, Whom praising, we magnify. St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church 27450 N. Bradley Rd . Mettawa – Lake Forest , Illinois 60045 –5104 Email: ([email protected]) Parish Priest: V. Rev. Stavrophor Djuro Krosnjar - [email protected] (847) 477-1531 cell Trustee Chairman (President): Michael Kosanovich Circle of Serbian Sisters: Richelle Ar andjelovic Choir Director: Nada Savatic Coordinators: Church School: Vasilija Vojcanin; Folklore: Slobodanka Vr anjes St. Varnava Men’s Club: Vladimir Rokvic; Bookstore: Diana Potkonjak and Paul Saniuk Facilities Contact: Matija Peyakovic and Nikola Gabr ic; Weekly Email: Zor an Mihajlovic Serbian School: Jelena Visnjevac, Svjetlana Masic and Dunja Vla St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church 27450 N. Bradley Rd, Mettawa - Lake Forest, IL. 60045-5104 V. Rev. Stavrophor Djuro Krosnjar - Home (847) 680-1117 Cell (847) 477-1531 H. Fax (847) 680-1127 [email protected] - Church Phone (847) 247-0077 - Church FX (847) 247-0088 32-nd Sunday after Pentecost EYE ON SCRIPTURE Holy 20,000 martyrs of Nicomedia But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ. For you have heard of my former conduct in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it. (Sunday of Holy God-bearing Fathers) Tone 7: Epistle: Gal. (1, 11–19) Gospel: Mt. (2, 13-23) Pre-Feast Day and Saturday Vespers at 5:00 PM ~Next Sunday~ Divine Liturgy at 10:00 AM THE WORLD HAS NEVER SEEN SUCH A KING! Where is He Who has been born King of the Jews ? (Ma tthew 2:2) These words of the Wise Men spoken to an enraged and troubled Herod give a different perspective to the birth of Jesus Christ. Until the day of His Crucifixion when He would be questioned by Pilate, the nature of Christ's kingship and where His kingdom was would be a matter of great speculation. The following writing attributed to St. Ephraim the Syrian is, perhaps, the best description of what type of "King" Christ really was: "Child of Bethlehem, what contrasts you embrace! No one has ever been so humble; no one has ever wielded such power. We stand in awe of Your holiness, and yet we are bathed in Your love. Where shall we look for You? You are in high heaven, in the glory of the Godhead. Still, those who searched for You on earth found You as a tiny Baby at Mary's breast. You are the heir to King David's throne, but You chose a stable. Of all his golden chariots, You chose a donkey. Never was there a king like You! Instead of royal isolation, You made Yourself available to everyone who needed you. Instead of high security, You made Yourself vulnerable to those who hated You. It is we who need You, even though You give of Yourself with such total generosity, it almost seems that You need us! There was never a king like this before!" ST. BASIL OF OSTROG SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH Orthodox Study Bible The true gospel is taught by true apostles, but many declare themselves to be apostles. How can we know true apostles from false? 1) True apostles are called by God. 2) They learn the gospel by revelation, either directly from the risen Son, 3) or by the revelation of apostolic tradition; 4) True apostles form one Church government, holding the same doctrine and working by agreement reached in council; 5) True apostles stand firm in matters of conscience and are correctable w w w .when s e r b i a mistaken. ST. BASIL OF OSTROG SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH CHRIST PURSUED same time drives Christ into on earth, the Prophets had foretold that Christ would not Egypt, his kingdom will not The Second Day of the stand. be accepted by His people, Nativity of Christ or Sun- and that He would be cast Christ brought to earth that peace which the Angels herout from among them, and day of Holy God-bearing alded: "Glory to God in the would be put to death. The Fathers Prophets denounced the peo- highest, and on earth peace, ple of Israel and called them good will toward men." (Lu"Out of Egypt have I called ke 2:14). These words refer to to repent, but they did not my Son." These words, spoheed their voices, and greeted [the fact that] reconciliation ken by the Prophet Hosea Christ with the full force of between God and man, beregarding the people of Israel their hatred and malice. The tween Heaven and earth, apled by God out of bondage people of Israel were awai- proaches when people are in Egypt, were heard toready be reconciled to one ting a powerful “prince of day, on the second day of this world”, one who would another, when instead of the Nativity, in the Gospel enmity and war, there is good free them from the foreign poreading about the slaying of will. As long as people do wer, but they saw the meek the male children of Bethlenot have the will to achieve Heavenly King and rejected hem ordered by lawless king Him. Christ "came, unto His reconciliation and to put an Herod (Matthew 2:13-23). end to civil war, there is own, and His own reFrightened that the newborn no place ceived Him King of the Jews would sonot". In our days as well, the blood of innocents is me day make an attempt shed, and it seems as if no one is capable of against his kingdom, Herod stopping that bloodshed. However, where sends out soldiers with orthere is no peace, there also is no Christ. Where death rules, there is no room for ders to kill all male children the Kingdom of Heaven. Where Herod "age two or younger" in the commits brutalities, Christ cannot reign. hopes that the new-born Where children are being killed, life cannot reside. Where with one hand Herod builds King will be among them. a temple to God, but with the other continMary and Joseph and the ues to murder infants, God will not accept that temple. Divine Infant flee to Egypt, (John in order to escape death at among 1:11). the hands of the earthly king. them for the newThe conflict beThus, just after his birth, born Christ. tween God and the world Christ is drawn into the Biblical Israel is a symbol continues today. In our days conflict between the kingof the Kingdom of God. as well, lawless Herod raises dom of this world and the Egypt is a symbol of the evil his hand against the sons of Kingdom of God. He has his homeland and has them put of the world. Conflict between not yet done anything, and Israel and Egypt extends to death. In our days as well, already they want Him to the blood of innocents is shed, throughout the Sacred Scripbe killed. He has not yet tures of the Old Testament. and it seems as if no one is learned to talk, and already We remember the excellent capable of stopping that He has to flee into a land of man Joseph, whose brothbloodshed. However, where exile. His entire earthly ers, out of envy, bad him there is no peace, there also life will be marked by the sold into slavery in Egypt. is no Christ. Where death world's unremitting hostility However, God raised him rules, there is no room for toward Him. In return for all up there, making him "Phathe Kingdom of Heaven. the good He did for men, that Where Herod commits bru- raoh's god," placed over the enmity will bring Him riditalities, Christ cannot reign. entire country. And Joseph cule, false witness, betrayal, became a savior to all of his Where children are being cruel torture, and ultimately, brothers, those who had bekilled, life cannot reside. will put Him on the Cross. trayed him. We remember the Where with one hand Herod The conflict between Exodus of the people of God builds a temple to God, but God and "this world" befrom Egypt, the land of enwith the other continues to gan before the Son of God slavement, to Israel, the murder infants, God will was Incarnate, and did not promised land. We rememnot accept that temple. end with His death on the ber how Pharaoh pursued And if Herod builds up his Cross and His Resurrection. the Hebrews, wanting to kingdom of Israel, but at the Long before Christ appeared harm them, to destroy them, to trample them under the horses' hooves, to crush them with his chariots. But the Lord led His people across the sea "on dry land," and Pharaoh's chariots were lost in the depths. All of these biblical stories prophetically and providentially speak of one and the same subject, of the Son of God, Whom the world betrays, sells into bondage, pursues, and crucifies, but who rises up in power, and is resurrected in glory. The battle between God's truth and the falseness of this world goes on. However, it will and in the victory of Christ's truth. "A nd this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." (I John 5:4). The Christian Faith, which is the path from Egypt to Israel, the path from death to resurrection, is given to us now as a pledge of the coming victory of the Kingdom of Christ over the kingdom of the "prince of this world." The victory of Christ throughout the entire world will only take place when Christ has taken up His abode in every person’s heart. The transfiguration of the world begins with the transfiguration of the human heart, in which a mystical encounter with Christ takes place. Let us remember that the victory of Christ over the world begins with us accepting Christ as our Savior, and believing on Him as God. Let there be not a single Herod among us. Let us be like unto the Angels who came out to greet Christ, like unto the Magi, who worshipped Him, like unto the Angels who in His honor sounded the Heavenly Hymn about peace on earth and good will among men . KSS ANNUAL MEETING TODAY!!! ORDER SCRIPT GIFT CARDS Script Gift cards are available for purchase every Sunday for hundreds of your favorite stores, January 10th, 2016, restaurants, coffee places, etc. following Divine Liturgy Special orders available as well. Dawn Pakaski orders and lunch. The meeting will review the cards weekly if necessary. are sold sometimes in events and finances of 2015 Cards the narthex or hall following and discuss plans, ideas liturgy. and needs for 2016. The ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks for your new 2016 Board of KSS support of KSS. will be announced. PARISH ANNUAL MEETING!!! Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend the annual meeting, TODAY Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend the annual meeting, Sunday, This is an open meeting for Kolo members and is opportunity for others to share their thoughts. This meeting is another way to help us continue the work of KSS and our St. basil parish. following Divine Liturgy and lunch. The meeting will review the events and finances of 2015 and discuss plans, ideas and needs for 2016. The new 2016 Board of Trustees will be announced. Sunday Lunch This is an open meeting Tickets for sale in for both parishioners and books of 10 for $70.00 today after Liturgy or visitors and is your opporat the candle stand. A great tunity to share your convenience. Enjoy a Sunday thoughts. This meeting lunch with us. Lunch is $7.00 is another way to help us adults and $4.00 for chilcontinue the Lord’s work. dren.t!!!!!!! New Set of 14 Red Altar Boy Robes arrived in time for the Nativity Feast! Anyone interested in contributing to the purchase of the new robes can do through the KSS. The cost of one robe is about $200.00. Serbian New Year’s and Annual Winemaking Contest Dinner and Dance Saturday, January 16, 2016 Make your reservations in the church office or purchase your tickets there. Bring your Friends! January 17th, 2016, Book of the Month The Mystery of Art Becoming an Artist in the Image of God By Jonathan Jackson Five-time Emmy awardwinning actor, musician, and poet narrates his own journey to Orthodoxy with humility and love. Upcoming Dates and Events January 10 - Divine Liturgy at 10AM. KSS Annual meeting. All sister s ar e invited January 17 - Divine Liturgy at 10 AM. Annual parish meeting after lunch. All par ishioner s of St. Basil parish are invited to attend to discuss very important future plans. January 18 - Monday. (Holy Cross - Krstovdan) Divine Litur gy at 10 AM and blessing of the Waters. STRICT FA ST. January 19 - Tuesday. THE HOLY THEOPHANY. Divine Liturgy at 10 AM. The Great blessing of the Waters after Liturgy. January 20 - Wednesday. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. Divien Liturgy at 10:00 AM. The blessing of the Slava kolach’s before Liturgy (around 8:30) and after Liturgy Lord, visit Thy servants in their suffering, and grant them grace and strength to bear their sickness with which they are afflicted; heal and save them: Sister ANGELINA; Milica BILBIJA; Milorad BLAGOJEVIC; Zivota BLAZIC; Stevan BOGOJEVIC; Aleksandar BURMEISTER; Milica CASTALDO; Petar COKIC; Milan DAVORIJA; Danilo DEJANOVICH; Dusan DRONDIC; Svetomir DUPOR; Aleksandar GLISOVIC; Daniela GOMEZ; Dusan JEROSIMIC; Philip KEJZAR Jadranka KOPAC; Branko KOSANOVIC; George KOVAC; Ivan/Lesia KOSTIC; Mara KOVACEVIC; Ray/Laura KULMALA; Cathy LALICH; Una MIHAJLOVIC: Slavojka MILESIC; Milka/Milan MILICEVIC; Ron MITROVICH; Dragica MRKALJ; Suzana NEDIC; Boro NEDINIC: Marija NIKOLICH; Daliborka OPACIC; Djuro/Jelena OPSENICA; Mladen PECANAC; Natalija PETROVIC: Aleksandra RALEVICH; Jessica SELOUNTOS; George SINNOKRAK; Bessie STEVANOVIC; Nikola SREJOVIC; Simonida STIPANOVIC; Zivan SUBARIC; Angie/Aco TERZIC; Jovan VOJCANIN; Milenko VUCKOVIC;