Costco US Coupon Book PDF
Costco US Coupon Book PDF
MORE THAN $1,800 IN MEMBER-ONLY SAVINGS INSIDE. Plus, more than $5,200 in online savings from The Best Stuff in the Joint. 4/11 – 5/5/13 13M0416_Base 1/13 ™ Valid DO NOT PRINT THIS SLUG 1SFTPSUFE4UBOEBSE 641PTUBHF 1"*% $PTUDP8IPMFTBMF Fn: 12-OB-1099-AD-LAY Ref: 12-OB-1053-AD-LAY The #1 Brand in Joint Care1 is Now Available at Costco Publication: Costco MVM April 2013 P.O#PYt4FBUUMF8"8124-1535 1PTUNBTUFSQMFBTFEFMJWFSCFUXFFO "QSJMBOE"QSJM XXXDPTUDPDPNt1-800-774-2678 MVM Back Panel Best Stuff Page: 1 Think Costco First Trim Size: 5.6095 x 4.816” Layout: 11/09/12 mva/rj Revised: 11/12/12 mva/rj Revised: 11/16/12 mva/rj Revised: 11/21/12 rs/rj Revised: 1/11/12 mva/rj Approved: 1/15/12 mva/rj Revised: 1/31/13 mva/rj Approved: 2/1/13 mva/rj Revised: 2/7/13 mva/rj Approved: 2/7/13 mva/rj Costco Services: See how much you can save! Scan this code to be connected to our Costco Services experts. Fonts: Helvetica Avant Garde ED, Age 45 Colors: CMY Images: 12-OB-1099-AD-ART.tif Osteo Bi-Flex Rock Jumping Guy (Ed) Image is from our video shoot (We have usage rights from 1/31/12 - 1/31/14) Like calcium supplements can help your bones, Osteo Bi-Flex can help your joints.* ® Osteo Bi-Flex® helps revitalize your joints to keep ‘em jumpin’.* Products: Osteo Triple Strength: 00000Z-NB-ART-TS170CT Printed @ 100% © 2013 Costco Wholesale Corporation SAVINGS MORE THAN $1,800 IN MEMBER-ONLY SAVINGS INSIDE. Plus, more than $5,200 in online savings from Valid 4/11 – 5/5/13 THANK YOU FOR BEING A GREAT COSTCO MEMBER! Our suppliers have put together these terrific savings on products you use every day. To use your exclusive member savings coupons: t Please bring your coupons with you when you visit Costco. Because these are exclusive offers, additional coupons will not be available at the warehouse. 2x more t You must be a current Costco member to use these coupons. t The coupons in this booklet are Manufacturers’ coupons. When redeemed, state sales tax may be due on the pre-discounted price. These taxes, if any, are in addition to the amount that you are paying for the product. t Selection may vary by location. ® The instant savings in this booklet are Manufacturers’ savings. Valid at all U.S. Costco warehouses. Not valid at Costco Business Centers. May not be combined with any other offer or coupon. Selection and pricing may vary. No cash redemption value. State and local laws may require sales tax to be charged on the pre-discounted price if the product is subject to sales tax. These taxes, if any, are in addition to the amount that you are paying for the product. Not all items are available at all locations. Offer limited to inventory available from manufacturer. Item limits shown on the instant savings are per household during the dates listed. You must be a current Costco member. A rain check may be issued if the promotional item is out of stock during the term of the promotion. We look forward to seeing you! Olay Beauty Bar 10X more moisturizers than regular soap. /PUBMMJUFNTTIPXOJOUIJTBEXJMMIBWFDPVQPOPGGFST Olay Complete Moisturizer Olay Ultra Moisture Body Wash UV protection for a lifetime of beautiful skin. One full jar of moisturizer in every bottle. ©2013 P&G INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. 50 OFF $ INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. ALSO AVAILABLE AT COSTCO.COM LIMIT 3 KitchenAid Professional Stand Mixer ® tRVBSUTUBJOMFTTTUFFMCPXM t1SPGFTTJPOBMIFBWZEVUZCPXM MJGUEFTJHO tXBUUNPUPS t"MMNFUBMDPOTUSVDUJPO RED 20 OFF $ LIMIT 3 ALSO AVAILABLE AT COSTCO.COM LIMIT 3 Magic Bullet Deluxe Blender/Mixer System FoodSaver Vacuum Sealing System t*ODMVEFTPWFSTJ[F#VMMFUPOUIF(P™USBWFMNVHT XJUIGMJQUPQMJET t6TFGPSDIPQQJOHNJYJOHCMFOEJOHHSJOEJOHPS XIJQQJOHBOZUIJOHGSPN TNPPUIJFTUPTBMTB t,FFQTGPPEGSFTIVQUPYMPOHFS t1SFWFOUTGSFF[FSCVSO t4UBJOMFTTTUFFMGJOJTI ™ ® ALSO AVAILABLE AT COSTCO.COM LIMIT 2 INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. 7 OFF $ LIMIT 3 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $119.99 LIMIT 5 Dyson DC25 Ball Bagless Vacuum ™ INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. 40 OFF $ ALSO AVAILABLE AT COSTCO.COM LIMIT 2 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $349.99 INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. 3 OFF $ LIMIT 2 Oral-B® Replacement Brush Heads 8 pack Norelco SensoTouch 3D Razor Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Sunscreen 5XPDIBSHFSTGPSUXPDPNQMFUFTZTUFNT t5ISFFNPEFTEBJMZDMFBO TFOTJUJWFBOEXIJUFOJOH 'MPTT"DUJPO®"/%03 1SFDJTJPO$MFBO &YUSBTIBWJOHIFBE JODMVEFE *UFN *UFN Selection varies by location. *UFN Additional $15 mail-in rebate valid 4/11 – 5/5/13. Limit 2. 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $129.99 .BJM*O3FCBUF o COST AFTER REBATE $114.99 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $29.99 ALSO AVAILABLE AT COSTCO.COM *UFN Oral-B® Professional Care Advantage Rechargeable Toothbrushes *UFN Additional $15 mail-in rebate valid 4/11 – 6/16/13. Limit 2. 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $79.99 .BJM*O3FCBUF o COST AFTER REBATE $64.99 80 OFF $ t1BUFOUFE3PPU$ZDMPOF™ UFDIOPMPHZ t$FSUJGJFEBTUINB BMMFSHZGSJFOEMZ™ *UFN 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $34.99 SILVER INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. $ 30 OFF ALSO AVAILABLE AT COSTCO.COM INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. *UFN *UFN Color selection varies by location. BLACK 10 OFF $ INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. 3 OFF $ Neutrogena Fresh Cooling SPF 45 P[ *UFN 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $10.99 LIMIT 2 INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. UP TO $270 OFF** T-Mobile® Nexus 4 from Google – 4GLIMIT 5 UP TO $80 OFF† Verizon DROID RAZR MAXX HD by MOTOROLALIMIT 5 UP TO $150 OFF*** AT&T Samsung Galaxy S® III – BlueLIMIT 5 UP TO $270 OFF†† Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note® II – TitaniumLIMIT 5 *UFN *UFN *UFN INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. 100 OFF $ INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. 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INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. $ $ 50 OFF LIMIT 3 200 OFF ALSO AVAILABLE AT COSTCO.COM LIMIT 3 Canon 60D 18-200mm Lens Kit JVC EX310B Digital Camcorder 9PQUJDBM[PPNY)%8J'J GVODUJPOTJODMVEJOHWJEFPTUSFBNJOHBOEBVUP CBDLVQGSFFJ04"OESPJE"QQTGPSDBNDPSEFS DPOUSPMUPVDITDSFFO4VQFS-P-VY TFOTPS.1TUJMMJ'SBNFSFDPSEJOH[PPN NJDSPQIPOF*ODMVEFTDBTFBOE(#DBSE *UFN "EWBODFEGSBNFTTFDPOE.1$.04 i"MMJOPOFw&'NNMFOTDPWFSJOHXJEF UPUFMFQIPUP.FNPSZ DBSEHBEHFUCBH BOE)%.* DBCMFJODMVEFE *UFN 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $249.99 INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. $ $ 50 OFF LIMIT 5 30 OFF ALSO AVAILABLE AT COSTCO.COM LIMIT 2 HP Sleekbook TouchSmart 15.6" Laptop Toshiba Satellite® 15.6" Laptop Samsung Galaxy Tab™ 2 10.1" Tablet Samsung 21.5" 1080p LED LCD HDTV ".%"2VBE$PSF1SPDFTTPS 5PVDI4DSFFO SE(FOFSBUJPO*OUFM$PSFJ1SPDFTTPS %7%38BOE8JOEPXT %VBM$PSF8J'J&OBCMFEXJUI.JDSP4%$BSE4MPU (#*OUFSOBM.FNPSZ 'VMMQSFTPMVUJPOUXP)%.*JOQVUT BOEPOF1$JOQVU *UFN Costco Concierge Services technical support and secondyear warranty included. *UFN Costco Concierge Services technical support and secondyear warranty included. *UFN 8GB Memory 750GB Hard Drive 12GB Memory 1TB Hard Drive *UFN Costco Concierge Services technical support and second-year warranty included. 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $649.99 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $699.99 INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. 60 OFF $ ALSO AVAILABLE AT COSTCO.COM LIMIT 3 HP Photosmart 7525 Wireless Inkjet Printer 1SJOUDPQZTDBOGBY&QSJOUUPQSJOU SFNPUFMZGSPNB8J'JFOBCMFETNBSUQIPOF PSUBCMFUBVUPUXPTJEFEQSJOUJOH QQNCMBDLQQNDPMPS*40QSJOUTQFFE BDDPSEJOHUPNGHTQFD INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. $ $ $ $ 20 OFF LIMIT 6 OFFERS BUY ANY TWO HP ink cartridge packs OR toners GET $20 OFF YOUR TOTAL PURCHASE. Pack = 1 sell unit. 15 OFF NO LIMIT AT&T 4-Handset Phone t.PEFM$- t%JBMJO#BTF%FDU t)%"VEJP t$BMMFS*%"OOPVODF 3 OFF LIMIT 2 280 OFF LIMIT 2 Fruit by the Foot Fiber One Oats & Chocolate Bars DU *UFN *UFN *UFN *UFN 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $109.99 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $64.99 INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. $ $ $ $ $ 350 OFF LIMIT 3 5 OFF LIMIT 2 2 OFF LIMIT 2 250 OFF NO LIMIT Oberto OR Pacific Gold Beef Jerky V8 Vegetable Juice Kellogg’s Special K with Red Berries Mary’s Gone Crackers P[DBOT P[ 0SHBOJD(MVUFO'SFFP[ *UFN Selection varies by location. *UFN Selection varies by location. *UFN *UFN 2 OFF Honey Bunches of Oats P[ *UFN LIMIT 2 INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. $ $ $ UP $ TO $ 2 OFF LIMIT 3 150 OFF Heinz Picnic Pack Angie’s *UFN 4XFFU4BMUZ$MBTTJD ,FUUMF$PSO"/%03 #PPNDIJDLBQPQ4FB 4BMU1PQDPSO NO LIMIT 4 OFF LIMIT 5 Glacéau Vitaminwater AND/OR Vitaminwater Zero Variety Packs *UFN Selection varies by location. *UFN Selection varies by location. 3 OFF LIMIT 5 $3 OFF Lysol Spray AND/OR $2 OFF Lysol Advanced Toilet Bowl Cleaner AND/OR Lysol No Mess Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner 3 OFF LIMIT 2 Chinet OR Diamond Paper Plates *UFN Selection varies by location. *UFN Selection varies by location. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. $ $ $ $ $ 350 OFF LIMIT 4 Perrier Sparkling Water *UFN Selection varies by location. 325 OFF LIMIT 5 375 OFF LIMIT 2 230 OFF LIMIT 3 3 OFF LIMIT 3 Finish Powerball Tabs DU AND/OR Jet-Dry P[ Jerky Treats for Dogs Ragú Old World Style Pasta Sauce Checkups Dental Dog Treats #FFG"/%03-BNC3JDFP[ P[ P[ *UFN Selection varies by location. *UFN Selection varies by location. *UFN *UFN INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. $ $ $ $ $ 250 OFF LIMIT 2 Kirkland Signature Disinfecting Household Wipes ™ 325 OFF LIMIT 3 Starbucks Via Instant Coffee 3 OFF LIMIT 2 4 OFF LIMIT 4 4 OFF NO LIMIT DiGiorno Pizza Hebrew National Beef Franks Pierre Signatures Angus Cheeseburgers P[ P[ *UFN *UFN *UFN Selection varies by location. 1FQQFSPOJ4VQSFNF03.FBU *UFN Selection varies by location. $PMPNCJBO"/% 03*UBMJBO3PBTU DU INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. $ $ $ $ UP $ TO 375 OFF Morning Star Chipotle Black Bean Burgers *UFN *UFN Selection varies by location. LIMIT 4 3 OFF NO LIMIT El Monterey OR Delimex OR Don Miguel $IJDLFO"/%03#FFG5BRVJUPT *UFN Selection varies by location. 250 OFF NO LIMIT 3 OFF NO LIMIT Pasta Prima Chicken & Mozzarella Ravioli Frito Variety Pack P[ *UFN *UFN Selection varies by location. DU 2 OFF LIMIT 4 Mountain Dew AND/OR Diet Mountain Dew 0''QL03QL03 0''QL *UFN Selection varies by location. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. 3 OFF $ LIMIT 5 INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. $ $ $ 6 OFF LIMIT 5 10 OFF NO LIMIT Air Wick Scented Oils 3M 3x3 Post-it Notes 8-pc Solar Pathway Light Set 8BSNFS3FGJMMT 4UBOEBSE03(SFFOFS /PUFTQL $BTUBMVNJOVNIPVTJOH *UFN Selection varies by location. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. 30 OFF $ LIMIT 5 Hunter West Haven 54" Ceiling Fan t"VUPCBMBODFGFBUVSF t&OFSHZ4UBSSBUFE t-JGFUJNFNPUPSXBSSBOUZ t3FNPUFDPOUSPM *UFN 10 OFF LIMIT 5 Stainless Steel 80 Liter/21-Gallon Trash Can .PUJPOTFOTPS *UFN *UFN 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $39.99 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $39.99 INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. $ $ $ 7 OFF LIMIT 5 5 OFF Chevron Delo 15W-40 Motor Oil HBMMPO AND/OR Pro-Gard Fuel Injector Cleaner P[ Tramontina Aluminum Saute Pans *UFN QL LIMIT 5 *UFN *UFN Selection varies by location. 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $99.99 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $19.99 4 OFF LIMIT 4 TAKEYA® Drink Maker 2-Pack Pitcher with Fruit/Tea Infuser t6TFXJUIIPUPSDPMECFWFSBHFT t-FBLQSPPGBJSUJHIUMJE t4UBJOQSPPGBOEPEPSQSPPG *UFN Glasses not included. 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $15.99 INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. 20 OFF $ INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. 20 OFF $ NO LIMIT INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. 120 OFF $ LIMIT 10 ALSO AVAILABLE AT COSTCO.COM NO LIMIT Bayside Furnishings Metro Mesh Chair Brushed Nickel Pull-Out Kitchen Faucet Sealy Posturepedic Langley Plush Queen Mattress Set t.FTITFBUJOHTVSGBDFBOECBDL t4ZODISPUJMUMPDL t'MJQVQBEKVTUBCMFBSNT t)FJHIUBEKVTUBCMF t4UBJOMFTTTUFFMIPTFQSPWJEFTQVMMPVU SFBDIPGUP t*ODMVEFTTPBQEJTQFOTFSBOEDPWFSQMBUF t$FSBNJDEJTDDBSUSJEHF t$PSF4VQQPSU™$FOUFSXJUI(FM.FNPSZ'PBN QSPWJEFTBVOJRVFDPPMJOHBOEDPOGPSNJOHCFOFGJU t5JUBOJVN%4J™*OOFSTQSJOH$PJMT t4JU3JHIU™&EHF4VQQPSU t-JGU3JHIU™4VSSPVOE)BOEMFT *UFN *UFN *UFN 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $79.99 INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. 4 OFF $ LIMIT 5 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $59.99 INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. $ $ $ 30 OFF NO LIMIT 6 OFF LIMIT 3 EACH 2 OFF LIMIT 6 EACH Charisma® Down Alternative Pillow Ricardo 2-pc Hardside Spinner Set Zyrtec CHOOSE FROM: L’il Critters CHOOSE FROM: QL+VNCP03,JOH tVQSJHIUTQJOOFSBOEDBSSZPOTQJOOFS t-JHIUXFJHIUQPMZDBSCPOBUF t$PSOFSHVBSEQSPUFDUJPO t"WBJMBCMFJOCMVF03TJMWFS tNH5BCMFUTDU tNH-JRVJE(FMTDU t'JCFS(VNNZ#FBSTDU t0NFHB(VNNZ'JTIDU t(VNNZ7JUFTDU t$BMDJVN(VNNZ#FBSTDU *UFN *UFN Color selection varies by location. 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $99.99 *UFN Selection varies by location. *UFN INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. 6 OFF $ INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. ALSO AVAILABLE AT COSTCO.COM LIMIT 1 Allegra Allergy Tablets NHDU *UFN 2 OFF $ INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. ALSO AVAILABLE AT COSTCO.COM LIMIT 15 EACH 3 OFF $ ALSO AVAILABLE AT NO LIMIT Nature’s Bounty CHOOSE FROM: t%BJMZ.VMUJWJUBNJODU t.BUVSF"EVMU.VMUJWJUBNJO DU t7JUBNJO&*6DU t$IFXBCMF7JUBNJO$ NHDU t4VCMJOHVBM7JUBNJO# DU t)BJS4LJOBOE/BJMT DU t7JUBNJO%*6 DU t&TUFS$NHDU 5 OFF $ ALSO AVAILABLE AT COSTCO.COM NO LIMIT Osteo #J'MFY DU AND/OR Nature’s Bounty .BYJNVN4USFOHUI'JTI0JM NHDU *UFN INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. ALSO AVAILABLE AT COSTCO.COM NO LIMIT 6 OFF $ *UFN INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. COSTCO.COM NO LIMIT ALSO AVAILABLE AT COSTCO.COM Kirkland Signature CHOOSE FROM: ™ *UFN INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. 5 OFF $ INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. 3 OFF $ INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. ALSO AVAILABLE AT COSTCO.COM LIMIT 5 EACH 6 OFF $ ALSO AVAILABLE AT COSTCO.COM LIMIT 5 EACH Nature Made CHOOSE FROM: Nature Made CHOOSE FROM: Kirkland Signature™ CHOOSE FROM: Kirkland Signature™ "MMFS'FYNH5BCMFUT DUAND/OR Phillips $PMPO)FBMUIDU t$BMDJVNNH XJUI%,DU t'JTI0JMNHDU t7JUBNJO%*6DU t0SHBOJD'MBYTFFE0JM NHDU t5SJQMF4USFOHUI 5SJQMF'MFYDU t$IPMFTU0''DU t$IPMFTU0''1MVTDU t7JUBNJO$NHDU t"MMFS5FDDU t"MMFS5FD$IJMESFOT 4ZSVQP[ t"MMFS$MFBSDU *UFN *UFN Selection varies by location. *UFN Selection varies by location. *UFN INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. 4 OFF $ LIMIT 3 EACH INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. $ $ $ 550 OFF LIMIT 5 EACH 4 OFF 15 OFF NO LIMIT LIMIT 1 Zantac 5BCMFUTNHDU AND/OR Dulcolax -BYBUJWF5BCMFUTDU CHOOSE FROM: Claritin 5BCMFUTDU Zipfizz Variety Pack Alli Orlistat *UFN t3FEJ5BCTDU t$IJMESFOT(SBQF$IFXBCMFTDU t$IJMESFOT(SBQF4ZSVQP[ MiraLAX 1PXEFSP[ DU NHSFGJMMQBDLDU *UFN *UFN 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $23.99 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $54.99 INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. $ $ *UFN Selection varies by location. INSTANT VALID APRIL 11 – MAY 5, 2013 SAVINGS NO COUPON NECESSARY ★See inside cover for terms and conditions. 2 OFF $ LIMIT 4 Salonpas Pain Relieving Patch 3 OFF LIMIT 6 Green Tea Fat Burner DU *UFN DU 4 OFF ALSO AVAILABLE AT COSTCO.COM NO LIMIT CHOOSE FROM: Focus Factor DU Natrol 5-HTP DU TruNature (SBQF4FFE XJUI3FTFSWBUSPMDU *UFN *UFN 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT YOUR COST o $6.59 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF *OTUBOU4BWJOHT o YOUR COST $12.49 2 OFF $ LIMIT 5 EACH Kirkland Signature™ CHOOSE FROM: t"DFUBNJOPQIFONH3BQJE3FMFBTF(FMDBQTDU t"DFUBNJOPQIFO1.NH$BQTVMFTDU t.VDVT3FMJFG5BCMFUTDU *UFN V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 70 V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 ALSO AVAILABLE AT ."/6'"$563&34 $0610/ t 0SJHJOBM COSTCO.COM DPVQPONVTUCFQSFTFOUFEBUDIFDLPVU-JNJU POFDPVQPOQFSIPVTFIPME$PVQPOWBMJEBUBMM 8*5)$0610/t/0-*.*5 64$PTUDPXBSFIPVTFTCoupon is not valid at Costco Business Centers.$PVQPONBZ ANY SET OF 4 BRIDGESTONE TIRES OPUCFDPNCJOFEXJUIBOZPUIFSPGGFSPSDPVQPO Not all makes, models and sizes available. 4FMFDUJPO BOE QSJDJOH NBZ WBSZ /P DBTI Not available at Manhattan or Rego Park, N.Y., SFEFNQUJPO WBMVF /POUSBOTGFSBCMF 4UBUF BOE MPDBMMBXTNBZSFRVJSFTBMFTUBYUPCFDIBSHFE locations. Wheels not included. PO UIF QSFEJTDPVOUFE QSJDF JG UIF QSPEVDU JT TVCKFDUUPTBMFTUBY/PUBMMJUFNTBWBJMBCMFBU BMMMPDBUJPOT0GGFSMJNJUFEUPJOWFOUPSZBWBJMBCMF GSPNNBOVGBDUVSFS.VTUCFB$PTUDPNFNCFS UPVTFDPVQPO"SBJODIFDLNBZCFJTTVFEJGUIF QSPNPUJPOBMJUFNJTPVUPGTUPDLEVSJOHUIFUFSN PGUIFQSPNPUJPO $ OFF V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 2 $ OFF 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 Charmin Ultra Bath Tissue *UFN Selection varies by location. 2 $ OFF 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 Welch’s White Grape Cherry Juice P[ *UFN V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 ."/6'"$563&34 $0610/ t 0SJHJOBM DPVQPONVTUCFQSFTFOUFEBUDIFDLPVU-JNJU POFDPVQPOQFSIPVTFIPME$PVQPOWBMJEBUBMM 64$PTUDPXBSFIPVTFTCoupon is not valid at Costco Business Centers.$PVQPONBZ OPUCFDPNCJOFEXJUIBOZPUIFSPGGFSPSDPVQPO 4FMFDUJPO BOE QSJDJOH NBZ WBSZ /P DBTI SFEFNQUJPO WBMVF /POUSBOTGFSBCMF 4UBUF BOE MPDBMMBXTNBZSFRVJSFTBMFTUBYUPCFDIBSHFE PO UIF QSFEJTDPVOUFE QSJDF JG UIF QSPEVDU JT TVCKFDUUPTBMFTUBY/PUBMMJUFNTBWBJMBCMFBU BMMMPDBUJPOT0GGFSMJNJUFEUPJOWFOUPSZBWBJMBCMF GSPNNBOVGBDUVSFS.VTUCFB$PTUDPNFNCFS UPVTFDPVQPO"SBJODIFDLNBZCFJTTVFEJGUIF QSPNPUJPOBMJUFNJTPVUPGTUPDLEVSJOHUIFUFSN PGUIFQSPNPUJPO V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 ."/6'"$563&34 $0610/ t 0SJHJOBM DPVQPONVTUCFQSFTFOUFEBUDIFDLPVU-JNJU POFDPVQPOQFSIPVTFIPME$PVQPOWBMJEBUBMM 64$PTUDPXBSFIPVTFTCoupon is not valid at Costco Business Centers.$PVQPONBZ OPUCFDPNCJOFEXJUIBOZPUIFSPGGFSPSDPVQPO 4FMFDUJPO BOE QSJDJOH NBZ WBSZ /P DBTI SFEFNQUJPO WBMVF /POUSBOTGFSBCMF 4UBUF BOE MPDBMMBXTNBZSFRVJSFTBMFTUBYUPCFDIBSHFE PO UIF QSFEJTDPVOUFE QSJDF JG UIF QSPEVDU JT TVCKFDUUPTBMFTUBY/PUBMMJUFNTBWBJMBCMFBU BMMMPDBUJPOT0GGFSMJNJUFEUPJOWFOUPSZBWBJMBCMF GSPNNBOVGBDUVSFS.VTUCFB$PTUDPNFNCFS UPVTFDPVQPO"SBJODIFDLNBZCFJTTVFEJGUIF QSPNPUJPOBMJUFNJTPVUPGTUPDLEVSJOHUIFUFSN PGUIFQSPNPUJPO 2 $ OFF 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 Bounty Roll Towels *UFN Selection varies by location. 450 OFF $ 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 Starbucks French Roast Whole Bean Coffee MCT *UFN ."/6'"$563&34 $0610/ t 0SJHJOBM DPVQPONVTUCFQSFTFOUFEBUDIFDLPVU-JNJU POFDPVQPOQFSIPVTFIPME$PVQPOWBMJEBUBMM 64$PTUDPXBSFIPVTFTCoupon is not valid at Costco Business Centers.$PVQPONBZ OPUCFDPNCJOFEXJUIBOZPUIFSPGGFSPSDPVQPO 4FMFDUJPO BOE QSJDJOH NBZ WBSZ /P DBTI SFEFNQUJPO WBMVF /POUSBOTGFSBCMF 4UBUF BOE MPDBMMBXTNBZSFRVJSFTBMFTUBYUPCFDIBSHFE PO UIF QSFEJTDPVOUFE QSJDF JG UIF QSPEVDU JT TVCKFDUUPTBMFTUBY/PUBMMJUFNTBWBJMBCMFBU BMMMPDBUJPOT0GGFSMJNJUFEUPJOWFOUPSZBWBJMBCMF GSPNNBOVGBDUVSFS.VTUCFB$PTUDPNFNCFS UPVTFDPVQPO"SBJODIFDLNBZCFJTTVFEJGUIF QSPNPUJPOBMJUFNJTPVUPGTUPDLEVSJOHUIFUFSN PGUIFQSPNPUJPO V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 ."/6'"$563&34 $0610/ t 0SJHJOBM DPVQPONVTUCFQSFTFOUFEBUDIFDLPVU-JNJU POFDPVQPOQFSIPVTFIPME$PVQPOWBMJEBUBMM 64$PTUDPXBSFIPVTFTCoupon is not valid at Costco Business Centers.$PVQPONBZ OPUCFDPNCJOFEXJUIBOZPUIFSPGGFSPSDPVQPO 4FMFDUJPO BOE QSJDJOH NBZ WBSZ /P DBTI SFEFNQUJPO WBMVF /POUSBOTGFSBCMF 4UBUF BOE MPDBMMBXTNBZSFRVJSFTBMFTUBYUPCFDIBSHFE PO UIF QSFEJTDPVOUFE QSJDF JG UIF QSPEVDU JT TVCKFDUUPTBMFTUBY/PUBMMJUFNTBWBJMBCMFBU BMMMPDBUJPOT0GGFSMJNJUFEUPJOWFOUPSZBWBJMBCMF GSPNNBOVGBDUVSFS.VTUCFB$PTUDPNFNCFS UPVTFDPVQPO"SBJODIFDLNBZCFJTTVFEJGUIF QSPNPUJPOBMJUFNJTPVUPGTUPDLEVSJOHUIFUFSN PGUIFQSPNPUJPO 375 OFF $ 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 Kleenex Family DU AND/OR Ultra Soft DU *UFN Selection varies by location. ."/6'"$563&34 $0610/ t 0SJHJOBM DPVQPONVTUCFQSFTFOUFEBUDIFDLPVU-JNJU POFDPVQPOQFSIPVTFIPME$PVQPOWBMJEBUBMM 64$PTUDPXBSFIPVTFTCoupon is not valid at Costco Business Centers.$PVQPONBZ OPUCFDPNCJOFEXJUIBOZPUIFSPGGFSPSDPVQPO 4FMFDUJPO BOE QSJDJOH NBZ WBSZ /P DBTI SFEFNQUJPO WBMVF /POUSBOTGFSBCMF 4UBUF BOE MPDBMMBXTNBZSFRVJSFTBMFTUBYUPCFDIBSHFE PO UIF QSFEJTDPVOUFE QSJDF JG UIF QSPEVDU JT TVCKFDUUPTBMFTUBY/PUBMMJUFNTBWBJMBCMFBU BMMMPDBUJPOT0GGFSMJNJUFEUPJOWFOUPSZBWBJMBCMF GSPNNBOVGBDUVSFS.VTUCFB$PTUDPNFNCFS UPVTFDPVQPO"SBJODIFDLNBZCFJTTVFEJGUIF QSPNPUJPOBMJUFNJTPVUPGTUPDLEVSJOHUIFUFSN PGUIFQSPNPUJPO V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 275 OFF $ V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 275 OFF $ 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 250 OFF $ 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 2 OFF $ 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 Kirkland Signature Liquid Laundry Detergent OR Laundry Pacs Kirkland Signature Drawstring Trash Bags Gain Liquid OR Powder Laundry Detergent Cascade Advanced Power(FMOR1PXEFSP[ 'SFF$MFBS6MUSB$MFBO&OWJSPONFOUBMMZ3FTQPOTJCMF %FUFSHFOU031BDT HBM *UFN *UFN Selection varies by location. *UFN Selection varies by location. ™ ™ *UFN V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 225 OFF $ 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 $ 4 OFF 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 Kirkland Signature™ Clear Cutlery OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover DU MCT *UFN *UFN V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 150 OFF $ 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 10 OFF $ 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 Febreze Air Effects AND/OR Febreze Fabric Refresher Iams Dog Food *UFN Selection varies by location. *UFN Selection varies by location. MCT V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 225 OFF $ Yoplait Go-Gurt Simple P[ *UFN 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 2 OFF $ 850 OFF $ 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 Depend Adult Underwear P[ *UFN Selection varies by location. *UFN o $5.99 3 OFF 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 Neutrogena Makeup Remover Towelettes 8*5)$0610/t-*.*50''&34 BUY Gillette Fusion ProGlide Blades AND Gillette Comfort Advantage Shave Gel GET $8.99 OFF YOUR TOTAL PURCHASE. V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 3 OFF $ 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 Degree Antiperspirant AND/OR Dove Antiperspirant QL *UFN *UFN 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF 0GGBU3FHJTUFS o YOUR COST $34.49 V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 $ 899 OFF $ 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 Pantene Shampoo AND/OR Conditioner 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF 0GGBU3FHJTUFS YOUR COST V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 4 OFF $ 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 3 OFF $ 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 3 OFF $ 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 4 OFF $ 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 Neutrogena Rainbath Olay Ultra Moisture Body Wash Olay Ultra Moisture Bar Soap Lubriderm Daily Moisturizer P[ P[ QL P[P[ *UFN *UFN *UFN *UFN 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF 0GGBU3FHJTUFS o YOUR COST $13.49 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF 0GGBU3FHJTUFS o YOUR COST $8.99 DU *UFN V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 4 $ OFF 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 Colgate Total Advanced Whitening Toothpaste *UFN V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 ."/6'"$563&34 $0610/ t 0SJHJOBM DPVQPONVTUCFQSFTFOUFEBUDIFDLPVU-JNJU POFDPVQPOQFSIPVTFIPME$PVQPOWBMJEBUBMM 64$PTUDPXBSFIPVTFTCoupon is not valid at Costco Business Centers.$PVQPONBZ OPUCFDPNCJOFEXJUIBOZPUIFSPGGFSPSDPVQPO 4FMFDUJPO BOE QSJDJOH NBZ WBSZ /P DBTI SFEFNQUJPO WBMVF /POUSBOTGFSBCMF 4UBUF BOE MPDBMMBXTNBZSFRVJSFTBMFTUBYUPCFDIBSHFE PO UIF QSFEJTDPVOUFE QSJDF JG UIF QSPEVDU JT TVCKFDUUPTBMFTUBY/PUBMMJUFNTBWBJMBCMFBU BMMMPDBUJPOT0GGFSMJNJUFEUPJOWFOUPSZBWBJMBCMF GSPNNBOVGBDUVSFS.VTUCFB$PTUDPNFNCFS UPVTFDPVQPO"SBJODIFDLNBZCFJTTVFEJGUIF QSPNPUJPOBMJUFNJTPVUPGTUPDLEVSJOHUIFUFSN PGUIFQSPNPUJPO 4 $ OFF 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 Oral-B Advantage CrissCross Toothbrushes QL *UFN V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 ."/6'"$563&34 $0610/ t 0SJHJOBM DPVQPONVTUCFQSFTFOUFEBUDIFDLPVU-JNJU POFDPVQPOQFSIPVTFIPME$PVQPOWBMJEBUBMM 64$PTUDPXBSFIPVTFTCoupon is not valid at Costco Business Centers.$PVQPONBZ OPUCFDPNCJOFEXJUIBOZPUIFSPGGFSPSDPVQPO 4FMFDUJPO BOE QSJDJOH NBZ WBSZ /P DBTI SFEFNQUJPO WBMVF /POUSBOTGFSBCMF 4UBUF BOE MPDBMMBXTNBZSFRVJSFTBMFTUBYUPCFDIBSHFE PO UIF QSFEJTDPVOUFE QSJDF JG UIF QSPEVDU JT TVCKFDUUPTBMFTUBY/PUBMMJUFNTBWBJMBCMFBU BMMMPDBUJPOT0GGFSMJNJUFEUPJOWFOUPSZBWBJMBCMF GSPNNBOVGBDUVSFS.VTUCFB$PTUDPNFNCFS UPVTFDPVQPO"SBJODIFDLNBZCFJTTVFEJGUIF QSPNPUJPOBMJUFNJTPVUPGTUPDLEVSJOHUIFUFSN PGUIFQSPNPUJPO 250 OFF $ 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 Crest Pro-Health Rinse *UFN ."/6'"$563&34 $0610/ t 0SJHJOBM DPVQPONVTUCFQSFTFOUFEBUDIFDLPVU-JNJU POFDPVQPOQFSIPVTFIPME$PVQPOWBMJEBUBMM 64$PTUDPXBSFIPVTFTCoupon is not valid at Costco Business Centers.$PVQPONBZ OPUCFDPNCJOFEXJUIBOZPUIFSPGGFSPSDPVQPO 4FMFDUJPO BOE QSJDJOH NBZ WBSZ /P DBTI SFEFNQUJPO WBMVF /POUSBOTGFSBCMF 4UBUF BOE MPDBMMBXTNBZSFRVJSFTBMFTUBYUPCFDIBSHFE PO UIF QSFEJTDPVOUFE QSJDF JG UIF QSPEVDU JT TVCKFDUUPTBMFTUBY/PUBMMJUFNTBWBJMBCMFBU BMMMPDBUJPOT0GGFSMJNJUFEUPJOWFOUPSZBWBJMBCMF GSPNNBOVGBDUVSFS.VTUCFB$PTUDPNFNCFS UPVTFDPVQPO"SBJODIFDLNBZCFJTTVFEJGUIF QSPNPUJPOBMJUFNJTPVUPGTUPDLEVSJOHUIFUFSN PGUIFQSPNPUJPO 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF 0GGBU3FHJTUFS o YOUR COST $8.99 V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 7 $ OFF 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5 ROC Gold Correxion Day AND/OR Night Facial Moisturizer P[ *UFN 8BSFIPVTF1SJDF 0GGBU3FHJTUFS o YOUR COST $21.99 V A L I D A P R I L 11 – M A Y 5 , 2 0 13 ."/6'"$563&34 $0610/ t 0SJHJOBM DPVQPONVTUCFQSFTFOUFEBUDIFDLPVU-JNJU POFDPVQPOQFSIPVTFIPME$PVQPOWBMJEBUBMM 64$PTUDPXBSFIPVTFTCoupon is not valid at Costco Business Centers.$PVQPONBZ OPUCFDPNCJOFEXJUIBOZPUIFSPGGFSPSDPVQPO 4FMFDUJPO BOE QSJDJOH NBZ WBSZ /P DBTI SFEFNQUJPO WBMVF /POUSBOTGFSBCMF 4UBUF BOE MPDBMMBXTNBZSFRVJSFTBMFTUBYUPCFDIBSHFE PO UIF QSFEJTDPVOUFE QSJDF JG UIF QSPEVDU JT TVCKFDUUPTBMFTUBY/PUBMMJUFNTBWBJMBCMFBU BMMMPDBUJPOT0GGFSMJNJUFEUPJOWFOUPSZBWBJMBCMF GSPNNBOVGBDUVSFS.VTUCFB$PTUDPNFNCFS UPVTFDPVQPO"SBJODIFDLNBZCFJTTVFEJGUIF QSPNPUJPOBMJUFNJTPVUPGTUPDLEVSJOHUIFUFSN PGUIFQSPNPUJPO 12 $ OFF COSTCO.COM ."/6'"$563&34 $0610/ t 0SJHJOBM 8*5)$0610/t-*.*5&"$) CHOOSE FROM: Nicorette 0SJHJOBM(VN NH"/%03NHDU t'SFTI.JOU(VNNH "/%03NHDU t.JOU-P[FOHFTNH "/%03NHDU Nicoderm $2$MFBS 1BUDIFT NH"/%03 NHDU *UFN Selection varies by location. 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Fonts: Helvetica Avant Garde ED, Age 45 Colors: CMY Images: 12-OB-1099-AD-ART.tif Osteo Bi-Flex Rock Jumping Guy (Ed) Image is from our video shoot (We have usage rights from 1/31/12 - 1/31/14) Like calcium supplements can help your bones, Osteo Bi-Flex can help your joints.* ® Osteo Bi-Flex® helps revitalize your joints to keep ‘em jumpin’.* Products: Osteo Triple Strength: 00000Z-NB-ART-TS170CT Printed @ 100% © 2013 Costco Wholesale Corporation SAVINGS MORE THAN $1,800 IN MEMBER-ONLY SAVINGS INSIDE. Plus, more than $5,200 in online savings from Valid 4/11 – 5/5/13
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