Chen, L. and Z. Gao (2007) Spatial variability in the partial pressures
Chen, L. and Z. Gao (2007) Spatial variability in the partial pressures
ARTICLE IN PRESS Deep-Sea Research II 54 (2007) 2619–2629 Spatial variability in the partial pressures of CO2 in the northern Bering and Chukchi seas Liqi Chena,b,c,, Zhongyong Gaoa,b,d a Key Laboratory of Global Change and Marine-Atmospheric Chemistry, State Oceanic Administration (SOA), Xiamen 361005, China b Third Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Xiamen 361005, China c Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration, Beijing 100860, China d Key Laboratory for Polar Science, SOA, Shanghai 200136, China Received in revised form 1 March 2007; accepted 4 August 2007 Available online 31 October 2007 Abstract In the summers of 1999 and 2003, the 1st and 2nd Chinese National Arctic Research Expeditions measured the partial pressure of CO2 in the air and surface waters (pCO2) of the Bering Sea and the western Arctic Ocean. The lowest pCO2 values were found in continental shelf waters, increased values over the Bering Sea shelf slope, and the highest values in the waters of the Bering Abyssal Plain (BAP) and the Canadian Basin. These differences arise from a combination of various source waters, biological uptake, and seasonal warming. The Chukchi Sea was found to be a carbon dioxide sink, a result of the increased open water due to rapid sea-ice melting, high primary production over the shelf and in marginal ice zones (MIZ), and transport of low pCO2 waters from the Bering Sea. As a consequence of differences in inflow water masses, relatively low pCO2 concentrations occurred in the Anadyr waters that dominate the western Bering Strait, and relatively high values in the waters of the Alaskan Coastal Current (ACC) in the eastern strait. The generally lower pCO2 values found in mid-August compared to at the end of July in the Bering Strait region (66–691N) are attributed to the presence of phytoplankton blooms. In August, higher pCO2 than in July between 68.5 and 691N along 1691W was associated with higher sea-surface temperatures (SST), possibly as an influence of the ACC. In August in the MIZ, pCO2 was observed to increase along with the temperature, indicating that SST plays an important role when the pack ice melts and recedes. r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: CO2; Ecosystem; Global change; Bering Sea; Chukchi Sea; Chlorophyll 1. Introduction In recent decades, the rate of release of CO2 from anthropogenic sources has increased, with this CO2 Corresponding author. Key Laboratory of Global Change and Marine-Atmospheric Chemistry, State Oceanic Administration (SOA), Xiamen 361005, China. Tel.: +86 592 2195351; fax:+86 592 2195982. E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Chen). 0967-0645/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2007.08.010 being distributed among atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial reservoirs. With increasing CO2, all General Climate Models (GCMs) suggest a maximum annual warming in high latitudes (IPCC, 2001). The Arctic has long seemed to be especially sensitive to global change; polar amplification and feedbacks are recurrent themes in numerical climate modeling (Manabe et al., 1991; Manabe and Stouffer, 1993; Dickson, 1999). During the last 30 years, the Arctic Ocean, in fact, has been undergoing rapid ARTICLE IN PRESS 2620 L. Chen, Z. Gao / Deep-Sea Research II 54 (2007) 2619–2629 change with major decreases in the area and volume of the sea ice (e.g., Stroeve et al., 2005). Because CO2 sequestrated in the ocean is removed from the atmosphere and thus does not contribute to global warming, considerable effort has been devoted to investigating oceanic CO2 uptake. Essential for carbon sequestration by the ocean is the transport of carbon from surface to depth by one of two mechanisms: the sinking of cold water rich in carbon (the ‘‘solubility pump’’) and the sinking of organic matter (the ‘‘biological pump’’). In most areas of the ocean, the strength of the biological pump is controlled by the availability in the upper layers of the ocean of macronutrients such as nitrate, phosphate and silicate. This is not the case, however, in the subarctic Pacific Ocean, the equatorial Pacific, and the Southern Ocean. These regions, often characterized as ‘‘high-nutrient low-chlorophyll (HNLC)’’ waters, comprise about 30% of the global ocean and are considered to have surface waters deficient in iron. An alteration in the magnitude of the biological pump in these HNLC regions could significantly affect the ocean’s capacity to take up CO2 (Behrenfeld et al., 1996; Boyd et al., 2000; Lam et al., 2006). The Bering Strait is the only connection between the Arctic and Pacific oceans separating the Chukchi Sea to the north from the Bering Sea (Fig. 1). The Bering Strait plays a significant role in the transport of heat, freshwater and nutrients, as well as carbon fluxes to the Arctic (Goosse et al., 1997; Wadley and Bigg, 2002). It is thus important to understand the transformations and fate of the Pacific waters that enter the Arctic via this conduit (Berger, 1987; Martin et al., 1989; Wheeler, 1997; Harrison et al., 1999; PICES, 1999; Caldeira and Duffy, 2000; Kawaguchi, 2001). The Bering Sea and the Chukchi Sea are also recognized as sites of high biological productivity (Sambrotto et al., 1984; Banse and English, 1999). Grebmeier et al. (2006) found that the northern Bering Sea ecosystem has been undergoing a major shift. Changes in biological communities are contemporaneous with shifts in regional atmospheric and hydrographic forcing. In the past decade, geographic displacement of marine mammal population distributions has coincided with a reduction of benthic prey populations, an increase in pelagic fish, a reduction in sea ice, and an increase in air and ocean temperatures. These changes, now observed on the shallow shelf of the northern Bering Sea, should be expected to affect a much broader portion of the Pacific-influenced sector of the Arctic Ocean. Because the Bering/Chukchi region is the only northern site for exchange between the Pacific and Arctic oceans, because there is likely to be some net carbon sequestration, and because the region has experienced rapid change, it is important to improve our understanding of carbon cycling in this region. Recently, several international programs have been conducted to improve understanding of carbon cycling in the Bering and Chukchi seas. These include SBI Phase I (Shelf-Basin Interactions, 1997–2001) and SBI Phase II (2002–2006), led by the United States, and the Canadian and Japanese cooperative WACS (Western Arctic Climate Study, 2002–2006). In addition, in 1994, the United States and Canada jointly pursued a multidisciplinary investigation of the Canadian Basin. Here, we report the results of the 1st and 2nd Chinese National Arctic Research Expeditions that, in the summers of 1999 and 2003, surveyed the Bering Sea and the western Arctic Ocean, and measured the partial pressure of CO2 in the air and in surface waters (pCO2). 2. Characteristics of the study region The Bering Sea is one of the largest marginal seas in the world ocean. The eastern Bering Sea shelf is wide and extends from Bristol Bay northwards to Bering Strait along the western coast of Alaska. Primary production in this region has been estimated to be as high as 85–400 gC m 2 y 1 and is among the high production waters in the world ocean (Iverson et al., 1979; Goering and Iverson, 1981; Springer et al., 1996). Because of the effects of the biological productivity and biological pump, pCO2 in Bering Sea surface waters displays widespread undersaturation in summer, with the lowest pCO2 values occurring in Anadyr Bay of the northwestern continental shelf (Park et al., 1974). During PROBES (Processes and Resources of the Bering Eastern Shelf), Codispoti et al. (1982, 1986) also found low values over the eastern shelf. Nutrient concentrations are enriched in surface water by winter mixing, which provides the potential to support the undersaturated state of pCO2 in the coming summer. 3. Measurements and experiments During the Chinese National Arctic Research Expeditions of 1999 and 2003, transects were ARTICLE IN PRESS L. Chen, Z. Gao / Deep-Sea Research II 54 (2007) 2619–2629 2621 Fig. 1. (A) Cruise tracks and sampling stations for CHINARE-1 (solid line and open circle) and CHINARE-II (dashed line and plus symbols). The gray lines marked with ‘‘ 50, 200, 1000’’ are the isobaths. (B) Schematic diagram of major currents in the Bering Sea (after Stabeno et al., 1999). ACC: Alaska Coastal Current, ANSC: Aleutian North Slope Current, BSC: Bering Slope Current. located in both the northern Bering Abyssal Plain (BAP) and Chukchi Sea, as well as in the southern Bering Strait (Fig. 1A). In addition to hydrography, nutrients and chlorophyll-a data, partial pressures of CO2 in the air and surface waters (pCO2) were collected. The latter were obtained using a ship- board US-made Li6262 CO2/H2O infrared analyzer. Standard carbon dioxide gases from the National Research Center of Standard Materials of China were used for calibration, with concentrations of 285, 348 and 401 ppmv [CO2/air]. The accuracy of the system was 1.0 matm. The procedures for ARTICLE IN PRESS 2622 L. Chen, Z. Gao / Deep-Sea Research II 54 (2007) 2619–2629 sampling and analyzing equilibrium CO2 in surface seawater, as well as data treatments, are described in more detail in Wang et al. (2003) and Chen et al. (2004). We took 1000 cm3 water samples, respectively, from 0, 25, 50, and 100 m depths using a CTD (conductivity–temperature–depth) rosette. Concentrations of nitrate were determined by a colorimetric technique (Jin, 2002). Chlorophyll-a was determined by filtering 500-ml subsamples on Whatman GF/F filters and extracting them in 90% acetone for 24 h before measuring the concentration using a Turner Model II Fluorometer (Zhu et al., 1994). The pH was measured using a Chinese-made pH meter, Model b-4, with a precision of 0.02 stipulated by the ‘‘Standards of Marine Survey’’ (The State Technical Supervision Administration, 1991). 4. Results and discussion The distribution of pCO2 in surface water of the western Bering Sea is shown in Fig. 2. The lowest pCO2 appeared over the continental shelf, which is a pattern similar to that over the eastern continental shelf. We attribute this pattern to higher biological production over the shelves. Codispoti et al. (1982) also found an undersaturated state of pCO2 over the eastern continental shelf and suggested that the main reason was the biological net production of organic matter there. The higher values over the BAP are in accord with the lower values of chlorophyll observed there (Fig. 3). Except for a 0.85 mg m 3 value observed in the surface water at a station over the western BAP, low (0.2–0.5 mg l 1) chlorophyll values were observed over this region of deep water (Fig. 3). Nitrate throughout the BAP was relatively high (Fig. 4) and could theoretically support a primary production rate an order of magnitude higher than the observed chlorophyll values. In summertime, the average nitrate concentration was about 8 mmol l 1 and the highest value was 15 mmol l 1. It is apparent, therefore, that the BAP is a typical HNLC area (Figs. 3 and 4). Banse and English (1999) recognized both the BAP and the subarctic northern Pacific Ocean south of the Aleutian Islands to be HNLC areas with chlorophyll values far below those that would be inferred from the observed nutrient concentrations. Fig. 2. pCO2 (matm) in surface waters of the Bering Sea during the summers of 1999. The contour lines (solid line) represent the pCO2 data that were measured in July 1999, and the gray dotted lines are the cruise tracks at that time. ARTICLE IN PRESS L. Chen, Z. Gao / Deep-Sea Research II 54 (2007) 2619–2629 Fig. 3. Distribution of chlorophyll-a (mg m 3) in surface water over the Bering Abyssal Plain (BAP) in July 1999. Fig. 4. Distribution of NO3 (mmol m 3) in surface water in the BAP in July 1999. 2623 ARTICLE IN PRESS 2624 L. Chen, Z. Gao / Deep-Sea Research II 54 (2007) 2619–2629 4.1. The marginal Bering Abyssal Plain In the marginal BAP, the pCO2 values were higher than that over the continental shelves, but lower than in the central region of the BAP (Fig. 2). The Bering Slope Current flows along the 200-m isobath and forms the Bering Gyre in the marginal BAP (see Fig. 1B). Over the eastern continental shelf at depths less than 200 m, there is high biological productivity, and this region is considered to be part of the Bering Sea green belt (Springer et al., 1996). Markina and Khen (1990) also described a high production area in the continental shelf margin associated with the Anadyr Current. About 2–4 mg l 1 chlorophyll concentrations could be calculated based on the presence of phytoplankton concentrations of 500–1000 mg m 3. In summertime, the higher chlorophyll concentrations extend over the slope, although the highest concentrations are along the marginal of the continental shelf and in the Anadyr Current area (Iverson et al., 1979; Goering and Iverson, 1981; Springer et al., 1996). Conkwright et al. (1994) suggested that in summertime very high nutrient values could be found in the southwestern Bering Sea as well as its adjacent waters, which could be attributed to the eddies generated from flow through the passages of the Aleutian Islands. Therefore, there are considerable differences between the waters of the BAP and those of the marginal continental shelf (the Bering Slope). The former have low chlorophyll and pH (Fig. 6), and high nitrate and pCO2, but the latter have the reverse with high chlorophyll and pH, low nitrate and pCO2 in surface waters in summer. 4.2. Bering Slope Current impacts It is obvious that transport of the Bering Slope Current can affect the distribution of properties in Bering Sea. This can be seen in the pH isolines in surface waters of the Bering Sea (Fig. 5). In the center of the BAP, pH distribution was clearly distinct from that in the surrounding shelves and the Bering Slope. However, for the Bering Sea as a whole, the distribution of pH isolines represents the Bering circulation structure. Currents with relatively higher pH flow along the Bering Slope northwestward and to some extent, southwestward to form the Bering Gyre. Another branch of this current continues northwestward to join the Anadyr Current and enters the Arctic Ocean through Bering Strait. The Bering Slope Current also carries high Fig. 5. Isolines of pH in surface water in the Bering Sea in July 1999. ARTICLE IN PRESS L. Chen, Z. Gao / Deep-Sea Research II 54 (2007) 2619–2629 nutrients from the marginal BAP to the Arctic Ocean, impacting the carbon sink and nutrients there, as well as the ecosystem structure in the Chukchi Sea. 4.3. Bering Sea outflow to the Arctic Ocean The only Bering Sea gateway to the Arctic Ocean is the narrow (85 km wide), shallow (50 m deep) Bering Strait. To know whether nutrients would be depleted before reaching the Arctic Ocean, we placed stations transversely across the northern portion of the Chirikov Basin Strait to investigate the hydrography and nitrate concentrations. Fig. 6 2625 shows chlorophyll-a and nitrate in surface waters along the transect. Nitrate concentrations as high as 16 and 7.2 mg l 1 were present in the western Chirikov Basin, whereas in the eastern Chirikov Basin values were as low as 0.3 and 0.5 mg l 1. However, chlorophyll-a values in the Chirikov Basin appeared high, even in the eastern side where a bloom had greatly decreased nitrate concentrations. High nitrate concentrations in the western Chirikov Basin may be maintained because the Aynadyr Current waters are well mixed there. The Current therefore can transport its high nutrient load through Bering Strait into the Chukchi Sea to sustain the high primary production. In the eastern pCO2 (µatm) 300 250 200 150 100 pCO2 (µatm) 300 250 200 150 NO3- (mmolm-3) 100 0.4 6 chl-a (mgm-3) 2 0 172 171 170 169 168 167 0.1 chl-a (mgm-3) 1.5 1 August July 15 10 5 0 5 2 chl-a (mg m-3) July August 0.2 0 20 4 - NO3 (mmol m-3) 8 0.3 August July 4 3 2 1 0 0.5 66 67 68 69 70 71 Latitude (°N) 0 172 171 170 169 168 167 ° Longitude ( W) Fig. 6. Distributions of NO3 and chlorophyll-a in surface water in the northern Chirikov Basin during July 2003. Fig. 7. Distributions of pCO2, (matm), nitrate (mmol m 3), and chlorophyll-a (mg m 3) in surface water along transects at 1701W (1999) in the Chukchi Sea. (A) July-pCO2. (B) August-pCO2. (C) July and August NO3. (D) July and August Chl-a. (E) July and August Chl-a (without bloom). ARTICLE IN PRESS L. Chen, Z. Gao / Deep-Sea Research II 54 (2007) 2619–2629 Chirikov Basin, the dominant Alaskan Coastal Current (ACC) waters are characterized by a low pH and relatively high pCO2 due to river runoff from the Yukon River (Chen, 1993). Therefore, the mixture of waters in the eastern Bering Strait display higher pCO2 values with concentrations as high as 300 matm (see Fig. 1A, at Station BS11 at 65.51N, 168.91W), compared to an average of 200 matm in the Chukchi Sea (Fig. 7A and B). 350 2003. 7. 29-8. 2 300 pCO2 (µatm) 2626 250 200 150 100 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 350 4.4. The Chukchi Sea 2003. 8. 8-8. 12 250 200 150 100 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 1.6 73 74 75 76 July 30 to Aug. 2 NO3- (mmol m-3) 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 71 72 73 74 75 76 5.0 chl-a (mg m-3) The outflow from Bering Strait separates into two branches (Stabeno et al., 1999), one of which flows northeastward to the deep Arctic Ocean, while the other flows around Cape Barrow into the Beaufort Sea, before branching into two parts, one of which becomes the Beaufort undercurrent and the other flows northwestward. We selected transects at 1691W and 1701W in the Chukchi Sea to assess the impact of outflows from Bering Strait on the Chukchi ecosystem. Distributions of pCO2, nutrients (NO3 ), and chlorophyll in July and August are presented in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively, along the 1701W transect in 1999 and along the 1691W transect in 2003. Most of the pCO2 concentrations were less than 200 matm, as shown in Fig. 7A and B. These low values could be attributed to high production in summer in the Chukchi Sea when nutrients such as NO3 were almost depleted in the surface layer (Fig. 7C). However, at 69.5–701N in the 1701W transect, the NO3 indicates an extra replenishment (Fig. 7C) such to increase chlorophyll-a levels (Fig. 7E). At the same time, the pCO2 value increased to 250 matm (Fig. 7A and B) and an anomaly in pH also was observed (Fig. 9). The low pH value and increase in pCO2 is believed to be caused by effects of Bering inflow water. Based on the circulation in the Bering Sea, the Alaska Coast Current would pass through the eastern Bering Strait with lower pH and higher pCO2; the Anadyr Current through the western Bering Strait (Coachman, 1993; Stabeno et al., 2001; Hermann et al., 2002). A similar situation was found along 1691W, in July and August, 2003. Increased nitrate appeared between 67–681N and 72–731N along with increased pCO2 (Fig. 8A). Chlorophyll-a concentrations rapidly increased between the four transects taken in July and August, respectively, in 1999 or 2003, suggesting that there were biological blooms that depleted most of the local nutrients. Therefore, a pCO2 (µatm) 300 4.0 July 30 to Aug. 2 3.0 Aug. 8 to 10 2.0 1.0 0.0 65 66 67 68 69 70 ° Latitude ( N) Fig. 8. Distributions of pCO2, (matm), nitrate (mmol m 3), and chlorophyll-a (mg m 3) in surface water along transects at 1691W (2003) in the Chukchi Sea. (A) July and August pCO2. (B) August pCO2. (C) July and August NO3. (D) July and August Chl-a. supply for nutrients could be traced to the Bering inflow water. The transportation of the Bering inflow water would provide additional nutrients to the western Arctic Ocean and impact the ecosystem structure there. For example, at 69.51N, a strong bloom was found with chlorophyll-a concentrations of up to 18.171 mg m 3, almost 10 times higher than ARTICLE IN PRESS L. Chen, Z. Gao / Deep-Sea Research II 54 (2007) 2619–2629 2627 75°N 8.5 8.45 8.4 8.35 8.3 70°N 8.25 8.2 8.15 8.1 8.05 65°N 180° W 8 ° 175 W ° 170 W ° 165 W ° 160 W ° 155 W Fig. 9. Distribution of pH in surface water in surface layer in the Chukchi Sea. the average value. This unusually high chlorophyll-a value may be an indication of the transport of high nutrient concentrations from the Bering Sea. 5. Conclusions Our study suggests that transport of subarctic northern Pacific waters from the Bering Sea to the Arctic Ocean enhances carbon sequestration in the western Arctic Ocean by supporting high levels of production there, and thus provides a potential negative feedback locally to global warming. Forecasts of global warming indicate that because high biological production appears in the eastern Siberia and the Chukchi Sea, global biogeochemistry of carbon will decrease albedo and accelerate the melting of snow and ice (Walsh, 1989). If climate change causes the ice-free season to be of longer duration in Bering Strait and the Chukchi Sea, it could lead to stronger flows (Johannessen et al., 2004) and accordingly more transport of nutrients through Bering Strait to the Arctic. This could lead to greater production and carbon sequestration in the Chukchi and a negative feedback to global warming. Better understanding of carbon cycling in the northern Bering and Chukchi Seas and its relationship to ecosystem structure is critical to our ability to predict the consequences of global climate change on arctic marine ecosystems with respect to biological productivity on arctic shelves. Acknowledgments These projects were supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) from the key program (40531007) and general programs (40406014 and 40276001), from SOA Youth Foundation Grant (2004606), from Youth Technological Innovative Grant (2004J056), as well as Key Laboratory for Polar Science Grants (KP2005003) and Natural Science Foundation Grant of Fujian Province (Z0513027). Thanks also to Chaolun Li, Zilin Liu, and Mingming Jing for providing chlorophyll and nutrient data as well as to the crews from the Xuelong Vessel for their sincere help. We thank Lou Codispoti and Ray Sambrotto for their comments and helpful suggestions. This paper was first presented in the GLOBECESSAS Symposium on ‘‘Effects of climate variability on sub-arctic marine ecosystems,’’ hosted by PICES in Victoria, BC, May 2005. References Banse, K., English, D.C., 1999. Comparing phytoplankton seasonality in the eastern subarctic Pacific and the western Bering Sea. 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