View full Food For Thought report
View full Food For Thought report
November 2014 Monthly Update About William Blair Investment Banking Food For Thought_Current.indd 1-2 William Blair’s investment banking group combines signi�icant transaction experience, rich industry knowledge, and deep relationships to deliver successful advisory and �inancing solutions to our global base of corporate clients. We serve both publicly traded and privately held companies, executing mergers and acquisitions, growth �inancing, �inancial restructuring, and general advisory projects. This comprehensive suite of services allows us to be a long-term partner to our clients as they grow and evolve. From 2010 - 2013, the investment banking group completed 250 merger-and-acquisition transactions worth more than $52 billion in value, involving parties in 27 countries and four continents, was an underwriter on over 20% of all U.S. initial public offerings and arranged more than $11.5 billion of debt �inancing. Food for Thought Overview, Analysis, and Trends in the Food and Food Retailing Industries 11/12/2014 2:31:09 PM William Blair Table of Contents Selected Monthly M&A Activity – October ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Noteworthy M&A Activity – LTM ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Historical M&A Trends in the Food and Food Retailing Industries ................................................................................................................................... 8 Volume Trends .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Participant Trends ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Valuation Trends ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................10 Public Company Trading Statistics ................................................................................................................................................................................................11 Food Production Companies .......................................................................................................................................................................................................11 Food Ingredients Companies ......................................................................................................................................................................................................12 Beverage Production Companies ..............................................................................................................................................................................................12 Food Retail Companies ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................13 Convenience Store Companies ...................................................................................................................................................................................................13 Same-Store Growth – Food & Convenience Retail ..................................................................................................................................................................14 U.S. Public Equity Financing Summary – LTM ..........................................................................................................................................................................15 IPOs ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................15 Follow-Ons ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................15 Selected Upcoming Industry Events .............................................................................................................................................................................................16 General Market Update.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................18 Quarterly Market Update – All Industries ..................................................................................................................................................................................19 Domestic M&A Market Summary ...................................................................................................................................................................................................19 U.S. Activity Trends ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................19 U.S. Valuation Trends.................................................................................................................................................................................................................20 U.S. Equity Capital Markets Summary .....................................................................................................................................................................................21 Debt Capital Markets Summary ......................................................................................................................................................................................................22 William Blair Food & Beverage and Food Convenience & Retail Investment Banking ...........................................................................................23 Recent William Blair Consumer & Retail Transactions ........................................................................................................................................................25 William Blair Consumer & Retail Coverage ...............................................................................................................................................................................26 Notes ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................27 Disclosures...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................28 Food For Thought Table of Contents William Blair Selected Monthly M&A Activity – October Food & Beverage Producer Transactions ($ in millions) Date Announced 10/31/14 Target (Unit Sold)/ Target Business Description Harrell Nut Co. Producer and distributor of pecans Target Nation United States 10/31/14 FELDA IFFCO South China Producer of edible oils China Felda Global Ventures Holdings 10/31/14 Tomaszowska Spoldzielnia Mleczarska Producer and seller of dairy products Poland 10/31/14 True Health Manufacturer of health supplements and nutritional products 10/29/14 Buyer Archer Daniels Midland Enterprise Value - Enterprise Value/LTM Sales - EBITDA - $96.7 - - SM Mlekovita - - - United States Gold Rock Holdings - - - Petrokholod (11%) Producer of ice-cream Russian Federation Private Investor - - - 10/29/14 Teasdale Quality Foods Producer and marketer of canned hominy and beans United States Snow Phipps Group - - - 10/29/14 Janneau Manufacturer of spirits France Spirit France - - - 10/29/14 Schirnhofer Gesellschaft Manufacturer and marketer of prepared meat products Austria Zielpunkt - - - 10/28/14 Cedar River Foods Manufacturer of food and beverage products United States Glow Holdings - - - 10/28/14 Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux (8%) Manufacturer of wine France Lidl Stiftung & Co. - - - 10/27/14 High Country Shrimp Co. Producer and supplier of shrimp United States Alkame Holdings - - - 10/27/14 Junior Alimentos Industria e Comercio Processer and marketer of convenience food products Brazil Kerry Group - - - 10/24/14 Euro Gourmet Manufacturer and seller of gourmet food and beverage products United States Chefs' Warehouse - - - 10/24/14 ProNatura Producer and distributor of organic fruit and vegetables France Naxicap Partners - - - 10/24/14 Gloria Jean's Gourmet Coffees Producer of gourmet coffee United States Retail Food Group $158.4 - - 10/23/14 Benson Park Manufacturer of poultry products United Kingdom Cranswick - - - 10/23/14 De Chocolate Korea Co. Producer and distributor of coffee and related beverage products South Korea Hollys F&B Co. - - - 10/22/14 Chocri Manufacturer and web-based retailer of made-to-order chocolates Germany Hans Riegelein & Sohn - - - 10/22/14 Pfunda Tea (90%) Manufacturer of tea Rwanda McLeod Russel India $21.7 - - 10/22/14 Freskaleche Manufacturer of dairy products Colombia Productos Naturales de la Sabana SA - Alqueria - - - 10/21/14 Sociedad Agrícola e Industrial San Carlos Producer and seller of sugar and sugar products Ecuador Mayagüez - - - Note: Includes global change-of-control (unless otherwise indicated) transactions announced in October 2014 Sources: Dealogic and Capital IQ Food For Thought Selected Monthly M&A Activity – October 1 William Blair Food & Beverage Producer Transactions (cont.) ($ in millions) Date Announced 10/21/14 Target (Unit Sold)/ Target Business Description Peresscol Producer of flavorings and seasonings Target Nation Malaysia 10/20/14 Doux (25%) Producer and distributor of poultry France Abdullah Ali Almunajem Sons Co. 10/20/14 Senagral (49%) Manufacturer of dairy products France Agrial 10/20/14 Hainan Yedao Co. (11.2%) Manufacturer of food and beverage products China China Orient Capital Investment Group 10/20/14 Betta Foods Australia Manufacturer of confectionery Australia Hilco Capital 10/20/14 Tanfield Food Company Manufacturer of gourmet convenience foods 10/17/14 Buyer T Hasegawa Co. Enterprise Value - Enterprise Value/LTM - EBITDA - - - - - - - 6.19x - - - - United Kingdom Symingtons - - - Gilbertson & Page Supplier of malt and related products Canada Rahr Corp - - - 10/17/14 Bogorodskie Delikatesi (5.7%) Manufacturer and processer of meat and meat products Russian Federation Sangri Management Co. - - - 10/16/14 Falbygdens Ostnederlag Manufacturer of cheese Sweden Arla Foods - - - 10/16/14 Mercaoleo (50%) Producer of olive oil Spain Dcoop S. Coop - - - 10/16/14 Iquique U.S. Producer and marketer of seafood products United States Kirin International $87.2 - - 10/16/14 Group Manufacturer of food dressings and sauces Italy La Doria $83.5 0.91x 8.0x 10/16/14 Mars (20%) Manufacturer of bread and bakery products Kazakhstan Private Investor - - - 10/15/14 Yarkhlad Producer and distributor of dairy products Russian Federation Ekologiya Gorod - - - 10/15/14 Cebu Canning Corp. Processer of canned seafood Philippines Millennium Global Holdings - - - 10/14/14 Savor Coffee Roaster and distributor of coffee United States American Diversified Holdings Corporation - - - 10/14/14 Masada Bakery Operator of a bakery United States Nashville Bun Company - - - 10/13/14 Akhtyrskiy Khlebozavod Manufacturer of bread and bakery products Russian Federation Investservis - - - 10/10/14 Cosmo Enterprise (20%) Manufacturer of in-flight meals Japan Deutsche Lufthansa - - - 10/10/14 Fletchers Bakeries Manufacturer of bread and bakery products United Kingdom Finsbury Food Group $90.5 - - 10/10/14 Lotte Chilsung Beverage Co. (Coffee Business) Producer of coffee South Korea Lotte Food Co. $10.8 - - 10/09/14 Just Water International (29.2%) Manufacturer of bottled water New Zealand Harvard Group $20.7 1.00x 3.7x 10/09/14 Doma Manufacturer of mayonnaise, flavored sauces and dressings Slovak Republic Nordic Partners - - Note: Includes global change-of-control (unless otherwise indicated) transactions announced in October 2014 Sources: Dealogic and Capital IQ Food For Thought 2 Selected Monthly M&A Activity – October $679.0 - Sales William Blair Food & Beverage Producer Transactions (cont.) ($ in millions) Date Announced 10/08/14 Target (Unit Sold)/ Target Business Description Bakalland (17.5%) Manufacturer and distributor of dried fruits and nuts Target Nation Poland 10/08/14 Liaoning Huishan Dairy Group (50%) Producer of milk and related dairy products China Koninklijke FrieslandCampina 10/07/14 Salov Manufacturer of cooking oils Italy 10/07/14 Atlantic Trading Co. Manufacturer and distributor of seafood 10/07/14 Buyer Innova Capital; EMP Investments Enterprise Value $43.5 Enterprise Value/LTM Sales 0.67x EBITDA - $227.9 - - Bright Food Co. - - - United States High Liner Foods - - - Cadaico Catalunya Distributor of food and beverage products Spain Pomona - - - 10/06/14 Belvedere (7.3%) Producer and marketer of alcoholic beverages France Diana Holding - Groupe Zniber $362.7 0.54x NMF 10/06/14 Premia Foods (Ice-Cream and Frozen Goods Business) Producer of ice-cream and frozen food Estonia Food Union $33.9 - - 10/06/14 Trentinalatte Producer of yogurt Italy Livia International Ventures & Investment Activities - - - 10/06/14 Broderna Nilsson Delikatesser Wholesaler of meat Sweden Scandza - - - 10/03/14 Cremolatti Producer of ice-cream Peru Alimentos Trendy $10.0 - - 10/03/14 Mondelez Argentina (Pasta Division) Manufacturer of pasta Argentina Molinos Rio de la Plata $17.0 - - 10/02/14 Anastasia Confections Manufacturer and marketer of sweets and chocolates United States BBX Capital - - - 10/02/14 Bay Hill Seafood Distributor of seafood products United States Private Investor (Justin Conrad) - - - 10/01/14 Free House Wine & Spirits Producer and distributor of wine Canada Icon Fine Wine & Spirits - - - 10/01/14 Kinmon Shuzou Manufacturer and seller of Japanese sake Japan Private Investor (Hirohisa Nishiide) - - - 10/01/14 Angie's Artisan Treats Manufacturer and distributor of popcorn and other flavored snack foods United States TPG Capital - - - Note: Includes global change-of-control (unless otherwise indicated) transactions announced in October 2014 Sources: Dealogic and Capital IQ Food For Thought Selected Monthly M&A Activity – October 3 William Blair Food & Convenience Retail Transactions ($ in millions) Date Announced Target (Unit Sold)/ Target Business Description Target Nation Buyer Enterprise Value 10/31/14 Maruetsu Operator of a chain of supermarkets Japan Kasumi $685.6 10/27/14 Bimart Hypermarket (3 hypermarkets in Central Russia) Operator of hypermarkets Russia Lenta 10/24/14 C.D.E.B. Trgovacko Drustvo Operator of a chain of supermarkets Bosnia and Herzegovina Bingo Export Import 10/24/14 JA Tomikawa Operator of a chain of supermarkets Japan 10/22/14 Koa Trading Co. Wholesaler of groceries 10/15/14 Enterprise Value/LTM Sales EBITDA 0.23x 7.5x - - - $37.9 - - JA Biratoricho - - - United States Y. Hata & Co. - - - RS Service Wholesaler of general line groceries Russian Federation Alnasmash - - - 10/15/14 Agrotorg-Samara Operator of a chain of grocery stores Russian Federation X5 Retail Group - - - 10/10/14 Simply Fresh & Local (20%) Operator of retail stores that sell groceries and other items United Kingdom Bibby Line Group - - - 10/08/14 Jibi Handel Operator of a chain of grocery stores Germany J. Buenting Beteiligungs - - - 10/07/14 Kaiser's Tengelmann Operator of a chain of food retail stores Germany Edeka Zentrale & Co. - - - 10/06/14 ICA Norway Operator of a chain of grocery stores Norway Coop Norge Handel $387.2 0.18x - 10/03/14 Migros Ticaret Operator of a chain of supermarkets Turkey Anadolu Endüstri Holding $2,705.4 0.79x 13.1x Note: Includes global change-of-control (unless otherwise indicated) transactions announced in October 2014 Sources: Dealogic and Capital IQ Food For Thought 4 Selected Monthly M&A Activity – October William Blair Noteworthy M&A Activity – LTM Food & Beverage Producer Transactions ($ in millions) Enterprise Value Enterprise Value/LTM Date Announced Target (Unit Sold)/ Target Business Description Target Nation 10/20/14 Hainan Yedao Co. (11.2%) Manufacturer of food and beverage products China China Orient Capital Investment Group $679.0 6.19x - 10/06/14 Belvedere (7.3%) Producer and marketer of alcoholic beverages France Diana Holding - Groupe Zniber $362.7 0.54x NMF 09/10/14 Windsor Quality Food Company Producer and marketer of frozen foods and appetizers United States Ajinomoto North America $800.0 1.19x - 09/08/14 Annie's Producer of natural and organic foods United States General Mills $821.2 3.95x NMF 09/02/14 Archer Daniels Midland Company (Global Chocolate Business) Producer of chocolate United States Cargill $440.0 - - 08/21/14 Ebro Foods (2%) Manufacturer of pasta, rice, and ready-to-eat food Spain Empresas Comerciales e Industriales Valencianas $3,589.8 1.37x 9.5x 08/15/14 Vietnam Dairy Products (2%) Manufacturer of dairy products Vietnam Fraser & Neave $4,534.6 2.90x 14.1x 08/11/14 Chiquita Brands International United States Producer and distributor of fruit and other fresh produce Sucocitrico Cutrale; Banco Safra, Investment Arm $1,193.1 0.39x 13.6x 08/11/14 Treasury Wine Estates Producer and distributor of wine Australia TPG Capital $3,323.0 2.00x 14.2x 07/14/14 Russell Stover Candies Manufacturer and marketer of sweets and chocolates United States Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli $1,400.0 - - 07/07/14 WILD Flavors Manufacturer of food ingredients and preservatives Switzerland Archer Daniels Midland Europoort $3,096.5 2.28x - 06/30/14 CytoSport Manufacturer of nutritional supplements United States Hormel Foods Corporation $470.0 - - 06/30/14 Flagstone Foods Producer and distributor of dried fruits and nuts United States Treehouse Foods $860.0 - - 05/29/14 Hillshire Brands Co. Manufacturer of consumer food and beverage products United States Tyson Foods $8,533.5 2.10x 15.3x 05/22/14 Conopco (North America Pasta Sauces Business) Producer of pasta sauce United States Mizkan Holdings $2,150.0 3.60x - 05/21/14 Tnuva Food Industries Producer and distributor of dairy and frozen food products Israel Bright Food (Group) $1,711.2 - - 05/20/14 Treasury Wine Estates Producer and distributor of wine Australia KKR & Co. $3,188.3 1.90x NMF 05/12/14 Pinnacle Foods Manufacturer of convenience food products United States Hillshire Brands $6,729.2 2.70x 15.2x 04/27/14 Goodman Fielder Manufacturer and distributor of food ingredients Australia First Pacific Company $1,698.4 0.84x 8.8x 04/25/14 Deoleo Producer of cooking oils Spain CVC Capital Partners $1,261.8 1.16x 12.5x 04/17/14 MFI Holding Corporation Processer and distributor of commercial food products United States Post Holdings $2,499.5 - - 04/15/14 United Spirits Manufacturer and seller of alcoholic beverages India Diageo $1.895.8 4.88x NMF 04/14/14 DIANA Provider of organic and natural foods France Symrise $1,796.2 2.88x 14.0x Buyer Sales EBITDA Note: Includes global change-of-control (unless otherwise indicated) transactions announced in the last twelve months Sources: Dealogic and Capital IQ Food For Thought Noteworthy M&A Activity – LTM 5 William Blair Food & Beverage Producer Transactions (cont.) ($ in millions) Date Announced Target (Unit Sold)/ Target Business Description Target Nation 03/17/14 Hearthside Food Solutions Manufacturer of consumer baked foods and snacks United States Goldman Sachs Group, Merchant Banking Division; Vestar Capital Partners 03/14/14 Olam International Supplier of food ingredients such as coffee, cocoa and cashew nuts Singapore Temasek Holdings; Kewalram Singapore 03/10/14 Cloverhill Pastry-Vend United States Producer of baked goods primarily sold through vending machines 03/03/14 Nuova Castelli Producer and distributor of dairy and canned tuna fish products 02/28/14 Buyer Enterprise Value Enterprise Value/LTM Sales EBITDA $1,100.0 1.10x - $11,546.7 0.73x 13.0x Aryzta $673.1 - - Italy Charterhouse Capital Partners $516.6 1.29x 10.1x Sokolow Processer of packaged meats such as canned hams, kielbasa and pre-packaged sliced meats Poland Danish Crown $492.6 - - 02/20/14 Shree Renuka Sugars (26%) Manufacturer of sugar India Wilmar International $1,331.2 0.79x 11.9x 02/12/14 Canada Bread Co. Manufacturer of flour based products Canada Grupo Bimbo $1,487.6 1.06x 12.6x 01/20/14 Oriental Brewery Co. Brewer and marketer of beer South Korea Anheuser-Busch InBev $5,800.0 - - 01/13/14 Tilda Provider of basmati and specialty rice products United Kingdom Hain Celestial Group $357.7 - - 01/13/14 Beam Manufacturer and seller of distilled spirits United States Suntory Holdings $15,816.6 6.27x 20.4x 12/19/13 Shanghai Jinsihou Food Manufacturer and marketer of sweets and chocolates China Hershey Netherlands $584.0 - - 12/09/13 Industrias Bachoco (10%) Producer and distributor of poultry Mexico GBM Grupo Bursatil Mexicano $1,588.8 0.51x 5.7x 11/21/13 TSB Sugar Holdings (22%) Producers of sugar South Africa RCL Foods $393.8 - - 11/14/13 Campofrio Food Group International producer of meat products Spain Sigma Alimentos $1,583.9 0.61x 8.5x 11/14/13 Roxas Holdings Manufacturer of sugar Philippines First Pacific $358.1 14.08x NMF 11/07/13 Grieg Seafood (26%) Provider of seafood Norway Marine Harvest $642.0 1.80x 13.1x 11/01/13 Bega Cheese (6%) Manufacturer of dairy products Australia Fonterra Cooperative Group $795.3 0.83x 19.1x Note: Includes global change-of-control (unless otherwise indicated) transactions announced in the last twelve months Sources: Dealogic and Capital IQ Food For Thought 6 Noteworthy M&A Activity – LTM William Blair Food & Convenience Retail Transactions ($ in millions) Enterprise Value/LTM Date Announced Target (Unit Sold)/ Target Business Description Target Nation Buyer Enterprise Value 10/31/14 Maruetsu Operator of a chain of supermarkets Japan Kasumi $685.6 0.23x 7.5x 10/03/14 Migros Ticaret Operator of a chain of supermarkets Turkey Anadolu Endüstri Holding $2,705.4 0.79x 13.1x 09/30/14 Seijo Ishii Co. Operator of a chain of supermarkets Japan Lawson $501.4 1.01x 9.7x 09/16/14 Grocery Outlet Inc. Operator of a chain of grocery stores United States Hellman & Friedman - - 08/11/14 Kinsho Store Co. Operator of a chain of supermarkets Japan Kintetsu Corporation $645.3 1.13x - 07/02/14 Grupo El Árbol Distribución y Supermercados Supermarkets operator Spain Distribuidora Internacional de Alimentación $205.9 0.18x - 06/03/14 DIA France Operator of a chain of supermarkets France Carrefour $816.9 - - 05/07/14 Roundy's (18 Rainbow Stores) Operator of 18 retail stores United States SuperValu $65.0 - - 04/28/14 Susser Holdings Corporation Operator of a chain of convenience stores United States Energy Transfer Partners $2,320.3 0.37x 14.4x 04/11/14 SPAR Group Operator of a chain of grocery and retail stores South Africa Allan Gray $2,059.8 0.45x 13.0x 04/07/14 Carrefour Operator of a chain of supermarkets France Motier $1786.3 0.36x 12.2x 03/11/14 SPAR Ceska Obchodni Spolecnost Operator of a chain of supermarkets Czech Republic Albert (Ahold) $266.2 0.36x - 03/10/14 Eataly Operator of a chain of food retail stores Italy Tamburi Investment Partners $832.7 - - 03/06/14 Safeway Operator of a chain of stores offering a selection of food and general merchandise United States Albertsons (Cerberus Capital Management) $8,198.9 - 13.5x 03/04/14 Wumart Stores Operator of a retail chain of superstores China Wumei Holdings $559.8 0.20x 4.4x 02/13/14 Sobeys (29 stores) Operator of a chain of grocery stores Canada Overwaitea Food Group; Federated Co-operatives $391.0 - - 02/11/14 Walmart Chile Operator of a chain of supermarkets Chile Inversiones Australes Tres Limitada $7,575.8 1.36x 15.1x 01/31/14 Izumiya Co. Operator of retail stores that sell groceries and other items Japan H2O Retailing Corporation $1,099.2 0.33x 11.6x 12/20/13 Arden Group Operator of supermarkets in Southern California United States TPG Capital $364.0 0.80x 9.9x 11/22/13 Wal-Mart Chile (25%) Operator of supermarkets in Chile Chile Inversiones Australes Tres (Wal-Mart Stores) $7,515.1 1.30x 21.6x - Sales EBITDA Note: Includes global change-of-control (unless otherwise indicated) transactions announced in the last twelve months Sources: Dealogic and Capital IQ Food For Thought Noteworthy M&A Activity – LTM 7 William Blair Historical M&A Trends in the Food and Food Retailing Industries Volume Trends U.S. Monthly Announced M&A Activity Food & Beverage Production Food Retail & Convenience Number of Deals 30 20 20 17 14 22 19 15 17 13 12 14 15 15 10 0 11/13 12/13 01/14 2/14 03/14 04/14 05/14 06/14 07/14 08/14 09/14 10/14 Food & Beverage Production 8 14 13 15 12 17 16 12 12 13 14 14 Food Retail & Convenience 6 6 4 7 3 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 U.S. Yearly Announced M&A Activity Food & Beverage Production Food Retail & Convenience Total Deal Value Deal Value Number of Deals ($ in billions) 300 232 159 200 181 223 $120 170 166 127 129 159 189 185 159 $80 $40 100 $0 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 YTD Food & Beverage Production 98 128 101 145 127 106 79 109 127 161 147 138 Food Retail & Convenience 61 53 65 87 96 64 48 20 32 24 42 21 $7.9 $13.5 $11.5 $29.1 $33.3 $93.3 $20.5 $39.0 $13.9 $36.0 $43.2 $55.0 Total Deal Value Global Yearly Announced M&A Activity Food & Beverage Production Food Retail & Convenience Total Deal Value Number of Deals Deal Value ($ in billions) 1,500 1,000 994 973 1,049 1,193 1,325 1,311 1,159 1,199 1,083 $200 979 926 756 $150 $100 500 $50 $0 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Food & Beverage Production 859 799 870 996 1,104 1,042 948 969 906 814 768 643 Food Retail & Convenience 135 174 179 197 221 269 211 230 177 165 158 113 $41.7 $61.1 $97.8 $94.9 $132.3 $140.5 $72.0 $94.2 $125.4 $127.4 $109.7 $118.6 Total Deal Value Note: Data represents announced transactions including U.S.-based targets only Sources: Dealogic and Capital IQ as of October 31, 2014 Food For Thought 8 Historical M&A Trends in the Food and Food Retailing Industries 2014 YTD William Blair Participant Trends Breakdown of Acquirers by Type Percent of Deals 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 YTD Private 43.0% 46.8% 44.1% 43.4% 51.9% 47.2% 50.0% 52.8% 49.5% 53.2% 56.0% 48.6% 44.7% Public 25.6% 24.0% 27.7% 28.0% 19.6% 21.6% 20.3% 17.4% 18.1% 15.6% 19.5% 25.8% 24.8% Private Equity 11.0% 11.0% 9.2% 10.1% 13.8% 17.2% 13.1% 13.0% 13.2% 12.2% 7.2% 13.6% 12.8% Foreign 20.3% 18.2% 19.0% 18.5% 14.6% 14.0% 16.7% 16.8% 19.1% 19.0% 17.3% 12.0% 17.7% Breakdown of Sellers by Type Percent of Deals 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 YTD Private 50.0% 30.1% 46.4% 53.1% 50.5% 57.2% 46.3% 53.0% 49.7% 47.1% 53.4% 55.2% 53.2% Public 2.5% 3.3% 6.4% 5.6% 2.0% 1.7% 3.7% 5.1% 6.1% 4.8% 2.5% 4.9% 9.2% 4.2% 17.1% 7.9% 9.1% 12.4% 8.1% 8.0% 8.5% 14.0% 5.3% 8.1% 7.8% 7.8% 43.2% 49.6% 39.3% 32.2% 35.1% 32.9% 42.0% 33.3% 30.2% 42.8% 36.0% 32.1% 29.8% Private Equity Divestiture Note: Data represents announced transactions including U.S.-based targets only Sources: Dealogic and Capital IQ as of October 31, 2014 Food For Thought Historical M&A Trends in the Food and Food Retailing Industries 9 William Blair Valuation Trends Average EBITDA Multiples for Food Transactions(1) Average EV/EBITDA Multiple Number of Disclosed Deals EV/EBITDA Multiple 40 20.0x 35 15.0x 13.2x 9.1x 10.0x 8.6x 12.0x 11.4x 11.8x 10.4x 9.9x 9.3x 8.4x 30 13.0x 12.4x 25 20 8.2x 15 10 5.0x 5 0 0.0x Average EV/EBITDA Multiple Number of Disclosed Deals 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 YTD 8.6x 8.4x 9.1x 11.4x 9.9x 12.0x 10.4x 9.3x 8.2x 11.8x 13.2x 13.0x 12.4x 20 25 20 14 28 23 20 14 11 7 12 22 30 Average EBITDA Multiples for Beverage Transactions(2) Average EV/EBITDA Multiple Number of Disclosed Deals EV/EBITDA Multiple 25.0x 20 20.0x 17.3x 11.8x 15.0x 14.1x 13.5x 12.0x 10.0x 15 13.6x 13.4x 11.7x 9.5x 10.9x 14.5x 11.6x 9.8x 5 5.0x 0.0x Average EV/EBITDA Multiple Number of Disclosed Deals 10 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 YTD 9.5x 11.8x 14.1x 12.0x 13.5x 13.4x 17.3x 11.7x 10.9x 9.8x 13.6x 14.5x 11.6x 15 9 16 12 15 5 4 9 1 3 6 4 10 (1) Excludes Food & Convenience retail transactions (2) Includes alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages Note: Data represents global transactions announced in the respective sectors Note: Transactions with multiples that are not meaningful are categorized as undisclosed Sources: Dealogic and William Blair as of October 31, 2014 Food For Thought 10 Historical M&A Trends in the Food and Food Retailing Industries William Blair Public Company Trading Statistics Food Production Companies ($ in millions) Company Nestlé Unilever Forward % Change Market Cap MTD $233,373.3 (0.4%) YTD (0.3%) Enterprise Value/LTM 17.5x PEG 380.1% Enterprise Value $257,258.3 P/E Sales 2.54x EBITDA 13.6x $114,197.8 (4.1%) (2.2%) 16.9x 168.9% $127,682.6 1.93x 11.5x Mondelez International $59,444.4 2.9% (0.1%) 17.8x 165.1% $75,869.4 2.17x 14.3x Danone $40,724.4 1.5% (5.7%) 16.5x 190.2% $52,800.5 1.86x 12.3x Associated British Foods $34,697.5 1.4% 8.7% 25.2x 260.1% $36,585.8 1.74x 14.3x General Mills $31,370.7 3.0% 4.1% 17.3x 221.0% $41,289.0 2.32x 12.5x Kellogg Company $23,033.5 3.8% 4.7% 15.1x 193.1% $30,318.5 2.08x 8.1x The Hershey Company $21,183.6 0.5% (1.4%) 21.2x 249.3% $23,129.2 3.14x 14.4x Tyson Foods $15,154.0 2.5% 20.6% 13.6x 160.4% $16,406.0 0.45x 7.8x ConAgra Foods $14,592.8 4.0% 1.9% 14.9x 223.4% $23,059.3 1.30x 9.8x Hormel Foods Corporation $14,202.9 4.9% 19.3% 24.1x 283.5% $13,930.2 1.53x 13.5x Campbell Soup Company $13,882.3 3.4% 2.1% 17.3x 288.0% $17,648.3 2.13x 11.3x 12.1x Grupo Bimbo $13,745.8 0.8% (4.9%) 24.5x 54.5% $18,098.0 1.32x JBS $13,011.8 20.5% 21.1% 12.1x NA $24,786.4 0.51x 7.1x Saputo $11,093.4 1.1% 24.5% 9.0x 90.2% $13,038.9 1.44x 13.4x The J. M. Smucker Company $10,589.0 5.1% 0.4% 16.6x 214.2% $12,777.9 2.29x 10.8x George Weston $10,455.9 3.4% 11.9% 15.0x 149.6% $28,769.2 0.86x 16.4x McCormick & Company $9,128.0 5.7% 2.6% 21.4x 259.6% $10,412.1 2.46x 14.3x ARYZTA $7,498.2 (1.2%) 10.7% 14.6x 49.5% $9,835.3 1.53x 11.1x Pilgrim's Pride Corporation $7,359.0 (7.0%) 74.8% 39.5x NA $6,995.9 0.82x 6.0x The Hain Celestial Group $5,456.4 5.8% 19.2% 31.5x 212.8% $6,200.6 2.69x 22.0x Flowers Foods $3,981.3 3.5% (11.5%) 16.1x 151.0% $4,798.9 1.28x 11.4x Treehouse Foods $3,583.0 5.8% 23.6% 21.2x 199.0% $4,577.1 1.69x 13.5x Lancaster Colony Corporation $2,501.6 7.3% 3.8% 22.3x 202.9% $2,274.1 2.16x 13.2x Cal-Maine Foods $2,123.7 (1.7%) 45.8% 9.1x NA $1,972.2 1.33x 9.1x Snyder's-Lance $2,092.5 12.4% 3.9% 21.2x 141.0% $2,778.1 1.53x 14.4x Sanderson Farms $1,937.5 (4.5%) 16.1% 9.2x NA $1,818.2 0.66x 4.9x J&J Snack Foods Corp. $1,921.0 10.1% 16.3% 27.0x 300.4% $1,853.8 2.02x 12.8x Fresh Del Monte Produce $1,809.9 0.7% 13.5% 13.4x 267.6% $1,952.3 0.50x 8.4x Tootsie Roll Industries $1,748.0 5.9% (6.1%) NA NA $1,661.0 3.07x 16.4x Post Holdings $1,680.9 13.0% (23.9%) 40.8x 510.1% $5,183.3 3.12x 21.1x B&G Foods $1,580.9 6.9% (13.1%) 16.4x NA $2,620.3 3.19x 14.0x Dean Foods Company $1,379.4 11.0% (14.4%) 13.8x 186.6% $2,306.0 0.25x 10.4x Diamond Foods $946.0 5.4% 16.7% 35.3x 321.1% $1,599.1 1.85x 19.6x Lotus Bakeries $909.9 (0.8%) 18.5% 18.8x 187.7% $987.6 2.12x 12.4x Calavo Growers $765.1 7.5% 60.4% 30.1x 262.1% $793.1 1.03x 19.0x Chiquita Brands International $678.9 1.6% 23.3% 13.0x 325.0% $1,261.5 0.41x 12.6x Boulder Brands $541.7 (34.8%) (44.0%) 15.5x 88.3% $826.2 1.61x 12.1x John B Sanfilippo & Son $411.1 14.8% 50.5% NA NA $468.2 0.58x 8.2x Seneca Foods Corp. $297.6 (6.0%) (15.7%) NA NA $635.2 0.48x 18.2x Inventure Foods $258.6 2.2% (0.2%) 19.2x 140.7% $346.8 1.28x 15.3x Bridgford Foods Corp. $75.2 4.8% (13.9%) NA NA $74.3 0.56x NMF Golden Enterprises $52.6 (3.9%) 9.3% NA NA $58.6 0.43x 9.2x Mean 2.8% 8.6% 19.6x 215.1% $20,645.1 1.59x 12.7x Median 3.4% 4.1% 17.3x 202.9% $5,183.3 1.53x 12.6x Note: Data as of October 31, 2014 Sources: FactSet Research Systems, Bloomberg, and Capital IQ; data is sometimes based on reported results and includes estimates Food For Thought Public Company Trading Statistics 11 William Blair Food Ingredients Companies ($ in millions) Company Forward % Change Market Cap MTD YTD P/E Enterprise Value/LTM Enterprise Value PEG Sales EBITDA Givaudan $15,331.5 4.2% 16.4% 20.5x 171.2% $16,533.3 3.38x 16.5x Kerry Group $11,933.2 (3.6%) (2.4%) 16.2x 142.9% $13,476.7 1.70x 14.2x 13.1x International Flavors & Fragrances $8,047.1 3.4% 15.3% 18.0x 256.9% $8,657.9 2.83x Symrise $7,296.7 5.6% 21.8% 20.9x 157.2% $7,350.2 2.92x 14.1x Barry Callebaut $5,738.6 (5.8%) (16.7%) 17.9x 81.9% $7,670.2 1.20x 13.9x Sensient Technologies Corporation $2,853.6 13.0% 22.0% 18.1x 190.8% $3,269.4 2.24x 12.2x Frutarom Industries $1,449.3 (2.0%) 18.2% 16.4x NA $1,640.8 2.16x 12.3x T. Hasegawa Co. $632.0 (0.3%) 10.4% 16.8x NA $427.1 0.95x 5.7x Takasago International Corporation $466.4 (0.8%) (16.5%) 11.6x NA $812.2 0.62x 9.1x Mean Median 1.5% 7.6% 17.4x 166.8% $6,648.6 2.00x 12.3x (0.3%) 15.3% 17.9x 164.2% $7,350.2 2.16x 13.1x Beverage Production Companies ($ in millions) Company Forward % Change Market Cap MTD YTD P/E Enterprise Value/LTM Enterprise Value PEG Sales EBITDA The Coca-Cola Company $183,439.1 (1.8%) 1.4% 18.7x 227.5% $201,758.1 4.37x 15.4x Anheuser-Busch InBev $177,339.3 (0.8%) 3.7% 18.5x 148.1% $224,005.3 4.79x 12.4x Pepsico $143,928.6 3.3% 16.0% 19.6x 239.0% $163,743.6 2.45x 12.8x $90,560.1 1.4% 9.7% 20.0x 156.9% $106,669.1 6.39x 19.6x SABMiller Diageo $73,653.7 1.5% (11.3%) 17.2x 167.0% $90,159.3 5.14x 15.5x Keurig Green Mountain $24,647.6 16.6% 100.9% 39.6x 219.5% $23,734.4 5.21x 20.7x Brown-Forman Corporation $19,534.4 2.7% 22.6% 25.9x NA $20,085.4 6.67x 19.5x Constellation Brands $17,650.9 5.0% 30.1% 20.3x 152.1% $24,744.2 4.22x 14.6x Monster Beverage Corporation $16,866.3 10.0% 48.9% 34.1x 243.7% $16,039.3 6.68x 22.3x Molson Coors Brewing Company $13,778.6 (0.1%) 32.5% 17.2x 224.3% $16,956.2 4.04x 20.5x Dr Pepper Snapple Group $13,462.8 7.7% 42.1% 18.8x 255.1% $15,737.8 2.59x 10.8x Coca-Cola Enterprises $10,479.2 (2.3%) (1.8%) 13.4x 149.6% $14,409.2 1.72x 10.0x The WhiteWave Foods Company $6,483.5 2.5% 62.3% 32.4x 185.2% $7,782.1 2.43x 21.8x Boston Beer Co. $3,252.9 12.3% 3.0% 34.2x NA $3,196.3 3.59x 18.0x National Beverage Corp. $1,164.1 28.8% 24.6% NA NA $1,146.9 1.78x 14.4x 11.2x Coca-Cola Bottling Co. $838.5 21.2% 23.6% 24.7x NA $1,402.2 0.82x Cott Corporation $567.5 (12.0%) (24.8%) 12.9x NA $1,135.5 0.56x 6.5x Farmer Brothers Co. $466.5 0.7% 25.4% 28.8x 144.1% $441.7 0.83x 14.0x Lifeway Foods $270.5 19.3% 3.6% 31.8x 198.9% $274.0 2.38x NMF Jones Soda Co. $17.6 (0.4%) (6.2%) NA NA $17.1 1.29x NMF Mean 5.8% 20.3% 23.8x 193.6% $46,671.9 3.40x 15.6x Median 2.6% 19.3% 20.2x 192.1% $15,888.6 3.09x 15.0x Note: Data as of October 31, 2014 Sources: FactSet Research Systems, Bloomberg, and Capital IQ; data is sometimes based on reported results and includes estimates Food For Thought 12 Public Company Trading Statistics William Blair Food Retail Companies ($ in millions) Company Forward % Change Market Cap MTD YTD P/E Enterprise Value/LTM Enterprise Value PEG Sales EBITDA The Kroger Co. $27,358.7 7.1% 40.9% 15.8x 175.3% $38,335.7 0.37x 8.1x Whole Foods Market $14,207.8 3.2% (32.0%) 24.9x 138.8% $13,473.8 0.95x 10.2x Safeway $8,035.2 1.6% 7.0% 29.2x 317.1% $9,437.7 0.26x 6.2x Sprouts Farmers Market $4,379.8 0.1% (24.3%) 34.5x NA $4,628.1 1.63x 18.9x 14.7x United Natural Foods $3,393.3 10.7% (9.8%) 25.5x 166.9% $3,826.4 0.56x SUPERVALU $2,253.4 (3.5%) 18.4% 12.9x NA $4,920.4 0.29x 6.1x The Fresh Market $1,777.5 5.1% (9.4%) 20.2x 101.9% $1,796.7 1.09x 10.4x Weis Markets $1,200.7 14.4% (15.1%) NA NA $1,113.9 0.41x 7.0x Smart & Final Stores(1) $1,048.1 2.2% 22.9% 20.2x NA $1,687.7 0.51x 11.1x SpartanNash Company $845.4 15.2% (7.7%) 11.5x 114.7% $1,422.7 0.19x 7.1x Ingles Markets $612.2 13.6% (0.7%) 13.1x 116.1% $1,517.5 0.40x 7.1x Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage $407.1 11.2% (57.3%) 27.9x 105.4% $420.2 0.84x 10.7x Village Super Market $390.0 21.8% (10.5%) NA NA $358.8 0.24x 6.9x Roundy's $162.3 12.7% (65.8%) 8.5x 32.2% $837.1 0.20x 5.9x Fairway Group Holdings $129.9 (20.1%) (83.5%) NMF NA $337.2 0.42x 11.4x Mean 6.4% (15.1%) 20.4x 140.9% $5,607.6 0.56x 9.5x Median 7.1% (9.8%) 20.2x 116.1% $1,687.7 0.41x 8.1x Convenience Store Companies ($ in millions) Company Alimentation Couche-Tard Forward % Change Market Cap MTD YTD P/E Enterprise Value/LTM Enterprise Value PEG Sales EBITDA $19,317.4 5.8% 35.3% 22.5x NA $21,253.6 0.56x 13.1x $3,162.4 14.2% 16.5% 20.4x 183.5% $3,899.6 0.53x 10.3x $604.2 27.4% 53.6% 113.2x 1028.8% $1,490.8 0.22x 7.4x Mean 15.8% 35.1% 52.0x 606.2% $8,881.3 0.44x 10.3x Median 14.2% 35.3% 22.5x 606.2% $3,899.6 0.53x 10.3x Casey's General Stores The Pantry (1) Company had an initial public offering in 2014 – performance over pricing Note: Data as of October 31, 2014 Sources: FactSet Research Systems, Bloomberg, and Capital IQ; data is sometimes based on reported results and includes estimates Food For Thought Public Company Trading Statistics 13 William Blair Same-Store Growth – Food & Convenience Retail Grocery Stores & Supermarkets Sprouts Farmers Market 9.0% Smart & Final Stores 6.6% Publix Super Markets 5.0% Kroger(1) 4.8% Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage 3.1% Whole Foods Market 3.1% The Fresh Market 2.9% Weis Markets 2.6% Ingles Markets 2.1% Safeway(1) 1.8% Village Super Market 0.9% SpartanNash 0.4% SUPERVALU 0.4% Roundy's (2.7%) Fairway Group Holdings (3.9%) Convenience Stores Casey's General Stores 5.7% Alimentation Couche-Tard 4.4% The Pantry 2.5% (1) Excludes fuel sales Note: Bolded companies reflect recently announced same-store sales data (announced in October/November 2014) Note: Data represents growth in the most recent reported fiscal quarter over the year-ago period Sources: Company filings and Capital IQ as of October 31, 2014 Food For Thought 14 Same-Store Growth – Food & Convenience Retail William Blair U.S. Public Equity Financing Summary – LTM IPOs ($ in millions) At Filing Initial Filing Date Offer Date Ticker Issuer Shares/ ADS Exc. Ovl. 06/20/14 09/23/14 SFS Smart & Final Stores 13.5 At Pricing Filing Range $12.00 $14.00 Pricing & Performance - % Change Offer/ Deal Shares/ Value at ADS Inc. Offer Midpoint Ovl. Price Deal Value 175.5 $186.0 15.5 $12.00 Market Value $852.7 Relative to Range 1 Day In Range 1 Month 3 Months Current 4.2% 9.2% 0.0% 22.9% Mean 4.2% 9.2% 0.0% 22.9% Median 4.2% 9.2% 0.0% 22.9% Follow-Ons ($ in millions) Pricing Performance - % Change % Shares Offered Shares/ ADS Offered Offer (mm) Price Deal Value (mm) Primary Last Trade Before Pricing Date Ticker Issuer Business Description Filing/ Secondary Offer Offer/ Offer Offer/ Current 09/11/14 SNAK Inventure Foods Manufacturer and marketer of natural snack food products 3.6 $12.85 $46.2 0% 100% (9.7%) (4.6%) 3.0% 09/08/14 PF Pinnacle Foods Manufacturer and marketer of convenience food products 15.0 $31.90 $478.5 0% 100% 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 08/12/14 SFM Sprouts Farmers Market Specialty retailer of natural and organic food 15.0 $30.00 $450.0 0% 100% 5.6% 8.5% (3.0%) 07/30/14 TSN Tyson Foods Producer and distributor of chicken and related food products 23.8 $37.80 $900.0 100% 0% 5.4% 3.6% 12.3% 07/16/14 THS Treehouse Foods Manufacturer and distributor of food and beverage products 4.3 $75.50 $325.0 100% 0% 4.0% 2.2% 12.8% 05/21/14 POST Post Holdings Manufacturer and marketer of convenience food products 5.5 $47.70 $262.4 100% 0% (1.6%) (2.5%) (21.4%) 03/27/14 SFM Sprouts Farmers Market Specialty retailer of natural and organic food 15.0 $33.75 $506.3 0% 100% 12.5% 4.5% (13.7%) 03/12/14 POST Post Holdings Manufacturer and marketer of convenience food products 5.0 $55.00 $275.0 100% 0% 8.1% (0.1%) (31.8%) 02/03/14 RNDY Roundy's Operator of a supermarket chain in the Midwest 8.8 $7.00 $61.9 33% 67% 25.9% 21.1% (51.9%) 12/11/13 PF Pinnacle Foods Manufacturer and marketer of convenience food products 17.0 $26.75 $454.8 0% 100% (5.7%) (1.0%) 26.4% 11/25/13 SFM Sprouts Farmers Market Specialty retailer of natural and organic food 17.0 $37.00 $629.0 0% 100% (23.0%) (2.3%) (21.3%) 11/12/13 BNNY Annie's Producer of natural and organic foods 2.5 $47.95 $119.9 0% 100% (3.0%) (1.7%) (100.0%) Mean 2.0% 2.8% (18.5%) Median 4.7% 1.1% (8.5%) Sources: Dealogic and FactSet Research Systems Note: LTM as of October 31, 2014 Food For Thought U.S. Public Equity Financing Summary – LTM 15 William Blair Selected Upcoming Industry Events Date Event Location November 2014 11-12 Kosherfest Secaucus, NJ 16-18 PLMA's Private Label Trade Show Rosemont, IL 16-19 Outlook Leadership 2013 (CSP) Scottsdale, AZ SOHO Expo Orlando, FL December 2014 4-7 January 2015 11-13 Winter Fancy Food Show San Francisco, CA 12-14 NW Food Manufacturing & Packaging Exposition Portland, OR 14-15 MarcabyBolognaFiere Bologna, Italy 18-20 Retail Industry Leaders Association – The Leadership Forum Amelia Island, FL 24-27 FMI’s Midwinter Executive Conference Miami Beach, FL 27-29 International Production & Processing Expo Atlanta, GA February 2015 1-6 NAFDMA Convention Nashville, TN 4-6 Convenience Retailing University Dallas, TX 8-11 N.G.A. 2015 Annual Convention and Supermarket Synergy Showcase Las Vegas, NV 15-18 IFA’s Annual International Franchise Convention Las Vegas, NV 16-19 NCA State of the Industry Conference Miami, FL 21-25 AFFI Frozen Food Convention Anaheim, CA 22-24 AMI Foundation Annual Meat Conference Nashville, TN 22-25 RILA Supply Chain Conference Orlando, FL 24-26 Snack, Beverage & Grocery EPPS Jacksonville, FL March 2015 2-4 FMI Annual Business Conference Chicago, IL 5-8 Natural Products Expo West Anaheim, CA 9-12 FMI Asset Protection Conference Memphis, TN 15-17 Seafood Expo North America & Seafood Processing North America Boston, MA 22-25 Restaurant Leadership Conference Scottsdale, AZ 22-26 NACS Global Forum Singapore 22-26 AFFI Annual Food and Beverage Environmental Conference Point Clear, Ala 28-1 American Bakers Association Annual Convention Orlando, FL April 2015 12-15 Grocery Manufacturers Association Science Forum National Harbor, MD 14-16 NACS State of the Industry Summit Chicago, IL 15-16 NGA Day in Washington (NGA, FMI and FIAE) Washington, DC TBD FMI’s FutureConnect Orlando, FL Food For Thought 16 Selected Upcoming Industry Events William Blair Date Event Location May 2015 3-6 RILA Asset Protection Conference Orlando, FL 3-6 FMI’s 2015 Financial Executive Conference and Internal Auditing Conference (Co-Located) New Orleans, LA 16-19 NRA Restaurant Hotel Motel Show Chicago, IL 19-20 PLMA’s Annual “World of Private-Label” Amsterdam 19-21 NCA Sweets & Snacks Expo Chicago, IL 31-Jun 2 AFFI Food Logistics Forum Incline Village, NV 31-Jun 4 NGA Leadership Development Program (Cornell) Ithaca, NY TBD CSP Leadership and Crisis Prevention Forum TBD TBD The Tech Event (NACS and PCATS) TBD 7-9 International Dairy Deli Bakery Association Annual Convention "Dairy-Deli-Bake" Atlanta, GA 7-11 NGA Leadership Development Program (USC) Los Angeles, CA 7-12 Insight NACS Future of Convenience London, UK 9-11 FMI Connect Chicago, IL 9-11 United Fresh 2014 Chicago, IL 22-24 Foodservice at Retail Expo 2014 Nashville, TN 28-29 TRA Marketplace (formerly Southwest Foodservice Expo) Dallas, TX 28-30 NASFT – Summer International Fancy Food & Confection Show New York, NY June 2015 July 2015 20-23 NBJ Summit Dana Point, CA 26-28 The International Foods Planning TBD 27-29 Center Store Grocery, Snack & Beverage Planning TBD NACDS Total Store Expo Denver, CO Food Evolution Summit Phoenix, AZ August 2015 22-25 September 2015 1-2 15-18 RILA Retail Sustainability Conference Austin, TX 17-19 All Things Organic - BioFach America Baltimore, MD 17-20 Natural Products Expo East Baltimore, MD 20-22 MUFSO Conference Dallas, TX 20-23 Candy Annual Planning Chandler, AZ 28-29 Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers-Grocery Innovations Toronto, Canada 10-13 National Frozen and Refrigerated Foods Convention Dallas, TX 13-15 Shopper Marketing Expo Minneapolis, MN 18-20 Consumer Goods Forum: Future Leaders Congress Rio De Janeiro, Brazil October 2015 Food For Thought Selected Upcoming Industry Events 17 William Blair General Market Update Percentage Change As of 10/31/14 Month-to-Date Year-to-Date Equity Market Indices Dow Jones Industrial Average $17,390.52 2.0% 4.9% Nasdaq Composite $4,630.74 3.1% 10.9% S&P 500 9.2% $2,018.05 2.3% S&P Food Products Index $478.79 2.3% 6.5% S&P Food & Staples Retail Index $342.16 4.5% 7.7% S&P Restaurants Index $799.12 0.2% (0.7%) WB Corporate Finance Indices(1) Food Index $810.99 1.9% 11.4% Ingredients Index $894.59 2.1% 16.4% $4,193.72 1.2% 8.1% $837.46 5.4% 4.0% Convenience Store Index $20,915.83 8.8% 41.2% Currencies Dollar to Canadian Dollar Dollar to Euro Dollar to Peso Dollar to Pound $1.13 $0.80 $13.48 $0.63 0.9% 0.8% 0.4% 1.3% 6.1% 10.0% 2.9% 3.5% $1.88 $3.77 $0.24 $2,899.00 $80.54 $0.35 $0.16 $5.33 (2.8%) 17.5% (1.1%) (12.2%) (11.6%) 7.5% (2.5%) 11.5% 69.8% (10.7%) 23.0% 7.0% (18.2%) (11.1%) (2.3%) (12.0%) Beverage Index Food Retail Index Commodities(2) Coffee Beans (Cents and 1/100 of a Cent Up to 2 Decimal Places) Corn (Cents per Bushel) Milk (Cents per 2,000 lbs.) Cocoa (Dollars per Metric Ton) Oil (Dollars per Barrel) Soybean Oil (Cents per Bushel) World Sugar (Cents and 1/100 of a Cent up to 2 Decimal Places) Wheat (Cents per Bushel) Yield (%) 52-Week Range As of 10/31/14 52-Week Low INTEREST RATES 10-Year Treasury 30-Year Treasury 3-Month LIBOR Fed Funds Effective Rate Prime Rate 0.0% 2.3% 3.1% 0.2% 0.1% 3.3% 2.1% 2.9% 0.2% 0.1% 3.3% 52-Week High Latest 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% 4.0% 3.0% 3.9% 0.2% 0.1% 3.3% (1) WB Corporate Finance indices are determined by FactSet Research Systems, as of October 31, 2014. Data is based on a weighted average by market capitalization calculation. (2) Commodities represent futures prices Source: FactSet Research Systems as of October 31, 2014 WB Corporate Finance Food Index includes: ARYZTA, Associated British Foods, B&G Foods, Bridgford Foods, Calavo Growers, Cal-Maine Foods, Campbell Soup, Chiquita Brands International, ConAgra Foods, Danone, Dean Foods, Diamond Foods, Dole Food Company, Flowers Foods, Fresh Del Monte Produce, General Mills, George Weston Limited, Golden Enterprises, Grupo Bimbo, Hormel Foods, Inventure Foods, J&J Snack Foods, JBS, John B Sanfilippo & Son, Kellogg Company, Kraft Foods, Lancaster Colony Corporation, McCormick & Co., Nestlé, Overhill Farms, Pilgrim’s Corp., Post Holdings, Sanderson Farms, Saputo, Seneca Foods, Nestlé, Ralcorp Holdings, Reddy Ice Holdings, Sanderson Farms, Saputo, Sara Lee, Seneca Foods, Smart Balance, Smithfield Foods, Snyder’s-Lance, The Hain Celestial Group, The Hershey Company, The J. M. Smucker Company, Tootsie Roll Industries, Treehouse Foods, Tyson Foods, Unilever WB Corporate Finance Beverage Index includes: Anheuser-Busch InBev, Boston Beer Co., Brown-Forman Corporation, Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated, Coca-Cola Enterprises, Constellation Brands, Cott Corporation, Diageo, Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Farmer Brothers Co., Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Jones Soda Co., Lifeway Foods, Molson Coors Brewing Company, Monster Beverage Corporation, National Beverage, Pepsico, SABMiller, The Coca-Cola Company WB Corporate Finance Ingredients Index includes: Barry Callebaut, Frutarom Industries, Givaudan, International Flavors & Fragrances, Kerry Group, Sensient Technologies Corporation, Symrise, T. Hasegawa Co., Takasago International WB Corporate Finance Food Retail Index includes: Arden Group (Gelson’s), Fairway Group Holdings, Harris Teeter Supermarkets, Ingles Markets, Nash Finch, Roundy’s, Safeway, Smart & Final Stores, Spartan Stores, SUPERVALU, The Fresh Market, The Kroger Co., United Natural Foods, Village Super Market, Vitamin Cottage Natural Food Markets, Weis Markets, Whole Foods Market WB Corporate Finance Convenience Store Index includes: Alimentation Couche-Tard, Casey’s General Stores, Pantry Food For Thought 18 General Market Update Quarterly Market Update – All Industries William Blair Domestic M&A Market Summary U.S. Activity Trends M&A Activity Undisclosed Number of Deals 18,000 12,000 6,000 0 Middle Market 12,420 13,340 11,488 2006 2007 2008 >$750M Deal Value 12,749 13,397 14,634 2010 2011 2012 12,089 Deal Value ($ in billions) 12,479 $1,800 $1,200 $600 $0 8,792 9,934 10,087 2003 2004 2005 147 233 281 362 460 228 156 287 262 312 Middle Market 4,239 4,527 4,453 4,548 4,537 4,766 4,144 6,224 5,360 5,155 4,203 3,920 Undisclosed 4,406 5,174 5,353 7,510 8,343 6,494 5,075 6,238 7,775 9,167 7,574 8,182 Deal Value $688 $992 $1,297 $1,647 $1,750 $1,075 $886 $1,048 $1,174 $1,104 $1,294 $1,829 9,375 2009 2013 LTM Number of Deals >$750M 312 377 Middle-Market M&A Activity <$50M Number of Deals 10,000 4,239 4,527 4,453 4,548 4,537 $50-250M 4,766 4,144 $250 -750M 6,224 5,360 Deal Value 5,155 4,203 Deal Value ($ in millions) 3,920 $600 $400 $200 0 $0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 LTM Number of Deals $250M-$750M 314 402 424 536 627 417 269 457 475 467 512 538 $50M-$250M 1,065 1,218 1,265 1,294 1,333 1,195 791 1,138 1,148 1,151 1,095 1,097 <$50M 2,860 2,907 2,764 2,718 2,577 3,154 3,084 4,629 3,737 3,537 2,596 2,285 Deal Value $292 $351 $364 $421 $466 $355 $239 $370 $383 $380 $387 $391 Private-Equity Activity Undisclosed Number of Deals 5,000 1,200 1,646 1,812 2004 2005 Middle Market >$750M Deal Value Deal Value ($ in billions) $800 2,247 2,316 1,821 1,462 2007 2008 2009 1,976 2,035 2,091 2010 2011 2012 1,749 2,092 2013 LTM 0 $0 2003 2006 Number of Deals >$750M Middle Market $400 33 61 84 106 149 64 34 94 88 95 88 113 626 906 859 998 826 788 742 869 698 660 507 550 Undisclosed 541 679 869 1,143 1,341 969 686 1,013 1,249 1336 1154 1429 Deal Value $120.4 $224.6 $287.6 $523.7 $644.3 $243.7 $149.3 $272.3 $268.6 $264.5 $282.6 $371.7 Note: Year-to-date as of September 30, 2014 Sources: Dealogic and William Blair’s mergers-and-acquisitions market analysis. Data represents announced deals only Food For Thought 19 Domestic M&A Market Summary William Blair U.S. Valuation Trends Median EV/EBITDA Multiples Middle Market Overall Market 15.0x 12.0x 9.0x 6.0x 3.0x 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 LTM Middle Market 7.5x 7.4x 8.7x 10.1x 10.0x 9.5x 7.9x 6.4x 9.3x 10.0x 9.1x 9.9x 10.2x Overall Market 7.9x 8.0x 9.1x 10.3x 11.0x 11.2x 9.0x 7.4x 9.9x 10.8x 9.6x 10.0x 11.1x Median EV/EBITDA Middle-Market Multiples < $50M 16.0x $50M-$250M $250M-$750M 12.0x 8.0x 4.0x 0.0x < $50M 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 LTM 4.1x 7.1x 6.4x 7.2x 10.2x 7.8x 4.9x 3.9x 8.8x 9.0x 6.8x 8.1x 7.8x $50M-$250M 7.5x 6.9x 8.7x 11.3x 9.5x 10.4x 9.1x 7.1x 9.3x 10.0x 9.2x 11.3x 10.9x $250M-$750M 9.7x 9.2x 9.1x 10.0x 11.0x 9.4x 8.3x 7.9x 9.7x 10.7x 10.2x 12.9x 11.5x Average Acquisition Premiums 1-Week Premium 4-Week Premium 50% 40% 30% 20% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 LTM 1-Week Premium 36% 32% 28% 26% 26% 27% 36% 38% 34% 36% 36% 23% 29% 4-Week Premium 38% 40% 32% 31% 31% 29% 37% 41% 38% 39% 39% 30% 32% Notes: Data limited to a range of 1 to 100 and LTM is as of September 30, 2014 Sources: Dealogic and William Blair’s mergers-and-acquisitions market analysis. Data represents announced deals only Food For Thought Domestic M&A Market Summary 20 William Blair U.S. Equity Capital Markets Summary Historical IPO Issuance 200 187 175 139 150 100 119 105 95 54 50 28 35 13 19 39 50 25 20 21 48 56 70 63 54 21 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 YTD YTD 1Q 11 2Q 11 Q3 11 Q4 11 Q1 12 Q2 12 Q3 12 Q4 12 Q1 13 Q2 13 Q3 13 Q4 13 Q1 14 Q2 14 Q3 14 Historical Follow-On Issuance 700 600 657 564 500 506 399 400 470 464 501 300 135 200 128 50 100 86 130 98 115 127 152 139 173 193 198 183 120 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 2014 YTD YTD 1Q 11 2Q 11 Q3 11 Q4 11 Q1 12 Q2 12 Q3 12 Q4 12 Q1 13 Q2 13 Q3 13 Q4 13 Q1 14 Q2 14 Q3 14 Note: Excludes follow-on offerings for CLEFs, REITs, and SPACs IPO Pricings by Sector – Last 4 Quarters: 243 Total Deals 14 Business Services 22 61 Follow-on Pricings by Sector – Last 4 Quarters: 694 Total Deals 26 133 Consumer 68 Financial Industrial 94 Technology Sources: Dealogic and William Blair’s mergers-and-acquisitions market analysis Food For Thought 21 Domestic M&A Market Summary Consumer 66 Financial Healthcare Healthcare 26 Business Services 48 205 174 Industrial Technology William Blair Debt Capital Markets Summary Average Equity Contribution Less than $50 million EBITDA More than $50 million EBITDA 60% 50% 41% 40% 36% 40% 37% 38% 31% 40% 32% 32% 35% 34% 30% 30% 46% 47% 45% 38% 40% 41% 32% 30% 29% 41% 37% 49% 46% 39% 37% 33% 20% 10% 0% 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 YTD Quarterly LBO Debt Multiples – Less Than $50 Million EBITDA Total Debt/EBITDA Senior Debt/EBITDA 7.0x 7.0x 6.0x 5.0x 4.0x 3.6x 3.8x 3.7x 4.2x 4.0x 4.0x 3.8x 3.7x 3.0x 3.0x 2.0x 2001 4.2x 4.9x 6.0x 4.8x 5.0x 4.4x 4.5x 4.8x 2003 3.3x 2004 4.4x 5.0x 5.1x 5.0x 4.0x 3.4x 3.8x 2.2x 2002 3.8x 5.1x 3.7x 3.1x 3.0x 3.2x 2.0x 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Quarterly LBO Debt Multiples – Greater Than $50 Million EBITDA Total Debt/EBITDA 6.8x 7.0x 5.5x 6.6x 6.0x 5.0x Senior Debt/EBITDA 4.1x 4.5x 4.8x 5.3x 5.7x 4.9x 4.8x 5.0x 4.4x 4.4x 3.0x 2.0x 2001 2.6x 4.3x 2.6x 2002 2003 2004 5.5x 4.9x 3.9x 3.5x 2.9x 6.0x 5.1x 4.0x 4.0x 3.1x 5.3x 5.0x 4.0x 4.0x 3.0x 3.1x 2.9x 2005 7.0x 2.0x 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Sources: Dealogic and Standard & Poor’s as of September 30, 2014 Food For Thought Debt Capital Markets Summary 22 William Blair William Blair Food & Beverage and Food Convenience & Retail Investment Banking Food & Beverage Production Jim Bertram is the global head of the firm’s consumer and retail investment banking group. Before joining William Blair in 2006, he was the co-head of Banc of America Securities’ global consumer products investment banking practice. In this role, he assisted domestic and international consumer products manufacturers and distributors in executing mergers and acquisitions and raising debt and equity capital through both public and private market transactions. Before joining Banc of America Securities, he was responsible for leading Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown’s food-and-beverage investment banking activity. Before working at Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown, he was vice president in the corporate finance department at George K. Baum & Company, an investment and merchant banking firm where he advised clients in executing public equity offerings, mergers and acquisitions, and private debt placements. Mr. Bertram began his career in investment banking at Salomon Brothers. Mr. Bertram graduated with highest honors from the University of Illinois with a B.S. in finance. [email protected] +1 312 364 5426 Brent Smith is a managing director in the consumer and retail group. Since joining William Blair in 2000, Mr. Smith has also been a member of the firm’s mergers-and-acquisitions practice and currently heads William Blair’s consumer M&A effort. Over this period, he has worked on a range of public and private M&A, primarily in the consumer and industrial sectors, totaling more than $18 billion in aggregate transaction value. Mr. Smith’s financial advisory experience includes sell-side and buy-side transactions, corporate divestitures, take-private transactions, strategic options studies, valuations, fairness opinions, and special committee situations. Mr. Smith is a member of William Blair’s Fairness Opinion Committee. Before joining William Blair, Mr. Smith worked at both Lehman Brothers and Heitman Financial. Mr. Smith holds an M.B.A. with honors from the University of Chicago and a B.B.A. with high distinction from the University of Michigan. [email protected] +1 312 364 5392 Adam Filkin joined William Blair in 2007 and is a managing director in the consumer and retail investment banking group. Mr. Filkin has extensive transaction experience across numerous consumer verticals, including food, consumer products, and personal care. He joined William Blair from Banc of America Securities, the investment banking arm of Bank of America. Mr. Filkin spent three years at Banc of America, serving as an associate in the consumer and retail practice. Before joining Banc of America, Mr. Filkin was a manager at A.T. Kearney, focusing on growth strategies and operational improvement studies for consumer and retail companies. He has more than 10 years of experience working with consumer and retail companies. Mr. Filkin holds an M.B.A. with a concentration in finance from the University of Chicago and holds a B.S.E. in chemical engineering from the University of Michigan. [email protected] +1 312 364 8077 Food For Thought 23 William Blair Food & Beverage and Food Convenience & Retail Investment Banking William Blair Food & Convenience Retail Tim Carroll joined William Blair in 2002 and serves as a managing director in the consumer and retail investment banking group. He joined William Blair from Andersen Corporate Finance LLC, the investment banking arm of Andersen. Mr. Carroll spent four years at Andersen, serving as a national director and managing director/co-head of the products and business services industry team. Before joining Andersen, he was a founder and principal of Wyndam Capital, a broker-dealer serving middle-market companies, and a founder and principal of a $120 million private-equity fund. Mr. Carroll has served on the board of directors for seven privately held businesses and has more than 27 years of investment banking experience, 7 years of commercial banking experience, and 2 years of commercial real estate experience. Mr. Carroll graduated with a B.S. in business finance from Indiana University. [email protected] +1 312 364 8532 Michael Siska is a managing director in the consumer and retail investment banking group at William Blair. He originally joined the firm in 2002 and then rejoined in 2006 after attaining his M.B.A. at the University of Chicago. Before joining William Blair, Mr. Siska worked in private equity for Allstate Private Equity in Chicago and 3i Group in London. He also spent five years in the products and business services industry group at Andersen Corporate Finance LLC, the investment banking arm of Andersen. He focuses on specialty retail, food retail, restaurants, and consumer services. Mr. Siska earned an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago and a B.S., with honors, from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. [email protected] +1 312 364 5393 Europe Alex Matthes is a managing director at William Blair. Before he joined William Blair in 2013, Mr. Matthes worked in Commerzbank’s M&A advisory team with a focus on consumer and retail. Before joining Dresdner Kleinwort in 2006 as vice president, he worked in the M&A department of Lazard as analyst and associate since 2000. Mr. Matthes studied business administration at the universities of Frankfurt and Cologne and obtained a master’s degree in business administration (Diplom Kaufmann) in 2000. [email protected] +49 69 509527 612 Beth Pickens is a managing director and head of European consumer banking. She joined William Blair in 2000 and has been located in William Blair’s London office since 2001. Ms. Pickens specializes in advising international consumer growth companies across consumer products, personal care, and consumer services. She is also an angel investor in early-stage consumer companies, including and Ms. Pickens holds a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business and a bachelor’s degree in finance from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She also completed studies at the Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne. A Chicago native, she lives in London with her husband and children. [email protected] +44 20 7868 4479 Food For Thought William Blair Food & Beverage and Food Convenience & Retail Investment Banking 24 William Blair Recent William Blair Consumer & Retail Transactions $105,000,000 Not Disclosed Not Disclosed Follow-on Offering Growth Equity Recapitalization has been acquired by Monomoy Capital Partners November 2014 October 2014 October 2014 Not Disclosed $156,543,750 $85,000,000 $53,117,980 has a strategic investment from Standard Chartered Private Equity Follow-on Offering Senior Credit Facility Follow-on Offering September 2014 September 2014 August 2014 August 2014 $123,214,290 $89,125,000 $373,749,990 $171,646,263 Initial Public Offering Follow-on Offering Follow-on Offering Follow-on Offering Snyder’s Lance July 2014 July 2014 July 2014 June 2014 June 2014 CAD$170,000,000 Not Disclosed $64,166,663 $100,624,980 $202,000,000 has been acquired by has been acquired by has been acquired by TreeHouse Foods, Inc. Milner Milling, Inc. Initial Public Offering Initial Public Offering May 2014 May 2014 May 2014 April 2014 $61,300,000 Not Disclosed Not Disclosed Not Disclosed Not Disclosed has been acquired by The Hain Celestial Group has been acquired by has been acquired by Greencore Group has been acquired by ADKM, Inc. (DBA Harry's) has been recapitalized by Bregal Partners April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 January 2014 December 2013 $51,500,000 $290,950,000 $230,000,000 $59,400,000 $120,750,000 has divested Mervin Manufacturing Inc. to TZP Group has divested certain assets in Charlotte to Altamont Capital Partners Initial Public Offering Initial Public Offering Publix Super Markets Initial Public Offering November 2013 November 2013 November 2013 October 2013 October 2013 $45,755,000 $775,500,000 $147,857,145 $644,000,000 €122,000,000 Credit Tenant Lease Follow-on Offering Initial Public Offering Follow-on Offering October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 Food For Thought 25 Recent William Blair Consumer & Retail Transactions a portfolio company of Gilde Equity Management has been acquired by Gilde Buy Out Partners June 2013 William Blair William Blair Consumer & Retail Coverage Mark Miller, CFA +1 312 364 8498 Broad Assortment and Hardlines, E-commerce, Health, Beauty, and Convenience Sharon Zackfia, CFA +1 312 364 5386 Apparel and Accessories, Leisure, Restaurants Company Ticker Company Ticker Blue Nile Cabela’s Costco Wholesale Corporation CVS Caremark Corporation Dick’s Sporting Goods Fairway Group Holdings Fresh Market (The) GNC Holdings MercadoLibre Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage Sportsman’s Warehouse Holdings Target Corporation Tractor Supply Company Vitamin Shoppe Walgreen Co. Wal-Mart Stores Wayfair Inc. Whole Foods Market Zulily AMZN NILE CAB COST CVS DKS FWM TFM GNC JD MELI NGVC SPWH TGT TSCO VSI WAG WMT W WFM ZU BJ’s Restaurants Bloomin’ Brands CarMax Carnival Corporation Cheesecake Factory (The) Chipotle Mexican Grill Dunkin’ Brands Group El Pollo Loco Holdings Harley-Davidson Life Time Fitness Lululemon Athletica Panera Bread Papa Murphy’s Holdings Potbelly Royal Caribbean Cruises Sonic Corp. Starbucks Corporation Tilly’s Tumi Holdings Under Armour Urban Outfitters Zoe’s Kitchen Zumiez BJRI BLMN KMX CCL CAKE CMG DNKN LOCO HOG LTM LULU PNRA FRSH PBPB RCL SONC SBUX TLYS TUMI UA URBN ZOES ZUMZ Jon Andersen, CFA +1 312 364 8697 Daniel Hofkin, Analyst +1 312 364 8965 Consumer Products Hardlines, Specialty Retail AptarGroup Boulder Brands Church & Dwight Colgate-Palmolive Company Fox Factory Holding Inventure Foods J&J Snack Foods J.M. Smucker Company (The) Jarden Corporation Kellogg Company Keurig Green Mountain Mead Johnson Nutrition Company Perrigo Company Prestige Brands Holdings Procter & Gamble Company (The) Scotts Miracle-Gro Company (The) SodaStream International Tempur Sealy International TreeHouse Foods ATR BDBD CHD CL FOXF SNAK JJSF SJM JAH K GMCR MJN PRGO PBH PG SMG SODA TPX THS Amy Noblin, Analyst +1 415 248 2874 Apparel and Accessories Abercrombie & Fitch Coach DSW Francesca’s Holdings Michael Kors Holdings ANF COH DSW FRAN KORS Advance Auto Parts AutoZone Bed Bath & Beyond Luxottica Group Mattress Firm Holding Corp. O’Reilly Automotive PetSmart Regis Corporation Restoration Hardware Holdings Ross Stores Steiner Leisure TJX Companies (The) Ulta Salon, Cosmetics & Fragrance Williams-Sonoma AAP AZO BBBY LUX MFRM ORLY PETM RGS RH ROST STNR TJX ULTA WSM Nordstrom Tiffany & Co. Tumi Holdings Vera Bradley Vince Holding Corp JWN TIF TUMI VRA VNCE Food For Thought William Blair Consumer & Retail Coverage 26 William Blair Notes Food For Thought 27 Notes William Blair Disclosures William Blair is a trade name for William Blair & Company, L.L.C. and William Blair International, Limited. William Blair & Company, L.L.C., is a Delaware company and is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission, The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, and other principal exchanges. William Blair International Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority ("FSA") in the United Kingdom. William Blair & Company® only offers products and services where it is permitted to do so. Some of these products and services are only offered to persons or institutions situated within the United States and are not offered to persons or institutions outside of the United States. This material has been approved for distribution in the United Kingdom by William Blair International Limited, and is directed only at, professional clients and eligible counterparties (as defined in COBS 3.5 and 3.6 of the FSA Handbook). This advertisement is not intended to be investment advice. William Blair & Company | 222 West Adams Street | Chicago, Illinois 60606 | +1 312 236 1600 | November 20, 2014 Food For Thought Disclosures 28 November 2014 Monthly Update About William Blair Investment Banking Food For Thought_Current.indd 1-2 William Blair’s investment banking group combines signi�icant transaction experience, rich industry knowledge, and deep relationships to deliver successful advisory and �inancing solutions to our global base of corporate clients. We serve both publicly traded and privately held companies, executing mergers and acquisitions, growth �inancing, �inancial restructuring, and general advisory projects. This comprehensive suite of services allows us to be a long-term partner to our clients as they grow and evolve. From 2010 - 2013, the investment banking group completed 250 merger-and-acquisition transactions worth more than $52 billion in value, involving parties in 27 countries and four continents, was an underwriter on over 20% of all U.S. initial public offerings and arranged more than $11.5 billion of debt �inancing. Food for Thought Overview, Analysis, and Trends in the Food and Food Retailing Industries 11/12/2014 2:31:09 PM
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