September/October 2016 - Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center


September/October 2016 - Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center
28 Av - 29 Tishrei
September/October 2016
Rabbi Noam Raucher
Keep Calm and Dance On
T h e H i g h Ho l y
Day season from
Rosh Hashanah all
the way to Simchat
Torah is exhausting
(there, I said it). All
the prayer, reflection
and introspection can
be a healthy drain on
our souls. Yet, the High
Holy Days can have a huge spiritual
impact on our lives. To honestly
consider the life we lived over the
past year means that we might
find ourselves humbled or noble,
embarrassed or proud, frightened or
hopeful. During this time of year we
can get so wound up in the successes
and failures of life that we lose sight
of the present moment. We ask
ourselves: Are we really those people
we have discovered in the mirror? Is
there any hope for change or growth
in us? Perhaps the jarring call of the
Shofar can provide some clarity.
Sukkot is certainly a remedy. If
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
remind us of how we’ve fallen
short and where our
potential can be found,
then Sukkot is the first
step in realigning our
priorities. The Sukkah
takes us out of our
comfort zones and
forces us to look at life
without distractions.
The bare bones nature
of the Sukkah reminds us that we’ve
got to strip away all the interference
and get back to what’s really necessary
and important. From there we can
rebuild over the course of the year
and create a life of real meaning.
But Sukkot only gives us a
framework (pun intended) for how
to approach life. We need something
else that really gets us revved-up.
That’s where Simchat Torah comes
in. It’s not specifically referred to in
the Torah as such; more as an extra
day to celebrate once Sukkot has
concluded. Yet that moment in time
demands a cathartic celebration;
specifically with dance. To dance!?
Of all things why is dancing the next
Continued on page 9
High Holy Days Service Schedule
Selichot Program - Saturday, September 24
Havdalah and Service 7:30 PM
Rosh Hashanah
Erev—Sun., October 2
Service 8:00 PM
First Day—Mon., October 3
Service begins at 9:00 AM
Tashlich —Mon., October 3
Yom Kippur
Kol Nidre—Tues. October 11
Early Kol Nidre 6:00 PM
Kol Nidre 7:00 PM
Yom Kippur Day
Wed., October 12
LA Arboretum 4:30 PM
Service begins at 9:00 AM
Service begins at 9:00 AM
Sisterhood Break-the-Fast
following services
Second Day—Tues., October 4
To register for youth program use this link
Minyan Services are held every Sunday
in Knell Chapel, beginning at 9:00 AM.
September 2/3 Parashat: Re’eh
Adam Sharp Bar Mitzvah
Fri. Shabbat Service 7:30 PM
Shabbat Service 9:00 AM
Oneg and Kiddush hosted
by Stacey and Todd Sharp
September 9/10 Parashat: Shofetim
Family Kabbalat Service 6:30 PM
Fri. Shabbat Service 7:30 PM
Oneg hosted by Sisterhood
Torah Study 9:00 AM
Shabbat Service 9:30 AM
Kiddush hosted
by Sarah Healy and Guy Pyrzak
on the baby-naming of their daughter,
Naomi Jane
September 16/17 Parashat: Ki tetse
Shabbat Service 7:30 PM
Oneg hosted by Sisterhood
Torah Study 9:00 AM
Shabbat Service 9:30 AM
Kiddush hosted by
Vanessa Silberman and Joe Widman
on the baby-naming of their daughter,
Coralie Nadia
September 23/24
Parashat: Ki tavo
Shabbat Service 7:30 PM
Oneg hosted by Sisterhood
Torah Study 9:00 AM
Shabbat Service 9:30 AM
Kiddush hosted by Shabbes Minyan Group
Selichot Service 7:30 PM
September 30/Oct. 1 Parashat: Nitsavim
Shabbat Service 7:30 PM
Oneg hosted by Nancy and John Carlton
and Aty and Howard Rotter
Torah Study 9:00 AM
Shabbat Service 9:30 AM
Kiddush hosted by Sylvia Schleimer
in honor of her 95th birthday
Monday night
basketball will be
postponed until
1434 N. Altadena Drive • Pasadena CA 91107
(626) 798-1161
USY (United Synagogue Youth)
Education Director, Rabbi Becky Silverstein
Welcome back to LBSRS!
This is a season of beginnings – the
beginning of the secular school year,
the beginning of our LBSRS school
year, the beginning of the New Year. In
a few months, sooner than we think, it
will be January 1 and we will once again
be celebrating a beginning. Only a few
weeks later, there is Tu B’shevat, another
new year according to the Mishnah, and
a few months later, Passover, yet another
new year!
From new beginning to new
beginning, we have opportunities to
reconnect and to renew ourselves and our community. This
year, LBSRS will focus on puzzles; putting them together, and
finding our place within our communities. Join us on Sunday, September 11 at Victory Park for our first
day of Religious School. I look forward to seeing you there! by Melissa Levy, Youth Director
Get ready for another amazing year of
youth leadership and empowerment! We
had a fantastically successful pool party
sponsored by the Men’s Club on July 17.
Many thanks to Lori and Fred Rotenberg
for hosting this event. The kids had a great
time getting to know Rabbi Raucher and his
family, and we were grateful to be able to
use our new gaga pit built by Gary Schwarz!
Rabbi Raucher plays a rockin’ game of gaga
(think dodgeball meets wall
ball inside an octagonal
court). On August 28, 45 PJTC
friends and family members
attended the annual Jewish
Community Day at Dodgers
Stadium. It was great to see
PJTC’s name on the Jumbotron!
USY (7-12 grade) starts off with its annual trip to Disneyland
on September 4, followed by its first Lounge Night on either
September 18 or September 20 (check your youth group emails
for details). Kadima’s (4-6 grade) opening event will be Sunday,
September 25. Please join me in thanking this year’s USY Board Members
for all the passion they are putting into creating positive social
experiences for their peers. They are:
• Abby Schlecht, 11th grade (President)
• Aaron Chew, 12th grade (Social Action/Education VP)
• Elliott Herbst, 10th grade (Communications VP)
• Ethan Sharp, 10th grade (Kadima VP)
• Michael Karish, 10th grade
• Alex Levin, 11th grade
• Noah Grater, 9th grade
• Issac Tragarz, 8th grade ("The Bubbe")
High Holy Day Ushers Needed
The High Holy Days are coming
soon, and we are once again
recruiting ushers. Ushers’ main job
is to make congregants feel welcome
and secure and to help them have a
good experience at PJTC. We would
like to extend a personal invitation
for you to serve as an usher during the holidays. This is
an important mitzvah for the PJTC community. Not only
do you represent PJTC, but also personal greetings and
assistance help to make our services run smoothly, more
meaningful for attendants and safer for all involved.
We look forward to your participation and service
and will make use of all our volunteers. At this point, we
would appreciate your response by September 12, 2016.
Confirmation of your assignment will be sent by e-mail
as well as details on a brief training session beforehand.
Contact Phil Callahan, [email protected].
I encourage the entire PJTC Community to save two
important dates:
Sunday, January 8: “USY/Kadima Family Feud.” USY/
Kadima families are the contestants and the PJTC community
the audience for this classic game show. Proceeds go to
Sunday, April 23: USY/Kadima Talent & Art Show. Our
major fundraiser this year. Proceeds go to youth program
scholarships. Wishing you all a Happy New Year!
Few Gift-Giving Opportunities in Life Hold Such
High Potential
Help Build Our Sukkah
The PJTC Sponsored Gift Membership Program provides
you the opportunity to offer a complimentary membership
to unaffiliated families and friends. There is no cost to you
or the recipients, and there is no limit to the number of gift
memberships you may offer. Membership in our vibrant
congregation opens doors to unique Jewish experiences that
can have an impact for a lifetime and for future generations.
The conditions and details of the program are explained in this
Each year PJTC members trek miles through the forest
(metaphorically speaking) to gather sch’ach (palm fronds)
for the roof of the sukkah. We will be gathering sch'ach, date
and time to be announced. It is always a fun outing to do
some "hands on" Judaism. Bring gloves (a must), long handle
nippers or a small saw. Respond to Phil Callahan to let us
know you are coming, [email protected].
September/October 2016
Weizmann Day School: A Proud
Partner of PJTC!
by Ira Blitz, President
This being the last issue of the
FLAME before the High Holy Days, on
behalf of the Men’s Club I wish a sweet
New Year to all in our PJTC family. This
time of year is always one of increased
activity and frenzied preparation. It is
heightened this year by the unusual
circumstance of the flooding of our
Sanctuary and Social Hall. I am amazed
and proud of our Executive Committee, Board and Staff for all
the additional, unanticipated preparation.
Unfortunately, the flooding has resulted in the necessity
of Men’s Club cancelling our traditional Pancake Breakfast to
kick off the new school year. We will have to take a rain check
on this. The free Pancake Breakfast has been our gift to all our
school parents and students to start studies on a high note in
a celebratory way. For Men’s Club it is usually our first event
of each year. We look forward to having our next Pancake
Breakfast with the start of school in January.
Men’s Club wishes to congratulate Adam Sharp and his
parents, Stacey and Todd Sharp, on his upcoming bar mitzvah,
September 3. We also congratulate Carmela Michaeli and
her parents, Diane and Dani Michaeli, on her upcoming Bat
mitzvah on October 22. I look forward to presenting both
students with their Yads.
On this coming Veterans Day weekend, November 13, Men’s
Club is looking forward to honoring all our veterans for their
service in defending our freedoms and to remember those
who lost their lives. We are planning a wonderful program and
don’t want to forget anyone who might have served or given the
ultimate sacrifice. If you or a loved one participated in military
service, please inform Men’s Club through the PJTC office so
that all are honored and remembered.
by Lisa Feldman, M.A. Ed Head of Weizmann Day School
The Weizmann community is thrilled
to begin the 2016-17 school year here on
PJTC's campus. For over 30 years, PJTC
has leased space to Weizmann, allowing us
to provide a first-class Jewish day school
experience. Weizmann is extremely grateful
for this partnership.
Weizmann also benefits from the talents
of many PJTC members who have ties to
both Weizmann and PJTC. For example,
Weizmann is proud to have the following PJTC members
serving on its Board of Trustees again this year: Simon Burrow
(alumni parent), John Carlton (alumni parent), Maya GoldenKrasner (current parent, Board Secretary), David HollandMoritz (alumni parent, Board Treasurer), Lawrence Lurvey
(current parent, Board President), and Felicity Swerdlow
(alumni parent). We believe that both PJTC and Weizmann
benefit from this shared resource of exceptionally dedicated
Weizmann and PJTC also share a passion for providing
educational content to the community. We welcome suggestions
from PJTC members for guest speakers and/or partnership
opportunities. For example, last year PJTC member and
Weizmann alum Hannah Goldman spoke to Weizmann's
middle school about her experience as a Hot Shot fire fighter,
and PJTC member and Weizmann alum Hannah Holland
Moritz spoke to Weizmann classes about the path that has taken
her to a Ph.D. program in biology at the University of Colorado.
These talks complemented Weizmann curriculum beautifully,
and they gave students a lot to think about. Finally, we hope that PJTC members will join Weizmann
at our community events. The first of these will be the annual
Daniel Pearl Concert on October 6, 2016 at 11:00 AM in Galpert
Sanctuary. Please join us to hear beautiful singing by students
from Weizmann Day School, New Horizon Muslim School, and
St. Mark's Christian School, as we honor slain journalist Daniel
Pearl. Weizmann is truly grateful to PJTC for its partnership over
the years. We look forward to many more years together!
Exciting 2nd Day
Rosh Hashanah
Family Service
Tuesday, October 4
Led by Rabbi Silverstein
5:00 PM
Pasadena Jewish Temple and Center
September/October 2016
It's Happening with Sisterhood
Torah Fund
by Judy Callahan
Our goal this year is to involve all
of the women of our synagogue by
offering varied events and projects. In
September and October we are providing
ways you can prepare for the High Holy
Days. You can prepare your mind by
participating in “Yoga for the Jewish
Soul” offered by Ida Unger. We are cosponsoring this with Adult Ed on Monday
night, September 12 at 6:30 PM and
Wednesday, September 14 at 2:00 PM (for a gentler version).
You can make life easier for yourself by ordering your Rosh
Hashanah challah and rugelach from us or doing some of
your shopping at our Judaica Shop. You can also try out those
baked goods recipes in our cookbook by sponsoring or helping
us provide the onegs following Friday night services. We will
guide you through the process and it is fun to do with a friend
or two.
We hope you sent a greeting to your fellow congregants or a
welcome to our new rabbi by participating in our 5777 New Year
Greeting Book that will be available on Rosh Hashanah. Not only
does this book provide a directory for the congregation, but also
raises funds for the many ways we support the synagogue. It is nice this year that the High Holy Days fall later than
usual on the solar calendar. It allows us to recover from summer
vacations, get into the fall routine, and then take a breath as
we enter the Days of Awe and really embrace the fall holiday
cycle. I wish all of you a year of wonder, an easy fast and a sukkah
of peace to embrace you and all of us throughout the coming
by Bobbi Sloan, Sisterhood VP. Rae Goodstein Memorial Torah Fund
It is time to begin the 2016-2017 Torah
Fund campaign. This year’s theme is P’ri
Yadehah, “The Fruit in Her Hands.” We
are celebrating women’s achievements and
creativity in the family, in the workplace, in
the home, in the synagogue, and in the community.
As always, for those making a contribution of $180 or more,
I will be distributing the Torah Fund pin/pendants as a gift in
appreciation of your generous donation. A letter will be sent out
soon requesting your donations. Any amount is appreciated.
Education is one of the most important means of transferring
the wealth of tradition from one generation to the next. When
you contribute to Torah Fund, you are investing
in the future of our children. An investment in
knowledge pays the best interest! Torah Fund
supports the Jewish Theological Seminary
in New York, the Ziegler School of Rabbinic
Studies in Los Angeles, Schechter Institute of
Jewish Studies in Israel, and Semenario Rabinico
Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires.
Thank you for supporting Torah Fund.
PJTC Sisterhood
Annual Challah Sale!
2-pound turban shaped Challahs
for the High Holidays
Plain or Raisin: $10.00 each.
Honey Cake: $12.00 each, plain or with walnuts
Grand Opening
Back by popular demand….
Ricki and Wendy’s rugulah!
Sunday, September 18
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
No pre-orders for rugulah.
First come, first served.
Come early for plain or chocolate chip, $15 pound.
Come see our new products
including these lovely embellished shofars
by Israeli artist Lily Shohat.
Place your order with Stacy Miller
626-836-9280 or
[email protected] (preferred)
Please provide your phone number and/or email
Pick up your order on Sunday, 10/02/16 (Erev Rosh
Hashanah) between 9:30 and noon at the Temple
Cash, check upon pickup. Credit card add .50 for fees.
No prepayment necessary, but don’t forget to pick it up!
The shop will be open regularly during Religious School.
Sundays, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Tuesdays, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
And by appointment
A portion of your
purchases can be used
as a charitable deduction
to Sisterhood.
Best wishes for a sweet New Year!
September/October 2016
B'nai Mitzvah Celebrations
Sisterhood College Outreach Committee
by Ellen Pais, Outreach Chair
Adam Sharp, son of Todd and
Stacey Sharp, will be called to the
Torah as a bar mitzvah on September
3, 2016. The third of five brothers, he is
an eighth grader at Rosemont Middle
Adam has always loved entertaining
and creating. For the past two years, he has been training with a
magician from the Magic Castle, “Tricky Devil", in preparation
for his upcoming audition for the Castle’s junior program. More
recently, he has become fascinated with cardistry– the elegant
manipulation of cards for artistic effect.
Adam is also a talented songwriter and composer,
photographer, filmmaker and performer.
For his Mitzvah Project, he performed magic for guests at
the Pasadena Senior Center. He loved brightening the seniors’
day, and intends to continue sharing his magic and spreading
happiness in the future.
Is your high school graduate going away to college this fall?
Is your local college student heading away to school?
Attention PJTC families with first year college-bound
children. The College Outreach Committee of Sisterhood is
collecting names and addresses of high school graduates leaving
home for college for the first time. Our Sisterhood tradition is
to continue PJTC’s connection to our young people away by
sending them Jewish holiday boxes to share with their new
friends and community.
In order to be eligible families must be members of PJTC
and have a student who is attending a program/school away
from home for the first time. Students who graduated in past
years but are just now leaving home are welcome!
We encourage all families to participate. Please email Ellen
Pais at [email protected] with your student’s
college mailing address and their move-in date, as soon
possible. We will be sending our first packages by the end of
Wednesday, 7:30 PM
November 2
Sisterhood welcomes
the month of
At the Home of
Louise Wannier
Carmela Michaeli, daughter of
congregants Diane and Dani Michaeli,
will be called to the Torah on October
22 as a bat mitzvah. She is an eighth
grader at Rosemont Middle School in La
Crescenta. She enjoys drawing, dancing
and playing the guitar. Carmela’s mitzvah project was to
create four paintings (spring/summer/
fall/winter) that she organized with her Hei class and donated to
Mountview Retirement to cheer up the residents there. Because
of this project, the retirement center asked her to paint a mural
of a tree in the dementia section of the home. She is excited
about starting this project soon.
Topic: What I learned about
Judaism…from the Quakers
B as e d on her longt ime
association with the American
Friends Service Committee,
Claire Gorfinkel discusses what
we can learn from exploring
more than one faith tradition
and approach to social change.
Includes the work of theologians
Abraham Joshua Heschel and
Rufus Jones.
Questions and RSVP to
Susan at sauerbach2063@ or
[email protected]
PJTC Board Of Directors Report
August 22, 2016 Meeting
We had two wonderful presentations. Lillian Kowalski talked
about the importance and value of lifelong Jewish learning. Lisa
Feldman and Lawrence Lurvey from Weizmann Day School
expressed their gratitude for PJTC Board’s support of their
community and their classroom improvement project.
Cantor Ruth’s High Holy Day preparation is well underway. She
is also hosting a meeting about her upcoming trip to Cuba and she
is working on plans for Shabbat Shirah.
Rabbi Raucher presented his thoughts about what a sacred place
looks like and invites all to share their thoughts.
Jane Feinberg reported on the financial statement while Beryl
Strauss updated the Board on the damage caused by the flood. The
scaffolding is up in the sanctuary. Painting is almost complete.
The fire sprinklers that had been installed 20 years ago need to be
replaced. Once the fire sprinklers and painting is complete, the new
carpeting will be installed. Robert is walking the property a few
times daily and in the middle of the night to make sure all is well
as the fire sprinklers are disengaged. Meanwhile, Beryl is reaching
out to several venues on the outside chance that the Sanctuary and
social hall are not finished in time. She is also investigating security
options for when we have large parties or bar/bat mitzvahs.
The Whitman Dinner is now scheduled for December 16. We
will do a formal installation for Rabbi Raucher then.
PJTC Annual Blood Drive
for Huntington Hospital
Tuesday, November 29• 12:30 - 7:00 PM
Don’t just drop your kids off for Hebrew School! Stay
and donate blood.
Did you know that PJTC has consistently held the most
successful blood drives for Huntington
Hospital? Last year we donated 60 pints!!
That’s what we call SOCIAL ACTION.
If you are age 17-75 you can donate!
Start your new year by saving a
life! To sign up for a time slot,
please contact Stacy Miller, stacy.
[email protected].
Start loading up on your iron
consumption now! Donors will receive
a certificate for a free pint of ice cream courtesy of Baskin
Please contact Stacy for information about recent travel
that may prohibit donating.
September/October 2016
Friday night, October 21
Come join your PJTC family as we welcome Shabbat in
the Sukkah on Friday night October 21 at 6:15 PM. Please bring a salad, appetizer or main dish to share.
Your dish should feed at least 8, be dairy or pareve
(no meat or shellfish products) and be in a disposable
We will provide wine for kiddush, challah, drinks, paper
goods and serving utensils.
Dinner will be served at 6:30 so we can enjoy time in
the sukkah before going to services in Galpert Sanctuary
where we will celebrate the bat mitzvah of Carmela
Michaeli. The Michaeli Family is hosting a festive oneg
following services. Selichot Program
Saturday, September 24
Service and Program
7:30 PM
PJTC Book Club is Re-starting!
Be part of creating a new group,
but still sponsored by PJTC’s Adult
Education Committee. Contact
Carolyn Kunin at chaiselongue@att.
net or (626) 796-9239 for details.
Family Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
6:30 PM
Social Hall
For gra d
K-2nd a
Host A
Shabbat In
Your Home
September 9
October 14
Service will include
• Singing & Dancing
• Ask the Rabbi
Come share the
warmth, the joy
and the peace
of Shabbat in your home. Please honor Shabbat by
celebrating with some of our new congregants. The first
date will be on Friday, October 28. To volunteer to be a
host please contact Beryl at PJTC (626) 798-1161.
Start your Journey......
Four Wednesday morning minyans in Elul to prepare
for the High Holy Days.
September 7, 14, 21, and 28 8:00-9:00 AM in the Knell Chapel
Re-ignite your spiritual fire by joining Jason and Bhavani
Mann for a service filled with joyful chant, song, and
kavannah (intention). • Torah Story
• Snack
September/October 2016
Adult Education Committee
Documentary Discussion Group
Thursday, September 22
7:00 PM, Lounge
PJTC Hosts Dr. Mark Kligman, Professor of
Jewish Music at UCLA
Sunday, September 18
10:15 AM, Social Hall
My Italian Secret: The Forgotten
Heroes. Under the shadow of the
Nazi crusade to exterminate
European Jews, cycling champ
Gino Bartali and an army of his
compatriots went to perilous
lengths to save thousands of
Italian Jews from capture and
death, as recounted in this moving
Dr. Mark Kligman will speak at a bagel
breakfast sponsored by Adult Education
Committee discussing “Yiddish Theater and
American Popular Music.” Yiddish Theater
developed in America from its European
roots into a new form incorporating
vaudeville and other musical styles. Dr.
Kligman will bring audio and videos
examples to highlight this interesting story.
Join your friends for bagels and cream
cheese while learning about and listening to
American pop music that came from good old Yiddish songs.
Thursday, October 27
7:00 PM, Lounge
Deli Man. Arriving in the
United States with 19th-century
Jewish immigrants, deli cuisine
quickly found its way into the
nation's mainstream appetite.
This affectionate documentary
celebrates Jewish delicatessens
and their place in American
Please RSVP to ghalpert@ to assure adequate
New Class with Rabbi Josh Garroway
at Pasadena Jewish Temple & Center in
The Adult Education Committee of
Pasadena Jewish Temple & Center is
pleased to bring back PJTC’s own Rabbi
Josh Garroway, Ph.D, to teach a threesession class in November. Reserve the
dates of Tuesday, November 1, 15 and 29,
7:00-9:00 PM, Wohlmann Hall at PJTC
for “The History of the Messianic Idea in
Judaism.” Dr. Garroway is very enthusiastic
about teaching at PJTC. He says, “This is a
fun subject because it covers ancient, late ancient, medieval, and
modern Jewry, and it shows just how much an idea can change
over time. It breaks down naturally into three sessions, too.” The
class will explore the history of the idea of a messiah in Judaism
from antiquity to today. This is Dr. Garroway’s second course
to be offered at PJTC. His first course was very well-received
with more than 25 people attending each session.
Dr. Garroway is Associate Professor of Early Christianity
and the Second Commonwealth, Hebrew Union College-Jewish
Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR), Los Angeles. He teaches both
rabbinical students at the graduate level and undergraduates at
the University of Southern California through its Judaic Studies
Dr. Garroway is a summa cum laude graduate of Duke
University. He earned his doctorate from the Religious
Studies Department at Yale University and was ordained by
HUC-JIR. His first book, Paul’s Gentile-Jews: Neither Jew nor
Gentile, but Both, explores the ways in which Paul's epistle to
the Romans constructs Jewish identity, and the role played by
this construction in the ensuing emergence of Christianity.
Dr. Garroway is a native of Rochester, New York. He currently
lives in Pasadena with his wife, biblical scholar Dr. Kristine
Henriksen Garroway, and their three young boys.
For information, please email [email protected].
Rock-a-Bye Baby
Mazel Tov to:
New grandparents Paula & Michael
Waluch on the birth of their first
grandchild, Caroline Solomon, born
to Laura & Michael Solomon on
March 27.
Judy & Phil Callahan on the birth of their granddaughter,
Jessica Rose (aka Jules), born on June 26 to Joshua and Jessica
Callahan and big brother Alex.
Daniel Weiner and Springsong Cooper on the birth of
their daughter Dalia Ruth on August 1.
Joseph Widman and Vanessa Silberman on the birth of
their daughter Coralie Nadia Widman on August 16.
Guy Pyrzak & Sarah Healy & big sister Aliza Faye on the
birth of Naomi Jane on September 29, 2015. A baby-naming
celebration will be held at PJTC on September 10.
September/October 2016
September Birthdays
September 1 .... Joseph Widman
September 2 Helen Freeman
Norma Pratt
September 3 Max Fishman
Yihsien Walker
September 4 Greta Pechter
Magnus Baden-Campbell
September 5 ............ Talia Harris
Max Polansky
September 6 ..... Deanna Ahmed
Jo Beth Cohen
Shayna Goldstein
Ava Leonard
Larry Moore
Abigail Sheklow
September 7 ............ Nick Brown
Emma Sale
Arlene Weiss
September 8 .......... Fay Breslow
Barnaby Douglas
Zoey Kuhn
Henny Moskowitz
Barbara Solish
Sandra Sonies
Eileen Temple
September 9 ......... Roger Brown
Thomas Painter
Andrew Salter
Amir Tamuz
September 10 .......... Carol Sofer
Kristine Garroway
September 12 ...........Ellie Gerst
Elijah Salter
September 13 ..... Michael Heller
Raina Markham
Andres Martinez
Maia Rosenbaum
September 14 ....... Robert Bruck
Marvin Donner
September 15 ..........Miranda Ho
Jackson Douglas
Nah Kuhn
Nathan Segil
October Birthdays
September 16 ....... Liana Kindler
Shana Levin
Monica Mitrani
September 17 ..... Maxwell Beller
Leo Garroway
Bonnie Skolnik
September 18 ..... Daphna Enzer
Julia Hartford
Maya Lurvey
Felice Mittman
September 19 ......... David Miller
Cherylynne Berger
Evelyn Rappel
Richard Smiarowski
Hannah Temple
September 20 ........... Ricki Lane
Grace Leonard
Louise Wannier
September 21 ... Sharon DeMerit
September 23 .......Reshmi Basu
Kara Cohen
Paris Cohen
Deborah Noble
September 24. Rachel Hollander
Francine Hokin Katz
Sylvia Schleimer
September 25 .....Paul Andersen
Fred Medina
September 26 .Neila Hernandez
Daniel Levin
September 27 ................ Eli Axel
Roberta Braun
Zoe Bruck
Maya Golden-Krasner
Shulamit Rosner
Jill Wright
September 28....Michael Klekner
Rebecca Johnson
Elizabeth Schwartz
September 29 ....... Vicky Balmot
September 30 ........ Ed Honowitz
Carrie Holzman-Little
Matt Michelson
Claudia Stone Mosher
Acsa Villasenor
October 1 . .... Henrietta Douglas
Ryann Jorban
October 2 . ............... Dawn Lyon
Sarah Weisz
Bailey Woolsey
October 3 . .......Jonathan Herbst
Christopher Paskach
Roberta Tragarz
October 4 . ............Sarah Ostroff
Cecil Schmidt
Ruth Slater
Erika Vera
October 5 . .............Yael Grinblat
Maya Grove
October 7 . ................ Ruth Kaye
Howard Schneider
October 8 . ....... Cyrus Garroway
Lisa Goldstein
Devota-Rose Pistol-Boesch
Connor Richardson
October 9 . ...............Jodi Kinzler
Suzanne Spitz
October 10 . ............. Tara Brown
Jana Dickter
Erica Fishman
Ariel Harris
Rebecca Mendelson
October 11 .... Mary Ann Bernath
Maria Tornek
Devin Yeh
Sydney Young
October 12 . .Corinne Rotenberg
October 13 . ......... Matilda Feuer
John Guest
Olivia Honowitz
Kevin Jick
Rachelle Silberberg
October 14 . ........ Noam Metivier
Margarethe Segil
Sara Sternberg
Nathan Temple
William Thomson
October 15 . ....... Norma Chodos
Ella and Noah Levine Grater
Raul Martinez
Michele Masjedi
Jeff Stein
and Anniversaries
and Anniversaries
Jordan and Judy Ellis ...........................................................9/2/1958
Geoff and Jen DeBoskey .....................................................9/2/2001
Marc and Haley Karish .........................................................9/3/2000
Steve and Jennifer Leonard .................................................9/3/2000
Stuart and Stacy Miller .........................................................9/3/2005
Matthew and Dori Mukherjee ...............................................9/4/2005
Noam and Anna Maitless .....................................................9/4/2010
Neil and Melissa Gabriel ......................................................9/5/1999
Lawrence and Roz Scherr ....................................................9/6/1970
Steve and Roberta Breton ....................................................9/7/1969
Mark and Alice Rothenberg .......................#25.....................9/7/1991
Thomas and Tania Painter ...................................................9/7/2003
Peter Nortman and Jodi Kinzler ...........................................9/9/2000
David and Jane Feinberg .....................................................9/9/2001
Scott and Laura Van Dellen . ..............................................9/11/1983
Matt and Stacy Ober ..........................................................9/14/1985
Michael and Jody Menerey ................................................9/15/2007
Ed Honowitz and Ellen Pais ...............................................9/19/1987
Amy and Kathryn Zimmerman . ..........................................9/20/2008
Howard and Betsy Kahn . ...................................................9/24/1983
Laurence Harris and Ruth Berman Harris ..........................9/25/1997
Michael and Luciona Rosenzweig ......................................9/25/2010
Michael Schwartz and Michele Bielman .............................9/28/1997
Steven and Caleen Danon .................................................9/29/2002
October 16 . . Roza Kuppermann
Chance Morrow
Richard Ricciardi
Cynthia Shilling
October 17 . ..........Hadar Cohen
Milo Kurs
October 19 . ....Karolyn Berkman
Harold Kern
Reuben Lam
Jesse Radulovic
October 20 . ........ Daniel Sigoloff
Joshua Tornek
Daniel Weiner
Allegra Wright
October 21 . .............. Barry Gold
Warren Meislin
Jody Menerey
October 22 . ........... Joshua Copi
Nathan Feinberg
Jonathan Grinblat
Isabella Kurs
Carol Mills
Paul Spiegel
October 23 . ............ June Brodie
Lea Kiguelman
October 24 . .... Giana Bacigalupi
Joan Halpert
October 25 . ..... Giannina Tornek
October 26 . .........Anna Maitless
Elijah Masjedi
Miranda Thomson
Barbara Weisenberg
October 27.... Christopher Grove
October 28 . .......Ellen Dinerman
Valerie Kronsburg
October 29 . ............Karen Lujan
Matthew Sofer
Jonathan Swerdlow
October 30 . ....... Lauren Frankel
Roxana Honowitz
Elena Martinez
Antonio Rangel
Isaac Tragarz
October 31 . .........Grace Gaither
Ray Nehdar
Jenelle Rotenberg
Dane Little and Carrie Holzman-Little ......................................10/2/1983
Michael Epstein and Reshmi Basu . .........................................10/2/2010
Joshua and Paris Cohen ..........................................................10/5/1996
Doug and Keri Axel . .................................................................10/6/2001
Peter and Roberta Braun .........................................................10/9/1977
Guy Pyrzak and Sarah Healy .................................................10/10/2010
Michael Van Scoy-Mosher and Claudia Stone Mosher...........10/10/2010
Traci Sherman and Michelle Leonard . ................................... 10/11/2008
Evan and Lisa Grant . ............................................................. 10/11/2015
Michael and Diane Burr ..........................................................10/12/1980
Randy and Mona Shulman .....................................................10/13/2002
David and Alice Kurs ..............................................................10/13/2007
Adam and Christina Larson ....................................................10/14/2006
Lowell Bernstein and Sherri Hauer . .......................................10/14/2007
Eric Friedman and Katya Lidsky Friedman ............................10/17/2009
Mel and Marcia Spira .............................................................10/20/1960
Alfred Solish and Margaret Frerking . .....................................10/20/1974
Mickey and Mary Ann Bernath ...................... #50...................10/21/1966
Moshe and Ryna Aviram ........................................................10/21/1969
Joseph and Rebecca Johnson ...............................................10/21/2001
Sam and Mala Langholz . .......................................................10/24/1952
Steven and Judy Balian . ........................................................10/24/1998
Jackson and Alex Douglas .....................................................10/24/1998
Allen and Karen Gross ...........................................................10/31/1969
September/October 2016
Rabbi Raucher's article continued from page 1
My Body, My Temple: Yoga for the Jewish Soul
logical step in this path of spiritual realignment?
Consider for the moment that the mind, body, and spirit are
all interconnected. Body movement, then, can serve as a tool to
express and communicate all of our fears, hopes, and dreams.
On Simchat Torah, having spent the last month soul-searching,
we shout to the Heavens in thanks for the chance to confront
our fears and another year to live out our hopes and dreams.
We take all the spiritual baggage we’ve accumulated over the
High Holy Days and shake it off as we: dance, sing our songs,
beat our drums, and stomp our feet in celebration. Together
we can unify as one beating heart and remind each other that
life still requires living.
This audacious time of year should carry us through
moments of depletion to the peak of a spiritual high. I look
forward to celebrating, praying, and growing with you during
this season of renewal and throughout the year. The holidays
will guide us. Together we will embrace one another and start
back on the path to wholeness.
by Ida Unger
Monday, September 12 at 6:30 PM, and
Wednesday, September 14 at 2:00 PM
The main place of joy is in the heart.
Likutey Moharan I, 24:2
The day-time session will be a more gentle class catering
to individual needs. After each session there will be a chance
to weigh in on having yoga at the temple on a more regular
The human body is much more than a collection of physical
parts. Our bodies are a Divine creation, capable of learning and
opening to receive God’s light with increased clarity and joy.
Elevate your physical aspect to be a more conscious vehicle for
the soul.
With yoga, as we free ourselves from the physical blocks
that trap consciousness, we gain access to more of ourselves –
physically, mentally and spiritually. Consciousness is heightened.
Havana, or intent, is made pure. In this one-time class, we will
prepare for the High Holy Days with a journey through the four
Kabbalistic worlds, or hidden aspects that reside within.
Bring a yoga mat if you have one. Pre-register iunger@ Please let me know if you need more
info from me.
Ida Unger, M.Ed. Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, temple
member, has practiced and taught yoga for over 30 years. In
the early 90s, she began to connect her Jewish roots with yogi
wings, resulting in a deepening of both. She teaches locally as
well as at Jewish conferences nationally.
Interfaith Study Group
by Cecilia Fox and Norma Pratt, ISG Chairs
Our group is composed of members of PJTC, All Saints
Episcopal Church, Pasadena, and the Islamic Center of Southern
California, in Los Angeles. ISG meetings have been held in
monthly rotation at our institutions since 2007.
Next Meeting: Sunday, September 11 at 5:00 to 7:30 PM
at PJTC. Our September 11 and October 9 meetings are linked
–each is on the topic of immigration. At the September event,
members of each congregation will describe their families’
arrival and immigrant experience in the United States. At our
October meeting, two outstanding professionals will speak
to us of their dedicated and important work on immigration
issues. Valerie Curtis-Diop, J.D., is an immigration attorney
familiar with Muslim immigration issues, with expertise in
immigration and nationality law, and an active member of the
American Immigration Lawyers Association. Angelica Salas
is the Executive Director, Coalition of Humane Immigration
Rights LA. Both are well known experts, locally, regionally,
and nationally.
Our one-hour meetings are followed by a vegetarian potluck
meal, a Q&A session with the panelists follows. We meet to learn
from each other respectfully in the spirit of friendship, and all
who are interested are welcome to join us.
Please contact Cecilia Fox with questions, suggestions for
programs, etc. at [email protected], or Ada Ramirez at
All Saints Church for general information: (626) 583-2734,
[email protected].
Honoring Jewish Veterans in our Community
by Simon Burrow
Veterans Day this year is on Friday November 11. At a
Bagel Breakfast on Sunday November 13, the Men’s Club of
PJTC will honor the Jewish Veterans in our community with
an informative and inspirational program. The event starts at
10:00 AM, and will conclude by noon. All are welcome and
admission is free. Donations will be solicited to support local
veterans’ aid programs.
Highlights of the program:
• Janice Markham playing a violin version of the National
• A Color Guard presenting the Flag
• Invocation by Rabbi Gil Kollin (Col USAR Ret.)
• “Jews and the US Armed Forces” by Dr William Cohen
(Maj. Gen USAF Ret)
• The reading of our Community Honor Roll by Ira
In “Jews and the US Armed Forces,” Dr. Cohen presents
a brief history of Jews in the military and identifies some of
our heroes. The information is timely, fact-filled and thoughtproducing.
Immediate Help Needed: We are working on compiling
a complete list of community members who served in the
military. If you have served or know people who have served,
please contact Simon Burrow or Josh Pais to help us compile a
comprehensive list. The list will include people who served in
all branches and in all countries.
New Jewish Meditation Group Forming
Several people have expressed interest in forming a second
meditation group, to meet later than 7:30 AM. If you would
be interested in being part of such a group, please come to
Wohlmann Hall on any or all of the following Tuesday mornings:
September 13, 20, and/or 27, between 8:45 and 9:45 AM.
We will have some silent meditation, and will take time for
participants to discuss plans for future meetings, including the
timing, the format, and anything else that comes up. For further
information, contact Claire Gorfinkel or Ruth Several.
September/October 2016
Yahrzeits for September
Av 28 September 01, 2016
Abraham Kokis
Jennie Taylor
Bernard Weissfeld
Av 29 September 02, 2016
Florence Clotzman
Tema Davidson
Harry Kurtz
Daniel Lyon
Howard Schaefer
Aaron Schwartz
Av 30 Elul 7 Elul 8 September 04, 2016
Andrew Karr
Jack Neinberg
Susan Schwartz
Berek Winter
Elul 2 September 05, 2016
Leo Chessen
Zelda Fain
Jennie Katzman
Frances Martin
Elul 3 Elul 9 Elul 10 Peter Binney
Israel Borenkraut
Lea Borenkraut
Brenna Davidson
Brucha Freeman
Lejzor Freeman
Hayme Hacker
Max Kramarz
Seymour Lambert
Saul Landau
Robert Neumann
Miriam Orloff
Edward Scherr
Anna Weissfeld
Elul 4 September 07, 2016
Harold Diner
Charlotte Ebbin
David Groman
Tony Ness
Max Rabiner
Joseph Wagner
Elul 5 September 08, 2016
Lillie Baker
Donald Chait
Evelyn Kaplan
Merle Lynne Klekner
Rosalind Knepper
Edward Unga
Elul 6 September 09, 2016
Ruelene Hochman
Bette Slifkin
Marvin Stein
September 13, 2016
Julia Cerwinski
Anna Jacoby
John Loughren
Mildred Michaels
Regina Moskowitz
Betty Shor
September 06, 2016
Elul 11 September 14, 2016
Nathan Brown
Majory Sue Laska
Ruth Lepold
Morris Shure
Rachel Streiker
Elul 12 September 15, 2016
Bernice Cutler
Evelyn Friedman
Selma Hassman
Max Perry
Harold Rothstein
Elul 13 September 16, 2016
Irwin Grater
Nathan Greene
Mordecai Greenspan
Thelma Lipton
Jules Tragarz
Elul 14 Elul 17 Elul 18 Elul 19 Laura Feiner
Frieda Fishman
Max Hassman
Irene Levine
Frieda Wohlman
Louise Zimmerman
September 22, 2016
Frances Goldberg
Rachel Goodstein
Jeffrey Michaels
Elul 20 September 23, 2016
Bernard Frieden
Ruth Friedlander
Irving Pemstein
Jacqueline Sencer
Esther Weise
Elul 21 September 24, 2016
Max Spellman
Elul 22 September 25, 2016
Cindy Bernath
Frank Grant
Martin Segal
Elul 23 September 26, 2016
Louis Graff
Nathan Kuchinsky
Elul 24 September 27, 2016
Dorothy Gross
Elul 25 September 28, 2016
Lillian Ledeen
Tessie Phillips
Elul 26 September 29, 2016
Ethel Bortnik
Juda Fox
Jerome Howard
Leo Klein
Lois Kronsburg
Sophie Newman
September 17, 2016
September 18, 2016
September 21, 2016
Milton Bogad
Sam Gordon
Frida Leytes
Edward Martin
Frieda Tatkin
Isaac Goldfine
Louis Surle
Elul 15 September 20, 2016
Israel Fradkin
Elaine Miller
George Schaffer
Raymond Seligman
September 12, 2016
Stanley Claster
Howard Ledeen
William Rosenberg
Lena Schultz
September 19, 2016
Judith Barron
Samuel Berkowitz
William Farmer
Belle Levin
Darlene R. Seligman
Estelle Sofer
Irving Teitelbaum
Henry Unger
September 11, 2016
Molly Cohen
Gertrude Cousens
Rose Green
Sarah Jaslow
Lena Kantrowitz
Paul Kaplan
Rose Leibl
Hanne O’Dell
Hanna Rosenbaum
Leo Schafler
Rose Tansky
Ruth Ackerman
Ruth Cohen
Radu Fintescu
Zygmunt Goldberg
Dora Rosenzweig
Julius Walter
Elul 1 Elul 16 Gordon Franklin Ackerson
Margaret Bloom
Leslie Brodie
Fannie Retsky
Joan Socloff
Sarah Strauchler
September 03, 2016
September 10, 2016
Elul 27 September 30, 2016
Carolyn Nolan
Louis (Lewy) Silberberg
Sept. 30/Oct. 1
Parashat: Nitsavim
Shabbat Service 7:30 PM
Oneg hosted by Nancy and John Carlton
and Aty and Howard Rotter
Torah Study 9:00 AM
Shabbat Service 9:30 AM
Kiddush hosted by Sylvia Schleimer in
honor of her 95th birthday
October 2/3/4
Rosh Hashanah
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Sun. Service 8:00 PM
First Day Rosh Hashanah
Mon. Service 9:00 AM
Mon. Tashlich 4:30 PM LA Arboretum
Second Day Rosh Hashanah
Tues. Service 9:00 AM
Tues. Family Service 5:00 PM
October 7/8 Parashat: Vayelekh
Fri. Shabbat Service 7:30 PM
Oneg hosted by Sisterhood
Torah Study 9:00 AM
Shabbat Service 9:30 AM
Kiddush hosted by the Ibrahimzade family
on the yahrzeit of Eli’s beloved father,
Moshe Ibrahimzade.
October 11/12 Kol Nidre/Yom Kippur
Kol Nidre
Tues. Early Kol Nidre Service Tues. Kol Nidre Service Yom Kippur
Wed. Yom Kippur October 14/15 6:00 PM
7:00 PM
9:00 AM
Parashat: Ha’azinu
Fri. Family Kabbalat Service 6:30 PM
Fri. Shabbat Service 7:30 PM
Oneg hosted by Sisterhood
Torah Study 9:00 AM
Shabbat Service 9:30 AM
Kiddush hosted by Shabbes Minyan Group
October 17/18 Sukkot
Mon. Service Tues. Service 9:00 AM
9:00 AM
October 21/22
Parashat: Exodus
Sukkot Potluck Dinner Shabbat Service 6:15 PM
7:30 PM
Carmela Michaeli Bat Mitzvah
Shabbat Service 9:00 AM
Oneg and Kiddush hosted by
Diane and Dani Michaeli
October 24/25 Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor
Monday Service 9:00 AM
Simchat Torah and Celebration
Mon. Service 7:00 PM
Tues. Simchat Torah Service 9:00 AM
October 28/29
Parashat: Bereshit
Shabbat Service 7:30 PM
Oneg hosted by Sisterhood
Torah Study 9:00 AM
Shabbat Service 9:30 AM
Kiddush hosted by Shabbes Minyan Group
September/October 2016
Yahrzeits for October (announced Fri/Sat preceding the date)
Elul 28 October 01, 2016
Mohammad Basseri
Daisy Press Nemzer
Bernice Saltzberg
Elul 29 October 02, 2016
Miriam Farstad
Don Kermin
Pauline Maniloff
Anita Molduf
Kimberly Orlin
Tishrei 1 October 03, 2016
Tishrei 7 Tishrei 8 October 04, 2016
Tishrei 9 October 05, 2016
Shari Cohen
Miriam Goldberg
Tishrei 4 Tishrei 10 Tishrei 5 October 13, 2016
Katie Allen
Rose Chessen
Fredric Gologorsky
Rita Rubin
Tishrei 12 Tishrei 13 October 08, 2016
Martin Bender
Ernest Beutler
Len Gold
George Katzman
Ila B. Klekner
Vera Lefkowitz
Robert Postman
Ann Schneider
Bob Several
Tishrei 15 Tishrei 16 Tishrei 18 Tishrei 24 Tishrei 20 October 22, 2016
Donald Cozen
Arnold Davidson
Margaret Hochschild
John Schroeder
Tishrei 21 Tishrei 25 Rose Connick
Sephine Melrod
Raye Morgan
Max Streiker
October 27, 2016
Leo Cohen
Alexander S. David
Sherman Finesilver
Sydney Kirschen
Tavous Younessi
Tishrei 26 October 28, 2016
April Hagan
Fay Katz
Charles Liebman
Murray Morrow
Tishrei 27 October 29, 2016
Bernard Blumenfeld
Marshall Gumbiner
Isaac Hodara
Harold Levenson
Seymour Posen
Charles Sussman
Tishrei 28 October 30, 2016
Libby Balkin
Solbert Handler
Beatrice Several
Edwin Smith
Edward Spira
Elaine Weise
Donald Eli Witkin
October 23, 2016
Jan Comras
Louis Donner
Judith Faden
Louis Gan
Bertha Goldman
Esther Mastey
Alex Roseman
Stanley Svonkin
Mark Umansky
Roslyn Wynn
October 15, 2016
October 26, 2016
Marshall Alper
Lori Brandstetter
Joseph Levenson
Meta Mendel
Craig Mendelson
Linda Scanlon
Irene Groban
Katherine Kokis
Minnie Mittleman
Ruth Silverman
Tishrei 29 October 31, 2016
Magda Greene
Charles Levinson
Evelyn Schaefer
Zingen Far Sholem
Sunday, December 11 - 1:30 PM
The Yiddish Chorus, Zingen
Far Sholem, will join the Klezmer
band, Gay Gezunt, for an
afternoon of joyous, soulful, and
spirited music at PJTC. Zingen Far Sholem, a volunteer
chorus directed by Fran Chalin and based in LA at the
Silverlake Independent JCC, is proud to be part of the
tradition of Yiddish community choruses. Gay Gezunt has
played Klezmer music to the delight of audiences in LA and
Orange County for more than 20 years.
Mazel Tov:
To Marlene Reichenbach on the
marriage of her grandson, Yaakov
Sholom Schreiber and his bride
Tehila Rosedale. The wedding took
place in Israel on June 22 and the
couple honeymooned in New York,
where Marlene visited with them.
October 21, 2016
October 25, 2016
Dorothy Faibish
Howard Krachman
Edward Levin
Maurice Salz
Seymour Spar
October 20, 2016
Linda Bettman
Benny Lorin
Tishrei 19 Tishrei 23 October 19, 2016
Lillian Rebecca Kahn
Herbert Kronsburg
Aron Kuppermann
Rose Rosenberg
Jack Younessi
October 24, 2016
Ida Gordon
Kenneth Pratt
October 18, 2016
David Davis
Julius Ganulin
Sydney Gelber
Nathan Hartman
Eva Rabinowitch
Estelle Roodman
Muriel Walter
Tishrei 17 Tishrei 22 October 17, 2016
Morris Burten
Rebecca Cohen
Harold Ginsberg
Molly Rabstein
October 14, 2016
Natalie Bender
Jeanne Cornetto
Mamie Glassman
David Hamburg
Molly Helman
Harry Krohn
Rose Soshnik
Ida Vegotsky
October 07, 2016
Paula Frankel
Goldie Landsman
Esther Lokietz
Norton Mendelson
Tishrei 6 Tishrei 11 October 16, 2016
Alex Feiner
Benjamin Fine
Leonard Kustner
Philip Rosenberg
Frances Sampson
October 12, 2016
Abraham Abis
Toby Bluestein
Yakov Bortnik
Esther Corson
Alexander David
Frank Emmerich
Max Ginsberg
Polly Robin
Henry Sandig
Herman Sofer
October 06, 2016
Jack Clotzman
Dorothy Factor
Laura Kreitman
Stanley Lanes
Clay Mills
Bertha Saperstein
Emanuel Ufland
Richard Alan Weisz
October 11, 2016
Miriam Rosen
Sylvia Rosenberg
Stella Rosner
Sol Weisenberg
Irving Block
Lynda Brown
Goldy Davis
Alan Friedman
Fortunee Hodara
Dena R. Jackson
Dorothy Lowenthal
Judy Schnitzer
Blanche Spector
Tishrei 3 Tishrei 14 October 10, 2016
Adele Abrams
Raphael Simcha Davidson
Mary Goldman
Steven J. Markman
Judy Nelson
Frances Scherr
Bernard Bowman
Maurice Lassman
Mark Todd
Norman Whitman
Tishrei 2 October 09, 2016
Bernard Barron
Alexander Dorman
September/October 2016
August Donations
Thanks to Our August Volunteers
PJTC offers our members a variety of ways to be of service
to the Temple. Those who are able to give of their time are vital
to sustaining our community.
To host an Oneg, call Judy Callahan.
To host a Kiddush, call Roz Scherr.
General Fund
Gail Meltzer wishing Beryl Strauss a speedy recovery
Viktor and Fortune Filiba
Diane Burr in memory of Mother Mimi Harris
Madeline Mark Memorial Fund
Louis Friedman in memory of Father, Benjamin Friedman
MAC (Membership Assistance Committee)
Mickey Bernath in memory of Father, Arthur Bernath
Union Station
Moshe & Ryna Aviram, Martha Ruffman, and Daniel & Karen Levin
Shabbas Minyan
Ike & Faye Langholz, Sam & Mala Langholz, and Bryan Langholz &
Susan Auerbach
Yahrzeit Donations to General Fund
Donated by: Michael Klekner Annette Sharfstein Hava Ben-Zvi Pauline Witkin Polansky Pauline Witkin Polansky Pauline Witkin Polansky Pauline Witkin Polansky Judith Fox Jill Adler Moore Martha Ruffman David Snyder
Eugene Roberts
Jane Hirschkowitz Henny Moskowitz Pauline Witkin Polansky Pauline Witkin Polansky Pauline Witkin Polansky Michael Klekner Michael Klekner
Edie Taylor & Hy Vego
Edie Taylor & Hy Vego
Edie Taylor
Edie Taylor
Judy Ungar
Carolyn Siegal
Peter Mendel
Sisterhood Tributes
In Memory of:
Father, Benjamin Klekner
Grandmother, Betty Case
Father, Herman Bromberg
Uncle, Morris Finesod
Grandfather, Harry Finesod
Grandmother, Fanny Finesod
Father-in-law, Louis Witkin
Father, Harold Carsh
Sister, Lynn Susan Seshadri
Husband, Joel Ruffman
Father, Julian Snyder
Father, Ruvim Rabinowitch
Mother, Esther Hirschkowitz
Mother, Regina Moskowitz
Mother, Rose Lipser
Father, Harry Lipser
Husband, Donald Eli Witkin
Friend, Hanne O’Dell
Sister, Merle Lynne Klekne
Aunt, Esther Vego
Brother, Irvin Vego
Husband, Samuel Taylor
Mother-in-law, Jennie Taylor
Husband, Edward Ungar
Grandparents, Rabbi George & Emmy Vida
Grandfather, Siegmund Mendel
August 5/6
August 12/13
August 19/20
August 26/27
Oneg & Kiddush Hosts
Oneg hosted by Sisterhood
Kiddush hosted by the Kollin and Grater families
Oneg hosted by Sisterhood
Kiddush hosted by Richard Samuelson
Oneg hosted by Sisterhood
Kiddush hosted by Springsong and Daniel Weiner
Oneg hosted by Sisterhood
Kiddush hosted by Roz and Larry Scherr
Sondra Dreshner Gabbai'im
Jacob Levy John Guest
Roz Scherr
Mark Chodos Jacob Levy Ofer Ho Bonnie Burratti
Abby Schlecht
Sondra Dreshner
Jeff Chan
Roz Scherr
Torah & Haftorah Readers
Louise Wannier Lucie Nortman Erich Schlecht Bobbi Sloan Office Volunteers
Ryna Aviram Ginny Blitz Judy Ellis
Jerry Halpert Ruth Kaye Florence Kaufman
Sheila Padlipsky Joel Padlipsky Roz Scherr
George Roegler Marlene Reichenbach Edie Taylor
Factory Trained Technicians
To Shirley Hoffman in honor of her 90th birthday, with best wishes from
Susi, Vicki & Steve Karlan and Jerry Pollack
To Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hoffman in honor of the 90th birthday of Steve’s
mother, Shirley, from Susi, Vicki & Steve Karlan and Jerry Pollack
To Springsong & Daniel Weiner in honor of the birth of their daughter,
Dalia Ruth, from Kathy Kobayashi & Hal Barro
To David Boesch, “Congratulations on becoming a full-fledged member
of the clan” from Edie Taylor
“Wishing a speedy recovery & continued good health”:
To Cathy Krasner from Shirley Hoffman
To Nancy Carlton from Shirley Hoffman
To Beryl Strauss from Bonnie Buratti & Kai Lam, and Nancy & John
To Marcia Alper from Bonnie Buratti & Kai Lam
To Faye Langholz from Edie Taylor
To Edward Parelis & family in memory of his beloved wife, Rachel
Goodman, from Liz & Bud Green
(800) 300-2532
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September/October 2016
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September/October 2016
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Saturday, September 24
7:30 PM
Havdalla and Program
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Judaica Shop
Grand Opening
Sunday, September 18
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
September 2016
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28 Av - 27 Elul
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Rosh Hashanah Family Service
Tuesday, October 4
5:00 PM
See page 3
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Challah Sale
Sunday, October 2
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
See page 4
October 2016
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28 Elul - 29 Tishrei
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Sukkot Potluck Dinner
Friday, October 21
6:15 PM
See page 6
1434 N. Altadena Drive • Pasadena, CA 91107
Community Outreach RNs from Huntington Hospital
will offer free seasonal influenza vaccinations to the general
public. Limited quantities.
PJTC Social Hall
Wed., October 5
3:00 - 5:00 PM
Eligibility Criteria
• All adults over 18 years old and children age
9 -17 with parent/guardian present for consent
• No allergy to eggs or previous influenza vaccine
• No medical history of Guillain-Barre syndrome
• No serious illness or fever at the time of vaccination
For additional locations visit our website at and under Quick Links, click on
Free Flu Shots.
I played a great
horse yesterday; it
took seven horses to
beat him.
Presented by Men’s Club
Saddle Up!
January 2820
Sunday, September 25th
2pm - 4pm
at the Jewish Federation
114a. W. Lime Ave., Monrovia
This is free event open to all ages
Please RSVP by September 19th to help us in our planning
email: [email protected]
phone: 626.445.0810
A program of the Jewish Federation of the Greater San Gabriel & Pomona Valleys
114A W. Lime Ave., Monrovia CA 91016
626.445.0810 ● [email protected] ●