Arkansas Family Historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society
Arkansas Family Historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society
ISS;-.i 0571-0472 The Arkansas Family Historian Arkansas Genealogical Society Volume 32, Number 4 • December 1994 Arkansas Genealogical Society 1994 Officers and Directors Editor President Vice President Treasurer Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary Historian Herald Parliamentarian Margaret Harrison Hubbard Russell P. Baker Joe R. Goss Bobbie Jones Mclane Frankie Y. Holt Frances Jernigan Lynda Suffridge Mrs. Larry P. Clark Ed Sanders John Sanders Jan Eddleman Roberta Hollis David Malone Eddie G. Landreth Johnita Glover Teresa Harris Freda Massey Margaret Ross Beth Brownlee Edwin Moss Desmond Walls Allen Carolyn Earle Billingsley 1411 Shady Grove Rd.,Hot Springs, AR 71901 6525 Magnolia, Mabelvale, AR 72103 1025 Watkins, Conway, AR 72032 222 McMahan Dr., Hot Springs, AR 71913 5 Custer Place, North Little Rock, AR 72116 52 Colony Road, Little Rock, AR 72207 3801 Caraway Court, North lillie Rock, AR 1211 Biscayne, Litlle Rock, AR 72207 10 Choctaw Dr., Search, AR 72143 4500 Purnell Dr" North Lillie Rock, AR 72116 1807 Sunshine Mine Rd., Hackett, AR 71937 628 Banner, Camden, AR 71701 PO Box 1048, Fayetteville, AR 72702 1510 Jameson Ave., Benton, AR 72015 4008 Holly, Pine Bluff, AR 71603 943 Ouachita No. 47, Camden, AR 71701 PO Box 478, Mountain View, AR 72560 9 Nob Hill Cove, Little Rock. AR 72205 2216 Rock Lane, Heber Springs, AR 71543 PO Box 176, Star City, AR 71667 99 Lawrence Landing Rd" Conway, AR 72032 2301 Billingsley Lane, Alexander, AR 72002 AGS Committees - 1994 The following committee appointments have been made for 1994. The name of the chairperson follows the committee title. Arkansas Ancestry Certificates· Desmond Walls Allen, Bobbie Jones Mclane, Jan Eddleman, David Malone Arkansas Genealogical Education· Ed Sanders, Frankie Holt, David Malone, Desmond Walls Allen, Carolyn Earle Billingsley, Russell p, Baker AGS Speakers Service - Ed Sanders, Jan Eddleman. Desmond Walls Allen, Carolyn Earle Billingsley AGS Technical Services· Desmond Walls Allen, Carolyn Earle Billingsley, Bobbie Jones Mclane, Eddie G. Landreth Annual Workshop· Joe R. Goss, Vice President, John Sanders, Beth Brownlee, Jan Eddleman, Lynda Suffridge Audit· Frankie Y. Holt, Edwin Moss Book Review· Bobbie Jones Mclane, Frances Jernigan, Lynda Suffridge, Eddie Landreth Constitutional Review· Ed Sanders, Bobbie Jones Mclane, Frances Jernigan, Jan Eddleman, Lynda Suffridge Genealogical Exchange - Teresa Harris, Carolyn Earle Billingsley, Frankie Y. Holt, Johnita Glover Goals and Aims for 21st Century. Roberta Hollis, Mrs. Larry P. Clark. Freda Massey, Eddie Landreth Membership Expansion - Roberta Hollis, Beth Brownlee, Russell P. Baker, Margaret Harrison Hubbard New Articles for The Arkansas Family Historian· Margaret Harrison Hubbard, Roberta Hollis, Jan Eddleman, Teresa Harris, Edwin Moss Nominations - Edwin Moss, Bobbie Jones Mclane, Joe Goss Vital Records Reform - Bobbie Jones McLane, David Malone, Ed Sanders, John Sanders, Margaret Harrison Hubbard The Arkansas Fanlily Historian Published Quarterly by Arkansas Genealogical Society, Inc. PO Box 908, Hot Springs, Arkansas 71902-0908 Editor Margaret Harrison Hubbard Publication Information The Arkansas Family Historian, the official publication of Arkansas Genealogical Society, Inc., is published four times a year - March, June, September, and December. Commercial advertising is not accepted. and honorary membership classes. Membership is by calendar year and may be entered at any time of the year (late subscribers will receive the year's back issues of The Arkansas Family Historian). Individual membership is $15 per year. Queries Members of AGS are invited to submit one fiftyword, Arkansas related, query each year. See the Query section for details. ISSN 0571-0472 Editorial Policy AGS welcomes· contributions of family records, public record transcriptions, and other information of interest to those interested in family history and genealogy in general, and in Arkansas specifically. Responsibility for the accuracy of information and for opinions, omissions, or factual errors is that of the contributor. Manuscript Submissions Submitters of articles and material for possible publication in The AFH are requested to send typewritten or mechanically generated manuscripts on white, 8 1/2 X 11 inch paper, double-spaced, one-inch margins on all sides, with all pages numbered. The sources from which the material was obtained, specific statements of facts, or statistical information MUST be documented, that is, the specific, detailed source description must be listed either within the body of the text or as notes. Previous publication of the material in any form must be brought to the attention of AGS. AGS encourages submissions on IBM compatible computer disks in WordStar or ASCII format accompanied by a hard copy of the material. Membership AGS offers individual, institutional, sustaining, life Book Reviews Authors and publishers who wish to have reviews or notices of their works published in The Arkansas Family Historian are invited to submit a copy of the work with ordering information and price, if applicable. CONTENTS President's Page Box 908 Deaths In The Army Silent City of the Dead 1829 Sheriff's Census Lawrence County, AR 1845 Letter-Franklin Co. Certificates of Arkansas Ancestry Boosting or Boasting Union Ridge Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptions Sebastian Co. Arkansas Queries Book Reviews and Notices Index 150 151 152 154 155 164 165 166 169 171 179 182 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Arkansas Family Historian. Page 149 President's P a g e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Welcome to the pages of The Arkansas Family Historian. Since 1962, members of the Arkansas Genealogical Society have sought to preserve our state's genealogical and historical records through our publication. and to create a forum for the exchange 01 family history information. This effort would not have been possible without the support of all our members scattered throughout the nation. Several of our new members have asked how they could help. Well,since you asked: wr~e an article about your Arkansas ancestor, copy a family bible record, inventory a cemetery, abstract a church record or a county tax list: let our readers know about a new Arkansas historical or genealogical publication; share copies of old family letters, diaries, Civil War correspondence, etc.; and, of course, keep those queries coming in. If there are new or diflerenttypas of features or articles you would like to see, let our editor know. Is There A Map In Your Future? As the winter months overtake us, now is the lime to begin collecting material for another season of research. One of the basic research tools all genealogists need are maps. They allow us to see the "lay of the land" before we venture out into the highways and into the courthouses. Many researchers do not know that they can obtain a free current highway map for almost any state simply by writing the highway and transportation department of the stata of their interest and asking for one. Not only do these maps give current information on roads and county boundaries, but they list the many small communities that ata not on so-called travel atlases or even on post office directories. If you need a current state map for Arkansas, wr~e to the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department, Map Sales, Room 203, P. O. Box 2261, Little ROCk, AR 72203 (501-569-2444). You can usually obtain the addresses of similar agencies in other states by writing in care of the state capitol building. When you write or call, ask for a complete catalog and price list for obtaining copies of county maps as well. Many of thesa agencies now have copies of historic maps that one can purchase as Well. In Arkansas, copies of detailed county maps dating from the 1930s are available for purchase. Here is a list of companies that specialize in reprinting historiC maps: Northern Maps Co., Dunnellon, FL 32630; The Gold Bug, P. O. Box 10998C, Alamo, CA 90457; and J. Sheppard Books, Box 2020, Plaza Station, Albany, NY 12220. Write for a catalog and indicate the state of your interest, and the time frame. You should also contact the state geological commission In the state of interest about copies of detailed U. S. Government maps. A Tribute To Dr. Marion S. Craig The entire genealogical community in Arkansas has been saddened by the recent death 01 lormer AGS President, Dr. Marion S. Craig. of Little Rock. Marion was born in Batesville, AR, the son of Dr. M. Stark Craig, Sr., and his first wife, Mary Case. Most 01 his ancestors were pioneer settlers in Lawrence and Independence counties. He was a retired Litlle Rock physician and devoted much of his life to his interest in genealogy and family history. He had authored some 25 books and numerous articles on these subjects. He served for many years on the Board of Directors of the Arkansas Genealogical Society and was its president for two years beginning in 1977. After his retirement in 1982, he and his wife, Evelyn Torrence Craig, spent many hours working as faithful volunteers at the Arkansas History Commission in Little ROCk. Besides his wife. he is survived by one son, Dr. Andrew G. Craig, a daughter, Catherine Clinger, and two grandchildren. He died October 21, 1994, at his home in Lttlle Rock at the age of 74. All of us will miss his wise words and kind attentions. Russell P. Baker AG S President [Editor's Note: AGS has received contributions in memory of Dr. Craig from Bobbie Jones Mclane, Hot Springs, AR; Margaret Harrison Hubbard, Hot Springs, AR; Patle B. Graydon, Little Rock, AR; and Mary P. Engels, Forrest City, AR.) Page 150 - Volume 32, Numbcr4 - Decemher U F ' _ _ _ _~._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . . . . _ _ _ ....•_ _ _ __ --------------------------------------------Box908 We are advised that the 1986 volume Index of Arkansas Wills and Administrations From the Earliest to 1900 is still available. This volume is in hardcover, 748 pages, arranged by county, and very well presented. Order from Mrs. Frank F. Sloan, 602 West Oak, Jonesboro, AR 72401-3903, $36.50 postpaid. Mrs. Sloan also edns the quarterly lor the Craighead County Historical Society, whose address is P.O. Box 1011, Jonesboro, AR 724031011. Southern Argus, Jan. 6, 1871, to June 28, 1872, 178 pages, indexed. The Southern Argus was published at Selma, Dallas County, Alabama, and lists marriages and deaths state-wide. Price is $8.00, postpaid. Newsletters Martin Publications announces the publishing of a new quarterly newsletter The Martin Family Archives, dedicated to the Martin family throughout the United States. Write to them at 230 Wedgewood, Nacogdoches, TX 75961. They also announce another family publication, The Muckleroy Family Heritage Journal, devoted to the McElroy (McKelroy/Muckleroy) lines. Notice was received in September, 1994, that the Library of Congress is holding a half-price sale on genealogies in hardback. While the supplies last, Genealogies Catalogued by the Library of Congress Since 1986, 1,349 pages, will be available at $35.00 USN$37.50 international. Their address is Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Serv- Phelps Connections, Is a publication that records ice, Customer Services Section, Dept. DS, data on Phelps who lived in the Untted States from Washington, DC 20541-5017 (1-800-255-3666) the earliest arrivals In the 1600s to present day. Contact Nancy J. Pennington, President, 6204 S. Events (sae page 182 for more events) Halifax Ave., Edina, MN 55424-1914 for details. The Second Annual Northeast Oklahoma Ancestor Fair will be conducted March 11, 1995, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Sequoyah High School gym at Claremore, OK. Write Rogers County Genealogical Society, Loretta Hilbert, 707 S. Perdue, Claremore, OK 74017 lor information. New England Historic Genealogical Society will mark its sesquicentennial with a major conference and museum exhibit in Boston next summer. Entitled 150 Years - Exploring Our Heritage, the conference will be held July 13-15, 1995, at the Westin Hotel, and will feature David McCullough, author of the Pulitzer-Prize-winning best seller Truman, and spokesman for The American Experience on PBS. Write them at 101 Newbury SI., Boston, MA 02116, for more information. Weather Watch, 12404 East 42nd St., Independence, MO 64055, Is a well presented quarterly publication of the Weatherford Famllly Association, Inc., wtth dues of $6.00 annually Notice of 1994 family reunion shOWed attendees from 13 states, including Arkansas. Queries are published free to membars. Wilkinson Reporter has Issued Volume 2, Issue 3, of their newsletter, Involving the Wilkinson (all spallIngs) family Subscription rate Is $15.00 per year; no limit to the number of query entries a subscriber may submit. Write Aorence D. Moore, 766 W. camino Del Oro, Tucson, AZ 85704-4722, for more information. From member Monroe G. Davis, Jr" 5300 SE 46th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73135, In leller dated The 31 st Annual Session at the Institute of Gene- October 10, 1994: alogy & Historical Researh at Samford University Library, Birmingham, AL 35229, will be held June In reviewing some back Issues of the AFH, I saw an 11-16,1995. Contact the institute for full informa- Item In Vol. 32, #4, p. 163, about an 1835 news tion. Hem - The Advoate on the Steam Boal Neosho arriving at Little Rock with a load of flour. The Microfiche following appeared in The Arkansas Gazelle, on Michael Kelsey, 905 Duval, Temple, TX 76501 has a (continued on page 170) new issue available: the second volume of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Arka."a'pamilyHislorian Page 151 Deaths In The A r m y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The War Bulletin Fayetteville, Arkansas, Confederate States of America, February 4, 1862 Submitted by Jan Oavenport, 1 Cimmaron Rd" North Little Rock, AR 72120 In Mount Comfort hospital, three miles west of Fayetteville from its organization to January 205h, 1862, Dr, C, F, Brown, Surgeon Name Regiment Company Date Disease Levy Perry J, Rosenberry W, G, Bluett J, Brethill D,S,Giles E. M, Leige M, p, Irwin R. M, Gray S, Little p, R, Warren W, C, Stanford McRae Hobbs typ fever Mcintosh Pettus Finnegan Reynolds Black Tyson Bridges Bridges White Bowen Nov 11 Nov 15 Nov 11 Dec 4 Dec 21 " 12 Nov 26 Dec 8 Dec 10 " 11 " 14 McNair Stone Stone Stone Stone dysentry typfever typ fever pneum'ia typfever pneum'ia In Ozark HospITal, near Mount Comfort to the 24th January, 1862: Dr. L Hudspeth, Surgeon D, R, Cook J, H, Davis Jas Wheeler S, S, Crawley W, M, Thompson T, J, Poteel C, H, Hollis W,S, Kirby 0, F, C, Canada John Gallen J, T, Montgomery ALHili AS,Neff 0, W. Oben J, B, Brannan Rector McRae Churchill Churchill Hebert Churchill M"chell Mitchell Hebert Churchill Mitchell Mcintosh Stone Kayser Hollowell Galloway Stewart Harris Basham Love Swaggerty Pierson unknown E Pettus Bridges Wharton Oct 15 Nov 4 typ fever pneum'ia " " Oct 20 Nov 21 " 21 Nov 13 Nov 19 Dec 6 Nov21 Dec 3 " 1 " 7 Dec5 " 8 phpulma pneum'ia " typ fever " pneum'ia " gantr'tis pneum'ia In Fayetteville Hospital from its organization Oct. 28th 1961 to Jan, 18th, 1862: Dr, Kirk Espy, Surgeon, W, J, Burton Cpt. F, M, Taylor J, R. Star B,H. Newman T, F, Hurd G, Gage Frank Crlge J. C, Akin L Lucky Greer Griffiths Greer " Page 152 ~ Volume 32. Number 4. December A C C C I Ark I A A Nov 5 " 11 " 6 " 8 Dec 7 " 6 Nov 26 Dec 13 Dec 6 typ fever chi. gas!. typ fever pneum'ia typ feVer " George Cae G. G. Morris A. S. Simpson J. Visor J. Morrow D. Davidson James Edwards David Ard McNair Young C B D D H E B H Jany9 3 10 7 2 11 7 15 ch bronc. measles typ fever ch bronc. typ fever typ pneu. In Col. William C. Young's regiment, from its mustering into service in Grayson County, Texas, Oct. 2,1861, to January 26, 1852: Drs. Foote and Sanders, Surgeons. Deceased Captain Where Buried Disease John H. Craig G. D. Davidson W. L. B. Whitten P. S. Osment B. C. Crabtree J. W. Glover J. Taylor John Shaw W. W. Warren J. M. Irby J. Dawson L. Yeager H. Erwin W. N. Bruce James Pogue J. C. Bruce ---- Whitsett Burks Fort Lubbock measles Scott's Mill, MO Fort Lubbock Fort Gibson typ fever measles con chill measles ri in head Twitty Harmon Featherston Bounds Reeves measles Fort Lubbock typ fever Shawnee Nation Fort Lubbock ty pneum measles Nicholson Grayson Co., Tex Fort Lubbock consump measles For seven other deaths in Young's regiment, see report of Fayetteville Hospital above. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.Arkansas Family Historian - Page 153 Silent City of the O e a d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From The Springdale News, Springdale, Washing- Four Smileys, no stones, inside fence. ton County, Arkansas, Friday, February 28, 1908 Tabitha Smiley, died Jan. 27, 1852. Francis M. Smiley, died Dec. 30, 1861, "A Long Neglected Spot That Should Have Best of Margaret Smiley, died July 12,1848. Care and Attention. Catherine Holcomb, died Aug. 30, 1855, Marian N. Collins, died Aug. 1889. Many people in Springdale do not know that there Two Beelers. is another cemetery in the town aside from Bluff Marilla, dau. of A. & E. Atwood, died Aug 19, 1853. Cemetery, or knowing it the matter has escaped Wm. T. H. Loving, died May 1, 1863. their attention, due to the fact that it has not been Sarah Loving, died 1823. used for a number of years. The cemetery In ques- Cora, dau. of S. H. & H. P. McGlothlin. tion is located in the west part of town and com- One unknown, picket fence. prises about three acres. It was used for a burying Seven unknown, south part. ground many years ago before there was any town Fifty unknown, northwest part. here and when the county was sparsely settled. Later on Bluff Cemetery, north 01 town, was laid [From the same newspaper] out, and it has been seventeen years since anyone Prominent Benton County Farmer Dead has been laid to rest in the old cemetery. As a result 01 disuse the rounds have been neglected John Hughes, one of the leading farmers of Benton and are becoming overgrown with weeds and county, died Saturday at his home north of Elm brush, and some of the graves, without stones to Springs from an attack of pneumonia. The remains were taken to Gravett for interment. Mr. Hughes mark their location, have become obliterated. formerly resided at Osage Mills and something over twenty years ago purchased the old Payne Gotcher This is a condition that should not be allowed to place near Elm Springs where he has since residexist. The community owes tt to itself and to the ed. He came to Benton County from Waldron, dead to see that these grounds are protected and Scott County. Mr. Hughes is survived by a wife and some little care, at least, taken of them. The graves six children, three sons and three daughters. Of are now in an open field and some kind of fence the children only two of the boys are now at home. should be provided in order to afford them some Mr. Hughes was eminently successful from a finanprotection. Since the corporate limits were extendcial stand point and leaves a valuable estate. ed this old cemetery is now Inside the town, and If it is not the duty of the town authorities to look after the mailer a subscription should be taken up Mr. and Mrs. G. Dodson arrived home Friday night among the people and a sufficient sum collected to from San Antonio, Texas, where they went some time ago for the benefit of the former's health,who enclose the grounds. has been a sufferer from rheumatism for the past Following is a list of those buried in the cemetery few years. Mr. Dodson's many friends will regret to learn that he is no better, Mrs. Jennie Nickerson, so far as obtainable: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dodson, returned with The new buildings to be erected by E. A. Oiley S., daughter of C. & A. Petross. died Dec. 24, them. Gillett necessitates removal of the platform scales 1869. that have stood so long on the lot, and Berry & John and Minta, son and daughter of C. & A. C. Lane, owners, are preparing to locate them in the Pet ross, died 1872. of the Springdale Cash Dry Goods Co. J. C. rear Two unknowns, S. E. Corner. Johnson is also having platform scales put in the Francis Holcomb, died Sept. 9, 1853. rear of Daily's drug store, Mrs. Roland Clark Catherine Holcomb, died July, 1872. in Tuesday from Leslie to visit her parents, came Reuben Holcomb, died Nov. 30,1851 Mrs, A E. Smyer. Mr. and Name defaced, died 1849. W. H. Kelso is seriously ill at his home in the west John Holcomb, died Nov. 9, 1886. part of town with an attack of pneumonia. Martha Holcomb, died Oct. 25, 1858. Wm. and Rebecca Holcomb, died July 20, 1859. Pabc !5~" Volume 32. KlHllbct4" DCCI.:mbcr - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 8 2 9 Sheriffs Census Lawrence County, Arkansas Territory Submitted by Dr. Marion S. Craig, 300 Beckwood Dr., Little Rock, AR 72205-2615; a native of Batesville, Independence Co. and former president of Arkansas Genealogical Society. He has compiled 27 published books and numerous articles in the field of genealogy and family history research. He does not sell his books; rather, copies are given to various libraries and societies. The Legislature of Arkansas Terrnory ordered that the sheriff in each county take a census of all inhabitants, free and slave, for the years of 1823, 1825, 1827 and 1829. This was done, but, unfortunately, only a few complete censuses have survived the ravages of time. The 1829 Sheriff's Census of Lawrence County has survived, intact and complete. The original enumeration sheets are at the Arkansas History Commission in Little Rock, which Dr. Craig photocopied. In 1829, the County of Lawrence was comprised of seven townships, namely: Spring River, Union, Columbia, Current River, Lebanon, Strawberry and Davidson. The county seat, Davidsonville, was always located in Spring River Township and never in Davidson Township. This listing provides a complete and true transcription of the names appearing in the same order as they appear on the original enumeration sheets. The same spelling has been retained, though obviously, the enumerator spelled some names phonetically. Only the head of each household appears by name. All members in a household, including the head, were enumerated in various age groups, namely: White Males Over 21, White Males Under 21, White Females over 14, and White Females Under 14. Slaves owned by each household appear on the census enumeration sheets, not by name, but in various age groups, namely: Under Age 10, Age 10 But Under 16, Age 16 But Under 45, and Age 45 and Upwards. For lack of space on a page, I have listed with each household the total number of slaves rather than the various age groups. This 1829 census is very important to genealogists because quite a number of the names do not appear on the 1830 Federal census of Lawrence County. Lawrence was created on 15 January 1815 as a county in the Territory of Missouri. Out of Lawrence have come, in whole of in part, 32 of the current 75 counties in the State of Arkansas. She is known In Arkansas as the "Mother of Counties." _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ArI:ansasFamily Historian· Page 155 White Males 2t & Over White Males Under £1 White Females 14 & Over White Females Under 14 Slaves Spring River Township Robert Smith, Jr. Peter Leumax Jacob Pevehouse John Rhea Thomas Whittaker Burr Lewis John Elenburgh Squire Pevehouse John Hinds Stephen English Samuel Janes William Kellett Sarah Robertson John McCarrell Thomas Wells John B. Hammons John Pierce John Gray George Russell Thomas Lewis Ezekiel Hudson John Hudson Prudy Lathum Josiah Dauglesh Thomas Markum Matt Croyley John Jurdin Archibald Cooper Mary Cravens Byram Hinds Lewis Williams William Cravens Elipaz Davis James Campbell William Dortch William Renfraw Josiah Upton Mary Welch Robert Welch George Archer Arthur Murphy Richard Brazeal Isaac Brookfield James P. Ingram 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 4 1 4 2 1 2 1 5 2 4 2 3 1 2 3 5 4 1 4 3 2 1 5 2 1 3 5 5 4 2 5 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 3 2 ? 1 2 3 2 2 1 13 3 4 4 1 1 3 3 2 4 3 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 4 4 12 2 5 2 P<lg;c [56 - Voluille 32, Number 4 - December 1994._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Benjamin Crowley 3 3 Abram Pevehouse 1 2 1 William Edwards 1 2 Henry Edwards 1 2 Isaac Lamb 2 2 RichmonHall 1 3 John Stanford 1 1 3 George Stanford 1 6 1 Greenup Hall 1 Armstrong Lucky 1 Thomas Harris 1 4 James Petty 1 1 1 Rufus Snoddy 1 5 1 Letation Bagwell, Jr. 1 Letation Bagwell, Sen. 3 1 Evin Thompson 4 2 Andrew Johnson 4 2 Abner Thompson 2 4 Joseph McKinley Pharow Thompson Strawder Mattox Joseph McKinley 3 1 James Sutfin 1 1 Charles Robertson 1 2 Hiram Massengale 1 1 Thomas Holderby 1 1 3 Nathan Davis 1 1 2 Elizabeth Davis 4 2 Solomon Sharp 6 1 John Holcomb 1 Jesse Hooper 1 1 Elijah Vinson 2 1 3 Lewis Larevier 4 2 2 Charles Curot 1 3 3 Mary Labasq 1 1 Robert Muir 2 1 Clarinder Hooper 2 2 1 William Wayland 1 2 1 Nevil Wayland, Jr. 1 Nevil Wayland, Sen. 1 3 2 Francis Wayland 1 2 3 John Raney 1 3 1 James Childers 1 1 Amy Steward (Amy Steward was a free black person. In her household were 5 free black males and 4 free black females, one of whom was Amy Sleward. There were no white persons in her house. 1 Alphius Ervin 2 1 A1ey Hooper 2 2 Rebecca Stuart 1 3 1 1 Joseph Hinds 2 William Black 1 1 2 1 1 George Thompson 1 Nelson Sulaven 1 4 Thomas Black 1 2 2 3 1 5 3 3 2 4 3 2 3 3 4 1 2 2 1 1 3 5 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 2 14 1 1 4 2 3 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ArkansasFamilyHjs:torian - Page 157 Francis Gray Daniel Martin William Mask Isaac Boarn Henry Coker Charles Crawbaugh 4 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 Columbia Township Daniel Plott William Jarrett James Biggers Carl10n Lindsey Levi Fletcher John Fisher Daniel Shaver Henry Murry Edward McDonald Mary Hubble Henry Hubble John Williams Michael O. Hogan John Shaver John Murry Arthur Murry John Divers Elisha Landers Walter G. Hogan Aaron Purkins John Wells James Boyed William Wells Charles C. Davis Martin M. Hogan Henry Slavens Mathias Mock M initree Carter Thomas Holt Logan Self Thomas Emory Archable Brown Josiah Case Hardy Keel John Boarn Peggy Boarn William Gullett John Gullett ReasGuliett Thomas Foster Mary Russell William E. Glenn Richard Swza Daniel Wooten Robert (Price?) 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 5 2 3 4 1 5 1 3 2 3 1 2 1 4 B 2 3 7 1 4 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 5 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 2 3 4 5 2 2 4 1 3 2 3 3 4 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 4 2 3 4 3 1 2 2 2 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ArkansasFamily Historian - Page 159 Current River Township Paten R. Pitman John Rodney John (Barnin?) Uriah Smith Ransom Bettes Thomas S. Drew Peter Roads John Taylor Ewel Everet Lawrence R. Bever Mary Sweeton James Robertson Daniel Duckworth Alford Bankson William Bayley Mathew Bayley Stephen Terry Michel Shaver Martin Johnson William Pyburn Isaac Gray Jesse Gray John L. Couchran Daniel Cadwell Isaac Murry William Ross Samuel Roads William Hix, Jr. Thomas Hoc Samuel Taylor James Eaden William Hix, Sen. John Cavenor John Warnock Elizabeth Mansker Casper Mansker John McDonald William Fowler 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 11 6 18 16 1 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 4 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 1 1 4 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 Lebanon Township Samuel Miller Jonas Williams Winney West Isaac Knighten James McFarlin John Ausburn Davis Johnson Daniel Williams, Sen. David Dupy Benjamin Purkins 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 Page 160 - Volume 32, Numbcr4 December 1994_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ James Williams JamesSmilh Alford Dupy Caleb Halcomb John King Harmus Criswell William King, Jr. Michael Dial Thomas Sloan John Trumbell Jacob Tumbleson Malcolm McMillan Arthur Lankford William Thompson Jason Allen Nat! Dickinson Henry Harris Daniel Williams, Jr. Halem Criswell Nicholas Noras Joshua Brooks William McKinley William Johnson William Ledford 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 2 6 3 1 2 3 3 2 4 3 2 5 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 Strawberry Township William Brown Samuel Crow Henry Fortenberry James Fortenberry John Jones James King Isham Perry William Taylor Peter Holderman Henry Perry JacobOgdon HenryOgdon James Raney Susana Polston Samuel Raney William Raney James A. Studman Nataniel McCarroll James McCarroll Joseph Ware John McKnight Polly Hillhouse Washlnglon Cooper James Beasley John Beasley Arthur Crowford Delila Loyd 3 5 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 2 2 2 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 6 7 1 1 2 2 4 3 2 2 2 3 5 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 8 1 1 4 3 2 1 1 3 1 4 2 2 1 4 1 2 3 2 4 4 1 5 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~Ark.ns.'FamilyHistorian-Page 161 Lambert Richardson Samuel D. Gibson Drew Richardson Edward Richardson Miles Williams William Ware James G. Barnett Alexander Henderson John Caruthers. Jr. Ananias Ervin Winney Chism John Caruthers. Sen. William McKnight James Finley William Finley Gilford Smith Pleasant Hudson James Jeffery William Gibson Mary Henderson Jacob Fortenberry Peter Tylor John Milligan louisa Hulsy James L Cochron William King Jesse Jeffery Henry Wayland 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 5 3 3 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 4 3 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 2 6 2 2 2 2 4 8 1 3 3 1 2 2 3 1 Davidson Township William Martin Robert M. Revil John Brock MarySeeten James Tylor Obadiah Ross Benjamin Tylor GeorgeLail Benjamin Jones Coleman Stubblefield James Breeding Henry Jay Spencer Breeding Reuben Rice Reuben R. Russell Robert McWilliams Charles Hatcher James Neal Margaret Justes Polly Mathus Isaac Job Michael Stubblefield Caleb Job 3 1 2 2 5 1 1 1 3 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 2 3 1 1 7 3 1 2 1 1 1 4 5 1 1 1 2 2 Pag..: J62· Volunlt:: 32, Number 4· December 191)4 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4 1 2 1 1 3 4 3 2 1 3 2 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 4 John Hudson Ellen Bellah Nathan Bellah James Hudson Edward Hudson William Allen Isaac Flanery Fielden Stubblefield William Looney Iscm F. Allcorn Samuel Mcilroy Lawrence Thompson Edward Mattox James Mathus Jacob Buckhannon 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 3 2 1 7 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 4 2 3 1 3 7 1 1 5 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 RecapHulalion WMe males over the age of 21 years--··-·--····················419 WMe males under the age of 21 years•• ·---.----.--.-.--•• -.796 WhHe females over the age of 14 years·····················-···498 White females under the age of 14 years·····--··················528 Free coloured persons, males 5, females 4······-················ 9 Slaves of both sexes and all ages -------·······················266 Grand Total ·---_··· __ ·_·· __ ··_·-·_··-·······--···-·····2516 On 25 March 1829, James M. Kuykendall, Sheriff, certnied that "the foregoing list contains a true statement of the census of said county taken by me for the year 1829." However, Kuykendall failed to include himself in the enumeration. Therefore, the Grand Total would be 2517, no12516. ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ArlcansasFamily Historian· Page 163 1845 Letter, Franklin County, A R i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - George Powell to Charles F, Powell in Ellridge, Onondaga County, New York Submitted by Beatrice Greenwalt, 2449 Center Ave., Alliance, OH 44601-4531 McLeans Bottoms, Franklin Co., Arks. Dec 1st 1845 Dear Charles It is a long time since I have written to you and I am ashamed to apologise. I have been the busiest man in this state I am sure. I am quite married and have been so some weeks. I cannot tell you what sort 01 woman my wile is but I hope you will see her some time & then you can judge for yourself. I have abandoned the idea 01 visiting N. York state lor 2 or 3 years or perhaps not so long. I cannot leave home without great sacrifice, and I know although it would be a great satisfaction to me to see home, it would not compensate me for the loss of time & expenditure of money which would be a necessary consequence. But Chas, that need not prevent you coming to this state & I assure you would do well at least I know you can do as well as you can in your state, if you had been here for the last 2 or 3 years you could have done well & I have no doubt that the same opportunities will occur again. I should like very much to have you come out if you are desirous of visiting I am sure you can do so as well here as any where & il any thing turns up in the state you will be here to avail yourself of it. I am settled now & have a house to invite you to & I know you will be welcome as long as it suits your business or convince (convenience?) to remain. Chas. O. Collins is at Fort Gibson & is the Quarter Master under whose superintendence the work is going on, He wrote me a letter when he lirst went up & urged me strongly to come up & see him I promised myself to pay him a visit when I went up to get married but my home alfairs claimed my attention at that time so imperiously that I set? at once home again. Now it is possible if you were to visit him that he might give you some situations which would promise? something for the present at any rate. The lady whom I married is of good family although much decayed in point of wealth & at this time by no means rich though in comfortable circumstances. She has 2 house women 01 her own but they are in Alabama where most of her family reside & I have no time to go for them--I think I shall some lime go to Ala to see her folks and thence eastward 10 see my own. I have recenlly purchased 40? acres of land at $10.00 per acre & I must now pay lor it which will take me some time. money is so hard to get herebut I can get along if I ever get my place improved as I wish it. II is troublesome & expensive in this country to built & improve a place. I have not yet finished my houses & it will be 12 months before I get enough done to live as I desire to. But I keep going & will be well settled some time or other. Chas. I have every thing wrong to write you a decent letter this night but I will make amends for this & other negligence another time. I have a bad pen & a crude knife. rough paper & no opportunity of supplying the defect. I rec'd mother's very kind letter a few days ago & will answer it as soon as I can. I shall send you all tho a notice of my marriage when I mail this & you will then know a little more about it than I have told you in this hasty scrawl. I have had a heavy _ace this year & find it difficult at times to obtain a supply of ingredients for Hok's river has gol out of sorts late years. It gets too low for boats or I t Is so high that it overflows everything within its reach. Always on the eXlreme.Our first snow is now falling. It is a cold disagreeable night and the wind is howling In northern style around us tonight. I want you to come out as soon as you can find the means to do so & you shall find with me a home as long as you can content yoursell & I think you can do well enough. bear this in mind & act accordingly. Not a word from Dan lately. I owe him a letter & will pay it. Give my love to all & remember me to all our friends. Good night. Dec 5th I have not had an opportunity to mail my letter as yet--I see Dr "G. C. Powell" getting much credit for chalk beds &c. There is another Richard in the field. It is Dr. Wm. Byrd Powell. I have enough to do with the bowels of the inhabitants to Pal:,t(; '164 ~ Vo!ume 32, ]\;umbcr4 - December 1994_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ permit the Earths bosom to remain undisturbed coal, chalk & all. Certificates of Arkansas Ancestry We have had 2 weeks of the coldest weather that I have ever seen in this state. The ice is now 5 inches thick & the Arks river is frozen across at this place. The wild turkeys & other game in abundance flock to the bottoms for grapes of which there was a plentiful crop this year. If you were here you could amuse yourself finely killing turkeys, geese and cluckers? we often go out & kill 9 or ten fine fallUrkeys al a hunt. by Desmond Walls Allen Write me as soon as you get this & tell me all the news and do not take umbrage at my not writing sooner for I assure il has been no other cause than multiplicity of engagements which occupied all my time. Chas. F. Powell & & Terrilorial Allie-Sue Gottwald 3004 Buena Vida Circle Las Cruces, NM 88011 Richard Searcy Williams Washington County, 1825 Patricia Vee Cunningham PO Box 7213 Ingleside, TX 78362 Ann Eliza Cornish, 1834 Your Brother Geo C. Powell Antebellum The letter had a wax seal and was apparently sent through Fon Gibson, LT., as tt contained the written name "Chas. O. Collins" on the flap above the seal. It showed a return address in the upper left comer of Morrisons Bluff Arks Dec 9/45 George Powell, from New York, married Caroline "Cally' McClellan, dau. of Col. McClellan, of Atlanta. It is implied that he was a doctor. Is there a list of physicians in that area at Ihat time? The submitter seeks information on the location of McLean's Bottom in Franklin County, AR, as well as land records - for George Powell, who said he bought 40 acres of land (in the Wilderness?) Pauline Kouvales PO Box 6604 San Jose, CA 95150 Shipman Reed Johnson County, 1840 Glenn Mosenthin and his father, William Lewis Mosenthin Box 218231 Nashville, TN 37221 James Andrew Ledbetter Dallas County, 1660 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---'ArkansasFa.milyHislorian ~ Page 165 Boosting or B o a s t i n g ? ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - By Unda Reed Evatt, PO Box 164, Conway, AR 72033 Copyright 1994, by Unda Reed Evatt. All rights reserved One of the characteristics of the nineteenth century was what was known as "boosterism." The term meant that each place advertised itself as the best, fastest growing, the most pleasant, the most prosperous, etc. This advertising, bragging, boosting occurred regardless of the size of the town. It was all tied to economics. Land owners were promoting their area to make money on the property they owned and hoped to sell at a profit. Businessmen dealt first in land, and these men related personal and public growth, public and private property. As Daniel Boorstin said, "Not to boost your city showed both a lack of community spirtt and a lack of business sense."(I) As more and more people came to an area, land prices went up. In order to get more people to an area, they had to be attracted by public improvements: bridges, roads and streets, railroads, water supplies, sewers, parks, schools, hospitals. And these public improvements themselves depended on growth. The competition among communtties for these improvements was fierce. Newspapers were an integral part of competition. They promoted an area just as hard as the landowners. They wanted more people to have more subscribers to make more money. The newspapers that had the government printing contracts printed legal notices, laws, legal documents. In public domain areas the newspapers fulfilled the requirement that homesteaders advertise final proof notices six times which stated they had followed all government requirements to claim land. At the same time the papers were fulfilling the printing contract, they were boosting their particular area. Tradesmen were also involved in boosting their own town. They, of course, hoped to prosper from increased trade for their businesses. It seems that all of society was in the business of promoting, boosting, boasting. See Boorstin's The Americans: The National Experience for full treatment of this dynamic aspect of our history. Individuals were on the look out for better prospects than they had at home: cheaper land, better jobs, prettier women. Their friends who had moved on were urged to report on what they found in the new areas. All of the public boosting and boasting slipped over into private letters. Some of these Page !(,(t ~ Volume 32, !\'lIl1lher.4 ~ D\!ccmhcr reports have survived in leiters mailed to their friends back home. One recipient of such leiters was William H. Evatt of Waldron, Arkansas. The letters and documents quoted here were found among the papers of John Wesley Evatt (26 Dec 1863-27 Aug 1956) who was Will's next younger brother. They are currently in the possession of the author of this article. No attempt has been made to "correct" spelling or punctuation. Will Evatt was born in Scott County 21 January 1861 to John Washam Evatt (1829-18 Dec 1887) and Martha Payne Evatt (23 May 1833-23 Aug 1900) who had moved from Walker County, Georgia, the year before, Will was the fourth of ten children born to this couple. He was employed by his father in his mercantile business for a time. He subsequently served as assistant postmaster and then as town marshal for two years.(4) The letters he received sometimes reported on the females in whatever area the men were located ("Girls here are scarce wtth the exception of Chippies there is plenty of them;"(2) and "spanking good looking girlS"(3). Some also noted religious revivals(''We have been having a Big meeting here it lasted 2 weeks & there were 117 conversions. And most of them were old men who had been sinners all of their lives. Atch was converted & baptized - & is quite a different man to what he was."(5) or "By the way did you get religion during the revival,"(6) But, mostly, the men wrote of business conditions. From his first cousin John Wesley Evatt (9 September 1864-12 Feb 1949), who was a medical doctor practicing in Billings, Missouri, came the following, dated 14 July 1888: I Am Running the Drug Store and Doing Some practice too. I Have Road 8 miles to Day father [Thomas Wesley Evatt, 28 Jul 1826·9 May 1901] and tom jr [Thomas Reno Evatt, 4 Apr 186820 Feb 1933] is on the farm and Doing Better than I Ever known lhem to Do. they Have 40 acres of fin Wheat this year they will thresh to Morrow and Market Same. they all so Sell about 50 head of fine Hogs Every Year and some cattle. I and Dr Joe [Joseph M. Mannes. born 21 Sept 1846. married to Martha V. Evatt, oldest sister Of the writer] Ride the lines Saddle stock in the S.w., they Single loot a mile in 3 minutes on a Race It is hard to tell Which is Best Dr Joe owns 160 acres 01 very find Land Where he Lives. 120 acres in cultivation worth 25 Dollars per acre. and 120 acres in 4 notes of his worth 10 Dollars per acre and 200 Dollars in Drug store and 2000 Dollars worth of good notes and accounts So you can See that Jo has come out of the kink. Lige [Elijah O. Evatt. 2 Jan 1862-10 Dec 1940, older brother of Tom Jr. and the letter-writer1 is worth five or six hundred Dollars. I am not worth much, I am stili Improving some. Both John Wesley and Elijah O. Evatt had returned to Arkansas by 1900. John Wesley was listed on the Washington. County census In 1900 and Elijah was In Conway County the same year. Even the older settled areas had their own boosters/boasters: I have been very busy all summer . You see both of the houses do an extensive credit business. and now during the sickly season I sell an increased amount of Drugs - I average about 20 prescriptions per day. Besides the other Drugs & then I have the books of both houses to keep & Therefore all of my time is occupied. I have though struck for higher wages & got them. I am to begin work on 15th Sept for Mr. Tewpel You remember he lives right next to the Depot ... that is the store I am going to work at - $40.00 per month & my Board paid. That'is the best Job I have had for some time. He Is going to carry a $10000.00 stock of Gen. Mdse.... (8) Even the stationery reflected a bit of boosting: R. H. Hicks, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Toilet & Fancy Articles Stationery, School Books, Etc., Mulberry, Ark. The one surviving letter which does NOT promote From Indian Territory came the following: ... people are preparing to sow wheat this fall some thinks this will be a great wheat country as soon as It is broke up and matured come out and take a look at the country I sure you would like it I think if you would come here and Invest some money in town property you would make something out of it I am going to invest as fast as I can we have bought some now I received a letter from Jim today I think he done well in concluding to stay there there is so dam many machines here and some dam fools who want to work for glory we havent done much this week made a well on our own property is aiL ... (7) an area was from an older man who knew Will Evatt was suffering from the latter stages of consumption. But even it contains reverse or baCkhanded boasting. His letter states: ... and as to Employment - there is 3 men here to one Job - and in fact in the cities stout men are actually working for their Board! Farm hands get from $30.00 to $30.00 per mo & board $30.00 to $60.00 & Board their selves - but it is a very rare thing that a farm hand is wanted! My friend this is good Country if a man has plenty of money it is a rich mans country &a poor man has no show - if a man has to pay $4000.00 to $10000.00 he can buy him an improved farm 01 say 20 or 30 acres yes sir it takes $4000.00 to $10000.00 to buy a well improved farm of 20 or 30 acres & some here are worth from $100.00- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,Arkal1s<ls Family HistorJan - Page 167 $500.00 per acrel Health here is good [marked through but legible: but no place for a consumptive] Well as to clerks there are 25 to where there is one wanted and consequently the wages are very low - My advice to all is to remain where they are if they are doing well - unless they are about to go into business 01 some kind or buy them a farm -to those I say come - the climate is what brought me here I knew before coming that in all probabilny I would not do as well here as back in Arkansas but I will if nothing happens go into business at some point near here soon. A man can get work in the Gold & Silver Mines some 200 miles south of here - but he would have to work hard - but the pay is good & paid weekly or monthly but it is a very dangerous business. (9) Will Evatt died 17 July 1889 before he had a chance to visit or invest in any areas that had been touted to him. He Is buried in Birdview Cemetery, Scott County, Arkansas. Boosterism was prevalent in the nineteenth century, in the private sector as well as the public forum. Seldom would a personal leller today contain what we have been taught is blatant bragging. But in the last century, it was a fact of life and was actually "the thing to do." It was proper to promote your state, your town, your business, yourself. 1. 800rstln, Daniel, IDs Americans: The National Experience, NewYotk: Random House, Inc., 1905. page 117. 2. Letter from Postmaster James Davison, Mil! Creek, Indian Territory, 6 May 1887; Certificates of Election (to the office of town marshall) 19 April 1888 and 22 Aprif 1889, 3, Letter, 7 June 1889, from George 8., Oklahoma City, Indian Territory. 4. Let1er, 26 February 1885, from Jim, Malvern Junction, Arkansas. 5. Letter, 3 August 1886, from W. A. Johnston, Mulberry, Arkansas. 6. Letter, 25 May [year illegible] from Sean Jones. Dallas, Arkansas. 7. Letter, George B., cited above. 8, Letter from W. A. Johnston, cited above. 9. Letter,4 May 1885, from H, A, Scott, Downey, California, jl"g..: j(,S· VOlume 32. ~u!llbcj'4. Decemher u,·._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - - - - - - - - - U n i o n Ridge Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptions Dayton, Sebastian County, Arkansas Submitted by Mary Crabtree, 1009 Western, Amarillo, TX 79106·5505 Eula Wilson, 1871-1964 Robert S. Willis, 1870-1960 Jane M. McBride, 1870-1950 Thomas H. McBride, 1857-1941 Oma Davis Scarber, 1914-1953 Thurman Scarber, 1933-1953 Ida Belle Wilson, 1884·1950 James M. Wilson, 1884-1967 Thelbert Cooley, 190H 8561 Irene Cooley, 1898·1929 Emma Coley, 1871-1955 D. C. Coley, 1868·1920 Annie J. Gann, 1880-1940 Will J. Gann, 1868 Infant son of W. J. & A. G. Gann, 1918 Uoyd son of W. J. & A. J. Gann, 1912·1914 Infant son of W. J. & A. J. Gann, 1903 Opal Gann, 1909-1931 R. G. Moon, 1849·1911 Ellen, wife of R. G. Moon, 1861·1910 Elda E. Boyd, 1888-1964 Thomas F. Boyd, 1881·1962 Mary S. Claude, 1/i82-? Elmer Claude, 1881·1939 Esenith Claude, 1846·1922 J. T. Claude, 1849·1902 Ozello Claude Spradling, 1878·1956 Lorene Cook Robinson, 1903-1950 Susan A. Byers, 1867·1958 James E. Byers, 1889·1953 Lenora, wife of Sam Brown, 1880·1916 Nancy Roberts Landen Gladden, 1828-1913 Edgar Byers, 1898-1900 Ella, wife of John W. Richmond, dau. of B. D. & S C. Barnes, 1878·1898 S. C. Barnes, 1849·1942 S, D, Barnes, 1845·1920 Martha R. Barnes, 1875·1955 George W. Barnes, 1870-1940 W. V. Gann, 1843-1915 Polly Ann Gann, 1841·1933 Nannie E. Hoiland, 1886 Jacob A. Holland, 1882·1949 A. G. Holland, 1922-1939 Fred Holland, 1916·1919 Annie Nevada, wife of George W. Ford, 1881-1947 Juanita Little Presson, 1914·1962 John H. Gann, 1874·1940 Lenora H. Bishop, 1892 Grover C. Bishop, 1885·1971 Estella Little, 1880·1961 Glenn Little, 1904·1931 Charles W. Little, 1878-1956 Cordia Lee Boyd, 1896·1970 Clifton R. BoYd, 1894·1 Loyd B. Miller, 1907-1934 Lena E. Miller, 1889-1957 Sam B. Miller, 1883·1928 E. Clementine Miller, 1880·1937 Arthur W. Miller, 1658·1940, son of A. W. & E. C. Miller Etta Looper, 1874·1953 O. T. Looper, 1889-1934 Margaret McElhaney, 1883·1894 Beulah Little, 1879·1966 H. M. Little, 1878·1928 N. B. "Babe" Miller, 1863·1941 Infant son of Sam & Lenora Brown, 1904 W. Clayton, 1894-1960 Arthur Brown, 1884·1963 Lula Brown, 1891·1960 Dovie Caudle, 1887 John D. Caudle, 1875·1940 Infant son of D. B. & Melba Martin, 1933 Haskell Caudle, 1916-1917 Infant Caudle, 1815 Dau. of J. D. & Dovie Caudle, 1910,1911 Ray W, Holley, 1899·1937 Tommy Dale Stipsky, 1937 Bonnie Bull, 1898-1900 W. B. Bull, 1854·1904 Edith Caudle, 1907 J. Virgil Caudle, 1908-1958 Herman, info of J. L. & A. Presson, 1902 Ollie G. Presson, 1885-1910 M. A., wife of John Bean, 1843·1900 Sam Carlton, 1897-1970 W. R. "Bill" Niblett, 1896·1970 James C. Niblett, 1874·1917 Fannie Niblett Medlin, 1881-1968 Guy Rogers, 1927 Alta Rogers, 1916·1918 LoiS Gail, dau 01 Hiram G. Moran, 1936 Billy Rogers 1925-1927 Ruby Opal Barton 1909, 1933 Kathern MitChell, 1918·1942 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _l\r~:ansasPamllyHistorian· Page 169 Alvin Ray Smith, 1942-1966 Pean Taylor Mitchell, 1904-1957 Jackie K. Willis, 1941-1961 Lora Green, 1892-1955 Harve Green, 1883-? James L. Taylor, 1947-1948 Walker D, Taylor, 1930 InfantTalton, 1941 Bertha C. Hanna, 1914-1917 Mary Hanna, 1871-1914 Ernest, son of A. M. & S. F. Gilliam, 1894-1920 Francis Gilliam, 1868-1949 Albert Gilliam, 1870-1965 Lydia Ann King, 1870-1951 John King, 1870-1941 Effie Brown, 1892·1969 Emmitt B. Brown, 1889-1963 Frank Holley Bertha Neisler, 1911-1912 W. M. Spain Bun Neisler, 1911-1915 Zetha Neisler, 1917·1918 Anna Mae Harp, 1893-1915 Beatrice Byers, 1915·1917 Ora A. Byers, 1895·1966 William E. Byers, 1891-1955 Robert R. Spain, 1877-1970 Ida B. Holley, 1876-1935 J. L. Holley, 1871·1946 William E. Taylor, 1929 Lucy Ann Neisler, 1891·1965 Mary Yancy, 1899·1932 A. J. McDonald, 1866-1930 MaryV. McDonald, 1878·1919 Tommy A. Presson, 1922·1943 J. D. Presson, 1926-1949 Leonard Presson, 1893-1950 Michael Little, 1950 Paul Little, 1932 Manuel Little, 1927-1929 Lester Littie, 1899·1968 Dorothy Little, 1900 Ida G. Dickson, 1892·? James E. Dickson, 1888-1953 Lloyd Edward Dickson, 1851 Elda Moran, 1917 Hiram G. Moran, 1916-1968 Sandra Jane Beacham, 1941 Jake Ritchie, 1866·1951 Alma Ritchie, 1892 G. H. Hall, 1843 Serena Hall. 1928 Caroline Coward, 1878·1950 Quillie B. Sanderson, 1897-? Page !70· Volume Jl. Number -I. December J. Hardy Sanderson, 1891·1957 Laura Pearl Foote, 1894-? Arthur H. Foote, 1885·1925 Sarah, dau of D. & E. Coward, 1889-1919 Vivian Coward, 1929·1934 Ambia Coward, 1908 Abraham Coward, 1884·1989 Elizabeth, wife of D. Coward, 1845-1924 Dodson Coward Marcus A. Looper, 1843-1922 Emily C. Looper, 1850-1918 Malissa Looper Brazil, 1879·1932 Homer Keith BraZil, 1911·1937 Monroe Allen Hampton, 1929-1930 Laura E. Bull, 1881-1949 Jessie L. Bull, 1879-1964 I. A. Arp, 1857-1943 J. W. Arp, 1856-1930 Bell Gartrell, 1835-1917 Sallie J. Gartrell, 1847·1917 Martha M. Gartrell, 1847·1936 Cora S_ Ford, 1877·1963 Jimmy D. Elmore, son of Archie & Ona Mae, 1951 Escue Spain, 1903·1962 C. D. Jackson, 1848·1923 Nancy J. Selph, 1889-1968 Morton J. Selph, 1885·1969 Minnie Belle Monk, 1916·1918 Roy Arthur Monk, 1910-1913 E. A., wife of J. T Carpenter, 1855·1921 Howard Little, son of C. C & Susie 1911 (Continued from page 151) Tuesday, 24 November, 1835: "Among the pas· sengers who went down on the s. b. Neosho, last week, was John Pope, Esq., late Governor of Arkansas, on his return to his residence in Kentucky." This must have been the return trip of the Neosho_ John Pope, in one of my lines, of course, did not die in the sinking, but I thought j t was quite a conicidence to find these two articles on this boat. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , A r k a n s a s Queries General gl,.lidelines for submitting queries: 1) Queries are limited to members only 2) Pie... submit 110 more than one query per calendar year 3) 4) Keep the query to approximately Ilfty words Neatne•• eount.! If possible, lype, double spaced. Otherwise pliot legibly, leave a space between each line 5) Capitalize Surname. Remember Ihe 4 We: WhoGive complete names 0# interest WIlatWIlat do you want? Keep It short and to lIle point WIlereLOCAUTV IN ARKANSAS? When~ Give a time period Since we always work willi a large backlog 01 querie., we .trive to pdnt them in the order In whlch they are received. k may be: several monffls, however, before your query appears. We do use all quefles received in a calendar year before the end of that yell. We oon1inu8 to teeeive quOties with no name and address .ncluded. If query gets separated from the envetope, we cannot use them, It simplifies the w()(k of the all-volunteer staff of this publication if you send your queries with your membership lee, 10 tho Mean... Gen••logical Socioly, PO Box 008. Hot Springs, AR 71902.()9()8. Welch. Jackson, Busby Phoebe A. Busby Welch m. Henry A. Jackson on 29 Aug 1880, Whtte Co., AR. Where are they bur.? Henry d. bef 1900 and Phebe d. aft 1900. Phebe had two sons by prevo mar.: John Welch, b. Mar 1870, MS, and Aaron B. L., b. clll63 in census with her in 1880. What happened to them? Nelda Parker, 4013 E_ Apollo Rd_. Phoenix, AZ 85040 Biggs, Talley Jamas D. Biggs m. Nancy M. E. Talley, lived Logan Co., AR 1880, d. 1899. bur Ft Smith National Cem. Also searching Blake, Morrow (John Mooow d. 1885, Washington Co., Humphrey, Hoiifield/Hoiderfleld. Peggy Talley. 104 Fern Dr., Poteau, OK 74953 McCombs. John F.. 23, listed 1850 Census Jasper Twp., Crawford Co., wlson John, 4. and 2nd wife Celia A., dau. of Joseph Townsend. Were in Newton Co., MO, by 1860. Who were John's parents and 1st wife? Pat Campbell, 221 W. 141h, No.5, Pueblo, CO 81002 Adams Need parents ( b.lN) of John (Quincy?) Adams, b. Jul 1872. IN, who moved from Vincen· nes, IN, to Jackson Co., AR, cl895-6 with half brother "Hamp", m. Lucy Tucker from Jackson Co.• 1897, was fisherman on White River, d. cl906. George W. Ware, 5794 E. Camino Celador, Tucson, AZ 85715; 602-299-3735 Little. Tolson Wish contact anyone connected w/ line of James A. Uttle. m. Sarah Ann Tolson. 1845, NC, arrived Jefferson Co., AR 1850-52, d. 1664. Where is he buried? Sarah and family went to II, then WA state: where, when? Donna A. Joiner, P_ O. Box 1210, Grove, OK 74344 Sell, Jeter Isaac Self and Sarah Elizabeth Jeter came to Sevier Co., AR before 1860 from MS. Had son, John, dau. Elizabeth Jordan with 4 dau. Other Self ch.: Susan (Elizabeth?), Missouri, Sarah, Andrew. WUliam, Jane. Did Sarah Jeter Self later m. Nathan Kenedy? Joyca Self Hammett, 3100 Harvard Ave., Midland, TX 79701-3841 Nixon Seek info on Robert R. Nixon. appointed Justice, Arkansas Co., 1814. Was he father of Emily Sophia, Caroilne P. and Jackson Robert? Their father drowned taking them from AR to south LA to Join relatives after mother died; were escorted there by friendly Indians. Mary Elizabelh San· ders, 2332 Wisteria SI" Balon Rouge. LA 708065352 Bell, Morgan Need parents, siblings and where from of Laura Mae Bell, b. 1697 Fort Smith, AR, m. c 1880 at age 18-20, Sneed Morgan. b. Bullett Co., KY. Did they marry In Crawford or Sebastian Co.? Was her mother Indian? lived in Blacl<wel!, OK, then back with her parents to Crawford Co. Her sister Annie m. a Parker and lived around Fort Smith. Betty H. Reeves, 605 E. Jackson, Monticallo, AR 71655 Long. Kellogg, Wood, Hili, Eddings, Waters, Hunter, Lambert Researching these and allied lines in AR. Mrs. Cheryl (Hunler) Long, 8 Sparks St., Bakerslleld, CA 93307 Hunl, Ogden, Jackson David Lawrence Ogden, b. 1808 AL. carne to Madison Co., AR 1833. Richard Carter Hunt, b. 6-28-1813, Rome, GA. Layfette Washington Jackson, b. 10-27-1835. Searching descendants of Ogden and Jackson famqles in Madison and Johnson Counties In AR. Edle Railsback Millon, 505 W. 24th. Pine Bluff. AR 71601 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ArI;ansasFamily Hislorian - Page 171 Naron, long, Bell, Killam John Henry Naron and wife Mary Catherine (long) moved to Prairie Co., AR, from lee Co., MS cI880, along with her parents, James G. W. Long and Josephine Frances (Bell), and his, John Henry Naron, Sr., and Mary (Killam); slo Eli Naron, b. 1779 NC, and Delila. Was John Naron, b. Sco!., father of Ell? Will eXChange. Ronald E. Bullock, 1127 Sea Village Dr., Cardiff, CA 92007-1435 Chorice, Glasco, Womack, Parker Would like Info on these families of Randolph County In 18805. Mary Johnson, 1215 Beacon Hill Dr., Tampa, FL 33613 McGowen, Ogletree Need parents of John W. McGowen and wife Mary Jane Ogletree. In Union Co.. AR, 1850 census. From GA? In Ashley Co. 1880-70. Joyce Sims, 3310 Lake Inks, Killeen, TX78543 Glenn Seek info on Hardy Glenn, b. TN c1829, and wives. Elizabeth _, b. TN cl832, and Nancy J._, b. MS C1839. Listed 1850 Dallas Co., AR, and 1870 Pulaski Co., AR, Census. Ch.: Melissa, John S., Louisa, Mary, Joseph, all b, AR. Robert R. Edwards, 200 Lakeridge Dr" Russellville, AR 71801 Roberts Seek info on Joel V. Roberts, b. 30 Apr 1841, Platt Co., MO, moved to Madison Co., AR, after m. 10 Rachel C, Herriman, Was pastor of the Christian Church, Union Twp., son of Noah A. Roberts and Nancy E. (Spencer) Roberts. Ch.: Onethea 0" Joella, Rebecca, Maidalee, Lydia and Kima. Bur, Aurora Cem., Madison Co, Georgia C. Lehar, 1109 Carter Dr., Oklahoma City, OK 73129-8111 Woodrell, Nunn, Lloyd, Robertson Seek info on marriage of Nancy Elizabeth Nunn and James M. Woodrell of Faulkner Co" found on 1900 census of Conway, bul no further record; also of Martha Robertson and Rob!. Lloyd of Greene Co., AR, in 1870 census as jusl married. Joseph E. Rogers, 4112 Corbett Dr., Del City, OK 73115 Williams, Burks Need death dates and burial places of Elisha S. Williams, b. 1829 KY, and wHe Nancy Burks, b. 1830, AL, m. 2 Mar 1846, Hot Spring Co., AR. Ch.: Jessie, Charles W., Amanda, Wm., Elisha and Mary J. Peggy J, Wilson, 1411 E, Mcleod, Sapulpa, OK 74068 Page J72 ~ Volul'llc 32, Number 4· December Scott, Wilson looking for family of Thomas W. Scott, b. 1805 KY, m. Artlmesla Wilson, 1831, Union Co., AR; lived Hempstead Co. 1840. Thomas d. 1853 Sevier Co. What relation, if any, to Robert Scott and another Thomas W. Scott living in next two households in Sevier Co, 1850? Mrs. Irene Varan, 4129 Granada Dr., Georgetownm TX 78828-1817 Burleson Need Inlo on Jonathan Aaron Burleson, b, Howerton, TN, lived Carroll Co., AR 1850. Where Is Howerton? Can find no records on Sell, Casey and Wilson families In Carroll, NeWlon and Boone Cos., AR Paula Carmack Denson, 602 Sunny Ln., Ponca City, OK 74601-9344 SchOfield/Scofield, Shaw, Brown, Berkley, Kelly, Fletcher Searching for Schofield/Scofield and Shaw, Crawford Co. 1850-80; Brown, Berkley, Kelly, Crawford, Franklin, Logan Cos. 1850-1900; Retcher, Washington, Crawford, Sebastian Cos. 1870-90s. Constance SchOfield, RI. I, Box 99-1, Bluejacket, OK 74333 Calliotte/Callot/CalllotlCalyette/CayotlCoyot, Gossiau, Messager, Menard, LeFevre, BrinsbaC/Brlnsbard/Brendebe Jean Baptiste Caillot, (s/o Nicholas Caillol Oil Lachance and Marie Giard, Kaskaskia, the Illinois) d. Arkansas Co. before 29 Mar 1811. His wife was Therese Gossiau (d/o Jacques Charles Gossiau and Mary Louise Catherine Messager, Kaskaskia). Ch. were Marie Louise Therese, m. Menard; Therese, m. LeFavre; Jean Baptiste (no record); Jacques/Jacob Gabriel, m. Brinsbac/Brinsbard/Brendebe & Gossiau; Anloine, d. young, Will share info, Delores Jackson Lay, 1005 Canterbury Ct., Davenport, IA 52806 Hogan, Anglin, White, Harris Searching in Marlon and Baxter Cos, AR, for Ihese lines. Would like to share/exchange info. Barbara Carter Whisenant, 18 Autumn Oaks Dr" Austin, TX 78738-1409 Spears Nead info on Stephen Spears, b. cl830; may have come from GA; known to be In Gat1and Co., AR 1850s; four sons: George, b. 1852, Gat1and Co.?, Bill, John and Jim. Hazel Wingfield Spears, 2281 E. Springville Ave., Porterville, CA 93257 Daniel Martin Daniel came to AR cl869. Ch.: Carrie, b. 1845; Calvin, b. 1850; Henry, b. 1854; Melissa; George, b. 1859; John, b. 1861; Samuel, b, 1862; Jasper, b. 1864; Marthy, b. 1866, Martin m. 1) Sarah Harris, m.2) Mary Ann Smith; bolh d. p~,~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Fayette Co., IL; Mary Ann d. 1869. Where did lhey settle in AR? Carrie m. John Vaughn; Melissa m. Peter Bashaw. Wanda Bashaw Aldred, Rt. 2, Box 175, Shoals, IN 47581-9640 Morris Need parents of Ambrose Morris, b. 1809, NC, d. 1858 Cross Co., AR, and wife, Lucinda_ b. 1809 NC, d. Fayette Co., TN or Cross Co., AR. Dau. Sarah m. Myrick Allen Jones, d. Cross Co., AR; dau. Mary Elizabeth Jones m. Wm. Matthew Wanda Taylor, d. 1904 Woodruff Co., AR. Bouchey, 272 Emerald Oak Dr., Galt, CA 95632 Harris Seek info on James Washington Harris, b. 22 Nov 1849 McMinn Co., TN, m. 28 Nov 1875, Minerva Jane Segraves in Randolph Co., AR;in Sharp Co., AR 1880; in Boone Co., AR 1884, d. Barry Co. MO 1942. Helen Harris Black, Rt. " Box 327, Osage City, KS 66523-9619 delphia (Clark Co.), AR. Hazel L. Bray, P. O. Box 61, Falfurrias, TX 78355-0061 Cook, Brown, Lunsford Seek info on Roseanne Brown, Cook, b. TN, d/o Hiram, m. c1855 AR had William; 1860 Sebastian Co. By 1961 in TN and had Kitty, Eliza, Nancy, Joshua, Hiram, Mary J., Alice F., Andrew (last two b. AR). Margie O. Koutroulis, 8238 Theisswood Rd., Spring, TX 77379-3967 White, Cook, Brazil Seek info or history of Robert White, b. 1805 VA, d. 1880, AR, and Francis R. Cook, b. 1837, MO, d. 1906, AR; also Ida May Brazil and her mother, Missouri, of Perry Co. who m. William Rankin in 1879. Who was Ida's father? John O. White, 200 Costa Ct., Fullenon, CA 92631 Smith Seek info on desc of George Washington Smith, b. 1870 IL, m. Lulu Irene Tichenor in 1889; he d. 6 Mar 1946, bur Sheridan, Grant Co., AR. Ch.: Nelle Irene, m. Haymes; Blanche Marion, m. Murray; Beach Taylor Smith; Joseph Amos Smith; Herbert Sanford; Homer Harris; Albert. Need obits for George (Grant Co.), Beach (1960 Poinsett Co) Lindsey Need parents, bp of Dr. William Shook and Homer (1972 Grant Co. Pam Graham, 406 Lindsey, b. c1825 MStTN, wife Mary Ann Wallace, . Greencove, Huston, TX 77024-6734 b. Scotland. 1860 in Searcy Co., AR w/five ch. Both died and buried near Mountain Home, Baxter Cowart Taylor Scott Cowart and family in Sebastian Co. 1888 when son Grover Cleveland was Co., AR, 1898-1900. Alice Gray Ellingson, 855 W. Lake Samish Dr., Bellingham, WA 98.226 born. Any additional info, births, deaths, cem., will be appreciated. Lois Cowart Kemper, 10601 SW 83rd Ave., Miami, FL 33156 Tucker John C. Tucker, b. Pulaski Co., KY, Apr. 1855, arrived Fulton Co., AR c1857, living alone there 1910, m. Amanda Moss in 1875; div. bet Vaughn Chas W. Vaughn, age 24, m. Sarah 1900-1910. Amanda Moss Tucker d. 20 Apr 1927, Johnson, 17, 11 Oct 1871 in Johnson Co. 1870 Fulton Co., AR. Wish to learn what happened to census shows him b. KY. Would like to corresp John C. Tucker. Lew Roberts, 12014 NE 140th with any descendants. Monroe G. Davis, Jr., 5300 SE 46th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73135 St., Kirkland, WA 98034-2111 Watson Need parents of Joseph W. Watson, b. Forsyth Co., GA, m. Sarah Jane Prince, b. 20 Oct 1846TN, d. 15 Sept 1900, Conway Co., AR. Juanita Carlon, 1323 Meadow Cir., Fon Smith, AR 72903-1323 Douglas Need birthplace of Jane, wife of James M. Douglas, b. Overton Co., TN. Ch.: Jonathan A., Marion F., Louisa, Elizabeth, Nancy Ellen, Fannie, William (Bill), and Leona S. Resided Benton Co .. 1860 census shows AL, 1870 shows AR; 1880 shows TN. All letters answered, will exchange info. Geraldine DeWit! Edwards, 2443 Negrara Way, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 Robinson Wm. Jacob Robinson, b. 1858, d. bef 1910, m. Julia A. Titsworth c1879, Waldron, Scott Co., AR. Ch.: Geo J .. b. Oct 1882; Ellen F., b. Aug 1890; Malinda J., b. Feb 1892; Wm. L., b. Mar 1896. Looking for ch. and their desc. Where is Julia bur.? Jake is at Tamaha, OK, next to his father and bro. Frank J. Henderson, 7395 Spring Dr., Roanoke, TX 76262 Atkinson Would like to hear from desc of Mary Ellen Lane Atkinson who m. Garret Rivers Jordan and moved to AR c1853, or desc of Elizabeth Atkinson who m. Wiley Manning 1860 in Arka- Ogden, Blanks, Reed Need info on Rev. Benjamin and Susan Moore Ogden and sons Isaac and Stanley; also Ezekiel Banks, all of Union Co., Would also like data on Robert and Helen Reed of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Arkansas Family Historian - Page 173 Hempstead Co. The Ogdens moved there c1818, the Reeds c1817. T. D. Hudson, 208 Fredrick SI.. Bastrop, LA 71220-2354 Ore Seek info on Robert Fulton Ore, d. Monroe Co., AR 1880; where is he buried? One child was Rabble Delle Ore, b. 1880. Connected lines: Crawford and McPherson Gail O. Griffith RavelleHe, 2647 Diane Dr., Arnold, MO 63010-2915 York Seek Info on Absalom Burgess York. b. cl848 AL; In Hot Spring Co. 1880; Drew Co. 1870; Miller Co. 1900. Where and when did he die? Wil share Info. BeHy Horner Lala. P. O. Box 618, Columbia. TN 38402-0618 lewis, StinneHe Seek any info on Amanda (Dennis) Lewis, d. 1914 at "Red Town" near Monticello, Bradley Co., AR; dau. Amelia m. Jack (Slim) Stinnette. He had son. Jack Ji; they had dau. Lillie Mayor Lily Mary. Orphans lived at Methodist Home and Day Nursery, founded by Mrs. Lula (J. G.) Willarnson. and now the Vera Uoyd Presbyterian Chldren' Home (records destroyed by fire in 1930). Cheryl Ventura Conway, 112S5thAve.,HighlandPark, NJ 08904 BoyeHe Searching for parents. birthplace, brothers. sisters, etc. of Jesse Boyett. b, 1824 NC. m. Sarah Emaline Smith (1830-1 B9B); lived Ouachita Twp., Bradley Co.. Gravel Ridge PO 1850-18605; moved to Perry Co.. AR. James BarneyBoyeH, 2631 Inwood View, San Antonio, TX 78248 King Need parents of Joel and Nancy (Cheatham) King. lived Marlon Co., AR 1850. Will pay for copies of documentation proving parentage. Lance Doss, HC 66, Box 143, Proctor, OK 74457·9528 Runyan Seek parents of Smith Cornelius Runyan who m. Mary Elizabeth Walker (Lipsey) c1879-80; lived Lower laFave Twp.• Yell Co .. AR. Grace M. Runyan, 2075 Chambers St., Eugene, OR 97405-1854 Jones, Bailey Seek any info on Wiley J. Jones, b. 1816 VA, m. Laura Ann Ba~ey, b. 1822 SC; one of their 13 ch .• Pinkney Burr. 1845-1921, was shown as W. J. Jones on 1860 census of Columbia Co. Betty Jean (Joyce) Doherty, 2208 West 37th, Pine Bluff, AR 71603 Carnahan, Martin, Lokey Searching for parents of Samuel A. Carnahan, b. Washington Co. 1832; in Marion Co. 1850 with three bra, 2 sis in Taylor household; m. cl869 Mary Martin, dlo Samuel and Sarah, Newlon Co. Need info on James Taylor Lokey fam 1862-70 Sallne/Montgomery Cos. CharoleHe Sage, 418 S. 104th East Ave., Tulsa, OK 74128 Daniels Seek Info on David Daniels, cl860-70 Baxter Co.; Beverly Daniels, 1806·51, Crlttendan Co.; Samuel Daniels, d. 1857, Crittenden Co.; Charlotte (Measels) Daniels, 1840-1887 res Crittenden Co, Raymond E. Daniels, Jr., 1001 Sharpsburg Dr., Huntsville, AL 35803 Howard, John, m. 1986 _ Smith? near Fort Smith·she had sons Bert and Erd. What was her full name? John also m. Nettle Stanfield, Harriot Cal1isle, Nettie Burton, Jacksonville, AR. Ch.: Aria, Elizabeth, Annie, Cora (m. Garrett), Millin Burton. Norma C. Snider, SR Box 32, Caaacoe, AR 72026 Chandler, 6. G., b. c1815. SC; Martha F. Vernon Chandler. b. Oct 1838, West TN, d. 12 Feb 1902 AR; When and where married? Chidren? On 1870, Clay Twp.. White County, AR. One known ch.. Nancy Silvia, b. 11 May 1871, d. 11 Sept 1890. Mildred L Latch, P. O. Box 432, Heber Springs, AR 72543-0432 Johnson Seek desc and Info on Nehemiah Johnson. b. cl797 SC, moved to Lowndes Co., AL, by 1831; moved w/Wlfe Mary to Lafayette Co., AR, cl858. Ch. include William, Nancy. Sarah, Moses, Mary, Nehemiah, Susan, and Martha. Joseph G. Cates, RR 1 Box 14OF, Fort Deposit, AL 36032 Smith, Donaldson, Stringfellow Need par of Mary Ann Smith, m. Hugh Johnston Donaldson, Lincoln Co.• AR, cl866. Whose daus. were Stringfellow gll1s in household of Dicey Donaldson 1870 Drew Co. Where are Dicey and hus. Hugh burled? Mary Ann & Hugh J. both bur. Tyro Baptist Church Cern. in unmarked graves. Ozell Donaldson Scott, 3476 Johnston Rd. S, Hernando, MS 38632-9230 Steele Where in Ouachna Co., is John P. Steele bur.? He was b. 1810 NC, d. 1877. m. Christiana Barger. She then m. 1856 Hiram Medlock. Mrs. BeHy G. Wilson, 702 Peggy Dr., Fort Valley, GA31030 Page 114 - Volume 32. Surnber4· December 1994,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Perry, Beasley Want to corresp with researchers of these lines: Wm, Howard Perry, b, Dec 1668, Columbia Co" AR, m. Martha Ellen Beasleythere Dec 1890; Martha dau of John C, and Easter Kitchens (2nd wffe) 1870 Nevada Co, Mrs. I. E. Zuber, P. O. Box 2832, Santa Fe Springs, CA 906700832 Rouse Seek ancestors of Nancy Rouse, b, Bear City, AR, before 1965, m. Elijah L Deaton, b, Centerville, AR, before 1865, Known child: Elijah Lee (Bill) Deaton, b. Centerville, AR 02/12/1881, m. Pearl Crouch before 1908 in CT or NY, d, Togus, ME 06/30/1946. Mary Jean Mitchell, 26406 Underwood Ave., Hayward, CA 94544 Ham, John W. and Emily (Davidson) Ham moved 1853-4 from DeSoto Co" MS to Gainsboro Twp., Independence Co., AR: on 1880 Census the Children were in the home without parents, When did they die and where buried? Elizabeth Hogue, 5105 Oak Ave., Pasadena, TX 77503 Masters Need parents of Jesse B. Masters, b. June 25, 1822, GA?, m. Cynthia Rawls, Jan. 7, 1848, Drew Co" AR, d. Oct 3, 1907, Catahoula Parish, LA Synthia dau, of Alexander M. Rawls who d. Drew Co. Allied families: Amos Humphress, Emely E. Grider, Greer tam, Mr. BobbV A. Brown, He 60, Box 50, Jena, LA 71342-9603 Moore Seek anc of George Washington Moore, b. cl836 AR, m. (2nd?) Eliza Ann Cox, cI868, Pope Co. Eliza dau of John Thomas Cox of AL, and louhana L, TN, drew pension from AR; George veteran of Civil War. Arviel D. Wann, 5285 DiXon Ave. Wesl, Dixon,CA 95620-9725 Brewer Need death date, burial place & other info on George Trouper Brewer, CI887-1953-9; also bros, Turner and Tandy; born Pine Bluff area?; possible Cherokee Indian connection, George T. Brewer, Jr., 5741 Gage Ln., No. 301 0, Naples, FL 33962 Fowlkes Seek info on Edward Bass Fowlkes, b, 1789, Nottoway Co., VA, d, AR, Hempstead or Lafayellle Co" AR. Son Abner m. Josephine Derrick 16 Oct 1855 AR; ch,: Anna Patterson; Georgie Derrick; Emma lyons; Estelle B" Abner D" Jr. Who was Edward's wffe? Were there other children? Carolyn Allen Alevra, 2525 Santa Barbara SI., Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Carter Seek info on Betty Jane "Nan" Garter, b, 1840, lived in Alicia, Ch,; Warner Chance and Janie Bergin, Want to contact any desc, Doris L, Gerritsen, 3262 Rollingrldge Av., Palmdale, CA 93550 Barker Seek death dates, burial places for Calvin and Lidia Perry Barker, who lived at Maguire's Store, Richland Twp., Washington Co" AR. in 1870, Carl Mark Barker, 1816 Oak Hili Dr., Kingston, TN 37763 Whitley Seek info on famlo Samuel and Lucy Whitley; came to Van Buren Twp., cl830, Ch,: Phebe, George, Jacob, Lucinda, Matilda, Need family history prior to 1830, Sadie Bransford, 85718 Hampstead Ln., Eugene, OR 97406 Owen Need info on Owen J. Owen, b. 1797 VA, m, Ellen Jane Kelley, b. 1841 KY; moved from Putnam Co., IN, to Elm Grove, Prairie Twp" Washington Co" AR, mid 1850s; both d, after 1660. Need dates and places of death, Ch,: Owen J, (1842-1905), Willis, Mary, Ellen, Emily and James. Jo Anna Dale, 704 Ponca Dr., Independence, MO 64056-2053 Rushing, William (Bill), b. 3 Feb 1850, d. 28 Feb 1916, m. Martha Mattie leggett, b. 13 No\!. 1854, d. 8 Jan 1908. His father killed c1662 by Army deserters. William was mail carrier around Bradford, AR. Roberta Bradley, 9912 Pilot Point, Fort Worth, TX 76108 Fowler Want to confirm father of William Fowler (1831-12/17/1895), Garland Co, Was It America Fowler of Prairie Twp 185O? William was Pvt, in 3rd Ark Inl., CSA, member of Missionary Baptist Church and Mason. David Fowler, 910 Qak Dr., Flower Mound, TX 75028 Dickey, Reddell, Wakefield Desc. of Ben H. Dickey and Cecil Ervia Reddell, Gave Creek, Newton Co., AR; Vera Price Wakefield Dickey and Flora Leona McCertheon Reddell; and George William and Patricia Ann Dickey Reddell would like more info, Tresla A. Reddell Galvin, 1709 Royal, Qak Grove, MO 64075 Collum, George, with sons Charles, William, John, Jonathan and George, Jr., dau, Elizabeth (Rice) and Esther (Reed) came to old Miller Co., AR Terr., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Arkansas Family Historian - Page 175 Edward, b. 1842. Marian Wood Hillon, RR 1, Box 556, Fordland, MO 65652-9482 Burrow Seek info on M. H. Burrow who m. Sallie Tennessee Dorton July 19, 1879, Craighead Co., AR; and George Burrow who m. Zlipha West Aug. 21, 1897 Craighead Co., had ch.: Lucy and Eula. Will answer all letters. Helen McNair, P. O. Box 2124, Harrison, AR 72601 Rogers Seek info on Elijah Rogers, b. 11 Oct 1825 TN, m. 1849, Independence Co., AR, Lydia Hotchkiss; son John b. 1850 AR m. 1877 AR, Mary Stone. b. 1860 AR, dau of William Stone, b. 1830 MS, and Nancy Northern, b. 1836 TN. Will exchange info. Carolyn Gathright, 20312 Avenlda Del Este, Yorba Linda, CA 92686-3007 Black In 1860 census, Pike Co., AR, bros Thomas and Caswell Black were listed with grandmother Martha Miller. In same household was Jessie (Black?) Miller? Thomas listed as head of household. Where was mother Wootson?; who was their father? Alvin Black, HC 63, Box 120 A, Mt. Ida, AR 71957 Johnson, Caswell J., b. 1825/7 TN; d. aft 1880 census and bef wife Elizabeth Ann, b. 5 Mar 1825 GA/TN, d 8 Jul 1904 Arkadelphia, bur. Golden Cem., Greenville Twp., near former home. Ch.: Mary F.; Vincent Perry; Nancy Caroline m. BenJamin F. House; S. J. (Serepta Jane?); Samuel Marshall, Darrius A.; and Malinda A Seek info on family. Faye J. Sivley, 1801 Cherry, Grand Prairie, TX 75050-3910 Green, Dan/Daniel, b. cl850 AL, m. Susanna Ray. Ch.: John D., b. 1879, TN; Emma and Sally. Bros Marion & John; sister, Nettie. MOVed to Yell Co. around Jennings Falls. Dan killed c1889; children raised by bra Marion and wife Becky. Marion and Becky had dau., Jenny, who m. George Carden/Cardin. Wish to correspespond with descendants. Juanita Cooper, Rt. 2, Box 338, Sparkman, AR 71763 Barnes Where in AR did Ebenezar "E. J." Barnes die, ca 4 Sep 1868? He was Capt in 5th Kansas Cavalry when Actg. Ass!. Quarter Master at Pine Bluff, Aug 1864 thru July 1965. Mark Finicum, E. J.'s father-In-law, was on 1824 tax roll, Independence Co., AR. Ms. Pat Saunders, 56 Village Brook Ln, No. 11, Natick, MA 01760 King Need burial places of James K. P. King, b. 1258) !l311/ld.1911l11,4aD.d Iiisifati1esi8ad1t.RJtaitli<i!i'/W., Franklin Co., AR. Mrs. G. J. Bailey, P. O. Box 772, Santa Paula, CA 93061-0772. Burton, Chance Need to locate parents and si· blings of Julia Ann Burton who m, William A, Chance, prob. Drew Co., dates unknown. Deborah Riley, HC 64, Box 113 A, Star City, AR 71667 Smith, Halstead WOUld appreciate info on Thomas Smith and wife Mary Halstead Smith, Lee Creek, Crawford Co., moved to Spring River Twp., Ravenden, Lawrence Co. 1860-70. Evelyn Pricher, 32 Everette Ln., Bella Vista, AR 72714 Tidwell, January Seek info on William TidWell, b. cI817-18 AR; had twins Hiram Harp and William David, b. cI848·9. Manha Elizabeth January, b. CI850-52 Van Buren, AR, Who are her parents? She m. Hiram Harp Tidwell in Texas 1871. June Burkett, 204 Jasmine, Lake Jackson, TX 77566 Chubb, Oass Seek relatives of Elizabeth Chubb, b. cl822, MS, d. aft 1880, Lonegrove, Uano Co .• TX, m. David M. Gass, cl 840, lived Clark Co" AR 1850. Beltye Ralhbone, 16413 Fitzhugh Rd., Austin, TX 78736-9601 Smith Seek info on perents of Elbert Monroe Smith, b. 1845 AL, m. 5 Dec 1867 Jackson Co., d. Mar. 1879. Augusta. Stanley Smith, 304 E, North St., Benton, AR 72015-3448 Nichols, Hopson, Owens, Glover, Bowen Seek info on John A. Nichols, m. Rebecca Jane Hopson, 1881 Pope Co., J. B. Buck Owens, d. Economy, Pope Co., 1902, wife Sallie, dau. Lula Mary. Tom and Sarah (Glover) Bowen, Benton Co. c1870, ch.: Mary Anne and Joe. Also John Greenleaf Romans, Benton Co., 1890, E. L Bud Romans, 1896 Fayetteville area. Carol Fulbright Stone, 4808 NW 62nd Ter" Oklahoma Cily, OK 73122 Partridge, Looper Attempting to find what Native American tribes James Monroe Partridge, wife Minnie, and dau. Allie Fair, were from. They were relocated from Northern MS (Lafayette Co.) c1850. Also any info on Pleasant Bradford Looper fam, relocated from TN (Washington Co.). Is there a map Showing location of original Native American tribes before Running Rabbit Creek Treaty or Trail of Tears? Mary Crabtree, 1009 Western, Amarillo, TX 79106-5505 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... _ _ ArkansasFamily Historian ~ Page 177 Douglas Seek any info on S. B. Douglas(s) and wife Mallie/Martha, with daus. Frances and Pearl; shown in Siloam Springs, Benlon Co., on 1900 census. May be other ch. Rick Scott, 409 Trailgrove Ct., Ballwin, MO 63011 Cowan Seek info on Philip Alexander Cowan of Newton Co., AR, as well as lines 01 Marshall, Bryant, Holland, Soulherlin/Southerland/Sutherland, Hodge, Dunn, Burkett, Napier, Patton, Keys, Vicars, in Madison, Searcy, Benton,Johnson, Franklin and Van Buren Cos. John H, Pruitt, O. O. Box 442, Cornville, AZ 86325-0442. Hydrick, Shaver Mary B. Hydrick, widow, b. 2792 in SC, came 10 AR from TN c1824 with sons John Jr., William G. Land dau. Rebecca. Trying to establish relationship with Charles Shaver family. Patrick E. Hydrick, 548 Ridgslone Dr., Franklin, TN 37064. Smith Seek info on Dr. Harry B. Smith and fam. who lived in or near Morrilton. AR, c1900; was married to lIa Pierce. M. K. Blevins, 307 Moccasin, Buchanan, MI 49107-1221 Slarr, Landrum, Lee Seek any info on Rebecca E.? Starr, bet. 1861-1890, b. 1861 (where?), d. 1942 Berryville. 1860 census Hickman Twp .. Scott Co., she and 1 year old son Jonnie lived w/uncle James Starr. Family not in 1870: m. Frank Landrum 1882. 1900 census w/Landrum, Fulton Co., 1910 w/Francis Lee, Boone Co. Parents and 1st husb. Chero· kee? in early Fort Smith area. Dan Merritt, 626 Converse. Claremont, CA 91711 Wood, Daniel D. C., b. 1822 AL, m. Cynthia E. Garrell, 27 May 1847; was in Confederate service, PV1., Co. C, 17th Reg, Ark, under Col. John Griffith and Capt. Josephua Dotson; evidently survived war but wile listed 1880 in Ind. Co. wlson James and bro. FranCiS. Ch.: William C., b. 1848 TN, m Virgi· nia Mash, 6 Feb 1870 Ind. Co.: Hiram John, b. 1854, m. Amanda Jane Sharp 19 June 1883; Nancy, b. 1856 m. J. F. Turner 25 Nov. 1874; James F., b. 18 Feb 1867, m. Sarah E. 16 Feb 1893. Marian Wood Hilton, Rt. 1, Box 556, Fordland, MO 65652-9482 Have you joined our society in the DOLLARS FOR DOCUMENTS DRIVE? For just $1 per year per member, our society can help fund the filming and distribution of difficult·to-access materials housed at the National Archives, Projects already funded by tho GCC·NARA Gift Fund include: • • • • Index to War of 1812 prisoner of War records Canadian border crossings, post-1895 Galveston passenger arrival records 1910 street index to 39 malor U.S. cit1cs and 4 New York boroughs . . . _. . . . .~. .~.~.~.I.~~.~.~~~~_.~: .~.t~~~ :~.~.~_~.~~~_"~_~~.:~.~~~~~.~~._:~_"~~~.~.~.~~~~.~.~.~ ~~:.i.~.~~~~~.~ .. .. Count me in! Enclosed is my oonation lor the GCC·NARA Gilt Fund's DOLLARS FOR DOCUMENTS DRIVE, Please inClude my conlribution whe;1 our society makes its annual donation. Name of cCflltibu:o' - - - ..... - - SUCCI Ilccress or bO:': n\.lmbcr - _...-:::-:;-=-------_ ....._ - - z.ip --- .... _. Ci1y, WHO, f'l('ld Suggo$,lons lor luturo MAK~ projecls~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CHECK PAYABLE TO, Irio; socioty, l('I{jivi:-ll... oI d::tn~lIom iI'" tUC{ll c' Sl.oo are- also welCome. c,t coursei MAil ,0: this p'JolicotlO""l's relurn OOOt{·)tl. 10 ¥!!Bf1 oC(f'>i:jI:;'IOliYG COSlS down. YOlI!' CO-.cellcd chOCk wrt SONG O~ YOUJ locelol Page 178 ~ Volume 32, i'umhcr4 ~ December - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B o o k Reviews and Notices By Bobbie Jones Mclane, Desmond Walls Allen, Lynda C. Suffridge, Susan Gardner Boyle, Russell P. Baker The following are rel/iews and/or announcements of book acquisitions for the Arkansas Genealogical Society. The rel/iewed books are permanently housed at the Arkansas History Commission, or in the local History and Genealogy Room of the Little Rock Public Library. The Society expresses its appreciation to the authors and contributors. In ordering copies of these books, please remember to say you saw the rel/iew or notice in this publication! Only The Names Remain, Vol. 3, Saline DISI. and Cherokee Orphanage, by Sandi Garrett, P. O. Box 48, Spal/inaw, OK 74366, soft COl/er, $15.00 postpaid, complete name index, This is Volume 3 in Ms. Garrett's attempt to make native American· in this case Cherokee Indian - genealogy easier. She has com· bined information from the 1851 Drennen Cherokee Roll that lists most Indians by Cherokee name only, with the 1910 Guion Mill Roll that contains full "White" type Cherokee names, with lirst and last names. An example of the information available is Drennen Roll #Kar-Kar-Lor-Ha-Nar, who or whose descendent appears on the Miller Roll as Polly David (M-GM-GF) #922, This book contains information on the old Cherokee District of Salin and the Cherokee Orphanage in Eastern Oklahoma. Contact Sandi for a list of her other publications. [RPB] Our Family Tree: Nichols, by Kathleen Lipsmeyer Nichols, 1213 SW 97th SI., Oklahoma City, OK 731392614, 220 pages, spiral bound, $30.00. This is the second family history from the pen of Mrs. Nichols. The first one was on the Lipsmeyer family, This well printed and easy to read volume contains illustrations, pictures, charts, maps and clippings. II traces back, generation by generation, the ancestors of Gerald Lee Nichols of Oklahoma to the family of Nathan Nichols, Sr., b. 1748 in VA. The family also lived in Ohio. Other families mentioned are Calhoun, Hale, Oakes, Petrey, Lay and Hodgson. However, this well presented book would be greatly improved by the inclusion of an index, or at least a table of contents. [RPB] Index to Obituaries and Death Notices Appearing in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, January I, 1994 to June 30, 1994, by Oscar G. Russell, 506 Loop Rd., North Little Rock, AR 72120-2216, 189 pp" spiral bound $21.00; hard bound, $34.00. Since the demise of the Little Rock Arkansas Gazette in 1991 and the suspension of the Shannon J. Henderson index to that paper about the same time, there has been a real lack of sources for locating contemporary obHuaries and death notices. Mr. Russell is filling this gap. This is his latest volume. It contains an index to all deaths reported on the obituary pages, plus Information gained from a "page by page search of the entire daily edition", resulting in information on about one-third more deaths than his last book. Good work, Mr. Russell. Contact him for a full list of his indexes. [RPB] In Search 01 Your German Roots, 2nd Edition (1994). 114 pages, soft cover, $11.95, and In Search of Your European Roots, 2nd Edition (1994). 292 pages, soft cover, $16.95, both by Argus Baxter, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1001 N. Calvert St" Baltimore,MD 21202-3897. What a difference a few years makes! In the mid 1980s when Mr. Baxter wrote the first editions of these two books, Europe was divided into two armed camps and the Cold War was in full swing, Americans in general and American genealogists in particular were not welcome in most of Europe east of the Iron Cur. tain. Some countries like Albania were impossible to enter and the extent of their genealogical records impossible to ascertain. German, the ancestral home of many of our ancestors, itself was divided into an eastern and a western part. While research in western Europe was fairly easy and often immensely rewarding, research in the east was time consuming and often non productive, even after permission to use records was obtained. Today this part of the world is an entirely different place. While there have been few changes in the west, the east Soviet empire has ceased to exist. East Germany is no longer a separate nation. Even the old cold war government subdivisions have been returned to their former boundaries. Now genealogists are not only welcome throughout Europe, but eagerly sought after as a source of hard currency in the east. On the down side, where there was just a few years ago a stable Yugoslavia, there is now a number of new smaller ethnic countries still fighting civil wars. Because of these changes, Mr. Baxter has undertaken much needed revisions of these standard research works. Each is well indeXed and contains updated bibliographies and lists of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Arkansas Family Hisfcrian· Page 179 issued to individuals and families traveling or migrating into the Mississippi Valley area from the above mentioned states. This volume provides the names of over 5,000 people who either travelled through or settled in the Spanish and Indian lands. The Notes, References and Selected Bibliography add much to the interest of this volume. (BJM) Passenger Arrivals at the Port of Charleston 18201829 compiled by Brent H. Holcomb; [1994] published by Genealogical Publishing Co" Inc., 1001 N. Calvert St, Baltimore, MD 21201-3897; 188 pp., indexed cloth, $25.00 plus $3.00 p/h, Lists of passengers arriving at the port of ChaMeston from foreign ports exist only for the years 1820 to 1829 The lists are found in (1) copies 01 original passenger lists prepared by the local customs collector, and (2) State Department Transcripts of the customs collector's quarterly returns. Mr. Holcomb's transcriptions are based on microfilm copies 01 these records, the originals 01 which are at the National Archives. Most socalled ships' passenger lists for Charleston are based on secondary sources and very few other kinds of immigration records exist lor the period covered. This is a unique source of data on several thousand people coming into Charleston through a relatively narrow window of time. Most were from Great Britain and Ireland, mOst were young, most were male, and most were unskilled farmers and laborers. However. there were numerous passengers from France, Spain, Germany, even Italy among them. Data gives name of vessel, passenger, age. sex, date of arrival. occupatiGn. where from, country to wnich ne belongs, and country which he intends to inhabit. Lists are printed in the order in which they are found, and there is a complete name index. A remarkable new reference work! (BJM) Drew County, Arkansas Cemetery Records Second Edition, published by the Drew County Association for Family and Community Education. Hardbound, 525 pp" complete index has more than 20,000 names listed, $35,00 postpaid. Order from Drew County Extension Office, Drew County Court House, 210 South Main, Monticello, AR 71655. The 121 known cemeteries of Drew County have been resurveyed and are published wHh a completely new format The book also contains a county map with all cemeteries spotted by numbers. Each cemetery has H's own map, with directions and legal description. Data recorded includes names, birth and dealh dates through 1993, informative epitaphs such as milHary records and other genealogical information, An excellent genealogical resource for this county. (BJM) Camp Fires 01 Georgia's Troops, 1861-1865, by William S. Smedlund, available from the author, 1666 Glen Arm Dr., Lithonia, GA 30058, $33.50 plus $3.50 shipping, Historians tend to focus on battles and regiments, ovenooking the sites where soldiers lived, drilled, and died. Bill has combed a variety of records looking for any mention of locations throughout the South where Georgia troops camped. This book can be very helpful in researching Georgia soldiers. The book is illustrated with photo and drawings. There are three indexes: by name, unn, and location. [DWAj Banes has microfilmed the Verna Baker Vaughan/Vaughn Collection of Genealogical Research, a compilation 01 Vaughan, Etc. Newsletters, correspondence, and other information. The roll of microfilm is available for $30 postpaid and includes a paper copy of the 59-page name index to the 2,300 names on the film, Order from Verna Baker Banes, PO Box 7435, Huntsville, TX 77342, [OWA] Marriages 01 Scott County, Arkansas, Books A, B, C, 0, E, F, and G, 1882·1943 by Wanda M, Newberry Gray, 425 East Sixth St., Waldron, AR 71958, write the author for price. This compilation includes the eaniest extant marriages for the county through the middle of World War II. The 9,215 marriages are arranged in groom order, listing the full names and ages of both parties, their marriage date, and the book and page number of the original record. There is a full-name bride index. [OWA] Jamison, McFadden, Old lake, Stout and Walker Cemeteries of the Dover, Pope County, Arkansas, area by James & Alta Ballard and C, L & Una Boyd, available from C, L Boyd, PO Box 222, Dover, AR 72837, $12.50 postpaid, The Ballards and Boyds are reinventorying Pope County cemeteries. They plan to publish their worlk in small volumes specific to particular areas. They have also completed Adams, Annie's Chapet, Brock, Hickey, Madden, Reynolds, Shannon and Treat Cemeteries of Johnson County, Arkansas (also $12.50 postpaid) The cemeteries in this volume are in eastern Johnson County except for Shannon in Pope County, [DWAj Black Oak, Arkansas, Remembered, by Nan Harrell Snider, available from the author, Route I, Box 131, Monette, AR 72447, $15 postpaid, This is a delightful Collection of photos and articles about the people, events, schools, churches, merchants, industry, and cemetery of this small town in Craighead County. [OWA] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,Ar~:an'asFarnily Hislorian· Page 181 A History of the 15th Missouri Cavalry Regiment, CSA by Jerry Ponder, available from Ponder Books, PO Box 573, Doniphan, MO 63935, $13.95 plus $2.00 postage. This regimental history is actually an account of the war in northeastern Arkansas and southeastern Missouri, since the 15th participated in nearly every engagement in that area. Ponder traces the development of the unit and the war's events and supplements the text with photos and maps. He supplies rosters for the 15th and Reeves' Company of Independent Scouts. [DWA] Dr, John Perley Ford (1794-1869) His Ute and Times, Ancestors, Descendants and Allied Families 1635-1994, by Robert W. Ford, available from the author, 2844 Hogan Court, Falls Church, VA 22043-3534, $42.50 postpaid. This book is divided into two parts--the first is the story Of Perley, the second is about allied families: Abbe, Anderson, Cogswell, Denson, Farmer, Follett, Fuiller, Gallman, Hovey, Key, Lovell, Moore. Pease. Waldo and Whipple. Ford's research began like that of most other families--with misinformallon from family traditions. Bob and a team of family researchers pursued Perley from his birth in New York, through two marriages that created a "northern" family and a "southern" family, and to the descendants of those marriages. The book is filled with photos and indexed. [DWA] More Events 4 Corners Ancestor Fair will be held on July 21-22, 1995, at Springdale, AR. It will involve the states Of Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma, with a number 01 workshopa to be conducted by William R. Burke, Andrea Cantrell, Barbara Hale, Dorothy Tincup Mauldin, Claudia Wagoner and Susan Young. Other experts may be on hand to answer questions. Wr~e 4 Corners, 509 West Spring St., Fayetteville, AR 72701 for brochure and registration information. Central Oklahoma Ancestor Fair is scheduled lor Saturday, May 6, 1995, at Logan County Fairgrounds, Guthrie, OK It Is sponsored by the Logan County Genealogical Society, PO Box 1419, Guthrie, OK 43044, and vendor tables are available. Wrtte them lor registration form. Arkansas Travelers: Descendants and Ancestors of Daniel and Nancy (Denton) Burford, of Cleveland County, AR, compiled by Glen and Hallie Garner. available from Garner Services, 8923 Wood shore Dr., Dallas, TX 75243. 245 pages, 8 1/2 x 11, $25.00 in soft cover, $35.00 hard cover, plus 8.25% sales tax for TX residents. This book is about the ancestors and descendants 01 Daniel Burford who came Irom AL to Saline Twp.• Dallas Co. (now Cleveland), c1855, wRh his wife, Nancy Denton, and two sons Hiram and John T, both of whom served in the Civil War. Well presented in columnar form, with end notes and full name Index. Page 182 - Volume 32. Number4 ~ December ,,~. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ---------------------Index Adams John (Quincy?), 171 "Hamp",171 Akin J. C., 152 Aldred Wanda Bashaw, 173 Alevra Carolyn Allen, 175 Allcorn Isom F., 163 Allen Desmond Walls, 165, 179 Jason, 161 William, 163 Archer George, 156 Ard David,153 Armstrong Patsy, 158 Arp I. A, 170 J. W., 170 Asher Nancy, 176 Athey Martha (Thompson), 176 Atkinson Elizabeth, 173 Mary Ellen Lane, 173 Alwood A,154 E., 154 Marilla, 154 Ausburn John, 160 Bagwell Letation, Jr., 157 Letation, Sr., 157 Bailey Laura Ann, 174 Mrs. G. J., 177 Baker Beverly R., 158 Isaac N., 158 Luther B., 158 Russell p" 179 Thomas, 158 Ballard Alia, 181 James, 181 Banes Verna Baker, 181 Bankson Alford,l60 Barger Christiana, 174 Barker Calvin, 175 Carl Mark, 175 Lidia Perry, 175 Barnes B. D., 169 Ebenezar "E.J.", 177 George W., 169 Martha R.. 169 S. C., 169 S. D., 169 Barnell James G., 162 Bamin? John, 160 Barton Ruby Opal, 169 Bashaw Peter, 173 Baxter Argus, 179 Bayley Mathew, 160 William, 160 Beacham Sandra Jane, 170 Bean John, 169 M. A., 169 Beard William, 158 Beasley James, 161 John, 161 Martha Ellen, 175 Bellah Ellen, 163 Moses, 158 Nathan, 163 Belles Ransom, 160 Bever Lawrence R., 160 . Biggers James, 159 Biggs James D., 171 Bishop Grover C., 169 Lenora H., 169 Black Alvin, 177 Caswell,l77 Helen Harris, 173 Thomas, 157, 177 William, 157 Wootson, 177 Blagg John Thomas, 176 Michael B., 176 Blanks Ezekiel, 173 Blevins M. K, 178 Bluell W. G., 152 Boom Isaac, 159 John, 159 Peggy, 159 Boors!ln Daniel, 166, 168 Boothe John F., 158 Bouchey Wanda, 173 Bounds Capt., 153 Bowen Elizabeth, 176 Joe, 177 Mary Anne, 177 Sarah (Glover), 177 Tom, 177 Boyd Clifton R., 169 Cordia Lee, 169 C. L, 181 Elda E., 169 Lina, 181 Thomas F., 169 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ArkansasFamilyHisloriart-Page 183 Boyed James, 159 Boyett James Barney, 174 Jesse, 174 Sarah Emaline (Smith), 174 Boyle Susan Gardner, 179 Bradley Roberta, 175 Brannan J. B., 152 Bransford Sadie, 175 Bray Hazel L., 173 Brazeal Richard, 156 Brazil Homer Keith, 170 Ida May, 173 Malissa Looper. 170 Missouri. 173 Breeding James, 162 Spencer. 162 Brethill J.,152 Brewer George Trouper, 175 George T., Jr., 175 Tandy. 175 Turner, 175 Bridges John, 158 Brock John, 162 Brookfield Isaac, 156 Brooks Joshua. 161 Brown Alice F., 173 Andrew. 173 Archable, 159 Arthur, 169 Bobby A. 175 Dr. C. F., 152 Effie, 170 Eliza. 173 Emmitt B., 170 Hiram. 173 Joshua, 173 Lenora, 169 Lula, 169 MaryJ.,173 Nancy. 173 Sam, 169 William, 161, 173 Kitty, 173 Bruce J. C., 153 W. N., 153 Buckhannon Jacob, 163 Buehler Violet Shelton. 176 Bull Bonnie, 169 Jessie L., 170 Laura E.• 170 W. B., 169 Bullock Ronald E., 172 Burford Daniel,182 Hiram, 182 Nancy (Denton), 182 Burfort John T.. 182 Burke William R., 182 Burkett June, 177 Burks Capt., 153 Burteson Jonathan Aaron, 172 Burrow Eula,l77 George, 177 Lucy, 177 M. H .. 177 Burton Julia Ann. 177 Nettie. 174 W. J., 152 Byers Beatrice, 170 Edgar, 169 James E., 169 Ora A .. 170 Susan A, 169 William E., 170 Cadwell Daniel,l60 Caillot Jean Baptiste, 172 Nicholas, 172 Calliotte Antoine, 172 Jacques/Jacob Gabriel, 172 Jean Baptiste, 172 Marie Louise Therese, 172 Therese, 172 Campbell James, 156 Pat, 171 Canada O. F. C., 152 Cantrell Andrea, 182 Carden/Cardin George, 177 Carlisle, 174 Carton Juanita, 173 Cartton Sam, 169 Carnahan Samuel A, 174 Carpenter Elizabeth (Thompson), 176 E. A., 170 J. T., 170 Carter Betty Jane "Nan", 175 Janie Bergin. 175 Minitree, 159 Warner CHance, 175 Caruthers John, Jr., 162 John. Sen., 162 Case Jerry, 176 Josiah,159 Cates Joseph G.. 174 Caudle Dovie, 169 Edith, 169 Haskell, 169 Infant, 169 John D.. 169 J. Virgil. 169 Cavenor John, 160 Chance William A., 177 Chandler Page 18-t - Volume 32, Numher4 - December 1994 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ B. G., 174 Earlene Blagg, 176 Martha F. Vernon, 174 Nancy SiMa, 174 Childers James, 157 Chism Winney, 162 Chubb Elizabeth, 177 Clark Mrs. Roland, 154 Claude Elmer, 169 Esenith, 169 J. T., 169 Mary S., 169 Clayton Adaline A, 176 W.,I69 Cochron James L., 162 Coe George, 153 Coker Henry, 159 Coley D. C., 169 Collins Chas. 0., 164, 165 Marian N., 154 Collum Charles, 175 George, 175 George, Jr., 175 John, 175 Jonathan, 175 William, 175 Conway Cheryl Ventura, 174 Cook D. R., 152 Francis R., 173 Hiram, 173 Roseanne, 173 Cooley Emma, 169 Irene, 169 Thelbert, 169 Cooper Archibald, 156 Juanita, 177 WaShington, 161 Cornish Ann Eliza, 165 Couchran John L., 160 Cowan Philip Alexande, 178 Coward Abraham, 170 Ambia,170 Caroline, 170 Dodson, 170 0.,170 Elizabeth, 170 E., 170 Sarah,170 Vivian. 170 Cowart Grover Cleveland, 173 Taylor Scott, 173 Cox Emaline, 176 Jacob "Johnny Reb", 176 John, 176 John Thomas, 175 Louhana L, 175 Nathan Hale, 176 Sarah,176 Stephen, 176 Crabtree B. C., 153 Mary, 169,177 Thomas Y., 158 Craig Dr. Marion S., 155 John H., 153 Cravens Mary, 156 William, 156 Crawbaugh Charles, 159 Crawford Moses, 158 Crawley S. S., 152 Crige Frank,152 Criswell Halem, 161 Harmus, 161 Crouch Pearl,175 Crow Samuel,161 Crowford Arthur, 161 Crowley Benjamin, 157 Croyley Matt, 156 Cunningham Patricia Vee, 165 Curot Charles, 157 Dale Jo Anna, 175 Daniel Calvin, 172 Carrie, 172 George, 172 Henry, 172 Jasper, 172 Marthy, 172 Martin, 172 Melissa, 172 Samuel,172 Daniels Beverly, 174 Charlotte (Measels), 174 David,174 Raymond E., Jr., 174 Samuel,174 Dauglesh Josiah,l56 Davenport Jan, 152 David POlly, 179 Davidson D,153 G. D., 153 Davis Charles C, 159 Elipaz,l56 Elizabeth, 157 J. H., 152 Lott, 15S Monroe G., Jr., 151, 173 Nathan, 157 Davison James, 168 Davlin Hugh,158 Dawson J.,153 Deaton Elijah Lee (Bill), 175 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .•_ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ _Atkansas Family Historian • Page 185 Elijah L., 175 Denson Paula Carmack, 172 Derrick Georgie, 175 Josephine, 175 Dial Michael, 161 Dickey Ben H., 175 Vera Price Wakefield, 175 Dickinson Nan, 161 Dickson Ida G., 170 James E., 170 Uoyd Edward, 170 Divers John, 159 Dodson Mr. and Mrs. G., 154 Doherty Betty Jean (Joyce), 174 Donaldson Dicey, 174 Hugh Johnston, 174 Dortch William, 156 Dorton Sallie Tennessee, 177 Doss Lance, 174 Dotson Capt. Josephua, 178 Douglas Elizabeth, 173 Fannie. 173 James M., 173 Jane, 173 . Jonathan A, 173 leona S., 173 Louisa, 173 Nancy Ellen, 173 William (Bill), 173 Douglas(s) Frances, 178 Manie/Martha, 178 Pearl, 178 S. B., 178 Drew Thomas S" 160 Duckworth Daniel,l60 Dunham Dennis, 156 Dupy Allord, 161 David,l60 Eaden James, 160 Easley Lambert, 158 eaSIer Patrick, 158 William, 158 Edwards Geraldine DeWin, 173 Henry, 157 James, 153 Aobert R., 172 William, 157 EUenburgh John, 156 Ellingson Alice Gray, 173 Elmore Archie, 170 Jimmy D., 170 Ona Mae, 170 Emory Thomas, 159 Engels Mary P., 150 English Stephen, 156 Ervin Alphius, 157 Ananias, 162 Erwin H., 153 Espy Dr. Kirk, 152 Evatt Elijah 0., 167 John Washam, 166 John Wesley, 166, 167 Unda Reed, 166 Martha Payne, 166 Martha V" 167 Thomas Reno, 166 Will, 166, 168 William H, 166 Everet Ewel, tOO Featherston Cap\.,153 Ferguson George Robert, 176 Nancy Jane, 176 Ferrell Susan, 176 Flnlcum Mark,l77 Finley James, 162 William, 162 Fisher John, 159 Flanery Isaac, 163 Fletcher Levl,159 Foote Arthur H., 170 Dr., 153 Laura Pearl, 170 Ford Annie Nevada, 169 CoraS.,170 George W., 169 John Perley, 182 Robert W., 182 Fortenberry Henry, 161 Jacob, 162 James, 161 Foster Thomas, 159 Fowler America, 175 Davld,175 Susie, 176 WIlliam, 160. 175 Fowlkes Abner, 175 Edward Bass, 175 Estelle B., 175 Gage G,,152 Gallen John, 152 Galvin Tresla A Reddell, 175 Gann Annie J., 169 A G., 169 John H, 169 Uoyd,169 Opal,169 Page. 186. Volume 32, Numher4 - December ou·,....... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ •_ _ _ _ _ __ Polly Ann, 169 Will J., 169 W. J., 169 W. V.. 169 Garrett Cynthia E., 176, 178 Edward,l77 Francis C.. 176 Hulda J., 176 Isaac, 176 James, 176 John, 176 Lafayette, 176 Mary E., 176 Sandi,179 William, 176 William L L., 176 Gartrell Bell,170 Martha M., 170 SallieJ., 170 Gass David M., 177 Gathright Carolyn, 177 Gerritsen Doris L., 175 Giard Marie, 172 Gibson Samuel D., 162 William, 162 Giles D. S., 152 Gillett E. A., 154 Gilliam Albert, 170 A. M., 170 Ernest, 170 Francis, 170 S. F.. 170 Gipson Prudence McBride, 176 Gladden Nancy Roberts Landen, 169 Glenn Elizabeth, 172 Hardy, 172 John S., 172 Joseph. 172 Louisa, 172 Mary, 172 Melissa, 172 Nancy J., 172 William E., 159 Glover J. W., 153 Gossiau Jacques Charles, 172 Therese, 172 Gotcher Payne, 154 Gottwald Allie-Sue, 165 Graham Pam, 173 Gray Francis, 159 Isaac, 160 Jesse, 160 John, 156 R. M., 152 Wanda M. Newberry, 181 Graydon Patte B., 150 Green Becky,177 Dan/Daniel, 177 Emma, 177 Harve,l70 Jenny, 177 John, 177 Lora, 170 Nettie, 177 Sally, 177 Marion, 177 Greenwall Beatrice, 164 Grider Emely E., 175 Griffith Col. John, 178 Gullett John, 159 Reas, 159 William, 159 Halcomb Caleb, 161 Hale Barbara, 182 Haley John Wesley, 176 Martha (Mitchell), 176 Mary (Thompson), 176 Haley. Thomas Wesley, 176 Hall Greenup, 157 G. H., 170 Richmon, 157 Serena, 170 Ham Emily (Eavidson), 175 John W., 175 Hammett Joyce Self, 171 Hammons John B., 156 Hampton Monroe Allen, 170 Hancock Arvil Dale, 180 Hanna Bertha C., 170 Mary, 170 Hare Mrs. T. D., 176 Harmon Capt., 153 Harris Henry, 161 James Washington, 173 Sarah,172 Thomas, 157 Hatcher Charles, 162 Haymes Nelle Irene (Smith), 173 Henderson Alexander, 162 Frank J., 173 Mary, 162 Shannon J., 179 Herriman Rachel C., 172 Hicks R. H., 167 Hilbert Loretta, 151 Hill A. L., 152 Hilton Marian Wood, 177, 178 Hinds Byram, 156 John, 156 Joseph, 157 Hix Thomas, 160 William, Jr., 160 William, Sen., 160 _ _ _ _ Arkansas Family Historian· Page 187 Hogan Martin M., 159 Michael 0.,159 Walter G., 159 Hogue Elizabeth, 175 Holcomb Brent H., 181 Catherine, 154 Francis, 154 John, 154, 157 Martha, 154 Rebecca, 154 Reuben, 154 Wm., 154 Holderby Thomas, 157 Holderman Peter, 161 Holland A. G., 169 Fred,l69 Jacob A" 169 Nannie E., 169 Holley Frank, 170 Ida B., 170 J. L, 170 RayW., 169 Hollis C. H" 152 Holt Thomas, 159 Hooper Aley, 157 Clarinder, 157 Jesse, 157 Hopson Rebecca Jane, 177 Hotchkiss Lydla,177 House Benjamin, 177 Howard Annie, 174 Bert, 174 Cora, 174 Elizabeth, 174 Erd,174 John, 174 Millin Burton, 174 Hubbard Margaret Harrison, 150 Hubble Henry, 159 Mary, 159 Huddleston Anthony, 158 Hudson Betty S., 176 Edward,l63 Ezekiel, 156 Henry, 158 James, 163 John, 156, 163 Pleasant, 162 T, D., 174 Hudspeth Dr. L., 152 George S., 158 Solomon, 158 Hughes John, 154 Hulsy Louisa, 162 Humphress Amos, 175 Humphreys James, 158 Mary, 156 Hunt Richard Carter, 171 Hurd T. F., 152 Hydrick John Jr" 178 Mary B" 178 Patrick E., 178 Rebecca, 178 William G. L, 178 Ingram James P., 156 Irby J. M., 153 Jackson C. D" 170 Henry A., 171 Layfette Washington, 171 Janes Samuel,156 January Martha Elizabeth, 1n Jarrett William, 159 Jay Henry, 162 Jeffers Daniel,158 Jeffery James, 162 Jesse, 162 Jeter Sarah Elizabeth, 171 Job Caleb,162 Isaac, 162 Johnson Andrew, 157 Caswell J., 177 Darrius A, 177 Davis, 160 J, C" 154 Malinda A., 1 Martha, 174 Martin, 160 Mary, 172, 174 Mary F., 177 Moses, 174 Nancy, 174 Nancy Caroline, 177 Nehemiah, 174 Samuel Marshall, 177 Sarah,174 S. J. (Serepta Jane?), 177 Vincent Perry, 177 William, 161, 174 Elizabeth Ann, 177 Sarah,173 Johnston n W. A, 168 Joiner Donna A, 171 Jones Benjamin, 162 John, 158, 161 Mary Elizabeth, 173 Myrick Allen, 173 Pinkney Burr, 174 Seab, 168 WlleyJ.,174 W. J., 174 Jordan Garret Rivers, 173 Jurdin John, 156 Justes Margaret, 162 Kar-Kar-Lor-Ha-Nar, 179 Pa,gc 18&· Volume 31, Numbcr4. Occemhct w_' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Keel Hardy, 159 Kellett James, 158 Joseph,158 William, 156 Kelley Ellen Jane, 175 Kelsey Michael, 151 Kelso W. H., 154 Kemper Lois Cowart, 173 Kester Isaac, 158 King James, 161 James K p" 177 Joel,174 John, 161,170 Lydia Ann, 170 Nancy (Cheatham), 174 Samuel p" 177 William, 162 William, Jr., 161 Kirby W. S" 152 Kitchens Easter, 175 John C,' 175 Knighten Isaac, 160 Koutroulis Margie Q" 173 Kouvales Pauline, 165 Kuykendall James M" 163 Labasq Mary, 157 Lail George, 162 Lala Betty Homer, 174 Lamb Isaac, 157 Landers Elisha, 159 Landrum Frank,178 Lanklord Arthur, 161 Larevier Lewis, 157 Lathum Prudy, 156 Lawed Emiline, 176 Lay Delores Jackson, 172 Ledbetter James Andrew, 165 Ledford William, 161 Lee Francis, 178 Leggett Martha Mattie, 175 Lehar Georgia C" 172 Leige EM,,152 Leumax Peter, 156 Lewallen Elleanor, 176 Lewis Amanda (Lewis), 174 Amelia,174 Burr, 156 Elizabeth, 176 Thomas, 156 Lindsey carlton, 159 Dr. William Shook, 173 Little Beulah,169 Charles W" 169 Dorothy, 170 Estella, 169 Glenn, 169 Howard,170 H, M" 169 James A, 171 Lester, 170 Manuel,170 Michael, 170 Q,C., 170 Paul,170 Susie, 170 S,,152 Lloyd Robt.,I72 Vera, 174 Lokey James Taylor, 174 Long Cheryl (Hunter), 171 James G, W" 172 Josephine Frances (Bell), 172 Looney William, 163 Loopeer EmilyC,,170 Looper Etta, 169 Marcus A, 170 Pleasant Bradford, 177 Loving Sarah,l54 Wm, T, H" 154 Loyd Delila, 161 Lucky Armstrong, 157 L,,152 Lyons Emma, 175 Maguire's Store, 175 Mahan Benjamin, 176 Hezikiah, 176 Mannes Joseph M., 167 Manning Wiley, 173 Mansker casper, 160 Elizabeth. 160 Markum Thomas, 156 Marshall Elizabeth. 176 Israel,176 James Brown, 176 Joseph. 176 Robert. 176 William. 176 Martin Daniel,159 D, B., 169 Martha Jane, 176 Mary, 174 Melba, 169 Samuel,174 Sarah,174 William. 162 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,Arkansas Family Historian ~ Page 189 Mash Virginia, 178 Mask William, 159 Massager Mary Louise Catherine, 172 Massengale Hiram, 157 Masters Jesse B., 175 Mathus James, 163 Polly, 162 Mattox Edward,163 Strawder, 157 Mauldin Dorothy Tincup, 182 McBride Jane M., 169 Thomas H., 169 McCarrell John, 156 McCarroll James, 161 Nataniel, 161 McClellan Caroline "Cally", 165 McCombe John F., 171 McCombs Celia A., 171 John, 171 McCord Susan (Thompson), 176 McCullough David, 151 McDonald A.J.,170 Edward,159 Mary V., 170 John, 160 McElhaney Amanda Jane, 176 Arthur, 176 Margaret, 169 McFarlin James, 160 McGlothlin Cora, 154 H. P., 154 S. H., 154 McGowen John W., 172 Mary Jane (Ogletree), 172 Mcilroy Samuel,163 McKinley Joseph, 157 William, 161 McKnight John, 161 William, 162 Mclane Bobbbie Jones, 150 Bobbie Jones, 179 McLemore Jean Pruitt, 176 McMahen Carrie (Perry), 176 Lee, 176 McMillan Malcolm, 161 McNair Helen, 177 McReynolds Mathew, 158 McWilliams Robert, 162 Medlin FannieNiblett, 169 Medlock Hiram, 174 Merritt Dan, 178 Miller Arthur W., 169 A. W., 169 E. Clementine, 169 E. C., 169 Jessie (Black), 177 Lena E., 169 Loyd B., 169 Martha, 177 N. B. "Babe", 169 Sam B., 169 Samuel,l60 Millhouse Polly, 161 Milligan John, 162 Milton Edie Railsback, 171 Mitchell Kathern, 169 Mary Jean, 175 Pearl Taylor, 170 Mock Page 190 - Volume 32, Number 4 - December Nathias, 159 Monk Minnie Belle, 170 Roy Arthur, 170 Montgomery J. T., 152 Nancy, 176 Moon Ellen, 169 R. G., 169 Moore Eliza Ann (Cox), 175 Florence D., 151 George Washington, 175 John S., 158 Moran Elda,170 Hiram G., 169, 170 Lois Gail, 169 Morgan William, 158 Morris Ambrose, 173 G. G., 153 Lucinda, 173 Sarah,173 Morrow John, 171 J.,153 Mosenthin Glenn, 165 William Lewis, 165 Moss Amanda, 173 Muir Robert, 157 Murphy Arthur, 156 Murray Blanche Marion, 173 Murry Arthur, 159 Henry, 159 Isaac, 160 John, 159 Mustain Leudy, 176 Naron Delila, 172 Eli, .172 John, 172 John Henry, 172 John Henry, Sr., 172 ]()I)-l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mary Catheerine (Long), 172 Mary (Killam), 172 Neal James, 162 Neff A. S., 152 Neisler Bertha, 170 Burl,170 Lucy Ann, 170 Zetha,170 Newman B. H., 152 Niblett James C., 169 W. R. "Bill", 169 Nichols Gerald Lee, 179 John A., 177 Kathleen Lipsmeyer, 179 Nathan, Sr., 179 Nicholson Capt., 153 Nickerson Mrs. Jennie, 154 Nixon Caroline P., 171 Emily Sophia, 1.71 Jackson Robert, 171 Robert R., 171 Noras Nicholas, 161 Northern Nancy, 177 Norwell Elebert Taylor, 176 Nunn Nancy Elizabeth, 172 Oben O. W., 152 Ogden David Lawrence, 171 Isaac, 173 Rev. Benjamin, 173 Stanley, 173 Susan Moore, 173 Ogdon Henry, 161 Jacob, 161 Ogletree Mary Jane, 172 Olott Daniel,159 Ooper O. T., 169 Ore Robbie Delle, 174 Robert Fulton, 174 Osment P. S., 153 Owen Ellen, 175 Emily, 175 James, 175 Mary, 175 Owen J., 175 Willis, 175 Owens Lula Mary, 177 Sallie, 177 T. B. Buck, 177 Parker Nelda, 171 Partridge Allie Fair, 177 James Monroe, 177 Minnie, 177 Patterson Anna, 175 Pennington Nancy J., 151 Perry Frank Early, 176 Henry, 161 Henry P., 176 Isham, 161 Levy, 152 Robert L., 176 Virginia, 176 Warren Augustus, 176 Wm. Haward, 176 Wm. Howard, 175 Petross A,154 C., 154 John, 154 Minta, 154 OiIey S., 154 Petty James, 157 Pevehouse Abram, 157 Jacob, 156 Squire, 156 Pierce IIa,178 John, 156 Lewis, 158 Pitman Paten R., 160 Pogue James, 153 Polston Susana, 161 Ponder Jerry, 182 Pope John, 170 Poteel T. J., 152 Potter Dorothy Williams, 180 Powell Charles F., 164 Chas. F., 165 Dr. G. C., 164 Dr. Wm. Byrd, 164 George, 164, 165 Geo. C., 165 Presson A,169 Juanita Little, 169 J. D., 170 J. L., 169 Leonard, 170 Ollie G., 169 Tommy A, 170 Price? Robert, 159 Pricher Evelyn, 177 Prince Sarah Jane, 173 Pruitt John H., 178 Purkins Aaron, 159 Benjamin, 160 Pyburn William, 160 Raney James, 161 John, 157 Samuel, 161 William, 161 Rankin William, 173 Rathbone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Arkansas Family Historian - Page 191 Bettye. 177 Ravellette Gall O.Griffith, 174 Rawls Alexander M., 175 Cynthia, 175 Ray Susanna, 177 Reddell Cecil Ervia, 175 Flora Leona McCertheon, 175 George William, 175 Patricia Ann Dickey, 175 Reed Esther Collum, 175 Helen, 173 Robert, 173 Shipman. 165 Reeves Capt.. 153 Renfraw Barlet, 158 Nancy. 158 William, 156 Revll Robert M.. 162 Rhea John. 156 Rice Elizabeth Collum, 175 Reuben, 162 Richardson Drew. 162 Edward. 162 Lambert, 162 Richmond Ella, 169 JohnW.,I69 Rickman Abraham, 158 John, 158 Riley Deborah, 177 Ritchie Alma, 170 Jake, 170 Roads Peter, 160 Samuel,l60 Roberts Joel V., 172 Joetta, 172 Kima,172 Lew, 173 Lydia, 172 Maidalee, 172 Nancy E. (Spencer), 172 Noah A., 172 Onethea 0., 172 Rebecca, 172 Robertson Charles, 157 James, 160 Martha, 172 Sarah,156 Robinson Ellen F., 173 GeoJ., 173 Jake, 173 Lee, 176 Lorene Cook, 169 Malinda J., 173 Wm. Jacob, 173 Wm. L., 173 Rodgers Adah,176 Rodney John, 160 Rogers Alia, 169 Billy, 169 Elijah, 177 Guy, 169 John, 177 Joseph E., 172 Romans E.L. Bud, 177 John Greenleaf, 177 Rosenberry J.,I52 Ross Obadiah,162 William, 158, 160 Rouse Nancy, 175 Ruckman Joseph, 158 Runyan Grace M., 174 Smith Cornelius, 174 Rushing William (Bill), 175 Russell George, 156 Mary, 159 Oscar G., 179 Page 192 - Volume 32, Number4· December Reuben R., 162 Sage Charolette, 174 Sanders Dr., 153 Mary Elizabeth, 171 Sanderson J. Hardy, 170 Quillie B., 170 Saunders Ms. Pat, 177 Scarber Oma Davis, 169 Thurman, 169 Schofield Constance, 172 Scketon Lillie, 176 Scott H.A.,168 Ozell Donaldson, 174 Rick,178 Robert, 172 Thomas W., 172 Seeten Mary, 162 Segraves Minerva Jane, 173 Self Andrew, 171 Elizabeth, 171 Isaac, 171 Jane, 171 John, 171 Logan, 159 Missouri, 171 Sarah, 171 Sarah Jeter, 171 Susan (Elizabeth?), 171 William, 171 Selph Morton J., 170 Nancy J., 170 Sharp Amanda Jane, 178 Anna Mae, 170 Solomon, 157 Shaver Charles, 178 Danlel,159 John, 159 Mlchel,l60 Shaw John, 153 Shelton Claiborne, 176 Donald G., 176 Jeremiah, 176 Jessee, 176 William Harvey, 176 Simpson AS.,153 Sims Joyce, 172 Sivley Faye J., 177 Slavens Henry, 159 Sloan Forgus, 158 James, 158 Mrs. Frank E, 151 Thomas, 161 Smedlund William S., 181 Smiley Francis M., 154 Margaret, 154 Tabitha, 154 Sm~h Albert, 173 Alvin Ray, 170 Beach Taylor, 173 Dr. Harry B., 178 Elbert Monroe, 177 Gilford, 162 Herbert Sanford, 173 Homer Harris, 173 Jackie Arnold, 180 James, 161 Joseph Amos, 173 Mary Ann, 172, 174 Mary Halstead, 177 Robert, Jr., 156 Sarah Emaline, 174 Stanley, 177 Thomas, 177 Uriah,160 Smyer Mr. and Mrs. A E., 154 Snider Nan Harrell, 181 Norma C., 174 Snoddy Rufus, 157 Spain Escue, 170 Robert R., 170 W. M., 170 Spears Bill, 172 George, 172 Hazel Wingfield, 172 Jim, 172 John, 172 Stephen, 172 Spradling Ozello Claude, 169 Stanfield Nettie, 174 Stanford George, 157 John, 157 W. C., 152 Star Jonnie,178 J. R, 152 Starr James, 178 Rebecca E., 178 Steele John P., 174 Stevenson William 0., 158 Steward Amy, 157 Stinnette Jack Ji, 174 Jack "Slim", 174 Lillie May, 174 Lilly Mary, 174 Stipsky Tommy Dale, 169 Stone Carol Fulbright, 177 Mary, 177 William, 177 Strain Robert, 158 Stuart Rebecca, 157 Stubblefieid Coleman, 162 Fielden, 163 Michael, 162 Studman James A, 161 Suffridge Lynda C., 179 Sulaven Nelson, 157 Sutfin James, 157 Sweeton Mary,HID Swza Richard, 159 Talley Nancy M. E., 171 Peggy, 171 Talton Infant, 170 Taylor Cpt. EM., 152 James L., 170 John, 180 J., 153 Samuel, 160 Walker D., 170 William, 161 William E., 170 Wm. Matthew, 173 Terry Stephen, 160 Tewpel Mr.,167 Thompson Abner. 157 Charles, 158 Cincinnati (Armstrong), 176 Evin, 157 George, 157 George W., 176 Gould Berry, 176 Greenberry, 176 Jane, 176 Lawrence, 163 Martin, 176 Pharow, 157 Sue, 176 W. M., 152 William, 161 Tidwell Hiram Harp, 177 William, 177 William David, 177 Titsworth Julia A, 173 Tolson Sarah Ann, 171 Townsend Joseph, 171 Trumbell John, 161 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,Arl:a.sasFamjly Historia. - Page 193 Tucker Amanda (Moss), 173 John C., 173 Lucy, 171 Tumbleson Jacob, 161 Turner J. F., 178 Twitty Capt, 153 Tyler Evaline (Thompson), 176 Tylor Benjamin, 162 James, 162 Peler, 162 Upl0n Josiah, 156 Varan Mrs. Irene, 172 Vaughn Chas W., 173 John, 173 Vinsant Martin, 158 Vinson Elijah, 157 Visor J.,153 Wagoner Cladia, 182 Walker Mary Elizabeth, 174 Wallace Mary Ann, 173 Wann Arviel D., 175 Ware George W., 171, 176 Joseph, 161 Samuel D., 176 Thomas William, 176 William, 162 Warnock John, 160 Warren P. R., 152 W. W., 153 Watson Joseph W., 173 Wayland Francis, 157 Henry, 162 Nevil, Jr., 157 Nevil, Sr., 157 William, 157 Weaver Mollie, 176 Welch Aaron B. L., 171 John, 171 Mary, 156 Phoebe A. Busby, 171 Robert, 156 Wells John, 158, 159 Thomas, 156 William, 158, 159 West Winney, 160 Zilpha,177 Wheeler Jas, 152 Whisenant Barbara Carter, 172 White John 0.,173 Robert, 173 Whitley George, 175 Jacob,175 Lucinda, 175 Lucy, 175 Matilda, 175 Phebe, 175 Samuel,175 Whitsett ,153 Whittaker Thomas, 156 Whitten W. L. B., 153 Williams Amanda, 172 Charles W., 172 Daniel, Jr., 161 Elisha, 172 Elisha S., 172 James, 161 Jessie, 172 John, 159 Jonas, 160 Lewis, 156 MaryJ.,I72 Miles, 162 Richard Searcy, 165 Saniel, Sen., 160 Wm., 172 Williams Nancy (Burks). 172 Williamson Mrs. Lula (J. G.). 174 Williford David,158 Thomas, 158 William, 158 Willis Jackie K., 170 Robert S., 169 Wilmuth Robert, 176 Wilmuth/Wilmoth Ethel Lucinda, 176 Wilson Arrimesia, 172 Eula, 169 Ida Belle, 169 James M., 169 Mrs. Betty G., 174 Peggy J., 172 Wood Daniel D. C., 176, 178 Hiram John, 178 James, 178 James F., 178 Jarrett, 158 William, 158 William C., 178 Woodrell James M., 172 Wooten Daniel,159 Yancy Mary, 170 Yeager L., 153 York Absalom Burgess, 174 Young Col. William C., 153 Susan, 182 Younger Cincinnati (Thompson), 176 Zuber Iris, 176 Mrs. I. E., 175 Page 194 - Volume 32, Number4 - December 1994 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __