CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE FORMCIQ For vendor or other person doing businesswith local governmentalentity This questionnaire is beingfiled in accordancewith chapter176of the Local Government code by a persondoingbusinesswiththe governmentalentity. By law this questionnaire must be filedwith the recordsadministrator of the localgovernment not laterthanthe 7th businessdayafterthe datethe person becomesawareof facts that requirethe statementto be filed. see section 176.006,LocalGovernment Code. OFFICEUSEONLY Date Received A personcommitsan offenseif the personviolatesSection176.006,Local Government code. An offenseunderthis sectionis a class c misdemeanor. 1l Nameof persondoing businesswith local governmentalentity. Dr. AlejandraMartin, ExecutiveDirector TexasAssociationof SchoolPersonnelAdministrators(TASPA) r Gheckthis box if you are filing an updateto a previouslyfiled questionnaire. (The law requiresthat you file an updatedcompletedquestionnaire with the appropriatefilingauthoritynot laterthan September1 of the yearfor whichan activitydescribedin Section176.006(a), LocalGovernmentCode,is pendingand not laterthan the 7th businessday afterthe date the originallyfiledquestionnaire becomesincompleteor inaccurate.) ll Describeeachaffiliationor businessrelationshipwith an employeeor contractorof the local governmentalentitywho makes recommendationsto a local governmentofficer of the local governmentalentity with respectto expenditureof money. None U Describeeach affiliationor business relationshipwith a personwho is a local government officer and who appointsor employsa local governmentofficer of the local governmentalentity that is the subject of this questionnaire. None Amended 01/13/2006 CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE For vendor or other person doing businesswith local governmentarentity FORMCIQ Page 2 Nameoflocalgovernmentofficerwithwhomfilerhasaffiliationorbusinessrelationship. (Completethissectiononlyifthe answerto A, B, or G is YES.) This section,item 5 includingsubpartsA, B, C & D, must be completedfor each officerwith whom the filer has affiliationor businessrelationship.Attachadditionalpagesto this Form CIQ as necessary. A. ls the localgovernmentofficernamedin this sectionreceivingor likelyto receivetaxableincomefromthe filerof the questionnaire? l--ly"" li-l'o B. ls the filerof the questionnaire receivingor likelyto receivetaxableincomefromor at the directionof the localgovernment officernamedin this sectionAND the taxableincomeis not fromthe localgovernmental entity? |-l v"" lxl *o G. ls the filerof thisquestionnaire affiliatedwith a corporation or otherbusinessentitythatthe localgovernmentofficerserves as an officeror directol or holdsan ownershipof 10 percentor more? |-l v"" lx l*o D. Describeeach affiliationor businessrelationshio. Describeany other affiliationor business relationshipthat might causea conflict of interest. A m e n d e d0 l / 1 3 / 2 0 0 6