owner`s manual
owner`s manual
OWNER'SMANUAL C €MODEL #54075 22O-24OV-5OHzr 265OW Hmax {,Om Hmin O.{9m IPXS .' 1 ' . rF , :. ';. .'i' Bestwa% I I r I l . S a f ety I nstruction s 2 . S pecificatio ns P s-+ Pq 3 . l nstallation In stru ctio ns Site R equireme nts R CD T est A ssembly P q-o 4 . Pump O pera tion Bleeding the Air Pu rge V alv e C ontrol Pa ne l Error Mes sa ge s Pz - s s . M aintenance Filter Car trid ge Cle an ing & Replac em ent Maintaining Sp a Wa ter D rainage Cleaning the Sp a Spa R epair L ay-Z -S pa Stora ge Pe-ro 6 . Troubleshoo ting Pro T. D isposal Pro S. W arrant y Pr r I I I I I I I I SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING When installingand usingthis electricalequipment,basicsafetyprecautionshouldalwaysbe followed, includingthe following: IMPORTANT SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS READAND FOLLOWALL INSTRUCTIONS. WARNING:RISK OF ELECTRICSHOCK.Insert the plug only to a properly grounded socket. WARNING:The spa must be suppliedby an isolatingtransformeror suppliedthrougha residualcurrentdevice (RCD)havinga ratedresidualoperatingcurrentnot exceeding30mA. WARNING:RCD must be testedbeforeeach use. WARNING:lf the supplycord is damaged,it must be replacedby the manufacturer, its serviceagentor similarly qualifiedpersonsin orderto avoid ahazard. WARNING:To reducethe riskof electricshock,do not use extensioncord to connectunitto electricsupply;provide a properlylocatedoutlet. WARNING:No partof the applianceis to be locatedabovethe bath duringuse. WARNING:Partscontaininglive parts,exceptpartssuppliedwith safetyextra-lowvoltagenot exceeding12V, must be inaccessible to a personin spa pool;Earthedappliancemust be connectedto the firedsockedwhich is permanentlyconnectedto fixedwiring.Partsincorporating electricalcomponents,exceptremotecontroldevices, must be locatedor fixedso that they cannotfall intothe spa pool. WARNING:The plugof spa shallbe at leastwith 3.5m to the pool. WARNING:lt is necessaryto have the plug accessibleafterinstallation of the pool. WARNING:Electricinstallations shouldfulfilltherequirements of standardsNFC 15-100.(For FranceOnly) WARNING:To avoidthe electricshock,do not use the spa when it is raining. WARNING:To reducethe riskof injury,do not permitchildrento use this productunlessthey are closely supervisedat all times. WARNING:Waterattractschildren;Alwaysattacha spa coveraftereach use. WARNING:Do not bury cord. Locatecordto minimizeabusefrom lawn mowers,hedgetrimmers,and other equipment. WARNING:To reducethe riskof injury,replacedamagedcord immediately. DANGER: Riskof AccidentalDrowning.Extremecautionmust be exercisedto preventunauthorized accessby children.To avoidaccidents,ensurethat childrencan not use this spa unlessthey are supervisedat all times. WARNING:RISK OF INJURY.Neveroperatespa if the suctionfittingsare brokenor missing.Neverreplacea suctionfitting. WARNING:RISKOF ELECTRICSHOCK.Installat least1.5mfromall metalsurface. WARNING:RISK OF ELECTRICSHOCK.Neveroperateany electricalappliancewhen in your spa or when your bodyis wet. Neverplaceany electricappliance, suchas a light,telephone, radio,or television, within1.5mof spa. WARNING:Duringpregnancy,soakingin hot water may causedamageto the fetus.Limituse to 10 minutesat a time. WARNING:TO REDUCETHE RISK OF INJURY: A. The waterin a spa shouldneverexceed40'C (104'F).Watertemperaturebetween3B"C(100"F) and 40"C(104"F) are consideredsafe for a healthyadult.Lowerwatertemperaturesare recommendedfor youngchildrenand when spa use exceeds'10minutes. B. Sinceexcessivewatertemperatureshave a high potentialfor causingfetaldamageduringthe earlymonthsof pregnancy,pregnantor possiblypregnantwomenshouldlimitspa watertemperaturesto 3B"C(100"F). C. Beforeenteringa spa, the user shouldmeasurethe watertemperaturewith an accuratethermometersincethe toleranceof water temperatureregulatingdevicesvaries. D. The use of alcohol,drugs,or medicationbeforeor duringspa use may leadto unconsciousness with the possibilityof drowning. E. Obesepersonsand personswith a historyof heartdisease,low or high bloodpressure,circulatorysystem problems,or diabetesshouldconsulta physicianbeforeuse a spa. F. Personsusingmedicationshouldconsulta physicianbeforeusinga spa sincesome medicationmay induce drowsinesswhileothermedicationmay affectheartrate,bloodpressure,and circulation. 3 s-s-000271 WARNING:TO REDUCETHE RISKOF INJURY:Neverpourwaterwhichhigherthan40'C (104'F)intothe spa pool directly. WARNING:The use of alcohol,drugs,or medicationcan greatlyincreasethe risk of fatal hyperthermia. Hyperthermia occurswhen the internaltemperatureof the body reachesa levelseveraldegreesabovethe normal bodytemperatureof 37"C(98.6'F).The symptomsof hyperthermiaincludean increasein the internaltemperatureof the body,dizziness,lethargy,drowsiness,and fainting.The effectsof hyperthermia includefallureto perceiveheat; failureto recognizethe need to exit spa or hot tub; unawarenessof impendinghazard;fetaldamagein pregnant women;physicalinability to exitthe spa or hot tub;and unconsciousness resultingin the dangerof drowning. CONSULTYOUR PHYSICIANFOR RECOMMENDATIONS. GAUTION:Do not use the spa alone. CAUTION:Peoplewith infectiousdiseasesshouldnot use a spa. CAUTION:Do not use the spa immediatelyfollowingstrenuousexercise. CAUTION:Alwaysenterand exit the spa slowlyand cautiously.Wet surfacesare slippery. CAUTION:To avoiddamageto the pump,the spa must neverbe operatedunlessthe spa is filledwith water. CAUTION:lmmediatelyleavespa if uncomfortable or sleepy. CAUTION:Neveradd waterto chemicals.Alwaysadd chemicalsto waterto avoidstrongfumesor violentreactions that may resultin hazardous chemicalspray. NOTE: Pleaseexamineequipmentbeforeuse. NotifyBestwayat the customerserviceaddresslistedon this manualfor any damagedor missingpartsat the time of purchase.Verifythat the equipmentcomponentsrepresent the modelsthat you had intendedto purchase. SAVE THESE INSTRUGTIONS SPECIFIGATIONS Capacity:: '' 4Adults MassagingTurboBlower: 600w 14+ Heat Element: Stainlesssteel. 2.000W ooot-(z+osar) Pur4p:, 50WCirculation.Filter Pumo RCD Protection: Yes For Ages: Watei Cap?rcity(800/t) : lnflatedSize: 81"x31" (206x79cm) 920k9 (20281bs) Filled Witight: Power Rate . Power,Cable: 220-240V4C.2650W 40"c (104'F). 4.5m' l nc r eas ed H eat R ate: A pproxi matel1.5-2' v C l h (3 -4' F/h) Filtration'System: 500gal/h I NSTALLATION I NSTRUGTIONS NOTE: Ensureto checkall partsare present. A: InflatableCoverwith TopTeryleneCover B: Pump C: Spa with TeryleneCover D: ChemicalFloater E: RepairPatch F: InflationHose G: Components Jc " t\ A. Site Requirements IMPORTANT:Becauseof the combinedweightof the Lay-Z-Spa,water,and users,it is extremelyimportantthat the basewherethe Lay-Z-Spais installedis smooth,flat,leveland capableof uniformlysupportingthis weightfor the entiretime the Lay-Z-Spais installed.lf the Lay-Z-Spais placedon a surface,which does not meet these requirements, any damagecausedby impropersupportis not coveredunderthe manufacturer's warrantv.lt is the responsibility of the Lay-Z-Spaownerto assurethe integrityof the site at all times. a) Indoors Installation:Be aware of special requirementsif you install the spa indoors. ' The floor must be able to withstandthe capacityof the Lay-Z-Spa.The floor shouldbe a non-slip,levelsurface. ' Properdrainageis essentialfor indoorspa installation. When buildinga new roomfor the spa it is recommended thata floordrainbe installed. 4 s-s-000271 . Humidityis a naturallysideeffectwith Lay-Z-Spainstallation. Determinethe effectsof airbornemoistureon exposed wood, paper,etc. in the proposedlocation.To minimizetheseeffectsit is best to provideplentyof ventilationto the selectedarea.An architectcan help determineif moreventilationis needed. NOTE: Do not installtheLay-Z-Spaon carpetor othermaterialthatcan be damagedby moisture. b) Outdoors Installation No matterwhereyou installthe Lay-Z-Spa,it's importantyou have a solidsupportfoundation.lf you are installing the Lay-Z-Spaoutdoors,ensurethereare no sharpobjectsthat coulddamageit and that the locationis levelso the Lay-Z-Spasits properly. . Duringfilling,emptyingor when in use,watermay spillout of the Spa. Thereforethe Lay-Z-Spashouldbe installed near a floordrain. . Do not leavethe Spa'ssurfaceexposedto directsunlightfor long periodsof time. B. RGD Test WARNING:RISK OF ELECTRICSHOCK.The RGD plug must be tested before each use. WARNING:Insertthe RCD plug into a residualcurrentdevice(RCD)protectedpoweroutletonly. WARNING:Beforeinsertingthe plug intoa poweroutlet,make surethe currentrateof the poweroutletis suitable for the pump. 1. Insertthe plug intothe poweroutlet. 2. Pressthe "RESET"button.The indicatorlightshouldturn red. 3. Then pressthe "TEST"button.The indicatorlightshoulddisappear. WARNING:Do not use if above test fails. 4. Finally,pressthe "RESET"buttonagain.The indicatorlightshouldturn red.The Pump is readyfor use. G. Assembly a) Spread out the Spa and TeryleneCovermakingsure both are right side up. b) Connect one end ofthe InflationHoseto AdapterA on the Pump. \ ---* -- - -\\- il3.HH.3v ^ c) As previouslyoutlined,testthe Pump'sRGDplug and pressthe (pictureof the button)Lay-Z-Massage Buttonto activatethe Pump. 5 s-s{00271 I a xrn n rn n d) Pleaseinflatethe spa chambersaccordingthe numbersprintedon the Spa: T: TT f InflatableCushion o1 *--- lnflatable Cover TIPS: How to use the SID-Valve . Screwthe SID-Valveonto it's base. . Openthe top of the SID-Valve,insertthe inflationhose and inflate. . Once inflationis finished,fastenthe top coverof the SID-Valve. . To deflatesimplyunscrewthe SID-Valvecounterclockwisefrom it's base. @ e). Connecting the Pump to the Spa CAUTION:Be sure the Pump is unplugged before connecting it to the Spa. . Attachthe Pump'sAdapterA to the Spa'sAdapterA, ensurethe seal is properlyin placeand hand tightenthe Adapteruntilsnug. . Next,attachthe Pump'sAdapterB to the Spa'sAdapterB, ensurethe seal is properlyin placeand hand tighten the Adapteruntilsnug. . Finally,connectthe Pump'sAdapterC to the Spa'sAdapterC the same way as the previouslyoutlined. 0. Fillthe spa Using a garden hose fill the Spa at leastto the water level printedon the Spa wall. g). Place the InflatableGover onto the Spa, next place the Top Terylene Goverover the lnflatableGoverlining up the CoverGlipsand securing them in place. WARNING:Thiscoveris not a substitute for adultsupervision; childmust be supervisedat all timesaroundthe Soa. 6 s€{00271 PUMP OPERATION Bleeding The Air Purge Valve the if youdo notfollowtheseinstructions beforeoperating, Youmustensurethe Pumpis prepared CAUTION: Neverdryrunthe Pumpas suchthistypeof damageis notcoveredby thewarranty. Pumpmayoperateabnormally. a) Open the Air Purge Valve located on the top of the Pump by turning the screw treaded knob counter clockwise. The maximumventilationoccurswith two full turnsof Air PurgeValve.Do not turn morethan two rotationsor the valvewill unthreadfrom the pump. NOTE: lf knob should become dislodged, simply place it back on and turn clockwise to rethreadthe Air Purge Valve. b) With the Air PurgeValveopen,waterwill beginto flow intothe pump releasingair from the system.This process will take about l minutesdependingon the amountof water in the Spa and the Pump. c) When water beginsto fill the smalldepressionof the Air PurgeValve,the Air PurgeValve shouldbe closedby turningclockwise. d) Once the Air PurgeValve is closedwipe and dry any excesswaterfrom the Pump. Gontrol Panel Increasebutton A: Temperature B: Temperature Decreasebutton C: WaterFiltrationbutton D: Lay-ZMassagebutton aao E: Heatbutton F: Temperature Heatbuttonmodebutton G : L E DDis p la y LED Display: Once powered-upthe LED displaysthe currentwatertemperatureautomatically. TemperatureMode Button: The temperaturecan be displayedin eitherFahrenheitor Celsius.To togglebetweenthese choicessimplypressthis button. |"",Jr=;.H seg) Decrease 3i5jH,*"JlI i'i8"i:'i' @, n",."" Increaseor Temperature Decreasebuttonswillcausethe LEDto flash. Pressingthe Temperature youcanenterthedesiredtemperature Whenflashing setting.lf youholdthesebuttonsdownthe valueswillrapidlyincrease or decrease. Thenewanddesiredtemperature settingwillremainon the LEDdisplayfor 5 secondsto confirmthe newvalue. to 40"C(104"F) whenfirstpluggedin. NOTE:Theset pointtemperature defaults adjustment rangesfrom20'C (68'F)to40"C(104"F). NOTE:Temperature WaterFiltrationBufton:Thisbuttonturnsthe FilterPumpon andoff. greenwhenactivated. Buttondisplays ThelightabovetheWaterFiltration the heatingsystem. HeatButton:Usethisbuttonto activate reaches1'C higherthan ThePumpdoesnotstopheatingtheSpauntilthecurrentwatertemperature thesettemoerature. Afterthecurrentwatertemperature drops2"C belowthesetpointtemperature the heatingsystemwill restart. 7 s-s400271 When the lightabovethe Heat Buttonshowsred the heatingsystemis activated.When the light showsgreenthe water is at the set temperatureand the heatingsystemis at rest. Rapidheatingsystemis capableof increasingapproximately1.5 to 2"C (3-4"F)per hour. NOTE:lf the heatingsystemis activatedthe filtrationsystemwill automatically start- This is normal. NOTE:Afterturningoff the heatingsystemthe filtrationsystemwill stillwork. This is normal. Lay-Z-MassageButton: Use this buttonto activatetlre massagesystemwhich has a 3O-minuteauto shut off feature. The lightabovethe FilterButtondisplaysgreenwhen activated. Error Message Symptom The LED displays ..E,LF. ProblemCauses Solutions Not connectto a groundedor grounding Plug into a groundedor groundingtype raaanf4ala receotacle f\/na The LED displays and the heating lightflashesred Water temperaturetoo high Unplugthe Pump.When the water cools restart(lf this does not solvethe problempleaseconsultus or your dealer) The LED displays and the heating lightflashesgreen Watertemperature toolow lf the environmenttemperatureis below4"C we recommendyou not use the Pump All the lightsflash Somethingis wrong with the Pump Consultus or vour dealer MAINTENANGE GAUTION:You must ensurethe Pump is unplugged beforebeginningSpa maintenanceor severerisk of injury or deathexists. Filter Gartridge Gleaning / Replacement 1. Unplugthe Pump. 2. In orderto preventwaterfrom flowingto the Pump, reachinsidethe Spa and insertthe threeStopperCaps onto the Spa's insideAdapterand Skimmers.This will preventwater from escapingwhen cleaningor replacing the filter cartridge. 3. Removethe top of the Pump by unscrewingthe Cap Retainer. 4. Removethe Cap. 5. Removethe FilterCartridgeby liftingit straightout of the PumpHousing. 6. The FilterCartridgecan be rinsedoff with a garden hose and reused.However,if the FilterCartridgeremains soiledand discoloredthe FilterCartridgeshouldbe you replaceFilterCartridges replace.lt is recommended every two weeks. 7. Insertthe cleanedFilterCartridgeintothe centerof the Pump'sHousing. 8. Checkto makesure the Pump Cap Seal is seated correctlyon the top rim of the Housing. 9. Replacethe Pump Cap back into position. 10. Replacethe Pump Cap Retainerand lock it into positionby turningit clockwise. 11. Reachinsidethe Spa and removethe three Stopper Caps from the spa'sAdapterand Skimmers.This will allowwaterto flow to the Pump. 12. Usingthe previouslyoutlinedsteps,test the RCD plug bleedthe air purgevalveand restartthe Pump. N O. N A ME P4014-01-01 Air Purge Valve N O. s8094 P4014-01-O2 Air Purge Valve Seal P4014-01-19 P4014-0't-03 Pump Cap Retainer P4014-01-04 P ump C ap P4014-01-05 N A ME Filter Gartridge AdaDterA Seal P4014-01-14 Adapter C Seal P4014-01-14 Adapter B Seal Pump Cap Seal e - 6 @ +-- P4014-01-01 <r-- P4014-01-02 <- P4014.01_03 <- P4014-01-04 <-- P4014-01-05 11^\ Niltttffilltl lul$lttrt <- 58094 s-s.000271 I x til la a X n n n n n x Maintaining Spa Water for moreinformation about Pleaseconsultyourlocalpoolsupplyretailer All spasrequirethe useof poolchemicals. manufacturer's instructions. from maintenance. Paycloseattention to thechemical Spadamageresulting chemical andmismanagement of spawateris notcoveredby thewarranty. misuseof chemicals Drainage 1. In orderto preventwaterfrom escaping,insertthe three StopperCapsontothe Spa'sinsideAdapterand Skimmers. 2. Disconnectthe Pumpfrom the Spa. @+3. Connectthe HoseAdapterto yourgardenhoseand attach the HoseAdapterto the Spa'sB Adapter. 4. With your hose in a selecteddrain area, removethe lowerStopperCap from insidethe Spa to releasethe water.Once the water leveldecreasesbelowthe Spa's bottomair chamber,unscrewthe SID-Valvecounter clockwisefrom it's baseto deflatethe chamber,doing thiswillallowthe spa to thoroughlydrain. @% 9 s-s.00027r
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