Using Shade Cloth on Blackberries: Status report on an on
Using Shade Cloth on Blackberries: Status report on an on
Walker Miller The Happy Berry Inc. Six Mile, SC High temperatures are associated with red reversion, white and aborted drupelets and heat/sunburn injured fruits Dr. Clarks Observations of beautiful fruit in the Pacific Northwest suggested an association of improved quality with cooler temperatures Stanton and others reported floral incompetence at 95 degree days and 72 degree nights on primocane-fruiting berries ◦ Decrease in viability of pollen - duration stigma receptivity SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 2 Elevations of 800 to 1000 feet + – cooler? Late fall frost events – Long term aver. Nov. 1 Thermal inversion east side of Lake Keowee ◦ Wind machine All equal a potential long harvest window Israel researcher indicated similar problem with high temps was addressed with shade cloth ◦ Shade cooling ◦ Shade reflectance of heat in light frost events SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 3 Develop affordable shade cloth support structure ◦ Would work on steeply sloped terrain ◦ Enable tractor Middle mowing, Air assisted spraying Directed weed management spraying ◦ Uses local available supplies ◦ Retractable and deployable (snow, hurricanes, etc.) Verify shade cloth anticipated impacts ◦ Lower high temps ◦ Improved quality berries ◦ Reduced heat loss in frost events SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 4 Approximately 1000 feet of row ~ 10 rows on 10 ft centers ◦ 500 feet Black Magic 500 feet Prime Ark Trellis 26 - 4x4 treated 12ft & 20, 3 Ft Anchors ($400) High tensile Wire 1000 ft ($25) Top rail chain link fence 1100 ft ($1200) Hardware – 26 and 34 lag screws, 24 - 45 degree connectors, 17 end caps 26 “u” straps ($75) ◦ 400 ft 14 gauge electric fence wire and 30 strainers ($100) ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Total In round numbers $1800 For project or $7850 per acre SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 5 SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 6 Aluminet 50% shade Case of blind leading the blind (Plant where individual cloths cut, taped and grommeted is in Toccoa Georgia) ◦ Ended up with 13 cloths I designed the system not understanding how the shade cloths are made what widths work for them What we got did not fit and we had to add additional wires took a really long time to sort it out Total cost including grommets every 5 feet, hooks, Zip ties $3046 dollars for approximately 10,000 sq feet Just shy of ¼ acre Black 30% shade cloth would have been $1952 dollars SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 7 Shade Cloth up by July 25, 2014 NOAA Temp box up by August 13, 2014 with mercury thermometer in shade and in sun NOAA Box temp not much different in shade than in sun Second thermometer added out-of-box August 18 – 8 records/day In Shade In Sun In box – out of box In box – out of box Hi – low hi - low hi – low hi – low 94 68 103 67 94 67 101 66 See Problem SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 8 Number of days out-of-box temperature Frost days out-of-box temp in shade ◦ Lower in sun 69 ◦ Same “ “ 11 ◦ higher “ “ 11 Days, in days obs. made “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ ◦ Lower in shade 0 ◦ Same “ “ 0 ◦ Higher “ “ 9 Days, in days of frost (fall) “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Who amongst has not experienced significant cooling in the shade of a tree? This does not hold true for “Aluminet Shade Cloth” SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 9 Number of days in-box high temp different than temperature in the shade ◦ Lower in sun ◦ Same “ “ ◦ Higher “ “ 42 Days 32 “ 14 “ ◦ lower in sun ◦ Same “ “ ◦ Higher “ “ 57 Days 27 “ 7 “ Number of days in-box low temp different than temperature in the shade In-box temps suggest “Aluminet Shade Cloth” did not reduce high temps; ie cooler in the sun But strongly suggest Shade Cloth did increase night time temperatures SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 10 After presentation of this Power Point at the SEFVC January 2015 I had communication with Ben Martin of Cravo LTD and Fumiomi Takeda, Appalachian Fruit Research station Kearneysville WV. ◦ Bottom Line I measured the wrong Temperature. Air temperature is not what the plant experiences. The air temperature can influence the experience. ◦ Infrared thermometry is much more appropriate. ◦ The principles of the equation are important to understand the actual temperature of a fruitand how it relates to the issues of flower competence, drupe abortion, white drupes, and sun burn. SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 11 Blackbody ideally absorbs all incident energy Emissivity – Ratio of energy radiated to the body and the amount of energy radiated by the body The net thermal energy radiated by a body depends on emissivity, Its temperature and the ambient temperature around the body The temperature reading by an infrared thermometer is dependent upon its field of view The emissivity of an object is determine placing an thermocouple in the object then aiming the IR thermometer at the body and adjusting totill the both readings are equal SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 12 Aluminet Shade cloth appears to increase both day and night time air temperatures ◦ Based on Stanton and others warmer temperatures ◦ Would decrease flora competence resulting in more distorted fruit ◦ It suggests that shade cloth could extend the season by reducing light frost event Stanton and others indicated that number of flower petals, sepals and leaf out growths on sepals were phenotypic indicators of flower competence SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 13 ^ ^ Normal Flower Sepals with leafy outgrowths SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 14 We examine 10 freshly open flowers each morning counting petals, sepals and if there out growths on sepals on both Black Magic and Prime Ark ◦ A normal flower got a rating of 1. Therefore 5 petals, sepals and no out growths ◦ For each additional petal, sepal and the presence of out growth (yes or no) would get and additional count For example a flower with 6 sepals, 7 petals and an out growth would be rated as 5 The 10 flower ratings would be totaled and average # is reported for each day SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 15 47 days out of 72 days Black Magic flowers were “closer to normal” than Prime Ark 100 T e NOAA box Hi-Lo Average Temperature Temperature 50 Linear (Hi-Lo m p Hi-Lo Average Average 0 August September October Temperature) Floral 7 competence 6 5 black Magic 4 Floral 3 Competence 2 Prime Ark 1 0 8/18/2014 9/18/2014 10/18/2014 SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 16 In late October Number of Prime Ark Flowers declines while Black Magic Continues blooming SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 17 Based on Power Point presentation Salgado at SEFVC January 2015 and conversations Jose Chaparro I have concluded that Black Magic is a day neutral cultivar. It is not impacted by either day length (endo dormancy) or cold temperature (ecto dormancy) Stand Counts of 2016 floricanes in four varieties here This has significant ramifications for cultural practices for this variety and its possible use in protected environments SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 18 Blackberry Etch and Broad Mite Note fine etching which when drupelet swells, cracks - mainly on Black Magic Note downward cupping leaves worse on Prime Ark SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 19 There was more green foliage on the plants under the shade cloth, even in January before tying up the canes, especially in the Prime Ark45 than on other floricane varieties nearby. ◦ This could possibly be significant in terms of photosynthate going to roots and number strength of primocanes for the following year. SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 20 East – west rows Retracted for winter/sun SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 21 Vincent, C. I., Garcia, M. E., Johnson, D. T. and Rom, C. R. Broad Mite on Primo Cane Fruiting Blackberry in Organic Production in Arkansas. Hort Technology, August 2010 20(4) pp 718-723 Stanton, M. A., Scheerens, J.C., Funt, R. C., and Clark, J. R., Floral Competence Of Primocane-fruiting Blackberries PrimeJan and Prime-Jim Grown at Three Temperature Regimens. HortScience Vol. 42(3) June 2007 pp 508-513 Clark, J. R., Demchak, K., Finn, C. E., Lowe, J. D., Pomper, K. W., and Crabtree, S. B. Black Magic (APF-77) Primocane Fruiting Blackberry. Journal of the American Pomological Society 68 (3) 2014: pp 163-170 Clark, J. R., and Perkins-Veazie, P. APF-45 (Prime Ark 45)Primocane-fruiting Blackberry. HortScience 45(4) 2011: pp670-673 SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 22 Takeda, Fumiomi, Krewer, G., Barnes, R., Branstrator, J., Santos, B., and Glenn, M. D., Wintershading of Blueberry Plants In the Southeaster United States. (in Press January 2015) Takeda, Fumiomi, Glenn, D. M., and Tworkoski, T., Rotating Cross-arm Trellis Technology for Blackberry Production. Journal of Berry Research accepted October 2012 Shires, Daniel, Time from Flower to Mature Blackberry fruit in Ouachita, Von, Navaho, Osage and Natchez varieties. Power Point Presentation Southeaster Fruit and Vegetable Conference, Savannah Georgia January 810, 2015 SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 23 Salgado, Alejandra, Understanding the Annual Growth Cycle of the Blackberry. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Power Point Presentation at Southeaster Fruit and Vegetable Conference, Savannah Georgia January 8-10, 2015 Chaparro, Jose, Fruit Breeder, University of Florida, Fruit Crops Department, Gainesville, FL. Personal communication Clark, John, University of Arkansas, Department of Horticulture Breeding Program. Personal Communication. Southeastern Professional Fruit Workers Conference, Clarksville, Arkansas. October 2013 Martin, Benjamin,. Cravo Equipment LTD., 30 White Swan Rd, Brantford, ON, N3T 5L4 Canada, 1-519759-8226-ext 260 SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 24 The Happy Berry Inc. is a small family farm that markets directly to the consumer through pick-your-own and pre-picked on-farm sales (65%), at approximately 4 local farmers markets within 30 miles of the farm (30%) and a few Road side stands at the bequest of our customers(<5%). Farm objectives are to be economically viable, ecologically sound and socially responsible, mainly to our local community. We believe that crops should be perennial and made to last. In the future energy intensive transport will be rationed and reserved for foods that can not be produced locally or where local food production is more carbon intensive than long distance transport. As noted in the last slide of this presentation we are investigating use of living shade and canopy management as slow follow-on to this project. Something is going on as berries observed in the first year had no white drupelets, were pretty by local standards in both varieties. The shade cloth approach is more carbon intensive and as our ecological thinking progresses we are considering substituting nut pines for Loblolly and Longleaf pines now planted. Pines are non epicormic thus enable canopy management. SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 25 The negatives of on-site living canopy/shade management will be, labor of canopy management, competition for sun and water, wind management from wind tower during inversion frost events and general increase in complexity of the production system (for example blackberry psyllid management and greater bird perching/depredation). The positives are passive frost protection, more carbon sequestration on site and consequent increase in cationic exchange capacity, slowing down rain storms thus more water deposition on-site, reduced ripe fruit loss through reduce wind in violent summer storms, greater onsite diversification improving habitat for predator prey relationships, greater soil genesis through deep root extraction of minerals from bedrock, circulation of nutrients like P and K and cooler temperatures. SARE#FS13-276 "Shade Cloth For Fall Bearing Blackberries" 1/8/15 SEF&V Conference, Savannah, GA 26
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