SPORT HORSE CLASSIC BLUE RIBAND FIRST SIX TO QUALIFY MUST JUMP CLEAR IN THE FIRST ROUND RIDER HORSE VENUE Abbie Burchmore Eames Contender B Bury Farm Abbie Burchmore Eames Baziel 11 Welsh Masters Abbie Goodwin Vincent Myerscough Adam Ellery Bentleys Bollinger The Hand Adam Taylor Ameretto M Arena UK Adrian Whiteway 1 Candy 11 Stretcholt Adrian Whiteway InshannonEcho Welsh Masters Adrian Whiteway Carambow The Hand Alanna Clutterbuck Carrea VH Blomenhof Brook Farm Alanna Clutterbuck Temple Marple Brook Farm Aled Harding Paris Kingswood Aled Harding Hightimes Tosca Wales & West Alex Bratt Gitta Myerscough Alex Bratt Fan VH Prinenbos Northecote Stud Alex Dunning Talon Dean Valley Alex Hempleman Billy Tiffaney Vicarage Farm Alexander Coats Quisto Van De Helle Z The Hand Alexander Wherewall Valiant Area 48 Alfie Bradstock The Irish Cavalier Bolesworth Alice Watson Triomphe Dervec Vicarage Farm Alison Barton Billy Anna Area 16 Alison Bradley Hatrick Magic Weston Lawns Amanda Cole Violetta Bishop Burton Amanda Wardle Argento 11 Derby County Amy Morton Ziezo Warren Farm Amye Hudson Smith Carel Cruise Pyecombe Anabelle Hutt Surprise V Quainton Anabelle Shields Darco L Rowallan Anabelle Shields Townhead Secitta R Ingliston Andrew James Baltimore Meerlo Colraine Angela Tate Anco North Yorks Angela Thompson Athene Arena UK Anna Edwards Croklund Weston Lawns Anna Edwards Canto 11 Area 48 Anna Hilton Spring Sensation Golden Cross Anna hilton Mr Maitrix Golden Cross Antony Condon Cold Case Bolesworth Becci Moult Hands Off 11 Weston Lawns Becky Karling Dorame Kingswood Beth Lac Adel JM Shows Bradley Lewis Beckham Area 24 Bran Smith Beau Jangles X111 Wales & West Brendon Stud Sebastian Dream Pyecombe Brendon Stud Inspecteur VD Donkhoeve Pyecombe Brendon Stud Delightful Caretino Pyecombe Brook Staples Bauza Z Golden Cross Bruze Menzies Cloyso Bicton Bryony Ward Hay Que Fabulosa Wales & West Bumble Thomas Horatio Van Erpekom Quainton Carla Bolam Capriool 111 JM Shows Caroline Barnes Million in Mind Derby County Caroline Barnes Ugo Boss Derby County Caroline Rios The Editor Warren Farm Catherine Silverling Ique Wales & West Chantal De Verteuil State Side Pachesham Charlotte Arnold Lux First Class JM Shows Charlotte Arnold Gibside Queen Bee Bolesworth Charlotte Atkins Cebea Norton Heath Charlotte Foreman Custinov Bury Farm Charlotte Quinton Calava Pachesham Charlotte Walker Liath Capall Derby County Chelea Skelton Company Business Bishop Burton Chelsea Skelton Caramba Brook Farm Cheryl Lamb Billy Rock Pyecombe Chloe Winchester Sportsfield Our Claire The Hand Claire West Bonita V Church Farm Claire West Dancer 11 Church Farm Claire West Courageux Church Farm Clare Lewis Sidnificant Golden Cross Clea Phillips Way OK Deeping Clea Phillips Way Up High Deeping Cressy Neads Fruhlingsfee 11 Bury Farm Daisy Davis Anatar 111 Area 48 Damian Charles Batavia T Pyecombe Damian Charles Efantos VD Bosrand Pyecombe Damn Moseley Guhne VH Keizershof Bolesworth Dan Barnes Tantrum 11 Glebe Farm Dan Barnes Warrens Fleurdish Lady Glebe Farm Dan Moseley Parocmenia Bury Farm Dan Moseley Parcomena Bury Farm Dan Moseley Thor Hero Pyecombe Danielle Perez Dooneens Azamour Myerscough Danielle Ryder Daphire L Northecote Stud Danielle Scot Hondouras Rowallan Darcie Cassel Armando J Northcote Stud Darcy Cassel Armando J Northecote Stud Daryl Connock Stakkato V1 Patchetts Derek Morton Beech Leys Fieldhouse Derek Morton Kingawin Archibald Fieldhouse Douglas Duffin Kirkton Caramal Rowallan Elaine Wiliams Icon 111 Dean Valley Elaine Wiliams Unicento Dean Valley Eleanor Meager Cassius 11 Bolesworth Elinor Strapp Tequila Sunsrise Norton Heath Elizabethh Gray Willowbrook Forest Edge Ella Nutbeen Slowly Aristan 11 The Hand Ellen Blackburn Magic Baloubet Northecote Stud Emerson Sender Lady Todd Waterford Park Emily Elliott Della H Pyecombe Emily Froehlich Roscoes Promice To Be Warren Farm Emily Hobson Quiberg Port Royal Emily Portas Dalusha Z Weston Lawns Emily Ward Grand Conan 11 Warren Farm Emma Jo Slater Contessa VD Zuuthoeve Patchetts Emma Jo Slater Lizzie Mary Vicarage Farm Emma Johansen True Bandit Bury Farm Emma Sargeant Aloxe Corton Kingswood Emma Slater Chocku Rei The Hand Emma Stoker Copa Cobana Rowallan Emma Stoker Townhead Lakita R Rowallan Emma Stoker Collette 111 Rowallan Emma Stoker Townhead San Luca Bolesworth Eurig Eynon Webster Area 36 Felix McCartney KL Leona The Hand Ffion Handford Cathargo Z Summerhouse Fiona Hobby Royal Colours Bolesworth Geoff Luckett Cash Pint Area 39 Georgia Tame Tayfun 11 Pyecombe Georgie Crumley Mullen Doy Bolesworth Georgie Hilton Daily Fun Warrington Georgina Bell CU Later Warren Farm Georgina Hardy Candyman Z 11 Brook Farm Gorgia Distifano Evensong 111 Weston Lawns Graham Babes Touch of Adaltus Ingliston Graham Gillespie Conneticutt Arena UK Hannah Arnold Dolces E Summerhouse Harrison Shaw TB Nora R North Yorks Harry Bateman Aranco 11 Norton Heath Harry Bateman Darline V Norton Heath Hayley Webser LK Rocky Weston Lawns Heather Donaldson WS Just Look Rowallan Helen Tredwell Romanse V1 Area 39 Helen Tredwell Countess 11 Area 39 Hollie Mae Hobbs Barbies Benz Glebe Farm Holly Gilliot Heartbreaker P Gift Fieldhouse Holly Gilliot Vinny Douglas Ashby Holly Howsam Quingango Wales & West J Smith Caroline FZ Area 24 Jake Saywell Camaro Weston Lawns James Emblen Zambezi 1V Wales & West James Emblen Kimbatino Wales & West James Johnson Zucchini VD Zuuthoe Bicton Jamie Leeday Serrano Area 48 Jamie Wimgrove Clooney Weston Lawns Jane Annett Arodana Bicton Jane Annett Aait Veden Bicton Jane Annett Cethegus M Vicarage Farm Jane Edler Ronito Area 39 Jasmine Cain Scandel 1V Warren Farm Jenna Stead Ard Lipstick Croft Top Jenny Brookfield Zadinus Greenlands Jessica Botham Zira Market Bosworth Joanne Bailey Ultra Lux Wales & West Joanne Bailey Bettina 11 Wales & West Joanne Whitaker Broque Port Royal Joe Clayton Abnormal Bolesworth Joe Davison Frederick V11 Arena UK Joe Trunkfield High Offley Business Lady Derby County John Garton Pope Amanda Warrington Jon Paull Astertix P Colraine Jonathan Dixon Albion QC Ingliston Jordan Thompson Porche Edition Rowallan Julie Andrews Calantus Warren Farm Julie Andrews Elizabeth Fieldhouse Julie Austin Lord Chancelloe Summerhouse Julie Draper Darco Jane Bury Farm Julie Hayes CCS Cushinsa Libra Area 39 Julie Peake Rix 1X Summerhouse Julie Peake Rio 1X Wales & West Jusi Piper Dadswell Grand Attraction 11 Golden Cross Kate Pond Felicia Stretcholt Katie Castle MB Baloubet Flight Area 16 Katie Fletcher Adebayor Welsh Masters Kayla Setford Caia Balia Colraine Kellie Allen G Contacto Patchetts Kelly Aldous Blitz Patchetts Kerrie Grimster Mai- Lis Welsh Masters Kerry Brennen Touramaline Area 16 Kerstin Deakin Osaka Des Quarts Bolesworth Kieran Leonard Benny 11 Arena UK Kimberley Wagstaff Galant VH Vijverhof Area 15 Kirk Godber Lustig Keysoe Kirstie Leightley Rufus Pachesham L Davies Balliteskin Fortunas 5th Cardigan Lara Whiteway Cocos Moonriver Rowallan Laura Hutt Special Reserve Ingliston Laura Juniper Beechfields Astar Zenica Bury Farm Laura Stephenson Zadermie Northecote Stud Laura Treton Alfie 1V Glebe Farm Laura Walker Andy 111 Pyecombe Laura Whitfield Wonder Z Waterford Park Lauren Edwards Corelli Rowallan Leanne Ryan Vianna VH Aintree Leesa Long Capitol Duell Pyecombe Leesa Long Tammys Girl Pyecombe Liane Harris Petra Pinkhurst Redpost Lisa De Clery Radento Patchetts Lizzie Thornton Ready Or Not 11 South Suffolk Lola Wade Risk It Bury Farm Louis King Vladimir 1V Patchetts Louis King Nins Orlando Quainton Louis King Vldamir 1V Quainton Louise Whitaker Karnaval Komombo Bolesworth Louise Whitaker Carnaval Komomba Area 15 Louise Wilson Andersons Jamies Surprise Waterford Park Lowri Ball Esmeralda 72 JM Shows Lucy Bunn Billy Cool Pyecombe Lucy Palmer Bertha Dean Valley Lyn Chorlton Bally England Globetrotter Area 24 Lynn Clibburn AJS Deauville Dean Valley Mackensie Saunders Parkview Quintender Dorset Marie Edgar Ambroise FM Wales & West Mark Turnbull Goldbreaker Ingliston Mark Turnbull Claus Weston Lawns Mark Turnbull Cuarento Arena UK Mark Williams Caddy Stroller Deeping Mark Williams Gazelle VT Dauwhof Deeping Mark Williams Gorre Market Bosworth Mark Williams Extensa G Arena UK Martin Arnott Boromir Ingliston Martin Arnott Bailey Bellissimo Ingliston Mary Jane Clarke Baladine Ingliston Mathew Hall Coming Star 11 Area 48 Mathew Lanni Badien Gold V Keysoe Mathew Pike Urona Bicton Mathew Wright Fernhill Express Port Royal Mattew Brome Aligator 11 Wales & West Maurice O Connor Ronnoco DVL Darko Rowallan Meg Nooris Quilarao Z Cardigan Melanie Butcher So Darco Area 36 Mennell Watson Whisper In The Wind Hanbury Michael Fursedonn Newbridges Master Brown Wales & West Michael Fursedonn Cici Heart Brook Farm Michael Fursedonn Cannavaro Arena UK Michael Lonsdale Loughnatousa Brisco Vicarage Farm Michael Wallace San Larino Quainton Michael Whitaker No Regrets 11 Arena UK Michael Whitaker Bjiou De Rouet Arena UK Milly Cornock Corvette Badgeworth Milly Cornock Bommel Summerhouse Molly Waugh Lawtons Express Arena UK Morgan Kent Remi Delux Area 16 Morgan Kent Benedictus Mullentine North Yorks Natasha Morrell DHI Warchild Bury Farm Nick Tate Amira Area 36 Nicola Bampton Ringfort Ballygoskin Church Farm Nicole Pavitt Contessa 1V The Hand Nicole Pavitt Charming Pyecombe Nicole Pavitt Carthagon Pyecombe Nigel Springer Quickstep Diamond North Yorks Nina Emery Galaxy 111 Kingswood Paul Barker Cazmond Area 15 Paul Barker Sandors Legacy Waterford Park Paula Barker Roberto R Bolesworth Philip Miller Quiz Master 11 Bury Farm Phillip Miller Indecsion Bury Farm Phillipa Curry Sir Silverstone Rowallan Rachael Connor Arron V Bishop Burton Rachael Connor Westpoint Carouselle Bishop Burton Rachael Smith Zopardi Myerscough Rachael Sutton Zallenger Welsh Masters Rachael Walker Bo Gi Ingliston Rebecca Collins Borack U North Yorks Rebecca Hart Annie X Dean Valley Rhys Thomas August Diamond Area 36 Ria Ginley Archillus S Bishop Burton Richard Barton Mary 111 Port Royal Richard Barton Solitary Boy Keysoe Richard Barton Belou De Chene Area 32 Richard Howley Westpoint Baros Area 16 Richard Howley Torbor Magic Ingliston Richard Howley B Full of Colours Bury Farm Richard Jones Zoe H Warren Farm Ricky Gradley Camaico P Boynton Hall Rikki Gradley Calakonda Weston Lawns Robert Atkinson Babylon B North Yorks Robert Moorhouse Glenmoor Croft Top Ronnie Jones Buckshot Irish Mint Area 32 Rose Marie Kenyon Calypso Rampant Million Warren Farm Rosemary Fry Another Breakfast Stretcholt Rosemary Fry Totten Lady Stretcholt Rosie Linnell Tekila Sun Belin Wales & West Ruby Fryer Hllcret Amiro Pyecombe Ryan Prater Celeste Of Sandbrook Bury Farm Sabina McTaggart Welldone VT Heemskind Patchetts Sally Swiers Millfield Lucrative JM Shows Samantha John Quadfroglia Wales & West Samantha Lambert Elastic Bird Avenue Warrington Samantha Penn Puisden Golden Cross Samantha Staples Grange Comet Area 24 Sammie Coffin Chakira Welsh Masters Sammie Coffin My Little Kittywake Colraine Sammy Cotton NP Galvaston Colraine Sarah Hedges Breaker N Weston Lawns Sarah Hedges Crystal Clear Bury Farm Sarah Hutton Urminka Warren Farm Sarah Whitney Commisaris Market Bosworth Shelley Harrison Findus Van De Buckstale Aintree Simon Ballard NCS Carlord Northcote Stud Simon Ballard Aliska Northcote Stud Simon Buckley Wordsworth Warren Farm Simon Buckley Aaron De Kalvarie Area 14 Sophie Ryan Finod Kate Myerscough Sophie Strawson Carabas Rebel Forest Edge Stephanie Scott Kinheart Hanbury Stephen Mercer For Real Dorset Stuart Reeve Young Singh Singh Bury Farm Suzi Ottewell Billie Birvin Forest Edge Tabitha Sleap Zeitgeist M2S The Hand Theo Simpson Rhett Closbonhomme Norton Heath Theo Simpson Alvin Only Norton Heath Tim Davies Clonfert John Woodbridge Tim Stockdale Zira Area 39 Tom Carr Elton MB JM Shows Tony French Go Candy Warren Farm Tracey Newman Challenge Weston Lawns Tracey Newman Dolly Delight Bishop Burton Tracey Priest Market Irminka The Hand Tristan Fell Flora 11 Pyecombe Vicky Burns Boyke Bicton Victoria Blizzard Eclipse Girl Badgeworth Zara Trim Arusha Dorset Zoe Snedker Keep Talking Market Bosworth d SMARTER TRAINING GROUP 1.15M MEMBERS CUP FIRST SIX TO QUALIFY MUST JUMP CLEAR IN THE FIRST ROUND RIDER HORSE VENUE Abbi Goodwin Bellona Fieldhouse Abbie Griffin Lady Royale Houghton Hall Abigail Groves Taal Pachesham Adam Ellery Bicoly B Colraine Adam Taylor Banca 11 Deeping Adam Valks Bellmissio JM Shows Adrian Brannelly Vainqueer M BL Events Adrian Whiteway Croklind The Hand Aimee Beare Achn Yes IOW Aiofe Clark Miss Clodagh Pyecombe Alex Ashman Talal Warren Farm Alex Bishop Lupicors Lily The Hand Alex Bratt Varadox Area 18 Alex Bratt Gitta Area 18 Alex Bratt Pipi Hargate Alex Hempleman Billy Diamond The Hand Alicia Sherborne Ricardos Treat Area 43 Alicia Smallman Zolander Bury Farm Alistar Grey Start Uo Esteban Rowallan Alix Shaw Warren Beau Bishop Burton Allana Clutterbuck Carrera VD Bloomenhof Bury Farm Amanda Pritchard Helzapoppin Area 20 Amelia Bowering Ursula V111 Port Royal Ami Thomson Sunshine V1 WWSJC Amy Allison Volari Greenlands Amy Dobson Its Time South View Amy Leggett AntrimSunshine Bury Farm Amy Morton Zicco Myerscough Amy Ryan Caltra Minster JM Shows Amy Thompson Boheme Stretcholt Anastaysia Gamazova Amadeus X1V Wales & West Andrew Gray Ghengis Khan Ingliston Andrew Williams Sophie X1V Colraine Anna De Verteuil Amadeus Houghton Hall Anna Edwards Lua Lua The Hand Anna Hilton Americano Golden Cross Anna Hilton Mr Maitrix Golden Cross Annabelle Block ISHD Artic Storm Area 28 Annette Lewis Trick Or Treat Patchetts Annette Lewis Ulieta Patchetts Anya Brown Ronin Aintree B Turner Wodka Lime Waterford Park Basile Rubio Westmuir Daniel Kingsbarn Beth Austin Zeester Dean Valley Beth Lac Adel JM Shows Bina Ford Tea Time Stretcholt Bruce Haskell Dumurray Boy Summerhouse Bryan Smith Bally Farris Roller Wales & West Bryony Ward Midnight Man Bury Farm C Ftretwell Party Socks Area 24 Carl Davies Alona VD Kroon Bolesworth Carl Freeman Celebrations Hargate Carla Bolam Capriool 111 JM Shows Carla Bolam Croft Farm Percy Stainsby Carly Harrison Ziloxa Area 32 Carman Edwards Art Candy Cheshire County Caroline Hetherington Urani Quob Caroline Ravenscroft Tibor 11 South View Chantal De Verteuil Cara Anchisis Wales & West Chantal De Verteuil Stateside Wales & West Chantelle Duggan Grangewood Dynamo Area 15 Charlene Daley Cornelia The Hand Charlene Davey Abby 111 WWSJC Charlene Davey Riff Raff WWSJC Charlotte Addis Vivre La Vie B Area 42 Charlotte Barry Bolerna Fieldhouse Charlotte Edwards Castleview Bouncer Pyecombe Charlotte Flack Quill De Riverland South View Charlotte Foreman Tubercurry Lass South View Charlotte Geddes Graniti V Rowallan Charlotte Quinton Calava Pachesham Charlotte Quinton I Love You Pachesham Charlotte Rampton Question D'Amor Wales & West Chelsie Moult Unitas Dean Valley Chloe Hyde Ursula 1V Deeping Chloe Turnbull Carpaccio B Houghton Hall Chloe Turnbull Cappacio B Market Bosworth Chris Moorhouse Hamilton H Stainsby Chris Moorhouse Cornescriebe Echo Bishop Burton Chris Moorhouse Supreme Touch Northallerton Chris Whinnett Landor Paparazzi Vic Farm Christy Kemp Capatain Mix Ashby Claire Beacham Lissyegan Condios Girl Colraine Claire Bossons Sky Classic Church Farm Claire Davies Red Mist 111 Area 18 Claire Dealy Storm Breaker Area 24 Claire Dealy Wimbledon Hargate Claire Gwenapp Hechizar Sombrio Colraine Claire Powell As D'Exploit Van Groenhove Brook Farm Claire Prouse Spice it Up New Milns Claire Shepherd Maxwell Cheshire County Claire West Bonita South View Claire Wilson Mellway Precious Rose Badgeworth Clea Phillips Way Up High Deeping Corinna Leadbeater Third Time Houghton Hall Corrine Collins T Quest Area 18 Corrine Collins High Offley Busy Business Warrington Courtnay Moss Legoland DJ Arena UK Craig Hamilton Quartaz Ingliston Cristina Kenyon Temple Million Myerscough Daisy Humphries Urachataran Prescott Dan Barnes Warrens Fleurdish Lady Glebe Farm Dan Delsart Quidam Flyer Bury Farm Dan Delsart Grafique Banta Keysoe Daniel Barnes Nore Cruise Area 31 Danielle Dickenson Whatever Woody Do Weeley Danielle Perez Novex Myerscough Danielle Willett Not Just a Toy Area 24 Danny Carroll Pencader Gatsby Dean Valley Debbie Clapp Lord Gilabee Cardigan Demi Watson Evian VH Scheefkasteel Weston Lawns Denise Gilmore Son of a Gun 11 Ingliston Derek Moreton Skerne Scipio South View Derek Moreton Dyna mo Kingswood Derek Moreton Toppenhow Dynamo South View Di Lampard Nero Bury Farm Elenour Bailey Amaryllis Van Klauwenhof New Milns Elenour Meager Billy Waffle Bury Farm Elinor Strapp Tequila Royal Pyecombe Ella Nutbeen Slowly Blackmore Penelope Jane The Hand Emily Bevins Fleur Van Overis Quob Emily Clifton Ballinbarney Impella Forest Edge Emily Mason Shovern Flute Brook Farm Emily Morris Arkan Prescott Emily Morris Strawberry Mojo 11 Ashby Emily Owen Camiro Z Bold Heath Emily Robinson Ballinasillougue On Landing Houghton Hall Emma Ashworth Zipicor Bury Farm Emma Ashworth Go Offally Cruise Area 39 Emma Boynton Mr Nice Guy JM Shows Emma Carmichale Cooley Lucky Strike Waterford Park Emma Jo Slater Simply Billy Bunter Bury Farm Emma Jo Slater Tantrum 11 Area 31 Emma Jo Slater Zaracossa Bury Farm Emma Jo Slater Contessa VD Zuuthoeve Keysoe Emma Jo Slater Kimba Rock Keysoe Emma Jo Slater Cosmic Neo Area 39 Emma Pallet Utah X1 Bolesworth Emma Richardson Ralph D' Achel Area 50 Emma Sargeant Rocky XV1 Netley Hall Emma Shore Wee Welsh Lady Fieldhouse Eurig Eynon Patsys Print Area 36 Faye Frise Baron Ginus Dorset Faye Semon Allegro Bury Farm Ffion Handford Bugsy V D Ponyhoeve The Hand Ffion Handford Cathargo Z 11 The Hand Ffion Hemmings Deards Mexican Rose Area 36 Ffion Hemmings Redora Cardigan Fiona Hobby Roma ML Bolesworth Flight View Livery Stud Beseka Red Hot Chilli PepperBold Heath Gail Evans Balliteskin Bankers Hill Area 36 Gail Smith Wenge Greenlands Gareth Bully Koko Pop PB Equestrian Gary Urch Will Do Area 42 Gemma Hallet Wake Up The Hand Gemma Turvey Double Dutch Boy Brook Farm Geoff Goodwin Chicoree 11 Bolesworth Georgia Distifano Rose 111 Wales & West Georgia Hedley Ward Flash Back 111 Bury Farm Georgia Mitchell Ouzzo Ingliston Georgie Hilton Daily Fun Warrington Georgie Hilton Uhulus Russet Dean Valley Georgina Bell CU Later Warren Farm Georgina Bond Marco Vic Farm Georgina Lysaght You Cairndo Vic Farm Gill Pollard Comptess Port Royal Gillian Donnell Dragon Rowallan Glyn Slater Tubbercurry Lass Bury Farm Glyn Slater Corinthius Bury Farm Hannah Arnold Dolces The Hand Hannah Bate Good Times South View Hannah Thorne General Maximus The Hand Harriet Cooper Jaroeska Area 24 Harriet Ross Casper Z Cabin Harrison Polley Index 11 Pyecombe Harrison Shaw TB Nora R North Yorks Harry Burchmore Eames Baziel 11 Keysoe Harry Burchmore Eames Ruby V Patchetts Hayley Brogan Vesuvio Ingliston Hayley McCaie Mister Tom 1V North Yorks Hayley Webster Pedro IOW Hayley Webster Two Star IOW Heather Denholm Bowes Warrington Walter New Milns Heidi Sellar Posh Totty Norton Heath Heidi Sellar Lady Jasmine Norton Heath Helen Cruden Limestone Diamond The Hand Helen Rees Maximo Des Forets The Hand Helen Swailes Lux Jazzy BL Events Helen Swailes Cassa Z Waterford Park Helen Waterhouse Franzipan South View heo Fitton Wirlea Wales & West Hettie Dales Arabella Area 16 Holly Gilliot Vinny Douglas Ashby Ian Wynne Don Douglas Church Farm Ian Wynne Mirabella 11 Church Farm Isla Mowat Millthyme Cameo Ingliston Jack Moore Libella Pyecombe Jackie Price Spring Showers Wales & West Jackson Reed Stephenson Jahill Northcote Stud James Dawson Dark Oak Netley Hall James Emblen Marinello Bolesworth James Scullion Zwift Sow Rowallan James Van Geffen Zorro X1V Bishop Burton Jasmine Punter Clio V The Hand Jassy Pyke Escapa VA Area 31 Jeanette Powell Wippert Myerscough Jenna Watson DJ Texas Prescott Jenny Brookfield Zadinus Ingliston Jenny Spiller Robbie V1 Wales & West Jessica Ball Arina Waterford Park Jessica Crosby Little B Area 16 Jessica Rendle Barnes Riccochet Bold Heath Jo Chipperfield On Your Marks Norton Heath Joanne Smythe Party Socks Fieldhouse Joanthan Parrott Springville South View Jodie Coleman Latifah Croft Top Jodie Crawford Mira 1V Kingsbarn Jodie Hall McAteer Dazzle Bury Farm Jodie Hooper Slaney Mandana Bury Farm Jodie Loveday Zamor 11 Dorset Jodie Maher Destiny V111 Cabin Jodie Moreton Greygates Sienna Myerscough Jodie Warwick Kalairi IOW Joe Maher Udo VD Rinkerakker Area 39 John Brannen Caliber 111 Rowallan John Brannen Crievestone JM Shows John Garton Pope Valesco 11 South View John Steels True Blue Ashby John Stokes Dawson VH Uzzihof Summerhouse Jon Paull Cruise King Colraine Jon Paull Ultimate Favour The Hand Jon Paull Asterix P The Hand Jordan Barnes Its Mickey Wales & West Jordan Barnes Silken Supreme Wales & West Jordan Thompson The Easten Advocat Rowallan Judi Piper Dadswell Capucho JX Golden Cross Julia Andrews Calatus Greenlands Julia Hardy Layconder Bishop Burton Julia Helm Fritz Luke Summerhouse Julie Andrews Eizabeth Area 17 Julie Peake Just For Spot Summerhouse Karen Evans Mainways Cruising Clover Northcote Stud Karen Pitcher Brefini High Cheshire County Kate Flatley Touch Of Delight South View Kathryn Brown Croftfarm Lucy North Yorks Katie Johnson Coco VH Elshof Summerhouse Katie McCreath Update South View Katie Rose Tijkvaile Breeze Hargate Katie Speller Renkum Bridger Badgeworth Katinka Brogaard Pauldarys Tiger Buz Area 43 Katy Shaw Fools Buisness Fieldhouse Katy Shaw It'll Be Me Fieldhouse Kellie Allen G Conatcto Patchetts Kerrie Goodwin Roscoes Golani Bury Farm Kerry Grimster One Diamond Quob Kerry Grimster All Rise Bury Farm Kerry Grimster Ryans Hollie Bury Farm Kerstin Deakin Ouaska Des Quarts JM Shows Kerstin Deakin Anneli JM Shows Kim Webster Libero Boy Netley Hall Kirby Todd Santhos Northcote Stud Kirk Ritchie Cavalier Diamond Kingsbarn Kirstie Leightley Rufus Pachesham Kirsty Colclough Toiana 11 Weston Lawns Kirsty Pearce Amadeus 11 Badgeworth Kristy Deacon Belagio Breeze Bury Farm L Davies Balliteskin Del Boy Cardigan Lance Whiteouse Sir Henry 1V South View Lauar Graham Bordergrove Las Vegas Greenlands Lauar Swift Zargoza RE Dean Valley Laura Clibburn Rasputin Bold Heath Laura Grieve Chapeau Rowallan Laura Ritchie Brand Chenko Artist Waterford Park Laura Swift Eros Van Berkenhof Bold Heath Laura Whitfield Wonder Z Rowallan Lauren Adams Balobumpy Norton Heath Lauren Hollingworth Jolie Boy Area 16 Leanne Edridge Manatane De La Abbye Bury Farm Lee Williams Calvaro Star Dean Valley Leesa Long Tiffany 11 Golden Cross Leigh Aldridge Warco B Area 50 Leigh Ann Lewis Hey Wilheymena JM Shows Lena Fisher Baringa 11 PB Equestrian Leona Urquhart Extreem VD Neerheide New Milns Leoni Firth Mea Equa April Port Royal Liam Fitgerald Cowboy South View Liane Smith Vemillion Market Bosworth Liane Smith Vermillion Ashby Lola Wade Wonderful 11 Brook Farm Lorraine Lock Uvistar Weeley Louise Apperly Tako Cheshire County Louise Clibburn Zorro X1V Aintree Louise Redfearn B Seeing You Bishop Burton Louise Redfearn Sporting Charisma Bishop Burton Louise Redfearn Autumn Cruising Bishop Burton Louise Stoner Cool Impression Pyecombe Lowri Ball Bonanza 111 JM Shows Lowri Ball Sanne JM Shows Lowri Davies Balliteskin Fortunas Area 36 Luana Cecchini Toulans Diamond Kingsbarn Lucy May Zandor V Church Farm Lucy Metcalf Bowes Hillside Cavalier JM Shows Lucy Metcalf Fushia Belle Waterford Park Lucy Stewart Con 3 Rowallan Luke Humphrey Allegro Area 32 Luke Humphrey Back to Black 11 Area 32 Lyn Chorlton Bally England Globetrotter Area 24 Lynne Clibburn Ashdale Jackpot Bolesworth Lynsey Tough Varuni Z South View Lynsey Williams Cash In Hand Area 36 M Baker Zeppelin 11 Market Bosworth Mackensie Saunders Parkview Quintender Dorset Mackensie Saunders Vampire 111 Aintree Margaret Kendall Lachain Lass BL Events Mark Williams Gorre Deeping Mark Williams Gazelle VT Dauwhof Deeping Martin Arnott Boromir Ingliston Martin Brake Quenza Des Tulliers The Hand Martine Silbey Wonder Girl PB Equestrian Mary Edmundson Sonny Early Westerfield Mary Edmundson Mr Mystery Man Westerfield Mathew Daniels Milltown Maybe 11 Aintree Mathew Hall Caliber 111 Redpost Mathew Hall Masters Chime Area 50 Maurice O Connor Ronnoco Cruise New Milns Meg Norris Veri Vidi Vici Cardigan Melanie Butcher So Darco Area 36 Melanie Butcher Flits Cardigan Melissa Eagles Locomotion Weston Lawns Melissa Eagles Zindoctro Weeley Melissa Gair Tradolin Waterford Park Michael Lonsdale Scholarship Bolesworth Michael Tuff Hendaule Royal Mint Redpost Michaela Bowling Laughing Larry Croft Top Michelle Doman Tarquin Aintree Michelle Gatland Lambus Area 39 Millie Cornock Corvette Badgeworth Millie Cornock Bommel Summerhouse Misha Irving Zagy New Milns Mollie Etheridge Bouchera Van Den Hut Royal Leisure Mollie Keen Foxy Image Vic Farm Molly Waugh Laortons Expres Greenlands Natalie Carpenter Cloneen Star Wales & West Neil Martin Pawaliezo Ingliston Nick Charles Falco Del Triso Area 43 Nick Charles Rainbow V1 Area 43 Nicki Denton Hunters Magic Bury Farm Nicky Bailey Gibson Mariat Patchetts Nicky Denton Hunters Image Glebe Farm Nicola Bates Bitteswell Sodier Area 43 Nicola Braidwood Sedona Area 43 Nicola McArthur Ameretto V1 Rowallan Nicola Waring Bonnie 111 Bury Farm Nigel Marmont Caloot Prescott Norman Proffitt Patent Kingswood Olivia Dales Belinda 111 Area 16 Olivia Gent Gucciland Vic Farm Olivia Holloway My Clover Boy Church Farm Olivia Poole Residenz South View Paige Broadbent Upan 11 Area 15 Peter Murphy Kensington Aintree Phillipa Kerby Rupert 111 Stretcholt Pierre Baber Ulysses W Badgeworth Polly Bursby Cut the Corner Vic Farm Poppy Stronge Another Dooley Area 43 Portia Howard Unforgettable Weston Lawns R Marshall La Paloma Market Bosworth Rachael Connor Donatella Ter Elesloo DH Aintree Rachael Connor Kiara 11 Arena UK Rachael Duggan Croft Indulgance Warren Farm Rachael North Maderia De Reve Netley Hall Rachael Stanley Carneval De La Ferme Blanche Area 42 Rachael Waker Its Delux Greenlands Rachel Gilbert Goulton Damsel Warren Farm Ran Arbel Zupan Area 18 Rebecca Howe The Surfing Snurf Bishop Burton Rebecca Maher Saraletha Cabin Rebecca Maher Vondell 11 Cabin Rhiannon Lewis Myddlewood One to One Kingswood Richard Adams The Business Man Bolesworth Richard Barton First Musical Area 16 Richard Nicol Guess What Aintree Robert Atkinson Babylon B Bolesworth Rose Marie Kenyon Roos Born A Million Warren Farm Rose Moss Weston Dorset Rosemary Fry Another Breakfast Stretcholt Rosemary Fry Toten Lady Stretcholt Rosie Gunn Alladin Area 24 Rosie Offord Little Rock Arena UK Rowan Willis Hold on Tight PB Equestrian Ruby Pointer Dusty Van Hek Hek Forest Edge Ryan O Sullivan Quitus De Louan The Hand Sally Coull Palmalano Cabin Sally Swiers Millfield Lucrative JM Shows Sam Rundle Tanto Stretcholt Sam Wall Superman VH Rebenshof Netley Hall Sam Wall What a Boy 11 Burwarton Samantha Borthwick April Love 11 South View Samantha Lambert Jude Warrington Samantha Penn Pusiden Golden Cross Sammy Cottam Dreamteam Fortuna Colraine Samuel Turner Warina 111 Kingswood Sara Chittleburgh Vanitys Ohkee Quob Sarah Barette Santiago 212 Weston Lawns Sarah Flesher Corbette Z Area 15 Sarah Gibbons Awesome Spark Pachesham Sarah Hughes Mr Sting WWSJC Sarah Hutton Afram B Rowallan Sarah Kerwin Party Popper Bishop Burton Sarah Lears Tyrone Area 17 Sarah Mousley Wild Cat Area 15 Sarah Russell Annie V111 Area 15 Sarah Stapleton TJ Houghton Hall Sarah Stevenosn VIP V1 Area 15 Sarah Stokes Tutti Frutti South View Sarah Williams Uniform Ashby Scarlett Ward Bustino South View Scott Molloy Usar Hune The Hand Scott Molloy Collette The Hand Sean Watts Piccola Peste Northallerton Shannon Band Barbie Doll Bury Farm Shelley Harrison Findus VD Buckstale Aintree SJ Brown Sarnita Area 50 Sophie Boyd Clough Bank Gem Myerscough Sophie Gregory Orky 11 Wales & West Sophie Handley Diamonds Alfie Kingswood Sophie Holliday Westerhof Limit Market Bosworth Sophie Ryan Rush On M Warren Farm Stephanie Gunn Shiraz E Weston Lawns Stevie Crosby TGF Shake Bishop Burton Stuart Reeve Young Singh Singh Patchetts Sue Nelson Bom Bay Area 15 Sue Pountain Columbcille Coleen Barton Sue Pountain Utopia 1V Church Farm Sue Pountain Sat on a Star Hargate Sue Pountain Mac O Mara Hargate Suzanne Gill Nethertons Touch of Class Kingswood Suzanne Gill Fleur De Rouet Warrington Suzie Gill Touch Of Class Prescott Suzie Gill Unna Bella Urania South View Tabitha Sleap Findas Keepers Quob Tabitha Sleap Zeitgeist M2S Quob Theo Simpson Wassif Norton Heath Tillie Newman Mr De 11 Dorset Tim Cheffings Alinerno VH Scharenburg The Hand Vere Phillips Prince TJ Deeping Vicky Burns Boyke South View Victoria Baker Colourfast 11 North Yorks Victoria Blizzard Eclipse Girl Badgeworth Victoria Graig Bee Animas Area 42 Victoria Hewson Electric Lux Kingsbarn Vivianne Christie Bolero VD Kapel Ingliston William Walker Alexia 111 Rowallan Zac Thorne Stoneglass Diamond Lad Westerfield Zoe Henshall Warno Wales & West Zoe Rymer Corgary Lad Area 16 AUTOSTOP 1.05M ADVENTURER FIRST SIX TO QUALIFY MUST JUMP CLEAR IN THE FIRST ROUND RIDER HORSE VENUE Abbi Griffin Vancoever BB Rodbaston Abbi Griffin Quidessa Du Mondon Z South View Abbie Burchmore Eames Casti Aneira Quainton Abbie Shaw Amigo V111 South View Abbie Taylor Incredible Effects Bury Farm Abigail Danson Cosmia Myerscough Adam Stanley Tinka's Brooke Warrington Adam Taylor Diamond Molly 11 Port Royal Adam Taylor Special Guest Port Royal Adam Taylor Port Philip Touchdown Deeping Adam Valks Divident SB Rowallan Adam Valks Cushina Cyprus Port Royal Adrian Donnelly Vayran BL Events Aileen Craig Mr Darcy X11 Bolesworth Alex Bratt Gitta Fieldhouse Alex Bratt Warrior 111 Hargate Alex Cabb Highfield Onenonly Bryn Derw Alex Deighton Orchil Star Lane End Farm Alexandra Bartlett Trenchtown Weston Lawns Alice Crocker Broomford Brazil Area 50 Alison Barton Germaun VD Donkehoeve Warrington Alison Lee Axel KM Forest Edge Alison Lines Zabrina Lane End Farm Amanda Pritchard Wait n See Area 20 Amanda Ridler Lee Miss Diva Dorset Amber Stafford Rolio VH Schaarbroek Z Weston Lawns Ami Measor Opium V1 Bury Farm Amy Dobson Cigalle Aintree Amy Halstead Amadeus XV1 South View Amy Halstead Hugginsown Lola South View Amy Halstead Rivermill Corel PB Equestrian Amy Jimmison Carlijn 11 JM Shows Amy Leggett Chatels Covo Bury Farm Amy O'Dell Lady Cartier Area 43 Amy thompson Carolus V11 Forest Edge Andrea Furness Lux Dynasty Pyecombe Andrew Bailey T Lavindel F Derby College Andrew Bailey Talisman V Derby College Andrew Gray Gengis Khan Rowallan Andrew Gray Lenora JX Ingliston Andrew Gray Julius Ceasar Cabin Andrew James Follyfoot Lexicon Bicton Andrew Williams Millrowes Zalmene Tushingham Angela Roberts Silkstone Sophie Bryn Derw Anna De Verteuil Amadeus Longwood Anna De Verteuil Cuilop Rococco Longwood Anna De Verteuil Quantum Leap 11 Houghton Hall Anna Edwards Dilana SL Area 50 Anna Strawson KC Orange County Whitehouse Farm Anna Strawson Griffindor For Lovebug Whitehouse Farm Anna Strawson Griifindor The Love Bug Deeping Annabel Shields Townhead Eranabel Ingliston Anneli Larsson Southborn Shakira Area 15 Anneli Larsson Southburn Sharka Borrowby Annette Buckingham Drumconnick Diamond Pyecombe Anya Brown Ronin Aintree April Barr Bandeong R Summerhouse Ashley Suddes Quitao Waterford Park Aysha Saeed Tabitha 21 Quainton Beth Jones Bratton Time Flies South View Beth Stephenson Family Affair JM Shows Billy Davidson White Legs Area 15 Brendon Stud Lord Nederland Pyecombe Bryony Ward Casitano Area 31 Bryony Ward Its Unique Business Bury Farm Bryony Ward Golden Lincs Bury Farm Cadance Dollive The Blue Shade Bold Heath Carl Davies Alona VD Kroon Bolesworth Carly Harrison Zilexa Keysoe Carol Richardson Volcanic Ash Barton Caroline Barnes Creavgh Josh Derby College Caroline Barnes Mini Adventure Derby College Catherine Mills Holloway Flying Solo Pyecombe Catherine Wardle Cornets Echo The Hand Cathy Taylor Business Opportunity Aintree Catrin Roberts Emerald Eagle Bryn Derw Celyn Samuel Zillion N Area 20 Chantal De Verteuil Dolly Penrose Quainton Charlene Bastone Charanova E Norton Heath Charlie irm Malina Svrana Wales & West Charlotte Arnold Silken Tozzel JM Shows Charlotte Atkins Bonnegini Bury Farm Charlotte Atkins Cebea Bury Farm Charlotte Baker Ballyboe Diamond Gracelands Charlotte Barry Armani Z 11 Wales & West Charlotte Cruikshanks Voltaires Ushie Patchetts Charlotte Davies Brit ASM Prescott Charlotte Dupey Anna Lynn IOW Charlotte Eagles Tarantino D Stainsby Charlotte Flack Siriatno Du Blondel South View Charlotte Flack Bentley V11 South View Charlotte Foreman Calvin 1V Duckhurst Charlotte Foreman Custinov Duckhurst Charlotte Foreman Cindoctro Patchetts Charlotte Goord Redmaster Polanski Redpost Charlotte Goord Redysker Polanski Area 50 Charlotte Graham Bambi VH Huikven Patchetts Charlotte Plumb Alexis Zorba Moores Farm Charlotte Williams Oseo Pyecombe Cheryl Bezants Ritz Quob Chloe Cheetham April.11 Aintree Chris Hutchinson Lowhill Mac Ruffo JM Shows Chris Moorhouse Conscribe Echo JM Shows Chris Moorhouse Supreme Touch JM Shows Chris Moorhouse My Man Friday JM Shows Chris Moorhouse Cornascriebe Echo Bishop Burton Chris Whinnet Cavalena Overa Chris Whinnet Cushlough James Overa Chrissie Cameron Primadonna Girl Stainsby Christina Cameron Rosmalen Red Alert Greenlands Christopher Dempsey Cornardo C Quob Claire Attwood Formidable Area 16 Claire Dealy Zyga Du Buissin Z Area 24 Claire Gwenapp King Harry Pyecombe Claire Gwenapp My Guilty Pleasure Pyecombe Claire McNaughton Warhol Wulfselection Z Rowallan Claire Roberston Rhyme D' Euro Weston Lawns Claire Shepherd Quainton Chanel Dean Valley Claire Walker Ardfield Blaise Bishop Burton Clare Chambers Meacham Fatal Attraction Summerhouse Clea Phillips To Be Fair Deeping Corrie Squire Numptiana Netley Hall Dan Delsart Papiska 11 Bury Farm Daniel Barnes Warrens Fleurdish Lady Keysoe Danielle Blair Urion T Ingliston Danielle Kennington Mr Q Port Royal Danielle Kennington Vienna Waterford Park Danielle Lee Moonbeam 11 Lime Kiln Farm Danielle Lee Poppyland St Georgia Lime Kiln Farm Danielle Ryder Warrens Miss Contendo Warrington Danni Hughes The Imp South View Danusia Gibson Beyonce Patchetts David Murdoch Lucky Nederland Royal Leisure David Murdoch Roxina Royal Leisure David Oversby Adelvice Area 15 Debbie Lane Grandeur 11 Redpost Debbie Scott Garratt Dancing Queen X Longwood Didi Verdina Douglas Moon Moores Farm E Harding Merlot Time Badgeworth Elinor Strapp Cound Du Carel Pyecombe Elizabeth Knight Cult Flight Pyecombe Elizabeth Whittle DD Dream On Badgeworth Ellen Harris Buzz Lightyear V South View Ellie Chirnside Vinez Wales & West Emily Campbell Atlantic Prince South View Emily Chapman Bold Opposition IOW Emily Clifton Ballinabarney Impella Houghton Hall Emily Douglas Kilmanahan Diamond BL Events Emily Morris Christopher 55 Prescott Emily Morris Strawberry Mojo Area 20 Emily Owen Camiro Z Warren Farm Emily Portas Dalina Hargate Emily Portas Briosaklure Hargate Emily Robinson Ballinasillogue on Landing Houghton Hall Emma Ashworth Wendy V11 Quainton Emma Bruce Spirit X Pachesham Emma Jo Slater Kimba Classic Bury Farm Emma Jo Slater Lizzy Mary Longwood Emma Jo Slater Rosgan Quizzical Longwood Emma Jo Slater Kimba Rock Area 31 Emma Jo Slater Doort Je VH Kleinhof Bury Farm Emma Jo Slater North Star Bury Farm Emma Jo Slater Laras Time Keysoe Emma Jo Slater Segraff Keysoe Emma Jo Slater Nick Of Time Keysoe Emma Jo Slater Winfield Vicarage Farm Emma Sargeant Dundees Lady Rodbaston Emma Sargeant On Safari Rodbaston Emma Sargeant Aloxe Corton Fieldhouse Emma Sargeant Rocky XV1 Fieldhouse Emma Sargeant Gwen Stefani Netley Hall Erica Oldham Quartz Du Buisson Z Wales & West Fiona Macintyre Beechfields Mastermind Rowallan Fiona Malcom Glenvilla Mai Ingliston Fiona McIntyre Game Lass SNEC Fionna Neill Stab in the Dark Rowallan Francesca Hands First Whistler IOW Frankie Jervis Beregazo South View Frankie Loveman Romayora Norton Heath Gabi Shepherd Rowanstown Shakedown Vic Farm Gabriella Kaye Vacorde J Tushingham Gail Smith Crinstone F Greenlands Gail Wonnacott Pady V111 Redpost Gareth Bulley Koko Pop PB Equestrian Gary Paronage Cuffesgrange Star Quality Port Royal Gemma Dennis Gella VD Brouwershoeve South View Gemma Hallett Sparkling Indulgance Area 50 Gemma Sayers Kingdoms Cruise Area 43 Geoff Goodwin Jasmina V South View Geoff Goodwin Arcorana Area 18 Georgia Hirst JRP Hill Tyger Warren Farm Georgia Mitchell Zacarno Tillyoch Georgie Hilton Newtowns Cash Only Arae 18 Georgina Beeson Calvano Rodbaston Georgina Beeson Born Ready Gracelands Georgina McIntyre Burnlea Cherry Bay Borrowby Georgina Shrubshall Cruise On Borio Badgeworth Gillian Anderson Congenilaity B SNEC Gillian O Donnell Darragon Ingliston Ginny Rose Afga Clack Whitehouse Farm Giorgia Distefano Rose 111 Wales & West Grace Chattaway Winston X1V Northallerton Grace Maher Acorde Lane End Farm Greg Taylor Moll Mor Ingliston Hanna Mathea Clemeins Bury Farm Harriet Lunnon Womy Bury Farm Harriet Ross BF Adelaide Tillyoch Harrison Shaw TB Nora R JM Shows Harry Burchmore Eames Ruby V Keysoe Harry Wainwright Zescheron Weston Lawns Hayley McCaie Too Hot 2 Handel 111 Bishop Burton Hayley Roberston Araboera Forest Edge Hayley Webster LK Rocky Quob Hazel Laughlan Condaleezy Cabin Heather Chaplain Heathercoombe Roisin Vic Farm Heather Field Steel City Finlay JM Shows Heather Gore Algerina Waterford Park Heather McDonald Morphus Quainton Heidi Sellar Lady Jasmine Duckhurst Heidi Sellar Posh Totty Pyecombe Helen Swailes Cassa Z JM Shows Henry Norton DHI Antonio Bishop Burton Hester Platt Moorhey Mohawk Area 17 Hollie Clarke Glowing Opposition Wales & West Hollie Mae Hobbs Barbries Benz Weston Lawns Holly Broad Trojan Europa UK Weston Lawns Holly Davison Carita Stainsby Holly Gair Wipdiedderali Lane End Farm Holly Lewis Faire La Nouba Netley Hall Holly Neat Zandani Hargate Iona Drummond U2 DS Ingliston Isabella Stadden Fleur VT Hofkon Bicton Isobelle Bradley Jake 111 Wales & West Jackie Abbott Audacious Area 24 Jackie Pullen Marchesi U Bet JM Shows Jade Abley Autumns Serenade Gracelands Jade Fletcher Bailey X1 Warren Farm Jade Hall Gadget Z Bury Farm Jade Wood Ocean Rogue Brook Farm Jake Rose Perla 1V Area 18 James Dawson Dark Oak Prescott James Emblem Shalamar Mexican Wave Pachesham James Emblen Kimbertino Bolesworth Jane Gough Roberts Dison Icabob Area 20 Jasmine Cain Scandal 1V Fieldhouse Jassy Pyke Balasco Area 31 Jen Foster Jess Borrowby Jenna Hoare Cider VD Leeuwerk Prescott Jennifer Patty Damocies Pyecombe Jenny Brookfield Arorusa Greenlands Jenny Yate Sannanvalley Sensation Wales & West Jessica Hayes Red Butterfly Weston Lawns Jo Driver Captain Silver Area 32 Jo Siddons Piccani Zuri Whitehouse Farm Joanna Burns Tempting Business Bishop Burton Joanna Kennell Autumn Cruise Aintree Joanna Kennell Cadillac Aintree Joanna McKensie Ferbane Clover Surprise South View Joanne Bailey Bettina 11 Wales & West Joanne Dixon Cavalia Ingliston Joanne Gubb Bowes Casino Artist Bury Farm Jodie Cassels Aroha SNEC Jodie Clark Cisero V Moores Farm Jodie Randall Hambrooks First Lady Pachesham Jodie Warwick Kalairi IOW Jodie Warwick Kalairi IOW Joeseph Shaw Diamond Jessica Hargate John Stokes Dawson VH Huzzihof Moores Farm Jon Paull Bellvue I Love Secrets Redpost Jordan Blower Tamara V111 South View Jordan Lyon Carlos Tillyoch Judi Piper Dadswell Grand Attraction 11 Golden Cross Judi Piper Dadswell Contendra 11 Golden Cross Julia Helm Helms Kismet Summerhouse Julia Helms Hlems Rossio Weston Lawns Julia Nelson Brooklyn Ingliston Julie Andrews The Drawness Area 17 Julie Andrews Flamenca Area 17 Julie Peake Rio 1X Wales & West Justin Pickford Red 11 Area 18 Justine Armstrong Small Andoro Brook Farm Karen Evans Mainways Quantum Myerscough Karen Evans Tarot Myerscough Kate Dodd Ramona 999 Houghton Hall Kate Flatley Tinka's Wish Bold Heath Kate Graham Irish Legend Overa Kate Hornsby Taca Ibn Kif Area 31 Kate O'Neill Apardz Pachesham Kate Pullen Bentley 111 Gracelands Kath Kay Birchdales Handels Messiah Arena UK Kathryn Hardy Vilveda 11 Area 24 Katie Coomes Ideal Girl PB Equestrian Katie McGelliot Verona V111 Lime Kiln Farm Katie Speller How Bazaar is He Brook Farm Katie Turnbull Ashton Star SNEC Katinka Brogaard Pauldarys Tigers Buz Area 43 Kaylie Riston Little Miss Sunrise Lane End Farm Keith Closher Zenzi Arena UK Keith Shore Casanova Du Muse South View Keith Shore Casonaova De Muse Dean Valley Keith Shore Latisha Aintree Keith Shore Cassonova Du Muze Aintree Kelly Duupertuis Born To Fly Rowallan Kelly Jackson Oakwood Queen Of Hearts Rodbaston Kerry Brennen Contago Area 16 Kerry Grimster Trivia South View Kerry Wilson Foxbay Quob Kirsty Oliver Pauldarys Limi Tiger Vic Farm Kirtsy Pearce Faith Badgeworth Kristy Nelson Romeo H Vicarage Farm Lara Whiteway Cartiani Rowallan Laura Clibburn Rasptin Bold Heath Laura Frisby Shearton Matlda JM Shows Laura Goodall Loretti K Prescott Laura Ireton Querido De Puccini Bury Farm Laura Ireton Jack VH Molenhof Z Patchetts Laura Johnson Luminos Dean Valley Laura Simmons Ruby Two Shoes PB Equestrian Laura Stringfellow Gorsehill Wilma PB Equestrian Laura Swift Zaragoza Bold Heath Laura Swift Zaragoza RE Dean Valley Laura Watts Miss Darcy 11 Quob Lauren Jaques HFS Castanet Pachesham Lauren Roseberry Dark Duchess Lane End Farm Laurence Ridgeway Temple De La Cruz Forest Edge Leah Johnston Bellaghy Conqueror Cabin Leoni Firth Mea Equa April Port Royal Liane Smith Dynamic 111 Area 16 Lilly Callan Carinthier B Van PiezenhoeveDean Valley Lisa Bary Barron Blue Corrado Pyecombe Lisa Jones Caraleva Area 24 Lisa Pilbeam Cullawn Holly Golden Cross Lizzie Aldridge Newferry Irish Mist The Hand Lizzie Knight Cult Flight Pachesham Lola Wade Wonderful 11 Bury Farm Lola Wade Risk It Area 31 Lorna Simpson Elfish IOW Lorraine Lock C Zarah R4 Weeley Louis Frost Hope 111 Patchetts Louise Morrison Bright Times Tillyoch Lucinda Clark Adonis GF Ingliston Lucy Barclay Talento Golden Cross Lucy Kelly Anjara Patchetts Lucy Loughton Trevaney Storm Force Dorset Lucy Metcalfe Fushia Belle Waterford Park Lucy Pinney Hillview Karm Utopia Area 50 Lucy Simpson Hatty Gracelands Lucy Stewart Glow DK Rowallan Luke Humphrey Prince D' Heauville Forest Edge Luke Humphrey Prins Lime Kiln Farm Lydia Cartwright Bain Aroza De Semilly Croft Top Lynda Denny Grafique Santa Area 31 Lynn Montgomerie Gella VD Kershoeve Greenlands Madaline Taylor White Smith Lad Overa Madaline Taylor Shovern Tom Cat Overa Malcom Aitken Whitenose Vicarage Farm Mandy Gray Hawthorn Bandit Area 15 Margaret Kendall Lachain Lass Area 15 Mari Walton Amigo VH Broekxhof Warrington Mari Walton Freckleton Madonna Bryn Derw Mari Walton Tomgar Princess Bryn Derw Mark Dorgan Timo Amo De Pleville Vicarage Farm Mark Fyfe Veliene 111 Vic Farm Mark Hallion Legolas Girl Wales & West Mark Holland C Davids Dream Fieldhouse Mark Williams Aruba Van Overis Z Deeping Marysia Orzazweska One of a Kind 11 Badgeworth Maxine Enever Baltimore Meerlo Redpost Maxine Enever Archade Z Redpost Mcaroline Caudwell Morning Flight SNEC Megan Sherat Goldata SNEC Mel Hannah Anchorman Pyecombe Melissa Eagles Zindoctro Weston Lawns Melissa Thorpe MTS Rhythm & Blues Longwood Michael Fursedonn Little Limmerick Norton Heath Michael Fursedonn CC Heart Arena UK Michael Fursedonn Babelle Brook Farm Michael Mac Competive Edge Weston Lawns Michelle Ireland Grand Gesture Market Bosworth Misha Irving Dat Jungske Arena UK Myah Lee Primative Superstition Lime Kiln Farm Natalie Burnett Florentina111 Pyecombe Natalie Mitchell Merllyns Mondena Area 18 Natalie Mitchell Mercllyns Modena Bolesworth Nathan Carson Whitney 111 Bury Farm Nicholas Edwards Bravour of Fairpaly Pyecombe Nicholas Edwards Viva Lordandos Wales & West Nick Charles Majesty Area 43 Nicola Attenborrow Poplars Florentina Weston Lawns Nicola Barry Charien Wales & West Nicola Braidwood Kings Welcome Area 43 Nicola Rush Alicia 11 Dorset Olivia Dales Belinda 111 Area 16 Olivia Hollaway Watch Me Cruise Myerscough Olivia Stafford Badgers Kingley Weeley Paige Street Kilskyre Patchetts Paul George Narla 11 Wales & West Pauliina Marttila Picola Peste Area 15 Penny Thompson Just a Fluke 11 Northallerton Peter Evans Man Overboard Pyecombe Peter Murphy Kensington Area 17 Phoebe Powell Ramira JM Shows Pippa Tucker Princess Fiona Dorset Pippa Tucker V Kailes Dorset Polly Shaw Madam Micklow Quainton Poppy Stronge Guess Whos Who Area 43 Rachael Aitken Casino Boy Pyecombe Rachael Connor Brunette Myerscough Rachael Gilbert Rumba Soenderskov Area 18 Rachael Howell Utopia X Area 16 Rachael Willock Bonne Espoire Bold Heath Rebecca Hart Annie X Dean Valley Rebecca Howe Gran Equador Bishop Burton Rebecca Mason Kalimero The Hand Reece Edwards Baltimore 11 Wales & West Ronnie Jones Buckshot Irish Mint Norton Heath Ronnie Jones Little Cruise Brook Farm Ros Kemp Mount Ross Princess Bicton Rosanna Marston Just Call Me B Brook Farm Rosemary Tilson Concordette RR Market Bosworth Rosie Ryan Vitta Derby College Roslyn Fyfe Felicity H Rowallan Ryan O Sullivan Cameron 11 Quob Ryan O Sullivan Hans 11 The Hand Sacha Marshall Luna Wales & West Sadie Burchmore Chicago PB Equestrian Sally Wilson Dance Man Borrowby Sam Sargeant D & A Winston Netley Hall Sam Wall Birchonease Girl Netley Hall Samantha Churchill St Annes Ranger Badgeworth Samantha Nurse Ameretto Waterford Park Samantha Penn Candie Golden Cross Sammy Borthwick Politician Warren Farm Samuel Turner Waring 111 Rodbaston Sandra Low Mitchell Westmuir Daniel Rowallan Sarah Billington Santorini Warrington Sarah Dean Pauls Lass Norton Heath Sarah Hamilton Parkhill Legacy Tillyoch Sarah Hicks Inka Moores Farm Sarah Shackleton Dealers Diamond Patchetts Sarah Williams Conamore Market Bosworth Sarah Williams Barcelona T Weston Lawns Scarlette Baker Xequemate Weeley Scott Molloy Geronimo The Hand Scott Smih Floretta Area 24 Seamus Dillon Rockin Robin V Golden Cross Seb Poirier Pasha 1V Vicarage Farm Sharon Botterill Gem 11 Bicton Sheree Deards Sting M Patchetts Siobhan Edmunds B Amalusinia R60 Forest Edge Sofia Holden Brianne Wales & West Sophia Carpenter Cover Girl 111 Area 32 Sophie Boyd Cloughbank Gem JM Shows Sophie Gregory Zennyfee Moores Farm Sophie Holiday Lilac Star Houghton Hall Sophie Ryan Finod Kate Bolesworth Sophie Stockdale Hella Bicton Stacey Rushworth Dushi Area 16 Stacey Webb Newbridges Madam Camee Duckhurst Stephanie Gunn Mooi Merriels Arena UK Stephanie Gunn Tirena Arena UK Sue Dyas Mulligan Dolly Bold Heath Sue Pountain Columballe Coleen Myerscough Sue Pountain Utopia X Tushingham Susie Gibson Anfield Warren Farm Susie Gill Picador Prescott Thomas Sticktland Queen of Roses Port Royal Tillie Newman Me De 11 Bicton Toby Bancroft Donnerstag Houghton Hall Toby Smith Zolena Patchetts Toni Proffit Lucky Classic Charm Area 20 Tony French Hassan VT Hageland Tushingham Tracey Hicken Durelle Gracelands Tracey Langford Danny Boy X1 Area 17 Vere Phillips Kanga Rogue Deeping Vere Phillips Canada 11 Deeping Vere Phillips Ricky Roller Market Bosworth Vere Phillips Lammy Beach Market Bosworth Vicky Wilkins Cunning Devil Z Aintree Victora Hewson Konig Pferd Polartanz Bob Ingliston Victoria Blizzard Eclispe Girl Summerhouse Victoria Jackson Spalshdance Duckhurst Wiil Edwards Touche Bolesworth William Lyles Bardmore Highflyer Lime Kiln Farm Zac Smith Ideaal C JM Shows Zac Smith Aquisense Stainsby Zara Trim Zeppa 111 Dorset 1M NOVICE FIRST SIX TO QUALIFY MUST JUMP CLEAR IN THE FIRST ROUND RIDER HORSE VENUE A Jones Dashing Spur Prescott Abbey Hitchenson Flyby Bolesworth Abbie Burchmore Eames Casti Aneira PB Equestrian Abbie Burchmore Eames Hamberlins Cappolla PB Equestrian Abbie Burchmore Eames Booming Blue Z Bury Farm Abbie Goodwin Arcorona South View Abbie Hughes Woodlander Rhythm & Blues Dorset Abigail Baynes Vikko Stivo Stainsby Abigail Danson Florentine 1V Myerscough Adam Taylor Special Guest Port Royal Adam Taylor Bathaga Bogibo Deeping Adam Valks Cushina Cypress Rowallan Adam Valks Simply Exclusive JM Shows Adam Valks Divident SB JM Shows Ailsia Noble Harvey 1X Rowallan Aimee Gardner Kilhalle Rowallan Aimee Gasgoine Bronte Nortallerton AJ Richardson Porcha H Rowallan Alex Bishop Oosh Royal Leisure Alex Bratt Adinus Hargate Alex Cabb Highfield Onenonly Bryn Derw Alex Deighton Orchill Star JM Shows Alex Roberstson WKD Early Edition Rowallan Alexandra Allen Espoir De Valpone Pachesham Alexandra Bartlett Trenchtown Wales & West Alice Meakin Premier Diamond Northallerton Alison Boone Bocarina Quainton Alison Knock Dakuno Market Bosworth Alison Lines Handel Me JM Shows Alison Twigg Foxmere Smokey Joe Woodbridge Alison West Ludoctro Tillyoch Alistar White Tequila Sunrise V111 Rowallan Amanda Hutchinson Cruises Harlequin Longwood Amanda Ridler Lee Miss Diva IOW Amanda Ridler Lee Miss Diva Dorset Ami Measor Darcy Gray PB Equestrian Ami Measor Opium V1 Moores Farm Ami Measor Temptation 111 Moores Farm Amy Andrews Di Maria Royal Fly Wales & West Amy Chitty Urlanmore Lux Pyecombe Amy Dobson Cigale Area 18 Amy Halstead Hugginstown Lola Quob Amy Halstead Rivermill Vicarage Farm Amy Jimminson Grove Abbey JM Shows Amy Meecham Lucky Sunset Lady Moorhouse Amy Thompson Simply Shuttlefly Wales & West Amy Thomson El Dante VD Pluinet WWSJC Anastasia Snook Hi Chironos Keysoe Andrew Craig Julius Ceasar Kingsbarn Andrew Gray Titus JX Ingliston Andrew Hardie Dandoliene Deeping Andrew Whalley Dangerfield South View Andrew Whalley Bertino South View Andy Crave Amidala 11 Forest Edge Angela Williams Birthday Boy Netley Hall Angelica Logan Wendy 11 Wales & West Anna Austin Darcival Faith Vic Farm Anna Austin Balouka Py Vic Farm Anna Coello Indies Rock Area 43 Anna De Verteuil Amadeus Longwood Anna De Verteuil Cupilor Rococo Houghton Hall Anna Edwards Dilana SL The Hand Anna Perichova Adas Patchetts Anna Peruzzi Smith Liberty Belle NSJC Anna Strawson Lorindo Deeping Annabel Ackers Valenci V Conrhenny Annabel Shields Elroas Area 14 Anne Fearnall Ruby St Loise Area 15 Anya Brown Carlos V1 South View Anya Brown Whisper H Aintree Ashlie Powell Bantiarna Toffee Area 39 Ben Dalton Athlone Armarni Duckhurst Ben Dalton Flights Cruise Duckhurst Ben Tuff Abbas Van Overis Z Redpost Beth Sutcliffe Wodka Lme Area 14a Bethemy Dreher Hughes Promise Eland Lodge Bradley Woulfe Jasmine Summerhouse Bradley Woulfe Danny Dancer Summerhouse Brenden Ramshaw Pembroke Double Diamond Northcote Stud Brendon Stud Truly Believe Pyecombe Brendon Stud Lady Warrior Pyecombe Brian Smith Bally Capply Breeze Hanbury Bronte Ball Flash Royale Pyecombe Brook Staples Randals Legacy Golden Cross Bryn Williams Winnie V111 Area 20 Bryony Morris Greenvale Zodiac Hand Equestrian Candice Farmer Fresh 20 G Dorset Candice Reily Divine Spirit Bingley Cara Groves Allihies Royal Patchetts Carl Beilensohn Drumin Count Bold Heath Carl Davies Nepal De Bruce South View Carl Davies Kingsmen Warrington Carl Davies Kingsmen Eland Lodge Carly Purves Aviana Wales & West Carol Hughes Larkendown Prescott Carol Richardson Panama Pie Northcote Stud Caroline Barnes Crevagh Josh Derby College Caroline Barnes Storm Alert Area 24 Caroline Barnes Carlotta 1V Hargate Caroline Casburn Ace NSJC Caroline Phillips Katherina Z Badgeworth Carrie Moore Montgomery Z Cabin Catherine Brindley Adel VD Kepel Patchetts Catherine Buck Duran Lalan Bury Farm Catherine Withers Zagazig The Hand Cathy Taylor Business Opportunity Area 18 Cathy Taylor Realigned Aibtree Catrin Roberts Vortigen Area 20 Ceri Starchen Brandreth Just Grand South View Chantal De Verteuil Zoneless BC Quainton Chantalle Duggan Kilnmona Sarco Area 16 Chantelle De Verteuil Dolly Penrose Area 31 Charlen Daly Promise 1V Area 36 Charlene Bastone Grandioos VT Broekend Longwood Charlene Bastone Millfield Chance Longwood Charlene Bastone Funderella Longwood Charlene Bastone Charanova E Brook Farm Charlene Daley Promise Hand Equestrian Charlotte Atkins Jamaicas Way Z Norton Heath Charlotte Baker Ballyhoe Diamond PB Equestrian Charlotte Davies Brit ASM South View Charlotte Eagles Tarantino D JM Shows Charlotte Edwards Iliandra 11 Hand Equestrian Charlotte Flack Candle Line South View Charlotte Flack Balou De Fontenal Warrington Charlotte Foreman Cindoctro Pyecombe Charlotte Goord Master Ozwald Area 50 Charlotte Graham Bambi VH Huikven Patchetts Charlotte Healey Emma 55 Pyecombe Charlotte Hutchinson Talk of the Town 111 Aintree Charlotte Jones Geronimo Jones Warren Farm Charlotte King Zorona South View Charlotte Uden Charming Boy JR Vic Farm Charlotte Wheeler House Red Area 42 Chelsie Moult Dalton W Keysoe Chloe Aston Quirilina Quainton Chloe Cheetham April .11 Aintree Chloe Hitchen Uptons Diamond Jubilee South View Chloe Hitchen Uptons Diamond Jubilee Wales & West Chloe Jarman Zumanda Welsh Masters Chntal De Verteuil Crital Clover Pachesham Chris Moorhouse To Be Cool JM Shows Chris Whinnett Cushlough James Bury Farm Chris Whinnett Shraugh Golden Flame Patchetts Christie Fawcett Double Dutch V111 Brook Farm Christina Faulkner Gypsy Rose 11 Overa Claier Dyer Grangebeg Larry Badgeworth Claire Davies Alandra Fieldhouse Claire Davies Sunset Adiatus Ashby Claire Gibson Randale Legacy Stainsby Claire Jacobson Idefix 111 Redpost Claire McNaughton Warhol Wulfselection Z Rowallan Claire Robertson Colbalt 11 Ashby Claire Shepherd Quainton Chanel South View Claire Shepherd Dalliant G Dean Valley Coco Anderson Dark Rose Area 32 Corey Hamilton Chritopher Robin 1V Brook Farm Corina Meads Little Cruise Lime Kiln Farm Craig Chadwick Quinar SNEC Craig Hamilton Dinky Destiny Ingliston Craig Hills Somewhat Cavalier PB Equestrian Craig Hills Utahs Anastasia Vicarage Farm Cristina Cameron Primadonna Girl Greenlands Danielle Jolliffe Arcode South View Danielle Jolliffe Cikyra South View Danielle Lee Moonbeam 11 Lime Kiln Farm Danielle Stones Banner Gloria JM Shows Danusa Gibson Beyonce Westerfield Danusie Gibson Beyonce Woodbridge Darren Smith Ceaster Borrowby David Howells Cavvie Tae Kid Area 15 David Oversby Trouble Maker Port Royal David Redden Condido Z Area 17 Dawn Richards Durton Clover Coleen Myerscough Dee Hayes Chlli Pepper 11 Area 18 Donna Anderson Ultra Violet Port Royal Eiddwen Jones Albina Bolesworth Eleanor Butler Aerobatic Archie Area 31 Elenour Blumenthal Hindenleys Courage PB Equestrian Elenour Knight Coral Creek Area 20 Elise Hardy Desert D'Elle Arena UK Elizabeth Knight Lola De Reve Norton Heath Elle McPhereson Cookie South View Ellen Harris Buzz Lightyear South View Ellen McPherson Urian De La Wantz Dean Valley Ellie Morley Bennington Overa Ellie Pennistone Vigro Port Royal Ellie Stout Tifferey Bernard Area 14a Elmear Scully Sheaumaker Wales & West Emerson Tough Hill Of Fortune Bold Heath Emily Blackmore Pippa 1V Port Royal Emily Chapman Bold Opposition IOW Emily Douglas On The Moon Northallerton Emily Martin Holdstone Montgomery Weeley Emily Morris Christopher 55 South View Emily Smallman Unbelivable Cappola Bury Farm Emma Bruce Spirit X Duckhurst Emma Jo Slater Rosgan Quizzical PB Equestrian Emma Jo Slater Lizzie Mary Brook Farm Emma Jo Slater Doorteje VH Kleinhof Brook Farm Emma Jo Slater Kimba Classic Brook Farm Emma Jo Slater Heatwave 1V Area 31 Emma Jo Slater North Star Area 39 Emma Jo Slater Winston Vic Farm Emma Jo Slater Roulette 1V Vic Farm Emma Sargeant Serendipity Jess Rodbaston Emma Sargeant Rhanda Rodbaston Emma Saric Une Dame PDB Summerhouse Emma Wilson Vivaldo 11 Greenlands Emmie Collier Hearts of Fire Fieldhouse Emmilia Slack Amandus Hargate Erica Daniels Lucy Lucerne Lime Kiln Farm Eurig Eynon Just Cruise On Area 36 Fiona Patty Damocles Golden Cross First Light Emily Armstrong JM Shows Frances Moiser Conquizator V11 Area 14 Francesca Davey Kilmurray Blue Overa Francesca Riza Assy VH Sonninshof Forest Edge Francis Moiser Conquistador V11 Waterford Park Frankie Bennett Belregazo South View Gabriella Ford Oscar V111 Stretcholt Gemma Hallatt Sparkling Indulgance Dorset Gemma Lacey Tequila Sunrise Netley Hall Georgia Headley Ward Anderida Commanche IOW Georgia Hirst JRP Hill Tyger Bolesworth Georgia Hurst JRP Hill Tyger Bingley Georgia Mitchell Zacarno Tillyoch Georgie Hilton Newtons Bikkel M Northcote Stud Georgie Spence Downe Right Regal Weston Lawns Georgina Beeson Calvano South View Georgina Shrubshall Cruise on Barco The Hand Georgina Stevenson Caretino Jewel Ingliston Georgina Turner Dietarina Area 14a Ginelle Lorenzo Cruik Redways Glamour Girl Forest Edge Glyn Slater Chopard Van Overis Arena UK Grace Chattaway Brad Supreme Area 15 Grace Chattaway Upsails Dream Borrowby Grace Chattaway Zilver Ego Borrowby Grace Hooper Cannavaro 11 Area 43 Grace Story Elrigg Ruby Tuesady Greenlands H Locke Crusie On By Bishop Wilton Hannah Hunter Sky Royalty Ingliston Hannah Lucus Brook Park Rocket Lime Kiln Farm Hannah Marshall Te Amo Area 50 Hannah Vincent Landorleon Westerfield Harriet Hess Bally Roe immy Area 24 Harry Burchmore Eames Constantino PB Equestrian Harry Rogers Twingo 11 Area 15 Hayley Chamberlain Santa Cruz 1V Houghton Hall Hayley McCaie Too Hot 2 Handel 111 Bishop Burton Hayley Stevens Elnino V Ashby Heather Chaplin Heathercombe Rossin Badgeworth Heather Twist Ballybridge Alainn Dean Valley Heidi Sellar Lady Jasmine Norton Heath Helen Buffin Plan B 11 Badgeworth Helen Pavey Kockenpower Rory Stretcholt Helen Waterhouse Playdun South View Henrietta Howse Dancing Diamonds Area 42 Henry Dove Kings Cross Market Bosworth Hilary Mullins Queen Marie Minitiere Wales & West Hollie Clarke Cooldanz Area 42 Hollie Clarke Glowing Opposition Wales & West Holly Gadsby Castle Dermots Promise Longwood Holly Hammond Dundine 11 Rodbaston Holly Hammond Dudine 11 Area 24 Holly Harling All Ireland Bolesworth Holly Hodgson Wappa T JM Shows Holly Lewis Faire La Noba Fieldhouse Holly Millar Diamonte Cabin Ian Wynne Jumble Jubilee Tushingham India Payne Kilshanny Gold Wales & West Iona Whaley Anthoula VD Rietvenne Weston Lawns Isabel McGeogh Indy Rowallan Isabella Stadden Fleur VT Hofken Bicton Isabelle Stevenson Octave De Kersalic PB Equestrian Isobel Smith Hendrix Du Bavard Market Bosworth Isobelle Bradley Zi Zi B Kingswood Jackie Harris Affa J Moores Farm Jade Aberly Autumn Serenade Gracelands Jade Fletcher Bailey X1 Aintree Jake Walker A Flash f Colour Gracelands James Brazzell Dumero Bicton James Davenport Adico Aintree James Dawson Dark Oak Prescott James Peakeman Santiago Star Gracelands James Williams Calinka 111 Ashby Jane Gough Roberts Puddle Jumper Area 20 Jane Pottie Elles Extreme Pyecombe Jaqueline Menzies Springview Lily Bicton Jay Hijazi Pauldarys Mizos Boy Area 43 Jayne Green Urobic South View Jen Foster Jess 111 Borrowby Jenna Hoare Cider VD Leeuwerk Tushingham Jenny Spiller Greenvale Diplomat Dorset Jesica Bean Lady Liberty Weston Lawns Jessica Crees Culhendres Da Vinci Summerhouse Jessica Hayes Vievendi Skye High Fieldhouse Jessica Middleton Hillview Farm Anarchy Vic Farm Jessica Oakes Broadlea Lissnaught Star Area 18 Jessica Shanley Fairfields Mister Flight Weston Lawns Jessie Ancill Spouge Cultos Clover Lime Kiln Farm Jo Sandrson Combe Abbey Area 24 Joanna Burns Miss Sixpence Bishop Burton Joanna Francis Catharina Z Area 42 Joanna Kennell Autumn Cruise Greenlands Joanna Preist Fift Five Conrhenny Joanne Dixon Cavalia W H South View Joanne Dixon Duet Ingliston Joanne Dixon Calvalia WH Ingliston Joanne Fulcher Anouk V1 Duckhurst Jodie Bircham Pauldarys Cassonova IOW Jodie Cassels Aroha SNEC Jodie Nettleton Little Nobby Area 20 Jodie Warwick Kalairi IOW Joe Trunkfield Bluebell V Rodbaston Johanna Gate Claudious Way Area 14a John Brannen KEC Key Nest Rowallan John Chadwick Zieremo Bingley John Merrick Strawberry Mojo 11 South View John Shaw Wimbury Excalibur B Myerscough John Stokes Little Beaun Lugano Hanbury Jonathan Allinson Moly Park Cannon Weeley Jonathan Allinson Charlie Clover Woodbridge Jonathan Dixon Validron Ingliston Jonathan Dixon Ed Garento Ingliston Jonathan Dixon ETC Vert Waterford Park Jonathan Dixon Donna Strade Area 14 Jonathan Fenton Sponge Bob 11 Warren Farm Jonathan Greally Coleur Aldenbergh Z Patchetts Jonathan Hurcomb Daimler Netley Hall Jordam McCabe Aztec Diamond Waterford Park Jordan Thompson Asouilles D' Heleen Kingsbarn Jordan Thompson Bewitched Kingsbarn Josh Farnley Everest 11 Area 14 Judi Piper Dadswell Contendra 11 Pyecombe Judy Carroll Rays Hope Westerfield Julia Helm Helms Rossio Weston Lawns Julie Andrews Flamenca Northcote Stud Julie Greig Gerlinda VH Moelenhof Kingsbarn Julie Horton Ceal Millie Failte Brook Farm Juliet Smeeton Star Rose Du Guilly Vic Farm June Blakeway Little Edmund Moores Farm Justin Pickford Milo V1 Area 18 Justin Tuff Billy Winter Redpost Karen Bosworth Pollyanna Kingswood Karen Clark La Sapir Cabin Karen Evans Mainways Quantum Myerscough Karen Gobey Innocent Violet The Hand Kate Flatley Tinka's Wish Bold Heath Kate Graham Irish Legend Overa Kate Vicary Puccini 111 Moores Farm Kath Kay Cameo 111 Warrington Katherine Cuthbert Equalitie VH Eelshof SNEC Kathryn Breeze Jones Glynceriog Romeo Aintree Kathryn Hardy Randis Girl Evie Arena UK Katie Allen Cruising Eventa PB Equestrian Katie Coombes Lillians Lux Vic Farm Katie Cumming Edenside Leo Tillyoch Katie Dody Cassandra VH Vondelhof Kingswood Katie Lister Bono Du Rouet Z Keysoe Katie Spellet How Bazaars HE Welsh Masters Katie Thurtle Knackadon Clover Woodbridge Katie Trippitt Hazani Area 14a Katie Turnbull Ashton Solitaire Ingliston Kay Simpson Borneo Spotty 11 Area 50 Kayleigh Slater Brickhouse Bonanza WWSJC Kaylie Riston Little Miss Sunrise Lane End Farm Keeley Tate Piccolo 47 Golden Cross Kelly Connor Double Smoked Bishop Burton Kelly Jackson Chase Me 3 Netley Hall Kelly Murray Rothsay Clover Lady Derby College Kelly Read Jacks Diamond Cruise IOW Ken Ashe Pauldarys Tiger Taboo Quob Ken Ashe Armours Cavalier Quob Kerrie McStea Vito 1X BL Events Kerry Grimster Rowanstown Shakedown Quob Kerry Grimster Malina Svrzna The Hand Kerry Grimster Rockhill Girl The Hand Kerry Grimster Lock of Clover The Hand Kerry Grimster Ryans Hollie South View Kerry Simpson I should Coco Area 32 Kim Webster Cava Lilly Prescott Kim Webster Jezzabel Prescott Kimberley Doran Zolanda Norton Heath Kirsty Colclough Top Banana Weston Lawns Kirsty Oliver Amber Dane Quob Kirsty Oliver Roque Loka Tigress Area 43 Kirtsy Pearce Faith Stretcholt Kit Thorne Delilah Dream Area 43 L Beveridge Mad Hatter Vicarage Farm Lacey Brierley Icarus V Area 15 Lacey Pickard Moorsfarm Pandora Z Hargate Lana Craker Bally Moss VDL Cavalier Bury Farm Lauire Bartram Der Kaiser Patchetts Laura Bool non Stop Badgeworth Laura Donaldson Winnipeg B Ingliston Laura Frisby Sheraton Matilda Stainsby Laura Graham Gratina Area 14 Laura Ireton Querido De Puccini Pachesham Laura Johnson Perfect Storm 111 South View Laura Ross Nessa Bolesworth Laura Simmons Ruby Two Shoes PB Equestrian Lauren Bell Overdraft Lane End Farm Lauren Collins Cathargo Okla Homa Stretcholt Lauren Fois PSV Z Fieldhouse Lauren Fois Concorde Two Area 39 Lauren Knott Quatro PS Z Weston Lawns Lauren Rosebury Dark Duchess Lane End Farm Laurie Bartram Elysian Road Area 32 Leesa Long Costella Pyecombe Leesa Long Monaleesa 1V Pyecombe Lilly Franklin Chief Luis Fieldhouse Lisa Cooper Mayday Moorhouse Lisa Jones Alanya Port Royal Lisa Parry Priorty Lass Area 36 Liz Allinson Dorey Weeley Liz Eden Cloondalagan Fagmount Moorhouse Liz Eden King Sitrice Moorhouse Liz Jackson Drumcooley Promise Area 18 Lizzie Aldridge New Ferry Irish Mist Welsh Masters Lizzie Aldridge Violine De Laye The Hand Lizzie Gray Millbrooks Destiny NSJC Lloyd Royal Ulcelby Bertha Port Royal Logan Creighton Oldlands Valme BL Events Lorna Simpson Elfish PP Woodbridge Lorraine Buchan Valinni Tillyoch Lorraine Buchan Cristelle Lorellen Tillyoch Lorraine Lock C Zarah R4 Bury Farm Lorraine Lock Billy Ola Bury Farm Lottie Pote Kilcoltrim Perect in Pink Conrhenny Louise clibburn Grays Delfado Vici Warren Farm Louise Perry Sportsfield Christie Stainsby Grange Louise Redfearn Collateral 111 Bishop Burton Louise Redfearn B Blessed Bishop Burton Lowri Davies Balliteskin Del Boy WWSJC Lucie Eaton Summerwinds Beau Tushingham Lucie Lindsay Wordtimes Dorset Lucy Barclay Dance on VU Weston Lawns Lucy Chadwick Hollyhedge Star Prescott Lucy Haywood Redhill SR Gracelands Lucy Henderson Ziggy Warrington Lucy Stewart Glow DK Rowallan Lucy Turner Donata Area 24 Lucy Wilson Unbelievable Chico Moorhouse Lucy Winn Creagh Mazeppa Area 16 Luke Barham Lady Caretino Pyecombe Luke Hill Email 11 Bishop Burton Luke Hill Nantcoed Royal Saluut Bishop Burton Luke Humphery Prince D'Heauville Overa Luke Humphery Un Heureux Overa Luke Prior Stanhopes Fitzroy Blackjack Houghton Hall Lydia Lucus Boarado S Area 50 Mari Walton Amigo VH Broelxhof South View Mari Walton Tomgar Picasso Bryn Derw Mark Holland River 111 Hargate Mark Lyonette Wild Justice South View Mark Thompson Rathtrim Silver Derby College Mark Thompson Ashwood Kajinka Eland Lodge Mark Thompson Sunni Eland Lodge Mark Thompson Ruffo Hanbury Mark Turnbull Cincinatti 11 Rowallan Martin Brake Arkala Flagmount Hand Equestrian Martin Lloyd Whitelock Mystial Seven Bold Heath Mathew Pike Beauerpaire Violet Welsh Masters Mathew Pike Zatries Royal Leisure Matilda Harrison Everything Voodoo Lane End Farm Max Swanne Lady Lace Patchetts Maxine Enever Hartleymoor Vella Bicton Maxine Poole Townend Balou Boy Arena UK Megan Motmans Last Line Duckhurst Melanie Butcher Bella Reena WWSJC Melanie Butcher Laurelle WWSJC Melissa Mason Hollister P Kingswood Michael Fursdonn Babette Brook Farm Michael Fursdonn Little Limerick Norton Heath Michael Tuff Delayla Area 50 Michael Walzck Bollinger 11 Norton Heath Michaela Bowling Party Popper 11 South View Micheals Reagan Volando 1V South View michelle Greaves Curraghkyle Summer Moorhouse Michelle Hinks Belle Chacon South View Michelle ireland Grand Gesture Weston Lawns Millie Cornock Haribo Of Nasta Gracelands Millie Singleston Bombardon Hand Equestrian Miranda Lynch Spot On Harry Waterford Park Misha Pitt Hermoni Cruise Bury Farm Miss Chips Darren Smith JM Shows Mitsouka Anderson All Wrapped Up Keysoe Morgan Carpenter Mercllyns Mirage South View Myah Lee Primative Superstition Lime Kiln Farm Nancy Tillet Grange Coleman Port Royal Natasha Jones Dureido N Lane End Farm Natasha Jones Alfie Morrow Bishop Burton Natasha Morrell Frauke VD Smeets Weston Lawns Nia Marvin Oaktree Surprise Area 36 Nicholas Edwards Urome De Joli Area 43 Nicholas Edwards Viva Lordanos Wales & West Nick Charles Chennai Area 43 Nicky Pritchard Quiz De Buisson Derby College Nicoal Roe Kisses Bishop Burton Nicola Braidwood Five Carat Pyecombe Nicola Braidwood Idas Pyecombe Nicola Hargraves Banakta Myerscough Nicola Moran Avelonn 1V Tushingham Nigel Thorpe Westwood Vie Eland Lodge Nigel Thorpe Dyane Hargate Nikki Pow Utaura 111 BL Events Olivia Dales Little Canonay Area 16 Olivia Dales Eclipse V Area 16 Olivia Holloway My Clover Boy Myerscough Olivia Hunt Once in a Blue Moon 11 Bolesworth Olivia Poole Andorra South View P Mellor Just For Joy Bishop Wilton Paige Street Kilskyre Brook Farm Paul Anderson Sensation Pachesham Paul Anderson Ashill Dunstar Pachesham Penny Thompson Miracle Pie Northallerton Petra James Red Rebel V Area 36 Phoebe Buckley Jimmy Choo Prescott Pierre Baber Chaparrel Area 42 Pippa Tucker Princess Fiona Stretcholt Polly Bursby Carnaval Belleval Pyecombe Polly Shaw Renkum Little Fe Keysoe Polly Shaw Madam Micklow Quainton Poppy Buck Cara Image Northallerton Rachael North Little Dokina Area 36 Rachael Smith Cathena South View Rachael Wilcock Bonne Espoir Bold Heath Rebecca Andrews Annie X South View Rebecca Harraway Almelda May Summerhouse Rebecca Hill Connie V111 BL Events Rebecca Hughes Hawai Z Area 16 Rebecca Taylor Ki Ki 11 Pyecombe Reiko Anderson Commanchero Area 32 Rhian Roberts Glyder Madoc Llewellyn Warren Farm Rhys Jones Robyns Touch South View Richard Nicol Tinto A Greenlands Robert Booth Upgraded Flight IOW Robert Booth Spring Thyme IOW Romilly Simmons Corrinhill Clover Weston Lawns Rosalind Platt Diamonte De Darco Westerfield Rose Shave Smythies Knockrobin Knight Stretcholt Rosie Gunn Havinia VD Roshoeve Arena UK Ruby Pointer Bono 111 NSJC Russell Wright Wright Colouful Bingley Ryan O Sullivan Hans 11 The Hand Ryan O Sullivan Reem The Hand S Kelly Quaestor Bishop Wilton S Kelly Dovecote Decadance Boynton Hall S Owens Sebeka Bryn Derw S Wright Commadore 11 Area 16 Sabina Smith Leoanrdo X BL Events Sadie Burchmore Booming Blue Z Area 39 Sadie Montage King of Hearts V Patchetts Sally Kidd Darcy Gray Tillyoch Sally Lane Paradise G Brook Farm Sally Marston Westerley Greenlands Sam Brierly Forever Bobby Duckhurst Sam Lambert SJL Maximus Bingley Sam Willcocks Kerri Clover Bury Farm Samantha Knott Mr Cochise Waterford Park Samantha Penn Lucky Turn Golden Cross Sammy Cotton Dreamtime Fortuna Bicton Sarah Childs Cappuchino V11 Prescott Sarah Hamilton Parkhill Legacy Cabin Sarah Hicks Inka Welsh Masters Sarah Hughes Oneida TA WWSJC Sarah Jones Belle Faerie Wales & West Sarah Lees Pickmere De Vinci Aintree Sarah Lewis JB Lewis Tushingham Sarah Middleton Veronique 1V SNEC Sarah Sargeant Dario VD Zielenberg Tushingham Sarah Shakleton Dealers Diamond Bury Farm Sarah Williams Conamore Ashby Scarlett Baker Xeuquemate Boynton Hall Scot Adock Icen Gratini Forest Edge Scott Molloy Geronimo The Hand Seb Poirier Ballerina Vicarage Farm Seb Poirier Pasha Vicarage Farm Shannon Kelly Perlita SNEC Shari Butchart Anquis Brook Farm Sharon Dillon Diva V Northcote Stud Sharon Du Toit Little Miss Non Strop Prescott Shelley Johnson Eifl Ben Area 17 Simon Buckley Petina Northcote Stud Simon Buckley Queen Bee JX Area 14a Siobhan Edmunds Bullet Power Forest Edge Sophia Carpenter Cchampagne Sparke Keysoe Sophie Edenborough Quick Liberty South View Sophie Glaog Zorro X1V Bishop Burton Sophie Holliday Bruno Houghton Hall Sophie Neasham Little Miss Neash Area 15 Sophie Rees Oakhurst Raphoe Pyecombe Sophie Robertson Nightshade Deeping Sophie Strawson Temple Christie Whitehouse Farm Sophie Strawson Temple Kojak Area 24 Stacey Rushworth Dushi Port Royal Stephanie Gillespie Verona X Bishop Burton Stephanie Gunn Quastor De Buisson Derby College Stephanie Smallman SouthbourneSibena Welsh Masters Stephen Gee Djinn Wajouttie Eland Lodge Steven Gee Adele 11 Dean Valley Steven Gee Miss Lucozade Dean Valley Steven Gibson Topless Kingsbarn Stevie Crosbie Dupicor Aintree Sue Pountain Indizie Derby College Susan Dyas Harlequin Duffy Warren Farm Susan Walker Flights Cruise Golden Cross Susie Gill Daisy May Prescott Sussanah Mann Uncle Patsy Quob Tara McDonald Morphus Area 31 Tasmin Conyers Lady 11 NSJC Theresa Smith Helois VT Equietanerof Port Royal Thomas Stricktland Azak Port Royal Tia Harris Flagmounts Lady Diamond Arena UK Tia Posner Ginger Van Overis Patchetts Tina Coe Arednteggle Queen NSJC Tom Hollins Kinsale Houdini Warrington Tony Pearson Albert V Quainton Tori Twite Galway Brogan Forest Edge Tracey Barrow Columbus 11 Kingswood Tracey Barrow Juniper 11 Hanbury Tracy Barrow Lady In Command 11 Rodbaston Tracy Barrow Lucy Lancer Rodbaston Trevor Nicholson B Amelusina Ingliston Trevor Nicholson Carentino Jewel Ingliston Vere Phillips Ricky Roller Deeping Vere Phillips Lammy Beach Market Bosworth Vere Phillips FC Torino Market Bosworth Vicky Ashworth Romantica B Quainton Vicky Shore Airbourne 11 South View Vicky Spanswick Godington Basileus Houghton Hall Vicky Weymoth Oakfield Pompadom Weston Lawns Victoria Benson Roberts Apache Princess Bryn Derw Victoria Jackson Spalsh Dance Pachesham Wendy Dyas Delta Wolf Warren Farm Will Shand Don Diego Vital Hanbury Zac Smith UFO Z JM Shows Zac Smith Ideaal C JM Shows Zac Thorne Cynaquil Woodbridge Zara Dodd Wilson Barnfields Sweet Dreams PB Equestrian Zara Trim Indie T Bicton Zoe Brain Atelrito Badgeworth Zoe Maculan Highlander VH Smeedshof Hand Equestrian Zoe Prattis Atlantic Storm SNEC MANDY HALL MEMBERS CUP FIRST SIX TO QUALIFY MUST JUMP CLEAR IN THE FIRST ROUND RIDER PONY VENUE Abbey Weaver Macho Sirian Gracelands Abbie Bevan Forthview Master Area 15 Abbie Summers Bojangles 11 Wales & West Abbie Taylor Cadulle Area 24 Abbie Taylor Helci Summerhouse Airflow Mimi Beecher Pyecombe Alex Gill Ammanvalley Santino Moorhouse Alex Gill Wildwood Silver Area 15 Alex McHattie City Rascal SJSS Alice Donnelley Roan Boy Forest Edge Amanda Clark Pablo 1X Bicton Amanda Lysaght JJ 11 Area 48 Amber Owen Forthview Better Days Badgeworth Amber Owen Chivaz Badgeworth Amy Inglis Calinka 1V Royal Leisure Amy Merrell Lahinch PJ Colraine Amy Tedds CloonfadLad Bury Farm Anna Dunlop Braveheart V1 Ingilston Annabel Ackers Valenci V Conrhenny Araminta Woolger Claddagh Prince The Hand Brody Frost Kahola Maestro Badgeworth Brooke Bekir Gwrthuryns Bridgets Boy Duckhurst Brooke Hunter String Of Pearls Forest Edge Caitlin True Honey Pot 111 Arena UK Charley Dawson Third Pearl (the) Arena UK Charlotte Ash Killack King JM Shows Charlotte Ash Aughnashammer JM Shows Charlotte O Connor Aughnacliff boy Weston Lawns Chloe Jones Tioren Area 18 Chloe Reynolds Money Spider V Badgeworth Chloe Reynolds Speculate The Hand Chloe Reynolds Kayleighs Star Badgeworth Chnatal Thackery Miradays Golden Amber Badgeworth Choe Jarman Savannahs Sunrise Senstion Bicton Christie Pritchard Ruby Riot Bishop Burton Christie Pritchard Quaprice Dastree Bishop Burton Claudia Searra Dafina K Field House Daisy McKinley Manninard Seabird Keysoe Danielle Brown Brooklands Dun Dreamer Area 18 Danielle Brown Sunorras Soleil Area 18 Danielle Clarke New York Spritzer Arena UK Elena Tripp Crindle Miss Sunshine Bicton Elenour Mantel Killimanjaro Bicton Elise Walton Priums Figaro Moorhouse Ella Popely Snatch Royal Leisure Ellie Arcdeacon Moonlight Flight Forest Edge Ellie Arcdeacon Greenacres Bobby Forest Edge Ellie Davies Prospects Diamond Wales & West Ellis Murray Fantasia Time Rowallan Emily Stephen Irih Pixie (The) South View Emily Ward Prince Eddie Field House Emma Kitching Gold Rush (The) Arena UK Emma Kitching Cuffesgrange For Sure Arena UK Emma Kitching C For Sauce Field House Esmee Harell Arabella V1 Gracelands Eve Morris Pengoch Benjamin Brook Farm Eve Morris Gwaelodygelli Trysor Brook Farm Faye Adams Brambleborough Alan Weston Lawns Faye Adams Rainbows Mocha Arena UK Faye Adams C H Lloyd Field House Fionulla Kerr Laraghmore Martin Rowallan Fionulla Kerr Rio V111 Rowallan Freddie Philips Zophie 111 Area 43 G Reed Dolly 11 Area 36 Georgia Jobson Dun on the Run Central Region Georgia Taylor Jones International Playboy The Hand Georgia Wakelin Crimlon Bay Wales & West Geri Heaton Krafty Kat Warren Farm Graham Babes Golden Eye Rowallan Graham Babes Wischin Chin M Dalry Hannah Hughes Toy Story Bicton Hannah Hughes Frankies Ace Bicton Hannah Tiley Future Role Area 43 Hannah Tiley Soundcat Arena UK Harriet Cooper Tina Patch Area 28 Harriet Cooper Never Tell Area 28 Harriet Cooper Chocalarto Forest Edge Harrison Hattea Geran Tire Badgeworth Harry Charles Moneymaker 111 Bury Farm Harry Charles Kyra V Bury Farm Henry Truelove Dark Spirit VD Kruishoeve Area 15 India Bussey Westside Menlough Forest Edge Isabel Warde Aldam Park Mr Smart Hargate James Maclaughlan Picadero The Hand Jarad Lunn Ballybaloo Weston Lawns Jarad Lunn Lahinch Kate Weston Lawns Jemma Smith JM Jagwaar Forest Edge Jenna Palmer Evans Byrneskill Penny Hargate Jessica Chitty Amilie JRZ Central Region Jessica Hewiit The Irish Builder Port Royal Jessica Hewiit Irish Builder (The) Port Royal Jessica Hewiit Grasey Boy Church Farm Jessica Marshall Madges Lane Larry Badgeworth Joanna Priest Fifty Five Conrhenny Jodie Hall McAteer Tixylix Bury Farm Jordan Gann Saucey Shenanigans Bury Farm Jordan Woodward Black Satin Forest Edge Josh Hutchins My Time 1V Netley Hall Josh Hutchins Charlie X111 Netley Hall Joshua Bridge Ultrador Badgeworth Katie Waldock Smith Ciliau Saffron Central Region Katie Waldock Smith Ross Cottage Bury Farm Katie Waldock Smith Clailu Saffron Bury Farm Katinka Brogaard Sprite 111 Area 43 Kelly Taylor Amber Minor Houghton Hall Leonie Aitkenhead Double Time Port Royal Leonie Aitkenhead Foxy Lady 55 Port Royal Liberty Bramwell Francus Hargate Lily Rose Fenn Lakeview Samson Bury Farm Lisa Ulven Cevin 111 Pyecombe Lois Jones Knockannveigh Ltd Edition Area 20 Lois Jones TJ'S Cosmic Gold Area 20 Lottie Tutt Gray Sammi Wales & West Louis Frost Sultana Brook Farm Lowri Jones Willows Delight Warren Farm Lucy Carver Killea Suzy Area 15 Lucy Carver Power Station Port Royal Lucy Carver Carnalecka Quickstep Wales & West Lucy Rhodes Blue Whistler Warren Farm Lucy Rhodes Gildens Vital Spark Area 17 Lucy Warren Irish Hotshot Houghton Hall Lydia Thomas Touche Forquet The Hand Lydia Thomas Dark Emporer (The) Moores Farm Lydia Thomas Shandum Misty Gracelands Lydia Woodburn Mountain Ghost Aintree Mark Poskitt Rockfield Smokey Joe Wales & West Megan Betteridge Narina Moores Farm Megan Bristow Jethro Forest Edge Melissa Rose Birchgrove Tiger Woods Church Farm Miles O Donnell Talpa Bury Farm Miles O Donnell Josefin R Bury Farm Millie Allen Tinkers Pearl JM Shows Millie Allen Jessica 1V JM Shows Millie Allen Scoubidou JM Shows Millie Allen Unorthadox Blue JM Shows Morgan Carpenter Mercllyns Foxtown Rover South View Morgan Carpenter AJ'S Dibberford Irish South View Morgan Carpenter AJ'S Deauville Netley Hall Naomi Lawrence Garvagh Fionn Houghton Hall Natasha Piper My Champagne Supanova Forest Edge Nicole Billington Robe Ruadh Warren Farm Noel Delaune Hidcotes First Dancer Brook Farm Paula Patterson Aquenna Rowallan PJ Williams Starmaker Rowallan PJ Williams Midnight Minuet Rowallan PJ Williams Bay Friend Ingilston Robbie Mason Sheridens Archangel Rowallan Rory Aird Caprice 111 Rowallan Rosanne Hegarty Minison Houghton Hall Rosie Cassidy Knockmartin Gold Moores Farm Rosie Hegarty Okechobee Summerhouse Sian Gardner Hot Chocolate 11 Gracelands Sophia Fox Ryan Again Bury Farm Sophia Fox Glenarousk Flash Bandit Central Region Sophie Hillier Up to Trix 11 Aintree Sophie Howes Hacker Jack Houghton Hall Sophie Palmer Ballyduff Bobby Central Region Sophie Palmer Spiffy Central Region Tegan Jones Robe Duster Area 43 Tegan Jones Norbet Pyecombe Thea Wingfield Moongani Bury Farm Thea Wingfield Trefilan Talisman Bishop Burton Toni Evans Caramal Twist Forest Edge Victoria Beecher Air Flow Central Region Zoe Smith Funfair Forest Edge PEACE LOVE WORLD PONY ADVENTURER FIRST SIX TO QUALIFY MUST JUMP CLEAR IN THE FIRST ROUND RIDER PONY VENUE A Hill Lovely Hill Flyer Badgeworth Abbey Weaver Machno Sirian Gracelands Abbie Bevan Eclips V1 South View Abbie Summers Bojangles Weston Lawns Abbie Taylor Paisano Tim Buck Too Weston Lawns Abbie Taylor Helz 1 Moores Farm Adrienne Ramsey Crumlin Cracker Royal Leisure Aimee Jones Coppindell Pizzaro The Hand Alex Gill Wildwood Silver Rowallan Alex Gill Noahs Lady Ingliston Alice Donnelly Roan Boy Bury Farm Alicia Keen Madges Lane Grey Weston Lawns Allana Clutterbuck My Gem Georgia Brook Farm Allana Clutterbuck Quesaco Du Bary Brook Farm Amanda Clark Pablo 1X Area 48 Amber Owen Sweet Dream Badgeworth Amelia Ward Our Dun Fieldhouse Amy Cornfrth Spiders Dance South View Amy Inglis Munsboro Silver Lining Pyecombe Amy Merrell Lahinch PJ Colraine Amy Tedds Cloonfad Lad Pyecombe Anna Burns Cinderella Barberella Area 15 Annie Keir Hot Shots Houghton Hall Araminta Woolger Claddagh Prince Addington Asha Smith Millenium Edition The Hand Asha Smith H Edition Bicton Autumn Webb Greggs Danny Boy WWSJC Becky Horner Kristena Moores Farm Beth Ion Dun N Dusted V1 Ingliston Beth Ion Ronaldo X11 Ingliston Bria Hampson Connor 111 Hargate Brittney Wilson Lady In Red V JM Shows Brook Hunter String of Pearls Forest Edge Brooke Bekir Gwrthuryns Bridgets Boy Duckhurst Carys Reid Davies Midsummers Night Dream Bury Farm Chantal Thackary Romanno Mayflower The Hand Chantal Thackary Miradays Golden Amber The Hand Chantal Thackary Mr Macool Summerhouse Charlie Dawson Third Pearl (The) Weston Lawns Charlie Hughes Esperanza Hargate Charlie Hughes Who's Smudge Hargate Charlotte Ash Killack King South View Charlotte O Connor Kilmovee Rose South View Chloe Jarman Savvanah Sunrise Sensation Chloe Reynolds Douglas 111 Badgeworth Chloe Reynolds Money Spider V The Hand Chloe Reynolds Kayleighs Star Badgeworth Claudia Harrison Guess Cavaliers Royale Princess Addington Connie Warde Aldam Tacco De Kezeg Hargate Daniella Napoliatno Nanteglwys Rowan Port Royal Danielle Brown By Chance 1V South View Danielle Brown Sunorra's Soleil Area 18 Danielle Lane Mr Billy Joe The Hand Elise Pilbeam Ballygalba Clover Norton Heath Elise Walton Pilgrims Figaro Bury Farm Elise Walton Carbon Copy V Bury Farm Elizabeth Mantel Kiliman Jaro 111 Bicton Ella Popely Blue Blaze Houghton Hall Ellie Archdeacon Greenacres Bobby Pyecombe Ellie Tripp Crindle Miss Sunshine Colraine Ellie Williams Bobnamara South View Emily Lyndon Haefai Viento Delamr Bicton Emily Pearce Granite Clover Summerhouse Emily Sanderson Applevale Boy South View Emily Stephen Kilnalocks Pilgrim SJSS Emily Ward Shannon Bay Extra South View Emma Holmes No Regrets V111 Pyecombe Emma Shingles Smokin Dan South View Eve Morris Pengoch Benjamin Brook Farm Eve Morris Gwaelodygelli Trysor Forest Edge Faye Adams Rainbow Mocha Gracelands Georgia Burcmore Eames Ballyvellon Smooth Move Central Region Georgia Cabb Sulan Holywood Knight Bryn Derw Bicton Georgia Wakelin Crimlon Bay South View Geri Heaton Dutch Sydney South View Geri Heaton Krafty Kat Warren Farm Grace Turnbull Teasal 11 Central Region Graham Babes Golden Eye SJSS H Ellery Ajax 111 Bicton Hannah Penketh Doonmore Lad South View Hannah Tiley Sweet Whispers Pyecombe Harriet Cooper Tina Patch Area 28 Harriet Cooper Snow Patrol V1 Forest Edge Harriet Locke Little Jimmy Area 15 Harriet Tutt Tropical Twist Moores Farm Harry Charles Safo 1V Bury Farm Harry Rankin Moorpark Flash Norton Heath Henry Stott Park Rabbit Bishop Burton Henry Truelove Silver Sundance Area 24 Huw Edwards Medicine Man 111 South View India Bussey Westside Menlough Forest Edge Isabel Warde Aldam Park Mr Smart Hargate Izzy Hosking Amber Boy Bryn Derw Jake Wilson Trewince Mylvledhen Colraine James Ingham Cuffesgrange Royale Princess Addington James Ingham Apache Brave Addington James Ingham Cuffesgrange Little Ric Gracelands Jarad Lunn Little Boy De Carmen Arena UK Jasmine Watts Black Magic 111 Church Farm Jenna Brown Stars Surprise Ingliston Jenna Palmer Evans Byrnskill Penny Hargate Jessica Hewitt Steeley Blue Arena UK Jessica Hewitt Trevoulter Brenins Treasure Port Royal Jessica Hewitt Kwaleit Church Farm Jessica Hewitt Grasey Boy Church Farm Jessica Howard Bouncing Tigger 11 Forest Edge Jessica West Commanding Chief Area 28 Jessica West Mr Otto Area 28 Jodie Crisp Altivo Bury Farm Joe Veitch Artful Dodger Bicton Jordan Gann Spellbound Wizard Arena UK Jordan Woodward Black Satin Forest Edge Joshua Bridge Joelys Wonderboy Badgeworth Julia Whin Fluster Buster Port Royal Julia Whin White Horse Flaxsen Area 15 Kathryn Sanderson Banner Moonlight Addington Katie Waldock Smith Ross Cottage Bury Farm Kelly Taylor Amber Minor Arena UK Kelsy Bain Dark Chocolate Cabin Lauren Bates Pippin Hargate Lauren Blunsdon Ching Ching Bicton Leah McCrady Westcoast Express South View Leona Blacklaws Antrim Money Penny Tillyoch Leonie Aitkenhead Foxy Lady 55 Arena UK Leonie Aitkenhead Gergory 55 Arena UK Leonie Aitkenhead Glanhirin Lloyd Arena UK Liam Fitzgerald Solomon V1 Fieldhouse Lily Rose Fenn Lake View Samson South View Lois Jones Knockannveigh Ltd Edition Bryn Derw Lowri Jones Willows Delight Hargate Lucy Carver Carnalecka Quickstep South View Lucy Carver Killea Suzy South View Lucy Carver Power Station Port Royal Lucy Hahn Lisroe Melody Central Region Lydia Thomas Touche Forquet The Hand Lydia Thomas Shandrum Misty Central Region Mantha Hills Coolcronan Contrast Royal Leisure Mark Poskitt Brightwell Galaxy South View Mark Poskitt Rockfield Smokey Leo BL Events Matilda Hall Shauns Rebel Houghton Hall Megan Betteridge Diamond Diva 11 Badgeworth Megan Betteridge Narina The Hand Megan Bristow Jethro Norton Heath Megan Bruce Glenloe Valley Mirah Rowallan Megan Preedy Good Golly Miss Molly 1V Warren Farm Melissa Rose Birchgrove Tiger Woods Ingliston Michael Webber Black Irish Velvet Central Region Miles O'Donnell Jozefien Central Region Millie Allen Tonlyn Bobbys Girl South View Molly Lenton Sea Fever Brook Farm Morgan Carpenter AJ'S Dibberford Irish Warren Farm Morgan Carpenter Opto- Mist South View Morgan Carpenter Merllyns Foxtown Rover South View Natalie McQuiggen Dark Emporer (The) South View Olivia Chidley Saphire UK Area 45 Olivia Poole Nelly Kid Netley Hall Olivia Skinner Colours of Romeo Central Region Oscar Stewart Hannington to the Point Pyecombe Paige Palk Munchkin Colraine Patrick Williams Just Dolce Ingliston Patrick Williams Bay Friend SJSS Patrick Williams Starmaker SJSS Paula Patterson Aquenna Rowallan Pippa Mulready Solloway Red Rose The Hand Poppy Bridgewater Indians Angel Gracelands Rachael Vicary Slinky Malinky Badgeworth Rebecca Morley Action Roly Poly Northcote Rebecca Morley Ace Appraisal Aintree Rebecca Thomas Houlas Blue Area 18 Redvers Stokes Top Scotty The Hand Rosanne Hegarty Okeechobee Bury Farm Rosemary Hargrove Penn Shar Summerhouse Saffron Baker Mount Classic Forest Edge Sarah Mackmin Sweet Lily Forest Edge Saskia Stickland Everything Up To Port Royal Sian Gardner Hot Chocolate 11 Gracelands Sophia Fox Glanarousk Flash Bandit Central Region Sophie Cooledge Longfield Girl Arena UK Sophie Coulson Charlie Pride IOW Sophie Hillier Foxgrove Helena Lou Northcote Sophie Howse Hacker Jack Houghton Hall Sophie Palmer Ballyduff Bobby Brook Farm Tara Byrtt Glenowen Galexico Summerhouse Tegan Jones Norbet Weston Lawns Toni Evans Smithys Conquest Norton Heath Zoe Smith Cappagh Coach Weston Lawns PEGASUS STUD PONY PROGRESSIVE CHAMPIONSHIP FIRST SIX TO QUALIFY/MUST JUMP CLEAR IN THE FIRST ROUND RIDER PONY Abbi Harwood Mcaughlish Abbie Bevan Eclips V1 Abbie Summers Bojangles 11 Abbie Taylor Helci Abby Weaver Machno Sirion Ailie Miller Wave Rebel Alana Collett Buachaill Maith Alana Hood Tattykeel Boy Alex Gill Noahs Lady Alex McHattie City Rascal Alice Atkinson Checkmate V111 Alice Codd Llanamore Ammeretto Alice Codd New Line Misty Owen Alice Donnelly Roan Boy Alice Stowcroft Brunllwyn Rebel Allana Clutterbuck My Gem Georgia Amanda Clark Pablo 1X Amber Owen Sweet Dreams Amelia Ward Our Dun Amy Merrell SOS Unicorn Amy Tedds Ballygill Bready Amy Tedds Cloonfad Lad Amy Whiffen Westside Knight Rider Anna Burns Cinderella Barbarella Araminta Woolger Mexico City Ashley Fisher Jiminy Cricket Ashton Caddick Dash Of Port Autumn Webb Greggs Danny Boy Ava Meiklejohn Little Miss Diva Becky Horner Kristina Ben Ellery Kilbarry Silver Beth Ion Dun n Dusted Bethany Andrew Private Benjamin Bria Hampson Connor 111 Brodie Beveridge Taraco Emerald Brooke Bekir Aospa dinky Brooke Bekir Hidcotes First Dancer Cameron Rogan AG Dynamo Cameron Rogan AG Scirocco Carla Groves Dunally Robin Chantal Thackary Romano Mayflower Charley Jones Stephy 111 Charlie Billingham Hengate Golden Charm Charlie Cox Snow Patrol 1V Charlie Dawson Tacco De Kezeg Charlie Hughes Esperanza Charlotte Bishop Gaelic Prince Charlotte Brodie Crossmolina Girl Charlotte Clay Bowes Misunderstood Charlotte Goodwin Banagher Steel Charlotte Linas Skittle Bomb Chloe Reynolds Kayleighs Star Chloe Reynolds Douglas 111 Chloe Roberts Machno Celebration Chrysten Williams Expressive Hopscotch Corrie Smith Fair Enough 11 Daisy McKinley Manniard Sea Bird Dan Patrick Church View Daniella Napolitano Nanteglwys Rowan Danielle Brown Charlie Moonrocket Danielle Brown By Chance 1V Danielle Brown Brooklands Dundreamer Danielle Brown Sunorras Soleil Danielle Clark Adams Fancy Danielle King Las Vegas Danielle Lane Mr Billy Joe Demi Hetherington Cahanaghs Miday Express Dominica Rogan Pfaff Another Lady 111 Eileen Beach French Franc (The) Elena Tripp Crindle Miss Sunshine Elenour Barnard Zulu Chief Elise Pilbeam Ballygalba Clover Elise Walton Priums Figaro Elizabeth Baker Nero My Hero Ella Muddiman Rosscommon Ella Rankin Zahara Ellen McPherson Caribbean Prince Ellie McManus The Alchemist Ellie Robins Everythings Rosie Ellie Williams Bobnamra Elliot Armes Brodella Johney Emily Chapman Spot Solitaire Emily Jolliffe Mercllyns Spot the Dot Emily Rix Frilly Tilly Emily Smith Morepark Helmes Emily Stephen Kilnalocks Sheriden Emily Stephen Kilnalocks Pilgrim Emma Holmes No Regrets V111 Emma Kitching Knocka Lucky Esme Diment Brock Bangle Esme Diment Dun Lady (The) Esme Harell Irish Sparkle Eve Morris Gwaelodygelli Trysor Eve Morris Pengoch Benjamin Felicity Curley Carrowmeer Hero Felicity Curley Moydow Misty Flora Castle Ashway Paintpot Sparrow Florence Finzi Bobbie Blue 11 Frankie Penford Backley Diva Freya Winter Lookout Ladys Man Gaby Struel Hole In One Gemma Pickford Gems Diamond Dancer Georgia Brown Georgia Burchmore Eames Novella Georgia Cabb Dohulla Prine Georgia Cabb Sulan Holywood Knight Georgia Poplett Lemon Harley Georgia Rees Dolly 11 Georgia Taylor Jones Mac Spirit Georgia Wakelin Crimlon Bay Georgina Jobson Dun on the Run Grace Turnbull Teasal 11 Graham Babes Golden Eye Hannah Penketh Doonmore Lad Hannah Tiley Sweet Whispers Harriet Locke Little Jimmy Harriet Locke Ballinaclough Billy Harriet Rushton Llwynhywell The Commander Harriet Tutt Tropical Twist Harry Rankin Glebe King Heather Blackie Pikatchu Helena Reveley Mr JT Hollie Pearce Smokey Jay 1V Holly Sharp Caecolly Whimberry Holly Wilson Shafts Bit of Jig Hugo Hunt Polka Dot Huw Edwards Medicine Man Huw Edwards Cameron Sleep Tight India Griffin Jenkins Quicksilver O India Griffin Jenkins Cammarch Hell Fire Indira Ede Butlers Starlight Isobel Lindsay Bailey X11 Issy Porter Taboo 111 Izzy Hosking Amber Boy Jack Whitaker Zodiannev VD Doevenbree Jacob Wright Poppyfields Nutcracker Jade Hutchinson Irish Double Cream Jai Selling Hydes Spot The Dot Jake Wilson Trewince Mylvledhen James Ingham Apache Brave James Winter Sir Harry James Winter Kiltinane Colin Jarad Lunn Little Boy De Carman Jenna Evans Cherbaul Jubilee Jenna Evans Toronto V111 Jenna Letham Soltice Hazel Jenna Stead Kellora Firefly Jess Buckley City Image Jessica Chitty Sire De L' Aube Jessica Hewitt Trevoulters Brenins Treasure Jessica Hewitt Zigzak Jessica Hewitt Grazie Boy Jessica Hewitt Jessies Chance Jessica Hewitt Steely Blue Jessica Holmes Capre Diem Jessica Howard Bouncing Tigger 11 Jessica Howard Just Joey 11 Jessica Howe Dizzy Rascal Jessica Walker Meurwen Maddy Jessica West Castlekelly Seb Jessie Barnett Balcarres Colonel Mustard Joanna Thorogood Ransboro Fear Dun Joanna Thorogood Artic Monkey 11 Jodie Crisp Altivo Joe Argo Lletycrudd Cardi Bach Joe Vietch Hall Lad Jones Lois Knockannveigh Ltd Edition Jordan Gann Spellbound Wizard Jordan Phelps Rhyfeddol Free Willy Joshua Bridge Joelys Wonderboy Julia Whin Fluster Buster Julia Whinn White Horse Flaxsen Katie Benbow Mystical Star Katie Horgan Nibbler CK Katie Waldock Smith Clailu Saffron Katie Waldock Smith Ross Cottage Katinka Brogaard Golden Jaiman Katinka Brogaard J' Adore Tu Kelly Taylor Amber Minor Kelly Taylor Pasiano Tim Buck Too Kelly Taylor Taffechan Dylan Kelsy Bain Pasiano Dark Choclat L E Jones Fronarth Keltic Prince Laura Charley Popies Pop Star Laura Charley Blackstown Spot On Laura Williams Seasons Gambler Leah Coia Las Dream Leona Blacklaws Antrim Money Penny Liam Fitzgerld Solomon V1 Liam Fitzgerld Irish Rose Liam Walsh Dakota Libby Rose Newman Kinvara Silver Star Lilia Parratt Chief Inspector Barnaby Lily Rose Fenn Buddy Budweiser Lisa Mason Glebepark Riverdance Lois Jones Jules D'Amor Lottie Tutt Bally Blue 11 Louise Cunningham Hockies Greatest Edition Lowri Jones Willows Delight Lucianna Rabaiotti B Brief 11 Lucinda May Sabrina's Skylark Lucy Carver Carnalecka Quickstep Lucy Carver Venus V1 Lucy Farrington Queen of Coloureds Lucy Kent Skikeman Lucy Rhodes Gildens Vital Spark Lydia Thomas Shandrum Misty Maddie Ansruther Galway Jetsetter Madeline Dale Lucky Lane Firecracker Maisie Sloan Kantjes Alvaretto Mark Poskitt Rockfield Smokey Leo Mathew Edwards Caecolly Quickstep Mathew Edwards Arrowhead Quiver Matt Argo La Viva Megan Bruce Glenlo Valley Mirah Megan McClean Tyncunm Harvest Moon Megan Preedy Good Golly Miss Molly Melissia Hilliard Little FI Michael Webber Black Irish Velvet Michael Webber Freeway 1V Millie Allen Tonlyn Bobbys Girl Millie Allen Hilary Hexard Mimi Beecher Jou Jou MQ Molly Lenton Cardewlees Gemeni Gem Molly Potts Granshas Kindered Spirit Morgan Bloquet JJ Jack Morgan Carpenter Opto-Mist Morgan Thompson Applejax RB Naomi Cottrell Ping Pong 11 Natasha Piper Moonstruck Nicola Wright Itsa Breeze Noel Delaune Chicago Rain Olivia Chidley Saphire UK Olivia Coia Swannieston Belle of The Ball Olivia Poole Red Riding Hood Olivia Skinner Colours Of Romeo Olivia Story Ballywillin Hotshot Patrick Williams Thorndon Park Prince Charming Phoebe Locke Myerscough Maole Pippa Mulready Solloway Red Rose PJ Williams Just Docle PJ Williams C F Cassie Poppy Bridgewater Indians Angel Poppy Ramey Crumlin Cracker Rachael Vicary Slinky Malinky V Rebecca Green Thistledown Princess Rebecca Johnston Harman Pick n Mix Rebecca Morley Ace Appraisal Rebecca Thomas Houlas Blue Rhianne Crowther Foxglove Star Rory McClean Red Hot Chilli Stepper Rosanna Hendley Eureka 11 Rosanne Hegarty Okeechobee Rosemary Hargrove Armani V11 Rosie Sinclair Davies Benlog Funtime Charlei Ross Dixon Comeytrowe Dione Ruth Gayton Saltwater Taffy Ryan Leavey Edenside Robbie Saffron Leech Mulvin Quickstep Sarah Gormley Timber 111 Sarah Mackmin Majestic Melody Sarah Mackmin Cinja Sarah Mackmin Sweet Lily Saskia Sticktland Apache Craze Saskia Sticktland Priderock Monstars Inc Saskia Sticktland Pelluwch Robin Goch Sean Henderson Little Star V111 Shannon Snow Annandale Moonfleet Shannon Williams Trafaeth Bendigeidifran Shanon Wilson Boosebury Boy Sheena Williams Treflaeth Bendigeidfran Shiona McDougal Not a Chance Sophia Fox Glenarousk Flash Bandit Sophie Cooledge Longfield Girl Sophie Coulson Crystal Chandelier Sophie Eckley Lucky Reilly Sophie Hillier Foxgrove Helena Law Sophie Howse Blue Oasis Sophie Palmer Obi 11 Sophie Ridley Black Magic Lad Tabitha Dean Falco 1V Tallullah Turner Tops Spot Tara Byrtt Glenowen Calexico Tasmin Roark Penny Gold Tegan Jones Norbet Thea Gordon Wingfield Lackaghmore Avatar Thoams Carroll Cooledge Flynn Toni Evans Smithys Conquest Toni Evans Fantasia Ice Tori Jones Sligo Knows All Will Edwards R Candy Girl William Bayes Jones Shy Boy William Rekert Mr Sparky Joe William Webster Beechcrest Bambi Zoe Leg Broadgrove Royal Gift THE FIRST ROUND VENUE Colraine South View Weston Lawns Summerhouse Gracelands SJSS Arena UK South View Arena UK Greenlands Greenlands Pyecombe Pyecombe Weston Lawns Redpost Longwood Rockhampton Moores Farm Fieldhouse Colraine Bury Farm Weston Lawns Area 43 Area 15 The Hand Greenlands Redpost WWSJC Ingliston Eland Lodge Colraine Greenlands Colraine Hargate Rowallan Duckhurst Brook Farm SJSS Dalry Pyecombe Badgeworth NSJC Forest Edge Wales & West South View Hargate Hargate Houghton Hall JM Shows Bury Farm South View Badgeworth Redpost South View Greenlands Rowallan Houghton Hall Area 15 Port Royal Bold Heath Bold Heath Area 18 Area 18 Pyecombe JM Shows The Hand BL Events Badgeworth Duckhurst Bicton Brook Farm Norton Heath Moorhouse Area 45 Bury Farm Badgeworth Eland Lodge Central Region Pyecombe South View Area 28 IOW Central Region The Hand Area 42 South View South View Pyecombe Bury Farm Badgeworth Badgeworth Gracelands Forest Edge Brook Farm Fieldhouse Bury Farm South View South View Brook Farm Area 43 Badgeworth Gracelands Vic Farm Summerhouse Church Farm Bryn Derw Bicton Wales & West Moores Farm Central Region Rockhampton Area 43 Rowallan South View Pyecombe Moorhouse Moorhouse Port Royal Strecholt Norton Heath Dalry Greenlands Vic Farm Aintree Bishop Burton The Hand Bold Heath Bold Heath Woodbridge Norton Heath Redpost Ingliston Duckhurst Netley Hall Hargate Brook Farm Port Royal Forest Edge Colraine Gracelands Rockhampton Rockhampton Duckhurst Eland Lodge Gracelands SJSS Ingliston South View Pyecombe Port Royal Port Royal Port Royal Port Royal Arena UK Gracelands Forest Edge Forest Edge Central Region Arena UK Area 28 South View Norton Heath Norton Heath Longwood SJSS Area 43 Area 20 Bury Farm Strecholt South View Area 15 Area 15 Moorhouse Keysoe Longwood Brook Farm Rockhampton Area 43 Hargate Houghton Hall Bury Farm Tillyoch Area 20 Hargate Hargate Keysoe SJSS Tillyoch South View Fieldhouse JM Shows Brook Farm Houghton Hall Bury Farm Stainsby Grange Bryn Derw Bury Farm Church Farm Warren Farm WWSJC Forest Edge JM Shows Port Royal Weston Lawns Pyecombe Warren Farm Gracelands SJSS Strecholt Aintree BL Events Gracelands Gracelands Rowallan Rowallan Dalry Fieldhouse Gracelands Vic Farm Vic Farm JM Shows JM Shows South View Brook Farm Bolesworth Royal Leisure Bolesworth SJSS Area 42 South View Northcote Keysoe Area 45 Ingliston South View Pyecombe Greenlands SJSS Badgeworth The Hand Rowallan Newmilns Area 48 Pyecombe Strecholt Area 24 Tillyoch Aintree Bold Heath Port Royal Port Royal Bicton Bury Farm Summerhouse WWSJC Badgeworth NSJC Tillyoch Area 24 Pyecombe Brook Farm Forest Edge Forest Edge Moorhouse Port Royal South View SJSS Badgeworth Area 20 Area 24 Bolesworth JM Shows Longwood Area 24 IOW Gracelands Barton Forest Edge Brook Farm South View Bury Farm South View Summerhouse Arena UK Area 43 Bury Farm Brook Farm Brook Farm Brook Farm Eland Lodge South View Moorhouse Area 45 Port Royal Bicton GRAHAM HEATH CONSTRUCTION PRIMARY HANDICAP TWO DOUBLE CLEARS TO QUALIFY RIDER PONY VENUE 1 VENUE 2 Atlanta Vallionis Menai Chanter Rowallan BL Events A Wright Jasperoo Bold Heath Abby Bedford Rising Sun Forest Edge Alana Hood Diego 111 Wales & West Alex McHattie Brynore Lass Greenlands South View Alexander Stormonth Shappen Pilgrim Rowallan Weston Lawns Alexander Stormonth Ballyhannan Celtic Grey Wales & West Wales & West Alexandra Hands Lady Tara Keysoe Forest Edege Alexandra Nairn My Apache Warrior Boy Kingsbarn Allana Clutterbuck Quesaco Du Bary Bury Farm Bury Farm Allana Clutterbuck Queensdale Fascano Bury Farm Brook Farm Amelia Drake Rapidash 11 Keysoe Brook Farm Amy Barratt Pussy Cat Doll The Hand Rowallan Amy Barratt Gelvin Castle Grey The Hand South View Amy Barratt Bradmore Mystique The Hand Bury Farm Amy Barratt Milou De La Grange The Hand South View Amy Barratt Just Like That 11 South View South View Amy Cornforth Spiders Dance Keysoe Keysoe Anna Aird Kildea Hero Wales & West Annaliese Aitken Whinney Lass Kingsbarn Annaliese Aitken Woodpark Ross Dalry Antonia Platt Doirlin Mist The Hand The Hand Antonia Platt Blow The Budget Arena UK Norton Heath Anya Kolleth Winglands Helouise The Hand South View Anya Kolleth Pepino IL Grande South View Arena UK Archie Rees Jessy Wonder South View Netley Hall Arin Abromovich Pringle The Hand Keysoe Atlanta Vallionis Bathleyhills Sea Mist The Hand Stainsby Grange Atlanta Vallionis Painted Lady Stainsby Grange JM Shows Atlanta Vallionis Happy Again Ingliston Ben Pritchard Dreamfields The Hand Ben Pritchard Parla The Hand Ben Pritchard Munsboro Hockley South View Ben Taylor Tandagree Lad New Milns Bobbie Heath Rahanne Lady The Hand Netley Hall BL Events South View The Hand Bobbie Heath Dooneen Abby The Hand Rowallan Bobbie Heath Disneys Colour Code The Hand South View Bobbie Heath Magic Monkey The Hand Keysoe Bobbie Heath Red Alert 111 Rowallan Rowallan Bobbie Heath Forset Bramble Wales & West Bowen McCory Dourough Peebles South View Bury Farm Bowen McCory Pablo X111 South View Arena UK Brenna Miller Ravensdale Ross Kingsbarn SJSS Brodie Beveridge Loughcutra Lad Rowallan Kingsbarn Brody Frost Dans Hill Badgeworth Summerhouse Charlie Dawson Ballindooley Queen The Hand The Hand Charlotte Thomlinson Boos Cruise South View Charlotte Young Spooky Lucy Rockhampton Chloe Jones Cloughroe Lady Croft Top Chloe McHattie Tynebank Royal Jubilee Wales & West Chloe Templeton My Best Buddy Dalry Cielo Nightingale Cragroe Timothy Wales & West Connie Gill Dycott Masterman Stainsby Grange Rowallan Connie Gill Romany River Tarragon South View Connie Gill Noahs Lady Wales & West Connie Warde Aldam Bob Bob The Hand The Hand Connie Warde Aldam Agent (The) The Hand Rowallan Connie Warde Aldam Dykabeck Wild Hazelnut The Hand Rowallan Courtney Young Firefly of Riverdene Brook Farm Courtney Young Laucarum Romeo Brook Farm Daisy Deakin Dylasau Derrior The Hand Daisy Deakin Shaman Sundance Wales & West Demi Bentley Borris Apache Netley Hall Hargate Demir Topcu Action Roly Poly Aintree Northcote Drew Wainwright Pa's Girl Croft Top Drew Walton Jackdaw The Hand The Hand Drew Walton My Bugsy Malone South View Rowallan Drew Walton Kingsgarn Moondance Area 17 Aintree Elenour Hall McAteer My Little Sweetheart Arena UK Bury Farm Ella Garlick Get Ready Freddie Rowallan Arena UK Ella Garlick Weydown Sunflower Rockhampton Ellen Churchill Its Cloud 9 Badgeworth Ellie Fannan My Fennella Northcote Keysoe Rowallan Badgeworth Emilia Mitchell Wyndham Tom Thumb Keysoe Forest Edege Emilia Mitchell Time to Party Arena UK Keysoe Emilia Mitchell Marthas Darling Keysoe Emily Clarke Gortadooey Lass Weston Lawns Arena UK Emily Sanderson Eliza Day The Hand South View Emily Sanderson Marshways Perfect Puzzle The Hand Keysoe Emma Crawford Glen Wave Rowallan The Hand Emma Crawford Mitchell Troy Welsh Express Rowallan The Hand Eve Nicholson Bailey V11 Stainsby Grange Area 15 Felicity Gozzett Red Diesel 11 Keysoe Ffion Roberts J' Phoenix South View South View Ffion Roberts Foxhollow Lord Nelson Church Farm Netley Hall Flo Norris Snapwater Jack Netley Hall Moores Farm Flo Norris Emerald Paddy Area 48 Fraser Reed Light n Lively Rowallan SJSS Fraser Reed Mr JK Kingsbarn SJSS Freddie Byers Who's Snow Spot South View Georgia Blackmore Tita 11 The Hand South View Georgia Blakemore Blue Eyes Barton Netley Hall Georgia Garnett Just So Handy Stainsby Grange Area 12a Georgia Taylor Jones Rainsbrook Hummingbird The Hand The Hand Georgia Taylor Jones Errigal Blaze The Hand Arena UK Gina Padgett Jumping Jerry Forest Edge Gracie May Smith Kilpatrick Fiona Pyecombe Weston Lawns Gracie May Smith Time To Shine Arena UK Arena UK Hallie Lunn Thelmas Gift The Hand Arena UK Hallie Lunn Stainsby Starburst South View Hallie Lunn Iouar Girogio Weston Lawns South View Hallie Lunn Brookhall Glimpse Weston Lawns Arena UK Hallie Lunn Ariel Arena UK Hannah Bishop Coco Can The Hand Hannah Bishop Tiger Tim Rockhampton Hannah Bishop Green Gem Cocoa Stretcholt Hannah Ede Branie Royal Leisure Harriet Tutt Wanda Bewitched The Hand Badgeworth Harrison Taylor Honey 111 Area 17 Northcote Harrison Taylor Skipper 111 Area 17 Northcote Harry Wood Swnasea Jack 11 South View Rowallan Arena UK Area 48 Harry Wood Ewyas Morganna JM Shows SJSS Harry Wood Quantum Tron Area 12a Arena UK Heather Blackie Pikatchu Dalry New Milns Henry Truelove My Gizmo Arena UK Henry Truelove Manchino Bounty Hunter Eland Lodge Northallerton Holly Truelove Toya Whispering Sand Arena UK Keysoe Hugh Davies Western Woman Rowallan SJSS Hugh Davies Kid Sister (The) Croft Top Imogen Marmont Warleigh Cygnet Weston Lawns Imogen Marmont Hot Prospect Netley Hall India Griffin Jenkins Commanch Hell Fire NSJC Wales & West Isabel Lindsay Bailey X11 South View Dalry Iwan Carpenter Bwlfa Pie Arena UK Iwan Carpenter Celton Lara Arena UK Jack Fox My Little Ruby Gracelands Jack Mcguigan Porthmawr Thomas Bryn Derw Jack Mcguigan Llwynhaid Llewellyn Bryn Derw Croft Top Jack Whitaker Top Gun X1 The Hand The Hand Jack Whitaker Heinrich The Hand The Hand Jack Whitaker Dinki Diva The Hand Rowallan Jack Whitaker Barnee Rubble Eland Lodge Jack Whitaker Muskerry Crusader Arena UK Jessica Hewitt Ninon De Mels South View Jessica Hewitt Tullibards Dan South View Jessica Hewitt Machno Gwynfor Arena UK Jessica Hewitt Fragola Keysoe Jessica Hewitt Moychuillian Rose Bishop Burton Jessica Hewitt Rapkyns Paddys Day Eland Lodge Jessica Hewitt Zig Zag Arena UK Jessica Howard Groveleys Just Marmite Houghton Hall Jessica Thomson Take Your Time SJSS Ingliston Jessica Wyatt Freddie The Star The Hand Moores Farm Jodie Burchmore Eames Cairnsmore Quartz Keysoe Jodie Hall McAteer Cappgh Cindy Arena UK Weston Lawns Jodie Hall McAteer Little Miss Ebony Bury Farm Weston Lawns Jodie Leigh Beckham Escomb April Stainsby Grange Joe Argo Lletycrud Cardi Bach Rowallan Greenlands John Ellis Tantassig Girl The Hand The Hand The Hand South View Wales & West South View Jordan Gann Barney Rowallan Bury Farm Joshua Bridge Misty Bay Rowallan Arena UK Kate Lindley Rathmore Bob Netley Hall Warren Farm Katie Benbow My Lucky Penny Moorhouse Katie Clarke Show Me Heaven South View Aintree Katie Clarke Cove Copse Forset Antic South View Rowallan Katie Clarke Pendini Church Farm Katie Horgan Alpachieno Central Region Katie Motion Tremenyn Flyaway The Hand Katie Motion Highlands Greenacres Blueprint The Hand South View Katie Motion Donegals Lad South View Rockhampton Katie Waldock Smith Midsummer Magic The Hand The Hand Keelan Baker My Destinee The Hand The Hand Lauren Roach Courtyard Buttons Weston Lawns South View Leah Coia Las Dream Rowallan Lois Drayson Springcroft Caliph Hand Badgeworth Lottie Tutt Bally Blue 11 Central Region Keysoe Lucy Swift Springhill Tuppence 11 The Hand Arena UK Madison Jamieson Silken JJ Barton Arena UK Madison McCcory Ardenteggle Might Bury Farm Brook Farm Madison McCcory Milltown Gipsy Bury Farm Brook Farm Maja Edwards Tyrebecca Fabian Wales & West Wales & West Mathew Edwards Arrow Head Quiver Netley Hall Matilda Deakin Red Hot Patotie The Hand Area 12a Matilda Deakin Forever Penny Rowallan JM Shows Megan Stanley Seehaun Sweetie South View Keysoe Megan Taylor Fairfield Jacksie Arena UK Arena UK Megan Taylor Captain Nemo 1V Arena UK Arena UK Megan Taylor Small and Handy Arena UK Keysoe Mia Gill Dovecote Delight Arena UK Hand Mia Gill Forever B Dazzled Keysoe Bury Farm Michael Murphy Tisara Snowy The Hand Arena UK Michael Murphy Greenfield Chinook Church Farm Weston Lawns Molly Beadle Fuzzy Keysoe Keysoe Molly Potts Granshas Kindered Spirit Bold Heath Morgan Henderson The Flea Stainsby Grange South View Morgann Bloquet Kilmorie Carlos Pyecombe Mya Roxburgh JK OO7 South View Dalry Mya Roxburgh Styx Evo V111 Dalry Natasha Dawson Little Miss Sassy The Hand Nicole Greensmith Boughtons Fairfield Bertie Stainsby Grange JM Shows Nicole Kershaw Doneens Irish Night South View Nicole Kershaw Just Like Chocolate South View Nicole Lockhead Anderson Sonas Barney Rowallan Nicole Lockhead Anderson Glen Hll SJSS Oliver Fletcher Bowden Farm Tiger Lily Moores Farm Area 48 Oliver Fletcher Sweet Delight Moores Farm Area 48 Olivia Poole Jacaloupe (The) Weston Lawns Netley Hall Olivia Poole Okehurst In The Spotlight Wales & West Wales & West Olivia Poole Lucy V111 Wales & West Wales & West Phoebe Locke Grey Palace The Hand The Hand Phoebe Locke Myerscough Maple Badgeworth Rowallan Rachael Vicary Wychnlea Pandora Stretcholt Badgeworth Rachael Vicary Spirits Way The Hand The Hand Rebecca Bowden Crag Storm Stainsby Grange SJSS Ria Commins Amber Free Cognac Wales & West Ria Scott Mysterix Stainsby Grange REC Ria Scott Bunbury Conquest Northallerton Area 24 Robert Murphy Thyme Flies The Hand The Hand Robert Murphy Ballyclough Brisco Church Farm Weston Lawns Robert Murphy Stoney Burke Weston Lawns Weston Lawns Robert Murphy Koda Arena UK Aintree Robyn Woodward Brookwood Fern Forest Edge South View Robyn Woodward Harwel Sinbad South View South View Robyn Woodward Ninfield Discovery South View South View Robyn Woodward Little Meg Forest Edge Boynton Hall Rosy McNally Sanderson Boy JM Shows Ruby Jarman Treowen Christopher Robin Badgeworth Ryan Lockwood Pidget Gracelands The Hand Ryan Lockwood Golden Fortune Gracelands Rowallan Sadie Lupson Treowen Baby Blue The Hand South View Sadie Lupson Lackamore Golden Glow South View Bury Farm Sadie Lupson Pedro De Bronski Weston Lawns Weston Lawns Sandy Mclean Lennon Princess The Hand The Hand Sandy Mclean Tatty Desire Rowallan Arena UK Sandy Mclean Madonna Rowallan Arena UK The Hand Arena UK Arena UK Sarah Gormlry Timber 111 Pyecombe Sasha Glassup Gables High Flying Filco The Hand Weston Lawns Shauna Carman Real Cool Dude JM Shows Stainsby Grange Shaunie Greig Bellfield Benjamin Kingsbarn Weston Lawns Shaunie Greig Ester Kingsbarn Shaunie Greig Storm XV Weston Lawns Dalry Shaunie Greig Charleys Angel Dalry New Milns Sienna Charles Flinor Songbird The Hand Bury Farm Sienna Charles Murkas Mathews Girl Bury Farm Pyecombe Sienna Charles Headmore Little Lightning Bury Farm Central Acadamy Sophie Bowen Howard Rockingham Shadow Barton Church Farm Sophie Bowen Howard Lessens Speciality Church Farm Area 17 Sophie Bowen Howard King Ka Ching Area 17 Wales & West Sophie Byford My Last Rolo 111 Keysoe Sophie Rankin Not on Your Nellie Arena UK Keysoe Sophie Rankin National Eighteen South View Central Acadamy Sophie Rankin With All Due Respect Keysoe Brook Farm Tabitha Dean Merlens Theodora Brook Farm Pyecombe Tabitha Drake Nats Lass Pyecombe Tahnia Jordan Jones Ffynnonbach Sandman Gracelands South View Tahnia Jordan Jones Just Dandy Gracelands Arena UK Tahnia Jordan Jones Bejowans Just Jack Keysoe South View Tara Byrtt The Gladiator Hand Badgeworth Tara Byrtt Captain Sam Arena UK Summerhouse Tegan McNamara Million Dollar Baby Keysoe Brook Farm Tegan McNamara Silver Wonder Keysoe Bury Farm Vicky Selby Queen of Castlehill Dalry Ward Ottley Bubble Pop Electric The Hand William Rekert Mr Sparky Joe Arena UK Arena UK Xenia Truman Tamango Keysoe Bury Farm Xenia Truman Doune Pyecombe Bury Farm RSP LEGAL COSTS TINY TOTS TWO DOUBLE CLEARS TO QUALIFY RIDER PONY VENUE 1 VENUE 2 Amelia Drake Rapidash Pyecombe Norton Heath Amelia Drake Nats Lass Pyecombe Norton Heath Amelia Drake Showtime Lucky Lady Pyecombe Anneliese Aitken Whinney Lass Rowallan Atyia Bussey Lackamore Flyer Forest Edge Daisy Bathe Gorm and Ban Arena UK Elenour Whitfield Castleside Miss J Keysoe Ella Derbyshire Another Victory Area 17 Borrowby Ella Derbyshire Zena Z Aintree Moores Farm Emilia Mitchell Time To Party Brook Farm Forest Edge Emilia Mitchell Martlets Master Madam Brook Farm Central Region Emilia Mitchell Marthas Darling Forest Edge Central Region Emilia Mitchell Wyndham Tom Thumb Central Region Keysoe Emilie Wright Erdyl Lolo JM Shows JM Shows Emilie Wright Pasadena Phantom JM Shows JM Shows Francesca Young Woodpeckers Little Pumpkin Rockhampton Summerhouse Francesca Young Kallista Mariette Rockhampton Central Region Gabriella D'Ambrioso Farchynys Sienna Stainsby Grange BL Events George Cowley Sebastian Declano Church Farm Netley Hall George Cowley Kathbarr Tamara Netley Hall Netley Hall Grace Frankham Western Aladdin Royal Leisure Hannah Barker Tazmania Stainsby Grange Stainsby Grange Hannah Barker Cappagh Misty Stainsby Grange Area 15 Hannah Barker Ballybur Oh Jessie BL Events Harley Eighteen Manordelio Cardinals Dream Bury Farm Central Region Harry Coupe My Mini Milton Aintree Church Farm Holly Truelove Toya Whispering Sand Area 15 Northallerton Holly Truelove Tennesse BL Events Area 24 Holly Truelove Mullagh Dancer Northallerton Weston Lawns Iwan Carpenter Little Twister Gracelands Church Farm Iwan Carpenter Credon Tip Top Gracelands Weston Lawns Iwan Carpenter Mac Mini Weston Lawns Netley Hall Iwan Carpenter Celton Lara Netley Hall Netley Hall Iwan Carpenter Merllyns Midget Gem Netley Hall Netley Hall Izzy Goddard Mosstowns Action Man Keysoe South View Jess Buckley City Image Moores Farm Jocasta Symons Euro Magic Rockhampton Arena UK Jocasta Symons Who's Snow Spot Arena UK Moores Farm Jodie Burchmore Eames Little Miss Imp Central Region Bury Farm Jodie Burchmore Eames Cairnsmore Quartz Central Region Bury Farm Liberty Bramwell Mighty Sparrow (The) Keysoe Lily Grimwade Oak Deboarah Forest Edge Area 45 Madison Heath Rahanne Lady SJSS Church Farm Madison Heath Magic Monkey SJSS Church Farm Matilda Deakin Forever Penny JM Shows Stainsby Grange Matilda Deakin Red Hot Patotie JM Shows Northallerton Matilda Deakin Pie in the Sky JM Shows Northallerton Megan Morris Temper Tantrums Ingliston Megan Woodcock Garnfach Bambi Barton Millie Stennett Tas Valley Suzanne Brook Farm Millie Stennett Red Berry Holly NSJC Neve Gill Hubba bubba licious Badgeworth Bury Farm Neve Gill Dovecote Delight Netley Hall Netley Hall Nimah O Keefe Enigma Variation Rockhampton Badgeworth Nimah O Keefe Kingsland Bluebell Netley Hall Moores Farm Holly Truelove Doneens Pride Area 15 Stainsby Grange Nora Shields Tamango Arena UK Summerhouse Nora Shields Jumper 11 Moores Farm Summerhouse Oliver Fletcher Bowden Farm Tiger Lily Moores Farm Oliver Tuff Sophie X1V Redpost Olivia Shepherd Ben Hur Gracelands Ria Scott Bunbury Conquest Stainsby Grange JM Shows Ria Scott Mysterix Stainsby Grange Ria Scott Romany River Tarragon Arena UK Arena UK Rosie Collins Bradmore Mystique Area 45 Houghton Hall Tegan Rowlands Bejowans Just Jack Gracelands Gracelands Tegan Rowlands Woodpeckers Golden Flash Gracelands Moores Farm Tegan Rowlands Hot Chilli Pepper Gracelands Gracelands Tegan Rowlands Woodpeckers Jane Ann Rockhampton Badgeworth Tegan Rowlands Jessie Mouse Bury Farm Badgeworth Xanthe De Wesselow Milford Fair Honey Bee Area 12a Bailey Sebasian Dundee Boynton Church Farm
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Complete index 1911–2004
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Cyril uses references to both old and new county names whereas Rowena only uses the current one. With some locations