Cougar Chr nicles - Cornell Grade School
Cougar Chr nicles - Cornell Grade School
Cornell Grade School Cougar Chr nicles November 2012 Halloween Fun at CGS By: A. Dodge At Cornell Grade School’s Halloween parade students went on a two block march in full costume while the band was playing “Go Band Go”. Leading the parade was the band with their instruments. Following after in their costumes were Kindergarten through eighth grade in order. Students marched to an audience of mothers, fathers, grandparents, and other community members. Mostly everyone dressed differently but some classes had a theme, such as the eighth grade cowboy theme. After the parade each class had a party with games, snacks, and drinks included. As you can see, these Halloween parties and the parade were enjoyed greatly by all the grades and teachers. Everyone had fun and got to eat good tasting stuff...CANDY! In This Issue: Superintendent’s Message: page 2 PTO / Booster Club News: page 2 K-2 Highlights: page 3 3-5 Highlights: page 4 6-8 Highlights: page 5-6 Sports & Activities: page 7 Entertainment: page 8 Activity Calendar: page 9 Menus: page 10 Cougar Chr nicles Page 2 Superintendent’s Message By T. Bean This has been a very busy month for Cornell Grade School. We have had Fall Fest, Book Fair, Grandparents’ Day, breakfast with our K-5 students and Parent/Teacher Conferences. None of this could have been possible without the dedicated teachers and staff at our school. They place the needs of our students first and find ways to keep them involved. We’d like to thank all of you for your continued participation in all of these events. Students who do well at school come from people who value education and this community values education. Our students continue to practice ROAR Traits: R = Responsible O = Organized A = A+ Attitude R = Respectful Each Friday we draw a winner from each grade who displayed these characteristics. Each month we also have a celebration on the last Monday of that month and an assembly on the last Wednesday of every month. You are invited to attend these assemblies and recognize your student for his/her success. Be sure to keep checking our website at for new and exciting information. In addition, all teachers have a webpage where you can find valuable classroom information. You can also find your student’s teacher’s e-mail address. We also have Teacher Ease up and running with a link on our webpage. This will let you check your student’s grades and assignments any time from anywhere you have an internet connection. If you haven’t signed up, please contact our office. All you need is an e-mail address to get started. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at the school 815-358-2216 or by email at [email protected]. Thank you for supporting our school! PTC would like to welcome everyone to the 2012-2013 school year. We have a lot of exciting things that have and are happening this year. We would like to welcome our new PTC board members for the 2012-2013 school year, Nicole Gourley (President), Nete Olsen (Vice President), Trisha Ruddy (Secretary) and Marilea Groves (Treasurer). Please feel free to contact any member if you have any questions or concerns. All contact information is on the new PTC page for the Cornell Grade School website. We are in need of volunteers for the concessions stand for all home games for Volleyball and Boys Basketball this year. Please contact Nete Traugott-Olsen at 815-867-2151 if you would be able to help volunteer. We have recently purchased a new hot dog and popcorn machine. Please stop by the concessions stand and try out a hot dog or popcorn from these very nice machines. The next PTC/Booster Club meeting will be held on Thursday, November 1st, 2012 at 6 p.m. Friend us on Facebook! Keep up-to-date on PTC activities, announcements and meeting minutes by visiting PTC / Booster Club News Contributors to this Month’s Edition Design Editors: E. Burkitt, C. Campbell Primary Grade Editors: A. Fletcher, C. Kreush Intermediate Grade Editors: T. Brown, A. Dodge, M. Egerstaffer Middle School Editors: K. Barlow, B. Long Sports & Activities Editors: A. Dana, M. Melvin Entertainment Editors: S. Melvin, I. Motl Editorial Committe: S. Decker, M. Hagaman, T. Sullivan Published October 30, 2012 at Cornell Grade School Cornell Grade School / 300 N 7th Street / Cornell, IL 61319 Cougar Chr nicles K-2 Highlights Page 3 New ‘Student’ Arrives at Cornell Grade School By: A. Fletcher & C. Kreush In Kindergarten they have a new student, and it’s a hamster! The kindergarteners are really excited to have a new class pet. His name is Speed and they sure do love him. The kindergarteners said they love to play with him but he likes to hide in his bedding because he is nocturnal which means he sleeps all day and stays up all night. He enjoys playing on his wheel when he’s awake. Kindergarten has also had a career week. They have had a police officer and a hairstylist visit their classroom. They also went to the firehouse, and it sounds like they had quite a bit of fun there. Photo Credit: C. Kreush Do You Do Your Daily 5? Second Grade Sets AR Goal By: The First Grade Class Well, First Grade does it too! Every morning we spend time reading to self, reading with someone, writing, working with words, and listening to reading. Listen to reading is our favorite part of Daily 5. During listen to reading, we listen to our favorite songs and follow along with the words as they sing. Some of the people we Listen to are Jason Aldean, Justin Beiber, and Billy Joel. “I like to listen to my favorite songs.” says Tyler. Trace thinks listening to music is fun. You can even sing along with the words quietly. We always have fun during listen to reading. What is your favorite part of Daily 5? By: A. Fletcher & C. Kreush Mrs. Petersen sets an AR goal for the second grade class. By the end of the year she wants them as a class to have 350 points. During the first quarter they have earned 97.9 points. Good reading, second grade. Keep it up! The second grade has also gone a few field trips this year. They went to the ag expo and the pumpkin patch. At the ag expo Neve got to hold a very large yellow snake! Some of the second graders’ favorite things were the smoke house, all the animal furs they got to touch, and when Nolan dressed up as a bee! Self Portraits: cut paper, black glue and watercolor. Art Credits: A. McGhee, S. Grennan, & J. Bohn Cougar Chr nicles 3-5 Highlights Intermediate Grade Activities By: T. Brown, A. Dodge, & M. Egerstaffer The third graders are going to be making “beanie babies” out of soybeans, soil, and water. After they have the beanie babies made, the 3rd graders will put the beanie babies in their shirts to see if their body heat makes the seed grow! The third graders will also turn into little meteorologists when they start their weather unit in science. The fourth graders did a Phenomenal Pumpkin Project! Each student had one pumpkin and a list of what they had to do with their pumpkin. The fourth grade class said they had to measure it in centimeters with a ruler. They weighed their pumpkins by weighing themselves on a scale with and without their pumpkin. After they had both weights they subtracted the smallest number from the largest number and found the difference. The difference was the weight of the pumpkin. The class also found the circumference of their pumpkins. Before they could cut off the top, they had to predict what it would look like on the inside and how many seeds were in their pumpkins. The fourth graders also had to come up with 10 adjectives describing Wire Self-Portrait. Art Credit: J. Bayer Name Design. Art Credit: K. Fletcher A Lesson from Nature By: K. Jones When was the last time you just listened and looked at nature? The 5th grade students recently spent an hour observing the sights and sounds of nature. This activity was an extension of a story we had recently read. The story listed suggestions on how to become a scientist. The first tip was to observe nature by sitting in a chair from ten minutes to one hour. By doing this, a person becomes attuned to the environment around them. The 5th grade students drew pictures and jotted notes of their sur- Page 4 their pumpkins. When they were all done with the cutting, the counting, and the adjectives, they will be drawing faces using only polygons. They worked pretty hard on such a wonderful project. Way to go fourth graders! The fifth grade made buffalo posters to show how important buffalo were to the Great Plain Native Americans. This month the fifth grade got a new student. She had attended Cornell Grade School and left in September. “It’s good to be back” says Lola. In November, the fifth graders will begin a science unit with animals and animal cells. They are hoping to finish their class book “Where the Red Fern Grows” and to watch the movie. They are continuing to do Rocket Math every day to learn their math facts. roundings. They then did a creative writing session writing stories about their pictures and notes. Several students made the comment they had Painted Airplane. Art Credit: B. Elsten never just sat outside and listened. Another student remarked she watched a butterfly flit around and saw a bee flying from plant to plant. Another comment made was how calming it was to sit outside and be an observer of nature. Students learned a great deal during this lesson. Maybe we should all just take a moment to listen and look at nature and enjoy our surroundings. Clay Animal. Art Credit: M. Walsberg Cougar Chr nicles 6-8 Highlights Page 5 Class of Cornell 2013: Who Are They? By: D. Nussbaum Amanda Dana came to Cornell Grade School when she was starting 2nd grade and found that a small school is nice. She knows where all the classes are and who teaches each one. She likes her teachers so it’s no surprise that she would like to be a teacher herself! Following high school, Amanda would like to attend college and become a kindergarten teacher. As matter of fact, Amanda would like to live and teach in Chicago where much of her family lives. Her family, along with her friends, have encouraged her to try things like a new book or sport. Amanda played volleyball and some basketball while at CGS and would like to play volleyball and serve on student council when she attends Flanagan-Cornell High School. One of Amanda’s favorite things to do is play volleyball. While at CGS, she has enjoyed attending the Cubs Baseball games and various plays as part of the CGS Accelerated Reading trips. Part of the reason Amanda has enjoyed these trips is you get out of school and have no homework! Amanda likes to read, especially books by Lurlene McDaniels, even if she doesn’t earn AR points. One of her favorite enrichment days was last fall when students made pumpkin pie in a Baggie! Amanda likes being in 8th grade because she gets to sit at the 8th grade table, do morning announcements, and help with the school store. When she attends FCHS, she knows she will miss Mrs. Nussbaum, Mrs. Decker, and all the other teachers. We’ll miss Amanda’s smiling face next fall but wish her the best as a freshman. Mariah Egerstaffer came to Cornell Grade School in 7th grade but we can hardly remember what it was like without her! Mariah has played volleyball both at CGS and at her previous school where she was also a cheerleader. This year Mariah is part of the Cornell student council and its many activities as well. Mariah is looking forward to Letter Graffiti. Art Credit: B. Long the 8th grade field trip to Chicago this spring and really enjoyed the Accelerated Reading trip to see the play Mary Poppins. She was impressed how fast the cast could spell supercali.....! Some of Mariah’s favorites are country music, lime green, math class, and walking horses. Her favorite enrichment was about the Titanic which showed students a bit of what life was like when the Titanic sunk. She also enjoyed the fun times on field trips (who said bus rides aren’t fun) and California kickball in study hall/take-a-break! Name Design. Art Credit: L. Vollmer When Mariah is in high school, she plans to play volleyball but will miss the teachers and fun PE games at Cornell. After high school, she plans to go to college and become a flight nurse. This choice was influenced by her little sister’s helicopter ride and medical emergency. We at Cornell Grade School are confident that Mariah will be successful in whatever she chooses to do. We’ll miss Mariah’s smile and giggle and wish her the best. Comic Contest Batik. Art Credit: M. Garretson Would you like to contribute to next month’s school newsletter? Well, now you can. We are having a comic contest this month for students in grades 5-8. Your comic must be no longer than four panels and must be school appropriate. If you would like to enter a comic, please turn it into Mr. Hagaman’s mailbox in the office before 8:00 on Friday, November 16. The winning strip will be featured in the December issue and runners up may be included in later months. Cougar Chr nicles 6-8 Highlights Page 6 Middle School Activities By: K. Barlow & B. Long In computers, the eighth grade is The sixth grade is read- building an electronic card catalog for the ing a book called Stepping on the school library. Cracks by Mary Downing Hahn. In science they are going to be work In science they are study- ing on the science fair. The top projects at ing earthquakes and volcanoes. the school’s science fair will go on to the This week they will be building regional fair in Mattoon, IL with the possistraw towers that will have to sur- bility of going on to the state exhibition in vive earthquakes! Champaign. The seventh grade be going on a field trip to the sewage treatment plant in Pontiac on November 14th. They will be getting a tour and learning how microbes Letter Graphiti. Art Credit: Amanda. Dana are used in the sewage treatment process before ending the day at a restaurant and learning the precautions food handlers take against the same microbes. In computers they are going to be writing scripts before filming and editing their film using the computer. Students will be exploring how commercials, comedies, and dramas are made. The eighth grade is reading a book in language arts called Boy in Striped Pajamas by John Boyne. Name Design. Art Credit: B. Barton Coloring Contest Winner Poetry Corner By: S. Melvin There’s nothing better than a slice of pie, Glistening and delicious, Out of the corner of my eye. To eat this pie you need proper utensils. No shoes, not ties, nor pens or pencils. A fork, a fork, I must find a fork! If I eat the pie with my face, I’ll surely look like a dork. So we pop on our hats and zip up our coats, now we’ll be on our way to the store. Calling All Holiday Stories Art Credit: N. Deats Spoons and knives galore, but aI wanted only a fork, no more. We skimmed up and down the aisles. No forks at all, just spoons for miles. Just when I wanted to sit down and cry, something gleamed before my eye. A fork! A fork! Now I can eat my pie! I zoomed out of the store with glee. Only to come home to find that someone had taken my pie from me. For next month’s newsletter we invite students of all ages to write an original, school-appropriate holiday story. Winning stories will be published next month and a lucky story will be acted out by the eighth grade class at the December monthly assembly. Stories must be submitted to Mr. Hagaman’s mailbox by 8:00 on Friday, November 16th. Cougar Chr nicles Sports & Activities Page 7 Speech Team again this year. Please bring canned By A. Dana Teachers’ turkeys is all about goods or other non-perishable foods to Storms Contest Activities News having fun. This will be sponsored by Student Council. The teachers will get to decorate their own paper turkey. Students and teachers can then donate 50 cents per feather and the teacher with the most feathers gets to wear a turkey costume. The first place teacher of staff member will wear the turkey costume. The second place teacher gets to be a Pilgrim and in 3rd place the teacher gets to be an Indian that shoots the turkey. Donate to support our student council! The Food Drive will be held from November 8 to November 21. This is a project will be sponsored by the Student Council. We want to thank everyone who helped with the food drive before and hope that you do it the school to help. Thank You! Get your popcorn ready and get comfortable. Movie Night is on Friday November 16, 2012 from 4 to 6 pm. It is $5/person or you can just bring a canned food item. It will be held in the school’s cafeteria. We will be watching Mall Cop. Thank you, Student Council for the movie and the fun. Enjoy the movie and the popcorn. The Veterens’ Day celebration will be held at Cornell Grade School on Nov. 11 following Veterans’ Day at 10:30. The choir will be singing and veterens will be served dinner in the cafeteria. Thank you, veterans, for serving our country. PTC Playground Update By N. Gourley, PTC President PTC is thrilled to have completed phase one of the playground project! The students absolutely love the new playground equipment. It offers so many new and fun things to do at recess. Every time we are at the school a student will stop to thank us and tell us how awesome the playground is. We would like to thank everyone that helped in any way; we certainly could not have done it without the help of the community. We began raising funds for this project in April of this year. By July we had received an astounding $11,425 from community members, alumni, and local businesses! Thank you to everyone that donated to this project. It means so much to us but even more to our kids. In addition to those who supported this project financially, we want to thank those who donated their time By M. Hagaman Congratulations to the speech team! They did very well at their meet this past Saturday. The team as a whole won first place in choral reading, with a team-written routine called “tube flipping.” In the routine, groups of team members recited classic television themes and commercials, broken up by comments from the “viewers.” In individual events, the team earned another 4 first places and 4 second place awards. First place awards went to Emily Burkitt and Seth Melvin, Molly Garretson and Hannah Jones, Katelyn Barlow and Ivy Motl, all for their improv sketches. Ivy Motl also earned a first place award for her solo entitled “Grounded.” and effort to this project. We had 15 parents help with the installation of the equipment, and we were able to finish it in 23 hours. We then had an additional 6 volunteers, some of them students, help us spend 8 more hours landscaping the area. If you see one of the following people please thank them for their hard work and dedication to installing the equipment: Bill Hutton, Chase Stout, Dave Melvin, Derek Vollmer, Frank Wesselhoff, Hannah Smith, Jack Gourley, Joe Ruddy, Joel Gamblin, Josh Petree, Keith Rexroad, Kyle Vollmer, Mike Gamblin, Nicole Gourley, Ryan Garzanelli, Seth Melvin, Steven Vollmer, Tim Kenney, Todd Pinkerton, Tom Gourley, and Tyler Kruesh. Our next goal is to raise the money to purchase and install phase two, which is an amazing climbing set. We believe this will probably appeal to the junior high students more than phase one does. The climbing set includes multiple sets of monkey bars, climbers, and spinners. A picture will be available to see at all home games if you are interested. We are $5,000 short of completing this phase of the project. If you would like to make a donation please send it to Cornell Grade School attention PTC. When the project is completed we will be purchasing a recognition sign listing all contributors donating $100 more. If you are contributing $100 or more, please include how you would like your name to appear on the sign. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any PTC board member. Thank you again to everyone that helped make this project a reality. You have made a lasting (and fun) improvement to our school and community. Cougar Chr nicles Page 8 Entertainment Advice Column Q: I have this thing... It’s like, I can’t get enough cheese. No matter what I do, I’m always hungry for it! Do you have any suggestions? A: Bro, just get some cheese. Colby Jack. Enough said. Q: I’m in the same class as my brother, but he’s 7 years older than me. How did this happen? A: Well, your brother is clearly having trouble. Maybe you should tell him to do his homework. Q: I have D- in math. My teacher is really not legit and I know she’s failing me on purpose. A: Well, you can always try getting him fired...? No.. That might not work.... Maybe, study a lot.. Then, you’ll get better marks? I’m confused, because Mr. Papyri is really cool. I just think you’re not doing your work. Jokes Knock Knock Who’s there? Adolf! Adolf who? Adolf ball hit me in the mouth! Little Johnny had finished his summer vacation and gone back to school. Two days later his teacher phoned his mother to tell her that he was misbehaving. “Wait a minute,” she said. “I had Johnny with me for three months and I never called you once when he misbehaved.” Chuck Norris doesn’t call the wrong number, you just pick up the wrong phone. Q: Why didn’t the skeleton dance at the party? A: He had no BODY to dance with! Across 1. Something put on your grave 3. What you get for trick or treating 4. Creepy 5. A vampires teeth 7. Abnormal 8. The best thing about October 10. Weird 12. Bones 13. Something put in fields to scare 14. Something you make to put on your porch When I went to Starbucks for coffee they lied. It wasn’t Starbucks, it was four bucks! Down Q: Why did the rubber chicken 2.A witch’s car cross the road? 3. What you wear on Halloween 6. A scary place people visit on Hal- A: She wanted to stretch her legs. loween 9. Scared 11. Someone who hides in your closet November Menu M W Th F 29 30 31 1 2 Breakfast: Long John 2 Slices Toast Juice Milk Breakfast: Blueberry Muffin Toast Juice Milk Breakfast: Sausage Patty Toast Juice Milk Breakfast: Donut 2 Slices Toast Juice Breakfast: Cereal Toast Juice Lunch: Biscuits & Sausage Gravy Tater Tots Celery w/Peanut Butter Peaches Milk Lunch: Hamburger on Bun Potato Salad Baked Beans Mixed Fruit Milk Lunch: Sausage Pizza Lettuce Salad Cherry Tomatoes Apple Milk Lunch: Chicken Patty on Bun Sun Chips Peas Pears Milk Lunch: Corn Dog Cole Slaw Banana Milk 5 6 7 8 9 Breakfast: Lumberjack Toast Juice Breakfast: Banana Muffin Toast Juice Breakfast: Mini Cheese Omelet Toast Juice Breakfast: Apple Breadstick Toast Juice Breakfast: Cereal Toast Juice Lunch: Bologna on Bun French Fries Orange Milk Lunch: Cheese Quesadilla Refried Beans Mexican Rice Salsa Peaches Milk Lunch: Hot Dog on Bun Green Beans Apple Slices Milk Lunch: Cheese Pizza Lettuce Salad Green Peppers Mixed Fruit Milk Lunch: Turkey Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy Corn Sweet Potatoes Cranberry Sauce Roll Banana Cake Milk 12 13 14 15 16 Breakfast: Blueberry Muffin Toast Juice Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza Toast Juice Breakfast: Pop Tart Toast Juice Breakfast: Cereal Toast Juice Lunch: Chicken Nuggets Mashed Potatoes Bread & Butter Pears Milk Lunch: Pulled Pork on Bun Sweet Potato Fries Pineapple Milk Lunch: Cheese-Filled Breadstick Dipping Sauce Lettuce Salad Cucumbers Mixed Fruit Milk Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs Ham Chunks Toast Juice 19 20 21 22 23 Breakfast: Breakfast Sausage Bagel Toast Juice Breakfast: French Toast Sticks Toast Juice Breakfast: Cereal Toast Juice NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL Lunch: Grilled Cheese Tomato Soup Celery w/Peanut Butter Crackers Apple Milk Lunch: Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce Cheese Wedge Lettuce Salad Cherry Tomatoes Applesauce Milk Lunch: Soft Pretzel w/Cheese Sauce Baked Beans Yogurt Pears Milk 26 27 28 29 30 Breakfast: Cherry Frudel Toast Juice Breakfast: Cinnamon Roll Oatmeal Toast Juice Breakfast: Sausage Patty Toast Juice Breakfast: Long John 2 Slices Toast Juice Breakfast: Cereal Toast Juice Lunch: Chili Celery w/Peanut Butter Crackers Apple Slices Milk Lunch: Pancakes Sausage Patty Toast Veggie Juice Orange Milk Lunch: Sausage Pizza Green Beans Pears Milk Lunch: Hamburger on Bun Tater Tots Mixed Fruit Milk Tu Lunch: Chef Salad Breadstick Peaches Milk Lunch: Creamed Chicken on Biscuit Peas Celery w/Peanut Butter Roll Peaches Milk Lunch: Chicken Tacos Lettuce/Cheese/Tomato Refried Beans Salsa Mandarin Oranges Milk Cougar Chr nicles Page 11 All residents of Cornell and any guests from outside the community are invited to attend Cornell Grade School’s Community Dinner Friday, November 9, 2012 Community Dinner Times st Starting at 11:00 a.m. Cost: nd K, 1 , and 2 : 11:00-11:30 3rd, 4th, and 5th: 11:35-12:05 6th, 7th, and 8th: 12:10-12:40 Adults: $5.00 Senior Citizens: $4.00 Preschool: $2.00 Menu: Turkey, Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy, Sweet Potatoes, Corn, Roll, Cranberry Sauce, Banana Cake, Milk (Cut along this line and return the lower portion of this page to the school) Cornell Grade School’s Community Dinner Reservation Friday, November 9, 2012 Reservations are due by Friday, November 2, 2012. Thank You! Name:__________________________________________________________________ _______Adults (@ $5.00)……………………………………….Total________________ _______Senior Citizens (@$4.00)………………………………Total________________ _______Preschool (@ $2.00)……………………………………Total________________ _______Carryouts ____________Expected Pick-Up Time (if known) _______Total # of Dinners…………………………………Total Due________________ _______Payment Enclosed _______Pay On Day of Dinner Cougar Chr nicles Page 12 Support classroom technology at Cornell Grade School! When: Time: Where: Cost: Sunday, December 2, 2012 11:00 a..m. - 1:30 p.m. Cornell Grade School Gym $5 Adults $3 Students / Seniors What’s for Lunch? - Fabe’s Famous Pork Chop Sandwiches - Baked Beans - Coffee - Coleslaw - Tea - Chips - Lemonade CORNELL GRADE SCHOOL 300 N 7TH ST CORNELL IL 61319-9282 PRSRT STD ECRWSS U.S. POSTAGE PAID EDDM RETAIL Local Postal Customer
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Cougar Chr nicles - Cornell Grade School
Primary Grade Editors: K. Barlow, C. Kreush
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