The Jews copy 2 -


The Jews copy 2 -
The Jews
A Declaration of Truth to the Goyim!
by David Chu ~ 朱⼤大伟
July 23, 2015
I know that ye are Abraham’s seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no
place in you. . . . Ye do the deeds of your father. . . . If God were your Father, ye
would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself,
but he sent me. . . . Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of [your] father ye
will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because
there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a
liar, and the father of it. And because I tell [you] the truth, ye believe me not.
John 8:37~8:45
Why I Am Writing This Article [1]
Zionist Jew, non-Zionist Jew, Khazarian Jew, Ashkenazi Jew, Sephardic Jew, non-practicing
Jew, kosher Jew, non-kosher Jew, orthodox Jew, liberal Jew, Israeli Jew, non-Israeli Jew ~
What is the real difference and significance among all these various names of the Jews?
Nothing. Absolutely nada.
They are ALL JEWS. Monolithic in their secretive thinking and deceptive acts towards the
non-Jews or GOYIM, most especially towards those whom they label as “anti-Semitic.”
For me personally, it has been been a long and very arduous road of self-discovery and
bitter learning. I started out like almost everyone who is a non-Jew (they call us the Goyim
or Gentiles, the non-Jews) believing all their lies (via their mainstream media) and
propaganda (via their movies) hook, line and sinker. They own, run and control virtually
ALL mass media in the Western world including of course their very own Hollywood (viz.,
newspapers, books, magazines, radio, television, music, movies, and now the Internet).
Then I discovered Zionism.
Zionism is the “movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development
and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political
organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.”
We Goyim are led like donkeys, most especially in the so-called alternative media, to
believe that Zionism and the Jews are two separate and distinct entities. That there are
Zionist Jews and there are non-Zionist Jews. The bad Jews are supposed to be the Zionist
Jews and the good Jews are supposed to be the non-Zionist Jews. That the ongoing mass
genocide and wanton persecution of the Palestinians, now for 70 years, is because of
Zionism and the Zionist Jews. By the way, most of us would not treat our dogs the way the
Jews in Israel treat the Palestinians. [Source]
Zionism, like all those above descriptive and deceptive adjectives for the Jews, is a soft-ball
term meant to confuse and, more importantly, to obfuscate the Goyim.
Confuse and divide. Obfuscate and hide.
Then my education about the Jews took a giant leap forward when I met Camille and Jim. I
didn’t know they are Jews. They didn’t tell me and purposefully hid the fact that they are
Jews even when I asked them directly in person what is their belief or faith.
Camille and Jim are a Yankee couple from northern New Mexico, USA, who wanted to
relocated to Argentina. They have a small piece of land in the Argentina province of
Mendoza. But for one reason or another, it didn’t work out for them and so they returned
back to the USA. When she read my article called “Escape to Patagonia,” Camille
immediately contacted me.
Long story short, they wanted my help to obtain their Argentina temporary residency visa
and to relocated to northern Patagonia, Argentina, but they told me they didn’t have much
money. So, I helped them. Pro bono.
Camille and Jim arrived in Argentina and specifically in the town called El Bolsón in the
southern province of Río Negro. This was during the World Cup in July 2014 and during
the latest Jewish genocide and massacre of the Palestinians: Operation Protective Edge.
As part of my relocation service that I provided them freely, I helped them find a tourist
place in El Bolsón for their stay called Los Teros. I thought the owner’s name was Lars and
that he is Swedish or of some Scandinavian ethnicity. But it turns out the owner’s name is
Nars and that he is Jewish. Camille told me this herself when I met them in mid July 2014,
and, truth be told, she was the one who also told me that she always wanted to stay at this
place, Los Teros, since 2008. But she wouldn’t give me the reason why. Like a few crucial
things, she would hide certain information from me, even including the two or three parts in
my Escape article that made her chuckle when she read it! Talk about being secretive.
This was during the juncture of wanton Jewish slaughter of the Palestinians in July 2014.
I had enough.
At that time, I still did NOT know that Camille and Jim are Jews. But I knew they were
staying at this Jewish tourist place. I was really upset and disheartened that all my efforts
towards helping them relocated to Argentina ended up in helping financially this Jew Nars
and his Los Teros. All the while the Jews in Israel were slaughtering defenseless
Palestinians like they are killing animals.
So it was under these dire circumstances that I wrote the following email to Camille and
Then shit literally hit the fan. . . .
From: David Chu <[email protected]>
Subject: The Jew*
Date: August 6, 2014 at 8:33:49 AM GMT-3
To: cj g <…[email protected]>
Hello Camille and Jim ~
You guys might be wondering why I have gone "cold" in our relationship.
It is quite simple.
I do NOT care to expend my time and my energy and my efforts to benefit directly or
indirectly any Jew or Israeli, kosher or non kosher if you get my drift. Could not care
less if they are to the left of Amy Goodman or Norm Chomsky, leftist gatekeepers at
Given the Genocide and Massacre that is currently happening in Occupied
Palestine, I have restarted my BDS campaign in my own way.
I still vividly remember their "Operation [Cast] Lead” "campaign" of 2008/2009 that
commenced and terminated just between that rare window of opportunity between
the end of the reign of King Bush Jr. and the inauguration of Muppet Obama.
This Argentinian is not the only one who knows the real history and present deadly
intent of the Jews masked under their soft-ball term of "Zionism":
Unfortunately for the Jews there are way too many Germans here in Patagonia (not
the circumcised ones in Occupied Germany) and people such as myself who KNOW
and UNDERSTAND and WILL NEVER EVER FORGET who they are, where they
come from, what they have done, and what they want to do.
David Chu
*If for nothing else, Joseph Goebbels had this one dead on:
"The Jew is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a scoundrel, parasite,
swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a 'Jew'
and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly
shrinks back: 'I've been found out'."
What happened next I can only guess, as I have said before, the Jews are very secretive
and very deceptive.
But shit did hit the proverbial fan. For me.
Camille did not respond to my email. I met Jim once in a health food store and we briefly
chatted about nothing. Camille passed me once on the street. I extended my hand to offer
a handshake. She refused and gave me this smirk look and didn’t break her stride.
I started to lose some of my non-Jewish friends. Owners of some of the stores in El Bolsón
started to get angry at me (e.g., two separate business owners became very angry at me
for no apparent reasons whatsoever). Another owner of a tourist rental place almost
physically attacked me, and I was the person who brought him a guest family to stay at his
place. In short, I quickly became a much hated person and a persona non grata among the
tightly-knit Jewish community and their kosher Goyim amigos in El Bolsón.
One of my non-Jewish friends by the name of Jesus (of all names) that I lost is married to a
“non-practicing Jew” (his words). I had some important businesses I did with Jesus and,
more importantly, that I was going to do. They both assured me there would be no
problems and even invited me to lunch at their home, eating pork of all things (I don’t eat
pork) to demonstrate to me that the “non-practicing Jewish” wife is well. . . not really a Jew.
Sometime afterwards, I gave them some crucial information and sold them some extremely
precious items to help cure cancer naturally as the wife had cancer. The next time I meet
the wife, she wouldn’t even shake my hands, although we chatted briefly. As for Jesus, let’s
just say I became worse than someone with Ebola. He also blackened my name among his
employees as he is the owner of a large farmacia store in El Bolsón.
Another non-Jewish friend I lost by the name of Adriana once told me that she has lots of
Jewish friends. Despite this fact, I offered her my friendship and then later I offered to save
that friendship because I knew that eventually her Jewish friends would tell her lies about
me. Even after a heartfelt and long-drawn conversation that the two of us had, where she
told me many of her personal things including her Italian father “who hated Jews” (her
words) and a German “nazi” friend who is practically her “adopted son” (her words), she
would also give me the same Ebola treatment the next time I saw her.
[As an aside and to illustrate a poignant detail, Adriana equated the Israeli killings of the
Palestinians to the actions of those engaged in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
(BDS) campaigns against Israel. We were talking about boycotts when she said, “Why
can’t they stop retaliating? They have been retaliating against each other for centuries. It
will never stop.” In her mind and in the minds of the Jews, the BDS actions of boycotting,
divesting and sanctioning Israel are equivalent to the Jewish killings of the Palestinians!
Such is the state of moral degradation and spiritual blindness in which we are living today.]
Now, if you stand back for a moment and re-read what I wrote to Camille and Jim in my
email, you will realize that at no point did I advocate physical violence towards Jews. All I
stated which was and still is my intention is that I did not want “to expend my time and my
energy and my efforts to benefit directly or indirectly any Jew or Israeli. . . .”
For Camille, Jim, Nars, and the Jews of El Bolsón to destroy my reputation, especially
among their kosher Goyim friends, they had to fabricate some additional hideous and
horrific lies about me, above and beyond what is in my email. Of course, once they have
labelled someone as “anti-Semitic,” the Jews can do whatever they want to that person, up
to and including wholesale murder as we shall see later on in this Article. But first they
employ slander and defamation. L’infamie is the proper term for this Jewish weapon. [2]
Secretively and deceptively behind my back, the local Jews of El Bolsón have literally
declared WW3 against me, and pursued (maybe even blackmailed) their kosher Goyim
friends to boycott and sanction me. By the way, boycotts and sanctions are their other
weapons of choice against those whom they desire to silence and/or destroy. This should
not be too surprising as their spiritual father is the Originator of the Boycott and the
Sanction. Against God.
What is really telling is the monolithic actions and reactions of these Jews, of all social
strata and diverse backgrounds, towards those whom they designate as “anti-Semitic”
specifically, and towards the non-Jews or Goyim in general.
How the Jews are able to get away with these and other sordid acts against the Goyim are
the topics of the next two sections of this Article: Anti-Semitism and the Six Million Jews.
Some background information about El Bolsón, Río Negro, Argentina: it is a small town of
about 15,000 people. Located at the latitude of 42° South, El Bolsón was started in the late
60s and early 70s by Argentinean hippies and others who wanted to tune out and begin a
simple life. So they all congregated to this sheltered alpine valley with its own microclimate.
Today, El Bolsón is a very progressive and “new age” town in northern Patagonia. And
because of its microclimate, a lot of organic vegetables and fruits are grown there. There
are quite a few Jews well established in El Bolsón and the surrounding areas. Most of them
are owners of chacras or small farms that rent out their cabańas during the tourist seasons,
fabricators and sellers of organic fruit jams, and, of course, business and store owners.
Anti-Semitism (Why Not Anti-Jew?)
You can't even say [the word] JEW without him accusing you of anti-Semitism.
Malcolm X
Anyone who criticizes the Jews or Israel, rightfully or wrongfully, is automatically labelled an
“anti-Semitic” by the Jews and their kosher Goyim friends.
Anti-Semitism is generally and broadly defined as “hostility to or prejudice against Jews.” In
some countries, anti-Semitism is also a crime, punishable by jail or deportation. The
implicit and real meaning of “anti-Semitism” is “anti-Jew.” But the Jews don’t like to use the
word “Jew” publicly. They have invested heavily in this oxymoronic term “anti-Semitism” for
so long and with so much of their capital in their mass media that it is too late to change
gears. In any case, the Goyim have been programmed to automatically react in a certain
subservient manner whenever the Jews charge someone with the “anti-Semitic” label.
Smearing of the “anti-Semitism” label by the Jews against their enemies, real or perceived,
is really a sick inside joke among the Jews themselves. To be anti-something, that
“something” has to have real meaning. In the case of these modern day Jews, the words
“Semitism,” “Semite” and “Semitic” have about the same meaning for them as I am Jewish!
Today’s Jews are NOT the Semitic peoples of Palestine and the surrounding areas, as
portrayed in their epic Hollywood movies about the Bible. The Semitic peoples are those
who speak the Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic. Other Semitic languages
include “Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian.”
But, more importantly, the crux of the matter lies in their DNA. The Jews of today, more
than 95% of them, have the same amount of Semitic DNA in them as I do in me: ZERO, I
am 100% Chinese with absolutely no strain of Semitic DNA in me! On the other hand, the
Palestinians are a Semitic people with Semitic DNA in them. The Sephardic Jews, the
Biblical Jews who settled in Spain and Portugal until they were kicked out in 1492 and
1497, respectively, are also a Semitic people with Semitic DNA in them. However, the
Sephardic Jews constitute a very small minority of Jews in the world today. In many cases,
they are regarded as second-class or even third-class citizens in their own Israel.
More than 95% of the so-called Jews of today are the Khazarian Jews. The Khazars and
the Biblical Jews were literally made for each other, as we shall see later on in this Article.
The Khazars were a warring and predatory Asiatic tribe whose pagan religion was a
mishmash of “phallic worship, idolatry and lewdness.”
As Jew Solomon Grayzel wrote in “A History of the Jews”:
Around 600 A.D. a belligerent tribe of half-Mongolian people, similar to the modern
Turks, conquered the territory of what is now Southern Russia. Before long the
kingdom (khanate) of the Khazars, as the tribe was known, stretched from the
Caspian to the Black Sea. Its capital, Ityl, was at the mouth of the Volga River.
Around 740 A.D., out of geopolitical necessity for survival, their ruler Khagan Bulan invited
representatives of Islam, Christianity and Judaism to discuss religion with him. After much
deliberation, the cunning Khagan selected the Jewish religion and the Torah/Talmud as the
newly adopted state religion for all Khazars. Khagan Bulan and his 4,000 feudal lords
immediately converted to Judaism. Gradually, about three million Khazars converted to
Judaism and became what we now call the Khazarian Jews. [Source 1, Source 2, Source 3]
Today, the Khazarian Jews, having multiplied exceedingly, comprise over 95% of all the
Jews. They are about as Jewish in the Semitic sense as the lewd singer Madonna is a Jew!
So, the next time you hear the Jews or their kosher Goyim friends smear someone as “antiSemitic,” remember the most “anti-Semitic” people in the world are the Jews themselves!
They are “anti-Palestinian” to the very core of their non-Semitic DNA. As the Palestinians
are a Semitic people in their DNA, the Jews of today are the real “anti-Semitics.”
Jewish LIE and DECEPTION Number One.
The 6 Million Jews (and Germany)
Now, I wasn’t around when 6 million Jews were allegedly killed in the so-called Holocaust.
“Holocaust” is the Jewish word meaning “a Jewish sacrificial offering that is burned
completely on an altar.” Or “Jewish burnt offering” for short. Remember this phrase.
But I did witness live on television, as did millions of people around the world, the second
airplane crash into World Trade Center (WTC) South Tower on Sept. 11, 2001. To this day,
I am still not sure what really happened that day, as to why those WTC buildings collapsed.
What I do know, as a formerly licensed, professional mechanical engineer, is that steelstructured buildings do NOT free fall to the ground, even when airplanes crash into them
and cause fires to break out. By the way, World Trade Center 7 was the third steel
skyscraper that collapsed that same day and it also free fell to the ground later at 5:20 pm,
and NO airplane crashed into that extremely structurally-reinforced building of 47 floors.
What I also know is that the U.S. government’s conspiracy theory on who were behind 9/11
is just that. . . a conspiracy theory! But fortunately, there are no laws (yet) to jail anyone
who doesn’t believe in the Yankee’s 9/11 conspiracy theory that Osama bin Laden in his
Afghan cave and his merry band of 19 Arab hijackers (Muslim fundamentalists who drank
alcohol and visited strip clubs) were responsible.
Why is it then in some countries it is illegal and even criminal to question the veracity and
truthfulness of the Holocaust and that the Germans killed six million Jews? Or that one
could go to prison for not believing in the Holocaust or that six million Jews died? As not
quite a few persons have gone to prisons in Germany, France, Canada, and the USA.
Does truth (or real historical facts) need laws to enforce what people choose to
believe or not to believe? Do we live in a free world or do we live in George Orwell’s
1984? Maybe we are all living inside the Jewish Matrix?
While you are pondering over those rhetoric questions, please allow me to show you some
undisputed facts and hidden truths about WW2 pertinent to the “Six Million Jews.”
The National Socialist German Workers’ Party or NSDAP (purposefully and derogatorily
mislabeled as the “NAZIS” by the Jews and their Allies or ALL-LIES aka England/France/
USA/Soviet Union) was democratically elected. On January 30, 1933, the NSDAP gained
majority control of the Reichstag or the German Parliament. Adolf Hitler, as the leader of
the NSDAP, was then immediately appointed German Chancellor by President Hindenburg.
During the early part of 1933, Adolf Hitler had not even consolidated his power yet and was
only the German Chancellor in a weak coalition government.
Neither was he the
undisputed Führer or “Leader” of the German People yet nor did he have full command of
the non-existent Wehrmacht or the German Combined Armed Forces. Yet Jews in England
and the USA were already protesting, boycotting and declaring war against Germany!
On March 12, 1933, not even two months had passed after the NSDAP victory, “the
American Jewish Congress announced a massive protest against Germans at the Madison
Square Gardens for March 27.” On March 23, 1933, some 20,000 Jews staged a protest at
New York's City Hall while “rallies were staged outside the North German Lloyd and
Hamburg-American shipping lines and boycotts were mounted against German goods
throughout shops and businesses in New York City.” [Source]
Then everything came to a crescendo on March 24, 1933 when the entire Jewry around the
world publicly declared War on Germany! Yes, that’s right! The Jews of the world publicly
declared War on Germany on March 24, 1933! Fully six years before the start of WW2!
If you don’t believe my words, maybe the British Daily Express newspaper can convince
you. On Friday, March 24, 1933, their front page headlines shouted, “Judea Declares War
On Germany. . . Jews Of All The World Unite In Action. . . Boycott Of German Goods. . .
Mass Demonstrations In Many Districts. . . Dramatic Action.”
But what is really significant and what is of paramount importance, not that the Jews
declaring War against Germany on March 24, 1933 is not, is the following paragraph:
Fourteen million Jews dispersed throughout the world have banded together as one
man to declare war on the German persecutors of their co-religionists. Sectional
differences and antagonisms have been submerged in one common aim—to stand
by the 600,000 Jews of Germany who are terrorised by Hitlerist anti-semitism, and
to compel Fascist Germany [sic] to end its campaign of violence and suppression
directed against the Jewish minority. [Bolded and underlined emphasis is mine.]
Never mind that the persecution of and violence towards the Jews in Germany haven’t even
started yet. Did five and a half million Jews suddenly decide to immigrate into Germany
after they declared War on Germany? Because according to the above British Daily
Express, there were only 600,000 Jews living in Germany in early 1933. The Germans
themselves acknowledged about 500,000 Jews living in Germany at that time. Half a
million or 600,000 Jews is nowhere near the mythical 6,000,000 figure. If six millions Jews
died at the hands of the Germans in their so-called Holocaust, then there had to be at least
six million Jews living in Germany to begin with.
Well, you might say, as the mainstream historians would counter, most of the six million
Jews, about four million, were killed in Poland in the so-called “Nazi concentration camps”
of Auschwitz and Birkenau. Maybe four million Jews were living in Poland, Czechoslovakia,
France, etc. who were rounded up by the Germans and then sent to the “death camps” in
Poland? [Did one and a half million Jews suddenly decide to immigrate into Germany after
they declared War on Germany? Two million Jews “killed” in Germany minus the 600,000.]
Even if that was true, which it is not, consider the following undisputed historical facts.
In 1948, to show support for the creation of the modern state of Israel and to commemorate
the Jews who died in Auschwitz, Poland started to display a memorial plaque at the
Auschwitz concentration camp stating for any and all visitors to see:
[Bolded and
underlined emphasis is mine.]
After the Soviets released the official death figures from the Auschwitz Death Registry
Volumes in 1989, Poland quietly replaced the original Auschwitz memorial plaque (on the
left) with a new memorial plaque (on the right) which now states for all to see:
and underlined emphasis is mine.]
Wait a minute! Where did two and half million, four million minus one and a half million,
presumably all (dead) Jews go? Shouldn’t the “Six Million Jews” figure be revised down to
“Three and Half Million Jews”? Doesn’t have that Jewish ring, does it?
Now, consider further the following article from the London Daily Telegraph dated July 18,
1990 in which the original 4 million figure (the original number of people allegedly killed by
the Germans in Auschwitz) is further revised down to just over 1 million, with the number of
Jews killed being estimated at less than 1 million ~ 960,000 to be exact:
The 1 Million Jews???
I submit to you, my readers, the “6 Million Jews” or the “Jewish Holocaust” is a LIE. A
complete fabrication made out of whole cloth. That is why they need laws in countries like
Germany, France, Canada, and the USA to enforce its obedient and unquestioning belief.
Jewish LIE and DECEPTION Number Two.
Of course Jews were killed during WW2. Probably around 500,000 Jews died during the
war. If you declare war against another nation as the Jews did on March 24, 1933 against
Germany, you are going to get killed one way or another. However, most Jews who died
perished in German concentration camps due to starvation and diseases like typhus,
compounded by the All-Lies bombing the German supply lines, most especially the German
train lines at the end of WW2. I might also add that the German concentration camps were
not much different than those the Yankees used for the Japanese civilians during WW2.
Furthermore, I submit to you, my readers, the real victims of WW2 were the German
People. And the real goal of WW2 was the complete and utter destruction of the German
Nation. I encourage everyone to do their own independent research into this completely
hidden aspect of WW2. I will provide some sources below to back up these claims of mine.
As one horrific example, the All-Lies Fire or Terror Bombing of Dresden, at the end of WW2,
killed over 600,000 German men, women and children, all civilians, in just one night. Some
say the real figure was over 750,000 German civilians who were incinerated during that one
night of All-Lies mass murder. To put this in proper perspective, during the entire German
air campaign (Battle of Britain) and the rocket bombing of England (V1s and V2s), starting
in 1940 and ending in 1944, over a period of 4 years, less than 50,000 British were killed.
What happened to Dresden during that one night of All-Lies Genocide on February 14,
1945, in which 600,000 to 750,000 German civilians were incinerated, literally happen to
ALL the major German cities as WW2 neared its end. [Source 1, Source 2, Source 3]
What is also not known is that between 1.2 and 2 million German Prisoners of War or
POWs who had surrounded to the All-Lies in western Europe were systematically starved to
death in Eisenhower’s “Death Camps.” That War Criminal and that Jew, Dwight David
Eisenhower (son of David Jacob Eisenhower), “classified” German surrendered POWs,
mainly very young and very old men, as “Disarmed Enemy Forces” or DEFs, and thereby
“permitted” the All-Lies forces to NOT treated these German POWs as POWs. To hell with
the Hague and Geneva Conventions on POWs! Killing the Germans was much more
important. [Source 1, Source 2, Source 3]
Lastly, somewhere between 7 and 12 million German civilians, no one really knows the true
numbers, were raped or killed or raped and then killed AFTER Germany had surrendered
on May 8, 1945, mostly carried out by the Soviets. Most German females, from ages “8 to
88” as the obscene expression went, were raped by the Soviet hoards, goaded on by the
Jewish commissars and Soviet (Jewish) hate propaganda against the Germans. [Source]
What the German People suffered before, during and, most specifically, right after WW2
was the real Holocaust of WW2 ~ “Jewish Burnt Offerings.” [3]
The Floodgates of Hell and the Jewish Bible
Since 1913, there are no more material differences between the Parasite (the Jews) and
their Host (the Yankees): they are one single entity for all economic, financial and
geopolitical purposes. The year 1913 was when the Jews finally established their Central
Bank in the United States called the Federal Reserve System (the Federal Reserve or the
Fed). Not long afterwards, the Jews got the United States into WW1. [Source 1, Source 2]
The utter defeat of Germany and the Germans in WW2, instigated by the Jews in 1933,
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literally opened wide the Floodgates of Hell on Earth. I am not talking about immorality and
decadence which have accelerated exponentially since the end of WW2, but demonic acts
and other evil deeds so horrific and so vile that they defy human belief and comprehension.
Having completely gotten away with the wholesale murder of the German People and the
German Nation, and then blaming them entirely for WW2 and the so-called “Holocaust” to
boot, the Jews and their Yankees, realized then and there that they could do anything to
anyone, anywhere at anytime. And get away with it.
If you think I am exaggerating or being boastful in these my dire accusations, I challenge
you to read three books and to listen to three talks, in their entirety:
(1) Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 by Thomas Goodrich,
(2) Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation by F. William
(3) Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder by David McGowan [if you read
between the lines, this book is really about HOW the Jews and their Yankees
blackmail and control the ruling class in the West],
(4) US Biowarfare and the Origins of the Mycoplasma by Donald W. Scott [Hour 1,
Hour 2, Hour 3],
(5) US War on Yugoslavia and the World Since WW2 by Michael Parenti, and
(6) US/NATO Destruction of Libya by Lizzie Phelan.
Again, I must stress and re-stress this principal accusation or explanation of mine:
To truly and fully understand and comprehend HOW the Jews and their Yankees are
able to get away with their acts so horrific and so evil, as illustrated and elucidated
in the seminal information above, and many other horrific and evil things they have
committed and are committing to this very day; you must go back to WW2 and study
what really happened before, during and right after WW2. Not the mass media lies
and movie propaganda perpetrated by the victors or the All-Lies of WW2. [Source]
If NOW you KNOW they LIED about the Korean War, the JFK and RFK
assassinations, the Gulf of Tonkin “incident” (which never even happened) that
started the War on Vietnam, the Terror Wars on Occupied Palestine, the War on
Yugoslavia, the 9/11 “Terrorist Attacks,” the Wars on Iraq, the Wars on Afghanistan,
the War on Libya, the War on Syria, the War on Ukraine, and so forth and so on;
WHY would they NOT LIE about what they did in WW2?
In order to fully understand WHY the Jews and their Yankees regard human lives with such
wanton disregard, and how they can commit such willful acts of atrocities, you must wake
up to the stark and naked realization that the Bible of the Jews is NOT the Holy Bible or
even the complete Old Testament.
The Bible of the Jews is comprised of their Torah and their Talmud. And there is a third
document which fully spells out their modus operandi.
The Jewish Torah “is the law of God as revealed to Moses and recorded in the first five
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books of the Hebrew scriptures (the Pentateuch).” The Pentateuch is comprised of “the first
five books of the Hebrew Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy).”
The Jewish Torah is a spellbinding tapestry of Hebrew myths, plagiarized tales and Jewish
oral history, worthy of an Oscar or two on Hollywood night!
The Jews borrowed
monotheism from the Egyptian Pharaoh Ikhnaton (c. 1400 B.C.). Most of their fantastic
tales, like the Garden of Eden and the Flood, were lifted from the Egyptians, the
Babylonians, the Mesopotamians, and the Greeks.
However, the real meat of the Jewish Bible is their Talmud. As the President of the Jewish
Chaplain's Association of the United States Armed Forces and one of the most influential
Jews in the USA once explained:
The TALMUD consists of 63 books of legal, ethical, and historical writings of the
ancient rabbis (22 B.C. — 500 A.D.). It was edited 5-centuries after the birth of
Jesus. It is a compendium of law and lore: the legal code which forms the basis
of Jewish religious Law and the book used in the training of rabbis; it is the
very foundation of Jewish life. It is taught to Jewish children as soon as they
are able to read. [Bolded and underlined emphases are mine.]
Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer, Spokesman for the American Jewish Committee
There are two versions of the Jewish Talmud, the Babylonian and the Palestinian. Today,
most Jews use the Babylonian version as their Bible.
The late Henry Louis Mencken once keenly observed, “[The Talmud] seems to me, save for
a few bright spots, to be quite indistinguishable from rubbish.” But in order to truly
understand the secretive and deceptive mind of the Jews today, we must delve into sewer
of the Talmud, dross, dregs and all. Here are some poignant and even sordid excerpts from
their Babylonian Talmud, the rest you can discover for yourselves and you should do so:
TOB SHEBBE GOYIM HAROG! [Kill the best Gentiles!]
Jewish Talmud
The Jew against the Goy [the non-Jew] is allowed to rape, cheat, and perjure
Jewish Talmud: Babha Kama
Jews may lie and perjure to condemn Christians.
Jewish Talmud: Babha Kama 113b
All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation which, consequently, is
entitled to seize it without scruples. . . . A Jew may act contrary to morality if
profitable to himself or to Jews in general.
Jewish Talmud: Schulchan Bruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348
Pederasty [sexual activity involving a man and a boy] with a child below nine years
of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that.
Jewish Talmud: Sanhedrin 54b-55a
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When a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl, less than 3-years old, it is as
nothing. . . .
Jewish Talmud: Kethuboth 11a-11b
Jesus was illegitimately conceived during menstruation.
Jewish Talmud: Kallah 1b (18b)
Jesus is the bastard son of Pandira, Roman soldier.
Jewish Talmud: Sanhedrin 67a
Jesus is in Hell, punished by being boiled in hot semen. . . all Christians are boiled
in shit!
Jewish Talmud: Libre David 37
The Godfather of the modern Jew, whose very illuminating quotes (pun intended) are
displayed below, succinctly summed up (1) how the Jews really regard us the non-Jews or
the Goyim, and (2) what the New World Order is really all about. By the way, Godfather
Mayer Amschel Rothschild did not have a single strand of Semitic DNA in him. He was a
Khazarian Jew born in Frankfurt, Germany.
Let me issue and control a Nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.
You can only make a lot of money with a lot of blood!
Remember my children that all the earth must belong to us Jews and that the
gentiles [the non-Jews or the Goyim], being mere excrement of animals must
possess nothing.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1743–1812)
Today, the vile progeny of this Jewish Godfather Rothschild, who are the super-hidden
Trillionaires of the world, literally control England, France, Germany, Italy, and, of course,
the United States via their Central Banks and their money supply. Ever wonder why almost
every Central Bank in the world is headed and run by a Jew? Did you even know this fact?
One of the Greatest Americans (I don’t use these two words, Greatest and American,
frivolously or lightly) was the late Henry Ford, Sr., founder of the Ford Motor Company. In
the early 1920s, Henry Ford ordered millions of copies of a particular document printed,
some translated into other languages besides English, and then all distributed throughout
the world, especially in the USA. What was this most important document? The Protocols
of the Learned Elders of Zion.
The Jews and their kosher Goyim partners all screamed “the Protocols are forgeries!” and
they will do so to this day. Forgeries of what? Henry Ford had only this succinct reply to
say to the accusing Jews of his era which I concur completely:
The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that. . . . they have fitted
the world situation up to this time. They fit it now.
Henry Ford, Sr.
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The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is based on the commissioned work of a very
evil apostate Jesuit priest by the name of Adam Weishaupt. It was Godfather Rothschild
who commissioned Weishaupt to update some ancient Jewish scrolls (the Hebrew
Protocols) which had come into his possession. Weishaupt’s finished work is called the
Einigen Original-Scripten (the Protocols). It was completed in 1776. . . of all years.
Think of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion as today’s Dummies Guide to the
Jews’ Totalitarian Takeover of Planet Earth! If the Protocols “have fitted the world situation
up to [Henry Ford’s] time,” then I humbly submit to you: The Protocols of the Learned
Elders of Zion fit today’s economic, financial and geopolitic state of the world to a perfect T.
Here are some very illuminating excerpts [to facilitate easier reading, I have minimized the
use of all-capitalization from the source text; and I encourage everyone to read the full text]:
It is from us that the ALL-ENGULFING TERROR proceeds. We have in our service
persons of all opinions, of all doctrines, Restorating Monarchists, Demagogues,
Socialists, Communists, and Utopian Dreamers of every kind. We have harnessed
them all to the task: Each one of them on his own account is boring away at the last
remnants of authority, is striving to overthrow all established form of order. By these
acts all States are in torture; they exhort to tranquility, are ready to sacrifice
everything for peace:
But we will not give them peace until they openly
acknowledge our International Super-Government, and with submissiveness.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol 9:4
We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youth of the “GOYIM” by rearing them
in principles and theories which are known to us to be false although it is [by us] that
they have been inculcated.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol 9:10
The GOYIM are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what
happens when the wolves get hold of the flock?. . . .
There is another reason also why they will close their eyes: for we shall keep
promising them to give back all the liberties we have taken away as soon as we
have quelled the enemies of peace and tamed all parties. . . .
It is not worth to say anything about how long a time they will be kept waiting for this
return of their liberties. . . .
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol 11:4~11:6
CONTROL. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news
items are received by a few agencies. . . . These agencies [viz., today’s Associated
Press, UPI and Reuters] will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only
to what we dictate to them.
If already now we have contrived to possess ourselves of the minds of the GOY
communities to such an extent [that] they all come near looking upon the events of
the world through the colored glasses of those spectacles we are setting astride
their noses. . . .
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol 12:4~12:5
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Economic crises have been produced by us for the GOYIM by no other means than
the withdrawal of money from circulation. . . . The concentration of industry in the
hands of capitalists out of the hands of small masters has drained away all the
juices of the peoples and with them also the States. . . .
You are aware that the GOLD STANDARD has been the ruin of the States which
adopted it, for it has not been able to satisfy the demands for money, the more so
that we have removed gold from circulation as far as possible.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: Protocol 20:20~20:22
Where Do We Go From Here?
So where do we go from here, now that we know a little more, maybe are a little too
shocked, about how the Jews regard us Goyim? And how they have treated us Goyim,
most especially the Germans before, during and right after WW2.
As I said before, physical violence or violence in any form towards the Jews is not the
answer. It would actually play into their devious and devilish hands. But I do have three
solutions. They are not easy solutions to implement.
Firstly, we must speak out against the Jews and their All-Lies most especially their Yankees
whenever they commit their acts of evil and atrocities, whether against the Palestinians or
the Syrians or the Iranians or the Ukrainians or the Venezuelans or whomever. We cannot
be afraid of the Jews and their economic boycotts and financial sanctions. Nor can we
remain silent and cowered. We must have the courage and conviction to expose their Lies
and their Deceptions. To shout it from the housetops as Jesus Christ admonishes us:
Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees [the Orthodox Jews], which is hypocrisy.
For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be
known. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the
light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon
the housetops. And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the
body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will forewarn you whom ye
shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I
say unto you, Fear him.
Luke 12:1~12:5
Sooner than later, the Jews with their Yankees will be forced to precipitate the Second
Great Depression (GD2) as they did the First Great Depression. We might as well begin to
stop using their usury financial system of debts, credits and fake money, and, of our own
free will, divorce ourselves from the entire Jewish economic and financial system of
Interest, Greed and Profit. Therefore secondly, we must figure out a more equitable means
of exchanging goods and services, and of preserving the value of savings that is not based
on simple or compound interest, and the many other shades of the Jewish economic and
financial Ponzi schemes. And we must implement it now, rather than later.
Thirdly, we must begin again to engineer and manufacture machines, tools and other
products that last and are made of quality. The 100-watt light bulb should last 100 years.
The automobile should last a lifetime. A pickup truck must be designed for the back roads
of the “Third World.” Simple and inexpensive tools must be conceived to facilitate organic
farming including the use of rock dust and the production of alcohol fuel. We must grow
companies and industries based on Service for the People, as oppose to Greed and Profit.
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On this July 23, 2015, on my 50th birthday, I dedicate this Article ~ this Declaration of Truth
~ to the People of Four Great Nations: Germany, Russia, China, and Palestine.
The Jews along with their kosher Goyim partners will first attack this Article and myself with
their deafening silence (along with their boycotts and sanctions), then they will attack my
character publicly with all sorts of manufactured salacious lies and vicious ad hominem
attacks (L’infamie), and finally they may try to eliminate this voice altogether as they have
done throughout history whenever a Goy dares to wake up from the Jewish Matrix to speak
the Truth and to expose their Lies and Deceptions.
But the Fire of Truth will ignite and burn on brightly with even greater intensity in the bosom
of another’s heart. Then another. Then another. Then another. Until finally, ALL the LIES
of these JEWS shall be exposed in the naked sunlight for what they are:
They can never hide the truth no matter how hard they try. There will come a day
when all the lies [of the Jews] will collapse under their own weight, and the truth will
triumph again.
Dr. Joseph Goebbels, 1945
INDOMITABLE SPIRIT, because they tried to stand up to be “a separate people” with their
own economic and financial system: outside of the international Jewish usury system of
debts, credits and other financial Ponzi schemes which have completely engulfed the world
today. For that cause and that cause alone, the German People were made to suffer worse
than Hell on Earth before, during and, most especially, right after WW2. [Source]
Today, Germany is an occupied (by the Yankees) and circumcised (by the Jews) nation.
The German People are made to suffer a never ceasing Self-Hatred and a forever
demoralizing Guilt that is a complete fabrication of the Jews and their All-Lies.
NEVER EVER forget this Soviet Jew who invented the “Six Million Jews” myth nor his
virulent anti-German hate propaganda during WW2 that incited and inflamed millions of
Soviet troops to kill millions of German civilians without mercy or pity:
The Germans are not human beings. From now on, the word “German” is the
most horrible curse. From now on, the word “German” strikes us to the quick. We
have nothing to discuss. We will not get excited. We will kill. If you have not killed
at least one German a day, you have wasted that day. . . . If you cannot kill a
German with a bullet, then kill him with your bayonet. If your part of the front is quiet
and there is no fighting, then kill a German in the meantime. . . . If you have already
killed a German, then kill another one — there is nothing more amusing to us than a
heap of German corpses. Don't count the days, don't count the kilometers. Count
only one thing: the number of Germans you have killed. Kill the Germans!. . . — Kill
the Germans! Kill!
Ilya Grigoryevich Ehrenburg, in his official Soviet leaflet titled “Kill”
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The most built and the most economical car in the history of the modern world is the
VW or the Volkswagen. The People’s Automobile. It was designed and built by Dr.
Ferdinand Porsche under the specific orders of Adolf Hitler who wanted a new and
modern automobile that is reasonably priced for the German People (originally it
sold for 995 Reichsmarks). To this very day, some 81 years later, the VW has not
changed significantly from its original and basic design when it was first conceived
for the German People in 1934. And who was it that personally chose the name
“Volkswagen” ~ a name that still lives on to this very day? Adolf Hitler.
UNCONQUERABLE MOTHER RUSSIA who have suffered horrendous persecutions and
wholesale genocides instigated by the Jews aka the Bolsheviks aka the Soviets: (1) after
they executed Tsar Nicholas II and his entire family during their Bolshevik Revolution, and
(2) when Russian men and women were tricked by these Jews into fighting against the
Germans during WW2. Instead, the Russians should have been fighting alongside their
German brothers and sisters against the Jews and their principal host nations of England,
France and the United States.
Remember MOTHER RUSSIA and NEVER EVER forget the following historical facts:
Lenin alone was responsible for killing 7-10 million Ukrainians and Russians during
the so-called "Ukraine Famine" which was not a natural famine but an engineered
genocide designed and executed by Lenin to steal their harvest so that the
Bolsheviks (the great majority of the Bolshevik leadership were Jews) could pay
back their Jewish Wall Street financiers and backers. Jacob Schiff, a Wall Street
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Jewish Bankster, alone invested a huge personal fortune in the Bolshevik
"Today it is estimated even by Jacob Schiff's grandson, John Schiff, a prominent
member of New York society, that the old man sank about $20,000,000 [a financial
sum close to half a billion in today’s US dollars] for the final triumph of Bolshevism in
Russia." ~ Cholly Knickerbocker, N.Y. American Journal, February 3, 1949.
"There is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are
Bolsheviks, in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant
with the finest ideals of Judaism." ~ Jewish Chronicle, April 4, 1919.
Stalin was a Jew. His original name was Iosif Vissarionovich Djugashvili ("Son of
Jew") and all his three wives were Jews (Ekaterina Svanidze, Kadya Allevijah and
Rosa Kaganovich).
Today, Mother Russia is liberated by President Vladimir Putin. The most popular nationalist
Russian leader in a long time and probably the greatest leader in the world today, President
Putin maybe the only hope left in this world of ours. . . standing between us and the Hell of
WW3. Outwardly, he still believes in and publicly repeats the Soviet propaganda of WW2,
but he also realizes now the outrageous lies manufactured and perpetrated by the New
ALL-LIES (USA/UK/ISRAEL/EU/NATO) on Yugoslavia, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, and Crimea.
Not to mention the media L’infamie attacks on him and on Mother Russia.
The $64 trillion question is this: Will President Putin and Mother Russia fall into the same
trap before WW3 as Adolf Hitler and Germany did before WW2? Or will YOU wake up in
time to prevent the Final Act of the Jews and their All-Lies which is WW3?
While you Russians and my readers are pondering over this most mortal question, please
carefully contemplate the boastful and prescient words of this Jew, spoken in 1928:
You [Russians] have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We ARE
intruders. We ARE disturbers. We ARE subverters. We have taken your natural
world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the
bottom not merely of the latest great war [WW1] but of nearly all your wars; not only
of the [Bolshevik Revolution] but of every other major revolution in your history. We
have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public
life. We are still doing it. . . . WHO KNOWS WHAT GREAT AND GLORIOUS
underlined and capitalized emphasis is mine.]
Marcus Eli Ravage, The Century Magazine, January 1928
had to bear, silently in way too many families, the unbearable suffering and crushing weight
of daily survival throughout all these many centuries.
People of China, you don’t know this, but I do and I shall NEVER EVER forget:
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It was the Jews who were the principal instigators and financial backers behind the socalled “British Opium Trade” in China. As Lasha Darkmoon (a pseudonym for a BritishAmerican ex-academic who lives and works in England) succinctly pointed out in her recent
article, “China and the Jews”:
The shameful opium trade in China, into which the easily corrupted Brits were drawn
by Rothschild [Jewish] money, was in fact the brainchild of a British sephardic Jew,
Elias David Sassoon. He was joined in this ignoble enterprise by another British
Jew, Silas Aaron Hardoon, his partner in the firm E.D. Sassoon & Co. . . .
Europe wanted tea, silk and porcelain from China, but China was self-sufficient and
needed nothing in exchange from Europe. The result was a trade deficit in which
Britain (via its East India Company) owed China an enormous and increasing
amount of silver.
[Is history rhyming once again? This time around with China trading real goods with
the Jews/Yankees for their fake US dollars and US “Toiletries” aka “Treasuries”?]
How did Britain try to solve this tricky problem? It left it to the Jews who formed the
nucleus of the East India Company to come up with a neat solution.
The East India Company began to grow opium on its Indian plantations. It then
transported the processed opium to Bombay and Calcutta [now called Mumbai and
Kolkata, respectively] where the crop was sold by auction to “independent foreign
traders.” [Then it was shipped to China.] This innocuous phrase—“independent
foreign traders”—needs translation. It is of course a euphemism for Jewish
merchants. . . .
This, then, is how the British Empire became so powerful: by winning two Opium
Wars with the help of Rothschild [Jewish] money. . . . The Brits grew rich on
Chinese tea, Chinese silk, Chinese porcelain, and [annexed] Hong Kong on a 99year lease. And on this they built their Empire, with the help of the mercantile Jews.
What did China get in exchange? — Millions of opium addicts. By 1905, it has been
calculated, 27 percent of Chinese males had become addicted to opium, with “13.5
million people consuming 39,000 tons of opium yearly.”
[To visualize just how massive was this Jewish/British opium undertaking in India, a
lithograph of just one opium warehouse in India is shown on the next page of this
Article. It was depicted by Bengal Commissioner Lt. Col. Walter S. Sherwill.]
that Jewish books on their success and money cults are quite popular in China
Their evil and wicked ways will always lead to Death, Disease and
Destruction. Just take look at the United States and the Yankees as they are
completely taken over by the Jews. The proper title of the USA should be “the
United States of Death, Disease and Destruction.”
AND GMO CORN AND GMO RICE. If you keep eating these Jewish/Yankee GMO
“foods,” in a generation or two, all your men will be sterile and all your women will be
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Your superhuman Defiance of the Jews and your indomitable Resistance against the
Palestinian Holocaust that has never ceased for a single day, now for 70 years, give all of
us GOYIM courage and the strength and purpose to go on and to fight each and every day.
We shall NEVER EVER forget the Jewish Operation Cast Lead, Operation Protective Edge,
and the numerous Jewish genocidal Terror Wars conducted against unarmed and
defenseless Palestinian People. . . almost as a hex-annual Human Sacrifice and Murderous
Ritual performed by the Jews to their god. As they watched and cheered on. . . .
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We shall NEVER EVER forget the open-air concentration camps in Occupied Palestine in
which the Palestinian People have been held as prisoners on their own land and are made
to suffer and endure under the most inhumane and despicable conditions for decades now.
We shall NEVER EVER forget the Jewish Apartheid Wall which is taller and much longer
than the Berlin Wall. While the Berlin Wall has been torn down, the Jewish Apartheid Wall
still stands as an affront to both humanity and God. While Apartheid in South Africa is
dismantled and no more, Jewish Apartheid is still in full brutal and merciless force.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the
blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue
of Satan.
Revelation 2:9
Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word,
[then] are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall
make you free.
John 8:31~8:32
[1] This Article “The Jews ~ A Declaration of Truth to the Goyim!” is a PDF document and can be found at GOTGMO.COM.
[2] “L’INFAMIE (lies, slander and false-witness) is one of the JEWS most feared weapons. The victim is unaware of the
sly whispers circulated behind his back until he begins to sense stares of condemnation, rejection, and sudden reverses in
fortune. There is virtually no way to refute this anonymous destruction of one’s reputation.” [Source]
[3] Those ghastly WW2 photographs of piles of corpses that you thought (or were told) to be evidence of “Nazi
extermination of the Jews” were actually of bodies and body parts of German civilians, old men, women and children, who
were incinerated, boiled alive, bombed to pieces, etc., inflicted by the Yankees and the British with their Fire or Terror
Bombing of German cities at the end of WW2. There were so many corpses that all the surviving Germans could do was
to pile them in pyres and torched them with flamethrowers.
David Chu (朱⼤大伟) is a professional mechanical engineer and writer who has worked and lived throughout the United
States for some 20 years. He now lives in northern Patagonia, Argentina with his dogs, chickens and ducks. And he
helps good people interested in relocating to Argentina via his boutique company Mr. Chu does
not believe in any “isms” such as Nazism, Fascism, Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Capitalism, Liberalism, et al. He
only believes in two things: Truth and Freedom. The so-called “nazis” or “neo-nazis” of today are “a caricature of a
caricature” or “a farce of a farce” (albeit some like those in Western Ukraine are quite deadly). The real Germans of WW2
are portrayed and lampooned as a deadly caricature or evil farce by the Jewish controlled mass media. We perceive
history and especially the events of WW2 through their “colored glasses of those spectacles” that they have set astride our
noses. Mr. Chu chooses NOT to live inside the Jewish Matrix. Anyone interested in contacting him or sending him any
comments or suggestions or any financial help, you may email him at [email protected].
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