Day 1 - Disney World
Day 1 - Disney World
PoRi iP't'l;*en*t" IDIShTEY VIFO\TIDER, Sunrise: 7:01 a.m. Sunset: 5:26 P'm' ALL ABOARD: APProx' 3:45 P'm' PORT DEPARTUR'E: 5:00 P'm' Perysonal Navigator: SHIP :, - I )l Rl (11'O RY leck'1, Are VewIe B!enaVnalheatre le.k le.k 9,Aft te.k 5,Aft Cad Je.k ev son Bea.h Banket Buffet ac Lounge t'1 Evening Attire: Dinner Menu aa*#ll. - dsh p Coco BaIi (non alcoholic) FoMad Cove Cafd De.k 9, MCshD DsneyVa.aton CuD Desk Deck 4, fi DINING HOURS dsh p Coisume.s who order raw or parta y cooked ready to eal food De.K L FoMard ol FolndersReefNursery De.k5,Al1 Fdlre Cr! Deck I,l''1dsh p se Desk Poo Coofyt Gue{ Ha r Bra d ng Stand CELIBMTE TIE I'IIJSICAI- llERIIAGT LUNCH fi dsh t Deck 9, fidshp OI WALT DISIIEY I}I lllIS IOE.TAPPING ;tr.*t 3, Heath Center Deck I, FoNard LobbyAtr!m Deck M,ckey's ['1ate5 De.k 4, Mdshp Mickey's Poo & S Cceaneer C d€ !b Deck l, fi Deck 0 l'1 dsh,p Deck C Aft Deck Cay I 6: Deck De.k De.k De.k A..rde I ery Y dsh p M dsh p I De.k 1 Ai De.k 9, FoMard Stuc,o sea De.k Trtons De.k3 Mdshp 4 fa dsh p I 1'1dlhp Ftne$Center Deck9 Deck 4 sneylh€atre Vft Spaand Foryard Wat D FoMard :yKgx&sxsRry ixKx*xx :' pIp You FoRGET SOMETHING? Pin Lanyards to hold your I{ey to the World i, ,i card. Autograptr llbooks, pens and rnuch il rrror" to hetp capture :, those rnernories. " Disposable carneras, , sundries, sunglasses l: and sunscreen are available in :', ,l Treasure I{.etch. :i ,: il.t iltlF-_ FoMard Sgnas Decl OI IHE %r/t nN6 8':o P.M. DECK 4 FORWARD Deck 4 Midship - 3:15p.m. - Gmfls Galley Uponbmrdiry Gooffs Uponbmding 3:30p.m. Pinocchiot Pizeria Uponbm,rding 3:30p.m, Plutos Dog House Uponbmrdlng 3:30p.m. { ce cream) 3r30p.m, DINNER Amrnator'sPa,latex 5:45p.m.& ?rl;rru$r[?ts#;*l"-' ru*7-r & 5:45 p,m. & 4130 p,m. Pmocchio's Pizzeda 4:30 p.m, Pluto's Dog House 4:30 p.m. Cay* Triton's* Goofy's Galley 5:45 p.m. Parrot 8:15p.m. 8:15 p.m. 8115 p.m, 7100 p.m, ?:00 p,m, 9:30 p.m. * Pre-arranged seating assignments * No tank tops or swinweal in the dining rcom. LATE NIGITT SNACKS Gooffs Galley Adventures Away 7:00 p,m. 11:00 p,m. {ce cream ony) Earn your status as V.I. P. sailors as your Cruise Director Ray, yo'ar Disney PaIs, and t}re Cruise Staff officially begin your "Adventures Away." 4: I 5 p.m., CoofT's Pool Stoge Prnocchio's Pizzena 7;00 p,m. Promenade Lounge 11:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. noute 66 Diannond Jackpot Bingo ADDED FEATURES Join us for 4 cash prize games and your chance to win a beautiful Diamond & Sapphire pendant courtesy of your Port and Shopping guide Marissa. Everyone attending will also receive a voucher to collect a free Caribbean charm bracelet in Nassau! Don't miss the special Art raffle valued at $4OO to be won tonight. /:15 p.m., 2:30p.m, P.l*,t. I FoMad I Aft De:l q De.k l5 '6 Pl dsh p De.k 9 FoMard Rada-Trap Shfte.s Phcto Ca I I SOI,IE 12:00nmn Bulfet . wtTfi sE]tsAIt0t{AL IN THE WALT DISNEY THEATRE Aft De.k 9 Mdshp Desk PoftAdvent!.es Desk Pon & Shopp ng iol slfioenty - UponBmrdiry &achBlarket DISI{TY STUDIOS t"tosl StL01|ED DtsiltY 50t{GS. De.K 9 Aft House ?ua ier Yalter! Qu€t Cove Pco ["[ Pl dsh p De.K 5, ltos lo! lllE IIAGE PERIORI,IA}ICTs OI 9,Ai Od ook P crA$lc fl dsh p Cceaneer Lab Parot TRIBUIT TO De.k 5, Mdshp Cafd n are he.ebt'nformed thd the food ! Deck 9, t'l dsh p Deck Seryces an mal or g cooked to enslre fts safety Deck 9,Aft Goofy! Ga ey (alcoholic) Bahama Mama 9, Pl dsh p 3, Cruise Casual Animator's Palate: Show Dinner Parrot CaY: Island Dinner Tritons: French Dinner Drink of the DaY Deck 4,Aft Art Ga ery 2009 WaveBands Station Beach B)anket Beverage Room fo. ad! mln be o dei except af C I rdd 12:00 mid hours 24 hours BAR HOURS ts I events. AdulE 12:00 24 Sen'rce Ba.s are so e y 12:00 mid and o dlr n8 schedu ed {am derio corslme a.oho ( I{ing Triton's Tree Lighting Decree ON DECK CoveCaf6 12:00noon-12:00mid /:30 OutlookCa,f6 12:00noon Join the Royal Court and some of your Disney friends for this maritime tradition as we light our Christmas Tree. p.m., Labby Atnum Ice Break€rs PLnocchio's (Adulrs l8 & older) Meet your Cruise StaffTeam and a peek at some of the fun planned for this cruise. Prizes and drink specials.. . WaveBonds ,,'it \'_ . Pluto's Dog ' , '.:.'i '--'r, tt','t)' i., Discover just how well you know, or don't know, yorir'inateJ,phis fun adult game show is always full of surprises. Match Your Mate (Adults 18 &otder) ] DID YOU KNOW? A11 Ship arlnouncements onboard the Disney Wonder@ can be heard on channer 2o1 on your stateroom TV. 12:00 i.'.'.,,-,..*.-:,r1.1 House Preiudes 7:30 p.m, - 12:00 mld p,m, noon noon Open 9:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m, dudng theahe show times Promenadelounge 12:00no0n Studio Sea ROUTE 66 Fire / Security Cadrllac Medical EMERGENCY 7-3ooo He'lth center 7-L923 Guest services Dial "o" ?-PALS Character Hotline 12:00 12:00mid LOUNGES IMPORTANT NUMBERS 7-3OO1 12:00 - noon 9:30 1. l0:0a p.m., Pizzeria I beverages Open durilg - 12:00mid scheduled events Lounge 6:30 p,m. - 12:00 mid Diversions 12:00 noon - 12:00 mid WaveBands Open du::i:ig scheduled events Closes at 1:30 a.m. L1:,|1,:ij:'i:.,., . . }iratiirt:.. li,,i: r:, Walt Disney Theatre iTo Change Dining Assignment Theatrical performances may use artificial fog, strobe lights, pyrotechnics and other special effects. For the safety of our performers and the comfort of those around you, the use of flash photography and video recording is prohibited. ;it'r::,:lRequests for different seating times will be toda': |],.t'.' > 1:oo p.m. - 3:30 p.m. WaveBands .'..)t > 3:3o - 5:oo p.m. Ptease dial ?-10891 :til:r,rl' lr taken PaIo Dining and Brunch Option first No Reserved Seats Poticy come basis today at: 1:OO l Hair Braiding Appointments Reserve for your hair braiding FA}IILY NFL Sunday Ticket FAMILY agreements, certain games will The courts are open for plag all dag Wrde World of Sports Deck 1 Nli5undauncket Please check at Diversions Live Music with Tim Bogd Quiet tove AI)ULTS Vista Spa Iours ADULTS be unavailable Contact the Health Center by dialing 7-!923, should anyone in your party become i11. Vi5ta 5pa, Deci g Forward 0ceaneer 0uh open for tamilU ljlne 0ceaneer 0ub 0ceaneer Club open for familU 0ceaneer 0ub For a detailed Character appeara.nces, please dial 7-PA-LS. Some sets are designated as photographs only - no autogtaphs, due to time constra,tnts. with the character escorts. To avoid Iime 0ceaneer Lab open for legistrati0n 0r C0nfirmati0n Holiday Fun Characters Iime 0ceaneer Club and Lab, Deck 5 Midship forbroadcast. Advertised games a,re subject to change and a,ll start arid end times are approxirnate. Please note: all games will be riiscontinued during Boat Drill at 4:OO p.m. Please wash hands frequently and thoroughly, particularly before meals. Please check and 10. today. Due to satellite restrictions and licensing Cold & Flu Reminder 0ceaneer Club and Lab open for Familg FAMILY Please check at Diversions, Deck 3 Fwd, for time and Iocation of games ava,ilable on board appointment todd,!: > 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Deck 9, MidshiP Movie: Cars (G) Ariel View lelevisio: MOVTES As a courtesy to all Guests we kindly advise that the saving of seats is not permitted in the WaIt Disney Theatre, and the saving of the sun loungers is not permitted on Deck 9 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. WaveBands > 3:3O p.m. - 5:OO p.m. ete,ale leav€ voicemlil at 7-684: > For detailed Character appearances, please dial 7-PALs 0r refer to the r nf0rmati0n b0ard in the L0bbU Atrium CI{AMCIEB Reservations: Are required and will be taken on a SPECIAL 0ceaneer Lab Ocea@ Reserve your spot for Ghgerbread House making at the Guest Services Desk. Event to be held Wedaesday morning. Limited 0ceaneer lab availability. A1oft Aloft Check out disappointment, please meet at staxt time of sets. SPECIAL Ariel View All ship servlces will be suspended during this CEABACTEB ol !ouriavodte Disneu at the Sail-Alral Celebrati0n! See some Pluto Friends Lobbu Televrsion )7:16 p.m. Atiun time forthe mandatory MOVIES Boat Drill scheduled for 4:00 p.lll. along Deck 4. FAMILY ltreetal0e*10lofrildlhHlofi The courts are open forplaU all daU !/ide World of5ports Derk FAMILY Please retrieve life jackel from Uour stateroom and Show I refer to the posted drjll j Nassau Buera V:slaTheatre FAMILY rnstructr0nS pn0r t0 headjnq to Derk 4. ADULTS Vista 5pa ard Fltness tenter Vista Soa Toun .12:00'ioo. V'sta ADULTS spa and Filness Iicket NFL 5undaU Cenler ,4:00 p.m. Plea5e check at Diversions. Deck 1 F0frard Oceaneer Lab open >8:15 p.n uo0tu NfL 5undaU Ticket (5ubJed I0 Availabllttu) 5nowWhite Lobbq AnPl VrFW TFlelision lobb! Atrium MOVIES FAMILY FAMILY Diamond Singo Red carp€ WaveBands Arrivals Pronenade Lounoe Disneu l(i tra0ke 5ludro 5ea StudioBea Srudio Eea Prsmenade LotnQe F0mald out Route 66 after 9:oo p.m. for 0ur 0reat adult exdusive entertainl11ent Music and Martinis Check WaveBands Piano and Vocal lavorites Cadillac M]xql DiveGions lo!nqe TributeT0 tadillac Mate Lounqe 0reaneerClub Parachute Games Movie Time and Captaint Closet Fun I 0ceaneer Club 0ceaneerClub 0ceaneer ilub 0cean€er Club Welcome Partu 0ceaneer tlub FreeTime \ltlelcome Partu Meet Uour Iounselors Lab 0ceaneer Lab FreeTime Lab lce Breakers 0ceaneer Lab Piston Cup Challenqe 0rFanePr l rb 0ceaneer Lab Welcome Partg Meet gour lounselors Piston Cup ihallenge lce Breakers 0aerneer Lab 0aeane€r Lab 0[eaneea Lab oaeaneer Lab | : Meet gourcounselon Aloft la >lrloa.m Piano andVocal favorites tadillac -ounqe ilub PizaPartu Lib Oreaneer PizaPartu ib oceaneer Breakers Aloft - Awag Movie Iime and Captainl 0oset fun lAlohaLuau lloe- Down Parlg lancelhe Night lwavegands i EltonJohn MemoruWall oreaneeT tlub FreeTime CheckoutAloft sjill$ Match Your Wavegands Parachute Games 0ceaneerflub Club lrb lre Breakers WaveBands Musk lAlohaLuau Oceaneel flub Welcome Partg l tarlq thance to Danc Know Your MemoruWall 0reanepi fluir H0e- uolryn Panu 0reaneEr 0ub 0reenPPr I q6) I_ Yol*inkYou 5o Promenade Lornqe Cadillac lounge Alott Mickeu Mania Iribute to Bun Bacharach l\lFL 5undau Ticket please check"at Divelsi0nS. Detk FreeTime Club social 0utlook Laie (18-21 Mickeu Mania ADULTS ADULTS iolleoe oceaneer's Lab LobbU Atrium I ah Buena Vista Theatre Ihe Golden Mickeus Walt Disneu Iheatre' tamilU Time Liqhting Familg Dance I Ihe 5urroqates (PG-13) Suena Vista Theatre Tree oaFineer Ariel View lJP(P0rcffir FAMILY Explorinq the Lab oceaneer Lab tobbU Atrium lobbg Atrjum Binqo tan Pre 5ales 0ceaneer [ab 0pen Princess Iiana Iree Lighting CHABACTEB 0r C0nfirmati0n 0ceaneer Lab open for Registrati0n 0r for Registration or Confirmation Pin Tradino Lobbq Atrium' SPECIAL fiub open for Registrati0n ChillinlntheLab oceaneer Lab thillinlntheLab 0ceareer Lab Download Aloft Teen Dance Partg Studio 5ea >1:00 a.m "Dz/ /ar rfua lrdr Flounder's Reef Nursery (Deck 5 Midship): Infants and Toddlers (Reservations are first come, - 3}i"K -':-sav-::::$m:s{xffi :liiii first served') ffi Dine & Play convenience for families dining at 8:15 p.m., our Youth Activities will be available at 9:OO p.m. at the entrance of Triton's, rrot Cay and Animator's Palate dining rooms to bring registered ildren to join the fun in the Oceaneer CIub and Lab. . The Golden Mlckeys, Walt Disney Theatre, 6:l 5 & 8:34 . P.m. . Toy Story The Musical, Wolt Disney Theatre, 6:l 5 & 8:30 p.n Glen Fcxtet: V'/oveBands, . I 8:1 5 p m. . Pirates IN the Caribbean Deck Patty, 9:45 p m., Deck 9 ond I a, MidshiP Wednesday - Day at Sea . Evening Attlre: Cnrise Casua,I . Evening: Attire: Dress Up . l l Movie Special: Old Dogs (PG) Walt Dsney Theatre 5:45 p.m. & Monday - Nassau I Evening: Attire: Pi-rat€ or Gruise C.asual Adult Cabaret . Disney Dreams: An Enchanted A:30 p.m. Classic, Wolt Disney Theote 6:15&8:3ap.m. One Hit Wonders Dance Party WaveBonds, I 1:00 D.m . . Glen Foster. Family Cabaret WaveBonds, T:34 P.m. Livin' Large Dance Party WaveBands, I l:aa pm. Tatuy Registration and Confirmation Join us in the Obeaneer Lab (Deck 5 Midship) to confirm your child's registration, receive their wristband, and pick-up your pager. You're a.tso invited to check out the Oceaneer Club this afternoon during Family Time. This is the perfect cLrance to learn about all the fun and exciting a.ctivities, meet the counselors, tour the spaces, and ask any questions. See you on Deck 5 Midship! {uz lar rfua tlha/a Zfu'ry Pool Side Jarns 23A p.m., Goofy's Poo) Stoge Join your Cruise Sta^ffpool side as they play your favorite tunes. Walking Ship Tour 23A p.m., Meet ct Deck l0 Elevotor Lobby Foword Enjoy the beauty of the Disney WonderO while touring the ship with yolur Cruise Staff. Adventures Away 4:1 5 p.m., Goofy's Pool Stoge Earn your status as V.I. P. sailors as your Cruise Director Bay, your Disney Pals, and t}:e Cruise Staff officially begin your "Adventures Away". Piano Musie with NeiI Currie 5:15 and 9:30 p.m., Pramenade Lounge Currie at the piano, with a special Tribute to Burt Bachara,ch at 9:3O p.m. Join -AIeiJ Diarnond Jackpot Bingo 7:15 p.m.,WoveBonds A1l children between the ages of 3 and 12 are invited to participate in our Youth Activities prograrns. Check your daily Navigator for the tirnes and locations of all the Disney Character themed programs, gaJrles, crafts, experiments, and much more. Join us for 4 cash prize games and your chance to win a beautiful Diamond & Sapphire pendant courtesy of your Port and Shopping gulde Marissa. Everyone attending will also receive a voucher to Be sure to check out these must attend "courses": I{ing Triton's Tree Lighting Decree 7:30 p.m., Lobby Atium Ages 8-4 Toy Story Boot Carnp, Monday, 3:45 p.m. Aladdin's Adventures, Monday, 7:15 p.m. Mouseketeer Training, Wednesday, 1o:oo a.m. Ages 5-7 Ages 8-9 Mickey Mania Monday, 12:45 p.rtr. A Pirates Life for Me, Tuesday, 8:3o p.m. All for One, Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. Join the Royal Court and some of your Disney friends for this maritime tradition as we light our Clrristmas Tree. Mickey Mania /:45 p.m. ond 9:45 p.m., Studio Seo Put your family's Disney knowledge to the ultimate test, or play along from our live studio audience. Thhk You Know Your Music 103a p.m., Promenode Lounge The whole farnily can test their musical knowledge with the Crur'se Staff alrd Neil Currie at the ,4/u/l-Fxr-/uzrtzafrzlzrlnzft'razl Live Music Between 12: I 5 p.m. ond 33A p.m. Quiet Cave Pool Join Tim Boyd as tre welcomes you aboard with live music at the Quiet Cove pool. Piano & Vocal Favorites 73a, 9:1 5, lA: I 5 ond I l:1 A Pirates Life for Me, Tuesday, 8:3o p.m. Pizza Petfection, Wednesday 1 1 :oo a.m. Wednesday,7:45 p.m. Friendstrip Roeks Special sets tonight include: "Music and Martini's" at 7:3o p.m., "Piano and Vocal Favorites" at 9:15 p.m., "Trlbute to Elton John" at 10:15 p.m. and "Piano and Vocal Favorites" at 11:15 p.m. Singles' Mingle I 0:A0 p.m., Diversrbns Join our fabulous junior cruisers in their high energy, jamrnin' performance of Friendship Rocks. Please bring your child to meet their age group in the Oceaneer Club or Lab at 4:I5 p.m. on the final day of the cruise. Our rockin'celebration takes place in the Walt Disney Theatre (Deck 4 Forward) at 5:OO p.m. on Wednesday. All Guests are invited to attend. Are you a single parent or just traveling alone? Come make some new friends and make plans to meet at other activities during your cnrise. i:!,a- ---tar:-p6g;3fi{ffiry-san:: this cruise. Prizes and drink specials. Aloft: Deck See *t{-. -:ffi:::Er('gt.5ry:!E 11, Midship is the place you'll want to be this cruise. You There! Stop by Aloft for the Teen Download! Get a chance to meet your counselors, see the TORCH and plan your own Teen Navigator for this cruise. Teen Download: 5 p.m., Cndilloc Lounge Enjoy the smooth sounds of AIex Hopkins at the piano. Ages lO-Lz All for One, collect a free Caribbean charm bracelet in Nassau! Don't rniss the special Art raffle valued at $4oo to be won tonight. So You Ratatouille Cooking School, Monday, 12:15 p.m. Toy Story Boot Carnp, Monday, 2:Oo p.m. So You Want to be a Pirate? Tuesday, 8:15 p.m. Flubber, Wednesday, 11:oO a.m. I ,:j - Castaway Cay S[nday - Port Canaveral T\resday . . Evening Attire: Cruise Casua.l Oceaneer Club (Deck 5 Midship) : 3-7 year-olds Oceaneer Lab (Deck 5 Midship) : 8-12 year-olds AIoft Teen Club (Deck 11 Midship) . l3-I7 year-olds rF s kurz? i lbhbh/z ol,Yo^ Ice Breakers I0:AA p.m.,WoveBonds Meet your Cruise StaffTeam and some of the fun planned for Match Your Mate l03a a peek at p.m., WoveBonds Discover just how well you know, or don't know, your mate! This fun adult game show is always full of surprises. College Club Social la30 p,m., outJookCof6 Meet other 18 - 21 year olds and share some Iaughs with your Cruise Sta,ff. ,i j !: Port & Shopping Show Future Cnrise Information Port and Shopping Show at 2:45 p.m. in the Buena Vista Theatre. Join Marissathe as she tells you all about the best in Duty Free Already dreaming of your next Disney cruise? By booking onboard you can SAVE 1ool0, leave t/2 the normal deposit AND receive an Onboard Credit. For more information, call 72848 or visit the Future Cnrise Sales Desk shopping. FREE Caribbean Charm Bracelet for every person in attendance. If you have any last minute queries regarding shopping in Nassau. Visit the Port & Shopping Desk, Deck 3 MidshiP. on Deck 4 MidshiP. Disney Vacation Club What if you could staY in DisneY a,ccommodations at today's rates for decades to come? With DisneY Vacation Club, members save money on incredible vacations Stay Connected with Cellular Service Cell phone and wireless PDA service is a.' available in guest staterooms through most '; ': plans. Pricing va,ries depending upon your--.",-:!1 wireless provider and usually includes,:J'. j ' '. *.,. -*' Internationa.l roaming rates. To avoid unwanted costs ass.ociatefl rvitlr data downloads and to get the mitst'out of your vacation, we reconunend tqrning off, "i;:__:f: '_ '_-*11 OPERATING HOURS your wireless devices. f::- Time to Spa at Vista SPa New Spa Services and treatments on sLrow Today! From Bamboo Massage, Thai Herbal Poultice massage and Oxydermy facials' Join in our Spa shows from 12:OOpm - 6:OOpm to see and experience our great selection. Vista Spa Raffle at 5:3opm! while enjoying superb resorts in Walt Disney World@ and beyond. Visit the Disney Vacation Club desk on Deck 4, Midship, to firld out more. tours designed to ensure that you see the best that our ports have to offer. Visit the Port Adventures Desk, Deck 3 Midship to book as spaces are limited. We have pre-arranged tFi$.- .-:.ffi ;IlSl*J-,J;;ffi 'l-;;**ffi lrrr {1re visit our shoPs ':,. 'i, : i'6 -g*'5. ;. e !ir. '5, S*:& lttttttpl EDITION PINS 7:15P.m. Each night irl the Lobby Atrium! Exclusive Disney Cruise Line@ pins' and Pin sets onfy available at sea. Exclusive Lirnited Edition DisneY Cruise Line Pins. EXCT,USTVE DCL CAIVVAS TqTE BAG Make a purchase of $3o or more and purchase an exclusive Disney Cruise Line canvas tote bag for onlY $10.95 while quantities last. Available il Mickey's Mates and Treasure Ketclr. 2OO9 MERCHANDISE SPECIAL Purctrase any 2oo9 Product at ,fnEntgucig 50% off. Mickey's Mates, Deck 4 Midship. DISNEY WONDER EXCLUSIVE ;P',fiErtr'r?ilH Limited Edition Gingerbread House pin, available in Mickey's Mates, Deck 3 Midship. l:00 p.m. 24 lours lealth Center 4:30 l'lickeys 14ates 6:00 p.m. l2:00 mid lY ckey's Pool l2:00 p.m. l0:00 p.m. Mickeys 5 ide i2130 p.m. 5:30 p.m. - p.m. Iongin your cabinby callingRoom Port Adventures Desk 2:30 Service. Port & Shopp ng Ouarter lYasters :Lll% 2:00 m d l2:00 mid - 3:30 p.m. 0:00 p.m 9:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 8:00 p.m. ' 8:00 a.m. - ' 6:00 p.m. r' o:00 P r' 7 00 P.r. 5:00 I p.m. 6:30 P.m 8;:45 p.m. lZ00 m d 2:00 m d 12:00 mid l:00 p.m. P | 2:00 m d :00 Pm IMPORTANT IMORMATION Securitv Notice All Guesis disembark to oresent sariswavA (including Children) who wish to or embaik the ship are required their Kev to the World card at the is also required forthose 8 years of age or older: Guests Inder the age of I 8 are required to have a Parent Guafoian or other responsible adult sign an authorization form at the time it is given out ohoto lD *tro'ate I if they wish to go ashore unaccomPanied. Authorization fbrms are available at the gangways and Guest Services.. Corridor Quiet Hours As a courtesy to all our guests, please recognise quiet hallway hours fror; I 0:00'p.m. till 8:00- a'm. lnclementWeather Celebrating your Disney Cruise... One Image at a time. Fbee 8:00 p.m. 8:30 P.m 12:00 Car.e' -rexurc r'elc' y'sL" Soa & Sa'o- 7100 p.m P.m. Srwre . Dho-o I i p,m. p.m. 7130 RadarTrap . ire"sts for Arcade p.m. 2:00 Quiet Cove Pool TODAY ONLY Come to Shutters & order one of our great value packages. Order TONIGHT & you wiII be entered into our raffle & lucky winner will win back ttre price of their package - up to $5oo worth ofPhotos. Ask about the folio special. sale Desk Preludes (snacLs) PJ, PHOTOS YOUR WAY" Digital Cameras on Splrh Zone 4:30 at sAvE I :,r, often for daily onboard promotions. 6:00 p.m. Guest Servces Desk l2:10 p.m. somethmg new at Everyday there'ss soinething Mickey's Mates and Be sure to 4:00 p.m. I Oceaneer Lab flra Dbnq \JJottder' i ""r"n' 8:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m Poo Onboard Beverage Information ;;Iit5lg--1; dqlq;:::r'f qp:if, ltrFrl;:ffi t""*t"" 7:00 p.m. Oceaneer Club ,"Sifresh yourself with 4 different types of our 'home made mojito flights at Signals Bar. u,*, internet Information '' Our Internet Ca,f6 is open 24 hours a day' $o.?5 per minute or save money by buying blocks of time. $2?.5o for 50 minutes, $4o.oo for 1OO rninutes and $75.OO for 25O minutes. Wireless information sLreets are available at Guest Services, Deck 3, MidshiP. sWoTo 0n 8:00 p.m. Future Cruise Desk l2:30 p.m. " io"tTre'rnartini. Atso, come and discover the luxurious life of .. Sample five different martinis /r' in-Diversions as a part of our Martini Flight. ALL Your Ptrotos in digital format on CD! Conditions APPIY Visit Shutters Ptroto GallerY Deck 4, Aft l0:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 14ickeys Value water packages are available all cruise $299.e5 6100 p.m. D sneyVacation Club Desk Goo!s Port Adventures Information ,,u,4nWn Art Gallery For the safety of all Guests, outdoor eventJ may be changed io inside locations due to unforeseen weather conditions. as low as $99.95 Caribbean Care Though it may be cold in many parts of the world todayiits still warm and sunny in the Caribbean So b'efore you go ashore, please rememberto use plenty of sunscreen and mosquito repellent Art Auction Raffle fickets Sneak peak at what's coming uP for the fabulous art auction. Come and Yerandah Safety Please do not leav6 any combustible materials on your balcony when not present in your stateroom say "Hi" to Jamie ot Esteban for your extra FREE raffle tickets where You can win $1,600 worth of art in the for safety reasons, Environmental Message With Disnevs commrtment to the Environment Art Auctions! please refrain from throwing anything overthe Ships side. Thank you, Art Gallery, Deck 4 MidshiP 6:00 p.m. - 1O:OO P.m. DW/RS/4Si 1 062i 1 2 06 09/l',lCAODisnev DCt 515217252A24 e06 @DlsNEY.'