jean nouvel
jean nouvel Edition 2010 HH1000147 For technical reasons associated with printing, there may be slight variations in colour from the original. We reserve the right for changes in construction, measurements and design. We assume no liability for misprints. THINK FE E L DREAM Contents 4 Intro 10 JEAN NOUVEL 16 GLANCE 30 CUBIC 44 GEOMETRY 56 IQ 68 NEW HAVEN 82 92 102 112 LIGHTHOUSE ORIENTAL PERLRAND CRISTAL RETRO 122 SHOWER 130 KITCHEN 136 Fitting Finishes 138 Addresses 139 Imprint 82 10 16 30 44 56 68 92 102 112 122 130 4 Freedom of Expression You go where you want to. We just provide directions. Our philosophy expresses itself in freedom – your freedom to live your own style. JADO works with designers from around the globe to give you a rich world of ideas and inspirations to explore. THINK Zest for innovation meets modern principles of style: In the design collections JEAN NOUVEL, GLANCE and CUBIC, technical refinement joins forces with a clear, reduced design … opening new horizons for your living space. FEEL Stay true to yourself and your classical style. The high-quality design collections GEOMETRY, IQ and NEW HAVEN realize your desire for timeless shapes that never lose their appeal. DREAM The romantic, ornate shapes of the design collections LIGHTHOUSE, ORIENTAL, PERLRAND CRISTAL and RETRO invite you to delight in an ambience of decorative opulence. Transform your bathroom into an oasis of sensuality. 5 6 JADO Designers Jean Nouvel Artefakt Ad van Berlo friis & moltke design Christian Bjørn Design From the avant-garde innovation of Jean Nouvel to the award-winning concepts of ARTEFAKT, from the conceptual perfection of VanBerlo Studios to the Scandinavian minimalism of Friis & Moltke and C hristian Bjørn Design: outstanding ideas, passion and talent characterize the creative minds that work with JADO. Because we value the impulses of diverse visions and views, our designers come from around the world. The result speaks for itself: different perspectives come together in a spectrum of remarkable styles and captivating designs. 7 References Hotel Negresco NICe Bentley Kempinski London Gran Belveder Ressort Scharbeutz Hotel Polar-Stern Kühlungsborn Ritz Carlton BERLIN JADO products are found in the world’s most renowned luxury hotels as well as in small, deluxe vacation and wellness resorts. All hotels follow a clear motto: only the best for guests. Warranty We provide a 5-year warranty on all our products. think of purity Zest for innovation meets modern principles of style: style. In the design collections JEAN NOUVEL, GLANCE, and CUBIC, technical refinement joins forces with a clear, reduced reduced design design… … opening opening new new horizons horizons for for your your living living space. space. JEAN NOUVEL page 10 GLANCE page 20 GLANCE page 16 CUBIC page 28 CUBICNOUVEL JEAN page page14 30 10 11 jean nouvel ← Jean Nouvel French star architect Jean Nouvel is known as one of the most gifted designers of our time. In 1994, he founded the “Ateliers Jean Nouvel”, which today count over 140 employees. THINK jean nouvel Interaction with water as a meaningful design concept: JEAN NOUVEL has given more than just his name to this highly innovative product line. With a bold organic look and fascinating sensor technology that enables you to interact with the tap, JEAN NOUVEL is the logical next generation in bathroom tap design. 12 N1165 Towel bar system A3946 Shower system A3943 Electronic basin mixer A3945 Electronic two-hole bathtub mixer H4222 Lavatory 80 cm ◻◻ Digital control of water temperature and flow OFF ◻◻ Temperature regulated by thermostat COLD – decrease temperature ◻◻ Innovative, easy-to-use touch buttons HOT – increase temperature ◻◻ Waterfall outlets ◻◻ Automatic diverter ON and flow regulation Basin/Bath tub jean nouvel Basin / Bath tub ← 13 A3945 Electronic 2-hole bath tub mixer A3943 Electronic basin mixer Friis & moltke design 14 jean nouvel Overview AA A3943 Electronic basin mixer Finishes Finishes Bathtub & Shower Finishes Basin Basin, Bath tub & Shower, Accessories AA A3945 Electronic 2-hole bath tub mixer AA AA AA N1164 Towel holder N1190 Toilet roll holder A3946 Shower system MY MZ AA N1189 Toilet brush set N1168 Toilet accessory set N1172 Robe hook AA – Chrome MY – Stainless Steel MZ – Stainless Steel Brushed 15 Accessories jean nouvel Overview ← More about jean nouvel and other JADO products AA MY AA N1171 Lotion dispenser N1169 Tumbler N1170 Soap dish MZ MZ AA N1174 Mirror N1173 Drawer element N1165 Towel bar system White H4222 Lavatory 80 cm 16 Artefakt Artefakt Industriekultur was founded in 1989 and has received numerous prestigious international awards. In cooperation with the international industry, the design team develops product lines within the overall development process. glance GLANCE ← 17 THINK Sensual and flawless concepts holding a powerful clarity. GLANCE shapes the flow of water into a sweeping cascade. ARTEFAKT has succeeded in creating a harmonious resonance between the independent strength and purity of water and a modern, reduced tap design. 18 A4587 NEW Glance Compact Single lever basin mixer ◻◻ Award-winning contemporary design (Red Dot Award) ◻◻ Strikingly simple, sensual and clean look ◻◻ Pleasant and interesting to use Basin GLANCE Basin ← 19 A5333 Single lever basin mixer H2082 Mirror 20 Lavatory Fittings A5338 Extended single lever basin mixer ◻◻ Integrated push diverter ◻◻ Concealed s-connectors ◻◻ Best look guaranteed by adjustable fixation Basin GLANCE Basin ← 21 A5336 Concealed single lever basin mixer A5330 Single lever basin mixer 22 A5344 3-hole Roman tub set Bath tub/Shower GLANCE Bath tub / Shower ← 23 A5340 Exposed single lever tub and shower mixer A5453 Concealed single lever tub and shower mixer 24 Glance Overview Finishes Bidet Finishes NE W AA AA A4587 Single lever basin mixer A5330 Single lever basin mixer AA AA A5336 Concealed single lever basin mixer H2109 Concealed two-handle basin mixer Kitchen Finishes Basin NE W 20 i n 09 Basin, BIDET, KITCHEN AA A5339 Single lever bidet mixer AA – Chrome AA H3136 Single lever kitchen mixer 25 GLANCE Overview ← More about Glance and other JADO products AA AA A5333 Single lever basin mixer A5338 Extended single lever basin mixer AA H2088 Widespread lavatory set AA AA H3139 Single lever kitchen mixer H3140 Single lever kitchen mixer 26 Glance Overview Finishes Finishes Finishes Bath tub & Shower Bath tub & Shower AA AA AA A5453 Concealed single lever tub and shower mixer A5455 Concealed thermostat A5454 Concealed single lever shower mixer AA AA AA A5329 Exposed shower thermostat A5340 Exposed single lever tub and shower mixer A5456 Bath and shower thermostat built-in kit 2 (EASY-Box) AA AA H2611 Pull-out hand shower set A5344 3-hole Roman tub set AA – Chrome 27 GLANCE Overview ← More about Glance and other JADO products AA AA H3516 Adjustable body spray A5341 Exposed single lever shower mixer AA AA AA H3523 Personal hand shower assembly A5345 Wall spout H3517 Roman tub diverter spout AA AA H4027 3-hole Roman tub set H2105 4-hole Roman tub set 28 Glance Overview Finishes Finishes Finishes Accessories Accessories AA AA AA H2074 Lotion dispenser H2072 Soap dish H2073 Tumbler AA AA H2080 Double towel bar H2071 Robe hook AA AA H2084 Glass shelf H2079 Guest towel tray AA – Chrome 29 GLANCE Overview ← More about Glance and other JADO products AA AA H2078 Grab bar H2083 Bath towel bar AA AA AA H2075 Toilet roll holder H2076 Spare toilet roll holder H2086 Toilet brush set H2082 Mirror 30 cubic 31 Cubic ← Friis & Moltke Design Friis & Moltke Design is one of the mainsprings of Danish architecture. In 1996, the design agency emerged from the architecture firm established by the founders in 1955. THINK Quintessential and absolute: CUBIC creates a bold, powerful aesthetic that owes its impact to the basic principles of form. With this collection, Friis & Moltke Design – a defining force in Danish architecture – has developed designs that display the essence of cubism. Design without compromise. 32 F1447 Single hole lavatory mixer ◻◻ Strikingly modern design ◻◻ Multiport cartridge for even flow, regardless of water pressure ◻◻ Comfortable handling ◻◻ Best look guaranteed by adjustable fixation 33 Cubic Basin ← Basin A3964 Single lever basin mixer 34 F1434 Exposed tub and shower thermostat ◻◻ Concealed s-connectors for exposed mixer ◻◻ Automatic push diverter ◻◻ Concealed fixation ◻◻ Lavatory basins made of mineral casting 35 Cubic BATH Tub/Shower ← BATH Tub/Shower F1405 4-hole Roman tub set F1412 Wall spout F1435 Concealed single lever mixer 36 CUBIC Overview Finishes Finishes Basin Basin, BIDET, KITCHEN AA AA F1447 Single hole lavatory mixer A3964 Single lever basin mixer AA AA UC F1685 Concealed single lever mixer Bidet F1412 Wall spout Finishes AA UC F1425 Single lever bidet mixer AA – Chrome UC UC – Chrome / Soft Black 37 Kitchen Cubic Overview ← More about CUBIC and other JADO products. AA AA F1430 Widespread lavatory mixer F1446 Concealed single lever basin mixer AA AA F1431 3-hole kitchen mixer F1686 Single lever kitchen mixer 38 CUBIC Overview Finishes Finishes Bath tub & Shower Bath tub & Shower AA AA UC UC F1436 Concealed thermostat X" F1434 Exposed tub and shower thermostat AA AA F1433 Exposed shower thermostat N8333 Hand shower Finishes AA F1405 4-hole Roman tub set AA – Chrome UC – Chrome / Soft Black 39 Cubic Overview ← More about CUBIC and other JADO products. AA A4493 Rain shower AA AA N8335 Hand shower assembly F1442 Rain shower AA F1684 4-hole Roman tub set 40 CUBIC Overview Finishes Finishes Finishes Accessories Accessories UC UC UC N1215 Magnetic soap holder N1223 Lotion dispenser N1216 Soap dish AA UC UC N1210 Robe hook N1211 Bath towel bar 600 mm N1218 Shelf 400 mm UC UC UC UC N1225 Mirror with lighting N1220 Toilet brush set N1221 Toilet roll holder N1222 Spare toilet roll holder AA – Chrome UC – Chrome / Soft Black 41 Cubic Overview ← More about CUBIC and other JADO products. UC UC UC N1217 Tumbler N1213 Towel bar N1214 Towel ring White L6302 Shelf 40 cm White White F2302 Drawer element for shelf L6303 Lavatory 60 cm White White White L6300 Lavatory 40 cm L6304 Lavatory 60 cm L6301 Lavatory 40 cm feel timeless elegance Stay true to yourself and your classical style. The high-quality design collections GEOMETRY, IQ and NEW HAVEN realize your desire for timeless shapes that never lose their appeal. geometry page 44 iq page 56 new haven page 68 44 Christian Bjørn Design As one of the most renowned representatives of contemporary Scandinavian design, Christian Bjørn Design has received numerous Danish and international awards. Geometry ← 45 Ad van Berlo VanBerlo Studios was founded 1982 in Eindhoven and has since become one of the leading design agencies in Europe. FEEL Geometry Two of the most prestigious Scandinavian designers of our time stand behind GEOMETRY. GEOMETRY is a tribute to human reason: here, the intellect joins forces with an intuitive understanding of form. Inspiration through intelligence, created by the internationally renowned design studios Christian Bjørn Design and VANBERLO STUDIO. 46 F1335 Concealed single lever mixer ◻◻ Pure and timeless Scandinavian design ◻◻ Very large product selection ◻◻ Outstanding products (e.g. spaghetti spout fittings) Basin Geometry Basin ← 47 F1283 Single lever basin mixer F1276 Single lever basin mixer ◻◻ Escutcheons fit very closely to the wall 48 ◻◻ Ideal synthesis of function and style F1263 4-hole Roman tub set Bath Tub/Shower Geometry Bath Tub/Shower ← 49 A3260 Exposed thermostat F1358 Personal hand shower assembly 50 Geometry Overview Finishes Basin Basin, KITCHEN, BIDET Finishes Kitchen Finishes AA AA F1283 Single lever basin mixer F1269 Single lever basin mixer F2507 Single lever basin mixer AA AA AA F1261 Widespread lavatory set F1251 Single hole lavatory set F1335 Concealed single lever mixer AA AA AA F1353 Concealed two-handle kitchen mixer F1287 Single lever kitchen mixer XJ F1259 Single lever kitchen mixer AA – Chrome XJ XJ XJ – Stainless Steel Look AA 51 Bidet & Toilet Kitchen AA XJ Geometry Overview ← More about Geometry and other JADO products AA XJ F1276 Single lever basin mixer F1293 Single lever basin mixer AA AA XJ XJ F1291 Single lever kitchen mixer F1279 Single lever kitchen mixer AA AA XJ F1273 Single lever bidet mixer XJ F1253 Single hole bidet mixer AA XJ F1256 Single hole lavatory set AA XJ F1274 Single lever kitchen mixer AA H3972 Toilet fitting 52 Geometry Overview Finishes Finishes Finishes Bath tub & Shower Bath tub & Shower AA AA AA F1336 Concealed single lever tub and shower mixer F1337 Concealed single lever shower mixer F1349 Concealed two-handle shower mixer AA AA F1373 Concealed thermostat V" F1361 Concealed thermostat V" AA AA H4230 Roman tub diverter spout F1263 4-hole Roman tub set AA – Chrome XJ – Stainless Steel Look 53 Geometry Overview ← More about Geometry and other JADO products AA AA A3260 Exposed thermostat F1321 Personal hand shower assembly AA AA F2502 Exposed two-handle tub and shower mixer F1323 Personal hand shower assembly AA XJ H4231 Pull-out hand shower set AA AA F1345 Concealed single lever tub and shower mixer F1372 Head shower 54 Geometry Overview Finishes Accessories Accessories AA XJ F1648 Lotion dispenser Finishes AA AA F1311 Soap dish F1306 Magnetic soap holder AA F1331 Bath towel bar Finishes AA AA AA F1327 Toilet roll holder F1302 Toilet roll holder F1325 Spare toilet roll holder AA – Chrome XJ – Stainless Steel Look 55 Geometry Overview ← More about Geometry and other JADO products AA AA F1313 Soap container H2003 Tumbler AA AA F1314 Towel ring F1328 Robe hook AA AA AA F1326 Toilet brush set F1310 Mirror shelf H2013 Mirror 56 IQ ← 57 IQ FEEL IQ is the flawless harmony of beauty and function. In the clean, arching shapes of this collection, elegant simplicity joins forces with technically mature innovation. Stylistic purity that brings together rational and aesthetic enjoyment. 58 H2036 Concealed single lever basin mixer H2053 4-hole Roman tub set ◻◻ Elegant, attractive design ◻◻ Visual reduction to essentials ◻◻ Easy to operate ◻◻ Handles available in cross and stick design H2018 Single lever basin mixer 59 IQ Basin ← Basin ◻◻ Slim design due to 25 mm cartridge 60 ◻◻ Best look guaranteed by adjustable fixation ◻◻ Visible parts of built-in models can be adjusted in front of the wall H2053 4-hole Roman tub set H2025 3-hole Roman tub set H2059 Wall-mounted lavatory set 61 IQ Bath Tub / Shower ← Bath Tub/Shower 62 IQ Overview Finishes Basin Basin, BIDET, KITCHEN Finishes AA AA AA H2018 Single lever basin mixer H2064 Extended single lever basin mixer H2022 Widespread lavatory set AA AA H2059 Wall-mounted lavatory set Kitchen Finishes Bidet H2049 Wall-mounted lavatory set AA H2020 Single lever bidet mixer AA – Chrome AA H3130 Single lever kitchen mixer 63 IQ Overview ← More about IQ and other JADO products AA AA H2050 Widespread lavatory set H2022 Widespread lavatory set AA AA H2634 Wall-mounted lavatory set H2036 Concealed single lever basin mixer AA AA H3127 Single lever kitchen mixer H3131 Single lever kitchen mixer 64 IQ Overview Finishes Finishes Finishes Bath tub & Shower Bath tub & Shower AA AA AA AA A5469 Concealed single lever tub and shower mixer A5470 Concealed single lever shower mixer A5471 Single thermostat built-in kit 2 (EASY-Box) A5473 Bath and shower thermostat built-in kit 2 (EASY-Box) AA AA AA A4836 Exposed single lever tub and shower mixer A4837 Exposed single lever shower mixer H2045 Exposed tub and shower thermostat AA A4 H2737 Freestanding floor pillar legs A9 F2 H3 AA H2025 3-hole Roman tub set 65 IQ Overview ← More about IQ and other JADO products AA AA H2044 Exposed shower thermostat H3530 Exposed shower thermostat AA AA AA H2055 Exposed tub and shower thermostat H3531 Personal hand shower assembly H3707 Personal hand shower assembly AA AA H2043 4-hole Roman tub set H4025 4-hole Roman tub set AA – Chrome A4 – Gold A9 – Ultra Brass F2 – Chrome/Ultra Brass H3 – Chrome/Gold 66 IQ Overview Finishes Finishes Finishes Accessories Accessories AA AA AA H2004 Lotion dispenser H2002 Soap dish H2003 Tumbler AA AA H2016 Bath towel bar H2008 Grab bar AA AA AA H2005 Toilet roll holder H2006 Spare toilet roll holder H2017 Toilet brush set AA – Chrome 67 IQ Overview ← More about IQ and other JADO products AA AA H2007 Towel holder H2009 Towel shelf AA AA H2011 Double towel bar H2001 Robe hook AA H2012 Mirror with shelf 68 NEW HAVEN ← 69 FEEL NEW HAVEN Expressive and striking: its pure, clear contours and distinctive lever concept make NEW HAVEN a commanding presence in any bathroom. With the ease of a modern classic, this range is a perfect fit for contemporary architecture. ◻◻ Modern interpretation of a classic aesthetic 70 ◻◻ Dual control, single lever fittings H2432 Single lever basin mixer Basin NEW HAVEN Basin ← 71 L4051 Basin mixer H2531 Wall-mounted lavatory set ◻◻ Slim design due to 35 mm cartridge 72 ◻◻ Multiport cartridge in built-in models assures even flow, regardless of water pressure Tub / Shower H2581 Shower bar assembly H2432 Single lever basin mixer H2453 4-hole Roman tub set Bath Tub/Shower H2578 Concealed thermostat V" and X" H2514 Exposed single lever shower mixer NEW HAVEN Bath Tub/Shower ← 73 H2565 Exposed tub and shower thermostat H2553 Concealed single lever shower mixer 74 NEW HAVEN Overview Finishes Basin Basin, BIDET, KITCHEN Finishes Bidet & Toilet Finishes AA AA H2432 Single lever basin mixer H2497 Single hole lavatory set AA AA H2505 Widespread lavatory set H2531 Wall-mounted lavatory set AA AA H2512 3-hole bidet mixer H4019 Toilet fitting AA – Chrome BX – Brushed Nickel F6 F6 – Antique Nickel 75 Kitchen Bidet NEW HAVEN Overview ← More about NEW HAVEN and other JADO products AA AA L4051 Small single lever basin mixer L4046 Extended single lever basin mixer AA AA H2441 Single lever bidet mixer H2450 Single hole bidet mixer AA AA L4400 Single lever kitchen mixer H8378 Single lever kitchen mixer BX 76 NEW HAVEN Overview Finishes Finishes Finishes Bath tub & Shower Bath tub & Shower AA AA AA H2552 Concealed single lever tub and shower mixer H2553 Concealed single lever shower mixer H2578 Concealed thermostat½ V" and¾X" AA AA H2476 3-hole Roman tub set H2453 4-hole Roman tub set AA AA H2565 Exposed tub and shower thermostat L4516 Exposed tub and shower mixer AA – Chrome 77 NEW HAVEN Overview ← More about NEW HAVEN and other JADO products AA L4507 Pull-out hand shower set AA AA H2581 Personal hand shower assembly H2492 Shower head AA AA H2514 Exposed single lever shower mixer H2516 Exposed single lever tub and shower mixer 78 NEW HAVEN Overview Finishes Finishes Finishes Accessories Accessories AA AA L4037 Lotion dispenser L4032 Soap dish AA AA L4034 Towel ring L4039 Robe hook AA AA L4515 Spare toilet roll holder L4038 Toilet brush set AA – Chrome 79 NEW HAVEN Overview ← More about NEW HAVEN and other JADO products AA AA L4033 Tumbler H2136 Double towel bar AA AA L4030 Toilet roll holder L4031 Toilet roll holder AA AA H2770 Mirror L4036 Glass shelf dream of luxury The romantic, ornate shapes of the design collections LIGHTHOUSE, ORIENTAL, PERLRAND CRISTAL and RETRO invite you to delight in an ambience of decorative opulence. Transform your bathroom into an oasis of sensuality. LIGHTHOUSE page 82 ORIENTAL page 92 PERLRAND CRISTAL page 102 RETRO page 112 82 Lighthouse ← 83 LIGHTHOUSE DREAM Light, water and timeless flair. LIGHTHOUSE embraces its namesake‘s unconditional principle of form and transforms it into an aesthetic beacon for the bath. Outstanding elegance that lights the way. 84 A3993 Single lever basin mixer ◻◻ Comprehensive selection of dual control and single lever fittings as well as accessories ◻◻ All visible parts made of metal ◻◻ Decorative elements on handles and spout Basin Lighthouse Basin ← 85 A4038 Single hole basin mixer A3761 Widespread lavatory set 86 H4041 Exposed tub and shower mixer A3761 Widespread lavatory set H2737 Freestanding floor pillar legs ◻◻ Multiport cartridge in builtin models assures even flow, regardless of water pressure ◻◻ Integrated, concealed aerator BATH Tub/Shower Lighthouse Bath Tub / Shower ← 87 A5479 Concealed thermostat H4041 Exposed tub and shower mixer 88 Lighthouse Overview Finishes Basin Basin, BIDET, Bath tub & Shower AA AA F6 AA F6 H4040 Single hole bidet mixer Finishes AA F6 H4041 Exposed tub and shower mixer AA – Chrome Bath tub & Shower Finishes Bidet A3992 Single lever basin mixer F6 AA F6 H4038 Single hole lavatory set A3761 Widespread lavatory set AA AA F6 F6 A3766 4-hole Roman tub set A3942 5-hole Roman tub set AA AA F6 A5477 Concealed single lever shower mixer F6 – Antique Nickel F6 A5475 Concealed single lever tub and shower mixer 89 Lighthouse Overview ← More about Lighthouse and other JADO products AA AA F6 H3927 Personal hand shower assembly AA F6 A5479 Concealed shower mixer F6 AA F6 A3759 Widespread lavatory set A3760 Widespread lavatory set AA AA F6 A3775 Shower head AA F6 A5481 Concealed tub thermostat F6 H4042 Exposed shower mixer 90 Lighthouse Overview Finishes Finishes Finishes Accessories Accessories AA AA F6 F6 H3920 Lotion dispenser H2114 Soap dish AA AA F6 F6 H3923 Double towel bar H2118 Towel ring AA AA A9 F6 H2119 Spare toilet roll holder AA – Chrome F2 F6 L4129 * Toilet brush set A9 – Ultra Brass F2 – Chrome / Ultra Brass 91 AA F6 Lighthouse Overview ← More about Lighthouse and other JADO products AA F6 H2115 Tumbler H3922 Grab bar AA AA F6 F6 H2113 Robe hook H3921 Toilet roll holder AA AA F6 H2123 Glass shelf F6 – Antique Nickel A4 H3936 * Mirror * Please refer to the surfaces chart on page 137 for information about the additional surfaces. 92 oriental ← 93 DREAM Oriental Experience the magic of One Thousand and One Nights: the ORIENTAL collection’s baroque, decorative designs are a clear commitment to an inimitable personal style. Sensual and enchanting, the models of this range turn the bath into a temple of rest and relaxation. ◻◻ Fittings available in two finishes (Gold and Chrome/Gold) 94 ◻◻ All visible parts made of brass H3936 Mirror H2132 Rain shower H3843 Widespread lavatory set H3879 4-hole Roman tub set H3748 Multi-way valve 3/2 and 4/3 BASIN oriental Basin ← 95 H3112 Single hole lavatory faucet H3788 Single hole basin mixer 96 H3879 4-hole Roman tub set ◻◻ Gold finish applied in 23 carat plating process ◻◻ Elaborate decorative elements on handles, escutcheons and spout 97 Oriental Bath Tub/Shower ← BATH Tub/Shower H3879 4-hole Roman tub set H3912 Exposed tub and shower mixer H3725 Concealed thermostat 98 Oriental Overview Finishes Basin Basin, BIDET, Bath tub & Shower A4 H3 A4 Finishes Finishes Bath tub & Shower H3788 Single hole basin mixer A4 H3 H2723 Personal hand shower assembly A4 H3843 Widespread lavatory set A4 A4 H3 H3869 Shower head H3 H3 H2727 Adjustable body spray A4 H3 H3912 Exposed tub and shower mixer H3879 4-hole Roman tub set A4 – Gold H3 H3 – Chrome/Gold 99 A4 H3 H3791 Pillar tap A4 H3 H3886 Personal hand shower assembly A4 H3 H3725 Concealed thermostat V" and X" A4 H3 H3857 Wall Spout Bidet oriental Overview ← More about ORIENTAL and other JADO products A4 H3 H3802 Single hole bidet mixer 100 Oriental Overview Finishes Finishes Finishes Accessories Accessories A4 A4 H3 H3 H2151 Lotion dispenser L4281 Soap dish A4 A4 H3 H3 H2155 Double towel bar H2754 Towel ring A4 A4 H3 H2153 Spare toilet roll holder AA – Chrome H3 L4284 Toilet brush set A4 – Gold H3 – Chrome/ Gold 101 A4 H3 oriental Overview ← More about ORIENTAL and other JADO products A4 H3 L4280 Tumbler H2154 Grab bar A4 A4 H3 H3 L4283 Robe hook L4278 Toilet roll holder A4 AA H3 L4282 Glass shelf A4 H3936 Mirror 102 perlrand cristal ← 103 DREAM Perlrand Cristal Exclusive design for friends of the extraordinary: the highly ornamental models of the PERLRAND CRISTAL range evoke an aura of luxury and extravagance. Handles made from SWAROVSKI crystals and the unique swan shaped tap make an unmistakable visual statement. Eye-catching, exceptional, and absolutely confident. 104 H3955 Single lever basin mixer ◻◻ Crystal handles made by SWAROVSKI to JADO’s design specifications ◻◻ Elaborate decorative elements on handles, escutcheons and spout ◻◻ Range available in gold finish H3160 Exposed tub and shower mixer Basin perlrand cristal Basin ← 105 H3169 Widespread lavatory set H3170 Single hole basin mixer ◻◻ Gold finish applied in 23 carat plating process ◻◻ All visible parts made of brass 106 H3980 3-hole Roman tub set 107 H3977 Exposed shower thermostat perlrand cristal Bath Tub/Shower ← BATH Tub/Shower H3967 Concealed thermostat V" and X" H3156 Exposed shower mixer H3160 Exposed tub and shower mixer 108 Perlrand Cristal Overview Finishes Finishes Bath tub & Shower Finishes Basin Basin, BIDET, Bath tub & Shower A4 A4 A4 H3955 Single lever basin mixer H3170 Single hole basin mixer H3169 Widespread lavatory set A4 A4 H3980 3-hole Roman tub set H3166 4-hole Roman tub set A4 A4 A4 H3977 Exposed shower thermostat H3156 Exposed shower mixer H3160 Exposed tub and shower mixer A4 – Gold 109 Bidet perlrand cristal Overview ← More about Perlrand Cristal and other JADO products A4 H3167 Single hole bidet mixer A4 A4 A4 H3071 Personal hand shower assembly H3158 Adjustable body spray H4030 Shower head A4 H3967 Concealed thermostat V" and X" 110 Perlrand Cristal Overview Finishes Finishes Finishes Accessories Accessories A4 A4 H3993 Lotion dispenser H3992 Soap dish A4 A4 H3984 Double towel bar H3983 Towel ring A4 A4 H3989 Spare toilet roll holder H4029 Toilet brush set A4 – Gold AA – Chrome 111 perlrand cristal Overview ← More about Perlrand Cristal and other JADO products A4 A4 H3991 Tumbler H3985 Bath towel bar A4 A4 H3994 Robe hook H3988 Toilet roll holder A4 AA H2905 Glass shelf H3936 Mirror A4 112 RETRO ← 113 RETRO DREAM A new take on a classic look: RETRO brings the artfully understated elegance of the Golden 20s into your home. The elegant curves and refined shapes of this collection harmonize with a wide variety of other styles, opening new perspectives for interior design. Highly decorative levers and cross handles perfect RETRO’s appeal. 114 H2391 Widespread lavatory set ◻◻ Fittings available in three finishes (Chrome, Ultra Brass and Chrome/ Ultra Brass) ◻◻ D ecorative elements on handles and spout BASIN RETRO Basin ← 115 H2363 Single lever basin mixer H2369 Single hole lavatory set 116 H2396 Exposed tub and shower mixer ◻◻ All visible parts made of metal ◻◻ Decorative handle caps made of porcelain Bath Tub/Shower RETRO Bath Tub/Shower ← 117 H2377 Exposed tub and shower thermostat H3042 4-hole Roman tub set 118 Retro Overview Finishes Basin Basin, BIDET, Kitchen, Bath tub & Shower AA A9 F2 Finishes Finishes Bath tub & Shower H2363 Single lever basin mixer AA A9 AA A9 H2369 Single hole lavatory set AA A9 F2 H2374 3-hole Roman tub set AA A9 F2 A5463 Concealed shower thermostat AA – Chrome AA A9 F2 F2 H2391 Widespread lavatory set F2 H3042 4-hole Roman tub set AA A9 F2 A5457 Concealed single lever tub and shower mixer A9 – Ultra Brass BX – Brushed Nickel AA A9 F2 H2396 Exposed tub and shower mixer F2 – Chrome / Ultra Brass 119 AA A9 F2 Bidet RETRO Overview ← More about RETRO and other JADO products AA A9 H2415 Personal hand shower assembly L4118 Shower head AA A9 AA A9 F2 H2419 Exposed single lever shower mixer D7 – Antique Brass AA A9 F2 F2 H3040 Exposed single lever tub and shower mixer XO – Diamond Finish F2 H2377 Exposed tub and shower thermostat Kitchen F2 F2 H2365 Single lever bidet mixer H2386 Pillar tap AA A9 AA A9 AA BX D7 XO L4433 * Single lever kitchen mixer * Please refer to the surfaces chart on page 137 for information about the additional surfaces. 120 Retro Overview Finishes Finishes Finishes Accessories Accessories AA A9 AA A9 F2 H2141 Lotion dispenser L4127 Soap dish AA A9 AA A9 F2 H2147 Double towel bar H2142 Towel ring AA A9 AA F2 F2 F2 F6 L4129 * Toilet brush set H2143 Spare toilet roll holder AA – Chrome A9 F2 A9 – Ultra Brass F2 – Chrome / Ultra Brass 121 AA A9 F2 L4126 Tumbler AA A9 RETRO Overview ← More about RETRO and other JADO products AA A9 F2 H2149 Bath towel bar F2 AA A9 F2 L4130 Robe hook L4124 Toilet roll holder AA A9 AA L4128 Glass shelf H3936 Mirror * F6 – Antique Nickel A4 * Please refer to the surfaces chart on page 137 for information about the additional surfaces. 122 A3946 JEAN NOUVEL Shower system H2581 NEW HAVEN Hand shower assembly N8335 CUBIC Hand shower assembly H2132 & H3649 Rain shower & Oriental wall valve F1323 GEOMETRY Hand shower assembly H2415 RETRO Hand shower assembly Shower ← 123 Shower Water is life – and showering can be pure joie de vivre. With JADO shower systems, showering becomes the wellness highlight of the day. JADO shower systems combine state-of-the-art technology and excellent workmanship with eye-catching designs: classic, modern and playful, the ideal choice for every taste. Universally compatible to create infinite fresh possibilities. 124 A4575 Rain shower (200 mm) A4775 Kit system (200 mm), for external exposed thermostat A4772 Rain shower (200 mm) A4800 Glance Exposed shower thermostat* 125 Shower ← Shower Kits Universally compatible ** Also available: A4769 Hand shower kit with bar 600 mm A4569 Hand shower kit with bar 900 mm A4572 Wall elbow AA A4576 Hand shower assembly with fixed bracket AA A4770 Hand shower assembly with swivelling bracket * Not included with the shower kit. **These fittings can be combined with all JADO collections. AA More about SHOWERS and other JADO products. 126 A4771 Rain shower for wall installation, § 300 mm 127 Shower ← Shower Kits Finishes Universally compatible * AA A4 A9 F2 F6 A4773 Rain shower for ceiling installation, § 300 mm A4772 Rain shower for ceiling installation, § 200 mm AA A4 A9 F2 A4771 Rain shower for wall installation, § 300 mm A4575 Rain shower for wall installation, § 200 mm F6 AA A4574 Head shower with 3 functions, § 120 mm A4 A9 F2 F6 * These fittings can be combined with all JADO collections. 128 H2132 Rain shower, § 230 mm 129 Shower ← Shower Kits Universally compatible* AA A4 A9 F2 F6 H2131 Rain shower, § 150 mm AA H2731 Head shower AA A9 F2 H2710 Adjustable body spray Finishes H2132 Rain shower, § 230 mm AA A4 A9 H2715 Rain shower with bar, § 230 mm H2714 Rain shower with bar, § 150 mm * These fittings can be combined with all JADO collections. F2 L4433 RETRO Single lever kitchen mixer H3136 GLANCE Single lever kitchen mixer F1287 Geometry Single lever kitchen mixer H3127 IQ Single lever kitchen mixer JADO Interactive Kitchen – Discover the fascinating world of virtual 3D kitchens on Choose the ideal fitting for your dream kitchen and experience JADO perfection … close enough to touch. F1274 GEOMETRY Single lever kitchen mixer F1431 CUBIC 3-hole kitchen mixer KITCHEN ← 131 Kitchen Set culinary and visual highlights: JADO offers the ideal kitchen fitting for your personal needs. Style your kitchen exactly the way you want it and create an atmosphere of good taste. Classic and timeless, futuristically pure, or with a nostalgic nod to grandmother’s days – JADO fittings conform to your ideal of what a kitchen should be. Kitchen Fittings Overview Glance, Cubic, GEometry Finishes Finishes AA AA AA AA H3139 GLANCE Single lever kitchen mixer H3140 GLANCE Single lever kitchen mixer H3136 GLANCE Single lever kitchen mixer F1686 CUBIC Single lever kitchen mixer AA XJ F1258 Geometry Single lever kitchen mixer AA – Chrome AA X J F1259 Geometry Single lever kitchen mixer XJ – Stainless Steel Look AA F1265 Geometry 3-hole kitchen mixer 133 Kitchen Overview ← More about JADO Kitchen fittings and other JADO products AA AA F1431 CUBIC 3-hole kitchen mixer F1274 Geometry Single lever kitchen mixer AA X J F1279 Geometry Single lever kitchen mixer AA XJ X J F1291 Geometry Single lever kitchen mixer AA X J F1255 Geometry 2-handle kitchen mixer AA AA F2505 Geometry Single lever kitchen mixer F2506 Geometry Single lever kitchen mixer Kitchen Fittings Overview GEometry, IQ, NEW Haven, RETRO, Viala Finishes Finishes AA AA F1287 Geometry Single lever kitchen mixer F1341 Geometry Concealed single lever kitchen mixer BX AA AA H3131 IQ Single lever kitchen mixer H8378 NEW HAven Single lever kitchen mixer AA – Chrome AA BX H8377 NEW HAven Single lever kitchen mixer AO – Velours / Chrome AA BX D7 XO L4433 RETRO Single lever kitchen mixer BX – Brushed Nickel Kitchen Overview ← 135 AA AA AA F1353 Geometry Concealed 2-handle kitchen mixer H3127 IQ Single lever kitchen mixer H3130 IQ Single lever kitchen mixer AO AO L4413 Viala Single lever kitchen mixer L4414 Viala Single lever kitchen mixer D7 – Antique Brass XO – Diamond Finish Fitting Finishes AA Chrome H2369 AA A9 Ultra Brass H2369 A9 GN Ultra Steel H2369 GN F2 Chrome / Ultra Brass H2369 F2 Yet more individuality and freedom of expression: JADO fittings are available in a variety of surface finishes. Here are some examples. Name syntax All JADO products come with a seven digit product ID. The initial letter in combination with the four following digits constitute the article number while the final two letters define the surface finish. Prod.ID H2369 H2369 H2369 H2369 Finish AA GN A9 F2 Chrome Ultra Steel Ultra Brass Chrome / Ultra Brass JADO offers the ULTRA | FINISH exclusive conditioning procedure, making surfaces more scratch resistant, more colour fast, ultra hardwearing and more resistant to corrosion. The molecular fusion of metal and gas ions creates an extremely hard surface, providing an extra-long service life. The following surfaces feature this conditioning: Gold (23 carat) (A4), Ultra Brass (A9), Ultra Steel (GN) and Diamond Finish (XO). Finishes ← 137 ULTRA | FINISH ULTRA | FINISH AA Chrome A4 Gold A9 Ultra Brass D7 Antique Brass F2 Chrome / Ultra Brass F6 Antique Nickel ULTRA | FINISH H3 Chrome / Gold GN Ultra Steel UC Chrome / Soft Black ULTRA | FINISH XJ Stainless Steel Look XO Diamond Finish AX Black Matt Furthermore, almost all JADO fittings are available in the surfaces Aranja (AF) and Old Bronze (XM). On request, each JADO fitting can be supplied with almost all available surfaces. Please contact us for details. XZ Polished Nickel Note: For technical reasons associated with printing, there may be slight variations in colour from the original. 138 Addresses austria Ideal Standard GmbH Branch office Austria Murbangasse 8 A-1108 Wien Tel. +43 (0) 1 2566 222-0 Fax +43 (0) 1 2566 222-625 baltics IS Representative office Baltic countries Basteja blvd. 16 Riga LV-1050, Latvia Tel. +371 735 77 92 Fax +371 735 77 95 czech republic Ideal Standard s.r.o. Zemská 623 415 74 Teplice Tel. +420 417-592111 Fax +420 417-560 772 france Ideal Standard France Parc des Reflets, Bat H 165 avenue du Bois de la Pie Paris Nord 2 95920 Roissy CDG Cedex Tel. +33 (0) 4 74 06 28 28 Fax +33 (0) 4 74 06 28 35 germany Ideal Standard GmbH Euskirchener Straße 80 53121 Bonn Tel. +49 (0) 228 521-0 Fax +49 (0) 228 521-241 poland IS Polska Ul, Ostrowskiego 7 53-238 Wroclaw Tel. +48 71 78 68 301 russia IS Moscow representative office Zubarev Pereulok, 15-1, office 412 129164 Moscow Tel. +7 495 980 04 53 Fax +7 495 980 04 54 switzerland Johnsales AG Vorstadt 4 3380 Wangen a/Aare Tel. +41 (0) 32 631 60 70 Fax +41 (0) 32 631 60 79 uk Ideal Standard (UK) Ltd The Bathroom Works National Avenue Kingston Upon Hull HU5 4HS Tel. +44 (0) 1482 346 461 Fax +44 (0) 1482 445 886 ukraine IS Ukraine Ulitsa Saksaganskogo 89, office 1, Kiev 01032, Tel. +380 44 537 32 7286 Concept/realisation: grintsch communications, Cologne Freedom of Expression
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