The Pastfinder - Ashland County Chapter of The Ohio Genealogical
The Pastfinder - Ashland County Chapter of The Ohio Genealogical
The Pastfinder QUARTERLY Ashland County NEWSLETTER Richland OF THE ASHLAND County AND RICHLAND COUNTY CHAPTERS, OHIO GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 18E=======================V=O=L=U=M=.E==I==,==IS:=S:U:E==l=,==J=a=n:u=a=r=y==1=9=8=2=============== with this issue, "The Pastfinder" takes its first step. But, it is a very BIG step, extending from the past - with information and memorabilia about our Ashland and Richland counties ancestors - through the present - with members cooperating and communicating about their research - and right into the future - with the preservation of genealogical material for generations to come. How steady the newsletter's stride, however, depends on contributions from YOU, the chapter member. Hope to hear from ALL of you soon. Peggy ~ershon, editor ***************************************************************************** DEATH NOTICES APPEARING LAND TIMES -- 1853 Jul. Sep. Sep. Sep. Oct. IN THE "ASH- 21 Died on Sun., 16th inst. in this town at the res. of Orlow SMITH, Esq. Mrs. Aur a B. BOICE, wife of Dr. J.S. BOICE of New London. 1 Died at her res. on the 22d inst. Mrs. Mary G. WOODRUFF, aged 61 years. 15 Died on the 11th inst. of dropsy in the head, Franklin Patterson, son of John RICF, aged 4 months, 16 days. 22 Died in. Milton Twp. on the 16th inst. Samuel, son of Benjamin and Rhoda WHITMARSH, aged 25 years, 2 mo., and 14 days. 27 Died on the 19th inst., Lorin, son of Jacob and Elizabeth HILTABRAND, aged 2 years and 4 months. Died on the 25th inst. ,in the ASHLAND TIMBS, L. JEFF SPENGLE, EDITOR, from "Caldwell's Atlas of Ashland County," 1874 20th year of her age, Elizabeth, dauqhter of Jacob MY1 (Continued) KRANTZ, Sr. Nov. 10 Died on the 5th inst. at hi~ res. in the village·of Orange of Consumption, Isaiah CROUSE. Dec. 22 On Sat ..last at the Village of Orange an affray occurred between two young men named POOL and MAUK in which the latter was stabbed in the heart causing his death almost instantly. Dec. 29 Died on the 17th inst. in this place ~r. David CALHOUN, aged about 65 years. Mr. CALHOUN. ---. formerly res. at Harrisburg, Dauphin Co., Pa. Died on the 26th inst. in Ruggles Anna Maria, wife of W.W. PARKER, Esq. ****************************************************************************** Namefinder EDITOR'S NOTE: In each issue of "The PaStfirider" we will be printing Ashland and Richland counties ancestors surname lists submitted by chapter members. We asked that each surname be further identified by a place and a date or time period in which they lived in that piace. ABBOTT, Ashland County --Mrs. Cyrene Winger Mowrey, 435 Samar itan Ave., Ashland, Ohio 44805 MILLRR, no place or date given HERSHISF-R, no place or date given --Rev. & Hrs. Morris F. F.lliott, 2228 1\faco,San Angelo, Texas 76901 YOUNG, Adam Sr., d. Loudonville, 1890 HEFFELFINGER, George, d Lake Twp, Ashland Co., 1871 CROWNER, William, d Worthington Twp., Richland Co., 1836 BAUM, John, d 1845, bur Union Cern, Hanover Twp., Ashland Co. HAMMAN, Peter, d Bloominggrove Twp., Richland Co., 1862 CROUSE, William, d Bloominggrove Twp., Richland Co., 1860-70 . MITCHELL, Samuel, d Springfield Twp., Richland Co., 1841 --Carl Hamman, P.O. Box 3554, Mansfield, Ohio 44907 INGMAN (D), Ashland County, 1815 to present --Peggy Mershon, 995 N. Stewart Rd., Mansfield 44905 BOWMAN, Ashland Co., early 1800s BURD, Ashland Co., early 1800s BUTLER, Ashland Co., early 1800s to present JONES, Ashland Co., 1800s to present KINDLE, Ashland Co., mid-1800s LONG, Ashland Co., early 1800s to present LINDSFY, Ashland Co., 1870s R01'lE, Ashland Co., mid-1800s SEISS, Ashland Co., early 1800s to present VANZILE, Ashland Co., --Grace E. Jones, 214 S. Pierce St., Galion, Ohio 44833 BIDDINGER, Ashland .Co~, 1820s to present. FAIR, AshlandGQ., earlyl~OOs FAST, Ashland Co., early LANDON, Ashland Co., 1840s McMILLEN, Richland Co., 1840s RICKET, Ashland Co~, 1840s WHITRIGHT, Ashlapd co., 1850s --Mr. & Mrp. LawrenCe Snyder, Box 2~AI New London, RD 1,·Ohio 44851 . ~ ~ FERGUSON, James (1820-1843) i John (1843-1922) i 1 Richland Ce. TOOKER, t'.ary(1820-1900}; William (1799··1874) i 1 Richland Co. PECK, Catharina Mary (1802-1875) 1 Richland Co. --June Ferguson, 5663 Ohio 103, New Washington, Ohio 44854 '; BARR, Alexander" d Richland Co., 1854 WEicH, Jane, d Richland Cb., 1904 BARR, Henry C., d Mansfie·ld, 1914 CAIRNS, Harriet, d Mansfield, 1915 BARR, Frank Bertrern, b Shelby 1874 --Paul Barr Jr., 1809 Chowkeehin Nere, Talahassee, Fla. 32301 ****************************************************************************** CORRECTION: John DeWalt, Box 225, Sh~lty, RD 2, 44875, writes that London Cemetery, Jackson 'l'~'p., Richland Co., listed in "Richland County, Ohio, Cemetery Records," 1981, as Dunkard, should be listed as Lutheran in all references. 2 --~ - ~ THIS IS A CHANCE FOR MEMBERS OF THE ASHLAND AND RICHLNTD COUNTY CHAPTERS OF OGS TO SPOTLIGHT AN ANCES~OR. IT COULD BE A MINIBIOGRAPHY, JUST ONE INCIDENT IN HIS LIFE OR ANYTPH1G IN BETT'lFEN. PLEASE LIMI~ YOUR "Fl>MILY PORTRAITS" TO 200 WORDS. EZRA ~vARNER Ezra Warner was born 2 Sept. 1762, the son of Daniel and Bethia War nero He resided for a time in the Moravian settlement at Gnadenhutten, Pa. In 1799 he became one of the first permanent white settlers in Clay Township, Tuscarawas County, Ohio. He married Maria Magdalena Laner. Their children were Lydia, who married Daniel Noggle; Ruth, who married Daniel Carter; Sarah; Samuel Ettwine; Mary; and Hannah. About 1811, he came into Mohican Township, then Wayne County, Ohio. When Martin Ruffner and the Zeimer family were killed by Indians in 1812, the Ezra \varner f am i Ly along with others fled the area heading for New Philadelphia. At the Killbuck River, the party met Capt. Nicholas Murray' with 60 men advancing to Jerome's place to build a blockhouse. Warners and most of the families returned with them and a fort was immediately built. Eight families took refuge at the Jerome blockhouse. In the spring, some plowed and planted corn and potatoes while others patroled the forests. In 1814 they were able to leave the protection of the blockhouse. Ezra died sometime between 27 Jan. and 22 Feb. 1817. --Shirley Boyd, 912 Claremont Ave., Ashland, Ohio 44805 (1782-1857). I do not know Magdalena's maiden name. I am told that all the St. John's records were destroyed by fire. Three daughters of John Harner married three sons of Frederick Etzweiler. Both of those men were my four greats-grandfathers. Are there any relatives of John Harner living who could tell me when he came to Ohio? --Mrs. Ernest Urban, 444 Hedeen Dr., Mansfield, Ohio 44Q07 ABRAHl>M SCHORAH Abraham Schorah was a French Huguenot from Lorraine Province. He escaped the persecution by the Revocation of the Fdict of Nantes by coming to l>merica. He arrived at Philadelphia on the ship Nancy·on 14 Sept 1754, with his wife, Catherine. Although he was 46 at the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, he served both in the Jersey Campaign and on the frontier. He died in 1785. I am descended from Mary Elizabeth, one of his eight children. There are many of his descendants named Etzwiler in this area today. I am happy to be a six greatsqranddaughter of Abraham Schorah. -~Mrs. Ernest Urban, 444 Hedeen Dr., Mansfield, Ohio 44907 JOHN HARNER John Harner was a justice of the peace who lived in southern Ashland County when it was still Wayne County. Born in 1781 in Frederick County, Md., he died in 1844. He is buried in St. John's Cemetery at McZena, Ohio, beside his wife, Magdalena 3 ••••••••••••••••.•••••••• ~ • ¥. \~ (;j Quer-i~'s " ~UDY (; !<AWl"URD Seek an f o on the WilliamGQUDY f ar-d Ly • He m Cassandra CRi',JFOPD. D 9 June 184£, bur in Jeromesville Cern. Ch: Thomas, George, Sarab, James Elijah, 1"oses, t"ary, {\Tilliam,Pbel, John, Cynthia. Need his place of origin. . --Karen Goudy, 431 E. Sprin~ St., Kingman, Priz. 86401 GIBSON TOPPING McCLUER Seek info on Isabelle GIBSON, b 3 Ppril: 1849.Knox Co., m 18 June 1870 in Lexington, Pichland Co ., to ~amqel':'OPPIJ\lG, d 7 Pug 1925' Galion, Crawford Co. She was reared.~sB £o~~er,ch~Id by S~rnuel _ McCLUER Jr. from 1849 to 1870 apd~e~t Lexingfon in 1879. --Ethel Topping Hote, 25021 Pur-ora Road #24, B'e d f ord Pe i qh t s , Ohio 44146 . SMITH GARRISON Need info on Rlizabeth S~I':'Hof Nova, Ohio. would like to find the medical records of Dr. P.L. GPRRISON of Sullivan, Ohio. Pppr. 1912. --Peggy McGaughey, 8 Parnassus Road, Charleston, f.C. 29408 COX YOUNG Seek info on George COX, b 1816 HBrrison Co., Ohio, m 13 March 1845, Richland Co., to Nancy Jane YOUNG, b 1826 Guernsey Co., Ohio. Fe d 23 June 1902. She died in May 1893. Both in Ohio. --Merlyn Allen, P.O. Box 42, Blythe, Calif. 22260042 SMITH JEFFREY Need info on Andre~ J. SMITH. Gravestone says b in Ashland Co. Wife was Catherine JEFFREY. Need info on Catherine's brother, Peter, b 24 March 1829. Did he d in Civil War? --Merle Kovatch, Rt. 2, Box 144, Hastings, Neb. 68901 REED JACKSON Res Bartholomew REED who came with his w Sylvia JACKSOt-land their ch Bartholomew Jr., Lemuel J., David, Sylvia, John J., Anna, Jeditha, Elizabeth and Lucinda, from ~~aine to Richland Co. about 1823 and settled in N. Bloomfield and Bloominggrove. --Catherine Finney MacDougal, 7 James St., Norten, Mass. 02766 BARKLEY Seek info on Jacob BARKLEY d about 1834. ~'7ifewas Ma ry , Liv in Perry TWp., Ashland Co. --James Ashbaugh, 401 Washington St., Ligonier, Pa, 15658 FERGUSON Res the following persons who lived in Richland Co.: John FFRGUSON TOOKER (1843-1871), James FERGUSON (1820-1843), Mary TOOKFR FFRGUSON (1820SCHWEARER 1900}, William TOOKER (1799-1874), Catherine PECK TOOKER (1802-1875), HELTMAN George SCHWP.ARER (1806-1889), Elizabeth HELTMAN SCH{'JEARFR(1813STRIKER 1904), Christian STRIKER (1794-1875), Anna Mary GRAFFHILLER STRIKRR GRAFFMILLER (1803-??), Henry DURR (1808-1869), Nicholas WITTFL (1823-1894) DURR Eliza CRAGEL WITTEL (1828-1908)and H. BRAUNFFLDFR. PECK --Kenneth W. Striker, 4769 Arcadie Blvd., Dayton, Ohio 45432 WITTEL BRAUNFELDER CRAGEL HALL STEPHENS Need info on the Robert HALL family in Ashland Co. sometime between 1820-50. Need mar record of son Franklin Young HALL and Harriet C. Stephens, 29 Oct 1840. turn page 4 ~ <»: LETTICK Des corrsp on Solomon LETTRICK, b. 29 June 1843 or 1845 in Ashland Co. Father Peter LETTRICK, b. Ohio. Wife's name unknown. --Kay Crandall, Box 180, R.E. #2, Hewitt, N.J. 07421 TEATERTEETER, THOMA THOUM~ THOME \'Vouldlike to exch info on the following names in Richland Co.: TElATER-TEETER and THOHA-THOUH-THOME. --Lorraine Barden, 1416 10th Ave., Belle Fourche, S.D. 57717 NEPTUNE Des info on the NEPTUNE family. John NEPTUNE m. Ruth John d 1802. Ruth remarried JaI'1esPeale 1806. Son Hilliam was in Ashland Co. prior to 1836. Ruth d 1827, supposedly bur on Barron farm south of Loudonville. --Mrs. Francis Kelly, 4810 Candy Lane, Manlius, N.Y. 1.3104 THURSTON Des info on fam of Jason Henry THURSTOn b ca 23 July 1844 in Richland Co., the son of Lorenzo D. THURSTON, b 1823-4 N.Y. Mother unknown. The family had moved to DeKalb Co., Ind., by 1850. --Lorraine E. Bartlett, 2109 Chippendale Dr., McKinney, Texas 75069 YEARLY Des info on William H. YEARLY in Savannah in 1845. For what denomination did he preach? At what school did he teach? --Mrs. Marion Ryerson, 207 First St., Tularosa, N.M. 88352 CAYWOOD, EWERS Des info on Alfred CAy\VOOD and his wife, Sarah EHERS, m 7 Feb. 1869 and possibly lived in Richland Co. --Pearl Kaye, 3060 E. Bridge St., #309, Brighton, Colo. 80601 STOCKBRIDGE Des to corrsp with someone researching Indians in Ashland Co. between 1800-1840. Does anyone have info on a STOCKBRIDGE traveling ~hrough Ohio with Munsee Indians. --Donna Hogerhuis, 42606 SE 212th, Enumclaw, Wash. 98022 SHERMAN VANDE RWARKEE Des info on Augustus SHERMAN, b 15 Apr 1812, poss N.Y., d 12 Sept. 1864, poss Richland Co., m 11 Nov 1832 to Jane VANDERWARKEE, b 1812, d Aug. 1855, poss Richland Co. --Geraldine DeJarnett, 750 Clinton St., Port Clinton, Ohio 43452 MORRISON Would like info on the George & Annie MORRISON fam of Lakefork area. George was b 1840. Ch: S.G., Hilliam, H.S., I.D., Charles, Richard and Isaac. --Norma Kime, 530 Val Mar Dr., Ft. Hyers, Fla. 33907 PIFER GARBER/ GARVER Need info on Christian PIFER, b 21 Jul 1803, Philadelphia Co., Pa. Who were his parents? He m Katharine GARBER/GARVER. Who were her parents? They died Orange Twp., Ashland Co., he on 24 July 1881, she on 23 Aug. 1893. --Mrs. Frank Henney, 495 Cline Ave., Mansfield, Ohio 44907 MERCKLING Would like info on the death of George HERCKLING, 5 Mar 1868, poss in the Loudonville area. He is believed to have been visiting relatives and body was shipped back for burial in wor-t.h Co., Mo. Who were his pars? --L.P. Merklin, Box 1168f Pendleton, Ore. 97801 VAUGHN DANNER Des info on John Jackson VAUGHN, babout 1809 in Richland Co., d 1878 or May 1865, Ashland Co., m 10 Jan 1836, Richland Co. to Jane Susan "Susannah" DANNER, d 1862, Richland Co. --Mrs. Celia F. Johnson, 2327 Rockymont Dr., St. Louis, Mo. 63136 5 BUSH MILLER Looking for info on gravesite of Anna Hary BUSH, wife of John Jacob MILLER (b 16 June l778-d 3 June 1868). He is bur in St. John's Cemetery in Ashland County. Need any info on Anna Mary. --JoAnne Turner, 173 E. Hain St., Kent, Ohio 44240 LASH CRAVEN CULBERTSON LINDSAY Seek info on the following Ashland and Richland counties families: LASH, CRAVEN, CULBERTSON and LINDSAY. t'lill -e xch data at hand. --Pam Lash, 420 Oxford Dr., Bryan, Ohio 43506 PETERSON VAIL ARCHER Need par of John G. PETERSON, b 1790 in H.J., d 25 Apr 1845, Richland Co., m Mary VAIL 13 Hay 1809, Muskingum Co., Ohio. They had a son, Thomas who m Elizabeth ARCHER Oct. 1859, Richland Co. Who were Elizabeth's par? --Ruth N. Ross Krell, 222 Langton, San Antonio, Texas 78216 HULL/HOLL Will exch info on HULL fam in Richland Co. Peter and Elizabeth HULL carne to Richland Co. from Pa. and their sons, Henry H." John, William, Hichael and Peter Jr. were b there. Peter Sr.'s brother, John, also 1 in Richland Co. --Elsie Pollock, 4535 Morgan Ave., Billings, Mont. 59101 AID1STRONG CARPENTER GARBER Need info on the parents and sib of Telitha Ann Am1STRONG, b 1831 Bellville; and Eunice CARPENTER, m in Crestline Oct. 1866 to Samuel K. GARBER of Bellville. --Mrs. Allen B. Clark, 1914 Gum Tree Lane, Fallbrook, Calif. 92028 ANDREHS McCLELLAND PENDRY Need info on Elizabeth Jane ANDRE~vS b 16 June 1820 Richland Co., dau of Joseph ANDREWS and Martha HcCLELLAND, who carne from Pa. Elizabeth m James PENDRY, orig from N.Y. --Carolyn J. Ratz, 3917 Chatfield Center Road, Bloomville, Ohio 44818 KOOZER Res KOOZER fam. The following persons lived and are bur in Mansfield -- Peter M. KOOZER, d 17 Apr 1928; Josephine Lucas KOOZER, d 24 Nov. 1930; Grace M. KOOZER, d 24 March 1944. --Sandra L. Koozer, 2184 Niagra Drive, Lakewood, Ohio 44107 FERGUSON TOOKER PECK Need info on James FERGUSON, b 10 May 1820, d 9 Aug. 1843 Richland Co., m 15 Sept 1842 to Mary TOOKER, b 19 Harch 1820, dau of William TOOKER and Catharina Mary PECK, d 23 M?rch 1900. TOOKERS also 1 Richland Co. --June Ferguson, 5663 Ohio 103, New Washington 44854 STEVENS SNYDER Trying to find mother, sisters and brothers of Irene STEVENS, who carne to Richland Co. in 1835 acc to newspaper obit. Irene was b 8 Jan. 1821 in Dixfield, Maine, m in 1837 to Samuel S. SNYDER in Richland Co. and moved to Mansfield in 1845. --Judith B. Mears, 1401 Campbell St., Sandusky, Ohio 44870 NOTE: ALL QUERIES ARE FREE TO BOTH MEMBERS AND NON-MEMBERS OF THE ASHLAND AND RICHLAND COUNTY CHAPTERS OF THE OHIO GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY AND SHOULD BE SENT TO THE PATHFINDER, P.O. BOX 3154, LEXINGTON, OHIO 44904. PLEASE LIMIT TO 35 NORDS. •• • ••• • ••••• • ••••• •••• • •• • • 6 »» Calendars ASHLAND Jan. 5 Jan. 16 Jan. 19 Feb. 2 Feb. Feb. 16 20 Mar. 2 Iv'ar.16 Mar. 20 F.ICH LAND COUNTY Jan. 28 ¥eeting, 7:30 p.m., Ohio Genealogical Society library. F "Show & Share Night." Bring anything of a qenealogical nature not already in the library. Feb. 25 ~'eeting, 7 :30 p.m., OGS library. Mary Jane Henney will bring more early records of Pichland County Comwon Pleas Court. Corne hear about some fascinating, little-known facts about Fichland County. ~·ar. 25 Iv'eeting, 7 :30 p.m., OGS library. Opal VanFsdale will speak on tombstone rubbings. ~rs. Van~sdale is an artist who has done a number of lovely rubbings and will tell you how to do them yourself! COUNTY Library session, 7-9 p.m., ~shland Public Library Library session, 10 a.m.-noon, Ashland Public Library Meeting, 7-9 p.m., Wayne Savings & Loan, Claremont Ave., ~shland Library session, 7-9 p.m., Ashland Public Library Meeting, 7-9 p.m. Library session, 10 a.m.-noon, Ashland Public Library Library session, 7-9 p.m., Ashland Public Library peeting, 7-9 p.m. Library session, 10 a.m.-noon, Ashland Public Library LISTEN TO WNCO for cancellations to bad weather! due .'.:=.t -- ....•.~ -:,... -'-' County Yes! I would like to become a menber of the "The PastChapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society and receive the newsletter finder" four times a year. Enclosed is my check or money order for the annual dues of $4. Send my newsletter to: NAME: ADDRESS: --------------------ZIP: Mail to: The Pastfinder, P.O. Box 3154, Lexinaton, Surnames you would like to include in the chapter's clude a place and time period for each surname: 7 --- Ohio surname 44904 index. Please in- Tradin' Post r.. , Visiting a courthouse and want to offer a ride? Looking for a particular book? Want to exchange research time? Whether you have something to offer or something you need, The Tradin' Post is the place to go. James W. McCluer, 5911 Sinclair Rd., San Antonio, Texas 78222, is looking for a copy of a pamphlet published about 1965, celebrating·t~e 150th anniversary of Lexington. *********** The Richland County Chapter has the following publications for sale: "A Centennial History of Richland County, Ohio," A.J. Baughman, 1901, Reprinted 1979; $20 "A History of Richland County, Ohio, 1807-1880," A.A. Graham & Co., 1880; P.eprinted 1972; $25 "Combined Atlases of Richland County, Ohio, 1873-1896; Reprinted 1977; $15 "Richland County, Ohio, Cemetery Records," Richland County Chapter Flrae Gabln bulle In Man.lleld, 180 •. From "Pioneer Directory and Scrap Book of Richland County," by E. Bonar McLaughlin, 1887 . of the Ohio Genealogical Society, 1981; $29.50 All these publications are indexed. When ordering, please include $2.50 for mailing costs and sales tax if you are an Ohio resident. Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 91 Mansfield OH The PastfindEr P.O. Box 3154 Lexington, Ohio 44904 ---' 8