FRtMCP - Prospektor
FRtMCP - Prospektor
17 FRtMCP DIORAMA | BASE TS-011 SCALE 1 ;5Jo SI^PM, saw "BttttlCAl" ( Schneider CA1 ) JfP "!!;;>«" ( Saint Chamond ) il ,ffiSWili&tt<§•?*» (Jean-Baptiste Eugene Estienne, 1860-1936) Louis Renault, 1877-1944 ) , «WHSf±«Jifti)a» (Rodolphe Ernst Metzmaier, 1887-1985) ±¥ 0 !S^I9fS!aftttjlt8J*ilifttt, mitlSffi&izUISU:, HSffifflSWBi|t2C ( C h a r 2C ) Sl«ffl±a^0 $]1S£ • ffiS • • fflil (Joseph Jacques Cesaire Joffre, 1852-1931 "TypeM.17.FT" , WlT*Bil3500ffi: ^ ( Automobiles M. Berliet SA ) 4 ( Hotchkiss ) 8mm T-fiffi± Puteaux)37mmSA18ffl 17^6^, FT-17 , «Somnibus0 Puteaux ) FT-17±: ^ffiffl FT-17, « ( Battle of Saint-Mihiel ) ^SAFT-17iIS;g|5K, ffi (GeorgeS. Patton, 1885-1945) 0 F 5£o 1918^10 Odessa )H»**1f«^!»ai74liFT-17, fitf-lif*ffi^*WFT-l7^^giJ^Sff4 ( Moscow) , ( Vladimir Lenin ) „ iffSStamXiS^SiaaifffiS: ( Vladivostok ) ffiHm¥[t]it3l710fIFT-17, il »fsSII!lWSaiJl ( Krasnoye Sormovo Factory ) i«Tf*«llffo lit*, fi®ilttSJ715fSFT-17, "Russian Renoe" ) , jf-lt^ §MSd.kfz.730(f)0 ±^snffi 3RAIM. FT-17 if 3Jii£-S5m, Kl.74m, SSt, ftailfi7.7km/h0 SM2A, Hotchkiss ) 8mm Reibel ) 7.5mm MAC ( Puteaux ) 37mm French FT-17 Light Tank (Riveted Turret) In September 1916, the revolutionary British Mark I tank was first used in combat, ushering in a new era of mechanized warfare. Almost at the same time, French tanks Schneider CA1 and Saint Chamond went into service as well. But their performance disappointed the French Army due to their cumbersome bodies and very poor passing ability. Colonel Jean-Baptiste Eugene Estienne (1860-1936), who's known as the father of French tanks, proposed to develop a less expensive light tank with good passing ability. The tank could also be used for accompanying the infantry into combat. In June 1916. Colonel Estienne contacted Louis Renault to convince him to develop a new tank, but Mr. Renault refused. The reason was that it's quite difficult for the Renault company to do so since they were never involved in tank development before. However, Mr. Renault accepted this request at last. In October of the same year, Mr. Renault showed a full-scale wooden mock-up of the tank to Colonel Estienne. Many revolutionary designs of this tank were created by the talented designer Rodolphe Ernst Metzmaier (1887-1985). Though the new design was technically far more advanced than other countries' tanks, top officials of the French Army refused to approve the project or allocate funds because they had more interest in the Char 2C super-heavy tank. Consequently, Colonel Estienne appealed to General Joseph Jacques Cesaire Joffre (1852-1931), Commander in Chief of the French Army, for support. At last, the Army agreed the production of a prototype. The first prototype was unveiled in January 1917 and it passed the workmanship test in February. In March, it was officially designated as "Type M.17.FT", better known as "FT-17" later. In April 1917, Estienne decided for tactical reasons that some vehicles should be capable of carrying the small cannon. The 37mm Puteaux SA18 gun was chosen, and attempts were made to produce a cast steel turret capable of accommodating it, but it was unsuccessful. The first 150 FTs were for training only and weren't put into service. By June 1917, 3500 FT-17s had been ordered. Meanwhile, the Automobiles M. Berliet SA Company had produced a new design, a polygonal turret of riveted plate, which was simpler to produce than the early turret. It was given the name "omnibus", and it could easily be adapted to mount either the 8mm Hotchkiss M1914 machine gun or the 37mm Puteaux SA18 gun with its telescopic sight. This turret could meet the tactical requirement that Colonel Estienne called for and was fitted to production models in large numbers in September of this year. This riveted turret was replaced by a new cast turret with riveted and welded construction later. FT-17s were formally put into service in the French Army in March 1918. By the end of WWI (November 1918), 3530 FT-17 tanks (including its variants) had been built. Later, FT-17s were manufactured, improved or copied by France, the US, Italy and the Soviet Union. Some 6000 FT-17s were built in all (including the US's copy of FT-17 - the 6-ton M1917 tank and the Soviet Union's copy-the MS-1/T-18 tank). Over 4100 of them were produced in France. The FT-17s were used by 27 countries (France, the US, the Soviet Union, Germany, China, Finland and so on). Those tanks were used in many conflicts, such as the two World Wars, Russian Civil War, Polish-Soviet War, Winter War between the Soviet Union and Finland and so on. The FT-17s saw their first combat at Retz on 31 May 1918. This area was heavily forested, and the main equipment of the Allies (Mk.V and Saint Chamond tanks) could not function properly there. So FT-17s played a leading role in this combat and gained lots of victories. A US tank unit led by George S. Patton (1885-1945) first used FT-17s in the Battle of Saint-Mihiel between 12 and 16 September 1918. Hence, the FT-17 became the first operational tank the US Army equipped. In October 1918, US Army received the first 6-ton M1917 light tank (the US's copy of the FT-17) which was also the first US-built tank. The Soviet Red Army captured four FT-17sfrom the intervention forces in Odessa. One repaired FT-17 tank was sent to Moscow as a gift for Vladimir Lenin. Later, the Red Army captured another 10 FT-17s from the US Army in Vladivostok. These tanks were sent to the Krasnoye Sormovo Factory for repair and refurbishment in 1920. Moreover, fifteen Soviet copies of the FT-17, called "Russian Renoe", were produced as the first tanks the Soviet Union equipped. But those tanks were never used in any battle due to quality problems. In 1928, the first Soviet-designed MS-1/T-18 tank, which was based on the FT-17, was put into production. During the Polish-Soviet War (1919-1921), Poland put FT-17s on railway flatcars as temporary armored trains for the first time and gained good results. Then Poland evinced keen interest in rail patrol vehicles because of this successful innovation and they built the first prototype in 1932. Rail chassis of this vehicle was driven by the FT-17's own power, furthermore, the FT-17 could be dismounted from the rail chassis to perform task separately. This kind of rail patrol vehicle was used to fight against the Germans in WWII. Before the outbreak of WWII, there were still over 500 FT-17 tanks used by French front-line units. Counting training & strategic reserve vehicles in, over 1200 vehicles were available for the French Army. At the beginning of WWII, the German Army captured plenty of tanks, including 1702 FT-17s and its variants (mainly from France, Poland and etc.). Those FT-17s were called Panzerkampfwagen17R/18R and designated asSd.kfz.730 (f). They were mainly used in airbase defense and patrol of occupied territories. Some turrets of FT-17s were used as pillboxes, while the bodies were used as tow & carrier vehicles. The FT-17 light tank was the ancestor of modern tanks and was the first real tank in the world in strict sense. Its configuration - crew compartment at the front, main armament in a central single turret, a rotating turret on the top, full-view commander compartment, separate engine compartment at the back- has become and remained the standard modern tank layout. The FT-17 light tank was 5m long and 1.74m wide. Its armor varied in thickness from 8mm to 22mm. Its combat weight was 7.2t. It was powered by a Renault 4-cylinder inline liquid-cooled petrol engine. Suspension system consisted of vertical springs. The tank could reach a maximum speed of 7.7km/h and accommodate a crew of two. It was armed with an 8mm Hotchkiss M1914 machine gun or a 37mm PuteauxSA18gun. FT-17softhe French Army were upgraded with 7.5mm Reibel MAC Mle.31 machine gun from 1931 onwards. Those tanks were primarily used in the WWII. c, 77>X£>vzL:t-'f£*-CA1 (Schneider CA1) £+*->• (Saint Chamond) o LfrL, X h • i^-f !>*!$* (Jean-Baptiste Eugene Estienne, 1860-1936) (Renault S. A. ) R e n a u l t . 1877-1944) •tff^-Rodolphe Ernst Metzmaier (1887-1985) T?-f , 2c x.t=t. 7 (Char 2C) v a -tf lc TType M. 17. FTj h- (Puteaux) 37mm < , HI Automobiles M. B e r l i e t SAtt (Hotchkiss) 8mm I— (Puteaux) 37mm 6000J33 -y, ^H, 7 -f >7 , Vt*xh ^ (Odessa) (Moscow) iriUb^ir, ^U-tf> hirLT U ±i* (Krasnoye Sormovo Factory) -> ( V l a d i m i r Lenin) Lfc 0 ^^. Lfco X^ Lfc • U/j ^^lcPanzerkampfwagen17R/18Ri: n¥li> (Hotchkiss) 8mmM1914WB8ttBtli37mmSA18ej. I— fa (Puteaux) -K;u (Reibel) 7.5mmMAC Mle. <DpaHMy3CKMM nerKMM raHK Peno FT-17 c xnenaHoft SaiuHeii B ceHTsi6pe 1916 rofla BennKo6pnTaHna ncnonbsoBana peBonraunoHHoe opy>Kne: na nonsix noflBunca TBHK MK.I, coaflas TBM caMbiM nepsbm npeuefleHT MexannanpOBaHHOM BOMHbi B ncropnn HenoBeLiecTBa. B STO >KB speMsq 6binn npunatbi na Boopy>KeHne dppaHityacKHe TSHKH "CA-1 LLJHeMflep" n "CeH-LUaMOH", rpowoaflKne n c HJIOXOM npoxoflUMocjbKj. HecKo/ibKO noaflHee HOJIKOBHUK XaH-BaiMCT 3cTb6H (Jean Baptiste Eugene Estienne, 1860-1936), HMenyeMbiM "OTUOM cppaHL4y3CKnx TaHKOBbix npeflno>KMn paapaeoraib raKOM TSHK, KOTOPNM Mor 6w HenocpeflCTseHHo conpoBO>KflaTb nexory B 6oto, 6bi BbicoKyro npoxoflMMOCTb, v\n 6bi npn STOM He flopormvi. B MK)He 1916 rofla, noJiKOBHUKXaH-BarncT BcrpeTuncs c Jlyn PBHO (Louis Renault, 1877-1944), n npeflno>KMn ABTOMo6nnbHoii dpupMe Peno (Renault S.A.) paapaeojaib HOBNM TBHK. HecMorpa Ha HeoflHOKpaiHwe Bospaxenna Peno no nosofly roro, HTO era cpupivia HHKorfla He pa3pa6arbiBana ranKn, n pa6ora sra cno>KHa». B KOHU,e KOHLIOB, OH see >Ke floSuncfl corjiacusi. B OKTflSpe roro we rofla, Peno npeflCTasmi no/iKOBHMKy XaH-BarncTy HaiypnyK) flepeBflHHyio MOflenb HOBOTO raHKa, coflep)KaBLuero B ce6e 6ojibiLioe peBOHKDUHOHHblX npOCKTHblX peiiieHMM, npeflnO>KeHHblX reHMa/lbHblM KOHCTpyKTOpOM 3pHCT-MeiUMaMepOM (Rodolphe Ernst Metzmaier, 1887-1985). XOTH HOBNM TBHK 6bm 6onee nporpeccuBHNM. M6M flpyrne TaHKH, CKOHCTpynpOBanHbie n nponssoflMMbie flo sroro, pyKOBOflcrso qbpaHqyscKOM aprnnk1 OTKasanocb yjaepflHTb n cpunaHCMpoBaTb npoeKT, COHTH 6onee noflxoflflinnMM CBepXT«>Kenbie ranKM 2C (Char 2C). V\e >Ke noriKOBHMK XaH-BarncT y6eflnn renepa/i >Kosecpa >Kocpcf)pa (Joseph Jacques Cesaire Joffre. 1852-1931), TnaBHOKOMaHflyiomero cppaHuyscKoii apMneti, n cornacosan nponsBOflCTBO HOBOTO raHKa c pyKOBOflCTBOM apMnn. B aHBape 1917 rofly 6bin nponssefleH nepswii onbiTHbm raHK n y»e B dpespane OH ycneiuHO npomen nposepKy TexHi/inecKMx xapaKiepucinK. B Maple 6bmo npucBoeno odpnunanbHoe Hassanne "Type M.17.FT", i.e. ussecTHoe Hbme MMsq "FT-17". B anpene 1917 rofly c yneroM raKTHKM npuMeHenna raHKos no^KOBHUK XaH-Barncr no>Kenan ycjaHOBMTb na nacTM TaHKOB nerKoe opyflne. Bbi6op nan Ha 37-MM nyniKy Puteaux (HKITO) SA 18. Ho ycranoBHTb flannyhc nywKy B MMeHDineMCfl Kpyrnoti 6aiuHe ne 6bino BOSMOXHOCTM, K TOMy we nepsbie 150 saKaaannbix raHKOB McnoJibsoBajincb fliifl o6yMeHna, n B 6oesbix fleMCTsnax ynacTHfl He npunniviann. B MKine 1917 rofla KonnnecTBO saKaaaHHwx FT-17 ysennnnnocb flo 3500 LuiyK. OflHospeivieHHO, cpupivia "Bepnue" (Automobiles M. Berliet SA) nsrojosuna socbMnrpaHHyio Knenanyio 6aiuHK), HasbisaeiviyHD "OMHn6yc" (B TaKoPi yHMBepcanbHOii Baiiine Kpoivie yciaHOBKn Puteaux SA 18 c npnuenoM, TBK xe Mor 6biTb ycraHOBnen S-MM nyneMer TOMKHCC M1914). flaHHaa KOHCTpyKLinn nonHocjbK) yflosnerBopana Tpe6oBaHMflM nonKOBHUKa >KaH-BarncTa. C ceHTn6pfl 1917 rofla Knenanwe 6aniHH ciann yciaHaBnuBaTbcs Ha cepuwnux ranKax FT-17. flosflHee Knenanaa 6aLUHfl Suna saMenena Kpyrnofi nuroM 6aiuHeM, flerann KoiopoPi noMom,bK> csapKM M KnenKn. B Mspre 1918 rofla FT-17 6bmn odpnunanbHO npuHnrbi na soopyxeHMe OpamiyacKOM spMnei/i. flo 1918 6bmo npOMSBefleHO 3530 FT-17, EK/nonaa see ero MOflMdpnKau,MM. flosflnee OpanuMH, CLUA, Uranus, CCCP M pafl flpyri/ix crpan MOflepHMSMposajiM, ynyHwa/iM MHM nponssoflnnn KOHMK) TSHKS FT-17. Bcero npOMSsefleno OKOJIO 6000 niryK (BKnKmaa raKne KOHMM, KBK 6-ton M1917 B CLUA, H MC-1/T-18 B CCCP), us HMX 4100 TSHKOB FT-17 6bmo npOMSBefleHO BO <t>paHU,MM. 27 cipan, BKnionas <t>paHu,MK), CLUA, CCCP, FepMaHHio, Kurafi M 0MHJiflHflMK> npuHann TBHK FT-17 Ha Boopyxenwe. TBHK FT-17 ynacTBOBan B flsyx MnpoBbix BOMnax, fpaxflaHCKOM BOMne B Poccnn, COBeTCKO-nOJlbCKOM BOMH6, 3MMH6M BOMH8 M MHOTMX flpyfMX BOOpyX8HHblX KOHCp/lMKTaX. 31 Man 1918 rofla, dppanuyscKaH apivina nepsbiii pas ncnoribsosajia raHK FT-17 B Peiie (Retz), noioMy KBK paiioH BefleHMfl 6oesbix fleMCTBMM aBnancs necHWM MaccusoM, a ocnosHbie TaHKM COKDSHMKOB - Mk.V, "CeH-lilaMOH" n npoHne ne MOTJIH nepeflsuraTbcn B TBKMX ycnosuflx. flocne STMX 6oes TBHK FT-17 sbiiuen na seflymne ponn B flepsoM MMPOBOM BOMHe, n flocrnr BbiflaKDiunxca peaynbiaroB. 12-16 ceHTfl6pfl 1918 rofla, aMepMKaHCKaa apiwusq nepsbm pas ncnonbaosana FT-17 B CeH-MnenbCKoti onepaunn (Battle of Saint-Mihiel). PyKoeoflun STUMM raHKaMH c 3MepnKaHCKHMM SKunanoMH, csefleHHbiMM B 6pnrafly, flxopfl>K HaTTOH B (George S. Patton, 1885-1945), CTaBinnPi snocneflCTBun snaMeHHTbiM reHepanoM. TaHK FT-17 cran nepsbiM jaHKOM aiviepMKaHCKOM apMMM, npunsiTbiM na Boopyxenne n yMacTBOBasiuuM BOMMB. B OKTfl6pe 1918 rofly, CLUA Bbinycinnn nepsyK) KOHUKD - nerKMM TaHK 6-ton M1917, co3flaHHbiti no o6pa3L|y TaHKa FT-17, n crasim/iM nepsbiM raHKOM, nponsBOflnsLUMMCfl B CLUA. B 1919 rofly B xofle rpawflaHCKOM BOMHbi B Poccnn n MHTepseHLiMM AHtaHTbi, Kpacnaa apMna saxsainna 4 raHKa FT-17 B paiiOHe Ofleccu, OflMH us HMX ornpaBunn B MocKBy B KanecTse noflapKa B.M. JlennHy. B Mapre 1920 rofla 6bmo aaxBaneHO eiqe 10 wiyK B BnaflMBOCTOKe y aMepuKancKOii apMMM. BOSMO>KHO, noaflnee nacib 3TMX T3HKOB 6bma OTpeMOHTMpOB3H3 H3 33BOfl6 "KpSCHOe CopMOBO". KpOM6 3TOTO, B CCCP CKOnHpOBajlM FT-17 n co6pann eme 15 MamnH, HaasaHHbix "Peno PyccKMM" ("Russian Renault"). STOT TBHK cian nepsbiM, Ha soopy>KeHne CCCP. KsnecTBO naroTosneHMfl OKaaanocb HesbicoKHM n arn T3HKM HHKorfla He B 6oesbix flei/icTsnnx. B 1928 rofly B CCCP psapaSoTsnn n Hanann nponsBOflcrso TaHKa MC-1 (raK xe oBosnaHancfl K3KT-18). FlpoTOTunoM aroro TaHKa TSK >Ke Sun FT-17. B CoBercKo-nonbCKOM soPiHe 1919 - 1921 rofls, flonbius snepsbie ncnonbaosana TSHKM FT-17, yciaHOBneHHbie na xenesHOflopoxHoii nnarcpopMe B Ka^eciBe speivieHHbix SponenoesflOB, n secbivia scpdDeKTMBHO. Pesyjibiaibi TSKOFO npuMeneHUfl noflionKHy/in flonbujy K COSASHMK) xe/iesHOflOpoxnoM flosopnoCi MaiunHbi, n B 1932 rofly 6bina nsroTOBnena nepsaa raKaa Mamnna - 6pOH8flpe3HH3 runs "R" c jaHKOM "FT-17", cnoco6Haa nepeflBurarbca KBK no xenesnoM flopore na xe/iesnoflopoxHOM maccM, TBK n no seMne npn fleMOHTSxe onoro. flosflHee npuMeHanscb B BOMne c fepManneM. flepefl BiopOM MMPOBOM BOMHoi/i, apMneti Opanunn 6bm nonyneHbi Sonee 500 TSHKOB FT-17, nnroc K raKne T3HKM HMenncb B y4e6Hbix n ssnacHbix Maciax. OSmee KonnMeciBo FT-17, roiosbix K BO cppaHLtyscKoii apivinn npeBbiiuano 1200 MBLUHH. B Ha^ane Bropow MnposoM BOMHW, TepiviaHHfl saxainiia o^enb MHOTO laHKOB, B TOM 4ncne 1702 FT-17, BMecre c ero MOflndpHKaunsiMM (6onbLUMHCTBO TaHKOB saxsaTunH BO Opaniinn n flonbiiie). B HeMeL4KOM apMnn OHM nonynnnn o6o3HaneHne Panzerk3mpfwagen17R/18R, OH xe Sd.kfz.730(f), ncnonfasosasujMecsq flnn oxpanbi sapoflpoMOB n MM noflo6nbix cpyHKunti B oKKynaunoHHOM sone, HeKOTopasq nacTb TSHKOB FT-17 (Townee MX 6atuHM), 6binM McnonbsosaHbi B KsnecTse flonrospeMenHbix omesbix ToneK, 3 MX Kopnyca 6bijiM McnonbsoBanbi B KanecTBe Tara^eii MJIM rpancnopTHbix MaiiiMH. JlerKMM T3HK FT-17 flBnaeTca pOflOH34anbHMKOM cospeMeHHoro raHKa. CTporo roeopa, OH asnsieTca nepsbiM KnaccMHecKMM T3HKOM, ero noflBneHMe sanoxMno ocHOBHbie ocoSeHHOCTM cospeMeHHoro T3HKa: oTflenenne ynpasneHMH naxoflMTca B nepeflneM nacTM Kopnyca; OCHOBHOB soopyxeHMe B cpeflHew HBCTM Kopnyca B Sstune Bpamenna, KOMSHflMpy TSHKS o6ecneHeH naHopaMHbiti oSaop; flBMrsTenb pacnonoxen B saflneM HBCTM Kopnyca, M MsoriMposaH OT sKMnaxa. raHK FT-17: o6uuaa fl/iMHa 5M, LUMPMHS 1.74M, TonmMHa 6pOHM 8 - 22MM. BoesoM sec OKOJIO 7.2T. BepTMKanbHbIM HeTblpeXUMJlMHflpOBblM 6eH3MHOBblM C XMflKOCTHbIM OXnaXfleHMBM. FlOflBeCKa npyxMnnaa. MaKCMManbnas CKopocTb - 7.7KM/M. 3KMna>K 2 HenoseKa. BoopyxenMe: S-MM nyneMBT TOMKHCC Mle 1914 MJIM 37-MM TaHKosaa nyujKa SA18 "FliOTo". C 1931 rofla Ha <£paHL(y3CKMX TaHKax ycTaHasriMBanca 7.5-MM nyneMeT Reibel MAC Mle.31, M MMBHHO TaKne FT-17 ynacTBOBann BO BTOPOM MMPOBOM BOMne. Introduction of related persons AM* KfiwieBbie 4>nrypt>i ( Jean-Baptiste Eugene Estienne, 1860-1936 ) Jean-Baptiste Eugene Estienne (1860-1936), known as the father of French tanks, was a general of the French Army and the founder of modern French artillery. He had some in-depth study in indirect fire and devoted himself to the research and application of mechanized weapons. Before WWI, He envisioned that "the victory in this war will belong to which of the two belligerents which will be the first to place a gun of 75 [mm] on a vehicle able to be driven on all terrain". Jean-Baptiste Eugene Estienne (1860-1936) >KaH-EaTMCT 3>xeH 3crbeH (Jean Baptiste Eugene Estienne, 1860-1936), noriKOBHUK, noaflnee flMBM3MOHHbiii reHepan cyxonyiHbix BOMCK OpaHLinn, ocHOBOnono>KHMK coBpeivieHHoro TaHKa, MMenyeMbiM "OTL(OM dppaHu.y3CKHx raHKOBbix BOMCK". OH xopoiuo anan aprnnnepMi/icKoe fle/io, M npn/io>KMn MHOTO ycM/iMM flnsi cosflanMfl MexaHM3MposaHHbix Boopy>KeHMM. OH npeflCKaausan B TO speivifl: 'Tlo6efla B OTOM BOMHe flociaHeiCfl TOW cropone. KOTOpaa nepsoM nocTaBMT 75MM nyiuKy Ha MaiUMny, cnocoGnyro npeofloneTb n\o6y\o MecTHOCTb". S-Sff^ Rodolphe Ernst Metzmaier, 1887-1985) }i Rodolphe Ernst Metzmaier (1887-1985) was a famous designer of the French automobile company Renault. He joined the company in November 1913 and became the chief designer of the FT- 17 light tank and Char 2C super-heavy tank. Rodolphe Ernst Metzmaier (1887-1985) , Is/ — 1913^1 1^;U/—ttlc 3pHCT-MeTUMai/iep ( Rodolphe Ernst Metzmaier, 1887-1985 ) , nasecTHbiM KOHCTpyKTOp dppa i Peno. C HOflBpa 1913 rofla OH pa6oTan B cpupivie Peno. flofl ero pyKOBOACTBOM 6bin pa3pa6oTan T3HK FT-17 M CB6pXTH>Kenbll/l T3HK 2C. Read carefully before assembly. nepefl c6opKOM BHMMare/ibHO npoHnraMTe cjieayroutyio MHdpopwaumo. E] The product is a plastic model kit, please use the exclusive tools to assemble and paint. Read carefully and fully understand the instructions before commencing assembly. A supervising adult should also read the instructions if a child assembles the model. CD Cut the accessories with the side cutters; use plastic cement only; stick the metal parts with the cyanoacrylate glue. CD Painting should be finished during the assembling. You need grind the colors before sticking the painted accessories. CD CD flat-mas Monenb npeflHasHaneHa Ann cawocTOflTenbHOM c6opKM. flpn c6opKe cneflyer Mcnonb30BaTb cneunanbHbie HHCT pyMembi vi KpacKn, flepefl HananoM cSopKM BHUMarenbHO Msy-mre nHCTpyKi4MK>.MoAennCTaM Mnafliuero eospacra TpeSyercsH noMomb B3pocnbix. CD fleranM or PBMOK orfle/iaMre SoKOpeaaMM. HcnojibsyiiTe flnn c6opKM Kneii Ann nnaciMaccbi. flnn Meian/iMHecKnx fleraneti cneflyei ncnonb3OBarb uuaHaKpiinaTHbm xneii. CJ] OKpacKy fleraneii c/ieAyer BbinonHnrb B XOAB c6opKM. B wecrax coeAMHeHMH Aeraneii KpacKy cneAyer yaanmb. A /\n ^ When assembling this kit, tools including knives are used. Extra care should betaken toavoidpersonat injury. r^ Read and follow the instructions supp lied with paint and/or cement, if used. Use plastic cement and paints only. rj Keep out of reach of small children. Children must not be allowed to suck any part, or puil vinyl bag over the head. S*B Kft npn pa6orec pewyiMHMM HHCTpywieHT3MM BO M36e>KaHHe paHSHMti M TpaBM. QJ] Repea ncnonb30B3HneM unen n KpacoK, aBHMaieribHo nsynnre cxewy c6opxn M oKpaCKM Moaenn.CneflyiiTe MHCTpyKunH nponsBOflnrefiH KpacoK npn oicpacite M0flenn. QT] Moflenb coflepwuT wenKwe fleiann. Koropbte woryr npuMUHMTb spea ManeHbxnM flerHM, XpaHHTb B HeflocrynnoM ana flereii Mecre. He paspeujawre ASTSM nrparb c ynaxoBKoii. RnacTOKOBbiti naKei Mower npnaecru K yflyiu CU Tools recommended mmn Side cutters Modeling knife Cement Knew Tweezers Cyanoacrylate glue i KHGII Decal application X^-fKv—r^(TJIiy McnonbsoeaHMe Aexaneii ;1. Cut off decal from sheet. 2 Dip the decal in tepid water for about 10 sec and place on a clean cloth. 3; Hold the backing sheet edge and slide decal onto the model. 1U 4 Move deca! into position with a wet finger. ; ffi|Z'J?L*SolfC'7 '5 Press decal gently down with a soft cloth until excess water and air bubbles are gone. 1 Bbipexcbre HywHbift tppariwen r, :'2y noiwecTMTe B rennyio BOAV na lOCGKyHfl. (3) nepenecMTe Aenanb na rpe6ye MO6M6CTO, aKKypaTHO CABHHbTe KMCTbK) M/1M pyKOM. 4; VflanMTe nonno>KKy n ocraTKii BOflbl. (5 AKKypaTHO npMJKMMTe M paarnaAbTe OT MeHTpa K KpaaM. yqaJIFIfl BO3MO>KHbie ny3blpbKVI BO3AyXa M OCT3TKM BOflhl. ED There are two options for the model as shown in the drawing.Please select one option before assembly and refer to paint schemes for details. CD w<D^M*»®a92*irott«tffcy$-f a irfcfe^^-m^&TT<f£<*i\0 E] flea BapiiaHta oKpacKM naK noKasano Ha pucyHKax. DoKanyMcra, nepeA c6opKOM Bbi6epMTe BaptiaHT oKpacKM. fleraribHaa MHcpopMaMMH yKaaana B cxeue ~ Mttftffig Attaching driver's compartment VcjaHOBKa B34 B18 Left interior assembly £fi¥ftrtSi5ro*i^3tr C6opKa MHTepbepa neeoro 6opra 71.001 Left exterior assembly £{li|m<*?1-93<nffi^AZ: C6opKa BH6LUHMX fleTajieti neaoro 6opra Vertical spring suspension system * Sprinofbig; life:*: ripy>KMHa{6onbLijafl) MeiannnnecKHM npyioK Vertical spring suspension system SI!i'*3'tX^>->a^vXTA BeprMKanbHan npyKMHHan n Right interior assembly £{ll|*ftrta!fflffl^AZ:T C6opKa nHiepbepa npasoro 6opia A10 71 .067 II1B35 B36 p\QO I—'£-£- Vertical spring suspension system . *7Si-t ? -H-H-'7X.-/-^-,--,^^ /, B42 71,041 Attaching roof armor .UMW<D«ytfit VciaHOBKa eepxHHx 6pOHenaHeneH A28 A26 A25 A28 A23 71,041 71.073 ~ Attaching in numerical order. El •»ic«y«-itr<f;Si\. YCTaHOBKa A20 A4 B IIOpaflKe H y M e p a M M M . Hull assembly C6opKa Kopnyca Right side of hull ripaebiM 6opr Kopnyca *(*** A24 B8 10 Wheel assembly »Ji#. K3TKOB D15 D16 D18 Metal axis *«« MerajuiHHecKHfi Ban p*oo [2] Make 2. LJ^-° El 2Httys-r. Q2 Co6parb 2. Left running gear assembly tfitfTSiroffl^ar Cdopxa xofloeoPi Macru neaoro 6opra C1 B® Same for both sides samtpc CMMMelpHMHO 11 Right running gear assembly C6opKa xoflOBOM nacTM npaeoro Sopra C3 C14 C23 Same for both s sjrtj CHMMOTPHHHO Attaching unditching tail vurowttit VCTaHOBKa XBOCTOBOM JlbDKM B21 B22 Right running gear left running gear on the opposite gtt £&l!i]li£tti|7t?rim Macrt> npaooro 6opra flpyroii 6opr - xoAoean Macn, neeoro 6opra Same for both sides 5*tfli]ttac CMMMBTpHHHO 12 H 32 links each side cm J.L Do 32 rpaKa c KajKnofi cropOHbi. Attaching engine deck YcTaHOBKa Kpuwn MTO A27 B38 B2 A22 13 \ Weapon assembly ^<§|0)ffl<^-jlT C5opKaBoopyweHMfl C21 Q A8 H18 C22 H19 B17 B14 B13 171.067 B15' Optional part. Attaching weapon ^tirois m*<na!oa.,!* H1 BapH3HTc6opKM. YcraHOBKa H11 E3 Unmarked parts inside the turret are painted with 71.001. H10 Q BHylpeHHHS CTOpOHbl 63LUHM 663 yK33aHMfl UB6T3 OKpaiueHbi B user Ns.71.001. 71.001 Turret assembly \8 m ir3iSO)ffl^ST C6opK3 6ailJHM Attach part (J)sas shown. E] ©3CD^M!*lRB^H [ID Cxeua ycTaHOBKM A H9 H17 H15 14 Hotchkiss M1914 Machine Gun assembly 7t-v:^*xMi9i4Mietroffl^iz:T 70,976 B25 C6opKa craHKOBOro nyjieMera TOMKMCC M1914 71,067 C15 D1 HI 71.015 B25 71.015 !|0|D9\ Diorama base assembly C6opK3 OCHOBaHMH flMOpaMbI L2 L8 L11 Same for both sides CMMMOTpHHHO 15 Attaching diorama base YcTaHOBKa ocHOsaHna anopaMbi 17 EH] Attaching in numerical order. L3 G] •»iatmwiti:<fi4i». E YcraHOBKa B nopsflKe HyMepa Finished model ^-X^fig BbinonneHne MOfle/iM 16 A Parts Track H* TpaK B Parts Spring(big) »« ('h ) "2 Spring(small) _ Painting OxpacKa 2nd Platoon, 1st Company, 344th Tank Battalion, 304th Tank Brigade, US Army, Verdun, October 1918 7>'J;ft!S304f!m^aH344iii¥*lli':Hi2>hlt 1918^10^ -t>'i;i-£*> TaHK M3 cocraaa 304-Pi raHKOBOki Spuraflbi CLUA, npuHafljiewkiT KO 2-My BSBOfly 1-Pi pOTbi 344-ro raHKOBoro 6araJiboHa, BapeHH. oKTn6pa 1918 r. © © 18 ® 1929^ Tank Units, Northeastern Frontier Defense Force, National Revolutionary Army, China, 1929 T3HK M3 COCTSBa 6pOH6TaHKOBblX BOMCK CBBepO-BoCTO'HHOM apMUM OXpaHbl M, Kkiraki, 1929r. Body color ffi r Kopnyca - --} + 71.025 50% r—'' 71,00? 19 . Color reference •ft=j-Km Ta6nnL(a LieeTOB vaUejo £5,a M*fe &fi &«*,** Red cuir Ix-vKb— tf Kowa KpaCHO-KopHHHesan 70.818 Sail color 'O X3KM (6pe36HT) 70.976 White /t^fh EeiibiM 71.001 Camouflage green AA'?^— v^^-fr-yu— > 3e/ieHbiii 71.006 •• tzn mm mm mm mm mm WflEt* WWtt S*e Olive green ^f'J— "?&'}— > 3ejieHO-O/lMBKOBblH 71.007 Olive brown 3f~'J— 'Jf^— KopHHHeso-onuBKOBbm 71.015 Hemp ^>7 JlbHHHOM 71.023 eim Dark yellow $ — ^-fin- TeMHO-wenTbiM 71.025 iHSfe iS±fe »«fe light brown 7'l'h'?:7r!7> CseTno-KopHHHeBbm 71.027 Dark earth 9—97—7* TeMHO-SeM/IHHOM 71.029 Green brown ^°'J— >?~7rt'> 3e/ieHO-KOpHHHeBblkl 71.030 en Red brown •?>-?^);5r>> KpaCHO-KOpHMHeBbIM 71.041 mm Me Black ^7-y? HepHbiM 71.057 mm ftfflfe Brass(metallic) 5f:7-i'l-7';5^.(^<^!lJ-y?) JlaryHMbiM 71.067 Black(metallic) J^yQ (WlyW TeMHbiM (Meian/iMK) 71.073 20 mm 11 TS-0 ^» r FRENCH FT-17 LIGHT TANK (RIVETED TURRET)
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