SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection
SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Q35815 ¡Apágala! ¡Aquí viene el que se Q00560 poncha! Author Name Ipcizade, Catherine Marx, David F. Kessler, Leonard Q02530 ¡Corre, perro, corre! Eastman, P.D. 1.5 BR 1 484 Fiction K-2 Q35819 ¡Detenlo a ese gato! Q03636 ¡Esqueletos! Esqueletos! Meister, Cari Hall, Katy Brimner, Larry Dane 2.2 3.1 BR 1 2 16 0 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 1.3 BR 1 49 Fiction K-2 290 2 AD 1 564 Fiction K-2 40 1.4 1 89 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title 'Twas The Day Before Zoo Q46974 Day Q35745 ¡Gatitos! ¡Lobo Llama A La Puerta!, Q34877 El! Q35792 Q34965 Q49052 Q35410 Ward, Nick Bowdish, ¡Los truenos no me asustan! Lynea Gonzalez, ¡Monos, Monos! Hugo ¡Muu, Moo!: Rimas de animales / Animal Nursery Ada, Alma Rhymes Flor Wilhelm, ¡No Me Gusta Mi Moño! Hans Q08438 ¡No se salta en la cama! Q09445 ¡Qué montón de tamales! ¡Qué sorpresa de Q09447 cumpleaños! Q34880 ¡Tiempo De Calabazas! Q02909 ¿De quién eres, ratoncito? ¿De quién es este Q02910 sombrero? ¿De Quién Son Estos Q34960 Huesos? Arnold, Tedd Soto, Gary Lopez, Loretta Hall, Zoe Avalos, Cecilia PerezMercado, Mary Margaret Kroll, Virginia Kraus, Robert Avalos, Cecilia Fernandez, Queta Q03617 ¿Eres tú mi mamá? Eastman, P.D. Q12056 ¡Vamos al supermercado! Q35806 ¡Zas! ¿Cuándo vamos a ser Q02647 hermanas? Lexile Levels 10 Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.3 NP 1 634 Fiction K-2 1.5 1 65 Fiction K-2 3 2 0 Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 40 Fiction K-2 2.3 NP 2 1273 Fiction K-2 1.6 BR 1 80 Fiction K-2 680 3.7 4.3 2 2 0 1108 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 640 370 3.3 1.8 2 1 1396 253 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 1 0 Fiction K-2 50 1.4 1 58 Fiction K-2 320 1.6 1 472 Fiction K-2 20 1.6 1 0 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 38 Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 24 Non-Fiction K-2 1 628 Fiction K-2 40 1.2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q05027 ¿Has visto estas aves? Q08414 ¿No duermes, osito? ¿Qué está arriba cuando Q35752 estás abajo? Q35033 ¿Qué Hora Es? Q34959 ¿Qué Soy Yo? Q00007 ¿Quién come qué? Q00009 ¿Quién cuida al cocodrilo? Author Name Oppenheim, Joanne Waddell, Martin Marx, David F. Moriarty, Julie Frizado, Orlando Lauber, Patricia Ada, Alma Flor Lexile Levels Reading Level 610 600 Q00012 ¿Quién menea el esqueleto? Alcántara, R. Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.4 1 444 Fiction K-2 3.4 2 925 Fiction K-2 1.8 BR 1 68 Fiction K-2 1.3 BR 1 63 Non-Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 28 Non-Fiction K-2 2 2 0 Non-Fiction K-2 1 2 0 Fiction K-2 1.7 2 0 Fiction K-2 2 6 0 Fiction K-2 2 1 0 49 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 2 2 0 Fiction K-2 1 350 Fiction K-2 Q00013 ¿Quién quiere a los viejos? ¿Quién quiere un Q00014 rinoceronte barato? Q34964 ¿Quién Soy Yo? Alcántara, R. Silverstein, Shel Lee, Millen Q00015 ¿Quién usa las papeleras? Q11861 ¿Tu mamá es una llama? Alcántara, R. Guarino, Deborah 420 2.1 Q48937 1 Zany Zoo Degman, Lori 860 4.6 AD 1 415 Fiction K-2 Q34940 1,2 Y 3 ¡A La Caja! Tarlow, Ellen 1.1 BR 1 24 Fiction K-2 Q34919 1,2,3 In The Box 10 Best Things About My Q38536 Dad, The Tarlow, Ellen Loomis, Christine Johnston, Tony Bogart, Jo Ellen Rathmann, Peggy Ewert, Marcus Numeroff, Laura 1.2 BR 1 23 Fiction K-2 1.6 NP 1 155 Fiction K-2 320 1.7 AD 1 159 Non-Fiction K-2 820 2.4 AD 1 328 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 84 Fiction K-2 540 2.2 AD 1 688 Fiction K-2 450 1.5 1 263 Fiction K-2 320 2.2 1 271 Non-Fiction K-2 200 2.4 2 902 Fiction K-2 Q35995 10 Fat Turkeys Q00016 10 For Dinner Q21254 10 Minutes Till Bedtime Q48879 10,000 Dresses 10-Step Guide To Living Q35519 With Your Monster Q28337 100 Days Of School Q27663 100-Pound Problem, The Harris, Trudy Dussling, Jennifer 2 1.4 BR AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q36738 1001 Animals to Spot Q47169 100th Day Of School Q00020 100th Day Of School, The Q21814 100th Day Worries Q27587 100th Day, The Q47433 14 Cows For America 17 Things I'm Not Allowed Q45594 To Do Anymore Q16029 18 Penny Goose, The Q57539 3 Little Dassies, The Q13252 4 Pups And A Worm Q03881 50 Below Zero 50 Simple Things Kids Can Do To Save The Earth Q27558 (Anthology) 500 Hats Of Bartholomew Q00036 Cubbins, The Q30009 500 Isabels Q21473 6 Sticks 98, 99, 100! Ready Or Q15024 Not, Here I Come! Q38741 A+ Custodian, The Q25637 A, My Name Is... Q15031 A-Hunting We Will Go! Q25121 A. Is For Africa Q32403 A. Is For Asia Q27460 A. Is For Salad Q17382 A. Lincoln And Me Q25585 A. My Name Is Alice Q20155 A. To Zen Author Name Brocklehurst, Ruth Schiller, Melissa Medearis, Angela Shelf Cuyler, Margery Maccarone, Grace Deedy, Carmen Agra Offill, Jenny Walker, Sally M. Brett, Jan Seltzer, Eric Munsch, Robert Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.6 NP 1 814 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2.4 1 248 Non-Fiction K-2 340 1.5 1 190 Fiction K-2 360 2.1 2 937 Fiction K-2 0 1.8 BR 1 164 Fiction K-2 540 2.2 AD 1 638 Non-Fiction K-2 750 3.6 AD 1 444 Fiction K-2 370 720 350 2.8 3.4 1.5 AD 2 1 1 1066 895 413 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 290 3.1 2 710 Fiction K-2 Earthworks Group, 5.1 NA 1 895 Non-Fiction K-2 AD 3 1 3941 307 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Seuss, Dr. Floyd, Lucy 520 270 3.7 2.1 Coxe, Molly Slater, Teddy Borden, Louise Lyne, Alice Kellogg, Steven Onyefulu, Ifeoma Chin-Lee, Cynthia Lester, Mike Borden, Louise Bayer, Jane Wells, Ruth 120 1.3 1 67 Fiction K-2 310 1.7 1 432 Fiction K-2 850 4.3 2.1 NP NP 2 1 1538 360 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.5 NP 1 405 Fiction K-2 2 963 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1 1243 134 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2 2 2 777 700 1908 Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 790 4.6 1000 0 4.1 1.8 650 370 1070 2.7 2.4 3.7 BR AD IG SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.8 NP 1 428 Fiction K-2 530 2.3 3.5 NP AD 1 1 112 334 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 190 1.9 2 709 Fiction K-2 560 3.9 2 1933 Fiction K-2 580 2.8 2 1853 Fiction K-2 240 2.4 2 995 Fiction K-2 530 2.1 1 990 Fiction K-2 220 2.1 1 165 Fiction K-2 190 1.5 1 120 Fiction K-2 410 1.9 1 218 Fiction K-2 800 860 4.8 4.8 AD 2 1 1011 475 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.9 NA 1 50 Fiction K-2 Lear, Q00002 A. Was Once An Apple Pie Edward Q25074 A. You're Adorable Q00039 Aardvarks, Disembark! Q21686 Aaron's Hair Kaye, Buddy Jonas, Ann Munsch, Robert Abbie Against The Storm: The True Story Of A Young Vaughan, Q24027 Heroine And A Lighthouse Marcia Hanel, Q28049 Abby Wolfram Abby Cadabra, Super Q26573 Speller Holub, Joan Golding, Abby's Asthma And The Big Theresa Q45805 Race Martin Ga'g, Q00049 ABC Bunny, The Wanda Carlson, Q00050 ABC I Like Me! Nancy Cushman, Q00052 ABC Mystery Doug Priddy, Q38394 ABC Of Jobs Roger Q41526 ABC Safari Lee, Karen Keremes, ABC Street Fair Constance Q27554 (Anthology), The Andrea Abe Lincoln And The Muddy Krensky, Q31656 Pig Stephen Q23835 Abe Lincoln Remembers Turner, Ann Brenner, Q00056 Abe Lincoln's Hat Martha Abe Lincoln: The Boy Who Q32699 Loved Books Winters, Kay Abe's Honest Words: The Rappaport, Q45985 Life Of Abraham Lincoln Doreen Hughes, Q25368 Abel's Moon Shirley Wallner, Q27377 Abigail Adams Alexandra Q46570 Abigail Spells Alter, Anna Q00061 Abiyoyo Seeger, Pete AD AD 480 790 2.6 3.8 2 2 987 742 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 330 2.9 2 1159 Non-Fiction K-2 480 3.5 2 1052 Non-Fiction K-2 820 4.4 AD 2 1363 Non-Fiction K-2 620 3.2 AD 2 947 Fiction K-2 620 480 4.1 2.6 2 1 1106 610 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 610 3.2 2 629 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Seeger, Pete 210 2.6 AD 2 996 Fiction K-2 Sill, Cathryn 460 2.3 1 118 Non-Fiction K-2 Sill, Cathryn Rotner, About Twins Shelley Abracadabra! Magic With Yee, Wong Mouse And Mole Herbert Schaefer, Abraham Lincoln Lola M. Abraham Lincoln (Let's Houghton Read Biography) Mifflin, Neufeld, Abraham Lincoln (Neufeld) David Abraham Lincoln (Real Walker, People) Pamela Abraham Lincoln (Rookie Biographies) Mara, Wil Abraham Lincoln Comes Burleigh, Home Robert Abraham Lincoln: A Life Of Honesty Leslie, Tonya McCloskey, Abran paso a los patitos Robert Absolutely Positively Alexander Viorst, Judith Dorros, Abuela Arthur Abuelita Hubner, F. Machado, A. abuelita aventurera, La M. Cordova, Abuelita's Heart Amy Nodar, Carmen Abuelita's Paradise Santiago Abuelo And The Three Bears Tello, Jerry Demuth, Achoo! All About Colds Patricia B. Ackamarackus: Julius Lester's Sumptuously Silly Fantastically Funny Fables Lester, Julius Loomis, Across America, I Love You Christine 770 4.7 2 200 Non-Fiction K-2 450 1.9 1 178 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2.3 2 1912 Fiction K-2 350 3.8 1 235 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.7 1 567 Non-Fiction K-2 340 1.8 1 419 Non-Fiction K-2 250 1.6 1 110 Non-Fiction K-2 280 2.1 1 301 Non-Fiction K-2 560 2.2 1 508 Fiction K-2 630 3.5 1 516 Non-Fiction K-2 800 2 2 1198 Fiction K-2 580 3.6 2 2835 Fiction K-2 510 810 3.5 5 2 2 646 938 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 540 2.9 2 720 Fiction K-2 830 4.1 2 1199 Fiction K-2 510 4.1 2 1080 Fiction K-2 620 3.4 2 862 Fiction K-2 290 1.5 1 498 Fiction K-2 570 3.3 AD 3 5504 Fiction K-2 800 4.7 AD 2 712 Fiction K-2 Title Q26464 Abiyoyo Returns About Arachnids: A Guide Q36044 for Children About Hummingbirds: A Q54482 Guide For Children Q31691 Q42112 Q00069 Q31409 Q30085 Q28279 Q32381 Q45393 Q42583 Q00071 Q31001 Q00075 Q00077 Q00078 Q29027 Q22645 Q00081 Q00088 Q23918 Q22192 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level AD 1 86 Fiction K-2 460 1.2 Q36878 Actual Size Ginsburg, Mirra Jenkins, Steve 1080 2.5 2 2124 Non-Fiction K-2 Q00102 Addie Meets Max Robins, Joan 310 2.1 1 422 Fiction K-2 Q00103 Addie Runs Away Robins, Joan 330 1.7 1 477 Fiction K-2 Q00104 Addie's Bad Day Robins, Joan 250 1.5 1 566 Fiction K-2 Q14526 Addition Annie Gisler, David McClintock, Barbara 0 1.6 1 55 Fiction K-2 550 2.4 1 837 Fiction K-2 620 400 2.5 2.4 2 2 1083 844 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 430 2.5 3 6430 Fiction K-2 550 2.6 2 777 Fiction K-2 280 2.5 2 1083 Fiction K-2 650 2.9 2 1732 Fiction K-2 920 5.4 AD 2 1249 Fiction K-2 4.9 NP 1 386 Fiction K-2 Q00096 Across The Stream Q39660 Adele And Simon Adios Oscar! A Butterfly Q46094 Fable Q27133 Adventure In Arabia Adventure Of The Big Q00116 Snow, The Adventure On Klickitat Q27924 Island Adventure With Captain Q26575 Brainstorm!, An Adventures Of Capitol Kitty: An Almost True Story, Q31786 The Adventures Of Granny Clearwater And Little Q51709 Critter, The Elwell, Peter Foss, Flora McArthur, Nancy Hippely, Hilary Horder Hyman, Fracaswell Davis, Sharon Holt, Kimberly Willis BR AD AD Q14136 Adventures Of Isabel, The Adventures Of Marco And Q21858 Polo, The Nash, Ogden Wiesmuller, Dieter 400 2.8 AD 2 861 Fiction K-2 Adventures Of Marco Q53899 Flamingo In The Jungle, The Adventures Of Ook And Gluk, Kung-fu Cavemen Q50708 From The Future, The Adventures Of Snail At Q00125 School, The Adventures Of Q00126 Sparrowboy, The Jarkins, Sheila 420 1.4 AD 1 406 Fiction K-2 Pilkey, Dav 420 2.5 GN 4 4391 Fiction K-2 Stadler, John Pinkney, Brian 280 1.9 2 886 Fiction K-2 540 1.9 1 369 Fiction K-2 Adventures Of Sugar And Q31092 Junior, The Medearis, Angela Shelf 200 2.6 2 1547 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 NP 1 511 Fiction K-2 410 480 2.1 3.4 AD AD 1 2 354 774 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 780 3.9 2 1956 Non-Fiction K-2 770 730 3.7 4.5 4 2 4686 1401 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Q35684 Africa Africa (Rookie Read-About Q32386 Geography) Fowler, Allan Kroll, Q00137 Africa Brothers And Sisters Virginia Greenfield, Q00138 Africa Dream Eloise Lechner, Q27398 Africa: Animals At Night Judith Thomas, Q24585 African Dancing Mark Eckart, Q34574 African Elephant Edana African Elephant: The World's Biggest Land Q40547 Mammal (SuperSized!) Hall, Kirsten 430 2.1 1 360 Non-Fiction K-2 340 1.9 1 252 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.2 2 858 Fiction K-2 1 195 Fiction K-2 Q55168 African Elephants African Lions (Pull Ahead Q41490 Books) Quiz # Title Author Name Adventures Of Taxi Dog, Q00128 The Adventures Of The Dish And Q40380 The Spoon, The Q00135 Aekyung's Dream Barracca, Debra Aero And Officer Mike: Q31787 Police Partners Russell, Joan Plummer Naidoo, Beverley Owings, Lisa Donaldson, Madeline Q55944 Aesop's Fables Q53318 Afghanistan Q36743 Afro-Bets 123 Book After The Dinosaurs: Mammoths And Fossil Q43717 Mammals Q29879 Afternoon Nap, An Q26085 Again! Agapanthus Hum And The Q24047 Eyeglasses Agatha's Feather Bed: Not Just Another Wild Goose Q28125 Story Grey, Mini Paek, Min Lexile Levels 3.5 AD NP 300 2.2 1 519 Non-Fiction K-2 280 1.8 1 120 Non-Fiction K-2 500 1.8 1 137 Non-Fiction K-2 710 3.7 1 540 Non-Fiction K-2 Schuetz, Kari 420 2.4 1 107 Non-Fiction K-2 Riley, Joelle 440 2.4 1 341 Non-Fiction K-2 1 71 Non-Fiction K-2 1 545 Non-Fiction K-2 1 1 158 404 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Hudson, Cheryl Willis Brown, Charlotte Lewis Wise, Beth Alley Prater, John Cowley, Joy Deedy, Carmen Agra 1.3 IG NP 510 2.8 450 200 1.6 1.6 570 3.2 2 1508 Fiction K-2 410 3.1 2 1050 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level AD AD 1 1 1 114 760 687 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 1 2 43 2535 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 5.3 1 543 Non-Fiction K-2 30 1.2 1 50 Fiction K-2 770 3.7 AD 1 923 Fiction K-2 570 2.7 AD 2 797 Fiction K-2 Q23226 Air And Flight (It's Science!) Hewitt, Sally Branley, Q00155 Air Is All Around You Franklyn M. Birdseye, Q25577 Airmail To The Moon Tom Airplane Alphabet Book, Pallotta, Q28055 The Jerry SaundersQ18307 Airplanes Smith, Gail Lindeen, Q42470 Airplanes Mary Airplanes (Transportation Schaefer, Q20589 Library) Lola M. Barton, Q00159 Airport Byron 710 3.9 2 1260 Non-Fiction K-2 330 2.4 2 715 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.9 2 1616 Fiction K-2 660 4.2 2 1590 Non-Fiction K-2 360 1.3 1 60 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.5 1 96 Non-Fiction K-2 610 1.5 IG 1 413 Non-Fiction K-2 400 1.9 AD 1 117 Non-Fiction K-2 Q00166 ala de la polilla, El Alabama (Rookie ReadQ34800 About Geography) Emberley, Ed 520 2.7 1 366 Fiction K-2 Leber, Holli Nelson, Kristin L. Nelson, Kristin L. Wong, Su Tien 540 2.8 1 332 Non-Fiction K-2 540 3.2 1 859 Non-Fiction K-2 350 1.8 1 407 Non-Fiction K-2 470 1.9 1 306 Non-Fiction K-2 Gill, Shelley Napoli, Donna Jo 850 5.5 2 2348 Fiction K-2 350 2.3 2 1319 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q14514 Aggie And Will Q53790 Aggie Gets Lost Q49761 Aggie The Brave Q34958 Agua, El Q37182 Ah, Music! Q53330 AH-6 Little Birds Q38010 Ah-choo (My First Reader) Ahmed And The Feather Q52463 Girl Ahoy There, Little Polar Q14243 Bear Q51519 Alamo, The Q35645 Alamo, The (2004) Q34801 Alaska Q00174 Alaska's Three Bears Q24656 Albert Author Name Brimner, Larry Dane Ries, Lori Ries, Lori Blevins, Wiley Aliki, Alvarez, Carlos TaylorButler, Christine Ray, Jane de Beer, Hans Lexile Levels Reading Level 460 130 230 2.2 1.1 1.1 910 1.3 3.1 800 BR AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level 220 1.4 Schami, Rafik Meltzer, Q43382 Albert Einstein: A Biography Milton Jordan, Q13539 Albert Goes To Town Jennifer Q24291 Albert The Albatross Hoff, Syd 470 3.2 950 7.4 540 0 3.5 2.1 Q24419 Albert's Ballgame Tryon, Leslie 110 Q26465 Albert's Birthday Tryon, Leslie 430 Q24475 Albert's Christmas Tryon, Leslie Q26529 Albert's Field Trip Albert's Halloween: The Case Of The Stolen Q26576 Pumpkin Tryon, Leslie Quiz # Title Q36262 Albert Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 1 133 Fiction K-2 2 1446 Fiction K-2 3 3178 Non-Fiction K-2 BR 2 1 1162 281 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.9 AD 1 177 Fiction K-2 2.4 AD 2 645 Fiction K-2 2.3 NP 2 676 Fiction K-2 660 2.9 AD 2 606 Fiction K-2 Tryon, Leslie Williams, Barbara Borden, Louise Nikola-Lisa, W. Albert, Richard E. Delessert, Etienne Russo, Marisabina 570 2.8 AD 2 896 Fiction K-2 570 2.7 2 802 Fiction K-2 850 4.3 AD 2 863 Fiction K-2 2.1 NA 1 522 Fiction K-2 840 3 AD 2 920 Fiction K-2 650 3.3 1 445 Fiction K-2 430 2.3 2 722 Fiction K-2 Viorst, Judith 970 3.9 2 726 Fiction K-2 Lionni, Leo deRubertis, Barbara Sherrow, Victoria 490 4.7 2 743 Fiction K-2 340 1.2 1 708 Fiction K-2 460 2.3 2 1562 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.3 1 390 Non-Fiction K-2 560 3.2 1 543 Non-Fiction K-2 Yamamoto, Lani Q20198 Albert & Lila Q00176 Albert's Toothache Q15062 Albie The Lifeguard Q00181 alegría de ser tú y yo, La Q00182 Alejandro's Gift Q41092 Alert! Q29028 Alex Is My Friend Alexander And The Terrible, Horrible, No Q00183 Good, Very Bad Day Alexander And The WindQ00184 Up Mouse Alexander Anteater's Q49156 Amazing Act Q35620 Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell Q32377 (Rookie Biographies) Mara, Wil Alexander Graham Bell: A Famous Inventor (Easy Martin, Justin Q43879 Reader Biographies) McCory Lexile Code AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Alexander y el día terrible, horrible, espantoso, Q00187 horroroso Viorst, Judith Alexander, que de ninguna Q00188 manera ... se va a mudar Viorst, Judith Alexander, Who Used To Q00186 Be Rich Last Sunday Viorst, Judith Alexander, Who's Not (Do You Hear Me I Mean It!) Q00190 Going to Move Viorst, Judith Cadow, Q50307 Alfie Runs Away Kenneth M. Donohue, Q49346 Alfie The Apostrophe Moira Rose Q00194 Algodón Lexile Levels Reading Level 970 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.6 2 742 Fiction K-2 630 3.7 2 1217 Fiction K-2 570 3.5 2 930 Fiction K-2 730 3.7 2 1085 Fiction K-2 360 1.2 AD 1 803 Fiction K-2 540 2.2 AD 2 1020 Fiction K-2 630 4.1 2 3054 Fiction K-2 540 3.2 2 1350 Fiction K-2 560 3.2 2 1320 Fiction K-2 500 2.8 2 1168 Fiction K-2 510 2.1 AD 1 390 Fiction K-2 730 3.5 NC 4 4301 Fiction K-2 410 2.7 1 247 Fiction K-2 160 2.2 2 1086 Fiction K-2 690 2.3 1 683 Non-Fiction K-2 AD Q39348 Aliens Are Coming! Alonso, M. L. Wallace, Karen Wallace, Karen Johnston, Tony Shannon, David Meadows, Daisy Jahn-Clough, Lisa Johnston, Tony McCarthy, Meghan Alison's Fierce And Ugly Q13381 Halloween Bauer, Marion Dane 370 1.8 2 1692 Fiction K-2 Q00214 Alison's Puppy Bauer, Marion Dane 250 2.5 2 1577 Fiction K-2 Q13507 Alison's Wings Q00216 Alison's Zinnia Alistair And The Alien Q13244 Invasion Q20154 All Aboard Airplanes Bauer, Marion Dane Lobel, Anita Sadler, Marilyn Evans, Frank 190 540 2.2 3.5 2 1 1411 170 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 510 770 3.5 3.7 2 2 943 1146 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Q48855 Alice Goes North Q48856 Alice Goes To Hollywood Alice Nizzy Nazzy, The Q00200 Witch Of Santa Fe Q36205 Alice the Fairy Q50236 Alice The Tennis Fairy Q17194 Alicia Has A Bad Day Alien And Possum: Friends Q26577 No Matter What AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Q28018 All Aboard Cars Q40064 All Aboard The Dinotrain All Aboard! A True Train Q38124 Story Kuklin, Susan All Aboard! Elijah McCoy's Kulling, Q50566 Steam Engine Monica 920 500 3.9 2.7 AD 2 1 1165 331 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.5 NP 1 120 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.5 AD 1 996 Non-Fiction K-2 Q00219 All About Alligators Arnosky, Jim 770 4.5 2 685 Non-Fiction K-2 Q00220 All About Deer All About Dogs And Q27912 Puppies Arnosky, Jim Driscoll, Laura Berger, Melvin H. 850 5.6 2 1322 Non-Fiction K-2 770 3.2 2 1383 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.8 2 1495 Non-Fiction K-2 Arnosky, Jim Trumbauer, Lisa Trumbauer, Lisa Roberson, Erin 820 3.9 2 1096 Non-Fiction K-2 320 1.6 1 277 Non-Fiction K-2 300 1.6 1 265 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.2 1 340 Non-Fiction K-2 870 5.6 2 932 Non-Fiction K-2 Q29892 All About Pigs Arnosky, Jim Gallo, Margaret 390 1.7 1 246 Non-Fiction K-2 Q00223 All About Rattlesnakes Arnosky, Jim 870 5.5 2 1273 Non-Fiction K-2 Q33321 All About Sharks 910 4.9 2 1094 Non-Fiction K-2 580 3.5 2 677 Non-Fiction K-2 Q34795 All About Sound Arnosky, Jim Williams, Rozanne Lanczak Trumbauer, Lisa 260 1.5 1 269 Non-Fiction K-2 Q16081 All About Stacy Giff, Patricia Reilly 150 2.7 3 4207 Fiction K-2 Q00225 All About Things People Do Rice, Melanie 630 3.5 2 1279 Non-Fiction K-2 Q00226 All About Turkeys Arnosky, Jim 930 4.7 2 817 Non-Fiction K-2 Q21411 All About Turtles Arnosky, Jim 840 4.8 3 967 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Weir, Catherine Daly Lund, Deb Q00221 All About Electricity Q27818 All About Frogs Q34793 All About Heat Q34798 All About Light Q38028 All About Money Q00222 All About Owls Q30048 All About Snakes AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q00227 All About You Q00228 All Along The River Q35144 All Around Our Country All Around Town: The Photographs Of Richard Q28354 Samuel Roberts Q13306 Q28665 Q54100 Q00232 Q00233 Q37912 Q23223 Q16678 Author Name Anholt, Catherine Fowler, Allan Hutchins, Jeannie Johnson, Dinah Mayer, All By Myself Mercer All By Myself (Bates) Bates, Ivan All Charged Up: A Look At Boothroyd, Electricity Jennifer Rosen, All Eyes On The Pond Michael All I Am Roe, Eileen Gomez, All I Want For Christmas Rebecca All Kinds Of Animals (It's Science!) Hewitt, Sally Simon, All Kinds Of Families Norma Q31625 All Kinds Of Kids Q29958 All Kinds Of Weather Q00238 All My Little Ducklings Gardeski, Christina Mia Singer, Irma Wellington, Monica All Of Our Noses Are Here Schwartz, Q00240 And Other Noodle Tales Alvin King-Smith, Q00241 All Pigs Are Beautiful Dick Q29936 All Sorts Of Sports All Star!: Honus Wagner And The Most Famous Q49343 Baseball Card Ever Q00243 Q30589 Q16679 Q00247 Ross, Linda B. Yolen, Jane Hayward, All Stuck Up Linda All That Corn (Anthology) Floyd, Lucy All The Better To See You Wild, With! Margaret Hamanaka, All The Colors Of The Earth Sheila Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 60 1.5 AD 1 155 Fiction K-2 650 2.2 AD 1 367 Non-Fiction K-2 1.8 BR 1 110 Non-Fiction K-2 2.3 NP 1 388 Non-Fiction K-2 370 460 1.9 2.1 AD 1 1 155 551 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 570 3.3 1 587 Non-Fiction K-2 220 3.5 1.5 1 1 130 63 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 410 2.8 1 340 Fiction K-2 2 1122 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1043 Non-Fiction K-2 1 1 88 116 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 3.5 NP NA 470 2.9 0 50 1.3 1.3 210 1.5 1 138 Fiction K-2 270 1.7 2 1266 Fiction K-2 890 4.9 2 834 Non-Fiction K-2 160 1.5 1 174 Non-Fiction K-2 880 4.7 AD 2 1636 Non-Fiction K-2 390 0 1.7 1.1 BR 1 1 345 78 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 640 3.5 AD 2 793 Fiction K-2 540 3.1 AD 1 141 Non-Fiction K-2 BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title All The Colors Of The Q14738 Rainbow Q00250 All The Places To Love Q18586 All The Pretty Little Horses Q29962 All The Things I Did Today Q53420 All The Way To America Q20208 All The Way To Morning All Those Secrets Of The Q00254 World Q29090 All Together Now! Q00258 All Tutus Should Be Pink Q34566 All Wrapped Up Q32915 All Year Round Allen Camps Out Q31209 (Anthology) Allergies (Rookie ReadQ33047 About Health) Allie's Adventure From A To Q27568 Z (Anthology) Q00261 Allie's Basketball Dream Q29150 Allie's Plan Alligator Arrived With Q00262 Apples Q14965 Alligator Baby Q00263 Alligator Pie Q55155 Alligators Q00264 Alligators All Around Q49490 Alligators And Crocodiles Alligators and Others All Year Long!: A Book of Q13313 Months Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Fowler, Allan MacLachlan, Patricia Saport, Linda Flores, Enrique Yaccarino, Dan Harshman, Marc 670 Points Words Type Interest Level 3.1 1 514 Non-Fiction K-2 920 3.5 2 654 Fiction K-2 310 1.7 1 85 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 90 Fiction K-2 830 4.4 AD 1 694 Non-Fiction K-2 830 2.3 AD 1 305 Fiction K-2 Yolen, Jane 650 3.9 AD 2 766 Fiction K-2 Hood, Susan Brownrigg, Sheri Callahan, Thera S. 0 1.3 BR 1 141 Fiction K-2 440 2.3 1 243 Fiction K-2 10 1.3 1 70 Fiction K-2 1 160 Fiction K-2 Desimini, Lisa Michaels, Josh Gordon, Sharon Dreyer, Ellen Barber, Barbara E. Javernick, Ellen Dragonwago n, Crescent Munsch, Robert Lee, Dennis Zobel, Derek Sendak, Maurice Gibbons, Gail Dragonwago n, Crescent 1.6 Lexile Code NP 240 1.2 1 116 Fiction K-2 320 1.7 1 254 Non-Fiction K-2 1 115 Fiction K-2 1.5 NA 450 2.8 2 983 Fiction K-2 60 1.8 1 122 Fiction K-2 340 3.2 AD 1 296 Fiction K-2 580 3.5 3.1 NA 2 2 881 2500 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 115 Non-Fiction K-2 380 860 2.3 2.6 NP 1 84 Fiction K-2 5.6 AD 2 1422 Non-Fiction K-2 3.9 NP 2 728 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q29092 Almost Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Gabriel, Nat 0 1.3 BR 1 174 Fiction K-2 410 2.2 2 824 Fiction K-2 40 1.6 1 62 Fiction K-2 210 1.4 1 93 Fiction K-2 360 2.4 1 480 Fiction K-2 1 139 Non-Fiction K-2 Q24507 Aloha Dolores Giff, Patricia Reilly Kittinger, Jo S. Lillegard, Dee Samuels, Barbara Q29991 Alone Time, Together Time Levine, Jesse 250 1.5 Q13407 Alpha And The Dirty Baby Cole, Brock Steig, Jeanne MacDonald, Suse Hague, Kathleen Pearson, Debora Wood, Audrey Yorinks, Arthur Johnson, Stephen 570 4.5 AD 2 786 Fiction K-2 2 NP 3 1638 Fiction K-2 1.1 NP 1 55 Fiction K-2 510 3.9 AD 1 466 Fiction K-2 640 3.4 AD 1 519 Non-Fiction K-2 410 1.9 AD 2 751 Fiction K-2 1010 3.2 AD 1 421 Non-Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 2 Non-Fiction K-2 4.1 NP 1 503 Non-Fiction K-2 2 671 Fiction K-2 1 238 Fiction K-2 2 1290 Non-Fiction K-2 Q00265 Almost Awful Play Q35804 almuerzo con ponche, Un Q00270 almuerzo de ranita, El Q00277 Alpha Beta Chowder Q00278 Alphabatics Q00279 Alphabears Q37803 Alphabeep Q25398 Alphabet Adventure Q17722 Alphabet Atlas, The Q00280 Alphabet City Alphabet From Z To A With Much Confusion On The Q00282 Way Viorst, Judith Wood, Q33937 Alphabet Mystery Audrey Willard, Q00283 Alphabet Of Angels, An Nancy Dodson, Q00284 Alphabet Of Dinosaurs, An Peter Q27895 Alphabet Riddles Q28671 Alphabet Sea Q00285 Alphabet Tree, The Alphabet Under Q36455 Construction Alphathoughts: Alphabet Q36064 Poems Joyce, Susan Spencer, Carolyn Lionni, Leo Fleming, Denise Hopkins, Lee Bennett 430 1.9 640 2.9 830 2.9 180 1.6 AD 2 1111 Non-Fiction K-2 620 2.2 3.6 NP AD 1 1 508 404 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.4 BR 1 80 Fiction K-2 2.4 NP 1 244 Non-Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q28106 Altoona Baboona Q31575 Alvie Eats Soup Q00291 Always Always Always and Forever Q36399 (Durant) Q32874 Always Be Safe Q33265 Always Copycub Q45740 Always In Trouble Always Inventing: The True Story Of Thomas Alva Q28012 Edison Q47579 Always My Brother Q00293 Always My Dad Always Room For One Q00295 More Q43373 Always With You Aly Cat Takes Over The Q43865 First Grade! Q00297 Am I Beautiful? Q44218 Amadi's Snowman Amalia And The Q00299 Grasshopper Q00300 Amalia y el Saltamontes Amalia y sus primeras Q00301 tortillas Amanda Bean's Amazing Dream: A Mathematical Q27953 Story Amanda Pig And Her Best Q24942 Friend Lollipop Amanda Pig And Her Big Q25080 Brother Oliver Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Bynum, Janie Collins, Ross Dragonwago n, Crescent 430 80 1.8 3.1 AD AD 1 1 163 354 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 3.8 NA 2 1200 Fiction K-2 Durant, Alan 650 2.6 AD 1 675 Fiction K-2 Schulz, Kathy Edwards, Richard Demas, Corinne 300 1.7 AD 1 113 Non-Fiction K-2 340 2.6 AD 1 554 Fiction K-2 540 2.2 AD 1 592 Fiction K-2 460 2.7 2 1173 Non-Fiction K-2 570 2.3 1 755 Fiction K-2 550 3.5 2 1025 Fiction K-2 Murphy, Frank Reagan, Jean Wyeth, Sharon Dennis Leodhas, Sorche Nic Vander Zee, Ruth AD 3.9 NP 1 554 Fiction K-2 570 3.3 AD 1 876 Fiction K-2 400 2.3 4 6761 Fiction K-2 470 3.4 AD 1 488 Fiction K-2 510 2.8 AD 3 1480 Fiction K-2 Tello, Jerry Tello, Jerry 510 430 2.8 2.1 1 1 391 372 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Tello, Jerry 460 2.3 1 310 Fiction K-2 290 3.1 2 938 Fiction K-2 240 2.4 2 1492 Fiction K-2 110 2.5 2 1588 Fiction K-2 Leroe, Ellen Minarik, Else Holmelund Saint-Lot, Katia Novet Neuschwand er, Cindy Van Leeuwen, Jean Van Leeuwen, Jean AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q33739 Q38569 Q44016 Q00303 Q41825 Q13417 Q33311 Q31731 Title Author Name Van Amanda Pig And The Awful, Leeuwen, Scary Monster Jean Van Amanda Pig And The Leeuwen, Really Hot Day Jean Amanda Pig And The Van Wiggly Tooth (Dial Easy-To- Leeuwen, Read 2) Jean Van Leeuwen, Amanda Pig On Her Own Jean Van Leeuwen, Amanda Pig, First Grader Jean Van Leeuwen, Amanda Pig, Schoolgirl Jean Van Leeuwen, Amazing Air Balloon, The Jean Simon, Amazing Aircraft Seymour Q32342 Amazing Animals Q56402 Amazing Apples Q47280 Amazing Arctic Animals Q00309 Amazing Bone Amazing Christmas Q15486 Extravaganza, The Amazing Dinosaur Facts Q41626 (Dino World!) Q39964 Amazing Dolphins! Q38399 Amazing Gorillas! Q00316 Amazing Grace Amazing Lizards! (Hello Q15479 Reader) Q50119 Amazing Monty Franco, Betsy Bauer, Jeff Glassman, Jackie Steig, William Shannon, David Bennett, Leonie Thomson, Sarah L. Thomson, Sarah L. Hoffman, Mary Robinson, Fay Hurwitz, Johanna Q00323 Amazing Panda Adventure Kim, Grace Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 210 2.1 AD 2 1395 Fiction K-2 290 2.5 2 1488 Fiction K-2 220 1.5 2 1359 Fiction K-2 340 2.3 2 1588 Fiction K-2 320 1.7 2 1605 Fiction K-2 240 2.2 2 1428 Fiction K-2 370 3.1 2 1746 Fiction K-2 710 3.5 2 699 Non-Fiction K-2 400 420 1.8 2.4 1 1 125 306 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 690 4.3 2 1193 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.8 2 1652 Fiction K-2 510 4.2 2 1471 Fiction K-2 530 2.8 1 108 Non-Fiction K-2 670 3.5 1 649 Non-Fiction K-2 670 3.7 1 688 Non-Fiction K-2 680 4.1 2 683 Fiction K-2 460 3.5 1 130 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.4 5 9587 Fiction K-2 360 1.9 2 1175 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q39482 Q39372 Q48273 Q38401 Title Author Name Thomson, Amazing Sharks! (Thomson) Sarah L. Thomson, Amazing Tigers! Sarah L. Amazing Trail Of Seymour Snail, The Hazen, Lynn Thomson, Amazing Whales! Sarah L. Amazon River, The (Rookie Q39245 Read-About Geography) Q00330 Amazon Sun, Amazon Rain Q00335 Amber On The Mountain Q45477 Amber The Orange Fairy Q00336 Ambulances Q36197 Ambulances Ambulances (Blastoff! Q43498 Readers) Schulte, Mary de la Piedra, Ximena Johnston, Tony Meadows, Daisy Freeman, Marcia S. Levine, Michelle Manolis, Kay Waxman, Laura Q54101 Ambulances On The Move Hamilton Amelia And Eleanor Go For Ryan, Pam Q18980 A Ride Munoz Parish, Q00338 Amelia Bedelia Peggy Parish, Q00339 Amelia Bedelia (Español) Peggy Parish, Q17639 Amelia Bedelia 4 Mayor Herman Amelia Bedelia And The Parish, Q00340 Baby Peggy Amelia Bedelia And The Parish, Q45415 Cat Herman Amelia Bedelia And The Parish, Q00341 Surprise Shower Peggy Parish, Q53020 Amelia Bedelia Bakes Off Herman Amelia Bedelia Goes Back Parish, Q40405 To School Herman Amelia Bedelia Goes Parish, Q00342 Camping Peggy Lexile Levels Reading Level 570 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.9 1 753 Non-Fiction K-2 590 3.1 1 752 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2.4 2 1858 Fiction K-2 630 3.4 1 806 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2 1 420 Non-Fiction K-2 380 2.4 1 117 Fiction K-2 480 4.3 2 1156 Fiction K-2 500 2.7 4 4022 Fiction K-2 550 2.5 1 116 Non-Fiction K-2 300 1.6 1 278 Non-Fiction K-2 430 2.4 1 109 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.6 1 404 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.4 2 1175 Fiction K-2 120 2.5 2 1559 Fiction K-2 340 3 2 1140 Fiction K-2 220 1.9 2 1389 Fiction K-2 80 2.1 2 1378 Fiction K-2 400 2.3 2 2300 Fiction K-2 270 2.2 2 1548 Fiction K-2 450 2.5 2 1728 Fiction K-2 360 1.7 1 417 Fiction K-2 110 1.5 2 1247 Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Parish, Q00343 Amelia Bedelia Helps Out Peggy Amelia Bedelia Talks Parish, Q46443 Turkey Herman Amelia Bedelia Under Parish, Q40403 Construction Herman Amelia Bedelia's Family Parish, Q00344 Album Peggy Amelia Bedelia's First Parish, Q52241 Apple Pie Herman Amelia Bedelia's First Day Parish, Q49836 Of School Herman Amelia Bedelia's First Field Parish, Q55277 Trip Herman Amelia Bedelia's First Parish, Q53034 Valentine Herman Amelia Bedelia's Parish, Q43949 Masterpiece Herman Parish, Q33971 Amelia Bedelia, Bookworm Herman Amelia Earhart (Real Abraham, Q28853 People) Philip Amelia Earhart (Rookie Q32375 Biographies) Mara, Wil Milgrim, Q43936 Amelia Makes A Movie David Q15647 Amelia's Fantastic Flight Bursik, Rose Q34329 America Is... Altman, Linda Jacobs Borden, Louise America's Champion Q24708 Swimmer: Gertrude Ederle America: My Land, Your Q29488 Land, Our Land American Flag (American Q33961 Symbols), The Adler, David A. Nikola-Lisa, W. Douglas, Lloyd G. Q00349 Amelia's Road Q28234 American Wei, The JangoCohen, Judith Pomeranc, Marion Hess Q16230 Amigo Baylor, Byrd Q35644 American Flag, The Lexile Levels Reading Level 210 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.3 2 1704 Fiction K-2 460 2.5 2 2577 Fiction K-2 370 2.3 2 2295 Fiction K-2 170 2.5 2 767 Fiction K-2 530 2.1 AD 2 1281 Fiction K-2 380 1.3 AD 1 976 Fiction K-2 560 2.2 AD 2 1298 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 AD 2 1163 Fiction K-2 340 2.2 2 2773 Fiction K-2 290 2.7 2 1554 Fiction K-2 220 1.7 1 101 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.2 1 446 Non-Fiction K-2 290 580 1.7 2.9 1 1 216 105 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 660 4.8 2 1070 Fiction K-2 290 1.5 2 696 Non-Fiction K-2 580 3.4 2 1127 Non-Fiction K-2 1 53 Non-Fiction K-2 1.5 Lexile Code AD NP 520 1.6 1 177 Non-Fiction K-2 430 2.1 1 441 Non-Fiction K-2 210 2.9 AD 2 1041 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 2 2243 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 2 1 1287 Fiction K-2 780 4.2 2 1734 Fiction K-2 Among The Odds & Evens: Q22509 A Tale Of Adventure 560 4.8 AD 2 1050 Fiction K-2 Q36720 840 5 AD 2 1306 Fiction K-2 690 3.7 AD 2 1813 Fiction K-2 630 3.9 2 882 Non-Fiction K-2 860 4.1 2 2125 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q00375 amigos de Osito, Los Q26502 Amish Wedding, An Q00380 Q22313 Q28336 Author Name Minarik, Else Holmelund Ammon, Richard Turner, Priscilla Knutson, Amor y Pollo Asado Barbara Steig, Amos And Boris William Theodorou, Amphibians (Animal Babies) Rod Amy Elizabeth Explores Konigsburg, Bloomingdale's E. L. Lexile Levels Reading Level 190 Lexile Code Q00388 Amy Loves The Rain Hoban, Julia 440 2.3 1 117 Fiction K-2 Q00389 Amy Loves The Snow Hoban, Julia 390 2.1 1 127 Fiction K-2 Q00390 Amy Loves The Sun Hoban, Julia 300 1.7 1 122 Fiction K-2 Q00391 Amy Loves The Wind Q48403 Q48202 Q28140 Q26466 Q00396 Q16268 Q13277 Q00398 Q17561 Q42775 Q00420 Q20152 Hoban, Julia Meadows, Amy The Amethyst Fairy Daisy Anaconda Ate My Schertle, Homework, An Alice Ananse's Feast: An Ashanti Mollel, Tale Tololwa M. Kimmel, Eric Anansi And The Magic Stick A. Anansi And The Talking Kimmel, Eric Melon A. Aardema, Anansi Does The Impossible! Verna Aardema, Anansi Finds A Fool Verna McDermott, Anansi The Spider Gerald Anansi's Narrow Waist Cabral, Len Anatole Titus, Eve Bonsall, And I Mean It, Stanley Crosby MacGillAnd Still The Turtle Callahan, Watched Sheila 1.1 NP 1 116 Fiction K-2 680 3.2 NC 3 4094 Fiction K-2 560 2.2 AD 1 610 Fiction K-2 650 3.8 AD 2 1054 Fiction K-2 170 2.5 AD 2 902 Fiction K-2 340 3.9 2 986 Fiction K-2 630 3.5 2 1300 Fiction K-2 620 3.4 AD 2 1428 Fiction K-2 290 140 680 3.2 1.9 3.6 AD 1 1 2 346 157 1162 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 50 1.2 1 184 Fiction K-2 400 4.3 2 812 Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q39255 And Tango Makes Three Q26735 And The Cow Said Moo! And The Dish Ran Away Q24648 With The Spoon And To Think That I Saw It Q18147 On Mulberry Street And To Think That We Thought That We'd Never Q19118 Be Friends Q33546 Andiamo, Weasel! Q00440 Andrew's Loose Tooth Q29029 Androcles And The Lion Q00443 Andy And The Lion Andy Shane And The Barn Q47557 Sale Mystery Andy Shane And The Q39067 Pumpkin Trick Andy Shane And The Q45453 Queen Of Egypt Andy Shane And The Very Q36978 Bossy Dolores Starbuckle Q47912 Andy Shane Is Not In Love Q29933 Andy's New House Q22842 Angel Baby Q00447 Angel Child, Dragon Child Q44911 Angel Girl Q20812 Angel Hide And Seek Q23682 Angel Just Like Me, An Author Name Richardson, Justin Phillips, Mildred Stevens, Janet Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 720 3.9 AD 1 812 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 330 Fiction K-2 200 2.5 AD 2 1723 Fiction K-2 3.2 NP 2 810 Fiction K-2 2.9 NP 2 1048 Fiction K-2 Seuss, Dr. Hoberman, Mary Ann Grant, Rose Marie Munsch, Robert Nolan, Dennis Daugherty, James Jacobson, Jennifer Richard Jacobson, Jennifer Richard Jacobson, Jennifer Richard Jacobson, Jennifer Richard Jacobson, Jennifer Richard Widener, Sandra Cummings, Pat Surat, Michele Maria Friedman, Laurie Turner, Ann Hoffman, Mary 340 2.9 2 1068 Fiction K-2 570 2.8 2 710 Fiction K-2 580 3.5 2 1265 Fiction K-2 510 3.1 1 561 Fiction K-2 540 3.2 3 1461 Fiction K-2 550 2.9 2 1648 Fiction K-2 570 2.8 2 2123 Fiction K-2 610 3.3 2 1727 Fiction K-2 570 3.3 3 1624 Fiction K-2 340 1.7 1 302 Fiction K-2 120 1.9 1 199 Fiction K-2 420 2.8 2 1183 Fiction K-2 250 640 1.6 4.2 AD 1 2 975 433 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 340 2.8 AD 2 884 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Munsch, Q00456 Angela's Airplane Robert Sexton, Q46014 Angelfish (Blastoff! Reader) Colleen Holabird, Q31478 Angelina Ice Skates Katharine Holabird, Q21101 Angelina On Stage Katharine Macaulay, Q32591 Angelo David Coburn, Angkat: The Cambodian Jewell Q24700 Cinderella Reinhart Flack, Q24106 Angus And The Cat Marjorie Q00462 Ani y la anciana Miles, Miska Wojtowycz, Q23837 Animal ABC David Pandell, Q15116 Animal Action ABC Karen Animal Alphabet Q27563 (Anthology) Hogan, Mary Hamsa, Q14516 Animal Babies Bobbie Pinnington, Q57058 Animal Babies Andrea O'Brien, Q30064 Animal Babies That Hatch Robert R. Harter, Q23512 Animal Boogie, The Debbie Animal Builders (Cycles Of Stewart, Q32130 Life) David Animal Camouflage McDonnell, Q28619 (Anthology) Janet Riley, Gail Q29163 Animal Cousins Blasser Animal Crackers Fly The O'Malley, Q49190 Coop Kevin Collard III, Q00464 Animal Dads Sneed B. Clyne, Q21040 Animal Diggers Margaret Q53718 Animal Disguises Ryan, Emma Q27967 Animal Faces Q28672 Animal Hide And Seek Toda, Kyoko Taylor, Barbara Lexile Levels Reading Level 530 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.5 2 609 Fiction K-2 630 3.5 1 192 Non-Fiction K-2 720 3.7 AD 2 702 Fiction K-2 810 3.8 AD 2 603 Fiction K-2 570 3.8 2 1153 Fiction K-2 660 4.7 2 2209 Fiction K-2 390 540 2.4 2 AD 1 2 438 2479 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.4 NP 1 133 Fiction K-2 3.2 NP 1 558 Non-Fiction K-2 2.1 NA 1 75 Fiction K-2 1 114 Non-Fiction K-2 2 964 Non-Fiction K-2 1 529 Non-Fiction K-2 1 406 Fiction K-2 320 2.1 630 2.5 510 1.9 1.9 Lexile Code AD NP 740 2.6 2 674 Non-Fiction K-2 650 3.3 2 956 Non-Fiction K-2 300 2.2 1 316 Non-Fiction K-2 610 2.4 AD 1 940 Fiction K-2 790 4.8 AD 2 1146 Non-Fiction K-2 500 920 2.5 3.6 IG NC 1 1 262 741 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 740 3.6 2 1352 Non-Fiction K-2 710 3.8 3 4917 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q00468 Animal Hide-And-Seek Q28503 Animal Homes (Anthology) Q25132 Animal Homes (Chessen) Animal Homes (First Q26616 Discovery) Q33417 Animal Homes (Hewitt) Q29896 Animal Homes (Widener) Q22771 Animal Hospital Q35088 Animal Moms And Dads Author Name Slater, Teddy Podendorf, Illa Chessen, Betsey Jeunesse, Gallimard Hewitt, Sally Widener, Sandra WalkerHodge, Judith Lexile Levels Reading Level 590 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.2 1 600 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.3 1 486 Non-Fiction K-2 180 1.4 1 94 Non-Fiction K-2 400 1.7 1 175 Non-Fiction K-2 700 3.3 2 2123 Non-Fiction K-2 460 1.8 1 188 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2.6 2 977 Non-Fiction K-2 AD Tarlow, Ellen Cherrington, Janelle 1.4 BR 1 111 Non-Fiction K-2 1.4 BR 1 102 Non-Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 129 Fiction K-2 Q00471 Animal Picnic, The Wood, Jakki Perkins, Leslie D. 1 101 Fiction K-2 Q14425 Animal Skeletons Q38403 Animal Snackers Feely, Jenny Lewin, Betsy Q35394 Animal Pals Q00470 Animal Parade Hudson, Cheryl Willis Dorros, Animal Tracks Arthur Rodriguez, Animales Del Mundo Manolo Chapman, Animales Nos Ayudan, Los Cindy Animalogy: Animal Berkes, Analogies Marianne McPhail, Animals A To Z David Animals And The Boothroyd, Environment Jennifer Cooper, Animals Around The World Wade Animals Big And Small (Anthology) Article, Animals Born Alive And Well Heller, Ruth 360 1.9 570 1.7 2 NP 1 1 72 330 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 AD 1 94 Fiction K-2 1 539 Non-Fiction K-2 Q20941 Animal Sounds For Baby 120 1.2 Q00475 540 2.6 Q34966 Q35032 Q54461 Q00478 Q43069 Q47294 Q31263 Q00479 70 1.1 BR 1 17 Non-Fiction K-2 1.4 BR 1 140 Non-Fiction K-2 1.1 AD 1 109 Non-Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 182 Fiction K-2 380 2.3 1 252 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.7 1 445 Non-Fiction K-2 690 1.9 1 112 Non-Fiction K-2 390 2.8 1 266 Non-Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q35149 Q29483 Q56175 Q00480 Title Author Name Blevins, Animals In Art Wiley Ganeri, Animals In Disguise (Ganeri) Anita Animals In Fall: Preparing Rustad, For Winter Martha E.H. SaundersAnimals In The Fall Smith, Gail Q23078 Animals In The Zoo Q00481 Animals In Winter Q19806 Animals On Board Animals On The Farm Q23541 (Reading Discovery) Q23315 Animals On The Go Animals On The Move (Rookie Read-About Q23096 Science) Animals Should Definitely Q00483 Not Act Like People Animals Should Definitely Q00484 Not Wear Clothing Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.2 BR 1 58 Non-Fiction K-2 840 3.1 2 795 Non-Fiction K-2 530 3.1 1 423 Non-Fiction K-2 380 1.3 1 34 Non-Fiction K-2 1 229 Non-Fiction K-2 Fowler, Allan Bancroft, Henrietta Murphy, Stuart J. 2.6 380 2.1 2 724 Non-Fiction K-2 270 2.6 1 207 Fiction K-2 Coghill, Vicki 80 1.5 1 83 Fiction K-2 Brett, Jessica 380 1.9 1 201 Non-Fiction K-2 1 249 Non-Fiction K-2 1 133 Fiction K-2 Fowler, Allan Barrett, Judi 2.6 420 Barrett, Judi NA NA 2.7 2.8 NP 1 123 Fiction K-2 AD 1 525 Non-Fiction K-2 1 93 Fiction K-2 1 92 Fiction K-2 1 487 Fiction K-2 2 4 1 769 7538 567 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 Q00486 Animals Under The Ground Fowler, Allan Ann Can't Sleep Q31196 (Anthology) Jones, Peri Manners, Q29878 Ann Gets A Map Jane Keremes, Constance Q27504 Ann's First Day (Anthology) Andrea Blegvad, Q16233 Anna Banana And Me Lenore Q49926 Anna Hibiscus Atinuke, Q55560 Anna Hibiscus' Song Atinuke, Shefelman, Q48438 Anna Maria's Gift Janice Cheng, Q33455 Anna The Bookbinder Andrea 690 2.3 140 1.1 0 1.3 270 2.1 290 670 500 2.9 4.2 2.7 470 2.5 3 9654 Fiction K-2 500 3.4 2 1293 Fiction K-2 Q29165 Anna's Game! 90 2.1 1 147 Fiction K-2 2 746 Fiction K-2 Q16727 Anna's Garden Songs Phillips, Anne Steele, Mary Q. 2.9 BR AD NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q55430 Anna's Pet Q16469 Annabel Lee Annabelle Swift, Q27304 Kindergartner Q31595 Annabelle's Big Move Q47976 Anne Frank Anne Frank (Rookie Biographies - Children's Q39816 Press) Q00506 Annie And Cousin Precious Q43918 Annie And Simon Annie And Snowball And Q40503 The Dress-Up Birthday Annie And The Wild Q00508 Animals Author Name Atwood, Margaret Poe, Edgar Allan Schwartz, Amy Golembe, Carla Waxman, Laura Hamilton Reading Level 350 2.2 3.5 Lexile Code NP Points Words Type Interest Level 2 1630 Fiction K-2 1 301 Fiction K-2 2 1311 Fiction K-2 1 343 Fiction K-2 230 2.1 210 1.8 560 3.2 3 3373 Non-Fiction K-2 Mara, Wil 630 3.4 1 477 Non-Fiction K-2 Chorao, Kay O'Neill, Catharine Rylant, Cynthia 450 2.9 2 1266 Fiction K-2 260 1.7 2 2146 Fiction K-2 520 2.7 1 546 Fiction K-2 Brett, Jan 490 2.5 1 469 Fiction K-2 670 3.2 1 519 Fiction K-2 660 3.8 2 1203 Fiction K-2 220 1.4 1 208 Fiction K-2 650 430 2.4 2.3 AD 1 2 472 675 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 510 2.8 AD 2 907 Fiction K-2 470 2.5 1 299 Fiction K-2 330 1.7 1 624 Fiction K-2 420 2.4 1 460 Fiction K-2 Annie Hoot And The Knitting CliftonQ51457 Extravaganza Brown, Holly Keiser, Q45632 Annie The River Otter Frances Krosoczka, Q36124 Annie Was Warned Jarrett J. Harker, Q31490 Annie's Ark Lesley Q17057 Annie's City Adventures Max, Jill Q26698 Annie's Gifts Lexile Levels Medearis, Angela Shelf Q17056 Annie's High Sea Adventure Max, Jill Brenner, Q16049 Annie's Pet Barbara Manners, Q30045 Annie's Pictures Jane Annie, Bea, And Chi Chi Maurer, Q00513 Dolores Donna Anno, Q00514 Anno's Counting Book Mitsumasa Nozaki, Q15455 Anno's Hat Tricks Akihiro 430 AD AD 1.6 NA 1 65 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 13 Fiction K-2 2.3 AD 2 1622 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Anno's Mysterious Q27898 Multiplying Jar Q31515 Annushka's Voyage Q56801 Another Brother Another Day In The Milky Q39678 Way Q31236 Another Fine Mess Q20819 Another Important Book Q22314 Ant (Bug Books) Q20886 Ant (Living Things) Q51365 Ant And Grasshopper Ant and Honey Bee: What Q35988 a Pair Ant And The Three Little Q28612 Figs (Anthology) Q14936 Ant Bully, The Author Name Anno, Mitsumasa Tarbescu, Edith Cordell, Matthew Milgrim, David Bonning, Tony Brown, Margaret Wise Hartley, Karen Stefoff, Rebecca Gray, Luli McDonald, Megan Byars, Betsy Nickle, John Dorros, Arthur Byars, Betsy Q00523 Ant Cities Q13395 Ant Plays Bear Antarctic Antics: A Book Of Q13189 Penguin Poems Sierra, Judy Cowcher, Q00525 Antarctica Helen Donaldson, Q35592 Antarctica Madeline Antarctica (Rookie ReadQ24262 About Geography) Fowler, Allan Q30043 Antarctica's Challenge Rogg, Ruth Waber, Q00526 Anteater Named Arthur, An Bernard BorgertSpaniol, Q56626 Anteaters Megan Anthony Reynoso: Born To Cooper, Q15442 Rope Martha Anthony The Perfect DeCesare, Q21485 Monster Angelo Antonia Novello (Let's Read Houghton Q31406 Biography) Mifflin, Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 380 3.1 AD 1 445 Non-Fiction K-2 400 3.4 2 1528 Fiction K-2 560 2.2 AD 1 503 Fiction K-2 580 3.1 AD 1 516 Fiction K-2 410 2.7 AD 2 677 Fiction K-2 300 1.6 AD 1 375 Fiction K-2 570 2.8 2 706 Non-Fiction K-2 650 610 3.7 2.4 2 1 1006 965 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 640 3.4 1 785 Fiction K-2 60 580 1.9 3.9 1 1 302 486 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 600 130 3.1 1.7 2 2 816 1213 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 AD 3.5 NP 2 1175 Fiction K-2 700 2.8 AD 1 325 Fiction K-2 340 1.9 1 310 Non-Fiction K-2 560 3.3 3.4 1 2 253 654 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 310 4.1 2 1146 Fiction K-2 440 2.5 1 115 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.5 2 832 Non-Fiction K-2 170 2.1 2 798 Fiction K-2 700 1.9 1 591 Non-Fiction K-2 BR NC NC SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q28398 Q49581 Q30586 Q39766 Q18290 Q28891 Q37980 Q29903 Q34735 Q36828 Q00533 Q56586 Q00539 Q44682 Q21360 Q34791 Title Author Name Rowan, Ants James P. Stewart, Ants Melissa Zea, Ants (Anthology) Jonathan Green, Emily Ants (Blastoff! Readers) K. Coughlan, Ants (Insects) Cheryl Heinrichs, Ants (Nature's Friends) Ann Schulte, Ants and Other Insects Mary Gallo, Ants Are Busy Margaret Vantrease, Ants In My Pants Norma Ants, Bees and Other Social Hirschmann, Insects Kris Any Kind Of Dog Reiser, Lynn Apatosaurus Mara, Wil Eichenberg, Ape In A Cape Fritz Sexton, Aphids (Blastoff! Readers) Colleen Appalachia: The Voices Of Rylant, Sleeping Birds Cynthia Appalachian Mountains Mader, Jan Q32555 Apple Banana Cherry Q31498 Apple Fractions Q38029 Apple Fractions Q50727 Apple Orchard Race Q32459 Apple Pie 4th Of July Q00544 Apple Pie And Onions Q47907 Apple Pie For Dinner, An Q00545 Apple Pie Tree, The Q00546 Apple Trees Q46275 Apple Trees Cowley, Joy Pallotta, Jerry Townsend, Donna Klein, Abby Wong, Janet S. Caseley, Judith VanHecke, Susan Hall, Zoe SaundersSmith, Gail Nelson, Robin Lexile Levels Reading Level 650 Points Words Type Interest Level 3.6 2 617 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.5 1 824 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.1 1 31 Non-Fiction K-2 390 1.9 1 161 Non-Fiction K-2 180 1.5 1 50 Non-Fiction K-2 510 3.1 2 967 Non-Fiction K-2 310 1.6 1 208 Non-Fiction K-2 300 1.7 1 286 Fiction K-2 150 1.2 1 153 Fiction K-2 750 430 240 3.2 1.5 1.6 2 1 1 1819 309 170 Non-Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 1 129 Fiction K-2 2.8 Lexile Code BR NP 600 2.2 1 206 Non-Fiction K-2 1120 550 5.5 2.9 2 1 1612 275 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 280 1.6 AD 2 691 Fiction K-2 490 2.6 AD 2 981 Non-Fiction K-2 290 510 1.5 2.7 1 4 204 7946 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 730 2.6 1 370 Fiction K-2 510 3.1 2 794 Fiction K-2 410 480 1.4 2.1 1 1 754 534 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 360 1.5 1 62 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.6 1 271 Non-Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q29985 Apple-Picking Time Q00547 Apples Q21943 Apples Q25140 Apples Q34554 Apples Q29871 Apples (Bourget) Q34195 Apples (Robbins) Q00548 Apples And Pumpkins Q00549 Apples Of Your Eye Q25340 Apples, Apples, Apples Apples, Cherries, Red Q51450 Raspberries Q47122 Applesauce Season Q51164 April Adventure April And Esme, Tooth Q50138 Fairies Q21559 April Fool! April Fool! Watch Out At Q55961 School! Q53285 April Fool, Phyllis! Q35897 April Foolishness April Fools' Day From The Q52419 Black Lagoon Q00556 April Rabbits, The Q14183 Apt. 3 Aquí en la granja qué Q00559 maravilla Q00565 árbol de Pablo, El Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Nayer, Judy Burckhardt, Ann L. Gibbons, Gail Berger, Samantha 410 2.3 570 1.5 650 3.4 Points Words Type Interest Level 1 350 Fiction K-2 1 272 Non-Fiction K-2 2 916 Non-Fiction K-2 1 24 Non-Fiction K-2 Snyder, Inez Bourget, Mary Louise 500 1.3 1 108 Non-Fiction K-2 60 1.1 1 41 Fiction K-2 Robbins, Ken Rockwell, Anne 770 3.3 1 404 Non-Fiction K-2 550 2.7 AD 1 187 Fiction K-2 Fowler, Allan Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth Cleary, Brian P. Lipson, Eden Ross Roy, Ron Graham, Bob Ziefert, Harriet deGroat, Diane 770 2.6 AD 1 306 Non-Fiction K-2 260 1.9 AD 2 897 Fiction K-2 870 5.6 1 514 Non-Fiction K-2 940 470 4.3 2.5 AD 1 4 778 6904 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 470 1.5 AD 1 832 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 186 Fiction K-2 510 1.8 AD 2 1161 Fiction K-2 500 1.7 AD 1 921 Fiction K-2 440 2.1 1 323 Fiction K-2 Thaler, Mike Cleveland, David Keats, Ezra Jack 750 3.6 NC 3 1615 Fiction K-2 910 1.5 AD 1 537 Fiction K-2 310 2.8 AD 2 689 Fiction K-2 King, B. Mora, Pat 480 2.5 1 1 2 0 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Hill, Susanna Leonard Bateman, Teresa 1.1 Lexile Code AD NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q00566 árbol es hermoso, Un Q00567 árbol generoso, El Q00568 árbol puede ser, Un Q33032 Arbor Day Q49521 Arbor Day Square Archaeologists Dig For Q00571 Clues Q00573 Archibald Frisby Q53445 Arctic Adventure Q00579 Arctic Fives Arrive Q53076 Arctic Fox Pups Q00581 Arctic Son Arctic Tundra: Land With Q14765 No Trees Q33659 Are Trees Alive? Are You A Fossil Fan? Q27518 (Anthology) Q46163 Are You A Horse? Q00584 Are You My Mother? Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 1.9 1 293 Fiction K-2 340 1.8 1 547 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 1 61 Non-Fiction K-2 290 1.8 1 312 Non-Fiction K-2 470 1.5 1 770 Fiction K-2 Duke, Kate Chesworth, Michael Herman, Gail Pinczes, Elinor J. Owen, Ruth George, Jean Craighead 690 2.8 2 1522 Fiction K-2 800 4.6 1 529 Fiction K-2 270 1.7 1 799 Fiction K-2 940 490 3.5 1.6 2 1 671 356 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 520 3.5 2 1483 Fiction K-2 Fowler, Allan Miller, Debbie S. 670 2.3 1 449 Non-Fiction K-2 640 3.4 1 494 Non-Fiction K-2 Article, Rash, Andy 570 270 2.9 1.1 AD 1 1 468 524 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 698 Fiction K-2 500 2.7 1 502 Non-Fiction K-2 620 3.5 1 608 Non-Fiction K-2 610 3.4 1 606 Non-Fiction K-2 520 3.1 1 507 Non-Fiction K-2 420 1.4 1 903 Fiction K-2 300 2.9 2 862 Fiction K-2 270 1.5 1 250 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.5 1 239 Non-Fiction K-2 Udry, Janice May Silverstein, Shel Nayer, Judy Bennett, Kelly Galbraith, Kathryn O. Eastman, P.D. Anderson, Q49133 Are You Ready For Fall? Sheila Anderson, Q49132 Are You Ready For Spring? Sheila Are You Ready For Anderson, Q49134 Summer? Sheila Anderson, Q49135 Are You Ready For Winter? Sheila Knudsen, Q53423 Argus Michelle Arielle And The Hanukkah Speregen, Q21099 Surprise Devra Becker, Q35817 Arizona Michelle Aki Arizona (Rookie ReadBecker, Q34796 About Geography) Michelle Aki Lexile Levels Reading Level 520 Lexile Code BR AD AD IG AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q00592 Ark That Noah Built, The Q25596 Ark, The Q34792 Arkansas Q00597 Armadillo Rodeo Q21684 Armadillo Tattletale Q55159 Armadillos Q36879 Armadilly Chili Arms And Legs And Other Q23084 Limbs Author Name Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 NP 2 823 Fiction K-2 380 2.9 AD 1 340 Non-Fiction K-2 Leber, Nancy Brett, Jan Ketteman, Helen 460 670 1.8 4.6 1 2 312 860 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 640 4.2 2 963 Fiction K-2 Schuetz, Kari Ketteman, Helen 450 2.5 1 118 Non-Fiction K-2 660 3.5 AD 2 713 Fiction K-2 3.1 NA 1 365 Non-Fiction K-2 460 1.5 AD 1 447 Non-Fiction K-2 290 1.8 1 317 Fiction K-2 380 2.9 AD 1 348 Fiction K-2 1.9 NP 1 229 Fiction K-2 1 254 Non-Fiction K-2 Carlson, Melody Geisert, Arthur Fowler, Allan Sayre, April Q45673 Army Ant Parade Pulley Carlson, Q20149 Arnie And The New Kid Nancy Arnie And The Skateboard Carlson, Q16040 Gang Nancy Gorbachev, Q00600 Arnie The Brave Valeri Murphy, Q34818 Around And Around Patricia J. Fredericks, Q53189 Around One Log Anthony D. Brown, Around Our Way On Tameka Q51782 Neighbors' Day Fryer Makem, Q29997 Around The Campfire Dattie George, Around The Pond: Who's Lindsay Q28566 Been Here? Barrett Around The Zoo With Goldish, Q29898 Baboon Meish McDermott, Q00608 Arrow To The Sun Gerald DeStefano, Q21030 Art Tanya Gibbons, Q24692 Art Box, The Gail Q53897 Art Collector, The Wahl, Jan Hurd, Q14197 Art Dog Thatcher Lexile Levels AD 550 2.9 930 5.6 AD 1 697 Fiction K-2 630 2.5 AD 1 425 Fiction K-2 480 2.5 1 370 Fiction K-2 180 2.2 1 353 Fiction K-2 190 1.6 1 270 Fiction K-2 480 2.6 1 398 Fiction K-2 300 1.9 1 163 Non-Fiction K-2 460 450 2.5 2.5 AD 1 1 165 589 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 580 2.6 AD 2 790 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Art From Her Heart: Folk Q44909 Artist Clementine Hunter Q00611 Art Lesson, The Author Name Whitehead, Kathy dePaola, Tomie McCloskey, Susan Q29151 Art Show, The Art Teacher From The Black Q32927 Lagoon, The Thaler, Mike Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 870 3.6 AD 1 566 Non-Fiction K-2 650 2.5 AD 2 1020 Fiction K-2 90 1.8 1 245 Fiction K-2 430 2.3 1 462 Fiction K-2 AD Q38254 Arthur And The Big Snow Arthur And The Nerves Of Q51020 Steal Brown, Marc Krensky, Stephen 210 2.4 1 333 Fiction K-2 380 2.3 3 4527 Fiction K-2 Q42321 Arthur And The New Kid Brown, Marc 380 2.3 1 418 Fiction K-2 Q33349 Arthur And The School Pet Arthur And The True Q00615 Francine Brown, Marc 360 1.9 1 480 Fiction K-2 Brown, Marc 350 2.4 1 479 Fiction K-2 Q00616 Arthur Babysits Brown, Marc 350 2.7 2 849 Fiction K-2 Q53907 Arthur Breaks The Bank Brown, Marc 420 2.4 1 378 Fiction K-2 Q00617 Arthur Goes To Camp Brown, Marc 380 2.7 2 694 Fiction K-2 Q22658 Arthur In A Pickle Brown, Marc 100 1.5 1 324 Fiction K-2 Q39190 Arthur Loses A Friend Brown, Marc 420 2.4 1 503 Fiction K-2 Q15475 Arthur Lost And Found Brown, Marc 370 3.8 2 834 Fiction K-2 Q00618 Arthur Meets The President Brown, Marc Arthur Tricks The Tooth Q00619 Fairy Brown, Marc 480 3.2 2 970 Fiction K-2 150 1.9 1 463 Fiction K-2 Q53235 Arthur Turns Green Brown, Marc 580 3.3 1 778 Fiction K-2 Q00620 Arthur Writes A Story Brown, Marc 320 2.4 2 710 Fiction K-2 Q00621 Arthur's April Fool Brown, Marc 400 3.1 2 709 Fiction K-2 Brown, Marc Hoban, Q13203 Arthur's Back To School Day Lillian 310 2.5 1 508 Fiction K-2 400 2.2 2 992 Fiction K-2 Q00623 Arthur's Birthday 260 2.7 2 742 Fiction K-2 Q00622 Arthur's Baby Brown, Marc SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level 470 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 4.2 2 1237 Fiction K-2 210 1.5 1 235 Fiction K-2 450 1.8 2 1499 Fiction K-2 Q00624 Arthur's Camp-Out Hoban, Lillian Moynahan, Patty Hoban, Lillian Q00625 Arthur's Chicken Pox Brown, Marc 490 2.5 2 816 Fiction K-2 Q00626 Arthur's Christmas 530 2.8 2 884 Fiction K-2 Q00627 Arthur's Christmas Cookies Brown, Marc Hoban, Lillian 390 2.4 2 1522 Fiction K-2 Q00628 Arthur's Computer Disaster Brown, Marc 370 2.2 2 866 Fiction K-2 Q00629 Arthur's Eyes Brown, Marc 260 2.2 1 510 Fiction K-2 Q00630 Arthur's Family Vacation Brown, Marc 380 3.3 2 778 Fiction K-2 Q21471 Arthur's Fire Drill Brown, Marc 120 1.5 1 608 Fiction K-2 Q23829 Arthur's First Kiss Brown, Marc 200 1.8 1 510 Fiction K-2 Q00631 Arthur's First Sleepover Brown, Marc Hoban, Lillian Hoban, Lillian 370 2.4 2 857 Fiction K-2 490 3.1 2 1764 Fiction K-2 410 2.2 2 1525 Fiction K-2 Brown, Marc Hoban, Q00635 Arthur's Halloween Costume Lillian 430 2.5 2 704 Fiction K-2 380 2.4 2 1685 Fiction K-2 Q41951 Arthur's Homework 520 2.6 1 350 Fiction K-2 510 2.7 2 1375 Fiction K-2 Q00637 Arthur's Loose Tooth Brown, Marc Hoban, Lillian Hoban, Lillian 420 2.1 2 1648 Fiction K-2 Q32834 Arthur's Lost Puppy Brown, Marc 80 1.8 1 467 Fiction K-2 Q00638 Arthur's New Puppy Brown, Marc 400 2.5 2 882 Fiction K-2 Q00639 Arthur's Nose Brown, Marc Hoban, Lillian 350 2.3 1 276 Fiction K-2 530 2.4 2 1656 Fiction K-2 Q21860 Arthur's Birthday Party Q31151 Arthur's Book (Anthology) Q00632 Arthur's Funny Money Arthur's Great Big Q00633 Valentine Q00634 Arthur's Halloween Q00636 Arthur's Honey Bear Q00640 Arthur's Pen Pal AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Points Words Type Interest Level Q22726 Arthur's Perfect Christmas Brown, Marc 160 2.5 2 1760 Fiction K-2 Q00641 Arthur's Pet Business Brown, Marc Hoban, Lillian 510 2.5 2 840 Fiction K-2 430 2.3 2 1506 Fiction K-2 Q13990 Arthur's Reading Race Arthur's Science Fair Q53908 Trouble Brown, Marc 140 1.3 1 311 Fiction K-2 Brown, Marc 420 2.4 1 451 Fiction K-2 Q22115 Arthur's Teacher Moves In Brown, Marc 230 2.7 2 1064 Fiction K-2 Q00643 Arthur's Teacher Trouble Brown, Marc 400 3.8 2 839 Fiction K-2 Q00644 Arthur's Thanksgiving Brown, Marc 440 2.5 2 944 Fiction K-2 Q00645 Arthur's Tooth Brown, Marc 450 2.5 2 716 Fiction K-2 Q00646 Arthur's TV Trouble Brown, Marc 360 2.5 2 729 Fiction K-2 Q20207 Arthur's Underwear Brown, Marc 230 3.2 2 857 Fiction K-2 Q00647 Arthur's Valentine Brown, Marc 450 2.6 1 487 Fiction K-2 Q16161 Arthur, Clean Your Room! Arthur, It's Only Rock 'N' Q31743 Roll Brown, Marc 370 1.3 1 487 Fiction K-2 Brown, Marc Beaty, Andrea 280 2.3 2 1421 Fiction K-2 430 1.4 AD 1 664 Fiction K-2 Bianchi, John Michelson, Richard Hartman, Gail Meadows, Daisy Roe, Eileen Baer, Edith 720 5.6 AD 2 895 Fiction K-2 680 4.2 2 1566 Non-Fiction K-2 320 1.9 1 160 Fiction K-2 750 0 580 3.6 1.1 2.1 4 1 1 4357 64 488 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 Fowler, Allan Flack, Q00664 Ask Mr. Bear Marjorie Ask Nurse Pfaff, She'll Help Flanagan, Q00665 You Alice K. 360 1.9 1 272 Non-Fiction K-2 400 2.7 1 593 Fiction K-2 550 3.3 1 262 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q00642 Arthur's Prize Reader Q55573 Artist Ted Q17291 Artist, The Q44155 As Good As Anybody As The Crow Flies: A First Q15443 Book Of Maps Q57107 Ashley The Dragon Fairy Q00660 Así soy yo Q00661 Así vamos a la escuela Asia (Rookie Read-About Q32384 Geography) Lexile Code NC BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1400 2 AD 2 1124 Fiction K-2 590 3.3 1 307 Non-Fiction K-2 320 1.7 1 277 Non-Fiction K-2 600 2.4 AD 1 699 Fiction K-2 1.6 NP 1 181 Fiction K-2 790 450 4.2 2.5 AD 2 1 1044 367 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 760 3.6 AD 1 457 Non-Fiction K-2 530 3.2 2 1109 Non-Fiction K-2 270 1.5 1 264 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.3 1 258 Non-Fiction K-2 590 3.3 1 323 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2.8 1 246 Non-Fiction K-2 Q17813 At Grandpa's Sugar Bush At Home Around The World Q30601 (Anthology) Floyd, Lucy 790 3.5 2 643 Fiction K-2 360 1.8 1 394 Non-Fiction K-2 Q17619 At Home In The Coral Reef Muzik, Katy Greene, Q19507 At The Airport Carol Greene, Q19509 At The Animal Hospital Carol Greene, Q19508 At The Bakery Carol Sirimarco, Q19496 At The Bank Elizabeth Sirimarco, Q19495 At The Barber Elizabeth Rockwell, Q20150 At The Beach Anne Lee, Huy Q20290 At The Beach (Lee) Voun Q00685 At The Carnival Hall, Kirsten 700 4.7 2 1333 Non-Fiction K-2 520 3.5 1 445 Non-Fiction K-2 530 2.3 1 463 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2.8 1 175 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.5 1 581 Non-Fiction K-2 300 2.1 1 398 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.8 NC 1 227 Fiction K-2 290 0 3.2 1.1 AD BR 1 1 283 68 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Aster Aardvark's Alphabet Kellogg, Q00679 Adventure Steven Q51614 Asteroids Asthma (Rookie ReadQ33046 About Health) Astonishing Secret Of Q55449 Awesome Man, The Q24241 Astro Bunnies Q50212 Astro The Steller Sea Lion Q49223 Astroblast! Code Blue Q47727 Astronaut Handbook Q21633 Astronaut: Living In Space Q35816 Astronautas Q34816 Astronauts Q51615 Astronauts Q19491 Astronauts Work In Space Zobel, Derek Gordon, Sharon Chabon, Michael Loomis, Christine Harvey, Jeanne Walker Kolar, Bob McCarthy, Meghan Hayden, Kate Bredeson, Carmen Bredeson, Carmen Sexton, Colleen Greene, Carol Carney, Margaret AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q19499 At The Dentist Q21894 At The Edge Of The Forest Q19494 At The Farm Q38383 At The Firehouse Q19506 At The Grocery Store Q19501 At The Hospital Q13397 At The Hotel Larry Q19505 At The Library Q19497 At The Movie Theater Q27077 At The Museum Q19498 At The Orchard Q29167 At The Pond Q19500 At The Post Office Q19502 At The School Q55431 At The Show Q19503 At The Space Center Q19504 At The Zoo Q27180 At The Zoo (Davidson) Q54330 At This Very Moment Q29007 At Work Q00692 Atariba & Niguayona Q33244 Atlantic Atlas Of Countries (First Q00696 Discovery) Q51498 Attract And Repel Audubon: Painter Of Birds Q33631 In The Wild Frontier Author Name Greene, Carol London, Jonathan Francis, Sandy Rockwell, Anne Greene, Carol Moses, Amy Pinkwater, Daniel Greene, Carol Francis, Sandy Berg, Larry Sirimarco, Elizabeth Nelson, JoAnne Greene, Carol Greene, Carol Hapka, Catherine Greene, Carol Moses, Amy Davidson, Keeter Arnosky, Jim Geist, Ellen Rohmer, Harriet Karas, G. Brian Jeunesse, Gallimard Boothroyd, Jennifer Armstrong, Jennifer Lexile Levels Reading Level 450 2.2 420 2.2 410 2.1 770 3.3 480 550 Points Words Type Interest Level 1 436 Non-Fiction K-2 1 526 Fiction K-2 1 564 Non-Fiction K-2 1 623 Fiction K-2 2.2 2.5 1 1 417 519 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 460 2.2 2 1033 Fiction K-2 420 2.5 1 432 Non-Fiction K-2 380 510 2.5 2.6 1 2 400 885 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 430 2.3 1 395 Non-Fiction K-2 320 1.8 1 169 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.8 1 506 Non-Fiction K-2 310 2.8 1 474 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.6 1 630 Fiction K-2 430 640 4.8 4.8 1 1 471 447 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 150 1.2 1 42 Fiction K-2 1120 0 4.6 1.3 1 1 435 29 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 680 3.9 2 718 Fiction K-2 1 370 Fiction K-2 3.2 Lexile Code AD AD AD BR NP 590 3.3 2 693 Non-Fiction K-2 580 3.3 1 596 Non-Fiction K-2 680 3.4 2 2090 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Auguste Rodin (Life And Q22596 Work Of) 550 Q00704 Quiz # Q00705 Q00706 Q00707 Q00708 Title Author Name Tames, Richard Cushman, Aunt Eater Loves A Mystery Doug Aunt Eater's Mystery Cushman, Christmas Doug Aunt Eater's Mystery Cushman, Halloween Doug Aunt Eater's Mystery Cushman, Vacation Doug Howard, Aunt Flossie's Hats And Elizabeth Crab Cakes Later Fitzgerald Aunt Harriet's Underground Ringgold, Q00709 Railroad In The Sky Faith Ketteman, Q00710 Aunt Hilarity's Bustle Helen Q23663 Aunt Isabel Makes Trouble Aunt Isabel Tells A Good Q20151 One Aunt Lizzy Finds Her Cake Q31142 (Anthology) Q00711 Aunt Lulu Q27582 Aunt Minnie McGranahan Aunt Nancy And Cousin Q19122 Lazybones Q17385 Q19380 Q31876 Q47368 Q45908 Auntie Tiger Auntie Yang's Great Q58089 Soybean Picnic Q18272 Aunts Points Words Type Interest Level 2.9 2 709 Non-Fiction K-2 290 2.1 2 1320 Fiction K-2 300 2.4 2 1184 Fiction K-2 260 2.7 2 1043 Fiction K-2 290 2.3 2 1365 Fiction K-2 400 3.6 2 917 Fiction K-2 760 4.7 AD 2 2129 Fiction K-2 5.4 NA 2 1000 Fiction K-2 Duke, Kate 580 3.4 AD 2 1453 Fiction K-2 Duke, Kate Moynahan, Patty Pinkwater, Daniel Prigger, Mary Skillings 390 5.1 AD 2 1296 Fiction K-2 310 1.6 1 213 Fiction K-2 3.1 NA 2 1500 Fiction K-2 380 2.9 AD 2 834 Fiction K-2 760 3.5 AD 2 1044 Fiction K-2 680 3.9 AD 2 937 Fiction K-2 410 2.1 AD 2 1931 Fiction K-2 400 3.1 2 2287 Fiction K-2 760 3.6 2 2166 Fiction K-2 Cowley, Joy Yep, Laurence 140 1.2 1 214 Fiction K-2 670 3.2 AD 2 1232 Fiction K-2 Lo, Ginnie Schaefer, Lola M. 960 6.5 AD 2 1961 Fiction K-2 230 1.3 1 48 Non-Fiction K-2 Root, Phyllis Aylesworth, Aunt Pitty Patty's Piggy Jim Primavera, Auntie Claus Elise Auntie Claus And The Key Primavera, To Christmas Elise Auntie Claus: Home For The Primavera, Holidays Elise Q17237 Auntie Maria And The Cat Lexile Code AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Aurora: A Tale Of The Q24987 Northern Lights Q35568 Australia Q52281 Australia Q22419 Australia (Next Stop!) Australia (Rookie ReadQ24658 About Geography) Author Name Dwyer, Mindy Donaldson, Madeline Sexton, Colleen Martin, Fred Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 800 4.1 AD 2 748 Fiction K-2 400 2 1 336 Non-Fiction K-2 740 640 4.5 4.8 2 2 1553 2336 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 1 312 Non-Fiction K-2 Fowler, Allan 3.2 NA Q22420 Australia (Visit To) Bell, Rachael Author Visit From The Black Q50300 Lagoon, The Thaler, Mike Pinkwater, Q13312 Author's Day Daniel 580 2.9 2 643 Non-Fiction K-2 650 2.7 2 1784 Fiction K-2 490 3.5 2 1957 Fiction K-2 Q13541 Author: A True Story Lester, Helen Florian, Douglas Boraas, Tracey Crews, Donald 570 2.8 2 1039 Non-Fiction K-2 550 1.9 1 102 Non-Fiction K-2 520 1.5 1 299 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.2 1 63 Fiction K-2 Beech, Linda 540 3.2 2 1528 Fiction K-2 Nadler, Beth 540 3.2 2 1562 Fiction K-2 Beech, Linda 580 3.2 2 1161 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna 460 2.9 2 1158 Fiction K-2 autobús mágico en tiempos Q00734 de los dinosaurios, El Cole, Joanna 560 3.2 2 1367 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna 610 3.3 2 1689 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna 670 3.5 3 2429 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna 480 3.1 2 2181 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna 710 3.8 3 2191 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna 640 3.4 3 2056 Fiction K-2 John, Speirs 440 3.1 3 1251 Fiction K-2 Q00718 Auto Mechanic, An Q00719 Auto Mechanics Q00724 autobús escolar, El autobús mágico dentro de Q00726 un pastel, El autobús mágico en el Q00728 cuerpo de Ralphie, El autobús mágico en el museo Q00732 encantado, El autobús mágico en el Q00733 sistema solar, El Q00736 autobús mágico explota, El autobús mágico hace un Q00737 arco iris, El autobús mágico juega a la Q00738 pelota, El autobús mágico mariposa y Q00739 el monstruo, El autobús mágico muestra y Q00740 cuenta, El autobús mágico planta una Q00741 semilla, El AD AD BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q00742 Q00743 Q00746 Q00748 Q00749 Q00750 Q00751 Q00753 Title autobús mágico se descompone, El autobús mágico se queda helado, El autobús mágico se salpica todo, El autobús mágico sube y baja, El autobús mágico teje una tela, El autobús mágico va contra la corriente, El autobús mágico ve las estrellas, El autobús mágico vuelo nocturno, El Q18306 Autumn Q00755 Autumn Days Q53470 Autumn Is For Apples Q00756 Autumn Leaves Q14954 Autumn Leaves Q25452 Autumn Leaves Are Falling Autumnblings: Poems And Q33939 Paintings Q16583 Avalanche Q44933 Avalanches aventura en globo de Q00759 Natán, La aventuras de Maxi, el Q00762 perro tax., Las Q00766 avión de Ángela, El Q00771 Away From Home Q00772 Away Go The Boats Q52797 Awesome Amphibians Q50717 Awesome Walruses Awful Aardvarks Go To Q21991 School, The Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Krulik, Nancy E. 620 West, Tracey Points Words Type Interest Level 3.3 3 2247 Fiction K-2 620 3.5 3 1774 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna 480 3.1 2 1462 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna 480 3.1 2 2196 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna 370 2.6 2 1824 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna 730 3.8 3 2287 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna 720 3.8 3 1955 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna SaundersSmith, Gail Schweninger, Ann Knudsen, Michelle SaundersSmith, Gail 530 3.2 2 2040 Fiction K-2 400 3.5 1 227 Non-Fiction K-2 700 1.3 2 984 Non-Fiction K-2 650 2.7 AD 1 258 Fiction K-2 1.1 NP 1 17 Non-Fiction K-2 Robbins, Ken Fleming, Maria Florian, Douglas Rosen, Michael Bullard, Lisa 630 2.2 IG 2 626 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 125 Fiction K-2 2.9 NP 2 745 Fiction K-2 2.5 3.3 AD 1 1 340 649 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 2 1 0 Fiction K-2 430 2.1 1 560 Fiction K-2 340 380 2.3 4.5 2 1 571 105 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 490 1.5 2.9 1 1 323 340 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 580 2.4 1 583 Non-Fiction K-2 1 277 Fiction K-2 Delacre, Lulu Barracca, Debra Munsch, Robert Lobel, Anita Hillert, Margaret Bauer, Jeff Charlesworth , Eric Lindbergh, Reeve 750 590 4.2 Lexile Code BR NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 4.2 NP 2 1960 Fiction K-2 380 4.1 AD 2 1226 Fiction K-2 810 450 4.6 3.5 AD AD 2 1 1012 601 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 96 Fiction K-2 150 2.9 3 4415 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 1 691 Fiction K-2 580 1.8 1 359 Fiction K-2 Q00782 Baba Yaga 780 3.9 2 2354 Fiction K-2 Q20795 630 3.5 2 1034 Fiction K-2 210 1.5 1 996 Fiction K-2 210 2.5 2 996 Fiction K-2 220 2.9 AD 2 902 Fiction K-2 560 3.7 AD 2 839 Fiction K-2 520 2.7 AD 2 682 Fiction K-2 750 3.9 AD 2 2301 Fiction K-2 230 2.9 1 295 Fiction K-2 330 2.8 2 1675 Fiction K-2 550 2.9 2 1660 Non-Fiction K-2 440 210 2.5 2.2 1 1 457 449 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 130 1.4 1 160 Fiction K-2 430 2.4 1 127 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q44187 Awful Ogre Running Wild Author Name Prelutsky, Jack Q21678 Axle Annie Pulver, Robin Axle Annie And The Speed Q40291 Grump Pulver, Robin Q50846 Azad's Camel Pal, Erika Q00780 B Is For Books! Q13384 B-E-S-T Friends Baa! Moo! What Will We Q45469 Do? Q38405 Baa-Choo! Q45721 Q00784 Q22621 Q14040 Q17301 Cobb, Annie Giff, Patricia Reilly Benjamin, A. H. Weeks, Sarah Small, Ernest Arnold, Baba Yaga (Arnold) Katya Babar And The Ghost de Brunhoff, (1981) Laurent Babar And The Ghost (Easy- de Brunhoff, To-Read) Laurent Babar And The Succotash de Brunhoff, Bird Laurent de Brunhoff, Babar Learns To Cook Laurent de Brunhoff, Babar Saves The Day Laurent Q13965 Babar The King Q00785 Babar's Little Circus Star Q21895 Babe & I, The Babe Didrikson Zaharias: Q35653 All-Around Athlete Babe Ruth And The Ice Q48096 Cream Mess Q00792 Baboon Q29852 Baboon's Park Q58562 Baboons Lexile Levels De Brunhoff, Jean de Brunhoff, Laurent Adler, David A. Sutcliffe, Jane Gutman, Dan Banks, Kate Wise, Beth Alley BorgertSpaniol, Megan AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 600 3.3 AD 2 1149 Fiction K-2 800 3.6 2 960 Fiction K-2 360 3.3 2 749 Fiction K-2 300 2.1 2 667 Non-Fiction K-2 640 2.8 1 516 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 52 Non-Fiction K-2 340 910 1.2 1.4 AD AD 1 1 485 270 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 190 1.9 2.2 AD NP 1 1 480 158 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 240 2.1 1.3 BR 1 1 115 51 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 James, Simon 710 3.9 AD 1 599 Fiction K-2 Q42898 Baby Brains And Robomom James, Simon 700 4.3 AD 1 571 Fiction K-2 Q37566 Baby Brains Superstar James, Simon Hillert, Margaret 830 2.5 AD 1 504 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 274 Fiction K-2 Hest, Amy Asch, Frank 250 340 1.7 2.3 AD 1 2 384 638 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q16116 Baby In A Basket 730 4.2 AD 2 1297 Fiction K-2 Q45503 450 1.5 AD 1 172 Fiction K-2 1.7 NA 1 106 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q34953 Q00794 Q00796 Q22157 Q32525 Q28958 Q46377 Q37361 Q23961 Q21861 Q21363 Q18299 Title StuveBodeen, Babu's Song Stephanie Mikolaycak, Babushka Charles Polacco, Babushka's Doll Patricia Clarke, Baby Alligator Ginjer L. Baby Animals (SeeMore Simon, Readers) Seymour Chanko, Baby Animals Learn Pamela Shipton, Baby Baby Blah Blah Blah! Jonathan Baby Bear's Chairs Yolen, Jane Massie, Diane Baby Beebee Bird, The Redfield Baby Beluga Raffi, Dunbar, Baby Bird Joyce Baby Birds Frost, Helen Q35884 Baby Brains Q00803 Baby Bunny Baby Duck And The Bad Q16668 Eyeglasses Q24651 Baby Duck's New Friend Q23119 Q42484 Q00806 Q29638 Author Name Rand, Gloria Ahlberg, Baby In The Hat, The Allan Marx, David Baby In The House F. Marsico, Baby Lobster Grows Up, A Katie Hayward, Baby Moses Linda Baby Otter Grows Up McCloskey, (Anthology) Susan 640 3.7 1 443 Non-Fiction K-2 280 1.5 1 187 Non-Fiction K-2 220 1.4 1 193 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Curtis, Jennifer Q48104 Baby Owl's Rescue Keats Q17651 Baby Rattlesnake Ata, Te Hoban, Q00808 Baby Sister For Frances, A Russell Mayer, Q16685 Baby Sister Says No Mercer dePaola, Q00807 Baby Sister, The Tomie Teague, Q00809 Baby Tamer Mark London, Q22901 Baby Whale's Journey Jonathan Esbensen, Barbara Q00811 Baby Whales Drink Milk Juster Baby Who Wouldn't Go To Cooper, Q17046 Bed, The Helen McMillan, Q00812 Baby Zoo Bruce Baby-sitters Club, The Martin, Ann Q00816 (Hello Reader) M. Gregory, Q00834 Babysitting For Benjamin Valiska Lynch, Q22393 Bach (Lives And Times) Wendy Schaefer, Q18414 Back And Forth Lola M. Back And Forth (Rookie Murphy, Q34753 Read-About Science) Patricia J. Reynolds, Q48960 Back Of The Bus Aaron Back To School For Rotten Q22116 Ralph Gantos, Jack Q56404 Back To School, Splat! Q30991 Back To School? Cool! Q19564 Back To The Cabin Backhoes (Blastoff! Q39767 Readers) Q47559 Backpack Stories Q00850 Backyard Insects Scotton, Rob Spafford, Suzy Blades, Ann McClellan, Ray O'Malley, Kevin Selsam, Millicent E. Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 900 550 5.2 3.8 AD AD 2 2 1196 675 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 490 3.2 AD 2 1364 Fiction K-2 460 2.4 1 245 Fiction K-2 580 2.2 2 901 Fiction K-2 770 2.5 AD 1 501 Fiction K-2 640 3.4 AD 1 478 Fiction K-2 580 1.4 AD 2 710 Non-Fiction K-2 420 1.5 AD 1 498 Fiction K-2 1020 5.9 AD 2 2096 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.3 2 600 Fiction K-2 4 1200 Fiction K-2 3.8 NA 590 2.8 2 554 Non-Fiction K-2 290 1.6 1 54 Non-Fiction K-2 590 3 1 236 Non-Fiction K-2 720 3.4 1 737 Fiction K-2 280 2.8 1 806 Fiction K-2 610 2.4 1 367 Fiction K-2 370 550 2.5 3.4 2 2 948 1041 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 320 1.6 1 99 Non-Fiction K-2 450 3.5 GN 1 672 Fiction K-2 660 3.7 AD 2 1100 Non-Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Q00852 Bad Case Of Stripes, A Pinkwater, Daniel Pinkwater, Daniel Pinkwater, Daniel Palatini, Margie Palatini, Margie Biedrzycki, David Shannon, David Q00853 Bad Day At Riverbend Van Allsburg, Chris Q41908 Bad Bear Detectives Q42319 Bad Bears And A Bunny Q42371 Bad Bears In The Big City Q35348 Bad Boys Q50910 Bad Boys Get Cookie! Q46847 Bad Bugs Are My Business Q18765 Q40282 Q55447 Q45894 Q00861 Lexile Levels Reading Level 550 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.2 2 1585 Fiction K-2 530 3.1 1 913 Fiction K-2 630 3.5 NC 2 1206 Fiction K-2 300 2.4 AD 1 1177 Fiction K-2 470 1.5 AD 1 923 Fiction K-2 570 2.3 AD 2 1622 Fiction K-2 540 3.5 AD 2 1387 Fiction K-2 680 2.8 AD 2 1042 Fiction K-2 1 1 2 3 1 233 182 1342 4048 66 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 Bad Hair Day Bad Kitty Bad Kitty Christmas, A Bad To The Bone Bad, Bad Day, A Bad-News Report Card, Q39657 The Hood, Susan Bruel, Nick Bruel, Nick Nolan, Lucy Hall, Kirsten Poydar, Nancy 210 280 520 380 0 1.5 1.4 2.1 2.3 1.2 640 3.4 1 587 Fiction K-2 Q48562 Badcat Gang, The Thomson, Pat Oram, Hiawyn 370 2.2 2 1838 Fiction K-2 280 2.7 AD 2 893 Fiction K-2 Kasza, Keiko Varley, Susan 480 1.6 AD 1 422 Fiction K-2 770 3.4 AD 2 835 Fiction K-2 Zobel, Derek Gackenbach, Dick Neitzel, Shirley 350 2.2 1 117 Non-Fiction K-2 390 2.5 1 265 Fiction K-2 1 490 Fiction K-2 Cowley, Joy Hirano, Yoko Mia Davis, Aubrey Krosoczka, Jarrett J. 470 2.5 1 402 Fiction K-2 600 3.4 2 1926 Fiction K-2 330 2.3 2 1031 Fiction K-2 420 2 1 238 Fiction K-2 Q32044 Badger's Bad Mood Q45963 Badger's Fancy Meal Q00864 Badger's Parting Gifts Q55160 Badgers Q15767 Bag Full Of Pups, A Bag I'm Taking To Q00866 Grandma's, The Q14230 Bag Of Smiles, The Q00867 Bag Of Tricks, A Q34254 Bagels From Benny Q37013 Baghead 2.1 AD AD BR NP AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q54220 Bailey Author Name Q00869 Bailey Goes Camping Bliss, Harry Henkes, Kevin Q00871 Bajo la ciudad Kroll, Steven Q42334 Bake Shop Ghost, The Baker's Dozen: A Saint Q00872 Nicholas Tale, The Baker, Baker, Cookie Q27896 Maker Q28238 Bakers Q19492 Bakers Make Many Things Q21039 Bakery, The Q34749 Bald Eagle, The Q35648 Bald Eagle, The Q19592 Bald Eaglets Q00874 Ball Book, The Q00875 Ball Game, The Q00883 Ballerina Dreams Q43378 Ballerina Dreams Q00884 Ballerina Girl Q57526 Ballerina Rosie Q57161 Ballerina Swan Ballerinas Don't Wear Q24810 Glasses Q38815 Ballet Bullies Q54514 Ballet Class (Ballet Kitty) Q24586 Ballet Dancing Q50334 Ballet For Martha Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Interest Level Points 220 1.1 AD 1 Words 527 Type Fiction 400 1.8 1 271 Fiction K-2 K-2 1 NP 1 0 Fiction K-2 880 5.6 NC 2 1751 Fiction K-2 720 3.2 AD 2 882 Fiction K-2 250 1.5 1 161 Fiction K-2 570 2.4 1 291 Non-Fiction K-2 400 480 2.8 2.1 1 1 379 203 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 620 2.3 1 143 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.3 1 420 Non-Fiction K-2 800 3.2 NC 1 485 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 329 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 46 Fiction K-2 White, Diana Thompson, Lauren Hall, Kirsten Ferguson, Sarah 570 2.8 2 2298 Non-Fiction K-2 860 40 5.6 1.5 AD 2 1 1780 77 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 630 2.5 AD 1 706 Fiction K-2 Kent, Allegra Manson, Ainslie Maddox, Jake Ford, Bernette Thomas, Mark Greenberg, Jan 670 3.2 AD 1 663 Fiction K-2 390 2.5 2 1832 Fiction K-2 490 2.6 4 5054 Fiction K-2 670 3.2 AD 1 489 Fiction K-2 1.8 NA 1 103 Non-Fiction K-2 3.4 AD 2 1355 Non-Fiction K-2 Ogburn, Jacqueline K. Shepard, Aaron Hayward, Linda Deedrick, Tami Greene, Carol Lee, Frances Douglas, Lloyd G. JangoCohen, Judith Miles, Victoria Hillert, Margaret Packard, David 710 NC SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q44109 Ballet Kitty Q38583 Ballet Of The Elephants Q55247 Ballet Recital, The Q49482 Balloon For Isabel, A Q17786 Balloon Tree, The Balloons And Other Fun Q00885 Things Balloons Over Broadway: The True Story Of The Puppeteer Of Macy's Q55737 Parade Q23662 Ballot Box Battle, The Q32353 Balls Q56732 Balls, Birdies And Pucks Q49175 Ballyhoo Bay Q25195 Baloney, Henry P. Q56908 Bambino And Mr. Twain Banana Split From Outer Q16300 Space, The Q49330 Bandit's Surprise Q00896 Banging Book Q15725 Banshee Train, The Q47704 Banshee, The Q16667 Bantam Of The Opera Barack Obama: Son Of Q45909 Promise, Child Of Hope Barefoot: Escape On The Q00908 Underground Railroad Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 2.6 1 462 Fiction K-2 780 4.2 1 884 Non-Fiction K-2 350 1.7 1 575 Fiction K-2 510 1.8 AD 1 568 Fiction K-2 630 4.1 AD 2 1059 Fiction K-2 500 2.8 2 804 Fiction K-2 1000 5.5 2 1000 Non-Fiction K-2 690 3.6 2 1742 Non-Fiction K-2 10 1.3 1 54 Fiction K-2 500 870 2.7 4.6 AD 2 1 272 544 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Scieszka, Jon Maltbie, P.I. Siracusa, Catherine RostokerGruber, Karen Grossman, Bill Bodkin, Odds Bunting, Eve Auch, Mary Jane 400 670 2.9 3.2 AD AD 1 2 382 1328 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 330 2.4 2 1544 Fiction K-2 320 1.1 AD 2 498 Fiction K-2 500 1.9 AD 1 449 Fiction K-2 620 450 4.9 1.5 AD AD 2 2 1029 1193 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 550 3.6 AD 2 936 Fiction K-2 Grimes, Nikki Edwards, Pamela Duncan 630 2.5 AD 2 1680 Non-Fiction K-2 640 4.2 2 808 Fiction K-2 Ford, Bernette Schubert, Leda Simon, Jenne Underwood, Deborah Gilman, Phoebe Scarry, Richard Sweet, Melissa McCully, Emily Arnold Jones, Melanie Davis Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth Sierra, Judy Lexile Levels Reading Level 480 Lexile Code AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Lexile Levels Reading Level 470 2.6 Feiffer, Jules David, Luke McAllister, Angela Martin Jr., Bill Johnston, Tony High, Linda Oatman Rouillard, Wendy 130 430 2.9 1.5 550 Berical, Kate Hoff, Syd Sheldon, David Fleming, Barnyard Banter Denise Barnyard Lullaby Asch, Frank Godwin, Barnyard Prayers Laura Duffy, Dee Barnyard Tracks Dee Baron Von Baddie And The McClements, Ice Ray Incident George Barracudas (Blastoff! Sexton, Readers) Colleen Ochiltree, Bart's Amazing Charts Dianne McClellan, Baseball (Blastoff! Readers) Ray Cristaldi, Baseball Ballerina Kathryn Baseball Birthday Party, Prager, The Annabelle Marzollo, Baseball Brothers Jean Title Q00909 Bargain For Frances, A Q20836 Bark, George Q00910 Bark, Spike, Bark Barkus, Sly And The Golden Q33792 Egg Q00912 Barn Dance! Q25807 Barn Owls, The Q30885 Barn Savers Q32843 Barnaby's Bunny Author Name Hoban, Russell Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 1544 Fiction K-2 AD 1 2 229 721 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2.8 AD 2 992 Fiction K-2 2.2 NP 1 484 Fiction K-2 520 2.8 AD 1 215 Fiction K-2 670 3.7 1 541 Fiction K-2 290 1.9 2 769 Fiction K-2 1 1 418 447 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 AD Q26925 Barney Bird Q00914 Barney's Horse Barnum Brown: Dinosaur Q46718 Hunter 170 400 1.4 3.1 1060 8.5 AD 2 1149 Non-Fiction K-2 Q00915 Q28011 1.7 2.9 NP 730 1 2 143 663 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2.7 NP 2 668 Fiction K-2 1.4 NA 1 124 Fiction K-2 320 1.4 AD 1 258 Fiction K-2 570 3.3 1 211 Non-Fiction K-2 220 2.5 2 1045 Fiction K-2 760 4.6 1 595 Non-Fiction K-2 270 1.9 2 750 Fiction K-2 450 3.2 2 1616 Fiction K-2 200 2.5 2 1358 Fiction K-2 640 2.7 AD 1 178 Fiction K-2 580 2.8 AD 2 1031 Fiction K-2 740 4.2 1 514 Fiction K-2 Q24285 Q31281 Q44465 Q47507 Q22981 Q47503 Q00922 Q00924 Q16630 Q53679 Baseball Hour Q17629 Baseball Star, The Q16539 Bashi, Elephant Baby Nevius, Carol Arrigg, Jr., Fred G. Radcliffe, Theresa SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Myers, Tim Lyon, George Ella Ray, Mary Lyn Stone, Danton McClellan, Ray Macy, Sue Marzollo, Jean 490 3.1 AD 2 Words 1104 Type Fiction 2.4 NA 1 500 Fiction K-2 370 3.2 AD 2 1476 Fiction K-2 150 1.2 1 220 Non-Fiction K-2 750 700 4.6 3.3 1 1 576 964 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 240 2.6 2 1347 Fiction K-2 Green, Sara O'Donnell, Q31128 Bat Attitude (Anthology) Lynn Poploff, Q00948 Bat Bones And Spider Stew Michelle 830 5.4 1 482 Non-Fiction K-2 750 2.8 1 246 Non-Fiction K-2 350 2.8 2 1360 Fiction K-2 Q27114 Bat Helps Out Dreyer, Ellen Cannon, Annie Dragonwago n, Crescent 170 1.3 1 85 Fiction K-2 480 2.5 2 750 Fiction K-2 Q00950 Bat Jamboree Q25888 Appelt, Kathi Davies, Bat Loves The Night Nicola MacDonald, Margaret Bat's Big Game Read Gelman, Rita batallas del cuerpo, Las Golden Quackenbush Batbaby Finds A Home , Robert Sanderson, Bath For Gus, A Jeannette Mara, Bath For Mick, A Jeanette Gerver, Jane Bath Time (My First Reader) E. Capucilli, Bathtime For Biscuit Alyssa Puckett, Batman's Dark Secret Kelley Grayson, Batman: The Copycat Crime Devin Quiz # Title Q22859 Basho And The Fox Q00941 Basket Q20210 Basket Moon Q56579 Basketball Basketball (Blastoff! Q47499 Readers) Q52899 Basketball Belles Q00944 Basketball Buddies Q55731 Basset Hounds Q00949 Bat In The Boot Q26774 Bat In The Dining Room Q45329 Q00952 Q25959 Q33469 Q27629 Q38011 Q00953 Q21315 Q33926 AD Interest Level K-2 3.3 NP 2 1533 Fiction K-2 660 2.2 AD 1 425 Fiction K-2 560 2.5 AD 2 646 Fiction K-2 400 1.3 AD 1 817 Fiction K-2 510 2.6 2 1381 Non-Fiction K-2 170 2.2 2 754 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 1 168 Fiction K-2 180 1.2 1 42 Fiction K-2 30 1.3 1 66 Fiction K-2 150 1.1 1 149 Fiction K-2 140 1.7 1 468 Fiction K-2 310 2.5 2 1454 Fiction K-2 BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.9 2 2021 Fiction K-2 470 2.7 2 1685 Fiction K-2 690 500 1.8 2.4 1 1 243 332 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 690 3.3 1 893 Non-Fiction K-2 Schuetz, Kari Bland, Celia Gibbons, Gail 380 620 2.3 3.4 1 1 115 562 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 750 3.8 2 1030 Non-Fiction K-2 Wood, Lily Labella, Susan 220 1.9 1 416 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.1 1 230 Non-Fiction K-2 Bats Around The Clock Bats At The Ballgame Bats At The Beach Bats At The Library Appelt, Kathi Lies, Brian Lies, Brian Lies, Brian 570 620 720 3.1 2.5 1.5 3.4 AD AD NP AD 1 1 1 1 405 705 489 455 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 Q25324 Bats On Parade Q28292 Bats, Bats, Bats! Bats: Creatures Of The Q00957 Night Appelt, Kathi Levin, Amy 690 160 2.9 1.4 AD 1 1 453 156 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Milton, Joyce Lauber, Patricia Miller, Virginia Fleming, Virginia Carr, M. J. Campoy, F. Isabel Wells, Rosemary Parish, Peggy Ernesto, Lilly Williams, Karen Lynn Gibbons, Gail 510 2.1 2 1035 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.7 2 976 Non-Fiction K-2 230 1.6 AD 1 206 Fiction K-2 380 340 3.1 2.9 AD 2 2 1504 838 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 350 1.7 1 242 Fiction K-2 310 2.1 AD 2 818 Fiction K-2 0 0 2.2 1.3 BR BR 2 1 1542 139 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 470 1.5 AD 1 468 Fiction K-2 910 3.5 AD 2 952 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q37785 Batman: The Mad Hatter Q33925 Batman: Time Thaw Q34873 Bats Q49738 Bats Q52057 Bats Q56624 Bats Q00956 Bats (Bland) Q20386 Bats (Gibbons) Bats (Scholastic Science Q24990 Readers) Bats and Other Animals Q37974 With Amazing Ears Q25338 Q50382 Q39280 Q45700 Q00963 Be A Friend To Trees Q26711 Be Gentle! Q27929 Be Good To Eddie Lee Q19374 Be My Valentine Q30066 Be My Valentine Be My Valentine (Yoko & Q32521 Friends School Days) Q21647 Be Ready At Eight Q29094 Be There! Q49078 Beach Tail, A Beacons Of Light: Q00973 Lighthouses Author Name Augustyn, Brian McCann, Jesse Leon MacLulich, Carolyn Wood, Lily Carney, Elizabeth Lexile Levels Reading Level 560 Lexile Code NC AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 290 2.5 AD 1 532 Fiction K-2 Q44652 Beagles (Blastoff! Readers) Green, Sara Landau, Q47999 Beagles Are The Best! Elaine Chanko, Q25133 Beak Book, The Pamela O'Neil, Q14394 Beaks And Feet Sarah Bean Soup / Sopa De Argueta, Q46633 Frijoles Jorge McElligott, Q40498 Bean Thirteen Matthew SaundersQ00976 Beans Smith, Gail Torrey, Q24439 Beans Baker, Number Five Richard 700 2.6 1 502 Non-Fiction K-2 580 3.3 2 1286 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.3 1 48 Non-Fiction K-2 410 1.7 1 239 Non-Fiction K-2 1 390 Non-Fiction K-2 1 549 Fiction K-2 1 35 Non-Fiction K-2 70 2.5 2 971 Fiction K-2 Q33190 Beans To Chocolate 200 1.6 1 108 Non-Fiction K-2 740 4.6 2 608 Fiction K-2 140 2.1 1 53 Fiction K-2 380 2.9 2 676 Fiction K-2 1 296 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q25163 Beady Bear Q00980 Bear Q26503 Bear About Town Q18830 Bear At The Beach Bear Came Over To My Q37822 House, The Q37986 Bear Cub Grows Up, A Bear Cubs (Blastoff! Q46020 Reader) Q21366 Bear Day Q16425 Bear Detectives, The Q29940 Bear Facts, The Q46666 Bear Feels Scared Q00982 Bear For Miguel, A Bear for You, A (My First Q38012 Reader) Q18131 Bear In A Square Author Name Freeman, Don Snyder, Inez Schoenherr, John Blackstone, Stella Carmichael, Clay 1.5 320 Zollman, Pam Wendorff, Anne Rylant, Cynthia Berenstain, Stan & Jan Shapiro, Debbie Wilson, Karma Alphin, Elaine Marie Hall, Kirsten Blackstone, Stella NP 2.1 1.1 Walton, Rick BR 2.1 NP NP 340 1.7 1 217 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.5 1 114 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.8 1 199 Fiction K-2 250 2.3 1 642 Fiction K-2 380 1.8 1 333 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 1 371 Fiction K-2 400 3.5 2 1284 Fiction K-2 280 1.3 1 88 Fiction K-2 1 71 Fiction K-2 1.3 AD AD NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q00983 Bear Next Door, The Q18129 Bear On A Bike Q26504 Bear Play Bear Santa Claus Forgot, Q00984 The Q16513 Bear Scouts, The Q00985 Bear Shadow Q32806 Bear Snores On Bear Stays Up For Q41901 Christmas Q37250 Bear Wants More Bear Went Over The Mountain And Other Bear Q00987 Songs, The Q53580 Bear Who Shared, The Q53300 Bear With Me Q00988 Bear's Bargain Q18829 Bear's Bicycle, The Q18114 Bear's Busy Family Q26579 Bear's Christmas Star Q22065 Bear's Christmas Surprise Q21799 Bear's Dream Q25120 Bear's Eggs Q54515 Bear's First Christmas Q16580 Bear's Hiccups Q41903 Bear's New Friend Q21476 Bear's Shape Book Q00989 Bear's Toothache, The Author Name Luttrell, Ida Blackstone, Stella Ford, Miela Kimpton, Diana Berenstain, Stan and Jan Asch, Frank Wilson, Karma Wilson, Karma Wilson, Karma Swanson, Maggie Rayner, Catherine Kornell, Max Asch, Frank McLeod, Emilie Warren Blackstone, Stella D'Allance, Mireille Winthrop, Elizabeth Slingsby, Janet Schubert, Ingrid Kinerk, Robert Bauer, Marion Dane Wilson, Karma Thorpe, Kiki McPhail, David Lexile Levels Reading Level 350 1.9 0 2.8 1.2 540 1.9 580 3.2 2.2 280 Lexile Code Points Interest Level 2 Words 1194 Type Fiction 1 1 287 59 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2 665 Fiction K-2 NP AD 1 1 714 488 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2.1 AD 1 415 Fiction K-2 580 2.2 AD 1 376 Fiction K-2 500 1.6 AD 1 278 Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 2 1056 Fiction K-2 400 1.3 AD 1 199 Fiction K-2 500 660 1.7 3.3 AD AD 1 1 306 428 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 410 2.6 1 185 Fiction K-2 NP BR K-2 1.5 NP 1 74 Fiction K-2 10 1.6 AD 1 327 Fiction K-2 230 2.1 AD 2 1019 Fiction K-2 370 2.5 AD 2 1420 Fiction K-2 220 2.4 AD 2 695 Fiction K-2 1000 7.5 AD 2 1118 Fiction K-2 340 2.3 2 1235 Fiction K-2 370 190 1.7 1.4 AD 1 1 395 197 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 640 2.5 AD 1 216 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 880 4.7 AD 2 1464 Fiction K-2 320 510 2.8 3.5 AD 2 2 1592 797 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 460 5.3 2 1555 Fiction K-2 Parker, Vic Richie, Deborah Helbrough, Emma 570 2.5 1 294 Fiction K-2 330 3.4 2 118 Non-Fiction K-2 720 2.6 2 1008 Non-Fiction K-2 330 2.1 1 118 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.8 1 581 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.5 1 265 Non-Fiction K-2 Q29865 Bears Are Big Green, Emily Robinson, Claire Berger, Melvin Frederick, Shirley 400 1.5 1 136 Non-Fiction K-2 Q23322 Bears Are Curious Milton, Joyce 170 2.2 1 417 Non-Fiction K-2 Q56549 Bears Go To Town, The Q17669 Bears In Pairs Winters, Kay Yektai, Niki 310 2.1 1.4 NP 2 1 1704 111 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.1 NP 1 109 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q48263 Bear-ly There Bear: Animal Lore And Q00990 Legend Q00992 Beardream Bearhead: A Russian Q00993 Folktale Bearobics: A Hip-Hop Q26505 Counting Story Q00995 Bears Q50325 Bears Q51632 Bears Q22315 Bears (In The Wild) Q40358 Bears (Now I Know) Author Name Raye, Rebekah Caldwell, E. K. Hobbs, Will Kimmel, Eric A. IG Q16329 Bears Odd Bears Even Berenstain, Stan and Jan Ziefert, Harriet 280 1.5 AD 1 245 Fiction K-2 Q24107 Bears On Wheels Berenstain, Stan and Jan 0 1.2 BR 1 85 Fiction K-2 Q16512 Bears' Picnic, The Berenstain, Stan and Jan 230 2.6 1 565 Fiction K-2 160 150 2.3 1.6 2 1 654 72 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 290 1.5 2 1330 Fiction K-2 720 3.1 2 1212 Fiction K-2 2 788 Fiction K-2 Q00997 Bears In The Night Q01126 Bears' Vacation, The Q14529 Bears, Bears, Everywhere Bearsie Bear And The Q01002 Surprise Sleepover Party Q01004 Bearymore Q01006 Beast Feast Berenstain, Stan and Jan Milios, Rita Waber, Bernard Freeman, Don Florian, Douglas 3.9 NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q48982 Beastly Basil Q20331 Beasty Story, A Q34169 Beat It! Q13960 Beaten By A Balloon Q35883 Beatrice Doesn't Want To Q27869 Beatrice's Goat Beatrix Potter (Lives And Q22394 Times) Q01014 Beats Me, Claude Q52439 Beautiful Birds Author Name Krailing, Tessa Martin Jr., Bill Tarlow, Ellen Mahy, Margaret Numeroff, Laura McBrier, Page Woodhouse, Jayne Nixon, Joan Lowery Martin, Justin McCory Bryan, Ashley Fleming, Maria Connell, Daisy Lexile Levels Reading Level 520 3.1 0 1.6 130 1.9 760 4.2 140 1.2 640 3.5 550 2.9 3.5 Lexile Code BR AD AD NA Points Words Type Interest Level 2 2060 Fiction K-2 1 267 Fiction K-2 1 576 Fiction K-2 2 1059 Fiction K-2 1 552 Fiction K-2 2 1226 Fiction K-2 2 474 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1500 Fiction K-2 490 2.6 1 374 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.8 1 690 Fiction K-2 150 1.3 1 70 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.8 1 461 Non-Fiction K-2 Sierra, Judy Zolotow, Charlotte Archambault, John Pinkwater, Daniel 560 3.2 2 840 Fiction K-2 530 3.1 2 1362 Fiction K-2 390 1.9 AD 1 426 Fiction K-2 350 1.2 AD 1 405 Fiction K-2 860 3.9 5 1840 Fiction K-2 480 2.6 AD 1 523 Fiction K-2 410 490 2.5 1.6 IG 1 1 501 330 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Q25236 Beavers Brett, Jan Mills, J. Elizabeth George, William T. Owen, Ruth Moore, Helen H. 780 4.1 2 1098 Non-Fiction K-2 Q53304 Beavers Green, Emily 590 2.3 1 112 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.1 1 248 Non-Fiction K-2 Q34593 Beautiful Blackbird Q15427 Beautiful Bugs Q52773 Beautiful Bugs Beautiful Butterfly: A Q31598 Folktale From Spain, The Beautiful Christmas Tree, Q27365 The Beautiful Feast For A Big Q01015 King Cat Beautiful Yetta: The Yiddish Q50346 Chicken Beauty And The Beast Q01021 (Brett) Beauty And The Beast Q33104 (Scholastic Reader) Q25088 Beaver At Long Pond Q53077 Beaver Kits Beavers and Other Animals Labella, Q37975 With Amazing Teeth Susan AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 1 576 Fiction K-2 460 2.3 1 334 Fiction K-2 710 3.8 2 1118 Fiction K-2 Q24545 Because I Love You Lucado, Max Beckoning Cat: Based On A Nishizuka, Q46379 Japanese Folktale, The Koko Rockwell, Q32680 Becoming Butterflies Anne Wallace, Q24322 Bed For The Winter, A Karen 370 3.1 2 1655 Fiction K-2 690 3.3 1 911 Fiction K-2 500 2.8 2 643 Fiction K-2 240 1.7 1 489 Non-Fiction K-2 Q25010 Bed Full Of Cats, A 180 1.9 1 350 Fiction K-2 750 3.4 1 451 Fiction K-2 140 2.4 2 1247 Fiction K-2 Q47730 Bedtime At The Swamp 680 3.2 AD 1 374 Fiction K-2 Q50344 520 2.1 AD 1 743 Fiction K-2 690 3.3 AD 1 465 Fiction K-2 360 3.4 2 1340 Fiction K-2 1 396 Fiction K-2 2 716 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q16048 Beavers Beware! Because A Little Bug Went Q01024 Kachoo Because Brian Hugged His Q17264 Mother Q38650 Bed Hogs Q21993 Bedhead Q46095 Q01031 Q14023 Q22316 Q14228 Q38201 Q01034 Q24690 Q28892 Q45316 Q22395 Author Name Brenner, Barbara Stone, Rosetta Rice, David L. Keller, Holly DiPucchio, Kelly Palatini, Margie Crow, Kristyn Becker, Bedtime For Bear, A Bonny Stewart, Bedtime For Button Amber Hoban, Bedtime For Frances Russell Stoddard, Bedtime Mouse Sandol Hartley, Bee (Bug Books) Karen Cohen, Bee My Valentine! Miriam Park, Linda Bee-bim Bop! Sue Brenner, Beef Stew Barbara Murphy, Beep Beep, Vroom Vroom! Stuart J. Heinrichs, Bees (Nature's Friends) Ann Bees, Snails, And Peacock Tails Franco, Betsy Lynch, Beethoven (Lives And Times) Wendy Lexile Levels Reading Level 420 2.1 Lexile Code AD AD NP 710 2.9 450 2.8 AD 2 719 Fiction K-2 1.8 NP 1 234 Fiction K-2 1 401 Fiction K-2 1 419 Fiction K-2 2 1034 Non-Fiction K-2 1 554 Non-Fiction K-2 2 570 Non-Fiction K-2 260 1.5 360 1.7 490 2.9 1080 8.2 530 2.8 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Stefoff, Q20872 Beetle (Living Things) Rebecca Pallotta, Q34523 Beetle Alphabet Book, The Jerry Coughlan, Q18289 Beetles Cheryl Eckart, Q34666 Beetles Edana Sexton, Q42480 Beetles Colleen Llewellyn, Q32146 Beetles (Minibeasts) Claire McDonald, Q21674 Beezy Megan McDonald, Q25795 Beezy And Funnybone Megan McDonald, Q22803 Beezy At Bat Megan McDonald, Q22253 Beezy Magic Megan Ada, Alma Q30078 Before And Now Flor Weatherfor Before John Was A Jazz d, Carole Q43309 Giant Boston National Beginner's World Atlas Geographic Q30675 (Anthology) Society, Behind The Mask: A Book Q26617 About Prepositions Heller, Ruth Behold The Bold Umbrellaphant And Other Prelutsky, Q39600 Poems Jack Nikola-Lisa, Q01050 Bein' With You This Way W. Q39148 Being Me Broski, Julie Mochizuki, Q01056 béisbol nos salvó, El Ken Q46679 Belinda In Paris Young, Amy Q45303 Bella And Bean Q45317 Bella Gets Her Skates On Q48393 Bella The Bunny Fairy Dotlich, Rebecca Kai Whybrow, Ian Meadows, Daisy Lexile Levels Reading Level 680 3.5 630 4.2 150 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 1186 Non-Fiction K-2 1 1640 Non-Fiction K-2 1.3 1 39 Non-Fiction K-2 310 1.6 1 84 Non-Fiction K-2 550 3.2 1 164 Non-Fiction K-2 800 2.9 2 1200 Non-Fiction K-2 40 1.8 2 1126 Fiction K-2 190 2.2 2 1140 Fiction K-2 160 2.2 2 1114 Fiction K-2 180 1.6 2 1275 Fiction K-2 350 1.7 1 117 Fiction K-2 1090 2.3 1 163 Non-Fiction K-2 700 2.9 2 1302 Non-Fiction K-2 170 3.1 AD 1 481 Non-Fiction K-2 2.4 NP 2 1343 Fiction K-2 NP 40 3.9 1 1 1 360 129 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 740 550 4.9 2.2 AD 2 1 1488 645 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 460 1.5 AD 2 1127 Fiction K-2 430 1.4 AD 1 699 Fiction K-2 660 2.8 NC 3 4286 Fiction K-2 IG AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q42314 Belle Q19565 Belle's Journey Belle, The Last Mule At Q55792 Gee's Bend Q34445 Belly Button Boy Q38578 Below Q25158 Ben And The Porcupine Ben Franklin And His First Q31665 Kite Q26736 Ben's Dream Q01076 Ben's Trumpet Q01079 Beneath The Ghost Moon Beneath The Stone: A Q27956 Mexican Zapotec Tale Q34608 Bengal Tiger Author Name Mills, Elizabeth Reynolds, Marilynn Ramsey, Calvin Maloney, Peter Crews, Nina Carrick, Carol Krensky, Stephen Van Allsburg, Chris Isadora, Rachel Yolen, Jane Wolf, Bernard Eckart, Edana Q26926 Benjamin Banneker Benjamin Banneker: Q35621 Pioneering Scientist Benjamin Bear In Fuzzy Q54469 Thinking Zalben, Jane Breskin Smedley, O. G. Wadsworth, Ginger Coudray, Philippe Q53501 Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin (Real Q28852 People) Bauer, Marion Dane Abraham, Philip Q27908 Beni's First Wedding Q39820 Q32376 Q21959 Q44471 Benjamin Franklin (Revised Edition, Rookie Biographies Children's Press) Mara, Wil Benjamin Franklin (Rookie Biographies) Mara, Wil Benjamin McFadden And The Robot Babysitter Bush, Timothy Benny And Penny In Just Hayes, Pretend Geoffrey Lexile Levels Reading Level 440 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.5 1 1018 Fiction K-2 660 3.8 2 1419 Fiction K-2 710 3.4 AD 2 1529 Fiction K-2 2.3 1.8 NP 360 1 1 541 249 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 410 3.2 2 1718 Fiction K-2 150 2.1 1 497 Non-Fiction K-2 370 3.1 1 279 Fiction K-2 530 3.6 3.5 1 1 301 456 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 770 3.9 2 1930 Non-Fiction K-2 510 1.7 1 105 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.7 2 953 Fiction K-2 380 2.1 1 535 Non-Fiction K-2 550 2.9 2 1697 Non-Fiction K-2 20 1.1 1 357 Fiction K-2 790 3.6 1 279 Non-Fiction K-2 150 1.6 1 117 Non-Fiction K-2 580 3.2 1 385 Non-Fiction K-2 370 2.1 1 329 Non-Fiction K-2 240 2.8 AD 2 927 Fiction K-2 90 1 GN 1 326 Fiction K-2 AD NP AD GN SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Benny And Penny In Lights Q57981 Out! Q24115 Benny Bakes A Cake 170 80 2.3 1.8 GN AD 1 1 551 277 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q22744 190 2.8 2 732 Fiction K-2 1 184 Fiction K-2 2 1 780 383 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Quiz # Q01090 Q13201 Q16016 Q24440 Q17648 Q01091 Q01097 Q01101 Q16613 Q16569 Q23039 Q14030 Q13879 Q14031 Q23676 Q16398 Q13873 Q14024 Title Author Name Hayes, Geoffrey Rice, Eve Warner, Gertrude Benny Goes Into Business Chandler O'Connor, Benny's Big Bubble Jane Warner, Gertrude Benny's New Friend Chandler Benny's Pennies Brisson, Pat Warner, Gertrude Benny's Saturday Surprise Chandler Graham, Benny: An Adventure Story Bob Joyce, Bently & Egg William Berenstain Bear Scouts And The Missing Merit Badges, Berenstain, The Stan Berenstain Bear Scouts And The Search For Naughty Berenstain, Ned, The Stan Berenstain Bear Scouts And The Stinky Milk Mystery, Berenstain, The Stan & Jan Berenstain Bear Scouts And The White Water Mystery, Berenstain, The Jan Berenstain Bears And Baby Berenstain, Makes Five, The Stan & Jan Berenstain Bears And Berenstain, Mama's New Job, The Stan & Jan Berenstain Bears And The Berenstain, Bad Dream, The Stan & Jan Berenstain Bears And The Berenstain, Bad Habit, The Stan & Jan Berenstain Bears And The Berenstain, Big Blooper, The Stan & Jan Berenstain Bears And The Berenstain, Big Road Race, The Stan & Jan Berenstain Bears And The Berenstain, Blame Game, The Stan & Jan Berenstain Bears And The Berenstain, Bully, The Stan & Jan 1.5 NP 260 360 3.1 1.6 0 2.3 BR 2 760 Fiction K-2 600 3.9 AD 1 548 Fiction K-2 580 3.3 2 1928 Fiction K-2 420 3.5 2 929 Fiction K-2 470 2.8 2 772 Fiction K-2 480 2.7 2 753 Fiction K-2 370 2.1 2 723 Fiction K-2 450 2.9 AD 2 941 Fiction K-2 640 3.3 AD 2 1136 Fiction K-2 490 2.9 AD 2 1268 Fiction K-2 690 3.2 AD 2 1290 Fiction K-2 440 3.1 AD 2 1081 Fiction K-2 270 2.9 AD 1 421 Fiction K-2 500 4.2 AD 2 871 Fiction K-2 590 3.5 AD 2 1572 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q13882 Q16386 Q47773 Q16393 Q14037 Q01111 Title Author Name Berenstain Bears And The Berenstain, Double Dare, The Stan & Jan Berenstain Bears And The Berenstain, Ghost Of The Forest, The Stan & Jan Berenstain Bears And the Berenstain, Green-Eyed Monster, The Jan Berenstain Bears And The Berenstain, Homework Hassle, The Stan & Jan Berenstain Bears And The In- Berenstain, Crowd, The Stan & Jan Berenstain Bears And The Berenstain, Messy Room, The Stan Berenstain Bears And The Q16423 Missing Dinosaur Bone, The Berenstain Bears And The Q16387 Missing Honey, The Berenstain Bears And The Missing Watermelon Q25189 Money, The Berenstain Bears And The Q14025 Prize Pumpkin, The Berenstain Bears And The Q53439 Shaggy Little Pony, The Berenstain Bears And The Q16392 Sitter, The Berenstain Bears And The Q14027 Slumber Party, The Berenstain Bears And The Q16424 Spooky Old Tree, The Berenstain Bears And The Q24368 Tic-Tac-Toe Mystery, The Berenstain Bears And The Q39552 Trouble With Chores, The Berenstain Bears And The Q14033 Trouble With Friends, The Berenstain Bears And The Trouble With Grownups, Q16394 The Berenstain Bears And The Q13872 Truth, The Berenstain Bears And The Q14026 Week At Grandma's, The Berenstain Bears And Too Q14029 Much Birthday, The Berenstain Bears And Too Q43344 Much Car Trip, The Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 620 3.1 AD 2 1381 Fiction K-2 500 1.7 AD 1 540 Fiction K-2 560 2.2 AD 2 1116 Fiction K-2 490 3.5 AD 2 1061 Fiction K-2 790 3.8 AD 2 1633 Fiction K-2 800 3.7 2 935 Fiction K-2 230 2.9 1 335 Fiction K-2 340 2.9 1 624 Fiction K-2 240 2.1 2 861 Fiction K-2 660 3.5 2 1424 Fiction K-2 360 2.2 1 562 Fiction K-2 660 3.1 AD 2 781 Fiction K-2 680 3.5 AD 2 1201 Fiction K-2 100 1.7 1 201 Fiction K-2 380 2.4 2 766 Fiction K-2 680 2.1 AD 2 1129 Fiction K-2 640 3.5 AD 2 1468 Fiction K-2 580 3.1 AD 2 1604 Fiction K-2 680 3.1 AD 2 1067 Fiction K-2 710 3.7 AD 2 1266 Fiction K-2 620 3.7 AD 2 1254 Fiction K-2 640 3.7 2 1374 Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q14028 Q14035 Q13871 Q14038 Q16395 Q01112 Q01113 Q01114 Q16388 Q01115 Q34054 Q55358 Q16391 Q01116 Q13870 Q13876 Q16397 Q13874 Q16389 Q39553 Q14036 Q54743 Q16396 Title Berenstain Bears And Too Much Junk Food, The Berenstain Bears And Too Much Pressure, The Berenstain Bears And Too Much Teasing, The Berenstain Bears And Too Much TV, The Berenstain Bears And Too Much Vacation, The Berenstain Bears Are A Family, The Berenstain Bears At The Super-Duper Market, The Berenstain Bears Big Bear, Small Bear, The Berenstain Bears Blaze A Trail, The Berenstain Bears By The Sea, The Berenstain Bears Catch The Bus, The Berenstain Bears Clean House, The Berenstain Bears Count Their Blessings, The Berenstain Bears Don't Pollute Anymore, The Berenstain Bears Forget Their Manners, The Berenstain Bears Get In A Fight, The Berenstain Bears Get Stage Fright, The Berenstain Bears Get The Gimmies, The Berenstain Bears Get Their Kicks, The Berenstain Bears Go On Vacation, The Berenstain Bears Go Out For The Team, The Berenstain Bears Go Out To Eat, The Berenstain Bears Go To Camp, The Author Name Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan Berenstain, Stan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Jan & Mike Berenstain, Stan & Jan Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 690 3.2 AD 2 1238 Fiction K-2 640 3.8 AD 2 1370 Fiction K-2 470 2.8 AD 2 1394 Fiction K-2 630 3.2 AD 2 1150 Fiction K-2 700 2.2 AD 2 1479 Fiction K-2 210 1.5 1 240 Fiction K-2 450 2.2 1 240 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 88 Fiction K-2 330 2.8 AD 1 537 Fiction K-2 160 1.4 1 296 Fiction K-2 250 1.8 1 276 Fiction K-2 170 1.1 AD 1 481 Fiction K-2 560 3.4 AD 2 1063 Fiction K-2 710 3.1 AD 2 1544 Fiction K-2 620 3.1 AD 2 1034 Fiction K-2 680 3.3 AD 2 782 Fiction K-2 580 3.7 AD 2 1364 Fiction K-2 640 3.3 AD 2 1340 Fiction K-2 660 3.5 AD 2 1238 Fiction K-2 680 2.1 AD 1 896 Fiction K-2 670 3.7 AD 2 1240 Fiction K-2 570 2.3 AD 2 1150 Fiction K-2 690 3.2 AD 2 976 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q01117 Q13884 Q13881 Q21474 Q13875 Q16390 Q01118 Q16369 Q23075 Title Author Name Berenstain Bears Go To School, The Berenstain Bears Go To The Doctor, The Berenstain Bears In The Dark, The Berenstain Bears In The House Of Mirrors, The Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers, The Berenstain Bears Meet Santa Bear, The Berenstain Bears No Girls Allowed, The Berenstain Bears On The Job, The Berenstain Bears On The Moon, The Berenstain, Stan and Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain Bears Play Ball, Q01119 The Berenstain Bears Play TQ41882 Ball, The Berenstain, Stan and Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain Bears Ready, Q01120 Get Set, Go, The Berenstain Bears Ride The Q01121 Thunderbolt, The Berenstain, Stan and Jan Berenstain, Stan Berenstain Bears Say Good Q01122 Night, The Berenstain Bears Trick Or Q14032 Treat, The Berenstain Bears Visit The Q13883 Dentist, The Berenstain Bears' Bedtime Q54516 Battle, The Berenstain, Stan and Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain Bears' Comic Q01123 Valentine, The Berenstain Bears' Computer Q51311 Trouble, The Berenstain Bears' Dollars Q43353 and Sense, The Berenstain Bears' Four Q01124 Seasons, The Berenstain, Stan and Jan Berenstain, Jan & Mike Berenstain, Stan Berenstain, Stan Lexile Levels Reading Level 520 3.1 500 3.1 690 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 830 Fiction K-2 AD 2 798 Fiction K-2 3.1 AD 2 1152 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 51 Fiction K-2 590 3.1 AD 2 1440 Fiction K-2 740 3.1 AD 2 1342 Fiction K-2 560 3.6 AD 2 1121 Fiction K-2 500 2.9 AD 1 416 Fiction K-2 40 1.7 1 439 Fiction K-2 630 3.5 2 1758 Fiction K-2 200 1.4 1 447 Fiction K-2 150 1.5 1 256 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 1 80 Fiction K-2 280 1.5 1 237 Fiction K-2 670 3.2 AD 2 1114 Fiction K-2 720 3.4 AD 2 726 Fiction K-2 540 2.2 AD 1 970 Fiction K-2 3.5 NP 2 1701 Fiction K-2 800 4.3 AD 2 1207 Fiction K-2 680 4.2 2 1166 Fiction K-2 440 2.8 1 258 Fiction K-2 BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q31800 Berry Book, The Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Jan & Mike Brett, Jan Waber, Bernard Hoff, Syd Gibbons, Gail Q33539 Bertie Was A Watchdog Walton, Rick Q13878 Q14034 Q13877 Q42369 Q01125 Q18141 Q21696 Q13880 Q52768 Q01127 Berenstain Bears' Moving Day, The Berenstain Bears' New Baby, The Berenstain Bears' New Neighbors, The Berenstain Bears' Seashore Treasure, The Berenstain Bears' Thanksgiving, The Berenstain Bears' Trouble At School, The Berenstain Bears' Trouble With Money, The Berenstain Bears' Trouble With Pets, The Berenstain Bears: All Aboard!, The Berlioz The Bear Author Name Q01128 Bernard Q15282 Bernard On His Own Q01129 beso para osito, Un Q29905 Bess And Tess Bessey la Desordenada pasa una noche de Q35810 cumpleaños Q35747 Q22459 Q39115 Q53667 Q26089 Minarik, Else Holmelund Manners, Jane McKissack, Fredrick McKissack, Bessey, la Desordenada Fredrick Best Beak In Boonaroo Bay, Oliver, The Narelle Best Beekeeper Of Kessler, Lalibela, The Cristina Huget, Best Birthday Party Ever, Jennifer The LaRue Llewellyn, Best Book Of Bugs, The Claire Q26680 Best Book Of Mummies, The Steele, Philip Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 670 3.4 AD 2 884 Fiction K-2 720 3.1 AD 2 673 Fiction K-2 490 4.2 AD 2 1089 Fiction K-2 390 2.3 1 608 Fiction K-2 720 3.5 2 1408 Fiction K-2 670 3.7 AD 2 1449 Fiction K-2 540 2.7 AD 2 1216 Fiction K-2 600 2.8 AD 2 1412 Fiction K-2 330 540 2.2 2.9 1 2 436 708 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 390 470 2.9 2.1 2 1 1135 430 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 470 2.9 1 433 Non-Fiction K-2 80 2.2 1 334 Fiction K-2 200 1.1 1 288 Fiction K-2 10 1.4 1 137 Fiction K-2 500 2.7 1 151 Fiction K-2 210 1.4 1 150 Fiction K-2 480 3.9 AD 1 573 Fiction K-2 840 5 AD 1 1131 Fiction K-2 650 2.7 AD 1 950 Fiction K-2 800 3.6 2 2327 Non-Fiction K-2 800 3.6 2 2335 Non-Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 1 90 Fiction K-2 2 776 Fiction K-2 2.3 2 1001 Fiction K-2 590 3.5 2 867 Fiction K-2 710 5.2 2 556 Fiction K-2 Q34030 Best Class Picture Ever!, The Roche, Denis Best Easter Egg Hunt Ever, Q01137 The Speirs, John 440 3.1 1 590 Fiction K-2 Q32584 Best Easter Eggs Ever!, The Smath, Jerry Quiz # Title Q01132 Best Bug Parade, The Q01133 Best Bug To Be, The Best Chef In The Second Q43695 Grade, The Best Christmas Present Of Q01135 All, The Best Christmas Tree Ever, Q01136 The Author Name Murphy, Stuart J. Johnson, Dolores Kenah, Katharine Jennings, Linda Korman, Justine Q49322 Best Friends In Fairyland MobinUddin, Asma Godwin, Laura Lopez, Susana Lundberg, Linda Shirley, Debra Krupinski, Loretta Harriman, Sierra Kellogg, Steven Labaronne, Charlotte Leonard, Marcia Winthrop, Elizabeth Hoban, Russell Meadows, Daisy Q33227 Best Friends In The Snow Medearis, Angela Shelf Q43364 Best Eid Ever, The Q44252 Best Fall Of All, The Best Family In The World, Q49259 The Q29906 Best Food, The Q44223 Best Friend On Wheels Q29546 Best Friends Q54537 Best Friends Q01139 Best Friends (Kellogg) Q33357 Best Friends (Labaronne) Best Friends (Real Kids Q25410 Readers) Best Friends Club, The Q27508 (Anthology) Q01141 Best Friends For Frances Lexile Levels Reading Level 200 1.3 800 4.5 380 Lexile Code AD AD 2.5 NP 1 297 Fiction K-2 600 2.6 AD 2 755 Fiction K-2 670 4.2 2 1763 Fiction K-2 100 1.1 1 154 Fiction K-2 730 3.5 1 527 Fiction K-2 360 1.7 1 177 Fiction K-2 520 2.3 1 604 Fiction K-2 710 3.3 2 1547 Fiction K-2 340 2.2 1 821 Fiction K-2 550 3.9 AD 2 1037 Fiction K-2 370 1.9 AD 1 475 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 105 Fiction K-2 270 2.5 2 941 Fiction K-2 640 3.5 2 1693 Fiction K-2 470 2.5 1 677 Fiction K-2 60 1.4 1 84 Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q16708 Best Friends Sleep Over Q28120 Best Friends Think Alike Best Friends Wear Pink Q01142 Tutus Best Halloween Hunt Ever, Q22178 The Author Name Rogers, Jacqueline Reiser, Lynn Brownrigg, Sheri Q54616 Best In Show Speirs, John Catrow, David Q37169 Best Kind of Gift, The Best Little Monkeys In The Q01144 World, The Best Mistake Ever And Q01145 Other Stories, The Q27827 Best Mud Pie, The Lexile Levels Reading Level 530 100 2.5 1.5 500 1.5 2.1 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level AD 1 1 543 385 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 352 Fiction K-2 1 396 Fiction K-2 1 178 Fiction K-2 2 1463 Fiction K-2 NP 240 2.1 Appelt, Kathi Standiford, Natalie Scarry, Richard Quinn, Lin 690 2.6 260 2.5 2 741 Fiction K-2 310 200 1.7 1.2 2 1 1082 84 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q01146 Best Nest, The Eastman, P.D. 280 1.3 1 666 Fiction K-2 Q57237 Best Of All Lucado, Max Betz, Adrienne 550 2.2 2 2633 Fiction K-2 130 2.1 2 1165 Fiction K-2 Clarke, Jane Vainio, Pirkko 650 3.4 AD 1 811 Fiction K-2 410 2.4 AD 1 375 Fiction K-2 130 2.6 AD 1 554 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.6 2 1126 Fiction K-2 520 200 2.8 1.3 2 1 1680 233 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 300 2.2 1 472 Fiction K-2 320 1.3 1 175 Fiction K-2 340 3.4 2 918 Fiction K-2 380 2.3 1 440 Fiction K-2 520 3.1 2 1112 Fiction K-2 370 1.2 1 525 Fiction K-2 Q33392 Best Of All, The Q41239 Best Of Both Nests, The Q31629 Best Of Friends, The Best Of Times: Math Strategies That Multiply, Q30732 The Best Older Sister Q29680 (Anthology), The Q01148 Q31257 Q01149 Q31180 Q20393 Q50014 Q40750 Q54746 Tang, Greg Choi, Sook Nyul Choi, Sook Best Older Sister, The Nyul Best Pet (Anthology), The Rich, Anna Tidd, Louise Best Pet Yet, The Vitellaro Bracken, Best Pie, The (Anthology) Patrick Meddaugh, Best Place, The Susan Manushkin, Best Season Ever Fran Best Seat In Second Grade, Kenah, The Katharine Mayer, Best Show And Share, The Mercer AD AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q44874 Best Story, The Q49500 Best Teacher Ever, The Best Teacher In Second Q40886 Grade, The Q01151 Best Teacher In The World Q37513 Best Time of Day, The Q54108 Best Trick, The Best Vacation Ever Q27514 (Anthology), The Author Name Spinelli, Eileen Mayer, Mercer Kenah, Katharine Chardiet, Bernice Spinelli, Eileen Hooks, Gwendolyn HoytGoldsmith, Diane Murphy, Stuart J. Cosby, Bill Q19802 Best Vacation Ever, The Q01152 Best Way To Play, The Best Way To See A Shark, Q14774 The Fowler, Allan Stevenson, Q27510 Best Wishes, Ed (Anthology) James Noonan, Q01153 Best-Loved Bear, The Diana Murphy, Q01157 Betcha! Stuart J. Levine, Gail Q50987 Betsy Red Hoodie Carson Wallner, Q14778 Betsy Ross Alexandra Betsy Ross And The Silver Greene, Q31666 Thimble Stephanie Betsy Ross: The Story Of Chanko, Q42215 Our Flag Pamela Levine, Gail Q33545 Betsy Who Cried Wolf! Carson Better Not Get Wet, Jesse Carlstrom, Q01167 Bear Nancy White Miller, Sara Q23063 Better Than TV Swan Ludwig, Q55923 Better Than You Trudy Betty Bunny Loves Kaplan, Q54373 Chocolate Cake Michael B. Lexile Levels Reading Level 390 2.2 390 1.3 560 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 619 Fiction K-2 1 429 Fiction K-2 2.8 1 949 Fiction K-2 240 2.2 2 725 Fiction K-2 760 4.3 1 449 Fiction K-2 290 1.7 1 282 Fiction K-2 560 2.8 2 1281 Non-Fiction K-2 30 360 1.8 2.1 1 1 199 1164 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 490 3.1 1 421 Non-Fiction K-2 350 2.3 1 657 Fiction K-2 590 3.3 1 419 Fiction K-2 290 2.8 1 250 Fiction K-2 210 1.1 1 727 Fiction K-2 810 4.9 2 1003 Non-Fiction K-2 190 2.1 1 495 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.3 1 580 Non-Fiction K-2 350 2.5 AD 2 1018 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 307 Fiction K-2 2 926 Fiction K-2 AD AD AD 260 1.9 640 2.7 AD 2 1105 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 AD 2 1075 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q16409 Q34914 Q42382 Q41883 Q42380 Title Between Earth & Sky: Legends Of Native American Sacred Places Beverly Billingsly Borrows A Book Beverly Billingsly Can't Catch Beverly Billingsly Takes A Bow Beverly Billingsly Takes The Cake Q20156 Beware Of Boys Q16590 Beware Of The Bears! Beware Of The Storybook Q24371 Wolves Q01174 Beware The Dragons Bewildered For Three Days: As To Why Daniel Boone Never Wore His Coonskin Q22950 Cap Beyond The Dinosaurs: Monsters Of The Air And Q43730 Sea Biblioburro: A True Story Q48776 From Colombia Q23518 Bicycle Book Q01189 Bicycle For Rosaura, A Q20587 Bicycles Q29091 Biff Helps After All Q29022 Big "M", The Q15794 Big & Little Q01194 Big Al Q36160 Big Al and Shrimpy Q25139 Big And Little Author Name Bruchac, Joseph Stadler, Alexander Stadler, Alexander Stadler, Alexander Stadler, Alexander Blundell, Tony MacDonald, Alan Child, Lauren Wilson, Sarah Glass, Andrew Brown, Charlotte Lewis Winter, Jeanette Gibbons, Gail Barbot, Daniel Schaefer, Lola M. Gabriel, Nat Rothman, Cynthia Jenkins, Steve Clements, Andrew Clements, Andrew Berger, Samantha Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 780 3.5 AD 2 1985 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.8 AD 2 764 Fiction K-2 650 3.5 NC 2 1152 Fiction K-2 650 3.5 AD 1 986 Fiction K-2 710 4.4 NC 1 760 Fiction K-2 250 4.7 AD 2 826 Fiction K-2 540 3.5 2 673 Fiction K-2 670 3.6 AD 2 1321 Fiction K-2 4.3 NA 2 800 Fiction K-2 670 3.9 AD 2 1605 Fiction K-2 690 3.4 1 652 Non-Fiction K-2 640 2.7 1 436 Non-Fiction K-2 530 3.5 2 979 Non-Fiction K-2 570 4.2 1 450 Fiction K-2 570 1.5 IG 1 430 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 109 Fiction K-2 220 2.6 2 830 Fiction K-2 1030 4.2 1 378 Non-Fiction K-2 880 2.9 2 627 Fiction K-2 550 2.9 AD 1 738 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 59 Non-Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q29950 Big Animal Small Animal Big Anthony And The Magic Q01195 Ring Q23585 Big Anthony: His Story Q32514 Big Bad Bunny Q32722 Big Bad Cold, The Q28653 Big Bad Rumor, The Q30730 Big Bad Wolf Q46406 Big Bad Wolves At School Q01197 Big Balloon Race Q47457 Big Bear Hug Q33368 Big Bear Little Bear Q25416 Big Ben (Real Kids Readers) Q01199 Big Bird Says... Q01200 Big Bird's Copycat Day Q21481 Big Birds Q58255 Big Birthday Q01201 Big Black Bear Q01202 Big Block Of Chocolate, The Big Bob And The Halloween Q31789 Potatoes Big Bob And The Magic Q15011 Valentine's Day Potato Big Bob And The Q16575 Thanksgiving Potatoes Big Bob And The Winter Q26127 Holiday Potato Q54109 Big Bouffant Author Name Mendez, Mirabella dePaola, Tomie dePaola, Tomie Durant, Alan Bridwell, Norman Meres, Jonathan Masurel, Claire Krensky, Stephen Coerr, Eleanor Oldland, Nicholas Bedford, David Leonard, Marcia Lerner, Sharon Lerner, Sharon Penner, Lucille Recht Hosford, Kate Yee, Wong Herbert Redhead, Janet Slater Pinkwater, Daniel Pinkwater, Daniel Pinkwater, Daniel Pinkwater, Daniel Hosford, Kate Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 0 1.2 BR 1 31 Non-Fiction K-2 550 3.9 2 1357 Fiction K-2 300 150 3.8 1.9 AD AD 2 1 1435 471 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 120 2.1 AD 1 507 Fiction K-2 160 2.1 AD 1 247 Fiction K-2 220 1.8 AD 1 235 Fiction K-2 480 1.6 AD 1 644 Fiction K-2 400 2.9 2 1387 Fiction K-2 610 2.4 1 329 Fiction K-2 410 2.2 1 363 Fiction K-2 170 1.2 1 101 Fiction K-2 200 1.3 1 215 Fiction K-2 550 1.5 1 225 Fiction K-2 210 2.1 1 316 Non-Fiction K-2 450 1.5 AD 1 593 Fiction K-2 2.8 NP 1 407 Fiction K-2 510 2.8 AD 1 250 Fiction K-2 130 2.1 2 1034 Fiction K-2 280 1.6 2 1177 Fiction K-2 270 1.5 2 1170 Fiction K-2 300 2.2 2 981 Fiction K-2 550 2.2 1 492 Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q25414 Big Box, The Q15787 Big Boy Q16680 Big Brother Dustin Q26927 Big Brother Little Brother Big Brothers Don't Take Q53016 Naps Q29718 Big Brown Bear Q27909 Big Brown Box, The Q37806 Big Buck Adventure, The Author Name Clammer, Virginia Grant Mollel, Tololwa M. Carter, Alden R. Dale, Penny Borden, Louise McPhail, David Russo, Marisabina Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 0 1.5 BR 1 110 Fiction K-2 580 3.3 2 1245 Fiction K-2 460 220 3.5 1.4 2 1 802 142 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 660 2.8 1 407 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 1 98 Fiction K-2 290 2.3 2 632 Fiction K-2 1 562 Fiction K-2 1 139 Fiction K-2 40 1.3 650 610 2.9 3.4 AD 2 1 2174 424 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q38410 Big Bugs Q23076 Big Bushy Mustache Q53432 Big Cat, Little Kitty Gill, Shelley Serfozo, Mary Oppenheim, Joanne Gran, Julia Simon, Seymour Soto, Gary Cohn, Scotti 810 320 500 3.6 2.8 1.7 AD AD 1 2 1 621 1119 823 Non-Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 Q01205 Big Cats Milton, Joyce 470 2.6 2 1915 Non-Fiction K-2 450 3.5 2 1338 Fiction K-2 430 2.6 1 693 Fiction K-2 300 1.6 1 591 Fiction K-2 620 380 3.4 2.1 1 2 272 1142 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Hong, Lily Branley, Franklyn M. Carr, Roger 110 1.3 1 211 Fiction K-2 460 170 2.5 1.7 2 1 630 319 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Eastman, P.D. 250 1.7 AD 1 364 Fiction K-2 Coxe, Molly 0 1.5 BR 1 103 Fiction K-2 Q24186 Big Bug Dug, The Big Bug Fun: A Book Of Q32760 Facts And Riddles Q40840 Big Bug Surprise Big Cheese For The White House: The True Tale Of A Q20968 Tremendous Cheddar, A Q37897 Big Chickens Q52946 Big Chickens Fly The Coop Q16717 Big City Port Q01206 Big David, Little David Big Day For Jay Q29637 (Anthology), A Q01208 Big Dipper, The Q21046 Big Dog, The Big Dog...Little Dog: A Q16434 Bedtime Story Q01209 Big Egg Fleming, Candace Helakosi, Leslie Helakoski, Leslie Maestro, Betsy Hinton, S.E. 3.2 BR NP AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q27779 Q48082 Q01210 Q14488 Q34806 Q01211 Title Author Name Bridwell, Big Egg Hunt, The Norman Big Fat Cow That Goes Griffiths, Kapow, The Andy Sharmat, Marjorie Big Fat Enormous Lie, A Weinman Big Fat Hen Baker, Keith Gikow, Big Game, The Louise Ransom, Big Green Pocketbook, The Candice F. Q31245 Big Hit (Anthology), The Big Hog's House Hunt Q31176 (Anthology) Q16514 Big Honey Hunt, The Big Hound's Lunch Q31159 (Anthology) Q33723 Big Itch, The Q28668 Big Jabe Q29618 Big Job (Anthology), A Q17293 Big Joe's Trailer Truck Q49176 Big Kicks Q25106 Big Leaf Pile, The Q50020 Big Lie, The Big Little Book Of Happy Q49256 Sadness, The Q37512 Big Little Elephant Q21639 Big Machines Q32870 Big Machines Medearis, Angela Shelf Burke, Melissa Blackwell Berenstain, Stanley and Janice Walker, Anne Bridwell, Norman Nolen, Jerdine Riley, Kana Mathieu, Joe Kolar, Bob Bridwell, Norman Manushkin, Fran Thompson, Colin Gorbachev, Valeri Wallace, Karen Jones, Melanie Davis Q33366 Big Machines! Big Buildings! Lewis, Kevin Q27646 Big Mama Crunk, Tony Lexile Levels Reading Level 180 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.7 1 469 Fiction K-2 380 2.3 1 554 Fiction K-2 290 3.1 1.3 NP 1 1 409 42 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.3 BR 1 82 Fiction K-2 2 693 Fiction K-2 1 63 Fiction K-2 1 361 Fiction K-2 1 709 Fiction K-2 1 240 Fiction K-2 500 1.9 0 1.1 300 1.6 1.6 Lexile Code BR NP 150 1.2 200 1.3 AD 1 417 Fiction K-2 610 0 3.8 1.2 BR 2 1 2299 80 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 720 500 2.8 1.7 AD AD 1 1 575 515 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 190 2.1 1 430 Fiction K-2 460 2.5 1 450 Fiction K-2 840 4.5 AD 2 1046 Fiction K-2 580 2.4 AD 1 540 Fiction K-2 390 2.2 1 422 Non-Fiction K-2 200 1.5 AD 1 66 Non-Fiction K-2 730 2.4 3.6 NP AD 2 1 767 566 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Big Mama And Grandma Q01213 Ghana Q01215 Big Max Medearis, Angela Shelf Platt, Kin 450 200 Big Max And The Mystery Q48170 Of The Missing Giraffe Platt, Kin Quiz # Title Big Max And The Mystery Q01216 Of The Missing Moose Q58206 Big Mean Mike Q31771 Big Meow, The Q29619 Big Mess (Anthology), The Q27181 Big Mess, The Big Momma Makes The Q34444 World Big Numbers: And Pictures That Show Just How Big Q23874 They Are! Q33401 Big Nut, The Q01217 Big Old Bones Q01218 Big Orange Splot Big Party Plan, The Q31145 (Anthology) Q31246 Big Pig (Anthology) Q24634 Big Pig And Little Pig Q24079 Big Pig On A Dig Points Words Type Interest Level 2.5 2.2 1 2 378 1651 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 280 1.7 2 1690 Fiction K-2 Platt, Kin Knudsen, Michelle Spires, Elizabeth Hennessy, B. G. Webster, Lloyd 260 2.1 2 1651 Fiction K-2 520 2.1 AD 2 1178 Fiction K-2 390 2.3 AD 2 784 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 63 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 29 Fiction K-2 Root, Phyllis 600 3.3 AD 2 1086 Fiction K-2 200 2.4 AD 2 728 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 360 Fiction K-2 500 3.7 1 349 Fiction K-2 550 3.1 2 731 Fiction K-2 570 1.9 1 318 Fiction K-2 200 1.2 1 121 Fiction K-2 170 1.3 1 86 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 1 178 Fiction K-2 350 2.6 2 686 Fiction K-2 200 1.4 1 303 Fiction K-2 330 2.3 1 141 Fiction K-2 110 1.2 1 159 Fiction K-2 Packard, Edward Tuchman, Gail Carrick, Carol Pinkwater, Daniel Ward, Becky McPhail, David McPhail, David Cox, Phil Roxbee Silverman, Erica Q01219 Big Pumpkin Big Race: All About Safety, Q35785 The Hall, Kirsten Germein, Q24974 Big Rain Coming Katrina Johnston, Q21585 Big Red Apple Tony Lexile Code BR AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 640 1.9 AD 1 333 Fiction K-2 400 1.9 AD 1 184 Fiction K-2 410 1.4 AD 1 828 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 254 Fiction K-2 Q43499 Big Rigs (Blastoff! Readers) Manolis, Kay Ransom, Q51441 Big Rigs On The Move Candice Riley, Q25467 Big Sale, The Kathryn Bourgeois, Q01224 Big Sarah's Little Boots Paulette Q27620 Big Secret, The Kane, Tim Q54210 Big Sharks! Kosara, Tori Zolotow, Q01226 Big Sister And Little Sister Charlotte Q27838 Big Sled Race, The Hall, Kirsten 380 2.3 1 99 Non-Fiction K-2 610 3.4 1 599 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.6 BR 1 484 Fiction K-2 520 220 830 2.8 1.3 4.4 NC 1 1 1 565 298 517 Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 570 230 2.2 2.2 1 2 533 895 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q01229 Big Snow, The 710 3.2 AD 2 1757 Fiction K-2 1.3 NP 1 147 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q01221 Big Red Barn Q01222 Big Red Fire Truck Q48558 Big Red Lollipop Q23546 Big Red Sled, The Author Name Brown, Margaret Wise Wilson-Max, Ken Khan, Rukhsana Gerver, Jane E. Q27945 Big Snowball, The Hader, Berta Lewison, Wendy Cheyette Q54799 Big Something, The Giff, Patricia Reilly Q31184 Big Star's Gifts (Anthology) Brennan, Pat Q31802 Big Storm (Little Bill), The Reid, Robin Maia, Q27635 Big Sun, The Michael Big Surprise In The Bug Horowitz, Q39335 Tank Ruth Big Surprise, The Moynahan, Q31173 (Anthology) Patty Biedrzycki, Q49765 Big Swat, The David Big Team Relay Race Kessler, Q28496 (Anthology), The Leonard Brimner, Q27326 Big Tee Ball Game, The Larry Dane Danneberg, Q54845 Big Test, The Julie 320 2.1 2 852 Fiction K-2 250 300 1.2 2.1 1 2 146 678 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 120 1.2 1 90 Fiction K-2 550 2.9 2 1611 Fiction K-2 210 1.3 1 181 Fiction K-2 580 2.3 2 2372 Fiction K-2 330 1.6 1 301 Fiction K-2 280 2.1 1 353 Fiction K-2 540 3.2 1 707 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.9 2.9 AD 2 2 1013 1098 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 140 1.3 AD 1 424 Fiction K-2 300 1.8 4 6125 Fiction K-2 310 2.6 AD 1 336 Fiction K-2 380 1.3 AD 1 958 Fiction K-2 Q46800 Big Wolf & Little Wolf Big Wolf & Little Wolf, The Little Leaf That Wouldn't Brun-Cosme, Q48419 Fall Nadine Denslow, Sharon Q22117 Big Wolf And Little Wolf Phillips Big, Bad And A Little Bit Scary: Poems That Bite Zahares, Q31622 Back! Wade Big, Beautiful, Brown Box, Brimner, Q32368 The Larry Dane 630 2.5 AD 2 1005 Fiction K-2 580 2.3 AD 1 638 Fiction K-2 280 1.9 AD 1 441 Fiction K-2 3.9 NP 2 762 Fiction K-2 280 2.2 1 328 Fiction K-2 Q27634 Big, Big Pig, A Q27113 Big? Katz, Andrea Lear, Rachel 180 40 1.2 1.1 1 1 76 68 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q27622 Bigger House For June, A Smyth, Anna 230 1.3 1 311 Fiction K-2 Q30925 Biggest Animal Ever, The Biggest Animal On Land, Q14750 The Fowler, Allan 420 1.9 1 268 Non-Fiction K-2 Fowler, Allan 530 2.4 1 356 Non-Fiction K-2 Q54548 Biggest Apple Ever, The Q01235 Biggest Bear, The Kroll, Steven Ward, Lynd Henkes, Kevin Hayward, Linda Sander, Sonia Carney, Margaret Keenan, Sheila 590 690 2.3 3.7 1 2 945 968 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 400 1.9 1 407 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 1 90 Fiction K-2 550 2.9 1 403 Fiction K-2 670 3.6 2 1513 Fiction K-2 150 1.5 1 535 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Big Tracks, Little Tracks: Q15487 Following Animal Prints Q21642 Big Truck And Little Truck Q33758 Big White Ghost, The Q54875 Big Whopper Big Wide-Mouthed Frog, Q21960 The Q54829 Big Wish, The Q25153 Biggest Boy, The Biggest Cookie In The Q01236 World, The Biggest Easter Egg Q38877 (Clifford), The Biggest Fish In The Lake, Q24128 The Q01237 Biggest Fish, The Author Name Selsam, Millicent E. Carr, Jan Bridwell, Norman Giff, Patricia Reilly Larranaga, Ana Martin Conahan, Carolyn Brun-Cosme, Nadine Lexile Levels Reading Level 370 430 AD BR AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 210 1.5 AD 1 203 Fiction K-2 AD 1 579 Fiction K-2 2 1687 Fiction K-2 Biggest Horse I Ever Did Q01238 See, The Biggest House In The Q18135 World, The Biggest Pest On Eighth Q17529 Avenue, The Couture, Susan Arkin Lionni, Leo Lawlor, Laurie 760 3.5 500 3.2 Q01240 Biggest Pumpkin Ever, The Kroll, Steven 570 3.3 AD 2 1020 Fiction K-2 Q16567 Biggest Snowball Ever!, The Rogan, John 640 3.3 NP 1 424 Fiction K-2 490 1.9 1 478 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 107 Fiction K-2 Q54517 Biggest Snowman Ever, The Kroll, Steven Biggest Test in the Universe, Poydar, Q37048 The Nancy 580 2.3 AD 1 620 Fiction K-2 510 2.7 AD 1 660 Fiction K-2 Q38412 Biggest Valentine Ever, The Kroll, Steven Cuyler, Q14915 Biggest, Best Snowman, The Margery Jenkins, Q01241 Biggest, Strongest, Fastest Steve Crews, Q01243 Bigmama's Donald Q38949 Bike Boy's Scrapbook Evans, Eli Berenstain, Q16002 Bike Lesson, The Stan Olaleye, Q24884 Bikes For Rent! Isaac dePaola, Q01246 Bill And Pete Tomie Bill And Pete Go Down The dePaola, Q01247 Nile Tomie dePaola, Q01248 Bill And Pete To The Rescue Tomie Williams, Rozanne Q30033 Bill Pickett Lanczak Pinkney, Bill Pickett: Rodeo-Ridin' Andrea Q01257 Cowboy Davis Anderson, Q01262 Billy And Blaze C.W. 610 2.1 1 677 Fiction K-2 480 2.8 2 787 Fiction K-2 840 4.8 2 647 Non-Fiction K-2 550 440 2.2 2.1 1 1 585 611 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 60 1.9 1 614 Fiction K-2 410 2.5 2 862 Fiction K-2 440 2.9 2 855 Fiction K-2 560 3.1 2 843 Fiction K-2 510 2.8 AD 2 1671 Fiction K-2 3.1 NP 1 452 Non-Fiction K-2 1000 5.9 AD 2 1943 Non-Fiction K-2 860 4.4 AD 2 769 Fiction K-2 Medearis, Q26738 Biggest Snowball Fight!, The Angela Shelf Bennett, Q31624 Biggest Snowman Ever!, The Elizabeth AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q47271 Billy And The Rebel Q18825 Billy Dog's Bad Day Q27396 Billy Fish Billy Twitters And His Blue Q47581 Whale Problem Q33578 Billywise Q50338 Bink And Gollie Q01271 Binky Brothers Detectives Q50343 Binky To The Rescue Q13963 Bionic Bunny Show, The Q34898 Bippity Bop Barbershop Q45347 Bird Q25572 Bird Alphabet Book, The Q29921 Bird Beaks And Bills Q18300 Bird Eggs Q18301 Bird Families Q14928 Bird House, The Q29889 Bird In The Plum Tree, The Q45629 Bird Is Born, A Q18302 Bird Nests Q45358 Bird, Butterfly, Eel Q45990 Birds Q22317 Birds (Animal Babies) Q01277 Birds On Stage Q27636 Birds' Nests Q13092 Birdsong Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 2.6 2 1682 Fiction K-2 280 1.6 2 909 Fiction K-2 350 2.1 1 493 Fiction K-2 Barnett, Mac Nicholls, Judith DiCamillo, Kate Lawrence, James Spires, Ashley 550 2.2 AD 1 937 Fiction K-2 2.8 NP 1 437 Fiction K-2 310 1.1 AD 1 819 Fiction K-2 270 2.3 2 1384 Fiction K-2 360 3.2 GN 2 1159 Fiction K-2 Brown, Marc Tarpley, Natasha Anastasia Elliott, Zetta Pallotta, Jerry Cernak, Linda Frost, Helen Frost, Helen Rylant, Cynthia 440 3.2 AD 2 894 Fiction K-2 550 720 2.9 3.4 AD AD 2 2 1362 2018 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 540 3.3 2 868 Non-Fiction K-2 390 460 590 1.6 1.6 1.5 NC NC 1 1 1 223 50 60 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 680 2.8 AD 2 690 Fiction K-2 Floyd, Lucy Keiser, Frances Frost, Helen Prosek, James Henkes, Kevin Theodorou, Rod Romay, Saturnino Obolensky, Julia Wood, Audrey 400 1.8 1 298 Fiction K-2 900 600 6.2 1.9 NC 1 1 704 78 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 1040 8.3 AD 1 529 Fiction K-2 410 1.4 AD 1 199 Non-Fiction K-2 690 2.1 2 863 Non-Fiction K-2 160 1.3 1 151 Fiction K-2 370 1.5 1 279 Non-Fiction K-2 830 5.5 1 418 Fiction K-2 Hopkinson, Deborah Scarry, Richard Popper, Edward S. Lexile Levels Reading Level 490 Lexile Code AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q01280 Birthday Basket For Tia, A Birthday Beastie: All About Q35783 Counting Birthday Cake For Little Q17620 Bear, A Q01282 Q29977 Q46719 Q32364 Q47464 Q43315 Q01283 Q29679 Q29152 Q01285 Q25064 Author Name Mora, Pat Hall, Kirsten Velthuijs, Max Hillert, Birthday Car, The Margaret Birthday Cookies Verne, Julie Yaccarino, Birthday Fish, The Dan Brimner, Birthday Flowers, The Larry Dane Becker, Birthday For Bear, A Bonny Birthday For Cow!, A Thomas, Jan Hoban, Birthday for Frances, A Russell O'Brien, Birthday Joy (Anthology) Anne Sibley Birthday Lady, The Evelyn, Ada Birthday Present For Mama, Lorian, A Nicole Rylant, Birthday Presents Cynthia Q24237 Birthday Presents, The Q01288 Birthday Swap, The Q01289 Biscuit Q39205 Biscuit And The Baby Q45327 Biscuit And The Little Pup Q01290 Biscuit Finds A Friend Q34075 Biscuit Goes To School Q38831 Biscuit Visits The Big City Q23929 Biscuit Wants To Play Q37801 Biscuit Wins A Prize Q37412 Biscuit's Big Friend Stewart, Paul Lopez, Loretta Capucilli, Alyssa Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Capucilli, Alyssa Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Lexile Levels Reading Level 440 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.9 2 829 Fiction K-2 260 1.5 1 285 Fiction K-2 540 2.4 AD 2 702 Fiction K-2 0 360 1.3 1.7 BR 1 1 193 232 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 570 2.3 AD 1 384 Fiction K-2 350 2.3 1 357 Fiction K-2 520 170 3.1 1.3 2 1 1040 112 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 600 3.4 2 1827 Fiction K-2 610 20 2.6 1.8 1 1 250 156 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 300 1.8 2 915 Fiction K-2 420 2.8 AD 1 462 Fiction K-2 230 2.4 AD 2 607 Fiction K-2 520 4.8 2 1139 Fiction K-2 190 1.5 1 132 Fiction K-2 230 1.4 1 153 Fiction K-2 80 1.1 1 120 Fiction K-2 80 1.1 1 130 Fiction K-2 100 1.4 1 109 Fiction K-2 230 1.2 1 152 Fiction K-2 20 1.4 1 117 Fiction K-2 190 1.4 1 162 Fiction K-2 310 1.6 1 138 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q43719 Biscuit's Day At The Farm Q24964 Biscuit's New Trick Q13210 Biscuit's Picnic Q01291 Bit By Bit Q42501 Bit Is A Bite, A Q18824 Bitty Fish Q48474 Bizarre Dinosaurs Q32429 Blabber Mouse Q36400 Black All Around! Q27116 Black And White (Jo) Black And White Rabbit's Q01296 ABC Black Beans And Lamb, Q51451 Poached Eggs And Ham Q01297 Black Bear Cub Q01298 Q28222 Q23679 Q46945 Q49131 Q01312 Q48840 Q20333 Author Name Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Capucilli, Alyssa Sanfield, Steve Brimner, Larry Dane deRubertis, Barbara Sloan, Christopher Kelley, True Hubbell, Patricia Jo, Amy Baker, Alan Cleary, Brian P. Lind, Alan Freeman, Black Bears Marcia S. Black Bull Of Norroway: A Huck, Scottish Tale, The Charlotte Black Cowboy, Wild Horses: A True Story Lester, Julius Blumenthal, Black Diamond And Blake Deborah Sterling, Black Everywhere Kristin Adoff, Black Is Brown Is Tan Arnold Black Jack: The Ballad Of Smith Jr., Jack Johnson Charles R. Black Like Kyra, White Like Me Vigna, Judith Q44261 Blackberry Banquet Q24117 Blackboard Bear Q53985 Blackout Blast Off!: Poems About Q01334 Space Pierce, Terry Alexander, Martha Rocco, John Hopkins, Lee Bennett Lexile Levels Reading Level 260 1.7 0 1.5 190 1.2 890 4.3 280 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 144 Fiction K-2 1 123 Fiction K-2 1 253 Fiction K-2 2 749 Fiction K-2 1.7 1 128 Fiction K-2 160 1.5 1 278 Fiction K-2 1020 490 7.6 2.8 AD 2 2 1848 1101 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2.4 1.4 NP 420 1 1 287 257 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 340 1.6 AD 1 202 Fiction K-2 740 890 4.5 4.1 AD 1 2 344 947 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 360 2.1 1 53 Non-Fiction K-2 700 3.7 2 2176 Fiction K-2 710 4.4 2 1744 Fiction K-2 870 4.6 2 1472 Fiction K-2 420 2.4 1 501 Non-Fiction K-2 BR AD AD AD 3.4 NP 1 439 Fiction K-2 980 7.3 AD 1 971 Non-Fiction K-2 350 2.8 2 1362 Fiction K-2 680 3.6 NC 1 155 Fiction K-2 0 0 1.5 1.1 BR BR 1 1 126 153 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 3.5 NP 2 884 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q01335 Blaze And The Forest Fire Blaze And The Gray Q01336 Spotted Pony Blaze And The Mountain Q01337 Lion Q01338 Blaze And Thunderbolt Q01339 Blaze Shows The Way Q26739 Bless This House Q18121 Blessing Seed, The Blind Men And The Q01345 Elephant, The Q20376 Blizzard's Robe, The Q33854 Blizzard, The Q44934 Blizzards Blizzards (Blastoff! Q44660 Readers) Blockhead: The Life Of Q49498 Fibonacci Q45842 Bloodsucking Leeches Q13821 Blossom Comes Home Q16237 Blow Me A Kiss, Miss Lilly Q38913 Blow, Wind, Blow Q24487 Blue And The Gray, The Q49127 Blue Everywhere Q32631 Blue Horse Q50199 Blue House Dog, The Q22519 Blue In My World Q29018 Blue Mittens, The Q20811 Blue Rabbit And Friends Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 2.5 2 1426 Fiction K-2 570 3.5 2 670 Fiction K-2 530 4.2 2 940 Fiction K-2 660 3.5 2 1702 Fiction K-2 530 3.4 AD 2 713 Fiction K-2 Staub, Leslie Matthews, Caitlin Backstein, Karen Sabuda, Robert Wright, Betty Ren Bullard, Lisa 140 1.9 AD 1 159 Fiction K-2 550 2.8 AD 2 933 Fiction K-2 280 2.5 2 669 Fiction K-2 700 4.2 2 1423 Fiction K-2 500 630 3.1 3.5 2 1 1858 683 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Manolis, Kay D'Agnese, Joseph Neuman, Pearl Herriot, James 740 2.7 1 653 Non-Fiction K-2 570 2.3 AD 2 1462 Fiction K-2 810 4.3 IG 1 697 Non-Fiction K-2 830 5.1 2 1798 Non-Fiction K-2 610 2.1 2 861 Fiction K-2 520 620 2.7 3.6 1 2 420 1013 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 480 2.6 1 407 Non-Fiction K-2 250 2.1 AD 1 282 Fiction K-2 750 3.6 AD 1 938 Fiction K-2 160 1.5 1 141 Non-Fiction K-2 180 2.4 1 459 Fiction K-2 300 1.6 2 616 Fiction K-2 Anderson, C.W. Anderson, C.W. Anderson, C.W. Anderson, C.W. Anderson, C.W. Carlstrom, Nancy White Howie, Rhonda Bunting, Eve Sterling, Kristin Stephens, Helen Blumenthal, Deborah Winne, Joanne Mann, Rachel Wormell, Christopher Lexile Levels Reading Level 550 Lexile Code AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 790 3.8 IG 1 537 Non-Fiction K-2 Q01385 Blueberries For Sal Q20249 Blueberry Shoe Bluebirds In The Garden Q29644 (Anthology) Smith, Molly McCloskey, Robert Dixon, Ann Eaton, Deborah 890 480 3.8 3.1 AD AD 2 2 1011 711 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 130 1.6 1 249 Non-Fiction K-2 Q21560 Blues Of Flats Brown, The Myers, Walter Dean 510 3.1 AD 2 1508 Fiction K-2 740 4.5 NC 2 1818 Fiction K-2 550 1.7 NA 1 187 Fiction K-2 BR 1 44 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Blue Whale: The World's Biggest Mammal Q40548 (SuperSized!) Q42280 Blunder Of The Rogues, The Egan, Tim Raschka, Q13099 Blushful Hippopotamus, The Chris Q01391 Bo And Peter Q01393 Bo Peep's Sheep Q31202 Bo's Bunnies (Anthology) Boa Constrictor / Boa Q52361 Constrictora Q25889 Boat Alphabet Book, The Q01396 Boat Book Q22520 Boat Rides Q16479 Boats Q18310 Boats Q27947 Boats (First Discovery) Q20159 Boats (Rockwell) Q31116 Boats Afloat Q24966 Boats! Q01399 Boats, Boats, Boats Q34927 Bob Q27182 Bob's Bath Franco, Betsy Eaton, Deborah 0 1.5 360 1.9 2 1985 Fiction K-2 Myers, Anne 450 1.5 1 124 Fiction K-2 Jones, Cede Pallotta, Jerry Gibbons, Gail Walker, Pamela Barton, Byron SaundersSmith, Gail Jeunesse, Gallimard Rockwell, Anne Rotner, Shelley Corey, Shana Ruane, Joanna Pearson, Tracey Campbell Joyce, Sally 800 4.3 1 398 Non-Fiction K-2 670 4.1 2 1465 Non-Fiction K-2 290 2.5 1 162 Non-Fiction K-2 NC 1.4 NA 1 139 Non-Fiction K-2 0 2.1 BR 1 101 Fiction K-2 510 1.7 1 96 Non-Fiction K-2 560 3.2 AD 1 327 Non-Fiction K-2 0 2.1 BR 1 83 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.3 AD 1 214 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 83 Fiction K-2 1.5 BR 1 44 Fiction K-2 1 1 450 43 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 440 170 2.1 1.2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level 250 1.5 510 1.8 Q14534 Bobby's Zoo Q01403 boda de la ratoncita, La 0 670 1.8 3.9 Q01405 550 Quiz # Title Author Name Rau, Dana Q14506 Bob's Vacation Meachen Bobby Baboon's Banana Be- deRubertis, Q49157 Bop Barbara Q44942 Q01412 Q22507 Q17817 Q54838 Q47735 Q31460 Q35547 Q40302 Q40649 Q40629 Q40636 Q43937 Q27778 Q14290 Q16699 Q14527 Q17280 Lunn, Carolyn Dupre, J. Gelman, Rita Body Battles Golden Bokuden And The Bully: A Krensky, Japanese Folktale Stephen Freeman, Bolsillo para Corduroy Don Chall, Marsha Bonaparte Wilson Davis, Bone Button Borscht Aubrey Rohmann, Bone Dog Eric Evans, Bone Soup Cambria Krensky, Bones Stephen Bones And The Big Yellow Adler, David Mystery A. Bones And The Birthday Adler, David Mystery A. Bones And The Cupcake Adler, David Mystery A. Bones And The Dinosaur Adler, David Mystery A. Bones And The Dog Gone Adler, David Mystery A. Bones And The Math Test Adler, David Mystery A. Bones!: All Kinds Of Hands, Hansen, All Kinds Of Feet Rosanna Bones, Bones, Dinosaur Barton, Bones Byron dePaola, Bonjour, Mr. Satie Tomie Stevens, Bonk! Goes The Ball Philippa J. Herriot, Bonny's Big Day James Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 105 Fiction K-2 AD 1 497 Fiction K-2 BR 1 2 100 949 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 4.9 2 1161 Non-Fiction K-2 400 2.3 2 1306 Fiction K-2 540 3.4 2 846 Fiction K-2 410 3.1 2 869 Fiction K-2 300 3.5 2 1897 Fiction K-2 450 1.5 AD 1 365 Fiction K-2 690 3.3 AD 1 897 Fiction K-2 330 1.9 1 356 Non-Fiction K-2 260 1.5 2 1295 Fiction K-2 260 1.4 2 1226 Fiction K-2 400 2.3 2 1229 Fiction K-2 420 2.3 2 1494 Fiction K-2 380 2.2 2 1401 Fiction K-2 290 1.7 2 1249 Fiction K-2 530 2.7 2 1450 Non-Fiction K-2 290 1.4 1 127 Fiction K-2 440 4.7 2 878 Fiction K-2 100 1.5 1 100 Fiction K-2 810 5.5 2 1780 Non-Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q01425 Bony-Legs Q49766 Boo Cow Q47171 Boo Hoo Bird Q25862 Boo To A Goose Q01426 Boo To You Too! Q01427 Boo! Q35518 Boo! Q42055 Boo's Dinosaur Q50418 Boo, Katie Woo! Q57255 BOO... And I Mean It! Q01430 Boogie Bones Q17266 Book Q18738 Book About Pandas, A Q23496 Book Of Bad Ideas, The Q28941 Book Of Hugs, A Q23516 Book Of Kisses, A Q31912 Book Of Letters, A Book Of Seasons/el Libro Q01442 De Las Estaciones, A Q24183 Book! Book! Book! Q35210 Booker T. Washington Booker T. Washington (Rookie Biographies Q39822 Children's Press) Q01451 Bookshop Dog, The Q01452 Bookstore Cat Q23323 Bookstore Ghost, The Q01455 Boom Boom Boom! Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Cole, Joanna Baehr, Patricia Tankard, Jeremy Fox, Mem Rodger, Elizabeth McNaughton, Colin Munsch, Robert Byars, Betsy Manushkin, Fran Park, Barbara Loredo, Elizabeth Lyon, George Ella Gross, Ruth Belov Huliska-Beith, Laura Ross, Dave Ross, Dave Wilson-Max, Ken Provensen, Alice Bruss, Deborah Amper, Thomas TaylorButler, Christine Rylant, Cynthia Wheeler, Cindy Maitland, Barbara Seuss, Dr. 370 2.4 670 3.2 250 1.1 2.1 470 2.5 560 2.5 540 280 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 875 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1177 Fiction K-2 AD NP 1 1 304 247 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2 698 Fiction K-2 1 216 Fiction K-2 2.2 1.7 1 2 859 1155 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 280 1.7 1 450 Fiction K-2 380 2.3 4 7357 Fiction K-2 610 3.5 2 1103 Fiction K-2 410 1.3 1 156 Fiction K-2 640 3.5 2 1518 Non-Fiction K-2 350 400 160 2.5 2.4 1.5 AD AD AD 1 1 1 336 328 423 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 180 2.1 AD 2 890 Fiction K-2 220 2.4 AD 1 382 Non-Fiction K-2 220 1.9 AD 1 428 Fiction K-2 420 2 3 1595 Non-Fiction K-2 780 3.9 1 551 Non-Fiction K-2 840 3.2 2 986 Fiction K-2 250 1.8 1 204 Fiction K-2 50 170 1.5 1.3 1 2 508 813 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q36920 Boom Chicka Rock Q18814 Boom Town Author Name Lexile Levels Archambault, John Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.3 NP 1 563 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1829 Fiction K-2 Levitin, Sonia Stamper, Judith Bauer Gutner, Howard Mahy, Margaret McGeorge, Constance W. McGeorge, Constance W. McGeorge, Constance W. Frazee, Marla 590 3.5 110 1.3 1 64 Fiction K-2 360 2.9 1 478 Non-Fiction K-2 520 3.1 AD 1 498 Fiction K-2 300 2.5 AD 1 359 Fiction K-2 560 3.1 AD 1 463 Fiction K-2 500 3.5 AD 1 450 Fiction K-2 470 1.5 AD 1 546 Fiction K-2 870 4.2 AD 2 1350 Fiction K-2 1.1 NP 1 58 Fiction K-2 1 104 Fiction K-2 1 26 Fiction K-2 Q01463 Bootsie Barker Bites Lowell, Susan Schreiber, Anne Ernst, Lisa Campbell Sigman, Margie Bottner, Barbara Bottner, Barbara Q55729 Border Collies Q42279 Bored Bill / I'm Bored Q27303 Born In The Gravy Q01456 Boom Zoom! Q29024 Boom! Q13712 Boom, Baby, Boom, Boom! Q24940 Boomer Goes To School Q01457 Boomer's Big Day Q15476 Boomer's Big Surprise Q57730 Boot And Shoe Bootmaker And The Elves, Q16326 The Q01461 Boots Q30591 Boots For Beth (Anthology) 120 1.2 0 1.1 390 2.9 2 747 Fiction K-2 530 2.8 1 464 Fiction K-2 Green, Sara Pichon, Liz 850 410 5.5 2.4 1 1 507 635 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 150 1.7 2 864 Fiction K-2 Q24323 Born To Be A Butterfly Cazet, Denys Wallace, Karen 310 1.9 1 422 Non-Fiction K-2 Born Yesterday: The Diary Q48809 of A Young Journalist Solheim, James 500 1.7 2 1148 Fiction K-2 560 4.5 2 910 Fiction K-2 Q29870 Boots For Red Q01462 Bootsie Barker Ballerina Borreguita And The Coyote: Aardema, Q01472 A Tale From Ayutla Mexico Verna BR AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 4.4 2 886 Fiction K-2 3 2 0 Fiction K-2 250 1.8 1 381 Fiction K-2 370 2.2 1 450 Fiction K-2 670 4.3 1 555 Fiction K-2 340 3.1 2 1196 Fiction K-2 770 4.5 2 2583 Fiction K-2 400 2 1 83 Non-Fiction K-2 310 1.7 1 629 Fiction K-2 Q24084 Bouncing On The Bed 160 1.3 1 295 Fiction K-2 Q22846 260 2.1 AD 1 174 Fiction K-2 360 2.8 AD 2 624 Fiction K-2 450 1.6 1 455 Fiction K-2 650 4.1 AD 2 1385 Fiction K-2 2.9 NP 1 575 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q01473 Borreguita y el coyote Q01480 bosque tropical, El Q32457 Boss For A Day Q50016 Boss Of The World Q16622 Bossy Gallito, The Q01482 Boston Coffee Party Q01483 Botas negras Q34610 Bottlenose Dolphin Q01485 Bounce, Tigger, Bounce Q24001 Q36290 Q01487 Q32820 Q16484 Q31247 Q14515 Q29153 Q27637 Q01489 Q27118 Author Name Aardema, Verna Cowcher, Helen dePaola, Tomie Manushkin, Fran Gonzalez, Lucia M. Rappaport, Doreen GonzalezJens., M. Eckart, Edana Gaines, Isabel Koller, Jackie French Hubbell, Bouncing Time Patricia Bowden, Bouncy Baby Bunny, The Joan deRubertis, Bouncy Mouse Barbara Hoffman, Boundless Grace Mary Florian, Bow Wow Meow Meow Douglas Wardlaw, Bow-Wow Birthday Lee Clements, Box (Anthology), The Andrew Rau, Dana Box Can Be Many Things, A Meachen Weeks, Box For Bobo, A Sarah Maxwell, Box Of Bugs, A Clark George, Box Turtle At Long Pond William T. Keremes, Constance Box, The Andrea Lexile Levels Reading Level 550 Lexile Code 380 4.1 2 1111 Fiction K-2 200 1.2 1 129 Fiction K-2 110 1.5 1 107 Fiction K-2 240 1.9 1 231 Fiction K-2 370 1.3 1 84 Fiction K-2 540 2.5 1 515 Fiction K-2 80 1.1 1 75 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 3.6 1 565 Non-Fiction K-2 590 3.3 2 1732 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.3 2 1206 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 342 Fiction K-2 750 3.6 AD 2 1503 Fiction K-2 690 4.3 AD 2 1926 Fiction K-2 610 2.4 AD 1 738 Fiction K-2 500 1.7 AD 1 694 Fiction K-2 420 480 3.1 1.6 AD AD 1 1 537 965 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q01500 Boy Named Boomer, A Boy Of The Three Year Q01502 Nap Boy Saves Earth From Giant Q54371 Octopus! Asch, Frank Boy Soup, Or, When Giant Lesynski, Q17795 Caught Cold Loris Oram, Q29047 Boy Wants A Dinosaur, A Hiawyn Singer, Q57531 Boy Who Cried Alien, The Marilyn Boy Who Cried Fabulous, Newman, Q41565 The Leslea 430 2.6 2 2148 Non-Fiction K-2 610 3.7 AD 2 1682 Fiction K-2 660 2.8 AD 2 1984 Fiction K-2 660 3.5 AD 2 826 Fiction K-2 480 2.6 2 949 Fiction K-2 490 1.6 AD 2 1103 Fiction K-2 3.5 NP 1 504 Fiction K-2 Q45076 Boy Who Cried Ninja, The Latimer, Alex Schecter, Ellen Clifton, Lucille Hodges, Margaret 740 3.5 AD 1 484 Fiction K-2 510 2.8 1 649 Fiction K-2 510 3.4 AD 2 948 Fiction K-2 700 3.8 AD 2 1215 Fiction K-2 Martin, Rafe 630 3.3 2 1290 Fiction K-2 Brenner, Barbara 400 4.1 2 2127 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q44653 Boxers (Blastoff! Readers) Q47997 Boxers Are The Best! Q34121 Boxes For Katje Q01492 Boy And The Goats, The Q56442 Boy Called Dickens, A Q16272 Boy Called Slow, A Q47356 Boy Dumplings Boy From The Dragon Q53761 Palace, The Q01497 Boy In The Drawer, The Q51306 Boy In The Garden, The Q01506 Boy Who Cried Wolf, The Boy Who Didn't Believe In Q13714 Spring, The Q31829 Boy Who Drew Cats, The Boy Who Lived With The Q29073 Seals, The Boy Who Loved To Draw: Q19121 Benjamin West, The Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Green, Sara Landau, Elaine Fleming, Candace Hillert, Margaret Hopkinson, Deborah Bruchac, Joseph Compestine, Ying Chang MacDonald, Margaret Read Munsch, Robert Say, Allen Esiason, Boomer Snyder, Dianne 710 Lexile Code SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 780 4.5 AD 2 1379 Fiction K-2 710 2.9 2 649 Fiction K-2 720 4.5 2 1040 Fiction K-2 Reiss, Mike Naylor, Boy With The Helium Head, Phyllis Q23059 The Reynolds Spinelli, Q17196 Boy, Can He Dance! Eileen Boy, The Dollar And The Helmer, Q26035 Wonderful Hat, The Marilyn Pinkney, Boycott Blues: How Rosa Andrea Q45357 Parks Inspired A Nation Davis Uchida, Q16724 Bracelet, The Yoshiko Florie, Q36758 Braces for Cori Christine Lindeen, Q55201 Brachiosaurus Carol K. 350 1.2 1 270 Fiction K-2 560 1.8 2 2474 Fiction K-2 510 3.6 2 918 Fiction K-2 520 3.2 2 1079 Fiction K-2 560 3.2 2 1487 Non-Fiction K-2 710 4.3 2 1700 Fiction K-2 330 1.7 1 155 Fiction K-2 340 2.2 1 143 Non-Fiction K-2 Q29154 Bragging Ben Banks, Robin 90 1.9 1 409 Fiction K-2 Q23011 Brand New Kid, The Brand-New Day With Q44888 Mouse And Mole, A Brand-New Pencils, BrandQ38415 New Books Couric, Katie Yee, Wong Herbert deGroat, Diane 570 2.8 2 878 Fiction K-2 350 2.2 2 1961 Fiction K-2 620 3.3 2 1140 Fiction K-2 Q58256 Brandon's Birthday Surprise Bullard, Lisa Baglio, Ben Q32655 Brave Bunny, The M. 490 2.6 1 436 Fiction K-2 400 2.4 3 3412 Fiction K-2 Q40280 Brave Charlotte Brave Donatella And The Q49753 Jasmine Thief Stohner, Anu McAlister, Caroline 680 3.5 AD 1 727 Fiction K-2 760 3.6 AD 2 1371 Fiction K-2 Q29052 Brave Horace Keller, Holly Steig, William Jennings, Linda Baker, Ken 350 2.5 AD 2 825 Fiction K-2 630 3.5 AD 2 1665 Fiction K-2 590 490 3.5 2.7 AD AD 2 2 739 776 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Quiz # Q39078 Q01515 Q41318 Q46661 Title Boy Who Loved Words, The Boy Who Was Followed Home, The Boy Who Was Raised By Librarians, The Boy Who Wouldn't Share, The Q14008 Brave Irene Q01533 Brave Little Bunny, The Q32536 Brave Little Monster Author Name Schotter, Roni Mahy, Margaret Morris, Carla AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level 550 3.5 600 4.2 0 1.4 Q26134 Brave Norman Martin, Rafe San Souci, Robert D. Brimner, Larry Dane Clements, Andrew 30 1.8 Q22709 Brave Potatoes Speed, Toby 520 3.2 Brave Wolf And The Q24713 Thunderbird Medicine Crow, Joseph Driscoll, Laura 630 3.3 310 Quiz # Title Q16468 Brave Little Parrot, The Brave Margaret: An Irish Q20372 Adventure Q14519 Brave Mary Q01536 Bravest Cat!, The Bravest Dog Ever: The True Story Of Balto (Anthology), Q29503 The Bravest Dog Ever: The True Q01537 Story Of Balto, The Standiford, Natalie Standiford, Natalie Buckingham, Q39603 Bravest Fish, The Matt Bravest Girls in the World, George, Q37289 The Olivia Crum, Shutta Arnold, Marsha Q27769 Bravest Of Us All, The Diane Bravest Woman In America, Moss, Q54483 The Marissa Parish, Q01539 Bravo, Amelia Bedelia! Herman Edwards, Pamela Q25344 Bravo, Livingstone Mouse! Duncan Bond, Q22957 Bravo, Maurice! Rebecca Meunier, Q40957 Bravo, Tavo! Brian Sexton, Q52283 Brazil Colleen Q22421 Brazil (Visit To) Roop, Peter Hoban, Q01547 Bread And Jam For Frances Russell Q01548 Bread Bread Bread Morris, Ann Lexile Code Points Interest Level 2 Words 969 Type Fiction AD 2 1788 Fiction K-2 BR 1 78 Fiction K-2 1 492 Non-Fiction K-2 AD 2 654 Fiction K-2 AD 2 617 Fiction K-2 1.5 1 478 Non-Fiction K-2 260 1.5 2 719 Non-Fiction K-2 330 2.5 2 1224 Non-Fiction K-2 550 2.7 1 409 Fiction K-2 540 2.8 2 1091 Fiction K-2 1 812 Fiction K-2 2 1475 Fiction K-2 2 1040 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1217 Fiction K-2 Q44181 Bravest Of The Brave, The 2.1 AD NP K-2 680 3.8 810 4.3 220 2.8 340 2.4 AD 2 615 Fiction K-2 640 3.1 AD 2 1325 Fiction K-2 660 3.5 2 1403 Fiction K-2 840 590 5.5 2.9 2 2 1745 642 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 490 30 2.1 1.5 2 1 1751 90 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Bread Comes To Life: A Garden Of Wheat And A Q35953 Loaf To Eat Q22139 Bread Is For Eating Author Name Levenson, George Gershator, David Horowitz, Ruth Q25206 Breakout At The Bug Lab Bremen Town Musicians: The Brothers Grimm Folktale Grimm, The Q27516 (Anthology), The Brothers Bremen-Town Musicians Q31240 (Plume), The Plume, Ilse Gross, Ruth Q01558 Bremen-Town Musicians, The Belov Kovalski, Q17818 Brenda And Edward Maryann Burke, Brent Skunk Sings Melissa Q31147 (Anthology) Blackwell Wildsmith, Q25070 Brian Wildsmith's ABC Brian Hill, Lee Q21199 Bridges Connect Sullivan Lichtenheld, Q49478 Bridget's Beret Tom Bright And Early Thursday Wood, Q17197 Evening: A Tangled Tale Audrey Chrustowski, Q24072 Bright Beetle Rick Hudson, Q01576 Bright Eyes, Brown Skin Cheryl Willis Bright Lights And Shadowy Waters, Q28915 Shapes Jennifer Buckingham, Q39540 Bright Stanley Matt Q13823 Bright Star Crew, Gary Corwin, Judith Q32837 Bright Yellow Flower Hoffman Bring Me Some Apples And I'll Make You A Pie: A Story Gourley, Q46169 About Edna Lewis Robbin Isadora, Q33575 Bring On That Beat Rachel Q47728 Bringing In The New Year Lin, Grace Lexile Levels Reading Level 280 1.5 450 2.8 260 2.4 2.6 Lexile Code AD NP Points Words Type Interest Level 1 323 Non-Fiction K-2 1 288 Fiction K-2 2 1757 Fiction K-2 2 1529 Fiction K-2 660 2.3 2 1217 Fiction K-2 200 2.4 2 741 Fiction K-2 620 3.2 2 682 Fiction K-2 360 1.7 1 294 Fiction K-2 1 26 Non-Fiction K-2 2 699 Non-Fiction K-2 1.1 NP 440 2.2 690 3.3 AD 1 596 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 207 Fiction K-2 610 3.9 AD 2 1052 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.6 BR 1 54 Fiction K-2 700 2.1 1 176 Non-Fiction K-2 550 570 2.7 5.2 AD AD 1 2 409 1257 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 120 1.7 AD 1 262 Fiction K-2 810 4.3 AD 2 1043 Fiction K-2 250 1.8 1.1 NP AD 1 1 117 158 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Bringing The Rain To Kapiti Q01585 Plain Brittany The Basketball Q50234 Fairy Q16745 Bromistas Brother And Sister Poems Q31129 (Anthology) Q01597 Brother Eagle, Sister Sky Q17805 Brother To The Wind Q18273 Brothers Q01600 Brothers And Sisters Q57138 Brothers At Bat Brothers Kennedy: John, Q48441 Robert, Edward, The Q24229 Brothers Of The Knight Q27913 Brothers' Promise, The Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Q01603 What Do You See? Q47190 Brown Bear, White Bear Q01605 Brown Bears Q51522 Brown Everywhere Author Name Aardema, Verna Meadows, Daisy Marshall, James Heide, Florence Parry Jeffers, Susan Walter, Mildred Pitts Schaefer, Lola M. Senisi, Ellen B. Vernick, Audrey Krull, Kathleen Allen, Debbie Harber, Frances Martin Jr., Bill Petrovic, Svetlana Freeman, Marcia S. Sterling, Kristin Q21100 Brown Rabbit's Shape Book Baker, Alan Brownie Groundhog And Blackaby, Q53024 The February Fox Susan Berger, Brrr!: A Book About Polar Melvin & Q22982 Animals Gilda Bruh Rabbit And The Tar Hamilton, Q33813 Baby Girl Virginia Bruises (Rookie Read-About Gordon, Q32363 Health) Sharon Q01618 bruja Mon, La Mateos, P. Kushner, Q34460 Brundibar Tony Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.7 NP 2 739 Fiction K-2 3.4 NC 4 4241 Fiction K-2 2.9 2 0 Fiction K-2 540 2.4 2 660 Fiction K-2 740 4.2 2 763 Non-Fiction K-2 500 3.2 2 2611 Fiction K-2 40 1.3 1 36 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.4 AD 2 2291 Non-Fiction K-2 780 3.7 AD 2 1297 Non-Fiction K-2 990 7.4 NC 2 1670 Non-Fiction K-2 560 3.4 2 2172 Fiction K-2 460 2.4 AD 2 1072 Fiction K-2 440 1.4 AD 1 193 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 AD 1 628 Fiction K-2 370 2.1 1 47 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.7 1 530 Non-Fiction K-2 130 1.1 1 188 Fiction K-2 440 2.5 1 829 Fiction K-2 620 2.9 2 1866 Non-Fiction K-2 390 2.7 2 1001 Fiction K-2 150 1.5 3 1 2 240 0 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 480 2.5 1 966 Fiction K-2 720 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q29682 Bruno The Baker Q27921 Bruno The Tailor Q16243 Brush Brush, Comb, Scrub: Inventions To Keep You Q01620 Clean Q01621 Brushing Well Q14199 Q33343 Q42352 Q32754 Q20511 Q01624 Q36080 Q27687 Q38767 Q45949 Q01625 Q14507 Q20515 Q01633 Q01634 Lexile Levels Reading Level Klinting, Lars Klinting, Lars Calders, Pere 430 140 2.4 2.1 1070 3.9 640 100 4.6 1.5 380 2.5 170 2.5 500 2.7 490 2.6 610 3.5 620 2.8 710 2.2 540 2.7 Cobb, Vicki Frost, Helen Babbitt, Bub Or The Very Best Thing Natalie Bubba And Beau Go NightNight Appelt, Kathi Bubba And Beau Meet The Relatives Appelt, Kathi Bubba And Beau, Best Friends Appelt, Kathi Ernst, Lisa Bubba And Trixie Campbell Ketteman, Bubba The Cowboy Prince Helen Krosoczka, Bubble Bath Pirates Jarrett J. dePaola, Bubble Factory, The Tomie Wheeler, Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum Lisa Bubble Homes And Fish Bayrock, Farts Fiona Packard, Bubble Trouble Mary Bubble Trouble (Rookie Hulme, Joy Reader) N. Lexile Code Points Interest Level 2 1 Words 598 395 Type Fiction Fiction AD 2 1067 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1 1303 43 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 2 975 Fiction K-2 1 541 Fiction K-2 1 495 Fiction K-2 1 467 Fiction K-2 2 1530 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1160 Fiction K-2 AD 1 177 Fiction K-2 2 856 Fiction K-2 AD AD K-2 K-2 2.3 NP 1 352 Fiction K-2 920 5.4 AD 2 2832 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 58 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 68 Fiction K-2 Appelt, Kathi Ehrlich, Amy 620 460 1.9 2.5 AD 1 2 183 1028 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Zobel, Derek Davis, Anne Karas, G. Bud's Day Out (Anthology) Brian Duchess Of Budgie At Bendick's Point York, H.R.H. Hogrogian, buen día, Un Nonny buenas acciones de Bridwell, Clifford, Las Norman 480 220 2.6 1.1 1 1 105 195 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 120 1.3 1 242 Fiction K-2 390 3.3 2 904 Fiction K-2 1020 3.8 2 672 Fiction K-2 440 1.6 1 536 Fiction K-2 Q32676 Bubbles, Bubbles Q01627 Buck-Buck The Chicken Bucket Trucks (Blastoff! Q46010 Reader) Q46559 Bud And Gabby Q31258 Author Name AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q01635 Buenas noches, Luna Buffalo Bert: The Cowboy Q48986 Grandad Buffalo Bill And The Pony Q01636 Express Q29064 Buffalo Jump, The Q29864 Bug And A Pup, A Q27528 Bug Bath (Anthology), The Bug Bunch: A New Friend, Q31933 The Bug Bunch: The Beach Q33113 Mystery, The Bug Bunch: The Big Q32920 Sleepover, The Bug Bunch: The New Bug, Q32715 The Q33271 Bug Dance Bug In Teacher's Coffee And Other School Poems, Q33896 The Bug Out!: The World's Creepiest, Crawliest Q47266 Critters Bug, A Bear, And A Boy Go Q17376 To School, A Author Name Brown, Margaret Wise Morgan, Michaela Coerr, Eleanor Roop, Peter Trepicchio, Lynn Miranda, Anne Bennett, Elizabeth Bennett, Elizabeth Bennett, Elizabeth Bennett, Elizabeth Murphy, Stuart J. Q52465 Bugs A To Z Q25204 Bugs Are Insects Q21176 Bugs For Lunch Q44224 Bugs In My Hair?! Q01646 Bugs! Gake, Oscar Lawton, Caroline Rockwell, Anne Facklam, Margery Stier, Catherine Greenberg, David T. Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.4 NA 1 150 Fiction K-2 520 3.1 2 1803 Fiction K-2 430 480 2.5 3.2 2 2 1306 1567 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.2 1 46 Fiction K-2 20 1.2 1 242 Fiction K-2 250 2.4 1 439 Fiction K-2 160 2.2 AD 1 493 Non-Fiction K-2 300 2.2 AD 1 402 Fiction K-2 280 2.2 1 431 Fiction K-2 100 1.6 AD 1 411 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 2 635 Fiction K-2 690 3.3 AD 2 2164 Non-Fiction K-2 210 1.5 1 356 Fiction K-2 110 1.7 1 302 Fiction K-2 1 428 Fiction K-2 1 24 Non-Fiction K-2 Dakos, Kalli Clarke, Ginjer L. McPhail, David McPhail, Q14881 Bug, A Bear, And A Boy, A David Shields, Carol Q30908 Bugliest Bug, The Diggory Q29944 Bugs (Gake) Lexile Levels 2.9 BR NP 60 1.2 650 2.7 NC 1 876 Non-Fiction K-2 590 2.5 AD 2 668 Non-Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 193 Non-Fiction K-2 520 2.4 AD 2 1380 Fiction K-2 1000 2.8 1 586 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q14532 Q24310 Q28631 Q24485 Q29155 Title Author Name McKissack, Patricia and Bugs! (Rookie Reader) Fredrick Dussling, Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Jennifer Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! (Barner) Barner, Bob Moffatt, Bugs: A Read-And-Do Book Judith Builder, The James, Kari Cooper, Building Elisha Building (Paul) Paul, Ian Barton, Building A House Byron Pluckrose, Building A Road Henry Building An Igloo Steltzer, Ulli Building An Igloo (Anthology) Steltzer, Ulli MartinJames, Building Beavers Kathleen Building On Nature: The Rodriguez, Life Of Antoni Gaudi Rachel Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 0 1.4 BR 1 69 Fiction K-2 620 2.8 2.1 NP 2 1 787 76 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 1 1 481 164 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2 1 1060 31 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 390 100 2.4 1.8 730 40 3.5 1.1 100 1.7 1 83 Non-Fiction K-2 580 720 3.3 3.9 1 1 310 428 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 740 2.9 1 526 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.9 1 410 Non-Fiction K-2 550 2.2 1 753 Non-Fiction K-2 Snyder, Inez Johnston, Tony Landau, Elaine 200 1.5 1 157 Non-Fiction K-2 370 1.5 1 418 Fiction K-2 550 3.2 2 1535 Non-Fiction K-2 Q01653 Bulldozers Bulldozers (Blastoff! Q39768 Readers) Brady, Peter 580 1.5 1 277 Non-Fiction K-2 Martin, M. T. 230 1.4 1 83 Non-Fiction K-2 Q23001 Bullfrog Pops! Walton, Rick Cuyler, Margery Bateman, Teresa 200 4.3 2 870 Fiction K-2 450 1.5 AD 1 846 Fiction K-2 560 2.9 AD 2 1357 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna Coughlan, Cheryl Sayre, April Pulley 280 2.5 2 860 Fiction K-2 530 1.5 1 56 Non-Fiction K-2 670 3.4 1 729 Non-Fiction K-2 Q20158 Q27184 Q24911 Q19351 Q01647 Q29516 Q18692 Q47804 Q32334 Building Tools Q01650 Bull And The Fire Truck Q49155 Bulldogs Are The Best! Q46132 Bullies Never Win Q36113 Bully Blockers Club, The Q01655 Bully Trouble Q18288 Bumble Bees Q36284 Bumblebee Queen, The AD AD NC SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Bumblebees (Blastoff! Q39769 Readers) Q33972 Bump On The Head, A Q01657 Bumps In The Night Q37514 Bumpy Little Pumpkin, The Q29156 Bumpy Ride, A Bunches And Bunches Of Q01658 Bunnies Q43497 Bunnies (Blastoff! Readers) Q35678 Bunnies And Their Hobbies Q45504 Bunnies' Picnic, The Q24941 Bunny Bungalow Q01662 Bunny Cakes Q38574 Bunny Day Q01663 Bunny Hop, The Q16155 Bunny Money Q18795 Bunny My Honey Q01664 Bunny Play, The Q18822 Bunny Riddles Q01665 Bunny Slipper Mystery Q24085 Bunny Trouble Q23542 Bunny's Noisy Book Q34315 Bunny, Bunny Burger And The Hot Dog, Q26639 The Buried Treasure: All About Q35780 Using A Map Burnt Toast On Davenport Q16420 Street Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 1 183 Non-Fiction K-2 240 2.1 2 667 Fiction K-2 Allard, Harry Cuyler, Margery 480 2.1 2 1688 Fiction K-2 670 2.5 1 747 Fiction K-2 Thomas, Rory Mathews, Louise Sexton, Colleen Carlson, Nancy 220 1.8 1 219 Non-Fiction K-2 1 511 Fiction K-2 Evans, Lezlie Rylant, Cynthia Wells, Rosemary Green, Emily K. Maloney, Peter Walton, Rick Slater, Teddy Wells, Rosemary Lexile Levels Reading Level 430 2.5 Lexile Code AD NP 320 2.1 1 101 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.1 1 158 Fiction K-2 750 3.6 AD 1 353 Fiction K-2 620 1.9 AD 1 196 Fiction K-2 550 1.9 1 364 Fiction K-2 1 298 Fiction K-2 2.2 NP 210 1.6 1 230 Fiction K-2 540 2.8 1 443 Fiction K-2 Jeram, Anita Leedy, Loreen Hall, Katy Dussling, Jennifer Wilhelm, Hans Brown, Margaret Wise Hall, Kirsten Aylesworth, Jim 530 2.8 AD 1 290 Fiction K-2 600 280 3.4 2.8 AD 1 2 578 595 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 370 1.9 2 525 Fiction K-2 390 2.5 2 702 Fiction K-2 250 0 1.6 1.4 AD BR 1 1 371 40 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 3.4 NP 2 1150 Fiction K-2 Hall, Kirsten 210 1.4 NP 1 311 Fiction K-2 Egan, Tim 670 4.2 AD 2 1222 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q41527 Burro's Tortillas Q57963 Bus Called Heaven, A Q52170 Bus Drivers Q28720 Bus For Us, The Q26618 Bus Of Our Own, A Q18703 Bus Ride, The Q36111 Bus-A-Saurus Bop Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Fields, Terri Graham, Bob 540 2.8 570 2.3 Murray, Julie Bloom, Suzanne 680 3.2 70 1.3 460 3.1 480 4.8 Evans, Freddi Williams Miller, William Shore, Diane Z. Lassieur, Allison Zuehlke, Jeffrey Fleming, Denise Lexile Code Points Interest Level 1 Words 564 Type Fiction AD 1 770 Fiction K-2 NC 2 1006 Non-Fiction K-2 1 100 Fiction K-2 2 1592 Fiction K-2 2 1245 Fiction K-2 AD K-2 1.9 NP 1 455 Fiction K-2 590 1.5 IG 1 446 Non-Fiction K-2 280 1.5 1 409 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2.6 2 652 Fiction K-2 Brown, Marc 500 2.7 1 287 Fiction K-2 Brown, Marc 440 2.5 1 456 Fiction K-2 Q53372 Buster Catches A Wave Brown, Marc 570 3.3 1 261 Fiction K-2 Q53375 Buster Changes His Luck Brown, Marc 590 3.3 1 902 Fiction K-2 Q53374 Buster Climbs The Walls Buster Goes To Cowboy Q46684 Camp Brown, Marc Fleming, Denise 460 2.5 1 924 Fiction K-2 680 3.2 1 624 Fiction K-2 Q53367 Buster Hits The Trail Brown, Marc 660 3.8 2 1022 Fiction K-2 Q53365 Buster Hunts For Dinosaurs Brown, Marc 680 4.2 1 359 Fiction K-2 Q42368 Buster On The Farm Brown, Marc 360 2.2 1 410 Fiction K-2 Q42379 Buster On The Town Brown, Marc 420 2.4 1 255 Fiction K-2 Q53366 Buster Plays Along Brown, Marc 690 4.3 2 1060 Fiction K-2 Q53363 Buster's Sugartime Brown, Marc Bechtold, Lisze 680 4.2 1 512 Fiction K-2 310 2.4 2 1092 Fiction K-2 Q20588 Buses Q35611 Buses Q34182 Buster Buster And The Giant Q53373 Pumpkin Buster And The Great Q53364 Swamp Q31605 Buster, The Very Shy Dog AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q35668 Busy Ants Q29171 Busy As A Bee Q31473 Busy Bea Q33363 Busy Building Book, The Q20277 Busy Bunnies' Five Senses Author Name Nelson, Kristin L. Riley, Gail Blasser Poydar, Nancy Tarsky, Sue Slater, Teddy Busy Buzzing Bumblebees Schwartz, Q01678 And Other Tongue Twisters Alvin Wallace, Q24313 Busy Buzzy Bee Karen Q27880 Busy Chipmunk Hall, Kirsten Busy Day At Mr. Kang's Flanagan, Q01679 Grocery Store, A Alice K. Sargent, Q38417 Busy Day, A Brian Simon, Q14512 Busy Guy, A Charnan Shannon, Q38571 Busy In The Garden George Bentley, Q33871 Busy Little Beaver Dawn Q01680 Busy Year, A Lionni, Leo Kroll, Q36086 Busy, Busy Mouse Virginia Q14731 Busy, Buzzy Bees Q17208 Busytown Race Day But Excuse Me That Is My Q37898 Book But I Wanted A Baby Q48777 Brother! But Names Will Never Hurt Q01684 Me Q16370 Butter Battle Book, The Q43324 Butter Man, The Q01685 Butterflies Q42562 Butterflies Q51715 Butterflies Q23994 Butterflies (Neye) Lexile Levels Reading Level 430 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.6 1 392 Non-Fiction K-2 430 2.4 1 373 Non-Fiction K-2 480 510 2.3 2.8 AD 1 1 395 348 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 177 Fiction K-2 510 3.1 1 321 Fiction K-2 300 2.2 1.4 NP 1 1 447 56 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 850 3.5 AD 1 223 Non-Fiction K-2 230 1.4 1 277 Non-Fiction K-2 440 1.7 1 111 Fiction K-2 1 705 Fiction K-2 1 2 321 623 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 70 Fiction K-2 1 418 Non-Fiction K-2 2 790 Fiction K-2 1 814 Fiction K-2 2.2 240 370 Lexile Code NP 2.3 1.9 1.5 NP Fowler, Allan Scarry, Richard 550 3.1 430 3.5 Child, Lauren 570 2.8 Feiffer, Kate Waber, Bernard Seuss, Dr. Alalou, Elizabeth SaundersSmith, Gail Rustad, Martha E.H. Bishop, Nic Neye, Emily 570 2.3 AD 1 996 Fiction K-2 270 710 3.2 3.5 AD 2 2 894 1463 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 930 6.6 AD 2 1785 Fiction K-2 140 1.5 1 41 Non-Fiction K-2 430 550 180 2.4 3.2 1.9 1 1 1 194 340 431 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level 190 1.9 600 3.3 Butterflies In My Stomach Q51332 And Other School Hazards Bloch, Serge 710 3.4 Q32682 Butterflies In The Garden Lerner, Carol Freeman, Darlene OvenellCarter, Julie Ling, Mary Stefoff, Rebecca Canizares, Susan 650 Cassie, Brian Sandved, Butterfly Alphabet, The Kjell B. Kroll, Butterfly Boy Virginia Butterfly Colors Frost, Helen Butterfly Eggs Frost, Helen Butterfly House Bunting, Eve Butterfly Life Cycle Bauer, Jeff Butterfly Seeds (Anthology), Watson, The Mary O'Brien, Butterfly, Butterfly Perry Milbourne, Butterfly, The (Milbourne) Anna Butterfly, The Bird, The Beetle, And Me, The Prince, Sarah Button Soup Orgel, Doris Martin, Jacqueline Button, Bucket, Sky Briggs Buttons Cole, Brock Horowitz, Buy My Hats! Dave Buying A Pet From Ms. Flanagan, Chavez Alice K. Egielski, Buz Richard Quiz # Title Q23995 Butterflies (Shapiro) Q34954 Butterflies For Kiri Q24234 Butterflies! (Know-It-Alls) Q17777 Butterflies' Promise, The Q31269 Butterfly (Anthology) Q20879 Butterfly (Living Things) Q38560 Butterfly / Mariposa Butterfly Alphabet Book, Q24543 The Q15046 Q13698 Q18296 Q18297 Q19653 Q52138 Q28575 Q30077 Q38418 Q21050 Q01691 Q35314 Q22140 Q49704 Q14825 Q01694 Author Name Shapiro, Karen Falwell, Cathryn Points Words Type Interest Level 1 275 Non-Fiction K-2 AD 1 842 Fiction K-2 AD 1 663 Fiction K-2 3.6 2 939 Non-Fiction K-2 780 3.9 2 861 Non-Fiction K-2 630 320 4.2 1.8 2 1 1011 295 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 750 4.5 2 1041 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.4 1 18 Non-Fiction K-2 630 4.3 2 1172 Non-Fiction K-2 1 265 Fiction K-2 2 1 1 2 1 812 52 57 773 525 Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 5.5 Lexile Code AD BR NP 570 340 470 500 520 5.5 1.5 1.6 5.1 3.1 670 3.1 2 924 Fiction K-2 310 1.9 1 266 Non-Fiction K-2 530 2 1 304 Fiction K-2 470 460 2.5 1.5 NC 1 1 201 652 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 820 630 4.8 3.9 AD AD 1 2 998 1806 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 310 1.1 AD 1 482 Fiction K-2 500 3.4 1 257 Non-Fiction K-2 380 1.5 1 165 Fiction K-2 NC AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Q01695 Buzby Hoban, Julia 300 Q01696 Buzby To The Rescue Hoban, Julia Spinelli, Eileen Wong, Janet S. Quiz # Title Q48778 Buzz Q22234 Buzz (Wong) Buzz Beaker And The Cave Q52724 Creatures Buzz Beaker And The Cool Q52728 Caps Buzz Beaker And The Q52729 Growing Goo Buzz Beaker And The Outer Q52727 Space Trip Buzz Beaker And The PuttQ52726 Putt Contest Buzz Beaker And The Race Q52730 To School Buzz Beaker And The Q52725 Speed Secret Buzz Beaker And The Super Q52731 Fast Car Q50731 Buzz Boy And Fly Guy Q01697 Buzz Buzz Buzz Points Words Type Interest Level 2.2 2 1114 Fiction K-2 380 2.3 2 918 Fiction K-2 420 1.4 AD 1 542 Fiction K-2 400 2.7 AD 1 214 Fiction K-2 Meister, Cari 360 3.2 GN 1 450 Fiction K-2 Meister, Cari 280 1.7 1 450 Fiction K-2 Meister, Cari 370 2.2 1 480 Fiction K-2 Meister, Cari 290 2.7 GN 1 465 Fiction K-2 Meister, Cari 240 2.6 GN 1 488 Fiction K-2 Meister, Cari 290 1.7 1 450 Fiction K-2 Meister, Cari 260 2.7 1 475 Fiction K-2 Meister, Cari 290 1.7 1 485 Fiction K-2 Arnold, Tedd Barton, Byron 380 2.2 1 246 Fiction K-2 Q23118 Buzz Is Part Of A Bee, A Buzz vs. Torque: One On Q31894 One Lunn, Carolyn McVeigh, Mark Berger, Q21310 Buzz!: A Book About Insects Melvin Lewison, Wendy Q01698 Buzz, Said The Bee Cheyette Lexile Code GN 1.5 NP 1 161 Fiction K-2 1.7 NA 1 162 Non-Fiction K-2 170 2.1 2 705 Fiction K-2 370 1.9 2 1426 Non-Fiction K-2 410 1.4 1 165 Fiction K-2 Q35654 Buzzing Bumblebees Riley, Joelle 430 2.1 1 421 Non-Fiction K-2 Q16627 Buzzing Rattlesnakes Berman, Ruth Kherdian, David Cain, Sheridan Carter, Dorothy 420 2.1 1 338 Non-Fiction K-2 520 2.5 2 887 Fiction K-2 490 1.6 1 507 Fiction K-2 560 3.5 2 694 Fiction K-2 Q01699 By Myself Q48848 By The Light Of The Moon Q13815 Bye, Mis' Lela AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 570 2.3 AD 1 315 Fiction K-2 350 1.9 5 2 2 1841 0 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Oller, Erika Schaefer, Lola M. 670 3.6 1 596 Fiction K-2 660 1.5 1 396 Non-Fiction K-2 Fowler, Allan 560 2.1 1 253 Non-Fiction K-2 Thaler, Mike Meadows, Caitlin The Ice Bear Fairy Daisy Mathers, Cake For Herbie, A Petra Ripken, Jr., Cal Ripken, Jr.: Play Ball! Cal Calabash Cat And His Rumford, Amazing Journey James Titherington, Calabaza, calabaza Jeanne Calendarbears: A Book Of Hague, Months Kathleen De Capua, California Sarah California (Rookie ReadDe Capua, About Geography) Sarah Eckart, California Condor Edana 550 2.8 1 342 Fiction K-2 820 4.4 4 4258 Fiction K-2 230 2.2 1 589 Fiction K-2 380 3.5 3 3066 Non-Fiction K-2 710 3.1 1 436 Fiction K-2 370 1.4 1 88 Fiction K-2 270 2.1 1 183 Fiction K-2 340 1.5 1 340 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2.2 1 299 Non-Fiction K-2 470 1.8 1 90 Non-Fiction K-2 Conrad, Pam Flanagan, Alice K. San Souci, Q22955 Callie Ann And Mistah Bear Robert D. Spinelli, Q45960 Callie Cat, Ice Skater Eileen Calling Doctor Amelia Parish, Q31491 Bedelia Herman Calling The Doves/El Canto Herrera, Q26695 De Las Palomas Juan Felipe Vegas, Q27135 Calvin's Plan Nadia 690 4.1 2 1214 Fiction K-2 550 3.3 1 238 Non-Fiction K-2 580 2.9 AD 2 1609 Fiction K-2 430 1.4 AD 1 670 Fiction K-2 50 2.3 2 1445 Fiction K-2 910 4.1 2 1183 Non-Fiction K-2 340 2.3 2 635 Fiction K-2 Q27115 Cam And Luck 50 1.1 1 48 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q53823 Bye-Bye, Mom And Dad Q01702 C.D. Clues Q01707 caballo de arena, El Cabbage Soup Solution, Q42287 The Q20586 Cable Cars Q34713 Cactuses Cafeteria Lady From The Q16192 Black Lagoon, The Q57112 Q22625 Q23057 Q34202 Q01722 Q26986 Q35796 Q32391 Q34841 Author Name Mayer, Mercer Miranda, Anne Turnbull, A. Q13824 Call Me Ahnighito Call Mr. Vasquez, He'll Fix Q01737 It! Apple, Gary AD NC AD AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q01766 cama de Horacio, La Q22422 Cambodia (Visit To) Q56628 Camels Camera (First Discovery), Q28972 The Camille And The Sunflowers: A Story About Q48545 Vincent Van Gogh Q01768 Camino a Tondo Q01769 camino de Amelia, El Q01770 camisa para Carlos, Una Q01771 Camp Big Paw Q53754 Camp K-9 Q01773 Camp Knock Knock Camp Knock Knock Q01774 Mystery, The Campfire Games Q31121 (Anthology) Q46493 Camping Catastrophe! Q32911 Camping Out Camping Trip That Q56448 Changed America, The Q01778 Can I Be Good? Can I Bring My Pterodactyl Q43332 To School, Ms. Johnson? Can I Have A Stegosaurus, Q01779 Mom? Author Name Ashforth, Camilla Alcraft, Rob BorgertSpaniol, Megan Jeunesse, Gallimard Anholt, Laurence Aardema, Verna Altman, Linda Jacobs Avalos, Cecilia Cushman, Doug Rodman, Mary Ann Duffey, Betsy Duffey, Betsy Drake, Jane Klein, Abby Bridwell, Norman Rosenstock, Barb Taylor, Livingston Q01780 Can I Keep Him? Grambling, Lois G. Grambling, Lois Janovitz, Marilyn Kellogg, Steven Q27638 Can Jodie Find It? Conrad, Ana Q27893 Can I Help? Lexile Levels Reading Level 370 540 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.5 2.9 1 2 445 598 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 460 2.5 1 113 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.1 1 544 Non-Fiction K-2 660 2.8 1 726 Fiction K-2 290 2.5 2 1124 Fiction K-2 680 3 2 1096 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 1 30 Fiction K-2 380 2.3 2 1130 Fiction K-2 370 1.2 1 823 Fiction K-2 160 2.2 2 1413 Fiction K-2 180 1.8 2 1413 Fiction K-2 770 520 2.1 3.1 1 3 316 7768 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 150 2.1 1 457 Fiction K-2 740 4.5 3 1396 Fiction K-2 AD BR AD AD 1.7 NP 1 382 Fiction K-2 970 3.3 NC 1 699 Fiction K-2 560 2.6 1 577 Fiction K-2 1.4 NP 1 251 Fiction K-2 510 4.4 AD 1 513 Fiction K-2 280 1.4 1 378 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q49367 Can Man, The Q35199 Can We Go? Q17678 Can We Save Them? Q01781 Can You Dance, Dalila? Can You Do This, Old Q21862 Badger? Can You Find It? Q29614 (Anthology) Author Name Williams, Laura E. Cherrington, Janelle Dobson, David Kroll, Virginia Bunting, Eve Fear, Sharon Sargent, Q38030 Can You Guess? Brian Can You Hear A Rainbow?: Heelan, The Story Of A Deaf Boy Jamee Q34265 Named Chris Riggio Can You Help Me Find My Sommer, Q23734 Smile? Carl Cherrington, Q35439 Can You See The Rabbit? Janelle Q23090 Can You See The Wind? Can You Tell A Bee From A Q56218 Wasp? Can You Tell A Butterfly Q56220 From A Moth? Can You Tell A Cheetah Q56219 From A Leopard? Can You Tell A Coyote Q58138 From A Wolf? Can You Tell A Cricket From Q58139 A Grasshopper? Can You Tell A Dolphin Q56221 From A Porpoise? Can You Tell A Frog From A Q56222 Toad? Can You Tell A Gecko From Q58140 A Salamander? Can You Tell A Horse From Q58141 A Pony? Can You Tell A Seal From A Q58143 Sea Lion? Can You Tell An Alligator Q56217 From A Crocodile? Can You Tell An Ostrich Q58142 From An Emu? Fowler, Allan Silverman, Buffy Silverman, Buffy Silverman, Buffy Silverman, Buffy Silverman, Buffy Silverman, Buffy Silverman, Buffy Silverman, Buffy Silverman, Buffy Silverman, Buffy Silverman, Buffy Silverman, Buffy Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 630 2.5 AD 2 1619 Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 25 Non-Fiction K-2 1030 5.5 AD 3 2592 Non-Fiction K-2 690 4.8 AD 2 928 Fiction K-2 290 2.4 AD 2 673 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 97 Fiction K-2 380 1.9 1 284 Non-Fiction K-2 730 3.8 2 1083 Non-Fiction K-2 310 2.3 2 1543 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 63 Non-Fiction K-2 3.2 NA 1 448 Non-Fiction K-2 540 3.2 2 1107 Non-Fiction K-2 540 3.2 2 877 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.6 2 973 Non-Fiction K-2 570 3.3 1 888 Non-Fiction K-2 520 3.1 1 809 Non-Fiction K-2 540 3.2 2 890 Non-Fiction K-2 580 3.3 2 914 Non-Fiction K-2 520 3.1 1 919 Non-Fiction K-2 550 3.2 1 995 Non-Fiction K-2 540 3.2 1 964 Non-Fiction K-2 540 3.2 2 859 Non-Fiction K-2 570 3.3 1 929 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Can You Tell Me How To Q16008 Get To Sesame Street? 1.5 NP 1 340 Fiction K-2 Q24028 2.2 NP 1 425 Fiction K-2 450 3.5 AD 2 977 Fiction K-2 770 4.7 2 1367 Non-Fiction K-2 1 344 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q01786 Q51646 Q23140 Q32327 Q01793 Q01794 Q23808 Q01805 Q01808 Q01809 Title Author Name Hudson, Eleanor Lotz, Karen Can't Sit Still E. Can't You Sleep, Little Waddell, Bear? Martin Sexton, Canada Colleen Canada (Rookie ReadMarx, David About Geography) F. Canada Day (Rookie Read- Murphy, About Holidays) Patricia J. canasta de cumpleaños para tía, Una Mora, Pat Shannon, canción del lagarto, La George Paulsen, Canoe Days Gary Ackerman, Cantante y bailarín Karen Livingston, Canto a la Tierra Myra Cohn Sheldon, canto de las ballenas, El Dyan Cantsee: The Cat Who Was Schields, Q29058 The Color Of The Carpet Gretchen Pluckrose, Q33427 Capacity (Math Counts) Henry Q48025 Capitol Building, The Piehl, Janet Slobodkina, Q01816 Caps For Sale Esphyr Caps, Hats, Socks, And Borden, Q01817 Mittens Louise Captain And Matey Set Laurence, Q26070 Sail Daniel Q01818 Captain Cat Hoff, Syd Captain Hog: Mission To Postgate, Q24867 The Stars Daniel Captain Invincible And The Murphy, Q26320 Space Shapes Stuart J. Egielski, Q50301 Captain Sky Blue Richard Waddell, Q48951 Captain Small Pig Martin Captain Snap And The Schotter, Q01820 Children Of Vinegar Lane Roni Lexile Levels 3.3 NA 390 1.9 1 291 Non-Fiction K-2 390 3.2 2 852 Fiction K-2 360 2.5 2 630 Fiction K-2 840 3.9 1 380 Fiction K-2 760 4.5 2 911 Fiction K-2 650 3.5 1 470 Fiction K-2 390 2.3 1 583 Fiction K-2 640 3.9 2 2091 Fiction K-2 400 550 2.4 3.2 1 1 495 511 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 480 2.9 2 674 Fiction K-2 240 2.1 1 293 Fiction K-2 360 400 2.5 1.7 2 1 1525 362 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 320 2.8 1 463 Fiction K-2 150 2.1 1 364 Fiction K-2 580 2.3 AD 1 358 Fiction K-2 670 3.2 AD 1 392 Fiction K-2 740 3.9 2 1600 Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q22521 Car Rides Q31183 Car Trip (Anthology) Q28233 Car Wash Q33178 Car Wash Kid Author Name Walker, Pamela McGaferty, Eileen Steen, Sandra Fishman, Cathy Goldberg Patrick, Denise Lewis De la Prida, Q01832 caracol de las mariposas, El I. S. McKay, Q18701 Caravan Lawrence Preller, Q21863 Cardinal And Sunflower James Q17021 Care Of Henry Fine, Anne Rockwell, Q26740 Career Day Anne Caribbean Counting Book, Charles, Q15729 A Faustin Isadora, Q33588 Caribbean Dream Rachel Raatma, Q18537 Caring Lucia Rau, Dana Q35813 Carlitos friolento Meachen Stevens, Jan Q01849 Carlos And The Cornfield Romero Stevens, Jan Q01850 Carlos And The Skunk Romero Carlos And The Squash Stevens, Jan Q01851 Plant Romero Stevens, Q01852 Carlos y la milpa de maíz Janet Carlos y la planta de Stevens, Q01853 calabaza Janet Ciavonne, Q15733 Carlos, Light The Farolito Jean Carlota descubre a los Q01855 impresionistas Mayhew, J. Q50873 Carmen Learns English Cox, Judy Sweet, Q41918 Carmine: A Little More Red Melissa Q01830 Car Washing Street, The Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.6 NA 1 149 Non-Fiction K-2 1 162 Fiction K-2 180 1.1 0 1.9 BR 1 95 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 55 Fiction K-2 580 3.5 AD 1 595 Fiction K-2 750 4.5 2 1489 Fiction K-2 860 3.9 2 1026 Fiction K-2 540 440 3.5 2.3 AD 2 3 588 2541 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 430 2.2 AD 1 472 Fiction K-2 3.2 NP 2 1058 Fiction K-2 230 1.4 AD 1 80 Fiction K-2 370 1.5 1 408 Non-Fiction K-2 310 1.6 1 48 Fiction K-2 660 2.5 AD 2 1463 Fiction K-2 910 3.1 AD 3 1520 Fiction K-2 850 2.5 AD 2 1283 Fiction K-2 660 4.8 AD 2 1463 Fiction K-2 850 2 AD 2 1283 Fiction K-2 550 3.4 AD 2 2025 Fiction K-2 450 620 2.5 2.5 AD 2 2 1174 1005 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 640 3.5 AD 2 1087 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 820 4.4 NC 1 548 Non-Fiction K-2 700 3.9 1 514 Non-Fiction K-2 590 2.6 AD 2 1012 Fiction K-2 620 3.5 AD 2 677 Fiction K-2 430 2.9 2 1069 Fiction K-2 590 2.9 1 280 Non-Fiction K-2 710 2.9 1 507 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.8 BR 1 103 Fiction K-2 Kleven, Elisa Kroll, Virginia Krauss, Ruth SaundersSmith, Gail 450 1.5 AD 1 857 Fiction K-2 580 230 4.4 2.2 AD 2 1 726 101 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 180 1.1 1 51 Non-Fiction K-2 Snyder, Inez Ready, Dee SaundersCars Smith, Gail Rockwell, Cars (Rockwell) Anne Wood, casa adormecida, La Audrey casa limpia para Topo y Ziefert, Ratón, Una Harriet Case Of The Baffled Bear, Rylant, The Cynthia Case Of The Cat's Meow, Bonsall, The Crosby Case Of The Climbing Cat, Rylant, The Cynthia Case Of The Desperate Rylant, Duck, The Cynthia Case Of The Double Cross, Bonsall, The Crosby Case Of The Dumb Bells, Bonsall, The Crosby 260 410 1.5 1.5 1 1 99 331 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Quiz # Q49186 Q40060 Q37396 Q01859 Q31131 Q31132 Q29521 Q14513 Title Hollihan, Carnival In Latin America Kerrie Logan Rathmell, Carolina's Story Donna Gerstein, Carolinda Clatter! Mordicai Wildsmith, Carousel Brian Cummings, Carousel (Anthology) Pat Carousel Designed By Kids Kranking, (Anthology 2) Kathy Carousel Designed By Kids Kranking, (Anthology) Kathy Bowdish, Carousel Ride, The Lynea Q46421 Carousel Tale, A Q14186 Carp For Kimiko, A Q01862 Carrot Seed, The Q01863 Carrots Q34622 Carrots Q01866 Cars Q18309 Q20142 Q01872 Q01875 Q35544 Q01883 Q22839 Q37145 Q01890 Q01891 Author Name 0 1.1 BR 1 18 Non-Fiction K-2 1.4 BR 1 72 Non-Fiction K-2 3.1 NP 1 0 Fiction K-2 350 1.9 1 187 Fiction K-2 330 1.8 2 1110 Fiction K-2 310 2.7 2 1293 Fiction K-2 210 2.1 2 1314 Fiction K-2 350 1.8 2 1218 Fiction K-2 390 2.4 2 1025 Fiction K-2 250 2.4 2 1291 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q33492 Q01895 Q22840 Q01899 Q31728 Q01906 Q31990 Q25786 Q01912 Q24230 Title Case Of The Fidgety Fox, The Case Of The Hungry Stranger, The Case Of The Missing Monkey (Rylant), The Case Of The Missing Monkeys, The Case Of The Puzzling Possum, The Case Of The Scaredy Cats, The Case Of The Sleepy Sloth, The Case Of The Troublesome Turtle, The Case Of The Two Masked Robbers, The Casey At The Bat: A Ballad Of The Republic Sung In The Year 1888 Q40298 Casey Back At Bat Q24730 Casey Jones Q21816 Casey Jones's Fireman Q31610 Casey's New Hat Q01924 casita, La Q53758 Casketball Capers caso del forastero Q01925 hambriento, El Q34866 Caso Grave De Rayas, Un Q46709 Castle Of The Cats, The Castle On Hester Street, Q25571 The Q32724 Castle On Viola Street, A Q21961 Castle Under Attack Castles, Caves, And Q33325 Honeycombs Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 2.2 2 1473 Fiction K-2 250 2.3 2 1342 Fiction K-2 160 2.1 2 1051 Fiction K-2 Pernick, Alice Rylant, Cynthia Bonsall, Crosby Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Hoban, Lillian Thayer, Ernest Lawrence 680 3.9 2 1896 Fiction K-2 210 2.1 2 1133 Fiction K-2 240 2.3 2 1008 Fiction K-2 180 2.1 2 1287 Fiction K-2 150 2.1 2 1246 Fiction K-2 300 2.1 2 1209 Fiction K-2 Gutman, Dan Drummond, Allan Farmer, Nancy Gardella, Tricia Burton, Virginia Lee Bentley, Peter Bonsall, Crosby Shannon, David Kimmel, Eric A. Heller, Linda DiSalvo, DyAnne Baxter, Nicola Ashman, Linda Rylant, Cynthia Bonsall, Crosby Rylant, Cynthia Lexile Levels Reading Level 240 Lexile Code NC 3.1 NP 1 577 Fiction K-2 810 4.6 AD 1 714 Fiction K-2 750 3.9 AD 2 816 Fiction K-2 390 3.1 2 1385 Fiction K-2 300 2.4 1 522 Fiction K-2 2 2 0 Fiction K-2 560 3.2 3 2695 Fiction K-2 430 2.3 2 1277 Fiction K-2 520 2.7 AD 2 1491 Fiction K-2 510 1.8 AD 2 1409 Fiction K-2 520 2.5 2 1012 Fiction K-2 570 3.5 2 1362 Fiction K-2 230 2.3 2 905 Fiction K-2 1 129 Fiction K-2 1.8 NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q25208 Q01936 Q16107 Q20932 Q27884 Q21308 Title Author Name Minarik, Else Cat And Dog Holmelund Bogacki, Cat And Mouse Tomek Bogacki, Cat And Mouse In The Rain Tomek Bogacki, Cat And Mouse In The Snow Tomek Cat And Rat: The Legend Of The Chinese Zodiac Young, Ed Cat And The Bird In The Bridwell, Hat, The Norman Q21364 Cat Barked?, The Q54112 Cat Food Mystery, The Q01939 Cat Games Q16734 Cat Goes Fiddle-I-Fee Q29957 Cat Has Four Paws, A Q13093 Cat Heaven Q17770 Cat In A Kayak, A Q29887 Cat In Boots Monks, Lydia Hooks, Gwendolyn Ziefert, Harriet Galdone, Paul Walker, Jake Rylant, Cynthia Coffey, Maria Floyd, Lucy Miller, Sara Swan Q24256 Cat In The Bag Cat In The Hat Comes Back, Q01940 The Seuss, Dr. Q01941 Cat In The Hat, The Seuss, Dr. Manning, Q46662 Cat Nights Jane Schade, Q24519 Cat On Ice Susan Munsinger, Q31241 Cat Sat (Anthology), The Lynn Cameron, Q15784 Cat Sat On The Mat, The Alice Q52179 Cat Secrets Czekaj, Jef Lexile Levels Reading Level 180 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.5 1 206 Fiction K-2 310 1.5 1 280 Fiction K-2 450 1.5 1 280 Fiction K-2 230 1.5 AD 1 335 Fiction K-2 430 3.2 AD 2 950 Fiction K-2 30 1.5 1 373 Fiction K-2 1 180 Fiction K-2 1.5 Lexile Code NP 460 2.5 1 294 Fiction K-2 90 1.3 1 231 Fiction K-2 1 333 Fiction K-2 1 120 Non-Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 100 1.3 490 3.9 AD 1 295 Fiction K-2 990 120 5.2 1.6 AD 2 1 1440 219 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.5 BR 1 85 Fiction K-2 2 2 1653 1553 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 320 260 1.2 1.2 700 3.3 AD 1 993 Fiction K-2 0 1.6 BR 1 280 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 29 Fiction K-2 300 1.3 1.1 NP AD 1 1 110 208 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 95 Fiction K-2 1 462 Fiction K-2 Q01944 Cat Traps Coxe, Molly 110 1.2 Q28144 Cat Up A Tree Hassett, John And Ann 350 2.1 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q13832 Q01959 Q01960 Q50128 Q16710 Q14629 Title Author Name Coxon, Cat Who Lost His Purr, The Michele Cat Who Wore A Pot On Her Head, The Slepian, Jan Cabrera, Cat's Colors Jane Edwards, Cat's Pajamas, The Wallace Bryan, Cat's Purr, The Ashley Cat's Quizzer: Are You Smarter Than The Cat In The Hat?, The Seuss, Dr. Q36890 Catalina Magdalena Q25116 Catbirds & Dogfish Arnold, Tedd Most, Bernard Most, Bernard Awdry, Rev. W. Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 510 4.1 AD 2 624 Fiction K-2 480 2.9 AD 2 970 Fiction K-2 80 1.5 1 125 Fiction K-2 820 4.4 1 375 Fiction K-2 540 3.1 2 1830 Fiction K-2 AD 1.9 NP 2 920 Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 1 268 Fiction K-2 2 1008 Non-Fiction K-2 840 3.1 60 1.6 AD 1 178 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 198 Fiction K-2 0 0 1.1 1.9 BR BR 1 1 16 68 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 760 3.4 AD 2 1877 Fiction K-2 960 5.5 AD 1 803 Fiction K-2 920 2.5 2 612 Fiction K-2 330 2.4 1 517 Fiction K-2 Q29881 Caterpillar, The Q18298 Caterpillars 180 370 1.4 1.5 1 1 120 54 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Q32145 690 2.7 2 1145 Non-Fiction K-2 630 300 2.5 1.9 IG 2 1 1008 651 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.5 NP 1 146 Fiction K-2 2.9 NP 2 1289 Fiction K-2 2 784 Fiction K-2 Q32922 Catch Me If You Can! Q16431 Catch Me, Catch Me! Q23115 Catch That Cat! Q01966 Catch The Ball! Q37684 Catching The Moon Q41807 Catching The Moon Q01968 Catching The Wind Caterpillar And The Cave, Q30052 The Q45933 Q47572 Q01969 Q27305 Q17797 Meister, Cari Carle, Eric Hubbard, Crystal Goldberg, Myla Ryder, Joanne Lundberg, Linda Brand, Judith Frost, Helen Llewellyn, Caterpillars (Minibeasts) Claire Turnbull, Caterpillars And Butterflies Stephanie Caterpillars On The Move Klein, Abby McBratney, Caterpillow Fight, The Sam Catherine And Laurence Anholt's Big Book Of Anholt, Families Catherine Lesynski, Catmagic Loris 500 5.5 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 740 2.8 AD 2 1683 Non-Fiction K-2 330 2.1 1 98 Non-Fiction K-2 520 2.9 3 2741 Fiction K-2 750 3.2 2 826 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.8 1 492 Fiction K-2 180 1.5 2 686 Fiction K-2 650 2.6 2 704 Non-Fiction K-2 Q20915 Cats Of Mrs. Calamari, The Stadler, John Hayes, Q31334 Cats Of Tiffany Street, The Sarah Farjeon, Q13296 Cats Sleep Anywhere Eleanor Brimner, Q23105 Cats! Larry Dane Newman, Q25381 Cats, Cats, Cats! Leslea Catty Jane Who Hated The Gorbachev, Q57767 Rain Valeri Dubowski, Q01986 Cave Boy Cathy E. Bennett, Q50141 Cave Homes Elizabeth Hayward, Q20160 Cave People Linda 170 2.5 2 794 Fiction K-2 770 2.6 1 459 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q01974 Cats Q42547 Cats Q25319 Cats & Dogs Q22318 Cats (Pets) Q01975 Cats Add Up! Q17527 Cats Are Like That Q28896 Cats Have Kittens Author Name Gibbons, Gail Endres, Hollie Hughes, Francine Miller, Michaela Ochiltree, Dianne Weston, Martha Dolbear, Emily J. 1.1 NP 1 44 Fiction K-2 1.1 NA 1 50 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 485 Fiction K-2 420 1.4 AD 1 437 Fiction K-2 140 1.9 1 296 Fiction K-2 490 2.6 1 301 Non-Fiction K-2 330 2.2 2 916 Non-Fiction K-2 Q27627 Cave, The 110 1.2 1 84 Fiction K-2 Q39770 630 3.4 1 275 Non-Fiction K-2 760 4.9 2 930 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2.5 2 681 Non-Fiction K-2 780 3.9 AD 1 462 Non-Fiction K-2 710 3.9 AD 1 697 Non-Fiction K-2 Q16499 Q27078 Q21584 Q36923 Andrews, Sol Green, Emily Caves (Blastoff! Readers) K. Gibbons, Caves And Caverns Gail HoytGoldsmith, Caves At Lascaux, The Diane Caves: Hidden World (First Jeunesse, Discovery) Gallimard Caves: Mysteries Beneath Harrison, Our Feet David L. AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.1 NP 1 682 Fiction K-2 820 4.4 AD 2 1585 Fiction K-2 620 500 3.1 2.5 2.8 NP AD 2 1 2 900 703 1252 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 540 620 4.7 3.4 AD AD 2 1 1821 445 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 880 4.8 2 1559 Non-Fiction K-2 2 2 0 Non-Fiction K-2 1.8 1 0 Fiction K-2 590 400 2.8 2 3 1 5047 342 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 420 4.3 1 263 Non-Fiction K-2 530 3.1 1 619 Non-Fiction K-2 530 2.1 AD 2 1217 Fiction K-2 650 2.7 AD 1 373 Fiction K-2 680 3.2 AD 2 1766 Fiction K-2 100 1.3 1 70 Fiction K-2 2 999 Fiction K-2 Cazuela That The Farm Q53260 Maiden Stirred, The Q58368 Q27973 Q46164 Q15385 Q13667 Q42338 Q22844 Q01999 Q02000 Q02004 Q36608 Q02006 Q42217 Q48535 Q46562 Q46987 Q14946 Q02014 Q20882 Vamos, Samantha R. Harvey, Cecil The Pet Glacier Matthea Livingston, Celebrations Myra Cohn Celestine, Drama Queen Ives, Penny Cemetery Quilt Ross, Kent Cendrillon: A Caribbean San Souci, Cinderella Robert D. Centipede's 100 Shoes Ross, Tony Peterson, Century Farm Cris Stone, Lynn Cerdos M. Cerdos a montones, cerdos McPhail, a granel David Caudill, Certain Small Shepherd, A Rebecca Cesar Chavez Eddy, Susan Cesar Chavez (Famous Schaefer, Americans) Lola M. Cesar Chavez: A Leader For Change (Easy Reader Charlesworth Biographies) , Eric Cezanne And The Apple Anholt, Boy Laurence Durango, Cha-Cha Chimps Julia Williams, Chair For Always, A Vera B. Cappetta, Chairs, Chairs, Chairs! Cynthia Pomerantz, Chalk Doll, The Charlotte Stefoff, Chameleon (Living Things) Rebecca Lexile Levels 3.3 NP 740 4.1 2 1155 Non-Fiction K-2 180 1.7 1 232 Non-Fiction K-2 Q38420 Chameleon's Colors Cowley, Joy Tashiro, Chisato 620 3.2 1 451 Fiction K-2 Q38131 Chameleon, Chameleon Cowley, Joy 180 1.3 1 232 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.1 1 328 Non-Fiction K-2 Q36816 Chameleon! Chameleons and Other Labella, Q37976 Animals With Amazing Skin Susan AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q02019 Chameleons Are Cool Champ's Story: Dogs Get Q50216 Cancer Too! Q31195 Chan's Gift (Anthology) Q02026 Chang's Paper Pony Change For The Quarter Q27512 (Anthology) Q02037 Chanticleer And The Fox Chanukah (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays - Children's Q39824 Press) Chanukah (Rookie ReadQ32319 About Holidays) Q52376 Chanukah Noel, A Q02038 Chanukkah Guest, The Charlie And Kiwi: An Q53190 Evolutionary Adventure Q02044 Charlie Anderson Charlie Cook's Favorite Q42245 Book Q45702 Charlie Hits It Big Q02046 Charlie Needs A Cloak Charlie Parker Played Be Q25581 Bop Q20146 Charlie The Caterpillar Q53894 Charlie The Ranch Dog Charlotte The Sunflower Q50227 Fairy Q48178 Chasing Degas Chato And The Party Q22029 Animals Q41884 Chato Goes Cruisin' Q02056 Chato y su cena Q02057 Chato's Kitchen Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 810 4.8 NC 2 651 Non-Fiction K-2 North, Sherry Duffy, Mack Coerr, Eleanor 510 320 1.8 1.3 AD 1 1 923 112 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 440 3.8 2 1282 Fiction K-2 Article, Cooney, Barbara 470 2.6 1 338 Non-Fiction K-2 840 3.5 2 1391 Fiction K-2 640 3.6 1 495 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.2 1 342 Non-Fiction K-2 600 2.4 2 1304 Fiction K-2 450 2.5 2 1240 Fiction K-2 480 1.6 2 1696 Fiction K-2 480 1.9 1 530 Fiction K-2 Jenkins, Martin Trueit, Trudi Strain Marx, David F. Jennings, Sharon Kimmel, Eric A. Hall Of Science, New York Abercrombie , Barbara Donaldson, Julia Blumenthal, Deborah dePaola, Tomie Raschka, Chris AD AD AD 2.2 NP 1 856 Fiction K-2 580 3 AD 1 817 Fiction K-2 500 1.9 AD 1 147 Fiction K-2 140 1.7 AD 1 77 Non-Fiction K-2 DeLuise, Dom Drummond, Ree Meadows, Daisy Montanari, Eva 280 4.5 AD 2 1002 Fiction K-2 440 1.5 AD 1 654 Fiction K-2 800 5.3 NC 4 4197 Fiction K-2 640 2.7 AD 2 1210 Fiction K-2 Soto, Gary Soto, Gary Soto, Gary Soto, Gary 440 530 740 740 3.2 3.1 2 4.5 AD AD 2 1 2 2 1086 1171 0 1101 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Chavela And The Magic Q49636 Bubble Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 860 4.6 AD 2 1006 Fiction K-2 280 1.6 2 2170 Fiction K-2 860 3.5 2 515 Non-Fiction K-2 Q02059 Cheap Skates Check It Out! The Book Q02062 About Libraries Brown, Monica Shea, George Gibbons, Gail Q53307 Cheerleading Cheerleading Really Is A Q52709 Sport Green, Sara Gassman, Julie A. 730 3.5 1 517 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.6 2 1850 Fiction K-2 Q38899 Cheese, Please! Scott, Janine Palatini, Margie BorgertSpaniol, Megan 710 3.9 3 576 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.4 1 1069 Fiction K-2 420 2.4 1 128 Non-Fiction K-2 Duvall, Jill D. 630 3.6 1 244 Non-Fiction K-2 Bullard, Lisa Williams, Vera B. Reiser, Lynn Meadows, Daisy 490 2.6 1 557 Fiction K-2 610 280 3.9 1.7 AD 2 1 1826 170 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 720 3.4 NC 3 4497 Fiction K-2 Bond, Ruskin Bennett, Kelly Hoff, Syd Edwards, Patricia Kier 590 4.6 AD 2 874 Fiction K-2 430 170 2.3 2.1 1 2 395 679 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Penn, Audrey Q26091 Chewy Louie Penn, Audrey Singer, Marilyn Henkes, Kevin Schneider, Howie Chicago And The Cat: The Q20173 Family Reunion Koontz, Robin Michal Q41221 Cheese, The Q56627 Cheetahs Q02066 Chef Ki Is Serving Dinner! Chelsea's Chinese New Q58034 Year Q02074 Cherries And Cherry Pits Q26689 Cherry Pies And Lullabies Q50740 Cherry The Cake Fairy Q02075 Cherry Tree Q39232 Chesapeake Bay Q02077 Chester Chester And Uncle Q02079 Willoughby Chester Raccoon And The Q49524 Acorn Full Of Memories Chester Raccoon And The Q46665 Big Bad Bully Chester The Out Of Work Q02082 Dog Q02084 Chester's Way AD AD 2.1 NA 2 1200 Fiction K-2 790 4.2 AD 2 1189 Fiction K-2 810 4.3 AD 2 1064 Fiction K-2 500 4.5 2 892 Fiction K-2 570 3.1 2 982 Fiction K-2 160 2.1 1 491 Fiction K-2 100 2.2 2 957 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Points Words Type Interest Level Ginsburg, Q02090 Chick And The Duckling, The Mirra 60 1.3 1 99 Fiction K-2 Q37987 Chick Grows Up, A 420 1.8 1 211 Non-Fiction K-2 Q52142 580 3.3 1 509 Non-Fiction K-2 20 1.5 1 170 Fiction K-2 530 1.9 1 280 Fiction K-2 570 2.3 AD 1 760 Fiction K-2 300 2.6 AD 2 790 Fiction K-2 280 1.1 AD 1 493 Fiction K-2 Scott, Janine Kellogg, Steven Emberley, Rebecca 590 3 1 533 Fiction K-2 690 2.9 2 642 Fiction K-2 500 1.7 1 475 Fiction K-2 Q42895 Chicken Of The Family, The Amato, Mary 380 2.3 1 974 Fiction K-2 Q02096 Chicken Or The Egg?, The Chicken Pedro And The Q15525 Falling Sky Fowler, Allan Ada, Alma Flor Grant, Judyann Ackerman Numeroff, Laura Sendak, Maurice Gordon, Sharon SaundersSmith, Gail 620 2.4 AD 1 355 Non-Fiction K-2 2.5 NA 1 595 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q32512 Q02091 Q50130 Q26120 Q47870 Title Author Name Zollman, Pam Bennett, Chick Life Cycle Elizabeth Chick That Wouldn't Hatch, Daniel, The Claire Martin Jr., Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Bill Graves, Chicken Big Keith Martin Jr., Chicken Chuck Bill Sauer, Chicken Dance Tammi Q38923 Chicken House, The Q02095 Chicken Little Q46310 Chicken Little Q45757 Chicken Said, "Cluck!" Q02097 Chicken Sisters, The Q02100 Chicken Soup With Rice Chickenpox (Rookie ReadQ32355 About Health) Q02103 Chickens Q02104 Chickens Q42464 Chickens Q46269 Chickens Chickens Aren't The Only Q02105 Ones Lexile Code AD AD 70 1.1 1 130 Fiction K-2 560 3.5 2 676 Fiction K-2 1 370 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 300 1.7 1 233 Non-Fiction K-2 180 1.1 1 24 Non-Fiction K-2 Brady, Peter Green, Emily K. Nelson, Robin 660 1.5 1 317 Non-Fiction K-2 390 2.3 1 99 Non-Fiction K-2 390 2.3 1 238 Non-Fiction K-2 Heller, Ruth 620 3.6 1 393 Non-Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Chickens May Not Cross The Road And Other Crazy Q38320 (But True) Laws Linz, Kathi 820 Q32551 Chickens On The Move Quiz # Title Q36419 Chickerella Q20708 Chickie Riddles Q33591 Chicks & Chickens Q38422 Chicks And Salsa Q51026 Chicks Run Wild Chief's Daughter And The Q27385 Hunting Dog, The Q49154 Chihuahuas Are The Best! Author Name Pollack, Pam Auch, Mary Jane Hall, Katy Gibbons, Gail Reynolds, Aaron BardhanQuallen, Sudipta Wallace, Peter Landau, Elaine Child Of The Civil Rights Q48417 Movement Child Was Born: A First Q22481 Nativity Book, A Shelton, Paula Young Maccarone, Grace Dearborn, Q18576 Child's Book Of Blessings, A Sabrina Words Type 5.4 2 1325 Non-Fiction K-2 270 2.3 2 892 Fiction K-2 700 140 3.4 1.5 2 2 1002 562 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 570 2.8 2 1404 Non-Fiction K-2 1010 4.4 AD 1 502 Fiction K-2 350 1.2 AD 1 366 Fiction K-2 2.2 NP 2 791 Fiction K-2 2 1402 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1775 Non-Fiction K-2 1 151 Non-Fiction K-2 3.5 960 6.5 370 2.1 Q17570 Child's Calendar, A Q47182 Q25190 Q18311 Q25491 Q22046 Q02128 Q37066 Updike, John Foreman, Child's Garden, A Michael Child's Good Night Prayer, Maccarone, A Grace SaundersChildren Smith, Gail Montanari, Children Around The World Donata Little, Lessie Children Of Long Ago Jones Children Of The Earth And Krensky, Sky Stephen Children Who Smelled A Ahlberg, Rat, The Allan Points Interest Level 630 Q02138 Children's Zoo, A Q24258 Chilly Charlie Hoban, Tana Rau, Dana Meachen 660 Lexile Code AD AD 3.5 NP 2 871 Non-Fiction K-2 3.5 NP 2 726 Fiction K-2 2.8 AD 1 512 Fiction K-2 1.2 NP 1 59 Fiction K-2 1 46 Non-Fiction K-2 90 1.3 280 2.7 AD 2 1431 Non-Fiction K-2 2.5 NA 2 1700 Fiction K-2 670 5.2 AD 3 3354 Fiction K-2 710 2.3 2 2905 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 43 Non-Fiction K-2 1.4 NA 1 43 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Q55167 Chimpanzees 320 Q22319 570 Quiz # Q02141 Q42354 Q02142 Q52284 Q22423 Q18075 Q30970 Title Author Name Zobel, Derek Robinson, Chimpanzees (In The Wild) Claire Numeroff, Chimps Don't Wear Glasses Laura Chin Chiang And The Dragon's Dance Wallace, Ian Chin Yu Min And The Armstrong, Ginger Cat Jennifer Simmons, China Walter China (Visit To) Roop, Peter Waterlow, China (We Come From) Julia China's Bravest Girl: The Legend Of Hua Mu Lan Chin, Charlie Q30670 Chinatown Low, William Chinese Giant Salamander: The World's Biggest Squire, Ann Q40549 Amphibian (SuperSized!) O. Ginsburg, Q16438 Chinese Mirror, The Mirra Chinese Mother Goose Wyndham, Q02151 Rhymes Robert Chinese New Year (Rookie Q32332 Read-About Holidays) Chipmunk At Hollow Tree Q02153 Lane Marx, David F. Sherrow, Victoria Q51633 Chipmunks Chipmunks Do What Q29996 Chipmunks Do Q34874 Chiquero, El Q54611 Chirchir Is Singing Q02154 Chirping Crickets Q50803 Chiru Of High Tibet, The Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 1 109 Non-Fiction K-2 2.8 1 481 Non-Fiction K-2 2.7 NP 1 182 Fiction K-2 820 5.4 NC 2 1647 Fiction K-2 670 5.3 AD 2 2166 Fiction K-2 780 620 4.7 2.8 2 2 1684 615 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 570 3.5 2 1132 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.8 2 754 Fiction K-2 520 2.7 AD 1 440 Fiction K-2 670 3.5 IG 1 475 Non-Fiction K-2 650 3.1 AD 1 547 Fiction K-2 2.9 NP 2 1675 Fiction K-2 1 264 Non-Fiction K-2 2 684 Fiction K-2 400 2.1 830 3.7 Zobel, Derek 420 2.4 1 95 Non-Fiction K-2 Verne, Julie Teague, Mark Cunnane, Kelly Berger, Melvin H. Martin, Jacqueline Briggs 270 1.5 1 138 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.7 AD 1 492 Fiction K-2 760 3.6 AD 1 783 Fiction K-2 590 3.5 2 1230 Non-Fiction K-2 900 5.2 2 1475 Non-Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q16231 Chita's Christmas Tree Chizzywink And The Q22754 Alamagoozlum, The Q57443 Chloe And The Lion Q48402 Chloe The Topaz Fairy Q02156 Choco-Louie Q31759 Chocolate Champs, The Q02157 Chocolate Chippo Hippo Chocolate Moose For Q02160 Dinner, A Chocolate Tree: A Mayan Q44938 Folktale, The Q17260 Chocolatina Chomp!: A Book About Q02166 Sharks Chompy's Afternoon Q29642 (Anthology) Choo Choo: The Story Of The Little Engine Who Ran Q02167 Away Q56178 Choose To Reuse Choosing Eyeglasses With Q14844 Mrs. Koutris Q56937 Chopsticks Q39912 Chowder Christian The Lion (2009 Q49643 Picture Book) Christmas (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays - Children's Q39825 Press) Christmas (Rookie ReadQ32340 About Holidays) Christmas Adventure Of Q31923 Space Elf Sam, The Q02177 Christmas At Long Pond Author Name Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald Johnston, Tony Barnett, Mac Meadows, Daisy Kindley, Jeffery Neuschwand er, Cindy Adriani, Vincent Gwynne, Fred Lowery, Linda Kraft, Erik Berger, Melvin Karas, G. Brian Burton, Virginia Lee Bullard, Lisa Flanagan, Alice K. Rosenthal, Amy Krouse Brown, Peter Bourke, Anthony (Ace) Trueit, Trudi Strain Marx, David F. Wood, Audrey George, William T. Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 440 3.2 AD 2 1132 Fiction K-2 240 2.8 AD 1 494 Fiction K-2 460 1.5 AD 2 1119 Fiction K-2 630 4.5 NC 3 4061 Fiction K-2 590 2.8 1 510 Fiction K-2 230 2.1 2 903 Fiction K-2 800 3.5 AD 1 149 Fiction K-2 630 1.9 AD 1 206 Fiction K-2 490 560 2.6 2.2 2 2 1882 636 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 420 2.2 2 1188 Non-Fiction K-2 240 1.8 1 237 Fiction K-2 530 520 2.7 3.1 2 1 1281 575 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 600 3.8 1 285 Non-Fiction K-2 240 1.1 AD 1 267 Non-Fiction K-2 950 6.4 AD 1 917 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 AD 2 1773 Non-Fiction K-2 750 4.4 1 493 Non-Fiction K-2 650 2.4 1 274 Non-Fiction K-2 530 2.9 2 1544 Fiction K-2 550 3.5 2 743 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q25976 Christmas At Mud Flat Q02178 Christmas Blizzard, The Q02180 Christmas Cats Author Name Stevenson, James Ketteman, Helen Marzollo, Jean Sneve, Virginia Q55173 Christmas Coat, The Driving Hawk Barbo, Q34514 Christmas Cookie Case, The Maria S. Becker, Q26641 Christmas Crocodile, The Bonny Fontes, Justine Q22482 Christmas Cub, The Korman Christmas Day In The Buck, Pearl Q45650 Morning S. Vlahakis, Q40057 Christmas Eve Blizzard Andrea Thompson, Q33901 Christmas Gift For Mama, A Lauren Jimenez, Q22931 Christmas Gift, The Francisco Yorinks, Q02181 Christmas In July Arthur Lindgren, Q20147 Christmas In Noisy Village Astrid Q26468 Christmas Is... Q02185 Christmas Kitten Christmas Kitten: Home At Q49771 Last Q13825 Christmas Knight, The Reading Level 330 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.6 2 2129 Fiction K-2 670 3.7 2 1108 Fiction K-2 430 1.3 AD 1 102 Fiction K-2 740 3.5 AD 2 1631 Fiction K-2 1.3 BR 1 40 Fiction K-2 390 3.5 2 1148 Fiction K-2 170 2.1 1 571 Fiction K-2 880 4.7 2 1513 Fiction K-2 610 3.3 1 784 Fiction K-2 570 3.6 3 4330 Fiction K-2 720 3.8 2 1144 Fiction K-2 280 5.4 2 570 Fiction K-2 600 2.9 2 1123 Fiction K-2 900 2.9 AD 1 556 Fiction K-2 630 2.9 AD 2 685 Fiction K-2 520 2.7 AD 1 629 Fiction K-2 Bowen, Anne Gibbons, Gail Packard, Mary 970 5.8 AD 1 784 Fiction K-2 380 2.6 1 526 Non-Fiction K-2 Pulver, Robin Curry, Jane Louise 460 Wilder, Q02183 Christmas In The Big Woods Laura Ingalls Rylant, Q30875 Christmas In The Country Cynthia McCutcheon, Q40371 Christmas In The Trenches John Q41421 Christmas Is Coming Lexile Levels AD AD 1.2 BR 1 63 Fiction K-2 1.5 AD 1 824 Fiction K-2 4.5 NA 1 325 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q26535 Christmas Lights Q47343 Christmas Magic, The Christmas Miracle Of Q02187 Jonathan Toomey, The Q13822 Christmas Mouse Q39356 Christmas Mouseling Q27593 Christmas Penguin, The Q25538 Christmas Promise, The Q53760 Christmas Pups, The Christmas Santa Almost Q16445 Missed, The Q25818 Christmas Ship, The Christmas Spirit Strikes Q13256 Rotten Ralph, The Q02191 Christmas Story, A Q20704 Christmas Surprise Q13259 Christmas Time Q39327 Christmas Tree Farm Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 2 711 Fiction K-2 AD 1 494 Fiction K-2 5.9 AD 2 2836 Fiction K-2 570 3.2 AD 2 1200 Fiction K-2 520 2.6 AD 1 722 Fiction K-2 330 1.7 1 315 Fiction K-2 470 2.9 AD 2 872 Fiction K-2 440 1.5 AD 2 1039 Fiction K-2 80 1.6 1 158 Fiction K-2 320 2.8 AD 2 1245 Fiction K-2 Gantos, Jack Wildsmith, Brian Gordon, Sharon Gibbons, Gail 490 4.5 AD 1 688 Fiction K-2 610 2.1 1 396 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 145 Fiction K-2 520 4.1 AD 1 467 Non-Fiction K-2 Purmell, Ann Dunrea, Olivier 780 4.5 AD 1 680 Fiction K-2 700 3.3 AD 2 1785 Fiction K-2 240 440 3.9 1.9 AD 2 2 1153 965 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 610 2.8 2 1142 Fiction K-2 700 5.5 AD 2 1673 Fiction K-2 440 4.2 AD 2 1170 Fiction K-2 370 3.6 2 1037 Non-Fiction K-2 480 1.9 1 216 Non-Fiction K-2 Hutchings, Amy Thompson, Lauren Wojciechows ki, Susan French, Vivian Chaconas, Dori Packard, Mary Bartoletti, Susan Bateman, Teresa Frances, Marian Morrissey, Dean Q55736 Christmas Tree For Pyn, A Christmas Tree In The White Q20089 House, A Hines, Gary Q26469 Christmas Trolls Brett, Jan Oppenheim, Q02192 Christmas Witch, The Joanne F. Kellogg, Q13713 Christmas Witch, The Steven Christopher Changes His Q17774 Name Sadu, Itah Krensky, Q02194 Christopher Columbus Stephen McCormick, Q37992 Christopher Columbus Lisa Wade Lexile Levels Reading Level 520 2.6 760 3.6 820 Lexile Code SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Christopher Columbus Q33058 (Rookie Biographies) Christopher Reeve (Real Q28851 People) Q02196 Q02197 Q02201 Q15800 Q20251 Q42481 Q50551 Wade, Mary Dodson Abraham, Philip dePaola, Christopher The Holy Giant Tomie Christopher, Please Clean Up Your Room! Sadu, Itah Henkes, Chrysanthemum Kevin Chubbo's Pool Lewin, Betsy Chugga-Chugga ChooChoo Lewis, Kevin Sexton, Cicadas Colleen Cicadas! Strange And Pringle, Wonderful Laurence Q33031 Cinco de Mayo Q48806 Cinco De Mouse-O! Q02207 cinco hermanos chinos, Los Wade, Mary Dodson Cox, Judy Bishop, Claire Huchet Rohmann, Eric Q24506 Cinder-Eyed Cats, The Cinderdog And The Wicked Q24436 Stepcat Holub, Joan Brown, Q02210 Cinderella Marcia Perrault, Q20145 Cinderella Charles Q28616 Cinderella (Anthology 2) Coen, Fabio Q27550 Cinderella (Anthology) Article, Craft, Kinuko Q27918 Cinderella (Craft) Y. Hillert, Q02211 Cinderella At The Ball Margaret Q02212 Cinderella Bigfoot Q02213 Cinderella Penguin Q25622 Cinderella Skeleton Cinderella The Dog And Q21913 Her Little Glass Slipper Thaler, Mike Perlman, Janet San Souci, Robert D. Goode, Diane Lexile Levels Reading Level 360 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 1 383 Non-Fiction K-2 170 1.6 1 94 Non-Fiction K-2 680 2.9 AD 2 851 Fiction K-2 500 3.5 AD 2 1128 Fiction K-2 460 690 2.4 3.5 AD 2 1 1124 355 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 130 1.8 AD 1 151 Fiction K-2 470 2.5 1 188 Non-Fiction K-2 950 6.4 AD 2 2873 Non-Fiction K-2 260 790 1.8 3.2 AD 1 1 345 572 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 650 3.6 2 0 Fiction K-2 2.9 NP 1 161 Fiction K-2 410 2.8 AD 2 892 Fiction K-2 840 4.1 AD 2 2215 Fiction K-2 840 610 3.9 2.9 4.3 AD 2 1 1 1610 538 1464 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 2 2093 Fiction K-2 1 268 Fiction K-2 NA 840 3.9 0 1.3 570 4.5 2 793 Fiction K-2 680 4.6 2 1160 Fiction K-2 540 BR 4.2 NP 2 1145 Fiction K-2 3.4 AD 2 1136 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q33814 Cinderella's Dress Q02214 Cinderella's Rat Q02215 Cinderhazel Q02216 Cinderquacker Cindy Ellen: A Wild Q21864 Western Cinderella Q29894 Cindy's Cellar Q53668 Cinnamon Baby Q23113 Circle City Q27902 Circle Dogs Q25564 Circle Of Thanks Q23160 Circles Q18413 Circular Movement Circulatory System, The Q46004 (Blastoff! Reader) Q02231 Circus Q27906 Circus (Ehlert) Q34198 Circus Caps For Sale Q53232 Circus Day In Japan Q27648 Circus Family Dog Q02232 Circus Fun Q26322 Circus Girl Q19801 Circus Shapes Q48427 Circus Ship, The Q23102 City Birds Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.9 NP 2 1442 Fiction K-2 Willard, Nancy Meddaugh, Susan Lattimore, Deborah Nourse 420 2.6 1 575 Fiction K-2 550 2.5 2 1230 Fiction K-2 Thaler, Mike 240 2.5 1 314 Fiction K-2 Lowell, Susan Kleinhenz, Sydnie Meltzer Winstanley, Nicola Rau, Dana Meachen Henkes, Kevin Fowler, Susi Gregg Kottke, Jan Schaefer, Lola M. 650 3.6 2 1898 Fiction K-2 280 1.7 1 169 Fiction K-2 930 4.6 AD 1 891 Fiction K-2 1.4 NA 1 57 Fiction K-2 30 1.8 AD 1 403 Fiction K-2 470 3.1 1.7 NA 2 1 1282 150 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 280 1.6 1 45 Non-Fiction K-2 Manolis, Kay Prelutsky, Jack Ehlert, Lois Slobodkina, Esphyr Coerr, Eleanor Clements, Andrew Hillert, Margaret Bogacki, Tomek Murphy, Stuart J. Van Dusen, Chris MacLeod, Heather 690 4.3 1 537 Non-Fiction K-2 430 3.1 2.5 2 1 1679 294 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 610 3.4 2 1431 Fiction K-2 760 3.6 2 1687 Fiction K-2 460 2.7 1 639 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 300 Fiction K-2 460 2.9 AD 2 972 Fiction K-2 140 1.7 1 153 Fiction K-2 660 2.8 AD 1 799 Fiction K-2 1.7 NA 1 113 Non-Fiction K-2 NP AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 0 1.4 BR 1 147 Fiction K-2 Q31296 City Cats, Country Cats Hazen, Barbara Shook Q25272 City Dog Kuskin, Karla 580 2.1 AD 1 150 Fiction K-2 Q49762 City Dog, Country Frog Willems, Mo Hillert, Margaret DiSalvoRyan, DyAnne McCarthy, Meghan 490 1.6 AD 1 323 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 318 Fiction K-2 480 3.1 AD 2 1381 Fiction K-2 880 4.7 AD 1 574 Non-Fiction K-2 Cicero, Anna Moriarty, Julie 600 2.7 2 673 Non-Fiction K-2 Q02236 City Fun Q02237 City Green City Hawk: The Story Of Q47209 Pale Male Q27137 City Horse, A Q35038 City Life And Country Life City Mouse-Country Mouse And Two More Mouse Tales Wallner, Q02239 From Aesop John Stamper, Q33390 City Never Sleeps, The Judith Bauer Wallace, Q24156 City Pig Karen Isadora, Q25076 City Seen From A To Z Rachel Marzollo, Q02242 City Sounds Jean Q16661 City, A Roop, Peter Rotner, Q13230 Citybook Shelley ciudades a través del Macdonald, Q02246 tiempo, Las Fiona Dorros, Q02247 Ciudades de hormigas Arthur CoccaLeffler, Q23810 Clams All Year Maryann Clancy The Courageous Q40820 Cow Hume, Lachie Cauley, Lorinda Q02254 Clap Your Hands Bryan Levinson, Q02255 Clara And The Bookwagon Nancy Smiler 1.4 BR 1 66 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.1 AD 1 495 Fiction K-2 270 2.3 2 817 Fiction K-2 300 2.5 AD 1 402 Fiction K-2 1.4 NP 1 31 Fiction K-2 1.8 5.5 AD AD 1 2 142 764 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 1.7 NA 1 55 Non-Fiction K-2 2 BR 1 Non-Fiction K-2 3.2 NA 2 1082 Non-Fiction K-2 1 521 Fiction K-2 340 670 690 2.1 650 3.6 AD 1 554 Fiction K-2 410 1.6 AD 1 209 Fiction K-2 290 3.1 2 1513 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q23584 Clara Ann Cookie Clara Barton (Rookie Q32380 Biographies) Author Name Ziefert, Harriet Q53622 Q31389 Q34081 Q14973 Q02261 Words Type 1.8 NP 1 211 Fiction K-2 1 330 Non-Fiction K-2 2.4 AD 1 609 Fiction K-2 300 2.3 AD 1 616 Fiction K-2 380 1.9 3 1066 Fiction K-2 Child, Lauren 550 3.4 AD 2 1065 Fiction K-2 Child, Lauren dePaola, clase de dibujo, La Tomie Vegas, Class 2-Much Makes Money Nadia Karas, G. Class Artist, The Brian Munsch, Class Clown Robert Class From The Black Lagoon, The Thaler, Mike Class Pet From The Black Lagoon, The Thaler, Mike Buckless, Class Picture Day Andrea Class Play With Ms. Vanilla, A Ehrlich, Fred 490 3.5 AD 2 1078 Fiction K-2 4 2 0 Non-Fiction K-2 390 2.4 2 699 Fiction K-2 200 2.5 AD 2 808 Fiction K-2 640 2.7 AD 1 635 Fiction K-2 480 2.6 1 501 Fiction K-2 60 2.1 1 254 Fiction K-2 370 1.9 1 204 Fiction K-2 330 1.6 1 231 Fiction K-2 Jarman, Julia Maccarone, Grace 610 3.4 1 432 Fiction K-2 160 1.3 1 216 Fiction K-2 Jarman, Julia The Real Mother Goose, Maccarone, Grace Connolly, Sean 650 3.5 AD 1 374 Fiction K-2 2.4 NP 1 293 Fiction K-2 Adams, Jean Ekman Lakin, Patricia Q20202 Clarice Bean, That's Me Q26071 Points Interest Level 660 Q34586 Clarence The Copy Cat Clarice Bean Guess Who's Q24435 Babysitting? Q27079 Lexile Code 2.1 Clarence Goes Out West Q21845 And Meets A Purple Horse Mara, Wil Edwards, Pamela Duncan Reading Level 320 Q36823 Clara Caterpillar Q02257 Lexile Levels Q44979 Class Three At Sea Q18267 Class Trip, The Q41422 Class Two At The Zoo Q37823 Classic Color Rhymes Q02265 Classroom Pet, The Claude Monet (Life And Q22396 Work Of) AD 310 1.3 1 168 Fiction K-2 530 2.9 2 715 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Claude Monet: The Painter Q51307 Who Stopped The Trains Maltbie, P.I. Chanko, Q28964 Clay Art With Gloria Elliott Pamela Ginsburg, Q26050 Clay Boy Mirra Q02291 Clean House Haas, Jessie Clean House For Mole And Ziefert, Q02292 Mouse Harriet Q31188 Clean Room, A (Anthology) Demas, Gary Clean Team, The Walker, Q31160 (Anthology) Anne Fontes, Justine Q40876 Clean Up, Grumpy Bunny! Korman Clean Your Room, Harvey Cummings, Q31407 Moon! Pat MacDonald, Q48981 Cleaner Genie Alan Loomis, Q31331 Cleanup Surprise, The Christine Blackaby, Q29173 Cleanup, The Susan Perdomo, Q49758 Clemente! Willie Cleveland Lee's Beale Q02299 Street Band Flowers, Art Willey, Q26536 Clever Beatrice Margaret Clever Beatrice And The Willey, Q35529 Best Little Pony Margaret Collington, Q22302 Clever Cat Peter Clever Jack Takes The Fleming, Q50371 Cake Candace Hoffman, Q18134 Clever Katya Mary Nelson, Q35674 Clever Raccoons Kristin L. Clever Tom And The Q26642 Leprechaun Shute, Linda Clever Turtle: A Hispanic Q27566 Folk Tale (Anthology), The Lippert, Margaret H. Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 860 4.6 AD 2 1680 Non-Fiction K-2 20 1.5 1 62 Non-Fiction K-2 320 430 2.2 2.8 1 2 521 3018 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 170 1.3 1 201 Fiction K-2 380 1.4 1 129 Fiction K-2 280 1.8 1 282 Fiction K-2 490 2.6 1 543 Fiction K-2 1 431 Fiction K-2 2 2022 Fiction K-2 1 340 Fiction K-2 1 88 Fiction K-2 2.8 440 NP 2.5 1.9 170 AD NP 1.7 3.2 NP 1 945 Fiction K-2 730 3.2 AD 2 709 Fiction K-2 470 2.7 2 1564 Fiction K-2 750 4.3 AD 2 1986 Fiction K-2 190 2.7 AD 2 814 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 AD 2 1365 Fiction K-2 750 4.2 AD 2 1164 Fiction K-2 410 1.7 1 388 Non-Fiction K-2 630 3.3 AD 2 788 Fiction K-2 2.8 NA 1 548 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q21865 Cleversticks Clic, Clac, Muu: Vacas Q34879 Escritoras Click!: A Book About Cameras And Taking Q24718 Pictures Click, Clack, Moo: Cows Q21494 That Type Click, Clack, QuackityQ38242 Quack Q26507 Clickety Clack Clifford And The Big Ice Q27841 Cream Mess Clifford And The Big Q02302 Parade Author Name Ashley, Bernard Cronin, Doreen Gibbons, Gail Cronin, Doreen Cronin, Doreen Spence, Rob & Amy Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Clifford And The Big Bridwell, Q51214 Parade (Scholastic Reader) Norman Bridwell, Q02303 Clifford And The Big Storm Norman Bridwell, Q52251 Clifford And The Dinosaurs Norman Clifford And The Grouchy Bridwell, Q02304 Neighbors Norman Clifford And The Halloween Bridwell, Q21610 Parade Norman Bridwell, Q02305 Clifford At The Circus Norman Blevins, Q35079 Clifford Can Wiley Bridwell, Q32640 Clifford Digs A Dinosaur Norman Bridwell, Q02306 Clifford el gran perro Norman Figueroa, Q38377 Clifford For President Acton Bridwell, Q02307 Clifford Gets A Job Norman Clifford Goes To Dog Bridwell, Q27763 School Norman Clifford Goes To Bridwell, Q02308 Hollywood Norman Clifford Goes To The Bridwell, Q51712 Doctor Norman Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 370 3.5 AD 2 651 Fiction K-2 240 1.4 AD 1 418 Fiction K-2 700 3.6 2 775 Non-Fiction K-2 160 1.3 AD 1 377 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 58 Fiction K-2 2.3 NP 1 311 Fiction K-2 340 2.1 1 478 Fiction K-2 480 2.7 1 513 Fiction K-2 160 1.3 1 222 Fiction K-2 350 2.1 1 400 Fiction K-2 250 1.7 1 266 Fiction K-2 350 1.9 1 349 Fiction K-2 50 1.2 1 97 Fiction K-2 300 1.9 1 446 Fiction K-2 1.3 BR 1 54 Fiction K-2 200 2.1 AD 1 426 Fiction K-2 140 1.9 1 233 Fiction K-2 540 2.6 1 500 Fiction K-2 280 1.9 1 392 Fiction K-2 200 2.1 1 362 Fiction K-2 370 1.5 1 354 Fiction K-2 340 2.2 1 250 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Clifford Goes to Q37790 Washington Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Q15207 Clifford Grows Up Norman Bridwell, Q02309 Clifford Keeps Cool Norman Feldman, Q37794 Clifford Loves Me! Thea Bridwell, Q02310 Clifford Makes A Friend Norman Bridwell, Q54280 Clifford Sees America Norman Bridwell, Q02311 Clifford Takes A Trip Norman Bridwell, Q02343 Clifford The Big Red Dog Norman Bridwell, Q48105 Clifford The Champion Norman Bridwell, Q02344 Clifford The Firehouse Dog Norman Bridwell, Q21124 Clifford To The Rescue Norman Bridwell, Q02313 Clifford va de viaje Norman Bridwell, Q21588 Clifford Visits The Hospital Norman Clifford y el día de la Bridwell, Q02315 pascua Norman Bridwell, Q02316 Clifford y el gran desfile Norman Clifford y la limpieza de Bridwell, Q02317 primavera Norman Bridwell, Q02318 Clifford y la tormenta Norman Bridwell, Q20944 Clifford's Animal Sounds Norman Bridwell, Q02319 Clifford's Bathtime Norman Bridwell, Q20946 Clifford's Bedtime Norman Bridwell, Q53271 Clifford's Best Friend Norman Clifford's Best Friend: A Bridwell, Q22994 Story About Emily Elizabeth Norman Bridwell, Q48593 Clifford's Best Pals Norman Lexile Levels Reading Level 490 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 1 490 Fiction K-2 410 2.1 1 318 Fiction K-2 300 2.6 1 330 Fiction K-2 610 2.7 1 304 Fiction K-2 0 1.6 BR 1 92 Fiction K-2 220 1.8 AD 1 283 Fiction K-2 410 1.9 1 393 Fiction K-2 220 1.9 1 232 Fiction K-2 350 2.2 1 290 Fiction K-2 420 2.1 1 318 Fiction K-2 170 1.3 1 249 Fiction K-2 460 2.3 1 413 Fiction K-2 250 1.9 1 435 Fiction K-2 510 1.6 1 357 Fiction K-2 320 1.2 1 425 Fiction K-2 310 2.1 1 311 Fiction K-2 380 2.2 1 447 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 61 Fiction K-2 220 2.1 AD 1 75 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 51 Fiction K-2 180 1.5 1 176 Fiction K-2 250 1.9 1 283 Fiction K-2 300 1.8 1 270 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q02320 Clifford's Birthday Party Q29469 Clifford's Busy Week Q02321 Clifford's Christmas Q33762 Clifford's Class Trip Q33153 Clifford's Day With Dad Q02322 Clifford's Family Q53270 Clifford's Field Day Q02323 Clifford's First Autumn Q02324 Clifford's First Christmas Q02325 Clifford's First Halloween Q14964 Clifford's First School Day Q37791 Clifford's First Sleepover Clifford's First Sleepover Q53728 (Scholastic Reader) Q02326 Clifford's First Snow Day Clifford's First Valentine's Q02327 Day Q02328 Clifford's Good Deeds Q02329 Clifford's Halloween Q02330 Clifford's Happy Easter Clifford's Happy Mother's Q24162 Day Q25526 Clifford's Hiccups Q02331 Clifford's Kitten Q27588 Clifford's Loose Tooth Q02332 Clifford's Manners Author Name Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Lexile Levels Reading Level 450 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.7 1 422 Fiction K-2 160 1.9 1 368 Fiction K-2 380 1.7 1 330 Fiction K-2 170 1.9 1 346 Fiction K-2 290 2.2 1 409 Fiction K-2 450 1.5 1 347 Fiction K-2 250 1.9 1 205 Fiction K-2 310 2.2 1 319 Fiction K-2 400 1.7 1 294 Fiction K-2 500 1.9 1 277 Fiction K-2 440 2.1 1 364 Fiction K-2 450 1.9 1 333 Fiction K-2 300 1.8 1 238 Fiction K-2 270 2.5 1 347 Fiction K-2 490 2.8 1 366 Fiction K-2 410 1.2 1 510 Fiction K-2 370 1.8 1 309 Fiction K-2 430 2.8 1 335 Fiction K-2 220 1.9 1 358 Fiction K-2 230 2.2 1 281 Fiction K-2 410 1.5 1 336 Fiction K-2 150 2.1 1 312 Fiction K-2 300 1.9 1 382 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Q02348 Climbing Kansas Mountains Climbing Orangutans (Pull Q41491 Ahead Books) Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Shannon, George Knudsen, Shannon Q16620 Climbing Tree Frogs Berman, Ruth Q02333 Clifford's Pals Q02334 Clifford's Peekaboo Q02335 Clifford's Puppy Days Q02336 Clifford's Riddles Q30738 Clifford's Scary Halloween Q02337 Clifford's Sports Day Q02338 Clifford's Spring Clean-Up Q02339 Clifford's Thanksgiving Visit Q02340 Clifford's Tricks Q22983 Clifford's Valentines Q02341 Clifford's Word Book Q02342 Clifford, el perro bombero Clifford, The Small Red Q02312 Puppy Q02314 Clifford, We Love You Q35679 Clinging Sea Horses Q02350 Clipper Ship Q24388 Cloak For The Moon, A Q50258 Clock Struck One, The Q02352 Clocks And More Clocks Q41540 Clorinda Takes Flight Q32756 Close Your Eyes JangoCohen, Judith Lewis, Thomas P. Kimmel, Eric A. Harris, Trudy Hutchins, Pat Kinerk, Robert Banks, Kate Lexile Levels Reading Level 480 1.9 0 2.1 480 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 441 Fiction K-2 1 43 Fiction K-2 1.8 1 307 Fiction K-2 290 1.5 1 243 Fiction K-2 160 1.8 1 514 Fiction K-2 360 2.2 1 261 Fiction K-2 500 2.2 1 376 Fiction K-2 350 1.8 1 436 Fiction K-2 440 1.5 1 371 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 1 96 Fiction K-2 290 1.6 1 564 Fiction K-2 470 2.1 1 319 Fiction K-2 330 1.5 1 499 Fiction K-2 120 1.7 1 315 Fiction K-2 740 3.5 1 561 Fiction K-2 430 2.5 1 317 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.7 1 402 Non-Fiction K-2 380 1.9 1 346 Non-Fiction K-2 420 3.4 2 1636 Fiction K-2 420 3.3 2 1382 Fiction K-2 640 440 3.7 1.9 1 1 285 364 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 730 280 3.6 2.1 2 1 1170 326 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 BR BR AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q35753 Q28866 Q02358 Q23971 Q15791 Q18721 Title Author Name McKissack, clóset de Bessey, El... Fredrick Thomas, Clothes In Colonial America Mark dePaola, Cloud Book, The Tomie Locker, Cloud Dance Thomas Rumford, Cloudmakers, The James SaundersClouds Smith, Gail Q36827 Clouds Q39771 Clouds (Blastoff! Readers) Q33268 Cloudy Day Sunny Day Q23162 Cloudy Days Q42476 Clown Fish Bauer, Marion Dane Herriges, Ann Crews, Donald Burke, Jennifer S. Sexton, Colleen Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.4 BR 1 109 Fiction K-2 300 1.5 1 108 Non-Fiction K-2 680 3.5 2 642 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.6 AD 1 126 Fiction K-2 710 4.8 AD 2 1115 Fiction K-2 410 1.5 1 249 Non-Fiction K-2 240 1.7 1 168 Non-Fiction K-2 550 2.9 1 286 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 107 Fiction K-2 1.6 NA 1 164 Non-Fiction K-2 1 199 Non-Fiction K-2 1 185 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.4 640 2.7 600 3.1 2 1401 Fiction K-2 Q29692 Clubhouse (Anthology), The Phillips, Anne Betancourt, Q53133 Clue In The Clubhouse, The Jeanne Clues From Boots Mendosa, Q31190 (Anthology) Tina Galloway, Q37780 Clumsy Crab Ruth Crowe, Q28499 Clyde Monster (Anthology) Robert L. Coach John And His Soccer Flanagan, Q14796 Team Alice K. Anderson, Q43072 Coasts Sheila 290 2.3 1 290 Fiction K-2 410 2.2 2 1499 Fiction K-2 240 1.4 1 118 Fiction K-2 680 3.2 1 349 Fiction K-2 440 2.2 1 440 Fiction K-2 570 3.4 1 441 Non-Fiction K-2 550 3.2 NC 1 273 Non-Fiction K-2 Q02372 Coat Of Many Colors 1040 2.5 AD 1 365 Fiction K-2 270 2.2 1 334 Fiction K-2 Clown Fish And Sea Q53854 Anemones Work Together Q02363 Clown Of God, The Q02374 cocina de noche, La Rustad, Martha E.H. dePaola, Tomie Parton, Dolly Sendak, Maurice NC AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q58418 Q37792 Q39772 Q02376 Q49845 Q02379 Q43336 Q18421 Q23164 Q22949 Q23687 Q34556 Q36699 Q18095 Q15421 Q24569 Q23535 Q02394 Title Author Name Tricarico, Cock-A-Doodle Dance! Christine DallasCock-A-Moo-Moo Conte, Juliet Cockroaches (Blastoff! Green, Emily Readers) K. Coco Can't Wait Gomi, Taro Code Breakers Powell, J. Lewis, Bill Code King, The Dallas Czech, Jan Coffee Can Kid, The M. Schaefer, Cold Day, A Lola M. Burke, Cold Days Jennifer S. DeFelice, Cold Feet Cynthia Peters, Lisa Cold Little Duck, Duck, Duck Westberg Colin Powell Hill, Mary Colin Powell Mara, Wil Dobkin, Collecting Bonnie Ballinger, Collections Margaret Colliding With Chris Harder, Dan Fox, Mary Colombia (Visit To) Virginia Rossetti, Color Christina Q44666 Color (Blastoff! Readers) Q50870 Color Chaos! Q02395 Color Dance Q26092 Color Kittens, The Q02398 Color Of His Own, A Q33662 Color Of Home, The Colorado (Rookie ReadQ34669 About Geography) Manolis, Kay Reed, Lynne Rowe Jonas, Ann Brown, Margaret Wise Lionni, Leo Hoffman, Mary Walker, Cynthia Colorado River, The (Rookie Bryan, DaleQ39234 Read-About Geography) Marie Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 790 4.2 AD 1 526 Fiction K-2 290 1.5 1 159 Fiction K-2 340 400 380 1.7 2.1 2.3 1 1 2 158 119 1561 Non-Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 390 2.5 1 541 Fiction K-2 470 2.5 2 1150 Fiction K-2 380 2.2 1 71 Non-Fiction K-2 AD AD 1.6 NA 1 170 Non-Fiction K-2 640 3.5 AD 2 1306 Fiction K-2 1.9 1.8 1.9 NP 570 390 1 1 1 204 111 292 Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 360 1.8 1 136 Fiction K-2 260 830 1.6 2.6 1 2 54 802 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 500 2.9 2 668 Non-Fiction K-2 1 170 Fiction K-2 1 557 Non-Fiction K-2 1.5 AD NP 610 2.3 580 250 2.3 1.2 AD AD 1 1 760 128 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 640 2.4 2.8 NP AD 2 1 630 240 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 540 3.4 2 1179 Fiction K-2 490 2.5 1 269 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.3 1 441 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q25546 Colorful Chameleons! Q56408 Colorful Leaves Q21467 Colors Of Us, The Q47968 Columbus Day Columbus Day (Rookie Q32324 Read-About Holidays) Author Name Knudsen, Michelle Charlesworth , Liza Katz, Karen Nelson, Robin Q54844 Come And Eat! Gardeski, Christina Mia Lyon, George Ella Simmons, Jane Ancona, George Q29095 Come And Play Nayer, Judy Q02407 Come And Play Hippo Thaler, Mike Q02405 Come A Tide Q13505 Come Along, Daisy! Q29097 Come Back! Nayer, Judy Parish, Q02410 Come Back, Amelia Bedelia Peggy Come Back, Jack! Anholt, Q28613 (Anthology) Laurence Come Down Now, Flying Roland, Q13253 Cow! Timothy Lexile Levels Reading Level 410 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.5 2 799 Non-Fiction K-2 460 370 2.5 3.9 1 1 383 425 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 440 2.5 1 122 Non-Fiction K-2 350 1.9 1 324 Non-Fiction K-2 1 401 Fiction K-2 1 174 Fiction K-2 2.3 Lexile Code NA 180 1.5 870 4.6 AD 1 832 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 34 Fiction K-2 1.8 NA 1 500 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 64 Fiction K-2 160 2.7 2 1224 Fiction K-2 440 2.3 1 470 Fiction K-2 60 1.7 1 317 Fiction K-2 Q24636 Come Here, Tiger! Q27187 Come In! Moran, Alex Tower, Jane 0 0 1.3 1.1 BR BR 1 1 63 24 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q16714 Come On, Rain! Come Out And Play, Little Q25155 Mouse Hesse, Karen Kraus, Robert 780 3.9 AD 2 884 Fiction K-2 0 1.6 BR 1 186 Fiction K-2 Q02414 Come Out Muskrats 670 2.1 AD 1 98 Non-Fiction K-2 Q02415 Come Play With Me Arnosky, Jim Hillert, Margaret 1.4 NP 1 442 Fiction K-2 Q25557 Come Sunday Come To School, Dear Q02418 Dragon Q13848 Come To The Fair Q48541 Come To The Fairies' Ball Come With Me: Poems For Q23975 A Journey Grimes, Nikki Hillert, Margaret Lunn, Janet Yolen, Jane Nye, Naomi Shihab 960 4.7 AD 2 1009 Fiction K-2 0 730 740 1.1 4.8 3.5 BR AD AD 1 1 1 307 546 550 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 480 2.7 2 1425 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q29185 Come! Explore! Q14509 Come! Sit! Speak! Q23561 Comes A Wind Q02425 Comet's Nine Lives Q02426 Comets Q42610 Comets Q37998 Comets (Scholastic News) Q35900 Coming On Home Soon Author Name LathamLevine, Donna Simon, Charnan White, Linda Arms Brett, Jan Branley, Franklyn M. Chrismer, Melanie Chrismer, Melanie Woodson, Jacqueline McKelvey, David Q02438 Commander The Gander Commander Toad And The Q02439 Big Black Hole Yolen, Jane Commander Toad And The Q02440 Dis-Asteroid Yolen, Jane Commander Toad And The Q02441 Intergalactic Spy Yolen, Jane Commander Toad And The Q02442 Planet Of The Grapes Yolen, Jane Commander Toad And The Q02443 Space Pirates Yolen, Jane Commander Toad And The Q24122 Voyage Home Yolen, Jane Q02444 Commander Toad In Space Yolen, Jane Q22715 Common Ground Bang, Molly Andreae, Q18771 Commotion In The Ocean Giles SaundersQ18314 Communities Smith, Gail Jordan, Q02447 Cómo crece una semilla Helene J. Q02448 Cómo crecen los patitos Molleson, D. Cómo Hacer Una Manga Q35031 De Viento Tarlow, Ellen Douglass, Q02451 Como nuevo Barbara Neasi, Q34868 Como yo Barbara J. Lexile Levels Reading Level 190 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 1 157 Non-Fiction K-2 220 2.7 1 111 Fiction K-2 650 640 3.1 4.2 2 2 1317 804 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 640 3.7 2 1317 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.8 1 333 Non-Fiction K-2 520 2.4 1 264 Non-Fiction K-2 550 2.6 3 860 Fiction K-2 2 2000 Non-Fiction K-2 4.1 Lexile Code AD AD NA 490 2.5 2 1368 Fiction K-2 450 2.2 2 1729 Fiction K-2 480 3.1 2 1756 Fiction K-2 670 3.1 2 1506 Fiction K-2 560 2.5 2 1768 Fiction K-2 530 3.1 2 1858 Fiction K-2 530 740 2.8 3.5 2 1 1723 557 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 2 650 Fiction K-2 1 42 Non-Fiction K-2 3.8 NP 350 1.3 1.9 3 BR 590 1 2 662 646 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 1.2 BR 1 24 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1001 Fiction K-2 1 128 Fiction K-2 620 3.3 1.5 BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 2 669 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1268 Fiction K-2 3.4 AD 2 1491 Fiction K-2 400 2.7 AD 1 357 Fiction K-2 420 2 AD 1 193 Fiction K-2 390 1.9 1 92 Non-Fiction K-2 300 2.5 1 585 Fiction K-2 1110 2.8 1 400 Fiction K-2 770 5 2 3780 Fiction K-2 Finchler, Judy Raatma, Q18542 Consideration Lucia Nelson, Q47971 Constitution Day Robin Construction Alphabet Book, Pallotta, Q39696 The Jerry MacDonald, Q48974 Contest Crazy Alan Stanley, Q02488 Conversation Club, The Diane Stevens, Q19758 Cook-A-Doodle-Doo! Janet Hillert, Q02490 Cookie House Margaret 620 3.5 2 1078 Fiction K-2 530 1.5 1 367 Non-Fiction K-2 270 1.7 1 115 Non-Fiction K-2 640 3.4 2 1131 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.8 3 2373 Fiction K-2 530 2.9 2 1682 Fiction K-2 420 2.8 AD 2 2449 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 262 Fiction K-2 Q02491 Cookie's Week 100 1.7 1 84 Fiction K-2 1050 4.2 AD 2 800 Fiction K-2 760 4.6 AD 1 382 Non-Fiction K-2 190 1.4 1 126 Non-Fiction K-2 3 3189 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q02455 Company's Coming Compassion: Zach Lends A Q02456 Hand Q46947 Composer Is Dead, The Compost!: Growing Gardens From Your Q28555 Garbage Con Mi Hermano/ With My Q12755 Brother Concrete Mixers (Blastoff! Q39773 Readers) Cone Kong: The Scary Ice Q24851 Cream Giant Q02468 conejito andarín, El Q02469 conejo de terciopelo, El Congratulations, Miss Q47584 Malarkey! Q16565 Cookie-Store Cat, The Cookies: Bite-Size Life Q43705 Lessons Q32330 Cooking Tools Q13706 Cooking With Clifford Author Name Yorinks, Arthur Canning, Shelagh Snicket, Lemony Glaser, Linda Roe, Eileen McClellan, Ray Pinkwater, Daniel Brown, Margaret Wise Williams, Margery Ward, Cindy Rylant, Cynthia Rosenthal, Amy Krouse Snyder, Inez Bridwell, Norman Lexile Levels Reading Level 410 3.1 540 3.8 710 2.1 Lexile Code AD AD NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q30681 Cool Ali (Anthology) Q55974 Cool Baseball Facts Q55975 Cool BMX Racing Facts Q34240 Cool Cars Q27946 Cool Chameleons! Q33044 Cool Coats, The Q43834 Cool Daddy Rat Author Name Poydar, Nancy Clay, Kathryn Fonovan, Sandy Simon, Seymour Robinson, Fay Brimner, Larry Dane Crow, Kristyn Kerley, Q32475 Cool Drink Of Water, A Barbara Q50931 Cool Penguins Bauer, Jeff Kaelberer, Angie Q55976 Cool Pro Wrestling Facts Peterson Fonovan, Q55977 Cool Skateboarding Facts Sandy Q28913 Cool Tools Auch, Alison Q28347 Coolies Yin, Raatma, Q20573 Cooperation Lucia George, Q38013 Copy Cat (My First Reader) Olivia Edwards, Q23986 Copy Me, Copycub Richard Dalgliesh, Q02510 coraje de Sarah Noble, El Alice Canizares, Q25128 Coral Reef Susan Q02513 Coral Reef Hideaway Boyle, Doe Q54054 Coral Reef Homes Bauer, Jeff Coral Reefs (Blastoff! Sexton, Q44670 Readers) Colleen Schaefer, Q18324 Corals Lola M. Herriges, Q39774 Corals (Blastoff! Readers) Ann Freeman, Q02518 Corduroy Don Freeman, Q02519 Corduroy (Español) Don Lexile Levels Reading Level 540 2.5 620 2.5 460 2.5 890 5.6 190 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 533 Fiction K-2 1 188 Non-Fiction K-2 1 184 Non-Fiction K-2 1 614 Non-Fiction K-2 1.7 1 201 Non-Fiction K-2 230 1.9 1 341 Fiction K-2 410 2.4 AD 1 180 Fiction K-2 1.9 3.4 NP 610 1 1 96 509 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 590 2.3 NC 1 189 Fiction K-2 440 670 660 2.5 1.9 3.8 AD 1 1 2 171 205 2007 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 530 1.5 IG 1 349 Non-Fiction K-2 120 1.3 1 101 Fiction K-2 260 2.5 1 430 Fiction K-2 550 3 3 6727 Fiction K-2 0 900 560 1.2 4.3 3.2 1 2 1 31 772 320 Non-Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 740 2.7 1 301 Non-Fiction K-2 470 1.5 1 51 Non-Fiction K-2 430 2.1 1 199 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.2 2 620 Fiction K-2 520 2.7 2 0 Fiction K-2 NC AD AD BR AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 660 3.5 AD 1 862 Fiction K-2 140 2.1 AD 1 556 Fiction K-2 420 2.8 AD 2 959 Fiction K-2 540 4.1 AD 1 195 Fiction K-2 500 2.8 AD 2 917 Fiction K-2 560 1.4 AD 1 221 Fiction K-2 330 2 1 888 Fiction K-2 290 1.7 1 868 Fiction K-2 350 2.2 2 1036 Fiction K-2 310 1.7 1 977 Fiction K-2 370 2.1 2 1021 Fiction K-2 340 2.2 2 1051 Fiction K-2 290 1.7 2 1013 Fiction K-2 420 1.4 1 635 Fiction K-2 540 1.5 1 304 Non-Fiction K-2 Robson, Pam O'Brien, Anne Miller, Naomi Aliki, 620 2.9 1 504 Non-Fiction K-2 80 1.9 1 172 Fiction K-2 150 570 1.3 3.1 1 2 80 1011 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Q02526 Corn On And Off The Cob Fowler, Allan Cornelia And The Great Ryan, Pam Q46415 Snake Escape Munoz Cornelia And The Show-and- Ryan, Pam Q47435 Tell Showdown Munoz Q14221 Cornelius Lionni, Leo Yarbrough, Q02527 Cornrows Camille 620 3.2 1 436 Non-Fiction K-2 400 2.3 2 1544 Fiction K-2 410 270 2.4 3.2 2 1 1323 279 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 450 4.3 2 1556 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q40061 Q32530 Q27735 Q13614 Q32921 Q02520 Q38794 Q57120 Q45635 Q40296 Q38734 Q49188 Q54839 Q49158 Q02523 Title Author Name Hennessy, Corduroy Lost And Found B.G. Corduroy's Best Halloween Freeman, Ever! Don Corduroy's Christmas Freeman, Surprise Don Freeman, Corduroy's Easter Don Freeman, Corduroy's Easter Party Don Freeman, Corduroy's Halloween Don Chaconas, Cork & Fuzz Dori Chaconas, Cork & Fuzz: Best Friends Dori Cork & Fuzz: Finders Chaconas, Keepers Dori Chaconas, Cork & Fuzz: Good Sports Dori Chaconas, Cork & Fuzz: Short And Tall Dori Cork & Fuzz: The Chaconas, Babysitters Dori Cork & Fuzz: The Swimming Chaconas, Lesson Dori deRubertis, Corky Cub's Crazy Caps Barbara Burckhardt, Corn Ann L. Q28360 Corn (What's For Lunch?) Q29157 Corn Cloud Problem, The Q29922 Corn Husk Doll, A Q02525 Corn Is Maize AD NC AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q16076 Cory Coleman, Grade 2 Q24952 Cosmo Zooms Q53310 Costa Rica Q23534 Costa Rica (Visit To) Q53463 Costume Contest, The Q38255 Costume Party,The Q18293 Costumes Q43372 Cottonball Colin Q35666 Cottontail Rabbits Q19593 Cougar Kittens Cougar: Lion Of The Q23087 Mountains Q02538 Q24121 Q47417 Q43700 Q02540 Q32970 Q37404 Q29897 Q02544 Q13074 Q38031 Q29959 Q31693 Q51719 Q26619 Author Name Brimner, Larry Dane Howard, Arthur Bartell, Jim Fox, Anne L. Balaban, Mariah Chess, Victoria Schaefer, Lola M. Willis, Jeanne Gallagher, Kristin Ellerbusch Miles, Victoria Fowler, Allan Stevenson, Could Be Worse! James Oppenheim, Could It Be? Joanne Count Down To Fall Hawk, Fran Count Me A Rhyme Yolen, Jane Bridwell, Count On Clifford Norman Pallotta, Count To A Million Jerry McGhee, Countdown To Kindergarten Alison Widener, Counting Bears Sandra Counting Crocodiles Sierra, Judy Mazzola, Counting Is For The Birds Frank Jr. Counting Money Dalton, Julie Ramirez, Counting My Friends Julian Lyon, Counting On The Woods George Ella McNamara, Counting Race, The Margaret Counting Sheep Glass, Julie Lexile Levels Reading Level 380 2.9 180 860 2.4 5.6 590 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 7934 Fiction K-2 1 2 320 1392 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 2.9 2 666 Non-Fiction K-2 340 2.2 1 473 Fiction K-2 480 2.5 1 371 Fiction K-2 150 1.3 1 36 Non-Fiction K-2 330 2.1 1 453 Fiction K-2 400 2 1 357 Non-Fiction K-2 580 3.2 1 400 Fiction K-2 AD AD 2.8 NA 1 399 Non-Fiction K-2 410 3.1 AD 1 422 Fiction K-2 320 1070 2.3 2.1 4.2 AD NP 1 1 2 365 178 1620 Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 130 1.4 AD 1 442 Fiction K-2 450 2.6 AD 2 883 Non-Fiction K-2 380 1.5 1 645 Fiction K-2 540 1.9 2.5 1 1 332 433 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2 1 1084 272 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 1 100 Fiction K-2 BR 1 66 Non-Fiction K-2 BR 1 1 234 163 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 400 2.2 1.8 40 1.3 0 1.6 320 0 2.1 1.3 NP NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q16566 Counting To Christmas Q02545 Country Angel Christmas Q02546 Country Crossing Q25325 Country Far Away, A Q02547 County Fair Couple Of Boys Have The Q43992 Best Week Ever, A Courage (Character Q20577 Education) Q02553 Courage: Annie's Race Q15780 Cousin Ruth's Tooth Q18274 Cousins (Families) Q02558 Cow Buzzed Q14641 Cow In The House, The Cow That Got Her Wish, Q02560 The Q02561 Cow That Went Oink, The Cow Who Wouldn't Come Q02562 Down, The Q27960 Cowboy Alphabet Q41542 Cowboy And Octopus Cowboy And The BlackQ16020 Eyed Pea, The Q13767 Cowboy Bunnies Q26643 Cowboy Christmas, A Cowboy Named Ernestine, Q24722 A Cowboy Sam And Those Q26016 Confounded Secrets Q14504 Cowboy Up! Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 1.3 1 104 Fiction K-2 500 3.2 2 768 Fiction K-2 570 0 2.9 1.3 BR 1 1 523 141 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 600 3.5 AD 1 709 Fiction K-2 680 4.2 AD 1 758 Fiction K-2 440 1.5 IG 1 392 Non-Fiction K-2 740 4.2 AD 2 1531 Fiction K-2 300 2.4 1 388 Fiction K-2 280 1.3 1 41 Non-Fiction K-2 590 3.1 2 636 Fiction K-2 60 1.5 1 404 Fiction K-2 240 2.1 1 402 Fiction K-2 270 1.6 1 269 Fiction K-2 580 1050 3.9 4.9 2 2 910 1478 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Scieszka, Jon Johnston, Tony Loomis, Christine Wood, Audrey 350 1.8 AD 1 520 Fiction K-2 510 5.1 AD 2 1333 Fiction K-2 2.2 NP 1 190 Fiction K-2 520 3.5 AD 2 2290 Fiction K-2 Rubel, Nicole 640 3.5 AD 2 1355 Fiction K-2 Griffin, Kitty Brimner, Larry Dane 490 3.2 AD 2 1287 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 44 Fiction K-2 Tafuri, Nancy dePaola, Tomie Aylesworth, Jim Gray, Nigel Wilder, Laura Ingalls Frazee, Marla Raatma, Lucia Canning, Shelagh MacDonald, Amy Schaefer, Lola M. Zimmerman, Andrea Griffing Ziefert, Harriet Hillert, Margaret Most, Bernard Johnson, Paul Brett Rice, James Lexile Levels Reading Level 500 Lexile Code SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q30001 Q27932 Q33924 Q36381 Q45940 Q38659 Q40734 Q49400 Q24731 Q22141 Title Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 2.9 1 581 Non-Fiction K-2 550 2.8 2 1195 Non-Fiction K-2 830 3.5 2 1485 Non-Fiction K-2 400 2 1 969 Fiction K-2 280 1.7 1 998 Fiction K-2 390 2.4 2 1044 Fiction K-2 300 2.1 2 1213 Fiction K-2 360 2.2 1 920 Fiction K-2 440 2.4 AD 1 535 Fiction K-2 390 2.1 AD 1 193 Fiction K-2 Brady, Peter Green, Emily K. Nelson, Robin 550 1.5 1 424 Non-Fiction K-2 430 2.4 1 100 Non-Fiction K-2 360 2.2 1 222 Non-Fiction K-2 Bell, Rachael Young, James Milgrim, David Crebbin, June 640 2.9 2 812 Non-Fiction K-2 290 1.4 1 131 Fiction K-2 470 2.8 AD 1 230 Fiction K-2 1.3 NP 1 242 Fiction K-2 Williams, Rozanne Cowboy's Life, A Lanczak Penner, Cowboys (Penner) Lucille Recht Cowboys And Cowgirls: Gibbons, Yippee-Yay! Gail Silverman, Cowgirl Kate And Cocoa Erica Cowgirl Kate And Cocoa: Silverman, Horse In The House Erica Cowgirl Kate And Cocoa: Silverman, Partners Erica Cowgirl Kate And Cocoa: Silverman, School Days Erica Cowgirl Kate And Cocoa: Silverman, Spring Babies Erica Cowgirl Rosie And Her Five Gulbis, Baby Bison Stephen Stutson, Cowpokes Caroline Q02570 Cows Q42465 Cows Q46270 Cows Q22320 Cows (Farm Animals) Q24201 Cows Are In The Corn, The Q21371 Cows Can't Fly Q20950 Cows In The Kitchen De Montano, Coyote In Love With A Star: Marty Q28411 Tales Of The People Kreipe Taylor, Q02572 Coyote Places The Stars Harriet P. Coyote: A Trickster Tale From The American McDermott, Q13816 Southwest Gerald Q51634 Coyotes Green, Emily Lexile Levels Reading Level 710 Lexile Code 640 3.3 2 848 Fiction K-2 780 4.9 2 719 Fiction K-2 360 2.9 1 562 Fiction K-2 430 2.4 1 93 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q27394 Coyotes Rule! Q20887 Crab (Living Things) Q22193 Crab Moon Q31599 Crabby Cratchitt Q18327 Crabs Q56393 Crabs Q39775 Crabs (Blastoff! Readers) Q26087 Crackers Q02581 Crafty Chameleon Q34711 Cranberries Q17671 Cranberry Valentine Q21906 Crane Wife, The Q02583 Cranes Q39776 Cranes (Blastoff! Readers) Q48422 Crash Bang Donkey Q27457 Crawdad Creek Crawling Crabs (No Q41648 Backbone!) Crayon Box That Talked, Q02588 The Crazy Day At The Critter Q47908 Cafe, A Q36089 Crazy Hair Day Q02594 Creation, The Creatures Of Earth, Sea, Q25162 And Sky Q54750 Creatures Of The Deep Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 1.9 1 553 Fiction K-2 760 2.2 2 1177 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.9 1 490 Fiction K-2 360 2.6 2 757 Fiction K-2 390 1.3 1 46 Non-Fiction K-2 320 2.1 1 100 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2.1 1 203 Non-Fiction K-2 Bloom, Becky Hadithi, Mwenye 390 2.5 AD 2 695 Fiction K-2 720 2.8 AD 1 476 Fiction K-2 Snyder, Inez Devlin, Wende Bodkin, Odds Armentrout, David 590 1.9 1 113 Non-Fiction K-2 510 5.8 AD 2 728 Fiction K-2 320 3.3 AD 2 1396 Fiction K-2 900 3.9 IG 2 693 Non-Fiction K-2 Martin, M. T. Newton, Jill Sanders, Scott Russell 350 570 1.8 2.3 AD 1 1 88 512 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 990 3.7 2 979 Fiction K-2 Lunis, Natalie Derolf, Shane Odanaka, Barbara Saltzberg, Barney Johnson, James Weldon Heard, Georgia Kenah, Katharine 650 3.5 1 315 Non-Fiction K-2 590 2.2 1 220 Fiction K-2 520 2.1 AD 1 522 Fiction K-2 560 2.9 AD 1 703 Fiction K-2 4.5 NP 2 578 Fiction K-2 2.9 NP 2 646 Fiction K-2 1 233 Non-Fiction K-2 Cardigan, H. H. Stefoff, Rebecca Horowitz, Ruth Maguire, Gregory Schaefer, Lola M. Sullivan, Jody Herriges, Ann Lexile Levels Reading Level 220 390 2.3 Lexile Code AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Creatures That Glow: A Book About Bioluminescent Q18728 Animals Q45815 Creeping Land Snails Q24486 Creepy Beetles! Q57839 Creepy Carrots! Q50176 Creepy Crawlies Creepy Crawly Critters And Other Halloween Q02600 Tongue Twisters Q02602 Q18287 Q39777 Q22710 Q02606 Q58085 Q02607 Q02609 Q40584 Q45677 Q24924 Q02613 Q02614 Q32433 Q29286 Q22321 Author Name Berger, Melvin White, Nancy Robinson, Fay Reynolds, Aaron BillingsleaSmith, Kathie Buck, Nola Cosgrove, Creole Stephen Coughlan, Crickets Cheryl Green, Emily Crickets (Blastoff! Readers) K. Cannon, Crickwing Janell Ungerer, Crictor Tomi Crinkleroot's Guide To Giving Back To Nature Arnosky, Jim Crinkleroot's Guide To Walking In Wild Places Arnosky, Jim Henkes, Crisantemo Kevin Kroll, Cristina Keeps A Promise Virginia Richards, Critter Sitter Chuck Crocodile And Hen: A Lexau, Joan Bakongo Folktale M. Crocodile And The Dentist, The Gomi, Taro Jorgensen, Crocodile Beat Gail Sayre, April Crocodile Listens Pulley Velthuijs, Crocodile's Masterpiece Max Robinson, Crocodiles (In The Wild) Claire Lexile Levels Reading Level 460 2.8 890 4.7 300 2.4 410 1.4 810 3 560 2.6 3.5 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 1465 Non-Fiction K-2 1 780 Non-Fiction K-2 1 195 Non-Fiction K-2 AD 1 436 Fiction K-2 IG 3 3965 Non-Fiction K-2 1 159 Fiction K-2 2 1200 Fiction K-2 IG NA 250 1.3 1 48 Non-Fiction K-2 330 1.7 1 166 Non-Fiction K-2 590 4.1 AD 2 1576 Fiction K-2 720 2.9 AD 1 426 Fiction K-2 920 5.4 AD 2 2166 Non-Fiction K-2 730 3.5 AD 1 567 Non-Fiction K-2 410 1 2 1241 Fiction K-2 530 3.2 1 824 Fiction K-2 850 4.5 2 1175 Fiction K-2 120 1.5 1 687 Fiction K-2 180 1.7 1 138 Fiction K-2 470 2.3 AD 1 151 Fiction K-2 190 2.3 AD 1 420 Fiction K-2 290 3.1 2 679 Fiction K-2 520 2.9 1 501 Non-Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q47388 Q18116 Q26508 Q48681 Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 780 3.7 AD 2 1156 Non-Fiction K-2 550 2.2 AD 1 529 Fiction K-2 550 2.9 1 396 Non-Fiction K-2 770 4.7 AD 2 1380 Fiction K-2 800 3.1 3.9 NP AD 1 2 105 2305 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 690 3.3 AD 1 512 Fiction K-2 0 1.6 BR 1 117 Fiction K-2 760 750 2.9 3.6 AD AD 2 2 803 1851 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 440 1.8 1 262 Fiction K-2 Bright, Paul Cain, Sheridan Shepard, Aaron Kitamura, Satoshi 600 2.4 AD 1 568 Fiction K-2 330 2.2 AD 1 444 Fiction K-2 400 3.2 2 1473 Fiction K-2 510 2.6 1 414 Fiction K-2 Bang, Molly Cherrington, Janelle Simmons, Walter Schreier, Alta Avalos, Cecilia Ehlert, Lois Krudwig, Vickie Leigh 60 1.9 1 164 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 1 64 Non-Fiction K-2 870 4.6 2 1681 Non-Fiction K-2 530 2.9 2 574 Non-Fiction K-2 70 290 1.5 3.2 AD 1 1 66 395 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 360 2.9 AD 1 896 Fiction K-2 770 3.6 2 1176 Fiction K-2 530 660 2.9 3 1 2 533 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Nez, John Cromwell Dixon's Sky-Cycle Abbott Houghton, Crooked Apple Tree, The Eric Hunter, Ryan Cross A Bridge Ann Calhoun, Cross-Country Cat Mary Q28231 Crossing Q40382 Crossing Bok Chitto Q54834 Crossing, The Q29158 Crow And The Pitcher, The Q02624 Crow Boy Q47341 Crow Call Q31148 Crow's Plan (Anthology) Crunch Munch Dinosaur Q53437 Lunch! Crunching Munching Q25327 Caterpillar, The Crystal Heart: A Q26891 Vietnamese Legend, The Cuando los borregos no Q02646 pueden dormir Cuando Sofia Se Enoja, Se Q34867 Enoja De Veras... Q28289 Cub Can, A Q52700 Cuba Q23536 Cuba (Visit To) Q02649 cucaracha correlona, La Q20332 Cuckoo/Cucu Q22653 Cucumber Soup Cucuy!: A Bogeyman Q34268 Cuento, El Q02655 Cuddly Dudley Q02657 cuento de Ferdinando, El Booth, Philip Tingle, Tim Napoli, Donna Jo Newell, Robert Yashima, Taro Lowry, Lois Burke, Melissa Blackwell Hayes, Joe Alborough, Jez Leaf, Munro BR AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Q02659 cuento de Ned y su nariz, El Potash, D. cuento de Pedrito Conejo, Potter, Q02660 El Beatrix 420 Q02661 Cuento de un cocodrilo Aruego, Jose Andersen, Hans Christian Van Leeuwen, Jean Munsch, Robert 440 Quiz # Title Q02662 Cuentos de Andersen cuentos del cerdito Oliver, Q02665 Los Q02671 cumpleaños de Moira, El Q52928 Curious Garden, The Q02673 Curious George Curious George And The Q34029 Birthday Surprise Curious George And The Q02674 Dinosaur Q57556 Q02675 Q02676 Q02677 Q02678 Q02679 Q27367 Q22741 Q25891 Q14424 Curious George And The Firefighters Curious George And The Pizza Curious George And The Puppies Curious George At The Fire Station Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 1 738 Fiction K-2 4.3 2 0 Fiction K-2 2.3 1 566 Fiction K-2 2.3 2 0 Fiction K-2 320 2.4 2 1990 Fiction K-2 470 2.1 2 968 Fiction K-2 Brown, Peter Rey, H.A. Rey, Margret & H.A. 840 400 4.5 2.4 1 2 556 927 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 290 2.2 1 569 Fiction K-2 Rey, H.A. Rey, Margaret And H.A. 340 2.1 1 405 Fiction K-2 490 1.6 1 765 Fiction K-2 Rey, H.A. Rey, Margret 420 2.2 1 347 Fiction K-2 550 2.5 2 666 Fiction K-2 460 2.5 1 469 Fiction K-2 450 2.1 2 2303 Fiction K-2 570 3.1 2 1811 Fiction K-2 310 2.6 2 847 Fiction K-2 440 2.5 2 661 Fiction K-2 260 2.4 2 628 Fiction K-2 540 2.9 2 703 Fiction K-2 Rey, H.A. Rey, Curious George Flies A Kite Margaret Curious George Gets A Medal Rey, H.A. Rey, Curious George Goes Margret & Camping H.A. Rey, Curious George Goes To A Margret & Chocolate Factory H.A. Rey, Curious George Goes To A Margret & Costume Party H.A. Rey, Curious George Goes To A Margret & Movie H.A. Lexile Code AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Curious George Goes To Q02680 An Ice Cream Shop Curious George Goes To Q02681 School Curious George Goes To Q02682 The Aquarium Curious George Goes To Q21695 The Beach Curious George Goes To Q02683 The Hospital Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Rey, H.A. Rey, Margret 440 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 1 504 Fiction K-2 400 2.1 1 391 Fiction K-2 Rey, H.A. Rey, Margret & H.A. 360 1.9 1 351 Fiction K-2 230 3.1 2 789 Fiction K-2 Rey, H.A. Rey, Margret & H.A. 520 2.6 2 1994 Fiction K-2 160 2.3 2 810 Fiction K-2 450 2.6 2 1925 Fiction K-2 340 2.3 AD 2 704 Fiction K-2 580 2.3 AD 1 690 Fiction K-2 280 1.9 1 299 Fiction K-2 580 2.9 AD 2 1545 Fiction K-2 500 1.7 AD 1 710 Fiction K-2 570 3.1 2 1376 Fiction K-2 360 2.2 1 566 Fiction K-2 370 2.3 2 717 Fiction K-2 530 2.2 1 387 Fiction K-2 380 1.3 1 573 Fiction K-2 440 2.5 3 3530 Fiction K-2 480 2.6 1 631 Fiction K-2 2 1003 Fiction K-2 Curious George In The Big Q25892 City Curious George Learns The Q02684 Alphabet Rey, H.A. Rey, Curious George Makes Margret & Q22742 Pancakes H.A. Curious George Plants A Rey, Q56409 Tree Margaret Curious George Plays Q02685 Baseball Rey, H.A. Curious George Rides A Q02686 Bike Rey, H.A. Curious George Says Thank Meyer, Emily Q57235 You Flaschner Curious George Takes A Q02687 Job Rey, H.A. Rey, Curious George Takes A Margret & Q34239 Train H.A. Rey, Curious George Visits The Margret & Q33916 Library H.A. Curious George Visits The Q02688 Zoo Rey, H.A. Curious George's Dinosaur Hapka, Q57226 Discovery Catherine Baglio, Ben Q31576 Curious Kitten, The M. Lodge, Q48231 Custard Surprise Bernard Custard The Dragon And Q28371 The Wicked Knight Nash, Ogden 2.6 Lexile Code AD AD NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Points Words Type Interest Level 610 Q39454 D Is For Dragon Dance Thaler, Mike Marshall, James Marshall, James Marshall, James Marshall, James Gordon, Sharon Sexton, Colleen Compestine, Ying Chang 2.9 1 339 Fiction K-2 230 3.1 2 864 Fiction K-2 420 3.2 2 984 Fiction K-2 400 3.5 2 926 Fiction K-2 440 2.6 2 602 Fiction K-2 340 1.8 1 319 Non-Fiction K-2 620 3.5 1 249 Non-Fiction K-2 1 733 Non-Fiction K-2 Q02708 D.W. All Wet Brown, Marc 50 1.6 1 217 Fiction K-2 Q02709 D.W. Flips Brown, Marc 220 1.9 1 202 Fiction K-2 Q02710 D.W. Rides Again! Brown, Marc 310 2.1 1 435 Fiction K-2 Q02711 D.W. The Picky Eater Brown, Marc 410 2.9 1 654 Fiction K-2 Q02712 D.W. Thinks Big Brown, Marc 350 2.1 1 603 Fiction K-2 Q31810 D.W.'s Library Card Brown, Marc 180 2.1 2 614 Fiction K-2 Q21483 D.W.'s Lost Blankie Brown, Marc 230 2.8 1 497 Fiction K-2 Q17160 D.W., Go To Your Room! Q02713 Dabble Duck Dachshunds (Blastoff! Q44654 Readers) Brown, Marc Ellis, Anne 290 530 1.9 2.9 1 2 484 960 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Green, Sara Landau, Q49151 Dachshunds Are The Best! Elaine Catalanotto, Q25183 Dad & Me Peter Dad Goes To School (Robin McNamara, Q43550 Hill School) Margaret 660 2.5 1 563 Non-Fiction K-2 570 3.3 2 1482 Non-Fiction K-2 240 2.4 2 595 Fiction K-2 280 1.7 1 228 Fiction K-2 470 1.7 1 264 Fiction K-2 750 4.6 1 524 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Custodian From The Black Q25864 Lagoon, The Cut-Ups At Camp Custer, Q20161 The Q02694 Cut-Ups Carry On Q02695 Cut-Ups Crack Up Q02696 Cut-Ups, The Cuts And Scrapes (Rookie Q32356 Read-About Health) Cuttlefish (Blastoff! Q47506 Readers) Q02714 Dad's Dinosaur Day Dadblamed Union Army Q41924 Cow Hearn, Diane Dawson Fletcher, Susan 4.3 Lexile Code NP AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q53577 Daddy Adventure Day Q02715 Daddy And Me Q25063 Daddy Calls Me Man Daddy Makes The Best Q15802 Spaghetti Q37890 Daddy Mountain, The Daddy Played Music For Q02717 The Cows Daddy, Could I Have An Q29654 Elephant? (Anthology) Q32681 Dahlia Q56616 Dairy Group Q21818 Daisy And The Beastie Q24995 Daisy And The Doll Q17165 Daisy And The Egg Q32478 Daisy Comes Home Q25893 Daisy The Firecow Dallas Titans Get Ready Q02725 For Bed Damon, Pythias, And The Q45809 Test Of Friendship Damselflies (Blastoff! Q44683 Readers) Q25413 Dan And Dan Q34869 Dan Ran Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Keane, Dave 680 2.4 AD 1 672 Fiction K-2 2 647 Non-Fiction K-2 1 115 Fiction K-2 2.5 1 404 Fiction K-2 1 374 Fiction K-2 2 930 Fiction K-2 MoutoussamyAshe, Jeanne 620 Johnson, Angela Hines, Anna Grossnickle 300 2.6 1.5 NP Feiffer, Jules Weidt, Maryann N. 380 2.1 810 4.5 Wolf, Jake McClintock, Barbara BorgertSpaniol, Megan Simmons, Jane Medearis, Michael Simmons, Jane Brett, Jan Woodworth, Viki 100 2.2 1 330 Fiction K-2 370 2.6 2 825 Fiction K-2 540 3.2 1 188 Non-Fiction K-2 80 1.2 1 197 Fiction K-2 450 3.1 2 1199 Fiction K-2 410 540 2.8 3.2 1 2 303 1338 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 200 2.1 1 610 Fiction K-2 Kuskin, Karla Bateman, Teresa Sexton, Colleen Leonard, Marcia AD AD 3.8 NA 2 1200 Fiction K-2 550 2.2 AD 1 930 Fiction K-2 460 1.5 1 179 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 97 Fiction K-2 1.1 BR 1 27 Fiction K-2 1 80 Fiction K-2 Q30590 Dan's Pet (Anthology) Curry, Don L. Ada, Alma Flor 160 1.2 Q26324 Dance Kuklin, Susan 0 1.5 BR 1 114 Non-Fiction K-2 Q02730 Dance At Grandpa's Wilder, Laura Ingalls 790 3.5 AD 1 501 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q02731 Dance Away Q28932 Dance On A Sealskin Q27080 Dance The Flamenco Q24259 Dance, Annie Q29186 Dance, Mouse, Dance Q18894 Dance, The Q25136 Dancing Q26084 Dancing Class Q29550 Dancing In The Wings Q29600 Dancing Man, The Q56558 Dancing On Grapes Q02741 Dancing Skeleton, The Dancing Teepees: Poems Q17295 Of American Indian Youth Dancing To Freedom: The True Story Of Mao's Last Q44467 Dancer Q02744 Dancing With The Indians Q13818 Dandelion Q28345 Dandelion Adventures Q02745 Dandelion Seed Q23231 Dandelion's Life, A Q46276 Dandelions Author Name Shannon, George Winslow, Barbara Epstein, Elaine Friedman, Dawn Goldish, Meish Evans, Richard Paul Canizares, Susan Ehrlich, H. M. Allen, Debbie Bornstein, Ruth Lercher Buonanno, Graziella Pacini DeFelice, Cynthia Lexile Levels Reading Level 850 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.4 1 504 Fiction K-2 590 3.1 2 1183 Fiction K-2 430 2.6 2 877 Fiction K-2 1 40 Fiction K-2 1 196 Fiction K-2 1.5 Medearis, Angela Shelf Freeman, Don Kite, L. Patricia Anthony, Joseph Himmelman, John Nelson, Robin NA 20 1.5 450 3.2 AD 2 681 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 27 Non-Fiction K-2 150 1.6 AD 1 119 Fiction K-2 540 3.2 2 1556 Fiction K-2 370 3.2 AD 2 1259 Fiction K-2 700 3.3 AD 1 854 Fiction K-2 590 4.8 2 852 Fiction K-2 Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk Cunxin, Li Lexile Code 3.2 NP 2 840 Fiction K-2 680 2.7 AD 2 1331 Non-Fiction K-2 600 2.9 AD 1 433 Fiction K-2 500 3.6 AD 2 698 Fiction K-2 320 2.3 AD 1 288 Non-Fiction K-2 490 3.5 AD 1 250 Fiction K-2 2.7 NA 1 274 Non-Fiction K-2 1 265 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.6 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Dandelions: Stars In The Q24418 Grass Posada, Mia 460 3.1 AD 1 215 Non-Fiction K-2 Q27754 Danger Ahead! Fontes, Justine & Ron 480 3.1 2 857 Fiction K-2 Scott, Janine Simon, Seymour Simon, Seymour Kleinhenz, Sydnie Meltzer Carmine, Mary Carmine, Mary Bogart, Jo Ellen Bulla, Clyde Robert Helldorfer, M. C. Hoff, Syd Meadows, Daisy Meadows, Daisy Hoff, Syd 530 2.8 1 599 Non-Fiction K-2 710 3.5 2 711 Non-Fiction K-2 790 3.7 2 673 Non-Fiction K-2 560 3.5 2 638 Non-Fiction K-2 430 2.9 1 255 Fiction K-2 550 2.9 1 230 Fiction K-2 490 2.6 2 814 Fiction K-2 180 2.1 2 1171 Fiction K-2 450 280 3.2 1.6 2 1 965 842 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 730 3.5 NC 4 4196 Fiction K-2 780 200 3.7 2.7 NC 4 2 4052 834 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Hoff, Syd Waters, Kate 290 1.8 1 286 Fiction K-2 2 2 0 Non-Fiction K-2 2.9 2 670 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q38941 Danger Zone (Scott) Q34138 Danger! Earthquakes Q31944 Danger! Volcanoes Q30054 Daniel Boone (Kleinhenz) Q02781 Daniel y los dinosaurios Q02782 Daniel's Dinosaurs Q02783 Daniel's Dog Q02784 Daniel's Duck Q02785 Daniel's Gift Q02787 Danielito y el dinosaurio Q50229 Danielle The Daisy Fairy Q50220 Danni The Drum Fairy Q02788 Danny And The Dinosaur Danny And The Dinosaur Q02789 Go To Camp Q02795 danza del león, La Darcy And Gran Don't Like Q02798 Babies Cutler, Jane Daring Dog And Captain Adoff, Q33224 Cat Arnold Whitaker, Suzanne Q47358 Daring Miss Quimby, The George Dark At The Top Of The McBratney, Q02803 Stairs, The Sam Q02805 Dark Day, Light Night Carr, Jan Ziefert, Q02809 Dark Night, Sleepy Night Harriet 410 3.5 NP 2 622 Fiction K-2 940 6.3 AD 2 1079 Non-Fiction K-2 650 580 4.2 2.8 AD 2 2 639 915 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 110 1.4 1 103 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level AD 1 1 578 114 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2.8 AD 1 472 Fiction K-2 3.7 NA 2 1200 Fiction K-2 440 2.3 AD 1 224 Fiction K-2 410 2.4 2 1170 Fiction K-2 420 2.7 2 1379 Fiction K-2 1100 9.4 1 426 Non-Fiction K-2 400 2.9 2 1004 Fiction K-2 860 140 4.2 1.5 AD 2 1 2410 335 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.6 BR 1 65 Fiction K-2 0 2.9 BR 1 74 Fiction K-2 150 1.8 AD 1 383 Fiction K-2 660 3.7 AD 2 880 Fiction K-2 Q47353 Davy Crockett Gets Hitched Miller, Bobbi Davy Crockett Saves The Schanzer, Q29491 World Rosalyn 830 4.4 AD 1 994 Fiction K-2 890 2.9 2 1124 Fiction K-2 Q25584 Dawn (Shulevitz) Shulevitz, Uri 50 1.8 1 128 Fiction K-2 Q20506 Dawn And The Round To-It Smalls, Irene Nelson, Robin Harrison, Sarah Nicholson, Sue Wallace, Karen 660 3.6 2 800 Fiction K-2 360 2.2 1 253 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.5 1 714 Fiction K-2 360 2.2 1 446 Fiction K-2 380 2.2 1 388 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q56391 Q02814 Q02801 Q02817 Q02819 Q47573 Q22902 Q51287 Q24689 Title Author Name Butler, M. Dark, Dark Night, The Christina Dark, Dark Tale Brown, Ruth Munsch, Dark, The Robert Grifalconi, Darkness And The Butterfly Ann Greenfield, Darlene Eloise Mills, Dash Elizabeth Pegram, Daughter's Day Blues Laura Dave The Potter: Artist, Hill, Laban Poet, Slave Carrick Dave's Down-To-Earth Rock Murphy, Shop Stuart J. Q17200 David And Goliath Q02831 David And The Giant Q30733 David Gets In Trouble Q17386 David Goes To School Q26325 David's Drawings Q02835 David's Father Q51564 Day And Night Q44961 Day At A Zoo, A Q02862 Day At Greenhill Farm, A Q22770 Day At Seagull Beach, A de Regniers, Beatrice Schenk Little, Emily Shannon, David Shannon, David Falwell, Cathryn Munsch, Robert Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code 460 400 1.5 1.9 580 AD NC SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level 640 3.4 550 2.2 Q16465 Day Before Christmas, The Day Dirk Yeller Came To Q54828 Town, The 510 3.2 610 2.4 Q29099 70 1.3 0 1.1 300 490 Quiz # Title Author Name Day At The Apple Orchard, Faulkner, Q38425 A Megan Mortensen, Q52176 Day At The Fire Station, A Lori Q02864 Q20107 Q13948 Q44929 Q02865 Q25135 Q30060 Q02867 Q24921 Q24920 Q31646 Bunting, Eve Casanova, Mary McCloskey, Day For Dad, A Susan Day I Had To Play With My Bonsall, Sister, The Crosby Day I Saw My Father Cry, The Cosby, Bill Day I Was Rich, The Cosby, Bill Harris, Day In A City, A Nicholas Day In Court With Mrs. Flanagan, Trinh, A Alice K. Moreton, Day In Japan, A Daniel Peterson, Day In The City, A Polly Day In The Life Of A Baseball Player, A Arnold, Eric Day In The Life Of A Hayward, Builder (DK Reader), A Linda Day In The Life Of A Hayward, Dancer (DK Reader), A Linda Day In The Life Of A Doctor Hayward, (DK Reader), A Linda Day In The Life Of A Q24975 Firefighter (DK Reader), A Day In The Life Of A Q31650 Musician (DK Reader), A Hayward, Linda Hayward, Linda Day In The Life Of A Police Q31850 Officer (DK Reader), A Day In The Life Of A Police Q21102 Officer, A Day In The Life Of A Q24922 Teacher (DK Reader), A Day In The Life Of A TV Q31651 Reporter (DK Reader), A Day In The Life Of Clippidy Q32587 Colt, A Hayward, Linda Arnold, Eric Hayward, Linda Hayward, Linda Preston, Betty Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 434 Non-Fiction K-2 1 430 Fiction K-2 2 782 Fiction K-2 1 773 Fiction K-2 1 127 Fiction K-2 1 143 Fiction K-2 2.7 3.2 2 2 1210 1025 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 430 2.4 1 678 Fiction K-2 610 3.5 AD 1 358 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 54 Non-Fiction K-2 200 1.6 1 389 Fiction K-2 920 2.9 2 3874 Non-Fiction K-2 140 1.7 1 393 Non-Fiction K-2 140 1.8 1 366 Non-Fiction K-2 370 1.9 1 428 Non-Fiction K-2 150 1.9 1 394 Non-Fiction K-2 320 1.9 1 440 Non-Fiction K-2 250 1.9 1 506 Non-Fiction K-2 840 2.9 3 2282 Non-Fiction K-2 130 1.9 1 374 Non-Fiction K-2 350 1.9 1 533 Non-Fiction K-2 330 1.9 1 263 Non-Fiction K-2 GN AD BR AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Day In The Life Of Murphy, Provensen, Q34474 A Alice Q41528 Day In The Salt Marsh, A Kurtz, Kevin 40 730 Q32513 Day It Rained Hearts, The Bond, Felicia Day Jimmy's Boa Ate The Q02876 Wash, The Noble, Trinka Hakes Branley, Franklyn M. Wolkstein, Diane Quiz # Title Q02877 Day Light, Night Light Day Ocean Came To Visit, Q26538 The Day Of The Bad Haircut, Q02883 The Q49184 Day Of The Dead Q29075 Day Of The Dinosaur, The Q50214 Day On The Mountain, A Q49655 Day Ray Got Away, The Day Roy Riegels Ran The Q55744 Wrong Way, The Day That Henry Cleaned Q02888 His Room, The Day The Babies Crawled Q34906 Away, The Day The Dog Said Cock-AQ02889 Doodle-Doo, The Day The Goose Got Loose, Q02890 The Day The Sheep Showed Up, Q02892 The Day The Teacher Went Q02893 Bananas, The Author Name Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.6 3.8 AD 1 1 632 494 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 540 3.1 AD 1 270 Fiction K-2 540 3.7 AD 1 404 Fiction K-2 630 2.7 1 546 Non-Fiction K-2 370 2.4 2 898 Fiction K-2 220 1.9 1 601 Fiction K-2 770 3.7 NC 1 571 Non-Fiction K-2 260 790 2.6 4.2 AD 1 1 449 520 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 610 2.4 AD 1 406 Fiction K-2 Gutman, Dan Wilson, Sarah Rathmann, Peggy McPhail, David Lindbergh, Reeve McPhail, David 430 2.4 1 741 Fiction K-2 560 2.9 1 595 Fiction K-2 1 365 Fiction K-2 1 341 Fiction K-2 1 362 Fiction K-2 Howe, James Moore, Eva Hollihan, Kerrie Logan Berenstain, Stan & Jan Kurtz, Kevin Johnson, Angela Q23661 Day The Whale Came, The Bunting, Eve Koehler, Q02896 Day We Met You, The Phoebe Thomas, Q24587 Day With A Bricklayer, A Mark Winne, Q24588 Day With A Carpenter, A Joanne Q23152 Day With A Doctor, A Kottke, Jan Q23155 Day With A Librarian, A Kottke, Jan 1.8 AD NP 420 1.9 480 3.8 230 1.5 1 307 Fiction K-2 310 1.5 1 205 Fiction K-2 590 3.9 2 2025 Fiction K-2 380 2.1 1 153 Fiction K-2 290 1.8 1 147 Non-Fiction K-2 1 1 1 113 146 161 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 1.7 1.6 1.8 AD AD NA NA NA SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Q23151 Day With A Mail Carrier, A Kottke, Jan Winne, Q24589 Day With A Mechanic, A Joanne Thomas, Q24590 Day With A Plumber, A Mark Day With Air Traffic Winne, Q24591 Controllers, A Joanne Thomas, Q24592 Day With An Electrician, A Mark Gikow, Q34780 Day With Daddy, A Louise Day With Daddy, A Q37292 (Grimes) Grimes, Nikki Q23150 Day With Firefighters, A Kottke, Jan Rusch, Q46723 Day With No Crayons, A Elizabeth Q23154 Day With Paramedics, A Kottke, Jan Q23153 Day With Police Officers, A Day With Wilbur Robinson, Q02898 A Q02899 Day's Work, A Q16025 Daydreamers Kottke, Jan Joyce, William Bunting, Eve Greenfield, Eloise Days Like This: A Collection Q29575 Of Small Poems James, Simon Q24727 Days Of Summer, The Bunting, Eve dePaola, Q02903 Days Of The Blackbird, The Tomie Q02905 Days With Frog And Toad Lobel, Arnold Days With Frog And Toad: Q30677 Alone (Anthology) Lobel, Arnold Parnall, Q02906 Daywatchers Peter Pfister, Q14240 Dazzle The Dinosaur Marcus Q24188 Dazzling Diggers Mitton, Tony Dazzling Display Of Dogs, Q52925 A Franco, Betsy Dazzling Dragonflies: A Life Glaser, Q43101 Cycle Story Linda Deadline! From News To Gibbons, Q20144 Newspaper Gail Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.7 NA 1 136 Non-Fiction K-2 1.6 BR 1 143 Non-Fiction K-2 1.6 NA 1 129 Non-Fiction K-2 1.8 BR 1 145 Non-Fiction K-2 1.8 NA 1 122 Non-Fiction K-2 1 113 Fiction K-2 100 1 540 2.8 1.7 BR 1 1 276 124 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 3.5 1.9 AD NA 1 1 547 146 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 1.7 NA 1 164 Non-Fiction K-2 2 2 701 1555 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 730 580 350 3.3 3.1 3.1 NP 1 158 Fiction K-2 360 2.9 2.5 NP AD 2 2 630 1532 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 810 4.2 2 1434 Fiction K-2 320 2.1 2 2074 Fiction K-2 200 2.1 1 462 Fiction K-2 640 400 2.1 NA 2 1000 Fiction K-2 4.3 2.1 AD 2 1 1238 125 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 2.2 NP 1 341 Fiction K-2 450 2.5 1 355 Non-Fiction K-2 530 3.6 2 1024 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q36832 Deadly Snakes Author Name McCourt, Lisa Johnston, Q02925 Dealing With Anger Marianne Adams, Lisa Q02926 Dealing With Arguments K. Johnston, Q02927 Dealing With Bullying Marianne Dealing With Middleton, Q15509 Competitiveness Don Middleton, Q15510 Dealing With Discrimination Don Dealing With Feeling Left Middleton, Q15511 Out Don Johnston, Q02929 Dealing With Fighting Marianne Adams, Lisa Q02930 Dealing With Hurt Feelings K. Johnston, Q02931 Dealing With Insults Marianne Croft, Q02932 Dealing With Jealousy Priscilla Adams, Lisa Q02933 Dealing With Lying K. Middleton, Q15512 Dealing With Secrets Don Dealing With Someone Middleton, Q15513 Who Is Selfish Don Dealing With Someone Adams, Lisa Q02934 Who Won't Listen K. Adams, Lisa Q02935 Dealing With Stealing K. Middleton, Q15514 Dealing With Tattling Don Adams, Lisa Q02936 Dealing With Teasing K. Dealing With Weapons In Q02937 School And At Home Apel, Lorelei Caseley, Q29082 Dear Annie Judith Harrison, Q27889 Dear Bear Joanna Moore, Q56140 Dear Cinderella Marian Smith, Q27897 Dear Daisy, Get Well Soon Maggie Lexile Levels Reading Level 660 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.5 1 782 Non-Fiction K-2 550 3.5 2 685 Non-Fiction K-2 800 3.9 2 867 Non-Fiction K-2 690 3.9 2 865 Non-Fiction K-2 620 3.4 2 830 Non-Fiction K-2 740 4.3 2 893 Non-Fiction K-2 690 3.9 2 899 Non-Fiction K-2 650 3.7 2 645 Non-Fiction K-2 680 3.9 2 705 Non-Fiction K-2 680 3.9 2 700 Non-Fiction K-2 710 3.7 2 719 Non-Fiction K-2 770 3.5 2 910 Non-Fiction K-2 630 3.5 2 793 Non-Fiction K-2 590 3.3 2 783 Non-Fiction K-2 710 3.8 2 695 Non-Fiction K-2 730 3.8 2 876 Non-Fiction K-2 720 4.1 2 913 Non-Fiction K-2 700 3.8 2 801 Non-Fiction K-2 680 3.9 2 711 Non-Fiction K-2 390 2.6 2 920 Fiction K-2 140 2.6 AD 1 548 Fiction K-2 640 3.7 AD 2 1252 Fiction K-2 70 1.7 AD 1 116 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level 410 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.5 2 855 Fiction K-2 320 2.5 1 561 Fiction K-2 1 426 Fiction K-2 Q30012 Dear Friend Epstein, Elaine Goldish, Meish Q17039 Dear Greenpeace James, Simon 590 4.5 Q21708 Dear Juno Pak, Soyung George, Jean Craighead 390 4.1 AD 2 929 Fiction K-2 550 3.8 AD 2 926 Fiction K-2 660 4.5 AD 1 493 Fiction K-2 500 3.1 2 1322 Fiction K-2 780 4.1 AD 2 1955 Fiction K-2 610 2.4 AD 1 657 Fiction K-2 540 2.5 AD 1 377 Fiction K-2 820 4.4 AD 2 1325 Fiction K-2 580 3.3 AD 1 516 Fiction K-2 0 1.6 BR 1 115 Fiction K-2 240 510 1.3 2.8 AD 1 2 404 1219 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.4 NP 1 195 Fiction K-2 610 3.5 AD 1 394 Fiction K-2 500 1.7 AD 2 1476 Fiction K-2 520 2.8 2 1162 Fiction K-2 890 5.5 2 1356 Fiction K-2 590 3.3 1 644 Fiction K-2 300 2.6 1 124 Non-Fiction K-2 Q27081 Dear Diary Dear Katie, The Volcano Is Q13683 A Girl Q02947 Dear Mr. Blueberry Dear Mrs. LaRue: Letters Q30731 From Obedience School James, Simon Teague, Mark Ada, Alma Q02952 Dear Peter Rabbit Flor Dear Primo: A Letter To My Tonatiuh, Q49332 Cousin Duncan George, Dear Rebecca, Winter Is Jean Q02953 Here Craighead Crimi, Q53132 Dear Tabby Carolyn Gray, Libba Q20373 Dear Willie Rudd, Moore Campbell, Q25402 Dear Zoo Rod Argente, Q27639 Debbie's Good Night Pals Jeanne Q14242 December Bunting, Eve Wood, Q37366 Deep Blue Sea, The Audrey Deep Blue Sky Twinkles Szekeres, Q02973 With Stars Cyndy Donald, Rhonda Q53434 Deep In The Desert Lucas Yaccarino, Q20785 Deep In The Jungle Dan Bateman, Q41801 Deep In The Swamp Donna M. Munsch, Q55356 Deep Snow Robert Nelson, Q46263 Deer Robin AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Q51635 Deer Zobel, Derek 300 1.8 Q02981 Deer At The Brook Arnosky, Jim 0 2.1 800 730 Quiz # Title Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 124 Non-Fiction K-2 BR 1 68 Fiction K-2 2.8 AD 1 472 Fiction K-2 3.5 AD 2 1427 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 91 Fiction K-2 Q31235 Delivery Wilder, Laura Ingalls Anholt, Laurence Suen, Anastasia Q53311 Denmark Zobel, Derek 840 5.5 2 1358 Non-Fiction K-2 Q44667 Density (Blastoff! Readers) Dentist From The Black Q36069 Lagoon, The Q02993 Dentists Dentists Take Care Of Our Q19489 Mouths Manolis, Kay 710 2.7 1 615 Non-Fiction K-2 Thaler, Mike Ready, Dee Greene, Carol Blackwood, Derek The Knitting Dinosaur Mary Moreton, Desert Daniel Darling, Desert Babies Kathy Cowcher, Desert Elephants Helen 530 450 3.3 1.5 1 1 361 423 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 420 2.2 1 318 Non-Fiction K-2 Q02982 Deer In The Wood, The Degas And The Little Q48544 Dancer Q15383 Q38284 Q03001 Q54906 AD 2.4 NP 1 462 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 40 Non-Fiction K-2 880 4.2 IG 2 1592 Non-Fiction K-2 800 4.3 AD 1 806 Fiction K-2 BR 1 139 Non-Fiction K-2 Q29093 Desert Fox Gabriel, Nat 0 1.3 Q54058 Desert Homes Martin, Justin McCory 550 3.2 1 318 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.3 1 373 Non-Fiction K-2 920 4.4 AD 1 831 Fiction K-2 430 2.2 AD 1 369 Fiction K-2 710 4.2 2 1305 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.8 1 251 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.9 1 92 Fiction K-2 Q35673 Q52945 Q22942 Q03010 Q39778 Q03012 JangoDesert Iguanas Cohen, Judith Desert Rose And Her Jackson, Highfalutin Hog Alison Johnston, Desert Song Tony Gibbons, Deserts Gail Green, Emily Deserts (Blastoff! Readers) K. Crews, Desfile Donald SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q25819 Q35788 Q51285 Q33293 Q57844 Q53426 Q48987 Q03023 Q13298 Q56690 Q51337 Q40258 Title Author Name Medina, DeShawn Days Tony Bredeson, Despegue Carmen Desperate Dog Writes Christelow, Again, The Eileen Smith, Desser The Best Ever Cat Maggie Albright, Detection Rats Rosie Metzger, Detective Blue Steve French, Detective Dan Vivian Skofield, Detective Dinosaur James Detective Dinosaur Lost And Skofield, Found James Dewey's Christmas At The Library Myron, Vicki Dewey: There's A Cat In The Library Myron, Vicki Dexter Bexley And The Big Blue Beastie Stewart, Joel Dexter Bexley And The Big Q50871 Blue Beastie On The Road Stewart, Joel Cervantes, Q34971 Día De Escuela, Un Jesus Keats, Ezra Q03035 día de nieve, Un Jack Q03036 día de pesca, Un Warner, R. Ancona, Q03037 día de Ricardo, El George Q35794 día del partido, El día deportivo de Clifford, Q03038 El Q03039 día feliz, Un día que la boa de Jimmy Q03040 se comió..., El Meister, Cari Bridwell, Norman Krauss, Ruth Noble, Trinka Hakes KeensDouglas, Q03043 Diablesse And The Baby, La Richardo Weyn, Q47674 Diamond Suzanne Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.7 NP 2 1746 Fiction K-2 1 309 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1140 Fiction K-2 1 590 Fiction K-2 290 1.5 360 3.2 360 2.5 600 2.4 AD 1 151 Non-Fiction K-2 300 2.8 GN 1 558 Fiction K-2 520 3.1 2 1746 Fiction K-2 330 2.8 2 826 Fiction K-2 260 2.8 2 933 Fiction K-2 420 1.4 AD 1 624 Fiction K-2 590 2.3 AD 1 814 Fiction K-2 340 1.8 AD 1 354 Fiction K-2 610 2.4 AD 1 471 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 19 Fiction K-2 360 1.9 2 1 3 315 0 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2 2 0 Fiction K-2 GN 1.4 BR 1 26 Fiction K-2 460 0 2.2 1.2 BR 1 2 287 127 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 480 2.9 1 440 Fiction K-2 810 4.4 2 933 Fiction K-2 530 3.1 2 1332 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 490 2.5 AD 1 502 Fiction K-2 510 2.3 AD 1 462 Fiction K-2 170 1.2 2 336 Fiction K-2 360 2.4 1 510 Fiction K-2 Lobel, Arnold Hennessy, B.G. 230 1.8 2 1897 Fiction K-2 390 2 3 192 Fiction K-2 Seuss, Dr. Tidd, Louise Q25466 Did You Hear About Jake? Vitellaro Did You See Chip? Yee, Wong Q30597 (Anthology) Herbert Schreiber, Q03066 Did You See That Rabbit? Anne Winter, Q03069 Diego Jonah Diego Rivera: His World Tonatiuh, Q53797 And Ours Duncan Crews, Q03070 Diez puntos negros Donald Q03071 Diez, nueve, ocho Bang, Molly Matthews, Q43327 Different Like Coco Elizabeth Hunter, Ryan Q26509 Dig A Tunnel Ann 760 3.5 AD 2 1045 Fiction K-2 0 1.8 BR 1 380 Fiction K-2 160 1.5 1 204 Fiction K-2 1 138 Fiction K-2 2 626 Non-Fiction K-2 1 656 Non-Fiction K-2 1 1 0 74 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2 1285 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q41742 Diary Of A Fly Q37139 Diary Of A Spider Q35042 Diary Of A Wombat Q34042 Diary Of A Worm Q03059 Días con Sapo y Sepo Q03060 Días de escuela Did I Ever Tell You How Q16414 Lucky You Are? Q27640 Dig For Clams Dig, Wait, Listen: A Desert Q34428 Toad's Tale Q03077 Digby Q03078 Digby And Kate Digby And Kate And The Q23056 Beautiful Day Digestive System, The Q46005 (Blastoff! Reader) Q03080 Diggers Author Name Cronin, Doreen Cronin, Doreen French, Jackie Cronin, Doreen 1.8 AD NA 420 4.1 1040 5.3 450 1 2.5 990 8.4 610 3.3 1 361 Non-Fiction K-2 Oliver, Paula Sayre, April Pulley Hazen, Barbara Shook Baker, Barbara Baker, Barbara 240 1.3 1 104 Fiction K-2 320 1.6 1 455 Non-Fiction K-2 160 1.5 1 267 Fiction K-2 150 1.7 2 1113 Fiction K-2 130 1.5 2 1058 Fiction K-2 Manolis, Kay Armentrout, David 750 4.6 1 584 Non-Fiction K-2 890 3.9 2 685 Non-Fiction K-2 AD AD IG SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q46011 Diggers (Blastoff! Reader) Q20721 Diggers And Dump Trucks Q18600 Digging Armadillos Q03081 Digging Up Dinosaurs Q03083 Digging-est Dog, The Q49159 Dilly Dog's Dizzy Dancing Q36668 Dimes Q20214 Ding Dong Ding Dong Dinkin Dings And The Q53711 Double From Dimension 9 Dinner At The Panda Q03090 Palace Q49164 Dino-Baseball Q52362 Dino-Basketball Q41423 Dino-Hockey Q47458 Dino-Soccer Q03092 Dinorella Q58198 Dinos Are Forever Dinosaur Alphabet Book, Q03093 The Q42490 Dinosaur Armor Q03095 Dinosaur Babies Q21866 Dinosaur Babies Dinosaur Babies (Dino Q41620 World!) Dinosaur Bob And His Adventures With The Family Q03096 Lazardo Q03097 Dinosaur Bones Q25977 Dinosaur Bones (Barner) Q29159 Dinosaur Chase Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Zobel, Derek Royston, Angela 380 2.3 620 3.4 480 490 340 2.4 3.1 2.6 470 390 1.5 1.9 220 JangoCohen, Judith Aliki, Perkins, Al deRubertis, Barbara Hill, Mary Palatini, Margie Bass, Guy Calmenson, Stephanie Wheeler, Lisa Wheeler, Lisa Wheeler, Lisa Wheeler, Lisa Edwards, Pamela Duncan Trine, Greg Pallotta, Jerry Gray, Susan H. Penner, Lucille Recht Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner Bennett, Leonie Joyce, William Aliki, Barner, Bob Storey, F. R. Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 102 Non-Fiction K-2 1 289 Non-Fiction K-2 1 2 2 378 854 1171 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 1 1 522 101 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 4.2 2 947 Fiction K-2 770 4.7 5 11627 Fiction K-2 380 2.3 1 484 Fiction K-2 400 1.3 AD 1 554 Fiction K-2 300 1.1 AD 1 572 Fiction K-2 370 2.5 AD 1 444 Fiction K-2 340 1.2 AD 1 440 Fiction K-2 530 580 2.5 2.3 AD 1 5 597 8582 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 630 4.3 2 1539 Non-Fiction K-2 570 3.3 1 337 Non-Fiction K-2 280 1.8 1 386 Non-Fiction K-2 770 3.8 2 1163 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.7 1 108 Non-Fiction K-2 520 460 350 30 3.8 2.5 2.8 1.9 2 2 1 1 963 830 466 264 Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 IG AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q28096 Dinosaur Cousins? Q03098 Dinosaur Dances Q03099 Dinosaur Days Q26326 Dinosaur Deals Q42491 Dinosaur Dig! Dinosaur Dinner (With A Q03101 Slice Of Alligator Pie) Q03102 Dinosaur Dinners Author Name Most, Bernard Yolen, Jane Milton, Joyce Murphy, Stuart J. Gray, Susan H. Lee, Dennis Davis, Lee Dussling, Q24415 Dinosaur Eggs Jennifer Gray, Susan Q42492 Dinosaur Eggs H. Mullins, Q03104 Dinosaur Encore Patricia Granowsky, Q28567 Dinosaur Fossils (Anthology) Alvin Dinosaur Fossils (Dino Bennett, Q41625 World!) Leonie Donnelly, Q03105 Dinosaur Garden Liza Catrow, Q49211 Dinosaur Hunt David Q48861 Dinosaur Hunter Dinosaur Hunting (Dino Q41619 World!) Dinosaur Named After Me, Q29074 A Q03109 Dinosaur Roar! Q03110 Dinosaur Story Q42493 Dinosaur Teeth Q03111 Dinosaur Time Q42494 Dinosaur Tracks Q36948 Dinosaur Train Q19378 Dinosaur Valentine Alphin, Elaine Marie Bennett, Leonie Most, Bernard Stickland, Paul Cole, Joanna Gray, Susan H. Parish, Peggy Gray, Susan H. Gurney, John Steven Donnelly, Liza Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 810 3.6 3.7 AD NP 2 2 1013 1836 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 420 2.4 2 896 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2.9 2 855 Fiction K-2 570 3.3 1 367 Fiction K-2 520 2.8 2.5 3 2 2635 560 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 320 2.3 2 718 Non-Fiction K-2 650 3.7 1 411 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.4 1 103 Non-Fiction K-2 710 3.5 2 704 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.4 1 108 Non-Fiction K-2 160 1.6 1 137 Fiction K-2 70 2 1 160 Fiction K-2 470 2.5 2 1643 Fiction K-2 510 2.8 1 108 Non-Fiction K-2 780 3.1 2 1358 Fiction K-2 1 59 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP AD NP 420 2.2 2 1174 Non-Fiction K-2 710 2.3 1 400 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2.2 1 527 Non-Fiction K-2 620 3.5 1 293 Non-Fiction K-2 350 1.8 1 117 Fiction K-2 200 1.8 1 238 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Dinosaur Who Lived In My Q03112 Backyard, The 520 3.3 AD 1 324 Fiction K-2 Q24326 130 1.8 1 420 Fiction K-2 670 3.7 AD 2 889 Fiction K-2 620 2.4 AD 1 300 Fiction K-2 580 3.3 AD 1 316 Fiction K-2 260 2.9 2 574 Non-Fiction K-2 810 5.5 2 657 Non-Fiction K-2 520 3.1 1 581 Non-Fiction K-2 590 3.1 1 470 Non-Fiction K-2 650 3.5 NC 2 750 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.8 BR 1 93 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.9 AD 2 1855 Non-Fiction K-2 Q03120 Dinosaurs Are 568 Q03121 Dinosaurs Are Different 810 530 3.9 2.8 3 1 9677 552 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Q14505 120 1.1 1 28 Fiction K-2 530 2.9 AD 2 1262 Non-Fiction K-2 2.9 NP 2 1767 Fiction K-2 2.6 NP 1 472 Fiction K-2 740 3.5 AD 1 252 Fiction K-2 300 1.6 1 373 Fiction K-2 680 4.5 2 930 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q17384 Q38296 Q03113 Q03114 Q03117 Q56410 Q03116 Q03115 Q23982 Q03119 Q28357 Q26583 Q39329 Q47751 Q35463 Q03125 Title Author Name Hennessy, B.G. Thomson, Dinosaur's Day Ruth Goode, Dinosaur's New Clothes, The Diane Milbourne, Dinosaur, The Anna dinosaurio que vivía en mi Hennessy, B. patio, El G. dinosaurios son diferentes, Los Aliki, Christopher, Dinosaurs Tracy Zoehfeld, Kathleen Dinosaurs Weidner Jeunesse, Dinosaurs (First Discovery) Gallimard Gibbons, Dinosaurs (Gibbons) Gail Maccarone, Dinosaurs (Maccarone) Grace Brown, Dinosaurs Alive And Well: A Laurie Guide to Good Health Krasny Rogers, Jean Aliki, Brimner, Dinosaurs Dance Larry Dane Brown, Dinosaurs Divorce: A Guide Laurene For Changing Families Krasny Wise, Dinosaurs Forever William Andreae, Dinosaurs Galore! Giles Freedman, Dinosaurs Love Underpants Claire Dinosaurs Meet Dr. Clock, Weston, The Martha Dinosaurs To The Rescue!: A Brown, Guide to Protecting Our Laurie Planet Krasny AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Dinosaurs Travel: A Guide For Families On The Go Q30683 (Anthology) Q44005 Dinosaurs! Q03123 Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs Q32630 Dinosaurumpus! Q45917 Dinothesaurus Q47183 Diogenes Q52701 Diploma Day Q03129 Dipsy Dances Q26525 Dirt Boy Dirt On My Shirt: Selected Q47418 Poems Dirt On Their Skirts: The Story Of The Young Women Who Won The Q21493 World Championship Author Name Brown, Laurie Krasny Gibbons, Gail Barton, Byron Mitton, Tony Florian, Douglas Usher, M.D. Harimann, Sierra Davenport, Andrew Slangerup, Erik Jon Foxworthy, Jeff Rappaport, Doreen Lesynski, Loris Harley, Bill Hamsa, Bobbie Brown, Margaret Wise Wilbur, Richard Alter, Anna Lexile Levels Reading Level 560 2.9 750 4.6 720 250 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 644 Non-Fiction K-2 NC 1 640 Non-Fiction K-2 1.6 2.7 AD AD 1 1 96 474 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 650 3.2 2.7 NP AD 1 1 655 939 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 410 2.4 1 809 Fiction K-2 240 1.5 1 163 Fiction K-2 530 3.1 AD 2 857 Fiction K-2 2.3 NP 1 921 Fiction K-2 2 1206 Fiction K-2 520 3.8 910 3.7 5.3 NP AD 2 1 1770 993 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.6 BR 1 53 Fiction K-2 690 3.1 AD 2 1261 Fiction K-2 410 4.1 1.4 NP AD 2 1 1092 263 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q28914 Discovering Dinosaurs 670 2.1 1 211 Non-Fiction K-2 Q48980 490 2.6 2 2309 Fiction K-2 630 3.4 1 913 Fiction K-2 520 2.5 2 1634 Non-Fiction K-2 660 2.1 1 326 Fiction K-2 430 1.7 1 339 Non-Fiction K-2 Q24832 Dirty Dog Boogie Q47732 Dirty Joe The Pirate Q14520 Dirty Larry Q24734 Dirty Little Boy, The Disappearing Alphabet, Q24546 The Q52923 Disappearing Desmond Q45158 Q24060 Q19804 Scott, Janine Krailing, Disgusting Denzil Tessa Rahaman, Divali Rose Vashanti Dive!: A Book Of Deep-Sea Berger, Creatures Melvin Murphy, Divide And Ride Stuart J. Q38032 Divide It Up! Leslie, Tonya SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q24325 Diving Dolphin Q35688 Diving Dolphins Author Name Wallace, Karen Waxman, Laura Hamilton Diwali (Rookie Read-About Trueit, Trudi Q39827 Holidays - Children's Press) Strain Diwali (Rookie Read-About Gardeski, Q32335 Holidays) Christina Mia Gilman, Q54427 Dixie Grace Gilman, Q54771 Dixie Loves School Pet Day Grace Q03155 Dmitri The Astronaut Agee, Jon Tucker, Q27885 Do Cowboys Ride Bikes? Kathy Do I Need It? Or Do I Want Larson, Q49138 It? Jennifer S. Do Kangaroos Wear Q45330 Seatbelts Kurtz, Jane Hindley, Q33538 Do Like A Duck Does Judy Johnson, Q03157 Do Like Kyla Angela Turkle, Q03158 Do Not Open Brinton Walsh, Q15757 Do Pigs Have Stripes? Melanie Do Unto Otters: A Book Q41371 About Manners Keller, Laurie Q29101 Do What I Do Q35524 Q48014 Q48016 Q48017 Q48019 Q48015 Gabriel, Nat Spinelli, Do You Have A Hat? Eileen Do You Know About Silverman, Amphibians? Buffy Silverman, Do You Know About Birds? Buffy Silverman, Do You Know About Fish? Buffy Silverman, Do You Know About Insects? Buffy Do You Know About Silverman, Mammals? Buffy Lexile Levels Reading Level 180 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.4 1 386 Non-Fiction K-2 390 1.9 1 353 Non-Fiction K-2 530 2.7 1 445 Non-Fiction K-2 380 1.9 1 330 Non-Fiction K-2 200 1.5 1 551 Fiction K-2 340 450 1.6 3.6 1 1 492 377 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 650 2.6 1 529 Fiction K-2 510 2.8 1 673 Non-Fiction K-2 790 4.2 AD 1 467 Fiction K-2 80 1.7 AD 1 420 Fiction K-2 510 1.5 1 276 Fiction K-2 480 3.8 2 956 Fiction K-2 230 1.5 1 86 Fiction K-2 460 2.4 AD 1 595 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 85 Fiction K-2 2.2 NP 1 437 Fiction K-2 AD 510 2.8 1 338 Non-Fiction K-2 530 3.1 1 370 Non-Fiction K-2 540 3.2 1 422 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.6 1 370 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.5 1 461 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Do You Know About Q48018 Reptiles? 550 3.2 Q23969 300 1.7 470 Quiz # Q03161 Q29647 Q03162 Q03164 Q27762 Q53611 Title Author Name Silverman, Buffy Zolotow, Do You Know What I'll Do? Charlotte Oppenheim, Do You Like Cats? Joanne Do You Live In A Nest? Tafolla, (Anthology) Carmen Waber, Do You See A Mouse? Bernard Do You Want To Be My Friend? Carle, Eric Church, Caroline Do Your Ears Hang Low? Jayne Askew, Doctor Amanda Q03165 Doctor Change Q03167 Doctor De Soto Q03168 Doctor De Soto (Español) Doctor De Soto Goes To Q03169 Africa Q42116 Doctor Ted Q32337 Doctor Tools Q18323 Doctor's Office, The Q03171 Doctors Words Type 1 416 Non-Fiction K-2 AD 1 247 Fiction K-2 1.8 AD 1 467 Non-Fiction K-2 1.6 NP 2 708 Fiction K-2 2.1 2 657 Fiction K-2 200 1.2 1 8 Fiction K-2 20 1.6 1 84 Fiction K-2 560 2.2 1 411 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna Steig, William Steig, William Steig, William Beaty, Andrea 530 3.5 2 1552 Fiction K-2 560 3.6 2 1122 Fiction K-2 480 2.5 2 0 Fiction K-2 740 3.5 2 1152 Fiction K-2 390 2.2 1 589 Fiction K-2 Snyder, Inez SaundersSmith, Gail Ready, Dee 70 1.4 1 107 Non-Fiction K-2 510 580 3.5 1.5 1 1 272 292 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 400 420 2 2.8 3 1 479 504 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 380 260 360 340 360 2.4 1.7 2.3 2.2 1.2 AD AD AD 2 2 2 3 2 626 1274 1223 1363 1609 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 214 Fiction K-2 180 1.1 AD 1 273 Fiction K-2 Q25227 Q48239 Q41857 Q45058 Q53649 Dog And Bear: Three To Q47071 Get Ready Carle, Eric Seeger, Laura Vaccaro Dodo Gets Married Dodsworth In London Dodsworth In New York Dodsworth In Paris Dodsworth In Rome Does A Kangaroo Have A Q21867 Mother, Too? Points Interest Level 370 Brill, Marlene Targ Moses, Amy Mathers, Petra Egan, Tim Egan, Tim Egan, Tim Egan, Tim Q35572 Doctors Q19490 Doctors Help People Lexile Code AD AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Seeger, Dog And Bear: Two Friends, Laura Q41321 Three Stories Vaccaro Seeger, Dog And Bear: Two's Laura Q43318 Company Vaccaro Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 320 1.7 AD 1 325 Fiction K-2 210 1.5 AD 1 305 Fiction K-2 Q03173 Dog And Cat Dog And Cat Make A Q27907 Splash Fehlner, Paul 130 1.2 1 62 Fiction K-2 Spohn, Kate 330 2.1 2 1163 Fiction K-2 Q23251 Dog And Cat Shake A Leg Dog And His Shadow: A Q30014 Fable, The Spohn, Kate 200 2.1 1 822 Fiction K-2 Floyd, Lucy Cooper, Helen 200 2.2 1 416 Fiction K-2 590 2.3 AD 1 656 Fiction K-2 Pilkey, Dav Gackenbach, Dick Reynolds, Marilynn Bowdish, Lynea Rylant, Cynthia Gormley, Greg Going, K. L. DiSalvoRyan, DyAnne 770 2.6 AD 1 441 Fiction K-2 650 3.7 NC 2 704 Fiction K-2 570 2.9 2 1703 Fiction K-2 320 1.7 AD 1 106 Fiction K-2 820 2.8 AD 1 485 Fiction K-2 680 310 3.2 1.1 AD AD 1 1 516 456 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 630 3.3 AD 2 1083 Fiction K-2 Yates, Louise Golembe, Carla Boland, Janice 450 1.5 AD 1 258 Fiction K-2 520 3.2 AD 2 977 Fiction K-2 120 1.4 2 813 Fiction K-2 La Rue, Coco Christopher, Matt Long, Jonathan Christopher, Matt 580 3.3 3 2841 Fiction K-2 530 2.8 2 2103 Fiction K-2 2 672 Fiction K-2 2 1977 Fiction K-2 Q47860 Dog Biscuit Dog Breath!: The Horrible Q03174 Trouble With Hally Tosis Q16443 Dog For A Day Q19562 Dog For A Friend, A Q32871 Dog For Each Day, A Q03179 Dog Heaven Q53214 Dog In Boots Q58086 Dog In Charge Q18769 Dog Like Jack, A Q50400 Dog Loves Books Q24504 Dog Magic Q20162 Dog Named Sam, A Q53588 Dog Rules, The Dog That Called The Pitch, Q22763 The Q17008 Dog That Dug, The Dog That Pitched A NoQ16283 Hitter, The 3.4 570 3.5 NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Christopher, Matt Q03184 Dog That Stole Home, The Dog Who Belonged To No Q45044 One, The Hest, Amy Dog Who Cried "Woof!", Bridwell, Q25625 The Norman 590 4.1 780 3.7 100 Q40062 Dog Who Cried Wolf, The Kasza, Keiko Robertus, Q03187 Dog Who Had Kittens, The Polly M. Cabrera, Q24423 Dog's Day Jane Reit, Q03190 Dog's Tale Seymour Boelts, Q44863 Dogerella Maribeth Hughes, Q17121 Dogger Shirley McPhail, Q29650 Doggy Art (Anthology) David Q50136 Doggy Slippers Lujan, Jorge Clements, Q45871 Dogku Andrew Q15388 Dogs Levin, Amy Endres, Q43401 Dogs Hollie Gibbons, Q03193 Dogs (Gibbons) Gail Miller, Q22322 Dogs (Pets) Michaela Numeroff, Q03195 Dogs Don't Wear Sneakers Laura Dolbear, Q28897 Dogs Have Puppies Emily J. Paulsen, Q03197 Dogteam Gary Q03199 Dogzilla Pilkey, Dav Santiago, Q38134 Doll For Navidades, A Esmeralda Albert, Q03202 Doll Party Shirley Q21478 Dollar For Penny, A Glass, Julie Q36701 Dollars Hill, Mary Clements, Q48679 Dolores And The Big Fire Andrew Dolores Huerta: A Hero To Warren, Q58088 Migrant Workers Sarah Quiz # Title Points Words Type Interest Level 2 1928 Fiction K-2 1 602 Fiction K-2 2.1 1 406 Fiction K-2 390 1.8 1 349 Fiction K-2 550 3.2 2 1275 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 82 Fiction K-2 480 2.1 AD 1 562 Fiction K-2 390 2.3 1 760 Fiction K-2 480 2.9 AD 2 1042 Fiction K-2 210 780 1.8 3.7 AD 1 1 219 311 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 210 0 1.1 1.9 AD BR 1 1 246 27 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 440 2.5 1 101 Non-Fiction K-2 650 2.8 2 1364 Non-Fiction K-2 690 3.8 2 795 Non-Fiction K-2 1 174 Fiction K-2 2 705 Non-Fiction K-2 1.7 Lexile Code AD NP 610 2.4 960 720 4.5 4.5 AD AD 1 1 477 540 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1040 3.7 AD 2 1181 Fiction K-2 270 150 400 1.5 1.3 1.9 1 1 1 416 229 120 Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 320 2.1 1 480 Non-Fiction K-2 520 2.1 1 652 Non-Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Q32727 Dolphin's Big Leap! Davies, Nicola Weinberger, Kimberly Q03206 Dolphin's First Day Zoehfeld, Kathleen W. Q55746 Dolphin Baby! Martin, Justin McCory Lindeen, Q56390 Dolphins Carol K. Adams, Q27139 Dolphins (Adams) Barbara Herriges, Q39779 Dolphins (Blastoff! Readers) Ann Dolphins (National Stewart, Q49577 Geographic Kids) Melissa Dolphins And Porpoises Berger, Q40360 (Now I Know) Melvin Lumry, Q46875 Dolphins In Danger Amanda Bokoske, Q03211 Dolphins! Sharon Q31194 Don's Boat (Anthology) Duffy, Mack McGaferty, Q31179 Don't Ask Me (Anthology) Eileen Q52769 Dolphins Q38937 Don't Be A Couch Potato Q03222 Don't Cut My Hair Don't Dig So Deep, Q17788 Nicholas! Q03224 Don't Eat The Teacher! Scott, Janine Gibson, Akimi Lexau, Joan M. Cox, Judy Gunderson, Jessica Ahearn, Janet Reed Wilhelm, Hans Harrison, Troon Ward, Nick Don't Ever Cross That Q36926 Road!: An Armadillo Story Storad, Conrad J. Q03215 Don't Be Late Q20855 Don't Be My Valentine Q53663 Don't Be Silly, Mrs. Millie! Don't Break The Balance Q52707 Beam! Q51305 Don't Call Me Pruneface! Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 860 4.6 AD 1 888 Fiction K-2 40 1.5 AD 1 216 Fiction K-2 640 4.7 AD 2 875 Fiction K-2 520 2.6 1 632 Non-Fiction K-2 250 1.6 1 91 Non-Fiction K-2 700 2.7 2 596 Non-Fiction K-2 320 1.6 1 179 Non-Fiction K-2 680 3.2 1 969 Non-Fiction K-2 430 2.4 1 264 Non-Fiction K-2 710 3.4 2 1684 Fiction K-2 320 140 2.6 1.1 2 1 1099 125 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 440 1.6 1 161 Fiction K-2 560 2.9 1 582 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.3 AD 1 111 Fiction K-2 190 370 1.6 1.2 AD 2 1 1686 403 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 440 2.5 2 1850 Fiction K-2 400 1.3 AD 1 786 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 74 Fiction K-2 690 380 2.8 2.5 AD AD 2 1 966 455 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2.7 NP 1 991 Non-Fiction K-2 NC AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.5 1.5 2.4 NP 2 1 1 861 432 174 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 2.5 AD 1 682 Fiction K-2 2.8 NP 2 684 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 2 700 Fiction K-2 250 1.4 NP 1 305 Fiction K-2 Kasza, Keiko Blumenthal, Deborah 560 2.8 2 655 Fiction K-2 530 2.8 2 1793 Fiction K-2 Willems, Mo 120 1 1 125 Fiction K-2 Willems, Mo Stevenson, Q20503 Don't Make Me Laugh James Crimi, Q21963 Don't Need Friends Carolyn Q35769 Don't Sit On My Lunch! Klein, Abby Don't Swap Your Sweater Applegate, Q48941 For A Dog Katherine Don't Take Your Snake For Ireland, Q37804 A Stroll Karin Don't Tap-Dance On Your Applegate, Q48943 Teacher Katherine Lewison, Wendy Q03244 Don't Wake The Baby Cheyette Smallman, Q56946 Don't Wake The Bear! Steve Christelow, Q15284 Don't Wake Up Mama! Eileen Q38601 Dona Flor Mora, Pat Pearson, Q35750 Dónde está Max? Mary E. Sendak, Q03248 Donde viven los monstruos Maurice 270 1.5 AD 1 197 Fiction K-2 100 2.8 AD 1 590 Fiction K-2 290 500 2.9 2.7 2 4 935 6456 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 380 2.3 3 5899 Fiction K-2 1 436 Fiction K-2 3 5945 Fiction K-2 Q20513 Donkey And The Rock, The Quiz # Q03225 Q27392 Q03226 Q38310 Q25397 Q03227 Q37295 Title Author Name Silverman, Don't Fidget A Feather Erica Don't Float In Blue Jam Feury, Dan Don't Forget The Bacon Hutchins, Pat Harris, Robie Don't Forget To Come Back! H. Selway, Don't Forget To Write Martina Brown, Margaret Don't Frighten The Lion Wise Ford, Don't Hit Me! Bernette Q13787 Don't Laugh, Joe! Don't Let the Peas Touch! Q36206 and Other Stories Don't Let The Pigeon Drive Q34896 The Bus! Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Q39058 Up Late! Demi, Lexile Levels Reading Level 450 180 480 2.5 450 NP 2.5 1.3 NP 1 162 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 AD 1 408 Fiction K-2 290 860 1.7 3.6 AD 1 1 374 1502 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.4 BR 1 70 Fiction K-2 750 2.8 AD 1 348 Fiction K-2 750 3.9 AD 2 695 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 780 3.7 AD 1 711 Fiction K-2 290 1.4 AD 1 177 Fiction K-2 1540 3.1 AD 1 663 Fiction K-2 430 2.3 AD 1 388 Fiction K-2 360 340 2.9 1.2 2.1 NP AD 2 1 1 639 473 282 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 350 2.3 2 597 Fiction K-2 640 330 360 2.9 2.3 2.4 AD AD 2 2 2 1116 697 646 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 710 3.4 AD 1 666 Fiction K-2 Kasza, Keiko Coombs, Patricia Pallotta, Jerry Walsh, Ellen Stoll Walsh, Ellen Stoll Edwards, Roberta 260 2.3 AD 2 806 Fiction K-2 430 2.7 2 1986 Fiction K-2 500 3.3 AD 1 588 Fiction K-2 190 2.2 AD 1 472 Fiction K-2 260 2.4 AD 1 492 Fiction K-2 1.2 NP 1 220 Fiction K-2 Q25540 Dot The Fire Dog 400 1.9 AD 1 321 Fiction K-2 Q36421 Desimini, Lisa Reynolds, Dot, The Peter H. Frizado, Dots And Spots Orlando Alexander, Dots! Dots! Dots! Francie Herman, Double Header Gail Double Trouble Groundhog Roberts, Day Bethany Double Trouble In Walla Clements, Walla Andrew 500 2.1 AD 1 329 Fiction K-2 50 1.2 1 132 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.5 1 115 Fiction K-2 30 1.6 1 447 Fiction K-2 440 2.5 2 1012 Fiction K-2 940 3.3 2 854 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q52896 Donkey Reads, A Donkey's Christmas Song, Q31577 The Q53862 Donovan's Big Day Q39597 Dooby Dooby Moo Doodle Dandies: Poems Q13072 That Take Shape Q52461 Doodleday Q03256 Doorbell Rang, The Q27141 Dora And The Un-Club Q27976 Dora's Book Q32019 Dora's Chicks Q32020 Dora's Eggs Q52915 Dorje's Stripes Q31223 Dorothy & Mikey Dorrie And The Haunted Q15746 Schoolhouse Q24610 Dory Story Dot & Jabber And The Big Q33845 Bug Mystery Dot & Jabber's Great Q33930 Acorn Mystery Q03259 Dot Has Spots Q28288 Q03260 Q03263 Q47672 Q03265 Author Name Mandell, Muriel Tafuri, Nancy Newman, Leslea Cronin, Doreen Lewis, J. Patrick Collins, Ross Hutchins, Pat Linde, Barbara Edwards, Michelle Sykes, Julie Sykes, Julie Ruddra, Anshumani BR AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Double Trouble: All About Q35784 Colors Q03266 Doug's Secret Christmas Q18137 Down By The Bay Q27521 Down By The Bay (Udave) Down By The Cool Of The Q28655 Pool Q20926 Q03272 Q55948 Q18702 Q28236 Q29689 Q28226 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Hall, Kirsten Carr, Jan Raffi, Udave, Consuelo 150 530 Mitton, Tony Hillenbrand, Down By The Station Will Branley, Down Comes The Rain Franklyn M. Roop, Peter Down East In The Ocean & Connie Stroud, Down Home At Miss Dessa's Bettye Kite, L. Down In The Sea: The Crab Patricia Down In The Sea: The Jellyfish (Anthology) Kite, Patricia Down In The Sea: The Kite, L. Octopus Patricia Down In The Woods At Q23009 Sleepytime Q36880 Down On The Farm Schaefer, Carole Lexa Kutner, Merrily Q03274 Down On The Funny Farm Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.4 3.5 2.5 NP 1 2 1 296 962 344 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 2.5 NP 1 392 Fiction K-2 1.9 NP 1 310 Fiction K-2 2.2 NP 1 292 Fiction K-2 560 2.5 AD 1 536 Non-Fiction K-2 610 2.4 AD 1 371 Fiction K-2 670 3.5 2 1104 Fiction K-2 820 2.9 2 996 Non-Fiction K-2 640 2.8 1 323 Non-Fiction K-2 620 2.9 1 484 Non-Fiction K-2 300 2.1 AD 1 198 Fiction K-2 1.3 NP 1 213 Fiction K-2 2 1071 Fiction K-2 2 1116 Fiction K-2 1 386 Non-Fiction K-2 1 434 Fiction K-2 1 459 Non-Fiction K-2 King, P.E. Mahy, Q23698 Down The Dragon's Tongue Margaret 190 2.4 410 2.9 Q38929 Down The Drain 610 3.3 620 2.8 550 2.9 0 1.1 BR 1 57 Fiction K-2 570 1.4 AD 1 157 Fiction K-2 50 1.6 1 227 Fiction K-2 1 240 Fiction K-2 1 261 Fiction K-2 Q25151 Down The Winding Road Q38919 Down, Down, Down Q24196 Downtown Lost & Found Q03281 Dozen Dizzy Dogs Q03282 Dozen Dogs, A Q14638 Dozen Dozens, A Q29891 Dr. Brown At Work Scott, Janine Johnson, Angela Davidson, Avelyn Edwards, Frank B. Hooks, William H. Ziefert, Harriet Ziefert, Harriet Goldish, Meish 2.8 160 1.7 AD AD NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q32674 Dr. Duck Dr. Kanner: Dentist With A Q03284 Smile Q21688 Dr. Pompo's Nose Q22397 Dr. Seuss (Lives And Times) Dr. Seuss (Rookie Q33052 Biographies) Q16432 Dr. Seuss's ABC Q13964 Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book Dragon And The Unicorn, Q16467 The Q03293 Dragon Gets By Dragon Gets By Q31119 (Anthology) Q03295 Dragon Naps Author Name Ehrlich, H. M. Flanagan, Alice K. Freymann, Saxton Lynch, Wendy Rau, Dana Meachen Seuss, Dr. Seuss, Dr. Cherry, Lynne Pilkey, Dav Q18281 Dragonflies Q46264 Dragonflies Dragonflies (Blastoff! Q39780 Readers) Q03309 Dragonfly's Tale Dragons And Giants Q28571 (Anthology) Dragons Don't Throw Q50899 Snowballs Q03321 Draw Me A Star Drawing Lessons From A Q21561 Bear Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 NP 1 286 Fiction K-2 690 3.6 AD 1 286 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.9 AD 1 286 Fiction K-2 560 2.8 2 589 Non-Fiction K-2 390 2.2 3.1 3.3 1 1 2 381 438 1777 Non-Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 2 2 1936 640 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 298 Fiction K-2 1 518 Fiction K-2 NP NP 710 430 4.4 2.1 350 2.1 880 2.9 710 3.8 2 1162 Fiction K-2 510 450 420 1.9 1.7 2.3 1 2 2 307 911 902 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 240 410 2.1 2.2 1 2 239 646 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Albee, Sarah Carr, Roger Coughlan, Cheryl Nelson, Robin Green, Emily K. Rodanas, Kristina 400 300 3.5 2.2 2 1 746 395 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 210 1.5 1 39 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.7 1 275 Non-Fiction K-2 330 1.7 1 154 Non-Fiction K-2 610 5.4 2 1741 Fiction K-2 Lobel, Arnold Dadey, Debbie Carle, Eric McPhail, David 340 2.3 1 313 Fiction K-2 590 170 3.3 1.6 4 1 6803 225 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 500 2.7 2 570 Fiction K-2 Pilkey, Dav Bertrand, Lynne Myers, Q18727 Dragon Takes A Wife, The Walter Dean Falwell, Q16970 Dragon Tooth Cathryn Q03303 Dragon's Fat Cat Pilkey, Dav Q25544 Dragon's Halloween Pilkey, Dav Matheson, Q53269 Dragon's Leaf Collection Becky Q33897 Dragon's Merry Christmas Pilkey, Dav Q03306 Dragon's Scales, The Q21049 Dragon, The Lexile Levels AD AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q57504 Dream Big, Little Pig! Q17814 Dream Collector, The Dream Factory Starring Q25867 Anna & Henry, The Q13795 Dream Jar, The Q23018 Dream Snow Q21207 Dream Weaver (London) Author Name Yamaguchi, Kristi Harrison, Troon Sortland, Bjorn Pryor, Bonnie Carle, Eric London, Jonathan Dream: A Tale of Wonder, Bosak, Susan Q37170 Wisdom and Wishes V. Osofsky, Q33702 Dreamcatcher Audrey Rylant, Q16554 Dreamer, The Cynthia Dreaming: A Countdown To Greenstein, Q36747 Sleep Elaine Schotter, Q24997 Dreamland Roni Keats, Ezra Q27688 Dreams Jack Dreams Are More Real Musgrave, Q19586 Than Bathtubs Susan Dress I'll Wear To The Neitzel, Q16581 Party, The Shirley Leonard, Q25421 Dress-Up Marcia Armentrout, Q03342 Drill David Drip! Drop! How Water Seuling, Q23704 Gets To Your Tap Barbara Weeks, Q26741 Drip, Drop Sarah Showers, Q03347 Drop Of Blood Paul Yee, Wong Q16972 Drop Of Rain, A Herbert Wendorff, Q44661 Droughts (Blastoff! Readers) Anne Guidone, Q50262 Drum City Thea Q20802 Drummer Boy Turner, Ann Emberley, Q03366 Drummer Hoff Barbara Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 590 2.3 AD 1 718 Fiction K-2 500 3.9 AD 2 1280 Fiction K-2 320 3.1 2 2415 Fiction K-2 530 300 4.2 1.7 AD AD 2 1 1640 374 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 290 2.8 AD 1 306 Fiction K-2 4.2 NP 1 785 Fiction K-2 1160 4.1 NP 2 610 Fiction K-2 760 4.5 AD 2 569 Fiction K-2 1.7 NP 1 76 Fiction K-2 2 1470 Fiction K-2 630 4.1 60 2.2 AD 1 249 Fiction K-2 500 2.8 AD 2 770 Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 1 608 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 103 Fiction K-2 930 3.9 IG 2 690 Non-Fiction K-2 260 1.7 AD 2 692 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.7 BR 1 284 Fiction K-2 480 2.7 2 823 Non-Fiction K-2 1 374 Fiction K-2 1 596 Non-Fiction K-2 3.5 NP 750 2.8 690 890 3.3 5.9 AD AD 1 2 322 702 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 3.5 NP 1 173 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level 440 2.8 910 5.3 Q25102 Duck Neder, Bill E. de Seve, Randall Royston, Angela 280 1.8 Q42899 Duck Cecil, Randy 630 3.5 Q41406 Duck & Company Caple, Kathy 370 Q55178 Duck & Company Christmas Caple, Kathy Q38264 Duck & Goose Hills, Tad Urbanovic, Q53469 Duck And Cover Jackie Urbanovic, Q46158 Duck At The Door Jackie Cronin, Q36242 Duck For President Doreen Jules, Q46795 Duck For Turkey Day Jacqueline Alborough, Q24070 Duck In The Truck Jez Shannon, Q27812 Duck On A Bike David Urbanovic, Q46160 Duck Soup Jackie Q41278 Duck, Duck, Goose (Hills) Hills, Tad Q34313 Duck, Duck, Goose! Hall, Kirsten Gordon, Q16718 Duckat Gaelyn Wallace, Q24308 Duckling Days Karen Q21034 Duckling, The Carr, Roger Ducklings (Blastoff! Sexton, Q43491 Readers) Colleen Endres, Q42548 Ducks Hollie Q55163 Ducks Quiz # Title Q30013 Drums: The Beat Goes On Q52083 Duchess Of Whimsy, The Q13757 Ducks Disappearing Q03370 Ducks Don't Get Wet Zobel, Derek Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds Goldin, Augusta Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 607 Non-Fiction K-2 1 691 Fiction K-2 1 266 Non-Fiction K-2 1 745 Fiction K-2 1.7 1 933 Fiction K-2 380 630 2.3 3.1 2 1 1355 861 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 340 1.2 AD 1 649 Fiction K-2 390 1.3 AD 1 335 Fiction K-2 680 2.6 AD 1 644 Fiction K-2 450 1.5 AD 1 712 Fiction K-2 260 1.6 AD 1 288 Fiction K-2 240 1.8 AD 1 411 Fiction K-2 420 490 0 1.4 2.6 1.3 AD AD BR 1 2 1 404 1057 93 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 320 1.9 1 451 Fiction K-2 280 260 1.9 1.8 1 1 384 400 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 460 2.5 1 111 Non-Fiction K-2 390 2.3 1 102 Non-Fiction K-2 300 1.8 1 108 Non-Fiction K-2 560 3.5 AD 2 980 Fiction K-2 660 2.9 AD 2 871 Non-Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q28895 Q21482 Q03372 Q03374 Q55926 Q23996 Q03376 Q21409 Q03377 Title Author Name Jaffe, Elizabeth Ducks Have Ducklings Dana Ducks In Muck Haskins, Lori Ducky Bunting, Eve Zemach, Duffy And The Devil Margot Celenza, Duke Ellington's Nutcracker Anna Suite Harwell Ernst, Lisa Duke The Dairy Delight Dog Campbell Dumb Bunnies Pilkey, Dav Dumb Bunnies Go To The Zoo, The Pilkey, Dav Dumb Bunnies' Easter Pilkey, Dav Q35174 Dump Trucks Dump Trucks (Blastoff! Q39781 Readers) JangoCohen, Judith McClellan, Ray Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 560 0 440 2.3 1.1 2.1 BR 2 1 2 690 47 642 Non-Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 860 5.5 2 2262 Fiction K-2 620 3.5 3 1541 Fiction K-2 610 510 3.1 1.8 2 1 1414 426 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 480 570 1.7 1.9 1 1 575 450 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 500 1.6 1 356 Non-Fiction K-2 330 1.7 1 75 Non-Fiction K-2 560 3.2 1 518 Non-Fiction K-2 500 3.2 2 1702 Fiction K-2 920 4.6 AD 1 556 Fiction K-2 380 2.4 AD 1 564 Fiction K-2 410 2.5 AD 2 1321 Fiction K-2 360 480 2.2 2.1 AD 1 1 441 401 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2 1836 Fiction K-2 AD Q17667 Duncan & Dolores Q15755 Duncan The Dancing Duck JangoCohen, Judith Rattigan, Jama Kim Wong, Janet S. Winthrop, Elizabeth Edwards, Julie Andrews Samuels, Barbara Hoff, Syd Q31542 Duncan's Way Wallace, Ian 460 3.6 Q17812 Dust Bowl, The Q50540 Dust Devil Q03394 Dust For Dinner Dusty Locks And The Three Q26049 Bears Dutch Sneakers And Flea Q22095 Keepers: 14 More Stories Booth, David Isaacs, Anne Turner, Ann 620 900 390 3.5 5.2 2.8 AD 2 2 2 1401 2194 1280 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 Lowell, Susan 490 3.1 AD 2 1188 Fiction K-2 Brown, Calef 430 2.6 AD 2 683 Fiction K-2 Q54120 Dump Trucks On The Move Q26691 Dumpling Soup Q40297 Dumpster Diver, The Q25198 Dumpy La Rue Q22943 Dumpy The Dump Truck SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Dwight The Knight Q31156 (Anthology) 520 Q03401 Quiz # Q24576 Q19587 Q16700 Q03406 Q19588 Title Author Name Ward, Becky Catalanotto, Dylan's Day Out Peter Ryder, Each Living Thing Joanne Wishinsky, Each One Special Frieda Each Orange Had 8 Slices: Giganti, A Counting Book Paul, Jr. Ahlberg, Each Peach Pear Plum Janet McFarlane, Eagle Dreams Sheryl Q56620 Eagles Q34267 Eaglet's World Q46021 Eaglets (Blastoff! Reader) Q03413 Ear Book, The Earaches (Rookie ReadQ33048 About Health) Q37225 Earl the Squirrel Q21035 Early One Morning Q03417 Earrings Q03418 Ears Are For Hearing Q42611 Earth Q37999 Earth (Scholastic News) Q03421 Earth And I, The Earth And Sky (First Q03422 Discovery) Q35502 Earth Day Earth Day (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays - Children's Q39829 Press) Earth Day (Rookie ReadQ32309 About Holidays) Points Words Type Interest Level 1.9 1 332 Fiction K-2 320 1.6 1 59 Fiction K-2 580 3.3 AD 1 155 Fiction K-2 280 1.8 AD 2 770 Fiction K-2 400 2.5 1 486 Non-Fiction K-2 1 113 Fiction K-2 2.5 Lexile Code NP 740 4.3 2 1205 Fiction K-2 Schuetz, Kari Minshull, Evelyn Wendorff, Anne Perkins, Al Gordon, Sharon Freeman, Don Lang, Greg 480 2.6 1 128 Non-Fiction K-2 180 2.4 1 596 Fiction K-2 520 3.1 2.4 1 1 121 144 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 279 Non-Fiction K-2 1 1 981 240 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Viorst, Judith Showers, Paul TaylorButler, Christine TaylorButler, Christine Asch, Frank Jeunesse, Gallimard Lowery, Linda Trueit, Trudi Strain Marx, David F. NP 190 1.6 720 170 2.4 1.7 470 2.5 2 619 Fiction K-2 580 2.8 2 1005 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2.4 1 251 Non-Fiction K-2 420 50 2 1.5 1 1 264 86 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 650 3.7 1 531 Non-Fiction K-2 670 3.5 3 1628 Non-Fiction K-2 710 3.9 1 442 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.2 1 316 Non-Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Points Words Type Interest Level 820 480 4.8 2.6 3 1 1643 484 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 76 Fiction K-2 650 2.4 AD 1 463 Non-Fiction K-2 Q03426 Earth Movers Earth Movers (Blastoff! Q39782 Readers) Martin, M. T. Earth Shook: A Persian Tale, Napoli, Q48181 The Donna Jo Smallcomb, Q54841 Earth To Clunk Pam 920 3.9 IG 2 749 Non-Fiction K-2 400 2.1 1 75 Non-Fiction K-2 450 1.5 AD 1 582 Fiction K-2 480 1.6 AD 1 557 Fiction K-2 Q38934 Earth's Caretakers Scott, Janine Nelson, Robin Duhamel, Megan Ryder, Joanne Hill, Lee Sullivan Hill, Lee Sullivan Palatini, Margie Branley, Franklyn M. 530 2.8 1 518 Non-Fiction K-2 260 1.7 1 253 Non-Fiction K-2 400 2.3 1 354 Non-Fiction K-2 820 2.6 1 386 Fiction K-2 270 1.5 1 376 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.6 1 575 Non-Fiction K-2 400 2.9 2 1474 Fiction K-2 690 4.4 2 1049 Non-Fiction K-2 Q43008 Earthquakes Riley, Joelle Earthshake: Poems From The Peters, Lisa Q34097 Ground Up Westberg Himmelman, Q23228 Earthworm's Life, An John Llewellyn, Q32143 Earthworms (Minibeasts) Claire Sexton, Q44684 Earwigs (Blastoff! Readers) Colleen Eversole, Q57211 East Dragon, West Dragon Robyn 560 3.2 1 763 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q34319 Earth Day (True Book) Q56181 Earth Day Every Day Q25226 Earth Is Good, The Q03424 Earth Is Mostly Ocean, The Q51565 Earth's Water Cycle Q50932 Earth, The Q16481 Earthdance Q35686 Earthmovers Q51533 Earthmovers On The Move Q33256 Earthquack! Q03433 Earthquakes Author Name Sanders, Nancy I. Bullard, Lisa DeMunn, Michael Fowler, Allan Armentrout, David East-West House: Noguchi's Q47462 Childhood In Japan, The Hale, Christy Lexile Code AD AD 3.2 NP 2 965 Fiction K-2 2.7 BR 1 279 Non-Fiction K-2 700 2.8 2 1012 Non-Fiction K-2 440 1.5 1 198 Non-Fiction K-2 730 3.5 AD 1 919 Fiction K-2 760 3.6 AD 1 358 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Gibbons, Q13258 Easter Gail Easter (Rookie Read-About Marx, David Q32333 Holidays) F. Wallace, Q46384 Easter Bunny Blues Carol Fontes, Justine Q32716 Easter Cub, The Korman Chardiet, Q03436 Easter Ribbit, The Bernice Gwynne, Q17198 Easy To See Why Fred Eat My Dust!: Henry Ford's Kulling, Q47269 First Race Monica Hayes, Q15715 Eat Up, Gemma Sarah Snow, Q15468 Eat Your Peas, Louise! Pegeen SaundersQ03440 Eating Apples Smith, Gail Q03443 Eating The Alphabet Ehlert, Lois Ebb And Flo And The New Simmons, Q24169 Friend Jane Eclipse: Darkness in Branley, Q03448 Daytime Franklyn M. Edwards, Pamela Q21996 Ed & Fred Flea Duncan McPhail, Q03450 Ed And Me David Eddie Elephant's Exciting deRubertis, Q51464 Egg-Sitting Barbara Kulling, Q33476 Edgar Badger's Fishing Day Monica Edge Of The Puddle: A Q29907 Play, The Melton, Holly Burleigh, Q30865 Edna Robert McPhail, Q03459 Edward And The Pirates David McPhail, Q34897 Edward In The Jungle David Knowles, Q03461 Edward The Emu Sheena Williams, Q16659 Edwin And Emily Suzanne Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 660 3.5 AD 2 645 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.3 1 279 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.5 2 1187 Non-Fiction K-2 330 2.2 2 732 Fiction K-2 550 4.2 2 774 Fiction K-2 500 2.2 1 419 Fiction K-2 360 2.2 1 816 Fiction K-2 440 1.8 1 463 Fiction K-2 150 1.4 1 82 Fiction K-2 220 AD AD 1.1 2.5 NP NP 1 1 17 217 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2.2 AD 1 300 Fiction K-2 3.2 NA 2 700 Non-Fiction K-2 1 357 Fiction K-2 310 2.6 570 3.4 AD 1 491 Fiction K-2 430 1.4 AD 1 512 Fiction K-2 370 2.4 2 968 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 265 Fiction K-2 560 3.3 AD 2 806 Fiction K-2 550 4.8 AD 2 752 Fiction K-2 680 3.7 AD 1 860 Fiction K-2 2.8 NP 1 521 Fiction K-2 2 1567 Fiction K-2 260 2.2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q54827 Edwin Speaks Up Q03462 Edwina The Emu Edwina: The Dinosaur Who Didn't Know She Was Q39674 Extinct Edwurd Fudwupper Fibbed Q23499 Big Eek! Stories To Make You Q03463 Shriek Eek! There's A Mouse In The Q03464 House Q21795 Eek-A-Boo! Author Name Stevens, April Knowles, Sheena Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 590 2.3 AD 1 788 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 543 Fiction K-2 2.7 AD 1 317 Fiction K-2 3.3 NP 2 936 Fiction K-2 Willems, Mo Breathed, Berkeley O'Connor, Jane Yee, Wong Herbert Holub, Joan 500 Zobel, Derek Oppenheim, Eency Weency Spider Joanne Hoberman, Eensy-Weensy Spider, The Mary Ann Eentsy, Weentsy Spider, The Cole, Joanna Eeny Meeny Miney Mole Yolen, Jane Allinson, Effie Beverley Egg Drop Grey, Mini Aston, Egg Is Quiet, An Dianna Scrace, Egg To Bird (Cycles Of Life) Carolyn Selsam, Egg To Chick Millicent E. Robertson, Egg, The M.P. Dunbar, Eggday Joyce Singer, Eggs Marilyn Eggs (Rogg) Rogg, Ruth Ramsey, Eggs All Over Marcy Dunn 220 1.8 2 1151 Fiction K-2 220 150 1.5 1.5 1 1 206 59 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q43494 Eels (Blastoff! Readers) 600 3.4 1 226 Non-Fiction K-2 Q03465 640 2.5 AD 1 355 Fiction K-2 310 2.3 AD 1 452 Fiction K-2 520 620 1.6 4.6 AD 2 2 1618 893 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 300 400 2.5 1.3 AD 1 1 599 230 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 670 3.5 AD 1 501 Non-Fiction K-2 780 2.7 2 647 Non-Fiction K-2 430 2.3 2 979 Non-Fiction K-2 680 3.2 1 371 Fiction K-2 450 1.9 2 635 Fiction K-2 920 580 6.4 2.7 2 1 2900 565 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.3 1 118 Fiction K-2 530 2.8 1 469 Fiction K-2 550 2.5 2 1279 Fiction K-2 840 5.5 1 1667 Non-Fiction K-2 Q24951 Q03467 Q03468 Q21097 Q47483 Q38582 Q32131 Q03471 Q52867 Q17709 Q43629 Q30023 Q28930 Q38950 Eggs For Sale Q17309 Eggs Mark The Spot Q52285 Egypt Scott, Janine Auch, Mary Jane Simmons, Walter AD AD BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q33435 Q22424 Q03478 Q38431 Q33213 Q31140 Q50302 Q03480 Q50864 Q32325 Q03489 Q34430 Q46199 Q45468 Q32431 Q42587 Q25270 Q37496 Q48838 Q03498 Title Author Name Pluckrose, Egypt (Picture A Country) Henry Egypt (Visit To) Roop, Peter Climo, Egyptian Cinderella, The Shirley Turnbull, Egyptians Stephanie Elya, Susan Eight Animals Bake A Cake Middleton Eight Daughters! Dunlap, (Anthology) Linda Eight Days: A Story Of Danticat, Haiti Edwidge Eight Hands Round: A Paul, Ann Patchwork Alphabet Whitford Cleary, Brian Eight Wild Nights P. El Dia De Los Muertos (Rookie Read-About Wade, Mary Holidays) Dodson Wood, Elbert's Bad Word Audrey Eleanor, Ellatony, Ellencake, And Me Rubin, C.M. Eleanor, Quiet No More: The Life Of Eleanor Rappaport, Roosevelt Doreen McNamara, Election Day Margaret Election Day (Rookie Read- Murphy, About Holidays) Patricia J. Electricity Schuh, Mari Ziefert, Elemenopeo Harriet Geeslin, Elena's Serenade Campbell Elephant Dancer: A Story Gunderson, Of Ancient India, The Jessica Dorros, Elephant Families Arthur Q26585 Elephant On The Loose Q21373 Elephant Walk Q03502 Elephant's Child, The Watson, Kim George, Jean Craighead Kipling, Rudyard Lexile Levels Reading Level 660 630 2.9 2.9 620 3.5 640 2.5 350 2.3 390 1.8 820 4.4 980 5.3 1140 10.4 320 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 2 927 623 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 2 1463 Fiction K-2 2 1094 Non-Fiction K-2 1 399 Fiction K-2 1 238 Fiction K-2 1 624 Fiction K-2 2 2261 Non-Fiction K-2 1 501 Fiction K-2 1.8 1 234 Non-Fiction K-2 740 2.9 1 553 Fiction K-2 560 2.9 AD 1 867 Fiction K-2 670 3.2 AD 2 1590 Non-Fiction K-2 350 2.2 1 268 Fiction K-2 410 680 2.1 4.2 1 1 301 597 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 160 1.9 AD 1 379 Fiction K-2 780 4.3 AD 2 1642 Fiction K-2 320 2.1 3 3200 Fiction K-2 610 3.1 2 1020 Non-Fiction K-2 200 2.1 2 832 Fiction K-2 520 3.5 2 987 Fiction K-2 1100 5.1 3 2427 Fiction K-2 AD AD AD AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q45396 Q22323 Q36147 Q35048 Q45098 Q16991 Q24171 Q19442 Q47189 Q24825 Q42383 Q26080 Q13813 Title Author Name Blackford, Elephant's Story Harriet Robinson, Elephants (In The Wild) Claire Arnold, Elephants Can Paint Too! Katya Cherrington, Elephants Like To... Janelle Gibbons, Elephants Of Africa Gail Riley, Linda Elephants Swim Capus Chambers, Elephants' Ears, The Catherine E. Murphy, Elevator Magic Stuart J. Trachtenberg Elevator Man, The , Stanley Roberts, Eleven Elephants Going Up! Bethany Vander Zee, Eli Remembers Ruth Rosenberg, Eli's Night-Light Liz Nivola, Elisabeth Claire A. Elizabeth Leads The Way: Elizabeth Cady Stanton Q43313 And The Right To Vote Q03515 Elizabeti's Doll Stone, Tanya Lee StuveBodeen, Stephanie StuveBodeen, Stephanie Q31957 Elizabeti's School Elizabite: Adventures Of A Q20539 Carnivorous Plant Rey, H.A. Q03517 Ella Peet, Bill Cottringer, Q15774 Ella And The Naughty Lion Anne Ella Bella Ballerina And Mayhew, Q54881 Swan Lake James Pinkney, Ella Fitzgerald: The Tale Of Andrea Q31685 A Vocal Virtuosa Davis Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 850 4.5 AD 1 591 Fiction K-2 540 2.8 1 474 Non-Fiction K-2 660 3.5 AD 1 745 Non-Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 28 Non-Fiction K-2 920 3.5 NC 2 1246 Non-Fiction K-2 330 2.6 AD 1 109 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.8 AD 2 866 Fiction K-2 240 1.9 1 339 Fiction K-2 610 2.4 AD 2 1402 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 74 Fiction K-2 660 3.5 1 1044 Fiction K-2 380 2.2 AD 1 207 Fiction K-2 660 4.8 AD 2 614 Fiction K-2 700 4.3 AD 1 857 Non-Fiction K-2 740 4.6 AD 2 578 Fiction K-2 590 3.7 AD 2 923 Fiction K-2 2.7 4.3 NP NP 1 2 375 1035 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 500 2.4 AD 1 505 Fiction K-2 670 3.2 AD 1 860 Fiction K-2 520 3.6 2 1841 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level 810 1.7 430 2.4 650 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 227 Fiction K-2 AD 1 782 Fiction K-2 2.1 AD 1 921 Fiction K-2 520 2.7 AD 1 875 Fiction K-2 620 2.5 AD 1 1064 Fiction K-2 710 3.4 NC 4 4178 Fiction K-2 730 3.5 AD 1 403 Fiction K-2 1.6 BR 1 99 Non-Fiction K-2 Q50218 Ellie The Guitar Fairy ChodosIrvine, Margaret D'Amico, Carmela & Steven D'Amico, Carmela & Steven D'Amico, Carmela & Steven D'Amico, Carmela & Steven Meadows, Daisy Weeks, Sarah Walker, Pamela Jaffe, Elizabeth Dana Walker, Pamela Lyons, Kelly Starling Meadows, Daisy Q24198 Elliot Bakes A Cake Beck, Andrea 170 2.6 AD 2 798 Fiction K-2 Q25497 Elliot Digs For Treasure Q14518 Elliot Drives Away 270 600 2.7 2.6 AD 2 1 791 164 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q03525 Elliot Fry's Good Bye Beck, Andrea Curtis, Matt Brimner, Larry Dane 590 2.9 2 744 Fiction K-2 Q27975 Elliot Gets Stuck Beck, Andrea 180 2.6 AD 2 755 Fiction K-2 Q24137 Elliot's Bath Beck, Andrea 250 2.7 AD 2 734 Fiction K-2 Q18794 Elliot's Emergency Beck, Andrea 350 2.8 AD 2 857 Fiction K-2 Q49515 Elliot's Fire Truck Beck, Andrea 500 1.7 AD 1 777 Fiction K-2 Q24138 Elliot's Shipwreck Beck, Andrea 260 2.6 AD 2 647 Fiction K-2 Q34850 Ella Sarah Gets Dressed Q44475 Ella Sets Sail Q39476 Ella Sets The Stage Q37365 Ella Takes the Cake Q38133 Ella The Elegant Elephant Q50230 Ella The Rose Fairy Q49204 Ella, Of Course Q34970 Ellen Ochoa Q36621 Ellen Ochoa Q28276 Ellen Ochoa (Real People) Q56452 Ellen's Broom 280 1.7 1 343 Non-Fiction K-2 310 1.6 1 85 Non-Fiction K-2 610 2.4 AD 2 1003 Fiction K-2 700 3.3 NC 4 4270 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q03527 Ellis Island Christmas Q37247 Ellison the Elephant Ellsworth's Extraordinary Electric Ears And Other Amazing Alphabet Q33727 Anecdotes Elm Tree And Three Sisters, Q24298 An Author Name Leighton, Maxinne Rhea Drachman, Eric Lexile Levels Reading Level 430 3.9 730 3.6 670 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 2458 Fiction K-2 2 1042 Fiction K-2 3.2 1 226 Fiction K-2 570 2.8 2 1030 Fiction K-2 500 2.1 1 508 Fiction K-2 550 2.9 Fiction K-2 410 1.4 AD 1 515 Fiction K-2 510 1.8 AD 1 575 Fiction K-2 520 2.1 AD 1 513 Fiction K-2 400 580 1.3 1.9 AD 1 1 587 118 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 470 1.5 AD 1 408 Fiction K-2 380 890 2.7 4.7 AD AD 2 2 733 1226 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 AD Q26348 Elsie Times Eight Q50380 Elsie's Bird Fisher, Valorie Sommerdorf, Norma McKee, David McKee, David McKee, David McKee, David McKee, David McKee, David Novak, Matt McKee, David Babbitt, Natalie Yolen, Jane Elves And The Shoemaker Q18123 (Brothers Grimm), The Grimm, The Brothers 930 3.9 AD 2 943 Fiction K-2 Elves And The Shoemaker Q15731 (Galdone), The Elves And The Shoemaker Q29012 (Leber), The Galdone, Paul 990 3.4 AD 2 680 Fiction K-2 Leber, Nancy 200 2.1 1 570 Fiction K-2 Elves And The Shoemaker Q03532 (Littledale), The Elves And The Shoemaker Q21033 (Stein), The Elves And The Shoemaker Q25570 (Watts), The Elves and the Shoemaker, Q37036 The (LaMarche) Littledale, Freya 430 2.8 2 727 Fiction K-2 400 2.1 1 349 Fiction K-2 590 2.9 AD 1 564 Fiction K-2 840 3.2 AD 1 693 Fiction K-2 Q03528 Elmer Q03529 Elmer (Español) Q49162 Elmer And Rose Q58022 Elmer And Super El Q51549 Elmer And The Hippos Q54122 Elmer And The Rainbow Q16435 Elmer Blunt's Open House Q56255 Elmer's Christmas Stein, Meg Watts, Bernadette LaMarche, Jim AD 2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q03534 Elvira Elvis the Rooster Almost Q36046 Goes to Heaven Q48972 Elvis The Squirrel Q21868 Elympics Q21869 Emeline At The Circus Q03537 Emergency! Q35717 Emergency! Q16454 Emily Emily And Alice Baby-Sit Q24639 Burton Emily And Alice Stick Q24637 Together Emily And Alice, Best Q24638 Friends Q56907 Emily And Carlo Q48401 Emily The Emerald Fairy Q25670 Emily's Art Q48283 Emily's Everyday Manners Emily's First 100 Days Of Q22956 School Q31506 Emily's House Q23106 Emily's Shoes Q14009 Emma (Kesselman) Q17811 Emma And The Silk Train Q52868 Emma At The Fair Q37367 Emma Kate Q03543 Emma's Christmas Q52870 Emma's Cold Day Q58035 Emma's Easter Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 570 3.7 AD 1 349 Fiction K-2 Cazet, Denys Bradman, Tony Kennedy, X. J. Priceman, Marjorie Gibbons, Gail Mayo, Margaret Bedard, Michael Champion, Joyce Champion, Joyce Champion, Joyce Figley, Marty Rhodes Meadows, Daisy Catalanotto, Peter Post, Peggy Wells, Rosemary Scharer, Niko Cottle, Joan Kesselman, Wendy 270 1.5 2 1065 Fiction K-2 560 3.2 2 1535 Fiction K-2 2 945 Fiction K-2 2 513 Fiction K-2 2 803 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.9 Lawson, Julie Ruurs, Margriet Polacco, Patricia Trivas, Irene Ruurs, Margriet Bullard, Lisa 520 4.8 690 3.3 520 990 2.1 3.9 640 480 2.7 2.6 Shannon, Margaret 2.2 NP 390 2.4 770 3.5 70 1.6 1 249 Fiction K-2 450 3.5 2 1522 Fiction K-2 310 2.5 2 1015 Fiction K-2 320 2.7 2 1429 Fiction K-2 260 2.4 2 927 Fiction K-2 640 3.7 1 712 Fiction K-2 680 3.2 NC 3 4256 Fiction K-2 200 250 2.6 1.1 AD AD 2 1 1139 728 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 470 2.7 AD 2 2602 Fiction K-2 1.9 1.6 NP NA 2 1 632 42 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 584 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1268 Fiction K-2 AD 1 944 Fiction K-2 1 2 230 995 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 1 891 522 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 590 2.3 AD 1 769 Fiction K-2 430 2.7 2 1748 Fiction K-2 820 430 250 4.4 4.2 2.3 AD 2 1 2 1340 369 1117 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 240 1.7 AD 1 219 Fiction K-2 790 4.2 AD 1 905 Non-Fiction K-2 370 450 260 430 1.2 4.8 1.5 2.4 AD 1 2 2 1 974 864 1386 545 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 350 1.9 1 156 Fiction K-2 Yolen, Jane Andersen, Hans Christian Guiberson, Brenda Z. Perlman, Janet 660 3.7 AD 2 1333 Fiction K-2 620 3.8 AD 2 1216 Fiction K-2 840 4.1 AD 2 1444 Fiction K-2 670 3.7 2 1152 Fiction K-2 Edmiston, Jim 660 3.7 AD 2 879 Fiction K-2 Edmiston, Jim Wheeler, Emperor's Birthday Suit, The Cindy Jenkins, Emperor's Egg, The Martin Gross, Ruth Emperor's New Clothes, The Belov Lasky, Emperor's Old Clothes, The Kathryn 520 3.5 AD 2 840 Fiction K-2 330 2.2 2 860 Fiction K-2 570 3.9 2 815 Non-Fiction K-2 420 3.2 2 1275 Fiction K-2 580 5.2 2 1686 Fiction K-2 Title Author Name Ruurs, Q52869 Emma's Eggs Margriet Emma's Escape: A Story Of Gayle, America's Underground Sharon Q33875 Railroad Shavers Frossard, Q53211 Emma's Journey Claire Q17120 Emma's Lamb Lewis, Kim Q03544 Emma's Magic Winter Little, Jean McPhail, Q27964 Emma's Pet David Glaser, Q49384 Emma's Poem Linda Urdahl, Q46394 Emma's Question Catherine Q13534 Emma's Rug Say, Allen Q37172 Emma's Strange Pet Little, Jean Q41745 Emma's Turtle Bunting, Eve McPhail, Q03545 Emma's Vacation David Q03548 Emperor And The Kite, The Emperor And The Q14192 Nightingale, The Q27718 Emperor Lays An Egg, The Emperor Penguin's New Q03550 Clothes, The Emperor Who Forgot His Q18130 Birthday, The Emperor Who Hated Q18128 Yellow, The Q03551 Q21899 Q03552 Q21965 AD AD Q48022 Empire State Building, The Bullard, Lisa 650 3.7 1 495 Non-Fiction K-2 Q20060 Empty Lot, The Q03553 Empty Pot, The Fife, Dale H. Demi, 460 630 3.5 3.5 2 2 1282 656 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 0 Non-Fiction K-2 1 0 Fiction K-2 1 1 0 Fiction K-2 1.3 1 0 Non-Fiction K-2 480 1 2.7 1 1 0 195 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 610 2.8 2 Fiction K-2 Q24973 Enemy Pie Marzollo, Jean Carter, Dorothy Sharp Ada, Alma Flor Cristini, Ermanno Pasternac, Susana Morris, Ann Zelinsky, Paul O. De Veaux, Alexis McNulty, Faith Munson, Derek Q42588 Energy Manolis, Kay 610 3.4 Q03606 Energy From The Sun 600 2.5 Q38432 Q38433 Fowler, Allan Stewart, Energy In Motion Melissa Energy Is Everywhere Young, June Energy That Warms Us: A Boothroyd, Look At Heat, The Jennifer Energy We See: A Look At Boothroyd, Light, The Jennifer 310 50 1.6 1.2 1 1 322 225 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 590 3.3 1 713 Non-Fiction K-2 540 3.2 1 625 Non-Fiction K-2 1 608 Fiction K-2 1 145 Fiction K-2 1 401 Fiction K-2 Q03555 En 1492 Q03556 En aquel prado Q03558 En el Barrio Q03559 En el bosque Q03562 En la ciudad Q03565 En marcha Q03568 enano saltarín, El Q03571 Enchanted Hair Tale, An Q03602 Endangered Animals Q54123 Q54124 Q14200 Engelbert Joins The Circus 2.1 1 3.8 560 2.8 330 3.1 Paxton, Tom 4.2 NP NP AD AD NP 2 716 Fiction K-2 1 281 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1510 Fiction K-2 1 544 Non-Fiction K-2 1 438 Non-Fiction K-2 Q17396 Engelbert Moves The House Paxton, Tom 490 2.5 Q03607 Engelbert The Elephant Engine, Engine, Number Q03608 Nine 740 3.9 200 1.5 1 276 Fiction K-2 850 5.5 2 1551 Non-Fiction K-2 470 3.1 1 525 Fiction K-2 80 1.5 AD 1 400 Fiction K-2 2.3 NP 1 275 Fiction K-2 Q52286 England Q03610 Enormous Carrot, The Q16584 Enormous Potato, The Enormous Turnip (Green Q30674 Light Reader), The Paxton, Tom Calmenson, Stephanie Simmons, Walter Vagin, Vladimir Davis, Aubrey Tolstoy, Alexei AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.6 NP 1 572 Fiction K-2 600 2.9 AD 2 784 Fiction K-2 620 2.5 AD 2 1052 Fiction K-2 780 2.7 AD 1 456 Fiction K-2 500 4.5 AD 2 1266 Fiction K-2 Q48979 Eric's Talking Ears 520 3.1 2 2295 Fiction K-2 Q31834 Q48024 Q45957 590 540 2.9 3.3 3.2 AD 1 1 2 411 550 1354 Fiction Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 720 3.4 NC 4 4186 Fiction K-2 300 2.1 2 632 Fiction K-2 450 2.5 AD 2 967 Fiction K-2 750 3.6 AD 1 639 Fiction K-2 640 2.9 2 913 Non-Fiction K-2 920 5.6 3 1528 Fiction K-2 570 2.9 1 124 Fiction K-2 730 4.9 2 1149 Non-Fiction K-2 940 2.8 1 437 Fiction K-2 2 1 0 0 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Quiz # Q28228 Q33504 Q48180 Q03616 Q21351 Q57108 Q33872 Q16466 Q48820 Q25364 Q42376 Q35814 Q03634 Q03635 Q03639 Q03641 Q35565 Q32385 Q46381 Q47359 Title Author Name Parkinson, Enormous Turnip, The Kathy Salley, Epossumondas Coleen Salley, Epossumondas Plays Possum Coleen Dunrea, Eppie M. Says.. Olivier Madrigal, Antonio Erandi's Braids Hernandez Gates, Susan Kimmel, Eric Erie Canal Pirates, The A. Erie Canal, The Bullard, Lisa Erika-San Say, Allen Meadows, Erin The Phoenix Fairy Daisy Smith, Ermine's New Home Stephanie Alexander, Ernie Gets Lost Liza Errol And His Extraordinary Conway, Nose David Eruption!: The Story Of Ganeri, Volcanoes Anita Balit, Escape From Pompeii Christina Neasi, Escúcheme Barbara J. Eskimo Boy: Life In An Inupiaq Eskimo Village Kendall, Russ O'Keefe, esperpento hambriento, Un Susan Munsch, estación de bomberos, La Robert Este Abuelo Paz, S. Donaldson, Europe Madeline Europe (Rookie Read-About Geography) Fowler, Allan Even An Ostrich Needs A Nest: Where Birds Begin Kelly, Irene Kimmel, Eric Even Higher! A. Lexile Levels 2.6 1 NP NC NC NP 410 2 1 331 Non-Fiction K-2 120 1.8 1 236 Non-Fiction K-2 930 5.6 AD 2 1709 Non-Fiction K-2 670 3.2 AD 2 1098 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Even If I Did Something Q25582 Awful Even Monsters Need Q50131 Haircuts Even More Parts: Idioms Q35981 from Head to Toe Q03658 Q03659 Q31403 Q03662 Q03663 Q49144 Q29952 Q31288 Q16501 Q51304 Q54835 Q03669 Q27655 Q03670 Q31660 Q03671 Author Name Hazen, Barbara Shook McElligott, Matthew Arnold, Tedd Cristaldi, Even Steven And Odd Todd Kathryn Even That Moose Won't Alexander, Listen To Me Martha Clifton, Everett Anderson's Friend Lucille Everett Anderson's Clifton, Goodbye Lucille Everett Anderson's Nine Clifton, Month Long Lucille Everglades, The Bullard, Lisa Menschell, Every Animal Has A Home Mindy Every Autumn Comes The Bear Arnosky, Jim Murphy, Every Buddy Counts Stuart J. Every Cowgirl Needs A Janni, Horse Rebecca Every Cowgirl Needs Janni, Dancing Boots Rebecca McCord, Every Time I Climb A Tree David Every Time I Climb A Tree McCord, (Anthology) David Dooley, Everybody Bakes Bread Norah Dooley, Everybody Brings Noodles Norah Dooley, Everybody Cooks Rice Norah Q25569 Everybody Needs A Rock Q14524 Everybody Says Q35725 Everybody Serves Soup Everybody Was A Baby Q49189 Once Baylor, Byrd Dobkin, Bonnie Dooley, Norah Ahlberg, Allan Lexile Levels Reading Level 430 2.4 350 1.2 2.1 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 417 Fiction K-2 AD 1 351 Fiction K-2 NP 1 470 Fiction K-2 410 2.2 2 838 Fiction K-2 330 2.1 1 395 Fiction K-2 1050 2.8 1 440 Fiction K-2 3.5 NP 1 205 Fiction K-2 970 590 3.7 3.3 AD 1 1 446 733 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 150 1.3 1 86 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2.1 1 151 Fiction K-2 220 1.5 1 152 Fiction K-2 650 2.7 AD 1 630 Fiction K-2 540 2.2 AD 1 584 Fiction K-2 2.5 NA 2 1000 Fiction K-2 1.9 NP 1 158 Fiction K-2 670 3.5 AD 2 1952 Fiction K-2 340 3.2 2 1886 Fiction K-2 690 4.4 AD 2 1045 Fiction K-2 430 3.2 AD 2 675 Fiction K-2 290 2.2 1 115 Fiction K-2 530 2.8 2 2414 Fiction K-2 2 1050 Fiction K-2 2.3 AD NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q31766 Everybody's Best Friend Q27384 Everybody's Happy Q38033 Everyone Uses Math Q52240 Everything But The Horse Everything I Know About Q22794 Pirates Everything On Olvera Q30010 Street Everything To Spend The Q23520 Night From A To Z Q37811 Everywhere Babies Exceptionally Extraordinary Ordinary First Day Of Q51781 School, The Excuse Me... Are You a Q36114 Witch? Exercise (Rookie ReadQ32360 About Health) Q56230 Exploring Flowers Q56232 Exploring Leaves Exploring Parks With Q03711 Ranger Dockett Q56229 Exploring Roots Q56233 Exploring Seeds Q56231 Exploring Stems Author Name Brimner, Larry Dane Cicero, Anna Sargent, Brian Hobbie, Holly Lichtenheld, Tom Coleman, Evelyn Paul, Ann Whitford Meyers, Susan Lorenz, Albert Horn, Emily Gordon, Sharon Sterling, Kristin Sterling, Kristin Flanagan, Alice K. Sterling, Kristin Sterling, Kristin Sterling, Kristin Lexile Levels Reading Level 290 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 1 360 Fiction K-2 420 2.3 2 677 Fiction K-2 570 2.3 1 340 Non-Fiction K-2 780 3.7 1 827 Fiction K-2 930 4.9 2 2015 Fiction K-2 420 2.6 1 589 Fiction K-2 100 1.5 1 397 Fiction K-2 NP 1 227 Non-Fiction K-2 550 2.2 AD 1 963 Fiction K-2 520 2.7 AD 1 544 Fiction K-2 90 1.5 1 250 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.6 1 114 Non-Fiction K-2 190 1.4 1 94 Non-Fiction K-2 640 3.4 1 282 Non-Fiction K-2 230 1.6 1 100 Non-Fiction K-2 290 1.7 1 183 Non-Fiction K-2 270 1.7 1 103 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.5 2 1073 Fiction K-2 630 4.9 IG 2 1419 Non-Fiction K-2 900 2 NC 2 769 Non-Fiction K-2 AD 1 2 562 682 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 156 Fiction K-2 Q03718 Extra Cheese, Please! Q56444 Extra Yarn Q14466 Extraordinary Egg, An Barnett, Mac Lionni, Leo 620 520 2.5 3.5 Q03732 Eye Book, The LeSieg, Theo 140 1.3 Q03717 Extinct Alphabet Book AD 1.9 Van Allsburg, Chris Pallotta, Jerry Peterson, Cris Q03716 expreso Polar, El Lexile Code SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q03734 Eye Of The Needle Q29663 Eye Spy (Anthology) Q48971 Eye, Eye, Captain! Q38917 Eye-Openers Q03738 Eyes Of Gray Wolf, The Q20927 Fa Mulan Q41913 Fabian Escapes Q03749 Fábulas Q31824 Fabulous Frogs Q27082 Face Of The West, The Q19446 Fair Bear Share, A Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Sloat, Teri Cummings, Pat 550 3.9 AD 2 Words 974 Type Fiction 290 2.3 1 275 Fiction K-2 Clarke, Jane Howie, Rhonda London, Jonathan San Souci, Robert D. McCarty, Peter 580 3.3 2 1450 Fiction K-2 530 2.8 1 589 Non-Fiction K-2 760 4.1 1 373 Fiction K-2 780 3.9 3 1381 Fiction K-2 390 1.5 1 173 Fiction K-2 Lobel, Arnold Glaser, Linda 490 2.7 2 5436 Fiction K-2 280 1.9 1 273 Non-Fiction K-2 Aronson, Billy Murphy, Stuart J. Helakoski, Leslie 390 2.4 2 731 Fiction K-2 370 2.2 1 840 Fiction K-2 430 1.4 1 617 Fiction K-2 560 3.7 2 1286 Fiction K-2 550 2.2 1 724 Fiction K-2 500 2.7 1 847 Fiction K-2 1 495 Fiction K-2 1 717 Fiction K-2 2 1096 Fiction K-2 Q50818 Fair Cow Fair, Brown & Trembling: An Q22648 Irish Cinderella Story Daly, Jude Fairies' Birthday Surprise, Meadows, Q48591 The Daisy Meadows, Q50421 Fairy Ballet, A Daisy McLeanQ21617 Fairy Dreams Carr, Carol Meadows, Q55246 Fairy Treasure Hunt, The Daisy Faithful Elephants: A True Story Of Animals, People Tsuchiya, Q20711 And War Yukio Falcons Nest On Q03771 Skyscrapers Q39783 Fall (Blastoff! Readers) Fall Apples: Crispy And Q56176 Juicy Q25894 Fall Changes Q30087 Fall Colors Jenkins, Priscilla Belz Green, Emily K. Rustad, Martha E.H. Senisi, Ellen B. Lewis, Kathryn 2.7 AD AD NP Interest Level K-2 530 2.5 640 4.9 790 2.8 2 1038 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2.1 1 169 Non-Fiction K-2 590 3.3 1 533 Non-Fiction K-2 200 2.3 1 223 Non-Fiction K-2 120 1.5 1 182 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q53459 Fall Festival, The Q30022 Fall From The Sky, A Q03772 Fall Harvest Fall Harvests: Bringing In Q56172 Food Q33906 Fall Is For Friends Q27126 Fall Is Fun! Q39489 Fall Leaf Project Q21609 Fall Leaves Q29502 Fall Leaves (Anthology) Author Name Mayer, Mercer Ayin, Morris SaundersSmith, Gail Rustad, Martha E.H. Spafford, Suzy Archer, Ron McNamara, Margaret Packard, Mary Baker, Barbara Curry, Don L. Zoehfeld, Kathleen Q26621 Fall Leaves Change Colors Weidner Q21618 Fall Leaves Fall! Hall, Zoe Fall Leaves: Colorful And Rustad, Q56174 Crunchy Martha E.H. Fall Pumpkins: Orange And Rustad, Q56173 Plump Martha E.H. Fall Weather: Cooler Rustad, Q56171 Temperatures Martha E.H. Metzger, Q31459 Falling Leaves, The Steve Bridwell, Q03779 familia de Clifford, La Norman SaundersQ18313 Families Smith, Gail Q31089 Families (Morris) Morris, Ann Pellegrini, Q03782 Families Are Different Nina Family Christmas Tree Book, dePaola, Q26743 The Tomie Lexile Levels Reading Level 220 350 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.5 2.8 1 2 259 634 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 160 1.5 1 39 Non-Fiction K-2 590 3.3 1 402 Non-Fiction K-2 330 280 2.1 1.4 1 1 429 220 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 270 1.5 1 233 Fiction K-2 270 1.5 1 105 Fiction K-2 140 1.5 1 219 Fiction K-2 1 52 Fiction K-2 Q36671 Fall Leaves (Curry) Q30042 Family Food Store Neder, Bill E. Q41617 Family For Old Mill Farm, A Crum, Shutta Family Garden, The Dunlap, Q31139 (Anthology) Linda Manning, Q47680 Family Huddle Peyton 1.3 Lexile Code BR 500 260 1.9 2.2 1 1 468 232 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 490 2.6 1 443 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.7 1 474 Non-Fiction K-2 530 3.1 1 473 Non-Fiction K-2 250 2.5 2 981 Fiction K-2 470 2.5 1 363 Fiction K-2 360 40 1.5 1.5 1 1 60 129 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 540 4.2 1 565 Fiction K-2 570 2.8 2 1024 Fiction K-2 400 3.1 1 540 Fiction K-2 1 978 Fiction K-2 1 195 Fiction K-2 2 1051 Fiction K-2 2.3 380 1.9 560 2.2 NP AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Garrido, Q29937 Family Life: Then And Now Belen Schimmel, Q30671 Family Of Earth, The Schim Markle, Q53040 Family Pack Sandra Schaefer, Q18275 Family Pets Lola M. O'Brien, Q30067 Family Pictures Anne Hoberman, Q31126 Family Poems (Anthology) Mary Ann Jackson, Q31390 Famous Explorers Garnet Q16335 Fancy Feet Q37941 Fancy Nancy Fancy Nancy And The Boy Q44255 From Paris Fancy Nancy And The Q50720 Delectable Cupcakes Fancy Nancy And The Late, Q55985 Late, Late Night Fancy Nancy And The Mean Q55427 Girl Fancy Nancy And The Posh Q43380 Puppy Fancy Nancy At The Q44254 Museum Q47375 Fancy Nancy Sees Stars Fancy Nancy: Bonjour, Q48536 Butterfly Fancy Nancy: Explorer Q47585 Extraordinaire! Q47332 Fancy Nancy: Pajama Day Fancy Nancy: Poison Ivy Q46497 Expert Fancy Nancy: Spectacular Q51163 Spectacles Fancy Nancy: The 100th Q51331 Day Of School Fancy Nancy: The Dazzling Q47333 Book Report Giff, Patricia Reilly O'Connor, Jane O'Connor, Jane O'Connor, Jane O'Connor, Jane O'Connor, Jane O'Connor, Jane O'Connor, Jane O'Connor, Jane O'Connor, Jane O'Connor, Jane O'Connor, Jane O'Connor, Jane O'Connor, Jane O'Connor, Jane O'Connor, Jane Lexile Levels Reading Level 520 2.1 490 2.4 760 3.6 400 210 Points Words Type Interest Level 1 319 Non-Fiction K-2 AD 1 243 Fiction K-2 AD 1 792 Fiction K-2 1.3 1 37 Non-Fiction K-2 1.7 1 258 Fiction K-2 1 163 Fiction K-2 2.3 Lexile Code NP 670 2.9 2 1718 Non-Fiction K-2 140 2.7 3 4282 Fiction K-2 420 2.4 1 419 Fiction K-2 220 1.5 1 639 Fiction K-2 350 2.1 1 580 Fiction K-2 500 1.7 AD 1 537 Fiction K-2 290 1.1 AD 1 640 Fiction K-2 320 2.1 AD 1 514 Fiction K-2 300 1.8 1 448 Fiction K-2 270 1.7 1 524 Fiction K-2 450 1.5 AD 1 482 Fiction K-2 540 2.2 AD 2 1459 Fiction K-2 320 2.1 1 446 Fiction K-2 320 2.1 1 512 Fiction K-2 350 2.2 1 470 Fiction K-2 290 1.7 1 532 Fiction K-2 270 1.7 1 510 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.8 1 536 Fiction K-2 650 3.6 2 1072 Fiction K-2 630 2.5 2 2070 Non-Fiction K-2 380 2.8 2 1209 Fiction K-2 790 2.8 2 1003 Fiction K-2 Q49859 Fantastic Bats Fantastic Drawings Of Q28725 Danielle, The 490 2.6 1 304 Non-Fiction K-2 170 2.4 1 598 Fiction K-2 Q52438 480 2.6 1 394 Non-Fiction K-2 190 1.4 1 204 Non-Fiction K-2 840 510 610 4.5 2.9 3.4 AD AD AD 1 2 2 993 1281 1030 Non-Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 380 2.6 AD 2 729 Fiction K-2 590 2.3 AD 2 1703 Fiction K-2 710 520 390 3.4 2.9 2.5 AD 2 2 1 1048 916 317 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 660 3.7 AD 1 554 Non-Fiction K-2 570 3.1 1 572 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2.7 AD 1 495 Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 1 189 Fiction K-2 920 3.9 IG 2 703 Non-Fiction K-2 970 4.1 AD 2 1100 Fiction K-2 580 3 1 416 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Fancy Nancy: The Show Q47331 Must Go On Q33850 Fancy That Q49221 Fangs! Q31395 Fannie In The Kitchen Q03801 Fanny's Dream Q21312 Q46961 Q28117 Q22711 Author Name O'Connor, Jane Hershenhorn, Esther Dakota, Heather Hopkinson, Deborah Buehner, Caralyn Martin, Justin McCory McClintock, Barbara Bennett, Fantastic Fish Elizabeth Robinson, Fantastic Frogs! Fay Fantastic Undersea Life Of Yaccarino, Jacques Cousteau Dan Far-Fetched Story, A Cates, Karin Faraway Home Kurtz, Jane Q31992 Farfallina & Marcel Q47749 Farm Q57051 Farm Q16665 Farm Album, A Q03811 Farm Alphabet Book Q17298 Farm Animals Farm Animals (First Q03812 Discovery) Q24437 Farm Flu Q37812 Farm Life Q03813 Farm Machinery Q25157 Farm Of Her Own, A Q35173 Farm Tractors Keller, Holly Cooper, Elisha Arlon, Penelope Roop, Peter Miller, Jane Helweg, Hans Jeunesse, Gallimard Bateman, Teresa Spurr, Elizabeth Armentrout, David KinseyWarnock, Natalie Nelson, Kristin L. Lexile Levels Reading Level 300 Lexile Code IG AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Nelson, Q54125 Farm Tractors On The Move Kristin L. SaundersQ18320 Farm, The Smith, Gail Santoro, Q39063 Farm-Fresh Cats Scott Wilder, Q20807 Farmer Boy Birthday, A Laura Ingalls Farmer Brown Goes Round Q21966 And Round Sloat, Teri Farmer Brown Shears His Q22951 Sheep: A Yarn About Wool Sloat, Teri Farmer Brown's Birthday Julius, Q27391 Surprise Jennifer Waddell, Q03817 Farmer Duck Martin Farmer Gus And The Very Havill, Q29160 Big Sneeze Juanita Q42327 Farmer Ham Q03818 Farmer In The Dell, The Sillifant, Alec Rae, Mary Maki Reading Level Points Words Type Interest Level 570 3.3 1 471 Non-Fiction K-2 410 1.5 1 226 Non-Fiction K-2 660 3.5 1 465 Fiction K-2 550 3.5 1 763 Fiction K-2 Q37253 Q23974 Q03820 Q50341 Q03821 Q16662 Q32346 Q26745 Q23101 Q37620 Q24190 Q03830 Lexile Code AD 2.1 NP 1 574 Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 1 352 Fiction K-2 260 2.4 1 591 Fiction K-2 360 2.9 1 395 Fiction K-2 200 1.9 1 300 Fiction K-2 1210 4.2 AD 1 649 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 162 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 165 Fiction K-2 2 962 Fiction K-2 1 2 1 470 916 372 Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 1 206 Fiction K-2 2 2 694 781 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 1 179 Fiction K-2 Q26510 Farmer In The Dell, The Q03819 O'Brien, John Littledale, Farmer In The Soup, The Freya Farmer McPeepers And His Duffield, Missing Milk Cows Katy S. Farmer, The Ludy, Mark Farmers Ready, Dee Parks, Farmers Market Carmen Gibbons, Farming Gail Farming Town, A Roop, Peter Pearson, Fast Dan Mary E. Waber, Fast Food! Gulp! Gulp! Bernard Hamsa, Fast-Draw Freddie Bobbie Fat Bat And Swoop Landry, Leo Cox, Phil Fat Cat On A Mat Roxbee Fat Cat Sat On The Mat Karlin, Nurit Lexile Levels 390 2.5 860 410 430 2.4 3.6 1.5 380 2.3 350 610 3.5 3.9 50 1.5 0 1.6 BR 1 379 Fiction K-2 1.1 2.7 NA 810 1 2 50 1735 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 90 220 1.3 1.3 1 1 206 551 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q33130 Fat Cat: A Danish Folktale Q26349 Fat Chance Thanksgiving Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level MacDonald, Margaret Read Lakin, Patricia 330 2.1 AD 1 551 Fiction K-2 330 2.9 AD 2 1250 Fiction K-2 1.5 BR 1 151 Fiction K-2 2 1519 Fiction K-2 Q36780 Fat Frogs On A Skinny Log Riches, Sara Q03835 Father Bear Comes Home Father Who Had 10 Q20049 Children, The Q41240 Father's Day Thank You, A Q29271 Father's Rubber Shoes Q32448 Father, We Thank You Q18276 Fathers Fathers, Mothers, Sisters, Q03837 Brothers Fattest, Tallest, Biggest Q03839 Snowman Ever, The Q46022 Fawns (Blastoff! Reader) Q26027 Fearless Jack Minarik, Else Holmelund Guettier, Benedicte 240 2.4 380 2.1 AD 1 271 Fiction K-2 Nolan, Janet Heo, Yumi Emerson, Ralph Waldo Schaefer, Lola M. Hoberman, Mary Ann 680 380 4.3 2.6 AD AD 1 1 857 540 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2.3 NP 1 125 Fiction K-2 1 25 Non-Fiction K-2 2 2598 Fiction K-2 Ling, Bettina Wendorff, Anne Johnson, Paul Brett 520 2.8 2 886 Fiction K-2 450 2.5 1 116 Non-Fiction K-2 580 3.6 2 2086 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 AD 2 1132 Non-Fiction K-2 1.6 NP 1 108 Fiction K-2 Fearless: The Story Of Rosenstock, Q52273 Racing Legend Louise Smith Barb Falwell, Q03844 Feast For 10 Cathryn Kaminsky, Q24417 Feathered Friends Jef Boothroyd, Q56238 Feathers Jennifer Q24411 Q25115 Q03847 Q48764 Feathers & Fur Feathers And Fools Feathers For Lunch February Friend Q03848 Feed Me Q34738 Feeding The Gulls Q24320 Feeding Time Penn, Audrey Fox, Mem Ehlert, Lois Roy, Ron Hooks, William H. Calvert, Deanna Davis, Lee 140 1.3 2.9 NP 260 1.9 1 554 Fiction K-2 340 2.2 1 101 Non-Fiction K-2 500 960 720 470 2.9 4.3 1.9 2.5 2 1 1 4 772 517 111 6642 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 250 1.8 1 578 Fiction K-2 260 380 1.5 2.1 1 1 88 347 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q35043 Feel Better Q16236 Feel The Wind Q36843 Feeling Thankful Author Name Russell, Susan Dorros, Arthur Rotner, Shelley Q14759 Feeling Things Q14021 Feelings Q23124 Q58253 Q17723 Q03849 Q17312 Q23583 Q49436 Q31311 Q25336 Q03861 Q45479 Fowler, Allan Aliki, Rau, Dana Feet Meachen Feet And Puppies, Thieves Cleary, Brian And Guppies P. Feet In The Gym, The Daniels, Teri Fefi Allinson, B. Feliciana Feydra LeRoux: A Thomassie, Cajun Tall Tale Tynia Feliciana Meets d'Loup Thomassie, Garou: A Cajun Tall Tale Tynia Wlodarski, Felina's New Home Loran Wells, Felix Feels Better Rosemary Felix The Fluffy Kitten Dale, Jenny Fence Was Too High, The Esh, Olivia Meadows, Fern The Green Fairy Daisy Fernando's Gift/El Regalo Q27513 De Fernando (Anthology) Keister, Douglas Q34668 Ferns Fowler, Allan RostokerGruber, Karen Schaefer, Lola M. Walker, Pamela Rockwell, Anne San Vicente, Luis Berger, Samantha Q53659 Ferret Fun Q20590 Ferries Q22522 Ferry Rides Q29556 Ferryboat Ride! Q47325 Festival Of Bones, The Q24159 Festivals Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.4 BR 1 89 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.9 AD 2 978 Non-Fiction K-2 20 1.6 AD 1 89 Non-Fiction K-2 570 1.9 3.8 NP 1 2 240 1439 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.2 NA 1 26 Fiction K-2 313 623 630 Non-Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 800 760 430 5.3 3.7 2.3 AD 1 2 2 910 3.8 AD 2 1557 Fiction K-2 590 3.9 2 1787 Fiction K-2 810 4.3 AD 2 1098 Fiction K-2 350 480 520 1.9 3.1 2.9 AD 1 3 1 266 4801 471 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 570 2.8 4 4307 Fiction K-2 720 3.1 2 825 Fiction K-2 510 2.2 1 308 Non-Fiction K-2 380 3.3 GN 1 615 Fiction K-2 610 1.5 IG 1 343 Non-Fiction K-2 1.4 NA 1 136 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1019 Fiction K-2 550 2.7 900 5.2 AD 2 1473 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 40 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q13819 Q38229 Q34557 Q17649 Title Author Name KinseyFiddler Of The Northern Warnock, Lights, The Natalie Field Beyond The Outfield, Teague, The Mark Jones, Melanie Field Day Davis Hansard, Field Full Of Horses, A Peter Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 550 4.1 AD 2 1223 Fiction K-2 950 2.8 AD 1 367 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 50 Fiction K-2 620 2.3 AD 1 443 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1178 Fiction K-2 1 533 Non-Fiction K-2 Field Mouse And The Q21413 Dinosaur Named Sue, The Wahl, Jan 200 2.1 Q03868 Field Of Sunflowers, A Johnson, Neil 820 5.5 Q49366 Field Trip Day 530 2.1 AD 2 1264 Fiction K-2 Q53468 Plourde, Lynn Brown, Margaret Fierce Yellow Pumpkin, The Wise Paul, Ann Fiesta Fiasco Whitford Ancona, Fiesta Fireworks George fiesta medieval, Una Aliki, 820 3.4 AD 1 695 Fiction K-2 340 1.7 AD 1 681 Fiction K-2 930 590 5.5 3.3 NC 2 2 885 948 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 580 1.9 NA 1 592 Non-Fiction K-2 1.3 NP 1 104 Fiction K-2 Q41315 Q16092 Q03871 Q25598 Fiesta! Behrens, June Guy, Ginger Foglesong Hughes, Monica Simon, Q31739 Fighting Fires Seymour Fill It Up! All About Service Gibbons, Q16239 Stations Gail Fin M'Coul: The Giant Of dePaola, Q31825 Knockmany Hill Tomie Q36783 Fiesta! (Guy) Fighting Dinosaurs (Dino Q41624 World!) Q19572 Final Game, The Q22523 Find The Bird Q54127 Q22524 Q22525 Q22526 Find The Cat! Find The Fish Find The Insect Find The Polar Animal Brownridge, William Roy Foley, Cate Hooks, Gwendolyn Foley, Cate Foley, Cate Foley, Cate 490 2.7 1 108 Non-Fiction K-2 890 2.9 1 435 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2.5 2 862 Fiction K-2 580 3.3 2 1378 Fiction K-2 490 3.8 1.6 NA 2 1 1439 110 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.6 NA NA NA 1 1 1 1 262 134 125 142 Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 310 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q22527 Find The Snake Q22528 Find The Wild Animal Q03899 Finders Keepers Finders Keepers For Q03900 Franklin Author Name Foley, Cate Foley, Cate Nicholas, Will and Bourgeois, Paulette Markle, Sandra Malaspina, Ann Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points 1.5 1.5 NA BR 1 1 Words 107 108 Type Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Interest Level K-2 K-2 540 3.9 2 755 Fiction K-2 380 2.9 2 613 Fiction K-2 950 7.4 AD 2 1281 Fiction K-2 650 2.7 AD 2 1217 Fiction K-2 510 2.7 1 584 Fiction K-2 520 1.3 1 126 Fiction K-2 300 2.7 AD 2 1157 Fiction K-2 550 2.9 AD 1 444 Fiction K-2 Q37092 Finklehopper Frog Cheers Finn MacCoul And His Fearless Wife: A Giant Of Q21220 A Tale From Ireland Byrd, Robert Meadows, Q50219 Fiona The Flute Fairy Daisy 740 2.9 AD 1 458 Fiction K-2 660 3.7 AD 2 2321 Fiction K-2 690 3.3 NC 4 4172 Fiction K-2 Q45811 Fire Alarm! Krulik, Nancy Freeman, Marcia S. Averill, Esther Freeman, Marcia S. Rockwell, Anne Royston, Angela Simon, Norma Maass, Robert 340 2.2 3 3553 Fiction K-2 560 2.5 1 189 Non-Fiction K-2 400 2.2 2 1611 Fiction K-2 540 2.4 1 185 Non-Fiction K-2 370 1.9 1 141 Non-Fiction K-2 400 3.2 2 837 Fiction K-2 410 2.1 1 305 Fiction K-2 740 3.7 2 1453 Non-Fiction K-2 Ready, Dee Kurtz, Jane Slater, Teddy 520 550 1.5 4.4 1 2 321 1557 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 440 1.5 1 371 Fiction K-2 Q43310 Finding Home Q46907 Finding Lincoln Q38933 Finding The Dinosaurs Fine Spring Day, A Q31213 (Anthology) Q26048 Fine, Fine School, A Q35026 Finklehopper Frog Q03916 Fire Boats Q03918 Fire Cat, The Q03919 Fire Engines Q26682 Fire Engines (Rockwell) Q03921 Fire Fighter! Q26879 Fire Fighters Q03924 Fire Fighters Fire Fighters (Community Q03923 Helpers) Q21722 Fire On The Mountain Q53606 Fire Prevention Scott, Janine Kang, Gregory Creech, Sharon Livingston, Irene Livingston, Irene IG SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Fire Race: A Karuk Coyote Tale About How Fire Came London, Q27883 To The People Jonathan Munsch, Q03930 Fire Station Robert SaundersQ18322 Fire Station, The Smith, Gail Q26699 Fire Truck Sis, Peter Fire Truck (Mighty Bingham, Q28533 Machines) Caroline Lindeen, Q42471 Fire Trucks Mary Q51506 Fire Trucks On The Move Q03933 Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Said Mrs. Q14229 McGuire Q38274 Fire, The Fire-Safety Tips Q31125 (Anthology) Fireboat: The Heroic Adventures Of The John J. Q32595 Harvey Q48805 Q53609 Q46590 Q35599 Q38436 Q33384 Q19483 Q18286 Q39784 Q34475 JangoCohen, Judith Gibbons, Gail Martin Jr., Bill Griessman, Annette Grube, Martin C. Kalman, Maira Miller, Fireboy To The Rescue Edward Askew, Firefighter Amanda Beaty, Firefighter Ted Andrea Behnke, Firefighters Alison Daynes, Firefighters (Daynes) Katie Demarest, Firefighters A To Z Chris L. Greene, Firefighters Fight Fires Carol Coughlan, Fireflies Cheryl Green, Emily Fireflies (Blastoff! Readers) K. Singer, Fireflies At Midnight Marilyn Lexile Levels Reading Level 710 Points Words Type Interest Level 3.5 2 811 Fiction K-2 460 3.1 2 655 Fiction K-2 510 40 3.5 1.4 1 1 235 81 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 940 2.9 2 1070 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.5 1 93 Non-Fiction K-2 590 3.3 1 562 Non-Fiction K-2 590 3.2 2 950 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.7 BR 1 94 Fiction K-2 570 2.9 AD 1 908 Fiction K-2 740 2.7 1 256 Non-Fiction K-2 280 2.2 AD 2 1021 Non-Fiction K-2 640 2.7 AD 1 947 Non-Fiction K-2 560 2.2 1 389 Fiction K-2 460 1.5 1 494 Fiction K-2 320 1.6 1 386 Non-Fiction K-2 740 2.7 2 1131 Non-Fiction K-2 310 1.8 1 218 Non-Fiction K-2 110 2.8 1 231 Non-Fiction K-2 370 1.5 1 49 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.1 1 165 Non-Fiction K-2 1 784 Non-Fiction K-2 2.7 Lexile Code AD AD AD NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Points Words Type Interest Level Oppenheim, Shulamith Levey 370 1.8 1 452 Fiction K-2 670 4.1 630 2.5 Q36755 Firefly Friend Hawes, Judy Brinckloe, Julie Klier, Kimberly Wagner AD 1 577 Non-Fiction K-2 AD 2 631 Fiction K-2 100 1 1 116 Fiction K-2 Q03938 Firehorse Max London, Sara 550 2.5 2 1021 Fiction K-2 Q50817 Firehouse Light, The 990 7.4 2 1246 Non-Fiction K-2 130 1.4 1 76 Fiction K-2 400 1.3 AD 1 229 Fiction K-2 490 2.5 AD 1 1074 Fiction K-2 1.8 NP 1 515 Fiction K-2 Q44069 Fires And Floods Nolan, Janet Brimner, Larry Dane Teague, Mark Park, Linda Sue Yee, Wong Herbert Waters, Kate 610 3.4 1 851 Non-Fiction K-2 Q03941 Firetrucks Brady, Peter 530 1.5 1 271 Non-Fiction K-2 770 3.8 2 1556 Non-Fiction K-2 200 2.4 2 636 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 1 979 Fiction K-2 290 1.6 1 211 Fiction K-2 1 543 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Fireflies For Nathan Q31277 (Anthology) Q03937 Fireflies In The Night Q17670 Fireflies! Q14510 Firehouse Sal Q49239 Firehouse! Q37875 Firekeeper's Son, The Q03940 Fireman Small First Americans (Anthology), Watson, Q28573 The Jane Werner Ichikawa, Q33364 First Bear In Africa!, The Satomi Barasch, Q47465 First Come The Zebra Lynne Rockwell, Q03944 First Comes Spring Anne Lexile Code AD AD Q44135 First Day Rankin, Joan 450 2.5 Q45793 First Day Krulik, Nancy Ganeri, Anita Danneberg, Julie Mayer, Mercer McNamara, Margaret 320 2.1 3 3594 Fiction K-2 170 1.9 1 496 Non-Fiction K-2 210 2.6 AD 1 393 Fiction K-2 190 1.1 AD 1 284 Fiction K-2 290 1.7 1 227 Fiction K-2 Q31848 First Day At Gymnastics Q24914 First Day Jitters Q53795 First Day Of School Q54081 First Day Of School, The AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title First Day Of School: All Q35771 About Shapes And Sizes Q29096 First Day Of Winter, The First Day On A Strange Q23397 New Planet Q25346 First Day, Hooray! Q45631 First Discoveries Q45952 First Dog Fala Q03945 First Dog, The Q03947 First Flight First Food: A South Q27389 American Folktale First Garden: The White House Garden And How It Q53301 Grew Q03950 Q23983 Q44879 Q03951 Q47975 Q03953 Q22930 Q55804 Q48537 Q50080 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Hall, Kirsten Storey, Gordon L. Yaccarino, Dan Poydar, Nancy Keiser, Frances Van Steenwyk, Elizabeth Brett, Jan McPhail, David 230 1.4 NP 1 303 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 230 Fiction K-2 430 3.2 2 1335 Fiction K-2 160 2.1 1 494 Fiction K-2 880 5.7 1 706 Fiction K-2 880 490 4.7 2.8 2 2 1688 923 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 360 2.1 1 278 Fiction K-2 Justin, Gale 170 2.1 1 530 Fiction K-2 1070 8.6 AD 3 2701 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.7 AD 2 1110 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 162 Fiction K-2 360 1.7 1 857 Fiction K-2 400 2.5 2 753 Fiction K-2 710 4.4 4 3856 Non-Fiction K-2 570 2.2 AD 1 139 Non-Fiction K-2 500 3.4 AD 2 1619 Fiction K-2 780 3.7 AD 2 1371 Fiction K-2 730 890 3.5 4.7 AD AD 1 1 565 773 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 660 2.8 AD 2 1062 Fiction K-2 300 2.1 AD 1 541 Fiction K-2 Gourley, Robbin Aseltine, First Grade Can Wait Lorraine First Grade Friends: Maccarone, Softball Practice Grace Rodman, First Grade Stinks Mary Ann Cohen, First Grade Takes A Test Miriam McPherson, Stephanie First Men On The Moon, The Sammartino Hennessy, First Night, The B.G. Lasky, First Painter Kathryn Grigsby, First Peas To The Table Susan Weatherfor First Pooch: The Obamas d, Carole Pick A Pet Boston First Pup, The Staake, Bob Q48426 First Snow In The Woods Q26681 First Snow, The Sams, Carl R. Christiana, David AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q03954 Q03956 Q22986 Q38952 Q33540 Q52433 Q22324 Q03961 Q03962 Title Author Name Bruchac, First Strawberries Joseph First Thanksgiving (Step Into Hayward, Reading), The Linda Jackson, First Thanksgiving, The Garnet First Thanksgiving, The (Scott) Scott, Janine Danneberg, First Year Letters Julie McNamara, First-Grade Bunny Margaret Theodorou, Fish (Animal Babies) Rod Jeunesse, Fish (First Discovery) Gallimard Fish Eyes Ehlert, Lois Q03964 Fish Faces Q13236 Fish Fish Fish Q03965 Fish In His Pocket Q03966 Fish Is Fish Q29934 Fish Market, The Q29616 Fish Mix (Anthology) Wu, Norbert Adams, Georgie Cazet, Denys Lionni, Leo Manners, Jane Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 320 3.5 AD 2 522 Fiction K-2 390 3.9 2 1166 Non-Fiction K-2 430 2.7 2 860 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.7 1 648 Fiction K-2 500 2.8 2 738 Fiction K-2 400 2.3 1 219 Fiction K-2 700 2.9 2 978 Non-Fiction K-2 550 3.1 1.5 NP 1 1 329 210 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.7 NP 1 150 Non-Fiction K-2 1 175 Non-Fiction K-2 1 1 397 535 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 141 Non-Fiction K-2 1 62 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1039 Fiction K-2 310 1.7 690 3.5 3.3 210 1.5 0 1.2 70 2.3 540 2.2 AD 1 612 Fiction K-2 1.8 NP 1 63 Non-Fiction K-2 NA Q17676 Fishes Nayer, Judy Palmer, Helen Poydar, Nancy Wildsmith, Brian Q53308 Fishing Zobel, Derek 810 4.3 1 602 Non-Fiction K-2 Q16621 Fishing Bears Berman, Ruth Pinkney, Andrea Davis Creech, Sharon Bridwell, Norman Chermayeff, Ivan 410 2.2 1 336 Non-Fiction K-2 690 3.7 AD 2 1611 Fiction K-2 570 3.1 AD 2 968 Fiction K-2 240 1.9 AD 1 380 Fiction K-2 870 1.7 1 328 Non-Fiction K-2 Q03967 Fish Out Of Water, A Q47361 Fish School Q36024 Fishing Day Q22843 Fishing In The Air Q32928 Fishing Lessons Q31408 Fishy Facts BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Q03976 Five Chinese Brothers, The Bishop, Claire Huchet 710 3.5 Q25197 Five Creatures Jenkins, Emily 130 1.9 Q52712 Five Fouls And You're Out! Five Green And Speckled Q32696 Frogs 490 2.6 590 1.8 Q03980 Q18146 Priebe, Val Burris, Priscilla Paparone, Five Little Ducks Pamela Five Little Ducks Raffi, Jewell, Five Little Kittens Nancy Five Little Monkeys Go Christelow, Shopping Eileen Five Little Monkeys Jumping Christelow, On The Bed Eileen Five Little Monkeys Play Christelow, Hide-And-Seek Eileen Five Little Monkeys Sitting Christelow, In A Tree Eileen Five Little Monkeys Wash Christelow, The Car Eileen Five Little Monkeys With Christelow, Nothing To Do Eileen Five Little Penguins Slipping Metzger, On The Ice Steve Martin, Five Little Piggies David Lyon, Five Live Bongos George Ella Five Minutes' Peace Murphy, Jill Henry, Five O'Clock Charlie Marguerite Five Senses (It's Science!), The Hewitt, Sally Edwards, Five Silly Fishermen Roberta 590 Quiz # Q18591 Q44085 Q03981 Q46525 Q03982 Q26473 Q15771 Q32510 Q03985 Q03986 Q03987 Q03989 Q23215 Q03990 Title Q03993 Five Ugly Monsters Q03994 Five-Dog Night, The Q03995 Fix-It Author Name Arnold, Tedd Christelow, Eileen McPhail, David Q58412 Flabbersmashed About You Vail, Rachel Points Words Type Interest Level 2 993 Fiction K-2 1 199 Fiction K-2 2 1870 Fiction K-2 AD 1 169 Fiction K-2 1.5 2.5 AD NP 1 1 165 270 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 970 2.9 NC 1 237 Fiction K-2 600 3.4 AD 1 566 Fiction K-2 310 1.6 1 200 Fiction K-2 130 1.1 1 523 Fiction K-2 440 2.9 1 186 Fiction K-2 140 2.1 1 541 Fiction K-2 400 2.4 1 359 Fiction K-2 430 2.1 1 174 Fiction K-2 390 1.9 2 694 Fiction K-2 320 360 2.5 3.6 1 1 411 441 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 620 3.8 AD 2 1501 Fiction K-2 3.5 NA 2 1430 Non-Fiction K-2 1 343 Fiction K-2 1 146 Fiction K-2 80 Lexile Code AD AD AD 1.5 1.5 NP 480 3.3 2 1160 Fiction K-2 210 2.4 1 171 Fiction K-2 550 2.2 1 463 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q33029 Flag Day Q47967 Flag Day Q31578 Flag For All, A Q27368 Flag We Love, The Q03996 flamboyán amarillo, El Q21486 Flap Your Wings Q29050 Flap Your Wings And Try Flash, Crash, Rumble, And Q04000 Roll Author Name Bennett, Kelly Nelson, Robin Brimner, Larry Dane Ryan, Pam Munoz Lázaro León, G. Eastman, P.D. Pomerantz, Charlotte Branley, Franklyn M. Lexile Levels Reading Level 440 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.2 1 355 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.6 1 113 Non-Fiction K-2 280 2.1 1 331 Fiction K-2 1 378 Non-Fiction K-2 4.3 Lexile Code NP 540 2.9 1 520 Fiction K-2 10 2.7 1 619 Fiction K-2 1 174 Fiction K-2 1.3 NP 500 2.6 2 743 Non-Fiction K-2 James, Betsy Patent, Flashy Fantastic Rain Forest Dorothy Q04001 Frogs Hinshaw Flat Stanley And The Houran, Lori Q54043 Haunted House Haskins Wyllie, Q14215 Flea In The Ear, A Stephen Q04004 Flea Story, A Lionni, Leo Downey, Q25342 Flea's Sneeze, The Lynn Fleet Street Club, The Morris, Q31201 (Anthology) Jordan Fletcher And The Falling Rawlinson, Q39960 Leaves Julia Fletcher And The Snowflake Rawlinson, Q54053 Christmas Julia Flick A Switch: How Electricity Gets To Your Seuling, Q33851 Home Barbara Graham, Joan Q20396 Flicker Flash Bransfield Coughlan, Q18285 Flies Cheryl Wilkinson, Q04008 Flies Are Fascinating Valerie 360 2.8 1 541 Fiction K-2 820 3.5 NC 2 2000 Non-Fiction K-2 350 1.2 AD 1 599 Fiction K-2 570 310 2.8 2.2 AD AD 2 1 758 500 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2.2 NP 1 403 Fiction K-2 1 116 Fiction K-2 Q37891 Flight Of The Dodo Q13034 Flashlight Brown, Peter 520 1.7 650 3.5 AD 1 801 Fiction K-2 810 3.6 AD 1 691 Fiction K-2 580 3 2 1056 Non-Fiction K-2 1 526 Fiction K-2 1 56 Non-Fiction K-2 4.9 NP 340 1.4 610 2.3 AD 1 349 Non-Fiction K-2 870 3.6 AD 1 830 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Flight Of The Snow Geese, King, Q31921 The Deborah Apperley, Q25868 Flip And Flop Dawn DeCesare, Q21871 Flip's Fantastic Journal Angelo Flip, Float, Fly: Seeds On Macken, Q43632 The Move JoAnn Early Daniel, Q29867 Flip, The Funny Fish Claire O'Neil, Q14395 Floating And Sinking Sarah Branley, Q04021 Floating In Space Franklyn M. MartinJames, Q35672 Floating Jellyfish Kathleen Lacamara, Q50333 Floating On Mama's Song Laura Winget, Q44939 Floods Mary Q24984 Flora's Blanket Gliori, Debi Q32695 Flora's Surprise! Gliori, Debi Birdsall, Q50370 Flora's Very Windy Day Jeanne Q35214 Florence Kelley Saller, Carol Zemlicka, Q35640 Florence Nightingale Shannon Alexander, Q36759 Florence Nightingale Carol Q58416 Florentine And Pig Katzler, Eva Bredeson, Q35823 Florida Carmen Florida (Rookie Read-About Bredeson, Q32383 Geography) Carmen Q04027 Floss Lewis, Kim McKissack, Q04028 Flossie And The Fox Patricia Q04030 Flower Garden Bunting, Eve Herman, Q04031 Flower Girl Gail Howard, Elizabeth Q38384 Flower Girl Butterflies Fitzgerald Q04032 Flower Of Sheba, The Orgel, Doris Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 660 3.4 AD 1 437 Fiction K-2 210 1.6 AD 1 429 Fiction K-2 0 2.3 BR 2 913 Fiction K-2 650 3.7 1 399 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.2 1 43 Fiction K-2 150 1.5 1 221 Non-Fiction K-2 690 4.8 2 1280 Non-Fiction K-2 380 1.9 1 378 Non-Fiction K-2 470 1.5 AD 1 773 Fiction K-2 580 0 260 3.3 1.3 1.6 BR AD 1 1 1 687 196 245 Non-Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 590 2.3 AD 2 1018 Fiction K-2 720 3.9 3 2189 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.3 2 1825 Non-Fiction K-2 380 690 1.9 3.3 1 1 347 712 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 360 1.8 1 348 Non-Fiction K-2 380 610 2.1 4.1 AD 1 1 292 509 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 610 3.2 1.9 NP 2 1 1600 136 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2 749 Fiction K-2 1 1 1088 645 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 210 1.8 600 610 3.3 4.2 BR AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q18317 Q35408 Q29725 Q35049 Title Author Name SaundersFlowers (Growing Flowers) Smith, Gail Cherrington, Flowers Have Colors Janelle Wexler, Flowers, Fruits, Seeds Jerome Fluff And Feathers, Spikes And Skin Finton, Nancy Q41911 Fluffy And Baron Rankin, Laura McMullan, Q25061 Fluffy And The Firefighters Kate McMullan, Q26096 Fluffy Goes Apple Picking Kate McMullan, Q14986 Fluffy Goes To School Kate McMullan, Q28926 Fluffy Goes To Washington Kate McMullan, Q24161 Fluffy Grows A Garden Kate McMullan, Q28927 Fluffy Learns To Swim Kate McMullan, Q21309 Fluffy Meets The Dinosaurs Kate Fluffy Meets The McMullan, Q27592 Groundhog Kate Fluffy Meets The Tooth McMullan, Q31946 Fairy Kate McMullan, Q32913 Fluffy Plants A Jelly Bean Kate McMullan, Q16572 Fluffy Saves Christmas Kate McMullan, Q34192 Fluffy The Secret Santa Kate Fluffy's 100th Day At McMullan, Q22717 School Kate McMullan, Q24165 Fluffy's Funny Field Trip Kate McMullan, Q04034 Fluffy's Happy Halloween Kate McMullan, Q27882 Fluffy's Lucky Day Kate Fluffy's School Bus McMullan, Q24881 Adventure Kate McMullan, Q21314 Fluffy's Silly Summer Kate Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 470 2.4 NC 1 270 Non-Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 20 Non-Fiction K-2 260 2.6 1 305 Non-Fiction K-2 410 1.8 1 620 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.3 1 297 Fiction K-2 260 1.9 2 1156 Fiction K-2 150 1.5 2 1018 Fiction K-2 240 1.5 2 858 Fiction K-2 260 1.6 2 1172 Fiction K-2 230 1.7 2 986 Fiction K-2 190 1.9 2 1100 Fiction K-2 220 1.5 2 1060 Fiction K-2 150 1.9 2 995 Fiction K-2 320 2 2 1074 Fiction K-2 250 1.7 2 1070 Fiction K-2 320 1.6 2 1064 Fiction K-2 320 1.9 2 1110 Fiction K-2 270 1.6 2 1189 Fiction K-2 210 1.5 2 894 Fiction K-2 230 1.6 2 1199 Fiction K-2 160 1.4 2 1054 Fiction K-2 180 1.4 2 1041 Fiction K-2 60 1.3 2 1200 Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level 180 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.4 2 1154 Fiction K-2 350 1.9 2 1145 Fiction K-2 200 1.8 2 1120 Fiction K-2 90 2.1 2 1111 Fiction K-2 330 450 3.1 4.3 AD 1 2 529 1039 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 760 3.6 AD 1 946 Fiction K-2 Q48708 Fly Free! McMullan, Kate McMullan, Kate McMullan, Kate McMullan, Kate Eversole, Robyn Bunting, Eve Thong, Roseanne Q48813 Fly Guy Meets Fly Girl Arnold, Tedd 310 2.1 1 240 Fiction K-2 Q53438 Fly Guy Vs. The Flyswatter! Arnold, Tedd 420 1.4 1 304 Fiction K-2 Q47267 Fly High, Fly Guy! Arnold, Tedd 170 1.3 1 251 Fiction K-2 Q29978 Fly Ladybug, Fly Franco, Betsy McClintock, Mike 60 1.6 1 184 Fiction K-2 270 2.5 2 1533 Fiction K-2 670 3.8 2 2216 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.5 1 675 Fiction K-2 550 2.2 AD 2 1357 Fiction K-2 550 3.5 AD 1 338 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 49 Non-Fiction K-2 590 3.9 1 463 Non-Fiction K-2 10 1.6 1 164 Non-Fiction K-2 630 2.8 1 431 Non-Fiction K-2 Q04035 Fluffy's Spring Vacation Q04036 Fluffy's Thanksgiving Q26539 Fluffy's Trick-Or-Treat Q20109 Fluffy's Valentine's Day Flute Player/La Flautista, Q26746 The Q04042 Fly Away Home Q04045 Fly Went By, A Q28028 Fly, Bessie, Fly Joseph, Lynn Burleigh, Q45394 Fly, Cher Ami, Fly! Robert Wallace, Nancy Q55989 Fly, Monarch! Fly! Elizabeth Gibbons, Q04047 Flying Gail Crews, Q25117 Flying (Crews) Donald Flying An Agricultural Plane Flanagan, Q14810 With Mr. Miller Alice K. Robinson, Q26020 Flying Bats! Fay Welsbacher, Q18691 Flying Brown Pelicans Anne Trattles, Q36752 Flying Butter Patricia Kimmel, Eric Q55171 Flying Canoe, The A. Wood, Q16556 Flying Dragon Room, The Audrey 1.2 BR 1 34 Fiction K-2 520 2.1 AD 2 1205 Fiction K-2 520 2.7 AD 2 718 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Giff, Patricia Reilly 250 Q32751 Flying Friends Q41622 Quiz # Title Q54823 Flying Feet Q29877 Q20065 Q20375 Q47432 Q21378 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.6 4 6392 Fiction K-2 290 2.6 2 1618 Fiction K-2 430 2.5 1 108 Non-Fiction K-2 180 1.6 1 191 Non-Fiction K-2 90 3.5 1 523 Fiction K-2 360 4.1 AD 2 1411 Fiction K-2 990 7.4 AD 1 737 Fiction K-2 680 2.2 AD 2 1119 Fiction K-2 430 2.1 1 413 Non-Fiction K-2 670 4.7 2 1509 Fiction K-2 820 240 2.8 1.3 2 1 1128 245 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Kent, Jack Fowler, Susi Gregg Helmer, Marilyn Glass, Andrew Aylesworth, Jim 610 2.1 1 363 Fiction K-2 330 1.8 2 712 Fiction K-2 650 4.8 2 1899 Fiction K-2 730 3.2 2 1856 Fiction K-2 500 1.8 1 232 Non-Fiction K-2 Hall, Pamela 380 2.3 1 416 Non-Fiction K-2 Nayer, Judy Ziefert, Harriet Schaefer, Lola Oppenheim, Joanne 0 1.2 1 46 Fiction K-2 80 1.6 1 310 Fiction K-2 400 2.3 1 170 Fiction K-2 280 2.2 1 507 Fiction K-2 Jarman, Julia Hughes, Flying Giants (Dino World!) Monica Cruz, Flying High Roberta Flying Horse: The Story Of Mason, Jane Pegasus, The B. Yorinks, Flying Latke, The Arthur Uhlberg, Flying Over Brooklyn Myron Winkelman, Flying Squirrel At Acorn Barbara Place Gaines Q35676 Flying Squirrels Flying Tortoise: An Igbo Q15463 Tale, The Q20877 Flytrap (Living Things) Q29639 Foal (Anthology) Focus On Fables Q31123 (Anthology) Q04053 Fog Q17816 Fog Cat Folks Call Me Appleseed Q23562 John Q04055 Folks In The Valley Follow It! Learn About Q52187 Shadows Q29869 Follow Me Q04057 Follow Me! Q44881 Follow Me, Mittens Q04059 Follow That Fish JangoCohen, Judith Mollel, Tololwa M. Stefoff, Rebecca Ling, Mary Lexile Code AD AD BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Q23321 Follow The Polar Bears Jacobs, Francine Leedy, Loreen Lerner, Sharon Weeks, Sarah Black, Sonia W. Follow The Stars: A Native Q31283 American Woodlands Tale Follow The Water From Q04065 Brook To Ocean Rodanas, Kristina Dorros, Arthur Q04060 Follow That Trash Q32929 Follow The Money! Q04062 Follow The Monsters! Q04063 Follow The Moon Q23225 Food (It's Science!) Q04075 Food For Healthy Teeth Hewitt, Sally Frost, Helen Thomas, Q28865 Food In Colonial America Mark Food Safety (Rookie Read- Gordon, Q32358 About Health) Sharon Q04081 Foolish Rabbit's Big Mistake Martin, Rafe Buckley, Q54742 Foolish Tortoise, The Richard Q04082 Foot Book, The Seuss, Dr. McClellan, Q47502 Football (Blastoff! Readers) Ray Marzollo, Q04085 Football Friends Jean Dodd, Anne Q15999 Footprints And Shadows Westcott Benjamin, Q16323 Footprints In The Sand Cynthia Benjamin, Q04090 Footprints In The Snow Cynthia Walsh, Ellen Q20562 For Pete's Sake Stoll For Sale: One SisterQ04096 Cheap! Alder, Katie For The Birds: The Life Of Thomas, Q56449 Roger Tory Peterson Peggy Polacco, Q45042 For The Love Of Autumn Patricia Lexile Levels Reading Level 570 2.8 130 2.5 70 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 1063 Non-Fiction K-2 2 835 Fiction K-2 1.2 1 160 Fiction K-2 530 2.1 1 289 Fiction K-2 140 1.5 1 255 Non-Fiction K-2 490 3.4 2 1203 Fiction K-2 600 3.7 2 1093 Non-Fiction K-2 290 3.9 1.5 2 1 1320 40 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 360 1.9 1 140 Non-Fiction K-2 230 1.6 1 288 Non-Fiction K-2 430 3.5 2 1306 Fiction K-2 610 2.4 1.1 1 1 260 130 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 AD AD NA NP 770 4.7 1 556 Non-Fiction K-2 260 2.1 2 1119 Fiction K-2 420 2.5 1 206 Fiction K-2 160 1.3 1 42 Fiction K-2 20 1.3 1 39 Fiction K-2 20 1.5 1 177 Fiction K-2 550 3.5 1 537 Fiction K-2 1010 7.6 AD 3 2756 Non-Fiction K-2 810 3.7 AD 2 2115 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name For The Love Of Music: The Remarkable Story Of Rusch, Q53146 Maria Anna Mozart Elizabeth Greenfield, Q04097 For The Love Of The Game Eloise For You Are A Kenyan Cunnane, Q37573 Child Kelly Forces Around Us (It's Q23222 Science!) Hewitt, Sally Godwin, Q13030 Forest Laura Sanchez, Q31267 Forest (Anthology), The Isidro Fraser, Mary Q31069 Forest Fire! Ann Q43009 Forest Fires Piehl, Janet Sikundar, Q18119 Forest Singer Sylvia Green, Emily Q39785 Forests (Blastoff! Readers) K. Weinberg, Q24083 Forgetful Bears, The Larry Q36195 Formula One Race Cars Piehl, Janet Formula One Race Cars On Q51495 The Move Piehl, Janet Kirsch, Q53213 Forsythia & Me Vincent X. Charlip, Q04119 Fortunately Remy Foreman, Q54128 Fortunately, Unfortunately Michael Alexander, Q04121 Fortune-Tellers, The Lloyd Forty Fortunes: A Tale Of Shepard, Q18589 Iran Aaron fósiles nos hablan del Q04125 pasado, Los Aliki, Fossil Girl: Mary Anning's Brighton, Q21968 Dinosaur Discovery, The Catherine Q04127 Fossils Tell Of Long Ago Aliki, Fossils Tell Of Long Ago Q27595 (Anthology) Aliki, Four Clues For Chee Havill, Q29676 (Anthology) Juanita Kimmel, Eric Q04138 Four Dollars And Fifty Cents A. Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 770 3.7 AD 1 886 Non-Fiction K-2 4.1 NP 1 361 Fiction K-2 760 2.4 AD 1 712 Fiction K-2 640 3.5 2 1144 Non-Fiction K-2 270 2.2 2 946 Fiction K-2 610 1.9 1 259 Non-Fiction K-2 770 520 3.7 3.1 2 1 978 648 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 510 2.8 2 978 Fiction K-2 710 3.9 1 269 Non-Fiction K-2 190 260 2.5 1.5 2 1 687 417 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 470 2.5 1 659 Non-Fiction K-2 680 3.2 AD 1 512 Fiction K-2 420 2.5 AD 1 149 Fiction K-2 530 2.1 AD 1 315 Fiction K-2 750 5.5 2 897 Fiction K-2 600 3.4 2 1571 Fiction K-2 410 2.1 2 835 Non-Fiction K-2 250 480 2.9 2.1 1 2 637 816 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 480 2.1 2 711 Non-Fiction K-2 320 2.3 1 243 Fiction K-2 590 3.3 2 1499 Fiction K-2 AD AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Four Famished Foxes And Q14285 Fosdyke Q04140 Four Good Friends Q04141 Four Happy Teletubbies Q04143 Four On The Shore Four Valentines In A Q13362 Rainstorm Fourth Of July On The Q14239 Plains, A Q27322 Fox Q04151 Fox All Week Q29622 Fox And Bear (Anthology) Fox And Bear Look At The Q29623 Moon (Anthology) Q04152 Fox And His Friends Q14419 Fox And The Crow, The Q49340 Fox And The Hen, The Q23509 Fox And The Stork, The Q04153 Fox At School Q04154 Fox Be Nimble Q04156 Fox In Love Q04157 Fox In Socks Q20066 Fox On Stage Q29649 Fox On Stage (Anthology) Q04158 Fox On The Job Q04159 Fox On Wheels Q24110 Fox Outfoxed Author Name Edwards, Pamela Duncan Hillert, Margaret Davenport, Andrew Marshall, Edward Bond, Felicia Van Leeuwen, Jean Wild, Margaret Marshall, Edward McPhail, David McPhail, David Marshall, Edward O'Neil, Sarah Battut, Eric McDermott, Gerald Marshall, Edward Marshall, James Marshall, Edward Seuss, Dr. Marshall, James Marshall, James Marshall, James Marshall, Edward Marshall, James Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 570 2.3 AD 1 569 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 274 Fiction K-2 160 1.3 1 164 Fiction K-2 210 2.5 2 1002 Fiction K-2 540 3.1 1 270 Fiction K-2 560 3.5 2 1521 Fiction K-2 500 3.2 2 737 Fiction K-2 170 1.7 2 1006 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 63 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 119 Fiction K-2 200 1.8 2 1015 Fiction K-2 420 610 1.8 2.4 1 1 201 690 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 250 1.9 1 278 Fiction K-2 210 2.2 2 970 Fiction K-2 210 1.7 2 782 Fiction K-2 170 500 1.5 2.6 2 2 900 819 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 80 2.1 2 996 Fiction K-2 200 1.8 1 347 Fiction K-2 150 1.8 2 940 Fiction K-2 180 1.9 2 916 Fiction K-2 120 1.8 2 1025 Fiction K-2 AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q31295 Fox Trot Fox Went Out On A Chilly Q16217 Night, The Q19571 Fox's Kettle, The Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Coxe, Molly 0 1.6 BR 1 139 Fiction K-2 2.9 NP 2 724 Fiction K-2 Spier, Peter Langston, Laura 530 4.8 2 2010 Fiction K-2 Q51636 Foxes 320 2.1 1 102 Non-Fiction K-2 Q53287 760 3.6 1 331 Fiction K-2 530 1.6 1 278 Fiction K-2 330 2.1 2 1101 Fiction K-2 340 1.8 1 118 Non-Fiction K-2 580 4.2 2 1325 Non-Fiction K-2 620 3.5 1 299 Non-Fiction K-2 280 2.2 1 487 Fiction K-2 Mellar, Jodie Grack, Rachel Boast, Clare Alcraft, Rob Fisher, Teresa deRubertis, Barbara Pearce, Clemency 670 4.2 5 9896 Fiction K-2 860 720 520 5.6 3.8 2.9 2 2 2 1640 2257 621 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 770 4.5 2 1203 Non-Fiction K-2 400 1.3 AD 1 566 Fiction K-2 730 3.5 AD 1 403 Fiction K-2 Clement, Rod Schaefer, Lola M. Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette 770 4.8 AD 2 764 Fiction K-2 500 1.7 AD 1 592 Fiction K-2 220 2.3 2 777 Fiction K-2 220 2.7 2 857 Fiction K-2 330 2.1 2 1011 Fiction K-2 260 2.1 2 669 Fiction K-2 Q36295 Q04166 Q31276 Q16018 Q56184 Q04168 Green, Emily Smith, Alex Foxy And Egg T. deRubertis, Foxy Fox Barbara Leedy, Fraction Action Loreen Leedy, Fraction Action (Anthology) Loreen Adler, David Fraction Fun A. Fraction's Goal: Parts Of A Cleary, Brian Whole, A P. Krensky, Fraidy Cats Stephen Q56387 Framed! Q52288 France Q22425 France (Next Stop!) Q22426 France (Visit To) Q18071 France (We Come From) Frances Frog's Forever Q51465 Friend Frangoline And The Q53427 Midnight Dream Frank's Great Museum Q16407 Adventure Q44108 Frankie Stein Q23991 Franklin And Harriet Q30999 Franklin And His Friend Q18846 Franklin And The Baby Franklin And The BabyQ27589 Sitter AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Bourgeois, Q31606 Franklin And The Big Kid Paulette Bourgeois, Q33627 Franklin And The Computer Paulette Bourgeois, Q22894 Franklin And The Hero Paulette Franklin And The Magic Bourgeois, Q31325 Show Paulette Franklin And The Bourgeois, Q04178 Thunderstorm Paulette Franklin And The Tooth Bourgeois, Q04179 Fairy Paulette Q36760 Franklin D. Roosevelt Mara, Wil Bourgeois, Q04182 Franklin Fibs Paulette Bourgeois, Q27876 Franklin Forgets Paulette Franklin Goes To Day Bourgeois, Q04183 Camp Paulette Bourgeois, Q04184 Franklin Goes To School Paulette Franklin Goes To The Bourgeois, Q21127 Hospital Paulette Bourgeois, Q04185 Franklin Has A Sleepover Paulette Bourgeois, Q22000 Franklin Helps Out Paulette Bourgeois, Q04186 Franklin In The Dark Paulette Bourgeois, Q04187 Franklin Is Bossy Paulette Bourgeois, Q04188 Franklin Is Lost Paulette Bourgeois, Q04189 Franklin Is Messy Paulette Bourgeois, Q34281 Franklin Makes A Deal Paulette Bourgeois, Q24068 Franklin Plants A Tree Paulette Bourgeois, Q32416 Franklin Plays Hockey Paulette Bourgeois, Q04191 Franklin Plays The Game Paulette Bourgeois, Q04192 Franklin Rides A Bike Paulette Bourgeois, Q25896 Franklin Runs Away Paulette Lexile Levels Reading Level 220 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.7 2 780 Fiction K-2 190 2.1 2 868 Fiction K-2 340 2.6 2 732 Fiction K-2 0 2.1 2 583 Fiction K-2 370 2.8 2 631 Fiction K-2 440 280 2.2 1.7 2 1 760 310 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 440 2.5 2 587 Fiction K-2 290 2.5 2 779 Fiction K-2 500 2.8 2 843 Fiction K-2 420 2.3 2 813 Fiction K-2 390 2.8 2 1005 Fiction K-2 380 2.8 2 740 Fiction K-2 280 2.1 2 789 Fiction K-2 460 2.3 2 595 Fiction K-2 290 2.3 2 619 Fiction K-2 340 2.8 2 609 Fiction K-2 350 2.8 2 693 Fiction K-2 360 2.3 2 844 Fiction K-2 360 2.3 2 770 Fiction K-2 220 2.2 2 777 Fiction K-2 440 2.9 2 871 Fiction K-2 370 2.8 2 707 Fiction K-2 390 2.8 2 700 Fiction K-2 BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q27984 Franklin Says I Love You Q20106 Franklin Says Sorry Q33123 Franklin Snoops Q32761 Franklin Stays Up Q33898 Franklin Wants A Badge Q04193 Franklin Wants A Pet Q21798 Franklin's Baby Sister Q04194 Franklin's Bad Day Q21349 Franklin's Bicycle Helmet Q24696 Franklin's Birthday Party Q04195 Franklin's Blanket Q28694 Franklin's Canoe Trip Q19373 Franklin's Christmas Gift Q16115 Franklin's Class Trip Q04196 Franklin's Halloween Q31934 Franklin's Music Lessons Q15351 Franklin's Neighborhood Q04197 Franklin's New Friend Q34247 Franklin's Reading Club Q04198 Franklin's School Play Q04199 Franklin's Secret Club Q34246 Franklin's Surprise Q25500 Franklin's Thanksgiving Author Name Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Jennings, Sharon Bourgeois, Paulette Bourgeois, Paulette Jennings, Sharon Bourgeois, Paulette Lexile Levels Reading Level 460 2.4 200 2.3 360 2.3 130 2.1 390 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 697 Fiction K-2 2 971 Fiction K-2 2 838 Fiction K-2 2 744 Fiction K-2 2.5 2 845 Fiction K-2 390 2.5 2 757 Fiction K-2 240 2.7 2 743 Fiction K-2 350 2.8 2 636 Fiction K-2 240 2.2 2 798 Fiction K-2 250 2.3 2 620 Fiction K-2 570 2.9 2 815 Fiction K-2 320 2.3 2 767 Fiction K-2 380 2.4 2 766 Fiction K-2 310 2.7 2 508 Fiction K-2 430 2.4 2 755 Fiction K-2 310 2.2 2 624 Fiction K-2 380 2.5 2 829 Fiction K-2 380 2.8 2 667 Fiction K-2 250 1.5 1 606 Fiction K-2 420 2.8 2 688 Fiction K-2 530 2.9 2 718 Fiction K-2 160 1.2 2 535 Fiction K-2 310 2.5 2 787 Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q32835 Q19379 Q29653 Q28669 Title Author Name Bourgeois, Franklin's Trading Cards Paulette Bourgeois, Franklin's Valentines Paulette Franny And Ginny Cummings, (Anthology) Pat Franny B. Kranny, There's A Lerner, Bird In Your Hair! Harriet Freak Out!: Animals Beyond Clarke, Q47270 Your Wildest Imagination Ginjer L. Moore, Q43706 Freckleface Strawberry Julianne Coffelt, Q41787 Fred Stays With Me! Nancy Jules, Q48235 Freddie Ramos Takes Off Jacqueline Freddie Ramos Zooms To Jules, Q51766 The Rescue Jacqueline Frederic Remington (Life Giesecke, Q22398 And Work Of) Ernestine Q04204 Frederick Lionni, Leo Q04205 Frederick (Español) Lionni, Leo Welch, Catherine A. McKissack, Frederick Douglass: Leader Patricia and Q29838 Against Slavery Fredrick Q35280 Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass: Portrait Keenan, Q04209 Of A Freedom Fighter Sheila Frederick's Fables: A Treasury Of 16 Favorite Q33821 Leo Lionni Stories Lionni, Leo Cardigan, H. Q27083 Freedom Cat H. Rappaport, Q24046 Freedom River Doreen Wiles, Q24503 Freedom Summer Deborah Crews, Q04217 Freight Train Donald Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 230 2.2 AD 2 677 Fiction K-2 330 2.1 2 728 Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 1 175 Fiction K-2 330 2.8 AD 2 939 Fiction K-2 670 3.2 AD 2 1559 Non-Fiction K-2 230 1.6 AD 1 567 Fiction K-2 430 2.4 1 357 Fiction K-2 550 3.2 3 4613 Fiction K-2 540 3.2 4 4944 Fiction K-2 600 500 430 2.9 3.8 3.8 2 1 1 726 506 504 Non-Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 610 3.3 3 3352 Non-Fiction K-2 400 2.8 2 1491 Non-Fiction K-2 660 3.7 2 1050 Non-Fiction K-2 590 3.2 4 8070 Fiction K-2 430 2.5 2 844 Fiction K-2 330 3.1 2 1312 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.7 AD 2 994 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 54 Fiction K-2 1 234 Non-Fiction K-2 1 50 Fiction K-2 Q04218 Freight Trains Brady, Peter 510 1.5 Q04219 Fresh Fall Leaves Franco, Betsy 0 1.4 AD BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 280 3.2 AD 1 453 Non-Fiction K-2 300 2 AD 2 460 Non-Fiction K-2 620 4.5 2 1179 Fiction K-2 560 3.4 2 Non-Fiction K-2 Q26453 Friday Nights Of Nana, The Hest, Amy Hillert, Q04228 Friend For Dear Dragon, A Margaret Q20067 Friend For Dragon, A Pilkey, Dav Cantrell, Q54879 Friend For Einstein, A Charlie Austin, Q16410 Friend For Growl Bear, A Margot Friend For Little Bear Q27545 (Anthology), A Horse, Harry Stoeke, Friend For Minerva Louise, Janet Q14225 A Morgan Ada, Alma Q24575 Friend Frog Flor Wagner, Q15049 Friend Like Ed, A Karen Priceman, Q04230 Friend Or Frog Marjorie Raatma, Q18540 Friendliness Lucia 480 2.7 AD 1 527 Fiction K-2 0 280 1.2 2.5 BR 1 2 279 941 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 780 3.7 AD 1 642 Fiction K-2 620 2.5 AD 2 662 Fiction K-2 230 2.1 1 443 Fiction K-2 200 1.7 1 180 Fiction K-2 460 2.6 AD 2 668 Fiction K-2 620 2.5 AD 2 1128 Fiction K-2 450 3.4 2 965 Fiction K-2 430 1.5 1 373 Non-Fiction K-2 Q04231 Friendly Dolphins Fowler, Allan 720 3.3 AD 1 470 Non-Fiction K-2 Q29187 Friendly Habits White, Tekla Gordon, Sharon 1.8 NP 1 377 Fiction K-2 1 144 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q27719 Frida Q35491 Frida (Español) Q04222 Frida Maria Frida María Un cuento del Q04223 sudoeste de antes Q17952 Friendly Snowman Q04233 Friends Q51290 Friends (Mostly) Q04235 Friends At School Author Name Winter, Jonah Winter, Jonah Lattimore, Deborah Nourse Lattimore, Deborah Nourse Heine, Helme Joose, Barbara Bunnett, Rochelle Q30600 Friends Forever (Anthology) Morris, Ann 110 1.9 670 3.5 AD 1 410 Fiction K-2 490 1.6 AD 1 557 Fiction K-2 350 2.2 1 491 Non-Fiction K-2 70 1.5 1 246 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Friends From The Other Q22813 Side Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 590 3.6 AD 2 1016 Fiction K-2 120 1.9 AD 1 236 Non-Fiction K-2 Q23712 Friends Stick Together Anzaldua, Gloria Ziefert, Harriet Q24192 Friendship Tree, The Friendship's First Q04239 Thanksgiving Friendship: Annie's Fair Q04241 Weather Friend Caple, Kathy Accorsi, William Canning, Shelagh 180 1.9 2 889 Fiction K-2 590 3.3 2 1011 Fiction K-2 520 3.5 2 1592 Fiction K-2 Q04242 Fright Before Christmas, The Howe, James Walker, Q31153 Fright Night (Anthology) Anne Melmed, Q50032 Fright Night Flight Laura Krauss George, Jean Q31841 Frightful's Daughter Craighead Fritz And The Beautiful Q04244 Horses Brett, Jan Wells, Q14206 Fritz And The Mess Fairy Rosemary 450 3.7 2 1541 Fiction K-2 430 1.8 1 233 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 1 309 Fiction K-2 390 3.1 2 1933 Fiction K-2 590 3.5 1 575 Fiction K-2 660 4.7 AD 2 909 Fiction K-2 Q46093 Fritz Danced The Fandango Potter, Alicia Stefoff, Q20873 Frog (Living Things) Rebecca Royston, Q28529 Frog (See How They Grow) Angela 330 1.1 AD 1 592 Fiction K-2 860 4.2 2 1095 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.1 1 267 Non-Fiction K-2 Q04246 Frog And Toad All Year Frog And Toad All Year: Q30606 The Corner (Anthology) Lobel, Arnold 300 2.2 2 1722 Fiction K-2 Lobel, Arnold 290 2.2 1 381 Fiction K-2 Q04247 Frog And Toad Are Friends Lobel, Arnold 400 2.4 2 2275 Fiction K-2 Q04248 Frog And Toad Together 330 2.3 2 1968 Fiction K-2 240 2.8 AD 2 644 Fiction K-2 860 390 2.1 2.3 AD 1 1 389 173 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 90 1.9 2 1114 Fiction K-2 480 2.6 1 527 Non-Fiction K-2 Q38562 Frog In The Bog, A Q42496 Frog In The Pond, The Frog Legs: A Picture Book Q24178 Of Action Verse Lobel, Arnold Lewis, Paul Owen Wilson, Karma Mara, Wil Shannon, George Q52139 Frog Life Cycle McCoryMartin, Justin Q24915 Frog Girl AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Interest Level Q30050 Frog Or Toad? Floyd, Lucy 500 2.8 1 Words 513 Type Non-Fiction Q04250 Frog Prince, A Berenzy, Alix Tarcov, Edith H. Grimm, The Brothers Calmenson, Stephanie Drachman, Eric Langstaff, John M. Lillegard, Dee Sexton, Colleen Trapani, Iza London, Jonathan London, Jonathan 770 2.8 2 2048 Fiction K-2 380 2.1 1 977 Fiction K-2 590 3.5 2 1011 Fiction K-2 230 2.9 2 1569 Fiction K-2 440 1.5 AD 1 637 Fiction K-2 2.7 NP 1 379 Fiction K-2 1 89 Fiction K-2 1 1 196 347 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Lechner, John London, Froggy Gets Dressed Jonathan London, Froggy Goes To Bed Jonathan London, Froggy Goes To Camp Jonathan London, Froggy Goes To School Jonathan London, Froggy Goes To The Doctor Jonathan London, Froggy Learns To Swim Jonathan London, Froggy Plays In The Band Jonathan London, Froggy Plays Soccer Jonathan London, Froggy Plays T-Ball Jonathan London, Froggy Rides A Bike Jonathan London, Froggy's Baby Sister Jonathan Q04252 Frog Prince, The Q04251 Frog Prince, The Q25359 Frog Principal, The Q46159 Frog Thing, A Q04253 Frog Went A-Courtin' Q04254 Frog's Lunch Q46015 Frogfish (Blastoff! Reader) Q31076 Froggie Went A-Courtin' Q23547 Froggy Bakes A Cake 270 1.6 580 3.3 2.3 NP K-2 260 2.1 1 569 Fiction K-2 330 2.3 2 684 Fiction K-2 Q36539 Froggy Fable, A 640 2.5 1 554 Fiction K-2 Q04255 300 1.5 1 455 Fiction K-2 130 2.1 1 498 Fiction K-2 590 2.3 1 671 Fiction K-2 490 2.5 1 600 Fiction K-2 280 2.4 2 663 Fiction K-2 380 2.5 1 558 Fiction K-2 190 2.1 1 579 Fiction K-2 100 2.1 1 596 Fiction K-2 500 2.7 AD 1 630 Fiction K-2 560 2.9 AD 1 590 Fiction K-2 560 2.2 AD 1 643 Fiction K-2 Q25229 Froggy Eats Out Q23963 Q55992 Q04256 Q33716 Q04257 Q33899 Q25606 Q40230 Q39288 Q37720 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 600 2.4 AD 1 691 Fiction K-2 240 2.2 1 688 Fiction K-2 590 2.2 AD 1 649 Fiction K-2 500 2.8 AD 1 516 Fiction K-2 220 2.4 2 600 Fiction K-2 570 2.4 1 638 Fiction K-2 360 1.3 1 128 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.6 1 598 Non-Fiction K-2 Q51637 Frogs 360 2.2 1 128 Non-Fiction K-2 Q27888 150 1.7 1 371 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.2 1 44 Non-Fiction K-2 720 3.7 2 815 Non-Fiction K-2 800 3.8 1 518 Non-Fiction K-2 10 1.5 1 218 Non-Fiction K-2 520 3.1 1 469 Fiction K-2 550 1.1 1 244 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1427 Fiction K-2 1 579 Non-Fiction K-2 2 2401 Non-Fiction K-2 1 135 Non-Fiction K-2 1 607 Fiction K-2 1 667 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q48684 Froggy's Best Babysitter Q27682 Froggy's Best Christmas Q37252 Froggy's Day With Dad Q16574 Froggy's First Kiss Q28938 Froggy's Halloween Q38439 Froggy's Sleepover Q04259 Frogs Q16706 Frogs Q29866 Q32041 Q04258 Q33405 Q47364 Q14757 Q33840 Q47240 Q04261 Q22529 Q04263 Q56216 Author Name London, Jonathan London, Jonathan London, Jonathan London, Jonathan London, Jonathan London, Jonathan SaundersSmith, Gail Gibbons, Gail Green, Emily Driscoll, Frogs (All Aboard Reading) Laura Bourget, Frogs (Bourget) Mary Louise Taylor, Frogs (Face-To-Face) Barbara Jeunesse, Frogs (First Discovery) Gallimard Frogs (Scholastic Phonics Stamper, Booster Books) Judith Bauer Frogs And Toads All Sang, The Lobel, Arnold Frogs And Toads And Tadpoles, Too Fowler, Allan Frogs Wore Red Prelutsky, Suspenders, The Jack Frogs! (National Carney, Geographic Kids) Elizabeth Parker, Frogs, Toads, Lizards, And Nancy Salamanders Winslow From Acorn To Oak Tree (How Things Grow) Kottke, Jan Kitamura, From Acorn To Zoo Satoshi From Assembly Lines To Home Offices: How Work Boothroyd, Has Changed Jennifer 3.8 410 2.4 990 4.7 410 1.4 400 2.2 590 3.3 AD BR AD NP AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q04265 From Blossom To Fruit Q18315 From Bud To Blossom Q42604 From Bulb To Daffodil Q36184 From Cane to Sugar From Caterpillar To Q04266 Butterfly From Caterpillar To Q19334 Butterfly (Lifecycles) From Caterpillar To Moth Q22530 (How Things Grow) Author Name SaundersSmith, Gail SaundersSmith, Gail Weiss, Ellen Braithwaite, Jill Heiligman, Deborah Legg, Gerald Lexile Levels Reading Level 120 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.5 1 43 Non-Fiction K-2 380 520 1.3 3.1 1 1 41 265 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 360 1.8 1 362 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.8 2 658 Fiction K-2 430 2.7 1 404 Non-Fiction K-2 1 165 Non-Fiction K-2 Kottke, Jan Nelson, Robin 350 1.8 1 402 Non-Fiction K-2 Boothroyd, Jennifer 590 3.3 1 630 Non-Fiction K-2 Q36187 From Clay to Bricks From Cocoa Bean to Q36186 Chocolate 370 1.8 1 289 Non-Fiction K-2 330 1.7 1 301 Non-Fiction K-2 Q36191 380 1.9 1 311 Non-Fiction K-2 710 3.4 1 513 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.3 1 191 Fiction K-2 260 1.6 1 257 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.8 1 409 Non-Fiction K-2 280 1.5 1 268 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 32 Non-Fiction K-2 1.4 2.6 NA 480 1 1 127 325 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 820 2.8 AD 2 779 Fiction K-2 310 1.6 1 274 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.4 1 275 Non-Fiction K-2 Q36156 From Cement to Bridge From Chalkboards To Computers: How Schools Q56215 Have Changed Q25043 Q29103 Q58230 Q19336 Q36170 Q28968 Q22531 Q42605 Q04267 Q36180 Q58231 Taus-Bolstad, Stacy Nelson, Robin Nelson, From Cotton to T-Shirt Robin Knight, From Cow To Ice Cream Bertram T. McDuff, From Dad Dona R. Zemlicka, From Egg To Butterfly Shannon Legg, From Egg To Chicken Gerald From Egg to Chicken (Start Nelson, to Finish) Robin Canizares, From Egg To Robin Susan From Egg To Robin (How Things Grow) Kottke, Jan From Eye To Potato Weiss, Ellen Munsch, From Far Away Robert From Flower To Honey Nelson, (2003 Edition) Robin From Flower To Honey Nelson, (2012 Edition) Robin 1.7 Lexile Code NA BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.8 1 337 Non-Fiction K-2 580 2.8 1 285 Non-Fiction K-2 310 1.6 1 305 Non-Fiction K-2 Q36159 From Grass to Milk Q04268 From Head To Toe From Here To There Q31303 (Cuyler) 290 80 1.5 2.5 1 1 300 207 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.6 1 85 Fiction K-2 Q36169 330 1.9 1 406 Non-Fiction K-2 310 1.6 1 341 Non-Fiction K-2 350 1.8 1 346 Non-Fiction K-2 570 650 2.8 3.7 1 1 278 392 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 430 2.1 1 288 Non-Fiction K-2 670 4.2 1 689 Non-Fiction K-2 290 1.5 1 290 Non-Fiction K-2 380 1.9 1 348 Non-Fiction K-2 640 2.7 1 951 Fiction K-2 360 1.8 1 314 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title From Foal To Horse (2003 Q36178 Edition) From Foal To Horse (2012 Q58228 Edition) Q36168 From Fruit to Jelly Q36176 Q36192 Q58229 Q42606 Q36165 Q56213 Q36167 Author Name Nelson, Robin Nelson, Robin Zemlicka, Shannon Taus-Bolstad, Stacy Carle, Eric Cuyler, Margery Marshall, From Idea to Book Pam Zemlicka, From Iron to Car Shannon From Kernel To Corn (2003 Nelson, Edition) Robin From Kernel To Corn (2012 Nelson, Edition) Robin From Kernel To Corncob Weiss, Ellen Mitchell, From Maple Tree to Syrup Melanie From Marbles To Video Games: How Toys Have Boothroyd, Changed Jennifer Nelson, From Metal to Airplane Robin Q36174 From Milk to Ice Cream Q50195 From North To South Q36173 From Oil to Gas Taus-Bolstad, Stacy Lainez, Rene Colato Zemlicka, Shannon Q04270 From One To One Hundred Sloat, Teri Stevens, Q04271 From Pictures To Words Janet Lexile Levels Reading Level 370 Lexile Code BR AD 1.5 NP 1 600 Fiction K-2 510 3.5 AD 2 1294 Fiction K-2 Q42607 From Pinecone To Pine Tree Weiss, Ellen Q42608 From Pit To Peach Tree Weiss, Ellen 670 570 4.2 3.3 1 1 359 293 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 From Plant To Blue Jeans: A L'Hommedieu Q33438 Photo Essay , Arthur John 510 3.1 1 400 Non-Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q33409 From Rock To Fireworks Q36157 From Rock to Road Q36175 From Sand To Glass Q36183 From Sea to Salt Q42609 From Seed To Dandelion From Seed To Dandelion Q22532 (How Things Grow) Q04273 From Seed To Plant Author Name Davis, Gary W. Zemlicka, Shannon Zemlicka, Shannon Nelson, Robin Weiss, Ellen Kottke, Jan Gibbons, Gail From Seed To Plant (Rookie Q24265 Read-About Science) Fowler, Allan Pfeffer, Q57236 From Seed To Pumpkin Wendy From Seed To Pumpkin Q22533 (How Things Grow) Kottke, Jan Legg, Q19335 From Seed To Sunflower Gerald Q35146 From Sheep To Sweater Lexile Levels Reading Level 620 Points Words Type Interest Level 3.1 1 487 Non-Fiction K-2 320 1.6 1 261 Non-Fiction K-2 280 1.5 1 352 Non-Fiction K-2 300 600 1.6 3.4 1 1 334 358 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 1 100 Non-Fiction K-2 1 571 Non-Fiction K-2 1 289 Non-Fiction K-2 1 546 Non-Fiction K-2 1 148 Non-Fiction K-2 1 412 Non-Fiction K-2 1 28 Non-Fiction K-2 1.7 660 Tarlow, Ellen From Shoot To Apple (2003 Taus-Bolstad, Q36199 Edition) Stacy From Shoot To Apple (2012 Taus-Bolstad, Q58233 Edition) Stacy Hopkinson, Q47272 From Slave To Soldier Deborah Pfeffer, Q04274 From Tadpole To Frog Wendy WeidnerZoehfeld, Q50427 From Tadpole To Frog Kathleen From Tadpole To Frog Zemlicka, Q36179 (2003 Edition) Shannon From Tadpole To Frog Zemlicka, Q58232 (2012 Edition) Shannon From Tadpole To Frog (How Q22534 Things Grow) Kottke, Jan From Tadpole To Frog Stewart, Q19333 (Lifecycles) David NA 3.7 1.5 450 NA 3.7 3.1 640 Lexile Code BR 2.7 1.2 BR 280 1.5 1 271 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2.4 1 274 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.5 2 1508 Fiction K-2 520 2.5 1 391 Non-Fiction K-2 680 2.6 1 261 Non-Fiction K-2 290 1.5 1 327 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2.4 1 327 Non-Fiction K-2 1 130 Non-Fiction K-2 1 350 Non-Fiction K-2 1.5 460 3.1 AD NA SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q24187 Q20157 Q56214 Q36177 Q04279 Q36171 Q36185 Q56211 Q56212 Q25044 Q36164 Title Author Name Zoehfeld, From Tadpole To Frog Kathleen (Scholastic Science Readers) Weidner From The Bellybutton Of The Moon And Other Alarcon, Summer Poems Francisco X. From The Model T To Hybrid Cars: How Transportation Has Boothroyd, Changed Jennifer Nelson, From Tree to House Robin Davis, From Tree To Paper Wendy From Tree to Paper (Start Marshall, to Finish) Pam Braithwaite, From Tree to Table Jill From Typewriters To Text Messages: How Communication Has Boothroyd, Changed Jennifer From Washboards To Washing Machines: How Boothroyd, Homes Have Changed Jennifer Forman, From Wax To Crayon Michael H. From Wax to Crayon (Start Nelson, to Finish) Robin Q36172 From Wheat To Bread Q56613 Fruit Group Q39786 Fruits (Blastoff! Readers) Q52346 Fuddles Q23497 Full Belly Bowl, The Q34583 Full Moon Taus-Bolstad, Stacy BorgertSpaniol, Megan Green, Emily K. Vischer, Frans Aylesworth, Jim Wilcox, Brian Q23221 Full Of Energy (It's Science!) Hewitt, Sally Fun And Games In Colonial Thomas, Q28864 America Mark Lexile Levels Reading Level 520 1.9 3.1 Lexile Code NP Points Words Type Interest Level 1 384 Non-Fiction K-2 1 552 Fiction K-2 620 3.5 1 673 Non-Fiction K-2 310 1.6 1 319 Non-Fiction K-2 360 1.9 1 254 Non-Fiction K-2 300 1.6 1 276 Non-Fiction K-2 340 1.7 1 338 Non-Fiction K-2 520 3.1 1 579 Non-Fiction K-2 620 3.5 1 617 Non-Fiction K-2 1 335 Non-Fiction K-2 3.2 NA 370 1.8 1 303 Non-Fiction K-2 330 1.7 1 305 Non-Fiction K-2 580 3.3 1 193 Non-Fiction K-2 550 2.9 1 155 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.7 1 508 Fiction K-2 760 3.9 2 1686 Fiction K-2 430 2.1 1 592 Fiction K-2 570 3.5 2 1342 Non-Fiction K-2 320 1.6 1 116 Non-Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q20703 Fun At Camp Q04294 Fun Days Fun Days Around The Q30041 World Q27189 Fun On The Farm Q49858 Fun On Wheels Q27125 Fun Run Fun Weather Days Q39832 (Scholastic News) Q53903 Fun With Dude And Betty Q30595 Fun With Fish (Anthology) Q25233 Fun With Hats Q44563 Fun With Roman Numerals Q34918 Fun With Simple Machines Q25099 Fun With The Molesons Q38333 Fun With Zip And Zap Q04298 Funny Baby, The Q27192 Funny Face Q30006 Funny Fruit Q04299 Funny Funny Lyle Q04300 Funny Little Woman, The Q51713 Funny Lunch Q04301 Funny Man, A Q04302 Funny Ride Q56234 Fur Q50215 Fur And Feathers Furious George Goes Q49744 Bananas Q29966 Furniture In My House, The Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 1 177 Fiction K-2 1 338 Fiction K-2 1 395 Non-Fiction K-2 1 1 48 444 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 1.3 1 286 Fiction K-2 450 290 140 0 2.3 1.1 1.3 1.3 1 1 1 1 354 314 143 38 Non-Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 860 5.6 1 989 Non-Fiction K-2 340 1.2 2.8 1 2 28 2269 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 310 1.5 2 1666 Fiction K-2 0 0 1.4 1.2 1 1 232 37 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Melton, Holly Waber, Bernard Mosel, Arlene Catrow, David Jensen, Patricia Hillert, Margaret Boothroyd, Jennifer Halfmann, Janet 220 2.1 1 386 Fiction K-2 520 3.2 2 1433 Fiction K-2 570 3.5 2 851 Fiction K-2 130 1.2 1 215 Fiction K-2 240 1.3 1 57 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 1 301 Fiction K-2 260 1.7 1 104 Non-Fiction K-2 750 3.6 AD 1 764 Fiction K-2 Rex, Michael Lewis, Kathryn E. 490 1.6 AD 1 661 Fiction K-2 80 1.4 1 115 Fiction K-2 Peters, Sharon Hillert, Margaret Melton, Holly Michaels, David Sloan, Peter Patrick, Rachel Rosenberg, Pam Pliscou, Lisa Ward, Jane Malka, Lucy Adler, David A. Tarlow, Ellen Bos, Burny Shefelbine, John Hillert, Margaret Pearl, Alice Lexile Levels Reading Level 50 1.5 0 1.4 450 2.5 0 910 1.2 5.3 170 Lexile Code BR BR NC AD BR BR BR BR AD BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 610 2.8 AD 2 1292 Non-Fiction K-2 Furry Animal Alphabet Q04304 Book, The Pallotta, Jerry Q47684 Furry Ferrets Q29665 Furry Mouse (Anthology) 960 260 7.5 2.2 3 1 1463 208 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Q04305 Furry News, The Lunis, Natalie Riley, Kana Leedy, Loreen 440 5.9 2 556 Fiction K-2 Q41313 Furry-Legged Teapot, The Myers, Tim 630 3.3 2 1364 Fiction K-2 Q31204 Fussy Gail (Anthology) 140 1.2 1 117 Fiction K-2 460 2.5 1 571 Fiction K-2 230 470 1.1 3.5 1 2 19 1672 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 400 2.8 2 1005 Fiction K-2 560 2.2 2 1843 Fiction K-2 Q04320 gallinita roja, La Myers, Anne Coleman, Evelyn Blackaby, Susan Hest, Amy Fleming, Candace Macdonald, Wendy McQueen, Lucinda 470 2 2 617 Fiction K-2 Q04321 gallo de bodas, El Game Called Piggle Q28493 (Anthology), A González, L. Bonsall, Crosby 1 509 Fiction K-2 1 140 Fiction K-2 1 36 Fiction K-2 Q30038 G. Hopper's Summer Fun Q27124 Gab And Sam Q13756 Gabby Growing Up Q26883 Gabriella's Song Galileo's Leaning Tower Q45947 Experiment Q32350 Game Day (Rookie Reader) Meister, Cari Murphy, Q22256 Game Time! Stuart J. Berger, Q28969 Games Samantha Maass, Q31284 Garbage Robert Garbage Helps Our Garden Grow: A Compost Glaser, Q49167 Story Linda Lindeen, Q42552 Garbage Trucks Mary 2.1 AD AD NP 290 1.5 0 1.2 390 2.1 2 769 Fiction K-2 20 1.3 1 69 Non-Fiction K-2 960 4.3 2 896 Non-Fiction K-2 670 4.2 1 428 Non-Fiction K-2 580 3.3 1 87 Non-Fiction K-2 BR AD Q28488 Garden (Anthology), The Q29161 Garden Art Lobel, Arnold Cary, Alice 340 90 1.9 1.9 1 1 398 140 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Q04338 Garden For A Groundhog Balian, Lorna Ribke, Simone T. 560 3.5 1 583 Fiction K-2 320 1.6 1 308 Non-Fiction K-2 Q38034 Garden Full of Sizes, A SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Van Allsburg, Chris 580 4.7 AD 2 1114 Fiction K-2 Q28104 Garden Of Happiness, The Tamar, Erika Stewart, Q04340 Gardener, The Sarah 590 3.1 2 1202 Fiction K-2 570 3.5 2 1005 Fiction K-2 Q32328 Gardening Tools Snyder, Inez Prelutsky, Q20017 Gargoyle On The Roof, The Jack Gargoyles: Monsters In Dussling, Q18945 Stone Jennifer Lasky, Q04346 Gates Of The Wind Kathryn Q48020 Gateway Arch, The Bullard, Lisa Ada, Alma Q22997 Gathering The Sun Flor Q04350 Gatico-Gatico Sarduy, S. Miller, Sara Q35791 Gatita en la maleta, La Swan Q04351 gato Borba, El Rocha, R. Perrault, Q04352 Gato con botas Charles Q04353 gato ensombrerado, El Seuss, Dr. Fleming, Q37035 Gator Gumbo Candace 210 1.5 1 103 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1669 Fiction K-2 Q14743 Gator Or Croc? Quiz # Title Garden Of Abdul Gasazi, Q04339 The Q58563 Gazelles Q42549 Geese Q56618 Geese Geese Find The Missing Piece: School Time Riddle Q22120 Rhymes Gemma The Gymnastics Q50237 Fairy Q32343 Generous Me Q25125 Gentle Giant Octopus Fowler, Allan BorgertSpaniol, Megan Endres, Hollie BorgertSpaniol, Megan Maestro, Marco Meadows, Daisy Pearson, Mary E. Wallace, Karen 5.1 AD NP 480 2.7 2 772 Non-Fiction K-2 890 620 5.6 3.5 2 1 1750 492 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 590 690 4.1 3.9 AD 2 2 623 968 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.2 2.9 BR 520 1 2 91 793 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1426 0 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 820 5 2.1 BR 2 1 800 2.8 AD 1 967 Fiction K-2 690 2.4 1 438 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.6 1 108 Non-Fiction K-2 370 2.2 1 101 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2.4 1 123 Non-Fiction K-2 140 2.5 1 306 Fiction K-2 770 3.7 4 4202 Fiction K-2 270 1.6 1 112 Fiction K-2 490 2.7 1 530 Non-Fiction K-2 NC AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 620 2.5 AD 1 421 Non-Fiction K-2 510 1.8 AD 1 257 Fiction K-2 230 2.5 2 1424 Fiction K-2 700 3.9 1 403 Non-Fiction K-2 220 2.4 2 1307 Fiction K-2 500 2.8 2 626 Fiction K-2 300 2.5 2 711 Fiction K-2 210 2.5 1 474 Fiction K-2 340 2.7 1 526 Fiction K-2 320 3.2 1 565 Fiction K-2 440 2.9 2 792 Fiction K-2 320 2.5 1 566 Fiction K-2 470 2.5 1 280 Fiction K-2 James, Simon Joyce, William Benchley, Nathaniel Hill, Mary 310 1.1 AD 1 385 Fiction K-2 550 1.8 AD 1 114 Fiction K-2 490 510 2.6 1.9 2 1 1022 130 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Mara, Wil Schaefer, Lola M. Houghton Mifflin, Abraham, Philip 290 2.1 1 368 Non-Fiction K-2 360 3.4 1 265 Non-Fiction K-2 420 1.8 1 324 Non-Fiction K-2 80 1.3 1 107 Non-Fiction K-2 Mara, Wil Murphy, Frank Bowdish, Lynea 270 2.1 1 322 Non-Fiction K-2 380 1.9 1 719 Non-Fiction K-2 350 1.8 1 431 Non-Fiction K-2 Gentle Gorillas And Other Q04366 Apes Fowler, Allan Hector, Q48779 Gentleman Bug, The Julian Stern, Q27941 George Maggie George Ancona: Then and Ancona, Q04372 Now George Stern, Q28925 George And Diggety Maggie Marshall, Q04373 George And Martha James George And Martha Back Marshall, Q04374 In Town James Marshall, Q25274 George And Martha Encore James George And Martha One Marshall, Q04375 Fine Day James George And Martha Rise Marshall, Q14223 And Shine James George And Martha Round Marshall, Q04376 And Round James George And Martha Tons Marshall, Q04377 Of Fun James George And Martha: Two Marshall, Q50883 Great Friends James Q54558 George Flies South Q04379 George Shrinks Q04381 George The Drummer Boy Q34624 George W. Bush George W. Bush (Rookie Q33059 Biographies) Q04384 George Washington George Washington (Let's Q31344 Read Biography) George Washington (Real Q28854 People) George Washington Q32373 (Rookie Biographies) George Washington and Q36829 the General's Dog George Washington Q36762 Carver AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title George Washington Q37993 Carver (Kittinger) Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Kittinger, Jo S. 480 400 George Washington McKissack, Q16429 Carver: The Peanut Scientist Patricia Q04388 George Washington's Cows Small, David Chandra, Q32821 George Washington's Teeth Deborah Q42216 Q42586 George Washington: America's First President (Easy Reader Biographies) George Washington: A Life Of Self-discipline George Washington: Our First President George's Store At The Shore Georgia (Rookie ReadAbout Geography) Martin, Justin McCory Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.5 1 225 Non-Fiction K-2 3.3 2 1147 Non-Fiction K-2 4.9 NP 1 274 Fiction K-2 3.5 NA 2 677 Fiction K-2 470 2.5 1 613 Non-Fiction K-2 630 3.5 1 532 Non-Fiction K-2 350 2.2 2 672 Non-Fiction K-2 350 1.9 1 192 Fiction K-2 370 2.1 1 252 Non-Fiction K-2 950 3.7 2 1087 Fiction K-2 560 2.9 3 1429 Non-Fiction K-2 870 4.6 AD 2 1830 Fiction K-2 770 1020 3.7 5.4 4.1 NC AD NP 3 3 2 3934 594 508 Fiction Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 Q47173 Georgia Rises Georgia The Guinea Pig Q48394 Fairy Q37854 Georgia's Bones Q21711 Gerald McBoing Boing Todd, Anne Jackson, Garnet Bassede, Francine Bredeson, Carmen Griffith, Helen V. Lowery, Linda Lasky, Kathryn Meadows, Daisy Bryant, Jen Seuss, Dr. Q16480 Geraldine's Big Snow Keller, Holly 480 1.4 AD 1 434 Fiction K-2 Q04397 Geraldine's Blanket German Shepherds Q44655 (Blastoff! Readers) German Shepherds Are The Q48001 Best! Keller, Holly 360 2.5 AD 1 232 Fiction K-2 Schuh, Mari Landau, Elaine Simmons, Walter Boast, Clare Alcraft, Rob 770 2.8 1 511 Non-Fiction K-2 610 3.4 2 1774 Non-Fiction K-2 850 660 510 5.5 4.2 2.9 2 2 2 1527 2034 564 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 Q18073 Germany (We Come From) Hirst, Mike Q35903 Germs Collins, Ross 700 680 4.5 3.7 2 1 1036 516 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q27594 Q27951 Q32393 Q04395 Georgia Music Q35209 Georgia O'Keeffe Q52289 Germany Q22427 Germany (Next Stop!) Q22428 Germany (Visit To) AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q39216 Q50403 Q04402 Q04401 Title Author Name Oetting, Germs (Rookie Readers) Judy Verdick, Germs Are Not For Sharing Elizabeth Berger, Germs Make Me Sick! Melvin H. Germs! Germs! Germs! Katz, Bobbi Gershon's Monster: A Story Q21685 For The Jewish New Year Gertie Gorilla's Glorious Q51466 Gift Gertrude Is Gertrude Is Q45263 Gertrude Is Gertrude Q18607 Q18608 Q18611 Q18610 Q18609 Q18606 Q14878 Kimmel, Eric A. deRubertis, Barbara Winter, Jonah Hill, Lee Get Around For Fun Sullivan Get Around In Air And Hill, Lee Space Sullivan Hill, Lee Get Around In The City Sullivan Hill, Lee Get Around In The Country Sullivan Hill, Lee Get Around On Water Sullivan Hill, Lee Get Around With Cargo Sullivan Munsch, Get Out Of Bed! Robert Q31626 Get Out Of My Chair Get Ready For Second Q31221 Grade, Amber Brown Q18704 Get Set! Swim! Q22235 Get That Pest! Q04407 Get The Ball, Slim Q04408 Get Up And Go! Q26587 Get Well Soon Book, The Schulz, Kathy Danziger, Paula Atkins, Jeannine Douglas, Erin Leonard, Marcia Murphy, Stuart J. Gray, Kes Thomas, Shelley Q32849 Get Well, Good Knight Moore Ada, Alma Q30062 Getting Around In The City Flor Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 90 1 NP 1 131 Fiction K-2 490 1.6 AD 1 274 Non-Fiction K-2 530 170 2.8 1.5 2 1 1078 403 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 400 3.1 AD 2 1391 Fiction K-2 370 1.2 AD 1 518 Fiction K-2 390 1.5 AD 1 902 Fiction K-2 440 2.3 1 472 Non-Fiction K-2 550 3.1 1 459 Non-Fiction K-2 370 1.9 1 446 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.5 1 543 Non-Fiction K-2 520 2.8 1 427 Non-Fiction K-2 610 3.4 1 437 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.5 2 639 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 1 68 Fiction K-2 300 2.3 2 1479 Fiction K-2 640 5.5 2 979 Fiction K-2 90 1.9 1 189 Fiction K-2 40 1.3 1 94 Fiction K-2 420 2.2 1 455 Fiction K-2 130 1.6 AD 1 132 Fiction K-2 120 2.2 AD 2 996 Fiction K-2 350 1.7 1 240 Fiction K-2 BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.2 1 328 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.6 1 441 Fiction K-2 860 5.5 1 931 Fiction K-2 110 1.9 2 1079 Fiction K-2 320 2.6 2 794 Fiction K-2 450 130 400 770 4.2 2.1 3.4 4.6 AD 2 1 3 2 1555 512 4480 1786 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 390 3.2 AD 2 858 Fiction K-2 410 2.4 2 1919 Fiction K-2 290 1.7 1 156 Fiction K-2 490 2.4 2 955 Fiction K-2 Bently, Peter Stanley, Diane Stihler, Cherie B. Peck, Jan Rowe, Erna 490 2.6 4 3792 Fiction K-2 670 3.8 AD 2 1732 Fiction K-2 300 710 380 2.4 4.2 2.7 AD AD 2 2 1 1530 999 379 Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 Q27084 Giant Foam Sea Creatures Bains, Brad Giant Gingerbread Man, Q14417 The Feely, Jenny Horning, Q36116 Giant Hug, The Sandra Lord, John Q04471 Giant Jam Sandwich, The Vernon Weinstock, Q43322 Giant Meatball Robert ZuchoraWalske, Q18689 Giant Octopuses Christine 560 2.8 2 771 Non-Fiction K-2 460 1.8 1 250 Fiction K-2 830 1.9 AD 1 1001 Fiction K-2 3.4 NP 1 527 Fiction K-2 940 7.3 AD 1 419 Fiction K-2 560 2.8 1 400 Non-Fiction K-2 Q29984 Giant Of The Desert 520 2.5 1 436 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q33958 Q29987 Q40285 Q04423 Q15263 Q24286 Q27387 Q04453 Q23668 Q25196 Q48709 Q45323 Q04468 Title Author Name Bredeson, Getting Ready For Space Carmen Daniel, Getting To Grandpa's Claire Getting To Know Ruben Rosenbluth, Plotnick Roz Dodds, Ghost And Pete Dayle Ann Benchley, Ghost Named Fred, A Nathaniel Ghost Of The Southern Bodkin, Belle: A Sea Tale Odds Ghost On The Train, The North, Emily Ghost School Clifford, Eth Ghost Train Yee, Paul Joosse, Ghost Wings Barbara M. Jones, Ghosts Do Splash In Marcia Puddles Thornton Kohara, Ghosts In The House! Kazuno Ghosts: Ghostly Tales From Schwartz, Folklore Alvin Q55014 Ghoul Trip Giant And The Beanstalk, Q37874 The Giant Cabbage: An Alaska Q33457 Folktale, The Q13615 Giant Carrot, The Q04470 Giant Dinosaurs Nayer, Judy Lexile Levels Reading Level 450 Lexile Code AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.8 1 89 Non-Fiction K-2 620 2.2 1 72 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.8 1 97 Non-Fiction K-2 Q31994 Giant Pandas (Gibbons) Giant Pandas: Gifts From Q14773 China Fowler, Allan Giant Steps To Change The Q51087 World Lee, Spike Stefoff, Q20883 Giant Turtle (Living Things) Rebecca Blackaby, Q30047 Giant's Sock, The Susan Gibbus Moony Wants To Q53898 Bite You! Muir, Leslie Q25023 Gift From The Sea, A Banks, Kate Alvarez, Q38248 Gift Of Gracias, A Julia Gift Of The Crocodile: A Q23504 Cinderella Story, The Sierra, Judy Gift Of The Nile: An Ancient Q20335 Egyptian Legend Mike, Jan M. Stewart, Q22143 Gift Of The Sun Dianne Q29188 Gift Of Writing, The Riley, Kana Franklin, Q19119 Gift, The Kristine L. Bogart, Jo Q04484 Gifts Ellen Tolstoy, Q18122 Gigantic Turnip, The Aleksei Gigantic: How Big Were O'Brien, Q23563 The Dinosaurs? Patrick Sakelaris, Q23120 Giggle Belly Page Cronin, Q29552 Giggle, Giggle, Quack Doreen 860 3.9 2 1218 Non-Fiction K-2 700 2.2 1 433 Non-Fiction K-2 870 4.6 1 541 Non-Fiction K-2 800 2.8 2 1201 Non-Fiction K-2 370 2.6 1 583 Fiction K-2 370 680 1.2 2.6 AD AD 1 1 644 300 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 670 3.5 AD 2 1137 Fiction K-2 590 3.3 2 1497 Fiction K-2 680 4.8 2 1485 Fiction K-2 630 230 3.5 2.1 2 1 1008 360 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 460 2.5 2 1365 Fiction K-2 490 2.6 1 295 Fiction K-2 Q13538 Gilbert De La Frogponde Q43732 Gilbert In Deep Quiz # Title Q34563 Giant Panda Q04472 Giant Pandas Q55150 Giant Pandas Q48860 Gilbert, The Surfer Dude Author Name Eckart, Edana Freeman, Marcia S. Schuetz, Kari Gibbons, Gail Lexile Levels Reading Level 490 Lexile Code AD AD 3.2 NP 1 400 Fiction K-2 4.3 AD 1 153 Non-Fiction K-2 1.7 NA 1 107 Fiction K-2 330 1.9 AD 1 312 Fiction K-2 Rae, Jennifer 830 1.7 AD 1 544 Fiction K-2 Clarke, Jane deGroat, Diane 470 2.5 AD 1 781 Fiction K-2 370 2.2 1 501 Fiction K-2 720 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q04489 Q04490 Q41743 Q04492 Q04493 Q41897 Q41912 Q21172 Q04497 Q25069 Q13009 Q54518 Q04498 Q04499 Q46129 Q54783 Q41917 Q04501 Q04502 Q29627 Q53986 Q44866 Q28520 Q26646 Q40054 Title Author Name Ets, Marie Gilberto And The Wind Hall Ets, Marie Gilberto y el viento Hall Gimme Cracked Corn And I O'Malley, Will Share Kevin Waber, Gina Bernard Voake, Ginger Charlotte Polacco, Ginger And Petunia Patricia Ginger Bear Grey, Mini Gingerbread Baby Brett, Jan Galdone, Gingerbread Boy Paul Gingerbread Boy (Ziefert), Ziefert, The Harriet Egielski, Gingerbread Boy, The Richard Squires, Gingerbread Cowboy, The Janet Thomas, Gingerbread Days Joyce Carol Gingerbread Doll Tews, Susan Gingerbread Friends Brett, Jan Gingerbread Girl Goes Ernst, Lisa Animal Crackers, The Campbell Ernst, Lisa Gingerbread Girl, The Campbell Schmidt, Gingerbread Man Karen Aylesworth, Gingerbread Man Jim Gingerbread Man (Anthology), The Bell, Sally Gingerbread Man Loose In Murray, The School, The Laura Gingerbread Mouse Bratun, Katy Giraffe (See How They Grow) Ling, Mary George, Jean Giraffe Trouble Craighead Giraffe Who Was Afraid Ufer, David Of Heights, The A. Lexile Levels Reading Level 460 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.8 2 633 Fiction K-2 630 2.1 1 641 Fiction K-2 530 2.7 AD 1 674 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 2 784 Fiction K-2 1 381 Fiction K-2 440 2.9 770 800 430 4.5 4.7 2.6 AD AD 2 1 2 2280 508 980 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 580 3.7 AD 2 1088 Fiction K-2 70 1.8 1 401 Fiction K-2 390 3.5 1 528 Fiction K-2 800 4.3 AD 1 763 Fiction K-2 NP 770 810 3.2 4.6 4.3 AD 2 2 1 752 1117 587 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 770 3.7 AD 2 1153 Fiction K-2 950 5.8 AD 2 1274 Fiction K-2 360 1.9 2 766 Fiction K-2 450 2.5 2 1096 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 275 Fiction K-2 580 530 3.3 2.2 GN AD 1 1 865 420 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 360 1.8 1 240 Non-Fiction K-2 660 3.1 2 814 Fiction K-2 740 4.1 1 676 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Giraffe: The World's Tallest Goldish, Q40550 Mammal (SuperSized!) Meish 650 3.5 IG 1 498 Non-Fiction K-2 Q55154 Giraffes Schuetz, Kari Andreae, Giles Kieffer, Eduardo Gudino 420 2.4 1 113 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.5 1 483 Fiction K-2 2 2 0 Fiction K-2 Brand, Judith Hidaka, Q25573 Girl From The Snow Country Masako 210 1.7 1 297 Fiction K-2 610 3.2 2 664 Fiction K-2 590 3.3 2 1258 Fiction K-2 350 2.8 2 1206 Non-Fiction K-2 360 4.4 2 1971 Fiction K-2 410 2 3 1481 Non-Fiction K-2 780 2.8 AD 2 899 Fiction K-2 170 2.7 AD 2 734 Fiction K-2 380 2.8 2 977 Fiction K-2 160 1.3 1 356 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q25124 Giraffes Can't Dance Q04508 Giraluna Author Name Q29904 Girl Detectives Mackall, Dandi Daley Lundell, Q04514 Girl Named Helen Keller, A Margo Hamilton, Q22054 Girl Who Spun Gold, The Virginia Girl Who Struck Out Babe Patrick, Jean Q35646 Ruth, The L. S. Girl Who Swam With The Renner, Q04524 Fish, The Michelle Girl Who Wore Too Much: MacDonald, A Folktale From Thailand, Margaret Q33445 The Read Girl Wonder: A Baseball Hopkinson, Q33478 Story In Nine Innings Deborah Girl, A Goat, And A Goose, McPhail, Q21587 A David Smith, Jada Q36766 Girls Hold Up This World Pinkett Giovanni, Q37294 Girls In The Circle, The Nikki Give It A Push! Give It A Boothroyd, Q51499 Pull! Jennifer Murphy, Q04533 Give Me Half! Stuart J. Kellogg, Q22619 Give The Dog A Bone Steven Gaines, Q26747 Giving Bear, The Isabel Swamp, Q04536 Giving Thanks Chief Jake Q44438 Girl Named Dan, A AD AD AD 1.9 NP 1 156 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.5 NP 1 125 Fiction K-2 590 3.3 1 671 Non-Fiction K-2 430 1.8 AD 1 360 Fiction K-2 1.9 NP 1 280 Fiction K-2 1 392 Fiction K-2 1 304 Non-Fiction K-2 250 2.2 680 4.1 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Giving Thanks: The 1621 Q25642 Harvest Feast Q04537 Giving Tree, The Q42568 Glaciers Q53436 Glaciers Are Melting!, The Glad Monster, Sad Monster: A Book About Q04538 Feelings Q17642 Glass Mountain, The Glass Slipper, Gold Sandal: A Worldwide Q41744 Cinderella Q16234 Glass Town Q22657 Glasses For D.W. Q26588 Glasses: Who Needs 'Em? Q32771 Gleam And Glow Glorious Flight: Across The Channel With Louis Bleriot, Q04551 The Q31822 Gluey: A Snail Tale Go Away, Big Green Q04563 Monster! Q29098 Go Away, Bugs! Q04562 Go Away, Dog Q56180 Go Easy On Energy Go Home!: The True Story Q27791 Of James The Cat Q04567 Go Home, River Q29189 Go Outside, Sparky! Go To A Concert Q31137 (Anthology) Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 2.8 2 1211 Fiction K-2 530 2.9 1 623 Fiction K-2 610 3.4 1 328 Non-Fiction K-2 Love, Donna 680 3.2 AD 1 793 Fiction K-2 Emberley, Ed Wolkstein, Diane 810 1.9 AD 1 254 Fiction K-2 670 4.8 AD 2 1652 Fiction K-2 700 3.6 AD 1 830 Fiction K-2 760 3.5 2 3027 Fiction K-2 100 420 450 1.9 2.1 4.1 1 1 2 328 319 1806 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 460 3.5 2 873 Non-Fiction K-2 360 2.7 AD 2 1371 Fiction K-2 Emberley, Ed 550 1.8 AD 1 91 Fiction K-2 Fear, Sharon Nodset, Joan L. Bullard, Lisa 0 1.2 BR 1 47 Non-Fiction K-2 120 470 1.2 2.5 1 1 260 452 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 390 2.9 2 1235 Fiction K-2 500 4.2 2 1100 Fiction K-2 90 1.8 1 69 Fiction K-2 900 2.9 1 217 Non-Fiction K-2 200 1.1 AD 1 256 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 313 Fiction K-2 Waters, Kate Silverstein, Shel Sexton, Colleen Fleischman, Paul Bedard, Michael Brown, Marc Smith, Lane Bunting, Eve Provensen, Martin Walsh, Vivian Meggs, Libby Phillips Magdanz, James Robinson, F.R. Hart, Avery Wing, Q41499 Go To Bed, Monster! Natasha Hillert, Q04569 Go To Sleep, Dear Dragon Margaret Lexile Levels Reading Level 460 Lexile Code AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q55771 Go West, Amelia Bedelia! Q30073 Go! Q04572 Go, Dog, Go! Q16017 Go-Around Dollar, The Q48196 Go-Go Gorillas Q14530 Go-With Words Q24982 Goal Q29105 Goal! Q49606 Goal! Q27194 Goat (Ford), The Q17668 Goat In The Rug, The Q48799 Goat-Faced Girl, The Q42466 Goats Q46271 Goats Goblin And The Empty Q46999 Chair, The God Bless America Q36844 (Munsinger) Q32971 God Bless The Gargoyles Q04586 Goggles! Q26589 Goin' Someplace Special Q26115 Going Batty Q51389 Going Batty Going Batty For Bats Q27515 (Anthology) Going Fishing: A Story Set Q20982 In Bangladesh Q04590 Going Home Q04591 Going Home Author Name Parish, Herman Peterson, Polly Eastman, P.D. Adams, Barbara Johnston Durango, Julia Dobkin, Bonnie Burleigh, Robert Thomas, Rory Javaherbin, Mina Ford, Carly Blood, Charles L. Sharpe, Leah Marinsky Green, Emily K. Nelson, Robin Fox, Mem Berlin, Irving Pilkey, Dav Keats, Ezra Jack McKissack, Patricia C. Hall, Kirsten Klein, Abby Article, Warner, Rachel Wild, Margaret Bunting, Eve Lexile Levels Reading Level 440 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.5 2 2069 Fiction K-2 380 1.9 1 361 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.4 1 517 Fiction K-2 680 4.9 2 1033 Fiction K-2 530 2.1 1 351 Fiction K-2 110 1.4 1 135 Fiction K-2 0 2.5 1 183 Fiction K-2 50 1.2 1 50 Fiction K-2 350 0 1.2 1.2 AD BR 1 1 688 24 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 660 3.7 NC 2 905 Fiction K-2 910 5.3 AD 2 1800 Fiction K-2 460 2.5 1 91 Non-Fiction K-2 360 2.2 1 207 Non-Fiction K-2 660 2.8 AD 1 446 Fiction K-2 1.7 3.6 NP NP 1 1 40 519 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 340 2.9 AD 1 328 Fiction K-2 550 160 460 3.3 2.2 2.5 AD 2 2 4 1596 798 7879 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 620 2.8 1 389 Non-Fiction K-2 350 2.1 2 676 Fiction K-2 890 480 5.9 5.4 2 2 582 1433 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 BR AD BR AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 2 1149 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1009 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 61 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 29 Fiction K-2 250 1.6 1 172 Non-Fiction K-2 570 4.4 2 1017 Fiction K-2 Hall, Patricia 10 1.7 1 401 Fiction K-2 Q34625 Going To Grandma's Farm Franco, Betsy Kittinger, Jo Q32351 Going To The Beach S. Q04595 Going To The Dentist Frost, Helen McFarlane, Q19566 Going To The Fair Sheryl 80 1.1 1 56 Fiction K-2 0 460 1.2 2.2 1 1 53 121 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 630 2.8 2 1128 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q29586 Q36283 Q15176 Q29947 Q57876 Q04594 Title Author Name Pallotta, Going Lobstering Jerry Harrington, Going North Janice N. McMillan, Going On A Whale Watch Bruce Velasco, Going Outside To Play Pilar Rissman, Going To A Farm Rebecca James, Shirley Going To A Horse Farm Kerby Q26590 Going To Grandma's Q13554 Going To The Zoo Paxton, Tom Q04596 Going To Town Wilder, Laura Ingalls Q04597 Going West Q17189 Going West Q14190 Gold Coin, The Q24868 Gold Fever Gold Miner's Daughter: A Melodramatic Fairy Tale, Q43329 The Wilder, Laura Ingalls Van Leeuwen, Jean Ada, Alma Flor Kay, Verla Q04614 Golden Goose, The Hopkins, Jackie Mims Donaldson, Julia Zuehlke, Jeffrey Hillert, Margaret Q04615 Golden Goose, The Shulevitz, Uri Q58298 Gold Star For Zog, A Q48021 Golden Gate Bridge, The Lexile Levels Reading Level 590 4.2 700 2.5 Lexile Code AD BR 2.4 NP 1 389 Fiction K-2 600 2.5 AD 1 668 Fiction K-2 950 3.9 1 519 Fiction K-2 600 4.5 AD 2 1474 Fiction K-2 550 3.7 2.6 AD NP 2 1 2149 185 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 740 4.5 AD 2 1452 Fiction K-2 590 2.3 AD 1 812 Fiction K-2 610 3.4 1 579 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.8 BR 1 294 Fiction K-2 560 2.8 AD 2 984 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Golden Retrievers (Blastoff! Q44656 Readers) Schuh, Mari Golden Retrievers Are The Landau, Q49152 Best! Elaine Hickox, Q17566 Golden Sandal, The Rebecca A. Miller, Q22325 Goldfish (Pets) Michaela Goldie And The Three Stanley, Q34041 Bears Diane Goldie And The Three Palatini, Q53209 Hares Margie Goffstein, M. Q25590 Goldie The Dollmaker B. Q29005 Goldilocks Goldilocks And The Three Q04623 Bears Goldilocks And The Three Q33938 Bears (Aylesworth) Goldilocks And The Three Q18981 Bears (Brett) Goldilocks And The Three Q31482 Bears (Ready-To-Read) Goldilocks And The Three Q29013 Bears (Stuart) Goldilocks And The Three Q04624 Hares Q22627 Q29859 Q40551 Q40552 Lexile Levels Reading Level 810 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.9 1 504 Non-Fiction K-2 610 3.4 2 1587 Non-Fiction K-2 870 5.9 2 1518 Fiction K-2 770 3.9 2 855 Non-Fiction K-2 380 2.2 AD 1 564 Fiction K-2 610 2.4 AD 1 1048 Fiction K-2 750 3.7 2 2644 Fiction K-2 1 19 Fiction K-2 2 747 Fiction K-2 AD Tarlow, Ellen Marshall, James Aylesworth, Jim 0 1.2 520 3.5 830 3.9 AD 2 1168 Fiction K-2 Brett, Jan 880 4.6 AD 2 1070 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 157 Fiction K-2 290 1.9 1 545 Fiction K-2 380 3.4 2 1288 Fiction K-2 530 3.5 2 1415 Fiction K-2 320 1.4 1 174 Fiction K-2 730 3.7 IG 1 448 Non-Fiction K-2 710 3.7 IG 1 482 Non-Fiction K-2 210 2.8 2 1359 Fiction K-2 380 1.5 2 1317 Fiction K-2 150 1.8 1 180 Fiction K-2 530 2.1 2 1061 Fiction K-2 Miles, Betty Stuart, Melissa Petach, Heidi Ernst, Lisa Goldilocks Returns Campbell Trepicchio, Goldy And The Three Bears Lynn Goliath Beetle: One Of The World's Heaviest Insects Packard, (SuperSized!) Mary Goliath Bird-Eating Tarantula: The World's Biggest Spider Goldish, (SuperSized!) Meish Q04626 Golly Sisters Go West, The Byars, Betsy Golly Sisters Ride Again, Q04627 The Byars, Betsy Long, Q04628 Gone Fishing Earlene R. Palatini, Q46099 Gone With The Wand Margie BR AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q04631 Good As New Q04632 Good Bad Cat, The Q25459 Good Bad Day, The Q25165 Good Books, Good Times! Q19576 Good Companion, The Q46396 Good Dog, Aggie Good Driving, Amelia Q04635 Bedelia Good Enough To Eat: A Kid's Guide To Food And Q20818 Nutrition Good Food (My First Q38014 Reader) Author Name Douglass, Barbara Antle, Nancy Simon, Charnan Hopkins, Lee Bennett Skogan, Joan Ries, Lori Parish, Herman Lexile Levels Reading Level 510 3.4 0 1.5 0 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 958 Fiction K-2 BR 1 65 Fiction K-2 1.7 BR 1 451 Fiction K-2 2.7 NP 2 763 Fiction K-2 690 160 4.8 1.3 2 2 2960 1014 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 230 2.8 2 1030 Fiction K-2 570 3.5 2 1265 Non-Fiction K-2 120 1.3 1 85 Fiction K-2 200 3.1 2 699 Fiction K-2 590 2.7 1 283 Non-Fiction K-2 350 490 2.2 2.6 1 2 467 614 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 250 2.3 1 257 Fiction K-2 200 540 1.3 2.9 AD 1 2 270 765 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 110 1.4 NP 1 162 Fiction K-2 Q36681 Good Luck Charlie Rockwell, Lizzy Reggier, DeMar Parish, Peggy HoytGoldsmith, Diane Waddell, Martin Molk, Laurel Eaton, Deborah Williams, April Harjo, Joy Kramer, Jennifer E. Q19050 Good Luck Glasses, The London, Sara 350 1.9 2 1109 Fiction K-2 Q52912 Good Luck, Anna Hibiscus! Atinuke, - 590 3.3 3 8073 Fiction K-2 240 2.2 2 875 Fiction K-2 Q04640 Good Hunting, Blue Sky Q29697 Good Idea (Anthology), A Q15478 Good Job, Little Bear Q24235 Good Job, Oliver! Good Laugh For Cookie Q29677 (Anthology), A Q27131 Good Life, The Q31762 Good Luck Cat, The Giff, Patricia Q17192 Good Luck, Ronald Morgan! Reilly Hudson, Cheryl Willis Ginsburg, Q16240 Good Morning, Chick Mirra Grejniec, Q31627 Good Morning, Good Night Michael Q20945 Good Morning Baby 0 AD AD 1.3 NP 1 49 Fiction K-2 2.8 NP 1 270 Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 46 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Q46989 Good Morning, Groundhog! Klein, Abby Keenan, Q04643 Good Morning, Monday Sheila Good Mushrooms And Bad Q14772 Toadstools Fowler, Allan Q20940 Good Night Baby Q15765 Good Night Dinosaurs Lexile Levels Reading Level 280 1.7 560 2.5 700 3.4 Hudson, Cheryl Willis Sierra, Judy 1.1 4.2 Lexile Code AD NP NP Points Words Type Interest Level 1 630 Fiction K-2 1 78 Fiction K-2 1 502 Non-Fiction K-2 1 1 54 360 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Good Night's Sleep (Rookie Gordon, Q32357 Read-About Health), A Sharon 180 1.6 1 285 Non-Fiction K-2 Q14766 Good Night's Sleep, A Q21352 Good Night, Baby Bear Fowler, Allan Asch, Frank O'Keefe, Susan Heyboer Thomas, Shelley Moore Rathmann, Peggy Christensen, Nancy Engel, Natalie Apperley, Dawn 590 360 2.9 2.8 1 1 393 582 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 190 Fiction K-2 2 922 Fiction K-2 1 45 Fiction K-2 1 79 Fiction K-2 Ross, Linda B. Rudolph, Marguerita Martin, Jacqueline Briggs 80 1.3 550 5.1 880 Q23513 Good Night, God Bless Q22733 Good Night, Good Knight Q21914 Good Night, Gorilla Q04644 Good Night, Little Kitten Q56724 Good Night, Sleep Tight Good Night, Sleep Tight, Q27703 Little Bunnies Q29895 Good Sport, A Q04648 Good Stepmother, The 50 NP 1.9 1.2 NP 190 1.5 300 1.1 AD 1 401 Fiction K-2 1.8 NP 1 277 Fiction K-2 1 93 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1209 Fiction K-2 5.2 AD 2 817 Fiction K-2 410 1.4 NP 1 300 Fiction K-2 220 2.5 2 1143 Fiction K-2 Viorst, Judith 420 2.1 1 343 Fiction K-2 Borden, Louise 640 3.5 2 1696 Fiction K-2 Good Times On Q04650 Grandfather Mountain Good Times: All About The Q35894 Seasons Hall, Kirsten Good Work, Amelia Parish, Q04651 Bedelia Peggy Q04654 Good-Bye Book, The Good-Bye, Charles Lindbergh: Based On A Q28010 True Story 2.9 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q26715 Good-Bye, Curtis Good-bye, Havana! Hola, Q53772 New York! Good-For-Something Q04661 Dragon Q04662 Good-Night, Owl! Q04664 Goodbye House Q26541 Goodbye Mousie Q50018 Goodbye To Goldie Q04666 Goodbye, Arnold Q16681 Goodbye, Mitch Q04672 Goodnight Moon Goodnight, Goodnight, Q54832 Construction Site Gooey Jellyfish (No Q41649 Backbone!) Q26748 Goose Q43340 Goose And Duck Q48557 Goose Man, The Q44535 Goose On The Loose Goose That Almost Got Q26119 Cooked, The Goose Who Went Off In A Q25804 Huff, The Q33547 Goose's Story Q55161 Gophers Gorgonzola: A Very Q50738 Stinkysaurus Q04677 Gorilita Q04679 Gorillas Q53290 Gorillas Author Name Henkes, Kevin Colon, Edie Enderle, Judith Ross Hutchins, Pat Asch, Frank Harris, Robie H. Manushkin, Fran Roche, P.K WallaceBrodeur, Ruth Brown, Margaret Wise Lexile Levels Reading Level 360 2.1 690 3.3 530 410 550 Points Words Type Interest Level 1 359 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1608 Non-Fiction K-2 2.9 3.1 2.8 AD AD 2 1 1 1059 180 280 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 140 2.6 AD 2 869 Fiction K-2 390 2.3 2.5 NA 1 2 450 1000 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2 1457 Fiction K-2 540 Lexile Code 3.8 1.5 NP 1 130 Fiction K-2 820 3.4 AD 1 509 Fiction K-2 Lunis, Natalie Bang, Molly George, Jean Craighead Greenstein, Elaine Rogers, Jacqueline 680 790 3.6 1.9 1 1 315 209 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 370 2.2 1 579 Fiction K-2 730 3.5 2 1080 Non-Fiction K-2 160 1.3 1 201 Fiction K-2 Simont, Marc Johnson, Paul Brett Best, Cari 760 3.1 2 639 Fiction K-2 360 430 3.1 2.8 2 2 757 1220 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Zobel, Derek 420 2.4 1 127 Non-Fiction K-2 Bowers, Tim Bornstein, Ruth Demuth, Patricia B. Gibbons, Gail 410 3 1 691 Fiction K-2 140 2 2 171 Fiction K-2 470 4.5 2 992 Non-Fiction K-2 820 4.4 2 1637 Non-Fiction K-2 Rinker, Sherri Duskey AD AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Points Words Type Interest Level Q55157 Gorillas Zobel, Derek Gorillas: Gentle Giants Of Q04680 The Forest Milton, Joyce Dunrea, Q32685 Gossie Olivier Dunrea, Q33239 Gossie And Gertie Olivier Hines, Anna Q24255 Got You! Grossnickle Jorgensen, Q04681 Gotcha! Gail 390 2.3 1 110 Non-Fiction K-2 530 2.8 2 1046 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 170 Fiction K-2 10 1.4 AD 1 153 Fiction K-2 1.6 NA 1 86 Fiction K-2 320 1.3 AD 1 161 Fiction K-2 Q27456 Gotta Go! Gotta Go! Swope, Sam McDonnell, Christine DiPucchio, Kelly Meadows, Daisy Varley, Susan 390 2.4 AD 2 752 Fiction K-2 520 4.1 AD 1 509 Fiction K-2 570 3.3 1 895 Fiction K-2 650 2.6 4 3984 Fiction K-2 2 2 0 Fiction K-2 Cowley, Joy 470 2.8 2 1943 Fiction K-2 Q54131 Gracie The Lighthouse Cat 640 2.7 1 237 Fiction K-2 Q42553 Brown, Ruth Lindeen, Graders Mary Maccarone, Graduation Day Is Here! Grace Green, Emily Grains (Blastoff! Readers) K. BorgertSpaniol, Grains Group Megan Cherry, gran capoquero, El Lynne Brown, Margaret gran granero rojo, El Wise gran negocio de Francisca, Hoban, El Russell Zuehlke, Grand Canyon, The Jeffrey 400 2.3 1 77 Non-Fiction K-2 370 1.7 1 179 Fiction K-2 450 2.3 1 142 Non-Fiction K-2 520 3.1 1 208 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2 2 900 Fiction K-2 420 2 1 307 Fiction K-2 340 1 2 1484 Fiction K-2 550 3.2 1 748 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.2 1 217 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q53390 Goyangi Means Cat Q43535 Grace For President Q50741 Grace The Glitter Fairy Q04686 Gracias, Tejón Gracias: The Thanksgiving Q04685 Turkey Q37278 Q39787 Q56611 Q04691 Q04695 Q04696 Q49146 Q38130 Grand Old Tree, A Author Name DePalma, Mary Newell Lexile Code AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Q04699 Grandad Bill's Song 480 2.5 AD 1 Words 495 Type Fiction Q04700 550 3.5 2 2309 Fiction K-2 490 2.9 2 1615 Fiction K-2 700 3.6 AD 3 799 Fiction K-2 500 3.1 AD 2 1119 Fiction K-2 490 1.6 AD 1 270 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q04701 Q40501 Q33294 Q04703 Title Author Name Yolen, Jane Griffith, Grandaddy And Janetta Helen V. Griffith, Grandaddy's Place Helen V. Quigley, Granddad's Fishing Buddy Mary Granddaddy's Street Degross, Songs Monalisa Buckley, Grandfather And I Helen E. Interest Level K-2 Q39186 Grandfather Buffalo Grandfather's Christmas Q21872 Camp Grandfather's Christmas Q21258 Tree Arnosky, Jim McCutcheon, Marc 810 3 AD 1 447 Fiction K-2 350 2.7 AD 2 1092 Fiction K-2 Strand, Keith 790 3.3 AD 3 1820 Fiction K-2 Q15739 Grandfather's Dream Keller, Holly Schaefer, Lola M. Joosse, Barbara M. Jenkins, Martin Hines, Anna Grossnickle 510 4.4 AD 2 1058 Fiction K-2 400 1.3 1 41 Non-Fiction K-2 550 2.2 1 455 Fiction K-2 810 3.9 1 581 Non-Fiction K-2 140 3.5 2 1157 Fiction K-2 380 2.9 2 941 Fiction K-2 370 2.6 1 469 Fiction K-2 870 4.8 AD 2 1423 Non-Fiction K-2 410 3.2 AD 2 962 Fiction K-2 3.2 NP 1 237 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 151 Fiction K-2 920 5.4 AD 1 667 Fiction K-2 690 3.8 AD 2 1432 Fiction K-2 610 2.7 1.3 AD BR 2 1 1309 65 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q18277 Grandfathers Grandma Calls Me Q44868 Beautiful Grandma Elephant's In Q33517 Charge Q21873 Grandma Gets Grumpy McCully, Q04707 Grandma Mix-Up, The Emily Arnold Grandma Mooner Lost Her Edwards, Q25837 Voice! Frank B. Wallner, Q38295 Grandma Moses Alexandra Jessup, Q20016 Grandma Summer Harley Blackstone, Q16990 Grandma Went To Market Stella Ketteman, Q16732 Grandma's Cat Helen Castellucci, Q50567 Grandma's Gloves Cecil Johnson, Q27978 Grandma's Hands Dolores Moore, Q04709 Grandma's House Elaine Q34779 Grandma's House Hall, Kirsten AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 510 2.9 AD 2 668 Fiction K-2 780 3.1 2 968 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 1 419 Fiction K-2 Q28718 Grandma's Records Grandma, Grandpa, And Q46543 Me Burrowes, Adjoa J. Velasquez, Eric Mayer, Mercer Q04711 Grandmas At Bat McCully, Emily Arnold 270 1.7 2 1051 Fiction K-2 Q04712 Grandmas At The Lake McCully, Emily Arnold 250 1.7 2 1050 Fiction K-2 McCully, Emily Arnold 150 1.7 2 797 Fiction K-2 470 850 310 3.1 3.9 5.5 2 1 2 1596 347 655 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 330 1.3 1 50 Non-Fiction K-2 620 3.3 1 696 Fiction K-2 620 2.5 AD 1 799 Fiction K-2 650 3.5 NP 1 808 Fiction K-2 640 3.3 AD 1 315 Fiction K-2 590 2.7 2 729 Fiction K-2 450 2.5 2 1317 Fiction K-2 380 3.2 AD 2 1649 Fiction K-2 610 3.8 AD 2 1053 Fiction K-2 Q26327 Grandma's Purple Flowers Q26328 Grandmas Trick-Or-Treat Grandmother Spider Brings Q26683 The Sun Q23990 Grandmother Winter Q21970 Grandmother's Alphabet Q18278 Grandmothers Q39278 Grandpa & Bo Q46672 Grandpa For Sale Grandpa Gazillion's Q37056 Number Yard Q22045 Q29703 Q49002 Q22145 Q18982 Keams, Geri Root, Phyllis Shaw, Eve Schaefer, Lola M. Henkes, Kevin Enderle, Dotti Keller, Laurie Nobisso, Grandpa Loved Josephine Grandpa Takes Me To The Gaffney, Moon Timothy R. Grandpa's Boneshaker Bicycle West, Colin DiSalvoRyan, Grandpa's Corner Store DyAnne Greenfield, Grandpa's Face Eloise AD AD Q04713 Grandpa's Garden Grandpa's Music: A Story Q47051 About Alzheimer's Q25223 Grandpa's Overalls Darian, Shea Acheson, Alison Crunk, Tony 1010 3.5 AD 2 1222 Fiction K-2 480 590 1.6 3.1 AD AD 1 2 798 648 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q23114 Grandpa's Quilt Franco, Betsy Johnston, Tony 110 2.1 1 122 Fiction K-2 360 3.7 2 963 Fiction K-2 Q04715 Grandpa's Song SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q13269 Grandpa's Teeth Q20013 Grandpa's Town Q53714 Grandpa's Tractor Q04718 Grandpappy Granny And The Q21648 Desperadoes Q23495 Grannyman, The Grapes Of Math: MindStretching Math Riddles, Q23981 The Q04725 Graphic Alphabet Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Clement, Rod Nomura, Takaaki Garland, Michael 530 4.2 AD 2 1069 Fiction K-2 590 3.9 AD 2 780 Fiction K-2 890 4.7 AD 1 553 Fiction K-2 2.1 NA 1 500 Fiction K-2 2 1293 Fiction K-2 Carlstrom, Nancy White Parish, Peggy Schachner, Judith Byron 90 2.2 610 3.9 AD 2 815 Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 2 768 Non-Fiction K-2 1.1 NP 1 26 Non-Fiction K-2 Tang, Greg Pelletier, David Q04727 Grasshopper On The Road Lobel, Arnold Coughlan, Q18284 Grasshoppers Cheryl Nelson, Q46265 Grasshoppers Robin Grasshoppers (Blastoff! Green, Emily Q39788 Readers) K. Grasshoppers (Nature's Heinrichs, Q28894 Friends) Ann Graves Family Goes Polacco, Q38804 Camping, The Patricia Polacco, Q34100 Graves Family, The Patricia 310 2.4 2 1980 Fiction K-2 330 1.4 1 50 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.6 1 231 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2.1 1 155 Non-Fiction K-2 540 3.2 2 967 Non-Fiction K-2 980 3.9 3 3532 Fiction K-2 720 3.7 3 3261 Fiction K-2 Q44668 Gravity (Blastoff! Readers) Manolis, Kay Sterling, Q51523 Gray Everywhere Kristin Q36741 Gray Rabbit's 1,2,3 Baker, Alan Eckart, Q34772 Gray Wolf Edana Smith, Q33487 Gray Wolf Pup's Adventure Stephanie Lee, Quinlan Q38441 Great Ant Adventure, The B. Jones, Q04739 Great Aunt Martha Rebecca C. 710 2.7 1 548 Non-Fiction K-2 530 3.1 1.4 1 1 498 72 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 AD BR 380 1.9 1 96 Non-Fiction K-2 370 2.3 1 584 Fiction K-2 640 3.4 1 629 Fiction K-2 510 3.1 1 547 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 NP 2 730 Fiction K-2 670 460 2.1 2.3 AD AD 1 1 791 504 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q14517 Great Bug Hunt, The Great Bustard: The World's Heaviest Flying Bird Q40553 (SuperSized!) Hall, Kirsten Ketteman, Q36556 Great Cake Bake, The Helen 650 1.6 1 163 Fiction K-2 650 3.5 IG 1 491 Non-Fiction K-2 690 3.7 AD 1 944 Fiction K-2 Q55730 Great Danes Green, Sara 800 5.3 1 504 Non-Fiction K-2 Q14410 Great Day Q04748 Great Day For Up! Prince, Sarah Seuss, Dr. Stevens, Janet Rylant, Cynthia Leedy, Loreen DiCamillo, Kate Cherry, Lynne Piehl, Janet Christelow, Eileen Christelow, Eileen Clement, Gary McPhail, David Sommer, Carl Schulte, Mary 300 0 1.6 1.9 1 1 161 200 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 420 2.3 1 898 Fiction K-2 410 2.1 AD 1 637 Fiction K-2 310 1.6 AD 1 883 Fiction K-2 680 4.2 AD 1 714 Fiction K-2 670 650 4.4 3.7 2 1 922 918 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 630 3.5 AD 2 963 Fiction K-2 260 2.9 AD 2 983 Fiction K-2 760 4.1 AD 2 1304 Fiction K-2 170 1.7 1 283 Fiction K-2 460 3.3 2 1732 Fiction K-2 450 2.3 1 447 Non-Fiction K-2 Coxe, Molly Robinson, Fay Kimmel, Eric A. 300 1.6 2 852 Fiction K-2 110 1.5 1 163 Non-Fiction K-2 540 3.2 2 1522 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Great Ball Game: A Muskogee Story Q28495 (Anthology), The Q39475 Great Big Guinea Pigs Q37137 Great Blue House, The Q37374 Great Fuzz Frenzy, The Q23901 Great Gracie Chase, The Q37045 Great Graph Contest, The Q43363 Great Joy Q04761 Great Kapok Tree, The Q49143 Great Lakes, The Q15726 Great Pig Escape, The Q26749 Great Pig Search, The Q20212 Great Poochini, The Q04777 Great Race, The Q23735 Great Royal Race, The Q39229 Great Salt Lake Q04784 Great Snake Escape, The Q04785 Great Snakes! Great Texas Hamster Q42325 Drive, The Author Name Bruchac, Joseph Roth, Susan L. Banks, Kate Dobkin, Bonnie Lexile Levels BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Great Time Travel Ride, Q04790 The Q04792 Great Trash Bash, The Great White Man-Eating Q04796 Shark, The Great White Shark, Ruler Q22865 Of The Sea Great-GreatGranddaughter of La Q04799 Cucarachita Martina, The Greatest Gymnast Of All, Q19443 The Greatest Of All: A Q27972 Japanese Folktale, The Q21374 Greatest Treasure, The Q53312 Greece Q22429 Greece (Visit To) Q04807 Greedy Python, The Q53266 Greedy Sparrow, The Q20011 Greedy Triangle, The Q21031 Green Green Anaconda: The World's Heaviest Snake Q40554 (SuperSized!) Green Beans And Other Q33402 Silly Poems Green Beans, Potatoes, Q51452 And Even Tomatoes Q04814 Green Eggs And Ham Author Name O'Brien, Robert C. Leedy, Loreen Mahy, Margaret Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner Ada, Alma Flor Murphy, Stuart J. Kimmel, Eric A. Demi, Bartell, Jim Roop, Peter Buckley, Richard Kasbarian, Lucine Burns, Marilyn Pilla, Susan Smith, Molly Lexile Levels Reading Level 420 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.6 3 2265 Fiction K-2 400 3.3 1 512 Fiction K-2 880 2.4 2 1016 Fiction K-2 530 4.1 2 826 Fiction K-2 460 2.5 2 1170 Fiction K-2 110 1.5 1 165 Fiction K-2 250 590 850 610 2.6 3.7 5.5 2.9 AD 2 2 2 2 802 839 1300 621 Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 2.5 NP 1 246 Fiction K-2 640 2.7 AD 1 638 Fiction K-2 580 400 4.7 2.1 AD 2 1 952 169 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 680 3.5 IG 1 508 Non-Fiction K-2 1.6 NP 1 444 Fiction K-2 Leber, Nancy Cleary, Brian P. Seuss, Dr. Sterling, Kristin 790 30 5.2 2.2 1 2 490 756 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 520 3.1 1 546 Non-Fiction K-2 Q25490 Green Eyes Green Frogs: A Korean Q39963 Folktale Retold, The Birnbaum, A. 350 2.2 AD 1 477 Fiction K-2 Heo, Yumi 790 3.8 AD 1 568 Fiction K-2 Q47622 Green Iguanas Lunis, Natalie Winne, Joanne Karas, G. Brian Hall, Kirsten 980 8.3 3 1529 Non-Fiction K-2 1 144 Non-Fiction K-2 1 2 238 939 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q51524 Green Everywhere Q22681 Green In My World Green Leaf Club News Q29658 (Anthology), The Q27803 Green Thumbs 1.3 310 340 2.3 2.5 NA SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Arnold, Tedd 600 1.8 AD 1 253 Fiction K-2 Arnold, Tedd Mayer, Green, Green Garden, A Mercer Gershator, Greetings, Sun Phillis McGovern, Greg's Mask (Anthology) Ann Selsam, Greg's Microscope Millicent E. Binch, Gregory Cool Caroline Sharmat, Gregory The Terrible Eater Mitchell Freeman, Gregory's Shadow Don Gretchen Groundhog, It's Your Day! Levine, Abby Heyman, Gretchen The Bicycle Dog Anita Grin And Bear It Landry, Leo Kimmel, Eric Grizz! A. Gibbons, Grizzly Bears Gail Bellows, Grizzly Sisters Cathy Grizzwold Hoff, Syd Greene, Grocers Sell Us Food Carol Gross Out!: Animals That Do Clarke, Disgusting Things Ginjer L. Grouchy Ladybug, The Carle, Eric Groundhog Day Lewin, Betsy Becker, Groundhog Day Michelle Aki Groundhog Day (Robin Hill McNamara, School) Margaret Swallow, Pamela Groundhog Gets A Say Curtis Cuyler, Groundhog Stays Up Late Margery Groundhog Weather School Holub, Joan 590 2.3 AD 1 309 Fiction K-2 550 1.8 1 221 Fiction K-2 120 1.5 1 162 Fiction K-2 60 1.3 1 321 Fiction K-2 170 2.2 2 2099 Fiction K-2 540 3.9 2 1184 Fiction K-2 490 3.1 2 866 Fiction K-2 180 2.4 2 862 Fiction K-2 380 3.3 2 1068 Fiction K-2 760 430 3.9 2.4 2 2 928 1552 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 270 2.4 2 1434 Fiction K-2 690 3.7 2 1505 Non-Fiction K-2 570 220 4.9 2.6 2 1 1523 602 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 390 2.8 1 327 Non-Fiction K-2 770 560 210 4.7 3.3 1.5 2 2 1 2069 812 182 Non-Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 540 3.2 1 305 Non-Fiction K-2 430 1.7 1 197 Fiction K-2 560 2.9 2 1027 Fiction K-2 570 2.9 1 856 Fiction K-2 630 2.5 2 1526 Fiction K-2 Title Q04819 Green Wilma Green Wilma, Frog In Q48868 Space Q54831 Q31692 Q27533 Q04823 Q17129 Q04824 Q23870 Q24003 Q33453 Q53784 Q21874 Q34366 Q04837 Q04838 Q19482 Q47278 Q04840 Q27826 Q46615 Q39188 Q39026 Q39027 Q48246 AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level 400 2 630 2.1 280 1.5 0 150 1.4 1.8 Q32638 Grow Tree, Grow! 180 1.5 Q38915 550 730 Quiz # Q38444 Q04842 Q04843 Q25104 Q24420 Q25897 Q04844 Q24642 Q32129 Q14429 Title Author Name Ribke, Grouping At The Dog Show Simone T. Grover's Ten Terrific Ways To Help Our Wonderful Wo Ross, Anna Grover, Grover, Come On Ross, Over Katharine Gerver, Jane Grow A Pumpkin Pie! E. Grow Flower, Grow! Bruce, Lisa Dreyer, Ellen Howie, Growing And Changing Rhonda Growing Apples And Hutchings, Pumpkins Amy McMillan, Growing Colors Bruce Rockwell, Growing Like Me Anne Growing Things (Cycles Of Scrace, Life) Carolyn O'Neil, Growing Tomatoes Sarah Q23217 Growing Up (It's Science!) Q04848 Growing Vegetable Soup Q16241 Growing-Up Feet, The Growl!: A Book About Q15027 Bears Grrr!: A Book About Big Q32527 Cats Q50539 Gruesome Ghosts Q04849 Gruff Brothers Q55552 Gruffalo's Child, The Q20010 Gruffalo, The Q33742 Grumblebunny Q15896 Grumpalump, The Hewitt, Sally Ehlert, Lois Cleary, Beverly Berger, Melvin Berger, Melvin & Gilda Mitchelhill, Barbara Hooks, William H. Donaldson, Julia Donaldson, Julia Hartman, Bob Hayes, Sarah Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 351 Non-Fiction K-2 1 441 Fiction K-2 1 267 Fiction K-2 BR AD 1 1 136 192 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 AD 1 154 Fiction K-2 2.9 1 532 Non-Fiction K-2 2.8 2 1005 Non-Fiction K-2 AD 1.6 NP 1 47 Non-Fiction K-2 550 2.6 AD 1 162 Non-Fiction K-2 770 2.7 2 622 Non-Fiction K-2 270 1.5 1 87 Non-Fiction K-2 3.5 1.7 NA 140 2 1 1232 112 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 540 3.5 AD 2 1260 Fiction K-2 390 2.2 2 1186 Non-Fiction K-2 560 2.8 2 1932 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.6 4 5171 Fiction K-2 340 2.4 2 740 Fiction K-2 440 1.5 AD 1 607 Fiction K-2 200 3.2 AD 2 713 Fiction K-2 510 3.1 AD 2 923 Fiction K-2 660 3.9 AD 1 209 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Q49570 Grumpy Badger's Christmas Bright, Paul Tankard, Q41225 Grumpy Bird Jeremy Q24153 Grumpy Bunnies Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 590 2.3 AD 1 693 Fiction K-2 280 1.6 1 246 Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 1 140 Fiction K-2 280 1.1 AD 1 200 Fiction K-2 210 1.5 1 343 Fiction K-2 480 1.6 2 1038 Fiction K-2 320 580 1.9 3.5 1 2 227 1403 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 820 4.4 1 842 Fiction K-2 320 2.8 1 96 Fiction K-2 Q55791 Guardian Team, The 940 6.3 AD 1 915 Non-Fiction K-2 Q04856 690 3.7 AD 1 372 Fiction K-2 230 1.4 1 240 Non-Fiction K-2 890 4.7 1 792 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.5 1 361 Fiction K-2 120 2.1 AD 1 251 Fiction K-2 330 2.5 AD 2 1141 Fiction K-2 2.4 NP 2 409 Fiction K-2 1.7 BR 1 83 Fiction K-2 Q50867 Grumpy Gloria Q24064 Grumpy Goat, The Q46390 Grumpy Grandpa Q16094 Grumpy Morning, The Q13796 Gruntle Piggle Takes Off Q57133 Guacamole Q14511 Guard The House, Sam! Q38445 Q49206 Q04857 Q24175 Q36225 Welch, Willy Dewdney, Anna Amery, Heather Henson, Heather Edwards, Pamela Duncan Little, Jean Argueta, Jorge Simon, Charnan Lexile Levels Urbigkit, Cat McBratney, Guess How Much I Love You Sam Sargent, Guess The Order Brian Guess What Is Growing Inside This Egg Posada, Mia Guess Where You're Going, Guess What You'll Bauman, A. Do F. Meres, Guess Who's Coming Jonathan Guess Who's Coming to dePaola, Santa's for Dinner? Tomie Guess Who's Coming, Jesse Carlstrom, Q32664 Bear Nancy White Namm, Q34776 Guess Who? Diane Swinburne, Q24075 Guess Whose Shadow? Stephen R. Miller, Q22326 Guinea Pigs (Pets) Michaela Q04863 guisantes maravillosos, Los Bofill, F. AD AD AD 140 1.5 1 158 Non-Fiction K-2 860 3.8 2 821 Non-Fiction K-2 560 3.1 2 710 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q39665 Guji Guji Gulf of Mexico (Rookie Q39243 Read-About Geography) Q04866 Gulls... Gulls... Gulls... Gummy Candy Counting Q04867 Book, The Q48195 Gumption! Gumshoe Goose Private Q04868 Eye Q50879 Gunner, Football Hero Q25898 Gus And Button Q14246 Gus And Grandpa Gus And Grandpa And Q22258 Show-And-Tell Gus And Grandpa And The Q16533 Christmas Cookies Gus And Grandpa And The Q42056 Piano Lesson Gus And Grandpa And The Q25178 Two-Wheeled Bike Gus And Grandpa At Q26542 Basketball Gus And Grandpa At The Q24878 Hospital Gus And Grandpa Go Q34116 Fishing Gus And Grandpa Ride The Q16532 Train Q27196 Gus And His Dog Q45155 Gus, The Pilgrim Turkey Q04874 Gustavo y los miedos Q04875 Guys From Space Q04876 Gym Day Winner, The Gym Teacher From The Q04877 Black Lagoon, The Q56578 Gymnastics Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 650 3.5 AD 1 626 Fiction K-2 Zollman, Pam Gibbons, Gail Hutchings, Richard 490 2.5 1 407 Non-Fiction K-2 810 3.8 AD 2 1682 Non-Fiction K-2 440 1.5 AD 1 389 Non-Fiction K-2 Broach, Elise Kwitz, Mary DeBall Ransome, James E. Freymann, Saxton Mills, Claudia Mills, Claudia Mills, Claudia Mills, Claudia Mills, Claudia Mills, Claudia Mills, Claudia Mills, Claudia Mills, Claudia Caparoz, Jose Bateman, Teresa 320 1.1 AD 1 654 Fiction K-2 360 2.3 2 1212 Fiction K-2 860 4.6 AD 1 613 Fiction K-2 480 3.1 AD 1 685 Fiction K-2 400 2.2 2 1045 Fiction K-2 450 2.7 2 1029 Fiction K-2 560 2.8 2 1008 Fiction K-2 450 2.5 1 982 Fiction K-2 430 2.3 2 1056 Fiction K-2 310 2.3 2 1101 Fiction K-2 410 2.5 2 1448 Fiction K-2 400 2.2 2 1068 Fiction K-2 440 2.2 2 1194 Fiction K-2 10 1.1 1 42 Fiction K-2 470 1.6 1 908 Fiction K-2 Alcántara, R. Pinkwater, Daniel Maccarone, Grace 600 3.6 2 2493 Fiction K-2 160 1.3 2 1447 Fiction K-2 230 1.3 1 174 Fiction K-2 Thaler, Mike Mara, Wil 400 220 2.9 1.5 1 2 347 193 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Chen, ChihYuan AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Gymnastics (Blastoff! Q47501 Readers) Q53433 Habitat Spy Hailey Twitch And The Q54822 Campground Itch Hailey Twitch And The Q54842 Great Teacher Switch Hailey Twitch Is Not A Q54817 Snitch Q45964 Hair For Mama Author Name Wendorff, Anne Kieber-King, Cynthia Barnholdt, Lauren Barnholdt, Lauren Barnholdt, Lauren Tinkham, Kelly A. Hair Of Zoe Fleefenbacher Anderson, Q46121 Goes To School, The Laurie Fisher, Q37763 Hair Scare, The Jeffrey Hartley, Q15418 Haircut, The Susan Cisneros, Q25066 Hairs/Pelitos Sandra Hairy Tarantulas (Pull Q41492 Ahead Books) Riley, Joelle Hairy, Scary, Ordinary: Cleary, Brian Q21572 What Is An Adjective? P. Q53316 Haiti Bartell, Jim Half A Moon And One Dragonwago Q13233 Whole Star n, Crescent Gleeson, Q40694 Half A World Away Libby Maddox, Q38398 Half-Pipe Prize Jake Q42349 Halibut Jackson Lucas, David Havill, Q04893 hallazgo de Jamaica, El Juanita Cowling, Q33903 Hallelujah Handel Douglas Q04894 Hallo-Wiener, The Pilkey, Dav Gibbons, Q16011 Halloween Gail Halloween (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays - Children's Trueit, Trudi Q39835 Press) Strain Halloween (Rookie Read- Marx, David Q32326 About Holidays) F. Marzollo, Q25643 Halloween Cats Jean Lexile Levels Reading Level 860 5.6 1310 3.5 540 Points Words Type Interest Level 1 477 Non-Fiction K-2 1 172 Fiction K-2 3.2 6 16511 Fiction K-2 520 3.1 5 19182 Fiction K-2 590 3.3 6 15649 Fiction K-2 530 3.1 2 1629 Fiction K-2 530 2.1 AD 1 658 Fiction K-2 560 2.1 AD 1 350 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 27 Fiction K-2 190 1.9 AD 1 158 Fiction K-2 510 2.7 1 397 Non-Fiction K-2 3.1 5.3 NP 810 1 2 339 1458 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 4.1 NP 1 578 Fiction K-2 690 3.6 AD 1 412 Fiction K-2 480 480 2.6 2.6 AD 4 1 4938 349 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 480 3 3 800 Fiction K-2 480 580 3.1 2.8 3 2 3881 636 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 540 3.7 1 356 Non-Fiction K-2 650 3.6 1 377 Non-Fiction K-2 400 2.1 1 306 Non-Fiction K-2 1 105 Fiction K-2 2.4 Lexile Code AD AD NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q31570 Q04895 Q40596 Q50159 Q04897 Title Author Name Maloney, Halloween Class, The Peter Rockwell, Halloween Day Anne Halloween Fraidy-Cat Klein, Abby McNamara, Halloween Fun Margaret Jane, Halloween Hide-And-Seek Pamela Q21757 Halloween Hoots And Howls Horton, Joan Silverman, Q24912 Halloween House, The Erica Bridwell, Q34193 Halloween Howl Norman Montijo, Q49252 Halloween Kid, The Rhode Q49262 Halloween Mix-Up, The Shaw, Gina Halloween Night: Twenty- Ghigna, Q49862 One Spooktacular Poems Charles Q46131 Halloween Parade Klein, Abby Wells, Q34007 Halloween Parade, The Rosemary Halloween Performance, Q04898 The Bond, Felicia Lexile Levels Reading Level 260 2.1 440 570 2.8 3.3 180 390 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 646 Fiction K-2 1 3 404 7579 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2.3 1 201 Fiction K-2 2.2 2 1244 Fiction K-2 AD 4.1 NP 2 1806 Fiction K-2 390 2.7 AD 1 409 Fiction K-2 230 1.9 1 359 Fiction K-2 590 320 2.3 2.1 AD 1 2 525 1647 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 3.2 1.7 NP 290 2 1 1075 660 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 310 2.1 2 770 Fiction K-2 260 1.6 1 170 Fiction K-2 Q26623 Halloween Play, The Bond, Felicia Halloween With Morris And Wiseman, Q30915 Boris Bernard 120 1.6 1 165 Fiction K-2 80 2.1 2 849 Fiction K-2 Q50525 Hallowilloween Q04899 Hally Tosis Brown, Calef Pilkey, Dav Choi, Sook Nyul Bercaw, Edna Coe 690 610 3.3 2.5 1 1 710 431 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 640 4.5 2 1506 Fiction K-2 650 3.6 2 1661 Fiction K-2 Da Coll, Ivar Yee, Wong Herbert Armentrout, David BardhanQuallen, Sudipta Suen, Anastasia 510 2.8 1 605 Fiction K-2 Q14361 Halmoni And The Picnic Q28538 Halmoni's Day Hamamelis, Miosotis y el Q04901 señor Sorpresa Q24720 Hamburger Heaven Q04903 Hammer Q54890 Hampire! Q24300 Hamster Chase AD AD AD 2.8 NP 1 561 Fiction K-2 830 3.9 IG 2 672 Non-Fiction K-2 670 3.2 AD 1 592 Fiction K-2 160 1.9 1 484 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q22327 Hamsters (Pets) Q37154 Hamsters to the Rescue Author Name Miller, Michaela Walsh, Ellen Stoll Hamsters, Shells, And Hopkins, Lee Q45897 Spelling Bees: School Poems Bennett Goldish, Q30061 Han And Juan Are Friends Meish Q20085 Hand Rhymes Lexile Levels Reading Level 810 3.8 410 2.1 1.6 210 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 785 Non-Fiction K-2 AD 1 706 Fiction K-2 NP 1 742 Fiction K-2 1 161 Fiction K-2 1.6 Brown, Marc 2.1 NP 2 754 Fiction K-2 Q04907 Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb Perkins, Al Browne, Q57505 Handa's Hen Eileen Browne, Q14911 Handa's Surprise Eileen Q04909 Hands Ehlert, Lois Rau, Dana Q23122 Hands (Rau) Meachen Hands Of The Rain Forest: The Emberá People Of Crandell, Q48850 Panama Rachel Vaughan, Q25146 Hands, Hands, Hands Marcia Pfister, Q04913 Hang On, Hopper! Marcus Black, Sonia Q21306 Hanging Out With Mom W. Dunlap, Q31150 Hank's Pandas (Anthology) Linda Hanna Hippo's Horrible deRubertis, Q51467 Hiccups Barbara 1.5 NP 1 158 Fiction K-2 290 1.1 AD 1 251 Fiction K-2 610 540 1.9 2.8 AD AD 1 1 98 264 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.2 NA 1 24 Fiction K-2 890 4.7 AD 2 1100 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 85 Fiction K-2 540 3.2 2 718 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 1 208 Fiction K-2 340 1.6 1 148 Fiction K-2 410 1.4 AD 1 421 Fiction K-2 840 3.9 AD 2 1493 Fiction K-2 460 680 1.5 4.2 AD AD 1 2 464 1698 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 910 3.1 AD 1 668 Fiction K-2 400 2.9 3 1435 Fiction K-2 810 4.3 AD 3 9501 Fiction K-2 470 1.5 AD 1 630 Fiction K-2 Hannah Mae O'Hannigan's Ernst, Lisa Q33714 Wild West Show Campbell Jocelyn, Q57510 Hannah's Collection Marthe Q04950 Hansel And Gretel Lesser, Rika Abeya, Q38575 Hansel And Gretel (Abeya) Elisabet Hansel And Gretel Marshall, Q21106 (Marshall) James Hansel And Gretel Morpurgo, Q45907 (Morpurgo) Michael Edwards, Q49649 Hanukkah Trike, The Michelle BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q04953 Hanzel And Pretzel Q55455 Happy 100th Day! Q26028 Happy And Honey Q29724 Happy Birthday Q25379 Happy Birthday Mr. Kang Happy Birthday To Q40053 Whooo? Q16503 Happy Birthday To You! Happy Birthday To You, Q22146 You Belong In A Zoo Q16705 Happy Birthday! Q13754 Happy Birthday, Biscuit! Happy Birthday, Cookie Q04958 Monster! Happy Birthday, Danny Q04959 And The Dinosaur Happy Birthday, Dear Q04960 Dragon Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Thaler, Mike Milord, Susan Godwin, Laura Butler, Tami Roth, Susan L. 510 4.2 650 2.7 0 0 1.2 1.4 540 3.1 Fisher, Doris Seuss, Dr. deGroat, Diane Gibbons, Gail Capucilli, Alyssa Satin 910 5.9 3.7 350 Points Words Type Interest Level 2 750 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1050 Fiction K-2 BR BR 1 1 111 59 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2 2133 Fiction K-2 AD NP 1 2 190 1662 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 3.4 AD 2 1250 Fiction K-2 720 3.1 AD 1 410 Non-Fiction K-2 300 1.8 1 161 Fiction K-2 Haus, Felice 160 1.8 1 213 Fiction K-2 Hoff, Syd Hillert, Margaret 320 2.1 1 278 Fiction K-2 0 2.1 BR 1 286 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 402 Fiction K-2 Q04961 Happy Birthday, Dear Duck Bunting, Eve Thomas, Happy Birthday, Good Shelley Q38260 Knight Moore O'Brien, Q30075 Happy Birthday, Grandma! Anne Happy Birthday, Jesse Q04964 Bear! Happy Birthday, Little Q04966 Witch Q41514 Happy Birthday, Monster! Q04969 Happy Birthday, Moon Carlstrom, Nancy White Hautzig, Deborah Beck, Scott Asch, Frank Happy Birthday, Ronald Q04970 Morgan Happy Birthday, Rotten Q04971 Ralph Q17804 Happy Birthday, Sam Giff, Patricia Reilly Q04973 Happy Birthday, Thomas! Gantos, Jack Hutchins, Pat Awdry, Rev. W. Lexile Code 370 2.1 2 1009 Fiction K-2 420 1.9 1 383 Fiction K-2 1.6 NP 1 224 Fiction K-2 350 130 440 1.7 1.1 1.9 AD 2 1 1 1033 279 443 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 210 1.8 2 935 Fiction K-2 490 480 2.5 2.5 1 1 446 223 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 220 1.5 1 213 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q30069 Q32807 Q29969 Q44250 Q50019 Q04975 Q24939 Q56414 Q04976 Q52860 Q23543 Q04977 Title Author Name Ming, Happy Cat, A Victoria Happy Chicks, The Sykes, Julie Manners, Happy Chinese New Year! Jane Godwin, Happy Christmas, Honey! Laura Manushkin, Happy Day, A Fran Happy Day, The Krauss, Ruth Capucilli, Happy Easter, Biscuit! Alyssa Satin Rey, Happy Easter, Curious Margret & George! H.A. Happy Easter, Dear Hillert, Dragon Margaret Happy Endings: A Story About Suffixes Pulver, Robin Pfister, Happy Hedgehog, The Marcus Martin Jr., Happy Hippopotami Bill Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 370 330 1.8 2.3 AD 1 2 407 697 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 430 2.5 1 327 Fiction K-2 190 1.4 1 147 Fiction K-2 690 160 4.3 1.6 1 1 450 134 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 50 1.4 1 134 Fiction K-2 550 3.2 1 456 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 285 Fiction K-2 430 1.4 AD 1 822 Fiction K-2 360 3.3 AD 2 1183 Fiction K-2 4.4 NP 1 253 Fiction K-2 Happy Hocky Family Moves Q33741 To The Country!, The Smith, Lane 260 2.3 AD 2 720 Fiction K-2 Q13834 Happy Hocky Family, The 180 2.9 AD 2 862 Fiction K-2 800 4.9 AD 2 1205 Non-Fiction K-2 1050 270 8.4 2.1 NC 1 1 936 538 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 430 2.9 1 232 Fiction K-2 740 2.7 1 464 Fiction K-2 300 1.8 1 227 Fiction K-2 170 40 1.2 2.1 1 1 194 142 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 550 3.8 1 492 Fiction K-2 570 2.9 1 983 Fiction K-2 Smith, Lane Most, Q15445 Happy Holidaysaurus! Bernard Boelts, Q57977 Happy Like Soccer Maribeth Q17380 Happy Monster Day! Holub, Joan Hautzig, Q04980 Happy Mother's Day Deborah Milord, Q44476 Happy School Year! Susan Happy Thanksgiving (Robin McNamara, Q43557 Hill School) Margaret Capucilli, Q21661 Happy Thanksgiving, Biscuit! Alyssa Satin Q20226 Happy To Be Nappy Hooks, Bell Happy Trick-Or-Treaters, Packard, Q04982 The Mary Happy Valentine's Day, Samuels, Q39497 Dolores Barbara AD AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Happy Valentine's Day, Q04983 Miss Hildy! Happy Valentine's Day, Q24195 Pooh Harald And The Great Q04984 Stag Author Name Q25077 Harbor Grambling, Lois Gaines, Isabel Carrick, Donald Crews, Donald Q04989 Hard-To-See Animals Hare And Rabbit: Friends Q20108 Forever Fowler, Allan Noonan, Julia Lexile Levels Reading Level 460 90 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.7 2 1052 Fiction K-2 1.9 1 274 Fiction K-2 2 1200 Fiction K-2 1 99 Non-Fiction K-2 1 450 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1193 Fiction K-2 4.7 Lexile Code NA 220 1.7 790 2.8 190 3.1 Q15752 Hare And The Tortoise, The Jones, Carol 620 3.5 AD 2 1412 Fiction K-2 Q21820 Hare And The Tortoise, The Ward, Helen Hare And The Tortoise: A Q27569 Fable (Anthology), The Aesop, Q27143 Hare And Tortoise Berg, Wally Livingstone, Q25644 Harley Star Helldorfer, Q20508 Harmonica Night M. C. Harold And The Purple Johnson, Q04993 Crayon Crockett Johnson, Q21073 Harold At The North Pole Crockett Harold y el lápiz color Johnson, Q04994 morado Crockett Johnson, Q04995 Harold's ABC Crockett Johnson, Q04996 Harold's Circus Crockett Johnson, Q26475 Harold's Fairy Tale Crockett Inkpen, Q04999 Harriet Deborah Harriet And George's Carlson, Q36385 Christmas Treat Nancy Carlson, Q35226 Harriet And The Garden Nancy Harriet And The Roller Carlson, Q35719 Coaster Nancy Q34573 Harriet Beecher Stowe Hill, Mary Meadows, Q48396 Harriet The Hamster Fairy Daisy 430 4.1 AD 1 395 Fiction K-2 2.1 2.4 NA 400 1 2 186 631 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 200 2.1 2 2313 Fiction K-2 520 2.2 1 447 Fiction K-2 490 2.4 2 675 Fiction K-2 410 2.8 1 593 Fiction K-2 440 1.8 2 622 Fiction K-2 450 1.5 2 934 Fiction K-2 500 2.4 2 677 Fiction K-2 510 2.5 2 1003 Fiction K-2 520 2.2 2 665 Fiction K-2 650 2.4 AD 1 393 Fiction K-2 360 1.9 AD 1 363 Fiction K-2 330 400 1.9 2 AD 1 1 283 107 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 740 3.5 NC 3 3986 Fiction K-2 AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q35130 Harriet Tubman Q51772 Harriet Tubman Harriet Tubman (Hello Q27764 Reader) Harriet Tubman (Lives And Q22399 Times) Harriet Tubman (Real Q28855 People) Harriet Tubman (Rookie Q32378 Biographies) Harriet Tubman: Follow The North Star (Easy Reader Q42220 Biographies) Q47441 Q25645 Q25112 Q53690 Q20200 Q05007 Q05008 Q05009 Q05010 Q13418 Q05011 Q05014 Q05015 Q05016 Q27085 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Weidt, Maryann N. 670 Points Words Type Interest Level 3.5 3 3674 Non-Fiction K-2 530 2.1 1 268 Non-Fiction K-2 280 2.2 2 819 Non-Fiction K-2 Rowley, John Abraham, Philip 430 2.4 2 515 Non-Fiction K-2 200 1.7 1 123 Non-Fiction K-2 Mara, Wil 350 2.1 1 428 Non-Fiction K-2 520 3.1 1 594 Non-Fiction K-2 400 1.3 1 738 Fiction K-2 260 2.1 1 290 Fiction K-2 280 2.1 AD 1 306 Fiction K-2 690 3.3 AD 1 639 Fiction K-2 360 4.5 AD 2 1256 Fiction K-2 350 1.8 2 1246 Fiction K-2 380 2.6 1 587 Fiction K-2 570 3.3 1 578 Fiction K-2 350 1.5 1 160 Fiction K-2 130 1.5 1 343 Fiction K-2 450 2.4 2 651 Fiction K-2 Bauer, Marion Dane Nichols, Catherine Findley, Violet Guest, Elissa Harriet's Had Enough! Haden Carlson, Harriet's Halloween Candy Nancy Harriet, You'll Drive Me Wild! Fox, Mem Wild, Harry And Hopper Margaret Yorinks, Harry And Lulu Arthur Harry And The Lady Next Door Zion, Gene Harry And The Terrible Gackenbach, Whatzit Dick Harry And Willy And Caseley, Carrothead Judith Harry Gets Ready For Ziefert, School Harriet Ziefert, Harry Goes To Day Camp James Armitage, Harry Hates Shopping Ronda Ziefert, Harry se baña Harriet Ziefert, Harry Takes A Bath Harriet Harry The Dirty Dog Zion, Gene Harry The Troll And The Lechner, Three Billy Goats Gruff Judith Q36609 Harry's Hats Tompert, Ann Lexile Code AD AD 1 BR 1 0 Fiction K-2 0 700 1.5 3.1 BR AD 1 1 142 465 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 310 2.2 2 839 Fiction K-2 400 1.7 1 117 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.7 1 83 Fiction K-2 410 370 2.4 2.9 2 2 1 2 1915 484 0 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 780 1.9 1 228 Non-Fiction K-2 710 4.7 AD 2 1257 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 24 Fiction K-2 Q31278 Hat (Lobel, Anthology), The Lobel, Arnold 260 1.7 1 359 Fiction K-2 Q38309 Hat For Ivan, A 570 2.9 2 1994 Fiction K-2 Q05028 60 1.4 1 142 Fiction K-2 710 440 3.4 2.2 AD 2 1 1350 499 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 520 2.2 AD 1 283 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 1.5 BR NP 1 1 59 38 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 650 0 3.5 2.4 AD BR 2 1 700 326 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 470 2.5 3 4723 Fiction K-2 460 1.5 1 603 Fiction K-2 550 590 2.8 3.3 3 3 7924 7771 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 460 290 1.5 2.1 AD 1 1 414 580 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 610 3.4 AD 1 373 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q05018 Harry's House Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Medearis, Angela Shelf 310 Q28909 Harvest Time Harvey Potter's Balloon Q05023 Farm Porte, Barbara Ann Zion, Gene Caselly, J. Waters, Jennifer Nolen, Jerdine Q30584 Hat (Anthology), The Keller, Holly Q30927 Harry's Pony Q05020 Harry, el perrito sucio Q05021 Harry, Willy y coco Rojo Q46917 Q05029 Q05031 Q15400 Q05032 Q19649 Q05033 Q45773 Q55182 Q31585 Q52913 Q48543 Q26476 Q05060 Lucado, Max Stoeke, Janet Hat For Minerva Louise, A Morgan TurnerHat That Wore Clara B., Denstaedt, The Melanie Hat, The Brett, Jan Zolotow, Hating Book, The Charlotte Charlesworth Hats Around The World , Liza Hats, Hats, Hats Morris, Ann Diakite, Hatseller And The Monkeys, Baba The Wague Hattie And The Fox Fox, Mem Carman, Haunted Hike Patrick Haunted House, Haunted Mouse Cox, Judy Haunted Mansion Mystery, The Aber, Linda Have Fun, Anna Hibiscus! Atinuke, Watt, Have I Got A Book For You! Melanie Have You Got My Purr? West, Judy Oppenheim, Have You Seen Birds? Joanne Lexile Code AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q13692 Have You Seen Bugs? Q15457 Have You Seen My Cat? Have You Seen My Q05061 Duckling? Q21404 Have You Seen Trees? Having Fun At The White House (Scholastic News Q46034 Nonfiction) Q42505 Hawaii Q35148 Hawks On The Clock Q16320 Hazel's Amazing Mother Q13254 He Bear She Bear Q21307 Head Is For Hats, A Head, Body, Legs: A Story Q33220 From Liberia Q05075 Headless Horseman, The Q39789 Healthy Eating Q56612 Healthy Eating Hear The Cheers Q29678 (Anthology) Q24361 Hear Your Heart Author Name Oppenheim, Joanne Carle, Eric Tafuri, Nancy Oppenheim, Joanne Kennedy, Marge TaylorButler, Christine Moriarty, Julie Wells, Rosemary Berenstain, Stan and Jan Serfozo, Mary Paye, WonLdy Standiford, Natalie Green, Emily K. BorgertSpaniol, Megan HoytGoldsmith, Diane Showers, Paul Q05079 Hearing Q18418 Hearing Hearing (Rookie ReadQ31379 About Health) Hearing Sounds (It's Q23473 Science!) Hurwitz, Sue Frost, Helen Gordon, Sharon Q14753 Hearing Things Fowler, Allan Bourguignon, Laurence Q43944 Heart In The Pocket Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 790 0 2.8 1.1 AD BR 1 1 553 93 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 20 1.5 1 28 Fiction K-2 440 2.7 1 597 Non-Fiction K-2 550 3.2 1 298 Non-Fiction K-2 620 3.5 1 411 Non-Fiction K-2 690 2.6 1 554 Non-Fiction K-2 570 2.6 2 701 Fiction K-2 460 2.5 1 378 Fiction K-2 270 1.6 1 193 Fiction K-2 220 2.1 1 545 Fiction K-2 390 3.9 2 1024 Fiction K-2 390 1.9 1 162 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.8 1 214 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.3 1 304 Non-Fiction K-2 500 3.1 2 964 Non-Fiction K-2 700 290 3.8 1.6 2 1 852 110 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 350 1.8 1 214 Non-Fiction K-2 2 902 Non-Fiction K-2 1 277 Non-Fiction K-2 1 553 Fiction K-2 Hewitt, Sally 3.5 510 1.4 540 3.2 AD AD NA AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 580 4.1 AD 2 1610 Fiction K-2 410 2.5 2 1932 Fiction K-2 410 2.1 1 477 Fiction K-2 610 3.3 AD 1 464 Fiction K-2 Q19193 Heat Wave! Heather Hits Her First Home Q05093 Run Plantos, Ted Meadows, Q45482 Heather The Violet Fairy Daisy 610 3.5 AD 2 1026 Fiction K-2 550 4.2 AD 2 533 Fiction K-2 620 2.9 4 4428 Fiction K-2 Q21477 Heavy-Duty Trucks Milton, Joyce Wood, Audrey Wardlaw, Lee Macdonald, Maryann 470 2.8 2 779 Non-Fiction K-2 450 3.9 2 1016 Fiction K-2 100 2.6 2 876 Fiction K-2 270 1.9 1 611 Fiction K-2 Marie, Lynne Brett, Jan Brett, Jan Adler, David A. Sutcliffe, Jane Woodhouse, Jayne Walker, Pamela Lakin, Patricia 400 600 550 1.3 3.3 3.4 1 1 2 512 885 829 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 450 2.9 2 702 Non-Fiction K-2 540 3.2 3 3393 Non-Fiction K-2 530 2.9 2 525 Non-Fiction K-2 150 1.5 1 87 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2.6 2 738 Non-Fiction K-2 530 3.1 1 542 Non-Fiction K-2 740 3.5 NC 4 4198 Fiction K-2 640 4.9 AD 2 1083 Fiction K-2 490 2.6 1 101 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q05084 Heart Of A Tiger Q25457 Heart Of Cool, The Q15766 Heart To Heart Q41921 Heat Wave Q05094 Heckedy Peg Q21480 Hector's Hiccups Q05096 Hedgehog Bakes A Cake Hedgehog Goes To Q53471 Kindergarten Q39922 Hedgie Blasts Off! Q22503 Hedgie's Surprise Q33847 Helen Keller Q47972 Helen Keller Helen Keller (Lives And Q22400 Times) Q28278 Helen Keller (Real People) Helen Keller And The Big Q31657 Storm Helen Keller: An Inspiring Life (Easy Reader Q42213 Biographies) Helena The Horse-Riding Q50231 Fairy Q18148 Helga's Dowry Q42554 Helicopters Author Name Arnold, Marsha Diane McEwan, Jamie Shannon, George Spinelli, Eileen Ketteman, Helen Ghiglieri, Carol Meadows, Daisy dePaola, Tomie Lindeen, Mary AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q54135 Helicopters On The Move Q33371 Hello Ocean Q35711 Hello Sun! Q18767 Hello Toes! Hello Feet! Author Name Zuehlke, Jeffrey Ryan, Pam Munoz Wilhelm, Hans Paul, Ann Whitford Reading Level 440 2.5 490 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 374 Non-Fiction K-2 3.1 NP 1 306 Fiction K-2 2.5 AD 1 1041 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 214 Fiction K-2 Q05111 Hello, Amigos 630 1.7 1 547 Fiction K-2 Q13209 250 1.2 1 179 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 292 Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 44 Fiction K-2 1 93 Fiction K-2 1 644 Fiction K-2 1 104 Fiction K-2 Q05112 Q23103 Q37787 Q57233 Q37789 Q38273 Q05113 Q05117 Q37788 Q05118 Brown, Tricia Capucilli, Hello, Biscuit! Alyssa Gelman, Rita Hello, Cat, You Need A Hat Golden Marx, David Hello, Doctor F. Parker, Marjorie Hello, Fire Truck! Blain Ryder, Hello, First Grade Joanne Parker, Marjorie Hello, Freight Train! Blain Hello, Goodbye Window, Juster, The Norton Hayward, Hello, House Linda Hello, Red Fox Carle, Eric Parker, Marjorie Hello, School Bus! Blain Packard, Hello, Spring! Mary Lexile Levels Q05119 Hello, Two-Wheeler! Q27198 Hello, Winter! Mason, Jane Martinucci, Suzanne Hillert, Margaret Q05120 Help For Dear Dragon Help Me, Mr. Mutt!: Expert Answers For Dogs With Stevens, Q46549 People Problems Janet Corbett, Q29982 Help! Kathryn Q37673 Help! A Vampire's Coming! Klein, Abby 340 2.1 420 1.4 490 2.3 760 3.3 AD 1 914 Fiction K-2 270 570 1.9 2.2 AD 1 2 301 610 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 10 1.8 1 99 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 1 39 Fiction K-2 150 2.5 2 828 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 62 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 302 Fiction K-2 350 2.2 AD 2 1600 Fiction K-2 440 2.1 1 265 Fiction K-2 560 2.7 3 6375 Fiction K-2 AD BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Help!: All About Telling Q35777 Time Q30051 Helping Dogs Q15777 Helping Out Q30678 Helping Out (Anthology) Q32418 Helping-Out Day? Hooray! Q56671 Hen For Izzy Pippik, A Q27200 Hen Had Her Ham Q05137 Hen Lake Q31207 Hen's Big Show (Anthology) Q05138 Henny Penny Q05139 Henny Penny Q21408 Henny-Penny Henrietta And The Golden Q33007 Eggs Henry & The Buccaneer Q37465 Bunnies Q48851 Henry Aaron's Dream Henry And Mudge Q27505 (Anthology) Henry And Mudge And A Q48420 Very Merry Christmas Henry And Mudge And Q20357 Annie's Good Move Henry And Mudge And Q20523 Annie's Perfect Pet Henry And Mudge And Mrs. Q33133 Hopper's House Henry And Mudge And The Q05142 Bedtime Thumps Henry And Mudge And The Q05143 Best Day Of All Henry And Mudge And The Q39965 Big Sleepover Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Hall, Kirsten Cernak, Linda Ancona, George Ancona, George Spafford, Suzy Davis, Aubrey Goldish, Meish Auch, Mary Jane Baafi, Rashad Zimmerman, H. Werner Galdone, Paul Wattenberg, Jane Johansen, Hanna Crimi, Carolyn Tavares, Matt Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia 170 1.5 NP 1 303 Fiction K-2 620 2.9 1 563 Non-Fiction K-2 760 3.5 1 381 Non-Fiction K-2 830 2.5 1 133 Non-Fiction K-2 270 2.1 2 650 Fiction K-2 430 1.4 2 1345 Fiction K-2 260 1.2 1 46 Fiction K-2 490 4.7 2 1458 Fiction K-2 330 1.3 1 118 Fiction K-2 610 3.4 AD 1 429 Fiction K-2 660 3.4 AD 1 583 Fiction K-2 430 2.9 AD 2 778 Fiction K-2 630 2.7 2 1452 Fiction K-2 910 3.9 AD 1 823 Fiction K-2 920 5.4 AD 2 1686 Non-Fiction K-2 240 2.2 1 315 Fiction K-2 560 3.2 1 590 Fiction K-2 400 2.5 2 602 Fiction K-2 180 2.1 1 580 Fiction K-2 350 2.2 1 562 Fiction K-2 540 2.4 2 618 Fiction K-2 470 2.5 2 618 Fiction K-2 480 2.6 1 534 Fiction K-2 NC AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q13226 Q05144 Q37310 Q36492 Q05145 Q05146 Q05147 Q21462 Q16218 Q32464 Q38567 Q34290 Q16047 Q05148 Q13330 Q05149 Q16221 Q05150 Q05151 Q05153 Q30676 Q05152 Q36616 Title Henry And Mudge And The Careful Cousin Henry And Mudge And The Forever Sea Henry And Mudge And The Funny Lunch Henry And Mudge And The Great Grandpas Henry And Mudge And The Happy Cat Henry And Mudge And The Long Weekend Henry And Mudge And The Sneaky Crackers Henry And Mudge And The Snowman Plan Henry And Mudge And The Starry Night Henry And Mudge And The Tall Tree House Henry And Mudge And The Tumbling Trip Henry And Mudge And The Wild Goose Chase Henry And Mudge And The Wild Wind Henry And Mudge Get The Cold Shivers Henry And Mudge In Puddle Trouble Henry And Mudge In The Family Trees Henry And Mudge In The Green Time Henry And Mudge In The Sparkle Days Henry And Mudge Take The Big Test Henry And Mudge Under The Yellow Moon Henry And Mudge Under The Yellow Moon (Anthology) Henry And Mudge: The First Book Henry Ford Author Name Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Mara, Wil Lexile Levels Reading Level 340 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.3 2 1129 Fiction K-2 420 2.2 2 680 Fiction K-2 600 2.7 1 480 Fiction K-2 460 2.3 1 635 Fiction K-2 470 1.5 2 902 Fiction K-2 340 2.5 2 979 Fiction K-2 440 2.4 1 524 Fiction K-2 350 2.1 2 641 Fiction K-2 440 2.1 1 464 Fiction K-2 290 2.2 1 465 Fiction K-2 420 2.1 1 560 Fiction K-2 370 2.1 2 553 Fiction K-2 400 2.2 2 778 Fiction K-2 480 2.1 2 675 Fiction K-2 500 2.2 2 1291 Fiction K-2 460 2.2 2 513 Fiction K-2 480 2.5 2 764 Fiction K-2 560 2.7 2 810 Fiction K-2 400 2.1 2 882 Fiction K-2 380 2.4 2 932 Fiction K-2 530 2.2 1 137 Fiction K-2 420 390 2.2 1.9 2 1 814 309 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 170 2.3 AD 1 334 Fiction K-2 590 2.9 2 628 Non-Fiction K-2 150 1.3 1 141 Fiction K-2 Q46401 Henry The Impatient Heron Love, Donna Calhoun, Q05165 Henry The Sailor Cat Mary Johnson, D. Q37254 Henry Works B. Hoffman, Q05166 Henry's Baby Mary 760 3.6 2 1011 Fiction K-2 460 3.4 2 1219 Fiction K-2 680 2.5 AD 1 638 Fiction K-2 4.9 NA 2 1000 Fiction K-2 Q25495 Henry's First-Moon Birthday Look, Lenore Harper, Charise Q56454 Henry's Heart Mericle Henry, The Dog With No Q41496 Tail Feiffer, Kate Herbie Jones And The Q41024 Second Grade Slippers Kline, Suzy Herbie Jones Sails Into Q41080 Second Grade Kline, Suzy Martin Jr., Q05181 Here Are My Hands Bill McNaughton, Q20015 Here Come The Aliens! Colin Corey, Q56142 Here Come The Girl Scouts! Shana Davenport, Q05184 Here Come The Teletubbies Andrew Here Comes Mr. Eventoff Flanagan, Q14839 With The Mail! Alice K. Here Comes the Garbage Winter, Q48673 Barge! Jonah Here Comes The Mystery Sanders, Q05185 Man Scott R. 520 2.9 AD 2 1285 Fiction K-2 420 1.4 AD 2 1358 Fiction K-2 590 2.6 AD 2 1002 Fiction K-2 440 2.5 2 2875 Fiction K-2 450 2.5 3 3005 Fiction K-2 420 2.5 1 96 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q21821 Henry Hikes To Fitchburg Henry Moore (Life And Q22401 Work Of) Q19800 Henry The Fourth Q05186 Here Comes The Snow Q05187 Here Comes The Strikeout Q27828 Here Comes Trouble Q20707 Here Comes Winter Author Name Johnson, D. B. Connolly, Sean Murphy, Stuart J. Medearis, Angela Shelf Kessler, Leonard Brimner, Larry Dane Craig, Janet AD 3.9 NP 1 462 Fiction K-2 720 3.4 AD 2 1185 Non-Fiction K-2 180 1.7 AD 1 341 Fiction K-2 510 3.9 1 335 Non-Fiction K-2 670 3.2 AD 2 1370 Non-Fiction K-2 640 4.9 AD 2 1734 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 98 Fiction K-2 140 2.6 2 1275 Fiction K-2 0 0 1.2 1.1 1 1 92 238 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 BR BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Here Is The African Q29056 Savanna Q17267 Here Is The Coral Reef Here Is The Tropical Rain Q17744 Forest Q36210 Here We Go, Harry Herman And Marguerite: Q47430 An Earth Story Q14342 Herman The Helper Hermana águila, hermano Q05192 cielo Q05193 hermanas, Las Q46122 Hermit Crab, The Q31259 Hermit Crabs (Anthology) Q42351 Hero Cat Q43383 Heroes For Civil Rights Hershey's Kisses Addition Q24166 Book, The Hershey's Kisses Q33800 Multiplication And Division Hershey's Kisses Subtraction Q27830 Book, The Hershey's Milk Chocolate Q23344 Fractions Book, The Hershey's Milk Chocolate Q27668 Multiplication Book, The Hershey's Milk Chocolate Q31320 Weights And Measures Q54464 Hey Diddle Diddle Hey Diddle Diddle And Other Mother Goose Q05206 Rhymes Hey You! C'mere: A Poetry Q27814 Slam Q16418 Hey! Get Off Our Train Q05208 Hey, Al Hey, Daddy!: Animal Q34264 Fathers And Their Babies Author Name Dunphy, Madeleine Dunphy, Madeleine Dunphy, Madeleine Lewis, Kim O'Callahan, Jay Kraus, Robert Jeffers, Susan Paz, Senel Goodrich, Carter Article, Spinelli, Eileen Adler, David A. Pallotta, Jerry Pallotta, Jerry Pallotta, Jerry Pallotta, Jerry Pallotta, Jerry Pallotta, Jerry Kapchinske, Pam dePaola, Tomie Swados, Elizabeth Burningham, John Yorinks, Arthur Batten, Mary Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.1 NP 2 638 Non-Fiction K-2 2.2 NP 2 660 Non-Fiction K-2 440 4.9 1.8 NP AD 2 1 687 434 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 420 2.4 AD 2 1532 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 261 Fiction K-2 2 2 0 0 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2.9 5 680 380 3.2 1.8 AD 1 1 804 122 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 430 2.4 AD 1 418 Non-Fiction K-2 970 7.6 IG 3 3265 Non-Fiction K-2 370 2.5 AD 1 937 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.5 2 996 Non-Fiction K-2 340 2.5 AD 2 706 Non-Fiction K-2 710 3.1 AD 2 898 Non-Fiction K-2 560 2.7 AD 2 1078 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.4 AD 2 978 Non-Fiction K-2 820 3.4 AD 1 390 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 2 2020 Fiction K-2 4.1 NP 2 1352 Fiction K-2 540 2.6 1 435 Fiction K-2 320 4.7 1 506 Fiction K-2 720 3.9 2 1927 Non-Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.5 NP 1 343 Fiction K-2 270 1.5 NP 1 206 Fiction K-2 140 2.1 AD 1 917 Fiction K-2 Q38359 Hi! Fly Guy 280 1.6 1 323 Fiction K-2 Q13221 390 2.8 1 307 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 58 Fiction K-2 4.9 NP 2 616 Fiction K-2 400 970 2.3 3.5 NC 1 1 256 677 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 710 2.5 2 497 Non-Fiction K-2 310 2.1 1 193 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 1 48 Fiction K-2 290 2.6 1 563 Fiction K-2 240 1.7 1 167 Fiction K-2 700 3.5 AD 2 1155 Fiction K-2 4.1 NA 3 1237 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q15109 Hey, Little Ant Q36138 Hey, Pancakes! Q22944 Hi New Baby! Q14521 Q14617 Q51566 Q54798 Q32133 Q53026 Q29107 Q33837 Q05212 Q23860 Q55463 Author Name Hoose, Phillip Weston, Tamson Harris, Robie H. Arnold, Tedd Keats, Ezra Hi, Cat! Jack Greene, Hi, Clouds Carol Longfellow, Henry Hiawatha Wadsworth Nelson, Hibernation Robin Hibernation Kosara, Tori Scrace, Hibernation (Cycles Of Life) Carolyn Meadows, Hibernation Station Michelle Eaton, Hic! Hic! Hic! Deborah Long, Hiccup Snickup Melinda Preller, Hiccups For Elephant James Fraustino, Hickory Chair, The Lisa Rowe Taylor, Hidden In The Trees Barbara Yee, Brenda Shannon Brown, Hide And Seek Roberta Hide And Snake Baker, Keith Foxworthy, Hide!!! Jeff dePaola, Hide-And-Seek All Week Tomie Dominic, Hide-And-Seek Rabbit, The Gloria Hide-And-Seek: All About Location Hall, Kirsten Lexile Levels BR Q24886 Hide & Seek 0 1.2 BR 1 57 Fiction K-2 Q05218 Q26750 0 0 1.5 1.5 BR BR 1 1 63 57 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 580 2.3 AD 1 472 Fiction K-2 160 1.9 1 492 Fiction K-2 50 1.9 1 347 Fiction K-2 180 1.3 1 286 Fiction K-2 Q53819 Q31572 Q29190 Q35774 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q18601 Hiding Toads Q48978 High Five Hank Q05230 High-Wire Henry Author Name Dell'Oro, Suzanne Paul MacDonald, Alan Calhoun, Mary Van Allsburg, Chris Kipling, hijo del elefante, El Rudyard hijos de la tierra y el cielo, Krensky, Los Stephen Hilary Knight's The Owl And Knight, The Pussy-Cat Hilary Hendry, Hilda Crumm's Hats Linda Hill Farm Journal: Chicks In A Box (Anthology) Spain, Sylvia Lewis, Hill Of Fire Thomas Lewis, Hill Of Fire (Anthology) Thomas P. himno de las ranas, El Cross, E. O'Brien, Hindenburg, The Patrick McDonald, Hinky Pink, The Megan Hip And Hop, Don't Stop! Czekaj, Jef London, Hip Cat Jonathan Hip, el hipopótamo Dzib, C. Hippo And Rabbit In Three Short Tales Mack, Jeff Murray, Marjorie Hippo Goes Bananas! Dennis Loomis, Hippo Hop, The Christine Q05232 higo más dulce, El Q05233 Q05234 Q25304 Q05235 Q29514 Q05236 Q29504 Q05238 Q23025 Q45322 Q48870 Q22124 Q05239 Q50422 Q41916 Q16989 Q36819 Hippo-Not-Amus, The Hippopotamus Ate The Q24967 Teacher, A Q55152 Hippopotamuses Lexile Levels Reading Level 480 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.4 1 438 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.5 2 2543 Fiction K-2 450 4.1 2 1270 Fiction K-2 600 3.9 1 809 Fiction K-2 4 3 0 Fiction K-2 3 3 0 Fiction K-2 2.6 NP 1 498 Fiction K-2 550 3.2 AD 1 452 Fiction K-2 690 2.9 1 524 Non-Fiction K-2 350 2.9 2 1101 Fiction K-2 430 1.9 1.3 1 1 506 0 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 890 4.2 3 2539 Non-Fiction K-2 610 360 2.4 1.2 AD AD 2 1 1721 833 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 570 3.1 1 AD 2 1 783 0 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.8 BR 1 277 Fiction K-2 740 3.8 AD 1 452 Fiction K-2 2.9 NP 1 274 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1082 Fiction K-2 Payne, Tony and Jan 600 3.3 Thaler, Mike 140 2.1 1 317 Fiction K-2 Schuetz, Kari 400 2.3 1 106 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Hippopotamusn't And Other Lewis, J. Q05240 Animal Stories Patrick Boynton, Q05242 Hippos Go Berserk! Sandra Ray, Q27145 Hiroko Makes The Team Crennan historia de Johnny Q05249 Appleseed, La Aliki, Flack, Q05252 historia de Ping, La Marjorie Johnston, Q05253 historia de una colcha, La Tony Historia verdadera de una Q05256 princesa Arredondo, I. Cherrington, Q05258 History Mystery Janelle San Souci, Q21700 Hobyahs, The Robert D. McClellan, Q47498 Hockey (Blastoff! Readers) Ray Marzollo, Q16576 Hockey Hero Jean Q20009 Hockey Sweater, The Q22174 Hog Music Q05279 Hog-Eye Q05280 Hogar en el aire Q52028 Hogg, Hogg, & Hog Hogsel And Gruntel And Q20356 Other Animal Stories Q35805 Hola, Doctor Q05281 Hola, Lunes Hold Christmas In Your Heart: African-American Songs, Poems, And Stories Q31468 For The Holidays Hold The Anchovies!: A Q27954 Book About Pizza Q15716 Hold Tight, Bear! Hole By The Apple Tree, Q05286 The Carrier, Roch Helldorfer, M. C. Meddaugh, Susan Baker, Jeannie Palatini, Margie King-Smith, Dick Marx, David F. Keenan, Sheila Hudson, Cheryl Willis Rotner, Shelley Maris, Ron Polette, Nancy Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.7 NP 2 1733 Fiction K-2 230 1.5 AD 1 145 Fiction K-2 320 2.2 2 610 Fiction K-2 620 3.1 2 801 Fiction K-2 3.6 2 0 Fiction K-2 1.5 2 633 Fiction K-2 4.8 2 0 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.5 2 1749 Fiction K-2 700 2.9 2 867 Fiction K-2 760 4.6 1 623 Non-Fiction K-2 330 2.5 2 1316 Fiction K-2 570 4.1 2 1146 Fiction K-2 620 3.5 2 1201 Fiction K-2 540 3.5 2 820 Fiction K-2 590 3.3 1 309 Fiction K-2 530 2.1 AD 1 437 Fiction K-2 5.1 NA 5 9548 Fiction K-2 1.4 BR 1 36 Fiction K-2 1 85 Fiction K-2 2 2325 Fiction K-2 560 AD 420 2.7 480 2.8 600 220 2.2 1.5 1 1 306 166 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 500 2.8 1 414 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Hole In The Dike Q28572 (Anthology), The Q19997 Hole Is To Dig, A 470 2.5 2.6 NP 2 1 627 485 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Q33030 390 1.9 1 292 Non-Fiction K-2 600 2.9 2 1037 Non-Fiction K-2 700 530 210 2.8 2.3 2 3.8 2.3 AD 1 1 2 2 1 619 0 0 780 333 Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 20 780 1.6 3.7 AD 1 2 266 1095 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 560 2.2 AD 1 579 Fiction K-2 Q21907 Home For Spooky, A 320 2.8 2 1077 Fiction K-2 Q31769 30 1.8 1 214 Fiction K-2 660 3.5 1 337 Non-Fiction K-2 590 3.1 1 330 Non-Fiction K-2 750 1.9 1 271 Fiction K-2 580 3.1 1 315 Non-Fiction K-2 530 3.1 2 988 Fiction K-2 660 440 3.5 2.5 1 3 313 4140 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 890 4.7 2 1427 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.5 1 330 Non-Fiction K-2 630 3.4 1 352 Non-Fiction K-2 760 4.5 2 829 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q24324 Q36573 Q05289 Q05290 Q16664 Q24185 Q28505 Q54519 Q47421 Q39837 Q39838 Q05299 Q39839 Q28060 Q39840 Q49394 Q45634 Q39841 Q39842 Q05303 Title Author Name Green, Norma Krauss, Ruth Krishnaswami Holi , Uma Holiday! Celebration Days Chancellor, Around The World Deborah Ashman, Holly Bloom's Garden Sarah hombre de cera, El Loya, Olga hombre y su cuerpo, El Pélaprat, D. Home Album, A Roop, Peter Home Before Dark (Beck) Beck, Ian Brown, Margaret Home For A Bunny Wise Home For Christmas Brett, Jan Johnson, Amy Home For Pearl Squirrel, A Crane Rand, Gloria Black, Sonia Home For The Holidays W. TaylorButler, Home In The Coral Reef, A Christine TaylorButler, Home In The Rain Forest, A Christine Baker, Home In The Sky Jeannie Lion, David Home In The Swamp, A C. Perkins, Home Lovely Lynne Rae Home On The Prairie Lion, David (Scholastic News), A C. Home On The Range Nolan, Lucy Home On The Range: John A. Lomax And His Cowboy Hopkinson, Songs Deborah Home On The Savanna Labella, (Scholastic News), A Susan Home On The Tundra Marsico, (Scholastic News), A Katie Dragonwago Home Place, The n, Crescent AD AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Home Run (Bracken) Q31186 (Anthology) Home Run: The Story Of Q19847 Babe Ruth Q27625 Home Sweet Anthill Q56731 Home Sweet Nest Q32331 Home Tools Q53863 Home-Field Advantage Q46391 Homegrown House Q05310 Homeplace Homes Around The World Q28502 (Anthology) Author Name Bracken, Patrick Burleigh, Robert Orr, Chloe Salzmann, Mary Elizabeth Snyder, Inez Tuck, Justin Wong, Janet S. Shelby, Anne Eaton, Deborah Thomas, Q28867 Homes In Colonial America Mark Yorinks, Q47686 Homework Arthur Q35404 Homework Hassles Klein, Abby McCarty, Q32902 Hondo & Fabian Peter Kunhardt, Q16026 Honest Abe Edith Adler, David Q47362 Honest Abe Lincoln A. Honest-To-Goodness Truth, McKissack, Q20371 The Patricia C. Honesty (Character Raatma, Q18538 Education) Lucia Canning, Q05317 Honesty: Zach's Tall Tale Shelagh Schaefer, Q18335 Honey Bees Lola M. Sexton, Q42482 Honey Bees Colleen Schaefer, Q18334 Honey Bees And Flowers Lola M. Schaefer, Q18332 Honey Bees And Hives Lola M. Schaefer, Q18333 Honey Bees And Honey Lola M. Godwin, Q26029 Honey Helps Laura Lexile Levels Reading Level 140 1.1 280 260 2.2 1.4 640 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 144 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1 1987 310 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2.7 NC 1 247 Non-Fiction K-2 270 540 1.6 2.2 AD 1 1 118 476 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 1060 8.5 AD 1 935 Fiction K-2 600 3.5 AD 1 470 Fiction K-2 260 1.5 1 137 Non-Fiction K-2 220 1.4 1 110 Non-Fiction K-2 410 540 1.4 2.2 AD 1 3 877 6178 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 180 1.4 AD 1 146 Fiction K-2 630 3.3 2 1202 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.5 1 899 Non-Fiction K-2 450 3.3 2 1480 Fiction K-2 510 1.5 1 343 Non-Fiction K-2 700 4.2 AD 2 1484 Fiction K-2 280 1.3 NC 1 41 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.4 1 185 Non-Fiction K-2 540 1.5 NC 1 67 Non-Fiction K-2 630 1.3 NC 1 58 Non-Fiction K-2 580 1.3 NC 1 57 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 121 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 4.1 2 2483 Non-Fiction K-2 390 1.7 1 301 Non-Fiction K-2 810 4.7 2 638 Fiction K-2 Q50742 Honey The Candy Fairy Q38450 Honey... Honey... Lion! Honeybee And The Robber, Q05319 The Carle, Eric Q53113 Honeybee Man, The Nargi, Lela Honeybees (Step Into Q34053 Reading) Neye, Emily Edwards, Pamela Q17276 Honk! Duncan Q25067 Honk! (Smith) Smith, Sue Berger, Q22967 Honk! Toot! Beep! Samantha Howard, Q26751 Hoodwinked Arthur Hooray For Amanda & Her Q53742 Alligator Willems, Mo 760 710 2.9 3.9 4 1 3997 571 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 530 870 2.8 4.6 1 2 493 1104 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 360 2.2 1 476 Non-Fiction K-2 280 410 2.8 1.3 AD 2 1 661 42 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 94 Fiction K-2 330 2.7 1 521 Fiction K-2 360 1.2 1 803 Fiction K-2 Q49927 Hooray For Anna Hibiscus! Hooray For Diffendoofer Q05326 Day Atinuke, - 660 3.8 4 7641 Fiction K-2 Seuss, Dr. 750 3.9 AD 2 716 Fiction K-2 Q38451 Hooray For Fish! Cousins, Lucy 1.6 NP 1 115 Fiction K-2 Q45342 Hooray For Fly Guy! Hooray For Main Street Q31161 (Anthology) Arnold, Tedd 270 1.7 1 256 Fiction K-2 Ward, Becky Cuyler, Margery 520 2.3 1 312 Fiction K-2 380 2.3 1 928 Fiction K-2 Q15466 Hooray For Snail! Q23510 Hooray For Teeth! Hooray For The Dandelion Q18268 Warriors! Hooray For The Golly Q05327 Sisters! Stadler, John Shaw, Gina 10 400 1.4 2.1 1 2 93 621 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Cosby, Bill 380 2.5 2 1303 Fiction K-2 Byars, Betsy 350 2.5 2 1176 Fiction K-2 Q26880 Hooray! A Pinata! Kleven, Elisa Zuehlke, Jeffrey 260 2.8 2 1101 Fiction K-2 640 3.7 1 531 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q24724 Honey Makers, The Q29918 Honey Of A Story, A Q17284 Honey Paw And Lightfoot Q43320 Hooray For Reading Day! Q48023 Hoover Dam, The Author Name Gibbons, Gail Gallo, Margaret London, Jonathan Meadows, Daisy Brett, Jan Lexile Levels Reading Level 770 Lexile Code AD AD AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 360 2.5 AD 2 767 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 27 Fiction K-2 210 0 1.5 1.1 BR 1 1 129 389 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 110 Fiction K-2 Monk, Isabell Pfister, Marcus Siegenthaler, Kathrin Yolen, Jane Hoban, Russell 830 5 AD 2 1093 Fiction K-2 470 4.7 2 824 Fiction K-2 390 0 3.2 1.4 AD BR 2 1 845 44 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 370 2 AD 2 1291 Fiction K-2 Howe, James 410 2.1 AD 1 512 Fiction K-2 450 2.7 AD 4 886 Fiction K-2 500 3.5 1 432 Fiction K-2 670 3.4 2 1192 Fiction K-2 Fowler, Allan 580 3.3 1 394 Non-Fiction K-2 Kline, Suzy 440 3.8 3 4439 Fiction K-2 Kline, Suzy 470 3.1 3 3773 Fiction K-2 Kline, Suzy 410 2.2 3 4222 Fiction K-2 Kline, Suzy 430 3.5 3 4469 Fiction K-2 Kline, Suzy 470 3.3 3 4478 Fiction K-2 Kline, Suzy 510 3.5 3 3270 Fiction K-2 Kline, Suzy 450 3.3 3 3178 Fiction K-2 Q05343 Horrible Harry In Room 2B Kline, Suzy Q05344 Horrible Harry's Secret Kline, Suzy 480 450 3.1 3.3 3 3 3611 3506 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Q20007 Hooway For Wodney Wat Lester, Helen Q29003 Hop In! Q05330 Hop Jump Q05331 Hop On Pop Q25412 Hop, Skip, Run Q35714 Hope Q05334 Hopper Q24238 Hopper's Easter Surprise Q32850 Hoptoad hora de acostarse de Q05336 Francisca, La Horace And Morris But Q18799 Mostly Dolores Horace the Horrible: A Q36510 Knight Meets His Match Q05337 Horatio's Bed Q28670 Horned Toad Prince, The Q14748 Horns And Antlers Horrible Harry And The Ant Q05338 Invasion Horrible Harry And The Q05339 Christmas Surprise Horrible Harry And The Q14244 Drop Of Doom Horrible Harry And The Q05340 Dungeon Horrible Harry And The Q05341 Green Slime Horrible Harry And The Q05342 Kickball Wedding Horrible Harry And The Q16267 Purple People SmallGamby, Julie Walsh, Ellen Stoll Seuss, Dr. Leonard, Marcia Koller, Jackie French Ashforth, Camilla Hopkins, Jackie Mims SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level 800 3.2 2 Words 1250 Type Fiction 470 2.9 2 682 Fiction K-2 Q05351 Horse In Harry's Room, The Hoff, Syd Charlesworth Q52141 Horse Life Cycle , Eric Hayden, Q24318 Horse Show Kate Green, Emily Q42467 Horses K. Nelson, Q46272 Horses Robin 470 1.7 1 425 Fiction K-2 570 3.3 1 582 Non-Fiction K-2 370 2.5 2 945 Non-Fiction K-2 380 2.3 1 91 Non-Fiction K-2 350 2.2 1 224 Non-Fiction K-2 Q22485 Horses (Farm Animals) Bell, Rachael Gibbons, Gail 530 2.9 2 716 Non-Fiction K-2 660 3.4 2 1736 Non-Fiction K-2 510 460 490 2.7 3.6 3.8 1 2 2 278 1420 1970 Non-Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 150 2.4 2 839 Fiction K-2 Q36721 Hot Air Fowler, Allan Seuss, Dr. Seuss, Dr. Corey, Shana Priceman, Marjorie 690 2.1 AD 1 317 Non-Fiction K-2 Q05363 Hot And Cold Fowler, Allan 610 2.6 AD 1 406 Non-Fiction K-2 3.5 NA 2 1398 Non-Fiction K-2 2 926 Non-Fiction K-2 1 786 Fiction K-2 1 60 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q36149 Horrible Spookhouse, The Q05348 Horse Called Starfire, A Q34037 Horses! Q14746 Horses, Horses, Horses Q05359 Horton Hatches The Egg Q05360 Horton Hears A Who! Q25390 Horus's Horrible Day Author Name Stridh, Kicki Boegehold, Betty D. Q27503 Hot And Cold (It's Science!) Hewitt, Sally Hot And Cold (Simply Stille, Q28900 Science) Darlene R. English, Q37030 Hot Day on Abbott Avenue Karen Schaefer, Q18422 Hot Day, A Lola M. Burke, Q23163 Hot Days Jennifer S. Q31215 Hot Dog Hot Dog And The Talent Q48975 Competition Q31250 Hot Fox Soup (Anthology) Hot Fudge (Bunnicula And Q57947 Friends, 2004 Edition) Hot Fudge (Harold And Q20008 Chester, 1990 Edition) 530 2.4 640 2.6 300 1.8 Lexile Code AD Points Interest Level K-2 1.8 NA 1 204 Non-Fiction K-2 BR 1 69 Fiction K-2 Coxe, Molly 0 1.2 Stewart, Paul Kitamura, Satoshi 550 3.2 2 2105 Fiction K-2 240 1.2 1 155 Fiction K-2 Howe, James 340 2.2 2 1670 Fiction K-2 Howe, James 260 2.1 2 1467 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q23127 Hot Rod Harry Q54331 Hot, Hot Roti For Dada-ji Q05370 Hot-Air Henry Author Name Petrie, Catherine Zia, F. Calhoun, Mary Nobisso, Josephine Jenkins, Steve Q17733 Hot-Cha-Cha Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Q29601 Deepest Hound Dog And Round Dog Q31210 (Anthology) Myers, Anne TurneyZagwyn, Q19567 Hound Without Howl Deborah Q38700 Houndsley And Catina Howe, James Houndsley And Catina And Q39611 The Birthday Surprise Howe, James Houndsley And Catina And Q45272 The Quiet Time Howe, James Houndsley And Catina Plink Q46572 And Plunk Howe, James Manners, Q29851 House And A Tepee, A Jane Miller, Q18705 House By The River, A William Q05379 House For Hermit Crab, A Carle, Eric Hillert, Q05380 House For Little Red, A Margaret Alexander, Q21875 House Gobbaleen, The Lloyd House I'll Build For The Neitzel, Q16579 Wrens, The Shirley Q31618 House Is Not A Home, A Q15041 Q29100 Q57090 Q05388 Q05390 Liersch, Anne Barnes, Peter House Mouse Senate Mouse W. House Of Wood, House Of Gannett, Snow Barbara House On Dirty-Third Kittinger, Jo Street, The S. House On East 88th Street, Waber, The Bernard House On Maple Street, The Pryor, Bonnie Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 680 1.4 3.2 NA AD 1 2 66 1165 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 530 4.3 AD 2 1415 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 525 Fiction K-2 920 3.7 2 935 Non-Fiction K-2 420 1.5 1 112 Fiction K-2 560 4.3 2 893 Fiction K-2 580 2.4 1 1016 Fiction K-2 530 2.4 2 1163 Fiction K-2 590 3.3 1 988 Fiction K-2 480 2.6 2 1181 Fiction K-2 170 1.3 1 115 Non-Fiction K-2 700 480 3.5 3.2 2 2 1189 812 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.2 1 281 Fiction K-2 570 4.5 2 2432 Fiction K-2 AD BR 1.7 NP 2 620 Fiction K-2 2.8 AD 2 948 Fiction K-2 2.8 NP 2 684 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 147 Non-Fiction K-2 600 2.4 AD 1 710 Fiction K-2 660 4.4 AD 2 1107 Fiction K-2 650 3.5 AD 2 1041 Fiction K-2 380 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q29660 House Repair (Anthology) Q23234 House Spider's Life, A House That George Built, Q57323 The Q31373 Houses Author Name Ryder, Joanne Himmelman, John Slade, Suzanne Morris, Ann Jeunesse, Gallimard Morris, Ann Lexile Levels Reading Level 240 2.2 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 155 Fiction K-2 2.6 BR 1 230 Non-Fiction K-2 890 0 5.7 1.2 BR 1 1 770 35 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 600 4.1 1.5 AD NP 1 1 331 90 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 480 390 2.5 3.3 1 2 386 2143 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 570 3.1 2 685 Non-Fiction K-2 400 2.6 2 711 Non-Fiction K-2 Q14776 How Animals See Things How Are You Peeling?: Q21177 Foods With Moods 550 2.8 1 460 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.3 1 189 Fiction K-2 Q05401 760 5.5 2 2047 Non-Fiction K-2 910 660 4.9 1.9 2 2 1687 775 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 860 3.1 2 796 Non-Fiction K-2 1 134 Fiction K-2 1 502 Non-Fiction K-2 1 200 Fiction K-2 1 307 Non-Fiction K-2 2 977 Fiction K-2 Q05395 Houses (First Discovery) Q05396 Houses And Homes Q35667 Hovering Hummingbirds Q05398 How A Book Is Made Q05399 How A House Is Built Q05400 How A Seed Grows Q32698 Q22672 Q28095 Q34903 JangoCohen, Judith Aliki, Gibbons, Gail Jordan, Helene J. Fowler, Allan Freymann, Saxton Carroll, How Artists See Animals Colleen How Ben Franklin Stole The Schanzer, Lightning Rosalyn How Big Is A Foot? Myller, Rolf How Big Were The Most, Dinosaurs? Bernard Hutchins, How Big? How Much? Jeannie How Big? How Heavy? How Boothroyd, Q54137 Dense?: A Look At Matter Jennifer McCloskey, Q29102 How Bill Found Rain Susan Jaspersen, Q27121 How Birds Fly (Jaspersen) Elsa How Chipmunk Got His Bruchac, Q24723 Stripes Joseph How Coyote Stole The Summer: A Native American Krensky, Q44941 Folktale Stephen Marsh, Q29104 How Crayons Are Made Phoebe Maestro, Q05405 How Do Apples Grow? Betsy 1.2 AD BR BR 380 2.3 0 1.3 330 1.4 260 2.5 500 2.7 2 1354 Fiction K-2 30 1.3 1 170 Non-Fiction K-2 550 2.8 2 953 Non-Fiction K-2 BR AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 2 957 Non-Fiction K-2 AD 1 156 Fiction K-2 1.9 AD 1 195 Fiction K-2 420 1.4 AD 1 77 Fiction K-2 210 2.2 AD 1 152 Fiction K-2 750 4.4 2 2362 Non-Fiction K-2 Q14761 How Do You Know It's Fall? Fowler, Allan 650 2.2 1 222 Non-Fiction K-2 Q57598 How Do You Know It's Fall? How Do You Know It's Q14728 Spring? How Do You Know It's Q57599 Spring? How Do You Know It's Q14762 Summer? How Do You Know It's Q57600 Summer? How Do You Know It's Q14752 Winter? How Do You Know It's Q57601 Winter? How Do You Know What Q38453 Time It Is? Owen, Ruth 800 4.3 1 745 Non-Fiction K-2 Fowler, Allan 620 1.3 1 234 Non-Fiction K-2 Owen, Ruth 750 3.6 1 694 Non-Fiction K-2 Fowler, Allan 520 2.3 1 218 Non-Fiction K-2 Owen, Ruth 700 3.3 1 785 Non-Fiction K-2 Fowler, Allan 570 1.8 1 212 Non-Fiction K-2 690 3.3 1 740 Non-Fiction K-2 870 4.3 1 1082 Non-Fiction K-2 750 3.5 1 474 Non-Fiction K-2 900 4.1 AD 2 1151 Non-Fiction K-2 1.6 NP 2 283 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q05406 Q37639 Q32797 Q38452 Q21414 Title How Do Birds Find Their Way? How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? How Do Dinosaurs Learn Their Colors? How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? Q28119 How Do Our Eyes See? Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Gans, Roma 690 3.5 Yolen, Jane 490 2.2 Yolen, Jane 230 Yolen, Jane Yolen, Jane Ballard, Carol Owen, Ruth Wells, Robert E. Wells, Q13274 How Do You Lift A Lion? Robert E. Ryan, Pam Q33721 How Do You Raise A Raisin? Munoz How Do You Say It Today, Carlstrom, Q29044 Jesse Bear? Nancy White Q34865 How Do Your Lungs Work? How Does Your Garden Q30702 Grow? How Does Your Salad Q35047 Grow? How Droofus The Dragon Q05409 Lost His Head Q05410 How Far Will I Fly? Lexile Code NC NC NC NC Curry, Don L. Mendez, Mirabella Alexander, Francie 690 3.7 1 341 Non-Fiction K-2 220 1.8 1 279 Fiction K-2 340 1.3 1 174 Non-Fiction K-2 Peet, Bill Oyama, Sachi 830 4.9 2 2405 Fiction K-2 130 1.3 1 94 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level 270 2.4 610 4.1 650 150 Lexile Code Points Interest Level 2 Words 695 Type Fiction 2 2006 Fiction K-2 2.9 1.3 2 1 1153 235 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 480 1.8 1 314 Non-Fiction K-2 60 1.8 2 623 Fiction K-2 Phillips, Anne Long, Q33844 How I Became A Pirate Melinda Schwartz, Q15451 How I Captured A Dinosaur Henry Q05414 How I Found A Friend Hale, Irina 110 2.2 1 204 Fiction K-2 470 2.3 2 957 Fiction K-2 340 3.5 1.8 NA AD 2 1 1082 231 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q44107 How I Learned Geography Shulevitz, Uri How I Spent My Summer Teague, Q14231 Vacation Mark 660 3.8 AD 1 480 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 461 Fiction K-2 Q05418 How I Was Adopted Cole, Joanna 520 1 562 Fiction K-2 How Iwariwa The Cayman Q15788 Learned To Share Crespo, George Marzollo, Jean Selsam, Millicent E. Wells, Larry Pfister, Marcus Loughran, Donna Cleary, Brian P. Brimner, Larry Dane Canizares, Susan Floyd, Lucy Jones, Penelope 1 430 Fiction K-2 Q27086 How Frog Lost His Tail How Georgie Radbourn Q21322 Saved Baseball How Groundhog's Garden Q33820 Grew Q15434 How Have I Grown? Q38035 How Heavy Is It? Q26591 How Hungry Are You? How I Beat The Giants Q29670 (Anthology) Q16617 How Kids Grow Q05423 How Kittens Grow Q27402 How Kittens Grow (Wells) How Leo Learned To Be Q05424 King Q38036 How Long Is It? Q41466 How Long Or How Wide? Q14508 How Many Ants? Q28963 How Many Can Play? Q30034 How Many Carmens? Q27120 How Many Cubs? How Many Days To Q05425 America? Allen, Kris Shannon, David Cherry, Lynne Reid, Mary Sargent, Brian Napoli, Donna Jo Bunting, Eve AD 2.8 3.5 NA K-2 330 1.8 1 512 Non-Fiction K-2 470 230 2.5 1.9 2 1 732 436 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 540 4.2 2 989 Fiction K-2 380 1.7 1 340 Non-Fiction K-2 730 3.7 1 429 Non-Fiction K-2 200 1.9 1 90 Fiction K-2 0 350 1.4 2.3 1 1 47 483 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 110 1.3 1 299 Fiction K-2 460 3.2 2 1111 Fiction K-2 BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q34902 How Many Ducks? Author Name Chapman, Cindy Hamm, Diane Q17675 How Many Feet In The Bed? Johnston How Many Feet? How Burns, Q05426 Many Tails? Marilyn Cohen, Q05427 How Many Fish? Caron L. Gosset, Q15401 How Many Fish? Rachel How Many How Many How Q17956 Many Walton, Rick How Many Kisses Do You Bajaj, Q36873 Want Tonight? Varsha Kleinhenz, Q29109 How Many On The Log? Sydnie How Many Spots Does A Leopard Have: An African Q27567 Folktale (Anthology) How Many Stars In The Q05429 Sky? Q05430 Q05431 Q45321 Q30005 How Mr. Monkey Saw The Q21718 Whole World Q38454 How Much Does It Hold? Zoehfeld, Kathleen W. Myers, Walter Dean Sargent, Brian Schwartz, David M. Q05434 How Much Is A Million? How Much Is That Doggie In Q24000 The Window? Trapani, Iza How Murray Saved Q23326 Christmas Reiss, Mike How My Family Lives In Q05436 America Kuklin, Susan Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.2 BR 1 89 Fiction K-2 230 1.6 1 218 Fiction K-2 570 1.7 1 462 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 125 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 30 Fiction K-2 370 1.6 AD 1 290 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 366 Fiction K-2 1.1 BR 1 70 Fiction K-2 4.2 NA 1 1095 Fiction K-2 0 Lester, Julius Hort, Lenny Showers, How Many Teeth? Paul How Many Trucks Can A Pomerantz, Tow Truck Tow? Charlotte How Many Ways Can You Jenkins, Catch A Fly? Steve Cernak, How Maps Came To Be Linda Q05433 How Mountains Are Made Lexile Levels 500 3.5 2 667 Fiction K-2 370 1.7 2 626 Non-Fiction K-2 2.4 NP 1 593 Fiction K-2 1060 10.5 NC 3 5256 Non-Fiction K-2 610 2.9 2 604 Non-Fiction K-2 620 3.1 2 1108 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.8 2 1106 Fiction K-2 280 1.7 1 282 Non-Fiction K-2 760 2.1 AD 1 293 Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 1 377 Fiction K-2 3.1 NP 2 1496 Fiction K-2 5.3 NC 2 1799 Non-Fiction K-2 840 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title How My Family Lives In Q29509 America (Anthology) How My Parents Learned Q05437 To Eat Q46784 How Robin Saved Spring How Rocket Learned To Q56726 Read Q21219 How Santa Got His Job Q26647 How Santa Lost His Job Q05439 How Smudge Came How Spider Saved Q05440 Thanksgiving How Spider Saved Q18912 Valentine's Day Q05441 How Sweet The Sound How Teddy Bears Are Made: A Visit To The Vermont Teddy Bear Q20593 Factory How The Cat Swallowed Q22947 Thunder Q05442 Q29191 Q05443 Q05444 Q30000 Q40049 Q47803 Q16015 Q52496 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Kuklin, Susan Friedman, Ina R. Ouellet, Debbie 690 Hills, Tad Krensky, Stephen Krensky, Stephen Gregory, Nan Kraus, Robert Kraus, Robert Hudson, Wade Morris, Ann Alexander, Lloyd Jaspersohn, How The Forest Grew William Goldish, How The Game Was Won Meish How The Grinch Stole Christmas! Seuss, Dr. How The Guinea Fowl Got Knutson, Her Spots Barbara How The Leaves Got Their Manners, Colors Jane How The Moon Regained Heller, Janet Her Shape Ruth How The Nobble Was Williams, Finally Found C.K. How The Second Grade Got $8,205.50 To Visit The Zimelman, Statue Of Liberty Nathan How The Sphinx Got To The Hartland, Museum Jessie Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.8 1 562 Non-Fiction K-2 450 3.5 2 1276 Fiction K-2 570 3.3 2 1487 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 AD 1 784 Fiction K-2 380 2.6 AD 2 803 Fiction K-2 310 2.9 AD 2 958 Fiction K-2 280 3.5 2 989 Fiction K-2 340 1.8 1 386 Fiction K-2 450 2.5 1 497 Fiction K-2 3.5 NP 3 2528 Fiction K-2 560 3.5 AD 1 382 Non-Fiction K-2 580 3.2 AD 2 2376 Fiction K-2 760 3.5 2 1226 Non-Fiction K-2 10 1.8 1 320 Fiction K-2 510 3.6 2 1369 Fiction K-2 730 2.1 2 640 Fiction K-2 400 2.4 1 474 Fiction K-2 660 3.5 1 584 Fiction K-2 1130 9.7 AD 2 2434 Fiction K-2 1070 5.3 AD 2 962 Fiction K-2 1120 4.6 AD 1 923 Non-Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name How The Stars Fell Into The Q15727 Sky: A Navajo Legend How To Be A Friend: A Guide To Making Friends Q20289 And Keeping Them Oughton, Jerrie Brown, Laurie Krasny Shipton, Q25320 How To Be A Happy Hippo Jonathan How To Be A Nature Selsam, Q05445 Detective Millicent E. How To Be A Nature Selsam, Q30607 Detective (Anthology) Millicent E. How To Be A Wildlife Spy Duckworth, Q31122 (Anthology) Carolyn How To Clean A Jenkins, Q49705 Hippopotamus Steve Canfield, Q21052 How To Draw A Dinosaur Judy Lundberg, Q30004 How To Grow A Garden Linda How To Hide A Butterfly & Q21370 Other Insects Heller, Ruth How To Hide A Crocodile & Q29278 Other Reptiles Heller, Ruth How To Hide An Octopus And Other Sea Creatures Q28618 (Anthology) Heller, Ruth How To Lose All Your Carlson, Q05452 Friends Nancy How To Make A Cherry Pie Priceman, Q45418 And See The U.S.A. Marjorie How To Make A Paper Raymer, Q30056 Airplane Robyn Q34920 How To Make A Wind Sock Tarlow, Ellen How To Make An Apple Pie Priceman, Q05453 And See The World Marjorie McCloskey, Q29162 How To Rake Leaves Susan How To Take Your Grandmother To The Q27307 Museum Wyse, Lois How Turtle Flew South For Q38455 The Winter (Brain Bank) How Turtle's Back Was Q05457 Cracked Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 780 5.5 AD 2 553 Fiction K-2 140 3.5 2 1501 Non-Fiction K-2 360 3.1 2 640 Fiction K-2 380 1.9 2 978 Non-Fiction K-2 370 1.9 1 538 Non-Fiction K-2 720 2.1 1 307 Non-Fiction K-2 950 8.4 3 2618 Non-Fiction K-2 350 2.2 1 184 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.4 1 492 Non-Fiction K-2 520 2.8 AD 1 276 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.7 AD 1 224 Non-Fiction K-2 730 2.9 1 248 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.5 1 236 Fiction K-2 680 3.3 1 655 Fiction K-2 390 2.6 1 526 Non-Fiction K-2 AD GN AD 1.2 BR 1 20 Non-Fiction K-2 590 2.8 AD 1 491 Fiction K-2 40 1.5 1 46 Fiction K-2 460 3.2 2 1831 Fiction K-2 Davidson, Avelyn 580 3 1 831 Non-Fiction K-2 Ross, Gayle 870 4.8 2 1269 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title How Two-Feather Was Q20710 Saved From Loneliness Q48437 How We Are Smart How We Came To The Fifth World/Cómo vinimos al Q25884 quinto mundo How We Learned The Earth Q05459 Is Round How Whales Walked Into Q18730 The Sea How Will I Get To Q34942 Grandma's House? How Will The Easter Bunny Q23067 Know? Q05460 How You Talk How's The Weather?: A Look At Weather And How Q17590 It Changes Howard And The Sitter Q16731 Surprise Howard B. Wigglebottom And The Monkey On His Q56298 Back Howard B. Wigglebottom Q56296 Learns About Bullies Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns About Mud And Q56300 Rainbows Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns It's OK To Back Q56294 Away Howard B. Wigglebottom Q56299 Learns To Listen Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns Too Much Of A Q56295 Good Thing Is Bad Howard B. Wigglebottom Q56297 Listens To His Heart Author Name Taylor, C.J. Nikola-Lisa, W. Rohmer, Harriet Lauber, Patricia McNulty, Faith Blevins, Wiley Winters, Kay Showers, Paul Berger, Melvin Paton, Priscilla Binkow, Howard Binkow, Howard Binkow, Howard Binkow, Howard Binkow, Howard Howl!: A Book About Q27590 Wolves Binkow, Howard Binkow, Howard Guthrie, Woody Berger, Melvin & Gilda Q51616 Hubble Telescope, The Zobel, Derek Q31300 Howdi Do Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 450 4.4 AD 2 671 Fiction K-2 950 6.4 AD 2 2723 Non-Fiction K-2 510 4.2 AD 2 1122 Fiction K-2 490 3.5 2 1175 Non-Fiction K-2 730 4.8 2 1262 Non-Fiction K-2 1 103 Fiction K-2 1.5 BR 240 3.5 2 1247 Fiction K-2 440 2.9 2 1100 Fiction K-2 300 2.5 2 1579 Non-Fiction K-2 260 2.8 AD 2 689 Fiction K-2 610 2.4 AD 1 860 Fiction K-2 680 3.2 AD 1 670 Fiction K-2 480 1.6 AD 1 421 Fiction K-2 500 1.7 AD 1 532 Fiction K-2 460 1.5 AD 1 296 Fiction K-2 580 2.3 AD 1 650 Fiction K-2 460 1.5 AD 1 586 Fiction K-2 1.9 NP 1 322 Fiction K-2 330 2.6 2 2081 Non-Fiction K-2 560 3.2 1 267 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Q51439 Hubbub, A Huckabuck Family And How They Raised Popcorn In Nebraska And Quit And Sandburg, Q22708 Came Back, The Carl Q53902 Hudson Hates School Hudson, Ella Mitchell, Rita Q05469 Hue Boy Phillips Dorros, Q05470 huellas de los animales, Las Arthur San Souci, Q05471 huevos parlantes, Los Robert D. Q05472 Huevos verdes con jamón Seuss, Dr. Huggly And The Toy Q18879 Monster Arnold, Tedd 240 2.6 GN 2 1996 Fiction K-2 850 600 4.2 2.4 AD AD 2 1 1294 630 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 420 2.2 2 805 Fiction K-2 560 3.1 1 591 Non-Fiction K-2 750 460 2 2.7 2 1 2305 598 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 290 2.2 2 1026 Fiction K-2 Q05474 Huggly Gets Dressed Arnold, Tedd 220 1.5 1 264 Fiction K-2 Q33154 Huggly Goes Camping Arnold, Tedd 250 2.2 2 1062 Fiction K-2 Q21797 Huggly Goes To School Arnold, Tedd 230 1.8 2 897 Fiction K-2 Q05475 Huggly Takes A Bath Arnold, Tedd 280 1.3 1 276 Fiction K-2 Q26098 Huggly's Big Mess Arnold, Tedd 240 2.2 2 1071 Fiction K-2 Q26099 Huggly's Christmas Arnold, Tedd 260 2.2 2 1018 Fiction K-2 Q31318 Huggly's Halloween Arnold, Tedd 180 2.1 2 915 Fiction K-2 Q20276 Huggly's Pizza Arnold, Tedd 290 1.6 2 1011 Fiction K-2 Q27840 Huggly's Snow Day Huggly's Thanksgiving Q31790 Parade Arnold, Tedd 200 1.5 2 865 Fiction K-2 Arnold, Tedd 270 2.2 2 1057 Fiction K-2 Q28326 Huggly's Trip To The Beach Arnold, Tedd 380 2.6 2 1179 Fiction K-2 Q32450 Huggly's Valentines 280 2.1 2 889 Fiction K-2 630 2.6 1 368 Non-Fiction K-2 610 3.4 2 895 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Luciani, Brigitte Q46981 Human Body Human Body (First Q05481 Discovery), The Arnold, Tedd Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner Jeunesse, Gallimard AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Zoehfeld, Human Body (Scholastic Kathleen Q24697 Science Readers) Weidner Human Body: Hidden Jeunesse, Q21582 World (First Discovery) Gallimard Hopkinson, Q49527 Humblebee Hunter, The Deborah Stefoff, Q20875 Hummingbird (Living Things) Rebecca Himmelman, Q23229 Hummingbird's Life, A John Tokuda, Q05487 Humphrey The Lost Whale Wendy Q05488 Humphrey's Bear Wahl, Jan Humphrey, Albert, And The Lasky, Q38846 Flying Machine Kathryn Q33649 Humpty Dumpty Kirk, Daniel Humpty Dumpty Climbs Horowitz, Q44908 Again Dave Humpty Dumpty EggO'Malley, Q26592 Splodes Kevin Q16508 Hunches In Bunches Seuss, Dr. Hungriest Boy In The World, Namioka, Q24384 The Lensey Q18091 Hungry Billy Goat, The Milios, Rita Q38251 Hungry Coat, The Demi, Hungry Giant Of The Q29557 Tundra, The Sloat, Teri Partis, Q24181 Hungry Harry Joanne Waring, Q37038 Hungry Hen Richard Lexile Levels Reading Level 460 1.9 510 3.1 610 2.4 760 3.9 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 366 Non-Fiction K-2 AD 1 491 Non-Fiction K-2 AD 1 677 Fiction K-2 2 1144 Non-Fiction K-2 2.8 NA 1 283 Non-Fiction K-2 610 620 4.4 2.5 AD AD 2 1 1049 387 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 630 400 3.4 2.4 2 2 1762 675 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 570 3.3 AD 1 374 Fiction K-2 250 500 3.1 2.9 AD 2 2 1118 761 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 380 330 920 2.5 2.1 5.9 AD AD 2 1 1 1452 112 944 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 580 3.1 AD 2 836 Fiction K-2 240 2.3 AD 1 322 Fiction K-2 740 1.7 1 210 Fiction K-2 480 2.5 1 366 Non-Fiction K-2 610 2.8 1 241 Fiction K-2 520 2.6 1 568 Fiction K-2 Q17204 Hungry Little Boy, The Hungry Little Hare Q28617 (Anthology) JangoCohen, Judith Blos, Joan W. Goldsmith, Howard Q47765 Hungry Plants Q05495 Hungry Thing, The Batten, Mary Slepian, Jan 780 290 4.7 1.6 2 2 2099 895 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q05496 Hungry, Hungry Sharks Hunter's Best Friend At Q39304 School Cole, Joanna Elliott, Laura Malone 410 2.3 2 1090 Non-Fiction K-2 610 3.3 1 1039 Fiction K-2 Q35683 Hungry Ladybugs AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Geraghty, Q17128 Hunter, The Paul Hunter: A Chinese Folktale, Casanova, Q22629 The Mary Nelson, Q35681 Hunting Sharks Kristin L. Q36714 Hunwick's Egg Fox, Mem Hurray For The Fourth Of Watson, Q31517 July Wendy Hurray For Three Kings' Carlson, Lori Q20141 Day! Marie Wiesner, Q05503 Hurricane David Weeks, Q05504 Hurricane City Sarah Paterson, Q51333 Hurricane Wolf Diane Roydhouse, Q38456 Hurricane! (Brain Bank) Sandy Demas, Q31077 Hurricane! (Demas) Corinne Field, Q29972 Hurricane! (Field) Elizabeth London, Q30895 Hurricane! (London) Jonathan Doeden, Q43010 Hurricanes Matt Hurricanes (Blastoff! Q44662 Readers) Manolis, Kay Gibbons, Q47575 Hurricanes! Gail Flatharta, Q36902 Hurry and the Monarch Antoine O Chaconas, Q54372 Hurry Down To Derry Fair Dori Marlow, Q46397 Hurry Up And Slow Down Layn Murray, Q32875 Hurry Up! Carol Ford, Q37381 Hurry Up! (Just For You!) Bernette Bourgeois, Q05509 Hurry Up, Franklin Paulette Q41025 Hurty Feelings Lester, Helen Lexile Levels Reading Level 550 3.5 590 3.1 510 550 2.7 2.8 70 1.9 540 2.9 460 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 883 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1125 Fiction K-2 AD 1 1 477 430 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 198 Fiction K-2 AD 2 817 Fiction K-2 4.3 AD 2 764 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 344 Fiction K-2 570 2.3 AD 2 1089 Fiction K-2 570 2.9 1 564 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2.9 2 1172 Fiction K-2 620 2.6 1 379 Fiction K-2 460 2.8 2 723 Fiction K-2 560 3.2 1 564 Non-Fiction K-2 680 2.6 1 604 Non-Fiction K-2 860 6.6 NC 2 1292 Non-Fiction K-2 710 2.8 AD 2 680 Fiction K-2 350 1.2 AD 1 377 Fiction K-2 510 1.8 AD 1 282 Fiction K-2 130 1.5 AD 1 132 Fiction K-2 1.4 NP 1 81 Fiction K-2 AD AD 450 2.9 2 943 Fiction K-2 610 3.4 1 674 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q44928 Q25646 Q05510 Q26648 Title Hush Harbor: Praying In Secret Hush Little Baby (Long) Hush! A Thai Lullaby Hush, Little Alien Q28409 Hush, Little Baby Hush, Little Baby: A Folk Q24056 Song With Pictures Q32910 Hushabye Lily Hut For Zig Bug Q31251 (Anthology), A Author Name Evans, Freddi Williams Long, Sylvia Ho, Minfong Kirk, Daniel Halpern, Shari Frazee, Marla Freedman, Claire Adnet, Bernard Q56622 Hyenas Schuetz, Kari Holmes, Q15994 Hyenas (Animals) Kevin J. Q15392 I Am Klein, Adria Swinburne, Q30596 I Am A Butterfly (Anthology) Stephen Marzollo, Q05513 I Am A Leaf Jean Sommer, Q23721 I Am A Lion! Carl Marzollo, Q05514 I Am A Rock Jean Marzollo, Q22978 I Am A Star Jean Marzollo, Q05517 I Am An Apple Jean Collins, Pat Q15669 I Am An Artist Lowery Wilhelm, Q44006 I Am Brave! Hans Q05520 I Am Eyes Ni Macho Ward, Leila Marzollo, Q05522 I Am Fire Jean Packard, Q05528 I Am King! Mary Wilhelm, Q05532 I Am Lost! Hans Q25408 I Am Mad! Q05535 I Am Not A Dinosaur Hood, Susan Packard, Mary Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 760 2.8 1.9 3.9 2.2 AD NP AD NP 2 1 1 1 1484 150 405 120 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 2.1 NP 1 111 Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 1 111 Fiction K-2 280 1.8 AD 1 521 Fiction K-2 340 1.3 1 177 Fiction K-2 420 2.4 1 129 Non-Fiction K-2 580 0 4.8 1.9 2 1 930 21 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 130 1.4 1 167 Non-Fiction K-2 70 1.4 1 302 Non-Fiction K-2 390 2.8 2 1959 Fiction K-2 70 1.5 1 286 Non-Fiction K-2 10 1.7 1 198 Non-Fiction K-2 120 1.5 1 167 Non-Fiction K-2 1210 3.5 1 336 Fiction K-2 220 1 1.7 1 1 79 89 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 160 1.5 1 166 Non-Fiction K-2 600 BR BR 1.5 BR 1 77 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 64 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 111 Fiction K-2 320 1.3 1 55 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Q05536 I Am Not Afraid Mann, Kenny I Am Not Going To Get Up Q05537 Today Seuss, Dr. I Am Not Sleepy And I Will Q26455 Not Go To Bed Child, Lauren Marzollo, Q24163 I Am Planet Earth Jean Shields, Carol Q20021 I Am Really A Princess Diggory Shefelbine, Q38332 I Am Sam John Jensen, Q38015 I Am Sick (My First Reader) Patricia TaylorI Am Smart (My First Butler, Q38016 Reader) Christine Marzollo, Q16544 I Am Snow Jean Henrichs, Q54285 I Am Tama, Lucky Cat Wendy Anderson, Q39217 I Am The Artist! Dawn Pinkwater, Q51297 I Am The Dog Daniel Q05543 I Am The Dog, I Am The Cat Hall, Donald Dieterle, Q31913 I Am The King! Nathalie I Am Too Absolutely Small Q37683 For School Child, Lauren Marzollo, Q05547 I Am Water Jean Eckart, Q32317 I Can Bowl Edana Q32344 I Can Bowl! Johns, Linda I Can Count 100 BunniesSzekeres, Q16325 And So Can You! Cyndy I Can Count To 100...Can Howard, Q18143 You? Katherine Pearson, Q32347 I Can Do It All Mary E. Q05551 I Can Do It! Q16065 I Can Draw Dinosaurs Albee, Sarah Bonforte, Lisa Lexile Levels Reading Level 360 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.2 1 607 Fiction K-2 280 2.3 1 504 Fiction K-2 400 2.8 AD 2 685 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 124 Non-Fiction K-2 530 4.7 2 737 Fiction K-2 0 1 BR 1 561 Fiction K-2 1.3 BR 1 77 Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 71 Fiction K-2 270 1.5 AD 1 158 Non-Fiction K-2 830 4.4 AD 1 827 Fiction K-2 0 1 BR 1 115 Fiction K-2 220 1.1 AD 1 505 Fiction K-2 3.9 NP 2 622 Fiction K-2 150 1.5 AD 1 131 Fiction K-2 640 3.2 AD 1 811 Fiction K-2 30 1.5 1 100 Non-Fiction K-2 140 0 1.5 1.4 1 1 139 131 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 650 3.5 1 598 Fiction K-2 170 2.4 1 443 Fiction K-2 10 1.4 1 79 Fiction K-2 250 1.5 1 198 Fiction K-2 680 4.1 2 1481 Non-Fiction K-2 BR AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q33208 I Can Go Camping Q33207 I Can Go Fishing Q33206 I Can Go Hiking Q29946 I Can Help Q33229 I Can Help! Author Name Eckart, Edana Eckart, Edana Eckart, Edana Santiago, Guadalupe Wilhelm, Hans Eckart, Edana Q32318 I Can Ice Skate I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today! Q16506 And Other Stories Seuss, Dr. Eckart, Q32315 I Can Play Baseball Edana Eckart, Q32322 I Can Play Soccer Edana Lexile Levels Reading Level 160 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.5 1 129 Non-Fiction K-2 90 1.4 1 127 Non-Fiction K-2 180 1.5 1 138 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 29 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 64 Fiction K-2 90 1.4 1 132 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1381 Fiction K-2 3.3 Lexile Code NP 80 1.4 1 114 Non-Fiction K-2 110 1.5 1 120 Non-Fiction K-2 Nayer, Judy Gikow, Louise A. 0 1.5 BR 1 88 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 72 Fiction K-2 380 2.4 1 386 Fiction K-2 140 1.5 1 128 Non-Fiction K-2 0 60 1.1 1.8 BR 1 1 28 40 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 34 Fiction K-2 170 1.5 1 129 Non-Fiction K-2 100 1.4 1 140 Non-Fiction K-2 1 76 Fiction K-2 Q05555 I Can Tell By Touching Seuss, Dr. Eckart, Edana Pinnell, Gay Su Klein, Adria Cervantes, Jesus Eckart, Edana Eckart, Edana Jones, Melanie Davis Eckart, Edana Eckart, Edana Otto, Carolyn Q34276 I Can't Take A Bath! Smalls, Irene Q29624 I Can Read (Anthology) I Can Read (My First Q38017 Reader) I Can Read With My Eyes Q05554 Shut Q32313 I Can Ride A Bike Q29008 I Can Run Q15393 I Can See Q29010 I Can See (Cervantes) Q33205 I Can Skateboard Q33204 I Can Ski Q34619 I Can Ski! Q33203 I Can Snowboard Q32323 I Can Swim 1.2 BR 70 1.4 1 110 Non-Fiction K-2 30 1.4 1 99 Non-Fiction K-2 610 2.5 AD 2 623 Non-Fiction K-2 240 1.4 NP 1 355 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 540 3.5 AD 2 820 Fiction K-2 210 2.1 1 537 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 24 Non-Fiction K-2 780 2.4 AD 2 1452 Non-Fiction K-2 90 2.1 2 1137 Fiction K-2 460 4.8 2 1212 Fiction K-2 Petty, Kate 840 4.5 2 1693 Non-Fiction K-2 Q34714 I Do Not Want To Schulz, Kathy 130 1.2 1 79 Fiction K-2 Q05560 I Don't Want To Go To Bed! I Don't Want To Take A Q15038 Bath! I Double Dare You: More Q26053 Stories To Scare You I Dreamed I Was A Q26649 Ballerina Sykes, Julie 580 2.2 AD 1 607 Fiction K-2 Sykes, Julie Keeler, Kathleen Pavlova, Anna Vandine, JoAnn Cobb, Vicki Rockwell, Anne 610 2.8 AD 2 631 Fiction K-2 150 2.3 2 1017 Fiction K-2 900 3.7 AD 1 453 Non-Fiction K-2 0 570 1.4 2.9 BR 1 1 47 603 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 560 2.7 2 1007 Fiction K-2 Levinson, Riki Lee, Hector Viveros 470 2.5 1 123 Fiction K-2 Q31113 I Had A Hippopotamus I Had Trouble In Getting To Q16507 Solla Sollew Seuss, Dr. 170 1.6 AD 1 152 Fiction K-2 3.7 NP 2 2125 Fiction K-2 Q05566 I Hate English! 390 1.8 2 1363 Fiction K-2 90 1.3 1 73 Fiction K-2 200 100 1.7 2.1 1 1 247 377 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 210 1.5 1 154 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Naylor, Phyllis Q13356 I Can't Take You Anywhere! Reynolds Cameron, Q05557 I Can't, Said The Ant Polly Q28999 I Can, We Can Q37219 I Could Do That! I Dare You: Stories To Q21605 Scare You Q22004 I Did It, I'm Sorry I Didn't Know That Crocodiles Yawn To Keep Q05559 Cool Q25109 I Eat Leaves Q36269 I Fall Down Q28540 I Fly I Go With My Family To Q13229 Grandma's Q05568 I Hate My Bow! Q37296 I Hate To Be Sick! Q23519 I Hate To Go To Bed! Q14956 I Have A Cold Curry, Don L. White, Linda Arms Keeler, Kathleen Buehner, Caralyn Levine, Ellen Wilhelm, Hans Bermiss, Aamir Lee Davis, Katie Maccarone, Grace NP AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.4 1 111 Fiction K-2 520 3.5 2 940 Fiction K-2 710 510 2.1 2.8 AD AD 2 2 709 1266 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 650 2.5 AD 1 590 Fiction K-2 110 2.7 1 75 Fiction K-2 70 2.1 AD 1 281 Fiction K-2 Q16032 I Just Forgot I Knew Two Who Said Moo: A Counting And Rhyming Q27691 Book Barrett, Judi Dorfman, Q37807 I Knew You Could! Craig Zolotow, Q29081 I Know A Lady Charlotte Fuge, Q37793 I Know A Rhino Charles Karas, G. Q05574 I Know An Old Lady Brian Westcott, I Know An Old Lady Who Nadine Q05575 Swallowed A Fly Bernard I Know An Old Lady Who Jackson, Q15480 Swallowed A Pie Alison 490 2.7 AD 1 309 Fiction K-2 2.9 NP 1 337 Fiction K-2 2.2 NP 1 808 Non-Fiction K-2 1 219 Fiction K-2 Q44926 I Know An Old Teacher Bowen, Anne Croza, Laurel 260 1.7 760 3.6 Rowan, Kate Spinelli, Q38458 I Know It's Autumn Eileen Packard, Q05576 I Know Karate Mary Gonzalez, Maya Q47407 I Know The River Loves Me Christina 430 3.1 820 1.6 120 1.3 580 2.3 Quiz # Q29872 Q13359 Q17652 Q16405 Q13304 Q05571 Title Author Name Frederick, I Have A Robot Shirley Peterson, I Have A Sister-My Sister Is Jeanne Deaf Whitehouse I Have A Weird Brother Who Digested A Fly Holub, Joan I Have An Olive Tree Bunting, Eve Munsch, I Have To Go! Robert Goode, I Hear A Noise Diane Q05573 I Heard Said The Bird Q50201 I Know Here I Know How We Fight Q22991 Germs Berends, Polly Berrien Mayer, Mercer Lexile Levels Reading Level 70 Lexile Code 750 2.4 580 1.8 NP 1 168 Fiction K-2 1.6 NP 1 600 Fiction K-2 1.7 NP 2 716 Fiction K-2 1.9 NP 1 518 Fiction K-2 1 334 Fiction K-2 1 726 Fiction K-2 2 812 Fiction K-2 1 193 Fiction K-2 1 177 Fiction K-2 1 180 Fiction K-2 AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q15394 I Like I Like A Snack On An Q24193 Iceberg Q23172 I Like Bagels Q24593 I Like Berries Q05580 I Like Books Q31231 I Like Bugs Q24594 I Like Cereal Q23168 I Like Cheese Q23171 I Like Chocolate Q23173 I Like Corn Q23169 I Like Ice Cream Q23582 I Like It When... Q24595 I Like Juice Q21511 I Like Me! Q27633 I Like Mess Q38459 I Like Myself! Q23170 I Like Oranges Q24596 I Like Pasta Q24597 I Like Peanuts Q24598 I Like Potatoes Q15402 I Like Shapes Q31230 I Like Stars Author Name Pinnell, Gay Su Arno, Iris Hiskey Pickering, Robin Julius, Jennifer Browne, Anthony Brown, Margaret Wise Julius, Jennifer Pickering, Robin Pickering, Robin Pickering, Robin Pickering, Robin Murphy, Mary Julius, Jennifer Carlson, Nancy Leonard, Marcia Beaumont, Karen Pickering, Robin Julius, Jennifer Julius, Jennifer Julius, Jennifer Armstrong, Shane Brown, Margaret Wise Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 0 1.2 BR 1 29 Fiction K-2 200 1.5 1 121 Fiction K-2 1.6 NA 1 140 Non-Fiction K-2 1.9 NA 1 134 Non-Fiction K-2 1 53 Fiction K-2 300 1.8 0 1.1 BR 1 53 Fiction K-2 1.7 NA 1 110 Non-Fiction K-2 1.3 BR 1 105 Non-Fiction K-2 1.9 NA 1 125 Non-Fiction K-2 1.4 NA 1 147 Non-Fiction K-2 1.8 NA 1 141 Non-Fiction K-2 1.5 BR 1 94 Fiction K-2 1.7 NA 1 164 Non-Fiction K-2 400 1.3 AD 1 103 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 75 Fiction K-2 1.8 NP 1 258 Fiction K-2 1.6 NA 1 120 Non-Fiction K-2 1.8 NA 1 115 Non-Fiction K-2 1.6 NA 1 163 Non-Fiction K-2 1.6 NA 1 133 Non-Fiction K-2 1 24 Fiction K-2 1 46 Fiction K-2 0 30 1.5 0 1.2 BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q16713 I Like The Music Q31612 I Like The Way You Are Q05581 I Like Things Q21876 I Like To Be Little Q25406 I Like To Win! Q15278 I Like You Q20250 I Like Your Buttons! Q27401 I Live At The Museum Author Name Komaiko, Leah Bunting, Eve Hillert, Margaret Zolotow, Charlotte Simon, Charnan Warburg, Sandol Stoddard Lamstein, Sarah Marwil Berg, Wally Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 170 3.5 2.3 NP 1 2 590 1575 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 318 Fiction K-2 160 2.1 2 750 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 95 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 2 822 Fiction K-2 1 1 403 481 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 531 Fiction K-2 1 1114 Fiction K-2 280 390 3.7 2.1 Q15481 I Lost My Bear 320 2.2 Q38266 620 2.8 0 1.2 BR 1 96 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 93 Fiction K-2 360 1.7 1 116 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 1 130 Fiction K-2 30 1.5 1 43 Fiction K-2 660 3.7 AD 1 121 Fiction K-2 1.7 NP 2 1086 Fiction K-2 420 740 2.1 4.5 AD AD 1 1 334 260 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 240 1.3 1.1 BR AD 1 1 94 193 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.4 NA 1 94 Fiction K-2 2 1247 Fiction K-2 1 184 Fiction K-2 Q19372 Q26716 Q18090 Q22927 Q18089 Q05583 Q05584 Q05585 Q49179 Q27749 Q54025 Feiffer, Jules Diakite, I Lost My Tooth In Africa Penda Wilhelm, I Lost My Tooth! Hans McDonnell, I Love Animals Flora Matthias, I Love Cats Catherine Wilhelm, I Love Colors! Hans Dobkin, I Love Fishing Bonnie I Love Mud And Mud Loves Stephens, Me Vicki Szekeres, I Love My Busy Book Cyndy Hudson, I Love My Family Wade I Love My Pirate Papa Leuck, Laura Wilhelm, I Love My Shadow! Hans I Love My White Shoes Litwin, Eric Q24257 I Love Rocks I Love Saturdays y Q33563 domingos Q37756 I Love School! Meister, Cari Ada, Alma Flor Sturges, Philemon 510 AD BR 3.1 1.4 NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q05586 I Love Spiders Q36494 I Love The Rain Q31382 I Love To Cuddle Q16046 I Love To Sneeze Q36947 I Love Trains! Q36660 I Love Trees Q24176 I Love Trucks! Q20942 I Love You Q38381 I Love You All Day Long I Love You Because You're Q25900 You I Love You Like Crazy Q24104 Cakes Q18807 I Love You So Much Q05587 I Love You The Purplest Q23968 I Love You When... I Love You With All My Q21252 Heart Q05588 I Love You, Dear Dragon Q05590 I Love You, Little One Q25778 I Love You, Mouse Q37917 I Love You, Stinky Face I Love You, Sun I Love You, Q25093 Moon I Love You, Winnie The Q23545 Pooh Q20105 I Love You: A Rebus Poem Q05591 I Met A Man Q17778 I Miss Franklin P. Shuckles Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Parker, John Bridges, Margaret Park Norac, Carl Schecter, Ellen Sturges, Philemon 260 1.6 610 320 1.8 1.8 610 1.7 220 1.4 Meister, Cari Sturges, Philemon Charlip, Remy Rusackas, Francesca Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 85 Fiction K-2 AD 1 1 244 314 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 AD 1 308 Fiction K-2 1 95 Fiction K-2 1.4 BR 1 92 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 79 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 121 Fiction K-2 430 2.1 1 282 Fiction K-2 Baker, Liza 450 1.8 AD 1 186 Fiction K-2 Lewis, Rose Norac, Carl Joosse, Barbara M. Hasse, John Edward 550 520 2.8 3.5 AD 2 1 633 414 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 600 3.5 AD 2 624 Fiction K-2 70 1.5 AD 1 146 Fiction K-2 Kern, Noris Hillert, Margaret Tafuri, Nancy Graham, John 310 1.7 AD 1 433 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 268 Fiction K-2 300 1.8 AD 1 406 Fiction K-2 390 1.9 1 346 Fiction K-2 McCourt, Lisa 1290 Pandell, Karen 0 Titlebaum, Ellen 480 Marzollo, Jean Ciardi, John Snihura, Ulana 300 3.7 AD 1 522 Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 64 Fiction K-2 2.2 AD 2 1103 Fiction K-2 1.5 1.9 NP NA 1 2 117 2000 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 586 Fiction K-2 1.5 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q34646 I Need A Little Help Q05592 I Need A Lunch Box Q27931 I Need A Snake Q54369 I Need My Monster Q32873 I Need You Q05593 I Need You, Dear Dragon Q05594 I Never Did That Before Q23665 I Remember Papa Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Schulz, Kathy Caines, Jeannette 150 1.2 530 2.7 Jonell, Lynne Noll, Amanda Murphy, Patricia J. Hillert, Margaret 170 1.9 490 1.6 0 0 Moore, Lilian Ketteman, Helen Cuyler, Margery Stern, Ellen Schwartz, Alvin Hall, Kirsten Maccarone, Grace Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 72 Fiction K-2 1 217 Fiction K-2 1 521 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1142 Fiction K-2 1.4 BR 1 120 Fiction K-2 1.1 BR 1 252 Fiction K-2 2.8 NP 2 776 Fiction K-2 2 1280 Fiction K-2 AD 520 3.5 490 2.6 4.1 AD NP 2 1 1070 443 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 2.5 1.1 NP BR 2 1 976 75 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 70 1.7 1 122 Fiction K-2 Arnosky, Jim Blevins, Wiley 680 2.9 AD 1 559 Non-Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 30 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 45 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.2 1.5 BR BR 1 1 43 112 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q05612 I Shop With My Daddy I Speak English For My Q13358 Mom Curry, Don L. Blevins, Wiley Karlin, Nurit Maccarone, Grace Stanek, Muriel 0 1.5 BR 1 136 Fiction K-2 540 4.9 AD 2 1269 Fiction K-2 Q31203 I Spy (Anthology) Lazar, Lynda 490 1.6 1 130 Fiction K-2 Q47711 I Spy Fly Guy! I Spy: A Game To Read Q05613 And Play Arnold, Tedd Haynes, Caitlin McMullan, Kate Cole, Henry 310 2.1 1 286 Fiction K-2 300 1.7 1 208 Fiction K-2 0 190 1.7 2.1 1 1 260 138 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q48689 I Repeat, Don't Cheat! Q38728 I Saw A Bullfrog I Saw You In The Bathtub Q05607 And Other Folk Rhymes Q05608 I See A Bug Q26477 I See A Leaf Q05609 I See Animals Hiding Q34972 I See Bugs Q29006 I See Fish Q35045 I See Flags Q05611 I See, You Saw Q31087 I Stink! Q27583 I Took A Walk BR AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title I Took My Frog To The Q05616 Library Q21707 I Walk At Night Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 430 1.5 2.4 AD NP 1 1 229 154 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 460 2.3 AD 1 531 Fiction K-2 610 430 3.9 1.4 AD AD 2 1 1275 362 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 130 240 420 1.3 1.3 1.4 AD 1 1 1 46 132 325 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 Q15470 I Want A Pet Q05620 I Want My Dinner Q51580 I Want My Light On! Kimmel, Eric A. Duncan, Lois Orloff, Karen Kaufman Khalsa, Dayal Kaur Ross, Tony Gregorich, Barbara Ross, Tony Ross, Tony Q22084 I Want To Be Moss, Thylias 640 4.3 2 728 Fiction K-2 Q17082 I Want To Be A Cowboy Firefly Books, 590 2.6 1 313 Non-Fiction K-2 Q17081 I Want To Be A Firefighter Firefly Books, 510 3.2 1 312 Non-Fiction K-2 Q17080 I Want To Be A Pilot Firefly Books, Barton, Q13012 I Want To Be An Astronaut Byron 540 2.6 1 346 Non-Fiction K-2 100 1.6 1 88 Fiction K-2 Q46120 I Want To Be Free Q54140 I Want To Do It Myself! 150 500 1.1 1.7 AD AD 1 1 375 444 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 600 510 590 2.4 1.8 2.3 AD AD AD 1 1 1 315 222 665 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 340 2.8 1 531 Fiction K-2 430 2.5 AD 1 234 Fiction K-2 0 110 1.5 1.8 BR 1 1 299 138 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.4 NP 1 105 Fiction K-2 500 1.7 AD 1 576 Fiction K-2 370 2.8 AD 1 568 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 110 Fiction K-2 Q35539 I Wanna Iguana Q15663 I Want A Dog Q56252 I Want A Party! Q58018 I Want To Help! Q58024 I Want To Win! Q49161 I Want Two Birthdays! I Was A Second Grade Q05623 Werewolf Q16213 I Was So Mad I Was Walking Down The Q05627 Road Q31114 I Went To The Bay Slate, Joseph Ross, Tony Adams, Diane Ross, Tony Ross, Tony Pinkwater, Daniel Mayer, Mercer Barchas, Sarah E. Miller, Ruth Williams, Sue Q05629 I Went Walking I Will Be Especially Very Q47705 Careful Child, Lauren I Will Never Not Ever Eat A Q24862 Tomato Child, Lauren Q28290 I Will Win! SmallGamby, Julie SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 0 510 1.3 2.8 BR AD 1 1 240 90 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 230 1.6 1 155 Fiction K-2 490 2.8 AD 1 490 Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 66 Fiction K-2 360 2.1 AD 1 208 Fiction K-2 240 1.9 AD 1 461 Fiction K-2 50 1.9 1 575 Fiction K-2 Viorst, Judith Havill, Juanita Marzollo, Jean Sloat, Teri Packard, Mary Trapani, Iza Hall, Kirsten Marzollo, Jean Ross, Tony Kunhardt, Edith Kunhardt, Edith Kunhardt, Edith Kunhardt, Edith Aliki, Metzger, Steve Tuer, Judy 800 3.7 2 844 Fiction K-2 360 1.7 1 258 Fiction K-2 60 380 1.3 1.3 AD 1 1 174 480 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 130 0 1.1 2.8 1.3 NP BR 1 1 1 55 342 56 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 60 460 1.1 2.9 AD 1 1 175 228 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 290 1.6 1 379 Non-Fiction K-2 430 2.3 1 526 Non-Fiction K-2 380 2.1 1 606 Non-Fiction K-2 360 400 1.9 2.9 1 1 466 551 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 270 750 2.2 4.5 AD AD 2 1 863 84 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q26356 I'm Not Bobby! Feiffer, Jules I'm Not Going To Chase The Harper, Q31085 Cat Today! Jessica 60 1.7 AD 1 346 Fiction K-2 240 1.9 AD 1 258 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q33397 I Will Win! Q05631 I Wish I Could Fly I Wish I Had Glasses Like Q47419 Rosa I Wish My Brother Was A Q05633 Dog Q37786 I Won't Share! Q34199 I'll Always Come Back! Q25902 I'll Always Love You Q25472 I'll Do It Later Q05641 I'll Fix Anthony Q29652 I'll Join You (Anthology) Q05644 I'm A Caterpillar Q49657 I'm A Duck! Q05645 I'm A Fire Fighter Q05646 I'm A Little Teapot Q34318 I'm A Princess Q05647 I'm A Seed Q05648 I'm Coming To Get You Q05650 I'm Going To Be A Farmer I'm Going To Be A Fire Q05651 Fighter I'm Going To Be A Police Q05652 Officer Q05653 I'm Going To Be A Vet Q05656 I'm Growing! Q18892 I'm Having A Bad Day! Q15419 I'm Hungry Author Name Betz, Adrienne Maris, Ron Heling, Kathryn Shields, Carol Diggory Wilhelm, Hans Metzger, Steve Lewis, Paeony Tidd, Louise Vitellaro SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q29591 I'm Not Moving, Mama! Q05659 I'm Not Scared Q31391 I'm Not Scared! Q18878 I'm Not Your Friend! Q21032 I'm On The Phone Q39185 I'm So Embarrassed! Q28929 I'm So Scared! Q23347 I'm Sorry Q18890 I'm Super Dino! I'm Taking A Trip On My Q31383 Train Q05661 I'm Terrific Q18893 I'm The Boss! Q05662 I've Got Chicken Pox Q19367 I, Crocodile I, Doko: The Tale Of A Q39362 Basket Q43379 I, Matthew Henson Q43374 I, Vivaldi Q41900 I. Q. Gets Fit Q34913 I.Q. Goes To School Ian's Walk: A Story About Q22909 Autism Q05667 Ibis: A True Whale Story Q26329 Icarus Swinebuckle Q37893 Ice Bear Q25558 Ice Bear And Little Fox Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level 340 200 1.9 1.5 0 1.4 260 0 2.2 1.7 620 20 Mayer, Gina Metzger, Steve Neitzel, Shirley Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Metzger, Steve Kelley, True Marcellino, Fred Young, Ed Weatherfor d, Carole Boston Shefelman, Janice Fraser, Mary Ann Fraser, Mary Ann Carlstrom, Nancy White Hall, Kirsten Wilhelm, Hans Metzger, Steve Lang, Greg Munsch, Robert Hall, Kirsten Lears, Laurie Himmelman, John Garland, Michael Davies, Nicola London, Jonathan Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 1 371 77 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 BR 1 125 Fiction K-2 AD BR 2 1 951 235 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 3.3 1.2 1 1 696 74 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 330 2.2 1 399 Fiction K-2 250 2.2 AD 2 730 Fiction K-2 1.9 NP 1 566 Fiction K-2 2 1473 Fiction K-2 400 3.3 300 480 2.2 4.7 AD 2 2 997 966 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 300 1.7 AD 2 627 Fiction K-2 670 3.5 AD 1 535 Fiction K-2 1070 9.6 1 965 Non-Fiction K-2 570 3.3 2 1775 Fiction K-2 700 3.6 1 800 Fiction K-2 510 2.7 1 738 Fiction K-2 430 3.4 2 862 Fiction K-2 530 3.1 2 733 Fiction K-2 390 2.8 AD 2 895 Fiction K-2 950 4.1 AD 1 737 Non-Fiction K-2 660 4.2 AD 2 700 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 760 4.6 AD 2 1642 Fiction K-2 860 4.6 AD 2 1302 Non-Fiction K-2 640 3.7 2 1203 Non-Fiction K-2 360 1.7 1 214 Fiction K-2 Ward, Becky Parker, Marjorie Blain 320 1.6 1 203 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 1 100 Fiction K-2 Kowitt, Holly Greene, Ice Is...Whee! Carol Jordan, Ice Race, The Apple Ice Storms (Blastoff! Wendorff, Readers) Anne CoccaLeffler, Ice-Cold Birthday Maryann Bracken, Ice-Cold Drinks (Anthology) Patrick Greenstein, Ice-Cream Cones For Sale! Elaine Icebergs, Ice Caps, And Glaciers Fowler, Allan Icky Bug Alphabet Book, Pallotta, The Jerry Pallotta, Icky Bug Colors Jerry Pallotta, Icky Bug Counting Book, The Jerry Pallotta, Icky Bug Numbers Jerry Pallotta, Icky Bug Shapes Jerry 320 2.1 1 513 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 1 58 Fiction K-2 320 2.1 1 330 Fiction K-2 830 2.9 1 618 Non-Fiction K-2 150 1.6 1 450 Fiction K-2 320 1.4 1 143 Fiction K-2 790 3.5 2 831 Non-Fiction K-2 760 1.9 1 529 Non-Fiction K-2 530 4.9 2 892 Fiction K-2 460 2.5 2 737 Non-Fiction K-2 620 4.8 AD 2 1027 Fiction K-2 610 3.3 AD 1 796 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.5 2 850 Non-Fiction K-2 900 5.2 2 1791 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.1 1 345 Non-Fiction K-2 790 5.1 2 2443 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q53890 Ice Bear, The Q46405 Ice Bears Q33602 Ice Cream Q05669 Ice Cream Bear Ice Cream Crash, An Q31177 (Anthology) Q28514 Ice Cream Everywhere! Author Name Morris, Jackie Guiberson, Brenda Z. Cooper, Elisha Alborough, Jez Q32637 Ice Force Q14522 Q46713 Q44663 Q05678 Q31181 Q33507 Q05682 Q05686 Q31727 Q05687 Q37827 Q33953 Ida B. Wells: Let The Truth Q45597 Be Told Idaho (Rookie Read-About Q39222 Geography) If A Bus Could Talk: The Q21671 Story Of Rosa Parks Myers, Walter Dean Zollman, Pam Ringgold, Faith AD BR BR AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 730 4.1 AD 1 358 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 88 Fiction K-2 480 2.1 2 708 Fiction K-2 680 2.5 1 367 Fiction K-2 Q36569 If I Were a Lion Wlodarski, Loran Domanska, Janina Hendrick, Mary Jean McNulty, Faith Van Dusen, Chris Kroninger, Stephen Pomerantz, Charlotte Yaccarino, Dan Orgill, Roxane Stier, Catherine Seuss, Dr. Seuss, Dr. Weeks, Sarah Q53980 If I Were A Veterinarian Q14528 If I Were An Ant Lyons, Shelly Moses, Amy 690 150 2.3 2.3 AD 1 1 384 172 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Fowler, Allan Thomas, Joan Q49216 If Jesus Came To My House G. 760 2.6 AD 1 370 Non-Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 1 677 Fiction K-2 480 4.2 2.9 NP AD 4 2 5488 729 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 360 2.9 2 1432 Fiction K-2 Q40047 If A Dolphin Were A Fish If All The Seas Were One Q20744 Sea If Anything Ever Goes Q05692 Wrong At The Zoo Q27878 If Dogs Ruled The World Q43384 If I Built A Car Q25383 If I Crossed The Road Q05694 If I Had A Paka Q23003 If I Had A Robot If I Only Had A Horn: Q29602 Young Louis Armstrong Q43955 If I Ran For President Q16412 If I Ran The Circus Q05696 If I Ran The Zoo Q05700 If It Weren't For Farmers Q38461 If Kids Ruled The School Q29737 If Nathan Were Here Q23720 If Only I Were... If Snow Falls: A Story For Q05705 December Q05706 Q05710 Q37741 Q55695 Lansky, Bruce Bahr, Mary Sommer, Carl Agee, Jon Most, If The Dinosaurs Came Back Bernard If You Are A Hunter Of Fossils Baylor, Byrd If You Decide To Go To The McNulty, Moon Faith If You Give A Cat A Numeroff, Cupcake Laura 90 4.5 NP 1 832 Fiction K-2 1.4 AD 1 96 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 2 884 Fiction K-2 410 2.1 1 185 Fiction K-2 860 3.7 2 1280 Non-Fiction K-2 910 6.3 3.9 3.8 NC NP NP 2 2 2 1317 1780 1637 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 290 1.5 AD 1 222 Fiction K-2 1.3 NP 1 80 Fiction K-2 720 2.5 AD 1 273 Fiction K-2 870 5.7 AD 2 652 Fiction K-2 690 2.7 AD 2 1833 Non-Fiction K-2 440 1.5 AD 1 319 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 430 1.4 AD 1 234 Fiction K-2 590 2.7 AD 1 306 Fiction K-2 660 1.8 AD 1 291 Fiction K-2 570 2.8 1 290 Fiction K-2 430 2.5 1 228 Fiction K-2 610 2.8 AD 1 422 Fiction K-2 990 2.5 AD 2 1657 Non-Fiction K-2 Q14933 If You Love A Bear 550 2.2 AD 1 200 Fiction K-2 Q05727 840 3.9 AD 2 1066 Non-Fiction K-2 570 3.5 1 596 Fiction K-2 190 2.3 AD 1 261 Fiction K-2 240 1.9 AD 1 231 Fiction K-2 640 3.4 AD 1 375 Non-Fiction K-2 770 2.9 2 1030 Non-Fiction K-2 780 2.9 2 1186 Non-Fiction K-2 320 2.1 1 380 Non-Fiction K-2 700 3.5 1 364 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q54659 Q05713 Q05714 Q05715 Q38243 Title Author Name Numeroff, If You Give A Dog A Donut Laura If You Give A Moose A Numeroff, Muffin Laura Joffe If You Give A Mouse A Numeroff, Cookie Laura Joffe If You Give A Pig A Numeroff, Pancake Laura Numeroff, If You Give A Pig A Party Laura If You Had A Nose Like An Bauer, Q26478 Elephant's Trunk Marion Dane Schwartz, Q17387 If You Hopped Like A Frog David M. Q15775 Q31000 Q22809 Q40052 Q26775 Q27977 Q29192 Harper, Piers Schwartz, If You Made A Million David M. If You Should Hear A Sayre, April Honey Guide Pulley If You Take A Mouse To Numeroff, School Laura If You Take A Mouse To The Numeroff, Movies Laura Rawson, If You Were A Parrot Katherine Schomp, If You Were A Veterinarian Virginia Schomp, If You Were An Astronaut Virginia Willett, If You Were An Octopus Andrew Q13697 If You Were Born A Kitten Q05735 If You Were My Bunny If You're Angry And You Q37802 Know It! Q16559 Iguana Brothers, The Bauer, Marion Dane McMullan, Kate Kaiser, Cecily Johnston, Tony Riehecky, Janet Q55202 Iguanodon Illinois (Rookie Read-About Q23142 Geography) Fowler, Allan 3.5 NP 1 569 Fiction K-2 1.3 NP 1 257 Non-Fiction K-2 160 1.9 2 1372 Fiction K-2 370 2.2 1 140 Non-Fiction K-2 1 324 Non-Fiction K-2 3.1 NA SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q26357 Imaginative Inventions Q15462 Imagine Imagine You Are A Q27910 Crocodile Q27792 Imani's Music Q50304 Immi's Gift Q05758 Imogene's Antlers Q48103 Imogene's Last Stand Q20337 Important Book, The Q05760 In 1492 Q43321 In A Blue Room Q05763 In A Dark, Dark House In A Dark, Dark Room And Q05764 Other Scary Stories Q29606 In A Nutshell Q05765 In A People House Q05768 In America Q29106 In And Out Q41529 In Arctic Waters Q05774 In Daddy's Arms I Am Tall Q38960 In Dinosaur Times Q29992 In Eight More Years In For Winter, Out For Q25111 Spring Q26004 In Grandmother's Arms Author Name Harper, Charise Mericle Lester, Alison Wallace, Karen Williams, Sheron Littlewood, Karin Small, David Fleming, Candace Brown, Margaret Wise Marzollo, Jean Averbeck, Jim Dussling, Jennifer Schwartz, Alvin Anthony, Joseph LeSieg, Theo Moss, Marissa McDuff, Dona R. Crawford, Laura Steptoe, Javaka Nelson, May Verne, Julie Adoff, Arnold Shelton, Jayne C. Lexile Levels Reading Level 800 4.3 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 2250 Non-Fiction K-2 2.9 NP 2 616 Fiction K-2 330 2.6 AD 1 392 Fiction K-2 760 4.7 AD 2 1818 Fiction K-2 560 2.2 AD 1 291 Fiction K-2 640 3.5 AD 1 286 Fiction K-2 630 2.5 AD 2 1138 Fiction K-2 580 3.1 AD 1 414 Fiction K-2 310 2.1 1 195 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2.4 1 205 Fiction K-2 1 182 Fiction K-2 2 849 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 430 2.3 540 2.3 AD 1 419 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 177 Fiction K-2 2 1055 Fiction K-2 440 2.5 0 1.2 BR 1 20 Fiction K-2 3.1 NP 1 325 Fiction K-2 2.8 NP 2 1065 Fiction K-2 1 1 323 417 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 480 570 2.5 2.5 3.7 NP 2 2268 Fiction K-2 3.1 NP 1 317 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title In Like A Lion Out Like A Q53291 Lamb Q05778 In My Backyard Q41530 In My Backyard In My Backyard (Rookie Q34843 Reader) Q22147 Q29583 Q27459 Q27937 Q46894 Q29908 Q25129 Q14551 Q05788 Q29164 Q05790 Q29955 Q29193 Q29856 Q05791 Q05795 Q15404 Q45266 Q17624 Author Name Bauer, Marion Dane DeVries, John Giogas, Valarie Curry, Don L. Nolen, In My Momma's Kitchen Jerdine In My Own Backyard Kurjian, Judi Rylant, In November Cynthia Canizares, In Our Country Susan Polacco, In Our Mothers' House Patricia Garrido, In Space Belen Berger, In The Air Samantha Oram, In The Attic Hiawyn Ada, Alma In The Barrio Flor In The Cave Riley, Kana Pasternac, In The City Susana Lewis, In The City (Lewis) Kathryn E. Silbey, In The City (Silbey) Robyn Daniel, In The City Park Claire Loomis, In The Diner Christine Ets, Marie In The Forest Hall Schiller, In The Forest Melissa George, In The Garden: Who's Been Lindsay Here? Barrett In The Haunted House Bunting, Eve Q27117 In The Lake Apple, Gary Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 450 1.5 AD 1 248 Fiction K-2 260 1.6 AD 1 164 Fiction K-2 820 4.7 AD 1 275 Fiction K-2 250 1.5 1 66 Fiction K-2 530 720 2.8 4.4 AD 2 2 1573 978 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 440 2.5 AD 1 313 Fiction K-2 30 1.3 1 67 Non-Fiction K-2 750 3.6 2 2483 Fiction K-2 180 1.5 1 76 Fiction K-2 0 1.9 1 38 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.9 1 140 Fiction K-2 600 0 3.4 1.5 1 1 130 59 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 150 1.3 1 45 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 1 38 Fiction K-2 200 1.6 1 136 Fiction K-2 90 1.3 1 81 Fiction K-2 200 1.5 1 84 Fiction K-2 270 3.6 1 562 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 71 Fiction K-2 440 2.4 1.5 NP 1 1 520 280 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 96 Non-Fiction K-2 220 1.3 AD BR AD BR BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 670 5.2 AD 2 1733 Fiction K-2 330 2.8 AD 1 318 Fiction K-2 370 2.6 AD 1 549 Fiction K-2 Q05806 In The Rain With Baby Duck Hest, Amy Olaleye, Q20275 In The Rainfield Isaac O. Ferraro, Q29166 In The Sea Bonita Rio Q38322 In The Small, Small Night Kurtz, Jane Fleming, Q05808 In The Small, Small Pond Denise Lee, Huy Q26684 In The Snow Voun George, In The Snow: Who's Been Lindsay Q05809 Here? Barrett Pluckrose, Q19352 In The Supermarket Henry Florian, Q17411 In The Swim Douglas Fleming, Q05811 In The Tall, Tall Grass Denise Ahearn, Q34082 In The Time Of War Daniel Mortensen, Q51335 In The Trees, Honey Bees Lori Gibson, Q28997 In The Woods Akimi 240 1.5 AD 1 439 Fiction K-2 380 2.4 AD 2 621 Fiction K-2 0 560 1.6 3 BR AD 1 2 177 1307 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2.5 NP 1 64 Fiction K-2 420 2.6 AD 1 484 Fiction K-2 430 1.5 2 377 Fiction K-2 540 3.5 1 308 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title In The Moonlight Mist: A Q23241 Korean Tale Q05805 In The Night Kitchen Q31301 In The Park Author Name San Souci, Daniel Sendak, Maurice Lee, Huy Voun 3.2 NP 2 720 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 61 Fiction K-2 2 1365 Fiction K-2 310 2.7 650 2.7 AD 1 489 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 34 Fiction K-2 Q31168 In The Woods (Anthology) 430 1.7 1 196 Non-Fiction K-2 Q29168 90 1.8 1 133 Fiction K-2 410 210 2.8 1.7 1 1 347 183 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 347 Fiction K-2 1 328 Non-Fiction K-2 1 1 414 301 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Q05814 Q05822 Q05823 Q05826 Q55820 Q52437 Ward, Becky Havill, In The Woods (Havill) Juanita George, In The Woods: Who's Been Lindsay Here? Barrett Inch By Inch Lionni, Leo Inch By Inch: The Garden Mallett, Song David Dahl, Inclined Planes Michael Incredible Book Eating Boy, Jeffers, The Oliver Incredible Insects Barnes, Zoe 2.5 560 1.5 470 460 1.5 2.5 NP AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Incredible Life Of Balto, Q55012 The Q21365 Incredible Ned Q56415 Incredible Owls Author Name McCarthy, Meghan Maynard, Bill Martin, Justin McCory Simon, Seymour Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 810 4.3 AD 2 1005 Non-Fiction K-2 2.8 NP 1 563 Fiction K-2 480 2.6 1 321 Non-Fiction K-2 670 2.8 1 431 Non-Fiction K-2 520 3.1 1 636 Non-Fiction K-2 320 1.6 2 1735 Fiction K-2 Frost, Helen 360 1.8 1 182 Non-Fiction K-2 Independence Day (Rookie Read-About Holidays Trueit, Trudi Q39844 Children's Press) Strain 690 3.7 1 419 Non-Fiction K-2 Independence Day (Rookie Q27996 Read-About Holidays) Q52293 India Q22430 India (Visit To) 510 840 600 1.9 5.5 2.9 1 2 2 304 1641 643 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 660 3.9 2 1257 Non-Fiction K-2 690 3.3 3 4047 Fiction K-2 700 630 3.7 4.6 2 1 2 2 379 2379 0 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 1090 9.3 1 978 Fiction K-2 Q45481 Inky The Indigo Fairy Millen, C.M. Meadows, Daisy 580 2.8 4 4336 Fiction K-2 Q47914 Insect Detective Voake, Steve 840 4.5 1 765 Non-Fiction K-2 Q52765 Insect Homes 560 2.8 1 404 Non-Fiction K-2 Q13067 Insectlopedia Carlin, Lydia Florian, Douglas 2 762 Fiction K-2 Q05858 Insects Grassy, John 580 2 722 Non-Fiction K-2 Q34076 Incredible Sharks Incredible You! 10 Ways To Let Your Greatness Shine Q43754 Through Incredibly Awesome Box, Q34227 The Independence Day Q20566 (National Holidays) Q18070 India (We Come From) Q48399 India The Moonstone Fairy Q42506 Indiana Q22431 Indonesia (Next Stop!) Q05849 Infancia animal Ink Garden Of Brother Q50395 Theophane, The Dyer, Dr. Wayne W. Rocklin, Joanne Marx, David F. Bartell, Jim Roop, Peter Cumming, David Meadows, Daisy Hyde, Judith Jensen Martin, Fred Ganeri, A. 4.1 3.3 AD NC AD AD NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Q26124 Insects Are My Life Inside A Barn In The Q25326 Country Inside A House That Is Q25514 Haunted MacLulich, Carolyn O'Neil, Sarah Theodorou, Rod Taylor, Barbara Royston, Angela McDonald, Megan Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Inside A Zoo In The City: A Q22712 Rebus Read-Along Story Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Q14740 Inside An Ant Colony Fowler, Allan George, Lindsay Barrett Q15439 Insects Q21038 Insects Q22328 Insects (Animal Babies) Q26742 Insects (Face-To-Face) Insects And Crawly Q39480 Creatures (Eye Openers) Inside Mouse, Outside Q38466 Mouse Q22373 Q21581 Q51330 Q05866 Q50381 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 580 3.3 AD 1 161 Non-Fiction K-2 210 1.8 IG 1 249 Non-Fiction K-2 640 3.8 2 863 Non-Fiction K-2 690 3.4 2 1868 Non-Fiction K-2 690 3.7 1 380 Non-Fiction K-2 340 2.8 2 1114 Fiction K-2 550 AD 2.1 NP 2 619 Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 1 435 Fiction K-2 1.9 NP 2 640 Fiction K-2 1 463 Non-Fiction K-2 2.8 NP 1 161 Fiction K-2 3.6 NA 4 1000 Fiction K-2 0 1.6 BR 1 66 Fiction K-2 150 2.3 2 1247 Fiction K-2 720 3.9 2 1626 Non-Fiction K-2 430 3.1 AD 1 355 Non-Fiction K-2 950 6.4 NC 2 1691 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.9 2 2020 Non-Fiction K-2 300 1.1 AD 1 477 Fiction K-2 Rose, Deborah Lee 30 2.7 AD 1 115 Fiction K-2 Sheldon, David 940 6.3 AD 2 1242 Non-Fiction K-2 Ryder, Joanne Berenstain, Jan Cushman, Inspector Hopper Doug International Space Station, Branley, The Franklyn M. Jeunesse, Internet (First Discovery) Gallimard Internet For Kids (2000 Kazunas, Edition), The Charnan Internet: A Kid's Handbook, Alexander, The Francie Stein, David Interrupting Chicken Ezra Q21822 Into The A, B, Sea Into The Deep: The Life Of Naturalist And Explorer Q46832 William Beebe Reading Level 1.4 Inside Turtle's Shell And Q05861 Other Poems Of The Field Inside, Outside, Upside Q05862 Down Q22165 Lexile Levels SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 430 2.1 AD 1 524 Fiction K-2 Q35880 Into The Forest Browne, Anthony Q05875 Intuition Invasion Of The Pig Sisters Q39052 (Fitch & Chip) Hurwitz, Sue Wheeler, Lisa 720 3.8 2 1003 Non-Fiction K-2 290 1.5 1 916 Fiction K-2 Q29927 Invent An Insect Inventions Then And Now Q31271 (Anthology) Brand, Judith 230 1.5 1 158 Fiction K-2 Article, Yorinks, Arthur Harper, Charise Mericle Ringgold, Faith Sapre, Reshma Waber, Bernard Waber, Bernard Simmons, Walter Owings, Lisa Sexton, Colleen 540 1.9 1 113 Non-Fiction K-2 480 1.6 AD 1 702 Fiction K-2 770 4.3 AD 2 1115 Fiction K-2 830 5.3 AD 2 2084 Fiction K-2 440 2.5 1 296 Non-Fiction K-2 380 3.5 2 2015 Fiction K-2 310 3.5 2 1192 Fiction K-2 840 810 5.5 5.3 2 2 1537 1563 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 790 5.2 2 1498 Non-Fiction K-2 Bell, Rachael 620 2.9 2 709 Non-Fiction K-2 Smalls, Irene Steig, Q05892 Irene, la valiente William Guest, Elissa Q24705 Iris And Walter Haden Iris And Walter And Baby Guest, Elissa Q31856 Rose Haden Iris And Walter And Cousin Guest, Elissa Q33849 Howie Haden Iris And Walter And The Guest, Elissa Q38344 Birthday Party Haden Iris and Walter and the Guest, Elissa Q37188 Field Trip Haden Iris And Walter And The Guest, Elissa Q35550 Substitute Teacher Haden 730 4.6 2 2009 Fiction K-2 640 2 2 1792 Fiction K-2 330 2.6 2 702 Fiction K-2 330 2.6 2 867 Fiction K-2 340 2.6 2 849 Fiction K-2 340 2.1 1 838 Fiction K-2 450 2.3 2 891 Fiction K-2 470 2.3 1 799 Fiction K-2 Q52885 Invisible Man, The Q37762 Invisible Mistakecase, The Q23931 Invisible Princess, The Q56807 Iowa Q05889 Ira Says Goodbye Q05890 Ira Sleeps Over Q53315 Iran Q53317 Iraq Q52294 Ireland Q22432 Ireland (Visit To) Irene And The Big, Fine Q17630 Nickel AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q36414 Q32798 Q31804 Q24640 Q05893 Q24599 Q23242 Q42372 Q05898 Q54031 Q42495 Q31279 Q05900 Q15414 Q33346 Q31467 Q05903 Q24006 Q05904 Q28996 Q15422 Q05905 Q17745 Q36219 Title Iris and Walter Lost and Found Iris And Walter The School Play Iris And Walter The Sleepover Iris And Walter True Friends Author Name Guest, Elissa Haden Guest, Elissa Haden Guest, Elissa Haden Guest, Elissa Haden Climo, Irish Cinderlad, The Shirley Thomas, Irish Step Dancing Mark Iron Horses Kay, Verla Irving And Muktuk: Two Bad Pinkwater, Bears Daniel Is A Blue Whale The Wells, Biggest Thing There Is? Robert E. Is A Paw A Foot?: All About Hirschmann, Measurement Kris Gray, Susan Is It A Dinosaur? H. Is It A Frog Or A Toad? (Anthology) Article, Lankford, Is It Dark? Is It Light? Mary D. Campbell, Is It Time? Jane Is My Friend At Home?: Bierhorst, Pueblo Fireside Tales John Hartelius, Is That You, Santa? Margaret A. Is There Life In Outer Branley, Space? Franklyn M. Is There Room On The Gray, Libba Feather Bed? Moore Is This A House For Hermit McDonald, Crab? Megan Is This You? Krauss, Ruth Blaxland, Is Tomorrow My Birthday? Wendy Guarino, Is Your Mama A Llama? Deborah Santoro, Isaac The Ice Cream Truck Scott Reynolds, Ish Peter H. Lexile Levels Reading Level 450 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.3 1 916 Fiction K-2 310 2.6 2 948 Fiction K-2 350 2.6 2 888 Fiction K-2 270 2.6 2 873 Fiction K-2 730 3.5 AD 2 2459 Fiction K-2 1.6 2.1 NA NP 1 1 126 186 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 820 4.8 NC 1 775 Fiction K-2 850 5.6 AD 2 691 Non-Fiction K-2 680 3.2 AD 2 1843 Non-Fiction K-2 390 2.3 1 335 Non-Fiction K-2 430 1.8 1 45 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 92 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 30 Fiction K-2 300 2.9 AD 2 2273 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 241 Fiction K-2 2 795 Non-Fiction K-2 550 3.1 930 3.5 AD 2 677 Fiction K-2 710 0 2.5 1.6 BR 1 1 578 319 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 87 Fiction K-2 290 1.6 1 344 Fiction K-2 660 1.7 1 454 Fiction K-2 440 2.1 1 333 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Q31239 Isla Dorros, Arthur 410 2.8 AD 2 952 Fiction K-2 Q05917 Island Baby Keller, Holly 640 4.5 AD 2 893 Fiction K-2 Q16978 Island Christmas, An Joseph, Lynn Stiles, Martha Bennett Kellogg, Steven Melville, Dorothy Anderson, Sheila 660 4.4 AD 2 1212 Fiction K-2 490 3.2 AD 2 733 Fiction K-2 530 4.2 2 1019 Fiction K-2 320 1.9 1 384 Non-Fiction K-2 370 2.2 1 294 Non-Fiction K-2 Berry, James Simmons, Walter Roop, Peter Calmenson, Stephanie Zemach, Margot 660 3.3 2 963 Fiction K-2 890 580 5.7 2.9 2 2 1704 596 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 80 1.9 1 624 Non-Fiction K-2 650 4.5 AD 2 827 Fiction K-2 Q05938 It Could Still Be A Butterfly Fowler, Allan 700 2.5 AD 1 453 Non-Fiction K-2 Q14782 It Could Still Be A Cat Fowler, Allan 520 1.3 1 313 Non-Fiction K-2 Q14767 It Could Still Be A Desert Fowler, Allan 690 2.3 1 588 Non-Fiction K-2 Q05939 It Could Still Be A Dinosaur Fowler, Allan 730 2.7 AD 1 312 Non-Fiction K-2 2.9 NA 1 217 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q20370 Island Magic Q05926 Island Of The Skog, The Q26929 Island State, The Q43073 Islands Q31474 Isn't My Name Magical? Q52739 Israel Q22433 Israel (Visit To) Q05934 It Begins With An A Q05937 It Could Always Be Worse Author Name Q24266 It Could Still Be A Flower Fowler, Allan Q14725 It Could Still Be A Lake Fowler, Allan 580 2.6 1 304 Non-Fiction K-2 Q14764 It Could Still Be A Mammal Fowler, Allan 540 1.4 1 212 Non-Fiction K-2 Q05940 It Could Still Be A Robot Fowler, Allan 780 2.8 1 528 Non-Fiction K-2 Q14745 It Could Still Be A Tree Fowler, Allan 570 1.9 1 233 Non-Fiction K-2 Q14780 It Could Still Be A Worm Fowler, Allan 670 3.2 1 463 Non-Fiction K-2 Q14711 It Could Still Be Coral Fowler, Allan 630 2.6 1 408 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title It Could Still Be Q23094 Endangered Q14718 It Could Still Be Water It Happened Like This: Q20018 Stories And Poems Author Name Lexile Levels Fowler, Allan Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.3 NA 1 272 Non-Fiction K-2 1 255 Non-Fiction K-2 2 2559 Fiction K-2 Fowler, Allan Kharms, Daniil Shaw, Charles G. CowenFletcher, Jane Wallace, Karen Maccarone, Grace 590 1.2 510 5.2 180 2.1 1 172 Fiction K-2 390 2.1 1 511 Fiction K-2 650 2.7 1 736 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.4 1 481 Fiction K-2 Lester, Helen Yamaguchi, Kristi Danziger, Paula 420 2.7 1 479 Fiction K-2 Q57503 It's A Big World, Little Pig! It's A Fair Day, Amber Q31222 Brown It's A Fruit, It's A Vegetable, Q14703 It's A Pumpkin Fowler, Allan It's A Good Thing There Are Q05946 Insects Fowler, Allan Daley, Q05947 It's A Great Job! Patrick Moreton, Q28971 It's A Party Daniel Burningham, Q50061 It's A Secret John It's A Snap!: George Kulling, Q47805 Eastman's First Photograph Monica Buehner, Q21986 It's A Spoon, Not A Shovel Caralyn It's A Wrestling Mat, Not A Q52711 Dance Floor Nickel, Scott 650 2.7 1 903 Fiction K-2 230 2.1 2 2034 Fiction K-2 540 2.2 1 335 Non-Fiction K-2 520 2.5 1 254 Non-Fiction K-2 360 1.9 2 2413 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 24 Non-Fiction K-2 610 2.4 AD 1 522 Fiction K-2 470 2.5 NC 2 1198 Non-Fiction K-2 380 4.5 2 773 Fiction K-2 490 2.6 2 1730 Fiction K-2 Q38841 It's About Time! 680 2 1 527 Non-Fiction K-2 2 979 Fiction K-2 2 829 Fiction K-2 2 792 Fiction K-2 Q05943 It Looked Like Spilt Milk Q05944 It Takes A Village Q19343 It Takes Two Q25629 It Was Halloween Night... Q21108 It Wasn't My Fault Q05948 It's About Time, Jesse Bear Q05951 It's Apple-Picking Day Q16114 It's Beach Day! Scott, Janine Carlstrom, Nancy White Metzger, Steve Metzger, Steve 3.1 450 2.4 300 2.1 AD AD AD NP AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title It's Circus Time, Dear Q05953 Dragon Q05954 It's Class Trip Day Q48036 It's Cloudy Today Q51292 It's Earth Day! It's Easy To Be Polite Q31120 (Anthology) Q05956 It's Fire Drill Day! Q20254 It's Fun To Be Five! Q05957 It's George Q21908 It's Going To Be Perfect! It's Great To Skate! : An Easy Guide To In-Line Q25332 Skating Q05959 It's Groundhog Day! It's Halloween, Dear Q05961 Dragon Q22993 It's Hanukkah! It's Hard To Dribble With Q52704 Your Feet Q43100 It's Israel's Birthday! It's Justin Time, Amber Q24429 Brown Q25647 It's Me, Marva! Q25519 It's Mine Q05963 It's Mine! Q05964 It's My Birthday Q20750 It's My Birthday, Too! Q05965 It's My Earth, Too Q39539 It's My School Q25341 It's My Turn! Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 0 1.1 BR 1 314 Fiction K-2 400 2.2 2 1089 Fiction K-2 550 3.2 1 264 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.2 1 634 Fiction K-2 230 2.1 1 284 Non-Fiction K-2 510 410 2.9 3.5 2 3 807 4689 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 450 3.2 AD 2 595 Fiction K-2 330 2.8 AD 1 422 Fiction K-2 Witt, Alexa 180 2.1 2 719 Non-Fiction K-2 Kroll, Steven Hillert, Margaret Modesitt, Jeanne 460 4.4 2 973 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 1 267 Fiction K-2 150 2.1 1 111 Fiction K-2 Priebe, Val 520 3.1 2 1800 Fiction K-2 Dietrick, Ellen Danziger, Paula Priceman, Marjorie 570 3.3 1 282 Non-Fiction K-2 280 2.2 2 1778 Fiction K-2 260 2.6 AD 2 1078 Fiction K-2 Mayer, Gina Lionni, Leo Oxenbury, Helen 150 470 2.3 2.9 AD 1 1 414 405 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 440 1.6 1 253 Fiction K-2 Jonell, Lynne Krull, Kathleen Grindley, Sally Bedford, David 60 1.5 1 475 Fiction K-2 570 3.5 2 937 Non-Fiction K-2 610 2.4 AD 1 446 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 190 Fiction K-2 Hillert, Margaret Metzger, Steve Sterling, Kristin Mayer, Mercer Brainard, Beth Metzger, Steve Scholastic, Cohen, Miriam Carlson, Nancy AD BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q16004 Q33312 Q41402 Q37953 Q35708 Q43751 Q41224 Q05969 Q25122 Q25692 Q48039 Q24729 Q15357 Q55172 Q48037 Q24399 Q32642 Q48040 Q21271 Q35227 Q26625 Q50420 Q05972 Q05974 Title Author Name Sadler, It's Not Easy Being A Bunny Marilyn Sommer, It's Not Fair! Carl Harper, It's Not Fair! Anita Gomez, It's Not Fair! (Gomez) Rebecca Carlson, It's Not My Fault! Nancy It's Not What You've Got!: Lessons For Kids On Money Dyer, Dr. And Abundance Wayne W. Leedy, It's Probably Penny Loreen It's Pumpkin Time Hall, Zoe It's Raining, It's Pouring Eagle, Kin It's Raining, It's Pouring Spalding, (Spalding) Andrea Sterling, It's Rainy Today Kristin Hoberman, It's Simple, Said Simon Mary Ann Metzger, It's Snowing! Steve Gibbons, It's Snowing! Gail Sterling, It's Snowy Today Kristin Berger, It's Spring! Samantha Gomez, It's St. Patrick's Day! Rebecca Sterling, It's Sunny Today Kristin It's Super To Be Six! Scholastic, Flood, Pansie It's Test Day, Tiger Turcotte Hart Packard, It's Thanksgiving Day! Mary It's The 100th Day, Stinky Face! McCourt, Lisa Alborough, It's The Bear! Jez Metzger, It's Time For School! Steve Lexile Levels Reading Level 590 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.3 1 491 Fiction K-2 350 2.6 2 1681 Fiction K-2 420 2.3 1 267 Fiction K-2 360 2.5 1 337 Fiction K-2 450 2.3 1 403 Fiction K-2 780 4.7 AD 2 1139 Non-Fiction K-2 600 530 380 3.3 1.1 1.8 AD 2 1 1 1405 242 171 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 440 2.9 AD 2 989 Fiction K-2 560 3.2 1 263 Non-Fiction K-2 120 1.7 1 400 Fiction K-2 380 2.2 2 709 Fiction K-2 790 4.2 1 845 Non-Fiction K-2 570 3.3 1 306 Non-Fiction K-2 310 1.7 1 131 Fiction K-2 0 2.4 1 239 Fiction K-2 470 240 2.5 2.3 1 3 249 2818 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 510 2.7 4 4563 Fiction K-2 180 1.6 1 249 Fiction K-2 310 2.3 1 201 Fiction K-2 380 2.3 1 323 Fiction K-2 400 2.2 2 912 Fiction K-2 AD AD AD BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title It's Time For School, Stinky Q37963 Face Q18889 It's Time-Out Time! Q21316 It's Too Windy! Q48038 It's Windy Today Q25138 Italy Q52296 Italy Q22434 Italy (Next Stop!) Author Name Bell, Rachael Maccarone, Q05978 Itchy, Itchy Chicken Pox Grace Itse Selu: Cherokee Harvest Pennington, Q20019 Festival Daniel Q46564 Q39333 Q40197 Q41983 Q44241 Q47757 Q48753 Q51264 Q51468 Q34770 Q36966 Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.5 AD 1 609 Fiction K-2 3.2 AD 2 829 Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 73 Fiction K-2 1 287 Non-Fiction K-2 1 1666 Non-Fiction K-2 5.6 2.9 2 2 1666 2225 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 500 2.9 2 585 Non-Fiction K-2 80 2.4 1 131 Fiction K-2 550 4.2 2 1467 Fiction K-2 830 5.4 1.6 NP 2 1 1941 229 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 180 1.1 AD 1 182 Fiction K-2 510 2.7 4 7811 Fiction K-2 580 3.2 5 9550 Fiction K-2 520 2.7 4 7917 Fiction K-2 440 2.5 5 8167 Fiction K-2 500 2.7 5 8246 Fiction K-2 530 3.1 5 9045 Fiction K-2 550 3.2 5 8706 Fiction K-2 350 410 1.2 2 1 1 527 98 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 790 4.5 13549 Non-Fiction K-2 McCourt, Lisa 1090 Metzger, Steve 310 Wilhelm, Hans 0 Sterling, Kristin 590 Canizares, Susan 870 Simmons, Walter 870 Boast, Clare 610 Q22435 Italy (Visit To) Q53025 Q05979 Lexile Levels van Frankenhuyz Itsy Bitsy And Teeny en, Robbyn Weeny Smith Itsy Bitsy Spider Trapani, Iza Catalanotto, Ivan The Terrier Peter Barrows, Ivy And Bean Annie Ivy And Bean And The Barrows, Ghost That Had To Go Annie Ivy And Bean Break The Barrows, Fossil Record Annie Ivy And Bean Take Care Of Barrows, The Babysitter Annie Ivy And Bean: Bound To Be Barrows, Bad Annie Ivy And Bean: Doomed To Barrows, Dance Annie Ivy And Bean: What's The Barrows, Big Idea? Annie Izzy Impala's Imaginary deRubertis, Illnesses Barbara J.K. Rowling Hill, Mary Collins, J.R.R. Tolkien David R. 3.3 1.3 IG AD 5 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q55176 J.R.R. Tolkien Jabutí The Tortoise: A Trickster Tale From The Q33322 Amazon Q29110 Jack And Jill Q30587 Jack And Rick Q05988 Jack And The Animals Jack And The Baked Q58420 Beanstalk Jack And The Beanstalk Q05990 (Faulkner) Jack And The Beanstalk Q05991 (Galdone) Jack And The Beanstalk Q05992 (Kellogg) Jack And The Beanstalk Q18577 (Walker) Q44483 Jack And The Box Jack And The Giant Q57732 Barbecue Q33622 Jack Outwits The Giants Q29015 Jack Plays The Violin Q45416 Jack The Tripper Q27903 Jack's Garden Jack's Path Of Courage: The Life Of John F. Q51771 Kennedy Q45962 Q18291 Q34511 Q05998 Q35055 Author Name Wallner, Alexandra McDermott, Gerald Marsh, Phoebe McPhail, David Davis, Donald D. Stimpson, Colin Faulkner, Matt Galdone, Paul Kellogg, Steven Walker, Richard Spiegelman, Art Kimmel, Eric A. Johnson, Paul Brett Schultz, Jessica Barretta, Gene Cole, Henry Rappaport, Doreen CoccaLeffler, Jack's Talent Maryann Schaefer, Jack-O-Lanterns Lola M. Stevens, Jackalope Janet Jacket I Wear In The Snow, Neitzel, The Shirley Walker, Jackie Robinson Sally M. Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 760 3.6 AD 2 1391 Non-Fiction K-2 510 3.1 AD 1 592 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 36 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 56 Fiction K-2 560 2.9 AD 2 1111 Fiction K-2 830 4.4 AD 2 1330 Fiction K-2 320 1.7 2 1628 Fiction K-2 3.5 NP 1 559 Fiction K-2 660 5.1 AD 2 1579 Fiction K-2 700 4.1 2 1672 Fiction K-2 100 1.1 GN 1 373 Fiction K-2 580 2.3 AD 2 1122 Fiction K-2 590 3.6 2 1548 Fiction K-2 0 2.2 BR 1 422 Fiction K-2 440 1.5 2.3 AD NP 1 1 689 292 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 780 3.7 AD 2 1492 Non-Fiction K-2 230 1.5 1 353 Fiction K-2 510 1.1 1 56 Non-Fiction K-2 360 1.8 AD 2 1536 Fiction K-2 1.9 NP 2 630 Fiction K-2 3 1843 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.8 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.3 1 76 Non-Fiction K-2 390 2.2 1 316 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.6 1 449 Fiction K-2 570 3.3 1 529 Non-Fiction K-2 810 4.3 3 1655 Fiction K-2 330 1.8 2 1761 Fiction K-2 Q33391 Jacky And The Giant Gutman, Dan Sexton, Colleen KoehlerPentacoff, Elizabeth Hollander, Cass Muldrow, Diane 180 2.1 2 1213 Fiction K-2 Q49528 Jacques And De Beanstalk Artell, Mike 910 5.3 AD 2 1576 Fiction K-2 Jade Horse, The Cricket, Q16485 And The Peach Stone, The 700 4.8 AD 2 1761 Fiction K-2 Q31157 Q25989 Q15471 Q25616 380 530 810 550 1.9 2.1 3.5 2.9 AD AD AD 1 1 1 1 255 175 481 419 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 750 3.2 AD 1 451 Fiction K-2 500 2.7 2 1857 Fiction K-2 1 74 Fiction K-2 2 1430 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q28856 Q32379 Q48097 Q42581 Title Jackie Robinson (Real People) Jackie Robinson (Rookie Biographies) Jackie Robinson And The Big Game Jackie Robinson: A Life Of Determination Jackson And Bud's Bumpy Q46295 Ride Q06003 Jackson's Contraptions Q16552 Q06009 Q35751 Q23060 Q06012 Q24702 Q39360 Q28025 Q29492 Q34263 Q18072 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Abraham, Philip 60 Mara, Wil Tompert, Ann Burke, Jade's Drumming Melissa (Anthology) Blackwell Jafta Lewin, Hugh Jafta-The Journey Lewin, Hugh Jafta-The Town Lewin, Hugh Cowcher, Jaguar Helen Hamilton, Jaguarundi Virginia Jaime Josué le gustan los Petrie, camiones, A Catherine Rocklin, Jake And The Copycats Joanne Hennessy, B. Jake Baked The Cake G. Jake Johnson: The Story Of Seymour, A Mule Tres Jake's 100th Day Of Laminack, School Lester L. Wing, Jalapeno Bagels Natasha Jalapeno Hal Harper, Jo Jam & Jelly By Holly & Whelan, Nellie Gloria Brownlie, Jamaica (We Come From) Alison 1.4 220 Lexile Code AD BR 2.1 1.7 NP 1 162 Fiction K-2 840 4.4 AD 2 938 Fiction K-2 720 3.9 AD 2 1223 Fiction K-2 460 430 2.7 2.7 AD 2 2 697 1345 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 490 2.9 2 1339 Fiction K-2 680 4.8 2 1042 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q06014 Q18585 Q50402 Q31127 Q06016 Q15742 Q06017 Q06020 Title Author Name Havill, Jamaica And Brianna Juanita Jamaica And The Substitute Havill, Teacher Juanita Havill, Jamaica Is Thankful Juanita Jamaica Louise James (Anthology) Hest, Amy Havill, Jamaica Tag-Along Juanita Havill, Jamaica's Blue Marker Juanita Havill, Jamaica's Find Juanita Hudson, Jamal's Busy Day Wade Q41831 Jamari's Drum Bynum, Eboni Q06021 Jamberry Degen, Bruce Jambo Means Hello: Swahili Feelings, Q06022 Alphabet Book Muriel Greene, Rhonda Q26105 Jamboree Day Gowler Q21706 Jamela's Dress Daly, Niki Lexile Levels Reading Level 390 2.4 380 2.2 440 1.5 470 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 732 Fiction K-2 AD 2 783 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1130 Fiction K-2 2.4 2 718 Fiction K-2 410 2.1 2 580 Fiction K-2 420 3.1 2 884 Fiction K-2 460 3.7 2 773 Fiction K-2 220 1.9 1 206 Fiction K-2 690 3.5 2 1412 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 111 Fiction K-2 640 3.6 AD 2 701 Non-Fiction K-2 550 420 1.9 3.5 AD AD 1 2 415 809 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Kuskin, Karla Karlin, Q15521 James Marshall's Cinderella Barbara James Marshall's Mother Marshall, Q06029 Goose James Jamie And Angus Stories, Q41705 The Fine, Anne 730 3.3 2 1140 Fiction K-2 480 3.3 AD 2 851 Fiction K-2 2.8 NP 2 1054 Fiction K-2 770 4.3 3 8971 Fiction K-2 Q41711 Jamie And Angus Together Jamie O'Rourke And The Q06032 Big Potato Jamie O'Rourke And The Q21562 Pooka Q29876 Jan Has A Doll Jane And Jake Bake A Q33403 Cake Jane Goodall (Scholastic Q37994 News) Jane Goodall: A Life Of Q43002 Loyalty Fine, Anne dePaola, Tomie dePaola, Tomie Earl, Janice 740 3.6 3 9371 Fiction K-2 660 4.7 AD 2 1133 Fiction K-2 570 0 4.7 1.1 AD BR 2 1 1410 29 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Ling, Bettina Kittinger, Jo S. Sterling, Kristin 60 1.6 1 429 Fiction K-2 500 2.7 1 253 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.8 1 522 Non-Fiction K-2 Q29277 James And The Rain SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Q32684 Jane vs. The Tooth Fairy 690 3.6 AD 2 Words 1199 Type Fiction Q31174 270 1.7 1 207 Fiction K-2 550 2.9 2 564 Non-Fiction K-2 510 3.5 2 1546 Fiction K-2 400 1.5 1 347 Fiction K-2 200 1.5 1 419 Fiction K-2 920 380 5.4 2.3 2 4 1294 6716 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 740 690 4.5 2.9 2 2 1660 2102 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 520 2.7 1 434 Non-Fiction K-2 550 3.4 2.9 1 2 323 629 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 770 4.5 2 1174 Non-Fiction K-2 1 109 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q22402 Q06041 Q36289 Title Author Name Jay, Betsy Moynahan, Jane's Mistake (Anthology) Patty Janet And Allan Ahlberg Lynch, (Lives And Times) Wendy Cleary, Janet's Thingamajigs Beverly deRubertis, Janey Crane Barbara Q27400 Janie In Old California Timin, Henry Smith, Q51281 Janna And The Kings Patricia Q48731 January Joker Roy, Ron Sexton, Q52297 Japan Colleen Q22436 Japan (Next Stop!) Boast, Clare Pluckrose, Q33407 Japan (Picture A Country) Henry Japan (Rookie Read-About Marx, David Q23143 Geography) F. Q22437 Japan (Visit To) Roop, Peter Fisher, Q18074 Japan (We Come From) Teresa McKissack, Q35749 jardin de Bessey, El... Fredrick DiSalvoRyan, Q06051 jardín en la ciudad, Un DyAnne Jasmine And The Treasure Q55015 Chest Kit, Katy Meadows, Q50745 Jasmine The Present Fairy Daisy Ziefert, Q06056 Jason's Bus Ride Harriet Butterworth, Q26931 Jasper's Beanstalk Nick Shaffer, Q27632 Jax And The Van Jane Burke, Jay The Mailman Melissa Q31164 (Anthology) Blackwell Egielski, Q13214 Jazper Richard Maccarone, Q33396 Jazz Class Grace 1.4 AD AD NA BR Interest Level K-2 510 3.1 2 1447 Fiction K-2 600 3.4 4 4531 Fiction K-2 760 2.8 4 4145 Fiction K-2 140 1.5 1 214 Fiction K-2 290 1.4 1 92 Fiction K-2 170 1.1 1 40 Fiction K-2 300 1.6 1 259 Fiction K-2 410 3.5 1 458 Fiction K-2 70 1.3 1 101 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q24600 Jazz Dancing Jeb Scarecrow's Pumpkin Q06062 Patch Q36781 Q39790 Q20874 Q33323 Q06072 Author Name Thomas, Mark Dillon, Jana McMillan, Jelly Beans for Sale Bruce Herriges, Jellyfish (Blastoff! Readers) Ann Stefoff, Jellyfish (Living Things) Rebecca Keats, Ezra Jennie's Hat Jack Jennifer Jones Won't Leave Wishinsky, Me Alone! Frieda Q41467 Jenny Found A Penny Q49001 Jenny The Joker Jenny's Big Voice Q31199 (Anthology) Q06077 Jenny's Journey Q34737 Jenny's Socks Q29980 Jenny's Wish Q29280 Jeremiah Learns To Read Q47899 Jeremy Draws A Monster Jeremy Jackrabbit's Q51469 Jumping Journey Q28145 Jerome Camps Out Lexile Levels 630 Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.7 NA 1 151 Non-Fiction K-2 4.9 AD 2 1004 Fiction K-2 1.7 NP 1 153 Fiction K-2 420 2.1 1 166 Non-Fiction K-2 720 4.6 2 1037 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.8 1 514 Fiction K-2 480 2.7 1 353 Fiction K-2 Harris, Trudy West, Colin 650 510 3.5 2.8 1 2 403 1433 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Junot, Malik 530 1.8 1 138 Fiction K-2 430 2.3 1 330 Fiction K-2 150 1.2 1 96 Fiction K-2 230 1.6 1 169 Fiction K-2 420 2.6 2 699 Fiction K-2 160 1.3 1 225 Fiction K-2 460 1.5 1 608 Fiction K-2 230 2.7 2 995 Fiction K-2 Samton, Sheila White Murray, Carol Jamison, Ted Bogart, Jo Ellen McCarty, Peter deRubertis, Barbara Christelow, Eileen Jesse Bear, What Will You Carlstrom, Q06085 Wear? Nancy White Weatherfor Jesse Owens: Fastest Man d, Carole Q46512 Alive Boston Henkes, Q06100 Jessica Kevin LaRose, Q17769 Jessica Takes Charge Linda McFarlane, Q19570 Jessie's Island Sheryl AD AD 2.9 NP 1 287 Fiction K-2 880 4.7 AD 2 1634 Non-Fiction K-2 590 1.9 AD 1 348 Fiction K-2 510 4.1 2 792 Fiction K-2 710 2.9 1 384 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q32594 Jethro Byrd, Fairy Child Q43343 Q45506 Q06104 Q29981 Jewel Box Ballerinas, The Jibberwillies At Night Jiggle, Wiggle, Prance Jill And The Giant Q31783 Jillian Jiggs To The Rescue Q06105 Jim And The Beanstalk Q06107 Jim Meets The Thing Author Name Graham, Bob De Varennes, Monique Vail, Rachel Noll, Sally Vern, Alex Gilman, Phoebe Briggs, Raymond Cohen, Miriam Q50812 Jimi: Sounds Like A Rainbow Colio, Gary Jimmy Carter: A Life Of Anderson, Q43003 Friendship Sheila Cummings, Q06113 Jimmy Lee Did It Pat Buitrago, Q58101 Jimmy The Greatest! Jairo Jimmy Zangwow's Out-OfThis-World Moon Pie DiTerlizzi, Q26650 Adventure Tony Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 390 2.9 AD 2 1134 Fiction K-2 740 590 AD AD NP 290 4.5 2.3 1.2 1.7 2 1 1 1 1379 464 36 220 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 80 2.5 2 644 Fiction K-2 560 3.1 2 1004 Fiction K-2 450 2.5 2 647 Fiction K-2 900 5.2 2 1200 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.7 1 532 Non-Fiction K-2 920 2.6 AD 1 271 Fiction K-2 680 3.2 AD 1 540 Fiction K-2 320 2.8 AD 2 1024 Fiction K-2 AD Jimmy's Boa And The Big Q06115 Splash Birthday Bash Noble, Trinka Hakes 620 3.1 AD 2 641 Fiction K-2 Jimmy's Boa And The Q34211 Bungee Jump Slam Dunk Noble, Trinka Hakes 420 2 AD 1 699 Fiction K-2 Q06116 Jimmy's Boa Bounces Back Q32686 Jin Woo Noble, Trinka Hakes Bunting, Eve 730 390 3.5 2.6 AD 1 2 498 1579 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 600 2.4 AD 2 1207 Fiction K-2 710 3.4 2 715 Fiction K-2 430 2.3 2 1658 Fiction K-2 550 4.7 2 814 Fiction K-2 1 38 Non-Fiction K-2 Jingle Bells: How The Q54283 Holiday Classic Came To Be Harris, John Smith, Cynthia Q28039 Jingle Dancer Leitich Joaquín y los frijoles Faulkner, Q06123 encantados Matt Buehner, Q06125 Job For Wittilda, A Caralyn Canizares, Q35950 Jobs Susan 1.4 BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Blackaby, Q29919 Jobs At All Hours Susan Maynard, Q27315 Jobs People Do Christopher Hoban, Q06127 Joe And Betsy The Dinosaur Lillian Joe And Sparky Get New Michalak, Q46211 Wheels Jamie Joe And Sparky, Michalak, Q53584 Superstars! Jamie Joe Bright And The Seven Hopkins, Q50065 Genre Dudes Jackie Mims Skimmer, Ted Q27109 Joe's Lost Home P. Tarpley, Natasha Q51291 Joe-Joe's First Flight Anastasia deRubertis, Q36286 Joey Goat Barbara Gregorich, Q29617 Jog, Frog, Jog (Anthology) Barbara Kimmel, Eric Q49623 Joha Makes A Wish A. John Adams Speaks For Hopkinson, Q45278 Freedom Deborah John F. Kennedy (Rookie Jones, Veda Q39213 Biographies) Boyd John F. Kennedy: A Life Of Q42572 Citizenship Todd, Anne Catling, John Midas In The Patrick Q06138 Dreamtime Skene John Muir (Rookie Q32371 Biographies) Mara, Wil John Muir: Making The Pollard, Q27399 Mountains Glad Lauren Ray Polacco, Q37669 John Philip Duck Patricia John Willy And Freddy Meade, Q17314 McGee Holly Q38585 John, Paul, George & Ben Q06144 Johnny Appleseed Q35642 Johnny Appleseed Smith, Lane Kellogg, Steven Swain, Gwenyth Lexile Levels Reading Level 330 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.8 1 361 Non-Fiction K-2 770 2.9 2 4017 Non-Fiction K-2 390 1.6 2 741 Fiction K-2 330 2.1 1 1506 Fiction K-2 270 1.7 2 1628 Fiction K-2 840 4.5 2 1378 Fiction K-2 190 1.4 1 484 Fiction K-2 770 3.7 2 1527 Fiction K-2 330 1.5 1 409 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 67 Fiction K-2 500 1.7 AD 2 1482 Fiction K-2 550 2.8 2 1189 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.5 1 450 Non-Fiction K-2 660 3.8 1 514 Non-Fiction K-2 5 20000 Fiction K-2 3.3 Lexile Code AD AD NA 350 2.1 1 345 Non-Fiction K-2 270 2.2 1 483 Non-Fiction K-2 750 2.8 2 2478 Fiction K-2 580 2.1 AD 1 429 Fiction K-2 660 3.5 AD 1 798 Fiction K-2 920 4.7 2 932 Non-Fiction K-2 530 2.4 2 1433 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q57228 Johnny Appleseed Johnny Appleseed (All Q06145 Aboard Reading) Johnny Appleseed Q27540 (Anthology) Johnny Appleseed Q30680 (Anthology) Q29849 Johnny Appleseed (Benet) Johnny Appleseed (Hello Q26106 Reader) Johnny Appleseed (Rookie Q33054 Biographies) Johnny Appleseed: An American Who Made A Difference (Easy Reader Q42214 Biographies) Johnny Appleseed: My Q27370 Story Q23928 Q06146 Q24114 Q26138 Q06149 Q28123 Q06150 Q27905 Author Name Shepherd, Jodie Demuth, Patricia B. Osborne, Mary Pope DeSpain, Pleasant Benet, Rosemary Olsen, Madeline Ditchfield, Christin Sweeney, Alyse Harrison, David L. Hurd, Edith Johnny Lion's Bad Day Thacher Hurd, Edith Johnny Lion's Book Thacher Hurd, Edith Johnny Lion's Rubber Boots Thacher Joining The Boston Tea Stanley, Party Diane Pinkney, JoJo's Flying Sidekick Brian Tunnell, Joke's On George, The Michael O. Jolly Christmas Postman, Ahlberg, The Janet Jolly Postman Or Other Ahlberg, People's Letters, The Allan Q06152 Jonathan And His Mommy Jonathan And The Big Blue Q54425 Boat Jonathan Cleaned Up Q06153 Then He Heard A Sound Jordan Makes A New Q29645 Friend (Anthology) Q36612 Jordan's Silly Sick Day Q06154 Jorge el Curioso Smalls, Irene Stead, Philip C. Munsch, Robert Adler, David A. Fontes, Justine Rey, H.A. Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 680 3.2 AD 1 545 Fiction K-2 170 1.4 1 451 Fiction K-2 270 1.6 1 424 Non-Fiction K-2 2.7 NP 1 1024 Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 1 215 Fiction K-2 210 1.5 1 294 Non-Fiction K-2 370 2.1 1 348 Non-Fiction K-2 530 3.1 1 537 Non-Fiction K-2 200 2.1 2 876 Fiction K-2 200 2.1 2 1220 Fiction K-2 280 2.5 2 1179 Fiction K-2 120 1.9 2 1043 Fiction K-2 380 2.9 2 2326 Fiction K-2 700 3.2 2 760 Fiction K-2 740 3.9 2 1060 Fiction K-2 3.9 NP 2 648 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 2 0 Fiction K-2 350 1.9 AD 1 335 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 AD 1 812 Fiction K-2 660 3.7 AD 2 1072 Fiction K-2 230 1.6 1 222 Fiction K-2 100 270 1.6 1 1 2 154 880 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Jorge el Curioso en el Q06155 hospital Rey, H.A. Marshall, Q06156 Jorge y Marta en la ciudad James Q06157 jornada de Esperanza, Una Harvey, Brett Reich, Q37853 Jose! Born to Dance Susanna Coerr, Q06160 Josefina Story Quilt, The Eleanor Josefina y la colcha de Coerr, Q06161 retazos Eleanor Joseph And His Coat Of Q20002 Many Colors Kassirer, Sue Joseph Had A Little Taback, Q21128 Overcoat Simms Joseph Turner (Life And Woodhouse, Q22599 Work Of) Jayne Slater, Q38469 Joseph's Amazing Coat Teddy Dobrin, Q06163 Josephine's 'Magination Arnold Petrie, Q23108 Joshua James Likes Trucks Catherine Joshua's Dream: A Journey Segal, Sheila Q17617 To The Land Of Israel F. McKay, Q18707 Journey Home Lawrence Branley, Q06178 Journey Into A Black Hole Franklyn M. Scrace, Q19338 Journey Of A Butterfly, The Carolyn Journey Of A Humpback Jenner, Q31849 Whale Caryn Scrace, Q19339 Journey Of A Swallow, The Carolyn Scrace, Q19340 Journey Of A Turtle, The Carolyn Scrace, Q19337 Journey Of A Whale, The Carolyn Journey Of Oliver K. Pattison, Q32980 Woodman, The Darcy Journey Of The Monarch, Cummings, Q29971 The Isabella Stewart, Q24509 Journey, The Sarah Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 540 2.4 AD 2 1836 Fiction K-2 330 3 2 675 Fiction K-2 3.9 2 0 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1245 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1384 Fiction K-2 2 1478 Fiction K-2 1 352 Non-Fiction K-2 1 182 Fiction K-2 720 3.5 420 3.5 3.5 AD NA 10 2.2 0 1.9 470 2.5 2 764 Non-Fiction K-2 480 3.2 1 455 Fiction K-2 BR 3.5 NA 3 3129 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 47 Fiction K-2 950 4.6 AD 2 968 Fiction K-2 710 3.5 2 1805 Fiction K-2 500 3.1 2 767 Non-Fiction K-2 510 3.1 1 465 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.6 2 1011 Non-Fiction K-2 520 2.6 1 418 Non-Fiction K-2 620 2.7 1 395 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.8 1 395 Non-Fiction K-2 640 3.3 2 1002 Fiction K-2 590 2.6 1 344 Fiction K-2 680 3.8 2 872 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q31198 Joy Boy (Anthology) Q06192 Joy Boys, The Joy To The World: Christmas Stories From Q20814 Around The Globe Juan Bobo And The Horse Q22601 Of Seven Colors Juan Bobo Goes To Work: Q34023 A Puerto Rican Folktale Juan Bobo: Four Folktales Q06198 From Puerto Rico Q21917 Jubal's Wish Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Morris, Jordan Byars, Betsy 540 240 Pirotta, Saviour Mike, Jan M. Montes, Marisa BernierGrand, Carmen T. Wood, Audrey Kessler, Cristina Q25385 Jubela Judge Rabbit And The Tree Spirit: A Folktale From Spagnoli, Q25885 Cambodia Cathy Zemach, Q27994 Judge: An Untrue Tale, The Harve Karwoski, Q41531 Julie The Rockhound Gail Langer Johnson, Q06224 Julius Angela Q16238 Julius Hoff, Syd Henkes, Q06226 Julius el rey de la Casa Kevin Julius, The Baby Of The Henkes, Q06227 World Kevin Q06228 Jumanji Van Allsburg, Chris Q06235 Jump, Frog, Jump! Van Allsburg, Chris Melmed, Laura Krauss Scruggs, Afi Riley, Kana Kalan, Robert Q29113 Jump, Jump Phillips, Anne Q06229 Jumanji (Español) Q24076 Jumbo's Lullaby Q21412 Jump Rope Magic Q29111 Jump Rope Time Points Words Type Interest Level 1.8 1.6 1 2 146 1211 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 620 3.5 3 5595 Fiction K-2 560 4.1 2 1889 Fiction K-2 390 2.8 2 1234 Fiction K-2 360 2.1 2 1471 Fiction K-2 400 2.8 AD 2 987 Fiction K-2 440 3.1 AD 2 889 Fiction K-2 350 2.7 2 1026 Fiction K-2 1 436 Fiction K-2 1 495 Fiction K-2 1 2 424 779 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2.7 Lexile Code NP 540 2.8 690 210 2.5 1.9 370 2.4 2 0 Fiction K-2 460 2.9 2 1085 Fiction K-2 580 4.4 5 1789 Fiction K-2 500 2.7 5 Fiction K-2 300 0 2.9 2.5 1.1 NP AD BR 1 2 1 400 947 96 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 2.1 NP 1 323 Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 108 Fiction K-2 0 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q19803 Jump, Kangaroo, Jump! Author Name Murphy, Stuart J. Q24155 Jumpety-Bumpety Hop Chorao, Kay Jumping the Broom (Just for Black, Sonia Q37126 You!) W. Wiesner, Q06238 29-Jun-99 David June And The Mule: A Tall Kimmel, Eric Q29633 Tale (Anthology) A. Nelson, Q47970 Juneteenth Robin Weatherfor d, Carole Q18708 Juneteenth Jamboree Boston Base, Q37018 Jungle Drums Graeme Jungle Friends: Smiler Gets Ryan, Q32458 A Toothache Margaret Jungle Jack Hanna's Q06241 Pocketful Of Bugs Hanna, Jack Jungle Jack Hanna's Safari Q22933 Adventure Hanna, Jack Lexile Levels Reading Level 380 1.9 2.9 Lexile Code NP Points Words Type Interest Level 1 407 Fiction K-2 3 3201 Fiction K-2 1 810 Fiction K-2 1 392 Fiction K-2 670 2.8 750 5.3 160 1.6 1 171 Fiction K-2 410 2.4 1 106 Non-Fiction K-2 650 4.2 2 1280 Fiction K-2 730 3.4 2 1058 Fiction K-2 340 2.2 2 963 Fiction K-2 570 4.8 1 356 Non-Fiction K-2 750 4.8 3 3121 Non-Fiction K-2 Q28918 Jungle Life 670 2.1 1 268 Non-Fiction K-2 Q06243 440 4.3 2 1190 Fiction K-2 400 2.3 4 6306 Fiction K-2 390 2.3 4 5771 Fiction K-2 410 2.4 4 5865 Fiction K-2 360 2.2 4 6059 Fiction K-2 390 2.3 3 6362 Fiction K-2 380 2.3 5 8134 Fiction K-2 420 2.4 4 6456 Fiction K-2 560 3.2 4 5538 Fiction K-2 890 4.7 2 1068 Non-Fiction K-2 Q48720 Q48716 Q48717 Q48718 Q49231 Q48722 Q48719 Q48721 Q49877 Scott, Janine St. Pierre, Jungle Trek Stephanie Junie B. Jones duerme en Park, una mansión Barbara Junie B. Jones es una Park, peluquera Barbara Junie B. Jones tiene un "pío Park, pío" en el bolsillo Barbara Junie B. Jones tiene un monstruo debajo de la Park, cama Barbara Junie B. Jones y el autobús Park, tonto y apestoso Barbara Junie B. Jones y el cumpleaños del malo de Park, Jim Barbara Junie B. Jones y el negocio Park, del mono Barbara Junie B. Jones y su gran Park, boca Barbara Junior Buddy: A Jaguar's Hatkoff, Tale Juliana AD AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.5 2 1398 Fiction K-2 260 2.5 2 643 Fiction K-2 560 3.2 1 292 Non-Fiction K-2 520 2.5 1 264 Non-Fiction K-2 380 1.3 AD 1 329 Fiction K-2 570 2.1 AD 1 364 Fiction K-2 Q06262 Just A Little Bit 480 2.5 AD 1 464 Fiction K-2 Q14525 Tompert, Ann Dobkin, Just A Little Different Bonnie Mayer, Just A Little Luck Mercer Mayer, Just A Little Music Mercer Mayer, Just A Mess Mercer Slater, Just A Minute! Teddy Just A Minute: A Trickster Morales, Tale and Counting Book Yuyi Mayer, Just A Rainy Day Mercer Mayer, Just A School Project Mercer Blaxland, Just A Seed Wendy Mayer, Just A Snowman Mercer McMahon, Just Add One Chinese Sister Patricia 280 1.5 1 108 Fiction K-2 370 1.2 AD 1 402 Fiction K-2 440 1.5 AD 1 364 Fiction K-2 80 1.9 AD 1 206 Fiction K-2 340 1.5 1 463 Fiction K-2 540 2.4 1 603 Fiction K-2 460 1.7 AD 1 281 Fiction K-2 610 2.4 AD 1 389 Fiction K-2 470 1.7 1 74 Fiction K-2 620 2.5 AD 1 396 Fiction K-2 420 1.4 AD 2 1853 Fiction K-2 Q06266 Just Another Ordinary Day Clement, Rod Jacobs, Q06267 Just Around The Corner Leland B. Just Around The Corner Widener, Q29932 (Widener) Sandra Winter, Q56947 Just Behave, Pablo Picasso! Jonah 740 4.2 AD 1 386 Fiction K-2 3.3 NP 2 1283 Fiction K-2 1.7 NP 1 327 Fiction K-2 4.3 AD 1 777 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Junk Man's Daughter (Tales Q43939 Of Young Americans) Levitin, Sonia Wigand, Q06255 Junk, Sweet Junk Molly TaylorButler, Q42612 Jupiter Christine TaylorButler, Q38000 Jupiter (Scholastic News) Christine Mayer, Q53794 Just A Day At The Pond Mercer Mayer, Q06259 Just A Daydream Mercer Q56004 Q53816 Q24113 Q06264 Q35366 Q17740 Q53796 Q15423 Q57225 Q46724 Lexile Levels Reading Level 440 800 Lexile Code SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Mayer, Q16660 Just Camping Out Mercer Just Clowning Around: Two MacDonald, Q23980 Stories Steven Mayer, Q53440 Just Critters Who Care Mercer Oram, Q18773 Just Dog Hiawyn Davies, Q57527 Just Ducks! Nicola Just Enough And Not Too Zemach, Q34093 Much Kaethe Murphy, Q19444 Just Enough Carrots Stuart J. Wooldridge, Connie Q53715 Just Fine The Way They Are Nordhielm Miranda, Q27201 Just For The Duck Anne Mayer, Q16683 Just For You Mercer Leeson, Q40183 Just For You! (Leeson) Christine Mayer, Q40067 Just Go To Bed Mercer Mayer, Q06272 Just Going To The Dentist Mercer Mayer, Q24109 Just Grandma And Me Mercer Mayer, Q13305 Just Grandpa And Me Mercer Pomerantz, Q30007 Just In Case Max Q37764 Just In Case (Viorst) Q17383 Just In Time For Christmas Q20933 Just Like A Baby Q36753 Just Like Always Q26593 Just Like Dad Q06275 Just Like Daddy Q37033 Just Like Josh Gibson Viorst, Judith Borden, Louise Bond, Rebecca Perry, Anne M. Watson, Kim Asch, Frank Johnson, Angela Lexile Levels Reading Level 410 1.5 0 1.2 210 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 218 Fiction K-2 1 62 Fiction K-2 1.1 1 254 Fiction K-2 370 1.9 1 472 Fiction K-2 940 6.3 AD 1 793 Fiction K-2 490 2.3 AD 1 408 Fiction K-2 330 1.5 1 206 Fiction K-2 1030 8.2 AD 2 1684 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 42 Fiction K-2 580 2.1 NC 1 160 Fiction K-2 550 2.9 AD 1 760 Fiction K-2 450 2.3 AD 1 227 Fiction K-2 380 1.8 1 385 Fiction K-2 400 2.3 AD 1 185 Fiction K-2 410 1.7 AD 1 226 Fiction K-2 240 2.2 1 337 Fiction K-2 BR 3.7 AD 1 934 Fiction K-2 650 2.7 AD 2 861 Fiction K-2 350 1.9 AD 2 668 Fiction K-2 10 1.4 1 124 Fiction K-2 260 2.5 1.2 NP 2 1 1237 92 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2.3 AD 1 395 Fiction K-2 920 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 0 1.7 BR 1 139 Fiction K-2 230 1.9 AD 2 654 Fiction K-2 320 1.7 1 154 Fiction K-2 780 2.4 AD 1 304 Fiction K-2 Miller, David Mayer, Q17543 Just Lost! Mercer Ets, Marie Q06279 Just Me Hall Mayer, Q17290 Just Me And My Babysitter Mercer Mayer, Q16686 Just Me And My Cousin Mercer Mayer, Q13364 Just Me And My Dad Mercer Just Me And My Little Mayer, Q16212 Brother Mercer Mayer, Q47679 Just Me And My Little Sister Mercer Mayer, Q17541 Just Me And My Mom Mercer 190 1.5 AD 1 102 Non-Fiction K-2 480 1.5 1 447 Fiction K-2 570 2.4 2 784 Fiction K-2 420 2.3 1 182 Fiction K-2 270 1.9 1 334 Fiction K-2 480 2.3 1 160 Fiction K-2 670 2.8 AD 1 252 Fiction K-2 470 1.5 AD 1 175 Fiction K-2 460 1.9 1 355 Fiction K-2 Q56379 Just Me In The Tub 560 1.5 AD 1 399 Fiction K-2 380 2.8 AD 1 187 Fiction K-2 530 2.2 AD 1 278 Fiction K-2 400 2.4 2 747 Fiction K-2 560 3.1 1 390 Fiction K-2 200 1.5 3.5 AD NP 1 1 396 574 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 610 2.4 AD 1 333 Fiction K-2 580 3.8 2 798 Fiction K-2 560 2.8 2 1287 Fiction K-2 350 2.5 1 472 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q14523 Just Like Me Q29046 Just Like Me Just Like Mom (Eric & Q37824 Julieta) Q06278 Just Like My Dad Author Name Neasi, Barbara J. Schlein, Miriam Munoz, Isabel Gardella, Tricia Q38470 Just Like You And Me Q20816 Just My Dad & Me Q16684 Just My Friend And Me Q27815 Just One More Story Q06283 Just One! Q16031 Just Shopping With Mom Q24184 Just The Two Of Us Q06288 Just Us Women Q06289 Just You And Me Q40039 Just-So Woman, The Q30020 Justin's Alligator Mayer, Gina Komaiko, Leah Mayer, Mercer Brutschy, Jennifer McBratney, Sam Mayer, Mercer Smith, Will Caines, Jeannette McBratney, Sam Blackwood, Gary Widener, Sandra AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.9 NP 1 204 Fiction K-2 780 5.5 AD 2 858 Non-Fiction K-2 710 4.4 1 412 Non-Fiction K-2 90 2.2 1 333 Fiction K-2 420 2.3 1 418 Non-Fiction K-2 810 700 4.3 4.1 1 2 609 914 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 100 1.3 1 161 Fiction K-2 490 2.9 2 746 Fiction K-2 290 2.3 2 682 Fiction K-2 790 640 5.5 4.5 AD NC 2 2 1980 619 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 830 4.4 AD 1 586 Non-Fiction K-2 440 3.5 AD 2 1673 Fiction K-2 170 1.5 1 653 Fiction K-2 550 320 4.5 2.1 1 1 331 142 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 190 1.3 1 114 Fiction K-2 350 2.1 1 488 Fiction K-2 340 3.1 2 1078 Fiction K-2 120 1.9 1 242 Fiction K-2 170 2.1 1 186 Fiction K-2 290 2.1 1 105 Fiction K-2 240 1.6 1 480 Fiction K-2 K Is For Kissing A Cool Q37805 Kangaroo Q06294 Q42485 Q27733 Q39244 Andrae, Giles Ford, K Is For Kwanzaa Juwanda G. Kangaroo Joey Grows Up, Marsico, A Katie Janowitz, Kangaroos In The Kitchen? Tama TaylorKansas (Rookie Read-About Butler, Geography) Christine Lexile Levels Q53320 Karate Q14577 Karate Boy Q29108 Karate Class Q24918 Karate Way, The Q27147 Karen And The Red Shoes Q17250 Kashtanka Q06410 Kat Kong Q57731 Kate And Pippin Q24479 Kate And The Beanstalk Q06414 Kate Skates Q06415 Kate's Giants Q42502 Kate's Surprise Q35809 Kathy lo hizo Q54987 Katie And The Class Pet Q25806 Katie And The Sunflowers Q14556 Katie Can Q14547 Katie Couldn't Q14549 Katie Did It Q50023 Katie Goes Camping Schuetz, Kari Morris, Ann Marsh, Phoebe Hellman, Gary Bloomfield, Samantha Chekhov, Anton Pilkey, Dav Springett, Martin Osborne, Mary Pope O'Connor, Jane Gregory, Valiska Burg, Ann McDaniel, Becky Bring Manushkin, Fran Mayhew, James McDaniel, Becky Bring McDaniel, Becky Bring McDaniel, Becky Bring Manushkin, Fran AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q50021 Q44463 Q17122 Q50419 Q48392 Q54986 Q54984 Q54985 Q13961 Q33511 Q06417 Q06418 Q47459 Q44175 Q50365 Q40395 Q29920 Q32548 Q42381 Q43943 Q06424 Q17725 Q38932 Title Author Name Manushkin, Katie In The Kitchen Fran Himmelman, Katie Loves The Kittens John Katie Morag Delivers The Hedderwick, Mail Mairi Manushkin, Katie Saves Thanksgiving Fran Meadows, Katie The Kitten Fairy Daisy Manushkin, Katie Woo Has The Flu Fran Katie Woo, Where Are Manushkin, You? Fran Manushkin, Katie's New Shoes Fran Katie's Trunk Turner, Ann Woelfle, Katje, The Windmill Cat Gretchen Burton, Katy And The Big Snow Virginia Lee Boutis, Katy Did It Victoria Keena Ford And The Field Thomson, Trip Mix-Up Melissa Keena Ford And The Thomson, Second Grade Mix-Up Melissa Keena Ford And The Secret Thomson, Journal Mix-Up Melissa Richards, Keep Climbing, Girls Beah E. Goldish, Keep Well Day Meish Herman, Keep Your Distance! Gail Petrillo, Keep Your Ear On The Ball Genevieve Keep Your Eye On The Kid: The Early Years Of Buster Brighton, Keaton Catherine Keep Your Mouth Closed, Dear Aliki, Meyer, Keeper Of Ugly Sounds, Eleanor The Walsh Howie, Keeping Clean Rhonda Lexile Levels Reading Level 380 2.3 330 1.2 750 5.6 410 2.4 700 3.3 320 Points Words Type Interest Level 1 465 Fiction K-2 AD 1 484 Fiction K-2 AD 2 698 Fiction K-2 1 440 Fiction K-2 3 3998 Fiction K-2 1.8 1 461 Fiction K-2 380 2.2 1 472 Fiction K-2 360 660 1.8 4.9 1 2 483 969 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 480 2.9 2 936 Fiction K-2 420 2.9 2 688 Fiction K-2 4 10000 Fiction K-2 3.9 Lexile Code NC AD NA 740 4.5 5 9071 Fiction K-2 620 3.5 5 8902 Fiction K-2 780 4.7 5 10489 Fiction K-2 890 4.8 1 359 Fiction K-2 220 1.5 1 188 Fiction K-2 260 2.4 2 644 Fiction K-2 650 3.5 1 957 Fiction K-2 560 3.2 1 666 Fiction K-2 700 3.1 2 878 Fiction K-2 980 4.8 2 1268 Fiction K-2 520 2.7 1 500 Non-Fiction K-2 AD NC AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Keeping Clean (Rookie Q32362 Read-About Health) Author Name Gordon, Sharon BorgertSpaniol, Q56615 Keeping Fit Megan Keeping Fit (Blastoff! Green, Emily Q39791 Readers) K. Q18434 Keeping Water Clean Frost, Helen Marzollo, Q06439 Kenny And The Little Kickers Claudio Sendak, Q06440 Kenny's Window Maurice Miranda, Q27108 Kent And Glen Anne Chocolate, Deborah M. Q06441 Kente Colors Newton Ford, Q06442 Kente Dress for Kenya, A Juwanda G. Kentucky (Rookie ReadValzania, Q33033 About Geography) Kimberly Q53313 Kenya Bartell, Jim Q22438 Kenya (Next Stop!) Martin, Fred Mitchell, Q46975 Kersplatypus Susan K. Kick The Football, Charlie Katschke, Q26594 Brown! Judy Kessler, Q06455 Kick, Pass, And Run Leonard Kid's Guide To Staying Boelts, Q06468 Safe Around Fire, A Maribeth Kid's Guide To Staying Boelts, Q06469 Safe Around Water, A Maribeth Kid's Guide To Staying Boelts, Q06470 Safe At Playgrounds, A Maribeth Kid's Guide To Staying Boelts, Q06471 Safe At School, A Maribeth Kid's Guide To Staying Boelts, Q06472 Safe On Bikes, A Maribeth Kid's Guide To Staying Boelts, Q06473 Safe On The Streets, A Maribeth Kids Care About Sea Q06479 Animals Johnson, Tim dePaola, Q06488 Kids' Cat Book, The Tomie Kids' Clubs That Helped The Vesely, Q27382 World Jennifer Lexile Levels Reading Level 230 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.6 1 277 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.5 1 203 Non-Fiction K-2 260 410 1.5 2.2 1 1 150 121 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 170 1.6 1 378 Fiction K-2 570 3.5 3 4277 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 1 79 Fiction K-2 580 1.5 1 74 Fiction K-2 530 4.8 2 1250 Fiction K-2 310 910 600 1.9 6.3 4.4 1 2 2 353 1435 2297 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 510 2.8 1 984 Fiction K-2 240 2.1 2 735 Fiction K-2 140 2.1 2 998 Fiction K-2 610 3.4 2 1026 Non-Fiction K-2 610 3.4 2 925 Non-Fiction K-2 620 3.4 2 931 Non-Fiction K-2 650 3.7 2 959 Non-Fiction K-2 690 3.9 2 900 Non-Fiction K-2 700 3.8 2 961 Non-Fiction K-2 580 3.3 2 2010 Non-Fiction K-2 480 3.9 2 1197 Fiction K-2 460 2.6 1 520 Non-Fiction K-2 BR AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level 230 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.4 1 503 Non-Fiction K-2 570 2.7 1 511 Non-Fiction K-2 300 1.2 1 40 Fiction K-2 3 2570 Fiction K-2 Q27631 Kim Is Sick Goldish, Meish Simon, Seymour Thompson, Emily Q17004 Kimako's Story Jordan, June 910 4.5 Q06503 Kimbo's Marble Herrick, Amy Rogers, Jacqueline 710 5.1 AD 3 4147 Fiction K-2 600 2.8 AD 1 290 Fiction K-2 Marx, Trish Senisi, Ellen B. Karim, Roberta Kraegel, Kenneth Wood, Audrey Aborio, Portia 580 2.3 AD 1 895 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.5 2 1118 Non-Fiction K-2 260 2.8 AD 2 835 Fiction K-2 720 3.4 AD 1 597 Fiction K-2 310 2.1 AD 1 282 Fiction K-2 1.1 NP 1 227 Fiction K-2 510 2.8 2 1727 Fiction K-2 540 1.8 1 90 Non-Fiction K-2 Q54880 King Hugo's Huge Ego DeLuise, Dom Eckart, Edana Van Dusen, Chris 920 4.4 AD 1 926 Fiction K-2 Q15273 King Island Christmas Q22725 King Long Shanks Rogers, Jean Yolen, Jane 720 480 3.5 2.8 AD 2 2 660 1592 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 590 4.9 AD 2 1582 Fiction K-2 860 4.6 AD 2 1535 Fiction K-2 510 3.2 2 971 Fiction K-2 890 3.7 2 1452 Fiction K-2 460 2.2 3 5421 Fiction K-2 310 2.8 2 878 Fiction K-2 Q30025 Kids' Work Killer Whales (SeeMore Q32644 Readers) Q37808 Kindergarten ABC Kindergarten Day China Q49768 And USA Q06505 Kindergarten Kids Kindle Me A Riddle: A Q27458 Pioneer Story King Arthur's Very Great Q57976 Grandson King Bidgood's In The Q06509 Bathtub Q06510 King Big Wig Q19120 King Bob's New Clothes Q34611 King Cobra Q23867 King Midas King Midas And The Q56076 Golden Touch King Midas: The Golden Q33623 Touch Q37037 King O' the Cats Stewig, John Warren Craft, Charlotte Demi, Shepard, Aaron Q35064 King Of Show-And-Tell, The Klein, Abby Naylor, Phyllis Q23608 King Of The Playground Reynolds AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q23718 King Of The Pond King Of The Pumpkin Fair, Q30008 The Q23521 King Of The Stable Q40299 King Puck Q06517 King Who Rained, The Q06519 King's Commissioners, The Q47387 King's Taster, The King, The Mice, And The Q06523 Cheese, The Kipper's A To Z: An Q24654 Alphabet Adventure Q25680 Kipper's Snowy Day Q54433 Kiss Box, The Q24067 Kiss For A Warthog, A Q06532 Kiss For Little Bear, A Q26546 Kiss It Better Q23875 Kiss The Cow! Q06537 Kissing Hand, The Q06538 Kit And Kat Q49711 Kitchen Dance Q31260 Kite (Ada), The Q28487 Kite (Anthology), The Q27624 Kite's Island Trip Q06542 Kite, The Q06543 Kites Kites Sail High: A Book Q06544 About Verbs Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 2.8 2 1839 Fiction K-2 320 2.3 1 458 Fiction K-2 370 2.9 AD 2 2222 Fiction K-2 670 3.5 AD 1 551 Fiction K-2 580 2.8 AD 1 194 Fiction K-2 560 3.4 2 1062 Fiction K-2 520 2.1 2 1140 Fiction K-2 330 2.1 1 586 Fiction K-2 Inkpen, Mick 90 1.7 AD 2 604 Fiction K-2 Inkpen, Mick Verburg, Bonnie Devlin, Wende 510 2.7 AD 2 642 Fiction K-2 560 2.2 AD 1 590 Fiction K-2 560 3.2 AD 2 889 Fiction K-2 100 2.3 1 293 Fiction K-2 220 410 1.6 2.1 1 2 274 656 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Penn, Audrey dePaola, Tomie Manning, Maurie J. Ada, Alma Flor 520 3.3 1 489 Fiction K-2 150 1.3 1 371 Fiction K-2 570 2.3 1 359 Fiction K-2 50 1.4 1 152 Fiction K-2 Lobel, Arnold Meadows, Lily Packard, Mary Ling, Bettina 310 1.8 1 442 Fiction K-2 70 1.3 1 337 Fiction K-2 180 280 1.3 1.6 1 1 59 42 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Heller, Ruth 600 3.9 1 544 Non-Fiction K-2 Sommer, Carl Widener, Sandra Carlson, Melody Garland, Michael Gwynne, Fred Friedman, Aileen Oppel, Kenneth Gurney, Nancy Minarik, Else Holmelund Oram, Hiawyn Root, Phyllis Lexile Levels Reading Level 440 Lexile Code AD AD AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Kites: Magic Wishes That Q23807 Fly Up To The Sky Q24367 Kitten Called Moonlight, A Q32549 Kitten Castle Q35396 Kitten Is A Baby Cat, A Q24065 Kitten's Day Out Q36216 Kitten's First Full Moon Q28957 Kittens Q43490 Kittens (Blastoff! Readers) Q16448 Kittens Are Like That Q33454 Kitty Goes To School Kitty Princess and the Q36091 Newspaper Dress Knee-High Man Q27539 (Anthology), The Q06550 Q33243 Q06551 Q29194 Q19785 Q23517 Q39959 Q06556 Q29116 Q06560 Q06561 Author Name Demi, Waddell, Martin Friedman, Mel Blevins, Wiley Amery, Heather Henkes, Kevin Curry, Don L. Sexton, Colleen Pfloog, Jan Smath, Jerry Carlow, Emma Dreyer, Ellen Moss, Knick Knack Paddy Wack Marissa Zelinsky, Knick-Knack Paddywhack! Paul O. dePaola, Knight And The Dragon, The Tomie Hajdusiewicz, Knight Light, The Babs Bell Hazen, Knight Who Was Afraid Of Barbara The Dark, The Shook Gibbons, Knights In Shining Armor Gail Roth, Julie Knitting Nell Jersild Carter, Knock! Knock! Jackie Marsh, Knock-Knock Jokes Phoebe Martin Jr., Knots On A Counting Rope Bill Spirn, Michele Know-Nothing Birthday, A Sobel Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 620 3.4 AD 2 965 Non-Fiction K-2 350 2.1 AD 2 698 Fiction K-2 280 2.3 2 930 Fiction K-2 1 60 Non-Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 140 1.5 1 340 Fiction K-2 360 1.7 1 261 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 33 Fiction K-2 280 620 1.7 2.1 AD 1 1 107 327 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 250 1.8 AD 2 707 Fiction K-2 550 2.3 AD 1 793 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 491 Fiction K-2 1.9 NP 1 374 Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 1 288 Fiction K-2 650 3.5 AD 1 124 Fiction K-2 60 2.1 1 369 Fiction K-2 780 2.6 2 743 Fiction K-2 930 3.3 2 1467 Non-Fiction K-2 650 3.4 AD 1 300 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 471 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 109 Fiction K-2 480 4.1 2 1426 Fiction K-2 290 3.4 2 880 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Spirn, Michele Q22938 Know-Nothing Halloween, A Sobel Spirn, Know-Nothings Talk Turkey, Michele Q22937 The Sobel Spirn, Michele Q06562 Know-Nothings, The Sobel Q23092 Knowing About Noses Q06563 Knoxville, Tennessee Q35531 Knuffle Bunny Knuffle Bunny Free: An Q50690 Unexpected Diversion Knuffle Bunny Too: A Case Q42353 Of Mistaken Identity Knut: How One Little Polar Bear Captivated The Q43375 World Q25110 Koala Lou Q06566 Koalas Q55165 Koalas Q34367 Kogi's Mysterious Journey Q19784 Koi And The Kola Nuts Q27761 Kokopelli & The Butterfly Q34609 Komodo Dragon Komodo Dragon Hatchling Q42486 Grows Up, A Komodo Dragon: The World's Biggest Lizard Q40555 (SuperSized!) Q06570 Komodo! Q06573 Korean Cinderella, The Q37238 Kumak's Fish Kumak's House: A Tale Of Q33529 The Far North Lexile Levels Reading Level 260 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.8 2 850 Fiction K-2 330 2.1 2 827 Fiction K-2 230 2.5 2 1254 Fiction K-2 Fowler, Allan Giovanni, Nikki Lexile Code 2.6 NA 1 340 Non-Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 1 69 Fiction K-2 1 212 Fiction K-2 Willems, Mo 120 1 Willems, Mo 530 2.1 AD 1 617 Fiction K-2 Willems, Mo 690 4.3 AD 1 413 Fiction K-2 950 550 7.4 2.8 NC AD 2 1 2160 583 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 520 1.5 1 51 Non-Fiction K-2 Schuetz, Kari Partridge, Elizabeth Aardema, Verna Sterns, Michael Eckart, Edana Marsico, Katie 330 2.1 1 111 Non-Fiction K-2 760 4.3 AD 1 1334 Fiction K-2 550 3.5 AD 2 1615 Fiction K-2 820 3.9 AD 3 3383 Fiction K-2 430 2.1 1 94 Non-Fiction K-2 360 2.2 1 376 Non-Fiction K-2 Lunis, Natalie Sis, Peter Climo, Shirley Bania, Michael Bania, Michael 680 780 3.5 2.8 1 1 535 319 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 700 4.5 2 1820 Fiction K-2 740 2.2 AD 1 837 Fiction K-2 280 2.3 AD 2 823 Fiction K-2 Hatkoff, Isabella Fox, Mem SaundersSmith, Gail IG AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q25873 Kwanzaa Kwanzaa (Rookie ReadAbout Holidays - Children's Q39846 Press) Kwanzaa (Rookie ReadQ32338 About Holidays) Q50714 Kwanzaa Miracle, A Q29902 Kyle's Attic Kylie Kangaroo's Karate Q54146 Kickers Q23313 L Is For Loving Q47969 Labor Day Labor Day (Rookie ReadQ32339 About Holidays) Labrador Retrievers Q44657 (Blastoff! Readers) Labrador Retrievers Are Q48000 The Best! Q53775 Q25810 Q28122 Q06617 Q06619 Q17201 Q22329 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Porter, A. P. 600 3.5 2 Words 1525 Type Non-Fiction 650 3.6 1 304 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2.1 1 310 Non-Fiction K-2 700 2.8 2 1169 Fiction K-2 350 1.7 1 193 Fiction K-2 410 1.4 1 586 Fiction K-2 460 3.1 1 303 Fiction K-2 480 2.6 1 106 Non-Fiction K-2 320 1.8 1 300 Non-Fiction K-2 810 2.9 1 570 Non-Fiction K-2 610 3.4 2 1794 Non-Fiction K-2 830 4.4 2 1183 Fiction K-2 470 2.6 2 1141 Fiction K-2 370 3.2 AD 2 1301 Fiction K-2 840 4.6 AD 3 3136 Non-Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 1 131 Fiction K-2 780 4.8 AD 2 1483 Fiction K-2 730 2.9 2 613 Non-Fiction K-2 620 3.4 AD 1 511 Non-Fiction K-2 600 2.4 AD 1 724 Fiction K-2 580 2.3 AD 1 926 Fiction K-2 Trueit, Trudi Strain Marx, David F. Gayle, Sharon Shavers Shapiro, Debbie deRubertis, Barbara Wilson-Max, Ken Nelson, Robin Bredeson, Carmen Schuh, Mari Landau, Elaine Soetoro-Ng, Ladder To The Moon Maya McNulty, Lady And The Spider, The Faith McGovern, Lady In The Box, The Ann dePaola, Lady Of Guadalupe, The Tomie Westcott, Lady With The Alligator Nadine Purse, The Bernard Lattimore, Lady With The Ship On Her Deborah Head, The Nourse Hartley, Ladybug (Bug Books) Karen Ladybug And Other Insects Jeunesse, Q06621 (First Discovery), The Gallimard Soman, Q46658 Ladybug Girl David Ladybug Girl And Soman, Q46659 Bumblebee Boy David Lexile Code AD AD AD Points Interest Level K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 710 3.4 AD 1 839 Fiction K-2 580 3.3 1 356 Non-Fiction K-2 Q52143 Ladybug Life Cycle 570 3.3 1 505 Non-Fiction K-2 Q13694 370 1.9 AD 2 813 Fiction K-2 2.8 NA 1 212 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Somar, Q57557 Ladybug Girl at The Beach David Ladybug Larva Grows Up, Marsico, Q42487 A Katie Q23235 Q18282 Q42563 Q32149 Q28893 Q36152 Q39235 Q39792 Q06630 Q46023 Q28845 Q54147 Q27623 Q54613 McCoryMartin, Justin Metzger, Ladybug's Birthday Steve Himmelman, Ladybug's Life, A John Coughlan, Ladybugs Cheryl Rustad, Ladybugs Martha E.H. Llewellyn, Ladybugs (Minibeasts) Claire Heinrichs, Ladybugs (Nature's Friends) Ann Ladybugs: Red, Fiery, and Bright Posada, Mia Lake Tahoe (Rookie ReadAbout Geography) Zollman, Pam Green, Emily Lakes (Blastoff! Readers) K. Lalo Jiménez, E. Wendorff, Lambs (Blastoff! Reader) Anne Martin, Lamp, The Ice, And The Jacqueline Boat Called Fish, The Briggs deRubertis, Lana Llama's Little Lamb Barbara Pearl, Land (Pearl), The Wendy Bursztyn, Land Of Lost Things, The Dina Q23093 Lands Of Grass Q45017 Landslides Langston Hughes: Great Q28054 American Poet Q23966 Language Of Birds, The Q06642 Language Of Doves, The Fowler, Allan Zuehlke, Jeffrey McKissack, Patricia and Fredrick Martin, Rafe Wells, Rosemary 320 1.5 1 42 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.8 1 188 Non-Fiction K-2 710 2.8 2 1064 Non-Fiction K-2 560 3.3 2 830 Non-Fiction K-2 670 2.2 1 343 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.1 1 346 Non-Fiction K-2 480 640 2.5 3.4 1 1 259 261 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 380 2.3 1 111 Non-Fiction K-2 810 4.7 3 4281 Fiction K-2 450 1.5 1 627 Fiction K-2 370 1.5 1 350 Fiction K-2 430 1.4 AD 1 298 Fiction K-2 2.9 NA 1 268 Non-Fiction K-2 1 662 Non-Fiction K-2 NP AD AD 500 2.7 530 410 3.1 2.5 AD 2 2 1565 1944 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 760 3.5 AD 2 1505 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q36757 Lara Ladybug Q46087 Larabee Q56869 Larf Q25975 Larky Mavis Q14557 Larry And The Cookie Q46560 Larry Gets Lost In Seattle Q30015 Larry's Baby Boa Q35820 Larry, el Sucio LaRue Across America: Postcards From The Q51770 Vacation LaRue For Mayor: Letters Q43349 From The Campaign Trail Author Name Florie, Christine Luthardt, Kevin Spires, Ashley Cole, Brock McDaniel, Becky Bring Skewes, John Yeoh, Debbie Hamsa, Bobbie Q42281 Teague, Mark Teague, Mark Gebauer, Lass Roland Deedy, Carmen Last Dance (Deedy), The Agra Danneberg, Last Day Blues Julie Hegeman, Last Dinosaur Egg, The Andrew Last Dinosaur, The Murphy, Jim Kessler, Last One In Is A Rotten Egg Leonard deGroat, Last One In Is A Rotten Egg Diane Q21023 Q14227 Q48885 Q35957 Last One Picked Last Puppy, The Last Wild Witch, The Late For School Q20086 Q20334 Q43335 Q17734 Q27679 Q06662 Q44927 Late For School Q52767 Late For The Library! Q19778 Later, Rover Q33040 Latitude And Longitude Feely, Jenny Asch, Frank Starhawk, Reiss, Mike Calmenson, Stephanie Maloney, Peter Ziefert, Harriet Aberg, Rebecca Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.3 BR 1 64 Fiction K-2 280 1.1 AD 1 225 Fiction K-2 530 310 2.1 2.8 AD AD 1 2 687 1101 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.7 BR 1 134 Fiction K-2 630 2.5 AD 1 595 Fiction K-2 390 2.4 1 463 Fiction K-2 10 1.5 1 60 Fiction K-2 900 5.2 AD 2 1478 Fiction K-2 880 5.7 AD 2 1346 Fiction K-2 3.5 NA 2 3597 Non-Fiction K-2 580 3.3 AD 2 948 Fiction K-2 740 4.5 NC 4 779 Fiction K-2 650 650 4.7 3.8 AD 2 2 835 2069 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 220 2.1 2 1346 Fiction K-2 490 2.6 1 738 Fiction K-2 100 590 910 1.7 1.3 5.3 2.3 AD NP 1 1 2 1 355 265 2137 469 Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 170 1.3 AD 1 234 Fiction K-2 480 2.2 1 663 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 1 199 Fiction K-2 330 1.9 1 328 Non-Fiction K-2 BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q19788 Q33051 Q06682 Q27970 Q28277 Q33057 Q23005 Q48395 Q28209 Q06686 Q06688 Q35798 Q26595 Q37217 Q06689 Q47681 Q06691 Q06692 Q30082 Q21155 Q27149 Q21336 Q14847 Title Author Name Howland, Latkes, Latkes Good To Eat Naomi Laura Bush (Rookie Biographies) Mara, Wil Galbraith, Laura Charlotte Kathryn O. Wallner, Laura Ingalls Wilder Alexandra Laura Ingalls Wilder (Real Walker, People) Pamela Laura Ingalls Wilder (Rookie Biographies) Mara, Wil Baumgart, Laura's Star Klaus Meadows, Lauren The Puppy Fairy Daisy Laziest Boy In The World, Namioka, The Lensey lazo a la luna, Un Ehlert, Lois Coleman, Lazy Ozzie Michael Hines, Anna Le toca a Guillermo Grossnickle Pearlman, Leaf Dance Bobby Leaf Man Ehlert, Lois Leaf Men And The Brave Joyce, Good Bugs, The William Emmett, Leaf Trouble Jonathan Friedrich, Leah's Pony Elizabeth Wells, Léale a su conejito Rosemary O'Brien, Leap Like A Frog Perry ZuchoraWalske, Leaping Grasshoppers Christine Nystrom, Learn About Your World Lilian Learn To Count, Funny Szekeres, Bunnies Cyndy Learning Is Fun With Mrs. Flanagan, Perez Alice K. Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 380 2.5 AD 2 1400 Fiction K-2 380 2.1 1 313 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.5 2 811 Fiction K-2 760 4.1 2 1307 Non-Fiction K-2 150 1.5 1 90 Non-Fiction K-2 230 2.1 1 327 Non-Fiction K-2 530 3.5 AD 2 605 Fiction K-2 680 3.2 NC 3 4052 Fiction K-2 670 300 3.6 2.8 AD AD 2 1 1573 502 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 420 2.5 1 606 Fiction K-2 220 1.4 1 96 Fiction K-2 130 310 1.8 2.4 1 1 331 208 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 560 3.5 2 785 Fiction K-2 660 2.8 1 586 Fiction K-2 580 2.8 2 1326 Fiction K-2 1 0 Fiction K-2 1 AD AD NP 180 1.5 1 259 Non-Fiction K-2 350 1.9 1 390 Non-Fiction K-2 710 2.7 2 602 Non-Fiction K-2 360 1.4 1 138 Fiction K-2 610 3.9 1 357 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Hall, Kirsten SaundersSmith, Gail Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth Johnson, Angela 660 3.5 IG 1 444 Non-Fiction K-2 310 1.7 1 236 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.3 AD 2 1025 Fiction K-2 820 3.5 AD 1 251 Fiction K-2 Q27641 Lee In The Lake 190 1.4 1 326 Fiction K-2 Q17687 460 3.9 2 1148 Fiction K-2 790 5.5 2 2401 Fiction K-2 640 2.7 AD 1 606 Fiction K-2 740 4.4 AD 2 1496 Fiction K-2 530 2.9 AD 2 1124 Fiction K-2 690 3.3 AD 1 818 Fiction K-2 840 2.8 AD 2 917 Fiction K-2 610 3.9 AD 2 1111 Fiction K-2 680 4.4 AD 2 1222 Fiction K-2 860 3.9 AD 2 1486 Non-Fiction K-2 Lunis, Natalie Gosset, Rachel Weiskopf, Catherine Widman, Christine Murphy, Stuart J. 830 4.4 IG 1 740 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.9 BR 1 15 Non-Fiction K-2 360 2.3 2 1213 Fiction K-2 550 3.3 2 684 Fiction K-2 380 2.5 1 600 Fiction K-2 Ling, Bettina 160 2.4 2 1364 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Leatherback Turtle: The World's Heaviest Reptile Q40556 (SuperSized!) Q18316 Leaves (Growing Flowers) Q36850 Leaves! Leaves! Leaves! Q06716 Leaving Morning, The Q17277 Q39202 Q27339 Q26651 Q51295 Q06729 Q32996 Q06732 Q32466 Hobart, Chris dePaola, Legend Of Old Befana, The Tomie San Souci, Legend Of Scarface, The Robert D. Legend Of Spookley The Square Pumpkin, The Troiano, Joe Wooldridge, Legend Of Strap Buckner, Connie The Nordhielm Legend Of The Christmas Hooks, Rose, The William H. Legend Of The Golden Base, Snail, The Graeme Legend Of The Indian dePaola, Paintbrush, The Tomie Legend Of The Lady Slipper: An Ojibwe Tale, LungeThe Larsen, Lise Legend Of The Poinsettia, dePaola, The Tomie Legend Of The Teddy Murphy, Bear, The Frank Q45841 Leggy Centipedes Q15395 Legs Lemon & Ice & Everything Q28013 Nice! Q06735 Lemon Drop Jar, The Q19445 Lemonade For Sale Lemonade For Sale (Real Q25477 Kids Readers) SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q18944 Lemonade Stand Len And Linda's Picnic Q31178 (Anthology) Q06742 Leo The Late Bloomer Q46197 Leo The Lightning Bug Q06746 Leo The Magnificat Q37814 Leo, The Lovable Lion Leo, Zack, And Emmie Q23058 Together Again Author Name Vaughan, Marcia Ward, Becky Kraus, Robert Drachman, Eric Martin, Ann M. Andreae, Giles Lexile Levels Reading Level 320 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.7 1 445 Fiction K-2 270 1.5 1 244 Fiction K-2 120 1.7 1 174 Fiction K-2 670 3.2 1 953 Fiction K-2 480 2.8 2 1297 Fiction K-2 1 695 Fiction K-2 2 1493 Fiction K-2 2 1934 Fiction K-2 1 276 Fiction K-2 2.4 Lexile Code AD NP Ehrlich, Amy Rosales, Melodye Q17381 Leola And The Honeybears Benson 340 2.9 800 5.1 Q26719 Leon And Bob Leon And The Place Q47866 Between 400 1.9 440 2.5 NC 1 907 Fiction K-2 340 490 2.7 2.5 AD 1 1 365 463 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 690 3.3 NC 4 4490 Fiction K-2 380 3.1 AD 2 1323 Fiction K-2 530 2.7 2 649 Non-Fiction K-2 670 2.1 AD 1 269 Fiction K-2 680 3.2 AD 2 1061 Fiction K-2 350 2.2 1 119 Non-Fiction K-2 740 4.8 AD 2 1208 Fiction K-2 810 4.3 AD 1 777 Fiction K-2 660 2.8 AD 1 981 Fiction K-2 770 3.8 AD 2 1184 Fiction K-2 Q24140 Leon The Chameleon Q34875 León Y El Ratón, El Q57111 Leona The Unicorn Fairy Leonardo And The Flying Q23503 Boy Leonardo Da Vinci (Life Q22403 And Work Of) Leonardo The Terrible Q37368 Monster Q52497 Q58564 Q19141 Q56949 Q56005 Q38269 James, Simon McAllister, Angela Watt, Melanie Valeri, M. E. Meadows, Daisy Anholt, Laurence Connolly, Sean Willems, Mo Sutcliffe, Leonardo's Monster Jane BorgertSpaniol, Leopards Megan Bateman, Leprechaun Gold Teresa Leprechaun Under The Bed, Bateman, The Teresa Leprechaun Who Lost His Callahan, Rainbow, The Sean Edwards, Pamela Leprechaun's Gold, The Duncan AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Leroy Potts Meets The Q06752 McCrooks Q35765 Less Than Zero Q06754 Lesson, The Lester Fizz, Bubble-Gum Q45392 Artist Q14207 Lester's Dog Q38247 Let George Do It! Q41839 Let It Snow Q25475 Let Me Help! Q49173 Let Me Help! Q19843 Let's Be Enemies Q17059 Let's Be Friends Q48639 Let's Be Friends Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level 550 2.8 620 2.6 310 2.2 Spiro, Ruth 520 2.1 Hesse, Karen Foreman, George Hobbie, Holly Tidd, Louise Vitellaro Ada, Alma Flor Udry, Janice May Gipson, Morrell Miller, Amanda 760 4.9 420 2 660 3.5 10 1.7 630 2.5 250 Sathre, Vivian Murphy, Stuart J. Cummings, Pat Q27536 Let's Camp Out! (Anthology) Article, Q20943 Let's Count Baby Hudson, Cheryl Willis Q28924 Q46834 Q06761 Q06762 Q22260 Q14572 Q28237 Q28268 Carlstrom, Nancy White Ancona, Let's Dance! George Let's Do Nothing Fucile, Tony Zamorano, Let's Eat! Ana Barabas, Let's Find Out About Money Kathy Murphy, Let's Fly A Kite Stuart J. Ziefert, Let's Get A Pet Harriet Graham, Let's Get A Pup! Said Kate Bob Let's Get Ready For Winne, Christmas Joanne Points Words Type Interest Level 2 1256 Fiction K-2 2 961 Fiction K-2 1 133 Fiction K-2 AD 1 860 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1430 Fiction K-2 1 314 Fiction K-2 1 810 Fiction K-2 1 453 Fiction K-2 1 667 Fiction K-2 2.9 1 234 Fiction K-2 350 3.6 2 651 Fiction K-2 320 2.1 1 306 Non-Fiction K-2 250 1.3 1 95 Non-Fiction K-2 300 1.7 AD 1 59 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 2 707 Fiction K-2 650 360 3.1 1.2 AD 2 1 742 371 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 550 3.5 2 633 Fiction K-2 450 4.1 1 314 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.2 2 825 Fiction K-2 530 3.5 AD 2 1088 Non-Fiction K-2 350 2.6 AD 2 664 Fiction K-2 140 1.4 1 79 Non-Fiction K-2 Let's Count It Out, Jesse Q06760 Bear Lexile Code AD AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Let's Get Ready For Earth Q33202 Day Q28266 Let's Get Ready For Easter Let's Get Ready For Q28265 Halloween Let's Get Ready For Q28264 Hanukkah Let's Get Ready For Q33201 Independence Day Let's Get Ready For Q28267 Kwanzaa Let's Get Ready For Martin Q33200 Luther King Jr. Day Let's Get Ready For Q33199 Memorial Day Let's Get Ready For Q33198 Passover Let's Get Ready For Q28286 Thanksgiving Let's Get Ready For Q33197 Valentine's Day Q06764 Let's Get the Rhythm Let's Go Dinosaur Tracking! Q29691 (Anthology 2) Let's Go Dinosaur Tracking! Q28570 (Anthology) Q06765 Let's Go Froggy! Q06766 Let's Go Home, Little Bear Q06767 Let's Go On A Museum Hunt Q28282 Let's Go On A Picnic Q06768 Let's Go Rock Collecting Let's Go To A Baseball Q34724 Game Q28280 Let's Go To A Car Race Q28283 Let's Go To A Fair Q34552 Let's Go To A Movie Q35046 Let's Go To A Museum Q34815 Let's Go To A Park Q34750 Let's Go To A Play Let's Go To A Science Q34647 Center Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 1.4 1 115 Non-Fiction K-2 190 1.4 1 86 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.4 1 70 Non-Fiction K-2 340 1.5 1 78 Non-Fiction K-2 170 1.4 1 142 Non-Fiction K-2 240 1.5 1 121 Non-Fiction K-2 430 1.7 1 159 Non-Fiction K-2 340 1.6 1 148 Non-Fiction K-2 330 1.6 1 175 Non-Fiction K-2 200 1.5 1 103 Non-Fiction K-2 270 1.5 1 126 Non-Fiction K-2 70 1.5 1 132 Fiction K-2 530 2.9 1 572 Non-Fiction K-2 590 2.9 2 1305 Non-Fiction K-2 290 1.7 1 578 Fiction K-2 620 1.7 2 651 Fiction K-2 300 50 540 1.7 1.3 2.8 2 1 2 1351 69 855 Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 Hill, Mary Foley, Cate Foley, Cate Hill, Mary Blevins, Wiley Hill, Mary Hill, Mary 270 230 50 360 1.5 1.6 1.2 1.8 1 1 1 1 100 87 96 128 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 240 260 1.5 1.4 1.5 1 1 1 72 110 99 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 Hill, Mary 320 1.6 1 106 Non-Fiction K-2 Douglas, Lloyd G. Winne, Joanne Winne, Joanne Winne, Joanne Douglas, Lloyd G. Winne, Joanne Douglas, Lloyd G. Douglas, Lloyd G. Douglas, Lloyd G. Winne, Joanne Douglas, Lloyd G. Miranda, Anne Schlein, Miriam Schlein, Miriam London, Jonathan Waddell, Martin Alexander, Francie Foley, Cate Gans, Roma Lexile Levels Reading Level 190 Lexile Code BR AD BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q28281 Q34553 Q28285 Q28284 Title Let's Go To The Aquarium Let's Go To The Beach Let's Go To The Museum Let's Go To The Zoo Q26511 Let's Go Visiting Q06770 Let's Go! Q29000 Let's Go! (Mann) Author Name Foley, Cate Hill, Mary Foley, Cate Foley, Cate Williams, Sue Cervantes, Jesus Lexile Levels Reading Level 190 350 220 100 1.5 1.8 1.6 1.3 0 1.4 0 Lexile Code Points Interest Level 1 1 1 1 Words 96 129 109 100 Type Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction BR 1 91 Fiction K-2 1.5 BR 1 118 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 30 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 41 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 303 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 29 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 295 Fiction K-2 1.6 NA 1 151 Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 Q23174 Let's Jump Rope Mann, Rachel Martinucci, Suzanne Hillert, Margaret Montero, Carlos Hillert, Margaret Hughes, Sarah Q51507 Let's Look At Armadillos JangoCohen, Judith 560 3.2 1 454 Non-Fiction K-2 Q48010 Let's Look At Bats Berman, Ruth 550 3.2 1 311 Non-Fiction K-2 Q48011 Let's Look At Brown Bears Berman, Ruth 480 2.6 1 270 Non-Fiction K-2 Q51602 Let's Look At Earthworms Dell'Oro, Suzanne Paul 570 3.3 1 523 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.4 1 383 Non-Fiction K-2 510 590 2.8 3.3 1 1 572 550 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 580 3.3 1 543 Non-Fiction K-2 560 3.2 1 570 Non-Fiction K-2 580 570 3.3 3.3 1 1 551 533 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Q27202 Let's Go! (Martinucci) Q06771 Let's Go, Dear Dragon Q29945 Let's Have A Picnic Q06772 Let's Have A Play Q48013 Let's Look At Iguanas Let's Look At Monarch Q51531 Butterflies Q48012 Let's Look At Pigeons Q48008 Let's Look At Prairie Dogs Q51554 Let's Look At Sea Otters Q51517 Let's Look At Sharks Q51496 Let's Look At Sloths JangoCohen, Judith Waxman, Laura Hamilton Piehl, Janet ZuchoraWalske, Christine Levine, Michelle Nelson, Kristin L. Piehl, Janet SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q48009 Let's Look At Snails Q32308 Let's Make A Cake Q30021 Q32305 Q32310 Q32304 Q32307 Q32303 Q06773 Let's Make A Pie Let's Make A Sandwich Let's Make Bread Let's Make Cookies Let's Make Pizza Let's Make Tacos Let's Paint A Rainbow Q23178 Let's Play Hide-And-Seek Q23179 Let's Play Hopscotch Q23175 Let's Play Jacks Q23177 Let's Play Tag Q23176 Let's Play Tug-Of-War Let's Read About... Betsy Q54029 Ross Let's Read About...Abraham Q27747 Lincoln Let's Read About...César Q37973 Chávez Let's Read About...Christopher Q26481 Columbus Let's Read About...George Q32401 W. Bush Q27684 Q26512 Q34006 Q52150 Q32570 Q31846 Let's Read About...George Washington Let's Read About...Martin Luther King, Jr. Let's Read About...Pocahontas Let's Read About...Rosa Parks Let's Read About...Ruby Bridges Author Name Waxman, Laura Hamilton Hill, Mary Cernak, Linda Hill, Mary Hill, Mary Hill, Mary Hill, Mary Hill, Mary Carle, Eric Hughes, Sarah Hughes, Sarah Hughes, Sarah Hughes, Sarah Hughes, Sarah Denega, Danielle Lexile Levels Reading Level 500 190 440 150 60 230 120 150 0 410 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.7 1.4 1 1 454 134 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 2.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.7 BR 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 445 113 108 127 111 93 59 Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 1.2 NA 1 158 Non-Fiction K-2 1 195 Non-Fiction K-2 1.2 1.4 NA 1 186 Non-Fiction K-2 1.3 NA 1 141 Non-Fiction K-2 1.3 NA 1 178 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.6 1 490 Non-Fiction K-2 Black, Sonia 400 2.4 1 517 Non-Fiction K-2 Tello, Jerry 450 2.3 1 464 Fiction K-2 Weinberger, Kimberly 250 1.9 1 456 Non-Fiction K-2 Fry, Sonali 400 2.4 1 541 Non-Fiction K-2 370 2.3 1 438 Non-Fiction K-2 380 2.3 1 410 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.4 1 467 Non-Fiction K-2 550 2.4 1 495 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2.4 1 445 Non-Fiction K-2 250 2.1 2 620 Non-Fiction K-2 Weinberger, Kimberly Baker, Courtney Weinberger, Kimberly Baker, Courtney Bridges, Ruby Black, Sonia Let's Read About...Squanto W. SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.2 1 409 Fiction K-2 60 1.3 1 76 Fiction K-2 220 2.5 AD 1 423 Non-Fiction K-2 570 2.5 AD 1 583 Non-Fiction K-2 220 2.5 AD 1 381 Non-Fiction K-2 Berry, Joy 170 2.5 AD 1 480 Non-Fiction K-2 Berry, Joy 260 2.5 1 466 Non-Fiction K-2 Berry, Joy 460 2.5 AD 1 412 Non-Fiction K-2 Berry, Joy 360 2.5 AD 1 516 Non-Fiction K-2 Rogers, Fred 470 2.2 AD 1 480 Non-Fiction K-2 Rogers, Fred 830 2.9 AD 2 837 Non-Fiction K-2 Berry, Joy 370 2.5 AD 1 487 Non-Fiction K-2 Q25874 Let's Talk About Saying No Berry, Joy 380 2.5 AD 1 487 Non-Fiction K-2 Q14760 Let's Talk About Tongues Fowler, Allan Behrens, Janice Miller, Amanda Behrens, Janice Falk, Laine Miller, Amanda Falk, Laine Gerrard, Hannah Ziefert, Harriet 500 2.4 1 400 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.8 1 280 Non-Fiction K-2 550 3.2 1 360 Non-Fiction K-2 400 510 2.3 2.8 1 1 338 339 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 580 510 3.3 2.8 1 1 285 288 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 560 2.8 1 381 Non-Fiction K-2 190 1.2 1 335 Fiction K-2 Hall, Kirsten Simon, Seymour 280 1.5 NP 1 307 Fiction K-2 570 2.8 AD 2 1351 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q43863 Q30704 Q30883 Q06776 Q28848 Title Author Name Fontes, Justine Let's Share, Grumpy Bunny! Korman Velasco, Let's Take A Walk Pilar Let's Talk About Being Good Berry, Joy Let's Talk About Being Helpful Berry, Joy Let's Talk About Being Patient Berry, Joy Q30884 Let's Talk About Being Shy Let's Talk About Feeling Q26482 Afraid Let's Talk About Feeling Q06781 Angry Let's Talk About Feeling Q26596 Sad Let's Talk About It: Q31237 Extraordinary Friends Let's Talk About It: Q27886 Stepfamilies Let's Talk About Needing Q25649 Attention Q44714 Let's Talk Baseball Q44715 Let's Talk Basketball Q44716 Let's Talk Riding Q44717 Let's Talk Soccer Q44718 Let's Talk Swimming Q44719 Let's Talk Tae Kwon Do Q38930 Let's Talk Tigers Q14659 Let's Trade Let's Trade: All About Q35781 Trading Q27340 Let's Try It Out In The Air Lexile Levels Reading Level 360 Lexile Code SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 490 2.7 AD 2 1355 Non-Fiction K-2 650 3.5 1 327 Non-Fiction K-2 Let's Try It Out In The Q26788 Water Let's Visit A Dairy Farm Q39848 (Scholastic News) Simon, Seymour Sweeney, Alyse Q14716 Let's Visit Some Islands 640 2.5 1 549 Non-Fiction K-2 140 1.4 1 104 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.5 1 373 Non-Fiction K-2 170 3.1 1 521 Fiction K-2 390 3.1 2 1131 Fiction K-2 280 1.5 1 223 Fiction K-2 2 1878 Fiction K-2 Q06815 Levers Fowler, Allan Morgan, Kate Behrens, Janice Keats, Ezra Jack Weninger, Brigitte Ernst, Lisa Campbell Christelow, Eileen Castagliola, Anne M. Malachi, Hinda Dahl, Michael Q47516 Levers (Blastoff! Readers) Levi Strauss Gets A Bright Q55551 Idea Lewis and Clark (Rookie Q39231 Biographies) Manolis, Kay Johnston, Tony McCormick, Lisa Wade Lewis And Papa: Adventure Q13817 On The Santa Fe Trail leyenda de la flor de Q06817 Nochebuena, La leyenda de la flor el Q06818 conejo, La Liang And The Magic Q14022 Paintbrush Joosse, Barbara dePaola, Tomie dePaola, Tomie Q29964 Let's Visit The Zoo Q48634 Let's Vote On It! Q22750 Letter To Amy, A Q23965 Letter To Santa Claus, A Q06809 Letters Are Lost, The Letters From A Desperate Q44180 Dog Q27150 Letters From A New Home Q30058 Letters From Lila (Malachi) Q51726 Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire Q06819 Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire! Liberty Bell (American Q33960 Symbols), The Demi, deGroat, Diane Cohen, Miriam Douglas, Lloyd G. 3.4 AD GN 150 2.4 2 572 Fiction K-2 340 2.4 1 496 Fiction K-2 480 1.5 1 387 Non-Fiction K-2 670 4.2 1 595 Non-Fiction K-2 610 2.4 1 742 Fiction K-2 560 2.9 1 557 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.5 2 1207 Fiction K-2 550 4.4 2 1234 Fiction K-2 630 3.8 AD 2 951 Fiction K-2 480 3.1 AD 2 662 Fiction K-2 590 2.3 AD 2 1009 Fiction K-2 490 2.4 2 616 Fiction K-2 370 1.5 1 128 Non-Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q35658 Liberty Bell, The Q36139 Liberty Street Q46157 Liberty's Journey Librarian From The Black Q06823 Lagoon, The Librarian Of Basra: A True Q36036 Story From Iraq Q49772 Librarian On The Roof! Q06824 Librarians Q35598 Librarians Librarians Help Us Find Q19493 Information Q06826 Library Dragon, The Q06827 Library Lil Q39325 Library Lion Q42330 Library Mouse Library Mouse: A Friend's Q50762 Tale Q17261 Library, The libro de las arenas Q06831 movedizas, El Q06832 libro de las nubes, El Q06834 libro de los cerdos, El Author Name JangoCohen, Judith Ransom, Candice F. DiPucchio, Kelly Thaler, Mike Winter, Jeanette King, M.G. Ready, Dee JangoCohen, Judith Greene, Carol Deedy, Carmen Agra Williams, Suzanne Knudsen, Michelle Kirk, Daniel Kirk, Daniel Stewart, Sarah dePaola, Tomie dePaola, Tomie Browne, Anthony libro de los grandes Koningsburg, Q06835 inventos de Samuel Todd, El E. Sexton, Q51620 Life Cycle Of A Bee, The Colleen Life Cycle Of A Butterfly, Sexton, Q51621 The Colleen Sexton, Q51622 Life Cycle Of A Cat, The Colleen Royston, Q22330 Life Cycle Of A Chicken Angela Lexile Levels Reading Level 380 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.9 1 436 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.7 2 1273 Fiction K-2 850 4.5 1 600 Fiction K-2 580 3.9 1 452 Fiction K-2 640 900 450 3.4 5.2 1.5 1 2 1 467 1232 317 Non-Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 340 1.7 1 363 Non-Fiction K-2 370 2.8 1 479 Non-Fiction K-2 690 5.5 2 997 Fiction K-2 570 4.2 2 1252 Fiction K-2 470 830 2.3 4.7 2 2 1373 1113 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 660 2.7 2 1208 Fiction K-2 1 440 Fiction K-2 4.5 Lexile Code AD AD AD AD NC NP 410 1 2 568 Fiction K-2 620 3.5 2 682 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.7 2 420 Fiction K-2 610 3.4 1 484 Fiction K-2 560 3.2 1 304 Non-Fiction K-2 580 3.3 1 305 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.6 1 313 Non-Fiction K-2 610 2.8 2 628 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Life Cycle Of A Chicken, Q51623 The 550 Q51624 Quiz # Q51625 Q22331 Q51626 Q27919 Q51627 Q51628 Q51629 Q51630 Q51631 Q31270 Title Author Name Sexton, Colleen Sexton, Life Cycle Of A Cow, The Colleen Sexton, Life Cycle Of A Dog, The Colleen Royston, Life Cycle Of A Frog Angela Sexton, Life Cycle Of A Frog, The Colleen Royston, Life Cycle Of A Kangaroo Angela Life Cycle Of A Ladybug, Sexton, The Colleen Life Cycle Of A Penguin, Sexton, The Colleen Life Cycle Of A Salmon, Sexton, The Colleen Life Cycle Of A Sea Horse, Sexton, The Colleen Sexton, Life Cycle Of A Turtle, The Colleen Life Cycle Of An Apple Royston, (Anthology) Angela Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.2 1 302 Non-Fiction K-2 580 3.3 1 354 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.5 1 311 Non-Fiction K-2 620 2.9 2 629 Non-Fiction K-2 550 3.2 1 298 Non-Fiction K-2 590 2.8 1 536 Non-Fiction K-2 590 3.3 1 318 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.4 1 330 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.6 1 325 Non-Fiction K-2 650 3.7 1 357 Non-Fiction K-2 640 3.7 1 353 Non-Fiction K-2 640 1.9 1 141 Non-Fiction K-2 1 407 Non-Fiction K-2 Q06843 Life In A Pond Fowler, Allan 660 2.7 Q14755 Life In A Tide Pool Fowler, Allan 520 2.9 1 365 Non-Fiction K-2 Q14754 Life In A Wetland Life In The Slow Lane: A Q45265 Desert Tortoise Tale Fowler, Allan Storad, Conrad J. Bernard, Robin Fraser, Ian 660 2.5 1 458 Non-Fiction K-2 630 2.5 1 359 Fiction K-2 490 360 2.6 2.2 1 1 576 992 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 420 2.5 AD 2 757 Non-Fiction K-2 3.5 NP 1 241 Fiction K-2 Q28373 Life Of A Butterfly, The Q52156 Life With Mammoth Lifetimes: The Beautiful Way To Explain Death To Q25575 Children Q27731 Lift Ev'ry Voice And Sing Q33959 Liftoff! Q42589 Light Q06856 Light (First Discovery) Mellonie, Bryan Johnson, James Weldon Bredeson, Carmen Schuh, Mari Jeunesse, Gallimard AD AD 440 580 2.1 3.3 1 1 299 520 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 510 2.8 1 583 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Light And Dark (It's Q23474 Science!) Q27087 Light Of One Candle, The Q19797 Light The Lights! Q23724 Light Your Candle Q06864 Lighthouse Children, The Lighthouse: A Story Of Q34009 Remembrance Q18722 Lightning Lightning (Blastoff! Q39793 Readers) Q14544 Lightning Liz Q50933 Lightning! Q06870 Lights On The River Q37300 Lights Out! (Medearis) Q39617 Lightship Q42285 Lila Bloom Q27925 Lili At Ballet Q29625 Lilly Reads (Anthology) Q38845 Lilly's Big Day Q06882 Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse Q06887 Lily Cupboard, The Lily y su bolso de plástico Q48907 morado Q26652 Lima Bean Monster, The Lincoln Memorial, The Q35643 (2004) Lincoln Memorial, The Q51520 (2011) Author Name Hewitt, Sally Cardigan, H. H. Moorman, Margaret Sommer, Carl Hoff, Syd Munsch, Robert SaundersSmith, Gail Herriges, Ann Brimner, Larry Dane Bauer, Jeff Thomas, Jane Resh Medearis, Angela Shelf Floca, Brian Stadler, Alexander Isadora, Rachel Brown, Laurie Krasny Henkes, Kevin Henkes, Kevin Oppenheim, Shulamith Levey Henkes, Kevin Yaccarino, Dan Nelson, Kristin L. Nelson, Kristin L. Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.1 NA 2 1034 Non-Fiction K-2 2 907 Non-Fiction K-2 2 622 Fiction K-2 650 2.9 720 4.5 430 440 2.9 2.2 2 1 2180 478 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 650 3.2 1 561 Fiction K-2 370 2.8 1 280 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.5 1 294 Non-Fiction K-2 0 520 1.5 3.1 BR 1 1 60 395 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 850 4.6 AD 2 583 Fiction K-2 410 600 1.4 3.3 NP AD 1 1 165 350 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 710 3.7 NC 1 930 Fiction K-2 590 3.1 1 502 Fiction K-2 140 1.6 1 183 Fiction K-2 660 3.6 2 1157 Fiction K-2 540 3.5 2 1202 Fiction K-2 420 4.1 2 1506 Fiction K-2 540 3.2 2 1524 Fiction K-2 510 3.1 2 951 Fiction K-2 470 2.3 1 424 Non-Fiction K-2 630 3.5 1 623 Non-Fiction K-2 AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q21024 Lines Ling And Ting, Not Exactly Q49763 The Same! Lion And The Hare: An East Q44982 African Tale, The Lion And The Little Red Bird, Q06894 The Lion And The Mouse Q31266 (Anthology), The Q26571 Q53083 Q38947 Q06895 Q06896 Q38246 Q47748 Q45918 Q06898 Q16518 Q25107 Q06900 Q44150 Q06901 Q16520 Q22008 Q06902 Q37279 Q46016 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level 410 Lin, Grace Krensky, Stephen Kleven, Elisa Walker, Fred Aesop, Watts, Lion And The Mouse, The Bernadette Lion Cubs Owen, Ruth Gerrard, Lion Dance, The Hannah Lion Dancer: Ernie Wan's Waters, Chinese New Year Kate Lion Named Shirley Waber, Williamson, A Bernard Lion Who Wanted To Love, Andrae, The Giles Tierney, Lion's Lunch? Fiona McElligott, Lion's Share, The Matthew Day, Nancy Lion's Whiskers, The Raines Krensky, Lionel And His Friends Stephen Krensky, Lionel And Louise Stephen Krensky, Lionel At Large Stephen Krensky, Lionel At School Stephen Krensky, Lionel In The Fall Stephen Krensky, Lionel In The Spring Stephen Krensky, Lionel In The Summer Stephen Krensky, Lionel In The Winter Stephen Krensky, Lionel's Birthday Stephen Sexton, Lionfish (Blastoff! Reader) Colleen Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 1 280 Fiction K-2 390 2.3 1 837 Fiction K-2 410 2.4 2 1436 Fiction K-2 690 4.5 2 586 Fiction K-2 1.9 NP 1 390 Fiction K-2 360 460 2.9 1.5 AD IG 1 1 453 301 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 590 3 1 474 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.4 2 852 Non-Fiction K-2 590 4.5 2 2325 Fiction K-2 2.4 NP 1 695 Fiction K-2 590 2.3 AD 1 562 Fiction K-2 550 2.2 AD 1 774 Fiction K-2 620 4.8 AD 2 1317 Fiction K-2 280 2.8 2 1204 Fiction K-2 160 2.5 2 1205 Fiction K-2 250 2.2 2 1643 Fiction K-2 380 2.3 2 1519 Fiction K-2 270 2.5 2 1186 Fiction K-2 340 2.2 2 1203 Fiction K-2 270 2.5 2 1359 Fiction K-2 330 2.6 2 1203 Fiction K-2 440 2.1 3 1309 Fiction K-2 620 3.5 1 206 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q55166 Lions Q21580 Lions (First Discovery) Q29938 Lions (Floyd) Q22332 Lions (In The Wild) Q06903 Lions Of The Plains Q06905 Liplap's Wish Q14553 Listen To Me Listen To The Desert/ Oye Q06912 al desierto Listen To The Desert/Oye Q15984 al desierto (Español) Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Zobel, Derek Jeunesse, Gallimard Floyd, Lucy Robinson, Claire Miranda, Anne London, Jonathan Neasi, Barbara J. 420 2.4 450 360 2.9 1.8 530 Points Words Type Interest Level 1 116 Non-Fiction K-2 1 1 425 283 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 2.8 1 436 Non-Fiction K-2 390 2.1 2 1876 Fiction K-2 690 2.9 2 613 Fiction K-2 290 1.5 1 114 Fiction K-2 Mora, Pat 850 3.3 AD 1 128 Fiction K-2 Mora, Pat Martin Jr., Bill 850 3.3 AD 1 128 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 116 Fiction K-2 740 3.5 AD 1 696 Non-Fiction K-2 550 3.3 2 1025 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2.4 1 748 Non-Fiction K-2 520 2.8 2 802 Fiction K-2 320 1.8 1 485 Fiction K-2 480 1.9 2 778 Fiction K-2 670 3.5 1 316 Fiction K-2 450 2.1 1 211 Fiction K-2 530 2.9 1 489 Fiction K-2 560 3.5 2 838 Non-Fiction K-2 810 4.8 AD 2 1274 Fiction K-2 580 2.3 AD 1 619 Fiction K-2 Q06914 Listen To The Rain Listen To The Wind: The Story Of Dr. Greg And The Mortenson, Q46200 Three Cups Of Tea Greg MacGregor, Q15515 Listen To Your Instincts Cynthia Listen Up!: Alexander Graham Bell's Talking Kulling, Q47766 Machine Monica Q06915 Listen, Buddy Lester, Helen Listening Walk (Anthology), Showers, Q29500 The Paul Showers, Q06919 Listening Walk, The Paul Church, Caroline Q42374 Little Apple Goat Jayne Little Apple: A Book Of Weninger, Q25875 Thanks Brigitte Little Badger, Terror Of The Q25631 Seven Seas Bunting, Eve Little Ballerina (Grindley), Grindley, Q22772 The Sally Ross, Q17303 Little Ballerina, The Katharine Geras, Q54520 Little Ballet Star Adele Lexile Code AD AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Sage, James Cox, Tania 580 300 4.5 1.6 AD AD 1 1 289 112 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q06921 Little Bear Little Bear (My First Q24116 Reader) Little Bear And The Big Q26005 Fight 370 1.8 2 1626 Fiction K-2 Q06922 Quiz # Title Q06920 Little Band, The Q25650 Little Bat Minarik, Else Holmelund Namm, Diane Langreuter, Jutta Browne, Little Bear Book, The Anthony Langreuter, Little Bear Brushes His Teeth Jutta Little Bear Goes To Langreuter, Kindergarten Jutta Langreuter, Little Bear Is A Big Brother Jutta Little Bear Won't Go To Langreuter, Bed Jutta Landa, Little Bear's Christmas Norbert 1.8 NA 1 78 Fiction K-2 390 2.5 AD 2 1069 Fiction K-2 280 1.6 1 41 Fiction K-2 500 2.8 AD 2 883 Fiction K-2 460 2.7 AD 2 895 Fiction K-2 340 2.3 AD 2 843 Fiction K-2 220 2.1 AD 2 869 Fiction K-2 300 3.1 AD 2 1752 Fiction K-2 Minarik, Else Holmelund 300 2.1 2 1422 Fiction K-2 Little Bear's Friend: Little Minarik, Else Q30605 Bear And Emily (Anthology) Holmelund 250 1.9 1 452 Fiction K-2 290 2.7 2 1399 Fiction K-2 320 1.7 1.9 NP 2 1 678 183 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 40 930 2.1 5.6 AD 1 1 533 515 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 960 4.8 AD 2 620 Fiction K-2 210 1.7 1 274 Fiction K-2 580 3.3 1 360 Fiction K-2 450 2.8 1 324 Fiction K-2 2 1446 Fiction K-2 Q26006 Q26007 Q26008 Q26009 Q23004 Q06923 Little Bear's Friend Q06924 Little Bear's Visit Q06925 Little Beaver And The Echo Q25791 Little Bird Biddle Bird Q26597 Little Bit Of Winter, A Q56561 Little Bitty Bakery, The Q06926 Little Black Truck Minarik, Else Holmelund MacDonald, Amy Kirk, David Stewart, Paul Muir, Leslie Gray, Libba Moore Q06927 Little Blue And Little Yellow Lionni, Leo Schertle, Q43317 Little Blue Truck Alice Little Brown Jay: A Tale Claire, Q15651 From India, The Elizabeth Little Buggers: Insect And Lewis, J. Q32552 Spider Poems, The Patrick 2.9 AD NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Little Bull: Growing Up In Q31294 Africa's Elephant Kingdom Q27701 Little Bunny Biddle Bunny Q20501 Little Bunny On The Move Little Bunny's Sleepless Q14470 Night Q44478 Little By Little Q46893 Little Chick Q06929 Little Chick's Friend Duckling Little Cliff and the Cold Q36500 Place Little Cliff And The Porch Q23669 People Little Cliff's First Day Of Q34551 School Q06931 Little Cloud Q47909 Little Cloud And Lady Wind Q06932 Little Cookie Little Cowboy And The Big Q06933 Cowboy, The Q16687 Little Critter At Scout Camp Q35511 Little Dog And Duncan Q21918 Little Dog Poems Q06934 Little Drummer Boy, The Q41895 Little Drummer Mouse, The Q17302 Little Duck, The Q42111 Little Eagle Q13278 Little Eight John Q44111 Little Elephant's Trunk Author Name James, Ellen Foley Kirk, David McCarty, Peter Roth, Carol Stewart, Amber Hest, Amy Kwitz, Mary DeBall Taulbert, Clifton L. Taulbert, Clifton L. Taulbert, Clifton L. Carle, Eric Morrison, Toni Hillert, Margaret Hillert, Margaret Mayer, Mercer George, Kristine O'Connell George, Kristine O'Connell Keats, Ezra Jack Mayer, Mercer Dunn, Judy Hong, Chen Jiang Wahl, Jan Lincoln, Hazel Little Engine That Could And Q06935 The Birthday Bike, The Piper, Watty Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 650 3.2 2.1 NP 2 1 1124 109 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 90 1.9 AD 1 195 Fiction K-2 490 4.2 2 620 Fiction K-2 660 440 2.2 1.5 1 1 431 655 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 280 1.5 1 582 Fiction K-2 780 4.3 AD 2 1757 Fiction K-2 670 4.1 AD 2 2395 Fiction K-2 720 390 3.6 2.2 3 1 1546 176 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 550 2.2 AD 1 550 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 308 Fiction K-2 0 1.6 BR 1 274 Fiction K-2 380 2.1 1 359 Fiction K-2 AD AD 2.5 NP 1 455 Fiction K-2 2.4 AD 1 491 Fiction K-2 2.9 NP 1 73 Fiction K-2 880 560 4.9 2.6 AD AD 2 2 1254 807 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 830 580 4.7 3.9 AD AD 1 1 935 420 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 570 2.4 AD 1 743 Fiction K-2 1.4 NP 1 250 Fiction K-2 440 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Q06936 Little Engine That Could, The Piper, Watty Honen, Rosa Q29909 Little Fiddle, The Lee Hughes, Q13801 Little Fingerling Monica Q26121 Little Fire Engine, The Lenski, Lois Van Laan, Q27995 Little Fish, Lost Nancy 680 Q37039 Little Flower Little Fox Goes To The End Q29727 Of The World Quiz # Title Q38927 Little Giants Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 3.9 2 1141 Fiction K-2 60 1.3 1 116 Fiction K-2 860 250 5.9 1.9 AD 2 2 1908 896 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 420 2.1 AD 1 376 Fiction K-2 Rand, Gloria 600 2.5 AD 1 758 Fiction K-2 Tompert, Ann Roydhouse, Sandy 190 2.2 2 780 Fiction K-2 590 3 1 391 Non-Fiction K-2 640 600 3.1 2.4 AD AD 2 1 1716 716 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 350 2.8 1.5 NP 1 1 162 80 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2 1132 Fiction K-2 Little Gold Star: A Spanish San Souci, Q22952 American Cinderella Tale Robert D. Q46701 Little Goose Mraz, David Bornstein, Q06938 Little Gorilla Ruth Q24646 Little Green Baker, Keith Little Grunt And The Big Egg: A Prehistoric Fairy dePaola, Q14288 Tale Tomie Lexile Code 400 3.5 680 3.8 AD 1 541 Fiction K-2 890 3.8 AD 2 1374 Fiction K-2 590 700 190 3.5 3.2 1.3 AD NP 2 2 1 720 753 290 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 250 1.9 AD 1 137 Fiction K-2 880 5.6 AD 2 1217 Fiction K-2 700 3.3 AD 1 521 Fiction K-2 360 2.2 1 292 Fiction K-2 Q53617 Little Lucy Arnosky, Jim Markle, Sandra Baguley, Elizabeth Kraus, Robert Cooper, Ilene 190 1.4 1 903 Fiction K-2 Q39079 Little Mama Forgets Cruise, Robin 710 3.6 1 790 Fiction K-2 Q06941 Little House Birthday, A Q06940 Little House, The Q06950 Little Island Q17297 Little Lamb, The Q35776 Little Lies: All About Math Q26679 Little Lions Q39068 Little Lost Bat Q50868 Little Lost Robin, The Little Louie The Baby Q13369 Bloomer Wilder, Laura Ingalls Burton, Virginia Lee MacDonald, Golden Dunn, Judy Hall, Kirsten AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 2.3 NP 1 1 375 302 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Kirk, David 2.3 NP 1 290 Fiction K-2 Kirk, David Rothman, Cynthia Waddell, Martin 2.3 NP 1 290 Fiction K-2 1.1 NP 1 9 Fiction K-2 460 1.5 AD 1 164 Fiction K-2 270 1.6 1 308 Fiction K-2 350 2.8 1 539 Fiction K-2 320 2.3 2 613 Fiction K-2 160 2.1 1.1 1 1 233 261 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 510 1.8 1 148 Fiction K-2 620 2.6 AD 1 325 Fiction K-2 720 4.8 AD 2 1802 Fiction K-2 710 3.4 AD 2 718 Fiction K-2 460 2.5 1 386 Fiction K-2 Q33452 Little One Step 90 1.8 1 322 Fiction K-2 Q30245 600 3.4 2 1260 Fiction K-2 900 3.8 2 968 Non-Fiction K-2 500 830 690 3.5 5.4 3.3 AD 1 1 2 508 733 1204 Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 790 4.5 AD 2 2260 Fiction K-2 330 1.7 1 329 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q33759 Q17155 Q22009 Q26442 Title Little Mermaid (Scholastic Reader) Little Miss Spider Little Miss Spider At Sunny Patch School Little Miss Spider: A Christmas Wish Q27183 Little Mittens, The Q06957 Little Mo Q14398 Little Monkey Q21942 Little Monster Did It! Little Mouse And The Big Q25905 Red Apple Q31508 Little Mouse Biddle Mouse Q46970 Little Mouse Gets Ready Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, And The Big Q06959 Hungry Bear, The Q06960 Little Nino's Pizzeria Q13088 Little Oh Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid Of Anything, Q06961 The Q06962 Little One Inch Q26031 Q06963 Q50911 Q48959 Q35949 Q29916 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Black, Sonia W. Kirk, David 300 Feely, Jenny Cooper, Helen Benjamin, A. H. Kirk, David Smith, Jeff Wood, Don Barbour, Karen Melmed, Laura Krauss Williams, Linda Gibson, Akimi James, Simon Markun, Little Painter Of Sabana Patricia Grande, The Maloney Ryder, Little Panda Joanne Wood, Little Penguin's Tale Audrey Little Penguin, The Wood, A. J. Little Piano Girl, The Ingalls, Ann Little Pierre: A Cajun Story San Souci, from Louisiana Robert D. Gallo, Little Pig At The State Fair Margaret NP GN AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code NP 300 2.1 1.7 1 1 Words 192 241 Type Fiction Fiction 290 3.1 AD 1 168 Fiction K-2 620 2.5 AD 1 377 Non-Fiction K-2 640 2.7 AD 1 710 Fiction K-2 590 3.3 AD 2 1039 Fiction K-2 320 2.7 AD 2 1096 Fiction K-2 270 3.9 2 1001 Fiction K-2 350 3.9 2 1222 Fiction K-2 390 3.1 2 1219 Fiction K-2 500 2.8 2 1223 Fiction K-2 160 2.3 1 545 Fiction K-2 630 2.9 1 687 Fiction K-2 520 3.1 3 2526 Fiction K-2 0 1.9 1 535 Fiction K-2 Woods, Ruth Thompson, Lauren Rosen, Michael 260 1.6 1 676 Fiction K-2 610 1.7 AD 1 356 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 259 Fiction K-2 Horse, Harry Johnston, Q06972 Little Rabbit Goes To Sleep Tony 560 2.9 AD 1 886 Fiction K-2 340 2.2 1 449 Fiction K-2 Q47429 Little Rabbit Lost Horse, Harry Bailey, Little Rabbit Who Wanted Carolyn Q06973 Red Wings, The Sherwin 470 1.5 AD 1 604 Fiction K-2 770 1.9 AD 2 770 Fiction K-2 Q42375 Little Rabbit's Christmas Q06974 Little Rabbit's Loose Tooth 570 550 3.2 3.2 AD 1 2 837 1278 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Quiz # Title Q25651 Little Pig Biddle Pig Q31466 Little Pig's Bouncy Ball Q06964 Little Pigeon Toad, A Q49707 Little Pink Pup Q53286 Little Plant Doctor, The Q15979 Little Polar Bear Little Polar Bear And The Q31792 Big Balloon Little Polar Bear And The Q06965 Brave Little Hare Little Polar Bear And The Q21668 Husky Pup Little Polar Bear Finds A Q25798 Friend Little Polar Bear, Take Me Q16030 Home! Author Name Kirk, David Baron, Alan Gwynne, Fred Kerby, Johanna Marzollo, Jean de Beer, Hans de Beer, Hans de Beer, Hans de Beer, Hans de Beer, Hans de Beer, Hans Q32048 Little Porcupine's Christmas Slate, Joseph Q06966 Little Prairie House, A Little Princess (McClintock), Q25906 A Q06969 Little Puff Q06970 Little Quack Little Quack's Hide And Q36383 Seek Q06971 Little Rabbit Foo Foo Little Rabbit Goes To Q36930 School Wilder, Laura Ingalls McClintock, Barbara Hillert, Margaret Horse, Harry Bate, Lucy AD AD BR Points Interest Level K-2 K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q16451 Little Rabbit, The Little Rabbits' First Word Q06975 Book Little Raccoon Catches A Q06976 Cold Little Raccoon's Big Q36885 Question Little Red Ant And The Q06977 Great Big Crumb, The Q49437 Little Red Bat Q52941 Little Red Bird Q19665 Little Red Caboose Q23670 Little Red Cowboy Hat Q06978 Little Red Hen Author Name Dunn, Judy Baker, Alan Canizares, Susan Schlein, Miriam Climo, Shirley Gerber, Carole Bruel, Nick Metzger, Steve Lowell, Susan McQueen, Lucinda Barton, Byron Q06979 Little Red Hen Little Red Hen (Anthology), Q27564 The Article, Little Red Hen (Makes A Sturges, Q21719 Pizza), The Philemon Ziefert, Q25065 Little Red Hen (Ziefert), The Harriet Little Red Hen And The Ear Q18127 Of Wheat, The Finch, Mary Little Red Hen And The Kimmelman, Q48804 Passover Matzah, The Leslie Galdone, Q06980 Little Red Hen, The Paul Q34901 Little Red Hen, The Little Red Lighthouse And The Great Gray Bridge, Q13360 The Q53576 Little Red Pen, The Q06982 Little Red Riding Hood Q21103 Little Red Riding Hood Q42142 Little Red Riding Hood Little Red Riding Hood Q31293 (Ziefert) Tarlow, Ellen Swift, Hildegarde H. Stevens, Janet Hillert, Margaret Schmidt, Karen Pinkney, Jerry Ziefert, Harriet Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Interest Level Points 630 3.1 AD 2 Words 793 Type Fiction 1.5 NP 1 209 Fiction K-2 2 1076 Fiction K-2 1 409 Fiction K-2 2 1513 Fiction K-2 2 1 1284 788 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 153 Fiction K-2 2 979 Fiction K-2 K-2 420 2.1 400 1.8 460 3.2 600 520 2.4 2.1 340 2.2 310 2.9 470 2.5 2 691 Fiction K-2 500 1.5 1 337 Fiction K-2 AD AD AD AD 2.5 NA 1 291 Fiction K-2 320 2.9 AD 2 791 Fiction K-2 200 1.7 1 340 Fiction K-2 470 1.7 1 522 Fiction K-2 530 2.1 1 928 Fiction K-2 510 2.5 1 549 Fiction K-2 1 109 Fiction K-2 2 1221 Fiction K-2 1.2 AD BR 400 3.5 300 1.1 AD 2 1181 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 353 Fiction K-2 330 2.5 2 733 Fiction K-2 840 5.5 2 1022 Fiction K-2 200 1.7 1 340 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Little Red Riding Hood: A Q06983 Newfangled Prairie Tale Q34933 Little Red Snapperhood Q23723 Little Red Train, The Little Rooster's Diamond Q41236 Button Q06984 Little Runaway, The Little Runner Of The Q06985 Longhouse Q06986 Q17285 Q44943 Q15415 Q42497 Q31286 Q41532 Q54749 Q32720 Q48991 Q48992 Q48993 Q48983 Q24080 Q06988 Q06989 Q26483 Q23002 Author Name Ernst, Lisa Campbell Gilbertsen, Neal Sommer, Carl MacDonald, Margaret Read Hillert, Margaret Baker, Betty Brown, Margaret Little Scarecrow Boy, The Wise Little Seven-Colored Horse, San Souci, The Robert D. Little Sima And The Giant Bowl: A Chinese Folktale Qu, Zhi Mitchell, Little Sister Robin Gerver, Jane Little Sister, Big Mess! E. Little Sister, Big Sister Brisson, Pat Halfmann, Little Skink's Tail Janet Metzger, Little Snowflake, The Steve Martin Jr., Little Squeegy Bug, The Bill Little T And Lizard The Rodgers, Wizard Frank Little T And The Crown Rodgers, Jewels Frank Little T And The Dragon's Rodgers, Tooth Frank Rodgers, Little T And The Royal Roar Frank Little Tiger's Big Surprise! Sykes, Julie Little Tim And The Brave Ardizzone, Sea Captain Edward Gramatky, Little Toot Hardie Little Train, The Lenski, Lois Cummings, Little Tree E.E. Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 580 2.9 AD 2 1116 Fiction K-2 3.5 NP 3 337 Fiction K-2 2 1732 Fiction K-2 520 2.8 540 2.6 AD 1 570 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 196 Fiction K-2 430 1.9 2 946 Fiction K-2 760 3.5 AD 2 703 Fiction K-2 840 5.2 AD 2 2622 Fiction K-2 610 3.4 2 1441 Fiction K-2 50 1.9 1 40 Fiction K-2 110 310 1.1 2.1 1 2 150 2378 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 560 2.8 1 425 Fiction K-2 490 1.6 1 792 Fiction K-2 470 2.7 2 790 Fiction K-2 520 3.1 2 1513 Fiction K-2 560 3.2 2 1656 Fiction K-2 510 2.8 2 1609 Fiction K-2 500 420 2.7 2.6 2 2 1492 680 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 930 5.1 2 1550 Fiction K-2 710 140 3.5 2.2 AD AD 2 2 1541 1047 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 3.1 NP 1 169 Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level 240 1.3 Q06994 Little Walrus Warning Little Weaver of Thai-Yen Q06995 Village, The 840 3.5 480 Q24653 Quiz # Title Q27123 Little Tree Grows Up Q27658 Q37518 Q23701 Q25907 Q30917 Q06996 Q31875 Author Name Levy, Julia Young, Carol Tran, Khanh Tuyet Rylant, Little Whistle Cynthia Rylant, Little Whistle's Dinner Party Cynthia Rylant, Little Whistle's Medicine Cynthia Whippo, Little White Duck Walt Hautzig, Little Witch Goes To School Deborah Hautzig, Little Witch's Bad Dream Deborah Hautzig, Little Witch's Big Night Deborah Cannon, Little Yau: A Fuzzhead Tale Janell Q26359 Littlebat's Halloween Story Littles And The Big Blizzard, Q23354 The Littles And The Scary Q28939 Halloween, The Littles And The Secret Q26107 Letter, The Littles And The Summer Q28696 Storm, The Littles Do Their Homework, Q31497 The Q34194 Littles Get Lost, The Q24059 Littles Get Trapped!, The Littles Go Around The Q22721 World, The Q27804 Littles Go On A Hike, The Littles Have A Happy Q33115 Valentine's Day, The Littles Have A Merry Q31703 Christmas, The Q22720 Littles Make A Friend, The Mayr, Diane Peterson, John Peterson, John Peterson, John Peterson, John Peterson, John Peterson, John Peterson, John Peterson, John Peterson, John Peterson, John Peterson, John Peterson, John Lexile Code Points Interest Level 1 Words 299 Type Fiction AD 2 780 Fiction K-2 3.4 AD 2 1556 Fiction K-2 660 3.4 AD 2 648 Fiction K-2 530 2.9 AD 2 624 Fiction K-2 680 3.2 2 604 Fiction K-2 1 226 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP K-2 320 2.4 2 1299 Fiction K-2 400 2.5 2 1074 Fiction K-2 350 2.1 2 908 Fiction K-2 440 2.9 AD 2 2331 Fiction K-2 230 2.7 AD 2 748 Fiction K-2 170 2.1 1 589 Fiction K-2 240 2.1 1 528 Fiction K-2 270 2.1 1 589 Fiction K-2 240 2.1 1 580 Fiction K-2 180 2.1 1 513 Fiction K-2 370 2.2 1 478 Fiction K-2 160 2.1 1 619 Fiction K-2 240 2.1 1 497 Fiction K-2 300 2.1 1 563 Fiction K-2 270 2.1 1 513 Fiction K-2 370 2.4 1 465 Fiction K-2 180 2.1 1 558 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q07008 Littlest Dinosaurs, The Q32670 Littlest Leaguer, The Q25847 Littlest Pumpkin, The Q46676 Littlest Red Riding Hood Q46233 Littlest Sled Dog, The Q35350 Littlest Wolf, The Q23133 Living In A Desert Living In A Desert Q23181 (Communities) Author Name Most, Bernard Hoff, Syd Herman, R.A. Lee, Quinlan B. Kusugak, Michael Brimner, Larry Dane Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 950 610 3.5 2.7 NC 2 2 1031 872 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 550 3.1 2 688 Fiction K-2 640 3.7 1 670 Fiction K-2 660 2.8 2 1271 Fiction K-2 400 1.9 1 867 Fiction K-2 Fowler, Allan 3.2 NA 1 308 Non-Fiction K-2 Kottke, Jan 1.5 NA 1 151 Non-Fiction K-2 3.3 NA 1 353 Non-Fiction K-2 1.6 NA 1 133 Non-Fiction K-2 Q23564 Living In A Rain Forest Living In A Rain Forest Q23183 (Communities) Fowler, Allan Winne, Joanne Sterling, Q43066 Living In Rural Communities Kristin Living In Suburban Sterling, Q43067 Communities Kristin Q23131 Living In The Arctic AD Q34572 Living In The Forest Fowler, Allan Loughran, Donna Q23134 Living In The Mountains Fowler, Allan Q34618 Living In The Savannah Bullock, Linda Loughran, Q34617 Living In The Tundra Donna Sterling, Q43068 Living In Urban Communities Kristin 360 2.2 1 243 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2.4 1 279 Non-Fiction K-2 1 368 Non-Fiction K-2 1 320 Non-Fiction K-2 1 336 Non-Fiction K-2 3.4 430 NA 2.1 3.2 NA 370 1.8 1 255 Non-Fiction K-2 340 1.8 1 269 Non-Fiction K-2 300 1.8 1 212 Non-Fiction K-2 Q23132 Living Near A River Living Near A River Q23180 (Communities) Fowler, Allan Winne, Joanne 3.2 NA 1 347 Non-Fiction K-2 1.6 NA 1 145 Non-Fiction K-2 Q23136 Living Near The Sea Fowler, Allan Loughran, Donna Winne, Joanne Winne, Joanne 3.1 NA 1 353 Non-Fiction K-2 1 251 Non-Fiction K-2 Q34564 Living Near The Wetland Living On A Mountain Q23182 (Communities) Living On A Plain Q23184 (Communities) 360 1.8 1.8 NA 1 176 Non-Fiction K-2 1.7 NA 1 157 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q34790 Living On A Prairie Author Name Q33957 Living On A Space Shuttle Living On An Island Q23185 (Communities) Mader, Jan Bredeson, Carmen Winne, Joanne Q23130 Living On Farms Fowler, Allan Q23135 Living On The Plains Q45779 Living Sunlight Fowler, Allan Bang, Molly Edwards, Pamela Duncan Ada, Alma Flor Q07018 Livingstone Mouse Lizard And The Sun/La Q28708 Lagartija Y El Sol, The Lizard Man Of Crabtree Q21971 County, The Q33493 Lizard's Guest Q19798 Lizard's Home Q07021 Lizard's Song, The Lizards For Lunch: A Q33472 Roadrunner's Tale Q26598 Lizards! (Know-It-Alls) Lizards, Frogs, And Q24650 Polliwogs Q49265 Lizette's Green Sock Q24152 Lizzy's Dizzy Day Q07025 Llaman a la puerta Q07030 Llega la noche Q17079 Load 'Em Up Trucks Q48854 Loathsome Dragon, The Q42556 Lobsters Locust Pocus!: A Book To Q32444 Bug You Q23702 Log Cabin Christmas, The Nolan, Lucy Shannon, George Shannon, George Shannon, George Storad, Conrad J. Nicholas, Christopher Florian, Douglas Valckx, Catharina Keenan, Sheila Hutchins, Pat Nikola-Lisa, W. Pearson, Debora Wiesner, David Rustad, Martha E.H. McKelvey, Douglas Kaine Howard, Ellen Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code 520 2.7 1 Words 311 Type Non-Fiction 440 2.1 1 251 Non-Fiction K-2 30 1.6 1 157 Non-Fiction K-2 Points Interest Level K-2 3.1 NA 1 379 Non-Fiction K-2 610 3.2 2.4 NA AD 1 1 370 589 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 510 2.8 2 938 Fiction K-2 580 3.4 AD 2 1371 Fiction K-2 390 2.8 AD 2 780 Fiction K-2 370 2.5 AD 2 717 Fiction K-2 220 2.5 AD 2 727 Fiction K-2 260 2.5 1 569 Fiction K-2 1 387 Fiction K-2 2 930 Non-Fiction K-2 2.7 710 NP 3.9 3.1 NP 2 629 Fiction K-2 320 1.1 AD 1 664 Fiction K-2 240 400 1.8 2.1 1 1 493 327 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 NP 1 0 Fiction K-2 650 2.3 AD 1 290 Non-Fiction K-2 990 6.4 AD 1 966 Fiction K-2 650 3.7 1 190 Non-Fiction K-2 360 2.9 NP 1 268 Fiction K-2 3.1 AD 2 1037 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 460 2.5 AD 1 261 Non-Fiction K-2 650 2.5 AD 2 696 Non-Fiction K-2 560 3.2 1 672 Non-Fiction K-2 580 2.7 AD 1 256 Fiction K-2 580 2.3 AD 1 245 Fiction K-2 670 400 2.6 1.3 AD 2 1 1159 553 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 510 3.1 AD 2 759 Fiction K-2 Q16542 Lonely Only Dog, The Lonesome George Finds His Q49740 Friends Kosara, Tori Lonesome George The Jacobs, Q34441 Giant Tortoise Francine Morrison, Q32540 Long Live Earth Meighan Q46601 Long Shot Paul, Chris Newell, Q29112 Long Tom Robert 460 3.1 AD 2 608 Fiction K-2 720 3.1 1 898 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.7 2 1058 Non-Fiction K-2 630 510 3.2 1.8 AD AD 1 2 429 1020 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 112 Fiction K-2 Q27374 Long Wait, The 140 2.4 2 881 Fiction K-2 1 97 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q07039 Log Hotel Q17728 Log's Life, A Lola And Tiva: An Unlikely Q49932 Friendship Q39606 Lola At The Library Q49838 Lola Loves Stories Lon Po Po, A Red-Riding Q07044 Hood Story From China Q56258 Lonely Beast, The Lonely Lioness And The Q24735 Ostrich Chicks, The Author Name Schreiber, Anne Pfeffer, Wendy Hatkoff, Juliana McQuinn, Anna McQuinn, Anna Young, Ed Judge, Chris Aardema, Verna Brodkin, Adele M. Cobb, Annie Brimner, Larry Dane Q23100 Long Way Home, The Long Way To A New Land, Q07062 A Sandin, Joan Q07064 Long Way Westward, The Sandin, Joan Spurr, Q25678 Long, Long Letter, The Elizabeth Longest Hair In The World, Q23245 The Duncan, Lois Bradby, Q27955 Longest Wait, The Marie Grejniec, Q31628 Look Michael McCloskey, Q29118 Look At Him Go! Susan Mendes, Q26122 Look At Me, Grandma! Valerie 1.5 NA 340 3.3 2 1984 Fiction K-2 320 2.9 2 1457 Fiction K-2 430 2.9 2 894 Fiction K-2 370 2.4 2 1008 Fiction K-2 290 2.6 2 602 Fiction K-2 80 1.7 1 273 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 162 Fiction K-2 60 1.9 AD 2 778 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q49861 Look At My Book Q23080 Look At Teeth, A Q29613 Look At That! (Anthology) Author Name Leedy, Loreen Fowler, Allan Hennessy, B. G. Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 410 1.4 IG 2 1834 Non-Fiction K-2 2.9 NA 1 462 Non-Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 105 Fiction K-2 1.5 BR 1 78 Non-Fiction K-2 0 Q35145 Look At These Trees Q07068 Q38477 Q56805 Q56177 Q16093 Q07070 Q33648 Q26484 Q47643 Q43453 Q31374 Q29169 Q22076 Russell, Susan Showers, Look At Your Eyes Paul Look How It Changes! Young, June Peterson, Look Inside A Beaver's Megan Lodge Cooley Look Out For Litter Bullard, Lisa Look Out For The Big Bad Cain, Fish! Sheridan Berger, Look Out For Turtles! Melvin Look Out Kindergarten, Carlson, Here I Come! Nancy Look Out, Jack! The Giant Is Birdseye, Back! Tom Schertle, Look Out, Jeremy Bean! Alice Horacek, Look Out, Suzy Goose Petr Vaughan, Look Up Richard Lawrence, Look What Rolled In Richard C. MacDonald, Look Whooo's Counting Suse Lexile Levels Q23320 Look! I Can Read! Q07073 Look-Alike Animals Q22649 Look-Alikes Jr. Q35041 Look-And-Find Shapes Lookin' For Bird In The Big Q24652 City Q21048 Looking After Chicks Q56451 Looking At Lincoln Hood, Susan Bernard, Robin Steiner, Joan Blevins, Wiley Burleigh, Robert O'Neil, Sarah Kalman, Maira 370 10 2.1 1.6 1 1 560 299 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 510 530 2.8 3.1 1 1 184 530 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 370 3.5 1 597 Fiction K-2 690 3.5 2 1049 Non-Fiction K-2 200 2.1 1 407 Fiction K-2 560 3.4 2 1393 Fiction K-2 420 2.4 3 3621 Fiction K-2 290 1.7 1 250 Fiction K-2 60 1.3 1 44 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.9 1 196 Fiction K-2 410 2.9 1 180 Fiction K-2 70 1.5 1 139 Fiction K-2 300 1.7 1 130 Non-Fiction K-2 AD AD BR 3.3 NP 1 187 Non-Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 33 Non-Fiction K-2 660 3.4 AD 1 517 Fiction K-2 270 2.2 1 308 Fiction K-2 480 1.6 1 914 Non-Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.2 1 343 Non-Fiction K-2 410 3.1 2 1061 Non-Fiction K-2 80 1.5 1 135 Fiction K-2 Q29195 Looking For Boo Franco, Betsy Blackaby, Susan 0 1.6 1 99 Fiction K-2 Q29917 Looking For Clues Brand, Judith 270 1.7 1 306 Fiction K-2 Q07076 Looking For Daniela Kroll, Steven 2 1200 Fiction K-2 2 1643 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Looking At Maps And Q28970 Globes Looking At The Planets: A Book About The Solar Q07075 System Bredeson, Carmen 410 Berger, Melvin H. Q29986 Looking For Animals Q53035 Looking For The Easy Life Myers, Walter Dean Storey, Gordon L. 4.1 Lexile Code BR NA 750 4.6 0 1.2 BR 1 136 Fiction K-2 Lang, Glenna 600 3.3 AD 2 1152 Fiction K-2 Bullock, Linda 390 1.9 1 267 Non-Fiction K-2 Bullock, Linda Waldron, Kathleen Cook Toye, William 410 2 1 327 Non-Fiction K-2 520 3.5 2 930 Fiction K-2 560 3.1 2 1004 Fiction K-2 Jensen, Patsy Seuss, Dr. Graves, Q30877 Loretta: Ace Pinky Scout Keith Los Gatos Black On Montes, Q43120 Halloween Marisa Johnson, Paul Q13898 Lost Brett Q58016 Lost And Found Harley, Bill Walker, Q31144 Lost And Found (Anthology) Anne Lost And Found (Real Kids Tidd, Louise Q25462 Readers) Vitellaro Teague, Q16558 Lost And Found, The Mark Lost And Found: Three Dog LaMarche, Q49235 Stories Jim 130 560 2.2 3.5 2 2 1312 1869 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 280 2.6 AD 1 485 Fiction K-2 3.2 NP 1 331 Fiction K-2 490 390 2.2 1.1 AD 2 2 704 1120 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 240 1.6 1 263 Fiction K-2 90 1.9 1 532 Fiction K-2 420 4.2 2 919 Fiction K-2 400 1.3 1 863 Fiction K-2 Q29114 Looking For The Queen Q34333 Looking Out For Sarah Looking Through A Q34752 Microscope Looking Through A Q34667 Telescope Q19968 Loon Lake Fishing Derby Q26063 Loon's Necklace, The Q25479 Loose-Tooth Luke Q07080 Lorax, The AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Lost Boy And The Monster, Q19799 The Lost Children: The Boys Q24478 Who Were Neglected, The Lost In The Museum Q29641 (Anthology) Lost In The Woods: A Q36006 Photographic Fantasy Q07105 Lost! Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Strete, Craig Kee 490 3.5 AD 2 1059 Fiction K-2 Goble, Paul Cohen, Miriam 390 3.6 2 975 Fiction K-2 240 1.8 2 632 Fiction K-2 Sams, Carl R. McPhail, David Fleischman, Paul 530 2.8 1 810 Fiction K-2 200 1.4 1 355 Fiction K-2 450 3.1 2 1254 Fiction K-2 2 767 Fiction K-2 2 1188 Fiction K-2 2 1476 Fiction K-2 Q22197 Lost! A Story In String Lot At The End Of My Block, Q33594 The Lewis, Kevin Shefelbine, Q34293 Lot Of Hats, A John Reid, Margarette Q53691 Lots And Lots Of Coins S. Lots And Lots Of Zebra Swinburne, Q27681 Stripes: Patterns In Nature Stephen R. Lots And Lots Of Zebra Stripes: Patterns In Nature Swinburne, Q29505 (Anthology) Stephen R. Rotner, Q31218 Lots Of Dads Shelley CoccaLeffler, Q07107 Lots Of Hearts Maryann Q07108 Lots Of Lice Katz, Bobbi Q48425 Lots Of Spots Ehlert, Lois Mathers, Q18774 Lottie's New Beach Towel Petra Mathers, Q22011 Lottie's New Friend Petra Lou Gehrig: A Life Of Boothroyd, Q43004 Dedication Jennifer Petersen, Q31189 Lou's Tooth (Anthology) Chris Louanne Pig In Making The Carlson, Q15528 Team Nancy Louanne Pig In The Carlson, Q49174 Mysterious Valentine Nancy Louanne Pig In The Perfect Carlson, Q35221 Family Nancy 2.4 AD NP 230 1.4 640 2.7 70 1.8 1 177 Non-Fiction K-2 290 1.8 1 129 Non-Fiction K-2 340 1.4 1 88 Non-Fiction K-2 460 800 1.7 2.5 4.3 1 2 1 210 615 661 Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 270 2.2 1 375 Fiction K-2 260 2.2 1 564 Fiction K-2 560 3.2 1 614 Non-Fiction K-2 420 1.5 1 137 Fiction K-2 420 2.5 1 324 Fiction K-2 450 2.5 1 490 Fiction K-2 420 2 1 586 Fiction K-2 AD NP AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 1 302 Fiction K-2 470 2.5 1 488 Fiction K-2 460 4.7 2 1250 Fiction K-2 600 3.4 1 597 Non-Fiction K-2 520 3.1 AD 1 763 Fiction K-2 230 1.4 AD 1 237 Fiction K-2 Q21051 Loudest Sneeze, The Feely, Jenny Loudmouth George And The Carlson, Q27890 Big Race Nancy Alarcon, Louella Mae, She's Run Karen Q07114 Away! Beaumont Keats, Ezra Q48098 Louie Jack 370 2.3 1 247 Fiction K-2 140 1.9 1 537 Fiction K-2 170 1.5 1 262 Fiction K-2 270 1.1 AD 1 403 Fiction K-2 Q21712 Louie's Goose Ehrlich, H. M. Keats, Ezra Jack Woodhouse, Jayne Yorinks, Arthur 380 2.4 AD 1 350 Fiction K-2 90 2.5 AD 1 519 Fiction K-2 400 2.2 2 503 Non-Fiction K-2 320 4.7 1 484 Fiction K-2 Dunlap, Julie Pfanner, Louise 620 3.5 2 1908 Fiction K-2 410 2.1 AD 1 134 Fiction K-2 670 3.2 AD 2 1248 Fiction K-2 750 3.6 AD 2 1509 Fiction K-2 740 3.5 NC 4 4114 Fiction K-2 620 2.5 AD 2 1389 Fiction K-2 700 4.3 1 372 Non-Fiction K-2 340 1.2 2 1127 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Louanne Pig In The Talent Q27901 Show Carlson, Nancy Carlson, Q13837 Louanne Pig In Witch Lady Nancy O'Neill, Q19074 Loud Emily Alexis Loud Or Soft? High Or Boothroyd, Q54150 Low? A Look At Sound Jennifer Choldenko, Q44084 Louder, Lili Gennifer Taylor, Q32865 Loudest Roar, The Thomas Q24297 Louie's Search Louis Braille (Lives And Q22404 Times) Q16446 Louis The Fish Louisa May And Mr. Q32024 Thoreau's Flute Q07118 Louise Builds A House Louise The Big Cheese And The Back-To-School SmartyQ53090 Pants Louise The Big Cheese And Q47938 The La-Di-Da Shoes Q50226 Louise The Lily Fairy Louise, The Adventures Of Q45601 A Chicken Primavera, Elise Primavera, Elise Meadows, Daisy DiCamillo, Kate Q42507 Louisiana Lousy Rotten Stinkin' Q46551 Grapes Hyde, Judith Jensen Palatini, Margie Lexile Levels Reading Level 120 Lexile Code AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 290 2.3 AD 1 475 Fiction K-2 510 3.4 AD 2 1855 Fiction K-2 3.5 NP 2 986 Fiction K-2 570 2.9 AD 2 1270 Fiction K-2 Q19774 Love As Strong As Ginger 460 2.5 AD 2 1457 Fiction K-2 Q32476 340 2.6 AD 1 62 Non-Fiction K-2 520 2.8 2 724 Fiction K-2 870 4.6 AD 1 307 Fiction K-2 50 1.4 AD 1 168 Fiction K-2 370 2.8 2 1008 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lovable Furry Old Grover's Q21487 Resting Places Stone, Jon Waber, Q07120 Lovable Lyle Bernard Lovables In The Kingdom Loomans, Q25513 Of Self-Esteem, The Diane Love And Roast Chicken: A Trickster Tale From The Knutson, Q35528 Andes Mountains Barbara Q31573 Q49839 Q24363 Q27837 Q26081 Look, Lenore Halperin, Wendy Love Is Anderson Downey, Love Is A Family Roma Andreae, Love Is A Handful Of Honey Giles O'Keefe, Susan Love Me, Love You Heyboer Love One Another: The Last Thompson, Days Of Jesus Lauren Brown, Love Songs Of The Little Margaret Bear Wise Munsch, Love You Forever Robert 1.9 NP 1 358 Fiction K-2 780 4.8 AD 2 762 Fiction K-2 Q46660 Love, Splat 700 3.3 AD 1 591 Fiction K-2 Q48821 Q53689 Q07142 500 860 590 1.7 4.6 2.1 AD AD AD 1 2 1 531 1391 164 Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 340 1.8 NP 1 263 Fiction K-2 630 3.4 AD 1 1732 Fiction K-2 210 2.5 2 629 Fiction K-2 120 2.9 2 769 Fiction K-2 420 2.3 1 251 Fiction K-2 930 5.6 1 733 Fiction K-2 Q07131 Q37301 Q38652 Q33621 Q22647 Q40424 Q46545 Scotton, Rob Brown, Alan Love-A-Duck James Lovesick Skunk, The Hayes, Joe Loving Morris, Ann Low-Down, Bad-Day Blues, Barnes, The Derrick D. Carville, Lu And The Swamp Ghost James Lasky, Lucille Camps In Kathryn Lasky, Lucille's Snowsuit Kathryn McNamara, Luck Of The Irish, The Margaret Luck Of The Loch Ness Flaherty, A. Monster, The W. AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level 720 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.8 2 1330 Fiction K-2 510 2.8 2 1118 Fiction K-2 2 1239 Fiction K-2 1 171 Fiction K-2 Q42311 Lucky Ketteman, Helen Gerver, Jane E. Q48236 Lucky Beans Birtha, Becky 600 3.4 Q07155 Lucky Bear Phillips, Joan 0 1.5 Q34507 Lucky Boy Boase, Susan Hooks, Gwendolyn 790 4.5 2 1806 Fiction K-2 360 2.2 1 311 Fiction K-2 Baker, Keith deRubertis, Barbara Herman, Gail Papademetri ou, Lisa Williams, Vera B. Young, Judy Lauren, Kymberlee Meadows, Daisy 400 2.1 1 1451 Fiction K-2 530 1.6 1 287 Fiction K-2 10 1.5 1 237 Fiction K-2 180 2.3 2 1590 Fiction K-2 670 780 1.7 4.7 1 2 148 1879 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 340 2.4 2 699 Fiction K-2 720 3.4 NC 3 4036 Fiction K-2 Hall, Donald Agee, Jon Guback, Georgia Nye, Naomi Shihab O'Connor, Jane Snicket, Lemony Himmelman, John Bredeson, Carmen Pinnell, Gay Su Fleming, Denise 760 460 4.5 1.9 AD AD 2 1 1989 325 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 360 2.8 2 1104 Fiction K-2 1 345 Fiction K-2 2 1458 Fiction K-2 Q27952 Luck With Potatoes Q54151 Lucky Charm, The Lucky Days With Mr. And Q37109 Mrs. Green Q36296 Lucky Duck Q25681 Lucky Goes To School! Q25485 Lucky Me! Q14226 Lucky Song Q48881 Lucky Star, The Q27088 Lucky To Be Lost Q48405 Lucy The Diamond Fairy Q16437 Lucy's Summer Q13809 Ludlow Laughs Q07163 Luka's Quilt Q20583 Lullaby Raft Q07165 Lulu Goes To Witch School Q46130 Lump Of Coal, The Q23237 Luna Moth's Life, A Q35808 Luna, La Q15396 Lunch Q25143 Lunch (Fleming) 1.9 BR AD AD NP 400 3.1 1350 11.9 NC 2 1397 Fiction K-2 2.6 NA 1 270 Non-Fiction K-2 1 357 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2 0 1.2 BR 1 21 Fiction K-2 40 1.4 AD 1 48 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.8 1 64 Fiction K-2 460 2.1 1 144 Fiction K-2 170 1.9 1 595 Fiction K-2 480 4.2 2 1473 Fiction K-2 320 1.5 1 493 Fiction K-2 720 3.4 2 1020 Fiction K-2 80 1.2 1 54 Fiction K-2 460 3.5 2 1950 Fiction K-2 410 3.9 2 1735 Fiction K-2 590 4.5 2 1437 Fiction K-2 560 3.9 2 2031 Fiction K-2 760 3.4 2 1528 Fiction K-2 Q33873 Lynx Twins Grow Up M & M And The Bad News Q19829 Babies Ross, Pat M & M And The Haunted Q19830 House Game Ross, Pat M & M And The Mummy Q25082 Mess Ross, Pat Krull, Q34440 M Is For Music Kathleen McGrath, M&M's Brand Counting Barbara Q27759 Book, The Barbieri M.O.M. (Mom Operating Cronin, Q54293 Manual) Doreen McKissack, Q20514 Ma Dear's Aprons Patricia C. Q22198 Mabel Dancing Hest, Amy 330 2.5 2 675 Fiction K-2 350 1.9 2 1215 Fiction K-2 300 2.7 2 1055 Fiction K-2 430 2.6 2 2011 Fiction K-2 530 3.5 1 194 Non-Fiction K-2 120 1.7 AD 1 419 Non-Fiction K-2 840 4.5 AD 2 2170 Fiction K-2 800 560 4.8 3.2 AD AD 2 1 1766 482 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q07187 Mabel The Whale 260 2.2 1 604 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q13025 Lunch At The Zoo Q07168 Lunch Box Surprise, The Q25464 Lunch Bunch, The Q14205 Lunch Bunnies Q07169 Lunch Line, The Q52033 Lunch Thief, The Q34736 Lunch With Punch, A Lyle And The Birthday Q07177 Party Q22751 Lyle At Christmas Q07178 Lyle At The Office Q07179 Lyle Finds His Mother Q07180 Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile Author Name Blaxland, Wendy Maccarone, Grace Finch, Margo Lasky, Kathryn Nagel, Karen Berman Bromley, Anne C. Kittinger, Jo S. Waber, Bernard Waber, Bernard Waber, Bernard Waber, Bernard Waber, Bernard Smith, Stephanie King, Patricia Lexile Levels Reading Level 530 Lexile Code AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 380 2.7 AD 2 634 Fiction K-2 510 2.8 1 369 Fiction K-2 810 5.3 1 524 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.5 1 51 Fiction K-2 Hewitt, Sally 640 4.2 2 682 Non-Fiction K-2 Q19791 Mad Summer Night's Dream Brown, Ruth Nichols, Q37995 Madam C. J. Walker Catherine Q44864 Madam President Smith, Lane O'Brien, Q30086 Made From A Tree Robert R. Cherrington, Q35147 Made With Glass Janelle Bemelmans, Q07197 Madeline Ludwig Bemelmans, Q07198 Madeline (Español) Ludwig Bemelmans, Q07199 Madeline And The Bad Hat Ludwig Marciano, Madeline And The Cats Of John Q45324 Rome Bemelmans Bemelmans, Q07200 Madeline And The Gypsies Ludwig Marciano, Madeline At The White John Q53662 House Bemelmans Madeline In America And Bemelmans, Q17158 Other Holiday Tales Ludwig Bemelmans, Q07201 Madeline In London Ludwig Marciano, Madeline Says Merci: The- John Q31484 Always-Be-Polite Book Bemelmans Bemelmans, Q07202 Madeline's Christmas Ludwig Bemelmans, Q07203 Madeline's Rescue Ludwig Q22655 Madlenka Sis, Peter Q33221 Madlenka's Dog Sis, Peter 500 3.2 AD 1 205 Fiction K-2 600 230 3.3 1.5 AD 1 1 226 249 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 350 1.7 1 314 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q25652 Mabela The Clever Q51129 Mac And Cheese Macaroni And Rice And Q51453 Bread By The Slice Q07194 Machines At Work Machines We Use (It's Q23220 Science!) Author Name MacDonald, Margaret Read Weeks, Sarah Cleary, Brian P. Barton, Byron BR 1.4 BR 1 101 Non-Fiction K-2 480 3.8 AD 3 429 Fiction K-2 540 2.9 AD 3 475 Fiction K-2 3.6 NP 2 719 Fiction K-2 540 2.2 AD 1 846 Fiction K-2 640 3.6 AD 2 792 Fiction K-2 540 2.2 AD 1 588 Fiction K-2 3.5 NP 3 3006 Fiction K-2 3.3 AD 2 928 Fiction K-2 2.9 NP 2 722 Fiction K-2 810 2.8 AD 1 404 Fiction K-2 460 110 0 3.4 1.3 1.3 AD AD BR 1 1 1 598 199 160 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 660 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q27560 Mae Jemison (Anthology) Mae Jemison (Rookie Q33055 Biographies) Mae Jemison And Her Q30046 Dream Q13357 Maebelle's Suitcase Author Name Q46521 Maggie's Monkeys Article, Polette, Nancy Goldish, Meish Tusa, Tricia Martin Jr., Bill ChavarriaChairez, Becky Keats, Ezra Jack Haas, Irene SandersWells, Linda Q26599 Magic Ball, The Kahn, Peggy Q07206 Maestro Plays, The Q23012 Magda's Tortillas Q07208 Maggie And The Pirate Q07209 Maggie B Magic Bean Tree: A Legend Van Laan, Q28147 From Argentina, The Nancy Hillert, Q07214 Magic Beans Margaret Simard, Q17780 Magic Boot, The Remy Brenner, Q07216 Magic Box Barbara Arraras, Maria Q42301 Magic Cane, The Celeste Magic Dogs Of The Argueta, Q23008 Volcanoes Manlio Kimmel, Eric Q07218 Magic Dreidels, The A. Langston, Q19582 Magic Ear, The Laura Q07219 Magic Fan Baker, Keith Q07220 Magic Finger Dahl, Roald Littledale, Q07221 Magic Fish, The Freya Diakite, Baba Q32417 Magic Gourd, The Wague Q33279 Magic Hat, The Fox, Mem Maloney, Q24502 Magic Hockey Stick, The Peter Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Interest Level Points 2.3 NA 1 Words 480 Type Non-Fiction 1 385 Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 420 2.2 590 490 3.3 3.1 AD 1 2 585 710 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 320 1.5 AD 1 112 Fiction K-2 510 3.1 AD 2 1552 Fiction K-2 310 710 2.5 3.5 AD 2 2 623 857 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 710 3.4 AD 1 706 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 486 Fiction K-2 550 3.2 AD 2 1019 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 240 Fiction K-2 650 2.6 AD 2 774 Fiction K-2 360 2.9 2 855 Fiction K-2 820 4.7 2 1543 Fiction K-2 710 4.5 2 786 Fiction K-2 470 3.2 2 949 Fiction K-2 560 590 450 4.1 3.3 3.5 2 2 3 2030 1073 3594 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 320 2.9 2 875 Fiction K-2 440 480 3.2 2.7 AD 2 1 1223 300 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 3.3 NP 2 1290 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Q27673 Magic Kerchief, The 470 Q14187 Quiz # Q33121 Q34360 Q33757 Q33122 Q17782 Title Author Name Larson, Kirby Johnston, Magic Maguey, The Tony Maccarone, Magic Matt And The Cat Grace Magic Matt And The Maccarone, Dinosaur Grace Magic Matt And The Jack- Maccarone, O'-Lantern Grace Magic Matt And The Skunk Maccarone, In The Tub Grace Barwin, Magic Mustache, The Gary Q23006 Magic Nesting Doll, The Q07227 Magic Nutcracker, The Q16517 Magic Porridge Pot, The Q07228 Magic Pumpkin, The Q41747 Magic Rabbit, The Q41372 Magic Raincoat, The Magic School Bus And The Q53452 Butterfly Bunch, The Magic School Bus And The Q47745 Climate Challenge, The Magic School Bus And The Q40447 Missing Tooth, The Magic School Bus And The Q40040 Science Fair Expedition, The Magic School Bus And The Q52149 Shark Adventure, The Magic School Bus At The Q54048 First Thanksgiving, The Magic School Bus Blasts Into Q52762 Space, The Magic School Bus Blows Its Q07232 Top, The Ogburn, Jacqueline K. Hillert, Margaret Ziefert, Harriet Martin Jr., Bill Cate, Annette LeBlanc David, Ryan Earhart, Kristin Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.6 2 1321 Fiction K-2 480 3.3 2 1066 Fiction K-2 0 1.8 1 122 Fiction K-2 140 1.2 1 108 Fiction K-2 90 1.9 AD 1 217 Fiction K-2 0 2.1 BR 1 150 Fiction K-2 610 3.8 AD 2 974 Fiction K-2 550 2.9 2 2089 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 1 306 Fiction K-2 190 1.7 1 374 Fiction K-2 BR BR 2.4 NP 1 316 Fiction K-2 570 990 2.7 6.6 AD AD 1 1 408 487 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 290 1.7 1 641 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna 610 3.4 2 2761 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna 370 1.8 1 925 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna Smith, Elizabeth 530 2.7 3 3241 Fiction K-2 360 2.2 1 820 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna Earhart, Kristin Herman, Gail 200 1.5 1 635 Fiction K-2 360 2.2 2 1082 Fiction K-2 540 2.7 2 1406 Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q07233 Q50324 Q52148 Q51138 Q38479 Q19769 Q07235 Q07236 Q07237 Q52761 Q07238 Q07239 Q07240 Q19768 Q49990 Q07241 Q07242 Q40865 Q07243 Q07244 Q07245 Q46501 Q07246 Title Magic School Bus Butterfly And The Bog Beast, The Magic School Bus Comes To Its Senses, The Magic School Bus Fights Germs, The Magic School Bus Fixes A Bone, The Magic School Bus Flies From The Nest, The Magic School Bus Gets A Bright Idea, The Magic School Bus Gets All Dried Up, The Magic School Bus Gets Ants In Its Pants, The Magic School Bus Gets Baked In A Cake, The Magic School Bus Gets Caught In A Web, The Magic School Bus Gets Cold Feet, The Magic School Bus Gets Eaten, The Magic School Bus Gets Planted, The Magic School Bus Gets Programmed, The Magic School Bus Gets Recycled, The Magic School Bus Goes Upstream, The Magic School Bus Going Batty, The Magic School Bus Has A Heart, The Magic School Bus Hops Home, The Magic School Bus In A Pickle, The Magic School Bus In The Arctic, The Magic School Bus In The Bat Cave, The Magic School Bus In The Haunted Museum, The Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 2.5 2 2492 Fiction K-2 440 2.2 1 922 Fiction K-2 Egan, Kate Earhart, Kristin 360 2.2 1 938 Fiction K-2 330 2.1 1 821 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna White, Nancy Weyn, Suzanne 340 2.2 1 596 Fiction K-2 550 2.7 2 1656 Fiction K-2 530 2.6 2 1482 Fiction K-2 Beech, Linda 380 2.2 2 1748 Fiction K-2 Beech, Linda Lane, Jeanette 510 2.5 2 1513 Fiction K-2 370 2.1 1 997 Fiction K-2 West, Tracey 470 2.4 2 2101 Fiction K-2 Relf, Patricia Notkin, Leonore White, Nancy 500 2.5 2 1381 Fiction K-2 530 2.6 2 2341 Fiction K-2 470 2.4 2 2001 Fiction K-2 Capeci, Anne Krulik, Nancy E. 370 2.2 1 885 Fiction K-2 480 2.4 2 2482 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna 520 2.5 2 2209 Fiction K-2 Capeci, Anne 280 1.5 1 714 Fiction K-2 Relf, Patricia Krulik, Nancy E. Schreiber, Anne Lane, Jeanette 400 2.3 2 1116 Fiction K-2 590 2.9 2 2116 Fiction K-2 570 2.8 2 1292 Fiction K-2 310 2.1 1 982 Fiction K-2 Beech, Linda 370 2.2 2 1222 Fiction K-2 Krulik, Nancy E. Earhart, Kristin Lexile Levels Reading Level 500 Lexile Code AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q56417 Q07251 Q20278 Q40866 Q07260 Q07261 Q07263 Q07264 Q07265 Q42297 Q07266 Q07267 Q07268 Q07269 Q07270 Q07271 Q41574 Q07272 Q07273 Q52147 Q07274 Q21367 Q07256 Title Magic School Bus Inside A Volcano, The Magic School Bus Inside Ralphie, The Magic School Bus Kicks Up A Storm, The Magic School Bus Lost In The Snow, The Magic School Bus Makes A Rainbow, The Magic School Bus Meets The Rot Squad, The Magic School Bus Out Of This World, The Magic School Bus Plants Seeds, The Magic School Bus Plays Ball, The Magic School Bus Rides The Wind, The Magic School Bus Science Explorations A, The Magic School Bus Science Explorations B, The Magic School Bus Science Explorations C, The Magic School Bus Sees Stars, The Magic School Bus Shows And Tells, The Magic School Bus Spins A Web, The Magic School Bus Takes A Moonwalk, The Magic School Bus Taking Flight, The Magic School Bus Ups And Downs, The Magic School Bus Weathers The Storm, The Magic School Bus Wet All Over, The Magic School Bus: Liz Finds A Friend, The Magic School Bus: Liz Looks For A Home, The Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Points Words Type Interest Level 270 1.7 1 629 Fiction K-2 May, John White, Nancy 470 2.4 2 1531 Fiction K-2 290 2.1 2 2015 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna Bloom, George 260 1.3 1 656 Fiction K-2 540 2.6 2 2278 Fiction K-2 Beech, Linda Posner, Jackie 470 2.3 2 1623 Fiction K-2 540 2.6 2 1949 Fiction K-2 Relf, Patricia Krulik, Nancy E. 420 2.3 2 1359 Fiction K-2 490 2.4 2 2444 Fiction K-2 Capeci, Anne Chevat, Richard Chevat, Richard Chevat, Richard White, Nancy Posner, Jackie 310 1.8 1 752 Fiction K-2 310 3.1 AD 2 3042 Fiction K-2 460 3.5 AD 2 3677 Fiction K-2 570 3.5 AD 2 4274 Fiction K-2 580 2.9 2 1657 Fiction K-2 490 2.4 2 1964 Fiction K-2 West, Tracey 460 2.3 2 1994 Fiction K-2 Cole, Joanna Herman, Gail 300 2.1 1 793 Fiction K-2 480 2.4 2 1785 Fiction K-2 Mason, Jane Earhart, Kristin 460 2.3 2 2340 Fiction K-2 300 1.8 1 718 Fiction K-2 Relf, Patricia 350 2.2 2 1443 Fiction K-2 West, Tracey 130 1.9 2 730 Fiction K-2 West, Tracey 420 2.1 1 581 Fiction K-2 Earhart, Kristin Lexile Code AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level West, Tracey 470 1.7 AD 2 919 Fiction K-2 West, Tracey 380 1.7 AD 2 682 Fiction K-2 West, Tracey 440 2.3 2 685 Fiction K-2 West, Tracey 220 1.9 2 685 Fiction K-2 Q32088 Magic Secrets 300 2.7 2 1965 Non-Fiction K-2 Q07275 360 3.2 2 1015 Fiction K-2 460 2.3 1 216 Fiction K-2 680 3.9 AD 2 2148 Fiction K-2 910 5.3 AD 2 1509 Fiction K-2 710 3.9 AD 1 767 Fiction K-2 700 3.5 AD 2 1370 Fiction K-2 640 700 3.4 4.3 5 1 9885 552 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 460 2.2 AD 2 889 Fiction K-2 620 2.5 AD 1 539 Fiction K-2 500 3.1 2 851 Fiction K-2 770 3.5 AD 2 1084 Fiction K-2 710 440 3.6 2.6 AD 1 2 816 705 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 1.2 BR 1 50 Non-Fiction K-2 410 3.1 AD 1 390 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 30 Non-Fiction K-2 200 2.1 AD 2 646 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q16615 Q15208 Q07257 Q21368 Q36875 Q17640 Q54295 Q36401 Q07279 Q57982 Q42590 Q16994 Q57141 Q26039 Q13187 Q41241 Q27155 Q35391 Q22811 Q28960 Q33114 Title Magic School Bus: Liz Makes A Rainbow, The Magic School Bus: Liz On The Move Magic School Bus: Liz Sorts It Out, The Magic School Bus: Liz Takes Flight, The Wyler, Rose Warner, Gertrude Magic Show Mystery, The Chandler Cooper, Magic Thinks Big Elisha Magic Tree: A Folktale Echewa, T. From Nigeria, The Obinkaram Magical Christmas Horse, Clark, Mary The Higgins Magical Garden of Claude Anholt, Monet, The Laurence Barker, Magical Hands Marjorie Hurwitz, Magical Monty Johanna Magnetism Schuh, Mari Foster, Magpies' Nest, The Joanna Johnson, D. Magritte's Marvelous Hat B. Charles, Veronika Maiden Of The Mist Martenova Tunnell, Mailing May Michael O. Makayla Cares About Kroll, Others Virginia Make A Difference Bates, J. C. Ballinger, Make A Leaf Rubbing Margaret Pfister, Make A Wish, Honey Bear! Marcus Canizares, Make It Move! Susan Make New Friends (Yoko & Wells, Friends School Days) Rosemary SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level McCloskey, Robert 630 3.1 AD 2 1089 Fiction K-2 Pilkey, Dav 230 1.8 AD 1 344 Fiction K-2 Katz, Bobbi Manushkin, Fran Munsch, Robert Ballinger, Margaret 210 2.1 1 378 Non-Fiction K-2 360 2.2 1 470 Fiction K-2 440 2.2 2 664 Fiction K-2 300 1.7 1 53 Fiction K-2 Q38480 Making Change At The Fair Dalton, Julie O'Neil, Q14416 Making Concrete Sarah Ballinger, Q15405 Making Mountains Margaret Wood, Q13764 Making The World Douglas 370 1.8 1 436 Non-Fiction K-2 450 1.8 1 136 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 35 Fiction K-2 950 4.8 AD 2 751 Fiction K-2 Q52030 Mali Under The Night Sky Mama & Papa Have A Q19790 Store Mama And Me And The Q22148 Model T 700 3.3 AD 1 532 Non-Fiction K-2 810 4.3 2 1296 Fiction K-2 450 3.9 AD 2 844 Fiction K-2 530 3.9 AD 2 1403 Fiction K-2 360 2.8 AD 1 112 Fiction K-2 480 2.8 1 344 Fiction K-2 570 3.2 AD 2 590 Fiction K-2 710 3.4 AD 1 891 Non-Fiction K-2 700 3.9 AD 1 923 Fiction K-2 440 2.1 AD 2 1131 Fiction K-2 420 2.6 2 1642 Fiction K-2 390 2.5 2 1679 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q07303 Make Way For Ducklings Make Way For Dumb Q32719 Bunnies Make Way For Tooth Q28842 Decay Q50024 Make-Believe Class Q26130 Makeup Mess Q13015 Making A Memory Q15464 Mama Bear Mama Cat Has Three Q15482 Kittens Q07327 Mama Don't Allow Author Name Youme, Carling, Amelia Lau Gibbons, Faye Sun, Chyng Feng Fleming, Denise Hurd, Thatcher StuveBodeen, Stephanie Q21823 Mama Elizabeti Mama Miti: Wangari Maathai And The Trees Of Napoli, Q48099 Kenya Donna Jo Chamberlin, Q39080 Mama Panya's Pancakes Mary Adler, David Q35948 Mama Played Baseball A. Mama Rex And T Q31314 Halloween Knight Vail, Rachel Mama Rex And T Q27689 Homework Trouble Vail, Rachel SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q22989 Q22988 Q25908 Q29589 Q28661 Q27858 Title Mama Rex And T Lose A Waffle Mama Rex And T Run Out Of Tape Mama Rex And T Shop For Shoes Mama Rex And T Stay Up Late Mama Rex And T The (Almost) Perfect Mother's Day Mama Rex And T The Horrible Play Date Q32660 Mama Rex And T The Prize Mama Rex And T The SortQ32047 Of Super Snowman Mama Rex And T Turn Off Q27795 The TV Mama Rex And T: The Q32926 Reading Champion Q32914 Mama Will Be Home Soon Q07328 Mama Zooms Q27824 Mama's Little Bears Q13820 Mama's Perfect Present Q41906 Mama's Saris Q07331 Mama, Do You Love Me? Q21698 Mammalabilia Q22333 Mammals (Animal Babies) Q23095 Mammals Of Long Ago Q53946 Man In The Moon, The Man O' War: Best Race Q47772 Horse Ever Q20103 Man On The Moon Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Vail, Rachel 470 Vail, Rachel Points Words Type Interest Level 2.8 2 1353 Fiction K-2 410 2.8 2 1435 Fiction K-2 Vail, Rachel 370 2.5 2 1366 Fiction K-2 Vail, Rachel 230 2.4 2 1558 Fiction K-2 Vail, Rachel 390 2.5 2 1672 Fiction K-2 Vail, Rachel 410 2.8 2 1600 Fiction K-2 Vail, Rachel 420 2.8 2 1710 Fiction K-2 Vail, Rachel 410 2.8 2 1907 Fiction K-2 Vail, Rachel 340 2.7 2 1413 Fiction K-2 Vail, Rachel Minchella, Nancy CowenFletcher, Jane Tafuri, Nancy Goode, Diane Makhijani, Pooja Joosse, Barbara M. Florian, Douglas Theodorou, Rod 260 2.4 2 1364 Fiction K-2 150 1.9 AD 1 569 Fiction K-2 750 1.9 AD 1 175 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 66 Fiction K-2 210 2.3 1 182 Fiction K-2 820 4.7 NC 1 963 Fiction K-2 420 1.9 AD 1 285 Fiction K-2 3.4 NP 1 380 Fiction K-2 2 921 Non-Fiction K-2 Fowler, Allan Joyce, William McKerley, Jennifer Guess Suen, Anastasia 720 Lexile Code 3.9 3.1 NA 1 272 Non-Fiction K-2 830 5.4 AD 2 1684 Fiction K-2 520 3.1 1 963 Non-Fiction K-2 230 2.8 1 321 Non-Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q07345 Q29196 Q13800 Q34508 Q17038 Q07351 Q36928 Q42488 Q39794 Q17311 Q27917 Q07356 Q54367 Q25283 Q39662 Q35748 Q47509 Q54477 Q24609 Q54156 Q29115 Q07358 Q07359 Q36859 Title Man Who Could Call Down Owls, The Man Who Loved The Sea, The Man Who Tricked A Ghost, The Man Who Walked Between The Towers, The Man Whose Mother Was A Pirate, The mañana de la despedida, La Author Name Bunting, Eve Reeves, Barbara Yep, Laurence Gerstein, Mordicai Mahy, Margaret Johnson, Angela Paul, Ann Manana Iguana Whitford Marsico, Manatee Calf Grows Up, A Katie Manatees (Blastoff! Herriges, Readers) Ann Karim, Mandy Sue Day Roberta Pomerantz, Mangaboom Charlotte Schreiber, Mango, Mango Anne Roth, Susan Mangrove Tree, The L. Manners Aliki, Manny's Cows: The Niagara Falls Tale Becker, Suzy Rau, Dana manos, Las Meachen Manta Rays (Blastoff! Sexton, Readers) Colleen Bodden, Mantises Valerie Estes, Kristyn Manuela's Gift Rehling Many Kinds Of Matter: A Look At Solids, Liquids, And Boothroyd, Gases Jennifer O'Brien, Many Little Beads Anne Many Luscious Lollipops Heller, Ruth Thurber, Many Moons James Bruchac, Many Nations Joseph Lexile Levels Reading Level 590 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.3 2 846 Fiction K-2 270 2.3 1 336 Non-Fiction K-2 560 4.9 AD 2 1150 Fiction K-2 480 2.5 AD 1 777 Non-Fiction K-2 580 3.3 AD 2 1106 Fiction K-2 540 2.9 1 274 Fiction K-2 370 1.8 1 676 Fiction K-2 720 4.4 1 433 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2.1 1 196 Non-Fiction K-2 460 3.5 AD 2 1162 Fiction K-2 350 2.5 AD 2 2116 Fiction K-2 1.3 NP 1 73 Fiction K-2 1190 0 10.8 2.7 NC BR 1 2 988 1530 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 600 3.3 AD 2 1192 Fiction K-2 1.6 BR 1 52 Fiction K-2 AD 680 4.2 1 229 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.5 1 382 Non-Fiction K-2 560 3.1 2 943 Fiction K-2 500 2.7 1 658 Non-Fiction K-2 90 1.3 3.5 1 1 254 412 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 3 3103 Fiction K-2 1 184 Non-Fiction K-2 790 4.1 580 2.1 AD NP AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 3.1 1 484 Non-Fiction K-2 230 1.8 1 345 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.2 1 353 Non-Fiction K-2 Purmell, Ann Freeman, Marcia S. 760 4.6 1 616 Fiction K-2 430 2.2 1 120 Non-Fiction K-2 Fowler, Allan 600 2.4 1 300 Non-Fiction K-2 Q33038 Map Keys Boothroyd, Jennifer Aberg, Rebecca Q33039 Map Scales Wade, Mary Dodson Q51500 Many Ways To Move Q43627 Maple Syrup Season Q07363 Maple Trees Q34771 Maple Trees Maples In The Mist: Children's Poems From The Q19763 Tang Dynasty Q26754 Q14357 Q35793 Q56253 Q54284 Q45402 Q58036 Q24641 Q07373 Q07374 Q07380 Q25568 Ho, Minfong Leedy, Mapping Penny's World Loreen Maps And Journeys Petty, Kate Jones, Melanie Máquinas grandes Davis Marcel Marceau: Master Spielman, Of Mime Gloria Murphy, Claire Marching With Aunt Susan Rudolph Jarkins, Marco Flamingo Sheila Marco's Cinco De Mayo Bullard, Lisa Cartier, Marco's Run Wesley Locker, Mare On The Hill Thomas Margaret And Margarita Reiser, Lynn Margarita y Margaret Reiser, Lynn McKissack, Marian Anderson: A Great Patricia and Singer Fredrick Marianthe's Story: Painted Words; Marianthe's Story: Q13537 Spoken Memories Marie Curie (Rookie Q39226 Biographies) Marigold And Grandma Q07387 On The Town Aliki, McCormick, Lisa Wade Calmenson, Stephanie Lexile Levels Reading Level 530 Lexile Code AD 2.8 NP 1 506 Fiction K-2 640 550 3.3 3.5 AD AD 1 2 550 1000 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 70 1.5 1 73 Non-Fiction K-2 860 5.6 3 1145 Non-Fiction K-2 650 2.7 AD 2 1121 Fiction K-2 220 490 1.1 2.6 AD 1 1 230 475 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 20 1.4 1 202 Fiction K-2 530 180 180 4.4 1.9 1.5 2 1 1 742 227 202 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 440 3.1 2 1139 Non-Fiction K-2 550 3.5 2 1597 Fiction K-2 510 2.7 1 549 Non-Fiction K-2 330 2.6 2 1213 Fiction K-2 AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Q07390 mariquita malhumorada, La Carle, Eric Marisol And The Yellow Q07392 Messenger Marisol McDonald Doesn't Q55312 Match Smith-Ayala, Emilie Brown, Monica Smith-Ayala, Emilie Pendziwol, Q42286 Marja's Skis Jean Mark McGwire: The Home- Weber, Q16175 Run King Bruce Elschner, Q40577 Mark's Messy Room Geraldine Lexile Levels Reading Level 560 2.6 670 4.6 580 2.3 Marisol y el mensajero Q07393 amarillo Q31182 Mark's Part (Anthology) Q07397 Market Day Q49219 Market Day Q22237 Market Day (Ehlert) Q14188 Market Square Dog, The Q25137 Markets Q50928 Marley Steals The Show Q49847 Marley's Big Adventure Marriage Of The Rain Q18124 Goddess Q42613 Mars Q38001 Mars (Scholastic News) Q41276 Mars Needs Moms! Q16635 Mars: The Red Planet Q22506 Marsha Is Only A Flower Q22802 Marsha Makes Me Sick Brennan, Pat Bunting, Eve Cordsen, Carol Foskett Ehlert, Lois Herriot, James Chanko, Pamela Ny, Jeanine Le Grogan, John Wolfson, Margaret Olivia Chrismer, Melanie Chrismer, Melanie Breathed, Berkeley Demuth, Patricia Bottner, Barbara Bottner, Barbara Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 943 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1124 Fiction K-2 AD 1 610 Fiction K-2 2 0 Fiction K-2 3 1362 Fiction K-2 2 2357 Non-Fiction K-2 3.9 890 5.6 NC 500 3.5 710 3.7 AD 1 761 Fiction K-2 340 550 1.5 2.8 AD 1 2 143 1308 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 140 50 1.1 2.1 AD 1 1 322 166 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 690 4.1 AD 2 1908 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 43 Non-Fiction K-2 670 4.2 1 537 Fiction K-2 330 2.1 1 577 Fiction K-2 860 5.5 2 1120 Fiction K-2 570 3.3 1 247 Non-Fiction K-2 520 2.1 1 245 Non-Fiction K-2 640 3.4 1 693 Fiction K-2 550 3.4 2 1422 Non-Fiction K-2 50 2.4 2 1013 Fiction K-2 80 2.3 2 782 Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Q24698 Marshes & Swamps Gibbons, Gail 740 4.2 Q39179 Marshmallow Newberry, Clare Turlay 1000 3.4 1020 Quiz # Title Q47352 Marshmallow Incident, The Q31601 Marshmallow Kisses Author Name Barrett, Judi Brennan, Linda Crotta Q26139 Marsupial Sue Q31149 Q22184 Q07404 Q07405 Q07406 Q07407 Q17287 Q35059 Q26513 Q07411 Q07412 Q58413 Q22405 Q28275 Q32369 Q35498 Q43566 Lithgow, John Dunlap, Marta's Larks (Anthology) Linda Meddaugh, Martha And Skits Susan Meddaugh, Martha Blah Blah Susan Meddaugh, Martha Calling Susan Meddaugh, Martha habla Susan Meddaugh, Martha Speaks Susan Meddaugh, Martha Walks The Dog Susan Ransom, Martha Washington Candice F. Shields, Carol Martian Rock Diggory Martin And The Teacher's Chardiet, Pets Bernice Chardiet, Martin And The Tooth Fairy Bernice Martin De Porres: The Rose Schmidt, In The Desert Gary D. Martin Luther King Jr. (Lives And Times) Roop, Peter Martin Luther King Jr. (Real Walker, People) Pamela Martin Luther King Jr. (Rookie Biographies) Mara, Wil Martin Luther King Jr. Day Lowery, (Rev. Ed.) Linda Martin Luther King Jr. Day McNamara, (Robin Hill School) Margaret Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 864 Non-Fiction K-2 AD 2 1876 Fiction K-2 7.6 AD 1 860 Fiction K-2 1.4 NP 1 78 Fiction K-2 2.9 NP 1 408 Fiction K-2 1 199 Fiction K-2 470 1.5 230 3.1 AD 2 783 Fiction K-2 390 4.2 AD 2 712 Fiction K-2 480 4.6 2 608 Fiction K-2 500 1 2 643 Fiction K-2 420 4.3 2 1026 Fiction K-2 270 3.5 2 760 Fiction K-2 460 2.3 3 1645 Non-Fiction K-2 1 547 Fiction K-2 3.8 AD NP 340 1.8 2 1085 Fiction K-2 370 1.9 2 972 Fiction K-2 700 3.3 2 1218 Fiction K-2 680 2.9 2 529 Non-Fiction K-2 450 1.6 1 128 Non-Fiction K-2 430 2.2 1 331 Non-Fiction K-2 660 3.5 2 1692 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.4 1 243 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Rookie Read-About Q39850 Holidays - Children's Press) Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Rookie Read-About Q32329 Holidays) Author Name Trueit, Trudi Strain Marx, David F. Schaefer, Q07415 Martin Luther King, Jr. Lola M. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Let's Houghton Q31341 Read Biography) Mifflin, Martin Luther King, Jr. And Ruffin, Q23740 The March On Washington Frances E. Lexile Levels Reading Level 680 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.7 1 406 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2.1 1 291 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2.8 1 290 Non-Fiction K-2 390 2.3 1 207 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.7 2 927 Non-Fiction K-2 Q20569 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Q42582 Life Of Fairness Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Man With A Dream (Easy Q42218 Reader Biographies) Frost, Helen 330 1.3 1 152 Non-Fiction K-2 Leslie, Tonya 590 3.3 1 544 Non-Fiction K-2 Sweeney, Alyse 620 3.5 1 620 Non-Fiction K-2 Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Q07417 Picture Story Martin Luther King, Jr: Man Q15982 Of Peace Martin MacGregor's Q36499 Snowman Martin's Big Words: The Life Of Dr. Martin Luther Q27325 King, Jr. Q47934 Martin's Dream Martina The Beautiful Cockroach: A Cuban Q41834 Folktale Boone-Jones, Margaret McKissack, Patricia Cook, Lisa Broadie 560 4.4 2 1104 Non-Fiction K-2 590 3.9 2 1304 Non-Fiction K-2 660 2.7 AD 1 938 Fiction K-2 410 660 2.5 2.8 AD NC 2 1 665 216 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 720 3.7 AD 2 1021 Fiction K-2 440 1.6 1 456 Fiction K-2 Kline, Suzy 440 2.8 3 5929 Fiction K-2 Seuss, Dr. Paterson, Katherine Paterson, Katherine Moses, Will 100 2.4 1 250 Fiction K-2 20 2.1 2 985 Fiction K-2 270 970 2.2 5.6 2 2 839 1048 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Q36294 Marty Aardvark Marvin And The Mean Q16095 Words Marvin K. Mooney, Will Q07424 You Please Go Now! Q26360 Marvin One Too Many Marvin's Best Christmas Q22166 Present Ever Q55542 Mary And Her Little Lamb Rappaport, Doreen Kurtz, Jane Deedy, Carmen Agra deRubertis, Barbara AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q07429 Mary Ann Mary Anning And The Sea Q20925 Dragon Q25909 Mary Anning: Fossil Hunter Mary Cassatt (Life And Q22406 Work Of) Q29120 Mary Goes Walking Q36022 Mary Had A Little Ham Q07452 Mary Had A Little Lamb Q44867 Mary Had A Little Lamp Mary Louise Loses Her Q23677 Manners Q36613 Mary McLeod Bethune Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level James, Betsy Atkins, Jeannine Walker, Sally M. Giesecke, Ernestine 580 2.5 AD 2 671 Fiction K-2 560 2.8 AD 2 1406 Non-Fiction K-2 320 3.1 2 1574 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.9 2 729 Non-Fiction K-2 Phillips, Anne Palatini, Margie Hale, Sarah Josepha 30 1.3 1 171 Fiction K-2 660 3.5 2 1254 Fiction K-2 440 1.5 1 89 Fiction K-2 Lechner, Jack 620 2.3 1 323 Fiction K-2 Cuneo, Diane Evento, Susan McKissack, Patricia and Fredrick Sterling, Kristin U'Ren, A. 330 2.5 1 969 Fiction K-2 440 2.5 1 396 Non-Fiction K-2 360 2.8 2 1114 Non-Fiction K-2 490 470 2.6 2.3 1 1 552 477 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Mary McLeod Bethune: A Q31280 Great Teacher Mary McLeod Bethune: A Q43005 Life Of Resourcefulness Q34930 Mary Smith Mary Wore Her Red Dress And Henry Wore His Green Q15772 Sneakers Peek, Merle Landman, Q49710 Mary's Penny Tanya AD AD 1.8 NP 1 169 Fiction K-2 720 3.4 AD 1 964 Fiction K-2 Q29197 Mashed Potato Moose 130 1.9 1 166 Fiction K-2 Q18294 420 1.3 1 41 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.2 1 269 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.9 1 604 Fiction K-2 340 3.1 2 1256 Fiction K-2 450 3.4 2 1255 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 1 42 Fiction K-2 Q32388 Q17123 Q24239 Q26485 Q31242 Bensen, Rosie Schaefer, Masks Lola M. Massachusetts (Rookie Read- De Capua, About Geography) Sarah Ahlberg, Master Bun The Bakers' Boy Allan Master Man: A Tall Tale Of Shepard, Nigeria Aaron Master Swordsman And The Provensen, Magic Doorway, The Alice Westcott, Nadine Mat (Anthology), The Bernard BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Math Appeal: MindQ32593 Stretching Math Riddles Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.1 NP 2 695 Non-Fiction K-2 1 1 127 234 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Tang, Greg Amato, William Weiss, Ellen 150 410 1.4 2.4 Q46619 Math Attack Math Fables: Lessons That Q34521 Count Horton, Joan 750 3.6 AD 1 745 Fiction K-2 3.4 NP 3 1030 Non-Fiction K-2 Q32916 Math Fair Blues Kassirer, Sue 2 953 Fiction K-2 Q28873 Math At The Store Q42598 Math At The Store Tang, Greg Math For All Seasons: MindQ27820 Stretching Math Riddles Tang, Greg Amato, Q28874 Math In The Backyard William Q42599 Math In The Backyard Weiss, Ellen Math In The Bath (And Atherlay, Q07469 Other Fun Places, Too!) Sara Amato, Q28871 Math In The Car William Q42600 Math In The Car Weiss, Ellen Amato, Q28870 Math In The Kitchen William Q42601 Math In The Kitchen Weiss, Ellen Amato, Q28869 Math In The Neighborhood William 300 2.5 3.1 NP 2 795 Non-Fiction K-2 0 450 1.2 2.5 BR 1 1 108 288 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 240 2.8 1 240 Fiction K-2 80 500 1.3 2.7 1 1 127 309 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 250 480 1.6 2.6 1 1 107 283 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 40 1.3 1 100 Non-Fiction K-2 Q42602 Math In The Neighborhood Weiss, Ellen Q25911 Math Man Daniels, Teri Amato, Q28872 Math On The Playground William Q42603 Math On The Playground Weiss, Ellen Chrismer, Q38482 Math Tools (Chrismer) Melanie Math-terpieces: The Art Of Q33615 Problem-Solving Tang, Greg Bluthenthal, Q26755 Matilda The Moocher Diana Cain 470 290 2.5 2.1 1 2 328 1188 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 90 400 1.3 2.3 1 1 112 281 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 320 1.6 1 339 Non-Fiction K-2 1 450 Non-Fiction K-2 560 2.9 1 381 Fiction K-2 Q42591 Matter 590 3.3 1 570 Non-Fiction K-2 350 2.8 1 183 Fiction K-2 720 4.1 AD 2 1877 Fiction K-2 640 4.2 AD 2 1430 Fiction K-2 Manolis, Kay Catalanotto, Q35258 Matthew A.B.C. Peter Matthew And The Midnight Morgan, Q17791 Money Van Allen Matthew And The Midnight Morgan, Q17792 Tow Truck Allen 3.1 AD NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Matthew And The Midnight Morgan, Q17793 Turkeys Allen Jones, Q07472 Matthew And Tilly Rebecca C. Cooper, Q07476 Matthew's Dragon Susan Q16430 Matthew's Dream Lionni, Leo Matzah That Papa Brought Manushkin, Q26721 Home, The Fran Isadora, Q19818 Max Rachel Graham, Q22199 Max Bob Max And Mo Make A Lakin, Q45279 Snowman Patricia Max And Ruby In Pandora's Wells, Q19780 Box Rosemary Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 640 4.1 AD 2 1477 Fiction K-2 570 3.3 1 370 Fiction K-2 740 560 5.8 3.8 AD 2 1 1915 484 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 3.1 NP 2 681 Fiction K-2 1 234 Fiction K-2 1 596 Fiction K-2 1 230 Fiction K-2 180 2.6 420 3.1 150 1.3 340 2.8 AD 1 456 Fiction K-2 530 3.5 AD 1 464 Fiction K-2 510 5.1 AD 1 638 Fiction K-2 680 3.2 AD 1 648 Fiction K-2 690 2.1 AD 1 370 Fiction K-2 4.5 NA 2 1200 Fiction K-2 1.2 NA 1 26 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 58 Fiction K-2 300 1.5 AD 1 271 Fiction K-2 30 1.7 AD 1 244 Fiction K-2 470 420 2.2 2.4 1 1 458 631 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 190 1.1 1 78 Fiction K-2 Q19569 Maxine's Tree Leger, Diane Maxwell Moose's Mountain deRubertis, Q54158 Monster Barbara 520 3.9 2 1050 Fiction K-2 440 1.5 AD 1 625 Fiction K-2 Q38710 Maxwell's Mountain 560 2.7 AD 1 1079 Fiction K-2 Max And Ruby's First Q16270 Greek Myth: Pandora's Box Max And Ruby's Midas: Q17289 Another Greek Myth Q52271 Max And The Lost Note Q07485 Max Found Two Sticks Max The Bad Talking Q07490 Parrot Wells, Rosemary Wells, Rosemary Marsh, Graham Pinkney, Brian Demuth, Patricia B. Q27551 Max's ABC Day (Anthology) Cohen, Della Wells, Q25078 Max's Birthday Rosemary Wells, Q25114 Max's Chocolate Chicken Rosemary Wells, Q26108 Max's Christmas Rosemary Wells, Q07492 Max's Dragon Shirt Rosemary Q44286 Max's Words Banks, Kate Q27522 Max, The Cat (Anthology) Morris, Ann Becker, Shari AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q29170 May And Marta And Max Q33776 May Belle And The Ogre Q07494 Q40423 Q29553 Q50221 Q07497 Q23722 Q07501 Q14232 Q07510 Q07511 Q07512 Q19589 Q23000 Q31217 Q21329 Q18731 Q51783 Q25912 Author Name Burton, Marilee Robin Roberts, Bethany De Regniers, Beatrice May I Bring A Friend? Schenk May I Please Have A Morris, Cookie? Jennifer E. May'naise Sandwiches & Belton, Sunshine Tea Sandra Meadows, Maya The Harp Fairy Daisy Burton, Maybelle The Cable Car Virginia Lee Sommer, Mayor For A Day Carl Merrell, Maze Day Patrick Wells, McDuff And The Baby Rosemary Wells, McDuff Comes Home Rosemary Wells, McDuff Moves In Rosemary McElligot's Pool Seuss, Dr. Spalding, Me And Mr. Mah Andrea Sweeney, Me And My Amazing Body Joan Sweeney, Me And My Family Tree Joan Sweeney, Me And My Place In Space Joan Dorros, Me And My Shadow Arthur Browne, Me And You Anthony Me Counting Time: From Sweeney, Seconds To Centuries Joan Q35812 Me fascinan las piedras Meister, Cari Q07518 Me First Lester, Helen Lexile Levels Reading Level 130 1.9 150 2.3 3.4 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 386 Fiction K-2 AD 2 895 Fiction K-2 NP 1 552 Fiction K-2 250 1.4 1 197 Fiction K-2 550 3.1 2 1833 Fiction K-2 760 3.6 NC 4 4292 Fiction K-2 2.2 NP 2 1493 Fiction K-2 2 2379 Fiction K-2 320 2.9 3.5 NP 2 5000 Fiction K-2 600 2.8 AD 1 296 Fiction K-2 630 3.5 AD 1 377 Fiction K-2 450 2.2 3.7 NP 1 2 420 977 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 410 2.1 2 1367 Fiction K-2 710 2.9 2 520 Fiction K-2 160 1.8 1 245 Fiction K-2 570 3.9 1 369 Fiction K-2 560 2.9 2 868 Non-Fiction K-2 380 1.3 1 243 Fiction K-2 170 2.8 1 457 Fiction K-2 1 106 Fiction K-2 2 800 Fiction K-2 1.3 550 3.6 AD BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Me gusta jugar con los Q07519 libros Q07521 Q13365 Q49571 Q53299 Q53111 Q18614 Q24669 Santirso, L. Sweeney, Me On The Map Joan Mayer, Me Too! Mercer Dempsey, Me With You Kristy McDonnell, Me... Jane Patrick Meadowlands: A Wetlands Yezerski, Survival Story Thomas F. Arnold, Mealtime For Zoo Animals Caroline Himmelman, Mealworm's Life, A John Q07529 Mean Soup Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.6 BR 1 0 Fiction K-2 1 299 Fiction K-2 280 1.7 330 1.5 AD 1 231 Fiction K-2 900 4.2 AD 1 280 Fiction K-2 740 3.5 AD 1 218 Non-Fiction K-2 1020 7.6 AD 3 1669 Non-Fiction K-2 570 1.7 1 144 Non-Fiction K-2 1 339 Non-Fiction K-2 2.7 NA 310 1.1 1 236 Fiction K-2 Q07530 Meanest Thing To Say, The Cosby, Bill 350 2.2 1 778 Fiction K-2 Q07531 Meanwhile Feiffer, Jules 500 3.5 2 770 Fiction K-2 Meanwhile Back At The Q07532 Ranch Noble, Trinka Hakes Waters, Jennifer Leedy, Loreen Green, Emily K. Aliki, Aliki, Johnson, Sheri Coleman, Evelyn Diakite, Baba Wague van Mol, Sine 500 3.7 2 870 Fiction K-2 570 2.2 1 229 Non-Fiction K-2 500 4.2 1 591 Fiction K-2 450 840 840 2.3 5 4.3 1 2 2 161 822 822 Non-Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 620 2.5 1 478 Non-Fiction K-2 570 3.3 1 584 Non-Fiction K-2 800 4.7 AD 2 1278 Fiction K-2 340 1.2 AD 1 725 Fiction K-2 340 2.2 1 120 Non-Fiction K-2 520 500 2.7 2.6 2 2 681 1184 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q28910 Measure It! Q13073 Measuring Penny Meat And Beans (Blastoff! Q39795 Readers) Q14575 Medieval Feast Q16207 Medieval Feast, A Q53978 Medieval Plague, The Q30035 Medieval Villages Mee-An And The Magic Serpent: A Folktale From Q41919 Mali Q55000 Meena Q56625 Meerkats Everitt, Betsy Reading Level Schuetz, Kari de Brunhoff, Q16433 Meet Babar And His Family Laurent Q19831 Meet M & M Ross, Pat AD AD IG AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q51244 Meet Mammoth Q19577 Meet Matt And Roxy Q29961 Meet My Family! Meet My Grandmother: She's A Children's Book Q26141 Author Q18931 Meet My Staff Meet President Barack Q45924 Obama Meet Rory Hohenstein, A Q07556 Professional Dancer Author Name 280 1.7 130 1.5 0 Lexile Code Points Interest Level Words 954 Type Fiction AD 1 156 Fiction K-2 1.3 BR 1 65 Fiction K-2 860 4.1 AD 2 2391 Non-Fiction K-2 450 3.8 AD 2 700 Fiction K-2 Falk, Laine 360 2.2 1 344 Non-Fiction K-2 Duvall, Jill D. 560 3.5 1 295 Non-Fiction K-2 200 1.9 2 926 Fiction K-2 300 2.6 2 748 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 AD 1 818 Non-Fiction K-2 720 260 720 4.4 2.7 3.2 AD AD 1 2 2 524 2276 1208 Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 760 3.6 AD 1 724 Fiction K-2 400 2.2 1 277 Non-Fiction K-2 190 850 2.3 1.8 AD 1 1 472 423 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2.2 NP 1 243 Fiction K-2 1 47 Fiction K-2 2 698 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1103 Fiction K-2 2 698 Fiction K-2 McElroy, Lisa Tucker Marx, Patricia Meet Tom Paxton: An Q31376 Interview With Tom Paxton Paxton, Tom Herman, Q24405 Meet Tonka Joe Gail Q36722 Meet Wild Boars Rosoff, Meg Q27185 Meg's Elephant Reading Level 1 Fraser, Ian Huszar, Karen Velasco, Pilar Meet The Barkers: Morgan dePaola, Q26142 And Moffat Go To School Tomie Warner, Gertrude Q07562 Meet The Boxcar Children Chandler Meet The Dogs Of Bedlam Q53865 Farm Katz, Jon Sayre, April Q49054 Meet The Howlers Pulley Q16059 Meet The Molesons Bos, Burny Q18144 Meet The Orchestra Hayes, Ann McGranagh Q53435 Meet The Planets an, John Q17045 Meg And Mog Lexile Levels Nicoll, Helen Miranda, Anne O'Brien, Patrick Q33338 Megatooth Mei Ping And The Silver Shoes: A Chinese Cinderella Wade, Q27089 Story Margaret Tsubakiyama , Margaret Q21496 Mei-Mei Loves The Morning Holloway 280 1.1 730 3.8 600 2.8 620 3.5 AD AD AD K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Melissa Parkington's Q43331 Beautiful, Beautiful Hair Author Name Q54830 Melvin And The Boy Q20567 Memorial Day Brisson, Pat Meadows, Daisy Castillo, Lauren Frost, Helen Memorial Day (Rookie Q32306 Read-About Holidays) Q22066 Memory String, The Cotton, Jacqueline S. Bunting, Eve Q50739 Melodie The Music Fairy Q53428 Meow Said The Cow Dodd, Emma Bateman, Q27334 Merbaby, The Teresa TaylorButler, Q42614 Mercury Christine TaylorButler, Q38002 Mercury (Scholastic News) Christine DiCamillo, Q39260 Mercy Watson Fights Crime Kate Mercy Watson Goes For A DiCamillo, Q40415 Ride Kate Mercy Watson Thinks Like A DiCamillo, Q44273 Pig Kate Mercy Watson to the DiCamillo, Q37282 Rescue Kate Mercy Watson: Something Q47640 Wonky This Way Comes Q46710 Mermaid Queen Q44870 Mermaid Sister Q31579 Mermaid's Tail, The Merry Christmas, Amelia Q07593 Bedelia Merry Christmas, Big Q31602 Hungry Bear! Merry Christmas, Dear Q07594 Dragon Merry Christmas, From Q31679 Biscuit DiCamillo, Kate Corey, Shana Fraser, Mary Ann Caisley, Raewyn Parish, Peggy Wood, Audrey Hillert, Margaret Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 700 4.3 AD 1 970 Fiction K-2 670 2.8 4 3895 Fiction K-2 550 360 2.2 1.5 1 1 312 143 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 600 290 2.4 3.4 AD 1 2 324 1422 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 770 3.7 AD 1 438 Fiction K-2 680 4.5 AD 2 1761 Fiction K-2 590 3.3 1 223 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.2 1 214 Non-Fiction K-2 390 1.9 2 1861 Fiction K-2 390 2.3 2 2176 Fiction K-2 380 2.2 2 1981 Fiction K-2 450 2.3 3 1908 Fiction K-2 440 2.5 2 2197 Fiction K-2 650 2.7 2 1016 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2.2 1 370 Fiction K-2 500 2.8 2 1738 Fiction K-2 220 1.7 2 1626 Fiction K-2 200 1.5 AD 1 186 Fiction K-2 0 1.6 BR 1 303 Fiction K-2 240 1.6 1 193 Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q50299 Merry Christmas, Splat Merry Christmas, Strega Q07596 Nona Q39477 Merry UnChristmas Merry-Go-Round: A Book Q07597 About Nouns Q07599 Q21027 Q15433 Q26722 Q27153 Q07604 Q14543 Q14550 Q23126 Q14552 Q14535 Q14541 Q27327 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Scotton, Rob dePaola, Tomie Reiss, Mike 460 2.3 AD 1 559 Fiction K-2 660 680 3.7 2.7 AD 2 1 1220 682 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 4.5 NP 1 630 Non-Fiction K-2 Heller, Ruth Jensen, Mess, The Patricia Strauss, Message On A Rocket Elizabeth Campbell, Messages Jane Messages In The Mailbox: Leedy, How To Write A Letter Loreen Messengers From The Sky Karp, Albert McKissack, Patricia and Messy Bessey Fredrick McKissack, Messy Bessey And The Patricia and Birthday Overnight Fredrick McKissack, Patricia and Messy Bessey's Closet Fredrick McKissack, Messy Bessey's Family Patricia and Reunion Fredrick McKissack, Patricia and Messy Bessey's Garden Fredrick McKissack, Patricia and Messy Bessey's Holidays Fredrick McKissack, Patricia and Messy Bessey's School Desk Fredrick Brimner, Messy Lot, The Larry Dane Q07605 Messy Meals Q47228 Metal Man Q36094 Metal Mutz! Q07609 Metropolitan Cow Franco, Betsy Reynolds, Aaron Tagg, Christine Egan, Tim 30 1.5 1 55 Fiction K-2 490 2.1 1 172 Fiction K-2 210 1.5 1 79 Fiction K-2 520 600 3.2 2.7 2 2 1359 587 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 140 2.1 1 214 Fiction K-2 490 2.1 1 148 Fiction K-2 160 2.2 1 158 Fiction K-2 2.2 NA 1 191 Fiction K-2 0 2.2 BR 1 110 Fiction K-2 630 2.4 1 193 Fiction K-2 580 2.1 1 162 Fiction K-2 150 1.8 1 323 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 87 Fiction K-2 470 1.5 AD 1 862 Fiction K-2 650 1.5 4.1 NP AD 1 2 150 1127 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q52298 Mexico Mexico (Rookie ReadQ23141 About Geography) Q22439 Mexico (Visit To) Q35923 Mi Barrio Q35924 Mi Casa Q35756 Mi dedo meñique Q35802 Mi Escuela Q35801 Mi Familia Q07615 Mi padre Q07617 Mi visita a los dinosaurios Q17700 Mia The Beach Cat Q34592 Micawber Author Name Sexton, Colleen Marx, David F. Alcraft, Rob Ancona, George Ancona, George Franco, Betsy Ancona, George Ancona, George Mayer, Laura Aliki, Hanel, Wolfram Q07618 Mice At Bat Lithgow, John Ryan, Pam Munoz Ghigna, Charles Oechsli, Kelly Q27835 Mice Make Trouble Bloom, Becky Q25536 Mice And Beans Q21479 Mice Are Nice Mice Mischief: An Alphabet Blackaby, Q27557 Story (Anthology) Susan Stamper, Q33399 Mice On Ice Judith Bauer Shapiro, Q07619 Mice Squeak, We Speak Arnold L. Q07620 Mice Twice Low, Joseph dePaola, Q07621 Michael Bird-Boy Tomie Michael Jordan (Rookie Biographies - Children's McCormick, Q39852 Press) Lisa Wade Michelangelo Buonarroti Tames, Q22597 (Life And Work Of) Richard Michigan (Rookie ReadQ33036 About Geography) Mader, Jan Lexile Levels Reading Level 880 5.7 540 3.4 2.9 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 1690 Non-Fiction K-2 NA 1 2 326 580 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 1.6 NA 1 400 Non-Fiction K-2 1.4 NA 1 170 Non-Fiction K-2 210 1.4 1 101 Fiction K-2 240 1.4 1 271 Non-Fiction K-2 390 1.9 1 339 Non-Fiction K-2 450 390 2.5 2 1 2 204 827 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 470 2.9 2 1928 Fiction K-2 1 568 Fiction K-2 5.7 AD 440 2.7 2 1128 Fiction K-2 130 1.2 1 191 Fiction K-2 240 2.6 2 1106 Fiction K-2 670 3.2 AD 2 731 Fiction K-2 1.7 NA 1 154 Fiction K-2 0 1.6 BR 1 397 Fiction K-2 60 400 1.1 2.1 1 2 51 894 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 420 2.8 1 494 Fiction K-2 660 3.5 1 443 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.9 2 675 Non-Fiction K-2 360 1.9 1 337 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Midnight Dance Of The Q18933 Snowshoe Hare Q07636 Midnight Farm, The Q22263 Midnight Fridge, The Q19578 Midnight In The Mountains Author Name Lexile Levels Carlstrom, Nancy White Lindbergh, Reeve Glassman, Bruce Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.8 NP 2 2225 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 390 Fiction K-2 4.2 NP 2 621 Fiction K-2 AD 2 676 Fiction K-2 3 3585 Fiction K-2 1 2 198 1102 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 590 Fiction K-2 1 392 Fiction K-2 210 1.5 Q32661 Midnight Mouse, The Lawson, Julie Baglio, Ben M. 400 2.4 Q07643 Midnight Snack Q19062 Mightiest Heart, The Farber, Erica Cullen, Lynn 0 650 1.3 3.7 Kasza, Keiko Bloom, Suzanne Hurwitz, Q45400 Mighty Monty Johanna Robinson, Q07647 Mighty Spiders! Fay Gackenbach, Q17621 Mighty Tree Dick Trottier, Q52895 Migrant Maxine Nelson, Q51567 Migration Robin Mike And Dave Sleep Moynahan, Q31171 Outside (Anthology) Patty Ziefert, Q07652 Mike And Tony: Best Friends Harriet Mike Mulligan And His Burton, Q07654 Steam Shovel Virginia Lee Mike Mulligan y su máquina Burton, Q07655 maravillosa Virginia Lee Heiligman, Q16529 Mike Swan, Sink Or Swim Deborah MacDonald, Q15720 Mike's Kite Elizabeth Q07664 Milk From Cow to Carton Aliki, Gibbons, Q07665 Milk Makers Gail 240 2.5 420 1.4 610 3.3 5 9634 Fiction K-2 320 1.5 1 184 Non-Fiction K-2 860 3.5 AD 1 302 Fiction K-2 880 4.7 AD 1 509 Fiction K-2 500 2.7 1 266 Non-Fiction K-2 190 1.4 1 234 Fiction K-2 280 1.5 1 171 Fiction K-2 820 3.4 2 1690 Fiction K-2 770 2.9 2 1695 Fiction K-2 240 2.1 2 1071 Fiction K-2 670 530 3.7 2.8 2 2 945 1215 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 770 3.2 2 914 Non-Fiction K-2 Q33189 Milk To Ice Cream Milk, Yogurt, And Cheese Q39796 (Blastoff! Readers) 220 1.6 1 108 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.5 1 145 Non-Fiction K-2 Q33296 Mightiest, The Mighty Fine Time Machine, Q49217 A Snyder, Inez Green, Emily K. BR AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q28403 Milkman's Boy, The Q14236 Millicent And The Wind Q47337 Millie In The Snow Q07671 Millions Of Cats Q32511 Millions Of Monarchs Q21369 Millions Of Snowflakes Q33463 Millions To Measure Milly And The Macy's Q31594 Parade Milly And Tilly: The Story Of A Town Mouse And A Q27926 Country Mouse Q48857 Milo In A Mess Q25159 Milo's Hat Trick Q16271 Milo's Toothache Q07672 Milton The Early Riser Q07673 Mimi And The Picnic Q22935 Mimi's Tutu Q17113 Mind Me Good Now! Q07676 Mind Your Manners Q54521 Mind Your Manners Mind Your Manners, Alice Q47179 Roosevelt! Mind Your Manners, B. B. Q46148 Wolf Q07679 Mine's The Best Mine, All Mine: A Book Q16535 About Pronouns Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Hall, Donald Munsch, Robert 660 3.5 AD 2 1411 Fiction K-2 670 4.1 AD 2 619 Fiction K-2 610 2.4 AD 1 487 Fiction K-2 730 3.6 2 972 Fiction K-2 230 1.7 AD 1 145 Non-Fiction K-2 0 2.1 BR 1 94 Fiction K-2 470 3.9 2 1256 Non-Fiction K-2 420 3.3 AD 2 1085 Fiction K-2 590 2.8 AD 2 1288 Fiction K-2 590 190 420 3.3 2.5 2.1 2 1 2 1500 573 790 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 200 1.5 1 148 Fiction K-2 780 1.3 1 299 Fiction K-2 470 3.1 AD 2 826 Fiction K-2 640 3.5 AD 2 1833 Fiction K-2 340 4.5 2 1130 Non-Fiction K-2 510 1.4 AD 1 486 Fiction K-2 700 3.3 AD 1 827 Non-Fiction K-2 Sierra, Judy Bonsall, Crosby 480 1.6 AD 1 619 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 105 Fiction K-2 Heller, Ruth 480 1.7 1 540 Non-Fiction K-2 Steffensmeie r, Alexander Ga'g, Wanda Roop, Peter & Connie Siddals, Mary McKenna Schwartz, David M. Corey, Shana Summers, Kate Damon, Emma Agee, Jon Luttrell, Ida Kraus, Robert Waddell, Martin Thomassie, Tynia Comissiong, Lynette Parish, Peggy Brooke, Samantha Kimmelman, Leslie SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 400 2.3 AD 1 546 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 125 Fiction K-2 120 1.9 1 200 Fiction K-2 590 3.3 2 1420 Fiction K-2 Lobel, Arnold 600 3.4 2 1141 Fiction K-2 Q47606 Miniature Horses Miniature Schnauzers Are Q49150 The Best! 960 7.5 3 1463 Non-Fiction K-2 540 3.2 2 1376 Non-Fiction K-2 Q47469 Lunis, Natalie Landau, Elaine Gerstein, Minifred Goes To School Mordicai Mink, A Fink, A Skating Rink: Cleary, Brian What Is A Noun?, A P. Minnie And Moo And The Musk Of Zorro Cazet, Denys Minnie And Moo And The Potato From Planet X Cazet, Denys Minnie And Moo And The Thanksgiving Tree Cazet, Denys Minnie And Moo Go Dancing Cazet, Denys Minnie And Moo Go To Paris Cazet, Denys Minnie And Moo Go To The Moon Cazet, Denys Minnie And Moo Meet Frankenswine Cazet, Denys Minnie And Moo Save The Earth Cazet, Denys Minnie And Moo The Night Before Christmas Cazet, Denys 520 2.1 AD 1 939 Fiction K-2 2.7 NP 1 333 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q43731 Mine-O-Saur, The Q24836 Minerva Louise Q21824 Minerva Louise At School Q48584 Minestrone Mob, The Ming Lo Moves The Q07681 Mountain Q25563 Q23490 Q42377 Q23053 Q22766 Q25081 Q07686 Q26331 Q25403 Q34183 Minnie And Moo: The Case Q42370 Of The Missing Jelly Donut Minnie and Moo: The Night Q37338 Of The Living Bed Minnie's Diner: A Q36876 Multiplying Menu Author Name BardhanQuallen, Sudipta Stoeke, Janet Morgan Stoeke, Janet Morgan Wallace, Karen AD 210 2.1 2 1355 Fiction K-2 380 2.3 2 1169 Fiction K-2 130 2.1 2 1432 Fiction K-2 150 2.1 2 1118 Fiction K-2 140 2.1 2 1123 Fiction K-2 210 2.7 2 1088 Fiction K-2 190 2.2 2 1288 Fiction K-2 130 2.1 2 1144 Fiction K-2 260 2.4 2 1051 Fiction K-2 Cazet, Denys 460 2.5 2 1125 Fiction K-2 Cazet, Denys Dodds, Dayle Ann 350 2.1 1 1211 Fiction K-2 1 625 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q29970 Minnie, The Talking Bird Minnow And Rose: An Q52939 Oregon Trail Story Minty: A Story Of Young Q07688 Harriet Tubman Author Name Manners, Jane Young, Judy Schroeder, Alan dePaola, Q07694 Miracles Of Jesus, The Tomie McKissack, Q07697 Mirandy And Brother Wind Patricia Mirette & Bellini Cross Q23021 Niagara Falls Q07698 Mirette On The High Wire Q48835 Mirror Mirror Q07703 Mirror, Mirror Q35826 Mis Amigos Q35803 Mis Bailes Q07704 Mis cinco sentidos Mischief In The Forest: A Q51018 Yarn Yarn Miss Bindergarten Celebrates The 100th Day Q33270 Of Kindergarten Miss Bindergarten Gets Q07707 Ready For Kindergarten Miss Bindergarten Stays Q29832 Home From Kindergarten Miss Brooks Loves Books! Q49442 (And I Don't) Q35139 Miss Daisy Is Crazy Miss Dorothy And Her Q52924 Bookmobile Q24296 Miss Fannie's Hat Miss Fox's Class Earns A Q48292 Field Trip Miss Fox's Class Gets It Q57164 Wrong Miss Fox's Class Goes Q46793 Green McCully, Emily Arnold McCully, Emily Arnold Singer, Marilyn Lexile Levels Reading Level 260 2.1 680 3.2 560 Points Words Type Interest Level 1 262 Fiction K-2 2 1678 Fiction K-2 3.9 2 2724 Fiction K-2 820 5.1 2 2723 Non-Fiction K-2 690 3.5 2 1395 Fiction K-2 450 4.1 2 1478 Fiction K-2 580 4.1 2 1113 Fiction K-2 1 812 Fiction K-2 3.2 Lexile Code AD AD NP Fowler, Allan Ancona, George Ancona, George Aliki, Jensen, Derrick 550 2.5 1 326 Non-Fiction K-2 370 1.8 1 294 Non-Fiction K-2 490 400 2.5 1.4 1 1 416 290 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 420 1.4 AD 1 399 Fiction K-2 Slate, Joseph 450 2.4 AD 1 266 Fiction K-2 Slate, Joseph 590 1.3 1 201 Fiction K-2 Slate, Joseph Bottner, Barbara 270 2.1 AD 1 449 Fiction K-2 470 1.5 AD 1 477 Fiction K-2 Gutman, Dan Houston, Gloria Karon, Jan Spinelli, Eileen Spinelli, Eileen Spinelli, Eileen 700 2.5 3 6330 Fiction K-2 1090 680 9.3 3.3 2 2 1237 1495 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 600 3.4 2 1124 Fiction K-2 480 1.6 1 871 Fiction K-2 470 2.5 1 615 Fiction K-2 AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q53762 Q32701 Q51289 Q55921 Q47638 Q07709 Q43333 Q07710 Title Author Name Spinelli, Miss Fox's Class Shapes Up Eileen Brumbeau, Miss Hunnicutt's Hat Jeff Maccarone, Miss Lina's Ballerinas Grace Miss Lina's Ballerinas And Maccarone, The Prince Grace Wood, Miss Little's Gift Douglas Miss Malarkey Doesn't Live In Room 10 Finchler, Judy Miss Malarkey Leaves No Reader Behind Finchler, Judy Miss Malarkey Won't Be In Today Finchler, Judy Q43337 Miss Malarkey's Field Trip Q07711 Finchler, Judy Polenghi, Miss Mary Mack Evan Miss Mary Mack Hoberman, (Hoberman) Mary Ann Miss Mingo And The Fire Harper, Drill Jamie Miss Mingo And The First Harper, Day Of School Jamie Graves, Kelly Miss Moo Goes To The Zoo Fontana Miss Nelson Has A Field Day Allard, Harry Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 500 1.7 AD 1 978 Fiction K-2 510 3.3 2 1969 Fiction K-2 610 2.4 AD 1 341 Fiction K-2 790 4.2 AD 1 519 Fiction K-2 710 3.2 AD 2 1361 Non-Fiction K-2 650 2.8 AD 1 373 Fiction K-2 570 3.3 2 1319 Fiction K-2 340 2.8 1 356 Fiction K-2 570 3.3 1 553 Fiction K-2 AD 1.5 NP 1 69 Fiction K-2 1.6 NP 1 287 Fiction K-2 710 3.4 AD 2 1344 Fiction K-2 660 2.8 AD 2 1023 Fiction K-2 370 1.9 2 687 Fiction K-2 390 3.3 2 754 Fiction K-2 Allard, Harry 320 3.5 2 886 Fiction K-2 Q07715 Miss Nelson Is Missing! 340 3.1 2 587 Fiction K-2 Q07716 Allard, Harry Ernst, Lisa Miss Penny And Mr. Grubbs Campbell Miss Pig's Garden Moynahan, (Anthology) Patty Hoffman, Elizabeth Miss Renee's Mice Stokes Cooney, Miss Rumphius Barbara Miss Smith And The Haunted Garland, Library Michael 610 4.9 2 908 Fiction K-2 240 1.4 1 206 Fiction K-2 610 2.9 2 818 Fiction K-2 680 2.9 2 1248 Fiction K-2 750 3.6 1 759 Fiction K-2 Q28673 Q49526 Q52926 Q07712 Q07713 Q07714 Miss Nelson Is Back Q31172 Q33283 Q07718 Q49937 AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q46812 Miss Smith Reads Again! Miss Smith's Incredible Q34466 Storybook Q07719 Miss Spider's ABC Q13693 Miss Spider's New Car Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Q38135 Kids Q07720 Miss Spider's Tea Party Q14885 Miss Spider's Wedding Q07721 Q27986 Q48683 Q17604 Q27753 Q24364 Q19448 Q07730 Q27765 Author Name Garland, Michael Garland, Michael Kirk, David Kirk, David Kirk, David Kirk, David Kirk, David Gray, Libba Miss Tizzy Moore Missing Beach Ball, The Fry, Sonali Gorbachev, Missing Chick, The Valeri Herman, Missing Fossil Mystery, The Emily Kellogg, Missing Mitten Mystery, The Steven Murphy, Missing Mittens Stuart J. Silverstein, Missing Piece, The Shel Hennessy, Missing Tarts, The B.G. Missing Tooth (Hello Packard, Reader), The Mary Q07731 Missing Tooth, The Missing: One Stuffed Q22036 Rabbit Q31996 Mission To Mars Q20248 Mission Ziffoid Q07734 Mission: Addition Q42508 Mississippi Q23137 Mississippi River, The Q39224 Missouri River, The Q36577 Mister Seahorse Cole, Joanna CoccaLeffler, Maryann Branley, Franklyn M. Rosen, Michael Leedy, Loreen Trueit, Trudi Strain Fowler, Allan TaylorButler, Christine Carle, Eric Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 800 4.3 AD 1 896 Fiction K-2 680 490 590 3.7 1.9 1.9 AD AD 1 1 1 671 99 521 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 2.8 5.5 4.1 NP 810 1 2 2 965 591 1740 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 2 1 783 653 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 410 Fiction K-2 2 4284 Fiction K-2 NP 700 230 4.2 1.9 300 1.1 530 3.3 380 1.9 AD 1 352 Fiction K-2 190 1.7 AD 1 246 Fiction K-2 100 2.5 AD 1 450 Fiction K-2 450 3.8 AD 1 131 Fiction K-2 270 1.5 1 316 Fiction K-2 260 2.9 2 843 Fiction K-2 190 2.1 2 825 Fiction K-2 720 3.8 2 1342 Non-Fiction K-2 0 2.5 1 172 Fiction K-2 410 2.5 2 1126 Fiction K-2 660 3.8 1 380 Non-Fiction K-2 540 620 AD AD BR 3.5 BR 1 348 Non-Fiction K-2 2.8 2.5 AD 1 1 377 495 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q16220 Mitchell Is Moving Q34969 Mitón, El Q07751 Mitten, The Q47346 Mitten, The Mitten: An Old Ukranian Q07752 Folktale, The Q07753 Mixed-Up Chameleon, The Q27914 Miz Berlin Walks Miz Fannie Mae's Fine New Q07754 Easter Hat Q21346 Mmm, Cookies! Q07755 Mo And His Friends Mo And Jo: Fighting Q44184 Together Forever Moe The Dog In Tropical Q24925 Paradise Mohandas Gandhi (Lives Q22407 And Times) Q07762 Moira's Birthday Q32757 Mole And The Baby Bird Q26083 Mole In A Hole Q19807 Mole Music Q18546 Mole's Daughter, The Q32509 Mole's Hill Q29122 Molly And Polly Q25481 Molly In The Middle Q07769 Molly Limbo Q07772 Molly The Brave And Me Q48397 Molly The Goldfish Fairy Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 2 1189 Fiction K-2 BR 1 1 34 590 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2.3 AD 1 917 Fiction K-2 840 3.3 AD 2 804 Fiction K-2 Carle, Eric Yolen, Jane Milich, Melissa Munsch, Robert Osborne, Mary Pope 450 910 2.5 3.9 AD 1 2 259 1275 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 890 4.2 AD 2 2425 Fiction K-2 560 3.5 1 506 Fiction K-2 410 2.5 2 1073 Fiction K-2 Lynch, Jay Stanley, Diane Barraclough, John Munsch, Robert Newman, Marjorie Gelman, Rita Golden McPhail, David Gukova, Julia Ehlert, Lois 240 1.6 GN 2 1007 Fiction K-2 220 2.9 AD 2 636 Fiction K-2 560 2.9 2 592 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.5 2 897 Fiction K-2 120 1.8 AD 1 334 Fiction K-2 1.4 NP 1 390 Fiction K-2 380 2.8 AD 1 333 Fiction K-2 750 230 4.8 2.3 AD AD 2 1 1001 386 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Fear, Sharon Morris, Kimberly Hodges, Margaret O'Connor, Jane Meadows, Daisy 0 1.1 BR 1 65 Fiction K-2 340 2.9 2 1428 Fiction K-2 580 2.5 2 1592 Fiction K-2 320 1.9 2 1096 Fiction K-2 610 3.4 3 4112 Fiction K-2 Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Tarlow, Ellen Brett, Jan Aylesworth, Jim Tresselt, Alvin Lexile Levels Reading Level 480 2.4 800 1.2 3.2 580 Lexile Code SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Malnor, Q56956 Molly's Organic Farm Carol L. Mom And Dad Don't Live Stinson, Q19779 Together Any More Kathy TaylorButler, Q37293 Mom Like No Other, A Christine Costain, Q15435 Mom's Secret Meredith Mom's Spring Jobs Osorno, Q31211 (Anthology) Camilla Momma, Where Are You Bradby, Q24425 From? Marie Mommy Doesn't Know My Williams, Q07778 Name Suzanne Peacock, Mommy Far, Mommy Near: Carol Q33911 An Adoption Story Antoinette Mommy Works, Daddy Pedersen, Q29288 Works Marika Black, Sonia Q37297 Mommy's Bed W. Lasky, Q37931 Mommy's Hands Kathryn Q43536 Monarch And Milkweed Frost, Helen Q18295 Monarch Butterflies Frost, Helen Waxman, Laura Q35664 Monarch Butterflies Hamilton Waters, Q45435 Monarch Butterflies Kate Gibbons, Q07779 Monarch Butterfly Gail Monarch Butterfly Of Aster Ring, Q24177 Way Elizabeth Himmelman, Q23233 Monarch Butterfly's Life, A John Sharratt, Q31336 Monday Run Day Nick Prelutsky, Q07782 Monday's Troll Jack Adler, David Q45781 Money Madness A. Stewart, Q29067 Money Tree, The Sarah Brimner, Q27324 Money Trouble Larry Dane Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 680 3.2 AD 1 609 Fiction K-2 220 2.1 AD 1 266 Fiction K-2 350 1.8 1 298 Fiction K-2 180 1.4 1 141 Fiction K-2 560 1.7 1 114 Fiction K-2 730 3.5 AD 1 583 Fiction K-2 190 1.7 AD 1 262 Fiction K-2 360 2.8 2 1846 Fiction K-2 270 2.3 1 530 Non-Fiction K-2 310 1.6 1 85 Fiction K-2 780 970 610 2.3 7.6 1.6 1 1 1 377 647 56 Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 330 1.9 1 393 Non-Fiction K-2 620 3.4 1 826 Non-Fiction K-2 650 4.2 AD 2 733 Non-Fiction K-2 720 2.9 AD 2 1020 Fiction K-2 2.9 NA 1 311 Non-Fiction K-2 1.3 NP 1 182 Fiction K-2 3 NP 2 1627 Fiction K-2 770 3.7 AD 2 1203 Non-Fiction K-2 900 3.2 AD 1 465 Fiction K-2 0 1.8 BR 1 321 Fiction K-2 AD AD AD NC SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words 1643 1201 Type Fiction Fiction Interest Level Q07786 Money Troubles Q55747 Money We'll Save, The Cosby, Bill Cole, Brock 420 780 3.5 3.7 AD 2 2 Q21347 Monk Camps Out McCully, Emily Arnold 0 1.6 BR 1 225 Fiction K-2 270 1.1 AD 1 600 Fiction K-2 450 1.5 AD 1 619 Fiction K-2 310 430 3.1 2.3 AD AD 2 2 1038 1534 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 590 710 3.3 3.8 AD 2 2 1153 934 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 90 1.5 1 244 Fiction K-2 Regan, Dana 60 1.3 1 117 Fiction K-2 Gave, Marc Monroe, Chris Monroe, Chris 0 1.4 BR 1 89 Fiction K-2 570 3.3 AD 1 642 Fiction K-2 500 1.7 AD 1 784 Fiction K-2 540 2.2 AD 2 1085 Fiction K-2 Nayer, Judy McKissack, Patricia McDermott, Gerald Canizares, Susan Jeunesse, Gallimard Schulte, Mary 260 1.9 1 199 Fiction K-2 280 2.5 2 976 Fiction K-2 630 2.5 AD 1 581 Fiction K-2 720 1.1 AD 1 27 Non-Fiction K-2 500 3.1 1 634 Non-Fiction K-2 360 1.8 1 217 Non-Fiction K-2 Q14756 Monkeys Are A Lot Like Us Fowler, Allan Sheth, Q45951 Monsoon Afternoon Kashmira 540 2.6 1 382 Non-Fiction K-2 530 2.1 AD 1 679 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 244 Fiction K-2 Q56979 Monkey And Elephant Monkey And Elephant's Q52902 Worst Fight Ever! Monkey And The Crocodile, Q19789 The Q20934 Monkey Bridge, The Q07791 Monkey Grows Up, A Q24365 Monkey King Q27823 Monkey Mo Goes To Sea Monkey See, Monkey Do Q24865 (Regan) Monkey See, Monkey Do Q07793 (Scholastic Reader) Q42996 Monkey With A Tool Belt Monkey With A Tool Belt Q46249 And The Noisy Problem Monkey With A Tool Belt And The Seaside Q56254 Shenanigans Q29198 Monkey's Trick Q07795 Monkey-Monkey's Trick Monkey: A Trickster Tale Q53913 From India Q15406 Monkeys Monkeys And Apes (First Q31821 Discovery) Monkeys and Other Q37981 Mammals Q07796 Monster And Muffin Schaefer, Carole Lexa Townsend, Michael Galdone, Paul Martin, Rafe Gelman, Rita Golden Young, Ed Goode, Diane Monroe, Chris Cole, Joanna K-2 K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q07801 Q21615 Q07802 Q31725 Q17531 Title Author Name Penner, Monster Bugs Lucille Recht Dickinson, Monster Cake Rebecca Hooks, Monster From The Sea, The William H. Monster Goose Sierra, Judy Monster In Harry's Ruelle, Karen Backyard, The Gray Monster In The Backpack, The Moser, Lisa Lexile Levels Reading Level 640 2.2 420 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 958 Non-Fiction K-2 2.2 NP 1 204 Fiction K-2 2.8 3.3 NP 1 2 643 940 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 210 1.5 2 736 Fiction K-2 370 1.8 1 897 Fiction K-2 Kleven, Elisa 190 2.1 2 674 Fiction K-2 Q07805 Monster Manners 520 2.5 2 695 Fiction K-2 Q26514 Cole, Joanna Miranda, Monster Math Anne Monster Math (Hello Math Maccarone, Reader) Grace Maccarone, Monster Math Picnic Grace Maccarone, Monster Math School Time Grace Maccarone, Monster Money Grace Leedy, Monster Money Book, The Loreen Florian, Monster Motel Douglas Singer, Monster Museum Marilyn Murphy, Monster Musical Chairs Stuart J. MacHale, D. Monster Princess, The J. Eaton, Monster Songs Deborah Stamper, Monster Town Judith Bauer Stamper, Monster Town Fair Judith Bauer Bruno, Monster Tracks (Anthology) Barbara Nelson, Monster Trucks Kristin L. 180 1.7 1 207 Fiction K-2 30 1.5 1 158 Fiction K-2 200 1.7 1 98 Fiction K-2 330 1.7 1 120 Fiction K-2 520 1.5 1 638 Fiction K-2 440 3.9 AD 2 1073 Fiction K-2 3.9 NP 2 806 Fiction K-2 4.1 NP 2 1585 Fiction K-2 1 257 Fiction K-2 Q40381 Q27865 Monster In The House, A Q07806 Q07807 Q07808 Q07809 Q16014 Q24712 Q31793 Q22264 Q48912 Q25463 Q07812 Q07813 Q28569 Q35650 Q43181 Monster Trucks Manolis, Kay AD AD 170 1.5 770 3.7 AD 1 827 Fiction K-2 0 1.7 BR 1 525 Fiction K-2 400 1.9 1 159 Fiction K-2 190 1.3 1 160 Fiction K-2 910 3.9 1 365 Non-Fiction K-2 430 2.1 1 353 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.8 1 103 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Monster Trucks On The Q51518 Move Q50893 Monster Trucks! Monster Who Ate My Peas, Q32689 The Monster Who Did My Math, Q41833 The Monster Who Loved Books, Q31002 The Monsters Eat Whiny Q49635 Children Author Name Nelson, Kristin L. Goodman, Susan E. Schnitzlein, Danny Schnitzlein, Danny Faulkner, Keith Kaplan, Bruce Eric Namm, Diane Marcos Dayán, L. Trumbauer, Lisa Best, Cari Himmelman, John Lexile Levels Reading Level 590 480 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.3 1 607 Non-Fiction K-2 2.6 2 1049 Non-Fiction K-2 3.3 NP 2 1168 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 918 Fiction K-2 310 2.1 AD 1 230 Fiction K-2 660 2.8 AD 1 896 Fiction K-2 210 1.5 1 45 Fiction K-2 770 4.5 2 756 Fiction K-2 500 580 2.7 2.5 1 2 309 1136 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 650 2.8 1 520 Fiction K-2 Q29059 Moo Moo, Brown Cow 640 1.7 1 169 Fiction K-2 Q37020 420 2.4 1 855 Fiction K-2 800 3.6 1 1131 Fiction K-2 560 2.9 1 337 Non-Fiction K-2 780 4.7 1 184 Fiction K-2 740 3.1 2 936 Non-Fiction K-2 160 1.7 1 409 Fiction K-2 960 3.2 AD 2 712 Fiction K-2 150 2.3 AD 1 358 Fiction K-2 300 2.9 1 502 Fiction K-2 470 440 2.5 2.5 2 1 986 352 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 530 2.9 2 1633 Fiction K-2 Q07821 Monsters! Q07823 monstruo Graciopeo, El Q34739 Montana Q37951 Montezuma's Revenge Montigue On The High Seas Q30684 (Anthology) Q37952 Q34863 Q49757 Q07832 Q16225 Wood, Jakki Palatini, Moo Who? Margie Teague, Moog-Moog, Space Barber Mark Bredeson, Moon (Rookie Read), The Carmen Guiberson, Moon Bear Brenda Z. Gibbons, Moon Book, The Gail Brenner, Moon Boy Barbara Q30888 Moon Festival Q33156 Moon Ring, The Moon Rope: A Peruvian Q07839 Folktale Moon Seems To Change, Q07840 The Q49323 Moon Stone Mystery Q33876 Moon Walk Russell, Ching Yeung DuBurke, Randy Ehlert, Lois Branley, Franklyn M. Kolar, Bob Rau, Dana Meachen AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Gollub, Q27966 Moon Was At A Fiesta, The Matthew Q36130 Moon's Cloud Blanket Q25914 Moon's Lullaby, The Q14496 Moon, The Q42615 Moon, The Q50934 Moon, The Romain, Rose Anne St. Nobisso, Josephine Bredeson, Carmen Chrismer, Melanie Carlin, Lydia Chrismer, Q46500 Moon, The (2008 Update) Melanie Chrismer, Q38003 Moon, The (Scholastic News) Melanie Q32616 Moonbear's Bargain Asch, Frank Q18932 Moonbear's Dream Asch, Frank Q07842 Moonbear's Pet Asch, Frank Q32617 Moonbear's Shadow Asch, Frank Q34078 Moonbear's Skyfire Asch, Frank Q07843 Mooncake Asch, Frank Q16456 Moondance Asch, Frank Hoffman, Q38159 Moondog Alice Q28358 Moondogs Kirk, Daniel Q07844 Moongame Asch, Frank Q45606 Moonshot Floca, Brian McFarlane, Q19585 Moonsnail Song Sheryl Q07848 Moonstick Bunting, Eve Choldenko, Q07849 Moonstruck Gennifer Beil, Karen Q36929 Mooove Over Magnuson Restrepo, Q47415 Moose And Magpie Bettina Greene, Q37394 Moose Crossing Stephanie Van Laan, Q24913 Moose Tales Nancy Wilson, Q41887 Moose Tracks! Karma Greene, Q36493 Moose's Big Idea Stephanie Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 600 3.2 AD 2 792 Fiction K-2 700 3.9 AD 1 850 Fiction K-2 720 1.9 AD 2 774 Fiction K-2 1080 2.2 1 5258 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.7 1 340 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.5 1 364 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.7 1 341 Non-Fiction K-2 470 660 290 400 580 290 540 390 2.3 3.3 2.1 3.5 2.2 1.9 2.4 3.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 274 428 445 581 488 275 539 523 Non-Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 940 490 480 990 6 2.3 3.1 7.4 AD AD 2 1 1 2 1318 407 411 1453 Fiction Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 700 490 4.5 2.8 AD AD 1 2 489 713 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 580 2.8 AD 2 976 Fiction K-2 510 2.7 AD 1 356 Fiction K-2 560 2.2 AD 1 939 Fiction K-2 410 2.5 3 2346 Fiction K-2 100 2.2 2 1184 Fiction K-2 610 1.6 1 362 Fiction K-2 370 1.8 3 2475 Fiction K-2 AD AD AD AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q32583 Q32046 Q07858 Q19775 Q28565 Q07864 Q25282 Q27364 Q07866 Q07867 Title Author Name Clarke, Moose's Loose Tooth Jacqueline A. Palatini, Mooseltoe Margie Palatini, Moosetache Margie Freeman, Mop Top Don Schaap, Mop's Treasure Hunt Martine Kleinhenz, More For Me! Sydnie More From The Molesons Bos, Burny McGrath, More M&M's Brand Barbara Chocolate Candies Math Barbieri More More More, Said The Williams, Baby Vera B. Keenan, More Or Less A Mess Sheila Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 220 2.1 AD 1 556 Fiction K-2 180 2.6 2 924 Fiction K-2 450 2.8 2 863 Fiction K-2 620 3.1 2 908 Fiction K-2 220 2.2 2 888 Fiction K-2 260 380 1.7 2.4 1 2 279 2173 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 230 2.1 AD 1 567 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.3 AD 1 356 Fiction K-2 280 1.5 1 399 Fiction K-2 1 451 Fiction K-2 Q26547 More Parts Q31591 Q07871 Q07874 Q07875 Q13017 Q27397 Q15776 Q17819 Q07891 Q20805 Arnold, Tedd Munsch, More Pies! Robert Gelman, Rita More Spaghetti, I Say! Golden Van Leeuwen, More Tales Of Amanda Pig Jean Van Leeuwen, More Tales Of Oliver Pig Jean Schlein, More Than One Miriam Trevaley, More The Merrier, The Sonya Joosse, Morning Chair, The Barbara M. Waboose, Jan Morning On The Lake Bourdeau Radin, Ruth Morning Streets Yaffe George, Jean Morning, Noon, And Night Craighead Lexile Levels 2.5 AD NP 370 2.5 1 533 Fiction K-2 10 1.6 1 340 Fiction K-2 240 1.9 2 1926 Fiction K-2 310 2.4 2 2037 Fiction K-2 340 1.3 1 249 Fiction K-2 180 1.8 1 366 Fiction K-2 500 4.2 2 1157 Fiction K-2 510 2.8 AD 2 2456 Fiction K-2 3.5 NP 1 292 Fiction K-2 2.2 AD 1 264 Fiction K-2 450 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Nelson, Robin 670 3.2 IG 3 2269 Non-Fiction K-2 Wiseman, B. 160 1.9 2 812 Fiction K-2 Wiseman, B. Wiseman, Bernard Segal, Lore 190 2.1 2 1109 Fiction K-2 50 470 2.1 2.3 2 1 875 849 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Wiseman, B. Wells, Q07895 Morris's Disappearing Bag Rosemary Munsch, Q07896 Mortimer Robert Wilson, Q45232 Mortimer's First Garden Karma 130 1.5 1 354 Fiction K-2 360 2.9 1 377 Fiction K-2 680 2.8 AD 1 363 Fiction K-2 340 1.3 AD 1 825 Fiction K-2 3.4 NA 1 352 Non-Fiction K-2 670 3.7 AD 1 587 Fiction K-2 460 2.7 AD 2 739 Fiction K-2 490 2.8 1 488 Fiction K-2 900 650 4.9 2.9 2 2 1689 691 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Q07898 mosquito!, ¡El 760 4.5 1 235 Fiction K-2 Q18283 200 1.3 1 39 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2.4 1 190 Non-Fiction K-2 180 2.8 2 1283 Fiction K-2 360 2.2 1 375 Fiction K-2 530 2.1 AD 1 805 Fiction K-2 630 3.5 NC 1 607 Fiction K-2 770 4.3 AD 1 649 Fiction K-2 540 3.5 AD 1 399 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q56269 Morocco Morris And Boris At The Q07892 Circus Q07893 Morris Goes To School Q25347 Morris Has A Cold Q34464 Morris The Artist Author Name Q07894 Morris The Moose Q23139 Moscow Q13814 Moses Goes To A Concert Q29738 Moses Goes To School Q33947 Moses Goes To The Circus Q16427 Moses The Kitten Q22334 Mosquito (Bug Books) Q42564 Q22845 Q13190 Fowler, Allan Millman, Isaac Millman, Isaac Millman, Isaac Herriot, James Bailey, Jill Nieto, Angel Coughlan, Mosquitoes Cheryl Rustad, Mosquitoes Martha E.H. Stevenson, Most Amazing Dinosaur, The James Most Beautiful Kid In The Ericsson, World, The Jennifer A. Most Loved In All The Q45866 World Q42328 Most Loved Monster Hegamin, Tonya Cherie Downey, Lynn Q35916 Most Thankful Thing, The McCourt, Lisa Most Wonderful Egg In The Q07905 World, The Heine, Helme AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q49497 Mostly Monsterly Q41381 Mostly Monty Mother And Baby Zoo Q18612 Animals Author Name Sauer, Tammi Hurwitz, Johanna Arnold, Caroline Q07911 Mother For Choco, A Q19767 Q07912 Q25676 Q36645 Q22408 Q42584 Q33131 Q29124 Q37208 Q07918 Q31165 Q37773 Q58353 Q18279 Q42565 Kasza, Keiko Wildsmith, Mother Goose Brian Mother Goose And The Sly Conover, Fox Chris Mother Hubbard's Christmas O'Brien, John Mother Teresa Eddy, Susan Mother Teresa (Lives And Barraclough, Times) John Mother Teresa: A Life Of Kindness Weiss, Ellen Lyon, Mother To Tigers George Ella Robinson, Mother's Day Fay Ruelle, Karen Mother's Day Mess Gray Mother's Day Mice, The Bunting, Eve Mother's Day Parade On Dunlap, Park Street (Anthology) Linda Markle, Mother's Journey, A Sandra Mother's Love, A: Yeboah, Overcoming a Disability Emmanuel and Believing in Yourself Osofu Schaefer, Mothers Lola M. Rustad, Moths Martha E.H. Q44669 Motion (Blastoff! Readers) Q07926 Motorcycles Motorcycles (Blastoff! Q47513 Readers) Q36196 Motorcycles (Hill) Q54159 Motorcycles On The Move Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 270 1.1 AD 1 308 Fiction K-2 680 3.6 3 8084 Fiction K-2 700 2.8 1 135 Non-Fiction K-2 390 2.5 1 410 Fiction K-2 NC 3.5 NP 4 7440 Fiction K-2 650 3.9 AD 2 979 Fiction K-2 270 380 2.5 2.4 AD 1 1 306 323 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 570 2.9 2 577 Non-Fiction K-2 640 3.7 1 513 Non-Fiction K-2 610 3.6 AD 1 573 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 76 Fiction K-2 320 480 2.2 4.1 1 2 921 1251 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 330 1.9 1 288 Fiction K-2 980 3.4 AD 2 1005 Non-Fiction K-2 890 4.7 AD 1 189 Non-Fiction K-2 90 1.1 1 28 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.5 1 188 Non-Fiction K-2 Manolis, Kay Ready, Dee 690 440 2.6 1.5 1 1 620 308 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Zobel, Derek Hill, Lee Sullivan Hill, Lee Sullivan 410 2.4 1 107 Non-Fiction K-2 270 1.5 1 282 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.5 1 382 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 1 199 Non-Fiction K-2 300 2.7 2 1161 Fiction K-2 600 630 3.4 3.4 1 2 678 2216 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Q49573 Mountain Of Mittens, A Mountain That Loved A Q21109 Bird, The 840 4.5 1 724 Fiction K-2 720 3.5 2 1564 Fiction K-2 Q07940 690 3.7 2 791 Fiction K-2 440 2.5 1 293 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.5 1 203 Non-Fiction K-2 670 4.1 AD 2 2116 Fiction K-2 570 2.3 AD 1 644 Fiction K-2 410 2.4 3 1793 Fiction K-2 680 3.2 AD 1 624 Fiction K-2 490 1.8 AD 1 273 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 152 Fiction K-2 510 2.5 2 1894 Fiction K-2 0 2.1 1 432 Fiction K-2 500 2.7 1 290 Fiction K-2 310 1.4 1 224 Fiction K-2 420 1.5 AD 1 156 Fiction K-2 2.8 NP 5 13050 Fiction K-2 1 242 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Mount Everest (Rookie Read- De Capua, Q32390 About Geography) Sarah O'Malley, Q33592 Mount Olympus Basketball Kevin Q51508 Mount Rushmore Q35340 Mountain Gorillas Q43074 Q39797 Q07944 Q53947 Q52352 Q46149 Q07949 Q22265 Q17699 Q25915 Q38836 Q37915 JangoCohen, Judith Kane, Karen Plourde, Lynn McLerran, Alice Gibbons, Mountain Wedding Faye Anderson, Mountains Sheila Mountains (Blastoff! Green, Emily Readers) K. Willard, Mountains Of Quilt Nancy Burkert, Mouse & Lion Rand Mouse And Mole: A Winter Yee, Wong Wonderland Herbert Mouse Before Christmas, Garland, The Michael Walsh, Ellen Mouse Count Stoll Kraus, Mouse In Love Robert Wagener, Mouse In The House!, A Gerda Walsh, Ellen Mouse Magic (Walsh) Stoll Heling, Mouse Makes Magic Kathryn Heling, Mouse Makes Words Kathryn Q07950 Mouse Mess Mouse Of My Heart: A Treasury Of Sense And Q25654 Nonsense Q07951 Mouse Paint Riley, Linnea Brown, Margaret Wise Walsh, Ellen Stoll Lexile Levels Reading Level 350 250 2.2 Lexile Code AD AD BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Q19645 Mouse Practice McCully, Emily Arnold 20 2.5 AD 1 399 Fiction K-2 Q07953 Mouse Soup Lobel, Arnold 240 2.2 2 1339 Fiction K-2 Q07954 Mouse Tales 440 2.6 2 1505 Fiction K-2 320 2.9 AD 2 740 Fiction K-2 Q21361 Mouse Told His Mother, A Lobel, Arnold Waber, Bernard Roberts, Bethany 360 1.9 AD 1 244 Fiction K-2 Q07956 Mouse Trap Q07957 Mouse TV Mouse Views: What The Q15448 Class Pet Saw Cowley, Joy Novak, Matt McMillan, Bruce NP 480 2.5 2.6 1 1 323 148 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.5 NP 1 30 Fiction K-2 400 1.3 AD 1 445 Fiction K-2 90 1.6 1 99 Fiction K-2 170 1.9 1 331 Fiction K-2 320 1.8 1 262 Fiction K-2 380 2.2 1 192 Fiction K-2 150 1.4 1 146 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q22186 Mouse That Snored, The Q50256 Mouse Was Mad Urban, Linda Mouse Went Out To Get A McFarland, Q36312 Snack Lyn Rossiter Burton, Mouse Who Loved The Marilee Q29172 Moon, The Robin Mouse's Crowded House Q31162 (Anthology) Ward, Becky Thompson, Q23514 Mouse's First Christmas Lauren Mouse's Hide-and-Seek Heling, Q37916 Words Kathryn Himmelman, Q24267 Mouse's Life, A John Barber, Q16738 Mousehole Cat, The Antonia Snowball, Q07959 Mousetrap Diane Mousetronaut: Based On A Q58019 (Partially) True Story Kelly, Mark McGrory, Q27661 Mouton's Impossible Dream Anik Jenkins, Q38580 Move! Steve McCloskey, Q29126 Move, The Susan Kittinger, Jo Q32872 Moving Day S. Manushkin, Q50025 Moving Day Fran AD 2.5 NA 1 331 Non-Fiction K-2 1030 4.5 AD 2 2229 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 49 Fiction K-2 670 3.2 AD 1 443 Fiction K-2 480 3.4 AD 2 801 Fiction K-2 450 2.3 AD 1 170 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 177 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 65 Fiction K-2 300 1.8 1 460 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q26678 Moving Day (Kalan) Q29045 Mowing Q22409 Mozart (Lives And Times) Mr. And Mrs. Portly And Q47861 Their Little Dog, Snack Q07966 Mr. Baseball Q37211 Mr. Basset Plays Q27834 Mr. Bear To The Rescue Q25317 Mr. Bear's Vacation Q24127 Mr. Beetle Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can Q07968 You? Q07969 Mr. Bubble Gum Q31254 Mr. C's Dinner (Anthology) Q23511 Mr. Cookie Baker Q49003 Mr. Croc Forgot Q48970 Mr. Croc Rocks Q48998 Mr. Croc's Silly Sock Q48999 Mr. Croc's Walk Q07970 Mr. Dinosaur Q51303 Mr. Duck Means Business Mr. Duvall Reports The Q07971 News Q21646 Q07972 Q37878 Q07973 Q27405 Author Name Kalan, Robert Haas, Jessie Lynch, Wendy Jordan, Sandra Hooks, William H. Catalano, Dominic Gliori, Debi Gliori, Debi Tada, Satoshi Seuss, Dr. Hooks, William H. Mora, Francisco Wellington, Monica Rodgers, Frank Rodgers, Frank Rodgers, Frank Rodgers, Frank Hooks, William H. Sauer, Tammi Duvall, Jill D. Scarry, Mr. Fixit's Magnet Machine Richard Hooks, Mr. Garbage William H. Mr. George Baker Hest, Amy Rylant, Mr. Griggs' Work Cynthia Burningham, Mr. Gumpy's Motor Car John Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 120 310 1.4 2.5 AD 1 1 206 594 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 570 2.8 2 543 Non-Fiction K-2 640 2.7 2 1720 Fiction K-2 370 3.3 2 1125 Fiction K-2 730 460 240 3.2 2.9 2.4 AD AD AD 1 2 2 840 928 726 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 260 2.4 AD 2 605 Fiction K-2 2.9 NP 1 436 Fiction K-2 2 1103 Fiction K-2 AD 420 3.2 0 1.2 BR 1 179 Fiction K-2 110 1.2 AD 1 92 Fiction K-2 530 3.1 2 1173 Fiction K-2 410 2.4 2 1100 Fiction K-2 460 2.5 2 1493 Fiction K-2 430 2.4 2 1502 Fiction K-2 350 2.5 2 1292 Fiction K-2 320 1.1 AD 1 451 Fiction K-2 750 3.5 AD 1 343 Non-Fiction K-2 160 2.9 2 702 Fiction K-2 490 520 2.4 2.7 AD 2 1 1166 562 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1030 3.3 AD 1 503 Fiction K-2 40 2.6 AD 1 372 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Burningham, John 390 Q35534 Mr. Murry And Thumbkin Mr. Prickles: A Quill-Fated Q56693 Love Story Q40320 Mr. Pusskins: A Love Story Rabin, Staton Polacco, Patricia Winnick, Karen B. Shilling, Tracey Lionni, Leo Wilson, Karma LaReau, Kara Lloyd, Sam Q50522 Mr. Putney's Quacking Dog Mr. Putter & Tabby Bake Q07981 The Cake Mr. Putter & Tabby Catch Q31808 The Cold Mr. Putter & Tabby Clear Q56068 The Decks Mr. Putter & Tabby Feed Q24679 The Fish Mr. Putter & Tabby Fly The Q07982 Plane Mr. Putter & Tabby Fly The Q30679 Plane (Anthology) Mr. Putter & Tabby Make A Q37147 Wish Mr. Putter & Tabby Paint Q22238 The Porch Mr. Putter & Tabby Pick Q07983 The Pears Mr. Putter & Tabby Pour Q07984 The Tea Mr. Putter & Tabby Ring Q55742 The Bell Mr. Putter & Tabby Row Q16531 The Boat Mr. Putter & Tabby Run The Q43131 Race Mr. Putter & Tabby See Q41518 The Stars Agee, Jon Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Quiz # Title Q07974 Mr. Gumpy's Outing Q45395 Mr. Lincoln's Boys Q26333 Mr. Lincoln's Way Q07976 Mr. Lincoln's Whiskers Mr. McCready's Cleaning Q15436 Day Q25238 Mr. McMouse Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.6 1 263 Fiction K-2 710 4.4 2 1860 Fiction K-2 450 3.2 2 1774 Fiction K-2 420 2.8 2 1274 Non-Fiction K-2 260 390 1.6 2.9 AD 1 2 115 849 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 500 2.7 AD 1 733 Fiction K-2 530 540 2.1 2.8 AD AD 1 1 369 437 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 410 1.4 AD 1 212 Fiction K-2 500 2.9 2 866 Fiction K-2 230 2.1 2 692 Fiction K-2 380 2.3 1 533 Fiction K-2 340 2.6 2 678 Fiction K-2 460 2.2 2 908 Fiction K-2 390 2.2 1 682 Fiction K-2 570 2.2 1 721 Fiction K-2 440 2.9 2 575 Fiction K-2 500 2.7 2 809 Fiction K-2 540 1.9 1 550 Fiction K-2 370 2.2 1 686 Fiction K-2 440 2.9 2 638 Fiction K-2 620 3.4 1 932 Fiction K-2 600 3.3 3 636 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 1 786 Fiction K-2 2 731 Fiction K-2 3.3 2 605 Fiction K-2 340 2.8 1 595 Fiction K-2 560 1.9 2 675 Fiction K-2 570 2.9 1 781 Fiction K-2 280 2.5 2 684 Fiction K-2 610 3.1 2 708 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 192 Fiction K-2 650 3.6 NC 1 340 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 186 Fiction K-2 200 1.5 1 144 Fiction K-2 130 2.2 1 177 Fiction K-2 440 2.7 2 938 Fiction K-2 260 1.7 2 908 Fiction K-2 Q37403 Mr. Tanen's Ties Rule! Wells, Alison Butler, Andrea CoccaLeffler, Maryann CoccaLeffler, Maryann CoccaLeffler, Maryann 700 2.8 2 1090 Fiction K-2 Q14409 Mr. Wolf Leaves Town Prince, Sarah 380 1.7 1 172 Fiction K-2 Q14413 Mr. Wolf Tries Again Prince, Sarah Fearnley, Jan Flanagan, Alice K. Hoff, Syd Yee, Wong Herbert 580 1.9 1 218 Fiction K-2 550 1.8 1 703 Fiction K-2 660 480 3.3 2.3 1 1 324 373 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 398 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q56067 Q33848 Q22765 Q20560 Q07985 Q35546 Q07986 Title Mr. Putter & Tabby Spill The Beans Mr. Putter & Tabby Stir The Soup Mr. Putter & Tabby Take The Train Mr. Putter & Tabby Toot The Horn Mr. Putter & Tabby Walk The Dog Mr. Putter & Tabby Write The Book Mr. Rabbit And The Lovely Present Q27680 Mr. Reez's Sneezes Q24848 Mr. Rover Takes Over Q14852 Mr. Santizo's Tasty Treats! Q29117 Mr. Small Q29926 Mr. Smart's Big Dog Book Q17588 Mr. Sun And Mr. Sea Q33685 Mr. Tanen's Tie Trouble Q21469 Mr. Tanen's Ties Q35197 Mr. Wolf's Pancakes Q14854 Mr. Yee Fixes Cars Q07992 Mrs. Brice's Mice Q15747 Mrs. Brown Went To Town Author Name Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Zolotow, Charlotte Parkinson, Curtis Maccarone, Grace Flanagan, Alice K. Robinson, Fay Lexile Levels Reading Level 720 4.4 270 2.2 450 3.5 Lexile Code AD AD NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Mrs. Chicken And The Q34461 Hungry Crocodile Mrs. Cole On An Onion Roll Q15483 And Other School Poems Q38736 Mrs. Crump's Cat Mrs. Gigglebelly Is Coming Q24077 For Tea Mrs. Jeepers' Creepy Q50719 Christmas Mrs. McBloom, Clean Up Q37333 Your Classroom Mrs. McNosh And The Q25916 Great Big Squash Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Q21372 Wash Mrs. McTats And Her Q25496 Houseful Of Cats Q17748 Q07997 Q20205 Q08000 Q27916 Q44936 Q14790 Q35763 Q39609 Q08002 Q25562 Q33616 Q15799 Q43350 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Paye, WonLdy 290 1.5 AD 1 626 Fiction K-2 710 4.5 3.9 NP AD 2 2 1558 1107 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 240 1.9 1 232 Fiction K-2 530 2.2 5 10098 Fiction K-2 970 4.5 1 971 Fiction K-2 470 2.2 1 224 Fiction K-2 540 2.2 1 196 Fiction K-2 150 2.4 2 590 Fiction K-2 650 5.2 AD 2 819 Fiction K-2 610 3.5 AD 2 626 Fiction K-2 700 3.4 AD 2 1178 Fiction K-2 810 460 4.5 2.5 AD AD 2 2 837 679 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 780 3.7 IG 3 2780 Non-Fiction K-2 710 3.6 1 439 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2 AD 1 622 Fiction K-2 520 2.5 AD 1 559 Fiction K-2 420 3.6 1 222 Non-Fiction K-2 340 3.1 2 2352 Fiction K-2 270 3.1 2 2297 Fiction K-2 Dakos, Kalli Smith, Linda Guthrie, Donna Dadey, Debbie DiPucchio, Kelly Weeks, Sarah Weeks, Sarah Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Erlbruch, Mrs. Meyer The Bird Wolf Saltzberg, Mrs. Morgan's Lawn Barney Jackson, Mrs. Piccolo's Easy Chair Jean Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Won't MacDonald, Pick Up Toys Cure Betty Mrs. Potter's Pig Root, Phyllis Mrs. Riley Bought Five Itchy Aardvarks: And Other Painless Tricks For Cleary, Brian Memorizing Science Facts P. Flanagan, Mrs. Scott's Beautiful Art Alice K. Mrs. Watson Wants Your McGhee, Teeth Alison Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Christmas Cowley, Joy Flanagan, Ms. Davison, Our Librarian Alice K. Ms. Frizzle's Adventures: Ancient Egypt Cole, Joanna Ms. Frizzle's Adventures: Medieval Castle Cole, Joanna Ormerod, Ms. MacDonald Has A Class Jan Zemach, Ms. McCaw Learns To Draw Kaethe 770 AD 1.9 NP 2 942 Fiction K-2 4.7 NC 1 625 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Ms. Moja Makes Beautiful Q08003 Clothes Q08004 Ms. Murphy Fights Fires Q08006 Much Bigger Than Martin Q08007 muchacho en la gaveta, El Q35795 Muchas veces yo Q08008 Mucky Moose Q13075 Mud Q27968 Mud Flat Olympics, The Q08010 Mud Puddle Q24404 Mud! Q25420 Mud! (Real Kids Readers) Q50392 Mudball Q17773 Muddle Cuddle Mufaro's Beautiful Q08015 Daughters Q47305 Muktar And The Camels Q08020 Mulan Saves The Day Q37040 Muldoon Q54462 Multiply On The Fly Q38037 Multiply This! Q08023 Mummies Q24402 Mummies Unwrapped! Mummies, Pyramids, And Q38486 Pharaohs Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Duvall, Jill D. Flanagan, Alice K. Kellogg, Steven Munsch, Robert Neasi, Barbara J. Allen, Jonathan Ray, Mary Lyn Stevenson, James Munsch, Robert Lewison, Wendy Cheyette Simon, Charnan Travares, Matt Gugler, Laurel Dee Steptoe, John Graber, Janet Krulik, Nancy E. Edwards, Pamela Duncan Slade, Suzanne Chrismer, Melanie 580 Milton, Joyce Weinberger, Kimberly Gibbons, Gail Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.9 1 325 Non-Fiction K-2 580 3.9 1 329 Non-Fiction K-2 540 3.6 1 429 Fiction K-2 400 3 2 706 Fiction K-2 230 1.4 1 144 Fiction K-2 630 3.5 2 859 Fiction K-2 320 1.5 1 115 Fiction K-2 80 2.6 2 1830 Fiction K-2 650 3.5 2 673 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 68 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 93 Fiction K-2 680 3.2 AD 1 699 Non-Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 1 561 Fiction K-2 720 5.2 AD 2 1597 Fiction K-2 670 3.2 AD 2 1249 Fiction K-2 320 1.7 1 179 Fiction K-2 840 2.3 AD 1 392 Fiction K-2 580 2.3 AD 1 276 Non-Fiction K-2 400 1.7 1 339 Non-Fiction K-2 530 3.5 2 986 Non-Fiction K-2 640 2.9 2 1281 Non-Fiction K-2 860 5.2 2 1601 Non-Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q32764 Muncha! Muncha! Muncha! Munching, Crunching, Q18793 Sniffing, And Snooping Q36517 Mural On Second Avenue Q34946 Murciélagos, Los Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Fleming, Candace 560 2.6 AD 1 479 Fiction K-2 Moses, Brian 690 3.9 AD 2 1106 Non-Fiction K-2 3.2 NP 1 683 Fiction K-2 Moore, Lilian Goldberger, Andrew Munsch, Robert 500 2.7 1 843 Non-Fiction K-2 390 2.9 1 554 Fiction K-2 690 4.3 1 581 Non-Fiction K-2 Q08041 Mushroom In The Rain Q08043 Music Is In The Air Manolis, Kay Ginsburg, Mirra Morris, Ann 380 0 2.5 1.9 1 1 497 44 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Q38935 Music Makers Scott, Janine 660 3.5 1 494 Non-Fiction K-2 Q23678 Music Over Manhattan Music Teacher From The Q22079 Black Lagoon, The Karlins, Mark 520 3.4 2 1031 Fiction K-2 Thaler, Mike Williams, Vera B. McDermott, Gerald 490 2.4 1 484 Fiction K-2 740 3.8 2 1440 Fiction K-2 420 2.8 2 700 Fiction K-2 Barnett, Mac London, Jonathan King, Stephen Michael 450 1.5 AD 1 675 Fiction K-2 610 3.4 AD 1 578 Fiction K-2 400 2.1 AD 1 303 Fiction K-2 0 550 2.1 2.3 BR AD 1 1 78 198 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 660 1.7 AD 1 174 Fiction K-2 110 1.4 1 85 Non-Fiction K-2 710 3.4 1 977 Fiction K-2 390 2.8 1 552 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.8 2 652 Non-Fiction K-2 Q14234 Murmel, Murmel, Murmel Muscular System, The Q46006 (Blastoff! Reader) Q08046 Music, Music for Everyone Q21825 Musicians Of The Sun Q55865 Mustache! Q31837 Mustang Canyon Q37884 Mutt Dog! My ABC Signs Of Animal Q26515 Friends Q08058 My Apron Q08059 Q28287 Q54428 Q24760 Q24767 Bahan, Ben Carle, Eric Kusugak, Michael My Arctic 1, 2, 3 Arvaarluk My Aunt Works In A Cheese Hughes, Shop Sarah Berendt, My Baby Blue Jays John Gibbons, My Baseball Book Gail Gibbons, My Basketball Book Gail BR AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Q34522 My Beautiful Child Q13242 My Best Friend 250 500 Q34805 Quiz # Q36490 Q25655 Q16156 Q38018 Q57057 Q19341 Q24089 Q23104 Q19375 Q52171 Q31141 Title Author Name Desimini, Lisa Hutchins, Pat Namm, My Best Friend Diane Rodman, My Best Friend (Rodman) Mary Ann My Best Friend Moved Carlson, Away Nancy My Big Lie Cosby, Bill My Birthday Cake (My First George, Reader) Olivia Pinnington, My Body Andrea Manning, My Body, Your Body Mick My Book Maris, Ron Rau, Dana My Book By Me Meachen My Book Of Funny Lundell, Valentines Margo My Brain Korb, Rena Moynahan, My Brother (Anthology) Patty Q47747 My Brother Charlie My Brother Is Afraid Of Just About Everything Q28497 (Anthology) Q33900 My Brother Martin Q08064 My Brother, Ant Q08066 My Brother, The Brat Q25469 My Brother, The Pest Q08067 My Brown Bear Barney Q08068 My Buddy My Buddy, Stan Q29621 (Anthology) Q17724 My Building Q16612 My Bunny Peete, Holly Robinson Osborn, Lois Farris, Christine King Byars, Betsy Hall, Kirsten Bernstein, Margery Butler, Dorothy Osofsky, Audrey Eaton, Deborah Ahrens, Robin Isabel Young, James Points Words Type Interest Level 1.5 1.6 1 1 155 147 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 560 1.4 1 169 Fiction K-2 390 1.9 1 854 Fiction K-2 150 400 1.9 3.5 1 2 198 1297 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 220 1.5 1 123 Fiction K-2 520 2.1 AD 2 1013 Non-Fiction K-2 670 0 2.8 1.1 NP 2 1 898 17 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.8 NA 1 116 Fiction K-2 2.5 3.1 NP 520 2 1 817 708 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 100 1.1 1 162 Fiction K-2 540 2.2 1 772 Fiction K-2 320 1.9 1 601 Fiction K-2 970 130 0 4.1 2.2 1.7 2 2 1 1382 1069 62 Non-Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 20 1.8 1 460 Fiction K-2 580 1.7 1 208 Fiction K-2 550 3.5 2 940 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 100 Fiction K-2 2.8 NP 1 298 Fiction K-2 2.8 AD 1 224 Fiction K-2 590 Lexile Code AD BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q25415 My Camp-Out Q28232 My Car Q24601 My Cat Q15409 My Cat Muffin Q31644 My Cat's Secret Q15397 My Cats Q29855 My Cats (Manners) Q08070 My Cats Nick & Nora Q38488 My Chair Author Name Leonard, Marcia Barton, Byron Foley, Cate Gardner, Marjory Wallace, Karen Robinson, Eileen Manners, Jane Harper, Isabelle James, Betsy Miller, Heather Q22535 My Chickens My Chinatown: One Year In Q32990 Poems Mak, Kam Jeffers, Q46673 My Chincoteague Pony Susan Q29002 My Color Q43377 Q22536 Q08071 Q24950 Q17705 Q28273 Q48882 Q15424 Q37923 Q41842 Mann, Rachel Gonzalez, My Colors, My World: Mis Maya Colores, Mi Mundo Christina Miller, My Cows Heather Hubbard, My Crayons Talk Patricia Browne, My Dad Anthony Quinlan, My Dad Takes Care Of Me Patricia Hughes, My Dad Works On A Farm Sarah Christiansen, My Dad's A Hero Rebecca Costain, My Dad's Truck Meredith Sklansky, My Daddy And Me Amy Sheth, My Dadima Wears A Sari Kashmira Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 0 1.2 BR 1 80 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 1.5 BR NA 1 1 86 114 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 130 1.3 1 35 Fiction K-2 290 1.9 1 597 Fiction K-2 90 1.5 1 41 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 102 Fiction K-2 550 2.5 AD 1 177 Fiction K-2 430 1.5 AD 1 287 Fiction K-2 1.5 NA 1 158 Non-Fiction K-2 3.7 NP 2 1087 Fiction K-2 710 3.4 AD 1 716 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 22 Non-Fiction K-2 560 3.2 AD 1 180 Fiction K-2 1.3 NA 1 158 Non-Fiction K-2 310 1.5 AD 1 114 Fiction K-2 0 1.9 BR 1 146 Fiction K-2 570 2.1 1 542 Fiction K-2 210 1.5 1 105 Non-Fiction K-2 730 3.5 1 653 Non-Fiction K-2 290 1.6 1 57 Fiction K-2 600 AD 1.4 NP 1 89 Fiction K-2 3.3 AD 2 1037 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q19787 Q08073 Title Author Name Rockwell, My Dentist Harlow Weatherby, My Dinosaur Mark Alan Rockwell, My Doctor Harlow Hughes, My Dog Sarah Hollander, My Dog Got Away! Cass Williams, My Dog Never Says Please Suzanne Harper, My Dog Rosie Isabelle Herman, My Dog Talks Gail Calmenson, My Dog's The Best Stephanie My Duck Linch, Tanya Douglas, My Ears Lloyd G. Lexile Levels Reading Level 290 2.9 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 319 Fiction K-2 2.2 NP 1 299 Fiction K-2 3.4 AD 1 236 Non-Fiction K-2 1.7 NA 1 153 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.9 BR 1 61 Fiction K-2 490 2.8 AD 2 956 Fiction K-2 130 1.3 1 126 Fiction K-2 210 1.5 1 263 Fiction K-2 0 640 1.3 2.9 1 2 175 611 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 290 1.6 1 152 Non-Fiction K-2 320 700 2.3 4.3 1 1 452 412 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 200 1.8 1 154 Non-Fiction K-2 320 2.1 1 531 Fiction K-2 Q38489 My Family Is Forever Block, Arlene Fisher, Doris Douglas, Lloyd G. O'Connor, Jane Carlson, Nancy 610 3.3 AD 1 316 Fiction K-2 Q29861 My Family Quilt My Family's Market Q29611 (Anthology) Nayer, Judy Volpe, Theresa 0 1.3 BR 1 53 Fiction K-2 200 1.2 1 201 Non-Fiction K-2 Q32604 My Farm 830 3.7 2 1344 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.5 1 194 Fiction K-2 600 2.2 AD 1 193 Fiction K-2 910 5.9 AD 2 960 Fiction K-2 Q49255 My Father's Shop Q08081 My Feet Lester, Alison Mayer, Laura Bluemle, Elizabeth Garland, Sherry Ichikawa, Satomi Aliki, 360 410 1.2 1.9 AD 1 1 420 489 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Q26516 My Fire Engine Rex, Michael 320 1.8 1 304 Fiction K-2 Q08074 Q24602 Q08075 Q08076 Q19776 Q08077 Q08078 Q21689 Q36718 Q30026 My Enormous Turnip Q41533 My Even Day Q36658 My Eyes Q52153 My Family History Q08079 My Father Q39500 My Father The Dog Q16560 My Father's Boat 600 BR AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level 650 730 2.7 3.7 380 1.9 320 1.7 450 3.1 910 700 Q17790 My Four Lions Jin, Sarunna Rice, Chris dePaola, Tomie dePaola, Tomie Bogacki, Tomek Chocolate, Deborah M. Newton Katz, Karen dePaola, Tomie Farrell, Ben Aliki, Miller, Margaret Gibbons, Gail Gold, Bernice Q13607 My Freedom Trip Park, Frances Quiz # Title Q31404 My First American Friend Q28521 My First Body Book Q23317 My First Chanukah Q08084 My First Easter Q27915 My First Garden Q08085 My First Kwanzaa Book Q43694 My First Ramadan Q08087 My First Thanksgiving Q27128 My Fish Q08088 My Five Senses Q26881 My Five Senses (Miller) Q24766 My Football Book Q29868 My Friend Q08089 Q27891 Q44437 Q25126 Q32863 Q29923 Q42120 Q36078 Q08091 Q17614 Q28330 Nayer, Judy Alborough, My Friend Bear Jez Morozumi, My Friend Gorilla Atsuko McQuinn, My Friend Jamal Anna Zolotow, My Friend John Charlotte Rohmann, My Friend Rabbit Eric Ginsberg, My Friend, Boots Leonore Lyon, My Friend, The Starfinder George Ella Ancona, My Friends (Ancona) George My Friends (Gomi) Gomi, Taro Riordan, My G-r-r-r-reat Uncle Tiger James Ostrow, My Garden Jesse S. Lexile Code Points Interest Level 1 3 Words 511 6090 Type Non-Fiction Non-Fiction 1 177 Fiction K-2 1 72 Non-Fiction K-2 AD 2 1113 Fiction K-2 1.9 4.3 AD AD 1 1 151 450 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 510 0 590 1.3 1.1 1.7 BR 1 1 1 87 32 311 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 85 Non-Fiction K-2 400 2.8 2 686 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.3 1 132 Fiction K-2 510 2.6 2 1319 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.3 1 67 Fiction K-2 370 2.8 2 659 Fiction K-2 50 1.6 1 125 Fiction K-2 660 2.6 1 762 Fiction K-2 160 2.1 AD 1 213 Fiction K-2 0 2.3 BR 1 91 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 96 Fiction K-2 650 3.4 AD 1 275 Fiction K-2 330 470 1.6 1.3 1 1 291 152 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 560 2.7 1 599 Fiction K-2 220 1.2 1 37 Fiction K-2 AD BR AD AD K-2 K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 670 3.2 AD 1 280 Fiction K-2 1.4 NA 1 127 Non-Fiction K-2 850 1.6 5.3 BR AD 1 1 150 409 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 140 1.3 1 89 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.9 2 727 Fiction K-2 440 3.1 2 963 Fiction K-2 160 1.4 1 74 Non-Fiction K-2 Q21877 My Grandmother's Journey Cech, John Orr, Q22067 My Grandpa And The Sea Katherine Butterworth, Q25108 My Grandpa Is Amazing Nick Houston, Q08093 My Great-Aunt Arizona Gloria Hughes, Q24604 My Guinea Pig Sarah Q44290 My Half Day Fisher, Doris Q08095 My Hands Aliki, Douglas, Q38235 My Hands (Douglas) Lloyd G. 490 4.8 2 1607 Fiction K-2 690 2.7 2 1204 Fiction K-2 10 1.4 1 72 Fiction K-2 660 3.9 AD 2 957 Non-Fiction K-2 1.7 2.7 2.1 NA 530 400 1 1 1 117 462 514 Non-Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 210 1.7 1 142 Non-Fiction K-2 Q41238 My Heart Is A Magic House Jacobs, Julie Wallace, Q19811 My Hen Is Dancing Karen Lindbergh, Q35434 My Hippie Grandmother Reeve McMillan, Q18740 My Horse Of The North Bruce Miller, Q22538 My Horses Heather Jensen, Q08097 My House Patricia 640 2.9 AD 1 300 Fiction K-2 450 2.1 AD 1 502 Non-Fiction K-2 2.8 NP 1 261 Fiction K-2 2 873 Non-Fiction K-2 1 133 Non-Fiction K-2 170 1.5 1 79 Fiction K-2 Q31335 My House (Desimini) 90 1.6 1 102 Fiction K-2 650 3.4 2 1301 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 1 98 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q49192 Q22537 Q24603 Q17856 Q28271 Q33614 Q25917 Q28270 Title Author Name Henkes, My Garden Kevin Miller, My Goats Heather Walker, My Goldfish Pamela My Goose Betsy Braun, Trudi My Grandfather Works In Hughes, A Bakery Sarah Koutsky, Jan My Grandma, My Pen Pal Dale My Grandmother Is A D'Arc, Karen Singing Yaya Scourby My Grandmother Works In Hughes, A Dress Shop Sarah Q23684 My House Has Stars Q29275 My House/Mi Casa Desimini, Lisa McDonald, Megan Emberley, Rebecca 540 AD AD 2.8 1.5 NA BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q36618 My Legs and Feet Q29016 My Life Author Name Douglas, Lloyd G. Q08102 My Life With The Wave Q36791 My Light Pistone, Paul Kelley, Ellen A. Cowan, Catherine Bang, Molly Q08103 My Little House ABC Q41885 My Life As A Chicken Lexile Levels Reading Level 240 100 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.5 1 133 Non-Fiction K-2 2.1 1 611 Non-Fiction K-2 1 403 Fiction K-2 1.7 Lexile Code NP 840 690 3.8 2.7 2 1 785 470 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Wilder, Laura Ingalls 410 2.1 1 334 Fiction K-2 My Little House Book Of Q08104 Animals Wilder, Laura Ingalls 640 3.5 1 97 Fiction K-2 My Little House Book Of Q08105 Family Wilder, Laura Ingalls 550 3.3 1 84 Fiction K-2 Q15453 My Little Island My Little Sister Ate One Q08106 Hare My Love For You All Year Q38492 Round Lessac, Frane Grossman, Bill Roth, Susan L. 640 2.3 2 795 Fiction K-2 380 1.5 1 395 Fiction K-2 Q34907 My Lucky Day My Mama Had A Dancing Q13101 Heart Kasza, Keiko Gray, Libba Moore Walter, Mildred Pitts Seuss, Dr. Young, Ed Packard, Mary Johnston, Tony Bailey, Debbie Hughes, Sarah Grambling, Lois G. Butterworth, Nick Johnson, Dolores Q13026 My Mama Needs Me Q21878 My Many Colored Days Q39252 My Mei Mei Q08107 My Messy Room Q21720 My Mexico Mexico Mio Q25011 My Mom Q28269 My Mom Is A Beekeeper Q43389 My Mom Is A Firefighter Q25164 My Mom Is Excellent My Mom Is My Show-AndQ22793 Tell 1.4 NP 1 110 Fiction K-2 270 1.5 AD 1 554 Fiction K-2 1010 4.5 1 371 Fiction K-2 310 190 590 1.7 1.5 2.8 AD 2 1 1 906 199 430 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 82 Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 2 800 Fiction K-2 20 1.3 AD 1 91 Non-Fiction K-2 200 1.6 1 100 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.7 1 873 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 78 Fiction K-2 320 2.2 AD 2 1267 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title My Mom Is Trying To Ruin Q45467 My Life Q36120 My Momma Likes to Say My Monster Mama Loves Q24484 Me So Q31285 My Mother Talks To Trees My Mother The Mail Q25566 Carrier Q37955 My Mouth Q27186 My Name Q37526 My Name Is Celia Q37644 My Name Is Gabriela Q20092 My Name Is Georgia Q53753 My Name Is Not Isabella Q27091 My Name Is Nura Q46860 My Name Is Sangoel Q34463 My Name Is Yoon Q08118 My Navajo Sister Q08119 My New Boy Q34774 My New School My New Town (My First Q38019 Reader) Q19809 My New York Q30976 My Nine Lives By Clio Q36614 My Nose My Own Team: The Bill Q27132 Reidy Story Q08122 My Pal Al Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Feiffer, Kate BrennanNelson, Denise 860 3.6 NC 1 812 Fiction K-2 830 4 AD 2 2023 Non-Fiction K-2 Leuck, Laura Gove, Doris 890 550 2.8 2.8 AD AD 1 2 298 898 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Maury, Inez Douglas, Lloyd G. Nicholas, Melissa Brown, Monica Brown, Monica Winter, Jeanette Fosberry, Jennifer Castagliola, Anne M. Williams, Karen Lynn Recorvits, Helen Schick, Eleanor 630 2.7 AD 2 754 Fiction K-2 300 1.5 1 149 Non-Fiction K-2 Phillips, Joan Hall, Kirsten Hall, Kirsten Jakobsen, Kathy Priceman, Marjorie Douglas, Lloyd G. Smith, Geof Leonard, Marcia 1.1 NP 1 7 Fiction K-2 850 2.6 AD 1 942 Non-Fiction K-2 860 2.3 AD 1 541 Fiction K-2 580 2.8 AD 2 791 Non-Fiction K-2 640 2.7 AD 1 433 Fiction K-2 700 2.9 2 946 Fiction K-2 440 1.5 2 1088 Fiction K-2 320 1.6 1 897 Fiction K-2 720 2.8 1 595 Fiction K-2 130 1.8 1.4 BR 1 1 256 68 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 1.2 BR 1 83 Fiction K-2 640 4.3 AD 2 1040 Fiction K-2 180 2.4 2 1171 Fiction K-2 400 1.5 1 131 Non-Fiction K-2 360 2.2 2 587 Non-Fiction K-2 100 1.3 1 80 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q36516 My Pal, Victor My Papa Diego And Me: Memories Of My Father Q47408 And His Art Author Name Bertrand, Diane Gonzales Marín, Guadalupe Rivera Walker, Pamela Q24605 My Parakeet My Parents Are Divorced, My Elbows Have Nicknames, And Other Facts Q47264 About Me Cochran, Bill Papademetri Q25483 My Pen Pal, Pat ou, Lisa Kimmel, Elizabeth Q38729 My Penguin Osbert Cody My Picture Book Of The Krulik, Nancy Q08124 Planets E. Miller, Q22539 My Pigs Heather Q24254 My Pinkie Finger Q30070 My Place Q38943 My Place (Brain Bank) Q15467 My Place In Space Q31461 My Ponies Q36851 My Pony My Pumpkin (My First Q38020 Reader) Q08127 My Puppy Is Born Q37335 My Red Balloon Q08128 My River Q30603 My Robot (Anthology) My Rows And Piles Of Q18599 Coins Q38493 My School's A Zoo Q34947 My Scrapbook Q38740 My Senator And Me Franco, Betsy Campoy, F. Isabel York, Vanessa Hirst, Robin & Sally Alistir, K. A. Jeffers, Susan Noonan, Julia Cole, Joanna Bunting, Eve Halpern, Shari Bunting, Eve Mollel, Tololwa M. Smith, Stu Alexander, Francie Kennedy, Edward M. Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 830 4.1 AD 1 292 Fiction K-2 900 5.2 AD 2 1320 Non-Fiction K-2 1.5 NA 1 95 Non-Fiction K-2 720 3.4 AD 1 799 Fiction K-2 210 2.8 2 1288 Fiction K-2 700 3.2 AD 1 980 Fiction K-2 660 4.4 NC 1 534 Non-Fiction K-2 40 1.3 1 123 Non-Fiction K-2 1 105 Fiction K-2 1.8 NA 340 1.7 1 448 Fiction K-2 440 2.1 1 423 Non-Fiction K-2 710 170 2.4 1.6 AD 2 1 887 117 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 560 2.9 AD 1 353 Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 87 Fiction K-2 380 550 2.4 2.4 AD 2 2 537 1018 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 290 1.1 1.9 BR 1 1 66 419 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 700 4.1 2.4 AD NP 2 1 1265 451 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.2 BR 1 41 Fiction K-2 2 1999 Fiction K-2 750 4.2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q08132 Q22684 Q21041 Q37298 Title Author Name Stevenson, My Shadow Robert Louis Miller, My Sheep Heather Andersen, My Shells Honey My Shoelaces Are Hard To Roberson, Tie! Karla Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.2 NP 1 189 Fiction K-2 1.3 NA 1 143 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.5 1 281 Non-Fiction K-2 240 1.4 1 200 Fiction K-2 Q49077 My Shoes And I Lainez, Rene Colato 330 2.1 AD 2 1171 Fiction K-2 Q53110 My Side Of The Car Feiffer, Kate 650 2.7 AD 1 672 Fiction K-2 Q31146 My Sister Joan (Anthology) Ward, Becky Ling, Nancy Q47867 My Sister, Alicia May Tupper Siegel, Q57990 My Snake Blake Randy Gibbons, Q24761 My Soccer Book Gail Aylesworth, Q08138 My Son John Jim Rau, Dana Q34628 My Special Space Meachen Rockwell, Q24613 My Spring Robin Anne 510 1.9 1 258 Fiction K-2 510 1.8 AD 1 774 Fiction K-2 680 3.2 AD 1 600 Fiction K-2 400 2.8 1 461 Non-Fiction K-2 550 1.8 1 374 Fiction K-2 260 1.5 1 122 Fiction K-2 350 2.2 1 202 Fiction K-2 Q18709 My Steps Derby, Sally Jones, Shelley 900 4.2 2 718 Fiction K-2 410 2.4 1 281 Fiction K-2 Winters, Kay 370 1.8 1 145 Fiction K-2 Weiss, Leatie Krensky, Stephen Maccarone, Grace Silverman, Martin Johnston, Teresa Treays, Rebecca Hall, Kirsten Foley, Cate 400 2.7 2 916 Fiction K-2 590 2.8 1 516 Fiction K-2 410 2.1 1 177 Fiction K-2 270 1.6 1 302 Fiction K-2 530 2.1 AD 1 658 Fiction K-2 390 0 2.3 1.4 1.7 BR NA 2 1 1 976 74 155 Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 Q21042 My Street Q37098 My Teacher for President My Teacher Sleeps In Q08143 School Q15978 My Teacher's Secret Life My Tooth Is About To Fall Q08144 Out Q08145 My Tooth Is Loose! My Tooth Is Loose, Dr. Q55316 Moose! Q29083 My Town Q34314 My Trucks Q24606 My Turtle AD NC AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q29740 My Two Grandmothers Q46637 My Uncle Emily My Uncle Martin's Big Q51313 Heart Q28272 My Uncle Owns A Deli Q25318 Q08147 Q08148 Q08149 My Very Own Octopus My Visit To The Aquarium My Visit To The Dinosaurs My Visit To The Zoo Q19810 My Working Mom Q26362 My World Q08150 My Worst Days Diary Mysterious Giant Of Q08153 Barletta, The Q25567 Mysterious Tadpole, The Q33316 Mystery At The Museum Q27134 Mystery Mess, The Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Older, Effin Yolen, Jane Watkins, Angela Farris Hughes, Sarah Most, Bernard Aliki, Aliki, Aliki, Glassman, Peter Brown, Margaret Wise Altman, Suzanne dePaola, Tomie Kellogg, Steven Hall, Kirsten 440 770 2.6 3.7 AD AD 2 2 Words 966 1402 Type Fiction Fiction 820 4.4 AD 2 1211 Non-Fiction K-2 80 1.3 1 109 Non-Fiction K-2 600 710 540 830 2.4 3.9 2.8 3.1 AD 1 2 2 2 603 1072 802 1726 Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 610 2.5 AD 1 230 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 194 Fiction K-2 2 1528 Fiction K-2 2 1143 Fiction K-2 Aronson, Billy Cushman, Q13799 Mystery Of King Karfu, The Doug Mystery Of The Flying Kellogg, Q08185 Orange Pumpkin, The Steven Mystery Of The Kibble Bridwell, Q28328 Crook, The Norman Mystery of the Missing Dog, Hooks, Q37299 The (Hooks) Gwendolyn Mystery Of The Missing Kellogg, Q08197 Red Mitten, The Steven Mystery Of The Missing Hooks, Q08198 Tooth, The William H. Mystery Of The Monkey's Cushman, Q20801 Maze, The Doug Mystery Of The Stolen Blue Kellogg, Q14222 Paint, The Steven Hurd, Q14241 Mystery On The Docks Thatcher Slater, Q08224 N-O Spells No! Teddy AD Interest Level K-2 K-2 540 3.9 520 3.1 650 260 3.2 2.5 2 2 745 1140 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 370 2.3 2 625 Fiction K-2 590 4.8 2 1043 Fiction K-2 470 2.2 1 423 Fiction K-2 160 1.8 1 632 Fiction K-2 200 1.5 1 339 Fiction K-2 500 3.2 AD 1 246 Fiction K-2 450 2.2 AD 1 426 Fiction K-2 330 3.8 2 1702 Fiction K-2 370 2.9 1 415 Fiction K-2 350 3.2 AD 2 690 Fiction K-2 310 1.9 AD 1 352 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 450 380 2.5 3.5 AD AD 1 1 873 285 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 670 4.3 AD 2 1673 Fiction K-2 470 970 1.5 5.6 AD AD 1 1 468 822 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 290 2.9 AD 2 2029 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 44 Fiction K-2 530 630 3.7 4.3 AD 2 2 711 1516 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 310 1.7 1 125 Fiction K-2 0 1.7 BR 1 89 Fiction K-2 740 4.3 AD 1 211 Fiction K-2 Lester, Helen Wood, Audrey 0 1.1 BR 1 52 Fiction K-2 3.2 NP 1 269 Fiction K-2 Q51617 NASA Nasreen's Secret School: A True Story From Q46781 Afghanistan Nathan And Nicholas Q08257 Alexander Zobel, Derek 690 4.3 1 288 Non-Fiction K-2 Winter, Jeanette 630 2.5 1 614 Fiction K-2 Delacre, Lulu 470 3.5 1 501 Fiction K-2 Nathan Blows Out The Q56246 Hanukkah Candles LehmanWilzig, Tami Lohans, Alison 460 2.5 2 1167 Fiction K-2 670 3.7 2 1044 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q49622 Q08225 Q08226 Q45785 Q48261 Q25675 Q31243 Q08232 Q14218 Q32341 Q14546 Q08233 Title Author Name GilaniNabeel's New Pants: An Eid Williams, Tale Fawzia Nadarín Lionni, Leo Alexander, Nadia The Willful Sue Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed Willems, Mo Namaste! Cohn, Diana Choi, Name Jar, The Yangsook Ernst, Lisa Nan And Fan (Anthology) Campbell Nana Upstairs And Nana dePaola, Downstairs Tomie Nana's Birthday Party Hest, Amy Brimner, Nana's Fiddle Larry Dane Brimner, Nana's Hog Larry Dane Gibson, Nana's Place Akimi Q29612 Nap (Anthology), The Q08234 Napping House, The Q19561 Nathaniel's Violin Nation's Hope: The Story Of Boxing Legend Joe Q53027 Louis, A Native Americans (First Q08262 Discovery) Nattie Parsons' Good Luck Q08263 Lamb Q08265 Nature Spy de la Pena, Matt Jeunesse, Gallimard Ernst, Lisa Campbell Rotner, Shelley 630 360 AD 2.6 NP 1 649 Non-Fiction K-2 4.5 AD 1 380 Non-Fiction K-2 3.3 NA 2 1000 Fiction K-2 1.9 AD 1 166 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q36825 Q51216 Q35789 Q08269 Q08270 Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 0 1.7 NP 1 448 Fiction K-2 450 2.5 2 1197 Fiction K-2 300 1.6 1 272 Non-Fiction K-2 690 3.5 IG 2 768 Non-Fiction K-2 370 2.8 AD 1 362 Non-Fiction K-2 Zollman, Pam Hord, Colleen 550 3.2 1 337 Non-Fiction K-2 730 2.5 1 268 Non-Fiction K-2 Levine, Jesse 410 2.3 1 359 Fiction K-2 2 1349 Fiction K-2 Aylesworth, Naughty Little Monkeys Jim Kelly, Naughty Norton Bernadette Bredeson, Nave espacial Carmen Preller, NBA Action From A To Z James Preller, NBA Book Of Big And Little James Q42509 Nebraska Q56734 Need It Or Want It? Q29990 Neighborhood Band Neighborhood Mother Q36238 Goose, The Neil Armstrong (Rookie Q33050 Biographies) Crews, Nina Rau, Dana Meachen Manners, Q30011 Nellie Bly: Making News Jane Q48977 Nelly The Monstersitter Gray, Kes Nelson Mandela (Lives And Woodhouse, Q22410 Times) Jayne Neo Leo: The Ageless Ideas Barretta, Q47567 Of Leonardo Da Vinci Gene Chrismer, Q42616 Neptune Melanie Chrismer, Q38004 Neptune (Scholastic News) Melanie Nergal And The Great Corey, Q30729 Space Race Shana Manushkin, Q50022 Nervous Night, A Fran Nervous System, The Q46007 (Blastoff! Reader) Manolis, Kay Q08289 Nessa's Fish Q29174 Nest For Owl, A Q08291 Nest Full Of Eggs, A Q28966 Nests, Nests, Nests Luenn, Nancy Blackaby, Susan Jenkins, Priscilla Belz Canizares, Susan 1.8 NC NP 330 2.1 1 366 Non-Fiction K-2 350 620 3.1 3.5 1 2 383 1802 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 520 2.9 2 478 Non-Fiction K-2 930 5.6 2 1065 Non-Fiction K-2 700 4.3 1 262 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.3 1 233 Non-Fiction K-2 80 2.4 2 705 Fiction K-2 400 2.3 1 460 Fiction K-2 750 4.6 1 554 Non-Fiction K-2 450 3.9 1 596 Fiction K-2 100 1.9 1 413 Fiction K-2 630 3.9 2 717 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.4 1 42 Non-Fiction K-2 AD BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 2 2 1437 922 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 313 Non-Fiction K-2 1 325 Fiction K-2 1 319 Fiction K-2 1 430 Fiction K-2 2.3 3 5995 Fiction K-2 560 3.2 1 422 Fiction K-2 970 4.8 2 618 Non-Fiction K-2 Harris, Lee 450 2.1 1 268 Fiction K-2 Q26101 Never Poke A Squid Never Race A Runaway Q48945 Pumpkin Never Ride Your Elephant Q08301 To School Cazet, Denys Applegate, Katherine Johnson, Doug 40 2.1 2 1074 Fiction K-2 490 2.6 3 5991 Fiction K-2 510 3.5 1 578 Fiction K-2 Q47357 Never Say Boo! Pulver, Robin 530 2.1 1 951 Fiction K-2 Cazet, Denys Applegate, Q48942 Never Swim In Applesauce Katherine Never Walk In Shoes That Applegate, Q48944 Talk Katherine Wilson, Q36949 Never, Ever Shout In A Zoo Karma Juster, Q55889 Neville Norton Chase, Edith Q08309 New Baby Calf, The Newlin Mayer, Q17857 New Baby, The Mercer Packard, Q34778 New Baby, The Mary dePaola, Q29494 New Barker In The House, A Tomie 280 1.3 1 420 Fiction K-2 490 2.6 3 5812 Fiction K-2 470 2.5 3 5813 Fiction K-2 430 2.3 AD 1 362 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 AD 1 924 Fiction K-2 370 1.9 AD 1 270 Fiction K-2 560 2.1 NC 1 167 Fiction K-2 40 1.4 1 97 Fiction K-2 240 1.9 2 943 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q08294 Nettie Jo's Friends Q08295 Nettie's Trip South Q42510 Nevada Never Babysit The Q08297 Hippopotamuses Q29974 Never Bored On The Farm Never Finished, Never Q37125 Done! Never Glue Your Friends To Q48939 Chairs Never Kick A Ghost And Q57230 Other Silly Chillers Q15450 Never Kiss An Alligator! Never Let Your Cat Make Q22992 Lunch For You Q08303 Never Spit On Your Shoes Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code 610 860 3.6 3.8 AD 590 3.3 540 3.5 Vern, Alex Brooks, Regina Applegate, Katherine 520 2.3 430 2.1 380 Sierra, Judy Bare, Colleen Stanley McKissack, Patricia Turner, Ann Labella, Susan Johnson, Doug AD NP AD AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q44479 New Bear At School, The New Best Friends Q29674 (Anthology) Q25964 New Brain For Igor, A Q27626 New Flag, A New Friend (Anthology), Q31272 The New Hampshire (Rookie Q34820 Read-About Geography) Q30063 New Hamster, The Q28574 New Hope (Anthology) Q31597 New Improved Santa, A New Kid (Rookie Choices), Q33043 The Q25417 New Kid, The Q19574 New Land, The Q34060 New Pig In Town Q50009 New Potty, The Q16669 New Road! Q32352 New Roof, A Q08323 New Shoes For Silvia Q21703 New Shoes, Red Shoes New Year's Day (Rookie Q32320 Read-About Holidays) Q56439 New Year's Reunion, A New York (Rookie ReadQ32392 About Geography) New York City (Rookie Q23144 Read-About Geography) Q31509 New York's Bravest Q08329 Newt Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 670 2.6 AD 1 738 Fiction K-2 Nayer, Judy O'Connor, Teddy Harris, Robert Puncel, Maria Ribke, Simone T. Campoy, F. Isabel Sorensen, Henri Wolff, Patricia Rae Brimner, Larry Dane 320 2.3 1 286 Fiction K-2 110 1.5 1 310 Fiction K-2 350 1.5 1 356 Non-Fiction K-2 450 1.9 1 406 Fiction K-2 520 2.7 1 342 Non-Fiction K-2 30 1.5 1 192 Fiction K-2 810 3.7 2 768 Fiction K-2 440 2.7 2 718 Fiction K-2 170 1.8 1 354 Fiction K-2 Hood, Susan Reynolds, Marilynn Wheeler, Lisa Mayer, Mercer Gibbons, Gail 0 1.5 BR 1 124 Fiction K-2 760 4.8 AD 2 1102 Fiction K-2 160 1.9 2 897 Fiction K-2 450 1.5 AD 1 369 Fiction K-2 710 3.5 AD 1 593 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 67 Fiction K-2 640 2.5 1 598 Fiction K-2 90 1.8 AD 1 117 Fiction K-2 550 560 2.4 2.2 AD 1 1 325 715 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 460 2.3 1 318 Non-Fiction K-2 Weston, Carrie Meister, Cari Hurwitz, Johanna Rollings, Susan Marx, David F. Li-Qiong, Yu De Capua, Sarah Marx, David F. Osborne, Mary Pope Novak, Matt 350 410 AD 3.9 NA 1 396 Non-Fiction K-2 2.8 2.1 AD 2 2 622 757 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q49435 Newton And Me Q38495 Newton And The Big Mess Newts and Other Q37982 Amphibians Q20293 Next Stop Grand Central Q36756 Next to an Ant Author Name Mayer, Lynne Tyger, Rory Schulte, Mary Kalman, Maira Rockliff, Mara Giff, Patricia Q21699 Next Year I'll Be Special Reilly Niagara Falls (Rookie Read- De Capua, Q32389 About Geography) Sarah Brown, Margaret Q13213 Nibble Nibble Wise Wilcoxen, Q36230 Niccolini's Song Chuck Brandenberg Q26626 Nice New Neighbors , Franz Olson, Mary Q27757 Nice Try, Tooth Fairy W. Nice Wheels (My First Hooks, Q38021 Reader) Gwendolyn Hutchins, Q17410 Nicholas At The Library Hazel Q31193 Nick Is Sick (Anthology) Lee, Tricia Isadora, Q24726 Nick Plays Baseball Rachel Q36700 Nickels Hill, Mary Q30977 Nickommoh! Nicky And The Big, Bad Q21901 Wolves Q08339 Nicky Upstairs And Down Q27129 Night And Day Q27092 Night Animal, Day Animal Night Animals (Anthology), Q27544 The Koller, Jackie French Gorbachev, Valeri Ziefert, Harriet Zane, Robyn Martell Lechner, Judith Article, Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 600 2.4 AD 1 495 Fiction K-2 560 3.6 1 575 Fiction K-2 380 1.8 1 220 Non-Fiction K-2 380 2.8 2 1477 Fiction K-2 250 1.5 1 81 Fiction K-2 400 2.3 2 603 Fiction K-2 550 2.3 1 291 Non-Fiction K-2 AD 3.6 NP 2 1939 Fiction K-2 810 2.6 AD 2 1139 Fiction K-2 390 2.4 2 1118 Fiction K-2 260 1.9 AD 1 299 Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 62 Fiction K-2 660 390 4.9 1.4 AD 2 1 1977 123 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 450 340 2.5 1.8 AD 2 1 1668 115 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 820 4.1 AD 2 879 Non-Fiction K-2 130 2.1 AD 1 290 Fiction K-2 110 1.2 1 179 Fiction K-2 270 1.4 1 361 Fiction K-2 550 2.8 2 704 Non-Fiction K-2 330 1.5 1 167 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q08344 Q23999 Q33506 Q32043 Q08348 Q31592 Q37307 Q26043 Title Author Name Moore, Night Before Christmas, The Clement C. Wing, Night Before Easter, The Natasha Beames, Night Cat Margaret Night Creatures (Face-To- Taylor, Face) Barbara Night Creatures (First Jeunesse, Discovery) Gallimard Vaughan, Night Dancer Marcia Night Eater, The Juan, Ana Lukasewich, Night Fire, The Lori Night Flight: Amelia Earhart Burleigh, Q51366 Crosses The Atlantic Robert Night Flight: Charles Lindbergh's Incredible Q31886 Adventure Kramer, S.A. Ryder, Q08352 Night Gliders Joanne Night I Followed The Dog, Q08354 The Laden, Nina Night Iguana Left Home, McDonald, Q25048 The Megan Rylant, Q29279 Night In The Country Cynthia Nikola-Lisa, Q08356 Night Is Coming W. Schnur, Q31302 Night Lights Steven Q08359 Night Noises Fox, Mem dePaola, Q21879 Night Of Las Posadas, The Tomie Winnick, Q46720 Night Of The Fireflies, The Karen B. Q16419 Night Of The Gargoyles Bunting, Eve Night Of The Moon: A Q45160 Muslim Holiday Story Khan, Hena Helldorfer, Q23244 Night Of The White Stag M. C. Night On Neighborhood Greenfield, Q08370 Street Eloise Q47428 Night Rabbits Posey, Lee Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 940 3.5 AD 1 540 Fiction K-2 550 2.1 AD 1 330 Fiction K-2 390 2.2 AD 2 624 Fiction K-2 840 3.1 2 1191 Non-Fiction K-2 630 3.5 AD 1 639 Non-Fiction K-2 610 790 2.9 4.5 AD AD 1 1 581 406 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 290 2.1 AD 1 176 Fiction K-2 500 1.7 AD 1 897 Fiction K-2 230 2.3 2 975 Non-Fiction K-2 1 191 Fiction K-2 2.4 NP 530 3.6 2 902 Fiction K-2 510 2.1 2 1165 Fiction K-2 580 2.7 AD 1 296 Fiction K-2 560 3.1 AD 1 248 Fiction K-2 510 430 2.1 3.3 AD 1 1 119 333 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 410 4.9 AD 2 1498 Fiction K-2 320 1090 1.1 5.9 AD AD 1 2 795 417 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 780 4.5 2 1282 Fiction K-2 360 3.6 2 1302 Fiction K-2 690 4.7 3.3 2 1 974 600 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 NP AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q24833 Night School Q43360 Night Shift Author Name Lesynski, Loris Hartland, Jessie Spinelli, Eileen Lexile Levels Reading Level 350 2.9 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 923 Fiction K-2 3.5 NP 2 1440 Fiction K-2 330 2.2 AD 1 253 Fiction K-2 Pernick, Alice Nelson, Robin Yoshizawa, Linda 360 1.9 AD 1 164 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2.4 1 333 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.1 1 26 Fiction K-2 Q27642 Night Sounds Night The Moon Blew Q16983 Kisses, The Q08383 Night Tree Oliver, Tracy 370 1.4 1 437 Fiction K-2 Manuel, Lynn Bunting, Eve 580 620 2.2 2.8 AD 1 2 257 754 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q29199 Night Watch Q22267 Night Worker, The Fear, Sharon Banks, Kate Roth, Susan L. Berk, Ari 0 260 1.5 2.7 BR AD 1 1 51 448 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 470 790 2.5 4.2 AD 1 1 189 789 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 740 3.5 2.8 NA AD 1 2 326 715 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 270 1.1 AD 1 584 Fiction K-2 290 1.5 1 413 Fiction K-2 250 1.5 1 584 Fiction K-2 730 3.9 2 1454 Fiction K-2 510 3.5 2 2784 Fiction K-2 480 2.8 2 1831 Fiction K-2 170 470 1.3 2.5 1 2 74 755 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 980 3.4 2 855 Fiction K-2 580 3.9 2 1582 Fiction K-2 740 4.5 1 560 Fiction K-2 Q21826 Night Shift Daddy Q08373 Night Sky, The Q51569 Night Sky, The Q29119 Night Songs Q18578 Night-Time Numbers Q57530 Nightsong Q23138 Nile River, The Q18877 Nilo And The Tortoise Nina Nandu's Nervous Q54162 Noggin Q08397 Q08398 Q33909 Q08400 Fowler, Allan Lewin, Ted deRubertis, Barbara O'Connor, Nina, Nina Ballerina Jane O'Connor, Nina, Nina Star Ballerina Jane Rumford, Nine Animals And The Well James Ets, Marie Nine Days To Christmas Hall Q08401 Nine For California Q15465 Nine Men Chase A Hen Q25576 Nine-In-One, Grr! Grr! Q08404 Niño cuervo Levitin, Sonia Gregorich, Barbara Xiong, Blia Yashima, Taro Q08405 niño que buscaba a ayer, El Alegría, C. Stewart, Q45420 No Babysitters Allowed Amber BR NC AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q35831 No Boys Allowed! Q23007 No Dinner! Q45041 No Dogs Allowed! No Dragons For Tea: Fire Safety For Kids (And Q17815 Dragons) No Easy Way: The Story Of Ted Williams And The Q48551 Last .400 Season Author Name TaylorButler, Christine Souhami, Jessica Manzano, Sonia Lexile Levels Reading Level 390 1.9 230 2.5 900 Points Words Type Interest Level 1 576 Fiction K-2 AD 2 822 Fiction K-2 4.6 AD 2 1412 Fiction K-2 2.8 NP 2 792 Fiction K-2 830 4.4 AD 2 1846 Non-Fiction K-2 690 3.3 AD 1 906 Fiction K-2 420 1.4 AD 1 741 Fiction K-2 60 1.9 1 383 Fiction K-2 340 2.9 2 1949 Fiction K-2 450 2.2 2 782 Fiction K-2 2 943 Fiction K-2 Pendziwol, Jean Bowen, Fred No Excuses!: How What You Dyer, Dr. Q47941 Say Can Get In Your Way Wayne W. Poydar, Q53264 No Fair Science Fair Nancy Holtzman, Q08417 No Fair! Caren Lexile Code Q16242 No Good In Art Minarik, Else Holmelund Cohen, Miriam Q08420 No Howling In The House Farber, Erica 420 1.5 Arnold, Tedd Ziefert, No Kiss For Grandpa Harriet No Laughing, No Smiling, Stevenson, No Giggling James Sommer, No Longer A Dilly Dally Carl Siracusa, No Mail For Mitchell Catherine No Matter What Gliori, Debi Babcock, No Moon, No Milk! Chris Parish, No More Monsters For Me Peggy No More Pumpkins (Second- Catalanotto, Grade Friends) Peter Manushkin, No More Teasing Fran 850 4.4 AD 2 801 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 181 Fiction K-2 280 1.5 AD 1 659 Fiction K-2 430 2.9 2 1663 Fiction K-2 230 620 1.7 1.7 1 1 410 230 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 650 4.5 2 812 Fiction K-2 70 2.1 2 1470 Fiction K-2 340 2.2 2 1696 Fiction K-2 400 2.3 1 450 Fiction K-2 Q08418 No Fighting, No Biting! Q08422 No Jumping On The Bed Q31914 Q35530 Q23719 Q08423 Q36857 Q08426 Q08429 Q44047 Q50015 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q29038 No More Training Wheels Author Name Cristaldi, Kathryn Q08432 No More Water In The Tub! Arnold, Tedd Q08433 No Nap Bunting, Eve Leonard, Q25409 No New Pants! Marcia No One Should Have Six Smith, Susan Q08434 Cats! Mathias Eaton, Q25656 No One Told The Aardvark Deborah Sommer, Q23725 No One Will Ever Know Carl Persun, Morgan Q22810 No Pets Allowed Reed Bloom, Q37210 No Place For A Pig Suzanne Trepicchio, Q30074 No Problem Lynn Merserve, Q39082 No Room For Napoleon Adria Q14237 No Roses For Harry! Zion, Gene Beaumont, Q53669 No Sleep For The Sheep! Karen Smucker, Q08439 No Star Nights Anna Egan Q13897 No Such Thing No Sword Fighting In The Q40301 House Q37968 No Trouble At All Q50417 No Valentines For Katie Q08444 No Way! Q13705 Q57518 Q21801 Q16223 Koller, Jackie French Hill, Susanna Leonard Grindley, Sally Manushkin, Fran Fehlner, Paul Shannon, No, David! David Sheth, No-Dogs-Allowed Rule, The Kashmira No-Nothings And Their Baby, The Mazer, Anne Brenner, Noah And The Flood Barbara Lexile Levels Reading Level 160 2.1 610 430 3.5 2.2 0 1.4 220 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 1052 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1 1005 380 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 BR 1 109 Fiction K-2 2.8 2 637 Fiction K-2 390 2.4 1 444 Fiction K-2 340 2.8 2 1676 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 468 Fiction K-2 750 4.3 AD 1 933 Fiction K-2 100 1.6 1 168 Fiction K-2 560 510 2.6 3.4 AD 1 2 754 748 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 650 2.7 AD 1 486 Fiction K-2 980 4.9 2 1882 Fiction K-2 340 2.5 2 809 Fiction K-2 430 2.4 2 1044 Fiction K-2 390 2.4 1 167 Fiction K-2 490 2.6 1 530 Fiction K-2 240 1.3 1 233 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 1 60 Fiction K-2 470 2.5 5 11983 Fiction K-2 140 2.2 AD 2 581 Fiction K-2 500 2.5 AD 2 1016 Non-Fiction K-2 BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q17304 Noah's Ark Q33143 Noah's Ark (Pinkney) Q08448 Noah's Ark (Spier) Noah's Ark: A Story From Q08449 The Bible Q49165 Noah's Bark Q19124 Noah's Trees Q15035 Nobiah's Well Q13094 Nobody Owns The Sky Q21407 Nobody Rides The Unicorn Nobody Wants To Play Q52706 With A Ball Hog Nobody's Mother Is In Q22866 Second Grade Q08459 noche, Una Q08460 Noches de papel Q33313 Noise! Noise! Noise! Q08461 Noisy Breakfast Q54163 Noisy Night, The Q08462 Noisy Nora Q36201 Noisy Way to Bed, The Q18604 Noisytime For Zoo Animals Q27329 Noodle Game, The Noodle Man: The Pasta Q27979 Superhero Author Name Lorimer, Lawrence T. Pinkney, Jerry Spier, Peter Hayward, Linda Krensky, Stephen Le Tord, Bijou Guthrie, Donna W. Lindbergh, Reeve Mitchell, Adrian Gassman, Julie A. Pulver, Robin Carter, Jackie Tibo, Gilles Sommer, Carl Blonder, Ellen Hooks, Gwendolyn Wells, Rosemary Whybrow, Ian Arnold, Caroline Brimner, Larry Dane Sayre, April Pulley Q51003 Nora And The Texas Terror Cox, Judy Wells, Q08466 Nora la revoltosa Rosemary KinseyWarnock, Q36901 Nora's Ark Natalie Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 730 4.3 AD 2 934 Non-Fiction K-2 350 2.9 2.2 NP 2 1 684 184 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 1 279 Non-Fiction K-2 180 1.6 470 1.5 AD 1 501 Fiction K-2 370 2.5 AD 1 272 Non-Fiction K-2 800 4.8 AD 2 1441 Fiction K-2 3.9 NP 2 613 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.6 2 951 Fiction K-2 530 3.1 2 1800 Fiction K-2 320 2.1 2 1255 Fiction K-2 590 1 3 1 2 0 814 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 290 2.5 2 1595 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 1 32 Fiction K-2 320 2.1 1 297 Fiction K-2 320 2.8 1 204 Fiction K-2 440 2.1 1 184 Fiction K-2 230 2.4 1 80 Non-Fiction K-2 230 1.9 1 325 Fiction K-2 310 2.8 2 1241 Fiction K-2 450 2.5 5 12045 Fiction K-2 260 2.8 1 233 Fiction K-2 750 2.9 2 1818 Fiction K-2 NP BR AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level 540 Q08469 Norma Jean, Jumping Bean Cole, Joanna Metcalf, Q18125 Norma No Friends Paula Freeman, Q20063 Norman The Doorman Don Donaldson, Q35685 North America Madeline North America (Rookie Q24659 Read-About Geography) Fowler, Allan Gorsline, Q17305 North American Indians Douglas North Carolina (Rookie Brennan, Q33035 Read-About Geography) Linda Crotta San Souci, Q08473 North Country Night Daniel Q56806 North Dakota North, South, East, And Q14722 West Quiz # Title Q08467 Nora's Stars Q08476 Northern Lights Q45016 Northern Lights Q21902 Northwest Animal Babies Q51217 Norton Saves The Day Q51218 Norton's First Show Q08478 Nose Book, The Q32632 Nose Like A Hose, A Q35034 Nosotros Vivimos Aquí Not A Buzz To Be Found: Q56245 Insects In Winter Q39566 Not Afraid Of Dogs Not Enough Beds!: A Q36163 Christmas Alphabet Book Q08480 Not Enough Room! Q15420 Not Enough Water Author Name Ichikawa, Satomi Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.9 2 658 Fiction K-2 370 2.5 2 697 Fiction K-2 640 2.8 AD 2 748 Fiction K-2 680 4.8 AD 2 1340 Fiction K-2 440 2.1 1 376 Non-Fiction K-2 3.5 NA 1 352 Non-Fiction K-2 830 4.6 AD 2 1495 Non-Fiction K-2 280 1.9 1 333 Non-Fiction K-2 970 3.4 2 740 Fiction K-2 Zollman, Pam 570 3.3 1 310 Non-Fiction K-2 Fowler, Allan Kusugak, Michael Arvaarluk Piehl, Janet Helman, Andrea Kelly, Bernadette Kelly, Bernadette Perkins, Al Samuels, Jenny Salzman, Gabriel Glaser, Linda Pitzer, Susanna Oeltjenbruns, Joni Rocklin, Joanne Armstrong, Shane 500 1.5 1 307 Non-Fiction K-2 590 560 4.5 3.2 AD 2 3 1566 519 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 850 4.2 AD 2 1046 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.6 2 1330 Fiction K-2 490 290 2.6 1.5 2 1 1200 191 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 170 1.5 AD 1 107 Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 21 Fiction K-2 680 4.2 1 485 Non-Fiction K-2 350 2.2 1 478 Fiction K-2 760 4.3 1 221 Fiction K-2 580 2.5 1 402 Fiction K-2 170 1.3 1 84 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 0 1.2 BR 1 269 Fiction K-2 Q08484 Not In The House Newton! Not Norman: A Goldfish Q36540 Story 530 3.1 2 1009 Fiction K-2 460 1.8 1 573 Fiction K-2 Q08485 320 2.8 1 554 Fiction K-2 200 1.5 1 154 Fiction K-2 600 330 2.4 2.9 2 2 1352 998 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Gantos, Jack Ketteman, Helen Agee, Jon Stauffacher, Sue Van Leeuwen, Jean Soltis, Sue Wishinsky, Frieda Wood, Douglas Giganti, Paul, Jr. 460 2.9 1 549 Fiction K-2 190 360 3.3 2.2 2 1 653 488 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 810 5.3 AD 1 985 Non-Fiction K-2 520 370 3.3 1.2 AD 2 1 2007 486 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 30 2.4 AD 1 599 Fiction K-2 920 5.4 AD 1 482 Fiction K-2 730 2.2 AD 1 416 Non-Fiction K-2 Pulver, Robin Kirk, David Scholastic, Martin, Jane Read Miller, Margaret Lenski, Lois dePaola, Tomie Milne, A.A. 450 750 240 1.6 5.9 2.3 AD AD 1 2 3 391 1905 2818 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 580 2.2 2 937 Fiction K-2 30 1.5 2.1 AD NP 1 1 210 420 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 470 2.5 3.6 NP 2 2 1051 7116 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Smith, Geof 360 1 460 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q08483 Not I, Not I Q17035 Q50527 Q20053 Author Name Hillert, Margaret Gilliland, Judith Heide Bennett, Kelly Oppenheim, Not Now! Said The Cow Joanne McKee, Not Now, Bernard David Not Scary Story About Big Williams, Scary Things, A C.K. Not So Fast Songololo Daly, Niki Q08487 Not So Rotten Ralph Q20064 Not Yet, Yvette Q41845 Nothing Nothing But Trouble: The Q43136 Story Of Althea Gibson Q23671 Nothing Here But Trees Q54804 Nothing Like A Puffin Q25918 Nothing Scares Us Q46722 Nothing To Do Q08500 Notorious Numbers Nouns And Verbs Have A Q39446 Field Day Q16571 Nova's Ark Q20279 Now I Am Six! Now I Will Never Leave Q08504 The Dinner Table Q26700 Now I'm Big Q26627 Now It's Fall Now One Foot Now The Q08507 Other Q14291 Now We Are Six Now You See It, Now You Q27383 Don't 2.2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Nubs: The True Story Of A Q47460 Mutt, A Marine & A Miracle Dennis, Brian nueva hermanita de Hoban, Q08510 Francisca, La Russell De Capua, Q35787 Nueva York Sarah Nueve en uno ¡GRRR! Q08511 !GRRR! Xiong, B. Joosse, Q21253 Nugget & Darling Barbara M. Hague, Q08512 Numbears Kathleen Q50869 Number One Kid Q34871 Numbers All Around Q08514 Números importantes Q26758 Nursery Crimes Q08516 Nurses Q08517 Nutcracker Ballet, The Q31586 Nutcracker Ballet, The Q08518 Nutcracker Noel Q29742 Nutik, The Wolf Pup Q17562 Nutquacker, The Q08520 Nuts To You! O Christmas Tree: Its History And Holiday Q49767 Traditions Q08526 Q08528 Q08533 Q45640 Giff, Patricia Reilly Canizares, Susan Giganti, Paul, Jr. Geisert, Arthur Ready, Dee Hautzig, Deborah Vagin, Vladimir McMullan, Kate George, Jean Craighead Auch, Mary Jane Ehlert, Lois Farmer, Jacqueline Helman, O Is For Orca Andrea Freeman, Oak Trees Marcia S. Pallotta, Ocean Alphabet Book, The Jerry Waters, Ocean Giants Kate Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 810 4.3 AD 2 2090 Non-Fiction K-2 440 1 2 1222 Fiction K-2 370 1.8 1 337 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.5 2 841 Fiction K-2 480 2.2 2 842 Fiction K-2 1 345 Fiction K-2 4 6742 Fiction K-2 1 12 Non-Fiction K-2 1 365 Non-Fiction K-2 1 1 497 462 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 2.5 230 NP 1.6 1.1 BR 550 3.1 400 520 2.7 1.5 450 3.9 2 1014 Fiction K-2 490 2.9 2 1103 Fiction K-2 510 3.5 2 767 Fiction K-2 290 2.7 2 991 Fiction K-2 550 430 3.5 1.7 AD 2 1 1075 226 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 980 7.3 AD 2 1970 Non-Fiction K-2 1050 3.5 2 766 Non-Fiction K-2 550 1.5 1 133 Non-Fiction K-2 430 3.1 2 675 Non-Fiction K-2 620 3.4 1 981 Non-Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q46400 Q53574 Q27844 Q41534 Q53693 Q39798 Q34672 Q40056 Q20885 Q08541 Q08542 Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 670 3.2 AD 1 222 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.4 1 297 Non-Fiction K-2 800 950 570 3.8 5.8 2.3 2 1 1 1929 554 445 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 510 2.7 1 266 Non-Fiction K-2 250 1.5 1 82 Non-Fiction K-2 730 4.1 1 463 Fiction K-2 760 4.2 2 1228 Non-Fiction K-2 570 2.5 2 919 Fiction K-2 730 3.4 2 925 Non-Fiction K-2 Roop, Connie Langeland, Deirdre 620 1.9 1 170 Non-Fiction K-2 800 4.2 2 972 Fiction K-2 Cazet, Denys Schaefer, Lola M. Taylor, Leighton Herriges, Ann 370 2.4 1 761 Fiction K-2 460 1.5 1 46 Non-Fiction K-2 560 2.9 2 1615 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.1 1 142 Non-Fiction K-2 580 2.2 1 275 Non-Fiction K-2 470 1.9 1 351 Non-Fiction K-2 920 3.6 NC 1 753 Non-Fiction K-2 210 1.1 AD 1 59 Fiction K-2 750 4.8 AD 2 702 Fiction K-2 2.8 NP 2 1180 Fiction K-2 Kramer, Jennifer Ocean Hide And Seek Evans Guiberson, Ocean Life Brenda Ocean Life (Scholastic Guiberson, Science Readers) Brenda Z. Ocean Seasons Hirschi, Ron Ocean Story, The Seven, John Green, Emily Oceans (Blastoff! Readers) K. Eckart, Ocelot Edana Octavia And Her Purple Ink Rathmell, Cloud Donna Stefoff, Octopus (Living Things) Rebecca Pringle, Octopus Hug Laurence Lauber, Octopus Is Amazing, An Patricia Q24403 Octopus Under The Sea Q23146 Octopus' Den Q36061 Octopus, The Q18326 Octopuses Q35342 Octopuses Octopuses (Blastoff! Q39799 Readers) Octopuses and Other Animals With Amazing Q37977 Senses Q38038 Odd and Even Socks Q53770 Odd Animal Helpers Q54368 Odd Egg, The Labella, Susan Chrismer, Melanie Reyes, Gabrielle Gravett, Emily Whitcomb, Mary E. Q14477 Odd Velvet Oddhopper Opera: A Bug's Q32959 Garden Of Verses Cyrus, Kurt NC AD AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.7 NP 1 483 Fiction K-2 930 5.6 AD 2 1235 Fiction K-2 880 3.7 AD 2 1623 Fiction K-2 Fowler, Allan Ramos, Mario 660 3.1 1 510 Non-Fiction K-2 370 1.8 1 331 Fiction K-2 Hest, Amy 100 2.9 AD 1 578 Fiction K-2 3.3 1.6 NP NP 2 1 1799 201 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Ziefert, Q25542 Ode To Humpty Dumpty Harriet Alcorn, Q49942 Odetta: The Queen Of Folk Stephen Juster, Q50117 Odious Ogre, The Norton Q14758 Of Mice And Rats Q37932 Off to Bed, Little Monster! Q20197 Off To School, Baby Duck! Off To The Sweet Shores Of Africa And Other Q27772 Talking Drum Rhymes Q24179 Off We Go! Officer Brown Keeps Q14831 Neighborhoods Safe Q08556 Officer Buckle And Gloria Q17796 Ogre Fun Q08563 Oh My Baby Bear! Unobagha, Uzo Yolen, Jane Flanagan, Alice K. Rathmann, Peggy Lesynski, Loris Wood, Audrey Q26487 Oh My Baby, Little One Appelt, Kathi Weeks, Q34080 Oh My Gosh, Mrs. McNosh! Sarah Oh Say Can You Say Di-No- Worth, Q21488 Saur? Bonnie Q08565 Oh Say Can You Say? Seuss, Dr. Oh Say Can You Seed?: All Worth, Q24782 About Flowering Plants Bonnie Oh Where, Oh Where Has Q33658 My Little Dog Gone? Trapani, Iza Henkes, Q23318 Oh! Kevin Langstaff, Q13232 Oh, A-Hunting We Will Go John Q08560 Oh, Cats! Buck, Nola Q29121 Oh, Good! Oh, Grow Up! Poems To Help You Survive Parents, Chores, School And Other Q25919 Afflictions Nayer, Judy Heide, Florence Parry Lexile Levels 560 3.4 1 338 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.5 2 633 Fiction K-2 480 3.7 AD 2 786 Fiction K-2 520 1.9 AD 1 401 Fiction K-2 730 2.3 AD 1 328 Fiction K-2 230 1.8 1 217 Fiction K-2 400 2.5 3.5 NP 2 2 706 1274 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2.7 AD 2 976 Non-Fiction K-2 2.3 NP 1 359 Fiction K-2 0 2.1 BR 1 132 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 1.5 NP BR 1 1 320 85 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 62 Fiction K-2 480 3.3 2 1425 Fiction K-2 530 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 610 3.7 AD 2 1797 Fiction K-2 Q08564 Oh, No, Toto! Q08567 Oh, The Places You'll Go Oh, The Thinks You Can Q08568 Think! Seuss, Dr. Oh, Theodore!: Guinea Pig Q46558 Poems Katz, Susan 550 600 4.2 3.2 AD AD 2 2 1239 933 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 240 2.3 1 363 Fiction K-2 Q08569 Oh, Tucker! Oh, Were They Ever Q08570 Happy! Kroll, Steven Quiz # Title Q08562 Oh, Kojo! How Could You! Q54434 Oh, What A Christmas! Q42511 Ohio Q17009 Oi! Get Off Our Train Q08573 Oil Spill! Q39800 Oils (Blastoff! Readers) Oils (Just A Bit) To Keep Q51454 Your Body Fit Oink! Moo! How Do You Q20948 Do? Q08576 ojos, Los Q42512 Oklahoma Ol' Bloo's Boogie-Woogie Q50198 Band And Blues Ensemble Q49923 Old Abe, Eagle Hero Q17044 Old Bear Q08578 Old Black Fly Q36220 Old Coyote Q34476 Old Cricket Q35368 Old Crump Author Name Aardema, Verna Tchana, Katrin Hyman Seuss, Dr. 2.4 NP 1 890 Fiction K-2 320 1.5 AD 1 326 Fiction K-2 Spier, Peter Garland, Michael TaylorButler, Christine Burningham, John Berger, Melvin Green, Emily K. Cleary, Brian P. Maccarone, Grace Avalos, Cecilia Labella, Susan 390 2.7 AD 1 285 Fiction K-2 620 2.5 AD 1 694 Fiction K-2 680 4.2 1 252 Non-Fiction K-2 530 2.6 1 432 Fiction K-2 630 4.5 2 976 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.7 1 165 Non-Fiction K-2 660 3.8 1 324 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 79 Fiction K-2 0 1 BR 1 126 Non-Fiction K-2 670 3.6 1 339 Non-Fiction K-2 Huling, Jan Young, Patrick Hissey, Jane Aylesworth, Jim Wood, Nancy Wheeler, Lisa Lawlor, Laurie 880 4.7 AD 2 1594 Fiction K-2 880 700 4.7 4.5 AD AD 1 2 963 1216 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 400 2.2 AD 1 333 Fiction K-2 530 2.8 AD 1 931 Fiction K-2 730 4 AD 2 1050 Fiction K-2 440 4.6 AD 1 671 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q17202 Old Devil Wind Q17388 Old Dry Frye Old Elm Speaks: Tree Q25543 Poems Old Gollywampus Q29667 (Anthology), The Q08582 Old Hat New Hat Q08583 Old Henry Q14219 Old Home Day Q45965 Old House, The Old Ladies Who Liked Q08584 Cats, The Q21358 Old MacDonald Old MacDonald Had A Q26702 Farm Old MacDonald Had A Q33743 Woodshop Old MacDonald Had An Q32678 Apartment House Author Name Martin Jr., Bill Johnson, Paul Brett George, Kristine O'Connell Lexile Levels 710 Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.9 NP 1 461 Fiction K-2 4.5 AD 2 1110 Fiction K-2 3.4 NP 2 1015 Fiction K-2 1 186 Fiction K-2 Speed, Toby Berenstain, Stan & Jan Blos, Joan W. 220 2.3 0 1.7 BR 1 91 Fiction K-2 570 4.1 AD 2 587 Fiction K-2 Hall, Donald Edwards, Pamela Duncan Greene, Carol Schwartz, Amy 990 3.5 AD 2 1697 Fiction K-2 510 1.8 AD 1 947 Fiction K-2 540 3.5 1 510 Fiction K-2 1.3 NP 1 395 Fiction K-2 Berry, Holly 1.3 NP 1 292 Fiction K-2 Shulman, Lisa 1.7 NP 1 449 Fiction K-2 Barrett, Judi 740 2.9 2 913 Fiction K-2 Q31500 Old Man And His Door, The Soto, Gary Hanel, Q13331 Old Man And The Bear, The Wolfram Hsu, Stacey Q39218 Old Mo W. Wild, Q14198 Old Pig Margaret 700 3.2 2 1254 Fiction K-2 600 3.9 2 1224 Fiction K-2 40 1 NP 1 76 Fiction K-2 650 3.5 AD 2 785 Fiction K-2 Q08589 Old Red Rocking Chair, The Root, Phyllis Old Thunder And Miss Darrow, Q22504 Raney Sharon Wood, Q25877 Old Turtle Douglas Old Turtle And The Broken Wood, Q33905 Truth Douglas Richardson, Q08590 Old Winter Judith Benet 680 3.9 AD 2 714 Fiction K-2 580 3.5 2 1611 Fiction K-2 350 2.9 2 788 Fiction K-2 620 3.2 2 1901 Fiction K-2 570 3.5 2 1017 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 430 1.5 AD 2 856 Fiction K-2 790 4.3 AD 2 1231 Fiction K-2 Winch, John Rylant, Q08591 Cynthia Fox, Karen Q49057 Older Than The Stars C. Walsh, Q35732 Olive, My Love Vivian Seibold, J. Q08593 Olive, The Other Reindeer Otto Q08594 Oliver Hoff, Syd Van Oliver & Amanda And The Leeuwen, Q13416 Big Snow Jean Van Oliver And Albert, Friends Leeuwen, Q31888 Forever Jean Van Oliver And Amanda's Leeuwen, Q22769 Christmas Jean Van Oliver And Amanda's Leeuwen, Q43351 Halloween Jean dePaola, Q17601 Oliver Button Is A Sissy Tomie Q32755 Oliver Finds His Way Root, Phyllis deRubertis, Q54165 Oliver Otter's Own Office Barbara Van Leeuwen, Q08597 Oliver Pig At School Jean Van Leeuwen, Q42283 Oliver The Mighty Pig Jean French, Q31924 Oliver's Milk Shake Vivian Van Oliver, Amanda, And Leeuwen, Q20070 Grandmother Pig Jean Oliver, The Spaceship, And Reed, Lynne Q46382 Me Rowe 670 2.4 AD 1 136 Fiction K-2 760 4.8 AD 2 1222 Fiction K-2 800 4.3 AD 1 973 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2.9 AD 2 1027 Fiction K-2 540 180 3.5 2.5 2 2 765 767 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 270 1.8 2 1462 Fiction K-2 200 2.2 2 1346 Fiction K-2 280 1.9 2 1837 Fiction K-2 330 2.1 2 1439 Fiction K-2 480 200 2.8 1.5 AD 2 1 678 211 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 370 1.2 AD 1 667 Fiction K-2 340 2.1 2 1369 Fiction K-2 350 2.2 2 1420 Fiction K-2 220 2.1 2 741 Fiction K-2 200 1.7 2 1766 Fiction K-2 680 3.2 AD 1 629 Fiction K-2 Q22686 Olivia 270 1.9 AD 1 320 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q14194 Q28535 Q29030 Title Old Woman And Her Pig, The Old Woman And The Wave, The Old Woman Who Loved To Read, The Old Woman Who Named Things, The Author Name Kimmel, Eric A. Jackson, Shelley Falconer, Ian AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Olivia And The Fairy Q57582 Princesses Falconer, Ian 630 2.5 AD 1 453 Fiction K-2 Q38814 Olivia Forms A Band Falconer, Ian 480 2.5 1 451 Fiction K-2 Q51323 Olivia Goes To Venice Falconer, Ian 520 2.1 AD 1 646 Fiction K-2 Q45921 Olivia Helps With Christmas Falconer, Ian 410 1.4 AD 1 481 Fiction K-2 Q26600 Olivia Saves The Circus 70 2.1 AD 1 310 Fiction K-2 760 3.6 NC 4 4171 Fiction K-2 Falconer, Ian Dunrea, Olivier Krosoczka, Jarrett J. 210 1.9 AD 1 369 Fiction K-2 30 1.8 1 138 Fiction K-2 690 3.3 2 1041 Fiction K-2 620 330 2.7 2.8 2 2 768 816 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 540 2.8 2 667 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.7 2 1077 Fiction K-2 450 2.8 AD 2 915 Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 20 Non-Fiction K-2 1 348 Non-Fiction K-2 Q08609 On Granddaddy's Farm Arnold, Tedd Lin, Grace Hennessy, B. G. Schwartz, Amy Bourgeois, Paulette Novek, Minda Pluckrose, Henry Chaconas, Dori Seuss, Dr. Bunting, Eve Sweet, Melissa Brown, Margaret Wise Allen, Thomas Q30967 On Mardi Gras Day Shaik, Fatima Q08610 On Market Street Q42326 On Meadowview Street Lobel, Arnold Cole, Henry Quiz # Title Q50228 Olivia The Orchid Fairy Olivia... And The Missing Q34234 Toy Q34456 Ollie Q56559 Ollie Q08600 Ollie Forgot Q33586 Olvina Flies Q26694 Olympics! Q08602 Oma And Bobo Q34253 Oma's Quilt Q35040 On A Boat Q19348 On A Building Site Q23402 On A Wintry Morning Q16411 On Beyond Zebra! Q16557 On Call Back Mountain On Christmas Day In The Q20209 Morning Q08605 On Christmas Eve Falconer, Ian Meadows, Daisy AD 630 3.6 500 1.6 3.3 4.2 NP NP AD 1 2 2 319 1539 1339 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 2.5 NP 1 246 Fiction K-2 570 3.5 AD 2 612 Fiction K-2 1060 3.7 2 1104 Fiction K-2 670 3.2 AD 1 467 Fiction K-2 NP 500 1.7 2.7 1 1 79 449 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q16439 On Mother's Lap On My Beach There Are Q08611 Many Pebbles Q38496 On My Way To Buy Eggs Q37965 On Noah's Ark Q29200 On Our Way On The Day You Were Q22240 Born Q19349 On The Farm On the Farm (My First Q38022 Reader) Q48976 On The Ghost Trail Q08623 On The Go Q27548 On The Go! (Anthology) Q35397 On The Job Q38951 On The Job (Scott) On The Job With Dr. Q30604 Martha Smith (Anthology) Q29014 On The Lake On The Mayflower: Voyage Of The Ship's Apprentice And A Q08625 Passenger Girl Q08627 Q31265 Q38966 Q19347 Q38784 Q22910 Q44945 Author Name Scott, Ann Herbert Lionni, Leo Chen, ChihYuan Brett, Jan Maxwell, Laura Frasier, Debra Pluckrose, Henry Hall, Kirsten Powling, Chris Morris, Ann Article, Cherrington, Janelle Scott, Janine Daniel, Claire Onish, Liane Waters, Kate Heiligman, On The Move Deborah Pluckrose, On The Move (Anthology) Henry Davidson, On The Move (Davidson) Avelyn On The Move (Machines At Pluckrose, Work) Henry On The Road (Down Girl And Sit) Nolan, Lucy On The Same Day In March: A Tour Of The Singer, World's Weather Marilyn On The Scale, A Weighty Cleary, Brian Tale P. Lexile Levels Reading Level 520 2.7 1.3 Lexile Code NP Points Words Type Interest Level 1 207 Fiction K-2 1 135 Fiction K-2 430 420 1.6 2.1 1 1 292 238 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 270 1.9 1 232 Fiction K-2 1080 5.1 2 406 Fiction K-2 410 3.9 1 345 Non-Fiction K-2 20 1.3 1 68 Fiction K-2 480 480 420 2.6 2.8 2.2 AD 2 1 1 2183 172 243 Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 1.5 BR 1 126 Non-Fiction K-2 1 497 Non-Fiction K-2 1 1 456 588 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 AD 430 2.1 0 1.8 2.2 740 3.3 2 1811 Fiction K-2 250 1.5 1 572 Non-Fiction K-2 320 1.5 1 69 Non-Fiction K-2 530 2.8 1 343 Non-Fiction K-2 400 3.7 1 267 Non-Fiction K-2 380 2.9 3 4159 Fiction K-2 540 2.9 1 552 Non-Fiction K-2 780 3.8 1 303 Non-Fiction K-2 NP BR AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title On The Way To The Pond Q30599 (Anthology) Q29975 On The Wild Frontier Q17959 On The Wing Q25482 On With The Show! Q08634 Once A Mouse... Q46674 Once I Ate A Pie Author Name Medearis, Angela Shelf Verowitz, Betty Florian, Douglas Venn, Cecilia Brown, Marcia MacLachlan, Patricia Leopold, Niki Clark Q20061 Once I Was... Once In A Wood: Ten Tales Q08637 From Aesop Rice, Eve Romanova, Q13847 Once There Was A Tree Natalia Halperin, Wendy Q27950 Once Upon A Company Anderson Once Upon A Cool O'Malley, Q39309 Motorcycle Dude Kevin Once Upon A Dime: A Math Allen, Nancy Q24887 Adventure Kelly Blevins, Q08640 Once Upon A Hill Wiley Marzollo, Q08641 Once Upon A Springtime Jean Once Upon A Time In Chicago: The Story Of Winter, Q25152 Benny Goodman Jonah Q08643 One Afternoon Heo, Yumi One And Only Stuey Lewis, Schoenberg, Q54850 The Jane One Bad Thing About Q08644 Father, The Monjo, F.N. Rockwell, Q26725 One Bean Anne Q45780 One Brown Bunny Q32434 One Candle Bauer, Marion Dane Bunting, Eve Q08648 One Dark And Scary Night Cosby, Bill Lexile Levels Reading Level 160 360 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.8 1 241 Fiction K-2 2.3 1 337 Non-Fiction K-2 2 686 Fiction K-2 2 1441 Fiction K-2 3.5 Lexile Code NP 120 2.2 530 3.4 AD 1 325 Fiction K-2 230 1.1 AD 1 755 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 170 Fiction K-2 400 2.9 2 2077 Fiction K-2 650 4.4 1 556 Fiction K-2 580 3.3 2 2411 Non-Fiction K-2 550 2.9 1 631 Fiction K-2 560 2.8 2 1702 Fiction K-2 440 2.3 2 2053 Fiction K-2 380 2.2 1 427 Fiction K-2 490 110 2.9 1.7 2 1 855 154 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 410 2.4 5 11216 Fiction K-2 520 2.8 2 2012 Fiction K-2 510 2.2 1 361 Fiction K-2 340 420 1.2 2.8 1 2 258 1029 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 490 2.4 2 1326 Fiction K-2 AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title One Day At Wood Green Q29743 Animal Shelter Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Points Words Type Interest Level 320 2.6 2 1169 Fiction K-2 960 210 3.9 1.5 2 1 1440 394 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 208 Fiction K-2 AD 2 688 Fiction K-2 AD 1 941 Fiction K-2 2 1309 Fiction K-2 BR 1 34 Fiction K-2 BR 1 27 Fiction K-2 1.5 2.2 1 2 833 829 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 470 2.5 2 1468 Non-Fiction K-2 670 3.1 AD 2 1195 Non-Fiction K-2 1.9 NA 1 101 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 186 Fiction K-2 400 1.3 1 91 Fiction K-2 630 3.5 2 836 Fiction K-2 200 2.4 1 65 Fiction K-2 430 2.4 1 286 Fiction K-2 50 1.9 1 251 Fiction K-2 650 4.5 AD 1 483 Fiction K-2 440 2.5 AD 2 1129 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.5 3 6842 Fiction K-2 580 2.2 2 1634 Fiction K-2 Casey, Patricia Hutchins, Hazel Root, Phyllis Pomerantz, Charlotte Hogrogian, Nonny 160 2.1 1080 3.4 Miller, Bobbi 700 3.3 Seuss, Dr. Blaxland, Wendy Blaxland, Wendy McMullan, Kate Alistir, K. A. Burleigh, Robert 180 1.1 0 1.3 0 1.2 210 250 Q46213 One Giant Leap One Giant Leap: The Story Q19077 Of Neil Armstrong Brown, Don Bowdish, Q23117 One Glad Man Lynea Q27527 One Good Pup (Anthology) Asch, Frank Morozumi, Q13235 One Gorilla Atsuko Teague, Q17391 One Halloween Night Mark Simon, Q14542 One Happy Classroom Charnan One Hundred Days (Plus McNamara, Q43556 One) (Robin Hill School) Margaret O'Brien, Q29175 One Hundred Days Old Anne Sibley Pinczes, Q08665 One Hundred Hungry Ants Elinor J. One Hundred Ways To Get Pallotta, Q33263 To 100 Jerry One Hundredth Day Of Q46494 School, The Klein, Abby Rocklin, Q08666 One Hungry Cat Joanne Q17775 One Duck Q08656 One Duck Stuck Q15717 One Duck, Another Duck Q08658 One Fine Day Q46380 One Fine Trade One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Q08659 Blue Fish One For You And One For Q13018 Me Q28942 One Frog, One Fly Q45912 One Funny Day Q33150 One Funny Field Day! Lexile Code AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q08667 One Hungry Monster One In The Middle Is The Q08668 Green Kangaroo, The Author Name O'Keefe, Susan Points Words Type Interest Level 2.5 NP 1 461 Fiction K-2 2 1505 Fiction K-2 2.1 Cox, Judy Cook, Julie Kidd Ziefert, Harriet Mannis, Celeste Davidson Raffi, 680 3.2 AD 1 794 Fiction K-2 1.3 BR 1 81 Fiction K-2 1.5 BR 1 181 Fiction K-2 2.5 2.4 NP AD 1 1 140 61 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 190 2.1 AD 1 193 Fiction K-2 50 2.1 AD 1 147 Fiction K-2 140 1.9 AD 1 119 Fiction K-2 260 2.3 AD 1 532 Fiction K-2 620 3.5 AD 1 523 Fiction K-2 680 1.9 AD 1 167 Fiction K-2 Shulevitz, Uri Beaton, Clare 2.8 NP 1 280 Fiction K-2 1.3 NP 1 122 Fiction K-2 Walton, Rick Church, Caroline One More Hug For Madison Jayne One More Sheep Kelly, Mij McCloskey, One Morning In Maine Robert Carter, One Night Jackie 1.5 NP 1 189 Fiction K-2 610 2.4 2.3 AD NP 1 1 297 627 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 830 3.8 AD 2 2731 Fiction K-2 1.8 NP 1 92 Fiction K-2 2.4 NP 1 151 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1 1143 260 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q33139 One Kiss For Grandpa Q37727 One Leaf Rides The Wind Q17672 One Light, One Sun Q22099 One Lighthouse, One Moon Lobel, Anita One Little, Two Little, Three Hennessy, Q22999 Little Pilgrims B.G. Freymann, Q21406 One Lonely Sea Horse Saxton Lyon, Q25144 One Lucky Girl George Ella Lyons, Kelly Q43326 One Million Men And Me Starling Huntington, Q25920 One Monday Amy Q08671 One Monday Morning Q18133 One Moose, Twenty Mice One More Bunny: Adding Q36748 From One to Ten Q08676 Lexile Code 310 Q36672 One Is Enough Q08674 Reading Level Blume, Judy One Is A Feast For Mouse: Q47733 A Thanksgiving Tale Q48817 Q41886 Lexile Levels Q37967 One Nighttime Sea Q38497 One Nosy Pup Q40051 One Odd Day Rose, Deborah Lee Wallace, Carol Fisher, Doris 0 280 560 1.5 2.2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 850 4.5 AD 1 403 Fiction K-2 460 4.3 1 306 Fiction K-2 350 1.2 AD 1 464 Fiction K-2 810 4.7 AD 2 1528 Fiction K-2 340 3.4 AD 2 923 Fiction K-2 Q41212 One Saturday Evening Moss, Peggy DeFelice, Cynthia Thompson, Lauren Baker, Barbara 210 1.2 2 1074 Fiction K-2 Q21697 One Seal Stadler, John 0 2.1 BR 1 99 Fiction K-2 Q08682 One Small Blue Bead Baylor, Byrd Brenner, Barbara Nez, John Manivong, Laura Church, Caroline Jayne Scherer, Jeffrey Schreiber, Anne Wadsworth, Ginger Davies, Nicola Sendak, Maurice 4.9 NP 2 1993 Fiction K-2 610 430 2.4 2.4 AD 1 1 754 954 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 160 1.2 1 132 Fiction K-2 500 2.2 1 408 Fiction K-2 260 1.5 1 117 Fiction K-2 150 2.1 2 1234 Fiction K-2 790 3.6 2 1398 Non-Fiction K-2 650 2.6 AD 2 831 Non-Fiction K-2 2.3 NP 1 193 Fiction K-2 AD NP 1 1 1 1 235 156 217 95 Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 1 358 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q57039 One Of A Kind Q08679 One Of Three Q50877 One Of Us Q43172 One Potato, Two Potato Q23900 One Riddle, One Answer Q36266 One Small Place in a Tree Q44110 One Smart Cookie Q39214 One Smart Fish Q37961 One Smart Goose Q08683 One Snowy Day Q33393 One Stormy Night Q24871 One Tiger Growls Q29741 One Tiny Turtle Q08686 One Was Johnny Author Name Winter, Ariel S. Johnson, Angela Lottridge, Celia Barker Root, Phyllis Cohn, Scotti Trinca, Rod Modell, Q17802 One Zillion Valentines Frank One, Two, Skip A Few! First Arenson, Q36746 Number Rhymes Roberta One, Two, Three - What Menschell, Q29954 Can You See? Mindy Q26166 Q31234 Q46399 Q17674 One Watermelon Seed One Windy Wednesday One Wolf Howls One Woolly Wombat 240 120 790 1.9 1.4 4.2 3.1 390 2.9 0 AD 1.5 NP 1 885 Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 40 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level One, Two, Three, Count Q08689 With Me 120 1.2 AD 1 340 Fiction K-2 Q34929 Q08691 190 960 1.8 3.8 1 1 335 528 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 950 6.4 AD 1 335 Fiction K-2 1.7 BR 1 185 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1222 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q47900 Q36740 Q33912 Title Author Name Anholt, Catherine Casanova, One-Dog Canoe Mary One-Eyed Jake Hutchins, Pat McGhee, Only A Witch Can Fly Alison Harshman, Only One Marc Only One Cowry: A Gershator, Dahomean Tale Phillis Herriot, Only One Woof James Only the Stars Boyd, Dee O'Connor, Ooh La La! It's Beauty Day Jane McNaughton, Oomph! Colin Sydor, Ooo-cha! Colleen McNaughton, Oops! Colin 680 3.8 800 380 3.5 1.9 AD 2 1 1547 341 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 650 2.7 AD 2 1494 Fiction K-2 30 2.4 AD 1 509 Fiction K-2 870 5.6 AD 2 1187 Fiction K-2 520 1.5 1 573 Fiction K-2 Q35773 Oops!: All About Opposites Hall, Kirsten Bridwell, Q08700 Oops, Clifford! Norman Open Wide: Tooth School Q24811 Inside Keller, Laurie Lumry, Q40837 Operation Orangutan Amanda Opossum And The Great Firemaker: A Mexican Q22068 Legend Mike, Jan M. 170 1.5 1 320 Fiction K-2 430 2.3 1 380 Fiction K-2 360 4.1 2 1943 Non-Fiction K-2 840 4.8 2 1986 Fiction K-2 340 3.8 2 1514 Fiction K-2 Q53303 Opossums Q36693 Oprah Winfrey (Mara) 550 260 2.2 2.2 1 1 141 383 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 530 3.1 1 460 Non-Fiction K-2 1 123 Non-Fiction K-2 4 7143 Fiction K-2 2 2307 Fiction K-2 Q16428 Q37290 Q50892 Q24655 Q17783 Q08699 Green, Emily Mara, Wil Sterling, Q51525 Orange Everywhere Kristin Winne, Q22540 Orange In My World Joanne Crowne, Q11292 Orange Princess Has A Ball Alyssa Q45966 Orange Shoes, The Noble, Trinka Hakes 1.4 450 2.5 1010 7.6 NP AD NA NC SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Orange You Glad It's Q56984 Halloween, Amber Brown? Danziger, Paula 440 2.5 3 1488 Fiction K-2 Q34621 Oranges Snyder, Inez 380 1.9 1 99 Non-Fiction K-2 Q33188 Oranges To Orange Juice Snyder, Inez Eckart, Edana 210 1.6 1 120 Non-Fiction K-2 420 2 1 100 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1720 Fiction K-2 2 794 Fiction K-2 1 2 191 762 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q34567 Orangutan Orangutan Tongs: Poems To Q46416 Tangle Your Tongue Agee, Jon Armour, Q08711 Orca Song Michael C. Wendorff, Q44678 Orcas (Blastoff! Readers) Anne Q32017 Ordinary Audrey Harris, Peter Oregon (Rookie ReadAbout Geography Labella, Q39854 Children's Press) Susan 2.2 NP 680 4.9 530 580 1.8 2.8 630 3.4 1 349 Non-Fiction K-2 630 3.4 1 491 Fiction K-2 640 5.5 AD 2 1563 Fiction K-2 560 5.5 AD 2 1508 Fiction K-2 430 3.2 AD 2 1404 Fiction K-2 380 2.7 1 495 Fiction K-2 Carle, Eric Grifalconi, Ann 600 3.3 1 220 Fiction K-2 Q16426 Oscar, Cat-About-Town Krause, Ute Benchley, Nathaniel Waters, Fiona Herriot, James Q08736 Osito Minarik, Else Holmelund Q45154 Origami Master, The Origin Of Life On Earth, Q08720 The Q08727 Orphan Boy, The Q25921 Orphan Singer, The Q30055 Orphan Train Home Q08731 oruga muy hambrienta, La Q08734 Osa's Pride Oscar And The Very Q51294 Hungry Dragon Q08735 Oscar Otter Oscar Wilde's The Selfish Q21827 Giant Lachenmeyer , Nathaniel Anderson, David A. Mollel, Tololwa M. McCully, Emily Arnold Manners, Jane AD 3.3 NA 2 1000 Fiction K-2 690 3.3 AD 2 1126 Fiction K-2 180 2.4 1 552 Fiction K-2 810 5.1 AD 2 2007 Fiction K-2 590 5.2 AD 2 1582 Non-Fiction K-2 360 1.8 2 1468 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name de Beer, Q08737 osito polar, El Hans osos Berenstain No se Berenstain, Q08739 permiten niñas, Los Stan osos Berenstain y el cuarto Berenstain, Q08740 desordenado, Los Stan Lexile Levels Reading Level 500 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 2 1058 Fiction K-2 610 3.6 2 1058 Fiction K-2 610 3.7 AD 2 954 Fiction K-2 1.5 BR 1 78 Fiction K-2 Q35800 Osos, osos por todas partes Milios, Rita Ostrich: The World's Q40557 Biggest Bird (SuperSized!) Lexile Code Lunis, Natalie L'Engle, Madeleine 630 3.5 IG 1 478 Non-Fiction K-2 540 3.1 AD 2 923 Fiction K-2 Q28130 Other Emily, The Davis, Gibbs Other Side Of The Bridge, Hanel, Q20069 The Wolfram Woodson, Q23978 Other Side, The Jacqueline 280 2.1 2 1428 Fiction K-2 320 3.5 2 1510 Fiction K-2 300 2.6 AD 2 630 Fiction K-2 Q25380 Other Way To Listen, The Baylor, Byrd 410 3.2 AD 2 1044 Fiction K-2 Q31763 Otis Q49208 Otis Q54806 Otis And The Tornado Otter On His Own: The Q23145 Story Of A Sea Otter Bynum, Janie Long, Loren Long, Loren 470 840 760 2.5 4.5 3.6 AD AD AD 1 1 1 417 940 932 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 Boyle, Doe Wells, Rosemary Herman, Gail Lynch, Jay LaReau, Kara Ungerer, Tomi Babbitt, Natalie Scamell, Ragnhild Aylesworth, Jim Glaser, Linda Cairo, Shelley 800 3.9 AD 2 817 Fiction K-2 570 3.3 1 666 Fiction K-2 230 1.2 1.6 NP GN 1 1 227 942 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 660 2.8 AD 1 866 Fiction K-2 700 4.3 2 1308 Fiction K-2 510 4.8 AD 2 1549 Fiction K-2 620 3.3 AD 1 703 Fiction K-2 1.6 NP 1 241 Fiction K-2 2.7 NP 1 473 Fiction K-2 3.2 AD 2 604 Non-Fiction K-2 Q24508 Other Dog, The Q43761 Otto Runs For President Q08767 Otto The Cat Q44473 Otto's Orange Day Otto, The Boy Who Loved Q54900 Cars Otto: The Autobiography Q53031 Of A Teddy Bear Q20054 Ouch! Q41242 Ouch! / Apple Trouble! Q45754 Our Abe Lincoln Our Big Home: An Earth Q33651 Poem Our Brother Has Down's Q17689 Syndrome 860 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Our Classroom Zoo Book Q31158 (Anthology) Dunlap, Linda Schwartz, Q46905 Our Corner Grocery Store Joanne Hutchings, Q24853 Our Day At The Seashore Amy Rockwell, Q28102 Our Earth Anne Lexile Levels Reading Level 350 1.7 810 4.3 530 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 181 Fiction K-2 2 1047 Fiction K-2 2.7 2 975 Fiction K-2 580 2.1 1 314 Non-Fiction K-2 AD Q44698 Our Earth: Clean Energy Hock, Peggy 580 3.3 1 370 Non-Fiction K-2 Q44696 Our Earth: Helping Out Hock, Peggy 650 3.7 1 426 Non-Fiction K-2 Q44697 Our Earth: Keeping It Clean Hock, Peggy Our Earth: Making Less Q44699 Trash Hock, Peggy 510 2.8 1 417 Non-Fiction K-2 590 3.3 1 405 Non-Fiction K-2 Q44700 Our Earth: Saving Energy Hock, Peggy 600 3.4 1 405 Non-Fiction K-2 Q44701 Our Earth: Saving Water Our Family Get-Together Q29630 (Anthology) Hock, Peggy Tafolla, Carmen Rothman, Cynthia Mayer, Mercer 590 3.3 1 422 Non-Fiction K-2 170 1.6 1 334 Non-Fiction K-2 50 2.3 1 362 Non-Fiction K-2 220 2.1 1 208 Fiction K-2 Moss, Peggy Woodson, Jacqueline 540 2.7 1 804 Fiction K-2 370 2.8 2 1832 Fiction K-2 720 390 3.7 2.3 2 1 1275 696 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 3.1 1.2 1 1 430 28 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 510 2.2 1 216 Fiction K-2 1080 4.8 2 905 Fiction K-2 40 1.3 1 253 Non-Fiction K-2 620 3.5 2 840 Fiction K-2 1 188 Fiction K-2 Q29019 Our Flag Q33291 Our Friend Sam Q41780 Our Friendship Rules Q33619 Our Gracie Aunt Our Librarian Won't Tell Us Q40815 Anything! Buzzeo, Toni Q44892 Our Library Bunting, Eve Q23086 Our Living Forests Q27190 Our Mobile Q24883 Our New Puppy Q13810 Our Old House Q29123 Our Place Q08775 Our Puppies Are Growing Q23110 Our Raspberry Jam Fowler, Allan Stuart, Matt Harper, Isabelle Vizurraga, Susan Phillips, Anne Otto, Carolyn Marx, David F. 1.9 NA BR NC NA SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q23993 Our Silly Garden Our Soccer League Q27517 (Anthology) Q32606 Our Stars Q08778 Our Tea Party Our Teacher's Having A Q16672 Baby Q21611 Our Thanksgiving Q55441 Our Thanksgiving Banquet Q36278 Our Tree Named Steve Q17010 Out And About Q13553 Out Of The Ocean Q35386 Out On The Tundra Q46874 Outback Odyssey Q19061 Outlaw Thanksgiving, An Q08804 Outside Dog, The Q08805 Outside Inside Q08810 Outside, Inside Q23159 Ovals Q08812 Over And Over Over In The Forest: Come Q56955 And Take A Peek Over In The Meadow Q24413 (Cabrera) Over In The Meadow Q08815 (Galdone) Over In The Meadow Q08814 (Keats) Author Name Nagel, Karen Berman Solomon, Chuck Rockwell, Anne Hall, Kirsten Bunting, Eve Weinberger, Kimberly O'Connor, Jane Zweibel, Alan Hughes, Shirley Frasier, Debra Donkersloot, Sara Feriante Lumry, Amanda McCully, Emily Arnold Pomerantz, Charlotte Adoff, Arnold Crimi, Carolyn Burke, Jennifer S. Zolotow, Charlotte Berkes, Marianne Cabrera, Jane Galdone, Paul Keats, Ezra Jack Lexile Levels Reading Level 90 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.6 1 155 Fiction K-2 170 2.1 1 388 Non-Fiction K-2 460 30 2.7 1.3 1 1 439 50 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 410 3.9 2 1023 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 70 Fiction K-2 510 1.8 AD 1 660 Fiction K-2 890 5.6 AD 1 457 Fiction K-2 3.1 NP 2 670 Fiction K-2 1 458 Fiction K-2 690 Lexile Code AD 3.5 3.6 NP 1 373 Fiction K-2 790 4.2 AD 2 2150 Fiction K-2 450 5.5 AD 2 1799 Fiction K-2 410 2.5 2 1583 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 718 Fiction K-2 3.9 AD 1 207 Fiction K-2 1.6 NA 1 147 Non-Fiction K-2 570 3.5 AD 2 1055 Fiction K-2 620 2.5 AD 1 468 Fiction K-2 390 1.8 AD 1 393 Fiction K-2 1.7 NP 1 391 Fiction K-2 1 391 Fiction K-2 680 380 4.5 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.3 NP 1 396 Fiction K-2 1.7 NP 1 725 Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 1 421 Fiction K-2 2.1 NP 1 390 Fiction K-2 3.4 2.7 NP 1 1 387 423 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.7 NP 1 104 Fiction K-2 2.2 NP 1 317 Fiction K-2 3.8 1.5 NP 210 1 1 343 154 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 370 2.5 1 436 Fiction K-2 260 1.6 1 577 Fiction K-2 730 2.8 2 1122 Non-Fiction K-2 Lobel, Arnold Lear, Edward Lear, Edward Lear, Q16064 Owl And The Pussycat, The Edward 310 1.6 1 380 Fiction K-2 Q08830 Owl At Home Quiz # Title Over In The Meadow Q08816 (Langstaff) Over In The Meadow Q34864 (Wadsworth) Over In The Ocean: In A Q37949 Coral Reef Q32704 Over In The Rain Forest Q08817 Over On The Farm Q25224 Over The Moon (Vail) Over The River And Q08822 Through The Woods Over The River And Q08823 Through The Woods Q20057 Over The Steamy Swamp Q56583 Oviraptor Q08827 Owen Q08828 Owen (Español) Q20870 Owl (Living Things) Owl And The Moon Q27543 (Anthology) Owl And The Pussy-Cat Q17571 (Galdone), The Owl And The Pussy-Cat, Q08829 The Author Name Langstaff, John M. Wadsworth, Olive A. Berkes, Marianne Roop, Peter & Connie Gunson, Christopher Vail, Rachel Gurney, John Steven Child, Lydia Maria Geraghty, Paul Mara, Wil Henkes, Kevin Henkes, Kevin Stefoff, Rebecca Lexile Levels 600 2.5 NP 1 216 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 225 Fiction K-2 230 2.5 AD 1 221 Fiction K-2 370 2.5 2 1491 Fiction K-2 Q08831 Owl Babies Q08832 Owl Moon Lobel, Arnold Waddell, Martin Yolen, Jane 500 630 1.7 2.9 1 2 326 747 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q55164 Owls Owls and Other Animals Q37978 With Amazing Eyes Schuetz, Kari Labella, Susan 440 2.5 1 126 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.1 1 243 Non-Fiction K-2 Q28100 Owly Thaler, Mike 130 1.9 1 515 Fiction K-2 Q34870 Oye, Hormiguita Hoose, Phillip and Hannah 2 324 Fiction K-2 2.3 AD NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q08839 Q47754 Q20338 Q53660 Q08843 Title Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 1.6 1 318 Fiction K-2 430 2.4 1 313 Fiction K-2 390 3.4 2 2205 Fiction K-2 970 410 5.6 2.1 1 2 644 975 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Thaler, Mike McCloskey, Susan Hopkinson, Deborah Bond, Michael Bond, Michael Bond, Michael Spinner, Stephanie Johnston, Tony Meadows, Daisy 250 1.8 2 912 Fiction K-2 470 1.9 1 459 Fiction K-2 590 2.4 2 1575 Fiction K-2 420 2.2 AD 2 1357 Fiction K-2 480 2.6 AD 2 1151 Fiction K-2 640 4.8 AD 2 1332 Fiction K-2 300 1.8 1 904 Fiction K-2 470 3.9 2 860 Fiction K-2 690 2.4 5 8947 Fiction K-2 Blume, Judy Carr, Roger Williams, Karen Lynn Blake, Robert J. Dunrea, Olivier Catalanotto, Peter 680 320 2.5 1.9 2 1 901 308 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 560 3.8 2 1422 Fiction K-2 880 4.7 2 1278 Fiction K-2 380 2.9 2 1128 Fiction K-2 30 1.7 AD 1 275 Fiction K-2 Rex, Michael MacLachlan, Patricia 210 1.9 AD 1 273 Fiction K-2 490 2.5 3 1230 Fiction K-2 Lawston, Lisa Murphy, Stuart J. 960 3.5 AD 2 638 Fiction K-2 440 1.5 AD 1 122 Fiction K-2 Sadler, P.J. Funnybunny Camps Out Marilyn P.J. Funnybunny's Bag Of Sadler, Tricks Marilyn Edwards, Pa Lia's First Day Michelle Pablo Neruda: Poet Of The Brown, People Monica Pablo's Tree Mora, Pat Q08845 Pack 109 Q30059 Pack Your Pajamas Q39624 Packet Of Seeds, A Q20804 Paddington Bear Paddington Bear And The Q20803 Busy Bee Carnival Paddington Bear And The Q08847 Christmas Surprise Q50066 Paddywack Q08852 Pages Of Music Paige The Christmas Play Q51396 Fairy Pain And The Great One, Q08854 The Q21036 Paint My Room! Q30897 Painted Dreams Q52189 Painter And Ugly Painter Who Loved Q26692 Chickens, The Q32931 Painter, The Q27904 Painting Gorilla, The Q34887 Painting The Wind Q26102 Pair Of Red Sneakers, A Q08856 Pair Of Socks, A Lexile Levels Reading Level 270 Lexile Code AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level 420 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.7 2 1120 Fiction K-2 810 5.3 2 1466 Non-Fiction K-2 1 349 Fiction K-2 1 268 Fiction K-2 Q53314 Pakistan Poploff, Michelle Simmons, Walter Q37918 Pal And Sal's New Friend Herman, R.A. 150 1.4 Q39526 Pal For Pugwug, A JenkinPearce, Susie 480 2.5 Q37919 Pal Goes To The Fair Herman, R.A. 200 1.4 1 306 Fiction K-2 Q37911 Pal Saves The Day Herman, R.A. 300 1.6 1 266 Fiction K-2 Herman, R.A. Adedjouma, Palm Of My Heart, The Davida Freeman, Palm Trees Marcia S. Pan y mermelada para Hoban, Francisca Russell dePaola, Pancakes For Breakfast Tomie Pancakes For Supper Isaacs, Anne Pancakes, Crackers, And Eberts, Pizza Marjorie Pancakes, Pancakes Carle, Eric Baek, Panda & Polar Bear Matthew J. Panda Bear, Panda Bear, Martin Jr., What Do You See? Bill Ryder, Panda Kindergarten Joanne Hatkoff, Panda Patrol Craig Ernesto, Panda Picture Louisa Mason, Pandas Kimberlee Pandas (National Schreiber, Geographic Kids) Anne Perry, Phyllis Pandas' Earthquake Escape J. Panther: Shadow Of The London, Swamp Jonathan Dorros, Papa And Me Arthur 270 1.5 1 224 Fiction K-2 1 383 Fiction K-2 1 123 Non-Fiction K-2 Q27802 Pajama Party! Q08862 Pal The Pony Q08865 Q08866 Q08869 Q21921 Q39900 Q18092 Q08870 Q46640 Q33966 Q49837 Q58042 Q29125 Q29128 Q49578 Q49439 Q24953 Q46669 2.8 AD NP 490 2.1 470 2.7 AD 2 1490 Fiction K-2 960 1.1 6.4 NP AD 1 2 10 1225 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 190 670 1.9 2.5 AD AD 1 2 63 713 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 400 2.3 1 569 Fiction K-2 1.8 NP 1 213 Fiction K-2 1000 7.5 AD 1 491 Non-Fiction K-2 710 2.8 1 854 Non-Fiction K-2 90 1.3 1 161 Fiction K-2 60 1.3 1 66 Non-Fiction K-2 810 4.3 NC 1 923 Non-Fiction K-2 580 2.3 AD 1 830 Fiction K-2 340 3.1 AD 1 342 Non-Fiction K-2 250 1.1 AD 1 366 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 510 2.7 AD 1 1120 Fiction K-2 450 3.2 2 895 Fiction K-2 820 820 4.2 4.3 AD AD 2 1 2285 533 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.5 NP 1 79 Non-Fiction K-2 520 2.2 AD 1 294 Fiction K-2 680 3.7 AD 1 403 Fiction K-2 780 5.1 AD 2 1145 Fiction K-2 740 3.5 1 554 Fiction K-2 360 790 1.9 3.5 1 1 67 450 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 41 Fiction K-2 720 3.9 AD 2 1163 Fiction K-2 660 2.5 AD 2 1833 Fiction K-2 600 2.5 AD 2 1217 Fiction K-2 Kleven, Elisa 280 2.5 AD 2 1275 Fiction K-2 Q29176 Paper Shoes, The 180 1.9 1 340 Fiction K-2 Q08883 Q08884 Gabriel, Nat Gibbons, Paper, Paper Everywhere Gail Paperboy, The Pilkey, Dav Wallace, Nancy Paperwhite Elizabeth Crews, Parade Donald Parade Day: Hunchback Of Cristaldi, Notre Dame Kathryn Sadler, Parakeet Girl, The Marilyn SaundersParents Smith, Gail 800 530 2.9 3.5 AD AD 1 1 268 374 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 320 1.7 AD 1 252 Fiction K-2 290 3.1 AD 1 94 Fiction K-2 350 3.5 2 1072 Fiction K-2 380 2.5 2 968 Fiction K-2 400 1.3 1 61 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Van Leeuwen, Q41333 Papa And The Pioneer Quilt Jean Munsch, Q08875 papá de David, El Robert Sanderson, Q08876 Papa Gatto Ruth Q17666 Papa Lucky's Shadow Daly, Niki Marzollo, Q37947 Papa Papa Jean McMullan, Q27320 Papa's Song Kate Joosse, Q38501 Papa, Do You Love Me? Barbara Papagayo The Mischief McDermott, Q14193 Maker Gerald Munsch, Q08880 Paper Bag Princess, The Robert Schreiber, Q08881 Paper Bag Trail Anne Q08882 Paper Crane, The Bang, Molly Temple, Q29127 Paper Fun Annie Czernecki, Q24103 Paper Lanterns Stefan Paper Princess Finds Her Q37705 Way, The Kleven, Elisa Paper Princess Flies Again, Q37493 The Kleven, Elisa Q27934 Paper Princess, The Q23374 Q08886 Q08887 Q08888 Q18312 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Parents In The Pigpen, Pigs Q08892 In The Tub Ehrlich, Amy Campoy, F. Q29951 Parents' Night Isabel Takeshita, Q15523 Park Bench, The Fumiko Park For Parkdale, A Moynahan, Q31152 (Anthology) Patty Parker Penguin And The Q15200 Winter Games Chardiet, Jon Parker Penguin, Big Brother Q16582 Blues Chardiet, Jon Hill, Lee Q31067 Parks Are To Share Sullivan Schaefer, Q18325 Parrotfish Lola M. Rustad, Q42557 Parrotfish Martha E.H. Schulte, Q37983 Parrots and Other Birds Mary Maccarone, Q08899 partido de fútbol, Un Grace Q13091 Parts Q27188 Party, A Q19646 Party, The Q08903 Paseaba por un caminito Q08904 paseo de Rosie, El Q08906 Pass The Fritters, Critters Q20592 Passenger Trains Q53973 Passing The Music Down Passover (Rookie ReadQ32301 About Holidays) Q42315 Patch Q32746 Patches Lost And Found Q19573 Patchwork House, The Q08913 Patchwork Quilt, The Arnold, Tedd Miranda, Anne Reid, Barbara Barchas, Sarah E. Hutchins, Pat Chapman, Cheryl Lassieur, Allison Sullivan, Sarah Marx, David F. Earhart, Kristin Kroll, Steven Fitz-Gibbon, Sally Flournoy, Valerie Lexile Levels Reading Level 510 4.6 0 1.2 370 1.9 270 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 1266 Fiction K-2 BR 1 31 Fiction K-2 AD 1 608 Fiction K-2 1.6 1 225 Fiction K-2 370 2.4 2 1103 Fiction K-2 460 2.8 2 1014 Fiction K-2 650 2.9 2 616 Non-Fiction K-2 520 2.8 1 50 Non-Fiction K-2 540 3.2 1 197 Non-Fiction K-2 300 1.6 1 204 Non-Fiction K-2 AD 1.1 BR 1 59 Fiction K-2 3.5 NP 1 408 Fiction K-2 1.1 NP 1 14 Fiction K-2 180 2.1 AD 1 595 Fiction K-2 130 0 1.4 1 BR 1 1 267 37 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 10 1.5 1 82 Fiction K-2 640 1.5 IG 1 475 Non-Fiction K-2 800 4.3 AD 1 734 Fiction K-2 440 2.2 1 330 Non-Fiction K-2 430 2.4 1 712 Fiction K-2 2 937 Fiction K-2 2 1463 Fiction K-2 2 2125 Fiction K-2 2.8 670 4.2 520 3.5 NA AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q50555 Path Of The Pronghorn Path On The Map Q27525 (Anthology), The Q29880 Path, The Q20576 Patience Q26933 Patrick Makes A Shot Q08915 Patrick's Dinosaurs Patrick's Dinosaurs On The Q20389 Internet Q49817 Patrick's Wish Patrick: Patron Saint Of Q08916 Ireland Q20574 Patriotism Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Urbigkit, Cat Marzollo, Jean Shapiro, Debbie Raatma, Lucia Hogan, Samantha Carrick, Carol Carrick, Carol Mitchell, Karen dePaola, Tomie Raatma, Lucia 1100 10.5 AD 2 1769 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 93 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 56 Fiction K-2 500 1.5 IG 1 356 Non-Fiction K-2 330 1.8 1 394 Fiction K-2 540 3.3 2 693 Fiction K-2 310 3.5 AD 2 1122 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 AD 2 1764 Non-Fiction K-2 700 4.9 AD 2 1296 Non-Fiction K-2 480 1.5 IG 1 347 Non-Fiction K-2 280 430 3.1 2.1 2 1 903 253 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 480 1.5 2.1 1 1 286 238 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 550 Fiction K-2 1 878 Fiction K-2 Patrol: An American Soldier Myers, Q31833 In Vietnam Walter Dean Q38039 Patterns Everywhere Dalton, Julie deRubertis, Q36297 Patty Cat Barbara Q25511 Patty's Pumpkin Patch Sloat, Teri Kleinhenz, Sydnie Q30027 Paul Bunyan (Kleinhenz) Meltzer Paul Bunyan Vs. Hals Halson: The Giant Bateman, Q51702 Lumberjack Challenge! Teresa Kellogg, Q08923 Paul Bunyan: A Tall Tale Steven Paul Cezanne (Life And Connolly, Q22411 Work Of) Sean Paul Goes To The Ball Kimmel, Eric Q29683 (Anthology) A. Paul Klee (Life And Work Connolly, Q22412 Of) Sean Q36610 Paul Revere (Mara) Mara, Wil McKissack, Paul Robeson: A Voice To Patricia and Q29839 Remember Fredrick Q14561 Paul The Pitcher Sharp, Paul Q46657 Paula Bunyan Root, Phyllis NP 450 2.5 870 4.6 1030 3.8 2 1005 Fiction K-2 620 2.9 2 638 Non-Fiction K-2 280 2.2 1 415 Fiction K-2 470 350 2.6 1.8 2 1 686 368 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 520 310 1060 3.6 1.8 8.5 2 1 2 1891 86 1246 Non-Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Paulie Pastrami Achieves Q48244 World Peace Proimos, James Q23950 Paws And Claws Farber, Erica Hurd, Thacher Murphy, Jill Spinelli, Eileen Raatma, Lucia Hooks, William H. Q14216 Pea Patch Jig, The Q13846 Peace At Last Peace Week In Miss Fox's Q45810 Class Q18543 Peacefulness Q08934 Peach Boy Peaches, Screeches Q31200 (Anthology) Q42489 Peachick Grows Up, A Q26065 Peacock On The Roof, A Q46561 Peanut Peanut Butter And Q53820 Homework Sandwiches Myers, Anne Marsico, Katie Adshead, Paul Alsenas, Linas Cook, Lisa Broadie Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 390 1.3 AD 1 533 Fiction K-2 40 1.5 1 524 Fiction K-2 550 320 2.8 2.1 AD 2 1 912 302 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 480 1.6 AD 1 734 Fiction K-2 530 1.5 1 335 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.9 2 876 Fiction K-2 520 1.7 1 146 Fiction K-2 650 3.7 1 374 Non-Fiction K-2 350 2.9 AD 2 923 Fiction K-2 400 1.3 AD 1 185 Fiction K-2 740 3.5 AD 2 1010 Fiction K-2 140 1.3 2 200 Fiction K-2 1 156 Fiction K-2 Q44445 Pearl Vs. The Tooth Fairy Medearis, Angela Shelf Westcott, Nadine Bernard Siracusa, Catherine Andriani, Vincent Wallace, Karen McMullan, Kate McMullan, Kate Krensky, Stephen Wing, Natasha Q35986 Pearl's New Skates Keller, Holly 470 2.3 Q29129 Peas Please Hood, Susan 0 1.2 Q08936 Peanut Butter and Jam Q08937 Peanut Butter And Jelly Q17962 Peanut Butter Gang, The Q08939 Peanut Butter Rhino Q48585 Peanut Prankster, The Pearl And Wagner: Five Q58076 Days Till Summer Pearl And Wagner: Four Q51027 Eyes Q25922 Pearl Harbor 1.7 NP 390 2.6 2 1784 Fiction K-2 450 2.5 1 189 Fiction K-2 530 3.1 2 1466 Fiction K-2 420 1.4 1 978 Fiction K-2 290 1.7 1 870 Fiction K-2 820 3.9 2 2167 Non-Fiction K-2 300 2.1 4 4007 Fiction K-2 1 619 Fiction K-2 1 63 Fiction K-2 AD BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Title Author Name Q51741 Pecan Pie Baby Woodson, Jacqueline Quiz # Q23664 Peddler's Gift, The Q33341 Pedrito's Day Q34872 Pedro, El Valiente Q18602 Peeking Prairie Dogs Q29728 Peeping And Sleeping Q08952 Peeping Beauty Q23686 Pegasus, The Flying Horse Peggony-Po: A Whale Of Q39560 A Tale Q08954 peineta colorada, La Pelé, King Of Soccer / Q46779 Pelé, El Rey Del Fútbol Q28965 Pele, The King Of Soccer Q08956 Pelican Chorus, The Q48418 Pemba Sherpa Q08958 Pen Pals Q38040 Pen Pals Compare Q44891 Pencil, The Penelope's Amazing Imperfect-People-Eating Q08959 Machine Q20878 Q32547 Q21852 Q16211 Q17703 Schur, Maxine Rose Garay, Luis Broadley, Leo ZuchoraWalske, Christine Manushkin, Fran Auch, Mary Jane Yolen, Jane Pinkney, Andrea Davis Pico, Fernando Brown, Monica Canizares, Susan Lear, Edward Cossi, Olga Holub, Joan Sargent, Brian Ahlberg, Allan Copper, Alexandra Stefoff, Penguin (Living Things) Rebecca Tatham, Penguin Chick Betty Seibold, J. Penguin Dreams Otto Pfister, Penguin Pete Marcus Pfister, Penguin Pete And Little Tim Marcus Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 710 3.4 AD 1 865 Fiction K-2 680 550 4.2 3.2 AD 2 2 2297 1033 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 830 5 AD 1 379 Fiction K-2 480 3.3 1 373 Non-Fiction K-2 200 1.9 1 636 Fiction K-2 500 3.9 2 1007 Fiction K-2 530 4.9 AD 2 2848 Fiction K-2 680 3.3 AD 2 1647 Fiction K-2 730 5.3 2 2329 Fiction K-2 820 4.4 AD 1 578 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 36 Non-Fiction K-2 710 280 4.5 3.4 1.5 NP AD 2 2 2 1216 1949 1177 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 580 1.8 1 225 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.2 AD 1 869 Fiction K-2 730 3.5 AD 1 492 Fiction K-2 750 4.2 2 917 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.9 AD 2 1188 Non-Fiction K-2 210 1.7 AD 1 96 Fiction K-2 660 3.2 AD 2 647 Fiction K-2 610 3.9 AD 2 772 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q17704 Q23515 Q26552 Q45633 Q26128 Title Author Name Pfister, Penguin Pete And Pat Marcus Pfister, Penguin Pete's New Friends Marcus Penguin Pup For Pinkerton, Kellogg, A Steven Portis, Penguin Story, A Antoinette Penguin Who Wanted To Be Different: A Christmas O'Neill, Wish, The Maria Q39607 Penguin's Big Surprise Q58017 Penguin's Hidden Talent JenkinPearce, Susie Latimer, Alex Waters, Q44799 Penguins Kate Q50845 Penguins Pichon, Liz Wendorff, Q44679 Penguins (Blastoff! Readers) Anne Taylor, Q28841 Penguins (Face-To-Face) Barbara Jeunesse, Q08960 Penguins (First Discovery) Gallimard Robinson, Q22335 Penguins (In The Wild) Claire Q29017 Penguins (Reed) Reed, Janet Zoehfeld, Penguins (Scholastic Science Kathleen Q27756 Readers) Weidner Gibbons, Q21760 Penguins! Gail Penguins! (National Schreiber, Q46932 Geographic Kids) Anne Penguins: Smart Start Savran, Q08961 Reader Stacy Lieurance, Q31365 Pennies Suzanne Q36682 Pennies (Hill) Hill, Mary Chaconas, Q41835 Pennies In A Jar Dori Pennsylvania (Rookie Read- Heinrichs, Q39233 About Geography) Ann Gerver, Jane Q42310 Penny E. Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 690 2.9 AD 2 870 Fiction K-2 320 2.5 AD 1 449 Fiction K-2 400 2.8 AD 1 554 Fiction K-2 220 1.5 1 293 Fiction K-2 250 2.4 2 878 Fiction K-2 480 2.5 AD 1 268 Fiction K-2 500 1.7 AD 1 455 Fiction K-2 620 480 3.3 1.6 AD 1 1 792 348 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 540 2.2 1 191 Non-Fiction K-2 720 3.5 2 1901 Non-Fiction K-2 710 4.1 1 600 Non-Fiction K-2 540 290 2.9 2.4 1 1 491 527 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 550 1.9 1 477 Non-Fiction K-2 610 4.1 2 1170 Non-Fiction K-2 750 3.6 1 830 Non-Fiction K-2 580 3.3 1 605 Non-Fiction K-2 70 400 1.5 1.9 1 1 71 125 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 690 3.7 2 2034 Fiction K-2 330 1.7 1 303 Non-Fiction K-2 430 2.4 1 901 Fiction K-2 AD NC AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Henkes, Q56940 Penny And Her Song Kevin Betancourt, Q50424 Penny And Pepper Jeanne Penny And The Punctuation Donohue, Q49345 Bee Moira Rose deRubertis, Q36298 Penny Hen Barbara McCoy, Q35513 Penny Lee And Her TV Glenn Murphy, Q19447 Penny Pot, The Stuart J. Meadows, Q48398 Penny The Pony Fairy Daisy Q25281 People Spier, Peter People And The Boothroyd, Q43070 Environment Jennifer People Of The First Light, Q38942 The Scott, Janine People, People, Van Laan, Q29673 Everywhere! (Anthology) Nancy Hayward, Q24442 Pepe And Papa Linda Q29993 Pepe Finds His Home Pepper's Journal: A Kitten's Q24721 First Year pequeña locomotora que sí Q08987 pudo, La Peregrine's Journey, The: A Q43341 Story Of Migration Perfect Day: All About The Q35786 Five Senses, A Q08992 Perfect Father's Day, A Q47744 Perfect Gift, The Q26628 Perfect Little Monster, The Q37244 Perfect Man Q45340 Perfect Nest, The Q33516 Perfect Pet (Palatini), The Q32725 Perfect Pet, The Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 420 1.4 AD 1 479 Fiction K-2 370 2 2 1420 Fiction K-2 450 1.5 2 1108 Fiction K-2 490 1.5 1 366 Fiction K-2 450 2.5 1 661 Fiction K-2 240 2.6 1 677 Fiction K-2 710 440 3.4 3.2 3 2 4092 745 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 240 1.6 1 214 Non-Fiction K-2 520 2.7 1 549 Fiction K-2 AD AD NC 2.2 NP 1 237 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 75 Fiction K-2 Bates, Maria Murphy, Stuart J. 440 2.4 1 363 Fiction K-2 510 2.9 2 1494 Fiction K-2 Piper, Watty Dunphy, Madeleine 550 3.2 2 1162 Fiction K-2 840 5.5 2 1312 Non-Fiction K-2 Hall, Kirsten Bunting, Eve 210 430 1.4 2.6 1 1 306 415 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 570 2.3 AD 1 524 Fiction K-2 290 2.2 AD 1 195 Fiction K-2 440 2.7 1 1033 Fiction K-2 490 1.6 AD 1 571 Fiction K-2 210 2.5 AD 2 832 Fiction K-2 130 1.7 AD 1 348 Fiction K-2 DePalma, Mary Newell Hindley, Judy Wilson, Troy Friend, Catherine Palatini, Margie Baker, Courtney SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q27151 Perfect Pets Q41279 Perfect Pony, The Q36900 Perfect Pumpkin Pie, The Q56418 Perfect Pumpkins Q53759 Perfect Snow Q44856 Perfect Sword, The Q57692 Perfect Thanksgiving, A Q35436 Perfect Thanksgiving, The Q08994 Perfect The Pig Perfectly Horrible Q27332 Halloween, The Q36576 Perfectly Martha Q18270 Perfume Of Memory, The Q49733 Peril At The Pyramids Q36293 Perky Otter Q35811 perro para cada dia, Un Q35030 Perros De Trineo Q45950 Persephone Q13792 Persian Cinderella, The pesadilla en mi armario, Q09007 Una Q09008 pesca de Nessa, La Q54168 Pet Costume Party Q26935 Pet Day Q29912 Pet Day (Floyd) Q31070 Pet Detectives Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Domino, Rob Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker 300 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.3 1 552 Fiction K-2 430 2.5 1 801 Fiction K-2 Cazet, Denys Bauer, Jeff Reid, Barbara Goto, Scott Harimann, Sierra Spinelli, Eileen Jeschke, Susan Poydar, Nancy Meddaugh, Susan Nikly, Michelle 530 500 2.8 2.7 AD 2 1 1135 303 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 360 680 1.2 4.2 AD 1 2 498 1588 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 660 2.4 1 995 Fiction K-2 1 332 Fiction K-2 Peacock, L.A. deRubertis, Barbara Bowdish, Lynea Todd, Christopher Clayton, Sally Pomme Climo, Shirley Mayer, Mercer Lueun, N. Hooks, Gwendolyn Sarraute, Danielle Floyd, Lucy Wright, Betty Ren 1.8 Lexile Code NP 490 3.6 2 1106 Fiction K-2 180 2.2 2 748 Fiction K-2 490 2.5 AD 2 1245 Fiction K-2 790 4.8 AD 2 1579 Fiction K-2 380 2.1 4 8898 Fiction K-2 400 1.5 1 430 Fiction K-2 410 2 1 135 Fiction K-2 600 2 1 533 Non-Fiction K-2 610 3.4 2 1203 Fiction K-2 760 4.8 2 2548 Fiction K-2 620 350 3.4 2.5 1 1 171 641 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 290 1.7 1 286 Fiction K-2 220 220 1.5 1.4 1 1 545 119 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 550 3.1 2 736 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 400 1.3 AD 1 445 Fiction K-2 80 1.2 1 202 Fiction K-2 1 152 Fiction K-2 2 1 1 1187 905 93 Non-Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 Q27119 Pet For Max, A Niemann, Christoph Benjamin, Cynthia Q14430 Pet For Me, A Prince, Sarah 370 1.6 Q52448 Pet Heroes Q54432 Pet Shop Revolution Q31192 Pet Show (Anthology) 870 710 420 3.3 3.4 1.4 Q09011 Corse, Nicole Juan, Ana Gold, Mary Keats, Ezra Pet Show! Jack Brimner, Pet Show, The Larry Dane McGaferty, Pet Store (Anthology) Eileen Packard, Pet That I Want, The Mary Frederick, Pet To The Vet, A Shirley Leonard, Pet Vet, The Marcia Hooks, Pet Wash, The Gwendolyn Breathed, Pete & Pickles Berkeley Pete And Polo's Farmyard Reynolds, Adventure Adrian Steig, Pete's A Pizza William Ziefert, Pete's Chicken Harriet Peter And The Blue Witch San Souci, Baby Robert D. Vagin, Peter And The Wolf (Vagin) Vladimir 300 1.7 1 466 Fiction K-2 210 1.9 1 344 Fiction K-2 410 1.6 1 165 Fiction K-2 340 1.3 1 57 Fiction K-2 150 1.3 1 107 Fiction K-2 130 1.2 1 101 Fiction K-2 410 2.4 1 287 Fiction K-2 620 2.5 AD 1 990 Fiction K-2 360 1.9 AD 1 569 Fiction K-2 500 2.8 AD 1 242 Fiction K-2 320 1.7 1 356 Fiction K-2 500 2.8 2 1992 Fiction K-2 460 2.8 AD 2 953 Fiction K-2 670 3.2 AD 1 494 Fiction K-2 390 0 2.6 1.6 BR 1 1 293 146 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 340 1.3 AD 1 383 Fiction K-2 0 1.8 BR 1 430 Fiction K-2 Q45162 Pet Dragon, The Q32372 Q31185 Q09012 Q29854 Q25418 Q54169 Q45906 Q28648 Q15484 Q15734 Q23500 Q22488 Q47729 Peter Spit A Seed At Sue Q09017 Peter's Chair Q25235 Peter's Painting Q18118 Peter's Patchwork Dream Q31304 Peter's Picture Koller, Jackie French Keats, Ezra Jack Moss, Sally Min, Willemien Gorbachev, Valeri AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 540 2.2 AD 1 548 Fiction K-2 510 3.9 AD 2 1662 Fiction K-2 870 4.4 2 1390 Fiction K-2 Q09019 Petook: An Easter Story Artell, Mike Houselander, Caryll 770 4.4 2 1302 Fiction K-2 Q27130 Pets Clerk, Jessica 300 1.4 1 76 Fiction K-2 Q29941 Pets (Thilo) Thilo, Nicolas Hooks, Gwendolyn Sweeney, Alyse 0 1.2 1 28 Non-Fiction K-2 330 2.1 1 293 Fiction K-2 560 2.9 1 274 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.5 1 349 Non-Fiction K-2 610 3.4 2 742 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.3 2 1328 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Peter, The Knight With Q46794 Asthma Q09018 Petey's Bedtime Story Petite Rouge: A Cajun Red Q32558 Riding Hood Q54170 Pets At The Party Pets At The Vet (Scholastic Q39857 News) Author Name Matthies, Janna Cleary, Beverly Pets At The White House Kennedy, Q46035 (Scholastic News Nonfiction) Marge Watts, Q09021 Pets: A First Look At Animals Claire Duvoisin, Q09023 Petunia Roger pez rojo y el pez amarillo, Blázquez, Q09024 El Carmen Phileas's Fortune: A Story De Lestrade, Q50401 About Self-expression Agnes Philharmonic Gets Dressed, Q09031 The Kuskin, Karla Malaspina, Q49770 Phillis Sings Out Freedom Ann Helldorfer, Q21828 Phoebe And The River Flute M. C. Phoebe And The Spelling Saltzberg, Q09034 Bee Barney Meadows, Q50744 Phoebe The Fashion Fairy Daisy Haseley, Q39630 Photographer Mole Dennis Q30580 Pi-Shu: The Little Panda Butler, John Chocolate, Q20213 Piano Man, The Debbi Q41044 Piano Piano Cali, Davide AD BR IG 1 NP 1 0 Fiction K-2 870 4.6 AD 1 446 Fiction K-2 750 3.7 2 1246 Fiction K-2 780 3.7 2 1582 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.7 2 1271 Fiction K-2 510 2.2 2 1140 Fiction K-2 720 2.7 4 4029 Fiction K-2 780 770 2.3 3.8 AD AD 1 2 781 627 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 840 3.5 AD 2 638 Fiction K-2 540 2.8 1 467 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Piano Starts Here: The Q43348 Young Art Tatum Q09045 Pica, pica, varicela Q09046 Picacocos Q34775 Pick A Pet Q29890 Pick A Pet! Author Name Parker, Robert Andrew Maccarone, Grace MacDonald, Suse Namm, Diane Floyd, Lucy Q49719 Pick A Pumpkin, Mrs. Millie! Cox, Judy Rotner, Q31313 Pick Me An Apple! Shelley Schaefer, Q37424 Pick, Pull, Snap! Lola MacDonald, Margaret Q20813 Pickin' Peas Read SaundersQ09049 Picking Apples Smith, Gail McNamara, Q47569 Picking Apples Margaret Picking Apples And Hutchings, Q09050 Pumpkins Amy Picking Apples And Q46715 Pumpkins Mills, Liz Q09051 Picking Peas For A Penny Q38651 Pickle Patch Bathtub, The Q23123 Pickles In My Soup Q16063 Pickles To Pittsburgh Q36193 Pickup Trucks Pickup Trucks (Blastoff! Q46012 Reader) Q51497 Q20225 Q09057 Q20059 Medearis, Angela Shelf Kennedy, Frances Pearson, Mary Barrett, Judi Zuehlke, Jeffrey Zobel, Derek Zuehlke, Pickup Trucks On The Move Jeffrey Schneider, Picky Mrs. Pickle Christine M. Dubowski, Picky Nicky Cathy East Picnic (Brown), The Brown, Ruth Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 840 5.5 AD 2 1241 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 136 Fiction K-2 1.1 NP 1 0 Fiction K-2 20 0 1.6 1.2 BR 1 1 92 34 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 390 1.3 AD 1 428 Fiction K-2 600 2.8 AD 1 299 Non-Fiction K-2 1040 3.6 AD 1 463 Non-Fiction K-2 150 1.9 AD 2 723 Fiction K-2 340 1.5 1 52 Non-Fiction K-2 320 2.1 1 167 Fiction K-2 730 3.5 2 722 Non-Fiction K-2 370 2.2 1 435 Fiction K-2 AD 2.5 NP 1 543 Fiction K-2 940 4.1 AD 2 1223 Fiction K-2 20 810 1.9 5.2 AD 1 2 88 1144 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 250 1.5 1 281 Non-Fiction K-2 320 2.1 1 90 Non-Fiction K-2 540 3.2 1 579 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.5 AD 1 474 Fiction K-2 470 1.5 2.9 NP AD 1 1 231 188 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Miranda, Q27191 Picnic (Miranda), The Anne Morton, Q26937 Picnic Farm Christine Q20328 Picnic In October, A Bunting, Eve Goldish, Q29930 Picnic In The Park, The Meish Damon, Q29995 Picnic In The Park: A Play Mitzie Ada, Alma Q09059 Picnic, The Flor Manners, Q29860 Picture A Kite Jane Picture Book Of Dolley And Adler, David Q46385 James Madison, A A. Picture Book Of Harry Adler, David Q47360 Houdini, A A. Picture Book Of John And Adler, David Q48807 Abigail Adams, A A. Picture For Harold's Room, Johnson, Q09084 A Crockett Picture of Morty and Ray, Pinkwater, Q36082 The Daniel Q27203 Picture, A Evans, Mary Celenza, Anna Q34277 Pictures At An Exhibition Harwell Q34473 Pie In The Sky Ehlert, Lois Dunn, Q26451 Pie Went By, A Carolyn Birney, Betty Q15782 Pie's In The Oven G. Q09089 Piece Of Cake, A Murphy, Jill Piece Of Home (Anthology), Q28576 A Levitin, Sonia Rockliff, Q40058 Pieces Of Another World Mara Pieces: A Year In Poems & Hines, Anna Q24366 Quilts Grossnickle Hautzig, Q09090 Pied Piper Of Hamelin, The Deborah Sendak, Q09094 Pierre Maurice Pierre The Penguin: A True Marzollo, Q54245 Story Jean Rau, Dana Q35755 pies, Los Meachen Lexile Levels Reading Level 140 1.2 420 310 2.1 3.8 200 1.5 Lexile Code AD Points Words Type Interest Level 1 35 Fiction K-2 1 2 171 1263 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 192 Fiction K-2 2.3 NP 1 387 Fiction K-2 3.2 NA 2 432 Fiction K-2 1 101 Fiction K-2 110 1.4 870 4.6 AD 2 1308 Non-Fiction K-2 770 3.7 AD 2 1119 Non-Fiction K-2 900 5.2 AD 2 1423 Non-Fiction K-2 310 2.3 1 550 Fiction K-2 520 2.7 1.1 NP 1 1 779 22 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 640 530 3.7 2.8 AD 2 1 1785 501 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 230 2.4 AD 2 778 Fiction K-2 2.2 1.7 NP 380 1 1 267 428 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 400 2.4 2 1554 Fiction K-2 540 2.8 2 1128 Fiction K-2 2 760 Fiction K-2 2.9 NP 330 2.1 2 1255 Fiction K-2 340 2.8 1 490 Fiction K-2 580 2.3 AD 1 415 Fiction K-2 1.3 BR 1 54 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Woodhouse, Jayne 470 Q27127 Pig Digs! Q24066 Quiz # Title Pieter Bruegel (Life And Q22598 Work Of) Q32523 Q33496 Q23016 Q33628 Q31596 Q29609 Q54576 Q33147 Q09095 Q57812 Q31232 Q28936 Q09096 Cohen, Della Amery, Pig Gets Lost Heather MacDonald, Pig In A Wig, The Alan Waddell, Pig In The Pond, The Martin Wilbur, Pig In The Spigot, The Richard Florian, Pig Is Big, A Douglas Pig Is In The Pantry, The Cat Mozelle, Is On The Shelf, The Shirley Fries, Pig Is Moving In!, A Claudia Sattler, Pig Kahuna Jennifer Spurr, Pig Named Perrier, A Elizabeth Aborio, Pig Out! Portia Pig Parade Is A Terrible Black, Idea, A Michael Ian Hubbell, Pig Picnic Patricia McPhail, Pig Pig Gets A Job David McPhail, Pig Pig Grows Up David Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.6 2 681 Non-Fiction K-2 140 1.1 1 27 Fiction K-2 60 1.3 1 327 Fiction K-2 500 3.1 AD 2 1023 Fiction K-2 340 1.8 AD 1 366 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 2 1196 Fiction K-2 1.7 NP 1 206 Fiction K-2 240 1.8 AD 1 512 Fiction K-2 440 2.9 AD 2 817 Fiction K-2 490 1.6 AD 1 222 Fiction K-2 480 3.3 2 1243 Fiction K-2 1.1 NP 1 180 Fiction K-2 970 6.6 AD 1 601 Fiction K-2 90 1.2 1 124 Fiction K-2 180 2.2 AD 1 430 Fiction K-2 550 3.8 AD 1 557 Fiction K-2 Q23399 Pig Pigger Piggest Pig Who Ran A Red Light, Q23522 The Pig-Boy: A Trickster Tale Q47373 From Hawai'i Pigeon Finds A Hot Dog, Q37682 The Pigeon Wants A Puppy!, Q43927 The Walton, Rick Johnson, Paul Brett McDermott, Gerald 520 2.9 2 859 Fiction K-2 310 2.8 1 542 Fiction K-2 520 2.1 AD 1 416 Fiction K-2 Willems, Mo 300 1 AD 1 186 Fiction K-2 Willems, Mo 1.1 BR 1 149 Fiction K-2 Q26602 Piggie Christmas, A Fine, Howard Palatini, Margie Wood, Don 2.9 NP 2 866 Fiction K-2 2 1 1056 97 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q09098 Piggie Pie Q09099 Piggies 420 270 2.7 1.5 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q17692 Piggins Q14213 Piggy In The Puddle, The Q09100 Piggybook Q43484 Piglets (Blastoff! Readers) Q09104 Pigs Q09105 Pigs Q42468 Pigs Q46273 Pigs Q24231 Pigs (Gibbons) Q09106 Pigs Ahoy! Q09107 Pigs Aplenty, Pigs Galore! Pigs At Odds: Fun With Q27857 Math And Games Pigs Go To Market: Halloween Fun With Math Q09108 And Shopping Pigs In The Corner: Fun With Q26603 Math And Dance Pigs In The Mud In The Q09109 Middle Of The Rud Pigs In The Pantry: Fun With Q09110 Math And Cooking Pigs On A Blanket: Fun With Q09112 Math And Time Pigs On The Ball: Fun With Q27758 Math And Sports Pigs On The Move: Fun Q27760 With Math And Travel Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Yolen, Jane Pomerantz, Charlotte Browne, Anthony Sexton, Colleen Munsch, Robert 450 3.5 AD 2 Words 1567 Type Fiction 3.4 NP 1 497 Fiction K-2 450 2.7 AD 1 385 Fiction K-2 420 2.4 1 94 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.1 2 761 Fiction K-2 Brady, Peter Green, Emily K. Nelson, Robin Gibbons, Gail McPhail, David McPhail, David Axelrod, Amy 700 1.5 1 281 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.4 1 91 Non-Fiction K-2 360 2.2 1 217 Non-Fiction K-2 720 2.9 2 860 Non-Fiction K-2 Axelrod, Amy Axelrod, Amy Plourde, Lynn Axelrod, Amy Axelrod, Amy Axelrod, Amy Axelrod, Amy Jones, Melanie Q36083 Pigs Rock! Davis Himmelman, Q48872 Pigs To The Rescue John Pigs Will Be Pigs: Fun With Axelrod, Q09113 Math And Money Amy Q09114 Pigs' Picnic, The Kasza, Keiko AD Interest Level K-2 3.5 NP 2 710 Fiction K-2 1.9 NP 1 325 Fiction K-2 1 496 Fiction K-2 2 669 Fiction K-2 1 435 Fiction K-2 390 2.6 540 3.5 260 2.6 40 1.5 AD 1 281 Fiction K-2 650 3.9 AD 2 651 Fiction K-2 470 2.5 1 598 Fiction K-2 380 2.6 2 849 Fiction K-2 340 2.6 2 733 Fiction K-2 230 1.7 NP 1 225 Fiction K-2 430 1.4 AD 1 167 Fiction K-2 490 2.2 1 509 Fiction K-2 370 2.7 1 372 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 590 560 2.9 2.2 AD AD 1 1 412 504 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 460 4.1 2 1459 Non-Fiction K-2 170 2.5 2.2 1 1 303 203 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 340 2.8 1 385 Non-Fiction K-2 Q50863 Piñata Party 230 1.6 1 299 Fiction K-2 Q56922 330 2.1 1 935 Fiction K-2 1 503 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q09115 Q49081 Q09121 Q23232 Q13100 Q19488 Q30003 Q41493 Q35833 Q30682 Q09126 Title Author Name Teague, Pigsty Mark Pika: Life In The Rocks Bill, Tannis Pilgrims' First Thanksgiving, McGovern, The Ann Himmelman, Pill Bug's Life, A John Pillow War, The Novak, Matt Robinson, Pilots Fly Planes Fay Sacks, Marcy Goldberg Daley, Pinch And Dash Make Soup Michael J. Coleman, Pinch Of This And That, A Evelyn Pinching Crayfish (Pull Ahead Books) Piehl, Janet Cannon, Pinduli Janell Pine Park Mystery (Anthology), The West, Tracey Freeman, Pine Trees Marcia S. Q34769 Pine Trees Q51526 Pink Everywhere Q47731 Pink Refrigerator, The Pink Snow And Other Q22764 Weird Weather Q45735 Pink! Q09129 Pinkerton, Behave! Pinkeye (Rookie ReadQ33049 About Health) Q09130 Pinkie Leaves Home Q09132 Pinky And Rex Pinky And Rex And The Q13332 Bully Pinky And Rex And The Q16222 Double-Dad Weekend 2.4 NA NP 590 2.7 1 436 Non-Fiction K-2 680 3.7 2 1385 Fiction K-2 2 854 Fiction K-2 2.6 NP 440 2.2 1 136 Non-Fiction K-2 Fowler, Allan Sterling, Kristin Egan, Tim Dussling, Jennifer Rickards, Lynne Kellogg, Steven Gordon, Sharon O'Donnell, Peter 620 2.5 1 338 Non-Fiction K-2 550 660 3.2 2.8 1 2 517 1154 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 300 2.2 2 929 Non-Fiction K-2 510 1.8 1 747 Fiction K-2 270 3.1 1 241 Fiction K-2 190 1.6 1 276 Non-Fiction K-2 800 4.5 2 430 Fiction K-2 Howe, James 490 2.3 2 1750 Fiction K-2 Howe, James 480 3.9 2 2163 Fiction K-2 Howe, James 500 3.6 2 2510 Fiction K-2 AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 3.4 2 2701 Fiction K-2 270 3.1 2 2047 Fiction K-2 460 3.7 2 2533 Fiction K-2 510 3.9 2 2532 Fiction K-2 500 3.8 2 2562 Fiction K-2 530 2.8 2 2624 Fiction K-2 480 3.1 2 2539 Fiction K-2 Q21649 Pinky And Rex Get Married Howe, James 390 3.4 2 1554 Fiction K-2 Q22801 Pinky And Rex Go To Camp Howe, James Ryan, Pam Q28356 Pinky Is A Baby Mouse, A Munoz Malkin, Q36087 Pinky's Sweet Tooth Michele Hillert, Q09137 Pinocchio Margaret Walsh, Ellen Q09138 Pinta ratones Stoll 490 3.9 2 2376 Fiction K-2 590 2.5 1 366 Non-Fiction K-2 750 4.3 AD 2 1160 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 458 Fiction K-2 370 1.5 1 265 Fiction K-2 Q09141 Pioneer Bear 370 2.5 2 1279 Fiction K-2 Q20504 Pioneer Church Sandin, Joan Otto, Carolyn 760 4.3 2 1149 Fiction K-2 Q31785 Pip The Penguin Cowley, Joy 390 2.2 1 582 Fiction K-2 700 3.6 AD 1 788 Fiction K-2 750 3.6 NC 4 4185 Fiction K-2 400 3.1 2 1335 Fiction K-2 600 2.9 AD 2 989 Fiction K-2 770 3.7 NC 2 1840 Fiction K-2 460 1.9 1 187 Non-Fiction K-2 700 3.4 2 1458 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q25458 Q25636 Q22797 Q09133 Q09134 Q09135 Q09136 Title Author Name Pinky And Rex And The JustRight Pet Howe, James Pinky And Rex And The Mean Old Witch Howe, James Pinky And Rex And The New Baby Howe, James Pinky And Rex And The New Neighbors Howe, James Pinky And Rex And The Perfect Pumpkin Howe, James Pinky And Rex And The School Play Howe, James Pinky And Rex And The Spelling Bee Howe, James Q41907 Piper Q50225 Pippa The Poppy Fairy Pippi Longstocking In The Q25006 Park Q24129 Pippin And Pudding Q45948 Pippo The Fool Q37984 Piranhas and Other Fish Q39697 Pirate Bob Clark, Emma Chichester Meadows, Daisy Lindgren, Astrid Johansen, K. V. Fern, Tracey E. Schulte, Mary Lasky, Kathryn Lexile Levels Reading Level 530 Lexile Code AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Q55174 Pirate Boy 580 2.3 AD 1 Words 538 Type Fiction Q37315 700 3.7 AD 2 844 Fiction K-2 300 1.8 1 888 Fiction K-2 580 2.3 AD 1 687 Fiction K-2 810 3.5 AD 2 1095 Fiction K-2 790 5.2 AD 1 860 Fiction K-2 370 2.2 1 150 Fiction K-2 240 2.5 2 870 Fiction K-2 510 1.8 AD 1 786 Fiction K-2 690 3.3 AD 1 446 Fiction K-2 720 3.4 AD 1 685 Fiction K-2 650 3.9 AD 2 1087 Non-Fiction K-2 740 3.5 NC 1 658 Non-Fiction K-2 570 2.8 1 800 Fiction K-2 680 3.2 1 286 Fiction K-2 800 4.9 2 789 Non-Fiction K-2 600 2.4 2 1055 Fiction K-2 540 3.2 2 1192 Fiction K-2 1 179 Fiction K-2 2 1071 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q47268 Q48688 Q39445 Q43942 Q42498 Q09155 Q53581 Q50394 Title Author Name Bunting, Eve Funke, Pirate Girl Cornelia Underwood, Pirate Mom Deborah Lyon, Pirate Of Kindergarten, The George Ella Kennedy, Pirate Pete Kim Pirate Pete's Talk Like A Kennedy, Pirate Kim Pirate Pickle And The White Balloon Burg, Ann Dubowski, Pirate School Cathy E. Quattlebaum Pirate Vs. Pirate , Mary Pirate's Guide To First Preller, Grade, A James Pirateria: The Wonderful Q57163 Plunderful Pirate Emporium Brown, Calef Anastasio, Q16483 Pirates Dina Rissman, Q52184 Pirates Rebecca Pirates Don't Change Long, Q41173 Diapers Melinda Demas, Q53424 Pirates Go To School Corinne Pirates: Robbers Of The Gibbons, Q09159 High Seas Gail Bottner, Q36572 Pish and Posh Barbara Nolen, Q43361 Pitching In For Eubie Jerdine AD AD Interest Level K-2 Q29177 Pitching Pete Gabriel, Nat 130 1.8 Q28402 Pitschi Fischer, Hans Romay, Saturnino 530 2.9 30 1.5 1 13 Fiction K-2 Labatt, Mary Castaldo, Nancy 170 1.6 1 462 Fiction K-2 760 4.3 2 1812 Fiction K-2 Q09165 Pizza Q38505 Pizza For Sam Q36981 Pizza For The Queen AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q09167 Pizza Party! Q27585 Pizza Pat Q34274 Pizza Pizzazz! Q46083 Place For Birds, A Q52887 Place For Fish, A Q49522 Place For Frogs, A Q09174 Place For Grace, A Q38506 Place To Bloom, A Q43625 Q09193 Q50935 Type 0 1.7 BR 1 79 Fiction K-2 1.4 NP 1 275 Fiction K-2 2 940 Fiction K-2 Losi, Carol A. Stewart, Melissa Stewart, Melissa Stewart, Melissa Okimoto, Jean Davies Siomades, Lorianne 450 2.3 970 6.6 AD 2 1426 Non-Fiction K-2 940 6.3 AD 2 1518 Non-Fiction K-2 920 5.4 AD 2 1658 Non-Fiction K-2 560 3.6 2 1183 Fiction K-2 Pak, Soyung Anderson, Sheila K-2 500 3.2 AD 2 732 Fiction K-2 570 3.3 NC 1 262 Non-Fiction K-2 Fear, Sharon Walker, Pamela Siebert, Diane 70 1.7 1 106 Fiction K-2 Shields, Amy Barton, Planes (Barton) Byron Rockwell, Planes (Rockwell) Anne Gibbons, Planet Earth/Inside Out Gail RyanPlanet Earth: Animals Of Herndon, Africa Lisa L. RyanPlanet Earth: Who Lives In Herndon, The Forests? Lisa L. Planets (All Aboard Dussling, Reading) Jennifer Gibbons, Planets (Third Edition), The Gail Branley, Planets In Our Solar System Franklyn M. Planets, The Bauer, Jeff 440 2.5 0 1.5 50 Q52056 Planes Q28513 Words Fiction Q09189 Plane Song Q49169 Points Interest Level 174 Q22541 Plane Rides Q44158 Lexile Code 1 Q29178 Plan, The Q24719 Reading Level NP Q43075 Plains Q20055 Maccarone, Grace Gelman, Rita Golden Lexile Levels 1.4 Q30741 Place To Grow, A Q27894 Author Name 1.6 NA 1 160 Non-Fiction K-2 4.8 NP 1 465 Non-Fiction K-2 1 515 Non-Fiction K-2 1 109 Non-Fiction K-2 1.5 1 107 Non-Fiction K-2 800 4.6 2 1430 Non-Fiction K-2 870 5.6 IG 2 1429 Non-Fiction K-2 890 4.7 IG 2 1653 Non-Fiction K-2 270 2.3 2 1254 Non-Fiction K-2 660 3.3 2 1227 Non-Fiction K-2 480 520 3.5 3.1 2 1 942 479 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 BR AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q15981 Planets, The (Revised) Q38507 Plant Works Plantas Que Comen Q34962 Animales Q09199 Planting A Rainbow Q53744 Planting The Wild Garden Plants And Flowers (It's Q23216 Science!) Author Name Gibbons, Gail Howie, Rhonda Fowler, Allan Ehlert, Lois Galbraith, Kathryn O. Hewitt, Sally Boothroyd, Q43071 Plants And The Environment Jennifer Q24264 Plants That Eat Animals Plants That Never Ever Q09200 Bloom Q31874 Plantzilla Q54276 Plantzilla Goes To Camp Q43076 Plateaus Q36909 Platypus Probably, A Q09202 Play Ball Q29671 Play Ball (Anthology) Q53629 Play Ball! Q30081 Play Ball! (O'Brien) Q09203 Play Ball, Amelia Bedelia Q09206 Play With Me Q38844 Play's The Thing, A Q32828 Players In Pigtails Q30985 Playful Puppy, The Q28051 Playground Bully, The Q54080 Playground Problem, The Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 660 3.3 AD 2 1227 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2 1 651 Non-Fiction K-2 640 170 2.1 2.5 1 1 338 124 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 490 1.6 AD 1 401 Fiction K-2 1.8 NA 2 1474 Non-Fiction K-2 1 239 Non-Fiction K-2 1 289 Non-Fiction K-2 360 Fowler, Allan Heller, Ruth Nolen, Jerdine Nolen, Jerdine Anderson, Sheila Collard III, Sneed B. Hillert, Margaret Krensky, Stephen Posada, Jorge O'Brien, Robert R. Parish, Peggy Ets, Marie Hall Aliki, Corey, Shana Baglio, Ben M. Chardiet, Bernice McNamara, Margaret 2.2 2.9 BR 690 3.9 1 295 Non-Fiction K-2 460 3.3 2 1619 Fiction K-2 570 2.3 AD 1 986 Fiction K-2 620 3.5 NC 1 267 Non-Fiction K-2 3.2 NP 2 1078 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 317 Fiction K-2 200 2.3 1 304 Fiction K-2 510 1.8 2 1795 Non-Fiction K-2 510 1.9 1 512 Fiction K-2 220 2.8 2 1380 Fiction K-2 120 2.1 1.8 1 2 468 1664 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 350 3.1 2 886 Fiction K-2 490 2.6 2 3442 Fiction K-2 110 2.1 2 838 Fiction K-2 190 1.4 1 272 Fiction K-2 AD NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.6 1 179 Non-Fiction K-2 590 1.9 2 765 Fiction K-2 560 2.1 2 1011 Fiction K-2 400 2.1 1 535 Fiction K-2 480 2.7 1 296 Fiction K-2 580 2.5 2 716 Fiction K-2 Q18613 Playtime For Zoo Animals Please Don't Feed The Q33416 Bears Fowler, Allan Please Is A Good Word To Joosse, Q46127 Say Barbara Ziefert, Q09215 Please Let It Snow Harriet Cuyler, Q37747 Please Say Please! Margery Fontes, Please Say Please, Grumpy Justine Q43864 Bunny! Korman 330 2.9 1 90 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.2 1 210 Non-Fiction K-2 510 1.8 1 828 Fiction K-2 210 1.5 1 198 Fiction K-2 550 2.4 1 484 Fiction K-2 420 2.4 1 586 Fiction K-2 Q47760 Please Write In This Book 480 2.6 4 7211 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q24693 Playgrounds Q31463 Playhouse Q36897 Playing Lotería Q09208 Playing Marbles Q16111 Playing Right Field Q27136 Playing Your Best Q34926 Please, Thank You Q18094 Please, Wind? Pledge Of Allegiance Q33962 (American Symbols), The Q22489 Plenty Of Penguins Q09218 Pliers Q50386 Plot Chickens, The Q32730 Plum Q09220 Plumas para almorzar Q16203 Plumbers Q26604 Plumply, Dumply Pumpkin Author Name Gibbons, Gail Munsch, Robert Lainez, Rene Colato Brinckloe, Julie Welch, Willy Adams, Barbara Arnold, Caroline Amato, Mary Alexander, Francie Greene, Carol Douglas, Lloyd G. Black, Sonia W. Armentrout, David Auch, Mary Jane Mitton, Tony Ehlert, Lois Boraas, Tracey Serfozo, Mary Lexile Levels Reading Level 180 Lexile Code AD AD 1.4 BR 1 54 Fiction K-2 0 1.9 BR 1 55 Fiction K-2 600 1.5 1 134 Non-Fiction K-2 90 1.4 1 227 Non-Fiction K-2 910 3.9 IG 2 627 Non-Fiction K-2 410 AD NP 160 1.4 4.1 1.7 1 3 1 871 2610 105 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 490 1.5 1 332 Non-Fiction K-2 350 1.9 1 157 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 1 246 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.4 1 278 Non-Fiction K-2 570 2.9 2 511 Non-Fiction K-2 270 2.1 1 412 Non-Fiction K-2 200 2.2 AD 2 756 Fiction K-2 660 2.9 AD 2 743 Fiction K-2 Penn, Audrey Caudill, Rebecca 830 2.4 AD 1 734 Fiction K-2 430 3.3 2 2619 Fiction K-2 Grimes, Nikki Benjamin, A. H. 390 3.4 1 588 Fiction K-2 310 1.2 1 270 Fiction K-2 Q52191 Poindexter Makes A Friend Twohy, Mike 740 3.5 AD 1 944 Fiction K-2 Q09230 Poinsettia And Her Family 620 3.1 AD 2 1000 Fiction K-2 5.1 NP 2 784 Fiction K-2 640 70 450 3.5 1.2 1.5 AD 2 1 1 1147 114 300 Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 470 2.3 1 276 Fiction K-2 940 6.4 AD 3 2079 Fiction K-2 470 3.1 AD 1 545 Fiction K-2 720 1.7 AD 1 200 Fiction K-2 90 1.5 1 14 Non-Fiction K-2 570 2.1 1 78 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q38005 Pluto (Scholastic News) Q42617 Pluto: Dwarf Planet Pocahontas (Lives And Q22413 Times) Pocahontas (Rookie Q33053 Biographies) Q24373 Pocket Dogs, The Q09224 Pocket For Corduroy, A Q36854 Pocket Full of Kisses, A Q09225 Pocketful Of Cricket, A Q24100 Pocketful Of Poems, A Q09227 Podría haber sido peor Q24948 Poke In The I, A Q16455 Poky Little Puppy, The Q23809 Polar Babies Q53082 Polar Bear Cubs Q36787 Polar Bear Night Q42137 Polar Bear Puzzle Polar Bear Son: An Inuit Q24505 Tale, The Polar Bear, Polar Bear, Q09240 What Do You Hear? Q09242 Polar Bears Q09243 Polar Bears Author Name TaylorButler, Christine TaylorButler, Christine Hudson, Margaret Polette, Nancy Wild, Margaret Freeman, Don Bond, Felicia Janeczko, Paul B. Lowrey, Janette Sebring Ring, Susan Owen, Ruth Thompson, Lauren Lumry, Amanda Dabcovich, Lydia Martin Jr., Bill Canizares, Susan Freeman, Marcia S. Lexile Levels Reading Level 590 Lexile Code IG SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q35662 Polar Bears Q55156 Polar Bears Q26046 Polar Bears (Gibbons) Q26729 Polar Bears On Ice Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Cotton, Jacqueline S. 430 Schuetz, Kari Gibbons, Gail Flanagan, Kate Points Words Type Interest Level 2.1 1 412 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2.4 1 118 Non-Fiction K-2 700 4.1 2 1338 Non-Fiction K-2 80 2.1 2 617 Fiction K-2 Van Allsburg, Chris 520 Brooks, Erik 170 Grindley, Polar Star Sally 720 Spedden, Polar, The Titanic Bear Daisy C. S. 1010 Spedden, Polar, un osito en el Titanic Daisy C. S. Freeman, Police Cars Marcia S. 550 Braithwaite, Police Cars Jill 390 Police Cars (Blastoff! Readers) Manolis, Kay 540 Police Cat Hinkes, Enid 770 Askew, Police Officer Amanda 570 Police Officers Ready, Dee 490 Knudsen, Police Officers Shannon 350 Police Officers On The Go! Sweeney, (Scholastic News) Alyse 660 Police Officers Protect Greene, People Carol 350 Policeman Lou And Policewoman Sue Desimini, Lisa 460 Polka-Dot Fixes Urdahl, Kindergarten Catherine 430 Polkabats And Octopus Slacks: 14 Stories Brown, Calef 700 Zimmerman, Pollita Chiquita H. Werner 620 Kellogg, Pollita pequeñita Steven 660 Polacco, pollo de los domingos, El Patricia 750 Lexile Code Q09245 Polar Express Q57174 Polar Opposites 4.9 1.1 AD 2 1 1050 131 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q26655 3.9 AD 1 579 Fiction K-2 4.9 AD 3 3201 Non-Fiction K-2 3 3 0 Non-Fiction K-2 4.2 1 180 Non-Fiction K-2 1.9 1 373 Non-Fiction K-2 1 2 100 1144 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2.3 1.5 1 1 422 433 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 1.8 1 399 Non-Fiction K-2 3.5 1 344 Non-Fiction K-2 3.5 1 402 Non-Fiction K-2 Q09249 Q09250 Q09251 Q35647 Q43495 Q40284 Q53610 Q09252 Q35562 Q39859 Q19486 Q33513 Q53896 Q21934 Q09253 Q09254 Q09255 3.2 4.5 AD 1.9 AD 1 500 Fiction K-2 1.4 AD 1 963 Fiction K-2 3.9 AD 2 694 Fiction K-2 1.9 1 417 Fiction K-2 3.5 2 0 Fiction K-2 2.1 2 1439 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.8 NP 2 1184 Fiction K-2 430 1.4 AD 1 729 Fiction K-2 690 2.6 4 4055 Fiction K-2 Green, Sara Morrison, Gordon Stewart, David Alderson, Sue Ann Lasky, Kathryn Sexton, Colleen Cohen, Caron L. Hapka, Catherine Bailer, Darice 720 4.4 1 476 Non-Fiction K-2 660 3.6 2 1597 Non-Fiction K-2 700 2.5 2 593 Non-Fiction K-2 980 3.5 AD 2 752 Fiction K-2 720 3.1 AD 2 1219 Fiction K-2 690 2.6 1 363 Non-Fiction K-2 690 2 2 1065 Fiction K-2 320 1.1 1 535 Fiction K-2 570 3.1 2 1644 Fiction K-2 Ryder, Dale Lasky, Kathryn 710 3.2 2 1026 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.7 2 1554 Fiction K-2 Q44658 Poodles (Blastoff! Readers) Schuh, Mari Landau, Q49153 Poodles Are The Best! Elaine 730 2.7 1 568 Non-Fiction K-2 680 4.2 2 2145 Non-Fiction K-2 Q20201 Poof! 310 2.4 1 241 Fiction K-2 60 1.9 1 547 Fiction K-2 560 3.5 2 959 Fiction K-2 480 2.8 2 844 Fiction K-2 240 2.1 1 408 Fiction K-2 240 2.2 1 352 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Albert, Q09257 Polly Pocket Cookbook, The Shirley Polly Porcupine's Painting deRubertis, Q54173 Prizes Barbara Meadows, Q50743 Polly The Party Fun Fairy Daisy Q55732 Pomeranians Q33684 Pond Q32132 Pond Life (Cycles Of Life) Q18154 Pond Seasons Q27920 Pond Year Q44671 Ponds (Blastoff! Readers) Q09262 poni de barro, El Q50079 Pony Crazy Q33877 Pony Express, The Pony Express: Fastest Mail In The West (Anthology), Q27511 The Q46853 Poodle And Hound Q29041 Pooh Gets Stuck O'Brien, John Gaines, Isabel Q09268 Pooh Plays Doctor Zoehfeld, Kathleen W. Q09269 Pooh's Bad Dream Q29043 Pooh's Easter Egg Hunt Q24029 Pooh's Fall Harvest Zoehfeld, Kathleen W. Gaines, Isabel Gaines, Isabel Lexile Levels AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 2.8 2 901 Fiction K-2 330 2.3 1 528 Fiction K-2 120 2.1 1 484 Fiction K-2 340 1.8 1 507 Fiction K-2 230 2.2 1 498 Fiction K-2 310 2.5 2 731 Fiction K-2 650 2.5 2 953 Fiction K-2 350 2.3 1 589 Fiction K-2 420 2.7 2 1148 Fiction K-2 440 2.3 2 535 Fiction K-2 150 2.1 1 338 Fiction K-2 Q54522 Pooh's Snowy Day 530 2.1 AD 1 614 Fiction K-2 Q25168 Q41204 260 2.1 4.3 NP 1 1 364 106 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1 64 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q09270 Pooh's First Day Of School Q24416 Pooh's Graduation Q25657 Pooh's Halloween Parade Author Name Zoehfeld, Kathleen W. Gaines, Isabel Gaines, Isabel Pooh's Honey Tree (Winnie Gaines, Q09271 The Pooh First Reader) Isabel Gaines, Q25522 Pooh's Leaf Pile Isabel Q25878 Pooh's Mailbox Q09272 Pooh's Neighborhood Q28937 Pooh's Pumpkin Q25924 Pooh's Puzzling Plant Q26656 Pooh's Scrapbook Q23319 Pooh's Sled Ride Q29886 Q33274 Q48687 Q39359 Zoehfeld, Kathleen W. Zoehfeld, Kathleen W. Gaines, Isabel Sumner, Agnes Zoehfeld, Kathleen W. Gaines, Isabel Cecil, Lauren Gaines, Pooh's Surprise Basket Isabel Poor Puppy Bruel, Nick Appelbaum, Pop The Corn Ellen Bradley, Kimberly Pop! A Book About Bubbles Brubaker Pop!: The Invention Of McCarthy, Bubble Gum Meghan Pop's Bridge Bunting, Eve Q09279 Popcorn Book, The McCully, Emily Arnold dePaola, Tomie Q20051 Popcorn Dragon, The Thayer, Jane Q23685 Popcorn At The Palace Lexile Levels Reading Level 440 Lexile Code 80 1.2 430 2.6 AD 1 592 Non-Fiction K-2 740 630 3.5 3.4 AD AD 1 2 630 1177 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 420 2.9 AD 2 1397 Fiction K-2 830 3.3 AD 2 676 Non-Fiction K-2 390 3.9 2 1307 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Low, Alice Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia Meadows, Daisy 550 2.1 1 Words 450 Type Fiction 370 2.8 2 842 Fiction K-2 360 2.2 2 771 Fiction K-2 270 2.2 1 230 Fiction K-2 250 2.5 2 715 Fiction K-2 180 2.1 1 336 Fiction K-2 410 2.6 2 817 Fiction K-2 290 2.2 2 725 Fiction K-2 280 2.4 2 757 Fiction K-2 330 2.5 2 680 Fiction K-2 360 1.9 1 784 Fiction K-2 750 3.6 NC 4 4220 Fiction K-2 Hesse, Karen Alexander, Francie 550 3.1 AD 2 1381 Fiction K-2 1.3 BR 1 42 Fiction K-2 Q31609 Porcupine Named Fluffy, A Lester, Helen Major, Q09294 Porcupine Stew Beverly 140 1 514 Fiction K-2 4 2500 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q09281 Popcorn Shop, The Q09283 Poppleton Q09284 Poppleton And Friends Poppleton And The Q29656 Grapefruit (Anthology) Q09285 Poppleton Everyday Poppleton Everyday: The Q30608 New Bed (Anthology) Q09286 Poppleton Forever Q21612 Poppleton Has Fun Q17146 Poppleton In Fall Q14945 Poppleton In Spring Q25925 Poppleton In Winter Q50217 Poppy The Piano Fairy Q21305 Poppy's Chair Q34925 Por Favor. Gracias. Q09295 Porcupine's Pajama Party Author Name Harshman, Terry Webb Lexile Code 2.3 3.3 NA Points Interest Level K-2 280 2.1 2 1323 Fiction K-2 Q53306 Porcupines Green, Emily Porcupining: A Prickly Love Wheeler, Q34924 Story Lisa Lasky, Q30876 Porkenstein Kathryn Q49237 Porky And Bess Weiss, Ellen Portuguese Water Dogs Landau, Q47998 Are The Best! Elaine 660 2.8 1 113 Non-Fiction K-2 360 1.8 AD 1 596 Fiction K-2 280 410 2.7 2.4 AD 2 2 721 1558 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 590 3.3 2 1529 Non-Fiction K-2 Q31617 Possum And The Peeper 510 2.6 2 617 Fiction K-2 1 494 Fiction K-2 Q09304 Possum Come A-Knockin' Hunter, Anne Van Laan, Nancy 3.5 NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level 530 3.5 1 Words 495 Type Fiction Q09306 Possum's Harvest Moon 400 2.8 1 559 Fiction K-2 Q09307 840 2.9 1 531 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.8 1 304 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.9 2 977 Fiction K-2 1000 4.5 2 769 Non-Fiction K-2 660 2.9 1 367 Fiction K-2 500 1.5 1 283 Non-Fiction K-2 3 1491 Non-Fiction K-2 1 229 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q09305 Possum Magic Q19487 Q09309 Q31956 Q26793 Q09312 Author Name Fox, Mem Hunter, Anne Gibbons, Post Office Book, The Gail Postal Workers Deliver Our Greene, Mail Carol Leedy, Postcards From Pluto Loreen AndrewsGoebel, Pot That Juan Built, The Nancy Potato: A Tale From The Great Depression Lied, Kate Burckhardt, Potatoes Ann L. Lexile Code AD AD Points Interest Level K-2 Q47623 Potbellied Pigs Lunis, Natalie 970 7.6 Q09313 Potluck Shelby, Anne Auch, Mary Jane 670 4.3 410 2.8 2 893 Fiction K-2 460 2.3 1 402 Non-Fiction K-2 670 3.2 AD 1 441 Fiction K-2 Q45707 Pout-Pout Fish, The Riley, Joelle Diesen, Deborah Diesen, Deborah 2.1 NP 1 483 Fiction K-2 Q17625 Power Machines Robbins, Ken 1060 5.4 AD 2 1214 Non-Fiction K-2 Q56179 Power Up To Fight Pollution Bullard, Lisa Q36198 Powerboats Bullard, Lisa Bennett, Q50472 Powerful Polar Bears Elizabeth Practice Makes Perfect For Q32608 Rotten Ralph Gantos, Jack Bouchard, Q19563 Prairie Born Dave 520 380 3.1 1.9 1 1 537 402 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 700 2.7 1 618 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.6 2 1119 Fiction K-2 2 913 Fiction K-2 Q33852 Poultrygeist Q35687 Pouncing Bobcats Pout-Pout Fish In The BigQ53815 Big Dark, The Q09321 Prairie Day Prairie Dogs Kiss And Q26518 Lobsters Wave Q19580 Prairie Fire, The Wilder, Laura Ingalls Singer, Marilyn Reynolds, Marilynn 4.2 AD NC NP 1010 4.2 1 568 Fiction K-2 930 4.5 3 3239 Non-Fiction K-2 520 2.8 2 1513 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q37174 Prairie Friends Q23312 Prairie Primer A To Z Q54463 Prairie Storms Q31613 Prairie Town Q20928 Prairie Train, The Q22906 Prairie Willow Q42569 Prairies Author Name Levinson, Nancy Smiler Stutson, Caroline Pattison, Darcy Geisert, Bonnie O Flatharta, Antoine Trottier, Maxine Endres, Hollie Reading Level 480 2.4 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2 1284 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 206 Fiction K-2 860 3.6 AD 1 445 Non-Fiction K-2 730 3.7 2 625 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.5 AD 2 1206 Fiction K-2 420 3.5 AD 2 819 Fiction K-2 610 3.4 1 285 Non-Fiction K-2 1 264 Fiction K-2 Q09326 Prayer For A Child Praying Mantis (Living Q20884 Things) 730 3.5 2 1026 Non-Fiction K-2 Q42483 610 3.4 1 177 Non-Fiction K-2 700 3.2 2 856 Fiction K-2 460 2.5 1 291 Non-Fiction K-2 800 5.3 1 802 Fiction K-2 480 2.5 1 123 Fiction K-2 870 4.7 AD 1 462 Non-Fiction K-2 900 6.1 AD 2 1496 Non-Fiction K-2 730 3.1 AD 1 599 Fiction K-2 270 3.2 2 783 Fiction K-2 400 2.9 1 470 Fiction K-2 220 2.5 AD 2 842 Fiction K-2 480 1.6 AD 1 661 Fiction K-2 100 1.5 1 227 Fiction K-2 Q25952 Q21043 Q45630 Q35818 Q09330 Q17299 Q13830 Q09332 Q15023 Q27786 Field, Rachel Stefoff, Rebecca Sexton, Praying Mantises Colleen White, Precious Life, A Rosalyn O'Neil, Predators Sarah Keiser, Preening For Flight Frances Bowdish, Preguntas tontitas Lynea Gibbons, Prehistoric Animals Gail Zallinger, Prehistoric Animals Peter Kellogg, Prehistoric Pinkerton Steven Warner, Gertrude Present For Grandfather, A Chandler Staenberg, Present For Mama Bear, A Bonnie Hobbie, Present For Toot, A Holly Lexile Levels Q49943 Presenting... Tallulah Q26554 Presents For Santa Spelling, Tori Ziefert, Harriet 3.3 NP AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q37085 Q31135 Q20568 Q32302 Title President George Washington President Theodore Roosevelt (Anthology) Presidents' Day Presidents' Day (Rookie Read-About Holidays) Q09339 Pretend You're A Cat Q09340 Pretty Good Magic Q44526 Pretty Salma Q33869 Prickly Porcupine, The Q35663 Prickly Porcupines Prickly Sea Stars (No Q41650 Backbone!) primer Halloween de Q09349 Clifford, El primera navidad de Q09350 Clifford, La Q09358 Prince Cinders princesa vestida con una Q09360 bolsa de papel, La Princess And Her Panther, Q48938 The Q31337 Q25821 Q45806 Q55222 Q30981 Q18804 Q24745 Author Name Adler, David A. Berman, Stephen Frost, Helen Marx, David F. Marzollo, Jean Dubowski, Cathy E. Daly, Niki Bentley, Dawn Zemlicka, Shannon Lunis, Natalie Bridwell, Norman Bridwell, Norman Cole, Babette Munsch, Robert Orr, Wendy Andersen, Princess And The Pea Hans (Tharlet), The Christian Andersen, Hans Princess And The Pea, The Christian Princess And The Peanut McClure, Allergy, The Wendy Emmett, Princess And The Pig, The Jonathan Auch, Mary Princess And The Pizza, The Jane Lewison, Wendy Princess And The Potty, The Cheyette Lewison, Princess Buttercup: A Flower Wendy Princess Story Cheyette Lexile Levels Reading Level 550 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.9 1 786 Non-Fiction K-2 680 450 2.8 1.5 1 1 320 156 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 410 2.1 1 343 Non-Fiction K-2 30 1.5 1 406 Fiction K-2 260 640 2.1 3.7 2 1 1141 963 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 230 2.3 1 325 Fiction K-2 350 1.8 1 321 Non-Fiction K-2 690 3.6 1 315 Non-Fiction K-2 400 2 1 286 Fiction K-2 370 2.1 1 323 Fiction K-2 630 2.8 1 473 Fiction K-2 470 3.5 1 523 Fiction K-2 720 3.4 1 331 Fiction K-2 610 1.7 1 360 Fiction K-2 580 3.1 AD 1 359 Fiction K-2 470 1.5 AD 1 656 Fiction K-2 810 4.3 AD 1 833 Fiction K-2 540 3.8 AD 2 1317 Fiction K-2 580 3.3 1 567 Fiction K-2 0 1.8 1 270 Fiction K-2 AD AD AD BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.7 1 319 Fiction K-2 920 4.7 2 2293 Fiction K-2 700 3.3 AD 2 1109 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 AD 2 1039 Fiction K-2 680 3.5 AD 1 613 Fiction K-2 430 1.4 AD 2 1057 Fiction K-2 360 1.2 AD 2 1097 Fiction K-2 890 4.2 2 1058 Fiction K-2 340 2.8 2 1104 Fiction K-2 Galvert, Pam Mack, Todd 530 380 2.1 2.3 AD AD 1 1 658 371 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Mack, Todd 640 3.4 AD 1 642 Fiction K-2 Q15728 Princess Penelope's Parrot 710 3.5 AD 2 864 Fiction K-2 Q47746 770 3.7 AD 1 688 Fiction K-2 560 3.3 2 1607 Fiction K-2 380 2.3 2 2450 Fiction K-2 300 1.8 3 3039 Fiction K-2 410 2.4 3 2902 Fiction K-2 450 4.5 1 341 Fiction K-2 700 3.3 2 1017 Fiction K-2 330 2.3 1 471 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q27962 Princess For A Day Q09364 Princess Furball Q44871 Princess Grace Princess Hyacinth: The Surprising Tale Of A Girl Q47410 Who Floated Princess Justina Albertina: A Q41395 Cautionary Tale Princess K. I. M. And The Lie Q45808 That Grew Princess Kim And Too Much Q51701 Truth Q36821 Princess Knight, The Q09366 Princess Lulu Goes To Camp Q46622 Princess Peepers Q32826 Princess Penelope Princess Penelope Takes Q39059 Charge! Q27519 Q50308 Q55521 Q54892 Q20056 Q54429 Q09369 Author Name CoccaLeffler, Maryann Huck, Charlotte Hoffman, Mary Heide, Florence Parry Davidson, Ellen Dee CoccaLeffler, Maryann CoccaLeffler, Maryann Funke, Cornelia Cristaldi, Kathryn Lester, Helen Edwards, Princess Pigtoria And The Pamela Pea Duncan Muldoon, Princess Pooh (Anthology) Kathleen M. Princess Posey And The First Greene, Grade Parade Stephanie Princess Posey And The Greene, Next-Door Dog Stephanie Princess Posey And The Greene, Perfect Present Stephanie Cole, Princess Smartypants Babette Princess Zelda And The Gardner, Frog Carol Principal From The Black Lagoon, The Thaler, Mike Lexile Levels Reading Level 140 Lexile Code AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q09370 Principal's New Clothes, The Q37099 Printer, The Q44525 Priscilla And The Hollyhocks Q47336 Priscilla And The Pink Planet Q23932 Probably Pistachio Q38249 Problem With Chickens, The Q27738 Problem With Pelly, The Q46877 Project Panda Q22414 Prokofiev (Lives And Times) Q09387 Promise Is A Promise, A Q20211 Promise Quilt, The Q32374 Promise, The Q56614 Protein Foods Group Proud Rooster And Little Q23727 Hen Q20575 Prudence Psssst! It's Me...The Q13612 Bogeyman Pterosaurs And Other Q55364 Prehistoric Animals Q29721 Puddle Pail, The Q27867 Puddle, The Q35746 Puedo hacer de todo Puerto Rico (Rookie ReadAbout Geography Q39862 Children's Press) Q23533 Puerto Rico (Visit To) Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 2 1200 Fiction K-2 AD 1 675 Fiction K-2 4.3 AD 2 1172 Fiction K-2 690 3.3 AD 2 1096 Fiction K-2 280 2.1 2 813 Fiction K-2 580 3 1 392 Fiction K-2 170 2.3 2 765 Fiction K-2 840 4.5 2 1951 Fiction K-2 630 2.9 2 609 Non-Fiction K-2 600 2.5 AD 2 1468 Fiction K-2 450 3.4 AD 2 1077 Fiction K-2 320 2.3 1 337 Fiction K-2 470 2.5 1 204 Non-Fiction K-2 240 2.5 2 1478 Fiction K-2 450 1.5 1 370 Non-Fiction K-2 610 5.5 2 812 Fiction K-2 Anonymous, 530 3.1 1 414 Non-Fiction K-2 Kleven, Elisa McPhail, David Pearson, Mary E. 590 2.7 2 1032 Fiction K-2 0 1.9 1 325 Fiction K-2 110 1.6 1 72 Fiction K-2 650 3.5 1 382 Non-Fiction K-2 550 2.9 2 622 Non-Fiction K-2 Calmenson, Stephanie Uhlberg, Myron Broyles, Anne Hobbie, Nathaniel Murphy, Stuart J. McMillan, Bruce Corey, Shana Lumry, Amanda Lynch, Wendy Munsch, Robert Ransom, Candice F. Brimner, Larry Dane BorgertSpaniol, Megan Sommer, Carl Raatma, Lucia Park, Barbara Zapata, Elizabeth Foster, Leila Merrell Lexile Levels Reading Level 520 4.5 710 4.4 700 Lexile Code AD IG BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Points Words Type Interest Level 3.5 1 200 Non-Fiction K-2 700 2 1 490 Non-Fiction K-2 620 3.1 2 764 Fiction K-2 620 3.5 1 223 Non-Fiction K-2 860 260 4.9 1.7 AD 2 1 1524 200 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 640 1.5 IG 1 405 Non-Fiction K-2 810 5.3 2.2 NA 1 1 552 564 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 3.8 AD 2 1033 Non-Fiction K-2 2.4 NP 1 476 Non-Fiction K-2 550 540 2.7 2.8 AD 2 5 748 13536 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 640 5.5 AD 2 1180 Fiction K-2 130 1.3 1 95 Fiction K-2 190 1.5 1 174 Fiction K-2 410 2.4 2 1296 Fiction K-2 590 3.3 2 656 Non-Fiction K-2 230 1.4 1 234 Fiction K-2 260 1.5 1 73 Fiction K-2 760 3.5 AD 2 1448 Fiction K-2 310 3.1 AD 2 757 Fiction K-2 530 3.2 1 568 Non-Fiction K-2 520 1.5 1 273 Non-Fiction K-2 Puffer Fish (Blastoff! Q43501 Readers) Sexton, Colleen 630 Q38510 Puffin Rescue Scott, Janine Puffin's Homecoming: The Bailer, Q26760 Story Of An Atlantic Puffin Darice Sexton, Q46017 Puffins (Blastoff! Reader) Colleen Gibbons, Q16498 Puffins Are Back!, The Gail Q09403 Pulgada a pulgada Lionni, Leo Dahl, Q09404 Pulleys Michael Q47515 Pulleys (Blastoff! Readers) Q09405 Pulling My Leg Q20387 Pumpkin Book, The Q35025 Pumpkin Circle Pumpkin Day, Pumpkin Q20970 Night Q42304 Pumpkin Elf Mystery, The Q13208 Pumpkin Fiesta Q21922 Pumpkin Heads! Q09406 Pumpkin Man, The Q50861 Pumpkin Mystery, The Q20765 Pumpkin Patch, The Pumpkin Patch, The (Robin Q37422 Hill School) Q09407 Pumpkin Pumpkin Q19190 Pumpkin Runner, The Q20292 Pumpkin Soup Pumpkin's Trip Around The Q30030 World, The Q09408 Pumpkins Manolis, Kay Carson, Jo Gibbons, Gail Levenson, George Rockwell, Anne Klein, Abby Yacowitz, Caryn Minor, Wendell Moffatt, Judith Wallace, Carol King, Elizabeth McNamara, Margaret Titherington, Jeanne Arnold, Marsha Diane Cooper, Helen Widener, Sandra Burckhardt, Ann L. 570 Lexile Code SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 1 251 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1097 Non-Fiction K-2 3.2 1 549 Non-Fiction K-2 650 3.2 1 868 Fiction K-2 690 3.3 1 386 Non-Fiction K-2 370 2.9 1 498 Fiction K-2 700 4.1 AD 2 2324 Fiction K-2 490 2.5 AD 1 369 Fiction K-2 590 3.8 AD 1 977 Fiction K-2 140 1.2 1 80 Fiction K-2 Thaler, Mike Sexton, Q43500 Puppies (Blastoff! Readers) Colleen Q16450 Puppies Are Like That Pfloog, Jan Young, Q36751 Puppies in the Snow James Meyers, Q38511 Puppies! Puppies! Puppies! Susan Bridwell, Q34357 Puppy Love Norman Harimann, Q50425 Puppy Love Sierra King-Smith, Q09413 Puppy Love (King-Smith) Dick 240 1.5 2 1384 Fiction K-2 310 530 2.1 2.6 AD 1 1 95 339 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 1.8 NP 1 304 Fiction K-2 1.8 NP 1 277 Fiction K-2 270 1.5 AD 1 302 Fiction K-2 520 2.3 1 959 Fiction K-2 620 2.8 2 772 Non-Fiction K-2 Q09415 Puppy Parade Puppy Who Wanted A Q09417 Boy, The Puppy Who Went To Q25512 School, The Q09420 Purple Coat, The Venn, Cecilia 400 1.5 1 384 Fiction K-2 Thayer, Jane Herman, Gail Hest, Amy Sterling, Kristin 510 2.7 2 1305 Fiction K-2 290 670 2.1 3.2 2 2 888 1456 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 540 3.2 1 445 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q46277 Pumpkins Q37246 Pumpkins (Farmer) Q57858 Punctuation Q50771 Punctuation Celebration Q49168 Punctuation Station, The Punctuation Takes A Q34109 Vacation Author Name Nelson, Robin Farmer, Jacqueline Ganeri, Anita Knight-Bruno, Elsa Cleary, Brian P. Pulver, Robin Punia And The King Of Wardlaw, Q14191 Sharks: A Hawaiian Folktale Lee Krosoczka, Q36798 Punk Farm Jarrett J. Q37049 Punxsutawney Phyllis Q27643 Pup And The Cat, The Hill, Susanna Leonard King, Elizabeth Q09410 Puppet Club, The Q51527 Purple Everywhere Lexile Levels Reading Level 400 2.3 800 3.4 560 Lexile Code AD AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q23112 Purple Is Best Purple Is Part Of A Q18093 Rainbow Q19063 Purple Mountain Majesties Q09422 Purple Pickle Juice Q09423 Purple Pussycat, The Q09424 Purple, Green and Yellow Q18343 Push And Pull Q34715 Push And Pull Q17706 Puss In Boots (Galdone) Puss In Boots: The Adventures Of That Most Q26149 Enterprising Feline Q45919 Put It On The List! Q09433 Q54475 Q17681 Q27523 Q28510 Pyramids (First Discovery) Python Q Is For Duck Quack (Anthology) Quack And Count Q14729 Quack And Honk Q09438 Quarreling Book, The Quarter From The Tooth Q09439 Fairy, A Q36673 Quarters Queen Alexandra's Birdwing: The World's Largest Butterfly Q40558 (SuperSized!) Q19583 Queen Nadine Q52993 Queen Of France, The Author Name Rau, Dana Meachen Kowalczyk, Carolyn Younger, Barbara Farber, Erica Hillert, Margaret Munsch, Robert Schaefer, Lola M. Murphy, Patricia J. Galdone, Paul Pullman, Philip Darbyshire, Kristen Jeunesse, Gallimard Allyn, Daisy Elting, Mary Barrett, Judi Baker, Keith Fowler, Allan Zolotow, Charlotte Holtzman, Caren Hill, Mary Stidworthy, John Kovalski, Maryann Wadham, Tim Q17785 Quennu And The Cave Bear Day, Marie Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 0 1.5 BR 1 63 Fiction K-2 190 1.5 1 131 Non-Fiction K-2 880 5.7 2 2098 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.8 2 783 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 290 Fiction K-2 650 2.4 AD 2 1153 Fiction K-2 250 1.6 1 36 Non-Fiction K-2 600 1.4 1 231 Non-Fiction K-2 730 3.4 AD 2 1439 Fiction K-2 380 3.7 AD 2 2550 Fiction K-2 530 2.1 AD 1 209 Fiction K-2 870 600 5.6 3.4 1.9 1.1 1.5 AD 2 1 1 1 1 555 390 275 66 88 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 30 AD NP NP 530 1.5 1 288 Non-Fiction K-2 870 4.1 2 624 Fiction K-2 550 380 2.5 1.8 1 1 445 112 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 730 3.8 IG 1 504 Non-Fiction K-2 460 3.9 AD 2 1379 Fiction K-2 400 2.3 1 918 Fiction K-2 780 5.2 2 1838 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Quentin Quokka's Quick Q54175 Questions Q09455 Querido Pedrín Q35036 Querido Salvatierra Q09457 Quest For Camelot Questions: Poems Of Q09464 Wonder Q09466 Quick As A Cricket Q09467 Quick Chick Q09469 Quick, Quack, Quick Quick, Quiet, And Q25167 Feathered Q09470 Quicksand Book, The Q09472 Quiero más fideos Q27899 Quiet Little Farm, The Q17037 Quiet Night In, A Q35675 Quiet Owls Q33630 Quiet Place, A Q42499 Quiet Wyatt Q33756 Quiet! Quiet! There's A Canary In Q46198 The Library Q22039 Quiet, Wyatt! Q09473 Quilt Q27323 Quilt Alphabet Q09474 Quilt Story, The Q21978 Quiltmaker's Gift, The Q38240 Quinito's Neighborhood Author Name deRubertis, Barbara Ada, Alma Flor Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 480 1.6 AD 1 670 Fiction K-2 4.2 2 0 Fiction K-2 James, Simon Weinberger, Kimberly Hopkins, Lee Bennett Wood, Audrey 490 2.5 1 410 Fiction K-2 480 5.4 2 1944 Fiction K-2 2 1289 Fiction K-2 240 2.8 1 140 Fiction K-2 Hoban, Julia Arnold, Marsha Diane Butterfield, Moira dePaola, Tomie Gelman, Rita Golden Kerr, Janet Murphy, Jill 310 2.1 2 751 Fiction K-2 170 1.3 1 284 Fiction K-2 220 2.1 1 547 Non-Fiction K-2 470 3.4 AD 2 813 Fiction K-2 250 160 140 1.6 1.6 1.9 AD 1 1 1 355 208 563 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 Riley, Joelle Wood, Douglas Brimner, Larry Dane Bright, Paul Freeman, Don Maynard, Bill Jonas, Ann ClineRansome, Lesa Johnston, Tony Brumbeau, Jeff Cumpiano, Ina 380 1.6 1 385 Non-Fiction K-2 750 3.9 2 789 Fiction K-2 400 250 2.3 2.1 1 1 134 596 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 480 1.6 1 523 Fiction K-2 280 290 3.1 1.8 2 1 790 162 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.9 NP AD AD 2.3 NP 1 534 Fiction K-2 400 2.5 AD 1 572 Fiction K-2 640 5.1 AD 2 2074 Fiction K-2 490 2.5 1 186 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q46142 Quinito, Day And Night Q27309 Quinnie Blue Quique duerme fuera de Q09475 casa Q52857 Quite Contrary Man, The Q42503 Quite Enough Hot Dogs Q09478 R Is For Radish! Rabbit And Hare Divide An Q27900 Apple Rabbit And The Dragon King: Based On A Korean Q33358 Tale, The Q24474 Rabbit And The Moon Rabbit Makes A Monkey Q22151 Of Lion Rabbit Pirates: A Tale Of Q20787 The Spinach Main Q41497 Rabbit's Gift Rabbit's New Rug Q29511 (Anthology) Q20822 Rabbit's Pajama Party Q09482 Rabbit's Party Q09483 Rabbit's Wish For Snow Q21692 Rabbit-Cadabra! Q42550 Rabbits Q51638 Rabbits Q22336 Rabbits (Pets) Q16119 Rabbits And Raindrops Q28898 Rabbits Have Bunnies Rabbits, Rabbits, & More Q21632 Rabbits! Q53081 Raccoon Cubs Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 290 1.4 AD 1 268 Fiction K-2 710 3.3 AD 1 412 Fiction K-2 300 2.7 2 1133 Fiction K-2 840 270 4.5 1.7 2 1 1388 213 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 320 2.4 2 662 Fiction K-2 80 1.7 1 331 Fiction K-2 620 3.7 AD 2 1813 Fiction K-2 530 3.4 AD 2 1289 Fiction K-2 450 2.8 AD 2 1321 Fiction K-2 Cox, Judy Shannon, George 490 2.7 AD 2 1549 Fiction K-2 650 3.5 AD 1 419 Fiction K-2 Delton, Judy Murphy, Stuart J. Bunting, Eve Tchin, - 400 2.7 2 948 Fiction K-2 290 170 450 1.7 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 147 351 375 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 Howe, James Endres, Hollie 400 2.8 2 1518 Fiction K-2 380 2.3 1 86 Non-Fiction K-2 Zobel, Derek Miller, Michaela 430 2.4 1 106 Non-Fiction K-2 770 2.5 2 754 Non-Fiction K-2 Arnosky, Jim Stone, Lynn M. Gibbons, Gail Owen, Ruth 490 1.7 1 183 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 2 627 Non-Fiction K-2 530 390 3.2 1.3 2 1 1465 273 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Cumpiano, Ina Johnson, Dinah Waber, Bernard Hyatt, Patricia Rusch Mara, Wil Coxe, Molly Ziefert, Harriet San Souci, Daniel Wood, Douglas Aardema, Verna AD NC IG SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Q23079 Raccoons Fowler, Allan 420 2.5 NA 1 117 Non-Fiction K-2 Q51639 Raccoons Green, Emily 420 2.4 1 117 Non-Fiction K-2 Q09486 Raccoons And Ripe Corn Race Cars (Blastoff! Q47510 Readers) Arnosky, Jim 690 2.2 1 120 Non-Fiction K-2 Zobel, Derek 410 2.4 1 118 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2 1 376 Non-Fiction K-2 450 4.3 1 368 Fiction K-2 200 1.1 2 2021 Fiction K-2 930 6.6 1 896 Non-Fiction K-2 560 3.8 AD 2 1038 Fiction K-2 470 2.3 AD 2 Fiction K-2 Q23024 Radio Rescue Martin, Ann Weatherfor d, Carole Boston Dorros, Arthur Dorros, Arthur Barasch, Lynne 670 3.6 2 1702 Fiction K-2 Q36571 Rafi and Rosi Delacre, Lulu 440 2.1 2 1635 Fiction K-2 Q38702 Rafi And Rosi: Carnival! Delacre, Lulu LaMarche, Jim Schade, Susan Bailer, Darice Kalan, Robert SaundersSmith, Gail Stojic, Manya 480 2.6 2 1519 Fiction K-2 540 3.5 2 1911 Fiction K-2 50 1.7 1 178 Fiction K-2 570 3.1 2 1618 Fiction K-2 1 56 Fiction K-2 1 262 Non-Fiction K-2 1 320 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q36764 Rachel Carson Q09495 Rachel Fister's Blister Rachel Parker, Q57558 Kindergarten Show-Off Q48315 Racing Against The Odds Q09504 Radio Man Q09505 Radio Man (Español) Q23977 Raft, The Q09515 Railroad Toad Railroad! A Story Of The Q33878 Transcontinental Railroad Q09516 Rain Q18723 Rain Q21883 Rain Q38512 Rain Q39801 Rain (Blastoff! Readers) Q33652 Rain And Shine Fontes, Justine & Ron MacDonald, Amy Bauer, Marion Dane Herriges, Ann Kespert, Deborah 1.2 AD AD AD NP 370 2.8 120 2.1 170 1.4 1 129 Fiction K-2 380 1.9 1 243 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.3 2 2155 Non-Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q21923 Q09519 Q09518 Q29021 Title Author Name Shannon, Rain Came Down, The David Cowcher, Rain Forest Helen Jeunesse, Rain Forest (First Discovery) Gallimard Miranda, Rain Forest (Miranda) Anne Q54056 Rain Forest Homes Q30044 Rain Forest Plants Q42570 Rain Forests Carlin, Lydia Lundberg, Linda Sexton, Colleen Lexile Levels Reading Level 370 2.2 550 3.2 580 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 590 Fiction K-2 1 273 Fiction K-2 3.3 1 394 Non-Fiction K-2 370 2.7 1 634 Non-Fiction K-2 560 3.2 1 217 Non-Fiction K-2 530 3.2 1 579 Fiction K-2 660 3.8 1 307 Non-Fiction K-2 570 3.3 1 601 Non-Fiction K-2 1 181 Fiction K-2 1 944 Fiction K-2 AD Q09523 Rain Makes Applesauce Levinson, Nancy Smiler Scheer, Julian Q42053 Rain Or Shine West, Tracey 530 2.8 Q19512 Rain Rain Rivers 140 2.5 AD 1 153 Fiction K-2 Q51358 Shulevitz, Uri Rumford, Rain School James Serfozo, Rain Talk Mary Greene, Rain! Rain! Carol Guiberson, Rain, Rain, Rain Forest Brenda Z. Wood, Rainbow Bridge Audrey Rainbow Fish And The Big Pfister, Blue Whale Marcus Pfister, Rainbow Fish To The Rescue! Marcus Pfister, Rainbow Fish, The Marcus Menschell, Rainbow Hats Mindy Strom, Maria Rainbow Joe And Me Diaz Freeman, Rainbow Of My Own, A Don Rainbow Tulip, The Mora, Pat Raindrops Gay, Sandy 420 1.4 AD 1 451 Fiction K-2 750 4.5 AD 1 271 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 63 Fiction K-2 870 5.2 AD 1 1337 Fiction K-2 640 3.5 AD 2 1145 Fiction K-2 550 4.8 2 681 Fiction K-2 590 2.6 AD 2 646 Fiction K-2 410 3.3 AD 2 619 Fiction K-2 320 1.3 1 41 Fiction K-2 490 3.2 AD 2 800 Fiction K-2 300 310 310 1.7 2.3 1.7 AD 1 2 1 268 1300 66 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 Q43631 Rain Forests Q09525 Q14562 Q37825 Q09526 Q09528 Q14212 Q22808 Q29963 Q18710 Q19513 Q21709 Q09536 3.1 NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Brimner, Q14536 Raindrops (Rookie Reader) Larry Dane Rainforest Grew All Mitchell, Q41535 Around, The Susan K. O'Neil, Q14406 Rainforest Plants Sarah Rainy Day Alphabet Book, Posner, Q09538 The Jackie Eaton, Q25461 Rainy Day Grump, The Deborah Q29875 Rainy Day Pals Q29983 Rainy Day Pictures Q18423 Rainy Day, A Q23167 Rainy Days Rainy Weather Days Q39864 (Scholastic News) Q39230 Rainy-Day Music Raising Cows On The Q14817 Koebels' Farm Q09541 Raising Dragons Q21490 Raising Sweetness Q19078 Raising Yoder's Barn Q53041 Raj The Bookstore Tiger Q56183 Rally For Recycling Ramadan (Rookie ReadQ32311 About Holidays) Cruise, Robin Catherine, Dana Schaefer, Lola M. Burke, Jennifer S. Rosenberg, Pam Hyde, Judith Jensen Flanagan, Alice K. Nolen, Jerdine Stanley, Diane Yolen, Jane Pelley, Kathleen T. Bullard, Lisa Marx, David F. Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 0 1.1 BR 1 70 Fiction K-2 980 5.9 NC 1 712 Fiction K-2 420 1.8 1 151 Non-Fiction K-2 390 2.5 1 95 Fiction K-2 30 2.2 1 400 Fiction K-2 120 1.5 1 192 Fiction K-2 280 1.9 1 265 Fiction K-2 260 1.7 1 52 Non-Fiction K-2 1 137 Non-Fiction K-2 1.7 NA 560 2.9 1 301 Non-Fiction K-2 100 1.4 1 113 Fiction K-2 670 3.3 NC 1 392 Non-Fiction K-2 670 3.5 AD 2 1461 Fiction K-2 530 680 2.8 5.2 AD 2 2 2143 1192 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 740 420 3.5 2.4 2 1 1032 450 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 350 1.9 1 293 Non-Fiction K-2 1 547 Non-Fiction K-2 AD Q47519 Ramps (Blastoff! Readers) Rap A Tap Tap: Here's Q30879 Bojangles - Think Of That! Manolis, Kay 760 4.6 Dillon, Leo 300 2.1 AD 1 221 Fiction K-2 Q31075 Raptors! Q09564 Rapunzel Q52460 Rapunzel McCourt, Lisa 710 Troll, Assoc. 610 Gibb, Sarah 1020 Grimm, Brothers 870 Rogasky, Barbara 720 3.3 4.3 7.6 AD AD 1 2 2 414 1112 2140 Non-Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 5.6 AD 2 1369 Fiction K-2 2 2172 Fiction K-2 Q09565 Rapunzel (Español) Q25185 Rapunzel (Rogasky) 3.7 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Rare Treasure: Mary Anning And Her Q31520 Remarkable Discoveries Rashad's Ramadan And Eid Q58037 al-Fitr Rat And The Cat Q29632 (Anthology), The Q31345 Rat And The Tiger, The Q09575 ratita presumida, La Ratoncito Zapata y el Rey Q09576 Chimuelo Q35422 Rats Q14238 Rattlebang Picnic, The Rattlesnake Dance Q24158 (Arnosky) Q31299 Rattletrap Car Raven: A Trickster Tale Q09585 From The Pacific Northwest razón de ser de una flor, Q09588 La Reach For The Stars: The Ellen Ochoa Story Q31134 (Anthology) Q09591 Read For Me, Mama Q53632 Read To Tiger Q09593 Read To Your Bunny Q55878 Ready For Anything! Q27138 Ready Set Go! Q46412 Ready To Dream Q09594 Ready, Set, Go! Q09595 Ready, Set, Hop! Q50772 Ready, Set, School! Q29899 Ready, Set, Sleep Q46496 Ready, Set, Snow! Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Brown, Don 840 Bullard, Lisa Marshall, Edward Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.9 2 1402 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.6 1 574 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 1 353 Fiction K-2 Kasza, Keiko Cots, J. 250 520 1.8 2.7 1 1 405 492 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Rodríguez, I. Powell, E. Sandy Mahy, Margaret 700 4 2 972 Fiction K-2 690 3.7 3 2066 Non-Fiction K-2 860 4.6 AD 2 1022 Fiction K-2 Arnosky, Jim Root, Phyllis 380 510 2.1 2.6 AD AD 1 1 270 575 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 McDermott, Gerald 380 2.8 AD 2 586 Fiction K-2 Heller, Ruth 690 2.3 1 385 Non-Fiction K-2 Alonso, Elena Rahaman, Vashanti Fore, S. J. Wells, Rosemary 780 2.6 1 366 Non-Fiction K-2 540 330 3.5 1.1 2 1 1617 547 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 150 1.5 1 38 Fiction K-2 Kasza, Keiko Feury, Dan Napoli, Donna Jo 300 550 1.1 2.3 AD 1 2 446 649 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 490 1.6 AD 1 741 Fiction K-2 Stadler, John Murphy, Stuart J. Mitchard, Jacquelyn Blackaby, Susan Klein, Abby 270 1.9 1 390 Fiction K-2 580 2.5 1 506 Fiction K-2 700 2.7 2 1314 Fiction K-2 290 500 1.6 2.7 1 3 308 6983 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 BR AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q50213 Ready, Set... Wait! Q29201 Ready? Click! Q33626 Ready? Set. Raymond! Q29636 Real Gift (Anthology), A Q09598 Real Hole, The Q09599 Real Live Monsters Real Mother Goose Board Q20947 Book, The Q14742 Really Big Cats Author Name Zelch, Patti R. Stelson, Caren B. Nelson, Vaunda Micheaux HoytGoldsmith, Diane Cleary, Beverly Schecter, Ellen Q57960 Really Rotten Princess, The Q25484 Really? Q09606 Reason For A Flower, The Q09608 Reasons For Seasons, The Q20935 Rebel Q09617 Rebus Bears Q46949 Recess At 20 Below Q31324 Recess Countdown Q09618 Recess Mess Q27676 Recess Queen, The Q45711 Record Run Q23157 Rectangles Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 710 3.4 AD 1 376 Fiction K-2 30 1.8 1 237 Non-Fiction K-2 170 1.7 1 300 Fiction K-2 190 1.3 1 186 Non-Fiction K-2 580 2.4 2 1477 Fiction K-2 730 2.8 2 1735 Non-Fiction K-2 1 452 Fiction K-2 Scholastic, Fowler, Allan Really Big Dinosaurs And Hughes, Q41623 Other Giants (Dino World!) Monica Q52440 Really Cool Reptiles Lexile Levels Martin, Justin McCory Snodgrass, Lady Cecily Papademetri ou, Lisa Heller, Ruth Gibbons, Gail Schoenherr, John Reit, Seymour Aillaud, Cindy Lou Regan, Dana Maccarone, Grace O'Neill, Alexis Maddox, Jake Burke, Jennifer S. 1.9 AD NP 610 3.3 1 506 Non-Fiction K-2 520 2.8 1 108 Non-Fiction K-2 500 2.7 1 354 Non-Fiction K-2 690 3.3 AD 1 639 Fiction K-2 180 2.8 3.4 NP 2 1 1500 369 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 620 4.4 AD 2 1077 Non-Fiction K-2 400 2.1 AD 1 225 Fiction K-2 290 2.1 1 637 Fiction K-2 900 5.2 2 1290 Non-Fiction K-2 290 2.1 2 1076 Fiction K-2 200 1.3 1 169 Fiction K-2 450 2.6 1 547 Fiction K-2 440 2.5 4 4710 Fiction K-2 240 1.9 1 178 Non-Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q37942 Q33431 Q22131 Q43365 Q09625 Title Author Name Wallace, Nancy Recycle Every Day Elizabeth Recycle That! (Rookie Read- Robinson, About Science) Fay Eversole, Red Berry Wool Robyn Red Butterfly: How A Princess Smuggled The Secret Of Silk Out Of Noyes, China Deborah Pico, Red Comb, The Fernando Q09626 Red Dancing Shoes Q49130 Red Everywhere Q17162 Red Flower Goes West Q09628 Red Fox And His Canoe Q24194 Red Fox Monster, The Q16982 Red Fox Running Q35670 Red Foxes Q09629 Red Hen, The Q22542 Red In My World Red Is A Dragon: A Book Q30582 Of Colors Q19525 Red Is Best Q34555 Red Kangaroo Q09632 Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf Red Legs: A Drummer Boy Q24985 Of The Civil War Red Light Stop, Green Light Q09633 Go Red Light, Green Light, Q27836 Mama And Me Q53022 Red Piano, The Q09636 Red Racer, The Patrick, Denise Lewis Sterling, Kristin Turner, Ann Benchley, Nathaniel Baron, Alan Bunting, Eve Levine, Michelle Stamper, Judith Bauer Winne, Joanne Thong, Roseanne Stinson, Kathy Eckart, Edana Ehlert, Lois Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 600 3.3 AD 1 724 Fiction K-2 530 2.6 1 385 Non-Fiction K-2 340 2.9 AD 2 1185 Fiction K-2 880 5.7 AD 1 735 Fiction K-2 860 4.5 AD 2 2233 Fiction K-2 470 2.7 2 930 Fiction K-2 500 660 2.7 4.6 AD 1 2 540 955 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 260 210 2.8 1.7 3.5 NA 2 1 1 804 209 260 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 360 1.8 1 317 Non-Fiction K-2 260 1.3 1 255 Fiction K-2 1.4 NA 1 141 Non-Fiction K-2 2.3 NP 1 210 Fiction K-2 300 2.1 1 309 Fiction K-2 460 680 1.6 3.3 1 1 91 286 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Lewin, Ted Kulman, Andrew 540 2.7 2 710 Non-Fiction K-2 530 1.4 AD 1 94 Fiction K-2 Best, Cari Leblanc, Andre Wood, Audrey 390 2.6 AD 2 1022 Fiction K-2 720 4.4 2 1172 Fiction K-2 610 2.8 2 609 Fiction K-2 AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 720 3.6 AD 1 680 Fiction K-2 520 4.4 2 635 Fiction K-2 170 1.5 AD 1 171 Fiction K-2 570 2.3 AD 1 681 Fiction K-2 190 1.6 1 136 Fiction K-2 130 2.1 1 408 Fiction K-2 200 2.5 GN 1 809 Fiction K-2 720 4.4 AD 1 907 Fiction K-2 810 2.8 AD 1 528 Fiction K-2 420 2.4 1 430 Fiction K-2 Red, White, And Blue: The Herman, Q30992 Story Of The American Flag John 390 2.6 2 1129 Non-Fiction K-2 Q09644 Red-Eyed Tree Frog 350 2.8 1 176 Non-Fiction K-2 Q35423 570 2.9 2 1844 Non-Fiction K-2 0 640 1100 1.1 3.7 7.5 1 1 2 32 702 1099 Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 420 240 2.6 3.1 2 1 756 212 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 400 1.7 1 76 Fiction K-2 80 2.4 1 444 Fiction K-2 420 2.5 AD 1 581 Fiction K-2 610 3.5 AD 2 1101 Fiction K-2 600 3.5 2 1296 Non-Fiction K-2 580 540 2.9 3.9 2 2 1691 612 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Quiz # Q40030 Q09637 Q29072 Q46417 Q29626 Q31791 Q47690 Q43135 Q09642 Q50416 Q09645 Q49145 Q46210 Q24542 Q17273 Q35790 Q27403 Q15786 Q09654 Q09655 Q25559 Q09658 Title Author Name Gorbachev, Red Red Red Valeri Marshall, Red Riding Hood James Ray, Mary Red Rubber Boot Day Lyn Red Sings From Treetops: A Sidman, Year In Colors Joyce Red Stone Game Christian, (Anthology), The Mary Blount Maloney, Red Sweater, The Peter Red Ted And The Lost Rosen, Things Michael Red Thread: An Adoption Fairy Tale, The Lin, Grace London, Red Wolf Country Jonathan Red, White, And Blue and Manushkin, Katie Woo! Fran Cowley, Joy Netherton, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs John Avalos, Redonda y redondo Cecilia Redwood Forests, The Bullard, Lisa Redwoods Chin, Jason Reese's Pieces Count By Pallotta, Fives Jerry Reflections Jonas, Ann Callahan, regalo bien envuelto, Un Thera S. Regards To The Man In The Keats, Ezra Moon Jack Moss, Regina's Big Mistake Marissa Regular Flood Of Mishap, Birdseye, A Tom Rehema's Journey: A Visit In Margolies, Tanzania Barbara A. Arnold, Reindeer Caroline Reindeer Christmas, The Price, Moe AD BR NC AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q09660 Relatives Came, The Q25232 Reluctant Flower Girl, The Q09666 Remainder Of One, A Remarkable Farkle Q22622 McBride, The Q50471 Remarkable Reindeer Remember Me When: Navigating Through Q58354 Alzheimer's Disease Remind Me Again: Navigating Through the Q58355 Loss of a Loved One Renoir And The Boy With Q43362 The Long Hair Q09684 Q22337 Q25525 Q35213 Q17041 Q18541 Q46008 Q18539 Q09688 Q44272 Q30975 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 940 3.1 AD 1 524 Fiction K-2 330 2.4 AD 1 727 Fiction K-2 570 2.5 2 584 Fiction K-2 Lithgow, John Bauer, Jeff 620 4.5 2.6 NP NC 1 1 571 603 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Ster, Isabelle Angelite 970 6.6 AD 1 89 Fiction K-2 640 2.7 AD 2 1261 Fiction K-2 740 4.5 NC 2 2074 Fiction K-2 410 3.7 AD 2 777 Fiction K-2 710 3.1 2 904 Non-Fiction K-2 370 2.7 2 1101 Fiction K-2 450 2.3 3 1352 Non-Fiction K-2 470 3.3 2 760 Fiction K-2 620 1.5 1 351 Non-Fiction K-2 740 4.5 1 604 Non-Fiction K-2 440 1.5 1 375 Non-Fiction K-2 730 560 4.2 2.7 2 1 1543 473 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 350 3.2 1 490 Fiction K-2 610 3.4 4 7518 Fiction K-2 470 1.5 1 883 Fiction K-2 630 3.4 2 631 Non-Fiction K-2 670 3.4 2 1364 Fiction K-2 Rylant, Cynthia Barasch, Lynne Pinczes, Elinor J. Ster Family, Wax, Wendy St. Pierre, Reptar To The Rescue! Stephanie Theodorou, Reptiles (Animal Babies) Rod McDonald, Reptiles Are My Life Megan Ransom, Rescue On The Outer Banks Candice F. Butterworth, Rescue Party, The Nick Raatma, Respect Lucia Respiratory System, The (Blastoff! Reader) Manolis, Kay Raatma, Responsibility Lucia Responsibility: Annie Shows Canning, Off Shelagh Retired Kid, The Agee, Jon Return Of Freddy LeGrand, The Agee, Jon Q50012 Return Of Light, The Return Of The Library Q58014 Dragon Return Of The Peregrine Q30049 Falcon, The Q38515 Revenge of the Ants, The Calhoun, Dia Deedy, Carmen Agra Blackaby, Susan Harper, Benjamin AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Reverend Thomas's False Q09709 Teeth Q41738 Rex Q09714 Rex And Lilly: Family Time Q27965 Rex And Lilly: Playtime Q09715 Rex And Lilly: School Time Q19531 Rhino And Mouse Q26657 Rhino Romp Q56623 Rhinoceroses Rhinos For Lunch And Q09718 Elephants For Supper Rhode Island (Rookie ReadAbout Geography Q39865 Children's Press) Q52943 Rhyming Dust Bunnies Q16568 Ribbon Rescue Q09721 Ricardo's Day Q28212 Rice (What's For Lunch?) Rich Man And The Parrot, Q41091 The Richard Scarry's Pie Rats Q09088 Ahoy! Richard Scarry's The Early Q21475 Bird Richard Scarry's Watch Q12234 Your Step, Mr. Rabbit! Ricitos Dorados y los tres Q09729 osos Rick And Dad Go Camping Q31191 (Anthology) Q29913 Rick Is Sick Author Name Gillerlain, Gayle Dubosarsky, Ursula Brown, Laurie Krasny Brown, Laurie Krasny Brown, Laurie Krasny Palmer, Todd Starr George, Jean Craighead Schuetz, Kari Mollel, Tololwa M. Labella, Susan Thomas, Jan Munsch, Robert Ancona, George Robson, Pam Nadimi, Suzan Scarry, Richard Scarry, Richard Scarry, Richard Marshall, James Mackeen, Carly McPhail, David Lexile Levels Reading Level 630 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.5 2 686 Fiction K-2 360 1.9 1 249 Fiction K-2 170 1.9 1 557 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 1 491 Fiction K-2 120 1.5 1 557 Fiction K-2 170 2.3 2 969 Fiction K-2 440 2.6 2 777 Fiction K-2 360 2.2 1 113 Non-Fiction K-2 580 5.5 AD 2 805 Fiction K-2 620 180 3.3 1.1 AD 1 1 367 117 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 420 3.5 AD 2 765 Fiction K-2 330 4.3 2 803 Fiction K-2 540 2.9 1 442 Non-Fiction K-2 780 3.9 1 689 Fiction K-2 440 1.9 1 300 Fiction K-2 90 2.2 1 364 Fiction K-2 0 2.2 1 93 Fiction K-2 410 4 2 741 Fiction K-2 410 1.4 1 100 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 1 46 Fiction K-2 BR AD BR BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q20093 Q31505 Q27773 Q22102 Q33929 Q23616 Q52864 Title Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot vs. The Jurassic Jackrabbits From Jupiter Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot vs. The MechaMonkeys From Mars Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot vs. The Mutant Mosquitoes From Mercury Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot vs. The Stupid Stinkbugs From Saturn Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot vs. The Voodoo Vultures From Venus Ricky Vargas: Born To Be Funny! Ricky Vargas: The Funniest Q49878 Kid In The World (CLUBS) Ricky Vargas: The Funniest Kid In The World (Little Q51711 Apple) Q47369 Riddle Of The Reef Riddle Road: Puzzles In Q20733 Poems And Pictures Q16096 Riddle-Icious Q29635 Riddles (Anthology), The Ride On The Red Mare's Q33760 Back, A Q54936 Ride, Fly Guy, Ride! Ride: The Legend Of Betsy Q49708 Dowdy, The Riding The Ferry With Q09742 Captain Cruz Riding The School Bus With Q14833 Mrs. Kramer Q44527 Riding To Washington Q20390 Right Here On This Spot Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Pilkey, Dav 340 Pilkey, Dav Points Words Type Interest Level 1.8 2 1074 Fiction K-2 470 2.4 2 1753 Fiction K-2 Pilkey, Dav 490 2.5 2 1953 Fiction K-2 Pilkey, Dav 470 2.2 2 1472 Fiction K-2 Pilkey, Dav 590 2.9 2 2215 Fiction K-2 Pilkey, Dav 520 2.8 2 1915 Fiction K-2 Katz, Alan 530 2.6 1 803 Fiction K-2 Katz, Alan 560 3.2 1 960 Fiction K-2 Katz, Alan Lumry, Amanda Spires, Elizabeth Lewis, J. Patrick Wiseman, Bernard Le Guin, Ursula K. 530 3.1 2 1347 Fiction K-2 860 5.6 2 2139 Fiction K-2 230 1.5 2 813 Fiction K-2 2 739 Fiction K-2 2.2 Lexile Code AD NP 230 1.6 1 403 Fiction K-2 650 3.7 3 3760 Fiction K-2 Arnold, Tedd 470 1.5 1 262 Fiction K-2 Griffin, Kitty Flanagan, Alice K. Flanagan, Alice K. Swain, Gwenyth Addy, Sharon Hart 510 1.8 AD 2 1042 Fiction K-2 500 3.2 AD 1 260 Non-Fiction K-2 490 3.3 1 382 Non-Fiction K-2 650 3.7 AD 2 1213 Fiction K-2 410 3.5 AD 1 386 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Right Number Of Elephants, Sheppard, Q09746 The Jeff Meadows, Q57109 Rihanna The Seahorse Fairy Daisy Rin Tin Tin: Top Dog In The Q27094 Movies Smith, Geof Orozco, Jose Q37724 Rin, Rin, Rin / Do, Re, Mi Luis Gibson, Q09751 rinc_n de Nana, El Akimi Ring And The Window Q09752 Seat, The Hest, Amy Bateman, Q13894 Ring Of Truth, The Teresa Ring! Ring! Ring! Put Out Q27541 The Fire! (Anthology) Article, Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.5 NP 1 231 Fiction K-2 700 3.3 NC 4 4602 Fiction K-2 640 2.9 2 775 Non-Fiction K-2 1 148 Fiction K-2 1.4 NP 330 1.8 1 226 Fiction K-2 560 3.8 2 1713 Fiction K-2 860 4.8 2 1442 Fiction K-2 440 1.6 1 156 Non-Fiction K-2 Q27140 Ring, The 210 2.3 2 652 Fiction K-2 Q26150 80 1.8 1 447 Non-Fiction K-2 250 1.6 1 196 Fiction K-2 520 1.9 2 667 Fiction K-2 880 2.9 2 1348 Non-Fiction K-2 1020 5.6 NC 2 1271 Fiction K-2 Q19575 River My Friend 610 5.5 AD 2 1813 Fiction K-2 Q22201 560 2.9 AD 1 493 Fiction K-2 770 4.5 AD 2 834 Fiction K-2 510 2.7 1 249 Non-Fiction K-2 910 3.9 2 682 Non-Fiction K-2 600 1.9 1 261 Non-Fiction K-2 2 800 Fiction K-2 1 1 107 661 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2 1379 Fiction K-2 Q09756 Q09762 Q21095 Q44289 Q09775 Q39802 Q09780 Q33369 Q09783 Q47511 Q38516 Q23962 Anders, Paul Clements, Ringo Saves The Day! Andrew Andriani, Rino-maní Vincent Rise And Shine, MarikoTomioka, chan Chiyoko Bellamy, River (Bellamy), The David River Beds: Sleeping In The Karwoski, World's Rivers Gail Langer Bell, William Hooper, River Story Meredith Humphrey, River That Gave Gifts, The Margo Green, Emily Rivers (Blastoff! Readers) K. Armentrout, Road Builders David Hennessy, Road Builders (Hennessy) B.G. Road Might Lead To Anywhere Field, Rachel Road Rollers (Blastoff! Readers) Zobel, Derek Road To Damascus, The Moore, Eva Anaya, Roadrunner's Dance Rudolfo 1.8 560 500 3.2 2.7 430 2.9 AD IG NA AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Q14399 Roads And Bridges Roald Dahl: A Life Of Q43006 Imagination Carr, Roger Boothroyd, Jennifer Q09791 Roar And More Kuskin, Karla Mayo, Margaret Munsch, Robert Edwards, Pamela Duncan Egan, Tim Q41424 ROAR! Q52436 Roar! Roar! A Noisy Counting Q25926 Book Q38581 Roasted Peanuts Q27096 Rob's First Pet Care Book Q33400 Q15770 Q20238 Q16005 Q36662 Q43007 Q34026 Q45664 Q49941 Q23826 Q31175 Q35222 Domino, Rob Schreiber, Rob's Shop Anne Robbery At The Diamond Christelow, Dog Diner, The Eileen Waldron, Robert And The Rocket Leesa Heilbroner, Robert The Rose Horse Joan Roberto Clemente Mara, Wil Roberto Clemente: A Life Anderson, Of Generosity Sheila Roberto Clemente: Baseball Greene, Superstar Carol Harrington, Roberto Walks Home Janice N. Robin Hood And The San Souci, Golden Arrow Robert D. Kimmel, Eric Robin Hook, Pirate Hunter! A. Walker, Robin's Farm (Anthology) Anne Robins: Songbirds Of Spring Posada, Mia Q47082 Robot Zot! Q22058 Robots Are Coming, The Scieszka, Jon Rash, Andy Kleinhenz, Robots Rush: Robot Fun And Sydnie Q29911 Games Meltzer Hunter, Ryan Q36228 Robots Slither Ann Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code 460 1.8 1 Words 254 Type Fiction 570 3.3 1 558 Non-Fiction K-2 Points Interest Level K-2 2.2 NA 1 348 Fiction K-2 850 4.7 AD 1 266 Fiction K-2 320 2.1 1 554 Fiction K-2 740 2.2 3.6 1 1 354 1224 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 400 2.4 1 434 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.4 1 241 Fiction K-2 460 3.5 2 1286 Fiction K-2 240 1.5 1 144 Fiction K-2 100 340 1.7 2.2 2 1 1086 419 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 550 3.2 1 590 Non-Fiction K-2 610 2.7 2 1433 Non-Fiction K-2 400 2.3 1 758 Fiction K-2 930 5.6 AD 1 782 Fiction K-2 450 2.8 AD 2 1219 Fiction K-2 490 1.9 1 174 Fiction K-2 660 2.8 NP 1 330 Non-Fiction K-2 390 1.3 3.9 AD NP 1 2 521 1400 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 550 1.7 1 259 Fiction K-2 790 2.7 1 519 Fiction K-2 NP AD BR NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q29862 Rock Soup Q18088 Rock-A-Bye Baby Q17803 Rockabye Crocodile Q31745 Rocket Rescue Q18378 Rockets Q25363 Rockets And Spaceships Q13701 Rocking Horse Christmas Q28903 Rocks (Simply Science) Q25199 Rocks In His Head Q34797 Rocky Mountains Q49147 Rocky Mountains, The Q38936 Rodeo Rider Q41312 Roger, The Jolly Pirate Q20820 Rolie Polie Olie Q09815 Roll Over Q19524 Roll Over! Q38382 Roller Coaster Q09818 Roller Skates! Rolling Rice Cake: A Story From Japan (Anthology), Q29631 The Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Nayer, Judy Walty, Margaret 0 1.2 BR 1 66 Fiction K-2 3.5 NP 2 1239 Fiction K-2 Aruego, Jose Baxter, Nicola Vogt, Gregory L. Wallace, Karen Osborne, Mary Pope Flanagan, Alice K. Hurst, Carol Otis Mader, Jan Zuehlke, Jeffrey 500 2.6 2 661 Fiction K-2 300 2.4 2 687 Fiction K-2 560 1.5 1 353 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.9 1 477 Non-Fiction K-2 510 2.8 1 504 Fiction K-2 640 2.6 2 999 Non-Fiction K-2 440 630 2.6 2.6 2 1 1316 300 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 610 3.4 1 905 Non-Fiction K-2 Scott, Janine Helquist, Brett Joyce, William Gerstein, Mordicai Peek, Merle Frazee, Marla Calmenson, Stephanie 610 3.3 1 536 Non-Fiction K-2 730 3.7 AD 1 491 Fiction K-2 230 2.1 AD 2 456 Fiction K-2 310 1.7 1.9 NP 1 1 220 201 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 490 2.1 AD 1 234 Fiction K-2 690 2.1 NC 1 334 Fiction K-2 180 1.5 1 216 Fiction K-2 280 770 2.5 3.7 2 1 1193 740 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 530 2.1 1 364 Fiction K-2 570 2.8 2 1392 Non-Fiction K-2 920 5.9 7 21779 Non-Fiction K-2 Kimmel, Eric A. Rollo And Tweedy And The Allen, Laura Q09821 Ghost At Dougal Castle Jean Q45835 Roly-poly Pillbugs Smith, Molly Sardegna, Q27755 Roly-Poly Spider, The Jill Adler, David Q25579 Roman Numerals A. Marks, Q36838 Romans Anthony AD IG SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Q44882 Romeo And Lou Blast Off Q45636 Ron's Big Mission Q27193 Ron's Radishes Anderson, Derek Blue, Rose Tanner, Ray 490 440 230 1.7 2.5 1.1 AD Ronald Morgan Goes To Q09827 Bat Giff, Patricia Reilly 200 Ronald Morgan Goes To Q09828 Camp Q45848 Ronald Reagan Q09830 ronda de la luna, La Giff, Patricia Reilly Mara, Wil Macías, E. Goodhart, Pippa Murphy, Stuart J. Ruzzier, Sergio Donaldson, Julia deRubertis, Barbara Quiz # Title Q48969 Ronnie's Treasure Hunt Q20809 Room For Ripley Q39211 Room Of Wonders, The Q40490 Room On The Broom Q36292 Rooney 'Roo Rooster And The Fox: A Q34365 Tale From Chaucer, The Rooster Can't Cock-aQ38649 Doodle-Doo Q09835 Rooster Crows, The Rooster Prince Of Breslov, Q51298 The Rooster Who Went To His Q09836 Uncle's Wedding, The Ward, Helen RostokerGruber, Karen Petersham, Maud Stampler, Ann Redisch Ada, Alma Flor Rooster's Antlers: A Story Kimmel, Eric Q17569 Of The Chinese Zodiac, The A. Points Words Type Interest Level 1 1 1 752 926 34 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 2.5 2 796 Fiction K-2 350 480 300 3.5 2.6 2.1 2 1 1 1088 332 139 Fiction Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 410 2.4 1 940 Fiction K-2 570 3.7 1 634 Fiction K-2 810 4.8 AD 1 523 Fiction K-2 720 3.2 AD 1 836 Fiction K-2 390 1.5 1 446 Fiction K-2 600 3.3 1 591 Fiction K-2 630 3.4 1 451 Fiction K-2 AD 3.4 NP 2 1519 Fiction K-2 4.2 AD 2 1822 Fiction K-2 4.4 NP 2 888 Fiction K-2 520 4.1 AD 2 1254 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1559 Fiction K-2 790 Q09838 Rooster's Gift Rooster's Off To See The Q09837 World Conrad, Pam 520 4.2 Carle, Eric 510 2.5 1 538 Fiction K-2 Q22995 Rooster's Surprise Coghill, Vicki Sullivan, Sarah Nyikos, Stacy 610 1.9 1 90 Fiction K-2 730 2.4 1 594 Fiction K-2 360 2.2 1 802 Fiction K-2 Q37506 Root Beer and Banana Q52917 Rope 'Em AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q31252 Rope Tug (Anthology), The Author Name Points Words Type Interest Level 1.2 1 170 Fiction K-2 620 3.5 4 4310 Fiction K-2 120 430 1.5 2.1 1 1 57 355 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Mara, Wil 570 2.9 1 363 Non-Fiction K-2 Leslie, Tonya 500 2.7 1 518 Non-Fiction K-2 550 3.2 1 678 Non-Fiction K-2 840 4.5 1 629 Non-Fiction K-2 150 2.1 1 424 Fiction K-2 430 4.2 1 432 Fiction K-2 810 4.3 1 817 Fiction K-2 170 1.5 1 158 Fiction K-2 430 3.1 2 785 Fiction K-2 220 2.3 AD 1 354 Fiction K-2 4.1 NP 2 819 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1473 Fiction K-2 1 304 Non-Fiction K-2 Ellis, Veronica Freeman Q53757 Rosa And The Water Pony Kit, Katy Shore, Diane Q34712 Rosa Loves To Read Z. Q36763 Rosa Parks (Mara) Mara, Wil Rosa Parks (Revised Edition, Rookie Biographies Q39866 Children's Press) Rosa Parks: A Life Of Q42573 Courage Rosa Parks: Bus Ride To Freedom (Easy Reader Q42219 Biographies) Q50552 Rosa's Bus Q29202 Rosa's Rescue Q09844 Rosaura en bicicleta Roscoe And The Pelican Q53578 Rescue Rose And Grandma Make Q29629 The Sun Shine (Anthology) Q09846 Rose Blanche Q31654 Rose For Pinkerton, A Chanko, Pamela Kittinger, Jo S. Sparks, Stacey Barbot, Daniel Reed, Lynne Rowe Havill, Juanita Innocenti, Roberto Kellogg, Steven Lexile Levels Reading Level 100 Lexile Code AD AD Q09849 Rose In My Garden, The Rose Red And The Bear Q30243 Prince Rosh Hashanah And Yom Kippur (Rookie Read-About Q32314 Holidays) Lobel, Arnold Andreasen, Dan 630 3.9 Marx, David F. 440 2.2 Q09852 Rosie And Michael Viorst, Judith Gerrard, Roy Wild, Margaret deRubertis, Barbara 740 3.4 AD 2 807 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 2 924 Fiction K-2 300 2.5 AD 1 473 Fiction K-2 460 1.5 AD 1 693 Fiction K-2 Q09854 Rosie And The Rustlers Q25085 Rosie And Tortoise Rosie Raccoon's Rock And Q54180 Roll Raft SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q35768 Q09857 Q09858 Q09859 Q15441 Q50875 Title Author Name Voigt, Rosie Stories, The Cynthia Hampshire, Rosie's Ballet Slippers Susan Glaser, Rosie's Birthday Rat Linda Rosie's Walk Hutchins, Pat Calmenson, Rosie: A Visiting Dog's Story Stephanie Roslyn Rutabaga And The Gay, MarieBiggest Hole On Earth! Louise Lexile Levels Reading Level 320 2.1 560 5.3 230 1.8 1.5 560 3.5 380 1.3 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3 3245 Fiction K-2 AD 2 961 Fiction K-2 NP 2 1 1694 32 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 2 1599 Non-Fiction K-2 1 691 Fiction K-2 AD Q09862 Rotten Ralph Gantos, Jack 580 3.4 1 625 Fiction K-2 Q42047 Rotten Ralph Feels Rotten Gantos, Jack 520 2.7 1 1028 Fiction K-2 Q26056 Rotten Ralph Helps Out Rotten Ralph's Halloween Q13257 Howl Rotten Ralph's Rotten Q09863 Christmas Rotten Ralph's Rotten Q15895 Romance Rotten Ralph's Show And Q14408 Tell Rotten Ralph's Thanksgiving Q33266 Wish Rotten Ralph's Trick Or Q16984 Treat! Gantos, Jack 430 2.6 2 1041 Fiction K-2 Gantos, Jack 480 2.2 AD 1 423 Fiction K-2 Gantos, Jack 610 1.9 AD 1 625 Fiction K-2 Gantos, Jack 480 2.2 1 653 Fiction K-2 Gantos, Jack 610 2.3 1 505 Fiction K-2 Gantos, Jack 310 2.7 AD 1 539 Fiction K-2 Gantos, Jack 300 3.1 AD 1 453 Fiction K-2 Q21979 Rotten Teeth Simms, Laura Roughing It On The Oregon Stanley, Q22849 Trail Diane 490 2.5 AD 2 1158 Fiction K-2 460 2.9 2 3022 Fiction K-2 410 3.1 2 1630 Non-Fiction K-2 Round And Round The Money Goes: What Money Berger, Q17602 Is And How We Use It Melvin Thong, Q26086 Round Is A Mooncake Roseanne Q24863 Round The Garden Q09866 Round Trip Glaser, Omri Jonas, Ann Roundup At Rio Ranch Q27506 (Anthology), The Medearis, Angela Shelf Rosen, Michael Q17414 Rover 2.7 NP 1 232 Fiction K-2 1.8 3.1 NP 330 1 1 35 251 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 510 2.9 2 983 Fiction K-2 460 3.7 2 817 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.2 NP 1 238 Fiction K-2 710 4.3 AD 2 841 Fiction K-2 740 4.3 2 967 Fiction K-2 Park, Frances Black, Charles 610 3.6 2 1745 Fiction K-2 540 2.9 2 1507 Fiction K-2 Fear, Sharon Ehlert, Lois Emberley, Michael Donaldson, Madeline Bridges, Ruby Emmett, Jonathan 40 310 1.8 1.1 1 1 262 140 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 560 3.5 2 1174 Fiction K-2 680 4.2 3 2687 Non-Fiction K-2 410 2.4 1 446 Non-Fiction K-2 470 1.7 AD 1 363 Fiction K-2 Small, David Rathmann, Ruby The Copycat Peggy Meadows, Ruby The Red Fairy Daisy Ruby Valentine Saves The Friedman, Day Laurie Dungy, Ruby's New Home Lauren Bridges, Ruby's Wish Shirin Yim Rathmann, Ruby, mono ve, mono hace Peggy Ruby, Violet, Lime: Looking For Color Brocket, Jane Fontes, Rude Ralph Justine Rudi's Pond Bunting, Eve Rudolph Giuliani (Rookie Biographies) Mara, Wil Rudolph The Red-Nosed May, Robert Reindeer L. 760 5.5 AD 2 920 Fiction K-2 500 2.1 2 775 Fiction K-2 520 2.7 4 4082 Fiction K-2 540 2.2 1 554 Fiction K-2 380 2.3 1 396 Fiction K-2 600 3.3 2 1146 Fiction K-2 470 2.9 2 935 Fiction K-2 640 2.7 AD 1 395 Non-Fiction K-2 170 500 1.2 2.8 AD 1 2 111 796 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 390 2.2 1 334 Non-Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q16592 Row, Row, Row Your Boat Q09868 Roxaboxen Q09869 Roxaboxen (Español) Q28675 Royal Bee, The Q09870 Royal Nap, The Q29179 Royal Pain, The Q52190 RRRalph Q09875 Ruby Q47973 Ruby Bridges Ruby Bridges Goes To Q47000 School Q36474 Ruby in Her Own Time Ruby Mae Has Something Q18142 To Say Q09879 Q45476 Q51492 Q57946 Q32805 Q09878 Q56243 Q34845 Q18595 Q33056 Q32718 Q09882 Ruedas! Author Name Goodhart, Pippa McLerran, Alice McLerran, Alice Nayer, Judy Lexile Levels AD AD 3.2 NP 2 1544 Fiction K-2 1.1 BR 1 77 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 620 3.4 AD 2 881 Fiction K-2 580 3.2 2 1505 Fiction K-2 590 4.6 2 843 Fiction K-2 500 4.2 2 993 Fiction K-2 670 4.6 3 3557 Fiction K-2 3 2084 Non-Fiction K-2 Q09885 ruiseñor, El Gill-Brown, Vanessa Rossiter, Nan Parson Willson, Sarah St. Pierre, Stephanie Andersen, Hans Christian Q51220 Rules For School Greven, Alec 660 3.8 Medearis, Angela Shelf 750 2.9 2 490 Fiction K-2 800 5.3 4 4751 Non-Fiction K-2 1 509 Fiction K-2 Q24687 Rufferella Q26677 Rugby & Rosie Q09883 Rugrats And The Zombies Q09884 Rugrats Blast Off! Q30903 Rum-A-Tum-Tum Rumble & Spew: Gross Stuff In Your Stomach And Q48042 Intestines Q09888 Rumble In The Jungle Q09890 Rumpelstiltskin (Zelinsky) Rumpelstiltskin: The True Q29203 Story Run And Hike, Play And Q51455 Bike Q23987 Run Jump Whiz Splash Q09895 Run To The Rainbow Q09896 Run, Gus, Run! Q09898 Runaway Bunny, The Q39069 Runaway Dinner, The Q50139 Runaway Mittens Q33936 Runaway Pumpkin, The Q23586 Runaway Rabbit, The Q25382 Runaway Rice Cake, The Q23022 Runaway Tortilla, The Donovan, Sandy Andreae, Giles Zelinsky, Paul O. Sparks, Stacey Cleary, Brian P. Rosenberry, Vera Hillert, Margaret Daley, Patrick Brown, Margaret Wise Ahlberg, Allan Rogers, Jean Lewis, Kevin Bridwell, Norman Compestine, Ying Chang Kimmel, Eric A. 1.9 AD NC NP 740 4.1 2 1035 Fiction K-2 90 2.2 1 487 Fiction K-2 610 3.4 1 303 Non-Fiction K-2 2.8 NP 1 131 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 BR 1 318 Fiction K-2 0 1.5 BR 1 135 Fiction K-2 600 2.8 AD 1 385 Fiction K-2 910 2.4 AD 2 1040 Fiction K-2 650 2.7 2.6 AD NP 1 1 589 406 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 140 2.1 1 393 Fiction K-2 300 2.8 AD 2 1434 Fiction K-2 420 3.1 AD 2 1033 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q53019 Q52705 Q17730 Q55482 Q15761 Q56811 Title Author Name Compestine, Runaway Wok, The Ying Chang Running Back Can't Always LeBoutillier, Rush, A Nate Lauture, Running The Road to ABC Denize Harimann, Runway Pups Sierra Loomis, Rush Hour Christine Russell And The Lost Treasure Scotton, Rob Q43385 Russell The Sheep Q52299 Russia Q22440 Russia (Next Stop!) Russian Girl: Life In An Old Q09915 Russian Town Q09918 Ruth Law Thrills A Nation Ruthie And The (Not So) Q46678 Teeny Tiny Lie Q38921 S-s-s-snakes Q09922 S-S-Snakes! Q43323 Sabertooth Q47974 Sacagawea Q28664 Safe, Warm, And Snug Q56365 Safety Around Strangers Reading Level 750 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 3.6 2 1277 Fiction K-2 470 2.5 2 1700 Fiction K-2 940 3.5 2 789 Fiction K-2 480 2.3 1 886 Fiction K-2 AD 1.9 NP 1 263 Fiction K-2 490 1.6 AD 1 336 Fiction K-2 Scotton, Rob Bartell, Jim Boast, Clare 300 840 640 1.8 5.5 3.9 AD 1 2 2 317 1681 2039 Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 Kendall, Russ Brown, Don 760 700 4.3 4.7 AD 2 2 1698 711 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Rankin, Laura Howie, Rhonda Penner, Lucille Recht 490 1.6 AD 1 697 Fiction K-2 540 2.8 1 417 Non-Fiction K-2 510 930 3.1 6.6 2 2 1027 1177 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 560 3.2 4 3627 Non-Fiction K-2 460 2.5 2 1417 Non-Fiction K-2 520 3.1 2 1542 Fiction K-2 530 3.1 2 1516 Fiction K-2 540 2.9 2 718 Fiction K-2 750 3.6 NC 4 4415 Fiction K-2 660 2.8 AD 2 1938 Fiction K-2 660 3.8 2 892 Non-Fiction K-2 Sutcliffe, Jane Q39189 Sacajawea: Her True Story Milton, Joyce Simon, Q09940 Saddest Time, The Norma Hartnett, Q57718 Sadie And Ratz Sonya Morgan, Q21110 Sadie And The Snowman Allen Meadows, Q50223 Sadie The Saxophone Fairy Daisy Lumry, Q46876 Safari In South Africa Amanda Safe Home For Manatees, Q09941 A Lexile Levels Jenkins, Priscilla Belz Swinburne, Stephen R. Raatma, Lucia 490 IG AD 2.4 NP 1 265 Non-Fiction K-2 1.6 NC 1 565 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q56364 Q53605 Q56363 Q56362 Q56361 Q26606 Q17211 Q30037 Q32569 Q32600 Q31669 Q31519 Q24174 Title Author Name Raatma, Safety At Home Lucia Slater, Safety In The Bus Teddy Raatma, Safety On The Internet Lucia Raatma, Safety On The Playground Lucia Raatma, Safety On The School Bus Lucia Sagwa, The Chinese Siamese Cat Tan, Amy Crews, Sail Away Donald Sail Like A Viking! Ayin, Morris Sailing Home: A Story Of A Childhood At Sea Rand, Gloria Ashman, Sailing Off To Sleep Linda Wheeler, Sailor Moo: Cow At Sea Lisa McCurdy, Sailor's Alphabet, The Michael Saint Patrick And The Hodges, Peddler Margaret Q18145 Salamander Room, The Q23236 Salamander's Life, A Q46267 Salamanders Q56617 Salamanders Mazer, Anne Himmelman, John Nelson, Robin BorgertSpaniol, Megan Salamanders and Other Labella, Q37979 Animals With Amazing Tails Susan Williams, Q09948 Salí de paseo Sue CowenFletcher, Q09949 Salimos zumbando Jane Sally Jean, The Bicycle Q38579 Queen Best, Cari Nichols, Q37996 Sally Ride Catherine Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 450 1.5 NC 1 359 Non-Fiction K-2 430 1.4 1 352 Fiction K-2 600 2.4 NC 1 410 Non-Fiction K-2 560 2.2 NC 1 318 Non-Fiction K-2 510 1.8 NC 1 366 Non-Fiction K-2 630 3.9 2 2815 Fiction K-2 330 550 1.5 3.5 1 1 91 553 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 810 4.1 2 1618 Fiction K-2 140 1.7 AD 1 254 Fiction K-2 480 2.7 AD 1 461 Fiction K-2 3.9 NP 1 255 Fiction K-2 570 3.9 AD 2 1402 Fiction K-2 660 3.9 AD 1 432 Fiction K-2 2.9 NA 1 231 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.5 1 266 Non-Fiction K-2 350 2.2 1 122 Non-Fiction K-2 570 2.2 1 268 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.4 1 148 Fiction K-2 320 1.7 1 195 Fiction K-2 800 4.2 1 942 Fiction K-2 390 2.4 1 240 Non-Fiction K-2 BR AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Points Words Type Interest Level Q09952 Sally's Room Brown, M. K. 490 2.5 2 1025 Fiction K-2 Q35822 Sally, la Divertida Franco, Betsy Waterton, Betty Jóval, N. Peterson, Polly 120 1.6 1 24 Fiction K-2 530 540 3.1 3.4 2 1 1250 418 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 100 1.7 1 327 Non-Fiction K-2 350 1.5 1 272 Fiction K-2 660 3.5 1 446 Non-Fiction K-2 620 3.5 2 664 Fiction K-2 200 1.2 1 107 Fiction K-2 100 1.1 1 34 Fiction K-2 0 1.1 BR 1 31 Fiction K-2 Chinn, Karen Lester, Julius Ernst, Lisa Campbell Warner, Gertrude Chandler Cummins, Julie Cox, Phil Roxbee 660 510 3.5 2.8 AD 2 2 1087 1630 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 790 3.8 AD 2 936 Fiction K-2 0 2.3 BR 2 705 Fiction K-2 940 6.3 AD 2 1577 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 183 Fiction K-2 330 1.3 1 113 Fiction K-2 290 1.5 1 89 Fiction K-2 0 1.6 1 143 Fiction K-2 470 3.6 2 1489 Fiction K-2 Q24119 Sam's Ball Lazar, Lynda Simon, Charnan Gordon, Sharon Jacobs, Francine Lindgren, Barbro 0 1.5 1 66 Fiction K-2 Q29180 Sam's Birthday Nayer, Judy 50 1.8 1 160 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q28634 Salmon For Simon, A Q09954 Salón de espejos Q30083 Salt And Sand Q09956 Salt Hands Saltwater Crocodile: The World's Biggest Reptile Q40559 (SuperSized!) Q09959 Sam Q14538 Sam And Dasher Q27111 Sam And Jack Sam And The Bag Q30585 (Anthology) Q09960 Sam And The Lucky Money Q09962 Sam And The Tigers Sam Johnson And The Blue Q17195 Ribbon Quilt Q29076 Sam Makes Trouble Sam Patch: Daredevil Q46383 Jumper Q25322 Sam Sheep Can't Sleep Sam Sundown's Problem Q31214 (Anthology) Q14537 Sam The Garbage Hound Q20706 Sam The Scarecrow Q17540 Sam The Sea Cow Aragon, Jane Chelsea Kaufman, Gabriel Scott, Ann Herbert Simon, Charnan Taylor, Donna Jeffries, Alison Lexile Code AD AD IG BR BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.7 NP 2 708 Fiction K-2 1.5 BR 1 52 Fiction K-2 2.1 NA 1 80 Fiction K-2 420 3.5 AD 1 260 Fiction K-2 100 1.3 1 351 Fiction K-2 110 1.6 1 60 Fiction K-2 Ness, Evaline 620 3 2 1717 Fiction K-2 Q09965 Sam, Bangs, And Moonshine Ness, Evaline Benchley, Q09966 Sam, The Minuteman Nathaniel Walsh, Ellen Q09967 Samantha Stoll Cristaldi, Q09970 Samantha The Snob Kathryn Samantha The Swimming Meadows, Q50235 Fairy Daisy Same As You (Anthology), Q29628 The Fear, Sharon Heide, Sami And The Time Of The Florence Q17544 Troubles Parry Whybrow, Q19192 Sammy And The Dinosaurs Ian Sammy And The Dinosaurs Whybrow, Q31695 Say "Ahhh!" Ian Whybrow, Q24885 Sammy And The Robots Ian Walsh, Q54997 Sammy In The Sky Barbara Sammy Skunk's Super deRubertis, Q56259 Sniffer Barbara Q09975 Sammy The Seal Hoff, Syd Bare, Colleen Q18808 Sammy, Dog Detective Stanley Waters, Q09976 Samuel Eaton's Day Kate Q09983 sancocho del sábado, El Torres, L. Q23099 Sand Miller, Pam 510 3.8 2 1304 Fiction K-2 410 2.2 2 1066 Fiction K-2 830 2.8 1 381 Fiction K-2 200 1.9 2 1150 Fiction K-2 750 3.6 4 4188 Fiction K-2 60 1.6 1 147 Fiction K-2 600 4.9 2 852 Fiction K-2 220 1.5 1 544 Fiction K-2 290 2.3 1 416 Fiction K-2 290 2.9 AD 1 481 Fiction K-2 740 3.5 AD 1 854 Fiction K-2 380 120 1.3 1.8 AD 1 2 747 748 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 730 4.8 2 967 Non-Fiction K-2 590 640 4.3 4.4 1.6 2 2 1 1517 644 99 Fiction Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 Quiz # Title Q30019 Sam's Chase Q24118 Sam's Cookie Q23107 Sam's Pet Q21829 Sam's Sneaker Search Q27534 Sam's Song (Anthology) Q24105 Sam's Teddy Bear Sam, Bangs y Hechizo de Q09964 luna Author Name Blackaby, Susan Lindgren, Barbro Simon, Charnan O'Brien, Claire Capucilli, Alyssa Satin Lindgren, Barbro Lexile Levels 0 NC AD AD NA SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q31485 Q37359 Q34842 Q49815 Q16051 Q37758 Title Author Name Yee, Brenda Sand Castle Shannon Munsch, Sand Castle Contest, The Robert Sandra Day O'Connor Hill, Mary Sandy's Incredible Shrinking Handy, Footprint Femida Joyce, Santa Calls William Santa Claus: The World's Frazee, Number One Toy Expert Marla Santa Comes To Little Q31394 House Q44567 Santa Duck Santa Duck And His Merry Q53620 Helpers Q57840 Santa From Cincinnati Santa Mouse And The Q31770 Ratdeer Santa Paws: The Picture Q33904 Book Q41405 Santa Secret, The Q58015 Santa Trap, The Q19510 Santa Who? Q09993 Santa's Book Of Names Q26109 Santa's New Suit Wilder, Laura Ingalls Milgrim, David Milgrim, David Barrett, Judi Hurd, Thacher White, Ellen Emerson Wallace, Carol Emmett, Jonathan Gibbons, Gail McPhail, David Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 140 1.4 AD 1 426 Fiction K-2 750 310 2.6 1.6 1 1 716 112 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 610 3.4 AD 1 953 Fiction K-2 290 5.3 AD 1 352 Fiction K-2 660 2.1 AD 1 324 Fiction K-2 520 3.3 2 2289 Fiction K-2 470 1.7 AD 1 957 Fiction K-2 370 800 1.4 4.3 AD AD 1 1 469 980 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 160 2.4 2 632 Fiction K-2 440 2.7 3 3133 Fiction K-2 430 2.5 2 1226 Fiction K-2 850 4.5 AD 1 965 Fiction K-2 830 3.1 AD 2 1451 Non-Fiction K-2 520 4.7 AD 2 1244 Fiction K-2 10 2.4 AD 1 459 Fiction K-2 Q35726 Santa's Secrets Revealed Q09994 Santa's Short Suit Shrunk Rader, Laura Solheim, James Buck, Nola 720 600 3.9 2.2 AD AD 2 1 1768 160 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q09996 Sapo y Sepo son amigos Lobel, Arnold 310 1.5 2 2143 Fiction K-2 Q09997 Sapo y Sepo un año entero Lobel, Arnold 390 2.2 2 1671 Fiction K-2 Q09998 Sapo y Sepo, inseparables Lobel, Arnold Callahan, Q32348 Sara Joins The Circus Thera S. Sara vio una guacamaya Bogart, Jo Q10000 azul Ellen 420 2.3 2 1815 Fiction K-2 0 1.4 1 60 Fiction K-2 280 1.6 1 334 Fiction K-2 BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q14401 Sarah And Will Q57524 Sarah Gives Thanks Q43402 Sarah Laughs Sarah May And The New Q19579 Red Dress Q21111 Sarah Saw A Blue Macaw Q58038 Sarah's Passover Q29054 Sarah's Story Q10007 Sarah's Unicorn Q10014 Sassafras Q10016 Saturday At The New You Q22854 Saturday Kid, The Q10017 Saturday Market Saturday Night At The Q10018 Dinosaur Stomp Q26449 Saturday Night Jamboree Q29071 Saturday Sancocho Q36935 Saturdays and Teacakes Q42618 Saturn Q38006 Saturn (Scholastic News) Q44288 Saturn For My Birthday Q27098 Save Our Park Trees Q56924 Save The Earth! Q10029 Save The Rain Forests Q32711 Saved By The Ball Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Feely, Jenny Allegra, Mike Jules, Jacqueline Spalding, Andrea Bogart, Jo Ellen Bullard, Lisa Harley, Bill Coville, Bruce 150 1.5 730 3.5 640 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 201 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1279 Non-Fiction K-2 3.7 AD 1 904 Fiction K-2 530 4.2 AD 2 904 Fiction K-2 2.2 2.5 2.9 NP 450 450 1 1 2 295 636 1326 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 290 2.6 2 844 Fiction K-2 Penn, Audrey Barber, Barbara E. Sorel, Edward Grossman, Patricia Shields, Carol Diggory Wardlaw, Lee 570 3.9 AD 2 703 Fiction K-2 710 3.1 AD 2 1263 Fiction K-2 590 3.1 3 1532 Fiction K-2 850 3.9 2 1005 Fiction K-2 3.9 NP 1 356 Fiction K-2 840 3.3 AD 1 410 Fiction K-2 Torres, Leyla Laminack, Lester L. TaylorButler, Christine TaylorButler, Christine McGranagh an, John Adams, Barbara Klein, Abby 660 3.5 AD 1 587 Fiction K-2 840 5 AD 3 1394 Fiction K-2 550 2.8 1 228 Non-Fiction K-2 530 2.3 1 210 Non-Fiction K-2 650 3.7 2 1088 Fiction K-2 500 510 2.8 2.8 2 4 659 7946 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Fowler, Allan Maloney, Peter 620 2.2 1 445 Non-Fiction K-2 280 2.1 2 608 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 3.3 1 556 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.6 3 4864 Fiction K-2 610 3.4 2 2148 Fiction K-2 700 3.5 2 2820 Fiction K-2 630 3.4 2 2104 Fiction K-2 670 3.5 2 2315 Fiction K-2 460 1.9 1 123 Non-Fiction K-2 820 3.2 AD 2 1320 Fiction K-2 870 3.9 IG 2 694 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.8 AD 1 373 Fiction K-2 180 1.1 AD 1 257 Fiction K-2 570 3.1 AD 1 383 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.4 AD 1 336 Fiction K-2 280 1.6 1 159 Fiction K-2 Moss, Peggy 430 2.5 1 316 Fiction K-2 Harris, Trudy Kalman, Q10046 Sayonara, Mrs. Kackleman Maira Boothroyd, Q56237 Scales Jennifer Melling, Q41320 Scallywags, The David 570 2.3 2 1119 Fiction K-2 590 3.5 2 1280 Fiction K-2 260 1.7 1 86 Non-Fiction K-2 720 3.1 1 739 Fiction K-2 Q38925 Scaly Animals Nelson, May 660 3.5 1 624 Non-Fiction K-2 Q14421 Scare And Dare Feely, Jenny Fleischman, Sid Rylant, Cynthia 680 1.9 1 284 Fiction K-2 550 3.7 AD 2 1517 Fiction K-2 600 3.4 AD 1 388 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Widener, Q30057 Saving Ben Sandra Carman, Q45771 Saving Mister Nibbles! Patrick Saving Of Arma Armadillo, Harms II, Q26607 The John Saving Of Okee & Dokee Harms II, Q26608 Sea Turtle, The John Saving Of Sly Manatee, Harms II, Q26609 The John Saving Of Valiant Blue Harms II, Q26610 Heron, The John Saving The Earth Q31268 (Anthology) Article, McDonald, Q36279 Saving The Liberty Bell Megan Armentrout, Q10035 Saw David GrahamBarber, Q10037 Say Boo! Lynda Goodrich, Q53579 Say Hello To Zorro! Carter Elya, Susan Q10042 Say Hola To Spanish Middleton Say Hola To Spanish At The Elya, Susan Q26082 Circus Middleton Epstein, Q10043 Say It, Sign It Elaine Q41783 Say Something Q56251 Say Something, Perico Q10048 Scarebird, The Q24644 Scarecrow Lexile Levels Reading Level 600 Lexile Code AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q46552 Scarecrow's Dance, The Q25024 Scarecrow's Hat, The Q18292 Scarecrows Q10050 Scared Silly! Scared Silly: A Halloween Q21694 Treat Q27659 Scared Stiff (Davis) Q16282 Scaredy Dog Q30578 Scaredy Mouse Q38365 Scaredy Squirrel Q45784 Scaredy Squirrel At Night Scaredy Squirrel At The Q43932 Beach Scaredy Squirrel Has A Q53831 Birthday Party Scaredy Squirrel Makes A Q40497 Friend Author Name Yolen, Jane Brown, Ken Schaefer, Lola M. Howe, James Davis, Katie Thomas, Jane Resh MacDonald, Alan Watt, Melanie Watt, Melanie Watt, Melanie Watt, Melanie Watt, Melanie Scotton, Rob Sharmat, Marjorie Q10055 Scarlet Monster Lives Here Weinman Q48400 Scarlett The Garnet Fairy Q45701 Scarlett's New Friend Q10058 Scary, Scary Halloween Q31582 Scat, Cats! Schmoe White And The Q10059 Seven Dorfs Q28956 School School (Social Studies Q32641 Emergent Readers) Q16666 School Album, A Q10061 School Bus Reading Level Lexile Code Points 1000 490 7.5 2.7 AD AD 1 1 Words 396 579 Type Fiction Fiction 480 1.3 1 39 Non-Fiction K-2 3 3627 Fiction K-2 Brown, Marc Q51706 Scaredy-Cat, Splat! Q37866 Scarlet Stockings Spy, The Lexile Levels Noble, Trinka Hakes Meadows, Daisy Shields, Gillian Bunting, Eve Holub, Joan Thaler, Mike Pinnell, Gay Su Berger, Samantha Roop, Peter Crews, Donald 3.5 NP Interest Level K-2 K-2 310 170 2.5 2.1 2 1 1499 455 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 670 2.9 2 1792 Fiction K-2 290 2.1 AD 2 609 Fiction K-2 560 2.9 AD 1 359 Fiction K-2 430 1.4 AD 1 433 Fiction K-2 580 3.3 AD 1 416 Fiction K-2 660 2.8 AD 1 458 Fiction K-2 420 1.4 AD 1 405 Fiction K-2 630 2.5 AD 1 607 Fiction K-2 470 3.1 2 1152 Fiction K-2 1020 5.4 AD 2 2191 Fiction K-2 650 2.7 NC 3 4513 Fiction K-2 760 0 3.6 3.1 1.3 NC NP BR 3 1 1 6198 264 153 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 590 3.5 2 828 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 BR 1 21 Fiction K-2 0 590 1.3 4.1 BR AD 1 2 50 809 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 51 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q15485 Q10062 Q10063 Q44674 Q52127 Title School Bus Driver From The Black Lagoon, The School Bus Drivers School Buses School Buses (Blastoff! Readers) School Carnival From The Black Lagoon, The Q34961 School Day! Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Thaler, Mike Ready, Dee Ready, Dee 550 430 360 Manolis, Kay Thaler, Mike Cervantes, Jesus Hennessy, B.G. Shaw, Hannah Thomas, Mark Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 2.8 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 336 250 443 Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 350 1.2 1 106 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.6 2 2136 Fiction K-2 1.1 BR 1 16 Fiction K-2 1.4 NP 1 164 Fiction K-2 610 2.4 AD 1 684 Fiction K-2 Q28863 School In Colonial America School Is Not White!: A True Story Of The Civil Rights Rappaport, Q47480 Movement, The Doreen Novek, Q35390 School Long Ago Minda School Mural (Anthology), Vazquez, Q31138 The Sarah School Nurse From The Q10068 Black Lagoon, The Thaler, Mike 320 1.7 1 148 Non-Fiction K-2 850 4.5 AD 2 1267 Non-Fiction K-2 1.6 BR 1 75 Non-Fiction K-2 Q33562 School Picture Day School Play (Yoko & Q32656 Friends School Days), The Q10064 School Days Q55001 School For Bandits 510 2.9 2 961 Fiction K-2 460 2.8 1 519 Fiction K-2 600 2.9 2 907 Fiction K-2 360 2.2 2 772 Fiction K-2 570 1.5 1 287 Non-Fiction K-2 Q32367 School Rules School Secretary From The Q53466 Black Lagoon, The Thaler, Mike 350 2.4 1 309 Fiction K-2 440 2.5 1 592 Fiction K-2 Q32336 School Tools School!: Adventures At The Harvey N. Trouble Q50379 Elementary School 180 1.4 1 114 Non-Fiction K-2 660 3.8 5 13536 Fiction K-2 430 2.7 2 1408 Fiction K-2 250 3.8 2 1420 Fiction K-2 Q15996 School Principals Schoolchildren's Blizzard, Q35637 The Q22059 Science Fair Bunnies Plourde, Lynn Wells, Rosemary Boraas, Tracey Brimner, Larry Dane Snyder, Inez McMullan, Kate Figley, Marty Rhodes Lasky, Kathryn SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q37818 Q26556 Q24202 Q31393 Q31392 Q23309 Q26658 Q22133 Q25660 Q32917 Q18888 Q33761 Q18881 Q27737 Q25839 Q24369 Q28380 Q32404 Q32556 Q31469 Q27942 Q18880 Q24164 Title Scientists Ask Questions (Rookie Read-About Science) Scooby-Doo And Aliens, Too! Scooby-Doo And The Alien Invaders Scooby-Doo And The Haunted Lab Scooby-Doo And Zombies, Too!: Zoinks! Scooby-Doo! And Santa's Bake Shop Scooby-Doo! And The Creepy Carnival Scooby-Doo! And The Eerie Ice Monster Scooby-Doo! And The Fantastic Puppet Factory Scooby-Doo! And The Ghastly Giant Scooby-Doo! And The Halloween Hotel Haunt Scooby-Doo! And The Haunted Halloween Mask Scooby-Doo! And The Hex Files Scooby-Doo! And The Invisible Android Scooby-Doo! And The Monster Bash Scooby-Doo! And The Opera Ogre Scooby-Doo! And The Phantom Cowboy Scooby-Doo! And The Secret Admirer Scooby-Doo! And The Skeleton Key Scooby-Doo! And The TrickOr-Treat Thief Scooby-Doo! And The Weird Water Park Scooby-Doo! And The Witch's Ghost Scooby-Doo! Baseball Blackout Author Name Garrett, Ginger Herman, Gail McCann, Jesse Leon McCann, Jesse Leon Herman, Gail McCann, Jesse Leon McCann, Jesse Leon McCann, Jesse Leon McCann, Jesse Leon McCann, Jesse Leon McCann, Jesse Leon McCann, Jesse Leon Herman, Gail McCann, Jesse Leon McCann, Jesse Leon McCann, Jesse Leon McCann, Jesse Leon McCann, Jesse Leon Aber, Corey McCann, Jesse Leon McCann, Jesse Leon Herman, Gail Guidone, Ellen Lexile Levels Reading Level 330 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.6 1 322 Non-Fiction K-2 350 2.4 2 2387 Fiction K-2 500 2.6 2 2074 Fiction K-2 350 1.9 2 2353 Fiction K-2 330 2.3 2 2083 Fiction K-2 400 2.7 2 1268 Fiction K-2 400 2.5 2 895 Fiction K-2 410 2.5 2 1498 Fiction K-2 400 2.8 2 2578 Fiction K-2 580 1.9 2 2190 Fiction K-2 450 2.5 2 1481 Fiction K-2 500 1.9 2 1562 Fiction K-2 500 2.8 2 2227 Fiction K-2 460 2.5 2 1810 Fiction K-2 420 1.9 2 1199 Fiction K-2 390 1.9 2 2302 Fiction K-2 470 2.4 2 2865 Fiction K-2 490 1.9 2 1910 Fiction K-2 490 1.9 2 2531 Fiction K-2 370 1.9 2 2366 Fiction K-2 410 2.5 2 2010 Fiction K-2 470 2.5 2 2515 Fiction K-2 1 363 Fiction K-2 1.4 Lexile Code AD NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Scooby-Doo! Clues At The Q23992 Carnival Q22493 Scooby-Doo! Dinosaur Dig Scooby-Doo! Disappearing Q21608 Donuts Scooby-Doo! Football Q31738 Fright Scooby-Doo! Ghost In The Q22984 Garden Q31704 Scooby-Doo! Ghost School Scooby-Doo! Howling On Q22494 The Playground Scooby-Doo! In Jungle Q24370 Jeopardy Scooby-Doo! Map In The Q21606 Mystery Machine Q28327 Scooby-Doo! Meet Big Foot Scooby-Doo! Mummies At Q28657 The Mall Scooby-Doo! On Zombie Q10083 Island Scooby-Doo! Parade Q24408 Puzzle Scooby-Doo! Sea Monster Q29039 Scare Scooby-Doo! Search For Q21607 Scooby Snacks Scooby-Doo! Shiny Spooky Q33468 Knights Scooby-Doo! Sled Race Q33230 Mystery Scooby-Doo! Snack Q24852 Snatcher Q26519 Scooby-Doo! Snow Ghost Scooby-Doo! Spooky Q31462 Sports Day Q32747 Scooby-Doo! Stormy Night Scooby-Doo! The Apple Q31507 Thief Scooby-Doo! The Q21313 Catnapped Caper Author Name Ip, Ivy S. Soderberg, Erin Herman, Gail Herman, Gail Herman, Gail Wasserman, Robin Herman, Gail McCann, Jesse Leon Herman, Gail Nagler, Michelle H. Herman, Gail Herman, Gail Nagler, Michelle H. Herman, Gail Wasserman, Robin Herman, Gail Barbo, Maria S. Herman, Gail Wasserman, Robin Soderberg, Erin Wasserman, Robin Herman, Gail Barbo, Maria S. Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.8 NP 1 360 Fiction K-2 1.3 NP 1 395 Fiction K-2 190 1.7 1 623 Fiction K-2 120 2.1 2 684 Fiction K-2 80 1.9 2 794 Fiction K-2 1 454 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 140 1.9 2 713 Fiction K-2 380 1.9 2 2731 Fiction K-2 150 1.7 1 642 Fiction K-2 1 463 Fiction K-2 1.4 NP 160 2.1 2 838 Fiction K-2 550 3.4 2 1989 Fiction K-2 1 423 Fiction K-2 2 664 Fiction K-2 1 315 Fiction K-2 2 712 Fiction K-2 1 321 Fiction K-2 2 825 Fiction K-2 1.6 50 2.1 1.4 40 40 NP 2.1 1.6 120 NP NP 1.9 1.4 NP 1 356 Fiction K-2 1.7 NP 1 452 Fiction K-2 1.4 NP 1 405 Fiction K-2 2 776 Fiction K-2 1 295 Fiction K-2 2.1 1.2 NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q25929 Q26731 Q27829 Q24160 Q22985 Q25930 Q31847 Q33254 Q29037 Q27727 Q27726 Title Scooby-Doo! The Haunted Pumpkins Scooby-Doo! The Haunted Ski Lodge Scooby-Doo! The Missing Tooth Mystery Scooby-Doo! The Mixed-Up Museum Scooby-Doo! The Pizza Place Ghost Scooby-Doo! The Race Car Monster Scooby-Doo! The Secret Santa Mystery Scooby-Doo! The Surf Scare Author Name Nagler, Michelle H. Herman, Gail Barbo, Maria S. Herman, Gail Class 1-208, Herman, Gail Herman, Gail Nagler, Michelle Barbo, Scooby-Doo! Treasure Hunt Maria S. Scooby-Doo! Valentine's Herman, Day Dognapping Gail Scooby-Doo! Vanishing Wasserman, Valentines Robin Lexile Levels 120 Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.6 NP 1 484 Fiction K-2 2 792 Fiction K-2 1 448 Fiction K-2 2 758 Fiction K-2 1 316 Fiction K-2 2.1 1.6 150 NP 2.5 1.9 NP 40 1.9 2 699 Fiction K-2 120 2.1 2 750 Fiction K-2 130 1.5 NP 1 490 Fiction K-2 1.5 NP 1 435 Fiction K-2 1 752 Fiction K-2 1 342 Fiction K-2 2.4 1.5 NP Q56877 Scooter In The Outside Bowen, Anne 330 2.1 1 633 Fiction K-2 Q33305 Score One For The Sloths Scout The Grouch Q31208 (Anthology) Q16504 Scrambled Eggs Super! Lester, Helen 380 2.8 2 865 Fiction K-2 Salud, Kate Seuss, Dr. 330 1.3 3.7 NP 1 2 111 1744 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Keller, Laurie 720 3.2 AD 1 1023 Fiction K-2 440 2.5 1 122 Non-Fiction K-2 640 180 3.7 2.2 AD 2 1 1733 249 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 540 2.9 AD 2 757 Fiction K-2 430 2.8 2 1993 Non-Fiction K-2 520 3.1 AD 2 936 Fiction K-2 Q10091 Screwdriver Zobel, Derek Ryan, Margaret Linn, Margo Lamm, C. Drew Berger, Melvin Hamanaka, Sheila Armentrout, David 820 3.9 IG 2 660 Non-Fiction K-2 Q47518 Screws (Blastoff! Readers) Manolis, Kay 680 4.2 1 531 Non-Fiction K-2 Scrambled States Of Q44188 America Talent Show, The Scrapers (Blastoff! Q47512 Readers) Q48563 Scratch And Sniff Q24374 Scratches And Scrapes Screech Owl At Midnight Q23311 Hollow Screech!: A Book About Q21586 Bats Screen Of Frogs: An Old Q27708 Tale SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level Moss, Miriam Parish, Peggy Brandenburg , Jim Delonas, Sean Slobodkina, Esphyr Schaefer, Lola M. Rustad, Martha E.H. 440 2.7 AD 1 503 Fiction K-2 180 3.5 2 1318 Fiction K-2 780 4.1 2 1743 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.3 1 434 Fiction K-2 480 2.9 2 644 Fiction K-2 570 1.5 1 58 Non-Fiction K-2 600 3.4 1 194 Non-Fiction K-2 1040 5.2 2 1058 Fiction K-2 520 3.1 1 199 Non-Fiction K-2 830 3.5 2 1040 Non-Fiction K-2 930 6.1 1 831 Non-Fiction K-2 Q18331 Sea Horses Buzzeo, Toni Schach, David Stefoff, Rebecca Butterworth, Chris Schaefer, Lola M. 410 1.3 1 67 Non-Fiction K-2 Q50789 Sea Horses Sea Horses (Blastoff! Q39803 Readers) Sea King's Daughter: A Q26882 Russian Legend, The Sea Lions (Blastoff! Q43489 Readers) Corse, Nicole Herriges, Ann Shepard, Aaron Sexton, Colleen 550 2.8 1 244 Non-Fiction K-2 450 2.3 1 178 Non-Fiction K-2 520 3.9 2 1588 Fiction K-2 600 3.4 1 232 Non-Fiction K-2 Q28917 Sea Of Animals, A Scott, Janine Hanson, Warren Haddon, Mark Miles, Victoria Wendorff, Anne Slater, Dashka MacDonald, Suse 640 1.9 1 213 Non-Fiction K-2 530 2.1 AD 1 354 Fiction K-2 740 3.9 AD 1 539 Fiction K-2 510 2.8 1 417 Fiction K-2 680 2.6 1 186 Non-Fiction K-2 660 3.8 AD 1 869 Fiction K-2 1.3 BR 1 12 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Q29597 Scritch Scratch Q10094 Scruffy Scruffy: A Wolf Finds His Q26884 Place In The Pack Q40184 Scuttle's Big Wish Q10095 Se venden gorras Q18328 Sea Anemones Q42558 Sea Anemones Q34316 Sea Chest, The Q42477 Sea Dragons Q20881 Sea Horse (Living Things) Sea Horse: The Shyest Fish Q39347 In The Sea Q49874 Sea Of Sleep, The Q28105 Sea Of Tranquillity, The Q19590 Sea Otter Pup Sea Otters (Blastoff! Q44680 Readers) Q43929 Sea Serpent And Me, The Q36782 Sea Shapes AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 1.7 1 206 Non-Fiction K-2 330 1.5 1 64 Non-Fiction K-2 390 2.3 1 119 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.1 1 163 Non-Fiction K-2 330 550 2.7 2.9 1 2 529 1983 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 220 1.9 1 540 Fiction K-2 730 2.9 3 1784 Non-Fiction K-2 Marsh, Laura Lindeen, Carol K. 620 2.5 1 719 Non-Fiction K-2 440 2.5 1 118 Non-Fiction K-2 Q56420 Sea Turtles Sea Turtles (Blastoff! Q39805 Readers) 580 3.3 1 573 Non-Fiction K-2 490 2.5 1 194 Non-Fiction K-2 Q10103 Carlin, Lydia Herriges, Ann Gibbons, Sea Turtles (Gibbons) Gail Schaefer, Sea Urchins Lola M. Rustad, Sea Urchins Martha E.H. Hoban, Sea-Thing Child, The Russell Dunning, Seabird In The Forest Joan Seabiscuit The Wonder McCarthy, Horse Meghan Seahorse Reef: A Story Of Walker, The South Pacific Sally M. Coffey, Seal In The Family, A Maria Seal Pups (Blastoff! Sexton, Readers) Colleen Foreman, Seal Surfer Michael Sexton, Seals Colleen Seals On The Bus, The Hort, Lenny 720 5.4 2 1177 Non-Fiction K-2 580 1.5 1 51 Non-Fiction K-2 660 3.8 1 213 Non-Fiction K-2 540 2.5 AD 2 2579 Fiction K-2 1060 8.5 AD 3 2492 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.6 AD 1 753 Non-Fiction K-2 720 4.1 2 1404 Fiction K-2 940 4.9 2 1462 Fiction K-2 520 2.7 1 119 Non-Fiction K-2 740 3.3 2 1075 Fiction K-2 490 2.6 1.7 1 1 192 253 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Quiz # Title Sea Shells (Blastoff! Q44681 Readers) Q18329 Sea Stars Q56360 Sea Stars Sea Stars (Blastoff! Q39804 Readers) Q27743 Sea Sums Q36895 Sea Surprise Q32639 Sea To Shining Sea Q21112 Sea Turtles Q54779 Sea Turtles Q56359 Sea Turtles Q18330 Q42559 Q20291 Q53112 Q45063 Q28948 Q17771 Q43496 Q26763 Q42478 Q31306 Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Skeie, Shari Schaefer, Lola M. Sullivan, Jody Herriges, Ann Hulme, Joy N. Landry, Leo Hughes, Walker Arnold, Caroline 510 Lexile Code NC AD NP SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 2 1998 Fiction K-2 AD 1 904 Fiction K-2 3.7 AD 2 1349 Fiction K-2 700 4.1 AD 1 602 Non-Fiction K-2 780 4.2 IG 2 1744 Non-Fiction K-2 840 4.5 AD 2 710 Fiction K-2 760 4.3 2 1543 Fiction K-2 610 2.5 2 735 Non-Fiction K-2 480 2.6 1 277 Non-Fiction K-2 120 1.2 1 200 Non-Fiction K-2 700 2.7 2 1015 Non-Fiction K-2 580 2.5 AD 2 630 Fiction K-2 480 2.1 AD 1 630 Fiction K-2 340 1.7 1 158 Fiction K-2 Q21026 Sebastian Gets The Hiccups Feely, Jenny de Deu Q49257 Sebastian's Roller Skates Prats, Joan 300 1.9 1 322 Fiction K-2 730 3.5 2 1108 Fiction K-2 Q21047 Sebastian's Special Present Prince, Sarah Sebastian: A Book About Winter, Q22904 Bach Jeanette Snyder, Q32713 Second Chance For Tina, A Marilyn Second Grade Rules, Danziger, Q37586 Amber Brown Paula Hutchins, Q50468 Second Is A Hiccup, A Hazel Birkinshaw, Q31643 Secret At Dolphin Bay Marie 210 1.9 1 293 Fiction K-2 780 3.9 2 864 Non-Fiction K-2 550 2.8 2 1973 Fiction K-2 420 2.3 2 1534 Fiction K-2 740 2.8 1 474 Non-Fiction K-2 370 1.9 1 436 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Eubank, Seaman's Journal: On The Patricia Q33548 Trail With Lewis And Clark Reeder Seamore, The Very Edgemon, Q53627 Forgetful Porpoise Darcie Searching for Oliver K. Pattison, Q37666 Woodman Darcy Seashore (First Discovery), Jeunesse, Q13255 The Gallimard Darling, Q10121 Seashore Babies Kathy Zolotow, Q10122 Seashore Book Charlotte Hanson, Q39106 Season For Mangoes, A Regina Stewart, Q32238 Seasons David Nelson, Q51568 Seasons Robin Medearis, Q31253 Seasons (Anthology) Michael Quiri, Q28902 Seasons (Simply Science) Patricia Ryon Seasons Of Arnold's Apple Gibbons, Q10125 Tree, The Gail Murphy, Q26337 Seaweed Soup Stuart J. Q14423 Sebastian Prince, Sarah Lexile Levels Reading Level 690 3.4 570 2.3 690 Lexile Code AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Secret Birthday Message, Q15275 The Q14545 Secret Code, The Q32827 Secret In The Garden Q24311 Secret Life Of Trees, The Q47427 Secret Of Old Zeb, The Q14217 Secret Place Secret Remedy Book: A Story Of Comfort And Q33255 Love, The Q51302 Secret River, The Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Carle, Eric Rau, Dana Meachen Mayhew, James Chevallier, Chiara Deedy, Carmen Agra Bunting, Eve 100 Cates, Karin Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan Secret Science Project That Q43698 Almost Ate The School, The Sierra, Judy Teague, Q10169 Secret Shortcut, The Mark Vaughan, Q33287 Secret To Freedom, The Marcia Warner, Gertrude Q24441 Secret Under The Tree, The Chandler Secret World Of Walter Bass, Hester Q47802 Anderson, The Thompson Q30032 Secrets From A Cave Parr, Jean Q20823 Secrets From The Dollhouse Turner, Ann Wiesner, Q20460 Sector 7 David See Inside The White House Kennedy, Q46036 (Scholastic News Nonfiction) Marge Arlon, Q57053 See Me Grow Penelope Milgrim, Q37421 See Pip Point David Marx, David Q32354 See The City F. Condra, Q10181 See The Ocean Estelle Points Words Type Interest Level 2.7 1 150 Fiction K-2 330 1.7 1 156 Fiction K-2 350 2.3 2 636 Fiction K-2 650 2.8 2 1122 Non-Fiction K-2 520 590 2.1 2.8 AD AD 2 1 2580 529 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 610 3.4 AD 2 1091 Fiction K-2 720 3.4 AD 3 3002 Fiction K-2 690 4.3 1 622 Fiction K-2 570 4.8 2 734 Fiction K-2 520 3.2 2 1526 Fiction K-2 20 2.6 2 633 Fiction K-2 850 500 6.5 3.6 NC 2 2 1052 767 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 590 3.1 AD 2 1095 Fiction K-2 3.5 NP 1 10 Fiction K-2 1 304 Non-Fiction K-2 2 1153 Non-Fiction K-2 1 113 Fiction K-2 1 35 Fiction K-2 2 882 Fiction K-2 420 2.4 640 2.7 150 1.3 0 1.1 710 4.6 Lexile Code AD AD BR SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Author Name Ghigna, Q18745 See The Yak Yak Charles Cohen, Q10183 See You Tomorrow, Charles Miriam Seed And The Giant Ward, Q36921 Saguaro, The Jennifer Selby, Q10184 Seed Bunny, The Jennifer Merrill, Q21104 Seed Is A Promise, A Claire Peterson, Q50553 Seed Soil Sun Cris Q29998 Seed Surprise, The Verne, Julie Shannon, Q16988 Seeds George SaundersQ18318 Seeds (Growing Flowers) Smith, Gail Lexile Levels Reading Level 10 390 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1.5 1 88 Fiction K-2 3.4 2 720 Fiction K-2 2.3 NP 1 491 Fiction K-2 560 2.5 AD 1 489 Fiction K-2 450 3.2 2 746 Non-Fiction K-2 1050 420 8.4 1.9 1 1 767 294 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 450 1.9 2 677 Fiction K-2 240 1.5 1 210 Non-Fiction K-2 0 1.9 BR 1 71 Non-Fiction K-2 780 4.8 AD 2 857 Fiction K-2 470 310 2.5 1.7 AD 2 1 1024 149 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 AD Q36886 Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! Q18415 Seeing Medearis, Angela Shelf Berkeley, Laura Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth Frost, Helen Q29664 Seeing (Anthology) Seeing (Rookie Read-About Q31381 Health) Q27395 Seeing Eye, The Cole, Joanna Gordon, Sharon North, Emily 380 2.3 1 352 Non-Fiction K-2 360 390 1.8 2.3 1 1 282 629 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 Q23081 Seeing Seabirds Fowler, Allan Raatma, Lucia Charles, Faustin 640 3.1 1 386 Non-Fiction K-2 570 1.5 IG 1 341 Non-Fiction K-2 580 2.8 AD 2 632 Fiction K-2 Ehlert, Lois Krauss, Ruth 160 120 1.8 1.7 1 1 117 98 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 North, Emily Tibo, Gilles 620 610 2.9 3.1 2 2 737 1627 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Allard, Harry Schuh, Mari Schuh, Mari 350 590 510 2.5 3.3 2.8 2 1 1 654 507 501 Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 Q21311 Seeds Grow! Q18126 Seeds Of Peace, The Q20578 Self-Discipline Q18800 Selfish Crocodile sembrar sopa de verduras, Q10196 A Q10198 semilla de zanahoria, La Sending A Message With Q27100 Dots...And Dashes... Q10203 señor Patapum, El señorita Nelson ha Q10206 desaparecido, La Q42594 Sense Of Hearing, The Q42595 Sense Of Sight, The SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q42596 Sense Of Smell, The Q42597 Sense Of Taste, The Q43400 Sense Of Touch, The Sense Pass King: A Story Q33350 From Cameroon Q38916 Sense That! Q43108 Senses In The City Q27142 Sequoyah Q10214 Ser útil Author Name Schuh, Mari Schuh, Mari Schuh, Mari Tchana, Katrin Howie, Rhonda Rotner, Shelley Epstein, Elaine Ancona, George Q34620 Serena And Venus Williams Hill, Mary Wallner, Q38521 Sergio And The Hurricane Alexandra Rodriguez, Q43928 Sergio Makes A Splash! 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Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Q37140 Q10236 Q33605 Q22187 Q22495 Q10246 Title Author Name Koller, Jackie Seven Spunky Monkeys French Seventeen Kings And Forty- Mahy, Two Elephants Margaret Seymour Simon's Book Of Simon, Trains Seymour Seymour Simon's Book Of Simon, Trucks Seymour Shades Of Black: A Celebration Of Our Pinkney, Children Sandra L. Brown, Shadow Marcia Mollel, Shadow Dance Tololwa M. Lexile Levels Reading Level Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 640 2.4 AD 1 640 Fiction K-2 3.9 NP 1 214 Fiction K-2 940 4.9 2 1588 Non-Fiction K-2 910 4.7 2 1024 Non-Fiction K-2 1 203 Non-Fiction K-2 2 717 Fiction K-2 2 1095 Fiction K-2 1 152 Non-Fiction K-2 3.5 NP 550 3.7 420 3.6 Q14435 Shadow Puppets 90 1.4 Q20330 760 4.2 AD 2 2355 Fiction K-2 0 1.2 BR 1 51 Non-Fiction K-2 320 1.6 1 433 Non-Fiction K-2 320 190 1.7 1.4 1 1 433 477 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 320 2.2 2 686 Fiction K-2 640 2.2 2.5 1.8 NP NP AD 1 1 1 524 241 708 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 570 2.9 AD 1 795 Fiction K-2 350 2.4 1 186 Fiction K-2 470 2.3 1 652 Non-Fiction K-2 Q28146 Q34751 Q35037 Q24989 Q16543 Q13168 Q10276 Q18140 Q35695 Q34465 Q10285 Q38912 Q21356 Q15804 Q38041 Q38920 Feely, Jenny Willard, Shadow Story Nancy Calvert, Shadows Deanna Otto, Shadows Carolyn B. Shadows (Scholastic Science Otto, Readers) Carolyn B. Shadows Everywhere Shaw, Gina Shaggy, Waggy Dogs And Calmenson, Others Stephanie Shake Dem Halloween Nikola-Lisa, Bones W. Shake My Sillies Out Raffi, Shall I Knit You A Hat? Klise, Kate Browne, Shape Game, The Anthony Shape Of Me And Other Stuff, The Seuss, Dr. Howie, Shape Of Shadows, The Rhonda Dodds, Shape Of Things, The Dayle Ann Falwell, Shape Space Cathryn Ribke, Shapes We Eat, The Simone T. Howie, Shaping Our World Rhonda AD 1.7 NP 1 139 Non-Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 195 Fiction K-2 470 2.3 1 329 Non-Fiction K-2 470 2.3 1 428 Non-Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q10290 Sharing Time Troubles Shark And Lobster's Amazing Undersea Q39365 Adventure Q26491 Shark God, The Q37988 Shark Pup Grows Up, A Q24362 Shark Swimathon Q40598 Shark Tooth Tale Q24422 Shark-Mad Stanley Q10296 Sharks Q42560 Sharks Q56357 Sharks Q52772 Sharks (2008) Q27509 Sharks (Anthology) Q32042 Sharks (Face-To-Face) Sharks (Scholastic Science Q27943 Readers) Q25308 Sharks! Q36834 Sharks! (Candelaria) Sharks! (National Q47238 Geographic Kids) Q28099 Sharks! (Nichols) Shawn And Keeper And Q19539 The Birthday Party Shawn's Soy Sauce Q31197 (Anthology) She Come Bringing Me That Q10301 Little Baby Girl She Loved Baseball: The Q51288 Effa Manley Story She Sang Promise: The Story Of Betty Mae Jumper, Seminole Tribe Q49637 Leader Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Maccarone, Grace 300 1.5 Schwarz, Viviane Martin, Rafe 320 370 2.1 2.9 460 Zollman, Pam Murphy, Stuart J. Klein, Abby Griffin, Andrew Gibbons, Gail Sexton, Colleen Lindeen, Carol K. Martin, Justin McCory Article, Taylor, Barbara Guiberson, Brenda Z. Clarke, Ginjer Candelaria, Michael Schreiber, Anne Nichols, Catherine London, Jonathan Myers, Anne Greenfield, Eloise Vernick, Audrey Annino, Jan Godown Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 163 Fiction K-2 1 2 566 1076 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 1.8 1 227 Non-Fiction K-2 380 600 2.7 4.1 2 3 754 7801 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 250 2.1 1 336 Fiction K-2 660 4.9 2 795 Non-Fiction K-2 530 3.1 1 213 Non-Fiction K-2 350 2.2 1 84 Non-Fiction K-2 560 570 2.4 2.6 1 1 269 437 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 860 3.5 2 876 Non-Fiction K-2 530 1.9 1 617 Non-Fiction K-2 210 1.8 1 437 Non-Fiction K-2 780 3.2 2 2114 Non-Fiction K-2 520 3.1 1 805 Non-Fiction K-2 240 1.7 1 202 Non-Fiction K-2 60 1.5 1 372 Fiction K-2 690 1.8 1 149 Fiction K-2 530 3.6 2 720 Fiction K-2 770 3.7 AD 2 1438 Non-Fiction K-2 820 4.4 AD 2 1634 Non-Fiction K-2 AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q10304 She Sells Seashells She'll Be Coming Around Q10306 The Mountain Q42469 Sheep Author Name Lexile Levels Reading Level Kim, Grace Coplon, Emily Green, Emily K. Nelson, Robin 540 2.2 2.5 Lexile Code NP Points Interest Level 1 Words 275 Type Fiction 1 359 Fiction K-2 K-2 500 2.6 1 93 Non-Fiction K-2 380 2.3 1 248 Non-Fiction K-2 Bell, Rachael Levine, Q10312 Sheep Dreams Arthur A. Sheep Fairy: When Wishes Symes, Ruth Q34092 Have Wings, The Louise 620 2.9 2 805 Non-Fiction K-2 480 4.2 AD 2 744 Fiction K-2 400 2.3 AD 1 480 Fiction K-2 Q10313 Sheep In A Jeep Shaw, Nancy 130 1.2 1 84 Fiction K-2 Q10314 Sheep In A Shop Shaw, Nancy 150 1.8 1 134 Fiction K-2 Q10315 Sheep On A Ship Shaw, Nancy 160 1.8 1 118 Fiction K-2 Q10316 Sheep Out To Eat 160 1.7 1 144 Fiction K-2 Q27152 Sheep Station Shaw, Nancy Frederick, Shirley 360 2.2 1 512 Non-Fiction K-2 Q10317 Sheep Take A Hike Shaw, Nancy 190 2.1 1 160 Fiction K-2 Q10318 Sheep Trick Or Treat Sheila Rae's Peppermint Q26558 Stick Q28143 Shell Book, The Shaw, Nancy Henkes, Kevin Henkes, Kevin Lember, Barbara Hirsch Q14735 Shellfish Aren't Fish Fowler, Allan Q23098 Shells Franco, Betsy Boothroyd, Jennifer Gunning, Monica Numeroff, Laura Nobisso, Josephine Q46274 Sheep Q22338 Sheep (Farm Animals) Q10319 Sheila Rae, The Brave Q56235 Shells Q42284 Shelter In Our Car, A Q37094 Sherman Crunchley Q22049 Shh! The Whale Is Smiling 1.9 NP 1 209 Fiction K-2 0 1.8 BR 1 149 Fiction K-2 440 2.3 1 477 Fiction K-2 940 4.1 2 1217 Non-Fiction K-2 710 2.7 1 520 Non-Fiction K-2 1 63 Fiction K-2 1 93 Non-Fiction K-2 1.8 NA 300 1.8 560 3.2 AD 2 1928 Fiction K-2 600 3.3 AD 2 1048 Fiction K-2 2.5 NP 1 176 Fiction K-2 SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Quiz # Title Q10328 Shhhh Q46484 Shin-Chi's Canoe Q14559 Shine, Sun! Q42472 Ships Q27526 Ships (Anthology) Q10338 Shipwreck Saturday Q32989 Shirley's Wonderful Baby Q39438 Shivers In The Fridge, The Sho And The Demons Of Q18544 The Deep Q25062 Shoe Magic Q18805 Shoe Town Q23116 Shoelaces Shoeless Joe And Black Q32620 Betsy Q25578 Shoemaker Martin Q10343 Shoes Q10345 Shoes From Grandpa Q10346 Shoes, Shoes, Shoes Q17278 Shoes, Shoes, Shoes Q19123 Shoeshine Whittaker Q24861 Shoo Fly! Q42032 Shoo, Fly Guy! Q32479 Shooting For The Moon Q10353 Shooting Stars Q37128 Shop Talk Shopping List (Anthology), Q27537 The Author Name Henkes, Kevin Campbell, Nicola I. Greene, Carol Lindeen, Mary Article, Cosby, Bill Gregory, Valiska Manushkin, Fran Galouchko, Annouchka Gravel Grimes, Nikki Stevens, Janet Lieurance, Suzanne Lexile Levels Reading Level 50 1.4 810 4.3 0 Points Words Type Interest Level 1 66 Fiction K-2 AD 2 1209 Fiction K-2 1.2 BR 1 66 Fiction K-2 310 0 430 2.1 1.1 2.8 BR 1 1 2 94 32 821 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 430 2.8 AD 2 828 Fiction K-2 620 3.3 AD 2 1171 Fiction K-2 920 5.1 AD 2 1063 Fiction K-2 3.5 NP 2 900 Fiction K-2 1 240 Fiction K-2 1 97 Fiction K-2 2 2780 Fiction K-2 2 1023 Fiction K-2 1 1 151 508 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 450 Lexile Code 1.3 1.8 NA Bildner, Phil Hanhart, Brigitte Winthrop, Elizabeth Fox, Mem Schreiber, Anne Morris, Ann Ketteman, Helen Trapani, Iza 790 3.9 570 3.5 450 540 1.7 2.3 230 100 1.5 2.3 AD 1 1 284 89 Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 560 3.5 2.1 AD NP 2 1 1077 280 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Arnold, Tedd Krensky, Stephen Branley, Franklyn M. Ford, Juwanda G. 410 2.3 1 251 Fiction K-2 780 3.9 2 2407 Non-Fiction K-2 620 2.3 2 906 Non-Fiction K-2 530 2.8 1 717 Fiction K-2 Apple, Gary 150 1.4 1 433 Fiction K-2 AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Title Author Name Q10360 Shortcut (Crews) Macaulay, David Crews, Donald Quiz # Q10361 Shortcut Shortest Kid In The World, Q10362 The Shot Heard 'Round The Q43352 World, The Q10365 Shoveling Snow Q10367 Show & Tell Day Bliss, Corinne Demas Bildner, Phil Cummings, Pat Rockwell, Anne Q14428 Show And Tell (Alphakids) Q30065 Q10366 Q25468 Q17275 Q29646 Q10368 Q39261 Q27621 Q14540 Q23877 Q42138 Q10374 Q46019 Q10375 Q10376 Q26154 Lang, Greg McCloskey, Show And Tell (McCloskey) Susan Munsch, Show And Tell (Munsch) Robert Show And Tell (Real Kids Readers) Hood, Susan Lasky, Show And Tell Bunnies Kathryn Show Time: Your First Play (Anthology) Root, Phyllis Oppenheim, Show-And-Tell Frog, The Joanne Abercrombie Show-And-Tell Lion, The , Barbara Show-And-Tell Rose Lee, Josie Simon, Show-And-Tell Sam Charnan Bridwell, Show-And-Tell Surprise, The Norman Greene, Show-Off, The Stephanie Steig, Shrek! William Sexton, Shrimp (Blastoff! Reader) Colleen Shrinking Mouse Hutchins, Pat Heide, Florence Shrinking Of Treehorn, The Parry Shrinking Violet Best, Cari Q40231 Shrunken Head, The Cazet, Denys Lexile Levels Reading Level 530 3.5 210 1.9 400 2.8 1070 9.6 50 Lexile Code Points Words Type Interest Level 1 448 Fiction K-2 1 235 Fiction K-2 2 846 Fiction K-2 2 1263 Fiction K-2 1.9 1 109 Fiction K-2 480 2.8 1 343 Fiction K-2 0 1.3 1 214 Fiction K-2 130 1.6 1 206 Fiction K-2 490 3.5 2 736 Fiction K-2 170 2.1 1 402 Fiction K-2 490 3.9 2 1214 Fiction K-2 230 1.7 1 244 Non-Fiction K-2 300 1.7 1 435 Fiction K-2 560 230 2.9 1.3 1 1 579 302 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 240 2.1 1 91 Fiction K-2 120 2.1 1 432 Fiction K-2 400 2.3 3 2581 Fiction K-2 540 4.4 2 1147 Fiction K-2 540 200 3.2 1.9 1 1 227 326 Non-Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 480 420 2.4 2.9 2 2 2455 1410 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 300 1.7 1 853 Fiction K-2 AD NC BR AD AD AD AD AD SRC! Fall 2012 Complete Quiz Collection Grades K-2 Points Words Type Interest Level 3.1 1 437 Fiction K-2 390 1.8 1 315 Fiction K-2 190 1.7 1 252 Fiction K-2 520 2.7 1 282 Fiction K-2 540 3.2 1 257 Fiction K-2 760 3.6 AD 1 440 Fiction K-2 240 2.7 AD 2 1004 Fiction K-2 550 0 0 2.9 1.1 1.1 BR BR 1 1 1 388 28 120 Fiction Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 310 1.7 1 199 Fiction K-2 870 4.6 1 650 Non-Fiction K-2 330 2.3 1 305 Fiction K-2 660 4.8 2 609 Fiction K-2 200 1 2 1 1 0 276 Fiction Fiction K-2 K-2 Q10398 Sight 580 3.3 2 801 Non-Fiction K-2 Q10402 300 1.7 2 2219 Fiction K-2 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.7 BR 10 190 240 120 80 290 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 80 92 142 157 135 131 165 Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction Non-Fiction K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 770 3.7 AD 1 905 Fiction K-2 560 3.1 1 411 Fiction K-2 Quiz # Q10379 Q30911 Q26110 Q10380 Q10381 Q49047 Q24891 Q10383 Q27195 Q10384 Q29888 Q50335 Q32366 Q10392 Title Wells, Shy Charles Rosemary Shy Scarecrow Goes To Packard, School Mary Packard, Shy Scarecrow, The Mary Si le das un panecillo a un Numeroff, alce Laura J. Si le das una galletita a un Numeroff, ratón Laura J. Sick Day For Amos McGee, Stead, Philip A C. MacLachlan, Sick Day, The Patricia Rockwell, Sick In Bed Anne Sid And I Fenn, Marie Sid And Sam Buck, Nola Garrido, Side By Side Belen Side By Side: The Story Of Dolores Huerta And Cesar Brown, Chavez Monica Brimner, Sidewalk Patrol, The Larry Dane Munsch, Siempre te querré Robert Q10395 Siete conejitos Q10397 Siete ratones ciegos Q35392 Q33196 Q33195 Q33194 Q33193 Q33192 Q33191 Q49514 Q10406 Author Name Becker, John Young, Ed Hurwitz, Sue Sendak, Sign On Rosie's Door, The Maurice Jones, Signs Sabrina Signs At School Hill, Mary Signs At The Airport Hill, Mary Signs At The Park Hill, Mary Signs At The Pool Hill, Mary Signs At The Store Hill, Mary Signs On The Road Hill, Mary Horrocks, Silas' Seven Grandparents Anita Keats, Ezra Silba por Willi
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