8BM operation manual and troubleshooting - NE-CAT
8BM operation manual and troubleshooting - NE-CAT
8BM operation manual and troubleshooting 1 Table of content 1. How to operate the CONSOLE Execution Unit (CEU)……………………………………….…….4 1a. Starting the Console ……………………………………………………………………………4 1b. Exiting the Console …………………………………………………………………………….6 2 How to start data collection ……………………………………………………………....................6 3. How to collect EXAFS scan .............................................................................................................10 4. Howto change the energy ………………………………………………………………………….12 5. Available computers and crystallographic software ………………………………………………13 6. Data backup ………………………………………………………………………………………..15 7. Troubleshooting................................................................................................................................16 7.1. Windows CEU computer is frozen or not responding ………………………………….…… 16 7.2 Lost flux after energy change …………………………………………………………….……17 7.3 Lost beam in the ring …………………………………………………………………………17 7.4 Negative distance in ADX-Status window ………………………………………………..….18 7.5 Lost communication/dead server ……………………………………………………………..19 7.6 Data processing computer (164.54.152.{81,82,83}) is frozen or needs to be restarted ……...20 7.7 Arming the A-hutch and location of motserv computers …………………………………......21 2 1. How to operate the CONSOLE Execution Unit (CEU) 1a. Starting the Console Sit in front of the left, CONSOLE Computer (see fig. 1 below) Figure 1 Make sure that all THREE programs are running : “CONSOLE EXECUTOR” , "GPIB_SERVER" (may be minimized on the taskbar) and the flux monitor “dt_servr”. If not, you need to start them. Note : The "GPIB_SERVER" and the flux monitor (“dt_servr”) usually startup automatically when you login to Console Computer (login : “necat”). First, start flux monitor server by double-clicking on the "dt_servr" icon on the desktop (figure 2), the flux monitor window should always remain open. Second, start GPIB server by double clicking on the "GPIB_SERVER" icon, this windows should be minimized to sit on the taskbar; third, start the CEU by double-clicking on the "EXECUTOR" icon Figure 2 3 Once the CONSOLE EXECUTOR window is open, launch the MEZZANINE_2 script (figure 3): Select the Execution Options item of the CONSOLE EXECUTOR window menu; and click on the EXECUTE SCRIPT menu item: Figure 3 After successful initialization of all client-server connections the following window will be open with the control buttons of the MEZZANINE modules (figure 4): Figure 4 4 Unsuccessful client-server connections are indicated by the appearance of a warning prompt and an audible alarm -see troubleshooting section #7 (you may consult also the description of the file “8bm_operational_procedures.html” located on the Desktop) Click on DCM button (top row of the menu), wait a couple seconds until all fields have real numbers, check that the energy value is right (see the screenshot on Figure 10). DCM stands for Double Crystal Monochromator. Choose the slits size (either 300x300µ or 200x200µ) by clicking on the “slit size” button in the lower side menu ; 200x200µ is a preferred size of the beam. Make sure that CEU is also running on the computer inside the experimental hutch (if you were able to center/align your sample – it’s properly running). Check that BOTH shutters are open – green lights on the safety panel (see figure 13). Now you are ready to collect data (see #2), or to make EXAFS scan( see #3), or to change the energy (see #4) Note : If you see something different from the above window (figure 4), another script may be running by default (the name of the running script is always on the title bar of the windows). You may need to explicitly specify that the “MEZZANINE_2” script is running (follow four steps below): a) close the window by Selecting the Execution Options item of the window; and clicking on the ABORT SCRIPT menu item b) Make sure that the MEZZANINE_2 script is selected: Click on File item of CONSOLE EXECUTOR window, then select the Select .CXE File menu item: Figure 5A c) Highlight the mezzanine_2.cxe file and click the Open button of the file selector d) Select the Execution Options item of the EXECUTOR window (figure 5B); and click on the EXECUTE SCRIPT menu item: Figure 5B 5 1b. Exiting the Console To exit/restart the software, click on the exit button, and then click on File item of CONSOLE EXECUTOR menu, then select the Exit EXECUTOR menu item. If the CEU doesn’t respond – use Ctrl-Alt-Delete to launch Windows Task Manager and kill Console from it. 2. How to start data collection • • • • • • • Before starting the ADSC data collection software, make sure to check: there is a beam in the ring (on the TV monitor or on the WWW) the Console software is running DCM script (figure 10) with the desired energy the sample is properly centered and aligned liquid nitrogen nose is properly positioned and the temperature is close to 100K the beamstop is in place both shutters are open (green lights for the station A and B – figure 13) you have plenty of local disk space to collect your data Currently, there are several ADCS detector limitations: the slowest mechanical rotation speed of the goniometer should be no more than 100 second per degree (ie max exposure is 100 sec per one degree or 50sec for 0.5o oscillation), to artificially double this limit use dezinger mode – see below on top of page 9), the highest speed is 10 degrees/sec and the minimum sample-detector distance is 160mm (see beamline personnel to move detector in the range 160-180mm). The detector can be moved up for collection of ultra-high resolution data (this procedure is done only by the beamline personnel). We do not recommend using the exposure time less than 4 seconds because of the shutter/goniometer timing problems – if you have a BIG crystal, of if you observe too many overloads in the graphics window – use attenuator: hit ATTENUATOR button in the bottom of CONSOLE window (figure 10) and choose either #1 or #2 (0.0005” or 0.001” Al foil) attenuator on the pop-up window and hit accept. Check that you have an acceptable number of overload pixels - (less than 50-100). Now sit in front of the right ADSC computer (see Figure 1), open new terminal, check by the command "df" that you have plenty of the disk space for your data collection, and close any ADSC windows, if any is open. To be sure that there is no ADSC daemon running, type " ps –e | grep ccd" , if any ccd process is running - kill it. Now create a new directory for your new data/crystal, go there, and type "ccdsys startup". Typing “ccdsys” only will show all other available options for ADSC detector software. ADSC control windows (ADX and ADX-Status) should appear in a while – figure 6. 6 Figure 6 Note: ADSC software should be restarted every time the CONSOLE software is restarted and CONSOLE should be in DCM mode before starting the ADSC software. Now you should use SETUP → Snapshot (to collect snapshots), SETUP → Manual (to manually move the ADSC detector to the desired position within the range 180-1250mm and to move phi angle, don't try to move other motors), SETUP → Run (to setup the script to collect your data). Additional help is available by pressing help in the top-right corner of the corresponding window. The screenshot with ADSC software ready for data collection is presented on Figure 7. 7 Figure 7 Snapshots details: specify the directory name where to collect data, usually you don’t need to change the file prefix for snapshot image, input the desired sample to detector distance and the exposure time, 2θ offset is not supported as well as kappa/omega axes, use 2x2 binning unless you expect a very sharp reflections or poor spots separation (file size increases for unbinned image from 18Mb to 72Mb ), collect new detector dark current every time you change the exposure time, ∆-phi is the oscillation range and the dezinger “on” should be used only with long exposures (more than one minute). Binning type: HW – hardware binning by summation of four pixels, it is claimed to make slightly lower noise; SW (default) – software binning by averaging of four pixels, thus increasing the dynamical range of the image. Runs details: specify the valid directory name where to collect data and meaningful image prefix, don’t use any compression and collect in time mode only, input as much comment as possible (will be saved in the “LOGFILE” –very helpful in one year after data collection). To change the binning mode/type go to the “Config” pulldown-menu. “Anomalous” - if yes ticked -the “inverse beam” mode is activated; you need to specify the number of frames per wedge collected (usually ~20-30 frames) before the goniometer is rotated 180o to collect the same number of frames; this decreases the impact of the radiation damage on the precision of the anomalous 8 signal (the output files will have suffixes _1_ and _101_ for direct and inverse beam respectfully), and “MAD” – if yes checked, you may specify up to five different energies to collect your MAD data. In the run bottom window you setup different parameters for your data collection. You may specify several different runs from the same crystal ( i.e. run #1 to collect low resolution data with short exposure and run #2 for high resolution data with long exposure etc) . You need to input total number of frames, desired distance, starting phi angle, oscillation range per frame and exposure time. Check dezinger “yes” if the exposure time is more than one minute or if you want to increase the rotation rate of the goniometer up to 200 second per degree (the sample will be exposed twice the amount specified in time field, if dezinger is on). Please don’t touch 2θ, kappa and omega or change any rotation axis. Hit “Collect” only once to collect your data or “cancel” to close the Runs window. If the “collect” button is hit multiple times, the software will redo the same runs over again, overwriting your previous images. It is recommended not to reuse snapshot/runs windows : once the data from one crystal are collected, close the run window and open it again for the new crystal. Note: If you see the negative value for the detector distance in the ADX_Status window, or the system doesn't respond to hitting "COLLECT" button - see troubleshooting section 7.4 The system takes some time to collect and display the first image – be patient and wait until the system moves the detector to the correct distance and collects two dark current images and do pitch/roll optimization. You can always check what the detector is doing in the top status field of ADX-Status window. 9 3. How to collect EXAFS scan To collect EXAFS scan from your protein crystal use the biggest junk crystal for EXAFS and save the best crystal for data collection. (Metal foils can be also used to calibrate the energy) Mount the crystal as usual, and using the black knob, move the fluorescence detector (shown by yellow arrow below on figure 8) closer to the sample (but not interfere with the LN2 cold stream nose). Figure 8. In CEU with DCM script running, hit XAFS button on the right-side blue menu of DCM window see the following screenshot (figure 9): 10 Figure 9. In the DECRIPTION field put some info about your protein (start typing in the field after selecting it), ditto for output filename, carefully choose initial and final energy for the scan (+/- 20 eV from the edge is a good choice) – real number only (end with digital dot !), don't change any other default parameters, hit START SCAN or CANCEL if you change your mind. Another graphics window opens, showing the acquisition of real-time fluorescent signal (blue), very rough derivative of it (red) and the baseline flux (green). It takes ~10 minutes to collect 50eV scan and the crystal is irradiated for ~2 minutes. Once it's done, move the cursor to the peak, write down the energy, ditto for the inflection point. Print the EXAFS scan and close the graphics window. Another MS_DOS windows is open during the scan which shows the tabulated data (energy, fluorescence signal) during the EXAFS scan, these data are written in the file specified as the output filename, and can be used later to analyze EXAFS data by CHOOCH, EXCEL etc. To process your data by CHOOCH click on EXIT button of DCM6 window (figure 9), and the window on figure 4 will appear; click CHOOCH and select the filename you imputed during EXAFS scan, the program will create the results with peak and inflection point details in the title bar; print the CHOOCH result page and close both graphics windows. Click again DCM to return to the script for data collection or changing energy. 11 If you are satisfied with EXAFS scan, move the fluorescent detector back to prevent its overloading during data collection. Use your preferred strategy to collect MAD data (like - peak energy first, inflection point next and finally -remote energy). If the EXAFS scan looks very noisy and not recognizable, check the second column in the DATA windows – the absorption signal – if these numbers exceed 150000 , the detector should be moved away from the sample, if less than 10000, the fluorescent signal is too low (check the overall geometry or use bigger crystal) and repeat scan or call beamline support personnel. 4. How to change the energy Make sure DCM script is running and you see the following window: Figure 10. Note: the numbers can be different, depending on the energy value. On the Windows (left) computer running CEU in the right-side blue menu click either "SET ENERGY" to go to the specific energy or "EDGE SELECTOR" to choose the edge (K, L or M) of the element of interest. 8BM is supporting energies in the range 6500-14000 eV and all users are 12 allowed to operate in the safe range of 7500-13500eV (contact your support personnel for broad range). Note: Don't forget to include the digital dot after typing the desired energy in the "set energy" prompt window. It is recommended to use small steps (less than 1000 eV) for any energy changes. Note: Don't ever think to go from 12658eV to Cu-edge (8979eV) in one step It takes a couple minutes for the system to adjust the energy. Unless there is an alarming windows saying "NEED MANUAL INTERVENTION", the system is ready. Open the shutter (hit SHUTTER button in the low menu) - see some flux appear in the lower window (running red bar) , press MAX FLUX QG ROLL , wait 5 sec., press MAX FLUX QG PITCH, wait 5 sec., press again MAX FLUX QG ROLL (right side menu) to maximize the flux, close the shutter by pressing SHUTTER button again. 5. Available computers and crystallographic software 8BM is fully equipped with several computers to process and backup all data, and solve the structure –see figure 11. All computers have different NFS mounted storage space, including 2Tb RAID array (mounted as /raid2). Three computers 164.54.152.{81,82,83} are very powerful double processors double monitors workstations with Enterprise Linux 2.4. The Dell computer in the center ( is slower and is used mainly for writing DVDs, mounting firewire drives and hard disk drives with non-linux partitions, and to manage network switches. Another similar small Dell ( is located in the 432E office – this computer can be opened for outside remote access from user home computer upon user request (i.e. to ftp additional or missing data to home, etc). Figure 11. 13 All three user’s computers (164.54.152.{81,82,83}) have the same set of crystallographic software to integrate and scale experimental data and to solve and refine the structure. The following packages are installed: HKL2000 – type “HKL2000” from the directory where you have write permission and where you want to place your results. The hard copy manual is available on the beamline. Two comments : first, the main failure during the autoindexing is the wrong position of the direct beam – magnify the central portion of your image, find three strong spots, corresponding to the scattered radiation and the center of the circle made by scattered radiation is real position for the direct beam – write it down and input into “Site Configuration” menu; second, make sure the distance and the energy read from the file headers are correct (in the MAIN tab of HKL2000 window), change them if necessary. Don’t forget to set proper blind region around the beamstop shadow. Don’t reuse HKL2000 window for your next project, write the report, exit HKL2000 and start the new HKL2000 session in a different directory. If you want to run old-fashion xdisp/denzo/scalepack, type “x315” (alias) / “denzo_3d” , or “scalepack” on a command line. The site definition file is “/usr/local/hklint/8BM_315a/def.site”, you may sftp it back to your home computer if you need to reprocess your date later. LABELIT – Very powerful software for the indexing (very challenging cases); collect two images separated by 90o and type “labelit.screen <directory_with_images> 1 90 “ - specify a directory path followed by one or two image numbers. The HTML manual is in “~necat/Xtal_Soft/labelit_0.973b/manual.html” CCP4/CCP4i – type “ccp4i” or any routine name you need to run on a command line - $CCP4/bin is automatically in your path. To get help use “man” for any major routine. SOLVE/RESOLVE – go to the new directory, prepare the script to run (either copy and edit one from $SOLVEDIR/examples_solve/p9 or use your own magic one). You may also type either “solve” or “resolve” from the command line. The manual/ help is available online only by typing “solvehelp” or “resolvehelp”. ARP/wAPR – may be run either as a part of CCP4i or from the command line. Online help is available from the author’s web site and a short hard copy manual is in the binder by user’s computers. SHELX-97 – all programs are in the directory “/home/necat/Xtal_Soft/shelx97/bin/” – full path should be typed. Online help is available from the author’s web site and a short hard copy manual is in the binder by user’s computers. Sample examples and running scripts are in “/home/necat/Xtal_Soft/shelx97/tutor/egs” CNS v.1.1 – Type “cns< your_input-file.inp>output.log” . Online help, input files, tutorials, etc are available by typing “cns_web”. To convert HKL2000 .sca reflections file to CNS format type “to_cns”. (if not in the path, use “locate” to find it ) PHENIX v.1.1a – Type “phenix” on the command line to start GUI for structure solution and refinement. The help is available in a separate window. O and COOT – your choice for graphics (pymol is available thru PHENIX). To start type either “o” or “coot”. Both programs support stereo on CRT monitor only (the most left user’s computer) (stereo glasses are behind the monitor). To have stereo for O you should type “setenv STEREO on” first. O doesn’t allow to save/write your results. Several RAVE (from Upsalla) routines are in ~necat/Xtal_Soft/RAVE directory. 14 Every effort is made to install the newest version of the software as soon as possible, though some delay may exist. The necat .cshrc file is not writable by necat users; if you need to change any environmental variables you can do it manually for your local session only – contact beamline personnel with your suggestions/comments. 6. Data backup It is the user’s responsibility to backup all experimental data; we are keeping the data for several weeks and after that all data are periodically deleted. There are several ways to backup your data: 1. Use of the external hard disk, which can be mounted on any user’s computer (164.54.152.{81,82,83}). The current Linux operation system is most friendly to USB-2 disks with linux (ext3) partition only. Any FAT32 partition slows down the whole network over the beamline and leads to computer freeze. We have several high capacity hard disks which can be borrowed for a short period of time if your external hard disk is not easily mounted or has any non-linux partitions or has only firewire connection. To mount your external hard drive: First, mount it on a small Dell computer to make sure everything is OK (type “usermount”, select /mnt/usb1 or /mnt/usb2 to mount), type “/sbin/fdisk –l” to check what kind of partitions you have. If you have anything except linux (ext3) , stop here – you cannot use our faster computers for data transfer to your hard disk drive. Second step - if you have a HD with linux partition only, locate any free USB cable on the table close to the computer rack, read the label with IP address on it, connect the cable to the USB port of the HD, power on your HD, go to the computer corresponding to the IP on the connected USB cable, type “usermount”, select /mnt/usb1 or /mnt/usb2 to mount, try to write the test file ( type “touch /mnt/usb1/test” ), if you don’t have writing privileges – you need to change the HD ownership to necat ( type “sudo /root/SCSI.sh “ and provide necat password). Now you are ready to copy your data from our computer – use “cp –r” to copy directory and all subdirectories. The process of copying over NFS is rather CPU consuming, so it’s better to run data integration/scaling programs over different computer. The usual speed of data transfer is up to 80 Mbits/sec (approximately one binned image copied to the external disk every 2 sec); if you notice some prolonged network slowdown – contact your support personnel. 2. FTP of your data to your home institution – use “sftp [email protected]” and use “mput *.img”command to transfer several files. Another very powerful solution is to use RSYNC. rsync is a program that behaves in much the same way that rcp does, but has many more options and uses the rsync remote-update protocol to greatly speed up file transfers when the destination file already exists. The rsync remote-update protocol allows rsync to transfer just the differences between two sets of files across the network connection, using an efficient checksum-search algorithm. Check man-pages for specific options. 3. DVD creation. Only the small and slow DELL computers (IP addresses and 86) have DVD writers (top bay in the computer case). On computer it’s a two stage process: first you need to create the image file to be written to DVD (“mkisofs” software) and , second, you need to write the image as a whole to DVD (“growisofs” command). To create the image of the directory /disk250_80/Harvard_data/virus you need to type: “mkisofs -l -R -f -L -v -o image.raw -graft-points /new_dir_name=/disk250_80/Harvard_data/virus”, where /new_dir_name is the name of the directory on the DVD where all files from /disk250_80/Harvard_data/virus will be written. Make sure that the final image “image.raw” file is less than 4,700,000,000b. Alternatively, you can write only specific images like “mkisofs -l -R -f -L -v -o image.raw /disk_250/*.img”. It is 15 possible to exclude specific files from writing, by creating the file “exclude.list” with filenames to be excluded and using the option “-exclude-list ./exclude.list” with “mkisofs”. To write the newly created image to DVD, insert blank DVD+R disk (DVD-R is also supported but the writing is much slower), and type “sudo /usr/local/bin/growisofs -Z /dev/scd0=image.raw” ( provide necat password ). On the (office computer) you insert blank DVD disk (DVD+R is the fastest format) in the top tray, wait until “CD/DVD creator” window appear, and drag and drop all the files you need to write into this window, check that the size of all files less than 4.3Gb, go to File pulldown menu and select “Write to disk..”, you may want to change the label of the disk, press OK. Blank DVDs are available from the APS stockroom or from you local support personnel. 4. Tape backup (up to DAT-3 tape, but very slow) is also available. The tape drive is connected to the small Dell in 8BM office, type “sudo tar –cvf /dev/tape ./your_dir_name” and provide necat password. Blank 4mm tape are available only from APS stockroom or any offsite computer stores. 7. Troubleshooting 7.1. Windows CEU computer is frozen or not responding. Start with closing/killing all running programs – Ctrl-Alt-Del opens Windows Task Manager – Under Applications and Processes tab kill ALL running programs, and go back to part.1 to restart CEU. If the computer doesn’t respond at all – you need to restart computer: The computer (IP address is situated right above the monitor: Figure 12. 16 Open the glass door on the right side and press reset button (yellow arrow) to restart the computer: you need to login into “necat” account to continue. Go back to the section #1 to start CEU. After a crash, it’s always a good idea to exit and restart “CONSOLE EXECUTOR” software on the computer inside the experimental hutch. 7.2 Lost flux after energy change It may happen that you lose the beam when changing energy. There are a couple of solutions to try: First, press “SET PITCH QUEENSGATE” , input 0 and Enter, repeat with “SET ROLL QUEENSGATE” , now press “SET ENERGY” button and type the energy value close to the original one, so the system can go to the initial state, watch the flux coming. Or you can try to input the energy value about 50-100 eV away from the current value. Another possibility, after nullifying pitch/roll queensgate, go to Se-edge energy – 12658eV – this is the calibration, most stable point of the system. Still no flux – check that you have BOTH shutters open on the shutter panel (see the figure 13 below) and the beam is in the ring. Still no flux - call your beamline support personnel. 7.3 Lost beam in the ring. Wait until the APS announcement or watch TV screen, after the beam is on, check if the shutter in station A is open – check for the green light on the panel (figure 13): Figure 13. 17 If the light is red – click to open the shutter in the station A, if you cannot open it – call the floor coordinator 2-0101 and request the permission to open FOE shutter on 8BM. After you open the A shutter, wait at least 10-15 minutes before any data collection (the monochromator should warm up), and open the shutter in station B. Now go to CEU window, DCM script should be running. Open the shutter (hit SHUTTER button in the low menu) - see some flux appear in the lower window , hit MAX FLUX QG ROLL, MAX FLUX QG PITCH, MAX FLUX QG ROLL (right side menu) to maximize the flux, close the shutter. You are ready to continue collecting your data. If the beam was lost during your data collection, delete any empty frames, go to ADX-Run(s) menu Restart and input the frame number you want your data to be restarted. 7.4 Negative distance in ADX-status windows First, exit completely ADSC software. Now, see the figure below for the illustrations where to go to fix this problem (the tall rack on the right side from the ADSC computer) Figure 14. Open the glass door of the rack (shown by yellow arrow on A), pull-out the keyboard (shown on B), Type “ps –e | grep ser” - you probable see only "pc68_rpc_server” running. In this case, type “cd” and “./start_serial_server”. Check again by typing “ps –e | grep ser” that BOTH servers are running. Restart ADSC software on the ADSC computer : “ccdsys startup” 18 5.5 Lost communication/dead server An error-free MEZZANINE startup will show only a box of working client server connections and will be entitled CLIENT-SERVER CONNECTION CONFIGURATION. Unsuccessful clientserver connections are indicated by the appearance of a warning prompt and an audible alarm. A summary of all failed connections is printed at the end of initialization of MEZANNINE_2 script. Client-server connection failures are almost always caused by pathological termination of the associated server process. Before attempting to collect data, all failed server processes must be restarted. The example below shows the dead GALIL process: Figure 16A All failed connections noted during MEZZANINE_2 startup will be reported in a box below the MEZZANINE program selection buttons entitled FAILED CLIENT-SERVER CONNECTIONS. After acknowledging the error (by clicking on it) the following screen appears: Figure 16B 19 On the ADSC computer, open a new shell and issue the command from the necat home directory: “ ./start_galil_server “. After that, you may (optional) confirm that the server process is running: “ps -e | grep galil”. Note: the failure of the GALIL and the SERIAL servers fatally impairs the ADSC detector control system. Prior to restarting these servers the ADSC software should be exited. All terminated server processes indicated by the MEZZANINE_2 should be restarted, followed by a restart of the MEZZANINE_2, itself. The ADSC control system software should then be restarted. More details about other lost client-server connections are described in the file “8bm_operational_procedures.html” located on the Desktop (please call beamline support personnel for assistance) 7.6 Data processing computer (164.54.152.{81,82,83}) is frozen or needs to be restarted Check the IP address of the computer you need to restart on the top of the monitor. Go to the computer rack: Figure 17 Locate the computer you need to restart in the rack by IP address, open its front door and press two times the reset button (yellow arrow on the right figure above) with 5 second interval in between. 20 7.7 Arming the A-hutch and location of motserv computers It may happen that your beamline support personnel instruct you to open/close the A-hutch. The process of arming the hutch is a two-stage process. See figure 18 below: Figure 18. First, you need to close the left door: enter the left portion of the A-hutch, push the search button shown by yellow arrow on A figure above, exit the hutch and push “close” button on the box, shown on figure 19 below (left door). The left door should be closing now. Next, enter the right portion of the A-hutch, and push the search button shown by yellow arrow on B figure above, exit the hutch and push “close” button on the box, shown on figure 19 below (right door). Once BOTH doors are properly closed, you can open the shutter on the shutter panel (figure 13). Wait ~15 minutes before starting your measurements for the monochromator to warm up. 21 Figure 19. The figure 20 (below) shows the location of two computers you may be asked to restart: motserv1 ( is located midway between experimental and A- hutches (fig. 20B) and motserv3 ( is inside the right portion of the hutch A, sitting on the wall shelf (fig. 20A) Figure 20 22