2010 Annual Report - Anti
2010 Annual Report - Anti
Education Issue Annual Report A Year of Accomplishments Understanding The Link® Ask Our Experts Educating Our Community WINTER 2011 Our MissiOn & A L etter frOM Dr. rObyn A L etter frOM Welcome to our education and annual report issue! Another great year has come to an end, and we can proudly say that we had many accomplishments in 2010. One of our focuses has been on improving our customer service by adopting Walt Disney’s mantra, “Strive for perfection, settle for excellence.” The Anti-Cruelty Society “SPCA of Illinois” Founded in 1899 by Rose Fay Thomas (Mrs. Theodore Thomas) Our M issiOn Building a community of caring by helping pets and educating people. This issue specifically highlights “The Link®”, a correlation between human and animal violence and what we are doing to educate people and help prevent violence in our community. We hope that by us informing you about this connection, you will help us spread the word. Adoption Center/Animal Shelter 510 North LaSalle Avenue Chicago, IL Adoption Hours Mon.–Fri. Noon–7 p.m. Sat. & Sun. Noon–5 p.m. Receiving Hours 9 a.m.–7 p.m., 365 days a year Mailing Address 157 W. Grand Avenue Chicago, IL 60654 Phone: (312) 644-8338 Fax: (312) 644-3878 The Anti-Cruelty Society is a 501(c)(3) private Illinois non-profit organization. No city, state, federal, or national organizations support our work. Contributions are tax deductible according to IRS laws. In addition to the financial data and donor thank-you, our annual report includes a description of our major accomplishments this year. We are extremely proud of the planned improvements to our dog rehabilitation center, the expansion of our animal enrichment programs, and our ongoing aggressive spay and neuter campaign. This year alone we sterilized 12,642 cats and dogs. We hope you are just as proud! Of course, we can’t have a magazine without an element of sentiment. We are happy to share the wonderful adoption story of Mr. Frederickson, one of the 80 poodles rescued from a puppy mill last April. We hope you enjoy this issue and learn more about our programs and services. Thank you for being a part of our community of caring! Become a friend, fan, or follower on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, or YouTube: www.facebook.com/anticruelty www.twitter.com/anticruelty www.flickr.com/photos/theanticrueltysociety www.youtube.com/user/anticrueltytv www.anticruelty.org Page 2 The Anti-Cruelty Society Dr. rObyn Robyn Barbiers, D.V.M. President in this issue & bOArD Of DirectOrs/hOnOrAry GOverninG MeMbers bOArD Of Elliott Otis Constance Steinhaus Chairman Executive Committee Member-at-Large W.B. Martin Gross Gloria Vaughan Immediate Past Chairman in this issue DirectOrs Shannon Schuyler Vice Chairman Executive Committee Member-at-Large Michael Grossman feAtures Daniel S. Jaffee Steven H. Klein Treasurer Barbara Provus 2 2 5 6 8 Celeste (Candy) Stevens Mission Statement, Facility Location, and Hours of Operation A Letter From Dr. Robyn Understanding The Link® Educating Our Community—What We Are Doing Ask Our Experts Secretary Executive Committee Member-at-Large Sheldon Rubin, D.V.M. Executive Committee Member-at-Large the A nti -crueLty sOciety 2010 A nnuAL r ePOrt 9 10 11 12 24 The Anti-Cruelty Society’s 2010 Annual Report A Year of Accomplishments—2010 at The Anti-Cruelty Society Statement of Financials Honor Roll of Donors The Rose Fay Thomas Society GivinG bAck 25 26 28 30 32 Community of Caring Events It’s Raining Cats & Dogs! The Remarkable Mr. Fredrickson Recognition and Remembrance Save the Date: Bark in the Park 17 On the cOver Society Board Member, Shannon Schuyler was the highest bidder in our 2009 It’s Raining Cats & Dogs! live auction and won the honor of being our cover model on this issue of the magazine. Shannon invited other board members to join her. From left: Michael Grossman and Wrigley, Shannon Schuyler and Comiskey, Barbara Provus and Minnie (previously known as Snow White), and Constance Steinhaus and Stella. Cover Photo: Steve Grubman See page 26 for details on our 2010 It’s Raining Cats & Dogs! fall benefit. Alvin Shapiro Honorary: Sandra P. Manne Claire Cook Lester E. Fisher, D.V.M. Shirley Gambill Michael Kuzma Freeman Wood, Jr. PresiDent Robyn Barbiers, D.V.M. hOnOrAry GOverninG M eMbers Michael Caplan John C. Csehill Kimberly Connolly Ellen Edelman Donna Ewing Traci Failla Judy Faulkner-Krause John (Jay) Gilmore, III Edward Hines Lois Hudson Dr. Jason W. Ingham Fruman Jacobson Susan Jacobson David Kaufman Norris Love Susan Manos Katherine McClure Lisa Shapiro Mendel Barbara Young Morris Jane Murray Burton Natarus Kathleen Nieder Rick O’Dell Scott R. Paczosa Donna Parker Reva I. Pauker Bernice Pink Gary Safron Marcia Sammons Susan Stacey Martha Turner Thomas Whittinghill Stephan D. Wood Ron Zito the A nti -crueLty sOciety A publication of The Anti-Cruelty Society Editor & Manager of Marketing and Events Emily Ledergerber Graphic Design John-Ryan Griggs Photography Ann Allen, Doug Foster, Steve Grubman, Jennifer Hanson, Helix Camera & Video, Todd Rosenberg, Yousef Seidu, Studiofinch.com, Gloria Wong, The Anti-Cruelty Society Staff Editorial Staff Paul Adee, Nicole Campos, Tatiana Garrett, Karen Okura, Nadine Walmsley Winter 2011 Page 3 unDerstAnDinG the Link® IllInoIs Takes The lead In anImal ProTecTIon The State of Illinois was recently recognized by the Animal Legal Defense Fund as having the most progressive animal protection laws in the country for three years running. This organization released a report ranking all fifty states for the general comprehensiveness and relative strength of their respective animal protection laws—and Illinois scored highest for its laws defending animals. Illinois has felony-level penalties for animal cruelty and requires veterinarians to report suspected animal abuse, offering them immunity from civil and criminal liability. The cross-reporting law requires humane investigators, educators, and others to report suspected child abuse or neglect and receive training in recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect. The law also requires child- and adult-protection workers to report suspected animal abuse and receive training on identifying and reporting animal cruelty, abuse, and neglect. Isn’t it great that our state has been so proactive? For more information, visit our website at www.anticruelty.org/thelink. Page 4 The Anti-Cruelty Society unDerstAnDinG the Link® UNDERSTANDING THE LINK ® The correlation between animal abuse and other forms of violence A correlation between animal abuse, domestic violence, and other forms of community violence has been well established. Child and animal protection professionals have recognized this link, noting that abuse of both children and animals is connected in a self-perpetuating cycle of violence. When animals in a home are abused or neglected, it is a warning sign that others in the household may not be safe. In addition, children who witness animal abuse are at a greater risk of becoming abusers themselves. These are sobering statistics, and as part of our mission of building a community of caring by helping pets and educating people, The Anti-Cruelty Society is actively involved in addressing this issue. Our goal is to help before violence occurs, by teaching compassion and respect for all life, and to provide positive alternatives to violence. On the next few pages you can read about some of our specific programs that relate to The Link®. A survey of pet-owning families with substantiated child abuse and neglect found that animals were abused in 88% of homes where child physical abuse was present.5 A study of women seeking shelter at a safe house showed that 71% of those having pets affirmed that their partner had threatened, hurt, or killed their companion animals, and 32% of mothers reported that their children had hurt or killed their pets.1 According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, 98% of Americans consider their pet a companion or a member of the family.2 For most families, pets are a source of comfort, and because of this close bond, between 25 and 40% of battered women are unable and/or unwilling to escape abusive situations because they are worried about the welfare of their animals.3, 4, 6 1. Ascione, F. R., Weber, C.V., and Wood, D.S. 1997. The abuse of animals and domestic violence: A national survey of shelters for women who are battered. Society and Animals, 5(3): 205–218. Literature Cited: 2. American Veterinary Medical Association. 2007. U.S. Pet Ownership & Demographics Sourcebook. AVMA, Schaumburg, Illinois. p. 1. 3. Arkow, P. 1994. Animal abuse and domestic violence: Intake statistics tell a sad story. The Latham Letter 15 (20), 17. 4. Arkow, P. 2003. Breaking the cycles of violence: A guide to multi-disciplinary interventions. A handbook for child protection, domestic violence and animal protection agencies. Latham Foundation, Alameda, California. 5. Deviney, E., Dickert, J., and Lockwood, R. 1983. The care of pets within child abusing families. International Journal for the Study of Animal Problems, 4: 321–329. 6. McIntosh, S. 2001. Calgary research results: Exploring the links between animal abuse and domestic violence. The Latham Letter 22(4), 14–16. Winter 2011 Page 5 eDucAtinG Our cOMMunity—WhAt We A re DOinG Educating Our Community— What We Are Doing Direct interaction with animals teaches teens about taking safety precautions, showing respect, and having compassion for living beings A preliminary study conducted by our educators has reinforced a need for humane education: Among high school students that indicated they had been to dog fights, none of them indicated that “dog fighting is a big problem in Chicago.” This can be an indicator that these teens are accepting violence as a norm. Humane education is critical for a less violent community. The Anti-Cruelty Society has several programs and initiatives that proactively address violence in our community. In addition to the “Connection Between Animal Abuse and Violence” and “AntiDogfighting” general presentations that we offer, we have developed programs to address specific age groups and have collaborated with other organizations. Early Childhood Programs The Anti-Cruelty Society recently partnered with Erikson Institute, a premier graduate school specializing in child development that is in process of developing programs designed to foster empathy and caring attitudes in young children. Developing empathy is crucial to preventing cruelty and violence; an estimated 3.3 million children are at risk for observing domestic violence in their homes each year. In 2011 The Anti-Cruelty Society will present classes on-site geared towards children 2–3 years of age and in the community geared toward ages 4–7. Page 6 The Anti-Cruelty Society After-School Program “Exploring The Link®” encourages Chicago high school students to see how cruelty to animals is connected to violence towards people. The program is held at the Society twice a week for a semester, and students have the opportunity to interact with cats, dogs, and each other while gaining an understanding of how their behaviors affect humans and animals and why these behaviors impact them. Many teens face tragic circumstances of violence; they see it each day in their families, with their peers, in their schools and neighborhoods, and in the media. Teens in our after-school program are encouraged to act on behalf of the victims of violence, whether they are animals, friends, siblings, or the elderly, all while learning coping skills to help them deal with their own aggression. Direct interaction with animals teaches teens about taking safety precautions, showing respect, and having compassion for living beings. Participants learn training methods using positive reinforcement and the positive effects of animal socialization, and they learn about the comprehensive services that The Anti-Cruelty Society offers. Students create presentations explaining the effects of violence and are encouraged to give these presentations in their schools, enabling the teens to become mentors and role models for their own schools and communities. eDucAtinG Our cOMMunity—WhAt We A re DOinG Nicole Decker, a student in the Society’s after-school program, visits with Slinky Safe Start For several years, humane educators from The Anti-Cruelty Society have been a part of Chicago’s Safe Start coalition, a program designed to raise awareness and generate interest and action across communities and professional disciplines. As a member of this coalition, we work with other agencies to help improve community response to children’s exposure to violence. It is important for direct service providers (both those working with humans and animals) to come together and understand the practical implications of work to stop violence. For instance, many humane educators and investigators may not understand their responsibilities as mandated reporters (those required to report suspected child abuse). Likewise, social service workers that regularly work with children can learn about humane Students in our after-school program create presentations about animal violence and abuse education and better understand how to ask questions about treatment of pets in the household. If pets are being abused, it can be an indication that other violence is present in the household. Communities in Schools Our humane educators work with Communities in Schools of Chicago (CISC), an organization that strives to makes life-changing differences in the social, emotional, health, and academic well-being of over 60,000 students throughout Chicago. Focused on the estimated 85% of Chicago students that come from lowincome homes, we help CISC provide parents with resources for their children to develop the social, emotional, and health-related support that is critical for academic success—bridging the gaps that Chicago Public Schools are unable to meet. Emma O’Brien and Melia in Charlotte’s Cat Corner Through CISC, over 80 Chicago area schools now have access to our humane education programs. Students learn about violence prevention, the issue of dogfighting, responsible pet care, and animal-related careers. St. Charles Detention For the last six years, the Society has worked with the Illinois Youth Corrections Facility in St. Charles to present a special anti-dogfighting/ anti-violence program. Taking place over the course of three days, groups of young male offenders participate in activities geared towards introducing them to the merits of compassion for animals and alternatives to violence. “I loved all the dogs, learned a lot about anti-violence, and will educate everyone I know,” said one participant. We look forward to bringing a similar program to the Chicago area soon. Winter 2011 Page 7 A sk Our exPerts ask oUr EXPERTS Our experts answer questions about animal behavior and training, proper care, and animal abuse Dear Karen, Dear Josephine, I adopted a dog that was rescued by your organization from a puppy mill. She is an older poodle who lived her life in a cage while she was being used to breed puppies. I believe she has suffered greatly from this. At first she did not sleep well and was destructive while I was gone. But she is comfortable now, and that behavior is much better. Puppies born in puppy mills often have behavioral as well as medical problems. The adult dogs who live for years in cages are the ones who suffer the most. Your little girl’s behavior is not uncommon of a dog that has had limited human contact and life experiences. You stated that the dog got better with her sleeping and is less destructive. I have great hope that she can overcome this behavior too. I’m writing because she seems to be afraid of my adult nephew. When he visits she barks at him. I’m worried that she will regress. What can I do? — Josephine T. Karen Okura, the Society’s Animal Behavior & Training Manager, answers commonly asked pet behavior questions. Questions? [email protected] Dear Nicole, I think my neighbors are abusing their dog, and I am very concerned. What should I do? — Ethan M. Dear Ethan, Nicole Campos, the Society’s Field Services Manager, answers important questions about animal abuse. Questions? [email protected] Page 8 The Anti-Cruelty Society Call us to file a complaint! Our team of humane investigators, licensed through the Illinois Department of Agriculture to investigate allegations of animal abuse, neglect, and cruelty in accordance with the Illinois state laws under the Humane Care for Animal Act, will gather evidence to support or refute the complaint. If the complaint is legitimate, our humane investigators will make every attempt to educate the owner and inform them of the steps they need to take to be in compliance with the state laws. We find that in most cases of neglect the owner is Have your nephew toss yummy food treats to your dog whenever he sees her. He should not do anything more than that. Don’t worry if your dog continues to bark at your nephew. Once your dog begins to feel safe and understands that your nephew is not a threat, she will soften towards him. Please keep me apprised of your progress. simply unaware of what is required by law. In the event of extreme abuse or cruelty, our investigators are authorized to remove the animal from a potentially dangerous or life-threatening situation. Your complaint can remain completely anonymous and, depending on the severity of the case, will be investigated within 24–48 hours. Calls about potential life-threatening cases will be handled immediately. The information we need from you in order to begin an investigation includes: the nature of the complaint, a description of the animal(s), the exact address where it/they can be found, and a number where you can be reached should we have any questions. All reports are kept confidential. To report cruelty, abuse, or neglect of an animal, please call us at (312) 644-8338, ext. 304 or e-mail [email protected]. The anTI-crUelTy socIeTy’s 2010 annUal rePorT Meet Steve... Adopted from The Anti-Cruelty Society in fall of 2009, Steve’s laid-back personality and huge orange paws are what attracted his family to him. a year of accomPlIshmenTs 2010 aT The anTI-crUelTy socIeTy As The Anti-Cruelty Society welcomes our 112th year, we take this opportunity to look back and take note of our major accomplishments in 2010. Our emphasis continues to be on quality animal care, customer service, and education, as we continue to build our community of caring. We are reaching out to the community in new ways, and utilizing social media such as Facebook and Twitter, to increase awareness, educate, fund-raise, and advance our greening initiatives. Our technological makeover provided by the Humana Chicago Benefits grant allowed us to streamline the way we function and become more proficient as a business so we can continue to grow both in capacity and efficiency. We are proud of our accomplishments but couldn’t do it without you—thank you for being part of our community of caring! The Anti-Cruelty Society Brand In 2010, The Anti-Cruelty Society’s marketing team worked hard to create a strong “look and feel” for all the Society’s forms of communication, launching a new website, print and online campaigns, and rebranding The Anti-Cruelty Society Magazine. This campaign embodies a new, more direct, and sophisticated look. Using photos and testimonials of actual adopters with their cats and dogs, The Anti-Cruelty Society has chosen to represent itself by celebrating our past successes and highlighting the great work that we do on behalf of the animals to tell our story. Repairs at The Anti-Cruelty Society The Lenore Shapiro Adoption Garden’s floor surface had deteriorated badly over the last few years. It was replaced with a flagstone-look finish this past summer. This new finish is a remarkable improvement, and we invite everyone to come enjoy the space. Our volunteer gardeners are also helping to beautify the space by planting the many flower pots provided by donors. The adoption center’s façade is undergoing major renovation this year. Interactive Design provided a concept that kept much of Stanley Tigerman’s original design but also gives us a modern look. The project was long overdue, as all of the windows leaked and the siding was literally rotting away. The dog rehabilitation area, the oldest non-renovated area in the shelter, is also getting much-needed improvements. Pepper Construction has made great progress and is on schedule to complete the project in spring 2011. This year, The Anti-Cruelty Society provided shelter for over 4,000 cats Outlook for Homeless Animals The outlook for homeless animals has markedly improved in recent years largely, but not exclusively, through the efforts of The Anti-Cruelty Society’s lifesaving programs. As a founding member of the Chicago Animal Shelter Alliance, we have worked hard to increase cooperation among many of the area’s animal welfare organizations so that we can increase the rate of progress toward our commonly held goals. This fiscal year we provided spay/neuter surgeries for more than 1,000 animals for other local adoption agencies and transferred 450 animals into our adoption program from other Chicago shelters. Our total sterilization surgeries continue to be impressive—12,642 this year! Sadly, the number of dogs surrendered for adoption has increased this year (1,640, compared to 1,283 last year). The good news is that our cat intake significantly declined this year (4,111, compared to 4,549 last year), and we hope this trend will continue. Our total adoptions declined only slightly (5,307 cats and dogs placed, compared to 5,506 last year). Animal Care Research clearly indicates that a stimulating and rich environment plays an important role in successful adoption placement. Taking note of this, we have expanded our canine enrichment programs to ensure each dog receives behavior evaluations, outside walks in our adoption garden, and training and play time with specially trained staff The anTI-crUelTy socIeTy 2010 annUal rePorT —a year of accomPlIshmenTs and volunteers—all designed to keep the minds of these dogs active and stimulated. Cats require a certain amount of space and a hiding area to feel safe, and we are taking the appropriate measures to provide this, including modification of our cages. Our veterinary team has implemented a comprehensive population management program utilizing reports generated from our new software program. This allows us to look at the way animals move through our facility so we can make changes and decrease the length of stay of individual animals. If we can get animals adopted faster, we can help more animals! All of this takes a lot of time and a lot of hands—and we thank all of our dedicated staff and volunteers who help make this possible. Software Conversion In 1996 the Society began using a specially designed database to track the population of animals into and out of our shelter. Fourteen years later we were still using that same program, and it was becoming increasingly clear that there was much more that we could do if we could upgrade our systems. After months of researching various professional animal software programs, we made a decision to install PetPoint™. The result has provided us with new opportunities to see what is going on each moment in our shelter and clinic, as well as allowed us to display, in real time, our adoptable cats and dogs on our website. We thank Humana Chicago Benefits for providing the funding to allow this and other technology upgrades. Education Our education department continues to deliver messages of compassion and respect for life to all age groups. Partnerships with entities such as Erikson Institute and Communities in Schools help us reach out to Chicago’s youth as we address issues such as violence prevention. An evaluation endeavor was launched to measure the effectiveness of humane education programs. Pre- and postprogram surveys given on laptops (also provided by the Humana Chicago Benefits grant) allow program participants to be anonymous (and therefore more honest) in their responses. The Society hopes to gain an understanding of the relationships and opinions people have with companion animals so we can best help pets and the people that care for them. In April, The Anti-Cruelty Society hosted a national conference for the Association of Professional Humane Educators (APHE). Attendees from as far as Australia and Hawaii came to the Society and were impressed by our facility and programs. Participation in the national conference is a great way to share best practices and generate new ideas for programs and methodologies. Professional development is important to us. Our humane educators attended a week-long National Association of Interpreters training that specialized in public speaking for informal education. That training will help our staff become more effective communicators. Staff training is essential. We are proud that we now have a formal training program for our staff, including initial orientation and continuing education. This past year we held training on topics including zoonotic diseases, disability awareness and etiquette (presented by the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities), delivering complex messages, and basic computer skills. Next year we will be expanding this initiative and provide various training modules by computer. This Year of Giving According to Giving USA, total charitable giving fell 3.6% in 2009, to an estimated $303.75 billion. This is the steepest decline in current dollar terms since Giving USA began its annual reports in 1956. Last year was also the worst year economically in the U.S. since the Great Depression. Financial transactions of all kinds slowed while people worried about the future. Nonetheless, Americans continued to give—perhaps less often and more quietly than in the past—to charity. The Society was very fortunate to experience a 1.5% increase in contributions from 2009. Although contributions are up from 2009, the amount is down 3.8% from 2008 before the current recession began. Staff has responded by reducing expenses without compromising animal care. For example, we have developed partnerships with other organizations to leverage our purchasing power for office products. We also experienced something unexpected and wonderful this year—an increase in requests for information from our supporters who were including us in their estate plans. Many of them were naming us as a beneficiary of their life insurance, while others were providing a financial gift to help continue our work in the future. Each year the Society hosts events to help raise funds for our mission. This fiscal year our many events raised over $361,000. Thank You As we plan for our future, we are thankful to have your support during these challenging times. We send a sincere, heartfelt thank-you to all of you who have helped strengthen our community of caring by adopting a pet, volunteering, providing financial support, including us in your estate plans, or helping us spread the word. We look forward to many more successful years of providing shelter and care for any animal in need. The anTI-crUelTy socIeTy 2010 annUal rePorT —a year of accomPlIshmenTs fInancIals Thanks to the generous support of our donors, The Anti-Cruelty Society was fortunate enough to end the fiscal year of 2010 with a net operation surplus. To view a complete version of our 2010 finiancials, visit our website, www.anticruelty.org years endIng ocTober 31sT Revenues 2010 2009 Operating Revenues and Other Support Expenses 2010 2009 Program Services General public, corporate, and foundation support Estate and annuity income Special event revenues Shelter, clinical, and other service income Investment income Retail sales and other revenue $2,794,543 $2,748,671 4,209,885 360,024 675,374 741,502 96,546 2,361,242 302,209 657,202 792,297 84,044 Total Operating Revenues and Other Support $8,877,873 $6,945,666 Shelter services Hospital and veterinary services Humane education, communications, publications $3,144,494 1,651,639 683,255 $2,705,242 1,875,585 742,557 Total Program Services $5,479,389 $5,323,384 $932,437 58,993 112,478 755,813 $995,210 38,520 108,829 687,814 Total Support Services $1,859,722 $1,830,373 Total Expenses $7,339,110 $7,153,757 NET OPERATING SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) $1,538,762 ($208,091) Support Services Fund-raising and public relations Marketing and publications Special events General and administrative hOnOr rOLL DOnOrs The Anti-Cruelty Society operates on a fiscal year that runs November 1 through October 31. Gifts listed in this annual report are based on our 2009–2010 fiscal year and include gifts received from November 1, 2009, through October 31, 2010. Due to space limitations, our honor roll of donors includes supporters who have given gifts of $100 or more. Every gift is sincerely appreciated and truly needed. PeT ParTners $5,000 and UP PeT ParTners $1,000-$4,999 ABC 7 TV Bally Total Fitness Burrito Beach Chicago Sun-Times Chicago Trolley & Double Decker Co. Chopper Trading LLC Grubman Photography, Inc. Harris Bank Harris Investment Management Hill’s Science Diet Hinckley Springs Hotel Allegro Icon Printing Leo Burnett Mercury Cruiseline Mid City Subaru Mike and Be-Be North NBC 5 TV Oil-Dri Corporation Out-U-Go! Palmer House Hilton Pepper Construction Co. PetSmart ProSource Financial, LLC Quaker Quartino Rockit Bar & Grill Ruege Inc. Starbucks Tails in the City Tails of the Heart Todd Rosenberg Photography WGN-TV Zeus & Company 97.9 The Loop AM Feldman Jewelers Animal Ark Veterinary Clinic P.C. BARk Magazine BBJ Linen Bottles & Brushes Catalyst Ranch The Chicago Bar Association Chicago Maggiano’s Chicago Reader Chicago Scene Magazine Chicago White Sox Chicagoland Tails David Barton Gym Doolin’s East Bank Club Federated Group Fig Media Food For Thought Foodlife Helix Camera & Video INSIDE Publications Insight Studios Level Mardon Ink Our Village Newspapers Panera Bread Pepsico Beverages & Foods Phil & Lou’s Pops for Champagne Potash Brothers Premier Print & Services Group Printing Arts Ranalli’s River North Association The Road To Boston Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery Stanley’s Fruit & Vegetables Steve Dale’s Pet World Train with Ron Tropicana Beverages Tucker Pup’s Dog Activity Center Vienna Beef Whole Foods IndIvIdUal donors $50,000–$99,999 Anonymous IndIvIdUal donors $25,000–$49,999 Dorothy E. Hinze IndIvIdUal donors $10,000–$24,999 Ms. Joanne Foster Ms. Katy Hoehn Sandor Lehoczky Ms. Shannon Schuyler Ms. D. Stephen Dr. Elliot Weisenberg & Dr. Clara Orban IndIvIdUal donors $5,000–$9,999 James Bott Daniel Kim Latin School First Grade Class Jump Rope For Animal Hope Sandra & Jerry Manne Timothy J. Miller & Marisa Fabbri Michael & Jane Murray Stephen Parenti Barbara L. Provus Dr. Shelly & Paulette Rubin Alvin & Gloria Shapiro Ms. Andrea Spears Ms. Virginia E. Tidd Ms. Sarita Warshawsky Drs. Henry & Carolyn Wiggins IndIvIdUal donors $2,500–$4,999 Ms. Tara A. Begeman Ms. Laurel Goodman Cynthia Graham W. B. Martin Gross Mr. Richard Gunia Ms. Heather Hartung Linda L. Hime Mary Ann Mahoney Elliott & Jane Otis Mr. & Mrs. Olgierd P. Plonski Daniel Restrepo Ms. Susan Schmidt Orin & Connie Steinhaus Ms. Jayna Teich Ms. Valerie Turner-Nevels Ms. Gloria Vaughan Frederick W. Wackerle IndIvIdUal donors $1,000–$2,499 Michael & Violet Allain Mr. Donald C. Amort Anonymous Mr. Thomas Anthony Dr. & Mrs. Robert Bailey Robyn B. Barbiers, DVM Arlene Barr Ms. Shelly Barrad Charles & Courtney Bein Norma Z. Bennett Mr. Brian Bielarz Ms. Lee Biernat Ms. Margaret Biggs Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Bills, Jr. J. Bishop Jim & Dianne Blanco James F. Blinder Mr. Michael H. Bogal Ms. Michelle S. Booz Ms. Gina Boswell Ms. Lisa H. Brenner Ms. Andrea Briski Mr. John Bye Jon & Karen Cashen Mrs. Barbara A. Cici Ms. Susan Coffin Mr. Jay Collier Ms. Ann Craig Ms. Lynne E. Curtis Ms. Lois E. Czech Mr. David C. Dinger Sheldon & Roberta Edelson Ms. Sue Ettelson Marshall & Jamee Field Dr. Lester Fisher Ms. Eva Fitz Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Fitzwater Jaime Flaherty Megan Flaherty Lester Frankenthal Mr. Robert H. Fredian Ms. Jolanta T. Gal Mr. Steven Garnett Ms. Gail Goering Keith & Mary Grant Mr. & Mrs. Grayson Jean & Clark Hagerty John Hedges Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Herman Ms. Deborah Hill Caroline M. Hoke Mr. Mark Ishikawa Daniel S. Jaffee Richard & Shirley Jaffee Mr. Kenneth W. James Ms. Marquerite Jensen Ms. Andrianna Kastanek Mr. Paul Kelley Robert & Ursula Kewer Mr. Christopher King Ms. Lisa Klein Ms. Natasha Kozlova Kline Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Kobetsky Mr. Robert Kosar Mr. Marcelo Kotzman Ms. Susan Landwer Mr. David Lewin The anTI-crUelTy socIeTy 2010 annUal rePorT —sTaTemenT of acTIvITIes & honor roll of donors Ms. Patricia L. Loeffler Ms. Charlotte Long Ms. Elaine King Lopez Mr. Thomas Luerssen Ms. Mary Jane Lynn Mitchell Makowski Mr. Ralph Marrs Ms. Shannon Mayer Kevin & Wanda McDonald Stuart & Joanne Meshboum Jens & Larissa Mommsen David & Sharon Neff Ms. Sharon L. Newell Ms. Donna M. Parker Mr. Ronald N. Paul Kenneth R. Paulan John & Brooke Peoples Ms. Cynthia Pillar Roger & Roberta Polark Mr. Michael Reed Robert D. Rodgers Mr. Andrew Rolfe & Ms. Cynthia Passmore Ms. Judith Satkiewicz Mr. Jared Schensky Ms. Julie M. Schwalge Ms. Sheryl S. Seaton Mr. Christopher Sewall Mr. Kenneth Sharigian Jean E. Sheridan Christine C. Shillestad Mrs. Nancy E. Smerz Brad Smith Ms. Ann B. Snyder Ms. Julia Stasch Mr. Christian Staudinger Ms. Cheryl Steiger Morton & Anne Stern Celeste (Candy) Stevens Ms. Linda I. Szymaniak Kenneth & Christine Tanaka Ms. Mary M. Tennant Ms. Helen Thomas John Thomas & Julie Ann Hurvis Mr. Carl N. Thornrose Ms. Mary Thorson Wendy & Tom Thress Ms. Carol Tichy Mr. Thomas Tinor Mr. Fred Tokowitz Tracey N. Tomashpol Mr. Steven Towbin Dr. Sara Whitney Vazquez Ms. Barbara J. Walsh Katherine Wiesner Lonzetta Williams Mr. & Mrs. David Wimer Mr. Stefan G. Wipf Rosemary Withaeger Catherine Witt Freeman J. Wood, Jr. Mr. Ray Woss Ms. Martha Yungmeyer Vinnie & Harold Zedler IndIvIdUal donors $500–$999 Robert Ackerman Mrs. Shirley Addison Ms. Amy Affelt David & Anne Allred Ms. Jane F. Anderson Anonymous (2) Andy A. Avalos Mr. Joseph Azar Jeremy & Tara Baker Ann & Brian Balusek Thomas & Jacqueline Banfield Catherine Bannister Kenneth & Cathie Barber Mark A. Barnes, D.D.S. Mr. Erik Baumann Anne Becker Kenneth L. Bednarcik Ms. Carolyn Beia Mr. James E. Benes Mr. Steve Berger Ms. Sylvia A. Berger Richard & Carol Bernard Ms. Julie A. Berthold Joseph Bertoldi Mr. Charles Besser Gerry Bianco Gary & Beth Birnbaum Stephen & Cheryl Black Andy & Liana Blint Ms. Sherry S. Block Mr. Robert Bloomer Ms. Denice C. Bocek Roy & Veronica Boffo George & Albertina Bongartz Mr. Fred Bousquette Jenny & Terry Boyke Ms. Janice Bozzelli Ms. Barbara Bradford Mr. Martin H. Brennan Thomas A. Britton & Debra J. MacLaughlin M. Scott & Bonnie Bromwell Ms. Lauren L. Brosius Alison Brown Ms. Carol Brown Mr. Glenn Bucher Bruce Burger Ms. Betty Burns Mr. John Burns Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Cabot Mr. Peyton Callahan Ms. Linda Cary Eileen Hess Cavalaris Mr. Stan G. Cebrzynski Mr. Bruce Chapman Mr. Jason H. Chernoff Ms. Sue Chernoff Ms. Lucille Chomacke Ms. Alma Chomsky Mr. Steven R. Chrapla Mr. David Chrzanowski Ms. Reneta Chwalisz Mr. & Mrs. Myrna Cohen Roy Coleman & Dianna Uchida Stephanie Comer Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Conway Mr. Robert Cook Mr. Lawrence O. Cory Jennifer K. Cote Patrice & Matthias Courboin Ms. Deborah Cruz Ms. Liese A. Dallbauman Donald Davidson Mr. William C. Davis III Mr. Dirk de Haas Laura Demoor Ms. Lisa Dewispelaere James & Patricia Di Napoli Ms. Ann Dienner Mr. Chester P. Diolanti Mr. Larry Dixon Stanley & Christine Domanski Mr. Joseph Dombrowski Mr. John G. Doolen Ms. Lorraine Dostal Mr. Denis A. Dunne Ms. Kathryn Economou Gertrude A. Ernst Mr. Harley Esposito Dr. Al Estock Ms. Marilyn D. Ezri Ms. Marisa Fabbri & Timothy J. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Faron James & Phyllis Faul Ms. Kate A. Feinstein Ms. Barbara Feller James & Donna Fijolek Rosanne Fitko Ms. Ginger Lee Flanagan Michael & Carole Foley Paul & Nancy Forrester Ms. Shannon Fortuny Ms. Michelle Fowler Dr. & Mrs. William Fox D.J. Freehling Ms. Ellen Fulton Shirley Gambill Ms. Beth Gandre Mr. Willy Garvin Mrs. Susan M. Gathercoal Ms. Amy Gawura Ms. Sandi Geiger Mr. Fred F. Gershanov Bhupen Ghandi Ms. Lisa Gilmore Mr. Kenneth J. Glynn Kelly & Melissa Goetsch Stanford & Ann Dudley Goldblatt Deborah J. Golden Mr. Russell M. Goldenberg Ms. Gina Gondeck Cynthia Goodrich Ms. Deborah Gordon Ms. Kathleen Gordon Ms. Linda Gray Ms. Pamela Gray Ms. Leila Green Ms. Sherry Green Ms. Stella Green Delta A. Greene Mr. Woodrow C. Griffith Mr. Michael Grossman Thomas & Virginia Grossman Ms. Sherry Guthrie Ms. Karen Hafstrom Ms. Leslie K. Haines Mr. Corbin Hall Andrew & Cheryl Hamilton Ms. Santiney Han Carole J. Hansen Monique Hanson Ms. Joanne J. Hanwell Ms. Marguerite D. Hark Ms. Marla Harris Ms. Nancy Hartung Ms. Donna Havlicek-Feutz Donald & Donna Hecht Ms. Marcella Y. Hein Ms. Gloria N. Heinen Ms. Katherine Helzer Catherine A. Herman Ms. Leslie Herzog Michael & Emily Hicks Katie Hill Donald & Judith Hockemeyer Frances & Rey Hoffmann Mr. Donald J. Holmgren Ms. Rose M. Houston Ms. Elizabeth Hubbard Ms. Carrie Huff Harry & Robin Hunter Ms. Susan Hurley Ms. Susan Hurst William & Lillian Ibe Ms. Veronica Idzik Peter & Helen Iosue Fruman & Marian Jacobson Ms. Nancy M. Jacobson Ms. Dawn Janz Lynly Jarvis Martin & Barbara Johanson Ms. Eva C. Johnson Joseph Johnson Mr. Joseph Johnson II Mr. David Jonkman Mrs. Misty-Lyn Joseph Ms. Debra C. Jurich Ms. Sandra J. Kalemba Mr. Robert Kanonik Mary Karlson Polly Kawalek Dale & Amy Kerner Ms. Kristen M. Killackey Mr. Glenn A. Killoren Andrew & Lisa Klein Steven Klein G.E. Klingeman Mr. Edward J. Kolar, Jr. Ms. Mary Kolb Stanley & Deborah Konopinski Ms. Patricia Kowalczyk Ms. Amy K. Kozlowski Ms. Patricia Krebasch Ms. Virginia Kreger Mrs. Arthur Kretchmer Ms. Georgine Krizek Ms. Lorraine Kruizenga Ms. Pamela Kruse Vincent Kueffner & David Johnson Kimberly Kuhns Mr. Kevin Kurtz Heidi Labuszewski Ms. G. A. LaGana Mr. Joseph Lamprecht Gail & Larry Larsen Ms. Heidi Lau Mr. Mark Lavender Ms. Suzanne Le Van Ms. Grace Lee Mr. Moses Lee Mr. Keith Lemburg Ms. Karen L. Lemke Ms. Janet W. Leopold Mr. Michael Leppen Ms. Betty Lewis Ms. Janet T. Lewis Mrs. Lois Lindquist Michael Litt Mr. Scott Livingston Ms. Patricia Locke Holly Love Michael & Diane Lovejoy Mr. Paul A. Lutter Ms. Margaret Mackay Laura MacLean Mr. John D. Mahoney Ms. Perry Maiorana James Maize, Jr. Richard & Gertrude Makarski Ms. Patricia Marek Ms. Cynthia J. Marienthal Carol Marusarz Ms. Karen T. May Ms. Melanie Mc Creary Trisha Mcgrenera Mr. Tim McMahon Jeff Meleski Mr. William F. Melka Mr. Timothy G. Merges Ms. Janet G. Meyer Ms. Pam Meyer Ms. Joan Migliorese Michael & Denise Mikula Ms. Karen Miller Harvey S. Millman Mr. Scott Moller Mr. & Mrs. John H. Molton Ms. Cynthia A. Moody Ms. Jennifer Moore Jerome Mrowca Mr. Frank Natanek Ms. Julia C. Navarre Stuart Nerenberg Ms. Deana Neubeck Ms. Nancy Newberger Bobby Newman Randy Nixon Mr. John Norcross Ms. Lynn Novak Ms. Marilyn K. Novak Ms. Kathy Okrzesik Mr. Steven Oleson Shawn Oneill Ms. Mira Opsenica Mr. Brian Pacula Mr. & Mrs. Scott Paczosa David & Reva Pauker Ms. Barbara Pence Mr. Jim R. Persha Ms. Gwyn Piekarski Todd Pindara Myra K. Ping Mr. Kirk Pion Mr. Robert Piper Joan W. Placke Ms. Carolyn M. Pogar Mr. Fred R. Pollack Mr. Clifford Poots John & Joan Powers Mr. Mike Prochnow The Purcell Family Jayant Radhakrishnan Dave & Joan Rajfer Ms. Michelle Rakoczy Mr. Hugo Ralli Ms. Ernestina M. Ramos Mr. Peter Rauske Richard J. Ready, M.D. Ms. Mary E. Rechka John & Eileen Reger Jennifer Reiners Ms. Meredith Reinker Mr. Joel Reiser Mr. Thomas M. Remec Ms. Sharon Renchof Ms. Lois C. Resnick Ms. Carol Riepe Mr. & Mrs. William C. Robertson Ms. Lucile Roehl William & Kay Rollett Rocco A. Romano Bruce Rosemont Myron Rosenthal Ms. Beth S. Rubin Mr. Douglas A. Ryan Ms. Wendy Rychel Ms. Marci S. Sager Roger L. Saltzman Mr. Robert Sam Ms. Karen Sandstrom Christie Savage Jill & John Schafer Jayme Schenk Elden & Doris Schnur Ms. Emily Schonath Ms. Dorie Schwertz Ms. Nancy M. Scinto Lance Scott Mr. Joseph Scott Mr. Wade Shanley Mr. & Mrs. John Shaulis John & Judith Shear Sandra Shelley Debra & Justin Simon Cornelius Sippel Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sjoholm Mr. Tom Skilling Mr. Kenneth C. Skudlarek Mr. Alan F. Smith Chris Smith Ms. Marjorie J. Smith Ms. Elizabeth Snyder Ms. Marysia Springenberg Denis & Roselyn Springer William & Arlene Staley Ms. Maggie Stanger & Mr. Chris Widlak Laurel Stanley Phillip & Leslie Stern Brian Strand Ms. Pamela Stroko Mr. Robert Stroud Mr. David I. Susman Mr. Robert V. Szramek Gloria M. Tadman Ms. Patti K. Taft Ms. Juanita Tarantino Ms. Catherine Terry David Thomas Mr. Albert V. Thompson Mr. Bob Thoresen Joseph & Suzanne Tinaglia David Titus April & John Tsahas Sun-man Tse Robert M. Turf Mr. John P. Turner Ms. Paula M. Uscian Dr. Hans Van Den Broek Lavonne Van Gerpen Carlos E. Vargas Mr. Arthur Vassy Ms. Barbara Vershure Jennifer Vig Ms. Susan Wade Delphia Walker Ms. Anne M. Wall Ms. Judith Walsh Ms. Eileen Walusek Ms. Linda Wanke J. Scott Winston Cliff & Nancy Weber Mr. Patrick Welch Mr. Robert J. Wiebking Mr. Frank V. Woelfel Gordon & Pamela Wojdyla Mr. Robert Wollmann Ms Laura Woodring Ms. Dana Wright Nancy & John Wulfers Phil & Paula Zeid IndIvIdUal donors $250–$499 Ms. Margaret S. Abbott Abel Family Ms. Angelica Abuton Cyrus H. Adams Jeanette Adolphson Farida Ahmed, MD Ms Diana Aixala Humberto & Eugenia Alcantara Mr. Jeff Alesi & Amanda Willet Gus & Kathleen Alexandrakis Lisa Amidei Maria Anderson The anTI-crUelTy socIeTy 2010 annUal rePorT —honor roll of donors Mr. David Anderson Ms. Jennifer Anderson Ms. Nancy Andreasik Guy & Susan Andreoni Mr. George A. Angelillo Anonymous Mr. Earl Anschicks Daniel & Janice Aranki Ms. Margarete Archer Ms. Lori Arp Ms. Doris Ayers Ted & Kathy Bachman Ms. Eleanor Badalich Ms. Ann B. Baker John & Sharon Baldwin Ms. Nancy Balentine Lew & Renee Baltzell Margaret Banks Greg & Ellen Baron Ms. Nancy D. Barthule S. Bartusiewicz Ms. Sandra Bass Mr. Gerald Basso Ms. Cathy Baumann Baxter Family Jennifer & Philip Bearden Johny Beaugez Sandra McCann Beavers Ms. Bonnie J. Becker Mr. Kenneth Behr Sophie & Carl Beinoras Larry Bell Susan H. Benjamin Mr. Alan L. Bennett Bruce A. Benson Douglas S. Benson Marion Berglund Ms. Joanne Beverley Ms. Patricia M. Bidwill Mr. Thomas Biermann Walter & Elizabeth Bierwirth Ms. Margaret C. Bisberg Ms. Jodee Blanco Robert & Roberta Blash Mr. Robert S. Blietz Mrs. Eva J. Bloda Walter & Tina Bloomenthal Barbara L. Bojarski Kenneth & Denise Bokar Ms. Stephanie Boman Mr. Jack Boomer Mr. Alan Boughton Ms. Sandra Bovilsky Ms. Barbara Box Ms. Connie Bradbury Mr. Owen Randolph Bragg Steven & Maureen Brand Mr. William D. Bresingham Mr. William G. Brill Charles & Caryn Brissman Ms. Heidi Bronowska Debbie Brotz Helen M. Browne Ms. Sonja Brumfield Mr. Matthew F. Bryla Ms. Sandra L. Buksa Ms. Rhode Burgess John & Gloria Burns Mr. Robert Burns Ms. JoEllen Burns-Muntz Ms. Christine E. Burrer Mr. Robert Bushie Ms. Marie E. Buss Stephen & Adrienne Butler Frank & Laurel Byrne Lori S. Campbell Terrence & Elizabeth Canning Ms. Joan Canter-Marks Kathleen & James Capone The Cardinal Family Ms. Barbara Carroll Ms. Linda Carson Kimberly A. Carter James & Jennifer Castelli Beverly A. Centella Ms. Linda Chadaranek Ms. Michele Chaffee Ms. Joan S. Cherry Ms. Jacqueline A. Chiaviello Mr. David Childers John Christian Salon Dr. Carol D. Christiansen John & Betty Christopher J. Cimaglio Mr. Neil Clark Ms. Sarah Clark Ms. Ellen S. Clasen Mr. Gary L. Clements Galen & Carol Cloutier Thomas & Diana Codilis Mr. Robert S. Cohn Ms. Dorothy D. Collins Colman Family Ms. Roberta L. Concannon Elaine Conroy Ms. Barbara A. Cook Ms. Merle Cooper Ms. Susanne H. Coriden Michael & Florence Corkell Ms. Patrice Coronato Ms. M. Sandra Corry Mr. Rudy Corsini Mr. James Cotting Ms. Linda Craig Mr. Thomas D. Creigh Erin Creighton Mr. Todd Crummy Ms. Ione E. Culler Mr. Eugene M. Cummings Ms. Jill Curtis Ms. Marilyn Cutler Mr. John Cwi Regina Dalicandro Ms. Penny Davis Ms. Donna Dean Mr. Andrew Defuniak Ms. Maria Degginger Robert & Grace Degrand Ms. Barbara Delanty John & Betty Dennis Mr. Steven Densmoor Mr. Dominic M. Dentamaro Joseph & Ellen DeSalvo Mr. Chuck Detrie Ms. Linda Detweiler E. DeWolfe Mr. John A. Dicapua Mr. Michael F. Donahue Ms. Karen Doten Ms. Jeannette E. Dresdow William Drewry Ms. Karen M. Driver Ms. Patricia Duff Ms. Delores Dunlap Ms. Kathy Dunn Ms. Debra Dunstan Chris Dybul Ms. Beverly Dymond Mr. Jim Eaton Mr. Gary Edmonds Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Edwards Ms. Lisa Eichhorn Mr. Norman Eisenberg Mr. Dave Eisendrath Mr. Gregory Else Ms. Diana C. England Ms. Honora A. English Ms. Wanda Evangelista Ms. Marion Evans Mr. Bernard Fafinski Ward Farnsworth Mr. Robert Fassbender Ms. Susan Fastwolf Anita A. Fay Mr. Joseph W. Fell Richard & Charlene Fenske Ms. Marie Filipovic Ms. Linda M. Finland Lois & Stephen Finney John & Diane Fiore Ms. Mary Firnsin Ms. Suzanne Fiscina R. B. Fisher Ms. Heather Fleitz Ms. Leslie Fletcher Dr. Lynn Florian Mr. & Mrs. Mark Florian Ms. Carole Foley Mr. Richard Forbes Mr. Jeffrey Forgos Nadine A. Foster Mr. John S. Fox Mr. Jeffrey J. Fritz Ms. Elaine Froikin Ms. Julie Froman Mr. Frank J. Fuda Mr. Alan Fuhs James Fuller Ms. Jane Fullett Leah B. Fulton Ms. Lynne Galia Ms. Cynthia B. Galiga Daniel & Karen Gallo Ms. Barbara Galvin Jeanne & Bob Ganchiff Lael Garner-Weadock Ms. Loretta A. Gass Florence Gawin Matthew A. Gelbin Ms. Sadie Gerbic Sanjukta Ghosh Ms. Lora Gier Mr. Jerome P. Gleich Ms. Haley Glover Mr. Alan H. Goldner Ms. Becky Jo Goldyn Myron E. Gomberg Mr. David Gonzalez Mrs. Laura Luc Gorby Mr. Jack H. Gore Hugh F. Grabosky Ms. Sabrina P. Gracias Ms. Carolyn Graczyk Ms. Virginia Gramer Ms. Mary D. Gray Ms. Janet Green Maurice & Barbara Grosby Glenn & Barbara Grossklags Barbara Grossman Ms. Susan Haddad Sharon J. Hahn Ms. Patricia Hale Keary Hall Barbara Hamel Ms. Janice N. Hamilton Beverly Hamm Louis Hammack Ms. Dorothy T. Hamman Mr. David S. Hanson Ms. Marlene A. Hardesty Mr. Johnathan Harding Ms. Kelly Harper Susan M. Harrigan Dennis & Christine Harris Mr. Steven W. Hart Ms. Susanne Hayden Ms. Shoshanna Hayes Mr. Jeffrey Hays Mr. Gary Hebb Scott & Sara Henke Ms. Elizabeth Hennessey Ms. Jacqueline Hermie Ms. Mary Hershey Donald & Cindy Hetzer Cheryl L. Hiipakka Michele R. Hilsenbeck B. A. Hindes Ms. Ann P. Hobel Joyce E. Hodel Tom & Barb Hodgson Ms. Norma F. Holland Ms. Melissa Hollenberg Ms. Margaret Hoovel Ms. Karen M. Horn Ms. Karen Horting Liz Houtz William M. & Shirley Y. Howard Mr. Mike Hrickiewicz Ms. Bonnie Hudson Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hunderman Ms. Kathleen Lindy Hunt Mr. Michael Hurd Mr. Michael Husser Ms. Marianne Infantino Ms. Gloria M. Irizarry Ms. Michele M. Irvin Ms. Jennifer Ison Ivi Ivanov Ms. Janet M. Jacob Bonnie Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Jaris Mr. James J. Jarosz Ms. Betty Jech Ms. Lynne Jeffers Celeste Jensen Ms. Corinne E. Johnson Mr. Joseph Johnson Paul & Nancy Johnson Mr. Toshio Joji Ms. Margaret Ann Jordan Mr. Joel Joseph Mr. Timothy E. Kabot Ms. Joyce Kaczmarek Ms. Evelyn Kadlub Mr. Fred Kaempfer Ms. Florence Kalupa Ms. Catherine Kasha Mr. Joseph Kawa Mr. Ryan Keefe Mr. Robert F. Keenan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kellen Curtis H. Kelly Mr. Robert L. Kelsey Mr. & Mrs. William Kenny Ms. Patricia Kerber Mr. Thomas E. Kernan Dr. Deborah Kiley Ms. Roselyn A. King Ms. Mary A. Kinsella Mr. Mark Kipnis Mr. Dennis G. Klopfle Ms. Alexandra Kocoshis Don & Barbara Konrath Ms. Beverly Kopala Mr. Phillip Koser Mr. Steve Kostelny Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Kottka Brent & Samantha Krambeck Mr. Andrew Kramer Michele Kress Roland Krocin Ms. Barbara M. Kross Ms. Carol Krueger Mr. Arthur J. Krumrey Ms. Kathryn Krumsee Ms. Kathryn Kubis Ms. Cheryl M. Kucaba Mr. Kevin Kuehnel Mr. Daniel J. Kula Winnie Kuo Ms. Monika Kuras Ms. Julie Kwon Ms. Heidi Lan Mr. David Landy Ms. Esther Lang Mr. Alfred Lange Ms. Jean V. Larson George & Clara Laska Burt & Caryl Lasko Ms. Kimberly L. Last Victor & Rose Laukaitis Ms. Ann Lebedeck Ms. Carol Leigh Dan & Joanne Lenik Mr. Gregory Lentini Mr. Jeff Levine Mr. Peter Liberti Mr. Anthony Licata Gerald Lincocke Barry & Terri Lind Ms. Phyllis G. Linning Greg & Barbara Lisko Ms. Kay Litherland Marcie Livesay Ms. Lisa Loesch Ms. Laura Long Mary & Robert Longo Denise Lopez Ms. Dawn Lowe Mr. John Luberda Mr. Ken Lubert Ms. Janice Lucchesi Mary Lucie Nikolay Lutsovich Ms. Tami Lykins Ms. Carol Lynam Ms. Carole Magnuson Mr. Patrick J. Maher Anthony Maiore Usha Malkerneker Mr. Daniel H. Mallmann Ms. Nancy E. Maraat David March Ms. Kathleen P. Marchese Mrs. Sharon Marchiori Ms. Mary Ann Marfia Diane K. Markgraf Patricia Martin Ms. Donna Martinotti Doretta Marwin Ms. Marcia L. Matson Mr. Theo R. Maynard Rita McClory Mr. Michael L. McCluggage Ms. Joan McElhattan Mr. David McGovern Ms. Janet McIntosh Mr. Michael Melber Lois Mengarelli Ms. Maureen Merrigan Ms. Margaret H. Merrill Mrs. Terri Mertz Mr. Kevin Meszaros Ms. Melissa Metzger Charles & Mary Meyer Ms. Ethel Meyer Mr. Raymond G. Meyer Jim & Caryn Meyers Ted & Doris Mezyk Ms. Sandra Michel Mr. Andrew Miller Brent Miller Brian & Catharon Miller Richard & Lauren Miller Mr. Robert Miller Nancy Mitchell Mr. Raymond V. Mlecko Ms. Louise Momani Jean Monigal Mr. & Mrs. Vern Monigal Mr. Anthony J. Mooney Richard & Pamela Mooney Ms. Stella Moore John & Wendy Moorhead Ms. Marlene L. Mora Kenneth & Nancy Moran Ms. Lynn Morgan Allan Mott Ms. Julie B. Mucha Ms. Anne Mulholland Mr. Michael Musick Ms. Christine M. Myers Ms. Linda Nachowicz Pat Nagel Ms. Debra Nahrstadt Calvin Nakata Dan & Gail Naughton Ms. Henrietta Neeley Ms. Dorothy Nelson Mr. Jeffrey V. Niles Denise Norberg Fred & Elaine Norden Mr. Evan Nosek Ms. Carol Noyola Susan & James Nugent Kathleen O’Connor William & Cheryl Oliver Ms. Karin Olsen Mr. Patricia O’Neil Frances C. Oppenheimer Ms. Carol M. Overman Mr. Daniel J. Overstreet Mrs. Janet Owen Paul & Nina Owens Mr. Jonathon Paetsch Ms. Ursula M. Panico Mario & Erika Pardo George & Barbara Partyka Sneha C. Patel Ms. Patricia Nelia Paulauskas Pavell Family Mr. David Pavlik Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Pena Ms. Anne-Marie Penz Larry R. Peters Ms. Susanne Petersson Ms. Paris S. Petty Ms. Donna Pfleeger Ms. Linda Pfluger Ms. Ellen Philip Ms. Linda Pienta Margaret C. Pierce Ms. Laura Pierre Sandy & Jerry Pijanowski Ms. Jacquelyn Pikowski Ms. Susan Pinkus Ms. Donna Plucinski Frances Polick Mr. Jerome Pollan Ms. Gigi A. Posejpal H. V. Posniak Ms. Kimberly Powitz Mr. Rob Prasse Ms. Marian Prescher Mr. Robert Pszanka Jim & Cheryl Purdy Mr. Robert Pyskacek Ms. Colleen Quinn Ms. Nancy Quiroz Ms. Gretchen Rakowicz Ms. Carol Stafford Ralph Mr. Gerard J. Ramoska, Jr. Alex G. Randow Helene & Dorothy T. Rantz Ms. Wanda V. Rapacz John & Jean Ray Mr. Adam Redgwell Ms. Shirley Reed Ms. Barbara J. Reise Ms. Lynn Rendall Ms. Barbara Renner Patricia Repp Ethan Revsin Ms. Carol Ryan Ricchio James & Cheryl Riga Lilla Rink Mr. John Robel Mr. Kenneth Roberg Ms. Barbara Robinson Ms. Julie Robinson Marilynn R. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. George Roby Carlos Emilio Rocha Ms. Katarzyna Rogowska Bruce Rosenberg Kathryn Rosner Ms. Madeline Rossetti Mr. David Roth Ms. Violet Rowe Ms. Camille Rowlette Mr. Kenneth Ruchala Mr. Joseph W. Rudish Mr. Aldo Ruffolo Ms. Linda Russell Ms. Alyson Russo Ms. Deborah Rymko Ms. Joyce Rzeppa Ms. Barbara Sadock Mr. Eduardo Sainz Mr. Jeff Salvatini Karen D. Samek Dr. Chris H. Sarlas Mr. Michael P. Saunders Ms. Gloria Scardino Ms. Ilse Scharpenberg Mr. Jurgen Scharpenberg Mr. David Schechterman Ute Schlake Ms. Cyndy Schlin Ms. Jennifer Schmidt Marc Schmitz & Joyce Pollack Schmitz Ms. Sandy Schneider Ms. Diana G. Lindahl Schrack Kathy Schumacher Janet Scotellaro Ms. Marilynn Selk Mr. Michael Shannon Ms. Shelley Shaw Ms. Nicole L. Sheasgreen Mr. Jonathan N. Sherwell James & Connie Shier Ms. Carolee Shudnow Ms. Gloria V. Sidman Casimir J. Sieronski Ms. Ann Silberman Susan Silver Ms. Beth Silverman Ms. Christina Silvis Theresa Siwiec Ms. Barbara Skogh Ms. Mary A. Sliwinski Ms. Charlyne E. Smith Ms. Dorothy Smith Gerrie Smith Kevin & Dawn Lee Smith Robin Smulson Mr. Anthony M. Smyth Ms. Elizabeth T. Sobala Ms. Trudi Solomon Ms. Dorothy J. Sostarich Ms. Donna Soulias Mr. Jeffrey Sporn Ms. Nancy Stachnik Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stack Ms. Donna Stade Ms. Therese Stancik Victor & Barbara Stasica Ms. Linda M. Stawicki Ms. Nathalie Steelberg Mr. Matthew W. Stefanich, Jr. Ms. Barbara Steffens Ms. Marjorie M. Steiner Mr. Fred Steingraber Mr. James Stewart Kimberly Stewart Ms. Sarah Stewart Mrs. Patricia N. Stone Steve & Laura Stubbe Ms. Ann Newquist Sucherman Thomas Susin Mr. Calvin Swartzentruber Richard & Georgianna Swiatek Rose Szulaka The anTI-crUelTy socIeTy 2010 annUal rePorT —honor roll of donors Mr. Joseph Szymczak Ms. Heather Tabbert Ms. Bonnie Tarry Mr. James L. Taylor Ms. Natalie Taylor Steven Teubl George & Carolyn Theile Robert & Elizabeth Thomas Ms. Joy A. Thompson Ms. Linda Thurmond Mr. Roger Tieman Ms. Lisa Timmermann Ms. Maureen Tokar John & Gail Tolleson Ms. Julie C. Tolleson Cathy Tomczak Scott & Dawne Tortorella Robert & Donna Lee Trotter Frank Trupes Kerry Tulson Ms. Josie Tuzzolino Ms. Jodi Uhler Mr. & Mrs. John Ulaszek Mr. Kenneth Urban Shelly A. Uslenghi Ms. Helga Vakkinen Ms. Kathy Van Orrmer Mr. Dean Vance Ms. Jennifer Vander Plaats Kurt & Edith Vandervoort Mr. Jason Vanlente Ms. Sylvia Vaughan Curtis & Marie Verschoor Ms. Darlene M. Vogt Ms. Janice A. Wachtler Ms. Alvina Wade Ernest & Michelle Wagner Nancy Wagner Robert F. Walbridge Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Walker Ms. Elizabeth Walker M.J. Walker William & Susan Wall Ms. Laura Wallace Mr. Daniel Wallingford Lorraine Wargin Ms. Sandra L. Warren Jeff Waterman Michelle T. Watters Mrs. Linda Weber Ms. Jeanne M. Webster Deborah Weedan Ms. Ann Weidner Ms. Margaret Weigand Mr. Seth Weigl June Weinstein Mr. Charles M. Weiss Mr. Dan Weiss Ms. Sue A. Wells Heidi Westland Ms. Marilyn Wentland Ms. Carol L. Wetterhahn Ms. Jackie Weymouth Mr. Dennis L. Wideman Mr. Robert Wiebking Ms. Ruth Wiley Ms. Jeannette M. Wilki Ms. Carol Williams Mr. David D. Williams Naomi L. Williams Dave & Sue Wilson Mr. Orville Wiseman Ms. Grace A. Witt Kathryn A. Wojewoda Ms. Susan Wolfe Ms. Mary Jane Wolke Mr. Paul Wong Ms. Carol Woodcock Ms. Judith E. Wray Ms. Sharon Wsol Ms. Dianne M. Yaconetti Ms. Antoinette Michele Yannias Ms. Barbara Younkes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zabransky Ms. Kim D. Zacharia Ms. Anna Zajas Gregory & Susan Zalewski Ms. Eleanor Zanarini Ms. Marilyn Zidek Mr. Donald J. Zullo IndIvIdUal donors $100–$249 Salvatore C. Abbinanti Ms. Cheryl Abbott Ms. Debra Abbott Mr. James Abels Thomas & Mary Abinanti Larry Ableman Ms. Margie J. Abraham Ms. Mollie Abraham Mrs. Nancy Abraham Frank Abramic Mr. Michael Abrams Ms. Anne Abramson Ms. R. Jeanne Achenbach Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Achepohl Lee Ackerman Ms. Jennifer L. Ackerman Mr. Bruno Adams Ms. Julie Adams Ms. Lauralee Adams Ms. Michaelene Adams Mr. Steven Adell Priscilla E. Adolphson Victor Aguirre Ms. Nancy Ahl Mr. Roy Ahlgren Ms. Barbara Aiello Ms. Sonja Aikens Mr. Lawrence Aikin Mr. Michael Aikins Dr. Gustavo Albear Gail Albers Mr. Dave Albert Warren Albert Ms. Betty Albrecht Ms. Bonnie Albrecht Ms. Harriette P. Ald Mr. James L. Alexander Marlyss J. Alexander Ms. Gerilyn M. Alfe Eladio Alicea David J. Aliosius Mary S. Allan Mr. & Mrs. Peter Alle James & Carol Allegretti Ms. Debby Allen Ms. Deborah L. Allen Mr. Ryon Allen Vincent J. Allen Ms. Joyce Almieda Lynda C. Alnajjar Ms. Daisy Alonso Ms. Ann Alpert Bernard P. Alpiner Alan Alport Mr. Steve R. Altergott Susan Alterman G. Altfeld Ms. Maryann Alton Brian & Jennifer Alves Ms. Debbie Alyward Mr. Robert N. Amoruso William B. Amoruso James & Kathleen Amundson Ms. Katherine A. Amundson Mr. Andrew Anastasiades Mr. Scott Anders Ms. Joan Andersen Ms. Patricia Andersen Ms. Betty Anderson Ms. Gail Anderson Ms. Judith W. Anderson Mr. Larry Anderson Lynn Anderson McBride Anderson Mr. Ross C. Anderson Steven Anderson Vicki Anderson Michon Andreasik Hector Andreos Caryn Andrews Judith E. Andringa Ms. Susan Andronowitz Mr. Russell J. Andry Juan & Graciela Angelats Paul Angelino Ms. Renee Angelopulos Margaret E. Annett Anonymous (2) Richard & Nancy Anselmini Ms. Cecille H. Antczak Ms. Michelle Antonelli James & Betty Sue Antonetti Ms. Ellyn Antonicelli Ms. Freda G. Antonowicz Jerry & Cheryl Antos Mr. & Ms. Hector Aponte Jim & Chris Appel Mr. Richard Applebaum Susan Appleyard Ms. Arlene Arado Ms. Sandra D. Archer Ms. Linda Arentz Ms. Kristine L. Arenz Ms. Barbara Armijo Thomas R. Arnold Ms. Jeanne B. Aronson Ms. Judith M. Arquette John & Albertina Arrotti Ubaldo Arroyo Ms. Karen Asbra Ms. Paula Ashbaucher Ms. Beatrice Ashcraft Gloria Ashe Ms. Phyllis Ashenden Connie J. Aslaksen Ms. Mary Aspegren Marlene Aufrecht Brett & Carey August Kori Auriema Chai Austen-Kum Judy Avila Ms. Patricia Aylward Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Azzaro Ellen Babbitt Ms. Mitzi Babka Ms. Audrey Bach Homer & Eva Bachman Ms. Karen Backlin W. F. Bader Mr. William Bader Susan J. Bagel Peggy Bagley Paula Bahador Laura Bahler Ms. Emily Bailey Jane E. Bailey Barbara J. Baird Ms. Marilyn J. Baird Mr. William Baird Ms. Barbara Baker Mr. Douglas Baker Mr. Rob Baker Ms. Vicki Baker Ms. Hetty Balanoff Mr. & Mrs. Ken Balaskovits Dale & Nancy Baldwin Lee & Linda Balgemann Mrs. Pilar T. Ballad Ms. Maryann Ballak Ms. Rhonda Ballard J. Ballengee Ms. Juana Ballestros Melanie & John Balzer Stephen & Wendy Ban Ms. Barb Bancroft Ms. Lisa Bandolik Kimberly A. Bandusky Ms. Mary K. Banks K.C. Banky Mr. Gary Bannon Ms. Sondra J. Bapcock Ms. Elizabeth J. Bapes Ms. Geraldine A. Baranski Ms. Ulana M. Baransky Ms. Christine Barcikowski Ms. Susan Barcus Ms. Nancy Bardo Pete & Anastasia Bardouniotis Ms. Elizabeth Baretta Ms. Patricia Bargerstock Ms. Kaye Barham Ms. Barbara Barker Mr. & Mrs. Rotchford L. Barker Ms. Sharon L. Barnes Ms. Elaine Barnett Ms. Theresa Baroni Mr. Robert Barrett Mr. Thomas Barrett Ms. Evelyn D. Barriger Hal & Roberta Barron Ms. Jacqueline Barron Ms. Jeanette Barrowman Ms. Gail Bartlett Ms. Audrey Bartnicki Richard & Kathleen Barton Mr. & Mrs. Russell Bartz Mrs. Wesley Bass Ms. Anne Bassett Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Bassett Susan Basta Ms. Nancy Bates Mr. Richard Bates Catherine Batinovic Ms. Carole A. Bauer Ms. Constance C. Bauer Jennifer Bauer Ms. Robin Baugher Dr. Mary Baukert Ms. Allison J. Bauman Lana J. Baumeister Ms. Esther Baumgarten Ms. Raquel Bautista Jeffery & April Baxter Kelly Baxter Louay Bayazid Ms. Cathy Bazzoni Mr. Christopher Beach Mr. James L. Beach Jennifer Beall Chris & Judy Beardsley Ms. Amy Beatty Andrea Beauchamp Robin Beauchamp Ms. Theodore Bechrakis David Beck Mr. & Mrs. George Beck Thomas E. Beck Julie Becker Mary M. Becker Rene Becker Ms. Ann Beckerdite Mr. Jeffrey Beckman Ms. Sonja K. Becvar Ms. Wanda Bedford Joseph & Jackie Bednarski Mrs. L. Bednarski Ms. Consuelo E. Bedoya Ms. Mary Beebe Ms. Sandra Beebe Michael & Diane Beemer Richard & Marylou Beemer Jane W. Beers Ms. Lisa Beger Marlys A. Beider Ms. Sharon Beiser Mr. Roger Beitzel Ms. Carole Bekken Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bell Ms. Elizabeth Bell Mr. & Mrs. Everett A. Bell Sal Bellavia James & Cynthia Belt Ms. Irene M. Bender Ms. Judith Benesch Smith Ms. Tracey Benford Laura Benitez Wanaphorn Benjawan Mr. Jeffrey D. Bennett Diane Bense Jim Benson & Kathryn Raysses Ms. Marianne Benson Mrs. Marjorie Benton Mr. George Benyamen, Jr. Mr. Robert Beran Dr. Harris L. Berenbaum Caroline Berezin Ms. Ann E. Berg Donald & Roselyn Bergamin Ms. Judith Bergen Ms. Carolyn A. Berger Jessie Berger Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bergetz Ms. Kirsten K. Bergin Mr. Charles A. Berglund Laura Thomas Bergman Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Berk Ms. Jeaneen Berkowitz Mr. Nate Berkus Mr. Jeffrey Berman Ms. Joan Berman Ms. Edith H. Bermann Mary E. Bernahl Ms. Deborah Bernat Mr. Barry L. Bernsen Ms. Wendy Bertasch Mr. Greg E. Bertrand Mr. George Beryamen, Jr. Ms. Lynn Besser Ms. Monica Betancourt Mrs. Maryann Betz Ms. Mary Bevis Ms. Mary E. Beyer Ms. Barbara M. Bialek Ms. Judith N. Biancalana Mr. Brian Bianco Ms. Margaret Biel Mr. George Bielat Mr. Aaron Bielert Edward S. Bielinski Mr. Richard I. Bier Judith Biesenthal Virginia M. Bigane Mr. Brian Bigelow Ms. Heather Bilcer Ms. Donna L. Bilek Beth Binder Lue Binder Robert & Maureen Bingle Laura M. Bintz Ms. Jane Birenberg Don & Sandra Birgerson Ms. Rita Birkens Jeanine & Scott Bischoff Jamie Bishop Ms. Nina Bishop Willard Bishop Ms. Nicole Biskup Ms. D.J. Bissell Ms. Margaret A. Bjerklie Ms. Sally J. Black Ms. Sharyn Black Ms. Cynthia L. Blacklidge Jerry & Andrea Blades Francis & Margaret Blair Ms. Sue Blair Ms. George Blake Mr. Charles E. Blanchard Robert & Shelley Bland Ms. Amy Blank Ms. Ruth Blank Ms. Shirley C. Blanton Ms. Doris Blasch Ms. Deanna Blazes Dan Bleich Ms. Linda Bleise Ms. Bette S. Block Ms. Shirley Block Kevin & Sharon Blocker Ms. Melissa Blomquist Ms. Joy M. Blondin Carrie & Brian Blonigen Ms. Caroline Bloom Roxane Bloomfield Ms. Bonnie L. Bloomquist Thomas Bloomquist Ms. Judith Bobbe Mr. & Mrs. George Bobek Ms. Bernadette Bober Ms. Jacqueline Bobrowicz Ms. Charlotte Bobrowski Angeline Bochenski Mr. Edward J. Bochula Ms. Carol M. Bockman Ms. Teresa Bockover Dr. Zaher N. Boctor Mr. & Mrs. Bodendorfer Erik & Aliisa Bodker Mrs. Michael C. Bodzewski Ralph Boedeker Rand & Denise Boettger Pauline K. Bogdanoff Dolores J. Bohne Ms. Nancy A. Bojorquez Ms. Eunice Bolcum Ms. Virginia R. Bolen J. Bolke Elizabeth Bollero Linda M. Bolte Toni Bongiorno Kimberly Bonk Ms. Natalie Bonner Mr. John Bono Robert & Shirley Bono Ms. Robyn G. Borchert Mr. Bruce Bordner Ms. Katherinia Borisenko Jason & Michelle Borkowski Mr. Lloyd A. Bornmann Mr. Matthew Borowiecki Selma Borowitz Karen Borre Ms. Natalie Bortoli George & Corinne Bosh John & Maxima Bosold Ms. Linda Boswell Richard & Ruth Boswell Mr. Peter Botes Ms. Ann E. Bouvier Kathleen Bovid Barbara Bowen Sally & David Bowers Ms. Sandra Bowlen Shawn & Sharyn Bowling Ms. Carolyn Bowman Ms. Elaine Bowyer Robert & Gail Bowyer Ms. Tatiana Boxa Lee Boyce Ms. Catherine Boyd Mr. George Boyle Junko Bozenda Ms. Thania Boznos Ms. Ann M. Braband Capt. & Mrs. Claiborne S. Bradley Ms. Corinne Bradley Ms. Susan Brady Leighten Brady Dr. Donald Brandeau Mark & Trisha Brandt Jameson T. Branson Robert & Phyllis Brauer Jake & Jena Braun Joanne L. Braun Mr. Michael J. Braun Ms. Latonya Breakfield Dale & Laura Brehmer Mr. Bob Breit Ms. Linda Breitbarth Ms. Marie E. Brelin Ms. Mary Brennan Brennan Family Mrs. Holly K. Bressler Robert & Lane Bresticker Ms. Karen Brethauer Ms. Mary P. Bretz J.F. Brewer Mike & Susan Brewster Thomas A. Breyer K. Brezina Laural L. Briggs Ms. Delores Brigham Mr. James Brimm Mr. & Mrs. Max L. Brinas Tim & Marissa Brinkley Antonio Briones Ms. Juliene Britz Ms. Carolyn J. Brna Mr. Patrick Broderick Matthew Brody Constance Brohman Mr. Thomas W. Brookover, II Ms. Eileen Brooks Mr. Mike Brooks Ms. Nancy Brooks Ms. Donelle Broskow Ms. Marianne Brosnan Mr. Terrel W. Brostoff Mr. Hal Broten Ms. Anita Browark Ms. Katherine Brower Clayton & Jeannine Brown Gervase P. Brown Heather A. Brown Joan Brown Dr. Judith E. Brown Kara Brown Kristopher Brown Lavinia Brown Mike & Karli Brown Norman B. Brown Diana Brozas Ms. Sally A. Brozenec Mr. Aaron T. Brubaker Ms. Julie Brucato Ms. Gwen Bruce Mr. Jeff Bruce Ms. Janice H. Bruemmer Kathylynn Brunner Ms. Betty Bruns Ms. Valerie M. Bruns Bruscato Family Ms. Vicki Bryce Mr. Richard Brzezicki Ms. Kimberly Buchacz Max Buchanan Robert & Natalia Buchanan Klaus & Rosemarie Buchhold Mr. Bob Buck Mr. David Buck Ms. Kathleen Virginia Buck Pat Buck Ms. Barbara A. Buckridge Ms. Barbara Budinger Mary Lou Budnick Ms. Lillian Budritt The anTI-crUelTy socIeTy 2010 annUal rePorT —honor roll of donors Ms. Chrystal Buenaflor Ms. Donna A. Buikema Ms. Angela Bukoski Mrs. Edwin W. Bula Mildred M. Bulaga Brian Bulcan Daniel & Theresa Bull Ms. Nettie C. Bullock Barbara Ann Bultinck Mr. Gary G. Bunton Ms. Dana A. Buoscio Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Burd Mr. Charles G. Burda Ms. Susan C. Burde Paula R. Bures Ms. Dorianne Burg Ms. Stephanie Burg Mr. Tom Burgess Mr. Brian Burgner Ms. Joy Burhop Arleen F. Burke Ms. Meg Burke Patrick & Christine Burke Patrick & Peggy Burke Ms. Julie L. Burkett Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Burkhardt Ms. Shirley Burkhart Ms. Karrin Burns Ms. Kathleen M. Burns Ms. Margaret M. Burns Mr. Michael E. Burns Terry A. Burns Suzanne Burton Mr. Henry Burwell Hans P. Busch Marie Busch Ms. Valerie G. Buschey Mr. James Bushnell Alan & Margaret Busic Ms. Carol L. Buss Mr. & Mrs. Edgar J. Buss Ms. Sandra Buss Ms. Joan Bussan Ms. Peggy Bustamante Ms. Patricia Butkus K. D. Butler Ms. Sonja D. Butler Ms. Anne Butzen Ms. Jolene D. Butzke Ms. Jean Butzler Mr. Jerome F. Buxbaum Helen Byczek Ms. Elinor G. Bye Ms. Nicole Byrd Mr. & Mrs. Lino Cabrera Andrew & Clara Cachro Eileen M. Cahill Ms. Toni Cainkar Ms. Sandy Calabrese Cruz Calcagno Gerard C. Caldwell Miriam Calenoff Mr. William Cales Ms. Beverly Caliento Ms. Ruth Callaghan Ms. Judy Callahan Mr. Robert Callbeck Mr. Armando J. Camarano F.M. Cameron Ms. Barbara J. Campa Ms. Ann M. Campagna Mr. Denis R. Campbell Ms. Judith Campbell Ms. Mildred Garvy Campbell Mr. Robert Campbell Fran Campise Mary Beth & Philip Canfield Angelicque Cannataro Dr. William Cannon, Jr. Ms. Sarah E. Cantrell Ms. Bonnie Cantu Ms. Christina Capaldo Ms. Gillian Cappiello Ms. Valeda T. Carbonneau Ms. Char Cardiff Elizabeth & Dollar Carey Ms. Margaret Carlino Aaron Carlson Cynthia J. Carlson John & Mary Carlson Katie & D.J. Carlon Laurel A. Carlson Mary Carlson Ms. Teresa Carmichael Kathryn Mozden Carmona Ms. Nina Carney Dr. & Mrs. Dan Carothers Ms. Janet Carothers Virginia Carpenette Ms. Lisa Carpino Ms. Lori Carr Mr. Walter Stanley Carr Mr. Frank Carraro Ms. Mary Carreras Joy L. Carson Mr. Gregg Carson Mr. Ronald Carter, III Jerry & Terrie Cartwright Ms. Caroline Anne Casey John Cash Ms. Joanne Casper Raymond & Holly Cass Ms. Danielle Cassidy Cortia Castellano Janet L. Castelluccio Mr. Michael Casten Ms. Jody Castino Isaiah & Betty Cataldo Ms. Kim Catledge Mr. James Cavanaugh Lori Cavanaugh Ms. Pamela A. Cavanaugh Dolores Ceas Mr. John E. Cedarborg Ms. Bonnie Celeboglu Mr. Walter Cercavschi Antonio Cerda Mr. Joseph Cernugel Mr. Sal Cervantes Shirley Cervantes Ms. Jacqueline Chalos Basil Chaltas Margaret Chambers Ms. Shirley Chan S. Chandramouli Ms. Geraldine D. Chaplin Elinor Chapman Mr. Steven Chapman Ms. Petra Charbonneau Carlos & Maria Charneco Ms. Annie C. Charney Ms. Rita R. Charuhas Ms. Carol Chatterton Ms. Hazel Chavez Jill Chavin Ms. Lisa Chellman Ms. Miriam Chen Ms. Marcie Chesin Ms. Megan Chessare Donna L. Chevaleau Charles & Susan Chewning Mr. John V. Chiaro Judith Childs Julie M. Chiocca Mr. George J. Chioles Ms. Janice Chirchirillo Mr. & Mrs. Kung Y. Chiu Nick Chiusolo Jozefa & Franciszek Chmiel Ms. Monica Choca Chang Chong Ms. Kimberly Chovancak Ms. Ann Christensen Arlene Christensen Ms. Susan Christensen Ms. Jane Christino Pamela Chudzinski Ms. Sandra Churchill Jean Churchman Barbara Chwastek Ms. Josephine S. Chyatte Ms. Andrea Ciccone Ms. Vivian Cielak Ms. Nancy Cirone-Bowyer Ms. Karen E. Citow Ray & Kim Ciurej Ms. Irene Clancy Donna Clark Elizabeth S. Clark Erin Clark Jim Clark Joanne C. Clark Linda R. Clark Lori Clark Mary Clark Patty Clark Ms. Margaret Clarke Mr. Stephen S. Clarke Ms. Janet A. Clausen Ms. Karen Clausen Ms. Nancy L. Clauson Leo R. Clay, Jr. Ms. Michelle Clay Mr. Daniel Clearwater Mr. Ronald Cleveland Ms. Tammy Cline Mr. Joseph Clonick Kris Cloud Mr. David Clow Mr. Tony Clyde Lori Coady Ms. Cynthia Cobbs Mrs. Adair Cochran Ms. Brenda Codo Donald & Frances Coe Sherron L. Coffey Lisa Coffman Ms. Christine J. Coglianese Ms. Aleta M. Cohen Ms. Evelyn Cohen Ms. Dolores T. Cole Ms. Eleanor K. Cole Ms. Helen Cole Mr. Robert B. Cole Ms. Katherine Coleman Ms. Sandra D. Coleman Michael & Deborah L. Colky Ms. Elaine Collina Susan M. Colling-Mahoney Ms. Adrian W. Collins Mrs. Carolyn Collins Dr. Enid W. Collins John & Mary Collins Ms. Kay Collins Mr. & Mrs. Roy F. Collins Ms. Shirley Collins Tim & Mary Collins Frank & Joann Collis Mr. Philip J. Collora Christopher & Angela Combest Courtney H. Comer Mr. Brien J. Comerford F. P. Concepcion Thomas & Erin Condon Mr. Jerry Conn Ms. Sue Connaughton Patricia M. Connor Mary Connors Guy & Emily Conti Ms. Kathleen N. Conzen James & Marianne Coogan Ms. Allison Cook Ms. Barbara Cook Erik Cook & Jill Dennor Ms. Judith L. Cook Ruth Cook Ms. Margarete Cooke Mr. Richard Cooke Suzanne & David Cooley Yoshimi Coomes Jean Cooper Alice Cooperman Mrs. Thalia Coorlas Donald & Marla Coquillette Ms. Stefanie Corbett Ms. Mary Corfield Kurt T. Corfield Corrado Family Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Corrin, Jr. Ms. Harriette Cortese Mrs. Joni B. Cortesi Ms. Roseann Costa Ms. Elvira Coszach J. R. Cotton Ms. Kim Coughlin Mr. Timothy J. Coughlin Ms. Barbara A. Coussement Elyse Coval Mr. & Mrs. George Covington Mr. Roy A. Cowell Ms. Sandra E. Cowen Ms. Linda Cowgill Ms. Jennifer Cox Judy L. Cox Lee L. Cox Nancy R. Cox William D. Cox, Jr. Ms. Paige Coy Ms. Patricia Coyle Ms. Gail Coyne Ms. Wendy L. Coyne Elizabeth A. Cramer Karen Crane Ms. Betty Ann Cratty Mr. Alan Cravitz Mrs. Susan Crist Leslie Critchett Ms. Julie K. Crnkovich Mr. Graham P. Croman Ms. Kathy Crossetti Ms. Debbie L. Crowell Ms. Diane C. Crowell Dean & Gail Crue Michael & Judith Crumbock Jerry L. Cucchiaro Mrs. Mary L. Cumerford Ms. Andrea Cummings Ms. Megan Cundari Ms. Nancy Cundari Ms. Marilyn J. Curran Ms. Carol Currie Mrs. Karen Lesa Currin Pat Curtis Ms. Elizabeth Curylo Ms. Sarah Cushley Mr. Jayson Cyr Ms. Mary Anne Czech Ms. Carol Czerniawski Ms. Nora Dachota Ms. Joyce Dadouche Mr. Craig Daggett Ms. Cathleen Daghestani Mr. Jack Dahlenberg Mr. Gary Dailey Ms. Heidi Dalenberg Ms. Victoria Dalicandro Gay E. Dall Ms. Suzon Daly Ms. Mary E. Dameron Mr. Ralph Dammertz Mr. Walter A. Damon Alfred E. D’Ancona III Ms. Diane G. Danczak Arthur A. Daniels Robert & Janet Daniels Ms. Cynthia Danielson Ms. Donna J. Danielson Mr. Andrew Dankovich Ms. Debra Danner Ms. Heidi Dare Ms. Elzbieta Dargiel Ms. Renee Darmstadt Ms. Marilyn B. Darnall Mrs. Margaret Dart Ms. Donna Darzentas Ms. Cynthia Dase Ms. Shirlee Daube Marjorie Daughorty Ms. Irina Dauksavage Daphne M. Daume Ms. Liz Dauten Ms. Gina David Allene Davidson Paula A. Daviduke Ms. Christine L. Davila Ms. Aymette Davila-Snyder Bill & Sharon Davis Ms. Dana P. Davis Ms. Diana Davis Ms. Donna M. Davis Ms. Karen J. Davis L. Davis Ms. Lynn Ellen Davis Ms. Mary C. Davis Ms. Patricia Davis Patricia Davis Mr. Richard A. Davis Robert & Marguerite Davis Mr. Robert Allen Davis, Jr. Ms. Sara L. Davis Mr. Warren L. Davis Debbie Day John & Lynn Day Mrs. Wesley Day Geraldine De Bartolo Claire de Chazal Ms. Inge de la Camp Larry & Loretta De Marino Mr. Allen Deacon Ms. Linda Dean Michael Deane Ms. Catherine DeBoer Ms. Mary Lou DeBoer Victoria Deboest Ms. Susan Decker Mr. Bruce Deemer Ms. Judith Deering Ms. Gail Defilipps David A. Defries Ms. Paulette A. Deibert Mary DeJoseph Marlo Del Percio Mr. Mark Delaney Mr. Mike DeLarco Mr. Stanley R. Deleshe Mr. Christopher J. Delhey John & Kathleen Delia Mrs. Linda M. Delk Ms. Carol J. Delricco Mr. Timothy DelSol Ms. Lora Demasi Ms. Barbara DeMilio Ms. Barbara Dempsey Inid & Marc Deneau Ms. Patricia Dennison Ms. Debra J. DePilla Liubov Derluguian Tracey A. Desalvo James D. Desomer Ms. Elsie Desoto Ms. Leona M. Destefano Mr. & Mrs. Robert Detmers Ms. Mary Deutmeyer Mr. John Deutsch Janet DeVallauris Carol Devine Ms. Grace Devitt Helen C. Devogelaere Kimberly Devriendt Donald H. Dewald Jeffrey & Elizabeth Dewbray Eloise Deyoung Theresa J. Gross Diaz Mrs. Mercedes V. Di Raffaele Ms. Theresa A. Dicara Ralph & Alberta Dichtl Azile Dick Mr. Michael L. Dicker Mr. James Dickson Ms. Sharon Dickson Ms. Sylvia Dicunias Donald & Shirley Diersen Ms. Laurel A. Dieskow Ms. Connie A. Dieter Ms. Renate H. Dieter Mr. Benjamin Dieterich Mr. Joseph Dietrich Mr. Dino Digristina Mr. William Dihel Mr. Karl Dijak Ellen J. Dillon Ms. Lorraine K. Dillon Ms. Kris E. Dimitriou Vincent J. Dina Ms. Kathy Dittmann John & Sandy Dittsworth Josef & Maura Djurkowitsch Snantanu Dnamija Darren & Ruth Doan Ms. Heidi Dods Ms. Janice E. Doell Jon & Danna Dokmo Miss Daphne Dolan Michael & Diane Dolesh Ms. Nancy Dollarhide Mr. Rich Dombrowski Ms. Alice Domek Irene & Jennifer Domingo Ms. Darline Dominiak Ms. Marilyn S. Domke Ms. Gayle Dompke Carol J. Domroese Ms. Fiona Donelly Ms. Helen Doney Jennifer Donlan Mrs. Debra Donley Ms. Jerry A. Donlin Ms. Lucy Donnelly Ms. Susan Donnelly Ms. Sharon A. Donofrio Florence J. Donohoo Gayle & Brian Donohue Ms. Susan S. Doody Ms. Rhonda Dooley Edward & Pamela Dopke Ms. Suzanne Dopke Ms. Deborah Doran Diane Dorn Kelley Dorner Gabi Dorsch Ms. Kathleen Dorton Ms. Sylvia Doucette Ms. Elizabeth Douglas George E. Douglas George Douglas Ms. Denise Jarrett Dow Peter & Marcia Dowd Christie L. Doyle Mrs. Lynn Doyle Mr. Michael Doyle Jim & Julie Draho Ms. Beth C. Drake Mr. Leonard Drake Mr. Paul D. Drake Dorrit Drallmeier Ms. Drayton & Mr. Lynch Ms. Kristen J. Drewke Ms. Dorothy Driscoll Ms. Laura Driscoll Thomas & Susan Driscoll Mr. Steven Droho Ms. Lauren Drong Ms. Joan Drugas Ms. Kathy Drury Martin & Joan Dubin Bill & Susan DuBose Mr.& Mrs. Daniel Dubrock Ms. Janice Duda Ms. Mary Duffy Ms. Betty A. Duguid Richard & Carol Dujmovic Ms. Tamara Duker-Freuman Ms. Janess N. Dulinski Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Duncan Ms. Judi Duncan Joseph & Kathleen Dunigan Catherine L. Dunn Mr. Dagmar Dunn Ms. Jennifer A. Dunn Ms. Lucia Dunn Ms. Edith A. Dunne Ms. Joyce Dunne Mr. Will Dunne Mr. & Mrs. Scott Dunnington Ms. Rosemary DuPrey Mr. Richard J. Durava Ms. Joanne Durkin Antonin & Bozena Dusek Ms. Ginger Dusek Mr. & Mrs. Eldred H. Dusold Mr. Dennis Duszak Mr. Charles Dutz Ms. Magda A. Duyn Ms. Constance D. Dvorak Ms. Amy Dycus Ms. Monika Dye Janet Dzwierzynski Ms. Deborah B. Eades Roy & Karen Eads Mr. Patrick Eagan Mr. Boyd Eager Gary & Elizabeth Eastman Mr. Marcus Eatmon Ms. Elizabeth Eberhart Ms. Kay M. Eberley Ms. Mary Alison Ebert Terri Edelson S. Edgar Mr. & Mrs. William Edgar Ms. Gayle F. Edison Donald & Helen Edwards J. E. Edwards Scott Edwards Sue Ellen Edwards Ms. Janette A. Eichfeld Ms. Heidi Eichler Jean Einstein Mr. Robert Einwiller Alissa Eischens Ms. Ellen Eisenkramer Ms. Emily Eisenkramer Gerald & Eileen Eisenstein Douglas & Robbin Elden Ms. Joni Elder James N. Eligator Ms. Kristen Elkins David P. Eller Ms. Cherelynn A. Elliott Gayle Elliott Marjorie J. Elliott Ms. Shirley A. Elliott Ms. Barbara J. Ellis Ms. Martha Ellsworth Ms. Shirley Ellsworth Patricia Elmen Mr. & Mrs. Philip Elvert Ms. Christine Emerson Mrs. Robert H. Emery Ms. Kathryn Emmerson Mr. Frederick J. Emmett Ms. Marcia D. Emmitt Edgar & Carol Enciso Carol Ende Ms. Dawn Eng The anTI-crUelTy socIeTy 2010 annUal rePorT —honor roll of donors Ms. Victoria Engelhardt Patricia A. Engels Marion C. Eppler Mr. Jonathan A. Epstein Ms. Judith A. Epstein Mr. F. George Erat Patricia A. Erber Ms. Lori Erickson Ruth Kay Erickson Ms. Margaret Ericson Mr. Josef Erlemann Mr. Patrick Erwin Ms. Adeline J. Erwinski Carol Escorcia Ms. Arlene G. Esserman Mr. Dennis Essig Mr. Alex Estrada Mr. Israels Etxatxu Barbara Evancio Ms. Katerina Evangelinos Ms. Amanda Evans Anne H. Evans Ms. Florence Evans Gretchen Evans Dr. Lloyd Q. Evans Mariwyn Evans Ms. Marta Evans Ms. Roberta Evans Ms. Susan E. Evans Charles & Ros Evanson Richard & Charlotte Ewald Dale Ewers Ms. Debra P. Exler Louis Fabbri Ms. Mary Faber Ms. Marianne Fabian Ms. Barbara J. Factor Ms. Linda Factor Ms. Jill Fahlgren Mr. & Mrs. William Fairbanks Ms. Toccara Faison Ruth Faklis Dr. Judith A. Falconer Mr. Peter Falconer Mr. Gunnar Falk Marilyn J. Fall Ms. Michelle Fallen Ms. Dorothy J. Fallon Ms. Katie Faltus Ms. Jean Fanella Ms. Karen C. Fanelli Ms. Jane E. Fanslow Ms. Donna Fantozzi Mrs. Gertrud Farber Mr. Joseph Farella, Jr. Ms. Meghan Faries Ms. Karen C. Farm Ms. Leslie F. Farmer Mr. Clark E. Farrell Ms. Laura Farrell Ms. Leslie Farrell Mr. Joseph E. Farwell Diana L. Faulhaber Rosalind Faulkner Ms. Sheryl Favia Ms. Linda L. Fay Kenneth J. Fedesna Ms. Kristen Feinstein Ms. Marianne E. Feitl Ms. Geraldine B. Fekete Walter & Betina Felckowski Ms. Teresa Fellin Ms. Maura Fennelly Ms. Ann M. Fennessy Mr. John Fergus Ms. Kim M. Ferguson Ms. Sheila J. Ferrari Michael Ferro Stacy Fetzer Ms. Rebecca Feuerborn Denise Feulner Ms. Linda Feutz Mary Fiedler Ms. Ruth Field Ms. Joyce Fielding Lewis Fieri Ms. Constance Filling & Mr. Robert Hevey Nancy Finch Mr. Thomas Fineis Ms. Penelope A. Finerty Randy & Nancy Finfrock Mr. Joel G. Fink Mr. Malcolm Finke Mrs. Gerry Finley Mr. & Mrs. M. W. Finney D.E. Firestone Mr. Sidney Firstman Leone M. Fischer Lynn Fischer Wesley Fischer Ms. Christine Fisher Gretchen Fisher Ms. Heather Fisher Ms. Joan M. Fisher Mr. Mark Fisher Ms. Marlene Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Fisher Ms. Laura Fitch Ms. Roseann Fitzgerald Mr. William G. Fitzgerald Ms. Denise Fitzpatrick Ms. Rebecca Fitzpatrick Mr. Charles Flaherty John & Marianne Flanagan Ms. Kathy M. Flanagan Maria Flanagan Ms Patricia Flavin Timothy & Cindy Fleece Ms. Janet D. Fleming Nancy Fleming Ms. Patricia L. Fleming Ms. Ginny Flessor Mr. Peter Fletcher Mr. Christopher Flood Mr. & Mrs. Jim Flood Ms. Merilyn Florek Ms. Jacquelyn L. Flowers Lynn S. Flowers Martin & Georgia Flynn Ms. Norma J. Flynn Felicia Folinazzo Linda L. Follansbee Edward A. Folts Ms. Christina Folz John & Stacy Folz Mr. Michael S. Fomook Edward & Veronica Fontana Ms. Deborah Fontela Mr. Daniel Forbes Ms. Gwendolyn Ford Ms. Margo A. Ford Esther Fordham Dr. Hebe M. Forgione S. Forkins Ms. Fay Forman Lee M. Forrest Ralph D. Forrest Andrew Forrester Ms. Phyllis R. Forslund Mr. Anthony F. Forster Ms. Andrea Forsyth I.R. & Claire Forte Sharon B. Fortis Ms. Debra Foster Vincent & Kathleen Foty Mr. Charles C. Foune Ms. Jane G. Fouser Najma Fowler Ms. Barbara G. Fox Ms. Bonnie Fox Lorri Francis Victoria Frank Ms. Janice P. Frankel Pam & Lawrence Frankel Ms. Marcia Franklin Mr. Tom Franklin J. Gordon Frantzreb, Jr. Ms. Peggy A. Franz Ms. Isabel E. Franzen Ms. Donna Frascati Mr. & Mrs. John E. Frayer Mr. William Frederick Cathy Fredericksen Ms. Dana Frederickson Ms. Margaret S. Freel Ms. Hilary Freeman Ms. Judy Freeman Robert & Robin Freeman Ms. Joanne Freer Ms. Eileen Freitag Ms. Susan Frese Beth A. Frey Mr. Gordon G. Frey Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Frey Harry & Nancy Friedman Mr. Herbert Friedman Richard Friedman Mr. Richard A. Friedman Ms. Roberta A. Friedman Richard & Marjorie Friedman Ms. Ramona Friedrich Mr. Robert D. Frisk Ms. Annette M. Fritz Mr. Henry Fritz Ms. Sue Fritz Ms. Loretta A. Fritzler Ms. Patricia N. Frizado Ms. Elli Froberg Ms. Audrey Frohm Jim & Gloria Fruin Mr. David Fryk Fritzie Fuchs L. J. Fudacz Linda Fuentes Mr. Brian M. Fuhrmann Ms. Kristen Fuhrmann Harry & Marcie Fukuda Hans & Charlotte Fulde Laurie A. Fulgaro Penny Fulkerson Mr. Thomas F. Fuller Ms. Rebecca Fulton Jane & Gregory Furch Arlene E. Furey Ms. Debra A. Furlott Mr. Lawrence J. Furnstahl Ms. Harriet Gabay Max Gabbard Patrick & Karen Gabel Mr. Sam J. Gabuzzi, Jr. Mr. Sam Gadola Mr. & Mrs. James Gafkowski Timothy Gaida Mr. Wayne Gailis Karen & Pal Gaimari Mr. Ronald Gaj Ms. Mary Ann Galanti Dr. Patricia Gale Mr. Walter Gale Ms. Yuki Galisanao Denise Gallagher Ms. Lynda Gallagher Robert & Jane Gallagher Mr. Mitchell Gallas, Jr. Ms. Beverly Gallo Mr. Leroy Gallo Mr. Richard Gallo Teresa Gallo Mary Gallucci Ms. Janice E. Galusza Ms. Leanne Galvin Gerald F. Gamauf Ms. Bonnie L. Gamm Ms. Barardina Ganfor Rajeev Garapati Alan Garber Mr. Carl Garber Ms. Paula Garcea Ms. Sonia Garcia Jane Gard Ms. Anne Gardner Ms. Dolores Garland James & Elizabeth Garon Ms. Laurie Garrett Ms. Donna Garrity Mr. Thomas Garrity Ms. Victoria Garske Gregory & Ellen Gartland James A. Garvey Cynthia A. Garvin Ms. Erica Gary Ms. Kathryn Gary Patricia Garza Mr. William Gasparac Ms. Cindy Gatziolis Mr. James Gaughan Kenneth & Sharon Gawron Mr. Dennis M. Gaydos Mr. & Mrs. Howard J. Geake Mr. John P. Geary Ms. Anna Gebhardt Mr. Doug GeBraad & Mr. Jim Fitzmaurice Frances Gecker Mr. Paul Geiseman Barbara J. Geist Ms. Julie Gentes Ms. Edith Gentry Ms. Elaine Gentry Ms. Monica Geocaris Ms. Lauren Geoffrey Ms. Stella George Ms. Julie Gerblick Mr. David A. Gerbosi Ms. Kristine ONeil Gericke Ms. Laura E. Gerrity Mrs. Isak V. Gerson Ms. Carol A. Gertig Jeffrey & Sharon Gertz Mrs. Joanne Geschke Judith Gethner Ms. Marcia A. Getty Patrick & Margaret Ghielmetti Ms. Kate Giacometti Mr. William J. Gibbons Ms. Geula S. Gibori Ms. Dianne Gibraski Ms. Deborah Gibson Ms. Lori D. Giebel Ms. Helen M. Giebler Mr. Vincent Giff Ms. Darlene Gilfillan Ms. Julie Gillespie Marianne Gilliam Mr. Matthew Gilliana Ms. Allison C. Gillick Mr. Rick Gillies Lyle Gillman John F. Gilmore III Mary Gilmore Sherry Gilmore Susan Gilpin Mr. Wayne Gilpin Gail C. Ginsberg Ms. Karen L. Ginter Mr. Richard Gintz Edward E. Gitelson Randy & Allison Giuffre Mr. Ron Giuliano Mr. & Mrs. James Glasser Mr. Terry Glatzhofer W. R. Glave Babette Glazier Ms. Donna M. Gleixner Ms. Margaret Glennon Mr. Frank E. Glover Ms. Denise Glynn Ms. Gail Glysing Mr. Robert J. Gnacinski Ms. Bernadette B. Gniadecki Robert & Linda Goad Elizabeth Gobby Mr. Walter Goc Greg & Lynne Gochanour Mrs. Gail Godfrey Alfred & Olga Godinez Mr. James Godshalk & Mrs. Marjorie Lundy Craig Goehry Mr. Werner Goelz Craig & Carrie Goesel Deborah Golan Ms. Sue Golan Gene J. Goldberg Mr. Howard R. Goldberg Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Marc Goldberg Mr. Russell Goldenburg Robert & Nancy Goldin Ms. Barbara Williams Goldman Mr. David Goldman Mr. Michael Goldsmith Lewis Goldstein Lyn Goldstein Mr. Sheldon P. Goldstein Martin Goldstone Mr. Scott Golinkin Ms. Erin Golon Ms. Stephanie Golub-Simon Jessica Gomez Mr. & Mrs. Chester Gomolinski Dr. Artin Goncu Ms. Linda Gonzales Ms. Margaret Gonzales Mr. Alexander Gonzalez Bladimiro A. Gonzalez Mr. Fred Gonzalez Jessica L. Gonzalez Christina Gonzalez-Gillet Mr. Seth Goodchild Mr. & Mrs. Carl Goode Ms. Deborah Gooden Mr. Joseph Goodkin Greg H. Goodman Leonard C. Goodman Ms. Marilyn W. Goodman Ms. Janet Goodwin Gail Gordon Ms. Judith A. Gordon Mr. Lawrence N. Gordon L. Stuart Gordon Ms. Barbara S. Gore Ms. Susan Goren Ms. Debra C. Gorman Ms. Eve M. Gorman Ms. Nancy C. Gorman Ms. Nancy Gorman Ms. Mary H. Gormley Theresa L. Gorski Mr. Donald E. Goss Jean L. Gottlieb Ms. Emily Gould Ms. Lynn Goumakis Mr. & Mrs. Jake Govorchin William & Helen Goy Ms. Maria Grabarczyk Mr. John Grabowski Ms. Tricia Graditor Karen V. Graham Jamie Graham Ms. Fe Granada Ms. Marilyn Grandy Mr. Joseph X. Grassi Ms. Sherri L. Gratzianna Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Gray, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William C. Gray Mr. Douglas Graye Mr. James A. Graziano Ms. Lori Anne Graziano Mrs. Elaine Greb Ms. Anita Green Ms. Kimberly Greenbaum Dr. Ilissa Greenberg Mrs. Florence J. Greene Ms. Joanne Greene Ms. June P. Greene Ms. Beverly Greenman Ms. Eleanor Gregg Ms. Kathy Grego Frank & Heather Gregorio June Gregory Mr. Steve Gregory Edith B. Gregsamer Ms. Karen Greider Marion N. Grendzinski Mr. & Mrs. Richard Grenvich Mr. Scott A. Grey Ms. Lori Griffin Christine Grimaldi Ms. Gaylyn Grimm Gertrude Grisham Ms. Christina Grobman Ms. Marilyn J. Grodski Ms. Linda B. Gromadzki Peter & Dedra Groninger Mr. Ron Gronkiewicz Ms. Elaine Gronskis P.A. Grosch Ms. Amy Grosenheider Andy & Gail Gross Ms. Deborah Grosser Barbara Grossklags Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Groth John & Marilyn Groth Mr. Paul R. Gruber Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Gruebnau Ms. Wendy J. Gruen Louise R. Grund Richard Grunewald Garry & Michelle Grygotis Mr. Glenn Grzonka David Guanci Mr. Steve Guardyak Ms. Joanne Guarino Mr. David Gucwa Ms. Sandy M. Guettler Mr. Andrew Gulley Alexandra Gulliver Ms. Suzanne Gulmatovas Ms. Laura Gulyban Ms. Pam Gummalauskas Ms. Mara Gundrum Jodi L. Gunther Malachy Gunther Ms. Susan Gunty Ron & Eileen Gurak Ms. Elaine M. Gurnett Lee Gurvey Sydney W. Gusterine Mr. William Guswiler Norm & Kathy Gutauckas Ms. Evelyn Guther M. E. Guthrie, Jr. Michael & Sherry Guthrie Ms. Mary Lynn Gutknecht Ms. Betty Guttman Lanya Guttman Mr. Michael Guttman Ms. Carolyn E. Guy Mr. Charles Guzzino Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gwyer, Jr. Ms. Gerry Ann Gzesh Ms. Martha Ha Ms. Violet F. Haas Casey & Barbara Haayer Catherine S. Haber Caryn K. Habley Mr. Jeffrey Habura Mr. Karl Hacke Mr. Jack Hackenbroch Jordan Hadelman Mr. Brian Hafner Ms. Shelly R. Haga David Hagen Ann Hagenbuch Mr. Robert Hagner Ms. Carol Hahn Ms. Coletta A. Hahn Mr. Donald Dale Hahn Ms. Victoria J. Haig Mr. Robert S. Hajduk Thomas & Rosemary Hake Sana Hakim Constance Halachoulis Ms. Irene Halicka Audra Hall Ms. Barbara J. Hall Sophia Hall Ms. Valerie Hall Mr. Harry C. Hallowell Ms. Vicki Halpin Mr. Leroy Halpin Mrs. Thomas Halpin Mr. Andrew Hamilton K. Hamilton Ms. Liz Hamilton Ms. Beverly Hammel Ms. Karen Hammermeister Ms. Holly Hammes Mr. Micha C. Han Mr. Joseph Robert Hanc Ms. Jennifer Hancher Mr. Joel L. Handelman Ms. Kathleen Hankins Mr. Mike Hankwitz Ms. Kristie Hanna Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Hannigan V. Hansbrough Lynne E. Hanse Ms. Diane Hansen Ms. Karen Hansen Lawrence P. Hansen Margaret & Lawrence Hansen Ms. Sue A. Hanson Gail Hanson-Roberts William & Donna Haran Mr. Andy J. Hargitt Ms. Nancy Harmon Pete Harmon Debra Harriman Angie Harris Ms. Colleen C. Harris Ms. Kathleen R. Harris Ms. Marcia C. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harris Ms. Olivia Harris Ms. Carol Harrison Harsh Family M. K. Hart Ms. Susan J. Hart Ms. Nancy Hartman Raymond & Jean Hartman Ms. Margaret Hartmann Joseph Hartray Ms. Lydia Hartsig Ms. Virginia A. Hartung Mr. Jerome Hartwig Ms. Claudia A. Harty Linda Hartz Norma J. Harvey Kazumi Hase Elizabeth Hash Ms. Donna Haskell Thomas A. Hassenauer Mrs. Carol Haste Ms. Deirdre L. Hastings Mr. James W. Hatcher Ms. Tiffany Hatcher Joseph & Pat Hatz Mr. Frank C. Haubner Philip Haugaard Amy Hauser Jay & Catherine Hausler The anTI-crUelTy socIeTy 2010 annUal rePorT —honor roll of donors Harriet Hausman Ms. Diane Havarnek Ms. Gae A. Hawkins Ms. Sara L. Hawkinson Gloria Hawthorne Mary Hayduk Ms. Bridget Hayes Elaine & Alan Haymaker Mr. Marvin Haymes Ms. Maleah Hazel Ms. Marcia Hazel Ms. Anne Hazlehurst Dr. Nancy Headen Mr. Vincent Headington Ms. Kathleen C. Healy Nancy S. Heatley Mrs. Tricia Heaton Terry Heban Paul S. Heckerling Mr. Howard Heckmann Ms. Carylin Hedstrom Ms. Eve Heffer Ed & Cindy Hegarty Mr. Ralph D. Hegener Mr. Ernest F. Heilemann Michael & Christine Heiler Mr. Owen V. Hein Ms. Jo Heindel Mr. Udo M. Heinz Mr. Carl Heisey Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. Heisig Angeline Heisler Mr. Ronald Hejna Peter & Patricia Held Mr. Ronald Held Wayne Helge Ms. Ruth Helwig Ms. Sondra A. Hemeryck Ms. Betty Hemrich Ms. Nancy Hencke Ms. Beatrice Henderson Ms. Chrystina Henderson Mr. Greg Henderson Ms. Jolyn Henderson Ms. Juanita Henderson Ms. Sallie Henderson Casey J. Heneghan Mr. John H. Hennessey, Jr. Tom & Dina Hennessy Mr. & Mrs. Edward Henrichson Ms. Laura Henricks Dennis & Cheryl Henry Frances Henry Ms. Jeanine Henry Kathryn Henry Mr. Roy Henry Priscilla C. Hensel Ms. Mary M. Henthorn Regan Hentz Mr. David S. Henwood Ann F. Heraty Robert & Sharon Heraver Ron & Sue Herbes Ms. Traci Hercher Joyce Herdliska Keith & Hend Herman Ms. Lucille Herman Richard M. Herman David & Anne Hermann Mrs. Gertrude D. Hermann Ms. Olivia Hernandez Ms. Diane Herrmann Mr. William Hersh Donna Hershey Ms. Nancy Hertel George A. Hesik Sanford & Elizabeth Hess Ms. Carolyn S. Hesse Ms June Heuerman Mr. Howard Heyman Lucia W. Heyworth Ms. Patricia A. Hickey Ms. Diana H. Higgins Ms. Jane Higgins Mr. & Mrs. William W. Higginson Mr. & Mrs. John P. Higginson, Jr. Howard E. Hight Peggi Hilgenberg Ms. Barbara Hill Ms. Jennifer Hill Ms. Joan A. Hill Ms. Katherine G. Hill Mrs. Linda Hill Mr. Jordan J. Hillman Ms. Susan Hillman Mr. James Hilst Kenneth Hilton Erich & Ingeborg Himmel Hollie Himmelman Ms. Susan Hinderman Ms. Sharon Hindery Ms. Nancy Hines Ms. Stephanie Hinkel Ms. Judy Hinrichs Hirsch Family Barbara Hirsch Mrs. Elizabeth Sohn Hirsch Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Hirsch Mr. & Mrs. Allen Hirschfield Ms. Lisa Hirschfield Eiichi Hishino Ms. Shirley J. Hiss Cynthia Hlad Jack Hlustik Wai Hung Ho Dr. An Hoang Ms. Susan K. Hochgraber Ms. Patti Hodge Sandra Hoedel Ms. Carol Hoefer Robert & Carolyn Hoelter Ms. Sue Hoerauf Charles & Stephanie Hofbauer Bernard Hoffmans Bruce Hoffman Mr. Dennis Hoffman Ms. Donna M. Hoffman Mrs. Eileen Hoffman Mr. Thomas Hoffman Ms. Jane Hoff-Smith Mr. David K. Hofstatter Michael & Helen Hogan Ms. Amanda Hogg Ms. Allison Hogreve Ms. Tracy Garon Hojka Michael & Patricia Hoke Ms. Kathleen Hoker Ms. Louisa Holaday Mr. William Holder Mr. Jeff Holdman Mrs. Sharon Holihan Bradley Holland Ms. Elizabeth A. Holland Barbara Hollaran Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Holleran Dr. Gene Hollingsworth Mrs. Victoria Hollister Ms. Jeanette Holmes Ms. Priscilla L. Holmes Ms. Phyllis Holtane William & Sue M. Holtane Ms. Barbara Holton Charlene Holtz Fred & Sandra Holubow Ms. Mildred Homolka Ms. Patricia Honeycutt Mr. Bill Honquest Ms. Lesley Hoover Ms. Margaret Hoover Mr. Warren R. Hopkins Ms. Helen B. Hopton Mr. Jon J. Horino Mr. Gary L. Horn Ms. Susan Horn & Mr. Don Honchell Ms. Veronica Hornbostel Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hornbrook Ms. Kathey Horvath Mr. James C. Hoult Mr. Jeff W. Howard Ms. Pamela Howard Gail Howden Henry & Annie Howe Ms. Doris L. Howell Susan Howell Dennis & Christine Hrdina Doreen Hsu Judith Anne Hubbell Ms. Marilou Hudacek Mr. Brad Hudson Lois Hudson Ms. Linda Huelke Pfleger Ms Robyn Huffar Gracine Huffnagle John & Hildegarde Huggins Mr. Charles Hughes Wesley Hughes Ms. Karen Hull Ms. Beth Hult Mr. John W. Humes, Jr. Ms. Audrey Hunt Rex M. Hunt John Huntington Ms. Amanda B. Hurn Ellen Husarik Ms. Eleanor Huske Ms. Susan Hustad Mr. David Hutchinson Charles & Charlotte Hybl Mr. John Hyla Pamela A. Hynes Mr. Dan Ibach Ms. Christine Iffland Ms. Anna Igoe Mr. & Mrs. Brian Igoe Mr. Michael L. Igoe Sandra Ilker Mr. Brian Imus Diana Ing Dr. Jason Ingham Mr. & Mrs. David Innes Mr. Michael L. Invergo Preeti Iqbal Ms. Romaya Irving Mr. Barry Isaacson Mr. Joseph Isenbergh Renee Isley Mrs. Yuki Ito Ms. Gertrude Iwaniec Heath Izenson Mr. Robert Izzo M.E. Jacka Ms. Donna Jackson Ms. Hildegarde Jackson Ms. Lynn Jackson Marilyn Jackson Ms. Wendy Jackson Ms. Jill A. Jacob Ms. Mary Jacob Thomas M. Jacobazzi Ms. Carol Jacobs David & Diane Jacobs Allen & Nina Jacobsen Ms. Judy Jacobson Ms. Lisa Jacobson Ms. Heidi Jacoby Mr. Leonard Jacquard Ms. Diane Jaderberg Ms. Laura Jaegle Mr. Jaime Jaeschke Dr. Keith W. Jaeschke Ms. Dorothy Jagodzinski Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jaman Mary Rife James Ms. Patricia James Ms. Valeria James Mr. John Jameson Ms. Michelle Jancovic Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Janecek Caprice M. Janes Mr. & Mrs. Janicki Ms. Michele Janicki Ms. Marta Jankowski Dorothy L. Janousek Ms. Catherine Janowiak Mr. Donald Janus Daina Jaras Lawrence E. Jarchow Mr. & Mrs. Lou Jarosh Mr. John Jartz Ms. Christina Jarzabek Geri Jarzombek Mary B. Jasicki Mr. Raymond J. Jast Mr. Raymond Jaszkowski Mr. Robert G. Jaworski Ms. Jennifer Jaynes Mr. Frank J. Jazwiec Ms. Jadwiga L. Jedrzejak Attorney John A. Jeffries Mrs. Frances W. Jegen Florence & John Jekot Millie & Paul Jenista Ms. Laurie Jenkins Jeffrey Arthur Jens Mr. Eric Jensen Ms. Nancy Jensen Phillip Jepsen Ms. Lisa Jerger Mr. Russell J. Jersey Arlene R. Jerstad Mr. Jeremiah J. Jeske Mr. Edward Jeszka Mr. Joseph D. Jewell Ms. Kara Jewett Mr. & Mrs. William Jezyk Mr. & Mrs. Warren L. Jinks Michael & Erin Johannesen Ms. Marie E. Johansen Alfred & Karen Johanson William L. Johns Ms. Carol Johnson Christian & Belen Johnson Ms. Claudia Johnson Ms. Cornelia Johnson Mr. David R. Johnson Ms. Dawn Johnson Ms. Doris Johnson Ms. Elaine Johnson Ms. Gillian Johnson Ms. Grace M. Johnson Mrs. Harold Johnson Ms. Jane Johnson Jane L. Johnson Ms. Janet M. Johnson Mr. Jeffrey Johnson Ms. Jennifer Johnson Ms. Karen Johnson Ms. Katie Johnson Kristine E. Johnson Lauren K. Johnson Mr. Lawrence L. Johnson Ms. Louise Johnson Michael & Andrea Johnson Robert K. Johnston Ms. Rosalyn L. Johnston Mr. Bruce Jones Ms. Carol Jones Mr. Chris Jones Ms. Clarice J. Jones Ms. Doris Jones Ms. Jeanette Jones Laura Jones Ms. Mary Jones Phyllis Jones Ms. Robbie M. Jones David Jordan James & Kathleen Jordan Ms. Mary Jordan Peter & Karen Jorstad Elizabeth E. Josephites Ms. Cynthia Judd Jonathan Judge Laura Judge Patricia Judge Erma Judkins Mr. Michael Juhan Lars Juhl Ms. Barbara Jules Ms. Marguerite Juliusson Ms. Margo Julun Ms. Judith Jump Ms. Marie Jung Ms. Melissa Junge Mr. Walter Jurek Ms. Donna Juszczyk Mike & Carol Juza James & Suzanne Kach Ms. Laurel Kaeser Mr. Keith Kageff Ms. Madelyn D. Kahana David Kahl Geri & Joe Kaiker Ms. Patricia A. Kain-Samson Ms. Ruth C. Kaisto Ms. Theresa Kajtsa Ms. Janet Kalin Ms. Dorothy Kalina Kim Kalinowski Ms. Renee Kalinski Tom & Esta Kallen Ms. Susan Kalt Mr. Richard Kalweit Stanley R. Kaminski Thomas & Noreen E. Kaminski Ms. Patricia J. Kampsen Ms. Donna Kamuda Mr. James Kanak Ms. Maeve Kanaley Annie Kane Arthur Kane Ms. Candice Kane Mr. Matthew Kane Ms. Carole Kaplan Mr. Fred M. Kaplan Lyla Kaplan Ms. Kay Kappler Smica Kapur Ms. Patricia Kapustka Ms. Maryann Karac Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kardos Ms. Alice W. Karl Mr. Jerry Karlin Mr. Edmund Karls William Karnoscak Mr. Mike Karp Susan Karp Steven L. Karpenko Jesse & Lisa Kartus Ms. Eleanor Kas Vithal Kasbekar Dr. Iyad Kashow Ms. Laura J. Kasperski Ms. Adele Kasprzyk Ms. Natalina P. Kass Ronald & Frona Kassens Melanie & John Kastner Carrie Kauck Ms. Ana Kaufman Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kaufman Mr. Gary I. Kaufman Grant Kaufman Ms. Laura Kaufman Ms. Mary F. Kaufman Ms. Elizabeth Kautomen Mr. Matt Kavanaugh Mr. Edward M. Kay Ms. Donna Kayton Ms. Sandra Kayton Kathy Kazmar Ms. Karen Kazmierczak Chad Kazos Ms. Judy A. Kearney Ms. Kathy Kearney Mr. Richard Kearney Ms. Teresa Bolick Keckler Ms. Joanne M. Keefe Ms. Candace Keegan Mr. Pat Keegan Susan Keeler-Smith Ms. Barbara Keeling Mr. Michael Keen Ms. Barbara J. Keenan Ms. Margaret Keighley Mr. M. David Keil Ms. Judith L. Keitz Ms. Gail Kellberg Ms. Cynthia Keller Irvin M. Keller, Jr. Ms. Erin Kelley Sally A. Kelley Ms. Susan Kelley Ms. Sheralynn Kellough Ms. Anna M. Kelly Ms. Eileen Kelly Mr. Michael Kelly Mr. William E. Kelly Ms. Holly Kelson Mr. Harry C. Kemper Ms. Jean Kennedy Ms. Karen Kennedy Ms. Kathleen Kennedy Mary Lou Kennedy Patrick & Virginia Kennedy Mr. John B. Kenney Ms. Rita Kenning Geraldine Kentgen Ms. Betty H. Keoughan Ms. Theresa Kepes Ms. Laurie Kerber Ms. Michelle Kern Sandra Kern Bob & Pam Kerpec Mr. Keith Kessel Marise Kessler Ms. Martha Kester Mary & John Keyer William & Marlo Keyser Sylvia L. Kezele Ms. Donna Kibby Jeff & Jaime Kicklighter M. R. Kidder Ms. Laura Kiedaisch Mr. Anthony Kielar Ms. Mary E. Kier Ms. Pearl Ann Kikos James & Dorothy Kilian Pat Kilinskis Ms. Linda Kim Mrs. Michiko Kim Mr. Richard S. Kimmel Ms. Karen R. Kimmey Dr. Constance Kinast Ms. Tamara Kindelan Jennifer King Ms. Kathy A. King Ms. Nancy J. King Ms. Dorothy Kini Ms. Glynis Kinnan Mr. Richard Kinner John & Sylvia Kinney Ms. Maureen Kipnis Mr. Rich Kirby Mr. James R. Kirchner Ms. Helen M. Kirinich Carolyn & Gordon Kirk Ms. Laura A. Kirk Mr. Philip Kirk Mrs. Janet M. Kish Karen L. Kish Ms. Maria M. Kisiel Mr. Wilhelm Kisiel Rod & Anita Kissinger Kaoru Kitahata Ron Klaczak Kristin Klaczek John E. Klapper Ms. Anne Mary Klaprat Ms. Lynette Klaus Ms. Patricia Klbecka Ms. Victoria Kleban Ms. Glenda J. Klein Jean L. Klein Ms. Phyllis Klein Stephanie Klein Rita Klepitch Donald & Evelyn Klett Ms. Janice Klich Ms. Lisa A. Klich Mr. Peter Klimah Ms. Edith Klimavicius Mr. Richard Klimczak Keith & Lois Kline Mr. Jim Klingenberg Dr. Charles Klingsporn Ms. Carol Klink Sherry Kloeppel Mrs. Lisa A. Kloet Vicky Kloth Marty Kluth Thomas Kmetko Mr. Alexander Kmicikewycz Ms. Jacinta Knappenberger Zoran D. Knezev Dr. Ruth L. Knight Arthur & Sally Knott Catherine J. Knotts Fredrick & Louise Knox Mr. David Knutsen Dr. Sharon Kobak Margaret & Lester Kobylar Laverne Kocal Edward A. Koch Mr. Gerald Koch Ms. Shirley Koch Ms. Betty Kocoras Carol Koenig Ms. Joyce Koenig Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Koenig Ms. Corinne Kogut Erich Kohn Ms. Pamela J. Kokenis Ms. Katherine C. Kolano Ms. Darlene A. Kolbus Mr. Robert Kolbusz Ms. Jeannette H. Kolenda Philomena B. Kolesnik Barry & JoAnn Koller Roger K. Kolling, Jr. Ms. Charlene Kolodzinski William & Shirley Koloseike Ms. Marlene Kolz Ms. Lynne Kolze Tokuichi Komiya Ms. Mary Komparda Mr. Nicholas Kondelis Ms. Ruth E. Konitzer Ms. Electra Kontalonis Ms. Joanne Kopeck Ms. Diane Kopp Mr. Ronald W. Korajczyk Mr. Michael Korba Ms. Sandy Korda Ms. Elizabeth Kores Ms. Cheryl Koritko Susan Kornfield Ms. Katherine E. Kornijenko Ms. Mary Rose Korso Ms. Marianne Kosick Ms. Phyllis V. Kosick Ms. Cynthia R. Kosik Marlene Kosin The anTI-crUelTy socIeTy 2010 annUal rePorT —honor roll of donors Ms. Susan H. Kosinski Tony & Susan Kossiakoff Holly & Kelly Kost Ms. Nancy Kostelny Ms. Arlene A. Kotil Ms. Mary Kotoulas Dr. & Mrs. Donald J. Kovach Ms. Mary Jo Kovach Mr. Stephen Kovalcik Ms. Patricia A. Kovar Ms. Jennifer Kovel Ms. Delores Kowalczyk Mr. Keith Kowalewski Ms. Patricia A. Kowalski Mr. Scott Kozak Gary Kozlowski Karla Kozlowski Ms. Janine Kraak Diane & Steven Krachey Ms. Caryn Kracower Ms. Michele Kragulski Ms. Martha C. Krainyk Ms. Susan Kraj Brian Krajewski Nancy Kramarski Mr. Charles W. Kramer Janice Kramer Mr. Jeffrey A. Kramer Ms. Stacy Kramer Stephen & Norma Kramer Harold & Pat Kraske Ms. Joanne Krasnozon Barry & Judy Krause Mr. Thomas G. Krause Albert Krenz Ms. Linda Krestan Ms. Renee Kretschmann MaryBeth Kretz & Robert Baum Ms. Lorraine T. Kreuter James & Karen Krier Mr. Brad Krillenberger Mr. Jeremy Krinn Teryn Krisik Ms. Alice Kirstie Ms. Gail Krmenec Brian & Kelly Krob Ms. Grace Kroll Ms. Laura Kroll Steve & Susan Kroll Mr. Tobin Krueger Anita Krug Ms. Diane J. Krumm Diana B. Krumpfes Ms. Gloria Krupa Ms. Jean Krupin Ms. Debra Krupinski Ms. Laura Krupka Mr. Kenneth Krupowicz Mr. Neil F. Krus Joyce Kruschka Ms. Muriel M. Krutz Ms. Pamela Krzemien Mr. Arthur A. Krzyzak Ms. Jessica Kubiszyn Ms. Irene Kuc Mr. Jon Kucera Mrs. Lisa Kuckie Ms. Geraldine J. Kudla Ms. Gloria Kudulis Robert & Marjorie Kuehnau Ms. Jacqueline Kuehnle Ms. Chrisanne Kuenzel Frederick Kuester Mr. Larry Kugler Patricia Kuhlman Ms. Olga Kukhoreva Ms. Roberta Kulesza Mr. & Ms. Walter & Linda Kulikowski Judy Kulpa Robert & Judith Kunkel Mr. Timothy T. Kuo Ms. Ewa Kur Ms. Gina Kurek Ms. Elizabeth Kurien Ms. Halina Kurley Valerie J. Kuster P. Kusumpa Ms. Josephine Kuta Thomas & Donna Kutz Ms. Genevieve D. Kuznair Ms. Jan Kuzniar Ms. Virginia M. Kviz Mr. Kenneth M. Kwiatkowski Ms. Stephanie Kwidzinski Mr. Anthony Kwiecinski Ms. Barbara A. Kwiecinski Clotilda E. Kyle Ms. Lisa K. La Bute Mr. & Mrs. Desmond La Place Mary La Porte Ms. Helena La San A. J. Labarbera Mr. Vince Labash Ms. Frieda Labruno Mr. John Labuszewski Carrie Lach Mike & Kathleen Lachapelle Robert & Betty Lacher Ms. Terri Lackey Ms. DeAnna Lacko Ms. Carol D. Lacy Mr. David S. Lafferty Terry & Darlene Lafferty Ms. Christine M. Lafrancis Mr. Frank Lagodny Ms. Martha Lahti Margaret Laird Ms. Michelle A. Laiss Ms. Susan Lajeunesse Chuck Lakars Rebecca S. Lake Ms. Mary Ann LaMarca Ms. Cathy Lamb Ms. Dianne Lambersky Carrie Lambert Ms. Mary C. Lambert Mr. Robert A. Lambert Ms. Barbara Lamorte Ms. Jeanne M. Lamping Alfred Lampkins Ms. Carol Lanclos William Landes Mr. & Mrs. Karl Landl Mr. Peter Landon Laura Landrum Beth Landsman Ms. Barbara Lane Frederick & Sheila Lane Ms. Janet Lane Louise Lane Susan G. Lane Ms. Aimee Lang Ms. Jeanette M. Lange Steve Lange Ms. Michele Langenfeld Mr. & Mrs. James Langengeld Ms. Joan E. Langhans Dr. Craig Langman Ms. Lisa K. Lanz Ms. Margaret Lapcewich Ms. Andrea Lapczynski Ms. Joanna E. Laraia Ms Kathleen M. Larimer Ms. Colleen B. Larkey Mr. Richard G. Larsen Barbara J. Larson Ms. Catherine Larson Lon & Molly Larson Ms. Marie R. Larson Ms. Susan Larson Jerry W. Lasky Mr. Allen Lattof Gladys Laudani Ms. Cecile M. Lauer James & Marilyn Lauesen Ms. Nancy J. Laughlin Mr. Edward Laumann Terry Lavigne Judy Lavin Mr. John C. Lawler Ms. Pamela M. Lawlor Ms. Mary Lawson Patricia & Calvin Lawson William & Madeline Lawson Mr. Matthew Lawton Jane Lazar Deborah Lazzara Ms. Patty Le Compte Winfred M. Leaf Dr. Christine Walko Leahy James & Raya Leahy Ms. Susan Leahy Ms. Karen Lebergott Girvena M. Leblanc Ms. Margaret M. Lebrecht Mr. Dennis Lederer Karen Ledger Ms. Dolores Lee Ms. Hyun Ji Lee Sharron Lee Ms. Susan E. Lee Deborah Leff Ms. Joan E. Leff Ms. Linda Legac Ms. Constance Legris Julie A. Lehmann Mr. Robert C. Lehmann Ms. Wilma H. Lehmann Mr. Daniel Lehnerer Ms. Beverly J. Leidig Carl & Laurie Leigh Ms. Richard C. Leigh Ms. Barbara Leighton Ms. Monica Leitner Ms. Megan Leivant Ms. Marie E. Lejcar Ms. Amanda Lekkas Mr. Michael Lembo Ms. Joy A. Lemm Keith & Lucia Lemmer Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lemon Mr. James Lemonides Ms. Marlene L. Lenart Mr. Thomas W. Lengacher Ms. Betsy Lent Mr. David Lentz Ms. Kathryn Lentz Ms. Mary Lenz Mr. Rafael Leon Tony & Linda Leon Mr. & Mrs. James E. Leonard Nicholas & Mary Lou Leone Mr. John J. Lepkowski Ms. Jennie Lepp Mr. Michael Leppen Juliet Leppert Ms. Ann R. Lerman Somsiri Lertpanichpun Edward Leshin Peggy H. Letchos Asa T. Lett Ms. Fran Levato Dr. Julia F. Levering Ms. Carolyn Levin Ms. Julie Levin Ellen Levine Mr. David Levinson Steve & Jeannette Levitt Elizabeth J. Lewandowski Kathleen Lewanski Lewis Family Ms. April Lewis Lillian Lewis Ms. Margarete Lewis Kelly Leypold Ms. Roberta Lichten Ms. Joyce Lieberman Mr. & Mrs. Morris Liebling Mr. Wayne Liesch Mr. Ken Lietz Billie Lin Ms. Susan Lincke Salecker Mr. Charles E. Lind James & Debra Linday Mr. Richard Lindeman Mr. Dennis R. Linden Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Linden Ms. Lorelle Lindo Mr. John Linn George & Jacqueline Linnik Mr. Ian M. Linsell Mr. Paul Linsell Ms. Eleanor G. Lint Ms. Agata Lipka Ms. Nancy Lipman Ms. Janet Lipowski Mark & Jane Lipp Judith Lipson Dr. Paul M. Lisnek Lynne M. Liss Mr. Thomas Liss Ms. Lisa Littrell Ms. Mary Ann Livingston Ms. Felicia Lobianco Ms. Margaret Loboda Ms. Mary Lobue Ms. Rose Locker Ms. Patricia Lofgren Christine & Tom Lofland Jeffrey & Becky Lofstrom Ms. Mary Loftus Mr. Bart Logiudice Mr. Vern Lohman Mr. Thomas Lohr Ms. Sandra Lombardi Mr. Sergio Lombardi Ms. Kelly M. Lombardo Ms. Suzanne Lombardo Mr. Scott Lomill Lorraine C. Londis Sherry & Robert London Christopher Long Mary Ellen Longdon Mrs. Cathy A. Loomis Ms. Carmen Lootens Ms. Graciela Lopez Ms. Iris M. Lopez Ms. Josephine L. Lopez Susan Nordstrom Lopez Joseph & Eileen Lopiccolo Lisa Lorenz Ms. Judith Lorenzi Mr. Steven J. Lorisz Mr. Michael Loser Deborah & Michael Losito Ms. Marion Louck Ms. Joan Louis Mr. John P. Louis Norris Love Claudia Lovelette Ms. Michelle Low Ms. Judith D. Lownes Mr. Chad A. Lubben Mr. John P. Lucas Mrs. Sheila Lucas Barbara Lucchese Ronald & Tracy Luczak Ms. Wendie Ludwig Sherry E. Luebbers Ms. Connie M. Luecke Mr. Michael Luethy Mr. Brian A. Luftman Ms. Jane Luiso Mrs. Terry Lukasik Ms. Kathleen Lukavsky Ravi Lumpkin Mel Lund Michel Mr. Jeffrey D. Lundgren Rochelle Lurie Luschen Family Kayle Luthey Charles & Judith Lux Mrs. Connie Luzwick R. Luzwick Mary Lou Lybolt Mr. Payton Lyle Ms. Eileen M. Lyman Mary Ellen Lynch Ms. Sally Ann Lynch Sara Corcoran Lynch Ms. Deborah Lyngaas Ms. Michelle Lynn Tracy Lynn Ms. Wendy Lynn Ms. Debra Lyons Ms. Diana Lyons Mr. John Lyrla Mr. Dennis MacDonald Ms. Pamela MacDonald Ms. Cynthia J. Mach Ms. Carol MacHalinski Ms. Nancy Machura Mr. Leonard Macijunas Ms. Nancy Regan MacIntosh Ms. Susan Mack Ms. Grace MacKay Ms. Paula MacKenzie Mr. & Mrs. E. MacLaughlin Ms. Madelyn MacMahon Ms. Carole Madden Ms. Joan C. Madden Ms. Joy A. Maddox Chitra Madhavan Mr. William C. Madlener Mr. Robert Maduzia Ms. Louann Maggio Christiane H. Magiera Manning B. Mahaffee Ms. Doris Maher Ms. Kathryn Maher Mr. Gregg Maier Mr. Ronald J. Mainellis Ms. Roberta Maish Ms. Iris M. Maiter Mark Majd Ms. Catherine Majeske Ms. Andrea Majewski Ms. Erin Majka Ms. Deborah Major Virginia Major Rita Makaris Brian & Michelle Maki Mr. Maurice Malaise Ms. Melinda Malecki Mr. Joseph Malee Ms. Elizabeth Malito Joanna Mallers Ms. Jane Malless Ms. Ann C. Mallow Mr. Thomas Malmquist Mr. James Malnar Ms. Mary J. Malone Mr. Michael Malone Amy V. Maloney G. Maloney Rosemary Maloney Ms. Therese Maloney Vincent A. Mancini Ms. Helen Mandel Mr. Ronald W. Mander Barbara & Joseph Mangi Ms. Sarah Mangi Carol G. Mangiaracina Marc & Rachael Mangoubi Mr. Brett Mann Ms. Diane Mann Jeffrey & Letitia Mann Jeffrey Mann Mr. Stephen Mann Melanie Manner Mrs. Ludwig Mannheimer Jadwiga K. Manning Christa Mannion Joyce J. Mantels Kristen L. Mantzoros Mary & David Manupella Ms. Susan Manus Mr. James J. Maracek Rosemary & Dominic Maratto Ms. Beatrice A. Marchese Marco & Jamie Ms. Lynn Marcocchio Ms. Karen L. Marcus Ms. Agnes J. Marek Ms. Diana F. Marek Frank W. Mareska Violet R. Margly Lynn Mariano Ms. Donna Marino Ms. Elaine J. Marion Mr. Steven Markasovic Ms. Penny L. Markowski Ms. Sharon Marlhiori John & Sharon Marlin Ronald Marmer Ms. Deborah Marnul Ms. Kathleen M. Maronta Ms. Sicily Marquardt Mr. John E. Marqui Ms. Tina Marroquin Scott & Sarah Marsch Gregory & Anita Marschalek Carla Marsh Ms. Casey Marsh Mr. Miles A. Marsh Mr. OK S. Marshall Ms. Katie Marszewski Hannah Marthaler Ms. Angie Martin Ms. Anne Martin Mr. Gary Martin Ms. Jean E. Martin Ms. Michaelene Martin Peter & Gaye L. Martin Ms. Valeria Martin Ms. Kate Martine Ms. Barbara Martinec Ninfa A. Martinez Renee Martinez-Soukup Mary Ellen Martinkus Mr. Robert F. Martwick Ted Marusarz Ms. Jean Mascetti Ms. Bernadine Masek Stella Mash Reza Mashaiee Mr. Adam M. Maslowski Mr. James Maslowski Ms. Cathy Mason Ms. Joyce J. Mason Ms. Nancy N. Mason Ms. Rebecca Mason Jantina E. Masoncup John & Barbara Massey Ms. Catherine Masters William & Melissa Masterson Ms. Shana Mastoon Ms. Beverly N. Masuda Steven & Judy Masur Ms. Connie Mategrano Mr. Jeffrey P. Mathe Hon. Veronica Mathein Mr. John W. Matkey Mr. Daniel Matlin Ms. Diane Matousek James & Sheryl Matt Dan Mattes Ms. Silvana Z. Matthews Ms. Victoria Matthews Ms. Leah Matthias Mr. Jason Mattix Ms Beverly Mattz Mr. & Mrs. Harlene T. Matyas Ms. Patricia Matz Mr. Walter P. Maupay, Jr. Ms. Mary E. Maurer Daniel Mauro Christopher & Michelle Maxson Ellen Maxson Ms. Sarah Maxwell Karen T. May Mr. Ronald May David Mayer Karl & Barbara Mayer Ms. Susan J. Mayer Ms. Sarah Mayhan Mr. Richard J. Maynard Anthony E. Mayo Robert & Tessie Mays Mr. Thomas A. Mays Marian Maznyk Ms. Katherine Mazure Ms. Arlene Mazurek Ms. Joan M. Mazurek Ms. Colleen Regan Mazzetta Ms. Sherry Mazzetti C. Mazzone Madeleine O. McAfee Ms. Laura J. McAnally Edward & Joyce McAuliffe Ms. Lynn McAuliffe Ms. Joann McCambridge Ms. Deborah S. McCann Mr. Garry McCarthy Mr. John V. McCarthy Ms. Eleanor McCaslin Ms. Norma McCauley Rev & Mrs. Jeffrey McClough Ms. Heather McComas Ms. Betty A. McConkey Ms. Anne M. McConville Ms. Katherine McCorkle Ms. Jane McCormick McCoy Family Ms. Paula J. McCracken David & Susan McCurdy Ms. Laura McCurdy Ms. Joyce McDade Mr. Thad McDaniel Ms. Dianne M. McDermott Ms. Marcia McDermott Joy McDevitt Ms. Jacqueline S. McDonald Mr. James D. McDonald Kylie McDonald Nancy McDonald Mr. Ray McDonald Ms. Patricia McElligott Mr. Terry J. McElligott Nancy J. Wood McElmeel Ms. Arlene McFadden Ms. Norma J. McFarlan Ms. Charlene H. McFeely Ms. Janet McGill Mr. Edmund McGlynn Maureen McGrath Micheal & Barbara McGraw Carolyn Mcguire Ms. Keri McGuire Mary J. McGuire Ms. Nadine McGuire Mr. Raymond McGuire Terry McGuire Carol McGury John & Lynn McHugh Dr. Jeanmarie McInerney Mrs. Mia M. McKenna Ms. Noreen McKinstery Charlene McLaughlin Ms. Nora McLaughlin Donald & Elsa McLean Ms. Janette A. McMahan Virginia McMillan The anTI-crUelTy socIeTy 2010 annUal rePorT —honor roll of donors A.T. McMurray Ms. Nancy W. McMurry Ms. Bonita McNally Maureen T. McNett Amy L. McNulty Ms. Judith McNulty Mr. Frank McQuade Mr. & Mrs. Walter McShane Kevin & Laura McVey Jennifer Mears Dr. Alexandria Z. Meccia George & Florence Mede Ms. Julie Medina Ms. Nuncia Medina Ms. Cindy Medrano Ms. Cynthia Meehan Mr. David Meier G. Meier Mr. Carl Meinzer Mrs. Toby B. Meister Patricia J. Melzer Mr. Timothy Memet Dr. S. Mendak Antoinette Mendino Mrs. Linda A. Mennig Ms. Phyllis C. Menter Ms. Dolores Mercado John D. Mercer Ms. Michelle Merlo Ms. Dina R. Merrell Ms. Tammy J. Merrill Mr. John Merriman Ms. Linda Mersky Mr. Alan Meshberg Mr. James Mesi Mr. Paul S. Mesnick Mr. Gregg Messerschmitt Dale & Jill Metcoff Maureen S. Meter Frederick & Wilma Metz Ms. Laura L. Metzger Mark Metzner Eileen A. Meyer Jonathan & Julie Meyer Phyllis Meyer Ms. Veva Meyer Mr. Donald Meyers Mr. Gary Meyers Ms. Margaret Meyers Ms. Mary Lin Meyers Maryanne Miarka Ms. Joyce E. Micco Mr. Richard L. Miceli Ms. Jan Michalec Mr. John H. Michalek Jean Michalopoulos Amy Michel Kirby Michelson Ms. Rosanne Michuda Ms. Karen Middleton Mr. Kevin Mies Ramune M. Miglinas Joyce Mikasen Ms. Kathryn Mikel Ms. Arlene M. Mikol Walter Mikol James J. Mikolitis Carole Mikonis Mr. Thomas Milak Mr. James R. Miles Ms. Dianne Millard Adam Miller Ms. Amy Storch Miller Mr. Bruce D. Miller Carl E. Miller Mr. Christopher G. Miller Mr. Dennis Miller Ms. Jacqueline Miller Katherine Miller Ms. Kathleen Miller Ms. Luisa C. Miller Ms. Mary Jane Miller Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Miller Mr. Michael Miller Mr. Richard A. Miller Ms. Rita M. Miller Mr. Robert Miller Ms. Sheryl Miller Stephen & Sarah Miller Steve Miller Ms. Susan M. Miller Ms. Tammy L. Miller Mr. William Miller Ms. Sally Miller-Schumann Ms. Kristin Milles Ms. Harriet Mills Mr. Wilbur K. Mills Douglas Millward Ms. Susan M. Milojevic Mr. John Milwee Ms. Laura Minard Mr. Nicholas R. Minear Ms. Mary Mings Ms. Peggy Minnick Kai J. Bunch Minor Ms. Cynthia M. Minta Mr. Gerald Minter Mr. Richard C. Minto Mr. Thomas M. Mints Mark & Loryn Mischke Charles Mishoulam Mr. George J. Misner Mr. Jason Misner Mr. & Mrs. Lyman Missimer Christine M. Mitchell Mr. Christopher G. Mitchell David & Kristen Mitchell Ms. Diane Mitchell Ms. Elizabeth L. Mitchell Ms. Margaret L. Mitchell Wayne & Nancy Mitchell Mr. Edward J. Mitchen Dr. Al G. Mitsos Ms. Antoinette P. Mix Mr. & Mrs. Werner Moders James V. Modesto Michael Modica Terry & Betty Modlin David Moes & Jani Lesko Laura Moffitt Mohar Family Robert & Mary Beth Mohn Mrs. Dorothy W. Mohr Tom Mohr Moliere Family Mr. Ralph Molina Mr. & Mrs. Morton Mollner Ms. Helene Molnar Mr. Robert Molumby Ms. Janet Monahan Mr. Gerald Moncada Adolphine H. Monroe Richard Montalbano Ms. Gisela S. Monteleone Ms. Carla W. Montgomery Ms. Sarah Montgomery Mr. Gregory L. Monti Ms. Arlene Moody Mr. Patrick Mooney Donna D. Moore Mr. Douglas Moore Ms. Anne Morales Ms. Catherine Moran Mr. Charles Moran Ms. Lisa Morano Ms. Cheryl Morelli Audrey R. Morgan Ms. Catherine Morgan Mr. Peter Morgan III Jack & Cynthia Mori D. H. Moriarty Ms. Monique Morneault Ms. Barbara Young Morris Mr. Brad Morris Ms. Catherine Morris Cathy Morris Ms. Myrna M. Morris Mr. Bradley Morrison Ms. Nancy K. Morrison R. E. Morrison Mr. Richard L. Morse Ms. Patricia Mortell Ms. Joan Morton Suzanne Morton Ms. Wendy Morton Mrs. Zorine Morton Mr. Joseph A. Moschiano Ms. Renate H. Moser Ms. Margaret Mosgers Ms. Amy Mosling Judy Mossholder Nicholas & Kathleen Motherway Ms. Shannon R. Mough Ron & Amanda Moy Gayle A. Mrock Todd & Janice Much Ms. Linda S. Muchow Tim & Tracy Muellemann Ms. Dorothy Mueller Ms. Elenore M. Mueller Ms. Francene Mueller Ms. Samantha Mueller Mr. Richard V. Muhlethaler Casey Mulle MM Janne Muller Ms. Doris Mullet Ethel Mullin Mr. Lee Munder Mr. Orland Munoz George & Tonya Murdaugh Angel Murdock Ms. Laurie Muriello Ms. Clare Murphy Elaine C. Murphy Gladys Marchbanks Murphy Ms. Jean P. Murphy Maureen Murphy Ms. Janice Murray Ms. Lois Murray Mr. Paul Murray Ms. Diana Murrell Mr. Michael W. Muryn Mr. & Mrs. Curt Mussar Betty Jane Muth Mr. David Mutnick Evelyn F. Cozzi Muzio Ms. Diana K. Myers Jacqueline K. Myers Ms. Jane P. Myers Mr. Ken Myers Ms. Maria Myers Mr. Don Myketiak Mr. Jerome F. Mytych Ms. Evelyn Mytyk Debra Nadeau Ms. Louise Nadenik Mark & Jan Nadler Ms. Kristin Nagaro Ms. Jeanine Nagle Donna L. Nails Nobu Nakajima Calvin Nakata Mr. Kyle S. Nakazawa Ms. Leoniia Nakutis Devika Nandagopal Mr. James Nanke Uday Narahari Jodi Nardella Linda A. Naru Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Narva Ms. Arlene Natale N.S. Natanek Scott & Wendi Taylor Nations Dr. Jory Natkin Mrs. Richard Neal Ms. Ellen Neder John Neff Chelon Nehring Ms. Ruth E. Nehring Linda Nellett Mrs. Anita L. Nells Ms. Barbara J. Nelson Barbara Nelson Ms. Christina Nelson Ms. Dorothy A. Nelson Jean & Robert Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Nelson Marguerite L. Nelson Rev. Dr. David C. Nelson Mr. Richard Nelson Siobhan T. Nelson Stephen Nemic Christine Nentwig Heidi Neri Mr. James Nesbitt Dave Nesnidal Ms. Nora Ness Paula Nessel Mrs. Walter Netsch Kurt & Melissa Neubauer Mallory K. Neuberg Mr. & Mrs. Gary Neuhardt Mignone C. Nevinger Donald & Sara Newell Ms. Judith Newell Ms. Delores Newhouse Ms. Patricia L. Newman Ms. Elaine T. Newquist Mr. Michael Neyman Mr. Michael Nezgoda Ms. Susan G. Ng Ms. Victoria Ng Ms. Susan Ngoon Nga Nguyen Ms. Denise Nichols Mr. Patrick Nichols Ms. Jill Nicholson Ms. Nancy Nickerson-Flowers Ms. Susan Nicoll Howard & Cathy Niden Kathleen Nieder Ms. Bernice Nieft Ms. Antoinette Nielsen Leif & Valerie Nielsen Mr. Leif I. Nielson Mr. Gary Niemand Ms. Christine E. Niemann Carol Niemoller Ms. Margaret Nier Ms. Kim Nierman Ms. Delores Nigro Ms. Helen Antol Nigro Ms. Chiarra Nitti Ms. Suzanne Nitz Mr. Wayne J. Nixon Mr. Terrence Noble Larry Nodulman Mr. Andrew Noha John & Elizabeth Nolan Thomas L. Nolan Mr. John R. Noonan Ms. Sheila R. Norgaard Ms. Donna Norkus Ms. Lucille Norman Ms. Jeannette M. Norsen Ms. Janet M. North Ms. Rose Northon Ms. Carol Novak Deborah Novak Ms. Mary A. Novak Ms. Norma Novak Ms. Liz Nowak Ms. Magdalena Nowak Susan M. Nowak Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Nowak Ms. Marianne Nowicki Ms. Dolores Noworolnik Ms. Svetlana Nuger Ms. Charlene T. Nuti Ms. Myra Nyberg Mr. James Nyka Mr. Ron O’ Donnell Tim & Sally Oakes Dave & Linda Oakland Ms. Lucy D. Oakwood Ms. Ruth C. Obalil Ms. Elaine Obergfell Delbert & Lois Oberst Ms. Olga Obholz Ms. Donna O’Brien John & Genevieve O’Brien Ms. Margaret M. O’Brien P. O’Brien Mr. Thomas O’Brien Donald & Ginette Ochitwa Ms. Sarah Odeh Ms. Anna O’Donnell Ms. Amy K. O’Dowell Mary H. Oehler Ms. Katherine E. O’Hara Ms. Mary Ohm Perry & Cynthia Okano Jay Okeefe Daniel & Marla O’Keefe Mrs. Gertrude Olah Ms. Lynn Olavarria Judy Olds Mr. Michael Olesky Arnold & Nancy Olexik Pam Olhava John B. Olijnyk Ms. Karen Olin Ms. Susan D. Oliver Mr. Gregory B. Olley Gerry Olson John T. Olson Ms. Judith Olson Ms. Judy C. Olson Ms. Mary Olson Ms. Theresa Olson Mr. & Mrs. Warren K. Olson Billie G. Oltman Mr. Herbert M. Olujic Ms. Ute Omalley Mr. George W. O’Malley Ms. Pamela Omay Mr. Lawrence O’Meara M. Rachelle Omoto Mr. William E. Oneil Ms. Janet O’Neil Kathleen Oneill Patrick & Joan O’Neill Gayly Opem Ms. Linda Opfer Ms. Ingrid Orentas Daniel J. O’Riordan Frank & Sandy Orlandino Wojciech Ornowski Brian D. O’Rourke Debbie E. Orozco Ms. Georgene M. Orr Ms. Donna Ortiz Everett & Elizabeth Ortiz Evan Osar Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Osborn Marion M. Osborn Jerome & Kathryn Osen Marjorie & Derk Osenberg Ms. Joan A. O’Shea Ms. Barbara Oshita Mr. Greg J. Oster Noelle Ostrom Mrs. Lorraine Oszakiewski Mr. Robert Otruba Jean Ott Ms. Patricia Ouska Sidney & Barbara Overbey Mr. Ian Owen Ms. Margaret S. Owen Ms. Kevin & Margaret Owens Gerard J. & Diane C. Ozark Mr. Gregory J. Ozark Mr. John Ozuk Sebera Pacheco Kim Pack Alan Pacquer Ms. Anne Padilla Ms. Evelyn Padorr Ms. Emily L. Page Ms. Colleen Pagnani Mr. Enzo Pagni Ms. Paula E. Pahlke Mr. John Paisker Martin & Judy Paisner Mr. Richard F. Palesh Ms. Helen Palmer Ms. Kathy Palmer Ms. Grace Palmleaf Ms. Lisa Palmleaf Ms. Amanda Palmucci Maryellen Palombi Frances C. Panico Ms. Susan Panozzo Susan & Ronald Panzer Ms. Jane A. Panzloff Mr. Alfred J. Paoletti Mr. Thomas Papagiannis Jennifer Papahronis Stanley & Candy Papuga Mr. Joseph A. Paradiso Ms. Patricia Parent Ms. Christine Park Mr. Robert Park Benjamin Parker Samantha Parker Sue E. Parker Ms. F. J. Parkerson Mr. Brian Parkinson Ms. Marina Parkinson Ms. Barbara Parks Ms. Cynthia Parks Ms. Nancy Paroubek Mr. Lawrence J. Parrish Ms. Corinne G. Parson David & Joan Parsons Ms. Marilyn M. Parsons Randal & Mary Parthe Ms. Beverly J. Parylak Barb Paschke Charles & Kathryn Pasco Asta Paskevicius Ms. Lina N. Paskevicius Ms. Stephanie L. Patalano Ms. Christine H. Patek Urjeet & Aloka Patel Ila Patlogan Mr. Charles R. Paul Isha & Gayle Paul Ms. Kathryn A. Paul Ms. Marian Paulitz Mr. Michael K. Paulsen Richard & Marilyn Pauwels Ms. Melissa D. Pavek Ms. Susan Pavlow James & Diane Payton Mr. Richard Pazdzioch Ms. Betty Peacock Ms. Sue Peacock Mark Pearlstein Mr. Russell A. Pearson Ms. Alison Pease Mr. Joe Peco Tekla Pedigo Ms. Ellen Peirce Ms Louise Peischler Ms. Janet A. Pelech Ms. Casilda Pellini Ms. Kathleen Pemberton Ms. Patricia Pembroke Mr. John W. Penachio Mr. Charles Penhaligen William & Elisabeth Penne Ms. Margaret Peo Mr. Edward Perales, Sr. Charles G. Pere Ms. Terri Perelman Mr. Joseph P. Perez Ms. Saralyn Peritz & H. Shidlowsky Ms. Betty J. Perkins Harriette L. Perlman Ms. Cecelia Perpich George & Wendy Perrett Ms. Alice C. Perry Mr. Randall Perry Mr. Dan W. Persinger Mike & Deanna Persson Marjorie Pesaresi Ms. Sandra Pessina William & Jeanette Peter Mr. Don Peterka Barbara Peterlin Heidi Petermann- Lumpkin Ms. Betty Peters Ms. Elizabeth Peters Ms. Jo Ann Peters Mr. Joseph Peters Ms. Marsha Peters Ms. Paula Peters Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Peters Carl Petersen Ms. Cathy Petersen Karla Petersen Ms. Alice Peterson Ann S. Peterson, M.D. Ms. Christine G. Peterson Gary & Irene Peterson Jeffrey Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Larry Peterson Mr. Thomas Peterson Mr. Walter R. Petri Ms. Ann Petric Ms. Georgia B. Petrie Ms. Barbara Petrucci Mr. Timothy M. Petry Mette Pettersen Ms. Judy Peuckert-Held Ms. Brigitte Pfeiffer Ms. Ruth Pfotenhauer James & Marianne Phalin Ms. Kathleen Phelps Mr. Philip L. Philbin Ms. Amy Phillips Caroline Phillips Mike & Andrea Phillips Henrietta Picchiotti Michael & Jennifer Pichla Ms. Eleanor Pick Mr. John Pickell John & Joanne Pickelman Ms. Grace Pierson Ms. Pamela Pifer Ms. Deborah L. Piha Mr. & Mrs. Ken Piller Ms. Bernice Pink Ms. Karen Pink Ms. Libby Pinkelton Ms. Vara Pinnamaneni Mr. Eric A. Pinto Ms. Kasia Piorewicz Ms. Janet L. Piper Mr. Ken Piper Edward & Arlene Piszynski Ms. Christa M. Pittel Bill & Susan Pitzele Ms. Laura Piwowarski Mr. Edward J. Plachno Ms. Jill Placko Ms. Karen A. Placzek Mr. Michael Platt Ms. Eileen Pobat Mr. Anthony Pocedeleon Mr. Philip Podgorny Mr. Tom Podlesak Mr. Ronald F. Podschweit The anTI-crUelTy socIeTy 2010 annUal rePorT —honor roll of donors Mr. Arnold J. Podzimek Mr. Michael S. Poelle Ms. Kathryn Polak Ms. Donna Polanek Karen Polin Ms. Marie Polinski Mr. Armando Poliseno Mr. & Mrs. Burt Polk Lisa Pollard Byron & Judy Pollock Ms. Jeanette Polowinczak Mr. Mark Polyakov Mr. Richard J. Pons Mr. Hal Pontious Ms. Jean Ponzo Brynne Poole Gloria A. Pope Ms. Leann P. Pope Ms. Barbara J. Popish Ms. Carol Ann Porebski Michele Poretto Brian Posen Carol Poss Mrs. Pat Potenza Mr. William Potock Ms. Terese A. Potthast Marc G. Potts Leigh A. Powell Mr. Joseph Power Mrs. Michelle Powers Mrs. Margaret Pozniak Ms. Ann Prackaila Rick & Noreen Prenzler Mr. Samuel Press Mr. Michael Pressler Ms. Carol L. Prestiano Gayle Prete Mr. Tim Pretzsch Mr. & Mrs. David F. Preusen Ms. Karin Preusse Alkes Price Ms. Diana Price Ms. Ann Prignano Ms. Karen Prindle Sandra S. Prioletti Ms. Sarah C. Pritscher M.K. & J.B. Pritzker Ms. Carol Proctor Ms. Carol S. Proesel Mr. George E. Proper Ms. Charlie Propsom Miss Patricia A. Pruitt John H. & Katherine M. Prusaitis Harry & Ellen Przekop Gail Przybek Ms. Theresa Przybylo Gregory & Nancy Puchalski Ardith L. Pucin Ms. Eve Pusateri Mr. & Mrs. James Pushaw Mr. Donald D. Putman Ms. Teresia A. Quandt Ms. Beth Quigley Eileen & Samuel Quilki Gloria Quinlan Ms. Nancy K. Quinn Susan Quint Elisier Quintana Ms. Gail Rabin Mr. William B. Raby Mr. Robert Rachel Mr. Walter D. Rachmaciej Barbara Ann Raczy Mr. Dean Radcliffe Ms. Mary Radix Ms. Dolly Radloff Mr. Scott D. Rafalson Ms. Mary Raftelias Mr. Frank Raguvo Daniel & Mary Rahill Mr. Mike W. Raia Ms. Rosemary B. Raimondo Robert Rainer Ms. Karen L. Raisanen Kevin Ramon Rashmi Rampuria Dennis P. Randall Ms. Denise L. Randolph Asha Rao Ms. Connie Rappaport Ms. Carla Rash Ms. Pam Rashid Mr. Phillip E. Raskin Zoran Raskovich Mr. Raymond Ratajczak Ms. Lauretta M. Ratz Ms. Jacqueline L. Raucci William & Peggy Rauscher Ms. Constance Rawa Ms. Alisa Ray Mr. Jeffrey A. Ray Ms. Eileen Ray-Minchk Ms. Susan Reagan Mrs. Wallace R. Rechel Leslie A. Recker Ms. Jan Reeger Robert & Leslie Reeves Mr. Greg Regnier Mr. Russell Regnier Mr. William Rehberg Mr. John E. Rehmer Ms. Janine Reid Jamie L. Reifman Kell & Barb Reimann Ms. Christine L. Reimer Mr. John N. Rekas Joseph Rekas Mr. Matthew S. Renczarski Lynn Rendall S. Renigers Ms. Barbara Reninger Ms. Alison Renner Ms. Geri Rennhack Dawna Renshaw Mr. Russell T. Repple Mr. Mario P. Retondo Mr. Donald W. Reusche Mary J. Revak William & Mary Reyner Cindy Reynolds Debra L. Reynolds Ms. Jacqueline Reynolds Mr. James Reynolds Garry & Eddy Reznic Ms. Josephine Rezzuto Vytautas & Linda Ribskis Steven & Kimberly Ricchio Mark & Susan Richards Pat Richards Ms. Peggy G. Richards Thomas & Diane Richards Mr. John Richardson Mr. Richard W. Richardson Ms. Evelyn R. Richer Ms. Dolores M. Richert Thomas Richie Leslie C. Richmond Ms. Bernadelle Richter Mr. Don Richter Mr. Thomas H. Richter David & Kathleen Riddell Robert & Marguerite Ridgeway Jane Ridley Ms. Judith Riess Virginia Rigney Gail D. Riihimaki Ms. Betty T. Riley Edith Riley Ms. Kathryn Riley Mr. John C. Rinas Ms. Marge Rinchiuso Ms. Margaret Ring Mr. Michael F. Rintz Amy Ripepi & Mr. Garry Grasinski Chad & Lauren Risley Fred & Caryn Rivera Ms. Ruth Rivera Mr. & Mrs. Elliott C. Robbins H. Zane & Barbara Robbins Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Roberts Ms. Julie Roberts Savi Roberts Ms. Susan Roberts Ms. Jennifer A. Robertson Lynn Robertson Ms. Mattie Robertson Solvig Robertson Alice Robinson Ms. Cynthia Robinson Ms. Diana Robinson Ms. Jerri Y. Robinson Joyce J. Robinson Ms. May A. Robinson Linda Rockey Ms. Sue Rockich Donald & Edna Rodd Mr. Tom Rodell Mr. Mike Roder Carol Rodgers Ms. Judith Rodgers Ms. Mary Rodgers Mrs. Mary K. Rodighiero Ms. Diana Rodriguez Hilda Rodriguez Ms. Joanne Rodriguez Mr. Nelson Rodriguez Paula J. Rodriguez Ms. Laura Roeger Bobbie Roeske Ms. Linda J. Roesler Mr. & Mrs. James Rogan Elaine Rogers Mr. Michael Rogers Ms. Sheri Rogers Ms. Lynn Rogner Robin Rohe Nancy Rohn Mr. Martin Rohrich Mr. Dan R. Roin John Rokacz Ms. Irene R. Rokaitis Michelle Rokavec Jon Roketenetz Mr. Henry W. Rokicki E. N. Rolfe Ms. Kathryn Rolfes Ms. Carmen Rollery Richard & Shirley Roma Ms. Andrea Romain Mrs. Chris Roman Ms. Gladys L. Roman Ms. Karen Romano Nicole Romito Ms. Margaret Ronan Ms. Mary Roos Mr. Thomas Roos John & Susan Roper Ms. Anne Rorimer Mrs. Malcolm S. Rorrie Ms. Rachel A. Rose Mr. Melvin K. Roseman Larry Rosen Ms. Lillian Rosenau Ms. Ellen Rosenbaum Ms. Carol Rosenberg Ms. Ellen Rosenfield Mr. Ronald Rosenow Arla G. Rosenthal Daniel & Jessica Rosenthal Peggy Rosley Ms. Beth J. Rosner Anne Ross Ms. Arlene Ross Cletus E. Ross Eugene & Patti Ross Frances Ross Ms. Karen Rossetti Ms. Julie Roth Laura Roth Mr. Mark Rothas Ms. Naomi Rothbart Ms. Jean L. Rothbarth Mr. Richard B. Rothman Mr. & Mrs. William Rothwell Ms. Catherine Roty Gale Roubik Ms. Stefania Rous Mary A. Rouse Warren & Jan Rouse Mr. Daniel Roush Ms. Beth Royston Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Ruark Ms. Barbara Rubas Wayne Rubinstein Ms. Denise Ruby Stephen & Sandra Ruby Stephen & Gail Rudisill Bobbie Rudnick Mr. Lewis Rudnick Don & Mary Rudnik Charles Rudow Ms. Anna Rudzinski M. Ruiz Aldona Rukuiza Barbara Rumminger Mr. Kevin Ruperd Mrs. Jennifer J. Rupp R. A. Rupp Ms. Carol A. Ruppert Ms. Elizabeth Rupprecht Ms. Joan Rupslauk Sarah J. Russe Deborah Russell Kelly A. Russell Robert & Carol Russell Mr. Thomas Russell Robin Russo Ms. Janet E. Rustigan Linda Rutili Mr. John Rutter Mrs. Barbara G. Ruvel Julie & Tod Ruxton Laurie & Steven Ruxton Mr. Charles W. Ruzicka Mr. Jack A. Ryan Ms. Jacqueline H. Ryan Ms. Jacqueline Ryan Ms. Johanna Ryan Mr. Martin Ryan Robert & Shelia Ryan Terry Ryan Ms. Cynthia A. Rybak Jeanine Coupe Ryding Ms. Carol L. Rymsza Dr. Robert W. Rynberk Ms. Sybil Rynowecer Jerome & Lorraine Sacheck David Sacks Ms. Donna M. Sadula Dan & Cindy Safran Mr. & Mrs. David Sager Ms. Deborah Sahnas Nadine & Sheldon Saitlin Lisa A. Sakai Ms. Clare Salamon Kathy Salas Mr. Robert M. Salatino Mr. Carl V. Salazar Ms. Natalie Salazar Mr. Donald Salenger Marcia Salerno Ms Susan Salerno Stuart & Rhonda Salins Mrs. Angie Samborski Marcia Sammons Ms. Jacquelin E. Samp Ms. Jane Ellen Samrick Ms. Carol Samuels Ms. Irene Betty Samuels Mr. Robert Sanaker Manuel & Danielle Sanchez Christina Sanders Mr. Tony Sanders Ms. Heidi W. Sandgathe Mr. Peter Sandquist Mr. James Sandrock Mr. John Sandry Ms. Janet A. Sands Ms. Carol Santelli Ann & David Santiago Mr. Leo Santor Mr. Samuel Santora Ms. Dolores Santucci Dominic & Mary Beth Saraceno Susan Sarb Michael & Janice Sardo Hajime Sargent Mr. Laurence R. Saslaw Steve & Donna Sassetti Ms. Rosannah M. Sather Ms. Dawn Saunoras Ms. Maureen Sauser Barbra Savage Mr. Donald C. Sawallisch Ms. Patrice I. Scarborough Ms. Kristie Scarpelli Ms. Ann M. Scesnewicz David & Patricia Schaefer Despo Schaefer Ms. Sandra Schafbuch Ms. Cate Schafer Ms. Cynthia A. Schalk Joanne Schalk Ms. Mary J. Schalow Mr. & Mrs. Schart Louis F. Schauer Sandra Schavie Ms. Marya S. Schechtman Ms. Judy A. Scheets Allen P. Scheitler Mr. Peter Schenk Joseph & Judi Schenke William Schey Ms. Cara Schiavone Ms. Kay Schichtel Ms. Mary Schillinger Mr. Robert Schleicher Ms. Nora Schlesinger C. M. Schlicht Mr. Charles Schliem Kenneth Schmidt Ms. Rebecca A. Schmidt Ms. Susan Schmidt Ms. Theodora Schmidt Ms. Karin Schmidtke Ms. Darlene M. Schmitt Gary & Loretta Schmitt Natalie Sue Schmitt Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schneider Ms. Penny Schneider Mr. Edward Schneidman Janice Schnur Ms. Jodi Schoeck Ms. Anne Schoenherr Mr. Ron Schofield William Schofield Mr. Michael Schommer Ms. Emilie Schrage Ms. Thera Schrank Ms. Catherine M. Schranz Mr. Douglas Schreiber Mr. Grant Schreiber Ms. Amy E. Schreiner Susan Schricker Warren T. Schriks Ms. Debra Schrilla Mr. Ray C. Schrock Ms. Kim Schroeder Ms. Karen Schroeder-Dukala Ms. Nancy J. Schubering Mrs. John S. Schubert Alice B. Schultz Ms. Ann Schultz Mr. Glenn A. Schultz & Ms. Susan Siska Mary Schultz Ms. Maya Waleson Schultz Mr. Mark E. Schulze Jeremy & Kara Schupp Ms. Mary Schurman Carolyn Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Louis Schwartz Mr. Matthew Schwartz Ms. Alison Schwarz Benedict Schwarz II Kay J. Schwarz Ms. Kathryn L. Schwass Ms. Beverly K. Schweda Mrs. Diana Schwer Ms. Lynn Schwerman Ms. Jane Scollay Jim & Jan Scotellaro Carly A. Scott John & Maria Crawford Scott Mr. Dennis Scudieri H. Seaborg Mark & Vada Seals Dave & Suzi Sears Kathryn Secrest Ms. Sabine Sedall Mrs. P. Sedarski Mason M. Seglin Carl & Claudia Segneri Mr. William D. Seibert Laureen P. Seils Ms. Sandra K. Seim Ms. Sharon Seivert Mr. Steven D. Self Dr. Ilana Seligman Mark L. Seligman Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Selix Mr. David R. Selmer Lawrence & Veronica Sepin Mr. Stephen Serpe Lindsey C. Serrate Patricia Sershon Ms. Rita Service Ms. Paulette Setlak Chris Sevening Ms. Cara Sexton Mrs. Renate S. Seyter Mr. Steve Shadden Mr. Harold Shade Mr. Richard J. Shaftic Amy Shanahan David J. & Diane Shanahan Mr. Jack Shanahan Margaret Shanahan Ms. Phyllis Shannon Mr. Fred Shapiro Mrs. Ilene A. Shapiro Ms. Donielle Sharma Roberta J. Sharp Mr. William Shatkus Ms. Kendra Shaughnessy Mr. Arthur A. Shaw Ms. Lynn Shea Ms. Erin Shencopp Jean F. Shepherd Ms. Carolyn Sheridan Ms. Carol Sheriff Donald & Sandra Sherline Ms. Judy Sherman Mr. Dan W. Sherry Yoshio Shibazaki Mr. Andrew Shinkai Mr. Thomas Shirley Sanford Shkolnik Mrs. Dale Shoemaker Ms. Diana Shoemaker Ms. Barbara Shomaker Ms. Marianne A. Shore Dianne Shorter Cheryl & Matthew Shrake Elizabeth A. Shubeck Kathy Shuster Kryzszoft & Izabella Siciarz Ms. Maria Siciliano Charles & Marlene Siddall Romolo & Harriett Sidoli Ms. Evelyn Siegel Ms. Jennifer Siegel Mr. Jerald A. Siegel Ms. Sandra Siegel Thierry Siegwart Dr. Donna Siemro Mr. William T. Sienkiewicz George E. Sieracki Ms. Pamela Sierra Mr. & Mrs. Julius W. Sih Ms. Eva Sikorska Joseph & Gay I. Silder Michael Silver Ms. Lauren Silverman Mr. Ralph J. Silverman Ms. Arlene A. Simko Ms. Joan Simmons Barbara Simon David & Joyce Simon Ms. Marie Simon Mr. Murray A. Simon Dr. Therese Simon Ms. Anabel Simons Ms. Julie Simpson Mr. Ronald H. Sims Mr. & Mrs. Greg Simunich Ms. Phyllis A. Sinclair Ms. Susan B. Sindlinger Mrs. Kimberly T. Sineni Ms. Mary Singelman Singhsumalee Ms. Christine Sinnott De Borah Sirilla Mr. Bernard L. Sison Ms. Lynn Sivertsen Mr. Richard P. Sivicek Ms. Dolores Skadell Mr. Tom Skees Don & Joann Skiba Mr. Wilbur Skiba Mr. Cary B. Skinner Ms. Judy Skinner Mr. Shawn Skoczylas Wesley Skogan Barbara Skonieczny Mr. & Mrs. William Skroch Ms. Karen T. Skutt Mrs. Joan Sladaritz Mr. & Mrs. Walter Slager Ms. Barbara Slater George & Maureen Slater A. Slattery Ms. Martha M. Slattery Mr. Arthur J. Slawson Ms. Gail Slechta Joe & Arlene Sliwa Ms. Becky Sloan Mr. Laurence Sloma Ms. Susan Sloma Mr. Joseph Slovick B. Slupik Mr. Michael Small Mr. John T. Smallwood Mr. Andrew T. Smaron Ms. Theresa Smigura Ms. Cherie Smith Mr. Daniel Smith David & Vicky Smith Donna Smith Ms. Donna Smith Janis M. Smith Mr. Joel W. Smith Mr. John G. Smith The anTI-crUelTy socIeTy 2010 annUal rePorT —honor roll of donors Ms. Julia Smith Ms. Kimberly Smith Lee & Patricia Smith Lee Smith Ms. Pam Smith Robert & Jeanette Smith Ruth K. Smith Mrs. William Smith Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Smolen Ms. Mary Smrekar Ms. Nancy Smylie Mr. Matthew Sneeden Gerald & Verna Snip Susan K. Snowden Mr. David Snyder Mr. Herbert Snyder Ms. Marlene Snyder Mr. Michael Snyder Mr. Michael Sobczyk Ms. Teresa Sobieski Ms. Zara Sobolski Ms. Helena Sobus Ms. Amy Sobut Ms. Charlene A. Soby Noreen R. Soell Ms. Gloria Sokolowski Ms. Maile Solis Mr. James Solomon Robert & Catherine Solomon Ms. Cynthia Soltes Margaret Solyomi Lawrence Sondler Terry Sonenberg Ms. Michaline Sonnenberg Mr. Robert M. Sonnicksen Ms. Beverly A. Sopko Mr. John L. Sorensen, Jr. Richard J. Sorensen Catherine A. Sorenson Ms. Judith Soria Mrs. Elizabeth Soroka Ms. Beverly Butz Sosa Susan Sostarich Mr. Paul Sotir Mr. John Sotos Ms. Marion Sottile Ted Soukup Mr. & Mrs. Galen South Manon Spadaro Ms. Linda Spain Betty J. Spaite Mrs. Vivien E. Sparacino Ms. Geraldine A. Spatz Ms. Dawn Marie Spaulding Ms. Sherri Spayer Mrs. Patricia G. Spear Ms. Janet Spears Brian & Nancy Spector Ms. Nancy C. Spector Joel & Beth Spenadel Ms. Barbara Spencer Mr. Norman F. Spielman Ms. Margo K. Spiess Ms. Rebecca Spindler Mr. Daniel E. Spingi Ms. Geraldine A. Spino Mr. & Mrs. James E. Spiotto Ms. Judith A. Spoolstra Ms. Rosemary Sprenger Ms. Josephine Sproch Ms. Susan G. Spurlin Mr. Philip J. Squattrito Francine S. St. Clair Ms. Noreen St. Lawrence Ms. Michele Stacer Dan & Mary Stacey Ms. Susan V. Stacey Ms. Donna Stachowicz Mr. Patrick Stack Mary F. Stafford Mr. David J. Stagman Mr. Edward Stahl Ms. Vanessa Stalling Mr. David L. Stallsmith Ms. Carol Stamas Ms. Maria Stamas Ms. Laura Stamp Mr. Robert G. Stanek Violet V. Stanek Mr. John W. Stanish J. Staniszewski Mark & Kathy Staniulis Mr. Ronald Stankiewicz Mr. Charles Stanley Mr. Robert L. Stanton, III Ms. Nancy Staples Ms. Linda E. Starek Mr. John F. Starostka Mr. John Starzyk Mr. Kevin Stasiek Ms. Patricia Staszak Ms. Susan Stearns Ms. Janina Stec Ms. Cynthia Stecher Stecich Family Margaret Steele Ms. Anne M. Stefan Mr. William Stefek Ronald Stein Ms. Karen S. Steingraber Mr. Robert Steinmeier Ms. Barbara O. Steinschneider Ms. Catherine Stembridge Veronica Stemplinger Ms. Paula Stendel Ms. Deborah M. Stephanites Kay A. Stephens Lori Stephenson Craig D. Stepnicka Ms. Carol Stern Denise Stern Mr. Gary Stern Patricia Sternberg Ms. Sherrie Sterrett Ms. Dorothy Stevens Julie Stevens Ms. Mary Ellen Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stevens Ms. Frieda Stevenson Ms. Peggie Steward Constance Stewart Mr. Gary Stewart G.R. Stewart Ms. Nancy Sticha Edward & Lorene Stickels Ms. Theresa Stiefel Peter & Patricia Stiles Ms. Christina M. Stillwaugh Mr. James P. Stimac Mr. Gregory Stinsa Richard & Shirley Stitt Ms. Elizabeth P. Stocker Ms. Cheri Stockhausen Carol Stocking Ms. Deborah Stocks Ms. Nancy Stogsdil Ms. Elizabeth Stojek Ms. Diana A. Stokes Clara B. Stone Donna Stone Ms. Lorraine Stone Ms. Marianne Storch Ms. Christine Stott Mr. Tim Stouffer Ms. Jayne A. Stovall Katherine A. Strama Ms. Debra Strand Dieter E. Strangl Tom & Kim Strauss Ms. Mary Stream Ms. Yana Striev L. Strnad Ms. Sharon Strobo Ms. Marilyn Strojny Kevin Stroupe Leslie Struthers Ms. Barbara Stryjek Mr. Daniel Stryker Ms. Margaret M. Strysik Ms. Marilyn Stuewe Carol Stukey Ms. Suzanne Sturgill Ms. Diane Stutika Nancy B. Styczenski Ms. Susan Styczynski Dodi Suarez Ms. Susan Suchy J. Suerth Jenny Suhs Ms. Jill Suhs Mr. Robert Sulander Dennis & Kay Sullivan Ms. Elizabeth Sullivan Jonathan & Christine Sullivan Mrs. Kris Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Sullivan Ms. Sally Sullivan Mr. Timothy Sullivan Mr. Timothy Sullivan The Sullivan Family Ms. Christine S. Sumida Mary E. Suranic Ms. Corrine Surma Mr. George Sus Ms. Norma Sutcliffe Mr. David Suther Ms. Yvonne Sutor Ms. Kathleen B. Sutphin Ms. Patricia Sutton Ms. Weona Sutton Mr. & Mrs. Steven Suvada Mrs. Gay Sven Mr. Raymond J. Svoboda Ms. Carol Swanson Ms. Constance Swanson Mrs. Joyce Swanson Judy M. Swanson Ms. Mary L. Swanson Ms. Mary Swanson Patricia Swanson Paul & Janet Swanson Ms. Susan Sweas Ms. Loretta Sweeney Michael & Margaret Sweeney Donald J. Sweigert Ms. Donna Sweiss Chris Swiatek C. Swieboda Ms. Susan L. Swierk Ms. Patricia Swindall Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Swisher Ms. Linda Swoboda Linda Sylos Brian & Diane Symonanis Jaime Symowicz Ms. Jennifer Syoen Ms. Lila Syre Ms. Carol M. Szabo Ms. Gina Szalay Mr. Brian Szczepanek Mr. Michael Szczerba Ms. Marilyn Szekendi Gerald Szesko Ms. Connie Szewczyk Mr. Jerry J. Szewczyk Valerie Szopinski Mr. Edward Szpunar Lauren Szwiec Mr. Joe Szymczak Ms. Judy Szymczak Mr. Joseph Szymzak Ms. Constance A. Tadel Ms. Maria Williams Tafolla Nina Tai James & Irene Tait Terry D. Takemoto Ms. Mary Tamasy Mark Tandaric Eileen & Richard Tanguay Nancy Tank Dieter & Ruth Tannenberg Ms. Elizabeth Tanner Bruce & Diane Tansini Mr. James R. Tansley Ms. Lisbeth A. Tarrant Ms. Patti Tart Mitchell & Margaret Tarvid Mr. & Mrs. George Tasson Pamela Tate Ms. Sarah Tatter Rose Carol Taul Iris L. Tausend Mr. Daniel Tausk Ms. Elizabeth Taylor Helen Taylor Ms. Louisa Taylor Lyndon & Daphne Taylor Ms. Marilyn Taylor Ms. Susan Taylor Mr. Norman S. Tchun Ms. Michelle Teague Mr. William T. Tedford John & Gloria Telander Steven & Julie Telkamp Ms. Melany Telleen Dr. & Mrs. Alvin G. Telser Ms. Marylou Tengblad James & Cheryl Terdina Ms. Teena Teruley Ms. Barbara J. Terzich Ron & Dee Tevonian N.R. Thakur Ann Thanoukas Ms. Elizabeth Theis Ms. Dolores Theiss Susan Thies Ms. Claudette Thigpen Eric & Kerry Tholl Ms. Carol A. Thoma Mr. Alan Thomas Candace L. Thomas Cherryl Thomas Mr. David Thomas Mr. Greg Thomas Henry & Trina Thomas Loretta & Felton Thomas Ms. Pamela Thomas Mr. Randy M. Thomas Mr. Rick Thomas Suzanne J. Thomas Beverley J. Thompson Charles V. Thompson Cindy Thompson Mr. Edward J. Thompson Mr. Samuel L. Thompson Mr. Tyrone A. Thompson Mr. James Thomsen Ms. Katherine Thomson Pamela Thomson Ms. Patricia A. Thomson Michele D. Thomure Ms. Sarah Thoren Ms. Tim P. Thorne Ms. Hilary A. Thornton Frank & Nina Thorp Mr. William D. Thrasher Tom & Wendy Thress Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Tiahnybik Ms. Carol J. Tibbie Mrs. Sue Tice Ms. Eileen Tierney Mrs. Jacqueline Tierney Mr. & Mrs. George Tighe Ms. Colette Tijan Ms. Laura E. Tilly Karen A. Timian Joan Timm Mr. Michael A. Timm Ms. Lisa Timmerman Ms. Marion H. Tinaglia Scott & Cindy Tinervia Mr. Donald Tipre Mr. Peter Tirone Anne A. Tittle Ms. Susan Tobias Monica Tobler Mr. & Mrs. Glen Todd Ms. Dolores Tofel Neal & Carol Tokowitz Ms. Jennifer Tolleson Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Tollestrup Milan Tomanovich Robert Tomaska Ms. Bonzena Tomaszewska Ms. Virginia Tomczak Ms. Irena Tomova Ms. Lisa A. Tomsheck Mr. Richard J. Tondi Ms. Joan M. Torkelson Mrs. Laimute M. Tornau Ms. Stephannie Torossy Ms. Katarzyna T. Torres Nancy Torres Judy Totte Ms. Carol J. Townsend Patrick & Sheila Tracy Ms. Barbara Trahey Ms. Julie Trainor Kathleen Trainor Ms. Laura Trakhtman Mr. Thomas Tranckitello Ms. Erma Tranter Ms. Cynthia Trautsch Ms. Charlotte M. Trebonsky Mrs. Beatrice N. Trenier Mr. Scott Tresselt Mr. Randall Tribue Mr. Joseph Triebwasser Ms. Wendy Trocchio Tracey & Darrell Trofimuk Ms. Ewa Trojnacka Mr. Tom Trucco Ms. Nancy C. Trump Marianna Trzyna Peter & Frances Tsolinas Ms. Suzanne Tsuchiya Mr. Mike Tsuruga Ms. Mary V. Tubbs Bonnie R. Tucker & Robert Keigher Ms. Margie Tucker Ms. Patricia L. Tucker Frances E. Tuite Ms. Kalina M. Tulley Ms. Cindy Tullis Ms. Ann Tully Ms. Shirley Tumaneng Mrs. Kelly A. Tummillo Ms. Judy Tummitt Ms. Karen Tuntland Ms. Mary Jane Tupiak Robert & Barbara Turf Elaine Turkington Ms. Constance Turner Mrs. Jay E. Turner Martha Turner Shirley Turner Ms. Elaine Turso Russ Tutterow Ms. Laura Tuttle Terre Tuzzolino Ms. Joanne F. Twomey Ms. Donna Tyler Ms. Fedora Tyler Ruth Tyrell Ms. Linn Ann Tyrrell Ms. Donita Ucherek Sue Uchida Mr. Richard J. Uchwat Phil & Pam Uhl Ms. Jeanette R. Uhlmann Mr. Ralph A. Uidl Richard & Beverly Ukleja-Kubitz Raymond W. Ulbrich Thomas L. Umbach John & Betty Underwood Mr. David L. Unti S. Untrberger Aziz & Junko Uras Ms. Hazel Urbano Frances D. Urh Joan Uth Ms. Alicia Utley Kenneth & Elizabeth Vaclavik Barbara J. Vahle Ms. Kathleen M. Vail Jeffrey Vaitkus Ms. Violet Vajgert Ms. Gertraud E. Valen Amy Valentine Ms. Grace L. Valentine Ms. Lila E. Valinoti Ms. Zola Van Deraa Karen Van Meter Benjamin & Julia Van Vliet Mr. Edward A. Vanduyne Tina Vannabantip Ms. Joanna B. Vanni Thomas Vanvuren Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Vara Ms. Mary J. Varak George & Evelyn Vargas Ms. Margarita Vargas Ms. Andrea B. Vaughan Erik Vaveris Mr. Charles Vavrosky, Jr. Dr. John E. Vazquez Ms. Theresa Vecchio Bernadine G. Vehrs Ms. Doreen Velasquez Ms. Muriel Velen Mr. John N. Venice Mr. Nicholas J. Venice Ms. Katherine M. Vennetti Ms. Nelly Verezhensky Dr. & Mrs. Herman & Gail Vergara Mr. John J. Verikas, Jr. Ms. A. Yolanda Vetrano Ms. April F. Victor Janet L. Vierke Mrs. Cathy Villarreal Ms. Francene Vincent Ms. Carol Vincenty Nancy Lee Violetto Ms. Norma K. Virgilio Irina Visotskaya Michael & Sharon Vitali Ms. Jacinta Vitello Mr. Brian S. Vito Ms. Mary Jane Vlamis Frances E. Vogel Ms. Velma Voglein John & Mary Vogt Mrs. Richard Vojtko Mrs. Charles Volanti Mr. Ronald Volanti Suzanne D. Volkmann Ms. Alisa Blount Von Riotte Kimberly Vonesh Ms. Martha M. Beck Vonpeccoz Ms. Victoria A. Vonunschuld Ms. Helen H. Voris Ms. Irene Voss Ms. Betty Vuvcich Mary S. Waati Ms. Linda Waggoner Ms. Barbara A. Wagner Ms. Barbara Wagner Mr. Clark L. Wagner Donald & Debra Wagner James & Elizabeth Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wagner William & Harriette Wagner Mr. Stephen A. Wahmann Ms. Mary B. Wainwright Gary & Kathryn Waitzman Eric & Kathleen Walania Mr. Albert R. Walavich Jan Walczak Ms. Virginia Walczak Ms. Veronica C. Wald Mr. Robert E. Waldron Mrs. Kathleen J. Walgreen Allison Dean Walker Ms. Deborah Walker Ms. Jessie B. Walker Ms. Carol Kyros Walker Christine Wall Mr. Jeremiah Wall William Lyon Wall Mr. Robert E. Wallace Mr. Jerry Wallack Mr. William D. Wallenbecker Ms. Sharon Wallwin Nadine Walmsley Bridget Walsh Kathleen M. Walsh Kevin J. & Patricia A. Walsh Ms. Nancy Walsh Erika Walter Greg & Kate Walter Ms. Judith Walter Pat Walter Ms. Carol L. Walters Lynne J. Walters Ms. Colette Walz Ms Martha J. Wandell Sharon Wang Dr. Anne B. Ward Ms. Florence J. Ward Michael Warner Richard & Sylvia Warner Mr. Shawn A. Warner Ms. Mary Warnicki Margaret Warren Mr. Steven Warsaw Ms. Gwenyth Warton Ms. Diane Warzecha Mr. Brian Wasielewski Ms. Marilyn Wasielewski Ms. Mary Wassilak Louise M. Wasso-Jonikas Ms. Catherine Wasylenko Ray & Bev Waszkowski Ms. Rosaleen Waters Ms. Toni Watrobka Mr. Douglas Watson Mr. Michael Watson Ms. Patricia J. Watson Zdzislaw Wawrzak Mr. Gerald Waxmonsky Mr. Jerry Waxmonsky Ms. Stephanie Wayda Ms. Grace Wayne Duane & Cynthia Weaver W. William D. Weaver, Jr. Mr. Ross Webb Mr. Abram I. Weber Ms. Charlette M. Weber Diana M. Weber Ms. May Weber Dorothy M. Webster Frances M. Wedge Ms. Elisa Weger Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Wegren Raymond Wehrmeister Mr. Bruce Weideman Ms. Kim Weidler Donna Weidner Joseph & Elizabeth Weidner Ms. Margaret M. Weiher Ms. Marla Weiner Stuart Weiner The anTI-crUelTy socIeTy 2010 annUal rePorT —honor roll of donors Ms. Judy Weingartner Perry Weinstein Kerry Weintroub Mr. Louis Weisbach Aaron Weiss Betty J. Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Fred Weiss Ms. Eleanor Weiss-Zoub Ms. Edith M. Weituschat Stan & JoAnn Weitzenfeld Mr. & Mrs. John J. Welch Ms. Nina Welly Ms. Carolynn Wendt Mr. Bob Weninger Ms. Gail Wentink Ms. Zofia Werchun Ms. Valerie Werle Mr. Ron Weslow Mr. Alan R. West Ms. Heather D. West Mr. Richard F. West Sandra West Ms. Jennifer Westerberg Ms. Marcia H. Wetherby Ms. Marsha L. Wetmore Mr. Charlie Wettersten Mr. Philip Wexler Ms. Isabella Wheatley Ms. Maryanna Wheeldon Ellen M. Wheeler Ms. Karen Wheeler Ms. Melissa Wheeler Normeasa White John Mark Whitehurst Ms. Delphia J. Whitfield Helen R. Whiting Mr. Larry Whitlow Thomas Whittinghill M. Whittington Ms. Amelia Wiatr Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Wiatrowski Ms. Lenore Wichiac Robert & Barbara Wichmann Kumja Wie Mr. Juergen H. Wiedel Ms. Bonnie Wienke Ms. Catherine A. Wiest Ms. Brooke Wiewel Dr. Harvey Wigdor Mrs. Lydia Wiggins Mr. Robert J. Wilczek Dolores J. Wilfenger Dan & Cheryl Wilger Mr. Allan Wilhonen Ms. Diane L. Wilk Ms. Stephaine D. Wilk Ms. Linda Wilkins Ms. Virginia Carter Wilkinson Mr. William Willcox Alma S. Williams Mr. Andrew Williams Ms. Betty Williams Mrs. Brucie Williams Ms. Carol S. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Donald Williams Mr. John Williams Mr. Kevin C. Williams Dr. Mary Pat Williams Ursula Williams Jennifer Wilnewic Catherine E. Wilson Ms. Emme Wilson Jackie Wilson Mr. James Wilson Mr. Jeff Wilson Mr. John Wilson Ms. Patricia Wilson Russell Wilson William & Debra Windisch Ms. Sara L. Wing Steven & Jane Winger Ms. Lorraine C. Wink Ms. Deborah Winkleblack Jamie Winkler Ruth P. Winzeler Ms. Jean Wirth Mr. & Mrs. James F. Wise Mr. Norman M. Wise Mr. Scott Wisniewski Mr. Eric Witherspoon Ms. Barbara Witkiewicz Ms. Jacqueline Witt Kimberly Witt Ms. Marion Witte Mary Witte Ms. Marilyn Witteman Ms. Marjorie Witty John L. Wodniak Mr. Steven Wohl Mr. Stephen W. Wojas Ronald R. Wojcik Ms. Elizabeth Wolf Sharon J. Wolf Mr. Mark Wolfson Ms. Linda Wolgamott Mr. Mark Wolicki Mr. Ira S. Wolke Mr. Augustine Wolosechek Ms. Irene C. Wolski Ms. Catherine Wolszczak Mr. Frederick Wolter Ms. Caron Wong Charles & Roswitha Wood Ms. Patricia A. Wood Stephan Wood Janet Woodall Mr. & Mrs. Alain Wood-Prince Mr. Charles Woods Gerarda Woods Ruth Woods Ms. Tracey Woodward Doris Woolsey Carrie A. Worley Dr. James H. Wortman Mr. John L. Wren Mrs. Judith Wright Ms. Susan J. Wright Mrs. Margaret Wydro Mr. Peter Wyler Ms. Carole Wyrostek Ms. Maria Yack-Hennessy Nancy Yacullo Ms. Susan Yanahan Ms. Laura Yarashus Mark & Heather L. Yeager Ms. Heather A. Yenik Patricia York Mr. Alan J. Young Derrick & Beverly Young Mrs. Mary A. Young Craig Youngberg Mr. Mark Youngberg Ms. Pam Yundt Ms. Geraldine Zablotny Ms. Monica L. Zabor Ms. Marion R. Zabransky Victoria A. Zacarias Ms. Jill Zaccariello James & Karen Zach Ms. Shirley Zagorski David Zahara Ms. Daniela Zaluda Rita Zambon Mr. John Zambreno Ms. Natasha Zand Ms. Emily Zapotocny Ms. Amy M. Zaremba Tom & Janet Zarley Alicia L. Zatkowski Ms. Diane R. Zbiegien Ms. Barbara Zbilut Ms. Ann Zdeb Frances A. Zec Ms. Paulette Zecca Ms. Tryna E. Zeedyk Ms. Constance Zehnder Ms. Nettie Zelkowitz Ms. Lynn Zemaitis Ms. Dorothy Zeman Mara Zemon Nicholas Zerebny Mr. James T. Zidlicky Dagmar Ziegler Ms. Nancy Ziegler Ms. Carolyn Zielinski Ms. Christine A. Zielinski Ms. Kathleen J. Ziemer Joseph & Florence Zilka Ms. Gail Zillich Ms. Susan Zimmer Leslie Zimmerman Mr. Michael Zimney Ms. Linda Zimnicki Charlotte Ziporyn Ms. Jeannette C. Zissis Mr. Albert R. Zito Mr. Clifford Zolna Mr. Timothy R. Zolph Ms. Angela Zombori Mr. Norbert Zook Ms. Rita A. Zralek Patricia A. Zsetenyi Ms. Margie Zuger Dr. Alan M. Zunamon Ms. Nancy L. Zuraw Ms. Mary Zwirn Jadwiga Zyzanska Insight Studios JPMorgan Chase Foundation Louise Schlichenmaier and Othon Ochsner Family Foundation MacArthur Foundation Mammel Foundation McMaster-Carr Supply Co. Michael & Carrie Gidwitz Charitable Foundation Motorola Foundation Nat P. Ozmon Family Foundation Pedigree Adoption Drive Foundation Pepsico Foundation Matching Gifts Program Schuler Family Foundation Sheldon & Pearl Leibowitz Foundation Suzanne Smelcer Robinson Family Foundation Three Floyds Brewing Co. Trans Union TrustMark Foundation Wells Fargo Community Support Wrigley Company corPoraTIons & foUndaTIons $250–$499 Bank of New York Mellon Community Partnership The Barefoot Hawaiian, Inc. Bark Bark Club Baxter Abbott Employee corPoraTIons BD Giving Campaign Bill Dillard Insurance Agency & foUndaTIons Action K-9 Security Bill’s Drywall, Inc. American Express Company BNSF Railway Foundation $25,000–$49,999 American Red Cross Brewer & Associates Anonymous Aon Foundation Brown, Udell, Pomerantz Aurelio M. Caccomo Apple Home Healthcare & Delrahim, Ltd. Family Foundation AT&T Services, Inc. CD Legrande Ltd. John R. Halligan B & K Specialties Ltd. Censea Charitable Fund BP Matching Fund Chevron Humankind Brown Family Foundation Matching Gifts corPoraTIons Buddies by Marlies, Inc. Chicago Association Canine Therapy Corps, Inc. Of Law Libraries & foUndaTIons The Chicago Community Clerk of the Circuit Court, $10,000–$24,999 Foundation Lake County Chicago English Bulldog Compro Painting & Decorating Helen Brach Foundation Rescue Continental Honda Chicago Area Combined Clinical Computer Systems, Inc. CornProducts International Federal Campaign Chicago Tribune Cortiva Institute, Chicago Chopper Trading, LLC The Community Foundation Costco Darling Family Foundation The David & Ellen Petrick Cotton Goods Manufacturing Freeman Family Fund Foundation Crane and Norcross Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. Dog-a-holics Creative Group, Inc. Maddie’s Fund The Dog Saving Network Crescendo Apparel, LLC Environmental System c orPoraTIons Douglas & McKay corPoraTIons Design, Inc. Endicott Coil Co., Inc. oUndaTIons & f Eric Holby Animal Engineering Systems, Inc. & foUndaTIons Welfare Foundation Equifax Foundation $500–$999 $5,000–$9,999 First Midwest Bank ExxonMobil Foundation Adreani Foundation HAMCO, Inc. Family Pet Animal Hospital Allstate Giving Campaign Animal Farm Foundation, Inc. Hawk City K-9 Ferret Background Checks, Inc. Emanuel J. Petru Armstrong Foundation HSBC Matching Gift Program FM Global Foundation Family Foundation Bank of America Icon Clinical Research, Inc. Frankel Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Matching Gifts Infinium Capital Frost Junior High School General Iron Industries Bear Stearns Charitable Management, LLC Gelber Charitable Foundation Gift Fund Inter-American Magnet School Good Shepherd Harris Investment iPet Chicago CNA Insurance Foundation Presbyterian Church Management, Inc. John V. Leigh School Cardinal Health Foundation Google Matching Gifts Program Hilton Corp. Jung Communications Gravity Tank Illinois Tool Works Foundation Castaways Foundation Kenneth H. & Linda CCH Incorporated HAB Associates, Inc Pets For The Elderly B. Robin Fund CME Foundation Harris Bank Foundation Foundation Kirkland & Ellis Foundation Concierge Unlimited Holy Trinity High School PetSmart Charities Kutchins, Robbins International, Inc. I Do Foundation Tails in the City & Diamond, LTD Dayton Foundation IBM Retiree Charitable Lumina Foundation Dorsey & Whitney Trust Campaign corPoraTIons Martin J. and Susan B. Company, LLC Illinois Institute of Technology Kozak Fund & foUndaTIons Dykema Gossett, PLLC Isabella, Inc. Ernsteen Family Foundation McDonald’s Corporation Jewish Endowment Foundation $2,500–$4,999 Morgan Stanley Fannie Mae Serve Program Joyce Foundation National Christian Foundation The Lawrence Pucci Fromstein Foundation American Dog Rescue Natura The Frye Foundation Animal Ark Veterinary Wedgewood Society Noni’s Food, Inc. Furnetic/Chicago Center Clinic PC Lea & Sachs, Inc. Northern Trust Charitable for Veterinary Medicine Bank of America Levi Strauss Foundation Giving Program The Gale Group, Inc. United Way Campaign Lyons & Pinner Electric Parrillo Enterprises, LTD GE Foundation Berman’s Auto Group/ Companies Pet Portraiture Goldman Sachs & Co. Star Nissan, Inc. Maas Auto Inc. Rovernight Network Matching Gifts Duda Family Foundation Malbec Partners, Inc. South Loop Dog PAC Hamill Foundation Grainger Matching Masuda,Funai, Eifert & St. Turibius National Haworth, Inc. Charitable Gifts Program Mitchell, LTD Junior Honor Society Intermark Hunny, Inc. Mayer Brown, LLP Sudler Sotheby’s JP Morgan Chase & Co. Kraft Foods Matching Menoni & Mocogni, Inc. International Realty LexisNexis Cares Gifts Program Merrick & Company Takeda Pharmaceuticals Leo Burnett Company Lincoln Financial Merrill Lynch Finance North America, Inc. Foundation Foundation Corporation Treehouse Humane Society The Lyon Family Foundation McCormick Foundation Metal Processing Systems, Inc United Way Systems Madison Dearborn McGraw-Hill Company Metropolitan Club University of Chicago Partners, LLC The National Christian Mills Family Charitable Wellpoint Associate Microsoft Giving Campaign Foundation Foundation Giving Campaign Truist Nuveen Investments Minnesota Thermal Science Zousmer Family Foundation Zeus & Company Oracle Matching Gifts MultiPlan Program National Association corPoraTIons Paradise 4 Paws, LLC of Boards of Pharmacy corPoraTIons Patterson Companies, Inc. Omeda Communications & foUndaTIons Prudential Foundation Out-U-Go! Pet Care Services & foUndaTIons $100–$249 Realtors To The Rescue P & G Investment, Inc. The Rovernight Network $1,000–$2,499 AIG Matching Grants Program PCS Administration (USA), Inc. Sax Trax, Inc. American Express Foundation Pfizer Foundation Abbott Laboratories Max Schlossberg Foundation Pierce Family Foundation Apple, Inc. AT&T Foundation Schwab Fund for Pitney Bowes Argonaut Management AT&T Illinois Charitable Giving Probitas Funds Group Services, Inc. Blum Animal Hospital Skycrest Animal Clinic Residence Inn Downtown Aspegren Charitable BP Fabric of America Fund Sutton Studios Magnificent Mile Foundation Brookfield Investment Unilever United States, Inc. RMB Capital Management AT&T Pioneers Management Inc. USBones.com Roscoe Villlage Bikes Aurora Investment Cyrus Shank Company Veejay Plastics, Inc. Rosenthal Brothers Management, LLC Denihan Hospitality Group West Monroe Partners, LLC Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Samuel Weinstein Family Discover Financial Services Foundation Ayco Charitable Foundation Edward & Verna Gerbic Schiff Hardin & White A-Z Medical Supply Family Foundation Spring Inn Corporation Global Impact St. Germain Church Bank of America Hanson Family Foundation Bank of Montreal IBM Employee Services Center The anTI-crUelTy socIeTy 2010 annUal rePorT —honor roll of donors St. Luke’s Lutheran Church of Logan Square Starcom MediaVest Group State Farm Insurance Thermal Laminating Wedgwood Society Tokio Marine Insurance Management Triangle Radiator Service, Inc. Union Pacific Corporation Verizon Foundation Versatility Tool Works Manufacturing Co. Wild Hogs Motorcycle Club Zadek Family Foundation esTaTe gIfTs Ms. Annalee Ayers Sophia Baka Ms. Jacqueline Basiaga Ms. Karen Bowdon Helen Buch Ms. Evelyn Bulin Ms. Judith A. Buntain Mrs. Betty Burke Caroline B. Cepek Ms. Martha D. Chauvet Ms. Thais G. Chitty Vivian E. Conner Ross I. Conner Mr. Robert Cowell Ernest A. Crawford John A. Delegan Evelyn J. Dudzik John C. Fautsch Ms. Ruth Feiereisel Frank B. Foster Charitable Trust Leona R. Garbarino Frances Gilmore David Goldman Mrs. Ruth C. Gough Mr. George L. Gough Elisabeth J. Gradenegger Ms. Lorene Grant Ms. Laina J. Greunke Ms. Harriet V. Grothstuck Ms. Helen Dorothy Hassan Bella Hechler Charitable Foundation Henrietta Horochina Ms. June R. Kakacek Marjorie Kamin Mr. Harold Knies Mitchell J. Koziara Allan Krause Wayne Krol Mrs. Patricia Lavell Albert Lorenz Karen McCaugherty John Newmark Ms. Helen Nicholls Geraldine Parker Daisy D. Patt Dr. Shirley J. Peterson Lynn R. Price Ms. Marjorie E. Rock Carl H. Sandin Marion V. Schmidt Charlotte B. Schmitt Lorraine Stellwag Ms. Elvira Teel Ms. Virginia Touhy Irving John Vesely Rose Vivian Ralph Weil John A. Wootton Josephine Wootten Mr. Richard Yasdick G.H. Zendt Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Zimpelmann The rose fay Thomas socIeTy a boUT oUr rOse fAy thOMAs socIeTy Named after our founder, The Rose Fay Thomas Society recognizes caring individuals who have remembered The Anti-Cruelty Society through a planned gift. In addition to a bequest in your will, you can provide support for The Anti-Cruelty Society through a number of planned gifts such as life insurance, IRAs, and real estate. A gift of an annuity can provide you with income during your lifetime while also providing for the animals now and in the future. As a member of The Rose Fay Thomas Society, you will receive the following benefits: • Recognition on the Rose Fay Thomas Society plaque in the Adoption Center lobby • A lapel pin designating your membership in the Society • Listing in The Anti-Cruelty Society Magazine • Priority invitations to The Anti-Cruelty Society benefits and parties • Discount at The Anti-Cruelty Society retail store • Reduced rate and priority scheduling for dog training classes • The reward of knowing that you are part of a community of caring, helping pets and educating people Your gift will help ensure that we will continue to be here with an open door for any animal in need for another 112 years. For information, please contact Nadine Walmsley at (312) 645-8001 or email [email protected]. Page 24 Anonymous (25) Mrs. Louise Aumiller Sam Backus Harriet M. Baird (Kawalski) Beth J. Baldwin Patrick J. Bell** Josephine Benes** Daphne Benos** Carleton M. Bergere** Susan Bernstein Rev. Dr. Warren F. Best Lee Biernat Gladys Blaydes Bunny Block Margaret Bloom** Stephanie Blythe** Charles Bozett** Geoffrey W. Breyley Diane Broniarczyk Lavinia Brown May L. Brown** Patricia Brown M. Diane Brown, Ph.D. Virginia Brown** Judith A. Buntain** Marie E. Buss Jeffrey A. Byrne Dr. William H. Cannon Trudy Cantu Shelby Carlson Kathryn Mozden Carmona Deanna R. Cash Diane Cash Marion Catron Dr. F. Elizabeth Challis Mrs. Ruth Chase Charlotte C. & Richard P. Cody Carol Ann Conforti Claire C. Cook M. Jean Cooper Ann M. Cortese Barbara Coussement Leona & Douglas W. Dancer Lillian Davison Anthony L. Dearechaga** Maureen E. O’Shea Detty Bob Douglas Mary K. Duffy Dr. Florence Dunbar** Mrs. Alfred V. Dunkin, Jr. Eleanor K. Ehling** James Albert Engdahl Pamela Erbe Anne Ferree The a nTI -crUelTy socIeTy The Anti-Cruelty Society Donna Ficcardi Chris Fitzgerald Dr. Oksana Folwarkiw** Todd Fox Barbara G. Frazier Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Frisch Marie Fugiel Steve Galantiere Lillian H. Gembyk** Maria J. George Betsy Gertz Carol A. Getman Lyle Gillman Doug & Linda Gilpin Jack Goggin Sonya Flyer Goldfein Adrianne Graff** Edith B. Gregsamer Jerry Hagerty Mr. & Mrs. L.R. Harmon Cynthia S. Harris Lonna L. Harris Madelon & Mel Hart Germaine Hartz** Shirley A. Heckelmann** Marty & Carole Hegarty George F. Hirschmann Vicki Hlavacek Richard & Kathryn Husarik Irene Imus** Carl E. Jacobson Arlene Jerstad Luise Jochum Jane L. Johnson Patricia R. Johnson Ruth Ann Jones Mr. Frank S. Juraska** Mrs. Frank S. Juraska Ms. Anne Kahle Arthur Kane Dorothy H. Karmowski Lyn B. & David J. Kaufman Jean L. Klein & Family Muriel Kolinsky** Louise M. Kruse** Laura M. Lamar Curtis J. Leach Wilma H. Lehmann Eva A. Logan Mrs. Elaine Lowell** Jane (Stern) Luiso Pamela Lukens** Elyse J. Mach Cathryn Mann** Sandra P. Manne Mrs. Anita Marschalek David S. Mazur Edna Mae McCarthy** John McCauley Kay McClure John McNamara Marion Meganck Mr. & Mrs. George Mikasen Jan Miller Nancie & Stuart Mishlove Margaret Mitchell Chris Mitts Myra S. Moglowsky Susan C. Morris Renate Moser Frederick Nix** John P. Norton Susan (Estes) & Mel Novit Tamara Novosad Franklin Nussbaum Patricia A. O’Brien & James Wirkus Arlene W. O’Callaghan Joni O’Connell Laura Odette-Clemons Judith C. Olson Miss Lynn Orschel Elliott N. Otis Carol M. Overman Joseph A. Paradiso John & Margaret Parke Donna M. Parker Darlene J. Patrick Marla & Scott Peckler Betty Perez** Carol A. Petersen Ann S. Peterson, M.D. Charles & Lynn Phillips Alan & Barbara Pokrzywa Bill Prewitt Barbara Provus Ralph Radley Carol Stafford Ralph Lisa Richards Evelyn R. Richer Elaine F. Robbins** Donald J. Rogers Robert & Sarine Rohde Michele Roumell Roberta V. Russo Angie Samborski Carl Sandin** Mrs. Sharon Scalise Harold Schessler Charlotte Schmitt** Jim Schneider 2010 annUal rePorT —The rose fay Thomas socIeTy Kathleen J. Schumacher Carol Seaton Evelyn B. Seyk** Alvin Shapiro Lenore Shapiro** Terrence A. Simale Debra Simon Barbara J. Sloane** David Wm. Smitches** Christine E. Soderberg Mary Spina Rosemary Sprenger Susan Stacey Rosemarie Stefaniw George A. Steindl, Jr.** Mary-Helen Steindler Connie & Orin Steinhaus Helene E. Strobel Barbara Stuart Lee Sullivan** Cynthia J. Sultz Carol A. Szablewski Ms. Lisbeth Ann Tarrant Kiyoshi Tateyama Lorraine Tateyama Dr. Ian W. Taylor Mary Anne Taylor Charlotte ThiemeckeFloyd, Ed.D. Marisa Timm Tod & Lori Turle Bernice S. Tyler Gloria Vaughan Ronald & Janice Vleck Edward & Rose Voska** Frederick W. Wackerle Anne M. Wall Carmen W. Walsh** Robert S. Wardzala Andrea I. Washington Betty Weber** Lillian Weber Dorothy Webster Lucille Weinress** Margaret Wendeler** Angela West, Esq. Georgiana Donase White Edmund J. Williams Freeman Wood, Jr. Patricia A. Wood Evelyn Woods** Alyce M. Wozinski Dale F. Zander** Sandra Zotti **Deceased cOMMunity Of cArinG events Community of Caring Events Past Events Supporting The Anti-Cruelty Society Our year was full of exciting outings that raised funds and awareness for our programs and services. They ranged from summer dog-friendly mixers to holiday bazaars and everything in between. Below is a quick glimpse of a few of our most popular summer events. We hope you will join us next year for these fun-filled gatherings. Paint Your Pet Liz Nierman joined us for an evening of painting and fun Gayly Opem painted her adorable furry friend Paint Your Pet is a painting and wine party hosted at local art galleries around Chicago. With the help of the incredible company Bottles and Brushes, our guests paint a from photo of their pet while enjoying wine, appetizers, and the company of other animal lovers. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be an artist to participate—local artists are on hand giving painting demonstrations to help you perfect your technique. Our latest Paint Your Pet was hosted in September by Mars Gallery (1139 West Fulton Market) and sponsored by Tri-Star Catering, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Starbucks, and Chicago Art Leasing. Live music was provided by Green Sugar. Join us on March 26th for our next Paint Your Pet event! Celebrity Rehab Bark-B-Que The Bark-B-Que committee enjoyed beach views Beach lovers and pups alike joined us September 15th for our first Celebrity Rehab Bark-B-Que at Oak Street Beachstro to raise funds for the renovation of our dog rehabilitation center. This event brought beach-clad dogs and their human companions together for one last summer hurrah while enjoying wine, beer, specialty cocktails, and a dinner buffet. Our Bark-BQue committee was key to making this event a success. Keep your eye out for details about next year’s Bark-B-Que. The Chicago Marathon Team Our first Marathon team was a huge success On your mark, get set, and run for our marathon meam! Our first Chicago Marathon team took on the challenge of raising money for the Society and running the 2010 Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago Half Marathon and the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. This amazing and dedicated group of runners finished 13.1 miles and 26.2 miles respectively for the animals—a great accomplishment. In March, each runner set out to raise at least $600 and train to go the distance. With the help of our coach, Mark Buciak, and our sponsors, Marathon Sportswear and Universal Sole, we are proud to say that almost every runner finished! We are currently recruiting runners for our 2011 marathon and half marathon teams. Sign up before February 1st to ensure you are registered for your race. Race registrations are expected to sell-out early this year. For more information or if you’d like to join our team, contact [email protected]. Mary Kelly poses with her pooch after the run Winter 2011 Page 25 Page 26 The Anti-Cruelty Society Board member Shannon Schuyler visits with Cuddles Bobby and Rue Dufkis pose for a photo Feline fans and canine lovers joined us at Chicago’s Hard Rock Hotel on October 1st for The Anti-Cruelty Society’s 10th annual It’s Raining Cats & Dogs! gala, sponsored by Hill’s Science Diet and Chopper Trading. This was the first year that the Society has hosted the event offsite, and it proved to be the best we’ve ever had. NBC 5 meteorologist, Andy Avalos served as master of ceremonies for the evening. Over 300 guests were treated to delightful dishes from our celebrity chefs, including; Jimmy Bannos of Heaven on Seven, Steve Chiappetti of Viand, Jesse DeGuzman of Sunda, Radhika Desai of English, Amanda Downing and James Gottwald of Rockit Bar & Grill, Michael Fiorello of Mercat a la Planxa, Abbie made friends and played all night Guests watch our live auction raise money for the shelter in our “Bark Ballroom” Boris Kirzhner of Saloon Steakhouse, Robyn Marfurt of Fountainhead, Laura Martinez of Charlie Trotter, Jessica Oloroso of Black Dog Gelato, Ryan Pitts of RL Restaurant, Mark Sparacino of Prosecco, Eddie Sweeney of Catch 35, and Randy Zweiban of Province. Decadent desserts were presented by Eli’s Cheesecake, Baking for the Taking, Pisano’s on Broadway, and Black Dog Gelato, while Starbucks served afterdinner coffee. Guests sipped on Kilo Kai Rum and Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka cocktails while they bid on auction items. Music by Train Company entertained dancing guests in the Bark Ballroom, while the Varioso Duo set the tone in the Alley Cat Café. Sunda dazzled guests with their sushi creations Opposite: Catch 35 prepared their exquisite grilled and chilled shrimp Our $5,000 cash raffle proved to be a hit for raffle winners, Jamie and Janna Teich, who graciously donated $3,000 back to the Society. The newly enlisted wine pull allowed guests to take a chance at winning a $150 bottle of vintage Dom Pérignon or an exquisite bottle of $200 Château Pape Clément Bordeaux. Live and silent auctions that included jewelry from AM Feldman and mingling with adoptable cats and dogs rounded out the evening. This year It’s Raining had a very special purpose: All funds raised are helping to fund our shelter façade repairs. In total, the event raised just over $105,000. We want to send a heartfelt thank-you to all of our sponsors, volunteers, and guests for making this event the best ever! Andy Avalos awards Jamie Teich the cash raffle Winter 2011 Page 27 The Remarkable Mr. Fredrickson Page 28 The Anti-Cruelty Society Mr. Fredrickson, an eight-year-old toy poodle mix, was one of 80 dogs rescued from a puppy mill raid in Tennessee last April, and brought to The Anti-Cruelty Society to have a second chance at finding a forever family. When he arrived at the shelter, Mr. Fredrickson was dirty, hungry, and frightened. After exams by one of our veterinarians and our behaviorist, and a good grooming, he was ready for adoption. Our Customer Service staff brought him to visit with them at our service desk—front and center to the public eye, constantly being socialized and introduced to new people. Mr. Fredrickson was the first dog Chantelle Allen saw when she visited The Anti-Cruelty Society Adoption Center. Looking to find a new family pet, Chantelle heard his story and instantly knew she wanted to give him a better life—a stable family, a loving home, and care for like he should have received all along. Due to his shy demeanor, it took some time for Mr. Fredrickson to settle into his new home, and now he has completely opened up and is happy as can be. Mr. Fredrickson was the perfect dog for Chantelle and her family and he has made an extraordinary impact on their lives—an impact that she didn’t know was possible. “I adopted this dog thinking I would change his life, but he ended up changing mine,” said Chantelle. “He is the best thing that has ever happened to us.” We are happy to see that Mr. Fredrickson found his perfect match with the family he always deserved. “Every day when I get home from work, he does his happy dance,” said Chantelle. “He also loves to cuddle under blankets and watch Law & Order SVU with my girls and me.” Winter 2011 Page 29 r ecOGnitiOn AnD r ecOGnitiOn r eMeMbrAnce AnD r eMeMbrAnce The following tributes were made from July 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010 Tia To the Rescues Tootsie Toto Tucker Whiskers & Skittles Wilson In honor of PeoPle Mittens, an adorable cat, was adopted from The Ant-Cruelty Society in 2001 In honor of anImals Abe & Dash All of our family pets Amy Angel Applesauce & Porkchop Bandit Beethova Bela & Boris Benny Billy Drew Binstein Brown Lab Bucky & Bam Buster, Old White, Bill & Lucy Charlie Clyde & Oliver Coal Coco Crash Daley, Paulie, Chloe Darcy Matilda DeMarco Dusty Eek Fleecy Foxey Franklin Tommy Gargano George Ginger Goliath & Hercules Griffon Happydogg Henry Hooch Peggy Hough Jack Jake Keotch Shepherd Kryszewski Page 30 Langdon Lily Tiger Lulu Madimi Maggie Max & Missy Maxi Mickey & Pepper Mickey, Buddy, Chico Mikey Milo & Boomer Minnie Mooka Moxie, Biggy, Buster, J.R. Nikki & Bonnie Peanutbutter Pepper Phoebe & Abby Pierre Piglu Piper Prada Princess Rabbit Reggie Franklin Riley & Rufus A Needy Rodent Russell Sadie Sammie Sascha Satyn Savannah Scruffy Seamus Shadow Sheba Sparkle Spirit & Buddy Sprinter Stinky Tahoe Terra The Anti-Cruelty Society Charley Abernathy, D.V.M. The Anti-Cruelty Society Behavioral Hotline The Anti-Cruelty Society Volunteers Susan Babin Robyn Barbiers, D.V.M. Dr. John Brancel Jeffery & Catherine Bryant Ken Buksa Marsha Butman John Chase Karen J. Connell Michael S. Flynn Virginia Frankenberger Charlie Galloway Leni Gambaro Jim Glass, Erik Rehder, James Biggs Charmaine Grandau Judy B. Gregor Bernard Hansen The Harrick Group Carole Herhold Helen L. Jackson Erna Jaegen Micky & Bob Jameson Kelly Kaiser & Matt Bauer Ketevan Kamkamidze Chris Kielch & Alina Gierzban Nicole Klein & Kevin Chen Walter Kondrat Christine Kremer Debbie A. Levitan Kai Lewin Love & Family Jane Ludwig Mark Macesich David W. McArthur Justin Mroz & Shelly Howell Connie Nelson Carol Overman Caroline Phillips Ashlee Piper Barbara L. Provus Matthew Reinhard Shari Ribordy Andrea S. Rose Joan E. Schulthesz John Shudell, D.V.M. Dennis Sullivan Kenneth & Christine Tanaka Connor Treccia Kathleen Van Lanen, D.V.M. Nadine Walmsley In memory of anImals Ace Albion Alex & Amber Mikey Alexander Sugar Alexandria Buddy Andruszko Angel Angie Girl Baby Bailey Baily Kitten Bamm Bear & Lincoln Beetky Bella Bijou Barkley Sue Block Max Bloomer Bo Bonnie Boomer Bandit Bucaro Buttons Baby Bornstein Brigette, Brewer & Pepper Brillo & Molly Buddy Buddy the Flying Wonder Dog Bumbles, La Vie Rose & Cocoa Puff Suco Burgner Burton Buster Cassie Caterina Charlie, Keechy & Dax Cheyenne Chrimbo Chris & Sparkles Cinders Addy Clair Clancy & Cagney Clark Colonel Conrad Pugsly Cornwall Courtney & Arthur Cowboy Crystal Cuddles Daisy Dakota Daisy Danielson Deena Greystoke Deibert Daphne Dimperio Dixie Dixie & Tucker Doofus Dutch Duke Dylan Fahng Fearless Feisty & Pepper Fergie Pookie Fesi Fido the cat Jaeger Flesner Fritz Fudge Bessie Mae Pemberton Fuelling Genevive George Oreo Gibbs-Segarra Baby Goodwin Gracie Greta Shadow is a happy addition to Bill and Kim Lansford’s family r ecOGnitiOn Kerby Grossman Henri Grzadzinski Rupert Venever Sirius Haas Hannah Harry Harvey Heidi Helsea Henri Henry Hershe Max Hoke Holly Honey Hoss Hugo Incee & Cooper J.D. Jack Jake Jamima Beau Jannusch Jasper Jeremy JJ Joey Joon Josie JuJu Juliet Justice Kacia Karlie Katie & Bailey Katie & Daddano Rags Katzbeck Keegan Bailey Kelley Kelly Kelsey Vito Kinast Kira, grande dame and diva Kitty Cat Kitty Gato Kwami, Omni & Falcon Zeke Lizak Lily Lilly Linus Little Caesar Thumper Littrell Lola, Kokobear, Binkx & Dodge Shamrock LoSasso Louis Lucky Lucy Lucy-Lu Luke Lyndon Lyra Mac MacGyver Madeleine Maizy Jo Mandy Mardi Max Marion Maxx & Minnie Mei Tony McGee Michel Midgie Miles, everyone’s Miles, everyone’s friend Sheba Miller-Morris Mindy Minnie Lubey Mintz Miss Kitty Misty Mitty Sienna Moller Molly Monki Monroe Moo Moo Morca Moritz Ms. Kat, Miss Kookie & Misty Mulder Murray My cat Henry Myer Natasha Newton Savannah Ogburn Remy Olivar Oliver Mulligan O’Neil Oreo Oscar Sammy Osiol Oso Paluszka Payton Peanut Pepper Plague Macy Polmer Pompe Pookie Pops Presley Preta Probert Ringo Rivers Bosco Robertson Clara Rockmore Roscoe Nelson Rosenblatt Ruffles & Whitey Rufus Russell Ruthie Sadie Jack D. Salmi Sam Sammy Samson Sassi Snickers Schmidt Schmootze Bugsy Segal Shadow Murphy B. Shanley Sheska Sierra Simba Chiquita Simenthal Sissy Sitka Slim Sly Sophia, Ann, Tiger, Madame, Wing, Koko Sparky Sparky & Kitty Special K Spencer Angel Starr Toby Steffen Stone Swiskers Stimpy Muffins Szczerba Tanzie Tater Tazzy Theo Cody Thrall Thurman Timber Tiny Tim Tish Tish & Honey Bunny Tito TOBY Toto Travel Trooper & Scout Troy, Wilson & Taylor Turtle Valentine Vanya Warock Whiskers Whitey Wicket & Dewey Winston Winston & Bono Wrigley Yofi Your cat Morton Zee Zeus Zippy, Zippy I & II, Spunky & Ruffles Zoe In memory of PeoPle Karen L. Asher Sheila Fraser Baker Joanne Baldwin Rozelle Banaszynski Terry E. Banis AnD r eMeMbrAnce In memory of River who was rescued from the Chicago River in January 2001 and adopted by Jim the following February Judy Bond Lenore T. Bonney Betty Bukowski Emma Cahill Tony Cimaglia Judge Comerford Evelyn Creivil Arthur D. Dahlgren Richard Dase Caroline Davern John Drogos Thomas Dvonch Carol Ebert Constance M. Ellis Stephen Finney Anita Fiore John Fliszar Robert Frankenberger William Fredericks Eunice Gold Barbara Griffiths Audrey Gruber Francis Gutek Kurt Gutfriend Rose Haas Jean Hacker Alice Hallquist Lorraine Hayduck Earl Hellum Grace Hendricks Mary B. Hervieux Holly Jerilyn Hudek Esther James Marilyn J. Jaros Christian Johnson Gloria L. Jones Edward S. Jucknowski Frank Juraska Frank Kaiser Jean Kaporis Emma Khazina Lois Regan Knable Dean Koclanis Delores Komorowski Sally Kray Lillian Kreitman Mallory Langill Geri Levander Evelyn Levy Judith Lownes Carmella Lumb Barb Mann Gail A. Miller Alexander Moncrieff Leroy “Lee” Moran Jayne Morris Marie Mueller Evelyn M. Murphy Joseph W. Myers Ron Pukal Jane Robins Douglas Rogers Eleanor Rogowski Ron Ross Red Sarrels Eleanore Schart Dick Schulte David Stanger Lindsay Ellis Stout Joseph Strzelec Paul Swetish Noreen Swistowicz Bruce Tofel Margaret Trakas Anne Tumas Mary Kay Tunney Dorothy Urbanski Emma Valdes Gilbert Van Kell Curt Vierneisel Richard Warren Thomas P. Watkins Dana Whateley Anne Marie White William O. Wilson Raymond Woss Phyllis Yoder Dorothy Youngberg Fred Zarate John Zedler Nina Zolpe donaTIon drIves Laura Kimberling, Megan Kimberling, Nicole Lynch, Grace Sampson, Addie Vear & Samantha Zagara Farnsworth Elementary School Holliday Fenoglio Fowler L.P. Irving Park YMCA Mount Greenwood Park One Salon & Spa Paris Petty St. Tarcissus Catholic School celebraTIons Amanda Willett & Jeff Alesi Lauren Costello & Randy Hara Claire McLoone & Claire Bauerle Charlie Galloway Raquel Bautista & Roderick Ordonez Jennifer Jaynes & Brent Piechowiak Amy Wiatr & Ariel Rodriguez Michelle Napolitano & Nick Ruud Maggie Stanger & Chris Widlak Winter 2011 Page 31 Bark in The Park Montrose Harbor, CHiCago satUrDaY, MaY 7, 2011, 9 a.M. Join us for our 17th annual 5K walk, with or without your dog. Bark in the Park is a morning of fun and excitement for all and includes activities such as canine obstacle and agility courses, free product samples from small business sponsors, Denise Zak (animal intuitive), Kevin Landis pet portraiture, free snacks from our sponsors, souvenir photos, paw prints and tattoos, pet massage, 50/50 raffle, contests for you and your dog, prizes, and much more! www.barkinthepark.org | [email protected] | (312) 644-8338, ext. 307