Newsletter / Activity Report 2010 (pdf format).
Newsletter / Activity Report 2010 (pdf format).
DEODAR HIMALAYAN PROGRAM - *HEALTH * EDUCATION * ENVIRONMENT Chintan Activity Report Outline of Activities for period Jan 2010 - April 2011 Chintan International Trust Delhi Chintan International Trust starts a new health service: Rural Health Clinic at Mukteshwar DEODAR HIMALAYAN PROGRAM - *HEALTH * EDUCATION * ENVIRONMENT Inaugural visit of Honorable MP Dr Kapila Vatsyana to our Mukteshwar clinic 11.4.2011 Dr Tanupriya Ghosh welcomes Dr Vatsyana with an offering of Rhododendron flower Dr Kapila Vatsyana MP with the Chintan Team Chintan International Trust starts a new health service: Rural Health Clinic at Mukteshwar Chintan International Trust Deodar Himalayan Program Integrating Health, Education and Environment HEALTH ACTIVITIES Dr Tanupriya Ghosh (L) and Dr Daya Misra (R) with patients at the Chintan Mukteshwar Clinic Chintan International Trust started regular Rural Health Services in the Mukteshwar Area in the Naintal district on 11th April 2011, over 200 people helped in our first few weeks ! From helping other organizations in the area through our volunteers and organizing health camps with visiting doctors, we have finally taken the big bold step of running our own health services in partnership with the local communities. We are now running our main clinic at Mukteshwar since April 11th, and outreach in villages Sunkiya, Gehna and Gehna reaching out to about 15 villages and an approx population of 50,000. Dr Tanupriya Ghosh leads the rural health project and the village outreach along with Dr Daya Misra, becoming the first resident lady doctors in Mukteshwar for over two decades! Chintan International Trust *HEALTH *EDUCATION * ENVIRONMENT Chintan International Trust Looking back Health Camp Feb 2010 at Peora (Aarohi) Chintan led health camp at Aarohi was a surgical camp led by Dr Prachi Renjhen (Gynaecologist) Dr Satyendra Singh (General Surgeon) with Dr Rohit Nair of Aarohi. Over 60 patients were seen and screened for operating surgical camps in March, plans for future activities were made with tour meetings in Peora, Sonapani, Sattoli and Mukteshwar. Health Camp November 2010 at Gehna, Peora (Aarohi), Okhalkhanda and Mukteshwar (Over 200 patients helped by our team) Chintan led health camp at Aarohi was a women’s special health camp and had three lady doctors - Dr Prachi (Gynaecologist) leading along with Dr Vandana (Dermatologist), Dr Tanupriya (Gen Physician) and Dr Satyendra Singh (General Surgeon). 21st November 2010, the whole team did a survey and study of the prevalent local health services, in the surrounding area of around 50kms, the main focus was the state run dispensary at Pokhri which had decent infrastructure, but no doctor to run it. The team also visited a village ANM center in the Gehna valley, talked with the local health workers of the area and also the pradhan panchayat of the area and discussed the health system of the area. 22nd November 2010, a health camp was held along with Aarohi, in Peora. A total of 50 patients attended the camp, of which 10 were O&G cases, 19 were medical cases, 07 were dermatological cases, 09 were dental cases, 05 were surgical cases. Of these cases ultra-sonography was done on 05 patients. Chintan International Trust *HEALTH *EDUCATION * ENVIRONMENT Chintan International Trust 23rd November 2010, a health camp was organized in Khansyu village of the Okhalkhanda block in conjunction with Aarohi. Khansyu is a very remote village with a population of 88 families, there is no prevailing health services in the area. 46 patients attended the camp, of which 10 were O&G cases, 23 were medical cases, 09 were dental cases, 04 were surgical cases. 24th - 25th November 2010, a health camp was held in Mukteshwar at the existing IVRI hospital. 52 patients attended the camp on the first day, of which 12 were O&G cases, 32 were medical cases and 08 were surgical cases. On 25th November 2010, 68 patients attended the camp in total. 08 were O&G cases, 54 were medical cases,06 were surgical cases. Chintan International Trust *HEALTH *EDUCATION * ENVIRONMENT Chintan International Trust Surgical Health Camp March 2011 at Peora (Aarohi) Chintan partnered a surgical health camp at Aarohi where many nearly 200 patients were helped and operations were performed as well. March 24th 2011 to March 29th 2011, Chintan International Trust along with Arohi held a health camp at Peora in the Almora district. The camp was mainly a surgical camp, but was there were other specialties also. The team of doctors were: Dr. Raju Usgavaskar (Plastic Surgeon), Dr. Smita Usgavaskar (Anaesthetist), Dr. Neeraj Devedi (Surgeon), Dr.(Col)C.S.Pant(Radiologist, Dr. Geeta Pant(Physician), Dr. Satyendra Singh (Surgeon), Dr.Punit Singh(Physican), Dr. Tanupriya Ghosh(Physician), Dr. Hussan Poonawala(Intern), Dr. Lakshita Joshi(Dentist). Chintan International Trust *HEALTH *EDUCATION * ENVIRONMENT Chintan International Trust A total of 182 patients attended the camp outpatients department. 98 were medical cases, 11 were plastic surgery cases, 17 were O&G cases, 16 were general surgery cases and 40 were dental cases. Of these cases 25 patients had ultrasonography on them. There was 2 emergency medical cases, 13 patients were operated upon and complete post operative care and follow up for the patients was given by the team. Chintan International Trust *HEALTH *EDUCATION * ENVIRONMENT Chintan International Trust Deodar Himalayan Program Integrating Health, Education and Environment EDUCATION ACTIVITIES Have been continuing supporting Science in Schools, especially health education with fun workshops on the Human body, talks on common diseases and the school health program. Career guidance talks, sarthak skill activities for education beyond school is also a focus. February 2010: Building up to Shivratri festival on 13th February, awareness on sanitation and hygiene, leading to a clean up and support for a ‘dustbin competition’. June 2010 : over two weeks education on environment, dangers of non biodegradable waste, through talks, songs, films and fun activity. This was for primary and high school children of the Mukteshwar area. November 2010 : ‘tree talks’ and nature walks, environmental talk and locally produced environmental film show at the Mukteshwar High School on 25th November. Chintan International Trust *HEALTH *EDUCATION * ENVIRONMENT Chintan International Trust Seminar on “Synergies in Health” - Science, Arts & Philosophy 28-30 Nov 2010 was organized at the Attic New Delhi and included participation by university students, artists, photographers in addition to scientists and doctors. March 2011 : Radio talk about Himalayan health in general and village health prorgam on TERI’s Community Radio. Presentations and talks at the annual results day of the Sishu Mandir School in Satbunga on 31st March. April 2011: Nearly hundred children benefitted from our School Health Program at Shreeram Academy Sarghakhet - of the 97 children examined, 6 children had significant health problems requiring referral We helped make a special radio program on Anaemia on 16th April which was followed up by a further live talk with phone in health questions. Another talk by our doctors in the local Mutkteshwar High School was about germs and disease leading to prevention by washing. Chintan International Trust *HEALTH *EDUCATION * ENVIRONMENT Chintan International Trust Deodar Himalayan Program Integrating Health, Education and Environment ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITIES We have been working on developing a unique eco-health model in this program where concern for the environment is integral to all our activities . The “Hamara Mukteshwar” environmental campaign was designed to enhance respect for local environment and building it into the culture. This year was our most elaborate yet and our test was to see if it actually made a difference on the ground and whether we could lead it to an actual collection and removal of non -biodegradeable waste ... May 2010: Community Needs Assessment was carried out as to study the ecohealth needs of the area and Gehna village was our chosen village. This 12 day activity by a team led by environmental expert Dr Reetu Sogani, surveyed the land and its use including fields, crops and animals in relation to human health. Diseases prevalent including Anaemia and reproductive tract infections in women were issues that emerged as also was access to quality healthcare. 25-31 May: Preparation for environmental campaign began around 20th May included getting specially made cloth bags, environment information packs and a film on local issues ‘by the people for the people’ together. Getting the word out, posters, banners took most of the last week of May. Chintan International Trust *HEALTH *EDUCATION * ENVIRONMENT Chintan International Trust 1-4 June : Phase I - AWARENESS The inaugural start was made with yoga and cultural activity at Mukteshwar with clean up near the temple, door to door, car to car campaign followed over the next few days. People were motivated to take a ‘sankalp’ promise to not use polythene bags those who did were presented with a cloth bag with more information. In time over 200 signatures were ob- tained and a small mountain of rubbish started building ... Chintan International Trust *HEALTH *EDUCATION * ENVIRONMENT Chintan International Trust 5th June : WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY CELEBRATIONS Chintan Interantional Trust organized the biggest get together for the environment in the area with the support of the Central Government veterinary institute IVRI. Around four to five hundred people gathered for an entertaining evening with an environmental message. Eminent scientist Dr B U Rao was the chief guest, SIC Dr Pandey, Dr RR Shukla were special guests, police, priest, teachers were present in addition to large numbers of school Chintan International Trust *HEALTH *EDUCATION * ENVIRONMENT Chintan International Trust children, prayers, poetry, music, song , dance and drama in Hindi, English and Kumaoni languages were presented as were inspiring talks. Dr Satyendra Singh from Chintan coordinated and hosted the event. Prizes for effort were especially give out to chilldren.Participation was from all sections of local society. 6th June : PREPARE FOR BATTLE We had succeeded in creating the awareness and plans were made to extend the clean up to the local market, which was the biggest challange. 7th to 11 June : Phase 2 - THE BIG CLEAN UP Meeting the District Magistrate of Nainital and getting his enthusiastic support was a boost and more volunteers started coming forward to support, local high school children, well over 500 people in stages eventually managed to do what was considered impossible one truckload of non biodegradeable waste had been collected ! Chintan International Trust *HEALTH *EDUCATION * ENVIRONMENT Chintan International Trust 12th June: ‘PLASTICASUR KI BIDAI’ Finally volunteers loaded the truck sent by the district administration and the waste was sent for recycling. Many ‘Sangeet Sandya’ meetings had been organized and in one of them the monster of ‘plasticasur’ had been described, it was time to say goodbye, but no tears were shed! The challenge remains of making a sustainable solid waste management program. August 2010 : DISASTER IN LEH Health coordinating activity: meeting civil and army health authorities, touring disaster affected areas, health camps, district administra- tion. Training issues and plans trauma training for non surgeons, life support for non doctors, mountain rescue training integrated into mountain life and training general populace volunteers. Chintan International Trust *HEALTH *EDUCATION * ENVIRONMENT