Quacker September 2015


Quacker September 2015
Activities at Lake Oaks
BBB Sewing 1:00 pm Every Monday
Miep Verkuyl
Bible Study
10:00 am every Thursday
Joe Pomodoro
6:30 pm First & Third Monday
12:30 pm Every Friday
11:00 am Every Wednesday
2:00 pm Every Monday
9:00 am Tues, Thurs, Saturday
Line Dancing 5:00 pm Every Thursday
Miep Verkuyl
Celia Wolary
Lake Oaks Social Club
September 2015
Jackie Day
12:00 Noon each Friday
Mark Your
Social Club 5:00 pm Second Tuesday
Meeting &
of the month
Potluck Dinner
6:00 pm Tuesday, except
1:00 pm Second Tuesday of the month
9/8 Potluck & Social
Club Meeting
9:00 am Mon, Wed, Friday
Summer Only
9/17 Placerville
Pines Lunch
Darlene Ide
Vickie Pfost
12:30 - 5:00 pm Second Sunday
Wanda Pearson
4:20 pm Mon, Wed, Fri
Martha Lovette
9/26 Yard & Bake
Phase 1 - Gypsy Silva!
#1 - 626-1755!
Phase 2 - Harry Meyers!
#176 626-8716!
Phase 3 - Arlene Hellwig!
#201 626-8469!
Phase 4A - Joe Pomodoro!
#219 303-5060!
Phase 4B - Floyd Rice!
#257 295-0347
Visit Lake Oaks Website at: http://www.lakeoaks.org
Around the Lake
by Gypsy Silva
Garden News
The community gardens in the park have done well this year
and some of us have been enjoying fresh home grown
vegetables. As the summer harvest winds down you may want
to plant your fall/winter garden. !
Get well cards sent to:
Judie Stadelman - #179!
Joe Calvo - #247!
Thinking of You cards sent to:
Fran McClain - #19!
Sympathy cards sent to:
John Klemmer for loss of his wife, Gloria (#26)!
Donations sent to: !
Cancer Society in memory of Harry Ney - #76!
A Happy Note:!
A new Grandson, Parker, to Jan Rath - #13
Thank you for can tabs to:
Marie & Bob Sanders - #26!
Mickie Connor - #202!
Suzanne Buck - #2!
Connie & Neal Robinson - #49!
Odel King - #25!
" Fall is the time to plant garlic. Around September 12th, take
your cloves apart and plant the toes about 3 to 4 inches
deep. !
" Cole crops like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage can be
seeded directly into your garden. Do the same with lettuce
and spinach.!
" Plant peas directly in the ground.!
Planting in September can
result in some nice fresh
vegetables. As we all know,
our seasons have been a
little longer and warmer the
last few years.!
Contact Neal Robinson
(916) 716-1753 for
information about either
Community Garden. There
are a few open spaces.
Special Note: There was an article in The Bee recently
that highlighted how the Ronald McDonald House
helps families with patients in the hospital. The tabs
saved go to the Ronald McDonald House — so please
continue to save!
Welcome Newcomers!
Kudos to Sherry Nation for the great job with the Quacker.
(I have tried to get her to include this in the Quacker, but
she is too modest.)!
Contact Gypsy Silva, Sunshine Chairman (#1) at 626-1755!
Lake Oaks Quacker!
page 2
George & Billie West who live in #112. Their phone number
is (530) 295-7862. They enjoy walking around the lake and
gardening. George especially likes to grow cucumbers for
pickles. They lived locally before moving to Lake Oaks.
Ross and Joan Heacock who live in #173. Their phone
number for your Directory is: (530)626-5361. Their email is
[email protected]. They moved from Pollock Pines
as they wanted to downsize. Joan is an artist. She does oils,
acrylics and flowers. Ross is into Geneology.
Medicare News
Message from the Social Club President
Open Enrollment is upon us again! !It runs from 10/15/2015
to 12/7/15. !For those on Medicare, this means that it is time
for us to review Parts C and/or D. Part C is your HMO
(Health Maintenance Organization) and Part D is your Drug
Plan.!This is NOT the time period to change your
Supplement. In El Dorado County,!our three HMO's have a
Drug Plan attached. !Our HMO's are: Kaiser-Basic, KaiserEnhanced and AARP Medicare Complete. ! If you have a
Medicare Supplement, you, in most cases, have a separate
Drug Plan. There are 31 plans available to us in this county.
Each year these plans may change their formulary (list of
covered drugs). !For this reason, it is important!that you
review your coverage for 2016. !Not all plans cover all drugs
on the same tier or price. !This seems complicated, but
medicare.gov, 1-800-medicare and our HICAP program are
here for you. !HICAP is a non-profit organization that helps
you look at your Medicare options. !If you are coming up on
Medicare eligibility, our volunteers can help you check out
your options. !Our o"ce is located at the Placerville Senior
Center. !Our phone number to make an appointment is:
(530) 621-6369. !The session is one hour which is free of
charge. !If you have any general questions, feel free to call
me at: !(925)864-6697.#
Judie Stadelman#
HICAP Counselor#
What a GREAT CASINO NIGHT! We had a terrific turnout and
so much fun. Pit Boss John Ravera gathered a team of about
20 people who dealt Blackjack, manned the Craps table and
ran the Gift Shop. It must be noted that
every single item in the Gift Shop was
donated thanks to the hard work of
Jackie Ravera and Glenda Sikorsky.
Lake Oaks Quacker!
As always, we also need to give big thanks to the ladies who
provided such a lovely buffet: Sherry Nation, Kaytie Clark,
Mary Stubbe, and Dee MacDonald. Plus, we also need to
thank our neighbors who provided refreshments: Mary Ann
Kardos and David Silva. Again, thank you John and the entire
team! Great fun!
Next, the Board has taken on an update to the Bylaws for the
Social Club. When Neal Robinson kindly accepted the position
of Vice President, he found the Bylaws in place were from
1989. Therefore, we are focused on updating them to life in
2015. We will involve the committee who signed up to help with
this endeavor just as soon as we have a first draft for review.
And speaking of positions on the Social Club Board, please
consider one of the open positions on our Executive Board. We
will be nominating for calendar year 2016 and would love to
have you join the Board. Please contact me to understand the
responsibilities of each position. (Continued on page 4)
page 14
Recycle Report
(President’s message continued from page 3)
The changing of the guard is effective the first of the
year and nominations and elections will be conducted in
October. Fresh ideas always come with new faces and
we would gladly welcome you.
Next, a huge Thank You to the editor of the Quacker,
Sherry Nation, for her years of dedication to our monthly
newsletter — always on time and a newsy publication
everyone looked forward to. I still have every Quacker
issue since we moved here six years ago. Sherry, we
will miss you and will welcome you back anytime.
Jan Rath is taking over the Quacker duties because she
is fairly new to the Park and doesn’t know how much
hard work is involved (humor intended). Jan managed
our Trailer Trash Murder Mystery that we all enjoyed, so
we know she has a good sense of humor. This
September edition is her first, so go easy on her. Fall is right around the corner, so I hope you get out and
enjoy the beautiful weather.
Wishing you all a great September,
Marie Buck (#2)
Hi all: We've just made our second run to the Recycle Yard
for August. Our total for the month is $90! It takes all of us
to make this Social Club fundraiser so successful! Thank
you!! For those folks who are new, we accept CA CRV
cans/bottles. You may put individual pieces in the green
boxes at the Clubhouse. Bags may be placed behind the
bar for our pick up. You may also drop donations off at
Space #179 in Phase 2. If you have any questions, please
call us at: (530)391-7796 Jerry & Judie Stadelman
Free Specialized Telephones!
California Phones are available for FREE for all hearing and
vision impaired persons. Applications are in the clubhouse
by the Quacker Box.!
Any questions call Tom Saunders at 622-0744
Mail Delivery Issues
Areas of the Park have had issues with mail being put in
the wrong box or large items folded or shoved into the
box rather than being left at the house. For any delivery
problems, the phone number of the Delivery Supervisory
at the Diamond Springs Post O"ce is 622-5174.
For Sale
NEW store-packaged patterns to sew/craft dolls, doll
rabbits, Attic Babies (dolls), bears or baskets. Original
cost $6-8/pattern. Sell for $1 each. AND…Lovely
material to make the above - $1 per yard.!
Contact Marilyn (#253) - 344-9460
Placerville Pines Luncheon & Speaker
The Cedar Ravine Rehab Group (a combination of The Pines
at Placerville and Western Slope Health Centers) is once
again bringing lunch on September 17th at 11:30 am.!
They’ll also have a speaker who will discuss health care and
the VA. We have found the Pines’ speakers to be very
knowledgable, so it’s worth your time to attend this meeting
and enjoy a nice lunch.
Lake Oaks Quacker!
page 13
Manager’s Corner
Call of the Wild
by Frank Baker, our very own Naturalist
There continues to be some confusion regarding "guest
pets" in the park. E!ective January 1, 2015, Rule
#2015.7(l) Pets belonging to guests and visitors are
prohibited from the Park. Please let friends and family
know that they cannot bring their pets into Lake Oaks. If
you have questions regarding this rule please contact us.!
The big news for those of us who live, walk or ride around the
lake this month was the arrival for several days of an Osprey.
This beautiful bird of prey feeds exclusively on fish, usually twice
daily. We watched him making several passes over the lake,
hovering for a few seconds, and then diving feet first into the lake
to grab a fish. I never saw the bird come away with a meal, but
others have reported seeing a fish in the bird’s talons on several
Labor Day is just around the corner and is traditionally the
last big holiday of the summer. Many of you will have friends
and family visiting for the long weekend. Please be sure that
your guests use the guest parking areas if there is no room
in your driveway. As always guests must be accompanied
by a park resident when using any of the park facilities. The
one exception to the rule is guests wishing to use the lake
path for walking or fishing. These guests may do so by
wearing your ORANGE visitors badge in a place where it
can be easily seen.!
In a few short weeks we will once again be blessed with the
cooler days of fall and the amazing display of color we
witness throughout the park this time of year. We look
foreword to these changes as the summer months come to
a close and a new
season begins.!
In other news, we are all excited to see our two young black
swans developing so nicely under the watchful eyes of their
mother. They are almost as big as she is but not quite as
black yet. Research shows that they will stay with their
mother anywhere from 180 days until the next breeding
season. We sure hope they will call Lake Oaks their home.
Have a safe and
enjoyable Labor
Day Holiday!!
Vince & Sharon
Ligon, Managers
of Lake Oaks
Lake Oaks Quacker!
On August 4th, volunteers from the California Native Plant
Society met with several members of Lake Oaks Habitat
Committee to walk around the lake and give suggestions as
to what plants can be beneficial for erosion control as well
as improving bird and marine habitat. The committee
intends to choose a few of the suggested plants and plant
them after approval from the owners when the rainy season
page 12
Lake Oaks Quacker!
page 5
Message from Quacker Editor
Sew 4 Vets
I am very happy to be the new Editor of the Quacker. For those
of you I have not met, I moved to Lake Oaks last October from
San Jose and still love waking up every day to the beauty of the
lake and everything that goes with it. I’m a very fortunate person
to have found Lake Oaks Mobile Home Park, so I am glad to
have an opportunity to contribute to our community by way of
producing the Quacker.
Sew 4 Vets is an organization of ladies who make a variety of
items to help with the needs of hospitalized Veterans. The
ladies make lap blankets, dinner bibs, wheelchair blankets
and bags, bags for walkers and other items for four hospitals
and one Vererans’ home!!
# Michele Mixon will represent the group with a booth at our
Yard Sale, so please stop by her booth.!
# If you have any unwanted fabric or sewing materials, please
drop them by the booth. They will be put to very good use.!
# If you’re interested in helping, the group meets at 9:00 at
the Veterans’ Hall o" Forni Road on the first Tuesday and
second Thursday every month. !
Contact Michele Mixon (#78) at 858-848-4312
I have no experience creating a newsletter, but thanks to Sherry
Nation, I have a wonderful example to follow. You’ll see in this
issue we have returned to the booklet format, have added a little
color, and made a few other minor changes.
This newsletter is for the information and enjoyment of the
residents of Lake Oaks, so please feel free to send your articles,
ideas for content, and any questions to me at
[email protected] or give me a call anytime at 408-888-6441.
Again, many thanks to Sherry Nation for her dedication to the
Quacker. I know I have big shoes to fill, and with the help from a
lot of people, I hope to continue to make the Quacker as fun and
interesting as Sherry did.
Jan Rath (Lucky #13)
Lake Oaks Website
Just a reminder: For more information about Lake Oaks and
some wonderful pictures taken by Lake Oaks residents around
the lake, go to: http://www.lakeoaks.org/ It’s super easy to
register to our website which is available only to residents of
Lake Oaks.
Out and About
September 6 - Pancake Breakfast at Lion’s Club, 7-11 am!
September 12 - Relay for Life of Placerville is at the El
Dorado County Fairgrounds - This event is a lot of fun and
raises much needed funds for the American Cancer Society.!
September 12 - Chili Cook-O" and Car Show at the
Camino Community Center. - Benefits MORE (Mother Lode
Rehabilitation Enterprises) Contact Linda Swanson (#34) to
For Sale
Farberware Rotisserie - stainless, electric, excellent
condition! Great for prime rib or whole poultry.!
Contact Maryann Kardos #4 - 497-4422 (new #)!
For more information or assistance, contact Sylvia Dingman
(#85) at 602-363-5473.
Lake Oaks Quacker!
page 11
Yard & Bake Sale
This year’s Yard & Bake Sale will be held in the lot at the corner
of Pleasant Valley Road & Patterson Drive — across from
Tower Market on Saturday, September 26th.!
Yard Sale:
Set up begins at 7:00 am!
Sale is from 8:00 - 3:00 pm!
Spaces are 10’X20’ and cost $10 per space!
Tables are NOT included - Please bring your own!
Hospice will pick up any unwanted items !
And…even if you are not participating in the!
yard sale, drop o# any unwanted items !
about 2:00!
For Space Reservations, contact Kaytie Clark
at (530) 626-3392
Bake Sale:
We need volunteers to bring baked goods and snacks!!
Our best sellers are cookies, brownies, mu$ns,!
fudge, candy, and specialty snacks!
Goodies can either be dropped o# at the Clubhouse!
on Friday between 3-5:30 or Saturday morning!
at the Yard Sale.!
All proceeds go to the Social Club.!
Contact Maryann Kardos (530) 497-4422 (new #)
Whether you sell or not, come
on out to support your
neighbors and have some
fun. Plus, there will be PIZZA,
drinks, and lots of delicious
baked goods — not to
mention TONS of bargains!!
Lake Oaks Quacker!
Summary of Social Club Meeting Minutes
August 11, 2015
Old Business:
- Fourth of July Poker Run and other activities great fun!!
- Casino Night coming up!
New Business: !
- Purchase of new microphones for clubhouse approved!
- Liability insurance ready for renewal - approved!
- Boxes by the kitchen door for donations of canned or dry
food that will be picked up by Food Closet at the end of
- Bylaws need to be updated !
- Dogs With Jobs presented after the meeting!
Respectfully submitted by Jackie Ravera
Footloose Seniors Travel
- Sept. 3rd River Cats vs. Reno Aces & $2.00 Beer. Cost $53!
- Oct. 10-17th CA Coastal Cruise, S.F., Santa Barbara, Long
Beach, San Diego, Ensenada, S.F. (No flying) Starting as low
as $1,049 Dbl. Occ.!
- Oct. 28th Mystery Trip - can’t tell you where! But we will
send you hints. Cost $97
Congrats to Butch and Jo Geyer for winning the raffle at
Casino Nite for a three-night stay at a swanky resort at
Tahoe. They’ll be celebrating their 54th Anniversary there
and will report back upon their return.
page 10
Lake Oaks Quacker!
page 7
9-10 am Exercise
11 am Canasta
4:30 pm Yoga
9-10 am Exercise
10 am Bible Study
5 pm Line Dancing
12: Poker
1: Bridge
4:30 Yoga
9-10 am Exercise
1 pm Canasta
2 pm Crafting
4:20 pm Yoga
5:30 pm Bingo
9-10 am Exercise
5:00 Potluck and
Social Club Meeting
11 am Canasta
4:30 Yoga
9-10 am Exercise
10 Bible Study
5 pm Line Dancing
12: Poker
1: Bridge
4:30 Yoga
9-10 am Exercise
2 pm Crafting
4:30 pm Yoga
9-10 am Exercise
11 am Canasta
4:30 Yoga
9-10 am Exercise
10 Bible Study
11:30 Placerville
Pines Lunch and
Speaker from VA
5 pm Line Dancing
12: Poker
1: Bridge
4:30 Yoga
9-10 am Exercise
1 pm Canasta
9-10 am Exercise
2 pm Crafting
4:20 pm Yoga
5:30 pm Bingo
9-10 am Exercise
11 am Canasta
4:30 Yoga
9-10 am Exercise
10 Bible Study
5 pm Line Dancing
12: Poker
1: Bridge
4:30 Yoga
1 pm Canasta
2 pm Crafting
4:30 Yoga
12:30 ± 5:00 WPAC
1 pm Canasta
Lake Oaks Quacker!
8 am ± 3:00 pm
9-10 am Exercise
page 8
Lake Oaks Quacker!
page 9
9-10 am Exercise
11 am Canasta
4:30 pm Yoga
9-10 am Exercise
10 am Bible Study
5 pm Line Dancing
12: Poker
1: Bridge
4:30 Yoga
9-10 am Exercise
1 pm Canasta
2 pm Crafting
4:20 pm Yoga
5:30 pm Bingo
9-10 am Exercise
5:00 Potluck and
Social Club Meeting
11 am Canasta
4:30 Yoga
9-10 am Exercise
10 Bible Study
5 pm Line Dancing
12: Poker
1: Bridge
4:30 Yoga
9-10 am Exercise
2 pm Crafting
4:30 pm Yoga
9-10 am Exercise
11 am Canasta
4:30 Yoga
9-10 am Exercise
10 Bible Study
11:30 Placerville
Pines Lunch and
Speaker from VA
5 pm Line Dancing
12: Poker
1: Bridge
4:30 Yoga
9-10 am Exercise
1 pm Canasta
9-10 am Exercise
2 pm Crafting
4:20 pm Yoga
5:30 pm Bingo
9-10 am Exercise
11 am Canasta
4:30 Yoga
9-10 am Exercise
10 Bible Study
5 pm Line Dancing
12: Poker
1: Bridge
4:30 Yoga
1 pm Canasta
2 pm Crafting
4:30 Yoga
12:30 ± 5:00 WPAC
1 pm Canasta
Lake Oaks Quacker!
8 am ± 3:00 pm
9-10 am Exercise
page 8
Lake Oaks Quacker!
page 9
Yard & Bake Sale
This year’s Yard & Bake Sale will be held in the lot at the corner
of Pleasant Valley Road & Patterson Drive — across from
Tower Market on Saturday, September 26th.!
Yard Sale:
Set up begins at 7:00 am!
Sale is from 8:00 - 3:00 pm!
Spaces are 10’X20’ and cost $10 per space!
Tables are NOT included - Please bring your own!
Hospice will pick up any unwanted items !
And…even if you are not participating in the!
yard sale, drop o# any unwanted items !
about 2:00!
For Space Reservations, contact Kaytie Clark
at (530) 626-3392
Bake Sale:
We need volunteers to bring baked goods and snacks!!
Our best sellers are cookies, brownies, mu$ns,!
fudge, candy, and specialty snacks!
Goodies can either be dropped o# at the Clubhouse!
on Friday between 3-5:30 or Saturday morning!
at the Yard Sale.!
All proceeds go to the Social Club.!
Contact Maryann Kardos (530) 497-4422 (new #)
Whether you sell or not, come
on out to support your
neighbors and have some
fun. Plus, there will be PIZZA,
drinks, and lots of delicious
baked goods — not to
mention TONS of bargains!!
Lake Oaks Quacker!
Summary of Social Club Meeting Minutes
August 11, 2015
Old Business:
- Fourth of July Poker Run and other activities great fun!!
- Casino Night coming up!
New Business: !
- Purchase of new microphones for clubhouse approved!
- Liability insurance ready for renewal - approved!
- Boxes by the kitchen door for donations of canned or dry
food that will be picked up by Food Closet at the end of
- Bylaws need to be updated !
- Dogs With Jobs presented after the meeting!
Respectfully submitted by Jackie Ravera
Footloose Seniors Travel
- Sept. 3rd River Cats vs. Reno Aces & $2.00 Beer. Cost $53!
- Oct. 10-17th CA Coastal Cruise, S.F., Santa Barbara, Long
Beach, San Diego, Ensenada, S.F. (No flying) Starting as low
as $1,049 Dbl. Occ.!
- Oct. 28th Mystery Trip - can’t tell you where! But we will
send you hints. Cost $97
Congrats to Butch and Jo Geyer for winning the raffle at
Casino Nite for a three-night stay at a swanky resort at
Tahoe. They’ll be celebrating their 54th Anniversary there
and will report back upon their return.
page 10
Lake Oaks Quacker!
page 7
Lake Oaks Quacker!
page 5
Message from Quacker Editor
Sew 4 Vets
I am very happy to be the new Editor of the Quacker. For those
of you I have not met, I moved to Lake Oaks last October from
San Jose and still love waking up every day to the beauty of the
lake and everything that goes with it. I’m a very fortunate person
to have found Lake Oaks Mobile Home Park, so I am glad to
have an opportunity to contribute to our community by way of
producing the Quacker.
Sew 4 Vets is an organization of ladies who make a variety of
items to help with the needs of hospitalized Veterans. The
ladies make lap blankets, dinner bibs, wheelchair blankets
and bags, bags for walkers and other items for four hospitals
and one Vererans’ home!!
# Michele Mixon will represent the group with a booth at our
Yard Sale, so please stop by her booth.!
# If you have any unwanted fabric or sewing materials, please
drop them by the booth. They will be put to very good use.!
# If you’re interested in helping, the group meets at 9:00 at
the Veterans’ Hall o" Forni Road on the first Tuesday and
second Thursday every month. !
Contact Michele Mixon (#78) at 858-848-4312
I have no experience creating a newsletter, but thanks to Sherry
Nation, I have a wonderful example to follow. You’ll see in this
issue we have returned to the booklet format, have added a little
color, and made a few other minor changes.
This newsletter is for the information and enjoyment of the
residents of Lake Oaks, so please feel free to send your articles,
ideas for content, and any questions to me at
[email protected] or give me a call anytime at 408-888-6441.
Again, many thanks to Sherry Nation for her dedication to the
Quacker. I know I have big shoes to fill, and with the help from a
lot of people, I hope to continue to make the Quacker as fun and
interesting as Sherry did.
Jan Rath (Lucky #13)
Lake Oaks Website
Just a reminder: For more information about Lake Oaks and
some wonderful pictures taken by Lake Oaks residents around
the lake, go to: http://www.lakeoaks.org/ It’s super easy to
register to our website which is available only to residents of
Lake Oaks.
Out and About
September 6 - Pancake Breakfast at Lion’s Club, 7-11 am!
September 12 - Relay for Life of Placerville is at the El
Dorado County Fairgrounds - This event is a lot of fun and
raises much needed funds for the American Cancer Society.!
September 12 - Chili Cook-O" and Car Show at the
Camino Community Center. - Benefits MORE (Mother Lode
Rehabilitation Enterprises) Contact Linda Swanson (#34) to
For Sale
Farberware Rotisserie - stainless, electric, excellent
condition! Great for prime rib or whole poultry.!
Contact Maryann Kardos #4 - 497-4422 (new #)!
For more information or assistance, contact Sylvia Dingman
(#85) at 602-363-5473.
Lake Oaks Quacker!
page 11
Manager’s Corner
Call of the Wild
by Frank Baker, our very own Naturalist
There continues to be some confusion regarding "guest
pets" in the park. E!ective January 1, 2015, Rule
#2015.7(l) Pets belonging to guests and visitors are
prohibited from the Park. Please let friends and family
know that they cannot bring their pets into Lake Oaks. If
you have questions regarding this rule please contact us.!
The big news for those of us who live, walk or ride around the
lake this month was the arrival for several days of an Osprey.
This beautiful bird of prey feeds exclusively on fish, usually twice
daily. We watched him making several passes over the lake,
hovering for a few seconds, and then diving feet first into the lake
to grab a fish. I never saw the bird come away with a meal, but
others have reported seeing a fish in the bird’s talons on several
Labor Day is just around the corner and is traditionally the
last big holiday of the summer. Many of you will have friends
and family visiting for the long weekend. Please be sure that
your guests use the guest parking areas if there is no room
in your driveway. As always guests must be accompanied
by a park resident when using any of the park facilities. The
one exception to the rule is guests wishing to use the lake
path for walking or fishing. These guests may do so by
wearing your ORANGE visitors badge in a place where it
can be easily seen.!
In a few short weeks we will once again be blessed with the
cooler days of fall and the amazing display of color we
witness throughout the park this time of year. We look
foreword to these changes as the summer months come to
a close and a new
season begins.!
In other news, we are all excited to see our two young black
swans developing so nicely under the watchful eyes of their
mother. They are almost as big as she is but not quite as
black yet. Research shows that they will stay with their
mother anywhere from 180 days until the next breeding
season. We sure hope they will call Lake Oaks their home.
Have a safe and
enjoyable Labor
Day Holiday!!
Vince & Sharon
Ligon, Managers
of Lake Oaks
Lake Oaks Quacker!
On August 4th, volunteers from the California Native Plant
Society met with several members of Lake Oaks Habitat
Committee to walk around the lake and give suggestions as
to what plants can be beneficial for erosion control as well
as improving bird and marine habitat. The committee
intends to choose a few of the suggested plants and plant
them after approval from the owners when the rainy season
page 12
Recycle Report
(President’s message continued from page 3)
The changing of the guard is effective the first of the
year and nominations and elections will be conducted in
October. Fresh ideas always come with new faces and
we would gladly welcome you.
Next, a huge Thank You to the editor of the Quacker,
Sherry Nation, for her years of dedication to our monthly
newsletter — always on time and a newsy publication
everyone looked forward to. I still have every Quacker
issue since we moved here six years ago. Sherry, we
will miss you and will welcome you back anytime.
Jan Rath is taking over the Quacker duties because she
is fairly new to the Park and doesn’t know how much
hard work is involved (humor intended). Jan managed
our Trailer Trash Murder Mystery that we all enjoyed, so
we know she has a good sense of humor. This
September edition is her first, so go easy on her. Fall is right around the corner, so I hope you get out and
enjoy the beautiful weather.
Wishing you all a great September,
Marie Buck (#2)
Hi all: We've just made our second run to the Recycle Yard
for August. Our total for the month is $90! It takes all of us
to make this Social Club fundraiser so successful! Thank
you!! For those folks who are new, we accept CA CRV
cans/bottles. You may put individual pieces in the green
boxes at the Clubhouse. Bags may be placed behind the
bar for our pick up. You may also drop donations off at
Space #179 in Phase 2. If you have any questions, please
call us at: (530)391-7796 Jerry & Judie Stadelman
Free Specialized Telephones!
California Phones are available for FREE for all hearing and
vision impaired persons. Applications are in the clubhouse
by the Quacker Box.!
Any questions call Tom Saunders at 622-0744
Mail Delivery Issues
Areas of the Park have had issues with mail being put in
the wrong box or large items folded or shoved into the
box rather than being left at the house. For any delivery
problems, the phone number of the Delivery Supervisory
at the Diamond Springs Post O"ce is 622-5174.
For Sale
NEW store-packaged patterns to sew/craft dolls, doll
rabbits, Attic Babies (dolls), bears or baskets. Original
cost $6-8/pattern. Sell for $1 each. AND…Lovely
material to make the above - $1 per yard.!
Contact Marilyn (#253) - 344-9460
Placerville Pines Luncheon & Speaker
The Cedar Ravine Rehab Group (a combination of The Pines
at Placerville and Western Slope Health Centers) is once
again bringing lunch on September 17th at 11:30 am.!
They’ll also have a speaker who will discuss health care and
the VA. We have found the Pines’ speakers to be very
knowledgable, so it’s worth your time to attend this meeting
and enjoy a nice lunch.
Lake Oaks Quacker!
page 13
Medicare News
Message from the Social Club President
Open Enrollment is upon us again! !It runs from 10/15/2015
to 12/7/15. !For those on Medicare, this means that it is time
for us to review Parts C and/or D. Part C is your HMO
(Health Maintenance Organization) and Part D is your Drug
Plan.!This is NOT the time period to change your
Supplement. In El Dorado County,!our three HMO's have a
Drug Plan attached. !Our HMO's are: Kaiser-Basic, KaiserEnhanced and AARP Medicare Complete. ! If you have a
Medicare Supplement, you, in most cases, have a separate
Drug Plan. There are 31 plans available to us in this county.
Each year these plans may change their formulary (list of
covered drugs). !For this reason, it is important!that you
review your coverage for 2016. !Not all plans cover all drugs
on the same tier or price. !This seems complicated, but
medicare.gov, 1-800-medicare and our HICAP program are
here for you. !HICAP is a non-profit organization that helps
you look at your Medicare options. !If you are coming up on
Medicare eligibility, our volunteers can help you check out
your options. !Our o"ce is located at the Placerville Senior
Center. !Our phone number to make an appointment is:
(530) 621-6369. !The session is one hour which is free of
charge. !If you have any general questions, feel free to call
me at: !(925)864-6697.#
Judie Stadelman#
HICAP Counselor#
What a GREAT CASINO NIGHT! We had a terrific turnout and
so much fun. Pit Boss John Ravera gathered a team of about
20 people who dealt Blackjack, manned the Craps table and
ran the Gift Shop. It must be noted that
every single item in the Gift Shop was
donated thanks to the hard work of
Jackie Ravera and Glenda Sikorsky.
Lake Oaks Quacker!
As always, we also need to give big thanks to the ladies who
provided such a lovely buffet: Sherry Nation, Kaytie Clark,
Mary Stubbe, and Dee MacDonald. Plus, we also need to
thank our neighbors who provided refreshments: Mary Ann
Kardos and David Silva. Again, thank you John and the entire
team! Great fun!
Next, the Board has taken on an update to the Bylaws for the
Social Club. When Neal Robinson kindly accepted the position
of Vice President, he found the Bylaws in place were from
1989. Therefore, we are focused on updating them to life in
2015. We will involve the committee who signed up to help with
this endeavor just as soon as we have a first draft for review.
And speaking of positions on the Social Club Board, please
consider one of the open positions on our Executive Board. We
will be nominating for calendar year 2016 and would love to
have you join the Board. Please contact me to understand the
responsibilities of each position. (Continued on page 4)
page 14
Visit Lake Oaks Website at: http://www.lakeoaks.org
Around the Lake
by Gypsy Silva
Garden News
The community gardens in the park have done well this year
and some of us have been enjoying fresh home grown
vegetables. As the summer harvest winds down you may want
to plant your fall/winter garden. !
Get well cards sent to:
Judie Stadelman - #179!
Joe Calvo - #247!
Thinking of You cards sent to:
Fran McClain - #19!
Sympathy cards sent to:
John Klemmer for loss of his wife, Gloria (#26)!
Donations sent to: !
Cancer Society in memory of Harry Ney - #76!
A Happy Note:!
A new Grandson, Parker, to Jan Rath - #13
Thank you for can tabs to:
Marie & Bob Sanders - #26!
Mickie Connor - #202!
Suzanne Buck - #2!
Connie & Neal Robinson - #49!
Odel King - #25!
" Fall is the time to plant garlic. Around September 12th, take
your cloves apart and plant the toes about 3 to 4 inches
deep. !
" Cole crops like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage can be
seeded directly into your garden. Do the same with lettuce
and spinach.!
" Plant peas directly in the ground.!
Planting in September can
result in some nice fresh
vegetables. As we all know,
our seasons have been a
little longer and warmer the
last few years.!
Contact Neal Robinson
(916) 716-1753 for
information about either
Community Garden. There
are a few open spaces.
Special Note: There was an article in The Bee recently
that highlighted how the Ronald McDonald House
helps families with patients in the hospital. The tabs
saved go to the Ronald McDonald House — so please
continue to save!
Welcome Newcomers!
Kudos to Sherry Nation for the great job with the Quacker.
(I have tried to get her to include this in the Quacker, but
she is too modest.)!
Contact Gypsy Silva, Sunshine Chairman (#1) at 626-1755!
Lake Oaks Quacker!
page 2
George & Billie West who live in #112. Their phone number
is (530) 295-7862. They enjoy walking around the lake and
gardening. George especially likes to grow cucumbers for
pickles. They lived locally before moving to Lake Oaks.
Ross and Joan Heacock who live in #173. Their phone
number for your Directory is: (530)626-5361. Their email is
[email protected]. They moved from Pollock Pines
as they wanted to downsize. Joan is an artist. She does oils,
acrylics and flowers. Ross is into Geneology.
Activities at Lake Oaks
BBB Sewing 1:00 pm Every Monday
Miep Verkuyl
Bible Study
10:00 am every Thursday
Joe Pomodoro
6:30 pm First & Third Monday
12:30 pm Every Friday
11:00 am Every Wednesday
2:00 pm Every Monday
9:00 am Tues, Thurs, Saturday
Line Dancing 5:00 pm Every Thursday
Miep Verkuyl
Celia Wolary
Lake Oaks Social Club
September 2015
Jackie Day
12:00 Noon each Friday
Mark Your
Social Club 5:00 pm Second Tuesday
Meeting &
of the month
Potluck Dinner
6:00 pm Tuesday, except
1:00 pm Second Tuesday of the month
9/8 Potluck & Social
Club Meeting
9:00 am Mon, Wed, Friday
Summer Only
9/17 Placerville
Pines Lunch
Darlene Ide
Vickie Pfost
12:30 - 5:00 pm Second Sunday
Wanda Pearson
4:20 pm Mon, Wed, Fri
Martha Lovette
9/26 Yard & Bake
Phase 1 - Gypsy Silva!
#1 - 626-1755!
Phase 2 - Harry Meyers!
#176 626-8716!
Phase 3 - Arlene Hellwig!
#201 626-8469!
Phase 4A - Joe Pomodoro!
#219 303-5060!
Phase 4B - Floyd Rice!
#257 295-0347