udkast 14 - GamesOnTrack
udkast 14 - GamesOnTrack
Users Manual Version 4.4 UK GT-Command & GT-Position GamesOnTrack GT-Command, GT-Position, GT-Games. GT-Xconnect, GT-Xcontrol are products of GamesOnTrack A/S, GamesOnTrack A/S owns all trademarks and IP-rights GamesOnTrack A/S, Uhresoevej 35, DK 7500 Holstebro, Denmark, www.gamesontrack.com Tel: +45 3070 3777, email: [email protected], CVR and VAT number: DK 3105 3013 x About this Manual This Manual covers the 4.x version of the PC-software in the product series GT-Command, GTPosition, and GT-Games. The manual builds upon the predecessor manual for version 3.6, which has particular details on automation and voice recognition. References are made to the V 3.6 manual at various stages. The 3.6 Manual is downloadable from our download area. The Manual covers all functionality for all brands. Special sections related to Specific Brand HW are found: Faller Car System ® in section 4.1 (partial), 4.4 and Appendix 7 LEGO® Trains in sections 4.1 (partial), 4.6 and 4.8 This manual does not contain specifications or HW-descriptions unless where they are necessary to understand functionality. This Manual is a PDF document which can be browsed through any PDF-reader. You can search the manual using your PDF-reader search functions. Major Change information Update from V 4.0 to V 4.3, a) New Graphical drive-edit-track window , Main Window b) On-line back -up enabled , Systems Tab c) Distance control setting, Systems tab d) Street and track traffic signs,,Layout edit in main window e) New turnout types, 3-way, single, and double cross, Layout edit in main window f) New controllers Lenz & Expressnet, Controller Menu g) Change Unit types, Tools Menu h) New tutorials – Help Menu i) Multi traction with position, Vehicle Edit j) Route edit, Route Tab k) Recommended PC and CPU and screen resolution, Appendix 1 l) Upload sound and Wav and MP3, Tools menu m) Remove elements of chapter 5, substituted by tuturials n) New automation functions: right+left, ABCD, Automations chapter Changes from V 4.3 to V 4.4 a) New 3D set-up Wizard b) New 2.5 D set-up for Fiddle yards, use of less sensistive satellite. c) Direction oriented signals d) Dynamic update of Master GT-Xconnect 2 e) Support for upcoming Module GT-Xcheck. Content ....................................................................................................................................................... 1 Users Manual Version 4.4 UK ......................................................................................................... 1 Content ........................................................................................................................................... 3 1: GT-Command 4.x Concept ......................................................................................................... 7 1.1 V 4.x main differences from 3.6 - overview ............................................................................ 8 2: Install, Register and set-up.......................................................................................................... 9 2.1 Install GT-Command ............................................................................................................. 9 2.2 Insert License Key ................................................................................................................. 9 2.3 Install and Connect GT-Position Master (XCONNECT) ....................................................... 11 2.4 Forum .................................................................................................................................. 13 2.5 Try the system before the big play ....................................................................................... 14 2.6 Convert from 3.6 to 4.x ........................................................................................................ 14 3. The main menu ......................................................................................................................... 16 3.1 File menu ............................................................................................................................ 16 3.2 Edit Menu ........................................................................................................................... 17 3.3 View .................................................................................................................................... 18 3.4 Settings ............................................................................................................................... 18 3.5 Digital Controllers ................................................................................................................ 19 3.6 Position Menu...................................................................................................................... 20 3.7 Tools menu.......................................................................................................................... 20 3.8 Language Menu .................................................................................................................. 21 3.9 Help menu .......................................................................................................................... 21 4: Prepare your drive and operate ................................................................................................. 23 4.1 Layout settings, Emergency drive settings .......................................................................... 23 4.2 Set-up your Train and operate ............................................................................................. 24 4.3 Train-length and distance control......................................................................................... 30 4.4 Groups ................................................................................................................................ 31 4.5 Set-up your LocoNet Modules ............................................................................................. 32 3 4.6 Set-up your turnouts ............................................................................................................ 34 4.7 Set-up Servo turnout for LEGO®trains, control PF engines, GT-Xcheck ............................. 36 4.8 Set-up your Signals ............................................................................................................. 38 4.9 Set-up the signals for LEGO trains ...................................................................................... 40 4.10 Set-up Sections ................................................................................................................. 41 4.11 Set-up Routes ................................................................................................................... 44 4.12 Upload sounds to GT-Xsound............................................................................................ 46 4.13 Stationary sounds, Faller and GOT ................................................................................... 46 4.14 Multitraction, more locos in the same train length .............................................................. 48 4.15 Create automations and run them ..................................................................................... 48 5: Set-up scenario, draw your layout ............................................................................................. 49 5.1 Set-up and calibrate 2D scenario......................................................................................... 49 5.2 Set-up 2.5D scenarios, normally for Fiddle Yards ................................................................ 50 5.3 Set-up 3D scenarios ............................................................................................................ 52 5.4 Expand layout – add more satellites .................................................................................... 54 5.4.2 Expand using more scenarios........................................................................................... 56 5.5 Draw your layout and prepare it for automatic control and distance control. ........................ 56 5.6 Enhance your drawing, edit tunnels ..................................................................................... 57 5.7 Drive with block control and use some distance control ....................................................... 57 5.8 Drive in simulation mode ..................................................................................................... 58 5.9 3D-view, 3D edit .................................................................................................................. 58 5.10 More views of main window ............................................................................................... 60 5.11 Merge scenarios ................................................................................................................ 61 6: Automations .............................................................................................................................. 65 6.1 Edit Automations ................................................................................................................. 65 6.2 Run automations ................................................................................................................. 67 6.3 Drive in Tunnels .................................................................................................................. 67 6.4 Activate Faller sounds while driving ..................................................................................... 68 6.5: Quick Guide to Standard Automation Functions ................................................................. 69 6.6 Automation Wizards Faller cars: Example Cross ................................................................. 74 7: Voice recognition ...................................................................................................................... 75 4 7.1 Voice recognition principles ................................................................................................. 75 7.2 Quick guide: Voice command overview and syntax ............................................................. 75 Appendix 1: PC/HW-requirements ................................................................................................ 79 Appendix 2: Radio Models and Capacity ...................................................................................... 80 App2-1: GT-Xconnect V1: The standard settings....................................................................... 80 App2-2: GT-Xconnect V2: The standard settings....................................................................... 80 App2-2: Adjustment of Standard settings:.................................................................................. 81 App2-3: General, Loconet settings and Temperature ................................................................ 84 Appendix 3: New Tools ................................................................................................................ 86 App3-1 Edit Vehicle Types ........................................................................................................ 86 App3-2 Radio and Measurement System Statistics –log file for support .................................... 87 App3-3 Debug and Radio unit performance , command filter, etc. ............................................. 87 Appendix 4: Hardware .................................................................................................................. 89 App 4.1 GT-COMMAND Radio control and Measure Components ............................................ 89 App 4.2 GT-Xconnect and the Faller Master ............................................................................. 89 App 4.3 Radio Types and ID’s .................................................................................................. 92 App 4.4 GT-Xcontrol .................................................................................................................. 92 App 4.5 GT-Xsatellite ................................................................................................................ 92 APP 4.6 GT-Position Senders ................................................................................................... 92 App 4.7 GT-Xcontrol IR and GT-Xcontrol Servo for LEGO® Trains .......................................... 92 App 4.8 Faller cars and modules and satellites,........................................................................ 93 App 4.9 GT-Xcheck .................................................................................................................. 93 Appendix 5 Digital Controllers ....................................................................................................... 94 App. 5.1 Loconet, Uhlenbrock Intellibox, IBCOM, Digitrax, RR-Cirkuits ..................................... 94 App. 5.2 Märklin CS 2 60213, 60214, 60215 ............................................................................. 94 App. 5.3 ESU EcOS 50000 and EcOS 50200............................................................................ 95 App 5.4 Massoth Dimax ............................................................................................................ 95 App 5.5 Expressnet, Lenz, Roco ............................................................................................... 96 APP 5.6 Fleichmann Twincenter, Old Intellibox P50X................................................................ 97 App 6: Setting up a satellite system .............................................................................................. 97 App 6.1: Standard setup ............................................................................................................ 99 5 App 6.2: Extend you satellite system with more satellites ........................................................ 101 App 6.2: Add a new scenario ................................................................................................... 101 App 6.4: 2D scenario ............................................................................................................... 102 Appendix 7: The Faller System ................................................................................................... 104 App 7.1 The Faller Car (FC) .................................................................................................... 104 APP 7.2 The Faller Modules for switching devices & signals ................................................... 105 APP 7.3 The Faller Satellites (FS) ........................................................................................... 106 App 7.4 The Faller PC-System and GT-COMMAND ............................................................... 108 6 1: GT-Command 4.x Concept GT-Command is the common name for all SW. It also contains SW-components for GT-Position and GT-Games, as well as interfaces to GT-Command Mobile. We use GT-Command as the overall name for all our PC-SW.. GT-Command can be used in many ways. The main usage is: a) As a Control program running model trains in various gauge using a Digital Controller. Control meaning edit, actual drive, accessory control, interface to other controlling mechanism like Voice control, Smart phones, Tablets etc. In this mode it can use a digital Controller as the HW-component between the PC and the Layout. b) As a Control and Position Program. Positioning meaning use the GT-Position components to draw the layout, due to feed back from train positions, monitor the trains as the run, edit signals and virtual sections on the layout, and connect it all together. It can use GT-Position in both V1 and V2 version. c) As a control- and Position program operating LEGO trains and Accessory. d) As a Control- and Position program operating model trains and Faller Vehicles together on the same layout e) As a Control and Position program operating and monitoring vehicles sending DCC and other control information direct to the vehicles by radio using our GT-Xcontrol components in the vehicles. Vehicles meaning Lego Vehicles using normal IR or model trains, in any Gauge., particular G/1/0, f) As a simulation/game program operating layouts which have been drawn with any vehicles belonging to this layout, usable for programming automations or for sharing layout and operations between customers. Definitions: We use the following words to describe how the system works in the various ways: a) Digital Controller is any DCC or Motorola box with a kind of PC-interface which can transmit DCC-signals and power to rails. In Controllers you can see the list of digital controllers supported. b) GT-Position Master is the exiting V1 master for positioning, GT-Xconnect is the new V2 Position and Radio Control Master. We use Xconnect for both Masters. If necessary Xconnect V1 and Xconnect V2. c) GT-Position Sender (short Sender) is any electronics in a vehicle or on layout which is used to send position information by radio. d) GT-Position Receiver (or synonym Satellite) is a device often in the ceiling used to receive and measure distance information for positioning. e) GT-Xcontrol (short Xcontrol) is a local device in a vehicle which receives control information from Xconnect V2 and communicate this information to the vehicle. Xcontrol can operate as a sender as well. 7 f) Voice Control means voice driven control information spoken using the command language in GT-Command and communicated to the PC via a headset. g) Mobile Device is any Android or iOS device which can operate a layout or vehicles using the GT-Command mobile app. h) Vehicle means any Faller Car or any Model Train or any Lego Train using the new 3.0 version and which can be controlled and positioned by radio. i) Model Train means any Vehicle which has a DCC-decoder, often in scale N/H0/00/0/1/G. j) LEGO vehicle means any LEGO-train or LEGO vehicle operated by the LEGO IR remote controller. 1.1 V 4.x main differences from 3.6 - overview V 3.6 and V 4.x can coexist on your computer. We recommend to have both the old version and the new version installed during conversion from one version to the other. V4.x is heavily changed compared to V 3.6. : 1) Any vehicle is an example of a vehicle type. The vehicles types are described in the Vehicle set-up scheme. You can select any of the standard vehicle types or you can copy one and then adjust almost all parameters from Icon to F-functions as you like for your own individual set-up. Also Speed calibrations are set in the Vehicle Type Scheme 2) All edit of vehicles, turnouts, sections, signals, routes, automations, scenarios etc takes place under one edit menu. As long as this window is open you can only do edit. 3) Sorting of lists in Edit is due to ID – the system, way to control all units. ID’s are unique and always proposed by the system. Sorting on User screen is due to Name. The name can also be the ID or it can be set by the user. This way the user controls how he/she will see and find his /her units. 4) Driving vehicles happens from a new vehicle control window 5) Setting accessories happens from separate windows. If you use Position layouts all accessories can be controlled from the drawing. 6) The main position window is similar to the current version, the new operation however is that edit and drive is just a button click on the same window- so you can easily shift and adjust your layout while you drive. Speech recognition, Mobile devices, System files, Languages etc are all easily picked up and selected from the bottom line. 7) For position customers we actively use the connectivity of all rails or streets, which enables a true predict of the next vehicle position allowing many more plots per second than today. If you are already a V 3.6 Customer your license code will stay and can be directly used in your 4.X version. However, the system will ask you to register this code again. Please accept that. It only tells us where to send update license keys. All other registrations will prevail.. 8 2: Install, Register and set-up. Learn in this chapter how to a) Install GT-Command on your PC b) Insert license information and upgrade GT-Command c) Set-up various devices which connects to GT-Command d) Register your GT-Command system 2.1 Install GT-Command GT-Command installs on any Windows PC, back to Windows XP II. A standard configuration can be seen in Appendix 1. GT-Command is delivered to you by download from our download server - see the download menu/the link at www.gamesontrack.com or www.gamesontrack.de www.gamesontrack.co.uk www.gamesontrack.dk . Please use download to upgrade your GT-Command installation from previous versions. If you install V 4.x for the first time or upgrade directly from V 3.6 please use the full install which also contains .NET framework V 4.0 from Microsoft - Silabs (Silicon Labs) driver for our GamesOnTrack-HW-products. GT-Command 4.x can also be delivered by CD in a product package containing the full install. You can deselect components in the install process if they are already installed on your PC. In any upgrades you do not need to uninstall the previous version. You can just install the new version over the old one. Please use standard settings. GT-Command installs program etc in (X/86) normally in your C-drive. It installs a data folder in Documents called GT-Command. In this folder your data files, icons and other relevant data for your layout can be stored and managed. 2.2 Insert License Key When the installation is finished the program will open and you will be asked to insert your License code. You will find that license code in your package or it is mailed to you. Please insert the 20 digits in the License window and accept.: 9 We deliver more functionality to you by upgrading your license code. You license code is stored on your PC and on our server. If you later get a new license code you can just erase all keys and insert the new one, and accept the new one. You can insert using copy/paste. If you fail to remember your license code or anything gets wrong our support function can help you restoring your license information.. Now you can press On-line registration and you will receive a registration code from our license server on your e-mail. 10 Both new and old customer should register in order to get access to all libraries 2.2.1 Registration Key The 3 digit registration key is your private key and it should follow your GT-Command system where ever you install it. When this key is inserted with your Xconnect you have access to upgrades etc. 2.3 Install and Connect GT-Position Master (XCONNECT) Please insert the USB-cable from Xconnect If you have made a proper installation of GT-Command then all drivers are installed on your PC. Please wait until the HW-recognition has accepted your new device and assigned a COM-port. GT-Xconnect V1 (also named GT-Position Master) There is a link between your GT-Xconnect and your license code. If the link is broken or wrong license code then the GT-Xconnect will not connect. After some 20 seconds GT-Command will show “Connected” in green on your bottom line. 11 GT-Xconnect V1 starts operating when it is powered on. This happens through USB connection to the PC. GT-Xconnect V1 connects using FDDI driver and installs itself on the PC. You might only need to find the associated COM-port. Xconnect V1 shows green diode for USB and initially flashing Rx and TX diodes for radio transmission. Please insert the COM-port is you are asked to. GT-Xconnect V2 : DCC Controller LoconetUSB DCC Loconet Loconet Trafo 16 V AC GT - XconnectUSB PC USB SAT - + Power Radio TX RX Three Channels Default: 110 kBit/s + Two half channels 55 kBit/s CE EN 300 220-1 approval Radio 869.7-870.0 Mhz ✔ 18 V DC XCONNECT V2 starts operating when it is powered on. This can happen in the following ways a) Connect XCONNECT to your PC using the USB-cable, b) Connect a 16 V AC to the to screw terminals in the left side, c) Connect a DCC Central to the DCC IN screw terminals or via LocoNet, . When GT-Xconnect V2 starts operating the Power On diode is flashing. Then the radio is active and GT-Xconnect V2 starts looking for devices, senders and satellites:. When GT-Xconnect V2 finds active radio transmitters it starts flashing on the TX diode (senders) and on the RX diode (satellites). 12 When XCONNECT transmit information from PC/USB, from DCC, and over Loconet then the respective diodes turns on. XCONNECT V2 has a firmware. The firmware can be updated to new’er versions using the free program GOTMasterUtils, available from download. The firmware also control the functionality level. Firmware can be upgraded by GamesOnTrack and might require an upgrade payment. 2.4 Forum If you already are registered as current customer you should not do that again!! Else, your next step might be to register the license code and be member of the Forum., You will need your license code to do that. Testlicenses can also apply. If your license for one reason is not active, please send a mail to [email protected] When you are registered on Forum, you have access to Download. Please go to www.gamesontrack.co.uk The web-site will validate your license code in order to accept 2.4.2 Off-line Registration 13 If your GT-Command runs on a PC which is not connected to the Internet, please use another internet connected PC to make the registration, you can manually transfer the registration data from the system to the webform. The web-form checks if the license key is legal and free to register. . 2.5 Try the system before the big play Enclosed with the system is a test layout called Uhre20 UK.got. This is a complete system with two scenario and some 5 trains and container as well as turnouts, signals, sections/blocks, automations etc. When your system is installed, please start loading this system. And then start operating it virtually. Click on the train icon for C010 or C208. It will jump to the layout – somewhere – and you can give it speed and run it on the layout. Use the turnouts, use the signals , start the block control on the ring clicking START on A5 (please select the right language). Move the slider of the train or use voice or tablet (voice is enabled clicking the red MIC on the process line, tablets are enabled using the IP in the process line. You can click on the list of accessories or click on the layout. Try the stop before signal. Click a signal red, use V1 since that is not bound to a section/block. Drive towards it. Click it green. Do the same with V12, the whole block is red. Click on the block. Click the container onto the layout. It won’t move, it has no slider. It will only be operational if it runs after a train or is associated as the measuring device for a train. Go to Edit mode 2.6 Convert from 3.6 to 4.x You might decide to convert your old 3.6 system to 4.x. The 4.x data representation is extended to be complete 3D, and includes more vehicle types and more data per accessory and drawings. In general the ID’s in the 4.x System MUST follow the standard compared to 3.6 which were flexible. Load the 3.6 Xml file in your 4.x application and the conversion takes place automatically. A new file extension will be .got. Please save. We convert the following: a) In general we use the same Icon on the desktop, please rename the old desktop icon to 36. We install the 4.x in a new directory: ..c/Programs(x86)/GT-Command. In Windows 7 and 8 the system will ask you to accept an unknown provider. Please do. 14 b) Trains/ vehicles, each of your vehicles will become a new type. If you have named your locofunctions we will create associated loco-functions. c) Turnouts, they will all be set to type Motorola/DCC, type 3Way or “turned cross” will not be converted. d) Signals, virtual signals will become virtual, position in 0,0,0, other signal with address will be type Motorola/DCC e) Blocks/Sections will be converted, inclusive position relative to scenario. Will still be named with ID Bnnn. If you have other ID’s like Bx they convert to the new standard Snnn. New IDnumbering is with S (for sections). Height/depth will be 200 mm +/- 100 mm, we do not convert old tunnel blocks, they will be set differently in 4.x f) Automation will be converted, however please not the eventual block ID. Red lines show not convertible g) Routes, as is. h) Scenarios: After load of the xml-file GT-4.0 will read the various scenarios and position them relatively to the first scenario with a deeper Z-value. Then all points in each scenario and the associated blocks and accessories will – if at all possible – be moved to the new coordinates. After conversion you will them have all your layout in ONE coordinate system referred to as the “Main”. Please see more details under Merge in chapter 5. We can not directly convert:_ a) Your track data. You must load your position file in the Position Menu and modify it there and select “use track” in order to make it operational. b) Speed model for trains, in general that must be set in the new vehicle card. Loco function names for speech recognition, in 4.x we use general names for the standard ones. But you can still overwrite them if you want. c) The MFX-notation for MFX trains, in the new system this is not necessary any more, please just use the normal MFX decoder address. 15 3. The main menu In general, all functionality in the system is accessible through a normal windows menu-system. If you find any grey’ed out menu points or buttons the reason is: - They are not available at this step in your operation - They are not available to you due to License key. They can be made available if you upgrade your license key. - They are planned for in a forthcoming version. In such case you will see that in this document. 3.1 File menu You load and save your settings, vehicles, layout etc in the file menu. All data are saved in the so called “system file” You can load one of the standard systems from GOT or Faller and then edit a standard system file You can rename using save system as.. You can start a complete new system If you open an old 3.6 file it will save that file again as a 4.0 file, please use “save as” to keep your old file. And exit. Please use Save or Ctrl (Ctrl- button)+s each time you make a change. If the GT-COMMAND brakes down an immediate copy of the System file is available as a hidden file xxx.bak in the same folder as your normal system files. 16 3.2 Edit Menu You can edit all your vehicles, turns, signals etc in the Edit menu: Most edits are also accessible directly from the sub-windows in the main window Please select any tab, for details see chapter 4. Please decide if you want us to take a back-up of your system file when you are on-line, every 10 minutes. We can later then easily help you in support, or give you the recent file back if your PC crashes, or we can use the file for on-line education and training and help for other users. Please remember to give your system a short description, also when you make changes. Layout emergency settings are described in chapter 3.9 Please note the Train Distance Control which must be selected if we should use this feature for trains. 17 3.3 View Use “View” to configure your screen and to enable what you want to see. Use reset view to get all windows in the screen back in the standard format. 3.4 Settings There is a window for ´GT-Xconnect V1 and for GT-Xconnect V2 In V1 you can only adjust measurement intervals and temperature. In V2 you can choose many more settings. In settings you adjust the Radio model and the Loconet model. The standard radio setting is a “Large” model with up to 6 Satellites on a 25 m2 layout. 18 The standard setting for Loconet is to operate the Master as “Loconet Master”. You should only Change these settings after consulting Appendix 2. The settings may vary if you have Xconnect V1 or Xconnect V2. The above settings is for Xconnect V2. 3.5 Digital Controllers When you select a controller GT-Command will try to connect to that controller automatically. If that can not happen it will show disconnected in the process bar, or it might come up with an advisory check box. You connect to your controller when you restart the system. You do not need to have a digital controller. If you operate your Trains using the GT-Xcontrol you might use radio directly or indirectly to pass on the DCC-commands to the trains. Please check Appendix 4 how to apply that method. You can operate mixed with both radio based vehicles and with Digital controller based vehicles. This way you can stepwise introduce the radio method. If you have a Digital controller or handheld with no PC-connection, then you can just connect it to the Xconnect V2 DCC entry. If you have applied an Xcontrol in booster mode to your rails then you can pass on all DCC signals from your DCC-terminal to the rails via radio. See Appendix 5 for more details. 19 3.6 Position Menu Use the Position menu to record you layout in 3D and to manage layouts with more layers. Please note that the track can be colored, i.e. roads in one color and tracks in another, or different colors for different levels.. 3.7 Tools menu 20 Use Tools to update your Master with new firmware, or – if things for various reasons might end in a blind state to restart your Master. You should only update your firmware if such a recommendation is made by GamesOnTrack or the Update system tells you to do. When you restart you Master it will read all radio based devices from scratch and read your set-up data again. In this menu you can also change GT-Xcontrol types , normally only between Type 2-3-4, and 5. All other types are fixed. You can create your own vehicle types editing your private vehicle type settings. You will not be allowed to change the GamesOnTrack standard settings but you can make a copy and change that. Might be relevant if your vehicles are modified or have different gearing and speed calibration. Please see section Appendix 3. Merge Scenarios means that you can create more scenarios using more receivers and then merge the coordinate systems together to one completely related scenario in the same XYZ coordinate system. Se mere I kapitel 5.13 Start Monitoring and Show debug are two tools. Start monitoring makes 1000 measurements and record them and calculate statistics. Show debug shows you all radio units and their status. More in Appendix 3. Show debug helps when you are looking towards all radio units if they are active and what status they have. You can also manage your sound in the LEGO Sound module, and you can find out how certains measurements are active and from what sources – in measurement inspector. 3.8 Language Menu Use the Language menu to select a new language. You are free to operate any language for all menus and help documents. However, if you use voice recognition your license tells you what language you can use for voice commands. You must then select that language if you will speak your vehicles. More easily select the flag on the process line, it does the same. 3.9 Help menu Use the Help or F1 to get access to the help file, ask if there are new updates available on the Faller web-site for you, , make registration or buy new functionality, and upgrade your license key, or see what versions your are running in the About box. When you operate your system and when you are connected to the internet it will pop-up information if new releases are available for you. Use Check for updates to see if newer versions are available for you. If you are on-line the system makes it own check and you will see a pop-up message if a new version is available. 21 Please use the tutorial to get smart advices, and please note your software version in about and be sure you have the right license code and that it is registered. 22 4: Prepare your drive and operate You have installed your GT-COMMAND. Your GT-Xconnect must be connected if you use positioning – shows green or Your Faller Master is connected to your GT-COMMAND – shows green. When you open the GT-COMMAND it shows the same windows as last time. If you open the first time you can select operating windows in the View menu. 4.1 Layout settings, Emergency drive settings The system contains a set of functionality points to help you make a safe drive. - - - 23 In the System window you can select two safety functions. If a vehicle falls off the layout or it is taken away it will stop driving and turn on the warning signal. The border is defined as x mm from the outside ring, and the time in seconds tell how long time it takes before the vehicle is stopped crossing that border. This setting MUST be disconnected when you draw you layout. When you restart or shut down GT-COMMAND all vehicles will be stopped and all automations will be stopped as well (same as pressing F10) When you load any new system file the Xconnect will also be restarted in order to remove any old vehicle settings from the Xconnect. (this avoids inconsistency). If your Vehicle has driving speed but stands still, it might be an accident or the vehicle has hit a hard stop, or it has hit another vehicle or it is blocked in a tunnel. After 9 measurements on the same spot the vehicle is stopped and warning signal is on. Helps if vehicle keeps spinning the wheels but it does not move., or hit something in a tunnel. In tunnels it might take longer to identify the stopped vehicle due to a measurements uncertainty. Vehicle looses battery /power and stops driving. Radio will be on a bit, and when it dies (might take several minutes) then a blinking circle on the layout tells you the warning. As long as the blinking circle is on any follower vehicle will still respect this position and brake in front. The blinking circle will be on up to 30 seconds or longer until you have removed the - - - vehicle by clicking on the vehicle icon. Battery comes into effect for vehicles positioned with a battery sender. If SW breaks down and GT-COMMAND closes, then all vehicles will be stopped and all automations will be shut down. – same as F12 Emergency stop: Please press F12 or in voice command Stop all. All automations will be paused as well (pink status color). If you press F12 again the vehicles will resume their directions and speed and the automations will also resume from the state where they stopped. If you press F11 then the power supply from any digital controller to tracks will be shut down, and F11 again will reconnect the power. To be used if a short circuit appears. Automations will not be shut off. If You press F10 all vehicles and all automations stop and everything must be started up again. 4.2 Set-up your Train and operate Turn your first train on! If your vehicle has a radio sender either for Position or for both Position and Operation, then your vehicles will show up first time on the blank screen as unknown adapting a default configuration. Please observe that vehicle groups show up in bottom and you can search a vehicle if you move the cursor in from the bottom. 24 Now it is your job to configure them before you can drive them. You might also want to configure vehicles which has no sender and which does not show up by them selves, then you just add a new vehicle in the Edit menu.. You can configure a Containersender to be a train. When the containersender shows up, just edit the sender and select a train in the configuration list, and eventually assign a DCC address for it. However, you cannot change a sender in a train, including a containersender. If you want this, then please delete the train and start with the other sender. You can easily move a container to another train, just change the DCC-address. Go to the Edit menu under vehicles. Select one of the vehicles in the list and press edit. If you want to configure a train which is not in the list, please select Add. Delete a vehicle pressing Delete. 25 We have configured L521 as Type HVLE using adr. 23 on the digital controller with 2 wagons of length 20 cm and som16 mm between It becomes the Icon from the Type, the whole geometry, speed calibration etc as well as the driving Icon. The user can create their own icons and use them. The user can later speed calibrate this very train. If you have a LEGO-train it will show up like this when powered up and connected to the Radio. It will create the ID based on the radio address (unique). You can insert your name for that trains. Please pick the type in the Vehicles type for getting an Icon and standard speed calibration. Please select a color. Insert the Channel and the color where the ENGINE is connected to the LEGO IR Channel adaptor. We assume that if you use the LEGO light this will be connected on the same Channel number but opposite color. 26 If you click in the small arrow down as we did for L363 then all Function keys show up, and you operate them. Any train gets initially the function keys associated with the selected type. You can change that creating your own types. If you hover over the GPS Icon it will show you the current coordinates If you hover over the I uyou will see all details of your trainconfiguration. 27 We also saved a set of standard settings for CV-values, these settings can be changed by the user if the train is running directly on radio (this vehicle is not since its commands come from tracks – The CV-settings except the Address have no impact if the vehicle is running by a digital controller currently, if you want to change them please use your programming track). If you want other standard CV-settings you can change them in the vehicle type. Please see the Vehicle Type card in Appendix, or select the Vehicle Type card in Tools. You can now operate the vehicle. Please ensure you have selected a digital controller. Turn on your vehicle and move the slider. Please press the F0 and the light turns on. Any Vehicle can be operated from the screen, from an automation, or from connected smartphones or tablets. . Press the Vehicle-function keys – see light, sound, blink… Hoover the mouse over the I Icon – displays address and other info. Press the GPS-button and the vehicle calibration chart shows up: 28 The chart calculates the GPS-measured speed in mm/s per each driving step, or per 9 driving steps in DCC. Please select many measurements 60/step or just 40. Please select what steps you will calibrate, may be not the very fast ones. They can be inserted manually. When you press start the vehicle moves through the selected steps and measures the speed by the GPS. The values will be inserted. You can eventually change the values manually. Press OK to save the chart in the systemfile for exact this vehicle (not the type). Press cancel to avoid any savings. The chart will initially populate the values already in the systemfile, or if none the values from the type selected. Or may be none at all. Be careful doing automatic calibration on the very high steps. It might run too fast. Measurements from tunnels and shadow areas will not be used. Container with sender You can use a containersender in two ways: 1) As position sender for the train where it belongs. In this way you configure it as the train and with the eventual DCC-address for that train. Please set the containersender Position in the trainlength in the wagons list. 2) As an independent container, if it runs as a container you want to follow on screen in a set of wagons, if it runs on a truck, or it works as a game brick marking positions in various ways. A train set can have a dedicated train-sender + one or more container senders. They will be plotted on screen and will follow the train and if they can snap to a track they will also be predicted forwards. 29 4.3 Train-length and distance control Please copy a standard vehicle to a custom vehicle – your own vehicle type. Then configure your actual train with this type. In this custom type please only insert the rear distance to be the distance to the end of the loco.in mm. Now you have created a full train-length with the total length of distance to the front + distance top the rear + number io wagons and their actual lengths.. If you drive with block control any block occupation will be made based on any point of the full train-length. On the picture the rear point of brown 1311 will keep the Block B73 read even if the loco has left B72. Distance control of trains 30 Normally, distance control is reserved for cars, i.e. Faller Cars.. In the System Tab you can select Distance control for trains. Then each train will all the time calculate the distance to a trains in front of it in the driving direction. The train will brake if it comes too close – both if the train catch up from behind or the train is driving towards another train – in respect for the turnout settings. The assumptions are: - Trains are positioned with the position system and the track plan is made correctly with turnouts. - Trains have correct distance values to the front and to the rear from the sender. - The safety distance will act as the braking buffer - The trains have short braking delays (i.e. CV4=1). - A train cannot judge if the other train is driving forward or backward. Thus, the train will use the max value of the front and rear distances in its braking calculation in order to be safe. It might mean it will stop pretty far away from the train in front. Distance control can be used together with block control, or it can be used independently. Normally, the dynamics of the trains calls for a long brake distance. It means that – at this stage – we recommend to use distance control as an additional behavior to other safety regulation like block control. Please also be aware of that distance control can prevent two trains to connect on the same track in a shunting area. 4.4 Groups In groups you edit groups and assign vehicles to groups. The group name can be used in automations in the NLW-commands selecting vehicles from a specific group to pass on to specific tracks or to trigger certain actions. The group name can also be used in Automations for setting speed/stop/functions on all vehicles in that group Please click New first time and key your name of your group: Here Steamers. Pick a vehicle with the mouse in the left list and drag it to the group on the right side and drop it. Be sure you see the add symbol before dropping and not the cross over symbol. Group names can be used in automations, see chapter 6. 31 Groups are also used in the vehicles window, you can select only to see a certain group of vehicles in the window. If you move you mouse from the bottom of the vehicle window you will see the groups and can select the one you want to operate. 4.5 Set-up your LocoNet Modules This is specific to Loconet users who want to use the GT-Xconnect V2 Loconet as the Master for all loconet modules. In this way you might not need any other digital controller since the GT-Xconnect can act as Loconet Master. Faller uses it this way. It fits very well if your trains also operate on radio. You must setup your LocoNet modules before you can use them. GT-Command creates standard digital addresses for any turn, signal or stopping relay. The digital numbering is first the module number, starting with module 1, then the connection number on the module, i.e. 11. Thus digital address for module 2 connection 11 is 211. The feed-back sensors connect to the locoNet Modules using the same method starting with 101, so that Module 2 sensor 8 can be read using the ID E208. The ID’s are used in automations. If you wait for sensor 8 in module 2 to be activated you can write “NLW E208 occupied” in Automations. 32 Example setting up the Faller Car Module, press Edit and you see the windows below. The Faller Modules are 2 Half modules with both output and input signals. If you want to configure a new Loconet Module: 1) Select the LocoNet tab 2) Press add – the system will search for new modules or find the first, they will be numbered from 1 and onwards 3) All digital addresses have been preconfigured in the new module as shown below. You can decide to have single output for a normal turnout or group outputs in 3 aspect groups – only starting with 101, and/or 104, and/or 107, and or 110. You can also use 4 aspect groups starting with 101, 105, 109. Please be sure that all digital address in the list have unique numbers before you press save. In this configure process the single outputs in a group will get the digital address corresponding to the first output in the group. 4) If you later want to reconfigure a module, please be sure that you first reconfigure to single entries – i.e from 101 to 112 – and press save, before you make a new grouping. Otherwise the configuration process will time out and you will end up in a non controlled state. 5) If all goes wrong, please delete the module and search it again from beginning. 33 Using the drop-down lists you can decide what accessory you connect. If it is a turnout only, then A4 is just a turnout. A10 is a signal with 3 aspects, you connect green, yellow and red to terminal 10, 11 and 12. 4.6 Set-up your turnouts Your turns are all placed where you can turn off from track/street/lane and drive into another track/street/lane based on the electrical switch.. In Faller you will also have places where two lanes merge into one without any magnetic device, like with trains where you just pass over a turnout without setting it. Turns can be set directly on the screen, on the drawing, or they can be used in automations, or they can be called by voice control. Turn ID starts with T. Please select a turnout to edit or decide to add a new one: 34 The system propose an ID, however you can select yourself. The T24 matches the normal GTCommand Type ID, because it can also be spoken ”Tango 24”. Please select between types: A) The Faller Type = the Loconet type B) The Motorola/DCC-type where all settings are made over the digital controller C) The GT-Xcontrol, where the turnout is controlled with a GT-Xcontrol using radio D) The FallerType=Loconet Type where we use the radio to push the circuit. The radio holds the setting for some time. E) LEGO Servo: GOT Product: 1302762 turnout with two Servo engines and two signal output, which uses a 4,5V Servo to pull the track over. F) LEGO PF in order to build your own Turnout control using PF-motors with IR and our GOT product 1302761 The turnout is as standard drawn by a 300 ms pulse. The Xcontrol can draw an LGB-turnout as well as a normal dual magnetic turnout. 35 The two types DCC-Motorola and GT-Xcontrol also have a logical type. This type states how many deviations and how they are performed: 3-way with 2 DCC-addresses 4-Way single, just one address 4-way double, 2 addresses. Please see the tutorial for how to connect the logical types on the track. In Particular note the AD and BC settings. You also set the digital address for type A and B. For type C-D-E you just set the Radio ID of the device . You can operate the turnouts from the turnout window where you select that view in the menu “View” 4.7 Set-up Servo turnout for LEGO®trains, control PF engines, GTXcheck The LEGO®-turnout set-up reflects the dedicated GT-Xcontrol Servo 1302762. You can connect two servos to this radio device, Servo 1 and Servo 2, Please select a turnout ID and Name as above Please select Lego in the drop down list Please insert the radio address as printed on the device or on the device box, or seen from the debug list of all radios in the system Please pick in order servo 1 First and the Servo 2. 36 For each servo use the slider to set the angle, click on one end and then the other end to find the two end points for the servo – normally not full out but close. It may vary if the servo runs a Turnout or operates a Gate. You can easily test it clicking the turnout symbol in the list. Please select for each servo how quickly it should move. Do not make it too slowly. Please Save and please ensure you have picked both servos. You can control any PF engine using 1302761 and your LEGO IR Channeladapter You can build a turnout or you can use it in a crane, it can be driven completely automatic from an automation using in this case T67. 4.7.2 Set-up GT-Xcheck GT-Xcheck reports the Turnout position via radio to GT-Command, normally for Track G-scale or other turnouts which can get non controlled position from train or manually. GT-Xcheck reports via radio any new position so that the automation always know the right position of the turnout 37 Edit the radio address (ID on the Xcheck module) Change Period is how long the diodes blinks in a transition, default 2 sec. Use the drop down to specify how the diodes should be turned on/off/blink at various stages. The standard Xcheck will run correctly for left turnouts, if the platinum is inserted under the deck with green antenna pointing back out from the turnout. If you do the same with a right turnout, please select Reverse Direction. It does not help to rotate the black/white label. Close the window and save in the turnout main menu.. 4.8 Set-up your Signals Signals can be either virtual or physical. There are 4 types: Faller LocoNet Motorola/DCC Virtual Faller Xcontrol Lego Virtual signals means that you only see them on the screen. Physical signals are connected to the LocoNet Module as FallerLocoNet or as direct DCC-devices with a digital address on the digital controller – Motorola DCC. They are visible on the layout using a digital address. If you use Direct radio and want to set a Signal using GT-Xcontrol please select that type and use The GT-Xcontrol ID as the Digital Address. Signals can be set directly on the screen, on the drawing, or they can be used on Automations , or they can be called by voice control. Signal ID starts with V. Any Signal can be operated from the screen, by pressing the symbol (or the associated section ) on the layout drawing, or from an automation, or from a route, or from voice control. 38 Signals have the same types as turnouts. They might be virtual only – in such a case often used to stop vehicles on the screen. They might be POINT-signals as well meaning they have a position and vehicles can see their position and stop in front of them. Signals have free positions (opposite to V 3.6 where they are linked to a block). You can assign a signal to a section/block in the Section edit window. Then the signal will operate as the block. If the signal (and Block) is red then a train will drive slowly and finally stop in front of the signal. You can select the 2 or 3 aspect signal, it is only how they show up on screen. 3 aspect signal is meant for cars, 2 aspect in general for trains, but you decide how to use. A Signal might have a position snapped to a track/street and the vehicle can see forward where this position is and brake accordingly (only if free signal, in this version it cannot yet drive slowly in a red block until the signal position is reached.) 39 4.9 Set-up the signals for LEGO trains The LEGO®-signal set-up reflects the dedicated GT-Xcontrol Servo 1302762. You can connect two LED-diodes to this radio device, Led1 and Led 2 – all together with the two servos, and they can operate independently of the servos., Please select a Signal ID and Name as above Please select Lego in the drop down list Please insert the radio address as printed on the device or on the device box, or seen from the debug list of all radios in the system Please decide if the signal is a 2 aspect (normal) or 3 aspect (only visual) – yellow is an unconditioned middle stage. The Set-up handles about what happens when you select Green or Red on the symbol on the screen or in automations. These are the two standard selections only, however a lot of different things can happen since each Led is completely independent from the other. 40 For every Led Please select one of the states off, on, flash, not used when pressing green and red. As an example if both leds are sitting as one green and one red in one signal you will select green Led 1 On and green Led 2 Off – red led 1 Off and red led 2 On. As another example is the two diodes are both red and standing in a crossing on each side you will select green Led 1 and led 2Ooff and red Led 1 Flash and Led 2 Flash, then both signals will flash when you select red on that V52. Please end pressing save. 4.10 Set-up Sections Sections correspond to blocks in Trains. In general we use the term “Section” in 4.x but if you prefer you can use Blocks as well. In order to trigger automations and in order to animate the driving on the layout you need sections on the tracks or street. A Section is a virtual geometry along a track or street – or it can be drawn as a free geometry. In version 4.x the geometry is a box, meaning it includes a height over and under the track. You can edit all sections directly in this edit menu, and then select the right one when you later draw them on the layout. Or you can create them one by one when you draw them.. A Section has an ID with S (or B) which can be used in Automations. Sections are small blocks around the track/street which trigger the vehicle passing that section, and which then can be used to activate vehicle operations, speed, light, sound, turns etc. The important part is that the section knows which vehicle is passing and there are automation functions which then can operate directly on that vehicle. 41 Section ID starts with S. Any section can change status red/green pressing the section on the layout, by an associated signal, by an automation, or by voice control . A section has a certain set of attributes: a) It can be a tunnel Entrance or tunnel Exit. It means that when a vehicle passes Section with Tunnel Entry attribute the vehicle moves on without measurements only using prediction based on drawing and speed – we call it virtual driving. When the vehicle hits a “Tunnel Exit” attribute on a Sections it will resume the measurements. b) It can have a signal associated (corresponds to the old 3.6 setting of signals associated to blocks). The signal in the drop-down will- if assigned – follow the section color in terms of setting. The signal can have any position. c) It will have a height associated.. The train is only trapped if it is measured or forward calculated inside the frame. If you have a bridge you can have a frame for the track under the bridge and a frame over the bridge. The standard value set by the system is the z-Position corresponding to the track middle z-value if you draw it as a section between two points, or otherwise 0. And the height is 100 mm, 50 mm above and 50 mm under. You can adjust both. In the 3D view you can select “Show blocks” and you might see the picture below. d) A Section has 4 colors: a. The frame is green and the inside color is grey, meaning the section is open for any use and no vehicle is inside. b. The frame is green but the content it white meaning it is occupied with a vehicle but the vehicle can drive. c. The frame is red and the inside is grey, meaning the section is set to “no go” and any vehicle coming into that section will stop. d. The frame is red and the content is white meaning it contains a vehicle which is stopped. 42 If you click the signal you will see all free signals. You can select one which means that this particular signal (physical or virtual) is aligned with the section and shows exactly the same color as the section – will now be use to drive slowly forward in a red block until the signal is reached If you click the Tunnel you can set the section to be a tunnel entry – meaning that the vehicle runs virtual based on speed until it hits the next tunnel exit. A section can only be either or. 43 Sections are 3D with heights. .In the sample 10 cm, with 5 cm and 5 cm down from the z-position. Please see the height in Positions/3D, select Show sections. 4.11 Set-up Routes Routes are groups of turns and signals which all are set to one specific state in order to support a given tour or traffic. Routes can be set directly on the screen or can be used in Automations or set by voice. Route ID starts with R. Any route can be operated from the screen, from an automation , or via voice control. 44 Display and control routes from the main screen is done using the route window, as standard the view menu will show the route window to the right.: Please click the “W” symbol to set a given route. If the symbol is red one or more accessories are false according to that specific route. If green all accessories are set right according to that route. It will always be green after pressing the symbol (unless an automation immediately try to change it) 45 4.12 Upload sounds to GT-Xsound GT-Xsound is a sound module which connects to GT-Xcontrol IR and is meant for LEGO buildings and vehicles. You can have 8 sounds on that module with up to 25 seconds each. You can upload any sound to the module and play it while driving using function keys F1 to F8. Please ensure your GT-Xcontrol IR is connected with a sound module on it: Select the train ID with the Sound module, browse your sounds (MP3 and WAV) and insert them. They will be queued up under the F-number you have selected for it. When you press “Start Upload” the upload process will take place one by one. Please do not queue up all of them in one cycle, if one sound fails and must be repeated it can affect all of them. 4.13 Stationary sounds, Faller and GOT The Faller Sound is a surrounding sound on your layout. The idea is that you can activate sounds as a consequence of the drive, using it in automations., or calling them by voice control or tablet etc. The Faller Sound module is a LocoNet Module. You can connect the module to the same LocoNet as your turns (Erweiterungsmodule). If you install the Faller Sound Director on your PC and insert the associated USB-stick you can configure your Sound module to operate sounds which are called out from the Faller Vehicle System. 46 You simply assign a LocoNet Address to each sound. Please go to the Solenoid Accessory (Magnetartikel ) section and load the sounds you want to activate and assign a Loconet address to the sounds. You can use any address 0-9999. If you use the same addresses as your turns the sound will be activated when you shift the turns. Then you go into Edit mode and open the Sound tab. Please create an ID and a name for every Sound you want to play, and assign the already chosen LocoNet Address to the Sound. Now you can open the Sound window in the view menu and press the sound and it runs. You can also open you Layout in Edit mode and select the speaker and place the speaker on a given position on your layout. If you press the speaker (with the associated name) the sound will play. If you want to use the sound automatically you can embed the sound call in automations. You can only activate the sound since it runs until the end and then turns off itself. The ID for Sounds is Pxx The command “P17 on” will run the sound P17. As an example you can play sounds when a certain vehicle hits a certain section, just creating a simple Automation. The GOT Sound module can be connected to the LEGO IR-sender as a moving sound or being a stationary independent module Item 1302767. It can have a small speaker (standard) or a large speaker. The GOT-sound module has dynamic upload by radio of new sounds. The modules plays like the Faller Sound Module just clicking the Function F1 to F8 on that particular sound. It plays until it runs out. If you want a continuously play, please use the automations to set it up. In the automation write P3 F2 to play the F2 sound from sound P3. Or write p3 f2 Pause 3,4 repeat 9 To play the same sound 9 times. 47 If you click on the Edit symbol you can configure the sound to a certain radio ID. If you click on the Arrow Up you can start uploading sound to a certain Function key. 4.14 Multitraction, more locos in the same train length You set-up the multitraction in the train configuration window (I). You simply add a Loco as if it was a wagon, just with a digital address or a GOT-address (5-6 digits). At the same time you need to remove the exra traction train from the vehicle list (edit/Vehicles). In the below case we have added loco with address 23 to Diesel Mz with adr 24. The second loco will get the same control information as the first loco. The second loco will only be seen on screen as the wagon. You can add more locos to the same train length - -and more wagons. 4.15 Create automations and run them Please see chapter 6. 48 5: Set-up scenario, draw your layout 5.1 Set-up and calibrate 2D scenario A scenario is an area of your layout – or your total layout – which are measured by a set of satellites. The minimum set is 2 satellites which will constitute a 2D scenario. 2D means that we only measure X and Y in a coordinate system, we do not measure the height. And it also means that the satellites must be placed minimum 500 mm outside the layout – that is not over the layout. If you have hills or bridges you can still use the 2D, however the drawing and the measurement will draw the distances on the hill to be closer to the satellites and thus creating a small bow on the road. See below in order to merge more 2D scenarios. You set up your 2D scenario in a simple way: a) Ensure they have the same height over the layout, i.e . under the ceiling or on the side of your fiddle yard. b) Measure the height over a normal loco on the layout in mm c) Measure the distance between the two satellites in mm 1. Select menu Edit and tab Scenario 2. Select 2D in the drop down menu, select 2 receivers.- add a name. 3. Select your 2 actual receivers in the receiver ID drop down. Important: The left receiver will be the 0,0,0 point. It should be the one receiver which is to the left if you have the front against your lay-out and you have the receivers above your head or on the same side as yourself. 49 4. Please insert the height and distance, You only need one height and one distance, the rest will be filled out. 5. Please press OK and close the window. Please reopen the window and see it shows green. 6. Now you can start drawing your layout. If you want to expand your 2D scenario you can add more receivers. However, they need to be placed so that the all sit on the same line and at the same height. Distance between receivers could be 1-3 m. Please select one new receiver at a time. In the drop-down box select 3 receivers. A new column shows up and a new row as well. Select the ID of the new receiver. Now you can either insert the distances in the table in mm measured between the new receiver and the others, or place a sender in front of the middle receiver and press calibrate. Then the sender will measure and calculate the distances. If you use this method the sender must be placed on the layout so the sender is in the same height as your trains. Please also check the temperature. You can have maximum 6 receivers in a 2D scenario. There is a video on the Gamesontrack youtube channel which shows the principles in the set-up. 5.2 Set-up 2.5D scenarios, normally for Fiddle Yards 2.5 D can be used for normal 2D is impossible due to no space for the satellites outside the tracks. 2.5 D is used where you drive falt and dense, under a plate with not too much height. The Satellites are placed at the same height above the track, normally on boths sides of the track or over the track- often in pairs of 2 with about 1,5 meter between two pairs. Set up according to appendix 6, the ultrasound header pointing towards the tracks. 50 The advantage is that in 2.5 D the satellites can be placed directly above the tracks. Still they must have minimum 400 mm between them. Height down to 150 mm over the track. You might want to use the less sensitive Satellite variant 1302811. It will reduce jumps etc. The calibration of the 2.5 D is simple. Select the 2.5 D method, click the Track Axix calibration, insert the height from train to satellite. Use a long STRAIGHT track or line eventually in the middle as the calibration line. Place a sender in one end and start the wizard. Select sender, select the distance between successive measurements, often 200-300 mm. For each calibration step move the sender the distance ahead along the track, wait for next, and continue until at least 4 markers on the line are recorded. Please continue until you have been under the last pair also. 51 Now you have made a normal 3-D scenario which assumes flat drive and all satellites at the very same height. X-axis along the line, y ahead of you an z upwards. The scenario can be merged like other scenarios. 5.3 Set-up 3D scenarios Please check Appendix 6 to make a proper satellite set-up In a 3D scenario Satellites can be placed anywhere above or outside the layout, and the 3D scenario also measures the height, the z-value. It means that hills and bridges are projected correctly on the layout drawing. Our recommendation is to use a 3D scenario as the first scenario (main) above the layout and if you have more fiddle yards add them as 2D scenarios. You can have more scenarios. The distance between the satellites in 3D should in general be between 1m and 2 m, and 1-3 meter above the layout. In general the 3 satellites constitute a triangle. They have to be placed so there is no angle in that triangle less than 20 degree. Otherwise the calibration process will not run. When you set-up your satellites, please think about that the best measurements will be provided if the signal strength from vehicle to satellite is in the same range. In general it is a good idea not to spread out the satellites but collect them and orient them towards the layout and at a place so that you can operate normally without staying in between the vehicles and the satellites. If you have areas on your layout (apart from tunnels) where your vehicles only see two satellites and see a 3 rd one badly then you might want to add a 4th satellite. A 3D scenario needs a calibration process. The purpose is to put your satellites and your layout into the same coordinate system. 1) Select 3 points on your layout. The first point will be 0,0,0, the next will be X,0,0 and the 3rd X,Y,0 will point the orientation of the plane. From 0,0,0 to X,0,0 will be your X-axis. Recommendation is to keep that axis along the border or your layout next to you. The size of triangle should also be between 1 and 2 m, no angle less than 25 degree. Please measure the distances between the 3 points. 2) Please check the temperature and be sure you have inserted the right the right temperature in settings, in appendix 2 3) Select Edit and tab Scenario. Select new, select 3D. 4) Please select your 3 receivers in the drop down boxes, the order does not matter. 5) Please press “Set up 3D scenario”. 6) You use a sender to make the calibration. Please select one from the upcoming drop-down box, often a battery-sender is useful. 7) Now just follow the guide, place the sender in each of your 3 points, first 0,0,0, then X,0,0, then X,Y,0, , only move to the next when the guide shows stable values. 52 8) After you have ended the calibration, please insert the 3 distances between the points in order 9) Please press OK, if it turn green your are done and you can leave the picture. 10) I The system validates your settings and might turn down your calibration. Please follow the pop-up in case you see it. What often goes wrong is the order of the 3 distances to the left or that these measurements are false or not in mm. If you have more scenarios you will need to merge them together using the Merge function in the tool menu. Please see chapter 5.13. The merge process actually places ONE coordinate system (Main) on your layout and bind all other scenarios to that system. You can decide how you want to push the other scenarios in relation to Main. If you add new scenarios to your first scenario then you should merge them with the Main scenario BEFORE you start the drawing of the new layout. In this way you will ensure the new positions to be right in relation to your main coordinate system. All new scenarios must be oriented with parallel planes in relation the Main scenario. 53 5.4 Expand layout – add more satellites In general you can expand your layout using two methods: a) In V 4.4 a 3D scenario can calibrate 6 satellites at the very same time if the sender can see them all in each step. You add the extra satellites to the calibration pressing add satellite, just perform the coming up-steps even if they end up with wrong numbers, the calibration will adjust them. b) You can builld a new scenario with just one new satellite, and then merge the two. Good if you have long distances. c) Add one satellite at a time as described below – normally not the best way due to uncertainty. We recommend to use method a) if we the expansion is about 1-2 extra satellites. We recommend to use method b) if we discuss expansions of 3 or more satellites. It is a simple question of uncertainty on measurements. 5.4.1 Add one more satellite If your layout expands you might need to expand with more satellites to cover that. Or you might want to add another satellite in order to improve precision. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Go to Edit/Scenario Setup Be sure you have turned on a new satellite. Click Add receiver and add the satellite from the drop-down list. Confirm the temperature or change it. Then select a vehicle to help you calibrate the new satellite into your layout. The methods is to place the vehicle in four (4) different positions on the layout, just follow the guideline on the screen. For each position the system will tell you if this position is Ok to use for the calibration process. When the 4 positions are measured the system will calculate the new satellite coordinates in your Layout coordinate system. Normally you just make a square – 4 points with some 700-1000 mm between each point on your layout. The calibration process uses 4 points in order not to need the (0,0,0), (x,0,0), (x,y,0) but just use the current scheme to set the 4th sat in operation. In this way you just expand your coverage stepwise always using other satellites to calibrate the next one. It also means that you cannot expand any new satellite beyond good standard reach, in practice 4-5 m. You can add up to 6 extra satellites this way – and you can remove them again. If you have no free satellites turned on the system will refuse to set up more satellites telling you there are not enough free satellites. Please be aware of that any extra satellite expands the number of measurement triangles (3 satellites which obey to the rules of distance and more than 20 degree angles) a lot. 4 satellites makes 4 traingles at maximum, 5 satellites makes 10. So when you set up a new satellite please think about 54 what 3 satellites you want to use at various places on the layout and which will obey the rules. See the “Measurement Triangles” window below. 55 Use the “Measurement Triangles” window to check your active satellite triangles. 5.4.2 Expand using more scenarios Please create a new 2 D or 3D scenario and merge it into the main scenario using as described in chapter 5.13. 5.5 Draw your layout and prepare it for automatic control and distance control. Please use the Tutorial in Help menu to be guided through layout drawing and manage of the main screen. In the tutorial you will learn: a) To manage the mouse b) To record a layout c) To inserts turnouts, signals, sections, etc. The principles are that you can manage all object from two points: d) Use the Edit menu and find the object type, say turnout, and edit them line by line, or e) Use the drawing in the main window, open edit mode (the streetwork symbol) and direcly add an object from the menu and place it immediately and the configure it – or if you want to change some parameters click on the object as shown below for changing section B50: 56 5.6 Enhance your drawing, edit tunnels Load an old file and just start the drawing process again on new tracks. Please be careful setting the temperature in the main window so you start as close as possible on the old layout or connect the old to the new in the edit process. Click the ”show measurements” to see that. If you have tunnels or “dark” areas where the drawing jumps around, you better delete most of the points afterwards and insert a few as close as possible to the real tracks and connect the points. Then you “build” a tunnel manually using right mouse button. You can also insert turnouts in the tunnel. When driving please edit a section in front of the tunnel as a tunnel entry and a section after as a tunnel exit. Then the system will show the train in the tunnel and move it forward based on speed and forward calculation. Remember to save your result, also to save your system file. 5.7 Drive with block control and use some distance control When your layout is ready you can start driving more vehicles on it.. Here are many surprising and smart things to try: a) Be sure your trains have proper calibration. Each train uses the speed calibration to predict the next position if not a measurement. You can calibrate a train: b) Select a train type that more or less fit the train 57 c) Press the GPS button on that train control and it will run the train using the GPS to calculate the relation between real speed and speed steps. And when it has performed some 14 steps it will save the calibration rhythm in your system file. From now on this very train is calibrated.’ d) Look at your CV-settings and may be adjust them. As standard it brakes hard. It reflects narrow layouts. Please put a virtual signal on the layout and drive toward it. Click green on it and it will pass, click red and it will stop. Do you like the braking in front, if not make some adjustments to the braking scheme and the braking model (not in 4.0). e) Please try to drive backwards to a red signal. f) Please create some sections on the layout and create FBF automations (free block forward) automations -see the Automation manual) per section and run a train across the sections. As standard sections turn red behind an occupied section. No train can move in a red section. You might assign a signal to the section and the signal will follow the color of the section. In 4.x an option will be open to have the behind section green but the signal red, meaning you drive to the signal and stop , meaning the “red” block behind will be a braking section until the signal is reached. 5.8 Drive in simulation mode From V 4.0 and forward the system allow you to operate it without being connected to the layout. We call it virtual mode or simulation mode. You need to create a vehicle which is a pure radio vehicle, meaning no use of Digital Controller. Simply build the vehicle using the Vehicle edit mode. And create it using a type. If you click on that vehicle in the vehicle control window it will open at the top,. Showing a blue battery bar, and show up onf on the track. If you click the speed it will start moving. You can do anything to that virtual train, switch a turnout, set a red signal, and you can also use it in between your normal trains. And you can have more of them. Click on their icons and they will be removed from the tracks. So what? Take your PC with your and use them, to test and try your automations. Show your layout to friends using your PC, collaborate across the net, send system files to support telling what creates troubles and we can use the virtual trains to help you out. Or just enjoy it and find new ways to build an even better layout. In the long be prepared for games using the virtual vehicles. 5.9 3D-view, 3D edit In menu Position select Record Track 3D. It is both a view’er, a drawer, and an editor. .3D edit opens the tracks in your systemfile. 58 3D mode has more than the same features as the 2D edit mode mentioned in section 5.3 and now operating in all dimensions. The purpose is to make it easier to get the 3D elements right, and connect points and tracks. Previously all insert of points were assumed to be done in z=0. If you convert an old system with many edits in tunnels etc you will see the points in z=0 and other points with a correct z-value. This has provided difficulties for connecting turnouts and yellow circles in 3.6. With 3D this is now corrected. . You operate the view this way using your mouse: 1) Load and save can be used to load separate and old position files. As default the 3D mode will open using you current track plan. 2) Start to draw your layout in 3D, select a vehicle and press Start to start the drawing. Move the vehicle from the main window. Stop the drawing pressing stop (behind start). Please note that the system might stop drawing when your repeatedly drive over areas already pictured. This way the number of double tracks will be minimized. Just let the vehicle run forward/backwards over the layout - - however there is no need for driving more than one time over a certain piece. 3) This view has an Undo, so you can go back if you make mistakes 4) Use the wheel on the mouse to zoom in/out 5) Move the drawing left/right up/down pressing shift mousepad while you draw the mouse. 6) There is a normal view’er and walk viewer. 59 a. Normally you move the viewpoint around moving your mouse around while pressing the right mouse key down. Use this mode to find you plane and see you trackplan from all viewpoints b. Use the Walk-mode to walk around in that plane, still pressing the right mouse button. 7) Use left mouse key to select one or more points, you keep the left mousepad down and draw a section and all points in that section show up light red. Click outside to undo. 8) Operate the selected points with: a. Delete – all points are removed and if possible new connections are made, or they shop up with end marks. b. Connect two points marking the first one with the left mouse and marking the other one next with the left mouse – done c. Use the colored arrows to move all the selected points in any direction or rotate them d. Use the arrows (also on the keyboard) to move the selected points (or one) in the walk mode as you see them. One basic example is to select a whole layer of points , then they all become red, and then you move them all using the arrows. Important feature for converting from old 3.6 to 4.x e. Use Flatten z to make a smooth curve upward/downward on selected points – knowing that in fiddle yards you might have some spikes to adjust. f. Use Densify/insert point to insert points between the selected points in order to move them later for having a smooth curve or just use them for more connections. Please do not insert massive number of unnecessary points. 10 mm distance should be the minimum distance between them in general. g. Use Copy and paste to copy out selected points as a new track and use that , i.e. as a tunnel not drawn by the train. h. Use simplify/smooth to combine a lot of near by points to one track and to simply your drawing to the minimal number of points. Always do that after a new drawing is made. i. Use Smooth to straighten it out and simplify further. j. See – as a check – how many points your are operating in the moment. 9) Please select some points and try it all out – also the tilt buttons. You can later undo. 10) Finally select “Use track” to operate on the drawing and store the drawing in your system file.. 5.10 More views of main window Please observe that your scenarios do not play any role in setting up these windows. They are all part of a global XYZ setting, You can have 1 main picture and 4 subpictures showing more detailed parts of the layout, please see the figure example below. Press the green + cross down to the right to insert a window. 60 Use the z-leveling (from the tutorial) to select what heights, Right mouse+CTRL Remove from the bottom, Right Mouse+Shift remove from the top, Right Mouse+SHIFT+CTRL rotate Use the camera to switch the main viewport. Use zoom to get exactly what you want to focus on Use <> to expand/collapse the windows . 5.11 Merge scenarios When you create a new scenario with new receivers then this new scenario will be born in the Main coordinate system with the very same 0,0,0 and same x-y and z axis. It means that points and drawings and accessories will be seen on screen across your main scenarios and be difficult to see apart. However, in reality it is may be a fiddle yard or something off-set. Before you start drawing the layout in this new scenario please go to Tool/Merge and offset the scenario to its “real” position, or may be a different 0,0,0 because of drawings etc. 61 In this example there is locked main scenario (red with a lock on) and the second scenario, can be 2 D or 3 D. It must be off-set with -300 mm from the main scenario in Y-direction and -175 mm in the z-direction from the main 0,0,0. Initially the blue and the red coordinate system are at the same point. You see the satellites as well, the red ones and the 2 blue ones. Then please click on the green arrows and you will move the blue one in XY and in Z direction. You will see how much its is moved in the little blue box up to the right. The red marks and the blue marks in the merge window are you on-line trains. If you drive a train you will see how it change from being recorded in red to be recorded in blue. If you now start recording the layout I 3D it will create points and tracks like in the below picture: 62 Or in 3D mode: Merge scenarios while driving 63 If you start driving during your merge operation the vehicle will show up in the merge window with a long tale of points – from both – or all – scenarios if possible. Then please pause the recording and use the arrows to get the shape of the tales to completely overlap. Then you have merged the scenarios – which you can see in the numbers in the small boxes. 64 6: Automations Automations are used to operate your vehicles automatically. You can create as many Automations as you like using the standard automation commands. Automations are edited directly in the Automation table. An Automation is a sequence of commands and functions to be executed when you call the Automation. You license code might set som limitation for how many you can operate simultaneously. 6.1 Edit Automations Every Automation has an ID and a Name. Normally the Automation ID starts with A. You add a new or delete an old automation or delete one. In the example we have an automation to park a train A12 65 In 4.x the edit environment is new. You can cut and paste commands, and all commands are validated as you go. If you make mistakes they become red and you can not run the automation before corrected. The standard operation is to use the C for vehicles of any kind and the S for sections, then also the macros known in V 3.6: FBF, FFR, FLB, LBx are used as FSF, FFR. FCL, CSx. However, you can still use the old macro names if you like to. Please see below for the full automation notation, inclusive the new group command. Please also see chapter 6 for automations and sections Automations run line by line. One new line is processed every70 ms. Be aware of that you might need to insert Pauses between lines if you have many changes, the decoder might not be able to follow so fast. Automations can run repeatedly. Automations can be operated directly on the screen, or they can be called by other automations, or they can be called by voice. Automation can also be altered in the new automation window on screen while driving. Even if an automation is running you can double click on the ID Name of the Automation, the sequence will show up, and you can edit the automation. When you save the automation you have a new one. 66 However, if the automation was running it will continue to operate the old one until you stop the automation and start the automation again. 6.2 Run automations All automations are shown on the screen in the Automation Control window. Just click Start on an automation and it will turn green while running, and again turn red when stopped. You can stop an automation clicking on the Stop. You can display and edit an automation double click on the ID, name. While it is running you will see each current line operating. 6.3 Drive in Tunnels You can drive a vehicle through a tunnel in more ways. 1) You can just let the Vehicle go and in most cases it will just drive through, however on the screen it might in many cases be drawn in pretty unsafe and jump left and right. You will then only be able to run one vehicle a time in the tunnel since distance control can not operate this way. The main principle is that it - automatically – sees the level drop and the by default turn the driving into a predict and area logic mode. However it depends on how far away the satellites are. 2) You can also put a section in place before the entry and another one after the exit. You assign to this section a parameter saying “Tunnel entrance” and “Tunnel exit” respectively. This means that we ONLY drive between the two blocks uses the Area Logic and Predict. 67 Using this method the vehicle will show up with a more transparent color. You can still manually reduce the speed or stop the vehicle in the tunnel and go on again, and you can have more vehicles after each other if the vehicle is correctly speed calibrated. Operations can also operate on vehicle in tunnels and also the CS-property woks meaning a virtual vehicle will also respect the automations. 6.4 Activate Faller sounds while driving The Faller Sound module is a LocoNet Module. You can connect the module to the same LocoNet as your turns (Erweiterungsmodule). If you install the Faller Sound Director on your PC and insert the associated USB-stick you can configure your Sound module to operate sounds which are called out from the Faller Vehicle System. You simply assign a LocoNet Address to each sound. Please go to the Solenoid Accessory (Magnetartikel ) section and load the sounds you want to activate and assign a Loconet address to the sounds. You can use any address 0-9999. If you use the same addresses as your turns the sound will be activated when you shift the turns. Then you go into Edit mode and open the Sound tab. Please create an ID and a name for every Sound you want to play, and assign the already chosen LocoNet Address to the Sound. Now you can open the Sound window in the view menu and press the sound and it runs. 68 You can also open you Layout in Edit mode and select the speaker and place the speaker on a given position on your layout. If you press the speaker (with the associated name) the sound will play. If you want to use the sound automatically you can embed the sound call in automations. You can only activate the sound since it runs until the end and then turns off itself. The ID for Sounds is Pxx The command “P17 on” will run the sound P17. As an example you can play sounds when a certain vehicle hits a certain section, just creating a simple Automation. 6.5: Quick Guide to Standard Automation Functions The first table shows automation functions which do not require positioning and which can be used without knowing where the vehicle is, or which can be used together with sensors in the road. In general the former LXXXX can be used as well as the new standard CXXXX for Lok ID. In general the former BXXXX can be used as well as the new standard SXXXX for Blocks Function Driving Form Cxxxx Example, parameter C1501 forward 20 Odin forward 20 C1501 backward 10 Odin backward 10 In general group names 69 Steamers forward 20 Explanation Drive VehicleID C1501 forward with 20 driving steps Drive the Vehicle named Odin forward with 20 steps Drive the VehicleID C1501 backwards with 10 steps or km/h. Drive the vehicle named Odin backwards with 10 steps All vehicles in the group Steamers run forward with 20 can be used as individual vehicles C1501 stop Odin stop Steamers Stop Stop all Vehicle functions Cxxxx Fyy C1501 F0 on C1501 F2 off L1501 engine on Steamers F1 on Odin engine off Turnouts Txx T18 T18 Straight T25 left T25 right T27 AD Sections Sxx T31 turn T18 turn S13 green S13 red 70 Stop VehicleID C1501 Stop the vehicle named Odin. Stop all vehicles in group steamers. Set desired speed on driving vehicles to 0 Turn on F0 on VehicleID C1501 Turn off F2 on VehicleID C1501 Turn on the engine sound on VehicleID 1501 All vehicles in the group steamers turn on Function F1. Turn off the engine sound on the Vehicle named Odin. Toggle the direction of the turnout with ID T18 Set T18 in the straight direction. A 3-way turnout turns left A 3-way turnout turns right T27 is a 4-way cross with two drives. T31 AD sets the direction from A to D or from D to A Normal single drive 4Way turns Set T18 in the turn direction. Set S13 and eventually attached signal to green Set S13 and eventually attached signal to red Signals Vxx V11 green V11 red Routes Rxx R31 Sounds Pxx P11 Automations Axx A11 on A11 off Bridge on Bridge off Pause Pause Pause 5 Pause 5.3 Repeat Repeat Repeat Repeat 4 Section conditions NLW NLW S1 occupied NLW NLW Steamers C24 NLW S1 free S88 Modules – old feed back modules NLW NLW E102 occupied Set V11 and eventually linked section to red Set V11 and eventually linked section to red Set all turnouts and signal on route with ID R31. Starts sound P11 and runs it to the end Start automation with the ID A11. Automations can be started and stopped by other automations. Stop the execution of A11. Start the automaton with the name Bridge Stop the execution of the automation named Bridge. The automation program waits 5 seconds before it moves on. The automation program waits 5.3 seconds before it moves on. The automation program starts from the top again. The automation program starts from the top again 4 times, then it goes on or terminates if the repeat command is the last line. Continue only if a vehicle has occupied Section with ID S1. Continue only if one vehicle from the group Steamers pass C24. Continue only if no vehicle occupies Section with ID S1 ModuleID := Counts from 1 up to 9 S88 modules INPUT := A 2 digit number for the input id. 01-16 STATE := "occupied" or "free" NLW E<ModuleID><INPUT> <STATE> 71 Continue only if S88 Module 1, input 02 is on (occupied)Module S88 Modules NLW Other conditions NLW E207 free NLW T18 straight NLW V11 green NLW C24 stop Continue only if Module 2 input 7 is free (not occupied) Continue only if T18 is in straight direction. Continue only if V11 is green Continue only if C24 is stopped. The second table shows automation functions which are part of the positioning Area Function Individual C36 B5 Section Street Sensors Loconet Individual vehicle control Rememberdesired speed 72 CSx Speed Example NLW C36 S5 NLW E201 Explanation Continue only if the vehicleID C36 occupies S5. Wait until Street Sensor with ID E201 is activated by a vehicle. NLW Odin S27 Continue only if the vehicle named Odin occupies S27. NLW Steamers S27 Continue if one vehicle from the group steamers occupy S27 CS5 F2 on When any vehicle occupies S5 turn on the F2-function on that particular vehicle. CS5 F2 off CS5 stop CS5 forward 20 Vehicle in S5 turns off F2 Vehicle in S5 is stopped Vehicle in S5 forward with 20 or steps. Register remember the desired speed from a certain vehicle to be resumed later. The car in section with ID5 saves its current speed. The next commend could be: CS5 forward 10. CS5 Register or L3264 Register Could also be a specific car/lok L3264 Resume desired speed Speed CS6 resume or L3264 resume Section control: Free Section Forward FSF FSF S5,S6 FSF S5,S6,S8 73 Automatic parking FFR FFR S8=R8,S9=R9,S10=R187 Drive out, find vehicle in section and set route. GTCOMMAND GT-COMMAND C1501,S1=R11,S2=R12 $ Target section NLW $ occupied When the same vehicle hits the section with ID=6 it will resume the desired speed set previously. Could also be a Specific car or Lok L3264 From the section S5 watch S6 and see if it is free. If S6 is free the section S5 (+ signal, if any) is set to green. If S6 is occupied by any vehicle them S5 (+ signal, if any) is set to red. When the S6 is free the S5 (+ signal) turns green and the vehicle moves forward with the old speed. The section must be listed comma separated and without any space. Same as above but now both S6 and S8 must be free at the same time in order for S5 to turn green. FFR finds the first free section in a list, here S8, S9, and S10 and assigns the associated route. Section and route must be listed comma separated. GT-COMMAND finds VehicleID C1501 in the sections S1 or S2, and assigns the associated route. If S1501 is found in S12 the route R12 is set. No space, only comma between parameters. Waits until a vehicle enter the target section which was found using FFR. . 6.6 Automation Wizards Faller cars: Example Cross Many standard driving automations like passing a cross with light signal, running the bus stop, parking, etc can be made using Automation wizard. The Automation wizard only applies to Faller Cars in the moment. When you use the wizard you must have created the components (street sections, signals, turns..) on the layout for that particular drive before you run the wizard. 74 7: Voice recognition You can turn on the voice control system if you insert the headset in the standard buttons on your PC. You can use F2 (or a voice command: Microphone on) to activate the Voice Control shifting the command line field to green. Please shift to red when not in use. You see the little running sensor moving with your speech. You can only use Voice Control if your License code allows you to do so. 7.1 Voice recognition principles The Method in the Command principle is 3 words: WHO WHAT HOW WHO will be a Name or an ID WHAT will be the action – might be optional if the accessory is a shift: (Forward, backward/reverse, on, off, red, green, left, right HOW might be optional – Speed, on/off, values You can command –examples: a) Vehicles, using the Vehicle name, i.e. Hunter forward 20, or Hunter Light on b) Turns using the ID with T=Tango, i.e. Tango 3 c) Signals using the ID with V=Victor, i.e. Victor 11 red d) Street sections with ID S=Sierra red/green i.e. Sierra 24 red e) Automations using the ID with A=Alfa,i.e. Alfa 20 on All Loco Function names are set in the Vehicle Card per loco type. All Loco Function have default standard names which can be changed by the user. If you change them, please ensure that you get the Microphone symbol outside them to show they are voice ready. Please also respect capital letters, i.e in german . 7.2 Quick guide: Voice command overview and syntax Please see the detailed examples: Function Microphone 75 Command Turn Mic on Voice example ”Microphone on” Turn microphone off ”Microphone off” Explanation Activate the microphone from the yellow wait state to active green state. Now you can speak your commands. Pause the microphone when you speak with other people or you do not want to command. Driving Forward Backward Stop Odin forward 20 ”Odin forward two zero” 36 forward 99 1711 forward 8 C5 forward 8 You can not speak or drive backwards 76 “Odin forward twenty”, or “thirty-six forward ninetynine”, or ”thirty-six forward nine nine”, or “three six forward ninetynine”, or “three six forward nine nine”.” “Seventeen eleven forward eight”, ”seventeen one one forward eight” “one seven one one forward eight” “Charlie five forward eight Sixt2 stop N/A Backwards N/A: Odin reverse 5, not applicable yet Speed up ”Odin plus” Slow down ”Odin minus” Forward slowly Forward middle Forward fast ”Odin forward slow” ”Odin forward middle” ”Odin forward fast” Drive Vehicle named Odin forward with speed 20 steps Drive Vehicle named 36 forward with 99 steps or 99 km/h. 99 is the max speed you can speak directly, from 99 you must use plus. Drive Vehicle named 1711 forward with 8 steps. If Vehicle has a number it can maximum be 4 digits. Drive Vehicle ID C5 backwards with 8 steps. ”C” can be the only front letter in numbered names, thus identical with the ID. The names SIXT is not in the wordbook. Odin runs faster 1/14 of max speed Odin runs slower, 1/14 of max speed. Odin runs forward slowly, 3 /14 max speed Odin runs forward at the middle driving step. (7/14 max speed) Odin runs forward fast, at the 10/14 of max speed. Vehicle functions Stop Stop all Vehicles Light (F0) “Odin Stop” “Stop all” Whistle off ”Odin whistle off” ”Odin Function two off” ”Odin Foxtrot two off” “Odin left” Shift on/off Turnouts F3 Shift no 18 “Tango eighteen” Set no 18 straight ”Tango eighteen straight” ”Tango one eight straight” ”Tango one eight green” ”Tango eighteen green” ”Tango eighteen turn” ”Tango one eight turn” ”Tango eighteen red” ”Tango one eight red” ”Victor forty-two” ”Victor four two” Set no 18 to turn Signals Routes 77 ”Odin light on”, ”Odin function zero on” ”Odin Foxtrot zero on” Shift Signal 42 Turn section S8 ro red “Sierra 8 red” Set V42 to red Set all turnouts and signals in one route 7 “Victor fourty-two red” “Victor four two red” “Romeo seven” Stop Odin. Stops all vehicles = F12 and sop execution of all automations, Turn on F0 on Odin. If F0 is named ”light”. Please hover over the function button on the screen to see the name Turn off F2 with name “Whistle” Shifts F3 with name ”left” on/off. (left blinker) Shift the direction on turnout no 18. T18 is the ID in the device table. Set T18 in straight direction Set T18 to turn direction Signals use V as the front in the ID fields in the article table. The above other letters can also be used.. S8 is a section, can shift red/green. If red it will send temp. speed 0 to the vehicle in the section. When green the vehicle will resume. “Sierra 8 green” Set V42 to red Set all associated turnouts and signals in route R7. Automations 78 Start A11 ”Alfa eleven on” Stop A11 Start an automation named ”bridge” ”Alfa elleven off” ”Bridge on” Start the automation with ID A11.. The automation can start and stop other automations. Stop execution of A11 Start the automation ”bridge” Appendix 1: PC/HW-requirements You can use most standard PC’s available – and also old PC’s. We recommend a PC with: a) Windows operating system from XP II up to W8, if possible please do not use XP, since this platform remains unsupported from Microsoft. b) A Processor with minimum 2 GHz Clock, The more the better, particular in the graphical drawing area, but the real constraint is what one kernel can process, If Intel then I3 makes it, but you would love I5. c) RAM capacity minimum 3 Gbyte, however more will also help in the start up phase. d) Disc capacity, we do not use much disk, you will need about 300 Mbyte max for the installation including videos, and language recognition libraries. e) Your PC can operate without connection to the internet. However, updates and registration, and some help/video, and game samples run directly from our server. We recommend an Internet connection, at least from time to time. f) USB 2.0 is necessary for connection to our GT-Xconnect V1 and V2. All in all you can easily use 4 USB-port: GT-Xconnect, Mouse, Digital Controller, may be USB-back-up key. g) Voice recognition uses the standard 2 plugs, you can also use a separate, wireless headset with USB-interface, however please take care of getting your PC to recognize that headset as standard device.. h) Screen, you can easily operate GT-Command with an extra monitor, all from 20 “ and upwards, it is a good idea to operate the positioning on large monitor. The new facility will automatically adjust the use of the monitor to maximize the drawing, however you configure it as you like. Resolution from minimum 1366x768px i) Your smart phones or tablets might work as remote devices for operation. They get access to the PC-control data via the WLAN connection. Remember to have both your tablets and your PC on the same Router. The system can also put the drawing on your phone, and it can be scaled up and down. We do recommend to use a 10” Tablet for the drawing. All smartphones and tablets from Android, IOS, W8 79 Appendix 2: Radio Models and Capacity App2-1: GT-Xconnect V1: The standard settings The GT-Position V1 Master has only a few settings You will use GT-Xconnect V1 if you do not use DCC transmission by radio but use a digital controller only. As standard it uses 100 ms as measure interval. In that interval you can use 11 Satellites/receivers. You can adjust the interval in order to get a faster measurement: if you use 90 ms you can have 6 receivers. If you use 120 ms you can have 16 receivers operating. The Master takes the settings from the Settings menu. The system detects which Master is connected and the Setting window will show up: Minimum is 90 maximum is 150. The Master also takes the temperature as input. This value comes from a setting in the main window. App2-2: GT-Xconnect V2: The standard settings In general the GT-Xconnect V2 has many more settings due to the combined control and positioning operation. The settings are adjusted under Settings. When you make a change the Master will restart. The standard setting is Radio model Small. It allows operation of at least 10 m2 using max 3 satellites and using the full band and with highest Radio strength. It only uses the low vehicle sending power for the Ultrasound transmitter. It allows 200 DCC commands/second and measure a vehicle every 100 ms. 80 The Large setting allows for a smooth operation of up to 25 m2 using max 6 satellites and running up to 20 Vehicles in the Full channel band, channel 3. The radio slot interval is set to 80 ms. This means we use 80 ms to measure one vehicle through all satellites, send out all DCC commands, retrieve DCC acknowledgements, calculate all vehicle positions and make distance control, plot all vehicles, update vehicle data from CV’s like battery usage, set all switching, and manage user inputs. The radio system strength deals with the distance from Master to any sender. In general 3 is the max and is recommend outdoor, however indoor you can use 1 in small layouts up to 5 m distances and 2 as standard for larger layouts. If too much radio signal the receivers can oscillate. You can see your settings and change settings in the main menu. You can make a custom setting as well. The user picks any of the recommend settings. Users can get access to make their own configurations. If the operation does not work as intended, the user can always go back to the standard settings. App2-2: Adjustment of Standard settings: If you change the radio model settings and save, the Master will restart, it takes about 2-5 seconds, depending on load. 81 a. Radio Channels Your normal operation is to use the Main Channel 3. It has the widest bandwidth and the most capacity. o However, if you are two neighbors within 50 m distance both operating GT-Command /Faller Car System 3.0 then the two Masters could affect each other on the same frequency. Then you can both decide to shift to each one of the two half channels (1,2) Please also in this set-up use a radio strength of 1 or 2. o Vehicles (senders) and satellites remember the channel where they last time found a Master and was configured. When they restart they will try to connect to that Master again on the very same frequency. o So, the best method is to configure the systems one at a time on each one channel with the other system closed – meaning no power on satellites, master and senders. First do one system. Turn on everything and when all units are accepted then close all cars and satellites and finally the Master – no power. . Then configure the other system on the other channel. You just need to get all satellites and Vehicles open and see them in the System. When you shut them down they will remember their channel and start looking for that channel next time they start – that is also valid after an eventual recharge. o When you start up again always turn on the PC first , then the Master and finally the satellites and the Vehicles. When you turn off, always in the opposite order, so the last thing the units remember is the Master frequency. o The reason behind the method is that senders and satellites are pretty aggressive getting connected, and if they do not find a master on their prime frequency they will start looking for another master on another frequency. o The dual channel method cannot cover a close set-up with 2 layouts close to each other. The prime reason is that the measurement tool uses Ultrasound with a max range of 1012 m. It means that the ultrasound can provoke a satellite from another system on short 82 83 range creating false measurements. In case you are that close, please have a solid wall in between. The effect of picking channel 1 or 2 might not be seen unless you have 10+ vehicles and 3+ receivers. a) You can select a standard radio model (advisable), or you can configure one yourself as a custom model. b) Number of DCC commands: If you operate distance control you might want to make one DCC command per vehicle per measurement interval. However if you do not brake or accelerate no commands are sent. 200 DCC commands per second will in general be the maximum you will use, including lights, sounds etc. The system also acknowledge each DCC command which also use bandwidth. The distance control and the automation part is the biggest contributor to the number of DCC commands. Measurement interval. Please stick to one of the standard recommendations. However, it can be changed, all the way down to 50 ms. But it comes at an expense of now many satellites you can operate, and how many acknowledgements you will get from your commands, thus reducing the overall communication quality. The type of drive where it can make sense to reduce the measurement interval is if you have a many vehicles which you operate manually on a layout. The layout does not run distance control, however the layout might have all kinds of section control with traffic lights, speed control, switching, parking, busstop etc.. The lower you go the more battery consumption and the more radio capacity is used for measurements. The higher you go will provide more capacity for other things like DCC commands, many satellites on bigger layouts etc. c) Vehicle Sending power: This parameter sets the ultrasound signal to 1,2, or 3. (low, medium, high respectively) On a standard layout with up to 4 m distance to satellites the value of 1 is sufficient. You can increase it with larger layouts. It is no advantage to increase it. If your drawings are OK, stay with 1. Too much ultrasound on too short distance might make a satellite to skip a measurement. d) Number of satellites: You can use from 2 as minimum up to 20. The more satellites the more precision. Or you need more satellites while operating a fiddle yard or indoor parking house as an extra scenario. If you have more than 7-9 satellites you must operate with 90 ms measurement interval, if you have 10-12 satellites you must use 100 ms, and so forth. e) Radio based terminals (Controllers): There might be hand held terminals available for Loconet+DCC over Radio. They will also use the bandwidth and the maximum must be set.. If you have such terminals you must use a Radio model which allow that number of controllers. If you operate many vehicles manually such dedicated terminals can be useful. However, the system also supports use of Smart phones which operate over WLAN. Both handhelds can be used simultaneously and both are synchronized. You can also use f) normal DCC handheld controllers. Such DCC handheld controllers does NOT get any feed back from other settings. No positioning: If you do not drive using positioning you can completely eliminate the Positioning component of the measurements and use all capacity to operate vehicles and other devices associated with the system. The maximum capacity for DCC-commands alone is about 400DCC commands per second with acknowledgement. The system controls the validity of your settings. And you can receive a statistical report telling how good your system is performing from a capacity perspective. App2-3: General, Loconet settings and Temperature Please select your XCONNECT as LocoNet Master if the XCONNECT operates all your modules. You should only change this setting if you use another LocoNet master as an Intellibox or the like to control your Loconet Modules. The standard temperature in the system is set to 20 degree centigrade. 84 The temperature plays a role in measurement of the distances between the vehicle and the satellite. Sound flies faster the higher the temperature is. In general the flight speed is 343 m/s at 20 degree centigrade. The change in speed is 0,6 m/s/degree and in this range linear. It means that if you have 1 m distance and the temperature is 21 degree (+ 1 degree), then the sound flies 0.6/343 = ca 0.2 %, per degree per meter. If the increase is 5 degree then the deviation is almost 1 % per meter. This calculation is included in the system. The main principle is that if the actual measured position creeps closer to the satellites (do not use “snap to”), then you might get it back on street by increasing the temperature setting, and if the position seems to be pushed away you might get it back by decreasing the temperature setting. You can increase and decrease the actual temperature in the window above and thus you also adjust the distance calculation as per the formula. However, in normal use with 2-3 M distance to satellites, and temperature change around 2-5 degree, the implication is smaller than the width of the vehicle and normally you will not see it if the satellites are positioned as in this example above the layout. You might only want to use it if the temperature really has changed. 85 Appendix 3: New Tools App3-1 Edit Vehicle Types Normally you do NOT need to edit the vehicle types. However, if: a) The speed calibration for various reason does not fit your vehicles or b) You have created special vehicles c) You need different loco functions per decoder d) Or you want to make some different graphical icons or vehicles-pictures Then you can use the tool to create your own vehicle types. 1) Use the standard GT-Command vehicle list to the left and create a copy of unknown or one of the vehicles 2) Make a new name (very important) as Type Name. If you have converted an old file we will create a new type per one of your locos. 3) Then measure the vehicle and the sender position in mm on the vehicle and insert 4) Click if it can operate both directions 5) Set max speed steps, normally 127 6) Give it a name in any language (Edit), and find an Icon for the picture. Some more Icons are enclosed in the Icon library in the GT-Command directory 7) Set the speed calibration: the speed in mm/s pro every mentioned speed step. You do not need to make this calibration manually. If you press the GPS-button in the driving window it 86 will start to operate you loco in various speed steps and calculate the actual mm/s pr loco using the GPS system. And it will then write the result direcly into your system file (NOT IN the Vehicle type file) 8) Eventually add CV’s which you will change on the fly (not CV1) 9) In the right list you can apply different vehicle function Icons, or just use the GT-Command ones 10) If you click on an icon you can give it a timing, to switch off after say 3000 ms, you can make a vehicle function invisible or you can disable a vehicle function from the list, and you have two different icons for on and off. - - and you can add more vehicle functions to the list. You can make your own picture of trains, they are inserted using 50x50 pixels, so you need a creative process to reduce the size, you could use Paint.Net (freeware). Any change you make will be written directly (without any save) in your own private type folder. This folder will stay untouched in any SW-upgrade from GamesOnTrack or Faller App3-2 Radio and Measurement System Statistics –log file for support In the tool menu there is a log function to record all measurement data from your layout. If you select that function it will record 1000 dataset, takes about 90 seconds and save all data in a log-file the name and folder of which is selected by you. You can investigate the log file yourself using any editor like Notepad II or so, however the file is meant as a communication tool between you and system support in case you have any hardware problems. If you need support from GamesOnTrack then the normal process will be to sent Support an e-mail containing such a log-file and you system file. That will allow the support function to help you the best way. App3-3 Debug and Radio unit performance , command filter, etc. In the tools menu you can select “Show debug”. The below window will show up: 87 To the right it lists all active radio units, trains, cars containers, satellites, and a short stastistic about their performance. In the middle the last 5000 comamnds through the Master will show up. You can clear it all and you can put a filter on only to see som relevant commands, in this example all commands and settings related to the train 40010. In general the RSSI to the right should be bigger than 95 % for any component In general Level % (how many measurements with level =/ 0) should be > 90 % 88 Appendix 4: Hardware GT-COMMAND enables the user to set individual speed, sound, light etc on the fly via an embedded radio system. The vehicle control is based on DCC decoder in the vehicle. The system controls the vehicle position via satellites hanging over the layout using a small ultrasound transmitter in the vehicle. The system can operate several vehicles with individual location aware operations. GT-COMMAND supports the Faller Car System 3.0 and supports LocoNet enabled switching, signals, and street sensors. GT-COMMAND controls a range of HW components, from simple measurement sensors to full functioning vehicle drive. GT-Command works as a PC-system with connected tablets and smartphones via WLAN.l. App 4.1 GT-COMMAND Radio control and Measure Components 1. GT-Xconnect corresponds to Faller Master 2. GT-Xcontrol in various versions: a. Enabling control and position of DCC-trains b. Enabling position and control of LEGO trains 3. Enabling control of LEGO turnouts and signals, 4. GT-Satellite (Receiver), corresponds to Faller Satellites 5. GT-Position Senders, batteri senders as well as build in senders driven by track power. 6. Faller Cars. Both position and control 7. Faller Loconet Modules App 4.2 GT-Xconnect and the Faller Master In principle the two Masters are the same, however they are configured differently. In this section we describe the configurations of the GT-Xconnect. You can upgrade a Faller Master to operate as the GT-Xconnect top model which includes the Faller operations and the GT-Xconnect operations. The XCONNECT can be configured in many ways and the user does not need to use all facilities. XCONNECT communicates with all devices and control equipment in the System. XCONNECT transmits DCC commands to the Vehicle including CV settings and receives status information from the Vehicle in terms of CV’s containing settings as well as battery level etc. XCONNECT communicates all settings of switches, signals and sensors over Loconet. Loconet Centrals can have 2-ways communication with the vehicles using the Loconet bus.. XCONNECT communicates all position information between Vehicles, Satellites and a PC. XCONNECT communicates with the GT-COMMAND system on the PC over USB 89 XCONNECT installs itself on your PC when connected first time. It uses the next free COM-port. You can find it in the COM-port list with the name: Serial /Name: GOT Master. XCONNECT Communicates input from DCC Centrals and transmit DCC commands from DCC centrals to the Vehicles. XCONNECT can be powered by: USB alone Separate 16 V AC Trafo DCC-Central XCONNECT can power the satellites if the XCONNECT is powered by trafo. XCONNECT is CE-marked and fulfills demands for short range radio devices in the 868-870 MHz band. 90 DCC Central LoconetUSB DCC Loconet modules Loconet Trafo 16 V ACGT-Xconnect SAT - + Power CE EN 300 220-1 Approval Radioequipment 869.7-870.0 Mhz ✔ USB PC Radio TX RX 3 Channels Default: 110 kBit/s + Two halfchannels 55 kBit/s 18 V DC XCONNECT Specifications XCONNECT communicates 110 kbit/s with main channel and 55 kbit/s with dual channel setup. The maximum number of DCC commands is 400/second. Up to 20 remote terminals using Loconet over radio can also be applied. XCONNECT uses 300 mA when powered by USB XCONNECT can support up to 6 satellites with power if XCONNECT is powered by an AC 16 V Trafo. 16-20 V AC is allowed, 18-22 V DC is allowed also. More Satellites can be used with separate power to the satellites. XCONNECT communicates in range up to 50 m distance as standard. XCONNECT takes input from any DCC and Motorola Central and transmits commands to the Vehicle one way. XCONNECT takes 2-way communication from PC and PC-connected devices like Smartphones and from Loconet devices. GT-COMMAND can configure the XCONNECT in the various standard radio models. Each model is prepared for a certain type and size of layout. XCONNECT internal firmware can be upgraded using the GT-COMMAND PC System. XCONNECT has a unique serial number Master ID on the bottom of the box and on the package. 91 App 4.3 Radio Types and ID’s All radiodevices have unique ID’s. Each device has also a type which you see in the small LOGwindow where all radio devices are liste when they are under control of the GT-Xconnect. Each Device has a type which identifies the way of operating. As a user you can change the GT-Xcontrol types between 2,3 4, and 5 if you need to. You can use the function in the tool menu. Only type 2, 3, and 4 can operate a Position Sensor. App 4.4 GT-Xcontrol The GT-Xcontrol can be configured as the following Radio Types: Type = 2: Meant for LGB-trains, uses a broadcast method in front of the decoder. The GT-Xcontrol must itself has a unique DCC-address, however it does not matter what DCC-address the LGB-train decoder has. With this type you can write all CV-values to the train decoder. Type = 3: Is meant for all decoder types, Uhlenbrock, ESU… The Decoder address in train must match the Xcontrol address. They have to be identical. The reason is that not all decoders allow drive mode based on Broadcast. Type = 4: This type is the Standard type for any Xcontrol Loco when delivered. Type 4 means that Xcontrol listen to and capture all radio DCC-commands in the air and transfer them to the decoder. Type 4 corresponds in a certain way to airborn tracks. It is the decoder address which alone selects which commands is relevant for the train. There is a limit of 20 GT-Xcontrol’s operating in that mode – if more trains they need to be Type 2 or 3.. Type = 5: This type is the Standard Type for any GT-Xcontrol Device. If you use a PC to control your System you just insert the GT-Xcontrol Device ID-number in the DCC-address for the turnout or Signal. If you use a Digital Controller only the GT-Xcontrol Device uses the last 3 digits of the ID as the DCC-address, this is currenly not changeable. App 4.5 GT-Xsatellite The GT-Xsatellite (receivers) has Type = 10 , it is the same type for any Faller Satellite, meaning that the two satellites can operate together without any change. APP 4.6 GT-Position Senders Type = 6: This type corresponds to the normal Battery-sender and build in sender, whether that is inside a container or it operates as a free kit or uses track power: Item 1302710- Item 1302714. App 4.7 GT-Xcontrol IR and GT-Xcontrol Servo for LEGO® Trains Type =7 for the IR-sender to the trains Type = 8 for the accessory controller running the Servo etc. 92 App 4.8 Faller cars and modules and satellites, Please see the Faller description below or consult the Faller Documentation on the Faller website. Just for understanding, the Faller Car is Radio Type 1, The Faller Satellite is Radio Type 10. App 4.9 GT-Xcheck Radio Type 11 Is used as any other sender. To be set-up as described in chapter 4. Is assigned to a turnout. 93 Appendix 5 Digital Controllers Please see in this appendix how to connect to your digital controller. Initially the text “No Digital Controller “ is written on the process line down right. When a digital controller is connected it will state the controller App. 5.1 Loconet, Uhlenbrock Intellibox, IBCOM, Digitrax, RR-Cirkuits Please connect using these steps: a) Connect the USB from your Digital Controller to the PC, First time wait until the system has found and installed the driver and selected a COM-port. b) Start GT-Command 4.x c) Select the specific controller in the Controller drop-down list d) Wait until the system says “Controller name” and COM port in the process line down to the right. e) Please disconnect your controller when you are done. f) If you were previously connected to this controller, then the system will recognize that and connect again if the USB-connector is inserted in the PC. The driver to the Intellibox is included as a Silabs driver in the basic installation of GT-Command 4.x It is the same driver that is used for the GT-Xconnect. If the new GT-Xconnect V2 shadows for the Intellibox due to the same master, please start connecting the Intellibox and then the GT-.Contrl V2. App. 5.2 Märklin CS 2 60213, 60214, 60215 Please connect using these steps: a) Please take care of that your CS2 and your PC are on the same router b) Please select the appropriate window on your CS2. If older versions then select the tools window (Configuration) and select the IP-window as seen below. If newer version 60215 please go to the CAN window and select “Broadcast” and insert the destinations address as described below. c) Select the Gateway d) Insert in Destination Address the exact IP-address of your GT-Command. You find that address in the process line (bottom line) of the application or using DOS promt IPconfig. e) Please select Märklin CS 2 in the controller drop-down menu f) Wait until it says “Märklin CS II” on the process line. 94 Note: Previously you needed a special process to find the so-called SID-address for MFXloks. This process is not necessary anymore. Please insert your MFX Digital address (or for that matter the MM2 address or the DCC-address ) directly into the digital address of your vehicle configuration in the Systems Edit Menu. The System will find the relevant addresses automatically. App. 5.3 ESU EcOS 50000 and EcOS 50200 Please connect using these steps a) Select the ESU menu line in the Controller drop down menu b) Wait until it says ESU EcOS in the process line, takes may be 20 seconds. c) If I does not happen, you could may be disconnect and try to reconnect again, or the problem might be that your EcOS and you PC are NOT on the same router. They must be. If your connection later on fails it might be because your PC becomes a new Ip-address from your router, please redo the connection process. After the first connection the system will reconnect automatically if the IP-addresses are unchanged App 5.4 Massoth Dimax Please connect the Massoth Dimax Central this way: a) Connect the USB between the Dimax and the PC and be sure the Dimax is turned on. The PC will automatically install the driver for the Dimax central and assign a COM-port to the Dimax. 95 b) Please find the COM-port (use the Control menu on the PC) c) Chose Massoth Dimax in the controller menu. A pop-up ask you to select the COM-port, please do so. Select speed steps. You must decide a common speed step model, we recommend 28 for all trains. Reason is that you want to drive with multiple trains and multiple Navigators simultaneously. This can only be done if all trains have the same speed steps in Massoth. – sorry. d) After a few seconds GT-Command writes DIMAX… (Comport nr) down to the right. The connection is established. e) Please put a train on track and ensure it is configured with a DCC-address. Now you can operate the train from the PC. You can also control the same train from the Massoth Navigator. Please note that if you choose the same train on the Navigator it will only be active when the turning Knob has reached the same speed as is set on the PC. Or the train speed is 0. The speed setting on the Navigator is used as desired speed for the train control on the PC, whereby you can see the speed-bar follows the Navigator settings. f) In the same way you can control Signals and Turnouts and other Accessories via the DCCaddress. g) However, until now you cannot on the PC see what the Navigator does – the DIMAX protocol cannot provide these data so far. . App 5.5 Expressnet, Lenz, Roco Please connect your Expressnet devices using The LI-USB , then you might access Roco Multimaus, Roco X21, Lenz LZV100 etc 96 Connect DigiPC-S88 to PC via USB Multimaus connection: Install DigiPC-S88 driver on PC from Included CD Connect Multimaus as master Connect DigiPC-S88 as slave Connect Tracks Connect Power Connect DigiPC-S88 to PC via USB Connect DigiPC-S88 to BlackBox via Ethernet Select Multimaus from GTCommand Select correct COM Port Select RATE9600 Game on APP 5.6 Fleichmann Twincenter, Old Intellibox P50X Connect FleischMann TWIN-CENTER or Intelliboks I Old version, small display Connect Power and track wire to plug on TWIN-CENTER COM Port is connected to computer, may need a COM to USB converter In GT-Command select Fleischmann Twincenter, In the menu that comes up select the correct COM port and Rate(Default is 2400) Rate can be determined from control box Interface menu : Press the menu key Press the mode key Search through using the "Down" key until the entry "Interface is found" Further with the "Right" key Using the "Down" key search through until the entry "Bit per second" The number displayed is the same as the number to use in GT-Command Game on App 6: Setting up a satellite system Just as an outdoor GPS, the indoor system is applied for accurate measuring of where a given vehicle is positioned at any time. The method is that more satellites – often in the ceiling – measure the distances to a given vehicle simultaneously. These distances are converted, like for a GPS, to the position of the vehicle in the room. Designations: Satellite: The unit hanging in the ceiling or mounted on the side/wall 97 3 satellites in triangle in ceiling: Sender: Unit which is driving or to be measured Calibration triangle: The triangle which you draw on your layout, and of which you measure the side lengths. The points in it are applied for calculation of the satellite positions. The base line of the calibration triangle is you X axis in your coordination system and the plan of the triangle is your basic plan. 98 Scenario: A scenario is a coordination system with one, two or more satellites with known coordinates. The coordinates are found by means of the calibration triangle. Up to 6 satellites can be contained in a scenario. There can be more scenarios in a room. Connected scenarios: One scenario is selected to be main scenario. All positions in the other scenarios are added extra values, so that instead of being local coordinates, they now fit in the coordinate system of the main scenario. Due to the fact that all scenarios are born with their own 0 point, this corresponds to shifting the 0 points of the scenarios in relation to the main scenario. App 6.1: Standard setup You will need 3 satellites. They are to be mounted in the ceiling or up high at the wall forming a triangle with side lengths of between 1 and 2 metres. We allow up to 5 metres but we recommend to gather the satellites due to handling of measuring uncertainty. The best position is when each satellite hangs/points with its opening angled downwards, approx. 30-45 degrees in relation to the ceiling towards the most far-off point to measure. The satellites will need power supply, which should be direct current or e.g. DCC from model railway systems. Newer versions can apply batteries. Calibration Calibration means that the positions of the satellites are calculated so that they will have a unique 3D coordinate exactly like outdoor GPS. You decide how your local coordinate system should be positioned. We recommend you to follow below procedure when positioning it: 1) Stand in front of what you want to measure: a layout, a rail, or a floor. 99 2) Imagine that the drawing of your layout looks like the one in the illustration above. The part of the layout nearest to you is at the bottom of the screen. In front of you is a horizontal layout. This is to be displayed on a screen. You could take a picture from the ceiling with a camera. When looking at the picture on a screen, the bottom edge of the picture is the part of the layout nearest to you. That is if you hold the camera in the normal position. 3) Position your ”global” 0,0,0 to the left of you and mark it with a cross, pin, or label on the layout, so that you can use it again. 4) Place you X axis pointing to the right of you and set a point which marks this direction between 1 and 2 metres to the right. The point is called X,0,0. Mark it with a label, pin or a cross. 5) Fix your basic plan. You do this by setting a third point in front of you approx. 1-2 metres further in, so that your 3 points form a triangle. We call the third point X, Y, 0. This triangle is your basic plan. A good thing would be if your basic plan is the same plan as your floor, your table or your board. It is not important where X,Y,0 is positioned, whether the 3 points form a right-angled triangle, isosceles or asymmetric triangle. Only, no sides can be shorter than 400 mm and longer than 2000 mm, and no angles can be too acute. Use an isosceles. Mark the point with a label, pin or cross. We call this triangle your calibration triangle (contrary to the satellite triangle). 6) Using a measuring tape, you measure the lengths of the sides of your calibration triangle: a. At first 0,0,0 to X,0,0 b. Next X,0,0 to X,Y,0 c. Finally X,Y,0 to 0,0,0 7) Now the 3 satellites for this coordinate system are calculated by measuring the distances from all 3 satellites to the 3 points in your calibration triangle. This is done in the GT-Command program or in our SW-kit. In GT-Command you choose Edit/Scenario – in this way you built your first scenario. You measure the distance by means of a sender, e.g. a container sender, car, train or battery sender. The sender is placed on the 3 points, one at a time, at a row starting with 0, 0, 0 and ending with X, Y, 0 and stays on each point long enough for all 3 distances to be measured stably – this appears from the program, often it takes only 2-3 seconds. When all distances have been measured, the measuring process is done. 8) Enter the 3 distances that you measured with the measuring tape in mm in the distance table and press OK in the program. When reopening the scenario, it has turned green and is ready. You have now made an indoor satellite system and can measure a position on any sender visible for the 3 satellites and which are within reach of the sender. It depends on the strength of the sender but normally it is 6 m for small layouts. We call the measuring system a scenario – here a 3D scenario. You can give it your own name. 100 App 6.2: Extend you satellite system with more satellites You can extend your monitoring to areas which your first scenario cannot cover; e.g. if you have a hidden lower floor, if you have a larger area or if you have a number of objects hindering proper measuring at a certain location of your layout. All the time, the principle is that either you extend with a new scenario or you add more satellites in an existing scenario. Add a satellite to an already known 3D scenario 1) Setup another satellite in connection with the 3 that you already have. Maximum 5 metres away from the one which is farthest away. 2) Use GT-Command and select in the scenario Add new satellite. 3) Use a sender for calculation of the new one. This is done by moving the sender around to 4 random positions, from which the sender can see the new satellite as well as the other 3 ones. GT-Command keeps count of, whether your measuring positions are acceptable. Use e.g. 4 points in a rectangle, shortest distances approx. 500 mm. A progress bar shows if/when a measuring point has been accepted and you can move on to the next point. 4) Click OK when you have finished. Now 4 satellites have distances to you calibration triangle and now up to 4 satellite triangles (measuring triangles) can be applied for measuring of positions (4 combinations of 4 satellites). See the valid combinations under Measuring triangles in the program. Some triangles will NOT be valid, because the sides are too long or the angles too narow. The measuring system will, if required, find the triangle which measures best. 5) You can extend in this way up to max. 6 satellites in one scenario, but... 6) The measuring method has the weakness that it increases the uncertainty of the new triangles, because the distances to be used for measuring are too long. You see this from the increasing height over the plan and the formation of sort of a ”banana effect”. We therefore recommend only to extend a scenario with a few receivers. For larger extensions we recommend to follow the below procedure. App 6.2: Add a new scenario You can add a new scenario with 3 satellites. You can reuse 1 or 2 satellites from an earlier scenario. Create a new scenario in the system. Follow the method described under calibration. The most important thing in this regard is: 1) You are now to make a new calibration triangle with 3 new measuring points. It is important that this triangle is in level with the first triangle and out of practical reasons, it is recommended (but not necessary) that its axes are parallel with the axes of the first calibration triangle. 2) When the new scenario has been calibrated, it has its own 0,0,0. This is now to be shifted on the computer, so that its position fits with the real distances to the main scenario (your first scenario). If the new 0 point is positioned e.g. 4 metres out of the X axis on the first scenario and 3 metres behind the X axis, then the new scenario on the PC is shifted +4000 mm in X and -3000 mm in Y in relation to the main scenario. 101 3) This is done in the menu point Connect scenarios. Here the main scenario is fixed and you cannot move it. Select the scenario to move by clicking on it. Use the arrow keys to shift the scenario and e.g. rotate it, if it is a little or much twisted. You just close the window when finished. 4) If you are building with cars or trains and extend, where you can drive with a sender, then you can draw in 3D in the window Connect scenarios by moving the sender. When drawing this, a track is drawn on the screen in two colours, one for each scenario. You can then freeze a recording, which fits both scenarios. Now you just have to move your new scenario by means of the arrow keys, so that the two tracks are situated precisely on top of each other. 5) If your new scenario is situated under/on top of the main scenario, you can use the same method. The only difference is that it is seldom possible to measure in both scenarios simultaneously, apparently only for a short transition period, or the transition period is hidden for both scenarios. So you will have to measure all 3 shiftings with a measuring tape. Remember to measure in a direction away from the main scenario. It is recommended to keep parallel axes such as a physical edge or a wall. In this way you can in principle extend your room for as long as you have satellites. App 6.4: 2D scenario A 2D-scenario is a special scenario with only 2 receivers. A precondition is that you drive at a fairly plane area or only want to measure in one height. The 2D scenarios are well-suited for long, low areas such as fiddle yards and parking places. The principles are: 1) At least 2 max. 6 receivers placed in a row and in the same height above the plan on which to measure. 2) Set up the receiver in an as high position as possible OUTSIDE the outer track, preferably approx. 300 mm 3) The first receiver is 0, 0, 0. The first receiver is to the left when you are standing in front of the layout and the receivers are between you and the layout. 4) The scenario is measured manually with a measuring tape. You are only to use 1 height, which is the height above the driving objects (remember to deduct the height of the vehicle) and all distances between the receives in order and accumulated. These are entered to the scenario, once measured. 5) Your 2D scenario can work alone also with large height/distance. 6) The scenario can be combined with e.g. a 3D scenario. Remember that the 2D scenario has its 0 plan exactly in the opening of the satellite. When shifting the 2D scenario in Connect scenarios, as described above, you will have to keep track of which Z value you want to add to it. If it is e.g. a fiddle yard under your layout with 30 cm height difference, then the 2D scenario will, as soon as a vehicle is showing up, measure this in X and Y and in the this height in relation to the main scenario, that you insert, e.g. -300 mm. If you at a later 102 time connect these tracks, you will have an abrupt drop, which is not good for the calculation of progressing of a position. Therefore; make a gliding transition in the 3D position drawing. 103 Appendix 7: The Faller System App 7.1 The Faller Car (FC) There are different types af Faller Vehicles (FC). Trucks, firetrucks, busses, vans etc. The type is written on the package. FC has a unique ID which is used as the communication address, printed on the package. FC is powered by a chargeable Battery. Battery status is shown in the Faller PC-System at each FC. FC has a DCC decoder inside and a Radio sender/receiver. All control is communicated via the radio. FC decoder has a standard factory setup in terms of CV’s, no matter the type of vehicle. A CV is description of a single behavior of the vehicle. All vehicles are born with DCC address 3 in the first CV field. You must set your own DCC-address or if the system recognizes two identical DCC-addresses you can select the proposed one. FC is turned on/off using a button under the vehicle. When the Vehicle is turned on it will immediately be detected by the Master Radio and the vehicle will show up with all its characteristics in the Faller PC-System. FC is programmed using the Faller PC-System. If no PC-system is available the FC can be programmed over a programming device connecting to the charge-connector under the vehicle (UH-description).. FC runs as soon as it is turned on. It can be controlled by: a) The PC using Mouse, Voice control, Smartphone or keyboard b) A connected DCC central connected to the XCONNECT using the DCC address c) A connected Loconet device connected to the XCONNECT using the DCC address FC has an ultrasound transmitter in the roof acting as an indoor GPS in combination with the XCONNECT and the Faller Satellite. The FC is positioned with XYZ coordinates when operated by the position system. When the Faller PC-System has recognized a certain FC the user can assign detailed Typeinformation to the FC from the Faller Vehicle Type Vehicles (picture, geometry, braking details..) 104 via the Edit menu in the Faller PC-System. If the user has registered his Faller PC-System then each vehicle has access to all individual vehicle type specifications, pictures etc., and the user can operate the vehicles according to Fallers internal recommendations. If the system is not registered the user must change the vehicle settings ( CV’s) on his own. FC Specifications FC can operate in about 6 hours on the battery depending on how many functions are in use. FC communicates its battery level to the PC and flags it in the Vehicle table. When under 20 % max capacity the user is recommended to start charging. It takes about 60 mintes to charge a vehicle completely FC follows the wire on the road using the magnetic arm on the front wheels. FC can turn left or right using the Faller switch system in the road, or it can be stopped momentarily when passing a magnetic induction coil. FC’s are measured one at a time every 80 ms as standard. The time interval can be changed in the set-up. The more frequent measurement the more battery is used. Normal radio consumption is 17 mA if measured every 100 ms. FC can send detection back to the PC when passing a street sensor. FC does not run backwards – yet (it can do so using the automations). FC’s ultrasound signal strength can be set to 3 different levels by the Faller PC-System. Lowest level 1 is recommended for small layouts APP 7.2 The Faller Modules for switching devices & signals GT-COMMAND uses a Faller Extension Module (Erweiterungsmodule) to connect switches, signals, and street sensors to the Master. The Extension Modules are connected on a Loconet bus. New modules can be connected and configured using the Faller PC-System Master one at a time. The 105 Faller PC-System configures the modules according to an internal recommendation for using addresses, however the user is free to use his own. Module Specifications A Module can connect up to 12 switches or stop units (relays) Signals uses 3 or 4 addresses, meaning only 4 3-red-yellow-green signals can be connected to one module or 3 signals containing a stop relay. The module can connect 11 street sensors The module is powered by a 16 V AC trafo, can be the very same trafo as the trafo to the XCONNECT. The System can address up to 99 Modules. You need to configure one module at a time giving module numbers from 1 to 99. APP 7.3 The Faller Satellites (FS) FS can be use equivalent and mixed with standard GOT-satellites (receivers) in V2. FS are positioned over the layout and measures the distances (positions) to every vehicle. They act as receivers for ultrasound communication sent by the Faller Vehicles, like a reversed GPS system. FS measures flight time for the “slow” ultrasonic signal. The flight time is converted to distance. Based on the FS set-up figures (a one time calibration made in the Faller PC-System) the FS measurements are used to calculate the 2D or 3D coordinates for the vehicle . FS must at minimum be 2 (a pair). If only 2 FS are used then they must be placed about 50 cm outside of the layout and they can only measure in 2D. 106 FS can be calibrated together using the Faller PC-System from 2 to 20 FC’s in one system. A normal starting system is 3 FS over the layout. FS has a unique ID and communicates with the Faller Master/XCONNECT V2 using this ID. The ID is printed on the package and under the FS. FS has a red flashing diode. It flashes slowly when powered on but no radio has accepted the FS FS diode flashes as fast as the measuring interval (down to 50 ms) when radio controlled. If for any reason some measurements are jumped over the user might be able to se the flashing diode make a jumps. FS can be powered from the Faller Master/XCONNECT, only up to 6 FS. FS - Module Specifications FS measures a Faller Vehicle up to 6 m distance. Recommendation is 2-5 m distance. Not too close and not too far away. FS communicates ultrasound flight time, every flight time is associated with a signal level in order for the XCONNECT to evaluate the validity of the measurement. FS is powered by 17-22 V DC, optimal is 18 V DC. FS can be powered from the XCONNECT or from a separate DC supplier, like an old PC-Laptop supplier. 4 or more FSs in the same set-up will increase the precision of the system since there will be more triangles which can measure each individual FC. If line of sight is broken from FC to FS the measurement will still go on may be somewhat prolonged. Ultrasound will fly “around the corner” giving away signal power. Then another FS might take over because it receives a more powerful ultrasound signal. FS does not measure correctly when the FC is in a tunnel. A combination of street logic and measurement techniques can provide the position in the tunnel. If you want to do switching in a tunnel you can put extra FS in the Tunnel or you can install a couple of street-sensors. 107 FS can be used to measure other moving vehicles as well like model trains. App 7.4 The Faller PC-System and GT-COMMAND The GT-Command and the Faller PC-System are equivalent SW-programs to operate each their own vehicles. The difference is though that the GT-Command program is the superior program allowing both vehicle types on the same layout. The upgrade on both sides include the other system parts. You will need to buy the extension from Faller or from GamesOnTrack. The extension upgrades any of the two systems to operate as a common GT-Command with Faller Cars. You will need to upgrade your Master to operate with both vehicles as well. Please consult the Faller car web-site or the GamesOnTrack.COM/DK/DE/CO.UK website. Have fun. 108 109